Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Good rap. My only question is, Whose mother exactly was it who slept with a 
dog, and what breed of dog was it? Genetics are important. 

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

I tend not to agree with Barry about free will, but then this is a subject 
whose resolution seems impossible to determine. One of my early spiritual 
experiences was about free will and determinism. My interpretation of that 
experience was that they were equivalent, like the faces on the same coin, 
differing views of the same process. I had been having experiences like this 
for about two years. I had also just learned TM a few weeks before, and it did 
not seem to be the trigger for such experiences, though it may have greased the 
wheels a bit. Experiences like this come when the mind is fully engaged with 
the world.

One of the first spiritual techniques I encountered were insults. Now normally 
insults do not result in spiritual awakening or even understanding, but in a 
proper context they can. I do not think FFL, even though it nominally is about 
spirituality, is a useful context. Insults in a useful context however can 
highlight conditioned responses. Whether or not there is such a thing as free 
will, the human sense of freedom depends on how many output options we have 
available for a given input. With some people, if you say to them, 'you are a 
fucking goddamn ass hole, and your mother slept with a dog' your best option is 
probably to run for your life.

So I was sitting with this group, doing guided meditations etc., before I 
learned Zen meditation, and before other techniques and before I learned TM, 
and the instructor started hurling insults. Some people got really upset, would 
stand up and say they felt really insulted and that they deserved some respect. 
They did not get any. But later on it became evident that this was a technique 
to highlight one's conditioned responses to verbal input. It was the context of 
this particular event that made the insults a piece of valuable information and 
experience, because what followed them provided the insight into what was 
really happening in our minds.

The following historical story highlights a use of the technique:

The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as 
both a statesman and military leader. But despite his fame, power, and wealth, 
he considered himself a humble and devout Buddhist. Often he visited his 
favourite Zen master to study under him, and they seemed to get along very 
well. The fact that he was prime minister apparently had no effect on their 
relationship, which seemed to be simply one of a revered master and respectful 

One day, during his usual visit, the Prime Minister asked the master, Your 
Reverence, what is egotism according to Buddhism? The master's face turned 
red, and in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice, he shot back, 
What kind of stupid question is that!?

This unexpected response so shocked the Prime Minister that he became sullen 
and angry. The Zen master then smiled and said, THIS, Your Excellency, is 

Take a thermostat. It has basically one or two outputs to input. The 
temperature goes down, it closes a circuit and starts a heater; when the 
temperature rises, it opens the circuit and the heater stops. A slightly more 
complex system adds cooling: if the room gets too warm, it starts air 
conditioning as well. Some people do have about this many options to respond to 
input, even though the neural networks in the brain are far far more complex 
than a thermostat. Part of spiritual discipline is dealing consciously with 
one's conditioning that limits responses. Now in TM philosophy, the processes 
of de-conditioning, and the understanding of conditioning do not seem so 
overtly expressed as in some other traditions. In Zen, koans deal with various 
facets of the mind's conditioning by forcing an experience that goes beyond 
bipolar logic. On FFL, most responses to certain kinds of verbal input, what 
appears to be an insult, is simply to respond with another
 insult. Thus you have elevated your consciousness to the status of a simple 

So part of the game of 'becoming free' is to widen options of response to 
inputs. We have lots of conditioned responses, some of them hard wired (the 
knee jerk reflex for example), but quite a lot are programmed into us by our 
parents and culture. Look at any government where there are parliaments with 
two more or less equal parties with opposing views, and you can predict 
responses of the two sides fairly accurately. Spiritual practises like 
meditation help to loosen the mind's grip in this respect, but some form of 
conscious highlighting the fact we have such conditioned

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
As a more serious reply, the effect of language on people is (obviously) a 
continuing interest of mine as well. It's fascinating to see how the use of a 
simple Anglo-Saxon word can completely turn off higher brain functions in the 
person it is spoken or written to, and reduce them to an angry, reactive, 
unthinking, out-of-control revenge machine. I keep hoping that some of them 
will catch themselves, as the Prime Minister in your Zen story presumably 
did, and actually learn something from their own reactivity and how it renders 
them puppets to anyone who can suss out their trigger words, but they never 

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

I tend not to agree with Barry about free will, but then this is a subject 
whose resolution seems impossible to determine. One of my early spiritual 
experiences was about free will and determinism. My interpretation of that 
experience was that they were equivalent, like the faces on the same coin, 
differing views of the same process. I had been having experiences like this 
for about two years. I had also just learned TM a few weeks before, and it did 
not seem to be the trigger for such experiences, though it may have greased the 
wheels a bit. Experiences like this come when the mind is fully engaged with 
the world.

One of the first spiritual techniques I encountered were insults. Now normally 
insults do not result in spiritual awakening or even understanding, but in a 
proper context they can. I do not think FFL, even though it nominally is about 
spirituality, is a useful context. Insults in a useful context however can 
highlight conditioned responses. Whether or not there is such a thing as free 
will, the human sense of freedom depends on how many output options we have 
available for a given input. With some people, if you say to them, 'you are a 
fucking goddamn ass hole, and your mother slept with a dog' your best option is 
probably to run for your life.

So I was sitting with this group, doing guided meditations etc., before I 
learned Zen meditation, and before other techniques and before I learned TM, 
and the instructor started hurling insults. Some people got really upset, would 
stand up and say they felt really insulted and that they deserved some respect. 
They did not get any. But later on it became evident that this was a technique 
to highlight one's conditioned responses to verbal input. It was the context of 
this particular event that made the insults a piece of valuable information and 
experience, because what followed them provided the insight into what was 
really happening in our minds.

The following historical story highlights a use of the technique:

The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as 
both a statesman and military leader. But despite his fame, power, and wealth, 
he considered himself a humble and devout Buddhist. Often he visited his 
favourite Zen master to study under him, and they seemed to get along very 
well. The fact that he was prime minister apparently had no effect on their 
relationship, which seemed to be simply one of a revered master and respectful 

One day, during his usual visit, the Prime Minister asked the master, Your 
Reverence, what is egotism according to Buddhism? The master's face turned 
red, and in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice, he shot back, 
What kind of stupid question is that!?

This unexpected response so shocked the Prime Minister that he became sullen 
and angry. The Zen master then smiled and said, THIS, Your Excellency, is 

Take a thermostat. It has basically one or two outputs to input. The 
temperature goes down, it closes a circuit and starts a heater; when the 
temperature rises, it opens the circuit and the heater stops. A slightly more 
complex system adds cooling: if the room gets too warm, it starts air 
conditioning as well. Some people do have about this many options to respond to 
input, even though the neural networks in the brain are far far more complex 
than a thermostat. Part of spiritual discipline is dealing consciously with 
one's conditioning that limits responses. Now in TM philosophy, the processes 
of de-conditioning, and the understanding of conditioning do not seem so 
overtly expressed as in some other traditions. In Zen, koans deal with various 
facets of the mind's conditioning by forcing an experience that goes beyond 
bipolar logic. On FFL, most responses to certain kinds of verbal input, what 
appears to be an insult, is simply to respond with another
 insult. Thus you have elevated your consciousness to the status of a simple 

So part of the game of 'becoming free' is to widen options of response to 
inputs. We have lots

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ha - good story --reminded me of the way Barry reacted, when jr posted that 
atheists cannot transcend. Seeing his over the top response, at the time, my 
first thought was that Barry has weak experiences, during meditation. 

 Not a big deal to me, though this self-proclaimed, 'cult sociologist', has 
almost no significant personal experience, in the realm in which he claims to 
be an expert. His frustration, vs. his insights, are what drive his 
personality. I wonder if he ever cheats on himself, and does TM?? lol - A TM 
---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 I tend not to agree with Barry about free will, but then this is a subject 
whose resolution seems impossible to determine. One of my early spiritual 
experiences was about free will and determinism. My interpretation of that 
experience was that they were equivalent, like the faces on the same coin, 
differing views of the same process. I had been having experiences like this 
for about two years. I had also just learned TM a few weeks before, and it did 
not seem to be the trigger for such experiences, though it may have greased the 
wheels a bit. Experiences like this come when the mind is fully engaged with 
the world.

 One of the first spiritual techniques I encountered were insults. Now normally 
insults do not result in spiritual awakening or even understanding, but in a 
proper context they can. I do not think FFL, even though it nominally is about 
spirituality, is a useful context. Insults in a useful context however can 
highlight conditioned responses. Whether or not there is such a thing as free 
will, the human sense of freedom depends on how many output options we have 
available for a given input. With some people, if you say to them, 'you are a 
fucking goddamn ass hole, and your mother slept with a dog' your best option is 
probably to run for your life.

 So I was sitting with this group, doing guided meditations etc., before I 
learned Zen meditation, and before other techniques and before I learned TM, 
and the instructor started hurling insults. Some people got really upset, would 
stand up and say they felt really insulted and that they deserved some respect. 
They did not get any. But later on it became evident that this was a technique 
to highlight one's conditioned responses to verbal input. It was the context of 
this particular event that made the insults a piece of valuable information and 
experience, because what followed them provided the insight into what was 
really happening in our minds.

 The following historical story highlights a use of the technique:

 The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as 
both a statesman and military leader. But despite his fame, power, and wealth, 
he considered himself a humble and devout Buddhist. Often he visited his 
favourite Zen master to study under him, and they seemed to get along very 
well. The fact that he was prime minister apparently had no effect on their 
relationship, which seemed to be simply one of a revered master and respectful 


 One day, during his usual visit, the Prime Minister asked the master, Your 
Reverence, what is egotism according to Buddhism? The master's face turned 
red, and in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice, he shot back, 
What kind of stupid question is that!?


 This unexpected response so shocked the Prime Minister that he became sullen 
and angry. The Zen master then smiled and said, THIS, Your Excellency, is 


 Take a thermostat. It has basically one or two outputs to input. The 
temperature goes down, it closes a circuit and starts a heater; when the 
temperature rises, it opens the circuit and the heater stops. A slightly more 
complex system adds cooling: if the room gets too warm, it starts air 
conditioning as well. Some people do have about this many options to respond to 
input, even though the neural networks in the brain are far far more complex 
than a thermostat. Part of spiritual discipline is dealing consciously with 
one's conditioning that limits responses. Now in TM philosophy, the processes 
of de-conditioning, and the understanding of conditioning do not seem so 
overtly expressed as in some other traditions. In Zen, koans deal with various 
facets of the mind's conditioning by forcing an experience that goes beyond 
bipolar logic. On FFL, most responses to certain kinds of verbal input, what 
appears to be an insult, is simply to respond with another insult. Thus you 
have elevated your consciousness to the status of a simple thermostat.

 So part of the game of 'becoming free' is to widen options of response to 
inputs. We have lots of conditioned responses, some of them hard wired (the 
knee jerk reflex for example), but quite a lot are programmed into us by our 
parents and culture. Look at any government 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Question is, why would you want to suss out someone's trigger words? Why 
would you want to make a person your puppet? What kind of sick ego/power trip 
is that? 


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 As a more serious reply, the effect of language on people is (obviously) a 
continuing interest of mine as well. It's fascinating to see how the use of a 
simple Anglo-Saxon word can completely turn off higher brain functions in the 
person it is spoken or written to, and reduce them to an angry, reactive, 
unthinking, out-of-control revenge machine. I keep hoping that some of them 
will catch themselves, as the Prime Minister in your Zen story presumably 
did, and actually learn something from their own reactivity and how it renders 
them puppets to anyone who can suss out their trigger words, but they never 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Question is, why would you want to suss out someone's trigger words? Why 
would you want to make a person your puppet? What kind of sick ego/power trip 
is that?

 Among the many things Bawee fails to suss out is that it is not the fact 
that insults are flung or make-believe labels placed on all sorts of people 
here by His Majesty the puppet master, but that some people just don't want to 
take it from Bawee, of all people. You can call me whatever you want, you can 
stand there and accuse me of any number of things that aren't true and it makes 
no difference to me. But when it's coming from numbnuts then the source is what 
makes all the difference, not the content.

 As for motivation on numbnut's part? Well, those who seek to push people 
around by using whatever means they can, irrespective of the truth or relevancy 
of it, indicates someone who has sadistic tendencies and pretty much lives to 
see others effected by what he does. This would further point in the relative 
direction of someone who feels impotent or has been badly abused himself and 
while I'm sorry for that it does feel like one is in the nuthouse around here 
at times having to witness this acting out day after day. I mean, when can we 
all get a break? In the normal world this guy would have been given a good 
spanking and sent to his room by now.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 As a more serious reply, the effect of language on people is (obviously) a 
continuing interest of mine as well. It's fascinating to see how the use of a 
simple Anglo-Saxon word can completely turn off higher brain functions in the 
person it is spoken or written to, and reduce them to an angry, reactive, 
unthinking, out-of-control revenge machine. I keep hoping that some of them 
will catch themselves, as the Prime Minister in your Zen story presumably 
did, and actually learn something from their own reactivity and how it renders 
them puppets to anyone who can suss out their trigger words, but they never 


Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 5/13/2014 10:03 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Uh-oh, Barry's having another ego-crisis. 600-plus words' worth.

So, I wonder what */caused/* Barry to think of that line a 660-word 
essay? LoL!

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, 
and thus proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their 
own making. :-)

That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line

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Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, and thus 
proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their own making. :-)

That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 

Meanwhile, those of us with free will and more control can read things that the 
determinist robots on this forum have to post and decide *not* to respond. 
Often we can decide not to bother to read them at all. We can laugh at them 
instead. We have a luxury they do not. :-)

IMO this latest display of determinist-driven thinking all started yesterday 
when I posted a couple of science articles that were not in the *least* 
challenging to most people. They just presented a different point of view on 
phenomena that some people are attached to and consider spiritual -- visions 
of God and lucid dreaming. A few people, who obviously have their minds 
determined by their knee-jerk reactions to anything that challenges their 
attachments, felt that they had to respond by attacking me personally. 
Others, like Share and (I suspect) Rick, just tripped on the new, alternative 
way of looking at these phenomena, and enjoyed the articles. 

And therein lies the difference. Some people DON'T feel that they have to be 
reactive and use any excuse possible to trigger one of their long-standing 
grudges so that they can get the person who said something in a new way or 
something that disagrees with what they believe. Others -- Judy, Ann, Nabby, 
and Willytex -- clearly feel differently. Their patterns suggest that they 
honestly feel that they have to somehow try to get the person whose writing 
has pushed their buttons. THEY live in a determinist world. 

Others here -- like Rick, Curtis, Anartaxius, Salyavin, and many others -- 
clearly live in more of a free will world. They can hear (or read) something 
that presents a phenomena or a belief in a different way (sometimes even a 
funny or mocking way) and NOT go ballistic and react. They can just trip on the 
new way of seeing things and either join in the discussion or let it go. 

Ann and Judy CAN'T let things go. The concept of determinism really DOES seem 
to apply to them and the way they live their online lives. I've made it clear 
many times that I don't consider *anything* they say worth spitting on, much 
less replying to or debating with them, but THEY CAN'T STOP TRYING. Every 
week they seem to have to react to almost everything I post, restarting their 
stalking campaign and trying to push MY buttons. And it doesn't work, because I 
have free will. I can write them off as the not-terribly-bright 
determinobitches they are and ignore them. They, from their side, seem to react 
even more strongly to THAT, and get more pissed off and more stalker-like the 
more I ignore them. 

So every so often I throw them a bone and rap about how I really see them, so 
they'll feel as if they've finally gotten the attention they're so desperate 
for. This is that rap. Now, back to ignoring them as the deterministic 
stalkbots they are.  :-)  :-)  :-)

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, authfriend@... wrote :

FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

No.  It's that you can't prove either
free will or pre-destiny.  So why bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 

On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


you ever considered the possibility that those who
believe in a determinist universe are just too
dull to imagine the world they see around them any
other way?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The two perspectives converge if you go far enough back in time and leave out 
quantum mechanics. 

 In fact, the billiard ball playing deity is a very common perspective for 
the Natural Philosophers where God created the universe, set up initial 
conditions, and stepped aside.


 Free Will is just a philosophical out that people created to allow for Faith 
and Sin.


---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Yes, I do know, but actually, I was responding to Bhairitu, not Barry. Really 
just a point of possible general interest for anyone following these 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's all just multi-personal, pantheistic solipsism, you know. 



---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, and thus 
proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their own making. :-)

That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 

Meanwhile, those of us with free will and more control can read things that the 
determinist robots on this forum have to post and decide *not* to respond. 
Often we can decide not to bother to read them at all. We can laugh at them 
instead. We have a luxury they do not. :-)

IMO this latest display of determinist-driven thinking all started yesterday 
when I posted a couple of science articles that were not in the *least* 
challenging to most people. They just presented a different point of view on 
phenomena that some people are attached to and consider spiritual -- visions 
of God and lucid dreaming. A few people, who obviously have their minds 
determined by their knee-jerk reactions to anything that challenges their 
attachments, felt that they had to respond by attacking me personally. 
Others, like Share and (I suspect) Rick, just tripped on the new, alternative 
way of looking at these phenomena, and enjoyed the articles. 

And therein lies the difference. Some people DON'T feel that they have to be 
reactive and use any excuse possible to trigger one of their long-standing 
grudges so that they can get the person who said something in a new way or 
something that disagrees with what they believe. Others -- Judy, Ann, Nabby, 
and Willytex -- clearly feel differently. Their patterns suggest that they 
honestly feel that they have to somehow try to get the person whose writing 
has pushed their buttons. THEY live in a determinist world. 

Others here -- like Rick, Curtis, Anartaxius, Salyavin, and many others -- 
clearly live in more of a free will world. They can hear (or read) something 
that presents a phenomena or a belief in a different way (sometimes even a 
funny or mocking way) and NOT go ballistic and react. They can just trip on the 
new way of seeing things and either join in the discussion or let it go. 

Ann and Judy CAN'T let things go. The concept of determinism really DOES seem 
to apply to them and the way they live their online lives. I've made it clear 
many times that I don't consider *anything* they say worth spitting on, much 
less replying to or debating with them, but THEY CAN'T STOP TRYING. Every 
week they seem to have to react to almost everything I post, restarting their 
stalking campaign and trying to push MY buttons. And it doesn't work, because I 
have free will. I can write them off as the not-terribly-bright 
determinobitches they are and ignore them. They, from their side, seem to react 
even more strongly to THAT, and get more pissed off and more stalker-like the 
more I ignore them. 

So every so often I throw them a bone and rap about how I really see them, so 
they'll feel as if they've finally gotten the attention they're so desperate 
for. This is that rap. Now, back to ignoring them as the deterministic 
stalkbots they are.  :-)  :-)  :-)

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote :
 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
If I may summarize: 

 You feel that your ability to enrage and insult others, and for them to 
respond in kind, is a hallmark of your ultimate freedom as a human being, your 
ability to exert your Free Will, to demonstrate your 'control'. 

 Actually, it is a fantasy -- All you are, in the eyes of others, is an 
unpleasant, and needlessly provocative soul, and if that is what gets you off, 
you have truly reached the bottom of your barrel. You attempt to make a 
distinction, between those who fall for your crap, and those who don't, while 
being well aware, Barry, that you cherry-pick who to insult, and how much, on 

 You have never had anything but roses waiting for Curtis, and a few others. I 
doubt very much if you referred to your good and close friend, Curtis, with 
some of the language you fling at others, he would not tolerate you for long.

 We watch you spin your hamster wheel, ecstatic over your 'free will', and your 
meanness - your ability to both take out your spiritual frustrations on others, 
and your inability to recognize such a deep flaw within yourself. As Bhairatu 
said, enjoy your pattern - the rest of us remain incredulous at your emotional 
blindness, and on-line stupidity. 
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, and thus 
proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their own making. :-)

That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 

Meanwhile, those of us with free will and more control can read things that the 
determinist robots on this forum have to post and decide *not* to respond. 
Often we can decide not to bother to read them at all. We can laugh at them 
instead. We have a luxury they do not. :-)

IMO this latest display of determinist-driven thinking all started yesterday 
when I posted a couple of science articles that were not in the *least* 
challenging to most people. They just presented a different point of view on 
phenomena that some people are attached to and consider spiritual -- visions 
of God and lucid dreaming. A few people, who obviously have their minds 
determined by their knee-jerk reactions to anything that challenges their 
attachments, felt that they had to respond by attacking me personally. 
Others, like Share and (I suspect) Rick, just tripped on the new, alternative 
way of looking at these phenomena, and enjoyed the articles. 

And therein lies the difference. Some people DON'T feel that they have to be 
reactive and use any excuse possible to trigger one of their long-standing 
grudges so that they can get the person who said something in a new way or 
something that disagrees with what they believe. Others -- Judy, Ann, Nabby, 
and Willytex -- clearly feel differently. Their patterns suggest that they 
honestly feel that they have to somehow try to get the person whose writing 
has pushed their buttons. THEY live in a determinist world. 

Others here -- like Rick, Curtis, Anartaxius, Salyavin, and many others -- 
clearly live in more of a free will world. They can hear (or read) something 
that presents a phenomena or a belief in a different way (sometimes even a 
funny or mocking way) and NOT go ballistic and react. They can just trip on the 
new way of seeing things and either join in the discussion or let it go. 

Ann and Judy CAN'T let things go. The concept of determinism really DOES seem 
to apply to them and the way they live their online lives. I've made it clear 
many times that I don't consider *anything* they say worth spitting on, much 
less replying to or debating with them, but THEY CAN'T STOP TRYING. Every 
week they seem to have to react to almost everything I post, restarting their 
stalking campaign and trying to push MY buttons. And it doesn't work, because I 
have free will. I can write them off as the not-terribly-bright 
determinobitches they are and ignore them. They, from their side, seem to react 
even more strongly to THAT, and get more pissed off and more stalker-like the 
more I ignore them. 

So every so often I throw them a bone and rap about how I really see them, so 
they'll feel as if they've finally gotten the attention they're so desperate 
for. This is that rap. Now, back to ignoring them as the deterministic 
stalkbots they are.  :-)  :-)  :-)

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote :
 FWIW, determinism and predestination 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 5/13/2014 7:20 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Actually, it is a fantasy -- All you are, in the eyes of others, is an 
 unpleasant, and needlessly provocative soul
This, if accurate, is quite a fall from grace. At one time Barry and 
Curtis had aspirations to be spiritual teachers. They must have believed 
all that TM stuff, the meditation and the flying, but they did a 180 at 
some point in their lives, AFTER spending what, twenty years in the 
service of the movement. What happened?

According to Curtis, he changes his mind almost every day, so he may 
have changed it back 180 again today. But, Barry is another case - he 
did his 180 as well, but then he came up against THE CORRECTOR on the 
internet - that's when he went bat-shit crazy posting to FFL. It's not 
complicated. Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk 
to, I guess.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 If I may summarize: 

 You feel that your ability to enrage and insult others, and for them to 
respond in kind, is a hallmark of your ultimate freedom as a human being, your 
ability to exert your Free Will, to demonstrate your 'control'. 

 Actually, it is a fantasy -- All you are, in the eyes of others, is an 
unpleasant, and needlessly provocative soul, and if that is what gets you off, 
you have truly reached the bottom of your barrel. You attempt to make a 
distinction, between those who fall for your crap, and those who don't, while 
being well aware, Barry, that you cherry-pick who to insult, and how much, on 

 You have never had anything but roses waiting for Curtis, and a few others. I 
doubt very much if you referred to your good and close friend, Curtis, with 
some of the language you fling at others, he would not tolerate you for long.

 We watch you spin your hamster wheel, ecstatic over your 'free will', and your 
meanness - your ability to both take out your spiritual frustrations on others, 
and your inability to recognize such a deep flaw within yourself. As Bhairatu 
said, enjoy your pattern - the rest of us remain incredulous at your emotional 
blindness, and on-line stupidity. 

 If this is an example of enlightened insight, I'll salute it. Biggest of Macs, 
Fleetest of thought it is good to have you back with your no-shit wisdom and 
down-to-earth common sense. Plus, you really have Bawee's number (even if it is 
a big 0).

 More comments below just because, like Judy said, fish in a barrel:
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, and thus 
proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their own making. :-)

 The only cue you provide is for others to whip out the air freshener after 
you've left the room.
That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 

 Apparently Judy was responding to the other Barry, not Baw so you can 
scratch that theory off the list.

Meanwhile, those of us with free will and more control can read things that the 
determinist robots on this forum have to post and decide *not* to respond. 
Often we can decide not to bother to read them at all. We can laugh at them 
instead. We have a luxury they do not. :-)

 Bawee, there is no we here. You and you alone here exist in a universe of 
your own making complete with fun house mirrors that make the ugly guy look 
more beautiful than he is (in his own eyes).

IMO this latest display of determinist-driven thinking all started yesterday 
when I posted a couple of science articles that were not in the *least* 
challenging to most people. They just presented a different point of view on 
phenomena that some people are attached to and consider spiritual -- visions 
of God and lucid dreaming. A few people, who obviously have their minds 
determined by their knee-jerk reactions to anything that challenges their 
attachments, felt that they had to respond by attacking me personally. 
Others, like Share and (I suspect) Rick, just tripped on the new, alternative 
way of looking at these phenomena, and enjoyed the articles. 

 Trip away, stumble around all you want. This is nothing new. In fact, not one 
hackneyed sentence you have written above reveals anything fresh or interesting 
about you or anything else. What you consistently fail to realize is that you 
challenge no one with your articles or your thoughts. What you do, however, 
is remind me of someone I will try my damnedest to never emulate. 

And therein lies the difference. Some people DON'T feel that they have to be 
reactive and use any excuse possible to trigger one of their long-standing 
grudges so that they can get the person who said something in a new way or 
something that disagrees with what they believe. Others -- Judy, Ann, Nabby, 
and Willytex -- clearly feel differently. Their patterns suggest that they 
honestly feel that they have to somehow try to get the person whose writing 
has pushed their buttons. THEY live in a determinist world. 

 I have no buttons Bawee. They don't exist. What exists is an innate dislike 
of ignorance and gratuitous mean-spirited people. You are both of those things. 
And until you finally fail to consistently exhibit these traits and as long as 
I happen to read something you regurgitate here that highlights those traits I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 If I may summarize: 

 You feel that your ability to enrage and insult others, and for them to 
respond in kind, is a hallmark of your ultimate freedom as a human being, your 
ability to exert your Free Will, to demonstrate your 'control'. 

 Actually, it is a fantasy -- All you are, in the eyes of others, is an 
unpleasant, and needlessly provocative soul, and if that is what gets you off, 
you have truly reached the bottom of your barrel. You attempt to make a 
distinction, between those who fall for your crap, and those who don't, while 
being well aware, Barry, that you cherry-pick who to insult, and how much, on 

 You have never had anything but roses waiting for Curtis, and a few others. I 
doubt very much if you referred to your good and close friend, Curtis, with 
some of the language you fling at others, he would not tolerate you for long.

 We watch you spin your hamster wheel, ecstatic over your 'free will', and your 
meanness - your ability to both take out your spiritual frustrations on others, 
and your inability to recognize such a deep flaw within yourself. As Bhairatu 
said, enjoy your pattern - the rest of us remain incredulous at your emotional 
blindness, and on-line stupidity. 

 If this is an example of enlightened insight, I'll salute it. Biggest of Macs, 
Fleetest of thought it is good to have you back with your no-shit wisdom and 
down-to-earth common sense. Plus, you really have Bawee's number (even if it is 
a big 0).

 More comments below just because, like Judy said, fish in a barrel:
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, and thus 
proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their own making. :-)

 The only cue you provide is for others to whip out the air freshener after 
you've left the room.
That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 

 Apparently Judy was responding to the other Barry, not Baw so you can 
scratch that theory off the list.

Meanwhile, those of us with free will and more control can read things that the 
determinist robots on this forum have to post and decide *not* to respond. 
Often we can decide not to bother to read them at all. We can laugh at them 
instead. We have a luxury they do not. :-)

 Bawee, there is no we here. You and you alone here exist in a universe of 
your own making complete with fun house mirrors that make the ugly guy look 
more beautiful than he is (in his own eyes).

IMO this latest display of determinist-driven thinking all started yesterday 
when I posted a couple of science articles that were not in the *least* 
challenging to most people. They just presented a different point of view on 
phenomena that some people are attached to and consider spiritual -- visions 
of God and lucid dreaming. A few people, who obviously have their minds 
determined by their knee-jerk reactions to anything that challenges their 
attachments, felt that they had to respond by attacking me personally. 
Others, like Share and (I suspect) Rick, just tripped on the new, alternative 
way of looking at these phenomena, and enjoyed the articles. 

 Trip away, stumble around all you want. This is nothing new. In fact, not one 
hackneyed sentence you have written above reveals anything fresh or interesting 
about you or anything else. What you consistently fail to realize is that you 
challenge no one with your articles or your thoughts. What you do, however, 
is remind me of someone I will try my damnedest to never emulate. 

And therein lies the difference. Some people DON'T feel that they have to be 
reactive and use any excuse possible to trigger one of their long-standing 
grudges so that they can get the person who said something in a new way or 
something that disagrees with what they believe. Others -- Judy, Ann, Nabby, 
and Willytex -- clearly feel differently. Their patterns suggest that they 
honestly feel that they have to somehow try to get the person whose writing 
has pushed their buttons. THEY live in a determinist world. 

 I have no buttons Bawee. They don't exist. What exists is an innate dislike 
of ignorance and gratuitous mean-spirited people. You are both of those things. 
And until you finally fail to consistently exhibit these traits and as long as 
I happen to read something you regurgitate here that highlights those traits I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 5/12/2014 3:48 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see 
around them any other way?  :-)

Asking the important questions. Apparently there are no informants on 
this list that believe in determinism as you have defined it. You are 
either free or you are bound. If you are bound, there's no need for 
yoga; if bound, by what means can we free ourselves?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Uh-oh, Barry's having another ego-crisis. 600-plus words' worth. 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 My thanks to both Judy and Ann for responding on cue to my one-liner, and thus 
proving that *they* live in a deterministic universe of their own making. :-)

That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 

Meanwhile, those of us with free will and more control can read things that the 
determinist robots on this forum have to post and decide *not* to respond. 
Often we can decide not to bother to read them at all. We can laugh at them 
instead. We have a luxury they do not. :-)

IMO this latest display of determinist-driven thinking all started yesterday 
when I posted a couple of science articles that were not in the *least* 
challenging to most people. They just presented a different point of view on 
phenomena that some people are attached to and consider spiritual -- visions 
of God and lucid dreaming. A few people, who obviously have their minds 
determined by their knee-jerk reactions to anything that challenges their 
attachments, felt that they had to respond by attacking me personally. 
Others, like Share and (I suspect) Rick, just tripped on the new, alternative 
way of looking at these phenomena, and enjoyed the articles. 

And therein lies the difference. Some people DON'T feel that they have to be 
reactive and use any excuse possible to trigger one of their long-standing 
grudges so that they can get the person who said something in a new way or 
something that disagrees with what they believe. Others -- Judy, Ann, Nabby, 
and Willytex -- clearly feel differently. Their patterns suggest that they 
honestly feel that they have to somehow try to get the person whose writing 
has pushed their buttons. THEY live in a determinist world. 

Others here -- like Rick, Curtis, Anartaxius, Salyavin, and many others -- 
clearly live in more of a free will world. They can hear (or read) something 
that presents a phenomena or a belief in a different way (sometimes even a 
funny or mocking way) and NOT go ballistic and react. They can just trip on the 
new way of seeing things and either join in the discussion or let it go. 

Ann and Judy CAN'T let things go. The concept of determinism really DOES seem 
to apply to them and the way they live their online lives. I've made it clear 
many times that I don't consider *anything* they say worth spitting on, much 
less replying to or debating with them, but THEY CAN'T STOP TRYING. Every 
week they seem to have to react to almost everything I post, restarting their 
stalking campaign and trying to push MY buttons. And it doesn't work, because I 
have free will. I can write them off as the not-terribly-bright 
determinobitches they are and ignore them. They, from their side, seem to react 
even more strongly to THAT, and get more pissed off and more stalker-like the 
more I ignore them. 

So every so often I throw them a bone and rap about how I really see them, so 
they'll feel as if they've finally gotten the attention they're so desperate 
for. This is that rap. Now, back to ignoring them as the deterministic 
stalkbots they are.  :-)  :-)  :-)

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote :
 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Couple comments below...



 That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word determinist 
because I knew that Judy would feel she had to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she has to lash out and get him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 


 Apparently Judy was responding to the other Barry, not Baw so you can 
scratch that theory off the list.

 I think he's referring here to an earlier post of mine responding to his 
one-liner, in which all I did was repeat exactly what he said but changed 
determinist to free will. Amazing that he didn't anticipate how easily that 
lame remark could be turned against him. (Not to mention that my version is 
more appropriate, given that determinists do imagine the world they see around 
them in a different way from the free will they actually experience, but free 
will advocates can't imagine anything but what they experience.)


 (more snip)

 I think what's really got him going (aside from the humiliation of his 
extraordinarily stupid comments about Nabby's and my Bible discussion) is that 
I didn't comment at all on the two articles he posted, except for asking about 
lucid dreaming being mystical or spiritual, which I'd never heard before. 
He was expecting a big reaction from me but didn't get one, and that always 
makes him furious.

 You no more ignore Judy and I than we ignore you. I don't take you seriously 
and I certainly don't respect you but I don't ignore you. Obviously I don't 
seek your response when I make comments about the drivel you write here. You 
don't engage in conversations you simply sermonize. You talk at people not to 
them and you run from real engagement by simply hurling insults the moment 
anyone actually tries to converse with you. In this way, and in many others, 
you are a fuck up and a failure and you run scared.


 Dittoes. Also amazing that he thinks folks still believe this crap, if they 
ever did.



 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I tend not to agree with Barry about free will, but then this is a subject 
whose resolution seems impossible to determine. One of my early spiritual 
experiences was about free will and determinism. My interpretation of that 
experience was that they were equivalent, like the faces on the same coin, 
differing views of the same process. I had been having experiences like this 
for about two years. I had also just learned TM a few weeks before, and it did 
not seem to be the trigger for such experiences, though it may have greased the 
wheels a bit. Experiences like this come when the mind is fully engaged with 
the world.

 One of the first spiritual techniques I encountered were insults. Now normally 
insults do not result in spiritual awakening or even understanding, but in a 
proper context they can. I do not think FFL, even though it nominally is about 
spirituality, is a useful context. Insults in a useful context however can 
highlight conditioned responses. Whether or not there is such a thing as free 
will, the human sense of freedom depends on how many output options we have 
available for a given input. With some people, if you say to them, 'you are a 
fucking goddamn ass hole, and your mother slept with a dog' your best option is 
probably to run for your life.

 So I was sitting with this group, doing guided meditations etc., before I 
learned Zen meditation, and before other techniques and before I learned TM, 
and the instructor started hurling insults. Some people got really upset, would 
stand up and say they felt really insulted and that they deserved some respect. 
They did not get any. But later on it became evident that this was a technique 
to highlight one's conditioned responses to verbal input. It was the context of 
this particular event that made the insults a piece of valuable information and 
experience, because what followed them provided the insight into what was 
really happening in our minds.

 The following historical story highlights a use of the technique:

 The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as 
both a statesman and military leader. But despite his fame, power, and wealth, 
he considered himself a humble and devout Buddhist. Often he visited his 
favourite Zen master to study under him, and they seemed to get along very 
well. The fact that he was prime minister apparently had no effect on their 
relationship, which seemed to be simply one of a revered master and respectful 


 One day, during his usual visit, the Prime Minister asked the master, Your 
Reverence, what is egotism according to Buddhism? The master's face turned 
red, and in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice, he shot back, 
What kind of stupid question is that!?


 This unexpected response so shocked the Prime Minister that he became sullen 
and angry. The Zen master then smiled and said, THIS, Your Excellency, is 


 Take a thermostat. It has basically one or two outputs to input. The 
temperature goes down, it closes a circuit and starts a heater; when the 
temperature rises, it opens the circuit and the heater stops. A slightly more 
complex system adds cooling: if the room gets too warm, it starts air 
conditioning as well. Some people do have about this many options to respond to 
input, even though the neural networks in the brain are far far more complex 
than a thermostat. Part of spiritual discipline is dealing consciously with 
one's conditioning that limits responses. Now in TM philosophy, the processes 
of de-conditioning, and the understanding of conditioning do not seem so 
overtly expressed as in some other traditions. In Zen, koans deal with various 
facets of the mind's conditioning by forcing an experience that goes beyond 
bipolar logic. On FFL, most responses to certain kinds of verbal input, what 
appears to be an insult, is simply to respond with another insult. Thus you 
have elevated your consciousness to the status of a simple thermostat.

 So part of the game of 'becoming free' is to widen options of response to 
inputs. We have lots of conditioned responses, some of them hard wired (the 
knee jerk reflex for example), but quite a lot are programmed into us by our 
parents and culture. Look at any government where there are parliaments with 
two more or less equal parties with opposing views, and you can predict 
responses of the two sides fairly accurately. Spiritual practises like 
meditation help to loosen the mind's grip in this respect, but some form of 
conscious highlighting the fact we have such conditioned responses really needs 
to be in operation. It is difficult to be really aware of how mechanical we are 
until 'Brahman consciousness' begins to settle in. It is only then that the 
mind becomes aware of how much its interpretation of the world of experience 
(that is, all of it) is simply a 

[FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D

On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see 
around them any other way?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, I do know, but actually, I was responding to Bhairitu, not Barry. Really 
just a point of possible general interest for anyone following these 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)