Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-06 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Angela Mailander 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, she probably would have dismissed him out of hand just because 
> he was a Freemason, which is one reason I didn't bring him up.  But 
> the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also 
> predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened. Would 
> that carry any weight with her?  Moreover, he studied at Harvard.
> Angela, this kind of nonsense is why I don't take
> you seriously on this conspiracy stuff, and why I
> find your reluctance to cite your sources very
> suspicious.
> First, to dismiss somebody out of hand just because
> he was a Freemason, obviously I'd have to also dismiss
> out of hand many of the most prominent figures in
> modern history, so that's just a ridiculous surmise
> on your part.
> But there are plenty of other good reasons to dismiss
> Pike.
> Second (speaking of the other reasons), it isn't at
> all clear that Pike's purported predictions weren't a
> fraud, written at a much later date. The prediction of
> the third world war is way off anyway, given that it
> appears to describe only prolonged conventional, non-
> nuclear warfare. In any all-out world war in this day
> and age, nuclear weapons would be used, and it would
> be over very quickly. If he didn't foresee nuclear
> weapons, he wasn't much of a psychic.
> Third, Pike didn't study at Harvard. He passed the
> entrance exams but couldn't afford the tuition. And
> even if he had, having attended Harvard does not
> automatically immunize a person against crackpottery.
> This isn't the first time by a long shot that you've
> revealed bad judgment and very poor command of the
> facts.
Pike was just a starting point and yes when I mentioned him I was well 
aware of the controversy around him.   Do you have any predictions about 
what will happen in the next 150 years?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-04 Thread Vaj

On Dec 3, 2007, at 5:52 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Any time you have secret societies, especially societies in which  
the higher you go in rank, the more secretive things are, it is  
impossible to know what is really going on.  The public work is for  
sure not all there is.

A couple of more fallacies from Angela:

- Regular Freemasonry is not a secret society, it's a fraternity.

- Their rituals are private, but not secret and have been published  
since the 1700's.

- In any regular Masonic lodge it is forbidden to discuss either  
politics or religion. Anyone doing so would be immediately expelled.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> We're all here, Bharat2. And you're here too; after 
>>> Delia kicked your but over on Usenet. 
> Bhairitu wrote:  
>> She didn't kick my "but".
> Whipped it; whipped it good.
> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> From: Delia 
> Date: Sun, Sep 26 2004 2:44 pm
> Subject: Re: Neocon delusions
Nope, all I did was ask a question in that thread.  I wonder if Delia 
actually voted for Bush in 2004 and if so really regrets it now?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
> In the Atlantic article the author mentions he was told about the
> Afghanistan war back in 1999.  I too heard through a friend that his
> cousin in Navy intelligence said there was a war planned there at that
> time too.

For many years, at least since the lordly reign of the
honorable presumptudunce, Lord RayGun, I have consistently
heard from Marines and Sailors that we were planning for
war in Iraq, despite Iran being more forefront on our
burners back in the day of Ronnie the Dissociative.  And
once Bubba de Elvis was in orifice, vitriolic convulsions
of hatred and contempt erupted from Marines and Sailors
about that "god damned mother-f'ing liberal" be done away
with immediately and that his presence in the W'haus was
interfering with their imperative to wipe out them
"sand-[dwellers]" "over there".

Every time I witnessed such demented tantrum-addicts over
more than two decades I was substantially confused that we
could have so many emotionally and morally disequpoised
grunts, both in our species and in our military, Ooogha
Mooogha.  Some were so demonstrably vicious you knew in the
core of your being that they'd be the first to jump at an
opportunity to 'ssinate the '92 - 2K commander.

These were not a few I witnessed this from, they numbered
in the hundreds.

> Don't forget too that a Pentagon study released a couple years ago that
> said that cold would drive populations from the more northerly areas of
> the earth.  That would really cause some problems.  Imagines the North
> American hordes invading South America?

Perhaps South America, though generally equitorial climates.
In the future the North Pacific will particularly be
frozen, though I don't know yet how far into the future
that will be nor for how long.

> I also believe that when you have overpopulation the only way you can
> make sure that nobody falls through the cracks is to have a certain
> degree of socialism, a safety net so to speak.  Capitalism is just too
> much of a sink or swim situation and many will drown in such a system.
> We're all not made to be entrepreneurs.  But I also say let those with
> such inclinations explore them but only to a a limited degree not the
> absurd accumulation of wealth we see with a tiny portion of the earth's
> population.

This may be a worthy asset while exploring such options:

On 12/3/07, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've believed for years that the planet is overpopulated for it's
> resources.  In many ways humanity, like a growth on a human body, is
> like an infestation on the planet earth.  It is most likely that nature
> herself will put (or is putting) forth forces to cull the population. If
> she doesn't there are certainly more humane methods to bringing the
> human population down over a period of time.  There's where I differ
> with the supposed elite who want to cull humanity through war, disease
> and eugenics.
> I also believe that when you have overpopulation the only way you can
> make sure that nobody falls through the cracks is to have a certain
> degree of socialism, a safety net so to speak.  Capitalism is just too
> much of a sink or swim situation and many will drown in such a system.
> We're all not made to be entrepreneurs.  But I also say let those with
> such inclinations explore them but only to a a limited degree not the
> absurd accumulation of wealth we see with a tiny portion of the earth's
> population.
> The US consumes 25% of the world's resources yet we are only 7% of the
> world's population.  Balance needs to be restored and it won't be
> pretty.  On Black Friday as I wandered through the local Fry's
> superstore I wondered where all these people whose carts were filled to
> the brim and were lined up so deep it would take two hours for them to
> check out, where were they getting the money to buy these things?  My
> bet is most were spending income that is supposed to be there the next
> couple of years.  That might turn out to have been a bad gamble.
> One of the "theories" regarding 9/11 is that there is a war going on
> within the US military.  Two opposing factions are waring with each
> other and 9/11 was part of the war game gone out of control.  That would
> mean we have an unstable military and certainly foreign countries would
> be aware of it.  It is also "theorized" that the B-52 with the nukes
> that flew across the country a couple months back was destined to use
> those in Iraq and there was a mutiny over it (some crew members wound up
> having "accidents.").  That too might be a clue if there is such a thing
> going on.  And I don't think it would be hard to keep it somewhat secret
> and what slips out seems so far fetched people don't pass it on.  They
> just think their relative in the military is telling them a big one.
> In the Atlantic article the author mentions he was told about the
> Afghanistan war back in 1999.  I too heard through a friend that his
> cousin in Nav

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Bhairitu
I've believed for years that the planet is overpopulated for it's 
resources.  In many ways humanity, like a growth on a human body, is 
like an infestation on the planet earth.  It is most likely that nature 
herself will put (or is putting) forth forces to cull the population. If 
she doesn't there are certainly more humane methods to bringing the 
human population down over a period of time.  There's where I differ 
with the supposed elite who want to cull humanity through war, disease 
and eugenics.

I also believe that when you have overpopulation the only way you can 
make sure that nobody falls through the cracks is to have a certain 
degree of socialism, a safety net so to speak.  Capitalism is just too 
much of a sink or swim situation and many will drown in such a system.  
We're all not made to be entrepreneurs.  But I also say let those with 
such inclinations explore them but only to a a limited degree not the 
absurd accumulation of wealth we see with a tiny portion of the earth's 

The US consumes 25% of the world's resources yet we are only 7% of the 
world's population.  Balance needs to be restored and it won't be 
pretty.  On Black Friday as I wandered through the local Fry's 
superstore I wondered where all these people whose carts were filled to 
the brim and were lined up so deep it would take two hours for them to 
check out, where were they getting the money to buy these things?  My 
bet is most were spending income that is supposed to be there the next 
couple of years.  That might turn out to have been a bad gamble.

One of the "theories" regarding 9/11 is that there is a war going on 
within the US military.  Two opposing factions are waring with each 
other and 9/11 was part of the war game gone out of control.  That would 
mean we have an unstable military and certainly foreign countries would 
be aware of it.  It is also "theorized" that the B-52 with the nukes 
that flew across the country a couple months back was destined to use 
those in Iraq and there was a mutiny over it (some crew members wound up 
having "accidents.").  That too might be a clue if there is such a thing 
going on.  And I don't think it would be hard to keep it somewhat secret 
and what slips out seems so far fetched people don't pass it on.  They 
just think their relative in the military is telling them a big one.

In the Atlantic article the author mentions he was told about the 
Afghanistan war back in 1999.  I too heard through a friend that his 
cousin in Navy intelligence said there was a war planned there at that 
time too.

Don't forget too that a Pentagon study released a couple years ago that 
said that cold would drive populations from the more northerly areas of 
the earth.  That would really cause some problems.  Imagines the North 
American hordes invading South America?

I never read Watership Down.  May have seen the video but that would 
have been years ago.  So much to read, so much to see, so much to do, so 
little time.

Angela Mailander wrote:
> Well, Bhairitu, that was certainly the most interesting interview I've seen 
> lately.  How to assess the "reality status" of a media event like that is 
> more than an ordinary mortal like me can fathom.  What is really going on on 
> this planet in a moment of apparent crisis? Real or imagined?  Judy seems to 
> know.  Do you?  Where is the truth to be found?
> If the thing can be taken at face value, then it is good news, ai'nt it?  
> Unless of course those evil dudes are right: we're herd animals and herds 
> need to be culled.  If there's foxes and a thousand other elil making sure 
> the rabbit population stays in healthy balance, fine.  But who's gonna do it 
> for us if not us?  Right?  Is that their thinking? Put yourself in Rocky's 
> place: what would your thinking be, assuming  he wants to rule well, yet he 
> means to rule.  His ultimate aim would have to be to keep this planet and 
> this world healthy enough to continue to bear our lives in perpetuity? Does 
> he likely have information not accessible to us?  Judy seems to think 
> government can't keep a secret.  Well, that would depend on the social 
> organization of warren, wouldn't it?  
> On the other hand, the available evidence does not rule out ANY point of view 
> or ANY possibility, including Bronte's (I hope she's lurking).  In that case, 
> of course, we're still herd animals, and they're the elil, well, that would 
> be a whole 'nother story, wouldn't it?  According to the Disclosure Project 
> we're supposed to believe in space aliens.  And are they friendly?  Well, 
> whose story about that would you trust?
> Have you read Watership Down? It's truly one of the immortal books of the 
> 20th century.
> Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Former 
> Forbes journalist Benjamin Fulford with David Rockefeller:
>  How We Would Fight China (overview of military strategies):

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Well, Bhairitu, that was certainly the most interesting interview I've seen 
lately.  How to assess the "reality status" of a media event like that is more 
than an ordinary mortal like me can fathom.  What is really going on on this 
planet in a moment of apparent crisis? Real or imagined?  Judy seems to know.  
Do you?  Where is the truth to be found?

If the thing can be taken at face value, then it is good news, ai'nt it?  
Unless of course those evil dudes are right: we're herd animals and herds need 
to be culled.  If there's foxes and a thousand other elil making sure the 
rabbit population stays in healthy balance, fine.  But who's gonna do it for us 
if not us?  Right?  Is that their thinking? Put yourself in Rocky's place: what 
would your thinking be, assuming  he wants to rule well, yet he means to rule.  
His ultimate aim would have to be to keep this planet and this world healthy 
enough to continue to bear our lives in perpetuity? Does he likely have 
information not accessible to us?  Judy seems to think government can't keep a 
secret.  Well, that would depend on the social organization of warren, wouldn't 

On the other hand, the available evidence does not rule out ANY point of view 
or ANY possibility, including Bronte's (I hope she's lurking).  In that case, 
of course, we're still herd animals, and they're the elil, well, that would be 
a whole 'nother story, wouldn't it?  According to the Disclosure Project we're 
supposed to believe in space aliens.  And are they friendly?  Well, whose story 
about that would you trust?

Have you read Watership Down? It's truly one of the immortal books of the 20th 

Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Former Forbes 
journalist Benjamin Fulford with David Rockefeller:
 How We Would Fight China (overview of military strategies):
 UK Department of Defense Document on strategic trends 2007-2036.  Bet 
 there is a US one too, bet it is "classified." 6 MB:
 Angela Mailander wrote:
 > Any time you have secret societies, especially societies in which the higher 
 > you go in rank, the more secretive things are, it is impossible to know what 
 > is really going on.  The public work is for sure not all there is.  
 > Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
 > On Dec 3, 2007, at 4:41 PM, new.morning wrote:
 > But 
 >>> the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also 
 >>> predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened. 
 > He sounds like quite a guy.
 > Most of the stuff you read would technically, from the point of view of 
 > Masonic scholars, be considered "Anti-Masonry". There was even a prominent 
 > political movement at one time in USA (particularly prominent in my native 
 > Pennsylvania) called the "Anti-Masonry Party". IIRC they even almost got 
 > someone into the White House. Masonic scholarship is no longer some fringe 
 > thing and we now even have several endowed chairs of Masonic research in 
 > Europe and in the British Isles not to mention private and public Masonic 
 > research societies. And to that caliber of scholarship, unless there's 
 > something serious I missed in my reading of Pike's manuscripts, his popular 
 > written works and final ritual, it would be considered BS. But then I'm not 
 > a big AASR Southern Jurisdiction fan or a Pike fan (I'm from the Northern 
 > Jurisdiction, we're more sattvic :-)). They're all modern rites, not truly 
 > ancient. If you want to know real old Speculative Masonry, you go to the 
 > Ancient York Rite, not
 >  Scottish one.
 >  Send instant messages to your online friends 

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Bhairitu
Former Forbes journalist Benjamin Fulford with David Rockefeller:

How We Would Fight China (overview of military strategies):

UK Department of Defense Document on strategic trends 2007-2036.  Bet 
there is a US one too, bet it is "classified." 6 MB:

Angela Mailander wrote:
> Any time you have secret societies, especially societies in which the higher 
> you go in rank, the more secretive things are, it is impossible to know what 
> is really going on.  The public work is for sure not all there is.  
> Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
> On Dec 3, 2007, at 4:41 PM, new.morning wrote:
> But 
>>> the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also 
>>> predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened. 
> He sounds like quite a guy.
> Most of the stuff you read would technically, from the point of view of 
> Masonic scholars, be considered "Anti-Masonry". There was even a prominent 
> political movement at one time in USA (particularly prominent in my native 
> Pennsylvania) called the "Anti-Masonry Party". IIRC they even almost got 
> someone into the White House. Masonic scholarship is no longer some fringe 
> thing and we now even have several endowed chairs of Masonic research in 
> Europe and in the British Isles not to mention private and public Masonic 
> research societies. And to that caliber of scholarship, unless there's 
> something serious I missed in my reading of Pike's manuscripts, his popular 
> written works and final ritual, it would be considered BS. But then I'm not a 
> big AASR Southern Jurisdiction fan or a Pike fan (I'm from the Northern 
> Jurisdiction, we're more sattvic :-)). They're all modern rites, not truly 
> ancient. If you want to know real old Speculative Masonry, you go to the 
> Ancient York Rite, not the
>  Scottish one.
>  Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Vaj

On Dec 3, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Vaj wrote:

Anti-Masonry Party

Oops, The Anti-Masonic Party, my faux pas.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Any time you have secret societies, especially societies in which the higher 
you go in rank, the more secretive things are, it is impossible to know what is 
really going on.  The public work is for sure not all there is.  

Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   

On Dec 3, 2007, at 4:41 PM, new.morning wrote:

> > the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also 
> > predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened. 

He sounds like quite a guy.

Most of the stuff you read would technically, from the point of view of Masonic 
scholars, be considered "Anti-Masonry". There was even a prominent political 
movement at one time in USA (particularly prominent in my native Pennsylvania) 
called the "Anti-Masonry Party". IIRC they even almost got someone into the 
White House. Masonic scholarship is no longer some fringe thing and we now even 
have several endowed chairs of Masonic research in Europe and in the British 
Isles not to mention private and public Masonic research societies. And to that 
caliber of scholarship, unless there's something serious I missed in my reading 
of Pike's manuscripts, his popular written works and final ritual, it would be 
considered BS. But then I'm not a big AASR Southern Jurisdiction fan or a Pike 
fan (I'm from the Northern Jurisdiction, we're more sattvic :-)). They're all 
modern rites, not truly ancient. If you want to know real old Speculative 
Masonry, you go to the Ancient York Rite, not the
 Scottish one.


 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Vaj

On Dec 3, 2007, at 4:41 PM, new.morning wrote:

> > the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he  

> > predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened.

He sounds like quite a guy.

Most of the stuff you read would technically, from the point of view  
of Masonic scholars, be considered "Anti-Masonry". There was even a  
prominent political movement at one time in USA (particularly  
prominent in my native Pennsylvania) called the "Anti-Masonry Party".  
IIRC they even almost got someone into the White House. Masonic  
scholarship is no longer some fringe thing and we now even have  
several endowed chairs of Masonic research in Europe and in the  
British Isles not to mention private and public Masonic research  
societies. And to that caliber of scholarship, unless there's  
something serious I missed in my reading of Pike's manuscripts, his  
popular written works and final ritual, it would be considered BS. But  
then I'm not a big AASR Southern Jurisdiction fan or a Pike fan (I'm  
from the Northern Jurisdiction, we're more sattvic :-)). They're all  
modern rites, not truly ancient. If you want to know real old  
Speculative Masonry, you go to the Ancient York Rite, not the Scottish  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
He was a Satanist, but it should be noted that to him, Lucifer, as the name 
says, was the Prince of Light who was on the side of mankind, while the Old 
Testament god seemed cruel and evil to him--Blake would have agreed.  The Old 
Testament god is forever smiting folks for no good reason. Be that as it may, 
Pike was certainly not a boring character. 

One of the problems with history as taught by the academic establishment is 
that they give you the impression that wars are fought to defeat nations.  
Wars, instead, are planned and fought to create certain conditions.  

"new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
 > > the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also  
 > > predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened. 
 He sounds like quite a guy.
 "Very few outsiders know about the intimate plans of Albert Pike and
 the architects of the New World Order.   In the 19th Century Albert
 Pike established a framework for bringing about the One World Order.
 More than a hundred years ago, a known Satanist and leading Freemason
 may have anticipated the recent events in London. Albert Pike's plan
 was to foment three world wars with the third and final war opening
 the way for the introduction of a new global faith, a religion that
 would have Lucifer as its idol.
 Diabolically inspired, Pike's vision was to pit Muslim's against Jews
 and Christians across the planet and with the outrages in London, and
 the media's portrayal of elements of Islam as "extremist", one has to
 wonder whether we are not seeing Pike's plan come to pass.
 After all, investigations into the atrocities are being led by some of
 Britain's top policemen many of whom are thought to be Freemasons.
 Indeed, membership and participation in Freemasonry is considered the
 prime criteria in promotion in Britain's police force. Could they be
 following a plan first outlined by modern Freemasonry's founder,
 Albert Pike?
 Given this, and the fact that Britain has seen a massive influx of
 various faiths and races, could this indeed be the first sparks of
 what is intended to be a global conflagration? We leave you to decide...
 In 1869, he [Pike] was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
 Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he
 apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with
 whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a
 Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign
 Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism
 had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth
 century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the
 inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium
 of the Templars. In 1801, Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of
 Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped to
 establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently
 chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd
 parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council
 is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges
 of the World.
 Pike was Long's successor, and he changed the name of the Order to the
 New and Reformed Palladian Rite (or Reformed Palladium). 
 Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a
 former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and
 spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy
 (1805-1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head of the
 Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in 1860. Together with
 Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree
 Mason), and Otto von Bismarck from Germany (1815-1898, 33rd degree
 Mason), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a
 Satanic umbrella group that would tie all Masonic groups together. 
 Adam Weishaupt (1748 - 1811) formed the Order of Perfectibilists on
 May 1, 1776 (to this day celebrated as May Day throughout many western
 countries), which later became known as the Illuminati, a secret
 society whose name means "Enlightened Ones".  Although the Order was
 founded to provide an opportunity for the free exchange of ideas,
 Weishaupt's background as a Jesuit seems to have influenced the actual
 character of the society, such that the express aim of this Order
 became to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government.
 An Italian revolutionary leader, Giusseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), a 33rd
 degree Mason, was selected by the Illuminati to head their worldwide
 operations in 1834.  (Mazzini also founded the Mafia in 1860). 
 Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the Bavarian
 government cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret societies
 for allegedly plotting a massive overthrow of Europe's mona

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Vaj

On Dec 3, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Yes, she probably would have dismissed him out of hand just because  
he was a Freemason, which is one reason I didn't bring him up.  But  
the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also  
predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened. Would  
that carry any weight with her?  Moreover, he studied at Harvard.

He also was one of the most blatant plagiarizers I've read. He lifted  
whole sections of English translation (from the French) of Eliphas  
Levi, among others. It's only in the last decade or so that we have  
several scholarly and impeccable biographies and studies on Pike. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, she probably would have dismissed him out of hand just because he was a 
Freemason, which is one reason I didn't bring him up.  But the thing about Pike 
is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also predicted WWI and WWII 
accurately long before they happened. Would that carry any weight with her?  
Moreover, he studied at Harvard. 

Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   The first 
reference I can think of regarding world wars being planned 
 all along would have been Albert Pike, the Freemason, who wrote of it 
 back in the 1800's.  But Judy would have dismissed that one out of hand 
 as being "wacko conspiracy stuff" even if wealthy Europeans valued his 
 Angela Mailander wrote:
 > Why would I smell a fish in your request for sources?  Two reasons.  Maybe 
 > because you called me a Nazi?  There is some past history in which you have 
 > behaved very badly with me in my estimation, and I was told by others that 
 > it isn't personal, that this is just your style of interacting with people.  
 > Indeed, I've seen you do it with others, and I don't like it any better when 
 > it is directed at them than when it is directed at me.  It is simply 
 > uncultured behavior and I have no wish to contribute to it in any way.  
 > The second reason I hesitated to give you a few names (you asked for 
 > historians, not their work) is just because I am a scholar.  Giving you a 
 > few sources is an utterly inadequate  substitute for ten years' worth of  
 > scholarly research, and only someone who is not a scholar would even ask 
 > such a thing.  Giving you just a few names (or sources) leaves me completely 
 > open to adverse criticism.  
 > If I thought you would actually read some books, then that would be 
 > different; I could recommend where you might begin and how you might avoid 
 > some of the dead ends I had to explore to get where I am.  But I do not get 
 > the sense that you wish to engage in any activity that would a) tend to 
 > vindicate me, and b) educate yourself. 
 > The history of Nazi Germany has been suppressed by American academic 
 > historians. There have been a few courageous souls who have published their 
 > work anyway, risking their careers and livelihoods.  If you really were 
 > seriously interested in this question, rather than wanting to dismiss the 
 > possibility of conspiracy out of hand without any serious investigation, 
 > then I would begin with Gary Allen's "The Rockefeller Papers" and with 
 > Anthony Sutton's "Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler."  His "Wallstreet and 
 > the Bolshevik Revolution" would be another good choice.   But again, these 
 > two men would be a bare bones beginning.  You could not draw any hard 
 > conclusions based on their work alone.  At a minimum, you would not only 
 > have to read their books, you'd also have to follow up on all their sources, 
 > as I have done.  This would be a full-time assignment for a good semester's 
 > work.  Obviously, I am not under the illusion that you would do this kind of 
 > work in order to learn that
 >  am not just talking through my hat.  Yet, there is no other way to 
 > determine whether or not I am.  
 > A conversation in a forum such as this is not a scholarly venue. I can 
 > present my conclusions, but not the ten year process (which actually also 
 > includes a life time of experience as someone born in Nazi Germany) that got 
 > me where I am.  So why talk about it at all?  Because we are in danger as I 
 > write of going down that road again. It may, in fact, be too late.  But 
 > still there is hope that, somehow, the American people won't walk into a 
 > fascist regime as blindly as did the German people. The ten steps that Naomi 
 > Wolf details are crude.  By the time such things happen, it is almost too 
 > late.  What about the brain washing that passes for education and that leads 
 > up to it being possible to fool a whole people into ignoring what is plain 
 > to see right in front of their eyes?  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Vaj

On Dec 3, 2007, at 2:51 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

That's funny, I was thinking what a "fussbudget" Judy is becoming  

days (some would say she's always been one) and Schultz himself
characterized Lucy as a "fussbudget." :)

So Judy, do you really want to be perceived as a "fussbudget?" :D

Too late. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Bhairitu
The first reference I can think of regarding world wars being planned 
all along would have been Albert Pike, the Freemason, who wrote of it 
back in the 1800's.  But Judy would have dismissed that one out of hand 
as being "wacko conspiracy stuff" even if wealthy Europeans valued his 

Angela Mailander wrote:
> Why would I smell a fish in your request for sources?  Two reasons.  Maybe 
> because you called me a Nazi?  There is some past history in which you have 
> behaved very badly with me in my estimation, and I was told by others that it 
> isn't personal, that this is just your style of interacting with people.  
> Indeed, I've seen you do it with others, and I don't like it any better when 
> it is directed at them than when it is directed at me.  It is simply 
> uncultured behavior and I have no wish to contribute to it in any way.  
> The second reason I hesitated to give you a few names (you asked for 
> historians, not their work) is just because I am a scholar.  Giving you a few 
> sources is an utterly inadequate  substitute for ten years' worth of  
> scholarly research, and only someone who is not a scholar would even ask such 
> a thing.  Giving you just a few names (or sources) leaves me completely open 
> to adverse criticism.  
> If I thought you would actually read some books, then that would be 
> different; I could recommend where you might begin and how you might avoid 
> some of the dead ends I had to explore to get where I am.  But I do not get 
> the sense that you wish to engage in any activity that would a) tend to 
> vindicate me, and b) educate yourself. 
> The history of Nazi Germany has been suppressed by American academic 
> historians. There have been a few courageous souls who have published their 
> work anyway, risking their careers and livelihoods.  If you really were 
> seriously interested in this question, rather than wanting to dismiss the 
> possibility of conspiracy out of hand without any serious investigation, then 
> I would begin with Gary Allen's "The Rockefeller Papers" and with Anthony 
> Sutton's "Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler."  His "Wallstreet and the 
> Bolshevik Revolution" would be another good choice.   But again, these two 
> men would be a bare bones beginning.  You could not draw any hard conclusions 
> based on their work alone.  At a minimum, you would not only have to read 
> their books, you'd also have to follow up on all their sources, as I have 
> done.  This would be a full-time assignment for a good semester's work.  
> Obviously, I am not under the illusion that you would do this kind of work in 
> order to learn that I
>  am not just talking through my hat.  Yet, there is no other way to determine 
> whether or not I am.  
> A conversation in a forum such as this is not a scholarly venue. I can 
> present my conclusions, but not the ten year process (which actually also 
> includes a life time of experience as someone born in Nazi Germany) that got 
> me where I am.  So why talk about it at all?  Because we are in danger as I 
> write of going down that road again. It may, in fact, be too late.  But still 
> there is hope that, somehow, the American people won't walk into a fascist 
> regime as blindly as did the German people. The ten steps that Naomi Wolf 
> details are crude.  By the time such things happen, it is almost too late.  
> What about the brain washing that passes for education and that leads up to 
> it being possible to fool a whole people into ignoring what is plain to see 
> right in front of their eyes?  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> It's like Lucy sweetly inviting Charley Brown
> to kick the football. 
> What sane person would believe that Lucy is
> really going to hold the football for him this
> time, when for *years* it's always been a 
> "setup" for someone intent on making him look 
> stupid?
> Same with Judy's intent. It's pretty much a 
> GIVEN. One doesn't need to know the specifics
> of it, because as she herself said, the subtle
> *intent* of her "setups" come through loud 
> and clear in the written language, just as it
> would in verbal language. Just as no one sane 
> would believe that Lucy really wants Charley 
> Brown to kick the football, no matter how 
> sweetly she tried to disguise the intent 
> behind the invitation, no one sane who has 
> watched Judy's style over the years would 
> believe that she really wants a real conver-
> sation when she pretends to be asking for one. 
> She's just setting the victim up for another of
> her attempts at either belittling them or
> putting them down or casting doubt on their
> integrity. 
That's funny, I was thinking what a "fussbudget"  Judy is becoming these 
days (some would say she's always been one) and Schultz himself 
characterized Lucy as a "fussbudget."  :)

So Judy, do you really want to be perceived as a "fussbudget?"  :D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 I've been arguing and sometimes agreeing with Judy for years
 so my POV comes with experience.
>>> And like Barry, Bhairitu has developed the siddhi
>>> of being able to determine why I post what I post
>>> without knowing *what* I've posted.
>> "For the record" Judy, I read the thread.
> Don't think so...
>> And I was not commenting at all about "why" you post.
> Yes, you were. You wrote, "Judy is just trying to
> drag you down and make you waste messages on a
> reply."
That's your "tactic", not a "why." Do you feel this is your "why?"
> I'm really getting tired of your misrepresentations,
> Bhairitu.
Do you want to continue feeling this way?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
It was a question, Judy.  Did you call me a Nazi?  Someone on this forum did.  
If you did not, then I apologize for even suggesting it.  The substantive 
message underneath is that you did insult me gratuitously on a number of 
occasions, and I am therefore suspicious of you.  I've seen you set others up.  
I will not document this because it would entail the work of going through past 
posts.  I am going on an impression that I have formed on the basis of your 
interaction with me and with others.  I happen to agree with you on your recent 
and, possibly, ongoing critique of Vaj, but your manner is still rude and 

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > Why would I smell a fish in your request for sources?  Two reasons.  
 Maybe because you called me a Nazi?
 I *beg* your pardon? Document this, please, before
 we go any further.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Why would I smell a fish in your request for sources?  Two reasons.  Maybe 
because you called me a Nazi?  There is some past history in which you have 
behaved very badly with me in my estimation, and I was told by others that it 
isn't personal, that this is just your style of interacting with people.  
Indeed, I've seen you do it with others, and I don't like it any better when it 
is directed at them than when it is directed at me.  It is simply uncultured 
behavior and I have no wish to contribute to it in any way.  

The second reason I hesitated to give you a few names (you asked for 
historians, not their work) is just because I am a scholar.  Giving you a few 
sources is an utterly inadequate  substitute for ten years' worth of  scholarly 
research, and only someone who is not a scholar would even ask such a thing.  
Giving you just a few names (or sources) leaves me completely open to adverse 

If I thought you would actually read some books, then that would be different; 
I could recommend where you might begin and how you might avoid some of the 
dead ends I had to explore to get where I am.  But I do not get the sense that 
you wish to engage in any activity that would a) tend to vindicate me, and b) 
educate yourself. 

The history of Nazi Germany has been suppressed by American academic 
historians. There have been a few courageous souls who have published their 
work anyway, risking their careers and livelihoods.  If you really were 
seriously interested in this question, rather than wanting to dismiss the 
possibility of conspiracy out of hand without any serious investigation, then I 
would begin with Gary Allen's "The Rockefeller Papers" and with Anthony 
Sutton's "Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler."  His "Wallstreet and the 
Bolshevik Revolution" would be another good choice.   But again, these two men 
would be a bare bones beginning.  You could not draw any hard conclusions based 
on their work alone.  At a minimum, you would not only have to read their 
books, you'd also have to follow up on all their sources, as I have done.  This 
would be a full-time assignment for a good semester's work.  Obviously, I am 
not under the illusion that you would do this kind of work in order to learn 
that I
 am not just talking through my hat.  Yet, there is no other way to determine 
whether or not I am.  

A conversation in a forum such as this is not a scholarly venue. I can present 
my conclusions, but not the ten year process (which actually also includes a 
life time of experience as someone born in Nazi Germany) that got me where I 
am.  So why talk about it at all?  Because we are in danger as I write of going 
down that road again. It may, in fact, be too late.  But still there is hope 
that, somehow, the American people won't walk into a fascist regime as blindly 
as did the German people. The ten steps that Naomi Wolf details are crude.  By 
the time such things happen, it is almost too late.  What about the brain 
washing that passes for education and that leads up to it being possible to 
fool a whole people into ignoring what is plain to see right in front of their 

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > That was exactly my feeling.  I could smell the "set-up" and 
 therefore didn't feel like sending her bibliography.  She simply 
 asked for references, and it sounds legit enough, nor would a scholar 
 refuse to give it if it were really an honest question.  But I did 
 not feel it honest.  So I didn't comply, not wishing to be dragged 
 into another fight with a pig in which everyone gets dirty, but the 
 pig likes it.
 Angela, why would you fear that legitimate
 references would drag you into a dirty fight?
 > Bhairitu sensed the same thing.  So what exactly is it with Judy?  
 You guys know her much better than I do.  Can it be as simple as 
 feeling taller when she squashes someone else?
 It isn't even as *complicated* as that. It's simply
 not true.
 Barry (and Bhairitu) know--but won't tell you--that
 I have a thing about dishonesty. I detest it. I go
 after it wherever I see it. Anybody who's been on
 FFL for a while knows this.
 Barry has been a particular target of mine because 
 he is one of the most dishonest people I've ever
 Bhairitu isn't at all constitutionally dishonest
 like Barry, but he can be intellectually sloppy,
 and he gets upset when he's caught out. In this
 case, we had had a discussion in which he'd
 goofed badly, so he's sore at me.
 As I explained to you before, I'm deeply suspicious
 of your scholarly qualifications, because you don't
 behave like any legitimate scholar I've ever
 encountered. This isn't the first time by any means
 that you've evaded giving references for your claims.
 You made a highly controversial claim. You should
 expect that folks would want to know the basis

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-03 Thread Angela Mailander
That was exactly my feeling.  I could smell the "set-up" and therefore didn't 
feel like sending her bibliography.  She simply asked for references, and it 
sounds legit enough, nor would a scholar refuse to give it if it were really an 
honest question.  But I did not feel it honest.  So I didn't comply, not 
wishing to be dragged into another fight with a pig in which everyone gets 
dirty, but the pig likes it.  Bhairitu sensed the same thing.  So what exactly 
is it with Judy?  You guys know her much better than I do.  Can it be as simple 
as feeling taller when she squashes someone else? 

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 > >
 > > Duveyoung wrote:
 > > > Bhairitu, I think you're a titch too absolute on your 
 > > > critique of Judy.  
 > > 
 > > I've been arguing and sometimes agreeing with Judy for years
 > > so my POV comes with experience.
 > And like Barry, Bhairitu has developed the siddhi
 > of being able to determine why I post what I post
 > without knowing *what* I've posted.
 Since this sentence appeared in Message View,
 I wound up reading it. And I'll actually reply,
 because Judy seems so clueless as to *how* we
 know the intent of many of her posts without 
 even bothering to read them. 
 The answer is simple and Bhairitu nails it 
 above -- past history, and lots of it.
 When Judy seemingly politely asks someone to 
 "explain" something they said, or to "provide 
 a reference" or send her "a list of historians" 
 or whatever, LONG experience with her personal 
 style of posting tells us that this is merely 
 the first step of a "setup" for what she *really* 
 wants to accomplish, which is another putdown.
 It's like Lucy sweetly inviting Charley Brown
 to kick the football. 
 What sane person would believe that Lucy is
 really going to hold the football for him this
 time, when for *years* it's always been a 
 "setup" for someone intent on making him look 
 Same with Judy's intent. It's pretty much a 
 GIVEN. One doesn't need to know the specifics
 of it, because as she herself said, the subtle
 *intent* of her "setups" come through loud 
 and clear in the written language, just as it
 would in verbal language. Just as no one sane 
 would believe that Lucy really wants Charley 
 Brown to kick the football, no matter how 
 sweetly she tried to disguise the intent 
 behind the invitation, no one sane who has 
 watched Judy's style over the years would 
 believe that she really wants a real conver-
 sation when she pretends to be asking for one. 
 She's just setting the victim up for another of
 her attempts at either belittling them or
 putting them down or casting doubt on their
 It's just what Judy DOES. It's almost ALL that
 Judy DOES. She really doesn't have the RANGE
 or creativity to do much of anything else. So
 it's really a no-brainer to figure out her 
 intent, based on the nature of the "first 
 setup post" in a series of "setup" posts. 
 In this particular instance, it's clear that
 she's threatened by Angela, and so has to find
 some way to put her down, so she's trying to
 do a "setup" to orchestrate this. 
 The overall problem is this behavior -- Judy 
 is potentially bright and might even have some-
 thing interesting to say someday IF she can
 get past this belief that when she "lowers" 
 someone else *she* "stands taller." She doesn't.
 She's just illustrated the basic petty jealousy
 that runs her behavior once again, and as a 
 result a few more people have sighed sadly once 
 again and felt sorry for her. They haven't 
 admired the devastating nature of her setup 
 and subequent putdown, they've pitied her. 
 If she figured this out, she'd probably be worth 
 having a discussion with. But she's been running
 this same number for over twelve years now, with
 no change in all that time, so it's not likely
 that she'll ever change. As a result, it really
 IS not only possible to know in advance what
 her posts are about from the first "setup" 
 sentence and thus avoid them, it's a no-brainer.
 Learning not to bother with Judy's posts is a 
 useful and practical *skill* on Fairfield Life. 
 Life's too short to waste on the Lucy's of this 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> Is Delia hanging out here?  I haven't seen any 
>> posts from her yet. 
> We're all here, Bharat2. And you're here too; after 
> Delia kicked your but over on Usenet. 
She didn't kick my "but". 
And probably buried deep within one of those morphing prolongated 
threads.  :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Duveyoung wrote:
>>> Bhairitu, I think you're a titch too absolute on your critique of
>>> Judy.  
>> I've been arguing and sometimes agreeing with Judy for years
>> so my POV comes with experience.
> And like Barry, Bhairitu has developed the siddhi
> of being able to determine why I post what I post
> without knowing *what* I've posted.
"For the record" Judy, I read the thread.  And I was not commenting at 
all about "why" you post.  I was just commenting on the need some people 
have either consciously or subconsciously to carry on prolongated 
debates long after the key points have been made.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, just the historians.  I started to research the history of the 20th 
century in 1995.  I'd ignored history and politics till then, having had enough 
of it up to my eyeballs by the time I was 18. It was in the back of my mind, 
though, because of my friendship with the physics teacher who was an ex SS man, 
because of my mom's activities as a secret agent for the American occupation 
army, because of my conversations with my brother-in-law, and because I'd heard 
European, particularly German, historians and political observers predict the 
current U.S. scene in the late fifties--which I did not believe at the time.  
But then in 95 when I heard about American concentration camps for the first 
time, I had time on my hands and thought it would be cool to get an education 
in a field in which I knew next to nothing.  But, like I said, I do not 
consider myself an expert in history.  

"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
Angela Mailander wrote:
 > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  
 > How much of it do you want? 
 Just the historians?
 > > A third war was planned all along, according to 
 > > European historians.
 > >
 Judy wrote:
 > > > Which historians were these, Angela?
 > > >

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Bhairitu
Duveyoung wrote:
> Bhairitu, I think you're a titch too absolute on your critique of
> Judy.  
I've been arguing and sometimes agreeing with Judy for years so my POV 
comes with experience.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, the schoolmarm in me dies hard. 

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Frankly, I 
find myself bewildered that Angela and Judy aren't best
 buds.  Both love the small print.
 If these two ever stop the cat fight, and if they both get on the same
 side, the rest of us are doomed -- we'd all be minding our p's and q's
 a whole notch more attentively.  Despite its stink, bullshit is, like
 musk, sometimes pleasant if mixed into the post in small enough
 quantities.  Between these two, who'd get away with anything ever
 again if they start a tag-team match against the rest of us?
 Angela, I am impressed by your history, but like me, you do like just
 to say stuff and hope that memory serves enough to not be caught with
 your facts askew -- I am surprised at how often I have somehow gotten
 certain facts "changed" by simply not recalling them regularly enough
 to top off and freshen them.  So far, I think you're delivering some
 scholarship here, but I do think you're invested in many concepts to
 the point of being hardwired too much to allow nuancing.  But that's
 just a feeling on my part, don't ask me to sift your posts for why I
 do have that feeling.  I gave over 500 TM first lectures, so I'm a
 practiced bullshitter, and sometimes I can project that on you, mostly
 not though.
 Judy, you're a hard case, like that professor in The Paper Chase -- a
 good hard, but hardassed too. 
 I don't know why I'm trying to be a shadkhan here, but I do deeply
 wish you two could have lunch together somedayand do that girly
 bonding thingy.
 Bhairitu, I think you're a titch too absolute on your critique of
 Judy.  Barry's attitude needs a two-by-four whacking, and she's got
 the mojo and motivation.too much in fact, cuz, after kapowing him,
 geeeze, still she has enough left over for me, and that sucks.  Thus,
 I find myself liking that Barry distracts her to some degree from me!
 Go Barry!
 --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Angela, Judy is just trying to drag you down and make you waste
 > on a reply.  Just walk away.  Many of us here have read or heard the 
 > information you cite regarding that WWII was planned (and also a 
 > WWIII).  I'm not going to waste my time on looking up stuff for someone 
 > on the net unless I already have at my fingertips.  Sometimes I hear 
 > things while I'm driving around listing to Air America Radio like a 
 > guest on Thom Hartmann or a guest on Alex Jones (who by the way will 
 > often post links to his guest web site or book which sometimes Thom 
 > fails to do).  Sometimes I get information from books that have to be 
 > read in their full context or their claim can be easily shot down.  And 
 > sometimes I read things years ago (40 or more in some cases) and I
 > remember the source but I remember what was said.
 > I, over the years have learned to walk away from trollish flame wars 
 > because I feel I have proven my point only going a few replies deep
 > the topic and those who have minds can see I've done so just by reading 
 > the thread.  It is not at all about having the last word.
 > Angela Mailander wrote:
 > > Actually, Judy, any idiot can determine which names in a
 bibliography are the most "authoritative."  Pick up ten books on the
 same subject, check out the bibliography, and note which names are
 repeated, which names are quoted by everyone who thinks he's got
 something to say on a given subject.  
 > >   
 > > And what would it do for you if I named five or six European
 historians.  Would you then know that I told the truth?   I  don't
 think so.  
 > >
 > > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   ---
 In, Angela Mailander 
 > >   wrote:
 > >  >
 > >  > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
 > >  > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
 > >  
 > >  But not any idiot would know which names from
 > >  that bibliography are the most authoritative.
 > >  
 > >  > authfriend  wrote:
 > >  
 > >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > >  >   wrote:
 > >  >  >
 > >  >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 > >  >  > do you want?
 > >  >  
 > >  >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 > >  >  authoritative.
 > >  >  
 > >  >  > authfriend  wrote:
 > >  >  
 > >  >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > >  >  >   wrote:
 > >  >  >  >
 > >  >  >  
 > >  >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 > >  >  >  > historians.
 > >  >  >  
 > >  >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?
 > >  >  
 > >  >  
 > >  >  
 > >  >
 > >  > 
 > >  >  Send instant messages to your online friends 
 > >
 > >  >
 > >  
 > >  
 > >  
 > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
Thank you, Bhairitu, I think you're right.  It is pointless to enter into a 
disagreement with Judy.  It's certainly the case that a few sources do not tell 
the story of ten years' worth of research into what makes the 20th century 
tick.  And then, even after ten years of research, I cannot say I'm an expert.  
My expertise lies (double meaning intended) in literary theory and criticism as 
forms of epistemology and in philosophy of language. I've developed a language 
teaching methodology (theory and practice) that's light years ahead of the 
state of the art. I'm also a dynamite cook and seamstress.  And I've made a 
living (not a great living, mind you, but a living) as a practicing artist. 
I've got the greenest thumb of anyone I know.  Plants talk to me. Beyond that 
I'm as dumb as the next person, and getting dumber year by year.

Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Angela, Judy 
is just trying to drag you down and make you waste messages 
 on a reply.  Just walk away.  Many of us here have read or heard the 
 information you cite regarding that WWII was planned (and also a 
 WWIII).  I'm not going to waste my time on looking up stuff for someone 
 on the net unless I already have at my fingertips.  Sometimes I hear 
 things while I'm driving around listing to Air America Radio like a 
 guest on Thom Hartmann or a guest on Alex Jones (who by the way will 
 often post links to his guest web site or book which sometimes Thom 
 fails to do).  Sometimes I get information from books that have to be 
 read in their full context or their claim can be easily shot down.  And 
 sometimes I read things years ago (40 or more in some cases) and I won't 
 remember the source but I remember what was said.
 I, over the years have learned to walk away from trollish flame wars 
 because I feel I have proven my point only going a few replies deep into 
 the topic and those who have minds can see I've done so just by reading 
 the thread.  It is not at all about having the last word.
 Angela Mailander wrote:
 > Actually, Judy, any idiot can determine which names in a bibliography are 
 > the most "authoritative."  Pick up ten books on the same subject, check out 
 > the bibliography, and note which names are repeated, which names are quoted 
 > by everyone who thinks he's got something to say on a given subject.  
 > And what would it do for you if I named five or six European historians.  
 > Would you then know that I told the truth?   I  don't think so.  
 > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In 
 >, Angela Mailander 
 >  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  >
 >  > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
 >  > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
 >  But not any idiot would know which names from
 >  that bibliography are the most authoritative.
 >  > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >
 >  >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 >  >  > do you want?
 >  >  
 >  >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 >  >  authoritative.
 >  >  
 >  >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  >  
 >  >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >  >
 >  >  >  
 >  >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 >  >  >  > historians.
 >  >  >  
 >  >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?
 >  >  
 >  >  
 >  >  
 >  >
 >  > 
 >  >  Send instant messages to your online friends 
 >  >
 >  Send instant messages to your online friends 

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> Personally, I think you two gals should suck Delia
> into this discussion. Then *three* of you could play 
> "my dick is longer than yours."
> :-)
Is Delia hanging out here?  I haven't seen any posts from her yet.  
Maybe we should get into a veganism war. :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Bhairitu
Angela, Judy is just trying to drag you down and make you waste messages 
on a reply.  Just walk away.  Many of us here have read or heard the 
information you cite regarding that WWII was planned (and also a 
WWIII).  I'm not going to waste my time on looking up stuff for someone 
on the net unless I already have at my fingertips.  Sometimes I hear 
things while I'm driving around listing to Air America Radio like a 
guest on Thom Hartmann or a guest on Alex Jones (who by the way will 
often post links to his guest web site or book which sometimes Thom 
fails to do).  Sometimes I get information from books that have to be 
read in their full context or their claim can be easily shot down.  And 
sometimes I read things years ago (40 or more in some cases) and I won't 
remember the source but I remember what was said.

I, over the years have learned to walk away from trollish flame wars 
because I feel I have proven my point only going a few replies deep into 
the topic and those who have minds can see I've done so just by reading 
the thread.  It is not at all about having the last word.

Angela Mailander wrote:
> Actually, Judy, any idiot can determine which names in a bibliography are the 
> most "authoritative."  Pick up ten books on the same subject, check out the 
> bibliography, and note which names are repeated, which names are quoted by 
> everyone who thinks he's got something to say on a given subject.  
> And what would it do for you if I named five or six European historians.  
> Would you then know that I told the truth?   I  don't think so.  
> authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In 
>, Angela Mailander 
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
>  > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
>  But not any idiot would know which names from
>  that bibliography are the most authoritative.
>  > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  --- In, Angela Mailander 
>  >   wrote:
>  >  >
>  >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
>  >  > do you want?
>  >  
>  >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
>  >  authoritative.
>  >  
>  >  > authfriend  wrote:
>  >  
>  >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
>  >  >   wrote:
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  
>  >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
>  >  >  > historians.
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?
>  >  
>  >  
>  >  
>  >
>  > 
>  >  Send instant messages to your online friends 
>  >
>  Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
My major source is E. R. Carmin.  I also like Quina von Brackenhausen, Gerda 
Hagenau, and a few others--do you read German or French?  

But here's something everyone might find interesting:
Bill Moyers: The Secret Government

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > Actually, Judy, any idiot can determine which names in a 
 bibliography are the most "authoritative."  Pick up ten books on the 
 same subject, check out the bibliography, and note which names are 
 repeated, which names are quoted by everyone who thinks he's got 
 something to say on a given subject.
 Well, if an idiot can do it, surely you can as well.
 > And what would it do for you if I named five or six European 
 > historians.  Would you then know that I told the truth? I
 > don't think so.
 I could certainly find out of you had told the truth
 about there being European historians who claim "a 
 third war was planned all along."
 You're stalling, Angela. Let's have the names, please.
 Asking a scholar for documentation of claims is pretty
 standard, and any legitimate scholar would be more than
 happy to provide it.
 > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >   wrote:
 >  >
 >  > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
 >  > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
 >  But not any idiot would know which names from
 >  that bibliography are the most authoritative.
 >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >
 >  >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 >  >  > do you want?
 >  >  
 >  >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 >  >  authoritative.
 >  >  
 >  >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  >  
 >  >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >  >
 >  >  >  
 >  >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 >  >  >  > historians.
 >  >  >  
 >  >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
You are right.  I'm outa this "discussion."

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Personally, 
I think you two gals should suck Delia
 into this discussion. Then *three* of you could play 
 "my dick is longer than yours."
 --- In, Angela Mailander
 > Actually, Judy, any idiot can determine which names in a
 bibliography are the most "authoritative."  Pick up ten books on the
 same subject, check out the bibliography, and note which names are
 repeated, which names are quoted by everyone who thinks he's got
 something to say on a given subject.  
 > And what would it do for you if I named five or six European
 historians.  Would you then know that I told the truth?   I  don't
 think so.  
 > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >   wrote:
 >  >
 >  > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
 >  > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
 >  But not any idiot would know which names from
 >  that bibliography are the most authoritative.
 >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >
 >  >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 >  >  > do you want?
 >  >  
 >  >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 >  >  authoritative.
 >  >  
 >  >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  >  
 >  >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >  >
 >  >  >  
 >  >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 >  >  >  > historians.
 >  >  >  
 >  >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?
 >  >  
 >  >  
 >  >  
 >  >
 >  > 
 >  >  Send instant messages to your online friends 
 >  >
 >  Send instant messages to your online friends

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
Actually, Judy, any idiot can determine which names in a bibliography are the 
most "authoritative."  Pick up ten books on the same subject, check out the 
bibliography, and note which names are repeated, which names are quoted by 
everyone who thinks he's got something to say on a given subject.  
And what would it do for you if I named five or six European historians.  Would 
you then know that I told the truth?   I  don't think so.  

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
 > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
 But not any idiot would know which names from
 that bibliography are the most authoritative.
 > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >   wrote:
 >  >
 >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 >  > do you want?
 >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 >  authoritative.
 >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >
 >  >  
 >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 >  >  > historians.
 >  >  
 >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?
 >  Send instant messages to your online friends
 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
In whose judgment?

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility,
 > since any idiot can copy someone else's bibliography?
 But not any idiot would know which names from
 that bibliography are the most authoritative.
 > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >   wrote:
 >  >
 >  > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 >  > do you want?
 >  Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 >  authoritative.
 >  > authfriend  wrote:
 >  --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >  >   wrote:
 >  >  >
 >  >  
 >  >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 >  >  > historians.
 >  >  
 >  >  Which historians were these, Angela?
 >  Send instant messages to your online friends

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
And what would such a list do for you, or for my credibility, since any idiot 
can copy someone else's bibliography?

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it
 > do you want?
 Oh, let's say five of those you consider the most
 > authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 --- In, Angela Mailander 
 >   wrote:
 >  >
 >  > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 >  > historians.
 >  Which historians were these, Angela?

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-02 Thread Angela Mailander
My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  How much of it do you want? 

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > A third war was planned all along, according to European 
 > historians.
 Which historians were these, Angela?

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stand up and be counted (George Carlin - Who Really Controls America)

2007-12-01 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But I
>> just don't know what to do with the material at
>> -- it's very disturbing data that can be googled, ya know?
> And have you googled it?
> Are you aware that is a *right-wing*
> site that claims, among other things, that global
> warming is a hoax?
For the record Prison Planet is not "right-wing."  Alex Jones rails 
against the right wing.  He sees himself more as a "constitutional 
conservative" but I would say he is all over the place.   He hosts a 
broad variety of views.  There are a lot of libertarians who hang out on 
the forum there who would bristle if you called them right wing.  
Righties call up Alex on his show and call him a liberal.   On the 
global warming thing what they are concerned about is the government and 
large corporations using "global warming" as a way to control the 
populace.  They're concerned about these initiatives like "carbon taxes" 
and all of a sudden a lot of energy companies jumping on the global 
warming bandwagon.  And there are sponsors on his show for natural and 
organic products, solar energy, water filter products, etc.  And a few 
wacko sounding Christian groups (non religious right) who run adds for 
their magazines, etc.)