[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Sandals

2011-07-22 Thread David
I met Mark Landau while he was with Maharishi and got to know more of him 
through subsequent personal correspondence and posts he made here and on his 
own website and in direct mailings

He wrote to me of Maharishi sandals some while ago and I was intrigued as I 
remembered them well. I once had to massage Maharishi's blue feet after he had 
stood too long in the snow watching the Bluchers ski near Wiesensteig, where a 
few of us were holed up with him while he worked on "The Science of Being".

A few comments are in order.

Maharishi was a remarkable person, with great bouncing energy and enviable 
vibrations. None of the revelations about his private life can alter that. He 
was not a light weight and achieved more in his life than many. Of course his 
sandals will hold some of that vibration.

Sri Aurobindo, whose ashram at Pondicherry I visited, would have stated that 
the larger truth often contains `irreconcilable facets' in a paradox.

It is lasting shame we were never able to hear Maharishi discuss his own 
situation as it might have shed light on problems we have with sex, power and 

As a keen Wagnerian I was delighted with a slim book "Wagner the terrible man, 
and his truthful Art." In it he espoused the thesis that Wagner, like all great 
artists wrote from his wounded soul and tried in his art to integrate and 
reconcile what he was unable to do in his own life. His art thus sheds light on 
problems we have and in a way that helps us to find some measure of wholeness, 
if that is what we are seeking. If that is you, you probably love Wagner. If 
not you might well hate his operas.

It is well possible that out of Maharishi's own needs came his remarkable 
attempts to unify life in Satchidananda. He was certainly the happiest person I 
have ever met and the fact that he fell short of an idealised perfection can't 
change that perception. One could love him and still wish to remain far away 
from his organization.

I see no difficulty in admiring and despising a person at one and the same time 
and for different reasons, or if despise is too strong, then loving him with 
his failings. I think that is the mark of true love as opposed to the blind and 
needy devotion of those who made a guru of Maharishi.

I never needed to so am able to still think fondly and gratefully of him. 
Despite all we now know. In fact because of what we now know feel regret I was 
unable to hear him talk as a person with struggles and personal hopes.

It could be maintained that the need to spout one's opinions is the very thing 
that will keep one unenlightened, whatever that actually means.

Some people on this site can be mean, petty and remarkably opinionated and 
excessively loquacious on all possible topics, forming instant opinions at the 
drop of a written word, without the excuse that they are the long held 
cherished biases that form so much of each of us.


[FairfieldLife] Fairfield Bitching

2011-07-26 Thread David
I am wondering whether Rick wouldn't like to start a new site called Fairfield 
Life Bitching for those who wear their egos on their sleeves and like to snipe 
at each other. Often a good series of posts begin around a spiritual experience 
or idea and soon the usual suspects start in on each other and instead of 
having a decent discussion one finds oneself mired in repartees and point 
scoring. Sometimes this is amusing but if short of time rather irritating and 
lowers the tone of what is supposed to be an exploration of spiritual ideas.

When posts become personal you could just write "I am dumping on" give name and 
direct interested folk to the Bitching Site. I think this would allow others to 
read better  motivated material. The Bitching site might become popular. It can 
amusing to read repartee but only if one has the time; like forwarded jokes!.

Also I think some people should write each other directly. Mark's post got 
excessive long replies from someone, replies that made me ask obvious questions 
but avoiding the personal didn't and frankly were in the nature of raves that 
should have gone to Mark directly rather than hogging so much space.

And while griping can't people delete all the posts before they make their own.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Oldies but goldies?

2011-08-09 Thread David
Thanks that was very amusing!


[FairfieldLife] Kidnapped

2011-03-10 Thread David
Have others of you received this or know about it? I wrote Conny to ask him 
what he knew but as yet have had no reply.
I was concerned about a possible virus but my interest being pricked copied and 
pasted the links and a quick glance at one of them showed nothing of TM adepts 
being involved.

Our french delegation has a father with her daughter kidnapped by french 
Montpellier and Luxemburg's adepts of TM.
Could you please assist us with recent news about TM please? French infos?
Yours parentally, Rick for the Parental Network Europe

Article about this sad story 
Our blog in english <http://europarental.blogspot.com>
Our social network <http://www.facebook.com/Europarental>

Conny Larsson wrote:
> Dear Friends!
> My former teacher Maharishi...
> Conny Larsson
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ole Alstrup" 
> To: co...@email.com
> Subject: Maharishi 
> Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 12:53:16 +0100

[FairfieldLife] Re: Iowa Sunset

2012-11-27 Thread David
Peaceful and lovely music!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> http://youtu.be/C0k1903EUss

[FairfieldLife] Re: Euripides' The Bacchae

2012-11-27 Thread David
re link What a weird practice! Thanks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > RD -- Burn specialist!
> > 
> > Ooooph, glad you've never skewered me.  
> > 
> > Edg
> > 
> http://youtu.be/qlmGGVQeU4E
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > >
> > > Raunchy, you are the funniest, most intelligent, compassionate person I 
> > > don't personally know. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: raunchydog 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 10:06 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Euripides' The Bacchae
> > >  
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen"  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > RD's behind-sight interpretation of Robin's Aphorisms:
> > > 
> > > Robin: We are as brave as our willingness to experience as much truth as 
> > > will hurt us into changing ourselves. 
> > > 
> > > RD: If the truth hurts, torture works.  
> > > 
> > > Robin: One thing is certain: at some point in our individual existence we 
> > > shall meet a perfect being.
> > > 
> > > RD: Only death is certain. Meet the perfect hottie after you're dead. 
> > > Bummer.
> > > 
> > > Robin: If you want to say something you think is true, you must say it 
> > > through the totality of who you are.
> > > 
> > > RD: It's totally true. I'm like totally into my totality. 
> > >  
> > > Robin: Someone who praises us, or defends us, who speaks up for us--this 
> > > means nothing to us unless we sense they know us as we know ourselves.
> > > 
> > > RD: Even nonsense makes sense when we sense sense.  
> > >  
> > > Robin: The good angels will among other things never know how good a cup 
> > > of coffee tastes.
> > > 
> > > RD: Angels have lousy taste. That's why they hire human interior 
> > > decorators. 
> > >  
> > > Robin: If you understand death the way it really is, it is, in the case 
> > > of every human being, a perfectly unnatural thing.
> > > 
> > > RD: If you know about being dead, it's unnatural. 
> > >  
> > > Robin: Oneness has become the greatest metaphysical cliche there ever was.
> > >  
> > > RD: "Dear great Pumpkin, Everyone tells me you are a fake, but I believe 
> > > in you. P.S.: If you really are a fake, don't tell me. I don't wanna 
> > > know." Linus. 
> > > 
> > > Robin: No one has ever complained about anything once they have died. 
> > > Even, as is the case: they continue to exist.
> > > 
> > > RD: If dead people could speak they would complain about being dead. 
> > > Bummer.
> > > 
> > > Robin: The closest a man and a woman can come together is when they 
> > > realize there is a sphere of communion that transcends gender. Then are 
> > > true lovers.
> > > 
> > > RD: Transgendered lovers? Fascinating.
> > > 
> > > Robin: It doesn't matter how hateful, cruel, miserable someone is--just 
> > > as long as their experience is: I can do nothing about this.
> > > 
> > > RD: Seriously, Robin, I think this the most significant bon mot on your 
> > > list. "I can do nothing about this," recognizes the effect of one's 
> > > actions on others. It is a moment of surrender to the truth of oneself. 
> > > Until this happens change is impossible.     
> > > 
> > > Robin: When you say something or write something and all the feedback 
> > > you get comes from within yourself and from nowhere else, your isolation 
> > > tells you you are not exactly making yourself sweet to reality.
> > > 
> > > RD: Make yourself sugar-sweet to reality or take your lumps.    
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: What will happen on 21 December 2012 the end of the Mayan calendar?

2012-12-05 Thread David
Thanks for this link. I liked seeing his kindly face.
Mr Crème, not too bad at fantasy himself, seems to have hit it well on the head 
this time. All the same I am laying in generator petrol to help run things, 
just in case!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 12 12 12 from Batgap squared

2012-12-12 Thread David
I've just begun listening to this. Similarly to Creme. An ordinary day but full 
with opportunity.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> This was posted on Batgap forum yesterday:
> This came up in a comment on one of the Batgap interviews:
> Just relating this - take it however you care to...but I've been hearing
>  from different sources that tonight is the beginning of the higher 
> vibration of Light on the planet..and that all who open toward it will 
> experience a profound opening of the heart...Movement in the other 
> direction - of resistance to what is - will lead to anger and 
> frustration..It's a choice..They said it was especially good to meditate
>  or be in the Silence from now through the 24th..and let go into 
> Love.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 12 12 12 from Batgap squared

2012-12-12 Thread David
I should add that dipping into cosmology as I have been doing recently and the 
unplanned play of energies it depicts I don't buy into these astrological 
predictions at all. Life will blunder on and become only what we decide to make 
of it.  We yearn to move towards goals and find it difficult to accept there 
isn't one but just life where we are at the present.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "David"  wrote:
> I've just begun listening to this. Similarly to Creme. An ordinary day but 
> full with opportunity.
> D

[FairfieldLife] Re: 12 12 12 from Batgap squared

2012-12-12 Thread David
I hope this works.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "David"  wrote:
> > >
> > > I've just begun listening to this. Similarly to Creme. An ordinary day 
> > > but full with opportunity.
> > > D
> Do you have a link that works ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 12 12 12 from Batgap squared

2012-12-12 Thread David
This is the name of the film. I got a link in an e mail

2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films®]

Hotmail Active View
2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films®]

Play video
'A World of Love is Coming!' This is the OFFICIAL RELEASE of the Full Length 
Documentary film '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning' a film written, 
directed, filmed, edited and entirely independently…
Added on 02/12/2012

[FairfieldLife] Re: 12 12 12 from Batgap squared

2012-12-12 Thread David

If I had your e address I could forward the e mail which has the film in it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 12 12 12 from Batgap squared

2012-12-12 Thread David
I think there is some truth in the view that by giving ourselves a goal we deny 
ourselves the present, ergo if you give that up you are left with the present. 
By goals I mean especially things such as enlightenment. Liberation is not 
caring a fig for that. We can spend ages trying to get better, and it remains 
always in the future. Meditation is a lovely experience but I am not convinced 
it transforms because seeking transformation implies not liking the present. It 
is rather like Tai Chi you have to make great effort but the final stage is 
effortlessness which really means surrendering to your own naturalness. The 
completely natural has surrendered, all that is left is that which moves. When 
you see the immense energy and vastness of the Universe and know that in the 
beginning  Nothing split into gravity and matter and we you add gravity back to 
matter it becomes Nothing again. It has all gone on unplanned and yet so 
I have an essay on my website about this.
Having opinions is a great way to separation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: There is no God.

2012-12-12 Thread David
That was terrific. Thanks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL4dXUtblg

[FairfieldLife] Re: The seduction of the beautiful

2012-12-17 Thread David
lovely! Thanks. David

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> Ladies – You just wish you could be seduced like this:
> Don Giovanni – La ci darem la mano
> Sung by Dmitri Hvorostovsky and Renee Fleming
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iZHwbxLBO0
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iZHwbxLBO0>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arunachala Dhyanam

2011-12-15 Thread David
Thanks. I stayed there for a few days in 1970.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> click on:
> http://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/videosflv/aruna_dhyanam.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ramana Maharshi gives Shaktipat to Ganapathi Muni at a distance

2011-12-15 Thread David
lovely story. Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Review: The Girls With The Dragon Tattoos

2012-01-10 Thread David
Noomi was excellent as Salander. Very memorable. In the Sherlock film
she was much the same so I wonder if she was simply well cast as Salander and 
can only play herself. A lot of actors are like this they act as themselves and 
if that suits the film wonderful. eg John Malkovich seems always the same to 
me. Woody Allen, Larry David etc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Review: The Girls With The Dragon Tattoos

2012-01-11 Thread David
I read all the books long ago. Very gripping. If you liked them you would enjoy 
Deon  Meyer a Cape Town writer who also creates great characters.
Salander is such a fascinating, captivating person a wonderful character 
invention so when discussing her it is sad to admit she couldn't have been real 
and therefore one can't seriously debate her.
Smoking so much, eating so badly (as Noomi mentions in the worthy while special 
features) how could she have been so tough and fit?
She is scarred and suspicious from the abuse but as she is still capable of 
warmth and empathy eg towards her previous custodian for whom, she provides at 
great cost rehabilitation. She can also be very sexually intimate. Autism is an 
unlikely definition for her. More like someone who life has made a loner. An 
angry attitude who feels her extraordinary mental abilities get her defined as 
a freak so that when Blomkwist remarks on her photographic memory she becomes 
furious with him as she suspects he sees her abnormal.
It is sad there won't be another book with her in it. Someone like her was 
needed to sort out Larson's wretched estranged father and brother who got all 
the money from his estate.
The boxer in the Swedish version was, in fact, the very person Larson wrote 
about and had to pass a screen test to play himself!
I found the new films sound difficult and kept turning up my hearing aids. I 
thought the slight Swedish accents were good something that only real actors 
could pull off. I also liked Christopher Plummer, but that could be my Canadian 
 However with the bigger budget the colour was great.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-24 Thread David
I am always surprised when I read such rude and discourteous posts here. There 
must have been something lacking in your upbringing. It is not too late to 
remedy that. Courtesy is an admirable quality. Then you can add compassion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Too-Much-Fun!

2013-02-04 Thread david
I'm so glad that this TMF group popped-up last week on the Buddhist site.  I 
love  reading the juicy chatter about even banal topics because it fun-colors 
us TM'ers as only 'Humans', after all...

[FairfieldLife] Re: The text editor designed for writing to TMers

2013-02-04 Thread david
Such a good idea & actual program!  Also a great way to handle writing to 
youngsters who still have a limited vocabulary...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> It's what you've always wanted, a text editor that dumbs what you're
> trying to say down to the max by restricting you to the 1,000 most
> common words in the English language (really "ten hundred" if I were
> writing this using the editor).
> http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/culturelab/2013/01/up-goer-five.html?
> To show how this would be useful when communicating to TMers who want to
> believe that if you dumb something down enough that they can understand
> it they actually understand it, here's the editor describing string
> theory... :-)
> "Things are made of small bits. Some of the bits are made of even 
> smaller bits. There are many different kinds of bits. Even light is made
> of very small bits flying very fast.  If we look carefully at the 
> smallest kinds of bits they look like little points. But we don't
> really  know if this is true, because the bits are very small and it is
> hard to  look at things that are so small.
> It turns out that we know how to make most things out of point-bits, 
> but one thing is hard. We know everything falls down — or actually 
> everything always falls towards everything else. The force that does 
> this is hard to make out of little point-bits — if we try to do this
> we  get too many little point-bits flying around. There is one way to
> fix  it: we realize that the little bits are actually not points but
> long  things! The long things are wrapped tight and it is hard to see
> them  because they are so small and a very small wrapped long thing
> looks just  like a point.
> But then the long things make fun things happen. The force that makes 
> things fall comes out! Wow! And all kinds of other things too! In fact 
> all the different kinds of bits that we see come from just one kind of 
> wrapped long thing moving in different ways. This is great! One idea 
> explains many different things and so we are happy. There are some 
> little problems still but we are working hard and it is possible that 
> everything around us — in space, near by, all of it — can be
> understood  from one simple idea of wrapped long things."

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Stagirite Beats Up on The Veda and SCI

2012-07-04 Thread David
Thanks for this link! Amazing!

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDBrdl2sZWs

[FairfieldLife] Re: French commune home to 20,000 "doomsday cultists" awaiting alien salvation

2012-03-28 Thread David

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> But Bugarach ? Never heard of the place.

I thought he was a musician.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Can Speed Up the Brain

2012-04-24 Thread David

Yes very rue. I was there.

> I have some friends who were there in India once when Maharishi brought Tat 
> Walla Baba over for a talk, they tell the story that a course participant 
> then asked the question of Tat Walla Baba, if he slept?  Maharisihi 
> translated the question and there were peels of laughter from both Maharishi 
> and Tat Walla Baba and apparently Tat Walla Baba had said in reply,   "What 
> would the world do if I slept?"  
> > 
> >  
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Huh?  I'm so blown away by this clip...can you believe "we" used to 
> > > > watch that?  The brain is insane.  Incredible.  Now, what was your 
> > > > point?  RIP Farrah.  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  From: obbajeeba 
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > > Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 5:24 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Can Speed Up the Brain
> > > >  
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > On Apr 22, 2012, at 6:51 PM, sparaig wrote:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > And given that, where's the effort? Worrying about effort is 
> > > > > > > futile. TM practice takes advantage of the mind's natural 
> > > > > > > tendency.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > And for you remembering is not the mind�s natural tendency?
> > > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > The mind's natural tendency is to become aware of what is most 
> > > > > pleasing...
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > L.
> > > > >
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJTBs24szWo
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The invention of "rounding"

2012-04-24 Thread David
In 1962 in Hochgurgl we had an Icelander who went very odd, kept clearing his 
throat and spitting, sat in from of MMY and ate the fruit that had been 
offered. Maharishi gave him a task to walk outside and find 108 pebbles all the 
same size and colour.
In'69 in Rishikesh some people tied themselves into their chairs so they 
wouldn't fall out if they fell asleep and `meditated'for 16 hours straight.
In the early days yoga postures were limited, eventually they became as lengthy 
as the meditation.
I heard of meditators who barked like dogs in group meditation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> OK, as an example of Maharishi improvising his way through
> things, I found myself trying to remember today when the
> idea of "rounding" came up. For those of you who don't 
> know, that's -- in an in-residence course retreat setting 
> -- meditating more than your normal 20 minutes twice a 
> day, sometimes for much longer, and interspersing the 
> periods of meditation with yoga asanas. 
> This was not always the "given" that many people here seem
> to think it was. On the early India teacher training courses,
> Maharishi just sent people to their rooms and told them to
> meditate for as long as they wanted to. The results were...
> uh...challenging. While some grooved behind it, others 
> went bat shit crazy.
> A fellow I knew who was on one of the India courses told 
> me the story of the monkey infestation, and how that was
> dealt with by one of the other course participants. It seems
> (according to this story) that the Rishikesh ashram had been
> built in the migration path of a certain genus of monkey,
> and so at least twice a year it was overrun by them. One
> guy, about 8 hours into his latest meditation, suddenly
> grew tired of the sound of them running across his roof
> and decided that it was his holy dharma to kill the latest
> offender. So he chased that monkey through the jungle with
> a rock for the next eight hours, until some people finally
> found him and brought him back home. 
> As I understand it, no actual monkeys were harmed during
> the enactment of this story, dharmically or adharmically.
> But I stand on my earlier use of the phrase "bat shit crazy."
> Anyway, soon after this Maharishi decided that something
> needed to be done to prevent this. So he invented "rounding,"
> which seems to have kept most of these bat shit crazy incidents
> from happening. Most of them. 
> But WHEN did he first introduce "rounding" on residence
> courses or teacher training courses? I have a vague memory
> of it not appearing at the beginning of the 1967 Squaw
> Valley course but sometime later in it. Then again, I may
> have just missed it in the first week of Squaw Valley. 
> Maharishi could have introduced it at Estes Park, but I
> don't know because I wasn't there. 
> Anybody got an authoritative answer, or at the very least
> one from your own experience? Thanks in advance...

[FairfieldLife] Re: The invention of "rounding"

2012-04-24 Thread David
There is nothing wrong with Maharishi's ability and need to adapt and innovate 
as he discovered what sort of people lived in the West. The sadness is that so 
many of the steps he took took him further and further away from the homely 
simple formula of meditate twice a day and do what you like. Those who embraced 
that and nothing more probably benefitted enormously. The desperately seeking 
who wanted to be told what to do, who desired a guru met someone who was happy 
to give proscriptions and prescriptions, someone who gave in to bizarre 
impulses till the Movement became the overblown silly nothing it did. All very 


[FairfieldLife] Re: The invention of "rounding"

2012-04-25 Thread David
That's good. The more people meditating the better!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> Eh, the DLF has sponsored TM instruction for about 1/2 million kids and there 
> is a waiting list of 1 million kids to learn TM in the city of Rio de 
> Janeiro, all by itself.
> Overblown? Silly?
> Sure, but that doesn't mean that there isn't validity in even the silliest, 
> most-overblown aspects.
> L.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Weepy Wednesday

2013-02-27 Thread David
yes  indeed tears!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> because this little story brought tears to my eyes
> http://www.wimp.com/gloryshot/

[FairfieldLife] Muhurta for Huggins Dental Realignment?

2009-10-09 Thread David
Hello Everybody!
Please could someone tell me how to find an ideal Muhurta to have my dental 
work done? I have lots of mercury fillings and root canals and so on to get 
sorted out, and my health is not very good, so I want to find a time when I 
have the best chance of a good recovery. It seems that having this work done is 
quite a trauma, and also a very delicate business, so doing it at an 
auspiscious time may be vital to a successful outcome. I would be grateful for 
help from the wise people of the group.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Thoughtful article/book about Hell

2010-08-28 Thread David Lawson

That is an interesting article.  Though I don't  agree with all that he says, 
Pope John Paul II gave a talk on hell  that seemed to me to address the issue 
of hell in a more  meaningful way,     going beyond the fire and brimstone 
message, and treating hell as more a state of consciousnes s (cutting off the 
ability to affect the status of hell  on physical death ), which surprised  me 
enough to remember  it this long after it was reported .  In    a talk quoted 
on the Vatican site (at www.vatican.va/.../ john _ paul _ ii /.../hf_jp- ii 
_aud_28071999_en.html .) , he said: 

    "The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly 
interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without 
God. Rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and 
definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy. This 
is how the Catechism of the Catholic Church summarizes the truths of faith on 
this subject: “To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God’s 
merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free 
choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the 
blessed is called ‘hell’” (n. 1033). 

“Eternal damnation”, therefore, is not attributed to God's initiative because 
in his merciful love he can only desire the salvation of the beings he created. 
In   reality, it is the creature who closes himself to his love. Damnation 
consists precisely in definitive separation from God, freely chosen by the 
human person and confirmed with death that seals his choice for ever. God’s 
judgement ratifies this state." 

Dave Lawson 

- Or iginal Message - 
From: "TurquoiseB"  
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 4:09:06 AM 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Thoughtful article/book about Hell 


I'm always amused when Nabby or someone else here invokes the spectre of "going 
to Hell" as the inevitable or proper punishment for something one of the people 
they disagree with is doing, saying, or thinking. The amusing part for me is 
not that they're repeating this Hell meme like mindless dogmabots, but that 
like mindless dogmabots they've never really *thought through* the 
philosophical ramifications of Hell itself. If it exists, doesn't that mean 
that God is *into* eternal punishment and the inevitability of evil, eternally? 
Doesn't it mean that the notion of the compassionate God is total bullshit? If 
He is ready to consign someone to Hell for eternity, that's just not my idea of 
compassion. Here's an article by a woman who has not been afraid to think about 
the Hell meme critically, and write about what a belief in Hell implies about 
those who believe in it. 
The Problem with Hell 
by Sharon L. Baker 

When I was 26, I found out I was going to hell. Young, impressionable, and 
without a strong faith, I listened intently as the pastor of a church I was 
visiting described in graphic detail the tortuous, unquenchable flames that 
would burn human bodies forever and ever. He spoke of worms eating away at 
decaying flesh, total darkness without the presence of God, and worst of all, 
no release from those horrors for all eternity. I certainly didn't want to be 
one of those unfortunate many to feel the flames licking at my feet soon after 
leaving life in this world. So I took out the proper fire insurance and asked 
Jesus to save me from my sins and, therefore, from eternal torment in hell. 
Whew! That was 25 years ago, and hell is still a hot topic. 

Hell haunts me deep down inside, where I fear to tread and fail to admit 
uncertainty lest ripples of doubt disturb my secure little world of faith, lest 
someone find out and think me less Christian and more heretic. I have no 
intention of doing away with hell. I can't -- certain verses in the Bible won't 
allow me to do that. So I am very concerned about remaining faithful to the 
Christian scriptures; but I'm even more concerned about remaining faithful to 
the God of love, who loves the worst of the worst, the world's enemies, 
including, even, the Hitlers, the Idi Amins, and the Osama bin Ladens of the 
world. Our traditional views of hell as a place of eternal punishment where 
unbelievers dwell in undying flames contradict the image of God as merciful, 
forgiving, and compassionate. Our traditional focus on hell as an evangelistic 
tool does not genuinely communicate the very heart of the gospel. If we receive 
Jesus as Savior merely because we want to avoid hell, we miss the entire point. 

I am also very disturbed by the behavior of those who claim kinship with God 
through Jesus, who for centuries have instigated and participated in horrendous 
violence in the name of God. To stem the tide of religious violence in the 
world, we must offer an alternative image of God that more closely resembles 
the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth. If we do not hear the call of the

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM only to 'Survive'

2010-05-01 Thread David Hawthorne
When I talked to John, last night, he said he left to pursue other
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Rick Archer
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2010 8:03 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM only to 'Survive'
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of lurkernomore20002000
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2010 7:43 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM only to 'Survive'
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of wle...@...
> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 8:55 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM only to 'Survive'
> Knees are still being cut resignation of the Freshman's men's Dean of men
> just 2 weeks ago, or so.
> Whom I interviewed on my show. I think he was forced to resign. I hope his
> being on my show didn't have anything to do with it.
Like, who are we  talking about?  The first comment doesn't make any sense
at all (at least to me), and the second comment doesn't clarify anything
John Speer. http://batgap.com/john-speer/
A friend just told me that his having been on my show was "the last straw",
so they asked him to resign. I guess he was too open-minded.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Acedia & Fairfield

2010-06-01 Thread David Hawthorne
Test (posting)
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 9:11 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Acedia & Fairfield
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Buck
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 10:51 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Acedia & Fairfield
 Different story. A friend here re-tells 
hearing Charlie Lutes getting a phone call from
a despondent friend threatening suicide. 

tells him "Before you do that, let me tell you what is
going to happen". "With our bodies gone
the soul has no buffer but for the raw suffering and pain
it is experiencing".
(picture of hell)
"You could do that, its an option" The advantage of a human
body is that it buffers pain & suffering. Without a body & nervous 
system the soul is exposed to the totality of the pain and suffering."
The caller reconsidered.
I always wondered why everyone took Charlie Lutes so seriously. He could
read an esoteric book as well as the next guy, and was better than most at
regurgitating the information. I once had an argument with a guy who had
insisted that Charlie was enlightened because he had been meditating for 15

[FairfieldLife] please remove from e-mail list

2013-04-20 Thread david allen
The chatter is interesting, but too much stuffing...

[FairfieldLife] Yer chatter is bulging my Inbox!

2013-02-20 Thread david allen

Kyho, Iowans!
I keep thinking to get off this chatter-group, but only for the unexpected 
volume of messaging.  there are plenty of interesting topics to help get a 
wider perception of what You Folks are pondering out there.   And just curious, 
are there good career-opportunities in FF for aging "executive-governors"?   
Finally grok-ing some of the diverse spiritual development advice & practices 
i've endured or enjoyed,  i might be a good candidate for any quiet, 
guidance-oriented opening in Fairfield, or environs.  
As a registered craniosacral therapist, i figure that You All, like everybody, 
could use some quiet, extended-touch sessions.  Using a fluidbody paradigme 
with an acquired, nature-oriented attention-span, my experiences as a 
recipient, and as a practitioner, seem alot like that described as the old 
Catharic rite of "Consolament".  Reportedly the sacrament of spiritual baptism, 
it is described as an arcane method of human hand-touch ("imposition of hands") 
which helps to prepare recipients to confront the Great Mystery.  It was 
advised for the clergy, often requested by dying Cathars, and especially by 
those expecting torture and immolation for heresy at the 'hands' of 
christian-mercenaries during the 1190 - 1220 CE Albigensian (first internal) 
Crusade conducted in Southern France, by the Roman Church.  
Cathars and others sought Consolamentum to rehearse the experience infusion of 
Spirit and 'body-dropping'.   For myself, vivid Hubble-like perceptions of a 
Pleroma of un-winking stars; visceral cotton-lightness; endless radiant space; 
etc, all give confidence to advise looking closer into the BCST paradigme.   
And maybe try some sessions.  They could help Us All settle deeply into silent 
and soothing somatic tempos -- just like when we were tiny, embryonic, aquatic 

Re: [FairfieldLife] (Ouch...) Alex--this is spam!

2013-02-21 Thread david allen

Oops, in trouble again.  I wuz just writing an intro to a seemingly inclusive 
--- On Wed, 2/20/13, authfriend  wrote:

From: authfriend 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Alex--this is spam (was Re: Yer chatter is bulging my 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 6:32 PM


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, david allen wrote:
> Kyho, Iowans!
> I keep thinking to get off this chatter-group, but only for the unexpected 
> volume of messaging.  there are plenty of interesting topics to help get a 
> wider perception of what You Folks are pondering out there.   And just 
> curious, are there good career-opportunities in FF for aging 
> "executive-governors"?   Finally grok-ing some of the diverse spiritual 
> development advice & practices i've endured or enjoyed,  i might be a good 
> candidate for any quiet, guidance-oriented opening in Fairfield, or environs. 
> As a registered craniosacral therapist, i figure that You All, like 
> everybody, could use some quiet, extended-touch sessions.  Using a fluidbody 
> paradigme with an acquired, nature-oriented attention-span, my experiences as 
> a recipient, and as a practitioner, seem alot like that described as the old 
> Catharic rite of "Consolament".  Reportedly the sacrament of spiritual 
> baptism, it is described as an arcane method of human hand-touch ("imposition 
> of hands") which helps to prepare recipients to confront the Great Mystery.  
> It was advised for the clergy, often requested by dying Cathars, and 
> especially by those expecting torture and immolation for heresy at the 
> 'hands' of christian-mercenaries during the 1190 - 1220 CE Albigensian (first 
> internal) Crusade conducted in Southern France, by the Roman Church.  
> Cathars and others sought Consolamentum to rehearse the experience infusion 
> of Spirit and 'body-dropping'.   For myself, vivid Hubble-like perceptions of 
> a Pleroma of un-winking stars; visceral cotton-lightness; endless radiant 
> space; etc, all give confidence to advise looking closer into the BCST 
> paradigme.   And maybe try some sessions.  They could help Us All settle 
> deeply into silent and soothing somatic tempos -- just like when we were 
> tiny, embryonic, aquatic prenates... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yer chatter

2013-02-22 Thread david allen
Howdy back, Buck!   
 Yes i wuz a 'TM stormtrooper' ("Initiations by hook or by crook!") in N. 
America before the 108 group was invented.  Back then, things were pretty much 
decided by regional coordinators.  Unfortunately, there was no 
complaint-department, no ombuds-type persons, nor initiator's-union to address 
 One recurring gripe was simply about getting advanced course-acceptance in 
time to catch our dam' travel arrangements.  We had operated local residence 
courses for years, no problem.  Center staffers were prompt and always nice 
with applicants, so they kept coming to courses -- it was easy and fun.   Then 
a couple of 'Siddhas' arrived from Switzerland to take-over the center.   After 
alienating most of the 'strong' meditators, and generally screwing things-up, 
they disappeared back to Europe.  Our invincible-center closed shortly 
afterwards.  Bye bye, boys...
Surely by now, two-way communication channels are well-established and help 
with problems faced by teachers and administrators in the field.    Recalling 
all this stuff today, I also remember that we didn't touch others very often.  
Now, research is showing that friendly human contact helps develop empathy in 
people.   Geeze, we could've used more of that...  

--- On Thu, 2/21/13, Buck  wrote:

From: Buck 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yer chatter is bulging my Inbox!
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 11:50 AM


Executive TM Governor? Were you an executive Gov back in Switzerland, Holland 
or North America? Do you go back to the days of 108's?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, david allen wrote:
> Kyho, Iowans!
> I keep thinking to get off this chatter-group, but only for the unexpected 
> volume of messaging.  there are plenty of interesting topics to help get a 
> wider perception of what You Folks are pondering out there.   And just 
> curious, are there good career-opportunities in FF for aging 
> "executive-governors"?   Finally grok-ing some of the diverse spiritual 
> development advice & practices i've endured or enjoyed,  i might be a good 
> candidate for any quiet, guidance-oriented opening in Fairfield, or environs. 
> As a registered craniosacral therapist, i figure that You All, like 
> everybody, could use some quiet, extended-touch sessions.  Using a fluidbody 
> paradigme with an acquired, nature-oriented attention-span, my experiences as 
> a recipient, and as a practitioner, seem alot like that described as the old 
> Catharic rite of "Consolament".  Reportedly the sacrament of spiritual 
> baptism, it is described as an arcane method of human hand-touch ("imposition 
> of hands") which helps to prepare recipients to confront the Great Mystery.  
> It was advised for the clergy, often requested by dying Cathars, and 
> especially by those expecting torture and immolation for heresy at the 
> 'hands' of christian-mercenaries during the 1190 - 1220 CE Albigensian (first 
> internal) Crusade conducted in Southern France, by the Roman Church.  
> Cathars and others sought Consolamentum to rehearse the experience infusion 
> of Spirit and 'body-dropping'.   For myself, vivid Hubble-like perceptions of 
> a Pleroma of un-winking stars; visceral cotton-lightness; endless radiant 
> space; etc, all give confidence to advise looking closer into the BCST 
> paradigme.   And maybe try some sessions.  They could help Us All settle 
> deeply into silent and soothing somatic tempos -- just like when we were 
> tiny, embryonic, aquatic prenates... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yer chatter

2013-02-22 Thread david allen
Hi Michael!  We were tucked-away in Central & South Florida, usA.  I still 
figure that TM-ism should've waited until someone(s) could actually hop into a 
hover-pattern before predicting anything about suspension of gravity, etc.  The 
whole siddhi-thing could've been kept as a 'secret project' in ordedr to get 
maximum media exposure!   For years, we were koo-koo about super-powers...

--- On Fri, 2/22/13, Michael Jackson  wrote:

From: Michael Jackson 
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yer chatter
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "dave dukely" 
Date: Friday, February 22, 2013, 2:39 PM


what part of the country was that in?

From: david allen 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Cc: dave dukely  
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yer chatter


Howdy back, Buck!   
 Yes i wuz a 'TM stormtrooper' ("Initiations by hook or by crook!") in N. 
America before the 108 group was invented.  Back then, things were pretty much 
decided by regional coordinators.  Unfortunately, there was no 
complaint-department, no ombuds-type persons, nor initiator's-union to address 
 One recurring gripe was simply about getting advanced course-acceptance in 
time to catch our dam' travel arrangements.  We had operated local residence 
courses for years, no problem.  Center staffers were prompt and always nice 
with applicants, so they kept coming to courses -- it was easy and fun.   Then 
a couple of 'Siddhas' arrived from Switzerland to take-over the center.   After 
alienating most of the 'strong' meditators, and generally screwing things-up, 
they disappeared back to Europe.  Our invincible-center closed shortly 
afterwards.  Bye bye, boys...
Surely by now, two-way communication channels are well-established and help 
with problems faced by teachers and administrators in the field.    Recalling 
all this stuff today, I also remember that we didn't touch others very often.  
Now, research is showing that friendly human contact helps develop empathy in 
people.   Geeze, we could've used more of that...  

--- On Thu, 2/21/13, Buck  wrote:

From: Buck 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yer chatter is bulging my Inbox!
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 11:50 AM


Executive TM Governor? Were you an executive Gov back in Switzerland, Holland 
or North America? Do you go back to the days of 108's?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, david allen wrote:
> Kyho, Iowans!
> I keep thinking to get off this chatter-group, but only for the unexpected 
> volume of messaging.  there are plenty of interesting topics to help get a 
> wider perception of what You Folks are pondering out there.   And just 
> curious, are there good career-opportunities in FF for aging 
> "executive-governors"?   Finally grok-ing some of the diverse spiritual 
> development advice & practices i've endured or enjoyed,  i might be a good 
> candidate for any quiet, guidance-oriented opening in Fairfield, or environs. 
> As a registered craniosacral therapist, i figure that You All, like 
> everybody, could use some quiet, extended-touch sessions.  Using a fluidbody 
> paradigme with an acquired, nature-oriented attention-span, my experiences as 
> a recipient, and as a practitioner, seem alot like that described as the old 
> Catharic rite of "Consolament".  Reportedly the sacrament of spiritual 
> baptism, it is described as an arcane method of human hand-touch ("imposition 
> of hands") which helps to prepare recipients to confront the Great Mystery.  
> It was advised for the clergy, often requested by dying Cathars, and 
> especially by those expecting torture and immolation for heresy at the 
> 'hands' of christian-mercenaries during the 1190 - 1220 CE Albigensian (first 
> internal) Crusade conducted in Southern France, by the Roman Church.  
> Cathars and others sought Consolamentum to rehearse the experience infusion 
> of Spirit and 'body-dropping'.   For myself, vivid Hubble-like perceptions of 
> a Pleroma of un-winking stars; visceral cotton-lightness; endless radiant 
> space; etc, all give confidence to advise looking closer into the BCST 
> paradigme.   And maybe try some sessions.  They could help Us All settle 
> deeply into silent and soothing somatic tempos -- just like when we were 
> tiny, embryonic, aquatic prenates... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ouch; HST Spam (?) & 'welcoming committee' advice.

2013-02-25 Thread david allen
Back at Ya, Folks, but I had no idea this Group was so fragile.  Enjoyed the 
spunky replies, but don't think I'll get to all that reading (who's Robin?).  
In time, you may start to like someone who knows beta-carrotene from 
beta-carbolines!   Plus, I may come out your way to share images sent back from 
the Hubble Space Telescope, among others.  New converts to Hubble-ism are 
swelling the ranks, with over 500,000 viewing the HST Deep Space segment on 
U-tube.  U-too?  
And way-back then, "executive" governors had initiated over 500 people.   I 
even went to MIU for a few semesters of core courses -- tough academics with 
smart students.  Anyone remember a pod-band called, "The Nasty Tendancy"?


--- On Thu, 2/21/13, Ann  wrote:

From: Ann 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: (Ouch...) Alex--this is spam!
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 11:40 PM


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" wrote:
> http://www.popmodal.com/video/1397/Idiocracy--Justice#v
> http://www.popmodal.com/video/1397/Idiocracy--Justice#v>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> >
> > Ah hem. This hee-yar is the welcoming committee.
> > For further reference to rules hee-yar, "Okie migrants and Federal
> camps", read, The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, page 345 and then
> some. You git to known some folks and "the ladies in the sanitary unit
> number 4," and Navashok is like "Jessie," "the Chair."
> > But they's switch off weekly.
> > Soft porn is okay in written word, (that's why Navashok is in charge
> of that, she knows when things are getting way outta hand and will call
> you on it. Cranial pressure stuffs, we gots lot's of that round hee-yar.
> Touchless is preferable, that way it stays in the soft porn category and
> we gots no dancin or play actin either. The devil comes if...well, talk
> to the Turq about that!
> > Jyotish as Ann mentioned in another post is good too. 

I hardly know how to spell it let alone suggest it might be good. Anyone want 
to do my chart?

That is why soft
> porn is allowed, when peoples starts cuts and pastin slokas from
> Parasara Hora Shastra about ladies bodies parts and what is auspicious
> or not in very graphic detail, if I say so, except for the legs like
> banana trees, then it is cute and that is auspicious according to
> Parasara. :)
> > Welcome from my side at least!
> > Tell us about your pressure reducing practice and what your day job
> is?
> > -Obbajeeba
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, david allen wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Oops, in trouble again.  I wuz just writing an introÂ
> to a seemingly inclusive group...
> > >
> > > This is an exclusive group. You should first read here a couple of
> month, before you start posting. You should also look into the archives,
> so that you know what it is all about. You should read a minimum of 10
> long extended posts by maskedzebra, Jude could point out to you which
> ones are essential to read. You should also study the Barry /Judy wars,
> which go back 17 years, for that you should have a look at
> alt.meditation.transcendental. If you don't know what that is, Richard
> will explain it to you.
> > >
> > > You should also decide to which fraction you want to belong to, with
> whom you want to gang up, are you pro-TM or anti-TM, or do you even
> pretend to be neutral, are you pro or anti Robin. You could be pro-TM
> pro-Robin, anti-TM pro-Robin, anti-Robin pro-TM, or anti-Robin anti-TM,
> (did I forget something?) You could be also one of the 'freaks' (not
> meant in a bad way, just not fitting anywhere) with an exclusive topic
> like Sanskrit or Nokia or Chinese poetry or opera or latest movies.
> > >
> > > Once you have completed these initial steps, you are welcome to post
> almost anything, except porn and new Yahoo viruses.
> > >
> > > > Â
> > > > Â
> > > > --- On Wed, 2/20/13, authfriend wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > From: authfriend 
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Alex--this is spam (was Re: Yer chatter
> is bulging my Inbox!)
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > > Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 6:32 PM
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Â
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: late (Ouch...) Alex-- spam!

2013-03-05 Thread david allen
Good essay on spiritual-needs & ezy-link to the FF paper.  And thanks for 
encouagement to visit again -- t was always nice out there.  WayBack, our 
'programs' were practiced on foam-pads in large 'sheds' to help govern 
time-trends better.  I still have a badge covered with '7000' stickers -- would 
it get me into a dome to hover some?  


--- On Sat, 2/23/13, authfriend  wrote:

From: authfriend 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: (Ouch...) Alex--this is spam!
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, February 23, 2013, 2:23 PM


"We become addicted to healing instead of being healed, so we
cannot be OK with not always being OK."

Read more:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> David, there is in fact quite a thriving economy in alternative health and 
> spirituality here in Fairfield, Ia. Locally the rags we look at for events, 
> venues, and services are The Fairfield Weekly Reader and also The Source. 
> People locally open them up alongside their calendar-planners to schedule 
> their lives here. There's a tremendous amount going on in a small community 
> frequently with too many multiple options of things spiritual going on any 
> day or nite. If you look in the classified ads for either you'll see some of 
> the market here. The Weekly Reader does not have a good web presence but it 
> gets distributed every Thursday each week. 
> http://www.yelp.com/biz/fairfield-weekly-reader-fairfield
> You could contact the Fairfield Weekly Reader and they'd send you a copy. The 
> Source has a web page: http://www.iowasource.com/
> You should come visit. It's quite a spiritual place. You'd like it.
> -Buck

[FairfieldLife] Re: Connie Larson

2007-01-31 Thread David Fiske

I knew Conny from Rishikesh 1971, a most likeable fellow. I would
consider his testimony very reliable. Do you know that when he left
Maharishi Maharishi gave him his deerskin as a memento.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This swedish fellow was unable to understand the nature of one great 
> saint. Then he moves along to another, Sai Baba, and again he is unable.
> Apparently Sai Baba told him to go home; he would father a son. When 
> Connies wife conscieved a daughter he became furious. 
> Whatever you hear or read from Connie Larson, take a deap breath.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Connie Larson

2007-01-31 Thread David Fiske

I've read it as he sent me an electronic copy

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He is supposed to have an English version of his biography out. I  
> know the Swedish version has been out for a while, just not certain  
> on the English one.
> It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Connie Larson

2007-01-31 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> David Fiske wrote:
> > I knew Conny from Rishikesh 1971, a most likeable fellow.
> >
> Someone has a faulty memory, David!
Quite right last course 1969. How did you know that? And does it matter?

[FairfieldLife] I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-10-29 Thread David Fiske
Maharishi has been on mind recently. I have been thinking how much I
like him and what a pivotal role he played in my life. I last saw him
alone, probably in '74, on one of those European ATR courses. He had
been messing around with me, the then National Leader in South Africa,
as he was wont to do, giving contradictory messages and making me feel
unsettled as to my position and his confidence in me. I raised this
with him as he lay ready for sleep and said I was unsure of his love.

He replied" my love for you was established when first we met"

We me in 1962 (Hochgurgl). I had received word that my father was
dying in South Africa and I was uncertain about staying for the month.
Henry Nyburg organised for me to see him alone, right at the start of
the course. Maharishi took both my hands in a warm embrace and asked
about my father. It was a special moment for me and set the tone both
for the course, my first romance with the Absolute, and my subsequent
frequent interactions with Maharishi.

My last direct contact, en route as an immigrant to Canada, was from a
phone booth on a Swiss Autobahn as I was leaving Seelisburg, having
been given the run around by Neil Patterson for videos and a machine
which never came because I had a moustache! Maharishi laughed heartily
about this and said I could have gone to Canada as their national
leader rather than as a bearded philosopher. My response was that
would have put a few noses out of joint.

By then I was well on my way out from the organization having decided
amongst other things that if enlightenment meant anything it meant the
ability to be one's self as well as one's Self.

So some 30 years later he still comes to mind and I still feel such
affection for him. He was a wonderful person to know and greatly
enriched my life.

I do wonder how much of this comes from the Jungian projection one
tends to make on such figures and the reluctance to give up seeing
one's Soul in them.

I read what people say of Muktananda. I never met him but from what I
read he was a first class rogue so I have none of their projections
which either leaves them permanently in love or furious about being

So I am uncertain of this continuing love for Maharishi, my wish that
he makes a happy `transition', and that warm happy feeling I get when,
as now, I think of him and feel so grateful he was a part of life.


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[FairfieldLife] Geoff Gilpin

2006-10-29 Thread David Fiske
Geoff Gilpin intended to interview me for his book but I `fell through
cracks' as he put it. I was interested to see what folks thought of it
so got back on to FFL searched and read a pile of posts that had
nothing like a review. I don't know whether a review was written and,
if so, could someone kindly direct me to the message no.

Has anyone read Conny Larson's auto biography? I have and found it
moving. It details his abuse by Satya Sai Baba and makes some
allusions to MMY's behaviour. He is writing an account of those at the

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-10-31 Thread David Fiske
Lurk, Rick and Curtis,
Your comments all so kind. Thank you.

"Above the fray". Well let me explain. I have spent a lot of time
bemoaning all that I think is wrong or misguided. One can spiral down
doing that. I have spent much time looking forward to an expected cull
brought on by human foolishness.

However although I still embrace catastrophe as a means for change I
have started to believe in a new paradigm. This is that there are 12
time lines of parallel realities i.e 12 futures for those here on
earth now. This is more than just a wheat and a chaff division.
Compatible energies will have a similar future. These 12 time lines
seem destined to hive off soon. I take great comfort in the thought
that I will soon no longer be sharing my world with incompatible
energies. Therefore I get a warm feeling in my heart for my future and
that leaves little room for bitching. There is SO much that is just
not right for me here on earth now I could spend all day swearing. It
seems better to think happily of the splitting away of those 12 time
lines. Goodbye can be such a cheerful word sometimes don't you think?

By the way some of these ideas came from www.opterra.com. I am on a
forum there, for which one pays monthly. You might be surprised to
know I was almost kicked off for being a subversive agent! All I did
was point out to a charming poster who in alluding to unity
consciousness described herself as a leaf floating on the ocean an
image I said that implied duality and that the wave and ocean analogy
was more philosophically correct.

Courteous as I think I am it was construed as seeking a fight. From
memories of how some folk on FFL behave you wouldn't last 10 seconds
there. They are all generally in agreement and mostly always
supportive of each other.

The site has made me realize that someone can be highly intelligent,
informed, intuitive and yet quite possibly be a little mad. However I
mostly find the eccentric charming and my life has been greatly
enriched by the odd.
What I also like about the 12 futures is that it is not a heaven/hell
judgement. You just go where you are most suited and that seems a good
solution. Moreover as energies for change flood our earth as they
currently do, they provide stimulus for the hiving off. They boost
what one focuses on or where one's heart is. As one's life is what one
attends to, so also will be one's future.

Is all this true? I don't know; life is so mysterious. Do I believe
it? Perhaps and it helps me get through my day.

I just don't recognize the world so many people seem to be living in
as my world. If that is to be above the fray then I guess that is
where I am. Any way I have enough of my own fray to deal with.

I haven`t been on this site since Nov when I went on my round the
world trip so I don't know if there have been more Maharishi dark
revelations but I am aware of the earlier stories. Troubling I know.
However, in his core, Maharishi has wanted to help and I think he has
done so. He taught me 1) I could do nothing more fundamental to change
the world than changing my awareness and taught me how to do that.

2) Knowledge is structured in consciousness.

If I look at the facts the world provides this is hard to prove. But
if I look at my personal world it seems valid for apart from some
slips and blips I see a world of love.

This morning I put some more of my large garden to bed. A frog hopped
towards its winter bed under a big pile of mulch, from where it will
emerge in the Spring to eat slugs. I greeted it with affection as a
companero. Chickadees start their own sunflowers in the garden and in
Fall eat the seeds. As they flit amongst the 8 foot tall plants I call
to them `hello sweetheart'. .My well tended soil gives me wonderful
vegetables and fruit. How can I not see love in all that balance and

So it depends on what you want to see.

I was taught that when something of beauty is seen to love it for the
earth as we know it is passing away. It is apparently vanishing in
turmoil. That is one view; but that is the splitting off of the time
lines. The world that some people inhabit is just not mine at all so
why worry about them. They have their future and I have mine. As I
think of my future in a world of love I get a delicious feeling in my

We have choices. We can yap angrily as life passes by or we can grab
in by the handful and love it. I think Maharishi has done the latter.
He has taken two huge handfuls of life. And once he took my hands for
a while and that has made all the difference.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> That was a sweet post, David. As much a reflection of the goodness of
> your own heart as of any qualities Maharishi possesses,
> Yeah. That is what I felt.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  wrote:
> &

[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-10-31 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> Nice.  Your posts stand apart like the tallest mountain in a range.
> lurk
You are too kind. By the way I made an error in the link I gave re 12
timelines. it should have been:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-11-01 Thread David Fiske
Correct. Lovely poem.Another educated person on this site!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm wondering whether your last phrase here was a conscious echo of the 
> final line of Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken":
> Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
> I took the one less traveled by,
> And that has made all the difference. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-11-01 Thread David Fiske
On the forum I found everyone had the same symptoms I have been having
for 5 months for which all medical tests have proved negative. Their
explanation is that what they hope for is happening and is causing
cellular purification etc.
I have long cast my intellectual net fairly wide. Furthermore it seems
no more far fetched than the TMO I left in 1977.
A lot of what Lyara writes is very interesting. I guess I allow myself
to have a corner that tolerates the bizarre sometimes. If you don't
get onto the forum and you already have doubts you would doubt even
more if you read some of the stuff there.
I don't think I can add much more than that except I have every
sympathy for someone who just smiles or even laughs out loud; but then
I have friends and family who do the same for much that I really do
believe in.


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> David,
> I'm sure convincing people about your beliefs is not your cup of tea,
> but I was wondering if you would care to elaborate on why you find the
> site you posted credible?  Although a guy like me predictably doesn't
> find the information on the site compelling , I am always interested
> in why someone else does.  In the spirit of discovery, and without any
> intention of sharing my opinions un-invited, would you care to share
> your views? 
> Curtis

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-11-01 Thread David Fiske

I should have placed it in quotations. Mea Culpa.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, good. I thought it had to be.  I think that all of us, when we
decided to learn 
> TM, began a journey along the road less traveled, even if we were
not aware 
> of it at the time, and yes, I agree, it has made all the difference. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "David Fiske" 
> >
> > Correct. Lovely poem.Another educated person on this site!
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm wondering whether your last phrase here was a conscious echo
of the 
> > > final line of Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken":
> > > 
> > > Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
> > > I took the one less traveled by,
> > > And that has made all the difference. 
> > > 
> > >
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-11-02 Thread David Fiske
I learned from Tai Chi that the second you think you know you stop
learning. One must always be alert for change to happen. Master Moy
insisted on us remaining students in our attitude and, moreover, open
to learning from our own students.

Opinions can be a terrible barrier and prevent us rethinking our position.

I took a peek at one poster here on another subject and blow me down
it could have been a rant written several years ago. One must find a
balance between consistency and intractable opinion.

I have opinions like everyone but in my heart I sometimes acknowledge
that the only thing I KNOW is my Being as Silent, all the rest is

Maharishi taught us that once we know the Oneness of life we can
accept anything in diversity.
Thank you for your courtesy.

P.S my symptoms were light headedness, dizziness, as though drunk, a
sense the world was receding away from me, occasional terrible
grumpiness, extreme lassitude. Everyone there had the same thing so I
swallowed my scepticism and tried to listen to what they said and how
they explained it. In the process I became fascinated by the
interpretations we apply to get through our days. I rather enjoy the
crazy sometimes. And don't we all dwell in our own reality?

If everything taught there was wrong it wouldn't affect me. My own
life is so rooted in my own practices and I KNOW their effect. However
believing in the separating 12 time lines does allow me to deal with
the utter horror I also see in the world and the pain of being here. I
find if I focus on my life and where I am and where I `believe'
 I am headed `all is well'. My only fear now is I live another ten
years and nothing outside has changed. That is too painful. `I can't
endure for only that.

"It's a mighty big world out there isn't it?  "

Exactly what I said to Neil Patterson in Seelisberg when after 3 days
he still wouldn't give me the video machine and recent tapes of
Maharishi to watch. I got in my car and never looked back. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Thanks David.  I think casting your intellectual net wide is a great
> way to live.  I think that we all have a bunch of stuff that strikes
> us as right or useful, and more that does not in each of our worlds. 
> That seems to be true for both people who consider themselves skeptics
> or spiritually opened people.  Thanks for taking a moment to broaden
> my understanding.  I enjoy reading stuff that I don't necessarily
> accept, so I enjoyed the site.  But an insight into how someone finds
> value in it is really cool.  Tolerating the bizarre is something I
> value also, although we may pick different areas to practice that
> tollerance.  It is a mighty big world out there isn't it?  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-11-02 Thread David Fiske
Yes he might have changed his view but I stay with the earlier one. If
they couldn't accept me with a moustache I can believe in anything
they won't accept, including Master Moy!
By the way I am grateful for the shove out by Neil Patterson, it was
the final push onto new things but that doesn't mean I like him for
it. In fact most people around Maharishi are suspect for the very
reason they are still around him. No minds of their own or else
self-serving interests.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "markmeredith2002"
> But David, MMY would not accept your Master Moy.  You'd be asked to
> stop doing his practices and sign a paper that you never would do his
> practices again if you wanted to be active in his movt and in the
> dome.  I understand that's not an interest of yours right now but I
> think it should cause a reevaluation of your last statement.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I love Maharishi. Why?

2006-11-02 Thread David Fiske

BTW I think the information on the site about the violence in schools
was overly pessimistic. Although we have had some horrible high

I must have missed something, are we talking of something on www.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi - From a Purusha in Holland

2008-02-06 Thread David Fiske
For me that link for the photo no longer works. Has it been pulled? I
saw earlier on and it was sweet as though he was meditating.


[FairfieldLife] Look what a google of Maharishi dies gave me the day of his death.

2008-02-07 Thread David Fiske
Look what a google of "Maharishi dies" gave me the day of his death.

Message #47623


When Maharishi dies, I don't think he'll get more
than a small AP paragraph that will show up
in Section F of your local newspaper, next to
the latest story about Britney's fifth husband.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Neal Patterson in the news

2008-02-20 Thread David Fiske
Neal was the chap who when I passed via Seelisberg to Canada  refused
to let me listen to any recent videos of Maharishi in my room (after I
had been promised the facility) because I had a beard. He said he was
happy to support Maharishi's rules 100%. I had waited three days for
the equipment and finally barged into the 108 room in the Hotel Kulm
to speak to him. I then told him the world was a big place and there
was much to do it in it other than hang round waiting and he could
have made it plain to me at the beginning. 

>From the auto route  I phoned Maharishi and he laughed heartily saying
I could go to Canada as their National Leader instead of as a bearded
philosopher. I declined and said it would only  put their noses out of
joint. He tried to persuade me to get Ingrid to do her MA at MIU
instead of Canada and said he was "surprised at me following a woman".
I said sometimes the longest way round is the quickest way home and
after a detour I might yet get back.

I thought Neal was a prick.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thought crimes?
> I have been warned to "Don't even think it!!"
> --- Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Isn't that the Ru guy doing this radio ad?

2007-10-20 Thread David Hawthorne
yes.. that is jeffrey hedquist.  the voice of fairfield...


  - Original Message - 
  From: off_world_beings 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2007 4:27 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Isn't that the Ru guy doing this radio ad?

  Isn't that the Ru guy doing this radio ad for Ron Paul?
  Sounds like him ?

  (Click on "Click to hear our new radio ad")




Re: [FairfieldLife] From Margi Gunn

2007-10-29 Thread David Hawthorne
dear margi...

thank you for your sweet postand very good advice.

my condolences on the passing of your husband.

best wishes,

david hawthorne
  - Original Message - 
  From: Rick Archer 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 5:04 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] From Margi Gunn

  Dear Rick et al,

  My husband and life partner died suddenly three weeks
  ago. I could feel his bliss at being free while I was
  doing chest compressions, wondering if I shuld bring
  him back or just let him go into the wonderfulness he
  was experiencing and sharing with me. Nature took care
  of things for him.

  I just want to say that life can end in the blink of
  an eye, and we shouldn't waste out time playing
  one-upsmanship verbal games and insulting each other
  frequently the way so many people seem to do on
  Fairfield Life. Life in the relative world is
  difficult enough without having so called friends
  putting us down. There are so many better uses of our
  time, for service to others, for personal silence or
  contemplation, for meditation and program, for
  enjoying the beauty of the Creator's work. We can
  unstress or dump our bad feelings by pounding the
  couch instead of verbally or electronically pounding
  each other.

  I find that my time is better spent doing other things
  right now.

  Rick, thank you for your condolences and please post
  this note if possible.

  Thanks.  Love,  Margi Gunn

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  Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.12/1097 - Release Date: 10/28/2007
  1:58 PM

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Tough luck

2007-11-03 Thread David Hawthorne

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 11:41 AM
  Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Tough luck

  --- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > On Behalf Of suziezuzie
  > Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 9:58 PM
  > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Tough luck
  > What would you do if you could afford an advanced
  > technique, $3000, 
  > money being no problem and you had been meditating
  > for 35 years and 
  > were ready for the advanced technique and the
  > teachers were in town and 
  > it was all set up BUT your wife, who has never
  > meditated and has no 
  > thought of it what so ever would kick you out of the
  > house if she found 
  > out that you spent $3000 on something she thinks is
  > a complete waste of 
  > money so in the meantime, you have to sneak the
  > money out and lie about 
  > where you're going, "oh, I'm just getting the car
  > tuned honey, be back 
  > soon, hee hee hee", but she reads you like the
  > English radar during 
  > World War II and starts asking, "why are you acting
  > so strange? What 
  > are YOU UP TO?" And you say, "oh nothing, while
  > looking at your hands, 
  > starting to cough and chock as you run out the front
  > door.
  > Would you do this or just cancel the whole thing?
  > The advanced technique is just a syllable or two
  > added to your mantra. You
  > can easily find these syllables online. A friend of
  > mine did that recently
  > and his having great experiences (as he was having
  > with his old mantra.)
  > Some would suggest that your mantra won't be
  > cosmically legitimate unless it
  > is properly imparted by a qualified person. If that
  > is true then here's
  > another alternative. Go see Amma either in
  > California or Detroit later this
  > month (HYPERLINK
  > tours/n_america.html) or in Albuquerque or elsewhere
  > next summer. She'll
  > personally give you a mantra that contains all the
  > syllables any advanced
  > technique would provide, and more, and a major dose
  > of shakti to boot.

  Or perform your own TM puja to guru Dev and initiate
  yourself! Talk about Self-referential

  > No virus found in this outgoing message.
  > Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  > Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.19/1106 -
  > Release Date: 11/2/2007
  > 9:46 PM

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  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Wholesale mung dahl - organic

2007-11-07 Thread David Hawthorne
Dear Jeff:


I would love to buy at least 10 lbs of your organic mung dahl

Or, let me know how many lbs are in a bag...

i'm located in the Tetra 1 Building across the street from everybody's...

hope this works for you.

David Hawthorne
508 N. Second St., Fairfield, IA  52556
Tel:  641-472-3799

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rick Archer 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 9:37 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Wholesale mung dahl - organic

  Dear Friends,

  In case you don't know, Jeff Mecurio is back in Fairfield, and
  planning to open a small grocery store and wholesale buying club.

  He is just getting started, but he currently has 25 bags of organic
  mung dahl for $1.72 a pound.

  He is very willing to deliver, because his store is still very much in

  His address is 503 N. 3rd. His email is  "Jeff Mercurio"

  Unfortunately I just bought a lot of dahl for $2.25 lb.  Of course
  next time I will buy from Jeff.

  Blessings, Marie

  No virus found in this outgoing message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.23/1114 - Release Date: 11/6/2007
  8:05 PM

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[FairfieldLife] Could this happen to the TMO in Germany?

2007-12-07 Thread David Hawthorne

[FairfieldLife] Holiday Greetings from Ved Bhumi, Bharat India

2007-12-14 Thread David Hawthorne
Just forwarding something I received from a Purusha in India.
Best wishes,  David Hawthorne
Jai Guru Dev and Holiday greetings from Ved Bhumi, Bharat. Winter has come
to our mountain retreat and with it Silence and the inward pull that comes
with snow and cold.  It's a good time as long as the electricity is up and
the heaters are working.  Otherwise it can get a little discouraging as the
weeks go bye, I'm sure you know the syndrome, perhaps without the
power-outages.  One has to admire the locals who have never had power, but a
couple of cows (or buffaloes) and a wood fire can go a long way, as our
forefathers experienced.
I hope all is bliss with you there and that you get a chance to support the
Invincible America Assembly and your own Atma over the holidays.  The coming
US election drama will be a long and potentially divisive affair without the
Pandits and the bliss generated by all the Governors and Sidha's and
Meditators in America.  Amazing Knowledge flowing from Maharishi Ji, as you
know from the Maharishi Channel. Brahma Vidya, Pure Knowledge, is the
greatest purifier and it's pouring out these days, enlivening the already
awakened Pure Consciousness of Mahatma's like your great selves.  Good to
drink from that well, to keep the Buddhi sattvic out there in the midst of
all the rajas (not to be confused with Raajaa's) of worldly life.
Maharishi Ji has been awakening us to the memory, smriti, of the Self, Atma.
That memory of Infinity and it's Point, Gyan Shakti and Kriya Shakta,
Silence and Dynamism is the ground of Brahm, Totality, Unity.  The world
with it's rattle and hum, the push and pull of the "drama's" of waking state
consciousness leave a different memory, one of division and pain and fear.
So good to keep the intellect (Buddhi) whose nature it is to divide anyway,
floating on the basis of a rested nervous system and a mind full of the
memories of Ram (Ramayana), Brahm (Gita & Mahabharta), Kriyaa Shakti (Durga
Saptashati & Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam), etc.  
It makes such a difference to spend a little time on Veda or Upanishad or
Purana every day, in Sanskrit if you know your swara's, or in English in
which the wholeness comes through, even in the parts.  Or the Maharishi
Channel, just that darshan of the Global Country of World Peace flowing, the
play of Unity Consciousness, within boundaries of the Raajaa's and the
Family Chats..and Maharishi Ji's lectures transform at a level not available
in everyday worldly experience.  Even if the intellect throws up objections,
the inner memory of Atma is awakened.  Ram Raja, where suffering belonged to
no one, is recalled on the cellular level.  Important in the world of
transformation, to keep the unitary transformation, zero-point motion open
to our perception.  Jivo Brahmaiva Na Paradh  The Individual is Cosmic.
Thank you for support of Purusha and all of Maharishi Ji's programs all
these years, it is a great gift to us all to be able to be part of this
undertaking to transform the consciousness of our world, to guide the
destiny of mankind towards Heaven on Earth.  We are very fortunate.  Keep it
up, more bliss is coming in the days and weeks ahead as the direction of
Time turns heavenward, radiating the Light of God.
All Glory to Guru Dev.
Maharishi: "The role is that the teacher is absolutely woven into this
knowledge. And when the knowledge is in our awareness, it's the total
teacher that is in our awareness. It is said in the Vedic literature, about
the teacher: Na guroradhikam; na guroradhikam; na guroradhikam-"There is
nothing greater than Guru; there is nothing greater than Guru; there is
nothing greater than Guru"-because Guru is the embodiment of all that is
Guru is Brahm-Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnur. These are not the words of
adoration. This is the description of the reality of Guru. Guru is on the
level of totality personified. When Guru speaks, it is the totality that
speaks. Words of the Guru are the words of the Veda. Veda is only heard from
the Guru. So Guru means the totality. And if one is in the sense of Guru all
the time, one is in the sense of Total Natural Law and its total organizing
power. And there is nothing greater than that. 
That's why Guru is completely natural in our awareness. It's not a matter of
anything that is from outside or anything. It's completely natural. It's
simple. It's totality. It's a great-it's a great thing; it's a great thing.
One knows it in being that level of-being that level of relationship. Na
guroradhikam-there is nothing greater than Guru, nothing greater than Guru.
"   MMY-Guru Purnimah 2005

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unity Consciousness?

2008-03-22 Thread David Fiske
Do any of you have speculation as how what Jill Bolte Taylor
http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/229 said ties in with Maharishi's
once held view of the dual nervous system. It seems she implies that
the right brain gives an experience of Being and the left of
individual concerns. The problem is, as always, how to function
individually while enjoying non local awareness.


2007-06-17 Thread David Fiske
In an idle moment I clicked on TMNews and a few more clicks led me to
Paul Mason's newspaper article on Linda Pearce on thr TMFree blog site
where I posted a few things.
Then I wondered this morning whether there had been anything on FFL
and a search proved right with usual scuffle over it.

I post now an amaglam of what I wrote on TMFree blog just in case
anyoine can stomach any more. 

I was in India with Linda, an attractive young girl. When she married
Peter Pearce I became godfather to their daughter. I can't comment on
the veracity of her assertions but find it hard to believe she would
make them if they were untrue. Poor girl seems to be a bit of victim
as Peter was a pathological liar and con man. We were for a brief
period partners in an art business so I know his ins and outs. I
gathered from Peter that Linda was a few years ago dying of MS in an
Indian village. For myself who was around Maharishi since 1962 I found
the stories of his behaviour startling as I never got a sense of him
being sexual. It is too bad it couldn't have been discussed as it
would be interesting to have a frank talk of sex and spirituality. It
seems the three temptations money, seems the three temptations money,
sex and power follow many of us up the ladder. 
David Fiske| Homepage | 06.14.07 - 7:44 pm | #

I did not mean to suggest that Peter Pearce invented Linda's story and
that as he is untrustworthy it isn't true. A charming chap but..!
Linda might have been charmed by him but I think she told that story
on her own.
I forgot to add that the South African Sunday Times carried a similar
report in which Linda said that when she tried to decline Maharishi he
told her not "to have sexual hang ups."

A letter this morning from Conny to me says his book on MMY has
secured a big publisher in Sweden and will tell all.
David Fiske | Homepage | 06.16.07 - 7:24 am | #

Sorry Paul I don't. It was sent to me after emigrating to Canada and I
seem to have lost it. At the time like you I dismissed it as it seemed
so improbable to me. However with so much directed at him it would
seem now most improbable that he wasn't a man like anyone else and
like many Indians who meet free moving western women untrained on how
to deal with them. One false step can lead to yet another and soon a
taste gets developed. Any person can feel lonely and all bodies need
caresses. Maybe he loved them as well.

I am so glad I never felt he was my guru, never had any. Yet he
remains someone who profoundly influenced my life, mostly positively
and for that he has my gratitude and very warm feelings of love.

Face dog I don't think he attracted a lot of conmen. I think he
attracted a lot of young people who felt inspired to feel that working
for him might well make a huge difference in the world. I once
complained bitterly, on my SCI course, that to the movement's
discredit their good intentions were used as a trap. As I had, I
suppose, some status the poor lad taking the course face fell.

I gather from Conny who has led a justified campaign against Sai Baba
that they have got Mark Landau to say Conny was hardly ever MMY's
secretary, only for 3 weeks. I guess trying to discredit him.

Somewhere I have a nice slide of Linda and Maharishi walking along the
path from his quarters to come to a meeting. I now wonder how many of
the young ladies I knew with him had encounters. Merilyn Jest? She and
I were close and for a while she was close to MMY. I think things fell
apart in her life.

It causes great grief that all those hard efforts from so many people
have ended up with a movement  about as far removed from any positive
influence as one could imagine. If  I were Maharishi I would feel
despair. He must self reflect like us all. I wish, like a good friend,
I could chew the cud with him as, late in life, he weighs up things..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Peter Pearce - writer profile from the WritersNet published writers and auth

2007-06-17 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Weeding my extensive organic garden and filling my 12 black apostles
(compost bins) I thought of this link on Peter Pearce. Rather like
contemplating weeds to tell the truth. I am godfather to his daughter.
His mother thought him such a negligent father she said something
should have been done to him at birth to prevent him having children.
Take this as idle gossip or a comment from a mother about her only
child and her only grandchild

There is no way Peter would have lost 600K of his own money. Before
marrying Linda, her uncle, who unlike her father had not gambled away
his extensive fortune (his house according to Peter was the castle in
the film "Tom Jones") asked Peter how much he planned to settle on
Linda. Peter who had, no doubt, portrayed himself as wealthy said his
fortune was currently tied up. And so it was, as whatever it was,
nothing huge, still belonged to his mom and stepdad.

Shortly after marrying Linda he appeared in Switzerland with a very
fancy sportscar, her money no doubt.

Walking in my well heeled area, chatting to someone on the path I say
my name and she says"You are Peter Pearce's partner?" Amber flashes on
my screen so I say "only in the art business'" She says tell him to
return her valuable antique ring which he had promised three months
ago to get appraised, otherwise she was going to the police. It seems
Peter had given it to his secretary in lieu of a salary. Se had given
it the office's landlord for safekeeping. He refused to hand it over
to anyone until ownership got proved.

Peter persuaded a lovely old lady, Hazel Stokes, that he thought she
had a Russian icon and he would get it sold for her. It so happened
that she was in London when Christie's knocked it down for over 12,000
pounds. Terribly excited she went to see them to be told her it
belonged to Peter Pearce. Sh e eventually got her money and him his
fat commission.

Not having learned from this experience she gave him her entire
collection of bird paintings she had done for sale. She never saw them
or a penny ever again. Peter told me a bizarre explanation that they
had been seized by the bailiff in a messy divorce proceedings between
his Johannesburg secretary where he had stored them and her angry husband.

I could go on. How he broke into my house to make long distance calls
to England on my account. But enough.

When I visited S.A 1 ½ years ago I wrote him e mail ahead of time as I
would have liked to see him. He never responded and there I could find
no telephone for him. My only revenge was to e mail him that Hazel's
son Claydon was angrily looking for him so to expect a knock on his
door one day.

Like all con artists he leaves one with a feeling of affection for
him. He could spin tales like you wouldn't believe.
Deer have eaten 60 of my 68 crucifera.

Like a good Christian I rejoice in the 8 that were saved.

Oh that the TM movement could have been saved,along with some of the
excellent teachings.


2007-06-17 Thread David Fiske
Yes that was the photo. I guess I sent to you. David

[FairfieldLife] Firegrid

2007-06-19 Thread David Fiske
Take a peek at this and see what you think. They have LOVELY music on
the site.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey now all you sinners - Put your lights on

2008-07-22 Thread David Fiske
That was fantastic. thank you. I think I'll download the song.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Santana and Everlast
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5di5EhZshdQ

[FairfieldLife] David Sieveking film

2009-03-29 Thread David Fiske
Has there been any discussion of David Sieveking and his documentary film on 
Maharishi, "David wants to fly"? 

I did a search that came up blank.

I spoke to him today and we might meet up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Sieveking film

2009-03-29 Thread David Fiske
Yes in New York next week and in Toronto April 8th. He said you had given him 
my e address so I assumed you knew something of him. We spoke for half an hour. 
He has been in contact with Conny, Persinger and a Pam Reeve. Conny says he 
wants a meeting with 'skin boys' in the USA. David


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Sieveking film

2009-03-29 Thread David Fiske
Yes in New York next week and in Toronto April 8th. He said you had given him 
my e address so I assumed you knew something of him. We spoke for half an hour. 
He has been in contact with Conny, Persinger and a Pam Reeve. Conny says he 
wants a meeting with 'skin boys' in the USA. David


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Sieveking film

2009-03-30 Thread David Fiske

What concert Rick?   

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi films

2009-01-18 Thread David Fiske
I was sent the following e mail was unable to watch the first film on
the 1960 course posted by an old friend Ulla Blucher. I wonder if
these links (not all posted here) have already appeared on this site 
 and whether any of you good folks have been more successful than I
was. It downloaded for ages but I never could click on anything to see
a film. I would appreciate any help. Thank you. ;ove,
David Fiske

Maharishi Films1969_Maharishi_in_India_Ma Andamayi_Blucher < 

Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr  Herzlichst Elfriede
Pietsch  Ja, hier sind ganz viele lectures und digitalisiert auf
mp3 und so.Über Weihnachten anhören!Hans aus Köln Hans Bruncken Mobil:
0163 160 9117 --- Theo Fehr  schrieb am So,
21.12.2008:Von: Theo Fehr Betreff: Fw:
Incredible collection of talks by MaharishiAn: "Hans Bruncken"
Datum: Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008, 13:45 
MENGEN an Material !! LGTheo - Original Message - From: F & R
Anklesaria  To: anklesa...@bestagainststress.com  Sent: Sunday,
December 21, 2008 2:45 AMSubject: Fwd: Incredible collection of talks
by Maharishi  Guru Dev and Maharishi Audios and Videos
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/ <
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/>Guru Dev Audio Lectures and
Singing 195219520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_Discourse_Part 1of4 < 
>  19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_Discourse_Part 2of4< 
> 19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_Discourse_Part 3of4< 
> 19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_Discourse_Part 4of4 < 
> 19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_sings_Bhaja_Govindam < 
> 19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_sings_Guru Pranam < 
> 19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_sings_Narmada < 
> 19520300_Lucknow,India_Guru_Dev_sings_Stotram < 
>   Maharishi Films1969_Maharishi_in_India_Ma Andamayi_Blucher
> Across The Universe Slideshow < 
> Maharishi on Love and Guru Dev < 
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/Flash/MMYonLoveGDBeginning.swf >
Maharishi Audios Audio Lectures 19591959_Glow.mp3 < 
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/audios/1959_Glow.mp3 >
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/audios/1959_Grace_1of2.mp3 >
1959_Grace_2of2 < 
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/audios/1959_Grace_2of2.mp3 >
1959_Karma_Reincarnation_1of2 < 
> 1959_Karma_Reincarnation_2of2 < 
> 1959_Pathless_Path_1of3 < 
> 1959_Pathless_Path_2of3 < 
>   1959_Pathless_Path_3of3 < 
> 1959_Q&A < 
http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/audios/1959_Q&A.mp3 >
19590502_Hollywood,USA_Healing_Power_of_Deep_Meditation < 
> 19590716_SF_USA_Value_of_mantras < 
> 19590716_SF_Spirtual_Unfoldment < 
> 19590720_MMY With Dr Hislop 108Names of Guru Dev < 
>  19591117_Los_Angeles_MeditationPath_Yoga_1of2 < 
> 19591117_Los_Angeles_MeditationPath_Yoga_2of2 < 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi films

2009-01-18 Thread David Fiske
Yes I saw Devendra, Vernon Katz, Jerry J who has trouble downloading
too, Ulla and Nikolaus Blucher (last letter received from the Prince
in 2000) and the chap either from Denmark or Sweden. Paul Mason was
very helpful and I got in, as was Rick. Theo Fehr who sent the
original link  I had met in India (1969 I guess) along with his very
first wife Francisca. Gives one deep nostalgia for the period when I
was a simple believer.
Does anyone know where the first course (1960) in Ram Nagar was? My
half brother John Wills was on it and his son is going on a pilgrimage
there to get closer to his Dad but they can't locate the ashram
Maharishi rented for the course.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Vote for Raunchy as a TM'er(aye)

2009-07-06 Thread David Lawson

I'll get off my lurking seat and cast a vote for Edg and Meow to keep posting, 
though I think the idea of the vote is a bit much. 

Dave Lawson 

- Original Message - 
From: "meowthirteen"  
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2009 10:28:55 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Vote for Raunchy as a TM'er(aye) 

--|| Aye 

And in the interest and value of integrity 

(interestingly the topic on what's your dosha this morn) 

I stick with the thirteen votes I said 
I am looking for these same things as you described 

E mail me if you find said place to shine 


It's been real(?) 

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Duveyoung  wrote: 
> Raunchy, 
> You're pretty entertaining being my and Meow's cheerleader, but, come on 
> sweety, the votes that are real votes are days old, and the few comments 
> you've garnered from non-voters-for-me-or-Meow cannot be magically 
> transmogrified into valid votes. 
> This is the last day for voting, and, at this late date, I think the message 
> is clear, and in fact, this "vow thing" has been an outstanding success in 
> terms of getting some barrel-head spiritual cash plunked down. It gives me a 
> two-by-four smack on my projections that "they be reading yer shit out thar, 
> matey," and this delusion become burnt rope -- an outstanding return on 
> investment for the paltry ante of giving the ego some time off, eh? I have 
> been paid in full. 
> As for the vow itself, I've come to see that there is a need for fine print 
> in that it is unclear if I will be violating the vow if I become a lurker 
> here and continue to involve my mind with the minds here. 
> I think I have to do complete cold turkey to get the fullest benefit of the 
> time off. I want to face what Curtis faced when he felt Italy's ancient love 
> of the whole spectrum of beauty and never missed the works created by the 
> dark palettes here. 
> Well, folks, if you know of a great group for me, tell me. Here's what I'm 
> looking for in a group: 
> A place where 
> --trolls and flamers are tossed when group consciousness is marauded, 
> --where hearts get to be huge silly gaudy blossoms blasting sunray echoes to 
> the clouds and no one snarks about mood making, 
> --where folks can walk around with their morning coffee and no one laughs at 
> the frayed bathrobe, 
> --where the culture warriors can come and lay down their arms and armor, 
> --where clarity is honored, 
> --where sweet necessary truths are arranged in bouquets, 
> --where psych-war amputees can "have a sit" on a veranda with all the other 
> destiny busted lives, 
> --where the atmosphere is like My Dinner With Andre, 
> --where rage can be gelled into performance art and approved for the adroit 
> packaging of so much into mere words. 
> I know, I know, the above is so much "about Edg," but come on, if Yahoo 
> groups are shut down, everyone here would have major psychological patterns 
> that immediately pushed their egoes to find another dealer where they can 
> score some attention. A common attachment: "for all have sinned and fallen 
> short of the glory of God." Meaning: since one isn't enlightened and knows 
> not the unboundedness of awareness, one can be found shooting up with mere 
> flicks of awareness from the shadowed muddlings of others. 
> How easy it is to understand, but how impossible to throttle the thirst. 
> So, Raunchy, thanks but no thanks. If I find somewhere better than this party 
> (where Rick cannot be bothered to put up a "no spitting" sign,) I'll give ya 
> a heads up. Your talents are such a big fish in such a small pond, it would 
> be wonderful to come back and say, "Raunch, o boy o boy o boy have they got 
> great snack trays at this party across town -- getcher ass over here and drag 
> Judy with ya." 
> With Curtis gone, Marek so rare now, snarking so prevalent, and with good 
> discussions always punctuated by spitballs, with every heart here imprinted 
> from jackboots, I have to ask about Rick's Party: where's the beef? 
> In a bassackwards way, maybe I'll find that the only profit from posting here 
> is gained when one leaves -- clarity that my ego is but a moonlet in a vast 
> system with a giant sun that shines upon EVERYTHING not just my orb's small 
> canvas. 
> The rewards of having a spotlight in which to dance are paltry compared to 
> the infinity of awareness that attends every thought of every mind. We all 
> overflow with attention, but ignoring that, mirages in deserts are sought for 
> the slaking of a thirst that has never been real. 
> So, this being my last posting day: any requests? Any topic you just have to 
> have Edg pipe up about? 
> Anyone? 
> Ahhh, lovely crickets soul stroking their chitin violins. 
> Edg 
> --- In Fairfie

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enjoy the Rose! - Indifference tothe thorns is Bliss!

2009-07-18 Thread David Palmer
Yoga Sutras says that the Kleshas (mental thorns, obstacles to experience of 
aatmaa) are removed by effort and indifference, or application and 
non-attachment, abhyaasa  vairaagyaabhyaam tan nirodhah.
Or, as Maharishi would say, by an effortless effort.
Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enjoy the Rose! - Indifference tothe thorns is Bliss!

2009-07-18 Thread David Palmer
Dear Paul,
It is not by doubting the words of the Guru that one gains knowledge, but by 
trying to understand them, and by practicing the teaching. If you have doubts 
over the validity of a statement, then humbly question the teacher. Dismissing 
the whole teaching is not helpful.
The rose and its thorns is just a metaphor to convey the idea of duality, 
positive and negative, but even here we can see that the actual role of the 
thorns is to protect our beautiful rose, which means the thorns are also 
precious. Do you get the idea?

[FairfieldLife] Re:"All limbs, or means, must be practiced simultaneously.." MMY

2009-07-18 Thread David Palmer
If you read the rest of Maharishi's commentary then you will find that he says 
TM, (ie the mental approach )is the master key - yama niyama etc naturally 
follow, because these virtues naturally develop through regular experience of 
the transcendent. If we are regularly transcending then we will naturally be 
drawn towards performing any activity we need for our evolution. That is my 
understanding, anyway.
Jai Guru Dev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Buddha at the Gas Pump TV/YouTube Show

2009-11-22 Thread David Lawson


I'd like to subscribe to the email lsit for you Buddha at the Gas Pump show.  
Sounds like a great idea; I enjoyed your radio interview.  Thanks for taking 
the time to do this. 

Dave Lawson 

- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Archer"  
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 6:45:49 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Buddha at the Gas Pump TV/YouTube Show 


My Radio/TV show idea has changed a bit, but is finally getting underway: 

I am starting a TV show on which I'll interview people who have undergone a 
spiritual awakening. There are many such people in my town, because Fairfield 
is a vanguard in a global awakening which is well underway. My initial idea was 
to have this be a radio show on our local low-power FM station, but now I'm 
doing it as a TV show on FPAC - The Fairfield Public Access Channel - and 
putting the videos on YouTube as well. 

If this interests you, here are your options: 

·  You can watch archived interviews at 
http://www.youtube.com/user/buddhaatthegaspump. A video of the radio show pilot 
is already archived there. Audio quality of that one is poor due to technical 
difficulties which won't plague future broadcasts, but it's listenable, and the 
guests are interesting. If you subscribe to that YouTube channel, YouTube will 
notify you each week when I upload a new show. I should be uploading the next 
one in a day or two. 

·  I'm going to create an email list to which I'll occasionally send 
special announcements, schedule changes, and other relevant news. Probably only 
one or two emails a month. If you'd like to be on that list, just reply to this 
email and let me know. 

·  If you live in Fairfield and are a Mediacom subscriber, you'll be 
able to watch the interviews on Channel 9 and record them to your DVR for later 
viewing. Broadcast times will be announced to the email list. 

·  I've created a chat group at 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BuddhaAtTheGasPump where people can discuss 
points brought up on the shows. Please join it if you're interested. I'll 
invite show guests to join it too so you may pose questions to them directly. 
Here's the chat group description, which will give you a better idea of what 
the show is about: 

People everywhere are undergoing a shift to a radically different state of 
consciousness which is transforming their understanding of themselves and the 
world. For some, this shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For others, it has 
been so gradual that they may not have realized it has occurred. This chat 
group is an adjunct to a weekly TV show, archived at 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BuddhaAtTheGasPump , whose purpose is to enable 
these people to share their experience. 

Such shifts, or "awakenings," are not new: Christ spoke of the "Kingdom of 
Heaven within," Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters of Satori, Hindus of 
Moksha, but these traditions generally regard these states as rare and 
difficult to attain. 

Most people are therefore skeptical of claims of higher states of 
consciousness. They find it hard to believe that apparently ordinary friends 
and neighbors might be experiencing something extraordinary. Maybe they expect 
Enlightenment to look as remarkable on the outside as it is reputed to be on 
the inside. 

This show will attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by week after 
week, allowing otherwise ordinary people to relate their experience of 
spiritual awakening. The terminology is tricky, because there are no 
universally agreed upon definitions to describe this experience. So please 
forgive us if we use some unfamiliar terms. We'll try to clarify our 
definitions as we go along. 

I hope that after a while, those listening will become convinced, as I am, that 
genuine and permanent spiritual awakenings are not just a pipe dream, but are 
real and are becoming relatively commonplace. We're not yet able to make this a 
call-in show, but this chat group will enable people to pose and discuss topics 
brought up on the show. I'll invite guests to join so that you may chat with 
them directly. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-16 Thread David Lawson

Count me in for $250. 

Dave Lawson 

- Original Message - 
From: "raunchydog"  
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 10:34:50 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake? 


Thank you for donating $100, willytex! That means FFLife has donated $551 to 
Haiti so far. You guys rock! Thank you, everyone. Come on folks. Even if you 
can't afford very much right now, just know that every little bit helps. I just 
checked the news. The Red Cross reports it has raised $8 million from $10 text 
messages. Amazing! It's easy to do and it just takes a minute. So pick up your 
cell phone right now and text Haiti 90999 for the Red Cross or Haiti 20222 for 
the Haiti relief fund. Let's see if we can hit $1000 this weekend. We're half 
way there. I believe we can do this. What say you, Rick? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , "WillyTex"  wrote: 
> > > > The Buddhist group I sit with here from time to 
> > > > time raised 40,000 Euros in one day. My contri- 
> > > > bution added to the total. What would you like 
> > > > to bet that NO ONE ELSE on this forum who has 
> > > > commented on this subject -- including Raunchy, 
> > > > Judy, and those who find "karmic" reasons for 
> > > > the earthquake has contributed a penny. 
> > > > 
> > > I'd be happy to take any such bets. How much are 
> > > you betting, Barry? 
> > > 
> > > (Loser to donate the amount of the bet to the 
> > > relief efforts, of course.) 
> > > 
> rd: 
> > By my calculations Barry lost the bet and owes the 
> > Haitian relief effort an amount that matches the 
> > donations made by FFLife. He should consider this 
> > penance for his arrogance. 
> > 
> > $100 Judy 
> > 
> > $101 sgrayatlarge 
> > 
> > $50 nabby 
> > 
> > $210 raunchydog 
> > 
> > Total $451. 
> > 
> willytex - $100 
> Since Barry lost the bet, I'd vote that he donate to 
> the FFL group as much as his entire Buddhist group 
> donated, plus as much as the FFL respondents donated. 
> Maybe Rick could set up a fund with the money to give 
> to the Haitian relief effort. 
> Otherwise, maybe Barry should just apologize and leave 
> the group and stop being such a whinny old turd. He's 
> a loser and apparently a cheater. Maybe he could take 
> the other Barry with him, and John Manning too. They 
> are losers, fer sure. 
> It's really low for guys kike the two Barrys and John 
> that try to score political or religious points at the 
> the expense of 50,000 dead victims. It's outrageous! 
> Obviously they are really sick in the head - not any 
> kind of spiritual teachers at all. 
> > If it would make him feel any better about 
> > losing the bet, Barry could donate that amount 
> > for Water Filtration Systems. 
> > 
> > Good job FFLife, keep up the good work. 
> > 
> > If you haven't done so already, please text 
> > Haiti 90999 for the Red Cross or Haiti 20222 
> > for the Haiti relief fund through the Clinton 
> > Foundation. 
> > 

[FairfieldLife] Attack on Amma

2005-08-22 Thread David Fiske
Attack on India's 'hugging saint'  
Mata Amritanandamayi bestows blessings with a hug 
An unidentified man has been arrested after he apparently tried to 
stab a famous Indian spiritual leader known as the "hugging saint" 
on Sunday. 
Mata Amritanandamayi, who blesses her devotees with a hug, escaped 
unhurt in the attack which took place in Kerala. 

Reports say her followers wrestled the attacker on to the ground 
before he could reach the stage where she was leading prayers for 
18,000 people. 

She has a huge following in India and supporters around the world. 

  I don't want my [followers] to create any problem for what had 

Mata Amritanandamayi

Embraced by the "saint"  

The incident took place in Kerala's in Kollam district, where Ms 
Amritanandamayi's group is based. 

Two of her followers are said to have suffered minor injuries in the 

"I heard someone shouting, I couldn't see his face," she told Indian 
television channel, NDTV. 

"He had a knife in his hand." 

The Indian Express newspaper said the attacker may have been a 
follower who was expelled recently. 

Humble roots 

Ms Amritanandamayi said on Monday she wanted her followers to 
forgive the attacker. 

Amma began hugging devotees at a young age 

"All those who are born will die one day. I am going ahead keeping 
this reality in mind," she said. 

"I will carry on. I will continue to give darshan to the devotees 
coming here to meet me. I don't want my [followers] to create any 
problem for what had happened yesterday." 

Known to her followers as "Amma" (Mother), Mata Amritanandamayi, 51, 
heads a charitable trust which runs schools and hospitals across 
India and abroad. 

Ms Amritanandamayi, whose name means "Mother of Absolute Bliss" was 
born to a low caste family in a southern Indian fishing community. 

She refused school and then marriage, preferring to meditate. She 
began hugging devotees at a young age. 

In the 1980s Ms Amritanandamayi founded an ashram, or spiritual 
home, to receive followers and dispense more hugs. 


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[FairfieldLife] Energy

2005-08-31 Thread David Fiske
Rick Archer thoughtfully suggested I might like to respond to the 
post appended at the end.

Mostly we live dualistically, my energy, your energy and in this `I' 
and `mine' lie all our "sins" and personal folly.While it is true 
that a wave at one end of a long beach is not the same as a wave at 
some other spot still we can clearly distinguish between the quality 
of one wave and another even if we cling heroically to the concept 
that all are just the ocean.
It is necessary to state this proposition at the beginning for the 
true position is that there is only one energy and whatever 
distinctions we wish to apply we are doing so in the realm of 
the `dream' and thus enjoy only the conceptual validity of temporary 

With that out of the way let me comment on the post. I can well 
remember how easily I could pick up and move an audience during 
my "golden boy" days. Tremendous energy flowed in and through me 
when I lectured on TM. Before each meeting I would deliberately 
collect my energy (pull the arrow back!) and then release it. It was 
heady stuff and I didn't spout the familiar TM doctrinces but 
allowed myself full creativity.

After a while it disgusted me. I felt like a manipulator and a mere 
entertainer. I entered a phase when it seemed appropriate, 
necessary, to deal with my shadow. This was wasn't easy. Being a 
golden boy projecting Light and Love and Vitality was so much more 
satisfying. Moreover no one wanted to see my shadow side. They were 
attracted precisely for the projections of Light. This is the Guru 
trap. So I turned the tap off and became a nothing and a nobody, and 
consequently rather depressed and sad.

Years later here in Canada during my Tai Chi classes I would give 
little talks and could feel the old energy flow. And the response 
from those listening. The glowing eyes turned towards me. In a 
teaching mode I think energy flows through one and to the listener. 
At first it again bothered me and then I decided I had worked 
sufficiently on my ego to allow it and not appropriate the "success" 
to `me'.

In these moments one is more than usual, maybe angel power gets 
added, wisdom, knowledge and power comes; people feel their own 
souls and get lifted. The trick for them is not to be satisfied with 
a fed high but to do their own homework. Most just prefer to go home 
feeling good! The trick for me is to remember it is all the Ocean.

The more I have meditated the more I realise there is no "I" except 
in the field of becoming and action and that "I" is only me for 
convenience's sake.

So I would seem to be in agreement with what you wrote.
Love, David

-- Forwarded Message
From: TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 05:49:44 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Darshan, was Vlodrop report

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 8/27/05 3:07 PM, authfriend at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Some years ago I had occasion to work closely
> > with a "celebrity" minister.  He was charming
> > and charismatic person-to-person, but when he
> > got up in front of the congregation to preach,
> > you could almost see him plugging himself into
> > some source of higher current; his voltage went
> > up by an order of magnitude.  If he'd turned
> > that on you one-on-one, you'd have been fried.
> > I don't know if he did it consciously, or if
> > it just happened automatically.
> That's the experience I had when I gave TM lectures,
> especially to a big crowd. I felt a great upwelling
> of shakti and the audience seemed to sense it too.

I still hold that there are two seperate energies,
from the point of view of the relative.  There is
an energy that comes from samadhi, or nirvana, or
the absolute -- whatever you want to call it.  That
energy has no attributes, no sense of intent about
it.  It doesn't want you to do anything or be any-
thing or believe anything.

Then there is another energy that is more directed
and definitely has attributes of intent and coercion
to it.  I associate the latter energy with "charisma,"
both from spiritual teachers and celebrities.

The first energy cannot be willed or directed; the
person or group generating it just generates it as
the result of being in the state of samadhi.  The
second energy can be directed and controlled and
focused.  Or it can be withheld and not emanated
at all.  I am fascinated by those who have the
ability to use such focused charisma and *don't*
use it.  It strikes me as a more interesting
phenomenon than those who have a lot of charisma
and use it all the time to suck attention in their
direction.  I wrote one of the Road Trip Mind
stories about a couple of run-ins I had with thi

[FairfieldLife] Re: From Jay Lathom Book, Maharihsi comments on his experieces

2005-09-11 Thread David Fiske
Thanks for posting that Ron. It reminds me of what attracted me to 
Maharishi in the first place. My own experience in `62 of seeing him 
after being carried up 6 flights of stairs by Count Blucher and Dick 
Britton-Foster after collapsing from my second kundalini awakening was 
similar in that I had to credit him with completely understanding my 
situation in one glance.

All this makes what has become of the movement, the bizarre charade 
around him and the revelations about his behaviour on the FFL site all 
the more difficult to understand. Why? And it gets curiouser and 
curiouser, doesn't it?

David (www.esotericarts.org)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: From Jay Lathom Book, Maharihsi comments on his experieces

2005-09-11 Thread David Fiske
I am not sure. I met his wife once in Toronto. I think she was a 
travel agent.Dick worked as a broker and lost Gene Watts a lot of 
money. Dick and wife emigrated to Wales I think.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > 
> Was Dick Britton-Foster married to Fern Broughton, a long-ago TM 
> teacher in Montreal?

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[FairfieldLife] Kirk and dick swinging

2005-09-14 Thread David Fiske
Does anyone know how Kirk, the New Orleans chef, handled Katrina? He 
would have loved the posts on Jay's heroin experiences and the 
redoubtable woman here who asserts she has the power to compel someone 
swing his dick until it drops off. This group has become more eclectic 
than Rick could have foreseen or maybe wanted. It reminds me of some 
of the stuff I once read on the "Dark and Erotic" chat site; shades of 
Charlie going to strip clubs! Scratch most people and you will find 
sex lurking. Nude swimming has my vote of approval. I have done it 
most of the summer down on the lake here.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: England wins "The Ashes" .

2005-09-14 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- 
I LOVE cricket. It is my fate to live where folk don't appreciate it's 
subtlety. Nor broadcast the game.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk and dick swinging

2005-09-14 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> . Sound like FairfieldLife?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk and dick swinging

2005-09-14 Thread David Fiske
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > As for the redoutable woman, I had intended not to comment
> > further, but I just cracked myself up last night over that
> > same comment and I have to share it with people here.  I 
> > was re-watching "The Excorcist" to review it, and the part
> > came on the screen where Father Karras is shaking holy water 
> > on poor Regan and shouting, "The power of Christ compels you!  
> > The power of Christ compels you!"
> > 
> > I lost it, because in my mind's eye, I say Judy, sitting in
> > front of her computer, sprinkling New Jersey river water on 
> > the screen and shouting, "The power of Stein compels you!  
> > The power of Stein compels you!"
> Yup, works pretty well, I'd say.
> (Actually it would be seawater, given my location
> on the shore.)

How about doing that for a fun(d) RAISER?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk and dick swinging

2005-09-14 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > (Actually it would be seawater, given my location
> > on the shore.)

I think Judy is probably being modest. It is not in the water salt or 
fresh but in the power to compel by voice or hand. I was down at the 
dock this afternoon and a few tentatives swings in the breeze didn't 
even raise a cheer. It is a gift you have Judy. I hope you put it to 
good use.

> It only works, I reiterate, if the dick-swinger in
> question *believes* I have that power.

Line up all you believers.

Is this the origin of the swinging parties I hear you have in the 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk and dick swinging

2005-09-15 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <> 
> He is under the illusion it was 'swinging', but it was really just 
> jiggling around in a kind of embarrassing way.

Well blow me down I would have sworn it swung. But as I recall from 
the photo you posted you have the sort of eyes that can tell a jiggle 
from a swing and also apparently the deep interest to appreciate a 
swing so I must defer to your assessment.
But I thought men swung and women jiggled. Peter Sutphen, from a 
recent cat fighting encouragement post I assume you are a tit man, 
don't they jiggle? or are you into bounces? Can we both bounce? 
Actually as I recall a post Peter made re rubbing sesame oil on 
virgins in the moonlight I revise my description of him as a tit man 
and call him an enthusiastic all rounder.By the way are you 
still "borrowing Jasmine's lawnmower"? We haven't heard from her for a 
while so I guess all needs are being met!

By the way I wonder if Kirk minds his name in front of all these posts?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk and dick swinging

2005-09-15 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I was jest kiddin'.or, as we say where I come from, I was jest 
> pulling your plonker.
> OffWorld
> If I understand your meaning accurately, consider it well pulled and 
I think it swings now. You must have the same powers as Judy. Have you 
two considered a business partnership?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Guidelines

2005-09-15 Thread David Fiske
Naaah don't do that Rick. Judy has many commendable qualities. I too 
have seen her fight but she enjoys a fight and if you don't, back 
off; or ignore her forays into bellicosity.
We are what we are. If you enter into nit picking with her be warned 
she is good at it, probably part of her job training. If the stress 
gets to you, cool off and invite her to skinny dip; then check each 
other for pubic lice; you'll become friends.
Don't pick a fight where you are going to get beat up. Learn 
silence. Not every battle has to be publicly won. Some people need 
to win on the chat sites. In Off World's terms they are probably 
those who can only jiggle. Hem hem. Remember how Richard Kilmer and 
I went at each other, twice, and are still friends.
Life is too short for internet fights and if you don't think so you 
are probably too short. Hem hem.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnlasher20002000 
> --- > Years ago I quit AMT because of the endless nit picking 
between Judy
> and everyone else. She seems to be following the same pattern 
here. I
> have heard this in person from others living in Fairfield. I
> personally have never had interactions with her so it's not 
> I would strongly suggest that you unsubscribe Judy from the list.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush hits the booze again

2005-09-22 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- Bush has aroused great antipathy in me but if this is true I 
feel sorry for him. Being an addict is a sad condition. It seems the 
times of tribulation might well be upon us and mighty edifices could 
crumble like packs of cards. Sink into your Being and keep up your 
compassion because the scourge could land near you.

Bush might well end up being the President just as everything tumbled.
His boozing will not help him or any of us.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM and Ramtha: a winning team...

2005-04-13 Thread David Fiske

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi Bob,
> You must be referring to "What the Bleep Do We Know?". I

I thought it an atrocious film, badly edited and with enough good 
material for a 5 minute read. The animation was so repetitive. I'd 
like to give it marks for good intention unless the intention was to 
make money, Sorry for the downer, but I had to force myself to remain 
in the theatre.

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[FairfieldLife] Falun Qong

2005-04-27 Thread David Fiske


The above link if you have the stomach to read the material will give 
you some idea of the peersecution of the Falun Qong practitioners in 
China. It is horrific and it is hard to feel any kindliness to the 
sort of people who do this sort of thing.One wishes for some Divne 

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[FairfieldLife] lovely link

2005-05-02 Thread David Fiske
If you haven't seen this yet you will surely enjoy it.


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[FairfieldLife] Angels

2005-06-01 Thread David Fiske
I read this account several years ago.
A mother with a five year old boy rolled her van one evening off the 
road and down a cliff. The mother was knocked unconscious. The 
little boy got out and saw another small boy with a puppy. This 
other boy said he knew a cave where they could spend the night. 
Early next morning he showed the little boy a route up the cliff and 
vanished. A passing truck stopped when he saw a kid at the side of 
the road in the middle of nowhere, heard his story and got hold of 
an ambulance. They said it was too dangerous to climb down the cliff 
and called in mountain experts who descended with ropes. They got 
the mother up. She recovered. The climbers said they did not know 
how a small boy had climbed up such a steep cliff.

The account offered no comment or explanation.

My own was is that the boy with a puppy was an angel, maybe two and 
had assumed a form ideal to reassure another scared small boy who 
would respond well both to a kid and a puppy.

I cry every time I tell this story.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Angels

2005-06-01 Thread David Fiske
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lupidus108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "David Fiske" 
> <> Dear David,
> Please ask Benjamin Creme for information about the nature of this 
> beautiful story; http://www.shareintl.org

Actually I am happy with my explanation and don't need anything more. 
I prefer to keep it that way.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Regarding the Amma posts

2005-03-16 Thread David Fiske

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter Sutphen 
> Wasn't there some heavy metal band called "Meat
> Puppets"? A rather sattvic image, yes?
> -Peter
>This is not my field expertise being more my study being Buddhists 
Faggots but I think it was Meat Loaf and he was an overweight 
vegetarian. David

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I would like to try an experiment in compassion

2005-03-19 Thread David Fiske

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rudra_joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hey Rudra Joe,
If you are a chef in the New Orleans inner city we interacted with a 
little heat on your part some years ago on another site.

You ask for prayers to help with your addictions. That is a good 

I have a friend who says her addictions started when as a child of 6 
she became the sexual reward in the neighbour's game of cards. 
Sweets, obesity and then amphetamines to keep slim during her 
modelling career. There is probably nothing you can imagine she 
didn't do to excess during some 50 years of addictive behaviour 
including over 1,000 sex partners, several suicide attempts. Sinking 
into degradation to silence the howl of feeling she was dirt.

She is now not only a model of sobriety but a cheerful ebullient 
personality that radiates intelligent humour and a great zest for 
being alive, but still with problems that she deals with daily.

She wouldn't have succeeded without addiction counselling with a 
wise man (who also happens to do TM) and her group of fellow addicts 
who are supportive of each other.

She says there is nothing anyone can do until an addict REALLY wants 
to quit, that an addictive mind is really cunning and manipulative 
and crafty about remaining addictive.

My own advice. Turn the addictive disorder first into something 
positive like health and fitness. Exercise that makes you sweat. My 
own predilection is Taoist Internal Arts see www.esotericarts.org 
for what I do and my essays. But something that makes you sweat, 
something that gives you pride in your physicality. And seek wise 

My friend ruined most of her family relations and has had to deal 
with such immense guilt.

Further to the sensible advice not to start a family, Jung pointed 
out that anything in your unconscious undealt with you hand over 
lock stock and barrel to your children.

Generally all the family of addicts also need counselling.

Good luck.

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