[FairfieldLife] Re: sleep question

2013-06-10 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sharalyn homeonthefarm@... wrote:

 have any of you ever had the experience of being in a dead sleep for 24 hours 
 or more?

Once with pneumonia. Miraculously, I didnt' pee the bed.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-24 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Could you try translating that to English, please?
 Just noticed that Vyaasa's comment(ary?) of that suutra is quite a lot 
 simpler (less mystifying than Bhoja's).
 I'll try to translate that next week.

Just tried to do that, but had to give up because that's
quite a lot trickier than I first thought. :/


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-20 Thread Ravi Yogi
Thanks Jim, I loved the description of the East in reference to Bhakti.
You were one of the few lone heart centered lotuses I encountered in the
muddy intellectual ponds of FFL  Batgap, and I can clearly see the
impact of your childhood in the East.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...

 I like reading your stuff Ravi - Bhakti Yoga.

 In SE Asia I grew up on it. It was always in the air. Literally. What
I remember was the air always smelled like life, kind of fruity, with
rot and diesel and tobacco and dust mixed in. It HAD a smell. Life seems
closer, less abstract there. Fruit bats filling the evening sky between
the corrugated roofs, near the Presidential Palace in Bogor, Indonesia,
on Java.

 The beating sun searing above the horizon at seven, then during the
monsoon season, watching walls of rain sweeping down the street. In the
tropics, Nature envelops you. Seed of Bhakti Yoga.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Bill - Thank you.
  If I understand you correctly, it seems as if you had too much
  And later you crashed.
  I would characterize it as a rise and coast. It's only an apparent
  crash, not crash landing or crashing down to earth. Using the
analogy of
  an airplane the crash from rise to coast is only apparent or
  we have already gained elevation.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson
   Thank you so much Ravi!! You have a very interesting story.
And I
  can now see your inability to sleep for those periods is something
  different than what might happen in TM. If I understand you
  it seems as if you had too much energy. And later you crashed. It
  some associative points of contact with manic-depressive states. I
  just knowledgeable enough to know that kundalini-style yoga seems to
  emphasize moving energy around the various chakras. The problem in
  seems to be that the recognition within oneself of this silent
  innerlayer never leaves even during sleep. Your state was high
  the TM state during sleep might be compared to a dimly lit candle--
  one nevertheless never goes out even during sleep. I am go thankful
  you nshard this with me. I have a great awareness now of what
  to you and maybe it is also a cautionary tale against using this
  type of yoga in some cases.Â
   Bill Â

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-20 Thread whynotnow7
Thanks Ravi. I was very fortunate to have had that experience. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Thanks Jim, I loved the description of the East in reference to Bhakti.
 You were one of the few lone heart centered lotuses I encountered in the
 muddy intellectual ponds of FFL  Batgap, and I can clearly see the
 impact of your childhood in the East.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  I like reading your stuff Ravi - Bhakti Yoga.
  In SE Asia I grew up on it. It was always in the air. Literally. What
 I remember was the air always smelled like life, kind of fruity, with
 rot and diesel and tobacco and dust mixed in. It HAD a smell. Life seems
 closer, less abstract there. Fruit bats filling the evening sky between
 the corrugated roofs, near the Presidential Palace in Bogor, Indonesia,
 on Java.
  The beating sun searing above the horizon at seven, then during the
 monsoon season, watching walls of rain sweeping down the street. In the
 tropics, Nature envelops you. Seed of Bhakti Yoga.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Bill - Thank you.
   If I understand you correctly, it seems as if you had too much
   And later you crashed.
   I would characterize it as a rise and coast. It's only an apparent
   crash, not crash landing or crashing down to earth. Using the
 analogy of
   an airplane the crash from rise to coast is only apparent or
   we have already gained elevation.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson
Thank you so much Ravi!! You have a very interesting story.
 And I
   can now see your inability to sleep for those periods is something
   different than what might happen in TM. If I understand you
   it seems as if you had too much energy. And later you crashed. It
   some associative points of contact with manic-depressive states. I
   just knowledgeable enough to know that kundalini-style yoga seems to
   emphasize moving energy around the various chakras. The problem in
   seems to be that the recognition within oneself of this silent
   innerlayer never leaves even during sleep. Your state was high
   the TM state during sleep might be compared to a dimly lit candle--
   one nevertheless never goes out even during sleep. I am go thankful
   you nshard this with me. I have a great awareness now of what
   to you and maybe it is also a cautionary tale against using this
   type of yoga in some cases.Â
Bill Â

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-20 Thread richardjwilliamstexas

  The TM mantras appear repeatedly in numerous 
  different tantras...
 Gotta admit that might be true, actually!
 Think 'twas prolly Mahaa-nirvaaNa-tantra or 
 somesuch that has my mantra... 

White 'Tara' in Vajrayana Buddhism is 'Sarasvati' 
in Hindu Sri Vidya. According to Blofield, White 
Tara counteracts illness and thereby helps to 
bring about a long life. 

The Tara sadhana was revealed to the Nath Siddha 
Tilopa in 995 C.E., who is the human father of 
the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibet. 

Read more:

'The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet'
A Practical Guide to the Theory, Purpose, and 
Techniques of Tantric Meditation
by John Blofeld
Penguin, 1992

'The Cult of Tara'
Magic and Ritual in Tibet
by Stephen Beyer
University of California Press 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-18 Thread RoryGoff
Yes. I have no power, no shakti, whatsoever, but my particle-Is or devatas 
believe in me utterly, and in that faith they manifest whatever I tell or give 
them. Having no siddhis, I bestow all siddhis on them, and enjoy all things 
through them. 

They are my Shakti, and I am their Shiva :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 I have no way of knowing, though perhaps Maharishi set this particular, and 
 practically impossible definition of UC to ensure that all of us understood 
 enlightenment or realization to be an ever expanding process, once we 
 experience our initial Awakening. 
 Seems to me that particular sidhis go with particular nervous systems, much 
 as each of us becomes an engineer or doctor or circus clown. I haven't looked 
 for success with them, though my ability for subtle sight continues to grow, 
 as does my ability for healing through visualization of body energy. Nothing 
 I cultivate. Like I said it just happens. I wouldn't be at all surprised if 
 others found that a particular sidhi jumped out at them so to speak. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Yo Lawson I wouldn't take MMY's words seriously. You may have some
  beliefs regarding what UC and full liberation is and I don't agree with
  it. TM is clearly a path of yoga with milestones, description and
  categories of enlightenment. The fact that I haven't heard one TM'er
  experience match all these shows that perhaps there's another reason why
  MMY would have gone to so much trouble to state all these. IMO he might
  have prescribed these understanding the Rajasic, goal oriented nature of
  the human mind. Other than a Jim here or a Rory there the literal
  interpretation of this has resulted in widespread prevalence of what I
  call pimps(intellectuals) among TM'ers totally fascinated with the whore
  I don't think self-knowledge has anything to do with Siddhis, sure there
  seem to be varying degrees of self-knowledge based upon the external
  manifestation of it. According to their predominant samkaras - some
  become Gurus, some debate with others, a lot just continue in their
  respective professions, some just fall out of the society and wander
  enjoying their bliss. In either case I think I agree that full
  liberation would not be possible until you drop the physical body.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   Yo, William, don't take them too seriously. According to MMY, if you
  can't perform any and all of the sidhis (e.g. Yogic Flying) then you're
  not truly in Unity Consciousness.
   Now, for those who like to play semantic games with the above, I'll
  take it back a step: if, immediately prior to Full Liberation, you don't
  find yourself able to perform all the Sidhis to perfection during sutra
  practice during your participation in the TM/TM-SIdhis program, then you
  are probably not fully enlightened, no matter what your perceptions
   MMY himself once hinted that that was one of the reasons why he
  realized the world wasn't quite how it should be when he was off on his
  own, meditating after his guru dev died: he wasn't doing/experiencing
  some of the stuff that was predicted for someone in his apparent state
  of consciousness and finally concluded that the current state of the
  world's consciousness wouldn't support full enlightenment, and
  eventually set out to remedy the situation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-18 Thread raunchydog
Lawson, thank you for the excellent collection of links on TM research.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
  L., forgive me, but I went though my old posts, which had several from you 
  and none had any links for further research. Did I miss one of them? 
 Re: The Soul is extracted and judged by weight
 An email I fired off recently might be of interest to you:
 Dear Professor Brown,
 I just finished reading your article, Doubt as Methodology and Object in the
 Phenomenology of Religion, found in M/C Journal
 334 ...
 I'd like to present the TM theoretical take of the Vedic philosophy and ask
 that you reconsider calling TM a religion, per se:
 Rather than theories or beliefs about God, the Universe and Everything that 
 strictly the product of the specific culture that they are found in, TM theory
 asserts that these are cultural interpretations of states of consciousness 
 are natural to humans, regardless of culture. TM theory further asserts that 
 is a technique (in the same sense that the Way that cannot be spoken is a
 technique) that increases the probability that practitioners will enter into 
 state of consciousness called turya -pure consciousness- in the 
 The theory further asserts that long-term practice of TM, alternated with 
 activity, leads to the situation called turyatita (quality of turya) where
 turya is omni-present, in some sense, in the individual.
 This theory is nothing new. You can find it, with minor variations, in various
 places. E.G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turiya
 What IS unique to TM theory, however, are the assertions that:
 1) turya is a physiological state of the brain in the Western scientific 
 that can be measured using the tools of Western science;
 2) that turyatita is likewise a measurable state;
 3) that turya is the state of least stress in a resting nervous system;
 4) the process of TM is merely a resting state of the nervous system that
 repairs stress (note that obvious episodes of turya are NOT required for this
 resting state to be effective --one can become fully enlightened according 
 TM theory, without ever having a clear experience of turya during meditation, 
 least prior to full enlightenment);
 4) turyatita is merely a state in mature adults whose nervous systems are
 sufficiently strong and mature due to lack of physiological stress that turya 
 evident, even during waking, dreaming and sleeping.
 this leads to the logical conclusion that turyatita is NOT some esoteric 
 and that the physiological signature of turya during meditation should more
 likely appear, not only in long-term practitioners of TM contrasted with
 non-meditating or short-term meditating controls, but also in non-meditators
 whose success in life suggests that their nervous systems are very efficient,
 e.g.: world champion athletes (as compared to non-champion professionals in 
 same sport), professional classical musicians (as compared to amateur 
 musicians) and high-functioning business managers as compared to their less
 successful counterparts.
 Research on the physiological correlates of turya found during TM practice:
 Breath suspension during the transcendental meditation technique.
 Pure consciousness: distinct phenomenological and physiological correlates of
 consciousness itself.
 Autonomic patterns during respiratory suspensions: possible markers of
 Transcendental Consciousness.
 Autonomic and EEG patterns during eyes-closed rest and transcendental 
 (TM) practice: the basis for a neural model of TM practice.
 A self-referential default brain state: patterns of coherence, power, and
 eLORETA sources during eyes-closed rest and Transcendental Meditation 
 Research on the physiological correlates of turyatita in long-term TM
 Patterns of EEG coherence, power, and contingent negative variation 
 the integration of transcendental and waking states.
 Abstract for the 2007 Conference of the American Psychological Association
 Brain Integration Scale: Corroborating Language-based 
Instruments of
 Post-conventional Development
 Research on the physiological correlates of turyatita in non-meditators:
 Higher psycho-physiological refinement in world-class Norwegian athletes: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-18 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Did you and Ravi (are you there?) engage in this more dedicated
 practice of TM?
 No like I said I didn't engage in any advanced practices. IME the result
 does not seem to be proportional to the effort

Which effort is that?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-17 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 Could you try translating that to English, please?

Just noticed that Vyaasa's comment(ary?) of that suutra is quite a lot simpler 
(less mystifying than Bhoja's).
I'll try to translate that next week.

 But I guess many people here have a translation of at least Vyaasa's 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still 
do) that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you 
think they are not?
   Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
   waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
   But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
   different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
   science of breath is quite detailed.
  Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
  define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-
  tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
  I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
  sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
  Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still do) 
  that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you think they 
  are not?
 Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
 waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
 But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
 different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
 science of breath is quite detailed.

Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-

tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread Vaj

On Jul 16, 2011, at 4:30 AM, cardemaister wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
  On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
   Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still 
   do) that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you think 
   they are not?
  Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
  waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
  But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
  different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
  science of breath is quite detailed.
 Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
 define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-
 tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
 I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
 sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH 

The fourth pranayama, as explained numerous times before, is in no way related 
to TM-based apneas. It's defined and experienced quite differently. The fourth 
pranayama is alluded to in the tales of a number of sages and deities whereby 
they suffocate the world through their practice, the beings thereby being 
forced to seek refuge in god. 

Once perfected, days, months or years, the yogin decides. It's completely under 
the will.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread Vaj

On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:27 PM, sparaig wrote:

 These days, scientists call it the default mode of the brain.

Which scientists are these? Lemme guess, from MUM?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
 On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:27 PM, sparaig wrote:
  These days, scientists call it the default mode of the brain.
 Which scientists are these? Lemme guess, from MUM?

Doesn't seem to be. I couldn't find anything in a search
for default mode of the brain and transcendental
meditation. Couldn't find anything for default mode of
the brain and pure consciousness either, however.

Default mode of the brain is a common enough concept
in neuroscience:

The default network is a network of brain regions that are
active when the individual is not focused on the outside
world and the brain is at wakeful rest. Also called the
default mode network (DMN), default state network, or task-
negative network (TNN), it is characterized by coherent
neuronal oscillations at a rate lower than 0.1 Hz (one
every ten seconds). During goal-oriented activity, the DMN
is deactivated and another network, the task-positive
network (TPN) is activated. It is thought that the default
network corresponds to task-independent introspection, or
self-referential thought, while the TPN corresponds to
action, and that perhaps the TNN and TPN may be considered
elements of a single default network with anti-correlated


Good basic article:


Given the neuroscience definition of the brain's default
mode, it would certainly seem that TM's pure consciousness 
is the least-active state thereof.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 16, 2011, at 4:30 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still 
do) that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you 
think they are not?
   Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
   waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
   But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
   different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
   science of breath is quite detailed.
  Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
  define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-
  tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
  I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
  sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH 
 The fourth pranayama, as explained numerous times before, is in no way 
 related to TM-based apneas. It's defined and experienced quite differently. 
 The fourth pranayama is alluded to in the tales of a number of sages and 
 deities whereby they suffocate the world through their practice, the beings 
 thereby being forced to seek refuge in god. 
 Once perfected, days, months or years, the yogin decides. It's completely 
 under the will.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 16, 2011, at 4:30 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still 
do) that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you 
think they are not?
   Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
   waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
   But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
   different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
   science of breath is quite detailed.
  Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
  define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-
  tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
  I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
  sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH 
 The fourth pranayama, as explained numerous times before, is in no way 
 related to TM-based apneas. 

Only wanted to point out that by Bhojadeva's definition
caturthaH praaNaayaamaH *seems* to be quite a simple thing...

It's defined and experienced quite differently. The fourth pranayama is 
alluded to in the tales of a number of sages and deities whereby they 
suffocate the world through their practice, the beings thereby being forced to 
seek refuge in god. 

Perhaps they just wanted to mystify it! :D

 Once perfected, days, months or years, the yogin decides. It's completely 
 under the will.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread sparaig
Could you try translating that to English, please?



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
   Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still 
   do) that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you think 
   they are not?
  Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
  waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
  But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
  different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
  science of breath is quite detailed.
 Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
 define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-
 tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
 I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
 sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:27 PM, sparaig wrote:
  These days, scientists call it the default mode of the brain.
 Which scientists are these? Lemme guess, from MUM?

Let me guess: you don't know how to use google?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-16 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 16, 2011, at 4:30 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:
Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still 
do) that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you 
think they are not?
   Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
   waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.
   But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the 
   different types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu 
   science of breath is quite detailed.
  Hmm...at least Bhojadeva in his commentary on YS, seems to
  define the fourth praaNaayaama simply as 'stambha-ruupo gati-
  tau dvau viShayAvAkShipya paryAlochya yaH stambharUpI (?typo;
  I think it should be 'stambharUpo') gativichChedaH
  sa chaturthaH prANAyAmaH 
 The fourth pranayama, as explained numerous times before, is in no way 
 related to TM-based apneas. It's defined and experienced quite differently. 
 The fourth pranayama is alluded to in the tales of a number of sages and 
 deities whereby they suffocate the world through their practice, the beings 
 thereby being forced to seek refuge in god. 
 Once perfected, days, months or years, the yogin decides. It's completely 
 under the will.

That's why its called spontaneous in the Yoga Sutras...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:46 PM, sparaig wrote:

However, what I meant by there's alpha and then there's alpha is  
a reference to the specific pattern(s) that show up during TM,  
especially during the pure consciousness state.

Alleged pure consciousness state. I don't believe anyone accepts that  
metaphysical speculation except TM folks - esp. since we now have a  
much clearer idea of what the EEG of samadhi looks like and what it's  
physiological results are at the cellular level. Sadly, it has not  
been seen in TM so far.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:48 PM, sparaig wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:06 PM, sparaig wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson  
ameradian2@ wrote:

   Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There  
is much I still have to learn about TM, but also about the members  
here.� Still it has been heuristically useful for me to say the  
least!� �

  I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you  
never bothered to respond to my links to research on stuff...

  Gotta wonder.

 I believe he is deeply familiar with meditation research in general.

Those aren't meditation research in general studies. Those are  
studies on a specific state found within TM and apparently not  
elsewhere. At least, I can't find any reference to breath  
suspension [or synonyms] and meditation except the TM research.

It turned out to be insignificant, except of course to TM researchers  
who want to believe the apnea episodes are significant. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread William Parkinson
L., no wonder I never saw it. I did not read any posts in this thread. Normally 
I don't read other threads here unless they pertain directly to meditation. I 
don't read the political ones, nor a variety of other threads. The e-mail you 
sent, and its relevancy, I think falls upon how you want to define TM. In your 
e-mail you are pressing the points based only on the meditative technique and 
the state of consciousness that it produces. Nevertheless, when viewed through 
the prism of religious scholarship, I think any scholar would see the TM 
organization is being profoundly steeped in Hinduism. There are so many points 
of contact between the TM organization and normative Hindu beliefs that I don't 
think anyone can really question that. Personally, I have always viewed 
Maharishi as being a perfectly orthodox Hindu, at least within his own Advaita 
tradition. By the way, my old TM teacher has told me that he thought that one 
day there would be a bifurcation of
 the organization. There would be a Western branch and an Indian branch. The 
Western branch would emphasize exactly the points that you have brought up here 
and no doubt divest itself of some of the more overt mystical and Hindu 
elements. The Indian branch, would of course, cloak itself in the garb of 
Hinduism, which is entirely appropriate. Anyway, I am sorry I missed this, but 
I didn't read any posts in this particular thread. Was this the particular link 
you were pointing out in your other post to me?

From: sparaig lengli...@cox.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 6:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 L., forgive me, but I went though my old posts, which had several from you 
 and none had any links for further research. Did I miss one of them? 

Re: The Soul is extracted and judged by weight

An email I fired off recently might be of interest to you:

Dear Professor Brown,

I just finished reading your article, Doubt as Methodology and Object in the
Phenomenology of Religion, found in M/C Journal
334 ...

I'd like to present the TM theoretical take of the Vedic philosophy and ask
that you reconsider calling TM a religion, per se:

Rather than theories or beliefs about God, the Universe and Everything that are
strictly the product of the specific culture that they are found in, TM theory
asserts that these are cultural interpretations of states of consciousness that
are natural to humans, regardless of culture. TM theory further asserts that TM
is a technique (in the same sense that the Way that cannot be spoken is a
technique) that increases the probability that practitioners will enter into the
state of consciousness called turya -pure consciousness- in the Upanishads.
The theory further asserts that long-term practice of TM, alternated with normal
activity, leads to the situation called turyatita (quality of turya) where
turya is omni-present, in some sense, in the individual.

This theory is nothing new. You can find it, with minor variations, in various
places. E.G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turiya

What IS unique to TM theory, however, are the assertions that:

1) turya is a physiological state of the brain in the Western scientific sense,
that can be measured using the tools of Western science;
2) that turyatita is likewise a measurable state;
3) that turya is the state of least stress in a resting nervous system;
4) the process of TM is merely a resting state of the nervous system that
repairs stress (note that obvious episodes of turya are NOT required for this
resting state to be effective --one can become fully enlightened according to
TM theory, without ever having a clear experience of turya during meditation, at
least prior to full enlightenment);
4) turyatita is merely a state in mature adults whose nervous systems are
sufficiently strong and mature due to lack of physiological stress that turya is
evident, even during waking, dreaming and sleeping.

this leads to the logical conclusion that turyatita is NOT some esoteric state,
and that the physiological signature of turya during meditation should more
likely appear, not only in long-term practitioners of TM contrasted with
non-meditating or short-term meditating controls, but also in non-meditators
whose success in life suggests that their nervous systems are very efficient,
e.g.: world champion athletes (as compared to non-champion professionals in the
same sport), professional classical musicians (as compared to amateur classical
musicians) and high-functioning business managers as compared to their less
successful counterparts.

Research on the physiological correlates of turya found during TM practice:
Breath suspension during the transcendental meditation

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread William Parkinson
Thank you so much Ravi!! You have a very interesting story. And I can now see 
your inability to sleep for those periods is something quite different than 
what might happen in TM. If I understand you correctly, it seems as if you had 
too much energy. And later you crashed. It has some associative points of 
contact with manic-depressive states. I am just knowledgeable enough to know 
that kundalini-style yoga seems to emphasize moving energy around the various 
chakras. The problem in TM seems to be that the recognition within oneself of 
this silent innerlayer never leaves even during sleep. Your state was high 
energy, the TM state during sleep might be compared to a dimly lit candle-- but 
one nevertheless never goes out even during sleep. I am go thankful that you 
nshard this with me. I have a great awareness now of what happened to you and 
maybe it is also a cautionary tale against using this type of yoga in some 

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Unlike Ravi, Jim, and perhaps Robin, I really find the whole notion of not 
 sleeping very troubling. 

Bill, I have to clarify that I mostly sleep like a log now, I did mention that 
I didn't sleep much for a few months during my Kundalini descension and 
explained that I believe now that it was an unnatural state since my body had 
decided it was under threat and probably never triggered the right chemicals 
that would let me fall asleep.

 In any event I want to make this my last post on the subject, given that it 
 has developed into some side issues that I never meant to dig    up. 

No worries - welcome to FFL, threads veer off in all different directions and 
several are hijacked for personal battles. Pretty soon you will be familiar 
with the opposing players and if need be either indulge or learn techniques to 
steer clear.

 Thx so much Barry. I took your admonishment seriously and I felt, and do 
 still feel, it was heartfelt. And yes you are right. I have taken them at 
 their word, even though I know this is such a subjective thing. Nevertheless, 
 even if they only got close to so-called 'Enlightenment' it is very 
 interesting to talk to them and see what state of mind they were in and what 
 effect it had on their personal lives. 

I have to clarify that I have never used the E word, I only share my 
experiencesin the hope it might help or inspire someone.In fact I frequently 
sometimes I think there's something wrong with me, my personal situation is 
messed up, there's lot of strife,struggle in the world, the problems require 
someone mature and responsible but yet here I am I feel blissed out for no 
reason and act in a silly playful manner like a child.

 Ravi, I would still be very interested in hearing what you have to say 
 concerning how, and in what way, these types of intense periods of 
 illumination has helped you.

I would have to first briefly describe these intense periods of illumination. 
Over a period of 7 years I went through a several stages which I would refer to 
as Kundalini ascension, each experience lasted a week or 2 where as the energy 
ascended to my head I noticed heightened sensitivity, intense emotions and 
toward the end, intense derealization  depersonalization ending in a powerful 
surge of energy that would leave me in an absolute dread and then boom it would 
be gone and I would sleep exhausted. The end phase almost happened in the night 
time with heightened senses as if on guard against an attack. I would return to 
normal consciousness the next day. 

I have to add a quick disclaimer here that I have never tried any psychedelic 
drugs or never been on any prescription medication ever. However the period 
above was followed by intense personal problems with my marriage, wanting to 
feel love and be loved, being in a emotionally abusive relationship.

I had a final intense one in 2009, however unlike the previous ones when I got 
up the next morning I was in intense bliss, as if intense blissful energy had 
entered in to me. This episode lasted 3 weeks and was one of the 2 episodes of 
Kundalini descension, the other one in April-May last year which everyone here 
is aware of because of my erratic behavior.The first in 2009 for 3 weeks and 
second for 6 weeks. Unlike the previous experiences which were very 
uncomfortable, this was pure bliss which increased in intensity, I felt as if 
energy was descending in droves, as each day progressed and at the end I went 
through a stage of psychosis which helped my body, mind, ego to make the 
transition. The state of psychosis was only a few hours during the first 
whereas in the second it was much intense and over a period of 5 days. After I 
hit the peak, the psychosis enabled me to survive, and it took me up

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:46 PM, sparaig wrote:
  However, what I meant by there's alpha and then there's alpha is  
  a reference to the specific pattern(s) that show up during TM,  
  especially during the pure consciousness state.
 Alleged pure consciousness state. I don't believe anyone accepts that  
 metaphysical speculation except TM folks - esp. since we now have a  
 much clearer idea of what the EEG of samadhi looks like and what it's  
 physiological results are at the cellular level. Sadly, it has not  
 been seen in TM so far.

That assumes that what you are referring to is the real deal while what I am 
referring to is not.

What is fun about *my* real deal pure consciousness state is that it is found 
in self-actualizing non-meditators. Is yours?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:48 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:06 PM, sparaig wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson  
  ameradian2@ wrote:
 Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There  
  is much I still have to learn about TM, but also about the members  
  here.� Still it has been heuristically useful for me to say the  
  least!� �
I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you  
  never bothered to respond to my links to research on stuff...
Gotta wonder.
   I believe he is deeply familiar with meditation research in general.
  Those aren't meditation research in general studies. Those are  
  studies on a specific state found within TM and apparently not  
  elsewhere. At least, I can't find any reference to breath  
  suspension [or synonyms] and meditation except the TM research.
 It turned out to be insignificant, except of course to TM researchers  
 who want to believe the apnea episodes are significant.

Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still do) that 
these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you think they are not?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread sparaig
Sorry, I thought I responded directly to you in that original posting. Shrug.

As for the rest, it is certainly possible though, I think that even MMY's 
nephew wants to maintain an aura of scientific respectability so the schism 
won't be near as obvious as you suggest.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 L., no wonder I never saw it. I did not read any posts in this thread. 
 Normally I don't read other threads here unless they pertain directly to 
 meditation. I don't read the political ones, nor a variety of other threads. 
 The e-mail you sent, and its relevancy, I think falls upon how you want to 
 define TM. In your e-mail you are pressing the points based only on the 
 meditative technique and the state of consciousness that it produces. 
 Nevertheless, when viewed through the prism of religious scholarship, I think 
 any scholar would see the TM organization is being profoundly steeped in 
 Hinduism. There are so many points of contact between the TM organization and 
 normative Hindu beliefs that I don't think anyone can really question that. 
 Personally, I have always viewed Maharishi as being a perfectly orthodox 
 Hindu, at least within his own Advaita tradition. By the way, my old TM 
 teacher has told me that he thought that one day there would be a bifurcation 
  the organization. There would be a Western branch and an Indian branch. The 
 Western branch would emphasize exactly the points that you have brought up 
 here and no doubt divest itself of some of the more overt mystical and Hindu 
 elements. The Indian branch, would of course, cloak itself in the garb of 
 Hinduism, which is entirely appropriate. Anyway, I am sorry I missed this, 
 but I didn't read any posts in this particular thread. Was this the 
 particular link you were pointing out in your other post to me?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread Ravi Yogi
Bill - Thank you.

If I understand you correctly, it seems as if you had too much energy.
And later you crashed.

I would characterize it as a rise and coast. It's only an apparent
crash, not crash landing or crashing down to earth. Using the analogy of
an airplane the crash from rise to coast is only apparent or temporary,
we have already gained elevation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@...

 Thank you so much Ravi!! You have a very interesting story. And I
can now see your inability to sleep for those periods is something quite
different than what might happen in TM. If I understand you correctly,
it seems as if you had too much energy. And later you crashed. It has
some associative points of contact with manic-depressive states. I am
just knowledgeable enough to know that kundalini-style yoga seems to
emphasize moving energy around the various chakras. The problem in TM
seems to be that the recognition within oneself of this silent
innerlayer never leaves even during sleep. Your state was high energy,
the TM state during sleep might be compared to a dimly lit candle-- but
one nevertheless never goes out even during sleep. I am go thankful that
you nshard this with me. I have a great awareness now of what happened
to you and maybe it is also a cautionary tale against using this
type of yoga in some cases.Â
 Bill Â

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread Vaj

On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:53 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
  On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:46 PM, sparaig wrote:
   However, what I meant by there's alpha and then there's alpha is 
   a reference to the specific pattern(s) that show up during TM, 
   especially during the pure consciousness state.
  Alleged pure consciousness state. I don't believe anyone accepts that 
  metaphysical speculation except TM folks - esp. since we now have a 
  much clearer idea of what the EEG of samadhi looks like and what it's 
  physiological results are at the cellular level. Sadly, it has not 
  been seen in TM so far.
 That assumes that what you are referring to is the real deal while what I 
 am referring to is not.

Well these were lineal realizers from the Patanjali tradition. I guess you'd 
have to decide what you'd consider a fourth state. They considered it 
samadhi. I'm simply stating that EEG signatures well known to be associated 
with waking, sleeping and dreaming would not traditionally, experientially, be 
considered the fourth.

 What is fun about *my* real deal pure consciousness state is that it is found 
 in self-actualizing non-meditators. Is yours?

Generally NOT. And in the Vedantic trip that's why it was called the fourth 
(turIya). It's something beyond the ordinary states, other than briefly in 
various peak experiences.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread Vaj

On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:54 PM, sparaig wrote:

 Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought (and still do) 
 that these episodes are significant. I'm curious as to why you think they are 

Because there's been nothing demonstrated as outside the normal realm of 
waking-dreaming-sleeping for one.

But the primary source is yogic literature itself, which defines the different 
types of breath suspensions in considerable detail. The Hindu science of breath 
is quite detailed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread whynotnow7
Hi Bill, Your user name reminds me of the word amerindian. I am curious if you 
saw my comment earlier pertaining to coddling your bliss and what your thoughts 
are about that please? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 L., no wonder I never saw it. I did not read any posts in this thread. 
 Normally I don't read other threads here unless they pertain directly to 
 meditation. snip

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread whynotnow7
I like reading your stuff Ravi - Bhakti Yoga. 

In SE Asia I grew up on it. It was always in the air. Literally. What I 
remember was the air always smelled like life, kind of fruity, with rot and 
diesel and tobacco and dust mixed in. It HAD a smell. Life seems closer, less 
abstract there. Fruit bats filling the evening sky between the corrugated 
roofs, near the Presidential Palace in Bogor, Indonesia, on Java. 

The beating sun searing above the horizon at seven, then during the monsoon 
season, watching walls of rain sweeping down the street. In the tropics, Nature 
envelops you. Seed of Bhakti Yoga.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Bill - Thank you.
 If I understand you correctly, it seems as if you had too much energy.
 And later you crashed.
 I would characterize it as a rise and coast. It's only an apparent
 crash, not crash landing or crashing down to earth. Using the analogy of
 an airplane the crash from rise to coast is only apparent or temporary,
 we have already gained elevation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@
  Thank you so much Ravi!! You have a very interesting story. And I
 can now see your inability to sleep for those periods is something quite
 different than what might happen in TM. If I understand you correctly,
 it seems as if you had too much energy. And later you crashed. It has
 some associative points of contact with manic-depressive states. I am
 just knowledgeable enough to know that kundalini-style yoga seems to
 emphasize moving energy around the various chakras. The problem in TM
 seems to be that the recognition within oneself of this silent
 innerlayer never leaves even during sleep. Your state was high energy,
 the TM state during sleep might be compared to a dimly lit candle-- but
 one nevertheless never goes out even during sleep. I am go thankful that
 you nshard this with me. I have a great awareness now of what happened
 to you and maybe it is also a cautionary tale against using this
 type of yoga in some cases.Â
  Bill Â

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
 Well these were lineal realizers from the Patanjali tradition.
 I guess you'd have to decide what you'd consider a fourth
 state. They considered it samadhi. I'm simply stating that EEG
 signatures well known to be associated with waking, sleeping
 and dreaming would not traditionally, experientially, be 
 considered the fourth.

Let's see, that would be traditionally since about, what,
1924 or so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  It turned out to be insignificant, except of course to TM 
  researchers who want to believe the apnea episodes are
 Certainly that is the case, that the TM researchers thought
 (and still do) that these episodes are significant. I'm
 curious as to why you think they are not?

Because the TM researchers think they are, of course. Silly

Note, BTW, how often Vaj uses circumlocutions like turned
out to be and found to be when he makes pronouncements
denigrating research on TM, vague phrases that allow him to
avoid giving any specifics.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread emptybill

That's about the time when Alice Bailey got going heavy. 1927 is the
year when she wrote a paraphrase of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Now we know why Vag won't list his teachers. One of them must be D. J.
Wahl Ghoul.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  Well these were lineal realizers from the Patanjali tradition.
  I guess you'd have to decide what you'd consider a fourth
  state. They considered it samadhi. I'm simply stating that EEG
  signatures well known to be associated with waking, sleeping
  and dreaming would not traditionally, experientially, be
  considered the fourth.

 Let's see, that would be traditionally since about, what,
 1924 or so?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread William Parkinson
I do remember it, but not the full gist now. You will have to forgive me. Can 
you 'enlighten' me about it (pun intended). 

From: whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 5:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

Hi Bill, Your user name reminds me of the word amerindian. I am curious if you 
saw my comment earlier pertaining to coddling your bliss and what your thoughts 
are about that please? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 L., no wonder I never saw it. I did not read any posts in this thread. 
 Normally I don't read other threads here unless they pertain directly to 
 meditation. snip

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread authfriend
Well, 1924 was the date of the first EEG recording.
Pretty primitive. I don't imagine they got around to
doing detailed EEGs to detect samadhi in lineal
Patanjali realizers for at least a few years after
that, so it would be a pretty short tradition.

On the other hand, Mr. Ghoul may have told Ms. Bailey
about EEG recordings from one of the planet's earlier
advanced technological civilizations. Supposedly he was
the communications director for the Ascended Masters,
after all, so if anybody would have had access to that
information, it would have been him. Don't think Ms.
Bailey ever wrote about it, but I'm sure Vaj has his
own sources.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 That's about the time when Alice Bailey got going heavy. 1927
 is the year when she wrote a paraphrase of Patanjali's Yoga 
 Now we know why Vag won't list his teachers. One of them must
 be D. J. Wahl Ghoul.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   Well these were lineal realizers from the Patanjali tradition.
   I guess you'd have to decide what you'd consider a fourth
   state. They considered it samadhi. I'm simply stating that EEG
   signatures well known to be associated with waking, sleeping
   and dreaming would not traditionally, experientially, be
   considered the fourth.
  Let's see, that would be traditionally since about, what,
  1924 or so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-15 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:53 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jul 14, 2011, at 9:46 PM, sparaig wrote:
However, what I meant by there's alpha and then there's alpha is 
a reference to the specific pattern(s) that show up during TM, 
especially during the pure consciousness state.
   Alleged pure consciousness state. I don't believe anyone accepts that 
   metaphysical speculation except TM folks - esp. since we now have a 
   much clearer idea of what the EEG of samadhi looks like and what it's 
   physiological results are at the cellular level. Sadly, it has not 
   been seen in TM so far.
  That assumes that what you are referring to is the real deal while what I 
  am referring to is not.
 Well these were lineal realizers from the Patanjali tradition. I guess you'd 
 have to decide what you'd consider a fourth state. They considered it 
 samadhi. I'm simply stating that EEG signatures well known to be associated 
 with waking, sleeping and dreaming would not traditionally, experientially, 
 be considered the fourth.
  What is fun about *my* real deal pure consciousness state is that it is 
  found in self-actualizing non-meditators. Is yours?
 Generally NOT. And in the Vedantic trip that's why it was called the fourth 
 (turIya). It's something beyond the ordinary states, other than briefly in 
 various peak experiences.

actually, turiya isn't beyond any of them. It is the background on which they 
are projected.

These days, scientists call it the default mode of the brain.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
No problem, I would have been shocked if you had agreed. Shows you are true to 
your dharma.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Yo Lawson I wouldn't take MMY's words seriously. 
 But I would.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

Reformed bully turned elder(?) cautioning the gullible professor?

Doesn't look good Barry.

Barry this just goes against all your strengths. What happened to your feisty 
old self where you would take down both the newcomers and the enlightened with 
the sheer force of your word play and plain old school yard bullying. Not to 
mention your sidekicks egging you on.

You must really miss Sal and Joe? Or are you just getting old - anything you 
want to share old man? Or are you still licking your wounds that a mad yogi 
inflicted on you and your sidekicks and beat you at your own game last year?

You are trying the same strategy as the one you tried when maskedzebra aka RC 
came on. Didn't work then, will not work now.

So stick to your strengths.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.
 One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield 
 Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
 is enlightened just because they claim to be. Going that
 route is likely to cost you money and heartbreak.
 For example, on this forum we currently have three people
 who you seem to have bought into as being enlightened --
 Jim Flanegin (whynotnow), Ravi, and Robin (maskedzebra).
 My bet is that other than each other (they tend to support
 each others' delusions IMO), you can't find more than a 
 handful of people on this forum who actually BELIEVE 
 that any of them are enlightened. 
 It's not that we think they're lying (except for Ravi, who
 has admitted several times that he was lying to Rick in
 the interview he did with him for BATGAP); we think they
 are a tad delusional. Those of us who think this base it
 on their real-life behavior on this forum, juxtaposed to 
 their claims of supposed higher states of consciousness.
 It's the walk the walk vs. the talk the talk thang.
 Look into it for yourself, and make your own decisions.
 I would suggest, for all three, using the Yahoo website's
 Advanced Search engine and looking up some of their 
 earliest posts on this forum. That's where all three of
 them tended to freak out and display the anger and 
 reactive behavior that convinces us disbelievers that
 they are delusional rather than enlightened. For the
 poster who now calls himself whynotnow, you should also
 look up his posts under several other names, for example,
 jim_flanegin and enlightened_dawn11 (during the period
 that Jim was pretending to be female). Just sayin'.
 I am NOT saying that there might not be truly enlightened
 people out there. I am NOT saying that there might be one
 or two of them who got there as the result of TM. But I
 am saying that I personally don't believe that either
 whynotnow, Ravi, or MZ fall into that category. And I 
 don't think I'm alone here in believing this. I suspect,
 in fact, that more people on this forum consider them 
 delusional than consider them enlightened.
 Just thought you should hear this, since you seemed to be
 buying everything they say as if it were gospel. It's not.
 It's opinion. So is what I say in this post. Do your own
 research and come to your own opinion.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.
  One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield 
  Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
  is enlightened just because they claim to be. Going that
  route is likely to cost you money and heartbreak.
  For example, on this forum we currently have three people
  who you seem to have bought into as being enlightened --
  Jim Flanegin (whynotnow), Ravi, and Robin (maskedzebra).
  My bet is that other than each other (they tend to support
  each others' delusions IMO), you can't find more than a 
  handful of people on this forum who actually BELIEVE 
  that any of them are enlightened. 
  It's not that we think they're lying (except for Ravi, who
  has admitted several times that he was lying to Rick in
  the interview he did with him for BATGAP); we think they
  are a tad delusional. Those of us who think this base it
  on their real-life behavior on this forum, juxtaposed to 
  their claims of supposed higher states of consciousness.
  It's the walk the walk vs. the talk the talk thang.
  Look into it for yourself, and make your own decisions.
  I would suggest, for all three, using the Yahoo website's
  Advanced Search engine and looking up some of their 
  earliest posts on this forum. That's where all three of
  them tended to freak out and display the anger and 
  reactive behavior that convinces us disbelievers that
  they are delusional rather than enlightened. For the
  poster who now calls himself whynotnow, you should also
  look up his posts under several other names, for example,
  jim_flanegin and enlightened_dawn11 (during the period
  that Jim was pretending to be female). Just sayin'.
 * * Leaving aside your other assertions, Turq -- they 
 are subjective and everyone can and will make up their 
 own minds on those -- 

Thanks for saying this...that is my opinion as well.

I am just making the case for not believing that what 
ANYONE says about their supposed state of conscious-
ness is true until you have weighed it terms of the 
Buddha's words on the FFL Home Page:
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who 
said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees 
with your own reason and your own common sense.

In particular, I am cautioning against believing what
people with a seemingly *huge* investment in being
perceived by others as enlightened say about being 
enlightened. Ravi, for instance, probably never got 
any attention in his entire life until Rick heard 
about him and chose to interview him for the BATGAP 
series. Ravi has said since that his interview was a 
put-on, taking advantage of Rick's naivete. Yet here 
he still is, drinking in the attention on a TM forum, 
when he never learned TM. Go figure, eh?

Jim has now posted under several different IDs, doing
IMO the same thing -- trolling for attention. In a few
of those ID-incarnations, he claimed to *not* be Jim,
until he made a stupid mistake like posting a song from
the not-Jim ID that was clearly copyrighted to Jim 
Flanegin. Again, go figure.

 ...I can tell you with full certainty that Jim never 
 pretended to be enlightened_dawn. I personally know 
 the woman who posted as enlightened_dawn, and she is 
 in fact quite female :-)

Whatever. Despite what you say, I still have my 
suspicions that enlightened_dawn11 was Jim, putting on
yet another of his false personas. As I said at the
time, however, I may be wrong about this. Here is the
post in which I made my arguments for them being the
same person. I stand by those arguments. If you have
proof that they are incorrect, I will retract them.
But your word -- on this subject or about your own
enlightenment -- doth not constitute proof.


You may have noticed, Rory, that I didn't explicitly
name you in my earlier post as one of the pretend
enlightened. That does not mean that I actually believe
that you are (I don't), only that in your latest posts
to this forum you are keeping your ego-dick in your 
pants and not acting like the opposite of what we have
been told an enlightened being would be like. Good on
you for doing this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thx so much XA. What you describe is the one thing I fear the most. I have 
 had insomnia for my entire adult life and when I went to a sleep lab way back 
 in 1982 (at U.C.Irvine in California) I was told I had alpha intrusion.' 
 Obviously I was having trouble getting out of the restful state of alpha and 
 into the drowsy theta state and then into the sleeping delta. So, when the 
 article in Sleep showed that these TM meditators where producing alpha waves, 
 while concomitantly showing delta waves, that turned me off. I quit doing TM 
 long ago because of it. That was 11 years ago. But around 5 months ago now I 
 started TM again and it was not too long, perhaps 10 weeks later, I could 
 tell that CC was starting to develop. That silent inner layer, which was 
 there all the time when I was not too mentally active (so, watching TV I 
 could 'feel' it), was growing and I worry about the effects on sleep.  Your 
 story is, for me, a real cautionary tale to be sure. I am
  deeply grateful to you for sharing it with me.   I guess the only good 
 thing to take way for all of this was that the CC experience did go away in 
 time. If I may ask one question XA: How much were you meditating? Were you 
 going far beyond the typical twice-per-day,  20 minute program? Were you 
 using advanced techniques? Were you going to all those residence courses to 
 undergo 'rounding'? Clint Eastwood has been meditating for 40 years and I 
 assume he is doing TM 'lite,' as I am.  He seems none the worse for wear, so 
 to speak. 
 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
 With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@
   Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I
 did not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason
 why I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for
 better or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I
 have ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
 something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
 including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
 years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
 Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
 form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
 desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
 I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7. Frankly this entire
 notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
 silent inner level, during sleep is something that
   concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And
 I also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
 long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
 neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
 also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive
   From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
   Dear Bill,
   Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
   In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't
 seem to hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state.
 Most of the times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like
 I'm aware of my sleep state but this happens rarely.
   However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period
 that I refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full
 awareness even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of
 the body trying to cope with energy than any natural state. My body
 treated this energy as an invasion and felt the need to be awake 24
 hours a day to deal with this.
   So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having
 integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak
 I just sleep.
   TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach
 the shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.
  For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other
 times, but invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down
 stream, and the further shore seems at least as far away as ever, if
 not more.
  IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat around on my
 head for any appreciable length of time, at least.
  To paraphrase MMY

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread whynotnow7
I don't think anyone here is as gullible as you are Barry (even moderator 
Gullible Fool). We use critical thinking skills, discrimination and intuitive 
feelings from the heart to find our own truth. 

On the other hand, you are always trying to con people on here with your 
misrepresentations and now it looks like that has come around to bite you, 
thinking that everyone lies as much as you do, and is sucked in by your stupid 
egocentric boasts. Free clue: You ain't no genius, darlin'. 

How's that long Summer vacation goin'? Perhaps you can distract yourself 
with another movie or two, sitting safely hidden in the darkness, trying to 
avoid the awful place you currently inhabit.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.
 One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield 
 Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
 is enlightened just because they claim to be. snip

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
Oh Poor old Barry tormented by jealousy, why don't you go back to your 
strengths - your carefree, fun, creative play of words to manipulate your 
audience. This groveling and cajoling Rory and newcomers does little justice to 
your recalcitrant online persona. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... 

  Yet here 
 he still is, drinking in the attention on a TM forum, 
 when he never learned TM. Go figure, eh?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

I think Barry also has self-loathing going on, low vibe as he refers to his 
posts as. So he can't fathom how anyone can claim higher state of consciousness 
and indulge in his game without the self-loathing, low vibe deception. A 
classic case of projection.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 I don't think anyone here is as gullible as you are Barry (even moderator 
 Gullible Fool). We use critical thinking skills, discrimination and intuitive 
 feelings from the heart to find our own truth. 
 On the other hand, you are always trying to con people on here with your 
 misrepresentations and now it looks like that has come around to bite you, 
 thinking that everyone lies as much as you do, and is sucked in by your 
 stupid egocentric boasts. Free clue: You ain't no genius, darlin'. 
 How's that long Summer vacation goin'? Perhaps you can distract yourself 
 with another movie or two, sitting safely hidden in the darkness, trying to 
 avoid the awful place you currently inhabit.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.
  One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield 
  Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
  is enlightened just because they claim to be. snip

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2011, at 12:20 AM, sparaig wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 The much-touted witnessing of advanced TMers is seen in normal  
humans all the time, but esp. in the elderly and people in pain.  
Big whoop.

Derealization during pain isn't the same as witnessing during the  
waking state, and the finding that world champion athletes compared  
to non-world champion athletes show more of the same kind of EEG  
signature as long-term TMers do compared to short-term TM  
meditators, certainly suggests that there's something more going on...

I was referring to witnessing during sleep. The signature TMers  
tout, is actually rather common.

Listening to William, I have to wonder if it's actually a variety of  
alpha intrusion?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 13, 2011, at 9:20 PM, William Parkinson wrote:

Thank you so much for the information Bhairitu . I tried to trace  
back my own mantra within the Advaita-shakti tradition and found  
that it was recorded in Shankara's 'Saundaryalahari.' Perhaps I am  
just slow witted, but I don't believe in Ishta-devatas or any of  
these deities. For me it is sort of like if an Italian person came  
to me and gave me an ancient religious tradition that was based on  
a belief in Hermes or Zeus or Neptune. These are just  
personifications of natural forces and experiences. Still, TM does  
work! I have my own secular explanation as to what I think makes it  
work, but of course maybe Kali, Lakshmi and the other goddesses of  
the Divine mother tradition are real! Nevertheless, I find it  
fascinating to trace the roots of this religious tradition. I hope  
you will add any further information you can on the tradition.  
There is so much I really do not understand about it or even about  
the growth of the tradition after Shankara. Perhaps others can shed  
further light upon the tradition that underlies TM. At this point,  
having heard too many testimonials concerning disrupted sleep  
patterns (even when they are seen as being helpful) I think I'm  
going to cut back my TM to 10 minutes each session and add 10  
minutes of pranayama prior to doing the TM. Maybe in that fashion I  
can still get some of the benefits from the practice, but not  
develop full-blown CC, which would surface during my sleeping  
hours. Anyway thank you so much!!

Bill you do realize that saundaryalahari is attributed to Shankara,  
but is very likely not by him? It's more in the style of an agama or  
a tantra rather than any of the classical works of Adi Shankara. The  
key point is, the TM bijas are part and parcel of the tantric mantra  

The TM mantras appear repeatedly in numerous different tantras.  
Tantric mantra dictionaries contain all of the TM mantras (and many,  
many more), along with their detailed meanings.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread seventhray1

I guess you have to ask yourself Barry, was your purpose to actually
warn Bill, or to slam the other three.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.

 One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield
 Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
 is enlightened just because they claim to be. Going that
 route is likely to cost you money and heartbreak.

 For example, on this forum we currently have three people
 who you seem to have bought into as being enlightened --
 Jim Flanegin (whynotnow), Ravi, and Robin (maskedzebra).
 My bet is that other than each other (they tend to support
 each others' delusions IMO), you can't find more than a
 handful of people on this forum who actually BELIEVE
 that any of them are enlightened.

 It's not that we think they're lying (except for Ravi, who
 has admitted several times that he was lying to Rick in
 the interview he did with him for BATGAP); we think they
 are a tad delusional. Those of us who think this base it
 on their real-life behavior on this forum, juxtaposed to
 their claims of supposed higher states of consciousness.
 It's the walk the walk vs. the talk the talk thang.

 Look into it for yourself, and make your own decisions.
 I would suggest, for all three, using the Yahoo website's
 Advanced Search engine and looking up some of their
 earliest posts on this forum. That's where all three of
 them tended to freak out and display the anger and
 reactive behavior that convinces us disbelievers that
 they are delusional rather than enlightened. For the
 poster who now calls himself whynotnow, you should also
 look up his posts under several other names, for example,
 jim_flanegin and enlightened_dawn11 (during the period
 that Jim was pretending to be female). Just sayin'.

 I am NOT saying that there might not be truly enlightened
 people out there. I am NOT saying that there might be one
 or two of them who got there as the result of TM. But I
 am saying that I personally don't believe that either
 whynotnow, Ravi, or MZ fall into that category. And I
 don't think I'm alone here in believing this. I suspect,
 in fact, that more people on this forum consider them
 delusional than consider them enlightened.

 Just thought you should hear this, since you seemed to be
 buying everything they say as if it were gospel. It's not.
 It's opinion. So is what I say in this post. Do your own
 research and come to your own opinion.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Whatever. Despite what you say, I still have my 
 suspicions that enlightened_dawn11 was Jim, putting on
 yet another of his false personas. As I said at the
 time, however, I may be wrong about this. Here is the
 post in which I made my arguments for them being the
 same person. I stand by those arguments. If you have
 proof that they are incorrect, I will retract them.
 But your word -- on this subject or about your own
 enlightenment -- doth not constitute proof.

* * Yes, who knows? You may be right; I recall now I was offline (though not 
drunk :-) ) at the time, and my memory told me that enlightened_dawn was the 
blonde bombshell tantric priestess who posted here (whom I do know well) -- 
but on reviewing some of the posts I think now that may well be incorrect; 
offhand I don't even see where enlightened_dawn even claimed to be a woman... 
 You may have noticed, Rory, that I didn't explicitly
 name you in my earlier post as one of the pretend
 enlightened. That does not mean that I actually believe
 that you are (I don't), only that in your latest posts
 to this forum you are keeping your ego-dick in your 
 pants and not acting like the opposite of what we have
 been told an enlightened being would be like. Good on
 you for doing this.

* * Thanks, Turq. Yes; if you had said I was either enlightened, or ignorant, 
or pretend-enlightened, or deluded, or anything else, I would have to both 
agree and disagree -- agree in that I of necessity contain seeds of everything, 
every quality, and disagree in that none of those seeds is the whole truth, 
which simply IS, with no specific qualities, and/or all of them. 

Really, it appears to me as if we're all simply pure screens or mirrors that 
everyone is projecting their various movies onto. What people see in me or in 
anyone else usually tells me far more about the seers themselves than about the 
person they believe they are seeing :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2011, at 12:20 AM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   The much-touted witnessing of advanced TMers is seen in normal  
  humans all the time, but esp. in the elderly and people in pain.  
  Big whoop.
  Derealization during pain isn't the same as witnessing during the  
  waking state, and the finding that world champion athletes compared  
  to non-world champion athletes show more of the same kind of EEG  
  signature as long-term TMers do compared to short-term TM  
  meditators, certainly suggests that there's something more going on...
 I was referring to witnessing during sleep. The signature TMers  
 tout, is actually rather common.

One would expect it to be common, at least to some extent. MMY's claim is that 
Cosmic Consciousness is what a stress-free human SHOULD be experiencing: it is 
the default state of a healthy adult human nervous system.

 Listening to William, I have to wonder if it's actually a variety of  
 alpha intrusion?

Or if it's the other way round? Alpha intrusion might be a  glimpse of normal 
healthy sleep that is seen as unhealthy because it isn't what most people 
experience all the time?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread richardjwilliamstexas

William Parkinson:
 I tried to trace back my own mantra within the 
 Advaita-shakti tradition and found that it was 
 recorded in Shankara's 'Saundaryalahari.'

According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the 
Adi Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of 
Tripurasundari, with the TM mantras inscribed 
thereon, at each of the seats of learning - Dwarka, 
Puri, Sringeri, and at Jyotirmath. The mantras of 
TM are DIRECTLY related to Sri Vidya. 

It is also a fact that the cult of Sri Vidya was 
derived from the nath siddhas, tantric alchemists 
of medieval India, 99% of whom were Vajrayana 
Buddhists in the line of Nagarjuna!

Read more:

Sri Vidya:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 The TM mantras appear repeatedly in numerous different tantras.  
 Tantric mantra dictionaries contain all of the TM mantras (and many,  
 many more), along with their detailed meanings.

Gotta admit that might be true, actually!

Think 'twas prolly Mahaa-nirvaaNa-tantra or somesuch that
has my mantra, or rather, the one-syllabic (is that a word?)
 version of it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread William Parkinson
. Apparently these 
people who do the TM over long periods
 developed that silent inner layer until it even exists into deeper sleep. That 
just sounds very unpleasant to me. I wish I could turn it on and off like a 
light bulb. Turn on so-called cosmic consciousness during my waking hours and 
then just turn it off when it's time for sleep. 
Thank you also Bhairitu for sharing your knowledge on the history of these 
mantras. As I mentioned above, this part of TM is all new to me and I am 
soaking it up like a sponge.  I hope you will continue to share what you know. 
Others here know all of these things, whereas I do not. So I appreciate your 
willingness to share your knowledge with me.
Sorry for the disappointment Seventhray. But TM does seem to work faster; that 
is to say, it's more efficient when it comes to 'transcending.' It is really 
just an observation concerning timeframes. But, and this is big 'but', whether 
or not TM actually produces real 'Enlightenment' is something I can't really 
speculate about. I have never gotten to that point (and I don't want to).  I 
also never developed that second interlayer that is palpable, what the TM 
people call cosmic consciousness (see my comments above to Vaj). I was able to 
transcend in my hybrid pranayama-vipanassana style of meditation, but it was 
never as easy or as fast. I am no apologist for all of the bizarre behavior and 
strange beliefs (in my view that is) that prevail in the TM organization, but 
this simple mantra meditation does seem to be effective. I think it would be 
nearly impossible to build a multibillion dollar entity, not to mention charge 
people fairly steep sums of money
 to learn the technique, unless the meditation actually worked. 
I want to thank Rory, Xeno, Jim and Ravi, for sharing details of your 
experiences with me. These experiences have been very helpful.  Ravi, I would 
still be very interested in hearing what you have to say concerning how, and in 
what way, these types of intense periods of illumination has helped you. 
Thank you Bob for your warm welcome! And you deserve special mention for your 
very perceptive observation of my e-mail address! Yes, it goes back to when I 
was still in Canada. After being there a while some friends there said I was 
starting to become Canadian. I laughed and said I was actually half and 
half--hence the name ameradian! That became my email. It is so rare for someone 
to put that together. You are very observant! And thank you also  for your 
really quite gracious comments. Being a part of this forum has been of great 
help. I want to continue to learn from the knowledge and the experiences of 
others here.
Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There is much I still 
have to learn about TM, but also about the members here.  Still it has been 
heuristically useful for me to say the least!   
If I have left anyone out I deeply apologize. So many have chimed in and been 
very helpful to this newbie. Now it is time to discuss other topics!!! 

From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 9:14 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.

One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield 
Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
is enlightened just because they claim to be. Going that
route is likely to cost you money and heartbreak.

For example, on this forum we currently have three people
who you seem to have bought into as being enlightened --
Jim Flanegin (whynotnow), Ravi, and Robin (maskedzebra).
My bet is that other than each other (they tend to support
each others' delusions IMO), you can't find more than a 
handful of people on this forum who actually BELIEVE 
that any of them are enlightened. 

It's not that we think they're lying (except for Ravi, who
has admitted several times that he was lying to Rick in
the interview he did with him for BATGAP); we think they
are a tad delusional. Those of us who think this base it
on their real-life behavior on this forum, juxtaposed to 
their claims of supposed higher states of consciousness.
It's the walk the walk vs. the talk the talk thang.

Look into it for yourself, and make your own decisions.
I would suggest, for all three, using the Yahoo website's
Advanced Search engine and looking up some of their 
earliest posts on this forum. That's where all three of
them tended to freak out and display the anger and 
reactive behavior that convinces us disbelievers that
they are delusional rather than enlightened. For the
poster who now calls himself whynotnow, you should also
look up his posts under several other names, for example,
jim_flanegin and enlightened_dawn11 (during the period
that Jim was pretending to be female). Just sayin'.

I am NOT saying that there might not be truly enlightened
people out there. I am NOT saying that there might

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  The TM mantras appear repeatedly in numerous different tantras.  
  Tantric mantra dictionaries contain all of the TM mantras (and many,  
  many more), along with their detailed meanings.
 Gotta admit that might be true, actually!
 Think 'twas prolly Mahaa-nirvaaNa-tantra or somesuch that
 has my mantra, or rather, the one-syllabic (is that a word?)
  version of it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread William Parkinson
Richard I love what you just wrote. This is all new to me. I am now rushing to 
Goggle!! I will say something soon. Thx!!

From: richardjwilliamstexas willy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


William Parkinson:
 I tried to trace back my own mantra within the 
 Advaita-shakti tradition and found that it was 
 recorded in Shankara's 'Saundaryalahari.'

According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the 
Adi Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of 
Tripurasundari, with the TM mantras inscribed 
thereon, at each of the seats of learning - Dwarka, 
Puri, Sringeri, and at Jyotirmath. The mantras of 
TM are DIRECTLY related to Sri Vidya. 

It is also a fact that the cult of Sri Vidya was 
derived from the nath siddhas, tantric alchemists 
of medieval India, 99% of whom were Vajrayana 
Buddhists in the line of Nagarjuna!

Read more:

Sri Vidya:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread richardjwilliamstexas

  Derealization during pain isn't the same as 
  witnessing during the waking state...
 I was referring to witnessing during sleep. 

In TM, 'witnessing' in waking state refers to the
ability of yogis to 'witness' the Being - the 
Transcendental Absolute.

yoga citta vritti nirodha. Yoga Sutra I.1.2 

Yoga is the cessation of the mental turnings of 
the mind. When thought ceases, the Transcendental 
Absolute stands by itself, refers to Itself, as a 
witness to the world. - Swami Venkatesananda 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread richardjwilliamstexas

William Parkinson:
 This is all new to me...

The Sri Vidya, because it consists of 'indestructible 
seed' syllables (bijas) rather than words, transcends 
such mundane considerations as semantic meaning. 

Accordingly, a bija-only mantra is not merely 
esoteric but inherently superior. 

Because it is purely seed-syllables [bijasaras] is the 
purest form of mantra. It does not make a request or 
praise god, it is God's purest expression. Gayatri is 
great but it cannot match srividya because it is still 
in language; it is Veda and mantra but when transformed 
into the srividya its greatness increases (95).

Work cited:

Auspicious Wisdon
The texts and traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism in South India.
by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
SUNY 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:
 Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There is much I still 
 have to learn about TM, but also about the members here.  Still it has been 
 heuristically useful for me to say the least!   


I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you never bothered 
to respond to my links to research on stuff...

Gotta wonder.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 07/13/2011 09:14 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 07/13/2011 12:17 PM, sparaig wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep
 sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through
 meditation too.  Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on
 meditation and had an EEG test.  The researcher was looking for alpha
 waves but I produced theta.  We now know that theta states (as well as
 delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation.  I don't know why the
 movement keeps pushing alpha states.

 The most consistent EEG changes during TM they have found are in the Alpha 
 band in certain parts of the brain, especially during episodes of pure 
 consciousness. There's no justifiable reason to push anything else.

 Sure, because TM is only yoga lite. :-D

 Just simple breathing exercises can produce alpha states.

 WEll, yes. Simply closing the eyes can produce alpha states.

 There's alpha states and then there's alpha states.


Really?  How so?  You mean there is wiggle room? :-D

Why not just be honest and say that TM like other methods can produce 
alpha states?  Hang the marketing on other factors such as price.  
Obviously if you're paying such a high price you MUST be getting a 
superior technique. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:06 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... 
  Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There is much I 
  still have to learn about TM, but also about the members here.  Still it 
  has been heuristically useful for me to say the least!   
 I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you never bothered 
 to respond to my links to research on stuff...
 Gotta wonder.

I believe he is deeply familiar with meditation research in general.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread William Parkinson
I am so sorry L. As I mentioned at the beginning, I might get people confused. 
I think I still have what you wrote to me and I will look at those links today, 
when I get back home. Thanks again!!

From: sparaig lengli...@cox.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 1:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:
 Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There is much I still 
 have to learn about TM, but also about the members here.  Still it has been 
 heuristically useful for me to say the least!   


I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you never bothered 
to respond to my links to research on stuff...

Gotta wonder.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread William Parkinson
L., forgive me, but I went though my old posts, which had several from you and 
none had any links for further research. Did I miss one of them? 

From: sparaig lengli...@cox.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 1:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:
 Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There is much I still 
 have to learn about TM, but also about the members here.  Still it has been 
 heuristically useful for me to say the least!   


I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you never bothered 
to respond to my links to research on stuff...

Gotta wonder.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
It totally was Jim.  It was obvious. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.
   One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield 
   Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
   is enlightened just because they claim to be. Going that
   route is likely to cost you money and heartbreak.
   For example, on this forum we currently have three people
   who you seem to have bought into as being enlightened --
   Jim Flanegin (whynotnow), Ravi, and Robin (maskedzebra).
   My bet is that other than each other (they tend to support
   each others' delusions IMO), you can't find more than a 
   handful of people on this forum who actually BELIEVE 
   that any of them are enlightened. 
   It's not that we think they're lying (except for Ravi, who
   has admitted several times that he was lying to Rick in
   the interview he did with him for BATGAP); we think they
   are a tad delusional. Those of us who think this base it
   on their real-life behavior on this forum, juxtaposed to 
   their claims of supposed higher states of consciousness.
   It's the walk the walk vs. the talk the talk thang.
   Look into it for yourself, and make your own decisions.
   I would suggest, for all three, using the Yahoo website's
   Advanced Search engine and looking up some of their 
   earliest posts on this forum. That's where all three of
   them tended to freak out and display the anger and 
   reactive behavior that convinces us disbelievers that
   they are delusional rather than enlightened. For the
   poster who now calls himself whynotnow, you should also
   look up his posts under several other names, for example,
   jim_flanegin and enlightened_dawn11 (during the period
   that Jim was pretending to be female). Just sayin'.
  * * Leaving aside your other assertions, Turq -- they 
  are subjective and everyone can and will make up their 
  own minds on those -- 
 Thanks for saying this...that is my opinion as well.
 I am just making the case for not believing that what 
 ANYONE says about their supposed state of conscious-
 ness is true until you have weighed it terms of the 
 Buddha's words on the FFL Home Page:
 Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who 
 said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees 
 with your own reason and your own common sense.
 In particular, I am cautioning against believing what
 people with a seemingly *huge* investment in being
 perceived by others as enlightened say about being 
 enlightened. Ravi, for instance, probably never got 
 any attention in his entire life until Rick heard 
 about him and chose to interview him for the BATGAP 
 series. Ravi has said since that his interview was a 
 put-on, taking advantage of Rick's naivete. Yet here 
 he still is, drinking in the attention on a TM forum, 
 when he never learned TM. Go figure, eh?
 Jim has now posted under several different IDs, doing
 IMO the same thing -- trolling for attention. In a few
 of those ID-incarnations, he claimed to *not* be Jim,
 until he made a stupid mistake like posting a song from
 the not-Jim ID that was clearly copyrighted to Jim 
 Flanegin. Again, go figure.
  ...I can tell you with full certainty that Jim never 
  pretended to be enlightened_dawn. I personally know 
  the woman who posted as enlightened_dawn, and she is 
  in fact quite female :-)
 Whatever. Despite what you say, I still have my 
 suspicions that enlightened_dawn11 was Jim, putting on
 yet another of his false personas. As I said at the
 time, however, I may be wrong about this. Here is the
 post in which I made my arguments for them being the
 same person. I stand by those arguments. If you have
 proof that they are incorrect, I will retract them.
 But your word -- on this subject or about your own
 enlightenment -- doth not constitute proof.
 You may have noticed, Rory, that I didn't explicitly
 name you in my earlier post as one of the pretend
 enlightened. That does not mean that I actually believe
 that you are (I don't), only that in your latest posts
 to this forum you are keeping your ego-dick in your 
 pants and not acting like the opposite of what we have
 been told an enlightened being would be like. Good on
 you for doing this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 07/13/2011 09:14 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  On 07/13/2011 12:17 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
  You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep
  sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through
  meditation too.  Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on
  meditation and had an EEG test.  The researcher was looking for alpha
  waves but I produced theta.  We now know that theta states (as well as
  delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation.  I don't know why the
  movement keeps pushing alpha states.
  The most consistent EEG changes during TM they have found are in the 
  Alpha band in certain parts of the brain, especially during episodes of 
  pure consciousness. There's no justifiable reason to push anything else.
  Sure, because TM is only yoga lite. :-D
  Just simple breathing exercises can produce alpha states.
  WEll, yes. Simply closing the eyes can produce alpha states.
  There's alpha states and then there's alpha states.
 Really?  How so?  You mean there is wiggle room? :-D
 Why not just be honest and say that TM like other methods can produce 
 alpha states?  Hang the marketing on other factors such as price.  
 Obviously if you're paying such a high price you MUST be getting a 
 superior technique. :-D

There's always that point: we tend to hold on  to something we value and if TM 
costs so much, it must be valuable. Of course, that doesn't explain why *I* 
still practice since even back then, $45 wasn't an overwhelming expense for me. 
Steep, but not outrageous.

However,  what I meant by  there's alpha and then there's alpha is a 
reference to the specific pattern(s) that show up during TM, especially during 
the pure consciousness state.

Those aren't so common in most people, including people that practice other 
forms of meditation (shamatha may or may not be an other form depending on 
who you learn it from).


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:06 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
   Thank you also Turq (Lawson) for your warm welcome too. There is much I 
   still have to learn about TM, but also about the members here.�  Still 
   it has been heuristically useful for me to say the least!� �  
  I note that you not only confused me with someone else but you never 
  bothered to respond to my links to research on stuff...
  Gotta wonder.
 I believe he is deeply familiar with meditation research in general.

Those aren't meditation research in general studies. Those are studies on a 
specific state found within TM and apparently not elsewhere. At least, I can't 
find any reference to breath suspension [or synonyms] and meditation except the 
TM research.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 L., forgive me, but I went though my old posts, which had several from you 
 and none had any links for further research. Did I miss one of them? 

Re: The Soul is extracted and judged by weight

An email I fired off recently might be of interest to you:

Dear Professor Brown,

I just finished reading your article, Doubt as Methodology and Object in the
Phenomenology of Religion, found in M/C Journal
334 ...

I'd like to present the TM theoretical take of the Vedic philosophy and ask
that you reconsider calling TM a religion, per se:

Rather than theories or beliefs about God, the Universe and Everything that are
strictly the product of the specific culture that they are found in, TM theory
asserts that these are cultural interpretations of states of consciousness that
are natural to humans, regardless of culture. TM theory further asserts that TM
is a technique (in the same sense that the Way that cannot be spoken is a
technique) that increases the probability that practitioners will enter into the
state of consciousness called turya -pure consciousness- in the Upanishads.
The theory further asserts that long-term practice of TM, alternated with normal
activity, leads to the situation called turyatita (quality of turya) where
turya is omni-present, in some sense, in the individual.

This theory is nothing new. You can find it, with minor variations, in various
places. E.G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turiya

What IS unique to TM theory, however, are the assertions that:

1) turya is a physiological state of the brain in the Western scientific sense,
that can be measured using the tools of Western science;
2) that turyatita is likewise a measurable state;
3) that turya is the state of least stress in a resting nervous system;
4) the process of TM is merely a resting state of the nervous system that
repairs stress (note that obvious episodes of turya are NOT required for this
resting state to be effective --one can become fully enlightened according to
TM theory, without ever having a clear experience of turya during meditation, at
least prior to full enlightenment);
4) turyatita is merely a state in mature adults whose nervous systems are
sufficiently strong and mature due to lack of physiological stress that turya is
evident, even during waking, dreaming and sleeping.

this leads to the logical conclusion that turyatita is NOT some esoteric state,
and that the physiological signature of turya during meditation should more
likely appear, not only in long-term practitioners of TM contrasted with
non-meditating or short-term meditating controls, but also in non-meditators
whose success in life suggests that their nervous systems are very efficient,
e.g.: world champion athletes (as compared to non-champion professionals in the
same sport), professional classical musicians (as compared to amateur classical
musicians) and high-functioning business managers as compared to their less
successful counterparts.

Research on the physiological correlates of turya found during TM practice:
Breath suspension during the transcendental meditation technique.

Pure consciousness: distinct phenomenological and physiological correlates of
consciousness itself.

Autonomic patterns during respiratory suspensions: possible markers of
Transcendental Consciousness.

Autonomic and EEG patterns during eyes-closed rest and transcendental meditation
(TM) practice: the basis for a neural model of TM practice.

A self-referential default brain state: patterns of coherence, power, and
eLORETA sources during eyes-closed rest and Transcendental Meditation practice.

Research on the physiological correlates of turyatita in long-term TM

Patterns of EEG coherence, power, and contingent negative variation characterize
the integration of transcendental and waking states.

Abstract for the 2007 Conference of the American Psychological Association
Brain Integration Scale: Corroborating Language-based 
Instruments of
Post-conventional Development

Research on the physiological correlates of turyatita in non-meditators:

Higher psycho-physiological refinement in world-class Norwegian athletes: brain
measures of performance capacity

While all these findings are preliminary, you might consider what they imply for
interpreting TM as a religion.

In my view, it is not. It is merely a technique that allegedly leads to a more
healthy functioning of the nervous system. TM 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@...

 Unlike Ravi, Jim, and perhaps Robin, I really find the whole notion of
not sleeping very troubling.

Bill, I have to clarify that I mostly sleep like a log now, I did
mention that I didn't sleep much for a few months during my Kundalini
descension and explained that I believe now that it was an unnatural
state since my body had decided it was under threat and probably never
triggered the right chemicals that would let me fall asleep.

 In any event I want to make this my last post on the subject, given
that it has developed into some side issues that I never meant to dig  

No worries - welcome to FFL, threads veer off in all different
directions and several are hijacked for personal battles. Pretty soon
you will be familiar with the opposing players and if need be either
indulge or learn techniques to steer clear.

 Thx so much Barry. I took your admonishment seriously and I felt, and
do still feel, it was heartfelt. And yes you are right. I have taken
them at their word, even though I know this is such a subjective thing.
Nevertheless, even if they only got close to so-called 'Enlightenment'
it is very interesting to talk to them and see what state of mind they
were in and what effect it had on their personal lives.

I have to clarify that I have never used the E word, I only share my
experiences in the hope it might help or inspire someone. In fact I
frequently sometimes I think there's something wrong with me, my
personal situation is messed up, there's lot of strife,struggle in the
world, the problems require someone mature and responsible but yet here
I am I feel blissed out for no reason and act in a silly playful manner
like a child.

 Ravi, I would still be very interested in hearing what you have to say
concerning how, and in what way, these types of intense periods of
illumination has helped you.

I would have to first briefly describe these intense periods of
illumination. Over a period of 7 years I went through a several stages
which I would refer to as Kundalini ascension, each experience lasted a
week or 2 where as the energy ascended to my head I noticed heightened
sensitivity, intense emotions and toward the end, intense derealization
 depersonalization ending in a powerful surge of energy that would
leave me in an absolute dread and then boom it would be gone and I would
sleep exhausted. The end phase almost happened in the night time with
heightened senses as if on guard against an attack. I would return to
normal consciousness the next day.

I have to add a quick disclaimer here that I have never tried any
psychedelic drugs or never been on any prescription medication ever.
However the period above was followed by intense personal problems with
my marriage, wanting to feel love and be loved, being in a emotionally
abusive relationship.

I had a final intense one in 2009, however unlike the previous ones when
I got up the next morning I was in intense bliss, as if intense blissful
energy had entered in to me. This episode lasted 3 weeks and was one of
the 2 episodes of Kundalini descension, the other one in April-May last
year which everyone here is aware of because of my erratic behavior. The
first in 2009 for 3 weeks and second for 6 weeks. Unlike the previous
experiences which were very uncomfortable, this was pure bliss which
increased in intensity, I felt as if energy was descending in droves, as
each day progressed and at the end I went through a stage of psychosis
which helped my body, mind, ego to make the transition. The state of
psychosis was only a few hours during the first whereas in the second it
was much intense and over a period of 5 days. After I hit the peak, the
psychosis enabled me to survive, and it took me up to 2 weeks to
recuperate, I am awed and amazed at this experience and I can't believe
I made it out alive.

After the first Kundalini ascension experience passed I found in a
better, newer way of functioning, however total integration and
understanding on my part wasn't complete until last year and may be
still continues. Unlike many here with TM who seem to have a lot of
details on higher states of consciousness I had none, all I had was my
Guru's grace, blessings and my stubborn insistence on following my own

Post my experiences I note a blissful center within myself, I continue
with the same habits, likes and dislikes however the lack or presence of
anything doesn't bother me in the least. My thoughts are not chaotic, 
I'm very relaxed, very unhurried, there's no rush to be anywhere or do
anything, no anxiety, no fears, lack of personal boundaries, easily can
relate to anyone in a loving, friendly way, the others and the world
feels like an extension of myself and I cannot create any suffering
anymore. Since the mind is very still, doesn't make any stories I feel
happy and blissful for no reason, on the other hand sometimes I feel
deep incredible sadness as well. My 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
 have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
 meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
 both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made some 
 brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) and 
 various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the journal 
 Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain alpha wave 
 paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone could shed further 
 light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not the same as insomnia, 
 but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or not it interferes with 
 sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called cosmic consciousness 
 would recede back into the background if someone were to discontinue TM. I 
 ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone else, may
  be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
 be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
 phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
 might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!

* * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 

Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then however, 
it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I had to locate 
this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of me is always 
awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really appears to be only 
one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one consciousness always and 
ever Here and Now which predominates through all its various states, so that 
the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where I happen to be localized in 
the brain's choir. Conscious mantra-meditation ceased immediately upon 
Awakening, as it was self-evident that I was not, and That Alone IS, and 
there was no longer anywhere to go, and that was 29 years ago. 

I have no regrets and no desire to change, but then this is certainly not 
Cosmic Consciousness as classically described, or not C.C. alone; it is 
indescribable, more like everything and nothing, more like utter ignorance with 
utter contentment :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Yifu
thx, most interesting! (forwarded to J. Jarvis).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
  Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
  have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
  meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
  both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made 
  some brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) 
  and various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the 
  journal Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain 
  alpha wave paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone could 
  shed further light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not the 
  same as insomnia, but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or not 
  it interferes with sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called 
  cosmic consciousness would recede back into the background if someone were 
  to discontinue TM. I ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone 
  else, may
   be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it 
  would be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse 
  this phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that 
  anyone might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!
 * * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 
 Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
 witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then 
 however, it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I had 
 to locate this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of me is 
 always awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really appears 
 to be only one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one consciousness 
 always and ever Here and Now which predominates through all its various 
 states, so that the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where I happen to 
 be localized in the brain's choir. Conscious mantra-meditation ceased 
 immediately upon Awakening, as it was self-evident that I was not, and That 
 Alone IS, and there was no longer anywhere to go, and that was 29 years ago. 
 I have no regrets and no desire to change, but then this is certainly not 
 Cosmic Consciousness as classically described, or not C.C. alone; it is 
 indescribable, more like everything and nothing, more like utter ignorance 
 with utter contentment :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff
You're very welcome, Yifu, but don't take it too seriously -- it's still just 
another story I am superimposing on the indescribable Us, the best I can do 
with thoughts and words at the moment :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 thx, most interesting! (forwarded to J. Jarvis).
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
   Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and 
   I have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
   meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
   both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made 
   some brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack 
   thereof) and various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper 
   in the journal Sleep documenting that people in established CC still 
   maintain alpha wave paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if 
   anyone could shed further light on this phenomenon. I understand that 
   this is not the same as insomnia, but I'm wondering exactly what happens 
   and whether or not it interferes with sleep. I am also wondering whether 
   or not so-called cosmic consciousness would recede back into the 
   background if someone were to discontinue TM. I ask this because in the 
   eventuality that I, or someone else, may
be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it 
   would be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would 
   reverse this phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any 
   information that anyone might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!
  * * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 
  Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
  witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then 
  however, it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I 
  had to locate this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of 
  me is always awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really 
  appears to be only one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one 
  consciousness always and ever Here and Now which predominates through all 
  its various states, so that the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where 
  I happen to be localized in the brain's choir. Conscious 
  mantra-meditation ceased immediately upon Awakening, as it was self-evident 
  that I was not, and That Alone IS, and there was no longer anywhere to 
  go, and that was 29 years ago. 
  I have no regrets and no desire to change, but then this is certainly not 
  Cosmic Consciousness as classically described, or not C.C. alone; it is 
  indescribable, more like everything and nothing, more like utter ignorance 
  with utter contentment :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Bill,

Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.

In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't seem to hinder 
bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state. Most of the times I sleep 
like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like I'm aware of my sleep state but 
this happens rarely.

However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period that I refer 
to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full awareness even while 
asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of the body trying to cope with 
energy than any natural state. My body treated this energy as an invasion and 
felt the need to be awake 24 hours a day to deal with this.

So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having integrated 
the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak I just sleep.

TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach the shore 
you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
 have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
 meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
 both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made some 
 brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) and 
 various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the journal 
 Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain alpha wave 
 paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone could shed further 
 light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not the same as insomnia, 
 but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or not it interferes with 
 sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called cosmic consciousness 
 would recede back into the background if someone were to discontinue TM. I 
 ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone else, may
  be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
 be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
 phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
 might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the  
warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your own 
experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was Robin 
C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too! An interesting question as a 
follow-up might be this: if a person simply follows the 20 minutes-twice a day 
formulation, will they ever go beyond simple cosmic consciousness?  I wonder if 
those of you who have reached GC and UC did so because of advanced meditation 
techniques, many hours of so-called 'rounding;' not to mention many more hours 
of meditation throughout the week. I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing 
TM for four years. Seemingly he has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day 
fashion. Did you and Ravi (are you there?)  engage in this more dedicated 
practice of TM? I must
 also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, at 
least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 

From: RoryGoff roryg...@hotmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
 have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
 meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
 both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made some 
 brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) and 
 various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the journal 
 Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain alpha wave 
 paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone could shed further 
 light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not the same as insomnia, 
 but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or not it interferes with 
 sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called cosmic consciousness 
 would recede back into the background if someone were to discontinue TM. I 
 ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone else,
 be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
 be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
 phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
 might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!

* * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 

Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then however, 
it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I had to locate 
this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of me is always 
awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really appears to be only 
one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one consciousness always and 
ever Here and Now which predominates through all its various states, so that 
the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where I happen to be localized in 
the brain's choir. Conscious mantra-meditation ceased immediately upon 
Awakening, as it was self-evident that I was not, and That Alone IS, and 
there was no longer anywhere to go, and that was 29 years ago. 

I have no regrets and no desire to change, but then this is certainly not 
Cosmic Consciousness as classically described, or not C.C. alone; it is 
indescribable, more like everything and nothing, more like utter ignorance with 
utter contentment :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread sparaig
Yo, William, don't take them too seriously. According to MMY, if you can't 
perform any and all of the sidhis (e.g. Yogic Flying) then you're not truly in 
Unity Consciousness.

Now, for those who like to play semantic games with the above, I'll take it 
back a step: if, immediately prior to Full Liberation, you don't find yourself 
able to perform all the Sidhis to perfection during sutra practice during your 
participation in the TM/TM-SIdhis program, then you are probably not fully 
enlightened, no matter what your perceptions suggest.

MMY himself once hinted that that was one of the reasons why he realized the 
world wasn't quite how it should be when he was off on his own, meditating 
after his guru dev died: he wasn't doing/experiencing some of the stuff that 
was predicted for someone in his apparent state of consciousness and finally 
concluded that the current state of the world's consciousness wouldn't support 
full enlightenment, and eventually set out to remedy the situation.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the 
  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your 
 own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
 thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was 
 Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too! An interesting 
 question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply follows the 20 
 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond simple cosmic 
 consciousness?  I wonder if those of you who have reached GC and UC did so 
 because of advanced meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 
 'rounding;' not to mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. 
 I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he 
 has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi 
 (are you there?)  engage in this more dedicated practice of TM? I must
  also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, 
 at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
 helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 
 From: RoryGoff rorygoff@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
  Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
  have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
  meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
  both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made 
  some brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) 
  and various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the 
  journal Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain 
  alpha wave paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone 
  could shed further light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not 
  the same as insomnia, but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or 
  not it interferes with sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called 
  cosmic consciousness would recede back into the background if someone were 
  to discontinue TM. I ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone 
  be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
  be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
  phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
  might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!
 * * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 
 Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
 witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then 
 however, it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I had 
 to locate this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of me is 
 always awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really appears 
 to be only one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one consciousness 
 always and ever Here and Now which predominates through all its various 
 states, so that the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where I happen to 
 be localized in the brain's choir. Conscious mantra-meditation ceased 
 immediately upon Awakening, as it was self-evident that I was not, and That 
 Alone IS, and there was no longer anywhere to go, and that was 29 years ago. 
 I have no regrets and no desire to change, but then this is certainly not 
 Cosmic Consciousness as classically described, or not C.C. alone; it is 
 indescribable, more like

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I did not know 
that you are using something other than TM. The only reason why I practice TM 
is because having tried other meditations, TM, for better or worse, seems to 
allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I have ever experienced. It 
happened in the first day or two, and that was something I can't say for any 
other form of meditation I tried, including classical concentration (which I 
started when I was perhaps 12 years old following the guidelines in a book by 
Richard Hittleman on Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while 
using a simple form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I 
have no desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if 
I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7.  Frankly this entire notion of 
having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a silent inner level, 
during sleep is something that
 concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And I also 
worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be long-lasting, if not 
permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even neuroanatomy. Btw, what 
form of meditation were you practicing? And also, I love the comment by your 
Guru. That was a very perceptive comment!!  

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

Dear Bill,

Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.

In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't seem to hinder 
bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state. Most of the times I sleep 
like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like I'm aware of my sleep state but 
this happens rarely.

However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period that I refer 
to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full awareness even while 
asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of the body trying to cope with 
energy than any natural state. My body treated this energy as an invasion and 
felt the need to be awake 24 hours a day to deal with this.

So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having integrated 
the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak I just sleep.

TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach the shore 
you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
 have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
 meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
 both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made some 
 brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) and 
 various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the journal 
 Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain alpha wave 
 paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone could shed further 
 light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not the same as insomnia, 
 but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or not it interferes with 
 sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called cosmic consciousness 
 would recede back into the background if someone were to discontinue TM. I 
 ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone else,
 be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
 be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
 phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
 might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the 
  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your 
 own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
 thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was 
 Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too!

* * I wouldn't characterize this IS-ness as classic UC either, as when UC 
dawned for me, anyhow, there was still an essentially-separate I who was 
enjoying Unity or a tunnel-self with various objects of perception, but who 
still essentially regarded itself as separate and subject to spacetime and 
growth and experience coming from somewhere outside itself. Now, however, we 
contain a great many Is, all of whom are in different states of 
consciousness, depending on the quality of our relationship with them. 

 An interesting question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply 
 follows the 20 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond 
 simple cosmic consciousness? 

* * Every one is different, but I don't see why not :-)

 I wonder if those of you who have reached GC and UC did so because of 
advanced meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 'rounding;' not to 
mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. 

* * That certainly was the case for me, but the great joke is, the path is 
actually pathless, from Here to Here, as MMY puts it, which I would gloss as 
being from a relative non-appreciation of Here and Now to a total whole-hearted 
appreciation of Here and Now. So whatever it takes to erase the intellect's 
superimpositions of not-Here and not-Now we are placing upon THAT-Us Here and 
Now, well, that is what happens :-)

I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he 
has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi (are 
you there?)  engage in this more dedicated practice of TM? 

* * Yes.

I must
  also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, 
 at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
 helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 

* * For me, anyhow, this is IT, Home, my Beloved, what I had been searching for 
forever, and so I am supremely satisfied with its questionable utility :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
Thank you so much for telling me about this. Is this what MMY claimed about his 
own sense of mission? I have read the 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas' (from 
Paul Mason's site) and I thought that his sole purpose was simply because he 
had a meditation suitable for so-called 'householders.' So his real purpose was 
to raise the entire world consciousness, which in turn would allow others to 
become fully enlightened? Did I understand you correctly? If that is true that 
is a remarkable insight into his mission (or at least what he may have claimed 
for his mission). This is what I love about FFL. I get to learn so many 
interesting details and tidbits from all of you who have been in the movement 
years ago, and know far more than I do. Thank you for telling me about this!!!

From: sparaig lengli...@cox.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

Yo, William, don't take them too seriously. According to MMY, if you can't 
perform any and all of the sidhis (e.g. Yogic Flying) then you're not truly in 
Unity Consciousness.

Now, for those who like to play semantic games with the above, I'll take it 
back a step: if, immediately prior to Full Liberation, you don't find yourself 
able to perform all the Sidhis to perfection during sutra practice during your 
participation in the TM/TM-SIdhis program, then you are probably not fully 
enlightened, no matter what your perceptions suggest.

MMY himself once hinted that that was one of the reasons why he realized the 
world wasn't quite how it should be when he was off on his own, meditating 
after his guru dev died: he wasn't doing/experiencing some of the stuff that 
was predicted for someone in his apparent state of consciousness and finally 
concluded that the current state of the world's consciousness wouldn't support 
full enlightenment, and eventually set out to remedy the situation.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the 
  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your 
 own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
 thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was 
 Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too! An interesting 
 question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply follows the 20 
 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond simple cosmic 
 consciousness?  I wonder if those of you who have reached GC and UC did so 
 because of advanced meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 
 'rounding;' not to mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. 
 I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he 
 has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi 
 (are you there?)  engage in this more dedicated practice of TM?
 I must
 also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, at 
 least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
 helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 
 From: RoryGoff rorygoff@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
  Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
  have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
  meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
  both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made 
  some brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) 
  and various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the 
  journal Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain 
  alpha wave paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone 
  could shed further light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not 
  the same as insomnia, but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or 
  not it interferes with sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called 
  cosmic consciousness would recede back into the background if someone were 
  to discontinue TM. I ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone
  be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
  be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
  phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
  might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!
 * * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 
 Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff
I would agree with this whole-heartedly; we are only as Awake as everyone of us 
is. The Dome is (among others) an immense particle-accelerator for the many 
particle-Is of our own body.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 Yo, William, don't take them too seriously. According to MMY, if you can't 
 perform any and all of the sidhis (e.g. Yogic Flying) then you're not truly 
 in Unity Consciousness.
 Now, for those who like to play semantic games with the above, I'll take it 
 back a step: if, immediately prior to Full Liberation, you don't find 
 yourself able to perform all the Sidhis to perfection during sutra practice 
 during your participation in the TM/TM-SIdhis program, then you are probably 
 not fully enlightened, no matter what your perceptions suggest.
 MMY himself once hinted that that was one of the reasons why he realized the 
 world wasn't quite how it should be when he was off on his own, meditating 
 after his guru dev died: he wasn't doing/experiencing some of the stuff that 
 was predicted for someone in his apparent state of consciousness and finally 
 concluded that the current state of the world's consciousness wouldn't 
 support full enlightenment, and eventually set out to remedy the situation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
  Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate 
  the  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because 
  your own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up 
  until now I thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon 
  calls UC was Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too! An 
  interesting question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply 
  follows the 20 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond 
  simple cosmic consciousness?  I wonder if those of you who have reached GC 
  and UC did so because of advanced meditation techniques, many hours of 
  so-called 'rounding;' not to mention many more hours of meditation 
  throughout the week. I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for 
  four years. Seemingly he has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day 
  fashion. Did you and Ravi (are you there?)  engage in this more dedicated 
  practice of TM? I must
   also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, 
  at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it 
  is helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 
  From: RoryGoff rorygoff@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:10 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
   Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and 
   I have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
   meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
   both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made 
   some brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack 
   thereof) and various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper 
   in the journal Sleep documenting that people in established CC still 
   maintain alpha wave paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if 
   anyone could shed further light on this phenomenon. I understand that 
   this is not the same as insomnia, but I'm wondering exactly what happens 
   and whether or not it interferes with sleep. I am also wondering whether 
   or not so-called cosmic consciousness would recede back into the 
   background if someone were to discontinue TM. I ask this because in the 
   eventuality that I, or someone else,
   be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it 
   would be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would 
   reverse this phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any 
   information that anyone might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!
  * * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 
  Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
  witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then 
  however, it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I 
  had to locate this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of 
  me is always awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really 
  appears to be only one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one 
  consciousness always and ever Here and Now which predominates through all 
  its various states, so that the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where 
  I happen to be localized in the brain's choir. Conscious 
  mantra-meditation ceased

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
I must admit to being very pleased Rory-- you're the first person on this forum 
that I have encountered who seems to be happy that they've reached a certain 
level of 'higher consciousness.' To hear RC tell of his own experience, it did 
not seem like a very pleasant or helpful state of mind at all!  I read about 
the helicopter incident in the book 'The Maharishi Effect and it seemed to me 
that this behavior might have been indicative of a highly unstable state of 
mind (no offense RC if you are still reading these posts; please do not take it 
as any indication of a judgment on you as you are now). You're the first one so 
far who seems to be contented with having reached a higher state of 
consciousness. Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to inform me 
of your own experiences. It has proven to be invaluable to me and very 
rewarding-- even if I'm not sure I fully grasp in its entirety what happened to 
you during these periods of intense
 illumination (perhaps that is a better wording than Enlightenment).

From: RoryGoff roryg...@hotmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the 
  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your 
 own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
 thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was 
 Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too!

* * I wouldn't characterize this IS-ness as classic UC either, as when UC 
dawned for me, anyhow, there was still an essentially-separate I who was 
enjoying Unity or a tunnel-self with various objects of perception, but who 
still essentially regarded itself as separate and subject to spacetime and 
growth and experience coming from somewhere outside itself. Now, however, we 
contain a great many Is, all of whom are in different states of 
consciousness, depending on the quality of our relationship with them. 

 An interesting question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply 
 follows the 20 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond 
 simple cosmic consciousness? 

* * Every one is different, but I don't see why not :-)

 I wonder if those of you who have reached GC and UC did so because of 
advanced meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 'rounding;' not to 
mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. 

* * That certainly was the case for me, but the great joke is, the path is 
actually pathless, from Here to Here, as MMY puts it, which I would gloss as 
being from a relative non-appreciation of Here and Now to a total whole-hearted 
appreciation of Here and Now. So whatever it takes to erase the intellect's 
superimpositions of not-Here and not-Now we are placing upon THAT-Us Here and 
Now, well, that is what happens :-)

I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he 
has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi (are 
you there?)  engage in this more dedicated practice of TM? 

* * Yes.

I must
 also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, at 
 least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
 helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 

* * For me, anyhow, this is IT, Home, my Beloved, what I had been searching for 
forever, and so I am supremely satisfied with its questionable utility :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for telling me about this. Is this what MMY claimed about 
 his own sense of mission? I have read the 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas' 
 (from Paul Mason's site) and I thought that his sole purpose was simply 
 because he had a meditation suitable for so-called 'householders.' So his 
 real purpose was to raise the entire world consciousness, which in turn 
 would allow others to become fully enlightened? Did I understand you 
 correctly? If that is true that is a remarkable insight into his mission (or 
 at least what he may have claimed for his mission). This is what I love about 
 FFL. I get to learn so many interesting details and tidbits from all of you 
 who have been in the movement years ago, and know far more than I do. Thank 
 you for telling me about this!!!

I think you could say that his own mission involved finding his own full 
enlightenment, or at least attempting to, by raising the world's consciousness 
to the point where he could be fully enlightened.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 I must admit to being very pleased Rory-- you're the first person on this 
 forum that I have encountered who seems to be happy that they've reached a 
 certain level of 'higher consciousness.' To hear RC tell of his own 
 experience, it did not seem like a very pleasant or helpful state of mind at 
 all!  I read about the helicopter incident in the book 'The Maharishi 
 Effect and it seemed to me that this behavior might have been indicative of 
 a highly unstable state of mind (no offense RC if you are still reading these 
 posts; please do not take it as any indication of a judgment on you as you 
 are now). You're the first one so far who seems to be contented with having 
 reached a higher state of consciousness. Thank you so much for taking the 
 time and trouble to inform me of your own experiences. It has proven to be 
 invaluable to me and very rewarding-- even if I'm not sure I fully grasp in 
 its entirety what happened to you during these periods of intense
  illumination (perhaps that is a better wording than Enlightenment).

* * Yes, in my experience as long as we are primarily identified with a 
separate I -- and I see no real evidence thus far of anyone claiming 
classical UC who has surrendered that -- then we know there is still something 
more than this :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
  Thank you so much for telling me about this. Is this what MMY claimed about 
  his own sense of mission? I have read the 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas' 
  (from Paul Mason's site) and I thought that his sole purpose was simply 
  because he had a meditation suitable for so-called 'householders.' So his 
  real purpose was to raise the entire world consciousness, which in turn 
  would allow others to become fully enlightened? Did I understand you 
  correctly? If that is true that is a remarkable insight into his mission 
  (or at least what he may have claimed for his mission). This is what I love 
  about FFL. I get to learn so many interesting details and tidbits from all 
  of you who have been in the movement years ago, and know far more than I 
  do. Thank you for telling me about this!!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 I think you could say that his own mission involved finding his own full 
 enlightenment, or at least attempting to, by raising the world's 
 consciousness to the point where he could be fully enlightened.

* * * *Y*E*S*! * * * 

It appears to be an entirely selfish affair for all of us, even for every 
Bodhisattva or Saint :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Bhairitu
On 07/13/2011 11:12 AM, William Parkinson wrote:
 Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I did not 
 know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason why I 
 practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for better or 
 worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I have ever 

That's because it's a beej mantra which are generally used to enrich 
longer mantras.  They're short and create a quick dip.  Longer mantras 
create a more sustained effect.  Maharishi wanted people to get the 
advanced technique as early as a year and a half after the first.  It 
resembles a guru mantra for the tradition.

 It happened in the first day or two, and that was something I can't say for 
 any other form of meditation I tried, including classical concentration 
 (which I started when I was perhaps 12 years old following the guidelines in 
 a book by Richard Hittleman on Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my 
 breath while using a simple form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an 
 expedient tool-- I have no desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just 
 trying to figure out if I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7.  
 Frankly this entire notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this 
 awareness of a silent inner level, during sleep is something that
   concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult.

You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep 
sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through 
meditation too.  Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on 
meditation and had an EEG test.  The researcher was looking for alpha 
waves but I produced theta.  We now know that theta states (as well as 
delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation.  I don't know why the 
movement keeps pushing alpha states.

Witnessing in sleep is not uncommon when one practices advanced 
meditations.  But you'll also find plenty of yogis who will tell you 
they are dead to the world during sleep and happy for it.

I taught TM briefly in the late 70s.  About 11 years ago I learned 
tantra from an authentic Indian tantric yogi who resides in the US.  TM 
for me was a dead end because we were never taught things like mantra 
shastra or how to use different mantras.  We were nothing more than 
parrots for the technique.  With the tantric I learned things like 
mantra shastra.

 And I also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be 
 long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even 
 neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And also, I 
 love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive comment!!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I did not 
 know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason why I 
 practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for better or 
 worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I have ever 
 experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was something I 
 can't say for any other form of meditation I tried, including classical 
 concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12 years old following the 
 guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on Yoga), or vipanassana, or 
 meditating on my breath while using a simple form of pranayama. For me TM is 
 simply an expedient tool-- I have no desire to reach GC or UG and right now 
 I'm just trying to figure out if I should even allowed to go so far as CC 
 24/7.  Frankly this entire notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, 
 this awareness of a silent inner level, during sleep is something that
  concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And I also 
 worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be long-lasting, if not 
 permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even neuroanatomy. Btw, what 
 form of meditation were you practicing? And also, I love the comment by your 
 Guru. That was a very perceptive comment!!  
 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
 Dear Bill,
 Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
 In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't seem to 
 hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state. Most of the 
 times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like I'm aware of my 
 sleep state but this happens rarely.
 However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period that I 
 refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full awareness 
 even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of the body trying 
 to cope with energy than any natural state. My body treated this energy as an 
 invasion and felt the need to be awake 24 hours a day to deal with this.
 So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having 
 integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak I 
 just sleep.
 TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach the 
 shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.

For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other times, but 
invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down stream, and the further  
shore seems at least as far away as ever, if not more.

IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat around on my head for any 
appreciable length of time, at least.

To paraphrase MMY: as long as you have thoughts during meditation, you can 
still benefit from meditation...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep 
 sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through 
 meditation too.  Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on 
 meditation and had an EEG test.  The researcher was looking for alpha 
 waves but I produced theta.  We now know that theta states (as well as 
 delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation.  I don't know why the 
 movement keeps pushing alpha states.

The most consistent EEG changes during TM they have found are in the Alpha band 
in certain parts of the brain, especially during episodes of pure 
consciousness. There's no justifiable reason to push anything else.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Bhairitu
On 07/13/2011 12:17 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep
 sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through
 meditation too.  Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on
 meditation and had an EEG test.  The researcher was looking for alpha
 waves but I produced theta.  We now know that theta states (as well as
 delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation.  I don't know why the
 movement keeps pushing alpha states.

 The most consistent EEG changes during TM they have found are in the Alpha 
 band in certain parts of the brain, especially during episodes of pure 
 consciousness. There's no justifiable reason to push anything else.


Sure, because TM is only yoga lite. :-D

Just simple breathing exercises can produce alpha states.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@
  Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I
did not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason
why I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for
better or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I
have ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7.  Frankly this entire
notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
silent inner level, during sleep is something that
   concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And
I also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive

  From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

  Dear Bill,
  Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
  In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't
seem to hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state.
Most of the times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like
I'm aware of my sleep state but this happens rarely.
  However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period
that I refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full
awareness even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of
the body trying to cope with energy than any natural state. My body
treated this energy as an invasion and felt the need to be awake 24
hours a day to deal with this.
  So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having
integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak
I just sleep.
  TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach
the shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.

 For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other
times, but invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down
stream, and the further  shore seems at least as far away as ever, if
not more.

 IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat around on my
head for any appreciable length of time, at least.

 To paraphrase MMY: as long as you have thoughts during meditation, you
can still benefit from meditation...


I do not think it has ever been determined that the sign posts or
benchmarks that meditative traditions have are clearly experienced by
everyone, or that there might be partial crossovers that are out of the
sequence. Some people clearly never seem to experience them, others do.
I experienced terrible insomnia for years during and after a CC-like

The CC-like experience disappeared but the insomnia did not. It felt
like I went back to square one on the game board. Eventually the
insomnia went away and a different kind of 'witnessing' experience
developed which was different than the CC-like phenomenon, in that it
seemed very diffuse; the earlier one was a definite sense of being
awareness separate from sensory experience, and being awake all the
time. Regarding that I think Ravi Yogi's comment about there being more
energy manifesting as a sense of sleeplessness is correct.

This other, later witnessing was not like that at all, it never felt
defined, it was not like a concrete experience where I could say this or
that about it. It was a bummer. I lost interest in spiritual
descriptions and stopped reading about them. I switched to reading
novels. I had very negative thoughts about 'my path' of progress for a
long time - decades. Eventually everything seemed to get more relaxed
and I just started to live life without thinking about spiritual

One day I went outside for some air and suddenly without warning, the
farther shore and the nearer shore, as Lawson put it, were one and the
same, and it had always been that way, no boat required as there was no
river to traverse. There is no way to describe what this it like. Then
things became completely ordinary.

I read spiritual literature again to gain some kind of intellectual
grasp of this. The whole

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Vaj

On Jul 13, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 On 07/13/2011 12:17 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@... wrote:
  You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep
  sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through
  meditation too. Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on
  meditation and had an EEG test. The researcher was looking for alpha
  waves but I produced theta. We now know that theta states (as well as
  delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation. I don't know why the
  movement keeps pushing alpha states.
  The most consistent EEG changes during TM they have found are in the Alpha 
  band in certain parts of the brain, especially during episodes of pure 
  consciousness. There's no justifiable reason to push anything else.
 Sure, because TM is only yoga lite. :-D
 Just simple breathing exercises can produce alpha states.

The much-touted witnessing of advanced TMers is seen in normal humans all the 
time, but esp. in the elderly and people in pain. Big whoop.

As the Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness put it Other relaxation techniques 
have led to the same EEG profile, and studies that
employed counter-balanced control relaxation conditions consistently found a 
lack of alpha power increases or even decreases when comparing 
relaxation or hypnosis to TM meditation.

I hope those folks who are so wowed about TM remember to take an Ativan before 
they ever venture into Disneyworld or a Benihana steak house.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
Thx so much XA. What you describe is the one thing I fear the most. I have had 
insomnia for my entire adult life and when I went to a sleep lab way back in 
1982 (at U.C.Irvine in California) I was told I had alpha intrusion.' 
Obviously I was having trouble getting out of the restful state of alpha and 
into the drowsy theta state and then into the sleeping delta. So, when the 
article in Sleep showed that these TM meditators where producing alpha waves, 
while concomitantly showing delta waves, that turned me off. I quit doing TM 
long ago because of it. That was 11 years ago. But around 5 months ago now I 
started TM again and it was not too long, perhaps 10 weeks later, I could tell 
that CC was starting to develop. That silent inner layer, which was there all 
the time when I was not too mentally active (so, watching TV I could 'feel' 
it), was growing and I worry about the effects on sleep.  Your story is, for 
me, a real cautionary tale to be sure. I am
 deeply grateful to you for sharing it with me.   I guess the only good thing 
to take way for all of this was that the CC experience did go away in time. 
If I may ask one question XA: How much were you meditating? Were you going far 
beyond the typical twice-per-day,  20 minute program? Were you using advanced 
techniques? Were you going to all those residence courses to undergo 
'rounding'? Clint Eastwood has been meditating for 40 years and I assume he is 
doing TM 'lite,' as I am.  He seems none the worse for wear, so to speak. 

From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@
  Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I
did not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason
why I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for
better or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I
have ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7. Frankly this entire
notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
silent inner level, during sleep is something that
  concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And
I also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive

  From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

  Dear Bill,
  Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
  In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't
seem to hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state.
Most of the times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like
I'm aware of my sleep state but this happens rarely.
  However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period
that I refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full
awareness even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of
the body trying to cope with energy than any natural state. My body
treated this energy as an invasion and felt the need to be awake 24
hours a day to deal with this.
  So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having
integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak
I just sleep.
  TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach
the shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.

 For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other
times, but invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down
stream, and the further shore seems at least as far away as ever, if
not more.

 IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat around on my
head for any appreciable length of time, at least.

 To paraphrase MMY: as long as you have thoughts during meditation, you
can still benefit from meditation...


I do not think it has ever been determined that the sign posts or

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
Vaj, as I understand it, the TM people don't make hay from the mere presence of 
alpha waves, but rather from alpha coherence, which is wide spread over the 
various lobes. Is that not correct? Am I missing something here? Someone 
correct me if I am wrong. 


From: Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)


On Jul 13, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

On 07/13/2011 12:17 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@... wrote:
 You probably know that most brain wave research would say that deep
 sleep would be the delta state which is possible to produce through
 meditation too. Back in the 1970s I was part of a university study on
 meditation and had an EEG test. The researcher was looking for alpha
 waves but I produced theta. We now know that theta states (as well as
 delta) are signs of deeper states of mediation. I don't know why the
 movement keeps pushing alpha states.

 The most consistent EEG changes during TM they have found are in the Alpha 
 band in certain parts of the brain, especially during episodes of pure 
 consciousness. There's no justifiable reason to push anything else.


Sure, because TM is only yoga lite. :-D

Just simple breathing exercises can produce alpha states.

The much-touted witnessing of advanced TMers is seen in normal humans all the 
time, but esp. in the elderly and people in pain. Big whoop.

As the Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness put it Other relaxation techniques 
have led to the same EEG profile, and studies thatemployed counter-balanced 
control relaxation conditions consistently found a lack of alpha power 
increases or even decreases when comparing  
relaxation or hypnosis to TM meditation.

I hope those folks who are so wowed about TM remember to take an Ativan before 
they ever venture into Disneyworld or a Benihana steak house.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Vaj

On Jul 13, 2011, at 5:16 PM, William Parkinson wrote:

 Vaj, as I understand it, the TM people don't make hay from the mere presence 
 of alpha waves, but rather from alpha coherence, which is wide spread over 
 the various lobes. Is that not correct? Am I missing something here? Someone 
 correct me if I am wrong. 

Yes, you're right. I remember being wowed by that alpha coherence. Gawd, it 
sounded great to me. My brain was becoming more laser-like with each 
meditation. I'd be mind-melding in no time.

Of course, it was years later till I found out that the level of alpha 
coherence found in TMers wasn't any different from Joe or Jane Doe tamasic 
non-meditator. In fact, I was surprised to find there wasn't any unique fourth 
state EEG signature at all. It was all regular waking-dreaming-sleeping EEG 
patterns. WTF?

Then we began to see a unique fourth state of EEG in advanced, long-term 
meditators. Strangely both Patanjali yogins and Buddhist yogins had the same 
EEG signature! WTF?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread whynotnow7
Exactly the way I experience it too - once the ego is cosmic it still wants to 
achieve things for itself, and what it wants to achieve is to wake up 
everything and everyone so all are aware of their cosmic nature - very SELFish 
and very enlightened. I have grown incredibly SELF centered and SELF-ish and 
once I realized that is the nature of the cosmic beast have enjoyed pretty much 
every minute of it.

Welcome Bill - Thank you for the sweetness of your Being.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@ wrote:
   Thank you so much for telling me about this. Is this what MMY claimed 
   about his own sense of mission? I have read the 'Beacon Light of the 
   Himalayas' (from Paul Mason's site) and I thought that his sole purpose 
   was simply because he had a meditation suitable for so-called 
   'householders.' So his real purpose was to raise the entire world 
   consciousness, which in turn would allow others to become fully 
   enlightened? Did I understand you correctly? If that is true that is a 
   remarkable insight into his mission (or at least what he may have claimed 
   for his mission). This is what I love about FFL. I get to learn so many 
   interesting details and tidbits from all of you who have been in the 
   movement years ago, and know far more than I do. Thank you for telling me 
   about this!!!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  I think you could say that his own mission involved finding his own full 
  enlightenment, or at least attempting to, by raising the world's 
  consciousness to the point where he could be fully enlightened.
 * * * *Y*E*S*! * * * 
 It appears to be an entirely selfish affair for all of us, even for every 
 Bodhisattva or Saint :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And also, I love the
comment by your Guru.
Bill thanks for sharing your experiences and for your comments. There
were really no meditation techniques my Guru prescribed other than love
and service, not to mention that I didn't even bother to ask for any
spiritual advice. Due to my innate nature and the upbringing by my
mother I was very independent and always reacted negatively to anyone's
advice. I did try lot of different techniques such as chanting, singing
and I could easily get into a strong buzz regardless of the technique. I
was able to get to my current state merely through my Guru's grace, my
samskaras of of only accepting if it made sense to me; the pain and
suffering I went through required and resulted in an existential leap.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@...

 Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I did
not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason why
I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for better
or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I have
ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7. Â Frankly this entire
notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
silent inner level, during sleep is something that
  concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And I
also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive
comment!! Â

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yo Lawson I wouldn't take MMY's words seriously. You may have some
beliefs regarding what UC and full liberation is and I don't agree with
it. TM is clearly a path of yoga with milestones, description and
categories of enlightenment. The fact that I haven't heard one TM'er
experience match all these shows that perhaps there's another reason why
MMY would have gone to so much trouble to state all these. IMO he might
have prescribed these understanding the Rajasic, goal oriented nature of
the human mind. Other than a Jim here or a Rory there the literal
interpretation of this has resulted in widespread prevalence of what I
call pimps(intellectuals) among TM'ers totally fascinated with the whore
I don't think self-knowledge has anything to do with Siddhis, sure there
seem to be varying degrees of self-knowledge based upon the external
manifestation of it. According to their predominant samkaras - some
become Gurus, some debate with others, a lot just continue in their
respective professions, some just fall out of the society and wander
enjoying their bliss. In either case I think I agree that full
liberation would not be possible until you drop the physical body.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 Yo, William, don't take them too seriously. According to MMY, if you
can't perform any and all of the sidhis (e.g. Yogic Flying) then you're
not truly in Unity Consciousness.

 Now, for those who like to play semantic games with the above, I'll
take it back a step: if, immediately prior to Full Liberation, you don't
find yourself able to perform all the Sidhis to perfection during sutra
practice during your participation in the TM/TM-SIdhis program, then you
are probably not fully enlightened, no matter what your perceptions

 MMY himself once hinted that that was one of the reasons why he
realized the world wasn't quite how it should be when he was off on his
own, meditating after his guru dev died: he wasn't doing/experiencing
some of the stuff that was predicted for someone in his apparent state
of consciousness and finally concluded that the current state of the
world's consciousness wouldn't support full enlightenment, and
eventually set out to remedy the situation.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
Did you and Ravi (are you there?) engage in this more dedicated
practice of TM?
No like I said I didn't engage in any advanced practices. IME the result
does not seem to be proportional to the effort and like ancient
scriptures point out the other factors seems to be grace, the existing
attachments and one's innate tendencies.
Meditation, at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is
done because it is helpful; not because it develops long-term brain
changes of questionable utility 

I can vouch for long term brain changes, I would definitely disagree
with the questionable utility part.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@...

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply
appreciate the  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly
baffled me, because your own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic
consciousness. Up until now I thought the only two people that had
reached what TM jargon calls UC was Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems
you reached at too! An interesting question as a follow-up might be
this: if a person simply follows the 20 minutes-twice a day formulation,
will they ever go beyond simple cosmic consciousness? Â I wonder if
those of you who have reached GC and UC did so because of advanced
meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 'rounding;' not to
mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. I think of
Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he has
done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi
(are you there?) Â engage in this more dedicated practice of TM? I
  also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet.
Meditation, at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is
done because it is helpful; not because it develops long-term brain
changes of questionable utility

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
 With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@
   Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I
 did not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason
 why I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for
 better or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I
 have ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
 something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
 including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
 years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
 Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
 form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
 desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
 I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7. Frankly this entire
 notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
 silent inner level, during sleep is something that
   concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And
 I also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
 long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
 neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
 also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive
   From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
   Dear Bill,
   Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
   In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't
 seem to hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state.
 Most of the times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like
 I'm aware of my sleep state but this happens rarely.
   However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period
 that I refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full
 awareness even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of
 the body trying to cope with energy than any natural state. My body
 treated this energy as an invasion and felt the need to be awake 24
 hours a day to deal with this.
   So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having
 integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak
 I just sleep.
   TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach
 the shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.
  For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other
 times, but invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down
 stream, and the further shore seems at least as far away as ever, if
 not more.
  IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat around on my
 head for any appreciable length of time, at least.
  To paraphrase MMY: as long as you have thoughts during meditation, you
 can still benefit from meditation...
 I do not think it has ever been determined that the sign posts or
 benchmarks that meditative traditions have are clearly experienced by
 everyone, or that there might be partial crossovers that are out of the
 sequence. Some people clearly never seem to experience them, others do.
 I experienced terrible insomnia for years during and after a CC-like
 The CC-like experience disappeared but the insomnia did not. It felt
 like I went back to square one on the game board. Eventually the
 insomnia went away and a different kind of 'witnessing' experience
 developed which was different than the CC-like phenomenon, in that it
 seemed very diffuse; the earlier one was a definite sense of being
 awareness separate from sensory experience, and being awake all the
 time. Regarding that I think Ravi Yogi's comment about there being more
 energy manifesting as a sense of sleeplessness is correct.
 This other, later witnessing was not like that at all, it never felt
 defined, it was not like a concrete experience where I could say this or
 that about it. It was a bummer. I lost interest in spiritual
 descriptions and stopped reading about them. I switched to reading
 novels. I had very negative thoughts about 'my path' of progress for a
 long time - decades. Eventually everything seemed to get more relaxed
 and I just started to live life without thinking about spiritual
 One day I went outside for some air and suddenly without warning, the
 farther shore and the nearer shore, as Lawson put it, were one and the
 same, and it had always been that way, no boat required as there was no
 river to traverse. There is no way to describe

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
Hi Xeno - thanks for your comments. I definitely agree on milestones
being just general indicators and not to be taken literally. Thanks for
sharing your experiences regarding the stage  where one realizes the
futility of the various techniques, I had similar experiences as well. I
like this quote as well - Finding out that the nearer and farther
shores were an illusion is a new beginning. Still gotta live and do

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
anartaxius@... wrote:

 With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson

 I do not think it has ever been determined that the sign posts or
 benchmarks that meditative traditions have are clearly experienced by
 everyone, or that there might be partial crossovers that are out of
 sequence. Some people clearly never seem to experience them, others
 This other, later witnessing was not like that at all, it never felt
 defined, it was not like a concrete experience where I could say this
 that about it. It was a bummer. I lost interest in spiritual
 descriptions and stopped reading about them. I switched to reading
 novels. I had very negative thoughts about 'my path' of progress for a
 long time - decades. Eventually everything seemed to get more relaxed
 and I just started to live life without thinking about spiritual
 One day I went outside for some air and suddenly without warning, the
 farther shore and the nearer shore, as Lawson put it, were one and the
 same, and it had always been that way, no boat required as there was
 river to traverse. There is no way to describe what this it like. Then
 things became completely ordinary.


 Finding out that the nearer and farther shores were an illusion is a
 beginning. Still gotta live and do stuff.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread William Parkinson
Thank you so much Ravi for allowing me a peek into your experiences. When I say 
'questionable utility' what I mean is this. In the Eastern tradition, as I 
understand it, the goal of Enlightenment is to  free one from karmic bondage; 
that is to say, to end the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (the 
'transmigration of the soul'). Enlightenment is always viewed as something that 
dispels ignorance. And what is this ignorance? Far more often than not it is 
the idea that dualism is illusory. But what if there is no such thing as 
reincarnation (as I believe)? What good does the Enlightenment do then? And 
what if the phenomenological approach to religion is the worst possible way to 
proceed to truth? I should really take the time to write of a compelling 
example of this error in religion using the example if the Mormon faith. In the 
light of evidence from mitochondrial DNA we can now say that Joseph Smith, and 
everything he taught, was completely false
 (there were other lines of compelling evidence that converge on the same 
conclusion). And yet Mormons, because of a phenomenon called the 'burning 
bosom,' nevertheless, believe wholeheartedly that it is still true. When I get 
the time I think I will write a post on this. Hopefully it will be edifying to 
everyone on the forum.  In any event, I'm not sure I see how it is useful to 
become enlightened, unless it makes a person a better human being; viz. 
becoming a more loving person. Of course, this is only my personal belief.  I 
would be fascinated to hear anything you can tell me about what value this 
period in your life has had for you. I am always endlessly fascinated by the 
religious convictions and scruples of people no matter what the religious 
tradition. You are one of the few people I have ever encountered who can say 
that they entered into a state of consciousness that was at least close to, if 
not entirely synonymous with, the classical
 definition of enlightenment.  It would be a welcome exercise to me personally 
if you could tell me just a little bit about why you feel it was salutary for 
you. In any event, I thank you deeply Ravi for sharing your experiences with 
me. I hope to hear more from you soon!

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

Did you and Ravi (are you there?) engage in this more dedicated practice of 
No like I said I didn't engage in any advanced practices. IME the result does 
not seem to be proportional to the effort and like ancient scriptures point out 
the other factors seems to be grace, the existing attachments and one's innate 

Meditation, at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done 
because it is helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of 
questionable utility 

I can vouch for long term brain changes, I would definitely disagree with the 
questionable utility part. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the 
  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your 
 own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
 thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was 
 Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too! An interesting 
 question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply follows the 20 
 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond simple cosmic 
 consciousness?  I wonder if those of you who have reached GC and UC did so 
 because of advanced meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 
 'rounding;' not to mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. 
 I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he 
 has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi 
 (are you there?)  engage in this more dedicated practice of TM?
 I must
 also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, at 
 least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
 helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of questionable 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread RoryGoff
Agreed -- for me, anyhow, Awakening occurred as soon as I *dropped* all the 
milestones and criteria, as at a certain point they just got in the way of 
fully appreciating Here and Now. All of the enlightenment-criteria are just 
one, or another, or a mixture of the three gunas (usually sattva is the 
favorite), and Awakening is really Being without the gunas (emptiness), and so 
supporting all of them (fullness) :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Hi Xeno - thanks for your comments. I definitely agree on milestones
 being just general indicators and not to be taken literally. Thanks for
 sharing your experiences regarding the stage  where one realizes the
 futility of the various techniques, I had similar experiences as well. I
 like this quote as well - Finding out that the nearer and farther
 shores were an illusion is a new beginning. Still gotta live and do
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
 anartaxius@ wrote:
  With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson
  I do not think it has ever been determined that the sign posts or
  benchmarks that meditative traditions have are clearly experienced by
  everyone, or that there might be partial crossovers that are out of
  sequence. Some people clearly never seem to experience them, others
  This other, later witnessing was not like that at all, it never felt
  defined, it was not like a concrete experience where I could say this
  that about it. It was a bummer. I lost interest in spiritual
  descriptions and stopped reading about them. I switched to reading
  novels. I had very negative thoughts about 'my path' of progress for a
  long time - decades. Eventually everything seemed to get more relaxed
  and I just started to live life without thinking about spiritual
  One day I went outside for some air and suddenly without warning, the
  farther shore and the nearer shore, as Lawson put it, were one and the
  same, and it had always been that way, no boat required as there was
  river to traverse. There is no way to describe what this it like. Then
  things became completely ordinary.
  Finding out that the nearer and farther shores were an illusion is a
  beginning. Still gotta live and do stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread whynotnow7
I have no way of knowing, though perhaps Maharishi set this particular, and 
practically impossible definition of UC to ensure that all of us understood 
enlightenment or realization to be an ever expanding process, once we 
experience our initial Awakening. 

Seems to me that particular sidhis go with particular nervous systems, much as 
each of us becomes an engineer or doctor or circus clown. I haven't looked for 
success with them, though my ability for subtle sight continues to grow, as 
does my ability for healing through visualization of body energy. Nothing I 
cultivate. Like I said it just happens. I wouldn't be at all surprised if 
others found that a particular sidhi jumped out at them so to speak. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Yo Lawson I wouldn't take MMY's words seriously. You may have some
 beliefs regarding what UC and full liberation is and I don't agree with
 it. TM is clearly a path of yoga with milestones, description and
 categories of enlightenment. The fact that I haven't heard one TM'er
 experience match all these shows that perhaps there's another reason why
 MMY would have gone to so much trouble to state all these. IMO he might
 have prescribed these understanding the Rajasic, goal oriented nature of
 the human mind. Other than a Jim here or a Rory there the literal
 interpretation of this has resulted in widespread prevalence of what I
 call pimps(intellectuals) among TM'ers totally fascinated with the whore
 I don't think self-knowledge has anything to do with Siddhis, sure there
 seem to be varying degrees of self-knowledge based upon the external
 manifestation of it. According to their predominant samkaras - some
 become Gurus, some debate with others, a lot just continue in their
 respective professions, some just fall out of the society and wander
 enjoying their bliss. In either case I think I agree that full
 liberation would not be possible until you drop the physical body.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Yo, William, don't take them too seriously. According to MMY, if you
 can't perform any and all of the sidhis (e.g. Yogic Flying) then you're
 not truly in Unity Consciousness.
  Now, for those who like to play semantic games with the above, I'll
 take it back a step: if, immediately prior to Full Liberation, you don't
 find yourself able to perform all the Sidhis to perfection during sutra
 practice during your participation in the TM/TM-SIdhis program, then you
 are probably not fully enlightened, no matter what your perceptions
  MMY himself once hinted that that was one of the reasons why he
 realized the world wasn't quite how it should be when he was off on his
 own, meditating after his guru dev died: he wasn't doing/experiencing
 some of the stuff that was predicted for someone in his apparent state
 of consciousness and finally concluded that the current state of the
 world's consciousness wouldn't support full enlightenment, and
 eventually set out to remedy the situation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Bob Price
Dr. Parkinson,

Welcome to FFL. I've been enjoying your exchanges with our fellow posters 
immensely. Lately, I've been trying to communicate in moving images but I'm 
afraid I'll never match the lyrical magic or sattva of our talented Yifu. 

While reading one of your posts I found myself reaching for my Webster's and 
remembered the last time I reached out like that. I was wondering if you've 
recently been to Canada or Africa? 

From: William Parkinson ameradi...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:22:34 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

Thank you so much Ravi for allowing me a peek into your experiences. When I say 
'questionable utility' what I mean is this. In the Eastern tradition, as I 
understand it, the goal of Enlightenment is to  free one from karmic bondage; 
that is to say, to end the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (the 
'transmigration of the soul'). Enlightenment is always viewed as something that 
dispels ignorance. And what is this ignorance? Far more often than not it is 
the idea that dualism is illusory. But what if there is no such thing as 
reincarnation (as I believe)? What good does the Enlightenment do then? And 
what if the phenomenological approach to religion is the worst possible way to 
proceed to truth? I should really take the time to write of a compelling 
example of this error in religion using the example if the Mormon faith. In the 
light of evidence from mitochondrial DNA we can now say that Joseph Smith, and 
everything he taught, was completely false
 (there were other lines of compelling evidence that converge on the same 
conclusion). And yet Mormons, because of a phenomenon called the 'burning 
bosom,' nevertheless, believe wholeheartedly that it is still true. When I get 
the time I think I will write a post on this. Hopefully it will be edifying to 
everyone on the forum.  In any event, I'm not sure I see how it is useful to 
become enlightened, unless it makes a person a better human being; viz. 
becoming a more loving person. Of course, this is only my personal belief.  I 
would be fascinated to hear anything you can tell me about what value this 
period in your life has had for you. I am always endlessly fascinated by the 
religious convictions and scruples of people no matter what the religious 
tradition. You are one of the few people I have ever encountered who can say 
that they entered into a state of consciousness that was at least close to, if 
not entirely synonymous with, the classical
 definition of enlightenment.  It would be a welcome exercise to me personally 
if you could tell me just a little bit about why you feel it was salutary for 
you. In any event, I thank you deeply Ravi for sharing your experiences with 
me. I hope to hear more from you soon!

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

Did you and Ravi (are you there?) engage in this more dedicated practice of 
No like I said I didn't engage in any advanced practices. IME the result does 
not seem to be proportional to the effort and like ancient scriptures point out 
the other factors seems to be grace, the existing attachments and one's innate 

Meditation, at least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done 
because it is helpful; not because it develops long-term brain changes of 
questionable utility 

I can vouch for long term brain changes, I would definitely disagree with the 
questionable utility part. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I deeply appreciate the 
  warm welcome.  Honestly, however, you have truly baffled me, because your 
 own experience goes far beyond so-called cosmic consciousness. Up until now I 
 thought the only two people that had reached what TM jargon calls UC was 
 Robin C. and Ravi. And now it seems you reached at too! An interesting 
 question as a follow-up might be this: if a person simply follows the 20 
 minutes-twice a day formulation, will they ever go beyond simple cosmic 
 consciousness?  I wonder if those of you who have reached GC and UC did so 
 because of advanced meditation techniques, many hours of so-called 
 'rounding;' not to mention many more hours of meditation throughout the week. 
 I think of Clint Eastwood who has been doing TM for four years. Seemingly he 
 has done it in the simple 20 minute-twice a day fashion. Did you and Ravi 
 (are you there?)  engage in this more dedicated practice of TM?
 I must
 also say that your post has caused me some degree of disquiet. Meditation, at 
 least for the purposes of my goal, is something that is done because it is 
 helpful; not because

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Bill - thanks for your clarifications.
In any event, I'm not sure I see how it is useful to become
enlightened, unless it makes a person a better human being; viz.
becoming a more loving person.
It would be a welcome exercise to me personally if you could tell me
just a little bit about why you feel it was salutary for you.
I think these are very good questions and I will get back to you once I
have more time. In the meantime I would definitely be interested in Jim,
Rory, Xeno and other's views as well.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@...

 Thank you so much Ravi for allowing me a peek into your experiences.
When I say 'questionable utility' what I mean is this. In the Eastern
tradition, as I understand it, the goal of Enlightenment is to  free
one from karmic bondage; that is to say, to end the endless cycle of
birth, death, and rebirth (the 'transmigration of the soul').
Enlightenment is always viewed as something that dispels ignorance. And
what is this ignorance? Far more often than not it is the idea that
dualism is illusory. But what if there is no such thing as reincarnation
(as I believe)? What good does the Enlightenment do then? And what if
the phenomenological approach to religion is the worst possible way to
proceed to truth? I should really take the time to write of a compelling
example of this error in religion using the example if the Mormon faith.
In the light of evidence from mitochondrial DNA we can now say that
Joseph Smith, and everything he taught, was completely false
  (there were other lines of compelling evidence that converge on the
same conclusion). And yet Mormons, because of a phenomenon called the
'burning bosom,' nevertheless, believe wholeheartedly that it is still
true. When I get the time I think I will write a post on this. Hopefully
it will be edifying to everyone on the forum. Â In any event, I'm not
sure I see how it is useful to become enlightened, unless it makes a
person a better human being; viz. becoming a more loving person. Of
course, this is only my personal belief. Â I would be fascinated to
hear anything you can tell me about what value this period in your life
has had for you. I am always endlessly fascinated by the religious
convictions and scruples of people no matter what the religious
tradition. You are one of the few people I have ever encountered who can
say that they entered into a state of consciousness that was at least
close to, if not entirely synonymous with, the classical
  definition of enlightenment. Â It would be a welcome exercise to
me personally if you could tell me just a little bit about why you feel
it was salutary for you. In any event, I thank you deeply Ravi for
sharing your experiences with me. I hope to hear more from you soon!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)

2011-07-13 Thread whynotnow7
Bill, Rather than coddling your silence, you may want to try destroying it 
instead. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@... wrote:

 Thx so much XA. What you describe is the one thing I fear the most. I have 
 had insomnia for my entire adult life and when I went to a sleep lab way back 
 in 1982 (at U.C.Irvine in California) I was told I had alpha intrusion.' 
 Obviously I was having trouble getting out of the restful state of alpha and 
 into the drowsy theta state and then into the sleeping delta. So, when the 
 article in Sleep showed that these TM meditators where producing alpha waves, 
 while concomitantly showing delta waves, that turned me off. I quit doing TM 
 long ago because of it. That was 11 years ago. But around 5 months ago now I 
 started TM again and it was not too long, perhaps 10 weeks later, I could 
 tell that CC was starting to develop. That silent inner layer, which was 
 there all the time when I was not too mentally active (so, watching TV I 
 could 'feel' it), was growing and I worry about the effects on sleep.  Your 
 story is, for me, a real cautionary tale to be sure. I am
  deeply grateful to you for sharing it with me.   I guess the only good 
 thing to take way for all of this was that the CC experience did go away in 
 time. If I may ask one question XA: How much were you meditating? Were you 
 going far beyond the typical twice-per-day,  20 minute program? Were you 
 using advanced techniques? Were you going to all those residence courses to 
 undergo 'rounding'? Clint Eastwood has been meditating for 40 years and I 
 assume he is doing TM 'lite,' as I am.  He seems none the worse for wear, so 
 to speak. 
 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
 With regards to William Parkinson, Ravi Yogi, and Lawson
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson ameradian2@
   Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I
 did not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason
 why I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for
 better or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I
 have ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
 something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
 including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
 years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
 Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
 form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
 desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
 I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7. Frankly this entire
 notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
 silent inner level, during sleep is something that
   concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And
 I also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
 long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
 neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
 also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive
   From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
   Dear Bill,
   Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
   In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't
 seem to hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state.
 Most of the times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like
 I'm aware of my sleep state but this happens rarely.
   However during a period of 3 months in 09  10, during this period
 that I refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full
 awareness even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of
 the body trying to cope with energy than any natural state. My body
 treated this energy as an invasion and felt the need to be awake 24
 hours a day to deal with this.
   So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having
 integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak
 I just sleep.
   TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach
 the shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.
  For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other
 times, but invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down
 stream, and the further shore seems at least as far away as ever, if
 not more.
  IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat

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