Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread dr_rc_racy
Hi dear Grandpa Xeno - yes I'm doing very well indeed. My grandmother, alas is 
no longer with us, she passed away last year in April. Thank you for your 
concern, much appreciated.

 Jekyll & Hyde you say?

 This is my insight for you grandpa, this dissonance is the product of your 
mind that goes on this incessant, obsessive philosophizing, almost effortless, 
mechanical and autonomic,  totally insulated from the truth.

 It fools people into believing you are presenting some sort of objective, 
enlightened, dispassionate, disinterested position when in reality it is 
masquerading your biases.

 I almost admire and envy this ability of you to philosophize on auto-pilot. I 
tried a few times to emulate you, as an experiment in response to specific 
situations. I tried to come up with the sort of philosophizing that you indulge 
in with such wild abandon and I mostly failed, it's hard. I cant' be you 
Grandpa Xeno.


---In,  wrote :


 How are you these days? Is your grandmother still with us? I still remember 
that picture you posted. As for you, you always seemed to have Dr Jekyll/Mr 
Hyde personality here. This here is Dr Jekyll posting. When the Mr Hyde side 
posted, it was difficult to respond because there was no logical handle upon 
which to grasp. Have you had any big insights recently?

---In,  wrote :

 Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't 
have the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues 
from 4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal 
harm nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search 
engines, how hilarious and preposterous.

 You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out 
to everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.

 Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.

 Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 

 Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.

 As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.



---In,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of tr

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)
 ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote :


 So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation,

 What, on the whole internet? I realize you don't get out much but this is 
rather far fetched.

 I am talking about spiritual groups related to TM


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.





 Xeno, until we removed the biggest impediment to a real conversation this 
place was being relentlessly moderated by that impediment. No one was exempt 
from his malicious and twisted lies and false allegations, not to mention 
bone-headed conclusions, except those who agreed with and stroked his ego. For 
you to assert that FFL, of all places, was "the best place to find a decent 
conversation", is perverse if not simply bizarre.

 It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, or make out of them, not the 
people that propose them that I find interesting. What you do not like, skip 
over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps all of us have had an idol 
that did not live up to the image we pretended to ourselves that they were. In 
the movement, even shortly after one started to get involved with TM, there 
were strange warning signs something was amiss, and we would ignore it. The 
main problem is human beings are never ever really a match for the ideals they 
create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of a 
much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.


 Funny, I wrote a post about this very thing to MJ. The big difference was I 
made it personal, I used "I" a lot whereas you tend to keep things in the 
abstract. Dry and brittle, a tad pedantic; I'm hoping you weren't a teacher or 
professor in your working days - the class would have been on snooze fer sure. 
Sorry, but it's true.

 No, I was not a teacher or a professor, so no one had to fall asleep on my 
account. I used to live next to a professor of engineering. He would come over 
and talk for hours in a monotone. Most of the time, in 'person' I don't talk 
that much. As for an 'I', you think you are a person. Too bad, what a loss.


 Ho, ho, hee, hee, snort. That is fucking hilarious!! And thank you for that. 
You have seriously missed the boat, lost the thread, stumbled off the platform. 
There is no loss Xeno, you evidently misunderstood something when you became 
"enlightened" or read the wrong book or misinterpreted some sage. There is no 
"too bad" for living amid personhood. I can vouch for that. Whatever you have 
lost, you need to find it again, and soon before you leave that body of yours.

 It's all in the eye of the beholder, and it's 'eye', not eyes. POVs are not 
interchangeable. I have not lost an

[FairfieldLife] Swami Shankarananda

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
How bout them gurus!?!
Hearts breaking at the ashram
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Hearts breaking at the ashramTALES of personal grief, heartbreak and broken 
relationships continue to emerge in the aftermath of admissions of secret 
sexual relations between the spiritual lead... |
|  |
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|  |
|   |


[FairfieldLife] Does Anyone Else.....

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
find it hard to read these stories?

 Reading just a few lines of this, and/or similar stories and then just closing 
the link.

 I increasingly find myself in that situation.

 Maybe there battles you feel you can take on, and others you can't.

 I've been fighting a little battle here, that's gotten pretty weary.

 I hope, also, we can move away from the negativity on both sides and arrive at 
a better place.

 Not sure if it's going to happen.  )-:


 Egypt takes aim at female genital mutilation -
 Egypt takes aim at female genital mutilation -
 For millions of schoolgirls in Egypt, summer can be a terrifying time -- it's 
the start of the female genital mutilation season.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Chinese spam translated

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's very rare that spam mail to gets through Yahoo's filters to my Inbox, 
and when one came through overnight, I plunked it into Google Translation to 
see what it said. Yowza! Even translated into English, it's still all Chinese 
to me!



  Value Discovery King statue wet first race more firmly Chong Chuan Ke Shou 
household rubber passenger injury read:

Zhu Yi Luan were carved inlay class back yard halogen Thai storms Yip Tin dry 
your occasion rainbow reef edge Feng Run Code of help Mu Dong Cheng Sanhui do 
more climbing on the ear Yan-layer Wandao accompany sleep oblique parallel push 
I painted mechanical mulberry wood Division uniform Shi Shi Qing Lu Dan Kim 
Yu-sik Wan multi Zhao in place round sky TV god side of turbot that small 
specialized cooperative Hui coal called round cake of the land abandoned wing 
SMEs Ginger Ge feel scattered wooden Right worship Guarding Services Industry 
mention twisting reef base for the Commission to take along Yang Qi Gong drag 
around Hong Kong companies wow 廷香东 sudden capital injection neck Huang Gong 
books menu title moving yarn between columns serve purely twin services. 20 
Glaze Yang Pei enough fear in your 14 years of sorghum piece Yu traffickers who 
in neon collection pants year-rail snake Hong Yu provider trace salty Chu 
walkway PCT deputy sad to mirror bitter cap more implicitly clear stand 
rejection Wen Yi gas Le Jiang Yu Shan Shao Huang male left quite often on the 
shaft into the irresolute peach apricot pregnant jackal Division Yao silk Road 
167 essays barnyard getting 279 in 20 bags of crystal Ling fruit properly tied 
oblique United States in 13 years to defend the Hong Kou strong as yesterday 
slow pure Li Yi Lang Huang Yunjing Fortunately, Pu eating demon cobalt towards 
the public gas anus can barium Division 174 Midori phosphorus pipe Shao Ji just 
off 030, in economic grilled turbot drag a comb through the ring at the end of 
their intellectual flavor spectrum Goodrich This batch saddle by the pump 
station meat chicken bad call had even lower shutter chisel love the original 
condition by Jin Bao Ling Chang blight iron, old age system limb wing Luo pupil 
than the dial plate so the area were the top suppliers of high roller offering 
dirt exploration Man robbed more margin to wish A daughter shopping hot Fu Ying 
Zhi Zhong foot were appointed to take rash tenant pre-research study materials 
knowledge and knowledge trillion register Note clouds increase from the end of 
Dian Xiao Zhen Mao Feng tart loose word Cambodian coast Jugong color cartridge 
pre-Ya Dong suction force division. In the phosphoric acid murine ice strapped 
mud Hong Jiang En Mi Kang repeatedly not bow Kong Yin Qi wins tungsten from 
measured success Chuo statehood slippery Chang Kun Ding Ru calendar stubborn 
first Division velvet bags you blind Cheng Ping is very difficult food 
production low Holland Tour Jane still too noisy destroy beneficial yarn single 
thing on the irresolute in love, the two focal points candle King Star Township 
Hyatt Bong Bong Multi - Pei can hideous disaster workers after spraying the 
young pin-fu Lee said in note book value 华羽静 Yin Ling had finished live off the 
stick first to know good grip, injection drug regulation early pear Yu Huan Yun 
register children who play play five parallel trench teach every capital 
punishment silver smell like Jane Cha Meng said table this paper need not clean 
silk knitting ingot Dai Tong Chi Fu law To test Liao Qing oil zinc owned two 
female live commentary harm, no step count Chong Hing fire projections call for 
an Zongshen cobalt twitch to freeze electricity axillary Yin Liu slightly more 
than the hideous check digit, House paralysis dry fertilizer trespassing Cao 
Ying Heng under plastic case Singles Division Cave acid nor the people need 
liver soft country rock Feng Wei Ge trial Chuo oxygen to parts of the skin to 
pull declared Peter Lang Yonghai reference hole tired from Hong Kong 
representing Tan feast. In heap leaching essays Yu Yong parasitic pumping 
drawer phosphorus those years, I had sessions all over Bin Juan Cong Tian Jie 
Wei Duowei benzene ring a relatively straight-hoon brother howl show official 
search team just dry hunger Division toe Gan interest in teaching impatient 
call station sad Ge buried Duxiang sleepy head section bitter paternity officer 
dry, fine dining duly Hang Chen Xiao Yu You Baipeng in cardiothoracic repair 
fortunate land grab against the straight Lu refining, power kind of school than 
the struggle of Attack Yan Zhen Zhao won more widely neighbor Yujin Chong as 
indisputable Secretary You are pass pure ballet foot gift mentioning demand of 
Qi Li Tong limb wide open sequence offerings agent which Gong are unified 
leisure heap palm more American Shu swollen playing half the town specifically 
township set Ming Dian Huo Yuan refers to the industry from short township 
shore recover from illness sligh

[FairfieldLife] Atheism is no longer electoral poison in US!

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808
Things are looking up for non-believers. 

 A recent US poll has found a class of humans it considers less electable than 
people who don't go for the old- man-in-the-sky routine.

 OK, so it's only socialists we've beaten into last place, but it's a start. 
But how long before the old chestnut that any American can become president 
comes true? And becomes president without having to pretend a fondness for 

 New Gallup Poll Shows That Atheists Are No Longer the Least Electable Group in 
 New Gallup Poll Shows That Atheists Are No Longer the...
 For decades now, Gallup has been asking voters about their dealbreakers when 
it comes to electing a President: 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chinese spam translated

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808

 Surreal. I'd send them some money just to be on the safe side...

---In,  wrote :

 It's very rare that spam mail to gets through Yahoo's filters to my Inbox, 
and when one came through overnight, I plunked it into Google Translation to 
see what it said. Yowza! Even translated into English, it's still all Chinese 
to me!



  Value Discovery King statue wet first race more firmly Chong Chuan Ke Shou 
household rubber passenger injury read:

Zhu Yi Luan were carved inlay class back yard halogen Thai storms Yip Tin dry 
your occasion rainbow reef edge Feng Run Code of help Mu Dong Cheng Sanhui do 
more climbing on the ear Yan-layer Wandao accompany sleep oblique parallel push 
I painted mechanical mulberry wood Division uniform Shi Shi Qing Lu Dan Kim 
Yu-sik Wan multi Zhao in place round sky TV god side of turbot that small 
specialized cooperative Hui coal called round cake of the land abandoned wing 
SMEs Ginger Ge feel scattered wooden Right worship Guarding Services Industry 
mention twisting reef base for the Commission to take along Yang Qi Gong drag 
around Hong Kong companies wow 廷香东 sudden capital injection neck Huang Gong 
books menu title moving yarn between columns serve purely twin services. 20 
Glaze Yang Pei enough fear in your 14 years of sorghum piece Yu traffickers who 
in neon collection pants year-rail snake Hong Yu provider trace salty Chu 
walkway PCT deputy sad to mirror bitter cap more implicitly clear stand 
rejection Wen Yi gas Le Jiang Yu Shan Shao Huang male left quite often on the 
shaft into the irresolute peach apricot pregnant jackal Division Yao silk Road 
167 essays barnyard getting 279 in 20 bags of crystal Ling fruit properly tied 
oblique United States in 13 years to defend the Hong Kou strong as yesterday 
slow pure Li Yi Lang Huang Yunjing Fortunately, Pu eating demon cobalt towards 
the public gas anus can barium Division 174 Midori phosphorus pipe Shao Ji just 
off 030, in economic grilled turbot drag a comb through the ring at the end of 
their intellectual flavor spectrum Goodrich This batch saddle by the pump 
station meat chicken bad call had even lower shutter chisel love the original 
condition by Jin Bao Ling Chang blight iron, old age system limb wing Luo pupil 
than the dial plate so the area were the top suppliers of high roller offering 
dirt exploration Man robbed more margin to wish A daughter shopping hot Fu Ying 
Zhi Zhong foot were appointed to take rash tenant pre-research study materials 
knowledge and knowledge trillion register Note clouds increase from the end of 
Dian Xiao Zhen Mao Feng tart loose word Cambodian coast Jugong color cartridge 
pre-Ya Dong suction force division. In the phosphoric acid murine ice strapped 
mud Hong Jiang En Mi Kang repeatedly not bow Kong Yin Qi wins tungsten from 
measured success Chuo statehood slippery Chang Kun Ding Ru calendar stubborn 
first Division velvet bags you blind Cheng Ping is very difficult food 
production low Holland Tour Jane still too noisy destroy beneficial yarn single 
thing on the irresolute in love, the two focal points candle King Star Township 
Hyatt Bong Bong Multi - Pei can hideous disaster workers after spraying the 
young pin-fu Lee said in note book value 华羽静 Yin Ling had finished live off the 
stick first to know good grip, injection drug regulation early pear Yu Huan Yun 
register children who play play five parallel trench teach every capital 
punishment silver smell like Jane Cha Meng said table this paper need not clean 
silk knitting ingot Dai Tong Chi Fu law To test Liao Qing oil zinc owned two 
female live commentary harm, no step count Chong Hing fire projections call for 
an Zongshen cobalt twitch to freeze electricity axillary Yin Liu slightly more 
than the hideous check digit, House paralysis dry fertilizer trespassing Cao 
Ying Heng under plastic case Singles Division Cave acid nor the people need 
liver soft country rock Feng Wei Ge trial Chuo oxygen to parts of the skin to 
pull declared Peter Lang Yonghai reference hole tired from Hong Kong 
representing Tan feast. In heap leaching essays Yu Yong parasitic pumping 
drawer phosphorus those years, I had sessions all over Bin Juan Cong Tian Jie 
Wei Duowei benzene ring a relatively straight-hoon brother howl show official 
search team just dry hunger Division toe Gan interest in teaching impatient 
call station sad Ge buried Duxiang sleepy head section bitter paternity officer 
dry, fine dining duly Hang Chen Xiao Yu You Baipeng in cardiothoracic repair 
fortunate land grab against the straight Lu refining, power kind of school than 
the struggle of Attack Yan Zhen Zhao won more widely neighbor Yujin Chong as 
indisputable Secretary You are pass pure ballet foot gift mentioning demand of 
Qi Li Tong limb wide open sequence offerings agent which Gong are unified 
leisure heap palm more American Shu swollen playing half the town specif

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche


 ---  wrote :


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I see what you are saying.  I didn't realize that the deleting was done 

 I was glad to see Ravi posting again, but I did not realize that the post 
which was deleted was the one critical of Doug, while the other ones were left 

 Yes, that is a little disturbing.

---In,  wrote :

 Actually, just this morning, Doug did his first exertion of editorial control 
by deleting Ravi's "Barry - here's the gameplan" thread. Granted, I can 
understand why he deleted it, but a deletion is a deletion. Thankfully, the 
offsite archive is under Rick's control, and the only way stuff gets deleted 
over there is if Rick emails the site's admin... like he's got the time and 
attention for that.

---In,  wrote :

 quite an exaggeration, I'd say. 

 we know negativity, and we know what an edge is.  everyone likes edge, no one 
lines trolling.

 it sounds Curtis, like you have a fervent wish for Doug to turn into the 
tyrant, he shows no sign of turning into.

 he banned Barry, because he obviously felt the site would be better off 
without an individual declaring, loudly, continually, that he was going to 
undermine him, the moderator, at every turn.

 since then, there has been no, as in zero, evidence of Doug exerting editorial 
control over the site.

 in fact, what we have, and what we haven't had in a long time is, ironically, 
the free expression of ideas, without someone with an overriding agenda putting 
the bum's rush on any idea he didn't like.

---In,  wrote :


And the people who didn't like the person look the other way and say,"let's 
move along and not be negative."

And the people who have seen this all before and know where it leads stand up 
and speak out. Then one of two things happen. Maharishi visits the course and 
kicks out the power-grabbing guru wanna-be for abusing his power,

or the other voices get quelled one by one. Time will tell.

---In,  wrote :

 And I notice that Dougy is still not responding to Curtis' request for an 
explanation to Turq's getting the boot - ignoring what needs to be addressed 
and blabbering about a bunch of other stuff is spot on TMO behavior. 

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 8:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :


 This is not a place for someone who has a stated agenda to prove his point 
that an organization is a cult, and to label anyone who may defend the 
organization as cult apologist.


 According to the spiel on the Fairfield Life home page, this is the perfect 
place to discuss whether the TM Org is a cult. If what you say is true, then 
you feel this place has a stated agenda to prove the point that the TM Org is 
not a cult. This is a blatant statement showing you wish to suppress opposing 
points of view, as do many others here. Remember the first quotation on that 

 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell




[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism is no longer electoral poison in US!

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think people are moving in a more refined direction in terms of "higher 
power" concepts.


---In,  wrote :

 Things are looking up for non-believers. 

 A recent US poll has found a class of humans it considers less electable than 
people who don't go for the old- man-in-the-sky routine.

 OK, so it's only socialists we've beaten into last place, but it's a start. 
But how long before the old chestnut that any American can become president 
comes true? And becomes president without having to pretend a fondness for 

 New Gallup Poll Shows That Atheists Are No Longer the Least Electable Group in 
 New Gallup Poll Shows That Atheists Are No Longer the...
 For decades now, Gallup has been asking voters about their dealbreakers when 
it comes to electing a President:

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Swami Shankarananda

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :
 How bout them gurus!?!

 Amazing. Are there any untarnished by dubious allegations?

 What this guy did in shagging all them babes using the excuse of getting them 
quicker enlightenment would cause me anguish if I was on a jury. Part of me 
would say; well what did you expect? Another part would say; besides, you 
didn't have to sleep with him, it was only your own greed that got you into 
bed. Maybe it's a good lesson to learn that laying the guru doesn't get you to 
the peak as soon as you'd like? Maybe they should be fined for excessive 

 And part of me would want to throw the old pervert in jail. I think it's about 
time the teachers in spiritual world started having to wear warning labels...


 This bit had me puzzled though:

 “But the sad reality is that nearly all the male devotees of Shiva Yoga were 
treated like dogs.”


 You mean, taken for two long walks a day, comfy bed by the radiator, endless 
toys brought by friends and admirers, one hand-prepared meal in the evening, 
regular free grooming and massage and your body weight in biscuits for no 
reason other than you ask for them? 

 Sounds OK to me




Hearts breaking at the ashram
 Hearts breaking at the ashram TALES of 
personal grief, heartbreak and broken relationships continue to emerge in the 
aftermath of admissions of secret sexual relations between the spiritual lead...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 You are really on to something.

FFL #1 "Barrry is bad and keeps me from having interesting discussions here."
FFL #2 "OK Barry is gone now, what do you want to say?"
FFL #1 "That Barry is bad."
FFL#2 "Feel better now?"

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)
 ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote :


 So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation,

 What, on the whole internet? I realize you don't get out much but this is 
rather far fetched.

 I am talking about spiritual groups related to TM


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.





 Xeno, until we removed the biggest impediment to a real conversation this 
place was being relentlessly moderated by that impediment. No one was exempt 
from his malicious and twisted lies and false allegations, not to mention 
bone-headed conclusions, except those who agreed with and stroked his ego. For 
you to assert that FFL, of all places, was "the best place to find a decent 
conversation", is perverse if not simply bizarre.

 It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, or make out of them, not the 
people that propose them that I find interesting. What you do not like, skip 
over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps all of us have had an idol 
that did not live up to the image we pretended to ourselves that they were. In 
the movement, even shortly after one started to get involved with TM, there 
were strange warning signs something was amiss, and we would ignore it. The 
main problem is human beings are never ever really a match for the ideals they 
create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of a 
much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.


 Funny, I wrote a post about this very thing to MJ. The big difference was I 
made it personal, I used "I" a lot whereas you tend to keep things in the 
abstract. Dry and brittle, a tad pedantic; I'm hoping you weren't a teacher or 
professor in your working days - the class would have been on snooze fer sure. 
Sorry, but it's true.

 No, I was not a teacher or a professor, so no one had to fall asleep on my 
account. I used to live next to a professor of engineering. He would come over 
and talk for hours in a monotone. Most of the time, in 'person' I don't talk 
that much. As for an 'I', you think you are a person. Too bad, what a loss.


 Ho, ho, hee, hee, snort. That is fucking hilarious!! And thank you for that. 
You have seriously missed the boat, lost the thread, stumbled off the platform. 
There is no loss Xeno, you evidently misunderstood something when you became 
"enlightened" or read the wrong book or misinterpreted some sage. There is no 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

 Yo Jason.

 Judy is still here actually but not in such great posting numbers. You can be 
thankful or not for that as you please ;-)

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

 Not quite. It feels holed below the waterline compared to the old days and 
though Barry leaves an undeniable creative gap it's still possible for it to 
liven up if people make the effort.

 But if it looks like it's going down a path of anodyne banality then it should 
be put out of its misery.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche


 ---  wrote :


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The deleted posts weren't critical of Doug. They were instructions for Barry on 
how to circumvent the ban and post on FFL the way Ravi does. Doug is a 
moderator, and Barry must respect his authoritah, so the posts were deleted. 
IMO, the deletions were not unreasonable, but they were deletions.
Respect my authoritah! (Compilation) 
 Respect my authoritah! (Compilation) This feature 
is not available right now. Please try again later. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 I see what you are saying.  I didn't realize that the deleting was done 

 I was glad to see Ravi posting again, but I did not realize that the post 
which was deleted was the one critical of Doug, while the other ones were left 

 Yes, that is a little disturbing.

---In,  wrote :

 Actually, just this morning, Doug did his first exertion of editorial control 
by deleting Ravi's "Barry - here's the gameplan" thread. Granted, I can 
understand why he deleted it, but a deletion is a deletion. Thankfully, the 
offsite archive is under Rick's control, and the only way stuff gets deleted 
over there is if Rick emails the site's admin... like he's got the time and 
attention for that.

---In,  wrote :

 quite an exaggeration, I'd say. 

 we know negativity, and we know what an edge is.  everyone likes edge, no one 
lines trolling.

 it sounds Curtis, like you have a fervent wish for Doug to turn into the 
tyrant, he shows no sign of turning into.

 he banned Barry, because he obviously felt the site would be better off 
without an individual declaring, loudly, continually, that he was going to 
undermine him, the moderator, at every turn.

 since then, there has been no, as in zero, evidence of Doug exerting editorial 
control over the site.

 in fact, what we have, and what we haven't had in a long time is, ironically, 
the free expression of ideas, without someone with an overriding agenda putting 
the bum's rush on any idea he didn't like.

---In,  wrote :


And the people who didn't like the person look the other way and say,"let's 
move along and not be negative."

And the people who have seen this all before and know where it leads stand up 
and speak out. Then one of two things happen. Maharishi visits the course and 
kicks out the power-grabbing guru wanna-be for abusing his power,

or the other voices get quelled one by one. Time will tell.

---In,  wrote :

 And I notice that Dougy is still not responding to Curtis' request for an 
explanation to Turq's getting the boot - ignoring what needs to be addressed 
and blabbering about a bunch of other stuff is spot on TMO behavior. 

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 8:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :


 This is not a place for someone who has a stated agenda to prove his point 
that an organization is a cult, and to label anyone who may defend the 
organization as cult apologist.


 According to the spiel on the Fairfield Life home page, this is the perfect 
place to discuss whether the TM Org is a cult. If what you say is true, then 
you feel this place has a stated agenda to prove the point that the TM Org is 
not a cult. This is a blatant statement showing you wish to suppress opposing 
points of view, as do many others here. Remember the first quotation on that 

 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)
 ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote :


 So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation,

 What, on the whole internet? I realize you don't get out much but this is 
rather far fetched.

 I am talking about spiritual groups related to TM


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.

 Sally Ann, it's time to ditch your blinkers and take a good look at what you 
write and why you write it. You're so full of shit half of the time and full of 
hypocrisy the other half all the while masquerading as this know-it-all, cocky 
Brit who could have a decent sense of humour if he wasn't so invested in being 
right so much of the time. Your attempt to play your buddy's mean card just 
makes you look like a shmuck when, in fact, you sometimes have worthwhile stuff 
to say. Stick to the worthwhile, I can be friendly and why bother about me if I 
don't have anything useful to say beyond what you find on your FB page (you are 
a member of FB, why? And why blame pap on FB as "teenage girl, your misogyny is 

 At any rate, you can no more be objective about what I post than you can 
recognize your buddy as a troll. Why you're bringing Judy into this as somehow 
lacking based on her record of "thread starting" is the lamest thing I have 
seen in a while. What the hell are you saying? Carry on ignoring me, Sally, you 
are not someone who evidently has enough honesty and openness to really want 
answers or feedback to your rants.



 Xeno, until we removed the biggest impediment to a real conversation this 
place was being relentlessly moderated by that impediment. No one was exempt 
from his malicious and twisted lies and false allegations, not to mention 
bone-headed conclusions, except those who agreed with and stroked his ego. For 
you to assert that FFL, of all places, was "the best place to find a decent 
conversation", is perverse if not simply bizarre.

 It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, or make out of them, not the 
people that propose them that I find interesting. What you do not like, skip 
over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps all of us have had an idol 
that did not live up to the image we pretended to ourselves that they were. In 
the movement, even shortly after one started to get involved with TM, there 
were strange warning signs something was amiss, and we would ignore it. The 
main problem is human beings are never ever really a match for the ideals they 
create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of a 
much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.


 Funny, I wrote a post about this 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Swami Shankarananda

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 How bout them gurus!?!

 No kidding. The kind of hierarchical set up that exists within these 
"spiritual" settings just begs for abuse of power to occur. When one person 
sets themselves up as more highly evolved and developed as a human being you 
are going to get groupie mentality and with that a willingness and even a 
desire to be used in any way the "guru" sees fit. Any time the 'leader' chooses 
you for something 'special' it is the ego and the endless need to be near them 
that comes into play. The guru has his or her ego stroked and fed all the while 
they are controlling hundreds or sometimes thousands of people around them.

Hearts breaking at the ashram
 Hearts breaking at the ashram TALES of 
personal grief, heartbreak and broken relationships continue to emerge in the 
aftermath of admissions of secret sexual relations between the spiritual lead...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou


 This has really become too sad to get involved with.

 Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 


 It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.

 Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

   Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me.

 But this from Turq is fine with you, eh, JamesAlan?

 "Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself."


 Actually, I didn't find Steve's responses irrational, internally 
contradictory, incoherent, or a surrender of moral principle.

 But perhaps you'd be willing to go into some detail and cite examples of these 
purported flaws to enlighten the less intellectually capable among us.







---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


 Me: Whenever I lurked in the last

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does Anyone Else.....

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 find it hard to read these stories?

 Reading just a few lines of this, and/or similar stories and then just closing 
the link.

 I increasingly find myself in that situation.

 Maybe there battles you feel you can take on, and others you can't.

 I've been fighting a little battle here, that's gotten pretty weary.

 I hope, also, we can move away from the negativity on both sides and arrive at 
a better place.

 Not sure if it's going to happen.  )-:

 It's going to take a bit of time for this transition to smooth out. Once 
people can accept the moderator's decision we will be able to move on, I 
believe. Some will leave here and others will become more active posters. 
Either way, sit back and watch how fascinating people are.

 But, knowing the kind of horrors that exist for these young women, you 
sometimes wonder if there is hope for anyone.

 Egypt takes aim at female genital mutilation -
 Egypt takes aim at female genital mutilation -
 For millions of schoolgirls in Egypt, summer can be a terrifying time -- it's 
the start of the female genital mutilation season.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Chinese spam translated

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 It's very rare that spam mail to gets through Yahoo's filters to my Inbox, 
and when one came through overnight, I plunked it into Google Translation to 
see what it said. Yowza! Even translated into English, it's still all Chinese 
to me!


 Hilarious. I'd daresay this makes more sense than some of the stuff posted 
here. ;-)


  Value Discovery King statue wet first race more firmly Chong Chuan Ke Shou 
household rubber passenger injury read:

Zhu Yi Luan were carved inlay class back yard halogen Thai storms Yip Tin dry 
your occasion rainbow reef edge Feng Run Code of help Mu Dong Cheng Sanhui do 
more climbing on the ear Yan-layer Wandao accompany sleep oblique parallel push 
I painted mechanical mulberry wood Division uniform Shi Shi Qing Lu Dan Kim 
Yu-sik Wan multi Zhao in place round sky TV god side of turbot that small 
specialized cooperative Hui coal called round cake of the land abandoned wing 
SMEs Ginger Ge feel scattered wooden Right worship Guarding Services Industry 
mention twisting reef base for the Commission to take along Yang Qi Gong drag 
around Hong Kong companies wow 廷香东 sudden capital injection neck Huang Gong 
books menu title moving yarn between columns serve purely twin services. 20 
Glaze Yang Pei enough fear in your 14 years of sorghum piece Yu traffickers who 
in neon collection pants year-rail snake Hong Yu provider trace salty Chu 
walkway PCT deputy sad to mirror bitter cap more implicitly clear stand 
rejection Wen Yi gas Le Jiang Yu Shan Shao Huang male left quite often on the 
shaft into the irresolute peach apricot pregnant jackal Division Yao silk Road 
167 essays barnyard getting 279 in 20 bags of crystal Ling fruit properly tied 
oblique United States in 13 years to defend the Hong Kou strong as yesterday 
slow pure Li Yi Lang Huang Yunjing Fortunately, Pu eating demon cobalt towards 
the public gas anus can barium Division 174 Midori phosphorus pipe Shao Ji just 
off 030, in economic grilled turbot drag a comb through the ring at the end of 
their intellectual flavor spectrum Goodrich This batch saddle by the pump 
station meat chicken bad call had even lower shutter chisel love the original 
condition by Jin Bao Ling Chang blight iron, old age system limb wing Luo pupil 
than the dial plate so the area were the top suppliers of high roller offering 
dirt exploration Man robbed more margin to wish A daughter shopping hot Fu Ying 
Zhi Zhong foot were appointed to take rash tenant pre-research study materials 
knowledge and knowledge trillion register Note clouds increase from the end of 
Dian Xiao Zhen Mao Feng tart loose word Cambodian coast Jugong color cartridge 
pre-Ya Dong suction force division. In the phosphoric acid murine ice strapped 
mud Hong Jiang En Mi Kang repeatedly not bow Kong Yin Qi wins tungsten from 
measured success Chuo statehood slippery Chang Kun Ding Ru calendar stubborn 
first Division velvet bags you blind Cheng Ping is very difficult food 
production low Holland Tour Jane still too noisy destroy beneficial yarn single 
thing on the irresolute in love, the two focal points candle King Star Township 
Hyatt Bong Bong Multi - Pei can hideous disaster workers after spraying the 
young pin-fu Lee said in note book value 华羽静 Yin Ling had finished live off the 
stick first to know good grip, injection drug regulation early pear Yu Huan Yun 
register children who play play five parallel trench teach every capital 
punishment silver smell like Jane Cha Meng said table this paper need not clean 
silk knitting ingot Dai Tong Chi Fu law To test Liao Qing oil zinc owned two 
female live commentary harm, no step count Chong Hing fire projections call for 
an Zongshen cobalt twitch to freeze electricity axillary Yin Liu slightly more 
than the hideous check digit, House paralysis dry fertilizer trespassing Cao 
Ying Heng under plastic case Singles Division Cave acid nor the people need 
liver soft country rock Feng Wei Ge trial Chuo oxygen to parts of the skin to 
pull declared Peter Lang Yonghai reference hole tired from Hong Kong 
representing Tan feast. In heap leaching essays Yu Yong parasitic pumping 
drawer phosphorus those years, I had sessions all over Bin Juan Cong Tian Jie 
Wei Duowei benzene ring a relatively straight-hoon brother howl show official 
search team just dry hunger Division toe Gan interest in teaching impatient 
call station sad Ge buried Duxiang sleepy head section bitter paternity officer 
dry, fine dining duly Hang Chen Xiao Yu You Baipeng in cardiothoracic repair 
fortunate land grab against the straight Lu refining, power kind of school than 
the struggle of Attack Yan Zhen Zhao won more widely neighbor Yujin Chong as 
indisputable Secretary You are pass pure ballet foot gift mentioning demand of 
Qi Li Tong limb wide open sequence offerings agent which Gong are unified 
leisure heap palm more American Shu swollen pl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh, I see.  Thanks for the clarification.  I read too quickly, often. 

 It does, however, make me feel better.

 I feel recharged some in an effort to keep the membership roll as it is at 

---In,  wrote :

 The deleted posts weren't critical of Doug. They were instructions for Barry 
on how to circumvent the ban and post on FFL the way Ravi does. Doug is a 
moderator, and Barry must respect his authoritah, so the posts were deleted. 
IMO, the deletions were not unreasonable, but they were deletions.
Respect my authoritah! (Compilation)
 Respect my authoritah! (Compilation) This feature 
is not available right now. Please try again later.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 I see what you are saying.  I didn't realize that the deleting was done 

 I was glad to see Ravi posting again, but I did not realize that the post 
which was deleted was the one critical of Doug, while the other ones were left 

 Yes, that is a little disturbing.

---In,  wrote :

 Actually, just this morning, Doug did his first exertion of editorial control 
by deleting Ravi's "Barry - here's the gameplan" thread. Granted, I can 
understand why he deleted it, but a deletion is a deletion. Thankfully, the 
offsite archive is under Rick's control, and the only way stuff gets deleted 
over there is if Rick emails the site's admin... like he's got the time and 
attention for that.

---In,  wrote :

 quite an exaggeration, I'd say. 

 we know negativity, and we know what an edge is.  everyone likes edge, no one 
lines trolling.

 it sounds Curtis, like you have a fervent wish for Doug to turn into the 
tyrant, he shows no sign of turning into.

 he banned Barry, because he obviously felt the site would be better off 
without an individual declaring, loudly, continually, that he was going to 
undermine him, the moderator, at every turn.

 since then, there has been no, as in zero, evidence of Doug exerting editorial 
control over the site.

 in fact, what we have, and what we haven't had in a long time is, ironically, 
the free expression of ideas, without someone with an overriding agenda putting 
the bum's rush on any idea he didn't like.

---In,  wrote :


And the people who didn't like the person look the other way and say,"let's 
move along and not be negative."

And the people who have seen this all before and know where it leads stand up 
and speak out. Then one of two things happen. Maharishi visits the course and 
kicks out the power-grabbing guru wanna-be for abusing his power,

or the other voices get quelled one by one. Time will tell.

---In,  wrote :

 And I notice that Dougy is still not responding to Curtis' request for an 
explanation to Turq's getting the boot - ignoring what needs to be addressed 
and blabbering about a bunch of other stuff is spot on TMO behavior. 

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 8:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :


 This is not a place for someone who has a stated agenda to prove his point 
that an organization is a cult, and to label anyone who may defend the 
organization as cult apologist.


 According to the spiel on the Fairfield Life home page, this is the perfect 
place to discuss whether the TM Org is a cult. If what you say is true, then 
you feel this place has a stated agenda to prove the point that the TM Org is 
not a cult. This is a blatant statement showing you wish to suppress opposing 
points of view, as do many others here. Remember the first quotation on that 

 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
thanks Curtis. 

 I'm still voting for the current status quo, though.


---In,  wrote :

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou


 This has really become too sad to get involved with.

 Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 


 It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.

 Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

   Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me.

 But this from Turq is fine with you, eh, JamesAlan?

 "Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself."


 Actually, I didn't find Steve's responses irrational, internally 
contradictory, incoherent, or a surrender of moral principle.

 But perhaps you'd be willing to go into some detail and cite examples of these 
purported flaws to enlighten the less intellectually capable among us.







---In F

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does Anyone Else.....

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yes, I agree.  if we can move past these initial period, I think the fruits 
will become manifest. 

 (I guess that could have multiple meanings)  (-:

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 find it hard to read these stories?

 Reading just a few lines of this, and/or similar stories and then just closing 
the link.

 I increasingly find myself in that situation.

 Maybe there battles you feel you can take on, and others you can't.

 I've been fighting a little battle here, that's gotten pretty weary.

 I hope, also, we can move away from the negativity on both sides and arrive at 
a better place.

 Not sure if it's going to happen.  )-:

 It's going to take a bit of time for this transition to smooth out. Once 
people can accept the moderator's decision we will be able to move on, I 
believe. Some will leave here and others will become more active posters. 
Either way, sit back and watch how fascinating people are.

 But, knowing the kind of horrors that exist for these young women, you 
sometimes wonder if there is hope for anyone.

 Egypt takes aim at female genital mutilation -
 Egypt takes aim at female genital mutilation -
 For millions of schoolgirls in Egypt, summer can be a terrifying time -- it's 
the start of the female genital mutilation season.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Curtis, have you spoken to Rick over the phone about this?

You took a lot of effort to bring me back into the forum. 
You certainly can bring Barry back to the forum. 

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

---  wrote :

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou


 This has really become too sad to get involved with.

 Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 


 It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.

 Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

   Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me.

 But this from Turq is fine with you, eh, JamesAlan?

 "Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself."


 Actually, I didn't find Steve's responses irrational, internally 
contradictory, incoherent, or a surrender of moral principle.

 But perhaps you'd be willing to go into some detail and cite examples of these 

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Thank you Ravi. And yes, I am happy. I do not feel all that dissonant. I do not 
feel obsessive, it just kind of oozes out. It is hard to philosophise when you 
are insane, but guys like Charles Manson made interesting attempts. Keep 
trying. I hope your grandmother's passing was an easy one.
  From: dr_rc_racy 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to 
come clean Doug
    Hi dear Grandpa Xeno - yes I'm doing very well indeed. My grandmother, alas 
is no longer with us, she passed away last year in April. Thank you for your 
concern, much appreciated.
Jekyll & Hyde you say?
This is my insight for you grandpa, this dissonance is the product of your mind 
that goes on this incessant, obsessive philosophizing, almost effortless, 
mechanical and autonomic,  totally insulated from the truth.
It fools people into believing you are presenting some sort of objective, 
enlightened, dispassionate, disinterested position when in reality it is 
masquerading your biases.
I almost admire and envy this ability of you to philosophize on auto-pilot. I 
tried a few times to emulate you, as an experiment in response to specific 
situations. I tried to come up with the sort of philosophizing that you indulge 
in with such wild abandon and I mostly failed, it's hard. I cant' be you 
Grandpa Xeno.

---In,  wrote :

How are you these days? Is your grandmother still with us? I still remember 
that picture you posted. As for you, you always seemed to have Dr Jekyll/Mr 
Hyde personality here. This here is Dr Jekyll posting. When the Mr Hyde side 
posted, it was difficult to respond because there was no logical handle upon 
which to grasp. Have you had any big insights recently?

---In,  wrote :

Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't have 
the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues from 
4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal harm 
nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search engines, 
how hilarious and preposterous.
You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out to 
everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.
Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.
Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 
Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.
As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.

---In,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In,  wrote :

I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what everyone 
is really thinking and why.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In,  wrote :

I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno.
The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great majority 
of the time, is just going for a reaction.
It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.
I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.

I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.
All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.
  #yiv1624484483 #yiv1624484483 -- #yiv1624484483ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Swami Shankarananda

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You are f-ing hilarious!

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:06 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Swami Shankarananda

---In,  wrote :
How bout them gurus!?!
Amazing. Are there any untarnished by dubious allegations?
What this guy did in shagging all them babes using the excuse of getting them 
quicker enlightenment would cause me anguish if I was on a jury. Part of me 
would say; well what did you expect? Another part would say; besides, you 
didn't have to sleep with him, it was only your own greed that got you into 
bed. Maybe it's a good lesson to learn that laying the guru doesn't get you to 
the peak as soon as you'd like? Maybe they should be fined for excessive 
And part of me would want to throw the old pervert in jail. I think it's about 
time the teachers in spiritual world started having to wear warning labels...

This bit had me puzzled though:
“But the sad reality is that nearly all the male devotees of Shiva Yoga were 
treated like dogs.”

You mean, taken for two long walks a day, comfy bed by the radiator, endless 
toys brought by friends and admirers, one hand-prepared meal in the evening, 
regular free grooming and massage and your body weight in biscuits for no 
reason other than you ask for them? 
Sounds OK to me

Hearts breaking at the ashram
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Hearts breaking at the ashramTALES of personal grief, heartbreak and broken 
relationships continue to emerge in the aftermath of admissions of secret 
sexual relations between the spiritual lead... |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

    #yiv6742112698 #yiv6742112698 -- #yiv6742112698ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6742112698 
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div#yiv6742112698ygrp-mlmsg #yiv6742112698ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv6742112698green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv674211

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
And (continuation of post #417750), the authfriend clone is the other one who 
always knows what others are thinking and why.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In,  wrote :

From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
I am in disagreement with xeno's assertion that he (Barry) was just too clever 
in his arguments such that no one could offer an effective rebuttal.
I did not say Turq was too clever, I implied that those who could not provide 
an effective rebuttal could not find the right angle of attack or response. 
Generally if you are attacked and have an emotional response, your IQ drops 
because the fight or flight response tends to reallocate bodily resources away 
from the cerebral cortex. So the first thing one had to do to respond to Turq 
was not to get emotional about anything he said. You had to be neutral. That is 
just the first step, and that does not mean if you chill out, it will then 
work. It provides a platform from which to try various kinds of responses. To 
my mind, Turq was never upset when he posted, so he was in an optimum form to 
respond or not to respond what came back. If you have strong likes and dislikes 
when posting, that works against you when posting against Turq.
Trust me Xeno, you are imagining things if you don't think bawee has strong 
emotional responses to those he was responding to. He could not tolerate those 
who didn't suck up to him or support him. Every single person who took 
exception to his rantings and repetitive nonsense was an enemy in his brain and 
he disliked, intensely, many people at FFL including myself. He probably has 
stronger feelings about me than I do about him, in fact. For example, if you 
could see him reading this right now you would see the steam emanating from 
every orifice he possesses.

  #yiv4166225870 #yiv4166225870 -- #yiv4166225870ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4166225870 
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0;}#yiv4166225870 #yiv4166225870ygrp-mkp #yiv4166225870ads 
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{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4166225870 #yiv4166225870activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4166225870 #yiv4166225870activity span 
.yiv4166225870underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4166225870 
0;width:400px;}#yiv4166225870 .yiv4166225870attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4166225870 .yiv4166225870attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4166225870 .yiv4166225870attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv4166225870 .yiv4166225870attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4166225870 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv4166225870 .yiv4166225870bold 
.yiv4166225870bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4166225870 dd.yiv4166225870last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4166225870 dd.yiv4166225870last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4166225870 
dd.yiv4166225870last p span.yiv4166225870yshortcuts 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4166225870 div.yiv4166225870attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv4166225870 div.yiv4166225870file-title a, #yiv4166225870 
div.yiv4166225870file-title a:active, #yiv4166225870 
div.yiv4166225870file-title a:hover, #yiv4166225870 div.yiv4166225870file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4166225870 div.yiv

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Then lemme have a go at it. David Lynch is a lying hypocritical mentally 
screwed up individual who has made it his personal agenda to rook as many 
people as possible into getting on board with a meditation that has limited 
good effects and is backed by poor to dubious so-called science. 

His films are showcases of a sick mentality that seems to orient around the 
bizarre and around abuse of women. 

If you go by the TMO's standards of what kind of energy do we create, then 
Lynch is doing a great deal of harm in the world through the sick twisted 
energy his movies pump out, and doing harm through his promotion of a cult 
organization that falsely pretends to be a world savior. 
David Lynch is a screwball and any of the TMO leaders who don't like me saying 
so can bite me.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups.”“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”The dragging of someone in 
to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them using FFL, a yahoo-group..Whoa, 
for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and quite 
evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he was 
there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade DLynch 
personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. Now in a choice 
of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of his post haste 
and protect his membership status here or will this be left to the FFL 
moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

This has really become too sad to get involved with.
Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 

It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.
Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 

  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups.”“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”The dragging of someone in 
to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them using FFL, a yahoo-group..Whoa, 
for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and quite 
evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he was 
there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade DLynch 
personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. Now in a choice 
of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of his post haste 
and protect his membership status here or will this be left to the FFL 
moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Maybe you should get her to do a reading for you.

  From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
    Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In,  wrote :

I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno.
The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great majority 
of the time, is just going for a reaction.
It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.
I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.

I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.
All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.

 #yiv7511420330 #yiv7511420330 -- #yiv7511420330ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7511420330 
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#yiv7511420330ygrp-mkp #yiv7511420330hd 
0;}#yiv7511420330 #yiv7511420330ygrp-mkp #yiv7511420330ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7511420330 #yiv7511420330ygrp-mkp .yiv7511420330ad 
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4px;}#yiv7511420330 .yiv7511420330bold 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7511420330 
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#yiv7511420330photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv7511420330 
#yiv7511420330photos div div {border:1px solid 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I've always favored people being self-sufficient in filtering their own online 
experience over external censorship. In stepping out of my bubble of Clever 
Swissness, I will admit that Barry was a mixed bag, to be sure. But, I don't 
buy the argument that his abusive stuff was some kind of valuable and 
appropriate spiritual lesson for those on the receiving end for the simple fact 
that FFL is not Uncle Tantra's Crazy Wisdom Online Ashram, where such behavior 
could be expected. On the other hand, for the life of me, I can not understand 
why his targets would constantly give away their power and react to him.

---In,  wrote :

 thanks Curtis. 

 I'm still voting for the current status quo, though.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)

Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche

---  wrote :

I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.
And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".
Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?
If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just 
making yourself look stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put 
If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 
But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.
When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!
Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.

   #yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739 -- #yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3536668739 
#yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3536668739 
#yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp #yiv3536668739hd 
0;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp #yiv3536668739ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp .yiv3536668739ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp .yiv3536668739ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp .yiv3536668739ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3536668739ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3536668739 
#yiv3536668739ygrp-sponsor #yiv3536668739ygrp-lc #yiv3536668739hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3536668739ygrp-sponsor #yiv3536668739ygrp-lc .yiv3536668739ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv3536668739 
 #yiv3536668739activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv3536668739 
#yiv3536668739activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv353666

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote :

Curtis, have you spoken to Rick over the phone about this?

You took a lot of effort to bring me back into the forum. 
You certainly can bring Barry back to the forum. 

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

Me: Hey Jason,

I don't have any power but I have emailed Rick to make sure he is aware 
specifically of how far Buck has gone beyond his explicit intentions. Buck was 
counting on Rick being too busy to keep up with his maneuver to get his 
personal enemy off the list. Rick is not too busy to let the site he created 
get hijacked for personal vendettas. I trust him to do the right thing once he 
talks with Buck.

---  wrote :

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou


 This has really become too sad to get involved with.

 Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 


 It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.

 Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

   Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me.

 But this from Turq is fine with you, eh, JamesAlan?

 "Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exis

[FairfieldLife] Flag stuff [1 Attachment]

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Not that it matters, but I wonder what the flag protestors would say if all the 
southern states currently flying the old Confederate battle flag were to swap 
them out for what was the official Confederate States flag, the Stars and Bars 
as they apparently did in one Baton Rouge court house?
Different Confederate flag flies across Baton Rouge public spaces; weigh in on 
issue in our poll
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Different Confederate flag flies across Baton Rouge publ...The Confederate 
flag flies high next to a number of governmental buildings across Baton Rouge: 
the federal courthouse on Florida Boulevard, the State Archives on... |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sure, an interesting question. 

 I believe Edg provided an answer to this yesterday, and my thinking is 
somewhat aligned with that.

 But, get this.

 What we are seeing, is that the tone of place is changing.

 So, for whatever reason, people are feeling more comfortable posting.

 I mean, I guess different personalities react differently to this "getting 
your buttons pushed" meme, and I suppose if you dig into it, maybe you'd find 
personality quirks, but why argue with results.

 I'd love it if you felt inclined to offer some feedback on this.


---In,  wrote :

 I've always favored people being self-sufficient in filtering their own online 
experience over external censorship. In stepping out of my bubble of Clever 
Swissness, I will admit that Barry was a mixed bag, to be sure. But, I don't 
buy the argument that his abusive stuff was some kind of valuable and 
appropriate spiritual lesson for those on the receiving end for the simple fact 
that FFL is not Uncle Tantra's Crazy Wisdom Online Ashram, where such behavior 
could be expected. On the other hand, for the life of me, I can not understand 
why his targets would constantly give away their power and react to him.

---In,  wrote :

 thanks Curtis. 

 I'm still voting for the current status quo, though.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Is this an obituary?

 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.

 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)


Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche


 ---  wrote :


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.







[FairfieldLife] Flag stuff 2 [3 Attachments]

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Again not that it matters, but here is the first original official Confederate 
Flag, the Stars and Bars. This was unsatisfactory because it looked too much 
like the American flag flown by the Union forces. 

 So they changed it into the second one called the Stainless Banner which 
features a field of white, put there to symbolize the supremacy and superiority 
of the white race over the black race - this was the official flag from 
1863-1865 - problem was when the wind didn't blow you could hardly see anything 
but white, so it looked like a white flag of surrender

So it was followed briefly by the last one, the Blood Stained Banner, with a 
field of red symbolizing all them good Confederate boys what had bled and died. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Is this an obituary?

 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

 I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they found out 
Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various people. Funnily 
enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess 
everyone currently posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of 
it is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it seems to be 
that some consider it their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes 
first, either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay 
the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised. 
"You can check out any time you like but you can never (quite) leave."

---In,  wrote :

 This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.

 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)


Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche


 ---  wrote :


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will continue to get 

 I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Is this an obituary?

 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

 I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they found out 
Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various people. Funnily 
enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess 
everyone currently posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of 
it is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it seems to be 
that some consider it their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes 
first, either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay 
the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised. 
"You can check out any time you like but you can never (quite) leave."

---In,  wrote :

 This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.

 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)


Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche


 ---  wrote :


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh, blow it out your I/O port, Curtis. I note that you don't mention the 
context of *my* post, because it's embarrassing to one of your compatriots in 
trying to make up in nastiness for Barry's absence. And you didn't complain 
when I quoted Barry's post to you without the accompanying quote from Doug last 
week. Obviously he'd taken exception to something Doug had said, and everybody 
knows Barry was hassling Doug about his David Lynch mistake. And both times I 
supplied the URL of Barry's post for folks who wanted to know the context. 

 The only part that was *relevant* to my response to JamesAlan was that last 
paragraph. JamesAlan had claimed (as you know; it's quoted below) of Steve's 
post that Steve was saying "I choose to believe and do whatever suits my 
desired ends."

 Fine for Barry (and everybody else) to scream at Doug about the David Lynch 
post. Doug was wrong, and apparently he knows it, because he never deleted the 
post. But there's a HUGE difference between "talking back" to the moderator and 
declaring you are going to ignore him no matter what he says.

 I know you're having to scramble for ammunition against me, Curtis, but you're 
gonna have to do better than this.



---In,  wrote :

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou


 This has really become too sad to get involved with.

 Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 


 It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.

 Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

   Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will continue to get 

 I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:

 Yuppers, I'm moving on. You won't see me talking about 'he who must not be 
named' here or on the Peak. Not interested, not interesting.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Is this an obituary?

 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

 I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they found out 
Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various people. Funnily 
enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess 
everyone currently posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of 
it is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it seems to be 
that some consider it their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes 
first, either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay 
the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised. 
"You can check out any time you like but you can never (quite) leave."





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Hard to really get a feel of where you're coming from James, as you post so 

 I'd be inclined to put your comments in the category of "sour grapes".  

 Perhaps you can reveal more of yourself here, so we can get a better idea of 
where you are coming from.

My comments are based on the content of your responses, and only on their 
content. All that is needed to assess my comments are the two sets of responses 
I was commenting on. Who I am, how often I post, where I'm coming from, why I 
posted my comments, how I feel, how you feel, who you are, how often you post, 
where you're coming from - none of these has any relevance to my assessment of 
your responses or to your judgment of this assessment. 

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me. 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


 Me: Whenever I lurked in the last few months I would see you responding to 
Barry. You spent time doing this. It was your choice. What you wrote about 
someone putting a the bum's rush on ideas is a weird statement that hands the 
power of your own mind and intellectual boundaries over to someone else here.


 S:Curtis, my buttons can get pushed, and do get pushed every day.  I venture 
to say that this is no different than anyone.  Set aside for a moment the more 
technical definition of a "bully" and go with the definition of a "bully" we 
grew up with.  I will take a stand against a bully whether it is a physical 
bully, or an intellectual bully.  And when the bully states that he does  what 
he does to make people uncomfortable, then I am not able to stand by and 
tolerate that.  If this means I have lost my intellecual integrity, then I have 
done so.
I have taken as much fire from as many people as anyone here Steve. I was able 
to choose whose criticism I would respond to. I am curious why you feel unable 
to make this choice yourself and why you would let anyone's other opinion on a 
topic give your  ideas the bum's rush? When you and I disagree, we have a civil 
discussion like this one. If Barry didn't treat you that way then why did you 
respond to him so much? I think I know. Same reason I interact with people I 
don't agree with, because it is a great writing prompt for uncovering our own 
ideas in writing to people we disagree with.  I didn't do this with the last R 
because he was not capable of discussion. But with the other two I did for the 
same reasons you did with Barry I'll bet.

 S: Of course there was not discussion with Barry, as I was on his DNR list.  
It was strictly an antagonistic one way relationship, with me finding fault 
with what I felt were his lies and misrepresentations and trolling for 

All three R's rode my jock for legions of posts. None of them deserved to get 
booted because they went after everything I wrote with their idiotic personal 
attacks. None of them gave any of my ideas the bums' rush. They mostly just 
proved my point with their behavior.

Buck has violated the trust of this place by being dishonest and if you were 
being honest you would just admit that your personal position on Barry has 
distorted your sense of right and wrong on this issue. Moderators need to give 
reasons for booting people, not lie about it and blame it on other people. And 
if as a group we don't buy the reason, Rick should be informed that his 
moderator is not running the site as the free though forum it was intended to 

 S: Yes, I own up to the fact that I am happy to see him go.  And if Doug 
booted him for less than a bootable reason, I will compromise my standards in 
this regard for what I think is a greater good. But the reality is that I 
think, the means justify the ends in this case.  

 In other words, there are exceptions for every rule, and I embrace this 

 And when what goes around, comes around in this regard, I hope I'll be ready.



Barry didn't need to be a weatherman to see which way the wind was blowing.

---In,  wrote :


And the people who didn't like the person look the other way and say,"let's 
move along and not be negative."

And the people who have seen this all before and know where it leads stand up 
and speak out. Then one of two things happen. Maharishi visits the course and 
kicks out the power-grabbing guru wanna-be for abusing his power,

or the other voices get quelled one by one. Time will tell.

---In,  wrote :

 And I notice that Dougy is still 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Some of us wonder Judy what you do with your time when you are not reviling 
folks on FFL. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
    Oh, blow it out your I/O port, Curtis. I note that you don't mention the 
context of *my* post, because it's embarrassing to one of your compatriots in 
trying to make up in nastiness for Barry's absence. And you didn't complain 
when I quoted Barry's post to you without the accompanying quote from Doug last 
week. Obviously he'd taken exception to something Doug had said, and everybody 
knows Barry was hassling Doug about his David Lynch mistake. And both times I 
supplied the URL of Barry's post for folks who wanted to know the context.
The only part that was *relevant* to my response to JamesAlan was that last 
paragraph. JamesAlan had claimed (as you know; it's quoted below) of Steve's 
post that Steve was saying "I choose to believe and do whatever suits my 
desired ends."
Fine for Barry (and everybody else) to scream at Doug about the David Lynch 
post. Doug was wrong, and apparently he knows it, because he never deleted the 
post. But there's a HUGE difference between "talking back" to the moderator and 
declaring you are going to ignore him no matter what he says.

I know you're having to scramble for ammunition against me, Curtis, but you're 
gonna have to do better than this.

---In,  wrote :

There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups.”“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”The dragging of someone in 
to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them using FFL, a 
yahoo-group..Whoa,for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with 
MaharishiMahesh Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for 
goodreasons and quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the'what 
for and why' he was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is activelytrying to slur 
and degrade DLynch personally by jumping in to thisthread with an unqualified 
non sequitur posting publicly using ['exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
Nowin a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this postingof his 
post haste and protect his membership status here or will this beleft to the 
FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's.-JaiGuruYou

This has really become too sad to get involved with.
Rick,please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his positionas 
moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of thetask have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 

It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.
Moderatoror not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longerbother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like 
ourrecently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, hehas 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 

  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups.”“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”The dragging of someone in 
to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them using FFL, a 
yahoo-group..Whoa,for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with 
MaharishiMahesh Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for 
goodreasons and quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the'what 
for and why' he was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is activelytrying to slur 
and degrade DLynch personally by jumping in to thisthread with an unqualified 
non sequitur posting publicly using ['exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
Nowin a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this postingof his 
post haste and protect his membership status here or will this beleft to the 
FFL modera

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

---In,  wrote :

 Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :

 I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno. 

 The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great 
majority of the time, is just going for a reaction.

 It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.

 I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.


 I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.

 All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's none of your business what I'm doing these days. But I'll be back at it 
very shortly. I've just been taking a break here. 

---In,  wrote :

 Some of us wonder Judy what you do with your time when you are not reviling 
folks on FFL. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In,  wrote :

 Oh, blow it out your I/O port, Curtis.

Me: Buck please deal with this violation of the "kindness" yahoo guideline.

I note that you don't mention the context of *my* post, because it's 
embarrassing to one of your compatriots in trying to make up in nastiness for 
Barry's absence. And you didn't complain when I quoted Barry's post to you 
without the accompanying quote from Doug last week. 

Me: This point means nothing. I hadn't gone back and read the full thread again 
last week, I was dealing with your point at face value. But now I am dealing 
with it in context and it makes your point even more ridiculous.

J: Obviously he'd taken exception to something Doug had said, and everybody 
knows Barry was hassling Doug about his David Lynch mistake. And both times I 
supplied the URL of Barry's post for folks who wanted to know the context.

Me: Today I decided to talk about how absurd your focus on part of his reaction 
was. And all your fussing and fuming doesn't cover up your lack of ability to 
defend his indefensible attack on Barry's comment. I am not confused that you 
are dodging the main issue here. Buck never claimed this was the reason he 
banned Barry, he has not told us why. Your guess is all made-up nonsense to 
cover for a moderator acting in secret to ban one of your enemies. It only 
looks worse in context.

 J: The only part that was *relevant* to my response to JamesAlan was that last 
paragraph. JamesAlan had claimed (as you know; it's quoted below) of Steve's 
post that Steve was saying "I choose to believe and do whatever suits my 
desired ends."

 Fine for Barry (and everybody else) to scream at Doug about the David Lynch 
post. Doug was wrong, and apparently he knows it, because he never deleted the 
post. But there's a HUGE difference between "talking back" to the moderator and 
declaring you are going to ignore him no matter what he says.

 I know you're having to scramble for ammunition against me, Curtis, but you're 
gonna have to do better than this.

Me: You are on the wrong side of this and I know it Judy. But I need no ammo 
for you because I don't care about your partisan hypocrisy about this. It 
amuses me.

What I do care about is having the site hijacked by a person who would attempt 
such a ridiculous accusation, transparently gunning for an individual poster, 
then ban him, then lie about whose decision it was, and then stonewall any 
questions about what the specific reason was that he got banned.

I know for a fact that he is violating the explicit directions from the list 

You have posted endlessly about your virtuous love of truth and honesty. When 
it is tested with someone you don't like, you fold. It was all for show. The 
get-Barry crew has shown their true ethical colors, and they stink.

Alex was doing fine, there was no problem to solve that needed Buck. He 
invented this role as a ruse and immediately did what anyone can see who 
doesn't have "Barry is bad" blinders on. What makes your position doubly 
idiotic is that you could easily have been subject to this kind of mistreatment 
if the moderation fell into different partisan hands.

And here is the kicker, I would have fought it just as hard for you as I am 
doing now, just as I spoke against banning the R trinity until two of them 
crossed clear ethical lines and I had to support it.  I find this whole 
experience instructive concerning some people's ethics when self interest is in 
the way of doing the right thing. It disgusts me.




---In,  wrote :

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is activ

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You are a bit over the top in your reaction I think J, I don't think he's 
harassing you, but that would be in the mind of the receiver of the comments 
wouldn't it? Anartax certainly can't be accused of harassing TM'ers. He is 
pretty balanced in most of his posts actually. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is in.
salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?
Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

---In,  wrote :

Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what everyone 
is really thinking and why.
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In,  wrote :

I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno.
The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great majority 
of the time, is just going for a reaction.
It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.
I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.

I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.
All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.

  #yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278 -- #yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9495884278 
#yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9495884278 
#yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp #yiv9495884278hd 
0;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp #yiv9495884278ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp .yiv9495884278ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp .yiv9495884278ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278ygrp-mkp .yiv9495884278ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9495884278ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9495884278 
#yiv9495884278ygrp-sponsor #yiv9495884278ygrp-lc #yiv9495884278hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9495884278ygrp-sponsor #yiv9495884278ygrp-lc .yiv9495884278ad 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9495884278 #yiv9495884278activity span 
.yiv9495884278underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9495884278 
0;width:400px;}#yiv9495884278 .yiv9495884278attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 .yiv9495884278attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9495884278 .yiv9495884278attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv9495884278 .yiv9495884278attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv9495884278 .yiv9495884278bold 
.yiv9495884278bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 dd.yiv9495884278last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9495884278 dd.yiv9495884278last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9495884278 
dd.yiv9495884278last p span.yiv9495884278yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv9495884278 div.yiv9495884278attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 div.yiv9495884278attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv9495884278 div.yiv9495884278file-title a, #yiv9495884278 
div.yiv9495884278file-title a:active, #yiv9495884278 
div.yiv9495884278file-title a:hover, #yiv9495884278 div.yiv9495884278file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9495884278 div.yiv9495884278photo-title a, 
#yiv9495884278 div.yiv9495884278photo-title a:active, #

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In,  wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 


---In,  wrote :

 Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :

 I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno. 

 The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great 
majority of the time, is just going for a reaction.

 It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.

 I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.


 I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.

 All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.



[FairfieldLife] Whole Foods Overcharging?

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Really?  Who wudda thunk it?  I haven't been to Whole Foods in several 
years.  The closest one is in Walnut Creek which is a screwed up town 
with poor parking and ill thought out streets.  WF is at the edge of the 
Broadway Plaza which is an upscale shopping area catering to the yuppies 
of Blackhawk since the shopping center in that failed development 
couldn't lure Nordstrom's nor Neiman Marcus. There's a reason folks call 
the place "Whole Wallet".

[FairfieldLife] The USA goes down the tubes

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Well fellow serfs here we go!  No, this is not about the Supremes saving 
Obamacare.  It was certainly logical that after some folks getting 
health care for the first time that they didn't dare take it away from 
them but also more importantly that they not piss off the healthcare 
industrial complex who is enjoying overcharging the public.  Gee, Whole 
Foods get hit for overcharging probably time to look at your local 
hospital and doctors.

No, this is about the best government you can buy, if you are a rich 
corporation, getting their pet TPP bill passed.  We'll see what happens 
with the bill we weren't even allow to see.

New mantra for us: disobey.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


J: Obviously he'd taken exception to something Doug had said, and everybody 
knows Barry was hassling Doug about his David Lynch mistake. And both times I 
supplied the URL of Barry's post for folks who wanted to know the context.

Me: Today I decided to talk about how absurd your focus on part of his reaction 

 Context switching, full speed ahead!

 I thought you had decided to talk about how dishonest I was to quote that 
single paragraph from Barry's post.

 And all your fussing and fuming doesn't cover up your lack of ability to 
defend his indefensible attack on Barry's comment. I am not confused that you 
are dodging the main issue here.

 That's right, I'm not defending it. I'm not *addressing* it, other than having 
said three or four times that it was a mistake. Others have made fine posts 
explaining *why* it was a mistake; I don't feel the need to add anything.

 Buck never claimed this was the reason he banned Barry, he has not told us 
why. Your guess is all made-up nonsense to cover for a moderator acting in 
secret to ban one of your enemies. It only looks worse in context.


 I stand by what I've said about it. You know as well as I do that it's a very 
likely guess.

 J: The only part that was *relevant* to my response to JamesAlan was that last 
paragraph. JamesAlan had claimed (as you know; it's quoted below) of Steve's 
post that Steve was saying "I choose to believe and do whatever suits my 
desired ends."

 Fine for Barry (and everybody else) to scream at Doug about the David Lynch 
post. Doug was wrong, and apparently he knows it, because he never deleted the 
post. But there's a HUGE difference between "talking back" to the moderator and 
declaring you are going to ignore him no matter what he says.

 I know you're having to scramble for ammunition against me, Curtis, but you're 
gonna have to do better than this.

Me: You are on the wrong side of this and I know it Judy. But I need no ammo 
for you because I don't care about your partisan hypocrisy about this. It 
amuses me.

 Oh, fiddle-faddle. You're in no position to talk about partisan hypocrisy, 
first of all. Second, I'm a partisan of truth, accuracy, and fairness, and 
you'd have to stand on your head to find me guilty of hypocrisy.

What I do care about is having the site hijacked by a person who would attempt 
such a ridiculous accusation, transparently gunning for an individual poster, 
then ban him, then lie about whose decision it was, and then stonewall any 
questions about what the specific reason was that he got banned.

 When did he lie about whose decision it was? Somehow I missed that.

 Doug should not be stonewalling, just for the record.

 I know for a fact that he is violating the explicit directions from the list 

You have posted endlessly about your virtuous love of truth and honesty.

 When it's been challenged, yes, but rarely otherwise, as you know.

 When it is tested with someone you don't like, you fold. It was all for show. 
The get-Barry crew has shown their true ethical colors, and they stink.

 Horse puckey. Prattle, as Richard would say. I haven't "folded." You and I 
disagree. I don't even have a damn dog in the fight, because I ain't gonna be 
here. That's why I haven't done much more than point out a few of the more 
blatant instances of corruption from certain quarters.

 As I said earlier, I didn't quit posting last June because of anything to do 
with FFL. But the increasing putrefaction of the swamp FFL had become--and 
still is--made it easy to stop. And I'm about to leave you to wallow in it 

Alex was doing fine, there was no problem to solve that needed Buck. He 
invented this role as a ruse and immediately did what anyone can see who 
doesn't have "Barry is bad" blinders on. What makes your position doubly 
idiotic is that you could easily have been subject to this kind of mistreatment 
if the moderation fell into different partisan hands.

And here is the kicker, I would have fought it just as hard for you as I am 
doing now, just as I spoke against banning the R trinity until two of them 
crossed clear ethical lines and I had to support it.  I find this whole 
experience instructive concerning some people's ethics when self interest is in 
the way of doing the right thing. It disgusts me.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He's been harassing me on a regular basis, and harassing others over on The 

---In,  wrote :

 You are a bit over the top in your reaction I think J, I don't think he's 
harassing you, but that would be in the mind of the receiver of the comments 
wouldn't it? Anartax certainly can't be accused of harassing TM'ers. He is 
pretty balanced in most of his posts actually. 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

---In,  wrote :

 Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :

 I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno. 

 The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great 
majority of the time, is just going for a reaction.

 It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.

 I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.


 I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.

 All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy 
 or not!

Image what you'd do without the Internet.

On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will continue 
to get better.

I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Is this an obituary?

I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they 
found out Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various 
people. Funnily enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be 
going to happen. I guess everyone currently posting here just can't 
quite pull themselves away. Part of it is addiction, part seems to be 
the love of drama and some of it seems to be that some consider it 
their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes first, 
either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things 
stay the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to 
be surprised. &qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can 
never (quite) leave."

---In,  wrote :

This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am 
pretty sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many 
marvellous things. His not being here seems the result of a personal 
vendetta at the hands of the moderator. The problem with power is it 
reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed to lose interest, maybe she just 
got tired. Her method of posting did not seem to have changed. Barry 
challenged people at the gut level as well as at the intellectual 
level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because it 
activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes 
into hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 
'From anger delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, 
after forgetfulness of memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and 
losing spiritual intelligence, one perishes'.

*From:* "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great 
Beyond Dispatch #2)

Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever.
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche

---  wrote :


I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But 
perhaps it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we 
have a bunch of people with not much to say about anything claiming 
that "mean old Bawee" stopped them from posting because he was such a 
mean old meanie.

And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he 
used to get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness 
but isn't this taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about 
yesterday has a better grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's 
looking more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a 
thread, say something interesting, tell us something we didn't ! know, 
give us an insight into something - anything.
But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself 
look stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together.

If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until 
you've thought of something. Better still, have a look back through 
the archives at some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He 
posted some good essays on how to get started on the subject because, 
like me, he got fed up of the lack of participation and one line posts 
that add nothing that infest this place.

But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about 
archaeology, travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of 
admitting that he made up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't 
have that eh? Got to paint him bad and use him to blame your lack of 
meaningful participation on.

When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the 
/first /time Judy started a thread!

Make an effort, stop the hypocriti! cal bullshit or this place will 
drown in bland your pap.

[FairfieldLife] So androids actually *do* dream of electric sheep...

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808
Watch an android dream of electric sheep (and other weird things) – live
 Watch an android dream of electric sheep (and other we...
 Inspired by Google’s dreamscape images, students have set up a neural network 
that takes users’ suggestions and feeds back on itself to create a 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sure. Your accusation today that it was dishonest of me to post the last 
paragraph of Barry's post in which he declares he's going to ignore Doug 
completely. That was harassment, for the reasons I've already stated. 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 


---In,  wrote :

 Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :

 I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno. 

 The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great 
majority of the time, is just going for a reaction.

 It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.

 I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.


 I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.

 All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ahhh, the dulcet, mellifluous tones of a Judy post. How refreshing compared to 
the rest of the plebeians, and how sattvic!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
    It's none of your business what I'm doing these days. But I'll be back at 
it very shortly. I've just been taking a break here.

---In,  wrote :

Some of us wonder Judy what you do with your time when you are not reviling 
folks on FFL. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy  or 
 Image what you'd do without the Internet.

 Can't imagine life without it. But it would probably be like when I used to go 
travelling and I'd miss the TV and phone for about half a minute before 

 The web has always been like a newsagents to me. Mostly for browsing the 
magazines and trying to decide what camera/bike to buy. But it does avoid the 
tedious going down the library and looking through a catalogue to find the 
right book to order if I want to know how far it is to the Andromeda galaxy, 
and then wait two weeks for delivery. Much easier with Wikipedia.
 On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will continue to get 
 I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Is this an obituary?
 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:
 I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they found out 
Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various people. Funnily 
enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess 
everyone currently posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of 
it is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it seems to be 
that some consider it their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes 
first, either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay 
the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised. 
&qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can never (quite) leave."
 mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.
 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)

 Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
 losing my inclination to post here.
 Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
 All things must end.
 If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.
 "Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
 breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
   ~ Nietzsche
 ---  mailto:salyavin808@... wrote :
 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.
 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".
 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?
 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't ! know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 
 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better sti

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Of course you did not say it. I was pretending I know what your are thinking 
and what you are feeling when you post something. Now when you post, what do 
you do?
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is in.
salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?
Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

---In,  wrote :

Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what everyone 
is really thinking and why.
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In,  wrote :

I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno.
The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great majority 
of the time, is just going for a reaction.
It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.
I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.

I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.
All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.

  #yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689 -- #yiv4237418689ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4237418689 
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0;}#yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689ygrp-mkp #yiv4237418689ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689ygrp-mkp .yiv4237418689ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689ygrp-mkp .yiv4237418689ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689ygrp-mkp .yiv4237418689ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4237418689ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4237418689 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4237418689 #yiv4237418689activity span 
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4px;}#yiv4237418689 .yiv4237418689bold 
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p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4237418689 dd.yiv4237418689last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4237418689 
dd.yiv4237418689last p span.yiv4237418689yshortcuts 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4237418689 div.yiv4237418689attach-table 
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div.yiv4237418689file-title a:hover, #yiv4237418689 div.yiv4237418689file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4237418689 div.yiv4237418689photo-title a, 
#yiv4237418689 div.yiv4237418689photo-title a:active, #yiv4237418689 
div.yiv4237418689photo-title a:hover, #yiv4237418689 
div.yiv4237418689photo-title a:visited {text-d

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 You are a bit over the top in your reaction I think J, I don't think he's 
harassing you, but that would be in the mind of the receiver of the comments 
wouldn't it? Anartax certainly can't be accused of harassing TM'ers. He is 
pretty balanced in most of his posts actually. 

No. I'm not harassing anyone, I'm just calling them out on their hypocrisy. You 
can't expect to launch a sneering pile-on and not get other people objecting if 
they like the work of the poster.

 Me harassing TMers would also be silly as I am one. I do like analysing the 
cult of TM though, maybe that's what she means, but I never lose sleep over 
that as the TM movement claims to be scientific and science actually proceeds 
by criticism. If an idea is a bad explanation it won't stand up to scrutiny and 
should be discarded. Easy to forget that. And it is what this place is for.

 A healthy mind challenges its own assumptions etc...

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

---In,  wrote :

 Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :

 I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno. 

 The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great 
majority of the time, is just going for a reaction.

 It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.

 I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.


 I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.

 All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Software development would come to a halt.  These days a programmer's 
right hand man is the Internet. Instead of books you look up how to 
solve a programming problem by looking it up online.  Of course we'd 
have to go back to selling software in boxes at stores and mailing out 
discs with updates. That is if anyone bothered to turn on their 
computers again.

On 06/25/2015 09:43 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy 
 or not!

Image what you'd do without the Internet.

Can't imagine life without it. But it would probably be like when I 
used to go travelling and I'd miss the TV and phone for about half a 
minute before adjusting.

The web has always been like a newsagents to me. Mostly for browsing 
the magazines and trying to decide what camera/bike to buy. But it 
does avoid the tedious going down the library and looking through a 
catalogue to find the right book to order if I want to know how far it 
is to the Andromeda galaxy, and then wait two weeks for delivery. Much 
easier with Wikipedia.

On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will
continue to get better.

I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:

 wrote :

 wrote :

Is this an obituary?

I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as
they found out Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so
to various people. Funnily enough, that didn't happen and doesn't
appear to be going to happen. I guess everyone currently posting
here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of it is
addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it
seems to be that some consider it their second home. Let's see
who voluntarily unsubscribes first, either in disgust or as a
protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay the way they are
currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised.
&qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can never
(quite) leave."

 wrote :

This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome.
I am pretty sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did
post many marvellous things. His not being here seems the result
of a personal vendetta at the hands of the moderator. The problem
with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed to lose
interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not
seem to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as
well as at the intellectual level. The gut level is much more
difficult to respond to because it activates the lower emotional
brain functions, and the intellect goes into hibernation as a
result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after
forgetfulness of memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and
losing spiritual intelligence, one perishes'.

*From:* "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great
Beyond Dispatch #2)

Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever.
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche

---   wrote :


I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit
Xeno. But perhaps it's time to point out the irony in what's
happening. Here we have a bunch of people with not much to say
about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" stopped them from
posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim
he used to get at them! I've said these people have no sense of
awareness but isn't this taking it too far? I think that amoeba I
posted about yesterday has a better grasp of wh

[FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."

On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :
 Sure. Your accusation today that it was dishonest of me to post the last 
paragraph of Barry's post in which he declares he's going to ignore Doug 
completely. That was harassment, for the reasons I've already stated.

C: I said it was slippery. Which it was. So any opposition to your POV is 
"harassment?" I guess you do have the moderator you deserve.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 


---In,  wrote :

 Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what 
everyone is really thinking and why.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug


---In,  wrote :

 I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno. 

 The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great 
majority of the time, is just going for a reaction.

 It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.

 I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.


 I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.

 All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.



Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
I like this answer.
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe 
it is?
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one?    
  #yiv2592264090 #yiv2592264090 -- #yiv2592264090ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2592264090 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think you could  have saved some time by saying, 

 "I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds that it may 
incriminate me", or, even shorter, 

 "I take the 5th"

 No biggie.

 You can slink back into the shadows now.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Hard to really get a feel of where you're coming from James, as you post so 

 I'd be inclined to put your comments in the category of "sour grapes".  

 Perhaps you can reveal more of yourself here, so we can get a better idea of 
where you are coming from.

My comments are based on the content of your responses, and only on their 
content. All that is needed to assess my comments are the two sets of responses 
I was commenting on. Who I am, how often I post, where I'm coming from, why I 
posted my comments, how I feel, how you feel, who you are, how often you post, 
where you're coming from - none of these has any relevance to my assessment of 
your responses or to your judgment of this assessment. 

---In,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me. 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


 Me: Whenever I lurked in the last few months I would see you responding to 
Barry. You spent time doing this. It was your choice. What you wrote about 
someone putting a the bum's rush on ideas is a weird statement that hands the 
power of your own mind and intellectual boundaries over to someone else here.


 S:Curtis, my buttons can get pushed, and do get pushed every day.  I venture 
to say that this is no different than anyone.  Set aside for a moment the more 
technical definition of a "bully" and go with the definition of a "bully" we 
grew up with.  I will take a stand against a bully whether it is a physical 
bully, or an intellectual bully.  And when the bully states that he does  what 
he does to make people uncomfortable, then I am not able to stand by and 
tolerate that.  If this means I have lost my intellecual integrity, then I have 
done so.
I have taken as much fire from as many people as anyone here Steve. I was able 
to choose whose criticism I would respond to. I am curious why you feel unable 
to make this choice yourself and why you would let anyone's other opinion on a 
topic give your  ideas the bum's rush? When you and I disagree, we have a civil 
discussion like this one. If Barry didn't treat you that way then why did you 
respond to him so much? I think I know. Same reason I interact with people I 
don't agree with, because it is a great writing prompt for uncovering our own 
ideas in writing to people we disagree with.  I didn't do this with the last R 
because he was not capable of discussion. But with the other two I did for the 
same reasons you did with Barry I'll bet.

 S: Of course there was not discussion with Barry, as I was on his DNR list.  
It was strictly an antagonistic one way relationship, with me finding fault 
with what I felt were his lies and misrepresentations and trolling for 

All three R's rode my jock for legions of posts. None of them deserved to get 
booted because they went after everything I wrote with their idiotic personal 
attacks. None of them gave any of my ideas the bums' rush. They mostly just 
proved my point with their behavior.

Buck has violated the trust of this place by being dishonest and if you were 
being honest you would just admit that your personal position on Barry has 
distorted your sense of right and wrong on this issue. Moderators need to give 
reasons for booting people, not lie about it and blame it on other people. And 
if as a group we don't buy the reason, Rick should be informed that his 
moderator is not running the site as the free though forum it was intended to 

 S: Yes, I own up to the fact that I am happy to see him go.  And if Doug 
booted him for less than a bootable reason, I will compromise my standards in 
this regard for what I think is a greater good. But the reality is that I 
think, the means justify the ends in this case.  

 In other words, there are exceptions for every rule, and I embrace this 

 And when what goes around, comes around in this regard, I hope I'll be ready.



Barry didn't need to be a weatherman to see which way the wind was blowing.

---In,  wrote :


And the people who didn't like the person look the other way and say,"let's 
move along and not be negative."

And the people who have seen this all before and know where it leads sta

[FairfieldLife] Appearances

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't know what our moderator looks like. I know what Rick looks like. I 
typed 'Doug' into an image search, and the following image came up; perhaps one 
could think of it as a metaphor for something:

[FairfieldLife] Ethics and Driverless Cars

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]

Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?

'Right now, ethicists have more questions than answers. Should rules governing 
autonomous vehicles emphasize the greater good -- the number of lives saved -- 
and put no value on the individuals involved?'

Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?The gearheads in Detroit, 
Tokyo and Stuttgart have mostly figured out how to build driverless vehicles. 
Even the Google guys seem to have solved the riddle.  |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I've seen my wife do without the internet at home for an hour. 

 God save the queen.

 "Honey do you want me to out and fix the gutter that's been loose for the last 
two years.  Now seems like a good time to do it"

---In,  wrote :

 Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy  or 
 Image what you'd do without the Internet.
 On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will continue to get 
 I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Is this an obituary?
 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:
 I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they found out 
Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various people. Funnily 
enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess 
everyone currently posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of 
it is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it seems to be 
that some consider it their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes 
first, either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay 
the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised. 
&qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can never (quite) leave."
 mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.
 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)

 Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
 losing my inclination to post here.
 Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
 All things must end.
 If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.
 "Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
 breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
   ~ Nietzsche
 ---  mailto:salyavin808@... wrote :
 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.
 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".
 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?
 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't ! know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 
 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 
 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Can you elaborate on that some? 

 What would be an example?

---In,  wrote :

 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I like it too. 

 What's your take on it, Xeno?

 Can you elaborate some on it?

---In,  wrote :

 I like this answer.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe 
it is?
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 




Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Try explaining the "absolute" and "relative" to uneducated village 
people.  It won't work so they made up metaphors for those.  Think about 
that picture of Kali standing on Shiva which is the active and the 
passive.  People may worship them devotionally (Bhakti)  as "gods" like 
they are real beings but in reality they are metaphors or devices for 
the forces of nature that rule the universe.  It's kinda like your IP 
address being like but we refer to you by your handle. 
Imagine if we had to refer to everyone by their IP address.  BTW, the 
one I just gave is a "Hollywood" version which they are now using in TV 
shows like they use 555 telephone numbers.

On 06/25/2015 10:46 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Can you elaborate on that some?

What would be an example?

---In,  wrote :

All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."

On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Okay, that's about what I figured. 

 I know we've covered this ground before, but sometimes revisiting, brings some 
new insights.

---In,  wrote :

 Try explaining the "absolute" and "relative" to uneducated village people.  It 
won't work so they made up metaphors for those.  Think about that picture of 
Kali standing on Shiva which is the active and the passive.  People may worship 
them devotionally (Bhakti)  as "gods" like they are real beings but in reality 
they are metaphors or devices for the forces of nature that rule the universe.  
It's kinda like your IP address being like but we refer to you 
by your handle.  Imagine if we had to refer to everyone by their IP address.  
BTW, the one I just gave is a "Hollywood" version which they are now using in 
TV shows like they use 555 telephone numbers.
 On 06/25/2015 10:46 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Can you elaborate on that some?
 What would be an example?
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 



Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think of them as metaphors too, so elaboration probably is not necessary. As 
cultures shift and language changes, metaphors used to describe the world 
change. Does't give much hope to find truth in what we say about the world.

---In,  wrote :

 I like it too. 

 What's your take on it, Xeno?

 Can you elaborate some on it?

---In,  wrote :

 I like this answer.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe 
it is?
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 




Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But what it means is something like God consciousness is not really about the 
consciousness of any God because the word 'God' is a metaphor, even though 
there is a conscious experience that has certain characteristics.

---In,  wrote :

 Okay, that's about what I figured. 

 I know we've covered this ground before, but sometimes revisiting, brings some 
new insights.

---In,  wrote :

 Try explaining the "absolute" and "relative" to uneducated village people.  It 
won't work so they made up metaphors for those.  Think about that picture of 
Kali standing on Shiva which is the active and the passive.  People may worship 
them devotionally (Bhakti)  as "gods" like they are real beings but in reality 
they are metaphors or devices for the forces of nature that rule the universe.  
It's kinda like your IP address being like but we refer to you 
by your handle.  Imagine if we had to refer to everyone by their IP address.  
BTW, the one I just gave is a "Hollywood" version which they are now using in 
TV shows like they use 555 telephone numbers.
 On 06/25/2015 10:46 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Can you elaborate on that some?
 What would be an example?
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 



[FairfieldLife] Re: A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 


 Ask for them to perform a miracle and the one that's real will levitate or 
something. But then if you are imagining the other one you might still see a 
miracle. so that's no good.


 How about saying to either one, "if I was to ask the other god if it was real 
or imaginary, what would it say?"

 If one says the other one isn't real then you know it's lying and the first 
one is the real god oh wait, this isn't what you meant by the question is 

 I give up


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I see.  I'll hope you'll excuse me for asking a silly question.

---In,  wrote :

 I think of them as metaphors too, so elaboration probably is not necessary. As 
cultures shift and language changes, metaphors used to describe the world 
change. Does't give much hope to find truth in what we say about the world.

---In,  wrote :

 I like it too. 

 What's your take on it, Xeno?

 Can you elaborate some on it?

---In,  wrote :

 I like this answer.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe 
it is?
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 




[FairfieldLife] Bobby Jindal and Exorcism

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But can he exorcise the US national debt amounting to about $17 trillion?

 The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you probably haven’t heard
 The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you p...
 It happened in college.
 View on www.washingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My first send hasn't shown up. Maybe Doug has decided to hold my posts for 
approval. Let's see if this second try makes it...

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Sure. Your accusation today that it was dishonest of me to post the last 
paragraph of Barry's post in which he declares he's going to ignore Doug 
completely. That was harassment, for the reasons I've already stated.

C: I said it was slippery.

 You said it was dishonest:

 Judy, who is the first to make a stink about the context of a quote when it 
serves her own purposes has clipped out this paragraph of Barry's from the 
thread context, dishonestly making it look like Barry said this in a vacuum.


 Which it was.

 Don't be ridiculous. I explained to you why it was silly. You ignored that 
explanation and decided you wanted to talk about something else.

 So any opposition to your POV is "harassment?"

 Where did I say or suggest such a thing?

 Making up a dumb, frivolous accusation for the sole purpose of "getting" 
someone you don't like is harassment.

 Let me add this: Everybody was following the Doug-Barry confrontation with 
bated breath. Nobody thought he'd written that paragraph in a vacuum. And all 
they had to do was click on the link I provided if there was any question in 
their minds.

 I guess you do have the moderator you deserve.



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Let's face it, the books that have made the deepest impressions on me have been 
the accounts of the (supposedly) enlightened figures from the Eastern (Indian) 

 I was particularly impressed with the Ramakrishna/Vivekenanda connection.

 Ramakrishna's enlightenment was heavy on the Mother Divine aspect. Visions, 
devotion etc.

 Vivekenanda was decidedly more practical, or scientific.

 In the case of Ramakrishna, it makes you wonder from whence these visions 

---In,  wrote :

 But what it means is something like God consciousness is not really about the 
consciousness of any God because the word 'God' is a metaphor, even though 
there is a conscious experience that has certain characteristics.

---In,  wrote :

 Okay, that's about what I figured. 

 I know we've covered this ground before, but sometimes revisiting, brings some 
new insights.

---In,  wrote :

 Try explaining the "absolute" and "relative" to uneducated village people.  It 
won't work so they made up metaphors for those.  Think about that picture of 
Kali standing on Shiva which is the active and the passive.  People may worship 
them devotionally (Bhakti)  as "gods" like they are real beings but in reality 
they are metaphors or devices for the forces of nature that rule the universe.  
It's kinda like your IP address being like but we refer to you 
by your handle.  Imagine if we had to refer to everyone by their IP address.  
BTW, the one I just gave is a "Hollywood" version which they are now using in 
TV shows like they use 555 telephone numbers.
 On 06/25/2015 10:46 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Can you elaborate on that some?
 What would be an example?
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Ethics and Driverless Cars

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808

 I'm worried about how cycle sensitive they are going to be.

 The world seems set up for motorists. I was out on my bike the other day and 
came up to some traffic lights which were red, so I stopped. After what seemed 
several lifetimes they were still red and then a car pulled up behind and they 
went green! The things were motion sensitive and weren't set to be triggered by 
a man on a bike. 

 What chance do we stand against driverless cars? If their sensors can pick up 
the narrow outline of a cyclist from behind they'll be braking at all sorts of 
things won't they?

 One hopes they've thought about this but British road planners don't take us 
self-propelled types into account.

---In,  wrote :

 Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies? 

 'Right now, ethicists have more questions than answers. Should rules governing 
autonomous vehicles emphasize the greater good -- the number of lives saved -- 
and put no value on the individuals involved?'


 Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?
 Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?
 The gearheads in Detroit, Tokyo and Stuttgart have mostly figured out how to 
build driverless vehicles. Even the Google guys seem to have solved the riddle.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 

 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."

 The only god that would convince me is the one we might inadvertently discover 
if we work out that the universe cannot have gotten here by itself.

 But how big an "if" is that, and how will we be sure that we've asked all the 
possible questions to rule out error?

 Such a god would be so far beyond our capabilities to comprehend it would defy 
all description because it would be not of the stuff of this universe, not 
involved in time or space as we have been able to construct ideas of how these 
things work. So even a mathematical description wouldn't make sense. And we 
wouldn't be able to see it. 

 For all its greatness it would be just an inference, but maybe it will have 
left a clue that it was here that we will find when we become technologically 
capable. Like a quantum signature in the left over heat of the big bang or 
something wild like that.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Ethics and Driverless Cars

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
They haven't programmed in "California stops".  That's why they get 
read-ended around here.  People expect the car in front of them to do a 
"California stop" not a full one. :-D

Actually I haven't seen any of Google's test cars around here except 
possibly the fleet of similar cars in the lot where I parked at Google 
back in February.  But those looked more like a fleet vehicle they might 
use if they needed to drive out to a meeting in the area.  But they were 
Spark cars.

We were sold the idea of driverless cars back in the 1950s but we were 
supposed to have them by the 1980s.  I even heard they put cables in the 
Interstate highways for that purpose.  Driverless cars might be more 
appealing for long distance travel so you could kick back, watch a 
movie, play games or take videos of the scenery.  But then take over 
again once at the destination.  To some extent impractical since a 
better solution would be cheaper and faster rail transportation but we 
pretty much killed the railroads and who wants to fly with the gestapo 
at the airports?

On 06/25/2015 10:23 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?

'Right now, ethicists have more questions than answers. Should rules 
governing autonomous vehicles emphasize the greater good -- the number 
of lives saved -- and put no value on the individuals involved?'

Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies? 


Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies? 

The gearheads in D! etroit, Tokyo and Stuttgart have mostly figured 
out how to build driverless vehicles. Even the Google guys seem to 
have solved the riddle.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bobby Jindal and Exorcism

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

No, he'll do whatever his corprica bosses want him to do.

On 06/25/2015 12:38 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

But can he exorcise the US national debt amounting to about $17 trillion?

The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you probably 
haven’t heard 


The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you p... 

It happened in college.

View on www.washingtonpost... 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Appearances

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On the FFL website, in the photos section, in the "FFL Members" album, there's 
a picture of Doug in what looks to me like a Civil War uniform.

---In,  wrote :

 I don't know what our moderator looks like. I know what Rick looks like. I 
typed 'Doug' into an image search, and the following image came up; perhaps one 
could think of it as a metaphor for something:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In,  wrote :

 My first send hasn't shown up. Maybe Doug has decided to hold my posts for 
approval. Let's see if this second try makes it...

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Sure. Your accusation today that it was dishonest of me to post the last 
paragraph of Barry's post in which he declares he's going to ignore Doug 
completely. That was harassment, for the reasons I've already stated.

C: I said it was slippery.

 You said it was dishonest:

 Judy, who is the first to make a stink about the context of a quote when it 
serves her own purposes has clipped out this paragraph of Barry's from the 
thread context, dishonestly making it look like Barry said this in a vacuum.


 Which it was.

Me2: Well as long as we agree on its dishonesty, my point has been made.


 Don't be ridiculous. I explained to you why it was silly. You ignored that 
explanation and decided you wanted to talk about something else.

 So any opposition to your POV is "harassment?"

 Where did I say or suggest such a thing?

 Making up a dumb, frivolous accusation for the sole purpose of "getting" 
someone you don't like is harassment.

 Let me add this: Everybody was following the Doug-Barry confrontation with 
bated breath. Nobody thought he'd written that paragraph in a vacuum. And all 
they had to do was click on the link I provided if there was any question in 
their minds.

Me2: OK now that we have done the Judy dance I will state my point again. By 
singling out that quote you give an impression that was not true about Barry. 
In the context of being threatened by a moderator over his comment about Lynch 
and having just waded through some convoluted and fey logic about how his 
statement violated the yahoo guidelines, and in the context of a plea to Rick 
to stop this nonsensical farce,

his comment was highly restrained although he was obviously pissed off which is 
understandable IN CONTEXT.

So you chose to isolate it from that context to impose yours on it. 


 I guess you do have the moderator you deserve.


Me2: Excellent archaic word choice, I'm sure the equally old-timey Buck will 

But my point does not fold under your obfuscation by over focusing on the 
details that don't matter. You Judy are being hypocritical about this issue 
because of your bias. You should be he first to object to this behavior by Buck.

He banned Barry after making up a bogus charge.
He refused to answer question about why even from Alex.
He is acting against Rick's specific instructions and desires for his own group.
He lied about Rick being involved in the decision.

And here you are Judy, showing up as the perfect hypocrite, claiming I am 
harassing you by calling you on your BS.




---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Software development would come to a halt.  These days a programmer's right 
hand man is the Internet.  Instead of books you look up how to solve a 
programming problem by looking it up online.  Of course we'd have to go back to 
selling software in boxes at stores and mailing out discs with updates.  That 
is if anyone bothered to turn on their computers again.

 It's lucky for us it's all fairly hypothetical.

 But what if some terrorist group could create a virus so evil it took down the 
web for a month. Would civilisation survive?

 Shops wouldn't get food, shipping would stop, power regulation relies on 
information gathered and passed over the net. Probably everything in the modern 
world is connected in some way.

 It's "lucky" that ISIS are more intent on buying nuclear weapons than good 
 On 06/25/2015 09:43 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy  or 
 Image what you'd do without the Internet.

 Can't imagine life without it. But it would probably be like when I used to go 
travelling and I'd miss the TV and phone for about half a minute before 
 The web has always been like a newsagents to me. Mostly for browsing the 
magazines and trying to decide what camera/bike to buy. But it does avoid the 
tedious going down the library and looking through a catalogue to find the 
right book to order if I want to know how far it is to the Andromeda galaxy, 
and then wait two weeks for delivery. Much easier with Wikipedia.
 On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will continue to get 
 I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Is this an obituary?
 I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:
 I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as they found out 
Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so to various people. Funnily 
enough, that didn't happen and doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess 
everyone currently posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of 
it is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it seems to be 
that some consider it their second home. Let's see who voluntarily unsubscribes 
first, either in disgust or as a protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay 
the way they are currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised. 
&qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can never (quite) leave."
 mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.
 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)

 Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
 losing my inclination to post here.
 Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
 All things must end.
 If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.
 "Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
 breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
   ~ Nietzsche
 ---  mailto:salyavin808@... wrote :
 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

 IOW, "Doomsday Preppers" will get the last laugh. ;-)

On 06/25/2015 02:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Software development would come to a halt.  These days a programmer's 
right hand man is the Internet. Instead of books you look up how to 
solve a programming problem by looking it up online.  Of course we'd 
have to go back to selling software in boxes at stores and mailing out 
discs with updates. That is if anyone bothered to turn on their 
computers again.

It's lucky for us it's all fairly hypothetical.

But what if some terrorist group could create a virus so evil it took 
down the web for a month. Would civilisation survive?

Shops wouldn't get food, shipping would stop, power regulation relies 
on information gathered and passed over the net. Probably everything 
in the modern world is connected in some way.

It's "lucky" that ISIS are more intent on buying nuclear weapons than 
good programmers

On 06/25/2015 09:43 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 wrote :

Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy 
 or not!

Image what you'd do without the Internet.

Can't imagine life without it. But it would probably be like when I 
used to go travelling and I'd miss the TV and phone for about half a 
minute before adjusting.

The web has always been like a newsagents to me. Mostly for browsing 
the magazines and trying to decide what camera/bike to buy. But it 
does avoid the tedious going down the library and looking through a 
catalogue to find the right book to order if I want to know how far 
it is to the Andromeda galaxy, and then wait two weeks for delivery. 
Much easier with Wikipedia.

On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will
continue to get better.

I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:

 wrote :

 wrote :

Is this an obituary?

I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as
they found out Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so
to various people. Funnily enough, that didn't happen and
doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess everyone currently
posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of it
is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it
seems to be that some consider it their second home. Let's see
who voluntarily unsubscribes first, either in disgust or as a
protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay the way they are
currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised.
&qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can never
(quite) leave."

 wrote :

This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get
tiresome. I am pretty sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it.
He did post many marvellous things. His not being here seems the
result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the moderator. The
problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of
posting did not seem to have changed. Barry challenged people at
the gut level as well as at the intellectual level. The gut
level is much more difficult to respond to because it activates
the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita:
'From anger delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of
memory, after forgetfulness of memory, the loss of spiritual
intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, one perishes'.

*From:* "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL
(Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever.
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their mad

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

"Preppers" UK style.  Bone up, Sal!

On 06/25/2015 02:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Software development would come to a halt.  These days a programmer's 
right hand man is the Internet. Instead of books you look up how to 
solve a programming problem by looking it up online.  Of course we'd 
have to go back to selling software in boxes at stores and mailing out 
discs with updates. That is if anyone bothered to turn on their 
computers again.

It's lucky for us it's all fairly hypothetical.

But what if some terrorist group could create a virus so evil it took 
down the web for a month. Would civilisation survive?

Shops wouldn't get food, shipping would stop, power regulation relies 
on information gathered and passed over the net. Probably everything 
in the modern world is connected in some way.

It's "lucky" that ISIS are more intent on buying nuclear weapons than 
good programmers

On 06/25/2015 09:43 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 wrote :

Nah, just shut down the Internet.  That should make everyone happy 
 or not!

Image what you'd do without the Internet.

Can't imagine life without it. But it would probably be like when I 
used to go travelling and I'd miss the TV and phone for about half a 
minute before adjusting.

The web has always been like a newsagents to me. Mostly for browsing 
the magazines and trying to decide what camera/bike to buy. But it 
does avoid the tedious going down the library and looking through a 
catalogue to find the right book to order if I want to know how far 
it is to the Andromeda galaxy, and then wait two weeks for delivery. 
Much easier with Wikipedia.

On 06/25/2015 08:14 AM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

yes, and as we continue to move past the "event" things will
continue to get better.

I'm down for calling it a "higher power" event.  (-:

 wrote :

 wrote :

Is this an obituary?

I'm trying hard to shed a tear, but it's just not happening.  (-:

I was pretty positive half of FFL was going to leave as soon as
they found out Doug was going to be the moderator and I said so
to various people. Funnily enough, that didn't happen and
doesn't appear to be going to happen. I guess everyone currently
posting here just can't quite pull themselves away. Part of it
is addiction, part seems to be the love of drama and some of it
seems to be that some consider it their second home. Let's see
who voluntarily unsubscribes first, either in disgust or as a
protest move. I'm pretty sure, if things stay the way they are
currently, that it will be no one. But I like to be surprised.
&qu! ot;You can check out any time you like but you can never
(quite) leave."

 wrote :

This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get
tiresome. I am pretty sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it.
He did post many marvellous things. His not being here seems the
result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the moderator. The
problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of
posting did not seem to have changed. Barry challenged people at
the gut level as well as at the intellectual level. The gut
level is much more difficult to respond to because it activates
the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita:
'From anger delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of
memory, after forgetfulness of memory, the loss of spiritual
intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, one perishes'.

*From:* "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL
(Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever.
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness
breaketh o

[FairfieldLife] John Steed R.I.P.

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Patrick Macnee has dropped the body.


 Those opening credits for The Avengers were sixties' bravura style at its 
best. The theme music is a corker also - it still makes me tingle.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 My first send hasn't shown up. Maybe Doug has decided to hold my posts for 
approval. Let's see if this second try makes it...

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Sure. Your accusation today that it was dishonest of me to post the last 
paragraph of Barry's post in which he declares he's going to ignore Doug 
completely. That was harassment, for the reasons I've already stated.

C: I said it was slippery.

 You said it was dishonest:

 Judy, who is the first to make a stink about the context of a quote when it 
serves her own purposes has clipped out this paragraph of Barry's from the 
thread context, dishonestly making it look like Barry said this in a vacuum.


 Which it was.

Me2: Well as long as we agree on its dishonesty, my point has been made.

 As you know, "Which it was" is a quote from your own post. Talk about slippery!

 Don't be ridiculous. I explained to you why it was silly. You ignored that 
explanation and decided you wanted to talk about something else.


 So any opposition to your POV is "harassment?"

 Where did I say or suggest such a thing?

 Making up a dumb, frivolous accusation for the sole purpose of "getting" 
someone you don't like is harassment.

 Let me add this: Everybody was following the Doug-Barry confrontation with 
bated breath. Nobody thought he'd written that paragraph in a vacuum. And all 
they had to do was click on the link I provided if there was any question in 
their minds.

Me2: OK now that we have done the Judy dance I will state my point again.

 It doesn't get any better with repetition, Curtis (nor is my point diminished 
by your calling it "the Judy dance"). Yours is a stupid point intended to 
harass and score for your side, as well as obfuscate the fact that Barry openly 
defied the group moderator appointed by Rick, the group owner.

 By singling out that quote you give an impression that was not true about 
Barry. In the context of being threatened by a moderator over his comment about 
Lynch and having just waded through some convoluted and fey logic about how his 
statement violated the yahoo guidelines, and in the context of a plea to Rick 
to stop this nonsensical farce,
his comment was highly restrained although he was obviously pissed off which is 
understandable IN CONTEXT.

 Of course it was understandable that he was pissed off, and expected. That 
doesn't give him license to announce publicly that he was going to ignore the 
moderator and not get sanctioned for it. As I said in my earlier post to which 
you did not respond, try doing that to the umpire of a football game you're 
playing in. What you're doing is promoting anarchy but trying to make it look 
So you chose to isolate it from that context to impose yours on it.


 Same context. I provided a link to the original post both times I quoted it. 
Everybody knew what it was in any case.

 I guess you do have the moderator you deserve.


Me2: Excellent archaic word choice, I'm sure the equally old-timey Buck will 

But my point does not fold under your obfuscation by over focusing on the 
details that don't matter. You Judy are being hypocritical about this issue 
because of your bias. You should be he first to object to this behavior by Buck.

 As I've said, I object to Doug's attempt to moderate the David Lynch post. I 
object to his not revealing why he bounced Barry. I can't object to his 
bouncing Barry without knowing why he did it. If he did it because Barry openly 
defied him, I support it. I'm not into anarchy.

He banned Barry after making up a bogus charge.
 He refused to answer question about why even from Alex.

 He is acting against Rick's specific instructions and desires for his own 
He lied about Rick being involved in the decision.

 Oddly enough, you don't seem to want to explain where and when he told this 
purported lie.
And here you are Judy, showing up as the perfect hypocrite, claiming I am 
harassing you by calling you on your BS.

 You forget how well I know your tactics, Curtis. *This* is the bogus charge 
and the hypocrisy. That's just what you do.




---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 


[FairfieldLife] Re: John Steed R.I.P.

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It didn't seem a long time ago when I saw a few episodes of that show.  But I 
remember well the Secret Agent show starring Patrick McGoohan, who also starred 
in the strange show called, The Prisoner.

---In,  wrote :

 Patrick Macnee has dropped the body.


 Those opening credits for The Avengers were sixties' bravura style at its 
best. The theme music is a corker also - it still makes me tingle.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Bobby Jindal and Exorcism

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But that would be considered giving in to the devil himself.  In any case, 
Jindal needs a miracle to win the GOP nomination for president.

---In,  wrote :

 No, he'll do whatever his corprica bosses want him to do.
 On 06/25/2015 12:38 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   But can he exorcise the US national debt amounting to about $17 trillion?
 The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you probably haven’t heard
 The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you p... It happened in 

 View on www.washingtonpost... 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: John Steed R.I.P.

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Patrick Macnee has dropped the body.


 Those opening credits for The Avengers were sixties' bravura style at its 
best. The theme music is a corker also - it still makes me tingle.

 The Avengers Series 5 Opening Titles and Closing Credits 
 The Avengers Series 5 Opening Titles and Closing... Typical titles and credits from the 
fifth series of The Avengers 1967
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 I am a big enough nerd to have bought the entire series, every year from start 
to finish, and loved watching them all.


[FairfieldLife] A modest proposal

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re this new FFL regime where members are banned after posting offensive 
messages. There's a division between those, like me, to whom an insult on a 
topical website simply makes me shrug my shoulders - like water off a duck's 
back, to mix my metaphors; and those to whom FFL is a "spiritual" site and 
members should have a certain, minimum consideration of the feelings of those 
they disagree with.

 Here's the thing: there used to be a rule that those who posted too many 
messages over a period would be banned from the site for a week or whatever. 
Now that Buck has volunteered to be the site's censor why not allow him to ban 
someone who is offensive for a week at a time (not permanently)? That way 
anyone who persistently abused others would, as persistently, be banned from 
posting to the site. Would that not be a reasonable compromise?

 One difference from the rule when posters were ostracised for too many 
messages is that that sanction was automatically triggered when the counter 
indicated someone had got too fond of the sound of his own voice. Whether 
someone is offensive is clearly a subjective judgement. Buck has taken on the 
role - isn't he a true believer? So won't he come down hardest on those who 
take a more sceptical view of TM and MMY? But setting aside that issue - Buck 
is the one who volunteered to take on the role, and I wouldn't like the job! - 
wouldn't my "modest proposal" be an acceptable solution?


[FairfieldLife] Re: John Steed R.I.P.

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
If I lived in the USA I might well buy a handgun to keep at home for 
self-defence as there are just too many firearms floating around for my liking. 
(Yes, I'd be adding to the total but you see where I'm coming from.)  

 Emma Peel's golden revolver could be the one I'd choose. Sexy, no? Does anyone 
recognise what make it is?

[FairfieldLife] What colour is your partner?

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Three London teenagers have invented a condom that changes colour if the 
wearer has a sexually transmitted disease.


[FairfieldLife] Ahhhh, just a note .....

2015-06-25 Thread Duveyoung
Although I'm posting more, because the two trolls are gone, I gotta mention 
that it seems almost everyone here is still dissin' on each other for various 
infractions.  This includes my beloved sacred hero, Curtishee hee.not 
that he's wrong or illogical about Doug.

Geeze you guys.  

Take a look at the power of dumping the trolls.  You HAVE TO ADMIT that FFL has 
been refreshed with new vigor and dare I say "hope?"

Man-O-Man there's notions being flung around like spitballs nowmuch more 
openness.  This is good even if the openness is on the part of 

Now, think of how much MORE we could get this kind of rebirth IF ALL OF US 

I could for instance promise never to mention the trolls again.  See how simple 
that was?

Your turn.  Make a promise.

Show some holy intent.  (Curtis: "holy" means "good intentions for everyone as 
much as practical" or whatever)

And more, I'll ask ya to turn the other cheek to any new smacks on your 
countenancejust to seeyou know.just to seewhy?because just 
to see -- if all of us with our inner 
trolls-not-entirely-unlike-in-kind-to-that-of-the-dearly-departed turned off 
that dynamic -- maybe just maybe we could jack the fuckin' shit outta this 
place with a neo-hippy, be-in, everyone gets to be crazy kinda party.  

 Maybe.  Cuz two down might only be a start, ya know?



[FairfieldLife] Re: A modest proposal

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Re this new FFL regime where members are banned after posting offensive 
messages. There's a division between those, like me, to whom an insult on a 
topical website simply makes me shrug my shoulders - like water off a duck's 
back, to mix my metaphors; and those to whom FFL is a "spiritual" site and 
members should have a certain, minimum consideration of the feelings of those 
they disagree with.

 Here's the thing: there used to be a rule that those who posted too many 
messages over a period would be banned from the site for a week or whatever. 
Now that Buck has volunteered to be the site's censor why not allow him to ban 
someone who is offensive for a week at a time (not permanently)? That way 
anyone who persistently abused others would, as persistently, be banned from 
posting to the site. Would that not be a reasonable compromise?

 One difference from the rule when posters were ostracised for too many 
messages is that that sanction was automatically triggered when the counter 
indicated someone had got too fond of the sound of his own voice. Whether 
someone is offensive is clearly a subjective judgement. Buck has taken on the 
role - isn't he a true believer? So won't he come down hardest on those who 
take a more sceptical view of TM and MMY? But setting aside that issue - Buck 
is the one who volunteered to take on the role, and I wouldn't like the job! - 
wouldn't my "modest proposal" be an acceptable solution?

 Maybe in some cases it would be but who would really take the mild punishment 
of only a week off seriously enough to stop them "breaking the rules"? 
Permanent banning for some is like a death sentence whereas if I was banned I'd 
simply go away and never look back. I certainly wouldn't be soliciting friends 
or neighbors to rally to my defense or email the moderator. But then, I have a 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Ahhhh, just a note .....

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Although I'm posting more, because the two trolls are gone, I gotta mention 
that it seems almost everyone here is still dissin' on each other for various 
infractions.  This includes my beloved sacred hero, Curtishee hee.not 
that he's wrong or illogical about Doug.

Geeze you guys.  

Take a look at the power of dumping the trolls.  You HAVE TO ADMIT that FFL has 
been refreshed with new vigor and dare I say "hope?"

Man-O-Man there's notions being flung around like spitballs nowmuch more 
openness.  This is good even if the openness is on the part of 

Now, think of how much MORE we could get this kind of rebirth IF ALL OF US 

I could for instance promise never to mention the trolls again.  See how simple 
that was?

Your turn.  Make a promise.

Show some holy intent.  (Curtis: "holy" means "good intentions for everyone as 
much as practical" or whatever)

And more, I'll ask ya to turn the other cheek to any new smacks on your 
countenancejust to seeyou know.just to seewhy?because just 
to see -- if all of us with our inner 
trolls-not-entirely-unlike-in-kind-to-that-of-the-dearly-departed turned off 
that dynamic -- maybe just maybe we could jack the fuckin' shit outta this 
place with a neo-hippy, be-in, everyone gets to be crazy kinda party.  

 Maybe.  Cuz two down might only be a start, ya know?

 I was thinking exactly the same thing. And earlier today I vowed to never 
mention you-now-who's name again either here or on the Peak. And I'll try and 
be nice to everyone else even if they're dissing me. Let's see what happens.  
I'm in.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ahhhh, just a note .....

2015-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Although I'm posting more, because the two trolls are gone, I gotta mention 
that it seems almost everyone here is still dissin' on each other for various 
infractions.  This includes my beloved sacred hero, Curtishee hee.not 
that he's wrong or illogical about Doug.

Geeze you guys.  

Take a look at the power of dumping the trolls.  You HAVE TO ADMIT that FFL has 
been refreshed with new vigor and dare I say "hope?"

Man-O-Man there's notions being flung around like spitballs nowmuch more 
openness.  This is good even if the openness is on the part of 

Now, think of how much MORE we could get this kind of rebirth IF ALL OF US 

I could for instance promise never to mention the trolls again.  See how simple 
that was?

Your turn.  Make a promise.

Show some holy intent.  (Curtis: "holy" means "good intentions for everyone as 
much as practical" or whatever)

And more, I'll ask ya to turn the other cheek to any new smacks on your 
countenancejust to seeyou know.just to seewhy?because just 
to see -- if all of us with our inner 
trolls-not-entirely-unlike-in-kind-to-that-of-the-dearly-departed turned off 
that dynamic -- maybe just maybe we could jack the fuckin' shit outta this 
place with a neo-hippy, be-in, everyone gets to be crazy kinda party.  

 Maybe.  Cuz two down might only be a start, ya know?

 I was thinking exactly the same thing. And earlier today I vowed to never 
mention you-now-who's name again either here or on the Peak. And I'll try and 
be nice to everyone else even if they're dissing me. Let's see what happens.  
I'm in.

 Correction: you-know-who. 

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