Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning FFL folks (Drink More Water)

2013-09-13 Thread Share Long
Thanks, Jason, good to know.

 From: Jason
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 5:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning FFL folks (Drink More Water)


Drinking too much water can kill you.  It strains the
kidneys, decreases the salinity in blood, which makes it
difficult for the kidneys to excrete the water out. 

It leads to life threatening condition.

---  Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I agree John, I tend to drink less water on really humid days. From the 
 article: According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the
 brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83%
 water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and
 even the bones are watery: 31%.

  From: jr_esq@... jr_esq@...
 Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 2:46 PM
 Â Share,

 That's a lot of water to drink in one day, especially when it's foggy in the 
 Sunset District of SF.  Bhairitu's  idea sounds more reasonable.

 --- In, wrote:

 That's a lot of water! However, I remember when driving for UPS and drinking 
 a gallon and a half of water a day, during the summer, I did sleep a lot 
 better. Nice *watery* dreams,(no... not wet)Â as if I were swimming and 
 floating in my sleep.

 From: Bhairitu noozguru@
 Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 11:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Drink More Water
 As always: drink when thirsty, eat when hungry.  On 09/12/2013 10:20 AM, 
 Share Long wrote:
 John, rule of thumb is divide your weight by 2 and that's how many ounces of 
 water you ideally drink per day. I was very motivated to do this when the 
 temps were in the 90s. But now that temps are dropping, I'll have to be more 
 conscious of it.  Sodas are killers! I'm so glad you stopped drinking them.
 From: mailto:jr_esq@ mailto:jr_esq@
 Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Drink More Water
 Michelle Obama says so for better health. Â I believe she's right. Â A few 
 weeks ago I got carried away drinking cokes without watching my weight. Â I 
 then realized that I ballooned by about ten pounds in a matter of weeks.Â
 I've been drinking more plain water and cut down my meals for about two 
 weeks now, and have returned to my regular weight. Â The one day fast I did 
 last Saturday helped too.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: warning from one the brightest Jyotish minds alive

2013-04-22 Thread Mike Dixon
Israel attacks Iran.


 From: card
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:35 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: warning from one the brightest Jyotish minds alive
FWIW, tropical Sun and Mars are both safely in Taurus...

--- In, srijau@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Narasimha P.V.R. Rao
 7:53 PM (1 hour ago)
 to JyotishGroup, JyotishWritings, vedic-astrology, sohamsa 
 Copied from my Facebook post:
 I mentioned before that an unstable phase that started at the end of March 
 extends till the end of May and that natural disasters and also man-made 
 disasters with long-term consequences are possible. Sun (will power) and Mars 
 (aggressive spirit) are now marching together in the warrior sign of Aries. A 
 few days after the eclipse of April 25/26, they will be exactly opposite 
 Saturn (patience). It can create very tricky and dangerous political/military 
 situations in the world. When Sun  Mars will get close to Ketu 
 (eccentricity) around the second eclipse of May 9/10, explosive situations 
 may develop. At the end of your homam/pooja/meditation, please pray for a few 
 minutes for better sense to prevail in people and for peace and calm in the 
 world. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.
 Best regards,


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: warning from one the brightest Jyotish minds alive

2013-04-22 Thread Mike Dixon
I said that because I caught a piece on the news, this morning, in which Chuck 
Hagle, Secretary of Defense , was making a statement, somewhere, that Israel 
is an independent nation that has every right to defend it's self. We share 
their concerns over the same issue of Iran's development of Nukes, but our 
timing is a little different. I thought this was a *green-light* form the 
Secretary of Defense for Israel to do what they think they have to do. 
Netanyahu also indicated, earlier this year, that May or early summer, would be 
the time a threshold would be crossed. Time will tell.

 From: salyavin808
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 12:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: warning from one the brightest Jyotish minds alive

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 

 Israel attacks Iran.

Those pesky planets. 

But let's face it, this will hardly be news. In fact it's one of
the few things I'd bet on. I shudder to think what the knock-on
effects will be, every time we meddle in the affairs of other
countries it just stores up more trouble for the future. Never
mind, the gods must have willed it...

  From: card cardemaister@...
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:35 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: warning from one the brightest Jyotish minds 
 FWIW, tropical Sun and Mars are both safely in Taurus...
 --- In, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  Narasimha P.V.R. Rao
  7:53 PM (1 hour ago)
  to JyotishGroup, JyotishWritings, vedic-astrology, sohamsa 
  Copied from my Facebook post:
  I mentioned before that an unstable phase that started at the end of March 
  extends till the end of May and that natural disasters and also man-made 
  disasters with long-term consequences are possible. Sun (will power) and 
  Mars (aggressive spirit) are now marching together in the warrior sign of 
  Aries. A few days after the eclipse of April 25/26, they will be exactly 
  opposite Saturn (patience). It can create very tricky and dangerous 
  political/military situations in the world. When Sun  Mars will get close 
  to Ketu (eccentricity) around the second eclipse of May 9/10, explosive 
  situations may develop. At the end of your homam/pooja/meditation, please 
  pray for a few minutes for better sense to prevail in people and for peace 
  and calm in the world. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.
  Best regards,


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-21 Thread Vaj

On Dec 20, 2009, at 7:22 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

  Several times angelic-like females have descended and made love  
to me in my sleep. Not joking. Its as real as it gets. The movie  
will not capture that. The feeling stays with you for days, weeks,  
and even for a lifetime you can recall it and it comes back. Very  
humbling feeling mixed with sweet love.

 Yes, but does she let you see the children?

Children are for mortal humans  like yourself for example. The  
rest of the universe does not indulge in that practice.

You thought I meant physical children? LOL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Vaj

On Dec 19, 2009, at 10:57 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

 --- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
  On Dec 19, 2009, at 4:00 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
   Oh ok, my bad. 
   (sounds awful though --  like watching JaJa Binks in 3d :-)
  It was actually quite good. However if you are a conservative or a 
  Republican, the jabs in it--several directly aimed at Bush Admin policies 
  and some taken from Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and Neocon way of thinking--will 
  make you say things like Mike said.
 Well that shouldn't be a problem for me, seeing as how I was the first on FFL 
 to support Obama.
  It was a very tantric movie in that it dealt well with inter-dimensional 
 Several times angelic-like females have descended and made love to me in my 
 sleep. Not joking. Its as real as it gets. The movie will not capture that. 
 The feeling stays with you for days, weeks, and even for a lifetime you can 
 recall it and it comes back. Very humbling feeling mixed with sweet love.
Yes, but does she let you see the children?

Buddhist and Shaivite yogis have actually perfected such interdimensional 
congress for the expansion of consciousness, but I think it's fair to say, not 
all such unions are necessarily evolutionary. But union with a yakshini is many 
times more intense than with a human. 

Of the Sabbath of the Adepts
In the black hours of earth, when the Christian superstition with fell blight 
withered most malignantly the
peoples of Europe, when our own Holy Order was dispersed and the sanctity of 
its preceptories lay violate,
there were yet found certain to hold Truth in their hearts, and, loving Light, 
to bear the Lamp of Virtue
beneath the Cloak of Secrecy. And these at certain seasons went at night by 
ways open or hidden to heaths
and mountains, and there dancing together, and with strange suppers and spells 
diverse, did call forth Him,
whom the enemy called ignorantly Satan, and was in truth the Great God Pan, or 
Bacchus, or even that
Baphomet whom the Templars worshipped secretly, and yet worship as in the VI° 
all Illustrious Knights of
the Holy Order of Kadosch, all Dame Companions of the Holy Grail are taught to 
do, or BABALON the
Beautiful, or even Zeus Apollo of the Greeks.
And each when first inducted to the revel was made partner of that Incarnate 
One by the Consummation of
the Rite of Marriage.
Consider of this.

Of Classical Fables
The Ancients of every nation report their heroes to have been born of the 
marriage of Gods with mortals. As,
Romulus and Remus begotten of the God Mars upon a vestal Virgin, Hercules of 
Jove, Buddha of Vishnu in
the form of a white elephant with six tusks, Jesus of Jehovah upon a virgin, 
and many another. Even true
Gods were born of mortal mothers, as Dionysius of Semele.
Also they recount many loves of heaven for earth, Diana for Endymion, Zeus for 
Leda, Danae, Europa, and
the rest; even Hades issued from his gloomy kingdom to ravish the maid 
There are also loves of Gods for nymphs, Bacchus for the Ariadne, Zeus for Io, 
Pan for Syrinx; there is no
end of these. And satyrs, fawns, centaurs, dryads, a thousand gracious tribes, 
leap lightly and lustfully
through their legends.
Again we have the loves of fairies for mankind, and the commerce of the Beni 
Elohim with the daughters of
men; and yet again the marriage of Orpheus with Eurydice a nymph, and the fatal 
nets that Laura, Melusina,
the Sirens, Lilith and many another cast for men.
It is even said that to every Neophyte of the Order of A\A\ appeareth a demon 
in the form of a woman to
pervert him; within Our own knowledge have not less than nine brethren been 
utterly cast out thereby.
There are also vain loves, as that of Ixion for Hera, of Actaeon for Artemis.
Consider of this.

Of Certain Greek Rites
Among the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula and especially the Greeks, beneath 
the bush of their false
Christianity, is hidden the wheat of Demeter. And even as the Muslim trust to 
be united by death to the Hur
al’ Ayn of Paradise, so do these others yet think that earthly marriage is but 
fornication, for that Death is a
nuptial wherein the soul is united to that God or Goddess to whom on earth his 
lust aspired. Thus, even in
the embraces of their lovers, their hearts were fixed on Artemis or on 
Aphrodite or on Ares or on Apollo, as
the inner tendency urges and the intuition thereof proclaims.
Consider of this.

Of Succubi and Incubi
From all time the life of man has now and again overflowed, in sleep, without 
will, and only reflected itself
dimly and fantastically by dream into his knowledge. Now since naught can be 
lost on any plane, but only
changed in appearance, the inner substance of this life-stuff does indeed beget 
monsters in part material,
which the doctors of the Middle Ages called Incubi or Succubi according as they 
performed the functions of
male or female. These, too, begat children upon women; but not 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Mike Dixon
will make you say things like Mike said? What, predictable or Comparing it to 
*Star Wars* and *Dances With Wolves* or that I liked it?

From: Vaj
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 7:25:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar


On Dec 19, 2009, at 4:00 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

Oh ok, my bad. 
(sounds awful though --  like watching JaJa Binks in 3d :-)

It was actually quite good. However if you are a conservative or a Republican, 
the jabs in it--several directly aimed at Bush Admin policies and some taken 
from Bush-Cheney- Rumsfeld and Neocon way of thinking--will make you say things 
like Mike said. It was a very tantric movie in that it dealt well with 
inter-dimensional congress and the idea of interdependent origination as a web 
naturally connecting all sentience.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Vaj

On Dec 20, 2009, at 11:14 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 will make you say things like Mike said? What, predictable or Comparing it 
 to *Star Wars* and *Dances With Wolves* or that I liked it?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Mike Dixon

Vaj, you didn't find Avatar predictable? It's the story of the American Indian 
all over again, greedy whites, stealing land from the much more intuned, peace 
loving, indiginous people. They did everything but give the Na'vi smallpox 
infested blankets. No blood for expensive minerals! 

From: Vaj
Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 9:04:29 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar


On Dec 20, 2009, at 11:14 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

will make you say things like Mike said? What, predictable or Comparing it to 
*Star Wars* and *Dances With Wolves* or that I liked it?

Predictable .


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Vaj

On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 Vaj, you didn't find Avatar predictable? It's the story of the American 
 Indian all over again, greedy whites, stealing land from the much more 
 intuned, peace loving, indiginous people. They did everything but give the 
 Na'vi smallpox infested blankets. No blood for expensive minerals!

I already knew the plot before I saw it so it's hard to say! I was responding 
more to predictable as a negative comment in terms of it being a pro-Green 
planetary culture vs. a more Conservative-Republican corporate war machine: 
Hollywood libs diss Republicans.

What was your gut reaction to Colonel Quaritch's statements that the N'avi 
embrace tree-hugger crap and that what was necessary was a shock and awe 
campaign of pre-emptive action, as he fights terrorists with terror?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
 On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 Vaj, you didn't find Avatar predictable? It's the story of the American 
 Indian all over again, greedy whites, stealing land from the much more 
 intuned, peace loving, indiginous people. They did everything but give the 
 Na'vi smallpox infested blankets. No blood for expensive minerals!

 I already knew the plot before I saw it so it's hard to say! I was responding 
 more to predictable as a negative comment in terms of it being a pro-Green 
 planetary culture vs. a more Conservative-Republican corporate war machine: 
 Hollywood libs diss Republicans.

 What was your gut reaction to Colonel Quaritch's statements that the N'avi 
 embrace tree-hugger crap and that what was necessary was a shock and awe 
 campaign of pre-emptive action, as he fights terrorists with terror?

The usual business associate that likes to go see movies with me isn't 
big on this one either.  Cameron is often long on hype and short on 
story.  So far no one has said it will win a golden globe.  I saw 2012 
but Emmerich is humble compared to Cameron.  I'll have to check to see 
if the schools are out all this week.  If not I may go check it out 
otherwise I'll skip it until school is back in session if I still chose 
to go.  BTW, 3D digital performances are as good the last day it is 
shown as the first because there is no film to scratch.  That is unless 
some dumbshit kid hasn't  thrown his drink at the screen and the theater 
hasn't cleaned it properly (or replaced it in some cases).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Vaj

On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:55 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
  Vaj, you didn't find Avatar predictable? It's the story of the American 
  Indian all over again, greedy whites, stealing land from the much more 
  intuned, peace loving, indiginous people. They did everything but give the 
  Na'vi smallpox infested blankets. No blood for expensive minerals!
  I already knew the plot before I saw it so it's hard to say! I was 
  responding more to predictable as a negative comment in terms of it being 
  a pro-Green planetary culture vs. a more Conservative-Republican corporate 
  war machine: Hollywood libs diss Republicans.
  What was your gut reaction to Colonel Quaritch's statements that the N'avi 
  embrace tree-hugger crap and that what was necessary was a shock and awe 
  campaign of pre-emptive action, as he fights terrorists with terror?
 The usual business associate that likes to go see movies with me isn't 
 big on this one either. Cameron is often long on hype and short on 

The story here is largely non-verbal, as much of the story is about an 
advanced spiritual technology, interfacing with a Brahman-like unified 
field, which is portrayed visually and which only needs to be briefly 
described verbally.

An interesting aside, at the beginning of the previews where you're told to put 
on your 3D glasses, the theatre I saw it at opened with a 3D advert. by the US 
Air Force. It was very clearly targeted at kids and teens. The tagline is It's 
not science fiction: it's what we do every day; it's the United States Air 
Force. The hidden tagline is 'if you like video games and Sci-fi, you'll just 
love killing people with us, you've never have to see the blood. Sign up now!'

I'm finding all movies for the last several years have cheesy military 
advertisements in with the previews. This was the first 3D one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Vaj

On Dec 20, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Vaj wrote:

 An interesting aside, at the beginning of the previews where you're told to 
 put on your 3D glasses, the theatre I saw it at opened with a 3D advert. by 
 the US Air Force. It was very clearly targeted at kids and teens. The tagline 
 is It's not science fiction: it's what we do every day; it's the United 
 States Air Force. The hidden tagline is 'if you like video games and Sci-fi, 
 you'll just love killing people with us, you've never have to see the blood. 
 Sign up now!'
 I'm finding all movies for the last several years have cheesy military 
 advertisements in with the previews. This was the first 3D one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Mike Dixon
I guess it was more predictable than I imagined, but writing a story line with 
a statement like Col.Quaritch's comment is typical for Hollywood where everyone 
trips over themselves trying to prove they are more *sensitive and 
compassionate* than anybody else. I guess it's a guilt trip for playing 
*pretend* for a living.

From: Vaj
Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 9:44:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar


On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

Vaj, you didn't find Avatar predictable? It's the story of the American Indian 
all over again, greedy whites, stealing land from the much more intuned, peace 
loving, indiginous people. They did everything but give the Na'vi smallpox 
infested blankets. No blood for expensive minerals!

I already knew the plot before I saw it so it's hard to say! I was responding 
more to predictable as a negative comment in terms of it being a pro-Green 
planetary culture vs. a more Conservative- Republican corporate war machine: 
Hollywood libs diss Republicans.

What was your gut reaction to Colonel Quaritch's statements that the N'avi 
embrace tree-hugger crap and that what was necessary was a shock and awe 
campaign of pre-emptive action, as he fights terrorists with terror?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
 An interesting aside, at the beginning of the previews where you're told to 
 put on your 3D glasses, the theatre I saw it at opened with a 3D advert. by 
 the US Air Force. It was very clearly targeted at kids and teens. The tagline 
 is It's not science fiction: it's what we do every day; it's the United 
 States Air Force. The hidden tagline is 'if you like video games and Sci-fi, 
 you'll just love killing people with us, you've never have to see the blood. 
 Sign up now!'

 I'm finding all movies for the last several years have cheesy military 
 advertisements in with the previews. This was the first 3D one.

Depends on the theater.  The one nearby doesn't show ads just movie 
trailers.  The CineMark chain OTOH has way too many ads IMO including 
military ads.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Don't get me wrong, I liked the film and would recommend it to anybody. I just 
found it *predictable* as if Cameron's favorite movies were Star Wars and 
Dances With Wolves.

From: Bhairitu
Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 9:55:07 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

Vaj wrote:
 On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 Vaj, you didn't find Avatar predictable? It's the story of the American 
 Indian all over again, greedy whites, stealing land from the much more 
 intuned, peace loving, indiginous people. They did everything but give the 
 Na'vi smallpox infested blankets. No blood for expensive minerals!

 I already knew the plot before I saw it so it's hard to say! I was responding 
 more to predictable as a negative comment in terms of it being a pro-Green 
 planetary culture vs. a more Conservative- Republican corporate war machine: 
 Hollywood libs diss Republicans.

 What was your gut reaction to Colonel Quaritch's statements that the N'avi 
 embrace tree-hugger crap and that what was necessary was a shock and awe 
 campaign of pre-emptive action, as he fights terrorists with terror?

The usual business associate that likes to go see movies with me isn't 
big on this one either. Cameron is often long on hype and short on 
story. So far no one has said it will win a golden globe. I saw 2012 
but Emmerich is humble compared to Cameron. I'll have to check to see 
if the schools are out all this week. If not I may go check it out 
otherwise I'll skip it until school is back in session if I still chose 
to go. BTW, 3D digital performances are as good the last day it is 
shown as the first because there is no film to scratch. That is unless 
some dumbshit kid hasn't thrown his drink at the screen and the theater 
hasn't cleaned it properly (or replaced it in some cases).


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-19 Thread Mike Dixon
I had to wear special glasses to watch the movie in *3D*.

From: off_world_beings
Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 8:18:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ ... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ wrote:
  I saw it last night at the 12:01 AM showing. It's a wonderful movie but 
  very predictable. Kind of a *Star Wars/ Dances With Wolves* kind of movie. 
  3D is excellent and worth seeing.
 How does it compare to IMAX 3-D? Is it even better than that?
 I've seen 3 or 4 IMAX's in 3-D the past couple of years and I must say I was 
 very impressed. Prior to that, I was only familiar with the 3-D technology 
 from the '60s and I wasn't very impressed (I was more impressed with John 
 Waters' Smellovision or Odorama, whatever it was he called it!).
 So if this is, as touted, a 3-D technology that is a quantum leap over even 
 the IMAX 3-D, it must be incredible.
 By the way, I have already resigned myself to the expectation that the movie 
 itself will not be so great. I wasn't a fan of Titanic at all, although 
 impressed with what Cameron achieved with it (a great Cinderella story). So 
 I'll go see Avatar just for the historical aspect of it.
It is not 3d. That is a misnomer. They call it 3d because the graphic artist 
can spin an object around and add color, textures, shading like a sculptor, and 
then animate it (make it move around.) The effects are applied to a wireframe 
such as you see me spinning a simple version of the concept here, -- 
http://screencast. com/t/ZWE2ZmIzO   -- but this is all that 3d means 
here. You do not get the impression that there are 3 dimensions such as in a 
IMAX movie where you wear special glasses that allow the eyes to see 2 very 
slightly different views of the same image just like in real life, which is 
what gives us our sense of 3d in real life.
These movies are no less 3d than a painting by Carravagio 400 years ago, and if 
traditional animation artists were given as much time and money as these movies 
are given to create a 3d animation using only paint to create the shading and 
textures, the results would far exceed these highly expensive animations that 
are given the misnoer 3d. These movies take 3-4 years and 4 times as much as a 
traditional Disney animation such as Beauty and the Beast to make (which take 
about a year to make.) 
All I can say is the results are not worth it visually. If a director such as 
Cameron spent as much money and as much time on a traditional animation he 
would go down in history as one of the greatest visionary in animated cinema of 
the era, since tradtional artists given that amount of time and money would 
create something no-one has seen before, and would far surpass the visuals of 
these so-called 3d movies.
There is no 3d in these movies. It is a flat screen and there is no 3d. no more 
3d than any movie. It is all 2d.
The only 3d is when you wear those special glasses, or there is a hologram. A 
hologram is somewhat 3d. An animated hologram would be the unltimate 3d 
animation. Everything else is pure 2d dimensional


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-19 Thread Mike Dixon

From: Rick Archer
Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 9:39:55 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

From:FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:FairfieldLi f...@yahoogroups. com] 
On Behalf Of off_world_beings
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:18 PM
To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar
It is not 3d. That is a misnomer. They call it 3d because the graphic artist 
can spin an object around and add color, textures, shading like a sculptor, and 
then animate it (make it move around.) The effects are applied to a wireframe 
such as you see me spinning a simple version of the concept here, -- 
http://screencast. com/t/ZWE2ZmIzO   -- but this is all that 3d means here.  
You do not get the impression that there are 3 dimensions such as in a IMAX 
movie where you wear special glasses that allow the eyes to see 2 very slightly 
different views of the same image just like in real life, which is what gives 
us our sense of 3d in real life.
These movies are no less 3d than a painting by Carravagio 400 years ago, and if 
traditional animation artists were given as much time and money as these movies 
are given to create a 3d animation using only paint to create the shading and 
textures, the results would far exceed these highly expensive animations that 
are given the misnoer 3d. These movies take 3-4 years and 4 times as much as a 
traditional Disney animation such as Beauty and the Beast to make (which take 
about a year to make.) 
All I can say is the results are not worth it visually. If a director such as 
Cameron spent as much money and as much time on a traditional animation he 
would go down in history as one of the greatest visionary in animated cinema of 
the era, since tradtional artists given that amount of time and money would 
create something no-one has seen before, and would far surpass the visuals of 
these so-called 3d movies.
There is no 3d in these movies. It is a flat screen and there is no 3d. no more 
3d than any movie. It is all 2d.
The only 3d is when you wear those special glasses, or there is a hologram. A 
hologram is somewhat 3d. An animated hologram would be the unltimate 3d 
animation. Everything else is pure 2d dimensional
So when you go to see this particular movie, do you wear special glasses?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-19 Thread Mike Dixon
By the way, I think there are three different versions, One in 3D, another not 
in 3D and then the IMAX, which I'm not sure if it's a 3D version.

From: Mike Dixon
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 8:40:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar


From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit. com
To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 9:39:55 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

From:FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:FairfieldLi f...@yahoogroups. com] 
On Behalf Of off_world_beings
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:18 PM
To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar
It is not 3d. That is a misnomer. They call it 3d because the graphic artist 
can spin an object around and add color, textures, shading like a sculptor, and 
then animate it (make it move around.) The effects are applied to a wireframe 
such as you see me spinning a simple version of the concept here, -- 
http://screencast. com/t/ZWE2ZmIzO   -- but this is all that 3d means here.  
You do not get the impression that there are 3 dimensions such as in a IMAX 
movie where you wear special glasses that allow the eyes to see 2 very slightly 
different views of the same image just like in real life, which is what gives 
us our sense of 3d in real life.
These movies are no less 3d than a painting by Carravagio 400 years ago, and if 
traditional animation artists were given as much time and money as these movies 
are given to create a 3d animation using only paint to create the shading and 
textures, the results would far exceed these highly expensive animations that 
are given the misnoer 3d. These movies take 3-4 years and 4 times as much as a 
traditional Disney animation such as Beauty and the Beast to make (which take 
about a year to make.) 
All I can say is the results are not worth it visually. If a director such as 
Cameron spent as much money and as much time on a traditional animation he 
would go down in history as one of the greatest visionary in animated cinema of 
the era, since tradtional artists given that amount of time and money would 
create something no-one has seen before, and would far surpass the visuals of 
these so-called 3d movies.
There is no 3d in these movies. It is a flat screen and there is no 3d. no more 
3d than any movie. It is all 2d.
The only 3d is when you wear those special glasses, or there is a hologram. A 
hologram is somewhat 3d. An animated hologram would be the unltimate 3d 
animation. Everything else is pure 2d dimensional
So when you go to see this particular movie, do you wear special glasses?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-19 Thread Vaj

On Dec 19, 2009, at 4:00 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

 Oh ok, my bad. 
 (sounds awful though --  like watching JaJa Binks in 3d :-)

It was actually quite good. However if you are a conservative or a Republican, 
the jabs in it--several directly aimed at Bush Admin policies and some taken 
from Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and Neocon way of thinking--will make you say things 
like Mike said. It was a very tantric movie in that it dealt well with 
inter-dimensional congress and the idea of interdependent origination as a web 
naturally connecting all sentience.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-18 Thread Mike Dixon
 Shemp, it's the first 3D movie I've seen in many years(maybe since the 
sixties), so I can't compare it to anything, but I was very impressed. It's 
like HD on steroids! I may go back and watch it again on IMAx, I chose not to 
view it on IMAX last night because the seating wasn't great, so I settled for 
regular 3D.

From: ShempMcGurk
Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 9:21:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 I saw it last night at the 12:01 AM showing. It's a wonderful movie but very 
 predictable. Kind of a *Star Wars/ Dances With Wolves* kind of movie. 3D is 
 excellent and worth seeing.


How does it compare to IMAX 3-D? Is it even better than that?

I've seen 3 or 4 IMAX's in 3-D the past couple of years and I must say I was 
very impressed. Prior to that, I was only familiar with the 3-D technology from 
the '60s and I wasn't very impressed (I was more impressed with John Waters' 
Smellovision or Odorama, whatever it was he called it!).

So if this is, as touted, a 3-D technology that is a quantum leap over even the 
IMAX 3-D, it must be incredible.

By the way, I have already resigned myself to the expectation that the movie 
itself will not be so great. I wasn't a fan of Titanic at all, although 
impressed with what Cameron achieved with it (a great Cinderella story). So 
I'll go see Avatar just for the historical aspect of it.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar

2009-12-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of off_world_beings
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning- Avatar
It is not 3d. That is a misnomer. They call it 3d because the graphic artist
can spin an object around and add color, textures, shading like a sculptor,
and then animate it (make it move around.) The effects are applied to a
wireframe such as you see me spinning a simple version of the concept
here, --   -- but this is all that 3d means here.
You do not get the impression that there are 3 dimensions such as in a IMAX
movie where you wear special glasses that allow the eyes to see 2 very
slightly different views of the same image just like in real life, which is
what gives us our sense of 3d in real life.
These movies are no less 3d than a painting by Carravagio 400 years ago, and
if traditional animation artists were given as much time and money as these
movies are given to create a 3d animation using only paint to create the
shading and textures, the results would far exceed these highly expensive
animations that are given the misnoer 3d. These movies take 3-4 years and 4
times as much as a traditional Disney animation such as Beauty and the Beast
to make (which take about a year to make.) 
All I can say is the results are not worth it visually. If a director such
as Cameron spent as much money and as much time on a traditional animation
he would go down in history as one of the greatest visionary in animated
cinema of the era, since tradtional artists given that amount of time and
money would create something no-one has seen before, and would far surpass
the visuals of these so-called 3d movies.
There is no 3d in these movies. It is a flat screen and there is no 3d. no
more 3d than any movie. It is all 2d.
The only 3d is when you wear those special glasses, or there is a hologram.
A hologram is somewhat 3d. An animated hologram would be the unltimate 3d
animation. Everything else is pure 2d dimensional
So when you go to see this particular movie, do you wear special glasses?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-15 Thread Zoran Krneta
I did not mentioned bijas... I referred your question to the fact that in
Upanishads the principle about nick names is described.
So stick to the subject Willy!

2009/12/14 WillyTex

   But, how did the Gods get the 'nick-names'?
 Zoran Krneta wrote:
  So you did not read Upanishads!
 Are there any bija mantras mentioned in any of
 the major Upanishads? I think not, Zoran. The
 bija mantras are mentioned in the Tantras, which
 came much later during the Gupta Age in India.

 There are no bijas in the Rig Veda or in any of
 the major Upanishads. The alphabet wasn't used
 in India until the time of the Ashokan Pillars,
 (circa 200 BC). So, assuming that the bijas were
 based on the letters of the alphabet, their use
 would be after Pannini.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-15 Thread Vaj

On Dec 15, 2009, at 2:47 AM, TurquoiseB wrote: fact I would operate under the assumption, esp. in my
 post TM Org days where the obsession was are you witnessing
 yet?--to the point of hyper-vigilance. And the people who
 wish themselves into some dissociative witnessing state.
 Higher? No. Better? Not. It's just lazy wording on my part.
 I operate under the rough assumption that some people,
 probably a minority, may have some gist of where I'm coming
 from. I find on a predominantly TMer mindset list, most
 people won't get where I'm coming from and don't care to
 remove themselves from their TC-CC-GC-UC dreams long enough
 to care to shift paradigms. Many CAN'T shift mindsets. They're
 too stuck in theirs.

While I may agree, I'd prefer to keep this more of a
philosophical or idea thread and less of a bash TM
thread, so I'll pass on any comments.

Then consider this the idea that people get stuck in their mindsets  
to the exclusion of other ways of seeing. Transcend and include vs.  
transcend and exclude.

  What if ALL states of consciousness were on
  exactly the same level? What if NONE of them
  were superior to any other on any level? Would
  that fuck with your world view? It would not
  fuck with mine.

 Again, it would depend how you defined level. If you meant
 I take all experiences in equanimity, I'd probably agree
 with you. But if you took it to mean all experiential
 points-of-view are the same, I'd probably disagree.

So would I. I wouldn't ever suggest that they were
all the same, or even that they were all equally
desirable given personal preference and personal
goals. I would just dispute that there is any
cosmic goal that places one higher than another.

   It would be a potentially worthless waste of time.
  In your opinion. Not in mine.
  Is your opinion better than mine? :-)

 Well, again, it would depend on whether or not you felt time
 was important or not.

And again, whether time was important or not depends
on whether you think there is a goal to be accom-
plished or not.

   But the actual proof is in realization of the nondual
   experience of swarodaya, the arising of letters--either
   directly or via a close friend--which is not seen
   through eyes in the ordinary sense, but seen through
   your rigpa.
  When in doubt, trot out jargon. :-)
  Not meaning to give you in particular a hard time,
  Vaj. I'm just being honest here. I see neither value
  nor truth in the Woo-Woo approach to such things.
  I'm a spiritual pragmatist. If it works, I don't have
  to make up stories about how or why it works.

 Good, you shouldn't. It either works or it doesn't. Very
 scientific. And, as with science, you use appropriate
 terminology where necessary.

My definition of appropriate means that the terminology
used is inclusive, not exclusive. Using terms that exclude
those not intimately familiar with those terms is not
science but eltitism. There are ways of saying the same
things that are inclusive.

The use of words foreign to one's culture has a number of benefits:  
specificity, cross-cultural education, cultural preservation, brevity  
and introduction of foreign ideas to a culture. It might be  
preferable for some to say it's the sum of your actions, of the  
past, the present and the stored actions in your subconscious  
creating effects in the present and in the future and the effects of  
your current actions on the future but it may be easier to simply  
say it's your karma dude.

Of course the advantage is that once people hear a word or phrase  
enough times, even foreign words become part of another cultures  
lingo, n'est-ce pas?

Polyglottiphobia has it's disadvantages.

 If there are not appropriate terms in your native language,
 then I borrow them from languages that have an appropriately
 sophisticated vocabulary for what I'm describing.

I believe there are *always* appropriate terms in anyone's
language that are inclusive.

Not if the framework or system of understanding for specific words  
does not exist in that language. Can one go through some convoluted  
gymnastics to fit the round peg of another culture and mindset into  
one's own square-holed xenophobic comfort zone? Sure. But some  
thing's always lost in the translation.

And sometimes what's lost is the originating culture itself, not just  
the meaning and context.

Consider Israel. A country largely kept alive through occupation by  
eastern European Jews. Is there an advantage to making the official  
language of the country Hebrew as opposed to German or English?

Consider Tibet under Chinese occupation. Chinese relocation policies  
filled the country with Chinese speaking settlers. The traditional  
Tibetan education system is replaced by the Chinese language.

In either case, the danger is the same: cultural genocide vs.  
cultural preservation. Extinction vs. survival.

Expand or die. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious used to be  
atrocious, but now 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-15 Thread Zoran Krneta
The principles of the nick-names and the bija
mantras are described in the Tantras, Zoran, not
in the Upanishads.

So you did not read Upanishads carefully Willy. You don't know where in the
Upanishads is the part of the text which brings out principle that Gods are
pleased to be called indirectly.
That is very simple to admit rather then lecturing me about something which
I did not ask you.
Please stick to the subject Willy!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 12:00 PM, WillyTex wrote:

  Do you have any evidence you'd like to share
  that would prove that the Marshy didn't just
  make up the TM mantras?
BillyG wrote:
 As Charlie used to say, The mantras are the most
 pleasing names of God, I agree! What good would
 they be if they had no resonance with higher power?

Thanks, Billy, for the information. But, how did the
Gods get the 'nick-names'? Did someone make them up
or what? Maybe the Gods don't like being addressed by
their real names, so they told the Rishis to call
them by other, shorter names. But, who was the first
person to call a God by his nick-name?

They're seed syllables silly: seeds of their dimensions. They were  
realized by seers in their own consciousness. Didn't you ever hear of  
the Law of Seed and Tree? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 12:37 PM, WillyTex wrote:

  But, how did the Gods get the 'nick-names'?
Vaj wrote:
 They're seed syllables silly: seeds of their
 dimensions. They were realized by seers in
 their own consciousness. Didn't you ever hear
 of the Law of Seed and Tree?

Maybe so, but wouldn't it just be more honest
and simple to admit that the bija mantras were
made up by someone?

Not if that simply wasn't true!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 1:11 PM, BillyG wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Dec 14, 2009, at 12:37 PM, WillyTex wrote:

But, how did the Gods get the 'nick-names'?
  Vaj wrote:
   They're seed syllables silly: seeds of their
   dimensions. They were realized by seers in
   their own consciousness. Didn't you ever hear
   of the Law of Seed and Tree?
  Maybe so, but wouldn't it just be more honest
  and simple to admit that the bija mantras were
  made up by someone?

 Not if that simply wasn't true!

I think it would be safe to say that the mantras were made up by  
MahaPrakriti or Mother Nature, she created everything material  
using the Maha Mantra AUM from which all of creation and mantras  
come forth. She herself being the embodiment of that Sound, it's  
called the 'string theory' in quantum mechanics.

The knowledge of the mechanics of the arising of  
letters (swarodaya) was given by Shiva to Shakti in the Hindu  
kalachakra. The identical wisdom is also contained in the Buddhist  
anuttara-tantra, the kalachakra-tantra.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Zoran Krneta
But, how did the
Gods get the 'nick-names'? Did someone make them up
or what? Maybe the Gods don't like being addressed by
their real names, so they told the Rishis to call
them by other, shorter names. But, who was the first
person to call a God by his nick-name?

So you did not read Upanishads!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 2:16 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Just as a philosophical question, Vaj, what if
what Willytex suggests *were* true, and somebody
just made the mantras up, and then made up stories
to make it seem that they hadn't? What if their
cognition were no more special than any of us
getting a wild-hair-up-our-asses idea and then
justifying it as seeing or cognition?

I am equally comfortable with *both* explanations
of the origin of mantras. Are you?

Making up mantras to me would be no different from someone making up  
a scientific theory out of whole cloth and then claiming it's based  
on fact. Eventually it becomes obvious it's a fake.

If mantras are not linked to a recent higher or different desirable  
state of consciousness, IMO, why bother? It would be a potentially  
worthless waste of time. But the actual proof is in realization of  
the nondual experience of swarodaya, the arising of letters--either  
directly or via a close friend--which is not seen through eyes in  
the ordinary sense, but seen through your rigpa.

That's not to say some people don't make up mantras. I'm sure there  
are those who do.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Bhairitu
Zoran Krneta wrote:
 But, how did the
 Gods get the 'nick-names'? Did someone make them up
 or what? Maybe the Gods don't like being addressed by
 their real names, so they told the Rishis to call
 them by other, shorter names. But, who was the first
 person to call a God by his nick-name?

 So you did not read Upanishads!

They are resonance patterns that have a certain effect on the nervous 
system.  What benefits they derive were of course attributed to gods as 
metaphors so simple people could grasp the physics.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 2:44 PM, WillyTex wrote:

  I think it would be safe to say that the mantras
  were made up by MahaPrakriti...
Vaj wrote:
 The knowledge of the mechanics of the arising of
 letters (swarodaya) was given by Shiva to Shakti
 in the Hindu kalachakra. The identical wisdom is
 also contained in the Buddhist anuttara-tantra, the

Maybe so, but is there any evidence that 'Shiva' or
'Shakti' were real historical people?

The Kalachakra Tantra (Wheel of Time) is a Buddhist
work, not Hindu. Kalachakri is a yidam of Kalachakra
in Vajrayana Buddhism - there is no 'Yab-Yum' in
Hindu iconography.

There's both a pre-Buddhist (Hindu) Kalachakra and a Buddhist one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 3:05 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 --- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
  On Dec 14, 2009, at 2:16 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
   Just as a philosophical question, Vaj, what if
   what Willytex suggests *were* true, and somebody
   just made the mantras up, and then made up stories
   to make it seem that they hadn't? What if their
   cognition were no more special than any of us
   getting a wild-hair-up-our-asses idea and then
   justifying it as seeing or cognition?
   I am equally comfortable with *both* explanations
   of the origin of mantras. Are you?
  Making up mantras to me would be no different from someone 
  making up a scientific theory out of whole cloth and then 
  claiming it's based on fact. 
 Does not that describe every scientific theory
 ever invented? 
 The inventors may then go on to prove the
 validity of their made-up theory by adhering
 to the dogma of science, but at its start (and
 possibly all through the process), it is nothing
 more than someone thinking up someone and then
 claiming it to be Truth.

Well, no. They have to first develop an educated guess or hypothesis. So it 
sounds like you're talking about an hypothesis, not a scientific theory.

But of course, a theory's just a theory until one that replaces it comes along. 

  Eventually it becomes obvious it's a fake.
  If mantras are not linked to a recent higher or different 
  desirable state of consciousness, IMO, why bother? 
 Why not?

Time is limited--and therefore precious. Now if I was was Bill Compton, maybe. 

 You are assuming the betterness of higher
 or different state of consciousness. I do not.

It would depend how you define higher. I would definitely NOT assume all 
states are desirable, in fact I would operate under the assumption, esp. in my 
post TM Org days where the obsession was are you witnessing yet?--to the 
point of hyper-vigilance. And the people who wish themselves into some 
dissociative witnessing state. Higher? No. Better? Not. It's just lazy 
wording on my part. I operate under the rough assumption that some people, 
probably a minority, may have some gist of where I'm coming from. I find on a 
predominantly TMer mindset list, most people won't get where I'm coming from 
and don't care to remove themselves from their TC-CC-GC-UC dreams long enough 
to care to shift paradigms. Many CAN'T shift mindsets. They're too stuck in 

 What if ALL states of consciousness were on 
 exactly the same level? What if NONE of them
 were superior to any other on any level? Would
 that fuck with your world view? It would not 
 fuck with mine.

Again, it would depend how you defined level. If you meant I take all 
experiences in equanimity, I'd probably agree with you. But if you took it to 
mean all experiential points-of-view are the same, I'd probably disagree.

  It would be a potentially worthless waste of time. 
 In your opinion. Not in mine.
 Is your opinion better than mine? :-)

Well, again, it would depend on whether or not you felt time was important or 

  But the actual proof is in realization of the nondual 
  experience of swarodaya, the arising of letters--either 
  directly or via a close friend--which is not seen 
  through eyes in the ordinary sense, but seen through 
  your rigpa.
 When in doubt, trot out jargon. :-)
 Not meaning to give you in particular a hard time,
 Vaj. I'm just being honest here. I see neither value
 nor truth in the Woo-Woo approach to such things. 
 I'm a spiritual pragmatist. If it works, I don't have 
 to make up stories about how or why it works. 

Good, you shouldn't. It either works or it doesn't. Very scientific. And, as 
with science, you use appropriate terminology where necessary. If there are not 
appropriate terms in your native language, then I borrow them from languages 
that have an appropriately sophisticated vocabulary for what I'm describing.

However, if you were actually pragmatic, you'd realize that as a human being, 
you have a limited amount of time, and therefore, time is precious.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING - TM mantra information!

2009-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2009, at 3:34 PM, WillyTex wrote:

   The Kalachakra Tantra (Wheel of Time) is a Buddhist
   work, not Hindu. Kalachakri is a yidam of Kalachakra
   in Vajrayana Buddhism - there is no 'Yab-Yum' in
   Hindu iconography.
 Vaj wrote:
  There's both a pre-Buddhist (Hindu) Kalachakra and a 
  Buddhist one...
 There are no pre-Buddhist Kalachakras in India and no 
 Yab-Yum iconography in Hindu tantra. Obviously, the 
 Kalachakra Tantra is an invention of Vajrayana Buddhism, 
 which before 1947, was not extant in India. Kalachakra
 doctrine is probably a Tibetan invention related to the 
 Shamballa mythology.

Sorry Willy, there was and still is a Hindu kalachakra AND there were yab-yum 
figures in Hindu tantra.

What you perhaps meants to say was you've never seen them.

 It is a fact that the 'Kalachakra Tantra' was not taught
 by the historical Buddha (circa 400 BC). 'Shiva' and 
 'Shakti' are not historical people. 

Is it a fact?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WARNING!!!

2009-07-14 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 Bhairitu wrote:
 I had pan in India, bub.

 You should never chew pan in India bought
 from a street wallah.

 This a WARNING!!!
A person I was with lived in India for several years and assured us it 
was safe.  Probably the leaf not to mention other ingredients keeps the 
parasites away.  Parasites are mainly what you have to worry about in 
India though I asked about the vegetables sold on carts and many of 
those are sprayed with chemicals long banned in the US.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 5, 2009, at 1:57 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Personally, I think it's fascinating that the
SAME people who were claiming that me asking
enlightened_dawn11 to provide a little proof
that she had ever learned TM or the siddhis
are now piling on to Raunchydog's demand
for Vaj to do the same thing.  :-)  :-)  :-)

It's only invasive and an attack and
harrassment if an anti-TMer does it.

Another hallmark of rabid conservatism: hypocrisy.
Do as I say, not as I do.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:27 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

You have plenty of emotion that you express in your positions here.   
Neither of us are summing up your objections as stemming from a  
psychological problem you have.  Is it too much to ask for this  
courtesy in return?

In Judy's case, yes.  That's apparently the only
way she wants to deal with legitimate objections--
villify the messenger--read their minds--use manipulation
and fake concern instead of responding rationally. And then
she accuses others of being distraught.  Which is
why I don't deal with her any more...there's no honor
amongst thieves, or, it would seem, manipulators and phonies.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:27 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

You have plenty of emotion that you express in your positions  
here.  Neither of us are summing up your objections as stemming  
from a psychological problem you have.  Is it too much to ask for  
this courtesy in return?

In Judy's case, yes.  That's apparently the only
way she wants to deal with legitimate objections--
villify the messenger--read their minds--use manipulation
and fake concern instead of responding rationally. And then
she accuses others of being distraught.  Which is
why I don't deal with her any more...there's no honor
amongst thieves, or, it would seem, manipulators and phonies.

Yes, you're right, these have been common tactics in the past--all  
part and parcel of her overall dishonest approach. Another fave, and  
if I'm grokking tidbits in others clippings correctly, is when nailed  
on something or particularly when some TM dogmatic point she's VERY  
attached to is rent asunder, rather than addressing the actual  
intellectual or factual elements of the argument, she'll switch to  
some unrelated element in the person: they don't understand stand TM  
(as when they no longer use TM speak), their counseling practice,  
faulty TM practice, etc. The varieties seem endless, but the pattern  
is observable and repeated. It's interesting the person who seems so  
fond of telling people they are guilty of non sequiturs is actually  
the one who tries to craftily use them herself. Apparently  
misdirection must be the only way she can respond when arguments stray  
outside of TB/SCI/TM milieu. Sometimes it's better to just shuddup.

Of course she could have some strange vitamin deficiency related to  
shoe leather. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 5, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Vaj wrote:

Of course she could have some strange vitamin deficiency related to  
shoe leather. ;-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2009, at 12:43 PM, shukra69 wrote:

Here is the person who has no truth in him, when caught in lies  
tells many more lies,  accusing someone of having a dishonest  
Likewise Vaj who accuses others of ad-hominen arguements and never  
hesitates to make them.

Shameless liar.Liar and shameless.

TB Shukra who still doesn't know the difference from being accused of  
lies by dishonest people, the ignorant or the personality disordered  
and actual lies. It's a distinction of convenience we see a lot here.  
Thanks for the demonstration. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 5, 2009, at 7:16 PM, geezerfreak wrote:

Figured I'd drop in today to see what's going on post concert.

Nothing much changes with you Judy. Nearly every post of yours  
concerns Barry in one way or another. And here you are offering to  
match IQ's with Ruth anytime.

You have no idea how ridiculous you come off do you.

In a word, no.
But it was a nice try, geez. :)
Welcome back!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! Vaj has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-02 Thread Vaj

On Apr 2, 2009, at 4:11 AM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

thank you once again for proving something through your impeccable  
scholarship that many of us intuitively and experientally know  
about Vaj, that he lies continuously about his knowledge and  
practice of TM. i hope i didn't say that too loudly and rally his 3  
or 4 supporters on this forum...

Thanks for parroting your ignorance of ignorance. Impressive!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning! EMPTY BILL has played you to the hilt in an intellectual scam

2009-04-02 Thread Vaj

On Apr 2, 2009, at 8:52 AM, Richard M wrote:

On Apr 1, 2009, at 10:22 PM, emptybill wrote:

Lati Rinpoche:
Subtle laxity is considered one of the most unfavorable
conditions for generating meditative stabilization, i.e.
continuous transcendence.

 These bolded words continuous transcendence were added by Vaj

Well Vaj, are you The Source of continuous transcendence, or not?

No Richard, we're all the source of continuous transcendence  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning about your e-mail account.

2005-10-10 Thread Vaj
I have no idea--could you send me the original offlist? This is the  
first I've heard about it.

On Oct 10, 2005, at 2:22 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 What this is about, Steve, is that every so often
 Yahoo decides that you're a spammer.  Someone has
 probably spoofed your Yahoo userid as the source
 of a hundred thousand or so spammessages.  Just
 keep writing to them about it and they'll relent.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning about your e-mail account.

2005-10-10 Thread Vaj
Oh, OK--nevermind. This looks like a virus to me--also the email  
address it takes you to is yahoogroups --sans dot.

Earthlink intercepted it with this message:

This email included an attachment which EarthLink identified
as containing a virus known as 1. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Oct 10, 2005, at 10:48 AM, authfriend wrote:

 --- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only thing is--I haven't received any such message. Although
 nothing surprises me anymore.

 This is about an email message Steve received and then
 posted to Fairfield Life.  Are you saying you didn't
 receive Steve's original post?

 It's message 75851 on the Web site if you want to have
 a look.

 On Oct 10, 2005, at 2:41 AM, authfriend wrote:

 --- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What this is about, Steve, is that every so often
 Yahoo decides that you're a spammer.  Someone has
 probably spoofed your Yahoo userid as the source
 of a hundred thousand or so spammessages.  Just
 keep writing to them about it and they'll relent.

 What he posted is almost certainly a phishing
 or viral email.

 It isn't even in English:

 Your e-mail account will be disabled because of
 improper using in next three days, if you are still
 wishing to use it, please, resign your account

 For details see the attach.

 I hope he didn't open the attachment, or click
 on any links in the body of the email or the
 attachment, or, God forbid, reveal any of his
 personal information.

 Yahoo has an address to which to forward such
 emails.  He should forward it to:


 If possible, he should reveal the headers in his
 email client before sending it.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning about your e-mail account.

2005-10-10 Thread Rick Archer
on 10/10/05 8:59 AM, uns_tressor at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For details see the attach.
 I hope he didn't open the attachment...
 ...which is a .pif file. A dead giveaway. This
 address should be blocked; it's been used a few
 times before.

I missed this. What email address am I supposed to block?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning about your e-mail account.

2005-10-10 Thread Rick Archer
on 10/10/05 11:43 AM, jyouells2000 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 10/10/05 8:59 AM, uns_tressor at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For details see the attach.
 I hope he didn't open the attachment...
 ...which is a .pif file. A dead giveaway. This
 address should be blocked; it's been used a few
 times before.
 I missed this. What email address am I supposed to block?
 It's been used for virus sending before, and has probably be hijacked,
 because he was out of town the last time a virus was sent.

What has? I went to that message and it was sent by Steve Briggs, who's a
friend of mine here in Fairfield. Although I doubt he sent it. I emailed him
to ask if he was even using that email address.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning about your e-mail account.

2005-10-10 Thread Rick Archer
on 10/10/05 12:01 PM, authfriend at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What has? I went to that message and it was sent by Steve Briggs,
 who's a friend of mine here in Fairfield. Although I doubt he sent
 it. I emailed him to ask if he was even using that email address.
 The virus sent it; it's the Beagle mass-mailing worm.
 It's probably gone to every email address the virus
 can find on his computer.
 Tell him he needs to do a virus scan on his computer
 toot sweet, and update his virus protection once he's
 cleaned things up.

I'll tell him, but he's on a Mac. I don't think he could get this virus.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Warning about your e-mail account.

2005-10-10 Thread Rick Archer
on 10/10/05 12:08 PM, authfriend at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Huh.  Macs aren't vulnerable, according to Symantec.
 Well, *somebody* who posts here is infected.  Why would
 it come from Steve, though?

I just called Steve and he hasn't even looked at FFL in a long time, much
less posted to it.

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