[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-21 Thread Robin Carlsen
I have decided, Steve, there was no justification in my impersonation of Curtis 
whatsoever. It was a cheap trick, and originated in my malevolence, cruelty, 
and jealousy with respect to Curtis. Although I must say, I WOULD HAVE LOVED 
FOR CURTIS TO DO THE SAME TO ME. Because then we could test the truth of my 
idea of what irony is.

Let me explain, Steve: If my impersonation of Curtis was true, it means that to 
the extent to which Curtis's customary response to Robin does not actually 
represent something that originates in an honest and fresh experience of *just 
what Robin specifically and particularly has said in a given post*, Robin is 
demonstrating that Curtis's response to Robin *does not pass through the 
reality of Curtis* at all. This is the effect of Robin taking the identity of 
Curtis: to show to the readers of FFL that Curtis's response to Robin--when it 
comes to matters of Robin's critique of Curtis's method of disputation--it is 
not born of an existentially meaningful experience. It is predetermined by a 
certain metaphysical reflex in Curtis, which refuses to assimilate any 
information or argument which would challenge Curtis's point of view.

Don't you see, Steve? If I had represented Curtis's point of view, and that 
point of view was sincere and honestly felt, THEN WITHOUT ANY COMMENTARY 
convincingly represent Curtis's point of view--and by doing so demonstrate its 
unitary and dogmatic predictability, devoid of real engagement with the reality 
of what Robin has said--then Robin has proven that *reality itself has judged 
Curtis's responses to Robin's point of view about Curtis to be non-interactive 
with the reality of the sincerity and honesty within which Robin puts forward 
his own point of view*.

The necessity of Robin using the device of irony, then, Steve, is pointed up in 
the sterility and imperviousness of Curtis to the reality out of which he could 
determine what his beliefs really are. Robin took a big chance. If people were 
amused or arrested by seeing Robin say what Curtis would say, then it means 
Robin was successfully ridiculing something that needed to be ridiculed in 
Curtis. If Curtis's response to Robin was sincere, honest, heartfelt, 
intellectually rigorous, then WHAT POSSIBLY WOULD BE THE POINT OF ROBIN 
IMITATING THIS? It would seem a strange and peculiar act of Robin's--without 

But Robin's imitation of Curtis went over big--even with Emily, and with 
you--although you hated it. *In principle*. This means *that reality supported 
Robin's motive and the execution of that motive in the very two posts he posted 
as Curtis*. What you did, Steve, was wrench yourself away from the actual 
*experience* you had, involuntarily and spontaneously, when you first read 
those two posts. This will never work. Your experience was traduced by your 
subsequent moral reaction to Robin's act. But you see, Steve, when irony works 
upon us, *we have no control over the effect it produces inside of us*. And why 
is this, Steve? Because irony, if it is effective, if it makes it, *requires 
the collaboration of Reality*.

Don't you see this, Steve? If your judgment of my act was appropriate, it would 
mean when you originally read those two posts, your judgment would have been 
predominant, and the effect of the irony secondary. As it was, when you first 
read those posts, *you recognized the voice of Curtis*. This held your 
attention: it was quite a startling and riveting experience. But then Steve's 
ideas of what is right and wrong kicked in. And what happened then? Steve had 
to destroy any vestiges of his original experience: he could not interact with 
that experience, or make that experience a variable in his moral calculus. 

Steve is the guy who feels very sorry for those guys that Christ undid with his 
sense of something that goes beyond irony:

Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again 
into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught 
them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; 
and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman 
was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that 
such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that 
they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger 
wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking 
him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among 
you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on 
the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, 
went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was 
left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up 
himself, and saw 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-21 Thread seventhray1

Hey Robin,

thank you again for posting that.  I thought I would copy my original
response I made to you after you sent me your post offline earlier in
the week.  I sort of liked my response.  Hope you don't mind.
Honestly Robin,I did have a little difficulty following this. For
all I know you may have pegged Curtis perfectly. I only read the post
once, and my objection was and is that maybe it's just not the best idea
to take those liberties. But I am willing to acknowledge that you may
have nailed his POV. I have to say, that I think the posts when you have
undressed Judy have been the most insightful and economical you have
written.I appreciate that you are attempting to make me aware of
some of my biases and blind spots. I like to think of myself as someone
who is willing to look at them straight on, but I may be fooling myself.
I have to admit that I am a fan of Curtis' writing abilities.Of
course I greatly enjoy reading your posts as well. Certainly I
appreciate those that tend to be more concise.  I guess I should read it
(your post as Curtis) again. I do recall that when you wrote as Susan
replying to Barry, that it was pretty funny. I don't know if it was
deep, or if it was meant to be deep. The feeling I got was that it was
meant to be funny, and I think you achieved that.Oh, BTW, I think my
real name comes through on this. That is my preference for those I am
comfortable with, but I hope you will keep that confidential.Thanks
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 I have decided, Steve, there was no justification in my impersonation
of Curtis whatsoever. It was a cheap trick, and originated in my
malevolence, cruelty, and jealousy with respect to Curtis. Although I
then we could test the truth of my idea of what irony is.

 Let me explain, Steve: If my impersonation of Curtis was true, it
means that to the extent to which Curtis's customary response to Robin
does not actually represent something that originates in an honest and
fresh experience of *just what Robin specifically and particularly has
said in a given post*, Robin is demonstrating that Curtis's response to
Robin *does not pass through the reality of Curtis* at all. This is the
effect of Robin taking the identity of Curtis: to show to the readers of
FFL that Curtis's response to Robin--when it comes to matters of Robin's
critique of Curtis's method of disputation--it is not born of an
existentially meaningful experience. It is predetermined by a certain
metaphysical reflex in Curtis, which refuses to assimilate any
information or argument which would challenge Curtis's point of view.

 Don't you see, Steve? If I had represented Curtis's point of view, and
that point of view was sincere and honestly felt, THEN WITHOUT ANY
Robin could convincingly represent Curtis's point of view--and by doing
so demonstrate its unitary and dogmatic predictability, devoid of real
engagement with the reality of what Robin has said--then Robin has
proven that *reality itself has judged Curtis's responses to Robin's
point of view about Curtis to be non-interactive with the reality of the
sincerity and honesty within which Robin puts forward his own point of

 The necessity of Robin using the device of irony, then, Steve, is
pointed up in the sterility and imperviousness of Curtis to the reality
out of which he could determine what his beliefs really are. Robin took
a big chance. If people were amused or arrested by seeing Robin say what
Curtis would say, then it means Robin was successfully ridiculing
something that needed to be ridiculed in Curtis. If Curtis's response to
Robin was sincere, honest, heartfelt, intellectually rigorous, then WHAT
strange and peculiar act of Robin's--without justification.

 But Robin's imitation of Curtis went over big--even with Emily, and
with you--although you hated it. *In principle*. This means *that
reality supported Robin's motive and the execution of that motive in the
very two posts he posted as Curtis*. What you did, Steve, was wrench
yourself away from the actual *experience* you had, involuntarily and
spontaneously, when you first read those two posts. This will never
work. Your experience was traduced by your subsequent moral reaction to
Robin's act. But you see, Steve, when irony works upon us, *we have no
control over the effect it produces inside of us*. And why is this,
Steve? Because irony, if it is effective, if it makes it, *requires the
collaboration of Reality*.

 Don't you see this, Steve? If your judgment of my act was appropriate,
it would mean when you originally read those two posts, your judgment
would have been predominant, and the effect of the irony secondary. As
it was, when you first read those 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Thanks Ann.  Good advice and I like the metaphor.  Actually I think these 
 aspirations are merely common sense.  What else can one do given that we are 
 bound to make mistakes?  And FFL seems a concentrated reality to me, albeit 
 2D.  In some ways, easier for burning off the karma. 
 PS  Did I have a role?! 

Yes, the very attentive and nurturing nurse. 
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Yes, sometimes foolish, sometimes wise we are.  Because this is a 
  learning place.  We are all going to make mistakes.  Good to develop 
  wise compassion.  Even about ourselves.  And to apologize if 
  appropriate.  Make amends.  Intend to do better next time.  Act 
  wisely to mature the undeveloped aspects of ourselves.  TM, Sedona 
  Method, mindfulness, lovingkindness, humor, ect.  Whatever helps us 
  become a better person, more loving, more truthful.
  This is the best anyone can do.  And it is good enough to do.  I am 
  open to other thoughts and suggestions. 
 I think, with all due respect Share, that if you want to develop and practice 
 these noble aspirations that you list above then do this in the 'real world'. 
 FFL is simply not that. Many of us are not quite as we seem here at FFL as we 
 are offline. I know this for a fact. It is like trying to practice real 
 medicine on some hospital theme soap opera.  FFL is a place to stretch some 
 boundaries, to play a little and sometimes to fight but you aren't going to 
 change anyone here and many times sincerity and vulnerability get sacrificed, 
 brutally. Don't take this place or your role in it too seriously. That would 
 be my best advice.
   From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:59 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
  my turn!
  Oh Mama Aunty Share play with her kids and they won't let Share be
  Sedon(a)-izing  her kids- demons today,
  Letting them out for their weekly foray.
  Sharing can't make them leave,
  and they won't let Share be
  if she don't let them come out to play?
  The fat one on the slide is it Rage?
  He was good, so he's out of the cage.
  He doesn't play nice,
  and sometimes, he bites;
  Yeah, he's hard to assuage.
  The cute one, you may like is Lust.
  For her, the see-saw's a must.
  But don't let her fool you,
  she's really quite cruel, too.
  In fact, it's her you shouldn't` trust.
  See little one there is named Pout.
  (Bet you guessed what he's all about.)
  He loves to swing on wingy  swings,
  and sometimes, breaking things,
  if Share don't give in to her shouts.
  Look the last one outside is Sorrow.
  She plays with toys that are borrowed.
  A real downer, she is.
  Doesn't like other kids,
  But she'll always be out again tomorrow
  Sedonizing Share's demons today,
  Letting them out for their weekly foray.
  We can't make them leave.
  Does they  let her be
  if she don't let them come out to play?
  Is the way into you  a narrow road?
  Is it boxed in, blocked out, and reprimanded?
  Is the way into you  tiny, yeah
  Can't you get there in a single stride?
  Can't you  get there without a guide?
  Is the way into you
  Is it a narrow road?
  With goodbyes and hellos?
  That flank each winding bend
  so these people  want to be your friend
  You not seek, and so you'll found;
  Will  traveled rooted to the ground.
  Words that in jest you uttered here
  May wisdom in the heavenly sphere.
  (All men's questions and replies
  Are sometimes foolish, sometimes wise)
  If you wish to learn of me
  Forget all this immediately;
  Forget there's such a thing to do -
  And then perchance I'll wink at you.
  Nameless mother of ten thousand things 
  From the unlocked cage of your heart
  White doves of love will go winging,
  Wild larks of song golden rise singing,
  The ice of your heart is then broken, broken,
  Joy's fountain leaps in the air;
  And all the while no word was spoken:
  You'll only looked at something fair.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Dear Ann, poor Share was at writing group for 2 hours this afternoon, 
   then Sedona Method for an hour, then Dome, then dinner, then library, now 
   here.  At one point I had over 80 unread emails.  The other forum 
   is also being quite active today.
   Before the Dome I saw that Robin had posted what he sent me offline last 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Judy:  Yes, you are correct. I decided not to take sides.  In writing what 
I did that night, it was well-received in the moment.  It was spontaneous and 
intended as irony and it absolutely posed a challenge to Curtis.  It was 
written *to* Curtis and *for* Robin.  Emotions and energy were running high 
here on FFL that day.  I stand by what I said

Dear Curtis:  You will note I deleted in my key points the part about the 
soul.  I did that for you buddy.  But, really, in the essence of it all, my 
perception was that Robin's post *did* reflect your position online.  HOWEVER, 
I respect your point, absolutely, that no one except *you* can delineate your 
REAL point of view.  So, I give you deference in that respect, which is why I 
backed off of my ironic post to you.  I planned my exit strategy, from the 
start, in the spontaneity of post itself.  Whaddya think, I am an idiot?  
Believe me,  the experiences that I have had (Robin, are you listening?) have 
shown me, that one can push someone into the corner, but one better be 
ready...because I've done that, and I know what can happen, in the real world.  
Not here, obviously.  

Dear Ann:  I'm doing my daily write on one post.  FFL may not be real life, but 
it weirdly addresses the real, the surreal, and the not so real simultaneously. 
 People's personalities do get exposed here through what they write and post.  
I agree with Robin on that one...even though I made a point that words are 
words and I can could change up mine to give you a different impression of me. 
My words are all you have to go by.  But, energy is also transmitted back and 
forth here, or perhaps, just *evoked* personally from what different people 
write.  I don't know, but it fuels an ongoing tension and dissonance in how we 
perceive one another and reality.  Share is bothering you.  She bothered me as 
well - all this advice on love and light shit.  Been there, done that.  Still 
doing that, honestly.  However, I have learned that one cannot push another 
past where they are and some of that love and light shit is good shit.  Let 
it flow across
 the forumnurturing nurse that she may be perceived as.  

Dear Robin:  What's wrong with me?  Don't answer that, you are banned for a 
week.  Answer it later.  I am open to your assessment.  Mostly, I know I'm 
fucked up already, so therefore, any assistance in getting me to understand 
Reality would be appreciated.  I am feeling neglected.  I am needy.  Barry 
would agree with me, I'm sure.  Now, I have to go and attend to my real life 
issues, but I look forward to your return.  Love always, Emily.     

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can
 be useful to promote understanding.  That is not how it was
 being used here.  So the front that I need to show Robin
 where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.

One would think Curtis wouldn't *start* with misrepresentation
when his goal is to show how he's been misrepresented.

Had Curtis not claimed that Robin had misrepresented his
POV, it wouldn't have been an issue; there would have been
no demand for Curtis to identify the purported
misrepresentations. Curtis brought this on himself.

Curtis's attempted analysis is much more about writing
style and specific choices of words than it is about POV.
Curtis has identified and denied a few actual POV
elements. I don't know whether Robin wants to go to the
trouble, and I certainly don't, but I believe most of
those elements could indeed be found in what Curtis has
written about Robin. Perhaps Curtis has just forgotten;
or perhaps he hopes others have, knowing that not that
many people actually followed his discussions with Robin
after they became rancorous.

 This is a
 mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to
 imitate another poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for
 the troll jackals to to their thing.

Again, the only reason it became a vehicle for criticism
of Curtis was his claim to have been misrepresented and
his denial that he had any ethical obligation to identify
the purported misrepresentations. He had every right to
demand that Robin make it crystal clear that any future
attempt at representing Curtis's POV was a Robin's-eye
view and not something actually written by Curtis.

 Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?

Yes, it would have been very simple had Curtis not decided
to claim misrepresentation.

 It should have been enough that I said it misrepresented me,
 because I AM me.  I might know.

Curtis might well know. Or he could just as easily have made
it up. Hence the call for him to identify the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Judy:  Yes, you are correct. I decided not to take sides.  In writing 
 what I did that night, it was well-received in the moment.  It was 
 spontaneous and intended as irony and it absolutely posed a challenge to 
 Curtis.  It was written *to* Curtis and *for* Robin.  Emotions and energy 
 were running high here on FFL that day.  I stand by what I said
 Dear Curtis:  You will note I deleted in my key points the part about the 
 soul.  I did that for you buddy.  But, really, in the essence of it all, 
 my perception was that Robin's post *did* reflect your position online. 
  HOWEVER, I respect your point, absolutely, that no one except *you* can 
 delineate your REAL point of view.  So, I give you deference in that 
 respect, which is why I backed off of my ironic post to you.  I planned my 
 exit strategy, from the start, in the spontaneity of post itself.  Whaddya 
 think, I am an idiot?  Believe me,  the experiences that I have had (Robin, 
 are you listening?) have shown me, that one can push someone into the corner, 
 but one better be ready...because I've done that, and I know what can happen, 
 in the real world.  Not here, obviously.  
 Dear Ann:  I'm doing my daily write on one post.  FFL may not be real life, 
 but it weirdly addresses the real, the surreal, and the not so real 
 simultaneously.  People's personalities do get exposed here through what 
 they write and post.  I agree with Robin on that one...even though I made a 
 point that words are words and I can could change up mine to give you a 
 different impression of me. My words are all you have to go by.  But, energy 
 is also transmitted back and forth here, or perhaps, just *evoked* personally 
 from what different people write.  I don't know, but it fuels an ongoing 
 tension and dissonance in how we perceive one another and reality.  Share is 
 bothering you.  She bothered me as well - all this advice on love and 
 light shit.  Been there, done that.  Still doing that, honestly. 
  However, I have learned that one cannot push another past where they are 
 and some of that love and light shit is good shit.  Let it flow across
  the forumnurturing nurse that she may be perceived as.  

Thanks for your thoughts Emily. You do amaze me sometimes with your candidness. 
It takes courage to be as straight up as you often appear to be. I hold courage 
in high regard. I think it is highly remarkable to witness courage in life. I 
wish I had more of it although there are times when I realized I possessed more 
than I thought I had. 

It is not that Share bothers me. Share is doing what Share wants to do and 
presumably must do. It is her life and I do not begin to judge her on any of 
that. I can tell you I'd rather spend a week with Share alone than with lots of 
other people I know on this planet. So although I do not sense that what 
interests Share in her everyday pursuit of things like quantum light weaving 
and jyotish readings or all of the things I have never even heard of that is my 
shortcoming, not hers. I am sure she would be horrified having to do what I do 
in a day, a week. I am not on any rocket ship to enlightenment, if it even does 
exist. However, when anyone holds an intention to live one's life without 
harming or traumatizing others, and that includes animals, then I am all for it.
 Dear Robin:  What's wrong with me?  Don't answer that, you are banned for a 
 week.  Answer it later.  I am open to your assessment.  Mostly, I know I'm 
 fucked up already, so therefore, any assistance in getting me to understand 
 Reality would be appreciated.  I am feeling neglected.  I am needy.  Barry 
 would agree with me, I'm sure.  Now, I have to go and attend to my real life 
 issues, but I look forward to your return.  Love always, Emily.     
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can
  be useful to promote understanding.  That is not how it was
  being used here.  So the front that I need to show Robin
  where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.
 One would think Curtis wouldn't *start* with misrepresentation
 when his goal is to show how he's been misrepresented.
 Had Curtis not claimed that Robin had misrepresented his
 POV, it wouldn't have been an issue; there would have been
 no demand for Curtis to identify the purported
 misrepresentations. Curtis brought this on himself.
 Curtis's attempted analysis is much more about writing
 style and specific choices of words than it is about POV.
 Curtis has identified and denied a few

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread Emily Reyn
snip However, when anyone holds an intention to live one's life without 
harming or traumatizing others, and that includes animals, then I am all for it.

Ann:  I came to the same conclusion.  The best to you and the work that you do. 

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 2:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Judy:  Yes, you are correct. I decided not to take sides.  In writing 
 what I did that night, it was well-received in the moment.  It was 
 spontaneous and intended as irony and it absolutely posed a challenge to 
 Curtis.  It was written *to* Curtis and *for* Robin.  Emotions and energy 
 were running high here on FFL that day.  I stand by what I said
 Dear Curtis:  You will note I deleted in my key points the part about the 
 soul.  I did that for you buddy.  But, really, in the essence of it all, 
 my perception was that Robin's post *did* reflect your position online. 
  HOWEVER, I respect your point, absolutely, that no one except *you* can 
 delineate your REAL point of view.  So, I give you deference in that 
 respect, which is why I backed off of my ironic post to you.  I planned my 
 exit strategy, from the start, in the spontaneity of post itself.  Whaddya 
 think, I am an idiot?  Believe me,  the experiences that I have had (Robin, 
 are you listening?) have shown me, that one can push someone into the corner, 
 but one better be ready...because I've done that, and I know what can happen, 
 in the real world.  Not here, obviously.  
 Dear Ann:  I'm doing my daily write on one post.  FFL may not be real life, 
 but it weirdly addresses the real, the surreal, and the not so real 
 simultaneously.  People's personalities do get exposed here through what 
 they write and post.  I agree with Robin on that one...even though I made a 
 point that words are words and I can could change up mine to give you a 
 different impression of me. My words are all you have to go by.  But, energy 
 is also transmitted back and forth here, or perhaps, just *evoked* personally 
 from what different people write.  I don't know, but it fuels an ongoing 
 tension and dissonance in how we perceive one another and reality.  Share is 
 bothering you.  She bothered me as well - all this advice on love and 
 light shit.  Been there, done that.  Still doing that, honestly. 
  However, I have learned that one cannot push another past where they are 
 and some of that love and light shit is good shit.
  Let it flow across
  the forumnurturing nurse that she may be perceived as.  

Thanks for your thoughts Emily. You do amaze me sometimes with your candidness. 
It takes courage to be as straight up as you often appear to be. I hold courage 
in high regard. I think it is highly remarkable to witness courage in life. I 
wish I had more of it although there are times when I realized I possessed more 
than I thought I had. 

It is not that Share bothers me. Share is doing what Share wants to do and 
presumably must do. It is her life and I do not begin to judge her on any of 
that. I can tell you I'd rather spend a week with Share alone than with lots of 
other people I know on this planet. So although I do not sense that what 
interests Share in her everyday pursuit of things like quantum light weaving 
and jyotish readings or all of the things I have never even heard of that is my 
shortcoming, not hers. I am sure she would be horrified having to do what I do 
in a day, a week. I am not on any rocket ship to enlightenment, if it even does 
exist. However, when anyone holds an intention to live one's life without 
harming or traumatizing others, and that includes animals, then I am all for it.
 Dear Robin:  What's wrong with me?  Don't answer that, you are banned for a 
 week.  Answer it later.  I am open to your assessment.  Mostly, I know I'm 
 fucked up already, so therefore, any assistance in getting me to understand 
 Reality would be appreciated.  I am feeling neglected.  I am needy.  Barry 
 would agree with me, I'm sure.  Now, I have to go and attend to my real life 
 issues, but I look forward to your return.  Love always, Emily.     
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can
  be useful to promote understanding.  That is not how it was
  being used here.  So the front that I need to show Robin
  where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I look forward to seeing those short stubby legs with Gimle
 boots dance.

Sorry, lost on me. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can
   be useful to promote understanding.  That is not how it was
   being used here.  So the front that I need to show Robin
   where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.
  One would think Curtis wouldn't *start* with misrepresentation
  when his goal is to show how he's been misrepresented.
 I am using the slang of front and in bieatch be front'n.

This too.

 I was starting with the disingenuous nature of the whole
 exercise which you play a significant role in.

If you mean you were presenting it disingenuously, I agree.
That was my point. I've never known you to conduct yourself
with integrity in a hostile discussion, so no surprise.

  Had Curtis not claimed that Robin had misrepresented his
  POV, it wouldn't have been an issue; there would have been
  no demand for Curtis to identify the purported
  misrepresentations. Curtis brought this on himself.
 I called him on it because I don't like my view misrepresented
 here.  What you are bringing on yourself is an insight into
 your integrity having called me a liar there there was 

I think that last sentence might need a little work, Curtis.

 The fact that challenging someone on their knowledge of their
 own POV is a weird thing to do is very odd.

Not when the person is known to be dishonest and has a
strong motivation to posture falsely in a dispute.

  Curtis's attempted analysis is much more about writing
  style and specific choices of words than it is about POV.
 No, it is both and this attempt to split hairs isn't gunna
 save your ass.  I gave plenty of examples of both for any
 person with integrity.

Well, fortunately my ass isn't the one in jeopardy here.
I stand by what I said.

  Curtis has identified and denied a few actual POV
  elements. I don't know whether Robin wants to go to the
  trouble, and I certainly don't, but I believe most of
  those elements could indeed be found in what Curtis has
  written about Robin. Perhaps Curtis has just forgotten;
  or perhaps he hopes others have, knowing that not that
  many people actually followed his discussions with Robin
  after they became rancorous.
 I hear troll music in the background, what IS that instrument.
 Oh it is a single string violin made our of an infants forearm
 bones.  Makes a creepy sound, you actually dance to that?

Notice how creative Curtis gets when he doesn't have a
substantive response?

   This is a
   mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to
   imitate another poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for
   the troll jackals to to their thing.
  Again, the only reason it became a vehicle for criticism
  of Curtis was his claim to have been misrepresented and
  his denial that he had any ethical obligation to identify
  the purported misrepresentations.
 I didn't have ethical obligations' for shit in this little

If it was a ruse, Curtis, it was *your ruse*. And of course
you had an ethical obligation to support your claim of

But you've always had a rather strange concept of ethics.

If you make a claim--especially one that puts someone else
in a negative light--you either support it, or you don't
complain when it's not accorded credibility. You can't have
it both ways--declining to support the claim *and* whining
because it hasn't been accepted by the person on whom it
reflects badly. Or you can, but then you also get to look
like a dick.

 And it got me exactly where I expected, you in denial mode.

Um, no, the denying was all on your part.

  He had every right to
  demand that Robin make it crystal clear that any future
  attempt at representing Curtis's POV was a Robin's-eye
  view and not something actually written by Curtis.
   Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?
  Yes, it would have been very simple had Curtis not decided
  to claim misrepresentation.
 Now claim and demonstrate specifically, line by line.

Says Curtis, unable to deal with the point.

   It should have been enough that I said it misrepresented me,
   because I AM me.  I might know.
  Curtis might well know. Or he could just as easily have made
  it up. Hence the call for him to identify the 
  misrepresentations that otherwise only he could see (or not
  see, as the case may be).
 Is this a claim to be too idiotic to see the misrepresentations?

Says Curtis, unable to deal with the point.

And again, I wasn't the only person not to see any 

   But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal
  Said huge fucking deal could never have been made had 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread Share Long
laughing yes, attentive and nurturing nurse...who practically faints at the 
sight of blood.  Could impede progress up career ladder...

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Thanks Ann.  Good advice and I like the metaphor.  Actually I think these 
 aspirations are merely common sense.  What else can one do given that we are 
 bound to make mistakes?  And FFL seems a concentrated reality to me, albeit 
 2D.  In some ways, easier for burning off the karma. 
 PS  Did I have a role?! 

Yes, the very attentive and nurturing nurse. 
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Yes, sometimes foolish, sometimes wise we are.  Because this is a 
  learning place.  We are all going to make mistakes.  Good to develop 
  wise compassion.  Even about ourselves.  And to apologize if 
  appropriate.  Make amends.  Intend to do better next time.  Act 
  wisely to mature the undeveloped aspects of ourselves.  TM, Sedona 
  Method, mindfulness, lovingkindness, humor, ect.  Whatever helps us 
  become a better person, more loving, more truthful.
  This is the best anyone can do.  And it is good enough to do.  I am 
  open to other thoughts and suggestions. 
 I think, with all due respect Share, that if you want to develop and practice 
 these noble aspirations that you list above then do this in the 'real world'. 
 FFL is simply not that. Many of us are not quite as we seem here at FFL as we 
 are offline. I know this for a fact. It is like trying to practice real 
 medicine on some hospital theme soap opera.  FFL is a place to stretch some 
 boundaries, to play a little and sometimes to fight but you aren't going to 
 change anyone here and many times sincerity and vulnerability get sacrificed, 
 brutally. Don't take this place or your role in it too seriously. That would 
 be my best advice.
   From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:59 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
  my turn!
  Oh Mama Aunty Share play with her kids and they won't let Share be
  Sedon(a)-izing  her kids- demons today,
  Letting them out for their weekly foray.
  Sharing can't make them leave,
  and they won't let Share be
  if she don't let them come out to play?
  The fat one on the slide is it Rage?
  He was good, so he's out of the cage.
  He doesn't play nice,
  and sometimes, he bites;
  Yeah, he's hard to assuage.
  The cute one, you may like is Lust.
  For her, the see-saw's a must.
  But don't let her fool you,
  she's really quite cruel, too.
  In fact, it's her you shouldn't` trust.
  See little one there is named Pout.
  (Bet you guessed what he's all about.)
  He loves to swing on wingy  swings,
  and sometimes, breaking things,
  if Share don't give in to her shouts.
  Look the last one outside is Sorrow.
  She plays with toys that are borrowed.
  A real downer, she is.
  Doesn't like other kids,
  But she'll always be out again tomorrow
  Sedonizing Share's demons today,
  Letting them out for their weekly foray.
  We can't make them leave.
  Does they  let her be
  if she don't let them come out to play?
  Is the way into you  a narrow road?
  Is it boxed in, blocked out, and reprimanded?
  Is the way into you  tiny, yeah
  Can't you get there in a single stride?
  Can't you  get there without a guide?
  Is the way into you
  Is it a narrow road?
  With goodbyes and hellos?
  That flank each winding bend
  so these people  want to be your friend
  You not seek, and so you'll found;
  Will  traveled rooted to the ground.
  Words that in jest you uttered here
  May wisdom in the heavenly sphere.
  (All men's questions and replies
  Are sometimes foolish, sometimes wise)
  If you wish to learn of me
  Forget all this immediately;
  Forget there's such a thing to do -
  And then perchance I'll wink at you.
  Nameless mother of ten thousand things 
  From the unlocked cage of your heart
  White doves of love will go winging,
  Wild larks of song golden rise singing,
  The ice of your heart is then broken, broken,
  Joy's fountain leaps in the air;
  And all the while no word was spoken:
  You'll only looked at something fair.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-12 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
 Me: You actually slipped it in again muther

 The first time you said it a long time ago I gave it serious thought.
The next dozen times I tried to appease you by answering it as best as I
could. Now I view it as some kind of terrible mole on your face. I try
to avert my eyes but the thing grows larger when I look away and when I
furtively glance back, there it is now as big as a basketball! You have
become the Repeating Guy in this FFL sitcom. The guy who repeats things.
The man who does not know what he has said before. It is Groundhog Day
for you every paragraph and you come up with a tasty morsel to share
with your readers each time anew. Curtis will not accept your feedback
because he is a non feedback acceptor and will not accept feedback or
consider it or even think about it because he is the kind of guy who
must not let any new information in.

 Next paragraph...oh I just thought of something...this is a corker!
Curtis is so immune to receiving feedback that he will not accept any.
He cannot because his identity is as a non feedback receiver.

 What next...let's see...wow, I just got the most amazing and original
idea to share, check this out...Curtis is very bad at letting people's
feedback change him because he does not allow any feedback to change
him. Wait till they read that! What an original wonder that paragraph
was. Now what shall I say next...

This made it worth the read.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread merudanda
Oh Mama Aunty Share play with her kids and they won't let Share be

Sedon(a)-izing  her kids- demons today,
Letting them out for their weekly foray.
Sharing can't make them leave,
and they won't let Share be
if she don't let them come out to play?

The fat one on the slide is it Rage?
He was good, so he's out of the cage.
He doesn't play nice,
and sometimes, he bites;
Yeah, he's hard to assuage.

The cute one, you may like is Lust.
For her, the see-saw's a must.
But don't let her fool you,
she's really quite cruel, too.
In fact, it's her you shouldn't` trust.

See little one there is named Pout.
(Bet you guessed what he's all about.)
He loves to swing on wingy  swings,
and sometimes, breaking things,
if Share don't give in to her shouts.

Look the last one outside is Sorrow.
She plays with toys that are borrowed.
A real downer, she is.
Doesn't like other kids,
But she'll always be out again tomorrow

Sedonizing Share's demons today,
Letting them out for their weekly foray.
We can't make them leave.
Does they  let her be
if she don't let them come out to play?

Is the way into you  a narrow road?
Is it boxed in, blocked out, and reprimanded?
Is the way into you  tiny, yeah
Can't you get there in a single stride?
Can't you  get there without a guide?
Is the way into you
Is it a narrow road?
With goodbyes and hellos?
That flank each winding bend
so these people  want to be your friend

You not seek, and so you'll found;
Will  traveled rooted to the ground.
Words that in jest you uttered here
May wisdom in the heavenly sphere.
(All men's questions and replies
Are sometimes foolish, sometimes wise)

If you wish to learn of me
Forget all this immediately;
Forget there's such a thing to do -
And then perchance I'll wink at you.
Nameless mother of ten thousand things
From the unlocked cage of your heart
White doves of love will go winging,
Wild larks of song golden rise singing,
The ice of your heart is then broken, broken,
Joy's fountain leaps in the air;
And all the while no word was spoken:
You'll only looked at something fair.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Dear Ann, poor Share was at writing group for 2 hours this afternoon,
then Sedona Method for an hour, then Dome, then dinner, then library,
now here.  At one point I had over 80 unread emails.  The other forum is
also being quite active today.

 Before the Dome I saw that Robin had posted what he sent me offline
last night.  In return I posted the reply I sent to him last night. 
I've had a quick glance at 2 of his posts from after that.  In one of
them he says he corrected something from yesterday.  I heard a groan in
my head!  In the other he indicates that he's not satisfied with my
reconciliation efforts.  I'll read both of those more carefully this

  Having asked Robin what more I can do, I sense that I've done my
best.  It seems that is not good enough for him.  Nonetheless I wish him
all the best always.

 Thank you for all your kindness and support

 PS  Anyone who still has discomfort about my part in all this is
welcome to email me directly.

  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 5:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up;
it's my turn!

 Hoo boy, and I thought I was getting confused with the quotes and
poems from various famous authors and poets whose excerpts were being
posted here by various members. Now I have to contend with letters
written by one person using another person's name. If I'm confused you
can only imagine poor Share...let alone Steve. I think we might just be
about to hear from Curtis any minute now as well. God, this place rocks.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
   much snipping
 I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to
 someone describing an entirely fictitious conversation
 with you as though it had occurred. I also think that
 you might take exception to someone writing posts with
 your byline,
(Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
account ID.)
 even if it is done in the
 name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
 that such a person refrain from doing that.
It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
are free to object or make such a request if they think
anybody might have been misled.
But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
ironic. And frankly, I'd

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can be useful to 
promote understanding.  That is not how it was being used here.  So the front 
that I need to show Robin where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.  This 
is a mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to imitate another 
poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for the troll jackals to to their thing. 

Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?  No, not in troll 
world.  The fact that it might bug me to have my name signed to a post that 
makes me out to be an effete drama teacher who revels in fey triumphalist 
statements went over the heads of the troll revelers, intoxicated with their 
sturdy goblets of human baby blood as they danced around the flickering flames 
of having taunted someone online and gotten him to respond.  It should have 
been enough that I said it misrepresented me, because I AM me.  I might know.  
But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal (Judy even accusing 
me of lying about it) and Emily weighing in that it was just so wonderful, I 
thought I would take a few minutes to use this piece to show Robin that he not 
only doesn't understand my actual POV, he sucks at imitating my style because 
he is locked in his own.

This will do no good because they just want to argue with me about whether or 
not it represents my own POV.  It will satisfy no one and lead to more 
trollery.  But it will now serve my own purpose of illustrating for anyone 
interested that Robin does not understand my perspective, nor is he interested 
in doing so. 

So you wanted it, and now you got it.

But before I start lets look at how low Robin lowered the bar as he taunted me 
to do this:


Of course the idea that NONE of it is anything I would dream of saying is a 
loaded deck.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.  So knowing this 
exercise will do no good, I begin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Robin:
  I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
 even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
 make it, Robin*,

First false voice.  This first line is a simple objection made flamboyant with 
unnecessary long Robin phrases that will also riddle the rest of this piece.

Me:  I might phrase this: I didn't read your post at first, but since I have, 
I have some issues to raise.

R: and your confident assertions

ME I might use this phrase.

R: about your use of irony in relation to me is itself a form of irony.


I would never say this because Robin uses the term irony as a gentile name 
for his mockery.  I specifically don't use the term with him because he has 
mutilated it as much as he has ontology so that in the context of discussion 
with him it is useless, having drifted too far from its common usage. 

R Because--listen up, Robin--you don't 'get' me at all,

Me: Pure Robin's flamboyant voice.  The listen up phrase is condescension.  
It automatically turns off the reader ahead of time.  If I decide to be 
condescending (and I am not above that) you will know it halfway through the 
simile chain that I am being a dick.  I would never telegraph a punch like 
this.  It comes from Robin's overconfidence. 

R: and the words you put in my mouth there were a misrepresentation of what I 
might have said to you. 

Anyone could have said this phrase and it could be true of Robin because he 
does this a lot, and not only to me.

R: Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that;

Me:  I wouldn't say this because I don't believe any of it.  Robin is a complex 
guy and in the past I have enjoyed interacting with him.  But I don't for a 
moment believe he is a good guy he often comes off as a real prick as he has 
in this exchange.  And I would never claim that he was sincere because I don't 
believe he is.  In watching how he dealt with Share I could see how much of the 
old Robin Guru is still kicking.  This is not nice, it is not sincere, and this 
may be the worst representation of my POV in the piece.

R: but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of other 

M: I would never say this because we all do this naturally.  What I might 
object to is that Robin tends to ascribe motivations to others that have 
nothing to do with where they are coming from, but lacking a good feedback 
loop, he will ignore any correction because he believes he knows people better 
than they know themselves.

R: and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it is actually quite 
embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth of the person 

M: Phrasing is pure Robin and it shifts my point into his own perspective with 
the tell, the truth of the person. I would never 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Share Long
meruD thank you for astonishing poem commemorating end of sharefalong Sheriff 
Along FFL honeymoon.  Hope back is better.
it's a small world after all
George from Seinfeld:  let me just be 

Sedona skyping with Julia Russian CPA living near Sydney with husband and 

Should I take new Arenanders offering Cosmic Glories of Ladies Brain
along fresh

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

Oh Mama Aunty Share play with her kids and they won't let Share be

Sedon(a)-izing  her kids- demons today,
Letting them out for their weekly foray.
Sharing can't make them leave,
and they won't let Share be
if she don't let them come out to play?

The fat one on the slide is it Rage?
He was good, so he's out of the cage.
He doesn't play nice,
and sometimes, he bites;
Yeah, he's hard to assuage.

The cute one, you may like is Lust.
For her, the see-saw's a must.
But don't let her fool you,
she's really quite cruel, too.
In fact, it's her you shouldn't` trust.

See little one there is named Pout.
(Bet you guessed what he's all about.)
He loves to swing on wingy  swings,
and sometimes, breaking things,
if Share don't give in to her shouts.

Look the last one outside is Sorrow.
She plays with toys that are borrowed.
A real downer, she is.
Doesn't like other kids,
But she'll always be out again tomorrow

Sedonizing Share's demons today,
Letting them out for their weekly foray.
We can't make them leave.
Does they  let her be
if she don't let them come out to play?

Is the way into you  a narrow road?
Is it boxed in, blocked out, and reprimanded?
Is the way into you  tiny, yeah
Can't you get there in a single stride?
Can't you  get there without a guide?
Is the way into you
Is it a narrow road?
With goodbyes and hellos?
That flank each winding bend
so these people  want to be your friend

You not seek, and so you'll found;
Will  traveled rooted to the ground.
Words that in jest you uttered here
May wisdom in the heavenly sphere.
(All men's questions and replies
Are sometimes foolish, sometimes wise)

If you wish to learn of me
Forget all this immediately;
Forget there's such a thing to do -
And then perchance I'll wink at you.
Nameless mother of ten thousand things 
From the unlocked cage of your heart
White doves of love will go winging,
Wild larks of song golden rise singing,
The ice of your heart is then broken, broken,
Joy's fountain leaps in the air;
And all the while no word was spoken:
You'll only looked at something fair.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Dear Ann, poor Share was at writing group for 2 hours this afternoon, then 
 Sedona Method for an hour, then Dome, then dinner, then library, now here.  
 At one point I had over 80 unread emails.  The other forum is also being 
 quite active today.
 Before the Dome I saw that Robin had posted what he sent me offline last 
 night.  In return I posted the reply I sent to him last night.  I've had a 
 quick glance at 2 of his posts from after that.  In one of them he says he 
 corrected something from yesterday.  I heard a groan in my head!  In the 
 other he indicates that he's not satisfied with my reconciliation efforts.  
 I'll read both of those more carefully this evening.
  Having asked Robin what more I can do, I sense that I've done my best.  It 
 seems that is not good enough for him.  Nonetheless I wish him all the best 
 Thank you for all your kindness and support
 PS  Anyone who still has discomfort about my part in all this is welcome to 
 email me directly.
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 5:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Hoo boy, and I thought I was getting confused with the quotes and poems from 
 various famous authors and poets whose excerpts were being posted here by 
 various members. Now I have to contend with letters written by one person 
 using another person's name. If I'm confused you can only imagine poor 
 Share...let alone Steve. I think we might just be about to hear from Curtis 
 any minute now as well. God, this place rocks.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   much snipping
 I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to
 someone describing an entirely fictitious conversation
 with you as though it had occurred. I also think that
 you might take exception to someone writing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Share Long
Hi Curtis, hope the Capital Beltway is not too Indy 500ish today (-:
A long long time ago, about 2 months or so, someone on FFL told me not to 
worry, that most knew who to believe who not to believe, etc.  I do understand 
your concern about your reputation as a teacher.  Not sure what to recommend 
about that.  But just to also say that when you were absent, there were 
lively discussions about whose fault it was that you left FFL.  So you were 
missed!  And I'm sure you would be again.  Hope this helps some.  

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can be useful to 
promote understanding.  That is not how it was being used here.  So the front 
that I need to show Robin where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.  This 
is a mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to imitate another 
poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for the troll jackals to to their thing. 

Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?  No, not in troll 
world.  The fact that it might bug me to have my name signed to a post that 
makes me out to be an effete drama teacher who revels in fey triumphalist 
statements went over the heads of the troll revelers, intoxicated with their 
sturdy goblets of human baby blood as they danced around the flickering flames 
of having taunted someone online and gotten him to respond.  It should have 
been enough that I said it misrepresented me, because I AM me.  I might know.  
But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal (Judy even accusing 
me of lying about it) and Emily weighing in that it was just so wonderful, I 
thought I would take a few minutes to use this piece to show Robin that he not 
only doesn't understand my actual POV, he sucks at imitating my style because 
he is locked in his own.

This will do no good because they just want to argue with me about whether or 
not it represents my own POV.  It will satisfy no one and lead to more 
trollery.  But it will now serve my own purpose of illustrating for anyone 
interested that Robin does not understand my perspective, nor is he interested 
in doing so. 

So you wanted it, and now you got it.

But before I start lets look at how low Robin lowered the bar as he taunted me 
to do this:


Of course the idea that NONE of it is anything I would dream of saying is a 
loaded deck.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.  So knowing this 
exercise will do no good, I begin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Robin:
  I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
 even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
 make it, Robin*,

First false voice.  This first line is a simple objection made flamboyant with 
unnecessary long Robin phrases that will also riddle the rest of this piece.

Me:  I might phrase this: I didn't read your post at first, but since I have, 
I have some issues to raise.

R: and your confident assertions

ME I might use this phrase.

R: about your use of irony in relation to me is itself a form of irony.


I would never say this because Robin uses the term irony as a gentile name 
for his mockery.  I specifically don't use the term with him because he has 
mutilated it as much as he has ontology so that in the context of discussion 
with him it is useless, having drifted too far from its common usage. 

R Because--listen up, Robin--you don't 'get' me at all,

Me: Pure Robin's flamboyant voice.  The listen up phrase is condescension.  
It automatically turns off the reader ahead of time.  If I decide to be 
condescending (and I am not above that) you will know it halfway through the 
simile chain that I am being a dick.  I would never telegraph a punch like 
this.  It comes from Robin's overconfidence. 

R: and the words you put in my mouth there were a misrepresentation of what I 
might have said to you. 

Anyone could have said this phrase and it could be true of Robin because he 
does this a lot, and not only to me.

R: Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that;

Me:  I wouldn't say this because I don't believe any of it.  Robin is a complex 
guy and in the past I have enjoyed interacting with him.  But I don't for a 
moment believe he is a good guy he often comes off as a real prick as he has 
in this exchange.  And I would never claim that he was sincere because I don't 
believe he is.  In watching how he dealt with Share I could see how much of the 
old Robin Guru is still kicking.  This is not nice, it is not sincere

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Hi Curtis, hope the Capital Beltway is not too Indy 500ish today (-:

It is like a freak'n video game!

 A long long time ago, about 2 months or so, someone on FFL told me not to 
 worry, that most knew who to believe who not to believe, etc.  I do 
 understand your concern about your reputation as a teacher.  Not sure what 
 to recommend about that. 

I want to make an important distinction.  I was not worried about my reputation 
as a teacher from what Robin wrote, or even really my reputation at all. My 
objection that it misrepresents my POV was not an attempt to elevate it to the 
level of what another person has attempted to do with my name on the Internet.  
People can and do talk shit about me here and that is all fair game.  I object 
to the systematic repetition of false phrases coupled with my name that are 
triggers for school's hot button no-hire issues. Although I didn't like Robin 
using my name, and it didn't represent my POV, nothing he said would cause me 
any problems if a potential employer read it when trying to evaluate my online 

I hope this clarifies two separate things that have vastly different 
consequences for me.  The person who tried to collapse these issues together 
did so to mask how different his actions where from Robin's.  There is no 
comparison.  Maybe the line Robin wrote as 
me that he wouldn't last long here on FFL, gave that impression also that 
somehow I was making a bigger case out of this than I was. 

I don't want friends who read me here to think I write like Robin.  That was 
the extent of me caring about his signing my name.  The other dude's intentions 
are on a completely different level and are dealt with in a completely 
different way.  Thanks for being sensitive to this, I appreciate that. 

 But just to also say that when you were absent, there were lively 
discussions about whose fault it was that you left FFL.  So you were missed!  
And I'm sure you would be again.  Hope this helps some.  

I value the place for inspiring me to write, and dealing with multiple agendas 
is all part of that.

You are a sweetheart and a balancing perspective of sanity here.  Thanks for 
genuinely caring about my feelings.  We all find our reasons for posting and 
they change as our need to express ourselves change.  That is why I come and 

  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can be useful to 
 promote understanding.  That is not how it was being used here.  So the front 
 that I need to show Robin where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.  This 
 is a mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to imitate another 
 poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for the troll jackals to to their 
 Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?  No, not in 
 troll world.  The fact that it might bug me to have my name signed to a post 
 that makes me out to be an effete drama teacher who revels in fey 
 triumphalist statements went over the heads of the troll revelers, 
 intoxicated with their sturdy goblets of human baby blood as they danced 
 around the flickering flames of having taunted someone online and gotten him 
 to respond.  It should have been enough that I said it misrepresented me, 
 because I AM me.  I might know.  But both Judy and Robin have made such a 
 huge fucking deal (Judy even accusing me of lying about it) and Emily 
 weighing in that it was just so wonderful, I thought I would take a few 
 minutes to use this piece to show Robin that he not only doesn't understand 
 my actual POV, he sucks at imitating my style because he is locked in his own.
 This will do no good because they just want to argue with me about whether or 
 not it represents my own POV.  It will satisfy no one and lead to more 
 trollery.  But it will now serve my own purpose of illustrating for anyone 
 interested that Robin does not understand my perspective, nor is he 
 interested in doing so. 
 So you wanted it, and now you got it.
 But before I start lets look at how low Robin lowered the bar as he taunted 
 me to do this:
 Of course the idea that NONE of it is anything I would dream of saying is a 
 loaded deck.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.  So knowing this 
 exercise will do no good, I begin.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Dear Robin:
   I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
  even read your post

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Emily Reyn
Whole Duty of Children
~Robert Louis Stevenson

A child should always say what's true 
And speak when he is spoken to, 
And behave mannerly at table; 
At least as far as he is able.

Good and Bad Children
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Children, you are very little, 
And your bones are very brittle; 
If you would grow great and stately, 
You must try to walk sedately. 

You must still be bright and quiet, 
And content with simple diet; 
And remain, through all bewild'ring, 
Innocent and honest children. 

Happy hearts and happy faces, 
Happy play in grassy places-- 
That was how in ancient ages, 
Children grew to kings and sages. 

But the unkind and the unruly, 
And the sort who eat unduly, 
They must never hope for glory-- 
Theirs is quite a different story! 

Cruel children, crying babies, 
All grow up as geese and gabies, 
Hated, as their age increases, 
By their nephews and their nieces.

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 4:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

Oh Mama Aunty Share play with her kids and they won't let Share be

Sedon(a)-izing  her kids- demons today,
Letting them out for their weekly foray.
Sharing can't make them leave,
and they won't let Share be
if she don't let them come out to play?

The fat one on the slide is it Rage?
He was good, so he's out of the cage.
He doesn't play nice,
and sometimes, he bites;
Yeah, he's hard to assuage.

The cute one, you may like is Lust.
For her, the see-saw's a must.
But don't let her fool you,
she's really quite cruel, too.
In fact, it's her you shouldn't` trust.

See little one there is named Pout.
(Bet you guessed what he's all about.)
He loves to swing on wingy  swings,
and sometimes, breaking things,
if Share don't give in to her shouts.

Look the last one outside is Sorrow.
She plays with toys that are borrowed.
A real downer, she is.
Doesn't like other kids,
But she'll always be out again tomorrow

Sedonizing Share's demons today,
Letting them out for their weekly foray.
We can't make them leave.
Does they  let her be
if she don't let them come out to play?

Is the way into you  a narrow road?
Is it boxed in, blocked out, and reprimanded?
Is the way into you  tiny, yeah
Can't you get there in a single stride?
Can't you  get there without a guide?
Is the way into you
Is it a narrow road?
With goodbyes and hellos?
That flank each winding bend
so these people  want to be your friend

You not seek, and so you'll found;
Will  traveled rooted to the ground.
Words that in jest you uttered here
May wisdom in the heavenly sphere.
(All men's questions and replies
Are sometimes foolish, sometimes wise)

If you wish to learn of me
Forget all this immediately;
Forget there's such a thing to do -
And then perchance I'll wink at you.
Nameless mother of ten thousand things 
From the unlocked cage of your heart
White doves of love will go winging,
Wild larks of song golden rise singing,
The ice of your heart is then broken, broken,
Joy's fountain leaps in the air;
And all the while no word was spoken:
You'll only looked at something fair.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Dear Ann, poor Share was at writing group for 2 hours this afternoon, then 
 Sedona Method for an hour, then Dome, then dinner, then library, now here.  
 At one point I had over 80 unread emails.  The other forum is also being 
 quite active today.
 Before the Dome I saw that Robin had posted what he sent me offline last 
 night.  In return I posted the reply I sent to him last night.  I've had a 
 quick glance at 2 of his posts from after that.  In one of them he says he 
 corrected something from yesterday.  I heard a groan in my head!  In the 
 other he indicates that he's not satisfied with my reconciliation efforts.  
 I'll read both of those more carefully this evening.
  Having asked Robin what more I can do, I sense that I've done my best.  It 
 seems that is not good enough for him.  Nonetheless I wish him all the best 
 Thank you for all your kindness and support
 PS  Anyone who still has discomfort about my part in all this is welcome to 
 email me directly.
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 5:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Hoo boy, and I thought I was getting confused with the quotes and poems from 
 various famous authors and poets whose excerpts were being posted here by 
 various members. Now I have to contend with letters written by one person 
 using another person's name. If I'm confused you can only imagine poor 
 Share...let alone Steve. I think we might just be about to hear from Curtis 
 any minute now as well. God, this place rocks

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Emily Reyn
snip Emily weighing in that it was just so wonderful

Curtis, I did giggle a lot yesterday; it's true, but from a far and objective 
distance.  And then I went swimming, which served to kick up my endorphin 
levels, and then I returned and spontaneously wrote that post.  But, I assure 
you, the post was directed as much at Robin as yourself, and was intended to 
convey a number of vantage points.  I view you as equals - both human beings.  
No harm intended and as I stated, I was *not* laughing at your expense.  I was 
laughing yesterday at the human condition - very big picture.  Have a lovely 
day.  Emily.

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can be useful to 
promote understanding.  That is not how it was being used here.  So the front 
that I need to show Robin where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.  This 
is a mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to imitate another 
poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for the troll jackals to to their thing. 

Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?  No, not in troll 
world.  The fact that it might bug me to have my name signed to a post that 
makes me out to be an effete drama teacher who revels in fey triumphalist 
statements went over the heads of the troll revelers, intoxicated with their 
sturdy goblets of human baby blood as they danced around the flickering flames 
of having taunted someone online and gotten him to respond.  It should have 
been enough that I said it misrepresented me, because I AM me.  I might know.  
But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal (Judy even accusing 
me of lying about it) and Emily weighing in that it was just so wonderful, I 
thought I would take a few minutes to use this piece to show Robin that he not 
only doesn't understand my actual POV, he sucks at imitating my style because 
he is locked in his own.

This will do no good because they just want to argue with me about whether or 
not it represents my own POV.  It will satisfy no one and lead to more 
trollery.  But it will now serve my own purpose of illustrating for anyone 
interested that Robin does not understand my perspective, nor is he interested 
in doing so. 

So you wanted it, and now you got it.

But before I start lets look at how low Robin lowered the bar as he taunted me 
to do this:


Of course the idea that NONE of it is anything I would dream of saying is a 
loaded deck.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.  So knowing this 
exercise will do no good, I begin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Robin:
  I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
 even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
 make it, Robin*,

First false voice.  This first line is a simple objection made flamboyant with 
unnecessary long Robin phrases that will also riddle the rest of this piece.

Me:  I might phrase this: I didn't read your post at first, but since I have, 
I have some issues to raise.

R: and your confident assertions

ME I might use this phrase.

R: about your use of irony in relation to me is itself a form of irony.


I would never say this because Robin uses the term irony as a gentile name 
for his mockery.  I specifically don't use the term with him because he has 
mutilated it as much as he has ontology so that in the context of discussion 
with him it is useless, having drifted too far from its common usage. 

R Because--listen up, Robin--you don't 'get' me at all,

Me: Pure Robin's flamboyant voice.  The listen up phrase is condescension.  
It automatically turns off the reader ahead of time.  If I decide to be 
condescending (and I am not above that) you will know it halfway through the 
simile chain that I am being a dick.  I would never telegraph a punch like 
this.  It comes from Robin's overconfidence. 

R: and the words you put in my mouth there were a misrepresentation of what I 
might have said to you. 

Anyone could have said this phrase and it could be true of Robin because he 
does this a lot, and not only to me.

R: Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that;

Me:  I wouldn't say this because I don't believe any of it.  Robin is a complex 
guy and in the past I have enjoyed interacting with him.  But I don't for a 
moment believe he is a good guy he often comes off as a real prick as he has 
in this exchange.  And I would never claim that he was sincere because I don't 
believe he is.  In watching how he dealt with Share I could see how

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
This was cute and loving Em, I'm sure my Auntie loved it :-)

On Sep 11, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 P.S.  Dear Share, I was serious here.  I hope your day goes splendidly.  
 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
 my turn!
 Dear Share:
 I am sorry
 Please forgive me
 I love you
 Thank you
 Love, FFL
 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 2:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
 my turn!
 Hi everyone, I was at writing group for 2 hours this afternoon, then 1 hour 
 Sedona Method with my partner in Sydney, now off to Dome.  Below is the email 
 Robin send me offline last night and above that my reply to him.  Enjoy 
 Dear Robin,
 I never thought any of the things about you that you accuse me of below.  I 
 never thought you were careless about my heart.  I never thought you were a 
 bully.  I never thought you lacked regard for me.  I never thought you were 
 self centered.  I never thought you were a rat.
 I expressed innocent and real joy at the beautiful Russian flash mob you 
 posted.  You replied by saying that you sensed I was being the real Share but 
 that you were probably wrong.  This is what hurt me.
 What I attributed your comment to was your taking on the role of a teacher of 
 what is real.  You yourself talked about that as being your destiny and in 
 your DNA.  So this is where I think you were coming from.
 Of course I haven't known you very long and then only online.  So I don't 
 claim to know you that well.  But I do sense that you are more developed than 
 me.  Maybe that's why I don't understand you.  
 Maybe I never will.  I can promise that I will do my best.  And that I 
 continue to do whatever I can to develop my ability to love.  But I will 
 probably make more mistakes along the way.
 Again, I apologize for my part in all this upset.  I hope we can put it 
 behind us.  
 Even here I can sense an ocean between us.  It makes me feel sad.  I was 
 telling my pastoral counselor today that I sense that you live at a very deep 
 level of life.  That you experience layers and layers of richness and attempt 
 to convey that in your writing.  Perhaps because of my chaotic early 
 childhood, I am more comfortable with simplicity.  I hope we can find a 
 meeting ground that is comfortable and even joyful for us both.
 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 12:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Dear Share,
 Here is the problem: when you accuse someone of behaving in a way which 
 clearly carries with it a reasonable judgment that that person is: careless, 
 egotistical, cruel, thoughtless, insensitive, manipulative, or dishonest--I 
 am not saying you directly accused me of being any of these things, but you 
 must hold on here--you must make contact with the origin, cause, reality 
 which has produced this behaviour. In the person with whom you are displeased.
 What was totally astonishing and incomprehensible to me, Share, was your 
 total misreading of the person Robin. Let me explain: if I actually 
 consciously--or even otherwise--did something which represented some lack of 
 respect or regard for your person, then what that means is that when I did 
 this I was being less than I could be, or even I was not being true to you.
 The inference, the implication, of your judging me as you did requires 
 somehow for your disapprobation to touch my conscience, touch my heart, 
 produce some recognition in me that I failed you in some way--whether 
 inadvertently or through my own self-centeredness--or whatever.
 But here is where you were right off, Share: Robin, me, I am not a person 
 even capable of doing what you accused me of doing. So what you engendered 
 immediately inside me when I read that first post in which you announced you 
 were breaking things off was this: Share Long is 100% wrong about Robin. I am 
 a sincere and loving and innocent person (Yes, with those wounds you refer 
 to). What you did by announcing you were going to end our 
 communication--regardless of how you later qualified it, recontextualized it, 
 mitigated it or whatever--was to make Robin have an experience of himself as 
 if he were an innocent martyr.
 There was not a trace of guilt, recognition, awareness in me of having ever 
 done anything to deserve the response I got from you, Share. Something 
 obviously got fouled up but good--But this does not happen to me, Share. 
 People understand me. I am unambiguous, I am clear, I am keen

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Bullshit. There is such a thing as irony, sarcasm. Barry does it always, I do 
it, Robin is the master of irony, many others do it.

Please do us a favor and get another online moniker. Rather than trying to 
subtly manipulate, deceive and coerce to stifle open, healthy discussions here. 
Complaining loudly, crying wolf, bogey man, straw man arguments, 
complaining/manipulating the moderators - as Barry says - needy, whiny drama 
queenery. You are not the Moses of FFL.

On Sep 11, 2012, at 7:18 AM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com 

 The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can be useful to 
 promote understanding. That is not how it was being used here. So the front 
 that I need to show Robin where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse. This 
 is a mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to imitate another 
 poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for the troll jackals to to their 
 Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name. Pretty simple? No, not in troll 
 world. The fact that it might bug me to have my name signed to a post that 
 makes me out to be an effete drama teacher who revels in fey triumphalist 
 statements went over the heads of the troll revelers, intoxicated with their 
 sturdy goblets of human baby blood as they danced around the flickering 
 flames of having taunted someone online and gotten him to respond. It should 
 have been enough that I said it misrepresented me, because I AM me. I might 
 know. But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal (Judy even 
 accusing me of lying about it) and Emily weighing in that it was just so 
 wonderful, I thought I would take a few minutes to use this piece to show 
 Robin that he not only doesn't understand my actual POV, he sucks at 
 imitating my style because he is locked in his own.
 This will do no good because they just want to argue with me about whether or 
 not it represents my own POV. It will satisfy no one and lead to more 
 trollery. But it will now serve my own purpose of illustrating for anyone 
 interested that Robin does not understand my perspective, nor is he 
 interested in doing so. 
 So you wanted it, and now you got it.
 But before I start lets look at how low Robin lowered the bar as he taunted 
 me to do this:
 Of course the idea that NONE of it is anything I would dream of saying is a 
 loaded deck. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. So knowing this 
 exercise will do no good, I begin.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:
  Dear Robin:
  I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
  even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
  make it, Robin*,
 First false voice. This first line is a simple objection made flamboyant with 
 unnecessary long Robin phrases that will also riddle the rest of this piece.
 Me: I might phrase this: I didn't read your post at first, but since I have, 
 I have some issues to raise.
 R: and your confident assertions
 ME I might use this phrase.
 R: about your use of irony in relation to me is itself a form of irony.
 I would never say this because Robin uses the term irony as a gentile name 
 for his mockery. I specifically don't use the term with him because he has 
 mutilated it as much as he has ontology so that in the context of 
 discussion with him it is useless, having drifted too far from its common 
 R Because--listen up, Robin--you don't 'get' me at all,
 Me: Pure Robin's flamboyant voice. The listen up phrase is condescension. 
 It automatically turns off the reader ahead of time. If I decide to be 
 condescending (and I am not above that) you will know it halfway through the 
 simile chain that I am being a dick. I would never telegraph a punch like 
 this. It comes from Robin's overconfidence. 
 R: and the words you put in my mouth there were a misrepresentation of what I 
 might have said to you. 
 Anyone could have said this phrase and it could be true of Robin because he 
 does this a lot, and not only to me.
 R: Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that;
 Me: I wouldn't say this because I don't believe any of it. Robin is a complex 
 guy and in the past I have enjoyed interacting with him. But I don't for a 
 moment believe he is a good guy he often comes off as a real prick as he 
 has in this exchange. And I would never claim that he was sincere because I 
 don't believe he is. In watching how he dealt with Share I could see how much 
 of the old Robin Guru is still kicking. This is not nice, it is not sincere, 
 and this may be the worst representation of my POV in the piece.
 R: but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of other 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can
 be useful to promote understanding.  That is not how it was
 being used here.  So the front that I need to show Robin
 where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.

One would think Curtis wouldn't *start* with misrepresentation
when his goal is to show how he's been misrepresented.

Had Curtis not claimed that Robin had misrepresented his
POV, it wouldn't have been an issue; there would have been
no demand for Curtis to identify the purported
misrepresentations. Curtis brought this on himself.

Curtis's attempted analysis is much more about writing
style and specific choices of words than it is about POV.
Curtis has identified and denied a few actual POV
elements. I don't know whether Robin wants to go to the
trouble, and I certainly don't, but I believe most of
those elements could indeed be found in what Curtis has
written about Robin. Perhaps Curtis has just forgotten;
or perhaps he hopes others have, knowing that not that
many people actually followed his discussions with Robin
after they became rancorous.

 This is a
 mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to
 imitate another poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for
 the troll jackals to to their thing.

Again, the only reason it became a vehicle for criticism
of Curtis was his claim to have been misrepresented and
his denial that he had any ethical obligation to identify
the purported misrepresentations. He had every right to
demand that Robin make it crystal clear that any future
attempt at representing Curtis's POV was a Robin's-eye
view and not something actually written by Curtis.

 Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?

Yes, it would have been very simple had Curtis not decided
to claim misrepresentation.

 It should have been enough that I said it misrepresented me,
 because I AM me.  I might know.

Curtis might well know. Or he could just as easily have made
it up. Hence the call for him to identify the 
misrepresentations that otherwise only he could see (or not
see, as the case may be).

 But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal

Said huge fucking deal could never have been made had Curtis
not claimed misrepresentation.

 (Judy even accusing me of lying about it)
 and Emily weighing in that it was just so wonderful, I thought
 I would take a few minutes to use this piece to show Robin
 that he not only doesn't understand my actual POV, he sucks at 
 imitating my style because he is locked in his own.

Of course, Curtis's style wasn't the point. The point was
to capture Curtis's POV on Robin. Curtis's analysis here
focuses primarily on style rather than POV and does very
little in the way of rebutting the latter.

Emily has been explicit that she isn't siding with Robin
over Curtis, so I don't think it's unfair for me to quote
her in this context. She's addressing Curtis here:

Robin has managed, somehow, to capture almost perfectly his
own MO from your perspective and others' actually, although
perhaps not exclusively, as you note.  How many people are
able to represent so accurately another's viewpoint of
themselves - he must have tried on the Reality of it all,
dontcha think...maybe just one shoe? You must admit you have
made these key points on many occasions, albeit using
different words:

What's interesting is that an unbiased and intelligent third
party perceives Curtis to have made the points he claims are 
misrepresentations. Either they aren't misrepresentations,
then, or Curtis did not succeed in making his *actual* POVs
on these points clear. Assuming, to be charitable, that the
latter is the case, it would seem to be grossly unfair for
Curtis to criticize Robin for not representing Curtis's POVs
accurately. Curtis must take responsibility for failing to
convey them clearly.

Note also that Emily is not talking about words or style;
she's talking about POV only, the gist of what Curtis has
said about Robin, not the way he said it.

And then Emily poses a challenge to Curtis:

Curtis, you have the skill set to reply in-kind, should
you so choose.

Curtis may have the skill set, but he doesn't have the
guts to make the attempt. Contra Emily, I don't think he
has the insight or the humility either.

 But before I start lets look at how low Robin lowered the bar
 as he taunted me to do this:
 Of course the idea that NONE of it is anything I would dream
 of saying is a loaded deck.  Even a broken clock is right
 twice a day.  So knowing this exercise will do no good, I begin.

It should be noted here that Robin did not make including
such a notice (the all-caps quote above) on the posts in
question contingent on Curtis proving that NONE of what
Robin said is anything Curtis 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 
 I was not worried about my reputation as a teacher from what
 Robin wrote, or even really my reputation at all. My
 objection that it misrepresents my POV was not an attempt to
 elevate it to the level of what another person has attempted
 to do with my name on the Internet.


 I don't want friends who read me here to think I write like
 Robin.  That was the extent of me caring about his signing my

Make up your mind, please. Is it purported misrepresentation
of your POV or of your writing style you're objecting to?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Not to mention how he says below that he wasn't worried about his reputation 
after all when he clearly accused Robin of trying to do the very thing he 
denies now.

Too many contradictions piling here and stinking up the place.

On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:04 PM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  I was not worried about my reputation as a teacher from what
  Robin wrote, or even really my reputation at all. My
  objection that it misrepresents my POV was not an attempt to
  elevate it to the level of what another person has attempted
  to do with my name on the Internet.
  I don't want friends who read me here to think I write like
  Robin. That was the extent of me caring about his signing my
 Make up your mind, please. Is it purported misrepresentation
 of your POV or of your writing style you're objecting to?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Not to mention how he says below that he wasn't worried about his reputation 
 after all when he clearly accused Robin of trying to do the very thing he 
 denies now.

No troll, there is no contradiction and you need to be very clear about the 
lines you need to drive in.

Repeating lies that damage my reputation, is a no.

Mouthing off in your usual incoherent tourettes ill will, is a who-gives-a-shit.

 Too many contradictions piling here and stinking up the place.
 On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:04 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I was not worried about my reputation as a teacher from what
   Robin wrote, or even really my reputation at all. My
   objection that it misrepresents my POV was not an attempt to
   elevate it to the level of what another person has attempted
   to do with my name on the Internet.
   I don't want friends who read me here to think I write like
   Robin. That was the extent of me caring about his signing my
  Make up your mind, please. Is it purported misrepresentation
  of your POV or of your writing style you're objecting to?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
I look forward to seeing those short stubby legs with Gimle boots dance. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  The technique of trying to write from someone else's POV can
  be useful to promote understanding.  That is not how it was
  being used here.  So the front that I need to show Robin
  where he misrepresented my POV is all a ruse.
 One would think Curtis wouldn't *start* with misrepresentation
 when his goal is to show how he's been misrepresented.

I am using the slang of front and in bieatch be front'n.  I was starting with 
the disingenuous nature of the whole exercise which you play a significant role 
 Had Curtis not claimed that Robin had misrepresented his
 POV, it wouldn't have been an issue; there would have been
 no demand for Curtis to identify the purported
 misrepresentations. Curtis brought this on himself.

I called him on it because I don't like my view misrepresented here.  What you 
are bringing on yourself is an insight into your integrity having called me a 
liar there there was misrepresentation.  The fact that challenging someone on 
their knowledge of their own POV is a weird thing to do is very odd.  But you 
brought it on yourself.

 Curtis's attempted analysis is much more about writing
 style and specific choices of words than it is about POV.

No, it is both and this attempt to split hairs isn't gunna save your ass.  I 
gave plenty of examples of both for any person with integrity.

 Curtis has identified and denied a few actual POV
 elements. I don't know whether Robin wants to go to the
 trouble, and I certainly don't, but I believe most of
 those elements could indeed be found in what Curtis has
 written about Robin. Perhaps Curtis has just forgotten;
 or perhaps he hopes others have, knowing that not that
 many people actually followed his discussions with Robin
 after they became rancorous.

I hear troll music in the background, what IS that instrument.  Oh it is a 
single string violin made our of an infants forearm bones.  Makes a creepy 
sound, you actually dance to that?

  This is a
  mockery piece disguised as Robin's scary brilliance to
  imitate another poster's POV. Then it became a vehicle for
  the troll jackals to to their thing.
 Again, the only reason it became a vehicle for criticism
 of Curtis was his claim to have been misrepresented and
 his denial that he had any ethical obligation to identify
 the purported misrepresentations.

I didn't have ethical obligations' for shit in this little ruse.  And it got 
me exactly where I expected, you in denial mode. 

 He had every right to
 demand that Robin make it crystal clear that any future
 attempt at representing Curtis's POV was a Robin's-eye
 view and not something actually written by Curtis.
  Mocking me is fine, just don't sign my name.  Pretty simple?
 Yes, it would have been very simple had Curtis not decided
 to claim misrepresentation.

Now claim and demonstrate specifically, line by line.

  It should have been enough that I said it misrepresented me,
  because I AM me.  I might know.
 Curtis might well know. Or he could just as easily have made
 it up. Hence the call for him to identify the 
 misrepresentations that otherwise only he could see (or not
 see, as the case may be).

Is this a claim to be too idiotic to see the misrepresentations?

  But both Judy and Robin have made such a huge fucking deal
 Said huge fucking deal could never have been made had Curtis
 not claimed misrepresentation.

I did because there was.  You thought I wouldn't take the challenge and having 
zero integrity, knew you could just deny it if I did prove my case.  

  (Judy even accusing me of lying about it)
  and Emily weighing in that it was just so wonderful, I thought
  I would take a few minutes to use this piece to show Robin
  that he not only doesn't understand my actual POV, he sucks at 
  imitating my style because he is locked in his own.
 Of course, Curtis's style wasn't the point. The point was
 to capture Curtis's POV on Robin. Curtis's analysis here
 focuses primarily on style rather than POV and does very
 little in the way of rebutting the latter.

My claim was misrepresenting.  This parsing of how is Troll queen 101.

 Emily has been explicit that she isn't siding with Robin
 over Curtis, so I don't think it's unfair for me to quote
 her in this context. She's addressing Curtis here:
 Robin has managed, somehow, to capture almost perfectly his
 own MO from your perspective and others' actually, although
 perhaps not exclusively, as you note.  How many people are
 able to represent so accurately another's viewpoint of
 themselves - he must have tried on the Reality of it all,
 dontcha think...maybe just one shoe? You must admit you have
 made these key points on many occasions, albeit using
 different words:
 What's interesting is that an 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  I was not worried about my reputation as a teacher from what
  Robin wrote, or even really my reputation at all. My
  objection that it misrepresents my POV was not an attempt to
  elevate it to the level of what another person has attempted
  to do with my name on the Internet.
  I don't want friends who read me here to think I write like
  Robin.  That was the extent of me caring about his signing my
 Make up your mind, please. Is it purported misrepresentation
 of your POV or of your writing style you're objecting to?

More douchy parsing to evade responsibility for calling me a liar and being 
proven wrong?

I can and do object to both.  If he hadn't signed my name I wouldn't really 
care about the lame misrepresentation of my POV.  I expect that from certain 
posters.  This is one of your techniques to fabricate what you claim is some 
kind of contradiction between separate issues within a complex topic.  I was 
happy to say it misrepresented my views and didn't feel a need to dig in as 
both you and he gleefully insisted I must.

But this morning I thought, what the hell, I'll lay it out line by line and 
show everyone how Judy reacts when she has been proven wrong after she shot off 
her mouth that someone was lying...


And true to form, rather than be honorable and eat some crow, you dance and 
dance while your background trolls grunt their approval for the troll who wont 
back down, even when they have been proven wrong and it would be the decent 
thing to do.  Part of the troll code no doubt.  But my purpose of training one 
particular troll through this exercise was accomplished.  That is what made it 
worthwhile for me. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Cute :-). This should really confirm your status as the eminent activist of the 
IDSD - Ignorance Deception Spectrum Disorder - community.

On Sep 11, 2012, at 2:36 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Not to mention how he says below that he wasn't worried about his 
  reputation after all when he clearly accused Robin of trying to do the very 
  thing he denies now.
 No troll, there is no contradiction and you need to be very clear about the 
 lines you need to drive in.
 Repeating lies that damage my reputation, is a no.
 Mouthing off in your usual incoherent tourettes ill will, is a 
  Too many contradictions piling here and stinking up the place.
  On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:04 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I was not worried about my reputation as a teacher from what
Robin wrote, or even really my reputation at all. My
objection that it misrepresents my POV was not an attempt to
elevate it to the level of what another person has attempted
to do with my name on the Internet.
I don't want friends who read me here to think I write like
Robin. That was the extent of me caring about his signing my
   Make up your mind, please. Is it purported misrepresentation
   of your POV or of your writing style you're objecting to?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis.  Thank you for asking for a re-post of this.  I missed it as 
 well.  Objectively, without parsing the details, this is a brilliant piece 
 of work. Robin has managed, somehow, to capture almost perfectly his own MO 
 from your perspective and others' actually, although perhaps not exclusively, 
 as you note.  How many people are able to represent so accurately another's 
 viewpoint of themselves - he must have tried on the Reality of it all, 
 dontcha think...maybe just one shoe? You must admit you have made these key 
 points on many occasions, albeit using different words:
   * Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that; 
 but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of other 
 persons, and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it is actually quite 
 embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth of the person 
   * You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what 
 someone says by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only 
 inappropriate and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there 
 could ever be. But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human 
 relationships. You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your 
 rather pathetic and unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate 
 your bringing me into your little dance of self-congratulations.
   * I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis 
 of what I write. You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
 knower of what my motives are, my character. 
   *  Robin, can't see how you are acting out a little ritual here which 
 has become so familiar to most of us that at this point it just seems like a 
 cheap Vegas act--where the audience dwindles every night. 
 Now, this last oneyour analogies are more creative, but the spirit is 
 captured.  Curtis, you have the skill set to reply in-kind, should you so 
 choose. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time responding to Robin's request 
 to show him what about his post *wasn't* an accurate reflection of your 
 position. Sounds like you might be finished for the day though; it was a 
 helluva show and thank you for your participation.  It might have been 
 annoying as hell from your seat, but from mine, it was insanely funny.  But, 
 just so you know, I am *not* laughing at your expense.  I thank you for 
 letting Robin get under your skin a bit.  It was good for me Curtis, I hope 
 it was good for you too.  
 From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:28 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Dear Robin:
 I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
 even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
 make it, Robin*, and your confident assertions about your use of irony in 
 relation to me is itself a form of irony. Because--listen up, Robin--you 
 don't 'get' me at all, and the words you put in my mouth there were a 
 misrepresentation of what I might have said to you. Look, Robin, I think you 
 are a good guy, very sincere and all that; but you have one fatal flaw: you 
 seek to judge the motivations of other persons, and not only do you fumble 
 and stumble around (it is actually quite embarrassing, Robin), but you 
 actually miss hitting the truth of the person altogether. 
 You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what someone says 
 by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only inappropriate 
 and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there could ever be. 
 But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human relationships. 
 You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your rather pathetic and 
 unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate your bringing me into 
 your little dance of self-congratulations.
 I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis of what 
 I write; don't pry into my soul, because--you must surely know this by now, 
 Robin--you are engaged in an activity which makes it obvious why you blew up 
 with your enlightenment trip: You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
 knower of what my motives are, my character. And the longer you persist in 
 doing this, the more you are headed for a fall. I don't want to see you lose 
 it, Robin. You are a kind of fanatic. And sooner or later you will get it 
 through your brain and heart: I am going to resist your invasions, I am going 
 to fight back, and eventually, Robin, I will humble you.
 Believe me, this is said in love, Robin: You are deeply flawed, and I have 
 tried to act as your

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-11 Thread seventhray1
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Hey Susan,

 You are very sweet to give a brotha a holla. I enjoyed it or I would
have bailed. The biggest problem I have with Robin is getting worn down
by length. I sincerely believe he could tighten his shit up and it would
make it a lot more fun to respond to. There is a bit of repetition if
you know what I mean...wink, wink, nudge, nudge...a bit of the O'l
repeating oneself...as if one has said something and then says the same
thing again...and it is very similar to the thing said before...and that
gets a bit,you know...repetitious in a repeating sort of
way...again...like it had been said before and now you are hearing it
again...but you got it the first time and now here it is again... but
not now...it is gone and something new...psych! Here it is again.

That gave me laugh. I bet I'm not the only one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I
 would say and you dance around why you said them.  So it is
 all good for you even though I would never say your days are
 numbered or that I was going to humble you

Let's get the quotes right, OK?

I think your days here [i.e., on FFL] are numbered.

What he actually wrote doesn't sound quite so much like
a death threat, does it?

I am going to resist your invasions, I am going to fight
back, and eventually, Robin, I will humble you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Emily Reyn
This is excellent.  Ha.  


 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 5:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Judy, you do leave me speechless.  Almost.  It is at this point I
 reflect on the last Narnia book, The Last Battle, when the ape Shift
 turns the truth upside down.  And succeeds in doing so for a while.  I
 guess that's a difference between that book and FFL.  I don't think
 anyone is fooled here, even for a moment.
 I hope Robin doesn't turn on you here Judy.  That could happen you know.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   This would be funny if it weren't so sad. Curtis is being pummeled
   because he has requested that Robin not make false quotes that are
   attributable to Curtis.
  No, that isn't why he's being pummeled.
  But his lunch is indeed getting eaten. He should be grateful
  we aren't drinking his milkshake as well.
  We may get around to that, though.
   Here we are on the playground. Robin steals Curtis' lunch. Curtis
   Robin: I never heard you say you wanted that lunch
   Curtis: Well I just assumed.
   Robin: Assumed what? How do I know you wanted to eat your lunch if
   didn't say so?
   Curtis: Normally I just eat my own lunch. Isn't that how it works?
   Judy rambling up: Yea, I didn't hear you say you wanted to eat your
   lunch. That makes it fair game. If you want your lunch, let's hear
   why. And it better be good
   Robin: Come on Judy. You eat the PP@J mailto:PP@J , and I'll eat
   the Snickers bar and the jello
   And off they go into the distance with Curtis' lunch
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra
  Dear Curtis,
  Take the two instances where I have attempted to represent
  your voice, and specify which passages in either post you
  feel are untruthful; that is, you would not say what I have
  you saying. There were many statements in what you wrote
  that I wouldn't want anyone to think I had generated. If
  there are such statements, this tends to defeat my argument.
  I would like some examples.

 I only read the last one, I couldn't find the first one. And
 no I don't need to go over the post to prove to you it doesn't
 represent my POV.
You sure as hell do if you want to make a case for the
assertion Robin quotes, Curtis.
You won't because you can't.
Here's the first one, by the way:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Wading through all this I caught a glimpse of something about my replying to 
 my own reply!

I've been reading all the posts, and I didn't see anything
like that, Share. I think you must have misunderstood
something somebody said.

  Everyone, this tells me that I was right in my earlier email to Ann.
 Time to bow out.  Obviously I am unable to keep track of my own writing much 
 less anyone else's.  
 However, if someone still has issue with my part in all this, you are welcome 
 to email me directly.  I'll try to answer your concern and or question.
 Sorry I can't reply directly to everyone who has been supportive.  Thank you 
 so much.  Soldier on.  But have fun too 
  From: seventhray1 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:28 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Judy, you do leave me speechless.  Almost.  It is at this point I reflect 
 on the last Narnia book, The Last Battle, when the ape Shift turns the 
 truth upside down.  And succeeds in doing so for a while.  I guess that's a 
 difference between that book and FFL.  I don't think anyone is fooled here, 
 even for a moment.
 I hope Robin doesn't turn on you here Judy.  That could happen you know.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   This would be funny if it weren't so sad. Curtis is being pummeled
   because he has requested that Robin not make false quotes that are
   attributable to Curtis.
  No, that isn't why he's being pummeled.
  But his lunch is indeed getting eaten. He should be grateful
  we aren't drinking his milkshake as well.
  We may get around to that, though.
   Here we are on the playground. Robin steals Curtis' lunch. Curtis
   Robin: I never heard you say you wanted that lunch
   Curtis: Well I just assumed.
   Robin: Assumed what? How do I know you wanted to eat your lunch if you
   didn't say so?
   Curtis: Normally I just eat my own lunch. Isn't that how it works?
   Judy rambling up: Yea, I didn't hear you say you wanted to eat your
   lunch. That makes it fair game. If you want your lunch, let's hear
   why. And it better be good
   Robin: Come on Judy. You eat the PP@J mailto:PP@J , and I'll eat
   the Snickers bar and the jello
   And off they go into the distance with Curtis' lunch
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@
  Dear Curtis,
  Take the two instances where I have attempted to represent
  your voice, and specify which passages in either post you
  feel are untruthful; that is, you would not say what I have
  you saying. There were many statements in what you wrote
  that I wouldn't want anyone to think I had generated. If
  there are such statements, this tends to defeat my argument.
  I would like some examples.

 I only read the last one, I couldn't find the first one. And
 no I don't need to go over the post to prove to you it doesn't
 represent my POV.
You sure as hell do if you want to make a case for the
assertion Robin quotes, Curtis.
You won't because you can't.
Here's the first one, by the way:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

Curtis: So it is all good for you even though I would
never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you and would
never even mean that which is something I know because I am, after all, myself.

Robin: You would say and have said much worse, Curtis. I gave you a break by 
truthfully representing the *content* of what you would say (everyone knows I 
got it right in principle, in theme, in essence) but giving it some Robin 
lightness--just so no one would miss the necessary gag.

Curtis:  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you 
even got
some troll friends to pile on. And for them perhaps your post was just perfect.
Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.

Robin: No, Curtis. You are a deceiver and a coward: I feel great pity for you 
that you will never put yourself out there to find out what it feels *when you 
rely only on the truth and your own felt sense of innocence*--then reality, 
even if we don't know this, comes to our rescue. You always *go it alone*, 
sealed up in your violent pride which brooks no opposition. I have resisted 
you, Curtis--in a number of ways: I am waiting for you to defend yourself on 
reasonable and legitimate terms. You keep being an intellectual terrorist. I 
have no friends that pile on here, Curtis: they could all hate me and the truth 
about you would be the same. Your friends don't call you on your shit; if I 
have any friends here, I know they would not let me bullshit without telling me.

Curtis: I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin. Same intention. You are as 
spiteful as
Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense. I hope you are sitting smug
in your trollness. Is smells like a barnyard to me.

Robin: Well, then, the Hopkins poem would have been incongruous wouldn't it. As 
it was *The Caged Skylark* became the ultimate commentary on what is going on 
here. Think about that, Curtis: for *anything you say here to be true* would 
mean that I was upstaging myself and refuting myself and mocking 
myself--because Hopkins's poem would show this.

Curtis:  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
ways to
do it. Your choosing this way is most telling.

Robin: A very weak ending, Curtis. Hamlet died, don't you remember? He didn't 
walk off and throw a cucumber at Laertes: and say: You're just a punk, Laertes.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the humble 
  thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a little 
  there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental 
  response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, Curtis. 
  Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite examples 
  they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate the essential 
  truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
  Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out from 
  the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if you 
  take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not ENTIRELY be 
  sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So the 
  exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
  It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
  time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
  Let's keep it going, Curtis.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

 You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
 impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.

No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.
   Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL are numbered?  
   That I will humble him?  I have to make a case for how he misrepresented 
   me to get him to stop?
   You don't get the issue Judy. You are following Robin's lead to coerce me 
   into going point by point to refute his made-up bullshit. As if that is 
   the main point of why it might not be cool to make up shit and sign other 
   people's names.
   Judy, your eyes are brown on this one.  Guess why.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@
  Dear Curtis,
  Take the two instances where I have attempted to represent your 
 and specify which passages in either post you feel are untruthful; 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

You speak French don't you Em?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 This is excellent. Â Ha. Â


 From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 5:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up;
it's my turn!


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  Judy, you do leave me speechless. Almost. It is at this point I
  reflect on the last Narnia book, The Last Battle, when the ape
  turns the truth upside down. And succeeds in doing so for a while. I
  guess that's a difference between that book and FFL. I don't think
  anyone is fooled here, even for a moment.
  I hope Robin doesn't turn on you here Judy. That could happen you
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
This would be funny if it weren't so sad. Curtis is being
because he has requested that Robin not make false quotes that
attributable to Curtis.
   No, that isn't why he's being pummeled.
   But his lunch is indeed getting eaten. He should be grateful
   we aren't drinking his milkshake as well.
   We may get around to that, though.
Here we are on the playground. Robin steals Curtis' lunch.
Robin: I never heard you say you wanted that lunch
Curtis: Well I just assumed.
Robin: Assumed what? How do I know you wanted to eat your lunch
didn't say so?
Curtis: Normally I just eat my own lunch. Isn't that how it
Judy rambling up: Yea, I didn't hear you say you wanted to eat
lunch. That makes it fair game. If you want your lunch, let's
why. And it better be good
Robin: Come on Judy. You eat the PP@J mailto:PP@J , and I'll
the Snickers bar and the jello
And off they go into the distance with Curtis' lunch
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra
   Dear Curtis,
   Take the two instances where I have attempted to represent
   your voice, and specify which passages in either post you
   feel are untruthful; that is, you would not say what I
   you saying. There were many statements in what you wrote
   that I wouldn't want anyone to think I had generated. If
   there are such statements, this tends to defeat my
   I would like some examples.
  I only read the last one, I couldn't find the first one. And
  no I don't need to go over the post to prove to you it
  represent my POV.

 You sure as hell do if you want to make a case for the
 assertion Robin quotes, Curtis.

 You won't because you can't.

 Here's the first one, by the way:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Curtis.  Thank you for asking for a re-post of this.  I missed it as well. 
 Objectively, without parsing the details, this is a brilliant piece of work. 
Robin has managed, somehow, to capture almost perfectly his own MO from your 
perspective and others' actually, although perhaps not exclusively, as you 
note.  How many people are able to represent so accurately another's viewpoint 
of themselves - he must have tried on the Reality of it all, dontcha 
think...maybe just one shoe? You must admit you have made these key points on 
many occasions, albeit using different words:

* Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that; 
but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of other 
persons, and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it is actually quite 
embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth of the person 
* You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what 
someone says by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only 
inappropriate and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there 
could ever be. But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human 
relationships. You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your rather 
pathetic and unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate your 
bringing me into your little dance of self-congratulations.

* I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis 
of what I write. You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the knower 
of what my motives are, my character. 

*  Robin, can't see how you are acting out a little ritual here which 
has become so familiar to most of us that at this point it just seems like a 
cheap Vegas act--where the audience dwindles every night. 

Now, this last oneyour analogies are more creative, but the spirit is 
captured.  Curtis, you have the skill set to reply in-kind, should you so 
choose. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time responding to Robin's request 
to show him what about his post *wasn't* an accurate reflection of your 
position. Sounds like you might be finished for the day though; it was a 
helluva show and thank you for your participation.  It might have been annoying 
as hell from your seat, but from mine, it was insanely funny.  But, just so you 
know, I am *not* laughing at your expense.  I thank you for letting Robin get 
under your skin a bit.  It was good for me Curtis, I hope it was good for you 

From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:28 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

Dear Robin:

I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never even 
read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't make it, 
Robin*, and your confident assertions about your use of irony in relation to me 
is itself a form of irony. Because--listen up, Robin--you don't 'get' me at 
all, and the words you put in my mouth there were a misrepresentation of what I 
might have said to you. Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere 
and all that; but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of 
other persons, and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it is actually 
quite embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth of the 
person altogether. 

You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what someone says by 
what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only inappropriate and 
offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there could ever be. But 
beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human relationships. You 
have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your rather pathetic and 
unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate your bringing me into 
your little dance of self-congratulations.

I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis of what I 
write; don't pry into my soul, because--you must surely know this by now, 
Robin--you are engaged in an activity which makes it obvious why you blew up 
with your enlightenment trip: You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
knower of what my motives are, my character. And the longer you persist in 
doing this, the more you are headed for a fall. I don't want to see you lose 
it, Robin. You are a kind of fanatic. And sooner or later you will get it 
through your brain and heart: I am going to resist your invasions, I am going 
to fight back, and eventually, Robin, I will humble you.

Believe me, this is said in love, Robin: You are deeply flawed, and I have 
tried to act as your friend. But you are hopelessly beyond the reach of those 
who would give you the right advice. Meanwhile your admirers encourage and 
indulge you in this, and they are acting

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
   impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.
  No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
  within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
  his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
  misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.
 Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL
 are numbered?  That I will humble him?  I have to make a
 case for how he misrepresented me to get him to stop?

Let me put it another way: Curtis is within his rights to
ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within his rights
(ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has misrepresented
the kind of thing he might say about Robin.

 You don't get the issue Judy. You are following Robin's lead
 to coerce me into going point by point to refute his made-up
 bullshit. As if that is the main point of why it might not be
 cool to make up shit and sign other people's names.

No, Curtis. You made it the main point. When you accuse
someone of having misrepresented you, you need to be able
to back it up. If you'd left that one sentence out, you
wouldn't be getting any shit for asking him to stop. You
could have had a clean win on that.

But that sentence was dishonest. You knew it was dishonest.
You can't support it. And now you're trying to cover
yourself dishonestly by pretending that isn't the issue.

 Judy, your eyes are brown on this one.  Guess why.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@
Dear Curtis,
Take the two instances where I have attempted to represent your voice,
   and specify which passages in either post you feel are untruthful; that
   is, you would not say what I have you saying. There were many
   statements in what you wrote that I wouldn't want anyone to think I had
   generated. If there are such statements, this tends to defeat my
   argument. I would like some examples. Once you provide these, I will
   arrange--I am sure either Rick and Alex can do this--to head each of
   these posts with:
I am sure this will clear up the problem, won't it, Curtis?
You are such a sweet and loveable guy.
Oh, by the way, I do believe I represented your sentiments exactly.
I would like to hear you refute what I have said so I can imagine how
   I could have been wrong here.
If you would not have said (in principle) what i have you saying then
   it means the irony did not--to use a Share word--fly.
If you can sincerely show me examples of statements--in either
   post--which are false in their attempt to speak in your voice, I need to
   see them. Because, to repeat myself for the third time, it means I did
   not succeed in what I attempted.
Now let us love one another, Curtis. I have followed you very closely
   for over a year. What i said in both posts for me was Curtis all the
   way. Just not as witty, not as hard-hitting, not as clever, not as
For me, everything is forever.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 Do I really have to ask you not to do this very douchey thing Robin?

 OK then I'll ask. Please don't sign my name at the bottom of straw
   men versions of my POV out of respect for the fact that most of us just
   skim posts within our otherwise busy days and it is hard enough to keep
   track without this in the mix. There were many statements in what you
   wrote that I wouldn't want anyone to think I had generated. If you want
   to play fast and lose with accuracy and just assume other people will
   keep up, please do it at your expense in the future,not mine. This shit
   we put up on the Internet is FOREVER. It carries some responsibilities.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful
to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive,
threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough
initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny,
drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.

You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I
came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my
innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink
for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I
was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your
cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard
stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't
try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is -
Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.

You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of
these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone
calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby
to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.

Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some
other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get
into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


 OK so I get the formula. I say something that isn't what I would say and
 you dance around why you said them. So it is all good for you even though I
 would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you
 and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am,
 after all, myself.

 You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even
 got some troll friends to pile on. And for them perhaps your post was just
 perfect. Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.

 I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin. Same intention. You are as spiteful
 as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense. I hope you are
 sitting smug in your trollness. Is smells like a barnyard to me.

 If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many
 ways to do it. Your choosing this way is most telling.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
  Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the
 humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a
 little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental
 response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, Curtis.
 Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite examples
 they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate the essential
 truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
  Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out
 from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if
 you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not ENTIRELY
 be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So the
 exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
  It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same
 time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
  Let's keep it going, Curtis.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@

 You just don't get it Robin. No one likes to be mispresented, or
 impersonated. I think it 's pretty simple.
No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.
   Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL are numbered?
 That I will humble him? I have to make a case for how he misrepresented me
 to get him to stop?
   You don't get the issue Judy. You are following Robin's lead to coerce
 me into going point by point to refute his made-up bullshit. As if that is
 the main point of why it might not be cool to make up shit and sign other
 people's names.
   Judy, your eyes are brown on this one. Guess why.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@
  Dear Curtis,
  Take the two instances where I have attempted to represent your
 and specify which passages in either post you feel are untruthful;
 is, you would not say what I have you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
reputation is safe.  No worries.  

 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
my turn!

Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful to 
watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, threaten 
others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough initiation 
to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, drama 
queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.

You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I came 
after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my innocent 
tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink for her on 
New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I was flooding 
search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your cry wolf strategy 
of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard stinkish, Curtis, grow 
some balls or just change your online moniker don't try to shut everyone up 
here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - Robin said it well - don't 
act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.

You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of these 
very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone calls your 
bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby to support you - 
your old boy, mid-western clique.

Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some other 
piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get into a 
debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you are. 

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com 

OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and you 
dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though I would 
never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you and would 
never even mean that which is something I know because I am, after all, myself.

You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even got 
some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was just 
perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.

I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as spiteful as 
Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you are sitting 
smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 

If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many ways to 
do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the humble 
 thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a little 
 there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental 
 response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, Curtis. 
 Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite examples they 
 must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate the essential truth 
 of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
 Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out from 
 the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if you 
 take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not ENTIRELY be 
 sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So the 
 exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
 It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same time 
 that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
 Let's keep it going, Curtis.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 
You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.
   No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
   within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
   his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
   misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.
  Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL are numbered?  
  That I will humble him?  I have to make a case for how he misrepresented 
  me to get him to stop?
  You don't get the issue Judy. You are following Robin's lead to coerce me 
  into going point by point to refute his made-up bullshit. As if that is 
  the main point of why it might not be cool to make up shit and sign other 
  people's names

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
 reputation is safe.  No worries.  

It's true, may be you all could move this thread off-line between yous now.  
Like, what's between you keep between you and spare the neighborhood.
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
 my turn!
 Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful to 
 watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, threaten 
 others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough initiation 
 to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, drama 
 queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
 You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I came 
 after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
 innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
 for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I was 
 flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your cry 
 wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
 stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
 try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
 Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
 You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of these 
 very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone calls your 
 bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby to support you 
 - your old boy, mid-western clique.
 Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some other 
 piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get into a 
 debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you are. 
 On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 
 OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
 you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though I 
 would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you and 
 would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, after 
 all, myself.
 You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even got 
 some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was just 
 perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
 I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as spiteful 
 as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you are 
 sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
 If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many ways 
 to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the humble 
  thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a little 
  there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental 
  response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, Curtis. 
  Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite examples 
  they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate the 
  essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
  Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
  from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if 
  you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not ENTIRELY 
  be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So the 
  exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
  It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
  time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
  Let's keep it going, Curtis.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

 You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
 impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.

No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.
   Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL are numbered?  
   That I will humble him

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
 reputation is safe.  No worries. Â

I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother to 
spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), my 
guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, the 
other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise. 
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
 my turn!
 Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful to 
 watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, threaten 
 others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough initiation 
 to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, drama 
 queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
 You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I came 
 after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
 innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
 for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I was 
 flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your cry 
 wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
 stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
 try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
 Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
 You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of these 
 very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone calls your 
 bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby to support you 
 - your old boy, mid-western clique.
 Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some other 
 piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get into a 
 debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you are. 
 On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 
 OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
 you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though I 
 would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you and 
 would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, after 
 all, myself.
 You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even got 
 some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was just 
 perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
 I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as spiteful 
 as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you are 
 sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
 If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many ways 
 to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the humble 
  thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a little 
  there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental 
  response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, Curtis. 
  Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite examples 
  they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate the 
  essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
  Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
  from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if 
  you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not ENTIRELY 
  be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So the 
  exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
  It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
  time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
  Let's keep it going, Curtis.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

 You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
 impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.

No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
misrepresented the kind of thing

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen
Buck up, Buck. Milk those cows. Love the ladies. Pick the four-leaf clovers. 
Race your Ferrari. Kiss those beautiful black swans. Dive off those Acapulco 
cliffs. Write those sonnets of beautiful despair. Life us up with your blue 
wings. Scare us on Halloween with your wit. You are the Veda dancing. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
  reputation is safe.  No worries.  
 It's true, may be you all could move this thread off-line between yous now.  
 Like, what's between you keep between you and spare the neighborhood.
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
  it's my turn!
  Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
  to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
  threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough 
  initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, 
  drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
  You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
  came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
  innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
  for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I 
  was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your 
  cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
  stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
  try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
  Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
  You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
  these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
  calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
  to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
  Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
  other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get 
  into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you 
  On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
  you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though 
  I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you 
  and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, 
  after all, myself.
  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
  got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
  just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
  I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
  spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you 
  are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
  ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
   humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a 
   little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
   fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
   relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because 
   if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect 
   to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS 
   Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
   from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
   if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
   ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So 
   the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
   It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
   time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
   Let's keep it going, Curtis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen
 You have the strangest compulsions, Susan. Read Emily's post which came before 
this one. Answer that. You're a funny lady. But you're right: 90% does it. I 
feel this right in my bones. Casey hit a home run.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
  reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother to 
 spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), my 
 guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, the 
 other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise. 
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
  it's my turn!
  Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
  to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
  threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough 
  initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, 
  drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
  You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
  came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
  innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
  for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I 
  was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your 
  cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
  stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
  try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
  Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
  You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
  these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
  calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
  to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
  Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
  other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get 
  into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you 
  On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
  you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though 
  I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you 
  and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, 
  after all, myself.
  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
  got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
  just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
  I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
  spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you 
  are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
  ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
   humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a 
   little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
   fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
   relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because 
   if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect 
   to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS 
   Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
   from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
   if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
   ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So 
   the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
   It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
   time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
   Let's keep it going, Curtis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
  reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother to 
 spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), my 
 guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, the 
 other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise.

JESUS. Poor Susan! Maybe she should give a course in
selective reading.

   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
  it's my turn!
  Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
  to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
  threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough 
  initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, 
  drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
  You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
  came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
  innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
  for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I 
  was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your 
  cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
  stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
  try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
  Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
  You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
  these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
  calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
  to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
  Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
  other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get 
  into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you 
  On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
  you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though 
  I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you 
  and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, 
  after all, myself.
  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
  got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
  just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
  I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
  spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you 
  are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
  ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
   humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a 
   little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
   fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
   relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because 
   if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect 
   to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS 
   Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
   from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
   if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
   ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So 
   the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
   It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
   time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
   Let's keep it going, Curtis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 
  You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
  impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.
 No, YOU don't get

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:08 PM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :) Â It's O.K.
 Curtis...your reputation is safe. Â No worries. Â
  I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this. Altho most people won't bother
 to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff (good for them!),
 my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis. Thing is,
 the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise.

 JESUS. Poor Susan! Maybe she should give a course in
 selective reading.

What's new - I should have clarified it better - old boy clique and their
women who just support them, no questions asked, Susans, Sals - just light
their cigarettes and fill up their drinks..wow !!! Amazing stuff this. LOL..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Susan
I did read Emily's post.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

  You have the strangest compulsions, Susan. Read Emily's post which came 
 before this one. Answer that. You're a funny lady. But you're right: 90% does 
 it. I feel this right in my bones. Casey hit a home run.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. 
   Curtis...your reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
  I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother 
  to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), 
  my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, 
  the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise. 
From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
   it's my turn!

   Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
   to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
   threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the 
   tough initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your 
   shameless, whiny, drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as 
   You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
   came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist 
   my innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a 
   drink for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into 
   believing I was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online 
   reputation. Your cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting 
   stale, barn yard stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your 
   online moniker don't try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what 
   kind of place FFL is - Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare 
   I say Jesus of this list.
   You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
   these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
   calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
   to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
   Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
   other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't 
   get into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool 
   you are. 
   On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 

   OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say 
   and you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even 
   though I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to 
   humble you and would never even mean that which is something I know 
   because I am, after all, myself.
   You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
   got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
   just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
   I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
   spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope 
   you are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to 
   If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
   ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope 
a little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. 
Because if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their 
cumulative effect to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. 

Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. 
So the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.

It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the 
same time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.

Let's keep it going, Curtis.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. 
   Curtis...your reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
  I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother 
  to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), 
  my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, 
  the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise.
 JESUS. Poor Susan! Maybe she should give a course in
 selective reading.

Nothing selective about my reading on this.  I read the posts.  I just don't 
side with you, which is a very different thing than selective reading.  
From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
   it's my turn!

   Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
   to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
   threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the 
   tough initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your 
   shameless, whiny, drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as 
   You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
   came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist 
   my innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a 
   drink for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into 
   believing I was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online 
   reputation. Your cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting 
   stale, barn yard stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your 
   online moniker don't try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what 
   kind of place FFL is - Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare 
   I say Jesus of this list.
   You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
   these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
   calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
   to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
   Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
   other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't 
   get into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool 
   you are. 
   On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 

   OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say 
   and you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even 
   though I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to 
   humble you and would never even mean that which is something I know 
   because I am, after all, myself.
   You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
   got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
   just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
   I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
   spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope 
   you are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to 
   If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
   ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope 
a little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. 
Because if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their 
cumulative effect to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. 

Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. 
So the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.

It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the 
same time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.

Let's keep it going, Curtis.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Susan
Robin, not sure why, but I enjoyed what you wrote below. And i take it as 
positive about Buck. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Buck up, Buck. Milk those cows. Love the ladies. Pick the four-leaf clovers. 
 Race your Ferrari. Kiss those beautiful black swans. Dive off those Acapulco 
 cliffs. Write those sonnets of beautiful despair. Life us up with your blue 
 wings. Scare us on Halloween with your wit. You are the Veda dancing. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. 
   Curtis...your reputation is safe.  No worries.  
  It's true, may be you all could move this thread off-line between yous now. 
   Like, what's between you keep between you and spare the neighborhood.
From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
   it's my turn!

   Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
   to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
   threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the 
   tough initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your 
   shameless, whiny, drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as 
   You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
   came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist 
   my innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a 
   drink for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into 
   believing I was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online 
   reputation. Your cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting 
   stale, barn yard stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your 
   online moniker don't try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what 
   kind of place FFL is - Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare 
   I say Jesus of this list.
   You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
   these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
   calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
   to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
   Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
   other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't 
   get into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool 
   you are. 
   On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 

   OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say 
   and you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even 
   though I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to 
   humble you and would never even mean that which is something I know 
   because I am, after all, myself.
   You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
   got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
   just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
   I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
   spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope 
   you are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to 
   If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
   ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope 
a little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. 
Because if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their 
cumulative effect to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. 

Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. 
So the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.

It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the 
same time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.

Let's keep it going

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Susan waybac...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :) Â It's O.K.
 Curtis...your reputation is safe. Â No worries. Â

 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this. Altho most people won't bother
 to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff (good for them!),
 my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis. Thing is,
 the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise.

OMG Susan you are absolutely clueless, it's as if English is not your first
language, OMG it's just mind blowing, I can never believe the crap you post
every single time - you and Steve are such a disgrace here of course along
with Curtis and Barry.

I often wonder if ignorance(Steve, Susan) or deception(Curtis, Barry)  is
the worst - you know what I can't decide.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Susan waybac...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :) Â It's O.K.
 Curtis...your reputation is safe. Â No worries. Â

 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this. Altho most people won't bother
 to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff (good for them!),
 my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis. Thing is,
 the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise.

 OMG Susan you are absolutely clueless, it's as if English is not your
 first language, OMG it's just mind blowing, I can never believe the crap
 you post every single time - you and Steve are such a disgrace here of
 course along with Curtis and Barry.

 I often wonder if ignorance(Steve, Susan) or deception(Curtis, Barry)  is
 the worst - you know what I can't decide.

Let's call it a spectrum, the ID Spectrum - Ignorance, deception spectrum =
deceiving is ignorance and ignorance is deception. Sickening and pitiful

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
  reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother to 
 spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), my 
 guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, the 
 other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the 
 noise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-bsf2x-aeE

   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
  it's my turn!
  Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
  to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
  threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough 
  initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, 
  drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
  You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
  came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
  innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
  for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I 
  was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your 
  cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
  stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
  try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
  Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
  You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
  these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
  calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
  to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
  Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
  other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get 
  into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you 
  On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
  you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though 
  I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you 
  and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, 
  after all, myself.
  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
  got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
  just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
  I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
  spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you 
  are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
  ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
   humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a 
   little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
   fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
   relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because 
   if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect 
   to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS 
   Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
   from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
   if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
   ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So 
   the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
   It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
   time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
   Let's keep it going, Curtis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 
  You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
  impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.
 No, YOU

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. 
Curtis...your reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
   I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother 
   to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for 
   them!), my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  
   Thing is, the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise.
  JESUS. Poor Susan! Maybe she should give a course in
  selective reading.
 Nothing selective about my reading on this.  I read the posts.
 I just don't side with you, which is a very different thing
 than selective reading.  

Selective understanding, then. Has nothing to do with whether
you side with *me*.

I'd tell you to read Emily's first post again, but I doubt
it'll do any good.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Don't you start now Emily.


On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your
 reputation is safe.  No worries.

 *From:* Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut
 up; it's my turn!

 Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful
 to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive,
 threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough
 initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny,
 drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.

 You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I
 came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my
 innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink
 for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I
 was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your
 cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard
 stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't
 try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is -
 Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.

 You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of
 these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone
 calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby
 to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.

 Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some
 other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get
 into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you

 On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


  OK so I get the formula. I say something that isn't what I would say and
 you dance around why you said them. So it is all good for you even though I
 would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you
 and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am,
 after all, myself.

 You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even
 got some troll friends to pile on. And for them perhaps your post was just
 perfect. Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.

 I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin. Same intention. You are as spiteful
 as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense. I hope you are
 sitting smug in your trollness. Is smells like a barnyard to me.

 If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many
 ways to do it. Your choosing this way is most telling.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
  Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the
 humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a
 little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental
 response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, Curtis.
 Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite examples
 they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate the essential
 truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
  Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out
 from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if
 you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not ENTIRELY
 be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So the
 exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
  It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same
 time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
  Let's keep it going, Curtis.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@

 You just don't get it Robin. No one likes to be mispresented, or
 impersonated. I think it 's pretty simple.
No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.
   Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL are numbered?
 That I will humble him? I have to make a case for how he misrepresented me
 to get him to stop?
   You don't get the issue Judy. You are following Robin's lead to coerce
 me into going point by point to refute his

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread awoelflebater
OK, this has got to be the line of the week, if not the century:

Robin: A very weak ending, Curtis. Hamlet died, don't you remember? He didn't
walk off and throw a cucumber at Laertes: and say: You're just a punk, Laertes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
 Curtis: So it is all good for you even though I would
 never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you and would
 never even mean that which is something I know because I am, after all, 
 Robin: You would say and have said much worse, Curtis. I gave you a break by 
 truthfully representing the *content* of what you would say (everyone knows I 
 got it right in principle, in theme, in essence) but giving it some Robin 
 lightness--just so no one would miss the necessary gag.
 Curtis:  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you 
 even got
 some troll friends to pile on. And for them perhaps your post was just 
 Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
 Robin: No, Curtis. You are a deceiver and a coward: I feel great pity for you 
 that you will never put yourself out there to find out what it feels *when 
 you rely only on the truth and your own felt sense of innocence*--then 
 reality, even if we don't know this, comes to our rescue. You always *go it 
 alone*, sealed up in your violent pride which brooks no opposition. I have 
 resisted you, Curtis--in a number of ways: I am waiting for you to defend 
 yourself on reasonable and legitimate terms. You keep being an intellectual 
 terrorist. I have no friends that pile on here, Curtis: they could all hate 
 me and the truth about you would be the same. Your friends don't call you on 
 your shit; if I have any friends here, I know they would not let me bullshit 
 without telling me.
 Curtis: I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin. Same intention. You are as 
 spiteful as
 Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense. I hope you are sitting smug
 in your trollness. Is smells like a barnyard to me.
 Robin: Well, then, the Hopkins poem would have been incongruous wouldn't it. 
 As it was *The Caged Skylark* became the ultimate commentary on what is going 
 on here. Think about that, Curtis: for *anything you say here to be true* 
 would mean that I was upstaging myself and refuting myself and mocking 
 myself--because Hopkins's poem would show this.
 Curtis:  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were 
 many ways to
 do it. Your choosing this way is most telling.
 Robin: A very weak ending, Curtis. Hamlet died, don't you remember? He didn't 
 walk off and throw a cucumber at Laertes: and say: You're just a punk, 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the humble 
   thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a little 
   there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your fundamental 
   response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our relationship, 
   Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because if you cite 
   examples they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect to vitiate 
   the essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS FAILED.
   Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
   from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But if 
   you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
   ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So 
   the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
   It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up, but making sure at the same 
   time that in the end it was not you. But yet IT WAS YOU.
   Let's keep it going, Curtis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 
  You just don't get it Robin.  No one likes to be mispresented, or
  impersonated.  I think it 's pretty simple.
 No, YOU don't get it, Steve. That isn't the issue. Curtis is
 within his rights to ask Robin to stop. Curtis is not within
 his rights (ethically, at any rate) to claim Robin has
 misrepresented the kind of thing he might say about Robin.

Really? So I have threatened Robin that his days on FFL are numbered?  
That I will humble him?  I have to make a case for how he 
misrepresented me to get him to stop?

You don't get the issue Judy. You are following Robin's lead to coerce 
me into going point by point to refute his made-up bullshit. As if that 
is the main point of why it might not be cool to make 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread awoelflebater
Emily, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what lies 
within. And the 'within' that I refer to is you. You are a deep, deep well lady 
and don't you forget it. Really smart too.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis.  Thank you for asking for a re-post of this.  I missed it as 
 well.  Objectively, without parsing the details, this is a brilliant piece 
 of work. Robin has managed, somehow, to capture almost perfectly his own MO 
 from your perspective and others' actually, although perhaps not exclusively, 
 as you note.  How many people are able to represent so accurately another's 
 viewpoint of themselves - he must have tried on the Reality of it all, 
 dontcha think...maybe just one shoe? You must admit you have made these key 
 points on many occasions, albeit using different words:
   * Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that; 
 but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of other 
 persons, and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it is actually quite 
 embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth of the person 
   * You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what 
 someone says by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only 
 inappropriate and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there 
 could ever be. But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human 
 relationships. You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your 
 rather pathetic and unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate 
 your bringing me into your little dance of self-congratulations.
   * I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis 
 of what I write. You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
 knower of what my motives are, my character. 
   *  Robin, can't see how you are acting out a little ritual here which 
 has become so familiar to most of us that at this point it just seems like a 
 cheap Vegas act--where the audience dwindles every night. 
 Now, this last oneyour analogies are more creative, but the spirit is 
 captured.  Curtis, you have the skill set to reply in-kind, should you so 
 choose. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time responding to Robin's request 
 to show him what about his post *wasn't* an accurate reflection of your 
 position. Sounds like you might be finished for the day though; it was a 
 helluva show and thank you for your participation.  It might have been 
 annoying as hell from your seat, but from mine, it was insanely funny.  But, 
 just so you know, I am *not* laughing at your expense.  I thank you for 
 letting Robin get under your skin a bit.  It was good for me Curtis, I hope 
 it was good for you too.  
 From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:28 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Dear Robin:
 I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
 even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
 make it, Robin*, and your confident assertions about your use of irony in 
 relation to me is itself a form of irony. Because--listen up, Robin--you 
 don't 'get' me at all, and the words you put in my mouth there were a 
 misrepresentation of what I might have said to you. Look, Robin, I think you 
 are a good guy, very sincere and all that; but you have one fatal flaw: you 
 seek to judge the motivations of other persons, and not only do you fumble 
 and stumble around (it is actually quite embarrassing, Robin), but you 
 actually miss hitting the truth of the person altogether. 
 You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what someone says 
 by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only inappropriate 
 and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there could ever be. 
 But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human relationships. 
 You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your rather pathetic and 
 unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate your bringing me into 
 your little dance of self-congratulations.
 I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis of what 
 I write; don't pry into my soul, because--you must surely know this by now, 
 Robin--you are engaged in an activity which makes it obvious why you blew up 
 with your enlightenment trip: You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
 knower of what my motives are, my character. And the longer you persist in 
 doing this, the more you are headed for a fall. I don't want to see you lose 
 it, Robin. You are a kind of fanatic. And sooner or later you will get it 
 through your brain and heart: I am going to resist

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Sorry, I had to step outside for a smoke after that scene.   

Susan picked up on my very real appreciation for Curtis.  Let me tell you, if 
Robin pulls a number like this on me, I will post a picture of my incredibly 
adorable terrier, and metaphorically roll over and ask him to rub my stomach.   

 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
  reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother to 
 spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), my 
 guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, the 
 other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the 
 noise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-bsf2x-aeE

   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
  it's my turn!
  Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
  to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
  threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the tough 
  initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, whiny, 
  drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
  You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
  came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
  innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
  for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I 
  was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your 
  cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
  stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
  try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
  Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
  You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
  these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
  calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
  to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
  Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
  other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get 
  into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you 
  On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
  you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even though 
  I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to humble you 
  and would never even mean that which is something I know because I am, 
  after all, myself.
  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
  got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
  just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
  I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
  spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope you 
  are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
  ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
   humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a 
   little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
   fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
   relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. Because 
   if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their cumulative effect 
   to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. Else MY IRONY HAS 
   Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
   from the whole seem to suggest Robin was pressing things a little. But 
   if you take the GIST of the posts, Curtis, they are you. I could not 
   ENTIRELY be sober there; else people WOULD REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS YOU. So 
   the exaggeration WAS TO PROTECT YOU.
   It all works, Curtis. Robin sending you up

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula

P.S I didn't know you smoked - imagine this, you, I and Judy (if she consented 
to smoke one again) smoking..what fun..LOL

On Sep 10, 2012, at 8:59 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Sorry, I had to step outside for a smoke after that scene.   
 Susan picked up on my very real appreciation for Curtis.  Let me tell you, if 
 Robin pulls a number like this on me, I will post a picture of my incredibly 
 adorable terrier, and metaphorically roll over and ask him to rub my stomach. 
 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :) Â It's O.K. 
   Curtis...your reputation is safe. Â No worries. Â
  I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this. Altho most people won't bother to 
  spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff (good for them!), my 
  guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis. Thing is, the 
  other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise. 
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
   it's my turn!
   Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
   to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
   threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the 
   tough initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your 
   shameless, whiny, drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as 
   You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
   came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist 
   my innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a 
   drink for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into 
   believing I was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online 
   reputation. Your cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting 
   stale, barn yard stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your 
   online moniker don't try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what 
   kind of place FFL is - Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare 
   I say Jesus of this list.
   You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
   these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
   calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
   to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
   Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
   other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't 
   get into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool 
   you are. 
   On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
   OK so I get the formula. I say something that isn't what I would say and 
   you dance around why you said them. So it is all good for you even 
   though I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to 
   humble you and would never even mean that which is something I know 
   because I am, after all, myself.
   You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
   got some troll friends to pile on. And for them perhaps your post was 
   just perfect. Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
   I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin. Same intention. You are as 
   spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense. I hope 
   you are sitting smug in your trollness. Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
   If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
   ways to do it. Your choosing this way is most telling.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope 
a little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside the polemic of our 
relationship, Curtis. Find some other ones. This is getting fun. 
Because if you cite examples they must be sufficient in their 
cumulative effect to vitiate the essential truth of the two posts. 

Good start. Keep going. Find some other ones. These ones separated out 
from the whole seem to suggest Robin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Ravi:  The smoking reference was in reference to the video - check the video.  
Sorry, I'll settle down, promiseas soon as I pour myself a scotch.  

 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
my turn!


P.S I didn't know you smoked - imagine this, you, I and Judy (if she consented 
to smoke one again) smoking..what fun..LOL

On Sep 10, 2012, at 8:59 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

Sorry, I had to step outside for a smoke after that scene.   

Susan picked up on my very real appreciation for Curtis.  Let me tell you, if 
Robin pulls a number like this on me, I will post a picture of my incredibly 
adorable terrier, and metaphorically roll over and ask him to rub my stomach.  

 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :)  It's O.K. Curtis...your 
  reputation is safe.  No worries. Â
 I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this.  Altho most people won't bother to 
 spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff  (good for them!), my 
 guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis.  Thing is, the 
 other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the 
 noise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-bsf2x-aeE

   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
  it's my turn!
  Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and painful 
  to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, deceive, 
  threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I faced the 
  tough initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in your shameless, 
  whiny, drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did as well.
  You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
  came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist my 
  innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a drink 
  for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into believing I 
  was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online reputation. Your 
  cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is getting stale, barn yard 
  stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just change your online moniker don't 
  try to shut everyone up here - everyone knows what kind of place FFL is - 
  Robin said it well - don't act like the Moses dare I say Jesus of this 
  You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
  these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
  calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King Baby 
  to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
  Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
  other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't get 
  into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool you 
  On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  OK so I get the formula.  I say something that isn't what I would say and 
  you dance around why you said them.  So it is all good for you even 
  though I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to 
  humble you and would never even mean that which is something I know 
  because I am, after all, myself.
  You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
  got some troll friends to pile on.  And for them perhaps your post was 
  just perfect.  Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
  I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin.  Same intention.  You are as 
  spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense.  I hope 
  you are sitting smug in your trollness.  Is smells like a barnyard to me. 
  If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
  ways to do it.  Your choosing this way is most telling.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
   Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered. And the 
   humble thing, that too was hyperbole. I admit to pushing the envelope a 
   little there. But still IN THE MAIN my two posts represent your 
   fundamental response to Robin Carlsen--inside

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thanks Dear Em - its all good. I don't care now, I had so much fun today.


On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:18 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Ravi:  The smoking reference was in reference to the video - check the video. 
  Sorry, I'll settle down, promiseas soon as I pour myself a scotch.  
 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 9:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's 
 my turn!
 P.S I didn't know you smoked - imagine this, you, I and Judy (if she 
 consented to smoke one again) smoking..what fun..LOL
 On Sep 10, 2012, at 8:59 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Sorry, I had to step outside for a smoke after that scene.   
 Susan picked up on my very real appreciation for Curtis.  Let me tell you, 
 if Robin pulls a number like this on me, I will post a picture of my 
 incredibly adorable terrier, and metaphorically roll over and ask him to rub 
 my stomach.   
 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Hey now, I'm standing up for Curtis, aren't I :) Â It's O.K. 
   Curtis...your reputation is safe. Â No worries. Â
  I'm with you, Emily, and Curtis, on this. Altho most people won't bother 
  to spend a minute reading this argumentative, odd stuff (good for them!), 
  my guess is that if they did, about 99% would side with Curtis. Thing is, 
  the other 1% are the ones making the fuss, the noise. 
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:23 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; 
   it's my turn!
   Curtis - No, it's your formula that's getting jaded, worn-out and 
   painful to watch, you are humiliating yourself - trying to manipulate, 
   deceive, threaten others to stifle discussion here. You know what? I 
   faced the tough initiation to FFL and not for a moment I indulged in 
   your shameless, whiny, drama queenery. Robin did as well, Bob Price did 
   as well.
   You have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously. You know why I 
   came after you in January, you started to slander me my trying to twist 
   my innocent tale of that 19 years old trying to cajole me into buying a 
   drink for her on New Year's day. Yet you manipulated everyone into 
   believing I was flooding search engine, I was destroying your online 
   reputation. Your cry wolf strategy of your online reputation is 
   getting stale, barn yard stinkish, Curtis, grow some balls or just 
   change your online moniker don't try to shut everyone up here - everyone 
   knows what kind of place FFL is - Robin said it well - don't act like 
   the Moses dare I say Jesus of this list.
   You know why no one other than Robin, Judy stand up to you - because of 
   these very manipulation, deception, coercion you indulge in when someone 
   calls your bullshit. All of you have is the idiot Steve and the King 
   Baby to support you - your old boy, mid-western clique.
   Here's a free clue - John Paul is not working out, time to create some 
   other piece of beautiful writing to con the gullible here - just don't 
   get into a debate because you will start looking like the clueless fool 
   you are. 
   On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
   OK so I get the formula. I say something that isn't what I would say 
   and you dance around why you said them. So it is all good for you even 
   though I would never say your days are numbered or that I was going to 
   humble you and would never even mean that which is something I know 
   because I am, after all, myself.
   You are fucking with me Robin and you got my goat a little and you even 
   got some troll friends to pile on. And for them perhaps your post was 
   just perfect. Sorry to spoil your little troll party with my actual POV.
   I read you as a wordy Ravi now Robin. Same intention. You are as 
   spiteful as Judy and you've had your little fun at my expense. I hope 
   you are sitting smug in your trollness. Is smells like a barnyard to 
   If you wanted to send me up without being an asshole there were many 
   ways to do it. Your choosing this way is most telling.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
Admission: some poetic license on: Your days are numbered

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Ann, I'm blushing.  Just trying to run a brush through my multi-layered, 
multi-textured, multi-million dollar (oh, wait, not that)  hairdo.  You are the 
sweetest whipyerass I know.  

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:56 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 

Emily, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what lies 
within. And the 'within' that I refer to is you. You are a deep, deep well lady 
and don't you forget it. Really smart too.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis.  Thank you for asking for a re-post of this.  I missed it as 
 well.  Objectively, without parsing the details, this is a brilliant piece 
 of work. Robin has managed, somehow, to capture almost perfectly his own MO 
 from your perspective and others' actually, although perhaps not exclusively, 
 as you note.  How many people are able to represent so accurately another's 
 viewpoint of themselves - he must have tried on the Reality of it all, 
 dontcha think...maybe just one shoe? You must admit you have made these key 
 points on many occasions, albeit using different words:
   * Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very sincere and all that; 
 but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the motivations of other 
 persons, and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it is actually quite 
 embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth of the person 
   * You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what 
 someone says by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only 
 inappropriate and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there 
 could ever be. But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human 
 relationships. You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your 
 rather pathetic and unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate 
 your bringing me into your little dance of self-congratulations.
   * I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis 
 of what I write. You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
 knower of what my motives are, my character. 
   *  Robin, can't see how you are acting out a little ritual here which 
 has become so familiar to most of us that at this point it just seems like a 
 cheap Vegas act--where the audience dwindles every night. 
 Now, this last oneyour analogies are more creative, but the spirit is 
 captured.  Curtis, you have the skill set to reply in-kind, should you so 
 choose. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time responding to Robin's request 
 to show him what about his post *wasn't* an accurate reflection of your 
 position. Sounds like you might be finished for the day though; it was a 
 helluva show and thank you for your participation.  It might have been 
 annoying as hell from your seat, but from mine, it was insanely funny.  But, 
 just so you know, I am *not* laughing at your expense.  I thank you for 
 letting Robin get under your skin a bit.  It was good for me Curtis, I hope 
 it was good for you too.  
 From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:28 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
 Dear Robin:
 I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
 even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't 
 make it, Robin*, and your confident assertions about your use of irony in 
 relation to me is itself a form of irony. Because--listen up, Robin--you 
 don't 'get' me at all, and the words you put in my mouth there were a 
 misrepresentation of what I might have said to you. Look, Robin, I think you 
 are a good guy, very sincere and all that; but you have one fatal flaw: you 
 seek to judge the motivations of other persons, and not only do you fumble 
 and stumble around (it is actually quite embarrassing, Robin), but you 
 actually miss hitting the truth of the person altogether. 
 You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what someone says 
 by what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only inappropriate 
 and offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there could ever be. 
 But beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human relationships. 
 You have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your rather pathetic and 
 unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate your bringing me into 
 your little dance of self-congratulations.
 I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis of what 
 I write; don't pry into my soul, because--you must surely know this by now, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
 As for what my feelings were, I didn't suffer or feel insulted.  Nor did I 
 think you were being hurtful or cruel.  I simply did not want to pursue the 
 theme of whether or not I was being the real me.  Nor the theme of my alleged 
 hyper positivity.  We've been down those rabbit holes plenty.
 In a very kind way you hit the nail on the head here Share.

Except that she isn't being truthful. She told Robin
she was going to suspend communications, not that
she didn't want to pursue a particular theme. Their
conversations had covered many different themes.

So her claim here that she didn't feel insulted or
think Robin was being hurtful doesn't ring true
either. Maybe she wasn't and didn't, but what she
said certainly sounded as though she wanted him--and
us--to think she was and did.

 If Robin gets it, it might assist in my own communication
 issues I expressed in our last exchange.  Adults don't take
 kindly to having people presume to negotiate the relationship
 we have with ourselves.

That's one of those statements that sounds profound but
sort of dissolves into nothing when you look at it
closely. It certainly had nothing to do with Robin's
exchange with Share.

There's something quite peculiar about this whole
sequence of events.

Robin was describing *his experience* of something Share
had said. When she seemed to have been offended by what
he had written--this was *before* her suspend
communications post--he explained his experience further,
pointed out that he hadn't been attempting to influence
Share to talk to him in any particular way, and ended up
dismissing his own comments about his experience and
simply complimenting her on her post.

She had already said she was feeling grumpy because of
having eaten sugar the day before and had apologized
for taking it out on him. So after he'd offered his
explanation, the whole issue appeared to have been

But two days later, in a new post to Robin, she
announced she was going to suspend communications
because of what she had grossly misconstrued to be his
assessment of her--this being the same comment she'd
initially been grumpy about and that he had explained
and dismissed.

It's almost as if somebody got to her in the interim and
convinced her to go back and make a big deal of what
Robin had said.

If so, unfortunately the coaching didn't keep her from
making a ghastly mess of what it had inspired.

 Young people are learning their boundaries.  When a Maharishi told us back in 
 the day the knowledge was structured in consciousness and with a wink wink 
 jiu jitsu created the assumption that he was going to assume a dominant 
 relationship with us, it felt OK because he was older than I was and that was 
 how I had deferred to older people my whole childhood.
 So I think her reaction was appropriate for a self realized
 adult.  She wasn't interested in having you assume this
 position with her.

A position Robin had not assumed in the first place. If
any deferring was taking place, it was Robin deferring
to Share.

(Notice that Curtis has suddenly decided he's speaking
to Robin rather than Share. Then he goes back to 
addressing Share. A little confusion there, I guess.)

 Now I can also understand why Robin was so surprised.  He only 
 started to put in the lever and hadn't applied any pressure yet,
 but he got called out immediately.

Yeah, this is where the coaching must have come in. I 
don't think any of this hostile, dishonest anti-Robin
crap would have occurred to Share on her own, especially
after Robin had withdrawn the original remarks and Share
had apologized for being grumpy about them. It's no
wonder he was astonished.

Called out immediately: Obviously Curtis hadn't read
their previous conversations, and he hasn't been paying
careful enough attention even to what he quoted from
Share's post. Oopsie!

I'll bet Robin isn't astonished now, though, because we
can see where it was all leading: to the malicious
attribution to Robin of an invented agenda that serves
someone else's purposes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
   Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
  Dear heaven, what a hoot.
 Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
 progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 - 
 change the context through deception, manipulation and strategy
 #2 - cry wolf, slander others - continues along his shameless, 
 clueless, needy, whiny, drama queenery.

In this case, he's the victim of his own assumptions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described it.  I
find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's and Ravi's comments speak for

I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and miracles a few
days ago.

Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
   Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
  Dear heaven, what a hoot.

 Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
 progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 - change
 context through deception, manipulation and strategy #2 - cry wolf,
 others - continues along his shameless, clueless, needy, whiny, drama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...


Yesterday I did discuss the whole thing with my pastoral counselor
including getting her feedback on the initial exchanges between me and
Robin.  She's grounded, loving, funny, open minded, devoted sidha,
happily married and I trust her judgement 110%.

I hope you had a flow chart, bubble diagram and spread sheet!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

ME  I am never fighting for my life here. 
ANN: I know that, but it was a turn of phrase. What I really meant was when you 
weren't fighting for your identity, for who you believe yourself to be.

ME:  I might need an example to understand the intent here.  When this concept 
has been employed from others here it was not usually the friendliest meaning.  
I don't have to fight for my identity or who I believe myself to be.  Like 
everyone else here if someone seems to be misrepresenting who I am, I object.  
At my stage of life I am pretty careful about letting in people pointing out my 
flaws for my own good.  It is one of the stabilizing forces of my codgerhood 
that appreciate compared to my youth.  

Your dressage description was fascinating and enlightening, big thanks!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
As for what my feelings were, I didn't suffer or feel insulted.  Nor 
did I think you were being hurtful or cruel.  I simply did not want to 
pursue the theme of whether or not I was being the real me.  Nor the 
theme of my alleged hyper positivity.  We've been down those rabbit 
holes plenty.


In a very kind way you hit the nail on the head here Share.  If Robin 
gets it, it might assist in my own communication issues I expressed 
in our last exchange.  Adults don't take kindly to having people 
presume to negotiate the relationship we have with ourselves.  It feels 
like a boundaries violation.
   Oh Curtis, try and let Share figure this one out for herself.
  But don't we love to meddle here?  Isn't that what you are doing too?  
  Wanting to meddle is why we post, right?
 Meddle is a strong word. But perhaps I indeed felt you were meddling, going 
 in where there was a place to strike and hit some mark and therefore 
 influence the more natural outcome of affairs. Of course, I would like to 
 think of myself as the counterpoint to the meddler (you). But don't we always 
 like to think the best of ourselves?
  You know, in some ways I really believe you have it going on. You are 
  beyond smart, really world-wise, gifted with a passion for your music and 
  for bringing it to people for real enjoyment. I appreciate much of your 
  writing when you aren't fighting for your life.
  I am never fighting for my life here. 
 I know that, but it was a turn of phrase. What I really meant was when you 
 weren't fighting for your identity, for who you believe yourself to be.
  I would love to spend an hour with you in that cafe we spoke about months 
  ago. I truly believe we would have a lot to laugh about and to discuss. But 
  here I sense you moving in to encourage discord and feed doubts which will 
  only result in Share being hurt. You are not doing her any favors here.
  We all read these situations differently.  Is that how you see it?  I don't 
  think encouraging discord was my goal or what Robin got from what I wrote, 
  judging by his response.  I think you may be blocking for a guy without the 
  ball who isn't even running.  (American football analogy)
 I know, I am American after all. I just happen to hold two passports and live 
 in Ca-na-da.

Young people are learning their boundaries.  When a Maharishi told us 
back in the day the knowledge was structured in consciousness and with 
a wink wink jiu jitsu created the assumption that he was going to 
assume a dominant relationship with us, it felt OK because he was older 
than I was and that was how I had deferred to older people my whole 

So I think her reaction was appropriate for a self realized adult.  She 
wasn't interested in having you assume this position with her.
   But you can only conjecture here unless she told you this privately.
  Aren't we often conjecturing here?  It could be in the mission statement.
 Conjecturing yes, but I try to conjecture from a vantage point that 
 encompasses all possibilities as they seem to appear, to present themselves. 
 Always a bit of a shot in the dark and often not provable. More of a gut 
  Again, you need to look at how you could be using Share to further some 
  agenda of your own.
  Or maybe you are using me for your own agenda.  I say use on sista, we are 
  all just talk'n here.  Agenda seems like a heavier word than captures my 
  interest in making a point to Robin that amplifies my last long ass post to 
  him.  I like the guy, I am on a positive agenda here.
 Really. Interesting. 
   I am not sure what that is exactly but I would wager is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described it.  I
 find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's and Ravi's comments speak for 

A glorious simpatico of ill-will.  Two poisonous peas in a pod.

Thanks Steve

 I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
 straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and miracles a few
 days ago.
 Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
 chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
   Dear heaven, what a hoot.
  Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
  progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 - change
  context through deception, manipulation and strategy #2 - cry wolf,
  others - continues along his shameless, clueless, needy, whiny, drama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he 
  described it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's 
 and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.
 A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.

Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
with the person they defend so fanatically would entail. 

Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
the least. 

One would think that if they consider him so wise and
so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
him up every chance they got. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he 
   described it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's 
  and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.
  A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
 Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
 seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
 THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
 with the person they defend so fanatically would entail. 
 Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
 have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
 the least. 
 One would think that if they consider him so wise and
 so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
 him up every chance they got.

I have also noticed that curious fact Barry.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread turquoiseb

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he 
described it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's 
and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.
   A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
  Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
  seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
  THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
  with the person they defend so fanatically would entail. 
  Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
  have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
  the least. 
  One would think that if they consider him so wise and
  so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
  him up every chance they got.
 I have also noticed that curious fact Barry.  

One is tempted to believe that they don't really
give much of a shit about Robin at all, except as
a tool that they use to dump on their perceived

That makes the whole thing so curious; you would
think that they'd have a lot to talk about. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Share Long
Commahnder Steve!  That's me trying to sound like and laugh like a Thermion in 
Galaxy Quest, wonderful wonderful spoof of scifi entertainment.  Even the 
deleted scenes are memorable.

Thanks for bringing some humor to the table this morning 


 From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

Yesterday I did discuss the whole thing with my pastoral counselor including 
getting her feedback on the initial exchanges between me and Robin.  She's 
grounded, loving, funny, open minded, devoted sidha, happily married and I 
trust her judgement 110%.
I hope you had a flow chart, bubble diagram and spread sheet!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he
 described it.  I find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's
 and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.

Apparently mine doesn't speak for itself. It wasn't Curtis's
description of his intent I was hooting at (although that
was also eminently hootable).

 I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
 straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and
 miracles a few days ago.

That remark is even funnier--just on its face, let alone
in the context of the specific exchange. Not to mention
its lack of any connection to your first comment.

 Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.

Robin is perhaps the most honest and open and 
straightforward poster on FFL.

I know that isn't saying much given some of the other
posters here, so I'll say it another way: If you don't
understand him, it isn't because he's tried to confuse
you. (Not that he doesn't get a giggle out of folks
missing his irony, but he doesn't *intend* for them to
miss it.)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
 chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
   Dear heaven, what a hoot.
  Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
  progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 - change
  context through deception, manipulation and strategy #2 - cry wolf,
  others - continues along his shameless, clueless, needy, whiny, drama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
 seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
 THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
 with the person they defend so fanatically would entail.

Or not entail. Remember that Barry now has a long list
of people whose posts he refrains from reading, so he
has no way of knowing what-all a conversation with Robin
might entail.

 Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
 have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
 the least.

Actually what we spend some time doing is dumping on
posters who unfairly and/or dishonestly and/or stupidly
dump on Robin.

 One would think that if they consider him so wise and
 so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
 him up every chance they got.

Barry would certainly *like* for folks to think that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 One is tempted to believe that they don't really
 give much of a shit about Robin at all, except as
 a tool that they use to dump on their perceived

Again, this is what Barry would *like* to tempt folks
to believe. One might even characterize his One is
tempted to believe... assertions as a tool that he
uses to dump on *his* perceived enemies.

And once again, remember that Barry *does not read*
the posts of those he perceives to be his enemies.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described
  it.  I find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's and Ravi's comments
  speak for themselves.
 A glorious simpatico of ill-will.  Two poisonous peas in a pod.

Sorta like Curtis and Barry, huh?

Curtis is much better at disguising his ill will most of the
time, but when he neglects to keep up the Mr. Wonderful facade,
the toxicity of what emerges is truly awesome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he
  described it.  I find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's
  and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.

 Apparently mine doesn't speak for itself. It wasn't Curtis's
 description of his intent I was hooting at (although that
 was also eminently hootable).

  I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
  straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and
  miracles a few days ago.

 That remark is even funnier--just on its face, let alone
 in the context of the specific exchange. Not to mention
 its lack of any connection to your first comment.
I realize this didn't really connect to my first comment, but I guess I
am a bundler, to some extent with regard to my comments.
  I thought Curtis put forward to Robin a pretty simple question
regarding the threshold of evidence to believe in miracles.  And
although I can't say I pore over every word written by Robin, I really
didn't see an answer in the first paragraph, or the second or the third.
What I thought I got was that according to Robin it was Curtis who
lacking somehow in his belief system.

  Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.

 Robin is perhaps the most honest and open and
 straightforward poster on FFL.

That's neat that you see him that way.  Seems to me that he told a
pretty big untruth about his interaction with Share yesterday.  But I
suppose you chalk that up to his irony.  I don't know many people that
would take it upon themselves to totally lie about an interaction in the
name of irony.
But maybe that's part of his brilliance.
 I know that isn't saying much given some of the other
 posters here, so I'll say it another way: If you don't
 understand him, it isn't because he's tried to confuse
 you. (Not that he doesn't get a giggle out of folks
 missing his irony, but he doesn't *intend* for them to
 miss it.)

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
 Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
Dear heaven, what a hoot.
   Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
   progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 -
   context through deception, manipulation and strategy #2 - cry
   others - continues along his shameless, clueless, needy, whiny,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described it.  I
 find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's and Ravi's comments speak for
 I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
 straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and miracles a few
 days ago.
 Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
 chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
   Dear heaven, what a hoot.
  Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
  progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 - change
  context through deception, manipulation and strategy #2 - cry wolf,
  others - continues along his shameless, clueless, needy, whiny, drama

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh ..old boy, mid-western clique pushing back on strong, mature women. This 
must be a pattern, this must be a pattern - oh please someone tell me this is a 
pattern, I beg you, don't hide this from me, not fair.

On Sep 10, 2012, at 7:43 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

 Talk about a hoot. I read Curtis' intent exactly as he 
 described it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's 
 and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.

A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
   Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
   seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
   THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
   with the person they defend so fanatically would entail. 
   Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
   have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
   the least. 
   One would think that if they consider him so wise and
   so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
   him up every chance they got.
  I have also noticed that curious fact Barry. 
 One is tempted to believe that they don't really
 give much of a shit about Robin at all, except as
 a tool that they use to dump on their perceived
 That makes the whole thing so curious; you would
 think that they'd have a lot to talk about. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread doctordumbass
The Good Doctor opines, Barry sets up levers, and waits for people to come 
along and pull them. The content of each lever means nothing, only that it is 
set in emotional opposition to something Barry thinks is out there. The 
outrageousness of the lever content is something he works at. Other than that, 
it is a simple game, over, and over, and over, again. Off FFL, he is probably 
like anyone else, trying to make it, doing this and that, getting by, but on 
here, this is his gig, and he does it well. A tip of doc's hat to the clever 
ploy! Well done, Barry...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  One is tempted to believe that they don't really
  give much of a shit about Robin at all, except as
  a tool that they use to dump on their perceived
 Again, this is what Barry would *like* to tempt folks
 to believe. One might even characterize his One is
 tempted to believe... assertions as a tool that he
 uses to dump on *his* perceived enemies.
 And once again, remember that Barry *does not read*
 the posts of those he perceives to be his enemies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I'm thinking His Holiness is too offensive for HH. I have a perfect name that 
befits his stature - His Toxic Turdiness.

On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:08 AM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Talk about a hoot. I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described
   it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's and Ravi's comments
   speak for themselves.
  A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
 Sorta like Curtis and Barry, huh?
 Curtis is much better at disguising his ill will most of the
 time, but when he neglects to keep up the Mr. Wonderful facade,
 the toxicity of what emerges is truly awesome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread doctordumbass
Doctor Dumbass wants to hear more about John-Paul. That was an awesome tale. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 I'm thinking His Holiness is too offensive for HH. I have a perfect name that 
 befits his stature - His Toxic Turdiness.
 On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:08 AM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
Talk about a hoot. I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described
it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's and Ravi's comments
speak for themselves.
   A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
  Sorta like Curtis and Barry, huh?
  Curtis is much better at disguising his ill will most of the
  time, but when he neglects to keep up the Mr. Wonderful facade,
  the toxicity of what emerges is truly awesome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he 
described it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's 
   and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.
   A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
  Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
  seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
  THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
  with the person they defend so fanatically would entail. 
  Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
  have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
  the least. 
  One would think that if they consider him so wise and
  so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
  him up every chance they got.
 I have also noticed that curious fact Barry.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Right a beautifully deceptive tale that was a grotesque, macabre display of the 
white man's guilt, burden. Because if it was sincere we wouldn't be witness 
this old boy mid western clique here day in and day out.

Doctor Dumbass - you need to polish your skills a little more so you can catch 
the deception of His Holiness veiled in his beautiful words, stories, no wonder 
I call him the 7 layer deceptive one, progressively baser, cruder and grosser.

When in doubt defer to the Jude.

On Sep 10, 2012, at 10:17 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Doctor Dumbass wants to hear more about John-Paul. That was an awesome tale. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  I'm thinking His Holiness is too offensive for HH. I have a perfect name 
  that befits his stature - His Toxic Turdiness.
  On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:08 AM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

 Talk about a hoot. I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described
 it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's and Ravi's comments
 speak for themselves.

A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
   Sorta like Curtis and Barry, huh?
   Curtis is much better at disguising his ill will most of the
   time, but when he neglects to keep up the Mr. Wonderful facade,
   the toxicity of what emerges is truly awesome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he
   described it.  I find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's
   and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.
  Apparently mine doesn't speak for itself. It wasn't Curtis's
  description of his intent I was hooting at (although that
  was also eminently hootable).
   I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
   straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and
   miracles a few days ago.
  That remark is even funnier--just on its face, let alone
  in the context of the specific exchange. Not to mention
  its lack of any connection to your first comment.

 I realize this didn't really connect to my first comment, but
 I guess I am a bundler, to some extent with regard to my

Typically the phrase I mean refers back to what has just
been said.

 I thought Curtis put forward to Robin a pretty simple question
 regarding the threshold of evidence to believe in miracles.

What I found amusing was the notion that such a question
could ever be simple.

 And although I can't say I pore over every word written by
 Robin, I really didn't see an answer in the first paragraph,
 or the second or the third.

Robin was explicit as to why he had no intention of
answering Curtis's question in that post, but you really
would have had to read the whole thing. Plus his follow-
up post.

 What I thought I got was that according to Robin it was Curtis
 who lacking somehow in his belief system.

Yes, that would be the simplistic reading of what
Robin said.

You did notice that Curtis misrepresented what was
on that page Robin cited about levitating saints,
right? You know, speaking of obfuscation?

   Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.
  Robin is perhaps the most honest and open and
  straightforward poster on FFL.
 That's neat that you see him that way.  Seems to me that
 he told a pretty big untruth about his interaction with
 Share yesterday.  But I suppose you chalk that up to his

If you mean the bit about a conspiracy, yes, that was
irony. Pretty broad irony, too. I gather you missed it.

 I don't know many people that would take it upon themselves
 to totally lie about an interaction in the name of irony.

The intent of a lie, Steve, is to deceive. The thing
about irony is that it's designed to be recognized as
such. If you do recognize that it's irony--and know
what irony means--

irony 2a: the use of words to express something other
than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning

--then you will not be deceived and can appreciate the

 But maybe that's part of his brilliance.

There's another possibility, actually, that has to
do with his readers. Or some of them.

  I know that isn't saying much given some of the other
  posters here, so I'll say it another way: If you don't
  understand him, it isn't because he's tried to confuse
  you. (Not that he doesn't get a giggle out of folks
  missing his irony, but he doesn't *intend* for them to
  miss it.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread doctordumbass
DD: Ha-ha! what looks like a mountain to some is a pebble for another; all is 
well and wisely set...and I enjoy your humor, and dead on perception, and 
wisdom, immensely, Ravi-ji!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Right a beautifully deceptive tale that was a grotesque, macabre display of 
 the white man's guilt, burden. Because if it was sincere we wouldn't be 
 witness this old boy mid western clique here day in and day out.
 Doctor Dumbass - you need to polish your skills a little more so you can 
 catch the deception of His Holiness veiled in his beautiful words, stories, 
 no wonder I call him the 7 layer deceptive one, progressively baser, cruder 
 and grosser.
 When in doubt defer to the Jude.
 On Sep 10, 2012, at 10:17 AM, doctordumbass@... no_re...@yahoogroups.com 
  Doctor Dumbass wants to hear more about John-Paul. That was an awesome 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   I'm thinking His Holiness is too offensive for HH. I have a perfect name 
   that befits his stature - His Toxic Turdiness.
   On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:08 AM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 
  Talk about a hoot. I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described
  it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's and Ravi's comments
  speak for themselves.
 A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.

Sorta like Curtis and Barry, huh?

Curtis is much better at disguising his ill will most of the
time, but when he neglects to keep up the Mr. Wonderful facade,
the toxicity of what emerges is truly awesome.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@

  I thought Curtis put forward to Robin a pretty simple question
  regarding the threshold of evidence to believe in miracles.

 What I found amusing was the notion that such a question
 could ever be simple.

  And although I can't say I pore over every word written by
  Robin, I really didn't see an answer in the first paragraph,
  or the second or the third.

 Robin was explicit as to why he had no intention of
 answering Curtis's question in that post, but you really
 would have had to read the whole thing. Plus his follow-
 up post.
You have a point.  I don't have the time or interest to become a Robin
scholar.  I am not implying that you do, but I thought it was a pretty
straightforward, (instead of simple, if you prefer), question that could
have been answered in somewhat straightforward way.  But evidently it
required a more scholarly and detailed answer than I had the time (or
interest) to figure out.
I mean, I thought the question pretty much boiled down to, do you feel
there should be a higher burden of proof, than merely hearsay to
definitively determine that miracles have been performed
  What I thought I got was that according to Robin it was Curtis
  who lacking somehow in his belief system.

 Yes, that would be the simplistic reading of what
 Robin said.

 You did notice that Curtis misrepresented what was
 on that page Robin cited about levitating saints,
 right? You know, speaking of obfuscation?

Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.
   Robin is perhaps the most honest and open and
   straightforward poster on FFL.
  That's neat that you see him that way.  Seems to me that
  he told a pretty big untruth about his interaction with
  Share yesterday.  But I suppose you chalk that up to his

 If you mean the bit about a conspiracy, yes, that was
 irony. Pretty broad irony, too. I gather you missed it.

  I don't know many people that would take it upon themselves
  to totally lie about an interaction in the name of irony.

 The intent of a lie, Steve, is to deceive. The thing
 about irony is that it's designed to be recognized as
 such. If you do recognize that it's irony--and know
 what irony means--
  I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though it had
occurred.  I also think that you might take exception to someone writing
posts with your byline, even if it is done in the name of so called
irony.  My feeling is that you would request that such a person refrain
from doing that.
 irony 2a: the use of words to express something other
 than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning

 --then you will not be deceived and can appreciate the

  But maybe that's part of his brilliance.

 There's another possibility, actually, that has to
 do with his readers. Or some of them.

   I know that isn't saying much given some of the other
   posters here, so I'll say it another way: If you don't
   understand him, it isn't because he's tried to confuse
   you. (Not that he doesn't get a giggle out of folks
   missing his irony, but he doesn't *intend* for them to
   miss it.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...

  The intent of a lie, Steve, is to deceive. The thing
  about irony is that it's designed to be recognized as
  such. If you do recognize that it's irony--and know
  what irony means--
   I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
 describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though it
 occurred.  I also think that you might take exception to someone
 posts with your byline, even if it is done in the name of so called
 irony.  My feeling is that you would request that such a person
 from doing that.
Just to be clear.  Robin did not post under any ID other than his own. 
But under his own ID he did write replies that might be construed as
being part of the thread, and signing another persons name to that

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thank you Doctor Dumbass-ji :-). I'm glad you realize I'm not a stupid troll or 
a crazy person like some here try to convince others with their shameless, 
clueless, needy, drama queenery here.


On Sep 10, 2012, at 10:39 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 DD: Ha-ha! what looks like a mountain to some is a pebble for another; all 
 is well and wisely set...and I enjoy your humor, and dead on perception, and 
 wisdom, immensely, Ravi-ji!!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Right a beautifully deceptive tale that was a grotesque, macabre display of 
  the white man's guilt, burden. Because if it was sincere we wouldn't be 
  witness this old boy mid western clique here day in and day out.
  Doctor Dumbass - you need to polish your skills a little more so you can 
  catch the deception of His Holiness veiled in his beautiful words, stories, 
  no wonder I call him the 7 layer deceptive one, progressively baser, cruder 
  and grosser.
  When in doubt defer to the Jude.
  On Sep 10, 2012, at 10:17 AM, doctordumbass@... no_re...@yahoogroups.com 
   Doctor Dumbass wants to hear more about John-Paul. That was an awesome 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
I'm thinking His Holiness is too offensive for HH. I have a perfect 
name that befits his stature - His Toxic Turdiness.

On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:08 AM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 
   Talk about a hoot. I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described
   it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's and Ravi's comments
   speak for themselves.
  A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
 Sorta like Curtis and Barry, huh?
 Curtis is much better at disguising his ill will most of the
 time, but when he neglects to keep up the Mr. Wonderful facade,
 the toxicity of what emerges is truly awesome.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Doctor Dumbass wants to hear more about John-Paul. That was an awesome tale. 

Much appreciated good Dr.  I am working on a piece that paints me in a less 
sympathetic light of how I decide to deny the homeless people my cash when they 
hit me up in locust-like waves at the end of my day.  I think I am gunna call 
it Oh Great, am I Becoming a Freak'n Republican Now?

I just saw John Paul Sat night and it is funny that since writing that piece he 
has sort of elevated into a minor celebrity in my eyes, having gotten such nice 
feedback here. Dealing with John Paul at the end of a long workday can 
sometimes be a challenge because he has no detectible moods other than 
enthusiastic and anxious.  So I've gotten a bit of a boost in my ability to 
interact with him since seeing him with his new aura of his FFL's second life.  
It has paid off in some interesting discussion forays into the world of who is 
John Paul really?  What is behind the obsessions, and can that part of him come 
out in discussion? I've tried to lead him into some new concepts to see how he 
views time and it has been revealing.  He is mostly in the now about 
everything, but can articulate other periods of time like tomorrow which gets 
vaguer as we talk about next week.  The whole concept of next week evokes 
giggles from some joke I am not in on.  It seems impossibly silly to him that 
the time when I will see him again is so far away.  He prefers to get me to 
commit to seeing him tomorrow,which after a few attempts at denials, if the 
next day is say Monday, I lie through my teeth and make the commitment he 
seeks.  Yes, John Paul I will play music tomorrow. Since he is not coming to 
the docks the next day I feel that this white lie calms his anxiety about the 
whole next week deal, with its vagueness and whatever it is about it that he 
finds so funny.

I left out of my last story the weekend he paraded around in his cap and gown 
in iridescent blue and a mile wide smile. This is my graduation day he 
announced to me on both days with equal conviction whenever I gave him eye 
contact as he walked by.  I omitted that visual detail not because it was a bit 
cutesy, but because since I do shows in the kind of school he graduated from, 
I am aware of a darker side of that day behind the otherwise proud eyes of his 
dad.  This is also the day when society drops John Paul back home and says, 
Here he is again, he is now very large and strong as an ox, and BTW he is now 
sexually active in his own imaginary way.  Good luck with that without any 
break of taking him to school for part of the day.  Eventually most families 
have to put him in the kind of home where there will be no life-skills 
rehab, and he will sink into the shuffling chemically induced state that 
pervades those places  in between very loud frustration tantrums that erupt 
with Old Faithful regularity. So for me, the cap and gown was a reminder that 
we are a caring culture, to a point, and beyond that your shit sandwich might 
not include any condiments to take the edge off.  

Thanks for asking about him.  It is sweet to think about well wishers from afar 
caring about his life.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   The intent of a lie, Steve, is to deceive. The thing
   about irony is that it's designed to be recognized as
   such. If you do recognize that it's irony--and know
   what irony means--
I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
  describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though it
  occurred.  I also think that you might take exception to someone
  posts with your byline, even if it is done in the name of so called
  irony.  My feeling is that you would request that such a person
  from doing that.
 Just to be clear.  Robin did not post under any ID other than his own. 
 But under his own ID he did write replies that might be construed as
 being part of the thread, and signing another persons name to that

Dear Steve,

I think those miracles not worth shit. I was just being provocative. And what 
it really came down to: Knowing as I did that the miracles were bogus, when 
someone called my bluff, well, I had to stonewall in my own way--No, OBFUSCATE. 
Something that I usually get away with until the seventh ray of twilight falls 
upon my window pane--and, for once, I can see that darkness is coming and I had 
best put on my pyjamas. And blow out my candle.

After saying my prayers to the good Lord who made me.

As for the ID thing, that is just another dastardly deed of mine which I 
thought to get away with. The compunction I feel in you having morally 
embarrassed me here is enough, I can assure you, to deter me from doing it 
until it appears to be the only perfect move to make in order to defend Lady 

Did you know the colour of the bow ties those German boys were wearing during 
the Battle of the Somme?

My motives are suspect even to myself, Stevie--and you have every right to call 
me out when you see what mischief I am up to. 

You must admit, though, Peyton's return could not have been more glorious.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  So for me, the cap and gown was a reminder that we are a caring
culture, to a point, and beyond thatyour shit sandwich might not include
any condiments to take the edge off.
That's a keeper.  Honestly, that's as fine a line as I've ever read in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 Dear Steve,
 My motives are suspect even to myself, Stevie--and you have every
right to call me out when you see what mischief I am up to.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ 

 Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he 
 described it. I find Ann's comments perplexing. Judy's 
 and Ravi's comments speak for themselves.

A glorious simpatico of ill-will. Two poisonous peas in a pod.
   Also, it should be pointed out, two people who never
   seem to get into the long, demanding, don't-even-
   THINK-of-dumping-me back-and-forth that a conversation
   with the person they defend so fanatically would entail. 
   Instead, they spend their time dumping on others who
   have found such conversations...uh...trying, to say
   the least. 
   One would think that if they consider him so wise and
   so spiritually advanced and all, they'd be chatting
   him up every chance they got.
  I have also noticed that curious fact Barry.  
 One is tempted to believe that they don't really
 give much of a shit about Robin at all, except as
 a tool that they use to dump on their perceived

Robin? Who's Robin?
 That makes the whole thing so curious; you would
 think that they'd have a lot to talk about. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Talk about a hoot.  I read Curtis' intent exactly as he described it.  I
 find Ann's comments perplexing.  Judy's and Ravi's comments speak for
 I mean Robin couldn't even bring himself to answer a simple
 straigtforward question from Curtis about levitation and miracles a few
 days ago.
 Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
 chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I don't think encouraging discord was my goal or what
Robin got from what I wrote, judging by his response.
   Dear heaven, what a hoot.
  Yeah same old, same old, His Holiness of the 7-layered deception,
  progressively cruder, baser, grosser - master of strategy # 1 - change
  context through deception, manipulation and strategy #2 - cry wolf,
  others - continues along his shameless, clueless, needy, whiny, drama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 Robin? Who's Robin?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread doctordumbass
Doc sez, yeah...exactly!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  Doctor Dumbass wants to hear more about John-Paul. That was an awesome 
 Much appreciated good Dr.  I am working on a piece that paints me in a less 
 sympathetic light of how I decide to deny the homeless people my cash when 
 they hit me up in locust-like waves at the end of my day.  I think I am gunna 
 call it Oh Great, am I Becoming a Freak'n Republican Now?
 I just saw John Paul Sat night and it is funny that since writing that piece 
 he has sort of elevated into a minor celebrity in my eyes, having gotten such 
 nice feedback here. Dealing with John Paul at the end of a long workday can 
 sometimes be a challenge because he has no detectible moods other than 
 enthusiastic and anxious.  So I've gotten a bit of a boost in my ability to 
 interact with him since seeing him with his new aura of his FFL's second 
 life.  It has paid off in some interesting discussion forays into the world 
 of who is John Paul really?  What is behind the obsessions, and can that part 
 of him come out in discussion? I've tried to lead him into some new concepts 
 to see how he views time and it has been revealing.  He is mostly in the now 
 about everything, but can articulate other periods of time like tomorrow 
 which gets vaguer as we talk about next week.  The whole concept of next week 
 evokes giggles from some joke I am not in on.  It seems impossibly silly to 
 him that the time when I will see him again is so far away.  He prefers to 
 get me to commit to seeing him tomorrow,which after a few attempts at 
 denials, if the next day is say Monday, I lie through my teeth and make the 
 commitment he seeks.  Yes, John Paul I will play music tomorrow. Since he 
 is not coming to the docks the next day I feel that this white lie calms his 
 anxiety about the whole next week deal, with its vagueness and whatever it is 
 about it that he finds so funny.
 I left out of my last story the weekend he paraded around in his cap and gown 
 in iridescent blue and a mile wide smile. This is my graduation day he 
 announced to me on both days with equal conviction whenever I gave him eye 
 contact as he walked by.  I omitted that visual detail not because it was a 
 bit cutesy, but because since I do shows in the kind of school he graduated 
 from, I am aware of a darker side of that day behind the otherwise proud eyes 
 of his dad.  This is also the day when society drops John Paul back home and 
 says, Here he is again, he is now very large and strong as an ox, and BTW he 
 is now sexually active in his own imaginary way.  Good luck with that without 
 any break of taking him to school for part of the day.  Eventually most 
 families have to put him in the kind of home where there will be no 
 life-skills rehab, and he will sink into the shuffling chemically induced 
 state that pervades those places  in between very loud frustration tantrums 
 that erupt with Old Faithful regularity. So for me, the cap and gown was a 
 reminder that we are a caring culture, to a point, and beyond that your shit 
 sandwich might not include any condiments to take the edge off.  
 Thanks for asking about him.  It is sweet to think about well wishers from 
 afar caring about his life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   I thought Curtis put forward to Robin a pretty simple question
   regarding the threshold of evidence to believe in miracles.
  What I found amusing was the notion that such a question
  could ever be simple.
   And although I can't say I pore over every word written by
   Robin, I really didn't see an answer in the first paragraph,
   or the second or the third.
  Robin was explicit as to why he had no intention of
  answering Curtis's question in that post, but you really
  would have had to read the whole thing. Plus his follow-
  up post.

 You have a point.  I don't have the time or interest to become
 a Robin scholar.  I am not implying that you do, but I thought
 it was a pretty straightforward, (instead of simple, if you 
 prefer), question that could have been answered in somewhat
 straightforward way.  But evidently it required a more scholarly
 and detailed answer than I had the time (or interest) to figure

 I mean, I thought the question pretty much boiled down to, do
 you feel there should be a higher burden of proof, than merely
 hearsay to definitively determine that miracles have been

Well, phrased that way, the answer *would* have been very
simple. But that wasn't what the question involved in this
case (especially given Curtis's misrepresentations).

   What I thought I got was that according to Robin it was Curtis
   who lacking somehow in his belief system.
  Yes, that would be the simplistic reading of what
  Robin said.
  You did notice that Curtis misrepresented what was
  on that page Robin cited about levitating saints,
  right? You know, speaking of obfuscation?
 Obfuscating seems to be Robins stock in trade.
Robin is perhaps the most honest and open and
straightforward poster on FFL.
   That's neat that you see him that way.  Seems to me that
   he told a pretty big untruth about his interaction with
   Share yesterday.  But I suppose you chalk that up to his
  If you mean the bit about a conspiracy, yes, that was
  irony. Pretty broad irony, too. I gather you missed it.
   I don't know many people that would take it upon themselves
   to totally lie about an interaction in the name of irony.
  The intent of a lie, Steve, is to deceive. The thing
  about irony is that it's designed to be recognized as
  such. If you do recognize that it's irony--and know
  what irony means--

 I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
 describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though 
 it had occurred. I also think that you might take exception to 
 someone writing posts with your byline,

(Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
account ID.)

 even if it is done in the
 name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
 that such a person refrain from doing that.

It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
are free to object or make such a request if they think
anybody might have been misled.

But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
realize this.

Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
with reality, because the variance from reality in the
ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
common sense.

  irony 2a: the use of words to express something other
  than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
  --then you will not be deceived and can appreciate the
   But maybe that's part of his brilliance.
  There's another possibility, actually, that has to
  do with his readers. Or some of them.
I know that isn't saying much given some of the other
posters here, so I'll say it another way: If you don't
understand him, it isn't because he's tried to confuse
you. (Not that he doesn't get a giggle out of folks
missing his irony, but he doesn't *intend* for them to
miss it.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
much snipping
  I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
  describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though
  it had occurred. I also think that you might take exception to
  someone writing posts with your byline,

 (Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
 account ID.)

  even if it is done in the
  name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
  that such a person refrain from doing that.

 It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
 are free to object or make such a request if they think
 anybody might have been misled.

 But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
 the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
 ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
 realize this.

Yes, I am sure everyone did realize it.  It is just something I would
not take the liberty of doing.  Perhaps I am more sensitive along these
lines.  Of course Share did respond that she  had not participated in
the discussion to which Robin indicated she was a party.  I picked up
that she wasn't too thrilled about being misrepresented.
And also,
 Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
 with reality, because the variance from reality in the
 ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
 common sense.
I don't think anyone is missing the irony.  But irony just like anything
can be in good taste or poor taste.  In my opinion, Robin's irony
sometimes crosses a line  most people would not appreciate.
But it may not be enough for them to make a protest.  It is not that big
a deal for me either.  But since we were discussing issues along these
lines, I brought it up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

Authfriend: Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
with reality, because the variance from reality in the
ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
common sense.

RESPONSE: But what makes the irony do its job, is its *actual* relationship to 
reality. Irony becomes reality's comment on something less than the truth--or 
against the truth. The reason irony works is that while the irony is going on 
*it becomes a comment on the actual truth. 

So, for instance, my having two identities (as identified by Steve): if I was 
not achieving some effect which could not be achieved any other way, then the 
impression people would have gotten would be in line with Steve's experience 
(this is a bad thing Robin is doing). But as it turned out, I was writing 
pretty much exactly what this person would have written back to me; so the 
irony turned on the degree to which my representation of that person's point of 
view was *true*. 

What actually got Steve was unconsciously how powerfully he was offended by how 
successfully I had put myself in the place of this other person. Had what I 
done not justified itself in the effect, then it would have seemed strange and 
indefensible--and just plain silly. But what happened there is that I know my 
adversary so well that I knew how he would respond to what I said, so I 
preempted him. Thus proving by the efficacy of this deployment of irony that 
this person is very predictable in what he will say--*when he is up against 
some challenge to his ultimate beliefs, or his personal modus operandi*.

Steve's objection thus became the protest at the potency of the effect of this 
ironic set-up: Robin speaking in the voice of his adversary. Something in Steve 
*very much caught the irony* and reacted to it because it unsettled his way of 
viewing the world in terms of who he wants to win--something he appears to have 
no control over.  If, the irony was not appropriate, effective, justified, then 
Steve's reaction would be the natural one; indeed it would be reality's verdict 
on the failure of the irony.

Irony only will have its intended effect if in its expression it is making a 
comment upon something *objectively*. Irony doesn't work if it is expressing 
but an opinion. Else there would be an answer to it: And if the irony does what 
it is supposed to do, there is no response possible (from the person who is the 
object of the irony). There must be truth in there. Irony is the way nowadays 
where a truth gets to make its impact on persons without their having the 
chance to defend themselves with their belief systems.

Of course the subject of the irony doesn't like it one bit and will react. But 
the point here again is: Irony only works by having, yes, a variance from 
reality, but in a deeper sense, by having a very deep and truthful relationship 
with reality.

Mitt Romney's devout Mormonism (at least in his particular case) deprives him 
of an essential element in his campaigning that Barack Obama has in spades: the 
ability to mock himself with extreme wit and hilarity. Mitt Romney is deficient 
on the irony front, and it will kill him in the election. He cannot quite 
neutralize (or universalize) himself as a human being inside the universe--his 
Mormonism runs so deep in him; it seems to have virtually created him. The 
Broadway play *The Book of Mormon* is funnier and more sophisticated and more 
truthful than Mitt Romney can ever be.

I have not seen the play but Matt Stone and Trey Parker have seen the irony in 
Mormonism, and they are, even though not attacking the religious truth of 
Mormonism, making it abundantly clear that that religion does not possess 
enough of reality inside of it not to deserve to be mocked in the most subtle 
ways--which is what happens in that play--even as Mormons have taken ad space 
on the playbill: If you're going to see the musical, you should read  the 
actual Book of Mormon. For me, the ultimate stroke of irony.

I plan to spend Christmas in Manhattan. I am hoping to be able to see *The Book 
of Mormon*. Steve should imagine himself being a believing member of The Church 
of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, and come to the play with me. He 
would realize that the laughs are being driven by the relationship between 
reality and how Mormonism is ultimately received and judged by that reality. 

I took my chances representing the views of my adversary--and from all that I 
can tell, I fulfilled the stringent metaphysic of irony.

Now if my adversary could take what I did *and see the inadvertent irony of my 
doing this*--thus seeing another level of irony (at my expense)--he would have 
done this. But there was nothing to say--Only Steve could address that post. 
And he was taking out ad space on the playbill for his own self-Mormonism.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
Hey Steve,

First thanks for the kind words about my poo poo platter image and secondly, 
would you mind pointing out the post in question.  I have skipped a bunch of 
Robin's posts that look like they are just video links so it didn't register. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
 much snipping
   I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
   describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though
   it had occurred. I also think that you might take exception to
   someone writing posts with your byline,
  (Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
  account ID.)
   even if it is done in the
   name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
   that such a person refrain from doing that.
  It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
  are free to object or make such a request if they think
  anybody might have been misled.
  But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
  the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
  ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
  realize this.
 Yes, I am sure everyone did realize it.  It is just something I would
 not take the liberty of doing.  Perhaps I am more sensitive along these
 lines.  Of course Share did respond that she  had not participated in
 the discussion to which Robin indicated she was a party.  I picked up
 that she wasn't too thrilled about being misrepresented.
 And also,
  Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
  with reality, because the variance from reality in the
  ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
  common sense.
 I don't think anyone is missing the irony.  But irony just like anything
 can be in good taste or poor taste.  In my opinion, Robin's irony
 sometimes crosses a line  most people would not appreciate.
 But it may not be enough for them to make a protest.  It is not that big
 a deal for me either.  But since we were discussing issues along these
 lines, I brought it up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread Robin Carlsen
Dear Robin:

 I think, Robin, you are way out of line here. As a matter of fact *I never 
even read your post*. But now having read it, I can tell you: *It doesn't make 
it, Robin*, and your confident assertions about your use of irony in relation 
to me is itself a form of irony. Because--listen up, Robin--you don't 'get' me 
at all, and the words you put in my mouth there were a misrepresentation of 
what I might have said to you. Look, Robin, I think you are a good guy, very 
sincere and all that; but you have one fatal flaw: you seek to judge the 
motivations of other persons, and not only do you fumble and stumble around (it 
is actually quite embarrassing, Robin), but you actually miss hitting the truth 
of the person altogether. 

You can intuit all you like, Robin, but the act of judging what someone says by 
what you believe to be their inner faults, this is not only inappropriate and 
offensive--it is the most unreliable form of truth there could ever be. But 
beyond this, Robin, it is violation of the code of human relationships. You 
have just gone one step too far here, Robin, in your rather pathetic and 
unconvincing analysis of irony. And I don't appreciate your bringing me into 
your little dance of self-congratulations.

I would just ask you one more time, Robin: Deal with me on the basis of what I 
write; don't pry into my soul, because--you must surely know this by now, 
Robin--you are engaged in an activity which makes it obvious why you blew up 
with your enlightenment trip: You see, Robin, you can't act as if you are the 
knower of what my motives are, my character. And the longer you persist in 
doing this, the more you are headed for a fall. I don't want to see you lose 
it, Robin. You are a kind of fanatic. And sooner or later you will get it 
through your brain and heart: I am going to resist your invasions, I am going 
to fight back, and eventually, Robin, I will humble you.

Believe me, this is said in love, Robin: You are deeply flawed, and I have 
tried to act as your friend. But you are hopelessly beyond the reach of those 
who would give you the right advice. Meanwhile your admirers encourage and 
indulge you in this, and they are acting therefore as the enemy of your real 
integrity. I am quite stunned that someone as intelligent as you, Robin, can't 
see how you are acting out a little ritual here which has become so familiar to 
most of us that at this point it just seems like a cheap Vegas act--where the 
audience dwindles every night.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Hey Steve,
 First thanks for the kind words about my poo poo platter image and secondly, 
 would you mind pointing out the post in question.  I have skipped a bunch of 
 Robin's posts that look like they are just video links so it didn't register. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  much snipping
I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though
it had occurred. I also think that you might take exception to
someone writing posts with your byline,
   (Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
   account ID.)
even if it is done in the
name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
that such a person refrain from doing that.
   It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
   are free to object or make such a request if they think
   anybody might have been misled.
   But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
   the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
   ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
   realize this.
  Yes, I am sure everyone did realize it.  It is just something I would
  not take the liberty of doing.  Perhaps I am more sensitive along these
  lines.  Of course Share did respond that she  had not participated in
  the discussion to which Robin indicated she was a party.  I picked up
  that she wasn't too thrilled about being misrepresented.
  And also,
   Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
   with reality, because the variance from reality in the
   ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
   common sense.
  I don't think anyone is missing the irony.  But irony just like anything
  can be in good taste or poor taste.  In my opinion, Robin's irony
  sometimes crosses a line  most people would not appreciate.
  But it may not be enough for them to make a protest.  It is not that big
  a deal for me either.  But since we were discussing issues along these
  lines, I brought it up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1
Wow, I am promoted to the big leagues.  (Don't blow it Steve.  Don't
blow it.)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 Authfriend: Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
 with reality, because the variance from reality in the
 ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
 common sense.

 RESPONSE: But what makes the irony do its job, is its *actual*
relationship to reality. Irony becomes reality's comment on something
less than the truth--or against the truth. The reason irony works is
that while the irony is going on *it becomes a comment on the actual

 So, for instance, my having two identities (as identified by Steve):
if I was not achieving some effect which could not be achieved any other
way, then the impression people would have gotten would be in line with
Steve's experience (this is a bad thing Robin is doing). But as it
turned out, I was writing pretty much exactly what this person would
have written back to me; so the irony turned on the degree to which my
representation of that person's point of view was *true*.
Robin.  What you say is true.  I think the first, most recent case was
you responding as Susan to one of Barry's posts.  And yes, I think you
picked up, to some extent, how Susan often replies to Barry.  But so
what.  I thought it was in bad taste.  It seemed to me that the
objective was to humiliate Susan.  But evidently you feel that it served
a higher purpose.
Bottom line: I just wouldn't care to put words in some elses mouth. 
Tell me again, what was gained by replying as Susan, if you don't mind.
 What actually got Steve was unconsciously how powerfully he was
offended by how successfully I had put myself in the place of this other
person. Do you really think this is that hard to do.  I think most of us
can pretty well predict how others are going to respond to the different
posts here.  And could, if we wanted, reply as one or other person. Do
you really feel this is an accomplishment of some sort?Had what I done
not justified itself in the effect, then it would have seemed strange
and indefensible--and just plain silly. But what happened there is that
I know my adversary so well that I knew how he would respond to what I
said, so I preempted him. Your chest is sticking out.Thus proving by the
efficacy of this deployment of irony that this person is very
predictable in what he will say--*when he is up against some challenge
to his ultimate beliefs, or his personal modus operandi*.
I guess we should be grateful for the lessons you are trying to impart.
 Steve's objection thus became the protest at the potency of the effect
of this ironic set-up: Robin speaking in the voice of his adversary.
Something in Steve *very much caught the irony* and reacted to it
because it unsettled his way of viewing the world in terms of who he
wants to win--something he appears to have no control over.  If, the
irony was not appropriate, effective, justified, then Steve's reaction
would be the natural one; indeed it would be reality's verdict on the
failure of the irony.
Yes, you have me all figured out.  I accept your analysis.  For all I
know it might be entirely accurate, but I think you are missing the mark
by a pretty wide margin.  At least according to my first person
ontology.  (fist gesture)
 Irony only will have its intended effect if in its expression it is
making a comment upon something *objectively*. Irony doesn't work if it
is expressing but an opinion. Else there would be an answer to it: And
if the irony does what it is supposed to do, there is no response
possible (from the person who is the object of the irony). There must be
truth in there. Irony is the way nowadays where a truth gets to make its
impact on persons without their having the chance to defend themselves
with their belief systems.

 Of course the subject of the irony doesn't like it one bit and will
react. But the point here again is: Irony only works by having, yes, a
variance from reality, but in a deeper sense, by having a very deep and
truthful relationship with reality.

 Mitt Romney's devout Mormonism (at least in his particular case)
deprives him of an essential element in his campaigning that Barack
Obama has in spades: the ability to mock himself with extreme wit and
hilarity. Mitt Romney is deficient on the irony front, and it will kill
him in the election. He cannot quite neutralize (or universalize)
himself as a human being inside the universe--his Mormonism runs so deep
in him; it seems to have virtually created him. The Broadway play *The
Book of Mormon* is funnier and more sophisticated and more truthful than
Mitt Romney can ever be.

 I have not seen the play but Matt Stone and Trey Parker have seen the
irony in Mormonism, and they are, even though not attacking the
religious truth of Mormonism, making it abundantly clear that that
religion does not possess enough of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread seventhray1
This was Share's reply.  I didn't have time to go back and find the post
she was responding to.  And then there was the post when Robin responded
as Susan,and then when he responded as you, a day or so ago.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Hey Steve,

 First thanks for the kind words about my poo poo platter image and
secondly, would you mind pointing out the post in question.  I have
skipped a bunch of Robin's posts that look like they are just video
links so it didn't register.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  much snipping
I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as
it had occurred. I also think that you might take exception to
someone writing posts with your byline,
   (Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
   account ID.)
even if it is done in the
name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
that such a person refrain from doing that.
   It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
   are free to object or make such a request if they think
   anybody might have been misled.
   But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
   the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
   ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
   realize this.
  Yes, I am sure everyone did realize it.  It is just something I
  not take the liberty of doing.  Perhaps I am more sensitive along
  lines.  Of course Share did respond that she  had not participated
  the discussion to which Robin indicated she was a party.  I picked
  that she wasn't too thrilled about being misrepresented.
  And also,
   Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
   with reality, because the variance from reality in the
   ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
   common sense.
  I don't think anyone is missing the irony.  But irony just like
  can be in good taste or poor taste.  In my opinion, Robin's irony
  sometimes crosses a line  most people would not appreciate.
  But it may not be enough for them to make a protest.  It is not that
  a deal for me either.  But since we were discussing issues along
  lines, I brought it up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!

2012-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
 much snipping
   I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to
   someone describing an entirely fictitious conversation
   with you as though it had occurred. I also think that
   you might take exception to someone writing posts with
   your byline,
  (Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
  account ID.)
   even if it is done in the
   name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
   that such a person refrain from doing that.
  It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
  are free to object or make such a request if they think
  anybody might have been misled.
  But it was obvious to me that the conspiracy bit and
  the paragraph Robin wrote and signed Curtis were both
  ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
  realize this.
 Yes, I am sure everyone did realize it.  It is just something
 I would not take the liberty of doing.  Perhaps I am more
 sensitive along these lines.

Uh, perhaps. I guess that's one possibility.

 Of course Share did respond that she had not participated in
 the discussion to which Robin indicated she was a party.

Well, no, Steve, that wasn't what she responded. She did
contradict what Robin had said about the *nature* of the
discussion to which she had, in fact, been a party.

 I picked up that she wasn't too thrilled about being

Or, she was pleased to have found something she thought
she could use to make Robin look bad, not having
realized that, as you yourself said you were sure
about, everyone would have recognized it as irony.

 And also,
  Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
  with reality, because the variance from reality in the
  ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
  common sense.

 I don't think anyone is missing the irony.

Maybe you should tell Share this.

 But irony just like anything can be in good taste or poor
 taste.  In my opinion, Robin's irony sometimes crosses a
 line most people would not appreciate.

You're welcome to your opinion, and your taste. De gustibus
non est disputandum.

 But it may not be enough for them to make a protest.  It
 is not that big a deal for me either.  But since we were
 discussing issues along these lines, I brought it up.

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