[FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808

 You should have taken advantage of the confusion and lifted yourself a new TV.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Today I was walking past a department store when a sudden commotion caught my 
attention. A young man was being frogmarched to a waiting police car by two 
constables - obviously he was a shoplifter who hadn't been as careful as he 
should have been. But what appalled me was that everyone around me - fellow 
pedestrians, people in coffee shops, those waiting at the bus stop - were 
almost universally smiling and exchanging knowing glances. I've noticed that 
reaction countless times in similar situations. But me: I just felt depressed. 
Here was a youth, perhaps on his way to prison. His mum and dad and sisters, 
his other relatives and his friends would be shocked and saddened by the news 
of his arrest. What is there to smile about for God's sake? It's a reaction 
I've noticed about other misfortunes. People see drug addicts in the final 
stages of degradation and judge these unfortunates as being losers. I see the 
same people and wonder what sexual or physical abuse they suffered as children 
- or maybe as adults they encountered some other misfortune, perhaps having to 
see a loved one die slowly and painfully of cancer - and think to myself how 
lucky I am that I have never had to cope with such trauma. So is Seraphita a 
saint? Not bloody likely. I am as selfish, as self-centred, as narrowly 
concerned with my own well-being as anyone. The difference seems to be an 
ability to enter imaginatively into the suffering of others and appreciate what 
a raw deal they had. Of course, some shop-lifters and drug addicts are complete 
saddos and probably need a kick up the arse and told to get a grip. But many 
will have just been unlucky - and luck plays a dominant role in all our lives. 
Imagination is often dismissed as idle fancy but really it is a faculty in 
which we grasp real aspects of the world - just like perception and reason. But 
perhaps another cause for people to enjoy the misfortunes of others - complete 
strangers at that - is that they are unhappy (The mass of men lead lives of 
quiet desperation. - Thoreau) and seeing someone worse off than themselves 
gives them a boost. They suddenly see that their own lives could be even more 
miserable so for a brief moment they can feel complacently self-satisfied. 
 Alas - according to Nietzsche - pity is just cruelty disguised. There's a lot 
to be said for that view - just observe carefully how your friends and 
colleagues savour reports of disasters on the latest news bulletins while 
convincing themselves how compassionate they are. So what can we conclude? That 
Seraphita is a hypocrite! Heads you win; tails I lose.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
You have a fine store of pertinent cartoons. I had a look and found this one: 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: salyavin808 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...
You have a fine store of pertinent cartoons... 

Thanks, I try to amuse. :-) To be honest, although I do have a file in which I 
store fun quotes and URLs for possible future use, most of the time when I want 
to add a little spice to a post here I just go to Google Images and search for 
the subject being discussed, adding the keyword funny to the search string. 
It is rare that I *don't* find something appropriate. For example, when 
searching for proof of god + funny just now I found these gems:

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread steve.sundur
Funniest cartoon I've seen in a while.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 From: salyavin808 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 8:01 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...
   I love the people have shifted the idea of what god is when earlier 
interpretations turn out to be too easily disposed of. I can see why theology 
never satisfactorily answered any questions! But I am impressed with the energy 
people put in to weaving their way past the need for evidence into some sort of 
logical cul de sac of him being unfathomable. God has always been 
anthropomorphism, mankind's vanity and paranoia writ large.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Re So the argument must be falling down somewhere, probably because I can 
conceive of Him not existing.: 

 So the Him you can conceive as not existing is clearly NOT the Him whose 
non-existence is inconceivable! The God you conceive might not exist is an 
image that you've constructed in your imagination based on your Sunday School 
lessons, so is essentially an *idol* - a false god. It is good news that you 
see that idols can't exist. The more idols you dismiss the closer you come to 
the real God that lies beyond your or anyone else's conceptions.

 The 14th-century theologian Meister Eckhart made the same point: The more 
they curse God the more they praise Him! 


 Re Seems reasonable to me that God would have a strong moral sense, stronger 
than mine even, and that he wouldn't like to see people suffer.:


 The Godhead doesn't have a strong moral sense. It is the crassest 
anthropomorphism to imagine otherwise. (It's another category error!) But we 
humans have a moral sense (The soul is naturally Christian - Tertullian, 
third century) so we should encourage that moral sense to flourish in the same 
way that a gardener encourages a flower to bloom and emit its fragrance.



[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread emptybill
I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: emptyb...@yahoo.com emptyb...@yahoo.com

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 2:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time.

As with their mutual cult leader Robin, I honestly think that the baseline 
issue here is narcissism. None of them can even *conceive* of people not being 
interested in the things they say, because the stuff going on in their heads is 
so fascinating to *them*. Thus they imagine that people are reading every word 
of their posts with the same diligence they read every word of the posts of the 
people they stalk, and if someone fails to pay proper attention to them, they 
rely on the Go back and read what I wrote epithet, AS IF THERE WAS ANY NEED 
TO. Who fucking CARES what any of them think?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread emptybill
Dear oh-so-good friend emptyliar.
Don't send messages to my wife. Stay off her Facebook page.
Then I won't care about your antics.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
I knew there was a trick to it. I remember reading a list of things to do when 
using google to add or subtract particular things, forgot it all though. 

 ...much fun later: Careful when commissioning those yagyas!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2014-02-19 Thread Pundit Sir
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 9:34 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 He who laughs last didn't get it. - Helen Giangregorio

 On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Don't find fault. Find a remedy. - Henry Ford

 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 8:19 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. -
 Swedish proverb

 On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 The wise man has long ears and a short tongue. - Anonymous

 On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Don't mess with old men, they didn't get old by being stupid. - Will

 On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Anyone can fail many times, but you aren't a failure until you begin
 to blame somebody else. - John Burroughs

 On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Doing nothing is hard to do - you never know when you're finished.
 - Leslie Nielsen

 On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then things get worse. - Will

 On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Pundit Sir 

 Never miss a good chance to shut up. - Will Rogers

 On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 10:27 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 That's it, Richard! I'm in love with Will Rogers. Is he still
 alive? (-:

 Long dead, Share:
 On August 15, 1935, Rogers was on a flight to Asia with the
 famous pilot Wiley Post when the craft developed engine troubles and
 crashed near Point Barrow, 
 The crash killed both men. Rogers was only 55.

  On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:46 AM, Pundit Sir punditster@...

 Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
 - Will Rogers

 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Share Long sharelong60@...wrote:

 Richard, I love this guy! I bet he was enlightened (-:

 PS Maharishi said that at the deepest level of every atom, even
 every atom of our body, Purusha IS Prakriti. Go figure!

  On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 8:14 AM, Pundit Sir 
 punditster@... wrote:

 Experience is something you don't get until just after you need
 it. - Will Rogers

 On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 9:43 PM, Pundit Sir punditster@...wrote:

 Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your mouth is
 moving. - Will Rogers

 On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:54 AM, authfriend@... wrote:

 So what was the good catch you said I made, Share? I don't
 believe you've responded to that question.

  Keep 'em coming Richard and thank you... 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread authfriend
As Barry knows, there is no Robin cult for Robin to be a leader of, nor for 
there to be any members of. That's a fairytale Barry dreamed up because he has 
no legitimate criticisms. 

 And obviously, certain people are interested in what I have to say (including 
Barry, despite his repeated lies that he never reads my posts), whether they 
agree or disagree, whether they absorb what I've said or not. But of course it 
would never occur to me to assume that everyone reads my posts, nor does it 
bother me if they don't.

 Still more obviously, if I tell someone to go back and read what I wrote 
because they've misconstrued what I've said, it's because they've read a post 
of mine and been interested enough to respond to it.

 Barry's at a point now where he's so befuddled he is unable to come up with 
lies that make sense even on their own terms.

 BTW, emptybill was addressing Ann, not me. I don't imagine she cares much 
whether he cares what she says. She likes to express herself, as do I, as do 
most here, including Barry. And both of us produce original content, including 
in our comments on what others have said. We just aren't obsessed with it; we 
feel no need to show off by producing it. So emptybill's and Barry's 
preoccupation with it, as if it were some kind of fault not to produce it, 
affects us not at all. It's one of Barry's most useless criticisms if his aim 
is to make us feel inadequate.

 I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time. 

 As with their mutual cult leader Robin, I honestly think that the baseline 
issue here is narcissism. None of them can even *conceive* of people not being 
interested in the things they say, because the stuff going on in their heads is 
so fascinating to *them*. Thus they imagine that people are reading every word 
of their posts with the same diligence they read every word of the posts of the 
people they stalk, and if someone fails to pay proper attention to them, they 
rely on the Go back and read what I wrote epithet, AS IF THERE WAS ANY NEED 
TO. Who fucking CARES what any of them think?




[FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread authfriend
Salyavin, have you always had this much trouble retaining factual information? 

 The unfathomable concept of God dates back to before Aristotle and has 
remained the mainstream concept of Western philosophical theism ever since. I 
told you that; Seraphita did too. So did philosopher of religion Edward Feser 
in that quote I posted.

 It's only very recently that more anthropomorphic concepts like theistic 
personalism have emerged. IOW, you have it precisely backward. (Of course, you 
can go WAY back to pagan antiquity, pre-500 BCE or so, to find anthropomorphic 
concepts--Zeus and so on. But that isn't when the shift you're claiming to 
unfathomable took place, is it?)

 I love the people have shifted the idea of what god is when earlier 
interpretations turn out to be too easily disposed of. I can see why theology 
never satisfactorily answered any questions! But I am impressed with the energy 
people put in to weaving their way past the need for evidence into some sort of 
logical cul de sac of him being unfathomable. God has always been 
anthropomorphism, mankind's vanity and paranoia writ large.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Re So the argument must be falling down somewhere, probably because I can 
conceive of Him not existing.: 

 So the Him you can conceive as not existing is clearly NOT the Him whose 
non-existence is inconceivable! The God you conceive might not exist is an 
image that you've constructed in your imagination based on your Sunday School 
lessons, so is essentially an *idol* - a false god. It is good news that you 
see that idols can't exist. The more idols you dismiss the closer you come to 
the real God that lies beyond your or anyone else's conceptions.

 The 14th-century theologian Meister Eckhart made the same point: The more 
they curse God the more they praise Him! 


 Re Seems reasonable to me that God would have a strong moral sense, stronger 
than mine even, and that he wouldn't like to see people suffer.:


 The Godhead doesn't have a strong moral sense. It is the crassest 
anthropomorphism to imagine otherwise. (It's another category error!) But we 
humans have a moral sense (The soul is naturally Christian - Tertullian, 
third century) so we should encourage that moral sense to flourish in the same 
way that a gardener encourages a flower to bloom and emit its fragrance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Avert the danger, before it arises!

2014-02-19 Thread Michael Jackson
I was talking about the song

And as long as you are quoting the Yoga Sutras:

The “pain” Patanjali talks about in 2:16, “Pain that has not yet come is 
avoidable.” is clarified in the sutra that immediately follows it, 2:17: “The 
cause of that avoidable pain is the union of the Seer (Purusha) and seen 
(Prakriti).” From this we understand how our world is experienced and how we 
always identify ourselves with what is seen.

Just as those who have a unbending need to always see TM as the answer to 
everything in life, when they look upon the seen, they will experience an 
illusion, an attachment of TM is the answer! Thus continuing to bind 
themselves to illusion, therefore pain, and continue further experiences upon 
the wheel of karma. 

Now how about that? I used the yoga sutras to smash all the TB'ers illusions!!

 No, I think it was the Indian Patanjali who wrote the Yoga
 What is to be avoided is suffering that has not yet
 come. - Yoga Sutra 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
S3raphita , I feel you are being quite saintly in taking notice of the 
circumstance. Yep, it is just another sign of bad upbringing and the failure of 
our schools and society.  Including fault of all those collectively standing 
around smirking who without initiative themselves or had the opportunity in 
their own lives to pursue the proper upbringing of virtue of spiritual life 
themselves and all those who who may know better will themselves not going out 
even on a limb to help anyone other than themselves in their own material world 
of widget worth. 
  I sense saintly virtue in you that you would even notice the collective 
failure in this incident in this poor unlucky youth. The shoplifter is just 
another index showing the lack in our meissner-like collective transmission of 
collective consciousness of virtue in life. You are a teacher of the absolute 
wisdom in life are you not? A transmitter of spiritual virtue? It makes sense 
that you are sensitive to what was in that public scene. It is now the age of 
science and it is neigh time they put quiet-time meditation in to the training 
of all our children in their schools, if their families can not provide it for 
their own children if not just to save us all. To save us all from this 
vileness otherwise there is a place for public education in these sound values 
of life. All it takes is some quiet-time. It pisses me off too to watch the 
smirking jerks as you point to, like some even here who would actually stand in 
the way and fight what is such evident science and get in the way of the larger 
transmission of virtue in life. Yep, all those smirking jerks all watching the 
theatre of this youth being taken off should all be sending checks of donation 
as a matter of character to the David Lynch Foundation to help in the trenches 
in the fight against all that is vile in life. The teaching of and learning of 
the transcendental meditative state is the inalienable right to be guaranteed 
of every human being born in to this life. That is the first right that needs 
to be first guaranteed to every child growing up. Teaching of effective 
transcending meditation in all our schools is now the scientific standard of a 
proper education and should be all our public's policy regardless. I commend 
you for bringing this sad story to our attention here at FFL. You are a saint 
in reaching for the transformation that awareness can bring.  It would be 
cruelty to know the great virtue of life and not say anything or do anything 
about this situation.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention here.  It will 
likelymake us all better for it in pursuing our spiritual practices as we go 
about our daily lives.  Thanks, you are a saint.

 s3raphita writes:
 Today I was walking past a department store when a sudden commotion caught my 
attention. A young man was being frogmarched to a waiting police car by two 
constables - obviously he was a shoplifter who hadn't been as careful as he 
should have been. But what appalled me was that everyone around me - fellow 
pedestrians, people in coffee shops, those waiting at the bus stop - were 
almost universally smiling and exchanging knowing glances. I've noticed that 
reaction countless times in similar situations. But me: I just felt depressed. 
Here was a youth, perhaps on his way to prison. His mum and dad and sisters, 
his other relatives and his friends would be shocked and saddened by the news 
of his arrest. What is there to smile about for God's sake? It's a reaction 
I've noticed about other misfortunes. People see drug addicts in the final 
stages of degradation and judge these unfortunates as being losers. I see the 
same people and wonder what sexual or physical abuse they suffered as children 
- or maybe as adults they encountered some other misfortune, perhaps having to 
see a loved one die slowly and painfully of cancer - and think to myself how 
lucky I am that I have never had to cope with such trauma. So is Seraphita a 
saint? Not bloody likely. I am as selfish, as self-centred, as narrowly 
concerned with my own well-being as anyone. The difference seems to be an 
ability to enter imaginatively into the suffering of others and appreciate what 
a raw deal they had. Of course, some shop-lifters and drug addicts are complete 
saddos and probably need a kick up the arse and told to get a grip. But many 
will have just been unlucky - and luck plays a dominant role in all our lives. 
Imagination is often dismissed as idle fancy but really it is a faculty in 
which we grasp real aspects of the world - just like perception and reason. But 
perhaps another cause for people to enjoy the misfortunes of others - complete 
strangers at that - is that they are unhappy (The mass of men lead lives of 
quiet desperation. - Thoreau) and seeing someone worse off than themselves 
gives them a boost. They suddenly see that their own lives could be even more 
miserable so for a brief moment they can feel 

[FairfieldLife] Vedic Deco

2014-02-19 Thread turquoiseb
Who knew? The second biggest treasure-trove of Art Deco architecture is in 


[FairfieldLife] Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008

 The Smart House: Tour of a Small but Perfect Maharishi Vastu 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: CLASSICAL THEISM

2014-02-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/18/2014 11:08 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*classical theism does not conceive of God as a being, no matter how 
ultimate, but rather Beingness Itself.*

Beingness: It's a noun - the state of being or existence itself; the 
ultimate reality transcendental to .

But, that doesn't tells us much about the polytheism in India, but it 
tells us a lot about Plato and Aristotle. In Advaita Vedanta, the Being 
is what everything comes from but it is separate from the creation. In 
Indian Vishnu monotheism, Brahman is the Transcendental Person. */The 
main problem we should be discussing is how the individual relates to 
the Being - what karma is, and what we do back./*

[FairfieldLife] UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:

 I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time.

 And you're wasting mine with your tattling and idiotic message about Facebook 
and your wife. You can block Ravi if you think he is harassing her or you can 
got the FB administrators or you can shut up and stop making such a big deal 
out of absolutely nothing. For such an old, crotchety guy you are such a baby 
and a really cantankerous one at that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote:

 As Barry knows, there is no Robin cult for Robin to be a leader of, nor for 
there to be any members of. That's a fairytale Barry dreamed up because he has 
no legitimate criticisms. 

 And obviously, certain people are interested in what I have to say (including 
Barry, despite his repeated lies that he never reads my posts), whether they 
agree or disagree, whether they absorb what I've said or not. But of course it 
would never occur to me to assume that everyone reads my posts, nor does it 
bother me if they don't.

 Still more obviously, if I tell someone to go back and read what I wrote 
because they've misconstrued what I've said, it's because they've read a post 
of mine and been interested enough to respond to it.

 Barry's at a point now where he's so befuddled he is unable to come up with 
lies that make sense even on their own terms.

 BTW, emptybill was addressing Ann, not me. I don't imagine she cares much 
whether he cares what she says. She likes to express herself, as do I, as do 
most here, including Barry. And both of us produce original content, including 
in our comments on what others have said. We just aren't obsessed with it; we 
feel no need to show off by producing it. So emptybill's and Barry's 
preoccupation with it, as if it were some kind of fault not to produce it, 
affects us not at all. It's one of Barry's most useless criticisms if his aim 
is to make us feel inadequate.

 Barry is simply a bullying asshole who thinks he is above and beyond the 
foibles of mere mortals. He is a warmonger and an angry old fart. Empty is 
empty except for the evident parchment-thin emotion that he sometimes exhibits 
when angry - which seems to be most of the time. He's the guy you pass in the 
street muttering, young whippersnappers and looking really crotchety as he 
shuffles along. So do I care what either of these bums thinks? Not yesterday 
and not today, so far.

 I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time. 

 As with their mutual cult leader Robin, I honestly think that the baseline 
issue here is narcissism. None of them can even *conceive* of people not being 
interested in the things they say, because the stuff going on in their heads is 
so fascinating to *them*. Thus they imagine that people are reading every word 
of their posts with the same diligence they read every word of the posts of the 
people they stalk, and if someone fails to pay proper attention to them, they 
rely on the Go back and read what I wrote epithet, AS IF THERE WAS ANY NEED 
TO. Who fucking CARES what any of them think?




Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/18/2014 11:11 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
Moderators - Alex, Rick - please delete this thread and reprimand/kick 
this psychotic liar off the list please.

I had this exact same thought. I would like to see the thread and to 
see the context of this supposed stalking comment.

It looks like somebody is monitoring all these messages! I wouldn't be 
surprised to find out that there are dozens of lurkers on this forum 
reading our every word. But, it's not the lurkers that are the problem - 
it's the stalkers that are the problem - the informants who try to trick 
us into reacting to parodies and try to take us down a rabbit-hole and 
try to turn every thread into an argument about how many gods can fit on 
the end of a needle or what kind of shampoo we use on our hair. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Vedic Deco

2014-02-19 Thread doctordumbass
My *favorite* archetectural style! I've had a project in the back of my mind, 
to photogragh a number of buildings in San Francisco and San Jose, built in the 
deco style. Thanks for sharing this.

[FairfieldLife] RE: An amazing rock

2014-02-19 Thread doctordumbass
I know :-)...No, it is very much a plain front yard, with struggling grass (no 
sprinklers due to drought), or rain. The cool and imaginative Creator hasn't 
got his feet wet, yet, for the front yard.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread j_alexander_stanley
Agreed. And if word comes down from upon high that I have to waste my time 
deleting this entire thread, emptybill is getting the boot.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:

 I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time.

 And you're wasting mine with your tattling and idiotic message about Facebook 
and your wife. You can block Ravi if you think he is harassing her or you can 
got the FB administrators or you can shut up and stop making such a big deal 
out of absolutely nothing. For such an old, crotchety guy you are such a baby 
and a really cantankerous one at that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Vedic Deco

2014-02-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
Glad to have been of service. I'm more of an Art Nouveau (Belle Epoque) fan 
myself, but sadly there are fewer examples of architecture of this style still 
standing. Built earlier, I guess, and sadly torn down to make way for the new, 
even in Paris. There are more examples of Art Nouveau houses in Brussels than 
in all of France.

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Vedic Deco

My *favorite* archetectural style! I've had a project in the back of my mind, 
to photogragh a number of buildings in San Francisco and San Jose, built in the 
deco style. Thanks for sharing this.

[FairfieldLife] Good news for Pushing Daisies fans

2014-02-19 Thread turquoiseb
Not off topic because one of our former FFL members won a Primetime Emmy for 
editing this wonderful and quirky seles...


[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
I think you'll find it's a squadron of fighter planes following a refuelling 
tanker. When performing this manouvre they have their bright landing lights on. 
If you pause the video every few seconds you can see that they have moved.

[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Congratulations with the most silly rationalization in a long while :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/19/2014 7:09 AM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
 You're wasting my time.
Yes, I think that's what a discussion board is supposed to do, but it's 
not a total waste of time because some people just feel better when they 
have someone to talk to. The problem isn't somebody posting a message or 
too many messages - the problem is nobody is posting any messages! Some 
days it's like trying to communicate with deaf-mutes around here. I 
mean, what are you guys doing out there - trying to have a life or 
something? Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
Nice places, I'd have either of them. But what drives me nuts is the crap about 
sleeping better, being healthier and feeling protected. Or making better 
decisions in life and business. It's such a load of bull. I lived in a SV home 
for a summer and didn't sleep any better than usual, didn't have any bright 
ideas (no more than usual anyway) It was business as usual except I had to walk 
further to get to the garden. 

 But I guess if they dropped the mood making crap they wouldn't be able to 
cream some money off for the SV license. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: An amazing rock [1 Attachment]

2014-02-19 Thread anartaxius
Very interesting rock. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I know :-)...No, it is very much a plain front yard, with struggling grass (no 
sprinklers due to drought), or rain. The cool and imaginative Creator hasn't 
got his feet wet, yet, for the front yard.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008
You forgot better sex.

[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
Always glad to be of service Nabby.  

 I remember during the first gulf war that a UFO flap of giant triangles 
covered in bright lights were seen all over Europe. Got the alien TB freaks 
really excited. I knew someone who saw one and he swore on his life that he 
wasn't lying. I said I would investigate but drew a blank because, unbeknown to 
everyone, the government were using our airforce bases for American planes to 
fly to Iraq, accompanied by their tanker escort.

 It all came out in the official secrets act recently, people reported the 
UFO's to the police but the explanation never got released to protect national 
security and operational interests.

 So it's either that or a giant alien mother ship with lights that move about 
on its hull, flew close enough to earth to pass through the atmosphere and have 
a good look but without alerting the authorities of any country, who would be 
most interested to be honest. Probably blow it out of the sky before it got 
anywhere important actually.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Congratulations with the most silly rationalization in a long while :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
You'll have to forgive me, but I find the idea of someone having better sex as 
the result of buying a Maharishi Vastu house even more ludicrous than the idea 
of someone actually levitating as a result of the Maharishi TM-Sidhis. But 
thanks for the best laugh of the day. 

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 4:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

You forgot better sex.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808

 How do you know?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 You forgot better sex.

 How do you know?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread anartaxius
Yeah, but within the context of those trapped in the belief system, you've got 
a good line 'Hey, I have a Vastu house. You should see the bedroom, it's 
fabulous, and the headboard is perfectly aligned with true East! Complete 
support of Natural Law!'

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 You'll have to forgive me, but I find the idea of someone having better sex as 
the result of buying a Maharishi Vastu house even more ludicrous than the idea 
of someone actually levitating as a result of the Maharishi TM-Sidhis. But 
thanks for the best laugh of the day. 


 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 4:59 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home
   You forgot better sex.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Always glad to be of service Turq :-) People have better sex in Maharishi Vastu 
homes because that's what they privately report - it will be interesting when 
this is documented with scientific research some time in the future.

[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Right, and with the new advanced military technology they are able to refill 
MORE than 14 planes simultaneously ! Please make sure no one is putting 
something in your afternoon tea :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Right, and now with the new, advanced technology the US Air Force is able to 
refill MORE than 14 planes simultaneously - they do that all the time these 
days, particulary above Colombia.  Do check that no one is putting something in 
your afternoon-tea  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread Michael Jackson
That's because you weren't taking amrit, having jyotish readings and yagyas 
done for you at the same time. Don't you know that TM makes you so weak and 
screwed up you have to have the whole ball of wax to be able to get out of bed 
and walk across the floor!?!

On Wed, 2/19/14, salyavin808 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 3:54 PM
   Nice places, I'd have either of them. But what
 drives me nuts is the crap about sleeping better, being
 healthier and feeling protected. Or making better decisions
 in life and business. It's such a load of bull. I lived
 in a SV home for a summer and didn't sleep any better
 than usual, didn't have any bright ideas (no more than
 usual anyway) It was business as usual except I had to walk
 further to get to the garden.
 But I guess if they dropped the mood making crap
 they wouldn't be able to cream some money off for the SV

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:

 Agreed. And if word comes down from upon high that I have to waste my time 
deleting this entire thread, emptybill is getting the boot.

 Thank God for someone with a modicum of sense. Long rule Alex. Had any good 
Bananagram tournaments lately, BTW?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:

 I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time.

 And you're wasting mine with your tattling and idiotic message about Facebook 
and your wife. You can block Ravi if you think he is harassing her or you can 
got the FB administrators or you can shut up and stop making such a big deal 
out of absolutely nothing. For such an old, crotchety guy you are such a baby 
and a really cantankerous one at that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread Michael Jackson
Back when I was a TM fanatic, I once asked my father what would he do if the 
TMO had a levitation demonstration and he actually saw people flying. 

(This is back when liar Marshy was still claiming flight above the taxis and a 
public demonstration was juust around the corner, at Kitty Hawk, NC no 

The Old Man who was irritated to begin with because I was distracting him from 
his WWII movie playing on cable tv took a long drag off his unfiltered 
Chesterfield King, squinted at me as he exhaled and exclaimed I'd know goddamn 
well there was a helicopter up there above the clouds with wires attached to 
that son of a bitch who claimed to be flyin', that's what I'd think!

Same kind of deal here. 

On Wed, 2/19/14, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 4:43 PM
   Right, and now with the new, advanced technology
 the US Air Force is able to refill MORE than 14 planes
 simultaneously - they do that all the time these days,
 particulary above Colombia.  Do check that no one is
 putting something in your afternoon-tea  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread Share Long
And for those who eschew vastu, there's always feng shui (-:


On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:14 AM, anartax...@yahoo.com 
anartax...@yahoo.com wrote:
Yeah, but within the context of those trapped in the belief system, you've got 
a good line 'Hey, I have a Vastu house. You should see the bedroom, it's 
fabulous, and the headboard is perfectly aligned with true East! Complete 
support of Natural Law!'

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

You'll have to forgive me, but I find the idea of someone having better sex as 
the result of buying a Maharishi Vastu house even more ludicrous than the idea 
of someone actually levitating as a result of the Maharishi TM-Sidhis. But 
thanks for the best laugh of the day. 

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 4:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

You forgot better sex.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Nice places, I'd have either of them. But what drives me nuts is the crap 
about sleeping better, being healthier and feeling protected. Or making better 
decisions in life and business. It's such a load of bull. I lived in a SV home 
for a summer and didn't sleep any better than usual, didn't have any bright 
ideas (no more than usual anyway) It was business as usual except I had to walk 
further to get to the garden. 

 But I guess if they dropped the mood making crap they wouldn't be able to 
cream some money off for the SV license. 

 A nice house is a nice house. Plenty of natural light, space that doesn't 
cramp, natural building materials - these are all things that are no-brainers 
for a pleasant environment. Lots of expensive and not so expensive houses 
incorporate these features so I can't see spending even more money for someone 
to tell you and charge for things that are already desirable by many people. 
You'll sleep better if you aren't next to a rail line and your outlook on life 
might improve if you don't live in a dark hovel but do we need Vastu to tell us 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread Share Long
Salyavin, I think atheists also anthropomorphize God! For example, when they 
say that if there was a God, he or she would be the human idea of benign and 
there wouldn't be such horrible events in the world. That's making a big 
assumption about the nature of God. 

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:01 AM, salyavin808 no_re...@yahoogroups.com 
I love the people have shifted the idea of what god is when earlier 
interpretations turn out to be too easily disposed of. I can see why theology 
never satisfactorily answered any questions! But I am impressed with the energy 
people put in to weaving their way past the need for evidence into some sort of 
logical cul de sac of him being unfathomable. God has always been 
anthropomorphism, mankind's vanity and paranoia writ large.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

Re So the argument must be falling down somewhere, probably because I can 
conceive of Him not existing.:

So the Him you can conceive as not existing is clearly NOT the Him whose 
non-existence is inconceivable! The God you conceive might not exist is an 
image that you've constructed in your imagination based on your Sunday School 
lessons, so is essentially an *idol* - a false god. It is good news that you 
see that idols can't exist. The more idols you dismiss the closer you come to 
the real God that lies beyond your or anyone else's conceptions.

The 14th-century theologian Meister Eckhart made the same point: The more they 
curse God the more they praise Him! 

Re Seems reasonable to me that God would have a strong moral sense, stronger 
than mine even, and that he wouldn't like to see people suffer.:

The Godhead doesn't have a strong moral sense. It is the crassest 
anthropomorphism to imagine otherwise. (It's another category error!) But we 
humans have a moral sense (The soul is naturally Christian - Tertullian, 
third century) so we should encourage that moral sense to flourish in the same 
way that a gardener encourages a flower to bloom and emit its fragrance.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Nice places, I'd have either of them. But what drives me nuts is the crap 
about sleeping better, being healthier and feeling protected. Or making better 
decisions in life and business. It's such a load of bull. I lived in a SV home 
for a summer and didn't sleep any better than usual, didn't have any bright 
ideas (no more than usual anyway) It was business as usual except I had to walk 
further to get to the garden. 

 But I guess if they dropped the mood making crap they wouldn't be able to 
cream some money off for the SV license. 

 A nice house is a nice house. Plenty of natural light, space that doesn't 
cramp, natural building materials - these are all things that are no-brainers 
for a pleasant environment. Lots of expensive and not so expensive houses 
incorporate these features so I can't see spending even more money for someone 
to tell you and charge for things that are already desirable by many people. 
You'll sleep better if you aren't next to a rail line and your outlook on life 
might improve if you don't live in a dark hovel but do we need Vastu to tell us 

 LOL, some people do. The real TM TB's think that if it's vastu it's perfect, 
and they will live long and happy lives because of it. It was sold as the final 
solution, the missing piece of the jigsaw for those who had drunk all the other 
Kool-aid the TMO sells. In fact, non SV homes were suddenly making us ill and 
stopping us becoming enlightened! Treat your house like it's burning down 
said Marshy, and that very same day, ie ten years later, some were built in the 
UK to extremely underwhelming effect, and then they found out that the hill 
near Skem was delaying the sunrise by 2 minutes so anything they did wasn't 
full vastu anyway! So anyone who cared enough, and could afford it, has 
decamped to Rendlesham in Suffolk - Europe's first full vastu village.

 I would like one because I like the fact that the sun rises in front of the 
house on midsummers day and you can therefore measure equinoxes using the 
fenceposts. Something cool about that, like a link to the iron age or ancient 
Rome, which is probably what they used it for being farmers and therefore sun 
worshippers. Knowing when the seasons are about to change was pivotal in those 
days. And the reason the kitchen was on that side of the house was to keep the 
food in the coolest place. So there is some logic to it, just don't expect 



[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808

They aren't filling them at once, they are queueing in each others slipstream 
while they wait their turn. 

 Like this:



 Now stretch your imagination to them doing it at night with their lights on so 
they can see each other...


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Right, and now with the new, advanced technology the US Air Force is able to 
refill MORE than 14 planes simultaneously - they do that all the time these 
days, particulary above Colombia.  Do check that no one is putting something in 
your afternoon-tea  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Indian music

2014-02-19 Thread Michael Jackson

For those who have time to watch, this is a masterful concert, tabla and bansuri


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ultimate Techno Tracks

2014-02-19 Thread Pundit Sir
The History of House Music

[image: Inline image 2]

Swedish House Mafia and Benny Benassi

Pump Up The Volume - 2001 Channel 4 documentary

Directed by Carl Hindmarch

Part 1: Time To Jack
Part 2: Can You Feel It
Part 3: From Handbag To Hardcore

Best House Techno Club Mix 2011 -2012

House music is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the
American city of Chicago in the early 1980s. It was initially popularized
circa 1984 in Chicago, but beginning in 1985, it fanned out to other major
cities across North and South America, as well as Europe and later


'The Rough Guide to House Music'
by Sean Bidder
Rough Guides, 1999

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Pump Up the Volume

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Pump Up the Volume - MARRS (extended mix)

 Pump Up the Volume is a song and the only single by British recording
 act MARRS. Recorded and released in 1987, it was a number-one hit in many
 countries and is sometimes regarded as a significant milestone in the
 development of British house music and music sampling.

 On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Get ready for a techno rave with the Professor DJ. It's time for some
 techo dance music at the Armadillo World Headquarters. It's time to get
 down and dirty and dancing naked. Let's move - if you aren't going to
 dance, why did you come to the party?

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Naked - Inside Treatment - The Official Techno Club Compilation Volume 2

 A good disc jockey entertains the audience with his extensive knowledge
 of music. Only an individual with great passion can become a fine DJ. It is
 not all about skills. A lot of people become good music players just
 because of their passion, and ability to make interesting moves with the

 Disc Jockey

 Steps to Become a DJ at a Club:

 On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can start a garage band - just hook up a Moog Synthesizer to your
 computer and you have a complete DAW. It's not complicated.

 [image: Inline image 1]  [image: Inline image 2]

 First, we installed the free Audacity software on our computer. Then, we
 bought a microphone from the Shack. So, we hooked up our Yamaha keyboard
 with the synth. You can also get yourself an outboard unit like an Mbox or
 Motu that comes with Pro Tools. Always try to use audiophile-grade
 components and MIDI and XLR connections which deliver a signal-to-noise
 ratio (SNR) of 114dB.

 [image: Inline image 3]

 [image: Inline image 4]

 Daphne Oram - inventor of the first portable synthesizer


 Example of electronic music:

 *Give It Up* - The Goodmen - *Batacuda Refreshcante* - Platinum on
 Black Vol 1 Track 5



 Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor that can run on
 Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux; it is particularly popular in the
 podcast community, and also has a large following among the visually
 impaired due to its keyboard interface.


 GarageBand is a software application for OS X and iOS that allows users
 to create music or podcasts. It is developed by Apple Inc. as a part of the
 iLife software package on OS X.


 A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic system designed
 solely or primarily for recording, editing and playing back digital audio.
 DAWs were originally tape-less, microprocessor-based systems such as the
 Synclavier. Modern DAWs are software running on computers with audio
 interface hardware.


 On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Get ready for a techno tribal beat stomp!

 [image: Inline image 1]

 This tribal beat stomp with DJ Danny Tenaglia is legendary - a  homage
 to the original Sound Factory on West 27th St in New York City. Picture a
 thousand improvisational dancers going wild on a dance floor getting sweaty
 and raw; in a huge dark warehouse with nothing but a big dance floor; an
 awesome sound system; a huge mirror ball; and a health juice bar. It just
 doesn't get any better than this - work it!

 Mix This Pussy - Danny Tenaglia Mix - 1994

 [image: Inline image 2]

 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tribal Dance Night at the Techno Club

 It's techno DJ night at the Armadillo World Headquarters in Austin -
 three thousand  hardcore techno fans crowd a city-club celebrating the
 re-birth of genuine techno. On Friday nights techno addicts 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Indian music

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
Superb, very tuneful playing for tabla!  I saw Zakir Hussain playing with John 
MacLaughlin in their band 'Remember Shakti', mesmerising percussion, great gig 
all round actually. 

 I've got quite a few albums with Zakir on but my fave of his is 'Making 
Music', with MacLaughlin on guitar, Hariprasad Chaurasia the flautist and Jan 
Garbarek on sax. Very laid back and well worth a look.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote:

 For those who have time to watch, this is a masterful concert, tabla and 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
Not really an assumption Share, it's all over the bible and koran about what a 
great dude he is and how he made us in his image and punishes us for being bad 
and rewards us for being good. It's enough of a motif for me to think there is 
a concrete idea among devotees about what he was like and what he wanted us to 
be like. 

 Are you going to do a Judy and tell me that wasn't the god you were referring 
to ;-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 Salyavin, I think atheists also anthropomorphize God! For example, when they 
say that if there was a God, he or she would be the human idea of benign and 
there wouldn't be such horrible events in the world. That's making a big 
assumption about the nature of God. 

 On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:01 AM, salyavin808 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   I love the people have shifted the idea of what god is when earlier 
interpretations turn out to be too easily disposed of. I can see why theology 
never satisfactorily answered any questions! But I am impressed with the energy 
people put in to weaving their way past the need for evidence into some sort of 
logical cul de sac of him being unfathomable. God has always been 
anthropomorphism, mankind's vanity and paranoia writ large.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Re So the argument must be falling down somewhere, probably because I can 
conceive of Him not existing.: 

 So the Him you can conceive as not existing is clearly NOT the Him whose 
non-existence is inconceivable! The God you conceive might not exist is an 
image that you've constructed in your imagination based on your Sunday School 
lessons, so is essentially an *idol* - a false god. It is good news that you 
see that idols can't exist. The more idols you dismiss the closer you come to 
the real God that lies beyond your or anyone else's conceptions.

 The 14th-century theologian Meister Eckhart made the same point: The more 
they curse God the more they praise Him! 


 Re Seems reasonable to me that God would have a strong moral sense, stronger 
than mine even, and that he wouldn't like to see people suffer.:


 The Godhead doesn't have a strong moral sense. It is the crassest 
anthropomorphism to imagine otherwise. (It's another category error!) But we 
humans have a moral sense (The soul is naturally Christian - Tertullian, 
third century) so we should encourage that moral sense to flourish in the same 
way that a gardener encourages a flower to bloom and emit its fragrance.



[FairfieldLife] RE: An amazing rock

2014-02-19 Thread doctordumbass
More rock, and less talk, from KDOC:


2014-02-19 Thread anartaxius
I suppose we see this differently. I do not see god. I see being, not evidence 
of being. You see (if I interpret your words correctly) evidence of god in the 
things you see. That seems to have an interpretative step involved. Am I 
understanding this properly? 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:

 [Xeno] As to theism, I am a post-theist, I do not think the theistic arguments 
have much point, but they do have some interest for me even if I disagree with 
most of them. Fesers' discussion below is really well done, I think. I myself 
sometimes think using the conception 'absolute being' without the articles a, 
an, the, but it has a different significance for me than for a theist because 
it is not transcendent and not out of sight. [Ann's highlight]

 [Ann] I am a theist and my God, my creator is very much in evidence everywhere 
I look. It is not a transcendent thing and it is not out of sight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread Share Long
Nope, Salyavin, I'm gonna do a Share and try to explain my logic (-:
Ok, then the atheists seem to do a double anthro! They don't anthropomorphize 
God directly. They take what others have written and interpret that in human 

Really both atheists and theists are stuck with being human and interpreting 
God or Being or Source or Whatever from that perspective. Wonder what the 
squirrels and rocks think!

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:53 PM, salyavin808 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Not really an assumption Share, it's all over the bible and koran about what a 
great dude he is and how he made us in his image and punishes us for being bad 
and rewards us for being good. It's enough of a motif for me to think there is 
a concrete idea among devotees about what he was like and what he wanted us to 
be like.

Are you going to do a Judy and tell me that wasn't the god you were referring 
to ;-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

Salyavin, I think atheists also anthropomorphize God! For example, when they 
say that if there was a God, he or she would be the human idea of benign and 
there wouldn't be such horrible events in the world. That's making a big 
assumption about the nature of God. 

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:01 AM, salyavin808 no_re...@yahoogroups.com 

I love the people have shifted the idea of what god is when earlier 
interpretations turn out to be too easily disposed of. I can see why theology 
never satisfactorily answered any questions! But I am impressed with the energy 
people put in to weaving their way past the need for evidence into some sort of 
logical cul de sac of him being unfathomable. God has always been 
anthropomorphism, mankind's vanity and paranoia writ large.

 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

Re So the
argument must be falling down somewhere, probably because I can conceive of Him 
not existing.:

So the Him you can conceive as not existing is clearly NOT the Him whose 
non-existence is inconceivable! The God you conceive might not exist is an 
image that you've constructed in your imagination based on your Sunday School 
lessons, so is essentially an *idol* - a false god. It is good news that you 
see that idols can't exist. The more idols you dismiss the closer you come to 
the real God that lies beyond your or anyone else's conceptions.

The 14th-century theologian Meister Eckhart made the same point: The more they 
curse God the more they praise Him! 

Re Seems reasonable to me that God would have a strong moral sense, stronger 
than mine even, and that he wouldn't like to see people suffer.:

The Godhead doesn't have a strong moral sense. It is the crassest 
anthropomorphism to imagine otherwise. (It's another category error!) But we 
humans have a moral sense (The soul is naturally Christian - Tertullian, 
third century) so we should encourage that moral sense to flourish in the same 
way that a gardener encourages a flower to bloom and emit its fragrance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the day...

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
I would say you have to be able to think to invent the concept of god. 
Everything else just gets on with it..

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 Nope, Salyavin, I'm gonna do a Share and try to explain my logic (-:
Ok, then the atheists seem to do a double anthro! They don't anthropomorphize 
God directly. They take what others have written and interpret that in human 

Really both atheists and theists are stuck with being human and interpreting 
God or Being or Source or Whatever from that perspective. Wonder what the 
squirrels and rocks think!

 On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:53 PM, salyavin808 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   Not really an assumption Share, it's all over the bible and koran about what 
a great dude he is and how he made us in his image and punishes us for being 
bad and rewards us for being good. It's enough of a motif for me to think there 
is a concrete idea among devotees about what he was like and what he wanted us 
to be like.

 Are you going to do a Judy and tell me that wasn't the god you were referring 
to ;-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 Salyavin, I think atheists also anthropomorphize God! For example, when they 
say that if there was a God, he or she would be the human idea of benign and 
there wouldn't be such horrible events in the world. That's making a big 
assumption about the nature of God. 

 On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:01 AM, salyavin808 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   I love the people have shifted the idea of what god is when earlier 
interpretations turn out to be too easily disposed of. I can see why theology 
never satisfactorily answered any questions! But I am impressed with the energy 
people put in to weaving their way past the need for evidence into some sort of 
logical cul de sac of him being unfathomable. God has always been 
anthropomorphism, mankind's vanity and paranoia writ large.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

 Re So the argument must be falling down somewhere, probably because I can 
conceive of Him not existing.: 

 So the Him you can conceive as not existing is clearly NOT the Him whose 
non-existence is inconceivable! The God you conceive might not exist is an 
image that you've constructed in your imagination based on your Sunday School 
lessons, so is essentially an *idol* - a false god. It is good news that you 
see that idols can't exist. The more idols you dismiss the closer you come to 
the real God that lies beyond your or anyone else's conceptions.

 The 14th-century theologian Meister Eckhart made the same point: The more 
they curse God the more they praise Him! 


 Re Seems reasonable to me that God would have a strong moral sense, stronger 
than mine even, and that he wouldn't like to see people suffer.:


 The Godhead doesn't have a strong moral sense. It is the crassest 
anthropomorphism to imagine otherwise. (It's another category error!) But we 
humans have a moral sense (The soul is naturally Christian - Tertullian, 
third century) so we should encourage that moral sense to flourish in the same 
way that a gardener encourages a flower to bloom and emit its fragrance.





Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Indian music

2014-02-19 Thread Bhairitu
I saw Hussain with MacLaughlin's band back in the early 1990s at Yoshi's 
when it was in Berkeley.  I also met Hussain's mom who ran the Indian 
Cultural Center (or something like that) in San Francisco.

On 02/19/2014 10:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Superb, very tuneful playing for tabla!  I saw Zakir Hussain playing 
with John MacLaughlin in their band 'Remember Shakti', mesmerising 
percussion, great gig all round actually.

I've got quite a few albums with Zakir on but my fave of his is 
'Making Music', with MacLaughlin on guitar, Hariprasad Chaurasia the 
flautist and Jan Garbarek on sax. Very laid back and well worth a look.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote:

For those who have time to watch, this is a masterful concert, tabla 
and bansuri


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread Bhairitu
And probably laughing all the time about the UFO reports the refueling 
will generate.

On 02/19/2014 10:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

They aren't filling them at once, they are queueing in each others 
slipstream while they wait their turn.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Good news for Pushing Daisies fans

2014-02-19 Thread Bhairitu
I see Stu is editing Melissa and Joey these days.  Of course Bryan 
Fuller's current project is Hannibal.

On 02/19/2014 07:23 AM, turquoi...@yahoo.com wrote:

Not off topic because one of our former FFL members won a Primetime 
Emmy for editing this wonderful and quirky seles...


[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread nablusoss1008
I quess that´s why they seem to be standing still or moving very slowly in the 
video :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For all romantics out there

2014-02-19 Thread Pundit Sir
Little Stevie Wonder

[image: Inline image 2]

I Just Called To Say I Love You - Live

Recommended by the Professor DJ:

Natural Wonder - Live

[image: Inline image 1]

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 For all you romantics out there - B.J. Thomas - Hooked on a Feeling

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Hooked on a Feeling - Original version, vinyl

 Greatest Hits Medley

 I can't stop this feelin' deep inside of me
 Girl, you just don't realize what you do to me
 When ya hold me in your arms so tight
 You let me know everything's all right

 I-I-I, I'm hooked on a feelin'
 High on believin' that you're in love with me

 Lips are sweet as candy, the taste stays on my mind
 Girl, you keep me thirsty for another cup of wine
 I got it bad for you girl, but I don't need a cure
 I'll just stay addicted and hope I can endure

 All the good love when we're all alone
 Keep it up, girl, yeah ya turn me on

 I-I-I, I'm hooked on a feelin'
 High on believin' that you're in love with me

 All the good love when we're all alone
 Keep it up, girl, yeah ya turn me on

 I-I-I, I'm hooked on a feelin'
 I'm high on believin' that you're in love with me.

 On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 [image: Inline image 1]

 There are lots of worse things than getting stuck on a deserted island
 with a beautiful woman like this!

 Huey Lewis  The News - Happy To Be Stuck With You

 On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Richard Williams 

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight?

 The first time I heard Elvis was in 1953 in Abilene, Texas when I was
 about four years old. My mother took me to the Paramount theater and let me
 sit up front with her - she was about eighteen at the time. Later, when I
 was fifteen I started buying his records including this one I bought in
 1960. Me and my first girlfriend used to listen to these Elvis songs all
 the time after school. At one time, I owned about a dozen Elvis albums on
 vinyl, since all sold. Now, I have a 2-CD set - The Essential Elvis
 Presley, RCA B000KX0HVY.

 This song, one of my favorites, is a very romantic song - a real

 Read more:

 Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley
 by Peter Guralnick
 Little, Brown and Company, 1995

 Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley
 by Peter Guralnick
 Little, Brown and Company, 1999

 Music by Lou Handman and lyrics by Roy Turk. It was written in 1926, and
 first published in 1927.


 Are you lonesome tonight,
  do you miss me tonight?
 Are you sorry we drifted apart?
 Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day
 When I kissed you and called you sweetheart?
 Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare?
 Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?
 Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again?
 Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

 I wonder if you're lonesome tonight
 You know someone said that the world's a stage
 And each must play a part.
 Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart.
 Act one was when we met, I loved you at first glance
 You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue
 Then came act two, you seemed to change and you acted strange
 And why I'll never know.

 Honey, you lied when you said you loved me
 And I had no cause to doubt you.
 But I'd rather go on hearing your lies
 Than go on living without you.
 Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there
 With emptiness all around
 And if you won't come back to me
 Then make them bring the curtain down.

 Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again?
 Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 8:15 AM, TurquoiseB turquoi...@yahoo.comwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard Williams wrote:
  Very romantic dancing song!

 Speaking of romantic songs, here's one that has a cool story behind it.
 Back when I used to live in L.A., there was a bar out in North Malibu that
 I used to go to often to listen to a band called Billy and the Beaters.
 They were without question the most FUN band in L.A. to see and dance to, a
 modern version of the old Ray Charles band, with a horn section and great
 players. And Billy himself was just the best -- great guy, great voice,
 great songwriter, and fun.

 Anyway, he and his band were known around L.A., but their only album
 was long out of print and they were just gettin' by on club dates, and then
 a TV producer caught their act, loved it, and decided that one of Billy's
 songs would be perfect as the soundtrack behind key romantic moments
 between Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan on the TV show Family Ties.

 The song, and the 

[FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808

 They do refuelling very high up in the atmosphere, check out the pictures 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I quess that´s why they seem to be standing still or moving very slowly in the 
video :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Spiritual Virtue and Sin, on Earth

2014-02-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The Meditator's Oath of Fact:
 On my honor I will do my duty
 to obey Natural Law;
 To help other people at all times;
 To keep myself physically strong,
 mentally Awake, and morally straight.

 It is not possible to look at the interests of the individual and society as 
being separate entities. This is a time of unification of these interests. If 
the individual does not put himself on the path of evolution [then] he 
participates in creating a society dominated by negative influences and hence 
becomes subject to disorder, criminality, and national poverty. 
 -World Government News Issue 9 September 1978 
 Yes, thank you for not selling drugs and booze to our children. 

 Practically, Spiritual virtue seems an experiential opposite of spiritual sin 
in affect.
 Virtue expands the development of spirituality in the subtle form of the human 
system. Sin obstructs the development of spirituality. Developing consciousness 
as with the experience of the transcendent Unified Field evidently is essential 
spirituality. Virtue guides us in expanding a more pure experience of 
consciousness. Sin obstructs spiritual progress. Practice of transcending 
meditation is virtuous in the development of spirituality. Sin is that which 
obstructs virtuous progress in spiritual evolution. “Never do that which you 
know to be wrong”. . Spiritually. -Buck 
 Yep. An evident lack of spiritual will; beware the friends you keep. -Buck
 turquoiseb writes:  Ahem. To quote the Fairfield Life home page, What is 
wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact 
opposite. ~ Bertrand Russell 
 mjackson74 writes:   
 when I was there in 85-87, there were two guys, one a staff member, one a 
 student who were dealing pot out of their rooms - all the people who smoked 
 dope were aware of them - a bunch of the ESL (english as a second language 
 people were their patrons) I found out through a friend who was buying from 
 them. After the city cops got suspicious, the staff guy quit MIU, went to 
 live in town and started dealing in town instead of on campus. 
 One of the staff women I knew who had a son in MSAE told me that sometime 
 before I arrived, an entire class of MSAE had been suspended for a time cause 
 all of them had gotten busted - the university of course kept it quiet. Her 
 son and a bunch of his classmates, all MSAE students, definitely were having 
 pot parties - his mom caught him at one. 
 You just weren't hanging out with the cool people 
 There was no drug 
 problem in the early to mid 80's at MIU. There was 
 the occasional beer that was imbibed and certainly plenty of 
 sex but most of it performed sober. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now Playing

2014-02-19 Thread Pundit Sir
Little Stevie Wonder

[image: Inline image 2]

Thorens TD-124/SME 3009

Superstition - Live

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 The Jerks At Work - Will Rigby - Paradoxaholic album

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Yeah the jerks at work want genuflection from me
 I'm all booked up but my middle finger might be free...

 On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Alan Jackson, Clint Black, George Strait, Jimmy Buffett, Kenny Chesney,
 and Toby Keith

 Margaritaville - Alan Jackson - Jimmy Buffet

 On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:38 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Willie Nelson

 On the Road Again

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Vintage JVC PL-10 Direct Drive 1978

 On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Best known for her 1977 country-pop crossover hit song, Don't It Make
 My Brown Eyes Blue, she accumulated 20 number one country hits during the
 1970s and 1980s (18 on Billboard and 2 on Cashbox) with six albums
 certified Gold by the RIAA.


 Too Many Lovers (Not enough love)

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Crystal Gayle's Greatest Hits (1983)

 On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 The dB's - Wake up,that time is gone.

 [image: Inline image 1]

 That Time Is Gone - Peter Holsapple, vocals and guitar

 Recorded live in 2012 in Austin, Texas at Threadgill's during the
 Music Fog Marathon. When Rita was living in San Diego the guitarist in 
 video, Peter Holsapple, was her boyfriends roommate. It was great meeting
 up with him again in Austin. An amazing reunion from the old days in

 MusicFog review:

 On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Now playing: Get ready for a tribal beat stomp dance down at the
 Techno Club with DJ Pseudo Buddha. Work it!

 [image: Inline image 1]

 How Ya Doin? Factory Mix - Beat Your Meat (Move Your Body 2) 1994

 On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 One Dove

 [image: Inline image 1]

 One Dove - White Love (Psychic Masterbation) - from Platinum on
 Black Vol 1

 White Love - One Dove - Video

 One Dove was a Scottish alternative dance music group active in the
 early 1990s, consisting of Dot Allison, Ian Carmichael and Jim 

 One Dove:

 On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 9:27 PM, Richard Williams 
 pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 The Jim Cullum Jazz Band

 [image: Inline image 1]

 We saw this band a few years ago and we listen to them on PRI every
 week. So, we decided to see them again soon. This is going to be a very
 busy time for music lovers around here what with the San Antonio Stock 
 and Rodeo followed by South by Southwest (SxSW) the music and film 
 in Austin (Rodriquez will probably be there and Linklater too). In this
 video the Jim Cullum Jazz Band is joined by David Jellema when they
 performed at the historic Pearl Brewery in San Antonio Texas, for the
 public radio series Riverwalk Jazz in October 2009:

 Clarinet Marmalade

 Jim Cullum Jazz Band
 Boardwalk Bistro
 7:30pm -- 10:30pm
 Friday February 7, 2014
 4011 Broadway, San Antonio



 The Jim Cullum Jazz Band is an acoustic seven-piece traditional
 jazz ensemble led by cornetist Jim Cullum, Jr.. Since 1989, the band 
 been featured nationally on their own weekly public radio series 
 Jazz. The band performs live Tuesday through Saturday at the Landing 
 Club on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas.


 On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Richard Williams 
 pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 The dB's

 [image: Inline image 1]

 That Time Is Gone - Peter Holsapple, vocals and guitar

 Recorded live in 2012 in Austin, Texas at Threadgill's during the
 Music Fog Marathon. When Rita was living in San Diego the guitarist 
 in this
 video, Peter Holsapple, was her boyfriends roommate. It was great 
 up with him again in Austin. An amazing reunion from the old days in

 MusicFog review:

 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Richard Williams 
 pundits...@gmail.com wrote:


 [image: Inline image 3]

 Orienthe with Carls Santana

  Orianthi Panagaris, better known by her mononym Orianthi, is
 an Australian musician, singer-songwriter 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What I Did Today

2014-02-19 Thread Pundit Sir
Today we looked at these:

[image: Inline image 1]

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 We looked at this place yesterday - it needs a little fixing up.
 Apparently it was moved here from another
 location and placed on concrete piers. The house has an has a east-facing
 front door.

 [image: Inline image 2]

 On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Mexican Craft Beer

 Notable brews include Imperial Tequila Ale from Cerveceria Minerva in
 Zapopan, a suburb of Guadalajara, which is peppery thanks to time spent in
 re-purposed oak barrels from tequila company Reserva los González. There's
 also the rich, creamy Bucéfalo Imperial Stout from Tijuana's Cervecería
 Rámuri, made with roasted Mexican coffee beans. On the sweetest end of the
 spectrum are seasonal beers brewed with mango and honey at Baja Brewing
 Company in Los Cabos.

 'This Changes Everything: Mexican Craft Beer'

 On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 We went by this place a few days ago to get some beer.

 [image: Inline image 1]

 On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Richard Williams 

 We went to this place yesterday:

 [image: Inline image 1]

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.com

 Today we went to this place:

 [image: Inline image 1]

 They have a good cheese selection:

 [image: Inline image 2]

 [image: Inline image 3]

 On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:59 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 We went to this place yesterday - they have some boots for sale.

 That's a whole lotta shit stompers in one place. I prefer shopping in
 smaller, boutique-y stores though. I always have people coming into my
 strictly English tack store asking where to buy cowboy boots because
 Victoria doesn't have anywhere that sells them. Next time I'll send them 

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Cavender's Boot City

 [image: Inline image 2]

 Tony Lama, Justin, Lucchese, Laredo

 On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Richard Williams punditster@...wrote:

 Today, we went to this place:

 [image: Inline image 2]

 On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Richard Williams punditster@...wrote:

 * I read through this post, bemused by it, but I didn't notice 
 until I'd gotten almost all the way to the end of it that part  of my 
 was still saying, What's a car?  :-)*
 You probably don't even need a car over there - in fact, it would be
 a problem. Over, here a car is just another tool for most people. Without
 one, I'd be dead in the water. Some people who are rich probably drive 
 just for fun and pleasure, like my neighbor, who doesn't drive these cars
 much - there just for shows.

 I inherited the Eldorado from Mom. She bought it new off the show
 room floor and it's been garaged it's whole life. She still had a 
 license at age 86, but hadn't driven in about ten years. So, one day I 
 took it - I'm using it for highway driving. I put some new tires on it 
 a new disc brakes.

 You can't get anything these days for a car like that - maybe $1500.
 The AC still works and it has cruise control. Also, it has a kick-ass 
 Bose sound system with CD player inside. Sweet!

 [image: Inline image 1]

 On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:54 AM, TurquoiseB turquoiseb@... wrote:

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
  noozguru et al, small country, flat land. And no snow or ice on the
 roads and bike paths!

 *Ahem. Only pussies leave their bikes at home when it snows. *

  On Sunday, December 29, 2013 11:11 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
  Small country, flat land.
  On 12/29/2013 07:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  Uh oh. I think I've achieved one of those milestones along the
 path to You know you're in danger of becoming Dutch when... 
  I read through this post, bemused by it, but I
  didn't notice until I'd gotten almost all the way to
  the end of it that part of my mind was still saying,
  What's a car?  :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What I Did Today

2014-02-19 Thread karuna54321
where are these rain barrels to be found..?

[FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-19 Thread Rick Archer

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread Bhairitu
The funny thing is the military could just say it their aircraft doing 
refueling when it causes such reports.  They should have done that in 
Phoenix a few years back but they didn't.  The government must feel it 
is good to keep the UFO phenomena around for some reason.

On 02/19/2014 12:49 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

They do refuelling very high up in the atmosphere, check out the 
pictures again.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

I quess that´s why they seem to be standing still or moving very 
slowly in the video :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Indian music

2014-02-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/19/2014 12:16 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

masterful concert, tabla and bansuri

That's what I'm talking about!

Music for Yoga and Meditation

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What I Did Today

2014-02-19 Thread Pundit Sir
We saw these rain barrels at Whole Foods Market.

[image: Inline image 1]

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:24 PM, karuna54...@yahoo.com wrote:

 where are these rain barrels to be found..?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
I remember that in the 50's they were worried that UFO reports would cause 
confusion in the public and they would miss Russian craft invading our 
airspace. As the years went by they encouraged UFO sightings by infiltrating 
UFO groups to spread disinformation and discredit the movement. Later on they 
were happy for people to think anything odd in the air was from outer space 
rather than a secret weapon or spy plane. After the cold war it all stopped, 
until the flying triangles of the gulf war, and Columbia of course...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote:

 The funny thing is the military could just say it their aircraft doing 
refueling when it causes such reports.  They should have done that in Phoenix a 
few years back but they didn't.  The government must feel it is good to keep 
the UFO phenomena around for some reason.
 On 02/19/2014 12:49 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 They do refuelling very high up in the atmosphere, check out the pictures 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 I quess that´s why they seem to be standing still or moving very slowly in the 
video :-)


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 20-Feb-14 00:15:09 UTC

2014-02-19 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/22/14 00:00:00
636 messages as of (UTC) 02/19/14 22:36:44

 81 salyavin808 
 75 authfriend
 58 Richard J. Williams 
 54 awoelflebater
 39 Michael Jackson 
 35 doctordumbass
 31 nablusoss1008 
 31 Share Long 
 27 dhamiltony2k5
 27 anartaxius
 24 steve.sundur
 22 Pundit Sir 
 21 TurquoiseBee 
 17 jedi_spock
 17 Bhairitu 
 11 turquoiseb
 11 s3raphita
 11 jr_esq
  8 emptybill
  6 jchwelch
  5 j_alexander_stanley
  5 emilymaenot
  5 cardemaister
  4 noozguru
  2 Mike Dixon 
  2 LEnglish5
  1 lol_you_got_it 
  1 karuna54321
  1 emptyliar 
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 Paulo Barbosa 
  1 Jason 
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Spiritual Virtue and Sin, on Earth

2014-02-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The Fairfield Meditating Community
 “Based on balancing labor and leisure to meditate while working together for 
the benefit of the community.” [-Brook Farm]
 The Meditator's Oath of Fact:
 On my honor I will do my duty
 to obey Natural Law;
 To help other people at all times;
 To keep myself physically strong,
 mentally Awake, and morally straight.

 It is not possible to look at the interests of the individual and society as 
being separate entities. This is a time of unification of these interests. If 
the individual does not put himself on the path of evolution [then] he 
participates in creating a society dominated by negative influences and hence 
becomes subject to disorder, criminality, and national poverty. 
 -World Government News Issue 9 September 1978 
 Yes, thank you for not selling drugs and booze to our children. 

 Practically, Spiritual virtue seems an experiential opposite of spiritual sin 
in affect.
 Virtue expands the development of spirituality in the subtle form of the human 
system. Sin obstructs the development of spirituality. Developing consciousness 
as with the experience of the transcendent Unified Field evidently is essential 
spirituality. Virtue guides us in expanding a more pure experience of 
consciousness. Sin obstructs spiritual progress. Practice of transcending 
meditation is virtuous in the development of spirituality. Sin is that which 
obstructs virtuous progress in spiritual evolution. “Never do that which you 
know to be wrong”. . Spiritually. -Buck 
 Yep. An evident lack of spiritual will; beware the friends you keep. -Buck
 turquoiseb writes:  Ahem. To quote the Fairfield Life home page, What is 
wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact 
opposite. ~ Bertrand Russell 
 mjackson74 writes:   
 when I was there in 85-87, there were two guys, one a staff member, one a 
 student who were dealing pot out of their rooms - all the people who smoked 
 dope were aware of them - a bunch of the ESL (english as a second language 
 people were their patrons) I found out through a friend who was buying from 
 them. After the city cops got suspicious, the staff guy quit MIU, went to 
 live in town and started dealing in town instead of on campus. 
 One of the staff women I knew who had a son in MSAE told me that sometime 
 before I arrived, an entire class of MSAE had been suspended for a time cause 
 all of them had gotten busted - the university of course kept it quiet. Her 
 son and a bunch of his classmates, all MSAE students, definitely were having 
 pot parties - his mom caught him at one. 
 You just weren't hanging out with the cool people 
 There was no drug 
 problem in the early to mid 80's at MIU. There was 
 the occasional beer that was imbibed and certainly plenty of 
 sex but most of it performed sober. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-02-19 Thread Michael Jackson
I see all of you in the Domes, rubbing that lamp and saying I wish Cotton was 
a monkey.


On Thu, 2/20/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 12:16 AM
 I was at a lecture surveying the science around spirituality
 last nite and quite evidently you are hundreds of papers
 behind in
 the accruing science around this. Yes, South Carolina has
 never been
 particularly strong in science education.  May the Unified
 Field help
 you see the light too,
 Saying it
 over and over doesn't make it so. That's about as
 useful as wishing Cotton was a monkey.
 1985-5,600 experts in
 the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field from 48
 countries and
 all 50 states of the United States gathered in
 Washington, D.C.,
 from July 9-17, 1985, for the World Assembly on Vedic
 Science.  They
 collectively practiced the Maharishi Technology of the
 Unified Field
 to create a powerful upsurge of coherence in world
 consciousness, the
 foundation for permanent world peace.
 Inspired by the
 'Global Taste of Utopia', Maharishi begins to
 establish the
 irreversibility of the  'Global Maharishi Effect'
 for maintaining
 coherence in world consciousness for all time through the
 power of
 pure knowledge, which is endowed with the infinite
 organizing power
 of Natural Law.
 Maharishi Formulates his
 Unified Field-Based Integrated Systems of Education, Health,
 Government, Economics, Defense, Rehabilitation, and
 which will perpetuate the forthcoming Unified Field-based
 Civilization -Samhita-Based Civilization-  Vedic
 A wave of inspiration
 throughout the world to create groups of 7,000 'Yogic
 -experts in the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field-
 in each
  7,000 'Yogic
 Flyers' – experts in the Maharishi Technology fo the
 Unified Field-
 gather at the Maharishi International University (MIU),
 Iowa, U.S.A., to create the first Global Maharishi Effect
 the world -a strong influence of harmony and positivity in
 consciousness, described by the MIU family as the 'FIRST
 UTOPIA'.  During this three-week period of this
 '7,000' World Peace
 Assembly”, the rise of positive trends throughout the
 world are
 well documented by scientific research, and by the world
 1981,  Maharishi conducts
 the First International Vedic Studies Course in New Delhi
 and with
 the quiet performance of the international assembly of 3,000
 Governors of the Age of Enlightenment practicing his Vedic
 -”Yogic Flying” - calms down the growing violent
 tendencies in
 India, demonstrating the rise of Sattwa (balance in
 Having proven the
 reliability of the Maharishi Effect irrespective of cultural
 differences in the world, as a scientist Maharishi proceeds
 measure the invincibility of the Maharishi
 Maharishi test this
 formula by sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to
 the most
 trouble spots on earth (Iran, Rhodesia, Nicaragua) to create
 Maharishi Effect and calm down violence. 
 1979  The First Annual
 World Peace Assembly of Governors of the Age of
 Enlightenment is held
 in the U.S.A to create coherence in national and world
 1978,,Discovery of
 the “Extended
 Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the
 practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place
 coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and
 progressive trends in society.  Maharishi tests this formula
 sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most
 spots on earth to calm the violence and turbulence.  Again
 research validates the success of this
 12 January 1977
 Creating an
 Ideal Society:
 . .people currently
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are
 intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the
 Age of
 Enlightenment.  The dawn is rising to the
 The influence of
 orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation
 experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique
 is so
 powerful that even one per cent of the people in society
 the Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to
 negative tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to
 life as a whole.
 The phenomenon of a
 powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole
 community or
 nation when a small fraction of the population practices the
 Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the
 Maharishi Effect
 the [Maharishi]

[FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Maharishi's was revolutionary and comprehensive thinking about global peace, 
like Elise M. Boulding (July 6, 1920 – June 24, 2010). Boulding offers 
Building a Global Civic Culture: Education for an Interdependent as a holistic 
first step towards solving international conflicts. She envisions a “global 
civic culture” as not simply made of nation states but as a global community of 
human beings. The book enforces the idea of thinking globally on a microcosmic 
level to facilitate solving problems in a peaceful international order. 
Boulding believed that a civic world order could become a reality, while 
acknowledging the strife that exists now. Building a Global Civic Culture is 
geared toward addressing the world’s problems and offering ideas for solutions. 
 To create peace, Boulding believes that we must all become teachers and 
develop new learning communities. Everyone, old and young, will teach. Age 
groups will teach each other from their respective generations. How we perceive 
events unique to our generation shapes the lens through which we each see later 
events. We need to know what the world looks like to young and old alike. 
Boulding believes all will be teachers.
 In order to do this, we must learn to think outside of the box. Humans are 
intuitive, creative animals with cognitive-analytic reasoning abilities. We as 
human animals can grasp complex wholes from partial sets of facts. Boulding 
states that for most of us, education has been tied to the maxim “stick to the 
facts, no need for imaginative thinking.” We are taught in school that 
imagination and intuition are virtues of the daydreamer, not the true student. 
To the contrary, Boulding states we need to harness both intuition and 
imagination to solve world crises. Ultimately this book encourages us to become 
both teachers and problem solvers and includes exercises to lead the way.
 Elise M. Boulding was a Quaker sociologist [many credentials], and author 
credited as a major contributor to creating the academic discipline of Peace 
and Conflict Studies. Her holistic, multidimensional approach to peace research 
sets her apart as an important scholar and activist in multiple fields. Her 
written works span several decades and range from discussion of family as a 
foundation for peace, to Quaker spirituality to reinventing the international 
“global culture”. 

 Evidently as practicing and experience meditators we are not alone in our 
experience around this.  There are other mystics who see this too.
 -Buck in the Dome

 S3raphita , I feel you are being quite saintly in taking notice of the 
circumstance. Yep, it is just another sign of bad upbringing and the failure of 
our schools and society.  Including fault of all those collectively standing 
around smirking who without initiative themselves or had the opportunity in 
their own lives to pursue the proper upbringing of virtue of spiritual life 
themselves and all those who who may know better will themselves not going out 
even on a limb to help anyone other than themselves in their own material world 
of widget worth. 
  I sense saintly virtue in you that you would even notice the collective 
failure in this incident in this poor unlucky youth. The shoplifter is just 
another index showing the lack in our meissner-like collective transmission of 
collective consciousness of virtue in life. You are a teacher of the absolute 
wisdom in life are you not? A transmitter of spiritual virtue? It makes sense 
that you are sensitive to what was in that public scene. It is now the age of 
science and it is neigh time they put quiet-time meditation in to the training 
of all our children in their schools, if their families can not provide it for 
their own children if not just to save us all. To save us all from this 
vileness otherwise there is a place for public education in these sound values 
of life. All it takes is some quiet-time. It pisses me off too to watch the 
smirking jerks as you point to, like some even here who would actually stand in 
the way and fight what is such evident science and get in the way of the larger 
transmission of virtue in life. Yep, all those smirking jerks all watching the 
theatre of this youth being taken off should all be sending checks of donation 
as a matter of character to the David Lynch Foundation to help in the trenches 
in the fight against all that is vile in life. The teaching of and learning of 
the transcendental meditative state is the inalienable right to be guaranteed 
of every human being born in to this life. That is the first right that needs 
to be first guaranteed to every child growing up. Teaching of effective 
transcending meditation in all our schools is now the scientific standard of a 
proper education and should be all our public's policy regardless. I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-19 Thread Bhairitu
The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
groups.  Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.

On 02/19/2014 01:32 PM, Rick Archer wrote:


[FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the Day,

2014-02-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
There is a principle which is pure, placed in the human mind, which in 
different places and ages hath had different names. It is, however, pure and 
proceeds from God (the Unified Field). It is deep and inward, confined to no 
forms of religion nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in perfect 
sincerity. In whomsoever this takes root and grows, of what nation soever, they 
become brethren.
 -John Woolman, Quaker
 “Today, with the discovery that within every brain physiology are tremendous 
powers, the world today is different than the world of yesterday. All those 
powers that are administering the individual life are those powers which 
together are administering the whole universe. That higher power can be 
enlivened in the brains of people in every nation, and this will free the life 
of every country from suffering, problems, and failures. Just free it and free 
it and free it. For this, we have Maharishi Open University. It will open the 
treasures of bliss, happiness, and energy that are there inside of everyone.” 
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, July 9, 1998, Guru Purnima 
 Nablusoss1008 writes:
 “The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we 
are for what we could become” - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -

 we  as individuals and we the peoples, humanity. When humanity collectively 
(more or less)  are willing to sacrifice our past for what we can become, then 
we stand at an important threshold; The Rising Sun of The Age of Enlightenment. 
This is what Masters are urging and inspiring us to become; a true humanity, 
brothers. All the Saints, the messengers of Godhead throughout recorded history 
gave voice to the same thing. Buddha, Maharishi, Jesus, Mohammad - same thing, 
same message.

[FairfieldLife] Flawed testosterone studies

2014-02-19 Thread yifuxero
LEF replies to the flawed studies reported in the media. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-19 Thread s3raphita
Re You should have taken advantage of the confusion and lifted yourself a new 

 Well, maybe I would have! - but I don't need to as I can afford to buy myself 
a new TV any time I want one. So could most of the smirkers I witnessed. That's 
what they don't register: it's easy to feel self-satisfied when you've got a 
loaded wallet. It's those who suffer from grinding poverty yet who would never 
consider turning to crime that have earned the right to be considered virtuous.

[FairfieldLife] prayer to Ganesh

2014-02-19 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] RE: prayer to Ganesh

2014-02-19 Thread j_alexander_stanley

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifux...@yahoo.com wrote:



2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

 I suppose we see this differently. I do not see god. I see being, not evidence 
of being. You see (if I interpret your words correctly) evidence of god in the 
things you see. That seems to have an interpretative step involved. Am I 
understanding this properly?

 If by interpretive you mean on the level of thought, then yes, that is part 
of my perception. But I don't see things in terms of being, that is very 
impersonal, abstract and therefore distant for me. I feel embraced, literally 
surrounded and cocooned within all of this creation and the creation is so 
intelligent. The world in which I live is like swimming amidst all of this 
incredible richness of matter. We exist as physical entities in our human 
bodies surrounded by soil and sky and walls and we stand on dirt or wood or 
stone. It is everywhere and it is whole and real. And the structure of it, the 
form and movement is evidently the result of something that guided and gave 
birth to it, allowed it to manifest. This is my feeling, this is how I move and 
work within this material world. For me, these things are irrefutable.

 You speak of seeing being and I do to but perhaps our perception of being is 
different because I also see it as something deeply personal and loving and it 
is concretized in the things that make up this world, this universe.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:

 [Xeno] As to theism, I am a post-theist, I do not think the theistic arguments 
have much point, but they do have some interest for me even if I disagree with 
most of them. Fesers' discussion below is really well done, I think. I myself 
sometimes think using the conception 'absolute being' without the articles a, 
an, the, but it has a different significance for me than for a theist because 
it is not transcendent and not out of sight. [Ann's highlight]

 [Ann] I am a theist and my God, my creator is very much in evidence everywhere 
I look. It is not a transcendent thing and it is not out of sight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 And for those who eschew vastu, there's always feng shui (-:

 Same difference.

 On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:14 AM, anartaxius@... anartaxius@... 
   Yeah, but within the context of those trapped in the belief system, you've 
got a good line 'Hey, I have a Vastu house. You should see the bedroom, it's 
fabulous, and the headboard is perfectly aligned with true East! Complete 
support of Natural Law!'


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 You'll have to forgive me, but I find the idea of someone having better sex as 
the result of buying a Maharishi Vastu house even more ludicrous than the idea 
of someone actually levitating as a result of the Maharishi TM-Sidhis. But 
thanks for the best laugh of the day. 


 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 4:59 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home
   You forgot better sex.




[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Nice places, I'd have either of them. But what drives me nuts is the crap 
about sleeping better, being healthier and feeling protected. Or making better 
decisions in life and business. It's such a load of bull. I lived in a SV home 
for a summer and didn't sleep any better than usual, didn't have any bright 
ideas (no more than usual anyway) It was business as usual except I had to walk 
further to get to the garden. 

 But I guess if they dropped the mood making crap they wouldn't be able to 
cream some money off for the SV license. 

 A nice house is a nice house. Plenty of natural light, space that doesn't 
cramp, natural building materials - these are all things that are no-brainers 
for a pleasant environment. Lots of expensive and not so expensive houses 
incorporate these features so I can't see spending even more money for someone 
to tell you and charge for things that are already desirable by many people. 
You'll sleep better if you aren't next to a rail line and your outlook on life 
might improve if you don't live in a dark hovel but do we need Vastu to tell us 

 LOL, some people do. The real TM TB's think that if it's vastu it's perfect, 
and they will live long and happy lives because of it. It was sold as the final 
solution, the missing piece of the jigsaw for those who had drunk all the other 
Kool-aid the TMO sells. In fact, non SV homes were suddenly making us ill and 
stopping us becoming enlightened! Treat your house like it's burning down 
said Marshy, and that very same day, ie ten years later, some were built in the 
UK to extremely underwhelming effect, and then they found out that the hill 
near Skem was delaying the sunrise by 2 minutes so anything they did wasn't 
full vastu anyway! So anyone who cared enough, and could afford it, has 
decamped to Rendlesham in Suffolk - Europe's first full vastu village.

 I would like one because I like the fact that the sun rises in front of the 
house on midsummers day and you can therefore measure equinoxes using the 
fenceposts. Something cool about that, like a link to the iron age or ancient 
Rome, which is probably what they used it for being farmers and therefore sun 
worshippers. Knowing when the seasons are about to change was pivotal in those 
days. And the reason the kitchen was on that side of the house was to keep the 
food in the coolest place. So there is some logic to it, just don't expect 

 No, no miracles. When we were building our current house we chose a plan that 
we found attractive and functional. Then we had to decide where to place this 
house on the five acres of available land we owned. We spent a long time 
figuring out how the sun rose and set during each part of the year and how deep 
down into a small valley our house might sit with a tree-lined ridge above and 
how that would effect the light when the sun was setting. We aren't trained in 
any particular house planning but if you use your logic and 2% of your brain 
even an idiot can figure out if they want sun in the morning or the afternoon 
and which rooms they would like that to be shining in and during what part of 
the day. So we took the basic house plan and reversed it and angled it on the 
property just so and situated the building site so many feet down the ridge 
line to catch the morning sun and evening sun in just such a way and voila! We 
have morning light in our kitchen and bedroom and mid day light in the living 
room and kitchen and evening light in the library and dining room. I think we 
did a damn good job, vastu or no vastu. I guess on the plus side we have no 
south facing exit. 



[FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the Day,

2014-02-19 Thread anartaxius
Today, as we stand here repeating the same ideas over and over and over again 
for the solution to problems, and even though these ideas have miscarried in 
the advance of the goal of solving all problems, we continue nonetheless 
repeating these ideas over and over and over in the knowledge that if we keep 
repeating them over and over and over we will absent ourselves from the 
experience that they have run aground and the desired solutions to the problems 
we are still faced with have not manifested. That brings a welcome fulfillment 
to our dreams of a better world, for not noticing that the world has not 
changed in any significant way, we can in all honesty bask in the sunshine of 
that dream by never waking from that dream, that it may continue to fulfill us 
forever and forever. For that dream which never changes is indeed our 
salvation. Let us never disturb our deep and profound sleep, secure in that 
wisdom that cannot be touched by time, by reason, by disconfirmation, by 
refutation, even unto eternity. This is the principled life, for when we close 
our eyes, all remains bliss.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the Day; The important thing is this:

2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

 Today, as we stand here repeating the same ideas over and over and over again 
for the solution to problems, and even though these ideas have miscarried in 
the advance of the goal of solving all problems, we continue nonetheless 
repeating these ideas over and over and over in the knowledge that if we keep 
repeating them over and over and over we will absent ourselves from the 
experience that they have run aground and the desired solutions to the problems 
we are still faced with have not manifested. That brings a welcome fulfillment 
to our dreams of a better world, for not noticing that the world has not 
changed in any significant way, we can in all honesty bask in the sunshine of 
that dream by never waking from that dream, that it may continue to fulfill us 
forever and forever. For that dream which never changes is indeed our 
salvation. Let us never disturb our deep and profound sleep, secure in that 
wisdom that cannot be touched by time, by reason, by disconfirmation, by 
refutation, even unto eternity. This is the principled life, for when we close 
our eyes, all remains bliss.

 I guess this means you won't be taking Buck up on his invitation to visit FF 
and take a turn or two in the men's dome.



2014-02-19 Thread anartaxius
This is a really wonderful description Ann. I think my perception of the world 
is rather impersonal. Life would be extremely boring if everyone were the same. 
I do not find my perception boring, it often has great beauty, but that 
personal sense I think is long gone, there is a rather intense neutrality that 
I experience. You win some you lose some. I do not feel it as a loss, but you 
reminded me of it, when things had a bright individualistic sparkle to them. I 
think that some, were they to know this ahead of time, might think to back away 
from it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

 I suppose we see this differently. I do not see god. I see being, not evidence 
of being. You see (if I interpret your words correctly) evidence of god in the 
things you see. That seems to have an interpretative step involved. Am I 
understanding this properly?

 If by interpretive you mean on the level of thought, then yes, that is part 
of my perception. But I don't see things in terms of being, that is very 
impersonal, abstract and therefore distant for me. I feel embraced, literally 
surrounded and cocooned within all of this creation and the creation is so 
intelligent. The world in which I live is like swimming amidst all of this 
incredible richness of matter. We exist as physical entities in our human 
bodies surrounded by soil and sky and walls and we stand on dirt or wood or 
stone. It is everywhere and it is whole and real. And the structure of it, the 
form and movement is evidently the result of something that guided and gave 
birth to it, allowed it to manifest. This is my feeling, this is how I move and 
work within this material world. For me, these things are irrefutable.

 You speak of seeing being and I do to but perhaps our perception of being is 
different because I also see it as something deeply personal and loving and it 
is concretized in the things that make up this world, this universe.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:

 [Xeno] As to theism, I am a post-theist, I do not think the theistic arguments 
have much point, but they do have some interest for me even if I disagree with 
most of them. Fesers' discussion below is really well done, I think. I myself 
sometimes think using the conception 'absolute being' without the articles a, 
an, the, but it has a different significance for me than for a theist because 
it is not transcendent and not out of sight. [Ann's highlight]

 [Ann] I am a theist and my God, my creator is very much in evidence everywhere 
I look. It is not a transcendent thing and it is not out of sight.


2014-02-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

 This is a really wonderful description Ann. I think my perception of the world 
is rather impersonal. Life would be extremely boring if everyone were the same. 
I do not find my perception boring, it often has great beauty, but that 
personal sense I think is long gone, there is a rather intense neutrality that 
I experience. You win some you lose some. I do not feel it as a loss, but you 
reminded me of it, when things had a bright individualistic sparkle to them. I 
think that some, were they to know this ahead of time, might think to back away 
from it.

 I remember some pictures you posted here of where you live, the mountains and 
the small towns and the lakes and you obviously appreciate the beauty of that. 
It is a gorgeous area that you live in and that is not lost on you. But what 
you say here might give some pause. It has big implications and makes me wonder 
about it all. What it is that we strive toward when we look to improve our 
consciousness, to change our outlook and vision. Although I am open to change 
and to new things I am not sure what you describe is so tantalizing. And you 
did catch the feeling I was trying to convey, I believe. There is a bright 
individualistic sparkle you said. I like that, I like that a lot.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

 I suppose we see this differently. I do not see god. I see being, not evidence 
of being. You see (if I interpret your words correctly) evidence of god in the 
things you see. That seems to have an interpretative step involved. Am I 
understanding this properly?

 If by interpretive you mean on the level of thought, then yes, that is part 
of my perception. But I don't see things in terms of being, that is very 
impersonal, abstract and therefore distant for me. I feel embraced, literally 
surrounded and cocooned within all of this creation and the creation is so 
intelligent. The world in which I live is like swimming amidst all of this 
incredible richness of matter. We exist as physical entities in our human 
bodies surrounded by soil and sky and walls and we stand on dirt or wood or 
stone. It is everywhere and it is whole and real. And the structure of it, the 
form and movement is evidently the result of something that guided and gave 
birth to it, allowed it to manifest. This is my feeling, this is how I move and 
work within this material world. For me, these things are irrefutable.

 You speak of seeing being and I do to but perhaps our perception of being is 
different because I also see it as something deeply personal and loving and it 
is concretized in the things that make up this world, this universe.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:

 [Xeno] As to theism, I am a post-theist, I do not think the theistic arguments 
have much point, but they do have some interest for me even if I disagree with 
most of them. Fesers' discussion below is really well done, I think. I myself 
sometimes think using the conception 'absolute being' without the articles a, 
an, the, but it has a different significance for me than for a theist because 
it is not transcendent and not out of sight. [Ann's highlight]

 [Ann] I am a theist and my God, my creator is very much in evidence everywhere 
I look. It is not a transcendent thing and it is not out of sight.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-19 Thread salyavin808
Sounds great! Really cool being able to build your own house. We have a show on 
TV here called 'Grand Designs' they'd love to see it I'm sure, anyone who takes 
nature into account when building a home is doing something most people don't 
even think about. 

 It's actually the essence of vastu, the most important thing about a home is 
whether you feel like you want to live in it when you walk through the door. 
All the rules and regulations are irrelevant if you don't get that right. And 
as we've seen the point of the place facing east is for practical reasons but 
it gets sold as a cure all, there isn't any magic except that being happy is 
probably better for your health than not being happy!

 Maybe they were hoping for a placebo effect of people getting better health 
simply because they paid for a house that will do that, but I know a few 
people who have died early and got serious incurable illness even though they 
lived under the umbrella of vastu. Not a great advert!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Nice places, I'd have either of them. But what drives me nuts is the crap 
about sleeping better, being healthier and feeling protected. Or making better 
decisions in life and business. It's such a load of bull. I lived in a SV home 
for a summer and didn't sleep any better than usual, didn't have any bright 
ideas (no more than usual anyway) It was business as usual except I had to walk 
further to get to the garden. 

 But I guess if they dropped the mood making crap they wouldn't be able to 
cream some money off for the SV license. 

 A nice house is a nice house. Plenty of natural light, space that doesn't 
cramp, natural building materials - these are all things that are no-brainers 
for a pleasant environment. Lots of expensive and not so expensive houses 
incorporate these features so I can't see spending even more money for someone 
to tell you and charge for things that are already desirable by many people. 
You'll sleep better if you aren't next to a rail line and your outlook on life 
might improve if you don't live in a dark hovel but do we need Vastu to tell us 

 LOL, some people do. The real TM TB's think that if it's vastu it's perfect, 
and they will live long and happy lives because of it. It was sold as the final 
solution, the missing piece of the jigsaw for those who had drunk all the other 
Kool-aid the TMO sells. In fact, non SV homes were suddenly making us ill and 
stopping us becoming enlightened! Treat your house like it's burning down 
said Marshy, and that very same day, ie ten years later, some were built in the 
UK to extremely underwhelming effect, and then they found out that the hill 
near Skem was delaying the sunrise by 2 minutes so anything they did wasn't 
full vastu anyway! So anyone who cared enough, and could afford it, has 
decamped to Rendlesham in Suffolk - Europe's first full vastu village.

 I would like one because I like the fact that the sun rises in front of the 
house on midsummers day and you can therefore measure equinoxes using the 
fenceposts. Something cool about that, like a link to the iron age or ancient 
Rome, which is probably what they used it for being farmers and therefore sun 
worshippers. Knowing when the seasons are about to change was pivotal in those 
days. And the reason the kitchen was on that side of the house was to keep the 
food in the coolest place. So there is some logic to it, just don't expect 

 No, no miracles. When we were building our current house we chose a plan that 
we found attractive and functional. Then we had to decide where to place this 
house on the five acres of available land we owned. We spent a long time 
figuring out how the sun rose and set during each part of the year and how deep 
down into a small valley our house might sit with a tree-lined ridge above and 
how that would effect the light when the sun was setting. We aren't trained in 
any particular house planning but if you use your logic and 2% of your brain 
even an idiot can figure out if they want sun in the morning or the afternoon 
and which rooms they would like that to be shining in and during what part of 
the day. So we took the basic house plan and reversed it and angled it on the 
property just so and situated the building site so many feet down the ridge 
line to catch the morning sun and evening sun in just such a way and voila! We 
have morning light in our kitchen and bedroom and mid day light in the living 
room and kitchen and evening light in the library and dining room. I think we 
did a damn good job, vastu or no vastu. I guess on the plus side we have no 
south facing exit.