Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yahoo is Acting Funny

2017-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Let's see how well emailing to the group is working.  It's 1:15 PM PDT.  
Here is the link to the Yahoo Groups Help forum:

On 03/29/2017 08:51 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Yup, I occasionally notice a post I make is slow to show up.
There is a lot of updating of browsers and operating systems going on.

Now, I have to use Google Chrome to get in FFL.  Seems like Yahoo is 
slow in improving its architecture performance.

I get different performance between different devices.

Using the FFL webpage home interface seems good on pc and mac laptops 
using chrome and mozilla but can vary with updating that goes on.
Seems awkward to navigate and compose on iphone screen. I was in 
Austin, Tx over the weekend and an iphone worked okay to be a read 
device of the form.  These forums are relic of a different time in 
social media.

---In,  wrote :

I can't post as easily in here anymore.  Something is wrong with their 
system.  also, I'm noticing that the Yahoo mail doesn't flag those 
emails that you've already answered.  What's going on?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Photon Rockets to the Stars

2017-03-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Wouldn't it be funny if the speed of light was different at different 
places in the universe.  I would probably cause our scientists brains to 
explode. Humans probably understand very little of reality anyway.

On 03/27/2017 10:14 AM, Rick Archer 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Rupert Sheldrake says the speed of light actually slowed by about 
20km/second for a period of about 15 years, but scientists brushed it 
off as inaccurate measurement. Yet it was replicated around the world.


*Sent:* Monday, March 27, 2017 11:44 AM
*Subject:* RE: [FairfieldLife] Photon Rockets to the Stars

Personally I believe you can travel through future time going slowing 
than the speed of light. Of course how ever sends you there, you 
couldn't report back.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

2017-03-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
And there's nothing wrong with experiencing the kriyas. It really is 
unstressing but not well understood in TM.  It's just the shakti pushing 
blockages away.

On 03/26/2017 11:12 AM, 'My Enlightenment Delusion' [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Thanks for your post. Congratulations on your navigation through 
kriyas and kundalini!

Kriyas are what TM teachers used to call “movements in meditation”. 
Surprisingly, TMers, other Eastern spiritual movements, and even 
Christian Charismatics have kriyas. There is a hilarious YouTube video 
put to a Jerry Lee Lewis tune that shows the gyrations/kriyas of 
Charismatic Christians. The video is entitled “Whole Lotta Shakin' 
Goin' On! Holy Roller Style!” and is at

From my book describing kriyas during instruction in the TM-Sidhi on 
levitation:“Some participants had rather violent head movements, the 
torsos of some shook like dogs throwing off water from a bath, others 
had their backs locked in an arch, and others had spontaneous 
vocalizations of screams, barks, and nonsense syllables.”

Re: [FairfieldLife] My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

2017-03-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The first time I tried meditation, out of book, kundalini rose and 
filled my head with light as if I was in the center of the sun.  It left 
me disoriented for months.  I was only expecting some mild relaxation 
and not what I got.

On 03/23/2017 02:38 PM, 'My Enlightenment Delusion' [FairfieldLife] wrote:

To me, a kundalini crisis is an overwhelming mind-body experience 
caused by spiritual practices.
Many spiritual movements speak of the kundalini energy center and its 
role in enlightenment. It is a fairly common conception that a huge 
burst of energy from the kundalini center can create an overwhelming 
experience akin to mania.
I don’t think I ever heard Maharishi speak of kundalini, but I had 
conversations with other TM teachers about kundalini over the years. 
Here is a link to a transcript of Maharishi speaking about kundalini 
in 1968

Here is an excerpt from my book:

The most scientific description of kundalini crises that I have found 
is in the 1992 book, /The Kundalini Experience/ by Lee Sannella, M.D. 
Sannella interviewed people who had come through kundalini crises. He 
came up with 4 categories of experience: motor, sensory, 
non-physiological, and interpretive.

As *motor*phenomena, Sannella listed kriyas and unusual breathing 
patterns. Under *sensory*phenomena, he listed tickling sensations, 
heat and cold sensations, inner light, inner sounds, and pain in the 
eyes, head, spine, or elsewhere. Under *non-physiological* phenomena, 
Sannella listed out-of-body experiences and psychic perceptions.

As *interpretive*phenomena, Sannella listed both positive and negative 
feelings that could be experienced with much greater intensity than 
usual such as ecstasy, love, cosmic harmony, fear and confusion. He 
stated that the thinking process could be speeded up or inhibited. The 
mental experience could be detachment, hysteria, a state akin to 
schizophrenia, or the delusion of having been divinely chosen.

Here are my symptoms which match Sannella’s descriptions:

●When my kundalini crisis began, I had tingling all over my body. It 
felt like a continuous, small electric shock sensation which was 
pleasant and exciting.

●I had extreme feelings of joy and thankfulness that seemed to be 
related to my thoughts that I was enlightened. When I had delusions 
about achieving even higher states of consciousness, I would 
subsequently be so ecstatic and so thankful that I would start to cry.

●All of my feelings were experienced with greater intensity than 
usual. When I spoke, I spoke like a fire-brand preacher. My voice 
almost became raspy as if I had been yelling at a sporting event.

●I thought I had earned a special relationship with God and nature.

*From:* Archer Angel [FairfieldLife]
*Sent:* Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:36 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

I am rather curious about this. What is a kundalini crisis?

Some people do have trouble with TM's effects, everyone has a 
different nervous system, and some have problems, and the movement 
does not always handle these things well.
Unlike some systems TM does not have any real qualifications for 

For example to study Vedanta you might be required at the outset to have:

  * an open mind
  * a reasonable mind
  * a discriminating mind
  * a dispassionate mind
  * a disciplined, observant mind
  * a sense of self duty
  * forbearance, motivation, and devotion to the goal
  * a certain level of critical thinking but not overly critical
  * a temperament for overcoming obstacles
  * a proper teacher and good fortune to have and find these

TM lets in all kinds of people with few restraints, but as a result a 
lot of crazies get by who are not prepared for what can happen. The 
path to enlightenment is not all bliss. It can get very very gritty.
I think a lot of people get in who have a lot of strange beliefs and 
propensities that then go off the rails when they start having unusual 
experiences, or begin to experience heavy unstressing.
TM, while it talks of unstressing, it does not really prepare people 
for how intense it can be, and you need to have mental tools to handle 
what comes up.
I do not think most people really realize how screwed up they are 
before they start to meditate, especially if they get it in their 
bonnet that they are now on the fast track to enlightenment, they then 
presume too much about their progress.
A lot of meditators are still just close to being qualified by the 
criteria above after meditating for half a century.
That TM is easy to practice is deceptive in the sense that it alone 
cannot prepare one for some very strange experiences. That ease of 
practice does allow a lot of people to be taught, but a lot of 
concerns that can come up get swept under the rug, and TM teachers are 
not traine

Re: [FairfieldLife] First Trillionaire May Be an AI Entrepreneur

2017-03-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/14/2017 05:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We're now in the era of the Brave New World, as Huxley envisioned many 
years ago.  Supposedly, the keen thinkers will be valued more than 
those who specialize in physical labor since the machines will start 
taking over most of the jobs in the world.  But IMO world governments 
will have to keep some people in some form of labor intensive work 
along with machines to make the people occupied and satisfied in their 

Uh no, it's supposed to be going the other way: more leisure time.
 But there will be others who can specialize in the other facets of 
life such as teachers, doctors, musicians, farmers and more likely 
farmhands from Mexico, or immigrants and refugees coming in to this 

But there will be some Americans who would waste their time in drugs 
and psychedelic drugs.

And why do people do this?  They are looking for an alternative 
experience.  Some to escape pain or others just to have a wild mental 
experience. Some of these people need to learn why they do it and why 
they don't need drugs.

 and there's an opportunity for others to find themselves in 
meditation and enlightenment to discover how Nature operates in peace 
and peak efficiency and bliss.  In other words, there's an opportunity 
to realize heaven here on earth.

Yeah, it's really heaven right now isn't it? :-D

---In,  wrote :

We don't need any trillionaires. For that matter we don't need any 
billionaires.  The economy is totally screwed up and lopsided.  This 
must change soon!

On 03/14/2017 02:11 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Cuban also said that in the future philosophy majors will be more 
rewarding than programmers or CPAs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] First Trillionaire May Be an AI Entrepreneur

2017-03-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We don't need any trillionaires. For that matter we don't need any 
billionaires.  The economy is totally screwed up and lopsided.  This 
must change soon!

On 03/14/2017 02:11 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Cuban also said that in the future philosophy majors will be more 
rewarding than programmers or CPAs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Sun is Good for Clear Vision

2017-03-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Hey! We're back to good California weather and maybe lower PG&E bills.

The Sun provides vitamin D and there as a correlation between that and 
helping eyesight.

On 03/11/2017 02:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

There is a rule in ayurveda that states the sun can improve weak 
vision.  Today is a sunny day in SF, so I tested this rule to see if 
it works.  The morning started out with my usual double vision.  So, I 
started doing garden work at the garden out in the sun.  A few minutes 
later I noticed that the garden statues and ornaments in the yard 
started to look clearer.  So, I drove my car to have lunch at an 
Indian restaurant a few blocks away and I could see well enough to 
drive through the streets fairly safely..

So, I learned that being out in the sun doing some activity is good 
exercise and necessary to maintain good vision.

This principle ties in with a certain eye exercise to improve vision. 
 The exercise is called the swing.  It requires one to swing the body 
back and forth with the legs as the center or the fulcrum of the 
swing.  This is supposed to improve vision which needs dynamic 
activity to engage the eyes with the environment.  IOW, being in a 
static position is not good for clear vision.

So, IMO the sun is good for vision since it encourages the body to 
move around and engage with the environment.   However, the sun may 
not be as beneficial to lay outside to sun bathe. So there you have: 
the ayurvedic principle is very sound and practical.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

2017-03-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The process described is like what is taught in "remote influencing" as 
researched by people like Ingo Swann and his students as well as 
researched by the military.  And they warn against it because one could 
accidentally take on the bad traits of the target.  A lot of this stuff 
is actually very simple but people would have never thought to try it.  
It's true use was to help someone, generally helping them feel better.

These methods were not part though of my tantric training which used 
siddhis.  Influencing there was only to be used as a defense method.

On 03/11/2017 01:07 PM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Who is this?: recently watched Rick Archer let one NPD'ed hang out to 
dry in his Batgap interviews

And this?: From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of encounter with 
him, this scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes people around 
and puts them into other people’s bodies.  Bad.  This guy facilitates 
that, he is like a black magician.”


*Sent:* Saturday, March 11, 2017 2:33 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He 
said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

More from the FF Satsanga,

“..The obsession with #1 ‘spiritual’ experiences is opening people up 
to this. Consciousness meditation aside, people are looking for 

“..Someone in the Dome was sharing, giving experience about this guy 
as a  #1 experience.  From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of 
encounter with him, this scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes 
people around and puts them into other people’s bodies.  Bad.  This 
guy facilitates that, he is like a black magician.”

“On the Humboldt courses, one of Maharishi’s Brahmacharyam came 
trotting directly out into the lecture hall confronting someone.., 
  “Don’t you ever do that!” for crossing over into other people’s 
minds and thoughts.”

, > wrote :

As a melting pot or crucible, Fairfield,Iowa has long been a crossroad 
stop on the spiritual circuit that draws seekers, and want-to-be 
‘teachers’, lecturers, and gurus.

*In Conversation more recently of the Fairfield Coffee Haus Satsanga:*

/“..He says, “I know what I am doing, I am the Guru, I am a master”, 
very bold,   “I am the one, I will help you,  I will do this for you, 
I do this out of love and to inform you.  Let me do this for you.”/

/Apparently he spends so much time in this astral realm that he has 
real difficulty in living. /

/He has got these people that he engages in with this spiritual sex, 
it is extremely highly charged and errotically charged with these so 
called unity experiences and then he creates this kind of dependency 
that is predation. He is doing it to men and women, there is a part of 
it that is monstrous.  You can see why they felt their only recourse 
was to shut down./

..When you hear language like that it is time to turn around and look.


, > wrote :

The Spiritual Ego,

Unprepared for if and when it occurs,

it is very seductive someone saying,  “I am a powerful one”, “I can do 
it for you”, and “I am a guru”.

, > wrote :

Yep, interesting observation about the cultural gap.  A cultural 
difference for Indian Gurus and such coming to the West might be that 
behavior is not just ‘karma’ but also judged by or held up to T/he 
Golden Rule/ and the first amendment (bill of rights) of the US 
Constitution, cultural sensibilities about ethics and morality that 
are not tempered in the same way as elsewhere.

*emichael108 adds:*

maharishi said once:

*you can do what you want,
but you have to bear all the
consequences of your doing.*

Eustace writes:

(of Bikram..) There is not question about the guy's narcissism, I 
think, however, that there is the issue of the culture gap here. He 
wouldn't have imagined that the jury would try to bankrupt him for 
issues that were not even criminal. But this is the United States...

 I always thought that Maharishi was wise to establish his base in 
Europe. You never know what they might have found even on him.

My 2 cents.


/..words do inflict psychic, emotional and sometimes lead to other 
kinds of injuries./

, > wrote :

It is okay that folks understand what happened, that process prevailed 
and people are in better place now to make better use of their talents.

Hopefully the US Constitution can withstand the gaslighting 
narcissisms of its President no

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Statistical Fact: new Maharishi Meisnner-like Effect article published

2017-03-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Shaktipat is actually quite easy as some of the folks who learned it 
form the traveling gurus who visited Fairfield and taught it was well as 
those who went to India to learn it from another traveling show.  I 
learned from my tantra guru. However there are some qualifications for 
giving it out and avoiding depleting one's self of shakti.

As I have said before, we were taught to give out beej mantras (the "a" 
is silent in Hindi) because they don't actually require activation.  The 
puja probably helps.  Some people might not get results but even with 
the puja some people did not get results.  I also know someone who got 
shaktipat and the Shiva mantra at a Muktananda SYDA center and had no 
results. He was even from a spiritual family (parents were 
Rosicrucian).  So mileage may vary.

TM didn't keep up with the times.  Back in the 1960s folks were used to 
going to courses in evenings (starting a 8 PM not 6 PM). But nowadays a 
simpler weekend course should suffice which what other paths do.

On 03/02/2017 04:40 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thx, (somebody put in "Meissner-like").  That's a good thing, since 
the actual Meissner effect is an observable electromagnetic field.

Wasn't the "ME" previously called the "Maharishi-Effect"?  How ridiculous!

But I suppose that Meissner-like is ok with the "like" qualifier; i.e. 
an unobservable Shakti effect that people can feel especially when 
radiated by certain Gurus (like Muktananda)  through "Shaktipat".

Instead of attempting to appropriate a sense of scientific validity by 
using scientific jargon, just call it what it is:  Shakti.

Anybody meditating over a relatively short time should have developed 
in internal "Shakti meter" than enables them to discern the Shakti, 
especially when the Shakti is highly concentrated (such as the Domes 

Since I've never been in a Dome, I can't testify to that, but I've 
been in other places such as the 'Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood.

On another topic, tampering with TM in an attempt to make it more 
"palatable" to those unfamiliar with it, may easily backfire.  Since, 
if one eliminates the puja in a bogus attempt to say that TM has no 
religious roots, a major source of Shakti is eliminated.

Simply learning the mantras from a book will eliminate the Shakti 
altogether, although a small remnant may remain in certain mantras 
such as "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA"., and the Shakti may be magnified by tuning 
into the Youtube presentations of experienced Pundits chanting that 
and other mantras.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Movements and their relationship to Social Justice.

2017-03-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The point is that TM and yoga in general is all about natural solutions 
to problems. GMO is like instead of "would you like some fries with that 
steak" becoming "would you like some steak in your fries."  GMO was a 
bad solution to a problem.  It's good to read up on the history of 
Monsanto who could easily bring about the end to life on this planet by 
destroying the natural food chain all to benefit their own profits.

Singularity is of no benefit to mankind other than a novelty item or a 
way to help people who have lost their limbs due to accident, etc.

On 03/01/2017 09:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu brings here a substantial observation towards.. The active 
anti- GMO stance of the Transcendental Meditation meditating movement.

What is the TM movement doing aggravating its farm neighbors and 
farmers generally provoking this anti-gmo controversy where the TM 
movement’s primary mission purpose as a spiritual regeneration 
movement has been advocating for people to learn meditation? Is TM as 
a movement becoming something else?

Of TM?

Bhairitu writes: I can't imagine that an organization who dislikes 
GMOs would favor anything resembling the unnatural such as "The 
Singularity".  434045

---In,  wrote :

A spiritual renewal movement that aligns itself with, or allows itself 
to be aligned with, particular social positions both alters itself in 
so doing but is drawn away from its initial stance, at least in the 
eyes of potential adherents, and thus both attracts those interested 
in the social policy position rather than the spiritual aspect or 
repels people who would otherwise have been attracted to the spiritual 
aspect but can’t “cotton to “ the policy position.

For instance, one way or another being known for some social action 
position, like organic, vegetarian, and non-GMO food, or known for its 
spiritual practice, is the TM movement or are TM ‘ers themselves a 
social justice or spiritual renewal movement?  A problem with the TM 
group being known for mundane social action positions is that social 
activism can redefine the group differently from its origins of being 
a spiritual regeneration movement promulgating Transcendentalism 
through transcendental meditationist practice.

As with the early Quaker movement moving on from a more narrow 
spiritual regeneration in promulgated collective meditation practice, 
what once began in time as identified spiritual regenerative movement 
then transformed over towards facilitating social reform.  Current 
organizations (21st Century) within a reforming post-founder TM 
movement foster a relevance for themselves through advocacies in 
revolutionary education, health, food safety, agricultural, 
architectural, and GMO public policy reform. As this happens in 
spiritual revival groups, is this transformation a formula in dilution 
of what was originally gathered?

Discerning between spiritual community and political activism: walking 
a line between spirituality or pacifism, anti-slavery, anti-war, or 
anti-GMO activism,

in spiritual regeneration movements a position of policy rooted in 
methodical abstinence from mundane political opinion on social issues 
is not without example.

During the Vietnam war years as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was traveling 
the world giving spiritual talks and teaching meditation, in the West 
he would generally refrain from particular advice or partisan 
consultations about the Vietnam war as to whether young people should 
be drafted or not into the armies to fight in the Southeast Asia war 
or as to their seeking conscientious objection in pacifism as a 
deferment from the war.


Initially Quaker (Society of Friends) founders facilitated a spiritual 
practice movement of meditation and, for instance, were neither a 
movement for abolitionism or pacifism as they have later become well 
known for in their narrative. Partly for their own safety within a 
larger society an early consideration within their fledgling group 
that it was not necessarily their place as a spiritual practice 
movement to be advocating social, political or worldly position but 
that they were primarily a spiritual practice group, of ‘Friends’.


For some time Quaker founding generations were conservative in this 
position of not being antagonizing to the world around them in mixing 
their primary work of regenerating spiritual practice with particular 
secular advocacy. This was weighed with practical expediency and 
conscience with their working as a broader public teaching 
organization. The workings of social conscience that Quakers are now 
more readily known for came subsequently into the being of their 
movement to become very much part of their current spiritual/religious 
practice. These encroachments would come to their movement in time.


Initially Quakers were more strictly a spiritual practice 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Increase Pentagon Budget

2017-02-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The US economy has been on life support for years especially since the 
bank bailout.  They used "quantitative easing" to cover it up. That can 
no longer be done. Trump can't do much about it.  Neither could have 
Clinton. Sanders might have had a way or just made it clear to begin 
with that the crash was coming.

At the end of the 1970s we had it right.  Downsize and live 
realistically.  The bumper stick "live simply so others can simply 
live."  These days it's more like "live simply so you can simply live."  
Then Reagan came along and screwed things up.

On 02/28/2017 06:54 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

My feeling is that vanity projects like going to Mars are going to get 
dumped pretty quickly as the American economy spirals downward under 
the Republicans.  They are directing essentially all cash into the 1% 
and killing any safety net.  What has been outsourced or shipped 
overseas will never returned.  Immigrants who make our food cheap 
because of their exploited labor will not be around so crops will go 
to waste unless Billy Bob gets off his lazy, NASCAR ass and works.

Welcome to Rahu's Shit Show.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Increase Pentagon Budget

2017-02-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Also his supporters were against "wars of empire" and the military 
industrial complex running things.  So we see he's already been co-opted 
by the military industrial complex.  "Endless war, endless profits" is 
their motto.  We need to do a yagya for their destruction. ;-)

On 02/27/2017 09:43 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

It's also a bogus jobs program.  Since we DO manufacture defense 
weapons here this becomes a reinvestment in the stateside economy.  
Unfortunately, it pretty fucking sad that all we make are instruments 
of death.

'Murica:  Morally Bankrupt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Singularity will Happen within 30 years: Japanese Tech Billionaire

2017-02-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I can't imagine that an organization who dislikes GMOs would favor 
anything resembling the unnatural such as "The Singularity".  Spiritual 
people do not fear death, only the ignorant do.

On 02/27/2017 10:50 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Spiritually speaking, the personality that you have as a human person 
will be duplicated if you copy your neurons to be the basis of an AI 
machine.  IOW, you will have the same incentive to live and be happy, 
using the criteria of a human being.  You would like to live forever 
as a machine.  And, you will prevent others from killing your present 
self--albeit a machine one.

---In,  wrote :

I have this idea for a "Twilight Zone" kind of episode where Ray 
Kurzweil achieves his "singularity" and then is begging people to turn 
off the machine he's in.  Of course people ignore him. :-D

Would you really want to as live part machine?  These people are still 
very ignorant despite their overstimulated intellect and they fear death.

On 02/27/2017 07:17 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ray Kurzweil is not the only one thinking of this possibility.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Singularity will Happen within 30 years: Japanese Tech Billionaire

2017-02-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I have this idea for a "Twilight Zone" kind of episode where Ray 
Kurzweil achieves his "singularity" and then is begging people to turn 
off the machine he's in.  Of course people ignore him. :-D

Would you really want to as live part machine?  These people are still 
very ignorant despite their overstimulated intellect and they fear death.

On 02/27/2017 07:17 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ray Kurzweil is not the only one thinking of this possibility.

[FairfieldLife] Re: [FairfieldLife] Elon Musk’s Secret to Staying Calm Under Pressure: Transcendental Meditation

2017-02-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

So that explains some of the weird ideas he has.

On 02/27/2017 11:01 AM, Dick Mays [FairfieldLife] wrote:

“He’s a guy who loves TM, he loves his meditation 
 to reset and rebalance.”

Musk is not the only high profile business leader who uses 
Transcendental Meditation for its proven results in business. Tim 
Ferriss, author of The 4 Hour Work Week interviewed over 200 
world-class performers for The Tim Ferriss Show and discovered that 
more than 80% of them were using meditation to get better results in 

Ferriss himself does Transcendental Meditation and said,

“I find that meditation is very very helpful for avoiding anxiety and 
it’s the reset button for the rest of the day… it’s basically a warm 
bath for your brain.”

Speaking about Transcendental Meditation, Mark Heath chairman of the 
Brighton meditation  centre said,

“TM is a very simple, natural, effortless technique that easily allows 
the activity of the mind to settle down, giving anyone access to 
increased creativity, energy and providing them with a calm, centred 
state of equanimity from which they can make better business decisions.”

About Transcendental Meditation:

Transcendental Meditation is the most widely practised and extensively 
researched programme of meditation in the world and has been learned 
by over 5 million people in over 100 countries worldwide. The 
Transcendental Meditation organisation encourages and supports 
independent academic institutions to carry out scientific research 
into the benefits of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced 

Media Contact:
Frances Knight
Transcendental Meditation Brighton 
Tel: +44 7976 214373
Brighton, UK

Re: [FairfieldLife] Use Google Chrome to Sign In to Yahoo

2017-02-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
As you know Yahoo was breached three years ago and they only recently 
acknowledged it and told users to change their passwords.  Problem is 
their software is broken and people are finding their changes don't 
work.  Very, very stupid programming.

I don't know of any sinkholes over here.  I know there were some in the 
south bay as well as some bad flooding down there.  Around here we worry 
about potholes, more a result of lack of funds since they need to fund 
oversized pensions they granted to city workers.  Richmond is going 
bankrupt trying to do that.  Those pensions should have never been 
offered like that.

On 02/22/2017 03:37 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yes, changes happen very quickly in the internet business.  As users, 
we need to keep abreast with the companies in the purchases and sales 
of these websites.  Otherwise, we'd get lost very quickly

On another note, I hope your town has been spared the floodings and 
sinkholes that occurred due to the heavy rain in Northern California.

---In,  wrote :

Welcome to Verizon Groups or will it be AOL Groups?  Verizon has 
decided to purchase Yahoo after the price was reduced $350 million.  I 
do Yahoo Groups via mail most of the time but to read a group on web 
yesterday I was confronted with the login again though it worked as 
usual.  This even though I had logged in a few days before.

On 02/22/2017 01:21 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had trouble signing in to my yahoo account this morning.  I had to 
use Google Chrome to get into yahoo.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Use Google Chrome to Sign In to Yahoo

2017-02-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Welcome to Verizon Groups or will it be AOL Groups?  Verizon has decided 
to purchase Yahoo after the price was reduced $350 million.  I do Yahoo 
Groups via mail most of the time but to read a group on web yesterday I 
was confronted with the login again though it worked as usual.  This 
even though I had logged in a few days before.

On 02/22/2017 01:21 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had trouble signing in to my yahoo account this morning.  I had to 
use Google Chrome to get into yahoo.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Emergency Evacuation in California

2017-02-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Sikhs to the rescue!

On 02/14/2017 05:54 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
 Refugees would just need to obtain valid/current Dome badges to live 
in the Ideal Life Village listed below.

I don't know, they do some pretty extreme vetting to get one of those.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, February 13, 2017 9:22 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Emergency Evacuation in California

We certainly have facilities for accommodation, we could easily 
welcome practicing meditators from California who are evacuating away 
from the floods there.

  “Send to us your tired, your poor,
  Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
  The wretched refuse of your teeming shores.
  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to us:
  We lift our lamps to you beside the golden Fairfield, Iowa Domes.”

habla Espanol?
Actually our meditating community here is quite an international 
community. Cosmic-politan. adjective

familiar with and at ease in many different countries, places and
cultures of the universe.

Bhairitu writes:

Last I heard 200,000 people had packed up and were headed for Houston. ;-)

---In,  wrote :

California refugee evacuees can get on Interstate 80 there in 
Sacramento and drive East to Fairfield, Iowa.

It is four-laner Interstate highway the whole way to Fairfield, Iowa now.

---In,  wrote :

Flight connections are good to Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Quad-Cities, 
and Peoria.

Amtrak runs from Sacramento to very nearby Fairfield, Iowa.

---In,  wrote :

Look at the maps.. What they are not saying is
that Yuba City and Sacramento are right next in the path
of the devastation after Oroville when that dam cuts loose.

---In,  wrote :

Accommodating an emergency move?
Fairfield, Iowa has great public schools, a diversified economy, 
fabulous public accommodations for recreation and the arts, good 
access to world class healthcare, active farmer’s markets in locally 
grown produce, and wonderful and active spiritual practice communities.

---In,  wrote :

Immediate, Comfortable and affordable accommodations in Fairfield, Iowa..

---In,  wrote :

They could evacuate immediately to Fairfield, Iowa.

We already have established a FEMA trailer camp retrofit and updated 
here awaiting to receive people looking for a better life.

Fairfield, Iowa will be high ground in times to come, relatively 
benign, and relatively safe for some long time as a place for global 
climate change refugees.

---In,  wrote :

Thousands are evacuating the Oroville and Marysville area due to
problems at the Oroville dam. Live newscast out of Sacramento:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Emergency Evacuation in California

2017-02-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Last I heard 200,000 people had packed up and were headed for Houston. ;-)

On 02/13/2017 05:52 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
OMG! You mean Gov.Moonbeam might have to *aks* for federal aid from 
President Trump?

Well there goes secession.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* FairfieldLife 
*Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 8:05 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Emergency Evacuation in California

Thousands are evacuating the Oroville and Marysville area due to
problems at the Oroville dam. Live newscast out of Sacramento:

[FairfieldLife] Emergency Evacuation in California

2017-02-12 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Thousands are evacuating the Oroville and Marysville area due to 
problems at the Oroville dam.  Live newscast out of Sacramento:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2017-02-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I got through about half of it so far. Warning, the narrator 
mispronounces some of the Sanskrit terms and I don't think the 
filmmakers were all that knowledgeable of that tradition.  Still an 
interesting watch.

I signed up for 4 devices on my Netflix account which gives me 4K on my 
4K TV.  I enjoyed "Santa Clarita Diet" in extra crispy 4K and I'm 
watching the second season of "Daredevil" in 4K. I have "Zero Days" on 
my watchlist.

If you are familiar at all with southeastern Washington, the movie "The 
River Thief" was shot in Lewiston, Moscow, Pullman and Clarkston. It's a 
good little indie film that got a low reviews because people thought it 
was "Christian" movie but I didn't get that out of it.  Sure, the 
"grandpa" played by Tommy Cash (Johnny Cash's younger brother) is a bit 
"churchy" but that is typical of eastern Washington and Idaho and often 
we would roll our eyes at such people.

On 02/11/2017 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

Thanks for the tip on the Naga documentary on Netflix. I'll give it a 
look.  They sure gave it a brutal 1 star rating, but I'll still 
watch.  I like to see programming of this nature.

Lately, I have been watching a ton of documentaries on Netflix, 
amazon, and Showtime.  2 on showtime that were fascinating was Zero 
Days about the Stuxnet Virus and Spycatcher:  CIA in the Crosshairs.  
Cause for some sleepless nights.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2017-02-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Good one Xif.  I was watching the documentary about Nagas on Netflix and 
the Nagas were despising "mantra sellers."

On 02/10/2017 04:25 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Conscionable = Dharmic?

 I'm still trying to figure out how/where King Tony became rich enough 
to purchase a beach-front property in FL.

Bull_market.gif - (4K)

The definition of unconscionable = doing something you know to be 
wrong?  Doesn't make sense.  ISIS killers are performing A-dharmic 
acts that they believe are right. Belief or unbelief in an action 
doesn't dictate the degree of Conscionable-ness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Senator Called Trump a Fascist,

2017-02-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Contana can be annoying sometimes. Here's what happened on my block on 
Tuesday (second half of the KGO TV report):

Mother nature must have won the lottery and is paying off her debts all 
at once.

On 02/09/2017 11:47 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

You can't do anything except stay at home with this rain.  At least, 
it's not a snow storm like they're having back east.  Cortana says 
it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.  She's a cool machine...almost an AI.

---In,  wrote :

Never a dull moment with the Donald in office.  US will probably 
collapse come spring.

Keepin' dry?

On 02/09/2017 07:28 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

and said "come after me", daring Trump to destroy his career.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Senator Called Trump a Fascist,

2017-02-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Never a dull moment with the Donald in office.  US will probably 
collapse come spring.

Keepin' dry?

On 02/09/2017 07:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

and said "come after me", daring Trump to destroy his career.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Priest Advocates Suicide

2017-02-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
It wasn't a video but discussion from the JyotishList years ago by a 
member who had learned of the 81 year system.  Of course there are lots 
of "systems" in Jyotish as astrologers figured out methods other than 
the traditional that also provided results.

Strauss-Howe Generational Theory which I've mentioned here a number of 
times is the one about 80 year cycles.

On 02/01/2017 08:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

This priest has become like the Muslim teachers that develop people 
like ISIS.  But we don't know how long he stays as a priest before his 
bishop or superior finds out about his ideas.  I don't know who's 
worse.  He or the child molester...No, I haven't seen any Nadi 
astrology videos that mentions this 81 year cycle.

But I'm impressed with this technique called Brighu Saral Paddatti.  
They have videos on YouTube that explain this system.  Personally, 
I've learned that the "night shade family of vegetables can be found 
in your birth chart.  In short, Saturn placed in the third house in 
Virgo represents these types of vegetables, which are not good for you 
and can cause arthritis on the right arm. It also contributed to the 
fall of my fence on my neighbor's property during in the wet and windy 
storm we had about a week ago.  Additionally, an unknown neighbor has 
left pieces of furniture on my drive way.  I'm suspecting its the 
neighbor adjacent to my house, who has recently left a stripped piece 
of carpet on his doorsteps.  So, I'm keeping my eyes open to make sure 
he doesn't leave the carpet on my driveway.

---In,  wrote :

Seems to me the world has gone completely insane.  Maybe the earth is 
generating 13 Hz waves which would agitate the populace.  BTW go back 
in 80 year increments and notice what happened in history.  There is a 
version of Nadi astrology that uses 81 year cycles (9 years for each 

On 02/01/2017 05:26 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

To protest against Trump.  It's surprising none of his superiors, 
including the Pope, has chastised the priest for such an unethical 
position as a priest and advisor.

Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 


Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 

The pastor of a largely immigrant Catholic church in Queens has a 
suggestion for his anti-Trump parishioners: Go take a flying leap off 
the nearest building. “Show ...

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Priest Advocates Suicide

2017-02-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Seems to me the world has gone completely insane.  Maybe the earth is 
generating 13 Hz waves which would agitate the populace.  BTW go back in 
80 year increments and notice what happened in history.  There is a 
version of Nadi astrology that uses 81 year cycles (9 years for each graha).

On 02/01/2017 05:26 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

To protest against Trump.  It's surprising none of his superiors, 
including the Pope, has chastised the priest for such an unethical 
position as a priest and advisor.

Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 


Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 

The pastor of a largely immigrant Catholic church in Queens has a 
suggestion for his anti-Trump parishioners: Go take a flying leap off 
the nearest building. “Show ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] It Looks Like the World is Preparing for War

2017-01-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Most people's YouTube videos have the sound too low.  YouTube does run a 
filter for boosting low audio but it only gets run on the paid music 
videos.  I always push my audio level on the master file I submit to 
YouTube.  Dolby made a filter for HDTV broadcast to standardize levels 
but most of the engineers didn't know what it was and to use it.

I've been playing around with a 4K action cam I bought at Fry's for all 
of $65.  It does real 4K unlike some of the phony ones coming out of 
China but it's not great 4K.  It uses Motion JPEG (which a number of 4K 
cameras do) but they don't use a high quality JPEG encode setting which 
would have required a more expensive chip set. Motion JPEG is a series 
of full frame JPEGs so the 4K files are huge.  But it's fun to play with.

For music in those videos I just jam some divertimento.

On 01/29/2017 09:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You should watch Julian Bradley's videos for making videos.  He 
presents his ideas for making clear sound quality for videos.  He uses 
filters to cut out the top and bottom sections of the recording.  Thus 
leaving the best of the sound quality you want.  However, I haven't 
tried this technique since it's a little too techie for me.  At this 
time, I'm trying to improve my piano skills. Perhaps, when I get 
better, I'll get into making original sounds and post them on YouTube.

---In,  wrote :

Oops, I meant to say, "Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes 
up to around 13 hz."  Or 13 pulses per second. Yeah, 13,000 pulses per 
second would really get people going and probably kill them.  Been 
dealing these days with a lot of video encoding. :-D

Astrology wise you could simply look at what happened 120 years ago in 
the US.  Similar upheaval like Tammany Hall etc.  Of course it will 
express itself a bit differently because the transits are different.

On 01/28/2017 07:32 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

We should also remember that the US chart is undergoing the major 
period of Rahu in the 8th house.  As we're seeing, this period will 
be full of unpredictable events regarding civil rights of minorities 
and refugees.  But there will be transformations of the American 
society with its role in world development.  Specifically, the 
development of AI will be more accepted to change industries.  These 
changes will lead to understanding the need to expand human 
civilization beyond earth.  This will lead to the colonization of 
Mars and the harvest of asteroids to build cities on Mars and 
explorations of the moons beyond Mars.

From what I understand, humans could eventually send AI probes to 
these moons to monitor the development of intelligent beings (ETs) in 
them, like the megaliths featured in the movie, 2001: A Space 
Odyssey.  Eventually, millions of these probes can be sent to nearby 
stars and all of these can be built and monitored by AIs for the 
human race.  This method of exploration is more reliable than 
developing rockets that can travel near the speed of light, which is 
nearly impossible according to our present technology.

 wrote :

Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. 
It's believed that causes people to become aggravated.  I shouldn't 
have to explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but 
that is a beta wave.  If you think that tracking the frequencies is 
woo-woo, well NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but 
maybe it isn't worth saving.

On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed.  Now Trump has the power to push the 
buttons for missiles to fire.

Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is Preparing For 


Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is P... 

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has written an op-ed in TIME 
magazine warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and stating, 
“it all looks as if t...

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] It Looks Like the World is Preparing for War

2017-01-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Oops, I meant to say, "Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up 
to around 13 hz."  Or 13 pulses per second.  Yeah, 13,000 pulses per 
second would really get people going and probably kill them.  Been 
dealing these days with a lot of video encoding. :-D

Astrology wise you could simply look at what happened 120 years ago in 
the US.  Similar upheaval like Tammany Hall etc.  Of course it will 
express itself a bit differently because the transits are different.

On 01/28/2017 07:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We should also remember that the US chart is undergoing the major 
period of Rahu in the 8th house.  As we're seeing, this period will be 
full of unpredictable events regarding civil rights of minorities and 
refugees.  But there will be transformations of the American society 
with its role in world development.  Specifically, the development of 
AI will be more accepted to change industries.  These changes will 
lead to understanding the need to expand human civilization beyond 
earth.  This will lead to the colonization of Mars and the harvest of 
asteroids to build cities on Mars and explorations of the moons beyond 

From what I understand, humans could eventually send AI probes to 
these moons to monitor the development of intelligent beings (ETs) in 
them, like the megaliths featured in the movie, 2001: A Space 
Odyssey.  Eventually, millions of these probes can be sent to nearby 
stars and all of these can be built and monitored by AIs for the human 
race.  This method of exploration is more reliable than developing 
rockets that can travel near the speed of light, which is nearly 
impossible according to our present technology.

---In,  wrote :

Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. 
It's believed that causes people to become aggravated.  I shouldn't 
have to explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but 
that is a beta wave.  If you think that tracking the frequencies is 
woo-woo, well NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but maybe 
it isn't worth saving.

On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed.  Now Trump has the power to push the 
buttons for missiles to fire.

Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is Preparing For War’ 


Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is P... 

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has written an op-ed in TIME 
magazine warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and stating, 
“it all looks as if t...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] It Looks Like the World is Preparing for War

2017-01-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. It's 
believed that causes people to become aggravated.  I shouldn't have to 
explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but that is a 
beta wave.  If you think that tracking the frequencies is woo-woo, well 
NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but maybe 
it isn't worth saving.

On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed.  Now Trump has the power to push the 
buttons for missiles to fire.

Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is Preparing For War’ 


Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is P... 

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has written an op-ed in TIME 
magazine warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and stating, “it 
all looks as if t...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: American Middle Class Will End Up Paying for the Wall

2017-01-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]


On 01/28/2017 09:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Ann and her friends should have stayed here. Unfortunately,  I don't 
read FFL2 since I don't know their address in the internet.  
Apparently, they're talking about the same things over there.

---In,  wrote :

Posted by Ann on FFL2.  Curiously, do you read FFL2?

The butcher’s bill has come due: President Donald Trump is about to 
victimize his own voters 


The butcher’s bill has come due: President Donald Trum... 

Our new president's supporters are likely to suffer from his 
regressive policies. I have no compassion for them VIDEO

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

But Trump got elected for selling this lie.  What does this say  
about the American electorate?

Schumer: Middle class will pay for Trump's 'pointless' border wall 


Schumer: Middle class will pay for Trump's 'poin... 

Schumer called the wall "divisive [and] unnecessary."

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: in Tampere, Finland

2017-01-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The streets around here run at an angle such as NW to SE so almost no 
house has an east facing entrance. Health quality varies from an old 
fart like me with hardly any health problems to the 40 something next 
door who had an aneurysm a couple years back and is in a wheelchair and 
partially paralyzed.

On 01/27/2017 11:25 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Um... I was being snarky. Petra was very ill for two and half years 
and died in May, at age 54. And, living in vastu hasn't prevented me 
from having my own chronic health issues. Bottom line: no one gets out 
of here alive.

---In,  wrote :


That's nice to hear. I like to live in a vastu home, but here in SF, 
there is none.  My house though is facing the east direction.  So, 
it's the best available that I can get in this city.

,  wrote :

Our original house was generic vastu, and when we added on, we 
rectified it according to MMY-SV. Petra and I are both enjoying 
perfect health and immortality, and we owe it all to this house.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: in Tampere, Finland

2017-01-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
My nephew worked for awhile with a solar cell startup.  He told me my 
house would be perfect for solar.  Musk's company and other companies 
are often around.  It's about free installation until I ask if the 
electrical upgrade is also free. ;-)

This house had a shake roof when I moved here and it was well advised to 
replace it.  When I did in 2007 I considered options including a new 
shake roof with fireproof shakes but that was about another $5000 over 
just a shingle roof.  I also considered a tile roof also costing more 
but also heavy.  Both shakes and tiles are fashionable but most homes 
around here were going to shingles.  Mine reflect the sun in the summer 
keeping the house cooler but unfortunately cooler in winter.  In 
December of 2007 when temps started getting low I decided I better have 
some insulation put in but because of a trip to Seattle at the end of 
the month put it off until January.  A relative who had worked for PG&E 
told me I was smart to do so because PG&E was giving out rebates but 
those tended to run out late in the year and were funded again at the 
start.  So I got some help on the cost.

My other problem is finding a furnace tech who is not a scamster. I 
regularly get ads from furnace techs who reviewed were mainly in the 
business of selling you a new furnace.  I need to keep my fingers 
crossed that this furnace will make it through the winter.  A local 
contractor I know was going have someone he uses contact me to check out 
the furnace and do a tune up but that never happened.

On 01/27/2017 06:46 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Our original house was generic vastu, and when we added on, we 
rectified it according to MMY-SV. Petra and I are both enjoying 
perfect health and immortality, and we owe it all to this house.

WRT solar efficiency, it has always bothered me that the emphasis is 
completely focused on gathering vibrational woo from the east, even if 
it means the structure will bake to a crisp in summer and gather no 
solar heat at all in winter. How is that considered in tune with Nature?

---In,  wrote :


Do you stay in a vastu home?  If yes, has it been beneficial for your 
family and yourself?

,  wrote :

Iowa gets temperature extremes in both directions. In early 20th 
Century Fairfield, Iowa homes were being built in the Prairie style 
with roof lines and eves that were scaled to let winter sunshine into 
homes and then keep summer sunshine out.

Design accounting for solar orientation seemed to go away with newer 
mechanical heating and cooling in new home building after WWII.. in 
the ranch home etc.   Efficiency in energy design came back with 
tightened energy supplies in the 1970's.   In the 1980's a number of 
homes built by meditators were efficient super insulated and solar, in 
the direction of the zero-net design today.

Sthapatya ved house design in Fairfield of the 2000’s seemed mostly to 
throw solar orientation efficiency to the wind. There is a subdivision 
of 40 homes going up in Fairfield that is SV design.  Curious to see 
if they have zero-net features.  Design without optimizing energy 
efficiency is such old design.

California homes aren't built for long term low temps but more for 
staying cool in summer.

,  wrote :

I've seen different house solar heating units. Which one are you 
talking about?  I would think for most days those would work here.  
Most I looked at were DIY and were more work than I wanted to do.  I 
have the heating running at 62 degrees and boost it if it rains to 
keep dampness down.  At nights in the living room I use a space heater.

On 01/26/2017 01:30 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm using a portable heater and mostly stay in one room where my 
computer is kept and where I'm posting this message right now. But 
I'm estimating my heating cost to be high for this month.  I'm 
thinking of getting those solar panels to get power from the sun for 
heating.  Do you think this is cost effective here in the Bay Area?

 wrote :

Can't wait to see my PG&E bill for this month.  Actually I can wait.  
And I keep the house at 62 degrees most of the time.  California 
homes aren't built for long term low temps but more for staying cool 
in summer. That's when they are concerned about electrical 
consumption.  And the cities around here are considering starting 
their own municipal utilities and dumping PG&E which now has a 
criminal felony conviction.

On 01/26/2017 10:52 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thanks. It must be really cold over there right now.  It's 54 
degrees over here in S

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ghost box session in Tampere, Finland

2017-01-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I've seen different house solar heating units. Which one are you talking 
about?  I would think for most days those would work here.  Most I 
looked at were DIY and were more work than I wanted to do.  I have the 
heating running at 62 degrees and boost it if it rains to keep dampness 
down.  At nights in the living room I use a space heater.

On 01/26/2017 01:30 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm using a portable heater and mostly stay in one room where my 
computer is kept and where I'm posting this message right now.  But 
I'm estimating my heating cost to be high for this month.  I'm 
thinking of getting those solar panels to get power from the sun for 
heating.  Do you think this is cost effective here in the Bay Area?

---In,  wrote :

Can't wait to see my PG&E bill for this month.  Actually I can wait.  
And I keep the house at 62 degrees most of the time.  California homes 
aren't built for long term low temps but more for staying cool in 
summer. That's when they are concerned about electrical consumption.  
And the cities around here are considering starting their own 
municipal utilities and dumping PG&E which now has a criminal felony 

On 01/26/2017 10:52 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thanks. It must be really cold over there right now.  It's 54 degrees 
over here in SF and sunny.  But it's cold for me.

 wrote :

Yes, I do live in Tampere.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ghost box session in Tampere, Finland

2017-01-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Can't wait to see my PG&E bill for this month.  Actually I can wait.  
And I keep the house at 62 degrees most of the time.  California homes 
aren't built for long term low temps but more for staying cool in 
summer.  That's when they are concerned about electrical consumption.  
And the cities around here are considering starting their own municipal 
utilities and dumping PG&E which now has a criminal felony conviction.

On 01/26/2017 10:52 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thanks.  It must be really cold over there right now.  It's 54 degrees 
over here in SF and sunny.  But it's cold for me.

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I do live in Tampere.

[FairfieldLife] Trump Mudras

2017-01-21 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Ever notice that Trump uses a hand gesture similar to what yogi's use?  
Here's an entertaining little piece about Trump and his mudras:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Autumn leaves

2017-01-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I used "Autumn Leaves" as a beginning jazz piano piece for my students 
because it just goes through the cycle of 4ths so is easy to learn and a 
good chord drill.

On 01/15/2017 09:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

That was an excellent rendition of "Autumn Leaves".  I've never heard 
of anyone sing this song in this way.

---In,  wrote :

Sorry, sound quality is really bad:

Saija Saarnisto - Autumn Leaves | The Voice Of FINLAND 2017 - Amazing 
Blind Audition 


Saija Saarnisto - Autumn Leaves | The Voice Of FI... 

Watch full perfomance here:

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[FairfieldLife] Just Ducky!

2017-01-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
New video at the beach with the birds. Available in 4K if you have that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2017-01-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 01/01/2017 04:03 PM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


*Sent:* Sunday, January 1, 2017 3:35 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

Folks are getting old.  60 is the new 70 and not the other way around 
(as "scientists" expected).

Not in my experience. I’m 67, and I feel better than I did in my 20’s. 
Resting heart rate in the 50’s, blood pressure 110/60.

I just turned 70 and still feel like I'm in my 20s.  But mileage may vary.

On 01/01/2017 01:15 PM, 'Rick Archer' 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What did Amalia die from? Really true about John Black? Hope not.
Always liked that guy.


*Sent:* Sunday, January 1, 2017 12:27 PM

*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

Amalia Bright passed away yesterday.

,>> wrote :

Hi Friends

Our dear friend William James Duke passed into the Life Eternal
today at 2:54pm as the Supermoon was preparing to rise.  It was a
powerful, graceful transition. The cremation ceremony will be
Friday at Behner’s Funeral and Crematorium…in the afternoon ( time
TBA).  A reception will follow at the home of Catharine Castle
(time and address TBA).

All blessings, jennifer

,>> wrote :

Word around town today that John Black

passed away.

,>> wrote :

They shall not grow old:

As we who are left grow old

At the going down of the sun

And in the morning we will

Remember them.

,>> wrote :

Florence Davis passed away recently.

George Gallagher too.

,>> wrote :


 Thursday Oct. 20, 2016, Andrew Sheehan, age 40, passed away while
resting at home.  His parents are Brian and Theresa Sheehan, his
sister is Anna Hunter and his two sons are Sebastian, 23, and
Tristyn, 10. Their mother is Angela Sheehan.

Andrew’s parents ask that all who loved Andrew send loving
thoughts and prayers to Andrew.

Andrew was a skilled builder and much loved.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, Oct. 22, at 2 p.m. at
Behner Funeral Home. All are welcome. Those who wish may bring
stems of flowers, no arrangements. Thank you.

,>> wrote :

Andrew Sheehan

has passed.

,>> wrote :

Sally Peden, 69, of Fairfield, died Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016.

Ms. Peden was born May 26, 1947, in Columbia, Missouri.

She had devoted her life in personal service to Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi since 1971. She traveled the world with him as a personal
assistant and lived for many years at the International Capital
for the Transcendental Meditation movement in Seelisberg, Switzerland.

Following that time, Ms. Peden spent years working for Maharishi
University of Management. She worked for the Institute for Public
Policy, the Natural Law Party, and finally she worked as
administrator for M.U.M.’s vedic science program.

Survivors include: her stepmother, Petch Peden, of Columbia
Missouri; one sister, Liza Mitchell of Webster Groves, Missouri;
and her close companion, Ken Chawkin of Fairfield.

,>> wrote :

Tom Torpy, a long time Purusha friend

passed away recently.

,>> wrote :

John Herbert Prechtel

is now gone on.

,>> wrote :

Sali Pedin

has passed on.

,>> wrote :

Nancy Van Blaricum

TTC Mallorca 1972 w/ Maharishi


[FairfieldLife] A Scenic View

2017-01-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I posted this last week over on The Corner but though I would share 
here.  It's a YouTube video I took of the Carquinez Strait Scenic 
Drive.  I've lived here 16 years but last Monday was the first time I 
drove it.  The video was shot in 4K with an inexpensive action camera so 
if you have a 4K TV (and the bandwidth) you can watch it in 4K (if you 
have the app to do so).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2017-01-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Folks are getting old.  60 is the new 70 and not the other way around 
(as "scientists" expected).

On 01/01/2017 01:15 PM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

What did Amalia die from? Really true about John Black? Hope 
not.Always liked that guy.


*Sent:* Sunday, January 1, 2017 12:27 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

Amalia Bright passed away yesterday.

, > wrote :

Hi Friends

Our dear friend William James Duke passed into the Life Eternal today 
at 2:54pm as the Supermoon was preparing to rise.  It was a powerful, 
graceful transition.  The cremation ceremony will be Friday at 
Behner’s Funeral and Crematorium…in the afternoon ( time TBA).  A 
reception will follow at the home of Catharine Castle (time and 
address TBA).

All blessings, jennifer

, > wrote :

Word around town today that John Black

passed away.

, > wrote :

They shall not grow old:

As we who are left grow old

At the going down of the sun

And in the morning we will

Remember them.

, > wrote :

Florence Davis passed away recently.

George Gallagher too.

, > wrote :


 Thursday Oct. 20, 2016, Andrew Sheehan, age 40, passed away while 
resting at home.  His parents are Brian and Theresa Sheehan, his 
sister is Anna Hunter and his two sons are Sebastian, 23, and 
Tristyn, 10. Their mother is Angela Sheehan.

Andrew’s parents ask that all who loved Andrew send loving thoughts 
and prayers to Andrew.

Andrew was a skilled builder and much loved.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, Oct. 22, at 2 p.m. at Behner 
Funeral Home. All are welcome. Those who wish may bring stems of 
flowers, no arrangements. Thank you.

, > wrote :

Andrew Sheehan

has passed.

, > wrote :

Sally Peden, 69, of Fairfield, died Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016.

Ms. Peden was born May 26, 1947, in Columbia, Missouri.

She had devoted her life in personal service to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
since 1971. She traveled the world with him as a personal assistant 
and lived for many years at the International Capital for the 
Transcendental Meditation movement in Seelisberg, Switzerland.

Following that time, Ms. Peden spent years working for Maharishi 
University of Management. She worked for the Institute for Public 
Policy, the Natural Law Party, and finally she worked as administrator 
for M.U.M.’s vedic science program.

Survivors include: her stepmother, Petch Peden, of Columbia Missouri; 
one sister, Liza Mitchell of Webster Groves, Missouri; and her close 
companion, Ken Chawkin of Fairfield.

, > wrote :

Tom Torpy, a long time Purusha friend

passed away recently.

, > wrote :

John Herbert Prechtel

is now gone on.

, > wrote :

Sali Pedin

has passed on.

, > wrote :

Nancy Van Blaricum

TTC Mallorca 1972 w/ Maharishi

Initiated over 2000 meditators

, > wrote :

Thanks for posting these.

Harvey Lubar, I knew.

, > wrote :

*[  For researching/ study purposes,*

*  Scroll further down to the 'previous' posts to this thread to find 
other much longer lists,  ]*

Louisa Magee

Marc Travis

, > wrote :

Recent passings from the meditating community..

Gillian Pierce

Frank Ramsey

Gert MacQuaeen

Evelyn Normandin

Petra Stanley

Harvey Lubar

Further back, to add to the longer list

Cindy Korn

Jan Overholt


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL trumped??

2016-12-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Around here the week or two after the election many people seemed to be 
in a pissy mood but that subsided after awhile.  Then it arose again 
after the Electoral College vote coupled with Holiday anxiety.  People 
don't like uncertainty but they also don't like the status quo who have 
screwed them over the last few years.  We'll see how it goes.

On 12/28/2016 03:09 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Not Trump himself but many peoples' reactions to his becoming POTUS?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL trumped??

2016-12-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
LOL!  I doubt if Trump has that much of an effect. Maybe you ate too 
much for the holidays?

On 12/28/2016 03:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

After Trump's victory, nothing seems to happen when I do YF?
WTF is up??  Decline of sattva in Global Consciousness??

[FairfieldLife] 99 Cent Movies

2016-12-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Just a little tip if you have Google Play or Amazon on your streaming 

Probably not as exciting as getting movies via torrent. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump Might Not Take Office, according to a Harvard professor

2016-12-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

What do you think will happen if he is not allowed to take office?

Only one elector has said he would change his vote:
/"To date, just one Republican — Chris Suprun of Texas — has publicly 
revealed an intention to cast a vote for someone other than Trump."/

So most likely won't happen.

On 12/16/2016 06:15 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

But if the Russians hacked the election, how come the CIA and the FBI 
do not state how much of the electoral college votes are affected?  
These may be needed if the process goes back to the lower house to decide.

But since the Republicans have the majority in the House of 
Representatives, further deliberations may be futile.

If This Harvard Professor is Right, Donald Trump Might Not Take Office 


If This Harvard Professor is Right, Donald Trump Might ... 

Larry Lessig explains why he believes it might happen.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Premature deaths

2016-11-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Seems there is no accounting for longevity.

On 11/30/2016 08:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, the mortality here it seems is kind of normal given the 


There is a generational change upon us in this.  It is getting clear 
the baby-boomer is clocking out.

The mortality in the meditator group is proly not that much different 
from what would be in any well or overly educated groups of white, 
first world socio-economic, non-smoker, more vegetarian peoples.

One small abnormality in the larger group might possibly be those who 
had access to more copious quantities of ayurvedic compounds coming 
directly from India laced with heavy metals. Would need more research 
on this.  That could be worthy of the U. of Iowa College of Public 
Health looking in on some evident incidence of neurological infirmity 
in some meditators. There is a hypothesis there to test. -

---In,  wrote :

Thx for that information.  There must be some higher purpose beyond 
the superficial appearance of Petra's untimely departure. I celebrate 
her now as a true Celestial Beacon and Angel, as a pioneer in the 
higher planes patiently awaiting thousands if not millions of Souls to 
come her way.

One can get an idea of what's going on in the lower and higher Astral 
planes, as well as the Celestial (the latter indescribable), by 
accessing almost any of the "lessons" given to us by Swedenborg, for 
example the Youtube entry "A Day in the Life of an Angel" - 
Swedenborg. The term "Angel" as used by Swede! nborg refers to any 
human not alive physically, who now lives in the subtle planes that he 
investigated and reported on in several volumes - one of which is 
"Heaven and Hell" available online. (but the Youtube videos are better).

As to exactly what Petra's new work entails, or the plane of existence 
she's currently residing in,, I don't know but I feel that it will be 
to prepare the way for vast numbers of seekers of the Truth (such as 
aging baby boomers), who will be entering those realms. Petra will be 
there to await their arrival and guide them into the proper environment.

In a separate post I will summarize "Protect Sensitive Stomach 
Linings" as featured in Life Extension.

I don't know how many TM "lurkers" or others are reading these posts, 
but perhaps the information may help some.

In any event, I'm envious of Petra. She's probably in the arms of 
Jesus, while I still on this planet.

Another key principle in the work of Swedenborg pertains to the main 
differences between life on earth and life in the astral and higher 
planes. In those realms, people naturally segregate according to the 
amount of Love they radiate and the Wisdom they posses. Yes, people in 
the astral have actual jobs - countless types but the overall 
objective is the common good.  This type of separation in the planes 
can be compared to a mixture of liquids in which the various densities 
separate according to density.  Our Earth, otoh, is a place where one 
can walk down the street  and the Saints and Sinners are all mixed 
together. Bad situation! (that's a Trump-like hashtag).

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM mantras revisited

2016-11-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 11/27/2016 06:23 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

Calling people *backward* is judgemental.

This from a guy who doesn't like a group that wants to drag the human 
race back to 600 AD? :-D
They may be very well be going through what their dharma expects of 
them, what they need at that very moment in their evolution.

We all play out according to the script.  There is no free will but you 
might as well live as if there is. Enjoy the movie.

Where they end up could put all of us to shame.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] TM mantras revisited

As you know TM would not be my choice to use in schools because it IS 
too expensive and somewhat limited.  My first experience with any kind 
of meditation was in the 5th grade when some of the intermediate band 
members were added to the advanced or high school band.  The teacher 
took us through what we today would call a "guided meditation" of 
imagining a handkerchief slowly falling to the ground. This was an 
attempt to get the kids to quiet down enough to concentrate on playing 
the music.

The problem is that Sanskrit mantras do tend to work very well even 
though they really are just sounds *attributed* to "Hindu gods" which 
in reality are analogs for forces of nature.

As for "missing the boat" I think a lot of people think that about the 
backward.  We should encourage them to move forward.  There are just 
some ideologies that don't fit well into this era.  A lot of 
fundamentalism is interpreting too literally a teaching that was not 
supposed to be taken so.

On 11/27/2016 05:30 PM, Mike Dixon 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Equal protection under the law, I would assume. If  public schools 
are going to protect non- Christians from being *harmed* by being in 
the presence of organized prayer what's good for the goose is 
good for the gander.
BTW, it won't just be *fundamentalists* that oppose it. Nearly every 
other sect of main stream Christianity would also.
I'm not exactly sure that you are qualified to say *who has or 
hasn't* missed the boat. Our karma determines our dharma. Is yoga a 
*blessing* to get ahead or is it a blessing to catch-up? Each person 
has it's mission in life. The camp you find yourself in, is probably 
the one you need the most.

*From:* "Bhairitu 
<> [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:07 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] TM mantras revisited

Why should we care what fundamentalists think?  There are such kinds 
in every religion and they missed the boat a long time ago. They are 
a minority and should never be treated like they are a majority. It's 
not like we keep them from learning anything as it's up to them to 
ask to learn.

On 11/27/2016 04:39 PM, 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Thx again Doug for posting the Smithsonian article on the Quietist 
schools supported by Lynch, under the direction of an apparent 
independent academic party (the independence part is something new 
and unexpectedsince it lends credibility to the science).
Unfortunately, the venture may not go over well as soon as the 
Fundamentalist Christians learn of it. Put yourself in their shoes.  
First step  Google TM Mantras, or "Are TM Mantras Names of the 
Gods". Naturally, they will select the very first entry on top, and 
use that to attempt to discredit the Quietist schools.
...Next, they will gather a group of like-minded Folk to picket the 
schools and put pressure on the local politicians to put a lid on 
the venture, claiming the separation of Church and State (since 
their conclusion will be that the TM mantras are the Names of the 
Hindu Gods, according to the very first google entry that comes up.).
Any TM practitioner knows that when using the mantras, they aren't 
praying to the actual "Gods"; but the reality of what actually 
happens is experientially obscure and beyond the superficial 
understanding of the Fundamentalists. A media frenzy will ensue, 
since the media feeds on superficiality.

TranceNet: What's Your Mantra Mean? 

image <>

TranceNet: What's Your Mantra Mean? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM mantras revisited

2016-11-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
As you know TM would not be my choice to use in schools because it IS 
too expensive and somewhat limited.  My first experience with any kind 
of meditation was in the 5th grade when some of the intermediate band 
members were added to the advanced or high school band.  The teacher 
took us through what we today would call a "guided meditation" of 
imagining a handkerchief slowly falling to the ground. This was an 
attempt to get the kids to quiet down enough to concentrate on playing 
the music.

The problem is that Sanskrit mantras do tend to work very well even 
though they really are just sounds *attributed* to "Hindu gods" which in 
reality are analogs for forces of nature.

As for "missing the boat" I think a lot of people think that about the 
backward.  We should encourage them to move forward.  There are just 
some ideologies that don't fit well into this era.  A lot of 
fundamentalism is interpreting too literally a teaching that was not 
supposed to be taken so.

On 11/27/2016 05:30 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Equal protection under the law, I would assume. If  public schools are 
going to protect non- Christians from being *harmed* by being in the 
presence of organized prayer what's good for the goose is good for 
the gander.
BTW, it won't just be *fundamentalists* that oppose it. Nearly every 
other sect of main stream Christianity would also.
I'm not exactly sure that you are qualified to say *who has or hasn't* 
missed the boat. Our karma determines our dharma. Is yoga a *blessing* 
to get ahead or is it a blessing to catch-up? Each person has it's 
mission in life. The camp you find yourself in, is probably the one 
you need the most.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:07 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] TM mantras revisited

Why should we care what fundamentalists think?  There are such kinds 
in every religion and they missed the boat a long time ago. They are a 
minority and should never be treated like they are a majority.  It's 
not like we keep them from learning anything as it's up to them to ask 
to learn.

On 11/27/2016 04:39 PM, <> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Thx again Doug for posting the Smithsonian article on the Quietist 
schools supported by Lynch, under the direction of an apparent 
independent academic party (the independence part is something new 
and unexpectedsince it lends credibility to the science).
Unfortunately, the venture may not go over well as soon as the 
Fundamentalist Christians learn of it.  Put yourself in their shoes.  
First step  Google  TM Mantras, or "Are TM Mantras Names of the 
Gods".  Naturally, they will select the very first entry on top, and 
use that to attempt to discredit the Quietist schools.
...Next, they will gather a group of like-minded Folk to picket the 
schools and put pressure on the local politicians to put a lid on the 
venture, claiming the separation of  Church and State (since their 
conclusion will be that the TM mantras are the Names of the Hindu 
Gods, according to the very first google entry that comes up.).
Any TM practitioner knows that when using the mantras, they aren't 
praying to the actual "Gods"; but the reality of what actually 
happens is experientially obscure and beyond the superficial 
understanding of the Fundamentalists.  A media frenzy will ensue, 
since the media feeds on superficiality.

TranceNet: What's Your Mantra Mean? 

image <>

TranceNet: What's Your Mantra Mean? 
C! LICK HERE!  Support Our Sponsors -- Support Us! [an error occurred 
while processing this directive]

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump Criticizes Recount Efforts

2016-11-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
In California it was not only illegal aliens who may have voted but 
precincts not counted and some recounts blocked.  It's one thing to not 
like Trump and another to engage in illegal activity handling an 
election so Hillary would win.  I would personally like to see people 
who did so face a judge and jury regardless of which side they favored.

On 11/27/2016 05:08 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
John, there is *no evidence* that there has been any tampering, 
hacking etc. Even the WH has been poo- pooing the idea.The charge is 
that it is possible that it *could* have happened but there is *no 
evidence* that it did.
If there was any illegal voting going on, it is more likely that it 
happened in states such as California that have given  six million 
illegal aliens drivers licenses that can be used as ID in order to 
vote. All an illegal would have to do is, check a box on his voter 
registration, declaring that he/she is a US citizen and no questions 
are asked.It's against the law.If you violated immigration laws and 
use falsified Social Security numbers, why wouldn't you lie about your 
citizenship, especially if it meant possibly protecting yourself from 

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Sunday, November 27, 2016 4:16 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Trump Criticizes Recount Efforts

But it appears Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton may have evidence the 
votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have been hacked or flawed.

Donald Trump attacks recount effort in election where 'millions voted 


Donald Trump attacks recount effort in election where &#... 

President-elect says he ‘won popular vote if you deduct millions who 
voted illegally’ while adviser Conway calls Clinton and Stein 
‘crybabies and sore losers’

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM mantras revisited

2016-11-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Why should we care what fundamentalists think?  There are such kinds in 
every religion and they missed the boat a long time ago. They are a 
minority and should never be treated like they are a majority.  It's not 
like we keep them from learning anything as it's up to them to ask to learn.

On 11/27/2016 04:39 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thx again Doug for posting the Smithsonian article on the Quietist 
schools supported by Lynch, under the direction of an apparent 
independent academic party (the independence part is something new and 
unexpectedsince it lends credibility to the science).

Unfortunately, the venture may not go over well as soon as the 
Fundamentalist Christians learn of it. Put yourself in their shoes.  
First step  Google  TM Mantras, or "Are TM Mantras Names of the Gods". 
Naturally, they will select the very first entry on top, and use that 
to attempt to discredit the Quietist schools.

...Next, they will gather a group of like-minded Folk to picket the 
schools and put pressure on the local politicians to put a lid on the 
venture, claiming the separation of  Church and State (since their 
conclusion will be that the TM mantras are the Names of the Hindu 
Gods, according to the very first google entry that comes up.).

Any TM practitioner knows that when using the mantras, they aren't 
praying to the actual "Gods"; but the reality of what actually happens 
is experientially obscure and beyond the superficial understanding of 
the Fundamentalists.  A media frenzy will ensue, since the media feeds 
on superficiality.

TranceNet: What's Your Mantra Mean? 


TranceNet: What's Your Mantra Mean? 

C! LICK HERE!  Support Our Sponsors -- Support Us! [an error occurred 
while processing this directive]

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Calexit in 2018

2016-11-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Though talk of succession or a new state in the north end (Jefferson) 
has been bantered about for years it started to gain more traction when 
the Bush administration stated holding back funding.  Of course the new 
country laying claim to some of the military bases might cause some 
fireworks though.

Given a total economic collapse the US might break up into "The Nine 
Nations of North America" where boundaries would be drawn based on 
geographical needs and interests.

On 11/23/2016 11:16 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

While I would hate to see the Union breakup, I would love to see a 
referendum on the ballot in Calfiornia just so it can flex its muscle 
a little in front of the rest of the country.  Most Republican states 
I heard get more in Federal money than they pay into the system via 
taxes. California gives more than it gets financially, and god knows 
it overachieves in other areas too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quietist Revolution

2016-11-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 11/22/2016 09:23 AM, Archer Angel 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Transcendentalism and Quietism have philosophically at their basis, 

That is a recessive quality, a retreat, and that cannot stand up to 
more forceful attitudes such as ramming a dogma down someone's throat.

Quietism was condemned as a heresy in the Catholic Church, wrongly 
elevating contemplation over meditation, intellectual stillness over 
vocal prayer, and interior passivity over pious action. (Note the 
words here are used in a different sense than in TM.)

This problem cannot be overcome unless it is realized that 
transcendence and stillness are techniques to expand experience, to 
expand the nature of the mind. They are not ends in themselves, they 
are methods.

Also these methods become objectified. Moving from a state of 
experience not previously known to a state of knowing is a 
transcendence, a going beyond, but just for the moment. Once you have 
the result, it is in hand. It is not transcendent.

Thus it is improper to say you are experiencing "the Transcendent," 
because any state transcendent to what you are experiencing is not 
experienced. Transcendence is a method to get from A to B, a state of 
experience, not a state of objects.

Philosophically maybe but this gets to complicated for the neophyte.  
What I noticed was I stopped "coming out of meditation". IOW saying the 
experience of "the transcendent" in activity is merely a way of 
communicating with other meditators about the experience be it just 
silence in activity.  It is probably easier for them to imagine what 
having that quiet transcendent feeling in activity is like than 
imagining silence in activity (confusing).

Indian gurus have through time simplified terms of the experience as 
much as possible because intellect seemed to have little to do with 
whether one might develop enlightenment or not.  In fact the intellect 
might often be barrier to such develop because one can develop 
expectations that actually don't reflect the experience.  I swear some 
think it's like going to be on LSD all the time and that would not be 
very practical. And intellectualizing about it too much tends to bog 
things down.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Consciousness is a Mathematical Pattern?

2016-11-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
No, he's still looking at it wrong. Consciousness is energy like 
electricity but probably a bit different (shakti).  It is and is not a 
physical property at once (in the sense that physical property is being 
defined here).  Your computer has a physical property but it can't do 
anything unless you run electricity through it.  So looking at 
consciousness as a physical property won't entirely answer the question.

On 11/20/2016 01:06 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Max Tegmark proposes a radical idea that may or may not prove 
computers can be sentient or that ETs exist in the stars, planets and 
moons that we see in the universe.  What do you think?

Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max Tegmark at TEDxCambridge 


Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max... 

As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as "food, rearranged." That 
makes his answer to complicated questions like "What is 
consciousness?" simp...

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hale Trumbler!

2016-11-18 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
And it will cost twice as much but iPhone fans won't mind.  It's all 
about the logo.

On 11/18/2016 09:18 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

There's also talk of The iphone being produced in the US as well.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Friday, November 18, 2016 9:53 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Hale Trumbler!

*Donald J. Trump* ‏@realDonaldTrump 
14 t14 tuntia sitten 

Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford, Chairman of Ford, who 
advised me that he will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky - no 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Principle

2016-11-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The goal of meditation is to become a vector for pure consciousness.  At 
that point the individual will feel like they don't exist.  They will go 
through a whole week seldom being conscious of the small self.  They 
will still carry out tasks and chores for their individual existence but 
they will not feel attached to them.  A little shock may come if someone 
demands a focus on their localized awareness but of course even that is 
carried out with little or no attachment.

On 11/09/2016 11:39 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The principle of TM is non-control.

Ignorance is the individual mind deluded in thinking it can control 
beyond its limitations.

Wholeness is the sum of individual impulses, the flow of Nature.

The flow of Nature is not an individual responsibility, not of any one 
of them by themselves.

The individual in harmony with Nature flows with Nature, not 
resisting, it stands aside.

This is what surrender is.

End of Sermon.

Re: [FairfieldLife] If Trump Wins

2016-11-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Michael Moore pretty much nailed it though he was just echoing what a 
number of political analysts were already saying: people were tire of 
being pushed around by the rich and having their jobs taken from them.  
This was a referendum on the establishment and the establishment lost.

As for John, most of the jyotishis I know predicted that Trump would 
win.  Most had to compare the strength of the planets in the two 
candidates charts because exact birth times of the two are not known.

On 11/09/2016 06:32 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Geeez John, don't take it so hard. Yes, Clinton was her own worst 
enemy. If you read  the Podesta e-mails, even he said she *lies* too 
much! She's elite and untrustworthy and the people are tired of that. 
Who knows if any *dead* Republicans voted. If they did, it might have 
been enough to cancel out dead Democrats or illegal Mexican aliens 
that Obama virtually encouraged to vote(yeah, it's on video). As far 
as excluding Mexican and Muslims, yes, those that come her illegally, 
definitely should be excluded from everything and no more Muslims from 
countries with terrorist ties until a better vetting system can be 
developed. As for grabbing women by the genitalia, Bill Clinton set 
the precedent.

BTW, The Clinton Foundation will become the Clinton Defense Fund!

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:! * Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:06 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] If Trump Wins

Clinton can be blamed for taking for granted the Wisconsin, Michigan, 
and Pennsylvania voters. And some dead Republicans may have come back 
to vote for Trump in this election.  Moreover, it's now okay to 
exclude Mexicans, and Muslims in this country.  Also, it's acceptable 
to grab American women's genitalia whether they like it or not.  The 
history books have now  been recorded for the world to see.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Maharishi Effect

2016-11-08 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
He didn't find any magic formula.  It's been used for centuries as the 
basis of the Kumba Melas as well as special meditations during holidays 
and eclipses.

On 11/08/2016 11:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

MMY may have found the magic formula for peace throughout the world.  
IMO,  he did it by discovering the power of group meditation 
to enliven the Unified Field.  As Einstein, has found the 
interchangeability of matter and energy.  One can understand the 
interchangeability of matter and consciousness.  Through the Unified 
Field, one can transform the world with thoughts of peace.

There are various variations to this discovery.  IOW, matter has 
consciousness.  Therefore, any matter can reveal its secrets.  That 
is, the earth is already revealing how life began here through the DNA 
and the human genome.  Similarly, the universe is revealing its 
secrets by studying its fundamental particles and even the Black 
Hole.  Its done by using human consciousness to understand the 
mechanics of life in this universe.

Moreover, we are now understanding the secrets of Mars to see if life 
started there.  and if so, where are they?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillarious humour: shortest honeymoon...

2016-11-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Very good points!

On 11/07/2016 11:28 AM, Archer Angel 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

The slacking off of meditators might depend on more than simple laziness.

Long time meditators generally report that experiences of states in 
medtation that were short-lived early in their practice basically 
become perpetual.

That means a state you had to practice to get at simply exists all the 
time, it is not necessary for meditation to bring it about anymore. 
Meditation becomes a kind of maintenance for dealing with current 
stresses in the environment

This might explain why so many meditators still meditate but do not 
practice the TM-Sidhi program, which facilitates Unity. If Unity (or 
Brahman) is there, the sidhis are redundant to get to this state if it 
is already there.

The statistics used to imply there is a Maharishi effect does not 
obviate the fact there has never been a direct measurement of the how 
that effect propagates. If the effect exists, how would you measure it?

Example — heat. Objects at a distance from a supposed source of heat 
burn. Statistically you can say in the presence of the source, so many 
trees burn. But that does not say how it happens the source produces this.

In this case, infrared radiation can me measured and quantified and an 
actual mechanism identified, based on known and verified physical 

In the case of the Maharishi effect, only TM movement scientists are 
awed by the effect.

It is ignored by other scientists because it is explained only 
statistically and the raw statistical data has not been released and 
the mechanism has not been measured or identified as a replicatable 
experiment and so is not believed by these other scientists.

Communication about this effect is botched as a result.

We have meditators and sidhas not needing to achieve what they already 
have and so have no desire to to repeat those practices for that purpose.

There are also meditators who quit through lack of satisfaction, or 
some other spiritual system captures their attention.

We have an understanding of an effect that only some meditators 
believe and which most others do not.

And as pointed out we have the TM movement, which discards its assets 
— meditators, sidhas, and teachers — on doctrinal disagreements.

Meditators also often display a sense of entitlement, that because 
they are meditators, they are something special. Pride goeth before 
the fall.

Way to go people.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, November 7, 2016 12:47 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillarious humour: shortest honeymoon...

Spiritually, in what was an evident gross slacking off of meditators 
meditating, data would likely show quite a high correlation directly 
between a decline of coherence in parameters of a culture of American 
democracy to the slacking off of numbers of meditators regularly 
attending what were large group meditations once facilitated by the 
TMO in a more golden age of meditation and then a following onset of 
thirty-six years of separating meditators from the ™ movement.
This is likely as strong in hypothesis now as what is now the 
Meissner-like postulate that is now extremely correlated that group 
practice of meditation brings coherence well-being to larger populations.
In statistical truth on statistical truth of course there is 
justification for more testing of hypothesis. But by such clear and 
highly correlated evidence of science we do have right now it is quite 
time to STFU (sit the f' up) and meditate, today.


---In,  wrote :

...since Elisabeth Taylor's 6th marriage?

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Set 10-Dec-16 00:15:18 UTC

2016-11-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/03/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/10/16 00:00:00
283 messages as of (UTC) 12/09/16 23:07:07

283 dhamiltony2k5

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
LOL!  Like it's not hard to search through an email database for 
keywords that would find emails that expose malfeasance.

On 10/31/2016 01:11 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

No, Weiner wasn't sending emails via Clinton's server.

650,000 emails over 10 years would be about 178 per day. We don't know 
how many of those were his and how many were hers, or how many were 
sent and how many received. But Weiner was a congressman, and then ran 
for mayor of NYC, so it's to be expected that a lot of emails would go 
through his account every day. And we have no idea whether any of them 
were sexts.

--In,  wrote :

So, you don't know how Huma's emails got on Anthony's laptop. Someone 
as devious as Weiner, he's probably made backups on an external drive 
and mailed them to Wikileaks already. We will probably find out when 
Comey makes the FBI transcript of the Weiner interview public after 
the investigation is completed.

Until then, all we know is that a perv was sending and receiving 
emails on the Clinton home-brew server. According to what I've read, 
it's a trove.

It's not likely that Weiner made 650,000 emails himself - you'd have 
to be generating thousands of sexting messages every day for a decade! 
, right?

---In,  wrote :

As you know, Abedin has been explicit that she didn't know the emails 
were on Weiner's laptop and has no idea how they got there, so 
obviously she wouldn't know which emails they were.

(BTW, it's Weiner, not "Wiener.")

It's not clear at this point how many, if any, of the emails on 
Weiner's laptop came from Clinton's server. Newspapers have been 
reporting that several thousand did, but we don't know anything for 
sure at this point. Highly unlikely that all 650,000 did. It appears 
that this count included Weiner's own emails, not just Abedin's, going 
back quite a few years.

Also *very* highly unlikely anybody is going to do any jail time in 
connection with Clinton's server. As you know, Comey has been quite 
clear that the FBI found no indications of any intent to withhold 
those emails.

---In,  wrote :

Huma Abedin told the FBI that she gave all her emails and devices to 
the FBI, so the emails on Wiener's computer are probably duplicates of 
mail she sent to Hillary's home-brew server.

The question is, why didn't she tell the FBI that there were 650,000 
emails on Wiener's laptop?
If there are any emails that contain State Dept. confidential or top 
secret information, both Abedin and Anthony may do some jail time, right?

I would like to be there when Donald Trump says: "You're fired!" 
Obviously it's a conspiracy to withhold information in an FBI 
investigation. I'm telling you, it's a Potemkin village all the way down.

---In,  wrote :

The DNC doesn't have the emails; Clinton doesn't have the emails; her 
campaign doesn't have the emails; Abedin doesn't have the emails.

The FBI has the emails. They're the only ones who can release the emails.

So as you know, what you're suggesting makes no sense.

---In,  wrote :

The DNC attack on Comey smacks of desperation. If the emails are 
important, why not just release them - why do they have to come from 
the FBI?

In order to be transparent, you've got to be transparent, right?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Key part of this morning's interview:

On 10/31/2016 12:25 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Listen to the interview.  Or watch as it should be up later today on 
YouTube. I'll post the link later. I didn't say for the whole country 
did I? Stop making things up.

Bev Harris is a serious investigator of election rigging especially 
using voting machines.

The first video explains what I've said was discussed in the interview.

HBO documentary on her organization.

On 10/31/2016 12:05 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, there is no "central computer" that tabulates all the votes 
across the country. There are only state systems (many different 
types). Common sense should tell you that. The popular vote doesn't 
decide the election, the electoral vote system, state by state, does. 
If this lady is telling you otherwise, she's full of it.

---In,  wrote :

Listen to the interview.  It's not just one state.

On 10/31/2016 11:40 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

The central computer for which state?

<mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

Bev Harris of Black Box Voting (up in your area) was interviewed
in the second hour this morning on  She had some
interesting things to say including that a developer found the
key for the central computer that tabulates the votes which
allows it to cap votes and control the results.  Check it out.

On 10/31/2016 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

It's amazing how much the Internet has become part of this
election cycle.  The biggest take away from this is how ill
prepared and ignorant the key players in this cluster fuck have
been.  Trump is obviously oblivious to the "cyber" world is
knows jack shit.  Hillary on the one hand benefits from leaks
while at the same time condemning Snowden in the past and
Assange and Wikileaks presently.  She, Podesta,
Wasserman-Shultz and DNC all need to spend a weekend workshop
in how to use Lastpass, VPN's and not use gmail, for God's Sake.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary since she's pretending to
be Bernie-Lite.  Of the 2 candidates she is the least
offensive, but my hopes for real change are pretty darn low. 
She doesn't listen.

Every day I fight with my family and friends about internet
security while the marvel at all the new IoT devices and phone
apps that are grooming them for a big rip off.  It must be
doubly hard to do this politicians and their big egos and

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Listen to the interview.  Or watch as it should be up later today on 
YouTube. I'll post the link later. I didn't say for the whole country 
did I?  Stop making things up.

Bev Harris is a serious investigator of election rigging especially 
using voting machines.

The first video explains what I've said was discussed in the interview.

HBO documentary on her organization.

On 10/31/2016 12:05 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, there is no "central computer" that tabulates all the votes 
across the country. There are only state systems (many different 
types). Common sense should tell you that. The popular vote doesn't 
decide the election, the electoral vote system, state by state, does. 
If this lady is telling you otherwise, she's full of it.

---In,  wrote :

Listen to the interview.  It's not just one state.

On 10/31/2016 11:40 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

The central computer for which state?

<mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

Bev Harris of Black Box Voting (up in your area) was interviewed
in the second hour this morning on  She had some
interesting things to say including that a developer found the
key for the central computer that tabulates the votes which
allows it to cap votes and control the results.  Check it out.

On 10/31/2016 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

It's amazing how much the Internet has become part of this
election cycle.  The biggest take away from this is how ill
prepared and ignorant the key players in this cluster fuck have
been.  Trump is obviously oblivious to the "cyber" world is
knows jack shit.  Hillary on the one hand benefits from leaks
while at the same time condemning Snowden in the past and
Assange and Wikileaks presently. She, Podesta, Wasserman-Shultz
and DNC all need to spend a weekend workshop in how to use
Lastpass, VPN's and not use gmail, for God's Sake.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary since she's pretending to
be Bernie-Lite.  Of the 2 candidates she is the least offensive,
but my hopes for real change are pretty darn low.  She doesn't

Every day I fight with my family and friends about internet
security while the marvel at all the new IoT devices and phone
apps that are grooming them for a big rip off.  It must be
doubly hard to do this politicians and their big egos and arrogance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Listen to the interview.  It's not just one state.

On 10/31/2016 11:40 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The central computer for which state?

---In,  wrote :

Bev Harris of Black Box Voting (up in your area) was interviewed in 
the second hour this morning on  She had some 
interesting things to say including that a developer found the key for 
the central computer that tabulates the votes which allows it to cap 
votes and control the results.  Check it out.

On 10/31/2016 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

It's amazing how much the Internet has become part of this election 
cycle.  The biggest take away from this is how ill prepared and 
ignorant the key players in this cluster fuck have been.  Trump is 
obviously oblivious to the "cyber" world is knows jack shit.  Hillary 
on the one hand benefits from leaks while at the same time condemning 
Snowden in the past and Assange and Wikileaks presently. She, 
Podesta, Wasserman-Shultz and DNC all need to spend a weekend 
workshop in how to use Lastpass, VPN's and not use gmail, for God's Sake.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary since she's pretending to be 
Bernie-Lite.  Of the 2 candidates she is the least offensive, but my 
hopes for real change are pretty darn low.  She doesn't listen.

Every day I fight with my family and friends about internet security 
while the marvel at all the new IoT devices and phone apps that are 
grooming them for a big rip off.  It must be doubly hard to do this 
politicians and their big egos and arrogance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Bev Harris of Black Box Voting (up in your area) was interviewed in the 
second hour this morning on  She had some interesting 
things to say including that a developer found the key for the central 
computer that tabulates the votes which allows it to cap votes and 
control the results.  Check it out.

On 10/31/2016 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

It's amazing how much the Internet has become part of this election 
cycle.  The biggest take away from this is how ill prepared and 
ignorant the key players in this cluster fuck have been.  Trump is 
obviously oblivious to the "cyber" world is knows jack shit.  Hillary 
on the one hand benefits from leaks while at the same time condemning 
Snowden in the past and Assange and Wikileaks presently. She, Podesta, 
Wasserman-Shultz and DNC all need to spend a weekend workshop in how 
to use Lastpass, VPN's and not use gmail, for God's Sake.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary since she's pretending to be 
Bernie-Lite.  Of the 2 candidates she is the least offensive, but my 
hopes for real change are pretty darn low.  She doesn't listen.

Every day I fight with my family and friends about internet security 
while the marvel at all the new IoT devices and phone apps that are 
grooming them for a big rip off.  It must be doubly hard to do this 
politicians and their big egos and arrogance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Anyone who is good at IT would probably be skeptical of working for ANY 
political organization.  Any who are political at all are either 
anarchists or libertarian and don't care much for the DNC or GOP.

On 10/31/2016 08:56 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It absolutely calls into question the caliber of the people the DMC 
hired to keep communications safe.  That the most basic of phishing 
expeditions could have resulted in this massive and embarrassing hack 
is remarkable.

Probably the only thing more remarkable is the fact that the right 
wing "Patriots" are completely silent about the fact that is was 
orchestrated by Russia, or that a foreign government is meddling in 
our internal issues to the extent they are, or that this same foreign 
government is threatening military action if the candidate they favor 
is not elected.

What the fuck is going on!

---In,  wrote :

It looks like a whole team of IT experts fell for it:

How Podesta's Gmail Account Was Breached 


How Podesta's Gmail Account Was Breached 

OCTOBER 28--So how did John Podesta’s e-mail account get hacked? The 
answer to that question came into embarrassing focus this morning with 

View on www.thesmokinggun... 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

Worlds greatest idiots #1 and #2

Who here has fallen for the "Quick, change you passwork. You are 
vulnerable", at least in the past five years?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2016 08:53 PM, Sal Sunshine 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

“Pass through the Yahoo-goup”??  How does one do that, exactly?  Turn 
into a mass of pixels?

You and Bhairitu definitely need a few days off.

Why? Do I scare you? :-D


On Oct 30, 2016, at 10:11 PM, 
<> [FairfieldLife]>> 

Some number of spiritual seekers have come to Fairfield, Iowa in
seeking help. There can be quite a lot of help here for many. Some
number of folks also pass through the Yahoo-group FairfieldLife
looking for help on their way to Fairfield, Iowa. -JaiGuruYou

<>, <>> wrote :

What moved me to post here was to get some spiritual help. Someone, 
anyone, please help me. I NEED SOME SPIRITUAL HELP. For God's sake! 

<>,  wrote :

In posting content to FairfieldLife, a Spiritual yahoo-group, do
explain yourself including a brief note at the least, about why
you are sharing what you are threading on to FFL, a spiritual
yahoo-group. Including maybe what moved you spiritually, that
something is spiritually well designed, or that something could
solve a spiritual problem of the audience here.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Mon 17-Oct-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
They'd probably be better off visiting some saints or better yet India 
"the land of Ved" to see what it is really like.  Most people I've known 
that achieved something during their tenure with TM have moved on to 
other paths.

On 10/30/2016 08:11 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Some number of spiritual seekers have come to Fairfield, Iowa in
seeking help. There can be quite a lot of help here for many. Some
number of folks also pass through the Yahoo-group FairfieldLife
looking for help on their way to Fairfield, Iowa. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

What moved me to post here was to get some spiritual help. Someone, 
anyone, please help me. I NEED SOME SPIRITUAL HELP. For God's sake! 

---In,  wrote :

In posting content to FairfieldLife, a Spiritual yahoo-group, do
explain yourself including a brief note at the least, about why
you are sharing what you are threading o! n to FFL, a spiritual
yahoo-group. Including maybe what moved you spiritually, that
something is spiritually well designed, or that something could
solve a spiritual problem of the audience here.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Ted Zeff (Dayalu) on Amma: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 10/31/2016

2016-10-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Ah!  I'll have to watch this one as Ted is an old friend who used to 
catch a ride with me up to Sonoma for a monthly jyotish study group.  
That was a fun bunch of people from diverse spiritual paths.  We'd 
analyze some horoscopes and then go grab dinner someplace afterwards.  I 
think the only other person you've interviewed that I knew was Robert 
Svoboda.  Hart De Fouw would be interesting but he probably won't do an 

On 10/31/2016 08:13 AM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Updates from

  Buddha at the Gas Pump

*New interview posted 10/31/2016:*

  * 367. Ted Zeff (Dayalu) on Amma - Buddha at the Gas Pump <#mctoc1>

367. Ted Zeff (Dayalu) on Amma - Buddha at the Gas Pump

/By Rick Archer on Oct 30, 2016 08:24 pm/

Ted Zeff (Dayalu) met Amma, the “hugging saint” from India, in 1988 
and has lived in her ashram in California for 20 years and her ashram 
in Chicago for one year. Dayalu has written three books about Amma: 
“Searching for … Continue reading → 

The post 367. Ted Zeff (Dayalu) on Amma 
appeared first on Buddha at the Gas Pump 

Read in browser » 

  Recent Interviews:

366. David Spangler - Buddha at the Gas Pump 

365. James Eaton - Buddha at the Gas Pump 

364. Sri M - Buddha at the Gas Pump 

363. Ric Weinman - Buddha at the Gas Pump 

362. Radhanath Swami, 2nd Interview - Buddha at the Gas Pump 




/Copyright © 2016 Buddha at the Gas Pump, All rights reserved./
Regular announcement of new interviews posted at

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Queen Offers English Rule to USA

2016-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Now put that in your chillum and smoke it.

(Now, is that spiritual enough for you?  Marijuana is legal in India and 
sold in state sponsored shops).

On 10/30/2016 02:00 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Self Medicate?

Medical Marijuana Strains 


Medical Marijuana Strains 

Marijuana Pictures and Reviews

View on www.medicalmarijuan... 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

A friend on Facebook posted this: "I wonder how much it would cost to 
have myself put into a medically induced coma until November 9th. 
Would Medicare cover that?"

---In,  wrote :

,  wrote :

I get all my news from The Borowitz Report. I'd probably kill myself, 

No kidding. I told my husband to hit me over the head with a 
sledgehammer and wake me up on Nov. 9. He thought that was a good idea 
for a couple of reasons.

,  wrote :

The Brits here should be feeling smug about this report.

Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United States - The New 


Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United St... 

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with 
the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t 
end well,” she said.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Queen Offers English Rule to USA

2016-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Even the local election is a pain in the ass.  Every day the mail 
carrier has to deliver a fist load of mailings from supporters of this 
and that city and county candidate and supporters of propositions. I got 
no less than seven of those yesterday. It's enough to make one write in 
"none of the above" for the candidates and "no" on most of propositions.

Yup, this may well be the last days of the republic.

On 10/30/2016 07:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

A friend on Facebook posted this: "I wonder how much it would cost to 
have myself put into a medically induced coma until November 9th. 
Would Medicare cover that?"

---In,  wrote :

,  wrote :

I get all my news from The Borowitz Report. I'd probably kill myself, 

No kidding. I told my husband to hit me over the head with a 
sledgehammer and wake me up on Nov. 9. He thought that was a good idea 
for a couple of reasons.

,  wrote :

The Brits here should be feeling smug about this report.

Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United States - The New 


Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United St... 

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with 
the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t 
end well,” she said.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
You sure waste a lot of time on this. Don't you have anything better to 
do in your life?  I read and listen to many professional political 
pundits during the week so I don't need to read any amateur stuff.

On 10/29/2016 04:54 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, you should avoid using the word "obviously" when you really 
don't know what you're talking about. In this case, you're stuck in 
standard patterns and unable to adjust your perspective to get a 
handle on novel situations.

Yes, of course I know about news dumps taking place on Friday in the 
hope that they'll attract less attention from the media and the public.

This was an exception in two ways, as I explained and you ignored. 
Comey wanted to get the information out ASAP (it was leaked, but he 
knew it would be leaked immediately after he sent the letter to the 
GOP leaders). He couldn't have done it sooner than Friday because he 
himself only got the information on Thursday. He didn't want to do it 
later because he wanted it out in time for the Sunday talk shows. Had 
nothing to do with a traditional Friday news dump. You didn't know 
about Comey getting the information himself only the day before 
because you didn't bother to pay attention to the details; you were 
more interested in sounding knowledgeable and being able to tell 
readers something you (mistakenly) assumed they didn't know.

The second way it was an exception is that even when released on a 
Friday, a piece of really sensational news will get massive attention 
from the media, as this did. The media had been thirsting for an 
"October surprise" that would turn the election back int! o a horse 
race, and this beautifully filled the bill. They didn't care that it 
was a Friday; they went all-out. And you can see from the flood of 
comments from officials and political figures that they picked up on 
it right away, Friday or no Friday.

Actually, there's a third reason this was an exception: This close to 
an election, folks are paying much closer attention to the news no 
matter when it comes out. And this will still be hot when Monday comes 
around, so it won't be neglected at the water cooler.

Comey's not a fool. He was well aware of what would happen, and he 
knew the fact that it was Friday wouldn't make enough difference to 

---In,  wrote :

On 10/29/2016 01:17 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

<mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :


Of course it didn't miss my attention that the new Comey stuff
came out yesterday, a Friday. Always known that when bad news is
to be released do it on a Friday as the "great unwashed" won't be
paying attention.

Actually, any of the "great unwashed" who watched television,
listened to the radio, or read a newspaper or a Web site on
Friday would have found out about Comey's ratf**k, because it
made headlines everywhere.

And if Bhairitu had been paying attention, he'd know that Comey
didn't find out about the emails until he was briefed on
Thursday--hence the announcement the very next day. Comey wanted
to get the news out as soon as possible so it would have the
maximum negative effect on Clinton's campaign--including, of
course, dominating all the Sunday talk shows ("Meet the Press,"

Obviously Judy doesn't know that political analysts and
journalists will tell you that news released on Friday doesn't get
discussed like it does earlier in the week.  That's why news that
might stir controversy is often released on Friday.  And no, Judy,
the public doesn't always tune into the news on Friday like they
do earlier in the week.  Nor will they have a chance for a water
cooler discussion.  Try living on earth for a change.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/29/2016 01:17 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :


Of course it didn't miss my attention that the new Comey stuff came 
out yesterday, a Friday. Always known that when bad news is to be 
released do it on a Friday as the "great unwashed" won't be paying 

Actually, any of the "great unwashed" who watched television, listened 
to the radio, or read a newspaper or a Web site on Friday would have 
found out about Comey's ratf**k, because it made headlines everywhere.

And if Bhairitu had been paying attention, he'd know that Comey didn't 
find out about the emails until he was briefed on Thursday--hence the 
announcement the very next day. Comey wanted to get the news out as 
soon as possible so it would have the maximum negative effect on 
Clinton's campaign--including, of course, dominating all the Sunday 
talk shows ("Meet the Press," etc.).

Obviously Judy doesn't know that political analysts and journalists will 
tell you that news released on Friday doesn't get discussed like it does 
earlier in the week.  That's why news that might stir controversy is 
often released on Friday.  And no, Judy, the public doesn't always tune 
into the news on Friday like they do earlier in the week.  Nor will they 
have a chance for a water cooler discussion.  Try living on earth for a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/29/2016 01:02 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You ain't no competition, sweetie, believe me.

(Unbelievable. He's still holding on to his "alt right" mistake. And 
pretending he hasn't been pushing the notion that Trump will win the 

And yes, I've listened to/watched/read quite a bit of alternative 
media--more than enough to know most of it is crackpot.

What an intelligent analysis and in-depth analysis by our resident 
political expert.  What is "quite a bit" and what is "crackpot", anyone 
who doesn't agree with you?

---In,  wrote :

Remember, folks, Judy is the knowledgeable, objective political expert 
who wants you to look to her as your expert expert in political 
affairs.  She doesn't like any competition here.

On 10/29/2016 10:47 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective
political expert who insists *to this day*--in the face of hard,
unimpeachable evidence to the contrary--that Clinton invented the
term "alt right" and that it refers to "alternative media" rather
than a fringe political movement.

*Wow! What a trivial thing to bring up.  I would even suppose that
if you dig around enough someone maybe in the 19th century might
have used the term "alt right".  The "alternative media" is the
term used by the non-mainsteam media. Alt-Right sounds like a
keyboard command.

I bet you have not listened to one minute of the alternative
media.  You are probably afraid they will turn you into a turnip.


Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the
election with the utmost seriousness.

My opinion was stated the other day in a post:
"we will know on November 9th".  Please try to keep up.

<mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@... <mailto:olliesedwuz@...>
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people
out there who think trump is going to win. Astonishing.
Pissing into the wind.

<mailto:authfriend@...> wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the
emails. They have to get a court order before they can read
them. It's entirely possible that some or all of the emails
are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession from
other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and
Republicans like Ryan and Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have
found sensational emails proving Clinton's guilt or they
wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the
election, they are not telling the truth.

<mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the
open. Why should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or
suggest grabbing someone's genitals. Compared to that orange
sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a saint.

<mailto:mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

Re: [FairfieldLife] To Those in FF Who are Dreamers...

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Ollie would probably know as he wouldn't be caught dead attending any of 
Bill and Hillary's parties without a supply of Viagra. :-D

On 10/29/2016 12:14 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Are they taking Viagra for it?

---In,  wrote :

I am not a doctor, but it sounds like each of them has contracted 
'electile dysfunction'. It is a common problem with older men.

---In,  wrote :

How many have blocked you so far?  Along with Barry, I can count at 
least 4, and I’m not really sure how many, if any, have deleted me on 
account of the election except for MJ and salyavin.


On Oct 28, 2016, at 10:35 AM, awoelflebater@... 
,  wrote :

Perfect, though I would question the label for Trump of 'climate 
denialist', in favor of something like, 'raging, insecure, antisocial 
sex offender, with a desire to destroy the world...'. It is a great 
cartoon, though there is nothing funny about that ignorant, mean, 
ungracious criminal.

You are correct. But this is really perfect for me because I have been 
blocked, ostracized, criticized and ranted at by many FB posters from 
FFL who fit this cartoon brilliantly. They're the ones who think Putin 
is a great leader because he "has banned GMO's" in his country  and 
has "avoided WWIII twice" and that that silly Jill Stein (a severely 
inadequate and goofy Green Party candidate compared to Canada's 
Elizabeth May) somehow is "the answer". It boggles the mind. 
,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Remember, folks, Judy is the knowledgeable, objective political expert 
who wants you to look to her as your expert expert in political 
affairs.  She doesn't like any competition here.

On 10/29/2016 10:47 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective political 
expert who insists *to this day*--in the face of hard, unimpeachable 
evidence to the contrary--that Clinton invented the term "alt right" 
and that it refers to "alternative media" rather than a fringe 
political movement.

*Wow! What a trivial thing to bring up.  I would even suppose that if 
you dig around enough someone maybe in the 19th century might have used 
the term "alt right".  The "alternative media" is the term used by the 
non-mainsteam media. Alt-Right sounds like a keyboard command.

I bet you have not listened to one minute of the alternative media.  You 
are probably afraid they will turn you into a turnip.


Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the election 
with the utmost seriousness.

My opinion was stated the other day in a post:
"we will know on November 9th".  Please try to keep up.

---In,  wrote :

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@... <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out
there who think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into
the wind.

<mailto:authfriend@...> wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails.
They have to get a court order before they can read them. It's
entirely possible that some or all of the emails are duplicates
of those already in the FBI's possession from other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans
like Ryan and Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational
emails proving Clinton's guilt or they wouldn't have made this
announcement so close to the election, they are not telling the

<mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why
should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing
someone's genitals. Compared to that orange sex offender and tax
cheat, she comes across like a saint.

<mailto:mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

Re: [FairfieldLife] Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Did Barry draw the cartoon?  This is what he accuses people of.  He did 
the other day and I got a good laugh out of it.  Like Judy he doesn't 
like competition from other alpha people (psst! there are plenty of 
alpha people here).

Now tell me where did I say Trump would win?  I said that there have 
been political analysts not of any persuasion for months discussing 
Trump's popularity.  They have also discussed why people dislike Hillary 
(including people voting for her).  I would also say that between Trump 
and Sanders the latter would have won if the campaign could overcome a 
supposed "stigma" of what Social Democracy means (hint: not communism).  
Also Trump supporters would have probably voted Sanders because of 
Trumps crudeness and that Bernie stands for a lot of the same issues as 
the Donald.

Of course it didn't miss my attention that the new Comey stuff came out 
yesterday, a Friday. Always known that when bad news is to be released 
do it on a Friday as the "great unwashed" won't be paying attention.

On 10/29/2016 11:31 AM, Sal Sunshine 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

[Attachment(s) <#TopText> from Sal Sunshine included below]
This cartoon from yesterday is perfect for Bhairitu’s nonsense and 
constant twisting in the wind, just replace FB with FFL.  He still 
thinks Trump is going to somehow magically pull it off?  Incredible.

I wonder how you get to such an advanced state of denial.


On Oct 29, 2016, at 12:47 PM, 
<> [FairfieldLife]>> 

Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective political 
expert who insists *to this day*--in the face of hard, unimpeachable 
evidence to the contrary--that Clinton invented the term "alt right" 
and that it refers to "alternative media" rather than a fringe 
political movement.

Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the election 
with the utmost seriousness. 
<>,  wrote :

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California.:-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM,olliesedwuz@... 
<mailto:olliesedwuz@...>[FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out
there who think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into
the wind.
<mailto:authfriend@...>wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBIdoesn't yet knowwhat's in the emails.
They have to get a court order before they can read them. It's
entirely possible that some or all of the emails are duplicates
of those already in the FBI's possession from other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans
like Ryan andChaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational
emails proving Clinton's guilt or they wouldn't have made this
announcement so close to the election, they are not telling the
<mailto:olliesedwuz@...>wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why
should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing
someone's genitals. Compared to that orange sex offender and tax
cheat, she comes across like a saint.
<mailto:mdixon.6569@...>wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there 
who think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.

---In,  wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They 
have to get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely 
possible that some or all of the emails are duplicates of those 
already in the FBI's possession from other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like 
Ryan and Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails 
proving Clinton's guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement 
so close to the election, they are not telling the truth.

---In,  wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why 
should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing 
someone's genitals. Compared to that orange sex offender and tax 
cheat, she comes across like a saint.

---In,  wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Those in FF Who are Dreamers...

2016-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/28/2016 08:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Perfect, though I would question the label for Trump of 'climate 
denialist', in favor of something like, 'raging, insecure, antisocial 
sex offender, with a desire to destroy the world...'. It is a great 
cartoon, though there is nothing funny about that ignorant, mean, 
ungracious criminal.

You are correct. But this is really perfect for me because I have been 
blocked, ostracized, criticized and ranted at by many FB posters from 
FFL who fit this cartoon brilliantly. They're the ones who think Putin 
is a great leader because he "has banned GMO's" in his country  and 
has "avoided WWIII twice" and that that silly Jill Stein (a severely 
inadequate and goofy Green Party candidate compared to Canada's 
Elizabeth May) somehow is "the answer". It boggles the mind.

The "delusionals" are alive and well on FFL.  BTW, you are beginning to 
sound like Barry these days.

---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clinton-Trump 44-44 in Iowa

2016-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
LOL!  You seem to be making the same mistake that Barry did on The 
Corner.  I already knew Moore was supporting Clinton.  And a lot of the 
Trump supporters knew that too.  Moore is not going to bite the 
Hollywood Hillary supporting hands that feed him.  But what he pointed 
out was nothing more than many political analysts have been pointing out 
for months about the Trump supporters.  They're against the 
establishment that has royally screwed them over.

The Moore video was just a piece of cheese dropped in to the maze to see 
the reaction. :-D

On 10/27/2016 06:50 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu is all overstimulated because Michael Moore has been babbling 
about how Hillary's going to lose.

Trump is thrilled too; so's his son.

Moore tweeted:

Hey everyone - Trump, Jr. & right wing thinks my movie called 
"TrumpLand" is pro-Trump! Haha. Pls don't tell them otherwise!

Speaking of TweedleDumber...

It's hard to imagine the mindset of folks so consumed by hatred of 
Hillary that they're actually hoping Trump wins.

---In,  wrote :

On 10/27/2016 03:17 PM, Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa@... 
<mailto:salsunshineiniowa@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nate Silver has Hillary at 54%, Trump at 45%, in Iowa.

And in the battle ground state of Ohio, Hillary edges out Trump at
51% vs 48.

Pennsylvania isn’t even close anymore, at 86 to 13, same with

Woo hoo.

Still, no complacency and everybody has to go and vote, who knows
what kinds of tricks Trump’s people are planning.  But things are
definitely looking good.

Bet Bhairitu is making his travel plans as we speak.  He and Barry
can cry together over their beers.

LOL!  And just how are these polls conducted?  Have you not read that 
this election year polls have been difficult to conduct because 1) 
millennials don't have landlines which are called for polling and 2) 
older folks like me who get those surveys have robocall blockers so we 
never pick up?

The election is tweedle-dee and tweedle dumber. Ho-hum.  Welcome to 
politics South American style.


On Oct 27, 2016, at 4:49 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> 
[FairfieldLife] <>> wrote:

According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Hillary has pulled even with 
Trump in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clinton-Trump 44-44 in Iowa

2016-10-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We'll know November 9th but until then it seems anybodies guess.  
Conservative Republicans don't like Trump because he's too liberal.  In 
fact he may be to the left of Clinton.  They're buddies too so sometimes 
I think they're playing a massive charade on the American people.

I saw the possibility of Trump being a Buzz Windrip (Slnclair Lewis's 
"It Can't Happen Here") when he started running. So did others.  I 
thought the Sanders was a long shot but he did well in his campaign.  I 
think he should still be the Democratic Party Candidate and we know to 
Clinton campaign did everything they could to get him out of the race.  
Remember both Trump and Sanders are on the same page regarding trade 
agreements, job loss and wars of empire.  Clinton just tries to snow her 

On 10/27/2016 04:47 PM, feste37 wrote:

I'm worried about these polls for some of the reasons you state, but I 
do not know which candidate the inaccuracies will favor. It seems 
highly unlikely that Trump can win, but I will still be relieved when 
the day after the election arrives.

I understand the Tweedledee-Tweedledum thing, but I think there are 
also major differences between the parties. Obamacare, for example, 
has markedly reduced the number of uninsured people in this country, 
which would never have happened had Obama not been in the White House. 
The Republicans also have a large number of climate change deniers, 
which the Democrats do not have.

---In,  wrote :

LOL!  And just how are these polls conducted?  Have you not read that 
this election year polls have been difficult to conduct because 1) 
millennials don't have landlines which are called for polling and 2) 
older folks like me who get those surveys have robocall blockers so we 
never pick up?

The election is tweedle-dee and tweedle dumber. Ho-hum.  Welcome to 
politics South American style.


On Oct 27, 2016, at 4:49 PM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife] > wrote:

According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Hillary has pulled even with 
Trump in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clinton-Trump 44-44 in Iowa

2016-10-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 10/27/2016 03:17 PM, Sal Sunshine 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nate Silver has Hillary at 54%, Trump at 45%, in Iowa.

And in the battle ground state of Ohio, Hillary edges out Trump at 51% 
vs 48.

Pennsylvania isn’t even close anymore, at 86 to 13, same with Michigan.

Woo hoo.

Still, no complacency and everybody has to go and vote, who knows what 
kinds of tricks Trump’s people are planning.  But things are 
definitely looking good.

Bet Bhairitu is making his travel plans as we speak.  He and Barry can 
cry together over their beers.

LOL!  And just how are these polls conducted?  Have you not read that 
this election year polls have been difficult to conduct because 1) 
millennials don't have landlines which are called for polling and 2) 
older folks like me who get those surveys have robocall blockers so we 
never pick up?

The election is tweedle-dee and tweedle dumber.  Ho-hum.  Welcome to 
politics South American style.


On Oct 27, 2016, at 4:49 PM, 
<> [FairfieldLife]>> 

According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Hillary has pulled even with 
Trump in Iowa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Looking for Tough Q's

2016-10-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Real peanut butter is only made of peanuts, preferably non-GMO peanuts.  
Jiff has sugar in it as do some lines of Skippy.  Good peanuts are 
naturally sweet.  The sugar is probably added to cover off flavor of 
cull peanuts so that the corporation can extract higher profits.  
Another way capitalism poisons you.

On 10/27/2016 08:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Had he sampled America's most popular peanut butters, I am fairly 
confident Maharishi Mahesh Yogi would've preferred Jif, over Skippy. 
It is a little sweeter. I am a Skippy man, myself. I hope that doesn't 
impact my spiritual evolution. I also like 'crunchy', over 
'smooth'...I could be in real trouble now...

Alex, Could you ask your bro, please? Or Doug, kindly see what John 
Hagelin thinks? Also, would *jam* act as kind of a yagya, a 
counterweight of sorts, if Skippy continues to be ingested?

---In,  wrote :

Who knows? However, that was one of those "Maharishi says..." 
pronouncements floating around FF in my early days here. Here's what 
MAPI has to say about peanuts (it's consistent with what MMY allegedly 

"Peanuts are not recommended in ayurveda. Peanuts are not really nuts; 
they are legumes. Peanuts are difficult to digest and can make one 
feel sluggish and lethargic in body and mind. Ayurvedically, it is 
better to use either cashew or almond butter for sandwiches."

---In,  wrote :

Did Maharishi really say that eating peanuts dulls the mind?

, > wrote :

Aggregating Questions..

*All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer*
Some other questions.. sent through to FFL by e-mail:
In order for TMO to thrive and
continue being a force for good
in the world, how "transparent"
do the panel members think it
should be: 100%, 50%, something else?

PS I would be grateful if the topic of
transparency could be addressed
before any other questions
are entertained.

Is it the central purpose of [Global Country of World Peace [GCWP] to 
simply act as one of a myriad of movement tax shelters for the 
"non-profit" world of the wealthy?

Someone else asks:
Why is the US Brahmasthan being ignored by admin?


Who currently owns the Brahmasthan of America?

Does it have a Board of Trustee?

Who is on the Brahmasthan of America Board of Trustees?

What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Did TM money bail him out and pay his legal fees?


Will "transcending" offset bad karma.

Will "transcending" it make people richer?.

Will "transcending" curing diseases?

Will it extend one's lifespan?


Is the peer reviewed research just cooked data?


, > wrote :

A panel coming up this week

is looking for tough questions...

[ Reply to this FFL post or lurkers can send other Q's you'd like to 
ask straight to the FFL list owner at:
dhamiltony2k5 at   ] The FFL list owner also has some 
channels to submit questions on

up the chain.,,


*All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer*

Anybody have questions of the TM movement to ask?

Where is Dr. Pete?  He had particular question about

the research.

What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Other Q's people have?

Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  Will it make people richer?.

How about curing diseases?

Is the peer reviewed research just cooked data?

Yifuxero writes:

I'm skeptical of the rationale and underlying assumptions..

Would one of the conclusions be "Transcending will make you happy and 
TM is the preferred method of transcending".  OK fine...let's see some 

Likewise, with the other claims.

Will "transcending" offset bad karma.  Will it make people richer?.

How about curing diseases?

Make some real substantial claims followed by some good uncooked data; 
with perhaps a few citations of peer reviewed research by somebody 
outside of the TMO or MUM.

If the claims are true, people in vast numbers should be flocking to a 
practice that has specified benefits.

Will "transcending" help one in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse?

Will it extend one's lifespan?  (doesn't look like it in view of the 
stats coming from FF)

Send Your Q's..

I will aggregate Q’s from FFL and forward them on to the panel


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Looking for Tough Q's

2016-10-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I know TMers who loved to spoon a jar of peanut butter to solve low 
blood sugar.  Works quite well. I like peanuts my self and the local 
supermarket has a peanut butter machine that makes the best.  Just 
peanuts and nothing else. Actually keeps well without refrigeration.

But peanuts are a bit kapha for me so I need to keep from eating them 
very much.

On 10/25/2016 02:11 PM, Archer Angel 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Dull The Mind?


Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and 
more. Google has many special feature...

I am fond of peanuts as are birds, squirrels, rats, and other rodents. 
Blue jays head straight for them over other kinds of seeds. Smaller 
birds will try to carry off a large unshelled peanut in preference to 
a bird feeder. High fat and protein. Birds go for that. Birds will 
choose GMO seeds that have higher protein over natural ones of the 
same kind.

The idea that peanuts are bad comes from their being hard to digest. 
About 30% of the fat in peanuts tends to not get digested. An 
Ayurvedic no no. If you get stranded in a winter wilderness with a lot 
of peanuts and you are Ayurvedic in dietary preferences, you die.

Actually some Ayurvedic sources say to /reduce/, not necessarily 
eliminate peanuts.

Peanuts have a strong odor, so perhaps that is another reason 
spiritually minded dogmatists are against them.

Also the Vedic people did not know about peanuts.

India got its first peanuts in the 18th century. Vedic proscriptions 
do not specifically apply to the peanut as a result, modern Vedic-ites 
retrofitted proscriptions against nuts to them.

It's all about nuts, but it is not clear whether the proscribed 
articles are the food or the eater of the food or both. Let us say it 
is perhaps unhealthy to be around nuts according to this view.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, October 25, 2016 8:19 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Looking for Tough Q's

Image result for peanuts dull the mind

---In,  wrote :

Of course, not. However, I'm experiencing tremendous cognitive 
dissonance because MMY did say that peanuts dull the mind. Thankfully, 
I still have a bottle of lorazepam to ease my suffering.

---In,  wrote :

That the peanut M&M is roughly, in the shape of hiranyagarbha, did not 
escape your notice, I'm sure.

,  wrote :

Just guessing here, but I imagine the chocolate surrounding the 
peanuts is applied with the same panning method as the outer shell 
coating. As such, the peanuts would be constantly tumbling as the 
coating is applied, so there would be no dents. That would assure the 
utmost in Vedic purity.

,  wrote :

Here's a couple, possibly a little off-topic, but still toughies:

1. How do they get the peanut inside each m&m perfectly coated with 
chocolate, surrounded by the crunchy shell, without leaving a slight 
dent on it, from where it was resting on the conveyor belt?

2. Also, each peanut m&m is a slightly different size, yet they are 
each uniformly imprinted with an "m". Are they produced by an army of 
small handed candy stampers, or what?

,  wrote :

Aggregating Questions..

*All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer*
Some other questions.. sent through FFL by e-mail:
In order for TMO to thrive and
continue being a force for good
in the world, how "transparent"
do the panel members think it
should be: 100%, 50%, something else?

PS I would be grateful if the topic of
transparency could be addressed
before any other questions
are entertained.

Is it the central purpose of [Global Country of World Peace [GCWP] to 
simply act as one of a myriad of movement tax shelters for the 
"non-profit" world of the wealthy?

[ Reply to this post or lurkers can send other Q's you'd like to ask 
straight to the FFL list owner at:
dhamiltony2k5 at   ] The FFL list owner also has some 
channels to submit questions on

up the chain.,,
Someone else asks:
Why is the US Brahmasthan being ignored by admin?


What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?
How does the org work?
Could they share actual certified financial statements?
Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?
What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?
Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?
Did TM money bail him out and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
If you do a search online for the area you might find which ones have 
the best reviews for providing fresh goods.  Here, the little shop by 
the refinery has great reviews online.

On 10/23/2016 07:55 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ok, good.  We are just blocks away from the main Hispanic area here, 
and I have an errand every weekend that takes me into the Hispanic 
area of nearby Illinois, which is, by coincidence, right where the 
Cahokia Mounds are located.

---In,  wrote :

Venture into the barrio and find a Mexican deli or grocery that makes 
their own fresh. Don't know if you have them there but here there's 
one down by the Shell refinery that makes their own salsa. Good stuff.

On 10/23/2016 06:34 PM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yea, I know, I've tried several brands.  All decent.  But, this
was made fresh at the restaurant, usually right when I would
order it, and it just had that right combination of ingredients.
 Sorta like how the tomato sauce can make or break a pizza.

 wrote :

Check your local grocery for salsa verde.  It's very common.  I
have a hole-in-the-wall take out at the top of the hill that has
good food but their prices keep going up.  I recently got their
smallest burrito and made a not next time to just get a soft taco
which is like a small burrito as even the small burrito was too

On 10/23/2016 04:44 PM, steve.sundur@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We had a Mexican restaurant close by that had the most
awesome salsa verde, (green sauce, as I would call it).

They closed, and bye bye to my green sauce.  For the next
month I carted the family to every other Mexican restaurant
close by in search of comparable salsa verde, with no success.

Serenity prayer.

 wrote :

There is a chain in the Bay Area named El Pollo Loco (the
crazy chicken).  I used to get food there when they had a
Walnut Creek place.

On 10/23/2016 04:01 PM, steve.sundur@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

So I'm taking a walk with my wife and telling her this
story, and tell her "Pollo Carbon", (several times) and
she's not getting it, and she speaks Spanish, so
finally she says, "spell it", and I do, and she says,
"Pollyo" chicken.  It is a "y" sound when there are two

Figures.  (-:

  wrote :

Hey, you know what sign I saw today on my usual weekend
run in the Hispanic part of town at a new restaurant,
"Pollo Carbon"

I mean, it took me just a second to figure it out, but
it made me smile.


 wrote :

Well, if you didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then it
seems only fair to restore his posting, which I just
did. With any luck, he's just out on a BBQ bender,
comatose on crispy snoots and sauce.

  wrote :

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was
saying he was leaving.
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some
demeaning personalized posting
that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that.

 I always appreciated his content too.!  7Ray was
perceptive and I miss him too.

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un

mailto:j_alexander_stanley@...>> wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been
disabled. Unfortunately, the stupid Yahoo interface is
showing no record of his posting being yanked. All I
know is that I had nothing to with this. My guess is
that Doug pulled the plug, and a Yahoo glitch prevented
the action from showing up in the moderator activity
log. Questions should be directed to Doug:
dhamiltony2k5 @


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Venture into the barrio and find a Mexican deli or grocery that makes 
their own fresh.  Don't know if you have them there but here there's one 
down by the Shell refinery that makes their own salsa. Good stuff.

On 10/23/2016 06:34 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yea, I know, I've tried several brands.  All decent.  But, this was 
made fresh at the restaurant, usually right when I would order it, and 
it just had that right combination of ingredients.  Sorta like how the 
tomato sauce can make or break a pizza.

---In,  wrote :

Check your local grocery for salsa verde.  It's very common.  I have a 
hole-in-the-wall take out at the top of the hill that has good food 
but their prices keep going up.  I recently got their smallest burrito 
and made a not next time to just get a soft taco which is like a small 
burrito as even the small burrito was too filling.

On 10/23/2016 04:44 PM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

We had a Mexican restaurant close by that had the most awesome
salsa verde, (green sauce, as I would call it).

They closed, and bye bye to my green sauce.  For the next month I
carted the family to every other Mexican restaurant close by in
search of comparable salsa verde, with no success.

Serenity prayer.

 wrote :

There is a chain in the Bay Area named El Pollo Loco (the crazy
chicken).  I used to get food there when they had a Walnut Creek

On 10/23/2016 04:01 PM, steve.sundur@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

So I'm taking a walk with my wife and telling her this
story, and tell her "Pollo Carbon", (several times) and
she's not getting it, and she speaks Spanish, so finally she
says, "spell it", and I do, and she says, "Pollyo" chicken.
 It is a "y" sound when there are two "l's"

Figures.  (-:

 wrote :

Hey, you know what sign I saw today on my usual weekend run
in the Hispanic part of town at a new restaurant, "Pollo

I mean, it took me just a second to figure it out, but it
made me smile.

wrote :

Well, if you didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then it seems
only fair to restore his posting, which I just did. With any
luck, he's just out on a BBQ bender, comatose on crispy
snoots and sauce.

 wrote :

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was
saying he was leaving.
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning
personalized posting
that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that.

 I always appreciated his content too.!  7Ray was perceptive
and I miss him too.

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un

wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled.
Unfortunately, the stupid Yahoo interface is showing no
record of his posting being yanked. All I know is that I had
nothing to with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug,
and a Yahoo glitch prevented the action from showing up in
the moderator activity log. Questions should be directed to
Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @

, mailto:awoelflebater@...>> wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Check your local grocery for salsa verde.  It's very common.  I have a 
hole-in-the-wall take out at the top of the hill that has good food but 
their prices keep going up.  I recently got their smallest burrito and 
made a not next time to just get a soft taco which is like a small 
burrito as even the small burrito was too filling.

On 10/23/2016 04:44 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We had a Mexican restaurant close by that had the most awesome salsa 
verde, (green sauce, as I would call it).

They closed, and bye bye to my green sauce.  For the next month I 
carted the family to every other Mexican restaurant close by in search 
of comparable salsa verde, with no success.

Serenity prayer.

---In,  wrote :

There is a chain in the Bay Area named El Pollo Loco (the crazy 
chicken).  I used to get food there when they had a Walnut Creek place.

On 10/23/2016 04:01 PM, steve.sundur@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

So I'm taking a walk with my wife and telling her this story, and
tell her "Pollo Carbon", (several times) and she's not getting
it, and she speaks Spanish, so finally she says, "spell it", and
I do, and she says, "Pollyo" chicken.  It is a "y" sound when
there are two "l's"

Figures.  (-:

 wrote :

Hey, you know what sign I saw today on my usual weekend run in
the Hispanic part of town at a new restaurant, "Pollo Carbon"

I mean, it took me just a second to figure it out, but it made me

 wrote :

Well, if you didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then it seems only
fair to restore his posting, which I just did. With any luck,
he's just out on a BBQ bender, comatose on crispy snoots and sauce.

 wrote :

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was saying he
was leaving.
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning
personalized posting
that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that.

 I always appreciated his content too.!  7Ray was perceptive and
I miss him too.

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un

, mailto:j_alexander_stanley@...>> wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled.
Unfortunately, the stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of
his posting being yanked. All I know is that I had nothing to
with this. My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, and a Yahoo
glitch prevented the action from showing up in the moderator
activity log. Questions should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5

, mailto:awoelflebater@...>> wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
There is a chain in the Bay Area named El Pollo Loco (the crazy 
chicken).  I used to get food there when they had a Walnut Creek place.

On 10/23/2016 04:01 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

So I'm taking a walk with my wife and telling her this story, and tell 
her "Pollo Carbon", (several times) and she's not getting it, and she 
speaks Spanish, so finally she says, "spell it", and I do, and she 
says, "Pollyo" chicken.  It is a "y" sound when there are two "l's"

Figures.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

Hey, you know what sign I saw today on my usual weekend run in the 
Hispanic part of town at a new restaurant, "Pollo Carbon"

I mean, it took me just a second to figure it out, but it made me smile.

---In,  wrote :

Well, if you didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then it seems only fair 
to restore his posting, which I just did. With any luck, he's just out 
on a BBQ bender, comatose on crispy snoots and sauce.

---In,  wrote :

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was saying he was 
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning 
personalized posting

that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that.

 I always appreciated his content too.!  7Ray was perceptive and I 
miss him too.

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un

, > wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. 
Unfortunately, the stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his 
posting being yanked. All I know is that I had nothing to with this. 
My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, and a Yahoo glitch prevented 
the action from showing up in the moderator activity log. Questions 
should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @

, > wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Steve, Come Back!

2016-10-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Or gets posts via email and turned that off for a trip (I do this 
sometimes when traveling). I can still reply via web though it makes my 
handle lowercase (due to Yahoo's "excellent" programming).

On 10/23/2016 11:13 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Well, if you didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then it seems only fair 
to restore his posting, which I just did. With any luck, he's just out 
on a BBQ bender, comatose on crispy snoots and sauce.

---In,  wrote :

No, I didn't do nothing around Steve 7Ray.

Maybe he did something in his own settings when he was saying he was 
I did notice he was at the receiving end of some demeaning 
personalized posting

that went beyond consideration of ccontent and he
said he had enough of that.

 I always appreciated his content too.  7Ray was perceptive and I miss 
him too.

List owner and moderator,
-Dug Jung Un

, > wrote :

He is still subscribed, but his posting has been disabled. 
Unfortunately, the stupid Yahoo interface is showing no record of his 
posting being yanked. All I know is that I had nothing to with this. 
My guess is that Doug pulled the plug, and a Yahoo glitch prevented 
the action from showing up in the moderator activity log. Questions 
should be directed to Doug: dhamiltony2k5 @

, > wrote :

Get back over here, Steve. I miss your posts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Looking for Tough Q's

2016-10-21 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/21/2016 06:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

A panel coming up next week

is looking for tough questions...

*All the Hard Questions You Thought We Couldn’t Answer*

Anybody have questions of the TM movement to ask?

Where is Dr. Pete?  He had particular question about

the research.

What else?

Like, where did all the money go?

Who is TM now?

How does the org work?

Could they share actual certified financial statements?

Balance sheet that includes all the reaches of the movement?

What is TM's relationship to the Indian Movement now?

Is Girish out of jail?  What was that all about?

Why hasn't Doug moved on like most everyone else? ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] After Hillary's Win

2016-10-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

And if Trump wins will he be putting you in FEMA camps?

And how can I be a misogynist if I vote for Jill Stein?

I watch a lot of post apocalyptic movies and TV shows.  They're fun to 
watch, so no the article didn't scare me.

On 10/20/2016 11:27 AM, Sal Sunshine 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Poor Bhairitu probably wets his pants every time he thinks of big bad 
Hillary winning.  His misogyny meter has to be practically off the 
charts by now.

Look out Bhairitu, she’s coming for you!  BOO!


On Oct 20, 2016, at 11:42 AM, 
<> [FairfieldLife]>> 

You don't find the article you linked to scary?

<>,  wrote :

On 10/19/2016 08:46 PM, awoelflebater@... <mailto:awoelflebater@...> 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

<mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

Here's an article about life after a Trump loss:
After Trump loses: An ominous American future imagined




After Trump loses: An ominous American future ...


A dispatch from the near-future

View on


Preview by Yahoo

My God, how do you sleep at night?

Quit well. Why?

Re: [FairfieldLife] After Hillary's Win

2016-10-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/19/2016 08:46 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Here's an article about life after a Trump loss:
After Trump loses: An ominous American future imagined 


After Trump loses: An ominous American future ... 

A dispatch from the near-future

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

My God, how do you sleep at night?

Quit well. Why?

Re: [FairfieldLife] After Hillary's Win

2016-10-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Here's an article about life after a Trump loss:

On 10/19/2016 08:18 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

America is in for some interesting times. There will be violence and 
terror and it will all be homegrown.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2016-10-18 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Doug, do you know what any of these people are passing away from?  Old 
age, cancer, heart disease?

On 10/18/2016 01:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Tom Torpy, a long time Purusha friend

passed away recently.

---In,  wrote :

John Herbert Prechtel

is now gone on.

---In,  wrote :

Sali Pedin
has passed on.

---In,  wrote :

Nancy Van Blaricum
TTC Mallorca 1972 w/ Maharishi
Initiated over 2000 meditators

---In,  wrote :

Thanks for posting these.

Harvey Lubar, I knew.

---In,  wrote :

Louisa Magee
Marc Travis

---In,  wrote :

Recent passings from the meditating community..

Gillian Pierce

Frank Ramsey

Gert MacQuaeen

Evelyn Normandin

Petra Stanley

Harvey Lubar

Further back, to add to the longer list

Cindy Korn

Jan Overholt

---In,  wrote :

James R. French
Long time friend and benefactor
of TM and the Fairfield, Iowa
meditating community
passed away, April 9th. .

---In,  wrote :

Jan Wixon, is another name on the list.

---In,  wrote :

Currently, on average FF TM'ers would be.. of the Boomer II generation,

..about 65-70 years of age, on average.

1994, Survey of Fairfield Adult Meditators,


25-35 65 10%

36-45 *391 60%*

46-55 138 21%

> 55 47 7%

---In,  wrote :

Rates of Change. The calculus of aging in TM..

Some of what we can see in these lists is a natural aging-out of the 
Post-War Cohort, of the people who were early with Maharishi in the 
very early SRM movement,  the Walter Koch and Charlie Lutes generation 
of TM.

Now what we are seeing in TM is an accelerating rate of attrition to 
aging-out of the Boomer I and Boomer II’s. Interestingly, the cusp 
time period where the Boomers I and Boomers II met was the time frame 
where TM took off in popular (college undergrad, grad student, 
professor-age) culture for a time.  A lot of the TM movement intake 
happened in those years 1968-76, over the cusp of the Boomers I and II.

You can see this particular cusp in the age span of meditators in the 
Dome or at campus meetings of the TM community now.  The WWII 
generation is pretty much gone from the ranks of TM now.  The Post-War 
Cohort are pretty gone or geriatric now and the Boomers I are 
increasingly shuffling or gone on. Boomers II are increasingly ‘in 
diminish’. Time is short regardless.

*Post-War Cohort*

Born: 1928-1945

Coming of Age: 1946-1963

Age in 2004: 59 to 76

Current Population: 41 million (declining)

*Boomers I or The Baby Boomers*

Born: 1946-1954

Coming of Age: 1963-1972

Age in 2004: 50-58

Current Population: 33 million

*Boomers II or Generation Jones*

Born: 1955-1965

Coming of Age: 1973-1983

Age in 2004: 39 to 49

Current Population: 49 million

/For a long time the Baby Boomers were defined as those born between 
/*/1945/*/and /*/1964/*/. That would make the generation huge (71 
million) and encompass people who were 20 years apart in age. It 
didn't compute to have those born in /*/1964/*/compared with those 
born in /*/1946/*/./

[For researching/ study purposes,
  Scroll further down to the 'previous' posts to this thread to find 
other longer lists,  ]

---In,  wrote :

Robert Vaughn Abrams • April 13, 1949 • Seattle, WA • August 12, 1997 
• North Carolina

Roy Adams • February 16, 1949 • August, 1980 • California

Jefferson Aikens • December, 2015 • Fairfield, Iowa

Antoinette F. Alazraki • November 20, 1947 • July 25, 2013

Farrokh K. Anklesaria • May 29, 1946 • Mumbai, India • June 27, 2012 • 
St. Louis, MO

Gwenn Anderson • September 20, 1944 • February 9, 2016 • Ogden, UT

Jean Archer • August 13, 1924 • May 30, 1989 • Ottumwa, IA

Margaret Rose Ardussi • June 1, 1941 • Toledo, OH • December 7, 2004 • 
Belcamp, MD • Estes Park TTC

Margaret Ashelman • December 18, 1916 • November 28, 2015 • Fairfield, 

Chris Blanchard Ayres • June 26, 1949 • August 21, 2010 • Truckee, CA

Geoffrey Baker • June 1, 1926 • April 12, 2011 • Iowa City, Iowa

Bruce Murray Beal • October 29, 1954 • February 9, 2010 • Massachusetts

Robert L. Bollinger • May 22, 1950 • June 22, 2014 • Fairfield, Iowa

Rob Buck • October 3, 1950 • October 8, 2009 • Rochester, MN

Laura Ann Calvert • August 24, 1949 • December 12, 2005 • Purcell, OK

Edmond A. Chouinard • July 19, 1936 • North Adams, MA • December 2, 
2004 • Providence, RI

Henry Ogden Clark • December 29, 1944 • December 22, 2004 • Iowa City, IA

Joe Clark • June, 1972 • North Carolina

Lyman Hathaway Clark • December 29, 1944 • December 15, 1998 • 
Traverse City, MI

Joan Clemenzi • August 7, 1957 • April 22, 1999 • Newburyport, MA

Seth A. Cohen • D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to be president

2016-10-18 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Depending on his attitude in the 1970s Trump may have learned TM too.  
It was the "in" thing to do back then.  Might have helped make him a 
better salesman.  Hillary sucks as a salesman.

On 10/18/2016 11:03 AM, feste37 wrote:

I don't think the practice of TM has any effect on other family 
members. It never did on mine.

---In,  wrote :

Trump’s kids are meditators, too. At least some of them. If that’s 
supposed to have had a positive influence on Trump, it obviously 
hasn’t. Or perhaps if they hadn’t been meditators, he would /actually/ 
have been shooting people on 5^th Avenue.


*Sent:* Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:04 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: to be president


, > wrote :

If Trump were married to the Virgin Mary I still wouldn't vote for him.

, > wrote :

*I have the very uncomfortable feeling that Doug is actually looking 
for reasons to promote voting for Trump on FFL. I hope I'm wrong, but 
I'm not sure how else to interpret this post.*

, > wrote :

, > wrote :

Om, someone emerged stopping me in a Fairfield, Iowa cafe today

telling me in a reassuring way that ‘Malania’

is a meditator.

Could the meditator consciousness Meissner Effect be strong enough with

Malania only a heartbeat away from her President be reason enough

to vote for her husband?

Should this ‘fact’ influence the meditator demographic voting bloc?

Otherwise, what does the science say,

about disordered narcissism and the effect of meditation?

What should Common sense say?

Common sense says it is idiotic to even think that even if Melania 
were a meditator it would have one iota of effect on the asshat that 
is her husband. It hasn't helped anything in the 11 years they have 
been married so it ain't gonna to anything worthwhile now. What a load 
of hogwash (appealing to the farmer in you).

[FairfieldLife] From the Carlos Slim Times

2016-10-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Article about Silicon Valley and the election.  Generally the tech 
sector was never very political until the 1990s.  Microsoft had to even 
be prompted to lobby for legislation in the late 1990s.  Bill Gates 
couldn't have cared less about politics.  Most programmers I knew were 
apolitical and made jokes about the whole thing.  Then some decided they 
liked libertarianism which is now very prominent and especially a POV I 
see on tech forums (and have fun stepping on).

/"After years of scorning the political process, Silicon Valley has 
leapt into the fray. The prospect of a President Donald J. Trump is 
pushing the tech community to move beyond its traditional role as donors 
and to embrace a new existence as agitators and activists.//"

Yup, with the exception of Peter Thiel, who probably feels he has 
something to gain in keeping the GOP alive most of the Silicon Valley 
status quo are supporting Clinton who will continue the status quo.  
After all those cheap off shore tech workers can't be beat!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

2016-10-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The "delusionals" live in their own dream world.  Interesting to see 
such mass hypnosis.

On 10/16/2016 10:27 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

New York Times, July.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:48 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

---In,  wrote :

Yes they have.

No, they haven't.

*From:* "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:34 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

---In,  wrote :

Well Feste, it is rigged. When the media openly declares it is their 
duty to stop him

They haven't done that.

and they conspire with her campaign,

They haven't done that either.

as is revealed in the Wikileaks e-mails, they are no longer 
objectively reporting the news but trying to influence an election. 
This will make it very difficult for Hillary to govern even if she is 

Of course it's going to be very difficult for Hillary to govern. But 
not because the media have conspired with her campaign. It'll be very 
difficult for her to govern because of reflexive GOP resistance and 
the spreading of lies about her and about the media by the right wing, 
as well as the lies Trump will continue to spread about the election 
being "rigged" after she's in the White House.

There will be a resistance to her presidency like has never been seen 

*From:* feste37 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 9:14 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

Even though he seems certain to lose, I am still worried, because he 
is angry and unhinged and could cause a lot of trouble between now and 
Election Day, and also afterwards. He is openly saying the election is 
rigged, which is very dangerous.

---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

2016-10-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2016 10:46 AM, feste37 wrote:

Much of the media is against Trump because he is a terrible candidate 
-- the worst the GOP has put forward in living memory. Of course the 
media is using its influence to persuade people not to vote for him. 
Nothing illegitimate or sinister about that.

Because his people want to see mainstream media broken up and he might 
do that.  That I'd applaud along with breaking up the big banks.  
There's nothing too big to fail.  These used to be things "libruls" were 
for.  What happened?

He is simply unqualified for the office, in any area you care to name.

You mean George W Bush was qualified?  Got two terms.

Being President is a salesman's job.  Trump is a salesman.  Not voting 
for him and would have preferred Sanders.  And not voting for the crazy 
woman either.

BTW, if she bails on the last debate it will be over for her.  All Trump 
has to do is remind the public of that old saw "quitters never win."  I 
think she's already lost by a landslide.

The polls don't count though both sides try to imply they do because 
more and more folks who still have landlines have NoMoRobo and the 
younger folks don't have landlines.

---In,  wrote :

Yes they have.

*From:* "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:34 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

---In,  wrote :

Well Feste, it is rigged. When the media openly declares it is their 
duty to stop him

They haven't done that.

and they conspire with her campaign,

They haven't done that either.

as is revealed in the Wikileaks e-mails, they are no longer 
objectively reporting the news but trying to influence an election. 
This will make it very difficult for Hillary to govern even if she is 

Of course it's going to be very difficult for Hillary to govern. But 
not because the media have conspired with her campaign. It'll be very 
difficult for her to govern because of reflexive GOP resistance and 
the spreading of lies abo! ut her and about the media by the right 
wing, as well as the lies Trump will continue to spread about the 
election being "rigged" after she's in the White House.

There will be a resistance to her presidency like has never been seen 

*From:* feste37 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 9:14 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

Even though he seems certain to lose, I am still worried, because he 
is angry and unhinged and could cause a lot of trouble between now and 
Election Day, and also afterwards. He is openly saying the election is 
rigged, which is very dangerous.

---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

2016-10-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2016 08:48 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Re: "There will be a resistance to her presidency like has never been 
seen before. "

By the misogynists, sexists and racists (both genders).  This country 
should afford the best in security for her.

What about those who disdain a corporate global agenda or wars of empire 
and corporate gain?  Have you forgotten your liberal principles?  You 
made it sound like we're anointing a queen not electing a president.

---In,  wrote :

Well Feste, it is rigged. When the media openly declares it is their 
duty to stop him and they conspire with her campaign, as is revealed 
in the Wikileaks e-mails, they are no longer objectively reporting the 
news but trying to influence an election. This will make it very 
difficult for Hillary to govern even if she is elected. There will be 
a resistance to her presidency like has never been seen before.

*From:* feste37 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 9:14 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

Even though he seems certain to lose, I am still worried, because he 
is angry and unhinged and could cause a lot of trouble between now and 
Election Day, and also afterwards. He is openly saying the election is 
rigged, which is very dangerous.

---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?

2016-10-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/16/2016 08:40 AM, feste37 wrote:

Thanks, auth, for saying it better than I could.

Mike, If much of the media prefers another candidate to Trump, that is 
not "rigging" the election. It's part of a free debate and exchange of 
ideas (which Trump is losing badly).

Feste, were you born yesterday?  Try following the money for a change.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Well Feste, it is rigged. When the media openly declares it is their 
duty to stop him

They haven't done that.

and they conspire with her campaign,

They haven't done that either.

as is revealed in the Wikileaks e-mails, they are no longer 
objectively reporting the news but trying to influence an election. 
This will make it very difficult for Hillary to govern even if she is 

Of course it's going to be very difficult for Hillary to govern. But 
not because the media have conspired with her campaign. It'll be very 
difficult for her to govern because of reflexive GOP resistance and 
the spreading of lies about her and about the media by the right wing, 
as well as the lies Trump will continue to spread about the election 
being "rigged" after she's in the White House.

There will be a resistance to her presidency like has never been seen 

*From:* feste37 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 16, 2016 9:14 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is It?!

Even though he seems certain to lose, I am still worried, because he 
is angry and unhinged and could cause a lot of trouble between now and 
Election Day, and also afterwards. He is openly saying the election is 
rigged, which is very dangerous.

---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Putin Preparing for World War?

2016-10-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
BTW, I'm wondering why Mother Superior didn't shame Emily when she 
posted an opinion piece yesterday from Dr. Rosenthal though from the TMO 
was originally on *FoxNews*? Big oopsie!

On 10/15/2016 12:19 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

If that's the case, Putin appears to be backing the wrong candidate.  
And, Hillary may be correct in saying that the Russians are behind the 
information from WikiLeaks.

Sooner or later, there could be an accident in Syria that could lead 
to a shootout between the US and Russia.  As such, the UN should 
mandate a no fly zone in Aleppo.

---In,  wrote :

Of course he's trying to influence the election. And note that this 
"report" is from the extremely right-wing Newsmax.

---In,  wrote :

Or, is he trying to influence the American election by  tacitly 
endorsing Trump?

Report: Putin Possibly Readying for World War, Recalling Russians to 


Report: Putin Possibly Readying for World War, R... 

Russian President Vladimir Putin could be prepping for new world war 
as relations with the United States and other Western countries 
continue to disintegrate, accor...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] One Question

2016-10-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Hey Mike!  Didn't I say a while back that if Hillary was the nominee the 
campaign would be about character and not issues?  If Bernie got the 
nomination it would be about issues?  Look at the degeneration of the 
American consciousness.  Some states (including California) you can 
write in a choice.  There is a move in those states to write in Bernie 
as a protest vote.

Of course we have our resident "shamer" troll who tries shame anyone who 
has a liberal view if they quote a "right wing source" even if that 
source is correct.  Shame on that troll!

On 10/15/2016 04:51 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
If Trump fondled my balls, I wouldn't have gone public but I would 
have immediately reported it to police and asked for an investigation 
and police report verifying that I did report it.
You are, apparently, unable to grasp what it takes to stand up to such 
intimidation and wealth as Trump can wield even though, in reality, he 
is a pitiable loser.
Now you know how the Clinton sexual victims feel! What kind of power 
does a woman have against the Attorney General/ Governor of a state or 
a President have, especially when his wife sends out Lawyers from the 
Rose Law Firm to threaten and silence the victims.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Friday, October 14, 2016 11:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] One Question

---In,  wrote :

That's the whole point. It's the classic Saul Alinsky tactic. If you 
are busted for something, deny it and accuse your accuser of the same, 
but louder. The problem here is that Bill Clinton's accusers, accused 
him almost immediately. Trump's accusers, accused as much as thirty 
years later. Silent till now. Trump has been a public figure for some 
thirty years or longer and never accused publicly of these things and 
never called a racist until he ran against a Democrat. This is their 
*play book*. BTW, he was a Democrat when he supposedly did these 
things, thus it wasn't his fault, he was a victim of a *patriarchal 
society*up bringing. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! Remember when Bill 
Clinton perjured himself and all we heard was, "it's just about sex"
Also, there are wholes big enough to drive an 18 wheeler through in 
some of  these stories. The fact that Wikileaks is exposing the medias 
bias and compliance and coordination with the Hillary campaign says 

I dare you t! o say that if Trump had fondled your balls that you 
would have gone public or legal on him. I don't believe you have the 
money or the chutzpah to have taken him on in the face of such an 
affront given his power and wealth. There is safety in numbers and it 
seems that at some point enough is enough for these women. You 
obviously have no idea of the kind of legal and financial sway he has 
over people. He is as eager to sic his lawyers on those who confront 
him as you are to vilify Hillary.

*From:* "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Friday, October 14, 2016 8:52 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] One Question

So, how is Trump's besmirching of his female accusers any different or 
better or more justified than Hillary's alleged attacks against Bill 
Clinton's accusers? Does Trump not realize he's doing the exact same 
thing he accuses his opponent of? I haven't seen this point made 
anywhere in the media yet. What the hell?

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