Sammy's fever is 106!

2007-08-07 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Well, Sammy went back to the Nice Ladies at Animal 911 because when I  
took his temperature this evening it was 106.  He had been hiding  
yesterday morning and then staying in my mom's room and not following  
me and/or his brothers around all day.  So he's staying the night and  
I'll pick him up for another blood transfusion at Animal Emergency in  
5-1/2 hours.  I just got home from Animal 911.  Little one needs  

Nitie Nite,


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

Re: Sammy's fever is 106!

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
My thought and prayers are with Sammy.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 AM
  Subject: Sammy's fever is 106!

  Well, Sammy went back to the Nice Ladies at Animal 911 because when I took 
his temperature this evening it was 106.  He had been hiding yesterday morning 
and then staying in my mom's room and not following me and/or his brothers 
around all day.  So he's staying the night and I'll pick him up for another 
blood transfusion at Animal Emergency in 5-1/2 hours.  I just got home from 
Animal 911.  Little one needs prayers.   

  Nitie Nite,


  "Consciousness is Causal 
   and Physicality is its

Power of interferon: OT

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective 
interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV treatment) 
for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties have severe or mild 
URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly because I don't want 
it to develop something more serious like FIP as I noticed that many times, 
URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my FIP cases.

Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he received 
3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway, since yesterday, 
he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge from his nose 
which would not stop running.  He did not act ill fortunately.. but looking at 
it, I got very scared that reminded me how my Simba who had passed away from 
FIP a couple of months ago started his symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two 
shots of interferon yesterday and today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be 
s clear, which is amazing.  I just wanted to let everyone know in case you 
may have a simiar situation in the future.

good nite,


Fw: Power of interferon: OT

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: Power of interferon: OT

sorry, my Frankie pushed send button of my computer before I was ready to send 
Anyway, my cous cous who is 10 months old has had chrnoic URIs as well (she has 
high gloublin due to corona virus)- and I have given her two shots of feine 
interferon, and her URIs went out right away.

My sister who lives in japan whose young kittens couldn't get rid of their URIs 
and got two shots and URIs went away very quickly as well.

- Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:12 AM
  Subject: Re: Power of interferon: OT

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
Subject: Power of interferon: OT

Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective 
interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV 
treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties have 
severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly 
because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I noticed 
that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my FIP cases.

Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he 
received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway, since 
yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge from 
his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill fortunately.. but 
looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how my Simba who had passed 
away from FIP a couple of months ago started his symptoms.  but anyway, I gave 
him two shots of interferon yesterday and today, and by tonight,, his nose 
seems to be s clear, which is amazing.  I just wanted to let everyone know 
in case you may have a simiar situation in the future.

good nite,


NEW vaccination protocols announced today

2007-08-07 Thread Jane Lyons

This information was released today. Because yearly vaccinations are  
the primary source of income for many
veterinarian practices, and because pharmaceutical companies have  
lobbied against this protocol, this has
been a long time coming. This version is a compromise, but  
nevertheless the danger of over vaccination and

of many vaccines is beginning to be acknowledged.
There are many vets who, prior to this protocol, do not vaccinate for  
Feline Leukemia because of ineffective

results and sometimes lethal consequences.

Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being  adopted by ALL 27 North
American veterinary schools.  I highly  recommend that you read
this.  Copy and save it to your  files.  Print it and pass it out at
dog fairs, cat shows, kennel  club meetings, dog parks, give a copy
to your veterinarian and  groomer, etc.

Get the word out. 


I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in
North America are in the process of changing their  protocols for
vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will  present an
ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be  skeptics.

Some organizations have come up with a political  compromise
suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss
of income vs. those concerned about potential side
effects.  Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being
should not  be a factor in medical decision.

"Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6  months.  If a
modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it
produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet  (ie:
canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper).  If another MLV  vaccine
is given a year later, the antibodies from the first
vaccine  neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is
little or  no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory
cells  induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and
distemper  unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of
allergic  reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.  "There is
no  scientific documentation to back up label claims for
annual  administration of MLV vaccines."  Puppies receive
antibodies  through their mothers milk.  This natural protection can
last  8-14 weeks.

Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at  LESS than 8
weeks.  Maternal immunity will neutralize the  vaccine, and little
protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination  at 6 weeks will,
however, delay the timing of the first highly  effective
vaccine.  Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress  rather than
stimulate the immune system.  A series of  vaccinations is given
starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up  to 16 weeks of
age.  Another vaccination given sometime after 6  months of age
(usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime  immunity.

Distemper & Parvo
"According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA,  8-15-95, when a vaccinations series
given at 2, 3 & 4 months and  again at 1 year with a MLV, puppies and
kitten program memory cells  that survive for life, providing
lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at  Cornell and Dr. Schultz have
studies showing immunity against  challenge at 2-10 years for canine
distemper & 4 years for  parvovirus. Studies for longer duration are
pending.  "There are  no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg. would
like to suggest.   Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunity for
all types."   Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents known to be
a cause of  kennel cough.  Only vaccines with CAV-2 should be used as
CAV-1  vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis blue-eye" reactions &
kidney  damage.

Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel  cough" Recommended
only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog  shows, or for any
reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The  intranasal vaccine
provides more complete and more rapid onset of  immunity with less
chance of reaction.  Immunity requires 72  hours, and does not
protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity  is of short
duration (4 to 6 months).

There  have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats in
Harris,  Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have been
rabid skunks  and bats so the potential exists. It is a killed
vaccine and must be  given every year.

Lyme disease is a tick born disease which can  cause lameness, kidney
failure and heart disease in dogs.  Ticks  can also transmit the
disease to humans. The original Ft. Dodge killed  bacteria has proven
to be the most effective vaccine. Lyme disease  prevention should
emphasize early removal of ticks. Amitraz collars  are more effective
than Top Spot, as amitraz paralyzes the tick's  mouth parts
preventing transmission of disease.

Multiple components in vaccines compete with each  other for the
immune system, and result in lesser immunity

more information on vaccines

2007-08-07 Thread Jane Lyons

The challenge is based on the need to understand exactly how long  
immunity lasts once a rabies vaccine is give - the old data which  
is three or one year is actually a result of the original test  
subjects being put down rather then allowed to live out their life  
span with re-testing to see if the vaccine was still effective over  
time.  Hopefully the challenge will shed light on that question.

It would seem very promising since if a person or pet is immune to  
something they can[t be made "more" immune as the message from Dr.  
Dodds stated - the booster will only be negated by the antibodies  
from first initial shot -

Re-vaccinating when it is not necessary introduces many adjuvants,  
preservatives etc necessary to keep the vaccine material viable  
into the pet - which may have unknown health consequences of their  
own.  A few of these are -

 Freund's (FCA)
 2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE)
 Polymyxin B
  Tween 80

there's more of course, monkey cells human cells etc -
 and has permission to cross post at the top of the letter)

 Please feel free to cross post far and wide:
 Dear Editor

 We, the undersigned, would like to bring to your
 attention our concerns in the light of recent new
 evidence regarding vaccination protocol.

 The American Veterinary Medical Association Committee
 report this year states that 'the one year revaccination
 recommendation frequently found on many vaccination
 labels is based on historical precedent, not scientific data'.

 In JAVMA in 1995, Smith notes that 'there is evidence
 that some vaccines provide immunity beyond one year. In
 fact, according to research there is no proof that many
 of the yearly vaccinations are necessary and that protection
 in many instances may be life long'; also, 'Vaccination is a potent
 medical procedure with both benefits and risks for the patient';
 further that, 'Revaccination of patients with sufficient immunity
 does not add measurably to their disease resistance, and may increase
 their risk of adverse post-vaccination events.'

 Finally, he states that: 'Adverse events may be
 associated with the antigen, adjuvant, carrier, preservative
 or combination thereof. Possible adverse events include failure
 to immunise, anaphylaxis, immunosuppression, autoimmune disorders,
 transient infections and/or long-term infected carrier states.'

 The report of the American Animal Hospital Association
 Canine Vaccine Taskforce in JAAHA (39 March/April 2003)
 is also interesting reading: 'Current knowledge supports
 the statement that no vaccine is always safe, no vaccine is always
 protective and no vaccine is always indicated'; 'Misunderstanding,
 misinformation and the conservative nature of our profession have
 largely slowed adoption of protocols advocating decreased frequency
 of vaccination'; 'Immunological memory provides durations of immunity
 for core infectious diseases that far exceed the traditional
 recommendations for annual vaccination. This is supported
 by a growing body of veterinary information as well as
 well-developed epidemiological vigilance in human
 medicine that indicates immunity induced by vaccination
 is extremely long lasting and, in .most cases, lifelong.'

 Further, the evidence shows that the duration of immunity
 for rabies vaccine, canine distemper vaccine, canine
 parvovirus vaccine, feline panleukopaenia vaccine, feline
 rhinotracheitis and feline calicivurus have all been demonstrated
 to be a minimum of seven years, by serology for rabies and challenge
 studies for all others.

 The veterinary surgeons below fully accept that no single
 achievement has had greater impact on the lives and
 well-being of our patients, our clients and our ability
 to prevent infectious diseases than the developments in annual  

 We, however, fully support the recommendations and guidelines of
 the American Animal Hospitals Association Taskforce, to reduce  

 protocols for dogs and cats such that booster vaccinations are only
 given every three years, and only for core vaccines unless otherwise
 scientifically justified.

 We further suggest that the evidence currently available
 will soon lead to the following facts being accepted:

 * The immune systems of dogs and cats mature fully at six
 months and any modified live virus (MLV) vaccine given
 after that age produces immunity that is good for the
 life of that pet.

 * If another MLV vaccine is given a year later, the
 antibodies from the first vaccine neutralize the antigens
 from the subsequent so there is little or no effect; the
 pet is not 'boosted', nor are more memory cells induced.

 * Not only are annual boo

RE: more information on vaccines

2007-08-07 Thread Chris
This is a bit confusing--look at this site in which Dr. Dodds disavows this


Christiane Biagi


Cell:  914-720-6888



Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)


Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane Lyons
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:54 AM
Subject: more information on vaccines








> The challenge is based on the need to understand exactly how long  

> immunity lasts once a rabies vaccine is give - the old data which  

> is three or one year is actually a result of the original test  

> subjects being put down rather then allowed to live out their life  

> span with re-testing to see if the vaccine was still effective over  

> time.  Hopefully the challenge will shed light on that question.



Re: NEW vaccination protocols announced today

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
A good information, Jane, I will cross post it.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jane Lyons 
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:56 PM
  Subject: NEW vaccination protocols announced today

  This information was released today. Because yearly vaccinations are  
  the primary source of income for many
  veterinarian practices, and because pharmaceutical companies have  
  lobbied against this protocol, this has
  been a long time coming. This version is a compromise, but  
  nevertheless the danger of over vaccination and
  of many vaccines is beginning to be acknowledged.
  There are many vets who, prior to this protocol, do not vaccinate for  
  Feline Leukemia because of ineffective
  results and sometimes lethal consequences.

  > Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being  adopted by ALL 27 North
  > American veterinary schools.  I highly  recommend that you read
  > this.  Copy and save it to your  files.  Print it and pass it out at
  > dog fairs, cat shows, kennel  club meetings, dog parks, give a copy
  > to your veterinarian and  groomer, etc.
  > Get the word out. 
  > I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in
  > North America are in the process of changing their  protocols for
  > vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will  present an
  > ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be  skeptics.
  > Some organizations have come up with a political  compromise
  > suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss
  > of income vs. those concerned about potential side
  > effects.  Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being
  > should not  be a factor in medical decision.
  > "Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6  months.  If a
  > modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it
  > produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet  (ie:
  > canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper).  If another MLV  vaccine
  > is given a year later, the antibodies from the first
  > vaccine  neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is
  > little or  no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory
  > cells  induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and
  > distemper  unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of
  > allergic  reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.  "There is
  > no  scientific documentation to back up label claims for
  > annual  administration of MLV vaccines."  Puppies receive
  > antibodies  through their mothers milk.  This natural protection can
  > last  8-14 weeks.
  > Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at  LESS than 8
  > weeks.  Maternal immunity will neutralize the  vaccine, and little
  > protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination  at 6 weeks will,
  > however, delay the timing of the first highly  effective
  > vaccine.  Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress  rather than
  > stimulate the immune system.  A series of  vaccinations is given
  > starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up  to 16 weeks of
  > age.  Another vaccination given sometime after 6  months of age
  > (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime  immunity.
  > Distemper & Parvo
  > "According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA,  8-15-95, when a vaccinations series
  > given at 2, 3 & 4 months and  again at 1 year with a MLV, puppies and
  > kitten program memory cells  that survive for life, providing
  > lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at  Cornell and Dr. Schultz have
  > studies showing immunity against  challenge at 2-10 years for canine
  > distemper & 4 years for  parvovirus. Studies for longer duration are
  > pending.  "There are  no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg. would
  > like to suggest.   Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunity for
  > all types."   Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents known to be
  > a cause of  kennel cough.  Only vaccines with CAV-2 should be used as
  > CAV-1  vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis blue-eye" reactions &
  > kidney  damage.
  > Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel  cough" Recommended
  > only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog  shows, or for any
  > reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The  intranasal vaccine
  > provides more complete and more rapid onset of  immunity with less
  > chance of reaction.  Immunity requires 72  hours, and does not
  > protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity  is of short
  > duration (4 to 6 months).
  >   RABIES
  > There  have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats in
  > Harris,  Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have been
  > rabid skunks  and bats so the potential exists. It is a killed
  > vaccine and

FIV infected kittes

2007-08-07 Thread Nina

Hello Group,
I just saw that someone was asking for help with an fiv tested kitten.  
The following is a post I archived from a trusted list member, (MC) 
about this subject:

> there is essentially no such thing as an FIV positive kittens.
maternal transmission is incredibly rare, and is still not even
considered a normal mode of infection. kittens with an infected mom
will test positive until mom's antibodies are out of her
system--between 6-10 months.

no sanctuary or rescue that specializes in FIV cats will take a cat
without a positive western blot test, as the snap test is only about
60% accurate. a western blot given before a kitten is old enough for
mom's immunities to have worn off WILL test positive, but it won't
mean anything.

i would NEVER vaccinate a cat against FIV--if the cat ever gets out
and into the shelter system, he will test positve (not maybe,
DEFINITELY), and unless he's microchipped and someone actually checks
his record to see he's been vaccinated, his chances of living long
enough to be found by you is slim to none.

almost all FIV is spread via DEEP, PENETRATING WOUNDS--the sort that
boy cats inflict while fighting over girls. that's why a high
percentage of FIV cats are boys, with those girls who have it probably
getting it during rough sex.

once neutered, almost all male cats lose any desire to be that
aggressive. in cases where a tom DOES remain aggressive, filing down
or even removing the canine teeth makes it impossible for him to bite
deeply enough to pass on the virus. most FIV cats, once neutered, seem
to turn into very healthy, very large, very lazy, very cuddly couch

at the sanctuary where i worked, many FIV cats ended up becoming
forever cats of the volunteers, because they were just such

i have two FIVs in my household right now, a timid flamepoint himmie
who must have gotten out and been attacked cuz there's NO way he would
have initiated an argument on his own, and an adolescent coonie. FIV
cats tend to be very healthy--they have a higher incidence of herpes
infections (easily kept in check with the addition of lysine), and a
tendency toward other mouth problems. they get sick just like normal
cats, and they get better when treated in a timely manner, just like
normal cats!

as one of my vets puts it, FIV cats die WITH the virus, not from it.

it is TOTALLY different from FeLV in how it's spread, and how it
manifests itself. (well, after 18 years, the sanctuary director thinks
that being fat and lazy and cuddly are the only consistent symptoms of

here are two of the better articles on FIV:


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Update on my Catkids

2007-08-07 Thread Beckie McRae
Well Miles is doing MUCH better, no accidents.

Moe is pretty much back to normal.  I think he's just really weak
because I notice he gets tired more quickly than before.

Holly is her usual majestic self.

And we all shared the "Kitty Room" with the AC again last night.

I actually think they really like having us in on the floor with them.


Anyways, how do I turn getting my emails from a digest to individual


I've been receive the digest, and it's just a little confusing for me to
keep up.



Re: Fwd: OT: need a little quick advice here...

2007-08-07 Thread glenda Goodman
Hi Marylyn, 
At this point I am dealing with, what I believe, is a
very determined , aggressive kitty, desperately
seeking a 'good' home. What makes me say this is, my
best friend down the street, was also affected by
Marmalade. She has one kitty, Addey, whom is like an
obsession to her, and this is putting it mildly...
Addey is her only cat, because Addey controls the
home. Otherwise, my friend would have at least one
more cat...Anyway, Addey is allowed outside.My friend
has a beautiful yard/home and there is a lovely ravene
area behind my friend's house, where Addey likes to
hunt...My friend will not deprive her of her joys in
life and I have begged my friend to please not allow
Addey out after dark, advice like that...We do have
foxes, etc.
 Well, Marmalade would make the rounds between my
friend's house and mine. We are less than a block
apart. Marmalade was being very aggressive with Addey
too and there were howling matches during the day and
evening, but I do not believe any violent contacts. I
had heard it is rare for a male cat to be so
aggressive with a female...I do not doubt it was just
a matter of time before Marmalade would have had a
physical conflict with Addey. 
It would take a huge adjustment with my cats and the
other cats in the neighborhood to welcome Marmalade. I
know once a kitty feels secure, there would be no
competition and of course, after being neutered, that
would probably do the trick. If I had fewer of my own
cats and the time to put in a rehabiliation project
like this, I would do it, because it would, along with
everything else, be very interesting. I am only hoping
right now, these couple of days at the shelter, settle
Marmalade down and perhaps there is a different side
to him. I'll be visiting him today and talking to the
shelter people. Thursday morning is the FeLV/FIV test.
My old vet, who is only a few blocks from the shelter,
will be testing him and during the physical handling
of Marmalade he can also give me his opinion. I'm sure
he will love testing him...I do not think it will be
fun for vet. We shall see? 
I do appreciate the sensitivity and caring nature of
everyone here. I so completely understand, because I
feel the same way...Thank you, Glenda  
--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you let Marmalade be your cat too?  Little
> ferals make the most 
> wonderful friends and he would love to work for you
> and live with you.  It 
> sounds as though he has learned who the boss cat is.
>  Dixie has some cats 
> that report to her.  We live on a farm and she is an
> inside cat, having 
> carefully worked her way into my heart the way
> Marmalade is trying to work 
> into yours.  There are cats, one particular here,
> that hangs out and helps 
> with the varmint chores outside.  Mom has three that
> hang out at her house 
> and she hasn't had a mouse in over 11 years.  A
> shelter and food go a long 
> way toward taming a cat.
>  If
> you have men who will 
> exclude any of God's creatures
> from the shelter of 
> compassion and pity, you will have men who
> will deal likewise with 
> their fellow man.
>  St. 
> Francis
> - Original Message - 
> From: "glenda Goodman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 10:41 PM
> Subject: Re: Fwd: OT: need a little quick advice
> here...
> TO
> HE
> SO
> IN
> UP
> > --- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Glenda,
> >>
> >> I would point those ladies in the direction of an
> >> online FIV group.  I don't know of one
> specifically,
> >> but I know there are several out there.  Yahoo
> >> probably has one.  You can search for them on the

Re: FIV infected kittes

2007-08-07 Thread glenda Goodman
--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Group,
> I just saw that someone was asking for help with an
> fiv tested kitten.  
> The following is a post I archived from a trusted
> list member, (MC) 
> about this subject:
>  > there is essentially no such thing as an FIV
> positive kittens.
> maternal transmission is incredibly rare, and is
> still not even
> considered a normal mode of infection. kittens with
> an infected mom
> will test positive until mom's antibodies are out of
> her
> system--between 6-10 months.
> no sanctuary or rescue that specializes in FIV cats
> will take a cat
> without a positive western blot test, as the snap
> test is only about
> 60% accurate. a western blot given before a kitten
> is old enough for
> mom's immunities to have worn off WILL test
> positive, but it won't
> mean anything.
> i would NEVER vaccinate a cat against FIV--if the
> cat ever gets out
> and into the shelter system, he will test positve
> (not maybe,
> DEFINITELY), and unless he's microchipped and
> someone actually checks
> his record to see he's been vaccinated, his chances
> of living long
> enough to be found by you is slim to none.
> almost all FIV is spread via DEEP, PENETRATING
> WOUNDS--the sort that
> boy cats inflict while fighting over girls. that's
> why a high
> percentage of FIV cats are boys, with those girls
> who have it probably
> getting it during rough sex.
> once neutered, almost all male cats lose any desire
> to be that
> aggressive. in cases where a tom DOES remain
> aggressive, filing down
> or even removing the canine teeth makes it
> impossible for him to bite
> deeply enough to pass on the virus. most FIV cats,
> once neutered, seem
> to turn into very healthy, very large, very lazy,
> very cuddly couch
> potatoes.
> at the sanctuary where i worked, many FIV cats ended
> up becoming
> forever cats of the volunteers, because they were
> just such
> sweethearts.
> i have two FIVs in my household right now, a timid
> flamepoint himmie
> who must have gotten out and been attacked cuz
> there's NO way he would
> have initiated an argument on his own, and an
> adolescent coonie. FIV
> cats tend to be very healthy--they have a higher
> incidence of herpes
> infections (easily kept in check with the addition
> of lysine), and a
> tendency toward other mouth problems. they get sick
> just like normal
> cats, and they get better when treated in a timely
> manner, just like
> normal cats!
> as one of my vets puts it, FIV cats die WITH the
> virus, not from it.
> it is TOTALLY different from FeLV in how it's
> spread, and how it
> manifests itself. (well, after 18 years, the
> sanctuary director thinks
> that being fat and lazy and cuddly are the only
> consistent symptoms of
> FIV.)
> here are two of the better articles on FIV:
> MC
> -- 
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892


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Re: NEW vaccination protocols announced today

2007-08-07 Thread Kelley Saveika
I believe this to be an email hoax.

The first sign is "this information was released today" - when is
"today"?  This is common among email hoaxes.

The second sign is that they refer to "vaccine related Fibrosarcoma."
This is no longer the correct medical terminology.  It is "injection
site sarcoma".  If this is put out by a veterinary authority, surely
they would use the correct terminology.

I'm sure I could find more stuff wrong with it, but I don't have time
to dig through it.

AAFP puts out a vaccination protocol which is the one I and my vet use.

> A good information, Jane, I will cross post it.
> - Original Message -
> From: Jane Lyons
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:56 PM
> Subject: NEW vaccination protocols announced today
> >
> This information was released today. Because yearly vaccinations are
> the primary source of income for many
> veterinarian practices, and because pharmaceutical companies have
> lobbied against this protocol, this has
> been a long time coming. This version is a compromise, but
> nevertheless the danger of over vaccination and
> of many vaccines is beginning to be acknowledged.
> There are many vets who, prior to this protocol, do not vaccinate for
> Feline Leukemia because of ineffective
> results and sometimes lethal consequences.
> Jane
> > Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being  adopted by ALL 27 North
> > American veterinary schools.  I highly  recommend that you read
> > this.  Copy and save it to your  files.  Print it and pass it out at
> > dog fairs, cat shows, kennel  club meetings, dog parks, give a copy
> > to your veterinarian and  groomer, etc.
> >
> > Get the word out. 
> >
> >
> > I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in
> > North America are in the process of changing their  protocols for
> > vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will  present an
> > ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be  skeptics.
> >
> > Some organizations have come up with a political  compromise
> > suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss
> > of income vs. those concerned about potential side
> > effects.  Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being
> > should not  be a factor in medical decision.
> >
> > "Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6  months.  If a
> > modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it
> > produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet  (ie:
> > canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper).  If another MLV  vaccine
> > is given a year later, the antibodies from the first
> > vaccine  neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is
> > little or  no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory
> > cells  induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and
> > distemper  unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of
> > allergic  reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.  "There is
> > no  scientific documentation to back up label claims for
> > annual  administration of MLV vaccines."  Puppies receive
> > antibodies  through their mothers milk.  This natural protection can
> > last  8-14 weeks.
> >
> > Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at  LESS than 8
> > weeks.  Maternal immunity will neutralize the  vaccine, and little
> > protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination  at 6 weeks will,
> > however, delay the timing of the first highly  effective
> > vaccine.  Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress  rather than
> > stimulate the immune system.  A series of  vaccinations is given
> > starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up  to 16 weeks of
> > age.  Another vaccination given sometime after 6  months of age
> > (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime  immunity.
> >
> >
> > Distemper & Parvo
> > "According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA,  8-15-95, when a vaccinations series
> > given at 2, 3 & 4 months and  again at 1 year with a MLV, puppies and
> > kitten program memory cells  that survive for life, providing
> > lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at  Cornell and Dr. Schultz have
> > studies showing immunity against  challenge at 2-10 years for canine
> > distemper & 4 years for  parvovirus. Studies for longer duration are
> > pending.  "There are  no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg. would
> > like to suggest.   Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunity for
> > all types."   Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents known to be
> > a cause of  kennel cough.  Only vaccines with CAV-2 should be used as
> > CAV-1  vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis blue-eye" reactions &
> > kidney  damage.
> >
> > Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel  cough" Recommended
> > only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog  show

Re: NEW vaccination protocols announced today

2007-08-07 Thread glenda Goodman
--- Jane Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> This information was released today. Because yearly
> vaccinations are  
> the primary source of income for many
> veterinarian practices, and because pharmaceutical
> companies have  
> lobbied against this protocol, this has
> been a long time coming. This version is a
> compromise, but  
> nevertheless the danger of over vaccination and
> of many vaccines is beginning to be acknowledged.
> There are many vets who, prior to this protocol, do
> not vaccinate for  
> Feline Leukemia because of ineffective
> results and sometimes lethal consequences.
> Jane
> > Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being 
> adopted by ALL 27 North
> > American veterinary schools.  I highly  recommend
> that you read
> > this.  Copy and save it to your  files.  Print it
> and pass it out at
> > dog fairs, cat shows, kennel  club meetings, dog
> parks, give a copy
> > to your veterinarian and  groomer, etc.
> >
> > Get the word out. 
> >
> >
> > I would like to make you aware that all 27
> veterinary  schools in
> > North America are in the process of changing their
>  protocols for
> > vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this
> information will  present an
> > ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there
> will be  skeptics.
> >
> > Some organizations have come up with a political 
> compromise
> > suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease
> those who  fear loss
> > of income vs. those concerned about potential side
> > effects.  Politics, traditions, or the doctor's
> economic well being
> > should not  be a factor in medical decision.
> >
> > "Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 
> months.  If a
> > modified live virus vaccine is given after 6
> months  of age, it
> > produces an immunity which is good for the life of
> the pet  (ie:
> > canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper).  If
> another MLV  vaccine
> > is given a year later, the antibodies from the
> first
> > vaccine  neutralize the antigens of the second
> vaccine, and there is
> > little or  no effect. The titer is not "boosted"
> nor are more memory
> > cells  induced." Not only are annual boosters for
> parvo and
> > distemper  unnecessary, they subject the pet to
> potential risks of
> > allergic  reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic
> anemia.  "There is
> > no  scientific documentation to back up label
> claims for
> > annual  administration of MLV vaccines."  Puppies
> receive
> > antibodies  through their mothers milk.  This
> natural protection can
> > last  8-14 weeks.
> >
> > Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at 
> LESS than 8
> > weeks.  Maternal immunity will neutralize the 
> vaccine, and little
> > protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination 
> at 6 weeks will,
> > however, delay the timing of the first highly 
> effective
> > vaccine.  Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart
> suppress  rather than
> > stimulate the immune system.  A series of 
> vaccinations is given
> > starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up 
> to 16 weeks of
> > age.  Another vaccination given sometime after 6 
> months of age
> > (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime 
> immunity.
> >
> >
> > Distemper & Parvo
> > "According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA,  8-15-95, when a
> vaccinations series
> > given at 2, 3 & 4 months and  again at 1 year with
> a MLV, puppies and
> > kitten program memory cells  that survive for
> life, providing
> > lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at  Cornell and
> Dr. Schultz have
> > studies showing immunity against  challenge at
> 2-10 years for canine
> > distemper & 4 years for  parvovirus. Studies for
> longer duration are
> > pending.  "There are  no new strains of parvovirus
> as one mfg. would
> > like to suggest.   Parvovirus vaccination provides
> cross immunity for
> > all types."   Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the
> agents known to be
> > a cause of  kennel cough.  Only vaccines with
> CAV-2 should be used as
> > CAV-1  vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis
> blue-eye" reactions &
> > kidney  damage.
> >
> > Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel 
> cough" Recommended
> > only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog
>  shows, or for any
> > reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The 
> intranasal vaccine
> > provides more complete and more rapid onset of 
> immunity with less
> > chance of reaction.  Immunity requires 72  hours,
> and does not
> > protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity
>  is of short
> > duration (4 to 6 months).
> >
> >   RABIES
> > There  have been no reported cases of rabid dogs
> or cats in
> > Harris,  Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas],
> there have been
> > rabid skunks  and bats so the potential exists. It
> is a killed
> > va

Re: Sammy's fever is 106!

2007-08-07 Thread laurieskatz
Prayers. Isabella has anemia and her temp got up to 107. Last time at the vet 
(3 weeks ago) it was normal. Good luck and prayers for your little one.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 AM
  Subject: Sammy's fever is 106!

  Well, Sammy went back to the Nice Ladies at Animal 911 because when I took 
his temperature this evening it was 106.  He had been hiding yesterday morning 
and then staying in my mom's room and not following me and/or his brothers 
around all day.  So he's staying the night and I'll pick him up for another 
blood transfusion at Animal Emergency in 5-1/2 hours.  I just got home from 
Animal 911.  Little one needs prayers.  

  Nitie Nite,


  "Consciousness is Causal 
   and Physicality is its

Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread laurieskatz
Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing immunity to 
interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline version is 
hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight? 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
  Subject: Power of interferon: OT

  Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective 
interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
  I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV 
treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties have 
severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly 
because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I noticed 
that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my FIP cases.

  Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he 
received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway, since 
yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge from 
his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill fortunately.. but 
looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how my Simba who had passed 
away from FIP a couple of months ago started his symptoms.  but anyway, I gave 
him two shots of interferon yesterday and today, and by tonight,, his nose 
seems to be s clear, which is amazing.  I just wanted to let everyone know 
in case you may have a simiar situation in the future.

  good nite,


Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread Kelley Saveika
The feline version is orderable from other countries.  It is $1000 for
10 tubes I believe.

On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing immunity to
> interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline version
> is hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight?
> Thanks
> Laurie
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
> Subject: Power of interferon: OT
> Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective
> interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
> I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV
> treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties have
> severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly
> because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I
> noticed that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my
> FIP cases.
> Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he
> received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway, since
> yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge
> from his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill
> fortunately.. but looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how my
> Simba who had passed away from FIP a couple of months ago started his
> symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two shots of interferon yesterday and
> today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be s clear, which is amazing.
> I just wanted to let everyone know in case you may have a simiar situation
> in the future.
> good nite,
> Hideyo

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

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Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread laurieskatz

Thank-you. Any idea how many doses in a tube?
- Original Message - 
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

The feline version is orderable from other countries.  It is $1000 for
10 tubes I believe.

On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing immunity 
interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline 

is hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight?
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
Subject: Power of interferon: OT

Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective
interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV
treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties 

severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly
because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I
noticed that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my
FIP cases.

Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he
received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway, 

yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge
from his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill
fortunately.. but looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how 

Simba who had passed away from FIP a couple of months ago started his
symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two shots of interferon yesterday and
today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be s clear, which is 
I just wanted to let everyone know in case you may have a simiar 

in the future.

good nite,


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: Flea Control for colony/street cats, heat and other issues

2007-08-07 Thread Caroline Kaufmann
Thanks Marylyn, that's very reassuring.  I worry about them so and wish I could let them in the house.  The Lil Girl wants to come in so bad- but I think it's more to just mess around since the house still smells like Monkee- than to actually cool off!  And since I have a foster cat now, I can't risk exposing them when I don't know what the street cats may have.  Plus the street cats are toughies and my little foster cat is a baby.  

I change their water twice a day and they've been getting lots of ice in it.  I have kept my back gate open so they can freely go in the backyard (instead of having to jump over the fence).  There's lots of shade out there in the a.m. and I added a water out there.  

From: "Marylyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: Subject: Re: Flea Control for colony/street cats, heat and other issuesDate: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 17:01:05 -0500

FYI:  Dixie had to stay in an unair conditioned garage for quite a while after she tested FELV +.  I, too, was concerned about the heat but my vets said she would be fine if she could get out of the sun and had plenty of water.  This is Ky. temperatures if that tells you anything.  The soil under low growing bushes is cool.  The vets pointed out that cats originated in Africa and are more accustomed to heat than dogs.  This does not mean leave the cat in a car and go shopping though.  Ebony and Mi Tu spent many hot days in duct work that led from an a/ced house to an outside kennel with plenty of shade.  To me, the cool water is the most important thing.  And part of the "cool" keeps the water fresher.  It does not grow green slime as  fast.   
 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their fellow man.  St. Francis

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Dubose 
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: Flea Control for colony/street cats, heat and other issues

For the heat, I would just make sure there is always plenty of fresh, clean water for them.
As far as fleas, you can buy the large dog size of Advantage or Frontline and "break it down" to the proper dosage for cats.
That's what I do every month, I am treating 60+ cats per month.
My inside cats are even getitng treatment because the fleas are s bad this year, the fleas are in the yard and can get in throught he enclosure, even tho it is screened.
If you want to the actual doasges to use, email me offlist.
You can buy both of these products cheap @ Revival right now, w/ $2.99 shipping.
You can get about 5 or 6 dosages of treatment out of one large dog size tube.
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^

Re: Sammy's fever is 106!

2007-08-07 Thread glenda Goodman
Taylor and Sammy, My heart is with you guys. Glenda 
--- Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, Sammy went back to the Nice Ladies at Animal
> 911 because when I  
> took his temperature this evening it was 106.  He
> had been hiding  
> yesterday morning and then staying in my mom's room
> and not following  
> me and/or his brothers around all day.  So he's
> staying the night and  
> I'll pick him up for another blood transfusion at
> Animal Emergency in  
> 5-1/2 hours.  I just got home from Animal 911. 
> Little one needs  
> prayers.
> Nitie Nite,
> Tee
> "Consciousness is Causal
>   and Physicality is its
>   Manifestation."


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us. 

Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread Kelley Saveika
I don't know, but Hideyo will.

On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank-you. Any idea how many doses in a tube?
> Thanks!
> Laurie
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:23 AM
> Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q
> > The feline version is orderable from other countries.  It is $1000 for
> > 10 tubes I believe.
> >
> > On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing immunity
> >> to
> >> interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline
> >> version
> >> is hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight?
> >> Thanks
> >> Laurie
> >> - Original Message -
> >> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
> >> Subject: Power of interferon: OT
> >>
> >> Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective
> >> interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
> >> I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV
> >> treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties
> >> have
> >> severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly
> >> because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I
> >> noticed that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my
> >> FIP cases.
> >>
> >> Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he
> >> received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway,
> >> since
> >> yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge
> >> from his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill
> >> fortunately.. but looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how
> >> my
> >> Simba who had passed away from FIP a couple of months ago started his
> >> symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two shots of interferon yesterday and
> >> today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be s clear, which is
> >> amazing.
> >> I just wanted to let everyone know in case you may have a simiar
> >> situation
> >> in the future.
> >>
> >> good nite,
> >>
> >> Hideyo
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> >
> >
> >
> > Please help Caroline!
> >
> >
> >
> > I GoodSearch for Rescuties.
> >
> > Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
> > Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!
> >

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

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Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: more information on vaccines

2007-08-07 Thread Kelley Saveika
Like I is email spam.  These chain letters get out and they
stay out for years and years and years.  It is quite a problem.

That's why they say "announced today" instead of putting an actual
date.  Cuz if you get an email that has been going around teh Internet
for 10 years you will throw it out.  But if it says "today" it looks

On 8/7/07, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a bit confusing--look at this site in which Dr. Dodds disavows this
> post...
> Christiane Biagi
> 914-632-4672
> Cell:  914-720-6888
> Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)
> Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Jane Lyons
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: more information on vaccines
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The challenge is based on the need to understand exactly how long
> > immunity lasts once a rabies vaccine is give - the old data which
> > is three or one year is actually a result of the original test
> > subjects being put down rather then allowed to live out their life
> > span with re-testing to see if the vaccine was still effective over
> > time.  Hopefully the challenge will shed light on that question.
> >

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was clearly a house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3 weeks.  My mom had told the neighbor across the street that I had a foster cat and so he thought I would know what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did not have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we needed to move fast- she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the 
rabies tag number with the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually finding the owner because there's no free newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in the neighborhood, and she was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the vet the cat went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good one," so she is reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find the owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.  When we found her she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We are keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do let her out of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her eyes easily, etc.  I don't think she even knows how to scratch?!)   
Her main problem is she is clearly severely malnourished-- she is skin and bones literally.  She has dander.  I think she would have died this week outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated by malnutrition if we hadn't taken her in.  We are feeding her Wellness wet food, which I am adding a Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as Pet Calm.  Thank god I remembered that I had a tube of Nutrical (from Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet food too and she just gobbles it up.  We are also feeding her Wellness dry food, but it took a while for her to eat it because I don't think she knew "how" to eat dry cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube of Terramycin to treat her eyes and they are already a lot better.  The green discharge has lessened and the overall watering and sneezing 
is better.  She's had two BM's- we had to help the first one along with some Laxatone.  The first one was pretty normal, but yesterday's was runny (but that could have been from the laxatone).
I just wanted to see if anyone else had advice for how we can improve her nutrition until we can get her into a vet?  I've never rescued a cat that was this malnourished before and my mom is just really worried about that, so I really just need some advice- even if it's things I can tell my over-worrying mother to calm her down!
Caroline   Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel. 


2007-08-07 Thread Jane Lyons

Kelly I forwarded this from a Scottie list that is moderated by a DVM.
According to Jean Dodds, it has been floating the internet since last
year...for that reason I posted her "Rabies Challenge" and an 04 letter
written and signed by a UK veterinarian group which I think is worth
reading and thinking about.

I know that the vaccine issue is charged and controversial. I think
we owe it to our animals to be as aware and informed of the latest  

research.  We're dealing with 'new' science and highly charged economics
and politics.

On Aug 7, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

I believe this to be an email hoax.

The first sign is "this information was released today" - when is
"today"?  This is common among email hoaxes.

The second sign is that they refer to "vaccine related Fibrosarcoma."
This is no longer the correct medical terminology.  It is "injection
site sarcoma".  If this is put out by a veterinary authority, surely
they would use the correct terminology.

I'm sure I could find more stuff wrong with it, but I don't have time
to dig through it.

AAFP puts out a vaccination protocol which is the one I and my vet  


A good information, Jane, I will cross post it.

- Original Message -
From: Jane Lyons
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:56 PM
Subject: NEW vaccination protocols announced today

This information was released today. Because yearly vaccinations are
the primary source of income for many
veterinarian practices, and because pharmaceutical companies have
lobbied against this protocol, this has
been a long time coming. This version is a compromise, but
nevertheless the danger of over vaccination and
of many vaccines is beginning to be acknowledged.
There are many vets who, prior to this protocol, do not vaccinate for
Feline Leukemia because of ineffective
results and sometimes lethal consequences.

Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being  adopted by ALL 27  

American veterinary schools.  I highly  recommend that you read
this.  Copy and save it to your  files.  Print it and pass it out at
dog fairs, cat shows, kennel  club meetings, dog parks, give a copy
to your veterinarian and  groomer, etc.

Get the word out. 


I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in
North America are in the process of changing their  protocols for
vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will  present an
ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be  skeptics.

Some organizations have come up with a political  compromise
suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear  

of income vs. those concerned about potential side
effects.  Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being
should not  be a factor in medical decision.

"Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6  months.  If a
modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it
produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet  (ie:
canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper).  If another MLV  vaccine
is given a year later, the antibodies from the first
vaccine  neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is
little or  no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory
cells  induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and
distemper  unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of
allergic  reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.   
"There is

no  scientific documentation to back up label claims for
annual  administration of MLV vaccines."  Puppies receive
antibodies  through their mothers milk.  This natural protection can
last  8-14 weeks.

Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at  LESS than 8
weeks.  Maternal immunity will neutralize the  vaccine, and little
protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination  at 6 weeks will,
however, delay the timing of the first highly  effective
vaccine.  Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress  rather than
stimulate the immune system.  A series of  vaccinations is given
starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up  to 16 weeks of
age.  Another vaccination given sometime after 6  months of age
(usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime  immunity.

Distemper & Parvo
"According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA,  8-15-95, when a vaccinations  
given at 2, 3 & 4 months and  again at 1 year with a MLV, puppies  

kitten program memory cells  that survive for life, providing
lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at  Cornell and Dr. Schultz have
studies showing immunity against  challenge at 2-10 years for canine
distemper & 4 years for  parvovirus. Studies for longer duration are
pending.  "There are  no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg. would
like to suggest.   Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunity  
all types."   Hepatitis


2007-08-07 Thread Kelly L
So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's  really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,

If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,

RE: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Caroline, others on this list are much better qualified than I to tell
you how to get this baby healthy again, but one thing that is drummed
into us over on the Feral Cats yahoogroup is, ALWAYS LIST AS FOUND.  The
absence of posters or free ads doesn't necessarily mean careless owners,
there are any number of scenarios in which a cat could end up on the
street with a heartbroken mommy or daddy not knowing what to do.  And,
even if your mom thinks the vet in question wasn't good, even a
conscientious cat parent can make a mistake in their choice of vet, so
she shouldn't hold that against the kitty's owner in and of itself.  It
would be the ethical thing to do to call whatever passes for a humane
society (unless they require that you surrender the cat in order for
them to list it -- NEVER do that) and all the local vet offices as well
-- anyplace where someone might call to see if a cat has been brought
in.  Of course, you should always withhold one identifying
characteristic to ask anyone who calls.  You or your mom can screen any
calls and if you get bad vibes, at that point you can make the decision
whether to turn the little girl over or keep her.  Of course the chances
ARE slim that an owner will turn up, but if someone does and obviously
cares about the kitty, they should also be willing to reimburse you at
least partly for the cost of the food and vet.  
Just my 2 cents.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was
clearly a house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood
for about 3 weeks.  My mom had told the neighbor across the street that
I had a foster cat and so he thought I would know what to do once he'd
finally determined the cat did not have a home (you know how it goes!).
I took one look at her and decided we needed to move fast- she'd already
been outside too long.  She had a collar on with a rabies tag on it with
the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a carrier and I had the
collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's was closed.
My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still hadn't
heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed-
like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the rabies tag
number with the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually
finding the owner because there's no free newspaper ad looking for her,
there's no signs up in the neighborhood, and she was in SUCH bad shape
when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the vet the cat went to to at
least get her rabies shot is "not a good one," so she is reluctant to
just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the owners-
which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find
the owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I
can get her in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.
When we found her she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She
has fleas (of course).  We are keeping her in a downstairs room of my
mom's house in a crate- which we do let her out of when someone is there
because she doesn't do anything- she is SO good; clearly a housecat who
was desperate to get back inside, so she will do anything right now (I
can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her eyes easily,
etc.  I don't think she even knows how to scratch?!)   
Her main problem is she is clearly severely malnourished-- she is skin
and bones literally.  She has dander.  I think she would have died this
week outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated by
malnutrition if we hadn't taken her in.  We are feeding her Wellness wet
food, which I am adding a Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as Pet
Calm.  Thank god I remembered that I had a tube of Nutrical (from
Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet food too and she just
gobbles it up.  We are also feeding her Wellness dry food, but it took a
while for her to eat it because I don't think she knew "how" to eat dry
cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube of Terramycin to treat her
eyes and they are already a lot better.  The green discharge has
lessened and the overall watering and sneezing is better.  She's had two
BM's- we had to help the first one along with some Laxatone.  The first
one was pretty normal, but yesterday's was runny (but that could have
been from the laxatone).
I just wanted to see if anyone else had advice for how we can improve
her nutrition until we can get her into a vet?  I've never rescued a cat
that was this malnourished before and my mom is just really worried
about that, so I really just need some advice- even if it's things I can
tell my over-worrying m

Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
Acutally we can get from US - I live in NM - I have gotten over probably 20 
shipments in the past with no poblem.  if you need a detail, write to me off 
list - It does cost a little over $1000, but if anyone is interested in, I can 
order your portion when I order mine as I order regularly.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kelley Saveika 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:23 AM
  Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

  The feline version is orderable from other countries.  It is $1000 for
  10 tubes I believe.

  On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing immunity to
  > interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline version
  > is hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight?
  > Thanks
  > Laurie
  > - Original Message -
  > ; [EMAIL 
  > Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
  > Subject: Power of interferon: OT
  > Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective
  > interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
  > I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV
  > treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties have
  > severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly
  > because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I
  > noticed that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my
  > FIP cases.
  > Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he
  > received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway, since
  > yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge
  > from his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill
  > fortunately.. but looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how my
  > Simba who had passed away from FIP a couple of months ago started his
  > symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two shots of interferon yesterday and
  > today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be s clear, which is amazing.
  > I just wanted to let everyone know in case you may have a simiar situation
  > in the future.
  > good nite,
  > Hideyo

  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

  Please help Caroline!

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  Internet with GoodSearch - - 
powered by Yahoo!

RE: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Caroline Kaufmann
Thanks, that's a good idea.  I guess our issue is that she clearly needs rehabbing- which we are willing to do- and we want to make sure she gets that rehabilitation.  Not just turn her over in the state she's in and not know whether or not she got the care she needed.  We can do the rehab that's necessary and list her as "found" at the same time.


From: "Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: Subject: RE: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued catDate: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 10:41:17 -0500

Caroline, others on this list are much better qualified than I to tell you how to get this baby healthy again, but one thing that is drummed into us over on the Feral Cats yahoogroup is, ALWAYS LIST AS FOUND.  The absence of posters or free ads doesn't necessarily mean careless owners, there are any number of scenarios in which a cat could end up on the street with a heartbroken mommy or daddy not knowing what to do.  And, even if your mom thinks the vet in question wasn't good, even a conscientious cat parent can make a mistake in their choice of vet, so she shouldn't hold that against the kitty's owner in and of itself.  It would be the ethical thing to do to call whatever passes for a humane society (unless they require that you surrender the cat in order for them to list it -- 
NEVER do that) and all the local vet offices as well -- anyplace where someone might call to see if a cat has been brought in.  Of course, you should always withhold one identifying characteristic to ask anyone who calls.  You or your mom can screen any calls and if you get bad vibes, at that point you can make the decision whether to turn the little girl over or keep her.  Of course the chances ARE slim that an owner will turn up, but if someone does and obviously cares about the kitty, they should also be willing to reimburse you at least partly for the cost of the food and vet.  
Just my 2 cents.
Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline KaufmannSent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was clearly a house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3 weeks.  My mom had told the neighbor across the street that I had a foster cat and so he thought I would know what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did not have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we needed to move fast- she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the 
rabies tag number with the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually finding the owner because there's no free newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in the neighborhood, and she was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the vet the cat went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good one," so she is reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find the owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.  When we found her she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We are keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do let her out of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her eyes easily, etc.  I don't think she even knows how to scratch?!)   
Her main problem is she is clearly severely malnourished-- she is skin and bones literally.  She has dander.  I think she would have died this week outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated by malnutrition if we hadn't taken her in.  We are feeding her Wellness wet food, which I am adding a Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as Pet Calm.  Thank god I remembered that I had a tube of Nutrical (from Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet food too and she just gobbles it up.  We are also feeding her Wellness dry food, but it took a while for her to eat it because I don't think she knew "how" to eat dry cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube of Terramycin to treat her eyes and they are already a lot better.  The green discharge has lessened and the overall watering a

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Hoffman
Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) missing 
cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link is  I will gather more photos as 
I can but I want to start circulating what I have.  
  Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
  Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,

RE: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
That sounds like a great plan!  If it were me I would certainly want to
know this girl was getting healthy before I turned her over, too.
Diane R.
Diane Rosenfeldt 
Legal Secretary
Quarles & Brady LLP 
411 East Wisconsin Avenue 
Suite 2040 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-4497 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:00 AM
Subject: RE: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

Thanks, that's a good idea.  I guess our issue is that she clearly needs
rehabbing- which we are willing to do- and we want to make sure she gets
that rehabilitation.  Not just turn her over in the state she's in and
not know whether or not she got the care she needed.  We can do the
rehab that's necessary and list her as "found" at the same time.



From: "Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 10:41:17 -0500

Caroline, others on this list are much better qualified than I
to tell you how to get this baby healthy again, but one thing that is
drummed into us over on the Feral Cats yahoogroup is, ALWAYS LIST AS
FOUND.  The absence of posters or free ads doesn't necessarily mean
careless owners, there are any number of scenarios in which a cat could
end up on the street with a heartbroken mommy or daddy not knowing what
to do.  And, even if your mom thinks the vet in question wasn't good,
even a conscientious cat parent can make a mistake in their choice of
vet, so she shouldn't hold that against the kitty's owner in and of
itself.  It would be the ethical thing to do to call whatever passes for
a humane society (unless they require that you surrender the cat in
order for them to list it -- NEVER do that) and all the local vet
offices as well -- anyplace where someone might call to see if a cat has
been brought in.  Of course, you should always withhold one identifying
characteristic to ask anyone who calls.  You or your mom can screen any
calls and if you get bad vibes, at that point you can make the decision
whether to turn the little girl over or keep her.  Of course the chances
ARE slim that an owner will turn up, but if someone does and obviously
cares about the kitty, they should also be willing to reimburse you at
least partly for the cost of the food and vet.  
Just my 2 cents.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that
was clearly a house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's
neighborhood for about 3 weeks.  My mom had told the neighbor across the
street that I had a foster cat and so he thought I would know what to do
once he'd finally determined the cat did not have a home (you know how
it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we needed to move fast-
she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on with a rabies
tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a carrier
and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's
was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn.,
still hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and
it's closed- like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the
rabies tag number with the owner, however, my mom is really skittish
about actually finding the owner because there's no free newspaper ad
looking for her, there's no signs up in the neighborhood, and she was in
SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the vet the cat
went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good one," so she is
reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the
owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would
maybe find the owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact
to see if I can get her in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a
discounted price.  When we found her she had horrible runny eyes- all
down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We are keeping her in a
downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do let her out of
when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO good;
clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do
anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can
treat her eyes 

RE: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Susan, all I can really help you with is the vibes, I'm afraid, but I'm
sending them big time!  What a blessing that nobody (and nokitty) was
killed or hurt.  Here's hoping the missing ones find their way to your
traps today!
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b)
missing cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST
WIDELY.  The link is
I will gather more photos as I can but I want to start circulating what
I have.  
Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per
If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 
transmission from 
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are required to 
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we 
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or 
submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax 

Re: FIRE!!!!! Susan

2007-08-07 Thread TatorBunz
Are you getting responses from others?
I have sent all the info regarding your situation to many other  groups and 
private people.
As I have forwarded your latest to them as  well.
Wish I was closer I would help you locate your missing  kitties.
You remain in my thoughts and prayers!
Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:
_ ( 




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Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread TatorBunz
What is the story for Bailey and Johnny?
Are they Felv postive?
Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:
_ ( 




_ ( 


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Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread wendy

I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can also send to my cousin in L.A. 
who knows people, but she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I am 
so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so happy that none of your 
kitties were killed in the fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost 
cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or are they outside somewhere? 
 Also, are all your personal cats accounted for or are some of them part of the 
missing five?

Sending good vibes your way to find those lost kitties and that you find a 
place soon to rent until you're able to get settled again.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) missing 
cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link is  I will gather more photos as 
I can but I want to start circulating what I have.  
Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,


Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. 
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Kelley Saveika

There are many of us who cant' help you from a distance with foster
homes, adoptions, etc.

We can and want to help with material items, kitty items, etc.  Surely
you need litter boxes, scoops, bowls, we can at least
delude ourselves into thinking we are helping.

On 8/7/07, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b)
> missing cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.
> The link is
>  I will
> gather more photos as I can but I want to start circulating what I have.
> Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
> Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.
> Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as
> yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with
> adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between
> Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
> If you can't reach her you can contact me also
> p.m. and I will reach her,
> thanks
> Kelly

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

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Re: Sammy's fever is 106!

2007-08-07 Thread wendy

Prayers going out for Sammy.  I hope they get his fever under control soon.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 2:14:27 AM
Subject: Sammy's fever is 106!

Well, Sammy went back to the Nice Ladies at Animal 911 because when I took his 
temperature this evening it was 106.  He had been hiding yesterday morning and 
then staying in my mom's room and not following me and/or his brothers around 
all day.  So he's staying the night and I'll pick him up for another blood 
transfusion at Animal Emergency in 5-1/2 hours.  I just got home from Animal 
911.  Little one needs prayers.  

Nitie Nite,


"Consciousness is Causal 
 and Physicality is its


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.  

Re: vaccinations

2007-08-07 Thread Kelley Saveika
I think all kinds of things are worth reading and thinking about.  But
this isn't presented as something to read and think about.  It is
presented as the literal truth and has several factual errors in it.
I think it is really important to think critically about *anything*
you read on the internet.

I go by the AAFP vaccination protocol, except that I vaccinate all my
cats against FELV, except the immune compromised ones.  That means
rabies every 3 years (the law in this state), FVRCP every 3 years, and
FELV yearly.

The AAFP vaccination protocol is published every 2 years, so anohter
will be out next year.

On 8/7/07, Jane Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kelly I forwarded this from a Scottie list that is moderated by a DVM.
> According to Jean Dodds, it has been floating the internet since last
> year...for that reason I posted her "Rabies Challenge" and an 04 letter
> written and signed by a UK veterinarian group which I think is worth
> reading and thinking about.
> I know that the vaccine issue is charged and controversial. I think
> we owe it to our animals to be as aware and informed of the latest
> accurate
> research.  We're dealing with 'new' science and highly charged economics
> and politics.
> On Aug 7, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Kelley Saveika wrote:
> > I believe this to be an email hoax.
> >
> > The first sign is "this information was released today" - when is
> > "today"?  This is common among email hoaxes.
> >
> > The second sign is that they refer to "vaccine related Fibrosarcoma."
> > This is no longer the correct medical terminology.  It is "injection
> > site sarcoma".  If this is put out by a veterinary authority, surely
> > they would use the correct terminology.
> >
> > I'm sure I could find more stuff wrong with it, but I don't have time
> > to dig through it.
> >
> > AAFP puts out a vaccination protocol which is the one I and my vet
> > use.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> A good information, Jane, I will cross post it.
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: Jane Lyons
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:56 PM
> >> Subject: NEW vaccination protocols announced today
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >> This information was released today. Because yearly vaccinations are
> >> the primary source of income for many
> >> veterinarian practices, and because pharmaceutical companies have
> >> lobbied against this protocol, this has
> >> been a long time coming. This version is a compromise, but
> >> nevertheless the danger of over vaccination and
> >> of many vaccines is beginning to be acknowledged.
> >> There are many vets who, prior to this protocol, do not vaccinate for
> >> Feline Leukemia because of ineffective
> >> results and sometimes lethal consequences.
> >> Jane
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being  adopted by ALL 27
> >>> North
> >>> American veterinary schools.  I highly  recommend that you read
> >>> this.  Copy and save it to your  files.  Print it and pass it out at
> >>> dog fairs, cat shows, kennel  club meetings, dog parks, give a copy
> >>> to your veterinarian and  groomer, etc.
> >>>
> >>> Get the word out. 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in
> >>> North America are in the process of changing their  protocols for
> >>> vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will  present an
> >>> ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be  skeptics.
> >>>
> >>> Some organizations have come up with a political  compromise
> >>> suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear
> >>> loss
> >>> of income vs. those concerned about potential side
> >>> effects.  Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being
> >>> should not  be a factor in medical decision.
> >>>
> >>> "Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6  months.  If a
> >>> modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it
> >>> produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet  (ie:
> >>> canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper).  If another MLV  vaccine
> >>> is given a year later, the antibodies from the first
> >>> vaccine  neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is
> >>> little or  no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory
> >>> cells  induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and
> >>> distemper  unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of
> >>> allergic  reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
> >>> "There is
> >>> no  scientific documentation to back up label claims for
> >>> annual  administration of MLV vaccines."  Puppies receive
> >>> antibodies  through their mothers milk.  This natural protection can
> >>> last  8-14 weeks.
> >>>

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Hoffman
Once we find permanent housing we will definitely need litter pans, cat toys, 
scoops, etc.  (Cat trees -- my three are absolutely ruined)  My traps and 
carriers melted in the fire.  But until we find a decent sized rental we're 
functioning with one giant litterbox (3 ft x 20 inches or so.)  Petco, 
Petsmart, etc. giftcards wil come in handy too.
  Thanks everyone. (If anyone wants to play the lottery, try the date of the 
fire (08/04/07) and my birthdate (12/23/60) in combination.  I'm going to do 
the same.  I'm feeling pretty lucky.

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are many of us who cant' help you from a distance with foster
homes, adoptions, etc.

We can and want to help with material items, kitty items, etc. Surely
you need litter boxes, scoops, bowls, we can at least
delude ourselves into thinking we are helping.

On 8/7/07, Susan Hoffman wrote:
> Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b)
> missing cats and (c) adoptables in foster care. PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.
> The link is
> I will
> gather more photos as I can but I want to start circulating what I have.
> Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
> Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.
> Kelly L wrote:
> So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as
> yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with
> adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between
> Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
> If you can't reach her you can contact me also
> p.m. and I will reach her,
> thanks
> Kelly

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Please help Caroline!

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Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Hoffman
Once we find permanent housing we will definitely need litter pans, cat toys, 
scoops, etc.  (Cat trees -- my three are absolutely ruined)  My traps and 
carriers melted in the fire.  But until we find a decent sized rental we're 
functioning with one giant litterbox (3 ft x 20 inches or so.)  Petco, 
Petsmart, etc. giftcards wil come in handy too.
  Thanks everyone. (If anyone wants to play the lottery, try the date of the 
fire (08/04/07) and my birthdate (12/23/60) in combination.  I'm going to do 
the same.  I'm feeling pretty lucky.

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are many of us who cant' help you from a distance with foster
homes, adoptions, etc.

We can and want to help with material items, kitty items, etc. Surely
you need litter boxes, scoops, bowls, we can at least
delude ourselves into thinking we are helping.

On 8/7/07, Susan Hoffman wrote:
> Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b)
> missing cats and (c) adoptables in foster care. PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.
> The link is
> I will
> gather more photos as I can but I want to start circulating what I have.
> Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
> Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.
> Kelly L wrote:
> So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as
> yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with
> adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between
> Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
> If you can't reach her you can contact me also
> p.m. and I will reach her,
> thanks
> Kelly

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Tad Burnett

Feed her a good quality KITTEN food/chow

Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was 
clearly a house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood 
for about 3 weeks.  My mom had told the neighbor across the street 
that I had a foster cat and so he thought I would know what to do once 
he'd finally determined the cat did not have a home (you know how it 
goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we needed to move fast- 
she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on with a 
rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in 
a carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her 
neck) the vet's was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but 
come Mon. morn., still hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the 
vet clinic and it's closed- like out of business!!!  We were hoping to 
match up the rabies tag number with the owner, however, my mom is 
really skittish about actually finding the owner because there's no 
free newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in the 
neighborhood, and she was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  
Also, my mom says the vet the cat went to to at least get her rabies 
shot is "not a good one," so she is reluctant to just immediately turn 
this cat over, even if we do find the owners- which at this point, is 
not looking promising anyway. 
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe 
find the owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to 
see if I can get her in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a 
discounted price.  When we found her she had horrible runny eyes- all 
down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We are keeping her in a 
downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do let her out 
of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO 
good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she 
will do anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't 
fight, I can treat her eyes easily, etc.  I don't think she even knows 
how to scratch?!)   
Her main problem is she is clearly severely malnourished-- she is skin 
and bones literally.  She has dander.  I think she would have died 
this week outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated by 
malnutrition if we hadn't taken her in.  We are feeding her Wellness 
wet food, which I am adding a Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as 
Pet Calm.  Thank god I remembered that I had a tube of Nutrical (from 
Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet food too and she just 
gobbles it up.  We are also feeding her Wellness dry food, but it took 
a while for her to eat it because I don't think she knew "how" to eat 
dry cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube of Terramycin to 
treat her eyes and they are already a lot better.  The green discharge 
has lessened and the overall watering and sneezing is better.  She's 
had two BM's- we had to help the first one along with some Laxatone.  
The first one was pretty normal, but yesterday's was runny (but that 
could have been from the laxatone).
I just wanted to see if anyone else had advice for how we can improve 
her nutrition until we can get her into a vet?  I've never rescued a 
cat that was this malnourished before and my mom is just really 
worried about that, so I really just need some advice- even if it's 
things I can tell my over-worrying mother to calm her down!

Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN 

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Hoffman
Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister -- are my personal cats, two 
former feral brothers.  (I have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy 
has been seen inside since the fire but he is really freaked, reverted to 
feral.  Lil Mister has not.
  Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and she's pretty smug about not 
going into those traps we've set.
  Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a 
foster, and she has been seen after the fire inside the house.
  Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl, a little tabby.  Have not 
seen her.
  Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4 months old.  Have not seen 
her.  (She's the only one of the kittens still missing.)
  There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom have been seen.
  We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with a drop trap in a few days 
to get the outside cats.  Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try 
to get the remaining inside cats.  The general consensus is that they are 
hiding inside the house and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner 
yesterday, and finding Ember hiding in the burned out basement, I suspect they 
are all still inside.  If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps, 
eventually I should be able to get them all.  No one has been found dead so I 
have to assume they are alive and in there somewhere.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can also send to my cousin in L.A. 
who knows people, but she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I am 
so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so happy that none of your 
kitties were killed in the fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost 
cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or are they outside somewhere? 
 Also, are all your personal cats accounted for or are some of them part of the 
missing five?
  Sending good vibes your way to find those lost kitties and that you find a 
place soon to rent until you're able to get settled again.
  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

  - Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

  Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) missing 
cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link is  I will gather more photos as 
I can but I want to start circulating what I have.  
  Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
  Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,

  Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread wendy
Hi Caroline,

The fact that this kitty is in bad shape and that there are no signs looking 
for her to me says that she wasn't necessarily neglected, but maybe she's been 
lost for quite a while and hope may have been given up in looking for this cat. 
 The right thing to do would be to try to find out who the family is and go 
from there, keeping in mind that this kitty MIGHT not have been taken good care 
of, but not necessarily.  What if it were your cat and you had been looking for 
her for two months and had given up hope?  You would certainly still want to 
find her if you could, but after so long, the chances are pretty slim.  There 
are quite a few online lost pet sites that I would look through.  Here are a 
few that I found:

Bless you for taking this sweet kitty in.  Monkee would be so proud of you!  
She is lucky that you found her.  It would probably not hurt her at all to have 
subQ fluids, if you know how to do it.  It's really easy.  Is she drinking 
enough water?  Also, you might think about boiling her some chicken and letting 
her drink the broth from that, and mixing chopped boiled chicken in with her 
food.  She probably would love that.  Thank goodness that she is eating and 
pooping good.  That is wonderful!!!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 10:09:28 AM
Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was clearly a 
house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3 weeks. 
 My mom had told the neighbor across the street that I had a foster cat and so 
he thought I would know what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did not 
have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we 
needed to move fast- she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on 
with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a 
carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's 
was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still 
hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- 
like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the rabies tag number with 
the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually finding the owner 
because there's no free
 newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in the neighborhood, and she 
was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the vet the cat 
went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good one," so she is 
reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the 
owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find the 
owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her 
in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.  When we found her 
she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We 
are keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do 
let her out of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO 
good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do 
anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her 

Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel.


Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles. Visit the 
Yahoo! Auto Green Center. 

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread wendy
Thank God, Susan, all but a few have been seen alive.  Prayers going out for 
you to find all 9 (?) of these furbabies.  Too bad the electrical isn't working 
or you could plug in some  I can't imagine what these kitties 
are thinking right now, but I know it's good that you are coming around because 
they know you.  Please keep us posted when you are able.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 12:57:40 PM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister -- are my personal cats, two 
former feral brothers.  (I have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy 
has been seen inside since the fire but he is really freaked, reverted to 
feral.  Lil Mister has not.
Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and she's pretty smug about not 
going into those traps we've set.
Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a 
foster, and she has been seen after the fire inside the house.
Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl, a little tabby.  Have not 
seen her.
Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4 months old.  Have not seen her.  
(She's the only one of the kittens still missing.)
There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom have been seen.
We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with a drop trap in a few days to 
get the outside cats.  Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try to 
get the remaining inside cats.  The general consensus is that they are hiding 
inside the house and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner yesterday, 
and finding Ember hiding in the burned out basement, I suspect they are all 
still inside.  If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps, eventually I 
should be able to get them all.  No one has been found dead so I have to assume 
they are alive and in there somewhere.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can also send to my cousin in L.A. 
who knows people, but she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I am 
so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so happy that none of your 
kitties were killed in the fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost 
cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or are they outside somewhere? 
 Also, are all your personal cats accounted for or are some of them part of the 
missing five?
Sending good vibes your way to find those lost kitties and that you find a 
place soon to rent until you're able to get settled again.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) missing 
cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link is  I will gather more photos as 
I can but I want to start circulating what I have.  
Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

 for the edge of your seat? 
Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
Susan, I am sorry that some of your kitties are still missing - I wish I were 
close so that I could help them being reunited with you.  It must be such a 
traumatizing experience for them.  but I am sure that all will be found and be 
reuinted with you soon.  When maddie (feral kitty) went on missing at a her new 
adopted house, I thought I would never found her, but after 5 weeks, search 
after search, I was finally able to trap her in a drop trap -- I was glad that 
I never gave up a hope.

I will be praying that all of them will be safely back in your care very very 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Hoffman 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:57 AM
  Subject: Re: FIRE!

  Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister -- are my personal cats, two 
former feral brothers.  (I have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy 
has been seen inside since the fire but he is really freaked, reverted to 
feral.  Lil Mister has not.

  Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and she's pretty smug about not 
going into those traps we've set.

  Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a 
foster, and she has been seen after the fire inside the house.

  Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl, a little tabby.  Have not 
seen her.

  Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4 months old.  Have not seen 
her.  (She's the only one of the kittens still missing.)

  There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom have been seen.

  We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with a drop trap in a few days 
to get the outside cats.  Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try 
to get the remaining inside cats.  The general consensus is that they are 
hiding inside the house and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner 
yesterday, and finding Ember hiding in the burned out basement, I suspect they 
are all still inside.  If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps, 
eventually I should be able to get them all.  No one has been found dead so I 
have to assume they are alive and in there somewhere.

  wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can also send to my cousin in 
L.A. who knows people, but she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I 
am so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so happy that none of your 
kitties were killed in the fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost 
cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or are they outside somewhere? 
 Also, are all your personal cats accounted for or are some of them part of the 
missing five?

Sending good vibes your way to find those lost kitties and that you find a 
place soon to rent until you're able to get settled again.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

- Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) 
missing cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The 
link is
  I will gather more photos as I can but I want to start circulating what I 

Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
  yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
  adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
  Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
  If you can't reach her you can contact me also
  p.m. and I will reach her,

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers 
 someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
Well, it depnds on your kitty's weight - let's say your kitty weight about as 
you use 1mu/kg -so, let's say, if your kitty weights 9lb, its about 4 kg - so 
you will give him 4 MU - which is 0.4ml in the mixed vial - so it will give you 
about 2.5 times dosages - but at the same time, I noticed that it works even if 
not exacty -- so to be economical -- I may give 0.3 ml for each dosage so that 
I can get 3 times dosages out of one vial.  Does it make sense?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kelley Saveika 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:48 AM
  Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

  I don't know, but Hideyo will.

  On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Thank-you. Any idea how many doses in a tube?
  > Thanks!
  > Laurie
  > - Original Message -
  > From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > To:>>
  > Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:23 AM
  > Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q
  > > The feline version is orderable from other countries.  It is $1000 for
  > > 10 tubes I believe.
  > >
  > > On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  > >>
  > >> Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing immunity
  > >> to
  > >> interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline
  > >> version
  > >> is hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight?
  > >> Thanks
  > >> Laurie
  > >> - Original Message -
  > >> ; [EMAIL 
  > >> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
  > >> Subject: Power of interferon: OT
  > >>
  > >> Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how effective
  > >> interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
  > >> I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV
  > >> treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties
  > >> have
  > >> severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away mainly
  > >> because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I
  > >> noticed that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in my
  > >> FIP cases.
  > >>
  > >> Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he
  > >> received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway,
  > >> since
  > >> yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick discharge
  > >> from his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill
  > >> fortunately.. but looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how
  > >> my
  > >> Simba who had passed away from FIP a couple of months ago started his
  > >> symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two shots of interferon yesterday and
  > >> today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be s clear, which is
  > >> amazing.
  > >> I just wanted to let everyone know in case you may have a simiar
  > >> situation
  > >> in the future.
  > >>
  > >> good nite,
  > >>
  > >> Hideyo
  > >
  > >
  > > --
  > > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > > Please help Caroline!
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > > I GoodSearch for Rescuties.
  > >
  > > Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
  > > Internet with GoodSearch - 
- powered by Yahoo!
  > >

  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

  Please help Caroline!

  I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

  Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
  Internet with GoodSearch - - 
powered by Yahoo!

to susan or Kelly: cross posting

2007-08-07 Thread HIDEYO YAMAMOTO
Hi, can either of you or someone post the email explaining the situation of 
Susan's fire and with all the right contact information so that I can cross 
post the information.  I started writing, but was not sure if I had all the 
contact information as some of the old emails got deleted.  thank you.


Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Caroline Kaufmann
We will do that.  Thanks for the websites.  I will use them to try to find her owner.  I don't think we will ever hear back from the out-of-business vet that my mom left a message for.  He still hasn't called and I'm sure our message is low priority.  I think she is drinking enough water.  My mom says that she estimates the cat is urinating 3 times a day in the litter box.  She had another BM this a.m.- formed, but loose, but not diarrhea (that's the third since we took her in on Sat.).  I think it's more just the digestive tract trying to get kicked into gear.  My mom also has been mixing Wellness wet and dry and she said last night, she eats all the wet, and then will leave the dry, so we think she is "getting full" and deciding to stop eating- which we think is a good sign.  The first time I 
fed herwow-- I'd never seen anything like it, I thought she might choke or throw up (she didn't) because she ate so voraciously...poor thing.  She's definitely calmed down with the exciting eating, so that seems like a good sign.

She really is a beautiful cat...LH grey with tan splotches and she is sweet as can be.  Very docile.  She kneads ALL the time and purrs a lot.  I think she LOVES the A/C.  We leave a tv on for her and my mom has caught her "watching" it.  
I still haven't heard from my Shamrock contact, but we need to get her to a vet.  I am afraid she needs oral antibiotics and not just Terramycin for the eyes- she keeps showing the third eyelid and it's definitely red and irritated.  I just want to make sure that what she indeed has is an infection and not something more serious.  My mom is going to make an appointment with her own vet and explain the situation...that we just need the most dire things taken care of now and not an entire $200 vet visit please!
An observation: it's funny to me how some of them can survive quite well out there and others, not at all.  Monkee was out there at least 6 months and kept himself so well-hidden from humans, so clean (his white was always so white!), and so well-fed, that it took me forever to realize he was stray!  He made it through 3 months of a Northern Ky winter that saw lots of snow!  He was certainly not malnourished when I took him in-- he was lean and sinewy and strong like a dog.  But my mom's cat Tally- with her flea dermatitis- she couldn't have been out but a few days and she was already a dire case with her bald head and open sores!  And this poor catI do think it's kind of Monkee should've taught an "Outdoor Survivalist" class to kitties or something!  Monkee didn't want for much when he was out I can tell you 
that.  When he wanted to eat, he ate (a bird, a baby rabbit, etc.)  Which was all evident about a week after I took him in and my apartment courtyard bloomed with life...chipmunks, birds, and for the first time since I'd lived there, I saw a baby rabbit in the courtyard that was previously Monkee's "killing fields"!!!  It was like a scene out of "Snow White" with all the forest animals out in full-bloom because the black and white killer cat was trapped in the apartment!  I don't think this poor cat ate anything while out there that wasn't provided to her by a human; maybe some bugs? 
Thanks for the insight.

From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued catDate: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 11:37:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Caroline,
The fact that this kitty is in bad shape and that there are no signs looking for her to me says that she wasn't necessarily neglected, but maybe she's been lost for quite a while and hope may have been given up in looking for this cat.  The right thing to do would be to try to find out who the family is and go from there, keeping in mind that this kitty MIGHT not have been taken good care of, but not necessarily.  What if it were your cat and you had been looking for her for two months and had given up hope?  You would certainly still want to find her if you could, but after so long, the chances are pretty slim.  There are quite a few online lost pet sites that I would look through.  Here are a few that I found:
Bless you for taking this sweet kitty in.  Monkee would be so proud of you!  She is lucky that you found her.  It would probably not hurt her at all to have subQ fluids, if you know how to do it.  It's really easy.  Is she drinking enough water?  Also, you might think about boiling her some chicken and letting her drink the broth from that, and mixing chopped boiled chicken in with her food.  She probably would love that.  Thank goodness that she is eating and pooping good.  That is wonderful!!!

RE: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
One of my neighbors took in a cat she'd found eating peanuts from her
squirrel feeder during the winter.  So, I guess pretty much whatever
doesn't eat them first is fair game.  
Diane R.
Diane Rosenfeldt 
Legal Secretary
Quarles & Brady LLP 
411 East Wisconsin Avenue 
Suite 2040 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-4497 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

We will do that.  Thanks for the websites.  I will use them to try to
find her owner.  I don't think we will ever hear back from the
out-of-business vet that my mom left a message for.  He still hasn't
called and I'm sure our message is low priority.  I think she is
drinking enough water.  My mom says that she estimates the cat is
urinating 3 times a day in the litter box.  She had another BM this
a.m.- formed, but loose, but not diarrhea (that's the third since we
took her in on Sat.).  I think it's more just the digestive tract trying
to get kicked into gear.  My mom also has been mixing Wellness wet and
dry and she said last night, she eats all the wet, and then will leave
the dry, so we think she is "getting full" and deciding to stop eating-
which we think is a good sign.  The first time I fed herwow-- I'd
never seen anything like it, I thought she might choke or throw up (she
didn't) because she ate so voraciously...poor thing.  She's definitely
calmed down with the exciting eating, so that seems like a good sign.

She really is a beautiful cat...LH grey with tan splotches and she is
sweet as can be.  Very docile.  She kneads ALL the time and purrs a lot.
I think she LOVES the A/C.  We leave a tv on for her and my mom has
caught her "watching" it.  

I still haven't heard from my Shamrock contact, but we need to get her
to a vet.  I am afraid she needs oral antibiotics and not just
Terramycin for the eyes- she keeps showing the third eyelid and it's
definitely red and irritated.  I just want to make sure that what she
indeed has is an infection and not something more serious.  My mom is
going to make an appointment with her own vet and explain the
situation...that we just need the most dire things taken care of now and
not an entire $200 vet visit please!

An observation: it's funny to me how some of them can survive quite well
out there and others, not at all.  Monkee was out there at least 6
months and kept himself so well-hidden from humans, so clean (his white
was always so white!), and so well-fed, that it took me forever to
realize he was stray!  He made it through 3 months of a Northern Ky
winter that saw lots of snow!  He was certainly not malnourished when I
took him in-- he was lean and sinewy and strong like a dog.  But my
mom's cat Tally- with her flea dermatitis- she couldn't have been out
but a few days and she was already a dire case with her bald head and
open sores!  And this poor catI do think it's kind of
Monkee should've taught an "Outdoor Survivalist" class to kitties or
something!  Monkee didn't want for much when he was out I can tell you
that.  When he wanted to eat, he ate (a bird, a baby rabbit, etc.)
Which was all evident about a week after I took him in and my apartment
courtyard bloomed with life...chipmunks, birds, and for the first time
since I'd lived there, I saw a baby rabbit in the courtyard that was
previously Monkee's "killing fields"!!!  It was like a scene out of
"Snow White" with all the forest animals out in full-bloom because the
black and white killer cat was trapped in the apartment!  I don't think
this poor cat ate anything while out there that wasn't provided to her
by a human; maybe some bugs? 

Thanks for the insight.



From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 11:37:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Caroline,
The fact that this kitty is in bad shape and that there are no
signs looking for her to me says that she wasn't necessarily neglected,
but maybe she's been lost for quite a while and hope may have been given
up in looking for this cat.  The right thing to do would be to try to
find out who the family is and go from there, keeping in mind that this
kitty MIGHT not have been taken good care of, but not necessarily.  What
if it were your cat and you had been looking for her for two months and
had given up hope?  You would certainly still want to find her if you
could, but after so long, the chances are pretty slim.  There are quite
a few online lost pet sites that I would look through.  Here are a few
that I found:

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread janine paton
Hi Susan, 

We went through this 4 yrs ago with our largest foster
home.  It's really a nightmare.  Looking back I can
see we did a few things wrong.  Beating the bushes and
calling their names was the wrong thing to do, esp
with the more feral cats.  Setting traps is really a
better idea.  

You might pick up tips from too.  

The leftover smell of the fire and smoke might
discourage them from coming too close to the house -
talk about a bad memory! - so maybe setting traps in
neighbor's yards might be helpful.  

A very few neighbors put food and water out on back
porches or near bushes where a frightened cat could
sneak in and eat and the neighbor would let us know if
that happened so we would then set a trap right there.
 If your neighbors are helpful, that's half the

Those 2 things were important to recognize, in
hindsight - the home that now smelled like a nightmare
and the calm, calculated drawing in of the cats in the
surrounding area. 

Thinking of you and your cats,


--- Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister --
> are my personal cats, two former feral brothers.  (I
> have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy
> has been seen inside since the fire but he is really
> freaked, reverted to feral.  Lil Mister has not.
>   Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and
> she's pretty smug about not going into those traps
> we've set.
>   Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY
> feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a foster, and she has
> been seen after the fire inside the house.
>   Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl,
> a little tabby.  Have not seen her.
>   Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4
> months old.  Have not seen her.  (She's the only one
> of the kittens still missing.)
>   There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom
> have been seen.
>   We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with
> a drop trap in a few days to get the outside cats. 
> Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try
> to get the remaining inside cats.  The general
> consensus is that they are hiding inside the house
> and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner
> yesterday, and finding Ember hiding in the burned
> out basement, I suspect they are all still inside. 
> If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps,
> eventually I should be able to get them all.  No one
> has been found dead so I have to assume they are
> alive and in there somewhere.
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Susan,
>   I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can
> also send to my cousin in L.A. who knows people, but
> she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I
> am so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so
> happy that none of your kitties were killed in the
> fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost
> cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or
> are they outside somewhere?  Also, are all your
> personal cats accounted for or are some of them part
> of the missing five?
>   Sending good vibes your way to find those lost
> kitties and that you find a place soon to rent until
> you're able to get settled again.
>   :)
>   Wendy
>   "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change the world - indeed it
> is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret
> Meade ~~~
>   - Original Message 
> From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
> Subject: Re: FIRE!
>   Just set up a photobucket account with photos of
> (a) fire damage, (b) missing cats and (c) adoptables
> in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link
> is
>  I will gather more photos as I can but I want to
> start circulating what I have.  
>   Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
>   Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are
> still missing.
> Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found
> as 
> yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can
> assist with 
> adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly
> rentals between 
> Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up
> to 1500 per month,,
> If you can't reach her you can contact me also
> p.m. and I will reach her,
> thanks
> Kelly
> -
>   Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel
> answers from someone who knows.
> Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

2007-08-07 Thread laurieskatz
yes. thanks!
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 12:53 PM
  Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

  Well, it depnds on your kitty's weight - let's say your kitty weight about as 
you use 1mu/kg -so, let's say, if your kitty weights 9lb, its about 4 kg - so 
you will give him 4 MU - which is 0.4ml in the mixed vial - so it will give you 
about 2.5 times dosages - but at the same time, I noticed that it works even if 
not exacty -- so to be economical -- I may give 0.3 ml for each dosage so that 
I can get 3 times dosages out of one vial.  Does it make sense?
- Original Message - 
From: Kelley Saveika 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q

I don't know, but Hideyo will.

On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank-you. Any idea how many doses in a tube?
> Thanks!
> Laurie
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:23 AM
> Subject: Re: Hideyo ~ interferon Q
> > The feline version is orderable from other countries.  It is $1000 for
> > 10 tubes I believe.
> >
> > On 8/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks Hideyo! Our vet confirmed what you said about developing 
> >> to
> >> interferon. THANK-YOU for this information. She also said the feline
> >> version
> >> is hard to get and very expensive. Can you provide any insight?
> >> Thanks
> >> Laurie
> >> - Original Message -
> >> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 3:07 AM
> >> Subject: Power of interferon: OT
> >>
> >> Hi, I just want to let everyone know how impressd I am with how 
> >> interferon works for URIs that is caused by virurs.
> >> I have been using feline interferon for many things (felk, FIP, FIV
> >> treatment) for the past year or two. Additionally, whenever my kitties
> >> have
> >> severe or mild URIs, I started using feline interferon right away 
> >> because I don't want it to develop something more serious like FIP as I
> >> noticed that many times, URIs are one of the very first signs I saw in 
> >> FIP cases.
> >>
> >> Anyway, my 5 year old Frankie had developed chronic URIs ever since he
> >> received 3 combo vaccinations when he was about 6 months old.  anyway,
> >> since
> >> yesterday, he had developed very severe URIs - green and thick 
> >> from his nose which would not stop running.  He did not act ill
> >> fortunately.. but looking at it, I got very scared that reminded me how
> >> my
> >> Simba who had passed away from FIP a couple of months ago started his
> >> symptoms.  but anyway, I gave him two shots of interferon yesterday and
> >> today, and by tonight,, his nose seems to be s clear, which is
> >> amazing.
> >> I just wanted to let everyone know in case you may have a simiar
> >> situation
> >> in the future.
> >>
> >> good nite,
> >>
> >> Hideyo
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> >
> >
> >
> > Please help Caroline!
> >
> >
> >
> > I GoodSearch for Rescuties.
> >
> > Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
> > Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!
> >

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: FIRE!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Marylyn
Feliway makes a spray that I like a lot better than the plug in.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: wendy 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:45 PM
  Subject: Re: FIRE!

  Thank God, Susan, all but a few have been seen alive.  Prayers going out for 
you to find all 9 (?) of these furbabies.  Too bad the electrical isn't working 
or you could plug in some  I can't imagine what these kitties 
are thinking right now, but I know it's good that you are coming around because 
they know you.  Please keep us posted when you are able.

  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

  - Original Message 
  From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 12:57:40 PM
  Subject: Re: FIRE!

  Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister -- are my personal cats, two 
former feral brothers.  (I have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy 
has been seen inside since the fire but he is really freaked, reverted to 
feral.  Lil Mister has not.

  Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and she's pretty smug about not 
going into those traps we've set.

  Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a 
foster, and she has been seen after the fire inside the house.

  Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl, a little tabby.  Have not 
seen her.

  Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4 months old.  Have not seen 
her.  (She's the only one of the kittens still missing.)

  There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom have been seen.

  We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with a drop trap in a few days 
to get the outside cats.  Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try 
to get the remaining inside cats.  The general consensus is that they are 
hiding inside the house and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner 
yesterday, and finding Ember hiding in the burned out basement, I suspect they 
are all still inside.  If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps, 
eventually I should be able to get them all.  No one has been found dead so I 
have to assume they are alive and in there somewhere.

  wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can also send to my cousin in 
L.A. who knows people, but she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I 
am so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so happy that none of your 
kitties were killed in the fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost 
cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or are they outside somewhere? 
 Also, are all your personal cats accounted for or are some of them part of the 
missing five?

Sending good vibes your way to find those lost kitties and that you find a 
place soon to rent until you're able to get settled again.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

- Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!

Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) 
missing cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The 
link is  I will gather more 
photos as I can but I want to start circulating what I have.  

Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
  yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
  adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
  Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
  If you can't reach her you can contact me also
  p.m. and I will reach her,

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

  Looking for a dea

Re: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Dubose
When cats are severly emaciated, it is best to give them several "small" meals 
per day, as opposed to allowing any free feeding.

This keeps them from getting sick.

I would have a complete blood panel done, also, to verify that her liver / 
kidneys are functioning ok.

Thanks for saving her, Caroline, and thank your mom too.

You probably got her right in the nick of time.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
  Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

  I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was clearly a 
house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3 weeks. 
 My mom had told the neighbor across the street that I had a foster cat and so 
he thought I would know what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did not 
have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we 
needed to move fast- she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on 
with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a 
carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's 
was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still 
hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- 
like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the rabies tag number with 
the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually finding the owner 
because there's no free newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in 
the neighborhood, and she was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my 
mom says the vet the cat went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good 
one," so she is reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do 
find the owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  

  We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find the 
owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her 
in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.  When we found her 
she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We 
are keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do 
let her out of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO 
good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do 
anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her 
eyes easily, etc.  I don't think she even knows how to scratch?!)   

  Her main problem is she is clearly severely malnourished-- she is skin and 
bones literally.  She has dander.  I think she would have died this week 
outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated by malnutrition if we 
hadn't taken her in.  We are feeding her Wellness wet food, which I am adding a 
Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as Pet Calm.  Thank god I remembered that I 
had a tube of Nutrical (from Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet 
food too and she just gobbles it up.  We are also feeding her Wellness dry 
food, but it took a while for her to eat it because I don't think she knew 
"how" to eat dry cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube of Terramycin to 
treat her eyes and they are already a lot better.  The green discharge has 
lessened and the overall watering and sneezing is better.  She's had two BM's- 
we had to help the first one along with some Laxatone.  The first one was 
pretty normal, but yesterday's was runny (but that could have been from the 

  I just wanted to see if anyone else had advice for how we can improve her 
nutrition until we can get her into a vet?  I've never rescued a cat that was 
this malnourished before and my mom is just really worried about that, so I 
really just need some advice- even if it's things I can tell my over-worrying 
mother to calm her down!


  Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel. 

Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Marylyn
Isn't that the way it is with any critter (even those of us with two legs) when 
we are starving?  

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Rosenfeldt, Diane 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 2:17 PM
  Subject: RE: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

  One of my neighbors took in a cat she'd found eating peanuts from her 
squirrel feeder during the winter.  So, I guess pretty much whatever doesn't 
eat them first is fair game.  

  Diane R.

  Diane Rosenfeldt 
  Legal Secretary
  Quarles & Brady LLP 
  411 East Wisconsin Avenue 
  Suite 2040 
  Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-4497 


  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 2:06 PM
  Subject: Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

  We will do that.  Thanks for the websites.  I will use them to try to find 
her owner.  I don't think we will ever hear back from the out-of-business vet 
that my mom left a message for.  He still hasn't called and I'm sure our 
message is low priority.  I think she is drinking enough water.  My mom says 
that she estimates the cat is urinating 3 times a day in the litter box.  She 
had another BM this a.m.- formed, but loose, but not diarrhea (that's the third 
since we took her in on Sat.).  I think it's more just the digestive tract 
trying to get kicked into gear.  My mom also has been mixing Wellness wet and 
dry and she said last night, she eats all the wet, and then will leave the dry, 
so we think she is "getting full" and deciding to stop eating- which we think 
is a good sign.  The first time I fed herwow-- I'd never seen anything like 
it, I thought she might choke or throw up (she didn't) because she ate so 
voraciously...poor thing.  She's definitely calmed down with the exciting 
eating, so that seems like a good sign.

  She really is a beautiful cat...LH grey with tan splotches and she is sweet 
as can be.  Very docile.  She kneads ALL the time and purrs a lot.  I think she 
LOVES the A/C.  We leave a tv on for her and my mom has caught her "watching" 

  I still haven't heard from my Shamrock contact, but we need to get her to a 
vet.  I am afraid she needs oral antibiotics and not just Terramycin for the 
eyes- she keeps showing the third eyelid and it's definitely red and irritated. 
 I just want to make sure that what she indeed has is an infection and not 
something more serious.  My mom is going to make an appointment with her own 
vet and explain the situation...that we just need the most dire things taken 
care of now and not an entire $200 vet visit please!

  An observation: it's funny to me how some of them can survive quite well out 
there and others, not at all.  Monkee was out there at least 6 months and kept 
himself so well-hidden from humans, so clean (his white was always so white!), 
and so well-fed, that it took me forever to realize he was stray!  He made it 
through 3 months of a Northern Ky winter that saw lots of snow!  He was 
certainly not malnourished when I took him in-- he was lean and sinewy and 
strong like a dog.  But my mom's cat Tally- with her flea dermatitis- she 
couldn't have been out but a few days and she was already a dire case with her 
bald head and open sores!  And this poor catI do think it's kind of Monkee should've taught an "Outdoor Survivalist" class to kitties 
or something!  Monkee didn't want for much when he was out I can tell you that. 
 When he wanted to eat, he ate (a bird, a baby rabbit, etc.)  Which was all 
evident about a week after I took him in and my apartment courtyard bloomed 
with life...chipmunks, birds, and for the first time since I'd lived there, I 
saw a baby rabbit in the courtyard that was previously Monkee's "killing 
fields"!!!  It was like a scene out of "Snow White" with all the forest animals 
out in full-bloom because the black and white killer cat was trapped in the 
apartment!  I don't think this poor cat ate anything while out there that 
wasn't provided to her by a human; maybe some bugs? 

  Thanks for the insight.



From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

Re: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Dubose
When cats are severly emaciated, it is best to give them several "small" meals 
per day, as opposed to allowing any free feeding.

This keeps them from getting sick.

I would have a complete blood panel done, also, to verify that her liver / 
kidneys are functioning ok.

Thanks for saving her, Caroline, and thank your mom too.

You probably got her right in the nick of time.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
  Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

  I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was clearly a 
house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3 weeks. 
 My mom had told the neighbor across the street that I had a foster cat and so 
he thought I would know what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did not 
have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we 
needed to move fast- she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on 
with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a 
carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's 
was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still 
hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- 
like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the rabies tag number with 
the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually finding the owner 
because there's no free newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in 
the neighborhood, and she was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my 
mom says the vet the cat went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good 
one," so she is reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do 
find the owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  

  We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find the 
owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her 
in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.  When we found her 
she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We 
are keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do 
let her out of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO 
good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do 
anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her 
eyes easily, etc.  I don't think she even knows how to scratch?!)   

  Her main problem is she is clearly severely malnourished-- she is skin and 
bones literally.  She has dander.  I think she would have died this week 
outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated by malnutrition if we 
hadn't taken her in.  We are feeding her Wellness wet food, which I am adding a 
Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as Pet Calm.  Thank god I remembered that I 
had a tube of Nutrical (from Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet 
food too and she just gobbles it up.  We are also feeding her Wellness dry 
food, but it took a while for her to eat it because I don't think she knew 
"how" to eat dry cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube of Terramycin to 
treat her eyes and they are already a lot better.  The green discharge has 
lessened and the overall watering and sneezing is better.  She's had two BM's- 
we had to help the first one along with some Laxatone.  The first one was 
pretty normal, but yesterday's was runny (but that could have been from the 

  I just wanted to see if anyone else had advice for how we can improve her 
nutrition until we can get her into a vet?  I've never rescued a cat that was 
this malnourished before and my mom is just really worried about that, so I 
really just need some advice- even if it's things I can tell my over-worrying 
mother to calm her down!


  Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel. 

tshirts & stickers

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Dubose
I received my "purr for a cure" tshirt from the website the other day, can't 
wait to wear it.

I will have to get Papillon off of it first, he thinks it's the cat's meow and 
is sleeping on it  :)

I also got a few of the stickers, handed them out to my good friends who 
thought they were way too cool

Now I have to order more for myself, I gave them all away...  :(

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

OT: Just Born

2007-08-07 Thread Susan Dubose
Ok, once again, who on the list is using the Just Born for their cats w/ 
stomatitis, and how & why does it help?

I just placed an order from one of the vet websites, and I had them toss in 
some of the powder to try out.


Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent


2007-08-07 Thread Jane Lyons

did a bit of research to find out where the original source of this  
mis-attributed to Jean Dodds 'quotation' came from - it's an article  
from 2003 - published in

"Better Nutrition"
 Vexing vaccinations: a tale of too much of a good thing - petcare
Better Nutrition,  May, 2003  by Ann N. Martin

which can be read in full at:

There is the oft quoted information in a paragraph above the  
information about Jean Dodds - (see below),  so someone apparently  
took the paragraph above and attributed it to Dodds.

by Ann Martin

Is your veterinarian still recommending that you have your pet  
vaccinated on a yearly basis? If so, you might want to reconsider-- 
especially given the latest information on the problems associated  
with over-vaccination. Research in recent years indicates that,  
basically, there's no scientific evidence to support the need for  
annual vaccinations. "Annual vaccinations, a practice started many  
years ago, lack scientific validity or verification," says  
veterinarian R. Schultz, PhD, a professor at the Veterinary College  
at the University of Wisconsin

When annual rabies shots became common in the 1950s, pet owners never  
questioned the vaccine's safety. It helped vanquish the disease, as  
well as distemper and parvovirus. Following on the heels of this  
success, veterinary medicine developed more and more vaccinations.  
However, after many years of administering annual shots, vets began  
to notice something ominous. A growing number of otherwise healthy  
cats and dogs were getting cancer and immune-related diseases.  Pet  
owners and veterinary researchers began to question whether these  
problems were vaccine-related. Cats, for example, were developing  
fibrosarcomas--a fatal form of cancerous tumor--at the site of the  
vaccine injection, usually between the shoulder blades. Dogs were  
also getting cancerous tumors at injection sites and succumbed to  
immune diseases. My dog, Sarge, previously had a caring owner who  
vaccinated for everything on a yearly basis without realizing the  
consequences. Sarge now has discoid lupus, an

 autoimmune disease with no cure.
 So what's the link between vaccinations and  
these diseases?

   Vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system, but they do  
so in a very unnatural way that can overwhelm the body's natural  
defenses. Donna Starita Mehan, DVM, a holistic veterinarian in  
Boring, Oregon, explains that as a result of over-vaccination, the  
body may overreact to normally harmless substances such as common  
viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. This can result in allergies,  
skin problems and bladder or ear infections--or, in extreme cases,  
autoimmune diseases or cancer.

   double dose?
  Another problem with traditional pet vaccines is the dosage.  
Veterinarian Jean Dodd, DVM, of Santa Monica, California, notes that  
to ensure efficacy, manufacturers for years have made vaccine doses  
10 times more potent than what is necessary to challenge the immune  
  One vaccine producer, Pfizer, tested its one-year rabies vaccine  
on live animals and discovered it lasted for at least three years.  
Pfizer sells the identical formula, packaged differently, in  
different states to satisfy different state vaccination requirements.
  In addition, be aware that a Chihuahua will get the same amount of  
a vaccine dose as a Saint Bernard--a "one dose fits all" formula. For  
example, a small puppy and a large adult dog are both given 1 cc of a  
combination vaccine that might contain distemper, parainfluenza and  
parvo. And seldom, if ever, will your veterinarian lower the dosage.  
"In theory, your veterinarian could lose his license for not  
administering the full dose," says Martin Goldstein, DVM, of South  
Salem, New York. "Or, he might have to recall all of the pets to whom  
he gave a substandard dose and revaccinate them at full dosages."

   changing attitudes
  About five years ago, veterinary schools began to rethink the  
conventional wisdom of yearly vaccination protocols due to mounting  
evidence pointing to the connection between immune diseases, cancers  
and vaccinations. In January 1998, the American Veterinary Medical  
Association (AVMA) recommended that cats and dogs be vaccinated only  
every three years. As of 2003, all 27 veterinary schools in the  
United States are in the process of changing their protocols for  
vaccinating dogs and cats.
*(Dodd is mentioned below) 

  Dodd has studied the pros and cons of yearly vaccinations and has  
written a number of papers about them. She recommends that only the  
first shots for puppies and kittens be a modified live virus (MLV).  
These vaccinations should be given as individual injections over the  
span of weeks or months.
  Because fi

Re: OT: Just Born

2007-08-07 Thread Jane Lyons
Susan it was Marylyn who recommended it. I got it, but have not been  
to get it into MeMe. I have so many supplements to give her and she  
is beginning

to dislike wet food. I hope your guys like it and that it helps.

On Aug 7, 2007, at 6:52 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Ok, once again, who on the list is using the Just Born for their  
cats w/ stomatitis, and how & why does it help?

I just placed an order from one of the vet websites, and I had them  
toss in some of the powder to try out.


Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: Just Born

2007-08-07 Thread Marylyn
I use Just Born with Colostrum as a general supplement.  It is high in all the 
things a new kitten needs but is the best source of Colostrum I have.  There 
are other sources but the powder works for Dixie.  Come to think about it, she 
could use some of the ready mixed for a special treat---there have been 
carpenters in the house this week.  Anyway, it boasts the immune system and 
anything that does that is ok in my book.  I also use Transfer Factor for 

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 5:52 PM
  Subject: OT: Just Born

  Ok, once again, who on the list is using the Just Born for their cats w/ 
stomatitis, and how & why does it help?

  I just placed an order from one of the vet websites, and I had them toss in 
some of the powder to try out.


  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
"As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
   Trajan Tennent

Re: Just Born

2007-08-07 Thread Marylyn
Additional:  try mixing it in small amounts instead of as much as the can says. 
 Or try making a gravy out of it.  

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:29 PM
  Subject: Re: Just Born

  I use Just Born with Colostrum as a general supplement.  It is high in all 
the things a new kitten needs but is the best source of Colostrum I have.  
There are other sources but the powder works for Dixie.  Come to think about 
it, she could use some of the ready mixed for a special treat---there have been 
carpenters in the house this week.  Anyway, it boasts the immune system and 
anything that does that is ok in my book.  I also use Transfer Factor for 

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: Susan Dubose 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 5:52 PM
Subject: OT: Just Born

Ok, once again, who on the list is using the Just Born for their cats w/ 
stomatitis, and how & why does it help?

I just placed an order from one of the vet websites, and I had them toss in 
some of the powder to try out.


Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent