[FairfieldLife] Re: squid

2011-07-07 Thread martyboi

Squid  - marinated in it's own black ink sauce nothing compares!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Blissy vs. Happy

2011-09-07 Thread martyboi

Here's what I observed.

I saw him in a local burrito place with his wife. He is a very noticeably 
healthy in person...that is he appears to have a lot personal vitality the way 
an athlete might.

I watched him go up to the soda fountain to get a drink. He arrived at the 
fountain at the same time as a very sour-faced old curmudgeon. 

When he saw the old fellow, he opened up into a very broad and natural smile, 
stepped back, and let him fill up first. Unfortunately, the old guy walked away 
grumbling to himself as if determined to be even more sour.

There was a lot of "power" in that smile as it was very real and genuine, it 
actually sort of rolled across the entire restaurant.

I felt sorry for that old guy, as that smile felt like a gift refused. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Blissy vs. Happy

2011-09-07 Thread martyboi
I felt a real integrity and naturalness at that moment. His smile made me 
happy! So I stole it form myself. 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-07 Thread martyboi
> That's part of what struck me about martyboi's story of 
> the restaurant encounter. We'll never know what was going
> through his head, of course, but if *he* was thinking that
> his smile was a "gift," it might have been an unwanted one.
It appeared to me to be an ordinary, natural moment without pretense, just like 
you or me going to get a drink at the fountain. It was just that the contrast 
between the person who appeared "happy" and the person who appeared "unhappy" 
was so stark. Neither of those fellows probably remember it. I am the one who 
perceived it as a gift...but that's just my take on smiles: In a perfect world, 
smiles bounce back.

And yes, I have had the experience of not needing anyone's damn positivity. 
Haven't we all? How dare you disrupt my gloom biyatch!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self narrative and belief

2011-09-07 Thread martyboi
I tell myself this all the time : -)

Do you think the self-narrative is gone or just ignored?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> If there is no self-narrative, there can be no belief. Even identified 
> realistically as formlessness, we continue to operate in the world, voice 
> opinions, act and react, think and feel, recount experiences, but there are 
> no beliefs, simply being in the moment. 
> When the self-narrative unravels and the mind is left blank, unto itself, 
> there is no need for the burden of a belief system, which was constantly 
> reinforced by a self-narrative. Get rid of the self-narrative and our beliefs 
> vanish, yet in the moment it is amazing how the bodymind continues as our 
> specialized vehicle for discovery.
> Not only does the bodymind continue its functioning in the absence of 
> beliefs, it also functions more dynamically, healthier, and free of the 
> wrappings of a cumbersome and annoying self-narrative. It is free, and yet 
> fully synchronized with that which makes up the sum of its parts, expanding 
> its storehouse of experience and conclusion, in service to its universal 
> self, without beliefs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Maharishi School students achieve so much...

2011-09-08 Thread martyboi
I agree, the population is not really a random distribution, it is a collection 
of smart people who will usually have smart kids.

Having said that, on a personal level, I feel that meditation refined and 
enhanced my intellect and contributed to my scholastic achievements. The main 
reason for this is that it slowed down my reactivity to environmental stimuli 
enough that I could actually sit still in my seat, listen to the teacher, and 
complete assignments. The other thing it did was reduce the use of pot, which 
gave me an edge over all the other stoned kids (which was just about everyone 

Before TM - school was difficult! I was just too HDHD.

I think many kids can benefit from a meditation practice. 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-08 Thread martyboi
That false part of "me" that experiences itself as a "me" and is in reality 
something I can't locate anymore in the vastness of my not-self ...foolishly 
finds this hilarious!

> I'm writing this post from the nurse's station in
> the psychiatric wing of the Betty Ford Centre in Rancho Mirage. In the event 
> the
> nurse returns, I apologize in advance if my post ends abruptly. As part of my
> recovery program, I'm not allowed any connection that might allow me to post 
> on
> FFL or any Internet forum where I could announce my recent ascendance to a
> higher state of consciousness. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama incompetence costs US taxpayers 500 Million

2011-09-16 Thread martyboi
Just sayin'


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's last will & testimony

2011-09-27 Thread martyboi
Here's MIU latest course honoring the "Buddhist" universe...might help.


> Relax. He is only projecting the disturbing "facts" of nonsense he finds in 
> his "Buddhist" universe. He can't help it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's last will & testimony

2011-09-27 Thread martyboi
Here's MUM's latest course honoring the "Buddhist" universe...might help.


> Relax. He is only projecting the disturbing "facts" of nonsense he finds in 
> his "Buddhist" universe. He can't help it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Steve Jobs RIP

2011-10-06 Thread martyboi
After the movie Avatar had been released for about a week or so, I decided to 
cut out of work early and watch it at a local IMAX theater. The theater is 
located in a failing shopping mall in Cupertino, and the thought is that the 
theater is going to help revive it. The theater is well attended - the 
stores..not so much.

After the movie was over, I headed back to my secret parking spot, through a 
part of the mall that has very little foot traffic. In that area is a nice 
atrium filled with Ficus trees and showered with ample sunshine through it's 
large windows and skylights.

On my way to the atrium, I happened to be following a middle-aged guy wearing a 
black turtleneck sweater. He stood there for a bit as I approached the area, 
and then our eyes met. It was Steve Jobs. 

I nodded, he nodded back, and I went on my way. Somehow, knowing that we had 
both cut out of work in the middle of the day to see a movie made him seem very 
human, very normal and relatable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Steve Jobs RIP

2011-10-06 Thread martyboi

Actually, we were quite alone in the atrium...not that it matters..it was just 
cool to know that the bigwigs take an afternoon once in a while to chill too! I 
call them "mental health days." 

My boss and I have a code. When I say I am having "eye problems", he knows I 
mean..."I" don't want to work!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vimanas - Ancient Indian flying machines

2011-10-08 Thread martyboi

Seems like they would have found metal pieces or remnants of crafts built 3000 
to 5000 years ago by now. Or at least they would have found their version of 
the "Lockheed Skunk Works" as it would have required huge factories to build 
and maintain them. 

The Vamana descriptions are very intriguing when analysed in terms of modern 
technology...but so are Jules Verne's ideas from the 1800's whose descriptions 
of modern technology were quite prescient.

Perhaps they were following the "prime directive" and made sure to clean up 
after themselves.

I wonder if MMY ever discussed these "fables"?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vimanas - Ancient Indian flying machines

2011-10-09 Thread martyboi
You've certainly provided me with something to ponder. Fascinating!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Colonoscopy

2011-10-10 Thread martyboi

I have had three, they are not really that uncomfortable and they can save your 
life. They found two large polyps during one of mine and removed them during 
the procedure (I didn't feel a thing.) If they had not removed them, big 
trouble might have shown up later. Think of it as "preventing the danger that 
has not yet come."

Colonoscopies revealed precancerous polyps in two of my siblings which 
literally saved their lives. They also revealed early cancer in my father...and 
thankfully saved his life. I will forever be grateful for this!

I wish people didn't see them as such a big deal, they really do save people's 
lives. It's actually quite interesting to watch them on the monitor if you want.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Persistence Of Woo Woo

2011-10-10 Thread martyboi
Dude, nobody in "Cali" smokes doobies anymore...everyone is vaporizing. That is 
to say, they "vape." 

Just in case anyone doesn't know... A vaporizer heats the "contents" to a 
specific temperature that allows you to determine (by temperature) which 
aspects of the contents you would like to imbibe. FYI, the heater on a 
vaporizer is more than hot enough to ignite feathers.

No smoke is emitted- after all smokers are considered "evil" here and are 
properly sneered at with long condescending faces. There are three stores 
within walking distance of my home in San Jose that sell the devices and/or the 
"medicine." One location has a "medicine sharing room" to help the 

There is a lounge downtown where you are allowed to bring your own medicine. It 
is basically like a very well appointed bar filled with young, extremely 
beautiful ladies whose job it is to up-sell you overly-priced "munchies" after 
the "medicine" kicks in. 

One dispensary is appropriately located next to my favorite Starbucks. Other 
than seeing one elderly person in a walker, most of the clients appear to be in 
their early to mid twentiesI didn't know our youth were so ill. 

Here's a link to a video of the lounge:


P.S. The city just voted to reduce the number of dispensaries to 10. The Fed 
are also coming up with creative ways to hassle the landlords and are issuing 
threats of jail time..to the building owners..not the dispensary operators.

> Closer to home, if a doobie lights up you need to blow it out or you risk 
> ejecting the contents by shaking it and igniting the feathers in the chick's 
> hair next to you.  Turns out that burning off one side of a chick wearing the 
> hemp vest's hair is a deal killer for hooking up that night even if you point 
> out that now she is so hideous that she is lucky that you are even hitting on 
> her.  Chicks are so inscrutable.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vimanas - Ancient Indian flying machines

2011-10-13 Thread martyboi
Thanks for answering.

That's very interesting to know. I still think something would have been found 
by now. We have ground-penetrating satellites that can determine below-soil 
objects. We have Google earth displaying pictures of the entire globe - with 
thousands of eyes looking for stuff. We have also surveyed the Moon's surface 
and Mar's too. I believe some irrefutable anomaly would have to be spotted 

I hope they do find something. I think and expanded view of history and the 
possibility of life on other planets would do the world - as in politics, 
religion, society, etc. a lot of good.   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> Did anyone answer the question at the bottom?  He spoke as if there were no 
> question that the ancients had aircraft and humans and civilizations walked 
> the earth millions of years ago.  And he disparaged modern science regarding 
> human history saying things like "They find a bone and push history back 
> 100,000 years."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Capital sold to Ravi Shankar

2011-10-20 Thread martyboi
I've been on retreats with a few different groups. Most have similar dynamics 
and similar personalities: 

1.) Your ass-kissing sycophants
2.) Self-styled -new age guru wannabees
3.) Movement police types
4.) Spiritually greedy - take every course they can find 
5.) Permanently unhappy complainers
6.) Fixers, who wanna fix everybody
7.) Needy sex players - who use courses to get laid 
8.) The know-it-all doctrine parrots
9.) Let's not forget - genuine seekers...there are a few. 

There are a couple of things I like about AOL - 
1.) They let you own your own stuff - that is, they don't coddle you. 2.) They 
really do know how to have a very fun time.

Haven't been for a few years, but I was very shocked on my first course when 
after is was over everyone piled into a van to go see Amma - and the course 
leaders thought that was cool. I genuinely like the people I've met there. I am 
on hiatus from groups though.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Merv Griffin sighting in Fairfield

2011-10-26 Thread martyboi

Mervyn Edward "Merv" Griffin, Jr. (July 6, 1925 – August 12, 2007)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Merv Griffin sighting in Fairfield

2011-10-26 Thread martyboi
New Theory:

They actually saw Phil Donahue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I defy anyone to say it more succinctly than this

2011-10-26 Thread martyboi
You've been had!

> You don't have a soul.
> You are a soul.
> You have a body.
> - C. S. Lewis

[FairfieldLife] Re: What are the funniest stories from your days in the TMO?

2011-07-28 Thread martyboi
When I was on staff at Cobb (1980), we had a lot of CP's (course 
participants)who had great truly experiences - others not so much. 

Sometimes we would have group meetings where individuals would share their 

On one occasion a CP proudly proclaimed they could see stars through the 
ceiling while laying down on the bed after program. Unfortunately celestial 
perception was not to be: a staff member had glued glow-in-the-dark stars to 
the ceiling as a decoration when they lived in that room. The staff member 
fessed up.. and we all had a good chuckle.

On another occasion, a women was fascinated by "the hum of creation" that she 
heard during program and while she slept in her room. This, of course, was the 
cabin next to an old buzzing transformer hanging on a power pole. She seemed a 
little disappointed when source of the buzz was explained.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney for President

2011-08-09 Thread martyboi
I think the election of Kennedy (Catholic) and Obama (mixed ethnicity) has 
shown that the electorate can deflate the common "wisdom" about the kind of 
person that is electable: making the future quite unpredictable. Romney's 
religious orientation vis-a-vis Obama's "socialism"  may be perceived as the 
lesser of two evils by quite a large number of people. Whomever is elected is 
going to "experience some roughness in activity."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter in today's Ledger

2011-08-19 Thread martyboi
Though not strictly a TM meditator, I tend to believe in the ME. I have often 
noticed an intense internal enlivening of "grace" in around spiritual groups of 
various sorts. 

I find this "enlivening" everywhere in so many settings - Christian churches 
and monasteries, Buddhist venues and Hindu temples...yes, and even around the 
lowly TM meditators ;-)

I do believe that individuals and groups of individuals can be conduits for 
grace to flow into this world...Each member of the group "tugging" each member 
along in a symbiotic manner. 

What I don't believe is that the manner in which that grace expresses itself in 
the world is predictable with respect to individuals: as we know, "God is no 
respecter of persons." (Acts 10:34) 

Grace influences our thoughts, behaviors and choices in the world and moves 
situations towards positive outcomes. But - it's only through action and 
behavior that it (grace)becomes meaningful.

I am sure that sitting and radiating grace is great. But, Krishna told Arjuna 
to act for a reason...Action is the bridge through which that grace becomes 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter in today's Ledger

2011-08-19 Thread martyboi
I don't know the answer to that, Curtis! Actually, I don't know the answer to 
most important questions

However I think you are right, we all project our own "stuff" on our experience 
and that influences how we interpret it. Isn't the whole world our own 
construction?...perhaps I subconsciously make up spiritual experiences to feel 
better about everything...but you must admit..it's possible that I am not, and 
I really do perceive grace and wholeness at times? 

I'm glad you've gone beyond any of that..It's not like your spending you life 
pissed off about the fact that you spent years in a world of your own making or 

About Rastafarians and Voodoo: I would join in the party in a 
heartbeat...voodoo not so much...seems creepy somehow.

About tests: "Thou shalt not put the Lord they God to a test!" I would flunk 
anyway...I don't have anything to prove.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter in today's Ledger

2011-08-19 Thread martyboi

Answers interleaved:
> This may be your own construction.  Do you feel the same thing about voodoo 
> ceremonies?  How about about a rasta smoke-in?  A religious ritual involving 
> killing a goat? A human?

Yes it might be my own construction - but its equally possible it is not.
Never been to a voodoo ceremony. Seems creepy.
Been to many smoke-ins...love Rastafarians.
Don't think I like killing so much. Though I've eaten goat...very tasty after a 

> When our subconscious expectations are matched in the environment, our brains 
> reward us.  We get flooded with the expected good feelings.  We have 
> historically been shown to suck at evaluating such groups outside us.  You 
> are judging what is outside by a feeling inside.  It implies only 
> simultaneity, not causality.

Yes...Actually I don't spend much of my time evaluating people or groups..I'm 
not looking for grace it just sorta randomly shows up. Can't explain it...and 
certainly don't need to justify or prove it.

> Here is what I propose:  we get a curtain and you sit facing away from it.  
> Across the curtain we bring in a succession of followers of Sebud, Thug hash 
> smokers from Northern India (the original assassins) and a variety of new age 
> groups along with a group of guys who used to cut up bodies for the mob.
> Without the visual clues, can you accurately tell what field effect they are 
> emanating?
> (I can get the Mafia guys and thugs, I need help gathering up the rest.)

I don't choose when and where or how I get vibes from people or situations... 
It's just something that randomly happens. 

I dunno Curtis, just because you bought the whole stinkin' enchilada for many 
years doesn't mean the opposite of everything you learned in the movement is 
the truth...dive for the pearls...they are there.

> > 
> > I do believe that individuals and groups of individuals can be conduits for 
> > grace to flow into this world...Each member of the group "tugging" each 
> > member along in a symbiotic manner. 
> > 
> > What I don't believe is that the manner in which that grace expresses 
> > itself in the world is predictable with respect to individuals: as we know, 
> > "God is no respecter of persons." (Acts 10:34) 
> > 
> > Grace influences our thoughts, behaviors and choices in the world and moves 
> > situations towards positive outcomes. But - it's only through action and 
> > behavior that it (grace)becomes meaningful.
> > 
> > I am sure that sitting and radiating grace is great. But, Krishna told 
> > Arjuna to act for a reason...Action is the bridge through which that grace 
> > becomes manifest.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter in today's Ledger

2011-08-19 Thread martyboi

Apparently we are in a similar place...sounds like my resume. I am 55, 
initiated at 17. Did sidhis, lived on Staff at Cobb, hung out with Sri Sri and 
some Yogananda people. 

I always kept an emotional distance from the movement due to homophobia (theirs 
and mine) and which I now see as a great blessing. For me AOL was a more 
"mature" and humane version of the movement...however, movements are more alike 
than they are different - and the pressure for social conformity is ruinous. 

I think just as a young man moves out of his parent's house to strike out on 
his own, a mature man has to leave behind the safety of the belief systems he 
adopted as a kid to find his place in the world. Perhaps this is the project 
for all men in our decade. 

Indeed the fifties are a great decade of life...I just wish my joints didn't 
hurt when I get out of bed!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> Thanks for the answers.
> This is a false polarity:
>  years doesn't mean the opposite of everything you learned in the movement is 
> the
> truth...dive for the pearls...they are there.>
> This is not the intellectual dynamic at play in my questions.  I am a 
> meditator.  TM is my pearl from that era.  I am just questioning the beliefs 
> that surround the experience.  The years I bought the whole ... were between 
> 16 and 31.  It doesn't surprise me that I have reconsidered the beliefs I 
> held in that period in my 5th decade of life experience and study.  I am 
> progressing in understanding, not just polarizing against what I believed as 
> a young man. Now I have more years out than I was in.  These are the 
> formative experiences that are important to me now.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Answers interleaved:
> >  
> > > This may be your own construction.  Do you feel the same thing about 
> > > voodoo ceremonies?  How about about a rasta smoke-in?  A religious ritual 
> > > involving killing a goat? A human?
> > 
> > 
> > Yes it might be my own construction - but its equally possible it is not.
> > Never been to a voodoo ceremony. Seems creepy.
> > Been to many smoke-ins...love Rastafarians.
> > Don't think I like killing so much. Though I've eaten goat...very tasty 
> > after a smoke-in.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > When our subconscious expectations are matched in the environment, our 
> > > brains reward us.  We get flooded with the expected good feelings.  We 
> > > have historically been shown to suck at evaluating such groups outside 
> > > us.  You are judging what is outside by a feeling inside.  It implies 
> > > only simultaneity, not causality.
> > 
> > 
> > Yes...Actually I don't spend much of my time evaluating people or 
> > groups..I'm not looking for grace it just sorta randomly shows up. Can't 
> > explain it...and certainly don't need to justify or prove it.
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > Here is what I propose:  we get a curtain and you sit facing away from 
> > > it.  Across the curtain we bring in a succession of followers of Sebud, 
> > > Thug hash smokers from Northern India (the original assassins) and a 
> > > variety of new age groups along with a group of guys who used to cut up 
> > > bodies for the mob.
> > > 
> > > Without the visual clues, can you accurately tell what field effect they 
> > > are emanating?
> > > 
> > > (I can get the Mafia guys and thugs, I need help gathering up the rest.)
> > 
> > 
> > I don't choose when and where or how I get vibes from people or 
> > situations... It's just something that randomly happens. 
> > 
> > I dunno Curtis, just because you bought the whole stinkin' enchilada for 
> > many years doesn't mean the opposite of everything you learned in the 
> > movement is the truth...dive for the pearls...they are there.
> > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > > > I do believe that individuals and groups of individuals can be conduits 
> > > > for grace to flow into this world...Each member of the group "tugging" 
> > > > each member along in a symbiotic manner. 
> > > > 
> > > > What I don't believe is that the manner in which that grace expresses 
> > > > itself in the world is predictable with respect to individuals: as we 
> > > > know, "God is no respecter of persons." (Acts 10:34) 
> > > > 
> > > > Grace influences our thoughts, behaviors and choices in the world and 
> > > > moves situations towards positive outcomes. But - it's only through 
> > > > action and behavior that it (grace)becomes meaningful.
> > > > 
> > > > I am sure that sitting and radiating grace is great. But, Krishna told 
> > > > Arjuna to act for a reason...Action is the bridge through which that 
> > > > grace becomes manifest.
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nude Spiritual Awakening

2011-05-03 Thread martyboi
When I was in high school a friend on mine was very inspired by the scene in 
the movie Brother Sun Sister Moon, where St. Francis strips naked and gives his 
clothing back to his parents. 

This lead my friend to go home, strip naked, and recite the poem Desiderata for 
the entire neighborhood...He spent 30 days in the hospital under "observation" 
for this act. 

It seemed kind of uncool to hangout with him after that..but I was proud of 
him, and put a framed copy of the poem in my bedroom. 

I am just thankful, the movie American Pie hadn't come out yet! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thou Shall Not Proclaim Oneself Enlightened!

2011-05-05 Thread martyboi
SSRS said something like awakening leads to "I don't know." and since I 
definitely know that I don't know, maybe I am "there" already? ;-)

My *guess* is that awakening doesn't encompass the need to defend oneself or 
one's path or group...nor does it invoke the need to criticize people who 
remain in a group or move on from that group. I "imagine" it involves the 
simple acceptance of what is: the knowingness that all is wisely set and okay 
exactly as it is without the need to modify, teach, enhance, understand, or fix 
anyone or anything. 

This doesn't mean that you become a useless blob, as we know from MMY's Bagavad 
gita - the enlightened spontaneously work for the "welfare of the world" (Gives 
'em sumthin' to do, whilst "remaining eternally un-involved,"non-doer 
immutable" and all that.)

Perhaps awakening also includes the understanding that ones' experience of 
"consciousness" requires a POV (think seer)and there's a multiplicity of POVs 
out there and so defending one's viewpoint is just sort of a fun sport, but not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Windows Phone will beat Android?

2011-05-13 Thread martyboi

> The recent prediction by Pyramid Research that Windows Phone would become the 
> dominant mobile OS in just four years surprised many industry watchers, 
> several of whom argued with the forecast. In a new analyst note, the research 
> firm explains its prognostication.

Really? A windows mobile redo?  Me thinks this is wishful thinking in the 
extreme! Even apple will be a much smaller portion of the mobile market in four 
year's time. Android rocks!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Windows Phone will beat Android?

2011-05-13 Thread martyboi
I played with Google's visual Android SDK , which I thought was fun-ish. I 
didn't like Google having access to my phone though.

The new Asus Transformer tablet PC looks like a very fun toy. One of my 
co-workers is out the door to pick one up from Fry's as I write this. The 
waiting list is quite long. Asus can't keep up with demand.

Honeycomb needs to "evolve" a bit IMO. I may let tablets mature awhile before I 
get one. I'm thinking November.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Windows Phone will beat Android?

2011-05-13 Thread martyboi
On another note, when I go to my local AOL meetings, most of the people, who 
happen to be Indian, appear to work for Google. 

So conversations often go like: "SSRS is just the greatest!" "I plan on 
retiring to the Ashram in a few years...when I'm thirty."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Windows Phone will beat Android?

2011-05-14 Thread martyboi

Sorry, my previous post was sort of a joke. I do find some to be 
materialistic..like most well-compensated silicon valley types. However, I 
really like the quality of simplicity and generosity that I experience with AOL 
people and Indians in particular.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Practicing SSRS's Sahaj Samadi versus TM/TMSP

2011-01-24 Thread martyboi
Sahaj is just a slight, easy shift in the practice..Probably something you are 
already doing.my introductory lecture was great for understanding the 
metaphysics of the practice.

IMO: SSRS realized that we humans tend to be neurotic, and bring our neurosis 
into spiritual practices, so he promotes an easier more practical attitude to 
discourage all the fretting we tend to do. He also discourages people from 
becoming so intense (and self-interested) about their practice that they skip 
doing very important things - like taking care of their children.

In the final analysis though, due to the basic flaws that all humans have, 
spiritual movements are more alike than they are different and successful 
practitioners dive for the pearls and leave the rest

[FairfieldLife] Re: Practicing SSRS's Sahaj Samadi versus TM/TMSP

2011-01-24 Thread martyboi

> Really? The business with the chicken feathers, the Crisco and the goat?

oi vey! I missed that course...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 30 miles from SSRS?

2011-01-26 Thread martyboi

Done both.

For me:

In residence seems to go much deeper. Lots of peace, bliss and knowledge. The 
sense of "grace" in the environment is very, very palpable (After any 
appropriate unstressing, of course).

Staying in a remote location is more like taking a nice vacation. How well you 
play with others is a factor in this decision...


FYI: AOL doesn't coddle high-maintenance people, that is they let you "own" 
your own "stuff". Therefore, don't expect much personal accommodation, (unless 
you have a medical condition). They have solved most of the people issues by 
maintaining silence...a very smart move IMO.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arizona Bans Karma

2011-02-28 Thread martyboi
Next is Kosher

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Friday, February 18, 2011
> Arizona Bans Karma--Seriously.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cobra paying homage to Lord Shiva

2010-02-12 Thread martyboi
I was meditating on one of the "nude beaches" located between Monterey bay and 
Half-Moon Bay on the California coast. I was in the "gay" section because they 
always build the cutest sun-bathing/privacy shelters and haul out all of their 

I was having a very sublime experience, I became aware of movement around me 
and when I opened my eyes I saw that I was surrounded by hundreds of garter 
snakes - all squirming and writhing in a mass. I was like "wow that's cool"! 
and ofcourse went back to the mantra as instructed. 

When I ended my meditation, I opened my eyes and they all slowly departed into 
the adjacent bushes. It seemed like they were relishing the bliss too, and left 
when it ended.

A year later I was in an outdoor restaurant in northern Thailand (eating the 
best pork ever). I was conveying this exact experience to a friend, when he 
suddenly said: "Marty look behind you!" Sure enough, a cobra was slithering 
through the establishment. I took it as a validation of the intuitions I had 
about the prior experience. 

What was most surprising to me was the fact that none of the Thai locals even 
stopped eating - the pork was just that good!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread martyboi
A quote from a hostile jock during a friend's flying block:

"Why are all those efin* f*ggots the first ones to hop?"

I noticed the same thing on my course. When I discussed it with a "fruity 
dancer" he said it was because straight men are unable to "truly let go in bed" 
and that spills over into the rest of their life.

I think there is some truth to that. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread martyboi
I haven't met too many uptight gay people...but I live in the Bay Area.

Just a thought though:

What if oppressed minorities *DO* have magic powers? I mean the universe has to 
balance out somehow. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Bloom Box (VIDEO): An Energy Plant In A Box To Power Your Home

2010-02-24 Thread martyboi
I work/live in the same neighborhood. The company is very, very busy and using 
lots of outside services to get things manufactured. Google was their first 
customer (remember that...)

I don't think this kind of fuel cell produces much heat, polymer exchange 
membrane fuel cells tend to operate at a range of 60C to 80C. I am fairly 
certain that is what they are making.

I am wondering why nobody has mentioned using one to power an electric car, 
since it could use fuels like gas or diesel so much more efficiently (little 
heat loss) and as I understand it, the only waste product is 2H20 (water).

Here's a great article on how it (fuel cells) works:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Stampede in an Indian Temple

2010-03-04 Thread martyboi

I was in the Philippines once when 15 people were crushed or killed trying to 
obtain blessings and healing by touching a religious relic at an annual feast 
day. I had considered attending the event, but the size of the crowd scared me. 

The problem with large crowds, in my opinion, is that "group think" takes over. 
I have observed the same thing years ago at anti war protests. The 
"electricity" that begins to generate in the "atmosphere" is quite palpable and 
somewhat frightening. 

Most rational people think they are above being subject to this phenomenon, but 
I think it has physiological roots and is unavoidable. Like when someone yells 
"fire" in a movie theater: people are more like bees than they realize, 
pheromones - the physiological correlates of panic, fear or even love - 
controlling their mental processes etc.

I think it says more about human physiology, than it does about anything else. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Would Jesus Do?

2010-08-27 Thread martyboi
False moon g_d?

Abrahamic religions


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ram Dass finds out that he is a father

2010-04-07 Thread martyboi

"That goes to show he is not completely gay.  At best, he is bisexual, unless 
his son was conceived through in vitro fertilization."

Jeesh, that's certainly a black and white may of looking at it. I happen to 
know a thing or two about gay people, and can tell you unequivocally that gay 
men are more than capable of having relations with the opposite gender ...it's 
just not their *preference*. 

P.S. I think it's wonderful that he had the great good karma of having made a 
baby and knows about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quality control died with Steve Jobs?!

2012-09-24 Thread martyboi
Apple products are very, very well thot out. However, I've played extensively 
with both the Apple and the Galaxy S3 - and the S3 is a very nice phone...it is 
rather large though - like it want to be a IPad. The navigation is extremely 
well functioning - and of course it uses Google maps which is a big plus.

I was using the "Galaxy" feature (android siri) and was able to lock up the 
phone by asking the following question:  "Galaxy, what is the definition of 
antidisestablishmentarianism?" The phone basically just sat there and locked 
up...until I rebooted. Failed a repeated test too. 

My only real beef with it is that it is totally fragile because it is too thin, 
so one small drop and the screen shatters...which I witnessed personally 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhist Meditation: A Management Skill?

2012-09-24 Thread martyboi

Google has been teaching mindfulness practice for years. They have an advanced 
engineer/instructor, Chade-Meng Tang whose official title is "Jolly Good 
Fellow." The course is one of the Company's most popular. His new book is 
"Search Inside Yourself." I am currently reading it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun

2012-09-27 Thread martyboi
My experience is that organizations are more alike than different - because the 
human need for conformity and belonging creates such bizarre behavior that 
emerges from the desperation to belong. 

Christ's organization produced people like Judas...

I get that Judas was actually the most important player and all that - because 
he helped get the whole crucifixion/redemption thing going. 

Maybe the "difficult" administrators in "the movement" actually have a role to 
play too? 

I've given up on figuring out if people are enlightened or not... I've also 
given up on me being enlightened too. And I've given up on belonging to groups 
who require my conformity.

Life is much easier now.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread martyboi
"refined sugar (is) for (people with) refined consciousness."

Maybe what he meant is that you could eat lots of refined sugar after you 
already had refined consciousness/physiology and were producing soma and all 

(Problem is many (most) people think they are much more "evolved" than they 
actually arejust a thot.)

Caveat, most of the nutrition ideas we had "back in the day", have turned out 
to be false notions. I for one, cannot live on an all carbohydrate veggie 
diet...unless being pasty, jiggly and low energy is acceptable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global warming stopped 16 years ago! Latest research!

2012-10-15 Thread martyboi
Get a grip - warmest September ever recorded


[FairfieldLife] Re: "Going Postal," Dutch style

2012-10-24 Thread martyboi
Sorry for lurking, but damn - that's hilarious

> From the title of your post , I was expecting somebody beating up fellow 
> workers with wooden shoes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chris Christie shows class while Romney shows stupidity

2012-11-01 Thread martyboi

Nice to see some apparent graciousness from a politician, though I'm not 
believing it. I think he's just being practical.

My impression was that he knows who holds the purse strings...and delayed 
funding for restoring his state will affect his electability in the future.  

He is probably also miffed that he wasn't selected as the VP candidate and this 
is just tit for tat. 

Actually, IMO, Romney might have an improved chance at winning if Christie had 
been the VP choice...he would humanize their campaign.. and he is relate-able 
is an odd way as if he were a "regular guy" in the same way that Joe Biden is 
(appears to be) a regular guy.

Of course we know it doesn't really matter who wins - as the secret world 
government (the great corporate puppet masters) actually control everything... 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Islamic sexual equations in society

2012-11-09 Thread martyboi
This is quite hyperbolic and written with the intention of justifying disdain 
for one of the world's main religious faiths. I think that Islamic people are 
probably as diverse in their predilections as everyone else. I suspect your 
intentions with this series of posts on Islam is fear-based and hate motivated 
and obviously quite insensitive.

Having traveled the world quite extensively, I have come to the conclusion that 
fear of one's homosexual attractions is uniquely American

[FairfieldLife] Re: Islamic sexual equations in society

2012-11-10 Thread martyboi
Actually those kinds of threats increase the behavior...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> You must never have traveled to a country where being known to be gay can be 
> a death sentence

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Spirituality' is the bi-product of Religion.

2011-12-15 Thread martyboi
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

"Religion is the banana skin and spirituality is the banana. The misery in the 
world is because we throw away the banana and are holding on to the skin." 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dickhead Cheney wants more "Killing for Capitalism"

2011-12-15 Thread martyboi
I believe it to be a Trojan Horseit's probably sniffing and listening as we 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Spirituality' is the bi-product of Religion.

2011-12-15 Thread martyboi

Dude, is that coffee shop a little smokey this morning? 

Are you saying that religious people are usually dicks?

> Hear hear. Either that or religion is the condom and 
> spirituality is the dick. 
> Religions that involve a lot of costumes and dress-up
> are like French ticklers.
> :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Spirituality' is the bi-product of Religion.

2011-12-15 Thread martyboi
Q: Dear Guruji, I have never been a spiritual or a true religious person. How 
can I learn to let go and believe?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You don't have to label yourself- I am spiritual, 
religious person etc. No need for it. Just be natural, beautiful, good human 
being. That's it!

If someone is not a beautiful human being and says, `I am a spiritual person or 
a religious person', what is the use of that? What good he or she is for? Isn't 
it? The purpose of spirituality is to make you a beautiful human being, the 
purpose of religion is to make you a righteous person, connected to the 
universe, to the universal spirit. And that's what spirituality is and that's 
what a simple, natural, normal human being is! Got it? Right, so it is better 
not to label yourself.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Halleluia Chorus - Like you've Never seen it.

2011-12-17 Thread martyboi

Nice, thanks for posting.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> This video from the small Yupiq Eskimo Village of Quinhagak, Alaska, was a 
> school computer project intended for the other Yupiq villages in the area. 
> Much to the villagers' shock, over a half million people have viewed it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=LyviyF-N23A

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Reincarnation explains so much about human behavior.

2013-01-25 Thread martyboi
Being homosexual isn't a plight - it's a beautiful gift from the Creator. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> >
> > Yet, western culture remains ignorant. Whether it be Mozart, Liberace, or 
> > (the current outrage, Jodi Arias), all of these behaviors stem from 
> > *choices* make in previous lives!
> > 
> > Mozart wasn't just hatched, he had a past in previous lives as a musician, 
> > hence he was considered a 'genius' in this one.
> > 
> > Liberace, considered a 'flaming fagot', (not my words) became so because 
> > because of the exacting law of cause and effect or karma in previous lives.
> > 
> > Jodi Arias, (most likely had murdered in the past), so now, when 
> > opportunity presents itself, she does it again.
> > 
> > So you see, ignorant *secularism* limits our understanding of life itself, 
> > wake up, read scripture which is a beautiful, logical understanding of life 
> > itself!
> >
> So, we got homosexuals running around blaming God or nature for their plight, 
> and we all know, (especially on this group) that reincarnation explains it 
> all!  Unless of course you don't believe in eastern philosophy or the mmy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Drones in Your Backyard

2013-02-08 Thread martyboi

I already own a small remote-controlled helicopter with a built in video 
recorder. $80 dollars from Fry's Electronics. A fairly fun toy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The result of indulging in the afflictive emotions, redux

2012-07-09 Thread martyboi
I got picked on in high school by a bully or two. As a freshman, I was the 
second shortest guy in the school. The shortest guy used to feel better when he 
picked on me. I knew what he was doing, so I just let it be. 

The first day of school he pushed me against the wall and called me 
names...that was it...I could see he felt better.

Sophomore year he waited for me to get off the bussame treatment...again he 
felt better.

Junior year (a year in which I grew 11 inches...ouch) I got off the bus a full 
head taller than him. As I ducked my head to get off the bus, he turned around 
and dejectedly walked awayI actually felt sorry for the poor guy...he never 
grew an inch after the eighth grade.

One of my more jock-ish coworkers likes to say: I used to beat up people like 
younow you're my boss! 

Revenge of the nerds! It's quite sweet.

[FairfieldLife] Very intersesting blog on personal growth

2012-07-11 Thread martyboi

Also has a great post about the world "not" being your mirror.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Obamacare disaster (take the penality, it's cheaper).

2012-07-11 Thread martyboi
That's an easy one:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> >
> > Billy - *access* to healthy food for low-income populations is an issue. 
> >  *Access* to good education, *access* to affordable healthcare, *access* 
> > to opportunity for many across the economic spectrum is an increasing 
> > problem for those that have lost jobs, lost their retirement, are raising a 
> > family, are maintaining households and who may have health issues or are in 
> > an older demographic.  Your tendency to throw out these simplistic 
> > conclusion based on uninformed prejudice is pathetic.   Please go move to 
> > a severely economically depressed area that lacks real food and try and do 
> > something to change the situation.  Your worldview seems far too narrow. 
> >  Do you live in a gated community?  
> > 
> > http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=high-and-dry-in-the-food
> You are so right!  We need to socialize everything!! That's the solution!!
> PS Why are 'poor' people fat?

[FairfieldLife] Re: WOW-What a cool President! Aren't you just tickled?

2012-07-18 Thread martyboi
Unfortunately, in California, that figure is barely enough to raise a family.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Curiosity Has Landed!

2012-08-06 Thread martyboi
I agree this is big news and I'm quite enthusiastic about it...but many of my 
associates show little interest.

Seems like it's getting very little play in the media...perhaps the Olympics 
overshadows it a bit...or landing rovers on Mars has become so 2004?

When the high quality image stream starts, we'll see more interest. Better yet, 
if they detect an algae or such, then we'll see some momentum forming


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> NASA timed this landing perfectly along with the Olympics.  They won the gold 
> medal tonight, and rightfully so!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levels of Evolution

2012-01-31 Thread martyboi


[FairfieldLife] Re: Levels of Evolution

2012-01-31 Thread martyboi


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's New Campaign Slogan...

2012-02-24 Thread martyboi
Your words seem racist and bitter...have you ever been unemployed?


...the parental role of government, which is to prevent problems for the 

A perfect man will be naturally harmonious within himself and will naturally 
radiate that harmony into his surroundings.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"  wrote:
> "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you 
> Food Stamps and Unemployment Checks." Da King James (soul version), Matthew 
> 11:28, (Special Ebonics translation).

[FairfieldLife] Re: All Dead Mormons are Now Gay

2012-02-26 Thread martyboi
Your prejudice knows no bounds. 


According to the Vedic Literature there are three genders. One of which was 
designed -created by God - to prefer same gender relations.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > Last month Mormons baptized the deceased parents of Nazi-hunter Simon 
> > Wiesenthal. Now they're sorry.
> > http://www.newser.com/story/139725/mormons-baptised-parents-of-nazi-hunter-wiesenthal.html
> > 
> > As you click on the "Choose-a-Mormon" button, contemplate a image of 12 
> > oxen pissing in the Salt Lake baptismal font.
> > http://www.utlm.org/images/twelveoxen_color.jpg
> God did not create 'gay', (nor did nature), actually there is no such thing 
> as 'gay'. I've hear homosexuals in the media use the excuse that they were 
> just, "created that way", they weren't created that way, they made themselves 
> that way through the many incarnations on earth through the use of free will, 
> that's why they're 'gay'!!! Please don't blame nature or God for this useless 
> behavior.
> Men and Men, and Woman and Woman can love each other, they can Hugh and even 
> kiss, but why do they have to have to have sexual relations?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 9 Foreign Words The English Language Desperately Needs

2012-02-29 Thread martyboi

Funnily enoughI do all of those things...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stockton, CA-City Council votes to start bankruptcy process!

2012-03-01 Thread martyboi
Stockton's used to be a lively town and due to its inland port it was one of 
the shipping and manufacturing hubs of California and the USA. Steel mills, 
flour mills etc.

I stopped there recently in the middle of the night to get gas. The streets 
were filled with homeless-looking people milling around with nothing to do. 
Under the amber glow of the sodium-based street lights, it looked like a scene 
from night of the living dead.

Unfortunately, all of their jobs went overseas

Regardless of whether you believe it was due to the burden of "entitlements" or 
the the fact that multinational corporations control Congress and influence 
legislation that creates tax structures which encourage profits over people... 

The fact is you can't have a successful, prosperous country if it doesn't 
manufacture anything...

As one of our more notorious posters is fond of saying: "it just doesn't make 
any sense!"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does Transcendental Meditation open the third eye?

2012-03-03 Thread martyboi
When reality is no longer perceived in terms of duality, the light dawns.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> "The light of the body is the eye, if therefore thine eye be single, thy 
> whole body shall be full of light."  Matthew 6:22

[FairfieldLife] Re: Will homosexuals go to heaven or hell?

2012-03-07 Thread martyboi
Perhaps a better question to ask is: "Will homophobes go to heaven or hell?"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Will homosexuals go to heaven or hell?

2012-03-07 Thread martyboi
...Sounds like they are stuck in the don't-ask-don't-tell military shower 
scenario that made everyone so nervous... (and titillated?)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps a better question to ask is: "Will homophobes go to 
> > heaven or hell?"
> I have it on good authority that homophobes, after 
> death, go to a special world in which everyone is
> the same sex as they are, and naked. They spend a 
> number of eons there. Whether they consider it 
> heaven or hell is pretty much up to them.
> :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chris Rocks!

2012-03-07 Thread martyboi
At my company's Christmas dinner, I went to pick up my napkin, and much to my 
horror, instead grabbed a pile of hair in my lap. I realised it was the 
adjacent women's hair extension. I covertly slipped it to her and she made a 
mad dash to the restroom to repair the situation. The scene repeated itself 
about an hour later. 

I don't sit next to her anymore. The juxtaposition of hair and food has an 
w factor.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Sri 'playing' (playing with) the piano.

2012-03-11 Thread martyboi
You make a cogent point, surrounding oneself with adoring sycophants is very 
dangerous - it destroys company presidents, ministers, college professors - 
nobody is immune because adoration is intoxicating. The classic case in this 
generation could be Michael Jackson.

I hung around AOL for a while, a big part of the teaching is not taking 
yourself/life too seriously. One of his main teachings is that too much focus 
on spirituality can make a person uptight and "dry."

Sri Sri's lectures are usually serious subjects punctuated with lots of silly 
big hats, gags and laughter.. The last time I saw him he had a mechanical 
potted plant that spontaneously twirled a flower every so often. Whenever 
someone got too serious, he just turned it on.

If TM is "yoga light for modernity" AOL is yoga light without a chastity belt!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Sri 'playing' (playing with) the piano.

2012-03-11 Thread martyboi

I'm quite sure that is the case.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  
> I was going to ask Martyboi whether the piano playing was
> equivalent to the mechanical potted plant, i.e., folks
> were supposed to find it absurd.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill to Limit Viagra Access?

2012-03-14 Thread martyboi
It was a sarcastic response to the recent legislation - by male legislators - 
that interferes  with women's reproductive health choices.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sex-Starved Male Flies Go for the Booze

2012-03-16 Thread martyboi

...well that explains a lotI wonder if they spend all their time on-line 
after they drink? ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mahamudra and Dzogchen: Thought-Free Wakefulness

2012-04-27 Thread martyboi
The world is as you areMMY

[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's one for the wannabe Hindus here...

2012-05-02 Thread martyboi
I know a gay couple who recently adopted a five-year old child. The child was 
given away by his parents because he exhibited a preference for feminine 
behavior. The parents tried to "pray away the gay", but when informed by a 
"shrink" that "he was born that way," they opted for giving him away.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's one for the wannabe Hindus here...

2012-05-02 Thread martyboi
I believe you are correct. He was born "gay" as a result of previous decisions  
and behavior is previous life times. 

I also believe he was born at this time, in this generation, to show people (on 
"the right" perhaps) that there are many things about themselves they are in 
denial about...to help them to finally grow up, to understand the that gender 
is a continuum, and to learn to love people with "differences". 

I'm glad he was born.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's one for the wannabe Hindus here...

2012-05-02 Thread martyboi

You Said:
Right, and Mozart was just 'born that way'! What a scam by the Gay lobby left!!

Mozart was just born that way, as a result of previous incarnations

Scam and Nyuk? Those words seem to imply anger, which is the opposite of 
Compassion. Who are you having this argument with anyway? Yourself?

> So you see, it was his free will choice that he was born gay, nature didn't 
> make him that way nor did God. And as far as people on the right being 
> homophobic, that's just a red herring. They're as compassionate as any on the 
> left, IMO.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Homosexuality *IS* a choice!

2012-05-09 Thread martyboi
Remember the story of the Demons who became enlightened because they hated 
Krishna? Spent so much time pissed off and thinking about him, they got 

So which one of the three genders, described in the Vedic literature, are you 
gonna be next time around? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Homosexuality *IS* a choice!

2012-05-09 Thread martyboi
He also said something like: be careful, you become what you hate.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> >
> > Remember the story of the Demons who became enlightened because they hated 
> > Krishna? Spent so much time pissed off and thinking about him, they got 
> > enlightened. 
> > 
> > So which one of the three genders, described in the Vedic literature, are 
> > you gonna be next time around?
> We will all be what we merit to be according to the just workings out of the 
> law of karma, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap", even MMY knows that!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Homosexuality *IS* a choice!

2012-05-10 Thread martyboi
Yeah he would...if you are very lucky, he makes you gay. Otherwise, you spend 
your life merely hetero.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> Do you think a fair and just God would make some people homosexual and some 
> not?, where's the fairness in that? No, everything is governed by law, IMHO. 
> Down to the last "jot" and "tittle", 
> Matt 5:18 "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one 
> jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> >
> > ORwhile karma and reincarnation may be true, perhaps they don't dictate 
> > sexuality, which could operate outside the paradigm and be determined by 
> > perhaps more "random" disbursement of hormones, etc. that occurs as part of 
> > the uniqueness of biology in reproduction.  Or, maybe they do, I don't 
> > know.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: wgm4u 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 12:20 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Homosexuality *IS* a choice!
> >  
> > 
> >   
> > Either in this life or in a previous life! That's right, Reincarnation! 
> > Human Beings aren't just 'hatched' as if they just came from nowhere. Every 
> > human being is the product of the choices he's made in this life and/or 
> > past lives, what could be simpler than that?
> > 
> > The Gay lobby wants to wash their hands of ANY responsibility for their 
> > sexual proclivities, blaming nature or God, hey! time to start taking on 
> > your own responsibility! Let God and nature off the hook, what a red 
> > herringright, and Mozart was "just born that way" too, GMAB!
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fly me to the Moon

2012-05-23 Thread martyboi
If they appear to "spin backwards" and then pop out of existence, I think what 
you are seeing is prana. If you go to the countryside on a warm day, it can be 
very thick. Just my opinion on what they are.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating well: Moringa on Dr. Oz Show

2012-05-31 Thread martyboi
This tree is also called horseradish tree in many places. The leaves, roots and 
pods are prepared and eaten in different ways. I ate quite a lot of this plant 
when I was in traveling around the Philippines (PI). There, it is often served 
with steamed/boiled fish, sort of like spinach - and is similar in 
texture/flavor. In PI, it grows everywhere like (ahem...) a weed.

One thing I notice about PI, is once you get away from the large cities - the 
"poor people" are extremely healthy, muscular, fit and long-lived (Did I 
mention happy?). (Fish, veggies,fruit, sweet potato & just a little rice).

I did buy some moringa last week at the local Asian Market in the Bay 
Areajust for kicks. It was five dollars for a small branch. 

I do not believe in "magic" foods anymore, but,I think we all (Americans) 
probably need to eat more leaves and stuff...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's scary socialist past revealed, (breaking).

2012-06-07 Thread martyboi
At least he wasn't beating up other students...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gay man deserves credit for so much of TM success

2013-04-02 Thread martyboi
Thanks for letting us know Merv was gay...that's so important. Really quite 
life-changing in fact. I'll never meditate again ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sweaty balls?!

2013-04-22 Thread martyboi
Reduced systemic inflammation = increased blood flow and increased testosterone 
level (usually experienced as warmth) and more efficient metabolism. Enjoy!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> One of the most curious phenomena after I started gluten-free diet
> has been sweaty balls, especially when sleeping. Haven't had
> those for years now, as I recall it!
> I just came up with a possible explanation: improved blood flow
> in my genitals. But, then again, it might have something
> to do with some hormones, perhaps through improved liver functions,
> or stuff... blah, blah, blah... :o

[FairfieldLife] Re: Starbucks is in trouble!

2013-04-28 Thread martyboi

The main reason Sbucks is in trouble is that young people think it's where 
gramps goes to get a cup o' joe. The current trend is privately-owned, coffee 
shops with free super fast wifi - which is a probably good thing. Most don't 
seem to really care what the coffee tastes like as long as the joint is unique 
and all four genders are equally represented (gay, straight, mixed, neutral.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Today! Our Conscious Future

2013-04-30 Thread martyboi
That was the moderator "kiki" talking about himself...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time to Get Enlightened, Part 2

2013-05-08 Thread martyboi
I clearly remember being told 5 to 7 years to attain "CC" at some point after 
1973. I don't remember who said it.

Later someone else  (I believe it was MMY on a tape) said that "CC begins as a 
sense of wholeness in one's life." I think it's fairly easy to have a sense 
wholeness growing even after "just a few sittings." Yes? ;-) 

The idea that a person can have a "sense of wholeness" after five years of 
meditating is very possible and realistic, in my opinion.

Further confounding of the issue is that the development of consciousness is 
probably a continuum: CC and other growth markers may just be concepts and 
pointers and not discrete states anyway. More like first grade primer language.

Never-the-less, it was probably a mistake to put a time scale on it, because 
everyone brought their own baggage and emotional skill set (or lack thereof) to 
"the Movement".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are you in a cult?

2013-05-14 Thread martyboi
Consensus reality is probably more accurate than the word "Cult" which actually 
means something like subculture. When you make statements like: "everyone is 
crazy", or "everyone is in a cult" - you reduce the meaning of words "Crazy" or 
"Cult" to logical absurdities that renders them useless as terms that can be 
used in a rational discussion. 

When I ask myself questions like:"Do I know anyone who is not a little crazy?" 
or "Do I know anyone who doesn't participate in a cult?" The answer is always 
"no"  - everyone I know seems a little crazy and everyone I know also 
identifies with some group or other. It's really just a matter of perspective 
isn't it? I mean to a west coast Bay Area person, such as myself - most people 
east and south of here are Obviously Insane ;-)

Therefore as a practical matter, the words "crazy" and "cult" should be 
reserved for discussions about people and groups that have behaviors and ideas 
that are so variant with society at large that they are rendered dysfunctional 
in a major way. (i.e., can't sustain a relationship or a job.)

Having preached that - I actually do think everyone is both crazy and in a 
cult...but you won't catch me sayin' it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are you in a cult?

2013-05-18 Thread martyboi

I think you would might find this interesting:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yugas of Sri Yukteswar

2013-06-12 Thread martyboi

How did they build the great pyramid around the tools without using the tools? 
Or is there a second set of tools in another pyramid somewhere? Or is there an 
infinite succession of pyramids, each hiding the tools of the previously-built 

If they only used one set of tools and then stashed them after the pyramid was 
built, I think they would be easy to find, unless they were astral tools or the 
aliens took them back up in the mother ship... 

Personally, I would have stashed them under the Pharaoh's bed with the rest of 
the exercise equipment he was gonna use someday.

On a serious note: I recall viewing a tape on a residence course thirty + years 
ago in which Maharishi addressed the dwapara yuga idea. Did anyone else ever 
see it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yugas of Sri Yukteswar

2013-06-12 Thread martyboi
I've seen programs on stone blocks cut in South America also. Some are so 
perfectly linear and flush that you can't slide paper between them. 

We seem to be unable to replicate this precision using the tools we believe 
they had available. It will be interesting to find out how they did it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the age of the touch typist ending?

2013-07-03 Thread martyboi
The perfection of voice-to-text technologies, coupled with the inevitable 
acceptance of simplified English (like u, ur, etc.) and anticipatory word 
selection (from a limited corporate-approved dictionary) may eliminate even the 
two-finger technique and change what acceptable written text looks and "sounds" 
like. Further, topic based writing requirements using data defining techniques 
(XML)to satisfy the need to write once and display everywhere (phone, terminal, 
help screens, web) will  create completely uniform output eliminating the 
"voice" of the writer. Eventually meta-writing techniques, which enable systems 
to become self documenting, will emerge. 

Here's what it may look like :-)

Press zee red boottun tu stert zee system. Veeet fur system ineetielizeshun und 
zeen oopee zee inpoot cufer.


[FairfieldLife] Re: "Table for one? No problem."

2013-07-07 Thread martyboi
When I was younger I used to be self conscious about going to the movie theater 
alone...like everyone's eyes are on me and they know my social life is a 
complete disaster. I enjoy going alone now just to get away from my other half.

About ten years ago while vacationing on Vashon Island, which is a short ferry 
ride from Seattle, a friend and I randomly selected a restaurant. It was 
explained by the greeter that we would be seated at our table with strangers - 
as this was their tradition. I was horrified, but too hungry to complain.

Much to my relief, the place was empty when we were first seated. A few minutes 
later, however, four individuals were seated at our table. It made me very 
uncomfortable...until they uncorked a nice bottle of wine to share with us. 
Properly lubricated, I can hang with just about anyone.

They turned out to be very interesting people. Two of them were professors from 
the University of Washington who had just returned from a photo safari in 
Africa where they had gone to film the mountain gorillas. It turned out to be 
quite a nice evening that I remember fondly to this day.

As far as I can tell from a quick google, I believe the place is no longer 
there... so much for social engineering projects.

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