2007-04-20 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Marissa Johnson
Congratulations proud mama!!!  :)  I can't wait to see her pics (though I 
didn't see them in the albums you sent.  :(  ).  She's lucky to have such a 
great mom...and once all her brothers come around she'll be lucky to have them 
too.  :)
  Hugs, head butts, and ear scritchies!  
  MJ, Mousers, and Angel Slinky =^..^=

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nina,yes I have been wanting this girl ever since she arrived at Sids.She 
had been there for just over a year.I missed out on soo much time with her.But 
I will make up for it.she jumped up on the bed with me last night and had the 
BIGGEST purr and she was talking to me.I just started crying(I know I am a BIG 
baby) :) At least it was tears of joy for once! Right now she is terrorizing my 
fish. :)
  I feel soo bad for my boy CousCous,I think his feelings are hurt.He is my 
sweetest and most friendly baby when it comes to newbies.Well my little girl 
keeps grumbling at him.And he REALLY wants to give her kisses.I'm sure it will 
happen soon.she doesn't seem to be bothered much by the other 3.
  By Jens figures she is almost 2 years old.When she came to us she only 
weighed 5 pounds.Now she is almost 9 pounds.
  I will go make a photo album and send you wonderful people the link.
  Sherry (Proud new momma to a beautiful baby girl) :)

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Oh Sherry I'm so pleased to read VitterVits is home with you!!  The feeling 
of wanting to take every single furry friend home must be enormous given your 
volunteer work, if this girl had that great a pull on your heart, I'm positive 
you did the right thing in bringing her home.  I can't wait to see the 
pictures!  Thank you so much for the good news.  Let us know how her 
acclimation goes.  I'm imagining her surrounded by her newly acquired harem of 
boy cats.  You fellows behave respectfully with your new sister!  How old is 
she again?

Sherry DeHaan wrote: So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby 
girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home 
and her new brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but 
nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
  Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about 
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took 
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
  I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
  Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
what you do not know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys." 
--Chief Dan George

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to 
protection by man from the cruelty of man The greatness of a nation and its 
moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas 
Gandhi (1869-1948)
Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Nina,yes I have been wanting this girl ever since she arrived at Sids.She had 
been there for just over a year.I missed out on soo much time with her.But I 
will make up for it.she jumped up on the bed with me last night and had the 
BIGGEST purr and she was talking to me.I just started crying(I know I am a BIG 
baby) :) At least it was tears of joy for once! Right now she is terrorizing my 
fish. :)
  I feel soo bad for my boy CousCous,I think his feelings are hurt.He is my 
sweetest and most friendly baby when it comes to newbies.Well my little girl 
keeps grumbling at him.And he REALLY wants to give her kisses.I'm sure it will 
happen soon.she doesn't seem to be bothered much by the other 3.
  By Jens figures she is almost 2 years old.When she came to us she only 
weighed 5 pounds.Now she is almost 9 pounds.
  I will go make a photo album and send you wonderful people the link.
  Sherry (Proud new momma to a beautiful baby girl) :)

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Oh Sherry I'm so pleased to read VitterVits is home with you!!  The feeling 
of wanting to take every single furry friend home must be enormous given your 
volunteer work, if this girl had that great a pull on your heart, I'm positive 
you did the right thing in bringing her home.  I can't wait to see the 
pictures!  Thank you so much for the good news.  Let us know how her 
acclimation goes.  I'm imagining her surrounded by her newly acquired harem of 
boy cats.  You fellows behave respectfully with your new sister!  How old is 
she again?

Sherry DeHaan wrote: So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby 
girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home 
and her new brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but 
nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
  Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about 
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took 
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
  I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
  Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

RE: new addition to the family

2007-04-20 Thread Melissa Lind
Hi Jeni,

Bless you for taking another! Meer and my Cassidy would get along great!
He's living in my office--never thought about the bathroom :). But, I
completely understand about husbands. Mine is very tolerant, as I'm sure
yours must be, but I have one foster in the office and 2 in the garage, um,
his garage. Then we have 3 of our own! So, I'd love to take your kittens,
but his back is close to breaking! Luckily he's been working a lot lately,
and just sleeps at home. Soon he'll want to use his "man cave" (garage).
Best of luck finding homes for the new ones!


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:10 PM
Subject: new addition to the family 

I just wanted to write and thank everyone for thier kind words about 
Hillman's passing and also wanted to say sorry to anyone that has lost a 
baby in the last few weeks.

After we lost Hillman a few weeks ago, I wasn't on the search to find 
another feluk, but what do you know I just brought another one home.  His 
name is Meer (means chief in hindu (i think hindu)) and he is a beautiful 
big black and white male.  He was pulled from a city shelter and we found 
out he was feluk positive and now he is home with me.  He is on a few meds, 
for his cold and eye fun fun.  Hopefully the girls, will 
like him when they get a formally introduction.  Poor guy has to live in my 
bathroom right now.
And now on to a plea
I might have to find homes for possibly 4 kittens, right now they are only 
three weeks old but only one tested positive on the snap and IFA and needs a

home.  I am willing to foster until 8 weeks old, but can not keep...she is 
really really cute...tabby and white.  The other three her litter mates did 
not test positive on the snap and so are going to be re-tested in july and 
hopefully they do not test positive, but if they do then they will need 
homes too.  Anyone out there want to help...willing to travel and will 
supply food and liter box and carrier.  If need a longer fostering then I 
can do that, but not too long.  My husband has been a saint, but I think the

cat I just brought in, will be the cat that broke the camels back (my 
husband's back) and I can not keep another one.  Please help, I know it's 
easier to adopt out babies then adults.  In the new york area...please email

me with any questions or suggestions!
Thank you
Nookie, Cree and Meer

Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office 

RE: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Melissa Lind
Congratulations Sherry! Snuggles to the new one! What's her name? Melissa



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:13 PM
To: Felvtalk
Subject: Genevieve( VitterVits)


So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far they
are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home and her new brothers
are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing severe.I sure
hope I did the right thing.

Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)

I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.

Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies



Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new
at Yahoo! Autos. 

RE: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Melissa Lind
Okay, I'm stupid-not enough coffee to start my brain today-Genevieve-that's
one of my favorite names! I've even considered that for my future human
kids. Best wishes for little Gennie! Melissa



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Melissa Lind
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: Genevieve( VitterVits)


Congratulations Sherry! Snuggles to the new one! What's her name? Melissa



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:13 PM
To: Felvtalk
Subject: Genevieve( VitterVits)


So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far they
are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home and her new brothers
are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing severe.I sure
hope I did the right thing.

Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)

I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.

Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies



Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new
at Yahoo! Autos. 

RE: [feline-hyperT] OT:Natural Balance-Melamine

2007-04-20 Thread Melissa Lind
Hi Patti and the gang! 


I hope everything is going better for you guys! I can't offer much advice
since I've been feeding the same thing to these guys with no problems
(Science Diet C/D Multicare Dry). But, it's scary considering that canned
food has been recalled by Hill's. I can't feed my cats canned food since
Bandit ultimately vomits it up. Anything too rich or too new or too exciting
makes him chuck. He's also the one with the urinary tract problems, so I
just give them all C/D since it's impossible to feed them separately. Since
I'm new to the pet health thing, I'm probably doing something wrong. You all
seem to know much more about what to feed your pets than I do. The vet said
it was okay to feed them all C/D, so I am. 


But, I think I'll try cooking for them occasionally. One of my babies will
not eat "people" food, but the others would be delighted. 


Patti-hang in there! I know it's frightening not being able to control a
situation-I'm a control freak, so I understand! My only advice (since I'm
not an expert on feline health!) is meditational breathing! :-) It won't
give you the answers, but it might give you peace amongst the chaos. In
fact, I'd better get back on the yoga track myself! I've been having daily
freak outs as well! You're not alone! But, seriously, yoga/meditation really
is a great way to calm down and deal with the things we can't deal with. If
that makes any sense.


Hugs and calm vibes,




Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [feline-hyperT] OT:Natural Balance-Melamine


No replys???

I'm going crazy and w ALL  OTHER major "PROBLEMS, I certainly don't need
any more.

I'm on the"brink" and that's putting it"mildly".

My babies are my life, the entire reason I'm still here NO DOUBT,

And, when I "thought" I was giving them the best... Now I am just not too
sure.  And I "researched", lot of good that did, huh?

You just never know..

Just had to vent and ask [please, please, please], for someone - anyone, to

This whole recall is driving all  of us nuts, I DO understand,

But w/ being a [multi] cat/dog "Mom", I am going over the edge. And
that's NOT a good thing. (Have enough other problems, don't need anymore
- for sure.)

My babies keep me going..And I need that desperately. (It's just about a
year & NO improvement.  Probably getting worseAnd, it seems all my MANY
Dr.s have given up.0h, I do try to "think positive - NOT EASY!!!

Once again, I apologize for venting...



Patti & her gang (My life, my love muffins)



See what's free at  . 

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Marissa,didn't the link work? THe albums are on the side and you need to click 
on the Genevieve album

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Congratulations proud mama!!!  :) 
 I can't wait to see her pics (though I didn't see them in the albums you sent. 
 :(  ).  She's lucky to have such a great mom...and once all her brothers come 
around she'll be lucky to have them too.  :)
  Hugs, head butts, and ear scritchies!  
  MJ, Mousers, and Angel Slinky =^..^=

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nina,yes I have been wanting this girl ever since she arrived at Sids.She 
had been there for just over a year.I missed out on soo much time with her.But 
I will make up for it.she jumped up on the bed with me last night and had the 
BIGGEST purr and she was talking to me.I just started crying(I know I am a BIG 
baby) :) At least it was tears of joy for once! Right now she is terrorizing my 
fish. :)
  I feel soo bad for my boy CousCous,I think his feelings are hurt.He is my 
sweetest and most friendly baby when it comes to newbies.Well my little girl 
keeps grumbling at him.And he REALLY wants to give her kisses.I'm sure it will 
happen soon.she doesn't seem to be bothered much by the other 3.
  By Jens figures she is almost 2 years old.When she came to us she only 
weighed 5 pounds.Now she is almost 9 pounds.
  I will go make a photo album and send you wonderful people the link.
  Sherry (Proud new momma to a beautiful baby girl) :)

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Oh Sherry I'm so pleased to read VitterVits is home with you!!  The feeling 
of wanting to take every single furry friend home must be enormous given your 
volunteer work, if this girl had that great a pull on your heart, I'm positive 
you did the right thing in bringing her home.  I can't wait to see the 
pictures!  Thank you so much for the good news.  Let us know how her 
acclimation goes.  I'm imagining her surrounded by her newly acquired harem of 
boy cats.  You fellows behave respectfully with your new sister!  How old is 
she again?

Sherry DeHaan wrote: So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby 
girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home 
and her new brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but 
nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
  Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about 
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took 
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
  I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
  Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
what you do not know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys." 
--Chief Dan George

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to 
protection by man from the cruelty of man The greatness of a nation and its 
moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas 
Gandhi (1869-1948)
  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: [feline-hyperT] OT:Natural Balance-Melamine

2007-04-20 Thread cindy reasoner
Patti, please don't feel like you are alone.  I get
upset too.  I get so mad that what we are feeding our
babies might poison them.  I have several cats and 2
dogs.  Many are on different diets so it seems like I
am constantly rechecking labels when something new
comes out.  I just switched the dogs to California
Natural I hope it is O.K.  I am like you I do research
and try to find a good safe food but now days who
knows! I am having a problem with getting the cats to
eat anything new.  I am going to just continue feeding
them what I have because so far nobody seems like they
are sick.  I am keeping my fingers crossed. I worry
about all the food that I am feeding. I know how
upsetting it is but please know that everybody knows
how you feel.  Hang in there.

Cindy Reasoner

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> No replys???
> I'm going crazy and w ALL  OTHER major "PROBLEMS, I 
> certainly don't need  
> any more.
> I'm on the"brink" and that's putting it
> "mildly".
> My babies are my life, the entire reason I'm still
> here NO DOUBT,  
> whatsoever.
> And, when I "thought" I was giving them the best...
> Now I am just  not too 
> sure.  And I "researched", lot of good that did,
> huh?
> You just never know..
> Just had to vent and ask [please, please, please],
> for someone - anyone, to  
> respond.
> This whole recall is driving all  of us nuts, I DO
> understand,
> But w/ being a [multi] cat/dog "Mom", I am going
> over the edge.  And 
> that's NOT a good thing. (Have enough  other
> problems, don't need anymore - 
> for sure.)
> My babies keep me going..And I need that
> desperately. (It's just about  a 
> year & NO improvement.  Probably getting
> worseAnd, it seems all  my MANY 
> Dr.s have given up.0h, I do try to "think
> positive - NOT  EASY!!!
> Once again, I apologize for venting...
> Hugs 
> Patti & her gang (My life, my love muffins)
> ** See what's
> free at

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Stitch - Questions!

2007-04-20 Thread Joe Reil
Stitch devoured the Turducken, I guess the name didn't
throw her off so much.

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> guys are so damn funny!!!  thanks for
> the laugh.  turducken cracks me up!  
> --- Joe Reil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The other thing with the Merrick's is, at least
> > among
> > the 6 or 7 flavors they had available at my pet
> > store,
> > about half of them contained some sort of
> shellfish
> > (Crab, Crawfish or Lobster).
> > 
> > My wife is severely allergic to shellfish and we
> > don't
> > bring any into the house, so that ruled out about
> > half
> > of what they had available right up front.
> > 
> > Stitch seems to like the Pot Pie variety, trying
> > something else tonight...
> > 
> > 
> > > Mine like the merrick, but prefer certain
> flavors.
> > > Favs are Grammy's Pot Pie and
> > > Southern Delight. They seem to NOT like the
> > > Turducken as much... but then would I
> > > like something with the word "turd" in it's name
> > > either? LOL!
> > > 
> > > Phaewryn
> > > 
> > >
> > > Special Needs Cat Resources

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FELV+ Siamese: NJ....ASAP Needs Home!

2007-04-20 Thread TatorBunz
Tai Chi (FELV+) was apparently a breeder cat that was tossed 
outside.  He is sweet, but most comfortable in his cage. He was 
trapped after being  spotted for months behind a church...when the 
woman feeding him suspected  that the neighbors were trying to poison him.

Tai Chi likes to be picked  up and cuddled on the couch. He rolls all 
over for belly rubs and purrs  alot! He has progressed well in foster 
care, but needs a family of his  own.

Tai Chi is a seal point siamese, about 2 yrs old, with a few dashes  
of WHITE in his tail. He would like a quiet home, where he can hide 
for  a while until he is comfortable.
He tested FELV positive but is healthy. He  likes other cats! He is a 
skittish, but, I do not believe he was stay that  way!

Tai Chi is currently living in a large cage in my living room...but  
he is ready for a larger space...which I do not have available. He 
needs  a home...or a FOSTER home, please.
Contact Jen A. at  mailto: 
or 856 845 8554, box 1. THANK YOU. Located in Woodbury, 

-Jen A., FFRV Volunteer
THESE HOMELESS PETS NEED YOU!!! Go to:  ffrv.petfinder.THE

Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:
_ ( 




_ ( 


_ ( 

** See what's free at

To Chris: RE: [feline-hyperT] OT: Tainted Pet Food-Interesting info. on howmelamine works

2007-04-20 Thread wendy
Hey Chris,

I don't see any links on this particular post.  I did
a search on melamine, and got a link to wikipedia,
which seconds some of the info. on that post, although
I'm not sure that wikipedia is the best source as I
think anyone can add/edit info.

Here's a REALLY scientific pdf. on the stuff:

Hope this info helps!

--- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sounds like the person on that board has tried to
> explain this before.  Do
> they cite any ref links or anything--I'd really like
> to understand this a
> bit better.
> Chris
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of wendy
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: [feline-hyperT] OT: Tainted Pet
> Food-Interesting info. on
> howmelamine works
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change
> the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever
> has!" ~~~ Margaret
> Meade ~~~
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: To Chris: RE: [feline-hyperT] OT: Tainted Pet Food-Interesting info.on howmelamine works

2007-04-20 Thread Chris
Many thanks--the post had an interesting theory about this melamine stuff
and maybe it really does explain why it got in the food to begin with!

Christiane Biagi
Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)
Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 2:44 PM
Subject: To Chris: RE: [feline-hyperT] OT: Tainted Pet Food-Interesting
info.on howmelamine works

Hey Chris,

I don't see any links on this particular post.  I did
a search on melamine, and got a link to wikipedia,
which seconds some of the info. on that post, although
I'm not sure that wikipedia is the best source as I
think anyone can add/edit info.

Here's a REALLY scientific pdf. on the stuff:

Hope this info helps!

--- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sounds like the person on that board has tried to
> explain this before.  Do
> they cite any ref links or anything--I'd really like
> to understand this a
> bit better.
> Chris
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of wendy
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: [feline-hyperT] OT: Tainted Pet
> Food-Interesting info. on
> howmelamine works
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change
> the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever
> has!" ~~~ Margaret
> Meade ~~~
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret
Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread wendy

So happy to hear about the new addition to your furry
family!  She is SO lucky to have you!!!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

new to the group

2007-04-20 Thread MarieG
Hello everyone,
  My male cat who is three years old has just been dx with leukemia. The vet 
said all we can do at this point is try to make him feel better. He apparently 
has been born with it even though he tested negative. My other cat tested 
negative. They are indoor cats. He's eating a little.  I'm new to all of this 
and don't know what to expect. I hope he has a chance of getting better. His 
gums are just starting to get paler. The good thing is he has been coming out 
of the cabinents. 

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

RE: new to the group

2007-04-20 Thread Melissa Lind
Welcome Mary. 


I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. What's his name? I'm new here as well,
but I've found that these people are very knowledgeable and caring. They all
know what it's like, what to expect, and they'll help you. My vet
recommended that I put my FeLV rescue down even though he has no symptoms
and only tested positive on the Elisa test. He's still awaiting the IFA
results to confirm. I came here and realized that there is so much more a
person can do for and FeLV kitty. Although the people on this group are not
vets, they have had many diverse experiences that can really help you think
about all your options and what to discuss with your vet. Best wishes to you
in this sad time.





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MarieG
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: new to the group


Hello everyone,



My male cat who is three years old has just been dx with leukemia. The vet
said all we can do at this point is try to make him feel better. He
apparently has been born with it even though he tested negative. My other
cat tested negative. They are indoor cats. He's eating a little.  I'm new to
all of this and don't know what to expect. I hope he has a chance of getting
better. His gums are just starting to get paler. The good thing is he has
been coming out of the cabinents. 



wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new
at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Lance Linimon

Hi Sherry,

I couldn't find a Genevieve album, but you have a some really sweet  
and neat kitties there.


P.S. I tried Firefox and Safari, but no luck with either.

On Apr 20, 2007, at 10:26 AM, Sherry DeHaan wrote:

Marissa,didn't the link work? THe albums are on the side and you  
need to click on the Genevieve album

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Congratulations proud mama!!!  :)  I can't wait to see her pics  
(though I didn't see them in the albums you sent.  :(  ).  She's  
lucky to have such a great mom...and once all her brothers come  
around she'll be lucky to have them too.  :)

Hugs, head butts, and ear scritchies!

MJ, Mousers, and Angel Slinky =^..^=

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nina,yes I have been wanting this girl ever since she arrived at  
Sids.She had been there for just over a year.I missed out on soo  
much time with her.But I will make up for it.she jumped up on the  
bed with me last night and had the BIGGEST purr and she was talking  
to me.I just started crying(I know I am a BIG baby) :) At least it  
was tears of joy for once! Right now she is terrorizing my fish. :)
I feel soo bad for my boy CousCous,I think his feelings are hurt.He  
is my sweetest and most friendly baby when it comes to newbies.Well  
my little girl keeps grumbling at him.And he REALLY wants to give  
her kisses.I'm sure it will happen soon.she doesn't seem to be  
bothered much by the other 3.
By Jens figures she is almost 2 years old.When she came to us she  
only weighed 5 pounds.Now she is almost 9 pounds.

I will go make a photo album and send you wonderful people the link.
Sherry (Proud new momma to a beautiful baby girl) :)

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh Sherry I'm so pleased to read VitterVits is home with you!!  The  
feeling of wanting to take every single furry friend home must be  
enormous given your volunteer work, if this girl had that great a  
pull on your heart, I'm positive you did the right thing in  
bringing her home.  I can't wait to see the pictures!  Thank you so  
much for the good news.  Let us know how her acclimation goes.  I'm  
imagining her surrounded by her newly acquired harem of boy cats.   
You fellows behave respectfully with your new sister!  How old is  
she again?


Sherry DeHaan wrote:
So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So  
far they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home  
and her new brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the  
hissing but nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail  
about someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to  
make sure I took her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)

I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and
what you do not know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys."
--Chief Dan George

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is  
to protection by man from the cruelty of man The greatness of a  
nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals  
are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Ember update

2007-04-20 Thread Lance

First, thank you Nina and Wendy for your thoughts on the VO situation.

Ember had an appt. today, and we got some disappointing results.  
She's lost 7/10ths of a pound since her last visit in February. I  
think some of that can be attributed to my switching foods and some  
schedule changes. Hopefully, there isn't anything serious causing  
that particular issue. Unfortunately, her WBC is down again to 4.7  
from 5.5 two months ago. Fortunately, she is not anemic this time.  
Her RBC is still hanging at the mid-normal point (I think it was 36.2  
or 36.5).

I'm fairly certain that we'll be ordering the VO soon, since there is  
a symptom (low WBC). Does anyone happen to know a vet who has had  
lots of experience with VO and immune system issues, including FeLV?  
I'd like to set up a consult call with someone knowledgeable of the  
road we're preparing to take.


Re: new to the group- Mary

2007-04-20 Thread Nina
Hi Mary and welcome.  We need more information about exactly what is 
going on with your kitty, (what's his name?).  It sounds like it may be 
anemia, (pale gums).  The thing to keep in mind is that felv does not 
make them sick in and of itself.  Felv damages the immune response and 
leaves them susceptible to other illness and cancers.  I don't know what 
condition your baby is in, if he's still eating and participating in 
household activities, that's a good sign.  You're vet may be right in 
that there is nothing more you can do, but a great many vets do not have 
much experience with felv so they don't know that treating the specific 
illness that presents itself can and does restore our guys to health and 
longer life.  What has your vet done so far in diagnosing your kitty's 
illness, (besides run the test for felv)?  Depending on the underlying 
reason for the anemia, there are different treatments, (the same 
treatments that would be done for any cat with a particular anemic 
reaction).   Did your vet run a blood panel?  Did he test for 
Hemobartenella?  Whatever is going on, I am highly doubtful that there 
isn't more you can do than "make him comfortable".

Tell us more, we're here to help and support you in any way we can,

MarieG wrote:

Hello everyone,
My male cat who is three years old has just been dx with leukemia. The 
vet said all we can do at this point is try to make him feel better. 
He apparently has been born with it even though he tested negative. My 
other cat tested negative. They are indoor cats. He's eating a 
little.  I'm new to all of this and don't know what to expect. I hope 
he has a chance of getting better. His gums are just starting to get 
paler. The good thing is he has been coming out of the cabinents.

*/wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread elizabeth trent

What is her name?  Looking forward to pictures. Give that sweet baby a kiss
from me :0)


On 4/19/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far
they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home and her new
brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing
severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I
took her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! 

Re: Ember update

2007-04-20 Thread Nina

All my prayers and good wishes that whatever is causing Ember's weight 
loss and lowered wbc is transitory and that she continues to be her 
perfect little self in every way.

I really respect my Internist and her office did help me get my VO, but 
I don't think I'd call them experts on it's use. They were the ones that 
made up the vet info package for the FDA dispensation, so I know they 
are willing to help other vets. You or your vet's office could contact 
my vet's liaison, Michelle Rose, at Veterinary Medical and Surgical 
Group in Ventura CA (805-339-2290) and see if they can help.


Lance wrote:

First, thank you Nina and Wendy for your thoughts on the VO situation.

Ember had an appt. today, and we got some disappointing results. She's 
lost 7/10ths of a pound since her last visit in February. I think some 
of that can be attributed to my switching foods and some schedule 
changes. Hopefully, there isn't anything serious causing that 
particular issue. Unfortunately, her WBC is down again to 4.7 from 5.5 
two months ago. Fortunately, she is not anemic this time. Her RBC is 
still hanging at the mid-normal point (I think it was 36.2 or 36.5).

I'm fairly certain that we'll be ordering the VO soon, since there is 
a symptom (low WBC). Does anyone happen to know a vet who has had lots 
of experience with VO and immune system issues, including FeLV? I'd 
like to set up a consult call with someone knowledgeable of the road 
we're preparing to take.


recall info: this just in...... hearing on tuesday

2007-04-20 Thread TenHouseCats

Can the FDA Assure the Safety and Security of the Nations Food Supply?
will be the topic of a meeting of the House Committee on Energy and
Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Tuesday, April 24 at
9:30 am EST.

ChemNutra CEO Steve Miller is scheduled to testify at the meeting.
ChemNutra is the distributor that sold melamine-laced wheat gluten to Menu
Foods and other companies.

A live webcast of the meeting should be available here:

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Fwd: an interesting, DIFFERENT take on the recall....

2007-04-20 Thread MaryChristine

this is from VIN, with info from responses that member veterinarians have
submitted to them. nothing really new, tho they are brave enough to admit
that no one really has a clue what's going on or where this will end.


Spay and Neuter Your Neighbors

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Elizabeth her name is Genevieve but I call her VitterVits,Tender Vittles,Vitty 
Vitty VooVoo,abd sometimes little one.
  I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as private 
instead of public.Sorry

elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is her name?  Looking forward to pictures. Give that sweet baby a kiss 
from me :0)

  On 4/19/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So I did it,I 
brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty 
good.She is checking out her new home and her new brothers are checking her 
out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right 
  Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about 
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took 
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
  I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
  Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.   

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

View my photos on Yahoo! Photos

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry W

Sherry W
has invited you to view photos on Yahoo! Photos (20 photos).

Sherry W has sent some photos to you!

If you can't see the button above, use this link:"">
Note: This email invitation will expire after 90 days.

View my photos on Yahoo! Photos

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry W

Sherry W
has invited you to view photos on Yahoo! Photos (20 photos).

Sherry W has sent some photos to you!

If you can't see the button above, use this link:"">
Note: This email invitation will expire after 90 days.

Re: Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Nina
OMG STOP IT!  She's just too precious for words!  Long life, health and 
happiness to Vitty Vitty Voo Voo!  Really, I can't stand it, she's just 
too cute.


Sherry DeHaan wrote:
Elizabeth her name is Genevieve but I call her VitterVits,Tender 
Vittles,Vitty Vitty VooVoo,abd sometimes little one.
I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as 
private instead of public.Sorry


RE: new addition to the family

2007-04-20 Thread JENI RECA

Hi Melissa,
Thank you for your well wishes and the luck,  I think I am going to need it. 
 No responses so far, so I am going to send out a dire plea and hopefully 
there is someone out there that can take her at least.  Good luck with your 
own kitties, and with the husband!  Of course if you know of anyone that 
would love a sweet kitten, please send on my info!

Thanks again
Good luck yourself!

From: "Melissa Lind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: new addition to the family
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:30:27 -0500

Hi Jeni,

Bless you for taking another! Meer and my Cassidy would get along great!
He's living in my office--never thought about the bathroom :). But, I
completely understand about husbands. Mine is very tolerant, as I'm sure
yours must be, but I have one foster in the office and 2 in the garage, um,
his garage. Then we have 3 of our own! So, I'd love to take your kittens,
but his back is close to breaking! Luckily he's been working a lot lately,
and just sleeps at home. Soon he'll want to use his "man cave" (garage).
Best of luck finding homes for the new ones!


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:10 PM
Subject: new addition to the family

I just wanted to write and thank everyone for thier kind words about
Hillman's passing and also wanted to say sorry to anyone that has lost a
baby in the last few weeks.

After we lost Hillman a few weeks ago, I wasn't on the search to find
another feluk, but what do you know I just brought another one home.  His
name is Meer (means chief in hindu (i think hindu)) and he is a beautiful
big black and white male.  He was pulled from a city shelter and we found
out he was feluk positive and now he is home with me.  He is on a few meds,
for his cold and eye fun fun.  Hopefully the girls, will
like him when they get a formally introduction.  Poor guy has to live in my
bathroom right now.
And now on to a plea
I might have to find homes for possibly 4 kittens, right now they are only
three weeks old but only one tested positive on the snap and IFA and needs a

home.  I am willing to foster until 8 weeks old, but can not keep...she is
really really cute...tabby and white.  The other three her litter mates did
not test positive on the snap and so are going to be re-tested in july and
hopefully they do not test positive, but if they do then they will need
homes too.  Anyone out there want to help...willing to travel and will
supply food and liter box and carrier.  If need a longer fostering then I
can do that, but not too long.  My husband has been a saint, but I think the

cat I just brought in, will be the cat that broke the camels back (my
husband's back) and I can not keep another one.  Please help, I know it's
easier to adopt out babies then adults.  In the new york area...please email

me with any questions or suggestions!
Thank you
Nookie, Cree and Meer

Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office

MSN is giving away a trip to Vegas to see Elton John.  Enter to win today.

feluk positive kitten in need of home or will be pts!

2007-04-20 Thread JENI RECA

I am sending out another plea for this kitten...three weeks old, tabby and 
white female who has no mommy and tested positive for feluk on elisa and 
IFA.  I can foster until 8 weeks and get her spayed and UTD on vaxes, will 
come with litterbox, carrier and supply of food.  I can not keep her I need 
a definite home for her or she will have to be put to sleep
(i know it sounds so horrible that I will not keep her, but I can't, and I 
think a lot of you can relate, space, money and husbands.  i just brought in 
a 1.6 year old male that has feluk with a very bad cold and I already have 
two other feluks at home, my husband doesnt want anymore and hasnt found out 
about the last one yet... he is away at a wedding)
NEED a home for this sweet cutie pie.  Willing to travel...I am in the new 
york area...please email me!!!  Please email me with suggestions (and not 
"get rid of the husband" !!) or any information would be greatly 

thank you in advance for any help!

Need a break? Find your escape route with Live Search Maps.

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Marissa Johnson
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BABY  Glad she's got such a great home!

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Elizabeth her name is Genevieve but 
I call her VitterVits,Tender Vittles,Vitty Vitty VooVoo,abd sometimes little 
  I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as private 
instead of public.Sorry

elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is her name?  Looking forward to pictures. Give that sweet baby a kiss 
from me :0)

  On 4/19/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So I did it,I 
brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty 
good.She is checking out her new home and her new brothers are checking her 
out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right 
  Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about 
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took 
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
  I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
  Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.   

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
what you do not know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys." 
--Chief Dan George

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to 
protection by man from the cruelty of man The greatness of a nation and its 
moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas 
Gandhi (1869-1948)
Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Nina you crack me up!! THanks for the compliments on my cute little girl.I 
think she looks like a little EWOK. :)

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  OMG STOP IT! She's just too precious for 
words! Long life, health and 
happiness to Vitty Vitty Voo Voo! Really, I can't stand it, she's just 
too cute.

Sherry DeHaan wrote:
> Elizabeth her name is Genevieve but I call her VitterVits,Tender 
> Vittles,Vitty Vitty VooVoo,abd sometimes little one.
> I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as 
> private instead of public.Sorry
> Sherry

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread TenHouseCats

and you resisted her a whole year??

she's exquisite!  thinking that it's only a little over an hour to
grand rapids, there's carriers in the cars..)

(and scariest of all, perhaps, is that when i went down to TX to bring back
19 FeLVs to another sanctuary in MI, one of the 10 negatives that journeyed
with us was a little blue-cream coonie-mix with a bad rear-leg sleeping
behind me right now. her name? genevieve, or vivi..)

On 4/20/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Elizabeth her name is Genevieve but I call her VitterVits,Tender
Vittles,Vitty Vitty VooVoo,abd sometimes little one.
I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as private
instead of public.Sorry

*elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

What is her name?  Looking forward to pictures. Give that sweet baby a
kiss from me :0)


On 4/19/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far
> they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home and her new
> brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing
> severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
> Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about
> someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I
> took her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
> I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
> Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies
>  --
> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
> Check out new cars at Yahoo! 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! 

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: new addition to the family

2007-04-20 Thread TenHouseCats

i just sent you some info, jeni.

remember, folks, there isn't always a reason to respond on the list to every
post--if you just want to chat, you can contact people directly!


On 4/20/07, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Melissa,
Thank you for your well wishes and the luck,  I think I am going to need
  No responses so far, so I am going to send out a dire plea and hopefully
there is someone out there that can take her at least.  Good luck with
own kitties, and with the husband!  Of course if you know of anyone that
would love a sweet kitten, please send on my info!
Thanks again
Good luck yourself!

From: "Melissa Lind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: new addition to the family
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:30:27 -0500

Hi Jeni,

Bless you for taking another! Meer and my Cassidy would get along great!
He's living in my office--never thought about the bathroom :). But, I
completely understand about husbands. Mine is very tolerant, as I'm sure
yours must be, but I have one foster in the office and 2 in the garage,
his garage. Then we have 3 of our own! So, I'd love to take your kittens,
but his back is close to breaking! Luckily he's been working a lot lately,
and just sleeps at home. Soon he'll want to use his "man cave" (garage).
Best of luck finding homes for the new ones!


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:10 PM
Subject: new addition to the family

I just wanted to write and thank everyone for thier kind words about
Hillman's passing and also wanted to say sorry to anyone that has lost a
baby in the last few weeks.

After we lost Hillman a few weeks ago, I wasn't on the search to find
another feluk, but what do you know I just brought another one home.  His
name is Meer (means chief in hindu (i think hindu)) and he is a beautiful
big black and white male.  He was pulled from a city shelter and we found
out he was feluk positive and now he is home with me.  He is on a few
for his cold and eye fun fun.  Hopefully the girls, will
like him when they get a formally introduction.  Poor guy has to live in
bathroom right now.
And now on to a plea
I might have to find homes for possibly 4 kittens, right now they are only
three weeks old but only one tested positive on the snap and IFA and needs

home.  I am willing to foster until 8 weeks old, but can not keep...she is
really really cute...tabby and white.  The other three her litter mates
not test positive on the snap and so are going to be re-tested in july and
hopefully they do not test positive, but if they do then they will need
homes too.  Anyone out there want to help...willing to travel and will
supply food and liter box and carrier.  If need a longer fostering then I
can do that, but not too long.  My husband has been a saint, but I think

cat I just brought in, will be the cat that broke the camels back (my
husband's back) and I can not keep another one.  Please help, I know it's
easier to adopt out babies then adults.  In the new york area...please

me with any questions or suggestions!
Thank you
Nookie, Cree and Meer

Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office

MSN is giving away a trip to Vegas to see Elton John. Enter to win today.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread Sherry DeHaan
You have a kitty named Genevieve too and call her vivi?

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  and you resisted her a whole 

she's exquisite!  thinking that it's only a little over an hour to 
grand rapids, there's carriers in the cars..)

(and scariest of all, perhaps, is that when i went down to TX to bring back 19 
FeLVs to another sanctuary in MI, one of the 10 negatives that journeyed with 
us was a little blue-cream coonie-mix with a bad rear-leg sleeping behind me 
right now. her name? genevieve, or vivi..) 

  On 4/20/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Elizabeth her name is 
Genevieve but I call her VitterVits,Tender Vittles,Vitty Vitty VooVoo,abd 
sometimes little one.
  I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as private 
instead of public.Sorry 

elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

  What is her name?  Looking forward to pictures. Give that sweet baby a 
kiss from me :0) 

  On 4/19/07, Sherry DeHaan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So I did it,I 
brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty 
good.She is checking out her new home and her new brothers are checking her 
out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right 
  Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about 
someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took 
her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
  I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
  Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.   

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.   

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: Genevieve( VitterVits)

2007-04-20 Thread TenHouseCats


as i said, scary, eh? i'll find a photo and send it.

On 4/20/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You have a kitty named Genevieve too and call her vivi?

*TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

and you resisted her a whole year??

she's exquisite!  thinking that it's only a little over an hour to
grand rapids, there's carriers in the cars..)

(and scariest of all, perhaps, is that when i went down to TX to bring
back 19 FeLVs to another sanctuary in MI, one of the 10 negatives that
journeyed with us was a little blue-cream coonie-mix with a bad rear-leg
sleeping behind me right now. her name? genevieve, or vivi..)

On 4/20/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Elizabeth her name is Genevieve but I call her VitterVits,Tender
> Vittles,Vitty Vitty VooVoo,abd sometimes little one.
> I sent a new e-mail so everyone can view her pics.I had it set as
> private instead of public.Sorry
> Sherry
> *elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >* wrote:
> What is her name?  Looking forward to pictures. Give that sweet baby a
> kiss from me :0)
> elizabeth
> On 4/19/07, Sherry DeHaan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far
> > they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home and
> > her new brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but
> > nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right thing.
> > Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail
> > about someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make
> > sure I took her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
> > I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
> > Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies
> >  --
> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
> > Check out new cars at Yahoo! 
> >
>  --
> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
> Check out new cars at Yahoo! 

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! 

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: View my photos on Yahoo! Photos

2007-04-20 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Sherry, she is exquisite!  Thanks.
Diane R.


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Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 7:24 PM
Subject: View my photos on Yahoo! Photos

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OT - homemade dog food recipes

2007-04-20 Thread Nina

I know this is ot, but since so many people are looking for recipes...

I was turned on to this dog nutritionist's website by someone I trust 
There's a lot of good info there and she also sent out 2 recipes for 
homemade dog food with the stipulation that they are only intended to be 
used while you do your research and find the right recipe for your 
particular dog's long term needs.  If you are interested, email me off 
list and I'll send them to you.
