[FairfieldLife] Re: Myazaki the Younger does Earthsea

2007-01-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Miyazaki's son adapts Usala K LeGuinn...
> From the 3rd book:
> http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/earthsea/poster_images/JapanB_full.jpg
> Unlike the sci-fi channel's version:
> http://www.slate.com/id/207/
> Le Guinn enjoyed it as a movie:
> http://www.ursulakleguin.com/GedoSenkiResponse.html

Ah, Ursula...one of my favorite major bitches. That's
a compliment, by the way, and she would smile to hear
herself referred to that way, because that's how she
refers to herself. Woe be unto the SciFi Channel exec
who consulteth not a consultant of her order, and who
messeth with a plotline and characters she wrote. 

My favorite quote of hers, from a talk in which she
was getting a little tired and cranky and a young
woman stood up and asked if she had any specfic advice
for the *women* writers in the audience:  "If you want 
your writing to be taken seriously, don't marry and 
have kids, and above all, don't die. But if you have 
to die, commit suicide. They approve of that."  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-13 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Probably Asperger's, like I think I myself might be... :)
> > > 
> > > Really?  You think you are?
> > 
> > Someone interested mainly in "dead" languages, like
> > Latin and Sanskrit, probably is. Of course that would
> > depend on the criteria used, but at least according
> > to DSM IV, I quite likely would.
> Well, I dunno; most of the characteristics DSM IV
> lists have to do with "live" interaction, so posts
> to an Internet forum don't really say much.
> I took a look, and I did see one that doesn't seem
> to apply to you at all, though:
> "a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment,
> interests, or achievements with other people (e.g.,
> by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out
> objects of interest to other people)"
> You're constantly sharing your appreciation of
> Sanskrit with us!
> And I hardly think an interest in "dead" languages
> is a sign of Asperger's.  They may be "dead," but
> they're fascinating.  There are plenty of
> perfectly normal people who devote their lives to
> studying them.
> On the other hand, there are also many accomplished
> people with Asperger's, so it isn't such a dire
> condition in any case.

Well, in my understanding the main criterion of
Asperger's is poor social skills. That's also
the most frustrating feature of my character,
for myself at least. For instance when I listen
to e.g. four or five people conversing during
a family celebration, I feel totally outsider,
because I can't follow the conversation. 
Almost like listening to a totally foreign
language. People are laughing at what someone just said, I have
no idea whatsoever what they are laughing at.
And stuff like that.
One might think that's weird, but my possible linguistic
talent is IMO confined primarily to analyzing linguistic
structures. My ability to understand spoken language
seems to be way below average. Especially during my
childhood that lead to lots of awkward situations.
As an example, when I was about 8 years of age,
the principal of my then school asked who wants
to go to the scool that was about a mile farther
from my home, and probably considered a school for
less gifted kids. I raised my hand with a couple
of other boys. I think I did it because
I understood the question the other way round.
The principal probably formulated the question in
such a way that the "stupidest" kids would misunderstand
it. But eventually that was a fortunate thing from
my point of view. I liked the atmosphere of that
"worse" school much better.
The highlight of my stay there was when I, by chance,
managed to make a (paper) model aeroplane ("lennokki") that seemed
to defy gravity. Just kept on flying and flying. :)


But that (understanding spoken language) might have improved a bit
lately. Namely, when I listen to the lyrics of some favourite songs
from my youth, I notice I now understand the contents
of those lyrics somewhat better than I used to. :0


[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> off_world_beings wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across the 
> >> country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin and 
> >> reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
> >
> > Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
> > They compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something 
> > that should have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. 
> > Some ok acting though.
> Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth seeing.  
> What were you drinking?

When I saw it? I was in Dublin, so Guinness, of course. :-)

It was a pretty interesting film, especially seen there,
where one could really *feel* the power of its vision of
one possible future for Great Britain, in which immigrants
were rounded up, put into detention camps, and sent "home."

Glad to see it's getting noticed by critics and audiences
now that it's finally out on a larger scale. It's a ballsy

[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Happy New Year everybody.  
> Hey Curtis. Good to hear from you. Happy New Year!

Indeed. Good to hear from you. Welcome back to
the My-phone-is-better-than-your-iPhone-my-guitar-
kung-fu-my-dick-is-longer-than-your-dick discussion 
group. :-)

Here's a guitar lesson by one of my faves, a fellow
from Amsterdam named Carlos Vamos:


and click on the 'Guitar Lesson' link or the 'Listen'
links. He plays the guitar like a Chapman Stick. None 
of the percussive stuff that people seem to be wowed 
by, just a very subtle touch, and taste. For some,
that's still enough. :-)

If you've never seen a Chapman Stick or are a fan 
of two-hand hammering, do check out the great Fergus 
Marsh (best Stick player I've ever seen). You can see 
a little of his work (although it's mainly lightweight
accompaniment) with the Steve Bell band at:


The band has the added attraction of featuring
his brother Hugh Marsh, one of the best electronic
violinists in the world. Being a rather overt 
Christian singer/songwriter, Steve's an either-
you-like-him-or-you-don't kinda guy, but like fellow
Canadian/Christian Bruce Cockburn he likes to 
surround himself with great sidemen. These YouTube
clips are mainly to give those who are not familiar
with the Stick a glimpse of one. Sadly, Fergus does
got get to kick loose on any of these cuts; to watch
him when he does so is amazing.

As for Hugh Marsh, I'm looking forward to seeing
him back up Loreena McKennitt in her Paris concert
in March. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Jan 12, 2007, at 12:18 AM, suziezuzie wrote:
> >>
> >> > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation of 
> >> > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude to 
> >> > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that 
> >> > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> Just depends on the system. Because you're probably talking 
about TM you 
> should know that it is a technique of tantra based on affirmation 
of the 
> divinity of mahalakshmi as the evolutionary shakti of Vishnu the 
> of life. Because your bija technique is nishkrama or devoid of 
> samkalpa or goal, therefore you will only derive what is known as 
grace from 
> the technique. The other movement techniques offered are the other 
> offered of recombining the inner and outer, and the reason this 
matters to 
> you is that because Hinduism is eternalistic that means you shall 
have to 
> petition deities for your reunification. this is the practice of 
> purnavidya.
> EG., in shunyatavidya all are one at the base which is empty, and 
cannot be 
> summed up as any extreme. Self arising, thus vidya or knowledge and 
> cognition is available anytime one has the ability to incisively 
cut through 
> discursive thought to its base as awareness or light or clarity. If 
one is 
> able to constantly affirm their nature as light awareness free from 
> discursive tendencies even during discursive tendencies then under 
> techniques of shunyatavidya one may feel the ripple of wholeness 
from the 
> emptiness of their reunified inner/outer mandala. And the reason 
> shunyata that it's so easy is it take no energy as one need not 
affirm or 
> reify any thought structure but simply let them all fall. Having 
done so 
> however one takes the final leap into faith and freedom from 
> In either case one will probably seem insane from the outside.  But 
will one 
> be? Only they can really decide. Are you happy? Can you realize 
unity? Now? 
> Or soon? I am for both purna and shunyata vidyas. That's 200 
percent minus 
> nothing = 200 percent. Seems pretty compatible.

Aren't almost all enlightened people thought to be 'crazy' at one 
time or another.
Weren't witches burned alive for having spiritual 'powers'.
Wasn't Jesus considered to be 'crazy' by his executioners...(Mocking 
the king the Jews..).
So, if enlightenment were all that easy, to acheive, wouldn't we all 
be enlightened?

Of course some people go off the deep end from time to time;
That's just a part of growth.
Like a snake shedding it's skin.
It's holding on to what is dead and gone, that drives people crazy.
'Let the dead bury the dead'.
So, Maharishi came up with some pretty powerful techniques? Some 
freaked out?
He just gave out what was needed and wanted? right? more techniques, 
more knowledge, more, more, more. Practice together, intensify the 
experience. Save the world, while doing your practice.
The Bagavad Gita says: 'the wise don't confound the ignorant'.
Being 'one with all that is', is not the experience of the average 
person, although the experience maybe becoming more common, we still 
have a long way to go.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So, if enlightenment were all that easy to acheive, 
> wouldn't we all be enlightened?

Some people's sense of self is so strong that
they are tempted to take themselves seriously.
Once you've started down that path, learning
to laugh at the self and letting it go when
its usefulness is done is *perceived* to be 
difficult. And as one perceives, so one lives...

[FairfieldLife] 'Iranian Dissidents Need Our Help!'

2007-01-13 Thread Robert Gimbel
It seems to me, that the current situation in Iran;
  And the possible war with the United States.
  Should be worked on with the intention of peace.
  In other words, we need to work and help, the many young people,
  Of Iran, and all the other forces of tolerance and peace.
  Start spending billions of dollars, in engaging the moderates,
  Within Iran, if they could come around
  We could provide them with all the technology they would ever want.
  Just like we have for India.
  When else will we have to opportunity to reach out to the Iranian people,
  If not now?
  We need to at least think of this option, in terms of gaining their help;
  In stabilizing Iraq;
  And neutralizing the ridiculous threat to Israel, that the current bellicose 
and repressive regime, represents.
  It's the people that tore down the 'Iron Curtain'.
  Because they had Our support.
  Robert Gimbel  Seattle,WA.

8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
 with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Iranian Dissidents Need Our Help!'

2007-01-13 Thread llundrub
I work for Iranians, and am friends with them. They do not as a people deserve 
to be ostracized. The Iranian smear campaign is going to be 100 percent lies.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Gimbel 
  To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 4:46 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Iranian Dissidents Need Our Help!'

  It seems to me, that the current situation in Iran;
  And the possible war with the United States.
  Should be worked on with the intention of peace.
  In other words, we need to work and help, the many young people,
  Of Iran, and all the other forces of tolerance and peace.
  Start spending billions of dollars, in engaging the moderates,
  Within Iran, if they could come around
  We could provide them with all the technology they would ever want.
  Just like we have for India.
  When else will we have to opportunity to reach out to the Iranian people,
  If not now?
  We need to at least think of this option, in terms of gaining their help;
  In stabilizing Iraq;
  And neutralizing the ridiculous threat to Israel, that the current bellicose 
and repressive regime, represents.
  It's the people that tore down the 'Iron Curtain'.
  Because they had Our support.

  Robert Gimbel  Seattle,WA.

  8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
  with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Iranian Dissidents Need Our Help!'

2007-01-13 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It seems to me, that the current situation in Iran;
>   And the possible war with the United States.
>   Should be worked on with the intention of peace.
>   In other words, we need to work and help, the many young people,
>   Of Iran, and all the other forces of tolerance and peace.
>   Start spending billions of dollars, in engaging the moderates,
>   Within Iran, if they could come around
>   We could provide them with all the technology they would ever want.
>   Just like we have for India.
>   When else will we have to opportunity to reach out to the Iranian
>   If not now?
>   We need to at least think of this option, in terms of gaining
their help;
>   In stabilizing Iraq;
>   And neutralizing the ridiculous threat to Israel, that the current
bellicose and repressive regime, represents.
>   It's the people that tore down the 'Iron Curtain'.
>   Because they had Our support.
>   Robert Gimbel  Seattle,WA.

Polishing the candelabras on Titanic, are we?

The process you mention, if that really was what caused the Wall to
crumble, was decades in the making.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation of Self 
> > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude to
> > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that has 
> > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > 
> > 
> > It is the beginning of CC.
> >
> The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological
thing. CC isn't the same.

I see that you have already been sorted out by someone else for your
faulty reply, so I'll just make the observation that you would have
spared yourself the embarrassment if you have taken the time to
actually read the post you replied to before replying.

The issue you responded to is "beginning of CC" - not CC per se.

Not that it matters, you're wrong anyway.

Moreover, as you approach CC it's more about the body being external
to You, rather than the way you choose to misconstrue it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Other than Cisco's lawsuit over the name:
> http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/12/0430200&from=rss
> Sounds like Apple went its own merry way without input from developers 
> and people who have developed software for phones using the Windows 
> Mobile and Palm platforms.   Both platforms learned early on that 
> developers were not going to develop special versions that ran on the 
> secured phone side so there are two OS's on them one for the phone and 
> one for apps.

If locking out 3rd party aps doesn't kill the iPhone, keeping it
chained to the country's worst wireless carrier surely will. If they
can't come to an agreement with Cisco over the name, they may as well
just rename it NewtonPhone.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Iranian Dissidents Need Our Help!'

2007-01-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
Robert Gimbel wrote:
> And neutralizing the ridiculous threat to Israel, that 
> the current bellicose and repressive regime, represents.
So, it's a war against terrorists and a threat to Israel that we have
to neutralize. But, Iraq is but a single front in a much larger war -
a global war. If we don't suppress the extremist mullahs in Iran, and
the despot in Syria, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, al Qaeda
in Iraq and Somalia, and the Sunni terror funding stream in Saudi
Arabia, we can't win the war. You can't win if you don't take on the
forces determined to see you lose.

Iran declared war on the west in 1979, when the Ayatollah Khomeini
announced his intention of conquering the west for Islam and when the
Americans were kidnapped in the U.S. embassy. 

The war against the free world: "The response of the west has been to
ignore the fact that war was thus declared upon it, as was
demonstrated by attacks upon it ever since by Iran — along with the
Sunni/Wahhabi Islamists, who were both its deadly theological rivals
for regional hegemony and at the same time its allies in the war
against the free world."

Read more:

'The war against the free world'
Posted by Melanie Phillips:

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
Alex Stanley worote: 
> If locking out 3rd party aps doesn't kill the iPhone, keeping it
> chained to the country's worst wireless carrier surely will. If 
> they can't come to an agreement with Cisco over the name, they 
> may as well just rename it NewtonPhone.
Microsoft is coming out with an 'iPhone-killer' - they may call it the
'Phune' - I don't know.

Read a review by someone who actually got their hands on an iPhone: "A
day after Steve Jobs unveiled the Apple iPhone during his Macworld
Expo keynote on Tuesday morning, I actually got my hands on one."

Read more:

'First Look: Apple's iPhone Truly Is a Revelation'
By Cade Metz
Fox News, January 12, 2007

[FairfieldLife] Balrog

2007-01-13 Thread off_world_beings
img src="http://www.activereviews.com/screens/383/Balrog_Screenshot.jpg";
alt="" border="0">

[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
Happy New Year Turq.  Thanks for the links, I had never heard of these
guys.  The tapping thing almost turns the guitar into a piano. 
Interesting, and miles away from my musical focus.  I am a musical
barbarian in relationship to both those guys.  But if you have a house
party of drunken savages with no amplification, I am the right man for
the job!

I've enjoyed lurking here and posting on some music sites. The amount
of shared experiences is blowing my mind.  I am getting and sharing
tips on playing from people all over the world who dig the music I do.
 I am beginning to think that this Internet thing may take off!

I enjoy the FFL scrum from the sidelines and appreciate people like
yourself who keep the party rolling.

I am already loving 2007.  This is going to be a great year.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > Happy New Year everybody.  
> > 
> > Hey Curtis. Good to hear from you. Happy New Year!
> Indeed. Good to hear from you. Welcome back to
> the My-phone-is-better-than-your-iPhone-my-guitar-
> knowledge-is-deeper-than-your-guitar-knowledge-
> my-spiritual-kung-fu-is-better-than-your-spiritual-
> kung-fu-my-dick-is-longer-than-your-dick discussion 
> group. :-)
> Here's a guitar lesson by one of my faves, a fellow
> from Amsterdam named Carlos Vamos:
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=carlos+vamos&btnG=Google+Search
> and click on the 'Guitar Lesson' link or the 'Listen'
> links. He plays the guitar like a Chapman Stick. None 
> of the percussive stuff that people seem to be wowed 
> by, just a very subtle touch, and taste. For some,
> that's still enough. :-)
> If you've never seen a Chapman Stick or are a fan 
> of two-hand hammering, do check out the great Fergus 
> Marsh (best Stick player I've ever seen). You can see 
> a little of his work (although it's mainly lightweight
> accompaniment) with the Steve Bell band at:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E167FVqDF1M
> The band has the added attraction of featuring
> his brother Hugh Marsh, one of the best electronic
> violinists in the world. Being a rather overt 
> Christian singer/songwriter, Steve's an either-
> you-like-him-or-you-don't kinda guy, but like fellow
> Canadian/Christian Bruce Cockburn he likes to 
> surround himself with great sidemen. These YouTube
> clips are mainly to give those who are not familiar
> with the Stick a glimpse of one. Sadly, Fergus does
> got get to kick loose on any of these cuts; to watch
> him when he does so is amazing.
> As for Hugh Marsh, I'm looking forward to seeing
> him back up Loreena McKennitt in her Paris concert
> in March.

[FairfieldLife] New Charlie website....with written material by Charlie.

2007-01-13 Thread wmurphy77
http://www.maharishiphotos.com/index.html May have already been posted
heregood written lectures by Charlie.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation of 
> Self 
> > > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude to 
> Cosmic 
> > > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that 
> has 
> > > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > It is the beginning of CC.
> > >
> > 
> > The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological 
> thing. CC isn't the same.
> >
> Cosmic Consciousness means that one lives 24/7 one's real nature, 
> bliss consciousness, and that phenomenal reality, including the body, 
> is experienced as separate from consciousness, although the 
> relationship is friendly. It is only in Unity Consciousness that this 
> sense of duality is ended -- one sees a tree as a tree, but the sense 
> of it's being oneself is dominant.

It is experienced as not the Experiencer. That's NOT that same as looking on 
the body, as 
if from a distance.

[FairfieldLife] Charlie lecture on 'Faith'....

2007-01-13 Thread wmurphy77

Faith is one thing that is most needed in this life and something that
so many have so little of. It generally follows that persons who have
a strong character have strong faith and those of a weak character
have very little faith in anything. In the Scriptures it is said, "Ye
of little faith." Faith is a strong conviction in something when
little proof is readily available. As little children we are filled
with faith. But, as we grow older we lose much of this due to
experiences that have destroyed our faith in anything we cannot
cognize with our physical senses. It is a sad situation that we are
not able to sustain our faith as we go along in life. If we are
faithful or filled with faith most of those we gravitate to are also
filled with faith and if we are of little faith most of our associates
will be of the same nature and they will strengthen our conviction
that all people are faithless.
As adults faith is something we should acquire and more so as we grow
older in life. We should have an unshakeable faith in God, as an
example, and if we do we will gain strength as we go along. If we have
none we will grow weaker as we go along life's path. Faith in God will
impart the strength and energy of God to us and we will continue to
grow in strength and in character. Religion for many ages has become a
path of faith because the keys to most religions have become lost and
we have not understood the word that has been imparted to us. So those
of religion have had to fall back on an unfolding revealing experience
as they continue in life. Faith should become the living word. If we
can acquire the experience of God in our daily life it will become the
living word. Very little faith is needed if we are able to experience
God because fact replaces faith. We can then speak from our experience
and no longer have to muster up faith in order to maintain a firm
conviction of God.
However, for at least two thousand years faith and the mystery schools
have been the only light humanity in the West has had to carry them
along on a very dark path. Faith is the one thing, when it is lacking,
that leaves humanity with a hopeless outlook on almost everything. Yet
on the other hand it is the one thing that has inspired those who have
it to rise to the heights. For it is the one thing that is capable of
moving mountains. Also where one has a strong faith in God he also has
a strong faith in himself. In order to accomplish almost anything in
life we must have the faith of our own convictions.
Often we place our faith in the wrong person or the wrong thing and we
become very disillusioned, yet this is the part of life where we learn
from our experiences and each time we place our faith in the wrong
thing we learn a valuable lesson and this is good. It was a lesson we
needed to learn. Some people place all their faith in material wealth
and then when it is carried away by one misfortune or another they are
devastated and have nothing to fall back on, while others having their
faith anchored in God find this is a rock that can withstand any storm
of life.
As Transcendental Meditators we are rapidly exchanging faith for
experience. We are gaining wisdom. We are beginning to know ourselves
and what we know about ourselves is wisdom; when we know about
ourselves we also know about God. What it really means is that we
experience ourselves and in so doing we experience God. Therefore, we
are in touch with total reality and very little faith is required.
However, for the masses who have no awareness of the facts of life and
their own destiny, faith becomes a necessity for them. People without
faith will perish...
...Today the curtain is being lifted and many are coming to the West
from the East and they are giving out wisdom that the whole world can
benefit from. Slowly experience of God is replacing faith in God. What
is now needed is the faith to continue to follow the Path of Wisdom
one has been placed on even when the lower self tries to get one to
forsake the path so it will not have to surrender to the higher Self...
The mind is so constructed that when you show it a way to greater
happiness and one begins to experience Bliss not too much faith is
needed. However, faith can still move the mountains and continued
faith, when it is required by one on the Path of Liberation, will
still be the means to carry that one to Eternal Liberation.
Faith is always that something that will carry us forward in the face
of darkness and doubt. If a mustard seed has faith, a human should be
the embodiment of faith. God has always had loving faith in us. So in
turn, we should also have total faith in Him. And when we do, we will
have faith in our own destiny. Faith is the light in this dark world
and we are the ones in these dark days on Earth that have been chosen
to keep the light burning and cause it to shine brighter until no
shadow remains and all will clearly see and again walk and talk with
God. Then, faith will have at long l

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Other than Cisco's lawsuit over the name:
> > http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/12/0430200&from=rss
> > 
> > Sounds like Apple went its own merry way without input from developers 
> > and people who have developed software for phones using the Windows 
> > Mobile and Palm platforms.   Both platforms learned early on that 
> > developers were not going to develop special versions that ran on the 
> > secured phone side so there are two OS's on them one for the phone and 
> > one for apps.
> If locking out 3rd party aps doesn't kill the iPhone, keeping it
> chained to the country's worst wireless carrier surely will. If they
> can't come to an agreement with Cisco over the name, they may as well
> just rename it NewtonPhone.

Cingular is Now the New AT&T

Advertising, Re-Branding Efforts Begin, Will Continue Throughout 2007

SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- AT&T, the standard bearer of 
communications excellence for more than a century, is getting younger on 
Monday, when 
the company folds the six year-old Cingular wireless name into the iconic AT&T 

Starting Monday, Jan. 15, AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) is launching a new multi- media 
campaign to 
begin transitioning the Cingular brand to AT&T in advertising and customer 
communications, throughout Web sites and nationwide retail stores, and on 
buildings and vehicles.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation of Self 
> > > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude to
> Cosmic 
> > > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that has 
> > > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > It is the beginning of CC.
> > >
> > 
> > The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological
> thing. CC isn't the same.
> >
> I see that you have already been sorted out by someone else for your
> faulty reply, so I'll just make the observation that you would have
> spared yourself the embarrassment if you have taken the time to
> actually read the post you replied to before replying.
> The issue you responded to is "beginning of CC" - not CC per se.
> Not that it matters, you're wrong anyway.
> Moreover, as you approach CC it's more about the body being external
> to You, rather than the way you choose to misconstrue it.

There's no internal OR external. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] New Charlie website....with written material by Charlie.

2007-01-13 Thread llundrub
One thing you can say about Charlie, he was not a non-dualist!

- Original Message - 
From: "wmurphy77" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 10:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] New Charlie websitewith written material by 

> http://www.maharishiphotos.com/index.html May have already been posted
> heregood written lectures by Charlie.
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Ken Wilber's crisis

2007-01-13 Thread Rick Archer
The whole story: http://www.kenwilber.com/blog/show/214 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-13 Thread Vaj

On Jan 13, 2007, at 5:15 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

If you've never seen a Chapman Stick or are a fan
of two-hand hammering, do check out the great Fergus
Marsh (best Stick player I've ever seen). You can see
a little of his work (although it's mainly lightweight
accompaniment) with the Steve Bell band at:


In earlier BC when they started using Chapman stick I always thought  
it was a tasteful copy of the then King Crimson, which they were  
obviously inspired by (as were many other musicians). So in that vein  
I've been most impressed by the Stick playing of Tony Levin, but Trey  
Gunn is also great. Here's an example of his playing with King  
Crimson on The Construktion of Light:


The song really picks up at 3:35, vocals don't come in till about  
6:15 and sometime after that Gunn actually takes his Warr Guitar, a  
2nd generation stick, and plays it in some holder he has, much like a  
piano. Great lyrics.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread Vaj

On Jan 13, 2007, at 10:03 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Alex Stanley worote:

If locking out 3rd party aps doesn't kill the iPhone, keeping it
chained to the country's worst wireless carrier surely will. If
they can't come to an agreement with Cisco over the name, they
may as well just rename it NewtonPhone.

Microsoft is coming out with an 'iPhone-killer' - they may call it the
'Phune' - I don't know.

Read a review by someone who actually got their hands on an iPhone: "A
day after Steve Jobs unveiled the Apple iPhone during his Macworld
Expo keynote on Tuesday morning, I actually got my hands on one."

Read more:

'First Look: Apple's iPhone Truly Is a Revelation'
By Cade Metz
Fox News, January 12, 2007

The sad thing though may be if the iPhone stalls introduction of a  
wide-screen iPod, which would be hugely popular. They may end up  
shooting themselves in the foot otherwise. After all, it's been a  
while since a new iPod model.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> off_world_beings wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across the 
 country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin and 
 reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
>>> Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
>>> They compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something 
>>> that should have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. 
>>> Some ok acting though.
>> Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth seeing.  
>> What were you drinking?
> When I saw it? I was in Dublin, so Guinness, of course. :-)
> It was a pretty interesting film, especially seen there,
> where one could really *feel* the power of its vision of
> one possible future for Great Britain, in which immigrants
> were rounded up, put into detention camps, and sent "home."
> Glad to see it's getting noticed by critics and audiences
> now that it's finally out on a larger scale. It's a ballsy
> film.
Plus I liked the potshots made at the "dumbass war" which was still 
going on in the future as the Orwellian crew wants it to be.  Must not 
have been enough robots and spaceships for some people.  Ah, but did you 
notice they have 24:9 tvs and  computer monitors?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yup, agni mantras can be quite heating. Some people can take them and
>> some can't. Not a very good idea to use them in techniques for the
> masses.>>>
> Why not?
> No matter what you do, when you get enlightened you will have to face
> this.
> http://tinyurl.com/sz7fg 
> Get ready.
> img src="http://www.activereviews.com/screens/383/Balrog_Screenshot.jpg";
> alt="" border="0">
> OffWorld
Agni mantras are heating so some folks will feel exactly like that after 
meditating.  :)

Then the day after they feel like a cinder.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Other than Cisco's lawsuit over the name:
>> http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/12/0430200&from=rss
>> Sounds like Apple went its own merry way without input from developers 
>> and people who have developed software for phones using the Windows 
>> Mobile and Palm platforms.   Both platforms learned early on that 
>> developers were not going to develop special versions that ran on the 
>> secured phone side so there are two OS's on them one for the phone and 
>> one for apps.
> If locking out 3rd party aps doesn't kill the iPhone, keeping it
> chained to the country's worst wireless carrier surely will. If they
> can't come to an agreement with Cisco over the name, they may as well
> just rename it NewtonPhone.
Is there any such thing as a good wireless carrier?  They're all kinda 
like cable TV companies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread Vaj

On Jan 13, 2007, at 12:49 PM, Vaj wrote:

'First Look: Apple's iPhone Truly Is a Revelation'
By Cade Metz
Fox News, January 12, 2007

The sad thing though may be if the iPhone stalls introduction of a  
wide-screen iPod, which would be hugely popular. They may end up  
shooting themselves in the foot otherwise. After all, it's been a  
while since a new iPod model.

Here's a nice, brief demo of the iPhone by Phil Schiller of Apple.  
"Coverflow" is a feature also found in the new iTunes (7.x.x):

A Closer Look At The iPhone


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> off_world_beings wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across 
> the 
 country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin 
> and 
 reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
>>> Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
> They 
>>> compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something that 
> should 
>>> have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. Some ok acting 
> though.
>>> OffWorld
>> Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth seeing.  
> What 
>> were you drinking?>>
> Its really not that good and is terrible compared to Blade Runner 
> which it has been compared to. It is mediocre.
> Maybe being British one is put off by it more because you are used 
> to the culture, and there were TV series a lot like that on British 
> TV growing up.
> A bit like the movie "The Queen" is very popular here in the States, 
> but I found it so so.
> OffWorld
Not enough robots or spaceships?  :)   I idea of third world Britain was 
kind of a hoot.  And then they took potshots at the "dumbass war" which 
is still going on in the future.

[FairfieldLife] Chronic neck pain due to TM....

2007-01-13 Thread wmurphy77
One of the dangerous side effects of TM is chronic neck pain if not
handled properly. When during TM if you fall asleep sitting, the head
will fall towards the chest, *this is a very dangerous situation*.
Over time if the head is not supported by a neck pillow or brace of
some kind you will develope chronic neck pain!!

MMY has mentioned this verbally in one of his lectures but to my
knowledge it is still NOT in the checking notes which should be
imperative it be there!

I am sure many have suffered this unexpected side effect of TM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> off_world_beings wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across the 
 country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin and 
 reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
>>> Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
>>> They compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something 
>>> that should have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. 
>>> Some ok acting though.
>> Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth seeing.  
>> What were you drinking?
> When I saw it? I was in Dublin, so Guinness, of course. :-)
> It was a pretty interesting film, especially seen there,
> where one could really *feel* the power of its vision of
> one possible future for Great Britain, in which immigrants
> were rounded up, put into detention camps, and sent "home."
> Glad to see it's getting noticed by critics and audiences
> now that it's finally out on a larger scale. It's a ballsy
> film.
I also finally watched "The Celestine Prophecy" on DVD which is a 
actually better than the book which I felt was a rather amateurish 
attempt and could never understand its popularity.  The core of the 
story is very tantric of course and better explained in the film.  
Interesting cast with Anabelle Gish (X-Files, Brotherhood), Sarah Wayne 
Callies (Prison Break), Jurgen Prochnow, and Hector Elizondo.   Producer 
Barnet Bain (What Dreams May Come) probably helped make more sense out 
of the book.   Still the film is a bit preachy.

Also at the theater I saw the preview for the film "The Number 23" with 
Jim Carrey doing a dramatic role in a thriller.  Looks interesting:

[FairfieldLife] YouTube - The Stuart Davis Show - Episode 6

2007-01-13 Thread Rick Archer

Re: [FairfieldLife] Chronic neck pain due to TM....

2007-01-13 Thread Vaj

On Jan 13, 2007, at 1:11 PM, wmurphy77 wrote:

One of the dangerous side effects of TM is chronic neck pain if not
handled properly. When during TM if you fall asleep sitting, the head
will fall towards the chest, *this is a very dangerous situation*.
Over time if the head is not supported by a neck pillow or brace of
some kind you will develope chronic neck pain!!

MMY has mentioned this verbally in one of his lectures but to my
knowledge it is still NOT in the checking notes which should be
imperative it be there!

I am sure many have suffered this unexpected side effect of TM.

I had an old neck injury (probably a bad sprain) from high school  
when someone had done a "basketball throw" the length of the court  
and it hit my head from the side, whiplashing it. For years my head  
would snap violently during TM and sutra practice. Eventually during  
shavasana I would get these loud humming and roaring sounds coming  
from this same spot. After some massage therapy and the intense  
shakti, it slowly healed the old injury to the point that it's gone  
after years of neck and back spasms. So it can also heal various  
maladies IME.

Re: [FairfieldLife] YouTube - The Stuart Davis Show - Episode 6

2007-01-13 Thread Vaj

On Jan 13, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Rick Archer wrote:


I think I ruptured my spleen laughing!

Stu comes to Iowa often on tour. His song "Kid Mystic" contains a  
vague allusion to the TMSP. If anyone in FF or anywhere gets to see  
him live, I'd love to hear a review!

[FairfieldLife] Doomsday clock to move closer to nuclear Armageddon

2007-01-13 Thread suziezuzie
Doomsday clock to move closer to nuclear Armageddon Sat Jan 13, 12:33 

CHICAGO (AFP) - The world is inching closer to nuclear Armageddon, a 
group of prominent scientists and security experts said. 

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has kept a Doomsday clock since 
1947 as a reminder of the dangers of nuclear proliferation.

The clock will be moved forward Wednesday at simultaneous events in 
Washington and London whose speakers will include physicist Stephen 
Hawking, the Chicago-based periodical said in a statement.

The Bulletin warned that the world had entered a "Second Nuclear Age 
marked by grave threats."

It cited the nuclear ambitions ofIran andNorth Korea; 
escalating terrorism; unsecured nuclear materials in Russia and 
elsewhere, the continuing "launch-ready" status of 2,000 of the 
25,000 nuclear weapons held by the United States and Russia, and "new 
pressure from climate change for expanded civilian nuclear power that 
could increase proliferation risks."

First set at seven minutes to midnight -- a phrase that has become 
part of pop culture -- the clock has been moved 17 times in response 
to global events.

The most recent shift was in 2002 when it moved two minutes forward 
because the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile 
Treaty and terrorists were known to be seeking nuclear and biological 

It currently stands once again at seven minutes to midnight, the 
closest to danger since the end of the Cold War.

Founded in 1945 by scientists who had helped develop the atomic bomb 
and were deeply concerned about the use of nuclear weapons, the 
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists counts 17 Nobel laureates among its 
boards of directors and sponsors.

Here are the dates and reasons for previous changes:

- 2002: Seven minutes to midnight

The United States rejects a series of arms control treaties and 
announces it will withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. 
Terrorists seek to acquire and use nuclear and biological weapons.

- 1998: Nine minutes to midnight

India and Pakistan "go public" with nuclear tests. The United States 
and Russia cannot agree on further deep reductions in their nuclear 

- 1995: Fourteen minutes to midnight

Further arms reductions stall while global military spending 
continues at Cold War levels. Risks of nuclear "leakage" from poorly 
guarded former Soviet facilities increase.

- 1991: Seventeen minutes to midnight

The United States and the Soviet Union sign the long-stalled 
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and announce further 
unilateral cuts in tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. 

- 1990: Ten minutes to midnight 

The Cold War ends as the Iron Curtain falls. 

- 1988: Six minutes to midnight 

The United States and the Soviet Union sign a treaty to eliminate 
intermediate-range nuclear forces; superpower relations improve; more 
nations actively oppose nuclear weapons. 

- 1984: Three minutes to midnight 

The arms race accelerates. 

- 1981: Four minutes to midnight 

Both superpowers develop more weapons for fighting a nuclear war. 
Terrorist actions, repression of human rights, and conflicts 
inAfghanistan, Poland and South Africa add to world tension. 

- 1980: Seven minutes to midnight 

The deadlock in US-Soviet arms talks continues; nationalistic wars 
and terrorist actions increase; the gulf between rich and poor 
nations grows wider. 

- 1974: Nine minutes to midnight 

SALT talks reach an impasse; India develops a nuclear weapon. 

- 1972: Twelve minutes to midnight 

The United States and the Soviet Union sign the first Strategic Arms 
Limitation Treaty and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. 

- 1969: Ten minutes to midnight 

The US Senate ratifies the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 

- 1968: Seven minutes to midnight 

France and China acquire nuclear weapons; wars rage in the Middle 
East, the Indian subcontinent, and Vietnam; world military spending 
increases while development funds shrink. 

- 1963: Twelve minutes to midnight 

The US and Soviet signing of the Partial Test Ban Treaty "provides 
the first tangible confirmation of what has been the Bulletin's 
conviction in recent years -- that a new cohesive force has entered 
the interplay of forces shaping the fate of mankind." 

- 1960: Seven minutes to midnight 

Growing public understanding that nuclear weapons made war between 
the major powers irrational amid greater international scientific 
cooperation and efforts to aid poor nations. 

- 1953: Two minutes to midnight 

The United States and the Soviet Union test thermonuclear devices 
within nine months of one another. 

- 1949: Three minutes to midnight 

The Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb. 

- 1947: Seven minutes to midnight 

The clock first appears on the Bulletin cover as a symbol of nuclear 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread suziezuzie
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 

> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation 
> Self 
> > > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude 
> Cosmic 
> > > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that 
> has 
> > > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > It is the beginning of CC.
> > >
> > 
> > The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological 
> thing. CC isn't the same.
> >
> Cosmic Consciousness means that one lives 24/7 one's real nature, 
> bliss consciousness, and that phenomenal reality, including the 
> is experienced as separate from consciousness, although the 
> relationship is friendly. It is only in Unity Consciousness that 
> sense of duality is ended -- one sees a tree as a tree, but the 
> of it's being oneself is dominant.

The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a physical-
limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside the 
body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since the 
Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer to 'not 
connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a different 
point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out of 
the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a denser 
(astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 

RE: [FairfieldLife] YouTube - The Stuart Davis Show - Episode 6

2007-01-13 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 12:40 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] YouTube - The Stuart Davis Show - Episode 6

On Jan 13, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Rick Archer wrote:




I think I ruptured my spleen laughing!


Stu comes to Iowa often on tour. His song "Kid Mystic" contains a vague
allusion to the TMSP. If anyone in FF or anywhere gets to see him live, I'd
love to hear a review!


Those guys looked so similar. Was it the same guy or three different guys? 

[FairfieldLife] the ordinary man in the streets can simply not desire such a thing...

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
MAHARISHI--"We will be raising together.  The Vedic
expression of this is: Saha nav avatu - be all of us together.  And
in this togetherness of this simplest form of awareness is the seed
of immortality.  So we'll all be together.  Saha nav avatu.  Saha nau
bhunaktu - let us eat together, let's experience together.  In
togetherness we'll fulfill ourselves.  Saha nav avatu - Saha nau
bhunaktu - Saha viryam karavavahai.  Let us be vital together.  In
togetherness, in coherence, is vitality.  And in this vitality is the
seed of invincibility, immortality, all possibilities.  Saha nav
avatu - Saha nau bhunaktu - Saha viryam karavavahai - Tejasvi nav
adhitam astu - let's be radiating truth - let's be radiating the
light of life.  Tejasvi nav adhitam astu - all together we radiate
life.  Ma vidvisavahai _ Never we shall denounce anyone.  Never we
shall entertain any negativity from anyone.  No conflicts in our
families, n conflicts in our thinking, in our behavior.  Ma
vidvisavahai.  We will not create turbulence anywhere.  We will not
doubt anything.  Ma vidvisavahai.  It's a very great teaching to
maintain togetherness.  And in togetherness is maintenance of
relationship..  And in this is the maintenance of infinite
correlation value, which is the level of immortality.  In
togetherness is vitality, in togetherness is that value of infinite
coherence and therefore we will never be seperated.  A great teaching
for all times.

  One group - we are a very powerful group, because we function from
that level of invincibility.  Immortality - this is our ground - and
therefore we are most powerful, we are invincible.  But invincible we
are as a group.  And therefore we shall not allow a taint of
difference to become predominant.  In our group, some are more
intelligent, some are less intelligent, but these more or less are
relative values.  Our field of existence is not relative, is non-
relative, and therefore we do not promote differences.  We are like
the 5 fingers:  one is little thicker, one is little thinner, one is
little tinier, one is little taller.  All the 5 have different
features, but all together make a grip.  If they were alike, the grip
would not be a grip.  We have the grip of pure knowledge - the
ability to fulfill all our desires.  Now we are siiting with some
desires, desires of such great magnitude, that the ordinary man in
the streets can simply not desire such a thing.  It's only
the Governors of the Age of Enlightenment, who have the technique to
function from the field of all possibilities.  They only can desire.
And when we are in this position of desiring, we have that position,
because we know how to desire within ourselves, so that deep in
ourselves in the process of desiring we go - and the desire will be

  We are in a very lucky position, a very fortunate and lucky
position, that we are gaining ground on that level of performance
that does not require energy or effort.  In an effortless way, on
which we have mastery now, the effortless natural path of turning
inside, we desire - and all the laws of nature will be working for us
to fulfill that desire.  So when we have that status, that every wish
of ours will be fulfilled, we will have wishes that bring peace,
prosperity, health in the direction of immortality, all possibilities
to every nation, to every family, and to members of every family.
That is our capability, because we have known how to function from
that level of infinite correlation, where the information flows
unrestricted.  Our ground is the slippery ground of no friction, a
frictionless flow.  This is our field of performance - and this is
the reason, why we can have any wish and we will collectively come
out with its fulfillment.  Ma vidvisavahai - we will
not entertain any differences.  We will sympathize with the abilities
of the incapables.  Sympathize, sympathy.  If our neighbor can't do
it, we certainly have the ability to do it, we'll do it.  Help thy
neighbor is a natural functioning of the laws of nature.  All the
laws of nature are in our favour and we are growing more and more in
the ability to utilize the whole potential of nature, the infinite
potential of natural law for the fulfillment of our desires.

  That is the reason why we want to have expressed all our desires in
our family and then we have it in our hearts.  And we'll see that all
the desires get fulfilled.  MA VIDVISAVAHAI is the secret..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" 
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation 
> of 
> > Self 
> > > > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude 
> to 
> > Cosmic 
> > > > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology 
> > has 
> > > > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > It is the beginning of CC.
> > > >
> > > 
> > 
> > > The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological 
> > thing. CC isn't the same.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cosmic Consciousness means that one lives 24/7 one's real nature, 
> > bliss consciousness, and that phenomenal reality, including the 
> body, 
> > is experienced as separate from consciousness, although the 
> > relationship is friendly. It is only in Unity Consciousness that 
> this 
> > sense of duality is ended -- one sees a tree as a tree, but the 
> sense 
> > of it's being oneself is dominant.
> >
> The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a physical-
> limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside the 
> body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
> relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since 
> Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer 
to 'not 
> connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a 
> point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out of 
> the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a 
> (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 

> Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> distance.

If I'm watching TV, I'm doing do so from a distance. If I'm watching 
a baseball game at the park, I'm doing so from a distance. The 
experience of witnessing is an experience of watching from a 
distance, and the reason why one begins to feel distanced from the 
body as one grows in consciousness is because one is no longer 
overwhelmed (due to limited awareness) by physical phenomena. 
Ultimately, when Cosmic Consciousness is gained, and one is a witness 
to creation all the time and permanently, even the death of the body, 
ordinarily an overwhelming experience, has no meaning.

[FairfieldLife] Life has to be unlimited

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
12 January, 2007 

In a global celebration by satellite television and the Internet, His 
Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inaugurated the Year of Capital of 
Global Raam Raj. 

Today Maharishi presided over the worldwide inauguration of the Year 
of Capital of Global Raam Raj—to be established in the Brahmasthan of 
India, geographical centre of India, by the end of July on Guru 
Purnima Day. 

>From this centre of world peace, 16,000 Vedic Pandits will create an 
influence of peace, progress, and prosperity for every nation, 
through their daily routine of Yoga and Yagya—timeless procedures 
expressing the Will of God to restore balance in Nature and create 
Heaven on Earth for all generations to come. 

Following the global Puja to Shri Guru Dev, Maharishi's Master, 
Maharishi declared that our administrator of Raam Raj, His Majesty 
Maharaja Nader Raam, First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country of 
World Peace, is now deeply over-flooded with the blessings of Guru 
Dev. Just as rivers come to irrigate a whole field, these blessings 
of Total Knowledge, the Constitution of the Universe, have flowed 
onto Raja Raam from Guru Dev and through Raja Raam to all of us and 
to the whole world. 

Today Maharishi said that the administration of life in the world 
will now be complete for everyone. Today the whole field of 
experience has blossomed into that richness of Total Knowledge that 
every aspect of life, small or big, here, there, and everywhere, will 
be flooded with bliss. 

Life has the potential of the ocean and it can never be satisfied 
with drops, or flowing in streams; it has to be unlimited, unbounded, 
unfathomable bliss, totality of life. 

Maharishi explained that Raam Raj is the administration of totality. 
Totality is in all expressions of life—material, mental, ego, and 
cosmic ego, and in all the variety of human behaviour and the world. 
The creativity and sustenance of every level of life is included in 
the totality. Life is a complete whole, and that system of 
administration that educates the people to live life in its complete 
wholeness is the administration of Brahm, totality, Raam Raj. 

Vedic history, Maharishi said, presents that reign of Raam—a time of 
ideal life on earth—which now, with the Grace of Guru Dev, is coming 
up to be the living reality of all mankind through the administration 
of our dear Maharaja Nader Raam, who has been blessed with Guru Dev's 
blessing in order to have the total field of life on earth in terms 
of the total potential of life, Bliss Consciousness. 

This potential of everything is human potential, divine potential, 
the Will of God. To awaken this reality of life in everyone born on 
earth will be the administration of Maharaja Raja Raam. 

Administrators should be competent to bestow anything to anyone who 
desires anything—and anything is a possibility in the transcendental, 
unmanifest field. In the most silent avenue of one's Being, 
everything is a possibility, and this is the state of life that will 
be opened for everyone in the world, Maharishi said. 

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

RE: [FairfieldLife] the ordinary man in the streets can simply not desire such a thing...

2007-01-13 Thread Rick Archer
By setting the Governors up as superior to the "ordinary man in the streets"
he is implying that from his perspective, the world is not my family.


Rick Archer
1108 South B Street
Fairfield, IA 52556
Phone: (641) 472-9336
Fax: (914) 470-9336


size=2 width="100%" align=center tabindex=-1> 

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of bob_brigante
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 4:20 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] the ordinary man in the streets can simply not
desire such a thing...


MAHARISHI--"We will be raising together. The Vedic
expression of this is: Saha nav avatu - be all of us together. And
in this togetherness of this simplest form of awareness is the seed
of immortality. So we'll all be together. Saha nav avatu. Saha nau
bhunaktu - let us eat together, let's experience together. In
togetherness we'll fulfill ourselves. Saha nav avatu - Saha nau
bhunaktu - Saha viryam karavavahai. Let us be vital together. In
togetherness, in coherence, is vitality. And in this vitality is the
seed of invincibility, immortality, all possibilities. Saha nav
avatu - Saha nau bhunaktu - Saha viryam karavavahai - Tejasvi nav
adhitam astu - let's be radiating truth - let's be radiating the
light of life. Tejasvi nav adhitam astu - all together we radiate
life. Ma vidvisavahai _ Never we shall denounce anyone. Never we
shall entertain any negativity from anyone. No conflicts in our
families, n conflicts in our thinking, in our behavior. Ma
vidvisavahai. We will not create turbulence anywhere. We will not
doubt anything. Ma vidvisavahai. It's a very great teaching to
maintain togetherness. And in togetherness is maintenance of
relationship.. And in this is the maintenance of infinite
correlation value, which is the level of immortality. In
togetherness is vitality, in togetherness is that value of infinite
coherence and therefore we will never be seperated. A great teaching
for all times.

One group - we are a very powerful group, because we function from
that level of invincibility. Immortality - this is our ground - and
therefore we are most powerful, we are invincible. But invincible we
are as a group. And therefore we shall not allow a taint of
difference to become predominant. In our group, some are more
intelligent, some are less intelligent, but these more or less are
relative values. Our field of existence is not relative, is non-
relative, and therefore we do not promote differences. We are like
the 5 fingers: one is little thicker, one is little thinner, one is
little tinier, one is little taller. All the 5 have different
features, but all together make a grip. If they were alike, the grip
would not be a grip. We have the grip of pure knowledge - the
ability to fulfill all our desires. Now we are siiting with some
desires, desires of such great magnitude, that the ordinary man in
the streets can simply not desire such a thing. It's only
the Governors of the Age of Enlightenment, who have the technique to
function from the field of all possibilities. They only can desire.
And when we are in this position of desiring, we have that position,
because we know how to desire within ourselves, so that deep in
ourselves in the process of desiring we go - and the desire will be

We are in a very lucky position, a very fortunate and lucky
position, that we are gaining ground on that level of performance
that does not require energy or effort. In an effortless way, on
which we have mastery now, the effortless natural path of turning
inside, we desire - and all the laws of nature will be working for us
to fulfill that desire. So when we have that status, that every wish
of ours will be fulfilled, we will have wishes that bring peace,
prosperity, health in the direction of immortality, all possibilities
to every nation, to every family, and to members of every family.
That is our capability, because we have known how to function from
that level of infinite correlation, where the information flows
unrestricted. Our ground is the slippery ground of no friction, a
frictionless flow. This is our field of performance - and this is
the reason, why we can have any wish and we will collectively come
out with its fulfillment. Ma vidvisavahai - we will
not entertain any differences. We will sympathize with the abilities
of the incapables. Sympathize, sympathy. If our neighbor can't do
it, we certainly have the ability to do it, we'll do it. Help thy
neighbor is a natural functioning of the laws of nature. All the
laws of nature are in our favour and we are growing more and more in
the ability to utilize the whole potential of nature, the infinite
potential of natural law for the fulfillment of our desires.

That is the reason why we want to have expressed all our desires in
our family and then we have it in our hearts. And we'll see that all
the desi

[FairfieldLife] Re: the ordinary man in the streets can simply not desire such a thing...

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By setting the Governors up as superior to the "ordinary man in the 
> he is implying that from his perspective, the world is not my 

Your usual careful reading -- not! MMY says that in order to function 
as a hand, some fingers need to be short, some long, so we don't 
worry about the incapacity of most people to understand infinite 
life, we just go ahead and do what is naturally best for human life:

> We will sympathize with the abilities
> of the incapables. Sympathize, sympathy. If our neighbor can't do
> it, we certainly have the ability to do it, we'll do it. Help thy
> neighbor is a natural functioning of the laws of nature. All the
> laws of nature are in our favour and we are growing more and more in
> the ability to utilize the whole potential of nature, the infinite
> potential of natural law for the fulfillment of our desires.
> In our group, some are more
> intelligent, some are less intelligent, but these more or less are
> relative values. Our field of existence is not relative, is non-
> relative, and therefore we do not promote differences. We are like
> the 5 fingers: one is little thicker, one is little thinner, one is
> little tinier, one is little taller. All the 5 have different
> features, but all together make a grip. If they were alike, the grip
> would not be a grip. We have the grip of pure knowledge - the
> ability to fulfill all our desires. Now we are siiting with some
> desires, desires of such great magnitude, that the ordinary man in
> the streets can simply not desire such a thing. It's only
> the Governors of the Age of Enlightenment, who have the technique to
> function from the field of all possibilities. They only can desire.
> And when we are in this position of desiring, we have that position,
> because we know how to desire within ourselves, so that deep in
> ourselves in the process of desiring we go - and the desire will be
> fulfilled.

> Rick Archer
> SearchSummit
> 1108 South B Street
> Fairfield, IA 52556
> Phone: (641) 472-9336
> Fax: (914) 470-9336
> http://searchsummit.com
>   _  
> size=2 width="100%" align=center tabindex=-1> 
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of bob_brigante
> Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 4:20 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] the ordinary man in the streets can simply 
> desire such a thing...
> MAHARISHI--"We will be raising together. The Vedic
> expression of this is: Saha nav avatu - be all of us together. And
> in this togetherness of this simplest form of awareness is the seed
> of immortality. So we'll all be together. Saha nav avatu. Saha nau
> bhunaktu - let us eat together, let's experience together. In
> togetherness we'll fulfill ourselves. Saha nav avatu - Saha nau
> bhunaktu - Saha viryam karavavahai. Let us be vital together. In
> togetherness, in coherence, is vitality. And in this vitality is the
> seed of invincibility, immortality, all possibilities. Saha nav
> avatu - Saha nau bhunaktu - Saha viryam karavavahai - Tejasvi nav
> adhitam astu - let's be radiating truth - let's be radiating the
> light of life. Tejasvi nav adhitam astu - all together we radiate
> life. Ma vidvisavahai _ Never we shall denounce anyone. Never we
> shall entertain any negativity from anyone. No conflicts in our
> families, n conflicts in our thinking, in our behavior. Ma
> vidvisavahai. We will not create turbulence anywhere. We will not
> doubt anything. Ma vidvisavahai. It's a very great teaching to
> maintain togetherness. And in togetherness is maintenance of
> relationship.. And in this is the maintenance of infinite
> correlation value, which is the level of immortality. In
> togetherness is vitality, in togetherness is that value of infinite
> coherence and therefore we will never be seperated. A great teaching
> for all times.
> One group - we are a very powerful group, because we function from
> that level of invincibility. Immortality - this is our ground - and
> therefore we are most powerful, we are invincible. But invincible we
> are as a group. And therefore we shall not allow a taint of
> difference to become predominant. In our group, some are more
> intelligent, some are less intelligent, but these more or less are
> relative values. Our field of existence is not relative, is non-
> relative, and therefore we do not promote differences. We are like
> the 5 fingers: one is little thicker, one is little thinner, one is
> little tinier, one is little taller. All the 5 have different
> features, but all together make a grip. If they were alike, the grip
> would not be a grip. We have the grip of pure knowledge - the
> ability to fulfill all our desires. Now we are siiting with some
> desires, desires of such great magnitude,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread suziezuzie

> > The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a 
> > limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside 
> > body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
> > relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since 
> the 
> > Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> > description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer 
> to 'not 
> > connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a 
> different 
> > point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out 
> > the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a 
> denser 
> > (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
> > Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> > distance.
> >
> If I'm watching TV, I'm doing do so from a distance. If I'm 
> a baseball game at the park, I'm doing so from a distance. The 
> experience of witnessing is an experience of watching from a 
> distance, and the reason why one begins to feel distanced from the 
> body as one grows in consciousness is because one is no longer 
> overwhelmed (due to limited awareness) by physical phenomena. 
> Ultimately, when Cosmic Consciousness is gained, and one is a 
> to creation all the time and permanently, even the death of the 
> ordinarily an overwhelming experience, has no meaning.

It doesn't matter why we witness, "because one is no longer 
overwhelmed by physical phenomena" or sense perception. You're hung 
up on the words, 'outside' and 'distance'. From the perspective of 
the unlocalised Self, there is no outside or distance. It witnesses 
Itself as not connected. The same is said about Krishna, while 
creating the universe He is uninvolved, not from a distance or 
outside his creation, but on the level of the Absolute, not involved. 
There are no considerations of outside or distance with regards to 
Atma, Self or the Absolute or Brahman. They exist everywhere and 
nowhere--The Witness of it's own creation. The scripture that you 
quote uses the words outside or distance merely as a convenience to 
convey a concept that is beyond description, the idea of Witnessing.  

[FairfieldLife] My dear friend Robert Dee pass away this morning

2007-01-13 Thread sgrayatlarge
I was debating on whether I should say anything about Bob's death at 
this early stage, however, some if not many of you may have known 
Bob when he was at MIU in the late 70's as well as TTC and 6 month 
course, so I thought I'd share the sad news. For many years,Bob was 
in a lot of physical pain and life was difficult for him. Thankfully 
he was under his family's care for the past 7 years. This past week 
he flew out to California for a very short visit and it was a gift 
to spent some time with him. The weather was quite warm and he got 
to spend a few days in Santa Barbara, his most favorite place on the 

He loved TM, he loved Maharishi, he was definitely part of the old 
school, fondly reminiscing of long rounding in Switzerland, 
teaching, and spending a little time with MMY. 

A little tough to say anything more, the funeral will be a family 
matter in Rhode Islan, if you had a connection with Bob, perhaps a 
little prayer would be nice, and please let your friends who may 
know him what happened. If I hear any more news I will be sure to 
pass it along.

I will miss him dearly, he was a loyal friend, smart beyond belief, 
and a decent human being who lived a full albeit shortened life.



RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: the ordinary man in the streets can simply not desire such a thing...

2007-01-13 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of bob_brigante
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:34 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: the ordinary man in the streets can simply not
desire such a thing...


--- In FairfieldLife@ 
yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By setting the Governors up as superior to the "ordinary man in the 
> he is implying that from his perspective, the world is not my 

Your usual careful reading -- not! MMY says that in order to function 
as a hand, some fingers need to be short, some long, so we don't 
worry about the incapacity of most people to understand infinite 
life, we just go ahead and do what is naturally best for human life:


My usual is no reading at all. But I admit to having skimmed it. But I
gathered that the finger analogy referred to the levels of intelligence
among the Governors, and that the man in the street wasn't on the hand.
Maybe toes.

[FairfieldLife] Buddhists release birds infected with avian flu

2007-01-13 Thread authfriend
Buddhists free birds despite flu worries

By DIKKY SINN, Associated Press Writer
Sat Jan 13, 1:02 PM ET
Something was strange about the little brown bird found dead from 
bird flu in one of Hong Kong's busiest shopping districts.

The scaly breasted munia usually lives in rural areas of the 
territory. So how did it and five others come to be in a bustling 
urban district — raising the threat of exposing residents and 
tourists to the virus?

Experts think the birds may have been used in a Buddhist ritual that 
frees hundreds of birds to improve karma. So, with worries rising in 
Asia about a new outbreak of bird flu, officials are urging that the 
religious practice be stopped to protect public health

The scaly breasted munia is native to Hong Kong, but is usually found 
in tussocks in rural areas, said Lew Young, a manager at the Chinese 
territory's Mai Po bird sanctuary

The birds are commonly used in the Buddhist ceremonies, Young added.

"They are usually transported to Hong Kong from the mainland in 
boxes. If one of the birds is sick, the rest are likely to be sick as 
well since they are crammed in one box," he said.

Aidia Chan, a postgraduate student in ecology who studied the 
releases for her thesis last year at Hong Kong University, said the 
frequency of releasing birds in Hong Kong is far more than had been 

She contacted 229 religious groups in the city and 48 admitted they 
released birds to seek blessings. The groups practice the ritual one 
to 18 times each year, releasing as many as 3,000 birds each time, 
she said.

"Based on the figures they gave me, I estimate they released a range 
of 400,000 to 600,000 birds in 2006," Chan said.

"There are also people who buy and release birds individually, and 
there's no way for me to quantify them, so there should be more other 
than these 48 groups," she said.

One Buddhist group said many of its followers had stopped releasing 
birds since the bird flu outbreak was reported in Hong Kong. 

"Some of the followers do not feel comfortable getting in touch with 
birds since bird flu cases were reported. They were worried the birds 
might be infected," said Winnie Lam, a spokeswoman for the Hong Kong 
Buddhist Cultural Association. 

Lam said the group used to free more than 1,000 birds at one time, 
but now release hundreds of fish into the sea each month. "We believe 
releasing life can build up one's benevolence and life belongs to the 
nature," she said. 

The Hong Kong government has called on the public not to free birds 
but it declines to comment whether it has considered a formal ban on 

Young said while releasing life is a virtuous deed, people should 
realize the birds are caught somewhere else before they can be 
released to perform the ritual. 

"It may take more than 150 (birds) to provide 100 birds" for 
releasing, Young said. "Many might have died before they were 
delivered in Hong Kong. So are they doing a good cause?"

(Yahoo News)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> off_world_beings wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> off_world_beings wrote:
> >> 
> >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  
> >>>   
> >>>   
>  "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across 
> > the 
> >   
>  country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin 
> > and 
> >   
>  reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
> >>> Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
> >>>   
> > They 
> >   
> >>> compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something that 
> >>>   
> > should 
> >   
> >>> have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. Some ok acting 
> >>>   
> > though.
> >   
> >>> OffWorld
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >> Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth 
> >> 
> > What 
> >   
> >> were you drinking?>>
> >> 
> >
> > Its really not that good and is terrible compared to Blade 
> > which it has been compared to. It is mediocre.
> > Maybe being British one is put off by it more because you are 
> > to the culture, and there were TV series a lot like that on 
> > TV growing up.
> >  
> > A bit like the movie "The Queen" is very popular here in the 
> > but I found it so so.
> >
> > OffWorld
> Not enough robots or spaceships?  :) >>

Nah, not enough of a story line, and not enough hot babes, plus 
there was endless stuff exactly like that on the BBC TV when I was 
growing up in Britain. Actually it was much better. 


  I idea of third world Britain was 
> kind of a hoot.  And then they took potshots at the "dumbass war" 
> is still going on in the future.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > off_world_beings wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  
> > >   
> > >> "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across 
> > >> country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin 
> > >> reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
> > >
> > > Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
> > > They compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something 
> > > that should have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. 
> > > Some ok acting though.
> >   
> > Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth 
> > What were you drinking?
> When I saw it? I was in Dublin, so Guinness, of course. :-)>>

I knew it !   
Quote: "Barry must have been drunk when he saw it." -- OffWorld   
Americans can't handle their Guinness.

> It was a pretty interesting film, especially seen there,
> where one could really *feel* the power of its vision of
> one possible future for Great Britain, in which immigrants
> were rounded up, put into detention camps, and sent "home.">>

It has been done a dozen times on BBC TV series, only better.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> off_world_beings wrote:
> >> 
> >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  
> >>>   
> >>>   
>  "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across 
>  country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin 
>  reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
> >>> Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
> >>> They compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something 
> >>> that should have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. 
> >>> Some ok acting though.
> >>>   
> >>   
> >> Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth 
> >> What were you drinking?
> >> 
> >
> > When I saw it? I was in Dublin, so Guinness, of course. :-)
> >
> > It was a pretty interesting film, especially seen there,
> > where one could really *feel* the power of its vision of
> > one possible future for Great Britain, in which immigrants
> > were rounded up, put into detention camps, and sent "home."
> >
> > Glad to see it's getting noticed by critics and audiences
> > now that it's finally out on a larger scale. It's a ballsy
> > film.
> Plus I liked the potshots made at the "dumbass war" which was 
> going on in the future as the Orwellian crew wants it to be.  Must 
> have been enough robots and spaceships for some people. >>>

But you must have liked all the endless violence and black guys with 
english accents.

I thought the part with the soldiers all standing dumbfounded and 
silent when the baby emerged from the building with mother, then 
they went on fighting and paying no attention or trying to help the 
miracle baby was really dumb and more like BBC bad TV. Plus all that 
stuff about a post-distaster Britain and old cars and people living 
out in obscure farms while the cities smolder has been done a dozen 
times on BBC TV in the past. It is just because it seems exotic to 
you. It is a crap movie, but with some good acting and A LOT of 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie and DVD Heads Up

2007-01-13 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> TurquoiseB wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 off_world_beings wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  
> wrote:
>> "Children of Men" opened this last weekend in theaters across 
> the 
>> country.  This is a movie that Barry saw last fall in Dublin 
> and 
>> reported here.  I plan to see it this week.>>
> Barry must have been drunk when he saw it. Its not very good. 
> They compared it to Blade Runner. No way. More like something 
> that should have been made for a BBC TV series. Pretty bad. 
> Some ok acting though.
 Great film!  I just returned from seeing it.  Well worth 
> seeing.  
 What were you drinking?
>>> When I saw it? I was in Dublin, so Guinness, of course. :-)
>>> It was a pretty interesting film, especially seen there,
>>> where one could really *feel* the power of its vision of
>>> one possible future for Great Britain, in which immigrants
>>> were rounded up, put into detention camps, and sent "home."
>>> Glad to see it's getting noticed by critics and audiences
>>> now that it's finally out on a larger scale. It's a ballsy
>>> film.
>> Plus I liked the potshots made at the "dumbass war" which was 
> still 
>> going on in the future as the Orwellian crew wants it to be.  Must 
> not 
>> have been enough robots and spaceships for some people. >>>
> But you must have liked all the endless violence and black guys with 
> english accents.
> I thought the part with the soldiers all standing dumbfounded and 
> silent when the baby emerged from the building with mother, then 
> they went on fighting and paying no attention or trying to help the 
> miracle baby was really dumb and more like BBC bad TV. Plus all that 
> stuff about a post-distaster Britain and old cars and people living 
> out in obscure farms while the cities smolder has been done a dozen 
> times on BBC TV in the past. It is just because it seems exotic to 
> you. It is a crap movie, but with some good acting and A LOT of 
> OffWorld
I'll be happy when the cable company starts carrying BBC shows in HD 
(now that BBC is going to do HD).   And I wish we would get the other 
BBC channel which I hear has better shows.  In fact I would like to see 
a lot more foreign television as US networks and stuffed shirts make 
their shows rather constrained.  Can't upset the people in Iowa.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a 
> physical-
> > > limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside 
> the 
> > > body because this is how we experience the world, subject-
> > > relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, 
> > the 
> > > Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> > > description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer 
> > to 'not 
> > > connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a 
> > different 
> > > point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being 
> of 
> > > the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a 
> > denser 
> > > (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
> > 
> > 
> > > Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> > > distance.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > If I'm watching TV, I'm doing do so from a distance. If I'm 
> watching 
> > a baseball game at the park, I'm doing so from a distance. The 
> > experience of witnessing is an experience of watching from a 
> > distance, and the reason why one begins to feel distanced from 
> > body as one grows in consciousness is because one is no longer 
> > overwhelmed (due to limited awareness) by physical phenomena. 
> > Ultimately, when Cosmic Consciousness is gained, and one is a 
> witness 
> > to creation all the time and permanently, even the death of the 
> body, 
> > ordinarily an overwhelming experience, has no meaning.

> It doesn't matter why we witness, "because one is no longer 
> overwhelmed by physical phenomena" or sense perception. You're hung 
> up on the words, 'outside' and 'distance'. From the perspective of 
> the unlocalised Self, there is no outside or distance. It witnesses 
> Itself as not connected. The same is said about Krishna, while 
> creating the universe He is uninvolved, not from a distance or 
> outside his creation, but on the level of the Absolute, not 
> There are no considerations of outside or distance with regards to 
> Atma, Self or the Absolute or Brahman. They exist everywhere and 
> nowhere--The Witness of it's own creation. The scripture that you 
> quote uses the words outside or distance merely as a convenience to 
> convey a concept that is beyond description, the idea of Witnessing.


The state of Cosmic Consciousness is not Brahman (Lord Krishna) or 
Unity Consciousness. 

In CC, there is perception of difference between oneself (infinite 
consciousness) and phenomenal reality, because although the awareness 
of Self is fully developed and cannot be lost, the senses are too 
limited to see the infinite.

 This situation is resolved in Unity Consciousness when the range of 
the senses extends to celestial values and one sees oneself in every 
object of perception.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-13 Thread hermandan0
Thanks for the encouragement Curtis! And congratulations on getting
your cd remastered.  I did not know Burnside's music before, so that
was a treat. I found some nice clips of him on You Tube.
I haven't tackled a slide yet, but I'll get there. 
If I wanted to email you privately is it best through your web site or
your screen name here at yahoo.com?
Thanks again. Cheers,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Hey HD,
> That makes me really happy to hear that you are playing Delta style. 
> It has given me so much joy in my life.  Are you playing any slide? 
> Here is a guy in Amsterdam with some video clip instruction of 3 of my
> favorite influences, R.L. Burnside with North Mississippi Hill style,
> Skip James from Bentonia Mississippi, in an open minor tuning, and
> finally some cool stuff from Mali.  This guy really has the right feel
> for the music I love.  Check out his whole site.
> http://www.joeppelt.net/workshopeng.html
> I just got my CD re-mastered and re-packaged, and it has been so warm
> here in D.C. I've been busking many days this Winter.  I am looking
> forward to a great new year in blues.
> Feel free to email me if I can point you towards any more resources. 
> The acoustic forum is great, I have learned a lot.  I now am playing
> on a saddle of fossilized mastodon tusk!  No kidding.  Those guys on
> the forum are hard core!
> Take care.
> Curtis
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0  wrote:
> >
> > Hey Curtis. Good to hear from you. Happy New Year!
> > Thanks for the links. They are both terrific. 
> > You inspired me to try to learn some Delta blues stuff, which is a lot
> > of fun--you're never too old to learn new guitar techniques as Bruce
> > Cockburn says--and I thank you for that. (Can't claim any great
> > proficiency but I'm having a good time.)
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > hd
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > Happy New Year everybody.  
> > > 
> > > Here is my favorite version of percussive guitar from Booker
> > > B.B. King, who is a cousin, says he created his unique vibrato to
> > > imitate his slide technique.  I play this song but the technique
> > > to leak into all sorts of other songs I play now.  It gets a big
> > > response. 
> > > http://youtube.com/watch?v=bsMpHHSLSlc
> > > 
> > > Vaj and Spraig may be interested in this link to my favorite
> > > guitar forum.  It is biased towards my early blues interests but I
> > > think you may dig it.
> > > http://tinyurl.com/t2ynt
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > On Jan 12, 2007, at 11:03 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > As an example, La Source du Lyson, written by Coste about 150
> > years  
> > > > > ago, includes short
> > > > > samples of slappig the fretted strings to produce special
> sounds.  
> > > > > There's a specific
> > > > > annotation in guitar sheet music and tablature for such a thing.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Not the same thing at all. I'm a classically trained guitarist,
> and  
> > > > this ain't *anything* like your example. In two hand technique
> your  
> > > > not merely slapping the strings, you're fretting legato type
> > passages  
> > > > with your right hand in extended slurring, hammer-ons and
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation 
> of 
> > Self 
> > > > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude 
> to 
> > Cosmic 
> > > > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that 
> > has 
> > > > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > It is the beginning of CC.
> > > >
> > > 
> > 
> > > The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological 
> > thing. CC isn't the same.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cosmic Consciousness means that one lives 24/7 one's real nature, 
> > bliss consciousness, and that phenomenal reality, including the 
> body, 
> > is experienced as separate from consciousness, although the 
> > relationship is friendly. It is only in Unity Consciousness that 
> this 
> > sense of duality is ended -- one sees a tree as a tree, but the 
> sense 
> > of it's being oneself is dominant.
> >
> The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a physical-
> limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside the 
> body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
> relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since the 
> Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer to 'not 
> connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a different 
> point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out of 
> the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a denser 
> (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
> Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> distance.

However, the disfunctional kind of witnessing found in the DSM-IV often speaks 
of having 
a viewpoint as though outside and above and/or behind the body with a definite 
sense of 
geographic location.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" 
> > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" 
> > 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation 
> > of 
> > > Self 
> > > > > > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude 
> > to 
> > > Cosmic 
> > > > > > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology 
> that 
> > > has 
> > > > > > nothing to do with enlightenment?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > It is the beginning of CC.
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > > The perception that you are outside your body is a pathological 
> > > thing. CC isn't the same.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Cosmic Consciousness means that one lives 24/7 one's real nature, 
> > > bliss consciousness, and that phenomenal reality, including the 
> > body, 
> > > is experienced as separate from consciousness, although the 
> > > relationship is friendly. It is only in Unity Consciousness that 
> > this 
> > > sense of duality is ended -- one sees a tree as a tree, but the 
> > sense 
> > > of it's being oneself is dominant.
> > >
> > 
> > The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a physical-
> > limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside the 
> > body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
> > relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since 
> the 
> > Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> > description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer 
> to 'not 
> > connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a 
> different 
> > point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out of 
> > the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a 
> denser 
> > (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
> > Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> > distance.
> >
> If I'm watching TV, I'm doing do so from a distance. If I'm watching 
> a baseball game at the park, I'm doing so from a distance. The 
> experience of witnessing is an experience of watching from a 
> distance, and the reason why one begins to feel distanced from the 
> body as one grows in consciousness is because one is no longer 
> overwhelmed (due to limited awareness) by physical phenomena. 
> Ultimately, when Cosmic Consciousness is gained, and one is a witness 
> to creation all the time and permanently, even the death of the body, 
> ordinarily an overwhelming experience, has no meaning.

Sounds less than CC-ish to me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: iPhone Showstopper

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 13, 2007, at 10:03 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Alex Stanley worote:
> >> If locking out 3rd party aps doesn't kill the iPhone, keeping it
> >> chained to the country's worst wireless carrier surely will. If
> >> they can't come to an agreement with Cisco over the name, they
> >> may as well just rename it NewtonPhone.
> >>
> > Microsoft is coming out with an 'iPhone-killer' - they may call it the
> > 'Phune' - I don't know.
> >
> > Read a review by someone who actually got their hands on an iPhone: "A
> > day after Steve Jobs unveiled the Apple iPhone during his Macworld
> > Expo keynote on Tuesday morning, I actually got my hands on one."
> >
> > Read more:
> >
> > 'First Look: Apple's iPhone Truly Is a Revelation'
> > By Cade Metz
> > Fox News, January 12, 2007
> > http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,243395,00.html
> The sad thing though may be if the iPhone stalls introduction of a  
> wide-screen iPod, which would be hugely popular. They may end up  
> shooting themselves in the foot otherwise. After all, it's been a  
> while since a new iPod model.

There may be a big-screen iPod in the works, but given that the iPhone is 
purely software-
based, in the long run, ALL the high-end iPods may end up being iPhones. By 
high-end, I 
mean $200-ish.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread Jonathan Chadwick

suziezuzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Ultimately, when Cosmic 
Consciousness is gained, and one is a 
witness to creation all the time and permanently, even the death of the 
body, ordinarily an overwhelming experience, has no meaning.

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 This is alot of nonsense.  If Jesus and Gurdjieff had a hard time with it, 
good luck.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Chronic neck pain due to TM....

2007-01-13 Thread Peter

--- Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 13, 2007, at 1:11 PM, wmurphy77 wrote:
> > One of the dangerous side effects of TM is chronic
> neck pain if not
> > handled properly. When during TM if you fall
> asleep sitting, the head
> > will fall towards the chest, *this is a very
> dangerous situation*.
> > Over time if the head is not supported by a neck
> pillow or brace of
> > some kind you will develope chronic neck pain!!
> >
> > MMY has mentioned this verbally in one of his
> lectures but to my
> > knowledge it is still NOT in the checking notes
> which should be
> > imperative it be there!
> >
> > I am sure many have suffered this unexpected side
> effect of TM.
> I had an old neck injury (probably a bad sprain)
> from high school  
> when someone had done a "basketball throw" the
> length of the court  
> and it hit my head from the side, whiplashing it.
> For years my head  
> would snap violently during TM and sutra practice.
> Eventually during  
> shavasana I would get these loud humming and roaring
> sounds coming  
> from this same spot. After some massage therapy and
> the intense  
> shakti, it slowly healed the old injury to the point
> that it's gone  
> after years of neck and back spasms. So it can also
> heal various  
> maladies IME.

I have some scoliosis in my upper spine and when I
meditate or sit very quietly my spine pops and cracks
all on its own. I showed my chiropractor and he
thought it was amazing that my spine would
spontaneously adjust itself. I told him it was pretty
standard for tmers with bad backs.


TV dinner still cooling? 
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

[FairfieldLife] The newest, latest initiative

2007-01-13 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear Meditators, Citizen Sidhas, and Governors,

On January 14th at 3:30 PM EST there will be a national conference 
call with all of the American Rajas and all of the Ministers of the 
Global Country of World Peace in Holland.

The purpose of this call is to describe the plans to create a new 
university in the geographic center of the United States—in the 
Brahmasthan of America, in Kansas. This university, called Central 
University, will offer the curriculum of Total Knowledge, the unified 
field, which will have a unifying effect on the whole country.

There will be 200 students from each of the 50 states—a total of 
10,000 students, all practicing the Transcendental Meditation and TM-
Sidhi program together at the same time. This initiative is possible 
now that America is achieving invincibility through the almost 2000 
Yogic Flyers in Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi University of 
Management in Iowa.

The goal is to have the construction of the buildings of Central 
University well underway by Guru Purnima in July of this year, 
parallel with the construction in the World Capital of Peace in the 
Brahmasthan of India for 16,000 Vedic Pandits.

In the next few days we would like to reach all Meditators, Citizen 
Sidhas, and Governors, other well-wishers of peace, and educational 
foundations, to invest in, or donate to, the construction of Central 
University. We would like expressions of support from everyone 
interested and how much they would be interested in investing or 
donating.  Each Raja has set up procedures for this, but potential 
supporters could express their interest also by sending an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling 1-800-373-9664. 

To connect with the conference call tomorrow please dial 512-225-3019 
and enter code 60345#. And please let us know any questions you might 
have in advance by contacting us at the email or phone number above.

Jai Guru Dev.

Raja Dean 
Raja of Washington 

Raja Wynne
Raja of Maharishi Vedic America

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread suziezuzie

> > It doesn't matter why we witness, "because one is no longer 
> > overwhelmed by physical phenomena" or sense perception. You're 
> > up on the words, 'outside' and 'distance'. From the perspective 
> > the unlocalised Self, there is no outside or distance. It 
> > Itself as not connected. The same is said about Krishna, while 
> > creating the universe He is uninvolved, not from a distance or 
> > outside his creation, but on the level of the Absolute, not 
> involved. 
> > There are no considerations of outside or distance with regards 
> > Atma, Self or the Absolute or Brahman. They exist everywhere and 
> > nowhere--The Witness of it's own creation. The scripture that you 
> > quote uses the words outside or distance merely as a convenience 
> > convey a concept that is beyond description, the idea of 
> >
> **
> The state of Cosmic Consciousness is not Brahman (Lord Krishna) or 
> Unity Consciousness. 
> In CC, there is perception of difference between oneself (infinite 
> consciousness) and phenomenal reality, because although the 
> of Self is fully developed and cannot be lost, the senses are too 
> limited to see the infinite.
>  This situation is resolved in Unity Consciousness when the range 
> the senses extends to celestial values and one sees oneself in 
> object of perception.

Right, I agree. You're describing a total polarity of experience, 
Self on one hand and the phenomenal world on the other with flatness 
as a kind of reaction of the Self to the world perception. The issue 
here is whether CC is experienced as a  perceived  'distance' or 
outside-ness of the Self and the object of perception. I don't think 
they do. It's like the Self is a self contained experience in itself 
with no reference to something outside or at a distance. It just Is 
while the objective reality is circumambulating around It. Have you 
ever felt that the Self is just Being while the body, the objective 
experience, etc., is moving around it like someone riding in a car 
and having the sensation of not moving anywhere. Like this, the Self 
is riding along, not moving while time, space, etc, is apparently 
moving but in reality, nothing is moving with reference to the Self. 
The illusion is that we're moving through space and time but this is 
just a subjective-objective perception. In CC with the duality of 
Self and experience, with the reference point as the Self, nothing is 
moving. This would give the idea that there is no outside or distance 
of Self and objective experience.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, the disfunctional kind of witnessing found in the DSM-IV 
often speaks of having 
> a viewpoint as though outside and above and/or behind the body with a 
definite sense of 
> geographic location.


What the DSM describes ("depersonalization") has nothing to do with 
witnessing arising from practice of TM, which witnessing is a calm 
experience and a sign of strength based on the expansion of awareness, 
and is not a sign of a traumatized nervous system, as depersonalization 

"A person suffering from depersonalization disorder experiences 
subjective symptoms of unreality that make him or her uneasy and 


The only real practical reason why TMers are tipped off to witnessing 
is so that when they begin to experience it, they do not think 
something is wrong with them, but understand that witnessing is a sign 
of growth of Cosmic Consciousness values. Otherwise, people might start 
to think that something is going wrong, but witnessing is nothing like 
the anxious process of depersonalization experienced by the traumatized.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The newest, latest initiative

2007-01-13 Thread off_world_beings
Lol, I see, so we are NOT getting the 1000 pundits necessary. 
Surprise surprise. 
What a joke.

Time is almost up, last chance...then there will be a new road 
forged for the movement, and it will not be of the movement's 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> Dear Meditators, Citizen Sidhas, and Governors,
> On January 14th at 3:30 PM EST there will be a national conference 
> call with all of the American Rajas and all of the Ministers of 
> Global Country of World Peace in Holland.
> The purpose of this call is to describe the plans to create a new 
> university in the geographic center of the United States—in the 
> Brahmasthan of America, in Kansas. This university, called Central 
> University, will offer the curriculum of Total Knowledge, the 
> field, which will have a unifying effect on the whole country.
> There will be 200 students from each of the 50 states—a total of 
> 10,000 students, all practicing the Transcendental Meditation and 
> Sidhi program together at the same time. This initiative is 
> now that America is achieving invincibility through the almost 
> Yogic Flyers in Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi University of 
> Management in Iowa.
> The goal is to have the construction of the buildings of Central 
> University well underway by Guru Purnima in July of this year, 
> parallel with the construction in the World Capital of Peace in 
> Brahmasthan of India for 16,000 Vedic Pandits.
> In the next few days we would like to reach all Meditators, 
> Sidhas, and Governors, other well-wishers of peace, and 
> foundations, to invest in, or donate to, the construction of 
> University. We would like expressions of support from everyone 
> interested and how much they would be interested in investing or 
> donating.  Each Raja has set up procedures for this, but potential 
> supporters could express their interest also by sending an email 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling 1-800-373-9664. 
> To connect with the conference call tomorrow please dial 512-225-
> and enter code 60345#. And please let us know any questions you 
> have in advance by contacting us at the email or phone number 
> Jai Guru Dev.
> Raja Dean 
> Raja of Washington 
> Raja Wynne
> Raja of Maharishi Vedic America

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick 

> Ultimately, when Cosmic Consciousness is gained, and one is a 
> witness to creation all the time and permanently, even the death of 
> body, ordinarily an overwhelming experience, has no meaning.

>  This is alot of nonsense.  If Jesus and Gurdjieff had a hard time 
with it, good luck.


Jesus did not suffer, although it looked that way from the 
perspective of suffering humans:

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi commented, "It's a pity that Christ is talked 
of in terms of suffering…those who count upon the suffering, it is a 
wrong interpretation of the life of Christ and the message of Christ…
How could suffering be associated with the One who has been all joy, 
all bliss, who claims all that? It's only the misunderstanding of the 
life of Christ."
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, pp. 123-
Maharishi: Jesus never suffered and those who saw him suffering saw 
him from their own level of suffering. . . so they could not see 
anything except suffering in him.
Question: Is not the Cross a symbol of suffering?
Maharishi: No, the Cross does not represent suffering and it is not 
meant to. On the other hand, it is the symbol for eternal life. It 
represents cosmic existence, fullness of life. . . a life of all 
bliss, wisdom, creativity. 
(Meditation by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with Questions and 
Answers, International SRM Publications, London 1967, page 140 ff.) 


Anyway, if Jesus arose from the dead after three days and walked 
around with his disciples, then obviously He was not overwhelmed by 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The newest, latest initiative

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante
They'll have to buy a huge amount of surrounding property in order to 
have enough water rights for 10K people, even if you play along with 
this fantasy initiative. This part of Kansas is real dry, and you 
can't tap into the aquifer unless you have bought enough land to 
permit this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> Dear Meditators, Citizen Sidhas, and Governors,
> On January 14th at 3:30 PM EST there will be a national conference 
> call with all of the American Rajas and all of the Ministers of the 
> Global Country of World Peace in Holland.
> The purpose of this call is to describe the plans to create a new 
> university in the geographic center of the United States—in the 
> Brahmasthan of America, in Kansas. This university, called Central 
> University, will offer the curriculum of Total Knowledge, the 
> field, which will have a unifying effect on the whole country.
> There will be 200 students from each of the 50 states—a total of 
> 10,000 students, all practicing the Transcendental Meditation and 
> Sidhi program together at the same time. This initiative is 
> now that America is achieving invincibility through the almost 2000 
> Yogic Flyers in Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi University of 
> Management in Iowa.

[FairfieldLife] 'If Islamist Believe- Jesus Is A Prophet, Then...'

2007-01-13 Thread Robert Gimbel
How come they don't take any of his teachings seriously?
  And how come they are acting like a bunch of mad dogs?
  When they haven't even been drinking?

Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
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[FairfieldLife] Another Fairfield online effort

2007-01-13 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] The Cure for Depersonalization is TM

2007-01-13 Thread suziezuzie
Note that the cure is underlined towards the end of the article. Mark

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Depersonalization disorder
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Depersonalization is a state in which the individual ceases to 
perceive the reality of the self or the environment. The patient 
feels that his or her body is unreal, is changing, or is dissolving; 
or that he or she is outside of the body.

Depersonalization disorder is classified by the Diagnostic and 
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, text Revision, 
also known as the DSM-IV-TR as one of the dissociative disorders. 
These are mental disorders in which the normally well-integrated 
functions of memory, identity, perception, and consciousness are 
separated (dissociated). The dissociative disorders are usually 
associated with trauma in the recent or distant past, or with an 
intense internal conflict that forces the mind to separate 
incompatible or unacceptable knowledge, information, or feelings. In 
depersonalization disorder, the patient's self-perception is 
disrupted. Patients feel as if they are external observers of their 
own lives, or that they are detached from their own bodies. 
Depersonalization disorder is sometimes called "depersonalization 

Depersonalization as a symptom may occur in panic disorder, 
borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder 
(PTSD), acute stress disorder, or another dissociative disorder. The 
patient is not given the diagnosis of depersonalization disorder if 
the episodes of depersonalization occur only during panic attacks or 
following a traumatic stressor.

The symptom of depersonalization can also occur in normal individuals 
under such circumstances as sleep deprivation, the use of certain 
anesthetics, experimental conditions in a laboratory (experiments 
involving weightlessness, for example), and emotionally stressful 
situations (such as taking an important academic examination or being 
in a traffic accident). One such example involves some of the rescue 
personnel from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World 
Trade Center and the Pentagon. These individuals experienced episodes 
of depersonalization after a day and a half without sleep. A more 
commonplace example is the use of nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas" as 
an anesthetic during oral surgery. Many dental patients report a 
sense of unreality or feeling of being outside their bodies during 
nitrous oxide administration.

To further complicate the matter, depersonalization may be 
experienced in different ways by different individuals. Common 
descriptions include a feeling of being outside one's body; "floating 
on the ceiling looking down at myself" feeling as if one's body is 
dissolving or changing; feeling as if one is a machine or 
robot; "unreal" feeling that one is in a dream or that one"is on 
automatic pilot." Most patients report a sense of emotional 
detachment or uninvolvement, or a sense of emotional numbing. 
Depersonalization differs from "derealization," which is a 
dissociative symptom in which people perceive the external world as 
unreal, dreamlike, or changing. The various ways that people 
experience depersonalization are related to their bodies or their 
sense of self.

Depersonalization is a common experience in the general adult 
population. However, when a patient's symptoms of depersonalization 
are severe enough to cause significant emotional distress, or 
interfere with normal functioning, the criteria of the DSM-IV-TR 
for "depersonalization disorder" are met. 

A person suffering from depersonalization disorder experiences 
subjective symptoms of unreality that make him or her uneasy and 
anxious. "Subjective" is a word that refers to the thoughts and 
perceptions inside an individual's mind, as distinct from the objects 
of those thoughts and perceptions outside the mind. Because 
depersonalization is a subjective experience, many people who have 
chronic or recurrent episodes of depersonalization are afraid others 
will not understand if they try to describe what they are feeling, or 
will think they are "crazy." As a result, depersonalization disorder 
may be underdiagnosed because the symptom of depersonalization is 

Causes and symptoms
Depersonalization disorder, like the dissociative disorders in 
general, has been regarded as the result of severe abuse in 
childhood. This can be of a physical, emotional, and/or sexual nature.

Findings in 2002 indicate that emotional abuse in particular is a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another Fairfield online effort

2007-01-13 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.americantowns.com/ia/fairfield

This is a generic "placeholder" site from the
company AmericanTowns.com; it isn't a Fairfield
effort.  I just got done looking up the site for
my town in New Jersey, and it's identical.  The
"testimonials" are not from Fairfield residents,
they're the same on the Long Branch site.

The company *hopes* people will start contributing
to their town's site so the company can sell
advertising.  Maybe they will.  Maybe the sites
will *become* community efforts.  But the company
is trying to make it look as though they already
are, which is deceptive.

Furthermore, once you've clicked on a town's site
from the company's home page, try going back to that
home page.  You can't.  Once they've placed a cookie
on your computer, typing "www.americantowns.com" into
your browser takes you to the local site.  The cookie
blocks access to the main site.

There's something a little sinister about that,
it seems to me.

The company's owners did quite a job on the Times
reporter who wrote the article you and I both read:


Apparently there are at least a few towns that
have taken advantage of the sites, but the
reporter sure didn't do much exploring to see
what was actually going on elsewhere.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread suziezuzie
> > 
> > The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a 
> > limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside 
> > body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
> > relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since 
> > Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> > description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer 
to 'not 
> > connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a 
> > point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out 
> > the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a 
> > (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
> > Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> > distance.
> >
> However, the disfunctional kind of witnessing found in the DSM-IV 
often speaks of having 
> a viewpoint as though outside and above and/or behind the body with 
a definite sense of 
> geographic location.>

Right. This is why I keep emphasizing that an experience of CC does 
not involve a sense of geographic location as being behind, over, or 
in front of the body. Witnessing does not give a sense of location of 
the Self as in the body or out of the body. On the other hand, mental 
illness or drug induced dislocation of the personality out of the 
body can be described as pathological as you've stated. I can 
understand the confusion since the term witnessing or flatness of 
experience could be interpreted as the pathology described in the 
article on Depersonalization but if you read the article carefully, 
you can only conclude that what is being spoken of is not what we 
experience in the practices of TM unless an individual is already 
prone to this state. 

If you were to ask where the self or sense of personality is located 
before CC, you would have to conclude that the I-ness seems to be 
located in the head just behind the eyes. This is where the habit of 
thinking takes place, seeing, hearing, etc. The habitual location of 
the small self seems to be in this location. As the Self becomes more 
generalized, this location becomes less and less pronounced but 
definitely not outside the body. 

People whose sense of self resides outside the body cannot meditate 
since one of the requirements for a successful TM experience is for 
all the bodies from the grossest to the most subtle, seven in all, 
must be perfectly aligned, one within the other. This is why people 
on drugs cannot meditate. Drugs, alcohol, anesthetics, etc.,  place 
the self or personality out of the body. 


[FairfieldLife] 'Is Iran- Really Germany of 1938?'

2007-01-13 Thread Robert Gimbel
I don't think so!
  For one thing, the people of Iran are not behind this leader;
  The young people and the woman want a change.
  They said so in the last election there.
  They are in the very same political situation as the US.
  With a large majority of the population against their government.
  They don't want to be ruled by the Mullahs anymore...
  The only real way 'forward' in Iraq, is to get Iran as an ally.
  That is the only way.
  To use every strategy to allow the Iranian people to rise up-
  Against their suicidal government- and avoid what the Germans-
  Eventually went through, in their suicidal regime of 1938

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Consciousness or Personality Disorder

2007-01-13 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > The term 'outside' as in 'outside the body' is used from a 
> physical-
> > > limited understanding, that things are understood to be outside 
> the 
> > > body because this is how we experience the world, subject-object 
> > > relationships. So for lack of a better word or description, since 
> the 
> > > Self is unlimited by space and time, i.e., nonlocalized, the 
> > > description, 'outside' in the case of witnessing would refer 
> to 'not 
> > > connected' or un connected or disconnected, viewing from a 
> different 
> > > point of dimensional-fulness-reality, etc. The idea of being out 
> of 
> > > the body also refers to grosser astral perceptions in which a 
> denser 
> > > (astral) spirit can move out of the physical-body dimension. 
> > > Witnessing gives an idea of watching but not necessarily from a 
> > > distance.
> > >
> > 
> > However, the disfunctional kind of witnessing found in the DSM-IV 
> often speaks of having 
> > a viewpoint as though outside and above and/or behind the body with 
> a definite sense of 
> > geographic location.>
> Right. This is why I keep emphasizing that an experience of CC does 
> not involve a sense of geographic location as being behind, over, or 
> in front of the body. Witnessing does not give a sense of location of 
> the Self as in the body or out of the body. On the other hand, mental 
> illness or drug induced dislocation of the personality out of the 
> body can be described as pathological as you've stated. I can 
> understand the confusion since the term witnessing or flatness of 
> experience could be interpreted as the pathology described in the 
> article on Depersonalization but if you read the article carefully, 
> you can only conclude that what is being spoken of is not what we 
> experience in the practices of TM unless an individual is already 
> prone to this state. 
> If you were to ask where the self or sense of personality is located 
> before CC, you would have to conclude that the I-ness seems to be 
> located in the head just behind the eyes. This is where the habit of 
> thinking takes place, seeing, hearing, etc. The habitual location of 
> the small self seems to be in this location. As the Self becomes more 
> generalized, this location becomes less and less pronounced but 
> definitely not outside the body. 
> People whose sense of self resides outside the body cannot meditate 
> since one of the requirements for a successful TM experience is for 
> all the bodies from the grossest to the most subtle, seven in all, 
> must be perfectly aligned, one within the other. This is why people 
> on drugs cannot meditate. Drugs, alcohol, anesthetics, etc.,  place 
> the self or personality out of the body. 

I question this conclusion,. however. If you can think, you can meditate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The newest, latest initiative

2007-01-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> Dear Meditators, Citizen Sidhas, and Governors,
> . . .
> There will be 200 students from each of the 50 states—a total of 
> 10,000 students, all practicing the Transcendental Meditation and 
> TM-Sidhi program together at the same time. 

Still lost in fantasy -- "If you build it they will come."

They couldn't find 10,000 students to go to school and 
buttbounce in the middle of Bumfuck, Kansas if they 
paid them each 50K a year to do so.