[FairfieldLife] The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread TurquoiseB
What do each of these statments by BillyG, that pretty
much represent the Republican position, have in common?

One word: FEAR

 If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million 
 illegal immigrants and they vote (some already are) that will 
 be the end of America as we know it and the beginning of an 
 era of Total Democrat Party Rule, yeah, and there won't be 
 many rich left, except perhaps in government.
 Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and 
 California is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats 
 in spite of RINO Swatz...look at what is happening in California, 
 that is what will be happening in America!
. . .
 What happens after the democrats completely soak the rich, will 
 there be any rich left? And what 'dream' is Teddy talking about, 
 a congressional pay hike?
 In California the Dems pandered so much to the Hispanic vote that
 white people can barely get elected anymore, is this what is 
 going to happen to America? Tacos for everybody..the Dems 
 slogan, how can ya turn that down!

FEAR is all they have to sell. FEAR is the only force
in their lives that they understand. FEAR of change,
FEAR of sex, FEAR of gays, FEAR of immigrants, FEAR
of someone taking their precious money away, and now
FEAR of tacos.

You want a campaign slogan?

Vote Republican...vote FEAR. We'll give it to you 24/7.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy Kennedy's dream...

2008-08-26 Thread mainstream20016
Ah, the Immigration Issue. Establishing the free-flow of illegal aliens into 
America was 
George Bush's second highest priority - after huge tax breaks for the 
wealthiest.  Both 
Bush and Kennedy were aiming for the Hispanic vote by allowing illegals into 
America. The 
difference is Kennedy sought rights for illegals, Bush and Republican business 
cynically welcomed illegals in order to exploit both the illegals  and working 
Americans.  Placing the blame on  Kennedy is  Republican Projection - 
projecting negative qualities unto their opponents that republicans, 
themselves, display in 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million illegal
 immigrants and they vote (some already are) that will be the end of
 America as we know it and the beginning of an era of Total Democrat
 Party Rule, yeah, and there won't be many rich left, except perhaps in
 Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and California
 is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats in spite of RINO
 Swatz...look at what is happening in California,  that is what will be
 happening in America!

[FairfieldLife] free spiritual masters books and mp3

2008-08-26 Thread subhash madhukar

Free spiritual books and discourses 
All books are selected one gives insight in your life; do read at least a few.


[FairfieldLife] Denver and the Dems

2008-08-26 Thread Vaj

Denver and the Dems
Submitted by richardmyers on Mon, 08/25/2008 - 03:46

(Some scattered observations on the ridiculous)

Since we've known the Dems were coming, Denverites have noticed some  
dramatic changes in the Mile-High City. Not every development has  
been praiseworthy; for example, in the very city that declares small  
amounts of cannibis a low priority for law enforcement, we've  
experienced the embarrassment of a City Council obsessed with illegal  
possession-- of urine and feces. Elected officials blame their  
bathroom ordinance on protesters, whom they accuse of harboring  
nefarious and disgusting plans. But as far as we can tell, the  
Council's potty preoccupation has been a preemptive pipe dream that  
should have been flushed at conception.

There have been other ridiculous rules. Even as we've been  
relentlessly buzzed by military helicopters, and overflown by fighter  
jets, we don't dare fly our radio-controlled model airplanes within  
30 miles of the Pepsi Center. I'm thinking what it might be like to  
get caught and having to do the hard time: Whatcha in for kid?  
Felonious possession of a paper airplane...

All the high-level discussions about stun guns and Mark IV pepperball  
launchers have been delivered with assurances that Denver will not  
look like a police state. What a relief; good to know we've only  
imagined our kids had a new favorite pastime, guessing which machine- 
gun toting, riot-gear clad ninja turtles are Homeland Security  
flunkees, and which ones might be Blackwater.

Speaking of which, what are all those hidden assets they keep  
telling us about? Are they keeping Karl Rove in reserve?

Meanwhile there has been Orwellian talk of counter-snipers on the  
government payroll. Raises the question: to have a counter-sniper,  
don't you first have to have a sniper? Pretty soon we'll no longer  
have the U.S. Marines, we'll only have the Counter-Marines. See how  
the frame of reference changes? Suddenly its always the other guy's  
fault, no matter who starts the ruckus.

We've noticed cameras on most every street in the downtown area.  
Surely they're just making videos for traffic congestion studies. We  
can take heart from the great job Denver has done in destroying all  
existing copies of their spy file databases, right? Hey everyone, no  
need to worry about privacy, Denver is just experimenting with Google- 
Earth in real time!

And all those videos of everyone's license plates could be quite  
helpful-- the spouse can call the local PD to discover where you're  
stuck in traffic.

With the DNC in full swing, traffic gridlock once noticed at rush  
hour can now be enjoyed at all hours... Those of us unfortunate  
enough to rely upon automobiles are a bit jealous when bicycles glide  
past. Yet bicyclists aren't so lucky; their bike locks and key-chain  
carabiners have been outlawed due to well-known terroristic  
potentialities. Better a stolen bike or lost keys than a cop  
subjected to that most awful of predicaments, confronting a potential  
arrestee who puts on her own handcuffs!

But wait-- we Denverites have read in our newspapers that bicycles  
themselves are possible protest weapons, with the nefarious  
battlefield capability of blocking walkways. Don't buy that trike for  
junior, you'll turn him into a sidewalk terrorist!

Cops have been warned that anyone in possession of nails, self- 
tapping screws, tiki lamps, or wooden-handled protest signs is likely  
a violent protester. As one of our friends observes, your local  
hardware store is a criminal conspiracy.

Meanwhile the Dems have passed their own rules. Apparently verboten  
contraband disallowed in the audience at Obama's acceptance speech  
includes cowbells, frisbees, and shoes with wheels. There is talk of  
kazoos, so they may be banned as well. Do you think the Dems are  
practicing for when they take over?

Meanwhile any major convention brings out the supreme effort of folks  
who desire delegate dollars. On Friday a convertible pulled into  
traffic ahead of me, and it was difficult not to notice the g-string  
adorned young woman mooning the following traffic as her partner  
tossed strip club passes into open windows. (I didn't get one, so  
don't ask me which club...)

Ahhh, but the character of Denver's main drag, Colfax Avenue itself  
hasn't changed much; Colfax has always been the one street in Denver  
that never sleeps. In some circles it is declared the longest  
commercial street in the U.S.A., and you can find most anything on  
Colfax. The thoroughfare even has its own website: http:// 

Well, there is one difference overlooking the strip. Amnesty  
International chose the large size when they opted for a billboard to  
get the message out to any delegates who might chance to pass Colfax  
and Gilpin. It is great (and to be honest, a little surreal) to see  
such a high-visibility commitment to a progressive cause, 

[FairfieldLife] Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread Rick Archer
 Is Hillary Clinton saying Goodbye or is she getting ready to rise 
above the Ashes?

   Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician

By Lou Valentino


Dear friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends of yoga and higher 


Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to free speech.


If you are for Senator Obama you must be thrilled. Even John McCain is 
thrilled. You have everything you wanted. He say’s women should have equal 
rights to men. That he can unify the Democratic Party. That he can heal racial 
tensions in America. That the Democratic Party can win with enough votes in 
November. That he will stop the Iraq war in 16 months.


I can forgive him. After all he is born under the sign of Leo and has Uranus, 
Mercury and  North Node in Leo. And with Aquarius rising he wants to do his own 
thing and be original. Carly Simon has the perfect song for the less than 
positive side of the Leo man; You’re so vain you probably think this song is 
about you.


Obama’s Moon in Gemini in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto in the 7th 
shows his inability to forgive his mother. The Moon is the natural ruler of the 
fourth house and signifies the Mother in a man’s chart. He views his mother as 
being emotionally restless and unable to settle down in her life. According to 
her story which he won’t write this is true.


The Moon square to Pluto in the 7th house of marriage shows he did not feel 
comfortable with the marriage choices his mother made. This clearly shows he is 
uncomfortable around females who have acquired power. This was the main reason 
that he could not pick Hillary as his running mate. He sided with his male 
side. The male energy wins again. Or does it?


The 18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her speech on 
August 26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in Cancer and in her first 
house. This speech will show 




an emotional side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes her feel 
personally emotional about her patriotism. America is born under the sign of 


Pluto not only rules Scorpio which Hillary Clinton is born under but when it 
moves into the 7th house of the public it gives power to the individual. Pluto 
is the transformer. Pluto will turn direct on September 9, 2008 and move into 
Hillary Clinton’s 7th house on November 21st, 2008. On October 23rd Pluto 
conjuncts her natal Jupiter giving her good luck.


Although the media and the Obama campaign have taken over the Democratic Party 
it is still the people who vote who win elections for others. Joe Biden is no 
spring chicken. He will not be able to get Pennsylvania and other swing states 
the votes that Hillary Clinton had already gotten. 


I am predicting that something will stop Senator Obama from winning the 
nomination and it’s not just John McCain. It is a combination of a few things. 
Legal issues of authentic citizenship in America, his V.P. choice fragmenting 
the Hillary Clinton voters and his inability to get the Latino vote in Florida 
and California. His own choices made in hast (Moon in Gemini) will come back to 
haunt him. I don’t see him legally on the ballot in every state. And I don’t 
see him being the uniter but the divider when it comes to racial issues. 


Obama supporters don’t care about the Democratic Party. All they care about is 
their own votes and anyone else who voted for Hillary Clinton is just a mistake 
within the Democratic Party that never should have happened. They say Hillary 
Clinton is corrupt. As if all of the men in the history of American politics 
have all been angels. What a sexist country we live in. Vote more men in and 
continue the tradition of war and domestic violence against both women and 


And don’t forget, when their having their monthly cycle they should stay home 
and god forbid they can enter a temple or church in some countries. Women can’t 
be leaders of religious services and they can’t chant the Vedas. Don’t put them 
near those shaved headed Budhists. They are lucky they can even vote since the 
early 1900’s they didn’t have that right.


People say give it up. We don’t need Hillary Clinton. We need change in 
America. She’s hard, unfeeling and even women say I want a women in the white 
house but not her. She’s been a part of the system for too long. But - Joe 
Biden can take her place. After all he is a man so we can overlook his long 
history including voting for the Iraq war. The very issue that most Obama 
voters complained about when it came to Hillary Clinton. 







Hillary Clinton voters have a right to speak out and the cages that they have 
set up at the DNC for Clinton voters who speak out is a clear signal from Obama 
and his voters that something is very wrong and disturbing with the DNC and the 
party as a whole. For every Obama 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 3:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

You want a campaign slogan?

Vote Republican...vote FEAR. We'll give it to you 24/7.

I thought that already *was* their campaign slogan.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread Peter
Okay, Lou, we have it on record: Obama will not receive the nomination of his 
party for president of the United States. And, according to the hoary science 
of astrology it is so! In a few days, we'll see how good you are..

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 7:58 AM


 Is Hillary Clinton saying
Goodbye or is she getting ready to rise above the Ashes? 

   Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician 

By Lou Valentino 


friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends of yoga and higher


Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to free


you are for Senator Obama you must be thrilled. Even John McCain is thrilled.
You have everything you wanted. He say’s women should have equal rights to men.
That he can unify the Democratic Party. That he can heal racial tensions in 
America. That the Democratic Party can win with enough votes in
November. That he will stop the Iraq war in 16 months. 


can forgive him. After all he is born under the sign of Leo and has Uranus,
Mercury and  North Node in Leo. And with Aquarius rising he wants to do his own
thing and be original. Carly Simon has the perfect song for the less than
positive side of the Leo man; You’re so vain you probably think this song is
about you. 


Moon in Gemini in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto in the 7th
shows his inability to forgive his mother. The Moon is the natural ruler of the
fourth house and signifies the Mother in a man’s chart. He views his mother as
being emotionally restless and unable to settle down in her life. According to
her story which he won’t write this is true. 


Moon square to Pluto in the 7th house of marriage shows he did not
feel comfortable with the marriage choices his mother made. This clearly shows
he is uncomfortable around females who have acquired power. This was the main
reason that he could not pick Hillary as his running mate. He sided with his
male side. The male energy wins again. Or does it? 


18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her speech on August
26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in Cancer and in her first
house. This speech will show  




emotional side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes her feel
personally emotional about her patriotism. America is born under the sign of 


not only rules Scorpio which Hillary Clinton is born under but when it moves
into the 7th house of the public it gives power to the individual.
Pluto is the transformer. Pluto will turn direct on September 9, 2008 and move
into Hillary Clinton’s 7th house on November 21st, 2008.
On October 23rd Pluto conjuncts her natal Jupiter giving her good


Although the media and the Obama campaign have taken over the
Democratic Party it is still the people who vote who win elections for others. 
Biden is no spring chicken. He will not be able to get Pennsylvania and other 
swing states the votes that Hillary Clinton had
already gotten.  


am predicting that something will stop Senator Obama from winning the
nomination and it’s not just John McCain. It is a combination of a few things.
Legal issues of authentic citizenship in America, his V.P. choice fragmenting 
the Hillary Clinton voters and his
inability to get the Latino vote in Florida and California. His own choices 
made in hast (Moon in Gemini) will come
back to haunt him. I don’t see him legally on the ballot in every state. And I
don’t see him being the uniter but the divider when it comes to racial issues.  


Obama supporters don’t care about the Democratic Party. All they care about is
their own votes and anyone else who voted for Hillary Clinton is just a mistake
within the Democratic Party that never should have happened. They say Hillary
Clinton is corrupt. As if all of the men in the history of American politics
have all been angels. What a sexist country we live in. Vote more men in and
continue the tradition of war and domestic violence against both women and


don’t forget, when their having their monthly cycle they should stay home and
god forbid they can enter a temple or church in some countries. Women can’t be
leaders of religious services and they can’t chant the Vedas. Don’t put them
near those shaved headed Budhists. They are lucky they can even vote since the
early 1900’s they didn’t have that right. 


say give it up. We don’t need Hillary Clinton. We need change in America. She’s 
hard, unfeeling and even women say I want a women
in the white house but not her. She’s been a part of the system for too long.
But - Joe Biden 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician
 By Lou Valentino
 Dear friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends 
 of yoga and higher learning’s,
 Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to 
 free speech.

Lou, you'll have to forgive *me*, but I need to check 
with you to see who the word I refers to in this post.
You have a tendency to pass along supposed messages from
people from outer space, who spell and use punctuation 
just as badly as you do, so I'm a little confused.

Does this venting message come from Lou the astrologer
who lives in Fairfield, or from one of your Pleiadian 
friends who look like big verginas? 

If it's from you, and you still don't know how to tell 
the difference between a vagina and a vergina at your 
age, I can fully understand why you need to vent.

On the other hand, if this is another channeled message
from the Pleiadians, what have *they* got to vent about?

Aren't you the one who is always passing advice along
from them, as if they have everything all figured out and
are so much more advanced than we are? If they still need 
to vent, then why should we pay any attention to anything 
they tell us? They're just as fucked up as humans are.

So please, in the future, can you be specific as to which
of your multiple personalities is doing the venting? 

snip to
 The 18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her 
 speech on August 26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in 
 Cancer and in her first house. This speech will show an emotional 
 side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes her feel 
 personally emotional about her patriotism. 

You don't think it's going to make her so emotional that
she needs to vent, do you? 

If she did that, it would be difficult for us earthlings 
to tell the difference between her and a Pleiadian. You 
tell us that they look like big verginas, and most people
in America already think of Hillary an enormous cunt, so
how are they going to tell the difference?

Now that I think about it, would it be more embarrassing 
for Hillary to be mistaken for a Pleiadian or for a 
Pleiadian to be mistaken for Hillary?

Curious minds want to know...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, Lou, we have it on record: Obama will not receive 
 the nomination of his party for president of the United 
 States. And, according to the hoary science of astrology 
 it is so! In a few days, we'll see how good you are..

Pete, you are a bitter old skeptic who refuses
to accept reality.

Her Hillaryness now has the backing of Lou, the
PUMAs, and the Pleiadians. How can that many 
big verginas be wrong?


A hundred bucks says that Lou makes no mention of
this prediction in next year's These are all the
predictions of mine that came true segment on 
his website.

And people actually PAY for his services...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy Kennedy's dream...

2008-08-26 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and California
 is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats in spite of RINO


Who the hell is RINO Swatz...Rindy Schwartz's evil twin?

[FairfieldLife] The one-word Barry Wright Life Slogan

2008-08-26 Thread shempmcgurk

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy Kennedy's dream...

2008-08-26 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and California
  is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats in spite of RINO
 Who the hell is RINO Swatz...Rindy Schwartz's evil twin?

Aaarnoldrepublican in name only!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:59 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

On the other hand, if this is another channeled message
from the Pleiadians, what have *they* got to vent about?

Hey don't laugh, it's probably how TMers cognize the meanings of  
their mantras, from talking verginas from Krittika. (Always wondered  
what Mother Divine really looked like?)

And besides, I'd like to at least like to see a drawing of one of  
these, uh, guys. (No, Rorschach paintings don't count Lou!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy Kennedy's dream...

2008-08-26 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

 Ah, the Immigration Issue. Establishing the free-flow of illegal 
aliens into America was 
 George Bush's second highest priority - after huge tax breaks for 
the wealthiest. 


Hey, mainstream20016, do you think you can get your facts straight 
before you resort to your hyperbole?

There were no huge tax breaks for the wealthiest...I only wish 
there were.

Bush lowered the highest marginal federal income tax bracket from 
39.5% to 35%. And he lowered the other ones below that a few points 
as well.

Hardly huge, my good fellow.

Plus, he lowered the lowest bracket -- the 15% bracket -- by creating 
a new one at 10%.

Yes, he also lowered the capital gains tax.  And the dividend tax 
(which was a form of double taxation).

If you want to employ the word huge anywhere, you should apply that 
word to the disproportionately HUGE amount of tax the wealthy pay in 
this country compared to what others pay.  Now THAT'S injustice.

(Just ask and I'll be happy to reproduce the figures.  But I warn 
you; if I do, you'll go away with your tail between your legs).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
Rick Archer wrote:
 That he will stop the Iraq war in 16 months.

Did Obama promise to stop the war in 16 months.
Apparently he did not; instead Obama promised to
send an additional 10,000 U.S. troops to fight the
war. Obama selected Joe Biden for the vice-president
nomination, yet Biden voted to go to war and send
U.S. troops to the Middle East.

So, how, exactly, are Obama and Biden going to end
the war by sending in more troops? A surge?

But both Obama and Biden both said the surge in Iraq
had failed. Obama voted to cut off the funding for 
our soldiers. This is just outrageous! 

Biden voted against the first gulf war and we won; 
Obama voted against the second Iraq war and we're 
winning. The surge was a success and both Obama and
Biden were wrong.

During Biden's time, the Senate has twice authorized 
the president to go to war with Iraq. In 1991, the 
question was whether the U.S. should come to the 
rescue of Kuwait, which Iraq had successfully 
invaded. Biden voted against doing so. Fortunately, 
the Senate as a whole saw the matter differently, 
and the U.S. successfully drove Iraq out of Kuwait.

Read more:

'Talkin' Joe Biden'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff 
Powerline, August 24, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Vote Republican...vote FEAR...

You sound really afraid, Turq.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What do each of these statments by BillyG, that pretty
 much represent the Republican position, have in common?
 One word: FEAR
  If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million 
  illegal immigrants and they vote (some already are) that will 
  be the end of America as we know it and the beginning of an 
  era of Total Democrat Party Rule, yeah, and there won't be 
  many rich left, except perhaps in government.
  Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and 
  California is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats 
  in spite of RINO Swatz...look at what is happening in California, 
  that is what will be happening in America!
 . . .
  What happens after the democrats completely soak the rich, will 
  there be any rich left? And what 'dream' is Teddy talking about, 
  a congressional pay hike?
  In California the Dems pandered so much to the Hispanic vote that
  white people can barely get elected anymore, is this what is 
  going to happen to America? Tacos for everybody..the Dems 
  slogan, how can ya turn that down!
 FEAR is all they have to sell. FEAR is the only force
 in their lives that they understand. FEAR of change,
 FEAR of sex, FEAR of gays, FEAR of immigrants, FEAR
 of someone taking their precious money away, and now
 FEAR of tacos.

Fear of Tacos??  Ha, ha.well, yes you should fear tacos, you could
get fat!  :-)  

 You want a campaign slogan?
 Vote Republican...vote FEAR. We'll give it to you 24/7.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is Hillary Clinton saying Goodbye or is she getting ready 
to rise above the Ashes?
Pluto turning direct for a 
Female Politician
 By Lou Valentino
 Dear friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends of 
yoga and higher learning’s,
 Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to free 
 If you are for Senator Obama you must be thrilled. Even John McCain 
is thrilled. You have everything you wanted. He say’s women should 
have equal rights to men. That he can unify the Democratic Party. 
That he can heal racial tensions in America. That the Democratic 
Party can win with enough votes in November. That he will stop the 
Iraq war in 16 months.
 I can forgive him. After all he is born under the sign of Leo and 
has Uranus, Mercury and  North Node in Leo. And with Aquarius rising 
he wants to do his own thing and be original. Carly Simon has the 
perfect song for the less than positive side of the Leo man; You’re 
so vain you probably think this song is about you.
 Obama’s Moon in Gemini in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto 
in the 7th shows his inability to forgive his mother. The Moon is the 
natural ruler of the fourth house and signifies the Mother in a 
man’s chart. He views his mother as being emotionally restless and 
unable to settle down in her life. According to her story which he 
won’t write this is true.
 The Moon square to Pluto in the 7th house of marriage shows he did 
not feel comfortable with the marriage choices his mother made. This 
clearly shows he is uncomfortable around females who have acquired 
power. This was the main reason that he could not pick Hillary as his 
running mate. He sided with his male side. The male energy wins 
again. Or does it?
 The 18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her 
speech on August 26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in Cancer 
and in her first house. This speech will show 
 an emotional side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes 
her feel personally emotional about her patriotism. America is born 
under the sign of Cancer.
 Pluto not only rules Scorpio which Hillary Clinton is born under 
but when it moves into the 7th house of the public it gives power to 
the individual. Pluto is the transformer. Pluto will turn direct on 
September 9, 2008 and move into Hillary Clinton’s 7th house on 
November 21st, 2008. On October 23rd Pluto conjuncts her natal 
Jupiter giving her good luck.
 Although the media and the Obama campaign have taken over the 
Democratic Party it is still the people who vote who win elections 
for others. Joe Biden is no spring chicken. He will not be able to 
get Pennsylvania and other swing states the votes that Hillary 
Clinton had already gotten. 
 I am predicting that something will stop Senator Obama from winning 
the nomination and it’s not just John McCain. It is a combination 
of a few things. Legal issues of authentic citizenship in America, 
his V.P. choice fragmenting the Hillary Clinton voters and his 
inability to get the Latino vote in Florida and California. His own 
choices made in hast (Moon in Gemini) will come back to haunt him. I 
don’t see him legally on the ballot in every state. And I don’t 
see him being the uniter but the divider when it comes to racial 
 Obama supporters don’t care about the Democratic Party. All they 
care about is their own votes and anyone else who voted for Hillary 
Clinton is just a mistake within the Democratic Party that never 
should have happened. They say Hillary Clinton is corrupt. As if all 
of the men in the history of American politics have all been angels. 
What a sexist country we live in. Vote more men in and continue the 
tradition of war and domestic violence against both women and 
 And don’t forget, when their having their monthly cycle they 
should stay home and god forbid they can enter a temple or church in 
some countries. Women can’t be leaders of religious services and 
they can’t chant the Vedas. Don’t put them near those shaved 
headed Budhists. They are lucky they can even vote since the early 
1900’s they didn’t have that right.
 People say give it up. We don’t need Hillary Clinton. We need 
change in America. She’s hard, unfeeling and even women say I want 
a women in the white house but not her. She’s been a part of the 
system for too long. But - Joe Biden can take her place. After all he 
is a man so we can overlook his long history including voting for the 
Iraq war. The very issue that most Obama voters complained about when 
it came to Hillary Clinton. 
 Hillary Clinton voters have a right to speak out and the cages that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  What do each of these statments by BillyG, that pretty
  much represent the Republican position, have in common?
  One word: FEAR
   If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million 
   illegal immigrants and they vote (some already are) that will 
   be the end of America as we know it and the beginning of an 
   era of Total Democrat Party Rule, yeah, and there won't be 
   many rich left, except perhaps in government.
   Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and 
   California is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats 
   in spite of RINO Swatz...look at what is happening in 
   California, that is what will be happening in America!
  . . .
   What happens after the democrats completely soak the rich, will 
   there be any rich left? And what 'dream' is Teddy talking 
   about, a congressional pay hike?
   In California the Dems pandered so much to the Hispanic vote 
   that white people can barely get elected anymore, is this what 
   is going to happen to America? Tacos for everybody..the 
   Dems slogan, how can ya turn that down!
  FEAR is all they have to sell. FEAR is the only force
  in their lives that they understand. FEAR of change,
  FEAR of sex, FEAR of gays, FEAR of immigrants, FEAR
  of someone taking their precious money away, and now
  FEAR of tacos.
 Fear of Tacos??  Ha, ha.well, yes you should fear tacos, 
 you could get fat!  :-)  


I'm trying to make a point, one that you consistently
seem to miss. In your four talking points above, and
the the previous six you posted to FFL stating your
point of view, you appealed to one emotion and one
emotion ONLY in each of them -- FEAR.

Not ONE of them was phrased positively, in terms of 
something positive that you hoped to achieve or that
you felt would be good for America. Every single one
of them was phrased negatively, as something you 
FEARed would happen. You talk about things you FEAR
will be lost, or that you FEAR will happen. You never
talk about anything *else*.

Do you not even KNOW that this is how you think?

For all your talk about the value of religion, you 
seem to have missed one of the fundamental tenets
of pretty much all of them -- What you focus on,
you become.

You have become a walking testament to FEAR. Is this
the value that religion and Republicanism has brought
to your life?

  You want a campaign slogan?
  Vote Republican...vote FEAR. We'll give it to you 24/7.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For all your talk about the value of religion, you 
 seem to have missed one of the fundamental tenets
 of pretty much all of them -- What you focus on,
 you become.

It's a joy to see that after all these years, more than 30 years out of 
the Movement and out of Maharishi's influential energy; even though the 
Turq was a marginal character in the Movement safely kept outside the 
Door, the Turq has not forgotten Maharishi's words. 
I've seen this before, people suddenly quoting Maharishi years after 
they heard it, and not remembering who said it; it's an interesting 
phenomenon, as if Maharishi spoke directly to their hearts never to be 

And now the Turq reminds you of these words of wisdom from Maharishi.

It's a hope that all the frustrated beings on FFL simply get a cheking 
from the nearest rectified TM-Teacher, renew their practice and regain 
their Creative Happiness of Living. 

Which is your birthright.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, Lou, we have it on record: Obama will not receive the
nomination of his party for president of the United States. And,
according to the hoary science of astrology it is so! In a few days,
we'll see how good you are..
But these nuts always have a way out.  I remember in 2000 i knew a
fflder who was absolutely convinced hagelin would be president.  I ran
into her after the election and asked about hagelin losing.  The
florida recount controversy was still going on and she said, oh but
hagelin is going to win, don't you see how nature is organizing this
whole controversy so both parties will be forced to compromise by
picking hagelin? 
 --- On Tue, 8/26/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 7:58 AM
  Is Hillary Clinton saying
 Goodbye or is she getting ready to rise above the Ashes? 

Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician 

 By Lou Valentino 

 friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual friends of yoga and

 Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my right to free

 you are for Senator Obama you must be thrilled. Even John McCain is
 You have everything you wanted. He say's women should have equal
rights to men.
 That he can unify the Democratic Party. That he can heal racial
tensions in America. That the Democratic Party can win with enough
votes in
 November. That he will stop the Iraq war in 16 months. 

 can forgive him. After all he is born under the sign of Leo and has
 Mercury and  North Node in Leo. And with Aquarius rising he wants to
do his own
 thing and be original. Carly Simon has the perfect song for the less
 positive side of the Leo man; You're so vain you probably think this
song is
 about you. 

 Moon in Gemini in the 4th house squaring his natal Pluto in the 7th
 shows his inability to forgive his mother. The Moon is the natural
ruler of the
 fourth house and signifies the Mother in a man's chart. He views his
mother as
 being emotionally restless and unable to settle down in her life.
According to
 her story which he won't write this is true. 

 Moon square to Pluto in the 7th house of marriage shows he did not
 feel comfortable with the marriage choices his mother made. This
clearly shows
 he is uncomfortable around females who have acquired power. This was
the main
 reason that he could not pick Hillary as his running mate. He sided
with his
 male side. The male energy wins again. Or does it? 

 18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy and her speech
on August
 26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in Cancer and in her first
 house. This speech will show  



 emotional side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in Cancer makes her feel
 personally emotional about her patriotism. America is born under the
sign of Cancer. 

 not only rules Scorpio which Hillary Clinton is born under but when
it moves
 into the 7th house of the public it gives power to the individual.
 Pluto is the transformer. Pluto will turn direct on September 9,
2008 and move
 into Hillary Clinton's 7th house on November 21st, 2008.
 On October 23rd Pluto conjuncts her natal Jupiter giving her good

 Although the media and the Obama campaign have taken over the
 Democratic Party it is still the people who vote who win elections
for others. Joe
 Biden is no spring chicken. He will not be able to get Pennsylvania
and other swing states the votes that Hillary Clinton had
 already gotten.  

 am predicting that something will stop Senator Obama from winning the
 nomination and it's not just John McCain. It is a combination of a
few things.
 Legal issues of authentic citizenship in America, his V.P. choice
fragmenting the Hillary Clinton voters and his
 inability to get the Latino vote in Florida and California. His own
choices made in hast (Moon in Gemini) will come
 back to haunt him. I don't see him legally on the ballot in every
state. And I
 don't see him being the uniter but the divider when it comes to
racial issues.  

 Obama supporters don't care about the Democratic Party. All they
care about is
 their own votes and anyone else who voted for Hillary Clinton is
just a mistake
 within the Democratic Party that never should have happened. They
say Hillary
 Clinton is corrupt. As if all of the men in the history of American
 have all been angels. What a sexist country we live in. Vote more
men in and
 continue the tradition of war and domestic violence against both
women and

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you notice that Judy snipped the part about
 Hillary supporters acting like Bull Dykes pissed
 off that the little black guy knocked out their
 heroine without breaking a sweat?  :-)

Yeah, I usually snip stuff without content. (And
I'd made the point elsewhere in my post that in
fact he had to do a whole lot of sweating to eke
out his very close win. And he's actually not a
little guy, he's well over six feet tall.)

Did you notice that Barry had no response to
anything I said?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Could someone who lives there please explain America
   to me? I mean, it's tough being all the way over here
   in Spain and trying to piece together a rational view
   of the media coverage of the Dem Convention so far.
   From over here, it's like watching Shaun Of The Dead
   or one of those other horror movies where a large
   percentage of the population has become infected 
   with a virus that makes them go crazy.
  Sure, I'll be happy to explain it to you. The
  reason it looks like that to you is that you've
  got practically everything about it wrong.
   There are photos and film clips of protesters shouting
   It's still about Hill! There are news pundits saying
   that a third of the people who voted for her are still 
   so pissed off about the way she was treated that 
   they're willing to vote for a Mini-Me version of
   George W. Bush, complete with a gotta-impress-my-Dad
   fetish instead of Obama. That's six *million* people 
   who are infected with this virus.
   They say the same things that we first heard on this
   forum, coming from one of the early carriers of the
   virus. Obama should have made the night he won the
   nomination all about Hillary. He needs to 'reach out'
   to Hillary supporters and show them that they are 
   somehow 'special,' that they *deserve* 'special' 
   treatment, as does Hill herself.
  In fact, of course, I didn't say either of these
  things, the quote marks notwithstanding. (And of
  course, Barry never meant to suggest any such
  Actually, Barry made those quotes up out of his
  own pointy little head.
  Nor, I'm sure, did he mean to imply, in the first
  paragraph above, that I've said I'd be voting for
   I'm *hoping* that it's a virus, and that somewhere there
   is a cure, because if this virus really did evolve in
   low-life places like New Jersey and infect this many
   people, America is in for some really hard times. Fergit
   the Pay 'em off with a gas rebate so they'll vote for
   the retard schtick. This is more insane, more of a 
   Pay us *real* Democrats off with attention and fawning 
   and apologies and maybe, just maybe, we'll vote for THE 
  No, actually all Hillary supporters are asking
  for is to be treated decently and with respect.
   Obama WON. Hillary not only LOST, she overspent her way
   into LOSER HISTORY by doing so. 
   And these six million whiners are trying to tell us that
   we have to pander to her and to her followers and treat
   them the way they *deserve* to be treated? Yeah, right.
   She LOST. She lost BIG. She lost *embarrassingly*.
  Well, no, actually she didn't lose big. As Barry
  himself notes (ooopsie!), 18 million people (both
  men and women) voted for her in the primary, either
  slightly less than or slightly more than Obama,
  depending on how you count them.
  It was one of the, if not *the*, most closely
  contested primaries in history. Traditionally,
  when the losing candidate has given the winning
  candidate a good run for his or her money, the
  winner goes to considerable lengths to reach out
  to the loser's supporters--both because it's the
  right thing to do ethically, and pragmatically,
  because the winner needs their votes in the
   And this whole nationwide Whining In Public Campaign is 
   even more embarrassing.
  Only to those consumed by Clinton Derangement Syndrome
  (or, on this forum, Judy Derangement Syndrome) who are
  also drunk on Obama-flavor Kool-Aid.
  (Speaking of Judy Derangement Syndrome, if I had been
  an Obama devotee, what are the chances that Barry
  would now be one of those condemning the Democratic
  Party for having been stupid enough to nominate
   And she's history *because* of the same virus that has
   driven you all as crazy as she and her husband are.
   It's called The Entitlement Virus. In time, that phrase
   will be more widely recognized than HIV.
  Well, no, that's actually rather low down on the
  list of reasons for having supported Hillary.
   Because it's more dangerous.
  (Barry, as we all know, believes that Americans are
  driven by FEAR and takes every opportunity to point

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy, the dim-witted son

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Somehow I don't think that a person who kills a young woman in the 
 depths of the water off of Martha's Vineyard should, out of good 
 conscience, let himself be put forth as a candidate for public office 
 for the rest of his life.  Be a little humble.  Stay the fuck out of 
 the spotlight.  Get on with your life in as much obscurity and silence 
 as you can.  You know, like Charles Van Doren did after he was caught 
 cheating on 21.
 That Ted Kennedy has put himself forward for 40 years and that he 
 continues to be elected is a reflection on the people of MA.
 Shame on them.
 The love fest for dear little Teddy being vomited out of my TV as the 
 coverage for the Democratic Convention continues is my fault for not 
 changing the channel.

This is Shemp's role model: http://tinyurl.com/6bd448

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you also notice how the person who claimed
 that she wouldn't be commenting on the convention
 because she was going to be out of town suddenly
 isn't?  :-)

I'm sure Alex can check for you to see whether
I'm posting from my usual location, Barry.

[FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver Convention

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 10:08 AM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Did you also notice how the person who claimed
that she wouldn't be commenting on the convention
because she was going to be out of town suddenly
isn't?  :-)

I'm sure Alex can check for you to see whether
I'm posting from my usual location, Barry.

Are you posting from an undisclosed location now, Judy?


Re: [FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver Convention

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 10:09 AM, do.rflex wrote:


Wasn't that great?  Keep fighting, Ted.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio

2008-08-26 Thread Peter

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton rises above the ashes/Scorpio
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 11:02 AM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  Okay, Lou, we have it on record: Obama will not
 receive the
 nomination of his party for president of the United States.
 according to the hoary science of astrology it is so! In a
 few days,
 we'll see how good you are..
 But these nuts always have a way out.  I remember in 2000 i
 knew a
 fflder who was absolutely convinced hagelin would be
 president.  I ran
 into her after the election and asked about hagelin losing.
 florida recount controversy was still going on and she
 said, oh but
 hagelin is going to win, don't you see how nature is
 organizing this
 whole controversy so both parties will be forced to
 compromise by
 picking hagelin? 

Boo, I can just see you after that conversation staring at the poor woman with 
your mouth open and these strange noises emerging.

  --- On Tue, 8/26/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hillary Clinton rises above
 the ashes/Scorpio
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 7:58 AM
   Is Hillary Clinton saying
  Goodbye or is she getting ready to rise above the
 Pluto turning direct for a Female Politician 
  By Lou Valentino 
  friends of Astrological Varieties and spiritual
 friends of yoga and
  Forgive me but I need to vent which is a part of my
 right to free
  you are for Senator Obama you must be thrilled. Even
 John McCain is
  You have everything you wanted. He say's women
 should have equal
 rights to men.
  That he can unify the Democratic Party. That he can
 heal racial
 tensions in America. That the Democratic Party can win with
 votes in
  November. That he will stop the Iraq war in 16 months.
  can forgive him. After all he is born under the sign
 of Leo and has
  Mercury and  North Node in Leo. And with Aquarius
 rising he wants to
 do his own
  thing and be original. Carly Simon has the perfect
 song for the less
  positive side of the Leo man; You're so vain you
 probably think this
 song is
  about you. 
  Moon in Gemini in the 4th house squaring his natal
 Pluto in the 7th
  shows his inability to forgive his mother. The Moon is
 the natural
 ruler of the
  fourth house and signifies the Mother in a man's
 chart. He views his
 mother as
  being emotionally restless and unable to settle down
 in her life.
 According to
  her story which he won't write this is true. 
  Moon square to Pluto in the 7th house of marriage
 shows he did not
  feel comfortable with the marriage choices his mother
 made. This
 clearly shows
  he is uncomfortable around females who have acquired
 power. This was
 the main
  reason that he could not pick Hillary as his running
 mate. He sided
 with his
  male side. The male energy wins again. Or does it? 
  18 million people who voted for Hillary are not happy
 and her speech
 on August
  26th, Tuesday night shows the Moon placed in Cancer
 and in her first
  house. This speech will show  
  emotional side to Hillary Clinton as the Moon in
 Cancer makes her feel
  personally emotional about her patriotism. America is
 born under the
 sign of Cancer. 
  not only rules Scorpio which Hillary Clinton is born
 under but when
 it moves
  into the 7th house of the public it gives power to the
  Pluto is the transformer. Pluto will turn direct on
 September 9,
 2008 and move
  into Hillary Clinton's 7th house on November 21st,
  On October 23rd Pluto conjuncts her natal Jupiter
 giving her good
  Although the media and the Obama campaign have taken
 over the
  Democratic Party it is still the people who vote who
 win elections
 for others. Joe
  Biden is no spring chicken. He will not be able to get
 and other swing states the votes that Hillary Clinton had
  already gotten.  
  am predicting that something will stop Senator Obama
 from winning the
  nomination and it's not just John McCain. It is a
 combination of a
 few things.
  Legal issues of authentic citizenship in America, his
 V.P. choice
 fragmenting the Hillary Clinton voters and his
  inability to get the Latino vote in Florida and
 California. His own
 choices made in hast (Moon in Gemini) will come
  back to haunt him. I don't see him legally on the

[FairfieldLife] Reminders

2008-08-26 Thread Rick Archer
From Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull) whose daughter Crystal
Bach-McQueen went to MIU.


I hadn't seen this since it first was published so many long years ago.
Thanks again to CD in AB for reminding me





1.Perspective - Use It or Lose It.  If you turned to this page,
you're forgetting that what is going on around you is not reality.  Think
about that.

Remember where you came from, where you're going, and why you created the
mess you got yourself into in the first place.

You're going to die a horrible death, remember.  It's all good training, and
you'll enjoy it more if you keep the facts in mind.

Take your dying with some seriousness, however.  Laughing on the way to your
execution is not generally understood by less-advanced life-forms, and
they'll call you crazy.

2.   Learning is finding out what you already know.  Doing is
demonstrating that you know it.  Teaching is reminding others that they know
just as well as you.  You are all learners, doers, (and) teachers.

3.   Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.
Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the
mark of a fake messiah.

4.   The simplest questions are the most profound.  Where were you born?
Where is your home?  Where are you going?  What are you doing?  Think about
these once in a while, and watch your answers change.

5.   You teach best what you most need to learn.

6.   Live never to be ashamed if anything you do or say is published
around the world - even if what is published is not true.

7.   Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet
than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.

8.   The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, 'I've got

9.   You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature,
the playful spiritual being that is your real self.  Don't turn away from
possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from
them.  You're always free to change your mind and choose a different future,
or a different past.

10.   There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its
hands.  You seek problems because you need their gifts.

11.   The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of
respect and joy in each other's life.  Rarely do members of one family grow
up under the same roof.

12.   Argue for you limitations, and sure enough, they're yours.

13.   Imagine the universe beautiful and just and perfect, Then be sure of
one thing: the Is has imagined it quite a bit better than you have.

14.   A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at
such a speed.  It feels an impulsion . . . this is the place to go now.  But
the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will
know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.

15.   You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make
it true.  You may have to work for it, however.

16.   The world is your exercise-book, the pages on which you do your sums.
It is not reality, although you can express reality there if you wish.  You
are also free to write nonsense, or lies, or to tear the pages.

17.   The original sin is to limit the Is.  Don't.

18.   If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand
that fictional characters are sometime more real than people with bodies and

19.   Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of you selfishness.
Listen to it carefully.

20.   Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have
drawn them there.  What you choose to do with them is up to you.

21.   The truth you speak has no past and no future.  It is, and that's all
it needs to be.

22.   Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If
you're alive it isn't.

23.   In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom.  It is
not always an easy sacrifice.

24.   Don't be dismayed at good-byes.  A farewell is necessary before you
can meet again.  And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain
for those who are friends.

25.   The mark of you ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice
and tragedy.  What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master
calls a butterfly.

26.   Everything in this book may be wrong.

(The above quotes all come from the book),

Illusions - The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Richard Bach, Dell
Publishing, New York, New York, 1977.  1. (pp. 56-57), 2. (p. 58), 3. (p.
59), 4. (p.59), 5. (p.60), 6. (p. 60), 7. (p. 61), 8. (p. 61), 9. (p. 63),
10. (p. 70), 11. (p. 84), 12. (p. 100), 13. (pp. 114-115), 14. (p. 119), 15.
(p. 120), 16. (127), 17. (128), 18. (p. 135), 19. (p. 136), 20. (p. 144),
21. (p. 153), 22. (p.159), 23. (p. 172), 24. (p. 174), 25. (p. 177), 26. (p.

[FairfieldLife] Big Agriculture's Exploitation of Migrant Workers

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex

Nearly half of America's farm workers are undocumented migrants. If
they were all deported US agribusiness would collapse.

The big business of farming in the US is booming but undocumented
migrants are ripe for exploitation.

NAFTA has forced Mexican farmers out of business by allowing the US
government to use taxpayer dollars to heavily subsidize US
agribusiness and export cheaper produce to Mexico creating an uneven
playing field where Mexican farmers can't compete.

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3y1ZNd1YWo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy, the dim-witted son

2008-08-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  Somehow I don't think that a person who kills a young woman in 
  the depths of the water off of Martha's Vineyard should, out of 
  good conscience, let himself be put forth as a candidate for 
  public office for the rest of his life.  Be a little humble.  
  Stay the fuck out of the spotlight. Get on with your life in as 
  much obscurity and silence as you can. You know, like Charles 
  Van Doren did after he was caught cheating on 21.
  That Ted Kennedy has put himself forward for 40 years and that he 
  continues to be elected is a reflection on the people of MA.
  Shame on them.
  The love fest for dear little Teddy being vomited out of my TV as 
  the coverage for the Democratic Convention continues is my fault 
  for not changing the channel.
 This is Shemp's role model: http://tinyurl.com/6bd448

I actually thought that his new role model was Willytex.

There is no difference between them lately.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to make a point, one that you consistently
 seem to miss. In your four talking points above, and
 the the previous six you posted to FFL stating your
 point of view, you appealed to one emotion and one
 emotion ONLY in each of them -- FEAR.
 Not ONE of them was phrased positively, in terms of 
 something positive that you hoped to achieve or that
 you felt would be good for America. Every single one
 of them was phrased negatively, as something you 
 FEARed would happen. You talk about things you FEAR
 will be lost, or that you FEAR will happen. You never
 talk about anything *else*.
 Do you not even KNOW that this is how you think?
 For all your talk about the value of religion, you 
 seem to have missed one of the fundamental tenets
 of pretty much all of them -- What you focus on,
 you become.
 You have become a walking testament to FEAR. Is this
 the value that religion and Republicanism has brought
 to your life?

As a Reagan Republican I'm proud of the contributions the Republican
party has made to this country, we use to own the fiscal conservative
agenda but lost that after Bush took office, too bad, hopefully we
will merit that title again. Here is the current Republican platform
agenda for 2008 and beyond:


P.S. Some things should be feared, liberalism in all its faucets is
one, IMO!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 10:08 AM, authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Did you also notice how the person who claimed
   that she wouldn't be commenting on the convention
   because she was going to be out of town suddenly
   isn't?  :-)
  I'm sure Alex can check for you to see whether
  I'm posting from my usual location, Barry.
 Are you posting from an undisclosed location now, Judy?

I think it's the same posting location as always.

I tried pinging it, but you know how braindead and 
imprecise Windows is. The only message that came 
back was, Unable to determine precise location. All 
that we can tell you is that it's dark and smelly.

If I had been able to ping from a Unix box, it would 
have been able to tell me exactly how far up her ass 
she was posting from. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Fot the Obama bashers, your alternative . . .

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex

The Real McCain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLfsG8XKWfw 

But don't go away yet... there's more!

John McCain debates himself, and loses:

If you have any doubts about McCain being *more of the same*
Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiQMDmvdqA0

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Did you also notice how the person who claimed
  that she wouldn't be commenting on the convention
  because she was going to be out of town suddenly
  isn't?  :-)
 I'm sure Alex can check for you to see whether
 I'm posting from my usual location, Barry.

Actually, everyone has access to the header info of every post, even
via the web interface. Just click on Show Message Info and click on
View Source. The post I'm replying to right now originated from

and, a DNS lookup says it is 


Here's the WHOIS lookup of shoreham.net:

Shoreham Telephone Company
Route 22-A
Shoreham, VT 05770

A randomly selected post from Judy on Aug 23rd originated from 


So, I'd say there's a very good chance that Judy has Comcast cable
Internet at home in NJ and is now on a trip to Vermont.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver Convention

2008-08-26 Thread gullible fool

Wasn't that great?  Keep fighting, Ted.

Yeah, but nothing like the excitement of the Natural Law Party/Reform 
Party convention in Long Beach, CA in August 2000. :)  I just happened to be in 
Irvine, CA, at the time and paid a visit. Hundreds and hundreds of people 
there. Unfortunately, future president Hagelin lost the Reform party nomination 
to Pat Buchanan. Was good to meet up with ff friends I hadn't seen in a year, 
Whatever became of the Natural Law Party?
...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver Convention
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 11:19 AM

On Aug 26, 2008, at 10:09 AM, do.rflex wrote:


Wasn't that great?  Keep fighting, Ted.




[FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I'm trying to make a point, one that you consistently
  seem to miss. In your four talking points above, and
  the the previous six you posted to FFL stating your
  point of view, you appealed to one emotion and one
  emotion ONLY in each of them -- FEAR.
  Not ONE of them was phrased positively, in terms of 
  something positive that you hoped to achieve or that
  you felt would be good for America. Every single one
  of them was phrased negatively, as something you 
  FEARed would happen. You talk about things you FEAR
  will be lost, or that you FEAR will happen. You never
  talk about anything *else*.
  Do you not even KNOW that this is how you think?
  For all your talk about the value of religion, you 
  seem to have missed one of the fundamental tenets
  of pretty much all of them -- What you focus on,
  you become.
  You have become a walking testament to FEAR. Is this
  the value that religion and Republicanism has brought
  to your life?
 As a Reagan Republican I'm proud of the contributions the Republican
 party has made to this country, we use to own the fiscal conservative
 agenda but lost that after Bush took office, too bad, hopefully we
 will merit that title again. Here is the current Republican platform
 agenda for 2008 and beyond:
 P.S. Some things should be feared, liberalism in all its faucets is
 one, IMO!

McCain thinks economy is fine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyqe7Kjb0Nw
McCain thinks our economic problems are psychological
Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lu4dcxl4GY

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread gullible fool

So, I'd say there's a very good chance that Judy has Comcast cable
Internet at home in NJ and is now on a trip to Vermont.
HmmmVermont is where Off lives, and he has been extolling the staying power 
and virility of his clan a lot lately. You don't think...?  

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 12:04 PM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Did you also notice how the person who claimed
  that she wouldn't be commenting on the convention
  because she was going to be out of town suddenly
  isn't?  :-)
 I'm sure Alex can check for you to see whether
 I'm posting from my usual location, Barry.

Actually, everyone has access to the header info of every post, even
via the web interface. Just click on Show Message Info and click on
View Source. The post I'm replying to right now originated from

and, a DNS lookup says it is 


Here's the WHOIS lookup of shoreham.net:

Shoreham Telephone Company
Route 22-A
Shoreham, VT 05770

A randomly selected post from Judy on Aug 23rd originated from 


So, I'd say there's a very good chance that Judy has Comcast cable
Internet at home in NJ and is now on a trip to Vermont.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy, the dim-witted son

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   Somehow I don't think that a person who kills a young woman in 
   the depths of the water off of Martha's Vineyard should, out of 
   good conscience, let himself be put forth as a candidate for 
   public office for the rest of his life.  Be a little humble.  
   Stay the fuck out of the spotlight. Get on with your life in as 
   much obscurity and silence as you can. You know, like Charles 
   Van Doren did after he was caught cheating on 21.
   That Ted Kennedy has put himself forward for 40 years and that he 
   continues to be elected is a reflection on the people of MA.
   Shame on them.
   The love fest for dear little Teddy being vomited out of my TV as 
   the coverage for the Democratic Convention continues is my fault 
   for not changing the channel.
  This is Shemp's role model: http://tinyurl.com/6bd448
 I actually thought that his new role model was Willytex.
 There is no difference between them lately.

Willytex is in a whole other category of his own.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver Convention

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 11:05 AM, gullible fool wrote:

Wasn't that great?  Keep fighting, Ted.

Yeah, but nothing like the excitement of the Natural Law Party/ 
Reform Party convention in Long Beach, CA in August 2000. :)  I  
just happened to be in Irvine, CA, at the time and paid a visit.  
Hundreds and hundreds of people there. Unfortunately, future  
president Hagelin lost the Reform party nomination to Pat Buchanan.  
Was good to meet up with ff friends I hadn't seen in a year, though.

Whatever became of the Natural Law Party?

Very funny.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:04 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

Did you also notice how the person who claimed
that she wouldn't be commenting on the convention
because she was going to be out of town suddenly
isn't?  :-)

I'm sure Alex can check for you to see whether
I'm posting from my usual location, Barry.

Actually, everyone has access to the header info of every post, even
via the web interface. Just click on Show Message Info and click on
View Source. The post I'm replying to right now originated from

and, a DNS lookup says it is


Here's the WHOIS lookup of shoreham.net:

Shoreham Telephone Company
Route 22-A
Shoreham, VT 05770

A randomly selected post from Judy on Aug 23rd originated from


So, I'd say there's a very good chance that Judy has Comcast cable
Internet at home in NJ and is now on a trip to Vermont.

Yeah it looks like she's also probably on DSL in VT:

Whois has started ...

OrgName:Shoreham Telephone Company, Inc.
Address:3167 Route 22A
City:   Shoreham
StateProv:  VT
PostalCode: 05770

NetRange: -
NetHandle:  NET-208-65-160-0-1
Parent: NET-208-0-0-0-0
NetType:Direct Allocation

RTechHandle: TECHN311-ARIN
RTechName:   Administrative
RTechPhone:  +1-678-923-6818

OrgTechHandle: TECHN311-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Administrative
OrgTechPhone:  +1-678-923-6818

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Vaj wrote:

Actually, everyone has access to the header info of every post, even
via the web interface. Just click on Show Message Info and click on
View Source. The post I'm replying to right now originated from

and, a DNS lookup says it is


Here's the WHOIS lookup of shoreham.net:

Shoreham Telephone Company
Route 22-A
Shoreham, VT 05770

A randomly selected post from Judy on Aug 23rd originated from


So, I'd say there's a very good chance that Judy has Comcast cable
Internet at home in NJ and is now on a trip to Vermont.

Yeah it looks like she's also probably on DSL in VT:

Whois has started ...

OrgName:Shoreham Telephone Company, Inc.
Address:3167 Route 22A
City:   Shoreham
StateProv:  VT
PostalCode: 05770

NetRange: -
NetHandle:  NET-208-65-160-0-1
Parent: NET-208-0-0-0-0
NetType:Direct Allocation

RTechHandle: TECHN311-ARIN
RTechName:   Administrative
RTechPhone:  +1-678-923-6818

OrgTechHandle: TECHN311-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Administrative
OrgTechPhone:  +1-678-923-6818

Boo, hoo.  I use a Mac and I don't see any way to
get all this nifty info.

Any other Mac users know how?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

Boo, hoo.  I use a Mac and I don't see any way to
get all this nifty info.

Any other Mac users know how?

I'm on a Mac. I use the Network Utility in the Utilities folder  
inside Applications.

Once you launch the Network Utility, click on the Whois tab and  
enter the IP address ( and click on the Whois  
button. Similarly you can use the other panes as well to trace the  
route it takes from your computer, put in the email address and see  
her real name, etc. You can even scan for open ports on the PC she's  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Vaj wrote:

I'm on a Mac. I use the Network Utility in the Utilities folder  
inside Applications.

Once you launch the Network Utility, click on the Whois tab and  
enter the IP address ( and click on the Whois  
button. Similarly you can use the other panes as well to trace the  
route it takes from your computer, put in the email address and see  
her real name, etc. You can even scan for open ports on the PC  
she's using.

Thanks, Vaj.  I got a No match for... but at least I
know how to try.

How do you get the IP address though?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Saraswati/Knowledge was by Aaaaa, or Aaaat?

2008-08-26 Thread sriswamijisadhaka
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

   The 'OM' is for monks and renunciates. Chanting 
   the 'OM' is not for the householders.

 The most popular mantra in India has no 'OM' and
 the most popular meditation techniques do not use
 'OM' - neither the Marshy or the Sri Sri say to
 chant the 'OM'.
 Everyone knows that millionaires become rich by
 chanting the Saraswati mantra, the Goddess of
 Properity. Why would a millionaire want to be
 chanting the 'OM' and becomming a monk? 
 It doesn't make any sense.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 The most popular mantra in India has no 'OM' and
 the most popular meditation techniques do not use
 'OM' - neither the Marshy or the Sri Sri say to
 chant the 'OM'.
 Everyone knows that millionaires become rich by
 chanting the Saraswati mantra, the Goddess of
 Properity. Why would a millionaire want to be
 chanting the 'OM' and becomming a monk? 


Sri Lakshmi is the Goddess of Prosperity.
Saraswati is the Goddess of Knowledge.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

Thanks, Vaj.  I got a No match for... but at least I
know how to try.

Try whois.arin.net in the pop-up menu under the Whois tab in  
Network Utility. You probably chose a registry that does not contain  
the IP you are looking for.

How do you get the IP address though?

If you're in Apple Mail, double-click on the email to open it. Then  
go up to the View pull-down men, go to Message and Long Header.  
This will show the the normally hidden header that contains all the  
routing information for the email you just opened. In a typical  
Yahoo! Groups email, it is listed next to the title X-Yahoo-Post-Ip

RE: [FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver Convention

2008-08-26 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of gullible fool
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:05 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech at Denver


Wasn't that great?  Keep fighting, Ted.

Yeah, but nothing like the excitement of the Natural Law Party/Reform Party
convention in Long Beach, CA in August 2000. :)  I just happened to be in
Irvine, CA, at the time and paid a visit. Hundreds and hundreds of people
there. Unfortunately, future president Hagelin lost the Reform party
nomination to Pat Buchanan. Was good to meet up with ff friends I hadn't
seen in a year, though. 


Whatever became of the Natural Law Party?


MMY shut it down years ago, saying that he had hoped to be able to take over
the political administration of the world, but admitting that it wasn't
going to happen. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy, the dim-witted son

2008-08-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
John Manning wrote: 
 Willytex is in a whole other category of his own.

Ted Kennedy - the hero of Chappaquiddick!


From: John Manning
Subject: Most Americans reject overturning Roe. v. Wade.
Newsgroups: alt.religion.mormon
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2008 10:40 am

Is anyone still unsure where We the People stand on choice? 
That right-wing noise machine is effective, listening to 
the mighty roar of Fake News and tut-tutting talking heads, 
it's easy to think reproductive choice is a shrinking 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan

2008-08-26 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of BillyG.
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:40 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The one-word Republican campaign slogan


As a Reagan Republican I'm proud of the contributions the Republican
party has made to this country, we use to own the fiscal conservative
agenda but lost that after Bush took office, too bad, hopefully we
will merit that title again. Here is the current Republican platform
agenda for 2008 and beyond:

Here's a fitting epitaph to Reagan from Greg Palast:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

 Thanks, Vaj.  I got a No match for... but at least I
 know how to try.

 Try whois.arin.net in the pop-up menu under the Whois tab in Network 
 Utility. You probably chose a registry that does not contain the IP 
 you are looking for.

 How do you get the IP address though?

 If you're in Apple Mail, double-click on the email to open it. Then go 
 up to the View pull-down men, go to Message and Long Header. 
 This will show the the normally hidden header that contains all the 
 routing information for the email you just opened. In a typical Yahoo! 
 Groups email, it is listed next to the title X-Yahoo-Post-Ip
If people are using the web site then you select Show Message Option and 
select View Source which will show you the whole message header.  There 
will often be more than one IP address showing so you probably want the 
marked X-Originating-IP.

Note that most IP addresses only show the Internet provider or sometimes 
just the backbone provider.  For instance when I was on Earthlink and 
even had a static IP the listing only showed Covad who provided the 
backbone services for Earthlink.   Sometimes it will show a real 
business if the company bought a big package maybe even using a T line.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Entitlement Virus

2008-08-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:44 PM, Vaj wrote:

On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

Thanks, Vaj.  I got a No match for... but at least I
know how to try.

Try whois.arin.net in the pop-up menu under the Whois tab in  
Network Utility. You probably chose a registry that does not  
contain the IP you are looking for.

How do you get the IP address though?

If you're in Apple Mail, double-click on the email to open it. Then  
go up to the View pull-down men, go to Message and Long  
Header. This will show the the normally hidden header that  
contains all the routing information for the email you just opened.  
In a typical Yahoo! Groups email, it is listed next to the title X- 

Bingo.  Thanks.


[FairfieldLife] Another for Turq's List

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
Last night I watched Anna Farris in Smiley Face which was a great 
little comedy that was showing on Showtime.   I laughed my butt off.  
It's a stoner comedy so not for Shemp but Farris pulls the role off 
very well.  The story goes that she is an out of work actress that eats 
a bunch of cupcakes her male nerdy roommate had stashed away for a 
sci-fi movie convention he was putting together.  After eating them she 
realizes they had marijuana in them (she thought her roommate was 
straight).   The ensuing adventure is hilarious.  It also stars John 
Krasinski (The Office) and John Cho (Harold and Kumar).  Farris also 
stars in a film that just opened called The House Bunny and if she has 
as big a role in it as this one could be very funny.  The film is 
showing on Showtime so if folks have that check for times and VOD showings.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another for Turq's List

2008-08-26 Thread gullible fool
It's on tonight. I just added it so the DVR will record it.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Another for Turq's List
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 3:16 PM

Last night I watched Anna Farris in Smiley Face which was a great 
little comedy that was showing on Showtime.   I laughed my butt off.  
It's a stoner comedy so not for Shemp but Farris pulls the role
very well.  The story goes that she is an out of work actress that eats 
a bunch of cupcakes her male nerdy roommate had stashed away for a 
sci-fi movie convention he was putting together.  After eating them she 
realizes they had marijuana in them (she thought her roommate was 
straight).   The ensuing adventure is hilarious.  It also stars John 
Krasinski (The Office) and John Cho (Harold and Kumar).
 Farris also 
stars in a film that just opened called The House Bunny and if she
as big a role in it as this one could be very funny.  The film is 
showing on Showtime so if folks have that check for times and VOD showings.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Is this Kali Yuga or what?

2008-08-26 Thread John
To All:

The future of humans is shown below:


Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master? 
Published: August 25, 2008 

Sandy Huffaker for The New York Times
FUTURIST Vernor Vinge, a computer scientist and science fiction 
writer, at the Geisel Library in San Diego. 

In Vernor Vinge's version of Southern California in 2025, there is a 
school named Fairmont High with the motto, Trying hard not to become 
obsolete. It may not sound inspiring, but to the many fans of Dr. 
Vinge, this is a most ambitious — and perhaps unattainable — goal for 
any member of our species.

Dr. Vinge is a mathematician and computer scientist in San Diego 
whose science fiction has won five Hugo Awards and earned good 
reviews even from engineers analyzing its technical plausibility. He 
can write space operas with the best of them, but he also suspects 
that intergalactic sagas could become as obsolete as their human 

The problem is a concept described in Dr. Vinge's seminal essay in 
1993, The Coming Technological Singularity, which predicted that 
computers would be so powerful by 2030 that a new form of 
superintellligence would emerge. Dr. Vinge compared that point in 
history to the singularity at the edge of a black hole: a boundary 
beyond which the old rules no longer applied, because post-human 
intelligence and technology would be as unknowable to us as our 
civilization is to a goldfish. 

The Singularity is often called the rapture of the nerds, but Dr. 
Vinge doesn't anticipate immortal bliss. The computer scientist in 
him may revel in the technological marvels, but the novelist 
envisions catastrophes and worries about the fate of not-so-marvelous 
humans like Robert Gu, the protagonist of Dr. Vinge's latest 
novel, Rainbows End. 

Robert is an English professor and famous poet who succumbs to 
Alzheimer's, languishing in a nursing home until 2025, when the 
Singularity seems near and technology is working wonders. He recovers 
most of his mental faculties; his 75-year-old body is rejuvenated; 
even his wrinkles vanish. 

But he's so lost in this new world that he has to go back to high 
school to learn basic survival skills. Wikipedia, Facebook, Second 
Life, World of Warcraft, iPhones, instant messaging — all these are 
quaint ancestral technologies now that everyone is connected to 
everyone and everything. 

Thanks to special contact lenses, computers in your clothes and 
locational sensors scattered everywhere you go, you see a constant 
stream of text and virtual sights overlaying the real world. As you 
chat with a distant friend's quite lifelike image strolling at your 
side, you can adjust the scenery to your mutual taste — adding, say, 
medieval turrets to buildings — at the same time you're each 
privately communicating with vast networks of humans and computers. 

To Robert, a misanthrope who'd barely mastered e-mail in his earlier 
life, this networked world is a multitasking hell. He retreats to one 
of his old haunts, the Geisel Library, once the intellectual hub of 
the University of California, San Diego, but now so rarely visited 
that its paper books are about to be shredded to make room for a 
highbrow version of a virtual-reality theme park.

At the library he finds a few other medical retreads still reading 
books and using ancient machines like laptops. Calling themselves the 
Elder Cabal, they conspire to save the paper library while they're 
trying to figure out what, if anything, their skills are good for 

Dr. Vinge, who is 63, can feel the elders' pain, if only because his 
books are in that building. He took me up to the Elder Cabal's 
meeting room in the library and talked about his own concerns about 
2025 — like whether anyone will still be reading books, and whether 
networked knowledge will do to intellectuals what the Industrial 
Revolution did to the Luddite textile artisans.

These people in `Rainbows End' have the attention span of a 
butterfly, he said. They'll alight on a topic, use it in a 
particular way and then they're on to something else. Right now 
people worry that we don't have lifetime employment anymore. How 
extreme could that get? I could imagine a world where everything is 
piecework and the piece duration is less than a minute. 

It's an unsettling vision, but Dr. Vinge classifies it as one of the 
least unpleasant scenarios for the future: intelligence 
amplification, or I.A., in which humans get steadily smarter by 
pooling their knowledge with one another and with computers, possibly 
even wiring the machines directly into their brains. 

The alternative to I.A., he figures, could be the triumph of A.I. as 
artificial intelligence far surpasses the human variety. If that 
happens, Dr. Vinge says, the superintelligent machines will not 
content themselves with working for their human masters, nor will 
they remain securely confined in laboratories. As he wrote in his 
1993 essay: 

[FairfieldLife] Humorous Response to Incense dangers

2008-08-26 Thread Dick Mays

Science on the Edge

Second-Hand Incense Smoke Poses Dangers
By Deepak Bud Prakesh
Mysore Times of India

In a new study published in the Allahbad and 
Somadogud Times now shows that second-hand 
incense smoke poses health risks. According to 
Dr. Devi Svoopadhoop, Chief Research Technician 
at Bangalore State University Department of 
Science, For years we've been getting anecdotal 
reports of people coming out of temples wheezing 
and sneezing, feeling headachy, and complaining 
of irritated, watery eyes. We just assumed it was 
the dust and din of the rituals.

This new study just confirms what many long-time 
devotees have said for years: Incense makes it 
hard to breath. An exasperated Debi Dubaldeep, a 
devoted temple attendee and still spry at 93 
years of age, proclaimed, Now maybe those 
lunkhead priests will listen when we tell them to 
use two sticks instead of twelve, or open the 
windows, for crying out loud. This is no mere 
tickle in the throat. This is a legitimate health 

A vexed Swami Dramanada, High Priest at the 
Reformed Shiva Temple of suburban New Dehli 
wondered aloud, What are we supposed to do, use 
Glade air fresheners, for Krishna's sake? 
According to the ancient texts, incense, with its 
characteristic thick, aromatic smoke is the best 
way to raise the vibration level of the 
supplicant and carry prayers to the highest 
heavens. As for the suggestion to open the 
windowsŠwell, there aren't any, and it wouldn't 
do any good anyway. There is no breeze to speak 
of - this is India.

Which ingredient could be causing the problem is 
still a matter of some speculation. Dr. 
Svoopadhoop theorizes it may be the inorganic 
ingredients used in the manufacturing process, 
synthetic essences used to provide the scents, 
or the inert, but highly unstable, methane 
component of the cow dung used as a binder and 
filler in the cheaper brands.

Incense manufacturing in India is a totally 
unregulated industry, using formulas that have 
been closely guarded family secrets for 
generations. Many manufacturers areŠwellŠincensed 
at the unsubstantiated rumors circulating that 
their product is made largely from cow dung. We 
still make our joss sticks the old-fashioned way, 
rolled by hand, one stick at a time, using only 
the finest natural plant materials, exclaimed 
Rahni Rudra, an incense artisan from rural 
Mysore. I know we are only low-caste laborers, 
but really, do you think any one of us would 
willingly stick his hands in cow patties all day 
for 20 rupees a week? Get real!

Dr. Svoopadhoop is well aware of the cultural 
ramifications of his research. Incense is to 
India what pizza pie is to Italy, what chopsticks 
are to Japan, what gas guzzling SUVs are to 
suburban American yuppies. Nevertheless, people 
must be protected. What good is it to pray to 
Shiva in a temple if it aggravates your 

Meanwhile, peaceful protesters marched through 
the streets of several major cities in India, 
chanting, Reduce the dhoop! Reduce the dhoop! 
Save our lungs! No cow poop!

Submitted by Gary-ji. © Twisted Puppy Productions 2003. All rights reserved.

[FairfieldLife] Bodhidharma and Kung-fu?

2008-08-26 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is this Kali Yuga or what?

2008-08-26 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To All:

 The future of humans is shown below:


 Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master? 

I think what will most likely happen is that machines and computers will
become more and more sophisticated, but the ones that will be selected
(Darwinian natural selection) by humans AND by the machines themselves,
will be the ones that are most in tune with human thought, and
sustainable growth. This natural selection process will select for the
traits of most powerful and useful to survival of the species, and those
will be the most powerful overall that are capable of being controlled
by human thought. The most intelligent and creative humans will use them
in the most useful and powerful way (less intelligent or less
compassionate humans will be less effective in their use of the machines
), and natural selection shall favor that strain. ie. Machines entirely
inter-connected to thought, with new materials that can self-heal and
even transform. These materials are already under trial, and human
thought activated machines are already in process. The human brain will
always be the most sophisticated and flexible machine in the known
universe, and machines will be subserviant to that. Our machines are
really just part of us, and as natural as a bird's nest. They just have
not evolved to their full extent. Future flying craft and spacecraft
will be so attuned to thought that they will react in an instant to
thought at incredible speeds.

The only spanner in the works is perhaps vast quantities of carbon
dioxide that could be released in the next 50 years from the ice-caps
that could potentially turn the Earth into a Venus-like atmosphere.
Let's hope that Gaia can regulate for this to give time for the
symbiotic an harmonious evolution of man and machine, and the further
enlightened behaviour of the human mind.


PS. In America, so you put the comma outside the parentheses or inside?
(I always thought it was wierd to put a period of a sentence inside a

 Published: August 25, 2008

 Sandy Huffaker for The New York Times
 FUTURIST Vernor Vinge, a computer scientist and science fiction
 writer, at the Geisel Library in San Diego.

 In Vernor Vinge's version of Southern California in 2025, there is a
 school named Fairmont High with the motto, Trying hard not to become
 obsolete. It may not sound inspiring, but to the many fans of Dr.
 Vinge, this is a most ambitious — and perhaps unattainable —
goal for
 any member of our species.

 Dr. Vinge is a mathematician and computer scientist in San Diego
 whose science fiction has won five Hugo Awards and earned good
 reviews even from engineers analyzing its technical plausibility. He
 can write space operas with the best of them, but he also suspects
 that intergalactic sagas could become as obsolete as their human

 The problem is a concept described in Dr. Vinge's seminal essay in
 1993, The Coming Technological Singularity, which predicted that
 computers would be so powerful by 2030 that a new form of
 superintellligence would emerge. Dr. Vinge compared that point in
 history to the singularity at the edge of a black hole: a boundary
 beyond which the old rules no longer applied, because post-human
 intelligence and technology would be as unknowable to us as our
 civilization is to a goldfish.

 The Singularity is often called the rapture of the nerds, but Dr.
 Vinge doesn't anticipate immortal bliss. The computer scientist in
 him may revel in the technological marvels, but the novelist
 envisions catastrophes and worries about the fate of not-so-marvelous
 humans like Robert Gu, the protagonist of Dr. Vinge's latest
 novel, Rainbows End.

 Robert is an English professor and famous poet who succumbs to
 Alzheimer's, languishing in a nursing home until 2025, when the
 Singularity seems near and technology is working wonders. He recovers
 most of his mental faculties; his 75-year-old body is rejuvenated;
 even his wrinkles vanish.

 But he's so lost in this new world that he has to go back to high
 school to learn basic survival skills. Wikipedia, Facebook, Second
 Life, World of Warcraft, iPhones, instant messaging — all these
 quaint ancestral technologies now that everyone is connected to
 everyone and everything.

 Thanks to special contact lenses, computers in your clothes and
 locational sensors scattered everywhere you go, you see a constant
 stream of text and virtual sights overlaying the real world. As you
 chat with a distant friend's quite lifelike image strolling at your
 side, you can adjust the scenery to your mutual taste — adding,
 medieval turrets to buildings — at the same time you're each
 privately communicating with vast networks of humans and computers.

 To Robert, a misanthrope who'd barely mastered e-mail in his earlier
 life, this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is this Kali Yuga or what?

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
John wrote:
 To All:

 The future of humans is shown below:


 Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master? 
 Published: August 25, 2008 

 Sandy Huffaker for The New York Times
 FUTURIST Vernor Vinge, a computer scientist and science fiction 
 writer, at the Geisel Library in San Diego. 

 In Vernor Vinge's version of Southern California in 2025, there is a 
 school named Fairmont High with the motto, Trying hard not to become 
 obsolete. It may not sound inspiring, but to the many fans of Dr. 
 Vinge, this is a most ambitious — and perhaps unattainable — goal for 
 any member of our species.

 Dr. Vinge is a mathematician and computer scientist in San Diego 
 whose science fiction has won five Hugo Awards and earned good 
 reviews even from engineers analyzing its technical plausibility. He 
 can write space operas with the best of them, but he also suspects 
 that intergalactic sagas could become as obsolete as their human 

 The problem is a concept described in Dr. Vinge's seminal essay in 
 1993, The Coming Technological Singularity, which predicted that 
 computers would be so powerful by 2030 that a new form of 
 superintellligence would emerge. Dr. Vinge compared that point in 
 history to the singularity at the edge of a black hole: a boundary 
 beyond which the old rules no longer applied, because post-human 
 intelligence and technology would be as unknowable to us as our 
 civilization is to a goldfish. 

 The Singularity is often called the rapture of the nerds, but Dr. 
 Vinge doesn't anticipate immortal bliss. The computer scientist in 
 him may revel in the technological marvels, but the novelist 
 envisions catastrophes and worries about the fate of not-so-marvelous 
 humans like Robert Gu, the protagonist of Dr. Vinge's latest 
 novel, Rainbows End. 

 Robert is an English professor and famous poet who succumbs to 
 Alzheimer's, languishing in a nursing home until 2025, when the 
 Singularity seems near and technology is working wonders. He recovers 
 most of his mental faculties; his 75-year-old body is rejuvenated; 
 even his wrinkles vanish. 

 But he's so lost in this new world that he has to go back to high 
 school to learn basic survival skills. Wikipedia, Facebook, Second 
 Life, World of Warcraft, iPhones, instant messaging — all these are 
 quaint ancestral technologies now that everyone is connected to 
 everyone and everything. 

 Thanks to special contact lenses, computers in your clothes and 
 locational sensors scattered everywhere you go, you see a constant 
 stream of text and virtual sights overlaying the real world. As you 
 chat with a distant friend's quite lifelike image strolling at your 
 side, you can adjust the scenery to your mutual taste — adding, say, 
 medieval turrets to buildings — at the same time you're each 
 privately communicating with vast networks of humans and computers. 

 To Robert, a misanthrope who'd barely mastered e-mail in his earlier 
 life, this networked world is a multitasking hell. He retreats to one 
 of his old haunts, the Geisel Library, once the intellectual hub of 
 the University of California, San Diego, but now so rarely visited 
 that its paper books are about to be shredded to make room for a 
 highbrow version of a virtual-reality theme park.

 At the library he finds a few other medical retreads still reading 
 books and using ancient machines like laptops. Calling themselves the 
 Elder Cabal, they conspire to save the paper library while they're 
 trying to figure out what, if anything, their skills are good for 

 Dr. Vinge, who is 63, can feel the elders' pain, if only because his 
 books are in that building. He took me up to the Elder Cabal's 
 meeting room in the library and talked about his own concerns about 
 2025 — like whether anyone will still be reading books, and whether 
 networked knowledge will do to intellectuals what the Industrial 
 Revolution did to the Luddite textile artisans.

 These people in `Rainbows End' have the attention span of a 
 butterfly, he said. They'll alight on a topic, use it in a 
 particular way and then they're on to something else. Right now 
 people worry that we don't have lifetime employment anymore. How 
 extreme could that get? I could imagine a world where everything is 
 piecework and the piece duration is less than a minute. 

 It's an unsettling vision, but Dr. Vinge classifies it as one of the 
 least unpleasant scenarios for the future: intelligence 
 amplification, or I.A., in which humans get steadily smarter by 
 pooling their knowledge with one another and with computers, possibly 
 even wiring the machines directly into their brains. 

 The alternative to I.A., he figures, could be the triumph of A.I. as 
 artificial intelligence far surpasses the human variety. If that 
 happens, Dr. Vinge says, the superintelligent machines will not 
 content themselves with working for their human 

[FairfieldLife] Naomi Klein on What Obama Means for Progressives

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu




RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday is Janmashtami or Krishna's birthday...

2008-08-26 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
Overall the only real evidence of what Jesus may have said is recorded in Greek 
(which Jesus himself, as a Jewish peasant, most certainly did not speak).  The 
gospels are independent theological documents written between 40 and maybe 70 
or 80 years after Jesus' death.  There has been a big debate in recent years 
among scholars about how many of the words attribributed to Jesus in the 
canonical gospel accounts were probably actually his, and there is now a whole 
set of criteria to determine this (see especially the books of Bart Ehrman).  
However the phrase I and the father are One is recorded in the Gospel of John 
only and probably not a single word of that book (which was written around 
90 to 100 C.E.) can be attributed to Jesus himself.  

--- On Sun, 8/24/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday is Janmashtami or Krishna's birthday...
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 24, 2008, 12:18 AM


From: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:FairfieldLi [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
com] On Behalf Of BillyG.
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 10:51 PM
To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday is Janmashtami or Krishna's birthday...

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  When Christ Jesus said, Me and my Father are one he was saying
 (Hopefully he said, I and my Father are one.)

Ha, ha, don't know exactly how he said it though that sounds like
better English grammar. I suspect they spoke Hebrew in those days,
though not sure. I think the New Testament was translated from the
He spoke Aramaic. The Bible was translated into Greek from that language, and 
then from Greek from other languages, although more recently, translations have 
been done directly from the Aramaic. I’m not a Biblical scholar and I’m open to 
correction, but that’s my understanding. 


[FairfieldLife] Ayurvedic medicines often contaminated by toxic metals

2008-08-26 Thread do.rflex

Ayurvedic medicines -- herbal mixtures dating back thousands of years
in India and increasingly popular in the West -- are frequently
contaminated with lead, mercury or arsenic, according to a study
published today.

A fifth of the nearly 200 concoctions tested contained levels of the
toxic metals that, if taken at the maximum recommended doses, would
surpass California's safety guidelines. 


About 80% of the samples showed no detectable metal content.

But among the remaining samples, the toxic metals showed up at similar
rates in both U.S. and Indian-made products.

Of the U.S. products, 21% contained lead, 3% contained mercury and 3%
had arsenic. Among the Indian-made medicines, 17% had lead, 7% had
mercury and none contained arsenic.

The researchers and other experts surmised that the contamination had
less to do with the manufacturing process than the soils in which the
herbs were grown.

The raw material is all coming from India, said Kush Khanna, who
runs Bazaar of India in Berkeley, a manufacturer of ayurvedic
medicines started by his father in 1971.

Full article, Los Angeles Times: http://tinyurl.com/65tke4

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ayurvedic medicines often contaminated by toxic metals

2008-08-26 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ayurvedic medicines -- herbal mixtures dating back thousands of years
 in India and increasingly popular in the West -- are frequently
 contaminated with lead, mercury or arsenic, according to a study
 published today.

 A fifth of the nearly 200 concoctions tested contained levels of the
 toxic metals that, if taken at the maximum recommended doses, would
 surpass California's safety guidelines.


 About 80% of the samples showed no detectable metal content.

 But among the remaining samples, the toxic metals showed up at similar
 rates in both U.S. and Indian-made products.

 Of the U.S. products, 21% contained lead, 3% contained mercury and 3%
 had arsenic. Among the Indian-made medicines, 17% had lead, 7% had
 mercury and none contained arsenic.

 The researchers and other experts surmised that the contamination had
 less to do with the manufacturing process than the soils in which the
 herbs were grown.

 The raw material is all coming from India, said Kush Khanna, who
 runs Bazaar of India in Berkeley, a manufacturer of ayurvedic
 medicines started by his father in 1971.

 Full article, Los Angeles Times: http://tinyurl.com/65tke4

India is the scene of some of Coke's most serious crimes.

In the remote village of Plachimada, Coke's $25 million bottling
plant depleted the water wells of locals. Adding insult to injury, Coca
Cola also distributed free fertilizer to indigenous farmers.
The fertilizer was a by-product of its production process and
was loaded with cadmium, a carcinogenic toxin. Locals staged an ongoing
demonstration at the plant starting in 2002. In 2005 the Kerala State
Pollution Control Board shut down the Coke facility.

A Coke plant in Mehdiganj has caused Indian citizens in twenty towns to
face significant water scarcity with water tables dropping by 18 feet.

Pesticide levels in Coke produced in India average 25 times the maximum
levels established by the Bureau of Indian Standards. As a result, the
Indian state of Kerala has banned the sale of Coke.

It is instructive to note that the Bush administration, ever the
corporate champion, dispatched U.S. Undersecretary for International
Trade Franklin Lavin to issue this thinly veiled threat to India:
In a time when India is working hard to attract and retain foreign
investment, it would be unfortunate if the discussion were dominated by
those who did not want to treat foreign companies fairly.

Dow Chemicals legacy:
A generation after the world's worst ever industrial disaster
occurred at a US multinational-owned pesticide plant in Bhopal, central
India, responsibility continues to be evaded on cleaning up thousands of
tonnes of toxic chemicals that have contaminated the soil and water in
the vicinity

Ground Water Issue
Lead was removed from soil using three crops
of Indian mustard in one growing season, with a decrease in soil
concentrations of lead to acceptable levels


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday is Janmashtami or Krishna's birthday...

2008-08-26 Thread sriswamijisadhaka
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to the Shrimad Bhagavatam, Krishna is equivalent to or is 
 an incarnation of Vishnu.  Brahma was a demigod and was created from 
 the belly of Vishnu while floating in the causal ocean.

Lord Brahma is not a demigod and nowhere in Bhagavatam is that term
used to describe His status.

Jaya Guru Datta

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ayurvedic medicines often contaminated by toxic metals

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:

 Ayurvedic medicines -- herbal mixtures dating back thousands of years
 in India and increasingly popular in the West -- are frequently
 contaminated with lead, mercury or arsenic, according to a study
 published today.

 A fifth of the nearly 200 concoctions tested contained levels of the
 toxic metals that, if taken at the maximum recommended doses, would
 surpass California's safety guidelines. 


 About 80% of the samples showed no detectable metal content.

 But among the remaining samples, the toxic metals showed up at similar
 rates in both U.S. and Indian-made products.

 Of the U.S. products, 21% contained lead, 3% contained mercury and 3%
 had arsenic. Among the Indian-made medicines, 17% had lead, 7% had
 mercury and none contained arsenic.

 The researchers and other experts surmised that the contamination had
 less to do with the manufacturing process than the soils in which the
 herbs were grown.

 The raw material is all coming from India, said Kush Khanna, who
 runs Bazaar of India in Berkeley, a manufacturer of ayurvedic
 medicines started by his father in 1971.

 Full article, Los Angeles Times: http://tinyurl.com/65tke4
Those would be the bhasmais which they are referring to.  I know the 
Bazaar of India folks.  As mentioned they and other importers and 
manufacturers of ayurvedic products have been wanting some kind of 
standards.  The problem is the same as with the other supplement 
manufacturers, the support for this is from big pharma who want to get 
rid of these little guys so they can have that market to themselves 
which of course if patently unfair.  They want standards that only they 
can afford to test for and so their proposals are really what we know as 
pull the ladder up laws.  They get a monopoly and will probably sell 
inferior products at outrages prices.  That's why big pharma is 
essentially a gangster run business.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2008-08-26 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Aug 23 00:00:00 2008
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 30 00:00:00 2008
528 messages as of (UTC) Wed Aug 27 00:05:09 2008

44 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
39 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
31 Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
30 Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
29 sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
26 gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
20 Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
19 do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
17 off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
17 nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
15 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
14 mainstream20016 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10 curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 6 lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 danfriedman2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 yifuxero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 sriswamijisadhaka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 dhamiltony2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 subhash madhukar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 sgrayatlarge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 pranamoocher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 mynyzonedotcom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 alan.kuntz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posters: 42
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] The Best Democrats Money Can Buy

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
ATT security suggest bloggers talk to police
Moderate Democrats are turning away Democrats, even those with press passes.

On Monday night, ATT held a 'Blue Dog' fundraiser for the group of 
congressional Democrats who endorsed the recent bill that gave immunity 
to telecoms for President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program.

The affair was held at Mile High Station, which is one of the closest 
buildings to Invesco field at Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado 
where the Democratic National Convention is being held.

While delegates came in and out of the party, it wasn't as easy for 
approved Democratic bloggers and reporters. Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow, 
Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake and Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com were 
ushered away by event security. All three had valid press passes to 
cover the Democratic National Convention.

As they tried to enter the event, security guards curtly refused to 
permit them to enter, and ordered them away from the entrance, giving 
few details.

More here...

Thing is *a lot* of Democrats voted for telco immunity and they weren't 
necessarily conservative either.   If yours voted for it, give them a 
piece of your mind.

This is just further evidence that it doesn't matter anymore Democrat or 
Republican their both on the same side against the American people.

July 4th,1776- January 20th, 2001

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cows usually align themselves north-south

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


SOmething about the vastu since cows usually sleep standing up as I recall.


(only semi-joking actually)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brits behaving badly

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And in Dubai, also this summer, a British man and woman who met during 
 a drinking bout were arrested and charged with having sex on a beach, 
 after repeatedly shouting abuse at a police officer who ordered them to 
 All of which leads to a natural question: Why? 
 I think that in their country, they are like prisoners and they want 
 to feel free, said Niki Pirovolaki, who works in a bakery on Malia's 
 main street and often encounters addled Britons heading back to their 
 hotels � if they can remember where they are staying, she said.
 David Familton, a Briton who works in a club here, said that it was a 
 question of emotional comfort. It's because of British culture � no 
 one can relax, so they become inebriated to be the people they want to 
 be, he said.

Heh. 30 years ago, I was wandering through the ruins of the Abby of 
 St Edmunds which is in the middle of a town of 30,000 people. 
THe punk roker's grilfriend was sitting on top of him, trying to pull his 
dick out so she could suck it and the brits were turning a blind eye as 
they walked past.

There are more conservative countries around than the UK (The USA
comes to mind).


[FairfieldLife] Re: on that savanaka note

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, alan.kuntz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do regret my previous posting.It was shallow and distasteful and is 
 plugged in every where on the internet.My sincere apologies and 
 regret..Yes I do think enlightenment, evolution, transformation is a 
 matter of grace.One can do transcendental meditation for eternity and 
 never change or mature or evolve one bit so it seems for me..Sound 
 direction patanjali yoga sutras and perhaps a respectable buddhist 
 lineage of vipassana or zen. I am trading in my T.M for zazen 
 shikantaza..No bullshit...Just sitting and just come back to this 
 moment when I realize the mind has wandered..
 Good luck to you all.

Curiously, hundreds of Buddhist lay monks learn TM every year in Tailand 
because their patriarch believes TM is better suited for the householder 
lifestyle that they will be heading to than the practices he teaches the 
permanent monks...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy, the dim-witted son

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ 
  I don't know if that is true anymore.� Ted Kennedy has done a lot 
 of good in the world
 Yeah, easy to do good spending other people's money (i.e, tax 
  since then and I don't know if we really know what happened that 
 Oh, yes, we do.
 A young girl in her 20s died because Teddy was too much of a coward 
 to knock on the door of a nearby house to get help to save 
 her...someone it was later determined that died a horrible death 
 drowning slowly as a result.
 He should have gone to jail for 20 years at least.
 But let me ask you this, Louis: Robert Byrd is a senator from West 
 Virginia who used to be a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.  For my 
 money, like Kennedy and the girl he killed, I believe that this kind 
 of thing precludes one from standing for public office, even though 
 they may apologize for their crime or transgression.  In other words, 
 being in a high exalted position of the Klan is such a horrible thing 
 (and I'll spare you the things he used to say in those days, which 
 are on record) that this means, on a moral level, that one shouldn't 
 put oneself forward to be elected.
 How do you feel about that?

A good portion of the Founding Fathers owned slaves...


[FairfieldLife] Bravo Kucinich at the DNC

2008-08-26 Thread feste37
The only one with the guts to tell the truth. Great stuff!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bodhidharma and Kung-fu?

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I learned about marma chikitsa 25 years ago when MMY first started talking
about marma points.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Klein on What Obama Means for Progressives

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I got a tad of a feeling that she's a moderate extremist: Able to talk 
but her thought processes are unrealistic.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bodhidharma and Kung-fu?

2008-08-26 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2008, at 9:26 PM, sparaig wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


I learned about marma chikitsa 25 years ago when MMY first started  

about marma points.

 Big deal.

To learn the actual points is something completely different.

If there's one veda Mahesh Varma could not buy, it was Dhanur  
Veda. I scare quote dhanur veda for the simple reason that the dhanur  
veda is nothing anywhere near Vedic: it's purely warrior-Shaivite  
martial arts; not even remotely near something a Brahmin would tread.  
Most of it is in pre-Sanskrit languages. Outside of their caste it is  
extraordinary for one to receive diksha. Anyone a mile away knew  
Mahesh only wanted to steal the knowledge for $$$.

So he never got it. The pre-Vedic clans were far to savvy for his  
Vedic carnivale.

That's from Doulliard who later left the movement to receive true  
teachings. Mahesh never was able to receive the real marma teachings.

If he was a real rishi he would never, ever have needed to rob it from  
someone in the first place.

What does that tell you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bravo Kucinich at the DNC

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
feste37 wrote:
 The only one with the guts to tell the truth. Great stuff!

And right on the money too or where it all went.  My number one 
choice for president.  But the pondscum in this country with their 
jellied brains would never vote for him.  I'm afraid they'll vote for 
McCain because he's dumb just like me, yuck, yuck.

July 4th, 1776 - January 20th, 2001

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Klein on What Obama Means for Progressives

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
sparaig wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:




 I got a tad of a feeling that she's a moderate extremist: Able to talk 
 but her thought processes are unrealistic.

Really?  If anything she was way ahead of the game in telling it like it is:

[FairfieldLife] Kucinich DNC speach -- AWESOME !

2008-08-26 Thread off_world_beings

Kucinich DNC speach -- AWESOME !



[FairfieldLife] Re: Teddy, the dim-witted son

2008-08-26 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  Somehow I don't think that a person who kills a young woman in 
  depths of the water off of Martha's Vineyard should, out of good 
  conscience, let himself be put forth as a candidate for public 
  for the rest of his life.  Be a little humble.  Stay the fuck out 
  the spotlight.  Get on with your life in as much obscurity and 
  as you can.  You know, like Charles Van Doren did after he was 
  cheating on 21.
  That Ted Kennedy has put himself forward for 40 years and that he 
  continues to be elected is a reflection on the people of MA.
  Shame on them.
  The love fest for dear little Teddy being vomited out of my TV as 
  coverage for the Democratic Convention continues is my fault for 
  changing the channel.
 This is Shemp's role model: http://tinyurl.com/6bd448

Believe it or not I have never watched The Simpsons so I am 
unfamiliar with the character.  

I assume he is an evil capitalist?  Homer Simpson's boss or something 
nefarious like that?

[FairfieldLife] 'Angry Black Woman?'

2008-08-26 Thread Robert

'Time for a change; Not more McSame'


[FairfieldLife] Please Get Me Some Aspirin

2008-08-26 Thread Tom

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please Get Me Some Aspirin

2008-08-26 Thread Tom


[FairfieldLife] Police slam CodePink protester to the ground

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
I would say that cop's career is over.  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kucinich DNC speach -- AWESOME !

2008-08-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Kucinich DNC speach -- AWESOME !

Yeah, you know, lot of people in the domes mostly sleep here.  You'd 
think they might sit up with a little more discipline after this Dennis 
K wake-up speech.

[FairfieldLife] War With Russia Is On The Agenda

2008-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
Another good article by Paul Craig Roberts:

[FairfieldLife] 'Hillary Speaks Truth to Power'

2008-08-26 Thread Robert
Great speech Hillary!
Compassionate, forthright, tough and on the mark.
You go girl!
Defeat the old guard...
Defeat the McSame!
Onward and upward...


[FairfieldLife] A friend of mine on impending economic collapse

2008-08-26 Thread Rick Archer
She mentioned economic collapse and I asked:

And what will that mean for average Joes and Janes like us? We're not in
much debt. May even pay off the house. Shall we wait 'till the money
inflates so much that I'm charging $1000/hour and can pay it off with a
week's wages?


Her response:

The question is, who will have $1000 a hour to pay? My sources (which are,
other than my own research, primarily George Ure at Peoplenomics.com and
halfpasthuman.com, who have been accurate enough in their predictive
linguistics forecasting to make me pay really close attention) says it isn't
just inflation that is the problem...it is the dollar and our whole system
of debt-based economy that's crashing. You read that e-forward about the
crash of 2009; Ure and HPH have been predicting exactly what James
describes...only HPH says it will happen NEXT MONTH rather than next year.
Next year is expected to be even worse. HPH has been on target in predicting
this year's record floods, the terrible tornado season, this Spring's drop
in the stock market with an improved public mood this month expected to last
into the first part of Sept., including the systematic collapse of the
banking system which has been unfolding since Spring. They say it will all
unravel quickly, almost overnight beginning late September, early October.

What this means to the average Joes  Janes is that the the whole system is
going to go ka-put. 

You may think I've been reading too much UFO/conspiracy theory stuff because
ka-put seems so unthinkable. I would think so too except that in doing that
research over the last several years I've been following the money as the
saying goes, and after enduring layer after layer of shocks I discovered
that government corruption is worse than anything we ever imagined. Stuff so
bad it's mind-bending.

I knew almost nothing about economics until the last six months, and that
was another layer of shock. I was horrified to learn that it all fit
together into a whole picture of corruption. I began to understand the
economic situation (money, banking, and debt) was  not only going to crash,
but it HAD to crash. It's a totally sick system, and it's been the average
JJ who paid for it. The entire economic system, right down to money, is
like securities fraud...the owners of the securities get rich because the
investors are supporting it, making it look like a profit is going on, then
more people get on the band wagon until everyone thinks it is real, then
eventually the whole thing collapses because there never was anything of
real substance to begin with. The paper dollar is like that ...it's a total
fraud. Money not backed by precious metals is  WORTH ONLY WHAT OUR
IMAGINATION ALLOTS TO IT, so what we have is a financial house of cards
based on the guy at the bottom buying into the system through going into
debt. When the guy at the bottom is is so maxed out in debt that he can't do
any more debt, then it's a trickle-up disaster...drying up the funding to
the top.

It's so big it's hard to grasp. We understand con games pulled off on old
ladies, but a nation-wide one? I said to someone that I was expecting the
economy to crash and he snorted that I was being foolish because THEY
wouldn't let it crash. We all think that, don't we, that there is actually
enough intelligence in government to keep the fraud machine running, right?
We complain about the problems because we believe that despite them, there
is an intelligence underlying it that will correct it and that when the
problem is corrected, then everything will be fine. At one time perhaps
there as some intelligence in government, but now the machine is out of

The only hope I see is the IA course. Remember how at times the numbers
apparently made hurricanes take sudden, unexpected turns away from a coast?
One of HPH's few misses for serious predictions was on July 8-and bingo!
That was the first time that the numbers were right both morning and
evening. Since then, their predictions seem to me to be be a little shaky,
such as the unexpected drop in the price of silver/gold. Unfortunately
everything else seems to be moving along as predicted, hitting the
predictive markers. If I add in what I've heard as hearsay that Maharishi
said that when the dollar crashes, it won't be the TMO's fault, and that he
had said that a nation that brings suffering go others brings suffering on
itself. So all this taken together, my perspective is that I can't see how
it can NOT happen that the whole thing is going to collapse. My best
analysis is that rather that hope we'll be magically saved by 2,000
lightworkers, that we should follow Guru Dev's advice for Safety First, to
prepare the same way one would prepare for a hurricane-board up the windows,
so to speak, stock some supplies. Pray that the weatherman is wrong  but be
prepared, just in case he's right.

If HPH, the market pundits, and my own research are right, and if you're
genuinely asking my advice for what it 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Hillary Speaks Truth to Power'

2008-08-26 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
Most certainly!  She did a magnificent job in both speech construction and
delivery!  I'm really impressed with her.

 *They are educated who have learned much, remembered much, *
*and make use of their knowledge in everyday life.   *
*And of these lessons integrated into their life, *
*moral conscience is the most imperative to learn*
*and convey to others.*
*Their virtues give true meaning to education.*

On 8/26/08, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Great speech Hillary!
 Compassionate, forthright, tough and on the mark.
 You go girl!
 Defeat the old guard...
 Defeat the McSame!
 Onward and upward...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bodhidharma and Kung-fu?

2008-08-26 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 9:26 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@  
  I learned about marma chikitsa 25 years ago when MMY first started  
  about marma points.
   Big deal.
 To learn the actual points is something completely different.
 If there's one veda Mahesh Varma could not buy, it was Dhanur  
 Veda. I scare quote dhanur veda for the simple reason that the dhanur  
 veda is nothing anywhere near Vedic: it's purely warrior-Shaivite  
 martial arts; not even remotely near something a Brahmin would tread.  
 Most of it is in pre-Sanskrit languages. Outside of their caste it is  
 extraordinary for one to receive diksha. Anyone a mile away knew  
 Mahesh only wanted to steal the knowledge for $$$.
 So he never got it. The pre-Vedic clans were far to savvy for his  
 Vedic carnivale.
 That's from Doulliard who later left the movement to receive true  
 teachings. Mahesh never was able to receive the real marma teachings.

That Douliard likes to tell stories? Or perhaps you do? When I spoke to 
 what he told me was that MMY had ruled that no non-vedic techniques would
 be allowed at the Maharishi AYurvedic centers, and since his Sports program
wasn't strictly vedic, he set out on his own.

 If he was a real rishi he would never, ever have needed to rob it from  
 someone in the first place.

ANd how did MMY rob someone of some technique?

 What does that tell you?

That yo are very angry.

BTW, why would MMY not be able to get a warrior-caste technique?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday is Janmashtami or Krishna's birthday...

2008-08-26 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sriswamijisadhaka 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  According to the Shrimad Bhagavatam, Krishna is equivalent to or is 
  an incarnation of Vishnu.  Brahma was a demigod and was created 
  the belly of Vishnu while floating in the causal ocean.
 Lord Brahma is not a demigod and nowhere in Bhagavatam is that term
 used to describe His status.

You should read the Shrimad Bhagavatam more carefully.  I'm reading the 
one translated by Prabhupada.  IMO, the Vaishnavites consider Brahma as 
a demigod because he came from the belly of Vishnu.

 Jaya Guru Datta

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday is Janmashtami or Krishna's birthday...

2008-08-26 Thread bob_brigante
   According to the Shrimad Bhagavatam, Krishna is equivalent to 
or is 
   an incarnation of Vishnu.  Brahma was a demigod and was created 
   the belly of Vishnu while floating in the causal ocean.

  Lord Brahma is not a demigod and nowhere in Bhagavatam is that 
  used to describe His status.

 You should read the Shrimad Bhagavatam more carefully.  I'm reading 
 one translated by Prabhupada.  IMO, the Vaishnavites consider 
Brahma as 
 a demigod because he came from the belly of Vishnu.


This is just one of the reasons why you should discard any 
translation by Prabhupad and read one of the scholarly translations. 
Krishna is always Krishna, but when creation starts, Maya apparently 
causes Krishna to appear as Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma (because 
creation obviously necessitates a creator, a destroyer, and one who 
maintains the whole process). There is no real difference in the 
status of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma, all being the play of Krishna.

Prabupad thought that the sun in our solar system was the only 
luminous body in the universe, and that all those twinkly things out 
there were only reflecting the sun's light as our moon does:
