[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread TurquoiseB
   instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own 
   excrement, and sure enough, on those occasions when I do 
   glance at the toilet trout, there's a diminution of awareness.
  Wow that is some powerful awareness you got there man. How can 
  I get some of that! I'm gunna guess that if you ever had to muck 
  out a horse stall, between the draining effect of animals and 
  the doody factor you would basically pass out from your 
 And the Vedas (laws of manu) say that energy increases with 
 slaves and 12 year old brides. I suppose vedic synchophants 
 will try to get off on that too.

Yeah, but if they did that Edg would be on their
ass Big-Time. He'd have no problem with them 
examining their own shit though...that's his 
specialty.  :-)

More seriously, FFL has been very entertaining
for me lately. Being 30 years away from it all,
it still blows my mind that anyone still considers
Maharishi an expert on *anything*, much less pets.
And the Vedas as a prescription for how to live? 
Give me a break.

What is this thing that people have with wanting
to be told how to live?

Is it just habit, after all these decades of *being*
told how to live, or is it something deeper? Curious
minds want to know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Double click on the 1st one to get an enlarged view, then keep 
  pretty hilarious...be sure that you scroll down past the puja pix 
 get to
  the horse drawn carriages! paper birthday crowns gone wild.
 What is the event. New Rajas being crowned? Did they take Raja class
 in VC? Who is the white beard doing the presenting? Is he the head 
US Raja.

That's Hugh Godfrey an English Purusha since day 1. 


The guy without the beard is the scientist who handed back his 
research grant because he decided GM food was wrong and MMY had him 
on lecture tours against GM 8 or 9 years ago, I saw him in London 
with the artist Bill Witherspoon, all I need is to remember the guys 
name John Fagan?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
  There are many energy drain things that the TMO does not bother 
  publicize, but which are part of traditional Vedic culture. For 
  instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own 
  and sure enough, on those occasions when I do glance at the 
  trout, there's a diminution of awareness. 
 Freud would have a field day with you Bob, probably enough 
 here for an entire conference.
 Sounds ridiculous to us, 
  but just because our idiotic nonsustainable scientific culture 
  not understand how the universe works does not make Vedic 
 I think whether vedic culture is true or not should be studied 
case by 
 case, this is the belief system of an ancient civilisation some of 
 will be common sense, some superstition, some bizarre nonsense (to 
 some undoubtably true but a mistake to adopt it wholesale, if only 
 avoid the unedifying sight of otherwise intelligent people hiding 
 solar eclipses or not visiting friends whose houses have a south 

One thing that is commonly overlooked in the mad rush to be first to 
ridicule vedic stuff is that this info was a description of the many 
aspects of enlightened life. It was never meant to be perscribed as 
a code of living for the unenlightened, nor was it meant to be taken 
as one element at a time. Just as any society appears crazy if its 
elements are evaluated one at a time, without understanding the 
underlying consciousness that gives rise to its many laws and codes 
for living.

So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic 
descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant to 
be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.

Once the key that ties all of the elements of vedic life is lost, 
trancendental consciousness, the whole thing is lost, and becomes a 
mess. At some point, all of these cognitions were probably 
transformed into codes for living, without the underlying foundation 
of pure awareness, and then the whole thing goes to hell.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
  Does anybody know of M's views on keeping pets? I've heard him 
 that  they 
  are a drain. I always thought he meant of some kind of spiritual 
 energy,  but 
  I'm beginning to believe he actually meant a drain of resources 
  being a distraction from program.
 MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy drain 
 creatures living at a lower level of life. Charlie Lutes told this 
 story many times: MMY was late to a lecture and Charlie had 
 to carry the deerskin from the room to the lecture hall. Charlie 
 I'll go get the skin, but MMY says, never mind, I'll just sit 
down -- 
 he sits, then jumps up immediately, and sez Charlie go get the 
 While Charlie was running up to the room, MMY is just standing, 
 nodding welcome to the room of people.
 For TMers, handling pets is a drain on energy in the same way that 
 ordinary people are a drain on a yogi. Of course, pets can be a 
 distraction during TM, but the advice not to handle them is based 
 this energy drain thing. Because people are fond of pets in many 
 cultures, the TMO only says not to meditate with animals, in order 
 avoid making people think that Fluffy has to go in order to do TM. 
 Sooner or later, people who continue to do TM will notice the 
 draining effect of handling animals, so they'll discontinue the 
 practice with or without advice on the issue -- ditto with other 
 habits, smoking, etc (because people are stressed and twisted in 
 different ways, your mileage may vary, of course, as is obvious 
 numero uno spokesman David Lynch, who restarted his cigarette 
 twenty years after he quit).
 There are many energy drain things that the TMO does not bother to 
 publicize, but which are part of traditional Vedic culture. For 
 instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own 
 and sure enough, on those occasions when I do glance at the toilet 
 trout, there's a diminution of awareness. Sounds ridiculous to us, 
 but just because our idiotic nonsustainable scientific culture 
 not understand how the universe works does not make Vedic culture 

Well said Bob. I find it hilarious the twisted insane things in 
western culture that are taken for granted, even lauded, and then 
when these same people living so comfortably in a society with many 
bizarre notions are exposed to a different way of looking at the 
world, they redicule it and make fun of it. They all deserve white 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are many energy drain things that the TMO does not bother to 
 publicize, but which are part of traditional Vedic culture. For 
 instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own excrement, 
 and sure enough, on those occasions when I do glance at the toilet 
 trout, there's a diminution of awareness. 

Freud would have a field day with you Bob, probably enough material 
here for an entire conference.

Sounds ridiculous to us, 
 but just because our idiotic nonsustainable scientific culture does 
 not understand how the universe works does not make Vedic culture 

I think whether vedic culture is true or not should be studied case by 
case, this is the belief system of an ancient civilisation some of it 
will be common sense, some superstition, some bizarre nonsense (to us)
some undoubtably true but a mistake to adopt it wholesale, if only to 
avoid the unedifying sight of otherwise intelligent people hiding from  
solar eclipses or not visiting friends whose houses have a south 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 And, after sixty-one years of meditating, I've not seen any account 
about certainty in spiritual knowledge that has a claim to 
certainty.  a
Knowledge is structured in consciousness is more than a truism. As 
consciousness changes, so does knowledge. That is why it is so futile 
when discussing descriptions of consciousness to try for a consensus. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own 
excrement, and sure enough, on those occasions when I do 
glance at the toilet trout, there's a diminution of 
   Wow that is some powerful awareness you got there man. How can 
   I get some of that! I'm gunna guess that if you ever had to 
   out a horse stall, between the draining effect of animals and 
   the doody factor you would basically pass out from your 
  And the Vedas (laws of manu) say that energy increases with 
  slaves and 12 year old brides. I suppose vedic synchophants 
  will try to get off on that too.
 Yeah, but if they did that Edg would be on their
 ass Big-Time. He'd have no problem with them 
 examining their own shit though...that's his 
 specialty.  :-)
 More seriously, FFL has been very entertaining
 for me lately. Being 30 years away from it all,
 it still blows my mind that anyone still considers
 Maharishi an expert on *anything*, much less pets.
 And the Vedas as a prescription for how to live? 
 Give me a break.

Exactly as you say-- evryone is under the mistaken impression that 
the vedas are prescription, not description. Without enlightenment, 
the whole thing becomes a pile of doo doo.

[FairfieldLife] Re: view on Pets: P.S. to paramoocher

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 Please don't take my previous post on animal communications as an 
implicit confession that I am enlightened. I will never confess to 
anything that stupid. 
Sidhis can become close to perfect, without enlightenment. They are 
certainly not an indication of enlightenment, just a clear channel in 
the physiology. I developed several sidhis before, and after, the 
dawning of my enlightenment.

Why would anyone confess to enlightenment? Makes it sound like a 
crime. On the other hand, to begin the journey of true, unambiguous, 
infinite freedom, transcending time and space, and living the joys of 
it, are anything but a crime, whether you label that state of living 
as enlightenment, or anything else. 

[FairfieldLife] The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread TurquoiseB

Presented just for a laugh, and as a possible
replacement for the Vedas, with IMO just as much
potential value for the spiritual seeker:

1. The more concerned seekers are with shielding
themselves from people, animals, places and things
that drain their energy or personal power, the
less likely it is that they have any of it to drain.

2. The more that seekers refer to their path or 
spiritual technique or tradition as the best or
the highest, the more likely it is that they've 
never tried another one.

3. The more that seekers argue for the rightness
or correctness or truth of their path's dogma, 
the less likely it is that the dogma is any of those 
things, or that it has any worth.

4. The more convinced the seeker is of his present 
state of consciousness, the less likely it is that 
he is correct. Unless his assessment of his state 
of consciousness is CC (Cluelessness Consciousness), 
in which case he may be onto something.

5. The more a seeker demands to be taken seriously,
the less likely he will be.

6. The higher a seeker considers himself on the 
evolutionary ladder, the more likely it is that he
just hasn't looked up in quite a while.

7. The more beneath him a seeker considers other
people, the more likely he is to step on them and
use them as stepping stones to climb higher.

8. The more a seeker claims to be moral, the more 
likely he is to be a closet megalomaniac.

9. The more reverence the seeker has for the words
of scriptures and teachers of the past, the less
reverence he is likely to have for the words of 
people around him in the present.

10. The more compelled the seeker is to defend 
his beliefs and his path, the more worried he is that 
they aren't true and that he's wasted his life 
following them.

11. The more that a seeker feels compelled to change
others and make them better, the less likely it is
that any of their advice, if followed, *would* make
the others better. 

12. The more that seekers laugh at the attempts of
others to make them better, the more likely it is
that they're doing just fine, and have no need to
be better.

13. In general, the more a seeker laughs, the more
likely it is that he's on the right path. Conversely,
the more a seeker is serious and demands to be taken
seriously, the more likely it is that he's lost his

14. Repetition is the mother of anal retention. That is, 
the more the seeker uses a word to describe others, the 
more likely it is that he is really describing himself. 

15. If a seeker has gone more than a couple of months
without expressing an original thought (that is, one 
that he didn't read somewhere or have told to him by
his teacher or tradition or some other expert), chances 
are he has lost the ability to have an original thought, 
and may never have one again.

16. The more a seeker claims to know what God wants, 
the more likely it is that he has mistaken himself for 
God and what he wants for what God wants. 

17. If a seeker doesn't like to be around animals or
children, chances are the animals and children don't like 
to be around him, and he's trying to hide that fact by 
avoiding them.

18. If a seeker on a spiritual chat board has gone more 
than a couple of months without describing an event in
his personal life that was ecstatic and wonderful and
full of light, chances are that there really haven't
*been* any of those moments in his life during that

19. The more important a seeker considers himself in
the cosmic scheme of things, the less likely it is that
the cosmos would even notice he was gone if he died.

20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 

 Story below:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
  reavismarek@ wrote:
   Mountain lions can make a screaming noise, though, that is way 
   Go to   http://www.bear-tracker.com/cougar.html  and you can 
   to a 2 second WAV file of a mountain lion's scream.  Right 
   scream part you can hear a purr just like a house cat's.
  I can safely say that would put the fear of God into me!
  Even though I live in England I have a similar story;
  I was out walking my dog one winters day and out of the corner of 
  eye saw a large black panther stalking towards us. It was the 
  amazing thing I'd ever seen and a bit of a fright but I was more 
  worried for my little jack russell terrier, I called her over and 
  the panther ran off, I could clearly see it's long tail, 
  ears and smooth fur.
  Most would have remained convinced they could trust their eyes 
  had seen a big cat, after all there are loads of sightings 
  But I decided to hide in the wood every day until I saw it again 
  got a decent photo. Three freezing cold days I sat in a bush 
  one clear morning I heard a sound behind me, I spun round and it 
  there! It was a dog, I interrogated the owner to make sure she 
  been here that day and her story fitted so well it had to be the 
  explanation, her dog had heard mine yapping and ran over to 
  investigate, it caught me by surprise and my unwitting mind did 
  rest. Interestingly the dog was the same size but had a short 
  and rough hair. I must have subconsciously imagined all the cat-
  qualities it had. Which is a surprise, we think our senses give 
  dependable view of the world but obviously not. IMO it's the same 
  most sightings of ghosts and UFOs, we see something out of the 
  of our eye and imagination takes over.
  Consequently I don't believe any of the stories about big cats 
  roaming the English countryside and that tape of a mountain lion 
  underlines it, I've never heard of anyone reporting a noise like 
  We only have urban-legends to give us a sense of fear and wonder 
  the great outdoors, you have the real thing. Be careful out there!
 The other two times I saw a lion were not too far distant from 
 I heard the first one, within a mile or two and the best sighting 
 a late afternoon in July a few years ago.  I lived in the town of 
 Yreka, California, and the street I lived on deadended about a mile 
 from my home and there were two different trails you could take 
 the mountains; old logging roads that had long ago reverted to 
 that some ATV riders would use and where I'd ride my mountain bike 
 from time to time.
 Anyway, that day I'd ridden my bike into the hills and thrown it 
 behind some brush and walked off and up into the hills.  I followed 
 deer trail and in some places I'd have to walk through chapparal 
 buckbrush that looked a lot like this: 
 and I could easily touch the brush on both sides of me if I 
 my arms out to either side.
 After a few hours of uphill walking my water ran out and I turned 
 around and headed back down, pretty much following the same trail 
 down as I'd used heading up.  I was nearly back to where I'd left 
 bike, still on the deer trail and walking through the buckbrush 
 I had a feeling that I was in a 'place'.  It felt different than 
 a trail with a distinct feeling of being a location, or place.
 I stopped and looked around and there was an area around the base 
 the brush on my right side that looked as if it had seen a lot of 
 traffic; the grass was beaten down and the brush looked as if there 
 was a kind of opening.  I bent down, with my hands on my knees and 
 peered into the underbrush.  It was late afternoon but it was in 
 and the sun was still pretty high in the sky.  Buckbrush makes a 
 of canopy of small leaves with a whole lot of skinny stalks 
 from the center and looking underneath it was darker because of the 
 shadows but still pierced with dappled sunlight.
 As my eyes adjusted to the shade the first thing I noticed was two 
 golden eyes looking at me, just about at my eye level, maybe a 
 lower, and then the nose, white muzzle, rounded ears and the 
 recognition of the whole cat, just laying there resting with its 
 forepaws in front and rear legs off to one side.  No reaction, just 
 looking back at me, maybe 4 feet away.  My impression was that it 
 considered itself still invisible to me and as far as it was 
 concerned, nothing had happened yet.
 Only about 5 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Presented just for a laugh, and as a possible
 replacement for the Vedas, with IMO just as much
 potential value for the spiritual seeker:
 1. The more concerned seekers are with shielding
 themselves from people, animals, places and things
 that drain their energy or personal power, the
 less likely it is that they have any of it to drain.
 2. The more that seekers refer to their path or 
 spiritual technique or tradition as the best or
 the highest, the more likely it is that they've 
 never tried another one.
 3. The more that seekers argue for the rightness
 or correctness or truth of their path's dogma, 
 the less likely it is that the dogma is any of those 
 things, or that it has any worth.
 4. The more convinced the seeker is of his present 
 state of consciousness, the less likely it is that 
 he is correct. Unless his assessment of his state 
 of consciousness is CC (Cluelessness Consciousness), 
 in which case he may be onto something.
 5. The more a seeker demands to be taken seriously,
 the less likely he will be.
 6. The higher a seeker considers himself on the 
 evolutionary ladder, the more likely it is that he
 just hasn't looked up in quite a while.
 7. The more beneath him a seeker considers other
 people, the more likely he is to step on them and
 use them as stepping stones to climb higher.
 8. The more a seeker claims to be moral, the more 
 likely he is to be a closet megalomaniac.
 9. The more reverence the seeker has for the words
 of scriptures and teachers of the past, the less
 reverence he is likely to have for the words of 
 people around him in the present.
 10. The more compelled the seeker is to defend 
 his beliefs and his path, the more worried he is that 
 they aren't true and that he's wasted his life 
 following them.
 11. The more that a seeker feels compelled to change
 others and make them better, the less likely it is
 that any of their advice, if followed, *would* make
 the others better. 
 12. The more that seekers laugh at the attempts of
 others to make them better, the more likely it is
 that they're doing just fine, and have no need to
 be better.
 13. In general, the more a seeker laughs, the more
 likely it is that he's on the right path. Conversely,
 the more a seeker is serious and demands to be taken
 seriously, the more likely it is that he's lost his
 14. Repetition is the mother of anal retention. That is, 
 the more the seeker uses a word to describe others, the 
 more likely it is that he is really describing himself. 
 15. If a seeker has gone more than a couple of months
 without expressing an original thought (that is, one 
 that he didn't read somewhere or have told to him by
 his teacher or tradition or some other expert), chances 
 are he has lost the ability to have an original thought, 
 and may never have one again.
 16. The more a seeker claims to know what God wants, 
 the more likely it is that he has mistaken himself for 
 God and what he wants for what God wants. 
 17. If a seeker doesn't like to be around animals or
 children, chances are the animals and children don't like 
 to be around him, and he's trying to hide that fact by 
 avoiding them.
 18. If a seeker on a spiritual chat board has gone more 
 than a couple of months without describing an event in
 his personal life that was ecstatic and wonderful and
 full of light, chances are that there really haven't
 *been* any of those moments in his life during that
 19. The more important a seeker considers himself in
 the cosmic scheme of things, the less likely it is that
 the cosmos would even notice he was gone if he died.
 20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
 coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)

Brilliant, genius, spot on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 

 I think whether vedic culture is true or not should be studied 
case by case, this is the belief system of an ancient civilisation 
some of it will be common sense, some superstition, some bizarre  
nonsense (to us)some undoubtably true but a mistake to adopt it 
wholesale, if only to avoid the unedifying sight of otherwise 
intelligent people hiding from solar eclipses or not visiting 
friends whose houses have a south entrance.

 One thing that is commonly overlooked in the mad rush to be first 
 ridicule vedic stuff is that this info was a description of the 
 aspects of enlightened life. It was never meant to be perscribed as 
 a code of living for the unenlightened, nor was it meant to be 
 as one element at a time. Just as any society appears crazy if its 
 elements are evaluated one at a time, without understanding the 
 underlying consciousness that gives rise to its many laws and codes 
 for living.
 So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic 
 descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant 
 be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.
 Once the key that ties all of the elements of vedic life is lost, 
 trancendental consciousness, the whole thing is lost, and becomes a 
 mess. At some point, all of these cognitions were probably 
 transformed into codes for living, without the underlying 
 of pure awareness, and then the whole thing goes to hell.

I was not howling and barking at vedic civilisation, of course they 
were scared of eclipses they were probably sun-worshippers, that 
doesn't mean we have to follow them indoors when nature produces one 
it's ultimate free light shows. Yet people in the TMO do. They claim 
to be into science but they just accept this stuff without question, 
I know, I've tried to reason people out of it but it's a if it's 
vedic it's true thing. Each to there own but I think it's a shame to 
limit yourself.

I reckon a new enlightened civilisation would implement the 
discoveries of it's own science into it's explanation of reality, we 
have relativity, quantum physics and an understanding of evolution 
through natural selection. These are the high points of human 
achievement, so far. They are objectively verifiable, the vedic 
civilisation didn't have this logical way of revealing natures 
secrets. It's no shame to enjoy the fruits of their inner wisdom and 
meditate while at the same time understanding that their view of the 
world and codes for living are just that, an attempt to explain 
nature and a way of organising society. It's the TMO that has it 
wrong by trying to re-introduce this as though it's absolute truth, 
instead of seeing it for what it is, a sometimes beautiful and 
sometimes weird and even revolting (to us) way of life.

IMO getting to know you're inner-self should be liberating not 
enslave you to the past. 

[FairfieldLife] 'We're All Like King Tut...'

2007-11-06 Thread Robert
And, we all Shine On...
  On, and on and on...
  Like the moon, and the stars and the Sun.
  And we all Shine On.
  Message from Chief Seattle:
My brother, I tell you true. If all who see the Earth as being poisoned 
would, instead, give more attention to seeing the Earth clean and vibrant, 
then, very soon, your Earth would be cleansed.

  If all who see their nation's leaders as misguided or uncaring would, 
instead, give more time to seeing themselves being represented by responsible, 
caring leaders who stand firm for the highest good of all, then, very soon, you 
would have good leadership. 

  If all who see their spouses or family members as troublesome or unloving 
would, instead, give more thought to seeing their loved ones as the shining 
children of God that they are, then, very soon, all challenged relationships 
would be renewed and love rekindled.

  If all who see themselves as sick or poor or weak of heart or undeserving 
would, instead, give more energy to seeing themselves as healthy, abundant, 
empowered, worthy, and lifted up, then, very soon, they would experience all of 
the good things that life has to offer.

  If all who see themselves as a physical body and no more would, instead, give 
more thought to seeing themselves as an ever-brightening star that resides 
inside the body, then, very soon, everyone in your world would be shining their 
lights--just as all of the Elders who have walked your Earth have done. You 
would be living in peace, harmony, and comfort in a culture that you have 
created consciously, a culture which, by your divine right of birth, you 
deserve to enjoy.

  Each challenge is there to guide you toward the desire of your heart

  Each problem, seen from the positive side, always turns into a blessing

  Each sorrow leads you to your joy

  Each doubt--to your knowing

  Each lack--to your abundance

  Each debt--to your freedom

  Each feeling of hopelessness--to your power

  Each cry of pain--to your comfort

  Each act of war--to your peace

  Each act of anger--to your love

  And each journey through darkness--into the light.

My Intention for today is: 
I am holding a vision in my mind of my Intentions having already manifested.




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[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 At least we now have the answer to the age old question: Is there
 anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 How does hyoid bone vibration invalidate origin and intention in
 the heart chakra? 

I would think the hyoid bone being in the neck would make the origin
in the throat chakra.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy drain from
creatures living at a lower level of life.

Bullshit. A deerskin asana is for power, money, to magnetize  
followers and for siddhis. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

For TMers, handling pets is a drain on energy in the same way that
ordinary people are a drain on a yogi. Of course, pets can be a
distraction during TM, but the advice not to handle them is based on
this energy drain thing. Because people are fond of pets in many
cultures, the TMO only says not to meditate with animals, in order to
avoid making people think that Fluffy has to go in order to do TM.

Haven't met any real yogis, have you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Prissy Blissy vs Hard-Corp John Wayne Spiritualism

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 5, 2007, at 10:25 PM, new.morning wrote:

(And the notion of some that MMY is an aghori is, well, quite  

Who on earth would make such a crazy claim? That truly IS hilarious,  
if true.

Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm not Swiss but I know how to Godel (Re: What's all this on loan crap?)

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

Yes, but how do you really feel?

On Nov 5, 2007, at 11:53 AM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 I'm new to this forum, but I'm interested in this fascinating
feud. Are you really serious about Never?

Angela, if you check out his posts about us, I
think you'll see pretty quickly that while he
has a desperate need for others to believe he's
not taking us seriously--maybe even for himself
to believe it--it's a crock. That goes for
anyone else who confronts him; it's not just us.

Barry (Turq) goes to great lengths to pretend
he's a carefree and happy-go-luck guy, but in
fact he himself has terrible anger issues. He's
desperately angry with himself but constantly
takes it out on other people.

Basically, at least in terms of what he posts
(it's possible he's different in everyday life),
he's a phony. There's a perfectly fine human
being underneath all the armor, but for some
reason, probably long ago, he was made to
believe that person was unacceptable, and he's
spent the rest of his life constructing a false
persona to hide his real self.

Such a tactic never really works, of course,
and you see evidence of how dysfunctional it
is in his hypocrisy and compulsive dishonesty.
Disagreement and criticism terrify him
because they both threaten his armor and
validate his opinion of his real self as

He's in an awful bind, and one has to feel
sorry for him on some level, but he's so
consistently viciously obnoxious it tends
to overwhelm any compassion one might feel.
One just wants him to drop the act and be
authentic, and the only way to do that seems
to be to keep pounding away at the armor in
the hope that one day it'll just give way.

That's a quick summary...

[FairfieldLife] A Real Yogi with Animals

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

From: _Blazing Splendor_ (excerpt)

For animal lovers. -Vaj.

One of the many amazing stories from Blazing Splendor: The Memoirs of  
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Blog at: http://blazing-splendor.blogspot.com/

from the chapter: At Tsurphu with the Karmapa

Many extraordinary things happened in the company of the Karmapa. For  
example, he kept hundreds of birds. Karsey Kongtrul had given him a  
bird will extremely melodious voice, which was very dear to him. When  
this bird got sick he kept it alone in a special room. One day he was  
told that the bird was dying and he asked that it be brought to him.

The bird was placed on the table before him.

This bird needs a special blessing, he said. So he took a small  
vessel with mustard seeds and made his usual chant for dispelling  
obstacles as he threw some of the grains on the bird. Suddenly he  
said, There's nothing more to do--it is dying. No blessing can  
prevent it

Then he turned to me, saying, Pick it up and hold it in your hand.

The bird was still alive and it sat there in my palm with one eye  
half-open. But soon I saw its head slump, then its wings. But,  
strangely enough, the bird then straightened back up and simply sat  
there. An attendant whispered, It's in samadhi!

I didn't want to disturb it, so I asked him to put it on the table.  
The attendant seemed used to handling birds in this state, because he  
didn't disturb it as he put the bird down.

Somewhat astonished, I commented to the attendant, How remarkable! A  
bird that sits up straight right after death!?!

That's nothing special. They all do it, he replied matter-of-factly.

A second attendant chimed in, Every single bird from the Karmapa's  
aviary that dies sits up for a while after death. But we're so used  
to this, it has ceased to amaze us.

When birds die, I objected, they keel over and fall off their  
branch to the ground--they don't keep sitting!

Well, when the Karmapa is around, this is what they do, replied the  
attendant. But you're right--when he's away, they die the normal way.

At this point everyone had arrived for dinner and I had to sit down,  
however I couldn't help keeping my eye on the bird while we ate.  
Halfway through dinner its right wing slumped and soon after the left  

An attendant whispered, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, it seems the samadhi  
is about to finish.

The Karmapa paid no attention and kept eating, even when the bird  
finally keeled over. I looked at my watch--approximately three hours  
had gone by. No matter what the attendants said, I was still pretty  
amazed because I saw it die in my hands. Most people probably  
wouldn't believe this unless they saw it with their own eyes.

The Karmapa was very fond of dogs as well and he had several  
Pekingese that, I was told, also died sitting up with their forelegs  

In short, the Karmapa was an incredible human being.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 

 I reckon a new enlightened civilisation would implement the 
 discoveries of it's own science into it's explanation of reality, 
 have relativity, quantum physics and an understanding of evolution 
 through natural selection. These are the high points of human 
 achievement, so far. They are objectively verifiable, the vedic 
 civilisation didn't have this logical way of revealing natures 
 secrets. It's no shame to enjoy the fruits of their inner wisdom 
 meditate while at the same time understanding that their view of 
 world and codes for living are just that, an attempt to explain 
 nature and a way of organising society. It's the TMO that has it 
 wrong by trying to re-introduce this as though it's absolute 
 instead of seeing it for what it is, a sometimes beautiful and 
 sometimes weird and even revolting (to us) way of life.
 IMO getting to know you're inner-self should be liberating not 
 enslave you to the past.

I agree completely with this. No, you were not howling and barking, 
but some were, in their headlong attempt to discredit something that 
needs no discrediting. 

What the TMO is doing is trying to emulate enlightened action vs 
gaining the enlightenment first. As I said, the vedic literature is 
descriptive, not perscriptive. Just like Buddha naturally practiced 
mindfulness, because it is a natural result of enlightenment, and 
yet many buddhists see it as a prescriptive action to gain 
enlightenment. All of the religions do the same thing, and to the 
extent that the TMO is a religious org, they do too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
If FF really is a place, still, where MMY says is a conversation
 stopper, its not that far from the pope said, the furher said, the
 chairman said, jesus said, god said (via our preacher), the good book
 says, etc.

FF is such a place in my experience.  And belief is a powerful thing that can 
do all kinds of interesting things to awareness.  Derrida cites the case of a 
woman in the middle ages who died BECAUSE she believed she would upon staying 
in a bathtub full of water for several hours. So I have no trouble with 
believing a dude can grow dim by staring at his turd. Floaters are more 
dangerous than sinkers in my opinion. a

new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   For TMers, handling pets is a drain on energy in the same way that 
   ordinary people are a drain on a yogi.
  Snip For 
   instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own excrement, 
   and sure enough, on those occasions when I do glance at the toilet 
   trout, there's a diminution of awareness.
  Wow that is some powerful awareness you got there man.  How can I get
  some of that!  I'm gunna guess that if you ever had to muck out a
  horse stall, between the draining effect of animals and the doody
  factor you would basically pass out from your enlightenednessinmenthood.
 And the Vedas (laws of manu) say that energy increases with slaves and
 12 year old brides. I suppose vedic synchophants will try to get off
 on that too.
 An interesting experiment: Six groups. 2 of those predisposed to
 believing the vedas are to be taken literally, and all directives are
 good, and relevant to this age -- as they are the supreme truth. @ are
 like the above, but substitute bible for vedas. 2 groups don't have
 much belief in much. 
 Tell one subgroup in all three groups 30 different things the
 scriptures say (whether they do or not). Tell the other 3 subgroups a
 different 30 things. 
 Then observe which groups feel, see and experience what the
 scriptures said were good -- or true. Like terds draining energy.
 No one has disproven that terds drain energy. Nore has it been proven.
  But without a meaningful theoreticial foundation, the hypothesis is
 rather weak. What is the hypothesized mechanism: shit warps the fabric
  and creates a fartish field effect in the purity of the universal
 field of ground state consciousness? Terds bend the time-space
 continuum in the vector where it intersects the quantum field?
 And the theoretical foundation that slavery is good? And 40 year old
 men marrying 12 year olds is a good thing?
 When one takes 'the vedas, or anything, as the highest knowledge, and
 suspends their own critical facilities -- and common sense -- there is 
 a vulnerability created. If a mass of people do this similtaneously,
 then  some sort of deranged collective behavior is possible. To this
 extent, that collective groups have suspended their critical faculties
 for some esoteric, unsubstantiated premise, then there is a parallel
 thread across such groups. Different intensities and different levels
 of abheration, but still a common thread. Whether the mind-disabling
 belief is in vedic, christian or islamic myths, arayan virtures, the
 moral superiority of christianity, new age babble, peace / love / and
 drugs, the workers' paradise, god and country, neo-con democratic
 transformation, massive  conspiracies, etc. 
 If FF really is a place, still, where MMY says is a conversation
 stopper, its not that far from the pope said, the furher said, the
 chairman said, jesus said, god said (via our preacher), the good book
 says, etc.
 Even Donald Duck got it.
 And when emotion rules reason. It SEEMS so.)
   Sounds ridiculous to us,
  No, not at all.  A grown man feels a diminution of awarenss from
  seeing his own turd, sounds like unbounded cosmic awareness to me.
   but just because our idiotic nonsustainable scientific culture
  does  not understand how the universe works does not make Vedic
  culture  untrue.
  The Vedas reveal the knowledge of the power of peering at poopie to
  all men.  I'm gunna guess that you feel a similar diminution of
  awareness from being around menstruating women.  That is another
  thing that the brilliant Vedas are sure about that modern don't
  Dude if I didn't believe all this stuff myself for years I could be on
  a high horse about it all.  The truth is that when I hear you spout
  this stuff I am so happy that I escaped this prison of specialness. 
  You can have it all man. Every last phobia about the natural world,
  your body, women's bodies, other people, animals, food, clothing, your
  door's direction, the seasons of the year...  

 Send instant 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 4:52 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:

Once the key that ties all of the elements of vedic life is lost,
trancendental consciousness, the whole thing is lost, and becomes a
mess. At some point, all of these cognitions were probably
transformed into codes for living, without the underlying foundation
of pure awareness, and then the whole thing goes to hell.

Not really familiar with the dharma and artha shastras, are you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 11/5/07 9:11:08 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Double  click on the 1st one to get an enlarged view, then keep clicking
 pretty hilarious... pretty hilarious...WBRbe sure that you scroll down
get to
 the horse drawn carriages! paper  birthday crowns gone wild.

The only thing missing are the gold teeth.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 11/6/07 6:54:12 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

For  TMers, handling pets is a drain on energy in the same way that 
ordinary people are a drain on  a yogi. Of course, pets can be a 
distraction during TM, but the  advice not to handle them is based on 
this energy drain thing.  Because people are fond of pets in many 
cultures, the TMO only says  not to meditate with animals, in order to 
avoid making people think that  Fluffy has to go in order to do TM. 

Haven't met any real yogis, have you?


I guess my concern for the Steers being bought to clear the fields of  
Johnson grass is the responsibility issue. What are they going to be fed once  
Johnson grass has been eaten? Who is going to buy them food and round them  up 
every time they go through the poorly built fences. They got a dog several  
months ago and now they want everybody to chip in for it's food because they  
feel embarrassed to submit a food bill to the office for dog food. You also 
 a care taker who's time is going to be consumed with watching after the 
cattle.  What happens when the movement decides no money for food or vet bills 
nobody  wants to pay for their up keep. They end up being sold or given away 
to somebody  who could then end up sending them to a slaughter house. This 
whole thing has  not been thought out clearly.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: view on Pets: P.S. to paramoocher

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
I don't have a problem with transcending time and space--in fact I like it, 
and, after sixty-one years of meditation, that's pretty much a given.  But I 
shall not say I am enlightened because I have no wish to create that kind of 
boundary between me and others. I don't like the gyrations folks go through to 
achieve this amazing state or the stories they invent to explain it or tell 
themselves they've got it.  I don't like all the pompous crap that people spout 
about being enlightened.  I dislike the arrogance I see associated with it. I 
see a lot of mindless acceptance of beliefs among the so-called enlightened, 
and a diminution in reasoning power.  Moreover, I see anemia, a kind of prissy 
weakness.  You'd think enlightenment would give you better health and better 
mental powers.  I just don't see that around town. I don't reject the Vedas as 
a whole, nor do I swallow them whole. And it's a cheap shot on several levels 
to say, You don't understand the Veda's cause you're
 not enlightened.  a

jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  Please don't take my previous post on animal communications as an 
 implicit confession that I am enlightened. I will never confess to 
 anything that stupid. 
 Sidhis can become close to perfect, without enlightenment. They are 
 certainly not an indication of enlightenment, just a clear channel in 
 the physiology. I developed several sidhis before, and after, the 
 dawning of my enlightenment.
 Why would anyone confess to enlightenment? Makes it sound like a 
 crime. On the other hand, to begin the journey of true, unambiguous, 
 infinite freedom, transcending time and space, and living the joys of 
 it, are anything but a crime, whether you label that state of living 
 as enlightenment, or anything else. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Peter


My responses:

Jesus, are we all getting old!
Where are all the white women?
Poodles looks great!
Love the cell phone next to the puja set!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
That is a very good point.  It's also true that knowledge is different in 
different universes.  I tend to avoid universes in which catching a glimpse of 
a toilet trout dims my mind.a

jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  And, after sixty-one years of meditating, I've not seen any account 
 about certainty in spiritual knowledge that has a claim to 
 certainty.  a
 Knowledge is structured in consciousness is more than a truism. As 
 consciousness changes, so does knowledge. That is why it is so futile 
 when discussing descriptions of consciousness to try for a consensus. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
i love these. publishable. do it.

TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
 Presented just for a laugh, and as a possible
 replacement for the Vedas, with IMO just as much
 potential value for the spiritual seeker:
 1. The more concerned seekers are with shielding
 themselves from people, animals, places and things
 that drain their energy or personal power, the
 less likely it is that they have any of it to drain.
 2. The more that seekers refer to their path or 
 spiritual technique or tradition as the best or
 the highest, the more likely it is that they've 
 never tried another one.
 3. The more that seekers argue for the rightness
 or correctness or truth of their path's dogma, 
 the less likely it is that the dogma is any of those 
 things, or that it has any worth.
 4. The more convinced the seeker is of his present 
 state of consciousness, the less likely it is that 
 he is correct. Unless his assessment of his state 
 of consciousness is CC (Cluelessness Consciousness), 
 in which case he may be onto something.
 5. The more a seeker demands to be taken seriously,
 the less likely he will be.
 6. The higher a seeker considers himself on the 
 evolutionary ladder, the more likely it is that he
 just hasn't looked up in quite a while.
 7. The more beneath him a seeker considers other
 people, the more likely he is to step on them and
 use them as stepping stones to climb higher.
 8. The more a seeker claims to be moral, the more 
 likely he is to be a closet megalomaniac.
 9. The more reverence the seeker has for the words
 of scriptures and teachers of the past, the less
 reverence he is likely to have for the words of 
 people around him in the present.
 10. The more compelled the seeker is to defend 
 his beliefs and his path, the more worried he is that 
 they aren't true and that he's wasted his life 
 following them.
 11. The more that a seeker feels compelled to change
 others and make them better, the less likely it is
 that any of their advice, if followed, *would* make
 the others better. 
 12. The more that seekers laugh at the attempts of
 others to make them better, the more likely it is
 that they're doing just fine, and have no need to
 be better.
 13. In general, the more a seeker laughs, the more
 likely it is that he's on the right path. Conversely,
 the more a seeker is serious and demands to be taken
 seriously, the more likely it is that he's lost his
 14. Repetition is the mother of anal retention. That is, 
 the more the seeker uses a word to describe others, the 
 more likely it is that he is really describing himself. 
 15. If a seeker has gone more than a couple of months
 without expressing an original thought (that is, one 
 that he didn't read somewhere or have told to him by
 his teacher or tradition or some other expert), chances 
 are he has lost the ability to have an original thought, 
 and may never have one again.
 16. The more a seeker claims to know what God wants, 
 the more likely it is that he has mistaken himself for 
 God and what he wants for what God wants. 
 17. If a seeker doesn't like to be around animals or
 children, chances are the animals and children don't like 
 to be around him, and he's trying to hide that fact by 
 avoiding them.
 18. If a seeker on a spiritual chat board has gone more 
 than a couple of months without describing an event in
 his personal life that was ecstatic and wonderful and
 full of light, chances are that there really haven't
 *been* any of those moments in his life during that
 19. The more important a seeker considers himself in
 the cosmic scheme of things, the less likely it is that
 the cosmos would even notice he was gone if he died.
 20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
 coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
So now, if my experience of perceiving a retinal projection of my own excrement 
doesn't diminish my awareness, then that's proof I'm not enlightened?  This is 
great.  We now have a test.  a

jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own 
 excrement, and sure enough, on those occasions when I do 
 glance at the toilet trout, there's a diminution of 

Wow that is some powerful awareness you got there man. How can 
I get some of that! I'm gunna guess that if you ever had to 
out a horse stall, between the draining effect of animals and 
the doody factor you would basically pass out from your 
   And the Vedas (laws of manu) say that energy increases with 
   slaves and 12 year old brides. I suppose vedic synchophants 
   will try to get off on that too.
  Yeah, but if they did that Edg would be on their
  ass Big-Time. He'd have no problem with them 
  examining their own shit though...that's his 
  specialty.  :-)
  More seriously, FFL has been very entertaining
  for me lately. Being 30 years away from it all,
  it still blows my mind that anyone still considers
  Maharishi an expert on *anything*, much less pets.
  And the Vedas as a prescription for how to live? 
  Give me a break.
 Exactly as you say-- evryone is under the mistaken impression that 
 the vedas are prescription, not description. Without enlightenment, 
 the whole thing becomes a pile of doo doo.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:
  MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy drain 
  creatures living at a lower level of life.
 Bullshit. A deerskin asana is for power, money, to magnetize  
 followers and for siddhis.

...among other things. But of course by taking it completely out of 
context, you make it sound malevolent. A deerskin does exactly what 
Bob has said it does. Intuition my dear fellow, intuition.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 8:25 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

  MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy drain
  creatures living at a lower level of life.

 Bullshit. A deerskin asana is for power, money, to magnetize
 followers and for siddhis.

...among other things. But of course by taking it completely out of
context, you make it sound malevolent. A deerskin does exactly what
Bob has said it does. Intuition my dear fellow, intuition.

Whether or not it's malevolent depends on the intention behind it.  
My intuition would tell me, it's a bullshit answer to dupe TMers and  
that it is clear why a person obsessed with world domination would  
want one (other than it's part of the get-up Mahesh likes when he's  
on tape or in front of an audience). If you want to pose as a yogi or  
a rishi, it always helps to dress the part...and people fall for it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Presented just for a laugh, and as a possible
 replacement for the Vedas, with IMO just as much
 potential value for the spiritual seeker:
 1. The more concerned seekers are with shielding
 themselves from people, animals, places and things
 that drain their energy or personal power, the
 less likely it is that they have any of it to drain.
 2. The more that seekers refer to their path or 
 spiritual technique or tradition as the best or
 the highest, the more likely it is that they've 
 never tried another one.
 3. The more that seekers argue for the rightness
 or correctness or truth of their path's dogma, 
 the less likely it is that the dogma is any of those 
 things, or that it has any worth.
 4. The more convinced the seeker is of his present 
 state of consciousness, the less likely it is that 
 he is correct. Unless his assessment of his state 
 of consciousness is CC (Cluelessness Consciousness), 
 in which case he may be onto something.
 5. The more a seeker demands to be taken seriously,
 the less likely he will be.
 6. The higher a seeker considers himself on the 
 evolutionary ladder, the more likely it is that he
 just hasn't looked up in quite a while.
 7. The more beneath him a seeker considers other
 people, the more likely he is to step on them and
 use them as stepping stones to climb higher.
 8. The more a seeker claims to be moral, the more 
 likely he is to be a closet megalomaniac.
 9. The more reverence the seeker has for the words
 of scriptures and teachers of the past, the less
 reverence he is likely to have for the words of 
 people around him in the present.
 10. The more compelled the seeker is to defend 
 his beliefs and his path, the more worried he is that 
 they aren't true and that he's wasted his life 
 following them.
 11. The more that a seeker feels compelled to change
 others and make them better, the less likely it is
 that any of their advice, if followed, *would* make
 the others better. 
 12. The more that seekers laugh at the attempts of
 others to make them better, the more likely it is
 that they're doing just fine, and have no need to
 be better.
 13. In general, the more a seeker laughs, the more
 likely it is that he's on the right path. Conversely,
 the more a seeker is serious and demands to be taken
 seriously, the more likely it is that he's lost his
 14. Repetition is the mother of anal retention. That is, 
 the more the seeker uses a word to describe others, the 
 more likely it is that he is really describing himself. 
 15. If a seeker has gone more than a couple of months
 without expressing an original thought (that is, one 
 that he didn't read somewhere or have told to him by
 his teacher or tradition or some other expert), chances 
 are he has lost the ability to have an original thought, 
 and may never have one again.
 16. The more a seeker claims to know what God wants, 
 the more likely it is that he has mistaken himself for 
 God and what he wants for what God wants. 
 17. If a seeker doesn't like to be around animals or
 children, chances are the animals and children don't like 
 to be around him, and he's trying to hide that fact by 
 avoiding them.
 18. If a seeker on a spiritual chat board has gone more 
 than a couple of months without describing an event in
 his personal life that was ecstatic and wonderful and
 full of light, chances are that there really haven't
 *been* any of those moments in his life during that
 19. The more important a seeker considers himself in
 the cosmic scheme of things, the less likely it is that
 the cosmos would even notice he was gone if he died.
 20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
 coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)

21. Those that contnuously claim there is nowhere to go, go nowhere.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
And causation lies in the physical mechanism of the chakra?  My throat chakra 
is who is speaking now.  But where is it written that I didn't get this impulse 
from the heart chakra? 

If I were a guru, I would for sure utter some hopeless crap just to see who can 
think for himself and who can't.  In fact, I am a guru, but I try to get over 
it as much as possible.  And what kind of guru is it who wouldn't love to see 
you go beyond him?  Only to meet there again? 

Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  How does hyoid bone vibration invalidate origin and intention in
  the heart chakra? 
 I would think the hyoid bone being in the neck would make the origin
 in the throat chakra.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
Maybe the deer skin can do both?
Or, maybe, deerskins used to do it all back in Vedic times, but now, they've 
passed on this siddhi to acrylics.

Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   

On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy drain from 
creatures living at a lower level of life.

Bullshit. A deerskin asana is for power, money, to magnetize followers and for 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Peter
This whole turd in the toilet problem (TTP) is just
another example of the confounding of states of mind
with pure consciousness. I have no problem believing
that the darshan of human waste would diminish ones
mental state due to its tamasic nature, but would it
impact pure consciousness, no. Another comment: how
weak does one's mind have to be to be impacted by TTP?
Pretty weak in my book.
--- Angela Mailander [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That is a very good point.  It's also true that
 knowledge is different in different universes.  I
 tend to avoid universes in which catching a glimpse
 of a toilet trout dims my mind.a
 jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 --- In
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
   And, after sixty-one years of meditating, I've
 not seen any account 
  about certainty in spiritual knowledge that has a
 claim to 
  certainty.  a
  Knowledge is structured in consciousness is more
 than a truism. As 
  consciousness changes, so does knowledge. That is
 why it is so futile 
  when discussing descriptions of consciousness to
 try for a consensus. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
 coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)

21. The more spiritual aphorisms you come up with
in an attempt to discredit spiritual paths, the
angrier you are about your own inability to find
one of your own.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
Do you mean that nowhere is not a good place to be?
It's the only safe place in my experience.

jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Presented just for a laugh, and as a possible
  replacement for the Vedas, with IMO just as much
  potential value for the spiritual seeker:
  1. The more concerned seekers are with shielding
  themselves from people, animals, places and things
  that drain their energy or personal power, the
  less likely it is that they have any of it to drain.
  2. The more that seekers refer to their path or 
  spiritual technique or tradition as the best or
  the highest, the more likely it is that they've 
  never tried another one.
  3. The more that seekers argue for the rightness
  or correctness or truth of their path's dogma, 
  the less likely it is that the dogma is any of those 
  things, or that it has any worth.
  4. The more convinced the seeker is of his present 
  state of consciousness, the less likely it is that 
  he is correct. Unless his assessment of his state 
  of consciousness is CC (Cluelessness Consciousness), 
  in which case he may be onto something.
  5. The more a seeker demands to be taken seriously,
  the less likely he will be.
  6. The higher a seeker considers himself on the 
  evolutionary ladder, the more likely it is that he
  just hasn't looked up in quite a while.
  7. The more beneath him a seeker considers other
  people, the more likely he is to step on them and
  use them as stepping stones to climb higher.
  8. The more a seeker claims to be moral, the more 
  likely he is to be a closet megalomaniac.
  9. The more reverence the seeker has for the words
  of scriptures and teachers of the past, the less
  reverence he is likely to have for the words of 
  people around him in the present.
  10. The more compelled the seeker is to defend 
  his beliefs and his path, the more worried he is that 
  they aren't true and that he's wasted his life 
  following them.
  11. The more that a seeker feels compelled to change
  others and make them better, the less likely it is
  that any of their advice, if followed, *would* make
  the others better. 
  12. The more that seekers laugh at the attempts of
  others to make them better, the more likely it is
  that they're doing just fine, and have no need to
  be better.
  13. In general, the more a seeker laughs, the more
  likely it is that he's on the right path. Conversely,
  the more a seeker is serious and demands to be taken
  seriously, the more likely it is that he's lost his
  14. Repetition is the mother of anal retention. That is, 
  the more the seeker uses a word to describe others, the 
  more likely it is that he is really describing himself. 
  15. If a seeker has gone more than a couple of months
  without expressing an original thought (that is, one 
  that he didn't read somewhere or have told to him by
  his teacher or tradition or some other expert), chances 
  are he has lost the ability to have an original thought, 
  and may never have one again.
  16. The more a seeker claims to know what God wants, 
  the more likely it is that he has mistaken himself for 
  God and what he wants for what God wants. 
  17. If a seeker doesn't like to be around animals or
  children, chances are the animals and children don't like 
  to be around him, and he's trying to hide that fact by 
  avoiding them.
  18. If a seeker on a spiritual chat board has gone more 
  than a couple of months without describing an event in
  his personal life that was ecstatic and wonderful and
  full of light, chances are that there really haven't
  *been* any of those moments in his life during that
  19. The more important a seeker considers himself in
  the cosmic scheme of things, the less likely it is that
  the cosmos would even notice he was gone if he died.
  20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
  coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)
 21. Those that contnuously claim there is nowhere to go, go nowhere.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
Wonderful poem.  Thanks.

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
 My responses:
 Jesus, are we all getting old!
 Where are all the white women?
 Poodles looks great!
 Love the cell phone next to the puja set!
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Peter
An extended haiku

--- Angela Mailander [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wonderful poem.  Thanks.
 Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  My responses:
  Jesus, are we all getting old!
  Where are all the white women?
  Poodles looks great!
  Love the cell phone next to the puja set!
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well Shemp, here's a problem for ya now.  It no longer matters if
 global warming is real.  The real question is a matter of
 possibilities and what a prudent mind would do faced with a risks 
 I'll be really surprised if you can come up with a cogent response 
 this video's logic.  And, in fact, I'm expecting nothing to be 
 about this from you, or at best, you'll squeak out some snide flame
 that proves only that you're incapable of logic.
 Prove me wrong.

Can't, even if I wanted to.

I went to the link provided below and youtube had the following 
message posted: The url contained a malformed video id. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date:
  7:11 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
I've heard a rumor...in fact, I've heard MMY say that the enlightened yogi can 
drink poison without ill effect.

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
  coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)
 21. The more spiritual aphorisms you come up with
 in an attempt to discredit spiritual paths, the
 angrier you are about your own inability to find
 one of your own.

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 9:06 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Maybe the deer skin can do both?
Or, maybe, deerskins used to do it all back in Vedic times, but  
now, they've passed on this siddhi to acrylics.

Well it would certainly insulate you from the ground, but from lower  
beings? IME asanas (mats, animals skins, various cloths to sit on,  
etc.) used for sadhana are more like talismans which collect energy  
over time--thus the prohibitions against people touching them, etc.  
Asanas also seem to me to be something used and described in Tantric  
and Yogic literature, not in the Vedas per se.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
And while we're at it, here's another thing.  I have it on very good authority 
that the folks at Radiance Dairy will let a cow die a very painful death of 
mastitis because if they give her antibiotics, they can no longer sell her 
milk, should she survive. They also don't give her pain killers, and of course, 
they never do euthanasia on an intensely suffering animal.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   In a message dated 
11/6/07 6:54:12 A.M. Central Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  For  TMers, handling pets is a drain on energy in the same way 
ordinary people are a drain on  a yogi. Of course, pets can be a 
distraction during TM, but the  advice not to handle them is based on 
this energy drain thing.  Because people are fond of pets in many 
cultures, the TMO only says  not to meditate with animals, in order to 
avoid making people think that  Fluffy has to go in order to do TM. 


   Haven't met any real yogis, have you?

 I guess my concern for the Steers being bought to clear the fields of  Johnson 
grass is the responsibility issue. What are they going to be fed once  the 
Johnson grass has been eaten? Who is going to buy them food and round them  up 
every time they go through the poorly built fences. They got a dog several  
months ago and now they want everybody to chip in for it's food because they  
feel embarrassed to submit a food bill to the office for dog food. You also 
have  a care taker who's time is going to be consumed with watching after the 
cattle.  What happens when the movement decides no money for food or vet bills 
and nobody  wants to pay for their up keep. They end up being sold or given 
away to somebody  who could then end up sending them to a slaughter house. This 
whole thing has  not been thought out clearly.

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[FairfieldLife] Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread Duveyoung
Well Shemp, here's a problem for ya now.  It no longer matters if
global warming is real.  The real question is a matter of
possibilities and what a prudent mind would do faced with a risks chart.

I'll be really surprised if you can come up with a cogent response to
this video's logic.  And, in fact, I'm expecting nothing to be posted
about this from you, or at best, you'll squeak out some snide flame
that proves only that you're incapable of logic.

Prove me wrong.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date:
 7:11 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 This whole turd in the toilet problem (TTP) is just
 another example of the confounding of states of mind
 with pure consciousness. I have no problem believing
 that the darshan of human waste would diminish ones
 mental state due to its tamasic nature, but would it
 impact pure consciousness, no.

Bob said he experienced a diminution of awareness.
Not clear whether he mental state or pure
consciousness. Perhaps he'd be willing to clarify...

 Another comment: how
 weak does one's mind have to be to be impacted by TTP?
 Pretty weak in my book.

Maybe it would be a matter of degree: the stronger
the mind, the more negligible the impact. But you
would have to have an invincible mind for there
to be no impact at all.

I suspect Jim is right; these are DEscriptions, not
PREscriptions. If you don't experience a drain of
whatever from looking at a turd, it doesn't do your
whatever enough harm to worry about.

[FairfieldLife] TTP Alert!!

2007-11-06 Thread Peter
Don't these kids know about the dangers of TTP (aka
diminished consciousness)? The horror, the horror!


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander  
 Causation is a  concept in trouble, and I for one,  
 am  glad to hear it since it has always  seemed 
 flimsy to me. 

There are only two things that are certain in life, Angela: 
death and taxes. 

However, it is a generally accepted observation that human 
excrement ALWAYS flows downstream. This observation applies 
to the demi-Gods as well as to humans. If this were not so, 
then, we could expect monkeys to fly up out of our ass 
instead of shit.

[FairfieldLife] And now for the rest of the story...

2007-11-06 Thread shempmcgurk
 I finally realized what all these Rajas at the Coronation Ceremony
table look like: They look like a bunch of Hell's Angels who were
forced, at gunpoint, to become Born Again Christians, showered and
scrubbed clean by 12-year-old virgins betrothed to the prophet of a
compound of polygamists in rural Utah, and then been given a make-over
by a contingent of Gay Hairdressers from Middle Earth.  [Photo #1] 
Photo #1

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
jstein wrote:
 If you don't experience a drain of whatever from 
 looking at a turd, it doesn't do your whatever 
 enough harm to worry about.

So, you DO visually examine your turds after each
evacuation - I thought so. Do they go down the outhouse
hole or float downstream? At my place, the hole is
very deep and dark so it's difficult to know what
the actual turds look like. Sometimes though, I can 
see them actually floating downstream. But I don't
usually wade out into the stream to retrieve them:
I just let them go and don't worry about it much.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation--What They're Really Thinking

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of off_world_beings
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 11:05 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation--What They're Really Thinking


 Who *is* that babe over there?

Well, it is Holland, nudity's legal.

It wasn’t Holland. This all took place right here in Vedic City.


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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date: 11/5/2007
7:11 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB  wrote:
 20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
 coming up with your own, the stupider you become.

Question: What would a materialist like you be doing
writing spiritual aphorisms? Go figure.

 Presented just for a laugh, and as a possible
 replacement for the Vedas, with IMO just as much
 potential value for the spiritual seeker:
 1. The more concerned seekers are with shielding
 themselves from people, animals, places and things
 that drain their energy or personal power, the
 less likely it is that they have any of it to drain.
 2. The more that seekers refer to their path or 
 spiritual technique or tradition as the best or
 the highest, the more likely it is that they've 
 never tried another one.
 3. The more that seekers argue for the rightness
 or correctness or truth of their path's dogma, 
 the less likely it is that the dogma is any of those 
 things, or that it has any worth.
 4. The more convinced the seeker is of his present 
 state of consciousness, the less likely it is that 
 he is correct. Unless his assessment of his state 
 of consciousness is CC (Cluelessness Consciousness), 
 in which case he may be onto something.
 5. The more a seeker demands to be taken seriously,
 the less likely he will be.
 6. The higher a seeker considers himself on the 
 evolutionary ladder, the more likely it is that he
 just hasn't looked up in quite a while.
 7. The more beneath him a seeker considers other
 people, the more likely he is to step on them and
 use them as stepping stones to climb higher.
 8. The more a seeker claims to be moral, the more 
 likely he is to be a closet megalomaniac.
 9. The more reverence the seeker has for the words
 of scriptures and teachers of the past, the less
 reverence he is likely to have for the words of 
 people around him in the present.
 10. The more compelled the seeker is to defend 
 his beliefs and his path, the more worried he is that 
 they aren't true and that he's wasted his life 
 following them.
 11. The more that a seeker feels compelled to change
 others and make them better, the less likely it is
 that any of their advice, if followed, *would* make
 the others better. 
 12. The more that seekers laugh at the attempts of
 others to make them better, the more likely it is
 that they're doing just fine, and have no need to
 be better.
 13. In general, the more a seeker laughs, the more
 likely it is that he's on the right path. Conversely,
 the more a seeker is serious and demands to be taken
 seriously, the more likely it is that he's lost his
 14. Repetition is the mother of anal retention. That is, 
 the more the seeker uses a word to describe others, the 
 more likely it is that he is really describing himself. 
 15. If a seeker has gone more than a couple of months
 without expressing an original thought (that is, one 
 that he didn't read somewhere or have told to him by
 his teacher or tradition or some other expert), chances 
 are he has lost the ability to have an original thought, 
 and may never have one again.
 16. The more a seeker claims to know what God wants, 
 the more likely it is that he has mistaken himself for 
 God and what he wants for what God wants. 
 17. If a seeker doesn't like to be around animals or
 children, chances are the animals and children don't like 
 to be around him, and he's trying to hide that fact by 
 avoiding them.
 18. If a seeker on a spiritual chat board has gone more 
 than a couple of months without describing an event in
 his personal life that was ecstatic and wonderful and
 full of light, chances are that there really haven't
 *been* any of those moments in his life during that
 19. The more important a seeker considers himself in
 the cosmic scheme of things, the less likely it is that
 the cosmos would even notice he was gone if he died.
 20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
 coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
Whence the certainty? Have you tried to empower acrylics through pujas and 
mandalas and yantras and continued ass-contact of an enlightened master?  Have 
you then tested them to see if lower beings can get through?  All lower beings 
or just some?  Which ones? a

Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   

On Nov 6, 2007, at 9:06 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Maybe the deer skin can do both?
Or, maybe, deerskins used to do it all back in Vedic times, but now, they've 
passed on this siddhi to acrylics.

Well it would certainly insulate you from the ground, but from lower beings? 
IME asanas (mats, animals skins, various cloths to sit on, etc.) used for 
sadhana are more like talismans which collect energy over time--thus the 
prohibitions against people touching them, etc. Asanas also seem to me to be 
something used and described in Tantric and Yogic literature, not in the Vedas 
per se.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Aphorisms Of Unc, volume 1

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
  20. The more spiritual aphorisms you read instead of 
  coming up with your own, the stupider you become.  :-)
jstein wrote:
 21. The more spiritual aphorisms you come up with
 in an attempt to discredit spiritual paths, the
 angrier you are about your own inability to find
 one of your own.

Eat your food, then wash your bowl.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
Can you deny that there is a universe, especially now that you've called it 
into being, in which monkeys in fact fly outa your ass? 

Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
Angela Mailander  
  Causation is a  concept in trouble, and I for one,  
  am  glad to hear it since it has always  seemed 
  flimsy to me. 
 There are only two things that are certain in life, Angela: 
 death and taxes. 
 However, it is a generally accepted observation that human 
 excrement ALWAYS flows downstream. This observation applies 
 to the demi-Gods as well as to humans. If this were not so, 
 then, we could expect monkeys to fly up out of our ass 
 instead of shit.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic
descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant to
be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.

You are misapplying MMY's statement about a specific text, the Laws of
Manu to the source of the doo doo nonsense the Charaka or Shushruta
Samhitas of Ayur Veda, which as medical texts, are prescriptive.
Although I also believe that MMY's attempt to explain away the
obviously cruel, racist, misogynistic Laws in the Manu text is absurd,
here you are not even  following his own teaching.

Or are you claiming that the text is saying that after enlightenment
you no longer want to look at your turds?  They ought to put that on
the brochure.

BTW in the case of my own superior enlightenment, a white dove
descends and takes mine away before I can see it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
   There are many energy drain things that the TMO does not bother 
   publicize, but which are part of traditional Vedic culture. For 
   instance, in India one is advised not to look at one's own 
   and sure enough, on those occasions when I do glance at the 
   trout, there's a diminution of awareness. 
  Freud would have a field day with you Bob, probably enough 
  here for an entire conference.
  Sounds ridiculous to us, 
   but just because our idiotic nonsustainable scientific culture 
   not understand how the universe works does not make Vedic 
  I think whether vedic culture is true or not should be studied 
 case by 
  case, this is the belief system of an ancient civilisation some of 
  will be common sense, some superstition, some bizarre nonsense (to 
  some undoubtably true but a mistake to adopt it wholesale, if only 
  avoid the unedifying sight of otherwise intelligent people hiding 
  solar eclipses or not visiting friends whose houses have a south 
 One thing that is commonly overlooked in the mad rush to be first to 
 ridicule vedic stuff is that this info was a description of the many 
 aspects of enlightened life. It was never meant to be perscribed as 
 a code of living for the unenlightened, nor was it meant to be taken 
 as one element at a time. Just as any society appears crazy if its 
 elements are evaluated one at a time, without understanding the 
 underlying consciousness that gives rise to its many laws and codes 
 for living.
 So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic 
 descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant to 
 be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.
 Once the key that ties all of the elements of vedic life is lost, 
 trancendental consciousness, the whole thing is lost, and becomes a 
 mess. At some point, all of these cognitions were probably 
 transformed into codes for living, without the underlying foundation 
 of pure awareness, and then the whole thing goes to hell.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 8:51 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying
Video You'll Ever See)


I went to the link provided below and youtube had the following 
message posted: The url contained a malformed video id. 

try again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date: 11/5/2007
7:11 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
Peter wrote:
 This whole turd in the toilet problem (TTP) is just
 another example of the confounding of states of mind
 with pure consciousness. 

Is there some kind of rule, Peter, where you live, that 
turds ALWAYS have to be put in the toilet?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Real Yogi with Animals

2007-11-06 Thread Angela Mailander
I saw this once in an ordinary Indian householder's home.  Sherru Doggie had 
never in his life been allowed to set foot in the puja room; but he entered it 
for the first time during the night of his death after a difficult and most 
painful sickness.  I  was asleep and heard him call his Mistress, Sushma (tr. 
Beauty of Nature).  I got up, and saw that the servants, too, had understood 
Sherru's call and had gone to wake her in another part of the house. 

Sherru (tr. Beloved Lion Heart) was sitting in front of the altar's, and when 
Sushma arrived, he moved to her left to let her kneel, then he lay down and put 
his head in her lap.  Sushma chanted hymns and mantras, always ending in 
Shanti-shanti-shantihi, my son.

Sherru died  at  4  AM.  His mistress sat him up in front of the altar, and he 
sat there for a while.  

When he toppled, we laid him out in the Brahmastan on a white sheet and half 
covered him with another.  The servants and I went out to buy marigolds, and 
when we brought them back, we lit candles.  

At sunrise, his Master, Suraj (tr. King of Nature) took him and put his body in 
the neighborhood dumpster.

Now, what did I see?  I am reasonably certain that I did see a doggie die.  
Suraj, the servants, and I were all standing just behind Sushma kneeling with 
Sherru's head in her lap.  Sherru kept his gaze in her eyes.  I've seen lots of 
animals and people die, so I did see Sherru die.  Then I saw Sushma put him in 
sitting position, and he sat in front of the altar.  I don't know how long he 
sat, but, after a while, he flopped.  

Do I know that he was in Samadhi?
Well, now, there's a question.  What universe of discourse shall we choose for 
our discussion?

Next time a pet dies, put him in sitting position and see what happens. 

And here's another thing.   My enlightened dog, who was also my  guru, RuDog, 
showed up  at a time in my life in which I died and was subsequently reborn 
(resurrected if you like Christian terms better).  He saw me through it and  
gave me a diploma stating that I was indeed enlightened.  True or False: Was 
RuDog a reincarnation of Sherru?  Who was he really?

Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
From: _Blazing Splendor_ (excerpt)

For animal lovers. -Vaj.

One of the many amazing stories from Blazing Splendor: The Memoirs of Tulku 
Urgyen Rinpoche

Blog at: http://blazing-splendor.blogspot.com/

from the chapter: At Tsurphu with the Karmapa

Many extraordinary things happened in the company of the Karmapa. For example, 
he kept hundreds of birds. Karsey Kongtrul had given him a bird will extremely 
melodious voice, which was very dear to him. When this bird got sick he kept it 
alone in a special room. One day he was told that the bird was dying and he 
asked that it be brought to him.

The bird was placed on the table before him.

This bird needs a special blessing, he said. So he took a small vessel with 
mustard seeds and made his usual chant for dispelling obstacles as he threw 
some of the grains on the bird. Suddenly he said, There's nothing more to 
do--it is dying. No blessing can prevent it

Then he turned to me, saying, Pick it up and hold it in your hand.

The bird was still alive and it sat there in my palm with one eye half-open. 
But soon I saw its head slump, then its wings. But, strangely enough, the bird 
then straightened back up and simply sat there. An attendant whispered, It's 
in samadhi!

I didn't want to disturb it, so I asked him to put it on the table. The 
attendant seemed used to handling birds in this state, because he didn't 
disturb it as he put the bird down.

Somewhat astonished, I commented to the attendant, How remarkable! A bird that 
sits up straight right after death!?!

That's nothing special. They all do it, he replied matter-of-factly.

A second attendant chimed in, Every single bird from the Karmapa's aviary that 
dies sits up for a while after death. But we're so used to this, it has ceased 
to amaze us.

When birds die, I objected, they keel over and fall off their branch to the 
ground--they don't keep sitting!

Well, when the Karmapa is around, this is what they do, replied the 
attendant. But you're right--when he's away, they die the normal way.

At this point everyone had arrived for dinner and I had to sit down, however I 
couldn't help keeping my eye on the bird while we ate. Halfway through dinner 
its right wing slumped and soon after the left followed.

An attendant whispered, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, it seems the samadhi is about 
to finish.

The Karmapa paid no attention and kept eating, even when the bird finally 
keeled over. I looked at my watch--approximately three hours had gone by. No 
matter what the attendants said, I was still pretty amazed because I saw it die 
in my hands. Most people probably wouldn't believe this unless they saw it with 
their own eyes.

The Karmapa was very fond of dogs as well and he 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Marek Reavis
Thanks for sharing Chi Chi's story, Curtis, what a wonderful experience that 
must have 
been growing up.  I'm sure that knowing you was a tremendous boon for Chi Chi, 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavismarek@
  Hey, Curtis, would you mind telling me more about the monkey?  What 
  type, how long did it live with you, what problems, what was its 
  personality, etc.  Having a monkey around the house is an old and 
  long-standing desire of mine that's not quite extinguished and 
  hearing what your experiences were really interests me.
 Hey Marek,
 I got him basically as a rescue when I was 10 years old.  The person
 who gave him to me assured my parents that he would not survive. 
 Seven years later a vet we boarded him with put him down without my
 permission because he believed it was cruel to have a monkey pet.
 Chi Chi was a squirrel monkey, New World, non prehensile tail. 
 Adorable tiny finger prints and finger nails. Here is what he looked
 like:  http://hoglezoo.org/animal.photos/squirrel.monkey.jpg
 He was fiercely protective of me and we had a beautiful communication
 through tone.  Some of the notes I hit while bending notes on my harp
 were invented communicating with him.  
 He asked me if I was in still in charge every day I owned him. 
 Because in monkey culture it is considered polite to show your
 genitals when meeting someone new, his greeting  for my parent's
 fascinated guests was always very shocking as he was the John Holmes
 of primates when he displayed.  He always seemed a bit peeved that
 they didn't return the favor! He never threw things, but he could
 never be trusted not to bite, that is part of how they operate. His
 bluff was so intense it could send grown men running out of the room.
  in terror.   
 Monkeys are bred in this country for pets which takes away the
 extremely cruel way monkeys were imported before about 1975.  That was
 a horror show that has been mostly stopped by laws.  The problem that
 is not easy to solve is that these are social creatures who would
 never be solitary in the wild.  (Orangutans are the only exception I
 know of)  So built into ownership is fundamental cruelty IMO. Keeping
 them as a couple would make more sense unless you wanted them to be
 with you 24/7.  Capuchin monkeys (also New World) make the most
 amazing  companions animals for paraplegics. They are still a
 manageable size.  By the time you get to Rhesus Monkeys or other
 Macaques you are living with a creature with a fearsome bite power.
 Monkeys and apes use biting to show displeasure and it is always a
 All in all I am fascinated with primates but don't believe they make
 good pets.  Their cultures are so dominance driven that with their
 hyper intelligence, they will always be untrustworthy with others and
 even their owners.  Little marmosets in small groups is one way to
 have the best of both worlds maybe.  They look like little gremlins
 and don't have all the negatives I mentioned, but they are also less
 intelligent and quite hyper. 
 I was really lucky to have lived with a monkey for those years, but I
 don't know how lucky my monkey was.  For all my love for him I could
 never give him the constant companionship he craved and the result was
 unintentionally cruel.
 But there are people on the Internet talking about raising monkeys
 whose experience may be different.  With the resources of an adult you
 could keep them more healthy.  Many counties, including the one I live
 in, have laws against owning one and they will take them away as just
 happened in Maryland recently. http://tinyurl.com/2prgle  She lost her
 Thanks for asking so I could remember what a rich part of my heart Chi
 Chi was Marek.  Here is a way to get your monkey buzz on:
  The Hanuman Chalisa
 sri guru carana saroj raja nija mana mukura sudhar,
 varanaun raghuvara vimala yasa, yo dayaka phala chara
 Having cleaned the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus
 feet of my Guru, I sing the pure glories of Lord Ramachandra, who
 bestows the four fruits of life: religion, wealth, pleasure and
 buddhina tanu janike sumiraun pavana kumara,
 bala buddhi vidya dehu mohin, harau klesa vikara
 As I know I am an ignorant fool, I meditate on the Son of Wind,
 Hanuman, and pray him to give me strength, wisdom and knowledge,
 purifying me from all defects and bad things.
 siyavara ramachandra ki jaya,
 pavanasuta hanumana ki jaya,
 umapati mahadeva ki jaya
 All glories to Mother Sita, all glories to Lord Ramachandra, all
 glories to the Son of the Wind, Hanuman, all glories to Lord Shiva,
 consort of Parvati.
 jaya hanumana jnana guna sagara, jaya kapisa tihun loka ujagara,
 rama duta atulita bala dhama, anjani putra pavana suta nama
 Glory to Hanuman, ocean of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander wrote:
 Can you deny that there is a universe, especially now 
 that you've called it into being, in which monkeys in 
 fact fly outa your ass? 
In your dreams, maybe, or if you were high on magic
mushrooms, but if you think monkeys in fact are flying 
outa your ass, maybe you should see a psychologist like 
Dr. Peter Sutphen.

Angela Mailander wrote:  
   Causation is a  concept in trouble, and I for one,  
   am  glad to hear it since it has always  seemed 
   flimsy to me. 
Richard J. Williams wrote:
  There are only two things that are certain in life, Angela: 
  death and taxes. 
  However, it is a generally accepted observation that human 
  excrement ALWAYS flows downstream. This observation applies 
  to the demi-Gods as well as to humans. If this were not so, 
  then, we could expect monkeys to fly up out of our ass 
  instead of shit.

  Send instant messages to your online friends

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Duveyoung
I've seen many animals in the wild, but it hardly counts as an
experience of them -- why?, cuz it's hard to see their minds working
without a long period of observation -- and the closer the better --
watching a grizzly from an SUV won't cut it as well.  

I like to get inside their lives.  I remember, living on Glasgow Road,
and letting my cat out and watching him entering the woods.  A tiger
couldn't have done it with more feline intent.  A mouse or antelope --
doesn't matter what's being hunted, the hunter's mind is the same.

That's why I love Meercat Manor and other animal series on TV.  The
psychological dynamics of any species can be a world-entered if one
has the patience to project anthropomorphically again and again until
the human-only flavors are dropped and one can see what one REALLY has
in common with a species.

I lived three years on a cove fifteen feet outside my window, and
watched the micro-ecological play of over 60 species that I saw on an
almost daily basis, say, about 20 species would be spotted on any
given day.  Mostly birds, but mink, muskrats, turtles, rabbits,
squirrels, field mice, chipmunks, groundhogs, and dragonflies.  All of
these animals' lives can be vicarious thrillers that can match
anything Hollywood sells.  These animals are warriors each and all,
and the tiniest finch will show immense ferocity if required.

Want a deep thrill?  Watch crows having a group meeting.

See how four crows decide who is going to be the first, the sucker,
 who dares to risk a peck at a dead-thing, then after proven dead, who
shoves all the others aside, who thinks they're allowed to sneak
closer for a quick peck while the top-bird is slavering down hunks,
who waits on the sidelines forever until the entire pecking order has
full tummies only to be able to grab a couple good mouthfuls before
the whole murder flies elsewhere.  Watch crows do this and become a
believer in animal telepathy.

Same deal for muskrats fighting it out for sex and territory, or minks
racing along logs like furry snakes, or squirrels chasing each other
up and down a tree until it's like a living barbershop pole, or
chipmunks chirping as loudly as crickets with bullhorns.

Want to know what it's like to meet an alien stepping out of a UFO,
watch a dragonfly hanging around a branch tip for 30 minutes.

Want to know how God's mind works?  Watch a flock of birds wheel as
one mid-flight with not a trace of signal-lag between the first to
turn and the last to turn -- telepathy I tell ya!

Small wonder then that we love our pets and see their minds with such
intimacy.  When my last pet died, it was crushing.  I just cannot take
such a loss again and haven't had a domesticated animal since, but the
wild things take me on their flights, let me scurry with them, let me
see their destinies unfold, and that has proven to be a spiritual
instruction of some merit.


PS.  Below another piece, written to Diane Porter the Birding Lady of
 Fairfield, when I was living in Detroit where I was feeding birds in
my backyard.  I describe a spiritual epiphany I had while watching
starlings feed in the rain.


You know, you really can't tell anyone about birding...the emotions
are so subtle.

I've been watching the birds here -- I'm putting out 15 pounds of seed
a day to 200 sparrows, 40 mourning doves, one pigeon, 50 starlings, 4
purple finches, one downy woodpecker, one red headed woodpecker, two
mallard ducks, ONE junco, four blue jays, four cardinals, one
chickadee, one titmouse, and 9 different squirrels who do not fly so
good but insist that they be fed.

It is amazing how subtle my observations have become.  I swear I know
the FEELINGS of each bird.  EACH one.  And I am absolutely certain
that they all know each other to a very intimate degree
too.pecking order doesn't even begin to compass how well they
all know each other, and I'm not talking about these animals knowing
their same species' ways and means -- they know the psychology of the
other species that hang out at Edg's Eatery too.

I have four mini-tables, about two feet in diameter and two feet high
that I put seed on.  I move these tables around from time to time, and
depending on distance between them, the birds will feed on each table
differently.  The closest to the bushes and trees gets emptied first,
of course, but NOT if I put a can of dog food on it for the starlings,
and NOT if, say, table one is so close to another, table two, that a
squirrel eating on table two is able to jump from table two to table
one.  The birds KNOW how far a squirrel can jump, and so they don't
eat at a nearby table, because they know that squirrel is coming there
to get the sunflower seeds.  Once the seeds are gone, they eat at the
nearby tables!  Amazing!

If I change anything about a feeding table, then that becomes table
four -- emptied last until it has been observed for about three days
-- it might be a trap you see.  The starlings will eat dog food in the
hanging feeders 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TTP Alert!!

2007-11-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't these kids know about the dangers of TTP (aka
 diminished consciousness)? The horror, the horror!

You s beat me to this Pete!  The weird thing is that prisoners use
this gross concoction called dirty pudding as a weapon.  I am amazed
that they never discovered this use. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] A Real Yogi with Animals

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Do I know that he was in Samadhi?
Well, now, there's a question.  What universe of discourse shall we  
choose for our discussion?

Next time a pet dies, put him in sitting position and see what  

It's not so much the position itself, although the position is  
conducive to the transference of consciousness (Tib. phowa). In the  
case of the Karmapa, the animals would go into that position after  
the breathing stopped. This style of samadhi is common in those who  
perfected it in this lifetime, the side-benefit is once you learn it  
yourself, you can assist others as well. In the case of the Karmapa,  
just being in his vicinity was all that was necessary, which is  
really a kind of nondual transference.

And here's another thing.   My enlightened dog, who was also my   
guru, RuDog, showed up  at a time in my life in which I died and  
was subsequently reborn (resurrected if you like Christian terms  
better).  He saw me through it and  gave me a diploma stating that  
I was indeed enlightened.  True or False: Was RuDog a reincarnation  
of Sherru?  Who was he really?

[FairfieldLife] Overposting - Angela's done for the week

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Archer
59 posts since Friday midnight. Judy has 30. No one else is very close. The
limit is 25 per week. Please keep a tally of your own posts.

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7:11 PM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:23 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets


So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic
descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant to
be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.

You are misapplying MMY's statement about a specific text, the Laws of
Manu to the source of the doo doo nonsense the Charaka or Shushruta
Samhitas of Ayur Veda, which as medical texts, are prescriptive.

So are the Laws of Manu. Maharishi once gave me the project of correlating
the scientific charts on TM with the Laws of Manu. They prescribe many
gruesome punishments for various sins. If you sleep with your teacher’s
wife, you have to cut off your genitals and walk to the southwest, holding
them in your hands, until you bleed to death. Other punishments include
being shaven with the urine of an ass, making young people who have sex out
of wedlock lie on a bed of red-hot iron, and this little gem: molten lead
has to be poured into the ears of those 'low born' who dare to hear the
recital of the written word

I can’t imagine anyone “spontaneously” doing any of these things based on
their level of consciousness.

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7:11 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

So are the Laws of Manu. Maharishi once gave me the project of  
correlating the scientific charts on TM with the Laws of Manu. They  
prescribe many gruesome punishments for various sins. If you sleep  
with your teacher’s wife, you have to cut off your genitals and  
walk to the southwest, holding them in your hands, until you bleed  
to death. Other punishments include being shaven with the urine of  
an ass, making young people who have sex out of wedlock lie on a  
bed of red-hot iron, and this little gem: molten lead has to be  
poured into the ears of those 'low born' who dare to hear the  
recital of the written word

I can’t imagine anyone “spontaneously” doing any of these things  
based on their level of consciousness.
And of course you're right on this. That's why they're called Duty  
Scriptures (dharma-shastras), they prescribe the duties of certain  
varnas of people.

It never ceases to amaze me what people will believe just because it  
is uttered by someone dressed as a yogi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread shempmcgurk
Thanks to Rick Archer, I've now been able to see the video.

I have several impressions that I'd like to convey, but I'll only 
give one:

Do the exact same exercise for Iran and Nuclear Weapons.

See what course of action you come up with.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well Shemp, here's a problem for ya now.  It no longer matters if
 global warming is real.  The real question is a matter of
 possibilities and what a prudent mind would do faced with a risks 
 I'll be really surprised if you can come up with a cogent response 
 this video's logic.  And, in fact, I'm expecting nothing to be 
 about this from you, or at best, you'll squeak out some snide flame
 that proves only that you're incapable of logic.
 Prove me wrong.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
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  Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date:
  7:11 PM

[FairfieldLife] Causality and a 100% Correlation (Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada)

2007-11-06 Thread Duveyoung
Angela Mailander: There is no way to distinguish between a cause and
a 100% correlation.

Thanks for nutshelling that concept.  To me it's THE question for
science to face -- but seldom does, because, well, it cannot be faced!!!

The quantum guys know that that they cannot know anything about the
mechanics of the vacuum state.  Things are furiously happening
inside nothing.  They have no tools to do this, and Godel and
Heisenberg says no tools for such are logically possible period.

Just so, the inside of black holes cannot be compassed by thought.

And, just so, amness, from which springs forth fully formed thoughts,
cannot be delved into since the observer-function of the mind must be
merged with all other mental faculties to arrive at amness -- a
mono-thought state.

God's mind works everywhere at once, and robot minds call it synchrony.  

Same deal for us -- being made in the image of God and all -- in our
nightly dreams we create all the characters, props, environments,
clothing, colors, smells, emotions, plots INSTANTLY and WHOLLY. 
There's simply no room for causality to manage all that doingness in
the time alloted -- that is: real time, now time, instant by moment
time, in which an unstoppable, unrelenting, constant, magnificent
changingness is managed by the beyond with unfathomable laws.

The human brain is capable of tremendous parallel processing, and the
tasks-being-processed, when one considers the content of even the most
common human experience, simply boggles, but a mere glance by anyone
at anytime in any place in any circumstance will be ample proof enough
of synchrony if one truly sees what one is seeing.

Say what?

Try this experiment to see if you agree that sychronicity-simultaneity
is operating beyond causality -- see if you can feel the immensity of
the mind and that there's not time enough to construct all of this
experience, moment by moment being refreshed anew:


Find a viewpoint from which you can see a good distance.  The
greater the distance the better, and if it involves looking out a
window, that's okay.  If you can see the horizon, that's ideal.
Daytime is best.  

Pick an object that is moving and that is one of the farthest objects
from you.  This may be a leaf on a distant tree, a boat on the lake, a
crop circle forming, whatever.  

Now stare at this object and note how little of your field of vision
it takes up.  Decide an approximate percentage.

While you are watching this object with your physical eyes being
focused upon it, note that other objects are also quite clearly
delineated by your mind as separate entities which are not the
object of focus but are nonetheless discernible.

While still focused on the distant object, mentally note at least five
other objects that are at varying distances from you.  Note that these
objects, especially the nearest of them are not as in focus as the
distant object.

While still focused on the distant object, note that this trip that
you take is done without moving your eyes to focus on the other
individual objects, but instead it is a MENTAL ADJUSTMENT IN YOUR
ATTENTIONING -- in that your eyes stay fixed, but your mind can know
that the other objects are there and have definite qualities of
color and shape and distance that are easily observed.

Note that these other objects have emotional value to you that is also
separately distinguishable.

Note other moving objects within this same field of view.  Note how
these and other objects are alluring to the eye which likes to
shift its attention to moving objects and colorful objects.

Note that there are at MANY objects!  Estimate the number by rounding
off to the nearest million.

Note that each object in your field of view, must necessarily be
represented within your physiology by individual processes; for
instance, the moving leaf, the bird that flies by, the cloud, UFOs,
etc. are ALL happening simultaneously within your mind as separate
events albeit seamlessly integrated into a single picture.  Note
that this must mean that your nervous system is able to maintain a
huge number of separate hunks, and yet effortlessly the scene makes

Practice traveling around your field of view while remaining focused
on the one distant object.

After you get some chops doing this sort of thing, ask yourself
these questions:

What is a separate thought?  How do I have so much going on in my mind
and yet it seems like everything comes one at a time?

Can I have more than one thought or emotion at a time?  What would be
the payoff if I could skillfully use two thoughts or emotions at once?

When I am having an intense emotion, is this like a part of me
focusing on an object?  Can I learn to travel around my emotional
field of view when I am having an emotional attack that
predominates?  What would be the payoff to becoming skilled at this?

WHO decides where my attention goes?  How do all these things get
sorted out, and then spontaneously my attention is directed from one

RE: [FairfieldLife] Overposting - Angela's done for the week

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:35 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Overposting - Angela's done for the week


59 posts since Friday midnight. Judy has 30. No one else is very close. The
limit is 25 per week. 

I meant 35 per week, which averages out to 5 per day. Pace yourself and
favor quality over quantity. (I’m not implying that the two are mutually

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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date: 11/5/2007
7:11 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks to Rick Archer, I've now been able to see the video.
 I have several impressions that I'd like to convey, but I'll only 
 give one:
 Do the exact same exercise for Iran and Nuclear Weapons.
 See what course of action you come up with.

Prior to the Iraq war, International Atomic Energy Agency chairman
Mohammed ElBaradei warned there was no evidence of ongoing prohibited
nuclear or nuclear-related activities in Iraq. He was subsequently
smeared by the administration, but ultimately vindicated as the
recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize for getting it right.

Today on CNN, ElBaradei sounded alarms about the Bush administration's
increasingly hawkish rhetoric in regards to Iran's alleged nuclear
ambitions. We have the time to use diplomacy, ElBaradei urged. There
is no military solution with Iran:

I very much have concern about confrontation, building
confrontation, Wolf, because that would lead absolutely to a disaster.
I see no military solution. The only durable solution is through
negotiations and inspections. ... My fear is that we continue to
escalate from both sides from both sides that we would end up into a
precipice, we would end up into an abyss.

ElBaradei poured water over Vice President Cheney's confident
declaration last week that Iran is pursuing technology that could be
used to develop nuclear weapons. The world knows this. While
ElBaradei did not rule out Iran having an intent to obtain nuclear
weapons, he explained that there is no evidence that Iran is currently
pursuing such a program right now:

I have not received any information that there is a concrete,
active nuclear weapon program going on right now. … We have
information that there have been maybe some studies about possible
weaponization. But we are looking into these alleged studies with Iran
right now. … But have we seen having the nuclear material that can be
readily used into a weapon? No. Have we seen an active weaponization
program? No. So there is a concern, but there is also time to clarify
these concerns.

ElBaradei also urged the U.S. to halt its fiery rhetoric and directly
engage Iran in talks: The earlier we go into negotiation, the earlier
we follow the North Korean model, the better for everybody.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LXlkfezIW4 


Yesterday ... I flagged Sy Hersh's new New Yorker article on the
Cheneyite push for war with Iran -- an article as depressing as it is
unsurprising. I want to focus in one passage from the piece about
arch-Iran hawk Norman Podhoretz ... 

Many of those who support the President's policy argue that Iran
poses an imminent threat. In a recent essay in Commentary, Norman
Podhoretz depicted President Ahmadinejad as a revolutionary, like
Hitler . . . whose objective is to overturn the going international
system and to replace it . . . with a new order dominated by Iran. . .
. The plain and brutal truth is that if Iran is to be prevented from
developing a nuclear arsenal, there is no alternative to the actual
use of military force. Podhoretz concluded, I pray with all my
heart that President Bush will find it possible to take the only
action that can stop Iran from following through on its evil
intentions both toward us and toward Israel. 

So this is the threat. Iran overturns the current unipolar world order
and replaces it with a new world order dominated by Iran. It's really
quite astonishing that people even write this garbage with a straight
face. And yet there it is. Lost in all of this is that Iran is, what?,
a third rate military power? Maybe? 

Let's see if we can line up this comparison: Hitler/Germany, head of
industrial superpower in the heart of Europe, engaged in massive
rearmament putting it back in place as the dominant land military
power in the world. Ahmadinejad, head of country with an economy
roughly the size of Alabama, a sizable but largely outmoded military. 

Notice any differences? 

--Josh Marshall 
Relevant links here: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/054690.php 


The American discussion about Iran has lost all connection to reality. 

Norman Podhoretz, the neoconservative ideologist whom Bush has
consulted on this topic, has written that Iran's President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad is like Hitler … a revolutionary whose objective is to
overturn the going international system and to replace it in the
fullness of time with a new order dominated by Iran and ruled by the
religio-political culture of Islamofascism. 

For this staggering proposition Podhoretz provides not a scintilla of

Iran has an economy the size of Finland's and an annual defense budget
of around $4.8 billion. It has not invaded a country since the late
18th century. 

The United States has a GDP that is 68 

Re: [FairfieldLife] And now for the rest of the story...

2007-11-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 6, 2007, at 9:06 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:

I finally realized what all these Rajas at the Coronation Ceremony 
table look like:

They look like a bunch of Hell's Angels who were forced, at gunpoint, 
to become Born Again Christians, showered and scrubbed clean 
by 12-year-old virgins betrothed to the prophet of a compound of 
polygamists in rural Utah, and then been given a make-over by a 
contingent of Gay Hairdressers from Middle Earth.

I think they  look like new-age Klansmen.


[FairfieldLife] Re: And now for the rest of the story...

2007-11-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Nov 6, 2007, at 9:06 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
  I finally realized what all these Rajas at the Coronation Ceremony 
  table look like:
  They look like a bunch of Hell's Angels who were forced, at gunpoint, 
  to become Born Again Christians, showered and scrubbed clean 
  by 12-year-old virgins betrothed to the prophet of a compound of 
  polygamists in rural Utah, and then been given a make-over by a 
  contingent of Gay Hairdressers from Middle Earth.
 I think they  look like new-age Klansmen.

Are you giving Angela your posts again Sal?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prissy Blissy vs Hard-Corp John Wayne Spiritualism

2007-11-06 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 5, 2007, at 10:25 PM, new.morning wrote:
  (And the notion of some that MMY is an aghori is, well, quite  
 Who on earth would make such a crazy claim? That truly IS hilarious,  
 if true.

Peter used to regularly. And while it was sort of with a wink (I
suppose), even the as a rough simile, it is quite funny, IMO. 

But I also don't get Jim's post -- he who has Perfect Crystalline
Radiant Intellect (he who has perfected the Arrogance Siddhi) about
prescription / description  in the vedas. I assume he means MMY has
been selling us a crock by Prescribing ayurved, jyotish,
ghandarva-ved, forest academy, rajas, SV, etc instead of letting the
Totally Enlightened in the highest state of Brahman Consciousness --
like Jim, live the totality of these things naturally, in their
enlightenment -- that is to live the Description of the state. I can
hardly wait to meet Jim's 12 year old wife, his slaves, watch him
perform the Horse sacrafice, watch his queen copulate with the horse
before all, before the horse is slaughtered, drink his own urine
regularly, and all.

May my unenlightened, but quite smart friends here, help to decipher
the totality and depth of Jim's wisdom here -- radiating for Perfect
Knowledge an Perfect Intellect -- in the highest state of consciousness. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:
  MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy drain from
  creatures living at a lower level of life.
 Bullshit. A deerskin asana is for power, money, to magnetize  
 followers and for siddhis.

Whats a tiger skin for?

And other skins and asanas (kuti grass an all)?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 At least we now have the answer to the age old question: Is there
 anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert.

At the risk of raising explosive ire, my first thought upon seeing one
of those Trikke videos was that is so gay, even *I'd* be embarrassed
to be seen riding on one. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
 Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:23 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
 So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic
 descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant to
 be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.
 You are misapplying MMY's statement about a specific text, the Laws of
 Manu to the source of the doo doo nonsense the Charaka or Shushruta
 Samhitas of Ayur Veda, which as medical texts, are prescriptive.
 So are the Laws of Manu. Maharishi once gave me the project of
 the scientific charts on TM with the Laws of Manu. They prescribe many
 gruesome punishments for various sins. If you sleep with your teacher's
 wife, you have to cut off your genitals and walk to the southwest,
 them in your hands, until you bleed to death. Other punishments include
 being shaven with the urine of an ass, making young people who have
sex out
 of wedlock lie on a bed of red-hot iron, and this little gem:
molten lead
 has to be poured into the ears of those 'low born' who dare to hear the
 recital of the written word
 I can't imagine anyone spontaneously doing any of these things
based on
 their level of consciousness.

Yeah, just the same, we better put Jim on a 24/7 watch. And of course
Tom, Rory and Peter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Thanks to Rick Archer, I've now been able to see the video.
 I have several impressions that I'd like to convey, but I'll only 
 give one:
 Do the exact same exercise for Iran and Nuclear Weapons.
 See what course of action you come up with.

You can't do the same exercise with Iran. What are
your two choices along the side of the chart?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 6, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
  So are the Laws of Manu. Maharishi once gave me the project of  
  correlating the scientific charts on TM with the Laws of Manu. They  
  prescribe many gruesome punishments for various sins. If you sleep  
  with your teacher's wife, you have to cut off your genitals and  
  walk to the southwest, holding them in your hands, until you bleed  
  to death. Other punishments include being shaven with the urine of  
  an ass, making young people who have sex out of wedlock lie on a  
  bed of red-hot iron, and this little gem: molten lead has to be  
  poured into the ears of those 'low born' who dare to hear the  
  recital of the written word
  I can't imagine anyone spontaneously doing any of these things  
  based on their level of consciousness.
 And of course you're right on this. That's why they're called Duty  
 Scriptures (dharma-shastras), they prescribe the duties of certain  
 varnas of people.
 It never ceases to amaze me what people will believe just because it  
 is uttered by someone dressed as a yogi.

Vaj, you STILL don't Get IT, do you!!!

Jim is not mouthing the words of MMY.  This is his OWN cognition from
the state of Perfect Intellect and Perfect Knowledge, from the
platform from perfected Brahman Consciuosness. 

It is no wonder that we don't understand what seem to us to be massive
contradictions in the Prescriptive/Descriptive proclamation/cognition.
(And most other Wisdom Dripping utterences from Shri Jim) We can ONLY
get it when we rise to Jim's most HIGH state of awareness. 

Please! Give him the respect he deserves!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 12:10 PM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

  MMY sits on a deerskin to insulate himself from the energy  
drain from

  creatures living at a lower level of life.

 Bullshit. A deerskin asana is for power, money, to magnetize
 followers and for siddhis.

Whats a tiger skin for?

Conquering the passions or something like that.

And other skins and asanas (kuti grass an all)?

I'd have to look them up.  Deer are related to sound, since there are  
very sensitive to sound, so they were presumably good for mantra- 
siddhi and for maintaining that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Duveyoung

What a cheap fucking shot. 
What a cheap fucking shot.

It's worth a post of mine to call you to accounts for this arbitrary

For you to put down the sport of trikking that has upped the health of
hundreds of thousands of owners of Trikkes is sheer fucking meanness
and equal to Anne Coulter using the word faggot in the same sentence
as John Edwards.  

Get that?  You're here in a spiritual community being a cowardly
pissant trying to toss a tomato from the back of a crowd and hoping to
get away with it.

You're swiftboating a sport in order to make me out the fool here,
and, not incidentally, you've besmirched homosexuality in an era of
political correctitude, and thus shown yourself to be homophobic --
which, to professionals, is a massive tell of your own denying of
dissonant, inner, latent, gender-identification issues.  (You're
queer, adjust to it, grab a man, and be happier.)

As if you could make a fool of me here.  I do that well enough thank
you, and the community is hardly improved by the emotion you're
showing yourself to indulge in when you create such barbs from what
can only be assumed to be a corrosive sickness in your deepest psyche.

It's low, it's crude, it's a horrid dynamic of your psychology, and it
just must be fucking up your life left and right for you to come out
of nowhere and simply attack for attack's sake.  Do you really think
that the emotion you felt driving your producing such a foul spitwad
is going to be extinguished by this one shitheel manifestation?

Ha!  It's an all-time reality for you, Dude, and the finger you just
pointed at me is accompanied by the other three fingers of your hand
pointing at you.  I too have a finger pointed at you -- guess which one.

Poor poor you.  Holy shit, what a skewing of your mind and what a
havoc your life must be to struggle with such a burden.  I'd feel
sorry for you, but you simply don't deserve it.

And the funny thing is, is that I'm not defending Trikkes right now,
but I am defending the community here from the travail of watching an
asshole's incompetency being unresisted and allowed to pass for

You are a psychological criminal -- your willingness to be a
conceptual rapist just oozes in all your posts.  

The only thing that could change my mind about you now is if someone
tells me you're under 30 years of age.  Then, it's just a case of
juvenile rascality trying to pull a chain just because you can, but
I'm thinking most likely you're aura is filled with red streaks, your
mind with angst, and your mouth with bile.  Your daily fare.  Ugh.

I trikke everyday in front of many people, and all I get is sincere
questions, statements of approval and awe, and genuine entertainment
from merely seeing this human-powered use of the conservation of
angular momentum law.

At least I'm being refreshingly new when I'm hurling the puke, but
your attempts are laughably immature in addition to being bereft of
any creativity.

Look, at least try to come up to my standards when you try to flame.

Here's the height of the bar.  See if you can do as well as the below
when you next attack.

Edg, you creepazoid monster of pride, you putrid pus bag of ego, you
evil minion of narcissism -- only trikking could have made you appear
more twisted and bizarre.  Mission accomplished.

See?  Now that's flaming, you sniveling prick.

And may I just add:  fuck you with a fire hydrant while you're being

Ah, I feel lighter, holier, victorious!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  At least we now have the answer to the age old question: Is there
  anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert.
 At the risk of raising explosive ire, my first thought upon seeing one
 of those Trikke videos was that is so gay, even *I'd* be embarrassed
 to be seen riding on one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  At least we now have the answer to the age old question: Is there
  anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert.
 At the risk of raising explosive ire, my first thought upon seeing one
 of those Trikke videos was that is so gay, even *I'd* be embarrassed
 to be seen riding on one.

I'm guessing you know it is Edg with the Trikke.  Explosive ire is so
gay when it gets raised. Perhaps they would de-gay it a bit if they
would drop that affected second K in the spelling?  I am in favor of
all balance sports, but if a Trikker ever wore those spandex pants
that serious bicyclists wear then Elton John would have to write a
song about it.

The word gay is going through a meaning shift.  It meant happy till
it was taken over as a sexual preference.  Then young people hijacked
and used it where my generation used to use queer.  That is so gay
has nothing to do with owning any CD by Liza Minnelli for them.  The
last change came from the Simpsons who use it to mean attracted to as
in: Bart claims Lisa is gay for Mole Man to which Mole Man sadly
responds No one is gay for Mole Man

So to tie up this little useless exercise let's see if we can use them
all together:

Edg is gay for Trikkes, which Alex believes makes him look gay,but Edg
is not really gay, he just rides a trikke because it makes him gay.

And people wonder what we non TM people do with our extra time without
the program!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2007, at 12:32 PM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 6, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

  So are the Laws of Manu. Maharishi once gave me the project of
  correlating the scientific charts on TM with the Laws of Manu.  

  prescribe many gruesome punishments for various sins. If you sleep
  with your teacher's wife, you have to cut off your genitals and
  walk to the southwest, holding them in your hands, until you bleed
  to death. Other punishments include being shaven with the urine of
  an ass, making young people who have sex out of wedlock lie on a
  bed of red-hot iron, and this little gem: molten lead has to be
  poured into the ears of those 'low born' who dare to hear the
  recital of the written word
  I can't imagine anyone spontaneously doing any of these things
  based on their level of consciousness.
 And of course you're right on this. That's why they're called Duty
 Scriptures (dharma-shastras), they prescribe the duties of certain
 varnas of people.

 It never ceases to amaze me what people will believe just because it
 is uttered by someone dressed as a yogi.

Vaj, you STILL don't Get IT, do you!!!

Jim is not mouthing the words of MMY. This is his OWN cognition from
the state of Perfect Intellect and Perfect Knowledge, from the
platform from perfected Brahman Consciuosness.

Oh, sorry, I must have missed that!

It is no wonder that we don't understand what seem to us to be massive
contradictions in the Prescriptive/Descriptive proclamation/cognition.
(And most other Wisdom Dripping utterences from Shri Jim) We can ONLY
get it when we rise to Jim's most HIGH state of awareness.

Please! Give him the respect he deserves!

I thought I was . ;-)

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Marek Reavis
Wow!  Edg, what do think this is all about, anyway?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What a cheap fucking shot. 
 What a cheap fucking shot.
 It's worth a post of mine to call you to accounts for this arbitrary
 For you to put down the sport of trikking that has upped the health 
 hundreds of thousands of owners of Trikkes is sheer fucking meanness
 and equal to Anne Coulter using the word faggot in the same 
 as John Edwards.  
 Get that?  You're here in a spiritual community being a cowardly
 pissant trying to toss a tomato from the back of a crowd and hoping 
 get away with it.
 You're swiftboating a sport in order to make me out the fool here,
 and, not incidentally, you've besmirched homosexuality in an era of
 political correctitude, and thus shown yourself to be homophobic --
 which, to professionals, is a massive tell of your own denying of
 dissonant, inner, latent, gender-identification issues.  (You're
 queer, adjust to it, grab a man, and be happier.)
 As if you could make a fool of me here.  I do that well enough thank
 you, and the community is hardly improved by the emotion you're
 showing yourself to indulge in when you create such barbs from what
 can only be assumed to be a corrosive sickness in your deepest 
 It's low, it's crude, it's a horrid dynamic of your psychology, and 
 just must be fucking up your life left and right for you to come out
 of nowhere and simply attack for attack's sake.  Do you really think
 that the emotion you felt driving your producing such a foul spitwad
 is going to be extinguished by this one shitheel manifestation?
 Ha!  It's an all-time reality for you, Dude, and the finger you just
 pointed at me is accompanied by the other three fingers of your hand
 pointing at you.  I too have a finger pointed at you -- guess which 
 Poor poor you.  Holy shit, what a skewing of your mind and what a
 havoc your life must be to struggle with such a burden.  I'd feel
 sorry for you, but you simply don't deserve it.
 And the funny thing is, is that I'm not defending Trikkes right now,
 but I am defending the community here from the travail of watching 
 asshole's incompetency being unresisted and allowed to pass for
 You are a psychological criminal -- your willingness to be a
 conceptual rapist just oozes in all your posts.  
 The only thing that could change my mind about you now is if someone
 tells me you're under 30 years of age.  Then, it's just a case of
 juvenile rascality trying to pull a chain just because you can, but
 I'm thinking most likely you're aura is filled with red streaks, 
 mind with angst, and your mouth with bile.  Your daily fare.  Ugh.
 I trikke everyday in front of many people, and all I get is sincere
 questions, statements of approval and awe, and genuine entertainment
 from merely seeing this human-powered use of the conservation of
 angular momentum law.
 At least I'm being refreshingly new when I'm hurling the puke, but
 your attempts are laughably immature in addition to being bereft of
 any creativity.
 Look, at least try to come up to my standards when you try to flame.
 Here's the height of the bar.  See if you can do as well as the 
 when you next attack.
 Edg, you creepazoid monster of pride, you putrid pus bag of ego, 
 evil minion of narcissism -- only trikking could have made you 
 more twisted and bizarre.  Mission accomplished.
 See?  Now that's flaming, you sniveling prick.
 And may I just add:  fuck you with a fire hydrant while you're being
 Ah, I feel lighter, holier, victorious!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   At least we now have the answer to the age old question: Is 
   anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert.
  At the risk of raising explosive ire, my first thought upon 
seeing one
  of those Trikke videos was that is so gay, even *I'd* be 
  to be seen riding on one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 So to tie up this little useless exercise let's see if 
 we can use them all together:
 Edg is gay for Trikkes, which Alex believes makes him 
 look gay, but Edg is not really gay, he just rides a 
 trikke because it makes him gay.

You've got to admit, though, Edg worrying about
whether riding his Trikke makes him look gay
enough that some guy is eyeing his ass is a step
up from worrying whether his girlfriend is laugh-
ing at him behind his back when she gets together
with her friends.

Credit where credit is due, dude. This is progress.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: And now for the rest of the story...

2007-11-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 6, 2007, at 10:30 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I think they  look like new-age Klansmen.


Are you giving Angela your posts again Sal?

Forgot to do that--thanks for reminding me, Curtis. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm not here.

2007-11-06 Thread Stu
I saw an advanced screening at the director's guild.  I think it will
be released pretty soon.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Nov 6, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
   So are the Laws of Manu. Maharishi once gave me the project 
   correlating the scientific charts on TM with the Laws of Manu. 
   prescribe many gruesome punishments for various sins. If you 
   with your teacher's wife, you have to cut off your genitals 
   walk to the southwest, holding them in your hands, until you 
   to death. Other punishments include being shaven with the 
urine of  
   an ass, making young people who have sex out of wedlock lie on 
   bed of red-hot iron, and this little gem: molten lead has to 
   poured into the ears of those 'low born' who dare to hear the  
   recital of the written word
   I can't imagine anyone spontaneously doing any of these 
   based on their level of consciousness.
  And of course you're right on this. That's why they're 
called Duty  
  Scriptures (dharma-shastras), they prescribe the duties of 
  varnas of people.
  It never ceases to amaze me what people will believe just 
because it  
  is uttered by someone dressed as a yogi.
 Vaj, you STILL don't Get IT, do you!!!
 Jim is not mouthing the words of MMY.  This is his OWN cognition 
 the state of Perfect Intellect and Perfect Knowledge, from the
 platform from perfected Brahman Consciuosness. 
 It is no wonder that we don't understand what seem to us to be 
 contradictions in the Prescriptive/Descriptive 
 (And most other Wisdom Dripping utterences from Shri Jim) We can 
 get it when we rise to Jim's most HIGH state of awareness. 
 Please! Give him the respect he deserves!

Oh paleeze, I think I'm gonna puke! Here you go on and on and on 
about your logical inferences and ways that your mind works, 
sometimes for many, many paragraphs, post after post, and with your 
so called wit, and I have never insulted you the way that you do me. 
You always try to cut me down and make fun of what I say. You are a 
real jerk, new morning. Not funny or witty or insightful. Just 
another run of the mill mean spirited jerk. If you don't like what I 
say, skip it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Vaj
Could you help me pick out some drapes and matching wall coverings? I  
think a Trikke motif would be so fab! :-)

On Nov 6, 2007, at 12:48 PM, Duveyoung wrote:


What a cheap fucking shot.

What a cheap fucking shot.

It's worth a post of mine to call you to accounts for this arbitrary

For you to put down the sport of trikking that has upped the health of
hundreds of thousands of owners of Trikkes is sheer fucking meanness
and equal to Anne Coulter using the word faggot in the same sentence
as John Edwards.

Get that? You're here in a spiritual community being a cowardly
pissant trying to toss a tomato from the back of a crowd and hoping to
get away with it.

You're swiftboating a sport in order to make me out the fool here,
and, not incidentally, you've besmirched homosexuality in an era of
political correctitude, and thus shown yourself to be homophobic --
which, to professionals, is a massive tell of your own denying of
dissonant, inner, latent, gender-identification issues. (You're
queer, adjust to it, grab a man, and be happier.)

As if you could make a fool of me here. I do that well enough thank
you, and the community is hardly improved by the emotion you're
showing yourself to indulge in when you create such barbs from what
can only be assumed to be a corrosive sickness in your deepest psyche.

It's low, it's crude, it's a horrid dynamic of your psychology, and it
just must be fucking up your life left and right for you to come out
of nowhere and simply attack for attack's sake. Do you really think
that the emotion you felt driving your producing such a foul spitwad
is going to be extinguished by this one shitheel manifestation?

Ha! It's an all-time reality for you, Dude, and the finger you just
pointed at me is accompanied by the other three fingers of your hand
pointing at you. I too have a finger pointed at you -- guess which  

Poor poor you. Holy shit, what a skewing of your mind and what a
havoc your life must be to struggle with such a burden. I'd feel
sorry for you, but you simply don't deserve it.

And the funny thing is, is that I'm not defending Trikkes right now,
but I am defending the community here from the travail of watching an
asshole's incompetency being unresisted and allowed to pass for

You are a psychological criminal -- your willingness to be a
conceptual rapist just oozes in all your posts.

The only thing that could change my mind about you now is if someone
tells me you're under 30 years of age. Then, it's just a case of
juvenile rascality trying to pull a chain just because you can, but
I'm thinking most likely you're aura is filled with red streaks, your
mind with angst, and your mouth with bile. Your daily fare. Ugh.

I trikke everyday in front of many people, and all I get is sincere
questions, statements of approval and awe, and genuine entertainment
from merely seeing this human-powered use of the conservation of
angular momentum law.

At least I'm being refreshingly new when I'm hurling the puke, but
your attempts are laughably immature in addition to being bereft of
any creativity.

Look, at least try to come up to my standards when you try to flame.

Here's the height of the bar. See if you can do as well as the below
when you next attack.

Edg, you creepazoid monster of pride, you putrid pus bag of ego, you
evil minion of narcissism -- only trikking could have made you appear
more twisted and bizarre. Mission accomplished.

See? Now that's flaming, you sniveling prick.

And may I just add: fuck you with a fire hydrant while you're being

Ah, I feel lighter, holier, victorious!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  At least we now have the answer to the age old question: Is there
  anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert.

 At the risk of raising explosive ire, my first thought upon  
seeing one
 of those Trikke videos was that is so gay, even *I'd* be  

 to be seen riding on one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You're swiftboating a sport in order to make me out the fool here,
 and, not incidentally, you've besmirched homosexuality in an era of
 political correctitude, and thus shown yourself to be homophobic --
 which, to professionals, is a massive tell of your own denying of
 dissonant, inner, latent, gender-identification issues.  (You're
 queer, adjust to it, grab a man, and be happier.)

I describe myself as a Meat-eating Sodomite living in
a Hindu enclave of Jesusland. I've been out of the closet for about
14 years. 
But, hey! Thanks for the great rant!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread Duveyoung
 jim_flanegin wrote:
 Oh paleeze, I think I'm gonna puke! Here you go on and on and on 
 about your logical inferences and ways that your mind works, 
 sometimes for many, many paragraphs, post after post, and with your 
 so called wit, and I have never insulted you the way that you do me. 
 You always try to cut me down and make fun of what I say. You are a 
 real jerk, new morning. Not funny or witty or insightful. Just 
 another run of the mill mean spirited jerk. If you don't like what I 
 say, skip it.

Jimmy Boy,

I gotta tell ya, ire is beautiful on ya!  Nice cut.  Drapes well. 
Ya's stylin' I tells ya.

I'm a fan of yours.  Could care less if you're enlightened or not, but
no matter your status, I sure think you could fill the role -- be an
authentic guru for almost anyone -- even if you chose were merely mood
making about it.  I like your style and love your clarity.  And when
you write about enlightenment, I read it with intense focus.  Your
choice of words never disappoints.  Bravo.

Put you on a divan with a dhoti and flowers and a mike, and you'd be a
guru of deep value to 99% of the folks who'd come to you. Put Barry or
Curtis or Alex or Off or Shemp or New in a dhoti, and it'd be a joke.

I would drive a hundred miles to have lunch with ya.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Prissy Blissy vs Hard-Corp John Wayne Spiritualism

2007-11-06 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Nov 5, 2007, at 10:25 PM, new.morning wrote:
   (And the notion of some that MMY is an aghori is, well, quite  
  Who on earth would make such a crazy claim? That truly IS 
  if true.
 Peter used to regularly. And while it was sort of with a wink (I
 suppose), even the as a rough simile, it is quite funny, IMO. 
 But I also don't get Jim's post -- he who has Perfect Crystalline
 Radiant Intellect (he who has perfected the Arrogance Siddhi) about
 prescription / description  in the vedas. I assume he means MMY has
 been selling us a crock by Prescribing ayurved, jyotish,
 ghandarva-ved, forest academy, rajas, SV, etc instead of letting 
 Totally Enlightened in the highest state of Brahman Consciousness -
 like Jim, live the totality of these things naturally, in their
 enlightenment -- that is to live the Description of the state. I 
 hardly wait to meet Jim's 12 year old wife, his slaves, watch him
 perform the Horse sacrafice, watch his queen copulate with the 
 before all, before the horse is slaughtered, drink his own urine
 regularly, and all.
 May my unenlightened, but quite smart friends here, help to 
 the totality and depth of Jim's wisdom here -- radiating for 
 Knowledge an Perfect Intellect -- in the highest state of 

Sharing my experiences is arrogant? What do you call it when you do 
it? Oh...right...you don't...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prissy Blissy vs Hard-Corp John Wayne Spiritualism

2007-11-06 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Nov 5, 2007, at 10:25 PM, new.morning wrote:
(And the notion of some that MMY is an aghori is, well, quite  
   Who on earth would make such a crazy claim? That truly IS 
   if true.
  Peter used to regularly. And while it was sort of with a wink (I
  suppose), even the as a rough simile, it is quite funny, IMO. 
  But I also don't get Jim's post -- he who has Perfect Crystalline
  Radiant Intellect (he who has perfected the Arrogance Siddhi) about
  prescription / description  in the vedas. I assume he means MMY has
  been selling us a crock by Prescribing ayurved, jyotish,
  ghandarva-ved, forest academy, rajas, SV, etc instead of letting 
  Totally Enlightened in the highest state of Brahman Consciousness -
  like Jim, live the totality of these things naturally, in their
  enlightenment -- that is to live the Description of the state. I 
  hardly wait to meet Jim's 12 year old wife, his slaves, watch him
  perform the Horse sacrafice, watch his queen copulate with the 
  before all, before the horse is slaughtered, drink his own urine
  regularly, and all.
  May my unenlightened, but quite smart friends here, help to 
  the totality and depth of Jim's wisdom here -- radiating for 
  Knowledge an Perfect Intellect -- in the highest state of 
 Sharing my experiences is arrogant? What do you call it when you do 
 it? Oh...right...you don't...

Jim, did you watch your trout this morning? Your perfect intellect is

I said nothing about sharing experience as arrogant. And I have shared
a number myself over the years. But not in the tone of your post --
one-upmanship my consciousness big swinging dick is bigger than yours. 

My joke regarding you, and other self-proclaimed perfected ones having
mastered the Arrogance Siddhi, is all about your claims to having a
Perfect Crystalline Radiant Intellect, Perfect Knowledge  -- in the
highest state of perfected Brahaman Consciousness -- and then making
silly contradictory statements over and over again.

And I see you punted, as usual, and refused to address such
contradictions and shortcomings, but choose to divert attention to
fantasies that you make up. But that is natural for one who has
perfected the Red Herring Siddi.

All the best to you and your fantastic inner world Jim.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
jstein wrote:
 You can't do the same exercise with Iran. What are
 your two choices along the side of the chart?

According to the moderator, you are way over your posting
limit. Better put a lid on it!

Rick Archer wrote:
 59 posts since Friday midnight. Judy has 30. No one else
 is very close. The limit is 25 per week. Please keep a 
 tally of your own posts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Coronation

2007-11-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  You're swiftboating a sport in order to make me out the fool here,
  and, not incidentally, you've besmirched homosexuality in an era of
  political correctitude, and thus shown yourself to be homophobic --
  which, to professionals, is a massive tell of your own denying of
  dissonant, inner, latent, gender-identification issues.  (You're
  queer, adjust to it, grab a man, and be happier.)
 I describe myself as a Meat-eating Sodomite living in
 a Hindu enclave of Jesusland. I've been out of the closet for about
 14 years. 
 But, hey! Thanks for the great rant!

Snap!  Now THATS entertainment!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets

2007-11-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
Put Barry or  Curtis or Alex or Off or Shemp or New in a dhoti, and
it'd be a joke.

I wore one at my Vedic wedding.  It made me look totally gay.

Hey Edg, your the enemy of my enemy is my friend routine is also
very gay.

Now figure out which use of the word was I using in each case.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  jim_flanegin wrote:
  Oh paleeze, I think I'm gonna puke! Here you go on and on and on 
  about your logical inferences and ways that your mind works, 
  sometimes for many, many paragraphs, post after post, and with your 
  so called wit, and I have never insulted you the way that you do me. 
  You always try to cut me down and make fun of what I say. You are a 
  real jerk, new morning. Not funny or witty or insightful. Just 
  another run of the mill mean spirited jerk. If you don't like what I 
  say, skip it.
 Jimmy Boy,
 I gotta tell ya, ire is beautiful on ya!  Nice cut.  Drapes well. 
 Ya's stylin' I tells ya.
 I'm a fan of yours.  Could care less if you're enlightened or not, but
 no matter your status, I sure think you could fill the role -- be an
 authentic guru for almost anyone -- even if you chose were merely mood
 making about it.  I like your style and love your clarity.  And when
 you write about enlightenment, I read it with intense focus.  Your
 choice of words never disappoints.  Bravo.
 Put you on a divan with a dhoti and flowers and a mike, and you'd be a
 guru of deep value to 99% of the folks who'd come to you. Put Barry or
 Curtis or Alex or Off or Shemp or New in a dhoti, and it'd be a joke.
 I would drive a hundred miles to have lunch with ya.

[FairfieldLife] The Healing Power of Laughter

2007-11-06 Thread TurquoiseB

Every few months I think back on my time with the 
Rama guy, and every time I do, I find myself thank-
ful for something he taught me that was unique, 
something I haven't really seen that often on the
spiritual smorgabord. One of these unique teachings 
was about the healing power of laughter. 

What, you say? That's not unique...there have
been lots of spiritual teachers who taught about
the healing power of laughing. There have even
been scientific studies about the healing power
of laughing.

While this may be true, I wasn't talking about the
healing power of laughing. I was talking about the
healing power of being laughed at.

Whatever else you may say about the Rama cult, we
laughed a lot. At Rama's jokes, at the movies we'd
go see together, in the desert, at home...laughter
was a big thing in the Rama trip. And one of the
things we got used to laughing at -- and to having
it *be* laughed at -- was our self.

Selves (small s) were fair game for laughter in
the Rama trip. If you had an ego on you, it was
going to be laughed at and made the butt of jokes,
often in front of hundreds of other people. That
was one of Rama's techniques for wearing away the
hold that egos had on his students -- make fun of
them and laugh at them. 

Not at the students, mind you. Only at their egos.

And the egos cringed when laughed at. They felt a
twinge of resentment or anger at being laughed at.
But, possibly because the attention levels were so
high while this laughter was going on, something
would snap and you'd realize that all these people
laughing at you were *right*, and that the machin-
ations of your ego in this case *were* laughable,
and the damnedest thing would happen. You'd find
yourself laughing along with the people laughing
at you.

And I have to tell you, that's one of the neatest
spiritual experiences I think you can have. 

Because the being laughing at his own ego is no
longer that ego. Something has happened to shift
one's identification with that ego, to knock it 
out of place enough so that one can see it for 
what it really is, and laugh at it. It's a real
Castanedan shift-your-assemblage-poing experience.

When someone makes fun of you, if their intent is
clean, what they're doing is making *fun*. They're
creating a kind of koan-like doorway into a world
that is more *fun* than the one you're in now. They
are saying to you, Dude...you're so *serious*, and
over such mediocre shit. Lighten UP, and join the 

And if you can get this, you really *can* join the
party. There are few things in life more liberating 
than getting to that point where you can laugh at
your self. The very process of doing so seems to
loosen the hold that that self has on the inner you,
the one that would be laughing most of the time if
that oh-so-serious self weren't in the way.

Laughing at your self knocks it out of the way, and
what is left is the eternal laughter of Self. In my
experience, I think I learned more from and benefited
more from those moments in which I was able to laugh
at my own assholiness than I ever did from all that
talk about holiness.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 1:08 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying
Video You'll Ever See)


jstein wrote:
 You can't do the same exercise with Iran. What are
 your two choices along the side of the chart?

According to the moderator, you are way over your posting
limit. Better put a lid on it!

I meant to type “35.” She’s not over.

Rick Archer wrote:
 59 posts since Friday midnight. Judy has 30. No one else
 is very close. The limit is 25 per week. Please keep a 
 tally of your own posts.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.22/1112 - Release Date: 11/5/2007
7:11 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Jason Spock
 Is Toilet Paper vedic.?  Or would Maharishi insist only on water to clean 
up so that it keeps the consiousness pure.
 Shemp thinks Butterflies come out of MMY.!!

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 06:09:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

  This whole turd in the toilet problem (TTP) is just
another example of the confounding of states of mind
with pure consciousness. I have no problem believing
that the darshan of human waste would diminish ones
mental state due to its tamasic nature, but would it
impact pure consciousness, no. Another comment: how
weak does one's mind have to be to be impacted by TTP?
Pretty weak in my book.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp -- show your true colors (Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See)

2007-11-06 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  Thanks to Rick Archer, I've now been able to see the video.
  I have several impressions that I'd like to convey, but I'll only 
  give one:
  Do the exact same exercise for Iran and Nuclear Weapons.
  See what course of action you come up with.
 You can't do the same exercise with Iran. What are
 your two choices along the side of the chart?

In the video, the premise (upper left of grid where the GCC is 
written) is that there will be catastrophic man-made global warming.

Instead, the premise is: Nuclear holocaust initiated by Iran as a 
result of Iran developing nuclear weapons.

You ask, Judy, what are the choices along the side of the chart: they 
would be the same: False first and then True below it.

Along the top of the grid would be the same A and B action 
representing, respectively yes and no.

Now discuss...oh, and remember to ask yourself: what's more likely to 
actually happen: catastrophic global warming (man-made or otherwise) 
or Iran actually getting nuclear weapons.

Gee, care to speculate on what the odds are of each of the above?

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