[expert] KDE 3.0, AA Fonts, and Helvetica

2002-05-07 Thread Chris Spencer


What does one have to do to get an anti-aliased Helvetica font in KDE 3.0? 
Anti-aliased fonts are working fine for me on my desktop and my applications, 
however I am finding that there are some web pages out there (including 
www.linux-mandrake.org) that are coming up with non-AA Helvetica font. Its 
not that big of a deal but its really starting to bug me.

I have checked my XftConfig file and I do have the line:

match any family == "Helvetica" edit family =+ "Verdana";

Uncommented. I have tried uncommenting the "Use TrueType fonts for defaults" 
section but it didn't work. I have looked all over the Internet for help but 
I can't find anything regarding an installation of 8.2 w/KDE 3.0. Anyone have 
any ideas?


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[expert] Help with Anti-Aliased Fonts

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Spencer

I have been pulling out my hair trying to get this to work correctly and I 
dunno what the heck is wrong. I'm hoping someone can help.

I am running KDE 3.0 and have anti-aliased fonts turned on. They render very 
nice and I am pleased with that. However, I have noticed that when I go to 
certain web pages (for example http://www.mandrakeforum.com) in Konqueror, 
the font is not anti-aliased.

The problem stems from the Helvetica font in XFree86-75dpi-fonts. A lot of web 
sites specify Helvetica as the font to use. So Mandrake works fine - it 
listens to the web page. Problem is, I want the page to be rendered with 
anti-aliased fonts. 

I have modified ad nauseum my /etc/X11/XftConfig file to make an alias that 
matches any Helvetica font and instead uses Arial but it does not work. If I 
remove the XFree86-75dpi-fonts package, www.mandrakeforum.com renders the way 
I want it to. But then all the other non-KDE fonts look REAL ugly. I have 
tried to remove all instances of Helvetica using drakfont but that doesn't 
work either. 

So, can anyone tell me how to make this work properly? 


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[expert] KDM broken in KDE3

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Spencer

Today I did some cleaning up and removed all of my KDE2 packages except for 
KDE2 libs and QT2 libs. As a result, KDM from KDE 2.2 is gone.

After I did an init 1/init 5, when X started I was prompted with GDM instead 
of the new KDM. I did some snooping through logs and found that the problem 
was that X could not find the new KDM-related files. I found them myself in 
/opt/kde3/bin/kdm and created symlinks to them in /usr/bin. I did another 
init 1/init 3 and voila! I have the new KDM and problem solved...

...except, when I choose KDE as the session, it can't find how to start KDE3. 
So even though KDE is listed, it doesn't work, and therefore when I select 
KDE and login I end up in IceWM. I had to change my /etc/sysconfig/desktop 
and have it point back to GDM just so that I could start KDE3.

So my question is, what file do I need to edit so that the KDE3 KDM will point 
to KDE3 when I select it from the list?


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Re: [expert] KDM broken in KDE3

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Spencer


Thank-you for your help. I'm embarassed that I missed the most obvious thing. 
:) Everything is working great now. Thanks again!


On May 19, 2002 05:36 pm, Damian G wrote:
> use KDE Control Center to do that. Go to system -->
> login manager ( i'm sorry bu ti think you will have to look for
> something like that, my installation is not english language. )
> once you get it, look for a tab in which you can see a small listbox
> containing all wm kinds available for you.
> click the button 'go to administrator mode' at the bottom
> of the window, enter the root password, remove the old 'kde'
> entry from kdm and add a new one, call it 'kde3' . the
> rest should be done automagically.
> note: just in case, you can open KDE control center by typing
> 'kcontrol' in a console.
> Damian

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[expert] File Associations and KDE 3.01

2002-05-30 Thread Chris Spencer


Is there some reason why file associations don't seem to work in KDE 3.01? 
Take mp3 files for example. If I browse to a directory and click on an mp3 
the player that KDE uses is the "embedded" mp3 player (Kaboodle?). I would 
like to change this so that it uses XMMS. So I changed the associations for 
all mp3 filetypes in KDE Control Center so that it would use XMMS instead. 
And guess what? It still uses the embedded player. Another example is for 
.mpg files. Even though Xmovie is set as the primary player they always play 
in the embedded player, which sucks because it always ends up crashing my 

If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks...


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Re: [expert] File Associations and KDE 3.01

2002-05-31 Thread Chris Spencer

That worked great, Peter. Thanks for your help. It's funny how sometimes the 
most obvious things get missed.


On May 30, 2002 07:52 am, Peter Ruskin wrote:

> In KDE Control Centre | File Browsing | File Associations, select the
> file type and then click the Embedding tab - Show file in separate viewer
> - add your preferred application.  You can also do this by right-clicking
> a file in konqueror and choosing "Edit file type".

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[expert] KDE 3.0.1 File Associations Re-Revisited

2002-05-31 Thread Chris Spencer

I'm still trying to tweak my file associations in KDE and I have encountered 
an odd problem. I just installed the Crossover Plugin so I can use some 
Windows plugins and so far it seems to work pretty good. But I am having an 
odd problem with file associations.

I have downloaded and installed Windows Media Player and am trying to get it 
to associate with .wmv files. In my list of file associations I have an 
x-ms-wmv mimetype, filename pattern is set to *.wmv, and the application 
preference order is just set to "wmediaplayer.sh" (the Crossover launcher for 
Media Player). Embedding is set to "show file in a seperate viewer."

If I left-click on a .wmv file I get a bunch of crap in my browser window and 
Windows Media Player does not open. However, if I right click on it, select 
Open With, then type in wmediaplayer.sh it opens it just fine.

What am I doing wrong with my associations? Any help would be appreciated. 


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Re: [expert] KDE 3.0.1 File Associations Re-Revisited

2002-06-02 Thread Chris Spencer

On June 1, 2002 07:37 am, Peter Ruskin wrote:

> what happens if you make that "wmediaplayer.sh %u" ?


It didn't help. I actually did have it working ONCE and then it stopped again. 
After doing some reading on pclinuxonline.com I think the problem is with KDE 
3.0.1. It seems to have broken a lot of Crossover stuff for other people too. 
So I'm not alone. Oh well...

Thanks for your suggestion


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[expert] I think I'm going to kill myself!

2000-11-19 Thread Chris Spencer

I dunno whats up with this. But this is dreadful!

I am in the middle of copying a large file (1.2GB) from my home directory to 
my Windows partition. Both partitions are on two seperate hard drives, on two 
different channels of two different EIDE controllers. Both drives are heavily 
optimized running in ATA 66 mode. 

You'd think it would copy faster than 8 freaking megs per minute!!

I don't need help. I know everything is configured correctly. And normally 
file I/O is pretty quick. But this is ridiculous. 

Just complaining. Feel free to ignore me.

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Re: [expert] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-20 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 20, 2000 10:05 pm, you wrote:
> I am running the last ISO Mandrake v7.2 and have a question about
> installing some of the lastest cooker apps specifically Licq and
> Python.  When I try to upgrade to the lastest cooker version of these
> application they require the latest glibc, libstdc++.  If I try to
> install these libraries I have serious compatibility problems with other
> libraries and other applications.  Is there a work around for this.
> When I was running Mandrake v7.1 I was running Licq v1.03 now I am stuck
> running 0.85 yet I running a new version of Mandrake.  It just doesn't
> make sense.  One other probelm I am having with is Pine.  When I write a
> message I cannot send and get the following message in my mail log file:

A lot of the new rpms in Cooker are meant to be compiled with the new gcc, 
available from Cooker as well. If you're brave (and *not* running a 
production box) then upgrade gcc and glibc to the cooker versions and go 
nuts. :)

gcc in cooker isn't compatible with stock 7.2


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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 21, 2000 07:27 am, you wrote:
> I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it worked
> perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the installation
> itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just stops and the
> system hangs when trying to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit file, all
> it's calls get the reply 'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.

Probably unrelated, but the only time I have ever had a problem with Mandrake 
hanging during the boot sequence when I turned on hard drive optimizations 
during the install. 

What you could do is boot from the install CD, select the expert installation 
and go through the install until you get to the disk partitioning section. 
Hit alt-ctrl-f2 to get to a prompt, mount your root partition under /mnt, 
then chroot to /mnt. Then, make sure /etc/rc.sysinit is a symbolic link to 
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and ensure the permissions on it are -rwxr-xr-x  root  

Never heard of this happening before. Good luck...


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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Wayne Wilson wrote:

> Yep, as I said, been there and done that.  Tried all permuations just to
> make sure. NO effect, same bad sound when it works.  I am beginning to
> think that the crystal audio drivers are just plain bad.  Does anyone
> have a good audio card that Mandrake 7.2 can install by default that
> works?

Yes, I have a SB Live. No need to configure anything...


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Re: [expert] Hdparm options for a Maxtor

2000-11-22 Thread Chris Spencer

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Leopold Palomo wrote:

> I have configured my Maxtor HD91080D5 drive with this parameters:
> hdparm -u 1 -d 1 -c 1 /dev/hda
> I have read that there are the -m parameter that can optimize a lot the
> hd but is dangerous.
> Can anyone tell me if have tested this parameter with a similar hd and
> if it's  worth while?

For what its worth, one of my drives is a Maxtor 91728D8 and I use -c3
-m16 -d1X66


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Re: [expert] Hdparm options for a Maxtor

2000-11-22 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 22, 2000 04:15 pm, you wrote:
> I forget to say that I have a MB BX, with a PII 266
> Do you think that I can put your parameters without risk?
> Leo

A definate probably. Do a hdparm -i /dev/hdxx to get information about your 
drive so that you know what it supports. Also make sure what kind of DMA your 
hdd controller handles. But in all likelyhood you shouldn't have a problem. 

I have experimented to death with hdparm on both of my hard drives and have 
never experienced any kind of data corruption.


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Re: [expert] Hdparm options for a Maxtor

2000-11-22 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 22, 2000 06:24 pm, you wrote:

> Just out of curiousity, and my apologies for eaves dropping :), when I run
> hdparm -i /dev/hda, it diplays the possible modes.  Now,  I'm just
> guessing, and please let me know if I'm right or wrong here, but the mode
> with the asterisk beside it is the current mode in use correct?

I love it when people eaves drop! :) Anyways, you're right. You will see a 
list of modes that your drive supports with the asterisk being beside its 
current mode when you do an hdparm -i. 

> Also,  I have discovered that hdparm doesn't work on SCSI drives, is there
> anything comparable for those?

As far as I know, there isn't. I have heard of something called scsitools but 
I don't know if it will do what you want.

SCSI disks are roughly as fast as an EIDE drive running in UDMA66 mode. The 
wonderful thing about SCSI is that it significantly reduces CPU load, making 
your system as a whole much faster.

> Thanks for the tidbits,  you may not think it much, but I've been steadily
> jotting down all the little handy commands I've seen on here for the past
> two weeks or so.

I know what you mean. :) Keep it up - its a great way to learn. Good luck!


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Re: [expert] Hdparm options for a Maxtor

2000-11-23 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 22, 2000 10:45 pm, you wrote:
> > I know what you mean. :) Keep it up - its a great way to learn. Good
> > luck!
> >
> > -Chris
> You're telling me.  I need to buy a new notepad :)
> Thanks for the answers, now all I need is to find this fabelled ReiserFS
> homepage which everyone seems to be talking about, but no one knows the
> URL for

www.reiserfs.org will do the trick...


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Re: [expert] problems with cron.daily

2000-11-23 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 22, 2000 10:50 pm, you wrote:
> Actually - YES! I'd love to! only problem is that I don't know where the
> command is running from :/ it's ending up in root mail already, but as for
> why it spouts all that stuff to every active connection/terminal I have no
> idea! it's rather frustrating to be up late and sudddenly have all that
> info blasted over my connection.

I have found the best place to edit cron jobs is through webmin - 
https://localhost:1 (if you have it running). Makes cron life much easier.

The jobs themselves can be found in /etc/cron.daily


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Re: [expert] Changing IDE channels

2000-11-25 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 25, 2000 03:39 am, you wrote:
> I have 2 pairs of IDE connections.
> I had installed LM when my drive was connected to the
> first IDE channel. It was referred as hda1.
> Now I changed it to my second channel and now the
> drive is recognized as hde, 'cause of this I am
> getting kernel panic. How do I boot into the system
> and reconfigure the references.

Boot with the Mandrake install disk and fo through an Expert installation 
until you get to the drive partitioning section. Press CTRL-ALT-F2 and that 
will you to a prompt. Mount your root partition using the command mount -t 
 /dev/xxx /mnt. cd to /mnt and then type chroot /mnt. Voila 
- you're in your system. You can then mount your boot partition under boot 
and fix up your fstab.


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Re: [expert] ANNOUNCE: KDE 2.0.1 released (fwd)

2000-12-06 Thread Chris Spencer

On December  6, 2000 05:30 am, you wrote:

> Mandrake's Updates are _beyond_ the 2.01 release already and the folks
> taking care of those packages saw no need for regression.   This is true in
> the updates Chris Molnar has been making available for some time, (and they
> tested as well or better than the 2.01), and the current CVS stuff in
> Cooker which shows intensive development with many new features and many
> broken ones.

I understand the need for Mandrake to continually develop new and better 
versions of their operating system, however it is coming at the expense of 
people who wish to have a stable operating system. 

Surely some kind person at Mandrake could package the new 2.0.1 RPMS for 7.2 
users and make them available as an update. Its too bad that the end users 
get ignored in Mandrake's relentless development.

I don't much care. The OS is free and I have installed Chris's 2.0.1-0.1 
RPMs. However this is a little PR that Mandrake could get, especially from 
new users coming from the Microsoft world.


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Re: [expert] What does it take to speed up LM 7.2?

2000-12-08 Thread Chris Spencer

On December  8, 2000 12:20 pm, you wrote:
> After cleanly installing Mandrake 7.2 on my desktop system, a
> fast Athlon 700 with lots of RAM (it was fast under pre-7.2
> installs and after a manual upgrade to 90%+ Mandrake 7.2),
> everything is SOO SLOW.

I had a problem like this before, however I don't know if it applies to you. 
The problem was with my sound card, which was not configured correctly, yet 
was enabled by Mandrake.

Do you have a sound card, and if so, is it working correctly?


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[expert] Menudrake

2000-12-09 Thread Chris Spencer

OK, I need someone to explain to me how the heck to get Menudrake to work 

Here is the situation. I have created a new Menu directory in Menudrake 
called Windows Applications. When I am logged into KDE I can see it and 
launch applications from it. When I log into Gnome, though, it is not there. 
Sort of annoying.

As a test today I logged into Gnome, fired up Menudrake, and created a new 
entry called Test. It never shows up in KDE or Gnome, yet when I load up 
Menudrake its there. 

The context is set to all.

Am I misunderstanding something? How do I get this thing to work correctly?


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[expert] Postfix - YIKES!

2000-12-12 Thread Chris Spencer

Up until now I have not had Postfix running, simply because I didn't really 
need it. Alas, today I decided to start it so that root could be notified of 
system-related things via email.

WELL HOLY CRAP!! It seems as though cron sends out an email every time it 
completes a job. This really sucks because at the moment I have a fetchmail 
job running every five minutes to get my mail from the local ISP mail server.

How can I stop cron from sending email? Thanks...


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Re: [expert] Adding TrueType fonts to LM 7.2

2001-01-09 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Michael O'Henly wrote:

> What is the proper method for adding TrueType fonts to Linux-Mandrake?

Any time I have added a Windows font to Mandrake I have just used
fontdrake, which can be found in DrakConf.


Re: [expert] kernel-2.4.0 and supermount patch

2001-01-09 Thread Chris Spencer

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:

> I have tried patching the 2.4.0 kernel with with supermount patch,
> partial text below,  but it fails. I get rejects and then no patch.  Is
> there something obviously wrong with this patch?

The last time I looked (which was yesterday) there wasn't a supermount
patch for 2.4.0. The test patches *do not* work.


Re: [expert] nVidia question

2001-01-09 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Darin wrote:

> Hi,
>I've tried following the suggestions on the MandrakeUser site, the nVidia
> site, and any others I could find out there..  I still cannot get the bloody
> thing to work..
>One question:  Is there a known problem with the nVidia kernel driver and
> the AMD Irongate 751 chipset?  I notice that when it loads, it loads an
> AGPGART driver also.. Does this work with the AMD-751 chipset?

I have a 751 chipset mobo myself and have the Nvidia drivers working
fine. There are two things you need to be aware of with the drivers.
First, they do not support any resolutions higher than 1024x768. So if
your current XF86Config-4 file is configured for a higher resolution, for
example 1280x1024, then your machine will hang when X starts.

Secondly, if the above situation does not apply to you, try disabling AGP
by doing the following. In the "Screen" section of your XF86Config-4 file
add the line:

Option "NvAgp" "0"

This info is in the Nvidia FAQ and with my AMD-751 mobo I have to add this
line in order for X to work correctly. Hope this helps...


Re: [expert] Adding TrueType fonts to LM 7.2

2001-01-10 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Marsden MacRae wrote:

> Chris Spencer wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Michael O'Henly wrote:
> >
> > > What is the proper method for adding TrueType fonts to Linux-Mandrake?
> >
> > Any time I have added a Windows font to Mandrake I have just used
> > fontdrake, which can be found in DrakConf.
> >
> > -Chris
> How do we do it if we don't use DrakConf? I'm a command line kinda guy.
> Thanks! Marsden

If you're a command line guy then adding Windows fonts would do you no
good. :)

Although I have done it before, I can't remember off hand. Sorry...


Re: [expert] nVidia question

2001-01-10 Thread Chris Spencer

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Darin wrote:

> Chris,
>Thanks for the pointer.. That got it working for me.. I can now play UT...
> Thanks again

Good stuff. Glad I could help. Getting UT working nicely under Linux was
the last nail in the coffin for my Windows partition. A great feeling. :)


[expert] Supermount Patch for 2.4

2001-01-16 Thread Chris Spencer

For any other people out there who like to compile their own kernels I
noticed that a Supermount patch for 2.4 final has been released. Since I'm
out of town I haven't had a chance to patch my own kernel (and I don't
feel like doing it over an ssh connection :) ) but here's the URL:


Have a lot of fun!


Re: [expert] Crontab Broken in 7.2?

2001-01-17 Thread Chris Spencer

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, bascule wrote:

> can't help you but i have a similar problem,
>  i have added a line to /etc/crontab to start setiathome and the command works fine 
>off the command line but the job never starts, all the other regular mandrake stuff 
>seems to happen fine though, this has only been since i reinstalled 7.2 as it worked 
> my /etc/crontab is as follows

In the "for what its worth" department, I have created a number of cron
jobs in Webmin and have *never* had a problem. Maybe give that a try


Re: [expert] ram issue(continued)

2001-01-18 Thread Chris Spencer

On 18 Jan 2001, chronos . wrote:

> Hi all,
> I`m running mandrake 7.1 and I have 128 for ram but it only sees 64 of my 128. I 
>went to mandrakeuser.org and found the following- edit tittle linux kernel 
>(hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=dev/hda1 then append mem=128M to the end of it. The problem 
>is I type pico then tittle linux and it gives me a new file then I type kernel etc. 
>and all it does is places a file in my home directory under root. Ctrl W does not 
>work. When I type pico kernel etc. by itself it says unexpected token (h and exits. 
>How do I edit this file ? There has to be a way to edit this. Keep in mind I`m no 
>genius here so I need pretty much exact instructions on what to do. Ie type pico then 
>whatever I need to edit the file.


I have seen you post this question numerous times and I've seen people
answer you with some very good answers. With all due respect, there comes
a time when you need to think for yourself and work with the instructions
that have been given to you. You want to edit a file? How would you do it
in DOS? Typing in 'edit' isn't going to magically open up the file you
want to modify. Typing in edit  will. These are basic concepts
of computer usuage that, no matter what operating system you are using, do
the job.

That said I am going to settle this once and for all. If you have problems
following these instructions then I cannot help you any further.

If you are using KDE or Gnome, login as root; Go to Programs->Editors->and
pick whatever editor you want. Go to File->Open; Change the directory to
/etc (ie: if the default is /root, go up a dir level to /, then click on
/etc). Double-click on the file lilo.conf. About 10 lines down you will
see something that looks like this:

append " hdg=ide-scsi ide3=autotune ide2=autotune"

See the append line? No, its not going to look exactly the same as whats
in this email but thats the line you're looking for. Inside the quotation
marks INSERT the mem=128M statement. So that now it will look something
like this:

append "mem=128M hdg=ide-scsi ide3=autotune ide2=autotune"

Do not change anything else. Save the changes and exit the editor. Now
open a terminal window and type in: lilo and hit your enter key. If you
get errors you made a typo. Follow the instructions about and fix your
error. Re-run lilo when done. Once you get no errors, reboot your

If you are not running KDE or Gnome, then login as root. Type in the
command cd /etc. Then type in the command pico lilo.conf. Make the same
change as described above. Make sure you run lilo after editing the file.

Linux isn't much different than Windows or DOS. Most things work exactly
the same way. Have you ever editted a file in Windows? Doing it under
Linux uses the same principles.


Re: [expert] Kernel 2.4 versus supermount

2001-01-19 Thread Chris Spencer

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Mogens [iso-8859-1] Jæger wrote:

> Hey list.
> I am running a system with a dual Celleron, so I use the -smp- kernel.
> So far I can only use the 2.2.17.. because the pppd is NOT supported
> by the kernel, when I install the  kernel-smp-2.4.0-5mdk.i586.rpm! why?
> will it be activated in a comming compile?
> So I downloaded the latest 'tar' of the kernel, and everything compiled
> fine, but I cant find the supermount option, so my cry for help is: how
> do I activate/include the supermount option in a "home-compile"?

You need to download the diff and patch the kernel to get supermount to
work. Off hand I don't remember what the web address is but if you go to
freshmeat.net and do a search on supermount you can go to the author's web
page, download the diff, and patch your kernel.

You will probably have to change the diff file because by default it
tries to patch files in a rather obscure directory. If you open up the
diff the first three lines will show you the directories that the patch is
going to look for the files. Do a find and replace and change the path to
whatever your path to the source is. Once its patched you will find the
option to enable supermount.


Re: [expert] Crontab Broken in 7.2?

2001-01-19 Thread Chris Spencer

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, bascule wrote:

I think thats a cron job set waaay into the future. :)


> never tried webmin before, just took a look and i'm wondering what you can't
> do from a browser (solve the middle east crisis perhaps?)
> bascule
> >
> > In the "for what its worth" department, I have created a number of cron
> > jobs in Webmin and have *never* had a problem. Maybe give that a try
> >
> > -Chris

Re: [expert] just got spammed - anyone else got the 'joke.exe'?

2001-01-26 Thread Chris Spencer

This is actually a Windows virus that is currently being spread.

Funny that it somehow ended up on a Linux mailing list...


On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Rusty Carruth wrote:

> I just got a spam direct:
> > Received: from localhost (ppp-7-49.dialup.rdu.ipass.net [])
> > Subject: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!
> > From: Hahaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> With an attached exe file.
> I'm wondering where they got my addr from - did anyone else get this spam?
> Please email me direct, I'll summarize if anyone is interested.
> rc
> Rusty Carruth  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
> FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116
> Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825
> ICBM: 33 20' 44"N   111 53' 47"W

[expert] Telnet

2001-01-26 Thread Chris Spencer

This is probably such a basic question I'm almost afraid to ask. :)

Can anyone tell me where Mandrake pulls the information that is shown when
a telnet connection is made? ie: When I telnet I see the following:

Welcome to 
Linux Mandrake release 7.2 (Odyssey) for i586
Kernel 2.4.0 on an i686

I would like to customize this. Can anyone tell me where to make the mods?


Re: [expert] Telnet

2001-01-26 Thread Chris Spencer


No, thats not it. The motd is displayed after login. This is before login.


On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Anthony Russello wrote:

> /etc/motd
> anything in that file will be displayed when a connection is made either
> through the terminal, ssh, or telnet

RE: [expert] Telnet

2001-01-26 Thread Chris Spencer

Ahh...that did it. Thanks!


On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, D. Stark - eSN wrote:

> /etc/issue.net
> check your rc.local to make sure the file isnt being rewritten at every boot
> like on a RedHat box.
> Derek Stark
> IT / Linux Admin
> eSupportNow
> xt 8952

Re: [expert] rebuild kernel (2nd request)

2001-01-26 Thread Chris Spencer

What I did to find out that information was just run 'make xconfig' in
/usr/src/linux and look at the configuration. I saved my newly downloaded
kernel in /usr/local/src/linux, ran make xconfig in there, and then just
switched between the two windows making sure that the new kernel had the
same configuration as the old.


On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, David Dennis wrote:

> Is there a howto that reflects the current mandrake config (ramdisk use,
> module rebuild included) on howto rebuild the kernel?.  I have only seen
> kernel HOWTO that make little use of ramdisk / module
> rebuilding.  installing kernel-2.2.17-21mdk.i586.rpm did not work.  i get
> *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.16/(everything) .. this was
> with make modules and make modules_install .
> help!

[expert] Weird Network Problems: getpeername

2001-02-09 Thread Chris Spencer


I just finished doing a clean expert install of 7.2. During the install I 
selected the extra packages of ssh-server and telnet-server. After the 
install I upgraded all my packages. Other than that, I have installed XFree 
4.02, a new freetype, and the Nvidia drivers. Everything else is completely 

Everything seems to be working right except for a couple of things. I went to 
add Telnet as a service to start at startup and it wasn't listed. Thinking 
that was odd I went into webmin to get it going in there - it wasn't listed 
in there either. I double-checked my rpm database and server WAS listed. So I 
dropped to a command prompt and tried to execute /usr/sbin/in.telnetd and I 
get the error message: getpeername: Socket operation on non-socket.

I then tried to start my Seti client. It came back with the following 

Getting data - connecting to server.
gethostbyname: No such file or directory

I think it is safe to assume that the problems with getpeername and 
gethostbyname are related. However I have no idea how to resolve it. I know 
that getpeername is a system call as well as a Perl command. Perl seems to be 
correctly installed and I have no idea what rpm system calls are located in.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks


Re: [expert] Font not found when starting X

2001-02-10 Thread Chris Spencer

On Saturday 10 February 2001 13:28, you wrote:
> Hi all!
> I recently played around with fontdrake, deleting some fonts that
> seemed unnecessary to me. Well, I guess at least one of them was not
> unnecessary, because now X refuses to start, saying:

Man, this error message is a pain in the arse.

It doesn't mean that you caused a problem but rather it means that xfs isn't 
starting prior to X trying to start. At a prompt type xfs -port -1 -daemon 
and then start X. This will solve it.


[expert] IP_MASQ_IPSEC Module

2001-03-07 Thread Chris Spencer


I am wanting to use the ip_masq_vpn module from a stock 7.2 kernel. If I do a 
make xconfig and look at the configuration I can see that it was compiled as 
a module. However, doing a modprobe ip_masq_ipsec results in an error saying 
it can't find the specified module. If it already compiled as a module then 
where is it?


[expert] Mandrake After Major Hardware Upgrade

2001-03-10 Thread Chris Spencer

In the next few days I'm going to be doing a major hardware upgrade of new 
motherboard, CPU, video card, and primary disk controller.

I'm thinking that what I would do is do a backup of my entire system with 
tar, go through a Mandrake upgrade (to deal with the new hardware) and then 
do a restore from my backups. 

I have a lot of system stuff I don't want to lose, though, like qt2.3, kde 
2.1, etc. What is the best way to do a restore from the backups without 
messing up the new hardware configurations? If anyone can help I'd appreciate 
it. Thanks...


Re: [expert] VMware 2.0 and Mandrake 8.0.

2001-04-23 Thread Chris Spencer

On Sunday 22 April 2001 23:22, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
> Um, I am sorry, I miss read the question. My problem is still the same
> though, I cannot install any linux guests under linux host. It hangs at
> lilo.
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
> > I am have same problem. I cannot, for the life of me, install a new
> > vmware machine because of the lilo problem. I have not tried grub or to
> > see what exactly the problem is, since I just kept using the old ones. Oh
> > yeh, the problem started when I got 8.0beta2 and was there for beta3.
> > Now, with 8.0 final, vmware segments and does not run anyways. This 8.0
> > final release is not as half as stable as Mandrake's other final
> > releases. It feels like a beta or maybe even an alpha.

If you went to the VMware site you'd see that 2.4.x kernels are not 
supported. Its a VMware problem, not Mandrake


Fwd: Re: [expert] VMware 2.0 and Mandrake 8.0.

2001-04-23 Thread Chris Spencer

On Sunday 22 April 2001 23:22, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
> Um, I am sorry, I miss read the question. My problem is still the same
> though, I cannot install any linux guests under linux host. It hangs at
> lilo.
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
> > I am have same problem. I cannot, for the life of me, install a new
> > vmware machine because of the lilo problem. I have not tried grub or to
> > see what exactly the problem is, since I just kept using the old ones. Oh
> > yeh, the problem started when I got 8.0beta2 and was there for beta3.
> > Now, with 8.0 final, vmware segments and does not run anyways. This 8.0
> > final release is not as half as stable as Mandrake's other final
> > releases. It feels like a beta or maybe even an alpha.

If you went to the VMware site you'd see that 2.4.x kernels are not 
supported. Its a VMware problem, not Mandrake


On Sunday 22 April 2001 23:22, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
> Um, I am sorry, I miss read the question. My problem is still the same
> though, I cannot install any linux guests under linux host. It hangs at
> lilo.
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
> > I am have same problem. I cannot, for the life of me, install a new
> > vmware machine because of the lilo problem. I have not tried grub or to
> > see what exactly the problem is, since I just kept using the old ones. Oh
> > yeh, the problem started when I got 8.0beta2 and was there for beta3.
> > Now, with 8.0 final, vmware segments and does not run anyways. This 8.0
> > final release is not as half as stable as Mandrake's other final
> > releases. It feels like a beta or maybe even an alpha.

If you went to the VMware site you'd see that 2.4.x kernels are not
supported. Its a VMware problem, not Mandrake



[expert] Fetchmail Question

2001-05-06 Thread Chris Spencer

OK, first a little background information:

Up until recently I have been running the fetchmail service along with 
postfix. Since I am just running a one user workstation this seems to be a 
little overkill. Thus I am trying to run fetchmail without using postfix.

I have chowned /etc/fetchmailrc to my normal user and then chmodded it to 
700. My fetchmailrc is set to run fetchmail as a daemon.

If I am logged in as my normal user and type in the command: fetchmail -f 
"/etc/fetchmailrc" -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f - " it works great. However I 
would like to automate this during startup.

I know that the initscripts are run as root so I tried the following command: 
su cspencer -c fetchmail -f "/etc/fetchmailrc" -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f - ". 
Unfortunately I run into a permissions problem.

So what is the best way to script this so that the fetchmail daemon starts at 
boot time and is executed by my normal user?


There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD
and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
--Jeremy S. Anderson

[expert] Thank-you

2001-05-12 Thread Chris Spencer

I just wanted to express a sincere thank-you to everyone on this list. From 
the developers, to the long time subscribers, and even the newbies. You all 
have helped me in incredible ways to learn, adopt, and embrace the GNU/Linux 

I installed Linux Mandrake for the first time about a year and a half ago, I 
think version 7.0. Previous to that I was using SuSE 6.3. I was a total 
newbie and asked a lot of annoying questions. At that time, Linux Mandrake 
blew me away. It was easy to install, easy to work with, fun to play with, 
but best of all the information I could pick up from the newbie and expert 
lists was amazing. I religiously read through every email, even if it didn't 
apply to me,  so I could learn more about the amazing features of a 
Linux-based operating system.

But times they are a changing. Mandrake is aiming their distribution at 
newbies - a great idea! That said, I disagree with Mandrake's direction of 
releasing a cutting edge distro aimed for newbie use. 8.0, although it has a 
lot of bells and whistles, was rushed but is unstable and frustrating to use. 
Cutting edge is nice, but some serious QA needs to be done IF your target 
audience is the newbie crowd. 

Developers, think about your first experiences with Linux. What did you like 
about it so much? I am willing to bet that one of the top reasons was 
stability. It doesn't crash. And everything "works". 

If I were a newbie and installed Linux Mandrake my first impression would be 
"Wow, that was easier to install than I thought it would be." And I would 
probably be impressed with the way things worked. I would not be impressed, 
though, with the bugs that are shipped. I would not be impressed with how the 
software update feature didn't work properly right out of the box. I would 
also not be impressed with how a seemingly innocent update would wreck my 
working environment. I'm talking about the recent kdelibs update.

Some serious QA needs to happen if you plan to release a distro aimed at the 
newbie crowd. Otherwise you risk turning them away from Linux completely if 
things don't work right. The beta was frozen for what, two or three days 
before the official release? Thats not right. There are too many kinks in 
Mandrake 8.0 to make it release quality. A month from final beta to release 
candidate would have solved a lot of them.

Not being a newbie anymore and feeling disgruntled after the release of 
Mandrake 8.0 I have removed it from my system and have installed a different 
distribution, one more aimed at experts. I haven't been this happy since I 
installed Mandrake 7.0. I have all the bells and whistles (plus more) that 
Mandrake 8.0 has and more stability than I am used to. 

Once again, thanks to everyone for helping learn this operating environment. 
Its a big change from Windows, but man, is it worth it.


[expert] Two Network Cards on the Same Network (Basic networking question??)

2001-12-08 Thread Chris Spencer


I hope someone can shed some light on to this because I'm at a loss.

I have a small LAN going on at home: a Debian box acting as a firewall 
(external interface gets its IP address from DHCP and the internal address is; a Linux/Windows box that has no problems (only has one NIC in 
it); and then my workstation. My workstation is a Linux Mandrake 8.1 box with 
two NICs in it. The IP addresses assigned to the NICs are (eth0) 
and (eth1). Class C mask.

This is the problem: when I have both NICs enabled network access is a total 
joke. I can get around the internal subnet just fine, but the firewall laughs 
at me when I try to get out to the Internet. Not only that, my whole system 
slows down considerably when both NICs are enabled. If I disable eth1 I can 
get out just fine and my workstation is much more responsive.

I don't think this is a problem with the firewall because I am letting 
everything on out. But I am at a loss for words as to why this 
happens when I have both network cards enabled. 

My modus operandi for this is to run VMware. I have set up a bridged 
networking configuration where the virtual ethernet adapter is bridged to 
eth1. OF COURSE, when I have both ethernet adapters enabled AND I start up a 
virtual machine (with an IP address in the range) it works 
flawlessly. If eth1 is disabled, no networking in my virtual machine (which 
makes sense...)

There is something that I am not understanding here. Can someone please shed 
some light on this before I go insane? Thank-you oh so much...


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [expert] Two Network Cards on the Same Network (Basic networkingquestion??)

2001-12-09 Thread Chris Spencer


Servers have two network cards on the same subnet all the time. Doing this on 
a workstation running (essentially) a server OS should not be an issue.

I have narrowed the problem down to something in my routing tables. I took a 
look at it when one NIC was enabled and then again when the second NIC was 
enabled and the routing table was screwed up. I did a 'route add default gw' and this fixed part of the problem. I can now get to 
as well as get out on to the Internet, but I am still experiencing some 
packet loss when hitting the Internet. Need to tweak it out a little more but 
I am not having any luck finding any relevent info :(


On Saturday 08 December 2001 21:54, you wrote:
> Chris,
> Why two NIC's in your LMDK workstation, I mean, what is the purpose for
> this setup? If you really need two network interfaces in one workstation,
> which I assume is only connected to the LAN and using NAT (or some other
> means of IP masq) to get out on the Internet through your gateway/firewall
> machine, you might need to set the second card up on a different subnet.
> Check your mask too..
> j. c. woods,
> At 08:57 PM 12/8/2001 -0800, Chris Spencer wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I hope someone can shed some light on to this because I'm at a loss.
> >
> >I have a small LAN going on at home: a Debian box acting as a firewall
> >(external interface gets its IP address from DHCP and the internal address
> > is; a Linux/Windows box that has no problems (only has one
> > NIC in it); and then my workstation. My workstation is a Linux Mandrake
> > 8.1 box with two NICs in it. The IP addresses assigned to the NICs are
> > (eth0) and (eth1). Class C mask.
> >
> >This is the problem: when I have both NICs enabled network access is a
> > total joke. I can get around the internal subnet just fine, but the
> > firewall laughs at me when I try to get out to the Internet. Not only
> > that, my whole system slows down considerably when both NICs are enabled.
> > If I disable eth1 I can get out just fine and my workstation is much more
> > responsive.
> >
> >I don't think this is a problem with the firewall because I am letting
> >everything on out. But I am at a loss for words as to why
> > this happens when I have both network cards enabled.
> >
> >My modus operandi for this is to run VMware. I have set up a bridged
> >networking configuration where the virtual ethernet adapter is bridged to
> >eth1. OF COURSE, when I have both ethernet adapters enabled AND I start up
> > a virtual machine (with an IP address in the range) it works
> > flawlessly. If eth1 is disabled, no networking in my virtual machine
> > (which makes sense...)
> >
> >There is something that I am not understanding here. Can someone please
> > shed some light on this before I go insane? Thank-you oh so much...
> >
> >-Chris
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [expert] AMD Chips and Mandrake

2000-07-22 Thread Chris Spencer

Mandrake runs great on an Athlon - I'm doing right now, in fact. 


On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> I have had complaints from customers about the fact that mandrake is
> compiled for the Pentium class systems when using an Athlon.  Have any of
> you had the same problem.  My experience is with the K6-2 and K6-3.  I want
> to install on an Athlon but have my doubts.  Any comments is appriciated.
> Debie Scholz
> -Original Message-
> From: Ellick Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 9:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] AMD Chips and Mandrake
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:27:53 GMT
> > From: Sevatio Octavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [expert] AMD Chips and Mandrake
> >
> > Are there any problems with using AMD chips for running Linux?
> >
> Not as far as I've seen, I have a K6-2, K6, and an Athlon. They seem to
> work as equally well as the Intel counterparts in everything I've tried so
> far.
>  > Seve
> >
> --
> Regards,
> Ellick Chan
> Jul 22

[expert] Switching to X 4.0

2000-08-12 Thread Chris Spencer


I recently reinstalled Mandrake 7.1 and, like a lunkhead, I forgot to set
things up to run XFree 4.0. So right now I am running 3.3.6.

I know that there is a file somewhere that I can edit so that I can run 4.0
instead of 3.3.6. However I forget what the file is. :( Can someone please
refresh my memory? Thanks...


Re: [expert] Switching to X 4.0

2000-08-13 Thread Chris Spencer

Aha! Thats what it was. Thanks for refreshing my memory. :)


On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Chris Spencer a écrit :
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I recently reinstalled Mandrake 7.1 and, like a lunkhead, I forgot to set
> > things up to run XFree 4.0. So right now I am running 3.3.6.
> > 
> > I know that there is a file somewhere that I can edit so that I can run 4.0
> > instead of 3.3.6. However I forget what the file is. :( Can someone please
> > refresh my memory? Thanks...
> You have to symlink /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 to /etc/X11/X, which must be
> for the moment a link to /usr/X11R6/bin/SVGA (or another X seerver).
> -- 
> Guillaume Rousse
> Iremia - Université de la Réunion
> Plus petites unités de mesure 
> - de longueur : le millimètre
> - de volume : le millilitre
> - d'intelligence : le militaire

Re: [expert] Nvidea Riva TNT / Diamond Viper 550 installation

2000-08-15 Thread Chris Spencer

I've installed them. And yes, its a huge difference. Not much difference in 2D,
but watch out if you load up a full-screen 3D OpenGL game! Unreal Tournament is
very, very fast with the Nvidia drivers...


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hi people,
> Has anyone successfuly installed the
> Nvidea drivers under XFree86 4.0?
> Is there any noticeable difference?
> Regards,
> Ian
> -- 
> ---
> "Never mind what the critics say;
> no one has ever erected
> a statue to a critic"
>-George Bernard Shaw (c1890)
> ---

Re: [expert] Nvidea Riva TNT / Diamond Viper 550 installation

2000-08-15 Thread Chris Spencer

I've installed them. And yes, its a huge difference. Not much difference in 2D,
but watch out if you load up a full-screen 3D OpenGL game! Unreal Tournament is
very, very fast with the Nvidia drivers...


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 > Hi people,
 > Has anyone successfuly installed the
 > Nvidea drivers under XFree86 4.0?
 > Is there any noticeable difference?
 > Regards,
 > Ian
 > --
 > ---
 > "Never mind what the critics say;
 > no one has ever erected
 > a statue to a critic"
 >-George Bernard Shaw (c1890)
 > ---

Re: [expert] Unexplained crashes

2000-08-16 Thread Chris Spencer

I had an almost the exact same experience. Simply reseating everything in the
computer - all the cards, RAMS, IDE cables, etc. fixed it. It takes five
minutes and might be worth a try...


On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Ok, I'm a wee bit confused here. My Linux box has started hanging and
> rebooting for no apparent reason. ( I know there's a reason, and I'm pretty
> sure it's my fault. :) )
> Here's the scenario. I've been running Mandrake 7.1 on my desktop for a few
> week, everything was going along nicely. I installed it on my laptop and
> gave ReiserFS a shot. Worked like a dream. So, I decided to re-install and
> use Reiser instead of ext2 on my desktop.
> After doing this, everything seemed ok for about half an hour or so, then in
> the middle of an Xboing game, the computer rebooted automagically. Struck me
> as odd, but the box came up just fine. (I really like how a ReiserFS box
> comes back after a crash, btw) Logged back in and started another game of
> Xboing. (I can't help it, I like this game) Just like before, the box
> rebooted. My first thought was that the game was somehow causing the system
> to reboot. (I know, I've spent too much time providing support for MS
> products) So, when the box comes back up, I don't start a game, I just let
> it sit while I do something else in the room. Yep, it rebooted again.
> As a test, I powered the computer off, and left it off for the rest of the
> evening. The next day, I boot back into Linux, start X and dial up to my
> ISP. We tool along for a while, longer than 30 minutes, then the box hangs
> completely. No alt-fkeys here, it took a hard boot to come back. I try again
> a couple more times, not dialing in, but having various programs going, and
> get another hang and another reboot.
> Now I'm thinking I have some flaky hardware combination that doesn't like
> Reiser, so I do another complete re-install and put everything back to ext2.
> Unfortunately, the problem still exists. Doesn't seem to be tied to any
> particular program, nor does it have a definate time before it flakes, it
> will hang or reboot seemingly at will.
> Hadware specifics:
> Cyrix 6x86 PR200
> 64 meg ram (72 pin SIMMS)
> 13 gig Maxtor hard drive: 2 Windows partitions (total approx 6 gig), /,
> /usr/local, and /home (approx 2 gig each)+ 250 swap linux partitions
> Trident 9685(?) PCI video card
> X 3.3.6 running SVGA server
> Running default MDK kernel
> The only thing I haven't tried is resetting my BIOS settings. I had tried to
> add an old 512 meg hard drive (only under Windows) to move some large files
> home from work. The drive never would work, and I removed it from the pc.
> I'm not at the computer, so I can't give you the log files right at the
> moment, but I can get them pretty easily.
> Anyone have any ideas? I've even used Tom's rtbt floppy to delete the linux
> partitions completely, then try inistalling again.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Wayne

[expert] Fetchmail Cron Job Problem

2000-08-24 Thread Chris Spencer

I have a very annoying problem with a cron job I set up to run fetchmail. The
problem is that every now and then the job doesn't complete.

The job is set up to run as a normal user and the .fetchmailrc file is in the
user's home directory. The cron job itself is set to run every five minutes and
is simply: fetchmail -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f - "

For example, this morning I booted my computer and when the job ran I had 77
new messages. I read/deleted them all. The job ran again and I had the exact
same 77 messages. So it appeared as though the messages weren't being flushed
from my mail server. 

I dropped to a command prompt and manually entered the above fetchmail command
and 157 messages were downloaded and flushed properly. This has happened many
times before and if I wasn't around to manually enter the fetchmail command the
same 77 messages would have been downloaded ad nauseum.

Can anyone please tell me why this happens, and better yet, what I can do to
fix this? Thanks


Re: [expert] KDE 2 beta 4 problems.

2000-08-24 Thread Chris Spencer

Perhaps this thread is indicative of the problems of running beta software.
Report your findings to the KDE folks.. Beta software is generally not
supported and is released to help find/squash bugs...


On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> You've pretty well summed up my experiences with it too, but I feel that it
> works better for others though.
> For example, for both beta 3 and beta 4, calling up kcontrol I get an instant
> program crash. Could it be that kcontrol is so broken that it crashes when
> launched at this stage of the beta process? I'm wondering if it's something
> with my setup...
> -- Stephen
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > 
> > I installed all KDE2 rpms yesterday.. got KDE 2 to work.. impressed by look
> > at feels.. but have lots of problems.. 
> > 
> > 1. Konqueror dosn't open any ftp, http pages anymore (it used to
> > initially).. it says died unexpectedly.
> > 
> > 2. Kmail dosn't see my nested folders.. just sees the folders which are
> > files.. no directories.. I thought Kmail has support for nested folder..
> > 
> >  - I tried removing kmailrc file, and ..index files but no use
> > 
> > 3. Almost none of the applets work.. I wonder if this is problem with
> > mandrake RPMs.
> > 
> > 4. All menu iteams are repeated 4 times with varying size of icons..
> > 
> > 5. KOffice dosnt' work.. this is the o/p for all office components!
> > ~ > kspread
> > koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: Couldn't find the native MimeType in
> > kspread's desktop file. Check your installation !
> > ~ > 
> > 
> > 6. KControl dosn't work. 
> > 
> > And many more which I can't remember.. but overall.. its stable.. hasn't
> > crasshed anything badly.. scroll mouse works like a gem!.. and Looks are
> > COOOL to say the least.. the decoration concepts a fundu!
> > 
> > any help is appreciated
> > 
> > thanks
> > sarang

[expert] Converting Partition Types

2000-08-30 Thread Chris Spencer


Is it possible to change a Type 85 (Linux Extended) partition to Type F
(Windows 95 Extended)? The reason why I ask is because I like to use Ghost to
backup my Linux partitions. However, Ghost does not like Type 85 partitions. 

If anyone can answer this I'd greatly appreciated it...


Re: [expert] Converting Partition Types

2000-08-31 Thread Chris Spencer

I thought that fdisk would be the way to do it, but none of the menu items
stuck out when I took a look.

At any rate, I used fdisk to make the conversion and it works great. Thanks for
the help, Asheesh...


On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Use fdisk.
> # fdisk 
> Then type "p" to print help.
> There's an option ("l" maybe?  Maybe "t") to change the type of the
> partition.
> Have fun!
> -- Asheesh Laroia.
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Chris Spencer wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Is it possible to change a Type 85 (Linux Extended) partition to Type F
> > (Windows 95 Extended)? The reason why I ask is because I like to use Ghost to
> > backup my Linux partitions. However, Ghost does not like Type 85 partitions. 
> > 
> > If anyone can answer this I'd greatly appreciated it...
> > 
> > -Chris
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Violence is molding.

Re: [expert] installing special files?

2000-09-13 Thread Chris Spencer

Normally, if you were to install source code you would follow these steps:

As your normal user:

- download the .tar.gz tarball
- Type tar zxvf foo.tar.gz to untar/zip it
- cd foo to change into the new directory
- Read the documentation, such as README, INSTALL, etc. 
- Run the ./configure script (if necessary - the documentation will tell you).

Then, once everything is done, become root using su command and type

make install



On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> well how can i fix this
> In a message dated 13-Sep-00 20:54:06 Central Daylight Time, 
>  > how do i install files that i need for my computer, they arent rpms, but i 
>  > need them installed and i cant find the install command in linux, the 
> readme 
>  > file that came with it says to use "make install" but linux says there is 
> no 
>  > such command, so what am i supposed to use???
>  If your system doesn't have the make command the install is seriously
>  incomplete. 
>   >>

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Re: [expert] Re: [Announce] Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Beta 2 available

2000-09-16 Thread Chris Spencer


Relax. In my humble opinion, unless you are senior management at Mandrake or a
signifcant shareholder (which you obviously are not) then you should keep your
criticisms (and in this case personal attacks) to yourself.

Quite frankly I am tired of your trollish remarks and comments. If every time
you open your mailer and begin to enlighten the list with a YARSC (Yet Another
Ron Stodden Criticism) then perhaps you should move on to a Linux distro as
high quality as you think you yourself are.


On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Kadjo N'DOUA wrote:
> > 
> > MandrakeSoft is happy to announce the second Beta of its next release
> > (Ulysses). Among many new features, you will discover KDE 2 (1.94),
> > MenuDrake, Kernel 2.2.17 & 2.4 ...
> > 
> > Read the announcement:
> > http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en//72beta2.php3
> > 
> > download it:
> > http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/72betaftp.php3
> > --
> > 
> > Kadjo N'Doua
> > Web Content Editor
> > http://www.linux-mandrake.com
> Kadjo,
> Well, what a mess!
> These ISO images predate the 7.2beta tree by about two weeks.  The
> 7.2beta tree is sill being updated with about 100 replacement files
> per day, with the update-in-progress flag still up.  When that
> disappears, that defines the frozen beta 2, I would have thought. We
> are all patiently waiting.
> So, which is the definitive 7.2 beta 2?
> There can only be ONE, surely!
> Also, the link to the mirrors on your announcement page does not
> work, so what is the point of making any announcement if you make it
> impossible to determine the download tree?
> The ISO download paragrah is repeated, the second time with different
> servers!
> Not very good for a Web Content Editor :-).  Take a moment to test
> your work locally as a user before uploading it, eh?   Then test it
> again.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ron. [AU]

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[expert] Mail Handling

2000-10-01 Thread Chris Spencer


I think I need something explained to me.

I am the only person that uses my Linux box. I have a POP account on my ISP 
which I use fetchmail to retrieve my messages and procmail to deliver them. I 
have it set up as a cron job as follows: fetchmail -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f -"

I have noticed that after the cron job executes I get the following messages 
in syslog:

Necropolis CROND[1980]: (cspencer) CMD (fetchmail -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f -")

Necropolis postfix/sendmail[1982]: fatal: No maildrop directory maildrop:  No 
such file or directory

Necropolis CROND[1978]: (cspencer) MAIL (mailed 55 byes of output but got 
status 0x0001)

The interesting thing is that both Postfix and Sendmail are disabled, so I 
don't exactly know why its generating messages.

Can soneone help explain this to me and what I can do to get rid of the 


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Re: [expert] Kernel 2.2.18 and GCC versions

2000-10-12 Thread Chris Spencer

gcc-2.96 is not recommended for use, even by the people at gcc. 2.95.2 is the 
latest stable compiler


On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, you wrote:

> > Hi, everybody.
> I have a little problem when compiling new kernels.
> Kernel 2.2.18-pre15 compiles fine under gcc-2.95.2. It is just plain
> 2.2.17 with Alan's patch to 18-pre15.
> I downloaded the gcc-2.96 rpms from rufus, and the compilation process
> breaks at:
> werewolf:/usr/src/linux# make bzImage
> ..
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.18-pre15/arch/i386/lib'
> cc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__ -D__SMP__
> -traditional -c checksum.S -o checksum.o
> checksum.S:231: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> checksum.S:237: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> make[2]: *** [checksum.o] Echecksum.Srror 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.18-pre15/arch/i386/lib'
> make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.18-pre15/arch/i386/lib'
> make: *** [_dir_arch/i386/lib] Error 2
> The actual code in checksum.S that breaks 2.96 is:
> #define SRC(y...)   \
> : y ;   \
> .section __ex_table, "a" ;  \
> .long b, 6001f  ;   \
> .previous
> #define DST(y...)   \
> : y ;   \
> .section __ex_table, "a" ;  \
> .long b, 6002f  ;   \
> .previous
> I suppose the var-args macro syntax is less permissive in 2.96...
> Then, because this versions of gcc are "not officially supposed to work",
> got the egcs rpms (only egcs and egcs-cpp; BTW, kgcc didn't work,
> cpp was named 'cpp' instead of 'cpp0' in
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/egcs-2.91.66,
> and -traditional flag looked for tradcpp0, which I symlinked to cpp0).
> But then kgcc stops at:
> werewolf:/usr/src/linux# make bzImage
> ..
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.18-pre15/arch/i386/kernel'
> /usr/bin/kgcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__
> -D__SMP__ -traditional -c trampoline.S -o trampoline.o
> /tmp/ccy1Wjci.s: Assembler messages:
> /tmp/ccy1Wjci.s:884: Error: can't handle non absolute segment in `ljmp'
> make[1]: *** [trampoline.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.18-pre15/arch/i386/kernel'
> make: *** [_dir_arch/i386/kernel] Error 2
> TIA, and sorry for the 'long long' message...
> (I will post this also in lkml...)

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Re: [expert] AMD Athlon Chips

2000-10-30 Thread Chris Spencer

First of all, the names are different. The socket A is an Athlon, which has 
an off-die L2 cache. The slot A is a Thunderbird and its L2 is on-die.


n Sunday 29 October 2000 22:50, you wrote:

> > I've decided to build an Athlon system. I understand that the Athlon comes
> in 2 versions which fit a Slot A and a Socket A board. If it is true, what
> is the difference between them?
> Cheers
> Sridhar

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[expert] Stupid Question

2000-10-31 Thread Chris Spencer

Argh. I feel dumb.

I just did a clean install of 7.2. I noticed that when I have tried to
compile something (for example, the latest Wine SRPM) that it has been
crashing with a file not found error.

I have narrowed the problem down to the fact that /usr/src/linux is not in
the path, or include path, or whatever. How can I add it?


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Re: [expert] Stupid Question

2000-10-31 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tuesday 31 October 2000 15:55, you wrote:

> Do you have the kernel source code in a directory with a name similar to
> /usr/src/linux-2.2.xx or do you have the source for the kernel stored
> elsewhere?  You need that directory tree (and its files) somewhere.  Then
> you need to make a link from /usr/src/linux to its location. Use:
> ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.2.16 /usr/src/linux

Thanks for the reply, however I guess I didn't articulate myself well enough. 

I have the sources installed and the link points to the correct sources. What 
I *think* the problem is that there is a system variable that is not set.

For example, when I try to compile Wine I get an error telling me that it 
cannot find the file 'sigcontext.h'. Well this file is located under 

This is why I am thinking that there is a global variable that is not being 
set. Any ideas?


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Re: [expert] Stupid Question

2000-10-31 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tuesday 31 October 2000 19:57, you wrote:

> > Why do you need /usr/src/linux in the $PATH?  Chances are the files that
> are missing are in some devel package.  Do a web search for the missing
> file and see what package it looks like it is in.  You can always check
> rpmfind.net for the most up to date package and build that *.src.rpm or
> install the binary rpm.  Now try to rebuild wine.

I have the file in question...and the package. The file is part of the kernel 
source. Thats not the issue. The issue is why it is when I try to compile a 
SRPM it is not picking anything up from /usr/src/linux.


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Re: [expert] Stupid Question

2000-11-01 Thread Chris Spencer

On Wednesday 01 November 2000 02:06, you wrote:

> To the original poster:
> Is there a sym link from /usr/include/linux to
> /usr/src/linux/include/linux/ ?  If not, add it, and you should be set.
> Alexander Skwar

Yes, that symlink is there. Everything appears to be in order I just have no 
idea why it isn't picking the source location up.

Any other ideas? :)


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Re: [expert] Stupid Question

2000-11-01 Thread Chris Spencer

> Check if you have /usr/include/linux symlinked to
> /usr/src/linux/include/linux werewolf:~# ll /usr/include/linux
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   26 Jun  8 02:09 /usr/include/linux
> -> ./src/linux/include/linux/
> Same with /usr/include/asm. Or you can have both dirs "real" instead of
> symlinked, that depends on the dsitro.

(And a round of applause is heard echoing throughout the mailing list)

The /usr/include/asm link was broken. Odd, this was a fresh install. At any 
rate everything seems to be working great now. Thanks so much!


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Re: [expert] Re: Aureal Sound Card and MDK 7.2 + 7.1?

2000-11-03 Thread Chris Spencer

On Friday 03 November 2000 11:45, you wrote:

> > How about 7.1, do you have Aureal Drivers working under 7.1?
> I would sure like to have some if there were any available,
> 7 months of Linux-Mandrake with no sound, would be a great
> change in my environment to have some.

The Aureal drivers work fine under 7.1


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[expert] KDESU

2000-11-04 Thread Chris Spencer

I'm not stupid...and maybe this is a bug. But why the hell won't this work?

I am running 7.2 w/KDE. I have used the menu editor to modify the "shortcut" 
to load nmapfe as follows:

/usr/bin/kdesu -s /usr/bin/nmapfe

If I type this in at a command prompt I get prompted for root's password, 
which is what I want. But when I put the same command line in the menu nmapfe 
runs as the user I am logged on as. This is getting annoying. Any ideas?


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Re: [expert] KDESU

2000-11-04 Thread Chris Spencer

Errr...I made a typo in this email. The real command line I am trying to run 

/usr/bin/kdesu -c /usr/bin/nmapfe


On Saturday 04 November 2000 10:33, you wrote:

> > I'm not stupid...and maybe this is a bug. But why the hell won't this 
> I am running 7.2 w/KDE. I have used the menu editor to modify the
> "shortcut" to load nmapfe as follows:
> /usr/bin/kdesu -s /usr/bin/nmapfe
> If I type this in at a command prompt I get prompted for root's password,
> which is what I want. But when I put the same command line in the menu
> nmapfe runs as the user I am logged on as. This is getting annoying. Any
> ideas?
> -Chris

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Re: [expert] Expert

2000-11-10 Thread Chris Spencer

On Friday 10 November 2000 07:57, you wrote:

> > Hi,
>  I'm having problem with 'less',  if I type 'man less' I recieve the
> following errors:

I'm just taking a guess but try reinstalling the manpages RPMs


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Re: [expert] VMware and Mandrake 7.2 blues - Please help me out!

2000-11-12 Thread Chris Spencer

On Saturday 11 November 2000 14:06, you wrote:

> > Hello
>   I have installed vmware 2.0.3 under Mandrake 7.2. Unfortunately things
> went as I though they would be:
> 1) NO DGA modes even after checking, rechecking if the line omit dga is
> commented out on XF86Config.  Is there anything else I can do?

DGA is dependent on your video driver. If you video driver does not support 
DGA you're outta luck. Likewise, if you have an Nvidia card and are running 
the Nvidia drivers DGA will not work either with Vmware.


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Re: [expert] vmware

2000-11-15 Thread Chris Spencer

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Michael R. Batchelor wrote:

> Has anyone tried, successfully or unsuccessfully, to get VMWare up,
> running, and doing useful work on 7.2? I'm getting ready to build a new
> workstation, and I'd rather not have to experiment more than I must. I'm
> perfectly happy to use an older distribution if 7.2 and Xfree86 4 create
> too many problems.

I had VMware running great under the 7.2 beta. I have since removed VMware
since upgrading to 7.2 final. BTW I was running Windows 98 on a virtual
disk with IP forwarding and using Samba to have access to my files from
the virtual machine.

The one suggestion that I would make is to not use the built-in VMware
Samba server and properly configure/setup the version of Samba that comes
with Mandrake.

If you need a hand let me know via private email...


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