[FairfieldLife] Hillary Clinton for President?

2011-10-28 Thread raunchydog
A national poll conducted for TIME on Oct. 9 and 10 found that if Hillary 
Clinton were the Democratic nominee for President in 2012, she would best Mitt 
Romney 55% to 38%, Rick Perry 58% to 32% and Herman Cain 56% to 34% among 
likely voters in a general election. The same poll found that President Obama 
would edge Romney by just 46% to 43%, Perry by 50% to 38% and Cain by 49% to 
37% among likely voters.


Time does a poll to create some buzz about Hillary then slams her with this:

"We argue that Clinton is something of an expert at coming up with strategies 
for maximizing limited power given her life experiences, including being a 
First Lady with high visibility but little official swat, and a Secretary of 
State in the administration of her former rival, President Obama, who makes the 
final call on most major foreign policy and national security decisions with a 
small group of aides at the White House—and without Clinton."

No swat? Hillary can deliver swat. http://youtu.be/UH9rC0MaBJc Come on guys, 
give credit where credit is due. Hillary isn't just a step-and-fetch cocktail 
waitress for the big boyz getting lap dances from lobbyists. Hillary's poll 
numbers are up because she's the hardest working Secretary of State in history. 
To date she has traveled 575,754 miles. 
http://www.state.gov/secretary/trvl/map/ Plus, the wingnuts have a 
Kenyan-Nazi-Socialist black guy to kick around, so of course her poll numbers 
are up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary Clinton for President?

2011-10-31 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Hillary may be popular now.  But she will not betray the Democratic Party to 
> run as president in 2012.  In fact, if Obama wins in 2012, she may be too old 
> to run for president in 2016.

It's not a betrayal to challenge an incumbent president. Ted Kennedy was up 2 
to 1 in the polls when he challenged Carter in 1980. It's how democracy is 
supposed to work. It's not a matter of Hillary betraying the Democratic Party. 
In fact the DNC betrayed her in 2008. If she ran in 2012, they would betray her 
again and she knows it.


Just 147 capitalist run the world. Bill and Hillary probably know a lot of them 
personally. They're players on the world stage now, American politics is old 


Hillary has bigger fish to fry. President of the World Bank, perhaps?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > A national poll conducted for TIME on Oct. 9 and 10 found that if Hillary 
> > Clinton were the Democratic nominee for President in 2012, she would best 
> > Mitt Romney 55% to 38%, Rick Perry 58% to 32% and Herman Cain 56% to 34% 
> > among likely voters in a general election. The same poll found that 
> > President Obama would edge Romney by just 46% to 43%, Perry by 50% to 38% 
> > and Cain by 49% to 37% among likely voters.
> > 
> > http://skydancingblog.com/2011/10/27/wow-just-wow/
> > 
> > Time does a poll to create some buzz about Hillary then slams her with this:
> > 
> > "We argue that Clinton is something of an expert at coming up with 
> > strategies for maximizing limited power given her life experiences, 
> > including being a First Lady with high visibility but little official swat, 
> > and a Secretary of State in the administration of her former rival, 
> > President Obama, who makes the final call on most major foreign policy and 
> > national security decisions with a small group of aides at the White 
> > House—and without Clinton."
> > 
> > No swat? Hillary can deliver swat. http://youtu.be/UH9rC0MaBJc Come on 
> > guys, give credit where credit is due. Hillary isn't just a step-and-fetch 
> > cocktail waitress for the big boyz getting lap dances from lobbyists. 
> > Hillary's poll numbers are up because she's the hardest working Secretary 
> > of State in history. To date she has traveled 575,754 miles. 
> > http://www.state.gov/secretary/trvl/map/ Plus, the wingnuts have a 
> > Kenyan-Nazi-Socialist black guy to kick around, so of course her poll 
> > numbers are up.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Smashing Pumpkins

2011-10-31 Thread raunchydog
On Halloween I think of John Block. 

I last saw John 15-years ago sitting on a pile of his belongings near the 
corner of Stone and 3rd. It was always hard to read John's ever expressionless 
dead-pan face or get an indication of what he was feeling from a hint of 
inflection in his flat monotone. I couldn't tell if he was happy or sad when he 
told me he was on his way to New Mexico with his dogs. His dog had had puppies, 
so all five dogs and John had lived happily together in his little apartment. I 
believe his landlord evicted him for excessive poop on the premises.

Some years prior to his departure from Fairfield, when we first arrived from 
Amherst in 1979, John had been working on MIU kitchen staff. I was on CCP 
(Creating Coherence Program) at the time. There was a kitchen in one of the 
frat buildings I reported to once a week to chop veggies in exchange for CCP.  

One day around Halloween, on my way to kitchen duty, I happened to walk by a 
storage room near the kitchen. I peeked into the room and there was John 
sitting on a large pile of nearly floor-to-ceiling, overly ripe pumpkins. He 
had been tasked with removing them from the room. As soon as he saw me, I don't 
know what came over him, mania? In that same dead-pan expression that never 
left his face, without a word or a grunt, for the next 5 minutes he began 
leaping from pumpkin to pumpkin, smashing them into a pulpy mess. I laughed 
myself silly at the sight of him. I'll never forget it.

God Bless John where ever he is. 

Happy Halloween.

Smashing Pumpkins in Slow Motion

[FairfieldLife] Re: Smashing Pumpkins

2011-10-31 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of raunchydog
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 10:42 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Smashing Pumpkins
> On Halloween I think of John Block. 
> I last saw John 15-years ago sitting on a pile of his belongings near the
> corner of Stone and 3rd. It was always hard to read John's ever
> expressionless dead-pan face or get an indication of what he was feeling
> from a hint of inflection in his flat monotone. I couldn't tell if he was
> happy or sad when he told me he was on his way to New Mexico with his dogs.
> His dog had had puppies, so all five dogs and John had lived happily
> together in his little apartment. I believe his landlord evicted him for
> excessive poop on the premises.
> Some years prior to his departure from Fairfield, when we first arrived from
> Amherst in 1979, John had been working on MIU kitchen staff. I was on CCP
> (Creating Coherence Program) at the time. There was a kitchen in one of the
> frat buildings I reported to once a week to chop veggies in exchange for
> CCP. 
> One day around Halloween, on my way to kitchen duty, I happened to walk by a
> storage room near the kitchen. I peeked into the room and there was John
> sitting on a large pile of nearly floor-to-ceiling, overly ripe pumpkins. He
> had been tasked with removing them from the room. As soon as he saw me, I
> don't know what came over him, mania? In that same dead-pan expression that
> never left his face, without a word or a grunt, for the next 5 minutes he
> began leaping from pumpkin to pumpkin, smashing them into a pulpy mess. I
> laughed myself silly at the sight of him. I'll never forget it.
> God Bless John where ever he is. 
> Happy Halloween.
> Another John story: at Livingston Manor he was working in the kitchen, and
> one day decided to put himself through the Hobart dishwasher. It was a large
> industrial machine with a conveyor belt. I don't know how he did it without
> getting burned - maybe there was a way of turning down the water temperature
> - but when he came out the other end, Neil Paterson happened to be standing
> there.

Another John story: One evening, I got into a limo with John and a few other 
whacky friends and we drove all over Fairield so that John could lean out the 
window and say to passersby, "Pardon me... would you have any Grey Poupon?" 
What a hoot.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-31 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Oct 31, 2011, at 2:26 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
> > 
> > I still fail to understand what is it about TM that is so special that it 
> > cannot be divulged without payment.
> Nothing.  You get a "mantra" which in ™ is the name
> of some Hindu god or goddess, and repeat it over and
> over during your 20-minute meditation, coming back to
> it whenever your mind strays, which is often, because
> it's usually pretty boring doing this.  It's supposed to
> provide what TMers call "deep rest."  This is deeper than
> your average garden-variety rest, because they say so
> and what more proof do you need?  Seriously, there have
> been some studies but most have to shown to have been
> fixed in some way.  If you want a list of the ™ mantras,
> they're available somewhere on the Web.
> >  If the TMO is trying to change the world and they are truly sincere in 
> > this, why is it all a big secret?  Why is the "technique" so secret?  Why 
> > isn't it in a book?
> Because they could make more $$ in the old days
> by keeping it secret, silly.  Of course you can
> learn it from a book.  Only self-important pompous
> fools would try to convince you you needed to shell 
> out a huge amount of $$ to learn a "secret word."  
> Don't believe 'em, Denise. 
> >  Or is it?  Why has no one breached the secrecy?  Who the fuck are all of 
> > you super secret special meditators that you are keeping this big elephant 
> > in the living room a secret?  Protecting your investment?  How 
> > self-centered is this?  Why wouldn't the TMO release the secret, or for 
> > that matter, anyone who has the secret, and really test the hypothesis that 
> > they can change the world?  It reeks of BS.
> Plenty of people have breached the secret, and I'm pretty sure
> you can find it on the Web.  Pick whichever mantra appeals to
> you, sit down and repeat it for 20 minutes, coming back as 
> necessary, and voila.  You're a meditator.  
> Sal

So Sal, why so sour on TM? I think Denise deserves an explanation before you 
start giving her advise that you're pulling straight out of your ass.

[FairfieldLife] Re: GREAT ARTICLE

2011-11-01 Thread raunchydog
The following document is the result of the Salon staff's brainstorming, "A New 
Declaration of Independence" for Occupy Wall Street:

1. Debt relief
Total household debt in America is $13.3 trillion — 114 percent of after-tax 
income. That millions of working Americans owe every penny they make to hugely 
profitable financial institutions is absurd and grotesque. We demand immediate 
relief for the 99 Percent, particularly the poor and young students and college 

2. A substantial jobs program
A real, direct jobs program, done in the WPA style, would rebuild our cities 
and towns in addition to putting thousands of people back to work.

3. A healthcare public option
If a true single-payer system would be too disruptive, we can put the building 
blocks in place by giving people a public option. Expanding the pool of 
Medicare recipients to include healthy younger people paying into it would 
instantly improve the program's fiscal outlook.

4. Reregulate Wall Street
Bring back Glass-Steagall. Pass the Volcker rule, too. Ban banks from trading 
derivatives. Limit their behavior and tax their earnings.

5. End the Global War on Terror and rein in the defense budget.
Brown University estimates that our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan have 
cost 236,000 lives and $4 trillion. 

Read more:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "johnt"  wrote:
> Occupy Wall Street: No Demand is Big Enough
> By Charles Eisenstein
> Created 10/06/2011 - 08:31
> Feature
> Looking out upon the withered American Dream, many of us feel a deep sense of 
> betrayal. Unemployment, financial insecurity, and lifelong enslavement to 
> debt are just the tip of the iceberg. We don't want to merely fix the growth 
> machine and bring profit and product to every corner of the earth. We want to 
> fundamentally change the course of civilization. For the American Dream 
> betrayed even those who achieved it, lonely in their overtime careers and 
> their McMansions, narcotized to the ongoing ruination of nature and culture 
> but aching because of it, endlessly consuming and accumulating to quell the 
> insistent voice, "I wasn't put here on earth to sell product." "I wasn't put 
> here on earth to increase market share." "I wasn't put here on earth to make 
> numbers grow."
> We protest not only at our exclusion from the American Dream; we protest at 
> its bleakness. If it cannot include everyone on earth, every ecosystem and 
> bioregion, every people and culture in its richness; if the wealth of one 
> must be the debt of another; if it entails sweatshops and underclasses and 
> fracking and all the rest of the ugliness our system has created, then we 
> want none of it.
> No one deserves to live in a world built upon the degradation of human 
> beings, forests, waters, and the rest of our living planet. Speaking to our 
> brethren on Wall Street, no one deserves to spend their lives playing with 
> numbers while the world burns. Ultimately, we are protesting not only on 
> behalf of the 99% left behind, but on behalf of the 1% as well. We have no 
> enemies. We want everyone to wake up to the beauty of what we can create.
> Occupy Wall Street has been criticized for its lack of clear demands, but how 
> do we issue demands, when what we really want is nothing less than the more 
> beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible? No demand is big enough. We 
> could make lists of demands for new public policies: tax the wealthy, raise 
> the minimum wage, protect the environment, end the wars, regulate the banks. 
> While we know these are positive steps, they aren't quite what motivated 
> people to occupy Wall Street. What needs attention is something deeper: the 
> power structures, ideologies, and institutions that prevented these steps 
> from being taken years ago; indeed, that made these steps even necessary. Our 
> leaders are beholden to impersonal forces, such as that of money, that compel 
> them to do what no sane human being would choose. Disconnected from the 
> actual effects of their policies, they live in a world of insincerity and 
> pretense. It is time to bring a countervailing force to bear, and not just a 
> force but a call. Our message is, "Stop pretending. You know what to do. 
> Start doing it." Occupy Wall Street is about exposing the truth. We can trust 
> its power. When a policeman pepper sprays helpless women, we don't beat him 
> up and scare him into not doing it again; we show the world. Much worse than 
> pepper spray is being perpetrated on our planet in service of money. Let us 
> allow nothing happening on earth to be hidden.
> If politicians are disconnected from the real world of human suffering and 
> ecosystem collapse, all the more disconnected are the financial wizards of 
> Wall Street. Behind their computer screens, they occupy a world of pure 
> symbol, manipulating numbers and computer bits. Occupy

[FairfieldLife] Re: GREAT ARTICLE

2011-11-01 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardwillytexwilliams"  
> johnlasher20002000:
> > "The god they serve, the financial system, 
> > is a dying god..."
> >
> "If inequality had really exploded during the 
> past 30 to 40 years, why did American politics 
> simultaneously move rightward toward a greater 
> embrace of free-market capitalism? 

Because propaganda works.

> Shouldn't just the opposite have happened as 
> beleaguered workers united and demanded a vastly 
> expanded social safety net and sharply higher 
> taxes on the rich? What happened to presidents 
> Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry? 

Propaganda works.

> Even Barack Obama ran for president as a market 
> friendly, third-way technocrat. 
> Nope, the story doesn't hold together because the 
> financial facts don't support it..."

Nope, because the AEI lies about the financial facts and people like willytex 
believe their lies...because propaganda works.

> '5 reasons why income inequality is a myth — and 
> Occupy Wall Street is wrong'
> http://tinyurl.com/63f6ukv

"Columbia Journalism Review has a takedown of a "study" from American 
Enterprise Institute purporting to show that inequality hasn't increased, after 
all. What's striking is the way AEI doesn't even resort to the usual practice 
of concocting misleading numbers; it just flat-out lies about what various 
other peoples' research, like Robert Gordon's work, actually says."  


[FairfieldLife] The Hidden Hands in Redistricting

2011-11-02 Thread raunchydog
"Their names suggest selfless dedication to democracy. Fair Districts Mass. 
Protect Your Vote. The Center for a Better New Jersey. And their stated goals 
are unarguable: In the partisan fight to redraw congressional districts, states 
should stick to the principle of one person, one vote.

But a ProPublica investigation has found that these groups and others are being 
quietly bankrolled by corporations, unions and other special interests. Their 
main interest in the once-a-decade political fight over redistricting is not to 
help voters in the communities they claim to represent but mainly to improve 
the prospects of their political allies or to harm their enemies."

read more:

Video: The Redistricting Song

Packing, cracking, kidnapping, hijackiing
We decide how we decide
Bleach this district redraw the lines

If you want your party to win it all
But a whole lot of voters say no
Just redraw those lines at election time

"The National Popular Vote Bill, now at the half-way point would guarantee the 
Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in the entire 
United States. The bill preserves the Electoral College, while ensuring that 
every vote in every state will matter in every presidential election. The 
National Popular Vote law has been enacted by states possessing 132 electoral 
votes — 49% of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate it." Write your 
congress critter:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thousands March on Port of Oakland

2011-11-02 Thread raunchydog
Truthout has been providing updates for the Port of Oakland shutdown. Union 
leaders and management are against a strike, but many longshoremen called in 
sick today. They will form a picket line tonight. They believe other 
longshoremen will not cross the picket line. Stay tuned:




--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Quite a turn out over in Oakland.  They are now arriving at the Port of 
> Oakland shutting it down.  Not much police presence.  Lots of families 
> coming out for the protest too.
> http://www.livestream.com/occupyoakland
> and
> http://www.kron4.com/Default.aspx

[FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation between Curtis & Robin

2011-11-02 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> > I believe that it is a rare bird who would enjoy wading
> > through this personal conversation with Robin.
> I guess I'm one of those birds, because I've been
> loving it. For me it's like watching one of the old
> movie serials. When I finish reading one of the
> posts, I'm thinking, Wow, how is Curtis/Robin going
> to deal with *this*? I'm practically on the edge of
> my seat waiting to find out.
> And then when the response gets posted, I'm cheering
> how it dealt with the previous post and wondering how
> the other guy is possibly going to produce a good
> comeback. The two of them keep out-thinking each other,
> as well as illuminating their own POVs. It's really
> a superbly executed and fascinating dialectic, the
> best we've seen here in a long while, because both
> of them have the intestinal fortitude to actually
> *engage* with each other.

I've been quietly lurking, reading most of Curtis and Robin's posts. It's a lot 
to wade through but it's worth the effort. Their conversation invites me to get 
in synch with their thought processes and experience the unfolding of their 
deeply felt, yet, uniquely intellectual approaches to reality. The brain power 
between them could light up a city. 

The only sport my Dad enjoyed watching on TV was boxing, so very early on I 
learned to cheer evenly matched opponents. Busker Boy Curtis in Boxer-Blue 
shorts vrs. Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red pantaloons are evenly matched 
heavy weights. Jabs, hooks, one-two punches, he's up, he's down and so far it's 
a draw! Thanks for tickets to ring-side, guys. Ding!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation between Curtis & Robin

2011-11-03 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> Re: Conversation between Curtis & Robin
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> wrote:
> > 
> > > I believe that it is a rare bird who would enjoy wading
> > > through this personal conversation with Robin.
> >
> > I guess I'm one of those birds, because I've been
> > loving it. For me it's like watching one of the old
> > movie serials. When I finish reading one of the
> > posts, I'm thinking, Wow, how is Curtis/Robin going
> > to deal with *this*? I'm practically on the edge of
> > my seat waiting to find out.
> >
> > And then when the response gets posted, I'm cheering
> > how it dealt with the previous post and wondering how
> > the other guy is possibly going to produce a good
> > comeback. The two of them keep out-thinking each other,
> > as well as illuminating their own POVs. It's really
> > a superbly executed and fascinating dialectic, the
> > best we've seen here in a long while, because both
> > of them have the intestinal fortitude to actually
> > *engage* with each other.
> >
> I've been quietly lurking, reading most of Curtis and Robin's posts. It's a 
> lot
> to wade through but it's worth the effort. Their conversation invites me to 
> get
> in synch with their thought processes and experience the unfolding of their
> deeply felt, yet, uniquely intellectual approaches to reality. The brain power
> between them could light up a city.
> The only sport my Dad enjoyed watching on TV was boxing, so very early on I
> learned to cheer evenly matched opponents. Busker Boy Curtis in Boxer-Blue
> shorts vrs. Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red pantaloons are evenly matched
> heavy weights. Jabs, hooks, one-two punches, he's up, he's down and so far 
> it's
> a draw! Thanks for tickets to ring-side, guys. Ding!
> Dear raunchydog,
> I have to read my bad reviews from The Netherlands (and, apparently from 
> elsewhere too, since that scathing critic insists that quietly others in the 
> audience are also bored—or find the performance of one of the actors sexually 
> ambiguous). I have to admit, then, to receive an ovation like this one is 
> encouraging, and more than just a consolation.
> I suppose Socrates did not philosophize for the applause, but I am no 
> Socrates, but a human being who, after receiving the harshest of judgments, 
> feels soothed and happy—and almost vindicated—by all that you say here.
> Not only this:—I can't resist making this point: my critics must forgive 
> me—but I find the manner of your expressing your appreciation for the 
> Robin-Curtis dialogues (contentious as they are) more entertaining and 
> refreshing than how my primary critic has managed to persuade me of his 
> disgust and revulsion [Curtis says his friend would rather sit on a hot 
> Hibachi than read one of those Curtis-Robin conversations.]. And—I need to 
> score a point here—the fact that you can be inspired to create an original 
> and piquant post like this suggests there might be more reason to have a 
> favourable view of those dialogues than to have an unfavourable one. Which is 
> why—to follow this principle to its end—Chartres Cathedral looks more 
> impressive than the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea. The Virgin Mary inspires a 
> somewhat different quality of architecture than does Karl Marx.
> (And you see I am punching away at Curtis even here: since notwithstanding 
> the inspirational absence of the Mother of God—since Monte Cassino—I am yet 
> standing in the tradition of Chartres—as the singular theist; while Curtis 
> shares the sentiments of the builders in Pyongyang, who, we must presume, 
> worship the good Herr Marx. Not that the architecture of his prose is in any 
> way inferior to my own: I think it probably the reverse.)
> Your description of the two boxers is not just witty but even insightful. 
> Busker Curtis in Boxer-Blue shorts vrs Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red 
> pantaloons. Great fun reading this, raunchydog. And I thank you.

Ahh...Chartres, I've been there. A gentlemanly British fellow gave tours in 
2004. I don't know if he's still there. Chartres has a fascinating history. Our 
guide told us Chartres is a place of pilgrimage because of the relic, Sancta 
Camisa, believed to be the tunic worn by the Blessed Virgin Mary at the time of 
Christ's birth. I found out this morning, "It Ain't Necessarily So" 
http://youtu.be/Mkgt263juzM .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation between Curtis & Robin

2011-11-03 Thread raunchydog
meaningfulness, after a paragraph my mind (and this is my limited 
> > mind, mind you, not a generalized observation, "holy shit, I totally give 
> > up, I want to go home Right Now and rest in the vast void, beyond this 
> > intense cacaphony of dense mind states. Abort ALL systems, Abort mind 
> > immediately."   
> > 
> > I have faith in Curtis' intellectual skills and background (and more 
> > broadly his artistic/intuitive sensitivities) in that if he is finding 
> > value in the exchanges, there must be some "there" there. Though to be 
> > honest, at times I can't follow him too far down, what appears to me to be 
> > a rabbit hole, in his long discourses with a few other sparing partners. 
> > But in whole, I enjoy his insights and style. 
> > 
> > That said, and I ask sincerely, can one or all of you provide some some 
> > cliff notes, a cartoon version, a list of key points, an annotated version 
> > (like needed to read James Joyce or Sarte) of what themes, ideas, insights 
> > that you find of value in these dialogues. (This is not a loaded question.) 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Ditto on that.  Sending my thanks to both of them for an intriguing and
> > > enlightening discussion.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > > wrote:
> > > > I've been quietly lurking, reading most of Curtis and Robin's posts.
> > > It's a lot to wade through but it's worth the effort. Their conversation
> > > invites me to get in synch with their thought processes and experience
> > > the unfolding of their deeply felt, yet, uniquely intellectual
> > > approaches to reality. The brain power between them could light up a
> > > city.
> > > >
> > > > The only sport my Dad enjoyed watching on TV was boxing, so very early
> > > on I learned to cheer evenly matched opponents. Busker Boy Curtis in
> > > Boxer-Blue shorts vrs. Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red pantaloons are
> > > evenly matched heavy weights. Jabs, hooks, one-two punches, he's up,
> > > he's down and so far it's a draw! Thanks for tickets to ring-side, guys.
> > > Ding!
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Question Re: Universal Health Care (aka ObamaCare)

2011-06-06 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 06/06/2011 06:32 AM, seekliberation wrote:
> > Just a quick question for anyone on this forum.  I'm a little out of touch 
> > with what's going on in the states, so I was wondering if anyone on this 
> > forum who did not have health insurance/coverage is currently receiving it 
> > now that Obama's health care bill passed.  Also, if you are receiving it, 
> > how much does it cost?
> >
> > I'm not presenting this topic for the sake of debate, but out of curiosity. 
> >  At first I didn't like the idea of the bill, but if it results in family 
> > and friends who don't have health care receiving it now, then I guess I 
> > have nothing to complain about.  But my concern now is that my Mom and 
> > Sister still have no health care, and i'm just wondering if anyone else 
> > does.
> >
> > seekliberation
> I have Anthem Blue Cross and just got a notice that of all things my 
> premium is going down 8%.  They also are now going to bill monthly.  I 
> bet a lot of people couldn't come up with the amount of cash for a 
> bi-monthly plus it reminded people of how expensive health care is.  My 
> premium also went down as more in my group qualify for Medicare which I 
> do too at the end of the year.
> I have been paying $400 a month for a high deductible PPO plan.  People 
> say that's cheap and I tell them they are being scammed if they have 
> higher insurance premiums.  I think $400 is too much.

High deductibles are ridiculous. Stop the American military killing machine and 
there would be plenty of money for single payer health care or Medicare for 
all. Private health insurance is a scam and Obamacare isn't much better. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reply from Senator Harkin re GE foods

2011-06-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Don't know if you ever listen to KGO-AM but Gene Burns did 3 hours last 
> night on the possibility of riots this summer in the US based on the 
> rising number of unemployed.  Now as you know and for the benefit of 
> others who don't know KGO it is not a fringe little radio station but a 
> 50KW mainstream key San Francisco radio station.  It is a news talk 
> station and Burns is topical and Libertarian (who voted for Obama).  But 
> the topic came up due to him watching a segment on Wolf Blitzer's CNN 
> show yesterday where Jack Cafferty also a CNN staffer commented on the 
> possibility of civil unrest.  Here's the report that Burns was referring to:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7QnwYwHQIM

Can't stand Cafferty.

> There of course has been quite a bit of civil unrest in Europe as well 
> as Asia.  Maybe Turq isn't paying attention.  We also are having reports 
> from this year's Bilderberg meeting in the news.  It's being held in St. 
> Moritz and I got a kick out of seeing a road sign posted on an article 
> because it listed Sils where my grandfather grew up and in the 
> neighborhood.  My nephew visited Sils recently and told me being next to 
> St. Moritz is a pricey place and that his slice of pizza for lunch cost 
> $20.  But I digress.
> Indeed the press around here reminds us all the time especially after we 
> have minor quakes to be sure to have supplies on hand.

> On 06/09/2011 01:23 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
> > In Bhairatu's case and mine too, earthquakes are a real threat here, so I 
> > have my survival kit in place, stored outside in a dry place where I can 
> > get to it if necessary. Things are pretty ugly here economically, though I 
> > think the probability of rebellion or revolution is *extremely* remote. I 
> > wouldn't mind though if all of the 20+ million unemployed converged on 
> > Washington DC and shut it down for awhile though.
> >

A lot of good a survival kit will do you stored outside in a tornado.

"As of June 8, there have been 1,458 tornadoes reported in the US in 2011 (of 
which at least 1,039 were confirmed). 2011 has been an exceptionally 
destructive and deadly year for tornadoes; worldwide, at least 539 people 
perished due to tornadoes: 12 in Bangladesh, one in New Zealand, one in the 
Philippines and an estimated 525 in the United States (compared to 564 US 
deaths in the 10 years prior) [1]. Due in large part to several extremely large 
tornado outbreaks in the middle and end of April and in late May, the year is 
currently on record pace. It is also the deadliest year in the United States 
since 1936, due mostly to the 322 tornadic deaths that occured during the April 
27 outbreak across the Southeastern United States and the 151 tornadic deaths 
in the 2011 Joplin Tornado."

A Tornado destroyed 30% of Joplin, MO, population 50,000. Catastrophic events 
are a big story in the news for a few days, then we don't hear very much about 
it afterwards. What happened to the folks who lived though Katrina?  How many 
came back to New Orleans? No one seems to keep track of where these people went 
or what happened to them after they lost everything, it's yesterday's news.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Barack Obama & The Dead Sea Scrolls'...

2011-06-10 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> There is a passage in the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' which says:
> "The one who leads people astray with his lying tougue"...
> "Will be replaced with the One who leads people in Righteousness"...
> The one who led people astray, is obviously George W. Bush...
> And the one who leads people in righteousness is obviously Barack Obama...
> We are living in a time, when the liars are being exposed, and the system 
> they've constructed over the past 5-6,000 years, which is based on keeping 
> people enslaved, is being over-turned...
> 'Radiate Being' and 'Intend' for the 'Truth' to expose all of the liars, and 
> their lies'...
> 'It will take more than one man, to turn this ship around...
> R.

Barack Obama at the helm
Sinking ship of state,
He suffers rats to eat our cheese,
Then mocks the gods of fate.

Barack Obama descends to depths
To cast us all adrift,
On frothy waves from left to right,
He measures out short shrift!

The faithful moan beneath seas
Wheezing brackish brew,
Dashed upon the shores of hope
Still they have no clue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: For all lovers of wisdom

2011-06-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> Master of My Heart
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs7xWd2cb7c

Thanks, Nabby. Beautiful slide show. I've heard Paul sing this tender 
devotional song to Guru Dev many times and it still brings a tear to my eye.

I found Rick Stanley's, song from "Love and God" on YouTube, played on his 
homemade Celtic Harp, Guru Purnima 2008. I liked his guitar version better, but 
it's lovely, just the same. Enjoy. 


Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Videos of Maharishi posted on Famous in History and other delights

2011-06-11 Thread raunchydog
What a great find! I especially look forward to seeing the early tapes of 
Maharishi that I loved so much. Thanks for posting this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> From: Ken Chawkin 
> What an interesting site, and collection of You Tube videos!
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi | Famous In History
> http://videomanic.com/famousinhistory/maharishi-mahesh-yogi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bride of Real, Or Memorex

2011-06-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> I'm curious as to how the book larnin' set on this forum,
> who have never met the teacher they feel they have a 
> relationship with, will react to the suggestion that if
> they *had* met him they might have been able to develop
> a direct mind-to-mind relationship with him.

It's a heart thang, not a mind thang and it has nothing to do whether you met 
Maharishi or not. Either you fell in love with him or you didn't. As he would 
say, "Love has no reason" and "Funnily enough, it's the Self loving the Self."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin and Paul Revere

2011-06-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Tom Pall
> Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2011 8:09 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Sarah Palin and Paul Revere
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> Yes sir just when you thought she couldn't get any dumber:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpHfY1Hor9g
> And then Stephen Colbert does a send up - beautiful  (from Daily Kos):
> howl-arious
> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/07/982824/-Sarah-Palin-Vindicated:Colb
> ert-Re-enactment-Proves-It!?via=siderec
>  bert-Re-enactment-Proves-It%21?via=siderec> 
> So that's what all these years of serving Maharishi, being on Purusha and
> teaching TTC is all about, eh, Rick?   You are special, Palin is dumb?  You
> and your version of history are valid, you have the one and only true
> version of history while Palin is laughable?   Small wonder Barry and Vaj
> linger here.  Somebody has to show us the errors in our thoughts and the way
> to approach Their teachings with appreciation and humility. 
> I'll bet I'd beat Palin on this civics test:
> http://www.isi.org/quiz.aspx?q=FE5C3B47-9675-41E0-9CF3-072BB31E2692
> Let's all take it and see how we do, without Googling the answers. I got two
> wrong. That doesn't make me "special", or her "dumb". It's all relative. 
> I do believe I'm less delusional though. I wouldn't take the Presidency if
> it were handed to me, because I know I am vastly unqualified. The fact that
> she thinks she might be qualified means to me that she's got some serious
> screws loose. 
> History is history. It may be interpreted differently, and some things may
> be recorded inaccurately, but the account of Paul Revere's ride is hasn't
> been disputed since it happened. Palin's account of it was clearly
> erroneous, and her attempts to justify her account, pathetic. You're not one
> of those people trying to edit the Paul Revere Wikipedia page are you?

I got 30 out of 33.

Incorrect Answers:

Question: Free markets typically secure more economic prosperity than 
government's centralized planning because:
Your Answer: more tax revenue can be generated from free enterprise
Correct Answer: the price system utilizes more local knowledge of means 
and ends

Question: Which of the following fiscal policy combinations has the federal 
government most often followed to stimulate economic activity when the economy 
is in a severe recession?
Your Answer: increasing both taxes and spending
Correct Answer: decreasing taxes and increasing spending

Question: If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin and Paul Revere

2011-06-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > > [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
> > > > On Behalf Of authfriend
> > > > Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2011 11:20 AM
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin and Paul Revere
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > >  , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > > Let's all take it and see how we do, without Googling the
> > > > > > answers. I got two wrong.
> > > > 
> > > [I wrote:]
> > > > > Excellent. I got four wrong, 29 out of 33. Got three about
> > > > > financial stuff and the one about the anti-Federalists wrong.
> > > 
> > >  
> > > > I blew the one on the Gettysburg Address. I figured Lincoln
> > > > was quoting the Declaration of Independence, but he coined
> > > > the phrase. The other one I got wrong was Roosevelt appointing
> > > > additional members to the Supreme Court. Hadn't known that.
> > > 
> > > It would be interesting to see what questions folks who
> > > had high scores got wrong. I'll bet they'd be all over
> > > the map, strange little holes in each individual's
> > > knowledge that just never got filled in even though they
> > > have a broad knowledge base.
> > 
> > I also got only two wrong, Roosevelt/SCOTUS and Lincoln/Douglas.
> I have to admit that if I had to come up with the answers
> to the questions on my own, rather than picking from
> multiple possible answers, I would probably have done
> quite poorly. And I do better than I should on multiple-
> guess, I think, because as an editor, I find many of the
> wrong answers just *sound* wrong, vaguely worded and/or
> too simplistic or otherwise fishy. I'm more likely to get
> an answer right because I've been able to rule out the
> wrong ones than because I actually knew what the answer
> was.
> I spent some time on the Roosevelt/SCOTUS question
> because I thought what turned out to be the right answer
> was wrong, but trickily so. I finally went with it only
> after figuring none of the others could possibly be
> right.

Even with the help of multiple choice, this was not an easy test for the 
average bear.  It helps if you are a good guesser, but you have to know 
something about American history as well. I nearly missed the one on the 
Lincoln/Douglas debates, but guessed correctly. I got the Roosevelt/SCOTUS 
question right because I recently read about it on Wikipedia while researching 
political trivia questions for a fundraiser that I'm organizing for the 

"The Supreme Court became Roosevelt's primary focus during his second term, 
after the court overturned many of his programs. In particular in 1935 the 
Court unanimously ruled that the National Recovery Act (NRA) was an 
unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the president. Roosevelt 
stunned Congress in early 1937 by proposing a law allowing him to appoint up to 
six new justices, what he referred to as a "persistent infusion of new 
blood."[104] This "court packing" plan ran into intense political opposition 
from his own party, led by Vice President Garner, since it upset the separation 
of powers and gave the President control over the Court. Roosevelt's proposals 
for the court failed; shortly thereafter the president took another political 
fall with the nomination of Hugo Black to the court. After Black was confirmed, 
Black and Roosevelt were widely attacked in the press when it was revealed that 
Black had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan.[105] Nevertheless, by 1941 
Roosevelt had appointed eight justices to the court."


[FairfieldLife] Question Re: Universal Health Care (aka ObamaCare)

2011-06-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> [Rick wrote:]
> > > I hope Obama pushed it as far as he could, but I agree that
> > > it's a far cry from what we should have (single payer).
> > 
> [I wrote:]
> > You are aware that Obama made a private agreement with the
> > health care industry not to allow single payer, or even a
> > public option (remember that?), are you not?
> > 
> > And after making this agreement, he continued in public to
> > refer to the public option as if it were still on the 
> > table, knowing it was not.
> >
> [Rick wrote:] 
> > Has anyone ever confronted him with this in a Q&A?
> Not that I know of. But that isn't surprising given how
> shy the media is about confrontation of public officials
> these days. (Unless they happen to have sent a photo of
> themselves in their briefs out via Twitter, of course.)

The Democrats have no balls. Would they cave to a Puritanical electorate if 
Weiner's district wasn't so solidly Democratic? No. Contrast this with the 
hypocrisy that David Vitter who actually solicited a non-virtual hooker to play 
poopie diapers with him still serves in the Senate. Wankers.


> > if the agreement with the
> > health care industry was private, how do we know about it?
> Word got out, as it tends to do. But it wasn't widely
> reported. See:
> http://tinyurl.com/obamapubopt
> (From Glenn Greenwald in Salon.com.)

Thanks Judy for posting this. When Rick falls off the turnip truck and wonders, 
"What hoppened?" just as many of Americans, it means he doesn't pay close 
attention to the news and remains clueless about issues, such as when told 
about sexism against Hillary he asked, "Sexism? What sexism?" Does Rick know 
there is currently a threat "afoot" to Vermont's single payer efforts? Probably 
not. So here's a clue, Rick: The ball is now in Obama's court to fight for 
single payer for Vermont. Will he drop the ball *again*?  My guess is that he 
will pose as helping with some half-assed, ineffective measure but not actually 
do anything to save Vermont's single payer. Why?  Because the health insurance 
industry owns Obama just as they own almost every pol in D.C.


[FairfieldLife] Question Re: Universal Health Care (aka ObamaCare)

2011-06-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > The Democrats have no balls. Would they cave to a Puritanical 
> > electorate if Weiner's district wasn't so solidly Democratic?
> It's not all *that* solidly Democratic, actually. It's
> pretty solidly behind Weiner, but Charlie Cook's partisan
> voting index rates it D+5, compared to Rangel's district's
> D+41. A credible Republican (NY does have a few) could
> conceivably win the district if Weiner quits (and if they
> don't redistrict NY-9 out of existence, which is a real
> possibility).

Too bad Cook's index requires a subscription. Is this the site you referred to? 

I usually haunt the polling sites at election time to get a feel for the 
shifting political winds. Real Clear Politics is often biased rightward. It 
also has betting odds on candidates, which is an interesting approach to 
picking a winner. Unfortunately, when TV punditry indulges in the political 
horse race rather than the issues it leaves the electorate horribly 
misinformed.  Rasmussen has a reputation for fairness, but not so IMO. I trust 
Gallop for fairness and accuracy more than the others.  

Charlie fought one hell of a battle on ethics charges and against all odds he 
kept his seat. Love him. He supported Hillary and it makes me wonder if it's 
why Congress came after him. Is he the only Democrat willing to stand up for 
Weiner? I hope Weiner stays in Congress. He is one of the few progressive 
voices left. 

Sadly, based on this latest report, it looks like Weiner could get shit-canned 
on ethics no matter what he does to clean up his act.

"Rep. Anthony Weiner took numerous photos of himself -- clothed and partially 
nude -- at the House Members Gym and sent them to at least one woman ... 
raising questions about whether he used Congressional resources in his online 



[FairfieldLife] Question Re: Universal Health Care (aka ObamaCare)

2011-06-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > 
> > I just hope Weiner does not resign. I see he is now 
> > undergoing "treatment." For what, I wonder?
> Just a guess, but I suspect it's for severe anxiety
> resulting from this "scandal," not the behavior that
> caused it (although it'll almost certainly come up
> during his therapy). I think those close to him
> recognized that he was about to come apart at the
> seams and insisted he get help.
> I'd also guess that he's been suffering from anxiety
> for some time and that his online activities were a
> way of relieving it--self-medication, as it were.

Maybe Weiner is an anxious guy, and maybe sexting helps relieve his anxiety, 
don't know. Sexting is the reason he gave for going into treatment and IMO it 
is exactly the reason he needs treatment. Obviously, his compulsion to send 
women pictures of his penis was so overpowering that he could not stop himself 
from stupidly engaging in extremely risky behavior. 

Sexual predilections are a bag of mixed nuts, so to speak. As long consenting 
adults share the same nuts, it's nobody's business and there's no reason to 
attempt changing which nuts a person prefers. But if you're in Congress, for 
God's sake don't twitter your dick from the Congressional gym!
> > What is he supposed to have done wrong? I think this
> > should be between Weiner and his wife. I can't see what
> > it's got to do with anyone else. The problem as I see it
> > is with monogamy, which is an unnatural practice for a
> > man. Weiner chose to exercise his natural desire for
> > variety in a perfectly harmless way. No actual sex, no
> > disease, no babies, no prostitution. Just a few photos
> > and some salacious electronic communication, to which
> > none of the women appear to have objected.
> Some of them have, actually. The woman to whom he sent
> the original tweet of him in his briefs was confused
> and upset by it.
> The thing is that considering his position, it was
> incredibly risky behavior. Most folks aren't as open-
> minded as you are. He couldn't be sure one of the
> women wouldn't make a public fuss, and he had to have
> been aware of how insecure these kinds of electronic
> communications are.
> Because he was taking such a risk--of his career and
> his marriage--it suggests the behavior was compulsive,
> something he couldn't control, not simply a matter of
> choosing "to exercise his natural desire for variety."
> > I get the
> > impression that had Weiner actually had a real affair,
> > with real sex, no one would have cared much,
> His wife might have.
> > but because he took the electronic route he is
> > regarded as some kind of pervert.
> There's also an exhibitionist element to this. It's
> one thing to engage in consensual sex talk online,
> but quite another to send women you don't know photos
> of your penis. That's where the sense of perversion
> comes in, I think. It's the online equivalent of the
> guy in a raincoat in the park.
>  I wish people would simply mind their own
> > business regarding what other people choose to do for
> > sexual fun. I find this entire exercise of moral
> > condemnation to be quite repugnant.

[FairfieldLife] Question Re: Universal Health Care (aka ObamaCare)

2011-06-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > I just hope Weiner does not resign. I see he is now 
> > > > undergoing "treatment." For what, I wonder?
> > > 
> > > Just a guess, but I suspect it's for severe anxiety
> > > resulting from this "scandal," not the behavior that
> > > caused it (although it'll almost certainly come up
> > > during his therapy). I think those close to him
> > > recognized that he was about to come apart at the
> > > seams and insisted he get help.
> > > 
> > > I'd also guess that he's been suffering from anxiety
> > > for some time and that his online activities were a
> > > way of relieving it--self-medication, as it were.
> > 
> > Maybe Weiner is an anxious guy, and maybe sexting helps
> > relieve his anxiety, don't know. Sexting is the reason he
> > gave for going into treatment
> That would be the reason given in any case. But I have
> a very strong hunch he had some kind of breakdown, was
> maybe even suicidal. I doubt it would have been quite
> so precipitous otherwise. There was no *immediate*
> need for him to be treated for his online behavior; I
> can't imagine there was any danger that he'd jump
> right in again.

In any case, it gives him cover to appear as though he is trying to clean up 
his act, which will put him in good stead with his constituents to forgive him. 
I'd rather not speculate on a breakdown or suicide. I think he is more of a 
fighter than that. A more likely scenario is that in his meeting with his 
friend, and voice of experience, Bill Clinton, Bill may have told him to get 
treatment for compulsive sexual behaviors. 

Obviously, Weiner won't sext anyone anytime soon, but Bill knows, as anyone 
with a sexual compulsion knows, it's only a matter of time before Weiner fucks 
up again. IMO he is smart to address his compulsions at a point in his life 
when he is ready to admit he has a problem. It's critical to the survival of 
his political career that he do so.

> > and IMO it is exactly the reason he needs treatment. Obviously, his 
> > compulsion to send women pictures of his penis was so overpowering that he 
> > could not stop himself from stupidly engaging in extremely risky behavior. 
> > 
> > Sexual predilections are a bag of mixed nuts, so to speak. As long 
> > consenting adults share the same nuts, it's nobody's business and there's 
> > no reason to attempt changing which nuts a person prefers. But if you're in 
> > Congress, for God's sake don't twitter your dick from the Congressional gym!
> >  
> > > > What is he supposed to have done wrong? I think this
> > > > should be between Weiner and his wife. I can't see what
> > > > it's got to do with anyone else. The problem as I see it
> > > > is with monogamy, which is an unnatural practice for a
> > > > man. Weiner chose to exercise his natural desire for
> > > > variety in a perfectly harmless way. No actual sex, no
> > > > disease, no babies, no prostitution. Just a few photos
> > > > and some salacious electronic communication, to which
> > > > none of the women appear to have objected.
> > > 
> > > Some of them have, actually. The woman to whom he sent
> > > the original tweet of him in his briefs was confused
> > > and upset by it.
> > > 
> > > The thing is that considering his position, it was
> > > incredibly risky behavior. Most folks aren't as open-
> > > minded as you are. He couldn't be sure one of the
> > > women wouldn't make a public fuss, and he had to have
> > > been aware of how insecure these kinds of electronic
> > > communications are.
> > > 
> > > Because he was taking such a risk--of his career and
> > > his marriage--it suggests the behavior was compulsive,
> > > something he couldn't control, not simply a matter of
> > > choosing "to exercise his natural desire for variety."
> > > 
> > > > I get the
> > > > impression that had Weiner actually had a real affair,
> > > > with real sex, no one would have cared much,
> > > 
> > > His wife might have.
> > > 
> > > > but because he took the electronic route he is
> > > > regarded as some kind of pervert.
> > > 
> > > There's also an exhibitionist element to this. It's
> > > one thing to engage in consensual sex talk online,
> > > but quite another to send women you don't know photos
> > > of your penis. That's where the sense of perversion
> > > comes in, I think. It's the online equivalent of the
> > > guy in a raincoat in the park.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  I wish people would simply mind their own
> > > > business regarding what other people choose to do for
> > > > sexual fun. I find this entire exercise of moral
> > > > condemnation to be quite repugnant.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Question Re: Universal Health Care (aka ObamaCare)

2011-06-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > I just hope Weiner does not resign. I see he is now 
> > > > > undergoing "treatment." For what, I wonder?
> > > > 
> > > > Just a guess, but I suspect it's for severe anxiety
> > > > resulting from this "scandal," not the behavior that
> > > > caused it (although it'll almost certainly come up
> > > > during his therapy). I think those close to him
> > > > recognized that he was about to come apart at the
> > > > seams and insisted he get help.
> > > > 
> > > > I'd also guess that he's been suffering from anxiety
> > > > for some time and that his online activities were a
> > > > way of relieving it--self-medication, as it were.
> > > 
> > > Maybe Weiner is an anxious guy, and maybe sexting helps
> > > relieve his anxiety, don't know. Sexting is the reason he
> > > gave for going into treatment
> > 
> > That would be the reason given in any case. But I have
> > a very strong hunch he had some kind of breakdown, was
> > maybe even suicidal. I doubt it would have been quite
> > so precipitous otherwise. There was no *immediate*
> > need for him to be treated for his online behavior; I
> > can't imagine there was any danger that he'd jump
> > right in again.
> > 
> In any case, it gives him cover to appear as though he is trying to clean up 
> his act, which will put him in good stead with his constituents to forgive 
> him. I'd rather not speculate on a breakdown or suicide. I think he is more 
> of a fighter than that. A more likely scenario is that in his meeting with 
> his friend, and voice of experience, Bill Clinton, Bill may have told him to 
> get treatment for compulsive sexual behaviors. 
> Obviously, Weiner won't sext anyone anytime soon, but Bill knows, as anyone 
> with a sexual compulsion knows, it's only a matter of time before Weiner 
> fucks up again. IMO he is smart to address his compulsions at a point in his 
> life when he is ready to admit he has a problem. It's critical to the 
> survival of his political career that he do so.

With this latest news report, it turns out that Judy's speculation about why 
Weiner admitted himself for treatment is more accurate than mine.

"Rep. Anthony Weiner finally considering he may have to resign amid sexting 
scandal, says source...

TMZ published a new slew of squirm-inducing self-portraits, including several 
full-body shots taken in the House gym - some clothed, some not...

The source said one person Weiner would listen to is his mentor, Sen. Chuck 
Schumer. Schumer says he is "heartbroken" but has stopped short of telling 
Weiner to quit...

The last two weeks have taken a toll on the congressman, who isn't sleeping and 
spends hours pacing his apartment, friends said...

He told his staff he was taking a few days off to be evaluated for mental 
health treatment and get some clarity."



> > 
> > > and IMO it is exactly the reason he needs treatment. Obviously, his 
> > > compulsion to send women pictures of his penis was so overpowering that 
> > > he could not stop himself from stupidly engaging in extremely risky 
> > > behavior. 
> > > 
> > > Sexual predilections are a bag of mixed nuts, so to speak. As long 
> > > consenting adults share the same nuts, it's nobody's business and there's 
> > > no reason to attempt changing which nuts a person prefers. But if you're 
> > > in Congress, for God's sake don't twitter your dick from the 
> > > Congressional gym!
> > >  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Codependent Obsession, or How to end the Barry-Judy feud

2011-06-13 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it
> make the sound of Barry lying?"
> Many on this forum have said that they are tired of the "Barry-Judy
> feud," and would like it to end. I contend that some of them are talking
> through their hats, and that *they* are one of the primary reasons it
> continues. In this post, I will propose a way that I think that *they*
> could help to end this "feud" forever, by simply refusing to participate
> in it.
> I think that the koan above presents the case I'm going to make in this
> post. I think that the "Barry-Judy feud" to some extent exists primarily
> in the mind of the person who is obsessed with...uh...Barry. That
> obsession is never going to end. Judy continues to feel the need to post
> "corrective" or "deserved putdown" responses to anything I post, and
> does so even when I don't reply to them. As others have commented, she
> does the same thing *even when I am no longer on the forum*.
> But that's just one sad, lonely, obsessive old woman, hardly a "feud."
> WHY do occasional "outbreaks" of the old "feud" back-and-forth mentality
> still "break out" on FFL from time to time, as they have in her recent
> discussions with Curtis?
> My contention is that the reason for this is that Curtis is *allowing*
> the feud to resurface, and even *enabling* it to do so by allowing
> himself to be sucked in to Judy's "gotta get Barry" obsession. My
> contention is that Curtis -- as much as I like him -- is allowing
> himself to be a codependent enabler.
> The game, as I see it, is this. Judy feels the need to keep dumping on
> Barry. *Forget* the WHY of this; it's simply obvious *that* she feels
> this need, and on the level of an obsessive compulsion. But in recent
> months she has become frustrated because she can't draw me into the
> one-on-one confrontation and extended argument with her that she wants.

Gee, I wonder why Barry wants us to *forget* the WHY of why Judy calls him on 
his lies?  His desperate plea to ignore Judy, is just silly because it's an 
obvious admission that Judy has been right all along.  She has so effectively 
proven that Barry lies that even Barry now knows he lies. But, rather than 
become a nicer, more truthful person, he wants us to forget WHY Judy exposes 
his lies and stupidly thinks he can continue to lie and get away with it. Not 
gonna happen. 

> So what she *does* about this is to glom onto a discussion on some other
> topic altogether ("Does a tree falling in an empty forest make a
> sound?"), and then re-introduce the B-word ("Doesn't that remind you of
> how big a liar Barry is?"). She finds a way to insinuate "Barry, and all
> his sins" into conversations with the few posters still willing to have
> them with her, conversations that had nothing to do with Barry, *hoping
> that the other party will fall for it and give her a chance to dump on
> Barry even more*.
> This is my honest opinion of what she does on a regular basis. She will
> in my opinion *keep doing this*. Nothing that any of you who *claim* to
> be tired of the "Barry-Judy feud" do will ever be able to stop this sad
> game.
> What you *can* stop is your participation in the game.
> If you really *are* tired of the "Barry-Judy feud," *stop being a
> codependent enabler of the feud by "piling on" to it and reactivating it
> every time she tries to get you to do so*. Just say No. Ignore the
> provocation, and the attempt to get you to re-launch a "pile on Barry"
> session, and turn the conversation back to its original subject. The
> solution to ending the supposed feud is as simple as that in my opinion,
> and here's why.
> From my side, unilaterally, I will try to ignore the silly bitch, and
> her compulsive "gotta get Barry" posts. This will require no small
> amount of effort on my part, because she's *such* an easy target for
> satire and derision. However, to test the theory that some on this forum
> really *do* want this silly "feud" that she attempts to perpetuate to
> end, I will deny myself the pleasure of pointing out what a nutcase she
> is. :-)
> From her side, I think we all know that she will continue to reply to
> many posts I make trying to "correct" them or prove them "wrong" or
> otherwise find a way to turn them into "a perfect opportunity for the
> putdown she has already prepared." I think that we also know that her
> full-time codependent enablers -- Jim, Nabby, Willytex, and occasionally
> others -- will play "pile on" to her obsessive "gotta get Barry" posts
> to give her the chance to post even more of them.
> But what are YOU -- the people who claim that you're tired of this feud
> and want it to end -- going to do?
> My suggestion is that you try the experiment I described above. For a
> month or two, ignore all of Judy's attempts to get you to "talk about
> Barry." If she tries to get you to participate in such "p

[FairfieldLife] Re: News blackout about flooding at Nebraska nuke plant?

2011-06-19 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I would suggest watching the video because it contains local TV news 
> reports.  The article I put up for face value in case people wanted to 
> dig further.  Yup, Sorcha Faal is a known spinner of tales (and not 
> identified in the Pakistani article nor the Salem reprint)  but the 
> no-fly zone and the water way ban that the TV news reporter mentions are 
> curious.  Also there has been some funny stuff going on about Fukushima 
> and radiation reports in the US.  I'm sure the guvmint doesn't want the 
> sheeple to freak out and neither does big energy who smells money in 
> nukes.  But we like to know what the Fukushima is happening. ;-)
> On 06/18/2011 04:21 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
> > I didn't read the referenced articles or watch the Youtube that Bhairitu 
> > posted. Just googled "Ft. Calhoun nuclear plant". The Reuters article and 
> > another one were what I was referring to. Smells fishy.
> >

WBAI Pacifica Radio interviewed Arnie Gundersen, chief engineer and energy 
consultant for Fairewinds Associates and a former nuclear power industry 
executive. Arnie said the Ft. Calhoun nuclear plant could probably hold as it 
is now but if a damn breaks, all bets are off. The latest Reuters reports on 
water releases from dams:

"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water releases from five dams in North Dakota 
and South Dakota had already about doubled prior records to relieve reservoirs 
swollen by heavy winter snows and spring rainfall at the river's Montana 

With severe storms expected over the next four or five days that could dump up 
to 4 inches of rain in some areas, the Corps has started to increase flows by 
nearly 7 percent at the Oahe Dam above Pierre, South Dakota's capital, and the 
Big Bend Dam just downstream."


Arnie Gundersen Interview: "Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting 
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSvvmrB7qEg
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sTmzUzruu8
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lva5N9VpAgw

Aerial photos and video of flooding in Nebraska and Iowa:



Fort Calhoun is the repository for all spent fuel rods in Nebraska


The other facility in Nebraska is the Cooper Nuclear Power Plant. It is the 
most fire prone in US history.


"But we like to know what the Fukushima is happening."

"U.S. babies are dying at an increased rate."

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >>> Here's a YouTube video that has pictures of the rising waters
> >>> around the Fort Calhoun plant and other plants plus local area
> >>> TV reports. Apparently the Obama administration has ordered a
> >>> news blackout?
> >>>
> >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvDbB3HqNcA
> >>>
> >>> Article about the news blackout first report by Pakistan's
> >>> "The Nation":
> >>>
> >>> http://www.salem-news.com/articles/june172011/nebraska-nuclear.php
> >>>
> >>> (Note the editor disputes that the report of a news blackout
> >>> is a hoax but does think the Pakistani article may contain
> >>> inaccuracies).
> >> Here's the relevant comment calling it a hoax:
> >>
> >> -
> >> Laughing June 17, 2011 3:55 pm (Pacific time)
> >>
> >> This article is by well-known disinfo artist "Sorcha Faal," whose name is, 
> >> as usual, omitted from the unreliable EUTimes web site, and is also not 
> >> from Moscow: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread304918/pg1
> >> Note that the web site this "news" story comes from includes this 
> >> disclaimer: "Some events depicted in certain articles on this website are 
> >> fictitious and any similarity to any person living or dead is merely 
> >> coincidental. Some other articles may be based on actual events but which 
> >> in certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for 
> >> dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely 
> >> fictitious." http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index677.htm
> >> A clever mix of fact, fiction, and hysteria ("dramatic purposes") does not 
> >> make the fiction part factual. You have been duped.
> >> -
> >>
> >> Google the name "Sorcha Faal." "She" is notorious for
> >> plastering hoaxes all over the Internet. "She" appears
> >> to be the alter ego of a computer programmer named
> >> David Booth.
> >>
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Floods & Nukes

2011-06-20 Thread raunchydog
The sight of the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Station completely surrounded by 
water is damn scary. Everything is secure, so they say, but how well can it 
withstand continued flooding or a tornado blowing it all to hell? Iowa 
legislators nearly gave the green light for nuclear energy about two months 
ago. Thank goodness it failed. But despite all the potential for environmental 
disasters, Obama continues to sell nuclear energy as "clean energy" because 
he's dancing with the one who brought him...nuke giant, Exelon. 

"The global nuclear industry and its allies in government are making a 
desperate effort to cover up the consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear 
disaster. "The big lie flies high," comments Kevin Kamps of the organization 
Beyond Nuclear.

Not only is this nuclear establishment seeking to make it look like the 
Fukushima catastrophe has not happened—going so far as to claim that there will 
be "no health effects" as a result of it—but it is moving forward on a "nuclear 
renaissance," its scheme to build more nuclear plants.

Indeed, next week in Washington, a two-day "Special Summit on New Nuclear 
Energy" will be held involving major manufacturers of nuclear power 
plants—including General Electric, the manufacturer of the Fukushima plants—and 
U.S. government officials."

"The Corps has been increasing water releases from five dams in North Dakota 
and South Dakota to roughly double prior records to relieve reservoirs swollen 
by heavy winter snows and spring rainfall at the river's Montana 
headwaters...Peak releases are planned until at least mid-August and high flows 
are expected until December."

"Mike Crecelius, the Fremont County Emergency Management chief, said that in 
Hamburg, Iowa, the river was expected to crest at 10 feet over flood stage in 
the coming days...'[The levees] are not designed for this amount of pressure 
for this length of time,' Crecelius told CNN. 'They've never been tested like 

"The Missouri River rose to within 18 inches of forcing the shutdown of a 
nuclear power plant in southeast Nebraska but stopped and ebbed slightly, a 
plant spokesman said Monday.

The river has to hit 902 feet above sea level at Brownville before officials 
will shut down the Cooper Nuclear Plant, which sits at 903 feet."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bow to authority, end up wanting to be an authority

2011-06-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> In terms of my participation on this forum or any other
> dealing with "spiritual" stuff, I'm kinda like Chauncey
> Gardner in "Being There" -- I like to watch. One of the
> things I watch for is trends. I'm not all that concerned
> with or interested in individual manifestations of a 
> particular form of behavior, only the fact that the 
> behavior is so universal, and appears in so *many* 
> spiritual trips, that it has become a trend, and thus 
> predictable.
> One of those trends is the tendency of followers of some
> spiritual teacher or lineage to project authority onto
> those teachers or lineage and, after having done so, 
> treat almost anything they say as authoritative or true,
> if not Truth Itself. 
> The followers themselves, when called on this, come up
> with various reasons WHY they have suspended disbelief,
> and have gone instead with almost total belief in the
> things the person they project authority onto say. A 
> common rationalization for this behavior is to say that 
> the authority figure is enlightened, and thus his or her
> words are *by definition* true, since the enlightened
> are "in tune with the Laws Of Nature" and thus what they
> say *has* to be true. When I or someone else points out 
> that 1) the reason they consider the authority figures
> enlightened is because *they* said they were, and 2) 
> that the "definition" of being enlightened they're using 
> was given to them *by the very person they're judging*,
> a deafening silence usually ensues. It's almost as if
> having gotten into the habit of treating the person as
> an authority figure, they can't break that habit or 
> hear any argument that suggests that maybe they're not
> all that authoritative.
> OK, that's one trend. The one I'm more interested in in
> this rap is what happens to such followers later in life.
> What is it they aspire to in their own lives, and what
> tends to happen when they start having more interesting
> spiritual experiences of their own, like the early stages
> of the enlightenment process? 
> The secondary trend I see among those who have spent 
> years or decades bowing to an authority figure is that
> they hope to or expect to someday become perceived as
> authority figures themselves. Their goal in life or 
> spiritual "career path" is modeled on the person they
> bowed to as an authority and how he or she was treated.
> They expect to be treated the same way once they start
> having what they consider spiritual experiences.
> And so what we tend to see -- NOT just in the TMO but
> across the spiritual smorgasbord -- is people who have
> some spiritual experience (minor or major) and then start 
> talking in pronouncements, *exactly the way their teacher 
> did*. And they expect to be treated with the same awe,
> deference, and obeisance with which they treated their 
> teacher.
> What's fascinating to watch, for an "I like to watch"
> type such as myself, is when that doesn't happen. 
> What happens when someone rolls into cyber-Dodge City 
> carrying two sixguns engraved with the words "I'm SO
> enlightened," and tries to hold court in the local
> cybersaloon? The New Gun In Town (on *any* spiritual
> forum or discussion group on the Net, not just at FFL)
> struts across the saloon, leans back against the bar,
> and starts pontificating and speaking in pronouncements.
> Clearly this new gunslinger is expecting everyone in
> the bar to focus on him and listen to what he's saying
> as if it were the Truth Incarnate he's convinced it is. 
> Trained by years of doing it himself, the Enlightennewb 
> expects everyone to project the same authority onto him 
> that he projected onto his teacher, and treat him the 
> same way. 
> And sometimes it works. Sometimes the Enlightennewb
> runs into an easy crowd, and they DO start treating the
> things he says as authoritative. In those cases the
> Enlightennewb tends to be happy as a pig in shit; his
> spiritual goals have been fulfilled. He's finally being
> treated as an authority.
> But sometimes it doesn't work. The Enlightennewb picks
> the wrong kinda bar, with the wrong kinda crowd. He 
> makes a few pronouncements, expecting people to treat
> them the same way he treated the pronouncements made
> by his teacher, and It Just Doesn't Happen. 
> The other folks at the bar listen to his rap, and then
> turn around and get back to their drinks or to the
> conversations they were having before the Enlightennewb
> arrived. They don't treat him as special in any way, or
> as any more of an authority than anyone else. 
> THAT is an interesting moment. THAT is where the rubber
> meets the road for an Enlightennewb. How do they react?
> THAT I find fascinating, even if I don't find the 
> Enlightennewb himself interesting at all.

Two gunslingers walk into a bar...

#1 New in town?
#2 Yep.
#1 What are you packin', pardner?
#2 My Truth.
#1 Where I c

[FairfieldLife] God Gene Vaccine

2011-06-24 Thread raunchydog
This video claims to expose a pentagon scheme to control the brains of 
"terrorists" by releasing an airborne vaccine that disrupts the God Gene in 
middle-eastern populations. Arguably, the American Bible Belt could benefit 
from this technology as well.

That said, there are those who say the video is a hoax. What say you?


[FairfieldLife] Re: New York Rulz!!!

2011-06-24 Thread raunchydog


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> June 24, 2011
> Gay Marriage Approved by N.Y. Senate
> ALBANY — Lawmakers voted late Friday to legalize same-sex marriage, making 
> New York the largest state where gay and lesbian couples will be able to wed, 
> and giving the national gay-rights movement new momentum from the state where 
> it was born. 
> The same-sex marriage bill was approved on a 33-to-29 vote, as 4 Republican 
> state senators joined 29 Democrats in voting for the bill. The Senate 
> galleries were so packed with supporters and opponents that the fire marshals 
> closed them off. And along the Great Western Staircase, outside the Senate 
> chamber, about 100 demonstrators chanted and waved placards throughout the 
> night — separated by a generation, a phalanx of state troopers and 10 feet of 
> red marble. 
> "Support traditional marriage," read signs held by opponents. "Love is love, 
> Vote Yes," declared those in the hands of the far more youthful group of 
> people who supported it. 
> Senate approval was the final hurdle for the same-sex marriage legislation, 
> which is strongly supported by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and was approved last 
> week by the Assembly. Mr. Cuomo is expected to sign the measure soon, and the 
> law will go into effect 30 days later, meaning that same-sex couples could 
> begin marrying in New York by midsummer. 
> Read more:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/25/nyregion/gay-marriage-approved-by-new-york-senate.html?hp
> http://tinyurl.com/66bxykl

[FairfieldLife] Re: God Gene Vaccine

2011-06-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 06/24/2011 03:56 AM, raunchydog wrote:
> > This video claims to expose a pentagon scheme to control the brains of 
> > "terrorists" by releasing an airborne vaccine that disrupts the God Gene in 
> > middle-eastern populations. Arguably, the American Bible Belt could benefit 
> > from this technology as well.
> >
> > That said, there are those who say the video is a hoax. What say you?
> >
> > http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread712624/pg1
> It would probably be cheaper to stop terrorism by not trying to take 
> over countries to steal their resources.  The US creates the 
> "terrorists" with such activities.  And if the "terrorists" don't come 
> forth they dress up a few of our own people to play them so the American 
> sheeple's brains can be controlled.

Obama should end the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya so suddenly that even 
peaceniks think it's irresponsible. Then he should go on TV and announce that 
America can no longer afford to be a superpower because the Republicans have 
cut off our money and tanked the economy. Such a liberal shock doctrine would 
rightly blame the Republicans for the economic pain they have caused. 
Otherwise, sure as shootin', they will blame Obama for the slow drip, drip, 
drip of the coming Debtpocalypse:


[FairfieldLife] Re: New York Rulz!!!

2011-06-24 Thread raunchydog
It's a Party! Stonewall Inn draws hundreds celebrating passage of New York gay 
marriage bill


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> June 24, 2011
> Gay Marriage Approved by N.Y. Senate
> ALBANY — Lawmakers voted late Friday to legalize same-sex marriage, making 
> New York the largest state where gay and lesbian couples will be able to wed, 
> and giving the national gay-rights movement new momentum from the state where 
> it was born. 
> The same-sex marriage bill was approved on a 33-to-29 vote, as 4 Republican 
> state senators joined 29 Democrats in voting for the bill. The Senate 
> galleries were so packed with supporters and opponents that the fire marshals 
> closed them off. And along the Great Western Staircase, outside the Senate 
> chamber, about 100 demonstrators chanted and waved placards throughout the 
> night — separated by a generation, a phalanx of state troopers and 10 feet of 
> red marble. 
> "Support traditional marriage," read signs held by opponents. "Love is love, 
> Vote Yes," declared those in the hands of the far more youthful group of 
> people who supported it. 
> Senate approval was the final hurdle for the same-sex marriage legislation, 
> which is strongly supported by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and was approved last 
> week by the Assembly. Mr. Cuomo is expected to sign the measure soon, and the 
> law will go into effect 30 days later, meaning that same-sex couples could 
> begin marrying in New York by midsummer. 
> Read more:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/25/nyregion/gay-marriage-approved-by-new-york-senate.html?hp
> http://tinyurl.com/66bxykl

[FairfieldLife] Re: No Ground

2011-06-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear blastedactresses,
> > > 
> > > I am fairly new around here, and I guess I haven't mastered
> > > the method of tracking down a post that I once read. For
> > > instance, your query about Werner Erhard. Can't find it
> > > anywhere, and I have searched long enough.
> > 
> > It appears all but one of her/his/their posts have been
> > deleted from the Yahoo FFL archive.
> Yes, blasted was doing furious post deletions... not sure why. Seems like a 
> dumb-assed thing to do, IMO. In any event, blasted unsubscribed yesterday 
> evening.

I didn't know you could delete a post. It could come in handy. How do you do 
it? MZ's suspicion that blasted was an est person is probably correct. He sure 
left in a hurry after MZ nailed him on why he wouldn't declare his affiliation 
with est. If the Werner folks are as controlling as MZ says, it could explain 
why blasted was too paranoid to admit he was an est person. Maybe blasted 
deleted posts because he didn't want to get in trouble with Werner's thought 

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> [...]
> > * RC, who was in a temporary false unity, rather than THE WHOLE THING, THE 
> > REAL THING, and Maharishi was incapable of distinguishing between the two, 
> > which raises its own questions
> DID MMY declare that RC was in Unity, or simply that his experiences of UC 
> were valid?
> Seems to me that MMY covered his behind pretty well about "the real thing" 
> claim by claiming that only if you could perform any and all of the siddhis 
> perfectly, on demand, could you justify making the claim that you were truly 
> in UC (or at least perfect CC or whatever... nods to Vaj).
> Lawson

Maharishi was never keen on people telling anyone they were enlightened which 
may explain why he set the bar so high with performance of the sidhis. In fact, 
I don't recall that he ever declared his own enlightenment let alone anyone 

On those early 6-month experimental sidhis courses, Maharishi was very 
interested in hearing everyone's experiences. He was waiting for something to 
pop. Apparently, RC was the first to pop so he verified RC's UC experience. 
That's it. End of story. 

But RC made such a big deal out of it, he eventually became a guru of sorts 
himself and IMO pushed his act a bit too far by setting up shop in Fairfield 
with his own band of merry followers. His willingness to flaunt his own brand 
knowledge on Maharishi's turf was an insult to the community and a betrayal of 
Maharishi's trust in him as a teacher. 

He got exactly the reaction he wanted when MIU bounced a few students for 
following him, which then opened the door for a lawsuit. IMO he staged the 
whole thing to force Maharishi's legal testimony that he, RC, was indeed 
enlightened. It wasn't enough that he had the adulation of his followers, he 
wanted Maharishi's attention so badly that he was willing to hurt him for it. 
It was stalker behavior, pure and simple.

I'm glad MZ is here. I wish him well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
>  It wasn't enough that he had the adulation of his followers, he wanted 
> Maharishi's attention so badly that he was willing to hurt him for it. 
> It was stalker behavior, pure and simple.
> I'm glad MZ is here. I wish him well
> So do I, but the fellow definately needs a checking !
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK1kbJiisLk

Beautiful video of Maharishi. Thanks, Nabby. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A rare live footage of the greatest singer in the Western World

2011-06-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0jthZ6Kxq4&feature=related

Fabulous voice. He sends chills. Thanks, Nabby.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread raunchydog
In Jamaica, Bob Marley smoking a fattie in his Rastafarian dreadlocks
appears on T-shirts and chotchkies from ashtrays to teacups.   According
to the Urban Dictionary, ganja is not a Jamaican word, it's a Sanskrit
word for hemp. Who knew? It turns out that folks in the West Indies may
have sprouted their matted locks and ganja from roots and shoots in
India.  Indians call dreadlocks "jata" and  they are generally worn by
adherents of Shiva.

"yah mon, smoke i di ganja all day long"



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> Did you know that weed is the most fav herb of Shiva..?
> Now that's something they left out of the literature, but nonetheless,
it's true that's Shiva does get high...

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> Jay Latham was a friend of mine. He was a TM teacher. When I first met him, 
> he talked a bit like a fundamentalist Southern Christian, but he had some 
> hilarious stories of his experiences in life, told with infectious verve. I 
> lost contact with him, but did see him once briefly in Fairfield when I was 
> in the area, probably 15 years ago or so. He seemed a bit tired that day, and 
> he told me he was taking people on trips to spiritual places in the East. I 
> had not realised he had written a book, or had the experiences that he seemed 
> to have had with the regard to the big E. His book is out of print it seems; 
> I have not seen the book. So I heard, Jay was very ill, something like 
> influenza, and died unexpectedly in his sleep by asphyxiation. He was a 
> regular guy, a no nonsense kind of guy.

Jay was a handsome man, very masculine and sexy IMO. He had a few sessions with 
me for a physical therapy issue he wanted to resolve, so I got to know him a 
little. I don't know if anyone remembers this but, MUM, in an attempt to get 
feedback from the community had us fill out a questionnaire and make 
suggestions for improvements. They followed up with a meeting in the dome to 
talk about it. 

Keith Wallace conducted the meeting. Boy, was that a mistake. Jay must have had 
a laundry list of complaints so when he had a chance to speak, he ran over 
Keith like a truck. It was like watching a beach body hunk kick sand in the 
face of a 90 pound weakling. It  wasn't pretty. I don't remember what words 
they exchanged, only that the intensity of feeling in the room was squirm 
inducing and palpably uncomfortable. Jay made quite a splash in my 
consciousness that day.

Every good lawyer knows you never ask a question unless you already know the 
right answer. Bevan must have been out of town or such a meeting would never 
have happened. 

Some months later, I was surprised to hear that Jay had died in his sleep. He 
was such a vital, healthy, specimen of a human being, it was hard to believe 
that he died in his prime of life. R.I.P., dearest Jay.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> > 
> > > I /think/ the implication was that JL was describing RC's
> > > encounter with Maharishi and Maharishi's "validation" of RC's ?
> > > enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the assumption?
> > 
> > Whose implication? Not mine.
> > 
> > > Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
> > > Masked Zebra?
> > 
> > I doubt it.
> > 
> > > With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted 
> > > out, he's still posting.
> > 
> > You missed Alex's post giving him a reprieve this time
> > because he's new.
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/280573
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> Nice rap/reply.  Enjoyed all of it.  And what a refreshing perspective
> from the usual fare we get here.  I haven't read ahead, but likely you
> will have provoked the outrage of others who are always at the ready to
> slam a perspective that runs counter to their views.

Oh baloney. I've read RC's posts just to see how he thinks. He has a uniquely 
functioning mind and I find that fascinating. He has an amazing story to tell 
in the context of a TM movement history we share and that's fascinating as 
well. What's to criticize? I wouldn't have wanted to face the challenges he has 
had just as he wouldn't have wanted to face the challenges I've had. Everyone's 
journey has surprising twists and turns...it just a ride.

[FairfieldLife] Flood Wall Fails

2011-06-28 Thread raunchydog
The flood wall at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant has failed, but don't
worry, everything is fine.

Rachel Maddow called attention to a problem that's been brewing at
the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska, on the shores of the
Missouri River. The power plant is currently flooding, due to heavy
rainfall this season, and errors by plant workers that have broken down
the facility's defenses against floods.

She called nuclear power "the world's most terrifying and
consequential means of boiling water," and though that sounds fairly
simple, exposed a number of flaws within the Nebraska plant.

"For now, everything is fine, if occasionally wet at Fort Calhoun,
we are told," Maddow said, but noted that the rainy summer could
raise the Missouri River the two additional feet it would take to flood
the reactor cores.

Raw Replay, Rachel Maddow:



Photo of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant before flood wall failed

Video of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant after flood wall failed


[FairfieldLife] Voices of the Universe

2011-06-28 Thread raunchydog
Put on your headphones and pump up the volume.

Walter Ruttmann's famous experimental silent film from 1927, Berlin: Symphony 
of a Great City. Music by Urmas Sisask: "Voices of the Universe."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Flood Wall Fails

2011-06-29 Thread raunchydog
A wildfire surrounds the nuclear lab in Los Alamos, N.M. But don't worry, 
everything is just fine. 


The Los Alamos fire is 50 feet away from nuclear waste storage containers, but 
don't worry, "we are confident we can contain the fire."


75% US of nuclear plants leaking toxic tritium radiation into the drinking 
water supply, but don't worry, tritium exposure has a limited biological impact 
because it emits very weak radiation and leaves the body relatively quickly.

Aging nuclear plants have failed cables, busted seals, broken nozzles, clogged 
screens, cracked concrete, dented containers, corroded metals and rusty 
underground pipes but don't worry the NRC  lowers standards for compliance.

Rather than phasing out or rejecting nuclear power like Germany or Italy, 
respectively, the U.S. is simply putting more focus on the safety of the 
reactors. The NRC has applications for 12 new reactors, but don't worry, Obama 
says it's clean energy.

The NRC says don't worry about the busted aqua berm at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear 
Plant, because the plant remains sealed and the berm is replaceable in about a 
week. Even if the river continues to rise, they are absolutely certain the 
plant will remain safely sealed, flood water will not damage the electrical 
system and radiation will not leak into the Missouri River. Don't worry...trust 
the NRC.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Maddow's faux-ironic delivery has become so affected she's
> unwatchable.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > The flood wall at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant has failed,
> > but don't worry, everything is fine.
> It wasn't a "flood wall," it was a big rubber tube filled
> with water, an extra line of defense outside the main flood
> barriers. It didn't "fail"--that's sensationalist language.
> "Fail" is what happens when the power of the water is so
> great it breaches a levee or other barrier. In this case, a
> worker accidentally punctured the rubber tube. They'll have
> another one up next week.
> > Rachel Maddow called attention to a problem that's been
> > brewing at the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska,
> > on the shores of the Missouri River.
> It isn't a "problem that's been brewing." It's a situation
> that had been anticipated for months, time for many measures
> to be taken to ensure it didn't *become* a problem.
> > The power plant is currently flooding, due to heavy
> > rainfall this season, and errors by plant workers that have
> > broken down the facility's defenses against floods.
> One error, the one described above; and what was "broken
> down" was an extra line of defense outside the main
> flood barriers. As noted, they'll have a new one up next
> week.
> > She called nuclear power "the world's most terrifying and
> > consequential means of boiling water," and though that
> > sounds fairly simple, exposed a number of flaws within the
> > Nebraska plant.
> She didn't "expose" a thing. Everything she reported has
> already been covered in detail. And the "flaws" in question
> have been remedied.
> > "For now, everything is fine, if occasionally wet at Fort
> > Calhoun, we are told," Maddow said, but noted that the rainy
> > summer could raise the Missouri River the two additional
> > feet it would take to flood the reactor cores.
> But it's not expected to rise that high; and you can't
> "flood the reactor cores" anyway; they're completely
> enclosed.
> I think Raw Story is to blame for much of this misleading
> sensationalist language, but Maddow also tried her best to
> make the situation seem much more dire than it actually is,
> including by showing lots of footage of the destruction at
> Fukushima, as if they were comparable.
> That's not to say the situation couldn't *become* dire if
> lots of things go wrong. But at this point it's well under
> control.
> > 
> > Raw Replay, Rachel Maddow:
> > 
> > http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/06/rachel-maddow-explains-scary-n\
> > uclear-power-plant-flood-in-nebraska/
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Fh8djQZba50/TgNPbNeyqJI/DM8/GcbpU13iK\
> > q0/s1600/fort+calhoun+hi+res+june+14th+2011+photo+AP+Nati+Harnik.jpg]
> > 
> > Photo of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant before flood wall failed
> > 
> > Video of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant after flood wall failed
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8JqACkhKM4
> > <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8JqACkhKM4>
> >

[FairfieldLife] Protests in Greece

2011-06-29 Thread raunchydog
There is a political crisis in Greece amidst revolt against massive budget cuts 
and tax hikes. Thousands protest austerity measures in Athens: "They sell our 
country." "They sell our national dignity ... they have signed away... our 
constitution!" "We need the solidarity of working class people and youth from 
around the globe. The only way to stop the cuts, the attacks and austerity 
packages is by struggling, this includes everything, strikes, demonstrations, 
occupations of squares and uniting the different movements from around the 


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-30 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> [snip]
> > What is the proof of the truth of this judgment of you?
> > 
> > That you will manifest not the slightest bewilderment, confusion, wonder, 
> > perplexity, concern over what I have said—BUT WILL COME BACK WITH A 
> > HERE.
> > 
> > Just watch: Here it comes.
> > 
> > SEE? I told you. Even though as I write these last few words, I already 
> > know and see the future: and that future is a response which reveals that 
> > 
> > Realize, then, Ravi, that in every word you choose to write in a 
> > counter-post you will be exhibiting every one of the characteristics I have 
> > identified here in this post.
> > 
> Ah, so good to have those Scholastics back: "You will prove
> I'm right when you try to suggest I'm wrong". I love the smell
> of the Inquisition at work in the morning!
> Now what to do with miscreants such as Ravi and Pali?
> "Therefore, if a man be dangerous and infectious to the
> community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy
> and advantageous that he be killed in order to safeguard
> the common good, since 'a little leaven corrupteth the
> whole lump'" Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theolologiae

Compared to Muhammad, when it comes to punishing sinners, Aquinas has no 

"Crushing the heads of the infidels and splitting their skulls with sharp 
swords, we continually thrust and cut at the enemy. Blood gushed from their 
deep wounds as the battle wore them down. We conquered bearing the Prophet's 
fluttering war banner. Our cavalry was submerged in rising dust, and our spears 
quivered, but by us the Prophet gained victory." 
Ishaq:578 Prophet Muhammad

Patanjali, a Hindu, under the sway of evil Vedic gods, believed that sinners 
create their own punishment:

"Negative thoughts and emotions are violent, in that they cause injury to 
yourself and others, regardless of whether they are performed by you, done by 
others, or you permit them to be done.
They arise from greed, anger, or delusion regardless of whether they arise from 
mild, moderate, or esxcessive emotional intensity. They result in endless 
misery and ignorance. Therefore, when you consistently cultivate the opposite 
throughts and emotions, the unwholesome tendencies are gradually destroyed. By 
abiding in nonviolence, one's presence creates an atmosphere in which hostility 
Yoga Sutra of Patanjali II-34, 35 Ahimsa - Non Violence

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Curtis!

2011-06-30 Thread raunchydog
Happy Birthday, Curtis. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Today's the Day! The Blues is Happy!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sign Senator Sanders "Share the Sacrifice" letter to Obama

2011-07-01 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Senator Bernie Sanders has a letter to Obama that you can sign on his 
> web site.  Currently it is at 96K+ signatures:
> http://sanders.senate.gov/petition/?uid=c1fd7f9b-abd8-4e7a-a370-1867881259d8

Obama uses his bully-pulpit to give the Republicans hell for about two minutes, 
then he caves. Blaming the Republicans, "They suck worse" is a lousy campaign 
slogan. If Obama wants to win in 2012 he has to stop acting like a Republican 
selling out to rich people, and start standing up for the elderly, working 
class, the poor and women.  

Bernie Sanders on Youtube: "Dear Mr. President"

Meanwhile, Randians are hell bent on defaulting on our debt. They want to see 
total economic collapse so they can replace our current system with a 
libertarian paradise. 

Stephen Colbert asked libertarian, "drown government in a bathtub" Grover 
Norquist, about his "don't raise taxes" pledge he had Republican lawmakers 
sign, and whether he'd allow grandmothers across the country be terrorized or 
allow higher taxes. Norquist responded by saying that "I think we console our 
self with the fact that we have pictures." 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sign Senator Sanders "Share the Sacrifice" letter to Obama

2011-07-01 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Senator Bernie Sanders has a letter to Obama that you can sign on his 
> web site.  Currently it is at 96K+ signatures:
> http://sanders.senate.gov/petition/?uid=c1fd7f9b-abd8-4e7a-a370-1867881259d8

Obama uses his bully-pulpit to give the Republicans hell for about two minutes, 
then he caves. Blaming the Republicans, "They suck worse" is a lousy campaign 
slogan. If Obama wants to win in 2012, he has to stop acting like a Republican, 
selling out to rich people and start standing up for the elderly, working 
class, the poor and women.

Bernie Sanders on Youtube: "Dear Mr. President"

Meanwhile, Randians are hell bent on defaulting on our debt. They want to see 
total economic collapse so they can replace our current system with a 
libertarian paradise.

Stephen Colbert asked libertarian, "drown government in a bathtub" Grover 
Norquist, about his "don't raise taxes" pledge he had Republican lawmakers 
sign, and whether he would allow grandmothers across the country be terrorized 
or allow higher taxes. Norquist responded by saying that "I think we console 
our self with the fact that we have pictures."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans protect Millionaires - Minnesota government shuts down

2011-07-01 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> We need *more* government spending--MUCH more--not less,
> for the economy to be strong enough to fix the deficit.

Krugman has been saying this for months and he finally got support for his 
ideas from a hedge fund manager. 

"The Wall Street Journal, Barton Biggs, managing partner at multibillion dollar 
hedge fund Traxis Partners, painted a bleak outlook for the developed world 
with only huge government intervention likely to improve things.


[FairfieldLife] Re: trailer trash pet taxi

2011-07-01 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> http://www.missouritrailertrash.com/misc2.htm

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Greed Destroys America

2011-07-02 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> For our FFL billionaires who have worked so hard by the sweat of their 
> brow (apparently at near light speed) to earn their huge fortune here is 
> a great article:
> http://consortiumnews.com/2011/06/28/how-greed-destroys-america/

"In recent weeks, there's been some question as to how far Dems are willing to 
go in making the explosive charge that Republicans are deliberately trying to 
sabotage the economy in order to improve their chances of defeating President 
Obama in 2012.

On a conference call just now with reporters, Senator Chuck Schumer made the 
most aggressive case we've heard yet along these lines, leaving little doubt 
that Dems are locking in behind this message as the deficit talks hit crunch 
time and as the 2012 campaign looms.

"Do they simply want the economy to go down the drain to further their 
political gain?" Schumer asked. "They seem to be against anything that may 
create jobs, because they view a weak economy as key to their political chances 
in 2012."


If the Democrats were honest about the GOP plan to sabotage the economy they 
would say that it has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with a grand 
libertarian plan to bankrupt the country. Reagan started it, Clinton helped it 
along, then George W. Bush put it into hyper-drive with tax cuts for the rich, 
preemptive wars, military spending, bailouts, outsourcing jobs, trade imbalance 
and destroying American manufacturing, all of which Obama continues, by the way.

Why do Libertarians want to wreck the economy? So they can privatize the 
commons and sell our assets to the oligarchs for pennies on the dollar, of 
course. Then shit-can democracy. The party is over. It doesn't matter if Obama 
gets reelected or not, whoever it is, will be just another bought and paid for 
corporate tool.

Attacks on pensions in the United States is also happening in Europe, Greece, 
Briton and "throughout the industrialized world and increasingly people are 
feeling that the workers are being made to pay for the deficits created by the 

"Hundreds of Thousands of Greek and British Workers Stage Strikes As 
Governments Push Austerity Cuts"


[FairfieldLife] Re: Check out Activist Post: The Perfect (Radiation) Storm is Brewing

2011-07-02 Thread raunchydog
The Guardian newspaper has revealed British government officials approached 
nuclear companies to draw up a coordinated public relations strategy to play 
down the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. In emails sent just two days after 
the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, British officials wrote that they wanted 
to ensure the accident did not derail their plans for a new generation of 
nuclear stations in Britain. One official wrote: "We need to quash any stories 
trying to compare this to Chernobyl."


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WLeed3@... wrote:
> _Activist  Post: The Perfect (Radiation) Storm is Brewing_ 
> (http://www.activistpost.com/2011/06/perfect-radiation-storm-is-brewing.html)

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Greed Destroys America

2011-07-03 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> For our FFL billionaires who have worked so hard by the sweat of their 
> brow (apparently at near light speed) to earn their huge fortune here is 
> a great article:
> http://consortiumnews.com/2011/06/28/how-greed-destroys-america/

If the Democrats were honest about the GOP plan to sabotage the economy they 
would say that it has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with a grand 
libertarian plan to bankrupt the country. Reagan started it, Clinton helped it 
along, then George W. Bush put it into hyper-drive with tax cuts for the rich, 
preemptive wars, military spending, bailouts, outsourced jobs, trade imbalance 
and dismantling of American manufacturing, all of which Obama continues, by the 

Why do Libertarians want to wreck the economy? So they can privatize the 
commons and sell our assets to the oligarchs for pennies on the dollar, of 
course, then shit-can democracy. The party is over. It doesn't matter if Obama 
gets reelected or not, whoever it is, will be just another bought and paid for 
corporate tool.

Attacks on pensions in the United States is also happening in Europe, Greece, 
Briton and "throughout the industrialized world and increasingly people are 
feeling that the workers are being made to pay for the deficits created by the 

"Hundreds of Thousands of Greek and British Workers Stage Strikes As 
Governments Push Austerity Cuts"


"In recent weeks, there's been some question as to how far Dems are willing to 
go in making the explosive charge that Republicans are deliberately trying to 
sabotage the economy in order to improve their chances of defeating President 
Obama in 2012.

On a conference call just now with reporters, Senator Chuck Schumer made the 
most aggressive case we've heard yet along these lines, leaving little doubt 
that Dems are locking in behind this message as the deficit talks hit crunch 
time and as the 2012 campaign looms.

"Do they simply want the economy to go down the drain to further their 
political gain?" Schumer asked. "They seem to be against anything that may 
create jobs, because they view a weak economy as key to their political chances 
in 2012."


[FairfieldLife] Re: How Greed Destroys America

2011-07-03 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > So let's get this straight, a business owner risks his
> > > > time and capital and now that he's Rich you want to go
> > > > in there, take his money, and tell him where he must
> > > > spend it?
> > > 
> > > FYI, the government is currently taking a *record
> > > low* percentage of the income of the wealthiest in
> > > this country.
> > > 
> > > > What gives you the right to do such a thing?
> > > 
> > > The same thing that gives the business owner the right
> > > to take advantage of what the government supplies for
> > > the common good in order to make his money.
> > > 
> > > The business owner also needs to recognize that for his
> > > business to be successful, he needs a *market*, people
> > > who can afford to buy the products he makes or the
> > > services he supplies. If a huge percentage of the money
> > > in the country is flowing to the wealthy while the income
> > > of the rest of the population is increasingly squeezed
> > > just to pay for shelter and food, where is the business
> > > owner going to sell his products or services?
> > > 
> > > The kind of economy in which the wealthy business owner
> > > can continue to prosper is dependent on the financial
> > > well-being of everybody else.
> > > 
> > > It's in the business owner's *self-interest* to pay taxes
> > > so the government can fund the services he depends on to
> > > run his business (e.g., highways). It's in his *self-
> > > interest* to pay taxes so the government can fund social
> > > programs that enable people to maintain a decent standard
> > > of living.
> > > 
> > > Are you familiar with the story about killing the goose
> > > that laid the golden egg?
> > 
> > Sorry Judy, I wouldn't know where to begin to unravel that,
> > we'll just have to agree to disagree, (any takers?)
> You mean, "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the
> facts"? Sure, your choice.

wgm4u probably believes these "facts" as well:
1. Obama is a socialist.
2. The economic collapse of 2008 was brought about by too much regulation.
3. The New Deal caused the Depression.
4. Hitler was a left-winger.
5. Stalin killed more people than Hitler did.
6. Joe McCarthy was right.
7. In 1970, most returning Vietnam veterans supported Nixon and detested the 
hippies who spat on them. They especially despised Jane Fonda.
8. Free trade helped America to prosper in the 19th century.
9. A great company like Toyota can grow only if a government follows strict 
laissez-faire policies.
10. Lower taxes on the rich increase government revenues.
11. A left-wing conspiracy controls the media.
12. Milton Friedman and the libertarian Chicago school economists improved the 
quality of life in Latin America.

"Those converted to the twelve points listed above will never revise their 
opinions, no matter how persuasive the counter-evidence. People believe what 
they want to believe. They will accept any argument, however absurd, from those 
who flatter their preconceptions."


[FairfieldLife] Re: How Greed Destroys America

2011-07-03 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > > > So let's get this straight, a business owner risks his
> > > > > > time and capital and now that he's Rich you want to go
> > > > > > in there, take his money, and tell him where he must
> > > > > > spend it?
> > > > > 
> > > > > FYI, the government is currently taking a *record
> > > > > low* percentage of the income of the wealthiest in
> > > > > this country.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > What gives you the right to do such a thing?
> > > > > 
> > > > > The same thing that gives the business owner the right
> > > > > to take advantage of what the government supplies for
> > > > > the common good in order to make his money.
> > > > > 
> > > > > The business owner also needs to recognize that for his
> > > > > business to be successful, he needs a *market*, people
> > > > > who can afford to buy the products he makes or the
> > > > > services he supplies. If a huge percentage of the money
> > > > > in the country is flowing to the wealthy while the income
> > > > > of the rest of the population is increasingly squeezed
> > > > > just to pay for shelter and food, where is the business
> > > > > owner going to sell his products or services?
> > > > > 
> > > > > The kind of economy in which the wealthy business owner
> > > > > can continue to prosper is dependent on the financial
> > > > > well-being of everybody else.
> > > > > 
> > > > > It's in the business owner's *self-interest* to pay taxes
> > > > > so the government can fund the services he depends on to
> > > > > run his business (e.g., highways). It's in his *self-
> > > > > interest* to pay taxes so the government can fund social
> > > > > programs that enable people to maintain a decent standard
> > > > > of living.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Are you familiar with the story about killing the goose
> > > > > that laid the golden egg?
> > > > 
> > > > Sorry Judy, I wouldn't know where to begin to unravel that,
> > > > we'll just have to agree to disagree, (any takers?)
> > > 
> > > You mean, "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the
> > > facts"? Sure, your choice.
> > >
> > 
> > wgm4u probably believes these "facts" as well:
> > 1. Obama is a socialist.
> > 2. The economic collapse of 2008 was brought about by too much regulation.
> > 3. The New Deal caused the Depression.
> > 4. Hitler was a left-winger.
> > 5. Stalin killed more people than Hitler did.
> > 6. Joe McCarthy was right.
> > 7. In 1970, most returning Vietnam veterans supported Nixon and detested 
> > the hippies who spat on them. They especially despised Jane Fonda.
> > 8. Free trade helped America to prosper in the 19th century.
> > 9. A great company like Toyota can grow only if a government follows strict 
> > laissez-faire policies.
> > 10. Lower taxes on the rich increase government revenues.
> > 11. A left-wing conspiracy controls the media.
> > 12. Milton Friedman and the libertarian Chicago school economists improved 
> > the quality of life in Latin America.
> > 
> > "Those converted to the twelve points listed above will never revise their 
> > opinions, no matter how persuasive the counter-evidence. People believe 
> > what they want to believe. They will accept any argument, however absurd, 
> > from those who flatter their preconceptions."
> > http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2011/07/moo-moo-moo.html
> You guys (and gals) are just too smart for me, hey did you notice that Gov. 
> Walker saved a school district in Wisconsin by eliminating the Unions 
> collective bargaining rights?  
> http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/2011/06/union-curbs-rescue-wisconsin-school-district

Jon Stewart interviewed historian and author Diane Ravitch on "The Daily Show" 
to discuss education reform. Ravitch says Finland has 100% unionized public 
schools and leads the world in education. American education reform is on the 
wrong track. Our preoccupation with standardized testing, teacher bashing, 
charter schools and union busting cannot remedy an education crisis as long as 
poverty and racial inequality continue to plague schools.

Privatized schools are a scam. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monk Levitates Discovery Channel, The Supernaturalist

2011-07-03 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> My brother told me about the below three-minute excerpt from the July 
> 1st episode of The Discovery Channel's "The Supernaturalist." Enjoy.
> http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/the-supernaturalist-levitation.html

This is pure trickery and obvious staging. Loved all the candles. Dick, I hope 
a patchwork quilt hiding a levitation lift, odd jumpy camera angles and spooky 
music didn't fool you into believing the video is real. Well, did it? Fess up.

[FairfieldLife] What's happening down stream?

2011-07-03 Thread raunchydog
"Explosives blew apart a levee in Pottawattamie County, Iowa July 1, Friday 
morning. According to a news release, a group of private citizens representing 
the Vanman #30 levee intentionally breached a half-mile stretch of levee from 
river mile marker 637 to 637.5 around 10 a.mso that floodwater on the farm 
ground could go back to the [Missouri] river."

"These levees are saturated. We have the most water on them for the longest 
period of time we've ever had. This levee gets blown and we saw a several inch 
rise in the river shortly thereafter, so even a three or four inch pulse coming 
down the river when we're looking at every half inch as being significant is a 
fairly big event."


Arnie Gundersen on CNN: "Sandbags and nuclear power shouldn't be put in the 
same sentence."  He's concerned about the emergency service pumps at Fort 
Calhoun taking on more water but since the Cooper plant is still operating, it 
would take longer to cool in an emergency and should shut down to get ahead of 
the problem. 


[FairfieldLife] A Declaration

2011-07-04 Thread raunchydog
Happy 4th of July from the Tea Party Founding Fathers in all their finery.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Never thought I'd wish for Bill Clinton back....

2011-07-05 Thread raunchydog
Too bad the DNC railroaded Hillary. You could have had a twofer.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"  wrote:
> "It made sense when I did it. It doesn't make sense anymore
> — we've got  an uncompetitive rate. We tax at 35 percent of
> income, although we only  take about 23 percent. So we should cut the
> rate to 25 percent, or  whatever's competitive, and eliminate a lot
> of the deductions so that we  still get a fair amount, and there's
> not so much variance in what the  corporations pay. But how can they do
> that by Aug. 2?"
> Clinton also said Grover Norquist,
>    who as
> president of Americans for Tax Reform is the GOP's unofficial 
> enforcer of no-new-taxes pledges, has a "chilling" hold on the
> nation's  lawmaking.

Grover Norquist is the point man for the gubmint haters and Republican power.

"In Norquist's vision, America a couple of decades from now will be a place in 
which elderly people make up a disproportionate share of the poor, as they did 
before Social Security. It will also be a country in which even middle-class 
elderly Americans are, in many cases, unable to afford expensive medical 
procedures or prescription drugs and in which poor Americans generally go 
without even basic health care. And it may well be a place in which only those 
who can afford expensive private schools can give their children a decent 

> The former president said it has seemed like Republicans need any 
> revenue concessions to be "approved in advance by Grover
> Norquist."
> "You're laughing," he told the crowd of 800. "But he was
> quoted in the  paper the other day saying he gave Republican senators
> permission … on  getting rid of the ethanol subsidies. I thought,
> `My God, what has this  country come to when one person has to give
> you permission to do what's  best for the country.' It was
> chilling."
> Asked by moderator Ron Brownstein what President Obama's posture
> should  be on a debt deal if Republicans hold to their view that no new
> taxes  can be included, Clinton replied: "Well, look, there are some
> spending  cuts [Republicans] agree on, … and apparently they run it
> by a fair  number of people in the Democratic caucuses …
> "He could take those, and an extension of the debt ceiling for six
> or  eight months. But if they're really going to reach a mega-deal,
> you  cannot reach a mega-deal without doing something like what the 
> Bowles-Simpson committee recommended. … I don't see how you can
> do this  by Aug. 2. …
> "I don't think you can agree to some mega-deal on [the
> Republicans']  terms. … If they get closer, I believe they will
> agree on a more modest  package of cuts. And the Republicans, if I were
> in their position, I'd  say, `OK, this only counts for six
> months' or eight months, or whatever.  `But we don't want to
> let the American people's credit go under, let  our credit get
> downgraded, let interest rates get up and slow down the 
> recovery.'"
> But Clinton said Democrats should not give in if Republicans "insist
> on  the mega-settlement, with no new revenues from any source." He
> said that  in that case, he hopes "they'll make a
> mini-deal."
> At another point, Clinton said about corporations: "When I was
> young, we  were taught in law school that corporations were creatures of
> the state  and had responsibilities to all their stakeholders —
> their  shareholders, their employees, their customers and the
> communities of  which they were a part. Now, it's only shareholders.
> I think that's a  pretty bad idea."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gestapo Amerikana's new fear tactic

2011-07-06 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> "WASHINGTON (AP) — Airlines are being warned by the government that 
> terrorists are considering surgically hiding bombs inside humans to 
> evade airport security. And as a result, travelers may find themselves 
> subjected to more scrutiny when flying in the heart of summer vacation 
> season, especially to the U.S. from abroad."
> http://news.yahoo.com/alert-terrorists-look-implant-bombs-humans-205903789.html
> More scrutiny, eh? I guess the TSA perverts haven't gotten their fill. 
> They want more. So be afraid, very afraid and hope that Abdul doesn't 
> stumble in the airport parking lot. That could be a gory mess.

Thanks to Osama bin Laden's treasure trove of intelligence, perverts at 
Homeland Security now have an excuse to classify women's breasts as potential 
weapons of mass destruction. A pair of boobs powerful enough to blow up an 
airplane, kinda puts a man's fear of vagina dentata in perspective, IMO.

"In order for [the explosive] to work, there would need to be a detonation 
device, and it's conceivable that if the explosive was implanted in a woman's 
breast, the detonator could be underneath the breast so that all the operative 
would have to do is press downward."

[FairfieldLife] Free Hugs

2011-07-07 Thread raunchydog
Juan Mann started a campaign in 2004 offering free hugs to random people on the 
streets of Sydney, Australia. Who needs a hug today? Enjoy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: squid

2011-07-07 Thread raunchydog
Fabulous writing, Curtis. Love your food porn.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> I love squid and octopus. They are like if you took the essence of shrimp, 
> put it in some tinfoil and inhaled the vapors through a hollowed out Bic pen 
> heated up by a lighter.  (And it had eaten heroin before it died.)  They are 
> both best cooked only a little or for a long time because in between is 
> rubber band city.
> Real Thai cooks have wonderful ways to cook Calamari, scoring the flesh 
> squares on one side in a diamond pattern so it curls up like a jewel.  With 
> this texture it can hold the curry close to its milky flesh, trapped in the 
> ridges created.  It isn't hard but makes a big hit at the table.
> They might have some clever Ted Bundy intelligence in them.  But it is all 
> for the purposes of killing and eating their fellow marine neighbors.  They 
> would eat a mermaid's face off in a flash, without thinking of her as a 
> divine version of fishy chastity despite her voluptuous upper deck.  They 
> would gobble her down like I eat every one of these little miscreants who 
> falls onto my plate.  With a spray of lime at the last second.  Always a 
> spray of lime to mark their passing. 
> I don't get my hand on the tiny octopus that the Japanese eat so raw that 
> occasionally one chokes a diner to death when swallowed in Jeffrey Dahmer 
> (did you also think his last name had an L in it?  I sure did.) fashion, 
> their tentacles gripping the inner esophagus and choking the gourmand out of 
> his next exotic meal.  I can't say which side I fall in this kind of 
> struggle, I mean chewing a living creature so poorly seems like such a 
> dickish move doesn't it?  I mean does it reallyaffect the flavor to scald the 
> thing before mastication?  Really?  That is the most important part of the 
> flavor, that the creature fights you while chewing?  I love food but count me 
> out for that ritual.  Kill the thing, maybe RIGHT before I eat it like I do 
> with soft shell crabs from Maryland's Chesapeake Bay. That is cool. I taste 
> the whole bay in every bite when I do that.
> But for God's sake (liberal phrasing I know) kill the creature.My teeth are 
> not so good at that as a blast in the steam tray, OK?  I don't need to feel 
> its objection to its own death in the same fleshy area I kiss my girlfriend 
> with.  That tongue is a sacred area and not meant for a sacrificial alter. It 
> is meant for loving and for accepting all the members of the family of squid 
> and octopi after they have been properly dispatched, and can now deliver the 
> essence of the ocean to my palate.
> I love those creatures, but I don't trust them for a second.  I have cleaned 
> them of their parrot-like beaks and I know that if the tide was turned, I 
> would be dispatched without the artistic grace of some fish sauce, lime, 
> garlic and chili.  They would eat me alive.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > My Philippina friends gave me some squid for lunch today, so I'm posting 
> > this to memorialize the event. I wouldn't make a habit of eating the 
> > creatures. They asked me if I liked squid, and I said "As long as it's 
> > dead".
> > ...
> > It turns out that squid, cuttlefish, and octopi are highly intelligent 
> > animals, ranking right up there with the higher primates in problem 
> > solving. That octopus that predicted sports events unfortunately died.  I 
> > can feature a big tanks in the Vegas Hotels geared up to make predictions.
> > 
> > http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/brian_mccarty_squid.jpg
> >

[FairfieldLife] Cantor's Conflict of Interest

2011-07-09 Thread raunchydog
Eric Cantor's Republican friends on the Hill say he's a nice guy who opposes 
raising the debt ceiling because it's ideologically the right thing to do. They 
refuse to believe he would do anything dishonest, such as invest $15,00 
shorting U.S. Treasury notes, a bet for huge profits if the U.S. defaults on 
its debt. Oh yes, he did. Weasel.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Notice of Infringement

2011-07-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Quite understandable. A member of FFL got a hold of my 
> > spouse´s email address and sent a distastful email to 
> > her. I believe that spouses and children are offbounds.
> Ahem. Not quite true.
> What happened is that YOU posted to FFL, stupidly
> using your wife's ID. I replied to it, thinking I
> was writing to you, and it went to her instead.

Wait a minute. Didn't Barry send Dan an insulting email because he thought 
"Myra" was a dudette and not a dude? Revisionist history?

> Dan arrived at FFL, and like many newbs started
> bossing everyone around and trying to tell them
> what they should be able to say and not say, and
> calling for the forum to be moderated to be more
> the way HE wanted it to be. I called him on it,
> that's all. He then went more than a little crazy.
> You can find examples of this in early posts of
> his on this forum.
> I found him pompous and boring then, and nothing has
> changed my opinion of him since. I rarely interact
> with him at all. But I thought I'd drop in to clear
> up his attempt at misinformation above.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > >
> > > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
> > > On Behalf Of Buck
> > > Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 12:36 PM
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notice of Infringement
> > > 
> > > I didn't follow this thread. So, what did Bevan say that they wanted
> > > removed? -Buck
> > > 
> > > His public announcement of the fact that King Tony has a wife and 
> > > children.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Notice of Infringement

2011-07-13 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002"  
> feste37,
> Thank you for shedding light on this. I just posted my Reply to Turq, in 
> which I corrected his paraphrasing of my words.
> As you can imaging, I am eager to get Turq to control himself, and stop it.
> The origional Turq Attack contained hiw description of pissing on me, in 
> front of his fans. I understood that to be Turq's invitation to a pissing 
> contest, which I contine to decline. Turq seems to provoke others to piss and 
> shit all over him, but I won't oblige. That disappoints him, so he continues 
> his ugly provocations. Meybe he can conto; himself. Or maybe not. We'll see 
> if he just stops.

Dream on, Dan. Expect a rant from Barry in which he indulges his afflictive 
emotions and mocks you for asking him to stop being a jerk. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > You're wrong on that, actually. Dan began posting here before that, only to 
> > be attacked by you for no reason at all after just one or two inoffensive 
> > posts. You mocked and ridiculed him. You tend to do this when any new 
> > person appears here. Are you aware of this rather unpleasant behavior on 
> > your part?
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Richard,
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks for the background. I too was shocked to find 
> > > > that a FFL Member had Googled my wife and reported the 
> > > > results back to FFL.
> > > 
> > > Ahem.
> > > 
> > > It may be good to roll back time machine and remind
> > > folks that *Dan* was the person who started his posting
> > > career at FFL by trying to get Rick and others to reveal
> > > to him the names of anonymous posters whose opinions he
> > > didn't like. But when Alex does what any Internet user
> > > can do and looks up the real name associated with his
> > > wife's email ID, he's "shocked." Not only a drama queen,
> > > but a hypocrite.
> > > 
> > > 5/20/2008:
> > > > FFL seems to be a mixed place. I think I'll be 
> > > > doing my sharing in the real world, where I can 
> > > > see who's speaking.
> > > 
> > > 5/21/2008:
> > > > Can you let me know your town.
> > > 
> > > 5/23/2008:
> > > > You repeadedly request that "I live in the real 
> > > > world", yet never respond to my request that 
> > > > you provide your whereabouts.
> > > 
> > > 5/23/2008:
> > > > You still display those big balls. Why won't you 
> > > > let us know where you are. 
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011 (after Rick forwards an anonymous post):
> > > > Rick, I am following this post with interest. When 
> > > > you posted this, did you understand that you were 
> > > > shilling for an anonymous poster, who's written a 
> > > > letter that's hateful, but isn't standing behind it?
> > > > Did you read the innuendo? Did you see the self 
> > > > promotion of the author? What did you see here?
> > > > In my opinion it's a nasty letter. Who is the author?
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011:
> > > > The author himself refers to his "cynical tirade", 
> > > > so I guess he or she didn't write what you call 
> > > > "some valuable observations in a humorous, ironic way."
> > > > Why post it without identifying the source? I'd like 
> > > > to know who is posting a cynical tirade when I read one.
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011:
> > > > For clarification: I attempted to have an author 
> > > > associated with the post. Probably a good idea for 
> > > > all posts to have attribution, so there is not an an
> > > > annonymous rash of posts.
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011:
> > > > in my opinion, the annonymous post defames a group.
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011:
> > > > I live in a world where anonymous letters defaming 
> > > > groups exists. I am trying to change those acts that 
> > > > I come across
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011:
> > > > Who said anything about the ANONYMOUS WRITER 
> > > > defaming me? He's defaming gurus anonymously.
> > > 
> > > 1/20/2011:
> > > > As I've repeatedly written, I believe that attack 
> > > > letters should name the attacker.
> > > 
> > > 1/21/2011:
> > > > A secret ballot, or protecting the freedom of the 
> > > > press, is a far cry from hurling insults or accusations 
> > > > anonymously and your grievance is endorsed by the 
> > > > moderator. Not every request for authorship is an 
> > > > attack on Democracy.
> > > 
> > > 1/22/2011:
> > > > I think it is reasonable to have a name associated with 
> > > > the defamation of any group. In this case I am shocked 
> > > > to see a Group Moderator do the posting, repeatedly
> > > > support the anonymity, and provide his endorsement by 
> > > > affixing a subject line which reads: "Wise thoughts 
> > > > from a psychologist".
> > > 
> > > ...etc.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to pronounce the mantras

2011-07-16 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> > >
> > > That what it says in the checking notes of D.J. Wahl Ghoul.
> > > Apparently he can't keep his sources separate.
> > > 
> > > Still got a doubt that he never learned any of it?
> > 
> > Not moi. That's been clear for some time.
> All his various smoking-gun missteps along these lines
> are just the kinds of things someone on the outside
> looking in would be likely to assume about how the
> technique is taught and practiced. It makes perfect
> sense for such a person to figure that something called
> "checking" in the TM context would of course involve
> having one's mantra checked, either as part of the
> routine or upon request. He may even be remembering
> point 23E from having read the checking notes and
> erroneously thinking that's what it refers to.

Checking doesn't mean checking the mantra. The purpose of checking is to give 
the right *experience* of meditation, which is effortless meditation. Other 
than point 23E, the only time an initiator explicitly checks the pronunciation 
of a mantra is individually with new meditators after the third night of 
checking. The wording in Maharishi's checking notes is brilliant and in this 
instance very delicate so as not to make a big deal out of it or risk 
disturbing the innocence and naturalness of meditation:
"And you remember your mantra?" [Assumes everything is AOK, but whether yes or 
no, it doesn't matter.] "Whisper softly what you feel it is." [This is so cool. 
You engage his "quiet feeling" not his noisy intellect by saying, "What do you 
*think* it is?"] If the mantra was wrong, you just reassure him it is all right 
now. Anything that creates doubt and confusion about meditation or 
pronunciation of the mantra is the antithesis of the checking procedure and 
effortless meditation.

> > > No  wonder he won't give out the basic names of
> > > his initiator and his course(s).
> > > 
> > > But I am impressed.
> > > Apparently Namkhai Norbu's webinars now give
> > > modified instructions in TM. It's just no longer the
> > > same old vajra-japa you seen in the Buddhist Tantras.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > > One POV worth considering is that since TM does not
> > > > > > generally oppose the mantra changing in sound or quality
> > > > > > or speed, etc., ones mantra could change and they would
> > > > > > not remember the "original" sound they were given, but
> > > > > > the morphed version. I know mine morphed so that I had
> > > > > > to be re-told it on checking several times...
> > > > >
> > > > > As much as anythign else I suspect that that was a nod to
> > > > > your anxiety, rather than an essential part of checking...
> > > >
> > > > He seems to think that it's a routine part of checking
> > > > for the meditator to tell the checker his/her mantra,
> > > > whereupon the checker corrects it if necessary.
> > > >
> > > > Not the case. Any TMer who's ever been checked would
> > > > know this; any TM teacher (or anyone who has taken
> > > > checker training) would know this.
> > > >
> > > > Even if the meditator *asks* to have the mantra checked,
> > > > it's extremely unlikely the checker would "nod to his
> > > > anxiety." The checking procedure is formulated so as to
> > > > *disallow* checking of the mantra (see point 23E of the
> > > > checking notes). The checking procedure is designed to
> > > > make the meditator comfortable with using whatever s/he
> > > > remembers, "morphed" or otherwise.
> > > >
> > > > It's not impossible that if the meditator made a huge
> > > > fuss, his/her initiator might be brought in to check
> > > > his/her mantra, but the checker would stand on his/her
> > > > head to avoid it by simply going through the regular
> > > > checking procedure loops as many times as necessary in
> > > > the hope that the meditator says the hell with it. The
> > > > whole idea is to discourage any anxiety the meditator
> > > > may have about correct pronunciation.

[FairfieldLife] renting my mantra (was Re: How to pronounce the mantras)

2011-07-16 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> As someone who attended some of my checking sessions provided by TM teachers, 
> I was never asked to verify my mantra or how it was used. The intent during 
> checking was more to point out the innocent nature of thought through 
> experience, and use that as a model for appreciating the mantra during 
> meditation. 
> As for the mantra's confidentiality, its kind of like my middle name, 
> something I would rarely think to bring up in conversation. It just is. Also, 
> I don't think of my mantra as mine. It was lent to me 36 years ago, for use 
> as instructed. 
> Although money ($65) was exchanged prior to my initiation, I didn't buy my 
> mantra. If I had, I'd be able to sell it to someone else so that they could 
> use it as effectively as I have. The price paid was instead a very effective 
> rent of the mantra, with instructions, costing me about 3.5 cents per week at 
> this point. 
> One of those instructions is to not share the mantra or speak it out loud. I 
> figure since it is a rental, why jeopardize my investment by using it in a 
> way it isn't intended? So I respect the rental agreement as stated, and don't 
> mess with it.

Excellent point, Jim. Honoring your agreement to keep your mantra private is a 
matter of integrity. Your respect for "mantra on loan" is laudable. IMO 
appreciation for the delicacy of the mantra safeguards its subtle energy. I've 
used the planted seed analogy many times and it's apropos for this post: "Once 
we plant a seed we leave it alone so that it grows stronger and more powerful. 
We don't weaken its growth by digging it up. In that same way, we don't speak 
out the mantra, we keep it to ourselves."

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> >
> > As a (mere) checker I certainly had no access to anyone's mantras, let 
> > alone their correct pronunciation, at any rate! :-)
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > That what it says in the checking notes of D.J. Wahl Ghoul.
> > > > > Apparently he can't keep his sources separate.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Still got a doubt that he never learned any of it?
> > > > 
> > > > Not moi. That's been clear for some time.
> > > 
> > > All his various smoking-gun missteps along these lines
> > > are just the kinds of things someone on the outside
> > > looking in would be likely to assume about how the
> > > technique is taught and practiced. It makes perfect
> > > sense for such a person to figure that something called
> > > "checking" in the TM context would of course involve
> > > having one's mantra checked, either as part of the
> > > routine or upon request. He may even be remembering
> > > point 23E from having read the checking notes and
> > > erroneously thinking that's what it refers to.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > > No  wonder he won't give out the basic names of
> > > > > his initiator and his course(s).
> > > > > 
> > > > > But I am impressed.
> > > > > Apparently Namkhai Norbu's webinars now give
> > > > > modified instructions in TM. It's just no longer the
> > > > > same old vajra-japa you seen in the Buddhist Tantras.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > One POV worth considering is that since TM does not
> > > > > > > > generally oppose the mantra changing in sound or quality
> > > > > > > > or speed, etc., ones mantra could change and they would
> > > > > > > > not remember the "original" sound they were given, but
> > > > > > > > the morphed version. I know mine morphed so that I had
> > > > > > > > to be re-told it on checking several times...
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > As much as anythign else I suspect that that was a nod to
> > > > > > > your anxiety, rather than an essential part of checking...
> > > > > >
> > > > > > He seems to think that it's a routine part of checking
> > > > > > for the meditator to tell the checker his/her mantra,
> > > > > > whereupon the checker corrects it if necessary.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Not the case. Any TMer who's ever been checked would
> > > > > > know this; any TM teacher (or anyone who has taken
> > > > > > checker training) would know this.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Even if the meditator *asks* to have the mantra checked,
> > > > > > it's extremely unlikely the checker would "nod to his
> > > > > > anxiety." The checking procedure is formulated so as to
> > > > > > *disallow* checking of the mantra (see point 23E of the
> > > > > > checking notes). The checking procedure is designed to
> > > > > > make the meditat

[FairfieldLife] renting my mantra (was Re: How to pronounce the mantras)

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> Thanks RD, and thanks to all of you here who are or were TM teachers. 
> The technique transformed my life, remade me. Each of you is a blessing. Each 
> of you transformed the world, one initiation at a time. Looking back it is 
> amazing what was done - A vast battle waged globally against the limitations 
> of consciousness. 
> Although the lamp was lit by Maharishi, without you, his knowledge, the 
> simple technique of TM, would never have come to the world. I am not here to 
> defend it or rank it. Nonetheless, all of you brought something unique into 
> the world during your generation, and the world, imo, is a much finer and 
> richer place, with amazing children for our future, as a result. 

Jai Guru Dev. All glory to Guru Dev. 

"A soft impulse of love is the sole life of a melting heart.

A tiny hope of love brings the light of dawn through the darkness of a lengthy 
night, and love, small, even as the twinkling of the faintest star, keeps the 
light at the altar shining."

--Maharishi, "Love and God"

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> > >
> > > As someone who attended some of my checking sessions provided by TM 
> > > teachers, I was never asked to verify my mantra or how it was used. The 
> > > intent during checking was more to point out the innocent nature of 
> > > thought through experience, and use that as a model for appreciating the 
> > > mantra during meditation. 
> > > 
> > > As for the mantra's confidentiality, its kind of like my middle name, 
> > > something I would rarely think to bring up in conversation. It just is. 
> > > Also, I don't think of my mantra as mine. It was lent to me 36 years ago, 
> > > for use as instructed. 
> > > 
> > > Although money ($65) was exchanged prior to my initiation, I didn't buy 
> > > my mantra. If I had, I'd be able to sell it to someone else so that they 
> > > could use it as effectively as I have. The price paid was instead a very 
> > > effective rent of the mantra, with instructions, costing me about 3.5 
> > > cents per week at this point. 
> > > 
> > > One of those instructions is to not share the mantra or speak it out 
> > > loud. I figure since it is a rental, why jeopardize my investment by 
> > > using it in a way it isn't intended? So I respect the rental agreement as 
> > > stated, and don't mess with it.
> > > 
> > 
> > Excellent point, Jim. Honoring your agreement to keep your mantra private 
> > is a matter of integrity. Your respect for "mantra on loan" is laudable. 
> > IMO appreciation for the delicacy of the mantra safeguards its subtle 
> > energy. I've used the planted seed analogy many times and it's apropos for 
> > this post: "Once we plant a seed we leave it alone so that it grows 
> > stronger and more powerful. We don't weaken its growth by digging it up. In 
> > that same way, we don't speak out the mantra, we keep it to ourselves."
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > As a (mere) checker I certainly had no access to anyone's mantras, let 
> > > > alone their correct pronunciation, at any rate! :-)
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > That what it says in the checking notes of D.J. Wahl Ghoul.
> > > > > > > Apparently he can't keep his sources separate.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Still got a doubt that he never learned any of it?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Not moi. That's been clear for some time.
> > > > > 
> > > > > All his various smoking-gun missteps along these lines
> > > > > are just the kinds of things someone on the outside
> > > > > looking in would be likely to assume about how the
> > > > > technique is taught and practiced. It makes perfect
> > > > > s

[FairfieldLife] Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p ET/11:45a PT 
on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN on TV or ESPN3.com on the 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates. Fancy footwork moving 
the ball down the field. Several almost in the net shots. Be still my heart. 
I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold one...Sprite. Is anyone else watching?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p ET/11:45a 
> PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN on TV or ESPN3.com on 
> the internet.
> http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/preview.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
GOAL! One, zip. USA!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates. Fancy footwork 
> moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net shots. Be still my 
> heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold one...Sprite. Is anyone else 
> watching?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p ET/11:45a 
> > PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN on TV or ESPN3.com 
> > on the internet.
> > 
> > http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/preview.html
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
No! Japan scores. Going into extra time. Biting my nails. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> GOAL! One, zip. USA!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates. Fancy footwork 
> > moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net shots. Be still 
> > my heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold one...Sprite. Is anyone 
> > else watching?
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p 
> > > ET/11:45a PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN on TV 
> > > or ESPN3.com on the internet.
> > > 
> > > http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/preview.html
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
Wambach scores! 2-1 USA! 15 minutes to go in 2nd half of overtime. Yikes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> No! Japan scores. Going into extra time. Biting my nails. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > GOAL! One, zip. USA!
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > >
> > > It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates. Fancy footwork 
> > > moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net shots. Be still 
> > > my heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold one...Sprite. Is anyone 
> > > else watching?
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p 
> > > > ET/11:45a PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN on TV 
> > > > or ESPN3.com on the internet.
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/preview.html
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
Japan scores! 2-2. Damn it. More overtime coming up.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> I hope USA wins! Thanks for the updates.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > Wambach scores! 2-1 USA! 15 minutes to go in 2nd half of overtime. Yikes.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > >
> > > No! Japan scores. Going into extra time. Biting my nails. 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > GOAL! One, zip. USA!
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates. Fancy 
> > > > > footwork moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net 
> > > > > shots. Be still my heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold 
> > > > > one...Sprite. Is anyone else watching?
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p 
> > > > > > ET/11:45a PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN 
> > > > > > on TV or ESPN3.com on the internet.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/preview.html
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
Japan Wins in a sudden death shoot out. Ooof.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Japan scores! 2-2. Damn it. More overtime coming up.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> >
> > I hope USA wins! Thanks for the updates.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Wambach scores! 2-1 USA! 15 minutes to go in 2nd half of overtime. Yikes.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > No! Japan scores. Going into extra time. Biting my nails. 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > GOAL! One, zip. USA!
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates. Fancy 
> > > > > > footwork moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net 
> > > > > > shots. Be still my heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold 
> > > > > > one...Sprite. Is anyone else watching?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY at 2:45p 
> > > > > > > ET/11:45a PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on ESPN 
> > > > > > > on TV or ESPN3.com on the internet.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/preview.html
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> wrote:
> >
> > Japan Wins in a sudden death shoot out. Ooof.
> I don't think it is sudden death, technically.  Each team gets five
> penalty kicks, and whoever comes out on top, or they keep going.

The term penalty kick is correct. News reports call it a penalty shootout. I'm 
not up on the finer points of soccer rules. I'm more familiar with field 
hockey, which has a similar strategy for playing positions but the rules are 
vastly different. I played right wing for an Ann Arbor association for a few 
years during and after college, so I know an intentional foul when I see one. 

In the last few minutes of the second half of overtime, the score was 2-2 and 
the US was attempting a shot at goal. Japan's player intentionally tripped the 
US player taking a shot for the winning goal. The US won a free penalty kick 
for the foul. When Japan lined up players to defend goal, it was the first 
opportunity in the game to see US strategy for a penalty kick. It may have put 
US at a disadvantage for the shootout. I wonder if Japan drew the foul to 
expose US strategy. 

The US came out strong in the first half hour and had several great shots. They 
dominated and could have wrapped up the game early, but they couldn't score 
until overtime. Both teams played well. I'm still bummed we didn't win. 

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" raunchydog@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Japan scores! 2-2. Damn it. More overtime coming up.
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" 
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I hope USA wins! Thanks for the updates.
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Wambach scores! 2-1 USA! 15 minutes to go in 2nd half of
> overtime. Yikes.
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > No! Japan scores. Going into extra time. Biting my nails.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
>  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > GOAL! One, zip. USA!
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
>  wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates.
> Fancy footwork moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net
> shots. Be still my heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold
> one...Sprite. Is anyone else watching?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
>  wrote:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY
> at 2:45p ET/11:45a PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on
> ESPN on TV or ESPN3.com on the internet.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/\
> preview.html
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] The debt ceiling debate is a fraud

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
During George W. Bush, Republicans raised the debt limit 19 times to nearly $4 
trillion but now they're willing to let the US default even though they admit 
it would be a financial disaster. This isn't a new kind of crazy. They've been 
crazy for years but the pundit class has always acted as if the both parties 
are equally responsible for the debt when in fact Bush squandered the Clinton 
surplus, cut taxes without paying for them, passed a prescription drug program 
for seniors without paying for it and fought two wars without paying for them.  

Krugman in "Wake up and smell the crazy" writes, "anyone surprised by the 
extremism and irresponsibility now on display either hasn't been paying 
attention, or has been deliberately turning a blind eye."


The debt  ceiling debate is a fraud video:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Go USA!

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
"Soccer leads straight to hell, according to conservative activist Billy Bob 
Neck, because it prevents you from using all of your God-given body parts.

Furthermore, the "Satanic" game is played by Europeans, Mexicans, "Mexicans 
from Brazil," and "Mexicans from all over."

"Think of all the communists countries that you can think of? How many of them 
play soccer? All of em, every single one," he noted. "How many play football? 
Not one. Football – that's a sport."


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Japan Wins in a sudden death shoot out. Ooof.
> > 
> > 
> > I don't think it is sudden death, technically.  Each team gets five
> > penalty kicks, and whoever comes out on top, or they keep going.
> > 
> >
> The term penalty kick is correct. News reports call it a penalty shootout. 
> I'm not up on the finer points of soccer rules. I'm more familiar with field 
> hockey, which has a similar strategy for playing positions but the rules are 
> vastly different. I played right wing for an Ann Arbor association for a few 
> years during and after college, so I know an intentional foul when I see one. 
> In the last few minutes of the second half of overtime, the score was 2-2 and 
> the US was attempting a shot at goal. Japan's player intentionally tripped 
> the US player taking a shot for the winning goal. The US won a free penalty 
> kick for the foul. When Japan lined up players to defend goal, it was the 
> first opportunity in the game to see US strategy for a penalty kick. It may 
> have put US at a disadvantage for the shootout. I wonder if Japan drew the 
> foul to expose US strategy. 
> The US came out strong in the first half hour and had several great shots. 
> They dominated and could have wrapped up the game early, but they couldn't 
> score until overtime. Both teams played well. I'm still bummed we didn't win. 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" raunchydog@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Japan scores! 2-2. Damn it. More overtime coming up.
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" 
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > I hope USA wins! Thanks for the updates.
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Wambach scores! 2-1 USA! 15 minutes to go in 2nd half of
> > overtime. Yikes.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > No! Japan scores. Going into extra time. Biting my nails.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
> >  wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > GOAL! One, zip. USA!
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
> >  wrote:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > It's half-time. No score. Exciting match. USA dominates.
> > Fancy footwork moving the ball down the field. Several almost in the net
> > shots. Be still my heart. I'm yelling at the TV. Time for a cold
> > one...Sprite. Is anyone else watching?
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
> >  wrote:
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > Japan vs. USA Women's World Cup final match begins TODAY
> > at 2:45p ET/11:45a PT on ESPN. The match coverage begins at 2pm ET on
> > ESPN on TV or ESPN3.com on the internet.
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > >
> > http://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/matches/round=255989/match=300144437/\
> > preview.html
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-17 Thread raunchydog
Lawson, thank you for the excellent collection of links on TM research.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson  wrote:
> >
> > L., forgive me, but I went though my old posts, which had several from you 
> > and none had any links for further research. Did I miss one of them? 
> > Cheers
> > Bill
> Re: "The Soul is extracted and judged by weight"
> An email I fired off recently might be of interest to you:
> Dear Professor Brown,
> I just finished reading your article, Doubt as Methodology and Object in the
> Phenomenology of Religion, found in M/C Journal
> http://www.journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/article/viewArticle/\
> 334 ...
> I'd like to present the TM theoretical "take" of the Vedic philosophy and ask
> that you reconsider calling TM a religion, per se:
> Rather than theories or beliefs about God, the Universe and Everything that 
> are
> strictly the product of the specific culture that they are found in, TM theory
> asserts that these are cultural interpretations of states of consciousness 
> that
> are natural to humans, regardless of culture. TM theory further asserts that 
> TM
> is a "technique" (in the same sense that "the Way that cannot be spoken" is a
> technique) that increases the probability that practitioners will enter into 
> the
> state of consciousness called "turya" -"pure consciousness"- in the 
> Upanishads.
> The theory further asserts that long-term practice of TM, alternated with 
> normal
> activity, leads to the situation called "turyatita" (quality of turya) where
> turya is omni-present, in some sense, in the individual.
> This theory is nothing new. You can find it, with minor variations, in various
> places. E.G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turiya
> What IS unique to TM theory, however, are the assertions that:
> 1) turya is a physiological state of the brain in the Western scientific 
> sense,
> that can be measured using the tools of Western science;
> 2) that turyatita is likewise a measurable state;
> 3) that turya is the state of least stress in a resting nervous system;
> 4) the process of TM is merely a resting state of the nervous system that
> repairs stress (note that obvious episodes of turya are NOT required for this
> resting state to be effective --one can become fully "enlightened" according 
> to
> TM theory, without ever having a clear experience of turya during meditation, 
> at
> least prior to full enlightenment);
> 4) turyatita is merely a state in mature adults whose nervous systems are
> sufficiently strong and mature due to lack of physiological stress that turya 
> is
> evident, even during waking, dreaming and sleeping.
> this leads to the logical conclusion that turyatita is NOT some esoteric 
> state,
> and that the physiological signature of turya during meditation should more
> likely appear, not only in long-term practitioners of TM contrasted with
> non-meditating or short-term meditating controls, but also in non-meditators
> whose success in life suggests that their nervous systems are very efficient,
> e.g.: world champion athletes (as compared to non-champion professionals in 
> the
> same sport), professional classical musicians (as compared to amateur 
> classical
> musicians) and high-functioning business managers as compared to their less
> successful counterparts.
> Research on the physiological correlates of turya found during TM practice:
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7045911
> Breath suspension during the transcendental meditation technique.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10512549
> Pure consciousness: distinct phenomenological and physiological correlates of
> "consciousness itself".
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9009807
> Autonomic patterns during respiratory suspensions: possible markers of
> Transcendental Consciousness.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10487785
> Autonomic and EEG patterns during eyes-closed rest and transcendental 
> meditation
> (TM) practice: the basis for a neural model of TM practice.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19862565
> A self-referential default brain state: patterns of coherence, power, and
> eLORETA sources during eyes-closed rest and Transcendental Meditation 
> practice.
> Research on the physiological correlates of turyatita in long-term TM
> meditators:
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12406612
> Patterns of EEG coherence, power, and contingent negative variation 
> characterize
> the integration of transcendental and waking states.
> http://www.tm.org/american-psychological-association
> Abstract for the 2007 Conference of the American Psychological Association
> Brain Integration Scale: Corroborating Language-based 
Instruments of
> Post-conventional Development
> Research on the physiological correlates of turyatita in non-meditators:
> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10./j.1600-

[FairfieldLife] Super Dog fights off robbers

2011-07-18 Thread raunchydog

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jefferson County Excessive Heat Warning

2011-07-18 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> I just went through this back East. Drink LOTS of water and liquids - a 
> gallon a day. Crank the AC. If outside and you stop sweating, see a doctor. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Heat index is 110 here at the moment, and climbing.
> >

Too much water can kill you.  One to two liters a day depending on your body 
mass is plenty.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rupert Murdoch gets pied

2011-07-19 Thread raunchydog
Wendi Deng Murdoch delivers volleyball spike! Kaboom!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 07/19/2011 09:35 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > The news is all abuzz about this but try to find a video of it.  If you
> > click on the stories the only video you'll see is the live stream of the
> > hearings.  But here is a a video on the incident posted on YouTube.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe5fPsucqKI
> >
> > But I'm sure that the news pool got a better shot.  Where is it?  Maybe
> > later in the day?  Or do they so fear the old grinch they're afraid to
> > post it.
> Little better one on the Guardian site.
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/blog/video/2011/jul/19/rupert-murdoch-jamesmurdoch
> Too bad the pool didn't get a front shot.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Economic Collapse -- why it won't be stopped (and The Last Mountain)

2011-07-19 Thread raunchydog
Our country has moved so far to the right that there's hardly any difference 
between a Republican who wants to cut Social Security and Medicare and a 
Democrat who wants to cut Social Security and Medicare but raise taxes 
slightly.  Ronald Reagan raised taxes and IMO was more of a Democrat than 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans  wrote:
> Because it isn't "the American people don't want higher taxes"the 
> question is "do the american people want a proportionately fair tax system on 
> the money made from the corporations and wealth aristocrats (that is not 
> coming back to us via the "trickle down theory or will it ever) on the backs 
> of us working class."  This is another Republican myth that they are 
> spreading to instill fear.
> --- On Tue, 7/19/11, richardjwilliamstexas  wrote:
> From: richardjwilliamstexas 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Economic Collapse -- why it won't be stopped 
> (and The Last Mountain)
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 3:26 PM
>   > > In the context of our continued political system, it is
> > > easy to "blame Obama" while we whine and cry and call
> > > foul - where is the loyalty
> > 
> authfriend: 
> > Are you even *aware* that there are many who think
> > cutting spending to reduce the deficit is the very *last*
> > thing we should be doing while the economy is still in
> > such bad shape?
> >
> "But why insist on higher taxes in the middle of weakest 
> economic recovery in the post-World War II era?"
> http://tinyurl.com/3ba2snc

[FairfieldLife] Anniversary 1st man on the moon

2011-07-20 Thread raunchydog
"On the anniversary of the first man on the moon, and with the final space 
shuttle mission set to end Thursday, Wired.com takes a look back at the 
extraordinary amount of training astronauts go through before they are mission 


[FairfieldLife] Re: FDR Warning about Today's Republicans

2011-07-20 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans  wrote:
> This is great

If only we had a president that would speak like that today or this: 

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment 
insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of 
that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of 
course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you 
possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an 
occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is 
negligible and they are stupid." -Dwight D. Eisenhower


> --- On Wed, 7/20/11, do.rflex  wrote:
> From: do.rflex 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] FDR Warning about Today's Republicans
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 11:31 AM
> FDR tells the truth about the leaders of the modern Republican
> party. Somehow, in 1936, he foresaw what would be happening NOW.
> Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUZGkNAUSvY

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anniversary 1st man on the moon

2011-07-21 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> There are some people, including Srila Prabhupada, who think that the moon 
> landing was a hoax.  FWIW, Prabhupada thought that the Moon was further away 
> than the Sun.  He also thought that there are spiritual beings and water on 
> the Moon.  As such, in vedic literature, the Moon is the significator of soma 
> and abundance here on Earth.

Had Prabhupada known about astronaut butt molds, he would have reconsidered his 
belief the moon landings were a hoax. It's proof that NASA was serious about 
completing a successful mission as well as cover ass.


Apollo 11   Eagle   20 July 1969
Apollo 12   Intrepid19 November 1969
Apollo 14   Antares 5 February 1971
Apollo 15   Falcon  30 July 1971
Apollo 16   Orion   21 April 1972
Apollo 17   Challenger  11 December 1972


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > "On the anniversary of the first man on the moon, and with the final space 
> > shuttle mission set to end Thursday, Wired.com takes a look back at the 
> > extraordinary amount of training astronauts go through before they are 
> > mission ready." 
> > 
> > http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/07/moon-landing-gallery/
> >

[FairfieldLife] Diving horse (was Re: Diving dog)

2011-07-22 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Atlantic City Steel Pier, ca. 1930?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > Diving dog in Gentry's trained animal show, 1900
> > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/6/52594.jpg
> >

War Dogs

[FairfieldLife] #f@ckyouwashington

2011-07-27 Thread raunchydog
We don't need a 3rd party.  We need to primary Obama with a Democrat who will 
stand up and say Obama doesn't represent the party of FDR, he represents the 
blood suckers on Wall Street. Bernie Sanders agrees we should primary Obama 
hoping it would push Obama further to the left. It's not going to happen. Obama 
has a lock on plenty of money for a campaign that would (if 2008 is any lesson) 
trash the reputation of the challenger, have the DNC cheat for him and play the 
race card for good measure. Obama is on the right, has always been on the right 
and will stay on the right regardless of a primary. 

The debt ceiling debate is just kabuki to make the rubes believe that the only 
choice, Flimflam Man has to save the county from defaulting on its debt is 
sacrifice Social Security and Medicare when in truth that is exactly what Obama 
was hired to do.

If Obama were a Democrat, he would have stopped all the Republican crazy talk 
about the debt ceiling by simply saying he would invoke the 14th Amendment. 
Bill Clinton said he would invoke the constitutional option to raise the debt 
ceiling "without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me" in order to 
prevent a default. Now, there's a president with some balls.


For the past few weeks, Obama has shown no interest in involving Democrats in 
"negotiating" with Boehner, Cantor or McConnell because he couldn't have gotten 
away with unilaterally offering up programs to help the poor and women. Obama 
has continually lied about the strength and solvency of the social safety net 
and now he has accomplished what George W. Bush and every Republican before him 
could only dream of doing, destroy FDR's New Deal.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What are the funniest stories from your days in the TMO?

2011-07-27 Thread raunchydog
I had a guy show up for initiation smelling of alcohol and probably drunk. I 
wasn't sure if he was sober enough to be initiated but I initiated him. He came 
for the first night of checking smelling of alcohol. I asked him to see me 
after the meeting and he ducked out. Never saw him again. Poor bastard.

John Lyons was a beautiful man when I heard him give an introductory lecture in 
1972. He was so luscious I was ready to start TM before he said a word. Then he 
broke the news: Two weeks waiting for using recreational drugs. Really? I was 
disappointed but unlike the drunk I initiated, I decided to have a good 
experience and wait the two weeks. I told my boyfriend I was going to start TM 
and had to give up pot. He said, "I'll teach you to meditate. All you have to 
do is rub your eyes and you'll see colors." Sex with him was definitely better 
than his advice. I started TM and he dumped me for another girl, a girl with 
kaleidoscope eyes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> I thought I'd ask the question, since the subject of
> humor or the lack thereof along spiritual paths is still
> on my mind. There was a time, back before fun was declared
> Off The Program, when funny TMO stories abounded. Here are 
> two of mine, both puja-related. Neither happened to me, but
> they are funny. At least to me.
> In the first incident, a male TM teacher was initiating a
> female student, and at the part of the puja where one waves
> a little dish of flaming camphor around. A fiery piece of
> the camphor fell out of the dish and onto the larger tray
> in which he'd placed his entire supply of camphor. A wall
> of flame erupted from the tray, several feet high. Thinking 
> quickly, he looked around the room and found a large empty 
> flower pot, which he upended over the flaming tray and the 
> now-scorched white tablecloth, continued the puja, and 
> instructed the student. At the end of her first meditation, 
> he said "Slowly open the eyes," and then "It was good?," or
> whatever it was that we were supposed to say.
> She replied, "Yes, the meditation itself was good, but I
> found myself thinking about when you made the table explode 
> into flame. Could we do that part again?"
> The second incident also involves a male TM teacher and
> a female student, in this case a very attractive one. She
> arrived on time for her initiation, bearing the fresh 
> flowers and fruit she'd been told to bring. But while 
> preparing the puja table, the initiator noticed that 
> instead of the clean white handkerchief she'd been told
> to bring, she had brought a large white sheet. Folding
> it as small as he could he performed the puja and taught
> her TM and everything was great. 
> At the end of the first night of checking, still curious,
> he asked the woman why she'd brought a sheet instead of
> a handkerchief. Blushing furiously, she told the initiator
> that the night before the instruction she had gone out to
> a bar and had met a guy and mentioned to him that she was
> going to learn TM the next day. 
> He said, "Oh yeah, TM. I've learned that."
> She asked, naturally curious, "So what are the fruit and
> the flowers and the handkerchief I've been asked to bring
> for?
> The guy said, "Well, the fruit and flowers are kind of
> symbolic offerings used by the teacher in the ceremony 
> that precedes the initiation. The handkerchief is to 
> cover yourself with when you both get naked." 
> The funniest thing, if you think about it, is that she
> believed him, and showed up anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Re: #f@ckyouwashington

2011-07-29 Thread raunchydog
Obama could save the day by invoking the 14th Amendment and shaming the Tea 
Party crazies for trying to burn down the house. It could be his ticket to 
victory in 2012, but will he do it? If he doesn't, Obama will be a one-term 
president.  His base of loyal lefties is gone, the Tea Party wants his head, 
and the independents aren't impressed with his efforts to give away the farm. 

The manufactured debt ceiling crisis, the self-inflicted wound that has 
everyone disgusted with both parties, has made us ripe for the pickings by a 
stealth third party candidate that will be Obama's and our undoing. It won't be 
a Tea Party crazy. That would be too obvious. They need someone sneaky. It will 
be...drum roll please...an Ayn Rand, 3rd Reichian, uber-libertarian funded by 
Americans Elect, the spawn of Flat Earther, Thomas Friedman and the CATO 
institute. Their candidate will pose as a squeaky-clean man/woman of the 
people, a populist Bull Moose, Teddy Roosevelt type. Beware of any third party 
candidate faintly tainted by their stench. When I see a media promotion 
sponsored by Shell Oil like this: 


I smell oil-billionaire-Koch-brother money priming the propaganda pump to make 
us believe "anyone but a Republican or Democrat" will magically fix the way 
Washington works. Sound familiar?

Americans Elect seemingly comes from nowhere during an economic crisis. How did 
that happen? They are simply taking advantage of the disaster capitalism Naomi 
Klein warned us of in Shock Doctrine and they don't even have a candidate. They 
don't need one. They have cleverly hatched a plan to ask voters to nominate a 
candidate on the Internet. They promise the winner will be on the 2012 ballot 
in every state. Wow! Imagine the power every rube in the county will feel being 
involved in the nomination process instead of stuck with party picks. Americans 
Elect will give voters the illusion that they are picking a candidate when in 
fact it's a scam to solicit money for their Libertarian Super Pac so they can 
pick and promote whomever they damn well please. These jokers don't care about 
democracy. They care about bleeding the poor.

Reagan was a big fan of Ayn Rand, which is why "trickle down" turned out to be 
an Orwellian "trickle up" from the have-nots to the haves. Libertarians cherish 
the vision of Ayn Rand world where, "One puts oneself above all and crushes 
everything in one's way to get the best for oneself." They hate government 
regulation. They hate anything owned by the public...school, water, roads, 
energy. They hate government, especially government work programs to fix roads 
and bridges.  Why raise taxes to fix anything when you can let it all go to 
hell, privatize the commons the sell it off to corporate globalists who pay 
slave wages?  Libertarians are so fucking worried that grandma might have huge 
medical expenses; they rather cut off her Medicare than pay one dime more in 
higher taxes. Libertarians are evil, greedy bastards to the core. 

Real Democrats know in their bones that tax cuts only make the rich richer.  
Real Democrats know people need money in their pockets to drive the engine of 
economy. Real Democrats would fix our crumbling infrastructure and put people 
back to work as FDR did in the 1930's. That's how we got out of the Depression 
then and that's how we'll get out of hard times now. Real Democrats...I only 

[FairfieldLife] Re: #f@ckyouwashington

2011-07-29 Thread raunchydog
Do you remember Unity 08? Americans Elect, run by the same people, spouts the 
same clap trap. Only this time they have more money from God knows where and a 
more sophisticated plan. The mustache himself, Tom Friedman, laid out his 
Americans Elect 3rd Party plan in an Op-Ed published in the New York Times. 

Unsurprisingly, Friedman never mentions the word Libertarian. It's a trap, 
folks, a veritable roach motel. It's inviting on the outside but deadly on the 
inside. An Americans Elect candidate probably won't win but could possibly 
siphon enough votes from Obama, that we'll be singing hail to the chieftess, 
Sarah Palin.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Obama could save the day by invoking the 14th Amendment and shaming the Tea 
> Party crazies for trying to burn down the house. It could be his ticket to 
> victory in 2012, but will he do it? If he doesn't, Obama will be a one-term 
> president.  His base of loyal lefties is gone, the Tea Party wants his head, 
> and the independents aren't impressed with his efforts to give away the farm. 
> The manufactured debt ceiling crisis, the self-inflicted wound that has 
> everyone disgusted with both parties, has made us ripe for the pickings by a 
> stealth third party candidate that will be Obama's and our undoing. It won't 
> be a Tea Party crazy. That would be too obvious. They need someone sneaky. It 
> will be...drum roll please...an Ayn Rand, 3rd Reichian, uber-libertarian 
> funded by Americans Elect, the spawn of Flat Earther, Thomas Friedman and the 
> CATO institute. Their candidate will pose as a squeaky-clean man/woman of the 
> people, a populist Bull Moose, Teddy Roosevelt type. Beware of any third 
> party candidate faintly tainted by their stench. When I see a media promotion 
> sponsored by Shell Oil like this: 
> http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/fast-fix/fast-fix-third-party-presidency-092236920.html
> I smell oil-billionaire-Koch-brother money priming the propaganda pump to 
> make us believe "anyone but a Republican or Democrat" will magically fix the 
> way Washington works. Sound familiar?
> Americans Elect seemingly comes from nowhere during an economic crisis. How 
> did that happen? They are simply taking advantage of the disaster capitalism 
> Naomi Klein warned us of in Shock Doctrine and they don't even have a 
> candidate. They don't need one. They have cleverly hatched a plan to ask 
> voters to nominate a candidate on the Internet. They promise the winner will 
> be on the 2012 ballot in every state. Wow! Imagine the power every rube in 
> the county will feel being involved in the nomination process instead of 
> stuck with party picks. Americans Elect will give voters the illusion that 
> they are picking a candidate when in fact it's a scam to solicit money for 
> their Libertarian Super Pac so they can pick and promote whomever they damn 
> well please. These jokers don't care about democracy. They care about 
> bleeding the poor.
> Reagan was a big fan of Ayn Rand, which is why "trickle down" turned out to 
> be an Orwellian "trickle up" from the have-nots to the haves. Libertarians 
> cherish the vision of Ayn Rand world where, "One puts oneself above all and 
> crushes everything in one's way to get the best for oneself." They hate 
> government regulation. They hate anything owned by the public...school, 
> water, roads, energy. They hate government, especially government work 
> programs to fix roads and bridges.  Why raise taxes to fix anything when you 
> can let it all go to hell, privatize the commons the sell it off to corporate 
> globalists who pay slave wages?  Libertarians are so fucking worried that 
> grandma might have huge medical expenses; they rather cut off her Medicare 
> than pay one dime more in higher taxes. Libertarians are evil, greedy 
> bastards to the core. 
> Real Democrats know in their bones that tax cuts only make the rich richer.  
> Real Democrats know people need money in their pockets to drive the engine of 
> economy. Real Democrats would fix our crumbling infrastructure and put people 
> back to work as FDR did in the 1930's. That's how we got out of the 
> Depression then and that's how we'll get out of hard times now. Real 
> Democrats...I only wish.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'President Obama-Declare a National Emergency!'...

2011-07-30 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Rest assured if Obama used the 14th Amendment the Republithugs
> > and Teabaggers would be screaming he's a dictator and the
> > "national stupid" would probably agree.
> They'd immediately start impeachment proceedings. They've
> been trying to figure out how to impeach him for some
> time now; this would be their golden opportunity.
> Couldn't convict him with a Democratic Senate, of course,
> but the point would be to keep him from governing while
> he fought the charges.

Judy, I initially thought invoking the 14th was a good idea, but you and 
Bhairitu are probably right about this.  When Bill Clinton said he would invoke 
the 14th, his ballsy challenge to the Supreme Court made my heart go all 
aflutter. Jim Clyburn, another Democrat I admire, likened invoking the 14th to 
Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation and Truman integrating the Armed 
Services, both signed by executive order. He said that if Congress dared 
impeach Obama, he would love to hear the Tea Party argue against Obama saving 
the country from default. 

Riverdaughter wrote a brilliant piece about this today. She considered the 
possibility that getting Obama to invoke the 14th is Republican plan B:

"We assume that Obama can just do it and the courts will determine at some 
future date whether he was correct to do it or not. If everything works out OK, 
then it simply looks like a matter of it being better to ask forgiveness than 
permission. But we forget that the Republicans have 5 solid votes on the 
Surpreme Court on their side. Oh sure, Kennedy is *supposed* to swing like a 
pendulum do but in actuality, he doesn't. He's as much a movement conservative 
federalist as the other four. So, what if the court is already set up to say 
"NO!". What then? Is it an impeachable offense? While I don't think the House 
or the Senate have the votes to impeach, they can do a lot of damage in the 
interim, tying up legislation for months. Could they force him to resign? Bill 
Clinton was under pressure to do so over a little nothing affair but Clinton 
was a good president with a savvy political nature. Barack Obama, um, isn't.

Is this effectively a coup? Is it domestic terrorism?" 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Broaden your spiritual horizon

2011-07-30 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> > wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Have you ever had Stag's Breath?
> > > > 
> > > > No, but I had a boyfriend who did, every morning.
> > > 
> > > http://instantrimshot.com/classic/?sound=rimshot
> > 
> > Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all evening...
> >
> The small crowd in the club applauds. "johnny, I'll have another!"
> Through the cigar and cigarette smoke, a man's almost shrill drunken laugh is 
> heard, and the house band starts up on stage...

Its quarter to three,
There's no one in the place cept you and me
So set em up joe
I got a little story I think you oughtta know

Were drinking my friend
To the end of a brief episode
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Force Of Fate

2011-07-31 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> >
> > "Jyotish works with a crippled model of our solar system,
> > using a crippled system of reasoning".
> > I'm surprised such a stupid statement comes from someone
> > as intelligent as you. It clearly shows that you haven't
> > spent much time studying Jyotish. Jyotish does NOT use
> > the solar system, it is that there seems to be a natural 
> > correspondence between the inner nature of a human being
> > with certain planets of the solar system, that the
> > microcosm is a limited manifestation of the macrocosm,
> > hence they associate soul with Sun, mind with Moon,
> > intellect with Mercury, masculine qualities with Mars and
> > feminine with Venus.
> >
> > Then there are Rahu and Ketu that roughly correspond to
> > the nodes, upagrahas that don't correspond to any planet.
> > Your thinking reflects the modern Western astrologer who
> > have tried to incorporate the solar system, however it is
> > not Jyotish.
> Kinda sorta. Western astrology does incorprate heavenly
> bodies not visible to the naked eye, but it's no more
> based on a solar system model than Jyotish is. Both are
> based on the positions of the heavenly bodies as they
> appear in the sky when viewed from Earth. Western
> astrology simply extends that view to what can be seen
> with instruments.
> Even some who have studied astrology (Jyotish or Western)
> don't quite get that conceptual distinction; almost no
> skeptics do. It's hard to set aside modern knowledge of
> the solar system when you're looking at a discipline 
> whose most essential elements are the same as those that
> compose that very system.

The fundamental difference between Joytish and Western astrology is that 
Jyotish uses sidereal ecliptic coordinates and Western astrology uses tropical 


  "The Sidereal or Eastern system of astrology is based on the position of the 
belt of fixed stars and constellations in the heavens, whereas the Tropical 
zodiac or the Western astrological system is based upon the position of the Sun 
in relation to the Earth. The first degree of the Sidereal zodiac is measured 
from a point 180 degrees opposite the star Spica, whereas the first degree of 
the Western zodiac occurs when the Sun reaches the position above the equator 
known as the vernal equinox, on or about the 22nd of March each year.

   Originally, the first degree of the zodiac was common to both systems.  Due 
to the peculiarities in the Earth's orbit, however, the belt of stars and 
constellations appears to shift in relation to the Tropical zodiac. As a 
result, the two zodiacs are drifting apart. This is called the "procession of 
the equinoxes," and today the difference between the two systems is calculated 
at about 23 degrees. Thus, if a person is born on January 1, he will have the 
Sun in Capricorn according to the Western system, but according to the Sidereal 
system the Sun will be at approximately 16 degrees Sagittarius." 


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Post Count Follies :-)

2011-07-31 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Another hilarious (in some ways) aspect of this whole 
> thing is that the person who became so obsessed that 
> they overposted because they could no longer keep track 
> of time, let alone keep track of their posts, 
> Here she is not only still posting, but having made 20
> posts in six hours last night, STILL obsessing. Mean-
> while, both Alex and Rick rolled over on cue and allowed 
> her to do it. 
> Could it possibly be that neither wants to...uh...follow
> the rules and thus become a potential target for such an
> obsessive personality?

Slamming Rick and Alex doesn't win you any points around here, Buddy. Show some 
respect for their willingness to even bother putting up with your bullshit. 
Stop whining about Judy "getting away with it"  and ignoring Vaj intentionally 
deleting posts. He created a pain in the ass mess for Alex that forced him to 
spend time trying to figure out to the point of expiration. Defend that, 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > Personally, I find several aspects of this whole 
> > overposting thang entertaining enough to comment on:
> > 
> > First, I love the way that the person who managed to
> > overpost in the first place never gets around to 
> > explaining *how she lost track of a whole day*. One 
> > gets the impression by her omission of this detail 
> > that she was abducted by aliens and forced at anal 
> > probe-point to make those three posts, and that 
> > making them had nothing to do with being so obsessed 
> > with a couple of people and so overwhelmed by the need 
> > to "get" them that she just...uh...lost track of a 
> > tiny detail like what day of the week it was.  :-)
> > 
> > Second, I love the way she claims that no one in the 
> > Bad Old Days was so out of control that they made 20 
> > posts overnight while making...uh...20 posts overnight. 
> > In a period of six hours, actually. There just can't 
> > be much more of an "FFL classic" than that.  :-)
> > 
> > At any rate, I'm sure that kind of "posting frequency" 
> > puts everyone's mind at ease about there being no need 
> > for the posting limits any more. If she posted at that 
> > same rate every day, she'd only be making 120 to 140 
> > posts a week. 
> > 
> > Oh. That's how many she WAS making back in the Bad
> > Old Days. Guess there might be a need for the Posting
> > Limits after all.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sniffing Beauty

2011-07-31 Thread raunchydog
Nice post, Barry. My miniature schnauzer will be 16 in October. She lost her 
hearing two years ago. Sadly, she can't hear to come back when I whistle so I 
have to keep her on leash or she wanders off. I miss letting her run freely to 
chase squirrels, pee anywhere she fancies and roll in smelly dead things. She 
fetched frisbees, balls, sticks, squeaky toys, always with such gusto.  Her 
favorite toy was a blue racquet ball, just the right size for her to jump up 
and catch in mid-air. She was a terrific swimmer. She never tired of retrieving 
a stick from the water at Waterworks Park. No matter how far I threw a stick 
into reservoir, she would bring it back and bark like a nut until I threw it 
again. I will always be thankful to her for the joy she brought into my life.

Nowadays, she sleeps a lot and totters around the house from food and water in 
the kitchen to her dog bed in the living room. Except where there are area 
rugs, her feet slip from under her on the wooden floors and tile. Sometimes I 
have to help her stand back up. 

It's hard to watch her grow weaker by the day. She no longer climbs the stairs 
to my bedroom or jumps on the bed to sleep at my feet. Her one remaining 
pleasure in life is her sense of smell. Our walks together are slow and not 
very far but she makes the most of it, happily sniffing the air and elements. 
Since I lack gigantic olfactory bulbs attached to my brain, I will never fully 
appreciate the ecstasy of rolling in poop. Washing my dog off after a hearty 
roll in disgusting things was a small price to pay. I will miss her dearly.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> No, this is NOT a rap about Turq's preferred method of meeting
> attractive women. For the record, that method SO does not work.
> It's a rap about the joys of having dogs. One of the things dogs bring
> to your life is that when you're been obsessing in front of the computer
> for too long -- on work or on the Internet -- they come up and nose your
> leg and look up at you with those big brown eyes as if to say, "Food
> Guy, you SO need a walk. We'll come, too, if you want."
> So you reluctantly close the laptop and get up, put on your shoes, grab
> the leashes and some poop bags and a pocketful of dog treats, and head
> out the door, preceded by your furry friends. But for the first few
> mintues of the walk, part of you is still obsessing on cyberspace, and
> you're not enjoying it as much as you should be. Then one of the dogs,
> catching a whiff of some deliciously canine perfume like Eau de Dead
> Rodent, plants all four feet in the ground, yanks on the leash, and
> refuses to proceed until he has been allowed to give it the Full Sniff
> treatment.
> You yank on the leash, and the dog plants his feet even more firmly,
> looking up at you as if to say, "Dude! Are you CRAZY? Don't you *smell*
> that? Isn't it *wonderful*? Why are you trying to rush off? And where
> TO? Is that box you stare into really that much better? I can't smell
> anything at all when I give *it* a sniff."
> And then -- fortunately more often than not -- I lighten the fuck up,
> laugh at myself, and allow him to do the Full Sniff. While waiting, I
> have learned to look around, sniff the air myself, and notice things I'd
> been rushing past. Like, today, an entire bush of ripe blackberries. I
> pick one, sniff it, and it smells GOOD. I taste it. It tastes GOOD. So I
> let the dogs off the leash and let them run around sniffing to their
> hearts' content while I pick a handful of berries, suddenly in no rush
> at all.
> Dogs are GOOD. As tools for mindfulness, it's really hard to beat them.
> They remind us when we're obsessing, and help to bring us back to
> reality.
> In all fairness, I have to say that I occasionally have to return the
> favor when, on one of our walks, they see a cat.

[FairfieldLife] Re: In FF memorium

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> An old FF friend,
> Jeff Wells passed away this evening.
> !Jai Jeff Wells!

Jeff was a kindhearted soul. He had been a tech at the Raj until he was in a 
car accident about 10 or 12 years ago. It affected his ability to work. Doug, 
let us know when you hear about a service for him. Rest in peace, dearest, Jeff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Beth Cook  wrote:
> My name is Beth, I'm from Canada.
> I was just initiated into Transcendental Meditation
> and I just joined Fairfield Life. I'm hoping to learn 
> more about meditation but I'm concerned my 
> questions have already been discussed. Should I look 
> in the Fairfield Life archives or can I just post my questions?

Congratulations on starting TM, Beth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog
Doug, If you find out about a service for Jeff, please email me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > That is good.  Take a look at Janet Sussman for example.  There are others. 
> >  Her teaching fulfills a lot of what you peg as a more secular 
> > meditational/spiritual non-religious practice. She has been at it for a 
> > long time as a spiritual teacher.  You can google her name.  She also has a 
> > page at
> > 
> >  http://timeportalpubs.com/about.htm
> Buck, I think it's great when you post responses like this that actually have 
> substance. However, you also insist on posting those cascade posts that add 
> nothing and only burn up your allotment of posts. Unfortunately for you, this 
> post was your 51st for the week. Tomorrow's post count will say you're at 50, 
> but I've made it clear several times that the post count is off this week, 
> and I've posted corrected counts for the top posters, including you. So, 
> you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog
We need another Libertarian in the White House like a hole in the head. The 
Libertarian idiots at the Mises Institute actually endorse the stateless state 
of affairs in Somalia. Scratch beneath the surface and you'll see that Ron Paul 
is cut from the same cloth as these heartless, greedy, SOB's.

Stateless in Somalia, and Loving It

Libertarian Magic Dust

Ayn Rand, heartthrob of Libertarian propagandist, Glenn Beck and Tea Party 
crazies, worshiped a notorious serial killer who was the inspiration for Howard 
Roark, "the ideal man" in her book The Fountainhead. Figures.

"Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a 
Big Admirer of Serial Killer"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> At 7 pm on Tues Aug 9th Ron Paul will be speaking on the Fairfield Square!!
> Attached is the insert that will be going in both the Weekly Reader and the 
> Fairfield Ledger this week.
> Our goal is to attract 500 persons to hear Ron Paul like we did in 2007!
> We need volunteers to set up and to staff tables to reserve Straw Poll 
> tickets.
> On Thursday Aug 11th Ron Paul will be in a televised debate from Ames.
> On Thurs Aug 11 & Fri Aug 12 we’ll need help calling our FF Ron Paul 
> supporters to remind them of the Straw Poll and to coordinate carpooling.
> Saturday Aug 13th is the Straw Poll in Ames!! Bring your friends! 
> Let’s WIN this for Ron Paul. Bus info to be announced.
> Our Goal is to have 200 persons from Fairfield vote for Ron Paul in the Straw 
> Poll this time!!
> Please stay in touch and volunteer if you can.
> Call Roger at 919-8414 with questions.
> Roger, Brian, Bernadette, Caroline, April

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