Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread nablusoss1008
Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good thing that Richard 
keep reminding every possible lurker here how far out of any possible 
self-insight these two guy's are.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

 Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to reply to Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 
 And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to 
show that something more realistic happened, more credible and using 
explanations we already understand and are known to happen in certain 
circumstances. - salyavin808
 ---In, wrote :
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called disclosure. We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 
 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

 ---In, wrote :
 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.
 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 
 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from serious researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 
 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread nablusoss1008

Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone place 
such importance to this to the extent one would spend time practising 
Buddhist-dream-yoga is a desperate cry for real knowledge there is in the 
world today.
---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, or look at 
my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually pleasantly, by the 
events I am watching and somehow participating in, and just let it go along. I 
suppose if I had them often, I might want to explore more about them. 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.

 Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to 
suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero 
pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. 
Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was 
indeed dreaming I couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so 
just left the dream to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.

 My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit 
your whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams 
are like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative 
power and others have a more dominant will?

 Anyone had a similar experience?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread nablusoss1008

Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone place 
such importance to this to the extent one would spend time practising 
Tibetan-dream-yoga is a desperate cry for real knowledge.
---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 It's funny when you are having that lucidity in a dream and you look at the 
characters you are interacting with and think to yourself You people are just 
a creation of my fancy but said characters don't bat an eyelid and just get on 
with their roles! 
 My lucid dream last night was also pleasant. And I had the thought that I 
could awake myself and see my familiar bedroom anytime I wished - which I 
assume was indeed the case.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, or look at 
my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually pleasantly, by the 
events I am watching and somehow participating in, and just let it go along. I 
suppose if I had them often, I might want to explore more about them. 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.

 Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to 
suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero 
pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. 
Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was 
indeed dreaming I couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so 
just left the dream to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.

 My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit 
your whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams 
are like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative 
power and others have a more dominant will?

 Anyone had a similar experience?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' 
doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* what was going on 
when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred levitate, only that we witnessed 
it. He's just jealous that he never has...that's why at this point he has made 
several *thousand* posts about it. 

Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times on this 
forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long periods of time. 
There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that laughable.  :-) 
As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that *perception* 
is not different in different states of consciousness, only that *reality* 
probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that distinction because quite frankly he 
doesn't understand the difference. As with his claims to have personally 
levitated (which he has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to 
substantiate), he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived 
something, that *is* reality. 

I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who believes this is 
delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the fact that Nabby also 
believes in little green men whose idea of fun is stomping patterns in fields 
of wheat to show how advanced and intelligent they are.  :-)
 From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good thing that Richard 
keep reminding every possible lurker here how far out of any possible 
self-insight these two guy's are.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008wrote:

  Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, oneof these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

Adjusting his speak - that's a good one!Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to replyto Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 

And I don't just meanexplaining things away, to be convincing you have to show 
thatsomething more realistic happened, more credible and usingexplanations we 
already understand and are known to happen incertain circumstances. - 

---In, wrote :

---In,sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin,I love your last paragraph: folklore in action;techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As forme, I believe there is life somewhere else inthe 
vast universe. And I think they are morehighly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us.And I think it's great. 
Wecan believe what we like. I have no opinion onintelligent life elsewhere, we 
don't know thevariables that allow for it to develop. Wecould be unique or the 
universe could beteeming or maybe there's just one or two pergalaxy over it's 
entire history. But thechances of there being other humanoidsvisiting Earth at 
the just same time as we'veunderstood where we are cosmically? It 
beggarsbelief. Alien craft is the least likelyexplanation for UFO's. But I hope 
But atthat point, I'm more like turq. It doesn'treally impact my life one way 
or the other.Either way, what is the action step? (-:

Idon't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolvingmyth. We are apparently on the 
brink ofsomething called disclosure. We've been herebefore a few times as I 
recall, it neveramounts to much but it's fun watching the TB'sget excited that 
their favourite daydream isto be officially confirmed. 
Butit won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreyawon't appear. It's the way of 
things. Theconnection between the two is that people wantthere to be more, want 
there to be a reasonand for there to be salvation from a higherpower, whether 
it's alien or spiritual. We'retalking deep human needs here. 
Sent:Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it onthe table: UFOs,no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote :

Saldoesn't like UFO's becausethey aren't scientific :-)
It's an interestingpoint Nabs. The thing isone can only getscientific about 
somethingif it is available tostudy, UFO's are sofleeting and ephemeralthat 
there really isn'tanything to study otherthan hearsay orsuspiciously absent 
filmtaken by higher powers tokeep the whole thingsecret.
But a great manypeople have studied whatthey can about UFOsightings, and done 
itwith as much rigour as youcan with such a paucity ofhard evidence. I'm 
notsure there is an encounterthat hasn't got a betterexplanation that 
doesn'tinvolve us 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: nablusoss1008

Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone place 
such importance to this to the extent one would spend time practising 
Buddhist-dream-yoga is a desperate cry for real knowledge there is in the 
world today.
Translation: Maharishi didn't know how to teach this and I've never experienced 
it, therefore it has no value. 
insert appropriate stomping of feet, shouting, and other forms of Tantrum Yoga 
here  :-)

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, or look at 
my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually pleasantly, by the 
events I am watching and somehow participating in, and just let it go along. I 
suppose if I had them often, I might want to explore more about them. 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.
Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to suit 
yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero pilot on 
a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever 
floats your boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed 
dreaming I couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so just left 
the dream to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.
My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit your 
whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams are 
like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative power 
and others have a more dominant will?
Anyone had a similar experience?
  #yiv6787082586 #yiv6787082586 -- #yiv6787082586ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread nablusoss1008
I experience lucid dreaming almost every night, it's just fun, no big deal. 
That anyone place any importance to this whatsoever just shows how desperate 
they are for knowledge.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008
Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone place 
such importance to this to the extent one would spend time practising 
Buddhist-dream-yoga is a desperate cry for real knowledge there is in the 
world today.

 Translation: Maharishi didn't know how to teach this and I've never 
experienced it, therefore it has no value. 

 insert appropriate stomping of feet, shouting, and other forms of Tantrum 
Yoga here  :-)


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, or look at 
my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually pleasantly, by the 
events I am watching and somehow participating in, and just let it go along. I 
suppose if I had them often, I might want to explore more about them. 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.

 Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to 
suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero 
pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. 
Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was 
indeed dreaming I couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so 
just left the dream to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.

 My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit 
your whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams 
are like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative 
power and others have a more dominant will?

 Anyone had a similar experience?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread nablusoss1008
Seems Richard has managed to push the buttons of the Turq big-time, no matter 
how much he claims never to read any of his posts :-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' 
doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* what was going on 
when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred levitate, only that we witnessed 
it. He's just jealous that he never has...that's why at this point he has made 
several *thousand* posts about it. 


 Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times on this 
forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long periods of time. 
There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that laughable.  :-) 

 As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that *perception* 
is not different in different states of consciousness, only that *reality* 
probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that distinction because quite frankly he 
doesn't understand the difference. As with his claims to have personally 
levitated (which he has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to 
substantiate), he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived 
something, that *is* reality. 


 I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who believes this is 
delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the fact that Nabby also 
believes in little green men whose idea of fun is stomping patterns in fields 
of wheat to show how advanced and intelligent they are.  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
   Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good thing that Richard 
keep reminding every possible lurker here how far out of any possible 
self-insight these two guy's are.


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

 Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to reply to Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 
 And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to 
show that something more realistic happened, more credible and using 
explanations we already understand and are known to happen in certain 
circumstances. - salyavin808
 ---In, wrote :
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called disclosure. We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 
 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

 ---In, wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] North Carolina Accent

2014-11-16 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
No, but most of my mother's family does. They are North Carolina people. Good 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:14 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] North Carolina Accent
     Hey MJ,
You talk like these guys?
Southern Accent, North Carolina
||||   Southern Accent, North Carolina  Just a little taste 
of the way us north carolinians talk.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


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monospace;}#yiv6651803245 #yiv6651803245ygrp-mlmsg * 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread salyavin808


---In, wrote :

 Seems Richard has managed to push the buttons of the Turq big-time, no matter 
how much he claims never to read any of his posts :-)

 I'll bet my Sunday lunch that the only reason Turq saw that comment by 
Willytex is because you commented on it. 

 It's the only reason I saw it too. Man, I'd hate to spend so much time online 
and to discover I'd been so ineffective for so many years...

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' 
doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* what was going on 
when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred levitate, only that we witnessed 
it. He's just jealous that he never has...that's why at this point he has made 
several *thousand* posts about it. 


 Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times on this 
forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long periods of time. 
There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that laughable.  :-) 

 As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that *perception* 
is not different in different states of consciousness, only that *reality* 
probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that distinction because quite frankly he 
doesn't understand the difference. As with his claims to have personally 
levitated (which he has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to 
substantiate), he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived 
something, that *is* reality. 


 I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who believes this is 
delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the fact that Nabby also 
believes in little green men whose idea of fun is stomping patterns in fields 
of wheat to show how advanced and intelligent they are.  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
   Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good thing that Richard 
keep reminding every possible lurker here how far out of any possible 
self-insight these two guy's are.


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

 Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to reply to Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 
 And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to 
show that something more realistic happened, more credible and using 
explanations we already understand and are known to happen in certain 
circumstances. - salyavin808
 ---In, wrote :
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called disclosure. We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 
 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.
 From: salyavin808

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
The ultimate goal in Tibetan dream yoga is to “apprehend the dream” (attain 
conscious awareness) then dissolve the dream state. When you are deprived of 
physical stimulus (from the sleeping body) and conceptual stimulus (from the 
dreaming mind), you can observe the purest form of conscious awareness.
  From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone place 
such importance to this to the extent one would spend time practising 
Tibetan-dream-yoga is a desperate cry for real knowledge.

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

It's funny when you are having that lucidity in a dream and you look at the 
characters you are interacting with and think to yourself You people are just 
a creation of my fancy but said characters don't bat an eyelid and just get on 
with their roles!
My lucid dream last night was also pleasant. And I had the thought that I could 
awake myself and see my familiar bedroom anytime I wished - which I assume was 
indeed the case.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, or look at 
my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually pleasantly, by the 
events I am watching and somehow participating in, and just let it go along. I 
suppose if I had them often, I might want to explore more about them. 

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.
Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to suit 
yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero pilot on 
a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever 
floats your boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed 
dreaming I couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so just left 
the dream to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.
My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit your 
whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams are 
like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative power 
and others have a more dominant will?
Anyone had a similar experience?
  #yiv3698363760 #yiv3698363760 -- #yiv3698363760ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, wrote :

Seems Richard has managed to push the buttons of the Turq big-time, no matter 
how much he claims never to read any of his posts :-)

I'll bet my Sunday lunch that the only reason Turq saw that comment by Willytex 
is because you commented on it. 

Your Sunday lunch is safe. I haven't read a post made by Richard Williams in 
months. Life is too short to waste it on psychotics. I still read Nabby's posts 
because he's merely an entertainingly neurotic blissninny, and occasionally I 
need a laugh.  :-)

It's the only reason I saw it too. Man, I'd hate to spend so much time online 
and to discover I'd been so ineffective for so many years...

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' 
doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* what was going on 
when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred levitate, only that we witnessed 
it. He's just jealous that he never has...that's why at this point he has made 
several *thousand* posts about it. 

Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times on this 
forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long periods of time. 
There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that laughable.  :-) 
As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that *perception* 
is not different in different states of consciousness, only that *reality* 
probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that distinction because quite frankly he 
doesn't understand the difference. As with his claims to have personally 
levitated (which he has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to 
substantiate), he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived 
something, that *is* reality. 

I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who believes this is 
delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the fact that Nabby also 
believes in little green men whose idea of fun is stomping patterns in fields 
of wheat to show how advanced and intelligent they are.  :-)
  From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
 Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good thing that Richard 
keep reminding every possible lurker here how far out of any possible 
self-insight these two guy's are.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008wrote:

  Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, oneof these days he'll 
even retract his extremely sillyjudgements on the Crop Circles.

Adjusting his speak - that's a good one!Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to replyto Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 

And I don't just meanexplaining things away, to be convincing you have to show 
thatsomething more realistic happened, more credible and usingexplanations we 
already understand and are known to happen incertain circumstances. - 

---In, wrote :

---In,sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin,I love your last paragraph: folklore in action;techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As forme, I believe there is life somewhere else inthe 
vast universe. And I think they are morehighly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us.And I think it's great. 
Wecan believe what we like. I have no opinion onintelligent life elsewhere, we 
don't know thevariables that allow for it to develop. Wecould be unique or the 
universe could beteeming or maybe there's just one or two pergalaxy over it's 
entire history. But thechances of there being other humanoidsvisiting Earth at 
the just same time as we'veunderstood where we are cosmically? It 
beggarsbelief. Alien craft is the least likelyexplanation for UFO's. But I hope 
But atthat point, I'm more like turq. It doesn'treally impact my life one way 
or the other.Either way, what is the action step? (-:

Idon't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolvingmyth. We are apparently on the 
brink ofsomething called disclosure. We've been herebefore a few times as I 
recall, it neveramounts to much but it's fun watching the TB'sget excited that 
their favourite daydream isto be officially confirmed. 
Butit won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreyawon't appear. It's the way of 
things. Theconnection between the two is that people wantthere to be more, want 
there to be a reasonand for there to be salvation from a higherpower, whether 
it's alien or spiritual. We'retalking deep human needs here.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Again, what am I missing? 

 A large part of Barry's content here, is reminding, (okay, usually yelling at) 
people, that their subjective experiences don't mean anything.  They are just 
their own, subjective experiences. 

 And most people accept that.  Or at least the part that they are their own 
subjective experiences.

 So, when Jim reports his experiences, I think they're pretty cool.  But they 
are his experiences.  

 So, according to Barry, we should be fawning over them?

 That would be a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine

 Barry, we are following the game plan.

 It's all good.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man has a 
history of doing stuff like this. Remember not long ago when he claimed that he 
wasn't stalking me on the Internet and then tried to prove it by finding a 
photo of me that he could only have found by stalking me on the Internet and 
posted it? What an ass clown.

 The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him into 
perspective is that after all this time claiming to be enlightened (how long 
has be been doing it now...ten years?), he cannot produce *even a single 
person* who believes his claims. Not one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on 
the level of complete lack of charisma. 

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Did you just call a stranger on the internet a poopy pants? That is 

 Who's my angry little man? You are, goochi goochi goo. Where's that smile. 
Come on, where is that smile Mr. Frowny Pants. There it is! I see it now. Smile 
for the bad, bad man whose words make you feel this way.


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 What a bunch of BS, Curtis. I have seen you be a sneaky, underhanded, 
back-stabbing little shit on here, much more than once, which you then seek to 
bury, rationalize, and justify, under a ton of words. You are not evil, Curtis, 
waaay too petty to be evil - just a mean-spirited, and unsuccessful, jerk. 

 This word-flood isn't working, no matter how much rational Curtis, has 
convinced asshole Curtis, that it is. 

 So, save this favorite story for your gullible friends - The rest of us see 
right through you. Have a nice day. :-) 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by entertaining evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by speaking evil. 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore evil. This is Maharishi's teaching about how to 
deal with people like me who disagree with his philosophy. Buck is violating 
Maharishi's rule about ignoring people who don't play along with the 
assumptions of the movement. In the movement people like me are demonized as 
being evil when we speak up about our POV. It is a cult move to protect the 
beliefs. But this principle gets very tricky when you deal outside the closed 
belief system 

[FairfieldLife] Accents, was North Carolina Accent

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 11/16/2014 6:45 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
No, but most of my mother's family does. They are North Carolina 
people. Good find.

/Most people in South Carolina speak with a southern drawl - except when 
they are eating spicy fried chicken./


*From:* [FairfieldLife]
*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:14 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] North Carolina Accent

Hey MJ,

You talk like these guys?

Southern Accent, North Carolina


Southern Accent, North Carolina

Just a little taste of the way us north carolinians talk.

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
/The people have voted. My prediction is that the Democratic Party will 
lose the next presidential election because Obama failed on the economy 
- people are out of work and the people that have jobs can't save or get 
ahead. If Obama lets in five million more jobless immigrants and puts 
them on welfare, at the taxpayers expense, that's going to make a lot of 
Americans really angry.

The Center for Immigration Studies found that under Obama two-thirds of 
jobs went to immigrants, both legal and illegal. Throw in a massive 
illegal alien amnesty and the rush of illegal aliens into the country 
will turn the employment figures of every city into Detroit and Chicago.

On 11/15/2014 8:12 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means 
their parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join 
them here. Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then 
come. We might as well annex Central America. They will be given 
social security cards and green cards and have all access to every 
social program including Obama care( remember the congressman calling 
Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) Black, teen 
and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched 
beyond their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out 
sports teams, bands etc.

On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Leave's out  buy American assets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently not liberal enough or not too smart about economics.  
Randi Rhodes (now retired) used point that out all the time and I've 
been saying it for years.  Maybe it sounds too conspiratorial.

/Non sequitur. It's all about the economy and whether or not you have 
a job and a 401k. //The US does not have a shortage of workers. It has 
a shortage of jobs - that's the important issue - the people have spoken.

The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of 
workers. Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse. 
Legalize twelve million illegal aliens and another twelve million will 


On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from 
Daily Kos:/*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/15/2014 3:25 PM, Share Long wrote:

As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the vast 
universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe 
here with us. And I think it's great. But at that point, I'm more like 
turq. It doesn't really impact my life one way or the other. Either 
way, what is the action step? (-:

/The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, 
is not new.

This was mentioned in the Sumerian and Judaic literature.

If true, this impacts our life in every way, every single day: we in 
fact have no free will, we are all ///working on a fruit farm for 
nothing/. Our day off will be when we die.

But even then, according to Barry, we will have to spend a few more days 
in the Tibetan Bardo, in order to be reborn on another farm.

Read more:

/*/Alien Agenda/*/
//by Jim Marrs //
//Harper, 2000/

*From:* salyavin808
*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, wrote :

Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get 
scientific about something if it is available to study, UFO's are so 
fleeting and ephemeral that there really isn't anything to study other 
than hearsay or suspiciously absent film taken by higher powers to 
keep the whole thing secret.

But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO 
sightings, and done it with as much rigour as you can with such a 
paucity of hard evidence. I'm not sure there is an encounter that 
hasn't got a better explanation that doesn't involve us being visited 
by beings from another world. And I don't just mean explaining things 
away, to be convincing you have to show that something more realistic 
happened, more credible and using explanations we already understand 
and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being 
scientific about UFO's.

But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested 
in UFO's for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the 
classic books on the subject. Even the true believer stuff from 
serious researchers like Timothy Good and the abductionists like Bud 
Hopkins. I bet I know all the great encounters by heart - Cortile, 
Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, Rendlesham...

I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore 
in action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly 
doing here are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating 
our fears about technology and promising us freedom from our 
destructive ways, yet always remaining remarkably evidence free. 
There's always a new vision to add to the mythos but conveniently 
never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the other. And the 
longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual observer 
should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always 
just out of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.

Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD


Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ...
Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an American pilot, retired Captain in 
the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. As the lunar module pilot 
of Apollo 14, ...

View on

Preview by Yahoo

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist 
of it is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word flying 

Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In, wrote :

There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, 
sometimes huge and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In, wrote :

---In, wrote :

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs 
every person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now 
if we knew that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM, s3raphita wrote:

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a 
few times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow 
the techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least 
I assume it was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a 
normal dream which included the false thought that one was lucid when 
in fact one wasn't (if you can follow that explanation). What's more, 
I woke up (for real), mused about the dream for a minute, then fell 
asleep again and immediately went back into the same dream landscape 
in the same self-conscious, lucid state.

Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the 
dreamscape to suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip 
over into being a Zero pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into the 
Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, though I 
was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed dreaming I couldn't change 
the story narration unfolding before me so just left the dream to run 
its course while absorbing the novel experience.

My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to 
suit your whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe 
most lucid dreams are like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble 
compared with my imaginative power and others have a more dominant will?

/The trick is to practice a Laya Yoga technique we learned from 
Satyanand: //

//When you are ready for sleep you just sit up in bed and then let your 
bija mantra rest at the heart chakra for a few minutes. That way, the 
subtle currents from your Istadevata will permeate your entire being 
while you sleep.

For example, my Istadevata is Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, so by 
resting the bija portion of her mantra at the heart chakra, my 
intelligence will grow by leaps and bounds, right while I'm sleeping.

Then, when you awaken in the morning you will feel refreshed and full of 
energy and knowledge. It's that simple!/

Anyone had a similar experience?

/Yes. A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or 
she is dreaming. From what I've read, the phenomenon of lucid dreaming 
has been well established by scientific research, so its existence is 
well established. /

[FairfieldLife] Re: an evening cloud palace

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, my thought too! I enjoy being an action photographer, in nature.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 This photo of yours reminds me very much of a Chinese painting and the clouds 
look like mountains.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 6:57 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

The ultimate goal in Tibetan dream yoga is to “apprehend the dream” 
(attain conscious awareness) then dissolve the dream state. When you 
are deprived of physical stimulus (from the sleeping body) and 
conceptual stimulus (from the dreaming mind), you can observe the 
purest form of conscious awareness.

In /Tibetan Dream Yoga/, maintaining full consciousness while in the 
dream state is part of /Dzogchen/ training. This is described by Tenzin 
Wangyal Rinpoche as /'Rigpa Awareness', /which is very similar to 
/'witnessing sleep'/ in TM. A process that helps the individual 
understand the unreality of waking consciousness as phenomena.

*From:* nablusoss1008
*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:19 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone 
place such importance to this to the extent one would spend time 
practising Tibetan-dream-yoga is a desperate cry for real knowledge.

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

It's funny when you are having that lucidity in a dream and you look 
at the characters you are interacting with and think to yourself You 
people are just a creation of my fancy but said characters don't bat 
an eyelid and just get on with their roles!

My lucid dream last night was also pleasant. And I had the thought 
that I could awake myself and see my familiar bedroom anytime I wished 
- which I assume was indeed the case.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, 
or look at my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually 
pleasantly, by the events I am watching and somehow participating in, 
and just let it go along. I suppose if I had them often, I might want 
to explore more about them.

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a 
few times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow 
the techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least 
I assume it was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a 
normal dream which included the false thought that one was lucid when 
in fact one wasn't (if you can follow that explanation). What's more, 
I woke up (for real), mused about the dream for a minute, then fell 
asleep again and immediately went back into the same dream landscape 
in the same self-conscious, lucid state.

Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the 
dreamscape to suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip 
over into being a Zero pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into the 
Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, though I 
was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed dreaming I couldn't change 
the story narration unfolding before me so just left the dream to run 
its course while absorbing the novel experience.

My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to 
suit your whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe 
most lucid dreams are like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble 
compared with my imaginative power and others have a more dominant will?

Anyone had a similar experience?

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good points about horses being prey animals and getting skittish around those 
who don't know what they are doing. I was an excellent and natural horseman 
when I was really little (7 to 9 years old). Then I grew up, realized what I 
was doing, and lost my confidence with the horses. Frowny face.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote : 


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 When I wrote figuratively: You can almost sense their [a horse's] sneer it 
is probably more accurate to write They [horses] can smell your fear. I don't 
know what scientific research has been put into the facts behind common 
expressions like that but I feel sure horses can pick up on cues given off by 
our nervousness. It's as if it's beneath their dignity to allow themselves to 
be mastered by anyone but a natural-born master or mistress.

 Horses can simply see when a person moves in an unnatural way around them. 
They are honed to recognize strangeness or trepidation. They, like any prey 
animal, are hard wired to detect fear in another and that makes them fearful, 
it does not make them aggressive. Dogs would be more likely to start stalking a 
person that shows fear but horses simply become unsure and when they are in a 
situation where there are no clear boundaries they want to create them so they 
start to take over. But it isn't an aggressive or mean-spirited. Horses live in 
a herd, there is a hierarchy and if you are proving yourself a greenhorn then 
you're at the bottom of the pack - simple as that!

 It sounds like you should have been born into the world of the Houyhnhnms 
described in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Houyhnhnms are a race of 
intelligent horses whose calm, rational, utopian society is compared favourably 
to our dismal lot.

 Heh. Well, if I believed in reincarnation, and I am pretty sure that I do, 
then I would hazard to say I was a horse or horses at some point. They are 
ingrained in me. It doesn't mean I am a great horsewoman, I am not 
particularly, but I feel them and love them and have tremendous empathy for 
them in all sorts of ways. I can also reprimand them when I need to - no mood 
making there - but they are special and iconic for a reason. They represent so 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 I'm sure horses can tell a novice at first glance. You can almost sense their 
sneer. My only goes at horse-riding were as an adolescent and the horses always 
completely ignored my requests and goads. If a horse I was on wanted to stop 
and munch away at a hedge then that was what it would do. My instructor would 
have to come to my aid to get the damned beast (sorry - charming animal) keep 
up with the rest of the riders. 

 BTW, thanks for your amusing story of your short-lived riding career. I can't 
tell you how many times I have watched people in your situation and completely 
understand. You either come out of the womb loving it and if you didn't then 
forget about it. Riding is not really an acquired taste.

 Horses are also damned scary - they're a lot bigger than you imagine when you 
watch a cowboy movie and don't suffer fools gladly. Still, astonishingly 
beautiful and graceful creatures for all that.

 On a side issue: as race-horse jockeys are specifically chosen because they 
weigh so little why aren't women (or even girl) riders preferred over men for 
events where serious amounts of money are changing hands?

 From your recent posts I get the strong impression you prefer animals to 
humans! Is that (understandably) a correct impression?


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The dude who started it was Reagan, granting amnesty to 25 million illegals. 
Funny that now everyone sees it as a Democratic strategy.

---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means their 
parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join them here. 
Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then come. We might as well 
annex Central America. They will be given social security cards and green cards 
and have all access to every social program including Obama care( remember the 
congressman calling Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) 
Black, teen and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched beyond 
their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out sports teams, bands 

 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
 On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Leave's out  buy American assets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently not liberal enough or not too smart about economics.  Randi Rhodes 
(now retired) used point that out all the time and I've been saying it for 
years.  Maybe it sounds too conspiratorial.

 Non sequitur. It's all about the economy and whether or not you have a job and 
a 401k. The US does not have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs - 
that's the important issue - the people have spoken. 
 The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of workers. 
Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse. Legalize twelve 
million illegal aliens and another twelve million will come.
 On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from Daily Kos:






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, wrote :

 I experience lucid dreaming almost every night, it's just fun, no big deal. 
That anyone place any importance to this whatsoever just shows how desperate 
they are for knowledge.

 I'd have to agree about the lucid dreaming's lack of importance. It just 
simply is something that happens to me all the time since I am a voracious 
dreamer and always have been. I feel fortunate because it simply means I have 
24 hour life experience to draw on and plus, it is fun to play around with your 
dreams and see how it feels to fly and die and all sorts of kundalini type 
stuff can happen when you put your mind to it. But I never knew this had an 
actual name or was something people practiced. Everyone dreams and everyone 
thinks so have fun with your dreams and forget the idea of lucidity. I don't 
think because you realize you are dreaming and can change stuff in your dreams 
that you have any special awareness or ability.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Further to Curtis' question

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Very informative article - I am aware of this elevated fear response with the 
deer, too, and am trying to slowly teach them that I can be trusted. The doe is 
hyper sensitive to movement and sound, especially when something like a camera 
is pointed her way. No doubt with the hunters around, the deer have been taught 
by example, to stay away from people. I notice that the fawns mimic mom's every 
move, and so learn the same 'values'.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 Not sure if you meant Curtis or me here as your link also covers the topic I 
raised. Whatever . . .  

 I've seen Temple Grandin featured before on documentaries and she is quite 
extraordinary. The idea of listening to and taking seriously what autistic (and 
other personality types operating on the margins of the normal) men and women 
make of our shared world has to be a positive development. It's like being 
given a new scientific instrument that opens up a whole new vista. 

 Both of you but Curtis had just started the thread with a question but it is 
for you too if you find it interesting and relevant. And yes, a new 
instrument possibly capable of different perception that isn't on the order 
of psychic or those who sell themselves as animal communicators. 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I just found this and thought you could give it a skim. It answers your 
question probably better than I did.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/16/2014 1:08 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
 Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man has a 
history of doing stuff like this. 
 Barry is mistaken: Curtis has made no Enlightened Man claims and he does not 
have a history of doing this on FFL or A.M.T. In fact, Barry has a long history 
of making enlightenment claims:
 Remember not long ago when he claimed that he wasn't stalking me on the 
Internet and then tried to prove it by finding a photo of me that he could 
only have found by stalking me on the Internet and posted it? What an ass clown.
 Barry is sounding very paranoid. When he posts a public profile photo of his 
face on Facebook and sends out friend invites, it's not considered stalking if 
anyone accesses his page to see what his face looks like.
 The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him into 
perspective is that after all this time claiming to be enlightened (how long 
has be been doing it now...ten years?), he cannot produce *even a single 
person* who believes his claims. Not one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on 
the level of complete lack of charisma.
 The only thing one needs to remember about Barry Wright, to put him into 
perspective, is that after all this time claiming enlightenment experiences, 
(nineteen years), he cannot produce *even a single person* who believes his 
subjective experiences. 
 They have continued ever since, from the time I walked away from TM until the 
present, lasting anywhere from hours to days to weeks to months. - TurquoiseB
 What's pathetic is that after all this time Barry cannot produce even a single 
person who believes that Fred Lenz slowly lifted up off of a sofa at Denny's in 
downtown L.A.

 You are correct, Mr Lenz, the dog killer and tormentor never lifted off a 
single thing in his life.
 The man was a psychotic uber narcissist who didn't deserve one minute of fame 
but deserves a whole shwack of infamy. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That is cool -- I don't enjoy the experience of sleeping or dreaming, as much 
as I do being active. If I could just remain active 24x7, that would be my 
preference. My attitude often when I become aware of a dream, is, Oh God, let's 
get it done with, so I can finish the sleep thing, and wake up soon! Good 
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, wrote :

 I experience lucid dreaming almost every night, it's just fun, no big deal. 
That anyone place any importance to this whatsoever just shows how desperate 
they are for knowledge.

 I'd have to agree about the lucid dreaming's lack of importance. It just 
simply is something that happens to me all the time since I am a voracious 
dreamer and always have been. I feel fortunate because it simply means I have 
24 hour life experience to draw on and plus, it is fun to play around with your 
dreams and see how it feels to fly and die and all sorts of kundalini type 
stuff can happen when you put your mind to it. But I never knew this had an 
actual name or was something people practiced. Everyone dreams and everyone 
thinks so have fun with your dreams and forget the idea of lucidity. I don't 
think because you realize you are dreaming and can change stuff in your dreams 
that you have any special awareness or ability.



[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Good points about horses being prey animals and getting skittish around those 
who don't know what they are doing. I was an excellent and natural horseman 
when I was really little (7 to 9 years old). Then I grew up, realized what I 
was doing, and lost my confidence with the horses. Frowny face.

I guess innocence produces a naturalness that, once you realized horses were 
dangerous and that you could be hurt around them (or was that it?), the 
innocence leaves and you realize too much of what could happen and that somehow 
stilted your behaviour around them. Then, of course, it becomes a vicious 
circle. Man feels unsure, horses feel unsure around man, horses become 
suspicious and skittish, man becomes suspicious and skittish and before you 
know it you buy a dog and forget the horses. LOL

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote : 


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 When I wrote figuratively: You can almost sense their [a horse's] sneer it 
is probably more accurate to write They [horses] can smell your fear. I don't 
know what scientific research has been put into the facts behind common 
expressions like that but I feel sure horses can pick up on cues given off by 
our nervousness. It's as if it's beneath their dignity to allow themselves to 
be mastered by anyone but a natural-born master or mistress.

 Horses can simply see when a person moves in an unnatural way around them. 
They are honed to recognize strangeness or trepidation. They, like any prey 
animal, are hard wired to detect fear in another and that makes them fearful, 
it does not make them aggressive. Dogs would be more likely to start stalking a 
person that shows fear but horses simply become unsure and when they are in a 
situation where there are no clear boundaries they want to create them so they 
start to take over. But it isn't an aggressive or mean-spirited. Horses live in 
a herd, there is a hierarchy and if you are proving yourself a greenhorn then 
you're at the bottom of the pack - simple as that!

 It sounds like you should have been born into the world of the Houyhnhnms 
described in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Houyhnhnms are a race of 
intelligent horses whose calm, rational, utopian society is compared favourably 
to our dismal lot.

 Heh. Well, if I believed in reincarnation, and I am pretty sure that I do, 
then I would hazard to say I was a horse or horses at some point. They are 
ingrained in me. It doesn't mean I am a great horsewoman, I am not 
particularly, but I feel them and love them and have tremendous empathy for 
them in all sorts of ways. I can also reprimand them when I need to - no mood 
making there - but they are special and iconic for a reason. They represent so 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 I'm sure horses can tell a novice at first glance. You can almost sense their 
sneer. My only goes at horse-riding were as an adolescent and the horses always 
completely ignored my requests and goads. If a horse I was on wanted to stop 
and munch away at a hedge then that was what it would do. My instructor would 
have to come to my aid to get the damned beast (sorry - charming animal) keep 
up with the rest of the riders. 

 BTW, thanks for your amusing story of your short-lived riding career. I can't 
tell you how many times I have watched people in your situation and completely 
understand. You either come out of the womb loving it and if you didn't then 
forget about it. Riding is not really an acquired taste.

 Horses are also damned scary - they're a lot bigger than you imagine when you 
watch a cowboy movie and don't suffer fools gladly. Still, astonishingly 
beautiful and graceful creatures for all that.

 On a side issue: as race-horse jockeys are specifically chosen because they 
weigh so little why aren't women (or even girl) riders preferred over men for 
events where serious amounts of money are changing hands?

 From your recent posts I get the strong impression you prefer animals to 
humans! Is that (understandably) a correct impression?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
...a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine - LOL - yes, he is quite the 
cranky old fundamentalist, isn't he? Glad you enjoy reading my experiences, 
Steve, and yes, they are mine...subjectively, and objectively.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Again, what am I missing? 

 A large part of Barry's content here, is reminding, (okay, usually yelling at) 
people, that their subjective experiences don't mean anything.  They are just 
their own, subjective experiences. 

 And most people accept that.  Or at least the part that they are their own 
subjective experiences.

 So, when Jim reports his experiences, I think they're pretty cool.  But they 
are his experiences.  

 So, according to Barry, we should be fawning over them?

 That would be a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine

 Barry, we are following the game plan.

 It's all good.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man has a 
history of doing stuff like this. Remember not long ago when he claimed that he 
wasn't stalking me on the Internet and then tried to prove it by finding a 
photo of me that he could only have found by stalking me on the Internet and 
posted it? What an ass clown.

 The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him into 
perspective is that after all this time claiming to be enlightened (how long 
has be been doing it now...ten years?), he cannot produce *even a single 
person* who believes his claims. Not one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on 
the level of complete lack of charisma. 

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Did you just call a stranger on the internet a poopy pants? That is 

 Who's my angry little man? You are, goochi goochi goo. Where's that smile. 
Come on, where is that smile Mr. Frowny Pants. There it is! I see it now. Smile 
for the bad, bad man whose words make you feel this way.


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 What a bunch of BS, Curtis. I have seen you be a sneaky, underhanded, 
back-stabbing little shit on here, much more than once, which you then seek to 
bury, rationalize, and justify, under a ton of words. You are not evil, Curtis, 
waaay too petty to be evil - just a mean-spirited, and unsuccessful, jerk. 

 This word-flood isn't working, no matter how much rational Curtis, has 
convinced asshole Curtis, that it is. 

 So, save this favorite story for your gullible friends - The rest of us see 
right through you. Have a nice day. :-) 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by entertaining evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by speaking evil. 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore evil. This is Maharishi's teaching about how to 
deal with people like me who disagree with his philosophy. Buck is violating 
Maharishi's rule about ignoring people 

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Pretty much the way it was - I grew up, and saw how big and strong they were. I 
have lost that apprehension, but haven't explored riding for a long while at 
this point.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Good points about horses being prey animals and getting skittish around those 
who don't know what they are doing. I was an excellent and natural horseman 
when I was really little (7 to 9 years old). Then I grew up, realized what I 
was doing, and lost my confidence with the horses. Frowny face.

I guess innocence produces a naturalness that, once you realized horses were 
dangerous and that you could be hurt around them (or was that it?), the 
innocence leaves and you realize too much of what could happen and that somehow 
stilted your behaviour around them. Then, of course, it becomes a vicious 
circle. Man feels unsure, horses feel unsure around man, horses become 
suspicious and skittish, man becomes suspicious and skittish and before you 
know it you buy a dog and forget the horses. LOL

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote : 


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 When I wrote figuratively: You can almost sense their [a horse's] sneer it 
is probably more accurate to write They [horses] can smell your fear. I don't 
know what scientific research has been put into the facts behind common 
expressions like that but I feel sure horses can pick up on cues given off by 
our nervousness. It's as if it's beneath their dignity to allow themselves to 
be mastered by anyone but a natural-born master or mistress.

 Horses can simply see when a person moves in an unnatural way around them. 
They are honed to recognize strangeness or trepidation. They, like any prey 
animal, are hard wired to detect fear in another and that makes them fearful, 
it does not make them aggressive. Dogs would be more likely to start stalking a 
person that shows fear but horses simply become unsure and when they are in a 
situation where there are no clear boundaries they want to create them so they 
start to take over. But it isn't an aggressive or mean-spirited. Horses live in 
a herd, there is a hierarchy and if you are proving yourself a greenhorn then 
you're at the bottom of the pack - simple as that!

 It sounds like you should have been born into the world of the Houyhnhnms 
described in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Houyhnhnms are a race of 
intelligent horses whose calm, rational, utopian society is compared favourably 
to our dismal lot.

 Heh. Well, if I believed in reincarnation, and I am pretty sure that I do, 
then I would hazard to say I was a horse or horses at some point. They are 
ingrained in me. It doesn't mean I am a great horsewoman, I am not 
particularly, but I feel them and love them and have tremendous empathy for 
them in all sorts of ways. I can also reprimand them when I need to - no mood 
making there - but they are special and iconic for a reason. They represent so 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 I'm sure horses can tell a novice at first glance. You can almost sense their 
sneer. My only goes at horse-riding were as an adolescent and the horses always 
completely ignored my requests and goads. If a horse I was on wanted to stop 
and munch away at a hedge then that was what it would do. My instructor would 
have to come to my aid to get the damned beast (sorry - charming animal) keep 
up with the rest of the riders. 

 BTW, thanks for your amusing story of your short-lived riding career. I can't 
tell you how many times I have watched people in your situation and completely 
understand. You either come out of the womb loving it and if you didn't then 
forget about it. Riding is not really an acquired taste.

 Horses are also damned scary - they're a lot bigger than you imagine when you 
watch a cowboy movie and don't suffer fools gladly. Still, astonishingly 
beautiful and graceful creatures for all that.

 On a side issue: as race-horse jockeys are specifically chosen because they 
weigh so little why aren't women (or even girl) riders preferred over men for 
events where serious amounts of money are changing hands?

 From your recent posts I get the strong impression you prefer animals to 
humans! Is that (understandably) a correct impression?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 That is cool -- I don't enjoy the experience of sleeping or dreaming, as much 
as I do being active. If I could just remain active 24x7, that would be my 
preference. My attitude often when I become aware of a dream, is, Oh God, let's 
get it done with, so I can finish the sleep thing, and wake up soon! Good 

 HA! I can relate but the dreaming for me is like a licence to do all sorts of 
things I don't have access to in waking life and there are just such 
interesting things that happen in dreams. (Interesting only to the dreamer, 
there is nothing more boring than listening to other people's dreams.) So I 
like to dream but, as you know, I also love activity that's why I am such a 
poor candidate for meditation. ;-)

 PS just a comment on the deer. You might not want to get them to trust you too 
much. It could mean a death sentence for them later. Not everyone is as safe 
as you are and they might pull a gun instead of a camera.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, thanks for posting this. I didn't know that such ideas were found in 
some ancient literature. And if it is true about our being enslaved, etc. again 
my question is: what is the action step? And by action step I'm including 
thoughts and feelings. IOW, whether you are a slave or not, how do you choose 
right here and now, to think and feel?

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
 On 11/15/2014 3:25 PM, Share Long wrote:
     As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the vast universe. 
And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here with us. And I 
think it's great. But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really 
impact my life one way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:

 The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a human 
body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial society, is not new. 
 This was mentioned in the Sumerian and Judaic literature.
 If true, this impacts our life in every way, every single day: we in fact have 
no free will, we are all  working on a fruit farm for nothing. Our day off will 
be when we die. 
 But even then, according to Barry, we will have to spend a few more days in 
the Tibetan Bardo, in order to be reborn on another farm.
 Read more:
 Alien Agenda
 by Jim Marrs 
 Harper, 2000
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
 ---In, wrote :
  Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-) 
  It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific 
about something if  it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and 
ephemeral that there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or 
suspiciously absent film taken by  higher powers to keep the whole thing 
  But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as  much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being  visited by beings from another world. And I don't 
just mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that 
something more realistic happened,  more credible and using explanations we 
already understand and are known to happen in certain  circumstances. Even 
testing soil damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being 
scientific about UFO's. 
  But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as  I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from serious researchers like Timothy 
Good and the  abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile,  Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 
  I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and  what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision  to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we  like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age. 
  Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD  
  |   | 
  |   Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ...  Edgar Dean 
Mitchell, Sc.D. is an American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy 
and NASA astronaut. As the  lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...| 
|  View on|Preview by Yahoo   |

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :
 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word flying saucer 
  Is that what his dissertation is about this time?
 ---In, wrote :
 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.
 ---In, wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

--In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

That is cool -- I don't enjoy the experience of sleeping or dreaming, 
as much as I do being active. If I could just remain active 24x7, that 
would be my preference. My attitude often when I become aware of a 
dream, is, Oh God, let's get it done with, so I can finish the sleep 
thing, and wake up soon! Good Morning!!

On 11/16/2014 9:06 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

HA! I can relate but the dreaming for me is like a licence to do all 
sorts of things I don't have access to in waking life and there are 
just such interesting things that happen in dreams.

/In dreams you can do anything you can do in the waking state, but not 
vice-versa. In dreams you can run and jump and consult with your 
friends. But, in the waking state you just can't jump as high as in a 

(Interesting only to the dreamer, there is nothing more boring than 
listening to other people's dreams.)

/One of the great blessings when you have an SO is you have someone to 
tell your dreams to in the morning. And, it is also a great blessing to 
have an SO that will tell you their dreams.//It may be boring, but it is 
still a blessing to have an SO./

So I like to dream but, as you know, I also love activity that's why I 
am such a poor candidate for meditation. ;-)

/You can use your activity as your meditation object, same difference, 
meditation-in-action, if you enjoy./

PS just a comment on the deer. You might not want to get them to trust 
you too much. It could mean a death sentence for them later. Not 
everyone is as safe as you are and they might pull a gun instead of 
a camera.

/Good point!/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, aha indeed! Since you don't believe in God, instead of saying my 
usual about God's sense of humor, I'll ponder if the bacteria had/have a sense 
of humor (-:
From you first and second paragraphs, I'm wondering if you're 
equatingexplanatory knowledge with being fully self aware. They seem like 2 
things to me. Maybe a developmental neuroscientist could shed some light by 
studying the behavior of babies. Are they able to figure stuff out, like where 
the cookies are hidden, before they become aware of my toes and a me?
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ah, Salyavin, deep human needs indeed! What do you think is the deepest one? To 
understand? To survive? Or is it about us at all? 
Must be to understand. Once all the basics are fulfilled anyway. Our brains 
seem designed to generate explanations about where we are what's going on, it's 
endless. Would love to know when it started, the ability to create explanatory 
knowledge is what sets us apart from our chimp cousins but as things like that 
don't fossilise it's difficult to say when it might have happened. All we have 
to go on is cave paintings or marks on sticks but they could be part of a long 
evolution of self awareness. 
I wonder what it was like to be only half self-aware? Impossible to know as the 
bit that does the imagining is the bit that wasn't there yetThere's a 
concept to ponder!
I remember a post of yours a while back. Something about our being mere 
vehicles for the bacteria to evolve. I bet I'm remembering it inaccurately. 
Anyway, I can't resist saying that when you say enjoy the ride I think of 
Maharishi saying enjoy.  (-:

Yes, we are all descended from bacteria and the only reason we are here at all 
is because DNA is imperfect at copying itself and keeps making mistakes that 
change the outcomes of the copying and increasing complexity. Not as exciting a 
creation myth as some of the others people have come up with but they wouldn't 
be able to come up with them if it hadn't happened. Aha!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 
We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.
But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one way 
or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:

I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called disclosure. We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 
But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, wrote :

Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)
It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.
But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, Richard, I'm gonna try this tonight...

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM, s3raphita wrote:
 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state. Now I'd heard 
that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to suit yourself. So 
you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero pilot on a kamikaze 
mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever floats your 
boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed dreaming I 
couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so just left the dream 
to run its course while absorbing the novel experience. My question is: is 
there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit your whim or is it a 
case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams are like mine? Or 
maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative power and others 
have a more dominant will? 
 The trick is to practice a Laya Yoga technique we learned from Satyanand: 
 When you are ready for sleep you just sit up in bed and then let your bija 
mantra rest at the heart chakra for a few minutes. That way, the subtle 
currents from your Istadevata will permeate your entire being while you sleep. 
 For example, my Istadevata is Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, so by 
resting the bija portion of her mantra at the heart chakra, my intelligence 
will grow by leaps and bounds, right while I'm sleeping. 
 Then, when you awaken in the morning you will feel refreshed and full of 
energy and knowledge. It's that simple!
 Anyone had a similar experience? 
 Yes. A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is 
dreaming. From what I've read, the phenomenon of lucid dreaming has been well 
established by scientific research, so its existence is well established. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Further to Curtis' question

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks Ann. I found what you wrote and this article equally fascinating and 

From what you wrote I was struck by how your comments were shaped by your 
working relationship with horses. They are not your cuddle toys, you do shit 
together! Intricate split second, had-better-be-in-synch shit. It reminded me 
of how differently you get to know people when you work with them rather than 
socially. All sorts of stuff comes out you would never see out of that context. 
I admire your life choice of living with horses, the constant and consistent 
work that must be necessary for such a relationship to happen. Like people who 
work with working dogs, sled dogs or herding border collies, you have entered 
into a special relationship most of us don't know much about. I have friends 
who do a trick dog show and their daily dedication is unreal to me. (As is 
their ability to travel to shows with over a dozen dogs in a camper!)  

From the article I was struck with the discussion of how quickly they react to 
fear and the connection to autism in humans. I work with some of these kids and 
the skittishness can be spooky. But it made me think that perhaps his is also 
why horses are so great to work with. Not because you have gotten beyond the 
fear, although I'm sure emotionally that is charming, but because they ARE so 
quickly reactive to stimulus. It must sharpen your senses to a peak to keep up. 
I have read about how they pay so much attention to the environment that 
something different on a familiar trail can freak them out. What a way to have 
to see the world to anticipate issues. Do you scan the riding environment with 
this kind of focus? Detecting if something different in the ring will panic 

So if you are on the back of a huge creature (you do dressage right?) and you 
are moving through intricate sequences of movement, your mind has to match the 
instant flickers of their shorter circuit wiring. It must be Zen as hell 
mentally. It must push every other thing out of your awareness, which I believe 
is the kind of flow state humans seek through many means.

Anything more you care to say on this topic would be welcome and I'm sure I am 
not the only one who would enjoy it.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I just found this and thought you could give it a skim. It answers your 
question probably better than I did.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 25 Million? Please, Reagan granted amnesty to 2 million under the condition 
that the border would be secured, which was never done under a democrat lead  
house( Speaker Tip O'neal). That is why conservatives demand a secure border 
*before* any talk of amnesty.  If you can't secure the border, it becomes a 
revolving door. Once you grant amnesty to those here illegally, their families 
rush the border to be the next to get amnesty and the beat goes on. 
   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
    The dude who started it was Reagan, granting amnesty to 25 million 
illegals. Funny that now everyone sees it as a Democratic strategy.

---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means their 
parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join them here. 
Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then come. We might as well 
annex Central America. They will be given social security cards and green cards 
and have all access to every social program including Obama care( remember the 
congressman calling Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) 
Black, teen and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched beyond 
their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out sports teams, bands 
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

  Leave's out  buy Americanassets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently notliberal enough or not too smart about economics.  RandiRhodes 
(now retired) used point that out all the time andI've been saying it for 
years.  Maybe it sounds tooconspiratorial.

Non sequitur. It's all about the economy andwhether or not you have a job and a 
401k. The US doesnot have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs 
-that's the important issue - the people have spoken. 

The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus ofworkers. Illegal 
alien amnesty will make that surplus muchworse. Legalize twelve million illegal 
aliens and another twelvemillion will come.

On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  And it only takes up the topright corner of this cartoon from Daily Kos:

  #yiv6566944218 #yiv6566944218 -- #yiv6566944218ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6566944218 
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0;}#yiv6566944218 #yiv6566944218ygrp-mkp #yiv6566944218ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6566944218 #yiv6566944218ygrp-mkp .yiv6566944218ad 
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{margin:0;}#yiv6566944218 #yiv6566944218ygrp-mkp .yiv6566944218ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6566944218 #yiv6566944218ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6566944218ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6566944218 
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#yiv6566944218ygrp-sponsor #yiv6566944218ygrp-lc .yiv6566944218ad 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv6566944218 #yiv6566944218activity span 
.yiv6566944218underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6566944218 
0;width:400px;}#yiv6566944218 .yiv6566944218attach div a 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6566944218 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv6566944218 .yiv6566944218bold 
.yiv6566944218bold a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 10:01 AM, Share Long wrote:

Thanks, Richard, I'm gonna try this tonight...

/Satyanand told us that it was a min-meditation for sleep at night. 
We've been using this technique since 1968 and it works. ///You just set 
it, and forget it.

/I've also used almost the same Laya Yoga technique when awakening:

When you wake up, but before you actually get up, you just remember the 
bija portion of your mantra and repeat it a few times mentally to yourself.

Then, you get up and go about your business including your regular TM 2 
x 20.//


*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM, s3raphita wrote:

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened 
a few times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to 
follow the techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). 
At least I assume it was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one 
could have a normal dream which included the false thought that one 
was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you can follow that 
explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about the 
dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back 
into the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.
Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the 
dreamscape to suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip 
over into being a Zero pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into 
the Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, 
though I was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed dreaming I couldn't 
change the story narration unfolding before me so just left the dream 
to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.
My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to 
suit your whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe 
most lucid dreams are like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble 
compared with my imaginative power and others have a more dominant will?

/The trick is to practice a Laya Yoga technique we learned from 
Satyanand: //

//When you are ready for sleep you just sit up in bed and then let 
your bija mantra rest at the heart chakra for a few minutes. That way, 
the subtle currents from your Istadevata will permeate your entire 
being while you sleep.

For example, my Istadevata is Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, so 
by resting the bija portion of her mantra at the heart chakra, my 
intelligence will grow by leaps and bounds, right while I'm sleeping.

Then, when you awaken in the morning you will feel refreshed and full 
of energy and knowledge. It's that simple!/

Anyone had a similar experience?

/Yes. A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he 
or she is dreaming. From what I've read, the phenomenon of lucid 
dreaming has been well established by scientific research, so its 
existence is well established. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 salyavin, aha indeed! Since you don't believe in God, instead of saying my 
usual about God's sense of humor, I'll ponder if the bacteria had/have a sense 
of humor (-:

 From you first and second paragraphs, I'm wondering if you're 
equatingexplanatory knowledge with being fully self aware. They seem like 2 
things to me. Maybe a developmental neuroscientist could shed some light by 
studying the behavior of babies. Are they able to figure stuff out, like where 
the cookies are hidden, before they become aware of my toes and me?


 I use the term explanatory knowledge to mean that we are the only animals that 
come up with ideas to explain things like where they are and what's going on. A 
chimp might use a twig to tease ants out of a log but humans can sit and ponder 
where the ants came from and what they are made of. Once you get that 
capability the possibilities are endless, philosophy, cosmology, science etc. 

 It ends up where we are today with knowledge of quasars at the edge of the 
universe and of the energies that makes atoms work and a steadily growing 
number of things inbetween. Not bad achievements really, especially considering 
the only difference  between us and chimps is an abstract metaphorical 
language. How we acquired that is an interesting question, many theories there.

 I don't think babies figure abstract stuff out at all. Not until they learn to 
speak, up till then it's all instinctual responses, the baby whisperer makes 
a nice living out of conning people otherwise though!
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ah, Salyavin, deep human needs indeed! What do you think is the deepest one? 
 To understand? To survive? Or is it about us at all? 

 Must be to understand. Once all the basics are fulfilled anyway. Our brains 
seem designed to generate explanations about where we are what's going on, it's 
endless. Would love to know when it started, the ability to create explanatory 
knowledge is what sets us apart from our chimp cousins but as things like that 
don't fossilise it's difficult to say when it might have happened. All we have 
to go on is cave paintings or marks on sticks but they could be part of a long 
evolution of self awareness. 

 I wonder what it was like to be only half self-aware? Impossible to know as 
the bit that does the imagining is the bit that wasn't there yetThere's a 
concept to ponder!

 I remember a post of yours a while back. Something about our being mere 
vehicles for the bacteria to evolve. I bet I'm remembering it inaccurately. 
Anyway, I can't resist saying that when you say enjoy the ride I think of 
Maharishi saying enjoy.  (-:


 Yes, we are all descended from bacteria and the only reason we are here at all 
is because DNA is imperfect at copying itself and keeps making mistakes that 
change the outcomes of the copying and increasing complexity. Not as exciting a 
creation myth as some of the others people have come up with but they wouldn't 
be able to come up with them if it hadn't happened. Aha!

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called disclosure. We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 

 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ooops - my mistake. As for the border being secured, that will never happen. 
Never. Part of the problem is that agribiz and the hospitality industry both 
take full advantage of undocumented workers, so on the one hand, they join the 
patriots and call for secure borders, while on the other hand, they ensure 
that corporate profits soar, on the backs of illegal labor. Hypocritical BS, 
which both political parties are well aware of.  
---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

25 Million? Please, Reagan granted amnesty to 2 million under the condition 
that the border would be secured, which was never done under a democrat lead  
house( Speaker Tip O'neal). That is why conservatives demand a secure border 
*before* any talk of amnesty.  If you can't secure the border, it becomes a 
revolving door. Once you grant amnesty to those here illegally, their families 
rush the border to be the next to get amnesty and the beat goes on. 
  From: fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
   The dude who started it was Reagan, granting amnesty to 25 million illegals. 
Funny that now everyone sees it as a Democratic strategy.


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means their 
parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join them here. 
Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then come. We might as well 
annex Central America. They will be given social security cards and green cards 
and have all access to every social program including Obama care( remember the 
congressman calling Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) 
Black, teen and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched beyond 
their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out sports teams, bands 

 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
 On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Leave's out  buy American assets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently not liberal enough or not too smart about economics.  Randi Rhodes 
(now retired) used point that out all the time and I've been saying it for 
years.  Maybe it sounds too conspiratorial.

 Non sequitur. It's all about the economy and whether or not you have a job and 
a 401k. The US does not have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs - 
that's the important issue - the people have spoken. 
 The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of workers. 
Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse. Legalize twelve 
million illegal aliens and another twelve million will come.
 On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from Daily Kos:







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In, wrote :
 Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. 

C: Nabbie with your attention to the details of what I write you could easily 
be mistaken for a fanboy.

Yes, this is one of my favorite topics and thanks for reminding me. Let's 
revisit it to see if my views have changed

I am denying that Maharishi has made a convincing case for his claim that:

Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.

The example he used was that when we are sleepy our knowledge is different. 
When I was a young man, and more easily swayed by my internal feelings when 
thinking, I agreed with him. But now I do not find this to be the case. As an 
adult professional I have learned how to functions at a certain level mentally 
no matter what my level of rest or fatigue. My knowledge is not significantly 
affected. Being more likely to forget something can happen. But this is a long 
way from the breadth of this claim. I would say that fatigue exerts no more 
than a 10% influence over my mental abilities. So the comparison falls flat in 
my experience. Are you really incapable of doing your job well if you are 
tired? Does it make that much of a difference in your functioning really? You 
might enjoy it less but that is a different claim.

And as far as extending this into the so called higher states as if this 
analogy would prove anything about them even if it were true, I call bullshit. 
I have seen nothing from any of the so called enlightened guys, Maharishi 
included, that couldn't be replicated from anyone familiar with their use of 
language and a Hinduism 101 course.

Light some incense:

The mind is a shallow boat surrounded by the ocean of infinity. The mind 
experiences pleasure and pain, It associates with the objects of perception 
which sells out the infinite full potential of their inner nature for a 
localized, finite experience. When the mind expands into its limitless source, 
it becomes one with that infinite nature, and takes on the qualities of 
truth,consciousness and bliss awareness, beyond the limitations of space and 
time. This is what the ancient rishis called Sat Chit Ananda.

You guess who wrote that from the knowledge it contains. Is there anything in 
those words that would make it impossible for the writer to be in waking state? 
Is there something so different from what a person who was not experiencing 
that reality could write, if they knew the language form and structure of the 
claims in that philosophy? Can you really tell if that was real or Memorex?

So Nabbie, you defend your teachers assertion that he did not prove. He just 
asserted it. Now is your moment to show how your elevated consciousness has 
such a superior state of knowledge, that you can turn my objections to ashes 
before my eyes. Being scornful of my objections is not an argument. Show us why 
we should accept that knowledge is different in different states of 
consciousness without resorting to the proof by bogus analogy, blatant 
unsupported assertion, or appeal to the authority of Hindu holy books that 
Maharishi tried. Do your guru a solid and help him make his case for the 

But we both know that no one can because you just bought into a belief that 
doesn't hold up to scrutiny.  

Same 3 choices every time you take a swing at me. You can defend your belief 
with reasoned argument to convince me where what I wrote was wrong somehow or 
missing an important point, you can follow angry Jim and go ad hominem as he 
recently did AGAIN, or you can slink away to take another sucker punch another 
day, never defending your position or refuting mine with reason, like an 
internet troll. 

It's a good thing that Richard keep reminding every possible lurker here how 
far out of any possible self-insight these two guy's are.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

 Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to reply to Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 
 And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to 
show that something more realistic happened, more credible and using 
explanations we already understand and are known to happen in certain 
circumstances. - salyavin808
 ---In, wrote :
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, I love your last 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, I have probably fought it more often than not, when it is time to 
meditate. And that has been going on for almost 40 years! Nonetheless, I use 
what little self discipline I have, to persevere. Re the deer, yes, I am 
working on a personal relationship, not to convince them that all humans are 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 That is cool -- I don't enjoy the experience of sleeping or dreaming, as much 
as I do being active. If I could just remain active 24x7, that would be my 
preference. My attitude often when I become aware of a dream, is, Oh God, let's 
get it done with, so I can finish the sleep thing, and wake up soon! Good 

 HA! I can relate but the dreaming for me is like a licence to do all sorts of 
things I don't have access to in waking life and there are just such 
interesting things that happen in dreams. (Interesting only to the dreamer, 
there is nothing more boring than listening to other people's dreams.) So I 
like to dream but, as you know, I also love activity that's why I am such a 
poor candidate for meditation. ;-)

 PS just a comment on the deer. You might not want to get them to trust you too 
much. It could mean a death sentence for them later. Not everyone is as safe 
as you are and they might pull a gun instead of a camera.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Curtis, from your first paragraph, it sounds like you're equating knowledge 
with mental abilities. But I don't think that's what Maharishi meant. I think 
what he meant by knowledge is conclusions drawn from perceptions.One of the 
classical examples is that of the blind men touching different parts of the 
elephant and then coming to different conclusions about the identity of the 
object being touched in different places.Another classic example is the snake 
and the string wherein the agitated person sees something threatening and the 
calm person sees something nonthreatening.Even in every day life, if 10 people 
witness an accident, there will be 10 different reports. And how about the 
party game of telephone? Why doesn't the message stay the same with each 
hearing and repeating?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    --In, wrote :

Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. 

C: Nabbie with your attention to the details of what I write you could easily 
be mistaken for a fanboy.

Yes, this is one of my favorite topics and thanks for reminding me. Let's 
revisit it to see if my views have changed

I am denying that Maharishi has made a convincing case for his claim that:

Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.

The example he used was that when we are sleepy our knowledge is different. 
When I was a young man, and more easily swayed by my internal feelings when 
thinking, I agreed with him. But now I do not find this to be the case. As an 
adult professional I have learned how to functions at a certain level mentally 
no matter what my level of rest or fatigue. My knowledge is not significantly 
affected. Being more likely to forget something can happen. But this is a long 
way from the breadth of this claim. I would say that fatigue exerts no more 
than a 10% influence over my mental abilities. So the comparison falls flat in 
my experience. Are you really incapable of doing your job well if you are 
tired? Does it make that much of a difference in your functioning really? You 
might enjoy it less but that is a different claim.

And as far as extending this into the so called higher states as if this 
analogy would prove anything about them even if it were true, I call bullshit. 
I have seen nothing from any of the so called enlightened guys, Maharishi 
included, that couldn't be replicated from anyone familiar with their use of 
language and a Hinduism 101 course.

Light some incense:

The mind is a shallow boat surrounded by the ocean of infinity. The mind 
experiences pleasure and pain, It associates with the objects of perception 
which sells out the infinite full potential of their inner nature for a 
localized, finite experience. When the mind expands into its limitless source, 
it becomes one with that infinite nature, and takes on the qualities of 
truth,consciousness and bliss awareness, beyond the limitations of space and 
time. This is what the ancient rishis called Sat Chit Ananda.

You guess who wrote that from the knowledge it contains. Is there anything in 
those words that would make it impossible for the writer to be in waking state? 
Is there something so different from what a person who was not experiencing 
that reality could write, if they knew the language form and structure of the 
claims in that philosophy? Can you really tell if that was real or Memorex?

So Nabbie, you defend your teachers assertion that he did not prove. He just 
asserted it. Now is your moment to show how your elevated consciousness has 
such a superior state of knowledge, that you can turn my objections to ashes 
before my eyes. Being scornful of my objections is not an argument. Show us why 
we should accept that knowledge is different in different states of 
consciousness without resorting to the proof by bogus analogy, blatant 
unsupported assertion, or appeal to the authority of Hindu holy books that 
Maharishi tried. Do your guru a solid and help him make his case for the 

But we both know that no one can because you just bought into a belief that 
doesn't hold up to scrutiny.  

Same 3 choices every time you take a swing at me. You can defend your belief 
with reasoned argument to convince me where what I wrote was wrong somehow or 
missing an important point, you can follow angry Jim and go ad hominem as he 
recently did AGAIN, or you can slink away to take another sucker punch another 
day, never defending your position or refuting mine with reason, like an 
internet troll. 

It's a good thing that Richard keep reminding every possible lurker here 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, because of the large karmic rebound Barry has built up, he has become one 
big, red, reactive button, himself. And he continues to drone on about being 
hypnotized by a rapist - Something the rest of us would be less than thrilled 
about sharing.  

 PS Notice Barry calls him Fred here? Normally, its Rama this and Rama that. 
Barry still believes the guy was an avatar of Vishnu, instead of a drugged up 
puppy strangler, and worse. No wonder his life is a mess. 

---In, wrote :

 Seems Richard has managed to push the buttons of the Turq big-time, no matter 
how much he claims never to read any of his posts :-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' 
doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* what was going on 
when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred levitate, only that we witnessed 
it. He's just jealous that he never has...that's why at this point he has made 
several *thousand* posts about it. 


 Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times on this 
forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long periods of time. 
There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that laughable.  :-) 

 As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that *perception* 
is not different in different states of consciousness, only that *reality* 
probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that distinction because quite frankly he 
doesn't understand the difference. As with his claims to have personally 
levitated (which he has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to 
substantiate), he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived 
something, that *is* reality. 


 I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who believes this is 
delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the fact that Nabby also 
believes in little green men whose idea of fun is stomping patterns in fields 
of wheat to show how advanced and intelligent they are.  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
   Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good thing that Richard 
keep reminding every possible lurker here how far out of any possible 
self-insight these two guy's are.


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

 Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already believes in 
tall tales - he has yet to reply to Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go 
 And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to 
show that something more realistic happened, more credible and using 
explanations we already understand and are known to happen in certain 
circumstances. - salyavin808
 ---In, wrote :
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called disclosure. We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 
 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs [1 Attachment]

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I enjoyed reading about your serious consideration of UFO's. Purely going by 
logic, it doesn't make sense that we are the only living beings in the 
universe. However, I agree that many reports of UFOs are wishful thinking.   
Two personal experiences I can't explain:  My ex-wife had an alien visitation, 
where they came up the stairs of our house, put a probe into her side and 
studied her, while I was asleep next to her. She was speechless and in shock 
afterwards - I can't say whether or not it was real, but her description and 
reaction sure seemed so. Other than that, last summer, I was in the yard and 
looked up, and saw a metallic shiny disc, hovering in the sky. I took some bad 
pictures of it, and felt as if I was being watched (attached).

 ---In, wrote :


---In, wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from serious researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 

 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.


 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
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---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word flying saucer 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In, wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In, wrote :


---In, wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept money would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films, then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I understand that you are a champion for the waking state, Curtis. So what? 
Because you are not established in pure awareness, you assert that your 
immature consciousness is the one and only reality. Such arrogance, and 
ignorance, combined. On the one hand, your buddy claims he saw a rapist fly 
through the air, and on the other, you insist that the waking state is all 
there is. My sole conclusion, is that you, and tweedle dee, are quite confused. 
Perhaps your life would be more successful, if you didn't close so many doors 
on yourself. Just a suggestion. :-) 
---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
 Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. 

C: Nabbie with your attention to the details of what I write you could easily 
be mistaken for a fanboy.

Yes, this is one of my favorite topics and thanks for reminding me. Let's 
revisit it to see if my views have changed

I am denying that Maharishi has made a convincing case for his claim that:

Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.

The example he used was that when we are sleepy our knowledge is different. 
When I was a young man, and more easily swayed by my internal feelings when 
thinking, I agreed with him. But now I do not find this to be the case. As an 
adult professional I have learned how to functions at a certain level mentally 
no matter what my level of rest or fatigue. My knowledge is not significantly 
affected. Being more likely to forget something can happen. But this is a long 
way from the breadth of this claim. I would say that fatigue exerts no more 
than a 10% influence over my mental abilities. So the comparison falls flat in 
my experience. Are you really incapable of doing your job well if you are 
tired? Does it make that much of a difference in your functioning really? You 
might enjoy it less but that is a different claim.

And as far as extending this into the so called higher states as if this 
analogy would prove anything about them even if it were true, I call bullshit. 
I have seen nothing from any of the so called enlightened guys, Maharishi 
included, that couldn't be replicated from anyone familiar with their use of 
language and a Hinduism 101 course.

Light some incense:

The mind is a shallow boat surrounded by the ocean of infinity. The mind 
experiences pleasure and pain, It associates with the objects of perception 
which sells out the infinite full potential of their inner nature for a 
localized, finite experience. When the mind expands into its limitless source, 
it becomes one with that infinite nature, and takes on the qualities of 
truth,consciousness and bliss awareness, beyond the limitations of space and 
time. This is what the ancient rishis called Sat Chit Ananda.

You guess who wrote that from the knowledge it contains. Is there anything in 
those words that would make it impossible for the writer to be in waking state? 
Is there something so different from what a person who was not experiencing 
that reality could write, if they knew the language form and structure of the 
claims in that philosophy? Can you really tell if that was real or Memorex?

So Nabbie, you defend your teachers assertion that he did not prove. He just 
asserted it. Now is your moment to show how your elevated consciousness has 
such a superior state of knowledge, that you can turn my objections to ashes 
before my eyes. Being scornful of my objections is not an argument. Show us why 
we should accept that knowledge is different in different states of 
consciousness without resorting to the proof by bogus analogy, blatant 
unsupported assertion, or appeal to the authority of Hindu holy books that 
Maharishi tried. Do your guru a solid and help him make his case for the 

But we both know that no one can because you just bought into a belief that 
doesn't hold up to scrutiny.  

Same 3 choices every time you take a swing at me. You can defend your belief 
with reasoned argument to convince me where what I wrote was wrong somehow or 
missing an important point, you can follow angry Jim and go ad hominem as he 
recently did AGAIN, or you can slink away to take another sucker punch another 
day, never defending your position or refuting mine with reason, like an 
internet troll. 

It's a good thing that Richard keep reminding every possible lurker here how 
far out of any possible self-insight these two guy's are.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

 Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already believes in 

[FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Neil Young Boycotts Starbucks Over GMO Lawsuit
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In, sharelong60@... wrote :
 Curtis, from your first paragraph, it sounds like you're equating knowledge 
with mental abilities. But I don't think that's what Maharishi meant. I think 
what he meant by knowledge is conclusions drawn from perceptions.

C: I agree, His definition was experience and understanding are the components 
of knowledge. In his example he doesn't keep this distinction clear. But if we 
examine your point his claim is even lamer. Once I have solid knowledge born of 
experience and understanding, I can't be rocked by any lack of sleep which was 
his example. For example I play gigs and teach all the time with very little 
sleep. It has an insignificant affect on my ability to think clearly and 
present my material because I have it rooted in lots of experience and 

 S: One of the classical examples is that of the blind men touching different 
parts of the elephant and then coming to different conclusions about the 
identity of the object being touched in different places.

C: I don't believe more analogies help support the claim. In that case they 
lack experience and understanding both, it has nothing to do with their 
consciousness or even state of mind. I know Maharishi was fond of proof by 
analogy but it is not a valid proof. It just means you have a cute story to 
tell that is entertaining. It does not make any case about the claim.

 S: Another classic example is the snake and the string wherein the agitated 
person sees something threatening and the calm person sees something 

C: Again this is a lack of experience or understanding but says nothing about 
the state of consciousness. Both the calm person and the agitated person lacked 
information, and it was too dark for experience to kick in. The agitation may 
make a person jump to this conclusion faster but the problem was lack of 
knowledge, not a state of mind. When the person is shown it is a string they 
have just as much ability for knowledge as the calm man. And the reverse 
would be true too in this case. If the guy was calm with no evidence that there 
was no a snake in the dark, he could be bitten. The agitated guy might have 
survived because he was on guard when there was a lack of clear knowledge. So 
again, his analogy fails to prove anything about our state or mind being an 
advantage, it all depends on whether or not it happened to be a snake or a 
string after the fact.

 S: Even in every day life, if 10 people witness an accident, there will be 10 
different reports. And how about the party game of telephone? Why doesn't the 
message stay the same with each hearing and repeating?

C: Because we are unreliable witnesses due to a cognitive gap we have when we 
lack experience or understanding about an event. Our minds fill in gaps and 
give us a perverse confidence that we know what we are talking about as we 
describe our experience. These points speak to the unreliability of our 
cognitive abilities across the board, but make no case that anyone in a 
higher state would be any better at this than we are. 

You have made a case that we have known cognitive gaps, and that with the 
influx of overwhelming data, we each pay attention to a selection of things 
combined with our perceptual biases to form our conclusions about what 
happened. There is nothing in the growth of consciousness model that even 
addresses this problem except to make the religious claim that somehow you will 
magically notice the right things about an event from the many things you could 
have noticed. (If you hung around Maharishi long enough you could see that he 
was no better than any of us at noticing things properly.)

Thanks for extending the discussion. Have I missed something about your points?




 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
   --In, wrote :

 Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. 

C: Nabbie with your attention to the details of what I write you could easily 
be mistaken for a fanboy.

Yes, this is one of my favorite topics and thanks for reminding me. Let's 
revisit it to see if my views have changed

I am denying that Maharishi has made a convincing case for his claim that:

Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.

The example he used was that when we are sleepy our knowledge is different. 
When I was a young man, and more easily swayed by my internal feelings when 
thinking, I agreed with him. But now I do not find this to be the case. As an 
adult professional I have learned how to functions at a certain level mentally 

[FairfieldLife] Speaking of stalking Barry...

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was researching the Mayflower's voyage, and found out that the English 
Puritans and Separatists, settled in Leiden, Netherlands, before deciding to go 
to America. They made the voyage to America, because they felt that to stay in 
the Netherlands, they would be assimilated out of existence. Oddly, two ships, 
the Mayflower and Speedwell, were to have made the voyage, but the Speedwell 
kept springing leaks, which, it has been surmised, were created by the ship's 
master, as he was fearful of starving to death in America - not too far off, as 
half the Mayflower's passengers and crew stayed aboard the first winter, and 
died of contagious disease. I also found it interesting that the Mayflower was 
heavily armed, to protect against pirates and privateers. Last, they were 
originally headed to the Virginia colony, which had accepted them in advance, 
but couldn't make headway to go south, and remained in Cape Cod harbor.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I never said waking state is all there is.

Your claims about knowing about my level of success reveals your inability to 
distinguish your internal fantasy about someone, from the reality that you are 
not in a position to know. Because you don't like me for my lack of buy-in to 
your storyyou wish me ill, and imagine that I am not living a fulfilled life. 
Because your ability to distinguish internal feelings from external reality is 
compromised, you feel confident with a story you are telling yourself, but are 
in no position to know about my actual life. It reveals that your grasp of 
reality is tenuous since I am the one who would know if your claim was correct. 
You know, by living the life you are speculating about and all.

It is this cognitive flaw that also leads you to believe, beyond all external 
evidence, that you are living in a special state of mind with magical 
properties. It feels good for you to believe it, so you do.

I don't.

Every time you combine a post accusing me of arrogance while trying to make a 
feeble case that you are in some magically superior state of mind than I am, 
another angel gets its wings.


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 I understand that you are a champion for the waking state, Curtis. So what? 
Because you are not established in pure awareness, you assert that your 
immature consciousness is the one and only reality. Such arrogance, and 
ignorance, combined. On the one hand, your buddy claims he saw a rapist fly 
through the air, and on the other, you insist that the waking state is all 
there is. My sole conclusion, is that you, and tweedle dee, are quite confused. 
Perhaps your life would be more successful, if you didn't close so many doors 
on yourself. Just a suggestion. :-) 
---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
 Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. 

C: Nabbie with your attention to the details of what I write you could easily 
be mistaken for a fanboy.

Yes, this is one of my favorite topics and thanks for reminding me. Let's 
revisit it to see if my views have changed

I am denying that Maharishi has made a convincing case for his claim that:

Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.

The example he used was that when we are sleepy our knowledge is different. 
When I was a young man, and more easily swayed by my internal feelings when 
thinking, I agreed with him. But now I do not find this to be the case. As an 
adult professional I have learned how to functions at a certain level mentally 
no matter what my level of rest or fatigue. My knowledge is not significantly 
affected. Being more likely to forget something can happen. But this is a long 
way from the breadth of this claim. I would say that fatigue exerts no more 
than a 10% influence over my mental abilities. So the comparison falls flat in 
my experience. Are you really incapable of doing your job well if you are 
tired? Does it make that much of a difference in your functioning really? You 
might enjoy it less but that is a different claim.

And as far as extending this into the so called higher states as if this 
analogy would prove anything about them even if it were true, I call bullshit. 
I have seen nothing from any of the so called enlightened guys, Maharishi 
included, that couldn't be replicated from anyone familiar with their use of 
language and a Hinduism 101 course.

Light some incense:

The mind is a shallow boat surrounded by the ocean of infinity. The mind 
experiences pleasure and pain, It associates with the objects of perception 
which sells out the infinite full potential of their inner nature for a 
localized, finite experience. When the mind expands into its limitless source, 
it becomes one with that infinite nature, and takes on the qualities of 
truth,consciousness and bliss awareness, beyond the limitations of space and 
time. This is what the ancient rishis called Sat Chit Ananda.

You guess who wrote that from the knowledge it contains. Is there anything in 
those words that would make it impossible for the writer to be in waking state? 
Is there something so different from what a person who was not experiencing 
that reality could write, if they knew the language form and structure of the 
claims in that philosophy? Can you really tell if that was real or Memorex?

So Nabbie, you defend your teachers assertion that he did not prove. He just 
asserted it. Now is your moment to show how your elevated consciousness has 
such a superior state of knowledge, that you can turn my objections to ashes 
before my eyes. Being scornful of my objections is not an argument. Show us why 
we should accept that knowledge is different in different states of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

 I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.

 The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

 But where it gets interesting is when you consider the fourth, fifth, sixth, 
and seventh states, and how knowledge is perceived or acquired, differently in 
those states.

 But, if you don't buy into the reality of those states, then it is easy to 
dismiss the theory.

 After all, they are subjective by nature, so if someone says prove it, you 
may be hard pressed to do so.

 On the other hand, you have someone like Barry owning up to having such 
experiences, but placing no particular importance to them.

 You have someone like Michael, who has waxed on about traversing the whole 
field of those higher states of consciousness, but then deciding that doing so 
sort of invalidates his oft repeated assumption that the technique doesn't work.

 So, I'm not sure what is going on with these guys. 

 It sounds to me that at least those two have already implicated themselves as 
to verifying that knowledge is different in different states of consciousness

 Barry said as much this morning.  

 Now, the fact that this seems to put him at odds with what Curtis is saying, 
may require him to backtrack some.  Or more likely, he doesn't really care.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Curtis, from your first paragraph, it sounds like you're equating knowledge 
with mental abilities. But I don't think that's what Maharishi meant. I think 
what he meant by knowledge is conclusions drawn from perceptions.
 One of the classical examples is that of the blind men touching different 
parts of the elephant and then coming to different conclusions about the 
identity of the object being touched in different places.
 Another classic example is the snake and the string wherein the agitated 
person sees something threatening and the calm person sees something 
 Even in every day life, if 10 people witness an accident, there will be 10 
different reports. And how about the party game of telephone? Why doesn't the 
message stay the same with each hearing and repeating?




 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
   --In, wrote :

 Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times and 
Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states of 
consciousness loom over these two guys forever. 

C: Nabbie with your attention to the details of what I write you could easily 
be mistaken for a fanboy.

Yes, this is one of my favorite topics and thanks for reminding me. Let's 
revisit it to see if my views have changed

I am denying that Maharishi has made a convincing case for his claim that:

Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.

The example he used was that when we are sleepy our knowledge is different. 
When I was a young man, and more easily swayed by my internal feelings when 
thinking, I agreed with him. But now I do not find this to be the case. As an 
adult professional I have learned how to functions at a certain level mentally 
no matter what my level of rest or fatigue. My knowledge is not significantly 
affected. Being more likely to forget something can happen. But this is a long 
way from the breadth of this claim. I would say that fatigue exerts no more 
than a 10% influence over my mental abilities. So the comparison falls flat in 
my experience. Are you really incapable of doing your job well if you are 
tired? Does it make that much of a difference in your functioning really? You 
might enjoy it less but that is a different claim.

And as far as extending this into the so called higher states as if this 
analogy would prove anything about them even if it were true, I call bullshit. 
I have seen nothing from any of the so called enlightened guys, Maharishi 
included, that couldn't be replicated from anyone familiar with their use of 
language and a Hinduism 101 course.

Light some incense:

The mind is a shallow boat surrounded by the ocean of infinity. The mind 
experiences pleasure and pain, It associates with the objects of perception 
which sells out the infinite full potential of their inner nature for a 
localized, finite experience. When the mind expands into its limitless source, 
it becomes one with that infinite nature, and takes on the qualities of 
truth,consciousness and bliss awareness, beyond the limitations of space and 
time. This is what the ancient rishis called Sat Chit Ananda.

You guess who wrote that from the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In, steve.sundur@... wrote :


 I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

C: You mean by Maharishi in his examples, right? He started the comparison 
which you are labeling conflation.


 S: I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.

 The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

C: That was another example he used. The clear and foggy, tired not tired 
example was also his. Of course saying that these are different mental states 
doesn't really make any practical case for how it might apply to our daily life 
which is why he needed to extend the example. Saying that our knowledge is 
different in deep sleep is a bit of a stretch because it is a state of zero 
consciousness. So it isn't that the knowledge is different as much as the 
knower is gone. In dreams we also have a very altered sense of self so there 
really isn't a parallel there either. It isn't that our knowledge, which is by 
his definition experience and understanding.The understanding part is missing 
because the experience is not organized as it is in waking state. So saying 
that these are different style experience does nothing to establish the 
principle he is attempting to establish, that knowledge is structured in 
consciousness. The best he does is to point out that to know anything we must 
be aware and to know specific things we must be aware of those things and be in 
a state of mind capable of that. Not exactly an enlightened news flash.


 C: But where it gets interesting is when you consider the fourth, fifth, 
sixth, and seventh states, and how knowledge is perceived or acquired, 
differently in those states.

 But, if you don't buy into the reality of those states, then it is easy to 
dismiss the theory.

C: You can have had the experience of altered states without buying into them 
as higher states. If you have done heavy rounding you know that you can alter 
your mental functioning. What it means is the issue. And in all my own 
experience I can't find an example of my knowledge being different, just my 
experience of my own mental functioning. The understanding was being pumped in 
by hours of lectures of Maharishi trying to convince me how I should interpret 
the experience and its value and meaning. I had the same beliefs throughout the 
process of changing internal experience, there was not change in my knowledge. 
Then when my knowledge changed again and I rejected his teaching I could 
still experience the states I had when I was a believer, they are not connected.


 S: After all, they are subjective by nature, so if someone says prove it, 
you may be hard pressed to do so.

C: If this was the kind of state extolled by Maharishi, the highest state of 
human development, there would be plenty of proof. Maharishi gave lots of 
examples of how we would see results in activity, he was not poo pooing proof 
for his claims, he as boldly claiming it could be proven.

His confidence has not held up to scrutiny over time. Maharishi was using a 
philosophical proof system to make his case. I am showing that it is a flawed 
one. Proof by analogy isn't valid, analogies are a way to explain something you 
have proven in another way.

In the beginning he could claim that people just didn't have the experience so 
no noticeable results could be shown to prove his claim. Now we have people 
claiming to be in these higher states. So now it turns out that even if 
knowledge IS structured in consciousness, other than self satisfaction, nothing 
is changed in their knowledge that does anyone else any good at all. It is 
indistinguishable from someone saying, now that Jesus has saved me and I have 
eternal life, everything in my life is unfolding in God's perfect plan. So the 
idea of the value of knowledge is reduced to: 
 I feel good about myself now. Did it really take years of practice to 
achieve that? And isn't the concept of the value of human knowledge much more 
than that?

This is a great topic no matter where you stand on it, thanks for pitching in 
Steve. I am just thinking out loud here, sorting out my own perspective by 
expressing it. 


 On the other hand, you have someone like Barry owning up to having such 
experiences, but placing no particular importance to them.

 You have someone like Michael, who has waxed on about traversing the whole 
field of those higher states of consciousness, but then deciding that doing so 
sort of invalidates his oft repeated assumption that the technique doesn't work.

 So, I'm not sure what is going on with these guys. 

 It sounds to me that at least those two have already implicated themselves as 
to verifying that knowledge is different in different states of consciousness

 Barry said as much this morning.  

 Now, the fact that this seems 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread salyavin808


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 I enjoyed reading about your serious consideration of UFO's. Purely going by 
logic, it doesn't make sense that we are the only living beings in the 
universe. However, I agree that many reports of UFOs are wishful thinking.

 True, we can't say whether we are the only intelligent beings in the universe 
- but it's a big place. This is the main problem. Just getting from wherever 
they are to here is such a monumentally enormous task and would take so long - 
even if you can get close to the speed of light - that it's vanishingly 
unlikely that any other life form could be here. And for them to be here just 
as we are becoming technologically aware is another stretch of credulity. But 
for them to be humanoid, capable of breathing our atmosphere and coping with 
our gravity! I have to say it does arouse major suspicions in me.

 It's not impossible though, it's just that we have no good evidence and plenty 
of better ways of explaining the evidence we do have. So I stay interested but 

 You tell a familiar story about your ex-wife though, and I have no reason to 
doubt the experience. I've got books full of similar recountings. But are 
aliens the best explanation for this? There have always been stories of people 
waking up paralysed and sensing a mysterious presence in the room. It's part of 
English folklore anyway. They used to call the creature the old hag, people 
would say it was terrifying as they couldn't breathe with this ghost thing was 
sitting on their chest. From the website of psychologist Susan Blackmore:

 The Sleep-Paralysis Experience
 In a typical sleep-paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralyzed, senses a 
presence in the room, feels fear or even terror, and may hear buzzing and 
humming noises, or see strange lights. A visible or invisible entity may even 
sit on their chest, shaking, strangling or prodding them. Attempts to fight the 
paralysis are usually unsuccessful. It is reputedly more effective to relax, or 
try to move just the eyes or a single finger or toe. Descriptions of sleep 
paralysis are given in many of the references already cited and in Hufford’s 
(1982) classic work on the Old Hag. I and a colleague are building up a case 
collection and have reported our preliminary findings.

 Perhaps alien abduction is our modern sleep paralysis myth.
 People have pointed out the similarities between abductions and sleep 
paralysis. The majority of the abduction experiences they studied occurred at 
night, and almost 60 percent of the intense reports were sleep related. Of 
the intense experiences, nearly a quarter involved symptoms similar to sleep 

 Cox (1995) divided his twelve abductees into six daytime and six nighttime 
abductions and, even with such small groups, found that the nighttime abductees 
reported significantly more frequent sleep paralysis than either of the control 
 I suggest that the best explanation for many abduction experiences is that 
they are elaborations of the experience of sleep paralysis.
 Imagine the following scenario: a woman wakes in the night with a strong sense 
that someone or something is in the room. She tries to move and finds she is 
completely paralyzed except for her eyes. She sees strange lights, hears a 
buzzing or humming sound, and feels a vibration in the bed. If she knows about 
sleep paralysis, she will recognise it instantly, but most people do not. So 
what is she going to think? I suggest that, if she has watched TV programs 
about abductions or read about them, she may begin to think of aliens. And in 
this borderline sleep state, the imagined alien will seem extremely real. This 
alone may be enough to create the conviction of having been abducted. Hypnosis 
could make the memories of this real experience (but not real abduction) 
completely convincing.
 Does it cover you ex's experience? I do not know but people have always had 
this experience and the interpretation into modern memes like aliens instead of 
creatures from folklore like goblins doesn't seem unrealistic.

 I remember Susan Blackmore had a go on a machine designed to recreate these 
experiences using some sort of brainwave stimulator. She was in a laboratory 
but still found the experience terrifying, paralysis and an awareness of a 
presence, she had the whole thing. Experiments like this are never 100% 
conclusive but it does show that our minds can create a lot of stuff that seems 
externally derived.

 Thanks for the photo. I wish I could see more in it than I do see ;-) 

 I have seen weird things though, I saw Venus on the horizon once. It was 
dancing around and changing shape, colour and size. Amazing to see, I had 
binoculars and my neighbours came out to look and were astonished. Anyone else 
would see a UFO doing typical UFO manouvres (ask Nabby) but when you know it's 
a planet and the lighting effects are caused by 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Curtis and Steve, I'm also just thinking out loud, sort of fumbling around with 
all this. Because KISIC and KIDIDSOC always resonated with me as being true. 
They felt right. But it's also fun to try and reason them out as well. But as I 
said, I'm just fumbling around, exploring, also sort of playing with words and 
our accepted meaning of them.
As I've said before, I don't really think in terms of higher and lower states 
of consciousness. I think of more developed brain states, meaning, more of the 
brain functioning in a very healthy way. Which I think would automatically be 
of benefit to the world. I'm assuming that if most of a person's brain was 
functioning in a very healthy way, then that is how they would behave. It seems 
like a reasonable assumption to me. 

More fumbling, but here's an example from my life and I'm not claiming any 
higher SOC. But I do know that when I'm rested, when my physiology is settled, 
I feel more in harmony with the people around me. And I treat them more 
positively. That's a major value for me, and I think for them too.  OTOH, if 
I'm upset or distracted, I can't even be with them as completely, so my 
knowledge of them at that moment, is incomplete and therefore not as valuable 
for either of us in terms of living a rich human life.    
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
--In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

C: You mean by Maharishi in his examples, right? He started the comparison 
which you are labeling conflation.

S: I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.
The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

C: That was another example he used. The clear and foggy, tired not tired 
example was also his. Of course saying that these are different mental states 
doesn't really make any practical case for how it might apply to our daily life 
which is why he needed to extend the example. Saying that our knowledge is 
different in deep sleep is a bit of a stretch because it is a state of zero 
consciousness. So it isn't that the knowledge is different as much as the 
knower is gone. In dreams we also have a very altered sense of self so there 
really isn't a parallel there either. It isn't that our knowledge, which is by 
his definition experience and understanding.The understanding part is missing 
because the experience is not organized as it is in waking state. So saying 
that these are different style experience does nothing to establish the 
principle he is attempting to establish, that knowledge is structured in 
consciousness. The best he does is to point out that to know anything we must 
be aware and to know specific things we must be aware of those things and be in 
a state of mind capable of that. Not exactly an enlightened news flash.

C: But where it gets interesting is when you consider the fourth, fifth, sixth, 
and seventh states, and how knowledge is perceived or acquired, differently in 
those states.
But, if you don't buy into the reality of those states, then it is easy to 
dismiss the theory.

C: You can have had the experience of altered states without buying into them 
as higher states. If you have done heavy rounding you know that you can alter 
your mental functioning. What it means is the issue. And in all my own 
experience I can't find an example of my knowledge being different, just my 
experience of my own mental functioning. The understanding was being pumped in 
by hours of lectures of Maharishi trying to convince me how I should interpret 
the experience and its value and meaning. I had the same beliefs throughout the 
process of changing internal experience, there was not change in my knowledge. 
Then when my knowledge changed again and I rejected his teaching I could 
still experience the states I had when I was a believer, they are not connected.

S: After all, they are subjective by nature, so if someone says prove it, you 
may be hard pressed to do so.

C: If this was the kind of state extolled by Maharishi, the highest state of 
human development, there would be plenty of proof. Maharishi gave lots of 
examples of how we would see results in activity, he was not poo pooing proof 
for his claims, he as boldly claiming it could be proven.

His confidence has not held up to scrutiny over time. Maharishi was using a 
philosophical proof system to make his case. I am showing that it is a flawed 
one. Proof by analogy isn't valid, analogies are a way to explain something you 
have proven in another way.

In the beginning he could claim that people just didn't have the experience so 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, I've heard recently that humans exist in theta state til abut the age 
of 6. Catholics consider age 7 what they call the age of reason, when a child 
can tell right from wrong.
Could your explanatory knowledge also be called pattern recognizing? Is that 
the essence of what makes us different from chimps?
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

salyavin, aha indeed! Since you don't believe in God, instead of saying my 
usual about God's sense of humor, I'll ponder if the bacteria had/have a sense 
of humor (-:
From you first and second paragraphs, I'm wondering if you're 
equatingexplanatory knowledge with being fully self aware. They seem like 2 
things to me. Maybe a developmental neuroscientist could shed some light by 
studying the behavior of babies. Are they able to figure stuff out, like where 
the cookies are hidden, before they become aware of my toes and me?

I use the term explanatory knowledge to mean that we are the only animals that 
come up with ideas to explain things like where they are and what's going on. A 
chimp might use a twig to tease ants out of a log but humans can sit and ponder 
where the ants came from and what they are made of. Once you get that 
capability the possibilities are endless, philosophy, cosmology, science etc. 
It ends up where we are today with knowledge of quasars at the edge of the 
universe and of the energies that makes atoms work and a steadily growing 
number of things inbetween. Not bad achievements really, especially considering 
the only difference  between us and chimps is an abstract metaphorical 
language. How we acquired that is an interesting question, many theories there.
I don't think babies figure abstract stuff out at all. Not until they learn to 
speak, up till then it's all instinctual responses, the baby whisperer makes 
a nice living out of conning people otherwise though!  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ah, Salyavin, deep human needs indeed! What do you think is the deepest one? To 
understand? To survive? Or is it about us at all? 
Must be to understand. Once all the basics are fulfilled anyway. Our brains 
seem designed to generate explanations about where we are what's going on, it's 
endless. Would love to know when it started, the ability to create explanatory 
knowledge is what sets us apart from our chimp cousins but as things like that 
don't fossilise it's difficult to say when it might have happened. All we have 
to go on is cave paintings or marks on sticks but they could be part of a long 
evolution of self awareness. 
I wonder what it was like to be only half self-aware? Impossible to know as the 
bit that does the imagining is the bit that wasn't there yetThere's a 
concept to ponder!
I remember a post of yours a while back. Something about our being mere 
vehicles for the bacteria to evolve. I bet I'm remembering it inaccurately. 
Anyway, I can't resist saying that when you say enjoy the ride I think of 
Maharishi saying enjoy.  (-:

Yes, we are all descended from bacteria and the only reason we are here at all 
is because DNA is imperfect at copying itself and keeps making mistakes that 
change the outcomes of the copying and increasing complexity. Not as exciting a 
creation myth as some of the others people have come up with but they wouldn't 
be able to come up with them if it hadn't happened. Aha!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 
We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.
But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one way 
or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:

I don't know, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
McDonald's announced today that they will NOT be using GMO potatoes as 
was previously mentioned.  My new BD player has the Asian Crush app on 
so I tried a movie there since I'm a big fan of their horror line.  They 
run ads and guess who runs spots there?  Monsanto.

On 11/16/2014 09:49 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Neil Young Boycotts Starbucks Over GMO Lawsuit 


Neil Young Boycotts Starbucks Over GMO Lawsuit 

Neil Young announced that he's boycotting Starbucks over the coffee 
company's involvement in a lawsuit against the state of Vermont.

View on

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Culture:  Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity. 
 Such that within the culture of TM the TM negativity policy like with the TM 
Saha Nav Hymn for instance, if someone commits a larceny within an element of 
the organization then by the teachings it would be entertaining negativity to 
administratively examine that action in another person or within such element 
of an organization by others. Or let us say hypothetically that someone commits 
some abusive harassment within an organizational element using some position of 
power over someone it would be committing a negativity to raise or consider 
that situation for the negativity that it should engage. Organizationally it 
would might even be communally better from a spiritual energetic standpoint as 
to negativity than having to denounce anyone thence to extend this teaching and 
hence better to remove the complaining negativity from an element organization; 
could be created by simply removing complainant who got exploited, packing 
their bags, and thus alleviate the possibility of widely entertaining such 
negativity altogether in the group. Never do we entertain negativity and never 
do we denounce anyone. Hamstrung?


 # #

 fleetwood_macncheese wrote :
 Yep, well said. There is nothing better to do; nothing more challenging, and 
nothing more rewarding. Jai Guru Dev, Buck.
 Really a Salient point, Fleet.  Evolving gradients of transformational field 
effect in reality. Is one thing (CC) as for your self and then to another level 
ascending towards spiritual trans-formative effect in well-being on others 
whence Being rises to being saintly in field effect. Is a wonderfully human 
spiritual sociology and worthy to aspire towards in a lifetime.

 fleetwood_macncheese wrote :
 Negativity in form then it seems is like an entity lodging in the system 
spiritually. Like a stress snag, an entity, like some would call a 
thought-form, energetically stuck in the fabric of the subtle system. There is 
proly some truth to that. -Buck 

 Yes, it is the stress, speaking. The ironic thing is, only TM can reach deeply 
enough, and impersonally enough, to untwist such stresses. The other thing to 
be aware of, is what may lie beneath the whipping boy of TM or Maharishi? 
Oftentimes, the ego will choose a target, an enemy, and hinges a lot of 
convenient stories to that, as a distraction from what is going on in real 
life, or to avoid dealing with memories that contradict one's egocentric view 
of oneself. So what we hear, through these endlessly redundant and negative 
stories, are the cries of frustration, from the souls trapped by them. Only by 
effortlessly contacting Being, and transcending, to eventually establish 
oneself in Being, in silence, in bliss, can these stresses be resolved. Even 
then, the naturally inertial (tamasic) aspect of physical existence, makes it 
easy for stresses to lodge in the physiology, during an active and creative 
life, even for an enlightened person, and so TM (2x20) continues.

 “..speaking ill and thinking ill of someone, dwelling on the weaknesses of 
someone, all their bad qualities come to your heart; [this way] you get your 
heart and mind spoiled.
So when through meditation, purity is growing in life, we don't invite this mud 
from outside to make us impure anymore. We have to be cautious against our 
thoughts that we don't think ill of anyone, and we don't do ill to anyone 
Speaking ill of others is a very bad We say it makes the cloth dirty, makes 
the whole personality very dirty and impure. That we have to guard against in 
our dealings and feelings with people. Very important; very, very important.  
It is as important as daily practice of meditation.”


 So evidently spiritually speaking what Maharishi is saying here is that if one 
entertains a negativity then one commits a negativity on the subtle. One may 
even take on the energetics in the subtle. Negativity in form then it seems is 
like an entity lodging in the system spiritually. Like a stress snag, an 
entity, like some would call a thought-form, energetically stuck in the fabric 
of the subtle system. There is proly some truth to that. -Buck
 Dear FFL, 
 Culturally this particular post below attempting to clarify Maharishi's 
teaching on negativity is really important. It did not just show up here. 
 And so accordingly, evidently these TM apostates here like MJ, Turqb, CDB here 
having divorced themselves from things TM are trying to protect what they may 
well think is their spiritual lives from what they had experienced as a culture 
of ethical negativity that was TM, so they seem to say. But yet as these guys 
wallow in their stories even years later does this not continue to bring on 
them their own negativity. Quite evidently according to what Maharishi is 
teaching here their own loops in negativity are not really good for these guys. 
It would be more 

[FairfieldLife] netherlands-becomes-first-country-to-use-solar-panel-roads

2014-11-16 Thread email4you [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Yeah, I have probably fought it more often than not, when it is time to 
meditate. And that has been going on for almost 40 years! Nonetheless, I use 
what little self discipline I have, to persevere. Re the deer, yes, I am 
working on a personal relationship, not to convince them that all humans are 

 Good man.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 That is cool -- I don't enjoy the experience of sleeping or dreaming, as much 
as I do being active. If I could just remain active 24x7, that would be my 
preference. My attitude often when I become aware of a dream, is, Oh God, let's 
get it done with, so I can finish the sleep thing, and wake up soon! Good 

 HA! I can relate but the dreaming for me is like a licence to do all sorts of 
things I don't have access to in waking life and there are just such 
interesting things that happen in dreams. (Interesting only to the dreamer, 
there is nothing more boring than listening to other people's dreams.) So I 
like to dream but, as you know, I also love activity that's why I am such a 
poor candidate for meditation. ;-)

 PS just a comment on the deer. You might not want to get them to trust you too 
much. It could mean a death sentence for them later. Not everyone is as safe 
as you are and they might pull a gun instead of a camera.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 9:50 AM, Share Long wrote:

Richard, thanks for posting this. I didn't know that such ideas were 
found in some ancient literature.

/According to the Book of Genesis man was created by God for the purpose 
of working on a fruit farm./ /The Book of Genesis, based on ideas 
contained in the Sumerian religion, describes an advanced society, which 
flourished around 3500 B.C. Like other ancient societies, the Sumerians 
left records stating that human-like creatures of extraterrestrial 
origin had ruled early human society as Earth's first monarchs. Those 
alien people were often thought of as gods./

And if it is true about our being enslaved, etc. again my question is: 
what is the action step?

/The question is, are extraterrestrial aliens posing as the Gods for a 
custodial race? //The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to 
work inside a human body, owned and operated by an alien or 
extraterrestrial society.

And by action step I'm including thoughts and feelings. IOW, whether 
you are a slave or not, how do you choose right here and now, to think 
and feel?

///Some people believe that a Supreme Being is behind the vicious 
Machiavellian intentions described in the Bible. However, the idea that 
a Custodial race posing as a Supreme Being seems to provide a true 
breakthrough by pointing to a brutal technological society, not a 
Supreme Being, as the more likely source of such warlike machinations.//

//Work Cited://
//Bramley, William. *The Gods of Eden.* New York: Avon. 1993./

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:06 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

On 11/15/2014 3:25 PM, Share Long wrote:

As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the vast 
universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe 
here with us. And I think it's great. But at that point, I'm more 
like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one way or the other. 
Either way, what is the action step? (-:

/The idea that human beings are a slave race, forced to work inside a 
human body, owned and operated by an alien or extraterrestrial 
society, is not new.

This was mentioned in the Sumerian and Judaic literature.

If true, this impacts our life in every way, every single day: we in 
fact have no free will, we are all ///working on a fruit farm for 
nothing/. Our day off will be when we die.

But even then, according to Barry, we will have to spend a few more 
days in the Tibetan Bardo, in order to be reborn on another farm.

Read more:

/*/Alien Agenda/*/
//by Jim Marrs //
//Harper, 2000/

*From:* salyavin808

*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, wrote :

Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get 
scientific about something if it is available to study, UFO's are so 
fleeting and ephemeral that there really isn't anything to study 
other than hearsay or suspiciously absent film taken by higher powers 
to keep the whole thing secret.

But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO 
sightings, and done it with as much rigour as you can with such a 
paucity of hard evidence. I'm not sure there is an encounter that 
hasn't got a better explanation that doesn't involve us being visited 
by beings from another world. And I don't just mean explaining things 
away, to be convincing you have to show that something more realistic 
happened, more credible and using explanations we already understand 
and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being 
scientific about UFO's.

But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested 
in UFO's for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the 
classic books on the subject. Even the true believer stuff from 
serious researchers like Timothy Good and the abductionists like 
Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great encounters by heart - 
Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, Rendlesham...

I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are 
folklore in action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are 
supposedly doing here are the legends of our time, a new religion, 
encapsulating our fears about technology and promising us freedom 
from our 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In, wrote :

Seems Richard has managed to push the buttons of the Turq big-time, no 
matter how much he claims never to read any of his posts :-)

On 11/16/2014 6:56 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I'll bet my Sunday lunch that the only reason Turq saw that comment by 
Willytex is because you commented on it.

/I'd be willing to wager that Turq reads every single one of my posts 
almost every day.//If he in fact does not, then that only proves he is 
prejudiced, just like you are - calling me Willytex - everyone already 
knows my real name - you just proved my point./

It's the only reason I saw it too. Man, I'd hate to spend so much time 
online and to discover I'd been so ineffective for so many years...

/So, now that I've got your attention - have you ever witnessed anyone 
levitate slowly up off of a sofa and then fly around two inches off the 
floor for awhile? Just be honest. Thanks./

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* 
what was going on when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred 
levitate, only that we witnessed it. He's just jealous that he never 
has...that's why at this point he has made several *thousand* posts 
about it.

*/Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times 
on this forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long 
periods of time. There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that 
laughable.  :-)

*/As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that 
*perception* is not different in different states of consciousness, 
only that *reality* probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that 
distinction because quite frankly he doesn't understand the 
difference. As with his claims to have personally levitated (which he 
has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to substantiate), 
he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived something, 
that *is* reality.

*/I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who 
believes this is delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the 
fact that Nabby also believes in little green men whose idea of fun is 
stomping patterns in fields of wheat to show how advanced and 
intelligent they are.  :-)/*

*From:* nablusoss1008
*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:47 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many 
times and Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different 
states of consciousness loom over these two guys forever. It's a good 
thing that Richard keep reminding every possible lurker here how far 
out of any possible self-insight these two guy's are.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one
of these days he'll even retract his extremely silly
judgements on the Crop Circles.

Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he
already believes in tall tales - he has yet to reply to
Barry's levitation claims about Rama. Go figure.

/And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be
convincing you have to show that something more realistic
happened, more credible and using explanations we already
understand and are known to happen in certain
circumstances./ - salyavin808

---In, wrote :

---In, sharelong60@...
mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action;
techno ghost stories for the nuclear age. As for me, I
believe there is life somewhere else in the vast
universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than
us and maybe here with us. And I think it's great.

We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on
intelligent life elsewhere, we don't know the variables
that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or the
universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or
two per galaxy over it's entire history. But the chances
of there being other humanoids visiting Earth at the just
same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jim, when you say objectively, can you elaborate on that? 
---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 ...a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine - LOL - yes, he is quite the 
cranky old fundamentalist, isn't he? Glad you enjoy reading my experiences, 
Steve, and yes, they are mine...subjectively, and objectively.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Again, what am I missing? 

 A large part of Barry's content here, is reminding, (okay, usually yelling at) 
people, that their subjective experiences don't mean anything.  They are just 
their own, subjective experiences. 

 And most people accept that.  Or at least the part that they are their own 
subjective experiences.

 So, when Jim reports his experiences, I think they're pretty cool.  But they 
are his experiences.  

 So, according to Barry, we should be fawning over them?

 That would be a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine

 Barry, we are following the game plan.

 It's all good.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man has a 
history of doing stuff like this. Remember not long ago when he claimed that he 
wasn't stalking me on the Internet and then tried to prove it by finding a 
photo of me that he could only have found by stalking me on the Internet and 
posted it? What an ass clown.

 The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him into 
perspective is that after all this time claiming to be enlightened (how long 
has be been doing it now...ten years?), he cannot produce *even a single 
person* who believes his claims. Not one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on 
the level of complete lack of charisma. 

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Did you just call a stranger on the internet a poopy pants? That is 

 Who's my angry little man? You are, goochi goochi goo. Where's that smile. 
Come on, where is that smile Mr. Frowny Pants. There it is! I see it now. Smile 
for the bad, bad man whose words make you feel this way.


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 What a bunch of BS, Curtis. I have seen you be a sneaky, underhanded, 
back-stabbing little shit on here, much more than once, which you then seek to 
bury, rationalize, and justify, under a ton of words. You are not evil, Curtis, 
waaay too petty to be evil - just a mean-spirited, and unsuccessful, jerk. 

 This word-flood isn't working, no matter how much rational Curtis, has 
convinced asshole Curtis, that it is. 

 So, save this favorite story for your gullible friends - The rest of us see 
right through you. Have a nice day. :-) 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by entertaining evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by speaking evil. 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore evil. This is Maharishi's 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]

I think you make a great case for taking care of yourself (diet and exercise), 
getting enough rest, and if you feel tired in the afternoon, take a nap. I am 
on board with all of that.

We are both welcome to our own interpretations of what part meditation plays in 
that. If it is something you value and enjoy it is none of my business. 

It was Maharishi's claim that I disagree with. I don't see any connection with 
what you said below with knowledge being different in different states of C. I 
suspect even at your most unsettled and unrested, if I asked you about 
something you know about, you would just answer me just as you do when you are 
feeling better. That is because your knowledge isn't different in different 
states of consciousness. That our variable feelings are different in different 
states would make a better case than about our knowledge being different. All 
we can say is that we feel better or worse at different times, and our body's 
state seems to affect this. The variable of how much consciousness I am 
experiencing at any one time seems like a very small variable among more 
important factors.

How much I care about something is the biggest predictor of how rich my 
knowledge is and given something I care about, I will fight through any fatigue 
factor to do it as much justice as I can to a subject I care about.

Again, we are just talking here. It is a great way to sort out thoughts isn't 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Curtis and Steve, I'm also just thinking out loud, sort of fumbling around 
with all this. Because KISIC and KIDIDSOC always resonated with me as being 
true. They felt right. But it's also fun to try and reason them out as well. 
But as I said, I'm just fumbling around, exploring, also sort of playing with 
words and our accepted meaning of them.

 As I've said before, I don't really think in terms of higher and lower states 
of consciousness. I think of more developed brain states, meaning, more of the 
brain functioning in a very healthy way. Which I think would automatically be 
of benefit to the world. I'm assuming that if most of a person's brain was 
functioning in a very healthy way, then that is how they would behave. It seems 
like a reasonable assumption to me. 


 More fumbling, but here's an example from my life and I'm not claiming any 
higher SOC. But I do know that when I'm rested, when my physiology is settled, 
I feel more in harmony with the people around me. And I treat them more 
positively. That's a major value for me, and I think for them too.  OTOH, if 
I'm upset or distracted, I can't even be with them as completely, so my 
knowledge of them at that moment, is incomplete and therefore not as valuable 
for either of us in terms of living a rich human life.

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

 --In, steve.sundur@... wrote :


 I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

C: You mean by Maharishi in his examples, right? He started the comparison 
which you are labeling conflation.


 S: I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.

 The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

C: That was another example he used. The clear and foggy, tired not tired 
example was also his. Of course saying that these are different mental states 
doesn't really make any practical case for how it might apply to our daily life 
which is why he needed to extend the example. Saying that our knowledge is 
different in deep sleep is a bit of a stretch because it is a state of zero 
consciousness. So it isn't that the knowledge is different as much as the 
knower is gone. In dreams we also have a very altered sense of self so there 
really isn't a parallel there either. It isn't that our knowledge, which is by 
his definition experience and understanding.The understanding part is missing 
because the experience is not organized as it is in waking state. So saying 
that these are different style experience does nothing to establish the 
principle he is attempting to establish, that knowledge is structured in 
consciousness. The best he does is to point out that to know anything we must 
be aware and to know specific things we must be aware of those things and be in 
a state of mind capable of that. Not exactly an enlightened news flash.


 C: But where it gets interesting is when you consider the fourth, fifth, 
sixth, and seventh states, and how knowledge is perceived or acquired, 
differently in those states.

 But, if you don't buy into the reality of those states, then it is easy to 
dismiss the theory.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 6:44 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Seems Richard has managed to push the buttons of the Turq big-time, no 
matter how much he claims never to read any of his posts :-)

/It's pretty easy to tell when Barry gets his buttons pushed - every 
time someone points out his cognitive dissonance.

He has posted not a single PROOF of his subjective enlightenment 
experiences - in over nineteen years of posting to discussion groups and 
I think I've read almost everything he has ever posted to the internet.

When I first started posting to Google Groups I was one of Barry's 
biggest fans and I even took up for him when Judy slammed him one time 
and called him a liar and a poser.

I figured since we were both military brats from Texas we might have 
some common interests. But, he was so prejudiced and arrogant that I 
gave up and realized that Judy was probably correct in her assessment of 
his character.

However, I also realized soon that Judy was just the flip-side of Barry 
- she hates me too. Go figure./

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* 
what was going on when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred 
levitate, only that we witnessed it. He's just jealous that he never 
has...that's why at this point he has made several *thousand* posts 
about it.

*/Compare and contrast against the claim made by Nabby several times 
on this forum that *HE* has levitated, hanging in the air for long 
periods of time. There is no one on Earth who doesn't find that 
laughable.  :-)

*/As for Curtis, I doubt seriously that he has ever suggested that 
*perception* is not different in different states of consciousness, 
only that *reality* probably isn't. Nabby wouldn't make that 
distinction because quite frankly he doesn't understand the 
difference. As with his claims to have personally levitated (which he 
has been unable to provide proof for or find anyone to substantiate), 
he seems to believe that if he experienced or perceived something, 
that *is* reality.

*/I suspect that both Curtis and I would agree that anyone who 
believes this is delusional. Even if you don't bother factoring in the 
fact that Nabby also believes in little green men whose idea of fun is 
stomping patterns in fields of wheat to show how advanced and 
intelligent they are.  :-)/*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 6:26 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/Willytex can continue to remind people of anything he fuckin' doesn't bother me a bit. I've never claimed to *understand* 
what was going on when I and hundreds of other people saw Fred 
levitate, only that we witnessed it. He's just jealous that he never 
has...that's why at this point he has made several *thousand* posts 
about it. /*

Yeah, well, I don't really care what Barry thinks about me since he has 
never actually said anything of consequence except complain about Judy 
on internet newsgroups - as far as I can tell.

He may be a good fellow tantric from Houston as far as I know. What he 
does or says means nothing to me; he's just a easy target for my jibes. 
Too bad he doesn't seem understand my dry sense of humor or see the 
irony. He doesn't even seem to enjoy getting his buttons pushed - that 
in itself tells us a lot about the guy.

In reality, for all his chasing enlightenment for decades he has not a 
single witness or proof of any of his subjective experiences. All we 
have are his opinions.

/I've experienced enlightenment many times. In my case, these were 
fleeting experiences, and they come and go, and furthermore, BFD. These 
experiences were very real to me, and I am comfortable with talking 
about them as if they were real. - /TurquoiseB /


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 5:47 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Both the Turq's claim that he saw the Lenz-Rama-guy levitate many times

/Barry's reality is his perception, but he has no proof of his 
subjective experiences. How could he have any proof - it's all in his 
own subjective experience!


and Curti's claim that knowledge is not different in different states 
of consciousness loom over these two guys forever.

/Curtis meditates on his music probably all day and all night./

It's a good thing that Richard keep reminding every possible lurker 
here how far out of any possible self-insight these two guy's are.

/ The cognitive dissonance should seem pretty obvious, even to the 
casual reader. So, in fact there's no possible proof for Barry's 
subjective experiences and Curtis meditates most of the time and sings 

So, where's the problem talking about the contradictions? Go figure./

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 11/15/2014 4:23 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these
days he'll even retract his extremely silly judgements on the
Crop Circles.

Adjusting his speak - that's a good one! Apparently he already
believes in tall tales - he has yet to reply to Barry's levitation
claims about Rama. Go figure.

/And I don't just mean explaining things away, to be convincing
you have to show that something more realistic happened, more
credible and using explanations we already understand and are
known to happen in certain circumstances./ - salyavin808

---In, wrote :

---In, sharelong60@...
mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno
ghost stories for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is
life somewhere else in the vast universe. And I think they are
more highly advanced than us and maybe here with us. And I think
it's great.

We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent
life elsewhere, we don't know the variables that allow for it to
develop. We could be unique or the universe could be teeming or
maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over it's entire
history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are
cosmically? It beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely
explanation for UFO's. But I hope it's true.

But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact
my life one way or the other. Either way, what is the action
step? (-:

I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are
apparently on the brink of something called disclosure. We've
been here before a few times as I recall, it never amounts to
much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited that their
favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed.

But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear.
It's the way of things. The connection between the two is that
people want there to be more, want there to be a reason and for
there to be salvation from a higher power, whether it's alien or
spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.

*From:* salyavin808
*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In, wrote :

Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get
scientific about something if it is available to study, UFO's are
so fleeting and ephemeral that there really isn't anything to
study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent film taken by
higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO
sightings, and done it with as much rigour as you can with such a
paucity of hard evidence. I'm not sure there is an encounter that
hasn't got a better explanation that doesn't involve us being
visited by beings from another world. And I don't just mean
explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that
something more realistic happened, more credible and using
explanations we already understand and are known to happen in
certain circumstances. Even testing soil damage and skin burns
for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hi Share, 

 I think I have probably lost my interest in unpacking KISIC and its corollary 
too much.

 I am willing to accept the premise of the seven states of consciousness.

 And as such, I will allow that from fourth thru seventh states, there are 

 I would say the reason I am willing to do so, is that I have observed my 
experience change over the past 40 years as I have embarked on a spiritual path.

 Now, the funny thing, is that I don't pay much, if any attention to any 
experiences I might have.

 But neither do I deny them, or do I feel a need to berate others for 
describing their experiences.  Nay, I find them inspiring, just as I enjoyed 
hearing the experiences you related the last couple days.

 I also have derived inspiration from the Vedic/Hindu texts to which I have had 
exposure, although I have not really looked at anything in decades.

 As I understand it, the Buddhist texts, or Buddhist philosophy describe 
similar states

 So, in a sense I have been on auto pilot.

 To bottom line it, I believe that, as humans, the experience of realizing that 
the world around us, is just our self, is the ultimate reality.

 And so this this covers both KISIC and KIDIDSOC.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Curtis and Steve, I'm also just thinking out loud, sort of fumbling around 
with all this. Because KISIC and KIDIDSOC always resonated with me as being 
true. They felt right. But it's also fun to try and reason them out as well. 
But as I said, I'm just fumbling around, exploring, also sort of playing with 
words and our accepted meaning of them.

 As I've said before, I don't really think in terms of higher and lower states 
of consciousness. I think of more developed brain states, meaning, more of the 
brain functioning in a very healthy way. Which I think would automatically be 
of benefit to the world. I'm assuming that if most of a person's brain was 
functioning in a very healthy way, then that is how they would behave. It seems 
like a reasonable assumption to me. 


 More fumbling, but here's an example from my life and I'm not claiming any 
higher SOC. But I do know that when I'm rested, when my physiology is settled, 
I feel more in harmony with the people around me. And I treat them more 
positively. That's a major value for me, and I think for them too.  OTOH, if 
I'm upset or distracted, I can't even be with them as completely, so my 
knowledge of them at that moment, is incomplete and therefore not as valuable 
for either of us in terms of living a rich human life.

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

 --In, steve.sundur@... wrote :


 I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

C: You mean by Maharishi in his examples, right? He started the comparison 
which you are labeling conflation.


 S: I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.

 The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

C: That was another example he used. The clear and foggy, tired not tired 
example was also his. Of course saying that these are different mental states 
doesn't really make any practical case for how it might apply to our daily life 
which is why he needed to extend the example. Saying that our knowledge is 
different in deep sleep is a bit of a stretch because it is a state of zero 
consciousness. So it isn't that the knowledge is different as much as the 
knower is gone. In dreams we also have a very altered sense of self so there 
really isn't a parallel there either. It isn't that our knowledge, which is by 
his definition experience and understanding.The understanding part is missing 
because the experience is not organized as it is in waking state. So saying 
that these are different style experience does nothing to establish the 
principle he is attempting to establish, that knowledge is structured in 
consciousness. The best he does is to point out that to know anything we must 
be aware and to know specific things we must be aware of those things and be in 
a state of mind capable of that. Not exactly an enlightened news flash.


 C: But where it gets interesting is when you consider the fourth, fifth, 
sixth, and seventh states, and how knowledge is perceived or acquired, 
differently in those states.

 But, if you don't buy into the reality of those states, then it is easy to 
dismiss the theory.

C: You can have had the experience of altered states without buying into them 
as higher states. If you have done heavy rounding you know that you can alter 
your mental functioning. What it means is the issue. And in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Hi Steve, I think being on auto pilot about all this is a great way to be. And 
sometimes it's fun to actually think about some of Maharishi's concepts that I 
simply have taken for granted for so long. 
Another experience I've been having recently fascinates me because it seems to 
be self contradictory: I'm both more spontaneous but less expressive. I think 
I'm doing emotional processing more on the inside, so that when I speak, my 
speech is more lively, more full of life force. But I'm not really expressing 
emotions. Does that make sense? It's a very different experience for me, feels 
very good. A friend said that after she had dinner with me, she felt that all 
the anger towards her SO was gone! That also made me feel really good. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 3:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    Hi Share,
I think I have probably lost my interest in unpacking KISIC and its corollary 
too much.
I am willing to accept the premise of the seven states of consciousness.

And as such, I will allow that from fourth thru seventh states, there are 
I would say the reason I am willing to do so, is that I have observed my 
experience change over the past 40 years as I have embarked on a spiritual path.
Now, the funny thing, is that I don't pay much, if any attention to any 
experiences I might have.
But neither do I deny them, or do I feel a need to berate others for describing 
their experiences.  Nay, I find them inspiring, just as I enjoyed hearing the 
experiences you related the last couple days.
I also have derived inspiration from the Vedic/Hindu texts to which I have had 
exposure, although I have not really looked at anything in decades.
As I understand it, the Buddhist texts, or Buddhist philosophy describe similar 
So, in a sense I have been on auto pilot.
To bottom line it, I believe that, as humans, the experience of realizing that 
the world around us, is just our self, is the ultimate reality.
And so this this covers both KISIC and KIDIDSOC.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Curtis and Steve, I'm also just thinking out loud, sort of fumbling around with 
all this. Because KISIC and KIDIDSOC always resonated with me as being true. 
They felt right. But it's also fun to try and reason them out as well. But as I 
said, I'm just fumbling around, exploring, also sort of playing with words and 
our accepted meaning of them.
As I've said before, I don't really think in terms of higher and lower states 
of consciousness. I think of more developed brain states, meaning, more of the 
brain functioning in a very healthy way. Which I think would automatically be 
of benefit to the world. I'm assuming that if most of a person's brain was 
functioning in a very healthy way, then that is how they would behave. It seems 
like a reasonable assumption to me. 

More fumbling, but here's an example from my life and I'm not claiming any 
higher SOC. But I do know that when I'm rested, when my physiology is settled, 
I feel more in harmony with the people around me. And I treat them more 
positively. That's a major value for me, and I think for them too.  OTOH, if 
I'm upset or distracted, I can't even be with them as completely, so my 
knowledge of them at that moment, is incomplete and therefore not as valuable 
for either of us in terms of living a rich human life.    
  From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
--In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

C: You mean by Maharishi in his examples, right? He started the comparison 
which you are labeling conflation.

S: I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.
The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

C: That was another example he used. The clear and foggy, tired not tired 
example was also his. Of course saying that these are different mental states 
doesn't really make any practical case for how it might apply to our daily life 
which is why he needed to extend the example. Saying that our knowledge is 
different in deep sleep is a bit of a stretch because it is a state of zero 
consciousness. So it isn't that the knowledge is different as much as the 
knower is gone. In dreams we also have a very altered sense of self so there 
really isn't a parallel there either. It isn't that our knowledge, which is by 
his definition experience and understanding.The understanding part is missing 
because the experience is not 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
The Chamber of commerce(small business), usually represented by Republicans, 
want cheap labor. Democrats want cheap and dependent voters.  The American 
people want jobs and fewer people on government assistance which they pay for 
out of their earned income. When illegals come here and undercut American 
workers they end up living on government assistance in addition to their meager 
checks. Employers should be required to use E-verify in order to verify 
employees have a good SS#  and thus only able to hire legal residents. That 
would leave no excuse for hiring illegal aliens which should have a strong 
penalty. The border can be secured with a good fence, electronic sensors and 
aerial observation, including drones.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
    Ooops - my mistake. As for the border being secured, that will never 
happen. Never. Part of the problem is that agribiz and the hospitality industry 
both take full advantage of undocumented workers, so on the one hand, they join 
the patriots and call for secure borders, while on the other hand, they 
ensure that corporate profits soar, on the backs of illegal labor. Hypocritical 
BS, which both political parties are well aware of. 
---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 25 Million? Please, Reagan granted amnesty to 2 million under the condition 
that the border would be secured, which was never done under a democrat lead  
house( Speaker Tip O'neal). That is why conservatives demand a secure border 
*before* any talk of amnesty.  If you can't secure the border, it becomes a 
revolving door. Once you grant amnesty to those here illegally, their families 
rush the border to be the next to get amnesty and the beat goes on. 
   From: fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
 The dude who started it was Reagan, granting amnesty to 25 million illegals. 
Funny that now everyone sees it as a Democratic strategy.

---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means their 
parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join them here. 
Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then come. We might as well 
annex Central America. They will be given social security cards and green cards 
and have all access to every social program including Obama care( remember the 
congressman calling Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) 
Black, teen and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched beyond 
their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out sports teams, bands 
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 


On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

  Leave's out  buy Americanassets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently notliberal enough or not too smart about economics.  RandiRhodes 
(now retired) used point that out all the time andI've been saying it for 
years.  Maybe it sounds tooconspiratorial.

Non sequitur. It's all about the economy andwhether or not you have a job and a 
401k. The US doesnot have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs 
-that's the important issue - the people have spoken. 

The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus ofworkers. Illegal 
alien amnesty will make that surplus muchworse. Legalize twelve million illegal 
aliens and another twelvemillion will come.

On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  And it only takes up the topright corner of this cartoon from Daily Kos:

  #yiv9907112686 #yiv9907112686 -- #yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9907112686 
#yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9907112686 
#yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp #yiv9907112686hd 
0;}#yiv9907112686 #yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp #yiv9907112686ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9907112686 #yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp .yiv9907112686ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9907112686 #yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp .yiv9907112686ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9907112686 #yiv9907112686ygrp-mkp .yiv9907112686ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9907112686 #yiv9907112686ygrp-sponsor 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The 1980 Pledge. Things in TM did seem to change from about then to become a 
lot about some theocratic sense of fealty and a lot less as to merit and 
performance. Is noteworthy that the Saha Nav hymn was extracted up to become a 
normative organizational code of conduct as an oath then. 
 C: The context is his teachers who were bitching about each other. Maharishi 
wants them to get back to work pitching his product and STFU about their 
personality problems with each other.  
 Quote from Upanishads, which was used in Vedic Atom Pledge (1980)
Let us be together,
Let us eat together,
Let us be vital together,
Let us be radiating truth, radiating the light of life,
Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity.


 Culture:  Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity.
 Such that within the culture of TM the TM negativity policy like with the TM 
Saha Nav Hymn for instance, if someone commits a larceny within an element of 
the organization then by the teachings it would be entertaining negativity to 
administratively examine that action in another person or within such element 
of an organization by others. Or let us say hypothetically that someone commits 
some abusive harassment within an organizational element using some position of 
power over someone it would be committing a negativity to raise or consider 
that situation for the negativity that it should engage. Organizationally it 
would might even be communally better from a spiritual energetic standpoint as 
to negativity than having to denounce anyone thence to extend this teaching and 
hence better to remove the complaining negativity from an element organization; 
could be created by simply removing complainant who got exploited, packing 
their bags, and thus alleviate the possibility of widely entertaining such 
negativity altogether in the group. Never do we entertain negativity and never 
do we denounce anyone. Hamstrung?


 # #


 “..speaking ill and thinking ill of someone, dwelling on the weaknesses of 
someone, all their bad qualities come to your heart; [this way] you get your 
heart and mind spoiled.
So when through meditation, purity is growing in life, we don't invite this mud 
from outside to make us impure anymore. We have to be cautious against our 
thoughts that we don't think ill of anyone, and we don't do ill to anyone 
Speaking ill of others is a very bad We say it makes the cloth dirty, makes 
the whole personality very dirty and impure. That we have to guard against in 
our dealings and feelings with people. Very important; very, very important.  
It is as important as daily practice of meditation.”


 So evidently spiritually speaking what Maharishi is saying here is that if one 
entertains a negativity then one commits a negativity on the subtle. One may 
even take on the energetics in the subtle. Negativity in form then it seems is 
like an entity lodging in the system spiritually. Like a stress snag, an 
entity, like some would call a thought-form, energetically stuck in the fabric 
of the subtle system. There is proly some truth to that. -Buck
 Dear FFL, 
 Culturally this particular post below attempting to clarify Maharishi's 
teaching on negativity is really important. It did not just show up here. 
 And so accordingly, evidently these TM apostates here like MJ, Turqb, CDB here 
having divorced themselves from things TM are trying to protect what they may 
well think is their spiritual lives from what they had experienced as a culture 
of ethical negativity that was TM, so they seem to say. But yet as these guys 
wallow in their stories even years later does this not continue to bring on 
them their own negativity. Quite evidently according to what Maharishi is 
teaching here their own loops in negativity are not really good for these guys. 
It would be more better if they should be silent about these things of their 
past and not just keep dredging it up. They really should stop all this 
negativity for their own good and quite possibly also a larger collective good 
of everyone. Om, strike that last comment about the larger collective good for 
it seems that Maharishi (in 1964) actually was not talking about collective 
good or organizations in these early discourse but more specifically individual 
spiritual systems. I do hope that their apostate subtle systems may recover in 
field effect and come to some equanimity around their own individual time in TM.

 Maharishi on Negativity:


---In, dickmays@... wrote :

 Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 McDonald's announced today that they will NOT be using GMO potatoes as was 
previously mentioned.  My new BD player has the Asian Crush app on so I tried a 
movie there since I'm a big fan of their horror line.  They run ads and guess 
who runs spots there?  Monsanto. 
I find it hard to believe that McD's use actual real potatoes at all...


 On 11/16/2014 09:49 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Neil Young Boycotts Starbucks Over GMO Lawsuit  
 Neil Young Boycotts Starbucks Over GMO Lawsuit Neil Young announced that he's 
boycotting Starbucks over the coffee company's involvement in a lawsuit against 
the state of Vermont.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo



[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for the feedback - particularly Michael and Richard.  
 Yes, utilising a lucid dream as part of one's spiritual growth - or at least 
to explore one's more subtle states of consciousness - sounds more promising 
than just escaping into another gratifying fantasy. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Thanks for the feedback - particularly Michael and Richard.  
 Yes, utilising a lucid dream as part of one's spiritual growth - or at least 
to explore one's more subtle states of consciousness - sounds more promising 
than just escaping into another gratifying fantasy. 

 Introducing my bija mantra while dreaming is an intriguing suggestion! It will 
be fun to see how it compares with a regular TM session.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 11:49 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

 Neil Young don't like GMO's

/Hey, Schmuck - the old geezer drug addict Neil Young, won't buy  a $5 
cup of coffee at the elite Starbucks in Hollywood, because he hates 
non-GMO milk in his coffee made from beans ripped off from some poor 
third-world farmers./


[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The sleep paralysis is an interesting explanation. I do recall, though, (30 
years ago), that she heard them on the stairs first and then they came into the 
room, described their big black eyes, and small form. Glad I didn't wake up. 
She didn't talk about it afterwards, and being such a traumatic experience for 
her, it wouldn't have been very considerate for me to ask her about it. We were 
not UFO buffs at all. Weird stuff, and like you say, maddeningly, never 

---In, wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 I enjoyed reading about your serious consideration of UFO's. Purely going by 
logic, it doesn't make sense that we are the only living beings in the 
universe. However, I agree that many reports of UFOs are wishful thinking.

 True, we can't say whether we are the only intelligent beings in the universe 
- but it's a big place. This is the main problem. Just getting from wherever 
they are to here is such a monumentally enormous task and would take so long - 
even if you can get close to the speed of light - that it's vanishingly 
unlikely that any other life form could be here. And for them to be here just 
as we are becoming technologically aware is another stretch of credulity. But 
for them to be humanoid, capable of breathing our atmosphere and coping with 
our gravity! I have to say it does arouse major suspicions in me.

 It's not impossible though, it's just that we have no good evidence and plenty 
of better ways of explaining the evidence we do have. So I stay interested but 

 You tell a familiar story about your ex-wife though, and I have no reason to 
doubt the experience. I've got books full of similar recountings. But are 
aliens the best explanation for this? There have always been stories of people 
waking up paralysed and sensing a mysterious presence in the room. It's part of 
English folklore anyway. They used to call the creature the old hag, people 
would say it was terrifying as they couldn't breathe with this ghost thing was 
sitting on their chest. From the website of psychologist Susan Blackmore:

 The Sleep-Paralysis Experience
 In a typical sleep-paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralyzed, senses a 
presence in the room, feels fear or even terror, and may hear buzzing and 
humming noises, or see strange lights. A visible or invisible entity may even 
sit on their chest, shaking, strangling or prodding them. Attempts to fight the 
paralysis are usually unsuccessful. It is reputedly more effective to relax, or 
try to move just the eyes or a single finger or toe. Descriptions of sleep 
paralysis are given in many of the references already cited and in Hufford’s 
(1982) classic work on the Old Hag. I and a colleague are building up a case 
collection and have reported our preliminary findings.

 Perhaps alien abduction is our modern sleep paralysis myth.
 People have pointed out the similarities between abductions and sleep 
paralysis. The majority of the abduction experiences they studied occurred at 
night, and almost 60 percent of the intense reports were sleep related. Of 
the intense experiences, nearly a quarter involved symptoms similar to sleep 

 Cox (1995) divided his twelve abductees into six daytime and six nighttime 
abductions and, even with such small groups, found that the nighttime abductees 
reported significantly more frequent sleep paralysis than either of the control 
 I suggest that the best explanation for many abduction experiences is that 
they are elaborations of the experience of sleep paralysis.
 Imagine the following scenario: a woman wakes in the night with a strong sense 
that someone or something is in the room. She tries to move and finds she is 
completely paralyzed except for her eyes. She sees strange lights, hears a 
buzzing or humming sound, and feels a vibration in the bed. If she knows about 
sleep paralysis, she will recognise it instantly, but most people do not. So 
what is she going to think? I suggest that, if she has watched TV programs 
about abductions or read about them, she may begin to think of aliens. And in 
this borderline sleep state, the imagined alien will seem extremely real. This 
alone may be enough to create the conviction of having been abducted. Hypnosis 
could make the memories of this real experience (but not real abduction) 
completely convincing.
 Does it cover you ex's experience? I do not know but people have always had 
this experience and the interpretation into modern memes like aliens instead of 
creatures from folklore like goblins doesn't seem unrealistic.

 I remember Susan Blackmore had a go on a machine designed to recreate these 
experiences using some sort of brainwave stimulator. She was in a laboratory 
but still found the experience terrifying, paralysis and an awareness of a 
presence, she had the whole thing. Experiments like 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 2:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

McDonald's announced today that they will NOT be using GMO potatoes as 
was previously mentioned. 

/Oh my Gawd - no non-GMO fried potatoes at McDonalds? What a bummer!/

My new BD player has the Asian Crush app on so I tried a movie there 
since I'm a big fan of their horror line.  They run ads and guess who 
runs spots there?  Monsanto. 

/You bought a Chinese-made BD player to watch horror movies, but you're 
complaining about American Monsanto running ads? This just might beat 
the other Barry in the cognitive dissonance prize. Go figure./

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 17-Nov-14 00:15:07 UTC

2014-11-16 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/22/14 00:00:00
229 messages as of (UTC) 11/17/14 00:14:49

 34 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 29 fleetwood_macncheese
 24 steve.sundur
 20 awoelflebater
 18 Share Long sharelong60
 17 curtisdeltablues
 13 nablusoss1008 
 12 s3raphita
 12 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 11 Michael Jackson mjackson74
  9 salyavin808 
  6 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  6 Bhairitu noozguru
  4 emptybill
  3 wgm4u 
  3 dhamiltony2k5
  2 srijau
  2 jr_esq
  1 punditster
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 anartaxius
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 22
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 11/16/2014 04:14 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 11/16/2014 2:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

McDonald's announced today that they will NOT be using GMO potatoes 
as was previously mentioned. 

/Oh my Gawd - no non-GMO fried potatoes at McDonalds? What a bummer!/

My new BD player has the Asian Crush app on so I tried a movie there 
since I'm a big fan of their horror line.  They run ads and guess who 
runs spots there? Monsanto. 

/You bought a Chinese-made BD player to watch horror movies, but 
you're complaining about American Monsanto running ads? This just 
might beat the other Barry in the cognitive dissonance prize. Go figure./

Uh, Willy, there aren't any American made BD players. Go figure again.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
If President Obama goes through with his plan to legalize 5 million 
jobless immigrants without Congress, he may find the government shut 
down in protest.

This sounds like a last-ditch effort to get voters for the next U.S. 
Presidential election. If it backfires, there will probably be no 
Democratic Party in the Oval Office for a decade or more.

Most American citizens do not want 5 million more unlawful immigrants on 
the welfare rolls at the expense of U.S. taxpayers - or taking jobs away 
from legal U.S. workers./

//PORTLAND — The fate of a little-noticed ballot measure in strongly 
Democratic Oregon serves as a warning to President Barack Obama and his 
party about the political perils of immigration policy...//

/*Oregon immigration vote is a warning for Obama*
Associated Press:

On 11/16/2014 4:11 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

The Chamber of commerce(small business), usually represented by 
Republicans, want cheap labor. Democrats want cheap and dependent 
voters.  The American people want jobs and fewer people on government 
assistance which they pay for out of their earned income. When 
illegals come here and undercut American workers they end up living on 
government assistance in addition to their meager checks. Employers 
should be required to use E-verify in order to verify employees have 
a good SS#  and thus only able to hire legal residents. That would 
leave no excuse for hiring illegal aliens which should have a strong 
penalty. The border can be secured with a good fence, electronic 
sensors and aerial observation, including drones.

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:58 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for 
America, revealed

Ooops - my mistake. As for the border being secured, that will never 
happen. Never. Part of the problem is that agribiz and the hospitality 
industry both take full advantage of undocumented workers, so on the 
one hand, they join the patriots and call for secure borders, while 
on the other hand, they ensure that corporate profits soar, on the 
backs of illegal labor. Hypocritical BS, which both political parties 
are well aware of.

---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

25 Million? Please, Reagan granted amnesty to 2 million under the 
condition that the border would be secured, which was never done under 
a democrat lead  house( Speaker Tip O'neal). That is why conservatives 
demand a secure border *before* any talk of amnesty.  If you can't 
secure the border, it becomes a revolving door. Once you grant amnesty 
to those here illegally, their families rush the border to be the next 
to get amnesty and the beat goes on.

*From:* fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:33 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for 
America, revealed

The dude who started it was Reagan, granting amnesty to 25 million 
illegals. Funny that now everyone sees it as a Democratic strategy.

---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means 
their parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join 
them here. Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then 
come. We might as well annex Central America. They will be given 
social security cards and green cards and have all access to every 
social program including Obama care( remember the congressman calling 
Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) Black, teen 
and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched 
beyond their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out 
sports teams, bands etc.

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:39 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for 
America, revealed

On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Leave's out  buy American assets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently not liberal enough or not too smart about economics. Randi 
Rhodes (now retired) used point that out all the time and I've been 
saying it for years.  Maybe it sounds too conspiratorial.

/Non sequitur. It's all about the economy and whether or not you have 
a job and a 401k. //The US does not have a shortage

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I guess it's like shooting the rapids, only maybe that implies too much 

 But you aim for the v, and then let the current do the rest, with maybe some 
slight adjustments along the way.

 Okay, maybe some larger adjustments on occasion.

 But, overall it is a fun ride.

 And it is nice that you were able to have a silent, but positive influence on 
your friend.

 I think that's the way it works too.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Hi Steve, I think being on auto pilot about all this is a great way to be. And 
sometimes it's fun to actually think about some of Maharishi's concepts that I 
simply have taken for granted for so long. 

 Another experience I've been having recently fascinates me because it seems to 
be self contradictory: I'm both more spontaneous but less expressive. I think 
I'm doing emotional processing more on the inside, so that when I speak, my 
speech is more lively, more full of life force. But I'm not really expressing 
emotions. Does that make sense? It's a very different experience for me, feels 
very good. A friend said that after she had dinner with me, she felt that all 
the anger towards her SO was gone! That also made me feel really good. 


 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 3:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
   Hi Share,

 I think I have probably lost my interest in unpacking KISIC and its corollary 
too much.

 I am willing to accept the premise of the seven states of consciousness.


 And as such, I will allow that from fourth thru seventh states, there are 

 I would say the reason I am willing to do so, is that I have observed my 
experience change over the past 40 years as I have embarked on a spiritual path.

 Now, the funny thing, is that I don't pay much, if any attention to any 
experiences I might have.

 But neither do I deny them, or do I feel a need to berate others for 
describing their experiences.  Nay, I find them inspiring, just as I enjoyed 
hearing the experiences you related the last couple days.

 I also have derived inspiration from the Vedic/Hindu texts to which I have had 
exposure, although I have not really looked at anything in decades.

 As I understand it, the Buddhist texts, or Buddhist philosophy describe 
similar states

 So, in a sense I have been on auto pilot.

 To bottom line it, I believe that, as humans, the experience of realizing that 
the world around us, is just our self, is the ultimate reality.

 And so this this covers both KISIC and KIDIDSOC.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Curtis and Steve, I'm also just thinking out loud, sort of fumbling around 
with all this. Because KISIC and KIDIDSOC always resonated with me as being 
true. They felt right. But it's also fun to try and reason them out as well. 
But as I said, I'm just fumbling around, exploring, also sort of playing with 
words and our accepted meaning of them.

 As I've said before, I don't really think in terms of higher and lower states 
of consciousness. I think of more developed brain states, meaning, more of the 
brain functioning in a very healthy way. Which I think would automatically be 
of benefit to the world. I'm assuming that if most of a person's brain was 
functioning in a very healthy way, then that is how they would behave. It seems 
like a reasonable assumption to me. 


 More fumbling, but here's an example from my life and I'm not claiming any 
higher SOC. But I do know that when I'm rested, when my physiology is settled, 
I feel more in harmony with the people around me. And I treat them more 
positively. That's a major value for me, and I think for them too.  OTOH, if 
I'm upset or distracted, I can't even be with them as completely, so my 
knowledge of them at that moment, is incomplete and therefore not as valuable 
for either of us in terms of living a rich human life.

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

 --In, steve.sundur@... wrote :


 I agree that there is some conflating here of mental abilities and knowledge.

C: You mean by Maharishi in his examples, right? He started the comparison 
which you are labeling conflation.


 S: I think it is the typical apple/orange thing.

 The way the concept was presented by Maharishi was the obvious difference 
between waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness which we note in 
every day experience.

C: That was another example he used. The clear and foggy, tired not tired 
example was also his. Of course saying that these are different mental states 
doesn't really make any 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here's what's been bugging the hell out of me lately. 

 You hear news people, or economists debating whether low oil prices are good 
for the country.

 Of course they are good for the everyday working American.  The only entities 
they may not be good for are the big oil companies.

 Yes, I know low oil prices could be impediment to wean ourselves off fossil 
fuels, but there is a lot of momentum moving in that direction anyway.


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 The Chamber of commerce(small business), usually represented by Republicans, 
want cheap labor. Democrats want cheap and dependent voters.  The American 
people want jobs and fewer people on government assistance which they pay for 
out of their earned income. When illegals come here and undercut American 
workers they end up living on government assistance in addition to their meager 
checks. Employers should be required to use E-verify in order to verify 
employees have a good SS#  and thus only able to hire legal residents. That 
would leave no excuse for hiring illegal aliens which should have a strong 
penalty. The border can be secured with a good fence, electronic sensors and 
aerial observation, including drones.

 From: fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
   Ooops - my mistake. As for the border being secured, that will never happen. 
Never. Part of the problem is that agribiz and the hospitality industry both 
take full advantage of undocumented workers, so on the one hand, they join the 
patriots and call for secure borders, while on the other hand, they ensure 
that corporate profits soar, on the backs of illegal labor. Hypocritical BS, 
which both political parties are well aware of. 
---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

25 Million? Please, Reagan granted amnesty to 2 million under the condition 
that the border would be secured, which was never done under a democrat lead  
house( Speaker Tip O'neal). That is why conservatives demand a secure border 
*before* any talk of amnesty.  If you can't secure the border, it becomes a 
revolving door. Once you grant amnesty to those here illegally, their families 
rush the border to be the next to get amnesty and the beat goes on. 
  From: fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
   The dude who started it was Reagan, granting amnesty to 25 million illegals. 
Funny that now everyone sees it as a Democratic strategy.


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 The *children* will probably be granted refuge status which means their 
parents, brothers and sisters will naturally be allowed to join them here. 
Next, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents will then come. We might as well 
annex Central America. They will be given social security cards and green cards 
and have all access to every social program including Obama care( remember the 
congressman calling Obama a liar when he said they wouldn't qualify for it?) 
Black, teen and other unskilled citizen labor will continue to rise as will the 
cost of the *safety net*. School systems are already being stretched beyond 
their budgets to make accommodations, including cutting out sports teams, bands 

 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, 
 On 11/15/2014 3:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Leave's out  buy American assets for pennies on the dollar.  Kos is 
apparently not liberal enough or not too smart about economics.  Randi Rhodes 
(now retired) used point that out all the time and I've been saying it for 
years.  Maybe it sounds too conspiratorial.

 Non sequitur. It's all about the economy and whether or not you have a job and 
a 401k. The US does not have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs - 
that's the important issue - the people have spoken. 
 The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of workers. 
Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse. Legalize twelve 
million illegal aliens and another twelve million will come.
 On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from Daily Kos:








Re: [FairfieldLife] Neil Young don't like GMO's

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 04:14 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 11/16/2014 2:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

McDonald's announced today that they will NOT be using GMO potatoes 
as was previously mentioned. 

/Oh my Gawd - no non-GMO fried potatoes at McDonalds? What a bummer!/

My new BD player has the Asian Crush app on so I tried a movie there 
since I'm a big fan of their horror line.  They run ads and guess 
who runs spots there?  Monsanto. 

/You bought a Chinese-made BD player to watch horror movies, but 
you're complaining about American Monsanto running ads? This just 
might beat the other Barry in the cognitive dissonance prize. Go figure./

On 11/16/2014 6:17 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Uh, Willy, there aren't any American made BD players. Go figure again.

/You got a cheap Chinese BD player at Fry's to play your single BD when 
you could have bought an OPPO Digital USA? Go figure./

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 The sleep paralysis is an interesting explanation. I do recall, though, (30 
years ago), that she heard them on the stairs first and then they came into the 
room, described their big black eyes, and small form. Glad I didn't wake up. 
She didn't talk about it afterwards, and being such a traumatic experience for 
her, it wouldn't have been very considerate for me to ask her about it. We were 
not UFO buffs at all. Weird stuff, and like you say, maddeningly, never 

 I have had many sleep paralysis events and I hate them. It takes every ounce 
of will power to get out of them. Sometimes you think you have moved and woken 
up but then realize as you look around the room or actually think you have 
gotten out of bed that things are just a tad too different, a bit too strange 
so then you go back to realizing you're are still struggling to come awake and 
sometimes your eyes are half open and you see stuff in the room but you can't 
move and the dream world starts to move in again and if feels terrible. I 
remember very clearly in a little house my husband and I owned that when he 
used to get up very early to go to a job site about two hours away and I was 
still sleeping I would be lying there well after he had left and could hear 
very clear slow and measured footsteps in the hallway on the hardwood. It 
wasn't really scary but it was very, very clear and very audible. No one ever 
came into the room but I still swear either the house was haunted or... I don't 
know what.

- -

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
sleep paralysis events, ah yes, I used to have them frequently, but no more.  
not sure why.  never a comfortable thing.  at least now, I think I have a 
better understanding of those mechanics

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 The sleep paralysis is an interesting explanation. I do recall, though, (30 
years ago), that she heard them on the stairs first and then they came into the 
room, described their big black eyes, and small form. Glad I didn't wake up. 
She didn't talk about it afterwards, and being such a traumatic experience for 
her, it wouldn't have been very considerate for me to ask her about it. We were 
not UFO buffs at all. Weird stuff, and like you say, maddeningly, never 

 I have had many sleep paralysis events and I hate them. It takes every ounce 
of will power to get out of them. Sometimes you think you have moved and woken 
up but then realize as you look around the room or actually think you have 
gotten out of bed that things are just a tad too different, a bit too strange 
so then you go back to realizing you're are still struggling to come awake and 
sometimes your eyes are half open and you see stuff in the room but you can't 
move and the dream world starts to move in again and if feels terrible. I 
remember very clearly in a little house my husband and I owned that when he 
used to get up very early to go to a job site about two hours away and I was 
still sleeping I would be lying there well after he had left and could hear 
very clear slow and measured footsteps in the hallway on the hardwood. It 
wasn't really scary but it was very, very clear and very audible. No one ever 
came into the room but I still swear either the house was haunted or... I don't 
know what.

- -

[FairfieldLife] Nappy's Out to Lunch

2014-11-16 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I offer this video with the reminder that a few weeks back Nappy claimed all 
the changes in these areas were due to all the Purusha and yogic flyers in 
the area all these years. The video would seem to indicate the Marshy Effect 
actually works in the reverse of what the Movement claims.
Ukrainian battle caught on camera
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| Ukrainian battle caught on cameraRussia has denied allegations that it has 
sent weapons inside Ukraine. CNN's Jim Sciutto reports. |
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| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
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|   |


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/16/2014 9:00 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:

...a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine - LOL - yes, he is quite 
the cranky old fundamentalist, isn't he? Glad you enjoy reading my 
experiences, Steve, and yes, they are mine...subjectively, and 

/At one point in the conversation, I thought we had reached a peak in 
the display of Barry cognitive dissonance, but I was mistaken:

On the other hand, I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these 
experiences had anything to do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I 
might interpret the experiences in my own way, but that doesn't mean 
that anyone else hearing them can't, and won't, interpret them 
differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're attacking me, 
merely that they see things a different way, from another point of 
view./ - TurquoiseB

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

Again, what am I missing?

A large part of Barry's content here, is reminding, (okay, usually 
yelling at) people, that their subjective experiences don't mean 
anything.  They are just their own, subjective experiences.

And most people accept that.  Or at least the part that they are their 
own subjective experiences.

So, when Jim reports his experiences, I think they're pretty cool. 
 But they arehis experiences.

So, according to Barry, we should be fawning over them?

That would be a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine

Barry, we are following the game plan.

It's all good.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man 
has a history of doing stuff like this. Remember not long ago when he 
claimed that he wasn't stalking me on the Internet and then tried to 
prove it by finding a photo of me that he could only have found by 
stalking me on the Internet and posted it? What an ass clown.

*/The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him 
into perspective is that after all this time claiming to be 
enlightened (how long has be been doing it now...ten years?), he 
cannot produce *even a single person* who believes his claims. Not 
one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on the level of complete lack of 
charisma. /*

*From:* curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:34 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 
Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

Did you just call a stranger on the internet a poopy pants? That is 

Who's my angry little man? You are, goochi goochi goo. Where's that 
smile. Come on, where is that smile Mr. Frowny Pants. There it is! I 
see it now. Smile for the bad, bad man whose words make you feel this way.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

What a bunch of BS, Curtis. I have seen you be a sneaky, underhanded, 
back-stabbing little shit on here, much more than once, which you then 
seek to bury, rationalize, and justify, under a ton of words. You are 
not evil, Curtis, waaay too petty to be evil - just a mean-spirited, 
and unsuccessful, jerk.

This word-flood isn't working, no matter how much rational Curtis, has 
convinced asshole Curtis, that it is.

So, save this favorite story for your gullible friends - The rest of 
us see right through you. Have a nice day. :-)

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

--In, wrote :

 WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase 
meant and used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning 
stay on the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, 
indulge in evil, speak evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You 
take on that evil, it 'soils' your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't 
see things for what they are, we just don't indulge in them in the 
same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope this helps you 
understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than 
telling us to be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. 
I am not sure what you mean by entertaining evil? Serving it 
drinks?  After a few bourbons evil always gets grab-assy. I guess 
indulging in evil is doing evil things which is kind of obvious. Of 
course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning are not 
likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by 
speaking evil. Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his 
disagreement with 

[FairfieldLife] FW: A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FW: A Cultural Survey..

 Never entertain negativity.
Would you be so kind as to give us your understanding of what this phrase has 
meant to you and how your understanding has impacted your life. And if you wish 
to ask someone else their view on this phrase and submit it with yours, that 
would be great.
 Dear friends,
..on a committee, the Shifting Cultural Attitudes Subcommittee for the Mental 
Health Alliance here in Fairfield I am working with a sub group of that 
committee, the Cultural Committee, on one particular area right now. Which is 
to understand the meaning of phrases that have become a part of our local 
culture here. There are phrases which mean many things to many here. Some of 
these meanings may have lead to an erosion in mental health. 
 I have written this group as a smattering of a cross-culture living here to 
get your understanding of the phrase, Never entertain negativity.
Would you be so kind as to give us your understanding of what this phrase has 
meant to you and how your understanding has impacted your life. And if you wish 
to ask someone else their view on this phrase and submit it with yours, that 
would be great.
Thank you,

 # #
 The 1980 Pledge. 
  Things in TM did seem to change from about then to become some lot about some 
theocratic sense of fealty and a lot less as to merit and performance. Is 
noteworthy that the Saha Nav hymn was extracted up to become a normative 
organizational code of conduct in an oath then (1980).


 C: The context is his teachers who were bitching about each other. Maharishi 
wants them to get back to work pitching his product and STFU about their 
personality problems with each other. 



 Quote from Upanishads, which was used in Vedic Atom Pledge (1980)
Let us be together,
Let us eat together,
Let us be vital together,
Let us be radiating truth, radiating the light of life,
Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity.


 Culture:  Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity.
 Such that within the culture of TM the TM negativity policy like with the TM 
Saha Nav Hymn for instance, if someone commits a larceny within an element of 
the organization then by the teachings it would be entertaining negativity to 
administratively examine that action in another person or within such element 
of an organization by others. Or let us say hypothetically that someone commits 
some abusive harassment within an organizational element using some position of 
power over someone it would be committing a negativity to raise or consider 
that situation for the negativity that it should engage. Organizationally it 
would might even be communally better from a spiritual energetic standpoint as 
to negativity than having to denounce anyone thence to extend this teaching and 
hence better to remove the complaining negativity from an element organization; 
could be solved by simply removing complainant who got exploited, packing their 
bags, and thus alleviate the possibility of widely entertaining such negativity 
altogether in the group. Never do we entertain negativity and never do we 
denounce anyone. Hamstrung?  Proly was often best to not say anything living 
within the culture.  Dare anyone call a spade a spade in TM?


 # #


 “..speaking ill and thinking ill of someone, dwelling on the weaknesses of 
someone, all their bad qualities come to your heart; [this way] you get your 
heart and mind spoiled.
So when through meditation, purity is growing in life, we don't invite this mud 
from outside to make us impure anymore. We have to be cautious against our 
thoughts that we don't think ill of anyone, and we don't do ill to anyone 
Speaking ill of others is a very bad We say it makes the cloth dirty, makes 
the whole personality very dirty and impure. That we have to guard against in 
our dealings and feelings with people. Very important; very, very important.  
It is as important as daily practice of meditation.”


 So evidently spiritually speaking what Maharishi is saying here is that if one 
entertains a negativity then one commits a negativity on the subtle. One may 
even take on the energetics in the subtle. Negativity in form then it seems is 
like an entity lodging in the system spiritually. Like a stress snag, an 
entity, like some would call a thought-form, energetically stuck in the fabric 
of the subtle system. There is proly some truth to that. -Buck


 Maharishi on Negativity:


---In, dickmays@... wrote :

 Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others

Don't Speak Ill, Remain 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Further to Curtis' question

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 Thanks Ann. I found what you wrote and this article equally fascinating and 

From what you wrote I was struck by how your comments were shaped by your 
working relationship with horses. They are not your cuddle toys, you do shit 
together! Intricate split second, had-better-be-in-synch shit. It reminded me 
of how differently you get to know people when you work with them rather than 
socially. All sorts of stuff comes out you would never see out of that context. 
I admire your life choice of living with horses, the constant and consistent 
work that must be necessary for such a relationship to happen. Like people who 
work with working dogs, sled dogs or herding border collies, you have entered 
into a special relationship most of us don't know much about. I have friends 
who do a trick dog show and their daily dedication is unreal to me. (As is 
their ability to travel to shows with over a dozen dogs in a camper!)  

From the article I was struck with the discussion of how quickly they react to 
fear and the connection to autism in humans. I work with some of these kids and 
the skittishness can be spooky. But it made me think that perhaps his is also 
why horses are so great to work with. Not because you have gotten beyond the 
fear, although I'm sure emotionally that is charming, but because they ARE so 
quickly reactive to stimulus. It must sharpen your senses to a peak to keep up. 
I have read about how they pay so much attention to the environment that 
something different on a familiar trail can freak them out. What a way to have 
to see the world to anticipate issues. Do you scan the riding environment with 
this kind of focus? Detecting if something different in the ring will panic 

 Every moment. When you walk in to their stall or paddock you need to warn them 
you are there if they are not looking at you. You need to assess how close you 
are to a wall or where the out is in any situation where you are in close 
quarters with a horse. When walking anywhere leading them you have to look 
ahead, be aware of what is behind you or about to be behind you and look to 
both sides and figure out how the individual you have in hand will react. The 
wind is the worst. They are already on high alert and at any moment things move 
or blow or come flying around and even when nothing actually comes loose 
blowing around they expect it will at any moment so very windy conditions is a 
tough one. This of course is instinctual because in windy conditions predators 
can be really, really sneaky.

 Having a trash barrel or new item show up in an arena you ride in every day 
can be a far bigger deal than showing up at a horse show with twenty barrels 
and all sorts of other stuff scattered around because the horse has no 
expectations of what belongs in the new environment but change a familiar 
environment and it can be cause for all sorts of reaction.

So if you are on the back of a huge creature (you do dressage right?) and you 
are moving through intricate sequences of movement, your mind has to match the 
instant flickers of their shorter circuit wiring. It must be Zen as hell 
mentally. It must push every other thing out of your awareness, which I believe 
is the kind of flow state humans seek through many means.

 Riding a horse to a high level of the sport requires a 380 degree awareness 
and a focus as small as a pin simultaneously. It is mental gymnastics coupled 
with high intensity feeling as well as anticipation. I haven't really ever 
thought about it all until you started to ask me. I haven't broken it down in 
my mind in quite this way before. What I can tell you is that there is no other 
sport quite like it, although any kind of teamwork sport has aspects that are 
similar. What is different though is the harnessing of the animal's will and 
power to create a partnership made possible through the actual coupling of the 
rider and the horse. You get to be in physical contact with another species in 
order to borrow their speed, their athleticism for a short time. You become 
super human but you have to know how to make it work without the horse coming 
to begrudge you and ultimately resist you. I have a horse who is particularly 
keen to work and who is quite forgiving. He loves to learn and he is also quite 
affectionate. These are all qualities that should ensure success and if we fail 
I only have myself to blame.












Anything more you care to say on this topic would be welcome and I'm sure I am 
not the only one who would enjoy it.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I just found this and thought you could give it a skim. It answers your 
question probably better than I did.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re So for me, what worked to enable me to want to was lifting my own hands 
in front of my eyes and then focusing on them as I began to first touch items 
in the dream, and then gesture at them . . . change the entire dreamscape.: 

 Thanks - I'll try that next time I happen to go lucid. Interesting that my 
experience follows the same pattern as your many, many experiences.

 Like you, although I have often had unpleasant dreams I've been glad to awaken 
from, I don't think I've ever had a full-on nightmare (not like the ones you 
see in movies in which the character awakens in a cold sweat). One aspect of 
lucid dreaming that alarmed me was the revelation of one chap who had spent 
time learning how to be a regular lucid voyager. He mentioned that he 
occasionally had night terrors - that scary state in which you are 
simultaneously awake but your body is paralyzed (the paralysis a natural 
defense mechanism to protect us during dreams so that we don't thrash around) 
and sufferers can often feel a demon or alien crouching on their chest. It 
sounded to me, from his narration, that he'd never experienced night terrors 
until he started trying to induce lucid dreams.
 A warning that we shouldn't mess with our natural routines . . ?



---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Back when I was practicing Tibetan dream yoga (their version of lucid 
dreaming), I would have many, many experiences similar to the one you mention 
in the first paragraph. The tell was that upon waking (for real), I'd 1) 
remember the dreams and waking up in them with some clarity (as opposed to 
haziness that faded in a few minutes) and 2) then go back to sleep and go back 
into the *same* dream.

 My favorite such dream was once when I ran into some gnarly things trying to 
kill me in my dream. That *rarely* happened with me -- I think I can count the 
number of nightmares or bad dreams I've had in my life on the fingers of 
both hands -- but this one was pretty gnarly. Man-beasts of some kind were 
definitely trying to kill me, and it was *personal* (trying to assassinate 
*me*, as opposed to just killing everything in sight). I was running from them 
in the dream, just in survival mode because I didn't have any weapons to defend 
myself, and then decided that the best way to survive was to wake up. So I did. 


 I found myself covered with sweat and still shaking a bit from the experience, 
but it was still the middle of the night and I knew what tended to happen when 
I'd go back to sleep after one of these lucid dreams, so I looked around my 
room and found the fake samurai sword (real Japanese, but lacking an edge 
because I used it in my Kendo classes and we tried not to kill each other 
there). I grabbed it, pulled it into bed with me, went back to sleep, and 
voila...found myself back in the same dream, with the same astral badasses 
still trying to get me. But now I had the sword. And in the dream it was a real 
sword, with a real edge. To quote W. C. Fields, I hacked my way through mounds 
of flesh and awoke refreshed.  :-)


 I am far from the world's leading expert in lucid dreaming, and in fact don't 
try to practice it any more. If it happens, it happens; if it doesn't, I don't 
try to make it happen. But I do remember that the key to taking control in my 
lucid dreams always started by following Carlos Castaneda's advice of finding 
my hands. I'd be awake in the dream, meaning that there was a me witnessing 
everything, and then have a secondary wakening and realize that I could change 
things if I wanted to. So for me, what worked to enable me to want to was 
lifting my own hands in front of my eyes and then focusing on them as I began 
to first touch items in the dream, and then gesture at them. The gestures over 
time allowed me to change their color or nature or -- as you say -- change the 
entire dreamscape and go somewhere else. 

 From: s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:22 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.

 Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the dreamscape to 
suit yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero 
pilot on a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. 
Whatever floats your boat. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re It takes every ounce of will power to get out of them. :
That was a nice coincidence: I just posted a msg on the lucid-dreaming thread 
about night terrors when I registered your discussion of sleep paralysis

 Though I've never had to suffer this state I understand that if you do have 
that experience you should *not* try to escape using your will power. On the 
contrary, you should just relax, let yourself go, and after a few moments try 
moving a finger. Making any effort only worsens the situation . . .  didn't MMY 
say something like that?



---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 The sleep paralysis is an interesting explanation. I do recall, though, (30 
years ago), that she heard them on the stairs first and then they came into the 
room, described their big black eyes, and small form. Glad I didn't wake up. 
She didn't talk about it afterwards, and being such a traumatic experience for 
her, it wouldn't have been very considerate for me to ask her about it. We were 
not UFO buffs at all. Weird stuff, and like you say, maddeningly, never 

 I have had many sleep paralysis events and I hate them. It takes every ounce 
of will power to get out of them. Sometimes you think you have moved and woken 
up but then realize as you look around the room or actually think you have 
gotten out of bed that things are just a tad too different, a bit too strange 
so then you go back to realizing you're are still struggling to come awake and 
sometimes your eyes are half open and you see stuff in the room but you can't 
move and the dream world starts to move in again and if feels terrible. I 
remember very clearly in a little house my husband and I owned that when he 
used to get up very early to go to a job site about two hours away and I was 
still sleeping I would be lying there well after he had left and could hear 
very clear slow and measured footsteps in the hallway on the hardwood. It 
wasn't really scary but it was very, very clear and very audible. No one ever 
came into the room but I still swear either the house was haunted or... I don't 
know what.

- -

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Persistence - One's identity associates with what lasts the longest. When pure 
awareness, not awareness of anything, but awareness of the source of 
everything, a current of deep silence, accompanies everything, while the 
'everything' continuously changes, the identity shifts, after awhile, to that 
persistent pure awareness.  

 We are no longer what we previously thought lasted the longest; job, family, 
thoughts, beliefs, or even physical life. We identify with pure awareness. We 
are pure awareness. This greatly eliminates the question of what is. It simply 
is. Pure awareness is the persistent reality. This being the case, there is no 
longer such a strong identification of what is mine, such an edifice built of 
'me'. If there is not much me, how can there, then, be a strong not me? The 
idea, even the sense, of subjective vs. objective, no longer makes complete 

 However, even on the basis of all of this silence, my personality continues 
along, trying not to get me into too much trouble, though ever serving my 
Infinite curiosity. :-)

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Jim, when you say objectively, can you elaborate on that? 
---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 ...a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine - LOL - yes, he is quite the 
cranky old fundamentalist, isn't he? Glad you enjoy reading my experiences, 
Steve, and yes, they are mine...subjectively, and objectively.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Again, what am I missing? 

 A large part of Barry's content here, is reminding, (okay, usually yelling at) 
people, that their subjective experiences don't mean anything.  They are just 
their own, subjective experiences. 

 And most people accept that.  Or at least the part that they are their own 
subjective experiences.

 So, when Jim reports his experiences, I think they're pretty cool.  But they 
are his experiences.  

 So, according to Barry, we should be fawning over them?

 That would be a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine

 Barry, we are following the game plan.

 It's all good.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man has a 
history of doing stuff like this. Remember not long ago when he claimed that he 
wasn't stalking me on the Internet and then tried to prove it by finding a 
photo of me that he could only have found by stalking me on the Internet and 
posted it? What an ass clown.

 The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him into 
perspective is that after all this time claiming to be enlightened (how long 
has be been doing it now...ten years?), he cannot produce *even a single 
person* who believes his claims. Not one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on 
the level of complete lack of charisma. 

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Did you just call a stranger on the internet a poopy pants? That is 

 Who's my angry little man? You are, goochi goochi goo. Where's that smile. 
Come on, where is that smile Mr. Frowny Pants. There it is! I see it now. Smile 
for the bad, bad man whose words make you feel this way.


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 What a bunch of BS, Curtis. I have seen you be a sneaky, underhanded, 
back-stabbing little shit on here, much more than once, which you then seek to 
bury, rationalize, and justify, under a ton of words. You are not evil, Curtis, 
waaay too petty to be evil - just a mean-spirited, and unsuccessful, jerk. 

 This word-flood isn't working, no matter how much rational Curtis, has 
convinced asshole Curtis, that it is. 

 So, save this favorite story for your gullible friends - The rest of us see 
right through you. Have a nice day. :-) 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 Re It takes every ounce of will power to get out of them. :
That was a nice coincidence: I just posted a msg on the lucid-dreaming thread 
about night terrors when I registered your discussion of sleep paralysis

 Though I've never had to suffer this state I understand that if you do have 
that experience you should *not* try to escape using your will power. On the 
contrary, you should just relax, let yourself go, and after a few moments try 
moving a finger. Making any effort only worsens the situation . . .  didn't MMY 
say something like that?

 Maybe he did but if I lie there and do nothing and ride it out, so to speak, 
it will just continue for a long time and I hate wanting to come awake but my 
body won't cooperate! I start to get claustrophobic (which I'm not when awake) 
because I feel this lump of a body lying there and my brain very much wants to 
wake up but for some reason it requires the body to respond as well. It is like 
you are two people or it is the closest I could imagine to being a quadriplegic.



- -

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Great.  Thank you for the reply.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Persistence - One's identity associates with what lasts the longest. When pure 
awareness, not awareness of anything, but awareness of the source of 
everything, a current of deep silence, accompanies everything, while the 
'everything' continuously changes, the identity shifts, after awhile, to that 
persistent pure awareness.  

 We are no longer what we previously thought lasted the longest; job, family, 
thoughts, beliefs, or even physical life. We identify with pure awareness. We 
are pure awareness. This greatly eliminates the question of what is. It simply 
is. Pure awareness is the persistent reality. This being the case, there is no 
longer such a strong identification of what is mine, such an edifice built of 
'me'. If there is not much me, how can there, then, be a strong not me? The 
idea, even the sense, of subjective vs. objective, no longer makes complete 

 However, even on the basis of all of this silence, my personality continues 
along, trying not to get me into too much trouble, though ever serving my 
Infinite curiosity. :-)

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Jim, when you say objectively, can you elaborate on that? 
---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 ...a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine - LOL - yes, he is quite the 
cranky old fundamentalist, isn't he? Glad you enjoy reading my experiences, 
Steve, and yes, they are mine...subjectively, and objectively.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Again, what am I missing? 

 A large part of Barry's content here, is reminding, (okay, usually yelling at) 
people, that their subjective experiences don't mean anything.  They are just 
their own, subjective experiences. 

 And most people accept that.  Or at least the part that they are their own 
subjective experiences.

 So, when Jim reports his experiences, I think they're pretty cool.  But they 
are his experiences.  

 So, according to Barry, we should be fawning over them?

 That would be a major infraction of the Barry Doctrine

 Barry, we are following the game plan.

 It's all good.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Game, set, and match again, Curtis. Mr. Angry Little Enlightened Man has a 
history of doing stuff like this. Remember not long ago when he claimed that he 
wasn't stalking me on the Internet and then tried to prove it by finding a 
photo of me that he could only have found by stalking me on the Internet and 
posted it? What an ass clown.

 The only thing one needs to remember about Jim Flanegin to put him into 
perspective is that after all this time claiming to be enlightened (how long 
has be been doing it now...ten years?), he cannot produce *even a single 
person* who believes his claims. Not one. That's pretty pathetic, if only on 
the level of complete lack of charisma. 

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Did you just call a stranger on the internet a poopy pants? That is 

 Who's my angry little man? You are, goochi goochi goo. Where's that smile. 
Come on, where is that smile Mr. Frowny Pants. There it is! I see it now. Smile 
for the bad, bad man whose words make you feel this way.


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 What a bunch of BS, Curtis. I have seen you be a sneaky, underhanded, 
back-stabbing little shit on here, much more than once, which you then seek to 
bury, rationalize, and justify, under a ton of words. You are not evil, Curtis, 
waaay too petty to be evil - just a mean-spirited, and unsuccessful, jerk. 

 This word-flood isn't working, no matter how much rational Curtis, has 
convinced asshole Curtis, that it is. 

 So, save this favorite story for your gullible friends - The rest of us see 
right through you. Have a nice day. :-) 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think the common explanation (at least in esoteric circles) is that we leave 
our body during sleep, or perhaps at different times during sleep. 

 And I suppose we sometimes wake up before we fully enter our body again.

 That's what makes sense to me now, but I can't say that I experience that 

 I am surmising that this is what happens.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 Re It takes every ounce of will power to get out of them. :
That was a nice coincidence: I just posted a msg on the lucid-dreaming thread 
about night terrors when I registered your discussion of sleep paralysis

 Though I've never had to suffer this state I understand that if you do have 
that experience you should *not* try to escape using your will power. On the 
contrary, you should just relax, let yourself go, and after a few moments try 
moving a finger. Making any effort only worsens the situation . . .  didn't MMY 
say something like that?

 Maybe he did but if I lie there and do nothing and ride it out, so to speak, 
it will just continue for a long time and I hate wanting to come awake but my 
body won't cooperate! I start to get claustrophobic (which I'm not when awake) 
because I feel this lump of a body lying there and my brain very much wants to 
wake up but for some reason it requires the body to respond as well. It is like 
you are two people or it is the closest I could imagine to being a quadriplegic.



- -

[FairfieldLife] Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll

2014-11-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This could be a complete shambles - or it could be fantastic.
 Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll is a planned fantasy-horror film 
by Marilyn Manson that has been in development since 2004! Directed by Marilyn 
Manson it stars Marilyn as Lewis Carroll, English model Lily Cole as Alice, 
Evan Rachel Wood as Alice's alter ego and British actress Tilda Swinton as 
Lewis Carroll's dream wife (the real Lewis Carroll never married). The 
trailer is adult and avant-garde. I hope Marilyn gets to finish it.

 Prepare yourself . . .;list=FLJad8vN225Nr5hDIzlEOYMAamp;index=5;list=FLJad8vN225Nr5hDIzlEOYMAamp;index=5