[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 The internet has not been good for campaigns.  It spreads
 rumor and reinforces positions that are untenable.

Obama's unlikely to have been where he is today
where it not for the Internet as an organizing
and fundraising tool.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  The internet has not been good for campaigns.  It spreads
  rumor and reinforces positions that are untenable.
 Obama's unlikely to have been where he is today
 where it not for the Internet as an organizing
 and fundraising tool.

This is true...Because he is a transformational figure, he has been 
able to integrate all the technology to his advantage. He has many, 
many people excited about the evolution of this counry and this 
world, and in this way, got the best most clear people to work with 
The internet has helped many people who have been creative enough to 
use it.
John McCain, now, and Hillary in the primary were symbols of the old.
Obama is the new.
Would you like to go backwards or forwards...?
We choose to go forward.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread raunchydog
I take you just as seriously. I was under the impression Rick wanted
to tidy up the place when he invited me to post. If you want to live
in an echo chamber of unified groupthink where no one dares question
the Messiah, then you should be the one to leave. I'll leave when
Obama's thought police cart me off to the gulag and the rest of you
are harvesting potatoes for dinner.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
big circle jerk with each other.
 --- On Fri, 10/24/08, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Traces of Nuts
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 8:53 PM
 We never thought we'd be here, but we are.
 On June 8, a
 group of Hillary's most ardent supporters formed a coalition called
 Just Say No Deal. What followed was a viral explosion which grew
 organically and virtually. We put our families, jobs, reputations and
 even, in some cases, our lives and safety on the line, to stand up and
 speak out in the media
 against the corruption of the DNC and the thuggery of the Obama
 Campaign and ACORN.  The abuse inflicted upon Hillary supporters in the
 blogosphere and on the trail is now being felt by McCain supporters.
 And as a female candidate, Sarah Palin is getting a taste of what 'Our
 Gal' went through.
 Just Say No Deal is
 made up of ordinary Americans: moms, soldiers, doctors, nurses,
 waitresses, landscapers, bankers, delegates, election judges, precinct
 chairs, professors... and yes, even plumbers.  Google 'we will not be
 silenced' and hear their stories for yourself!
 No matter who you are or where you stand TODAY, the injustices that
brought us together this year were REAL.
 That said, you may have moved on and we respect that decision. We
truly do.
 for the rest of you, join our fight to put :
 country b4 party
 visit us to learn how to:
 1. rapid respond / blog
 2. phoneb ank
 3. hit the road 
 call us at 617.416.4897 is you want to join these Hill Supporters on
the road in your area!  [media inquiries welcome]
 thank you.

traces of nuts.
   Virtually no 
 attention has been 
 paid to the amount 
 of taxpayer
 dollars that
 funds ACORN
 Housing Corporation 
 or A H C - which 
 helped unqualified 
 poor people get 
 NINJA mortgages
   stalwart defender of 
 Fannie Mae, the 
 congressman dated 
 exec Herb Moses, who 
 developed FM's
 affordable housing  
 lending programs for 
 the past 7 years--a 
 clear conflict of 
 interest and potential 
 In 2005, 
 $100 million 
 to groups, 
 Provided the 
 $20 million
 seed capital 
 for left-wing 
   deeply embedded 
 in wall street firms, 
 the senator and 
 house banking 
 chair is the single 
 of money from 
 Freddy Mac  
 Fannie Mae - now 
 overseeing the 
 bailout and the 
 very crisis he has 
 the 2nd largest  recipient of Freddy  
 Fannie cash, the former ACORN 
 attorney and Chief Trainer formed a 
 political partnership with Bill Ayers in 
 his early years. Blames reckless 
 deregulation and lack of oversight for 
 the current financial meltdown, but 
 government policies - formulated and 
 promoted by community organizations  
 - like those linked to Obama -  along 
 with members of his campaign- are the 
 root cause.
 By trafficking bad paper, they collectively 
 collapsed the credit markets in one fell 
 swoop and may well be the catalyst for 
 another American Depression.  Continuous 
 attempts by republicans  were made (2002 
 - 2005) to overhaul the two mortgage 
 giants, only to be blocked by scores of 
 Dems led by Barney Frank. Even Bill 
 Clinton tried to reign in Freddy  Fannie in 
 1998,  but ultimately succumbed to party 
   reportedly one of 
 the democrats to 
 block the $700 
 Billion Bailout by 
 demanding 20% 
 kickback to 
 ACORN. Helped 
 collapse IndyMac 
 - one of the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
 To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
 losing candidate?
 When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
 lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard someone  
 going on and on about Mitt Romney?
 Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
 realized that along time ago RD.
 I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

As I have said before, this is not about Hillary, it's about a corrupt
media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. For this reason, I will
continue to criticize Obama. After about six months of his
administration, and you have detoxed from the Kool 
Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him as well. Be
thankful for a free voice in a free country.  Let's hope it stays that

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
 To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
 losing candidate?
 When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
 lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard someone  
 going on and on about Mitt Romney?
 Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
 realized that along time ago RD.
 I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

As I've said in previous posts, this is not about Hillary, it's about
the corrupt media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. As long as free
speech is still possible in this country, I'll continue to criticize
Obama.  After about six months of his administration and you have
detoxed from the Kool Aid, you'll probably have some complaints about
him as well. Be thankful for a free voice in a free country. Let's
hope it stays that way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread raunchydog
As I have said before, this is not about Hillary, it's about a corrupt
media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. For this reason, I will
continue to criticize Obama. After about six months of his
administration, and you have detoxed from the Kool 
Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him as well. Be
thankful for a free voice in a free country.  Let's hope it stays that

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@  
  Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
  deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
  heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
  posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
  ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
  going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
  Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
  big circle jerk with each other.
  I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
  invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
  groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
  one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
  the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.
 It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
 To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
 losing candidate?
 When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
 lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard someone  
 going on and on about Mitt Romney?
 Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
 realized that along time ago RD.
 I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
raunchydog wrote:
 As I have said before, this is not about 
 Hillary, it's about a corrupt media...

Journalism Sacrificed For Power and Pensions:

The traditional media is playing a very, very 
dangerous game. With its readers, with the 
Constitution, and with its own fate.

The sheer bias in the print and television 
coverage of this election campaign is not just 
bewildering, but appalling. And over the last 
few months I've found myself slowly moving from 
shaking my head at the obvious one-sided 
reporting, to actually shouting at the screen 
of my television and my laptop computer.

Read more:

'Editing Their Way to Oblivion'
Posted by Glenn Reynolds
Instapundit, October 25, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread Robert
 As I've said in previous posts, this is not about Hillary, it's about
 the corrupt media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. As long as 
 speech is still possible in this country, I'll continue to criticize
 Obama.  After about six months of his administration and you have
 detoxed from the Kool Aid, you'll probably have some complaints about
 him as well. Be thankful for a free voice in a free country. Let's
 hope it stays that way.

Well, I can see your waving the white flag, in admitting Barack Obama 
will be the next President of the United States.
It's ok, to move on from a previous notion, that has been found to be 
Cease fire, Comrades!
I know you will be finding the sense, by the time of the election, and 
cast your vote for the Saviour.
Thank you, for hanging in there for Hillary, beyond the call of duty.
You deserve a Purple Heart, for the abuse you have taken on this forum.
Good luck to you, in accepting the reality of a new world.
One where, fear is the only thing to fear.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
  groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then
  you should be the one to leave. I'll leave when
  Obama's thought police cart me off to the gulag and
  the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.
 It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
 To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on
 their losing candidate?

I'm not sure that question will do much to put it
in perspective.

For one thing, by the time Hillary and Obama were
the only two candidates left standing in the
primary, virtually all the Dems on this forum were
for Obama. The Hillary supporters here are the
only ones who *had* a losing candidate, in a
*very* close primary at that.

 When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and 
 someone lamenting his election loss? When was the last time
 you heard someone going on and on about Mitt Romney?
 Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former 
 supporters realized that along time ago RD.

Did Huckabee or Romney *have* supporters here?
I can't recall any.

In any case, the Republican primary wasn't that
close (nor was there any suggestion of hanky-
panky in connection with McCain's win).

On the other hand, over at The Corner, the group
blog of the right-wing National Review Online,
the participants are still lamenting Huckabee's
and Romney's loss.

Plus which, it isn't as if nobody here has ever
lamented Gore's and Kerry's losses to Bush.

And of course nobody here thinks it's not over
and done--except for the election, of course.

It would be interesting to see, if McCain should
manage to win the election, whether any of the
folks here will be lamenting *Obama's* loss.

There. *Now* it's in perspective.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

 raunchydog wrote:
  As I have said before, this is not about 
  Hillary, it's about a corrupt media...
 Journalism Sacrificed For Power and Pensions:
 The traditional media is playing a very, very 
 dangerous game. With its readers, with the 
 Constitution, and with its own fate.
 The sheer bias in the print and television 
 coverage of this election campaign is not just 
 bewildering, but appalling. And over the last 
 few months I've found myself slowly moving from 
 shaking my head at the obvious one-sided 
 reporting, to actually shouting at the screen 
 of my television and my laptop computer.
 Read more:
 'Editing Their Way to Oblivion'
 Posted by Glenn Reynolds
 Instapundit, October 25, 2008

The MSM is a reflection of the collective consciousness.
The collective consciousness has changed, and has become more aware 
of manipulation by the Bush administration and the media's lock-step, 
during the buildup to the Blitzkrieg of Iraq...
What you are findiing is that more and more writers, are impressed 
with someone like Barack Obama, an unlikely pick, who has shown 
amazing grace in his bid to overturn the grip of the Status Quo on 
the American people and the world.
It is time that we get beyond nationalism, and a neo-dictatorial 
state of governance.
This is the beginning of the end of the old guard.
No more 'Good ol' Boys' running the country from Texas.
The end.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
 willytex@ wrote:
  raunchydog wrote:
   As I have said before, this is not about 
   Hillary, it's about a corrupt media...
  Journalism Sacrificed For Power and Pensions:
  The traditional media is playing a very, very 
  dangerous game. With its readers, with the 
  Constitution, and with its own fate.
  The sheer bias in the print and television 
  coverage of this election campaign is not just 
  bewildering, but appalling. And over the last 
  few months I've found myself slowly moving from 
  shaking my head at the obvious one-sided 
  reporting, to actually shouting at the screen 
  of my television and my laptop computer.
  Read more:
  'Editing Their Way to Oblivion'
  Posted by Glenn Reynolds
  Instapundit, October 25, 2008
 The MSM is a reflection of the collective consciousness.
 The collective consciousness has changed, and has become more 
 of manipulation by the Bush administration and the media's lock-
 during the buildup to the Blitzkrieg of Iraq...
 What you are findiing is that more and more writers, are impressed 
 with someone like Barack Obama, an unlikely pick, who has shown 
 amazing grace in his bid to overturn the grip of the Status Quo on 
 the American people and the world.
 It is time that we get beyond nationalism, and a neo-dictatorial 
 state of governance.
 This is the beginning of the end of the old guard.
 No more 'Good ol' Boys' running the country from Texas.
 The end.

well said R.G.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-26 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The MSM is a reflection of the collective consciousness.
 The collective consciousness has changed, and has become more aware 
 of manipulation by the Bush administration and the media's lock-step, 
 during the buildup to the Blitzkrieg of Iraq...
 What you are findiing is that more and more writers, are impressed 
 with someone like Barack Obama, an unlikely pick, who has shown 
 amazing grace in his bid to overturn the grip of the Status Quo on 
 the American people and the world.
 It is time that we get beyond nationalism, and a neo-dictatorial 
 state of governance.
 This is the beginning of the end of the old guard.
 No more 'Good ol' Boys' running the country from Texas.
 The end.

The same media that protected Bush and hyped the war is protecting
Obama and hyping him. Why? Here's a clue NBC and MSNBC the most
blatant supporters of Obama are owned by weapons maker General Electric:

Weapons Maker General Electric Rewrites Criteria to Exclude Kucinich
from Debate by davidswanson on Fri, 2008-01-11 http://tinyurl.com/5jrm6u

DETROIT, MI - Less than 44 hours after NBC sent a congratulatory note
and an invitation to Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to participate
in the Jan. 15 Democratic Presidential debate in Las Vegas, the
network notified the campaign this morning it was changing its
announced criteria, rescinding its invitation, and excluding Kucinich
from the debate.

NBC Political Director Chuck Todd notified the Kucinich campaign this
morning that, although Kucinich had met the qualification criteria
publicly announced on December 28, the network was re-doing the
criteria, excluding Kucinich, and planning to invite only Senators
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and former senator John Edwards.

The criteria announced last month included a fourth-place or better
showing in a national poll. The USA/Gallup poll earlier this month
showed Kucinich in fourth place among the Democratic contenders.
In an email to the Kucinich campaign at 2:35 p.m. on Wednesday,
January 9, Democratic Party debates consultant Jenny Backus wrote:

Congratulations on another hard-fought contest. Now that New
Hampshire is over, we are on to Nevada and our Presidential Debate on
Tuesday January 15. This letter serves as an official invitation for
your candidate to participate in the Nevada Presidential Debate at
Cashman Theatre in downtown Las Vegas. You have met the criteria set
by NBC and the Debate. Todd notified the Kucinich campaign this
morning that the network had decided to change the criteria and limit
participation in the debate to only three candidates.

Kucinich is the only remaining Democratic Presidential candidate who:
voted against the original Iraq War authorization in 2002 and every
war-funding measure since; voted against the so-called Patriot Act;
advocates a national, not-for-profit health system that covers all
Americans; has called for the repeal of NAFTA and withdrawal from the
WTO; and proposes a national back-to-work program (Works Green
Administration)patterned after the Depression-era Works Progress
Administration (WPA. The Kucinich campaign, which filed an emergency
complaint with the Federal Communications Commission last week because
of ABC's decision to exclude the candidate from a nationally televised
debate, is considering legal action to address the blatant disregard
of the public interest in silencing public debate that dissents with
the views of NBC, its parent company, GE, and all of the military
contractors and their candidate-funding corporate interests. Corporate
control of the media is one issue. Corporate media control of the
information that is allowed to reach American citizens is much more
dangerous, much more sinister, and much more un-American.

When 'big media' exert their unbridled control over what Americans
can see, hear, and read, then the Constitutional power and right of
the citizens to vote is being vetoed by multi-billion corporations
that want the votes to go their way, the Kucinich campaign said.

Who owns the media? http://tinyurl.com/dpc6d

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
big circle jerk with each other.

 I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread Vaj

On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully

deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
big circle jerk with each other.

I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.

It sounds like he picked the wrong person.

To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
losing candidate?

When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard someone  
going on and on about Mitt Romney?

Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
realized that along time ago RD.

I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
 deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
 heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
 posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
 ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
 going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
 Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
 big circle jerk with each other.
  I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
 invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
 groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
 one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
 the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.


The internet has not been good for campaigns.  It spreads rumor and
reinforces positions that are untenable.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread feste37
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
 invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
 groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
 one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
 the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.

You seem to occupy a strange mental world that is unrelated to
reality. Obama's thought police? Gulag? What on earth are you
talking about? Those sour-grapes feminist blogs you read all day are
warping your mind, raunchy!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread raunchydog
You missed this irony.  The thought police are on FF Life. When I post
a criticism of Obama, a common response, after a personal attack, is a
demand that I leave the forum. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
  invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
  groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
  one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
  the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.
 You seem to occupy a strange mental world that is unrelated to
 reality. Obama's thought police? Gulag? What on earth are you
 talking about? Those sour-grapes feminist blogs you read all day are
 warping your mind, raunchy!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread raunchydog
As I have said before, this is not about Hillary, it's about a corrupt
media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. For this reason, I will
continue to criticize Obama. After about six months of his
administration, and you have detoxed from the Kool 
Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him as well. Be
thankful for a free voice in a free country.  Let's hope it stays that

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@  
  Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
  deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
  heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
  posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
  ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
  going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
  Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
  big circle jerk with each other.
  I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
  invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
  groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
  one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
  the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.
 It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
 To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
 losing candidate?
 When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
 lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard someone  
 going on and on about Mitt Romney?
 Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
 realized that along time ago RD.
 I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread Vaj

On Oct 25, 2008, at 10:55 AM, raunchydog wrote:

As I have said before, this is not about Hillary, it's about a corrupt
media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. For this reason, I will
continue to criticize Obama. After about six months of his
administration, and you have detoxed from the Kool
Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him as well. Be
thankful for a free voice in a free country.  Let's hope it stays that

I already have complaints; I'm just not accentuating the negative.  
Beside, the gripes are inconsequential at this stage of the game.  
Afterwords is a different story and as always I will be communicating  
directly to my senators and representatives as well as via my choice  
of Political Action Committees.

If Mike Hucklebee would've been elected we'd see a quick end to all  
this free speech crap and it'd be back to the way it's supposed to be:  
Christian Free Speech. If it ain't in the Bible, it shouldn't be used.  
Filtering of the internet could easily solve much of the problem. Then  
once mandatory gun laws were in place and there was a gun in every  
home, peace would prevail. Screw that there Mahareeshi Effekt. We need  
the coherence of guns. I really doubt Obama is going to give us that  
level of freedom. Pray for Sarah to resign in the last week for  
personal reasons and then the sudden mavericky appointment of Mike  
will seal our fate in the ensuing turnaround. There is still Hope RD.

Please put Mike in your prayers (and tell your dad and brother too).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread feste37
I don't mind constructive criticism of Obama, but I wasn't aware that
you had made any. I do fear that Obama's Achilles heel may be his
aggressive attitude to Afghanistan. More troops, more, more, more! No
good will come to the US from this intervention. Afghanistan is a
graveyard for foreigners. Always has been, always will be. I fear that
just as LBJ's decision to escalate the Vietnam war proved his undoing,
that the same could be true of Obama in Afghanistan. Also, I regret
Obama's apparently fanatical support of Israel. It seems as if he
feels he must walk in lockstep with all American politicians from both
parties on this. We could settle the Israeli-Palestinian issue if we
leaned on Israel, but we never will because, as everyone knows, 
American policy in the Middle East is run by the Israelis and their
amen corner in the US (as Pat Buchanan put it many years ago). 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As I have said before, this is not about Hillary, it's about a corrupt
 media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate. For this reason, I will
 continue to criticize Obama. After about six months of his
 administration, and you have detoxed from the Kool 
 Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him as well. Be
 thankful for a free voice in a free country.  Let's hope it stays that
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@  
   Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they
   deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
   heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
   posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
   ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
   going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
   Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
   big circle jerk with each other.
   I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
   invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of
   groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should
be the
   one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
   the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.
  It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
  To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
  losing candidate?
  When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
  lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard
  going on and on about Mitt Romney?
  Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
  realized that along time ago RD.
  I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:04 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
big circle jerk with each other.

I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
invited me to post. 

Not tidy up. Messy up. I like to see a variety of voices on FFL, including
those I don't agree with.

If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As I have said before, this is not about Hillary, it's about a
corrupt media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate.

The media.  Not too useful with our thousands of channels of media
today.  Since we have Fox news in the mix of mainstream media the
appropriate question is which media are you talking about.

The concept that the DNC and the media are in cahoots is up there
with 9-11 conspiracy theories.   They are too diverse a group of
people to be in cahoots on anything.  Plus media outlets are in fierce

For this reason, I will continue to criticize Obama. After about six
months of his administration, and you have detoxed from the Kool 
 Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him as well. Be
 thankful for a free voice in a free country.  Let's hope it stays
that way.

I think you have gotten a pretty predictable reaction to your
insistence that posters here are on cool-aid or are somehow less
critical in their thinking than you are for preferring Obama Biden to
McCain Palin.  Some of us view all politics as a shit sandwich where
your only choice is in the thickness of the bread. Some of us may not
agree with the flaw you think you are seeing in him.  We may have
different issues with him.

From the beginning I have been a supporter of you expressing your POV
here.  It has inspired a lot of interesting posts.  I see you posts as
more grenade launches than discussions however.  There is an
assumptive condescension that you are communicating with people of
lessor intellectual talents or less sincere motives than you.  So I'm
not really surprised to see posts of people giving you the mickey back.  

We all have our own communication styles that match our agendas here.
   It ranges from IRA molitov cocktail launching to a kumbaya hug with
or without a furtive ass grab. Us against them creates the most
lively dynamic and is often the backbone dynamic.  But it tends to
blur the areas of agreement and cartoonize us all as for or
against in complex topics.   

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@  
   Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they
   deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
   heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
   posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
   ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
   going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I
   Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a
   big circle jerk with each other.
   I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
   invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of
   groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should
be the
   one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
   the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.
  It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
  To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their  
  losing candidate?
  When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone  
  lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard
  going on and on about Mitt Romney?
  Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters  
  realized that along time ago RD.
  I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread Richard J. Williams
feste wrote:
 I don't mind constructive criticism of Obama...

So, you're thinking that Obama dosen't have the
experience to deal with the war. Maybe that's why 
Obama added Joe Biden to his ticket, to remind us 
of how unfit he is for being the commander-in-chief. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread Peter
Hey Raunchydog,
I want to apologize for the intensity of my post to you. I still hold my point 
to be true, but I should have been a little more civil. As Curtis notes, I tend 
to see many of your posts as lobbing grenades. It seems you have absolutely 
accepted some sort of conspiracy theory behind Hillary's
primary loss. If you want to argue that position with links from reputable news 
sources, then I'll listen and consider your assertions. But these diatribes and 
hysterical screeds only serve as some sort of a catharsis for you and your 
fellow conspirators and do absolutely nothing to advance your argument. You 
come across as the crazy guy on the street wearing the tinfoil hat; 
entertaining, but not to be taken seriously.

--- On Sat, 10/25/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 11:34 AM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog
  As I have said before, this is not about Hillary,
 it's about a
 corrupt media and DNC picking a corrupt candidate.
 The media.  Not too useful with our thousands
 of channels of media
 today.  Since we have Fox news in the mix of mainstream
 media the
 appropriate question is which media are you talking about.
 The concept that the DNC and the media are in
 cahoots is up there
 with 9-11 conspiracy theories.   They are too diverse a
 group of
 people to be in cahoots on anything.  Plus media outlets
 are in fierce
 For this reason, I will continue to criticize Obama.
 After about six
 months of his administration, and you have detoxed from
 the Kool 
  Aid, you will probably have some complaints about him
 as well. Be
  thankful for a free voice in a free country. 
 Let's hope it stays
 that way.
 I think you have gotten a pretty predictable reaction to
 insistence that posters here are on cool-aid or are somehow
 critical in their thinking than you are for preferring
 Obama Biden to
 McCain Palin.  Some of us view all politics as a shit
 sandwich where
 your only choice is in the thickness of the bread. Some of
 us may not
 agree with the flaw you think you are seeing in
 him.  We may have
 different issues with him.
 From the beginning I have been a supporter of you
 expressing your POV
 here.  It has inspired a lot of interesting posts.  I see
 you posts as
 more grenade launches than discussions however.  There is
 assumptive condescension that you are communicating with
 people of
 lessor intellectual talents or less sincere motives than
 you.  So I'm
 not really surprised to see posts of people giving you the
 mickey back.  
 We all have our own communication styles that match our
 agendas here.
It ranges from IRA molitov cocktail launching to a
 kumbaya hug with
 or without a furtive ass grab. Us against them
 creates the most
 lively dynamic and is often the backbone dynamic.  But it
 tends to
 blur the areas of agreement and cartoonize us all as
 for or
 against in complex topics.   
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj
 vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
Raunchydog. If you are the typical
 Hillary supporter then they
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on
 their post-menopausal
heads. I have never read such ridiculous
 screeds as you have been
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet
 blood of Jesus you are
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest,
 woman. Go post on some I
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from
 Hillary blog and have a
big circle jerk with each other.
I was under the impression Rick wanted to
 tidy up the place when he
invited me to post. If you want to live in
 an echo chamber of
groupthink where no one questions the
 Messiah, then you should
 be the
one to leave. I'll leave when
 Obama's thought police cart me off to
the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting
 potatoes for dinner.
   It sounds like he picked the wrong person.
   To put it in perspective how many others here are
 stuck on their  
   losing candidate?
   When was the last time you heard a post on Mike
 Huckabee and someone  
   lamenting his election loss? When was the last
 time you heard
   going on and on about Mitt Romney?
   Answer: almost never. It's over, it's
 done and his former supporters  
   realized that along time ago RD.
   I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary?
 To subscribe, send a message to:
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-25 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You missed this irony.  The thought police are on FF Life. When I 
 a criticism of Obama, a common response, after a personal attack, is 
 demand that I leave the forum. 
I'm not sure why anyone would ask you to leave this forum.
Are you experiencing paranoia?
I think many people, who may have been incarnated during their most 
recent past life, during the 'Nazi Era', may have some latent Samsaras 
that stir up past memories of a leader with passionate mass appeal.
This seemed to come up a lot, after Barack made that speech in Germany.
There were an estimated 200,000 people there...I guess the Germans are 
still into mass rallies.
But, the nazi era is over. Barack is not a nazi. Just the opposite.
He isn't demanding that anyone do anything.
He isn't attempting to push the old war-monger mentality, so being 
experienced in war-making, at this time in history, is not needed.
We have learned that war is not an answer.
We have learned that creating peace and harmony is the answer.
Communication is the best way to overcome fear of the unknown.
The main reason people are hesitant towards Obama, is because they are 
hesitant to change their fixed views, and are afraid of change.
Hillary does not want or need you kind of help or support, anymore.
If you really cared about Hillary and her campaign, you would listen 
to what she has to say, and support the Democratic party.
But, to compare your feelings about Obama, to some latent feelings of 
Nazism, is ridiculous.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-24 Thread feste37
Poor old raunchy, still fighting the last war. The bit about Sarah
Palin as a female candidate getting a taste of what Hillary got is
nonsense. Palin is being rejected not because she is a woman but
because she is an ignoramus, a moron -- and a nasty, divisive one at
that. It's nothing to do with gender (and nor was it with Hillary). 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We never thought we'd be here, but we are.  On June 8, a group of
 Hillary's most ardent supporters formed a coalition called Just Say No
 Deal. What followed was a viral explosion which grew organically and
 virtually. We put our families, jobs, reputations and even, in some
 cases, our lives and safety on the line, to stand up and speak out in
 the media

 0  against the corruption of the DNC and the thuggery of the Obama
 Campaign and ACORN.  The abuse inflicted upon Hillary supporters in the
 blogosphere and on the trail is now being felt by McCain supporters. And
 as a female candidate, Sarah Palin is getting a taste of what 'Our Gal'
 went through.   Just Say No Deal is made up of ordinary Americans: moms,
 soldiers, doctors, nurses, waitresses, landscapers, bankers, delegates,
 election judges, precinct chairs, professors... and yes, even plumbers. 
 Google 'we will not be silenced' and hear their stories for yourself!  
 No matter who you are or where you stand TODAY, the injustices that
 brought us together this year were REAL.
 That said, you may have moved on and we respect that decision. We truly
 do.for the rest of you, join our fight to put :
 country b4 party
 visit us to learn how to:
 1. rapid respond 

 1 / blog
 2. phoneb ank

 3. hit the road

 call us at 617.416.4897 is you want to join these Hill Supporters on the
 road in your area!  [media inquiries welcome]   thank you.  
 http://tinyurl.com/4jcume http://tinyurl.com/4jcume
   [0]  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NmaZIdz6Vo[450]   
 [107][0]  http://www.justsaynodeal.com/index.html[321]
 traces of nuts.
   [0]  http://www.justsaynodeal.com/index2.html[obama claims
 minimal involvement with ACORN][132][84][90]
 [0]  http://www.justsaynodeal.com/acorn_research.html   Virtually
 attention has been
 paid to the amount
 of taxpayer
 dollars that
 funds ACORN
 Housing Corporation
 or A H C - which
 helped unqualified
 poor people get
 NINJA mortgages
   [241][213][150][110]   stalwart
defender of
 Fannie Mae, t

 p he

 p congressman

 p  dated

 p e

 p xec

 p  Herb Moses, who
 developed FM's
 affordable housing 
 lending programs for
 the past 7 years--a
 clear conflict of
 interest and potential
   [231]   In 2005,
 $100 million
 to groups,
 Provided the
 $20 million
 seed capital
 for left-wing
 deeply embedded
 in wall street firms,
 the senator and
 house banking
 chair is the single
 of money from
 Freddy Mac 
 Fannie Mae - now
 overseeing the
 bailout and the
 very crisis he has
 the 2nd largest  recipient of Freddy 
 Fannie cash, the former ACORN
 attorney and Chief Trainer formed a
 political partnership with Bill Ayers in
 his early years. Blames reckless
 deregulation and lack of oversight for
 the current financial meltdown, but
 government policies - formulated and
 promoted by community organizations
 - like those linked to Obama -  along
 with members of his campaign- are the
 root cause.
   [231]   By trafficking bad paper, they collectively
 collapsed the credit markets in one fell
 swoop and may well be the catalyst for
 another American Depression.  Continuous
   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE attempts by republicans
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE were made
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE  (2002
 - 2005) to overhaul the two mortgage
 giants, only to be blocked by scores of
 Dems led by Barney Frank. Even 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Traces of Nuts

2008-10-24 Thread enlightened_dawn11
way to go shiva.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully 
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal 
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been 
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS 
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are 
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some I 
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary blog and have a 
big circle jerk with each other.