Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
LOL!  Sounds like Yahoo is your new guru and Yahoo Guidelines the "New 
Vedas?"  Are you going to sell your farm and move to Sunnyvale?  Get 
ready for some real estate sticker shock.  Are you doing pujas daily to 

Being in the tech industry and living in the SF Bay Area let me give you 
a little background on Silicon Valley or what I like to call Silly 
Conned Valley (yes, it's a very nutty place).  The phenomena popped up 
due to graduates from Stanford setting up businesses in their garages.  
Hewlett-Packard was one of the early ones.  And we all know about the 
other two guys who started building computers in their garage but 
neither were graduates.

Back in the late 1990s many of us were on an email service call 
eGroups.  There are probably some here who participated in the Jyotish 
email group set up by a former TM teacher.  It's still alive as a Yahoo 
Group with a lot Indian jyotishees brawling it out.  In fact what 
happened to eGroups was that Yahoo bought them in 2000 and the result is 
Yahoo Groups.

As for guidelines, these are things that folks sitting around in a 
boardroom dream up.  They evolve over time and as product managers for 
Yahoo Groups bring up problems they are seeing but it's mainly someone 
saying "we need some guidelines, particularly for newbies starting up a 
group."  They are suggestions for decorum and nothing more.  They are 
not rigid rules and they are certainly not the "New Vedas."

On 07/09/2015 06:47 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yes, as some are affirming here the Yahoo-groups guidelines are a lot 
about civility and how things are said. Yes it is about civility and 
facilitating communal well-being for individuals in [safe] 
collaborative communal organization. With this it seems a lot of 
thought has been put in to the Yahoo-groups guidelines by folks at Yahoo.

The yahoo guidelines seem very much like a re-structuring and looking 
at language that is happening a lot of places and also ongoing within 
the TM movement itself to help folks figure out civil processes. Like 
between and within the different elements as in the case of TM, of 
what or who is TM. I was in movement working committee meetings 
yesterday on campus where a focus of discussion was looking for 
actionable remedy to some really poor behavior and culture in 
language-ing that can hold 'stealth-mores' and 'micro-inequities' that 
some may not realize they are sharing as they speak. The process comes 
to these same themes of facilitating and moving civil discourse.

Interestingly, the millennial meditating generation that is present 
participating in this is not sitting still at all for old patriarchal 
ways and they are quite studied in their push and their holding some 
elder feet to the fire. This is not just about a hurtful violence 
endemically perpetrated like exampled here by some behavior of some 
individuals in character as was on FFL but finding actionable cultural 
movement in progressive civil discourse that seems more broadly afoot 
otherwise. The collaboration in practice seems to require some willing 
studied [conscious] self-control of self-moderation for participation 
in the engagement. Also known as, civility and how things are said. 

---In,  wrote :

Doug is right here, and I think calling this new group Free Speech is 
a misnomer, as Doug implies. It's more a question of civility than 
free speech. IIf, say, you go to a party and spend your time there 
insulting and ridiculing and misrepresenting others, you will likely 
be asked to leave. But would it be fair to call that a curtailment of 
your right to free speech? I don't think so. It would just be an 
adverse commentary on your boorish social behavior, which you would be 
well advised to amend.

---In,  wrote :

As someone pointed out down at Paradiso Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa this 
morning about the creation of FFL2 for the FFL-banished, these fox may 
not have fun for long by themselves without also having hens to pick 
on. Making straw-men may suffice for some while and keep them from 
tearing at each other for some time. The Yahoo-groups guidelines 
eventually will find and rule them where ever they may go as they meet 
up with kind people in civil society. A character of violence in civil 
society often is that it is self-limiting in nature and the asocial 
tend to isolate themselves. Thanks for better facilitating that, Alex. 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

On a whim, I made a FFL free speech zone. Use it. Don't use it. 
Doesn't matter to me. Just letting you know it's there.

Yahoo! Groups 


Yahoo! Groups 
Sorry, an error occurred while loading the co

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 07/09/2015 08:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Yes, as some are affirming here the Yahoo-groups guidelines are a lot 
about civility and how things are said. Yes it is about civility and 
facilitating communal well-being for individuals in [safe] 
collaborative communal organization. With this it seems a lot of 
thought has been put in to the Yahoo-groups guidelines by folks at Yahoo.

Me: If I didn't know who wrote it, I would have to assume this was a 
parody. You are taking the approach that is appropriate for the 
pre-schools I teach in or an exclusive POV group like TM.

Two things stick out for me:

One is the assumption that the unenforced Yahoo guidelines are some 
kind of Vedic scripture and were not banged out by 20 something's from 
the corporate lawyer's guidelines. You are taking them as some kind of 
profound message for how to both condescendingly coddle and at the 
same time control  other adults engaged in free conversations.

/*Heh, that's what I said in a post before I read this one.  People sit 
around in corporate boardrooms and dream this stuff up because the 
lawyers and marketing demand it.  There was probably a tug-a-war between 
the more rational and idealistic in that meeting and probably a more 
senior manager reminding them they were to create "suggestions" not 
"rules." Those here who have sat in corporate boardrooms know what I 
mean.  :)*/

Two is that you are following a long historical line of people who 
value form over content and seem incapable of tolerating the way 
people who care about content engage in the process. When I am in a 
heated debate and someone calls me a name, it is very easy to label it 
for what it is, a sophistic tactic to distract from the weakness of 
the argument or their lack of ability to mount one. Often the back and 
forth of diverse opinions can inspire someone to mouth off a little. 
But that is because they are engaged, they care, they give a s-- oh 
wait, I just got a memo from the inhibitory part of my brain that 
alerts me that in your mind, you might bounce me if I use bad language

You don't want passionate people who are emotionally behind their 
ideas and willing to hash it out in discussion. If I put some new age 
music behind what you wrote I could use it to go to sleep. You are 
taking the Kim Kardashian approach to the exchange of ideas. All Spanx 
and nothing behind the eyes.

Buck:The yahoo guidelines seem very much like a re-structuring and 
looking at language that is happening a lot of places and also ongoing 
within the TM movement itself to help folks figure out civil 
processes. Like between and within the different elements as in the 
case of TM, of what or who is TM. I was in movement working committee 
meetings yesterday on campus where a focus of discussion was looking 
for actionable remedy to some really poor behavior and culture in 
language-ing that can hold 'stealth-mores' and 'micro-inequities' that 
some may not realize they are sharing as they speak. The process comes 
to these same themes of facilitating and moving civil discourse.

Me: A lot of chilling PC euphemisms here. It reminds me of why Jerry 
Seinfeld (see meditator reference so it must be good kids) said he 
doesn't perform on college campuses anymore.

This line made my veins run with ice water:

"looking for actionable remedy to some really poor behavior and 
culture in language-ing that can hold 'stealth-mores' and 
'micro-inequities' that some may not realize they are sharing as they 

Me: This is on the campus with a committee discussing actionable 
remedy for free speech if they detect "micro-inequalities" in what you 
have said. Am I really the lone voice in the wilderness who believes 
that this is the language of oppression? Is this what we lived through 
the 60's for? I am fundamentally opposed to every idea that is 
expressed by this POV.

Buck: Interestingly, the millennial meditating generation that is 
present participating in this is not sitting still at all for old 
patriarchal ways and they are quite studied in their push and their 
holding some elder feet to the fire. This is not just about a hurtful 
violence endemically perpetrated like exampled here

Me: Again with the conflation of violence and speech. This is critical 
to the sophistic goal of combining our natural civilized aversion to 
violence and pair it with someone calling another adult a name in a 
heated discussion. It is like an advertiser putting up a picture of 
their product next to a woman who looks as if she might be able to 
effectively nurse her child using a lady part that cannot be 
referenced directly because it might reveal the micro-inequality of 
sexism and might draw down the fire of an actionable remedy. (such 
creepy lawyer speech to hide creepy intentions.)

Buck: by some behavior of some individuals in character as was on FFL 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  

---In,  wrote :

 On 07/09/2015 08:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Yes, as some are affirming here the Yahoo-groups guidelines are a lot about 
civility and how things are said. Yes it is about civility and facilitating 
communal well-being for individuals in [safe] collaborative communal 
organization. With this it seems a lot of thought has been put in to the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines by folks at Yahoo. 
 Me: If I didn't know who wrote it, I would have to assume this was a parody. 
You are taking the approach that is appropriate for the pre-schools I teach in 
or an exclusive POV group like TM. 


 Two things stick out for me:

 One is the assumption that the unenforced Yahoo guidelines are some kind of 
Vedic scripture and were not banged out by 20 something's from the corporate 
lawyer's guidelines. You are taking them as some kind of profound message for 
how to both condescendingly coddle and at the same time control  other adults 
engaged in free conversations.

 Heh, that's what I said in a post before I read this one.  People sit around 
in corporate boardrooms and dream this stuff up because the lawyers and 
marketing demand it.  There was probably a tug-a-war between the more rational 
and idealistic in that meeting and probably a more senior manager reminding 
them they were to create "suggestions" not "rules." Those here who have sat in 
corporate boardrooms know what I mean.  :)

 Two is that you are following a long historical line of people who value form 
over content and seem incapable of tolerating the way people who care about 
content engage in the process. When I am in a heated debate and someone calls 
me a name, it is very easy to label it for what it is, a sophistic tactic to 
distract from the weakness of the argument or their lack of ability to mount 
one. Often the back and forth of diverse opinions can inspire someone to mouth 
off a little. But that is because they are engaged, they care, they give a s-- 
oh wait, I just got a memo from the inhibitory part of my brain that alerts me 
that in your mind, you might bounce me if I use bad language

 You don't want passionate people who are emotionally behind their ideas and 
willing to hash it out in discussion. If I put some new age music behind what 
you wrote I could use it to go to sleep. You are taking the Kim Kardashian 
approach to the exchange of ideas. All Spanx and nothing behind the eyes.

 Buck:The yahoo guidelines seem very much like a re-structuring and looking at 
language that is happening a lot of places and also ongoing within the TM 
movement itself to help folks figure out civil processes. Like between and 
within the different elements as in the case of TM, of what or who is TM. I was 
in movement working committee meetings yesterday on campus where a focus of 
discussion was looking for actionable remedy to some really

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  
I think I'm pretty comfortable with the guidelines as they are clearly or not 
clearly delineated here. I know for one thing that a whole bunch of people feel 
a whole lot more comfortable writing posts at FFL since you took over as 
moderator and asked some of the members, who were consistently throwing mud and 
rotten fruit at others, to leave. I'm just tired of continually having to wash 
my face and clothes after posting here and now that the need for that has 
vanished it is way better, for me. All this talk about personal freedoms being 
taken away is balderdash and highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is 
that Doug is not so interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the 
actual content but is more interested in creating a space where those who want 
to contribute can do so without getting heckled or humiliated or being 
subsequently misrepresented as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to 
disguise themselves as free thinkers are actually doing more to take away 
anyone's freedom of speech than the moderator. If I get canned at some point, 
then so be it. It is not important as some personal liberty denied that I was 
no longer allowed to post at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't 
rely on my posting status here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 You could have posted it here rather than make us look for it, but here it is 
for discussion as you've mentioned it:


 I would note that there's an important distinction between "unstressing" and 
amplifying your crap by giving it everyones attention. 

In the first, purification creates release that dissipates. Best if you can 
avoid catching others in the flak but not a big deal. The energy is clearing.

In the second, the opposite is happening. The energy is being built up and 
spread to others. There are karmic consequences for that and doing it online 
gives us the potential to create much larger consequences.

If there is no transcending, there is no unstressing going on. It's just 
venting, not purification. Unless you're really unattached (energetically 
transparent), hanging around in that energy is like bathing in energetic  

I suspect its partly why the silence instruction came down for flying. Some 
people were investing in it.


 I can't see how this is relevant or are you blaming people for not meditating? 
Not everyone sees things the way you do, to claim that people here were 
exploitatively trying to inflict personal emotional hurt is preposterous. 

 You have to be quite some way into movement mythology to accept this and even 
further in to want to live in a world where no one has any strong opinions. 
People get ratty occasionally, get over it. The most dysfunctionally aggressive 
people I ever met were all TM teachers. This place was a model of sanity and 
restraint compared to the last centre I lived in. Go figure.


 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 Are you deliberately making your prose impenetrable? It reads like you're 
embarrassed about what you're trying to say and are puffing it up with loads of 
grandiose allusions. 

 Be yourself, let it flow.


 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 Nobody here - or over on the new FFL - is uncomfortable with anything the TMO 
has ever done. As I said in my post on the pundits, it's got to change because 
it doesn't work. You will work it out.

 Blaming people like me for pointing out the shortcomings of your belief system 
is NOT emotional abuse. This place is predominantly for the discussion of TM 
and the organisation.


 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned. 

 You've kind of stacked the deck in your favour there haven't you? 

 We could say that your robotic schtick here is a form of NVC because you deny 
us a human face to relate to. Why don't you drop it and show us what a nice guy 
you are?



---In,  wrote :

 On 07/09/2015 08:33 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Yes, as some are affirming here the Yahoo-groups guidelines are a lot about 
civility and how things are said. Yes it is about civility and facilitating 
communal well-being for individuals in [safe] collaborative communal 
organization. With this it seems a lot of thought has been put in to the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines by folks at Yahoo.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  
I think I'm pretty comfortable with the guidelines as they are clearly or not 
clearly delineated here. I know for one thing that a whole bunch of people feel 
a whole lot more comfortable writing posts at FFL since you took over as 
moderator and asked some of the members, who were consistently throwing mud and 
rotten fruit at others, to leave. I'm just tired of continually having to wash 
my face and clothes after posting here and now that the need for that has 
vanished it is way better, for me. All this talk about personal freedoms being 
taken away is balderdash and highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is 
that Doug is not so interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the 
actual content but is more interested in creating a space where those who want 
to contribute can do so without getting heckled or humiliated or being 
subsequently misrepresented as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to 
disguise themselves as free thinkers are actually doing more to take away 
anyone's freedom of speech than the moderator. If I get canned at some point, 
then so be it. It is not important as some personal liberty denied that I was 
no longer allowed to post at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't 
rely on my posting status here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


 Heckled and humiliated? Throwing mud and fruit? We were reading different 
forums. I read a lot of well argued counter arguments to the TM dogma. TM 
claims to be a science, therefore it gets criticised. That's what science is, 
people arguing until they reach a consensus based on the evidence. 

 It's obvious that what Buck wants is a place where nobody can have a contrary 
opinion to what he believes in. That's why he uses terms like "apostate". But 
you can';t live in a world like that, there has to be dissent or nobody ever 
learns anything, you all just sit there agreeing with each other. What sort of 
discussion forum is that for crissakes? But I can see why people are scared of 

 And calling people like that trolls is a very poor effort. You got to think 
about what they say, not whether you personally agree with it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Me: We will have to agree to disagree about your conflating actual violence 
with people calling other people names on a public discussion site. Since you 
are a fan of old timey wisdom I refer you to the sutra whose rishi congnizer I 
don't remember. But his cognized truth I do remember. He said:

 Om shanti shanti shanti, sticksahey and stonesahey may break your bonesahey, 
but namesistah will never hurt youahey.

 This teaching applied to children who needed to learn that if you choose to 
give people the ability to hurt you with name calling you will forever be 
chasing people around going "tisk tisk tisk, you must stop this because I can't 
handle people thinking of me in a way I can't control." And this is coming from 
a guy who has drawn as much attempts at emotional hurt as anyone here. I simply 
chose to see it for what it was, a statement about that person's values and not 
about me like most adults do who don't require everyone to be nice to them. I 
have benefited more intellectually from people who went after me with passion 
than people who high fived me for what I wrote here. We fundamentally disagree 
with what we find valuable here as evidenced by how you and I have chosen to 
use this site. As far as David's ideas about spiritual matters go, I don't see 
enough value in reading posts there, I have been there and done that and have 
rejected the premises of that world view completely. They have given up the 
ability to call BS on each other and that means that zero discrimination is 
going on IMO. Not my cup a tea.


 B: Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind o.f incivility on 
their groups

 Me:As I have pointed out, this is false. Yahoo has done nothing to impose 
these vague values on this site, this is all your doing.


 B: these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are seeking to 
curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in communal mores 
and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are not 
grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 


 Me: They have bought into PC culture that has ruined college campuses as a 
place for the free exchange of ideas. I do not share your enthusiasm for their 
wisdom. I work with kids of all ages. Do you know that the prefronal cortex is 
not even physically developed in adults till they are 24-26? As bright and 
creative as college kids are, they are physically as much kids as adults. Their 
values can be passionately held and still wrong, or they may be right. You 
might have to give examples to see if I agree on a case by case basis, but an 
appeal to them being "old enough" isn't going to help your argument without 


 B: A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is 
TM. Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it 
might lead. 


 Me: I can't make any sense out of your first sentence. I have no idea if I am 
"comfortable" with what you are talking about. At first glance I would say that 
I am not confused about what is TM, I studied and practiced it a long time.


 B: But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, NVC.

 Me: If you mean that MUM is dealing with their long history of gay bashing and 
racism I am all for it. After I graduated there was a campus gay purge, did you 
know about that? One of my classmate friends was one of the targets so I am 
very clear about that issue that came right from Maharishi's gay prejudices. I 
also witnessed the National Organization's attitude toward black people in DC 
when I was chairman so I know they need to give up their religiously 
traditional oppressive views, that would be good. 


 B:Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the social 
sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 


 Me: Sorry to be repetitious but you are misrepresenting what the Yahoo 
guidelines are for in pursuit of your personal agenda here.


 B: ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  
I think I'm pretty comfortable with the guidelines as they are clearly or not 
clearly delineated here. I know for one thing that a whole bunch of people feel 
a whole lot more comfortable writing posts at FFL since you took over as 
moderator and asked some of the members, who were consistently throwing mud and 
rotten fruit at others, to leave. I'm just tired of continually having to wash 
my face and clothes after posting here and now that the need for that has 
vanished it is way better, for me. All this talk about personal freedoms being 
taken away is balderdash and highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is 
that Doug is not so interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the 
actual content but is more interested in creating a space where those who want 
to contribute can do so without getting heckled or humiliated or being 
subsequently misrepresented as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to 
disguise themselves as free thinkers are actually doing more to take away 
anyone's freedom of speech than the moderator. If I get canned at some point, 
then so be it. It is not important as some personal liberty denied that I was 
no longer allowed to post at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't 
rely on my posting status here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


 Heckled and humiliated? Throwing mud and fruit? We were reading different 

 No, you accused me of doing the same with reference to Xeno. You just don't 
recognize it when the posters you like do it to others. This is what bugs me 
the most - the hypocrisy. When your friends sling shit around it is 
well-reasoned arguments, when others do it they are teenaged girls mimicking 
what goes on at FB. You have a serious double standard for such a scientific 
guy, Sal.

  I read a lot of well argued counter arguments to the TM dogma. TM claims to 
be a science, therefore it gets criticised. That's what science is, people 
arguing until they reach a consensus based on the evidence. 

 Here is what you still don't understand about me. I don't give a flying fuck 
what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a post that has dick-all to do 
with TM that I usually find most boorish and that is, to be exact, the posts 
that get all personal and repetitive and twisted that consciously misrepresent 
and falsify what others are saying. I resent the trollish, dickish posts that 
people like your buddy bawee was notorious for. I don't, and most others here 
included, did not have a problem with dissenting viewpoints about TM and not 
one person who has been chucked out of here was done so because they said 
something "mean" about TM. It is about personal space and mutual civilized 
respect that can at least result in interesting and intelligent dialogue. 
Slinging shit around like its ones personal soapbox is a total drag.

 It's obvious that what Buck wants is a place where nobody can h

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  
I think I'm pretty comfortable with the guidelines as they are clearly or not 
clearly delineated here. I know for one thing that a whole bunch of people feel 
a whole lot more comfortable writing posts at FFL since you took over as 
moderator and asked some of the members, who were consistently throwing mud and 
rotten fruit at others, to leave. I'm just tired of continually having to wash 
my face and clothes after posting here and now that the need for that has 
vanished it is way better, for me. All this talk about personal freedoms being 
taken away is balderdash and highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is 
that Doug is not so interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the 
actual content but is more interested in creating a space where those who want 
to contribute can do so without getting heckled or humiliated or being 
subsequently misrepresented as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to 
disguise themselves as free thinkers are actually doing more to take away 
anyone's freedom of speech than the moderator. If I get canned at some point, 
then so be it. It is not important as some personal liberty denied that I was 
no longer allowed to post at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't 
rely on my posting status here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


 Heckled and humiliated? Throwing mud and fruit? We were reading different 

 No, you accused me of doing the same with reference to Xeno. You just don't 
recognize it when the posters you like do it to others. This is what bugs me 
the most - the hypocrisy. When your friends sling shit around it is 
well-reasoned arguments, when others do it they are teenaged girls mimicking 
what goes on at FB. You have a serious double standard for such a scientific 
guy, Sal.

  I read a lot of well argued counter arguments to the TM dogma. TM claims to 
be a science, therefore it gets criticised. That's what science is, people 
arguing until they reach a consensus based on the evidence. 

 Here is what you still don't understand about me. I don't give a flying fuck 
what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a post that has dick-all to do 
with TM that I usually find most boorish and that is, to be exact, the posts 
that get all personal and repetitive and twisted that consciously misrepresent 
and falsify what others are saying. I resent the trollish, dickish posts that 
people like your buddy bawee was notorious for. I don't, and most others here 
included, did not have a problem with dissenting viewpoints about TM and not 
one person who has been chucked out of here was done so because they said 
something "mean" about TM. It is about personal space and mutual civilized 
respect that can at least result in interesting and intelligent dialogue. 
Slinging shit around like its ones personal soapbox is a total drag.

 It's obviou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. It doesn't matter how many people 
tell them what Ann does below (highlighted in red); they simply can't "hear" 
it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism of TM, it's been gross incivility 
and misrepresentation, primarily by TM critics toward TM supporters. That's 
what Doug was appointed by Rick to correct, and so far that's what he's done by 
bouncing three of the guilty parties. 

 If Doug starts to censor negative opinions of TM, you're not just going to 
hear complaints from the TM critics; TM supporters won't stand for it either.

---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL].


 All this talk about personal freedoms being taken away is balderdash and 
highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is that Doug is not so 
interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the actual content but is 
more interested in creating a space where those who want to contribute can do 
so without getting heckled or humiliated or being subsequently misrepresented 
as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to disguise themselves as free 
thinkers are actually doing more to take away anyone's freedom of speech than 
the moderator. If I get canned at some point, then so be it. It is not 
important as some personal liberty denied that I was no longer allowed to post 
at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't rely on my posting status 
here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


 Heckled and humiliated? Throwing mud and fruit? We were reading different 

 No, you accused me of doing the same with reference to Xeno. You just don't 
recognize it when the posters you like do it to others. This is what bugs me 
the most - the hypocrisy. When your friends sling shit around it is 
well-reasoned arguments, when others do it they are teenaged girls mimicking 
what goes on at FB. You have a serious double standard for such a scientific 
guy, Sal.

  I read a lot of well argued counter arguments to the TM dogma. TM claims to 
be a science, therefore it gets criticised. That's what science is, people 
arguing until they reach a consensus based on the evidence. 

 Here is what you still don't understand about me. I don't give a flying fuck 
what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a post that has dick-all to do 
with TM that I usually find most boorish and that is, to be exact, the posts 
that get all personal and repetitive and twisted that consciously misrepresent 
and falsify what others are saying. I resent the trollish, dickish posts that 
people like your buddy bawee was notorious for. I don't, and most others here 
included, did not have a problem with dissenting viewpoints about TM and not 
one person who has been chucked out of here was done so because they said 
something "mean" about TM. It is about personal space and mutual civilized 
respect that can at least result in interesting and intelligent dialogue. 
Slinging shit around like its ones personal soapbox is a total drag.

 It's obvious that what Buck wants is a place where nobody can have a contrary 
opinion to what he believes in. That's why he uses terms like "apostate". But 
you can';t live in a world like that, there has to be dissent or nobody ever 
learns anything, you all just sit there agreeing with each other. What sort of 
discussion forum is that for crissakes? But I can see why people are scared of 

 Scared? Puhleeeze. No one is scared of Doug. No one's "rights" are being taken 
away by Doug. If he clears out this forum what is stopping anyone from taking 
their voice elsewhere? Nothing - as we can all see since we are three groups 

 And calling people like that trolls is a very poor effort. You got to think 
about what they say, not whether you personally agree with it.

 Absolutely, I am calling bawee a troll because he is not interested in 
discussion. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with him, it is 
about his intention and delivery. He simply has a terrible need to be someone 
and FFL is all he's got. If you want to enable and stroke him then by all means 
do it but thankfully it can be at FFL2 and not here where there are others who 
have a far more valid and friendly desire to exchange ideas. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 You should do yourself a favour and drop this "Bawee" nonsense, you are a 
grown up human right?


 Doesn't it remind you of one of your best FFL pals always referring to 
The_Peak as "The_Leak"? (He's still doing it on FFL2.)




 BTW, speaking of The_Peak, another imaginary notion salyavin and Curtis are 
fond of is that there is no disagreement permitted there. In fact, there's 
plenty of it (see, for example, the recent discussions of crop circles). 
Apparently it's hard for some to recognize disagreement as such when it's 
expressed with civility.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. 

 So you say. you aren't an "apostate"

 It doesn't matter how many people tell them what Ann does below (highlighted 
in red); they simply can't "hear" it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism 
of TM, it's been gross incivility and misrepresentation, primarily by TM 
critics toward TM supporters. That's what Doug was appointed by Rick to 
correct, and so far that's what he's done by bouncing three of the guilty 


 Talking of incivility;

 "I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a 
post that has dick-all to do with TM that I usually find most boorish and that 
is, to be exact, the posts that get all personal and repetitive and twisted 
that consciously misrepresent and falsify what others are saying. I resent the 
trollish, dickish posts that people like your buddy bawee was notorious for"


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 You should do yourself a favour and drop this "Bawee" nonsense, you are a 
grown up human right?


 Doesn't it remind you of one of your best FFL pals always referring to 
The_Peak as "The_Leak"? (He's still doing it on FFL2.)


 I must admit that leaves me utterly devastated. I'd better go tell him he's 
not my bestest fwend any more...


 BTW, speaking of The_Peak, another imaginary notion salyavin and Curtis are 
fond of is that there is no disagreement permitted there. In fact, there's 
plenty of it (see, for example, the recent discussions of crop circles). 
Apparently it's hard for some to recognize disagreement as such when it's 
expressed with civility.

 LOL, is Nabby still banging his drum for the Space Brothers? Good for him.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. It doesn't matter how many people 
tell them what Ann does below (highlighted in red); they simply can't "hear" 
it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism of TM, it's been gross incivility 
and misrepresentation, primarily by TM critics toward TM supporters. That's 
what Doug was appointed by Rick to correct, and so far that's what he's done by 
bouncing three of the guilty parties. 

 If Doug starts to censor negative opinions of TM, you're not just going to 
hear complaints from the TM critics; TM supporters won't stand for it either.

Me: When I was studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we used to use a trick to get 
someone to extend their arm so we could lock it and win the match by forcing 
them to tap out. When we got on top of them we would push on their throat. This 
would cause a reflex from them to try to push us away by extending their arm. 
So to attack the arm we went for the neck. This is what made is such an 
intellectual sport, like body chess. 

You and I are interpreting what happened that lead to Barry and Michael getting 
the boot. By hitting Barry with an outrageous accusation of violating the Yahoo 
guidelines by criticizing David Lynch, Barry reflexively extended his arm. It 
was an outrageous claim and a trumped up charge and it inspired an emotional 
response from Barry about Buck's unsuitability as a moderator in the context of 
an appeal to Rick to stop him before he did what he ended up doing.

It is not as if  Buck has not been very clear about his view of speaking ill of 
the TM teaching. He has spent years and pretty tirelessly promoted the idea 
that he views it as on a par with terrorism. After having labeled people who 
left TM as quitters and other terms mostly used in religious contexts, he has 
weighed in on free speech. He is not a fan. Drone strikes were used as images 
to express his opinion about apostates. So it kind of makes sense that people 
who were in his target demo would feel the laser sight, and low and behold, he 
got the two most vocal critics of TM off the site. Coincidence? Not for me. 

Some of the worst offenders of this new policy moved to another site before we 
could really test if this rule would be selectively enforced or not. So with 
all the civility appropriate to the new FFL: I believe that your opportunity to 
stand up for the principle of free speech here was missed in your sense of 
personal satisfaction that an old rival got canned.Your view requires you to 
ignore what Buck has already written about ad nauseam as the prelude to how he 
has actually used his new found power.

From a previous discussion of ours, I was able to locate the email from Rick 
where he states clearly that Buck had been bugging him for years to let him 
clean up the group. All the time he was posting those tirades about critics 
being terrorists he was bugging Rick to implement the very plan he has carried 
out. Rick was concerned that Buck would show up instead of Doug. I believe we 
also disagree on which one is now on FFL. As an expert in language forms 
yourself, I am surprised that you refer to him by a different name considering 
his use of the same tortured language style that Buck was infamous for using.


---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL].


 All this talk about personal freedoms being taken away is balderdash and 
highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is that Doug is not so 
interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the actual content but is 
more interested in creating a space where those who want to contribute can do 
so without getting heckled or humiliated or being subsequently misrepresented 
as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to disguise themselves as free 
thinkers are actually doing more to take away anyone's freedom of speech than 
the moderator. If I get canned at some point, then so be it. It is not 
important as some personal liberty denied that I was no longer allowed to post 
at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't rely on my posting status 
here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


 Heckled and humiliated? Throwing mud and fruit? We were reading different 

 No, you accused me of doing the same with reference to Xeno. You just don't 
recognize it when the posters you like do it to others. This is what bugs me 
the most - the hypocrisy. When your friends sling shit around it is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. 

 So you say. you aren't an "apostate"

 As Willytex would say (even though he didn't know what it meant): "Non 
sequitur." The notion would be imaginary whether I was or wasn't an apostate.

 It doesn't matter how many people tell them what Ann does below (highlighted 
in red); they simply can't "hear" it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism 
of TM, it's been gross incivility and misrepresentation, primarily by TM 
critics toward TM supporters. That's what Doug was appointed by Rick to 
correct, and so far that's what he's done by bouncing three of the guilty 


 Talking of incivility;

 (Says salyavin, carefully avoiding the point.)

 Barry's gone because of his own massive incivility and misrepresentation.

 "I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a 
post that has dick-all to do with TM that I usually find most boorish and that 
is, to be exact, the posts that get all personal and repetitive and twisted 
that consciously misrepresent and falsify what others are saying. I resent the 
trollish, dickish posts that people like your buddy bawee was notorious for"


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. It doesn't matter how many people 
tell them what Ann does below (highlighted in red); they simply can't "hear" 
it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism of TM, it's been gross incivility 
and misrepresentation, primarily by TM critics toward TM supporters. That's 
what Doug was appointed by Rick to correct, and so far that's what he's done by 
bouncing three of the guilty parties. 

 If Doug starts to censor negative opinions of TM, you're not just going to 
hear complaints from the TM critics; TM supporters won't stand for it either.

Me: When I was studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we used to use a trick to get 
someone to extend their arm so we could lock it and win the match by forcing 
them to tap out. When we got on top of them we would push on their throat. This 
would cause a reflex from them to try to push us away by extending their arm. 
So to attack the arm we went for the neck. This is what made is such an 
intellectual sport, like body chess. 

You and I are interpreting what happened that lead to Barry and Michael getting 
the boot. By hitting Barry with an outrageous accusation of violating the Yahoo 
guidelines by criticizing David Lynch, Barry reflexively extended his arm. It 
was an outrageous claim and a trumped up charge and it inspired an emotional 
response from Barry about Buck's unsuitability as a moderator in the context of 
an appeal to Rick to stop him before he did what he ended up doing.

 Gee, and this after your lecture about not getting emotional when badmouthed. 
Barry could have made his objections known with civility; he chose not to. 
Sorry, but "reflex" doesn't cut it in this context, and you wouldn't propose or 
accept it as an excuse for someone whose views you didn't share losing it on an 
Internet forum.
It is not as if  Buck has not been very clear about his view of speaking ill of 
the TM teaching. He has spent years and pretty tirelessly promoted the idea 
that he views it as on a par with terrorism. After having labeled people who 
left TM as quitters and other terms mostly used in religious contexts, he has 
weighed in on free speech. He is not a fan. Drone strikes were used as images 
to express his opinion about apostates. So it kind of makes sense that people 
who were in his target demo would feel the laser sight, and low and behold,

 (lo and behold = look and see)

 he got the two most vocal critics of TM off the site. Coincidence? Not for me.

 The two most vocal were also the two most uncivil.

Some of the worst offenders of this new policy moved to another site before we 
could really test if this rule would be selectively enforced or not.

 Actually the three who were bounced did. None of the others who have shown up 
there have been big offenders. (Well, maybe Edg.) Salyavin is still here as 
well as there. 

 So with all the civility appropriate to the new FFL: I believe that your 
opportunity to stand up for the principle of free speech here was missed in 
your sense of personal satisfaction that an old rival got canned.


 Yeah, you said that before. Wishful thinking. Too bad  you haven't got a 
better argument than one based on mind-reading.

 Your view requires you to ignore what Buck has already written about ad 
nauseam as the prelude to how he has actually used his new found power.

 It does not so require unless one leads to the other, which it hasn't so far. 
As I said, if Doug starts banning people for their negative opinions of TM 
rather than incivility, you'll hear from TM supporters too. But he's innocent 
until proven guilty, by me. Seems to me you've convicted him before he's 
committed any crimes as moderator.

From a previous discussion of ours, I was able to locate the email from Rick 
where he states clearly that Buck had been bugging him for years to let him 
clean up the group. All the time he was posting those tirades about critics 
being terrorists he was bugging Rick to implement the very plan he has carried 
out. Rick was concerned that Buck would show up instead of Doug. I believe we 
also disagree on which one is now on FFL. As an expert in language forms 
yourself, I am surprised that you refer to him by a different name

 You mean, his real name, the one he's been posting under.

 considering his use of the same tortured language style that Buck was infamous 
for using.

 Doug's language style has always been tortured (although it's not as bad as 
you pretend) whether he was appearing as Buck or himself. That isn't what makes 
the difference.

 Rick has not authorized Doug to "clean up the group" by banning folks because 
of their negative opinions of TM, but rather to clean up the incivility, wh

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :
---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 Your view requires you to ignore what Buck has already written about ad 
nauseam as the prelude to how he has actually used his new found power.

 It does not so require unless one leads to the other, which it hasn't so far.

 Ooopsie-Judy, got tangled up in my own rhetoric there. Let me try it again:

 IF Doug starts using his "new found power" to get rid of people on the basis 
of their negative opinions of TM, THEN what he has already written about 
becomes germane. If he sticks to what Rick authorized him to do, then what he's 
already written about is irrelevant.

 My view does not "require" me to ignore what he's already written about, but 
it doesn't require me to consider it unless it leads to actual suppression of 
negative opinions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. 

 So you say. you aren't an "apostate"

 As Willytex would say (even though he didn't know what it meant): "Non 
sequitur." The notion would be imaginary whether I was or wasn't an apostate.

 No Willytex didn't get a single one right that I ever saw, nor did he post 
ever one relevant link that I followed, but I wasn't an obsessive reader of his 
posts so I'll give him benefit of the doubt.

 But the reason you used it is because I didn't explain any further what I 
meant. I am what Buck would call an "apostate" the word is ridiculous in the 
context of a debate on FFL, and belongs to heavily religious societies like 
Saudi Arabia who take such a dim view of it they will cut your head off.

 Yeah, I know Buck isn't actually threatening violence but the constantly heavy 
tone of these allusions left us - me anyway - in no doubt about what he thinks 
of the way things are going round here and what needs to be done to sort it out 
to his satisfaction. 

 So yes, I'm sensitive to the fact that he'd be happier if I wasn't here and it 
isn't like we don't have recent examples of people getting canned on what can 
only be described as technicalities. Though how I survived getting ditched the 
last few weeks is a mystery to me. Maybe my cute and cuddly personality shines 
through even when I'm angry?

 Or maybe he appreciates my comments on the TMO and things like the pundits and 
the new mental health improvements? I mean them seriously you know but he never 
gets back to me. I want a reformation not because I'm still involved but 
because the "technologies" they sell on the back of the beliefs they sold 
previously cost a lot of my friends a lot of money, and they get zilch back. 
I'm a crusader for justice you see.

 That's one of the reasons anyway. Another is that I like talking about a wild 
period in my life and think I've got a valid opinion about some of the more 
contraversial aspects of it.


 It doesn't matter how many people tell them what Ann does below (highlighted 
in red); they simply can't "hear" it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism 
of TM, it's been gross incivility and misrepresentation, primarily by TM 
critics toward TM supporters. That's what Doug was appointed by Rick to 
correct, and so far that's what he's done by bouncing three of the guilty 


 Talking of incivility;

 (Says salyavin, carefully avoiding the point.)

 Not really.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 No, not conflating what was evident that some people posting here were 
exploitatively seeking to inflict methodical and personal emotional hurt on 
people using a Yahoo-group [FFL]. For a touch on an energetic component of this 
abuse see the post over at The_Peak, #4901 davidfb108 on spiritual violence,

 Like the Yahoo-group guidelines seeks to corral this kind of incivility on 
their groups these millennials [meditators] I am watching working here are 
seeking to curb a type of coercive violence [oppression] they see held in 
communal mores and behavior that they well describe as patriarchal. These are 
not grade-schoolers. They are quite old enough with stake in it and do respect 
aspects of the spiritual community enough to hope to perpetuate instead basic 
needs [inalienable right?] for safety within the institutions for a communal 
well-being in what evidently is coming down to the very survival of the 
institutions of the movement themselves. 

 A lot is going on inside right now inside the various elements of what is TM. 
Maybe you are uncomfortable with process like this or against where it might 
lead. But for instance well-intended millennials and others of goodwill in the 
larger community are actively bringing in work in inter-cultural tolerance with 
workshops and presentations for various elements of the community and promoting 
classes and workshops on campus in communal strategies and skill-sets like, 
NVC. Like with the Yahoo-groups guidelines this is all very much about the 
social sustainability of groups for individuals for good reasons. 

 ..NVC [nonviolent communication] begins by assuming that we are all 
compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or 
physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. 
NVC assumes in process that violent communication strategies can be unlearned.  
I think I'm pretty comfortable with the guidelines as they are clearly or not 
clearly delineated here. I know for one thing that a whole bunch of people feel 
a whole lot more comfortable writing posts at FFL since you took over as 
moderator and asked some of the members, who were consistently throwing mud and 
rotten fruit at others, to leave. I'm just tired of continually having to wash 
my face and clothes after posting here and now that the need for that has 
vanished it is way better, for me. All this talk about personal freedoms being 
taken away is balderdash and highly melodramatic. And what I'm getting now, is 
that Doug is not so interested in controlling (via the Yahoo guidelines) the 
actual content but is more interested in creating a space where those who want 
to contribute can do so without getting heckled or humiliated or being 
subsequently misrepresented as a means to intimidate. The trolls trying to 
disguise themselves as free thinkers are actually doing more to take away 
anyone's freedom of speech than the moderator. If I get canned at some point, 
then so be it. It is not important as some personal liberty denied that I was 
no longer allowed to post at FFL, of all places. I have a life and it doesn't 
rely on my posting status here remaining intact for it to be a full one. 


 Heckled and humiliated? Throwing mud and fruit? We were reading different 

 No, you accused me of doing the same with reference to Xeno. You just don't 
recognize it when the posters you like do it to others. This is what bugs me 
the most - the hypocrisy. When your friends sling shit around it is 
well-reasoned arguments, when others do it they are teenaged girls mimicking 
what goes on at FB. You have a serious double standard for such a scientific 
guy, Sal.

  I read a lot of well argued counter arguments to the TM dogma. TM claims to 
be a science, therefore it gets criticised. That's what science is, people 
arguing until they reach a consensus based on the evidence. 

 Here is what you still don't understand about me. I don't give a flying fuck 
what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a post that has dick-all to do 
with TM that I usually find most boorish and that is, to be exact, the posts 
that get all personal and repetitive and twisted that consciously misrepresent 
and falsify what others are saying. I resent the trollish, dickish posts that 
people like your buddy bawee was notorious for. I don't, and most others here 
included, did not have a problem with dissenting viewpoints about TM and not 
one person who has been chucked out of here was done so because they said 
something "mean" about TM. It is about personal space and mutual civilized 
respect that can at least result in interesting and intelligent dialogue. 
Slinging shit around like its on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. 

 So you say. you aren't an "apostate"

 It doesn't matter how many people tell them what Ann does below (highlighted 
in red); they simply can't "hear" it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism 
of TM, it's been gross incivility and misrepresentation, primarily by TM 
critics toward TM supporters. That's what Doug was appointed by Rick to 
correct, and so far that's what he's done by bouncing three of the guilty 


 Talking of incivility;

 "I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says or thinks about TM. It is often a 
post that has dick-all to do with TM that I usually find most boorish and that 
is, to be exact, the posts that get all personal and repetitive and twisted 
that consciously misrepresent and falsify what others are saying. I resent the 
trollish, dickish posts that people like your buddy bawee was notorious for"

 One more stroke for bawee from Sal. He might even take this as an enabling 
equivalent of a vitamin pill.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. It doesn't matter how many people 
tell them what Ann does below (highlighted in red); they simply can't "hear" 
it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism of TM, it's been gross incivility 
and misrepresentation, primarily by TM critics toward TM supporters. That's 
what Doug was appointed by Rick to correct, and so far that's what he's done by 
bouncing three of the guilty parties. 

 If Doug starts to censor negative opinions of TM, you're not just going to 
hear complaints from the TM critics; TM supporters won't stand for it either.

Me: When I was studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we used to use a trick to get 
someone to extend their arm so we could lock it and win the match by forcing 
them to tap out. When we got on top of them we would push on their throat. This 
would cause a reflex from them to try to push us away by extending their arm. 
So to attack the arm we went for the neck. This is what made is such an 
intellectual sport, like body chess. 

You and I are interpreting what happened that lead to Barry and Michael getting 
the boot. By hitting Barry with an outrageous accusation of violating the Yahoo 
guidelines by criticizing David Lynch, Barry reflexively extended his arm. It 
was an outrageous claim and a trumped up charge and it inspired an emotional 
response from Barry about Buck's unsuitability as a moderator in the context of 
an appeal to Rick to stop him before he did what he ended up doing.

 Gee, and this after your lecture about not getting emotional when badmouthed. 
Barry could have made his objections known with civility; he chose not to. 
Sorry, but "reflex" doesn't cut it in this context, and you wouldn't propose or 
accept it as an excuse for someone whose views you didn't share losing it on an 
Internet forum.
It is not as if  Buck has not been very clear about his view of speaking ill of 
the TM teaching. He has spent years and pretty tirelessly promoted the idea 
that he views it as on a par with terrorism. After having labeled people who 
left TM as quitters and other terms mostly used in religious contexts, he has 
weighed in on free speech. He is not a fan. Drone strikes were used as images 
to express his opinion about apostates. So it kind of makes sense that people 
who were in his target demo would feel the laser sight, and low and behold,

 (lo and behold = look and see)

 he got the two most vocal critics of TM off the site. Coincidence? Not for me.

 The two most vocal were also the two most uncivil.

Some of the worst offenders of this new policy moved to another site before we 
could really test if this rule would be selectively enforced or not.

 Actually the three who were bounced did. None of the others who have shown up 
there have been big offenders. (Well, maybe Edg.) Salyavin is still here as 
well as there. 

 So with all the civility appropriate to the new FFL: I believe that your 
opportunity to stand up for the principle of free speech here was missed in 
your sense of personal satisfaction that an old rival got canned.


 Yeah, you said that before. Wishful thinking. Too bad  you haven't got a 
better argument than one based on mind-reading.

 Your view requires you to ignore what Buck has already written about ad 
nauseam as the prelude to how he has actually used his new found power.

 It does not so require unless one leads to the other, which it hasn't so far. 
As I said, if Doug starts banning people for their negative opinions of TM 
rather than incivility, you'll hear from TM supporters too. But he's innocent 
until proven guilty, by me. Seems to me you've convicted him before he's 
committed any crimes as moderator.

From a previous discussion of ours, I was able to locate the email from Rick 
where he states clearly that Buck had been bugging him for years to let him 
clean up the group. All the time he was posting those tirades about critics 
being terrorists he was bugging Rick to implement the very plan he has carried 
out. Rick was concerned that Buck would show up instead of Doug.

 Rick told me that Buck would be moderating as Doug, not Buck. This before it 
was official.

  I believe we also disagree on which one is now on FFL. As an expert in 
language forms yourself, I am surprised that you refer to him by a different 

 You mean, his real name, the one he's been posting under.

 considering his use of the same tortured language style that Buck was infamous 
for using.

 Doug's language style has always been tortured (although it's not as bad as 
you pretend) whether he was appearing as Buck or himself. That isn't what makes 
the difference.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Speech Zones

2015-07-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote
 ---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. It doesn't matter how many people 
tell them what Ann does below (highlighted in red); they simply can't "hear" 
it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism of TM, it's been gross incivility 
and misrepresentation, primarily by TM critics toward TM supporters. That's 
what Doug was appointed by Rick to correct, and so far that's what he's done by 
bouncing three of the guilty parties. 

 If Doug starts to censor negative opinions of TM, you're not just going to 
hear complaints from the TM critics; TM supporters won't stand for it either.

Me: When I was studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we used to use a trick to get 
someone to extend their arm so we could lock it and win the match by forcing 
them to tap out. When we got on top of them we would push on their throat. This 
would cause a reflex from them to try to push us away by extending their arm. 
So to attack the arm we went for the neck. This is what made is such an 
intellectual sport, like body chess. 

You and I are interpreting what happened that lead to Barry and Michael getting 
the boot. By hitting Barry with an outrageous accusation of violating the Yahoo 
guidelines by criticizing David Lynch, Barry reflexively extended his arm. It 
was an outrageous claim and a trumped up charge and it inspired an emotional 
response from Barry about Buck's unsuitability as a moderator in the context of 
an appeal to Rick to stop him before he did what he ended up doing.



 A: Gee, and this after your lecture about not getting emotional when 

Me: I am not sure what you are referring to here. I didn't say that Barry was 
forced to react in that way, it was his choice. I was making a case that it was 
predictable given the outrageous charges of saying something bad about Lynch. 
Buck and Barry know how each other tend to post.

A: Barry could have made his objections known with civility; he chose not to.

Me: We agree on this.

A: Sorry, but "reflex" doesn't cut it in this context, and you wouldn't propose 
or accept it as an excuse for someone whose views you didn't share losing it on 
an Internet forum.

Me: If you are calling me on the imprecision of the analogy if we focus on the 
idea of a "reflex", implying that Barry HAD to get all uppity with his new 
master, I concede your point. The analogy is not good as stated. And if by 
implication my point unfairly made it seem as if Barry was forced, that would 
be wrong. I believe it was calculated either by foresight or opportunism by 
Buck who has had a goal for years to clean Barry off his forum.

The analogy realigns again if I include that we trained ourselves to have 
unnatural reactions so we did not thrust out our arms when someone pushed on 
our necks. Then we learned how to bait our opponent by sticking out our arm and 
when they predictably went for the arm, we cold reverse the position by knowing 
where they would move.

The exchange between Barry and Buck had all the elements of two opponents 
giving their best move. And since ref Rick wasn't looking, Buck won the match. 
(I get it that you would disagree with that parting shot.)


It is not as if  Buck has not been very clear about his view of speaking ill of 
the TM teaching. He has spent years and pretty tirelessly promoted the idea 
that he views it as on a par with terrorism. After having labeled people who 
left TM as quitters and other terms mostly used in religious contexts, he has 
weighed in on free speech. He is not a fan. Drone strikes were used as images 
to express his opinion about apostates. So it kind of makes sense that people 
who were in his target demo would feel the laser sight, and low and behold,

 (lo and behold = look and see)

 he got the two most vocal critics of TM off the site. Coincidence? Not for me.

 The two most vocal were also the two most uncivil.

Some of the worst offenders of this new policy moved to another site before we 
could really test if this rule would be selectively enforced or not.

 Actually the three who were bounced did. None of the others who have shown up 
there have been big offenders. (Well, maybe Edg.) Salyavin is still here as 
well as there. 

 So with all the civility appropriate to the new FFL: I believe that your 
opportunity to stand up for the principle of free speech here was missed in 
your sense of personal satisfaction that an old rival got canned.


 Yeah, you said that before. Wishful thinking. Too bad  you haven't got a 
better argument than one based on mind-reading.

 Your view requires you to ignore what Buck has already wri