[FairfieldLife] Re: Will God Tell Michele Bachmann To Run For President?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> > (BTW, you don't strafe with bombs, you strafe with
> > bullets.)
> Fail
> Dumbass


Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Joint 
Publication 1-02, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy):

strafing — The delivery of automatic weapons fire by aircraft on ground targets



Punked again...

> New Oxford American Dictionary
> strafe |strāf|
> verb [ trans. ]
> attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft : 
> military aircraft strafed the village.
> noun
> an attack from low-flying aircraft.
> See how stupid you are?
> If I thought you would put the knitting down
> I'd buy yas a dictionary.

Got a dictionary, tx. And it follows DOD.

(That's spelled "yez," BTW, and it's plural.)

[FairfieldLife] 'Does This Story 'Ring' True?'

2009-08-23 Thread Robert
'JFK's (CIA) Driver pulled the trigger!'


A few years ago, met someone in Sedona, AZ...
Who said his father was a CIA guy, and he had been also...
He invited me to see a ‘Secret CIA’ film he had, to show me:
Of who really winged the murder shot, 
That killed President Kennedy, in broad day light.
And why the limo slowed down, and why Jackie Kennedy tried to escape from the 

The whole thing, seemed to ‘Dark and Spooky’ at the time, so I never took him 
up, on his offer...
Anyway, I was curious to see, what he had told me, would be documented on the 
But, it makes sense, in that it seems this dark shadow government has been 
pulling the strings behind the scenes, since that day, in Dallas, 
Texas...(‘Bush Terror-tory’)

>From that day on, we have been ‘At War’ with something, or other...
First their was the Viet Nam war.
The War on Poverty.
The war on MLK
The war on RFK
The adoption of the ‘Southern Stategy’...war on liberals.
The War on Drugs.
The War on the Middle Class’
The War on People like John Lennon(Nixon’s hope to deport John)
Reagan’s war on government, war on the poor, to scheister everything to the 
top, and expect it to ‘Trickle Down?’...what a joke he was! Hollywood movie 
actor, reading his lines, for you know who...
Secret dealing with the Iranians, to sell weapons, sway the election, 
Contra/Drug running...flooding the market with cocaine.
Big Biz Takeover of all media...
Supreme court elects President, illegally.
Cheney strengthens the ‘Shadow Government, with secret dealings..
More and more manipulation of the Wall St. dealings...
Strengthening the grip of the military/ corporate takeover of America.
Outsourcing of jobs, for cheap overseas labor...
Invading Iraq, for oil, and not worrying about the 100,000’s people killed, 
maimed and terrorized.
As he, like his friends are psychopaths, or one having no conscious, soul-less.
The creation of war vehicles, to be sold to the general public(Hummers)
A liar President who manipulated the Corporate owned media, to do his bidding...
The false price gouging of the oil companies, to $4.50 a gallon.
The stealing of 700 billion from the US treasury, as their last act in office, 
after they bankrupted the country..
The war on Liberal and Progressives by the Corporate[CIA] ‘’Christian-Reich 
Wing Media, like Fox, and all the rest of the ‘Brainwashed Soul-less Zombies’...

Add your own


[FairfieldLife] Re: Will God Tell Michele Bachmann To Run For President?

2009-08-23 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  wrote:
> > Barry's platform will be: I push your buttons for
> > Jesus. His first act as president will be to strafe
> > Atlantic City with cluster bombs in order to do away
> > with you-know-who and then blame it on George Bush.
> You mean, blame George Bush for having strafed the
> wrong city?
> (BTW, you don't strafe with bombs, you strafe with
> bullets.)


New Oxford American Dictionary
strafe |strāf|
verb [ trans. ]
attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft : 
military aircraft strafed the village.

an attack from low-flying aircraft.

See how stupid you are?

If I thought you would put the knitting down
I'd buy yas a dictionary.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Exploding fridge wrecks woman's house

2009-08-23 Thread wgm4u
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> http://snipurl.com/qsxid

Too much spicy food probably.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Exploding fridge wrecks woman's house

2009-08-23 Thread raunchydog

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> > Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
> >  
> > Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
> > Simple, huh?
> > 
> > Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...
> > 
> > If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a human 
> > being...
> > 
> > Kind of demonic, don't ya think?
> > 
> > r.g.
> >
>   As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the 
> first and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)
And, How are they trying to do that? Is that something you heard on 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Will God Tell Michele Bachmann To Run For President?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  wrote:

> Barry's platform will be: I push your buttons for
> Jesus. His first act as president will be to strafe
> Atlantic City with cluster bombs in order to do away
> with you-know-who and then blame it on George Bush.

You mean, blame George Bush for having strafed the
wrong city?

(BTW, you don't strafe with bombs, you strafe with

[FairfieldLife] Re: So, Raunchy, Obama has given up on the public options, huh?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > We'll get what we'll get and we'll work from there.  Maybe
> > you can take up knitting.  All of this worry can't be good
> > for your blood pressure and over all stress levels even
> > though you are a TB.
> Well, Bill just can't seem to help himself. Give him the
> benefit of the doubt that he can rise above juvenile behavior
> and speak to a woman respectfully and what does he do? He
> resorts to the same sexist insults so characteristic of Obots.

"Take up knitting" may not be exactly the image
he wants to invoke:


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Big Dawg on Health Care Reform's -Bottom Line-

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

> I see the eventually-watered-down but *passed*
> health care bill similarly to how I see the roll-
> out of new software in a large company.

In fact, passing health reform has virtually nothing
in common with the rollout of new software in a 
large company. It's another of Barry's glib,
superficial analogies that don't work because he
never thought them through. He may know lots about
rolling out new software, but he doesn't know crap
about rolling out health reform because he hasn't
bothered to inform himself.

If anybody read Barry's post and didn't instantly
recognize what was wrong with his analogy, let me
know. I'll be happy to take it apart for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Big Dawg on Health Care Reform's -Bottom Line-

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Aug 15, 2009, at 11:56 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> > And, when you think about it, why shouldn't he?
> > He consigned his hopes for health care reform
> > to Hillary, and she went into it in full balls-
> > out confrontation mode, spoiling for a fight,
> > and the result was that health care reform died
> > for eight years.

No, she didn't. Totally wrong. Factually,
historically wrong. Barry's parroting some
Clinton Derangement Syndrome blather he's read

> Actually, more like 16.
> Also killing it was the fact that nobody
> could understand what the bleep was
> in the humongous document she produced
> describing it.

Wrong as usual, Stupid Sal. No larger or more
complex or more difficult to understand than most
of the big bills that are passed. Nafta and the 
1994 crime bill were equally as long. And the 
competing health care bills at the time were just 
as complex. Health reform is a complex entity with 
a great many moving parts; there's no such thing as 
"simple" legislation where it's concerned.

Just simple people like you who have no clue what's
involved but insist on shooting their mouths off and
exposing their stupidity.

> > Compromise is inevitable. The Obama-haters on
> > the left who keep accusing him of "selling out"
> > and "watering down" the proposed bill

And Barry's just as stupid as Sal and just as
inattentive to what's going on. His only
motivation here is to find a way to dump on
Raunchy and me. Same old, same old. No concern
whatsoever for the *facts*, which are that a good
portion of Obama's strongest supporters are
those accusing him of selling out and watering down
the bill.

 are, IMO,
> > cut from the same cloth as Hillary was. She, for
> > whatever reason, was happy with being "right"
> > and refusing to compromise

And more farcical ignorance, more brainless parroting
of stupid Hillary hatred. Her team did not refuse to
compromise, to the contrary.

> > and ending up with no> health care reform as
> > a result. Saints preserve us from such moral
> > absolutists.

Unfortunately, it's Barry here who's the "moral
absolutist," feeling free to preach empty morality
without knowing any of the facts.

There were many reasons why the Clinton plan 
failed, some of which were the fault of her team 
but many of which they couldn't have done anything 
about. As with the current plan, just for example, 
the Republicans decided they couldn't let the plan 
pass no matter how many compromises were made, 
because it would be a victory for the Clinton 
administration, and that simply couldn't be 

> Do you get the feeling that people like
> raunchy, like Rushbo, really hope Obama
> fails?  I clearly get that feeling.  She keeps
> saying he's failed even though this whole
> project is clearly in the beginning stages.

No, Stupid Sal, it isn't in the "beginning stages," 
not by a long shot. It still has a ways to go, but 
the overall shape it's going to take is pretty 
clear. And for those of us who wanted single-payer, 
or at least a public option, it's already a 
failure. Read the progressive blogs, dumbass.

If you'd open your stupid eyes and clear your
stupid mind and pay a little attention to what's
going on, you'd know that if somehow they manage
to put the public option back in the bill and get 
it passed, it won't be Obama's doing; it'll be the
progressives in the House who forced it to happen.

More likely, the progressives will refuse to vote
for the bill without the public option, the Senate
will refuse to vote for it *with* the public 
option, and that'll be the end of it because Obama
didn't have the stones to stand up and fight for the 
reform he campaigned on. Or never intended to in
the first place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'If The Republicans had Their way...'

2009-08-23 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "babajii_99" 
> There would be no food stamps, no Social Security, no Medicare or
Medicaid, no Section 8...no civil rights legislation, no Martin Luther
King holiday...no medical marijuana, plenty of CIA imported Cocaine and
Heroin, more people in Jail, more CIA inspired terroristic scare
tactics, more secret deals with big oil, more secret deals with Big Drug
pushers, more weapons contracts, you get the picture...
> All and all they like to create a stressed out culture, where people
are too drunk, or tired to push back or even to think logically..
> There would be more spending on the military, less regulation for
banks and insurance company's, their goal is not for the people...
> Their goal is money and power, and domination...
> Every social program, to help the average citizen, was put into law,
by Democrats...every single one...
> I challenge anyone to name one social program, which the Republicans

The US Military and expansionist wars that they don'y want to pay taxes
for. Republicans are brain-dead.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > authfriend wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >   
> > >> Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
> > >> but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
> > >> you let the government just put whatever they want in
> > >> your body?
> > >
> > > You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
> > > inane question like that??
> > >
> > > If the government has something that will make it less
> > > likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
> > > I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
> > > government put it in my body.
> > 
> > There's nothing inane about that question even if you
> > label it so which then makes it even less inane.  You've
> > shown us that you are a sheeple anxious to march in step
> > with big government.  How Nazi-like of you, Judy.
> > Those checks from Langley must come in very handy at
> > your age.
> Oh please...with the Nazis and CIA. Next thing we know
> you'll accuse Judy of planting a cybug in your computer
> to make sure you get a flu shot.
> http://snipurl.com/qsqyj

Heh. Bhairitu's as crazy as the town hall shouters, and
just as resistant to reason.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
 but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
 you let the government just put whatever they want in
 your body?
>>> You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
>>> inane question like that??
>>> If the government has something that will make it less
>>> likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
>>> I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
>>> government put it in my body.
>> There's nothing inane about that question even if you label it so which 
>> then makes it even less inane.  You've shown us that you are a sheeple 
>> anxious to march in step with big government.  How Nazi-like of you, 
>> Judy.   Those checks from Langley must come in very handy at your age.
> Oh please...with the Nazis and CIA. Next thing we know you'll accuse Judy of 
> planting a cybug in your computer to make sure you get a flu shot.
> http://snipurl.com/qsqyj

Great! Send one over.  I'd like to reverse engineer it.  :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
> >> but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
> >> you let the government just put whatever they want in
> >> your body?
> >> 
> >
> > You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
> > inane question like that??
> >
> > If the government has something that will make it less
> > likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
> > I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
> > government put it in my body.
> >   
> There's nothing inane about that question even if you label it so which 
> then makes it even less inane.  You've shown us that you are a sheeple 
> anxious to march in step with big government.  How Nazi-like of you, 
> Judy.   Those checks from Langley must come in very handy at your age.

Oh please...with the Nazis and CIA. Next thing we know you'll accuse Judy of 
planting a cybug in your computer to make sure you get a flu shot.


[FairfieldLife] FW: donation event for charity cars

2009-08-23 Thread Rick Archer
From: Jim Schaefer [mailto:jsstc...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:16 PM
To: Steve Nichols - A
Subject: donation event for charity cars
There is an important event taking place for one of our key Movement donors in 
Orlando, Charity Cars.  
They have been nominated by Allstate Insurance as one of four candidates to 
receive a $100,000 donation to their non-profit corporation.
What determines if they win, are votes online at a web site from the general 
PLEASE.if you all would send along an encouraging comment to all or 
most of your email addresses, to ask them to go to this web site and vote.
NOTEvoting is allowed dailyplease encourage your 
contacts to vote daily up to Sept. 13.
Charity Cars has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Movement causes.  
This is our opportunity to help them win this $100,000 donation to their 
See the web site detail below.  The place to vote is:  Vote for us at
Many thanks.
Jai Guru Dev
Jim S.

Please Vote for Charity Cars! 
The Original 1-800-Charity Cars provides free vehicles and vehicle support 
services to struggling families and domestic violence survivors all across 
America.  Reliable transportation empowers victims to leave their abusers and 
is a major factor in the success or failure of survivors transitioning to 
The Allstate Foundation has chosen Charity Cars to compete for votes with three 
other charities for a $100,000 grant which will help us to provide even more 
free vehicles to our struggling neighbors. Please support us and vote for 
Charity Cars once each day through September 13th. Thank you! Vote for us at  


Jim Schaefer, Ph.D.
Soil Technologies Corp. - President
MUM - Agriculture Institute - Director
Akshaya International, Inc. - President
MOBILE: 1-515-451-8902

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-08-23 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Aug 22 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 2009
151 messages as of (UTC) Mon Aug 24 00:00:19 2009

15 raunchydog 
14 off_world_beings 
14 Vaj 
13 authfriend 
13 WillyTex 
10 babajii_99 
10 Bhairitu 
 9 "do.rflex" 
 8 shempmcgurk 
 8 dhamiltony2k5 
 6 nablusoss1008 
 6 It's just a ride 
 4 cardemaister 
 3 nelsonriddle2001 
 3 Rick Archer 
 2 wgm4u 
 2 TurquoiseB 
 2 Robert 
 2 Mike Dixon 
 1 sgrayatlarge 
 1 michael 
 1 gullible fool 
 1 bob_brigante 
 1 Sal Sunshine 
 1 Damjan Jovanovic 
 1 "min.pige" 

Posters: 26
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
>> but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
>> you let the government just put whatever they want in
>> your body?
> You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
> inane question like that??
> If the government has something that will make it less
> likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
> I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
> government put it in my body.

There's nothing inane about that question even if you label it so which 
then makes it even less inane.  You've shown us that you are a sheeple 
anxious to march in step with big government.  How Nazi-like of you, 
Judy.   Those checks from Langley must come in very handy at your age.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
> > > but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
> > > you let the government just put whatever they want in
> > > your body?
> > 
> > You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
> > inane question like that??
> > 
> > If the government has something that will make it less
> > likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
> > I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
> > government put it in my body.
> > 
> > 
> > > The vaccine won't be tested enough on humans and we won't
> > > know the long range effects.   You really trust Big Pharma?
> > > Here's what happened in 1976 (60 Minutes report):
> > 
> > The big problem in 1976 was that the gummint jumped
> > the gun and started mass immunizations before it was
> > clear they were needed, not that there was something
> > horribly wrong with the vaccine. (There was *far*
> > less evidence of a pandemic then than there is now.)
> > 
> > There was an increased risk of Guillain-Barre with
> > the vaccine, but the disease is so rare in the first
> > place that it didn't amount to a huge threat. If the
> > flu had turned out to be as bad as was initially
> > feared, it would have far outweighed the danger of
> > G-B. The tragedy is that the vaccine wasn't needed
> > in the first place.
> > snip,,
> > 
> > We don't know yet if it's going to mutate into something
> > more virulent (i.e., that makes people sicker) this fall.
> > There's a good chance it will. If it does, and people don't
> > get their shots, we'll be in big trouble.
> >
>   If there is a mutated version and, given the lead
> time to make new shots available, will the present
> program be of much help?

Lot of different ways it could mutate; it depends on
whether the mutation changes the structure of the
virus so that the antibodies the body produces in
response to the vaccine no longer recognize it. It
could mutate to become more virulent--cause more
severe illness--but that wouldn't necessarily require
a new vaccine. Ditto if it became more contagious.

>Is it possible that it might be a "designer" virus
> to sell cures for like cars that dont last too long
> and, the answer is more new cars.

Anything is possible. Is it likely? Of course not. It's
the nature of flu virus to mutate; it's been doing that
for a very long time, since well before it was possible
to "design" viruses. We know it's been doing that from
the observation that people can get it more than once
(unlike, say, chicken pox).

[FairfieldLife] Patriotism, fear, or feelings of inadequacy?

2009-08-23 Thread do.rflex

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
> > but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
> > you let the government just put whatever they want in
> > your body?
> You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
> inane question like that??
> If the government has something that will make it less
> likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
> I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
> government put it in my body.
> > The vaccine won't be tested enough on humans and we won't
> > know the long range effects.   You really trust Big Pharma?
> > Here's what happened in 1976 (60 Minutes report):
> The big problem in 1976 was that the gummint jumped
> the gun and started mass immunizations before it was
> clear they were needed, not that there was something
> horribly wrong with the vaccine. (There was *far*
> less evidence of a pandemic then than there is now.)
> There was an increased risk of Guillain-Barre with
> the vaccine, but the disease is so rare in the first
> place that it didn't amount to a huge threat. If the
> flu had turned out to be as bad as was initially
> feared, it would have far outweighed the danger of
> G-B. The tragedy is that the vaccine wasn't needed
> in the first place.
> snip,,
> We don't know yet if it's going to mutate into something
> more virulent (i.e., that makes people sicker) this fall.
> There's a good chance it will. If it does, and people don't
> get their shots, we'll be in big trouble.
  If there is a mutated version and, given the lead time to make new shots 
available, will the present program be of much help?
   Is it possible that it might be a "designer" virus to sell cures for like 
cars that dont last too long and, the answer is more new cars.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-23 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
> Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
> Simple, huh?
> Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...
> If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a human 
> being...
> Kind of demonic, don't ya think?
> r.g.
  As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the first 
and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> I always get mild flu-like symptoms for a few days
> after I get a flu shot. I'm sensitive to any medication,
> so I avoid it whenever possible. I allow myself to get
> a flu shot every two or three years and wonder if I'm
> playing Russian roulette on years I decide against it.
> I'm definitely getting a flu shot this year. I think
> we're going to see a doozy of a flu season this year,
> so I recommend that everyone get a shot.

Thing is, you're going to need three--two for swine flu,
and one for the seasonal flu. The swine flu shots won't
be ready for the general public as soon as the seasonal
vaccine, unfortunately, but health-care practitioners will
supposedly to be able to get them earlier.

If we have a bad wave of the swine flu, it'll be *really*
important for practitioners not to get sick or there
won't be enough of them able to treat the people who do.

> I work at a hospital and they strongly encourage us to
> get a free flu shot for hospital employees every year.

IMO, they should *require* anybody who works at a 
hospital to get vaccinated, because they'll have more
exposure to flu from the patients that come in with it,
and if they become infected, they can spread it to
vulnerable patients who are there for other reasons.

> When I don't take a shot I always get a form letter
> asking me to explain why. I don't think it's any of
> their business, but I understand they operate by the
> numbers and probably have statistical reports they
> have to fill out for the government. If we have a
> pandemic in the US, odds are we will, and a lot of
> people start showing up at the hospital for treatment,
> I don't want to get sick. Judy is correct, the more
> people we can protect with a flu shot the more likely
> we will avoid a pandemic.

For the record, there already *is* a pandemic. The
question is how bad it'll be when the next wave hits
in the fall. Typically the second wave is worse than
the first. We just have to hope it won't have mutated
into something really lethal.

[FairfieldLife] 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
Simple, huh?

Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...

If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a human 

Kind of demonic, don't ya think?


[FairfieldLife] 'If The Republicans had Their way...'

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
There would be no food stamps, no Social Security, no Medicare or Medicaid, no 
Section 8...no civil rights legislation, no Martin Luther King holiday...no 
medical marijuana, plenty of CIA imported Cocaine and Heroin, more people in 
Jail, more CIA inspired terroristic scare tactics, more secret deals with big 
oil, more secret deals with Big Drug pushers, more weapons contracts, you get 
the picture...
All and all they like to create a stressed out culture, where people are too 
drunk, or tired to push back or even to think logically..

There would be more spending on the military, less regulation for banks and 
insurance company's, their goal is not for the people...
Their goal is money and power, and domination...

Every social program, to help the average citizen, was put into law, by 
Democrats...every single one...

I challenge anyone to name one social program, which the Republicans 
instituted...you can't think of one thing, they've done for the people, and not 
for the money, power, and [Roman Empire] type takeover of the world...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread raunchydog
I always get mild flu-like symptoms for a few days after I get a flu shot. I'm 
sensitive to any medication, so I avoid it whenever possible. I allow myself to 
get a flu shot every two or three years and wonder if I'm playing Russian 
roulette on years I decide against it. I'm definitely getting a flu shot this 
year. I think we're going to see a doozy of a flu season this year, so I 
recommend that everyone get a shot.

I work at a hospital and they strongly encourage us to get a free flu shot for 
hospital employees every year. When I don't take a shot I always get a form 
letter asking me to explain why. I don't think it's any of their business, but 
I understand they operate by the numbers and probably have statistical reports 
they have to fill out for the government. If we have a pandemic in the US, odds 
are we will, and a lot of people start showing up at the hospital for 
treatment, I don't want to get sick. Judy is correct, the more people we can 
protect with a flu shot the more likely we will avoid a pandemic.
Gotta go. Dome time. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
> > but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
> > you let the government just put whatever they want in
> > your body?
> You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
> inane question like that??
> If the government has something that will make it less
> likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
> I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
> government put it in my body.
> > The vaccine won't be tested enough on humans and we won't
> > know the long range effects.   You really trust Big Pharma?
> > Here's what happened in 1976 (60 Minutes report):
> The big problem in 1976 was that the gummint jumped
> the gun and started mass immunizations before it was
> clear they were needed, not that there was something
> horribly wrong with the vaccine. (There was *far*
> less evidence of a pandemic then than there is now.)
> There was an increased risk of Guillain-Barre with
> the vaccine, but the disease is so rare in the first
> place that it didn't amount to a huge threat. If the
> flu had turned out to be as bad as was initially
> feared, it would have far outweighed the danger of
> G-B. The tragedy is that the vaccine wasn't needed
> in the first place.
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lcJt4jX1Vo
> > Glad I didn't get that shot.
> > 
> > So far Swine Flu hasn't killed any more than the regular flu.
> We're going to have both this fall and winter.
> > I never get the regular flu.
> I've had flu only once in my life, back in the late 
> '80s. I still get a flu shot every year, not just to
> protect myself but to protect others.
>   There are all kinds of effective natural means 
> > that will make any flu take a u-turn.
> Well, maybe they will, maybe they won't. But even if
> they do keep you from getting less sick than you'd
> be otherwise, you're still spreading the virus for
> several days before you know you've become infected
> and can start administering your natural means.
> > And I noted something interesting this last winter
> > as I only saw about two people when I was out wheezing 
> > and coughing compared to other years when  is very few
> > compared to other years.
> I can't sort out your garbled syntax here, but how many
> people you saw wheezing and coughing compared to other
> years means ZERO.
> > And I don't go anywhere if I have the slightest symptom
> > of virus because I want to kill it.  Going out and about
> > is not going to help.
> Not only is it not going to help *you*, it's likely to
> harm other people.
> Are you noticing a theme here?
> Even if you don't think you need it, or you're afraid
> of Big Bad Pharma putting stuff in it that has a one-
> in-80,000 chance of making you sick (as in '76), it's
> *selfish* to increase the chances of other people
> getting it from you.
> Statistically, the more people who are vaccinated,
> the fewer people get the flu--not just among those
> who've been vaccinated, but among those who haven't
> been. It's called "herd immunity."
> And again, if you got a flu shot, you'd be less likely
> to come down with it in the first place, and you wouldn't
> have to stay home.
> > But I don't get colds either.
> Nor I.
> > Just don't let yourself get too kapha.
> Oh, please.
> > If they make the vaccination mandatory then you will
> > see more people protesting than you've seen with health
> > care reform.  In fact I doubt if the government will
> > make it mandatory
> I do too. 
>  but may say if you come down with 
> > it they will have the right to quarantine you probably
> > in your own home 
> I hope that's what they do.
> > so no skin off my nose.
> Mine either. But I don't want to get it in the fir

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
P.S.: One of the better blogs about public health
generally and swine flu in particular is:


The editors are "senior public health scientists
and practitioners. Their names would be immediately
recognizable to many in the public health community.
They prefer to keep their online and public lives
separate to allow maximum freedom of expression."

You're unlikely to get either dire conspiracy
theorizing or bland reassurance from these folks.
They know their onions, and they say what they

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho
> but about putting things in my body I don't want.  Do
> you let the government just put whatever they want in
> your body?

You tell me, "Don't be ridiculous," and then you ask an
inane question like that??

If the government has something that will make it less
likely that I'll get the flu and thus less likely that
I'll pass it on to somebody else, I'll INSIST that the
government put it in my body.

> The vaccine won't be tested enough on humans and we won't
> know the long range effects.   You really trust Big Pharma?
> Here's what happened in 1976 (60 Minutes report):

The big problem in 1976 was that the gummint jumped
the gun and started mass immunizations before it was
clear they were needed, not that there was something
horribly wrong with the vaccine. (There was *far*
less evidence of a pandemic then than there is now.)

There was an increased risk of Guillain-Barre with
the vaccine, but the disease is so rare in the first
place that it didn't amount to a huge threat. If the
flu had turned out to be as bad as was initially
feared, it would have far outweighed the danger of
G-B. The tragedy is that the vaccine wasn't needed
in the first place.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lcJt4jX1Vo
> Glad I didn't get that shot.
> So far Swine Flu hasn't killed any more than the regular flu.

We're going to have both this fall and winter.

> I never get the regular flu.

I've had flu only once in my life, back in the late 
'80s. I still get a flu shot every year, not just to
protect myself but to protect others.

  There are all kinds of effective natural means 
> that will make any flu take a u-turn.

Well, maybe they will, maybe they won't. But even if
they do keep you from getting less sick than you'd
be otherwise, you're still spreading the virus for
several days before you know you've become infected
and can start administering your natural means.

> And I noted something interesting this last winter
> as I only saw about two people when I was out wheezing 
> and coughing compared to other years when  is very few
> compared to other years.

I can't sort out your garbled syntax here, but how many
people you saw wheezing and coughing compared to other
years means ZERO.

> And I don't go anywhere if I have the slightest symptom
> of virus because I want to kill it.  Going out and about
> is not going to help.

Not only is it not going to help *you*, it's likely to
harm other people.

Are you noticing a theme here?

Even if you don't think you need it, or you're afraid
of Big Bad Pharma putting stuff in it that has a one-
in-80,000 chance of making you sick (as in '76), it's
*selfish* to increase the chances of other people
getting it from you.

Statistically, the more people who are vaccinated,
the fewer people get the flu--not just among those
who've been vaccinated, but among those who haven't
been. It's called "herd immunity."

And again, if you got a flu shot, you'd be less likely
to come down with it in the first place, and you wouldn't
have to stay home.

> But I don't get colds either.

Nor I.

> Just don't let yourself get too kapha.

Oh, please.

> If they make the vaccination mandatory then you will
> see more people protesting than you've seen with health
> care reform.  In fact I doubt if the government will
> make it mandatory

I do too. 

 but may say if you come down with 
> it they will have the right to quarantine you probably
> in your own home 

I hope that's what they do.

> so no skin off my nose.

Mine either. But I don't want to get it in the first place.
I'm at less risk because of my age (over 65 don't seem as
susceptible) and because I work at home, but if I do get
it, I'm at higher risk for being very sick.

We don't know yet if it's going to mutate into something
more virulent (i.e., that makes people sicker) this fall.
There's a good chance it will. If it does, and people don't
get their shots, we'll be in big trouble.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Tom Barlow ------------- was////Willytex is on Medicare

2009-08-23 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
> No danger of that as I find it just too hard.
> My exercise of choice is hiking.  However, for the 4 months a year when the 
> temperatures in the Phoenix area are 100 degrees plus, hiking is not possible 
> except in early morning.  So, instead, I swim in the lake which is a half 
> hour drive from my house.  It is one of three man-made lakes created about 
> 100 years ago as reservoirs for various hydro-electric facilities. The water 
> can be very warm which means that there is virtually no difference between 
> the outside air and climatizing oneself as one dunks in the water.
> Other times, after being in the water for an hour, we can get out and 
> shiver...even though its 110 degrees out!  Where else can you shiver in 110 
> degree heat?  Not sure what it is...perhaps the combination of the water on 
> the skin plus a breeze or something. 
> What's nice is I get to see a lot of interesting wildlife. For example, on 
> Wednesday we saw 9 turkey vultures on the shore (near where we were swimming 
> towards) picking at some sort of carcass.  On approaching them, it turned out 
> to be a dead, rotting fish, which surprised me because I didn't think 
> vultures ate fish.  But I suppose the operative word is "rotting" and they'll 
> pretty much eat anything in that state.  After the incident I went online at 
> home to read about turkey vultures and learnt that they have been known to 
> spray-vomit towards humans that approach them so, in hindsight, we were lucky 
> that didn't happen as we did approach them while they were eating.

Vultures also hang out in the wildlife refuge on the Strait where I 
often walk.  There too the often go after fish carcasses unless the 
gulls beat them to it as they seem to keep their distance from them.  
Two weeks ago when the tide was out there were two deer on a sand bar.  
They come down off the hills nearby.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread Bhairitu
Don't be ridiculous.  It is not about me being macho but about putting 
things in my body I don't want.  Do you let the government just put 
whatever they want in your body?  I allow the dentist to give me 
Novocaine and the periodontist antibiotics but that's about it.  In 2003 
an oral surgeon gave me Vioxx which made me very vata so I won't take 
that again but then neither will a lot of people after it's side effects 
were discovered.

The vaccine won't be tested enough on humans and we won't know the long 
range effects.   You really trust Big Pharma?  Here's what happened in 
1976 (60 Minutes report):
Glad I didn't get that shot.

So far Swine Flu hasn't killed any more than the regular flu.  I never 
get the regular flu.  There are all kinds of effective natural means 
that will make any flu take a u-turn.  And I noted something interesting 
this last winter as I only saw about two people when I was out wheezing 
and coughing compared to other years when  is very few compared to other 
years.  And I don't go anywhere if I have the slightest symptom of virus 
because I want to kill it.  Going out and about is not going to help.  
But I don't get colds either.  Just don't let yourself get too kapha.

If they make the vaccination mandatory then you will see more people 
protesting than you've seen with health care reform.  In fact I doubt if 
the government will make it mandatory but may say if you come down with 
it they will have the right to quarantine you probably in your own home 
so no skin off my nose.

authfriend wrote:
> The vaccine is, of course, being tested in humans. The
> first tests on adults have raised no red flags, so
> testing has now begun in children.
> The thing to remember about vaccinations is that they
> not only protect those who have been vaccinated, they
> also protect those who have *not* been vaccinated by
> reducing the amount of the flu virus circulating.
> So it may seem all wonderfully macho to refuse to get
> vaccinated, but if you don't, you're contributing to
> the likelihood of other people getting sick.
> And BTW, it's *already* a pandemic.
> As far as mercury (thimerosal) is concerned, it will
> be used as a preservative in multidose vials of the
> vaccine, but single-dose vials are also being produced,
> and these will be what are used for children (although
> there's zero evidence that thimerosal causes autism).
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that may result in a $1000 a day 
>> fine if you refuse to get the Swine Flu vaccination.  Now we already had 
>> a scare of Swine Flu back in the 1970s and some folks came down with 
>> terrible side effects including paralysis.  Most folks here are into 
>> natural medicine and probably don't want the vaccine.  I've never had a 
>> flu shot and also can't remember the last time I've got the flu.  Like 
>> most yogis here I notice immediately when a bug is trying to invade and 
>> do the usual things to boot it out of my system.  We don't know what is 
>> in these vaccines but they may be using things like mercury.  The 
>> vaccine is also untested on humans.  Do you really want this junk in 
>> your body?  
>> Hopefully this pandemic is nothing but nonsense and will never occur nor 
>> the mass vaccinations.  But it is estimated that at least half of the US 
>> will refuse the vaccination.
>> News report on Massachusetts bill:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_oD55WvDmM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread shempmcgurk
It was during the Ford administration that the last swine flu scare occurred.  
I was at MIU and thinking I was doing the right thing trotted myself off to get 
the vaccination.  I think it was at some gym in town.

I was sick for a week.  The standard response from fellow MIUers?  "Well, 
that's what you get for shooting up eggs."

I have never had a flu shot since that horrible experience.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that may result in a $1000 a day 
> fine if you refuse to get the Swine Flu vaccination.  Now we already had 
> a scare of Swine Flu back in the 1970s and some folks came down with 
> terrible side effects including paralysis.  Most folks here are into 
> natural medicine and probably don't want the vaccine.  I've never had a 
> flu shot and also can't remember the last time I've got the flu.  Like 
> most yogis here I notice immediately when a bug is trying to invade and 
> do the usual things to boot it out of my system.  We don't know what is 
> in these vaccines but they may be using things like mercury.  The 
> vaccine is also untested on humans.  Do you really want this junk in 
> your body?  
> Hopefully this pandemic is nothing but nonsense and will never occur nor 
> the mass vaccinations.  But it is estimated that at least half of the US 
> will refuse the vaccination.
> News report on Massachusetts bill:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_oD55WvDmM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Inglourious basterds and subtitles

2009-08-23 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
> I saw the movie today and thoroughly enjoyed it.
> What surprised me is that Pitt and the American actors only have supporting 
> roles. The real stars — and the ones who have most of the screen time — are 
> the German and French actors: Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, and the 
> excellent Christoph Waltz who is the main star of the movie.
> What ALSO surprised me is that the filmmakers allowed 80% of the dialogue to 
> be in either French or German, with English subtitles. American movie-goers 
> are notorious for hating sub-titles and success of a movie is often dependent 
> upon dialogue being conducted in English…and American English, preferrably. 
> Recall Texas governor Ma Ferguson's observation back in the '20s that "If 
> English was good enough for Jesus Christ it's good enough for me."
> English is the center of the universe for most Americans.
> Not so here. And I fully expected an English-speaking movie because in the 
> opening scene the German and French protagonists "switch" to English because, 
> as it was explained by the character, it was a language they could both 
> understand, causing me to think that this would set the stage for the entire 
> movie to be spoken in English, which didn't happen.
> In the silly and asinine "Scarface" by Brian DePalma such a "trick" was 
> employed when early on in the film the Al Pacino character says
> "Hey, we must practise our English so from now on, no more Spanish". And then 
> the whole movie — of which 90% involved interactions between Latinos — was 
> implausably conducted entirely in English.
> Bravo to Tarantino et al for not falling into this trap.

Haven't seen it yet. I often don't go to an opening day movie and since 
I set my own schedule tend to go to weekday matinees to avoid the crowds 
on the weekends or evenings. But I braved the 5 PM showing of District 9 
last week which wasn't that crowded though it was the top box office 
draw last week. I might see Inglourious tomorrow afternoon. District 9 
was a hoot, definitely a great sci-fi film and we haven't see one of 
those in some time.

I often rent foreign films and since my Hollywood Video account became 
"video rationing" instead of "all you can eat" I leave it for Blu-Ray 
rentals. I'll risk a $1 instead at the RedBox kiosk which has some 
surprises such as the two recent Pang Brother Asian films and one I 
rented last night which was an Argentine horror film with subtitles and 
was filmed on a budget of $5K. "36 Pasos" is probably too weird and gory 
for FFL'ers but was well acted the story had a good arc. Argentines are 
living in a world the US may soon find itself as there are only two 
classes: the rich and the poor. Interesting article by someone living there:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex is on Medicare, so is Shemp.

2009-08-23 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> >
> > > > I'm enrolled in the government plan,
> > > > almost everyone around here is, since
> > > > it's an automatic payroll deduction.
> > > > But I'm on an employee group plan
> > > > provided by my employer. I make a
> > > > small co-pay, but I'm not sick, so I
> > > > don't use the plan very much. You
> > > > can't use both at the same time.
> > > >
> > Bhairitu wrote:
> > > I guess that makes you a hypocrite or 
> > > at least a very selfish person. You're 
> > > saying "I've got mine, but I don't 
> > > want anyone else to have it."
> > >
> > You still don't seem to get it - we
> > want to expand the Medicare to cover
> > everyone AND bring down the cost of
> > health care.
> > 
> > Everybody is on the government plan, - 
> > there's no opt-out, it's an automatic
> > payroll deduction. When you reach your
> > full retirement age, you get Medicare.
> >
> Hi Will,
>  Wouldn't this end up like SS where there are less people working as a 
> proportion of those collecting?
>   Wouldn' this plan hinge on full employment which is rare?
>   I would think that the people who don't work would be a problem.
>   It would be nice if everyone could be taken care of- hope it could work out.

Well we sure don't have any problem taking care of the banksters when they need 
a bailout. But when it comes to taking care of the health of our fellow 
citizens, everyone is suddenly stingy. I've got mine too bad about you. No 
public option means no competition for insurance and big pharma leeches. So why 
bother? Scrap the whole damn confusing mess and let Obama educate people about 
Medicare for All. Now that would be REAL change. The people would love him for 
it and so would I. But, no. He spends his time trying to appease Republicans so 
that the campaign dollars from insurance/big pharma will go to Democrats and 
not Republicans. It's all about staying in power and screw the people in the 

Jane Hamsher: "77% Want "Choice" Between Public Plan and Private Insurance" 

With that kind of public support there isn't any reason why Obama shouldn't 
talk about Medicare for All and successfully get a bill through Congress that 
actually serves the people. IF ONLY he would help the public become properly 
educated about the issues, instead of letting us remain stupidly enmeshed in a 
beer summit Kabuki dance and wallow in the staged fake controversy between the 
left and right, just so he can AVOID informing people about Medicare for All, 
then we could at least hope for change. Wasn't that his campaign message? Hope 
and Change? How soon we forget. 

Obama has the bully pulpit. He could dispel the clouds of ignorance about the 
health care debate (rather than a TV bullshit debate) and charm the pants off 
the American public if he wanted to. Sadly, he either, can't, won't or doesn't 
want to. 

Glenn Greenwald makes the point that the only reason the Democrats cave to 
Republicans is they are afraid of losing power: "Has Obama lost the trust of 
progressives, as Krugman says?' http://snipurl.com/qs1ai Digby at Hullabaloo, 
one of the most insightful writers on the Left agrees with Glenn: 

Progressives are getting so fed up with the health care debacle, they are 
starting to make noise about a THIRD party. I'm pessimistic that it could be 
successful as long as we have a powerful corporate media that controls the 
message, confuses, lies, spins, stages Kabuki and feeds the people propaganda 
that only serves the corporations, but it's worth a try. Jane at Firedoglake 
leads the way for ACT BLUE to get rid of the Blue Dogs mentored and promoted by 
Rahm Emanuel.

The Left is finally getting a clue about the greedy corporatists  behind the 
curtain pulling all the strings and their complicit media lackeys, more 
interested in keeping us stupidly fighting with each other than informing us.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
The vaccine is, of course, being tested in humans. The
first tests on adults have raised no red flags, so
testing has now begun in children.

The thing to remember about vaccinations is that they
not only protect those who have been vaccinated, they
also protect those who have *not* been vaccinated by
reducing the amount of the flu virus circulating.

So it may seem all wonderfully macho to refuse to get
vaccinated, but if you don't, you're contributing to
the likelihood of other people getting sick.

And BTW, it's *already* a pandemic.

As far as mercury (thimerosal) is concerned, it will
be used as a preservative in multidose vials of the
vaccine, but single-dose vials are also being produced,
and these will be what are used for children (although
there's zero evidence that thimerosal causes autism).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that may result in a $1000 a day 
> fine if you refuse to get the Swine Flu vaccination.  Now we already had 
> a scare of Swine Flu back in the 1970s and some folks came down with 
> terrible side effects including paralysis.  Most folks here are into 
> natural medicine and probably don't want the vaccine.  I've never had a 
> flu shot and also can't remember the last time I've got the flu.  Like 
> most yogis here I notice immediately when a bug is trying to invade and 
> do the usual things to boot it out of my system.  We don't know what is 
> in these vaccines but they may be using things like mercury.  The 
> vaccine is also untested on humans.  Do you really want this junk in 
> your body?  
> Hopefully this pandemic is nothing but nonsense and will never occur nor 
> the mass vaccinations.  But it is estimated that at least half of the US 
> will refuse the vaccination.
> News report on Massachusetts bill:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_oD55WvDmM

[FairfieldLife] A Brit comments on National Health System :-)

2009-08-23 Thread off_world_beings

A Brit comments on National Health System :-)



[FairfieldLife] Willytex - no children, elderly parents to look after ?

2009-08-23 Thread off_world_beings

Willtex - I assume from your generally selfish attitude, you have no
kids, disabled kids, or sick family members, or elderly parents to look


[FairfieldLife] Re: John Douglas

2009-08-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Does Bevan Morris and Transcendental Meditation movement administrators types 
around Bevan know that upper echelon  TMmovement people are following this guy 
saint around?  What does Tony Nadar think about this, people going to see this 
saint?  'Other saints'?  

John Douglas.  A `Saint' by most standards.  Seems to heal a variety of 
physical, mental and spiritual afflictions.   Has developed intuitive 
abilities.  Speaks about spiritual life.  Offers meditation techniques to 

A saint.  Just has a different costume and accent from other some other saints.

> > FF meditator folklore says, evidently Douglas cured Keith Wallace of a 
> > standing condition with Lymes disease.  Also another Transcendental 
> > Meditation movement higher-up when they passed by each other in a Douglas 
> > meeting, Douglas turned back and told them, "By the way i just took care of 
> > your Lymes."
> > 
> Keith Wallace & Jeanine Fellmer?  They are Transcendental Meditation 
> super-ru's.  Do they still have valid dome badges for going to see this 
> healer?  Douglas not a guru?  Seems too all the saints coming through FF say 
> they are 'not gurus'.  Douglas does promote himself as 'master'.  This guy is 
> okay to go see, and not other saints?
> Seems a big double standard for big TM monkey-monks.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > >
> > > From a friend:
> > > 
> > > Hi Rick
> > > 
> > > Here's the info on John Douglas.
> > > 
> > > http://www.spirit-repair.com/
> > > 
> > > 
> > > The website doesn't do him justice.  In his seminars (if you go to  
> > > workshops, you'll get a better idea) he explains the principles and  
> > > procedures much more clearly.  His cd's are expensive but they last a  
> > > life-time:  I play them 24/7.  The location repair clears the home,  
> > > vehicle, hotel room.  and fills the environment with God's light.   
> > > Really.  The Spirit Repair does the major work on restoring balance in  
> > > the entire field of the body:  causal, mental and astral bodies  
> > > included.  Psychological Repair allows us to specify what needs  
> > > fixin.  Douglas recommends we hear these 3 daily.  Then subconscious  
> > > repair cd at least once a week.
> > > Instead of our asking,  the healing is done for us.
> > > 
> > > This man was chosen before birth to receive some special gifts, as in  
> > > receiving permission from the Lord of Karma to remove karmas from the  
> > > causal body . Douglas explains that the reason why we find people who  
> > > have been meditating and living a very pure life for 25 -30 years  
> > > dying from cancer is due to these karmas stored in the causal body  
> > > awakening.  Remove the karmas, and see what happens.
> > > 
> > > He is a medical intuitive who can see the prana fluctuations.  This is  
> > > the field that he operates from.  Can work from a distance.  No space/ 
> > > time issue.  He can see micro-organisms growing on cells.
> > > 
> > > He has cured lyme disease (literally cured), stopped the progression  
> > > of ms,  corrected incorrect diagnoses of autism and schizophrenia,  
> > > finding misalignment of the skull and spine and FIXING it right then  
> > > and there,  helped people with chronic depression to not only feel  
> > > better but come off of medication completely and still feel great; to  
> > > find the source of some severe arthritic conditions to actually be due  
> > > to blood infections and removing the source of the infection right  
> > > then and there.  He has a climate crisis cd for healing the planet;   
> > > and his cd on power development, wow.
> > > 
> > > Now,  it's not new stuff.  It's just made available in an easy way to  
> > > use.  Yes, absolutely this knowledge is elsewhere:  only here it's  
> > > condensed and available to everyone.
> > > 
> > > Douglas has no intention of being a guru.  His job is simply to make  
> > > available the healing procedures so that WE can take care of  
> > > ourselves. He travels extensively, coming to the U.S. several times a  
> > > year.  He is expected in Fairfield this September.  Jeanine Fellmer is  
> > > his representative here in Fairfield.
> > > 
> > > He loves Fairfield and seems to have good rapport with the  
> > > University.  The University and Douglas are engaged in several studies  
> > > to determine Douglas' effectiveness as a healer.
> > > Vaidyas take the pulse before and just after the healing and have no  
> > > choice but to confirm the positive changes.  Occasionally a bit of  
> > > jealousy pops up, but the changes are definitely there. I hear he  
> > > plans to do another study on lupus.
> > >
> > 
> > FF meditator folklore says, evidently Douglas cured Keith Wallace of a 
> > standing condition with Lymes disease.  Also another Transcendental 
> > Meditation movement higher-up when they passed by each other in a Douglas 
> > meeting, Douglas turned back and told them, "By the way

[FairfieldLife] Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-23 Thread Bhairitu
Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that may result in a $1000 a day 
fine if you refuse to get the Swine Flu vaccination.  Now we already had 
a scare of Swine Flu back in the 1970s and some folks came down with 
terrible side effects including paralysis.  Most folks here are into 
natural medicine and probably don't want the vaccine.  I've never had a 
flu shot and also can't remember the last time I've got the flu.  Like 
most yogis here I notice immediately when a bug is trying to invade and 
do the usual things to boot it out of my system.  We don't know what is 
in these vaccines but they may be using things like mercury.  The 
vaccine is also untested on humans.  Do you really want this junk in 
your body?  

Hopefully this pandemic is nothing but nonsense and will never occur nor 
the mass vaccinations.  But it is estimated that at least half of the US 
will refuse the vaccination.

News report on Massachusetts bill:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mindsight, cutting edge meditation research

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero"  wrote:
> --Results will be superficial window dressing due to widespread potential 
> opposition by Christian Fundamenalists.
This is true...The 'Christian' opposition, is wide-spread, across the 
nation...they will stomp on anything that smells of religion, and is not 
Same thing they did, back in the late 1970's, when they smashed the idea of 
teaching TM in public schools...
Since meditation in and of itself, is usually associated with religious 
practice, I don't see how the 'Christians' would allow it, in any public 


[FairfieldLife] Re: PLEASE ASK SENATOR GRASSLEY if he has Healthcare paid for by the Taxpayer.

2009-08-23 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > I guess Mr.Grassley, has been in Washington D.C. 
> > too long...
> > 
> So, Robert, you're in favor of socialized medicine,
> and you're opposed to a bi-partisan bill. You want 
> to include in the bill an employer mandate that 
> would kill jobs or send them overseas. And, in your
> plan, there is no opt-out - it's an automatic tax
> deduction from your paycheck. Is that right?
I am in favor of shutting down the Insurance Co.'s...because they are ripoffs.
I am in favor of making medications available at a reasonable price.
I am in favor of people going in the medical profession, who want to heal 
people primarily, and make a decent living, but not the greed they invest in 
It's impossible to get anything of value from the Republicans, so I could care 
less about getting any Republicans, on board...

What you don't seem to understand, is that everybody is stressed out in the 
current system...
Being stressed out, effects health in a negative way.
If health care were provided in a humane way, then the stress of the people 
will lesson, and there will be generally better health...

It would be better to get the Insurance Company's out of the business, so they 
can get real jobs...

I don't understand why this needs to be so complicated, other then the 
Insurance Co's. and the other Republican liars, and their greed machines, 
stressing everyone out...
After Bush, how could you believe anything that comes out of their 
mouths...they are all bought, and have generally lost their souls, to greed, 
lust and an unjustified murdering war...

[FairfieldLife] Equal Marriage Rights: Mali protest against women's law

2009-08-23 Thread do.rflex

Mali protest against women's law
[A demonstration in Bamako's main stadium on August 22]  Women were
among the crowd at the rally at Bamako's main stadium

Tens of thousands of people in Mali's capital, Bamako, have been
protesting against a new law which gives women equal rights in marriage.

The law, passed earlier this month, also strengthens inheritance rights
for women and children born out of wedlock.

The head of a Muslim women's association says only a minority of Malian
women - "the intellectuals" as she put it - supports the law.

Several other protests have taken place in other parts of the country.

The law was adopted by the Malian parliament at the beginning of August,
and has yet to be signed into force by the president.

One of the most contentious issues in the new legislation is that women
are no longer required to obey their husbands.

Hadja Sapiato Dembele of the National Union of Muslim Women's
Associations said the law goes against Islamic principles.

"We have to stick to the Koran," Ms Dembele told the BBC's Focus on
Africa programme. "A man must protect his wife, a wife must obey her

"It's a tiny minority of women here that wants this new law - the
intellectuals. The poor and illiterate women of this country - the real
Muslims - are against it," she added.


[FairfieldLife] Alpha actually decreases in TM when good controls are used

2009-08-23 Thread Vaj
From an old post:The alpha coherence boondoggle is a prominent one in the TM mythos. It sounds impressive, but in reality they're just using peoples fascination with "sciencey" sounding words, and as it turns out it's not only a clinically insignificant finding (alpha coherence of the range found in TM is common in healthy humans), when compared to good controls, alpha coherence actually decreases. Go figure. It's amazing what good science can actually show you.--"We have recently conducted a third investigation of the state effects of TM, this time focusing on EEC integrated alpha activity and theta burst activity (Warrenburg & Pagano, 1982).(...)Results of the pre-postcontrol periods ANOVAs revealed no significant effects for either frontal or parietal integrated alpha. ANOVA comparisons of the control and 20 minute treatment condition means indicated no significant group main effect or interactions for either of these two variables. The following effects were obtained, however. For parietal integrated alpha there was a significant main effect for periods (p < .0001), indicating that average alpha activity during the treatment condition (15.2 V, p - p) was less than that during the eyes closed control periods (18.6 V). The same analysis for frontal alpha activity yielded a periods main effect that was nearly significant (p < .07). Again, the treatment mean (8.7 AV) was lower than the control mean (9.1 V). Although experimental comparisons of averages based on the entire control and treatment periods were of primary interest, we also conducted similar analysis using means based on 5 minute treatment means. This was done to determine whether the above effects still were obtained when periods were of comparable duration. For parietal integrated alpha, the periods main effect was again highly significant (p < .0001), and in addition the days x periods interaction was significant (p < .03). Alpha fell during the first 5 minutes of treatment on both days, and reached a level that was lower on Day 2 (15.8 V) than on Day 1 (17.3 AV). The periods main effect for frontal alpha was also highly significant (p < .0002), and represented a decrease to a lower level during the first 5 minutes of treatment (8.5 MV).In order to permit a more fine-grained analysis, alpha activity was monitored over successive 2-5 minute intervals throughout the experiment, and these data for parietal alpha are presented in Figure 1. The figure clearly displays that alpha activity from the parietal region was highest for the three groups during the first two minutes of the eyes closed pre-control period. Alpha decreased over the next 10-15 minutes, and reached its lowest level halfway through the treatment condition [i.e. it was lowest in the middle of the TM session].[Figure 1, illustrating the REAL Maharishi Effect]http://www.box.net/shared/static.../8r6lzbrgfb.jpgLevels then increased over the remainder of the experiment, such that postcontrol values were comparable to those at the end of the precontrol period. Frontal alpha changes were smaller but similar in time course to parietal alpha.These data are inconsistent with those of several previous investigators who found increases in alpha activity during TM (Wallace et al., 1971; Banquet, 1973; Glueck & Stroebel, 1975). However, they are supported by our previous research and that of other researchers who have observed decreases in alpha activity and/or wakefulness during TM (Tebecis, 1975; Fenwick et al., 1977). Additional relevant evidence comes from the alpha biofeedback research reported by Orne and Wilson (1977) who illustrate that when subjects rest quietly in a darkened room for an extended period, they display maximal alpha production during the first few minutes of recording. Clearly, whether subjects show a decrease or increase in alpha activity during TM will depend on the state of cortical arousal during the base period. For example, if subjects are relaxed but awake during the base period and go into prolonged nondescending Stage I activity during meditation, they would manifest a decrease in alpha activity. On the other hand, if they are quite alert during the baseline period, moderate increases in relaxation during meditation would probably produce increased alpha activity.From the textbook Consciousness and Self-Regulation 3, the section entitled "Meditation: In Search of it's Unique Effect" this excerpt coming from subsection F. "EEG alpha and theta activity".My conclusion? If you know how to manipulate study design and or procedural methods or through poor choice of controls, you can make it appear that alpha coherence, now an obsolete measurement, increases a small, insignificant amount. Using cherry-picked participants you can then extrapolate allegedly "alpha coherent" examples to fit your faux model. In other words: typical TM Org "science".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex is on Medicare, so is Shemp.

2009-08-23 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex  wrote:
> > > I'm enrolled in the government plan,
> > > almost everyone around here is, since
> > > it's an automatic payroll deduction.
> > > But I'm on an employee group plan
> > > provided by my employer. I make a
> > > small co-pay, but I'm not sick, so I
> > > don't use the plan very much. You
> > > can't use both at the same time.
> > >
> Bhairitu wrote:
> > I guess that makes you a hypocrite or 
> > at least a very selfish person. You're 
> > saying "I've got mine, but I don't 
> > want anyone else to have it."
> >
> You still don't seem to get it - we
> want to expand the Medicare to cover
> everyone AND bring down the cost of
> health care.
> Everybody is on the government plan, - 
> there's no opt-out, it's an automatic
> payroll deduction. When you reach your
> full retirement age, you get Medicare.
Hi Will,
 Wouldn't this end up like SS where there are less people working as a 
proportion of those collecting?
  Wouldn' this plan hinge on full employment which is rare?
  I would think that the people who don't work would be a problem.
  It would be nice if everyone could be taken care of- hope it could work out. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists May Help Biotechies Solve Big Mental Health Woes,

2009-08-23 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:


> You missed the point; the Lama I met made this comment because he could 
> easily see that Maharishis Purusha did not masturbate at all, as opposed to 
> his monks. It's quite easy to determine if you know what to look for. 


Please tell us what the signs are to look for, Nabby, that indicate when a TM 
monk doesn't masturbate.

Please, Mr. Science, do tell!

"See? This is what happens when a man doesn't get married.  The semen backs up 
into his brain." -- Judas, from "The Last Temptation of Christ."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Vaipassanaic Meditation, TVM

2009-08-23 Thread Vaj

On Aug 23, 2009, at 9:48 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008   

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  

> > What we want to do is observe the process of transcending, how  
you're going from just thinking and gradually collapsing back toward  
the transcending process.

> If you want to get a headache and restrict your progress, please  
go ahead !


Yes, not really different than TM advanced practices.


"The purpose of doing this is not to stop the transcending process.  
When you've done so many years of transcending and you try to stop  
the transcending process, what starts to happen is that you just  
strain and you get a headache and feel uncomfortable, usually. We  
don't want to do that. What we want to do is observe the process of  
transcending, how you're going from just thinking and gradually  
collapsing back toward the transcending process."

A more reasonable approach, since it's used in the Vedantic tradition  
might be to segue into the four levels of Vedantic contemplation  
(nididhyAsana), considered a "higher" practice that comes after  
calming practices like TM, but it can also be added along with TM till  
one is able to recognize Brahman.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying mantras out loud

2009-08-23 Thread WillyTex
raunchydog wrote:
> What a waste of effort, a waste of time when 
> he could just as easily shift from "concern 
> troll" to fellow spiritual seeker then bless 
> us all with kindness. It could really sweeten 
> the vibe on FFLife if he could bring himself 
> to meet us on common ground. We are not the 
> enemy.
It's not just Vaj, it's most of the men on this
forum. They have really big egos, especially 
the ones claiming TMO status. To hear them talk, 
you'd think they were higher and more spiritual
than 'His Holiness' himself. 

Judy and Delia have done their best to put them 
in their place, but thanks for making the effort 
to set Vaj straight.

"Fuck you, you little fascist shit..."

Read more: 

From: Willytex
Subject: My recent fan mail
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: March 3, 2006

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Douglas

2009-08-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
> FF meditator folklore says, evidently Douglas cured Keith Wallace of a 
> standing condition with Lymes disease.  Also another Transcendental 
> Meditation movement higher-up when they passed by each other in a Douglas 
> meeting, Douglas turned back and told them, "By the way i just took care of 
> your Lymes."

Keith Wallace & Jeanine Fellmer?  They are Transcendental Meditation 
super-ru's.  Do they still have valid dome badges for going to see this healer? 
 Douglas not a guru?  Seems too all the saints coming through FF say they are 
'not gurus'.  Douglas does promote himself as 'master'.  This guy is okay to go 
see, and not other saints?

Seems a big double standard for big TM monkey-monks.


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From a friend:
> > 
> > Hi Rick
> > 
> > Here's the info on John Douglas.
> > 
> > http://www.spirit-repair.com/
> > 
> > 
> > The website doesn't do him justice.  In his seminars (if you go to  
> > workshops, you'll get a better idea) he explains the principles and  
> > procedures much more clearly.  His cd's are expensive but they last a  
> > life-time:  I play them 24/7.  The location repair clears the home,  
> > vehicle, hotel room.  and fills the environment with God's light.   
> > Really.  The Spirit Repair does the major work on restoring balance in  
> > the entire field of the body:  causal, mental and astral bodies  
> > included.  Psychological Repair allows us to specify what needs  
> > fixin.  Douglas recommends we hear these 3 daily.  Then subconscious  
> > repair cd at least once a week.
> > Instead of our asking,  the healing is done for us.
> > 
> > This man was chosen before birth to receive some special gifts, as in  
> > receiving permission from the Lord of Karma to remove karmas from the  
> > causal body . Douglas explains that the reason why we find people who  
> > have been meditating and living a very pure life for 25 -30 years  
> > dying from cancer is due to these karmas stored in the causal body  
> > awakening.  Remove the karmas, and see what happens.
> > 
> > He is a medical intuitive who can see the prana fluctuations.  This is  
> > the field that he operates from.  Can work from a distance.  No space/ 
> > time issue.  He can see micro-organisms growing on cells.
> > 
> > He has cured lyme disease (literally cured), stopped the progression  
> > of ms,  corrected incorrect diagnoses of autism and schizophrenia,  
> > finding misalignment of the skull and spine and FIXING it right then  
> > and there,  helped people with chronic depression to not only feel  
> > better but come off of medication completely and still feel great; to  
> > find the source of some severe arthritic conditions to actually be due  
> > to blood infections and removing the source of the infection right  
> > then and there.  He has a climate crisis cd for healing the planet;   
> > and his cd on power development, wow.
> > 
> > Now,  it's not new stuff.  It's just made available in an easy way to  
> > use.  Yes, absolutely this knowledge is elsewhere:  only here it's  
> > condensed and available to everyone.
> > 
> > Douglas has no intention of being a guru.  His job is simply to make  
> > available the healing procedures so that WE can take care of  
> > ourselves. He travels extensively, coming to the U.S. several times a  
> > year.  He is expected in Fairfield this September.  Jeanine Fellmer is  
> > his representative here in Fairfield.
> > 
> > He loves Fairfield and seems to have good rapport with the  
> > University.  The University and Douglas are engaged in several studies  
> > to determine Douglas' effectiveness as a healer.
> > Vaidyas take the pulse before and just after the healing and have no  
> > choice but to confirm the positive changes.  Occasionally a bit of  
> > jealousy pops up, but the changes are definitely there. I hear he  
> > plans to do another study on lupus.
> >
> FF meditator folklore says, evidently Douglas cured Keith Wallace of a 
> standing condition with Lymes disease.  Also another Transcendental 
> Meditation movement higher-up when they passed by each other in a Douglas 
> meeting, Douglas turned back and told them, "By the way i just took care of 
> your Lymes."
> > Douglas comes from Australia, so he speaks quite clearly and  
> > intelligently.
> > 
> > And it's not expensive to attend his seminars::  $250.00 or less for  
> > the public seminars that take place in the Library.  Last time about  
> > 200 people showed up.  Each seminar lasts about 3 hours and includes a  
> > healing.  The healing is for everyone at the same time, but it's  
> > really powerful.
> > 
> > Personally, I was in deep deep depression when my husband lost his  
> > job.  My husband felt that it was important for me to attend the  
> > seminars last April, so we forked over the money.  I went from  
> > depressed, angry and really down to actually happy in just a few  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying mantras out loud

2009-08-23 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> When Maharishi made us teachers in 1970, during the TTC he explained that 
> during the initiation ceremony [Puja], the teacher 'picks up the mantra from 
> the Transcendent and gives it to the initiate who repeats it and follows it 
> back to the Trancendent.' 
> Maharishi had already explained that this occurs because during the Puja the 
> teacher -so to speak- momentarily 'becomes Guru Dev' and the mantra becomes 
> enlivened at that Trancendent level. 
> He made a big fuss about how powerful and beneficial this is for the 
> initiator [the teacher].
> As a TM teacher since that time and having personally initiated  hundreds if 
> not a thousand or so people, that's my experience. 
> Damjan Jovanovic, by his OWN experience, has correctly illustrated what 
> happens at the level of the experience of the initiate [student].
> Guru Dev is the center of the Puja. The Puja is an Invocation. That means 
> that Guru Dev is invoked and comes forth to sponsor the initiate and -so to 
> speak- 'give' the mantra. Otherwise the mantra is not enlivened from the 
> beginning.
> It is not a good idea to speak the mantra out loud unless to check your 
> pronunciation with your initiator. A qualified TM teacher is able to properly 
> answer your questions about this privately. 

Thanks do.rflex for an excellent explanation of the power of the Puja to 
enliven the mantra. We may not agree on our politics, but on this we can 
certainly agree, TM is a beautiful gift to the world with the blessings of 
Maharishi and all glory to Guru Dev.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative to Transcendental Meditation

2009-08-23 Thread WillyTex
Judy wrote:
> For heaven's sake, people, why do you
> let Vaj get away with this crap?
Oh, shut yer pie hole! I've been doing this
for years. Where have you been?

Where I come, from silence usually indicates
agreement. Where were you when I needed
you with Manning, Vaj and the BluIce?

"Meditation is a conscious mental process
that induces a set of integrated physiologic
changes termed the relaxation response..."

'Functional brain mapping of the relaxation
response and meditation'

Lazar SW, Bush G, Gollub RL, Fricchione GL,
Khalsa G, Benson H.
PubMed, 10841380, May 2000

Buddhists 'really are happier':

"According the Sri Swami Rama, MMY was a
leading suspect in the poisoning of Swami
Brahmananda Saraswati...

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: This is just outrageous!
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental,
alt.meditation, alt.yoga
Date: June 27, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: PLEASE ASK SENATOR GRASSLEY if he has Healthcare paid for by the Taxpayer.

2009-08-23 Thread WillyTex
Robert wrote:
> I guess Mr.Grassley, has been in Washington D.C. 
> too long...
So, Robert, you're in favor of socialized medicine,
and you're opposed to a bi-partisan bill. You want 
to include in the bill an employer mandate that 
would kill jobs or send them overseas. And, in your
plan, there is no opt-out - it's an automatic tax
deduction from your paycheck. Is that right?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists 'really are happier'

2009-08-23 Thread Vaj

On Aug 23, 2009, at 12:56 AM, raunchydog wrote:

Raunchydog wrote:
"I'm not asking you to buy anything. Just answer the question. Why  
do researchers find "frontal alpha coherence" in TM'ers and not in  
people simply relaxing or in other meditation techniques? No answer  
implies you either don't know the difference between alpha  
brainwaves in relaxation and "frontal alpha coherence" in TM or you  
are afraid to admit you're the one pedaling BS and not Travis."

First of all "researchers" do not find this significant only TM  
RESEARCHERS do. And therein lies your problem. You apparently have a  
very short memory span, but despite having posted this numerous times  
before, here's the state of the art opinion on TM "alpha coherence":

"Within a bandwidth
of perhaps 2 Hz near this spectral
peak, alpha frequencies frequently produce
spontaneously moderate to large coherence
(0.3–0.8 over large interelectrode distance
(Nunez et al., 1997). The alpha coherence
values reported in TM studies, as a trait
in the baseline or during meditation, belong
to this same range. Thus a global increase
of alpha power and alpha coherence might
not reflect a more “ordered” or “integrated”
experience, as frequently claimed in TM literature..."

-The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness

The alpha coherence fraud is what they've decided to run with. It's  
common in many relaxation response-style meditation forms, but since  
it's known by neuroscientists to be so common in even non-meditating  
humans, no one considers it amazing or special. In fact, as I said,  
it's common in commercial relaxation techniques, TM just being one of  

"To summarize, alpha global increases and
alpha coherence mostly over frontal electrodes
are associated with TM practice when
meditating compared to baseline (Morse,
Martin, Furst, & Dubin, 1977). This global
alpha increase is similar to that produced
by other relaxation techniques. The passive
absorption during the recitation of the
mantra, as practiced in this technique, produces
a brain pattern that suggests a decrease
of processing of sensory or motor information
and of mental activity in general. Because
alpha rhythms are ubiquitous and functionally
non-specific, the claim that alpha
oscillations and alpha coherence are desirable
or are linked to an original and higher
state of consciousness seem quite premature."

-The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness

> Whoa. Let's stop you right there. Not "researchers", but "TM zealot
> researchers", claiming independent views but espousing "zig heil" TM
> movement sputum.

What a cop-out. For the second time Vaj has not answered my  
question. Instead of simply saying, "Yes, TM produces "frontal alpha  
coherence" in TM'ers and does not compared to Buddhist or  
Mindfullness meditation and is therefore unique, he snips my  
question and makes up some BS saying he doesn't have to answer  
because he objects to the word "researchers" when in fact I was  
citing research by Travis. He can't answer the question honestly  
because he would have to admit that TM uniquely produces "frontal  
alpha coherence." I'm not saying TM is better than any technique he  
wants to do, just that it appears to be unique if no other technique  
can produce "frontal alpha coherence". He poses as a man of science  
but he is not open to a discussion of "frontal alpha coherence" and  
why it is only found in TM'ers.

Please see the above. You've fallen for "the uniqueness lie" on top of  
the "the alpha coherence lie", two major lies propagated by this  
organization. Please try to use more rigor in your observations, will  
ya RD from now on? I realize you're relatively new here, but these two  
lies have already been dealt with here log ago and conclusively  
addressed. In the future when you forget that, please refer back to  
this message number (or you could save a copy to your HD). Thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative to Transcendental Meditation

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> The fact that they also have scientology-like leagues
> of TM digital-jihadists searching blogs referring to TM
> and controlling Wikipedia entries, so they can interject
> 'their version of history and theirs alone' is not a 
> good sign IMO. 

As I've pointed out several times, the assertion about
TM "controlling Wikipedia entries" is a blatant lie.
Don't take my word for it; look at the Talk page for
any of the Wikipedia entries relating to TM, where the
various issues are hashed out (usually quite cordially)
between TM critics and TM defenders, with Wikipedia
administrators keeping close tabs to make sure nobody
railroads anybody else.

And "leagues of digital jihadists" is just ridiculously
overblown rhetoric. Did any of the Obama supporters
here find anything outrageous about the "leagues of
digital jihadists" organized by the Obama campaign to
make pro-Obama posts on blogs and in response to
newspaper articles (many of them a whole lot less
polite than the relatively small number of pro-TM

For heaven's sake, people, why do you let Vaj get away
with this crap? He makes stuff up right and left, and
you all just soak it up and blabber about how "sincere"
and "knowledgeable" he is.

If what you want to establish is "the truth about TM,"
what good does it do if you knock down TMO falsehoods
but let those of the unscrupulous critics like Vaj
stand unchallenged? Does that really get you any
closer to the truth?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying mantras out loud

2009-08-23 Thread do.rflex

When Maharishi made us teachers in 1970, during the TTC he explained that 
during the initiation ceremony [Puja], the teacher 'picks up the mantra from 
the Transcendent and gives it to the initiate who repeats it and follows it 
back to the Trancendent.' 

Maharishi had already explained that this occurs because during the Puja the 
teacher -so to speak- momentarily 'becomes Guru Dev' and the mantra becomes 
enlivened at that Trancendent level. 

He made a big fuss about how powerful and beneficial this is for the initiator 
[the teacher].

As a TM teacher since that time and having personally initiated  hundreds if 
not a thousand or so people, that's my experience. 

Damjan Jovanovic, by his OWN experience, has correctly illustrated what happens 
at the level of the experience of the initiate [student].

Guru Dev is the center of the Puja. The Puja is an Invocation. That means that 
Guru Dev is invoked and comes forth to sponsor the initiate and -so to speak- 
'give' the mantra. Otherwise the mantra is not enlivened from the beginning.

It is not a good idea to speak the mantra out loud unless to check your 
pronunciation with your initiator. A qualified TM teacher is able to properly 
answer your questions about this privately. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:
> --- On Mon, 8/10/09, BillyG.  wrote:
> > From: BillyG. 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying 
> > mantras out loud
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 5:57 PM
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> > Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I learned TM at the age of 10, and found it to be one
> > of the most wonderful and profound things I've ever
> > experienced. However only 2-3 years later, my mantra
> > completely stopped working, and hasn't worked since (for the
> > 13-14 years till present day).
> > > 
> > > The only thing I did wrong, according to what I was
> > told during the course, was to say my mantra out loud a few
> > times (ok maybe more than just a few), mostly by accident.
> > My TM teacher told me it didn't really matter, but if that
> > didn't do it, what did?
> > > 
> > > After much searching, on this forum I found the
> > (Tantric?) idea that what makes mantras work is the shakti
> > they receive during initiation. Is this really the case?
> > 
> > 
> > That's really a great question Damjan, however, there is NO
> > evidence what so ever, to suggest that TM is a *diksha*
> > initiation where the Guru (MMY is NOT a guru per se) charges
> > the mantra with his shakti or enlightenment.
> The TM teacher probably somehow produces the shakti during the puja. The 
> actual mechanics would be fascinating to find out, I definitely plan to.
> > TM, ostensibly, is a simple mental technique using amiable
> > Sanskrit mantras, MMY himself said we could even use simple
> > words like 'mike' (as in microphone, etc.) and TM would
> > work,  but we choose mantras because they have
> > 'special' sound properties...
> That's probably taking things out of context. MMY was discussing his 
> meditation in general. Sure 'mike' works for transcending - if you get 'mike' 
> during TM initiation, with some shakti.
> > If your TM isn't working it is more than likely because
> > you're looking for results, IMO.  A simple checking
> > would be in order, I'm sure that is all you would
> > need!  Forget that *shakti* idea, MMY NEVER suggested
> > that, at any time I am aware of, that is another kettle of
> > fish my friend, good luck!
> > 
> IMHO you couldn't be more wrong. My recent experience now proves (at least to 
> me) TM is 100% shakti.
> Some time last week I gave up experimenting, attended a TM intro talk and 
> decided to get (secretly re-)initiated into TM. I was sure to ask when the 
> teacher learned TM, so I could find ahead of time the mantra I was going to 
> get.
> Yesterday morning I looked up the closest matching mantra table on a certain 
> well-known website, got the mantra, and sat with my eyes closed repeating it 
> for a few minutes. Absolutely nothing. And yes, I've looked at those mantra 
> tables before, and played with several - generally either getting absolutely 
> nothing, or very very mild effects, almost never producing what I'd describe 
> as transcendence, and absolutely never producing physiological effects 
> typical in proper TM like deep relaxation and slowed breathing.
> So yesterday afternoon I went for the initiation. And now? To say the mantra 
> works is an understatement: it works so well, that I don't remember ever 
> feeling this good. It exceeded even my wildest expectations :-).
> So apparently:
> 1. Mantras don't really work before initiation.
> 2. Mantras work really well after initiation.
> 3. Mantras can lose and regain their effectiveness. (My new mantra is just a 
> minor variation of the old one, yet it works.)
> 4. Even a priori knowledge of the in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Vaipassanaic Meditation, TVM

2009-08-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
> Satsang Fairfield, the Middle Way:
> Notes:

"It's not the TM space, but it's akin to it, because vaipassana is in the 
non-concentrative school of meditation. When we learned TM we learned that it 
was a non-concentrative practice, and vaipassana is also a non-concentrative 
meditation practice. They're both in the same school."
> The purpose of doing this type of vaipassana, which is not the classic way, 
> what's done over the years, is to amalgamate the TM practice and vaipassana 
> practice so that you're dealing with the transcendent and you're also dealing 
> with observation, and getting yourself into a position where you can balance 
> observation and transcendence.
> When we do TM the whole purpose of doing TM is transcending, so we don't pay 
> attention to the mind. When you do vaipassana the idea is to get into the 
> mind. They're coming from completely different places.
> What we want to do is observe the process of transcending, how you're going 
> from just thinking and gradually collapsing back toward the transcending 
> process. It's similar to TM advanced techniques where they said we'd be able 
> to sit up above the transcendent so everything wouldn't just go into a black 
> hole of the transcendent. That's the level that we're looking at. What you 
> learn to do is discipline the consciousness so it can stay in certain levels, 
> certain strata of consciousness.
> Application,
> Between these two video clips.
> > Dan Siegel:
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr4Od7kqDT8
> >
> > Dr. Dan Siegel, MD, father of modern attachment psychiatry and
> > meditation researcher on Google Tech Talks Personal Growth Series
> > speaks on the new science of personal transformation.
> >
> And Hagelin.
> about the unified field.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrcWntw9juM&feature=related
> Xxoo 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Typically vipashyana but it ranges from vipashyana (insight  
> > > meditation) to shamatha (samadhi meditation) to nondual 'resting in  
> > > the natural state' or the union of vipashyana and shamatha. Roughly  
> > > speaking, you can divide these into two styles: Open Presence  
> > > meditation or Fixed Attention meditation.
> > 
> > That is interesting.  Is there anyone teaching a middle way between these 
> > two?  
> > 
> > Like combining the mindful with open presence transcending.  Sort of like 
> > mindful technique of Patanjali in practice, just may be not that 
> > nomenclature.  Is there a secular version being taught in the middle way of 
> > both orthodox Eastern meditation practices; between Buddhist 
> > mindfulness-insight practices on the one hand and  TM type transcending on 
> > the other. (?)
> > 
> > Yes, both orthodoxy  are known to go crazy in the comparison with the 
> > other.  However, is there anything formulating like the TMSP practiced out 
> > of Patanjali in a form like a mindfulness transcending.   Anybody 
> > incorporating the two descriptions in teaching a technique?  Mindfulness 
> > with transcending?  
> > 
> > In practice is possibly how Hagelin, Travis, Siegel, and even Herb Bensen 
> > can  talk the similar inter disciplinary research points and get to the 
> > same policy place in their thinking.  Are some of these techniques in the 
> > middle effectively the same but with different clothing from the 
> > proprietary ones of orthodoxy on either side?
> > 
> > Just wondering,
> > 
> > -Doug in FF
> > 
> > > 
> > > On Jul 27, 2009, at 9:04 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
> > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr4Od7kqDT8
> > > > >
> > > > > Dr. Dan Siegel, MD, father of modern attachment psychiatry and
> > > > > meditation researcher on Google Tech Talks Personal Growth Series
> > > > > speaks on Mindsight, the new science of personal transformation.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Of the different settings that are using these techniques that they  
> > > > are studying, who teaches the techniques?
> > > 
> > > Depends on who's doing the research and where. Sometimes it's monks,  
> > > sometimes it might be a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction instructor  
> > > (MBSR), etc.
> > > 
> > > > What is the array of techniques and who are they taught?
> > > 
> > > Typically vipashyana but it ranges from vipashyana (insight  
> > > meditation) to shamatha (samadhi meditation) to nondual 'resting in  
> > > the natural state' or the union of vipashyana and shamatha. Roughly  
> > > speaking, you can divide these into two styles: Open Presence  
> > > meditation or Fixed Attention meditation.
> > > 
> > > > Led group meditations? Lay instructors, therapist ounselors, bring  
> > > > in non-secular ordained or certified people,, classroom teachers  
> > > > otherwise, or health clinic staffs like who teach the various  

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Douglas

2009-08-23 Thread min.pige

Would anyone know his schedule for the workshops?  couldn't seem to find one on 
his website.  thanks!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From a friend:
> Hi Rick
> Here's the info on John Douglas.
> http://www.spirit-repair.com/
> The website doesn't do him justice.  In his seminars (if you go to  
> workshops, you'll get a better idea) he explains the principles and  
> procedures much more clearly.  His cd's are expensive but they last a  
> life-time:  I play them 24/7.  The location repair clears the home,  
> vehicle, hotel room.  and fills the environment with God's light.   
> Really.  The Spirit Repair does the major work on restoring balance in  
> the entire field of the body:  causal, mental and astral bodies  
> included.  Psychological Repair allows us to specify what needs  
> fixin.  Douglas recommends we hear these 3 daily.  Then subconscious  
> repair cd at least once a week.
> Instead of our asking,  the healing is done for us.
> This man was chosen before birth to receive some special gifts, as in  
> receiving permission from the Lord of Karma to remove karmas from the  
> causal body . Douglas explains that the reason why we find people who  
> have been meditating and living a very pure life for 25 -30 years  
> dying from cancer is due to these karmas stored in the causal body  
> awakening.  Remove the karmas, and see what happens.
> He is a medical intuitive who can see the prana fluctuations.  This is  
> the field that he operates from.  Can work from a distance.  No space/ 
> time issue.  He can see micro-organisms growing on cells.
> He has cured lyme disease (literally cured), stopped the progression  
> of ms,  corrected incorrect diagnoses of autism and schizophrenia,  
> finding misalignment of the skull and spine and FIXING it right then  
> and there,  helped people with chronic depression to not only feel  
> better but come off of medication completely and still feel great; to  
> find the source of some severe arthritic conditions to actually be due  
> to blood infections and removing the source of the infection right  
> then and there.  He has a climate crisis cd for healing the planet;   
> and his cd on power development, wow.
> Now,  it's not new stuff.  It's just made available in an easy way to  
> use.  Yes, absolutely this knowledge is elsewhere:  only here it's  
> condensed and available to everyone.
> Douglas has no intention of being a guru.  His job is simply to make  
> available the healing procedures so that WE can take care of  
> ourselves. He travels extensively, coming to the U.S. several times a  
> year.  He is expected in Fairfield this September.  Jeanine Fellmer is  
> his representative here in Fairfield.
> He loves Fairfield and seems to have good rapport with the  
> University.  The University and Douglas are engaged in several studies  
> to determine Douglas' effectiveness as a healer.
> Vaidyas take the pulse before and just after the healing and have no  
> choice but to confirm the positive changes.  Occasionally a bit of  
> jealousy pops up, but the changes are definitely there. I hear he  
> plans to do another study on lupus.
> Douglas comes from Australia, so he speaks quite clearly and  
> intelligently.
> And it's not expensive to attend his seminars::  $250.00 or less for  
> the public seminars that take place in the Library.  Last time about  
> 200 people showed up.  Each seminar lasts about 3 hours and includes a  
> healing.  The healing is for everyone at the same time, but it's  
> really powerful.
> Personally, I was in deep deep depression when my husband lost his  
> job.  My husband felt that it was important for me to attend the  
> seminars last April, so we forked over the money.  I went from  
> depressed, angry and really down to actually happy in just a few  
> hours.  I am ok now.  Amazing.  The cd's keep the healing alive and  
> well.  Old habits just fall off.  It's glorious to have this  
> opportunity to get bad habits fixed, new habits established and  
> strength of character, of body and mind regenerated.
> That's my story.

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Douglas

2009-08-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From a friend:
> Hi Rick
> Here's the info on John Douglas.
> http://www.spirit-repair.com/
> The website doesn't do him justice.  In his seminars (if you go to  
> workshops, you'll get a better idea) he explains the principles and  
> procedures much more clearly.  His cd's are expensive but they last a  
> life-time:  I play them 24/7.  The location repair clears the home,  
> vehicle, hotel room.  and fills the environment with God's light.   
> Really.  The Spirit Repair does the major work on restoring balance in  
> the entire field of the body:  causal, mental and astral bodies  
> included.  Psychological Repair allows us to specify what needs  
> fixin.  Douglas recommends we hear these 3 daily.  Then subconscious  
> repair cd at least once a week.
> Instead of our asking,  the healing is done for us.
> This man was chosen before birth to receive some special gifts, as in  
> receiving permission from the Lord of Karma to remove karmas from the  
> causal body . Douglas explains that the reason why we find people who  
> have been meditating and living a very pure life for 25 -30 years  
> dying from cancer is due to these karmas stored in the causal body  
> awakening.  Remove the karmas, and see what happens.
> He is a medical intuitive who can see the prana fluctuations.  This is  
> the field that he operates from.  Can work from a distance.  No space/ 
> time issue.  He can see micro-organisms growing on cells.
> He has cured lyme disease (literally cured), stopped the progression  
> of ms,  corrected incorrect diagnoses of autism and schizophrenia,  
> finding misalignment of the skull and spine and FIXING it right then  
> and there,  helped people with chronic depression to not only feel  
> better but come off of medication completely and still feel great; to  
> find the source of some severe arthritic conditions to actually be due  
> to blood infections and removing the source of the infection right  
> then and there.  He has a climate crisis cd for healing the planet;   
> and his cd on power development, wow.
> Now,  it's not new stuff.  It's just made available in an easy way to  
> use.  Yes, absolutely this knowledge is elsewhere:  only here it's  
> condensed and available to everyone.
> Douglas has no intention of being a guru.  His job is simply to make  
> available the healing procedures so that WE can take care of  
> ourselves. He travels extensively, coming to the U.S. several times a  
> year.  He is expected in Fairfield this September.  Jeanine Fellmer is  
> his representative here in Fairfield.
> He loves Fairfield and seems to have good rapport with the  
> University.  The University and Douglas are engaged in several studies  
> to determine Douglas' effectiveness as a healer.
> Vaidyas take the pulse before and just after the healing and have no  
> choice but to confirm the positive changes.  Occasionally a bit of  
> jealousy pops up, but the changes are definitely there. I hear he  
> plans to do another study on lupus.

FF meditator folklore says, evidently Douglas cured Keith Wallace of a standing 
condition with Lymes disease.  Also another Transcendental Meditation movement 
higher-up when they passed by each other in a Douglas meeting, Douglas turned 
back and told them, "By the way i just took care of your Lymes."

> Douglas comes from Australia, so he speaks quite clearly and  
> intelligently.
> And it's not expensive to attend his seminars::  $250.00 or less for  
> the public seminars that take place in the Library.  Last time about  
> 200 people showed up.  Each seminar lasts about 3 hours and includes a  
> healing.  The healing is for everyone at the same time, but it's  
> really powerful.
> Personally, I was in deep deep depression when my husband lost his  
> job.  My husband felt that it was important for me to attend the  
> seminars last April, so we forked over the money.  I went from  
> depressed, angry and really down to actually happy in just a few  
> hours.  I am ok now.  Amazing.  The cd's keep the healing alive and  
> well.  Old habits just fall off.  It's glorious to have this  
> opportunity to get bad habits fixed, new habits established and  
> strength of character, of body and mind regenerated.
> That's my story.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying mantras out loud

2009-08-23 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:
> --- On Mon, 8/10/09, BillyG.  wrote:
> > From: BillyG. 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying 
> > mantras out loud
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 5:57 PM
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> > Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I learned TM at the age of 10, and found it to be one
> > of the most wonderful and profound things I've ever
> > experienced. However only 2-3 years later, my mantra
> > completely stopped working, and hasn't worked since (for the
> > 13-14 years till present day).
> > > 
> > > The only thing I did wrong, according to what I was
> > told during the course, was to say my mantra out loud a few
> > times (ok maybe more than just a few), mostly by accident.
> > My TM teacher told me it didn't really matter, but if that
> > didn't do it, what did?
> > > 
> > > After much searching, on this forum I found the
> > (Tantric?) idea that what makes mantras work is the shakti
> > they receive during initiation. Is this really the case?
> > 
> > 
> > That's really a great question Damjan, however, there is NO
> > evidence what so ever, to suggest that TM is a *diksha*
> > initiation where the Guru (MMY is NOT a guru per se) charges
> > the mantra with his shakti or enlightenment.
> The TM teacher probably somehow produces the shakti during the puja. The 
> actual mechanics would be fascinating to find out, I definitely plan to.
> > TM, ostensibly, is a simple mental technique using amiable
> > Sanskrit mantras, MMY himself said we could even use simple
> > words like 'mike' (as in microphone, etc.) and TM would
> > work,  but we choose mantras because they have
> > 'special' sound properties...
> That's probably taking things out of context. MMY was discussing his 
> meditation in general. Sure 'mike' works for transcending - if you get 'mike' 
> during TM initiation, with some shakti.
> > If your TM isn't working it is more than likely because
> > you're looking for results, IMO.  A simple checking
> > would be in order, I'm sure that is all you would
> > need!  Forget that *shakti* idea, MMY NEVER suggested
> > that, at any time I am aware of, that is another kettle of
> > fish my friend, good luck!
> > 
> IMHO you couldn't be more wrong. My recent experience now proves (at least to 
> me) TM is 100% shakti.
> Some time last week I gave up experimenting, attended a TM intro talk and 
> decided to get (secretly re-)initiated into TM. I was sure to ask when the 
> teacher learned TM, so I could find ahead of time the mantra I was going to 
> get.
> Yesterday morning I looked up the closest matching mantra table on a certain 
> well-known website, got the mantra, and sat with my eyes closed repeating it 
> for a few minutes. Absolutely nothing. And yes, I've looked at those mantra 
> tables before, and played with several - generally either getting absolutely 
> nothing, or very very mild effects, almost never producing what I'd describe 
> as transcendence, and absolutely never producing physiological effects 
> typical in proper TM like deep relaxation and slowed breathing.
> So yesterday afternoon I went for the initiation. And now? To say the mantra 
> works is an understatement: it works so well, that I don't remember ever 
> feeling this good. It exceeded even my wildest expectations :-).
> So apparently:
> 1. Mantras don't really work before initiation.
> 2. Mantras work really well after initiation.
> 3. Mantras can lose and regain their effectiveness. (My new mantra is just a 
> minor variation of the old one, yet it works.)
> 4. Even a priori knowledge of the initiation and the mantra you're going to 
> get doesn't compromise its effectiveness.
> 5. When a mantra works, the technique is irrelevant, you always get some 
> effect, eg. even if you strain during meditation you get a headache. When a 
> mantra doesn't work, no technique does anything. Which is why checking can 
> fix a bad technique, but not replenish lost shakti.
> How do you explain all this except by shakti?
> > > I really want to get back into TM. Will getting
> > initiated for the second time work for me? What else can
> > recharge a mantra with shakti?
> > > 
> > > And where does one find out more about this shakti?
> > 
> > There is NO magic *shakti* in the TM technique other than
> > the shakti you generate yourself by practicing it regularly
> > and living a clean life.
> Over time, mantra-shakti generates sadhana-shakti, making meditation more 
> effective because both shaktis are at work. So you're half right, you do 
> generate shakti by practicing regularly, but you still have to have some 
> shakti to start with. For example, some quotes from Sir John Woodroffe's "The 
> Garland of Letters: studies in the mantra shastra", chapter 28, "Mantra 
> sadhana":
> "There are thus two Śaktis, viz., the Mantra-Śakti

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Vaipassanaic Meditation, TVM

2009-08-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> > What we want to do is observe the process of transcending, how you're going 
> > from just thinking and gradually collapsing back toward the transcending 
> > process. 
> If you want to get a headache and restrict your progress, please go ahead !

Yes, not really different than TM advanced practices.


"The purpose of doing this is not to stop the transcending process. When you've 
done so many years of transcending and you try to stop the transcending 
process, what starts to happen is that you just strain and you get a headache 
and feel uncomfortable, usually. We don't want to do that. What we want to do 
is observe the process of transcending, how you're going from just thinking and 
gradually collapsing back toward the transcending process."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Inglourious basterds and subtitles

2009-08-23 Thread Mike Dixon
Inglorious Bastards ist ausgeseichnet! Best movie of the year, with out a 
doubt. A perfect study of Americanism, Europeans and out of control New 
Age/Socialism. Christopher Waltz will make your skin crawl and Brad Pitt will 
make your sides ache from laughter! Had to see it twice yesterday!

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, shempmcgurk  wrote:

From: shempmcgurk 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Inglourious basterds and subtitles
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 5:06 AM


I saw the movie today and thoroughly enjoyed it.

What surprised me is that Pitt and the American actors only have supporting 
roles. The real stars — and the ones who have most of the screen time — are the 
German and French actors: Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, and the excellent 
Christoph Waltz who is the main star of the movie.

What ALSO surprised me is that the filmmakers allowed 80% of the dialogue to be 
in either French or German, with English subtitles. American movie-goers are 
notorious for hating sub-titles and success of a movie is often dependent upon 
dialogue being conducted in English…and American English, preferrably. Recall 
Texas governor Ma Ferguson's observation back in the '20s that "If English was 
good enough for Jesus Christ it's good enough for me."

English is the center of the universe for most Americans.

Not so here. And I fully expected an English-speaking movie because in the 
opening scene the German and French protagonists "switch" to English because, 
as it was explained by the character, it was a language they could both 
understand, causing me to think that this would set the stage for the entire 
movie to be spoken in English, which didn't happen.

In the silly and asinine "Scarface" by Brian DePalma such a "trick" was 
employed when early on in the film the Al Pacino character says
"Hey, we must practise our English so from now on, no more Spanish". And then 
the whole movie — of which 90% involved interactions between Latinos — was 
implausably conducted entirely in English.

Bravo to Tarantino et al for not falling into this trap.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists 'really are happier'

2009-08-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > This exchange illustrates perfectly what I've been
> > saying for some time now. When Vaj is challenged,
> > instead of rising to the challenge, he fades...and
> > dances...and sings...and stands on his head...and
> > twists and turns...and wiggles his ears...and thumbs
> > his nose...but he NEVER RESPONDS TO THE CHALLENGE.

(I should have added to this list of tactics, he also
speaks in tongues, using Sanskrit or Tibetan lingo
to give himself an air of authenticity.)

> HaHa and BINGO ! 
> Could it be because he is faking it all ?

Well, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. It's
either because he's faking it, or because he's 
afraid he'll fail to explain himself convincingly;
so rather than risk failure, he doesn't try at all.

When you don't have surface-to-air missiles or
sufficiently accurate anti-aircraft guns, you send
up a barrage of shells that explode in the general
vicinity of the target to create a kind of cloud of
lethal interference, hoping the bombers will run
into bits of shrapnel from the explosions, or will
have to abort their mission to avoid the flak.

The behavior I described has been amazingly 
consistent from Vaj over the years, not just here
but on alt.m.t as well. And I'm hardly the only
person to remark on it.

(And no, it's not just that he does respond and we
*disagree* with his response. I mean, of course we
disagree with his general putdowns of TM/MMY/TMO/TMers,
but he uses those to avoid addressing the specific
issues under discussion. On the issues, he doesn't
provide anything substantive enough to disagree with
him *about*.)

Of course, there's also the outright *lies* he tells,
but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fibonacci and chandas?

2009-08-23 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , cardemaister 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number

> Origins
> The Fibonacci sequence was well known in ancient India, where it was
applied to the metrical sciences (prosody), long before it was known in
Europe. Developments have been attributed to Pingala (200 BC), Virahanka
(6th century AD), Gopāla (c.1135 AD), and Hemachandra (c.1150
AD).[4] >

There was an Australian math profoessor at MUM that gave a really good
lecture about this, and also the valiu if Pi. Both were used in the
building of ceremonial platforms.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists 'really are happier'

2009-08-23 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "authfriend" 
> This exchange illustrates perfectly what I've been
> saying for some time now. When Vaj is challenged,
> instead of rising to the challenge, he fades...and
> dances...and sings...and stands on his head...and
> twists and turns...and wiggles his ears...and thumbs
> his nose...but he NEVER RESPONDS TO THE CHALLENGE.>>

Is he ranting on about some unpulished study again?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists 'really are happier'

2009-08-23 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Vaj  wrote:

> No, not at all, I'm familiar with brain measurements and neuroscience>

Lol ! You have a high school education...and what else?

> > If you ever had to own up to the fact that TM produces EEG
> > brainwaves not achievable in other techniques, your raison d'être
> > would crumble >>

That's strange, I seem to remember from way back the TM movement ONLY
claiming that they get the same physiological and brainwave results in
the first 3 months as a 20 year Tibetan Buddhist adept. That was their
main point and repeated many many times, and all you seem to have done
is prove the ooint that the TM scientists said. All of the subjects in
the unpublished studies you site are are long-term reclusive devotees.
Well done in proving what the TM-scientists and others have been saying
for decades Vaj.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists 'really are happier'

2009-08-23 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> This exchange illustrates perfectly what I've been
> saying for some time now. When Vaj is challenged,
> instead of rising to the challenge, he fades...and
> dances...and sings...and stands on his head...and
> twists and turns...and wiggles his ears...and thumbs

HaHa and BINGO ! 
Could it be because he is faking it all ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Vaipassanaic Meditation, TVM

2009-08-23 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> What we want to do is observe the process of transcending, how you're going 
> from just thinking and gradually collapsing back toward the transcending 
> process. 

If you want to get a headache and restrict your progress, please go ahead !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists May Help Biotechies Solve Big Mental Health Woes,

2009-08-23 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Aug 22, 2009, at 4:21 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > Hindus in a Buddhist monestary ? Well, please tell that to the Lamas  
> > running these monestaries; you are now a Hindu ! They would laugh so  
> > hard you would take to the nearest street for an all american Coke.
> >
> > While on Purusha I met several Lamas that proclaimed us to be real  
> > monks, complaining that their own "monks" was masturbating so much  
> > that their glow was non-present.
> >
> > All these Lamas do is adding a TM meditation practise that works,  
> > contrary to their old stuffy prayers and meditations that have no  
> > effect.
> Please keep posting Nabby, you just keeping be smiling! Please don't  
> stop writing here!
> BTW, monks of all persuasions, have all wanted to masturbate, or have  
> masturbated, throughout history. I'm pretty sure on that one, even  
> without any scientific evidence. This is simply commonsense. Human  
> nature. But I got a good laugh on that one.

You missed the point; the Lama I met made this comment because he could easily 
see that Maharishis Purusha did not masturbate at all, as opposed to his monks. 
It's quite easy to determine if you know what to look for. This was one amongst 
many factors that led him to believe that TM would be a good thing to introduce 
in monestaries in Thailand that he, as part of an assembly of Lamas that met 
with us and Maharishi was administrating there. 

BTW; some of these Lamas were shining individuals themselves, gave an 
outstanding impression and a desire to fulfill Maharishis wish: 
"Give Thailand back to The Buddha".

> Did you know Maharishi is rumored to have trained in Tibetan Tummo  
> (Skt.: chandali-yoga) at a Tibetan monastery? 

And when was this supposed to have happened ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhists 'really are happier'

2009-08-23 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Dying the cloth of inner happiness.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3047291.stm
> "There is something about conscientious Buddhist practice that  
> results in the kind of happiness we all seek."
> Paul Ekman,
> University of California San Francisco Medical Centre

maitryaadiSu (= maitrii, karuNaa, muditaa, and stuff) balaani.

I 33 and III 24

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying mantras out loud

2009-08-23 Thread Damjan Jovanovic

--- On Mon, 8/10/09, BillyG.  wrote:

> From: BillyG. 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions about mantra shakti and saying mantras 
> out loud
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 5:57 PM
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:
> > Hi
> > I learned TM at the age of 10, and found it to be one
> of the most wonderful and profound things I've ever
> experienced. However only 2-3 years later, my mantra
> completely stopped working, and hasn't worked since (for the
> 13-14 years till present day).
> > 
> > The only thing I did wrong, according to what I was
> told during the course, was to say my mantra out loud a few
> times (ok maybe more than just a few), mostly by accident.
> My TM teacher told me it didn't really matter, but if that
> didn't do it, what did?
> > 
> > After much searching, on this forum I found the
> (Tantric?) idea that what makes mantras work is the shakti
> they receive during initiation. Is this really the case?
> That's really a great question Damjan, however, there is NO
> evidence what so ever, to suggest that TM is a *diksha*
> initiation where the Guru (MMY is NOT a guru per se) charges
> the mantra with his shakti or enlightenment.

The TM teacher probably somehow produces the shakti during the puja. The actual 
mechanics would be fascinating to find out, I definitely plan to.

> TM, ostensibly, is a simple mental technique using amiable
> Sanskrit mantras, MMY himself said we could even use simple
> words like 'mike' (as in microphone, etc.) and TM would
> work,  but we choose mantras because they have
> 'special' sound properties...

That's probably taking things out of context. MMY was discussing his meditation 
in general. Sure 'mike' works for transcending - if you get 'mike' during TM 
initiation, with some shakti.

> If your TM isn't working it is more than likely because
> you're looking for results, IMO.  A simple checking
> would be in order, I'm sure that is all you would
> need!  Forget that *shakti* idea, MMY NEVER suggested
> that, at any time I am aware of, that is another kettle of
> fish my friend, good luck!

IMHO you couldn't be more wrong. My recent experience now proves (at least to 
me) TM is 100% shakti.

Some time last week I gave up experimenting, attended a TM intro talk and 
decided to get (secretly re-)initiated into TM. I was sure to ask when the 
teacher learned TM, so I could find ahead of time the mantra I was going to get.

Yesterday morning I looked up the closest matching mantra table on a certain 
well-known website, got the mantra, and sat with my eyes closed repeating it 
for a few minutes. Absolutely nothing. And yes, I've looked at those mantra 
tables before, and played with several - generally either getting absolutely 
nothing, or very very mild effects, almost never producing what I'd describe as 
transcendence, and absolutely never producing physiological effects typical in 
proper TM like deep relaxation and slowed breathing.

So yesterday afternoon I went for the initiation. And now? To say the mantra 
works is an understatement: it works so well, that I don't remember ever 
feeling this good. It exceeded even my wildest expectations :-).

So apparently:
1. Mantras don't really work before initiation.
2. Mantras work really well after initiation.
3. Mantras can lose and regain their effectiveness. (My new mantra is just a 
minor variation of the old one, yet it works.)
4. Even a priori knowledge of the initiation and the mantra you're going to get 
doesn't compromise its effectiveness.
5. When a mantra works, the technique is irrelevant, you always get some 
effect, eg. even if you strain during meditation you get a headache. When a 
mantra doesn't work, no technique does anything. Which is why checking can fix 
a bad technique, but not replenish lost shakti.

How do you explain all this except by shakti?

> > I really want to get back into TM. Will getting
> initiated for the second time work for me? What else can
> recharge a mantra with shakti?
> > 
> > And where does one find out more about this shakti?
> There is NO magic *shakti* in the TM technique other than
> the shakti you generate yourself by practicing it regularly
> and living a clean life.

Over time, mantra-shakti generates sadhana-shakti, making meditation more 
effective because both shaktis are at work. So you're half right, you do 
generate shakti by practicing regularly, but you still have to have some shakti 
to start with. For example, some quotes from Sir John Woodroffe's "The Garland 
of Letters: studies in the mantra shastra", chapter 28, "Mantra sadhana":

"There are thus two Śaktis, viz., the Mantra-Śakti
and the Sādhana-Śakti, that is the Śakti of the Sādhaka
generated by Sādhanā. It is the uniting of these two
Śaktis which accomplishes the fruit of Mantra-sādhana."

"In the case of Pūjā, Dhyāna and other Sādhanās,
it is only the Sādhaka’s Sādhanā-Śakti which operates,
whilst in the

[FairfieldLife] Fibonacci and chandas?

2009-08-23 Thread cardemaister



The Fibonacci sequence was well known in ancient India, where it was applied to 
the metrical sciences (prosody), long before it was known in Europe. 
Developments have been attributed to Pingala (200 BC), Virahanka (6th century 
AD), Gopāla (c.1135 AD), and Hemachandra (c.1150 AD).[4]