Re: [Felvtalk] seeking advice for treating FeLV positive old CKD cats with the new drugs

2013-04-25 Thread Sharon Catalan
Hello Catherine,

My cat Mr Gray is about 14 years old.  3 years ago, he was diagnosed with Felv. 
 He gets regular shots of Felv and today, he's healthier than ever.  Try it.  
It may lengthen the life of your kitty.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:46 PM, I-Chun C. C. Chang 

 Dear Felvalk friends, 
 I am very new to this group and was hoping to get some advice for the 
 treatment  about my currently very sick cat.
 My cat is 16 years old, who came to the States with me 6 years ago. I got her 
 when she was 7 (she was abandoned by the previous house owner...)  After I 
 got her, she was tested twice negative for FeLV and vaccinated for four 
 years. From then she has been a totally indoor cat. I later adopted another 
 cat,  who was also tested negative twice and vaccinated for three years.  
 From then on, since they have been complete indoor apartment cats with no 
 exposure to other cats and the little one always got some reaction to the 
 vaccine, we stopped vaccinating them for FeLV.
 Last Friday, my 16 years old cat was getting weak, my husband and I rushed 
 her to the ER and were told that she was in sever anemia (pcv less than 10%) 
 due to her chronic kidney disease. Two blood transfusions has been done, but 
 her response to blood transfusions was poor. Doctors then concerned that not 
 only her red blood cell count is low, her white blood cell count is also very 
 low. So the doctors ran the FeLV test again on Tuesday, and it came back 
 positive (!!) (we also rushed our younger one for test yesterday; but he 
 stays negative, and we added a booster vaccine on him). 
 We are getting our 16 years old back tonight. Doctors implicitly has 
 mentioned that FeLV has no cure, plus her Kidney situation (late stage CKD), 
 she may not live long... we were also suggested to consider putting her into 
 sleep soon. But I luckily found last night there is this emailist, and on the 
 website there are several drugs listed for possible treatment plans: 
 ImmunoRegulin, Acemannan, Interferon Alpha etc.  
 Do anyone in this emaillist have experience about treatment on old FeLV cat 
 with CKD by using these new drugs? If yes, may I learn your experience? I 
 really don't want to lose my girl in this way.I am getting my degree 
 soon, and do hope at least I can have her come back to my home country with 
 Sorry for such a long email, and thank you very much!
 I. Catherine  
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[Felvtalk] FeLV in Bone Marrow not in Blood

2011-05-28 Thread sharon Fazio
My 1 year kitten was diagnosed with FeLV back in Oct.  She has never tested 
positive with either blood test, only with bone marrow aspiration after she got 
real sick at 20 weeks of age.  As of now she is  showing no signs of FeLV, just 
a low normal blood test. To look at her you would and the way she plays you 
would not even know she had FeLV. 

Questions are: Can a cat clear FeLV from the bone marrow?  Could FeLV just stay 
in the bone marrow and never go to her blood? Can a cat expect to live a long 
life as long as the FeLV never moves from the bone marrow?  If she stays well 
should we think about getting another bone marrow aspiration since the FeLV 
never been in the blood?

Right now she on interferon 1 week on 1 week off.  She off all other drug as 
she doing so well.  Vet does not want to take her off the interferon ever.  

Thank you,
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Question re positives negatives

2011-04-15 Thread Sharon Catalan
Hello Pam,

My 3 cats have been living together for 10 years now until my boy-cat was
just recently diagnosed with FeLV.  He may have contracted it 2 years ago
when he ran outside and got into a fight with another cat.  We had the 2
other girl-cats tested and they're both negative.  We had the 2 other
girl-cats vaccinated and currently, they are separated.  Doctor said that
they can be together 30days after the 2 other cats receive their 2nd shot of
FeLV vaccination.  Also, according to our doctor, it should be okay for them
to be together again as long as they don't bite/scratch each other or share
bodily fluids.  Just keep their feeding stuff completely separate.  My cats
never fight with each other although occasionally, the other cat will eat
someone's leftover and I think that is the reason that the 2 others cats
never contracted it considering that the other one had FeLV for quite some
time now.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Pam Norman wrote:

 I am trying to determine what to do with Poppy both now  when the IFA test
 results come in. I've been reading  reading  from what I can gather, the
 old dictums about NEVER havinig positive  negative cats even in the same
 house has been abandoned.  From what I have read, the general sense is that
 it's fine for positives  negatives to be in the same home, but should be
 separate so there is no chance of exchanging fluids such as with a bite, but
 more importantly with mutual grooming.   But I know also that some of you
 have both positives  negatives really living together, not separate. Right?

 What about if I put Poppy in her condo in the spare bedroom  let me cats
 visit, so at  least she SEES other cats.  What is she hisses  spits?  Would
 that have a chance of infecting any of mine who were nosing around her
 condo?  My feeling is that it would.

 Also how effective is the vaccine these days?  I know that some years ago
 the figure was about 30% so I never  had any of my cats vaccinated.  Has it
 been  improved?

 Right now we are still waiting for the IFA test for Poppy. And I guess she
 needs retesting on that in at least a month. I do NOT want to keep her alone
 until then.  We  have a sanctuary for her if she tests IFA positive cause
 then we know that she is really positive. But the person who runs it tells
  me that regardless of how she tests on the IFA, she HAS leukemia. Period.
  And would go in with the positive cats. But my understanding  is that if
 she is IFA negative, she has a chance of fighting it off  putting her in
 with the positives is giving up.  I think she should only go in with the
 positives if she tests IFA positive.

 Can anyone help me sort this out?


 Felvtalk mailing list

Sharon F Catalan
Cell: (408) 398-5647
Home: (408) 229-2298
Carpe Diem!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Question re positives negatives

2011-04-15 Thread Sharon Catalan
Hello Pam,
Yes, they did share everything for 10 years up until a month ago when we
found out that the other one is positive.  That is actually the biggest
mystery - the 2 other cats never got infected.  The doctor did say that we
should test them again every 6 months.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Pam Norman wrote:


 What about grooming?  I would assume that those cats,  having lived
 together for 10 years, would mutually groom.  That's sharing bodily fluids 
 I would think would be potentially harmful to the negative ones.


 On 4/15/2011 1:28 PM, Sharon Catalan wrote:

 Hello Pam,

 My 3 cats have been living together for 10 years now until my boy-cat was
 just recently diagnosed with FeLV.  He may have contracted it 2 years ago
 when he ran outside and got into a fight with another cat.  We had the 2
 other girl-cats tested and they're both negative.  We had the 2 other
 girl-cats vaccinated and currently, they are separated.  Doctor said that
 they can be together 30days after the 2 other cats receive their 2nd shot
 FeLV vaccination.  Also, according to our doctor, it should be okay for
 to be together again as long as they don't bite/scratch each other or
 bodily fluids.  Just keep their feeding stuff completely separate.  My
 never fight with each other although occasionally, the other cat will eat
 someone's leftover and I think that is the reason that the 2 others cats
 never contracted it considering that the other one had FeLV for quite some
 time now.


 On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Pam

  I am trying to determine what to do with Poppy both now  when the IFA
 results come in. I've been reading  reading  from what I can gather,
 old dictums about NEVER havinig positive  negative cats even in the same
 house has been abandoned.  From what I have read, the general sense is
 it's fine for positives  negatives to be in the same home, but should be
 separate so there is no chance of exchanging fluids such as with a bite,
 more importantly with mutual grooming.   But I know also that some of you
 have both positives  negatives really living together, not separate.

 What about if I put Poppy in her condo in the spare bedroom  let me cats
 visit, so at  least she SEES other cats.  What is she hisses  spits?
 that have a chance of infecting any of mine who were nosing around her
 condo?  My feeling is that it would.

 Also how effective is the vaccine these days?  I know that some years ago
 the figure was about 30% so I never  had any of my cats vaccinated.  Has
 been  improved?

 Right now we are still waiting for the IFA test for Poppy. And I guess
 needs retesting on that in at least a month. I do NOT want to keep her
 until then.  We  have a sanctuary for her if she tests IFA positive cause
 then we know that she is really positive. But the person who runs it
  me that regardless of how she tests on the IFA, she HAS leukemia.
  And would go in with the positive cats. But my understanding  is that if
 she is IFA negative, she has a chance of fighting it off  putting her in
 with the positives is giving up.  I think she should only go in with the
 positives if she tests IFA positive.

 Can anyone help me sort this out?


 Felvtalk mailing list

 Felvtalk mailing list

Sharon F Catalan
Cell: (408) 398-5647
Home: (408) 229-2298
Carpe Diem!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ImmunoRegulin

2011-03-29 Thread Sharon Catalan
Hello All,

I am new to the discussion board.  My cat Mr Gray has just been diagnosed
with FeLV.  He is not symptomatic yet although recently, he was also
diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism.  He is still very active and alert and
eating a lot.

I have been reading that ImmunoRegulin has been quite effective but I want
to know if any one of you out there tried it on their FeLV cats.  Any
response will be appreciated.  Thank you.

Sharon F Catalan
Carpe Diem!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] LTCI, and FELV Fevers and Treatments

2010-12-10 Thread Sharon Fazio
Hi Andy,

The Internet is getting smaller and smaller everyday.  I have been reading
your posts on 910 pets about Aggie.  I guess when we get that bad news about
our fur babies we head for the web to learn more.  I so happy for you and
Aggie that she doing well.

 Our vet has Kelsea on Alpha Interferon 7 days on then 7 day off.  As of
Tuesday her CBC are great. She also very playful and great appetite. She is
gaining a little over a 1pound a month. Which is right on track for a
kitten.  Her attitude is awesome. All the vet tech at the veterinary
hospital we bring her to here in MA love her. I been the Mass Veterinary
Hospital so much that Kelsea that the  vet and I are on first name basis .

Since Aggie is asymptomatic does this meaning she still test postive for
FeLV even thou she showing no other signs of FeLV. I have heard of some cats
may test negtive after LTCI. Did Aggie FeLV show up in the  bone marrow, or
just the blood?

Part of me wants to put her on LTCI now, but the other parts just wants to
wait and see how she does.   Like you said this won't continue on forever,
but for now--everyday is a party with her.

Take care,

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Andy Domek wrote:

 Re: :LTCH--I've had reasonable success with LTCI.  If you do a search in
 the archives, you can read what I've written about my journey with my cat,
 Aggie.  She's still kicking at 6 and a half years.  I've had her on Alpha
 Interferon every day of her life, 1 cc every morning (and after she suffered
 a seizure of unknown cause, every morning and evening).  She's also been on
 LTCI every two weeks since her WBC and neutrophils went downhill last
 Spring.  Her bloodwork has rebounded nicely, and she is currently
 asymptomatic, and very playful with a fine appetite and attitude.  I know
 this won't continue on forever, but for now--every day is a party with her.

 About the interferon, Aggie has been on it every day of her life from the
 time we adopted her.  She had zero symptoms of anything FELV related until
 she developed adenocarcinoma of the salivary gland (cancer) at the age of 5.
  We had that removed in the Summer of 09, and as I mentioned above--she's
 still here.  I think the Interferon may have played a role in keeping her
 healthy for so long.  It isn't terribly expensive, at any rate.
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Re: [Felvtalk] Question about Interferon

2010-12-10 Thread Sharon Fazio
Hi Brenda,

At this time my kitten is tolerating the interferon.  It is my understanding
from my vet that some cats do have side effects with the  interferon. When
we put Kelsea on the interferon it was the right thing to do, she was very
sick kitten. I have to say I am very glad I did.  I'm not sure if I mention
in pass emails that Kelsea is on the interferon for 7 days then off for the
next 7 days, she only get 1 cc at night.

Let me know what you decide to do.  My thoughts are with you and Eden.


On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 9:59 AM, wrote:

 Many of you have said that you are using interferon to treat your FeLV cats
 and I'm trying to decide if we should start Eden on this as well. Nobody has
 mentioned any side effects from the treatment but I work with cancer
 patients and I've seen many patients treated with interferon and it is not
 well tolerated at all. In fact it is a treatment that is plagued with many
 serious side effects and in many cases the side effects are much worse then
 the symptoms of the patient's actual disease. So I'm wondering if the cats
 being treated are experiencing side effects or if the dose is so low in cats
 that the side effects aren't a problem.


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[Felvtalk] LTCI

2010-12-09 Thread Sharon Fazio

I want to introduce myself and my very beautiful Ragdoll kitten Kelsea who
tested positive for FeLV in the bone marrow ( I know it is not a good thing)
.  Kelsea was diagnose with FeLV about 8 weeks ago.  Right now she is doing
wonderful on the treatment plan her vet has her on, which includes
Interferon, Atopic and a steroid.  She was on dimethylgycine to build up her
red blood cells, she has been off the dimethlgycine for about two weeks now.

At this point all her all her blood work is normal.  She is putting on
weight; over 2 pounds since her diagnoses. To look at this little one you
would not even know she was sick. : )

I’m hoping someone could let me know anything about LTCI.  I’m not thinking
about change Kelsea’s med now, since she is doing so well.  I would just
like a little more information on LTCI. i.e. what kind of success has it had
in FeLV.  I am also wondering what are the chances the FeLV will go into
remission if it is in the bone marrow? Kelsea’s vet tell me that the chances
are very low, but I just need to know if it has happen to anyone out there.

Many Purrr to all,

Kelsea and Sharon ( Kelsea’s Mom)
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Question on FeLV Treatments Fevers

2010-12-09 Thread Sharon Fazio
Hi Brenda,

I have a 7 month old kitten who is also 7 lbs.  We started her on interferon
right away as she is FeLV + in the bone marrow.  When she was about 4.5
months she got real sick and her red blood count was 13. At that time we
found out she was FeLV+. Our vet recommend interferon along with steroids.
It has been about 8 weeks since she got sick and she gone from 4.7 lbs to
7.2 lbs.:) She happy and playing like you would expect a kitten to play.
Got a call from her vet last night and her last round of blood work is
great. I don't know how long that will last, but I think the interferon is
helping for now.

My kitten goes to be large vet hospital here in MA.  The vet that handling
my kitten case has been intouch with other vet hopital about my kitten,
which make me feel good about the care my kitten is getting. The vet did
tell us that interferon will not cure FeLV, but that cats on interferon
do live longer than cats who are not on interferon.

I don't know if this helps, but I thought I would share.

Take care,

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 11:44 AM, wrote:

 I introduced myself and my little FeLV girl Eden the other day. She'd had a
 couple of episodes of fever and anorexia last week. She was treated at my
 vet's office and was able to come home on Saturday. She's been doing pretty
 well but last night we noticed a big improvement in her. She was relaxing
 and cleaning herself rather then being curled up sleeping all the time. She
 looked so good and I was so happy to see her being pretty normal. I'm doing
 assisted feeding with her although she will eat small amounts of food on her
 own. And she is drinking pretty well too. The vet that treated Eden was not
 my regular vet as he was off last week but I had a chance to talk to him
 about Eden yesterday. He doesn't have much confidence in the current
 treatments for FeLV and said there are no studies that show that any of them
 offer any benefit. He said he's only had one person interested in doing
 interferon and it didn't do anything for their FeLV cat. He said he's
 willing to try it if I want to but I'm not sure if I should pursue it since
 Eden is now doing so well on her own. She is still on antibiotics. Her blood
 work showed low WBC and neutrophils but her red blood cells and hematocrit
 were normal so we know she's not anemic. We had an incident last night with
 one of our other cats that completely stressed Eden out and caused a bit of
 a set back. One of our other cats, who is completely crazy, just came out of
 nowhere and jumped Eden, knocking her over. Eden is a small cat, only 7 lbs,
 so it doesn't take much to knock her over. But she was not happy the rest of
 the evening and this morning seemed to wake up with a fever. But her
 attitude is still great, she ate for me this morning and as I left for work
 she was sitting in my husband's recliner just happily cleaning herself. She
 seems to have brief episodes of fever that seem to resolve on their own so I
 don't think I need to worry too much about those as long as she's still
 eating and drinking but I was curious if others see this in their FeLV cats
 too. It also seems that at least a few people have just automatically
 started treatment for their FeLV cats. Eden is young so we feel that she
 deserves every chance we can give her but I'm still on the fence about
 starting any treatment on her. Is there any general thoughts on when to
 start treatment or even if anyone should start treatments?


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[Felvtalk] please remove my name

2010-02-28 Thread Sharon
I WANT OFF THIS MAILING LIST Please remove my name. 

Thank you,
Sharon Fischer
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bernie Update

2010-02-22 Thread Sharon

I am so sorry to hear that about Bernie.  I know this is hard for you, but 
remember you provided him with so much love and comfort his whole short 
I have just joined this support group, as I have been diligently searching 
for a home for KC, an abandoned 8 month old FELV cat.  She was found 
abandoned at my work site.  My co-worker and I managed to get her trust and 
got her in the kennel.  Off to the vet we believed for just spaying, and 
then to a lined up foster home.  KC was fixed, then tested for FELV.  She is 
positive and they did more test and it is in the bone marrow.  She is such a 
sweet kitty, she was also pregnant when we had her fixed and has weathered 
some cold, freezing, rainy, conditions, with just the woods for cover.
Sadly my co-worker and myself cannot take her as we have numerous cats, and 
she is a foster for Siamese Rescue, with 9 cats there.
So by looking and searching I came across more places, and flyers throughout 
the internet were sent in pleas for a home for her.
What I've found out is that there are so many FELV cats, more so than I ever 
imagined.  Hence its hard to find a home for her.  However, we keep on 
trying, while KC waits in the kennel at the vets.
So I just want you to thank you.  You've done a wonderful, act of love, by 
taking care of Bernie.  Which I know he returned you with all the love he 
had back to you.  My prayers are with you and Bernie.

Take care
- Original Message - 
From: Maria

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 12:53 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bernie Update

I took Bernie to the vet this morning and did an x-ray.  He has a large 

near his stomach/intestine.  We have decided not to do chemo and have put
him on some steroids and pain medication.  He is still eating and purring
which is good, but it will only get worse.

We will probably put him to sleep Friday or Saturday.  Sooner if it gets
worse, but I want everyone to be able to be there if they can.

For the record:
Bernie - Diagnosed FelV+ at 7 months, diagnosed with uveitis at 1 year 7
months, diagnosed with lymphoma about 1 year 8 months.

He is the most amazing cat I have ever had.  The best personality and made
me smile every day.  I don't regret one vet bill or day I had with him.
I want to thank everyone on this list for their support and knowledge.  I
really appreciate it and I think all of you are amazing. I will keep you 

all your babies in my prayers.

Thank you again,

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT - Ants

2008-08-18 Thread Sharon Harden
I use plain old corn meal around any nest site and around the foundation of my 

--- On Mon, 8/18/08, Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] OT - Ants
Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 9:41 AM

   Just make sure it doesn't have any citrus oil in it.

 There is a product named Orange Guard that works really well,
smells great and is non-toxic. It is a bit expensive but it lasts a long time.
You can buy it a bunch of places online. 


happiness is being owned by cats ...

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Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-25 Thread Sharon Harden
Thanx Tonya,
I have been on the internet to many sites that have been very informative and 
am going to try to find help with the colony around my home.
This was a new vet I went to and am now going to ask more questions. Being new 
to felv i didnt know much. I took her word that he was suffering and would only 
get worse.
It's a little hard for me at this time because i lost my job so finances are 
low. But I am trying to find help so this doesnt happen again.
The feralcat group at yahoo has been very helpful about tnr if i can find a vet 
who will help me, since i am not working and have the time to do it.
Again Thanx so much for your support.

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:22 AM

Be sure to really check around.  My sister is in North Carolina and they have 
TNR program that cost only like 15 dollars per spay and neuter.  Good luck.

Sharon Harde___
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-25 Thread Sharon Harden
Thanx Diane, 
 I am corresponding with Gesine. Have gotten some great info from this group.
I had taken Trix and Tink to SPCA (only because i am not working yet)  for spay 
and neuter and have since found out that they dont test for Felv.They had 
Rabies and Fiv shots there, but me not being knowlegable, I thought Fiv 
shot was for felv. I am now trying to learn and asking many more questions. 
Trix and Tink were found in field not of the same mother, so now I am thinking 
Trix might already have been positive.
Warm regards, Sharon

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, Rosenfeldt, Diane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Rosenfeldt, Diane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:58 AM

Unfortunately, not all vets are current on the latest thinking on such death 
sentence diseases as FeLV and FIV.  It's so important to find one who is 
knowledgeable and willing to work with a kitty through its various issues.  
There are many knowledgeable and supportive vets out there, and often the ones 
who are not knowledgeable welcome any info you can give them, so don't be 
discouraged.  If this vet persists in her he must be suffering viewpoint it 
might be good to shop around.  
Good luck with your ferals.  In case you haven't come across it, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] is a wonderful resource.  Some of the members can be a little 
hard-line about some things, but the files section of the web page is a 
treasure trove of good info on trapping, vetting and other aspects of feral 
caretaking.  Many of them are working with little or no money themselves.  The 
co-listmom, Gesine, gives great down-to-earth advice.
Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharon Harden
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

Thanx Tonya,
I have been on the internet to many sites that have been very informative and 
am going to try to find help with the colony around my home.
This was a new vet I went to and am now going to ask more questions. Being new 
to felv i didnt know much. I took her word that he was suffering and would only 
get worse.
It's a little hard for me at this time because i lost my job so finances are 
low. But I am trying to find help so this doesnt happen again.
The feralcat group at yahoo has been very helpful about tnr if i can find a vet 
who will help me, since i am not working and have the time to do it.
Again Thanx so much for your support.

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:22 AM

Be sure to really check around.  My sister is in North Carolina and they have 
TNR program that cost only like 15 dollars per spay and neuter.  Good luck.

Sharon Harde___
Felvtalk mailing list
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Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-25 Thread Sharon Harden
Thanx MC, Great idea.
Everyone that i have called refers me to someone else.They are asking $60 for 
trap rental.
I live in central Calif near Fresno so if there is anyone around here that can 
give me info on no kill shelters or help with TNR program thats cost 
effective it would sure be apprciated. Theres 1 little black ball of Fuzz thats 
lets me get close she already has me by the heartstrings. But the bigger ones 
scurry as soon as the patio door opens.
Again Thanx for all the help.
Warm Regards, Sharon
--- On Fri, 7/25/08, MaryChristine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: MaryChristine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 1:33 PM

yep, gesine is a great resource for lots of things.

one thing i learned when i was TRYING to do an up-to-date database of national 
low-cost spay/neuter programs is that they change literally from week to week, 
often as funding becomes available. so keep checking with the places near 
you--and call the shelters and ask about new programs--we had a local grant 
here that no one even KNEW about. and as silly as this sounds, there's a 
shelter somewhere in the southern states that funds its entire spay/neuter 
program with bottle returns. ask your family, your friends, your neighors to 
just let you take back their bottles to fund taking care of the colony.. it 
adds up really fast--find people like me who will literally GIVE AWAY my 
bottles to avoid having to have them clutter up my house. i don't have a 
car, so it's worth it to me to pay someone, essentially, 10 cents each to get 
rid of them! 

make up a sign and stick in on a big container: cans for the cats it's so 
simple and it has worked before..

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Sharon Harden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanx Diane, 
 I am corresponding with Gesine. Have gotten some great info from this group.
I had taken Trix and Tink to SPCA (only because i am not working yet)  for spay 
and neuter and have since found out that they dont test for Felv.They had 
Rabies and Fiv shots there, but me not being knowlegable, I thought Fiv 
shot was for felv. I am now trying to learn and asking many more questions. 
Trix and Tink were found in field not of the same mother, so now I am thinking 
Trix might already have been positive.
Warm regards, Sharon

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, Rosenfeldt, Diane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Rosenfeldt, Diane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:58 AM

Unfortunately, not all vets are current on the latest thinking on such death 
sentence diseases as FeLV and FIV.  It's so important to find one who is 
knowledgeable and willing to work with a kitty through its various issues.  
There are many knowledgeable and supportive vets out there, and often the ones 
who are not knowledgeable welcome any info you can give them, so don't be 
discouraged.  If this vet persists in her he must be suffering viewpoint it 
might be good to shop around.  
Good luck with your ferals.  In case you haven't come across it, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] is a wonderful resource.  Some of the members can be a little 
hard-line about some things, but the files section of the web page is a 
treasure trove of good info on trapping, vetting and other aspects of feral 
caretaking.  Many of them are working with little or no money themselves.  The 
co-listmom, Gesine, gives great down-to-earth advice.
Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharon Harden
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

Thanx Tonya,
I have been on the internet to many sites that have been very informative and 
am going to try to find help with the colony around my home.
This was a new vet I went to and am now going to ask more questions. Being new 
to felv i didnt know much. I took her word that he was suffering and would only 
get worse.
It's a little hard for me at this time because i lost my job so finances are 
low. But I am trying to find help so this doesnt happen again.
The feralcat group at yahoo has been very helpful about tnr if i can find a vet 
who will help me, since i am not working and have the time to do it.
Again Thanx so much for your support.

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:22 AM

Be sure to really check around.  My sister is in North Carolina and they have 
TNR program that cost only like 15 dollars per spay and neuter.  Good luck.

Sharon Harde___
Felvtalk mailing list
This electronic mail transmission

[Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-24 Thread Sharon Harden
Hi All,
I am new to Felv and just lost my Trixter to this awful Disease. I want to 
thank all of you for the information I have been reading from you all.
I have many ferals around my house because of the 3 fields that surround me. I 
have talked to the farmer but he is not interested in trying to help me help 
his cats. I have had to close up my cat door to protect my other 3.
I dont know anything about rounding them up and would hate to catch them just 
to be put to death. Any suggestions.
Regards to all, Sharon

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-24 Thread Sharon Harden
Thanx Marylyn,
I really appreciate the info. I never tried to stop the ferals from coming into 
my yards, they usually come to drink from my pool but if I went out there they 
scrambled. I dont know how many there are, but have seen about 10 to 12
Trixter was a love and am still missing him terribly, I am sry about about 
Dixie Louise. 
The other 3 Micki Kitty 17yrs, Cocoa 5yrs and Tink almost 1 who was also 
bitten tested negative but will have to have them retested in 3 months per vets 
Again Thanx for the info,
Regards Sharon

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 9:38 AM

Check with Alley Cat Advocates or any TNR group in your area.  Consider them a 
feral colony.  They will help you.  Live trapping is easy.  Just remember to be 
very careful.  A feral bit my finger and broke it.and, two surgeries later, 
it is doing fine.  Luckily I had good insurance.  And still had possession of 
the cat so she could be spayed and quarantined for the appropriate amount of 
time.  If your cats really want to be outside, put up a dog kennel so they can 
go thru the pet door into the kennel.  It is great.  With farmland, 
you probably have fox and coyote.  They will kill a cat in a heart beat.  My 
Mom has ferals (people dump them in the strip mall behind her property) and she 
has to be concerned about the hawks.  I just got a very small kitten from the 
pine thicket.  She is in the bedroom now, napping.  All of this is to say, be 
careful with your own cats.  I did not realize all the dangers when I moved to 
the farm.  I
 had hoped to have lots of cared for outside cats. That probably won't happen.  
Help the ferals you can.  Mom has had a couple of dozen spayed/neutered and 
released.  Some stay, some go.  It is very hard when they go and all you can do 
is hope they found a good place to live.  ACA has a good website with lots of 
information re caring for ferals.

I am very sorry Trixter left this world.  I just lost Dixie Louise.  She made 
my life so much better though.  I would not have missed one second of the time 
we had together.  Not a nano second.

Good luck.     

On Jul 24, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Sharon Harden wrote:

Hi All,
I am new to Felv and just lost my Trixter to this awful Disease. I want to 
thank all of you for the information I have been reading from you all.
I have many ferals around my house because of the 3 fields that surround me. I 
have talked to the farmer but he is not interested in trying to help me help 
his cats. I have had to close up my cat door to protect my other 3.


I dont know anything about rounding them up and would hate to catch them just 
to be put to death. Any suggestions.

Regards to all, Sharon
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-24 Thread Sharon Harden
Thanx Sharyl,

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Sharyl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 10:43 AM

Sharon, there is a Yahoo Feral Cat group that has lots of info on managing 
feral cat colonies.

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Sharon Harden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sharon Harden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12:18 PM

Hi All,
I am new to Felv and just lost my Trixter to this awful Disease. I want to 
thank all of you for the information I have been reading from you all.
I have many ferals around my house because of the 3 fields that surround me. I 
have talked to the farmer but he is not interested in trying to help me help 
his cats. I have had to close up my cat door to protect my other 3.
I dont know anything about rounding them up and would hate to catch them just 
to be put to death. Any suggestions.
Regards to all, Sharon
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] like seeing a ghost

2008-07-24 Thread Sharon Harden
Hi Lynne,
 I am so sry about your BOOBOO. I only had The Trixster not quite a year and it 
was devastating to lose him. I had also just rescued a siamese persian, we call 
her Tink and she was also bitten but has tested Negative so far will test again 
in 3 mos. No matter what the results she will be with me until whenever.
 I wont tell you what to do but maybe BOOBOO's son was sent to you for a 
special reason. The love these special babies bring to my life is immeasurable 
and I wouldnt have missed 1 min of the time I had with the Trixter. 
Warm Regards, Sharon

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Lynne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [Felvtalk] like seeing a ghost
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 3:20 PM

Most of you know about my experience with BooBoo, the Felv positive who died 
after owning him for only a month.  It was without a doubt the most tragic 
thing I have ever been through in my life..  Not long after that we got a 
rescued persian Snowball who was neglected and in foster care for 4 months 
because she was so ill.  She has feline herpes virus, not active and is 
absolutely thriving now.
Tonight my husband calls me out to the front yard, and who is sitting there?  
BooBoo's son.  I don't know if he is Felv positive or not.  Just as BooBoo was, 
he has sores on his head, matted fur, dirty ears and most likely fleas.  I feel 
like I'm experiencing our tragedy all over again.  If I knew he was not 
positive, I would take him inside right now and those despicable people would 
never see him again.  Odd how he has chosen our house to hang around.  The 
owners were warned about taking care of their cats and I know all I have to do 
is call this field worker at the humane society and he will come and pick him 
up.  I just don't know what to do.  I could never subject Snowball to any harm, 
not after what she went through prior to living with us but I don't want to see 
this little guy suffer either.  If this kitty is Felv positive, perhaps a 
rescue would take him.  I simply could not afford the emotional and financial 
devestation we
 experienced watching BooBoo die.  I'm totally confused right now.
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2008-07-24 Thread Sharon Harden
Thanx Tonya, 
Tink is vaccinated now, I had lost my job and so took Trixter and Tink to Spca 
for spay and neuter. I thought they had all their shots also like was done at 
my vets for the other 2 but found out the hard way losing Trixter that it was 
not the case.( My stupity)Micki Kitty17yrs and Cocoa 5 years got their 
boosters. But still have to have Tink retested. No matter the result she will 
stay with me. She has really helped me over the loss of Trixter.
I have gone to the other sites recommended about ferals but until I am back to 
work it would be cost prohibative for me.
Warm Regards Sharon

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 5:45 PM

I would spay any I could catch and make sure that my own cats were vaccinated.  
I'm sorry for your recent loss.

Sharon Harden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
I am new to Felv and just lost my Trixter to this awful Disease. I want to 
thank all of you for the information I have been reading from you all.
I have many ferals around my house because of the 3 fields that surround me. I 
have talked to the farmer but he is not interested in trying to help me help 
his cats. I have had to close up my cat door to protect my other 3.
I dont know anything about rounding them up and would hate to catch them just 
to be put to death. Any suggestions.
Regards to all, Sharon
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Hennessey Please add to the CLS :(

2008-07-23 Thread Sharon Harden
Hi Sherry,
I am so sorry. Blessings for Hennessey
I am new to Felv and just lost my Trixter and am waiting on a retest for my 
other 3.
Micki Kitty 18yrs, Cocoa 5 years and my newest addition Tink almost 1. All 

--- On Wed, 7/23/08, Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Felvtalk] Hennessey Please add to the CLS :(
To: Felvtalk
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 5:17 PM

I am so saddened to say that Hennessey took a turn for the worse and he had to 
be helped over to the bridge.Thank you for all your kind words.
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Taking My Deceased Wife's Name Off the Felvtal List:

2008-06-18 Thread Sharon Siders
Please remove my wife's name from the felvtalk e-mailing addresses.
My wife passed away about three weeks ago.nbsp; She really appreciated being 
on your e-mail list, but to be quite honest with you I just get upset when I 
receive felvtalknbsp;e-mails.nbsp; I still have my two little furry feline 
buddies that are experiencing with me the process of grieving.nbsp; I need 
to spend time with them and they need to spend time with me.nbsp; I hope you 
understand and sometime in the future I might rejoin the group.
Thanks in Advance,
David L. Siders
Husband of the late Sharon Siders

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: Beeper Swallowed Nylon

2006-10-23 Thread Sharon Siders
We looked everywhere for that string and could not find it. You're right about the nerves.If you remember I lost two kitties to Felv, I can't bear the thought of losing another to something I could have prevented.SharonNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Sharon,You must be so nervous waiting and watching to see if there are any complications with that darn string! Someone on the list just went through a nasty episode with dental floss. I'm trying to remember who that was and what they did. I do remember a visit to the vet. I'll try to look through the archives and see what I come up with. Are you sure that he didn't chew off just the 4" and the rest is laying around on the floor somewhere?NinaSharon Siders wrote:
 Beeper swallowed about 12" of nylon string from one of his toys. Has  passed by way of a bowel movement about 4". Have called the emergency  vet in Verona, Va. and was informed that if Beep's appetite remains  good; he continues to drink water; he continues to go to the bathroom,  everything should work itself out of his system.  If anyone out there that has had a similar experience, please let me  know of any details; e.g., any other thing for which I should be aware  and/or for which I should look!! Please let me know.  Sharon Siders 
		Get your email and more, right on the  new 

Re: Beeper Swallowed Nylon

2006-10-23 Thread Sharon Siders
I really think it was just 4" passed so far. That stuff is pretty stiff, unlike dental floss.I hate waiting until he is in real distress, but I don't know that taking him to the vet now would help. I'm tempted to call Cornell's veterinary school for advice. I don't know why I think that would help, but doing nothing seems wrong.Thanks.Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I went through this a while back with my Shakiti. He ate about a foot of dental floss.We werelucky in that I saw him just as he did it so I took him to the vet right away. They gave him something to make it come
 back up but it took almost all day. The poor thing didn't want to eat at all for a couple of daysafter that but I finger fed him the A/D. If he's already passed some of it then this probably wouldn't be an option.I'd watch him carefully. I would take him back to the vet's at any sign of pain or discomfort. The fact that he's passed some of it is a good sign...i know this is gross - but could it have really been more than 4"? When Shakiti barfed up the dental floss it looked like only a few inches until we stretched it out. I know very well this is not a fun thing to go through. I hope so much that Beeper will be ok.elizabethIn a message dated 10/22/2006 11:10:50 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Hi Sharon,You must be so nervous waiting and watching to see if there are any complications with that darn string! Someone on the list just went through a nasty episode with dental floss. I'm trying to remember who that was and what they did. I do remember a visit to the vet. I'll try to look through the archives and see what I come up with. Are you sure that he didn't chew off just the 4" and the rest is laying around on the floor somewhere?NinaSharon Siders wrote: Beeper swallowed about 12" of nylon string from one of his toys. Has  passed by way of a bowel movement about 4". Have called the emergency  vet in Verona, Va. and was informed that if Beep's appetite remains  good; he continues to drink water; he continues to go to the bathroom,  everything should
 work itself out of his system.  If anyone out there that has had a similar experience, please let me  know of any details; e.g., any other thing for which I should be aware  and/or for which I should look!! Please let me know.  Sharon Siders 
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Re: Beeper Swallowed Nylon

2006-10-23 Thread Sharon Siders
Thanks again.Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Oh - another thing...if he passes part of the string and it doesn't come out all the way -- don't pull on it. That could do some damage.elizabethIn a message dated 10/22/2006 11:10:50 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Hi Sharon,You must be so nervous waiting and watching to see if there are any complications with that darn string! Someone on the list just went
 through a nasty episode with dental floss. I'm trying to remember who that was and what they did. I do remember a visit to the vet. I'll try to look through the archives and see what I come up with. Are you sure that he didn't chew off just the 4" and the rest is laying around on the floor somewhere?NinaSharon Siders wrote: Beeper swallowed about 12" of nylon string from one of his toys. Has  passed by way of a bowel movement about 4". Have called the emergency  vet in Verona, Va. and was informed that if Beep's appetite remains  good; he continues to drink water; he continues to go to the bathroom,  everything should work itself out of his system.  If anyone out there that has had a similar experience, please let me  know of any details; e.g., any other thing for which I should be aware  and/or for which I should
 look!! Please let me know.  Sharon Siders  If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. ~St. Francis 
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Re: Beeper Swallowed Nylon

2006-10-22 Thread Sharon Siders
Thanks, Marilyn. It was Da Bird if you are familiar with that. I couldn't believe he would eat that, buthe sure did.I'll give him somehairball med. SharonMarylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Ask your vet about lots of Petlax/Petmalt (hair ball remedy). Mai Mai, a wonderful dog, ate then violently threw up some fabric. There were lots of problems but there is a lot of difference between string and the stuff Mai Mai ate. I would want to do everything I could to speed the passing of the string. What kind of toy was it any way?  
  If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
  will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis- Original Message -   From: Sharon Siders   To:   Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:59 PM  Subject: Beeper Swallowed NylonBeeper swallowed about 12" of nylon string from one of his toys. Has passed by way of a bowel movement about 4". Have called the emergency vet in Verona, Va. and was informed that if Beep's appetite remains good; he continues to drink water; he continuesto go to the bathroom, everything should work itself out of his system.If anyone out there that has had a similar experience, please let me know of any details; e.g., any other thing for which I should be aware
 and/or for which I should look!! Please let me know.Sharon Siders  All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Texas vets, Suki's story, and the veterinary abuse network

2006-04-01 Thread Sharon Siders
That enrages me. I don't think I could have refrained from causing that man bodily injury. He deserves it.SharonTerri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This is heartbreaking.Terri- Original Message -   From: wendy   To:   Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 1:50 PM  Subject: OT: Texas vets, Suki's story, and the veterinary abuse network  Hi guys, I stumbled upon this website today and thought I wouldshare: story really spoke to me as I have a similar one,and my case against the veterinarian also wasdismissed the same way that Julie's was. I am all forveterinarians and think they are awesome people, butwe all know there are some veterinarians that at theleast should be cited for their negligence, if notforced to discontinue their practice. When basic careis not provided, it's time to hang up the
 stethoscope.Pass this on-it might help someone else or savesomeone's furbaby.:)Wendy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.


2006-03-29 Thread sharon MISTIC

I just got back from the vet, they found fluid that was pressing on her 
esophagus, making it hard for her to swallow. Now they see a mass in one 
of her lymphglands, and I am waiting for results of the tests. If she has 
lymphoma, they suggest chemotherapy treatment. If she also has FeLV, would this 
weaken her system more? Can she also get FelV treatment at the same time? I am 
very worried about her, she ate today, but sleeps a lot more. Please pray 
for her and that she gets the help she needs.

feLV treatment

2006-03-27 Thread sharon MISTIC

Help! My cat, 11 years old was diagnosed with Feline leukemia over 1 year 
ago, the vet did nothing, so I went to another vet. What is the best 
treatement, interferon or acemannan, or both. She has just started to 
regurgitate her food, and seems to have trouble eating, right after she eats she 
cries and regurgitates a little, just started a few days ago. I am seeing 
a new vet tomorrow to start new treatment, acemannan seems the most promising, 
she has been very healthy so far. 
My moms cat also has feline leukamia, got it from the same kitten who 
died. She is healthy sofar, but I want her to get treatment, her vet 
didn't recommend anything either!

Re: Saying Goodbye

2005-11-30 Thread Sharon Siders
Allie,I'm so sorry you must part with Lola, but you must do what is best for her. Hugs,SharonAllie Deaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, I took Lola in to get re-evaluated, regarless of the fact that she has been going downhill fast. The results of the second test and bloodpanel were not nice, especially with her emerging symptoms. The fluid in her chest is continuing to accumulate, she stopped eating (Ive been syringe feeding her a high-cal prescription diet), she is very anemic and very jaundiced. Her breathing has become very labored and she isn't really moving around much. After discussions with 2 vets and quite a few other sources of research (including this list), we've decided to help her over the bridge after we've had a chance to
 say goodbye. She has too many things off in her bloodwork, her red blood cells appear to be committing suicide, kidney enzymes are elevated, despite my efforts (pedialyte) to keep her hydrated and her liver enzymes are high despite my efforts to keep her fed (Hill's a/d). She is so weak, and since she is a just a kitten, who was born with the disease, it looks highly unlikely that aggressive treatment would do anything except buy her a little time. I think I'm at peace with my decision. I had plans to take a foster in this weekend, which I think I'll go through with since it will give me something to do and a place to direct all of my love. Plus, what better tribute to Lola than to save the life of another cat in need? I've requested that the foster be vaccinated against FeLV this once, just to be extra careful.Thanks, everyone.Allie  
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Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-11 Thread Sharon Siders

I am so sorry for you; it is so hard to lose a beloved kitty. They are all beloved even if some are not as affectionate, aren't they?

Annie is now with all of the furangels.

SharonTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs didn't seem to bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould let me pat her if no one else was aroundAbout a month ago she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage andput her
 on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...In the process she was spending more and more time on mybed where the rest of the cats all hang out and soon my feralcat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick herup for a minute without strugglingI have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven
 though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit but then stopped swallowing andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was lovedright up to the end...Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any easier to say good
 buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can tell. Just less surprising."I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet againTad
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Re: Cricket

2005-11-10 Thread Sharon Siders

I don't post much anymore, since I lost my last FeLV kitty two years ago. I still care deeply about all of you and your kitties though. Please know that my heart goes out to you for we can all relate to what you are feeling.

Sharonwendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Everyone,I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed awaylast night about 2:42 am Texas time. I am pretty tornup right now. I feel like such a dork because Icarried his collar to work with me today. He had thefeeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,that after the procedure, he couldn't get his breath. For most of the night, I thought he was just having ahard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because henever really did and was having problems breathing,but the vet said his trachea probably got irritatedfrom the procedure, and that he should be fine later. He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20 hewoke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and tookhim to the living room because I knew something wasn'tright. He died about 20 minutes later. I have askedGod countless times to let me
 be there when Cricketpassed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely(like he would be if I was at work and died). Godhonored that request, thankfully, but it was stillvery hard. My husband, nephew, and I will have alittle ceremony this afternoon for him. I am gladthat he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I knowthat I did just about everything humanly andfinancially possible, but it doesn't help. At leastnot right now. I am going to write him a littletribute to bury with him. He was such a wonderfulcompanion. I will send a pic out of him later when Iget home. Thank all of you SO much for helping me andCricket through these last three and a half weeks. Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stickaround and help out anyone else I can even though Idon't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to havemy other two retested). God Bless each and every oneof
 you.:)Wendy__ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



Re: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread Sharon Siders

I am so sorry that you had to endure this awful thing; it hurts so much to let go. You captured the essence of Andy in your never agains; he was special and will always be a part of your life.

SharonJamie Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond about Andy. I do appreciate it. Barb, Sharon, Yvonne, Terrie, Belinda and anyone else I may have missed- it was good to hear from you again. To the others- it was good to "meet" you for the first time.

I did take him to the vet first thing this morning. Dr. Caldwell was in surgery so I saw Dr. Baxter instead. Also a very nice man. Every person in that place has just been wonderful! He looked at Andy's chart and said he hoped I didn't think of them as "bad" since my very first experience there has been this ordeal with my baby boy. 

Anyway, he was very straight forward and said while he wanted to commend me on an outstanding job taking care of a Felv+ cat for this long, that there was not much he could do and that this was the beginning of the end. Whatever was going on had his insides in shreds. The vet said even if I WANTED him to run tests, he was 99% sure that Andy would not come out of the sedation in that state. Barb- it was so strange. He held up Andy's face so we were eye to eye and said "Mrs. Laws, tell me, do you really see Andy there anymore?" And the answer was no. So I started bawling and babbling about how I didn't warn my husband that this was a possibility this morning and he just went to work without saying goodbye. I mean I was a crying freak and I just met the man! So he gave me a small TOWEL and said I was not having a "Kleenex cry" so to take a towel. Then he told me we were not making the call right now, and not like that. He
 gave him a bag of fluids and a shot of Prednisone and told me to talk to my husband first. I went back to work, then came and got Andy at lunch. I took him home and spent the afternoon with him. He pooped blood all over himself TWICE. The second time I was washing him off in the sink and he had one of his episodes (Dr. Baxter said these were probably small strokes rather than seizures). But this time it lasted a long, long time. He quit breathing and went limp in my arms. No noise, no chest movement. He was gone. So I laid him on the floor on the towel and my phone rang,it was my husband. So I was hysterical telling him Andy just died in my arms and I was freaking out. Right then, Andy let out this gaspy, panting type breath and started convulsing. Then he just kind of sat up alittle bit like nothing happened! But he was dead I tell you. So then I really freaked out and said "he's not
 dead!" I mean screaming it. So Abe (husband) asked whatfreeway the newvet was off of since he was on his way home. I told himwhereit was and hejust said "I am meeting you there right now." So I knew. I was not going to keep him through the night to spend a little more time together. That was it. He was suffering and I was thinking ofwhat I needed to be okay and not Andy. I wrappedhim in a towel and drove to the vet. I called first and again, just crying into the phone I managed to get out "I had my cat in there this morning and..." that's all I could get out. The poor girl who answered said "I'm so sorry Jamie, wewill see you in a minute." She knew my name and I hadn't even mentioned the cat's name. Guess I was the only bawling woman in with a cattoday. Anyway, I managed to choke out "but you close in 15 minutes." She just
 said "we'll be here."It was so wonderful to be treated with compassion. My old vet would have said "well ER hours start in 15 minutes so just be prepared to pay double." 

Anyway, I met Abe there and Dr. Baxter took us back to the treatment area. Andy laid on the table very still and I petting him and kissed his little face as the vet gave him the injection. I have never witnessedananimal bing PTSin real life. I'm sorry if this is all too graphic but it helps me to get it out. I was surprised that his eyes didn't close and nothing changed. I didn't realize he was gone until the vet said "ok, his heart stopped." Then I lost it.The "never agains"hit me like a ton of bricks. He will never do his cold nose bumping and tiny front teeth nipping on my husband's inner arm trying to get him to pet him. He will never serve as my "fun police" when I want my great dane to stop bringing his toy to me. I would just lay it on the coffee table right next to Andy who was always ready with his right hook. That kept Apollo in check. He would NOT go for that toy if
 Andy was sitting by it. :) I will never again have my soft little lap warmer as I sit at my computer. I will never. There are millions of those and I think that's the worst part.

I guess the bright spot is I think I found a new vet. Their office visits seem really high to me, but they we

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-24 Thread Sharon Siders

I wish with all my heart that no one ever had to endure this pain. Does the time together make up for the pain of separation? Eventually, it does. It seems to take a long time to get to that point though.

You and Akira were a great team. I am amazed at what my cats have taught me about grace and dignity; god sends them to teach, I think.

Hugs to you,

Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from the beggining.

I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe
 ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better and she had
 gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by with a
 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow could he have not
 won her over?

Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't trust anyone to care for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came with us on a 8 hr drive and a 3 hr ferry ride...and she was a champ..slept in my lap the whole time...adn once we got to the house..she of course hidin a closet..but soon she was out and about..explo

Re: Remember me?

2005-05-22 Thread Sharon Siders
I remember you well, Jamie. I am so sorry that Andy is now sick. It truly does suck when a kitty gets that sick. From the perspective of one who "tried everything" with two cats, I think it might be time to let him go. Unless you can find out for sure what the problem is, there is not much that can be done. Franklin did well for six months on chemo, but we knew what he had; he is the cat that I did not feel we did right by. We treated him for as long as the chemo worked but let him go when it stopped. I know how hard it is to let go.

SharonJamie Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there. I was reading the archives and saw some familiar names so maybe some of you remember me. I was subscribed under my old email so "andyandmouse" may sound more familiar. Anyway, my name is Jamie and my Felv positive boy is Andy. I was an active member of the List (and used toadminister the emergency fund)from about 1999 to maybe 2003 so I have been gone a while. As is normally the case, it is bad news that brings me back. As a refresher, Andy tested positive on Elisa in May 1999 andIFA in April 2000. Other than a quickly treated bout of Hemobartinella in the summer of 1999, he has been symptom free. Until recently.

So, I noticed that he was getting gradually thinner about 6 months ago. He was still eating fine and his "potty habits" were normal so I didn't worry too much. But then he started throwing up that foamy white stuff every single day. Never food, just foam. So the vet had me feed him a little bit of canned food (to guarantee he'd eat) first thing in the morning and in the evening. The thought was maybe it was stomach acid. Well it didn't help. Then he started throwing up a little bit of food. Not eating a bunch, then throwing it all back up, but he would vomit up SOME of what he ate a few hours later. So back to the vet we went- about 6 weeks ago. This time it was a new vet at the clinic (bought out the practice- long story!). So he was pretty much telling me it was cancer. Blood work (CBC only)and x-rays (abdominal and chest)showed nothing at all. NOTHING. So the woman vet who was
 there when I picked him up acted like that was a GOOD sign but the man vet told me on the phone it was a BAD sign b/c it didn't rule IN anything else. And of course lymphoma is not 100% detectable without biopsy. At this point, I really don't think Andy is strong enough to be sedated to even HAVE a biopsy! But she put him on Prednisone, which I had my serious doubts about, but tried it. It did seem to help him out, but of course that's what Pred does. Then you pay the piper so to speak for that quick fix. That brings us to right now. He was looking worse and worse so I took him to an entirely new vet practice last Tuesday. She did not want to do more x-rays or blood work on him right now b/c he does need sedation to draw blood and she was afraid to even use the gas on him right now. To put it in perspective, Andy is normally about 12-14 pounds. He is a big cat anyway. On Tuesday he weighed just over 7
 pounds. He is a rack of bones. Ok, I had been giving him baby food at night to fatten him up but ran out on Sunday night. At that time he DID eat on hisown. I can't recall actually witnessing him eatafter that point. But Tuesday evening he would not eat and would not drink water. This is a cat who sits by my dogs andbegs while I cook. My other 2 don't do that.And he eats ANYTHING so it's a big deal to me that he won't eat. Heacted interested, like sniffingand stuff, but would not eat. I triedwarming up tuna fish, baby food, A/D, milk, kitten replacement milk, cream sauce from dinner the night before. You name it. NADA. So I syringe fed him baby food and water. That did stay down but he didn't putup much of a fight which is odd. She has him on Metronidazole in the morning and Barium at night. I just syringe that down him to coat his
 stomach. I like her because she said "there is no medical reason why that shouldhelp, but sometimes it does so we'll try it." I mean I like that b/c she is willing to try things that are off the beaten path.We discussed perhaps trying Immunoregulin but she wanted to doone thing at a time. But it's been 5 days and he is no different. He just sits in the closet or under the bed doing that shallow breathing. And he growls at me when I walk in the room now b/c he knows I amgoing to force feed him or medicate him and that KILLS me. On top of that, I think he is having seizures.When he gets real worked up he does this throaty growl and just goes limp. His head flops down and his jaw isclamped shut and allof his limbs go right out in front of him totally stiff. Then he sort of snaps out of it and looks around confused. So I don't know what's up with that. I just keep waiting
 for a sign to let him go. I told my husband today that if it were someone else's cat I would be telling them toput it out of it's misery, but I can't be objective here. I keep thinking I can try just onemore thing. She said the Pred 

Re: Brissle is gone...

2005-05-03 Thread Sharon Siders

I am truly sorry for your loss. It is hard to go through that pain. Brissle will always have a piece of your heart.

SharonMelbeach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The day I've been dreading finally came. Last night Brissle left me. It got tothe point where she couldn't move on her own. I thought about another bloodtransfusion. But I just didn't have the heart to put her through anothercycle. We already made our peace. I made it a point the last couple of days tospend every minute with her. I think she was hanging on just for me. So nowit's just me and Squermie. I think he's finally starting to figure it out.It's hard, but I'm trying to stay positive. I am eternally grateful to all ofyou on Felvtalk for your caring support. You guys really are the best.-Kyle__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Hairball Remedies?

2005-05-02 Thread Sharon Siders
Do you mix the pumpkin with canned food?

SharonCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have tried canned Pumpkin that helps both ends, Iams has a special cat food for hairballs, that seems to work well, try those out.
Sharon Siders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know that someone here is going to have a great suggestion for hairballs. Carolina will not take the standard tube stuff like Petromalt. BP loves it; she hates it. Of course, she is the one with a big shedding problem. In fact, I think her throwing up may be linked to trying to rid herself of gobs of hair in her gut. What elsemight I do?

Thanks as always.

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Re: Hairball Remedies?

2005-05-02 Thread Sharon Siders
Hadn't thought of that. I tried smearing it on her mouth and she shook off the stuff.

Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For those that don't like it I smear it on their front legs. Most cats don't like their feet dirty so this is a way to get them to eat the meds off their feet.
I have a few that I do this to and it works. My Vets have suggested the same thing already beat them to the punchline on this

In a message dated 5/1/2005 6:22:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know that someone here is going to have a great suggestion for hairballs. Carolina will not take the standard tube stuff like Petromalt. BP loves it; she hates it. Of course, she is the one with a big shedding problem. In fact, I think her throwing up may be linked to trying to rid herself of gobs of hair in her gut. What elsemight I do?

Thanks as always.


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Re: Hairball Remedies?

2005-05-02 Thread Sharon Siders

I'll try mixing it with some baby food. She is a picky eater but might like baby food.

SharonNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Sharon,We just had a discussion about alternative treatments for hairballs. I seem to remember someone mentioning butter... adding olive oil or flax seed oil (?), maybe salmon oil would work as well? Jazzy used to have trouble with hairballs and didn't like Petromalt either. I used to sneak it into some baby food to get her to eat it. It worked like a charm. I put it on her front foot (as suggested on the label), to get her to lick it off, she went ballistic! NinaSharon Siders wrote: I know that someone here is going to have a great suggestion for  hairballs. Carolina will not take the standard tube stuff like  Petromalt. BP loves it; she hates it. Of course, she is the one with  a big shedding problem. In fact, I think her throwing up may be  linked to trying to rid herself of gobs of hair in
 her gut. What  else might I do?  Thanks as always.  Sharon __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Hairball Remedies?

2005-05-02 Thread Sharon Siders
Hadn't heard of Laxastat. Thanks.

Sahron[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My Patches likes tuna-flavored Laxastat, which is another version of Petromalt.MichelleIn a message dated 5/1/05 9:22:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I know that someone here is going to have a great suggestion for hairballs. Carolina will not take the standard tube stuff like Petromalt. BP loves it; she hates it. Of course, she is the one with a big shedding problem. In fact, I think her throwing up may be linked to trying to rid herself of gobs of hair in her gut. What else might I do?Thanks as always.Sharon__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-28 Thread Sharon Siders
Thanks so much, Sally. Some vaccination seems necessary, but I agree that it can be overdone. I don't intend to vaccinate again for at least three years, if then. The vet agrees on the three years.

Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Sharon:My most sincere condolences for the loss of your mom. Even though we are able to talk to our human loved ones and express all that we feel a need to share while they are still here with us in corporeal form (unlike with our furkids), it still leaves emptiness and emotional pain when we have to let them go. We humans have such a need for that which we can see and touch. You will find that she is still with you in many intangible ways, though I know right now that may not seem like much comfort. Having feline furkids can be very comforting at a time like this...they are close to their spiritual nature and sponges for our emotions.With regard to vaccine reactions, the fact that many kittys do react negatively to them should tell us something. Vaccines are a significant stress to the immune system and especially the way
 they are usually given (too often and in multiple combinations). Most holistic vets do not recommend the widespread use of vaccines, and certainly not given as yearly boosters. One needs to assess the risks vs. any real benefit...such as sacrificing long-term health for short-term disease prevention. What is the liklihood of exposure? Is it a life-threatening illness you are seeking to prevent? Or, is there a law mandating it?If one finds it absolutely necessary to give vaccines to his/her furkids, things that can help to minimize negative reactions would be:1) Use only single-valent vaccines;2) Administer an immune booster such as Transfer Factor for 2-3 days prior to vaccinating, and 2-3 days after.3) Give a dose of homeopathic Thuja in conjunction with the vaccine to help override any toxic effect.The second recommendation comes from Dr. J. Lauren De Rock, a holistic vet in Aromas, CA, who introduced me to the
 benefits and use of Transfer Factor therapy. She said she has not experienced any negative reactions to vaccines since she began using that protocol. The first and third recommendations come from the holistic vet Dr. Martin Goldstein (author of The Nature of Animal Healing) and also Dr. Don Hamilton (author of Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs). There is a thorough discussion of the dubious legacy of vaccines in both their books.I do hope your Carolina will rebound and be back to her usual self with no long-lasting ill effects. For any cats who have a significantly negative reaction to vaccines, I would think twice before re-vaccinating. Humans do not need to have yearly boosters for every thing under the sun after being initially innoculated (only periodic boosters for tetanus, which is a toxin and not a virus) and a wiser approach would be to do titer testing to determine whether or not re-vaccination is really necessary
 when faced with a real risk of exposure.Sally in San Jose__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Carolina to Vet or Not?

2005-04-28 Thread Sharon Siders
Scary, isn't it? My trust level for both vets and doctors is not very high anymore; I sometimes think the Internet groups know more than they do. At least, we have a wide range of info.

Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Doesn't surprize me that anyone in this group would have a better idea than some vets that I know!CarlaDate sent: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 07:17:01 -0700 (PDT)From: Sharon Siders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgCopies to: Subject: Re: Carolina to Vet or Not?Send reply to: Carla,  Gloria suggested something. She might be better than the vet, eh?  Sharon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Maybe the vet can give you something for her with out seeing her?   __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around __Do
 You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-27 Thread Sharon Siders

Thank you for understanding. Losing any of our loved ones is tough.

Hugs are appreciated.

SharonTerri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm so sorry about your mom. I lost my mother in 1998, and I understand how difficult it is. Big hugs to you and your family.

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: Sharon Siders 
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 10:21 PM
Subject: Help! Vaccine Reaction?


I haven't posted in a long time as I have no FELV+ kitties anymore and I have been caring for my mother. Mom passed away on March 20 after a battle with colon cancer. 

I took my two cats to the vet today for check-ups and vaccinations. Carolina seems to be feeling ill tonight. She had not had any vaccines in 3 years; she got them today along with a deworming pill. The pill was precautionary as she had vomited undigested food a few times in the last couple of weeks. She checked out okay as far as temperature, etc. She had been fine, but she is lethargic and just vomited a little bit of foam. Anyone know ifshe might be reacting badly to the vaccine or deworming pill?

I'm panicking a bit as I lost four cats in 3 years, two from FELV. My hubby thinks that taking cats to the vet makes them get sick and is worried about our pretty girl.

Thanks for any info.

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-27 Thread Sharon Siders

I appreciate your _expression_ of sympathy.

Somehow, the thought of anything being wrong with Carolina sent me over the edge! I guess I'm hypersensitive right now.

SharonKerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm coming in late. Just wanted to say I'm very sorry about your mom. That's really tough.
I'm glad Carolinaseems better. It's always so scary when they seem to be acting differently, and such a huge relief when they bounce back!
all best wishes, Kerry

- Original Message - 
From: Sharon Siders 
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?


Carolina seems a liitle better this morning, so I guess I was being a silly mom.

The deworming pill doesn't make much sense to me either. This is a young, freshly minted vet, which may explain it. She couldn't get much in the way of fecal material to test. 

Moving to a rural area from a large city has some disadvantages, one of them is health care for pets and people. It just isn't as good here. The advanced technology is not readily available as it was in Cleveland. That modern health care could not save any of my kitties though; it did keep them alive longer and more comfortably.

Thanks for the info.

SharonNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sharon,A lot of cats feel sick after vaccines, or deworming. Getting them together might easily have her feeling crummy. Add to that the stress of a vet visit and I wouldn't panic to much. I know saying that is easier than doing it. Keep a close watch on her, check her ear tips to see if they feel hot to you, and hopefully she'll feel like her old self tomorrow. If she gets any worse, or doesn't improve by tomorrow, you might want to call the vet and let them know what's going on, just to be on the safe side. Isn't nice to have a group of people to talk to that you KNOW will understand?P.S. Why would your vet think that vomiting undigested food warrants a precautionary deworming? Next time I'd have a fecal test done to check for parasites. Vomiting could indicate all sorts of things, I don't think I've ever heard it being
 indicative of worms though.NinaSharon Siders wrote: Hi!  I haven't posted in a long time as I have no FELV+ kitties anymore and  I have been caring for my mother. Mom passed away on March 20 after a  battle with colon cancer.   I took my two cats to the vet today for check-ups and vaccinations.  Carolina seems to be feeling ill tonight. She had not had any  vaccines in 3 years; she got them today along with a deworming pill.  The pill was precautionary as she had vomited undigested food a few  times in the last couple of weeks. She checked out okay as far as  temperature, etc. She had been fine, but she is lethargic and just  vomited a little bit of foam. Anyone know if she might be reacting  badly to the vaccine or deworming pill?   I'm panicking a bit as I lost four cats in 3 years, two from FELV. My  hubby thinks that
 taking cats to the vet makes them get sick and is  worried about our pretty girl.  Thanks for any info.  Sharon  __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Do you Yahoo!?Make Yahoo! your home page __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Thanks for Answering

2005-04-27 Thread Sharon Siders
Carolina seems to be returning to normal, but she could not jump onto the bathroom counter last night. That is totally out of the ordinary for her; she is the greatest leaper of any cat I've ever had. I'm hoping she is just sore from the shots, even though I don't see why subcutaneous injection would make you sore.

Sharon__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-26 Thread Sharon Siders

Carolina seems a liitle better this morning, so I guess I was being a silly mom.

The deworming pill doesn't make much sense to me either. This is a young, freshly minted vet, which may explain it. She couldn't get much in the way of fecal material to test. 

Moving to a rural area from a large city has some disadvantages, one of them is health care for pets and people. It just isn't as good here. The advanced technology is not readily available as it was in Cleveland. That modern health care could not save any of my kitties though; it did keep them alive longer and more comfortably.

Thanks for the info.

SharonNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sharon,A lot of cats feel sick after vaccines, or deworming. Getting them together might easily have her feeling crummy. Add to that the stress of a vet visit and I wouldn't panic to much. I know saying that is easier than doing it. Keep a close watch on her, check her ear tips to see if they feel hot to you, and hopefully she'll feel like her old self tomorrow. If she gets any worse, or doesn't improve by tomorrow, you might want to call the vet and let them know what's going on, just to be on the safe side. Isn't nice to have a group of people to talk to that you KNOW will understand?P.S. Why would your vet think that vomiting undigested food warrants a precautionary deworming? Next time I'd have a fecal test done to check for parasites. Vomiting could indicate all sorts of things, I don't think I've ever heard it being
 indicative of worms though.NinaSharon Siders wrote: Hi!  I haven't posted in a long time as I have no FELV+ kitties anymore and  I have been caring for my mother. Mom passed away on March 20 after a  battle with colon cancer.   I took my two cats to the vet today for check-ups and vaccinations.  Carolina seems to be feeling ill tonight. She had not had any  vaccines in 3 years; she got them today along with a deworming pill.  The pill was precautionary as she had vomited undigested food a few  times in the last couple of weeks. She checked out okay as far as  temperature, etc. She had been fine, but she is lethargic and just  vomited a little bit of foam. Anyone know if she might be reacting  badly to the vaccine or deworming pill?   I'm panicking a bit as I lost four cats in 3 years, two from FELV. My  hubby thinks that
 taking cats to the vet makes them get sick and is  worried about our pretty girl.  Thanks for any info.  Sharon  __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Make Yahoo! your home page 

Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-25 Thread Sharon Siders

I haven't posted in a long time as I have no FELV+ kitties anymore and I have been caring for my mother. Mom passed away on March 20 after a battle with colon cancer. 

I took my two cats to the vet today for check-ups and vaccinations. Carolina seems to be feeling ill tonight. She had not had any vaccines in 3 years; she got them today along with a deworming pill. The pill was precautionary as she had vomited undigested food a few times in the last couple of weeks. She checked out okay as far as temperature, etc. She had been fine, but she is lethargic and just vomited a little bit of foam. Anyone know ifshe might be reacting badly to the vaccine or deworming pill?

I'm panicking a bit as I lost four cats in 3 years, two from FELV. My hubby thinks that taking cats to the vet makes them get sick and is worried about our pretty girl.

Thanks for any info.

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