OT - Help cat crying at night

2007-03-19 Thread lomaxturtle
Unfortunately your crowded little house probably made him feel more secure. He 
will have been aware of the other cats and could even be crying to try and 
communicate with the other cats and be distressed because they are not there. 
He is obviously distressed and I feel like everyone else needs time to adapt - 
any animal needs time to settle in a new home and it's only fair we let them do 
that. I think Feliway and rescue remedy are a good place to start. The space of 
his new home and like of crowdedness is possibly freaking him out.
Poor little guy - hope he settles down xxx and although having disturbed sleep 
isn't good I think any adopter should be prepared to have disturbed sleep 
whilst the new furbaby settles - you wouldn't get people taking adopted human 
babies back to where they got them from because they cry in the night - they 
would be up comforting them - animals deserve the same compasion in my eyes.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel  Angel Bramble

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 26, Issue 28

2007-03-19 Thread Lori S
I have to agree with the people who say that feeding them whatever you can is 
better than them starving! Look around the world, there are millions of humans 
starving, eating out of dumpsters right here in America, kids living on nothing 
but off brand hot dogs and macaroni and cheese, do you think they'd be better 
off dead and spared their 'suffering' because they don't have the very best 
life? I don't believe in feeding 'less cats' if you can't afford the best, 
what's going to happen to the ones you've chosen not to feed? Put down? Is that 
'sparing them pain?' If an animal is terminally ill you are sparing them pain, 
but if they're a healthy feral you're just killing them. Some people really 
need to realize that, as much as we pamper our pets, cats are animals, and 
animals don't have the same standards of a good life as you may. They don't 
necessarily care about a warm heated house and a soft pillow and expensive 
food, all they want to do is survive. It's not out of the
 question that many outdoor or feral cats like their life, enjoy being wild and 
free and don't want to be taken inside, and certainly don't want to DIE because 
some humans think they're 'suffering' because they aren't living their standard 
of a good life. If you're going to put them out of their misery for that 
reason, might as well put down about 75% of all humans in the world who don't 
have a perfect life either. Unless they're sick or badly injured, I believe 
that any time an animal has to live, even in a less than perfect situation with 
owners who don't have enough money, or even wild, is better than dying, and 
they'd think so too. I applaud everyone like that 86 year old grandma who do 
what they can for as many cats as they can so they can have a chance. To live 
is to hope, and just maybe some of those cats might someday wind up at the door 
of somebody who takes him in and keeps him furrever.

Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast 
 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Re: OT - Help cat crying at night

2007-03-19 Thread Kelley Saveika

You know I agree with you and I wish all adopters would go to the sometimes
great lengths that some of us do for our furbabies.  The problem is that
whether or not we think it has not been long enough, SHE feels it has been
long enough.  I think if he weren't so affectionate and sweet during the
daytime she may have already returned him. In this case it may be better for
him to come back to me, so that perhaps one day in months or years he can be
adopted out with another cat, but I'm not sure.  My house has sufficient
cats in it that it is not the ideal environment for most cats.   I would
love to keep them all, but I can't do that and do rescue.

I'm just really, really frustrated right now.


 Unfortunately your crowded little house probably made him feel more
secure. He will have been aware of the other cats and could even be crying
to try and communicate with the other cats and be distressed because they
are not there. He is obviously distressed and I feel like everyone else
needs time to adapt - any animal needs time to settle in a new home and it's
only fair we let them do that. I think Feliway and rescue remedy are a good
place to start. The space of his new home and like of crowdedness is
possibly freaking him out.

Poor little guy - hope he settles down xxx and although having disturbed
sleep isn't good I think any adopter should be prepared to have disturbed
sleep whilst the new furbaby settles - you wouldn't get people taking
adopted human babies back to where they got them from because they cry in
the night - they would be up comforting them - animals deserve the same
compasion in my eyes.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel  Angel Bramble

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


RE: Slinky is Home...but Feverish again

2007-03-19 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Marissa
I'm so happy for you and Slinky that you have him at home now.  Have a
wonderful day with Slinky. Enjoy every moment you have with him!
Sending zillions of prayes and healing vibes, hugs, Kerry  PS: I wrote
you last night but my server wdn't release it from the outbox. You'll
prob get it today if I can get their tech support to release remotely
for me. There will be a lot in the archives on IR--Michelle (Lerner)
shared a ton of information with us on IR.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:18 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Slinky is Home...but Feverish again

Hi all!!!  Just wanted to give you all the latest update.  I brought
Slinky home this afternoon  The doctor called me this morning and
said he was doing great and could go home.  I stopped and saw him on my
way to church and he was wanting to jump out of his cage and go home.
I went back this afternoon and they said his temp is normal (101 - was
102 when I went in the morning), his BP, respirations, heart rate, etc.
were all normal.  He even ate quite a bit of his dry food after I left
in the morning.  He was alert and looking around.  His gums are still
pale but they're definitely pinker!  
When we got home I took him out of his carrier...and watched my baby boy
run across the living room floor, jump up on the couch, and perch on the
window sill!!!  :)  Considering that I wasn't sure I'd even get to bring
him home, I just about burst into tears!  
The bill was actually pretty close to the estimate and they're going to
have me continue his clavamox and baytril and give him sub-q fluids if I
need them.  My friend who's a vet tech will be here tonight to help me
take care of him and keep an eye on him for the week.  We have a
follow-up appointment Thursday night to run another CBC and see where we
Throughout all of it, the hospital was absolutely amazing!  I called 2-3
times last night for updates and they were great about getting them to
me.  They actually THANKED me for the opportunity to work with him and
told me what a wonderful cat he is.  :)  
Now for the not-so-happy news.  He was really alert and energetic for a
while...but I noticed he was starting to feel warm again.  I took his
temp and it got to 104 and then he moved and it came out and he wouldn't
let me get it in again.  :(  I called the hospital to make sure I was
supposed to give him his abx tonight (wanted to make sure I wasn't
overdosing him after he'd been on IV abx).  The doctor said to give him
the abx and go ahead with sub-q fluids...but also said that she's
concerned about his ability to regenerate and that she thinks I've done
all I can for him...and it may be that if he's eating and alert that's a
good day for him.  
We gave him the clavamox, baytril, some C and L-Lysine, and Hi-Vite and
then started the sub-q's.  Took the temp after the fluids were done and
it was 104.4.  I'm hoping it will go down by the time the fluid absorbs.
He's seeming a bit more lethargic and sleepy now.  I hate to keep poking
and prodding him...it has to be frustrating for him!
I'm feeling a bit discouraged...everything seemed to be going so well
when I picked him up!  But my friend (the vet tech) is saying that his
body needs time to adjust to the new blood.  I'm hoping that's what's
happening...and not that his body is killing the new blood cells.
Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts!  I know we've done
everything we can...but I really want this to work!  I got my baby back
for a few hours...and I want more!  
Thanks again for all your support and love.  I'll send more info when I
have it.


Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.
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Re: Slinky is Home...but Feverish again

2007-03-19 Thread Nina
Hello Marissa and Slinky.  I just wanted you to know that, like everyone 
else on the list, I'm praying for Slinky and you.  It is no small thing 
that your family and friends have rallied around you in your time of 
need.  Everything seems to have fallen into place to give Slinky the 
best opportunity to recover and I know you recognize how truly blessed 
you are and how special your little angel is in your life.  C'mon 
Slinky, keep on fighting!  Please keep us posted when you can,


Marissa Johnson wrote:
Hi all!!!  Just wanted to give you all the latest update.  I brought 
Slinky home this afternoon  The doctor called me this morning and 
said he was doing great and could go home.  I stopped and saw him on 
my way to church and he was wanting to jump out of his cage and go 
home.  :) 
I went back this afternoon and they said his temp is normal (101 - was 
102 when I went in the morning), his BP, respirations, heart rate, 
etc. were all normal.  He even ate quite a bit of his dry food after I 
left in the morning.  He was alert and looking around.  His gums are 
still pale but they're definitely pinker! 
When we got home I took him out of his carrier...and watched my baby 
boy run across the living room floor, jump up on the couch, and perch 
on the window sill!!!  :)  Considering that I wasn't sure I'd even get 
to bring him home, I just about burst into tears! 
The bill was actually pretty close to the estimate and they're going 
to have me continue his clavamox and baytril and give him sub-q fluids 
if I need them.  My friend who's a vet tech will be here tonight to 
help me take care of him and keep an eye on him for the week.  We have 
a follow-up appointment Thursday night to run another CBC and see 
where we stand.
Throughout all of it, the hospital was absolutely amazing!  I called 
2-3 times last night for updates and they were great about getting 
them to me.  They actually THANKED me for the opportunity to work with 
him and told me what a wonderful cat he is.  :) 
Now for the not-so-happy news.  He was really alert and energetic for 
a while...but I noticed he was starting to feel warm again.  I took 
his temp and it got to 104 and then he moved and it came out and he 
wouldn't let me get it in again.  :(  I called the hospital to make 
sure I was supposed to give him his abx tonight (wanted to make sure I 
wasn't overdosing him after he'd been on IV abx).  The doctor said to 
give him the abx and go ahead with sub-q fluids...but also said that 
she's concerned about his ability to regenerate and that she thinks 
I've done all I can for him...and it may be that if he's eating and 
alert that's a good day for him. 
We gave him the clavamox, baytril, some C and L-Lysine, and Hi-Vite 
and then started the sub-q's.  Took the temp after the fluids were 
done and it was 104.4.  I'm hoping it will go down by the time the 
fluid absorbs.  He's seeming a bit more lethargic and sleepy now.  I 
hate to keep poking and prodding him...it has to be frustrating for him!
I'm feeling a bit discouraged...everything seemed to be going so well 
when I picked him up!  But my friend (the vet tech) is saying that his 
body needs time to adjust to the new blood.  I'm hoping that's what's 
happening...and not that his body is killing the new blood cells.  
Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts!  I know we've done 
everything we can...but I really want this to work!  I got my baby 
back for a few hours...and I want more! 
Thanks again for all your support and love.  I'll send more info when 
I have it.

Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast 
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut. 

Re: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-19 Thread Nina

You just posted about losing a fur kid on Sat.  I take it it was 
Whitey?  I'm so sorry for your loss.  When you are able, would you like 
to tell us a little more of Whitey's story?  You are such a good human 
to open your heart and home to so many in need Kelly.  Each and every 
one is special and their loss hurts so much.  I'm sending you strength 
and love to carry on and great thanks for all you do.  It's so very kind 
of you to continue to post and help others when your heart is hurting 
so.  Go and spend some time out in that wonderful habitat of yours.  
Look around you and know how special YOU are.

How is the rescue dog doing today?
Much love,

Kelly L wrote:
To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency 
vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying 
heart disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option, 
but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with so 
many underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him, He 
has been though so very much this year,...Please wish me the strength 
to go down there and hold him in my arms and a gently passage,,,Then 
to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has opened up and the 
pin should be pulled,

I hate these times.

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread tamara stickler
He's suffering from separation anxiety.  Even tho his person is there...when 
she sleeps...she leaves him.  Its not uncommon for animals who have suffered 
a tramatic event (house burgler...fireabandonment) to go through 
this..(sometimes just moving from one home to another can do it).
  Has she tried the felaway (or the generic brand of it)?  Spray it once a day 
(at night) around the house to give a sense of well being.
  She could also try a Catnip video...put in the tv and push play...kitty 
might be destracted.
  Worse case senerio...ask vet for a mild sediative until cat gets used to new 

Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know.   I Have called her this morning and left a message.

  On 3/18/07, Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   But does he lie in bed 
with her while the light is on  she is still
basically up?  When does he start pacing relative to her turning off the 
light  going to sleep, or trying to?


Kelley Saveika wrote:
 He lies with her in bed for about 20-30 minutes, then gets bored and
 starts pacing and crying until 5 am, when apparently he gets tired of 
 crying and stops. I odn'tk now about the ligths.

 On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's why I was asking.  I would go further than nightlights  try
 leaving a light on in the bathroom perhaps. And I'm still curious
 as to
 what he is doing  where when she turns out the light for the night.
 Does the crying start then or later?


 Leslie Lawther wrote:
  *Lighting is a good question... We have pathway lighting (night 
  that angle down to the ground) all through the house for the cats.
  Even though they are nocturnal, they still do no have the best
  eyesight.  Maybe she could try some nightlights for him?  * 
  *Leslie =^..^=*
  On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Are there any other pets in the household?
  Also what do they (the woman  the kitty) do just before she 
  the light?  Is he with her on the bed?  Napping?
 Dozing?  What happens
  when she turns out the light?   When she turns off her 
 light, at that
  point are ALL the lights in the house off?
  Kelley Saveika wrote: 
   he can sleep whereever he wants.  She says he gets in bed with
  her for
   20-30 minutes, then gets tired of that and gets out of bed and 
   pacing and crying and does that until 5 am..  It almost
 broke my
   She says she can't live without sleep forever, and I see 
 her point.
   He apparently stops crying about 5 am, and she gets to
 sleep for 2
   hours.  That's not a good schedule for a working
 person.  She works 
   half a day on Friday and took a nap after getting
 home.  He allowed
   her to sleep then.  She says this weekend she has been
  from 5 
   am to 11 am, but she cant' do that during the week.
   Everyone isn't us, Nina.  I wish they were, it would be so
   easier.  I can't keep all these cats either - if I do I 
 can't do
   rescue.  Though I am frustrated and aggravated right now
 and not
   wanting to do rescue at the moment.
   On 3/18/07, *Nina*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just by your brief explanation it sounds like this guy is 
  confused and
   scared.  Since he's affectionate during the day, and you
  hinted that
   she's not giving him attention at night, I'm guessing 
  calling out
   for reassurance.  Do you remember me telling the list
   Matilda?  I had her confined to a bathroom because 
 she's cat
   aggressive.  She cried day and night, (but it was
 worse at
  night), and
   would only settle down when I was with her.  This went on 
  for what
   seemed like years, but was really only days.  I got very
  little sleep,
   (sleeping on a bathroom floor is not so great for my 
 aching back
   either).  The scariest and most upsetting part for me was
  wondering if
   she would ever stop.  She 

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread Kelley Saveika

She is going to buy Feliway.  I also found a local source of Rescue Remedy.
She is not willing to medicate him.  I guess I can understand that (well,
not really, I have all kinds of cats on all kinds of meds) but it isn't a
physical problem, and I guess some people do not believe in medicating cats
to solve emotional problems.

On 3/19/07, tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

He's suffering from separation anxiety.  Even tho his person is
there...when she sleeps...she leaves him.  Its not uncommon for animals
who have suffered a tramatic event (house burgler...fireabandonment) to
go through this..(sometimes just moving from one home to another can do it).

Has she tried the felaway (or the generic brand of it)?  Spray it once a
day (at night) around the house to give a sense of well being.

She could also try a Catnip video...put in the tv and push play...kitty
might be destracted.

Worse case senerio...ask vet for a mild sediative until cat gets used to
new surroundings.

*Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

I don't know.   I Have called her this morning and left a message.

On 3/18/07, Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But does he lie in bed with her while the light is on  she is still
 basically up?  When does he start pacing relative to her turning off the

 light  going to sleep, or trying to?


 Kelley Saveika wrote:
  He lies with her in bed for about 20-30 minutes, then gets bored and
  starts pacing and crying until 5 am, when apparently he gets tired of
  crying and stops. I odn'tk now about the ligths.
  On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's why I was asking.  I would go further than nightlights 
  leaving a light on in the bathroom perhaps. And I'm still curious
  as to
  what he is doing  where when she turns out the light for the
  Does the crying start then or later?
  Leslie Lawther wrote:
   *Lighting is a good question... We have pathway lighting (night
   that angle down to the ground) all through the house for the
   Even though they are nocturnal, they still do no have the best
   eyesight.  Maybe she could try some nightlights for him?  *
   *Leslie =^..^=*
   On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Are there any other pets in the household?
   Also what do they (the woman  the kitty) do just before she

   the light?  Is he with her on the bed?  Napping?
  Dozing?  What happens
   when she turns out the light?   When she turns off her
  light, at that
   point are ALL the lights in the house off?
   Kelley Saveika wrote:
he can sleep whereever he wants.  She says he gets in bed
   her for
20-30 minutes, then gets tired of that and gets out of bed
pacing and crying and does that until 5 am..  It almost
  broke my
She says she can't live without sleep forever, and I see
  her point.
He apparently stops crying about 5 am, and she gets to
  sleep for 2
hours.  That's not a good schedule for a working
  person.  She works
half a day on Friday and took a nap after getting
  home.  He allowed
her to sleep then.  She says this weekend she has been
   from 5
am to 11 am, but she cant' do that during the week.
Everyone isn't us, Nina.  I wish they were, it would be so
easier.  I can't keep all these cats either - if I do I
  can't do
rescue.  Though I am frustrated and aggravated right now
  and not
wanting to do rescue at the moment.
On 3/18/07, *Nina*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just by your brief explanation it sounds like this guy
   confused and
scared.  Since he's affectionate during the day, and
   hinted that
she's not giving him attention at night, I'm guessing
   calling out
for reassurance.  Do you remember me telling the list
Matilda?  I had her confined to a bathroom because
  she's cat
aggressive.  She cried day and night, (but 

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread Kelley Saveika

She has not called me back.  I have no idea what that means.  Maybe he is
fine now.  Maybe it was so bad she had to call in sick to work and she'll be
on my doorstep when I get home.

On 3/19/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

She is going to buy Feliway.  I also found a local source of Rescue
Remedy.  She is not willing to medicate him.  I guess I can understand that
(well, not really, I have all kinds of cats on all kinds of meds) but it
isn't a physical problem, and I guess some people do not believe in
medicating cats to solve emotional problems.

On 3/19/07, tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 He's suffering from separation anxiety.  Even tho his person is
 there...when she sleeps...she leaves him.  Its not uncommon for animals
 who have suffered a tramatic event (house burgler...fireabandonment) to
 go through this..(sometimes just moving from one home to another can do it).

 Has she tried the felaway (or the generic brand of it)?  Spray it once a
 day (at night) around the house to give a sense of well being.

 She could also try a Catnip video...put in the tv and push
 play...kitty might be destracted.

 Worse case senerio...ask vet for a mild sediative until cat gets used to
 new surroundings.

 *Kelley Saveika  [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 I don't know.   I Have called her this morning and left a message.

 On 3/18/07, Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  But does he lie in bed with her while the light is on  she is still
  basically up?  When does he start pacing relative to her turning off
  light  going to sleep, or trying to?
  Kelley Saveika wrote:
   He lies with her in bed for about 20-30 minutes, then gets bored and
   starts pacing and crying until 5 am, when apparently he gets tired
   crying and stops. I odn'tk now about the ligths.
   On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That's why I was asking.  I would go further than nightlights 
   leaving a light on in the bathroom perhaps. And I'm still
   as to
   what he is doing  where when she turns out the light for the
   Does the crying start then or later?
   Leslie Lawther wrote:
*Lighting is a good question... We have pathway lighting
that angle down to the ground) all through the house for the
Even though they are nocturnal, they still do no have the best
eyesight.  Maybe she could try some nightlights for him?  *
*Leslie =^..^=*
On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Are there any other pets in the household?
Also what do they (the woman  the kitty) do just before
the light?  Is he with her on the bed?  Napping?
   Dozing?  What happens
when she turns out the light?   When she turns off her
   light, at that
point are ALL the lights in the house off?
Kelley Saveika wrote:

 he can sleep whereever he wants.  She says he gets in
  bed with
her for
 20-30 minutes, then gets tired of that and gets out of
  bed and
 pacing and crying and does that until 5 am..  It almost
   broke my

 She says she can't live without sleep forever, and I see
   her point.
 He apparently stops crying about 5 am, and she gets to
   sleep for 2
 hours.  That's not a good schedule for a working
   person.  She works
 half a day on Friday and took a nap after getting
   home.  He allowed
 her to sleep then.  She says this weekend she has been
from 5
 am to 11 am, but she cant' do that during the week.

 Everyone isn't us, Nina.  I wish they were, it would be
 easier.  I can't keep all these cats either - if I do I
   can't do
 rescue.  Though I am frustrated and aggravated right now
   and not
 wanting to do rescue at the moment.

 On 3/18/07, *Nina*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just by your brief explanation it sounds like this
  guy is
confused and
 scared.  Since he's affectionate during the 

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread Kelley Saveika

I finally called her back again.  She says he did better last night.  She is
going to give him until the end of the week and see how he does.

On 3/19/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

She has not called me back.  I have no idea what that means.  Maybe he is
fine now.  Maybe it was so bad she had to call in sick to work and she'll be
on my doorstep when I get home.

On 3/19/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 She is going to buy Feliway.  I also found a local source of Rescue
 Remedy.  She is not willing to medicate him.  I guess I can understand that
 (well, not really, I have all kinds of cats on all kinds of meds) but it
 isn't a physical problem, and I guess some people do not believe in
 medicating cats to solve emotional problems.

 On 3/19/07, tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  He's suffering from separation anxiety.  Even tho his person is
  there...when she sleeps...she leaves him.  Its not uncommon for animals
  who have suffered a tramatic event (house burgler...fireabandonment) to
  go through this..(sometimes just moving from one home to another can do it).
  Has she tried the felaway (or the generic brand of it)?  Spray it once
  a day (at night) around the house to give a sense of well being.
  She could also try a Catnip video...put in the tv and push
  play...kitty might be destracted.
  Worse case senerio...ask vet for a mild sediative until cat gets used
  to new surroundings.
  *Kelley Saveika  [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:
  I don't know.   I Have called her this morning and left a message.
  On 3/18/07, Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   But does he lie in bed with her while the light is on  she is still
   basically up?  When does he start pacing relative to her turning off
   light  going to sleep, or trying to?
   Kelley Saveika wrote:
He lies with her in bed for about 20-30 minutes, then gets bored
starts pacing and crying until 5 am, when apparently he gets tired
crying and stops. I odn'tk now about the ligths.
On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That's why I was asking.  I would go further than nightlights
leaving a light on in the bathroom perhaps. And I'm still
as to
what he is doing  where when she turns out the light for the
Does the crying start then or later?
Leslie Lawther wrote:
 *Lighting is a good question... We have pathway lighting
 that angle down to the ground) all through the house for the
 Even though they are nocturnal, they still do no have the
 eyesight.  Maybe she could try some nightlights for him?  *
 *Leslie =^..^=*

 On 3/18/07, *Pam Norman* [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Are there any other pets in the household?

 Also what do they (the woman  the kitty) do just before
 the light?  Is he with her on the bed?  Napping?
Dozing?  What happens
 when she turns out the light?   When she turns off her
light, at that
 point are ALL the lights in the house off?


 Kelley Saveika wrote:
  he can sleep whereever he wants.  She says he gets in
   bed with
 her for
  20-30 minutes, then gets tired of that and gets out of
   bed and
  pacing and crying and does that until 5 am..  It
broke my
  She says she can't live without sleep forever, and I
her point.
  He apparently stops crying about 5 am, and she gets to
sleep for 2
  hours.  That's not a good schedule for a working
person.  She works
  half a day on Friday and took a nap after getting
home.  He allowed
  her to sleep then.  She says this weekend she has been
 from 5
  am to 11 am, but she cant' do that during the week.
  Everyone isn't us, Nina.  I wish they were, it would
   be so
  easier.  I can't keep all these cats either - if I do
can't do
  rescue.  Though I am frustrated and aggravated right
and not
  wanting to do rescue at the moment.
  On 3/18/07, *Nina*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:

RE: Latest Slinky Update

2007-03-19 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
I just sent you an email offlist on IR -- let me know if it doesn't
reach you. hugs, Kerry
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 12:08 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Latest Slinky Update

Hi again everyone.  Thanks so much for your support and ideas.  
After Slinky's fever spiked to 104 last night, we gave him some sub-q
fluids and it went down to 103.  :-|  Not great, but better.
He did eat during the night and seemed to do okay...but his fever is
back up to 104 now.  We tried to give him more fluids, but he won't keep
the needle in.  He got about 250 cc's in him but that's it.  We're gonna
try more later with a smaller needle, but...ugh.  I HATE having to poke
him and take his temp and stuff all the time...he's getting really sick
of it!  Poor baby.
He feels very hot and is pretty lethargic.  He's still eating though.  
The doctor called to check in a bit ago (!!!)...i don't know if
that's normal but it certainly hasn't been normal for me!!!  She said
she's glad to hear he's eating.  She thinks I'm doing all I can and that
eating and being alert might be a good day for him.  :(  Seems possible
that the fever is his body adjusting to the transfusion, but with the
FeLV it's hard to know.  
I asked her about IR and Interferon and she said she's never used it but
saw it used with dogs in vet school.  She said she'd ask around today
and see if anyone had had positive results using it with cats with FeLV.
I saw someone's post about getting it online w/o a scrip (can't remember
who posted it...sorry).  It's not cheap!  But I may be able to swing a
little.  It's $35 for 5mL, $150 for 50mL.  But I have NO idea what the
dose would even be.  Anyone know?  I have a vet tech here all week so we
could give it here for now...but what would the dose be??
Any ideas or suggestions would be great.  Thanks!!!


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Immuno Regulin - DOSAGE???

2007-03-19 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi all.  I said this in my last update but thought changing the subject would 
  Slink's fever still isn't quite down.  I'm considerinng trying IR (if I can 
afford it) and could order it without a scrip.  I have a vet tech here this 
week so we could even administer it here.  ButI have NO clue what the 
dosage would be!?!?!  
  I could afford to order a 5mL bottle if that will last me a bit...but I can't 
get the 50mL right now.  
  Anyone have any ideas on dosages?  His doctor called a bit ago and said she'd 
ask around if anyone had experience using IR with FeLV cats.  I may call her 
back but thought I'd see if you all can tell me about dosages.  Thanks!

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Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread Kelley Saveika

I think she is likely to give him the time she needs as long as she can
sleep at least a little.

And I am grumpy as heck when I get no sleep.  I stayed with some friends of
mine years and years and years ago who had a newborn.  I think that is when
I decided I didn't want children.  Oh my LORD

On 3/19/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i think maybe someone needs to point out that two to three WEEKS is not an
abnormal adjustment period for ANY cat, in ANY home

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


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Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread TenHouseCats

if she has to, for her own health and safety, she can always get earplugs
and shut him out of her room til he gets the message. not the best
option, perhaps, but sleep-deprivation isn't a good way to begin a
relationship, either.

On 3/19/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think she is likely to give him the time she needs as long as she can
sleep at least a little.

And I am grumpy as heck when I get no sleep.  I stayed with some friends
of mine years and years and years ago who had a newborn.  I think that is
when I decided I didn't want children.  Oh my LORD

On 3/19/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i think maybe someone needs to point out that two to three WEEKS is not
 an abnormal adjustment period for ANY cat, in ANY home

 Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
 Maybe That'll Make The Difference


 AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
 ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


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Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Immuno Regulin - DOSAGE???

2007-03-19 Thread Kelly L

At 10:38 AM 3/19/2007, you wrote:

I used .753/4   cc IV per dose, The recommendation was 
for1/2   to 1 cc so I setteled on the middle of that,..,,Make sure 
the vet gives it IV not sub q or IM,,

I gave it twice a week but this was on a healthy FELV cat,
Ask those who have used it on ill kitties,

Hi all.  I said this in my last update but thought changing the 
subject would help.

Slink's fever still isn't quite down.  I'm considerinng trying IR 
(if I can afford it) and could order it without a scrip.  I have a 
vet tech here this week so we could even administer it 
here.  ButI have NO clue what the dosage would be!?!?!

I could afford to order a 5mL bottle if that will last me a 
bit...but I can't get the 50mL right now.

Anyone have any ideas on dosages?  His doctor called a bit ago and 
said she'd ask around if anyone had experience using IR with FeLV 
cats.  I may call her back but thought I'd see if you all can tell 
me about dosages.  Thanks!


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RE: Latest Slinky Update

2007-03-19 Thread Marissa Johnson
I got it.  Thanks Kerry!

MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just sent you an email offlist on IR -- let me know if it doesn't reach 
you. hugs, Kerry
  -Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa Johnson
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 12:08 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Latest Slinky Update

  Hi again everyone.  Thanks so much for your support and ideas.  
  After Slinky's fever spiked to 104 last night, we gave him some sub-q fluids 
and it went down to 103.  :-|  Not great, but better.
  He did eat during the night and seemed to do okay...but his fever is back up 
to 104 now.  We tried to give him more fluids, but he won't keep the needle in. 
 He got about 250 cc's in him but that's it.  We're gonna try more later with a 
smaller needle, but...ugh.  I HATE having to poke him and take his temp and 
stuff all the time...he's getting really sick of it!  Poor baby.
  He feels very hot and is pretty lethargic.  He's still eating though.  
  The doctor called to check in a bit ago (!!!)...i don't know if that's 
normal but it certainly hasn't been normal for me!!!  She said she's glad to 
hear he's eating.  She thinks I'm doing all I can and that eating and being 
alert might be a good day for him.  :(  Seems possible that the fever is his 
body adjusting to the transfusion, but with the FeLV it's hard to know.  
  I asked her about IR and Interferon and she said she's never used it but saw 
it used with dogs in vet school.  She said she'd ask around today and see if 
anyone had had positive results using it with cats with FeLV.  I saw someone's 
post about getting it online w/o a scrip (can't remember who posted 
it...sorry).  It's not cheap!  But I may be able to swing a little.  It's $35 
for 5mL, $150 for 50mL.  But I have NO idea what the dose would even be.  
Anyone know?  I have a vet tech here all week so we could give it here for 
now...but what would the dose be??
  Any ideas or suggestions would be great.  Thanks!!!

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Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-19 Thread Pam Norman
I would still want her to leave a light on somewhere near her bedroom.  
Bathroom maybe, or even another bedroom.


TenHouseCats wrote:
if she has to, for her own health and safety, she can always get 
earplugs and shut him out of her room til he gets the message. not 
the best option, perhaps, but sleep-deprivation isn't a good way to 
begin a relationship, either.

On 3/19/07, *Kelley Saveika* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think she is likely to give him the time she needs as long as
she can sleep at least a little.
And I am grumpy as heck when I get no sleep.  I stayed with some
friends of mine years and years and years ago who had a newborn. 
I think that is when I decided I didn't want children.  Oh my LORD

On 3/19/07, *TenHouseCats* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i think maybe someone needs to point out that two to three
WEEKS is not an abnormal adjustment period for ANY cat, in ANY

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!

Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

http://www.rescuties.org http://www.rescuties.org

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Dilemma - Consistent slight positive felv test results

2007-03-19 Thread dmhvalentina
I am looking to the group for experiences on dealing with
a cat whose scenario is as written below. I would very much
like to hear from anyone who may have experienced, or be
currently experiencing, this same thing. Advice and
guidance is sought. Here is the dilemma:

I have a kitty I rescued at about 12 weeks old around
3 yrs ago. She had a bad uri at the time of rescue but
snap combo tested fiv/felv negative. The vet vaccinated
her while she will sick with this uri (I wasn't too happy
about that myself). I always retest kittens and upon her
retest about a month later she came up slight felv+.

I had an elisa done which was positive. I had more
snap tests done - all of them all came up slight
positive. I eventually had an IFA done and a PCR Assay
done. The PCR Assay for felv (done with blood, not
bone marrow, of course) was negative. All of these
tests were done over the course of 2 years (I've had
her for 3 yrs now). The last snap combo test I had
done - just out of curiosity - was March of last year
and that came up slight positive again.

Unfortunately, Elise (or Lisee Angel as I call her
because she has a big white 'angel' on her back :),
has been relegated to the only place I could keep her
all this time, which is a relatively small spare

I had always hoped I'd be able to at least let her
integrate at some point with the rest of the house,
but her consistent slight felv+ snap combo test
worries me too much. Even though the PCR Assay was
negative, she keeps testing slight positive on the
snap combo test. I am so confused about the more
extensive test being negative, but all the lower level
tests being positive.

I feel so awful that she is stuck in that spare room,
and I cannot imagine her having to live her entire
life in that one room. I just don't know what else I
can do.

The dilemma is not really knowing if she is, or is not,
felv positive and should she, or should she not, be
allowed to integrate with non-positives?

Thanks to all,

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
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Junior update-not Lymphoma

2007-03-19 Thread Sally Davis

Hi Everyone

I called the vet today regarding the needle aspiration of the lymph nodes.
She is confident that it is not Lymphoma.

He has fatty tissue and nutrophils indicating inflammation from infection.
The Baytril will help with the infection. She gave him a months supply. I
reordered his Transfer Factor Plus. I think that has helped keep him stable.

I must say Junior is quite the fighter. His lymph node behind his ear has
been swollen for a while. The swelling would usually go down at night. He
seems to has less sight than before. Most of the swelling is on the side of
the good eye. I am hoping his lack of sight is temporary.

The Matacam, she would only give twice a week and would be given to further
reduce inflammation and pain. She wants to give the Baytril time to work
before possibly using the Metacam.

I feel better that Junior has seen Dr Staunton.

Thanks for all your prayers and help. The Fight goes on….

Sally Davis

Best way to give Vitamin C?

2007-03-19 Thread C J
The vet gave me some liquid Vitamin C to give Tomi, but it's horrible tasting 
stuff (I tried it).  Very acidic/sour and chemical tasting.  He absolutely 
hates it, and even gags afterwards, though he hasn't actually vomited anything 
up yet.

I tried buying Vitamin C powder to see if he would eat it in baby food, but he 
knows its there and won't touch the food (he will eat the food with Lysine in 

Is there anything I could mix the powder with to reduce the acidic/sour taste 
that I could still administer with a syringe?


Re: Junior update-not Lymphoma

2007-03-19 Thread elizabeth trent

VERY encouraging -- thanks for the update!  Prayers still going up for you
and Junior.


On 3/19/07, Sally Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Everyone

I called the vet today regarding the needle aspiration of the lymph nodes.
She is confident that it is not Lymphoma.

He has fatty tissue and nutrophils indicating inflammation from infection.
The Baytril will help with the infection. She gave him a months supply. I
reordered his Transfer Factor Plus. I think that has helped keep him stable.

I must say Junior is quite the fighter. His lymph node behind his ear has
been swollen for a while. The swelling would usually go down at night. He
seems to has less sight than before. Most of the swelling is on the side of
the good eye. I am hoping his lack of sight is temporary.

The Matacam, she would only give twice a week and would be given to
further reduce inflammation and pain. She wants to give the Baytril time to
work before possibly using the Metacam.

I feel better that Junior has seen Dr Staunton.

Thanks for all your prayers and help. The Fight goes on….

Sally Davis

Re: Junior update-not Lymphoma

2007-03-19 Thread Sally Davis

Hi Elizabeth,

Yes I am relieved, although he is fighting an infection. So we do need your
prayers. He seems to be feeling better after 4 days of baytril.


Sally and Junior

On 3/19/07, elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

VERY encouraging -- thanks for the update!  Prayers still going up for you
and Junior.


cat food recall

2007-03-19 Thread Lori S
These are the wet cuts in gravy kind. They should all be off the shelves by now 
but check your cupboards. I can't believe those varied brands are made by the 
same company. My cats don't eat any of these but check for yours.

 Americas Choice, Preferred Pets
2. Authority
3. Best Choice
4. Companion
5. Compliments
6. Demoulas Market Basket
7. Eukanuba
8. Fine Feline Cat
9. Food Lion
   10. Foodtown
   11. Giant Companion
   12. Hannaford
   13. Hill Country Fare
   14. Hy-Vee
   15. Iams
   16. Laura Lynn
   17. Li'l Red
   18. Loving Meals
   19. Meijer's Main Choice
   20. Nutriplan
   21. Nutro Max Gourmet Classics
   22. Nutro Natural Choice
   23. Paws
   24. Pet Pride
   25. Presidents Choice
   26. Price Chopper
   27. Priority
   28. Save-A-Lot
   29. Schnucks
   30. Science Diet Feline Savory Cuts Cans
   31. Sophistacat
   32. Special Kitty Canada
   33. Special Kitty US
   34. Springfield Prize
   35. Sprout
   36. Total Pet
   37. Wegmans
   38. Western Family
   39. White Rose
   40. Winn Dixie

Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
 Browse Top Cars by Green Rating at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  

Re: Slinky is Home...but Feverish again

2007-03-19 Thread wendy
Hi Marissa,

I loved reading your post.  I'm so glad that Slinky is
home again.  Did you ask the doctor about Epogen and
when will they start it? 


--- Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all!!!  Just wanted to give you all the latest
 update.  I brought Slinky home this afternoon 
 The doctor called me this morning and said he was
 doing great and could go home.  I stopped and saw
 him on my way to church and he was wanting to jump
 out of his cage and go home.  :)  

   I went back this afternoon and they said his temp
 is normal (101 - was 102 when I went in the
 morning), his BP, respirations, heart rate, etc.
 were all normal.  He even ate quite a bit of his dry
 food after I left in the morning.  He was alert and
 looking around.  His gums are still pale but they're
 definitely pinker!  

   When we got home I took him out of his
 carrier...and watched my baby boy run across the
 living room floor, jump up on the couch, and perch
 on the window sill!!!  :)  Considering that I wasn't
 sure I'd even get to bring him home, I just about
 burst into tears!  

   The bill was actually pretty close to the estimate
 and they're going to have me continue his clavamox
 and baytril and give him sub-q fluids if I need
 them.  My friend who's a vet tech will be here
 tonight to help me take care of him and keep an eye
 on him for the week.  We have a follow-up
 appointment Thursday night to run another CBC and
 see where we stand.

   Throughout all of it, the hospital was absolutely
 amazing!  I called 2-3 times last night for updates
 and they were great about getting them to me.  They
 actually THANKED me for the opportunity to work with
 him and told me what a wonderful cat he is.  :)  

   Now for the not-so-happy news.  He was really
 alert and energetic for a while...but I noticed he
 was starting to feel warm again.  I took his temp
 and it got to 104 and then he moved and it came out
 and he wouldn't let me get it in again.  :(  I
 called the hospital to make sure I was supposed to
 give him his abx tonight (wanted to make sure I
 wasn't overdosing him after he'd been on IV abx). 
 The doctor said to give him the abx and go ahead
 with sub-q fluids...but also said that she's
 concerned about his ability to regenerate and that
 she thinks I've done all I can for him...and it may
 be that if he's eating and alert that's a good day
 for him.  

   We gave him the clavamox, baytril, some C and
 L-Lysine, and Hi-Vite and then started the sub-q's. 
 Took the temp after the fluids were done and it was
 104.4.  I'm hoping it will go down by the time the
 fluid absorbs.  He's seeming a bit more lethargic
 and sleepy now.  I hate to keep poking and prodding
 him...it has to be frustrating for him!

   I'm feeling a bit discouraged...everything seemed
 to be going so well when I picked him up!  But my
 friend (the vet tech) is saying that his body needs
 time to adjust to the new blood.  I'm hoping that's
 what's happening...and not that his body is killing
 the new blood cells.  Please keep up the prayers and
 good thoughts!  I know we've done everything we
 can...but I really want this to work!  I got my baby
 back for a few hours...and I want more!  

   Thanks again for all your support and love.  I'll
 send more info when I have it.

 Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast
  with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.


Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate 
in the Yahoo! Answers Food  Drink QA.

Re: Dilemma - Consistent slight positive felv test results

2007-03-19 Thread Beth Noren

Just a quick point, it is probably safe to mix
VACCINATED negatives with your positive.
There is at least one list member who had 3
unvaccinated cats turn positive after unknowingly
mixing with an felv+...


On 3/19/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


A lot of us here mix our positives and negatives,
mainly because we did not know we had a positive
initially.  But once most of us found out, we felt
separating the kitties would be more stressful than
risking a positive contracting the virus.  I don't
think many here, if any, have had that happen.  I've
been a member here for a year and a half.  Thus, the
general consensus here is that as adult cats, it is
difficult to contract the virus.  Kittens are much
more susceptible, and bite wounds an easier way of
contracting.  I am not sure what to make of the
conflicting test results.  We do know that there are a
lot of false positives and false negatives, which
doesn't help your situation.  I've never heard of the
PCR Assay test.  How many others do you have in your
home and how old are they?  Do you think they would
get along with Elise?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am looking to the group for experiences on dealing
 a cat whose scenario is as written below. I would
 very much
 like to hear from anyone who may have experienced,
 or be
 currently experiencing, this same thing. Advice and
 guidance is sought. Here is the dilemma:

 I have a kitty I rescued at about 12 weeks old
 3 yrs ago. She had a bad uri at the time of rescue
 snap combo tested fiv/felv negative. The vet
 her while she will sick with this uri (I wasn't too
 about that myself). I always retest kittens and upon
 retest about a month later she came up slight felv+.

 I had an elisa done which was positive. I had more
 snap tests done - all of them all came up slight
 positive. I eventually had an IFA done and a PCR
 done. The PCR Assay for felv (done with blood, not
 bone marrow, of course) was negative. All of these
 tests were done over the course of 2 years (I've had
 her for 3 yrs now). The last snap combo test I had
 done - just out of curiosity - was March of last
 and that came up slight positive again.

 Unfortunately, Elise (or Lisee Angel as I call her
 because she has a big white 'angel' on her back :),
 has been relegated to the only place I could keep
 all this time, which is a relatively small spare

 I had always hoped I'd be able to at least let her
 integrate at some point with the rest of the house,
 but her consistent slight felv+ snap combo test
 worries me too much. Even though the PCR Assay was
 negative, she keeps testing slight positive on the
 snap combo test. I am so confused about the more
 extensive test being negative, but all the lower
 tests being positive.

 I feel so awful that she is stuck in that spare
 and I cannot imagine her having to live her entire
 life in that one room. I just don't know what else I
 can do.

 The dilemma is not really knowing if she is, or is
 felv positive and should she, or should she not, be
 allowed to integrate with non-positives?

 Thanks to all,

 AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out
 more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food  Drink QA.

Re: Latest Slinky Update

2007-03-19 Thread wendy

I can't remember what dose I gave Cricket of the IR,
but I did order it from Revival Animal Health and it
cost me about $50 with shipping.  It came pretty fast,
but I might have paid extra to have it emergency
shipped.  I think it's listed as EqStim; that's the
generic version.  You probably don't need more than
the 5 mL to start off with.  I think the dosage for IR
is .25 to .5 mL per 8 lb. cat, but don't quote me on
that.  I really hope that Slinky's fever goes down
soon!  I know it's worrying you, but I have heard
several people say that a fever is not necessarily a
bad thing always; it's the body's way of fighting off
things.  Maybe it's a good fever.  Fingers and paws
crossed here in Dallas.


--- Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi again everyone.  Thanks so much for your support
 and ideas.  

   After Slinky's fever spiked to 104 last night, we
 gave him some sub-q fluids and it went down to 103. 
 :-|  Not great, but better.

   He did eat during the night and seemed to do
 okay...but his fever is back up to 104 now.  We
 tried to give him more fluids, but he won't keep the
 needle in.  He got about 250 cc's in him but that's
 it.  We're gonna try more later with a smaller
 needle, but...ugh.  I HATE having to poke him and
 take his temp and stuff all the time...he's getting
 really sick of it!  Poor baby.

   He feels very hot and is pretty lethargic.  He's
 still eating though.  

   The doctor called to check in a bit ago
 (!!!)...i don't know if that's normal but it
 certainly hasn't been normal for me!!!  She said
 she's glad to hear he's eating.  She thinks I'm
 doing all I can and that eating and being alert
 might be a good day for him.  :(  Seems possible
 that the fever is his body adjusting to the
 transfusion, but with the FeLV it's hard to know.  

   I asked her about IR and Interferon and she said
 she's never used it but saw it used with dogs in vet
 school.  She said she'd ask around today and see if
 anyone had had positive results using it with cats
 with FeLV.  I saw someone's post about getting it
 online w/o a scrip (can't remember who posted
 it...sorry).  It's not cheap!  But I may be able to
 swing a little.  It's $35 for 5mL, $150 for 50mL. 
 But I have NO idea what the dose would even be. 
 Anyone know?  I have a vet tech here all week so we
 could give it here for now...but what would the dose

   Any ideas or suggestions would be great. 

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Re: Dilemma - Consistent slight positive felv test results

2007-03-19 Thread wendy
This is assuming that the unvaccinated cats were not
already born with it or carrying it; we seem to never
be able to say for sure that that wasn't the case. 
This virus is SO frustrating sometimes!!!


--- Beth Noren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a quick point, it is probably safe to mix
 VACCINATED negatives with your positive.
 There is at least one list member who had 3
 unvaccinated cats turn positive after unknowingly
 mixing with an felv+...
 On 3/19/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A lot of us here mix our positives and negatives,
  mainly because we did not know we had a positive
  initially.  But once most of us found out, we felt
  separating the kitties would be more stressful
  risking a positive contracting the virus.  I don't
  think many here, if any, have had that happen. 
  been a member here for a year and a half.  Thus,
  general consensus here is that as adult cats, it
  difficult to contract the virus.  Kittens are much
  more susceptible, and bite wounds an easier way of
  contracting.  I am not sure what to make of the
  conflicting test results.  We do know that there
 are a
  lot of false positives and false negatives, which
  doesn't help your situation.  I've never heard of
  PCR Assay test.  How many others do you have in
  home and how old are they?  Do you think they
  get along with Elise?
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am looking to the group for experiences on
   a cat whose scenario is as written below. I
   very much
   like to hear from anyone who may have
   or be
   currently experiencing, this same thing. Advice
   guidance is sought. Here is the dilemma:
   I have a kitty I rescued at about 12 weeks old
   3 yrs ago. She had a bad uri at the time of
   snap combo tested fiv/felv negative. The vet
   her while she will sick with this uri (I wasn't
   about that myself). I always retest kittens and
   retest about a month later she came up slight
   I had an elisa done which was positive. I had
   snap tests done - all of them all came up slight
   positive. I eventually had an IFA done and a PCR
   done. The PCR Assay for felv (done with blood,
   bone marrow, of course) was negative. All of
   tests were done over the course of 2 years (I've
   her for 3 yrs now). The last snap combo test I
   done - just out of curiosity - was March of last
   and that came up slight positive again.
   Unfortunately, Elise (or Lisee Angel as I call
   because she has a big white 'angel' on her back
   has been relegated to the only place I could
   all this time, which is a relatively small spare
   I had always hoped I'd be able to at least let
   integrate at some point with the rest of the
   but her consistent slight felv+ snap combo test
   worries me too much. Even though the PCR Assay
   negative, she keeps testing slight positive on
   snap combo test. I am so confused about the more
   extensive test being negative, but all the lower
   tests being positive.
   I feel so awful that she is stuck in that spare
   and I cannot imagine her having to live her
   life in that one room. I just don't know what
 else I
   can do.
   The dilemma is not really knowing if she is, or
   felv positive and should she, or should she not,
   allowed to integrate with non-positives?
   Thanks to all,

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Re: Latest Slinky Update

2007-03-19 Thread Marissa Johnson
Thanks Wendy!!
  I did ask the doctor about Epogen...she said if he was regenerating some, we 
could look at Epogen to increase it.  I moved our appointment to Wed. night so 
I'm sure we'll talk about it then.  I'll talk to her about the IR then too.
  He actually seems a bit better today.  His temp was 104.1 this morning and we 
gave him a bout 250cc's of fluid (he kept moving and getting the needle out!), 
but he was looking a little pinker.  He's been quiet all day, but his temp was 
down to 103.8 tonight so that's good!!  He's still eating, and he's even a 
LITTLE playful...not running around, but will bat and chew a feather or string. 
 He wouldn't do that at the beginning of this ordeal so I'm taking that as a 
good sign.
  Thanks again for all your prayers!  I'm going to try to go to work tomorrow 
(I've stayed home for 3 days but don't have any vacation time left right now!). 
 My friend will still be here, so she'll keep an eye on him for me and I'm only 
a 10 minute walk away if he goes downhill.  But keep me in your prayers...that 
I'll be able to function without worrying too much.  And keep sending him those 
healing thoughts!!
  You guys are awesome!  Thanks!
  p.s.  Slinky has his own myspace page now.  If you're interested, it's 
www.myspace.com/slinkecat  Even has a slideshow of pics.

wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't remember what dose I gave Cricket of the IR,
but I did order it from Revival Animal Health and it
cost me about $50 with shipping. It came pretty fast,
but I might have paid extra to have it emergency
shipped. I think it's listed as EqStim; that's the
generic version. You probably don't need more than
the 5 mL to start off with. I think the dosage for IR
is .25 to .5 mL per 8 lb. cat, but don't quote me on
that. I really hope that Slinky's fever goes down
soon! I know it's worrying you, but I have heard
several people say that a fever is not necessarily a
bad thing always; it's the body's way of fighting off
things. Maybe it's a good fever. Fingers and paws
crossed here in Dallas.


--- Marissa Johnson 

 Hi again everyone. Thanks so much for your support
 and ideas. 
 After Slinky's fever spiked to 104 last night, we
 gave him some sub-q fluids and it went down to 103. 
 :-| Not great, but better.
 He did eat during the night and seemed to do
 okay...but his fever is back up to 104 now. We
 tried to give him more fluids, but he won't keep the
 needle in. He got about 250 cc's in him but that's
 it. We're gonna try more later with a smaller
 needle, but...ugh. I HATE having to poke him and
 take his temp and stuff all the time...he's getting
 really sick of it! Poor baby.
 He feels very hot and is pretty lethargic. He's
 still eating though. 
 The doctor called to check in a bit ago
 (!!!)...i don't know if that's normal but it
 certainly hasn't been normal for me!!! She said
 she's glad to hear he's eating. She thinks I'm
 doing all I can and that eating and being alert
 might be a good day for him. :( Seems possible
 that the fever is his body adjusting to the
 transfusion, but with the FeLV it's hard to know. 
 I asked her about IR and Interferon and she said
 she's never used it but saw it used with dogs in vet
 school. She said she'd ask around today and see if
 anyone had had positive results using it with cats
 with FeLV. I saw someone's post about getting it
 online w/o a scrip (can't remember who posted
 it...sorry). It's not cheap! But I may be able to
 swing a little. It's $35 for 5mL, $150 for 50mL. 
 But I have NO idea what the dose would even be. 
 Anyone know? I have a vet tech here all week so we
 could give it here for now...but what would the dose
 Any ideas or suggestions would be great. 
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Re: Best way to give Vitamin C?

2007-03-19 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hey.  I've been trying to get Slinky to take his C and Lysine as well.  I was 
mixing the powders with a little water and some dried chicken powder (I used to 
have somme Halo Dinner Party Chicken and Herbs food enhancer) and syringe 
feeding it.  That went down fairly well...he LOVES that chicken taste.
  Tonight I mixed it in with a little chicken baby food, adding some water to 
thin it out, and syringe feeding that.  He took that really well.  
  Just some ideas...that's what I've done.  I'd love to know if anyone has 
suggestions for ways to kill the taste though.  Thanks!
  The vet gave me some liquid Vitamin C to give Tomi, but it's horrible 
tasting stuff (I tried it).  Very acidic/sour and chemical tasting.  He 
absolutely hates it, and even gags afterwards, though he hasn't actually 
vomited anything up yet.
  I tried buying Vitamin C powder to see if he would eat it in baby food, but 
he knows its there and won't touch the food (he will eat the food with Lysine 
in it).
  Is there anything I could mix the powder with to reduce the acidic/sour taste 
that I could still administer with a syringe?

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Re: Dilemma - Mixing (was consistent...)

2007-03-19 Thread Gloria Lane
Just wondering who out there has mixed and had negatives turned  



On Mar 19, 2007, at 9:34 PM, wendy wrote:

This is assuming that the unvaccinated cats were not
already born with it or carrying it; we seem to never
be able to say for sure that that wasn't the case.
This virus is SO frustrating sometimes!!!


--- Beth Noren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a quick point, it is probably safe to mix
VACCINATED negatives with your positive.
There is at least one list member who had 3
unvaccinated cats turn positive after unknowingly
mixing with an felv+...


On 3/19/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


A lot of us here mix our positives and negatives,
mainly because we did not know we had a positive
initially.  But once most of us found out, we felt
separating the kitties would be more stressful


risking a positive contracting the virus.  I don't
think many here, if any, have had that happen.


been a member here for a year and a half.  Thus,


general consensus here is that as adult cats, it


difficult to contract the virus.  Kittens are much
more susceptible, and bite wounds an easier way of
contracting.  I am not sure what to make of the
conflicting test results.  We do know that there

are a

lot of false positives and false negatives, which
doesn't help your situation.  I've never heard of


PCR Assay test.  How many others do you have in


home and how old are they?  Do you think they


get along with Elise?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am looking to the group for experiences on


a cat whose scenario is as written below. I


very much
like to hear from anyone who may have


or be
currently experiencing, this same thing. Advice


guidance is sought. Here is the dilemma:

I have a kitty I rescued at about 12 weeks old
3 yrs ago. She had a bad uri at the time of


snap combo tested fiv/felv negative. The vet
her while she will sick with this uri (I wasn't


about that myself). I always retest kittens and


retest about a month later she came up slight


I had an elisa done which was positive. I had


snap tests done - all of them all came up slight
positive. I eventually had an IFA done and a PCR
done. The PCR Assay for felv (done with blood,


bone marrow, of course) was negative. All of


tests were done over the course of 2 years (I've


her for 3 yrs now). The last snap combo test I


done - just out of curiosity - was March of last
and that came up slight positive again.

Unfortunately, Elise (or Lisee Angel as I call


because she has a big white 'angel' on her back


has been relegated to the only place I could


all this time, which is a relatively small spare

I had always hoped I'd be able to at least let


integrate at some point with the rest of the


but her consistent slight felv+ snap combo test
worries me too much. Even though the PCR Assay


negative, she keeps testing slight positive on


snap combo test. I am so confused about the more
extensive test being negative, but all the lower
tests being positive.

I feel so awful that she is stuck in that spare
and I cannot imagine her having to live her


life in that one room. I just don't know what

else I

can do.

The dilemma is not really knowing if she is, or


felv positive and should she, or should she not,


allowed to integrate with non-positives?

Thanks to all,


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Re: cat food recall

2007-03-19 Thread Lora
Thanks Lori.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but this might be
the first time where it was okay to feed your cat

Although Friskies IS a commercial brand that is
neither high quality nor contains human grade meat,
I do not see any of their products on this list; which
is a plus in my book!

That is a relief for those of us who have cats who are
junk food junkies. :)

I cannot believe that Nutro Max Gourmet Classics and
Nutro Natural Choice made it on the list! Nutro is
supposed to be a high-end cat food!


--- Lori S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These are the wet cuts in gravy kind. They should
all be off the shelves by now but check your
cupboards. I can't believe those varied brands are
made by the same company. My cats don't eat any of
these but check for yours.

Americas Choice, Preferred Pets

2. Authority
3. Best Choice
4. Companion
5. Compliments
6. Demoulas Market Basket
7. Eukanuba
8. Fine Feline Cat
9. Food Lion
10. Foodtown
11. Giant Companion
12. Hannaford
13. Hill Country Fare
14. Hy-Vee
15. Iams
16. Laura Lynn
17. Li'l Red
18. Loving Meals
19. Meijer's Main Choice
20. Nutriplan
21. Nutro Max Gourmet Classics
22. Nutro Natural Choice
23. Paws
24. Pet Pride
25. Presidents Choice
26. Price Chopper
27. Priority
28. Save-A-Lot
29. Schnucks
30. Science Diet Feline Savory Cuts Cans
31. Sophistacat
32. Special Kitty Canada
33. Special Kitty US
34. Springfield Prize
35. Sprout
36. Total Pet
37. Wegmans
38. Western Family
39. White Rose
40. Winn Dixie


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