[FairfieldLife] Re: Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > John,
> > 
> > Er, so the more I marry the smarter I get?
> Yes, most definitely.  However, I'm not recommending polygamy like 
> some Mormons in Utah.  You can end up in jail with that scenario.
> If divorce is involved, then the person will definitely know what 
> it takes to make a successful marriage, aside from the knowledge 
> of the various sexual techniques.  For all practical purposes, 
> most people get married to get sex and don't think about the other 
> aspects of marriage.  Nonetheless, I'm not recommending that one 
> should get divorced for the sole purpose of getting smarter.


Since you have *clearly* stepped into the role
of "giving marriage advice," I think that it is
within my rights to ask you about YOUR marriage.

Please tell us about it -- how long it has lasted,
how happy it has been, how many kids do you have, 
how well did they turn out, etc.

Or, if as I suspect, you haven't had a relationship
with anything more sentient than a Jyotish chart
and the palm of your hand for decades, tell us that.

I'm serious. 

A lot of charlatans pretend to know what Jyotish
or other methods of divination say about how others
should live, but THEY don't live that way themselves.
I have a suspicion that you're one of them. 

If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance. But based on
the things you've written to this forum, I think
you're speaking authoritatively about marriage
and relationships without having had very many
(if any) of either.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> > ... America. If there is a market for the drugs,
> > that means that the people who live in this "medi-
> > tating community" DID NOT FIND WHAT THEY
> Yeah, is a classic fall from Grace.  Is a shame and a cancer in 
> spiritual society.  I feel sorry for them.
> "First —Are all the meetings for meditation attended? Do meditators 
> avoid unbecoming behavior therein? And is the hour of meditation 
> observed?"
> "Eighth.—Is care taken to deal with offenders seasonably and 
> impartially, and to endeavor to evince to those who will not be 
> reclaimed, the spirit of meekness and love, before judgment is 
> placed upon them?"
> Gettin their meditations checked after they might air out for about 
> 30 days possibly could work.


There are so many assumptions in your few 
short sentences that I hardly know where
to start. But I will, because I suspect that
you don't know that they *are* assumptions,
and that you have them. My suspicion is that
you have had these assumptions for so long, 
as the result of social and religious condi-
tioning, that you think that they are real,
and not mind-constructs -- mere assumptions.

First, you believe that using drugs is a 
"fall from Grace," a "shame" and a "cancer"
in "spiritual society." What an elitist
crock of shit. What real "spiritual society"
would have such an ego-bound, inflated, non-
humble view of itself as to consider its
practitioners living in a "state of Grace"
and those who choose another lifestyle a

You got TAUGHT this, Doug. By Maharishi and
by those he learned it from -- elitists and
bigots the lot of them. They don't even 
acknowledge that many *within their own
spiritual tradition* smoke hemp *as part of
their spiritual tradition*. They probably
look down on those sadhus as a "cancer," too.

And WHO got to determine that "attending all
the meetings for meditation" was a good thing.
If it were such a good thing, why would rules
be needed to force people to attend? Wouldn't
they just recognize it as the Grace it is and
attend on their own?

Similarly, WHO gets to decide what "unbecoming 
behavior" is? Do you? Does Maharishi? What is
it that you think you are "becoming" when you
practice this behavior and dictate it to others?
What is it that you think you are "becoming"
LESS of by practicing this "becoming" behavior?

"Is the hour of meditation observed?" speaks for
itself. Remember when someone here (I think it
was one of the Brits) said that he'd never heard
Maharishi tell people that not missing a meditation
was more important than watching over a potential
murderer? Well, this is where that murder came
from. Someone felt that it was more important to
"observe the hour of meditation" than be a res-
ponsible human being.

As for "dealing with offenders seasonably and
impartially," WHO gets to decide that they are
"offenders?" WHO or WHAT are they "offending?"
YOU? Are YOU so important that behavior you don't
like becomes an "offense?" Or is it that Maharishi
is the one offended? Or could it be God? If the
last, might I just say that any God who would be
"offended" by someone toking on a bong after 
creating a tsunami that kills tens of thousands
of people needs a few bong hits of His own. Dude
*really* needs to lighten up.

As for "endeavor to evince to those who will not 
be reclaimed," that's one of the most offensive
things I've ever heard in my life. You postulate
(or whatever you are quoting postulates) that if
these people whose behavior you don't like don't
stop doing it, that you might not be able to
"reclaim" them. WHAT gives you the right to "claim"
them in the first place? What makes being part of
YOUR group any better than being part of their own
group, and doing what feels right to them?

And as for acting in "the spirit of meekness and 
love, before judgment is placed upon them," that's
the biggest load of horsecrap I've ever heard in
my life. "Meekness and love" don't judge; they
tolerate and accept, because they're meek and they
DO love. They CAN love. Judgment comes from an 
inability to love, and a need to exclude the ones 
one is incapable of loving from society.

"Gettin their meditations checked after they might 
air out for about 30 days possibly could work."
Straight out of the Maharishi One Size Fits All
Formula For A Perfect Life. 

Just do what WE tell you and everything will be OK.
WE know better than you. WE know how to "check"
your meditation so that you are doing it "properly."
WE know better than you do how these drugs affect
your system and *I* (Doug) know so much better than
you do that I'm going to double Maharishi's "air
out" time because *I* know better than he did, too.

Doug, in all honesty, I think you have been toking
on the Maharishi Bong far too long. You make assump-
tions about things that are not only unwarranted,
they are far more offensive to thinking, feeling
human beings th

[FairfieldLife] Obama's Broken Promises

2009-02-27 Thread Joe Smith
Here's a video of Obama's Broken Promises. Here's a few more. Please
feel free to add more.


1. Promised to give the Congress 48 hours to review the bailout plan
but gave them 12 instead. No one read it but it passed anyway.

2. Said we had to get the bailout plan signed through as quick as
possible but took an additional four days to sign it in Denver.

3. Said he would go after mayors who would misspend the bailout money
but promised to give the mayor of Chicago 20 billion anyway for the
corrupt airport renovation project even though this project is
currently under investigation for corruption.

4. Promised that the bailout plan had no pork in it even though there
is a magnetic train from Disneyland to Las Vegas, money set aside to
monitor volcanoes and money set aside for the protection of mice in

5. Promised to pull all troops out of Iraq in 16 months but has
decided on 70,000 troops in 19 months and the remaining 50,000 in
three years which was Bush's original plan.

6. Promised to tax the rich, those making over $250K, but this wont
happen until 2011.

7. Promised "Change" but Obama's first budget will top $3 trillion and
predicts the deficit for this year will soar to a whopping $1.75
trillion, according to administration.

8. Will increase welfare to mother's with dependent children programs
canceling Clinton's passing of laws that did away with abuses of those
who chose to stay home in order to qualify for welfare checks and

9. Promised a free college education for everyone.

10. His most recent promise is an increase in benefits for the
soldiers returning from Iraq. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> If the 7th lord is weak or the other significators for marriage are 
> then it is not wise to get married.   I hear too many amateur 
> astrologers telling people about their wonderful marriage they are 
> to have and I look at their chart and the marriage significations are 
> trashed.  When I was getting readings from various astrologers over 
> years ago only the seasoned Indian astrologers saw that problem.

You're making a good point.  The jyotishi should advise the person 
about the indications, both good and bad, in the chart regarding 
marriage.  With this advice, the person can make a better decision 
whether or not its wise for him or her to get married.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> John,
> Er, so the more I marry the smarter I get?

Yes, most definitely.  However, I'm not recommending polygamy like 
some Mormons in Utah.  You can end up in jail with that scenario.

If divorce is involved, then the person will definitely know what it 
takes to make a successful marriage, aside from the knowledge of the 
various sexual techniques.  For all practical purposes, most people 
get married to get sex and don't think about the other aspects of 
marriage.  Nonetheless, I'm not recommending that one should get 
divorced for the sole purpose of getting smarter.

> Seriously though, does it have to be "married" as in "lifelong
> commitment?"

Since jyotish comes from a conservative background, it is recommended 
that the person should be married with a lifelong commitment, and 
recognized legally either by the state or his/her religious 

  Do same sex marriages yield the same results?

Like most Christian denominations, the vedic moral code does not 
recognize same sex marriages or any other sexual relationships with 
the same gender.

> about working for someone for 40 years?

This does not apply, although there are similarities with the actual 
marriage partner.

> I think palmistry is far more likely to be a divining tool since 
> an actual artifact of DNA which has proven influence on one's life,
> and, hey, maybe just maybe, this line or that line can indicate a 
> based function being present or missing.  I'm just sayin'.
> The stars, on the other hand, ahem, don't seem to have detailed
> specificity that the lines of a hand might offer.  Oh, I know that
> there's stars and planets enough to create any order of complexity 
> subtlety, but the lines of the hand can be also involved with 
> measurements of line lengths, line proximity to other lines, etc.  

Actually, palmistry and jyotish should compliment each other.  There 
is a technique for verifying the jyotish ascendant with the palm 
features or the thumb.  Also, the various finger represent the 
planets and should correspond with the indications on the jyotish 

> Any second now they'll come out with a DNA test that costs about $10
> and you'll get a whole range of predictions about yourself that will
> be in the 90-99% true categorystay tuned.  When that is a 
> (it is already for a big price tag) then I see astrology and 
> fading in America.

DNA tests can give you an adequate reading of the physical attributes 
of the person.  But they do not show the karmic indications of the 
individual.  OTOH, jyotish has various techniques for determining how 
karma will manifest at certain times of the person's life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cache of 13,000 year old stone tools

2009-02-27 Thread Marek Reavis
I watched a practiced flintknapper work a stone one time, a piece of 
clay-red and black-striped obsidian.  He explained the process as he 
went along, and it was remarkable to watch.  All of the latter work, 
the actual blading of the stone (what I saw him make was a knife 
blade, and not something like those great palm-sized butchers shown in 
the video), all of that finish work he did with the point from an 
antler.  It was absolutely cool; he just kind of *pushed* a flake off 
the stone, and then he'd move the point of the antler over, just a 
little bit to the side, and then he'd *push* of another little 
fingernail of stone. 

But that was after the basic shaping had been done with rock on rock.  
He roughed the basic shape out right away and fairly quickly got down 
to a shape that he could start making a blade from.  He spoke about 
how important finds of good stone were to people then; deposits of the 
right kinds of rock were crucial, highly valued resources.  And a 
well-made stone knife or tool was a treasure.  I think it's cool that 
they reburied a few of the pieces.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Found in a guy's backyard in Boulder, a buried cache of beautiful 
> > clovis tools.
> > 
> > Short video from the University of Colorado/Boulder.
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/aoh54w
> >
> Early Meditators.
> Yeah, i found tools like these on my property here in Fairfield.
> Like Mahaffy points out here, that ergonomic perfection is 
> unmistakable when you find them.  -Doug in FF
> "There is a magic to these artifacts," said Mahaffy. "One of the 
> things you don't get from just looking at them is how incredible 
> feel in your hand --they are almost ergonomically perfect and you 
> feel how they were used. It is a wonderful connection to the people 
> who shared this same land a long, long time ago." Mahaffy said the 
> artifacts will likely wind up in a museum except for a few of the 
> smaller pieces, which will be reburied at the cache site.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "menkemeyer"  wrote:
>   Hey Dog, 
>   only a Bitch would say somthing like that.
> Chris

Chris, An ad hominem attack takes refuge in the mental laziness of an
ignoramus. Don't embarrass yourself. Make your argument or STFU.

> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > Okay, so who would you suggest that would be better (this should 
> be 
> > > interesting)?
> > 
> > Oh that's too easy. Hillary, of course. 
> > 
> > When Obama isn't playing basketball "President, He who cannot shut 
> up"
> >  is on the TV almost EVERYDAY, talking, talking.  The markets drop
> > every time he opens his mouth:
> > 
> > * Nov. 5, 2008 (Wednesday after Election Day): -486 (5.0%)
> > * Jan. 9, 2009 (one day after Obama speaks at George Mason
> > University on "need" for $800 billion stimulus package): -143 (1.6%)
> > * Jan. 20, 2009 (Inauguration Day): -332 (4.0%)
> > * Feb. 10, 2009 (one day after Obama declares that without a
> > stimulus, "an economy that is already in crisis will be faced with a
> > catastrophe"): -382 (4.6%)
> > * Feb. 17, 2009 (market opens for the first time after Congress
> > passes $787 billion stimulus on Feb. 13; Obama signs bill into law,
> > declaring, "The stimulus lets Americans claim destiny."): -298 
> (3.8%)
> > * Feb. 19, 2009 (one day after Obama announces potential 
> mortgage
> > relief plan): -90 (1.2%)
> > * Feb. 25, 2009 (one day after Obama's first speech to the full
> > Congress): -80 (1.1%)
> > 
> > Dow closed Nov 5, 2008  9,139.27 -486
> > Dow closed Feb 26, 2009 7,270.89 -80
> > 
> > Meanwhile, Hillary has been working non-stop. Japan (February 16-
> 18),
> > Indonesia (February 18-19), the Republic of Korea (February 19-20),
> > and China (February 20-22). 
> > 
> > Hillary's schedule Feb 26 
> > 8:30 a.m. Delicious breakfast with House Foreign Affairs Committee
> > Members.
> > 
> > 11:00 a.m. Bilateral with His Excellency Fatmir Sejdiu, President of
> > the Republic of Kosovo, and with His Excellency Hashim Thaci, Prime
> > Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.
> > 
> > 12:45 p.m. Joint Announcement with Special Representative for North
> > Korea Policy Ambassador Stephen Bosworth.
> > 
> > 1:15 p.m. Bilateral with His Excellency Rangin Dadfar Spanta, 
> Minister
> > of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
> > 
> > 3:45 p.m. Meeting with President Obama and Vice President Biden.
> > 
> > Next week Hillary will depart Sunday March 1 for Egypt, Israel and 
> the
> > West Bank. She will also attend meetings in Brussels, Belgium, with
> > NATO allies and European Union officials; hold talks in Geneva with
> > Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on arms control and
> > Afghanistan; and meet senior Turkish leaders in Ankara.
> > 
> > If their roles were reversed and Hillary were president, the stock
> > markets wouldn't be tanking and mellow fellow, Secretary of State
> > Obama, feeling confident in Hillary's leadership, could kick back 
> and
> > globe trot shooting hoops for photo ops.
> >

[FairfieldLife] 'The Reagan~bin Laden Connection'

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
Reagan's Osama ConnectionHow he turned a jihadist into a terrorist kingpin.

Earlier this week, I cited recently:
De~classified documents to show that Ronald Reagan did indeed play a major role 
in ending the Cold War. Now it's time to note that a similar set of documents 
shows that Reagan also played a major role in bringing on the terrorist war 
that followed—specifically, in abetting the rise of Osama Bin Laden.
Once again, the story concerns the fascinating relationship between Reagan and 
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

Related in Slate
Reagan may have abetted the rise of Osama Bin Laden, but his policies did bring 
about the end of the Cold War, says Fred Kaplan. A compilation of Slate stories 
on Reagan's death, life, and legacy can be found here.
Gorbachev took the helm as the reform-minded general-secretary of the Communist 
Party of the Soviet Union in March 1985. Within months, he had decided 
privately to pull Soviet troops out of Afghanistan. One of his predecessors, 
Leonid Brezhnev,* had invaded Afghanistan in 1979, and the move was proving a 
disaster. Tens of thousands of Soviet troops had died; military morale was 
crumbling; popular protest—unheard of, till then, in Communist Russia—was 
rising. Part of the Soviet failure in Afghanistan was due to the fact that the 
Reagan administration was feeding billions of dollars in arms to Afghanistan's 
Islamic resistance. Reagan and, even more, his intensely ideological CIA 
director, William Casey, saw the battle for Afghanistan as a titanic struggle 
in the war between Eastern tyranny and Western freedom. (Jimmy Carter and his 
national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, had started assisting the 
resistance, but with not nearly the same largess
 or ambition.)
At a Politburo meeting of Nov. 13, 1986, Gorbachev laid his position on the 
table: The war wasn't working; it had to be stopped:

People ask: "What are we doing there?" Will we be there endlessly? Or should we 
end this war? ... The strategic objective is to finish the war in one, maximum 
two years, and withdraw the troops. We have set a clear goal: Help speed up the 
process, so we have a friendly neutral country, and get out of there.


In early December, Gorbachev summoned President Najibullah, the puppet leader 
of Afghanistan, to give him the news: The Soviet troops would be leaving within 
18 months; after that, he was on his own.
Two months later, on Feb. 23, 1987, Gorbachev assured the Politburo that the 
troops wouldn't leave right away. He first had to foster a stable environment 
for the reigning government and to maintain a credible image with India, the 
Soviet Union's main ally in the region. The exit strategy, he said, would be a 
negotiated deal with Washington: The Soviets pull out troops; the Americans 
stop their arms shipments to the rebels.
However, within days, Gorbachev learned to his surprise that Reagan had no 
interest in such a deal. In a conversation on Feb. 27 with Italy's foreign 
minister, Giulio Andreotti, Gorbachev said, "We have information from very 
reliable sources … that the United States has set itself the goal of 
obstructing a settlement by any means," in order "to present the Soviet Union 
in a bad light." If this information is true, Gorbachev continued, the matter 
of a withdrawal "takes on a different light."
Without U.S. cooperation, Gorbachev couldn't proceed with his plans to 
withdraw. Instead, he allowed his military commanders to escalate the conflict. 
In April, Soviet troops, supported by bombers and helicopters, attacked a new 
compound of Islamic fighters along the mountain passes of Jaji, near the 
Pakistani border. The leader of those fighters, many of them Arab volunteers, 
was Osama Bin Laden.
In his magisterial book, Ghost Wars (possibly the best diplomatic history 
written in the past decade), Steve Coll recounts the fateful consequences:

The battle lasted for about a week. Bin Laden and 50 Arab volunteers faced 200 
Russian troops. … The Arab volunteers took casualties but held out under 
intense fire for several days. More than a dozen of bin Laden's comrades were 
killed, and bin Laden himself apparently suffered a foot wound. … Chronicled 
daily at the time by several Arab journalists … the battle of Jaji marked the 
birth of Osama bin Laden's public reputation as a warrior among Arab jihadists. 
… After Jaji he began a media campaign designed to publicize the brave fight 
waged by Arab volunteers who stood their ground against a superpower. In 
interviews and speeches … bin Laden sought to recruit new fighters to his cause 
and to chronicle his own role as a military leader. He also began to expound on 
expansive new goals for the jihad.
Had Gorbachev thought that Reagan was willing to strike a deal, the battle of 
Jaji would not have taken place—and the legend of Bin Laden might never have 
taken off.
Reagan can't be blamed for ignoring the threat of Osam

[FairfieldLife] There is a shower of nectar from Brahman, and this is considered creation.

2009-02-27 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cache of 13,000 year old stone tools

2009-02-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
> Found in a guy's backyard in Boulder, a buried cache of beautiful 
> clovis tools.
> Short video from the University of Colorado/Boulder.
> http://tinyurl.com/aoh54w

Early Meditators.

Yeah, i found tools like these on my property here in Fairfield.

Like Mahaffy points out here, that ergonomic perfection is 
unmistakable when you find them.  -Doug in FF

"There is a magic to these artifacts," said Mahaffy. "One of the 
things you don't get from just looking at them is how incredible they 
feel in your hand --they are almost ergonomically perfect and you can 
feel how they were used. It is a wonderful connection to the people 
who shared this same land a long, long time ago." Mahaffy said the 
artifacts will likely wind up in a museum except for a few of the 
smaller pieces, which will be reburied at the cache site.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!

2009-02-27 Thread gullible fool

You need to get laid and eat a chicken sandwich.  
Turkey's good too, right? I think turkey tastes much better!
"Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, Peter  wrote:

From: Peter 
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become 
pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 5:07 PM

You need to get laid and eat a chicken sandwich. Also get your meditation
checked (a nod to Nabs)and take a little longer to come out of meditation. Use
your mind for more constructive things like world peace or helping the poor. 

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, jimjim5886  wrote:

> From: jimjim5886 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become
pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 5:00 PM
> There can be no doubt that america is the country Referred
> to as 
> Babylon in the end times in the bible. America fits the
> discription 
> of this country far better than anyone else.  America is
> the greatest 
> super power the would has ever seen. It is the greatest
> importer in 
> the world. It imports far more than it exports. With out
> american 
> imports many countries would go 
> broke. 
> So when the bible talks about the
> anti-christ u can b 
> sure that its talking about the president of the U.S.A. 
> Since the 
> bible says that the anti-christ will become its ruler.  
> Also there r 
> many conspiracy theories about the american pres.(Barack
> Obama) being 
> the anti-christ. In order to beleave that u would first
> have to 
> beleave that america is the country referred to as Babylon
> in the 
> bible. 
>In both Rev. 17:10 and Daniel
> 11:20 it 
> says that the person who is king (or in this case
> president) just 
> before the anti-christ comes to power of this prophetic
> Babylon will 
> die after only a few days in office. So now your probably
> wondering 
> who that guy 
> is?
>Well i'am glade u asked! It says in Rev.
> 17:10  that 
> there r 7 kings 5 r fallen, 1 is, and the last has not yet
> come, and 
> when he comes he must remain a short 
> while. 
>  In 2004 i was watching the news and they
> said that 
> there were 5 former presidents still alive at that point in
> time. 
> they were Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Thats when i
> figered 
> out  what the bible meant in Rev. 17:10 when it spoke of 7
> kings. All 
> 7 of them were alive at that point in time. And it referred
> to Geoge 
> W. Bush as king #6 in the "present tense", who at
> that point in time 
> was involved in a war that he started in Iraq. I think this
> is close 
> enough to  an invasion of persia cause i think eastern Iraq
> used to 
> be part of persia or at least part of the persian empire.  
> Also this 
> is the only time in history that 5 former pres. were all
> still alive 
> at 1 
> time.  
>I don't care what anyone tells u! Pres.
> Barack Obama 
> is not the anti-christ! The Bible clearly states that the
> man who 
> occupies the leadership of this propheced Babylon before
> the coming 
> of the anti-christ will die in office nethier in battle nor
> in 
> anger. "The Catholic Living Bible" says in Daniel
> 11:20 that this 
> will happen during a crisis. Which is where we r right now
> and its 
> only getting worse every day, and its a threat to world
> pease and 
> national security! According to this verse it sounds like
> this crisis 
> will actually help the anti-christ to obtain 
> power. 
> This is all similar to how Adolf
> Hitler came 
> to power in 1933 during the great depression after the
> death of 
> Germany's  
> Chancellor.
>The Beast (anti-christ) is the
> 8th king, 
> but is also 1 of the previous 7 kings.  2 of those 5 former
> pres. are 
> dead now, and they died with out head wounds so they could
> not be the 
> anti-christ! That leaves 4 possibilities.  The Bible says
> that the 
> anti-christ will be a piller of the church and also a
> famous peace 
> maker. And through peace he shall destroy many! That's
> clearly Jimmy 
> Carter!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
> ... America. If there is a market for the drugs,
> that means that the people who live in this "medi-
> tating community" DID NOT FIND WHAT THEY

Yeah, is a classic fall from Grace.  Is a shame and a cancer in 
spiritual society.  I feel sorry for them.

"First —Are all the meetings for meditation attended? Do meditators 
avoid unbecoming behavior therein? And is the hour of meditation 

"Eighth.—Is care taken to deal with offenders seasonably and 
impartially, and to endeavor to evince to those who will not be 
reclaimed, the spirit of meekness and love, before judgment is placed 
upon them?"

Gettin their meditations checked after they might air out for about 
30 days possibly could work.

JGD, -Doug

[FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hope. Change.  Believe. 
Sacrifice.  Coming Together."  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:51 PM, ruthsimplicity
>  wrote:
> >
> > Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
> > your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
> > up and be counted.
> >
> Yes.  I do.  My Jyotish chart pretty much describes the careers I've
> chosen and the fact that money, love and status come easily to me.
> Proof that jyotish works.

That isn't proof in a scientific sense.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2009, at 5:51 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
> > You can make a case for anything.  The question is whether it makes
> > sense.  I seriously doubt that the vedas and democracy are compatible.
> >Let's not go backwards.  I do not understand the romantic notion
> > some people seem to have regarding the vedas and vedic times.
> > Especially women.
> >
> > Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
> > your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
> > up and be counted.
> Send me you date of birth, place and time and I'll calculate your  
> caste. Then see what you think. If you post it to the list, others  
> could share as well, I'm sure.

Well, I don't want to make my BD pubic in case friends are lurking
here.  I trust you, I'll send it to you but please don't post it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread Vaj

On Feb 27, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

You can make a case for anything.  The question is whether it makes
sense.  I seriously doubt that the vedas and democracy are  

   Let's not go backwards.  I do not understand the romantic notion
some people seem to have regarding the vedas and vedic times.
Especially women.

Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?   

up and be counted.
I've never seen a horoscope, as long as the proper birth time is  

not indicate what field the person will be most successful in.  They
usually already have inclinations towards those fields.   What is your
experience in doing horoscope readings?

One of the few, large sample studies done on sidereal astrology has  
shown that there are a few things Jyotish, sidereal-style astrology  
can determine. One is occupation IIRC.

Have you read any of the research of French psychologist and  
mathematician Michel Gauquelin?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000

Great concepts,  great lines.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> Kirk,
> Cuntface? -- er, is that some sort of very bad hairlip? (Okay, this
> image just creeped me out bigtime.)
> OTOH, I gotta say that kissing a woman at either end seems remarkably
> similar in the kinds of sensory profits one gets out of the
> But, the equity breaks when I see someone kissing in a film. To me
> it's like watching very very good porn. It's far more intimate and
> compelling than, say, a wide open beaver with a monster dong whacking
> With on-screen kissing, you get to see the expressions on the faces
> etc. Viewing kissing is a chance to be a voyeur of the kisser and
> kissee's minds -- not just the kissers' kissers doing syncopated
> osculation.
> I always feel like I'm cheating when I get all this free porn any time
> of day on TV.
> Doesn't everyone know this? They do in India apparently. I can't be
> all that wrong about the titillation of the buss.
> When I kiss my love, it ain't foreplay; it's nowplay.
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" kirk_bernhardt@ wrote:
> >
> > But Ruth I am smitten by your charisma and pleasant mien.
> >
> > On that note I apologize for my stupid and vulgar language last week
> please
> > all women here forgive me. On the other hand, if any woman , or man
> here,
> > wants to call me cuntface, I'll understand and be okay with that.
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "ruthsimplicity" no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:20 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer
> >
> >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB 
> > >>
> > >> PLUS probably another dozen things that I am unaware of.
> > >> In other words, it's still a mystery...
> > >>
> > >
> > > Something of a mystery, but there are many factors you can often
> > > to that can work together to create the buzz. You mentioned some
> > > possibilities and certainly your own experiences and character
bring a
> > > lot to the mix. And being young makes you especially vulnerable.
> > >
> > > It is like when I met my first husband. It was a case of love at
> > > first sight. I was very drawn to him and the feeling was mutual.
> > > Hormones. Right place at the right time. Looks that fit our
> > > expectations of what we wanted in a mate. Ability to have the kind
> > > intense conversation appropriate when you are 20 and in college.
> > > Anyway we got married and it didn't last long. I think that was
> > > only time that I was absolutely smitten with with someone's
> > > charismatic energy. I have never been smitten with charismatic
> > > of a teacher. Maybe having the experience of intense love when
> > > and having it go away made me look at charisma, whether sexual or
> > > otherwise, with a more jaded eye.
> > >
> > > And it made me realize my own impulsive nature.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > > fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> > >
> > > Or go to:
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread Vaj

On Feb 27, 2009, at 5:51 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

> You can make a case for anything.  The question is whether it makes
> sense.  I seriously doubt that the vedas and democracy are compatible.
>Let's not go backwards.  I do not understand the romantic notion
> some people seem to have regarding the vedas and vedic times.
> Especially women.
> Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
> your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
> up and be counted.

Send me you date of birth, place and time and I'll calculate your  
caste. Then see what you think. If you post it to the list, others  
could share as well, I'm sure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread Vaj

On Feb 27, 2009, at 4:10 PM, claudiouk wrote:

One aspect of MMY's teachings that seems hopelessly "unenlightened"
to me was his take on democracy, which he saw as socially devisive
and irresponsible. For instance he talked disparangely about the
Labour Party in the UK, believing that mere "labourers", totally
uneducated, were running the country.

Yet some of his key political ideas seem oddly "democratic", eg:

(1) Government = reflection of collective consciousness of the people
(2) Ideal Society = self-governing individuals, attuned to Natural Law

I saw a video today where MMY again attacked democracy and praised
the Vedic division of society into four groups on the basis of birth -
albeit in terms of Jyotish rather than socio-economic class. The
whole thing just grates with me - also the gender divisions
increasingly apparent in the Movement.

Just wondering what FFL participants make of all this (sorry if it's
been discussed before..)! Is it possible to argue the case for a
VEDIC Democracy?

In regards to the gender divisions, I'll share a post from another  
list, it's about not being able to express negativity, and being  
institutionally pathological about not even acknowledging the shadow.  
I have much more respect for someone who can embrace their shadow and  
the collective shadow. Those gurus who refuse to acknowledge a shadow  
and present themselves as "shadowless" are always the ones we have to  
worry the most about. Of course if you're ignoring the marginalization  
of the feminine in your org, that's a real dead canary in the coal  
mine for me:

It's interesting, because I have much more respect for those who can  
share their triumphs...and their failings, with at least some approach  
towards equanimity and then towards action. Avoidance of parts of life  
as "negativity" that cannot be spoken just seems so counterintuitive  
to me now.

Jack Kornfield tells the story of meetings he helps convene yearly  
which are meetings of various Buddhist teachers, from all the great  
schools. On one particular year, it was held at the residence of Dalai  
Lama in Dharamshala, India. The topic was Buddhism in the modern  
world, and the difficulties they encountered. The room was filled with  
teachers whose teachings and actions had given benefits to thousands  
and thousands of people. They spoke of their great successes and their  
joy in being part of them.

But then it came time to speak of their problems, their failures and  
shortcomings. It became clear that spiritual life is not entirely  
harmonious. There were individual struggles and there were individual  
neuroses. There were areas of prejudice and areas of blindness.

One woman in particular pointed out how difficult it was to simply be  
female or to express feminine wisdom in the Buddhist community. She  
pointed to all the beautiful statues and paintings that filled the  
room they were in...and how they were allmale.

Then she asked all those in the room to close their eyes to meditate  
with her and to imagine they were entering the room anew, but that  
they instead bowed to the 14th female Dalai Lama. With her were  
advisors who had always been female. Surrounding them were statues and  
paintings of beings, all in women's bodies. Of course it was never  
taught in the teachings that there was anything lesser about being a  
man. Despite that the men hung out on the periphery and when  
everything was over, it was their job to clean and cook.

At the end of her meditation, all the men opened their eyes, somewhat  
astonished. Then, Ani Tenzin Palmo, a Tibetan Buddhist nun who was  
raised as the daughter of an English fishmonger and who had trained  
for 20 years--12 of them in caves on the Tibetan border--spoke. In her  
gentle voice, she described the spiritual longing and the incredible  
hardships of women who can only remain on the edge of the monasteries  
happenings, often without teachings, food or support.

When she finished, the Dalai Lama put his head, in his hands...and  
wept. He pledged his foremost support to revise the place of women in  
his community to one of more equality.

There was no sense I got from Jack's story that these experiences  
needed to be shunted or avoided somehow. Instead they were embraced in  
such a way that they could move forward. That's not to say that  
everything somehow miraculously changed, but at least the fuller  
reality was acknowledged as much as possible.

In my current way of seeing things, it's hard for me to imagine any  
real evolution taking place without such earned equanimity. It would  
be impossible for me to respect a teacher who could not also embrace  
this everyday paradox that is our condition.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-02-27 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Feb 21 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Feb 28 00:00:00 2009
847 messages as of (UTC) Fri Feb 27 23:58:17 2009

50 TurquoiseB 
50 Kirk 
49 authfriend 
40 Vaj 
40 I am the eternal 
38 Bhairitu 
38 "Richard J. Williams" 
36 Arhata Osho 
34 Duveyoung 
31 Robert 
27 Sal Sunshine 
25 curtisdeltablues 
24 bob_brigante 
24 "do.rflex" 
19 nablusoss1008 
19 boo_lives 
18 enlightened_dawn11 
18 cardemaister 
17 ruthsimplicity 
17 "grate.swan" 
16 yifuxero 
14 dhamiltony2k5 
13 raunchydog 
12 shempmcgurk 
12 geezerfreak 
12 Peter 
12 Marek Reavis 
10 emptybill 
10 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
10 John 
 9 Rick Archer 
 9 Nelson 
 9 Alex Stanley 
 8 yateendrajee 
 6 at_man_and_brahman 
 6 "BillyG." 
 5 sparaig 
 4 Zoran Krneta 
 4 Dick Richardson 
 3 shukra69 
 3 off_world_beings 
 3 gullible fool 
 3 "Hope. Change.  Believe.  Sacrifice.  Coming Together." 
 2 wayback71 
 2 uns_tressor 
 2 paultrunk 
 2 lurkernomore20002000 
 2 hermandan0 
 2 feste37 
 2 dan 
 2 wle...@aol.com
 2 Patrick Gillam 
 2 Joe Smith 
 2 Jason 
 2 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jan-=C5ke_Ingvar_J=F6nsson?= 

 1 sanosh2002 
 1 pranamoocher 
 1 msuettmann 
 1 metoostill 
 1 menkemeyer 
 1 mainstream20016 
 1 jimjim5886 
 1 guyfawkes91 
 1 claudiouk 
 1 billy jim 
 1 amarnath 
 1 Larry 
 1 Hugo 
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Eustace 
 1 Dick Mays 

Posters: 71
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!

2009-02-27 Thread Arhata Osho
You were making sense 'til the 'babble' came into this. Not good to quote!

 There can be no doubt that america is the country Referred to as 

Babylon in the end times in the bible. America fits the discription 

of this country far better than anyone else.  America is the greatest 

super power the would has ever seen. It is the greatest importer in 

the world. It imports far more than it exports. With out american 

imports many countries would go 


So when the bible talks about the anti-christ u can b 

sure that its talking about the president of the U.S.A.  Since the 

bible says that the anti-christ will become its ruler.   Also there r 

many conspiracy theories about the american pres.(Barack Obama) being 

the anti-christ. In order to beleave that u would first have to 

beleave that america is the country referred to as Babylon in the 


   In both Rev. 17:10 and Daniel 11:20 it 

says that the person who is king (or in this case president) just 

before the anti-christ comes to power of this prophetic Babylon will 

die after only a few days in office. So now your probably wondering 

who that guy 


   Well i'am glade u asked! It says in Rev. 17:10  that 

there r 7 kings 5 r fallen, 1 is, and the last has not yet come, and 

when he comes he must remain a short 


 In 2004 i was watching the news and they said that 

there were 5 former presidents still alive at that point in time. 

they were Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Thats when i figered 

out  what the bible meant in Rev. 17:10 when it spoke of 7 kings. All 

7 of them were alive at that point in time. And it referred to Geoge 

W. Bush as king #6 in the "present tense", who at that point in time 

was involved in a war that he started in Iraq. I think this is close 

enough to  an invasion of persia cause i think eastern Iraq used to 

be part of persia or at least part of the persian empire.   Also this 

is the only time in history that 5 former pres. were all still alive 

at 1 


   I don't care what anyone tells u! Pres. Barack Obama 

is not the anti-christ! The Bible clearly states that the man who 

occupies the leadership of this propheced Babylon before the coming 

of the anti-christ will die in office nethier in battle nor in 

anger. "The Catholic Living Bible" says in Daniel 11:20 that this 

will happen during a crisis. Which is where we r right now and its 

only getting worse every day, and its a threat to world pease and 

national security! According to this verse it sounds like this crisis 

will actually help the anti-christ to obtain 



This is all similar to how Adolf Hitler came 

to power in 1933 during the great depression after the death of 




   The Beast (anti-christ) is the 8th king, 

but is also 1 of the previous 7 kings.  2 of those 5 former pres. are 

dead now, and they died with out head wounds so they could not be the 

anti-christ! That leaves 4 possibilities.  The Bible says that the 

anti-christ will be a piller of the church and also a famous peace 

maker. And through peace he shall destroy many! That's clearly Jimmy 


   No mater what anyone tells u about the 

anti-christ, remember the bible clearly states that the man who is 

king(or in this case pres.) before the anti-christ takes office will 

die first, and this will be during a crisis. Then during this crisis 

will he obtain the throne through lies, deceit and false promises. 

Not only that but as it says in Dan. 11, "he is not in line to 

inherit the throne." Which of course none of the former pres. are. 

But in this case because of this international crisis and some good 

lying and false promises he will manage.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread Hope. Change. Believe. Sacrifice. Coming Together.
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:51 PM, ruthsimplicity

> Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
> your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
> up and be counted.

Yes.  I do.  My Jyotish chart pretty much describes the careers I've
chosen and the fact that money, love and status come easily to me.

Proof that jyotish works.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
ruthsimplicity wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk"  wrote:
>> One aspect of MMY's teachings that seems hopelessly "unenlightened" 
>> to me was his take on democracy, which he saw as socially devisive 
>> and irresponsible. For instance he talked disparangely about the 
>> Labour Party in the UK, believing that mere "labourers", totally 
>> uneducated, were running the country.
>> Yet some of his key political ideas seem oddly "democratic", eg:
>> (1) Government = reflection of collective consciousness of the people
>> (2) Ideal Society = self-governing individuals, attuned to Natural Law
>> I saw a video today where MMY again attacked democracy and praised 
>> the Vedic division of society into four groups on the basis of birth -
>> albeit in terms of Jyotish rather than socio-economic class. The 
>> whole thing just grates with me - also the gender divisions 
>> increasingly apparent in the Movement.
>> Just wondering what FFL participants make of all this (sorry if it's 
>> been discussed before..)! Is it possible to argue the case for a 
>> VEDIC Democracy?
> You can make a case for anything.  The question is whether it makes
> sense.  I seriously doubt that the vedas and democracy are compatible.
> Let's not go backwards.  I do not understand the romantic notion
> some people seem to have regarding the vedas and vedic times. 
> Especially women.  
> Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
> your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
> up and be counted. 
I've never seen a horoscope, as long as the proper birth time is given, 
not indicate what field the person will be most successful in.  They 
usually already have inclinations towards those fields.   What is your 
experience in doing horoscope readings?

We don't like to admit to class systems which is what we call "castes" 
in the west but they DO exist.  I would just argue that you aren't 
locked into a class at birth though it may be easier to survive within 
that class framework.  And in India they didn't often marry outside 
their caste so we might find that genetically they would be inclined 
towards a certain roll in society.  But mixed caste parents might 
provide a less clear genetic inclination.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
Ruth a dit:
> Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
> your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
> up and be counted.

My experience paying for yajnas for Westerners was there would be a backlash 
of religious not fear but terror.  East and West religions simply do not 
meet.  Nonduality and Duality don't meet.  Or if they do they really suck ;) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
Nobody told me anything but pussy sucking freak I never thought I would be 
married to the same woman without cheating on her for 20 years. But then, 
let's play this back, if marriage makes you smarter, then so does eating 

Especially if you're going to be married, and if you have an unconventional 
marriage it's all just symantics.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bhairitu" 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Paradox of Married Life

> If the 7th lord is weak or the other significators for marriage are weak
> then it is not wise to get married.   I hear too many amateur
> astrologers telling people about their wonderful marriage they are going
> to have and I look at their chart and the marriage significations are
> trashed.  When I was getting readings from various astrologers over 10
> years ago only the seasoned Indian astrologers saw that problem.
> John wrote:
>> To All:
>> Through jyotish analysis, one realizes that marriage enhances
>> opportunities for learning and wisdom.  In other words, marriage can
>> make you smart.  Why?  The reasons are shown below:
>> 1.  The field of marriage is signified by the seventh house.  This
>> field is the fourth house from the field of education, the fourth house
>> itself.
>> 2.  The seventh house enhances the 9th house, the field of higher
>> learning, wisdom, and spiritual advancement through an argala
>> principle.  That is, the seventh house is the eleventh house from the
>> ninth house.
>> So, in effect, those who are contemplating of getting married should
>> look forward to becoming a genius or a wise man.
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
You forget the bible is purely bullshit which has absolutely no coherent 

- Original Message - 
From: "jimjim5886" 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 4:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become 
pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!

> There can be no doubt that america is the country Referred to as
> Babylon in the end times in the bible. America fits the discription
> of this country far better than anyone else.  America is the greatest
> super power the would has ever seen. It is the greatest importer in
> the world. It imports far more than it exports. With out american
> imports many countries would go
> broke.
>So when the bible talks about the anti-christ u can b
> sure that its talking about the president of the U.S.A.  Since the
> bible says that the anti-christ will become its ruler.   Also there r
> many conspiracy theories about the american pres.(Barack Obama) being
> the anti-christ. In order to beleave that u would first have to
> beleave that america is the country referred to as Babylon in the
> bible.
>   In both Rev. 17:10 and Daniel 11:20 it
> says that the person who is king (or in this case president) just
> before the anti-christ comes to power of this prophetic Babylon will
> die after only a few days in office. So now your probably wondering
> who that guy
> is?
>   Well i'am glade u asked! It says in Rev. 17:10  that
> there r 7 kings 5 r fallen, 1 is, and the last has not yet come, and
> when he comes he must remain a short
> while.
> In 2004 i was watching the news and they said that
> there were 5 former presidents still alive at that point in time.
> they were Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Thats when i figered
> out  what the bible meant in Rev. 17:10 when it spoke of 7 kings. All
> 7 of them were alive at that point in time. And it referred to Geoge
> W. Bush as king #6 in the "present tense", who at that point in time
> was involved in a war that he started in Iraq. I think this is close
> enough to  an invasion of persia cause i think eastern Iraq used to
> be part of persia or at least part of the persian empire.   Also this
> is the only time in history that 5 former pres. were all still alive
> at 1
> time.
>   I don't care what anyone tells u! Pres. Barack Obama
> is not the anti-christ! The Bible clearly states that the man who
> occupies the leadership of this propheced Babylon before the coming
> of the anti-christ will die in office nethier in battle nor in
> anger. "The Catholic Living Bible" says in Daniel 11:20 that this
> will happen during a crisis. Which is where we r right now and its
> only getting worse every day, and its a threat to world pease and
> national security! According to this verse it sounds like this crisis
> will actually help the anti-christ to obtain
> power.
>This is all similar to how Adolf Hitler came
> to power in 1933 during the great depression after the death of
> Germany's
> Chancellor.
>   The Beast (anti-christ) is the 8th king,
> but is also 1 of the previous 7 kings.  2 of those 5 former pres. are
> dead now, and they died with out head wounds so they could not be the
> anti-christ! That leaves 4 possibilities.  The Bible says that the
> anti-christ will be a piller of the church and also a famous peace
> maker. And through peace he shall destroy many! That's clearly Jimmy
> Carter!
>   No mater what anyone tells u about the
> anti-christ, remember the bible clearly states that the man who is
> king(or in this case pres.) before the anti-christ takes office will
> die first, and this will be during a crisis. Then during this crisis
> will he obtain the throne through lies, deceit and false promises.
> Not only that but as it says in Dan. 11, "he is not in line to
> inherit the throne." Which of course none of the former pres. are.
> But in this case because of this international crisis and some good
> lying and false promises he will manage.
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unified Field band

2009-02-27 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I do.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "msuettmann"  wrote:
> A German Purusha asks if anyone has any recordings of the Unified Field 
> band, a group consisting of US Purushas
> which was very active during the project on the Phillippines in 1984.
> There should be one MC with recordings of them. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk"  wrote:
> One aspect of MMY's teachings that seems hopelessly "unenlightened" 
> to me was his take on democracy, which he saw as socially devisive 
> and irresponsible. For instance he talked disparangely about the 
> Labour Party in the UK, believing that mere "labourers", totally 
> uneducated, were running the country.
> Yet some of his key political ideas seem oddly "democratic", eg:
> (1) Government = reflection of collective consciousness of the people
> (2) Ideal Society = self-governing individuals, attuned to Natural Law
> I saw a video today where MMY again attacked democracy and praised 
> the Vedic division of society into four groups on the basis of birth -
> albeit in terms of Jyotish rather than socio-economic class. The 
> whole thing just grates with me - also the gender divisions 
> increasingly apparent in the Movement.
> Just wondering what FFL participants make of all this (sorry if it's 
> been discussed before..)! Is it possible to argue the case for a 
> VEDIC Democracy?

You can make a case for anything.  The question is whether it makes
sense.  I seriously doubt that the vedas and democracy are compatible.
Let's not go backwards.  I do not understand the romantic notion
some people seem to have regarding the vedas and vedic times. 
Especially women.  

Now does anyone here really believe that Jyotish can tell you what
your place is in the world?  From just knowing your birth time?  Stand
up and be counted. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> > Six figures, seven figures...eh, just chump change:
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/01/realestate/01walk.html
> Just curiously, who gets the deposit when the buyer
> walks away from it, the real estate agent, or the
> seller? If it's the agent, wouldn't they be making
> more from that deposit than they would on their
> commission if they had sold the apartment at the
> original price?

It is held in escrow at the real estate company but the deposit goes
to the seller in the case of breach of the contract.  It pays the
seller for the trouble of taking their property off the market and
missing other buyers.  In a sellers market deposits are higher.  In a
crappy market they are sometimes lower.  In VA the Realtor doesn't get
a commission if the deal doesn't go through unless they have a buyer's
representation contract and want to sue if they did everything
contracted but the buyer backs out.  I have never seen it though.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:

> Six figures, seven figures...eh, just chump change:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/01/realestate/01walk.html

Just curiously, who gets the deposit when the buyer
walks away from it, the real estate agent, or the
seller? If it's the agent, wouldn't they be making
more from that deposit than they would on their
commission if they had sold the apartment at the
original price?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
If the 7th lord is weak or the other significators for marriage are weak 
then it is not wise to get married.   I hear too many amateur 
astrologers telling people about their wonderful marriage they are going 
to have and I look at their chart and the marriage significations are 
trashed.  When I was getting readings from various astrologers over 10 
years ago only the seasoned Indian astrologers saw that problem.

John wrote:
> To All:
> Through jyotish analysis, one realizes that marriage enhances 
> opportunities for learning and wisdom.  In other words, marriage can 
> make you smart.  Why?  The reasons are shown below:
> 1.  The field of marriage is signified by the seventh house.  This 
> field is the fourth house from the field of education, the fourth house 
> itself.
> 2.  The seventh house enhances the 9th house, the field of higher 
> learning, wisdom, and spiritual advancement through an argala 
> principle.  That is, the seventh house is the eleventh house from the 
> ninth house.  
> So, in effect, those who are contemplating of getting married should 
> look forward to becoming a genius or a wise man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  
> > >  the
> >
> > 
> > Six figures ain't rich by today's standardsunless you mean 
> > figures and he's worth millions.  Just about anyone on the east or
> > west coasts has a house worth $500,000, so a million "goes 
> > 
> > Edg
> >
> My usual sloppy off the cuff typing.  Yes, I meant seven figures as
> more than a million.  But not multimillions.


Six figures, seven figures...eh, just chump change:


[FairfieldLife] Light pillars

2009-02-27 Thread bob_brigante
http://snipurl.com/cs3wj  [news_nationalgeographic_com] 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!

2009-02-27 Thread Peter
You need to get laid and eat a chicken sandwich. Also get your meditation 
checked (a nod to Nabs)and take a little longer to come out of meditation. Use 
your mind for more constructive things like world peace or helping the poor. 

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, jimjim5886  wrote:

> From: jimjim5886 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become 
> pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 5:00 PM
> There can be no doubt that america is the country Referred
> to as 
> Babylon in the end times in the bible. America fits the
> discription 
> of this country far better than anyone else.  America is
> the greatest 
> super power the would has ever seen. It is the greatest
> importer in 
> the world. It imports far more than it exports. With out
> american 
> imports many countries would go 
> broke. 
> So when the bible talks about the
> anti-christ u can b 
> sure that its talking about the president of the U.S.A. 
> Since the 
> bible says that the anti-christ will become its ruler.  
> Also there r 
> many conspiracy theories about the american pres.(Barack
> Obama) being 
> the anti-christ. In order to beleave that u would first
> have to 
> beleave that america is the country referred to as Babylon
> in the 
> bible. 
>In both Rev. 17:10 and Daniel
> 11:20 it 
> says that the person who is king (or in this case
> president) just 
> before the anti-christ comes to power of this prophetic
> Babylon will 
> die after only a few days in office. So now your probably
> wondering 
> who that guy 
> is?
>Well i'am glade u asked! It says in Rev.
> 17:10  that 
> there r 7 kings 5 r fallen, 1 is, and the last has not yet
> come, and 
> when he comes he must remain a short 
> while. 
>  In 2004 i was watching the news and they
> said that 
> there were 5 former presidents still alive at that point in
> time. 
> they were Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Thats when i
> figered 
> out  what the bible meant in Rev. 17:10 when it spoke of 7
> kings. All 
> 7 of them were alive at that point in time. And it referred
> to Geoge 
> W. Bush as king #6 in the "present tense", who at
> that point in time 
> was involved in a war that he started in Iraq. I think this
> is close 
> enough to  an invasion of persia cause i think eastern Iraq
> used to 
> be part of persia or at least part of the persian empire.  
> Also this 
> is the only time in history that 5 former pres. were all
> still alive 
> at 1 
> time.  
>I don't care what anyone tells u! Pres.
> Barack Obama 
> is not the anti-christ! The Bible clearly states that the
> man who 
> occupies the leadership of this propheced Babylon before
> the coming 
> of the anti-christ will die in office nethier in battle nor
> in 
> anger. "The Catholic Living Bible" says in Daniel
> 11:20 that this 
> will happen during a crisis. Which is where we r right now
> and its 
> only getting worse every day, and its a threat to world
> pease and 
> national security! According to this verse it sounds like
> this crisis 
> will actually help the anti-christ to obtain 
> power. 
> This is all similar to how Adolf
> Hitler came 
> to power in 1933 during the great depression after the
> death of 
> Germany's  
> Chancellor.
>The Beast (anti-christ) is the
> 8th king, 
> but is also 1 of the previous 7 kings.  2 of those 5 former
> pres. are 
> dead now, and they died with out head wounds so they could
> not be the 
> anti-christ! That leaves 4 possibilities.  The Bible says
> that the 
> anti-christ will be a piller of the church and also a
> famous peace 
> maker. And through peace he shall destroy many! That's
> clearly Jimmy 
> Carter!
>No mater what anyone tells u
> about the 
> anti-christ, remember the bible clearly states that the man
> who is 
> king(or in this case pres.) before the anti-christ takes
> office will 
> die first, and this will be during a crisis. Then during
> this crisis 
> will he obtain the throne through lies, deceit and false
> promises. 
> Not only that but as it says in Dan. 11, "he is not in
> line to 
> inherit the throne." Which of course 

[FairfieldLife] Here is why i think the anti-christ will become pres. after Pres. Obama dies!!

2009-02-27 Thread jimjim5886
 There can be no doubt that america is the country Referred to as 
Babylon in the end times in the bible. America fits the discription 
of this country far better than anyone else.  America is the greatest 
super power the would has ever seen. It is the greatest importer in 
the world. It imports far more than it exports. With out american 
imports many countries would go 
So when the bible talks about the anti-christ u can b 
sure that its talking about the president of the U.S.A.  Since the 
bible says that the anti-christ will become its ruler.   Also there r 
many conspiracy theories about the american pres.(Barack Obama) being 
the anti-christ. In order to beleave that u would first have to 
beleave that america is the country referred to as Babylon in the 
   In both Rev. 17:10 and Daniel 11:20 it 
says that the person who is king (or in this case president) just 
before the anti-christ comes to power of this prophetic Babylon will 
die after only a few days in office. So now your probably wondering 
who that guy 
   Well i'am glade u asked! It says in Rev. 17:10  that 
there r 7 kings 5 r fallen, 1 is, and the last has not yet come, and 
when he comes he must remain a short 
 In 2004 i was watching the news and they said that 
there were 5 former presidents still alive at that point in time. 
they were Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Thats when i figered 
out  what the bible meant in Rev. 17:10 when it spoke of 7 kings. All 
7 of them were alive at that point in time. And it referred to Geoge 
W. Bush as king #6 in the "present tense", who at that point in time 
was involved in a war that he started in Iraq. I think this is close 
enough to  an invasion of persia cause i think eastern Iraq used to 
be part of persia or at least part of the persian empire.   Also this 
is the only time in history that 5 former pres. were all still alive 
at 1 
   I don't care what anyone tells u! Pres. Barack Obama 
is not the anti-christ! The Bible clearly states that the man who 
occupies the leadership of this propheced Babylon before the coming 
of the anti-christ will die in office nethier in battle nor in 
anger. "The Catholic Living Bible" says in Daniel 11:20 that this 
will happen during a crisis. Which is where we r right now and its 
only getting worse every day, and its a threat to world pease and 
national security! According to this verse it sounds like this crisis 
will actually help the anti-christ to obtain 
This is all similar to how Adolf Hitler came 
to power in 1933 during the great depression after the death of 
   The Beast (anti-christ) is the 8th king, 
but is also 1 of the previous 7 kings.  2 of those 5 former pres. are 
dead now, and they died with out head wounds so they could not be the 
anti-christ! That leaves 4 possibilities.  The Bible says that the 
anti-christ will be a piller of the church and also a famous peace 
maker. And through peace he shall destroy many! That's clearly Jimmy 
   No mater what anyone tells u about the 
anti-christ, remember the bible clearly states that the man who is 
king(or in this case pres.) before the anti-christ takes office will 
die first, and this will be during a crisis. Then during this crisis 
will he obtain the throne through lies, deceit and false promises. 
Not only that but as it says in Dan. 11, "he is not in line to 
inherit the throne." Which of course none of the former pres. are. 
But in this case because of this international crisis and some good 
lying and false promises he will manage.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is a Trillion$$$?

2009-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
Arhata Osho wrote:
> If you spent a million dollars a day since the time of 
> the purported Jesus, it still wouldn't be a trillion$$$!!

RASMUSSEN: 59% Still Believe Government Is the Problem. 
And government seems to be doing its best to prove them 
right . . . .

Posted by Glenn Reynolds:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama: US combat in Iraq to end by Aug. 31, 2010

2009-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
> "I Intend To Remove All U.S. Troops From Iraq By The 
> End Of 2011, except for 50,000 that will stay forever."
So what happened to the SOFA?

"OBAMA, IRAQ, and the amazing, disappearing SOFA. Somebody 
needs to be running a track-changes on the White House 
website, as stuff hits the memory hole fast."

Read more:

Posted by Glenn Reynolds:

> CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — Declaring "I have come to speak to you about how
> the war in Iraq will end," President Barack Obama on Friday moved to
> fulfill the defining promise of his campaign, saying all U.S. combat
> troops will be withdrawn by the end of August 2010.
> But in the same speech before Marines and military leadership here, he
> announced that the vast majority of those involved in the pullout will
> not leave this year. Obama also said that tens of thousands of U.S.
> personnel will remain behind afterward.
> "The most important decisions that have to be made about Iraq's future
> must now be made by Iraqis," the president said at the sprawling Camp
> Lejeune, N.C., base, which is about to deploy thousands of troops to
> the U.S.'s other war front, in Afghanistan.
> Senior Obama administration officials had said earlier that of the
> roughly 100,000 U.S. combat troops to be pulled out of Iraq over the
> next 18 months, most will remain in the war zone through at least the
> end of this year to ensure national elections there go smoothly. The
> pace of withdrawal means that although Obama's promised pullout will
> start soon, it will be backloaded, with most troops returning in the
> last few months of the time frame.
> And even after the drawdown, a sizable U.S. force of 35,000 to 50,000
> U.S. troops will stay in Iraq under a new mission of training,
> civilian protection and counterterrorism.
> With most Americans telling pollsters they believe the long, costly,
> divisive war was a mistake and more than 4,250 Americans killed there,
> the Aug. 31, 2010 end date for Iraq war combat operations is slower
> than Obama had promised voters as a candidate. The timetable he
> pledged then would have seen combat end in May 2010.
> Regardless, it is a hastened exit, something Obama called a necessity,
> both for the future of Iraq and to allow the U.S. to refocus its
> attention more firmly on Afghanistan.
> "America can no longer afford to see Iraq in isolation from other
> priorities: we face the challenge of refocusing on Afghanistan and
> Pakistan; of relieving the burden on our military; and of rebuilding
> our struggling economy and these are challenges that we will meet," he
> said.
> Obama applauded the military for its role in an improved situation in
> Iraq, where violence is down significantly in Baghdad and most of Iraq
> and U.S. military deaths have plunged.
> He also acknowledged that many problems remain in the country and said
> "there will be difficult days ahead." Those include violence that will
> remain "a part of life," political instability and fundamental
> unresolved questions, a large displaced and destitute citizenry, tepid
> support for Iraq's fragile government in the neighborhoods and the
> stress of declining oil revenues.
> But, the president said the U.S. cannot continue to try to solve all
> Iraq's problems.
> "We cannot rid Iraq of all who oppose America or sympathize with our
> adversaries," he said. "We cannot police Iraq's streets until they are
> completely safe, nor stay until Iraq's union is perfected. We cannot
> sustain indefinitely a commitment that has put a strain on our
> military, and will cost the American people nearly a trillion dollars."
> He emphasized that an end to the war does not mean the U.S. plans to
> withdraw from its interests in the region. He promised intensified
> diplomatic and humanitarian efforts.
> "The end of the war in Iraq will enable a new era of American
> leadership and engagement in the Middle East," Obama said.
> War critics were ready to hear Obama's public words, which came just
> three weeks shy of the war's 6-year anniversary.
> But the size of the force to be left behind after the combat-troop
> drawdown didn't please leaders of Obama's own Democratic Party, who
> had envisioned a fuller withdrawal. Obama personally briefed House and
> Senate members of both parties about his intentions behind closed
> doors Thursday.
> "When they talk about 50,000, that's a little higher number than I had
> anticipated," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, echoing many
> Republican Sen. John McCain, who lost the presidential election to
> Obama, offered his support for the president's plan while saying that
> the residual force would still go on combat patrols alongside Iraqis.
> "They'll still be in harm's way," he said in an interview. "There's no
> doubt about it."
> Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of
> the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 

[FairfieldLife] vedic democracy - a contradiction?

2009-02-27 Thread claudiouk
One aspect of MMY's teachings that seems hopelessly "unenlightened" 
to me was his take on democracy, which he saw as socially devisive 
and irresponsible. For instance he talked disparangely about the 
Labour Party in the UK, believing that mere "labourers", totally 
uneducated, were running the country.

Yet some of his key political ideas seem oddly "democratic", eg:

(1) Government = reflection of collective consciousness of the people
(2) Ideal Society = self-governing individuals, attuned to Natural Law

I saw a video today where MMY again attacked democracy and praised 
the Vedic division of society into four groups on the basis of birth -
albeit in terms of Jyotish rather than socio-economic class. The 
whole thing just grates with me - also the gender divisions 
increasingly apparent in the Movement.

Just wondering what FFL participants make of all this (sorry if it's 
been discussed before..)! Is it possible to argue the case for a 
VEDIC Democracy?

[FairfieldLife] Unified Field band

2009-02-27 Thread msuettmann
A German Purusha asks if anyone has any recordings of the Unified Field 
band, a group consisting of US Purushas
which was very active during the project on the Phillippines in 1984.
There should be one MC with recordings of them. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
Because they're not that good.  We can trip them up.  There can be and 
probably are wealthy people who aren't part of their club who would back 
such an insurrection.   I think that's why they tried to kill the tech 
boom because the billionaires coming out of it didn't want to play their 

Don't give up.  Do you want to be a serf?

Duveyoung wrote:
> Just between you and me, are you able to list the names of the king
> makers?
> I think the concept of the Illuminati is valid, but I struggle to see
> any proof that could be called "catching them red-handed."  
> OTOH, who are we kidding with this speculation about "behind the Oz
> curtains" when we have BushCo as our most recent example of
> power-lords marauding without the least reining-in of their abuse for
> secrecy's sake. So why even be a conspiracy nut about the Illuminati
> when what's easily seen is right there in our face and we can't do
> jack shit about it?
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> raunchydog wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 Okay, so who would you suggest that would be better (this should be 
>>> Oh that's too easy. Hillary, of course. 
>> I don't think the "privileged" would prefer Clinton either.  After all 
>> Bill did raise taxes on them back in the 1990s.   And Hillary probably 
>> wouldn't do any better than Obama.  Don't know how many times we
> have to 
>> say here that once someone gets into office they have the mandated
> "come 
>> to Jesus" meeting with the "king makers" and campaign promises 
>> disappear.   Some day maybe we'll wise up and get rid of the "king
> makers."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread Arhata Osho
Do 'wise men' marry or, stay married?

To All:

Through jyotish analysis, one realizes that marriage enhances 

opportunities for learning and wisdom.  In other words, marriage can 

make you smart.  Why?  The reasons are shown below:

1.  The field of marriage is signified by the seventh house.  This 

field is the fourth house from the field of education, the fourth house 


2.  The seventh house enhances the 9th house, the field of higher 

learning, wisdom, and spiritual advancement through an argala 

principle.  That is, the seventh house is the eleventh house from the 

ninth house.  

So, in effect, those who are contemplating of getting married should 

look forward to becoming a genius or a wise man.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung
Just between you and me, are you able to list the names of the king

I think the concept of the Illuminati is valid, but I struggle to see
any proof that could be called "catching them red-handed."  

OTOH, who are we kidding with this speculation about "behind the Oz
curtains" when we have BushCo as our most recent example of
power-lords marauding without the least reining-in of their abuse for
secrecy's sake. So why even be a conspiracy nut about the Illuminati
when what's easily seen is right there in our face and we can't do
jack shit about it?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> raunchydog wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> Okay, so who would you suggest that would be better (this should be 
> >> interesting)?
> >> 
> >
> > Oh that's too easy. Hillary, of course. 
> >
> >   
> I don't think the "privileged" would prefer Clinton either.  After all 
> Bill did raise taxes on them back in the 1990s.   And Hillary probably 
> wouldn't do any better than Obama.  Don't know how many times we
have to 
> say here that once someone gets into office they have the mandated
> to Jesus" meeting with the "king makers" and campaign promises 
> disappear.   Some day maybe we'll wise up and get rid of the "king

[FairfieldLife] What is a Trillion$$$?

2009-02-27 Thread Arhata Osho
If you spent a million dollars a day since 
the time of the purported Jesus, it still wouldn't be a trillion$$$!!



[FairfieldLife] Re: Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung

Er, so the more I marry the smarter I get?

Seriously though, does it have to be "married" as in "lifelong
commitment?"  Do same sex marriages yield the same results?  What
about working for someone for 40 years?  

I think palmistry is far more likely to be a divining tool since it's
an actual artifact of DNA which has proven influence on one's life,
and, hey, maybe just maybe, this line or that line can indicate a DNA
based function being present or missing.  I'm just sayin'.

The stars, on the other hand, ahem, don't seem to have detailed
specificity that the lines of a hand might offer.  Oh, I know that
there's stars and planets enough to create any order of complexity and
subtlety, but the lines of the hand can be also involved with precise
measurements of line lengths, line proximity to other lines, etc.  

Any second now they'll come out with a DNA test that costs about $10
and you'll get a whole range of predictions about yourself that will
be in the 90-99% true categorystay tuned.  When that is a reality,
(it is already for a big price tag) then I see astrology and palmistry
fading in America.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> To All:
> Through jyotish analysis, one realizes that marriage enhances 
> opportunities for learning and wisdom.  In other words, marriage can 
> make you smart.  Why?  The reasons are shown below:
> 1.  The field of marriage is signified by the seventh house.  This 
> field is the fourth house from the field of education, the fourth house 
> itself.
> 2.  The seventh house enhances the 9th house, the field of higher 
> learning, wisdom, and spiritual advancement through an argala 
> principle.  That is, the seventh house is the eleventh house from the 
> ninth house.  
> So, in effect, those who are contemplating of getting married should 
> look forward to becoming a genius or a wise man.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Okay, so who would you suggest that would be better (this should be 
>> interesting)?
> Oh that's too easy. Hillary, of course. 
I don't think the "privileged" would prefer Clinton either.  After all 
Bill did raise taxes on them back in the 1990s.   And Hillary probably 
wouldn't do any better than Obama.  Don't know how many times we have to 
say here that once someone gets into office they have the mandated "come 
to Jesus" meeting with the "king makers" and campaign promises 
disappear.   Some day maybe we'll wise up and get rid of the "king makers."

[FairfieldLife] Paradox of Married Life

2009-02-27 Thread John
To All:

Through jyotish analysis, one realizes that marriage enhances 
opportunities for learning and wisdom.  In other words, marriage can 
make you smart.  Why?  The reasons are shown below:

1.  The field of marriage is signified by the seventh house.  This 
field is the fourth house from the field of education, the fourth house 

2.  The seventh house enhances the 9th house, the field of higher 
learning, wisdom, and spiritual advancement through an argala 
principle.  That is, the seventh house is the eleventh house from the 
ninth house.  

So, in effect, those who are contemplating of getting married should 
look forward to becoming a genius or a wise man.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jewish Leaders Blast Clinton Over Israel Criticism

2009-02-27 Thread Arhata Osho
The woman had balls, er chutzpah!

Hillary Pressuring Israel To Speed Up Aid To Gaza

Marcia Kramer

CBS News, Feb 27, 2009

http://wcbstv. com/national/ hillary.clinton. israel.2. 945238.html

NEW YORK (CBS) ― In a swift about face from her views as New York's

senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now hammering Israel

over its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza.

As First Lady, Clinton raised eyebrows when she kissed Suha Arafat. 

Since she was then seeking a Senate seat the resulting brouhaha caused

her to "re-think" her positions.

"I'm a very strong supporter of Israel," Clinton said back in February


On Thursday, as Secretary of State she had yet another about face in

the form of angry messages demanding Israel speed up aid to Gaza.

Jewish leaders are furious.

"I am very surprised, frankly, at this statement from the United

States government and from the secretary of state," said Mortimer

Zuckerman, publisher of the New York Daily News and member of the NYC

Jewish Community Relations Council.

"I liked her a lot more as a senator from New York," Assemblyman Dov

Hikind, D-Brooklyn, said. "Now, I wonder as I used to wonder who the

real Hillary Clinton is."

Clinton's decision to hammer Israel comes as the Clintons and

President Barack Obama are planning to give the Palestinians $900

million toward the rebuilding of Gaza in the wake of the Israeli

offensive that was sparked by Hamas rocket fire.

"We are working across the government to see what our approach will

be," Clinton said. 

"I don't believe that we should be in a position at this point to do

anything to strengthen Hamas," Zuckerman said. "We surely know what

Hamas stands for as I say they are the forward battalions of Iran."

For some, Clinton's change of position is upsetting.

"I feel it's unfortunate that they don't continue the policy of the

Bush administration, which was much more pro-Israel," said Akiva

Homnick of Jerusalem.

"I happen to have a lot of family who live in Israel and I feel,

personally, when you are dealing with people who are very strong

against you, you have to stand up to them," said Tami Davudoff of Kew


"Hillary had Mrs. Arafat here and she invited Mrs. Arafat for lunch

when she was the first lady," added Babak Chafe of Great Neck. "She is

pro-Palestinian 100 percent, really. Of course, we always knew it."

"The easy way to make a peace agreement is to pressure Israel because

you can't pressure the Arabs," said Solomon Loewi of Monsey, N.Y.

All this could lead to a chilly reception when Mrs. Clinton arrives in

the Middle East next week.

The new U.S. envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, arrived in

Israel on Thursday with a mission to inject new life into peace talks

between Israel and the Palestinians.





[FairfieldLife] Jewish Leaders Blast Clinton Over Israel Criticism

2009-02-27 Thread do.rflex

Hillary Pressuring Israel To Speed Up Aid To Gaza

Marcia Kramer
CBS News, Feb 27, 2009

NEW YORK (CBS) ― In a swift about face from her views as New York's
senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now hammering Israel
over its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza.

As First Lady, Clinton raised eyebrows when she kissed Suha Arafat. 

Since she was then seeking a Senate seat the resulting brouhaha caused
her to "re-think" her positions.

"I'm a very strong supporter of Israel," Clinton said back in February

On Thursday, as Secretary of State she had yet another about face in
the form of angry messages demanding Israel speed up aid to Gaza.
Jewish leaders are furious.

"I am very surprised, frankly, at this statement from the United
States government and from the secretary of state," said Mortimer
Zuckerman, publisher of the New York Daily News and member of the NYC
Jewish Community Relations Council.

"I liked her a lot more as a senator from New York," Assemblyman Dov
Hikind, D-Brooklyn, said. "Now, I wonder as I used to wonder who the
real Hillary Clinton is."

Clinton's decision to hammer Israel comes as the Clintons and
President Barack Obama are planning to give the Palestinians $900
million toward the rebuilding of Gaza in the wake of the Israeli
offensive that was sparked by Hamas rocket fire.

"We are working across the government to see what our approach will
be," Clinton said. 

"I don't believe that we should be in a position at this point to do
anything to strengthen Hamas," Zuckerman said. "We surely know what
Hamas stands for as I say they are the forward battalions of Iran."

For some, Clinton's change of position is upsetting.

"I feel it's unfortunate that they don't continue the policy of the
Bush administration, which was much more pro-Israel," said Akiva
Homnick of Jerusalem.

"I happen to have a lot of family who live in Israel and I feel,
personally, when you are dealing with people who are very strong
against you, you have to stand up to them," said Tami Davudoff of Kew

"Hillary had Mrs. Arafat here and she invited Mrs. Arafat for lunch
when she was the first lady," added Babak Chafe of Great Neck. "She is
pro-Palestinian 100 percent, really. Of course, we always knew it."

"The easy way to make a peace agreement is to pressure Israel because
you can't pressure the Arabs," said Solomon Loewi of Monsey, N.Y.

All this could lead to a chilly reception when Mrs. Clinton arrives in
the Middle East next week.

The new U.S. envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, arrived in
Israel on Thursday with a mission to inject new life into peace talks
between Israel and the Palestinians.

[FairfieldLife] Clinton warns Israel over delays in Gaza aid

2009-02-27 Thread do.rflex

Clinton warns Israel over delays in Gaza aid

By Barak Ravid and Avi Issacharoff
Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, February 25, 2009

HAARETZ Newspaper - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has relayed
messages to Israel in the past week expressing anger at obstacles
Israel is placing to the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza
Strip. A leading political source in Jerusalem noted that senior
Clinton aides have made it clear that the matter will be central to
Clinton's planned visit to Israel next Tuesday.

Ahead of Clinton's visit, special U.S. envoy to the Middle East George
Mitchell is expected to issue a sharply worded protest on the same
matter when he arrives here Thursday.

"Israel is not making enough effort to improve the humanitarian
situation in Gaza," senior U.S. officials told Israeli counterparts
last week, and reiterated Washington's view by saying that "the U.S.
expects Israel to meet its commitments on this matter."

Two weeks ago, four senior European Union officials sent a letter to
the prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister and Yitzhak
Herzog, the minister charged with humanitarian aid transfers to the
Gaza Strip, protesting delays in the flow of aid through the crossings
into Gaza. The officials also demanded that Israel formulates a clear
policy on this issue.

In response, Israel explained that the delay stems, in part, from the
uncertainty regarding the fate of abducted soldier Gilad Shalit, but
also stressed that efforts are being made to improve the situation.

Herzog also asked Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud
Barak to hold a meeting in order to reevaluate current policy on the
delivery of aid to Gaza.

Sources at the defense establishment confirmed last night that
pressure is increasing on Israel to reopen the crossings to larger
volumes of aid for the Gaza Strip. Defense sources said that Israel
will find it increasingly difficult to counter the pressure, and may
agree to more extensive use of the crossings for aid.

Currently, fewer than 200 trucks carrying aid are allowed through
daily. The U.S., the EU and the UN are demanding that at least 500
trucks carrying aid be allowed into the Strip daily.

Major General (res.) Amos Gilad, who heads the diplomatic-security
bureau at the Defense Ministry, issued a statement yesterday denying
European Union reports on the breadth of humanitarian aid being
allowed to enter Gaza. "Contrary to EU reports, 116,400 tons of
humanitarian aid was allowed into the Gaza Strip according to requests
made by international organizations and private groups since the
cease-fire went into effect on January 18. Any claim of food shortage
[in Gaza] is false."

However, an incident occurred last week at a crossing into the Gaza
Strip that gave a very different impression to a senior observer. When
Senator John Kerry visited the Strip, he learned that many trucks
loaded with pasta were not permitted in.

When the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee inquired as
to the reason for the delay, he was told by United Nations aid
officials that "Israel does not define pasta as part of humanitarian
aid - only rice shipments."

Kerry asked Barak about the logic behind this restriction, and only
after the senior U.S. official's intervention did the defense minister
allow the pasta into the Strip. The U.S. senator updated colleagues at
the Senate and other senior officials in Washington of the details of
his visit.

The issue of humanitarian aid is central to a major debate between
Israel's foreign and defense ministries. The former supports
broadening the amount and types of aid, while the defense ministry
opposes anything it considers "concessions" to Hamas.

A senior source dealing with humanitarian aid issues on the Israeli
side said that Gilad has prepared a list of "humanitarian aid items"
and refuses to broaden it. "Authority is in the hands of one person,
and he is not willing to help," the source said. "This is outrageous.
Why should a senior American official issue a protest on pasta in
order for us to recognize that we need to allow it into the Gaza Strip?"

Meanwhile, Palestinian sources warned last night that the American
plan for a $900 million in reconstruction aid for the Gaza Strip will
not have an effect without a cease-fire agreement with Israel.

As long as Israel refuses to allow the transfer of iron and cement
into the Strip, the sources said, it will be impossible to rebuild the
destroyed infrastructure. The same sources also expressed skepticism
at the value of Clinton's scheduled visit, saying that without a
government that can be pressured into making substantive concessions
to the Palestinian Authority, the visit is void of meaning.

[FairfieldLife] Obama: US combat in Iraq to end by Aug. 31, 2010

2009-02-27 Thread do.rflex

"I Intend To Remove All U.S. Troops From Iraq By The End Of 2011"

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — Declaring "I have come to speak to you about how
the war in Iraq will end," President Barack Obama on Friday moved to
fulfill the defining promise of his campaign, saying all U.S. combat
troops will be withdrawn by the end of August 2010.

But in the same speech before Marines and military leadership here, he
announced that the vast majority of those involved in the pullout will
not leave this year. Obama also said that tens of thousands of U.S.
personnel will remain behind afterward.

"The most important decisions that have to be made about Iraq's future
must now be made by Iraqis," the president said at the sprawling Camp
Lejeune, N.C., base, which is about to deploy thousands of troops to
the U.S.'s other war front, in Afghanistan.

Senior Obama administration officials had said earlier that of the
roughly 100,000 U.S. combat troops to be pulled out of Iraq over the
next 18 months, most will remain in the war zone through at least the
end of this year to ensure national elections there go smoothly. The
pace of withdrawal means that although Obama's promised pullout will
start soon, it will be backloaded, with most troops returning in the
last few months of the time frame.

And even after the drawdown, a sizable U.S. force of 35,000 to 50,000
U.S. troops will stay in Iraq under a new mission of training,
civilian protection and counterterrorism.

With most Americans telling pollsters they believe the long, costly,
divisive war was a mistake and more than 4,250 Americans killed there,
the Aug. 31, 2010 end date for Iraq war combat operations is slower
than Obama had promised voters as a candidate. The timetable he
pledged then would have seen combat end in May 2010.

Regardless, it is a hastened exit, something Obama called a necessity,
both for the future of Iraq and to allow the U.S. to refocus its
attention more firmly on Afghanistan.

"America can no longer afford to see Iraq in isolation from other
priorities: we face the challenge of refocusing on Afghanistan and
Pakistan; of relieving the burden on our military; and of rebuilding
our struggling economy and these are challenges that we will meet," he

Obama applauded the military for its role in an improved situation in
Iraq, where violence is down significantly in Baghdad and most of Iraq
and U.S. military deaths have plunged.

He also acknowledged that many problems remain in the country and said
"there will be difficult days ahead." Those include violence that will
remain "a part of life," political instability and fundamental
unresolved questions, a large displaced and destitute citizenry, tepid
support for Iraq's fragile government in the neighborhoods and the
stress of declining oil revenues.

But, the president said the U.S. cannot continue to try to solve all
Iraq's problems.

"We cannot rid Iraq of all who oppose America or sympathize with our
adversaries," he said. "We cannot police Iraq's streets until they are
completely safe, nor stay until Iraq's union is perfected. We cannot
sustain indefinitely a commitment that has put a strain on our
military, and will cost the American people nearly a trillion dollars."

He emphasized that an end to the war does not mean the U.S. plans to
withdraw from its interests in the region. He promised intensified
diplomatic and humanitarian efforts.

"The end of the war in Iraq will enable a new era of American
leadership and engagement in the Middle East," Obama said.

War critics were ready to hear Obama's public words, which came just
three weeks shy of the war's 6-year anniversary.

But the size of the force to be left behind after the combat-troop
drawdown didn't please leaders of Obama's own Democratic Party, who
had envisioned a fuller withdrawal. Obama personally briefed House and
Senate members of both parties about his intentions behind closed
doors Thursday.

"When they talk about 50,000, that's a little higher number than I had
anticipated," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, echoing many others.

Republican Sen. John McCain, who lost the presidential election to
Obama, offered his support for the president's plan while saying that
the residual force would still go on combat patrols alongside Iraqis.
"They'll still be in harm's way," he said in an interview. "There's no
doubt about it."

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told lawmakers in the White House briefing
that ground commanders in Iraq believe the plan poses only a moderate
risk to security, McCain said.

Obama also on Friday notified two key figures of his pending
announcement: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and, minutes before
taking the podium, former President George W. Bush.

>From the Jan. 20 start of his presidency to his deadline for ending
the combat mission, Obama has settled on a 19-month withdrawal. He had
promised the faster pace of 16 months during his camp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread menkemeyer

  Hey Dog, 

  only a Bitch would say somthing like that.


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Okay, so who would you suggest that would be better (this should 
> > interesting)?
> Oh that's too easy. Hillary, of course. 
> When Obama isn't playing basketball "President, He who cannot shut 
>  is on the TV almost EVERYDAY, talking, talking.  The markets drop
> every time he opens his mouth:
> * Nov. 5, 2008 (Wednesday after Election Day): -486 (5.0%)
> * Jan. 9, 2009 (one day after Obama speaks at George Mason
> University on "need" for $800 billion stimulus package): -143 (1.6%)
> * Jan. 20, 2009 (Inauguration Day): -332 (4.0%)
> * Feb. 10, 2009 (one day after Obama declares that without a
> stimulus, "an economy that is already in crisis will be faced with a
> catastrophe"): -382 (4.6%)
> * Feb. 17, 2009 (market opens for the first time after Congress
> passes $787 billion stimulus on Feb. 13; Obama signs bill into law,
> declaring, "The stimulus lets Americans claim destiny."): -298 
> * Feb. 19, 2009 (one day after Obama announces potential 
> relief plan): -90 (1.2%)
> * Feb. 25, 2009 (one day after Obama's first speech to the full
> Congress): -80 (1.1%)
> Dow closed Nov 5, 2008  9,139.27 -486
> Dow closed Feb 26, 2009 7,270.89 -80
> Meanwhile, Hillary has been working non-stop. Japan (February 16-
> Indonesia (February 18-19), the Republic of Korea (February 19-20),
> and China (February 20-22). 
> Hillary's schedule Feb 26 
> 8:30 a.m. Delicious breakfast with House Foreign Affairs Committee
> Members.
> 11:00 a.m. Bilateral with His Excellency Fatmir Sejdiu, President of
> the Republic of Kosovo, and with His Excellency Hashim Thaci, Prime
> Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.
> 12:45 p.m. Joint Announcement with Special Representative for North
> Korea Policy Ambassador Stephen Bosworth.
> 1:15 p.m. Bilateral with His Excellency Rangin Dadfar Spanta, 
> of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
> 3:45 p.m. Meeting with President Obama and Vice President Biden.
> Next week Hillary will depart Sunday March 1 for Egypt, Israel and 
> West Bank. She will also attend meetings in Brussels, Belgium, with
> NATO allies and European Union officials; hold talks in Geneva with
> Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on arms control and
> Afghanistan; and meet senior Turkish leaders in Ankara.
> If their roles were reversed and Hillary were president, the stock
> markets wouldn't be tanking and mellow fellow, Secretary of State
> Obama, feeling confident in Hillary's leadership, could kick back 
> globe trot shooting hoops for photo ops.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
Thanks for the play with words. You know, every movie used to have a love 
scene, not any more. Nary even a kiss. Unless it's high drama.

- Original Message - 
From: "Duveyoung" 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 12:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

> Kirk,
> Cuntface? -- er, is that some sort of very bad hairlip? (Okay, this
> image just creeped me out bigtime.)
> OTOH, I gotta say that kissing a woman at either end seems remarkably
> similar in the kinds of sensory profits one gets out of the operations.
> But, the equity breaks when I see someone kissing in a film. To me
> it's like watching very very good porn.  It's far more intimate and
> compelling than, say, a wide open beaver with a monster dong whacking it.
> With on-screen kissing, you get to see the expressions on the faces
> etc.  Viewing kissing is a chance to be a voyeur of the kisser and
> kissee's minds -- not just the kissers' kissers doing syncopated
> osculation.
> I always feel like I'm cheating when I get all this free porn any time
> of day on TV.
> Doesn't everyone know this?  They do in India apparently.  I can't be
> all that wrong about the titillation of the buss.
> When I kiss my love, it ain't foreplay; it's nowplay.
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:
>> But Ruth I am smitten by your charisma and pleasant mien.
>> On that note I apologize for my stupid and vulgar language last week
> please
>> all women here forgive me.  On the other hand, if any woman , or man
> here,
>> wants to call me cuntface, I'll understand and be okay with that.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "ruthsimplicity" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:20 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> PLUS probably another dozen things that I am unaware of.
>> >> In other words, it's still a mystery...
>> >>
>> >
>> > Something of a mystery, but there are many factors you can often point
>> > to that can work together to create the buzz.  You mentioned some
>> > possibilities and certainly your own experiences and character bring a
>> > lot to the mix. And being young makes you especially vulnerable.
>> >
>> > It is like when I met my first husband.  It was a case of love at
>> > first sight.  I was very drawn to him and the feeling was mutual. Why?
>> > Hormones.  Right place at the right time.  Looks that fit our
>> > expectations of what we wanted in a mate.  Ability to have the kind of
>> > intense conversation appropriate when you are 20 and in college.
>> > Anyway we got married and it didn't last long.  I think that was the
>> > only time that I was absolutely smitten with with someone's
>> > charismatic energy.  I have never been smitten with charismatic energy
>> > of a teacher.  Maybe having the experience of intense love when young
>> > and having it go away made me look at charisma, whether sexual or
>> > otherwise, with a more jaded eye.
>> >
>> > And it made me realize my own impulsive nature.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> > To subscribe, send a message to:
>> > fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
>> >
>> > Or go to:
>> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
>> > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung

Cuntface? -- er, is that some sort of very bad hairlip? (Okay, this
image just creeped me out bigtime.)

OTOH, I gotta say that kissing a woman at either end seems remarkably
similar in the kinds of sensory profits one gets out of the operations.  

But, the equity breaks when I see someone kissing in a film. To me
it's like watching very very good porn.  It's far more intimate and
compelling than, say, a wide open beaver with a monster dong whacking it.

With on-screen kissing, you get to see the expressions on the faces
etc.  Viewing kissing is a chance to be a voyeur of the kisser and
kissee's minds -- not just the kissers' kissers doing syncopated

I always feel like I'm cheating when I get all this free porn any time
of day on TV. 

Doesn't everyone know this?  They do in India apparently.  I can't be
all that wrong about the titillation of the buss.

When I kiss my love, it ain't foreplay; it's nowplay.   


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:
> But Ruth I am smitten by your charisma and pleasant mien.
> On that note I apologize for my stupid and vulgar language last week
> all women here forgive me.  On the other hand, if any woman , or man
> wants to call me cuntface, I'll understand and be okay with that.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "ruthsimplicity" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:20 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >>
> >> PLUS probably another dozen things that I am unaware of.
> >> In other words, it's still a mystery...
> >>
> >
> > Something of a mystery, but there are many factors you can often point
> > to that can work together to create the buzz.  You mentioned some
> > possibilities and certainly your own experiences and character bring a
> > lot to the mix. And being young makes you especially vulnerable.
> >
> > It is like when I met my first husband.  It was a case of love at
> > first sight.  I was very drawn to him and the feeling was mutual. Why?
> > Hormones.  Right place at the right time.  Looks that fit our
> > expectations of what we wanted in a mate.  Ability to have the kind of
> > intense conversation appropriate when you are 20 and in college.
> > Anyway we got married and it didn't last long.  I think that was the
> > only time that I was absolutely smitten with with someone's
> > charismatic energy.  I have never been smitten with charismatic energy
> > of a teacher.  Maybe having the experience of intense love when young
> > and having it go away made me look at charisma, whether sexual or
> > otherwise, with a more jaded eye.
> >
> > And it made me realize my own impulsive nature.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> >
> > Or go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth eclipses the sun

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 
> Sometimes I can weird myself out by thinking: How did all this come
> together so perfectly that now I am sitting in a condo on Mustang
> Island enjoying the internet?  Then again, I can think of all the
> things that didn't come out so perfectly.  But the fact that nature
> appears to operate within a set of rules is intensely fascinating and
> mysterious.

Hey, consider this:  The water pump is thought to be the reason for
the start of the Industrial Revolution because it made pumping out
mines easy and ores, salt, chemicals like sulfur, became cheap.

Now, here's the cool part: the Romans had all the technology to build
a water pump 2,000 years earlier, but it just never got invented
despite metallurgy and manufacturing being up to the task if someone
had had the concept come to them.

History is replete with this stuff.  Mendel's pea plant experiments
went unnoticed for 30 years for instance, and think of all the gizmos
that didn't require much technology to create, say, the Hula Hoop, the
Yo-Yo, the Frisbie, the yoke for horses, military use of gunpowder,
etc. -- they just didn't get manifested -- no reason for it except the
serendipity of chance favoring a prepared mind.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
But Ruth I am smitten by your charisma and pleasant mien.

On that note I apologize for my stupid and vulgar language last week please 
all women here forgive me.  On the other hand, if any woman , or man here, 
wants to call me cuntface, I'll understand and be okay with that.

- Original Message - 
From: "ruthsimplicity" 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
>> PLUS probably another dozen things that I am unaware of.
>> In other words, it's still a mystery...
> Something of a mystery, but there are many factors you can often point
> to that can work together to create the buzz.  You mentioned some
> possibilities and certainly your own experiences and character bring a
> lot to the mix. And being young makes you especially vulnerable.
> It is like when I met my first husband.  It was a case of love at
> first sight.  I was very drawn to him and the feeling was mutual. Why?
> Hormones.  Right place at the right time.  Looks that fit our
> expectations of what we wanted in a mate.  Ability to have the kind of
> intense conversation appropriate when you are 20 and in college.
> Anyway we got married and it didn't last long.  I think that was the
> only time that I was absolutely smitten with with someone's
> charismatic energy.  I have never been smitten with charismatic energy
> of a teacher.  Maybe having the experience of intense love when young
> and having it go away made me look at charisma, whether sexual or
> otherwise, with a more jaded eye.
> And it made me realize my own impulsive nature.
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Obama ends raids at medical marijuana dispensaries'

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
They already have Marinol in pharmacies which is some of the 
tetrahydrocannabinols. It's for cancer and other patients who have no appetite. 
 People tell me it feels like the latter half of a pot high, not so great 
really.  Stoners need to change up strains to keep getting high with a stoner 
who is smoking a half ounce a week of kine probably needing to change strains 
every week. Yet that keeps the high functioning.  And for God's sakes pot 
should be allowed when compared to the pathetic amount of opiate addicts who 
consume Lortabs and Oxy/Roxy whatevers man those people spend a vast fortune 
for some small (or great) pain relief. When it comes to pain relief doctors 
have found a level of an analgesic is reached which suffices and people are not 
often wanting to go beyond their comfort zone. Problem with drug overdoses, and 
number one overdosed drug is Methadone due to its very long half life, at any 
rate my point is

Let people self medicate their pain away just as they do with aspirin. Remember 
it was Bayer who introduced Heroin - for coughs. People on narcotics will all 
have to detox no matter what their brand of addiction so treating heroin 
addicts like pariahs is also wrong. Drug use has provided a way for the 
government to piggy back its way into our personal rights. 

I mean I understand regulation due to unscrupulous people and also emerging 
techs which cannot run rampant. Especially some weird nano.  So nano nano. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert 
  To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:07 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Obama ends raids at medical marijuana dispensaries'

02-26) 20:00 PST San Francisco --

 U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is sending strong signals that 
President Obama - who as a candidate said states should be allowed to make 
their own rules on medical marijuana - will end raids on pot dispensaries in 

Obama ends raids at medical marijuana dispensaries:
SF Gate polls are strictly surveys of those who choose to participate 
and are therefore not valid statistical samples.
Our poll software uses a variety of methods to ensure that only votes 
determined to be valid are tabulated. When this determination cannot be made, 
we may not process your vote.
No actions are taken by SF Gate as a result of the polls.
Asked at a Washington news conference Wednesday about Drug Enforcement 
Administration raids in California since Obama took office last month, Holder 
said the administration has changed its policy.
"What the president said during the campaign, you'll be surprised to 
know, will be consistent with what we'll be doing here in law enforcement," he 
said. "What he said during the campaign is now American policy."
Bill Piper, national affairs director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a 
marijuana advocacy group, said the statement is encouraging.
"I think it definitely signals that Obama is moving in a new direction, 
that it means what he said on the campaign trail that marijuana should be 
treated as a health issue rather than a criminal justice issue," he said.
Piper said Obama has also indicated he will drop the federal 
government's long-standing opposition to health officials' needle-exchange 
programs for drug users. 
During one campaign appearance, Obama recalled that his mother had died 
of cancer and said he saw no difference between doctor-prescribed morphine and 
marijuana as pain relievers. He told an interviewer in March that it was 
"entirely appropriate" for a state to legalize the medical use of marijuana 
"with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors."
After the federal Drug Enforcement Agency raided a marijuana dispensary 
at South Lake Tahoe on Jan. 22, two days after Obama's inauguration, and four 
others in the Los Angeles area on Feb. 2, White House spokesman Nick Schapiro 
responded to advocacy groups' protests by noting that Obama had not yet 
appointed his drug policy team.
"The president believes that federal resources should not be used to 
circumvent state laws" and expects his appointees to follow that policy, 
Schapiro said.
The federal government has fought state medicinal pot laws since 
Californians voted in 1996 to repeal criminal penalties for medical use of 
President Bill Clinton's administration won a Supreme Court case, 
originating in Oakland, that allowed federal authorities to shut down nonprofit 
organizations that supplied medical marijuana to their members. Clinton's 
Justice Department was thwarted by federal courts in an attempt to punish 
California doctors who recommended marijuana to their patients.
President George W. Bush's administration went further, raiding medical 
marijuana growers and clinics, prosecuting suppliers under federal drug laws 
after winning another Supreme Court case 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth eclipses the sun

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> I'm not up on optics, but I believe that if the Moon covers the Sun
> from an earthly POV, then the Earth MUST cover the Sun from a lunar
> POV.  So you can't have one, but must have two equal POVs, so then
> that would mean it's not a suspicious coincidence.  Not sure though. 
> Anyone?
> The Moon is moving about an inch per year away from us, so over time,
> it's getting smaller and that means that someday it will be but a dot
> crossing the Sun's disk instead of covering it completely.  
> To me, it's not so much a red flag that God is afoot with tricks, but
> that our having the Moon that is so close and so big compared to it's
> parent planet was very rare and very lucky.  It helped life form in
> many ways.
> Edg

Yes, it is all about alignment of the earth, moon and sun and where
you are on the earth, or on the moon for that matter.  Simple
explanation here: http://star-www.st-and.ac.uk/~awc/eclipse.html

I had vague notions of being an astronaut when I was young.  Along
with a million other kids.  Loved astronomy.  

Sometimes I can weird myself out by thinking: How did all this come
together so perfectly that now I am sitting in a condo on Mustang
Island enjoying the internet?  Then again, I can think of all the
things that didn't come out so perfectly.  But the fact that nature
appears to operate within a set of rules is intensely fascinating and

[FairfieldLife] Busted

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
If time is money aren't those doing time the richest?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
 Sex Chat Hotline?
> Actually, an offshoot derivative of that could be a winner. A 900
> line/ or live video with cc account Tantric Sex Chat Hot Line. FF is a
> natural.
> ("Feel the Universe within you as you become Shiva, your lignam
> becomes Shiva, and you and I are going to Unite in the primordial
> Fireworks of the Universe -- Shiva and Shakti  however your
> account needs filling before we can continue onto the Ultimate Tantric
> Union Climax")

-Headquarters in FF? That should provide some fine part time work for 
rounding sidhas. Can we shoot from the hip or must everyone follow a script 
which is religiously correct, or could someone say, request the 'Steaming 
Hot Jesus,' or the 'Sexy Little Cherubim?'  We already know the 'Evil 
Succubi' would be the best seller. I know from experience they are devilish 
numbers. Where the the line of decency start or end? What if someone wants 
some weird New Age loving from their deceased partner? Yikes. I am staying 
away from that job. However, I do have one suggestion, unless of course it's 
part of the littany, and that is, if someone wants to feel sexy stay away 
from Sidha fashions which were specifically created to provide as little 
sexuality as humanly possible, while being materially as think as curtains. 
Sorry, just waxing on the Sidha fashion Brazilian bikini, replete with 
titanium lock set. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: URL for the IA Dome Numbers Please

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hope. Change.  Believe. 
Sacrifice.  Coming Together."  wrote:
> Could someone please repost the URL for the Dome numbers?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> PLUS probably another dozen things that I am unaware of. 
> In other words, it's still a mystery...

Something of a mystery, but there are many factors you can often point
to that can work together to create the buzz.  You mentioned some
possibilities and certainly your own experiences and character bring a
lot to the mix. And being young makes you especially vulnerable. 

It is like when I met my first husband.  It was a case of love at
first sight.  I was very drawn to him and the feeling was mutual. Why?
 Hormones.  Right place at the right time.  Looks that fit our
expectations of what we wanted in a mate.  Ability to have the kind of
intense conversation appropriate when you are 20 and in college.  
Anyway we got married and it didn't last long.  I think that was the
only time that I was absolutely smitten with with someone's
charismatic energy.  I have never been smitten with charismatic energy
of a teacher.  Maybe having the experience of intense love when young
and having it go away made me look at charisma, whether sexual or
otherwise, with a more jaded eye. 

And it made me realize my own impulsive nature.  

[FairfieldLife] URL for the IA Dome Numbers Please

2009-02-27 Thread Hope. Change. Believe. Sacrifice. Coming Together.
Could someone please repost the URL for the Dome numbers?

[FairfieldLife] 'Obama ends raids at medical marijuana dispensaries'

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
02-26) 20:00 PST San Francisco --
 U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is sending strong signals that President 
Obama - who as a candidate said states should be allowed to make their own 
rules on medical marijuana - will end raids on pot dispensaries in California.

Obama ends raids at medical marijuana dispensaries:

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No actions are taken by SF Gate as a result of the polls.

Asked at a Washington news conference Wednesday about Drug Enforcement 
Administration raids in California since Obama took office last month, Holder 
said the administration has changed its policy.
"What the president said during the campaign, you'll be surprised to know, will 
be consistent with what we'll be doing here in law enforcement," he said. "What 
he said during the campaign is now American policy."
Bill Piper, national affairs director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a marijuana 
advocacy group, said the statement is encouraging.
"I think it definitely signals that Obama is moving in a new direction, that it 
means what he said on the campaign trail that marijuana should be treated as a 
health issue rather than a criminal justice issue," he said.
Piper said Obama has also indicated he will drop the federal government's 
long-standing opposition to health officials' needle-exchange programs for drug 
During one campaign appearance, Obama recalled that his mother had died of 
cancer and said he saw no difference between doctor-prescribed morphine and 
marijuana as pain relievers. He told an interviewer in March that it was 
"entirely appropriate" for a state to legalize the medical use of marijuana 
"with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors."
After the federal Drug Enforcement Agency raided a marijuana dispensary at 
South Lake Tahoe on Jan. 22, two days after Obama's inauguration, and four 
others in the Los Angeles area on Feb. 2, White House spokesman Nick Schapiro 
responded to advocacy groups' protests by noting that Obama had not yet 
appointed his drug policy team.
"The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent 
state laws" and expects his appointees to follow that policy, Schapiro said.
The federal government has fought state medicinal pot laws since Californians 
voted in 1996 to repeal criminal penalties for medical use of marijuana.
President Bill Clinton's administration won a Supreme Court case, originating 
in Oakland, that allowed federal authorities to shut down nonprofit 
organizations that supplied medical marijuana to their members. Clinton's 
Justice Department was thwarted by federal courts in an attempt to punish 
California doctors who recommended marijuana to their patients.
President George W. Bush's administration went further, raiding medical 
marijuana growers and clinics, prosecuting suppliers under federal drug laws 
after winning another Supreme Court case and pressuring commercial property 
owners to evict marijuana dispensaries by threatening legal action.
The Bush administration also blocked a University of Massachusetts researcher's 
attempt to grow marijuana for studies of its medical properties. Piper, of the 
Drug Policy Alliance, said he hopes Obama will reverse that position.
"If you removed the obstacles to research," he said, "in 10 to 15 years, 
marijuana will be available in pharmacies."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung
Not sure you were seriously asking if I ran a Sex Chat 900 line, but
nope, didn't.  Might have been a negative transforming experience if I
had done so, eh? Phew, I feel like I dodged a bullet.

Of course, anyone who wants to do sexy talk on the phone is allowed by
my reckoning, but geeze, that whole set-up is so scammy that all
parties must be severely challenged by stress.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > "Robert" wrote:
> > > Perhaps he should have an astrological advisor, like Nancy Reagan 
> > > had...
> > > Nancy wouldn't do anything, without consulting her astrologer first.
> > > I know President Obama and his wife, probably aren't into such
> things, 
> > > but, it sometimes helps to consult a good witch.
> > > R.G.
> > 
> > I operated a 900 line back when Psychic Friends Network was going full
> > steam. 
> Sex Chat Hotline? 
> Actually, an offshoot derivative of that could be a winner. A 900
> line/ or live video with cc account Tantric Sex Chat Hot Line. FF is a
> natural. 
> ("Feel the Universe within you as you become Shiva, your lignam
> becomes Shiva, and you and I are going to Unite in the primordial
> Fireworks of the Universe -- Shiva and Shakti  however your
> account needs filling before we can continue onto the Ultimate Tantric
> Union Climax")

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung
grate.swan wrote: . . .  Even using such a crude moniker as "the
rich" (its often with a implied haughty and derogetory tone) is
reflective of this elitism.  So one can't always see beneath the
surface -- and making generalizations -- especially across entire
elitist pegged classes of humanity (for example "the rich") -- may be

Thanks, Grate Swan.  I needed a little of that, for I have had way too
many rich bastards impact my life, and, yeah, probably I'm working
from way too small a sampling of the population. Also, since I am who
I am, the type of folks that I end up "working with" must necessarily
be, at least temporarily, "my birds of my feather."  IOW, who must I
be if I find myself getting instructed "so personally" about what
money and power can do to a personality?  Have to consider that in a
Byron Katie kinda way, eh?

So, I'll try not to use the phrase "the rich" with such rancor in the
future, and yes, I've known at least a few rich people who were big
hearted, gave generously, were not haughty, etc., and I've always
thought of them as having heroically resisted the besmirching power of

So, there it is plainly: I'm projecting on both the "good" and the
"bad" richies.  

It's not about them, it's me again.

I hate that.  But, I guess I should love that foible of mine as much
as I should love the "cute little villainies" of others.  And, HEY, I
should love my good parts a bit less, and gradually I'll get to the
neutral state wherein I neither abhor the bad or relish the good.

Again, thanks for the tap on my forehead.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> "Robert" wrote:
> > Perhaps he should have an astrological advisor, like Nancy Reagan 
> > had...
> > Nancy wouldn't do anything, without consulting her astrologer first.
> > I know President Obama and his wife, probably aren't into such
> > but, it sometimes helps to consult a good witch.
> > R.G.
> I operated a 900 line back when Psychic Friends Network was going full
> steam. 

Sex Chat Hotline? 

Actually, an offshoot derivative of that could be a winner. A 900
line/ or live video with cc account Tantric Sex Chat Hot Line. FF is a

("Feel the Universe within you as you become Shiva, your lignam
becomes Shiva, and you and I are going to Unite in the primordial
Fireworks of the Universe -- Shiva and Shakti  however your
account needs filling before we can continue onto the Ultimate Tantric
Union Climax")


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung
"Robert" wrote:
> Perhaps he should have an astrological advisor, like Nancy Reagan 
> had...
> Nancy wouldn't do anything, without consulting her astrologer first.
> I know President Obama and his wife, probably aren't into such things, 
> but, it sometimes helps to consult a good witch.
> R.G.

I operated a 900 line back when Psychic Friends Network was going full
steam.  The company I used was West Interactive which I believe also
hosted the PFN.  Whatever, but this company made me keep a HUGE
percentage of the money I collected in a reserve fund in case my 900
line suddenly got a lot of deadbeats who didn't pay the fees.


Because the PFN was experiencing, get this, 70 - 90% non-payment for
their services.  

It turned out that the telephone companies refused to collect the
money and would not shut off a person's phone line for lack of paying
the "900 line expenses" portion of the bill.  If they paid everything
else, they kept their line.  In other words, the message was clear:
call any 900 line you want and you don't have to pay.

I was not an insider for PFN, and I don't know if West Interactive was
racist, but it was told to me that most of the defaults were coming
from telephones in the African American neighborhoods.  And why not?
-- it was Dionne Warwick hawking the services, so, naturally, her
easiest marks were folks who identified with her.

This telephone company refusal to collect the fees is credited with
killing the 900 industry.

Now, I don't think I have clarity, but from this kind of reporting, it
could be concluded that the African American community has a stronger
resonance with psychic offers than other groups -- on the other hand,
maybe any group that's mostly under the poverty line will be tipped
into grasping at straws in some manner.  I feel like I'm skating on
thin ice to even broach this concept, but I wanted to share my
business history with this phenomenon and then suggest that Obama
might be far more likely to hire a psychic than you suspect -- Obama
may have had many of his family and friends use the PFN, and maybe he
was saturated with positive reports about such.

And, as we all know here, despite our massive intellects, all of us
too grasped at straws in just such a manner.

And miss not that if Obama is to succeed, he'll definitely need a miracle.

Let's write an open letter to Obama and suggest that he have
consultations with Swami Beyondananda.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Basically, it behooves us
> to STFU--mentally as well as vocally--about our or
> anybody else's specific karma and just do our best
> to prevent or relieve suffering whenever we can.)

I agree. And thinking of the Golden Rule -- which is AFAICS the most
universal and connective statement of ethics in philosophy, religion
and literature -- its hard to put on the (glossy, dim, and warped)
glasses of karmic retribution and be "non attached" to the sufferings
of others HERE and NOW -- and have any connection to the Golden Rule.

(However, we might well connect with the Golden Hind -- which despite
its romanticism we were force-fed in grade school -- is a symbol of a
ruthless pirate ship robbing one despicable Empire for the glory of
another despicable Empire -- and is rightly named as the Golden
(Supreme) Ass.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Marek Reavis
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:


> (I'm also not saying there is such a thing as karma,
> or even that it could work as I outlined. I don't
> know, nor do any of us. Basically, it behooves us
> to STFU--mentally as well as vocally--about our or
> anybody else's specific karma and just do our best
> to prevent or relieve suffering whenever we can.)

Amen to that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth eclipses the sun

2009-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
>  "authfriend" wrote:
> > Just one such arrangement between a star, a planet,
> > and the planet's satellite might be chalked up to
> > happy coincidence.
> >  But *two*? 
> > Astronomers tell us the orbit of the moon isn't
> > eternally fixed, but drifts slowly; that this precise
> > alignment wasn't the case eons before humans evolved
> > to see it, and will not be the case eons hence when
> > we're no longer around.
> > I'm not buying it. 
> > There's something we're not getting...
> Judy,
> I'm not up on optics, but I believe that if the Moon
> covers the Sun from an earthly POV, then the Earth
> MUST cover the Sun from a lunar POV.  So you can't
> have one, but must have two equal POVs, so then that
> would mean it's not a suspicious coincidence.  Not
> sure though. Anyone?

Hmm, you could be right. But I'm not sure either.

Even if it were, it's still suspicious, by me!

> To me, it's not so much a red flag that God is
> afoot with tricks,

Nor to me. But it's a red flag of *something*.

> that our having the Moon that is so close and so
> big compared to it's parent planet was very rare
> and very lucky.  It helped life form in many ways.

Yupper. And civilization and culture as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:

> IOW, it doesn't really matter if the Holocaust
> victims were "paying for past sins" or not.
> You deal with the here and now. You can't justify
> (or even explain in any useful way) bad actions
> today based on someone else's bad actions in some 
> hypothetical previous lifetime.

I would add: The reason it doesn't matter is that
*we can't know* the karmic situation. There are
too many possible scenarios.

One scenario, for example, is that those slaughtered
by the Nazis in the Holocaust had chosen, or been
assigned, a karmic shortcut that enabled them to
burn off the karma from a large number of previous
lives that would otherwise have taken them many
lifetimes to work out if their suffering had been
doled out in smaller lifetime amounts, and that they
had the opportunity to take the shortcut because 
their accumulated *good* karma far outweighed their
accumulated bad karma.

Note that I'm not saying this *was* the case with
the victims of the Holocaust, en masse or
individually, only that we cannot know that it
wasn't. "Unfathomable is the course of action."

For all we know, that could be the situation with
anyone who experiences a life of terrible suffering.
They may be far more advanced in their spiritual
evolution than those of us whose suffering this
lifetime is minimal.

(I'm also not saying there is such a thing as karma,
or even that it could work as I outlined. I don't
know, nor do any of us. Basically, it behooves us
to STFU--mentally as well as vocally--about our or
anybody else's specific karma and just do our best
to prevent or relieve suffering whenever we can.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth eclipses the sun

2009-02-27 Thread Duveyoung
 "authfriend" wrote:
> Just one such arrangement between a star, a planet,
> and the planet's satellite might be chalked up to
> happy coincidence.
>  But *two*? 
> Astronomers tell us the orbit of the moon isn't
> eternally fixed, but drifts slowly; that this precise
> alignment wasn't the case eons before humans evolved
> to see it, and will not be the case eons hence when
> we're no longer around.
> I'm not buying it. 
> There's something we're not getting...


I'm not up on optics, but I believe that if the Moon covers the Sun
from an earthly POV, then the Earth MUST cover the Sun from a lunar
POV.  So you can't have one, but must have two equal POVs, so then
that would mean it's not a suspicious coincidence.  Not sure though. 

The Moon is moving about an inch per year away from us, so over time,
it's getting smaller and that means that someday it will be but a dot
crossing the Sun's disk instead of covering it completely.  

To me, it's not so much a red flag that God is afoot with tricks, but
that our having the Moon that is so close and so big compared to it's
parent planet was very rare and very lucky.  It helped life form in
many ways.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> Here, here...
> I guess the Reagan policy of 'Just Say No', hasn't exactly worked.
> Now the whole Republican Party just says no.
> The party of NO!
> I guess they are just a bunch of frustrated control freaks?
> R.G.

its ironic, (some/many) republicans used to be about getting
government out of our private lives, about shrinking gov't influence
on limiting our choices, and about decentralizing decision making (out
of washington). Current republicans have morphed into a elite
religious statism characteristic in some degrees by despotic regimes. 

However, back to an adjacent post on elitism -- if one can't see
republicans (old school or the new crazy kind) as fellow human beings
like ourselves, then one is still blinded by elitist frameworks and

Oh I have been a beggar
And shall be one again
As a humble democrat and
As a earnest republican

One day I walk quite dour
One day I walk on diamonds
Today I walk in hours
One day I shall be home

I've sat hungry on street corners
And in a carriage fine 
And cried out glad and cried out sad
With every voice but mine

One day I walk in helplessness
One day I walk with power
Today I walk in hours
One day I shall be home

I pity the poor immigrant
I pity the rich sychophant
I pity myself for pitying
I aspire to lose all rants

One day I walk in wisdom
One day I walk in vacuums
Today I walk in haughtiness
I pray one day I shall come home

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > When the host of a Finnish talk show asked Maharishi in 1973,
> > > > > > what would Hitler have been like had he been meditating,
> > > > > > Maharishi answered:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > The story that went around was that he said:
> > > > > "... he would have made a wonderful Centre Chairman".
> > > > > Uns.

I knew several center chairmen like that (not all male). Charismatic
beyond belief -- but cruel, callous, enamored and blinded by their
followings, and ultimately self-serving and petty.


> > > > 
> > > > I have a feeling that Maharishi knew something about
> > > 
> > > Hitler was a second degree Initiate. Maharishi was very well
aware of 
> > > this fact, thus His conforming that Hitler could have done much
> > > to the world if he had not chosen to do do the opposite.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > Hitler's "real nature" that us "ordinary people" can't know... :0
> > > >
> > >
> > Hitler was evil. And I don't believe "nature wanted" six million jews
> > to die.  There was no assembly on the fields of dharma.
> >
> Actually it's common for reincarnationists to theorize that "they
got what they
> deserved" when it comes to natural disasters and/or the fortunes of war.
> There was an ultra-conservative rabbi who got in trouble for talking
> victims of the holocaust in terms of the Jewish equivalent of
"karmic burden
> resolved by reincarnation" or whatever.
> My own take: so, the Nazis were playing out the natural order of
cause and effect
> but if this was the case, they merely substituted their own bad
karma for their
> victims'. If there really was some divine/cosmic force behind the
> then in time it  would have played out in some other way had Hitler
and friends
>  not {bravely stepped up to sacrifice themselves" to assume the
karmic  burden 
> for the their victims...
> IOW, it doesn't really matter if the Holocaust victims were "paying
for past sins"
> or not.. You deal with the here and now. You can't justify (or even
explain in any
> useful way) bad actions today based on someone else's bad actions in
> hypothetical previous lifetime. If there's any validity to the
theory, the enlightened
> person will eventually intuit for it themselves and will refrain
from "confusing the 
> ignorant" with absolutely useless knowledge of no benefit to anyone.
> IIRC, MMY's take was slightly different: you do the best you can in
the most 
> ethical/moral way, and if someone  suffers for your actions in a way
that you 
> can't have possibly predicted, then its their karma working itself
out and you're not to 
> blame. But that doesn't apply in the  case of the Nazis and the
> L

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> Actually it's common for reincarnationists to theorize that "they
got what they
> deserved" when it comes to natural disasters and/or the fortunes of war.
> There was an ultra-conservative rabbi who got in trouble for talking
> victims of the holocaust in terms of the Jewish equivalent of
"karmic burden
> resolved by reincarnation" or whatever.
> My own take: so, the Nazis were playing out the natural order of
cause and effect
> but if this was the case, they merely substituted their own bad
karma for their
> victims'. 

I think that's an important point. If we posit reincarnation and a
retributive (and rewarding) god and universe -- then, within that
framework, we are not judge, jury and executioner. Leave that to god
-- and he/shee can bury what ever deserving souls he/shee thinks
warrant it -- to be buried by earthquake or tsunami.  

If we choose to be shitty to others, that's OUR business and we will
bear the consequences. And it doesn't take a grand theory of karma to
realize that if we treat people shitty, others will treat us shitty.
That's not mystical or unfathomable, thats life.

FULLY copping out and saying "Hitler was just a Divine messenger" is
such hugely mystical, magic, immoral and insane thinking.

And why are we picking just on Hitler. His murderous rampages are
small compared to some. As if he were evil incarnate and other rouges
are / were just stand-in bit players on the stage of horrid actions.

>If there really was some divine/cosmic force behind the Holocaust
> then in time it  would have played out in some other way had Hitler
and friends
>  not {bravely stepped up to sacrifice themselves" to assume the
karmic  burden 
> for the their victims...
> IOW, it doesn't really matter if the Holocaust victims were "paying
for past sins"
> or not.. You deal with the here and now. You can't justify (or even
explain in any
> useful way) bad actions today based on someone else's bad actions in
> hypothetical previous lifetime. If there's any validity to the
theory, the enlightened
> person will eventually intuit for it themselves and will refrain
from "confusing the 
> ignorant" with absolutely useless knowledge of no benefit to anyone.
> IIRC, MMY's take was slightly different: you do the best you can in
the most 
> ethical/moral way, and if someone  suffers for your actions in a way
that you 
> can't have possibly predicted, then its their karma working itself
out and you're not to 
> blame. But that doesn't apply in the  case of the Nazis and the
> L

[FairfieldLife] Marek -- dispassion or ???? (Re: How old is your brain)

2009-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

> If reincarnation is real, we have all been beggars,
> and we all will be again. Someone who has realized
> this does not spend his life *judging* those who
> are on the beggar or the criminal "turn of the 
> wheel." He doesn't look down his nose at them and
> consider himself "better" or "more highly evolved."

Not OK to judge beggars or criminals. However...

> And IMO the real reason they're doing it is because
> they are uptight, judgmental elitists who cannot 
> look at a bum on the street and consider him their
> equal. And the amazing thing is that many of them
> do this while claiming to be followers of spiritual 
> teachers like Christ who were not so limited.

...it's perfectly fine to judge those who do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> I tend to think charisma and shakti are as much in the observer 
> and what the observer is looking for as in the person who 
> apparently is projecting the "force."

I will spend my last post of the week replying,
Ruth, because I agree with you. What I said 
earlier was a generalization.

The more specific reality, in my opinion, is that
there are *other* factors operating when someone
is convinced that they "felt something powerful"
from a spiritual teacher or even a performer like

One is the placebo theory. Pay enough to be in the
room with Maharishi (or to be in the front row at
an Elvis concert) and most people are going to "feel 
something powerful," whether it is there or not.

Another is what I call "resonance." Despite Maharishi's
attempt to create a "one size fits all" approach to
self discovery, I don't think it works that way. Each
individual seeker has predilections, based on their
past experience. (How *far* past depends on whether 
you believe in reincarnation.) Thus some people "feel
something powerful" with Teacher A and others feel
nothing. Put them in a room with Teacher B, and the
situation may be reversed.

IMO this is not necessarily a "fault" in the seekers'
perception, just an expression of their predilections,
or the things they tend to notice, based on those
predilections. Thus a person with a (since I do believe
in reincarnation) past-life profile of occultism might
notice more flashy occult shakti energy, and respond 
more to it. A person who had paid their incarnational
dues around more genuinely charismatic enlightened
types might tend to notice that more, and respond more
to it.

> Some people were extremely taken with MMY and his shakti.   
> Others were not.  

I was one who was never taken with his "energy." It
was like being with pretty much anyone else. Go figure.

On the other hand, being around some other people knocked
my socks off. Again, go figure.

> I was always rather put off by his giggling, it sounded
> like a diversion to me.   

It often was. Other times, it was a way of diminishing
someone who had asked a tough question.

> Why wasn't I vulnerable? I was interested in enlightenment.  
> I was interested in the new research on mediation. But I 
> didn't click with him and so I did not have and force of his
> personality to reinforce the message.  In fact, it was
> counter-reinforcing. 

That's why I think predilection is an important factor.

I cannot and would not dispute that many people here
"felt something powerful" around Maharishi. I never 
did. I, on the other hand, have felt *both* kinds of
"something powerful" around other teachers -- both the
flashy intentional shakti stuff (what Vaj calls "Elvis
shakti") and the quieter, more profound genuine charisma
of enlightenment. But if I'm honest, I never felt much 
of either with Maharishi.

Why? I have no idea. I am just reporting my experience.

> Some people do seem to be naturally charismatic but not 
> everyone is vulnerable to the charisma. 

Again, I'd say that predilection and past experience 
have a lot to do with it. Would someone who had grown
up with Elvis have been wowed by him? I doubt it. They
were used to whatever charisma or flash he had, and
would not have noticed it. But those who hadn't ever 
experienced something like that before might have been
knocked out by it.

And also again, there is the placebo effect. I think
that explains a *lot* more than most MMY groupies want
to admit. After you've spent $20,000 over a number of
decades on his programs, you've built up some *expect-
ations* about being in the same room with him, and 
IMO that moodmaking is going to win out over actual 
perception most of the time.

> Quite a long time ago I met Bill Clinton. He is naturally 
> charismatic as well.  His eyes twinkle, he looks at you in 
> the eye, he speaks a message that you may be receptive to, he
> projects self confidence with empathy. But is he charismatic to
> conservative republicans?  Not hardly.

Maybe to some. After all, we don't know the actual
politics of all the women he bedded. Some of them
might have been political conservatives but sexual
liberals.  :-)

On another discussion group, we've been talking today
about Leonard Cohen. Many years ago I attended Ned
Beatty's wedding to a TM friend in L.A. Leonard was
a guest. I hung out watching him for a while, and it
was absolutely fascinating.

Without exaggeration, every woman at the wedding
reception, *including the bride*, came up to Leonard
and threw themselves at him. They would have plopped
down on the floor and let him have his way with them
if he had wanted to. (He didn't.) It was one of the
most awesome displays of male sexual charisma I have
ever seen.

Now admittedly, some of this might have been fueled
by a desire on the part of the women to "get a mention"
in a Leonard Cohen song or poem. :-) But whatever it 
was, the man had it in spades. 

For *s

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread grate . swan
Comments intertwined below

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> I knew, say, 20 rich dudes ($10,000,000 net worth +) in FF well enough
> to say I had a rudimentary grasp of their personalities, and, 100% of
> them had been crammed into an uptight defensiveness because of the
> pressures, and most of them could immediately see if someone was
> approaching them for money and brush it aside quickly.  Like, "all my
> investments are set for the year," like that.  
> Most of these guys were rude, abusive, haughty, and agog with
> entitlement that they felt their net-worth bought them -- pampered
> into it by the TMO, ya see? They, each of them, could, however,
> pretend to be nice and fool you every time, but watch the shift when
> they catch you looking at that lump in their back pocket.  Rich man
> eye of the needle sort of thingie -- it just seems to come with riches
> that one's personality gets annealed by the challenges into a harder
> less forgiving taut humorless wary presentation.  

Marek and Turq discussed the transition from TMO elitist to human
being -- seeing humanity as individuals like them -- instead of "less
evolved". I sense a similar sort of elitism in some posts (this may
not be a good example and may not fall in this group -- it did however
jog my thought) -- that "the rich" are different from us. Even using
such a crude moniker as "the rich" (its often with a implied haughty
and derogetory tone) is reflective of this elitism. 

Hemingway and F.Scott Fitzgerald had this same debate -- one saying
"you know the rich are different from us" -- the other replying
"(like) yeah(!), they have more money than us". In my view, one
doesn't close the loop on transforming elitism to humanitarianism
until they also see people who (momentarily -- in the grand cycle of
things) have more resources than ourselves.   

> Anyone here want to sing the praises of those in FF who are rich and
> still somehow are nice folks?  Behind the curtains of Oz, all those I
> knew could be seen acting without their typical masks, and they were
> as human as human can bethat is, susceptible to power-insanity. 
> To me it's like the rich have all this power to solve problems but
> they are so beset by the immensity of the poverty all around them that
> they collapse into a POV of: "Why bother to engage the masses since
> they can easily sap one of every penny and the world will still be
> unchanged?"

And the unrich don't? I think about big cities 200-300 years ago.
Massive poverty and lack of education -- beyond the pale of what we
consider poverty today, and I cringe at the inner sight of people in
their fine carriages telling their inquisitive child -- "don't fret
about them -- they are not one of us -- just unwashed dregs of
humanity -- nothing can be done for them -- they are not like us at
all. Don't fret, don't even think about them." How could they be so
callous, insensitive and cruel??!! Yet, in reality, most of us are
essentially the same. Locking out great parts of humanity -- because
thinking about them, mingling with them, doing stuff for them, would
be inconvenient -- and so icky -- and hey it won't make a damn
difference anyway (so let them rot is is implication). 

But its hard to impossible to know all others inner thoughts, hearts
and plans. Some people, are engaged everyday -- volunteering,
donating, etc. These are wonderful people. But that is not the
exclusive set of compassionate people on the planet. Some have longer
range plans (which may be inferior, or may ultimately be more
effective -- one can't say in snap judgements). Some, rich and
non-rich, may have plans that we are not aware of. Working each day to
bring them to fruition -- without show, without celebration or  glory. 

So one can't always see beneath the surface -- and making
generalizations -- especially across entire elitist pegged classes of
humanity (for example "the rich") -- may be problematic.(I say
"elitist pegged" because seeing others as "rich" and not one of us is
part of the elitist trap.)

> They don't seem to respond to that story of the man on the beach
> throwing back living fish that had gotten stranded on the beach by a
> rogue wave, and some other guy says, "Why bother, you can only toss
> but a few back and what do they matter when thousands are going to die
> despite your efforts?"  The man replied, "It matters to this one!" as
> he tossed another fish back to life.
> I don't think I would be a very nice rich person either; unless, maybe
> I'd survive it if I went underground and wore old clothes and drove a
> beater and had only superficial relationships, but also had an ear to
> the ground for places where a splash of coin could do some measurable
> good.  Stealth giving might be the formula to keep the ego in check,
> cuz once you're spotted on the poor's radar, they shift their POV
> about you, and there goes intimacy, trust, etc. And you will be
> praised consistently u

[FairfieldLife] Cache of 13,000 year old stone tools

2009-02-27 Thread Marek Reavis
Found in a guy's backyard in Boulder, a buried cache of beautiful 
clovis tools.

Short video from the University of Colorado/Boulder.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Arhata Osho
All 'enlightenment' is the same caca that priests use with 'celibacy and theholy father' - it's a device and technique to encourage greater awareness mostly by those rare ones who are in a position to 'shake the bushes'.Arhata

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, ruthsimplicity  
> I tend to think charisma and shakti are as much in the observer and
> what the observer is looking for as in the person who apparently is
> projecting the "force."
> Some people were extremely taken with MMY and his shakti.   Others
> were not.  I was always rather put off by his giggling, it sounded
> like a diversion to me.   Why wasn't I vulnerable?  I was interested
> in enlightenment.  I was interested in the new research on 
>  But I didn't click with him and so I did not have and force of his
> personality to reinforce the message.  In fact, it was
> counter-reinforcing . 
> Some people do seem to be naturally charismatic but not everyone is
> vulnerable to the charisma. Quite a long time ago I met Bill 
>  He is naturally charismatic as well.  His eyes twinkle, he looks at
> you in the eye, he speaks a message that you may be receptive to, he
> projects self confidence with empathy. But is he charismatic to
> conservative republicans?  Not hardly.
I agree...
Jesus apparently ran into the same problem with Pontius Pilot...
Pilot just didn't seem to get it...





[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor"  
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Well, Obama has lasted in office longer than I ever expected he 
> >  I wish him well and long life, preferably in another line of work.
> >
> Sounds like you voted for John McCain.
> Uns.
Perhaps he should have an astrological advisor, like Nancy Reagan 
Nancy wouldn't do anything, without consulting her astrologer first.
I know President Obama and his wife, probably aren't into such things, 
but, it sometimes helps to consult a good witch.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  
> I tend to think charisma and shakti are as much in the observer and
> what the observer is looking for as in the person who apparently is
> projecting the "force."
> Some people were extremely taken with MMY and his shakti.   Others
> were not.  I was always rather put off by his giggling, it sounded
> like a diversion to me.   Why wasn't I vulnerable?  I was interested
> in enlightenment.  I was interested in the new research on 
>  But I didn't click with him and so I did not have and force of his
> personality to reinforce the message.  In fact, it was
> counter-reinforcing. 
> Some people do seem to be naturally charismatic but not everyone is
> vulnerable to the charisma. Quite a long time ago I met Bill 
>  He is naturally charismatic as well.  His eyes twinkle, he looks at
> you in the eye, he speaks a message that you may be receptive to, he
> projects self confidence with empathy. But is he charismatic to
> conservative republicans?  Not hardly.
I agree...
Jesus apparently ran into the same problem with Pontius Pilot...
Pilot just didn't seem to get it...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's life is in danger, according to Invincible America

2009-02-27 Thread uns_tressor
>  wrote:
> Well, Obama has lasted in office longer than I ever expected he would.
>  I wish him well and long life, preferably in another line of work.
Sounds like you voted for John McCain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > IIRC, MMY's take was slightly different: you do the best you can in
> the most 
> > ethical/moral way, and if someone  suffers for your actions in a 
> that you 
> > can't have possibly predicted, then its their karma working itself
> out and you're not to 
> > blame. But that doesn't apply in the  case of the Nazis and the
> Holocaust.
> > 
> > L
 This certainly does apply to the Nazis and the Holocaust.
The one's who were in the Holocaust, reincarnated with fear issues, of 
authority, and lot's of fears, associated with the horrors, that were 
experienced in that lifetime; some are afraid and cling to modest 
means of surviving, afraid of anything unfamiliar.

On the other hand, the one's who were Nazis, have issues, with 
arrogance, egotism, thinking they are better than others, fear of 
other races and political views, subject to alcoholism and drug 
The Nazi Era, created deep wounds in the Karmic fabric, that is still 
working itself out, as the earth puriies along with the deep seated 
fears, created in that horrible era.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
I tend to think charisma and shakti are as much in the observer and
what the observer is looking for as in the person who apparently is
projecting the "force."

Some people were extremely taken with MMY and his shakti.   Others
were not.  I was always rather put off by his giggling, it sounded
like a diversion to me.   Why wasn't I vulnerable?  I was interested
in enlightenment.  I was interested in the new research on mediation.
 But I didn't click with him and so I did not have and force of his
personality to reinforce the message.  In fact, it was

Some people do seem to be naturally charismatic but not everyone is
vulnerable to the charisma. Quite a long time ago I met Bill Clinton.
 He is naturally charismatic as well.  His eyes twinkle, he looks at
you in the eye, he speaks a message that you may be receptive to, he
projects self confidence with empathy. But is he charismatic to
conservative republicans?  Not hardly.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> > >
> > > 
> > > When the host of a Finnish talk show asked Maharishi in 1973,
> > > what would Hitler have been like had he been meditating,
> > > Maharishi answered:
> > > 
> > The story that went around was that he said:
> > "... he would have made a wonderful Centre Chairman".
> > Uns.
> >
> I have a feeling that Maharishi knew something about
> Hitler's "real nature" that us "ordinary people" can't know... :0
Hitler's 'real nature', was the same as me or you...transcendental 
Unfortunately, for the world, Hitler had a very abusive childhood, 
began using hard drugs like cocaine, morphine and methadrine...
And a healthy dose of testosterone, and got involved heavily with 
Black Magic.
The drugs and the use of ego power in the wrong way, led to the total 
destruction of Germany, and the abuse and death's of countless 
He was told my an astrologer, that he was the (one)=who would lead 
Germany to it's former greatness, and took that and ran with it.
Because at the time, inflation and general dissatisfaction with 
everything, in Germany, he picked the perfect historical scapegoat: 
Jewish people.
Generally, you could say, the man in charge of creating the chaos of 
the 1930's to 1945, when he cowardly committed suicide, with his new 
wife...how sick can you get?
Here was a man, who was worshiping everything evil, and who  thought 
that he was some kind of god.
He had the German people swear allegiance, not to Germany, but to him.
A  drug driven, sexual deviant, lacking a testicle, OMG.
Wow...could we have all been that stupid, to follow such a leader?
Desperate, confused, deluded, Blond haired types, Nordic, German...
How he pulled this off, is the big mystery, to me.
He must have had some help, from the peanut gallery.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:

> IIRC, MMY's take was slightly different: you do the best you can in
the most 
> ethical/moral way, and if someone  suffers for your actions in a way
that you 
> can't have possibly predicted, then its their karma working itself
out and you're not to 
> blame. But that doesn't apply in the  case of the Nazis and the
> L

Much better way to look at reincarnation.  Personally, I do not find
reincarnation theory compelling and it is subject to all sorts of
abuses to control people or rationalize.  Much like I do not find the
concept of heaven and hell very compelling and also subject to abuse
to control people or to rationalize.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth eclipses the sun

2009-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:

> There is no theory for
> why the Moon is so precisely positioned to cover the
> Sun exactly -- just a happenstance, not a certainty
> of the Earth-Moon formation process.  In fact, it's
> a miracle.

And, as was shown in the video I posted a link to, 
the earth is also precisely positioned to cover the
sun exactly, from the moon's viewpoint.

Just one such arrangement between a star, a planet,
and the planet's satellite might be chalked up to
happy coincidence.

But *two*?

Astronomers tell us the orbit of the moon isn't
eternally fixed, but drifts slowly; that this precise
alignment wasn't the case eons before humans evolved
to see it, and will not be the case eons hence when
we're no longer around.

They say the real coincidence is that the tiny slice
of cosmological time in which there are humans on
earth *just happens* to be that which enables them
to observe the alignment in which the moon precisely
covers the sun (and to send a vehicle to orbit the
moon to observe the alignment in which the earth
precisely covers the sun).

I'm not buying it.

But I don't buy an Intelligent Designer having set
it up this way either, nor that there is an infinity
of different universes (talk about Occam's razor!).

There are just too many coincidences for us to be
here *at all* wondering why there are so many

There's something we're not getting...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >  the
> Six figures ain't rich by today's standardsunless you mean SEVEN
> figures and he's worth millions.  Just about anyone on the east or
> west coasts has a house worth $500,000, so a million "goes fast."  
> Edg
My usual sloppy off the cuff typing.  Yes, I meant seven figures as
more than a million.  But not multimillions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Om, Turq this was one of the more interesting things you wrote 
> > hit kind of close to Fairfield.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  
> > 
> > > I think that this is *exactly* the kind of "wake
> > > up call" it's been needing for a long, long time.
> > > ...
> > > I think it would be just *great* if this scandal
> > > led back to participants in the growing operation
> > > who are well-respected "first generation" members
> > > of the TM community, not just the second- and
> > > third-generation offspring, reacting to their
> > > parents' hypocrisy.
> > 
> > Well, you don't live here?  What i hear out around in town 
> > when i ask is that a family more behind this is not netted 
> > now.  
> > 
> > meditating family, father and son at least. Partying with 
> > kids growing up here. An open refrigerator stocked with pot. 
> > Open door policy. Inter-generational partying. Cocaine when 
> > it comes through. Some old guys trading sex with pretty 
> > young things for drugs too. In to the biz of growing 
> > medicinal where it can be, selling the surplus. Money 
> > laundering. Been going in this direction for a decade 
> > or so.
> > 
> > What might you think now if this was in your village? With 
> > your young kids or other kids growing up in the village?
> > 
> > Would you be writing a little different tune if you were 
> > living here knowing something more of what is behind the 
> > news headline, like this?
> > 
> > Just wondering what your civic standard is when the back-
> > story actually goes this way? Whether is in the meditating 
> > community or otherwise.
> Well, let me start by saying that the "meditating
> community" you describe is a hypocritical farce. 
> If what you are saying is true, OBVIOUSLY
> Fairfield is *no different* than any other small
> town in America. If there is a market for the drugs,
> that means that the people who live in this "medi-
> tating community" DID NOT FIND WHAT THEY
> That applies to them whether they are young or old.
> If people were selling marijuana and using it this
> This could not have happened in the Netherlands.
> It could not have happened in Spain, or in any of
> the other places on the planet that have realized
> that the way to handle marijuana is to tolerate,
> control, and tax it. 
> It happened because fucking Puritans decided to
> make it illegal, and to demonize those who liked
> to smoke it as not only lesser than they were,
> but criminals.
> So -- whether it be my community or yours -- I put
> the blame for this situation on the people WHO
> That's you. 
> And all the people who think like you, if you 
> think it should be made illegal and treated with
> Puritanical intolerance rather than tolerance.
> What you are describing is EXACTLY the same 
> situation as, say, a person who was active in 
> getting legal abortion banned complaining that 
> the daughter of one of his neighbors died at the 
> hands of a back-room illegal abortionist. 
> The person who made abortion a crime is the
> guilty party in that case.
> The persons who made selling marijuana a crime
> rather than find a sensible way of dealing with
> it are responsible for the situation you described.
> And, as far as I can tell, you are one of those
> people.
> You asked me how I would react to your scenario.
> Well, this is how I react.
> The pot dealer(s) fulfilled a NEED, a NEED 
> that was VERY present in your "meditating com-
> munity," a NEED fueled by intolerant people like 
> yourself, who made it impossible to buy grass 
> in a controlled, safe situation. YOU made it 
> necessary for these kids to go to someone who
> would take advantage of them. 
> If you want to blame anyone for this situation,
> blame yourself.
> If you had handled it the sane and tolerant way
> that the Netherlands handled it, NONE of the 
> things you described would ever have happened.
Here, here...
I guess the Reagan policy of 'Just Say No', hasn't exactly worked.
Now the whole Republican Party just says no.
The party of NO!
I guess they are just a bunch of frustrated control freaks?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Vaj

On Feb 27, 2009, at 2:47 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> See what's out there in the spiritual smorgasbord.
> Analyze *not only* how it feels to be in the presence
> of the teacher *while that experience is going on*,
> but what it feels like *afterwards*.
> Do you long to be in their presence again, as if not
> being there is a "lack" of some kind, a "need" that
> needs to be filled? Do you feel a "comedown" between
> sitting with them and not sitting with them? Did
> you feel "emotional highs" in the presence of the
> teacher that you are not feeling now that you are
> not with them, and that you miss?
> If the answers to these questions are Yes, then what
> you are dealing with is an occultist, someone who
> beamed cheap, intentional shakti at you.
> You are NOT dealing with the quiet, charismatic
> energy of enlightenment.
> Just my opinion...

I agree. Many are wowed by the cheap shakti of someone still 'in  
process'. Prana-shakti. The kind of shakti behind mentation-based  
meditation and TM-sidhi-style visions. Bliss-junkies, like the run-of- 
the-mill drug addict, are a weird breed, but they do share some  
startling similarities.

Even Elvis had that kind of shakti. His shakti was SO powerful, they  
had to announce when he had left the building.

Hereafter: Elvis-shakti.

Use in a sentence: The Maharishi had such powerful Elvis-shakti that  
it blinded his students.

[FairfieldLife] Modern Baby Photo

2009-02-27 Thread do.rflex

Before the iPod:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Living richly.
Edg, this i think is a fascinating story about the meditating 
community in FF.  

There are certainly folks here who have set their lives up to have 
enough resources to have the time for the serious spiritual practice 
that can be done here.  This is very much an intentional community 
that way.  Very utopian and very American at the same time that way.  
People have done this on their own terms in different ways on the 
scale socio-economics.  & often it is un-celebrated success in life 
this way.  

Part of the story is that there are (many) people who do actively & 
intentionally scale their lives differently to pull it off to be 
here.  Intention and a lot of self-control that way here.  I know 
lots of people who live quite well here with that and some of those 
who are great communitarians too.  & having a lot of fun or pleasure 
in their spiritual life here here this way too.  Is a great life to 
be had here that way and there are many people having a great time 
with life here that way.  This is a back story to the backbone of how 
it has been done by many here.

The quiet ones are different from some of the more celebrated 
wreckage of ones who have lived above themselves trying to buy their 
access to sit on the stage or up front. 

Yet, there are lots of really lit quiet ones sitting in the crowd 
that you'd never know of unless you ask.  It has been this way all 
along.  Look around and weigh who is around in the domes or in the 
many other active spiritual practice groups and you can see it.  

The successful ones at it, I see them and think and know of them as 
the 'quiet ones'.  Living richly by any standard.  A lot of 
intentional simple living and high thinking.  This very much is in 
the community here.

is very fun to see too.

-Doug in FF  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> I don't think I would be a very nice rich person either; unless, 
> I'd survive it if I went underground and wore old clothes and drove 
> beater and had only superficial relationships, but also had an ear 
> the ground for places where a splash of coin could do some 
> good.  Stealth giving might be the formula to keep the ego in check,
> cuz once you're spotted on the poor's radar, they shift their POV
> about you, and there goes intimacy, trust, etc. And you will be
> praised consistently until your ego is a blimp. 
> I've been the recipient of a rich person's stealth from afar.  This
> person heard about my plight during one of my lowest financial 
> in life.  Cut a $1,000 check and gave it to a friend of mine and 
> him to secrecy, and he wouldn't tell me who gave the money.  So it
> does happen out there.  These are the kind debts that one can only 
> by passing it forward, yes?
> Edg

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > When the host of a Finnish talk show asked Maharishi in 1973,
> > > > > what would Hitler have been like had he been meditating,
> > > > > Maharishi answered:
> > > > > 
> > > > The story that went around was that he said:
> > > > "... he would have made a wonderful Centre Chairman".
> > > > Uns.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > I have a feeling that Maharishi knew something about
> > 
> > Hitler was a second degree Initiate. Maharishi was very well aware of 
> > this fact, thus His conforming that Hitler could have done much good 
> > to the world if he had not chosen to do do the opposite.
> > 
> > 
> > > Hitler's "real nature" that us "ordinary people" can't know... :0
> > >
> >
> Hitler was evil. And I don't believe "nature wanted" six million jews
> to die.  There was no assembly on the fields of dharma.

Actually it's common for reincarnationists to theorize that "they got what they
deserved" when it comes to natural disasters and/or the fortunes of war.

There was an ultra-conservative rabbi who got in trouble for talking about
victims of the holocaust in terms of the Jewish equivalent of "karmic burden
resolved by reincarnation" or whatever.

My own take: so, the Nazis were playing out the natural order of cause and 
but if this was the case, they merely substituted their own bad karma for their
victims'. If there really was some divine/cosmic force behind the Holocaust
then in time it  would have played out in some other way had Hitler and friends
 not {bravely stepped up to sacrifice themselves" to assume the karmic  burden 
for the their victims...

IOW, it doesn't really matter if the Holocaust victims were "paying for past 
or not.. You deal with the here and now. You can't justify (or even explain in 
useful way) bad actions today based on someone else's bad actions in some 
hypothetical previous lifetime. If there's any validity to the theory, the 
person will eventually intuit for it themselves and will refrain from 
"confusing the 
ignorant" with absolutely useless knowledge of no benefit to anyone.

IIRC, MMY's take was slightly different: you do the best you can in the most 
ethical/moral way, and if someone  suffers for your actions in a way that you 
can't have possibly predicted, then its their karma working itself out and 
you're not to 
blame. But that doesn't apply in the  case of the Nazis and the Holocaust.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2009-02-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount  wrote:
> Fairfield Life Post Counter
> ===
> Start Date (UTC): Sat Feb 21 00:00:00 2009
> End Date (UTC): Sat Feb 28 00:00:00 2009
> 743 messages as of (UTC) Thu Feb 26 23:42:53 2009

>  3 sparaig 

Doing good. Half my posts are now me patting myself on the back for
not posting so much


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

2009-02-27 Thread Kirk
Hitler was also addicted to both methadone and methamphetamine. Which no 
doubt made for sound decision making.

- Original Message - 
From: "curtisdeltablues" 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:41 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's rather cryptic answer

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  snip
>> > > > > When the host of a Finnish talk show asked Maharishi in 1973,
>> > > > > what would Hitler have been like had he been meditating,
>> > > > > Maharishi answered:
>> > > > >
>> > > > The story that went around was that he said:
>> > > > "... he would have made a wonderful Centre Chairman".
>> > > > Uns.
>> > > >
>> > >
>> > > I have a feeling that Maharishi knew something about
>> >
>> > Hitler was a second degree Initiate. Maharishi was very well aware of
>> > this fact, thus His conforming that Hitler could have done much good
>> > to the world if he had not chosen to do do the opposite.
>> >
>> >
>> > > Hitler's "real nature" that us "ordinary people" can't know... :0
>> > >
>> >
>> Hitler was evil. And I don't believe "nature wanted" six million jews
>> to die.  There was no assembly on the fields of dharma.
> Yeah, Hitler was a Second Degree Initiate of asshole.
> When our spiritual teaching accepts the shitheadedness of a Hitler...
> we need to take a step back and re-examine our criteria for what is
> right in our world.
> I'm glad you're back posting Ruth.  You so often add that sanity
> element to these discussions!
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