Re: [Finale] differences in playback-MIDI vs. AU/VST

2006-10-02 Thread Randolph Peters

Hiro wrote:

One thing I know for sure.
Stoopid FinMac (2k6 and 2k7) loads all the AU V.I.s I have and disables
them if they are not Native-Instruments, and this costs me cpu/memory load.

For this reason, on my machines, Kontakt 2 standalone runs much better,
and I won't be surprised if it sounds better because of the lesser
resource taxing.

I wonder if all my AU components (GPO, GPO Finale, Kontakt 2, 
Symphonic Choirs, Akoustic Piano) are causing the NI AU playback to 
have a greater load than my standalone GPO Studio.

I'll test this by removing all but GPO and compare the RAM usage.

More soon...

-Randolph Peters

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Changing notes to cue notes after lyrics are added

2006-10-02 Thread Bruce K H Kau

Thanks! This is a very clever solution.

Christopher Smith wrote:


This solution might suck in different ways, but try opening the Edit 
Lyrics window, select all, and set font size to fixed. Since I 
routinely use around 85% reduction for my staves, this means that if I 
previously had my lyrics at 14 points, they appeared to be closer to 12 
points, so THAT is what I would have to use as my fixed font size. 
Repeat for other verses.

Another thing you might try is leaving the Layer 2 notes in normal size, 
applying a Staff Style that blanks out Layer 2 but shows items attached 
(lyrics), then enter the notes in cue size in some other layer for show. 
So the lyrics are not actually attached to the notes that are shrunk. 
You can probably use the Change Layers option in Mass Edit for the 
layer-copying part of it.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 01.10.2006 David W. Fenton wrote:

OK, if you're so smart, explain to me, if it's a fully open non-
proprietary standard, it's not installed by default on any PCs except 
Apple and Sony? Why is it that the only hardware manufacturers who 
routinely provide firewire ports are the ones who created the 

Not really disagreeing, but Firewire is standard on Asus laptops, too.

I believe one reason it is not standard on all machines is the simple 
fact that USB 2 provides the same speed and is supported by more 
add-ons. Firewire seems to be much better suited to all sorts of 
streaming (Audio/Video), yet it may be more expensive to implement than 
USB 2.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 02.10.2006 Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

Turning to your point about not being able to enter notes in Speedy entry, a 
MIDI controller (it need not necessarily be a keyboard, thought this may be 
most convenient), while useful in simple entry in 2k7, is _required_ to be able 
to access most of the features of speedy entry and hyperscribe, including the 
entry of notes and chords.

Unless this is something specific to FinWin it is simply not true. 
Although Speedy entry without a MIDI device is not exactly very 
efficient, it is certainly possible to enter notes and chords. If only 
rests appear then the MIDI input has to be switched off in the Speedy 
menu, ie Use MIDI device for input has to be unchecked in the Speedy 
menu. Make sure capslock is off.

However, if you intend on entering music permanently without a MIDI 
device Simple may well turn out to be more efficient. You should select 
the laptop keyboard layout in the simple menu Simple Entry Options- 
Edit Keyboard shortcuts.

On the long run, if you want to enter music speedily, consider buying 
a MIDI or USB keyboard, it will make your life much easier. As Noel 
suggested, I would also buy a separate number keypad.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Linked Parts

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey
My experience with the linked score/parts shows me that for 
single-part-staves it is a very good thing and I am hopeful it will only 
get better.

My experience with multiple-part-staves shows me that as soon as Finale 
filters which notes appear on the single-staff parts that it is possible 
to end up with, Finale needs to have all musical editing done on either 
the original score only or on another linked part which contains the 
original multiple-part-staff.

For example, it will be possible to have  a score which has 2 flute 
parts on a single staff, and in the create parts dialogue, to create 3 
linked parts: 1) flute 1-2 (contains all the music in the original 
staff); 2) flute 1 (with the voicing options set appropriately); 3) 
flute 2 (with the voicing options set appropriately).  All the page 
layout issues can be accomplished on the second and third parts as I 
just described them, but all the music entry issues (correcting wrong 
notes, adding or deleting notes, etc) has to be accomplished on the 
first part I just described.

And Chuck found out just as I had done, that extracting the second and 
third parts as I describe them above allows the editing work to move 
ahead very nicely.

But editing the music in the first part isn't too difficult, and all 
those edited changes will show up on the second and third parts (before 
they are extracted, of course).

It's all a brave new world that I see a lot of great potential in.  But 
as with so much of Finale (and indeed with all applications I've ever 
used), it forces the user to learn to think in the program's ideal 
workflow.  We're all so new to it that it's hard to discover just what 
that work-flow is.

David H. Bailey

Chuck Israels wrote:

Thank you Dennis, I will try this.

As I was working yesterday, I finally got frustrated enough to stop the 
process and extract the parts.  The extracted parts retained the work 
that had been done with the linked parts and inherited the voicing 
characteristics that had been set up in the parts management dialog.  In 
balance - this element of the new system seems to be well worked out and 
is more than worth learning to use.

But as soon as the parts were extracted and I went back to working in 
individual documents, things began to go smoothly and quickly.  I don't 
know if this is because the linked parts system is still in its infancy, 
or if its characteristics simply function in ways that slow down my work 
flow, but I have spent the past two months stubbornly trying to make it 
work only to be mightily relieved the moment I finally abandoned it. 
YMMV.  I am reminded to be careful what I wish for, I might get it!

I so much want this to work, but I'm beginning to be convinced that it 
is counterproductive for my work style, and that the time required to 
open and edit a few documents to make corrections is trivial compared to 
the time I have spent attempting to bend this method to my needs.


On Sep 30, 2006, at 11:33 PM, dc wrote:

Chuck Israels écrit:

I am now trying the method David describes below for the first time,
and I find that it works pretty well but for the fact that the beams
are un-editable in the parts. (Special Tools will not move them.)
Since the beam placement is done in the score with two or more notes
on the stem, the placement with only one note should be different,
and it doesn't look good to me.  You cannot apply Paterson Beams
plugin in the part (or any other plugin) and going back to the score
where there are two notes on the stem doesn't solve the problem of
how things will look in the part.  Am I missing something?

You can apply Patterson Beams (and most other plug-ins) if you use the 
new version of his plug-ins: you open the plug-in in score view, 
switch to part view, and apply it. Quite annoying, especially for 
plug-ins with settings, such as PB, because you can't simply run it 
without having it open. And then, you waste a lot of time going from 
score to parts and back.

This is probably the most irritating feature of linked parts...


Finale mailing list

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK etc.

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey
In Windows, for many years now, the same has been possible but for some 
reason the good programmers at Finale haven't seen fit to make the two 
versions identical in that regard.

There is nothing inherent in windows that forces MyMusic.mus, 
MyMusic.bak, MyMusic.asv -- they could all be MyMusic.mus, MyMusic 
bak.mus (or MyMusic copy.mus), and MyMusic asv.mus -- that they aren't 
isn't the fault of Microsoft or of the windows operating system, but 
rather it's the fault of the programmers at MM who haven't seen fit to 
take advantage of the filename possibilities in Windows, yet they have 
seen fit to take advantage of the file naming possibilities in MacOS.

David H. Bailey

Javier Ruiz wrote:

In a poor Mac you get:

MyMusic asv.mus
Mymusic copy.mus

If everything is saved in the same folder.

And since the extension is always MUS all files work with Finale directly.

Javier Ruiz

[And David, Mac OS X rocks, even the Linux guys agree with that.]

If you have both turned on, you'll get:


These may or may not be in the same folder as your MUS file (you can
have a separate folder for both ASV and for BAK files, configurable
in Program Options under FOLDERS, at least, it used to be there).

The backup files are for recovery when something goes wrong.
Otherwise, you can ignore them.

Finale mailing list

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Noel Stoutenburg

I wrote:
Turning to your point about not being able to enter notes in Speedy 
entry, a MIDI controller (it need not necessarily be a keyboard, 
thought this may be most convenient), while useful in simple entry in 
2k7, is _required_ to be able to access most of the features of speedy 
entry and hyperscribe, including the entry of notes and chords. 

prompting Johannes Gebuaer to respond:

Unless this is something specific to FinWin it is simply not true. 
Although Speedy entry without a MIDI device is not exactly very 
efficient, it is certainly possible to enter notes and chords.

It is not specific to FInWin; and I goofed again.  I should have thought 
more about the answer before I wrote it since Johannes' comment reminds 
me that I do not always use the midi keyboard when I use speedy entry to 
correct errors I find.  These procedures, can be used to enter notes in 
speedy without a MIDI controller.  The general procedure is

1) fill the measure with rests representing the rhythmic pattern of the 
music you wish to enter, using numeric keys, either on the keypad, or on 
the top row of the regular keyboard;

2) place the speedy entry cursor upon each rest in succession, and use 
the up / down arrows to specify the pitch(es) to be assigned where each 
rest holds the place, and press the enter key.

Repeat the above steps for each layer.

On my [desktop] system, I am able to enter notes in Speedy using the 
above method, without regard to whether Use MIDI device for input is 
checked or not.  However, if using the numbers on the top row, no rest 
is generated by pressing a number key if the capslock key is active. 

I will observe, that with regards to capslock, that I recall on at least 
two of the laptops I owned, that when the Fn key was used to activate 
the embedded numeric keypad, that this over-rode the function of the 
capslock key.  I can't verify this; the laptops on which I think this 
behavior was as described have both failed, the most recent one over the 
summer.  I have not yet used my laptop much with Finale, and cannot say 
for sure whether this is the behavior or not.  This may be dependent 
upon the internal design of the laptop, and I do not mean to suggest 
that although my laptops acted this way, that any others do. 


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

A-NO-NE Music wrote:

David W. Fenton / 2006/10/01 / 12:47 PM wrote:


Where, exactly, does Windows require a floppy disk?

When you need to do emergency boot.
This was true in WIN 98 SE, but is not true in WIN XP.  Emergency boot 
in WIN XP is from CD or DVD.

It didn't even have to be true in Win98 -- it was possible to create a 
bootable CD, and whether a computer can boot from CD or DVD or has to 
boot from a floppy or hard drive is purely a function of the computer's 
CMOS setup, nothing to do with windows.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

David W. Fenton wrote:

OK, if you're so smart, explain to me, if it's a fully open non-
proprietary standard, it's not installed by default on any PCs except 
Apple and Sony? Why is it that the only hardware manufacturers who 
routinely provide firewire ports are the ones who created the 

My Toshiba laptop (and most laptops I looked at 18 months ago when I 
bought mine) had firewire connectors.

Most video cameras come with firewire connectors.

I'm not saying this is a good thing -- I think it's terrible, since 
it's a very good technology. But my surmise is the reason it's not 
universal (like the vastly inferior and unreliably USB) is that it 
was perceived as (or was) being controlled by two companies for their 
own interests.

Maybe my explanation is wrong.

Maybe you can provide a better explanation of why such an obviously 
superior technology (this I won't dispute) is not universally 

Microsoft hasn't put its weight behind firewire technology, preferring 
to support its own USB standard.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Moving pages

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Hi all,

FinWin 2006.

I am updating about 50 earlier chamber scores, and most of them had
performance notes and examples on a final page after the music. I would
like to move those notes to the obverse of the title page.

Is there a way of moving/sorting pages without having to move, readjust,
and replace all the text blocks, graphics, symbols, etc., one by one?

I haven't found any such capability.  When I drag-enclose the handles 
for multiple text blocks, none of the layout possibilities are active. 
This is a serious oversight on Finale's part, in my opinion.  I can 
understand some of the options not being available, but if for instance 
a user wishes to move them all to a different page (as Dennis is wishing 
to do) that should be an active option with multiple text blocks 
selected, as should left-right-center alignment options.  Same for text 
size, style, etc.

Perhaps in Finale2008, text block handling will be improved.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK etc.

2006-10-02 Thread Noel Stoutenburg

dhbailey wrote:
In Windows, for many years now, the same has been possible but for 
some reason the good programmers at Finale haven't seen fit to make 
the two versions identical in that regard.

There is nothing inherent in windows that forces MyMusic.mus, 
MyMusic.bak, MyMusic.asv -- they could all be MyMusic.mus, MyMusic 
bak.mus (or MyMusic copy.mus), and MyMusic asv.mus -- that they aren't 
isn't the fault of Microsoft or of the windows operating system, but 
rather it's the fault of the programmers at MM who haven't seen fit to 
take advantage of the filename possibilities in Windows, 

Wait a minute.  Let's assume a particular folder has three files:

MyMusic.bak, and

Yes, it is possible under currently supported versions of Windows to 
have a file which appears in some filesystems as

MyMusic bak.mus

However, this is an alias name.  If you consult the actual directory 
entry of the file, or look at properties of the file, and examine the 
dos name, you will see that the file name there is shown as


If next an ~.asv file is created of the same file, it may have an alias 
name of

MyMusic asv.mus

but it will have an actual name of


I do remember (perhaps wrongly) that as you get more files with the same 
first characters, you will eventually get


I can't say whether you continuing would generate MyMu~100; the 
discovery of the above caused me to take positive control of backups.  
When I begin a new project, I open a new folder with the composition 
name.  The template (if any) for that work has the name 0 (padded to the 
left to the with as many as I think there may be editing sessions.  The 
work performed in the first editing session is saved as 1 (again padded 
to the left with zeros, to maintain directory order).  The second 
editing session begins by opening file 1, and immediately resaving it as 
file 2, where in all of that work is saved. Also, if at any point I 
decide that I may want to return to a specific point in the workflow, I 
will do a file save.  For example, suppose I am working on a 
multi-movement work, and have not yet decided whether I want to do each 
movement as a separate file.  In this case, even though it might be in 
the middle of an editing session, I will save the work, and begin on a 
new copy, renamed at the beginning to a new number.  While ~.asv files 
will overwrite during each editing session using this method, ~.bak 
files will not.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

A-NO-NE Music wrote:

David W. Fenton / 2006/10/01 / 02:04 PM wrote:

Seems to me you're just behind the times, which is pretty typical of 
those who criticize both Windows and Mac.

You are not helping, David.
None of my lowly PCs, Dell Dimension P-III 1GHz, homemade P-II, and two
ThinkPads boots off USB.  ThinkPads even doesn't boots off CD.  Floppy
is the only way.  We have gone through this twice in the past.

Even if it booted off Windows installer CD, you can't do anything, like
launch PQDI to restore image.  All are needed to be done with Floppy boot.

It is a bit surprising to hear from you that I have to buy a new PC :-)

Where a computer can boot from is a function of the CMOS setup, NOT the 
operating system.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 02.10.2006 Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

1) fill the measure with rests representing the rhythmic pattern of the music you wish to 
enter, using numeric keys, either on the keypad, or on the top row of the 
regular keyboard;

2) place the speedy entry cursor upon each rest in succession, and use the up / down 
arrows to specify the pitch(es) to be assigned where each rest holds the place, and press 
the enter key.

this is completely unnecessary. You can enter notes easily in Speedy by 
placing the entry cursor on the correct pitch and typing the number key. 
There is no need to enter any rests first.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Will Denayer wrote:

Hello Dennis, Chuck, David, Noel and others,
Thank you for all the good advice. I said earlier that I unable to use 
the speed entry tool. Someone told me to put Midi off, as otherwise I 
would only be able to enter rests. Actually, I couldn't enter anything 
(notes nor rests). Following this advice, I put Midi off and now I can 
at least enter rests using the numbers which are above my keyboard (for 
example, 4 is a quarter rest, 5 is a half rest ...), so we are making 
steady progress. However, I can still not enter any notes. Perhaps it is 
not possible to use speed entry on a notebook, although I think that I 
read somewhere a while ago that there has to be a function somewhere in 
Windows that lets you work on a regular notepad keyboard as if it were a 
keyboard for a desktop; I think  - but am not sure - that n m , 
correspond to 1, 2 3 and u i o to 8 9 0 if this function is turned on. I 
might be wrong about this though.

Does anyone know about this? Why can I not enter notes? Best regards, Will

I enter notes on my notebook all the time -- use the top line numbers 
for the note/rest values, use the cursor arrows to move the cursor 
up/down, left/right, and it works like a charm.

In the Speedy Entry menu, be sure Use Midi Device For Input is 
UNchecked.  Do NOT try to use the embedded numeric keypad -- use the 
top-row keys.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Javier Ruiz wrote:

Only 5% of Mac's out there?

We should start wearing any kind of bracelet to recognize ourselves. We are
s few.

[We'll revise the figures after  Windows Vista makes 70% of the installed
PC's unusable]


That assumes that at least 70% of the installed PCs actually upgrade to 
Vista, something which isn't very likely to happen.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Moving pages

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Robert Patterson wrote:
Page Title Mover is part of the v3 upgrade of Patterson Plugins. You can 
try it out for free without affecting your v2 installation.0

 From a Finale perspective, do you have Finale objects on pages that are 
neither text titles nor graphics placements? I am not aware that any 
other types of page-attached objects exist.

Finale provides no page shuffling capability: it makes no sense in 
terms of the data structures. Inserting blank pages at the beginning is 
the one exception (apparently implemented by brute force), which in this 
case seems to be working against you. Instead you must move the 
page-attached objects to the desired page. Page Title Mover moves page 
titles en masse. Graphics must be moved individually.

Robert, your terminology is confusing me (not hard to do these days!)

What exactly do you mean by text title?  Do you mean ANY text block 
which is entered in page view?  Or are you speaking only of text blocks 
where the Title insert is used?  For instance, I often place explanatory 
text in blocks on the page rather than in scroll view, when necessary, 
but I certainly wouldn't call these text titles.  Are these affected 
by your plug-in?

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 07:40 PM 10/1/06 -0500, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

Turning to your point about not being able to enter notes in Speedy
 entry, a MIDI controller (it need not necessarily be a keyboard,
thought this may be most convenient), while useful in simple entry
in 2k7, is _required_ to be able to access most of the features of
speedy entry and hyperscribe, including the entry of notes and
chords.  In my opinion, the use of a MIDI input device, and, on a
laptop, a standalone numeric keypad just cannot be emphasized too
strongly. Yes one can use Finale without it; but the productivity
gains of each make each one well worthwhile.

There's no hard rule. I have never used a Midi keyboard (I don't play
 keyboard) nor Hyperscribe, and exclusively use Speedy entry. Perhaps
being a touch-typist and having used Finale for over 13 years
accounts for my speed, but in terms of productivity, I'm doggone
fast. :)

But I certainly couldn't work without a numeric keyboard add-on with
the laptop.


I'm with Dennis on this with one exception -- I never use the numeric
keypad keys except for + and - keys.  I exclusively use the top-row
number keys with my left hand to select the note values and use the 
cursor arrow keys with my right hand to place the cursor where I want.

So when I work on my notebook the only change I have to make is to use 
the - and + keys on the top-row keys.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] differences in playback-MIDI vs. AU/VST

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Randolph Peters wrote:
I'm not trying to argue for the sake of argument (as we sometimes get on 
this list). I really want to find out what works and sounds better. So, 
let's keep an open mind and run these programs through a variety of 
tests. We may have to rethink our assumptions after all!

It sounds as if you've found what sounds better and what works better, 
on your computer.

Benchmarks mean nothing except to marketing types.  And even tests run 
on one computer mean nothing concerning what will happen on YOUR computer.

You have heard a difference, you know which one sounds better to your ears.

Let everybody else hide behind benchmarks, you'll end up with the 
musical product that you feel sounds best.

And besides, you'll save lots of time simply by using what works for you 
instead of chasing the chimera of trying to achieve what the benchmarks 
say you ought to be able to achieve.  ;-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 02.10.2006 Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
Turning to your point about not being able to enter notes in Speedy 
entry, a MIDI controller (it need not necessarily be a keyboard, 
thought this may be most convenient), while useful in simple entry in 
2k7, is _required_ to be able to access most of the features of speedy 
entry and hyperscribe, including the entry of notes and chords.

Unless this is something specific to FinWin it is simply not true. 
Although Speedy entry without a MIDI device is not exactly very 
efficient, it is certainly possible to enter notes and chords. If only 
rests appear then the MIDI input has to be switched off in the Speedy 
menu, ie Use MIDI device for input has to be unchecked in the Speedy 
menu. Make sure capslock is off.

However, if you intend on entering music permanently without a MIDI 
device Simple may well turn out to be more efficient. You should select 
the laptop keyboard layout in the simple menu Simple Entry Options- 
Edit Keyboard shortcuts.

On the long run, if you want to enter music speedily, consider buying 
a MIDI or USB keyboard, it will make your life much easier. As Noel 
suggested, I would also buy a separate number keypad.


While I have great respect for Johannes and his Finale knowledge, I 
simply have to disagree with him on this point.  What he says is true 
for him, but not necessarily true for everybody.

I can enter music far more efficiently and accurately using Speedy Entry 
and my computer and NOT using a midi keyboard, than I ever can using my 
midi keyboard.

His statements are only true for people who practice to make it work or 
who have excellent keyboard chops.  I don't.

I've been using speedy entry and just the computer keyboard since I 
started using Finale and I can enter the music extremely quickly this way.

Simple entry is definitely NOT easier/faster for me.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Noel Stoutenburg

Johannes Gebauer wrote:

this is completely unnecessary.

The older I get, the harder it is to meet my goal of learning something 
new each day.  I never knew that one

can enter notes easily in Speedy by placing the entry cursor on the 
correct pitch and typing the number key. There is no need to enter any 
rests first.

I bought Finale and my MIDI keyboard at the same time (in fact on the 
same transaction from the same vendor) , and I've never seriously tried 
to use one without the other, beyond some work to find out how speedy 


Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Williams, Jim
) fill the measure with rests representing the rhythmic pattern of the
music you wish to enter, using numeric keys, either on the keypad, or on
the top row of the regular keyboard;

2) place the speedy entry cursor upon each rest in succession, and use
the up / down arrows to specify the pitch(es) to be assigned where each
rest holds the place, and press the enter key.

NOT NECESSARY.  I just entered 75+ or so pages with my notebook computer using 
speedy and no MIDI kbd.
There is NO need to pre-enter rests.  Just slide the entry cursor up or down 
to the desired note and hit the REGULAR NUMBER for the duration.
NO NEED for separate numeric keypad.
NO NEED for fn-alt-ctrl-shift ANYTHING.
And I can do it speedily. Perhaps not as quickly as other techniques, but fast 
enough to suit me, and I can do it in the car if someone else is driving. ;-)

) fill the measure with rests representing the rhythmic pattern of the
music you wish to enter, using numeric keys, either on the keypad, or on
the top row of the regular keyboard;

2) place the speedy entry cursor upon each rest in succession, and use
the up / down arrows to specify the pitch(es) to be assigned where each
rest holds the place, and press the enter key.

NOT NECESSARY.  I just entered 75+ or so pages with my notebook computer using 
speedy and no MIDI kbd.
There is NO need to pre-enter rests.  Just slide the entry cursor up or down 
to the desired note and hit the REGULAR NUMBER for the duration.
NO NEED for separate numeric keypad.
NO NEED for fn-alt-ctrl-shift ANYTHING.
And I can do it speedily. Perhaps not as quickly as other techniques, but fast 
enough to suit me, and I can do it in the car if someone else is driving. ;-)

Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Williams, Jim
And BTW:
f and s work for flat and sharp in Speedy w/out MIDI kbd. (NOT capital F or 
capital S, though) They even work retroactively.  That is, if you have the 
speedy frame set to advance to the next measure, Finale is smart enough to put 
the flat or sharp on the last note of the previous measure...just don't enter 
any notes in the new measure before hitting f or s.  Same for a 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Williams, Jim
Sent: Mon 02-Oct-06 6:49
Subject: RE: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

) fill the measure with rests representing the rhythmic pattern of the
music you wish to enter, using numeric keys, either on the keypad, or on
the top row of the regular keyboard;

2) place the speedy entry cursor upon each rest in succession, and use
the up / down arrows to specify the pitch(es) to be assigned where each
rest holds the place, and press the enter key.

NOT NECESSARY.  I just entered 75+ or so pages with my notebook computer using 
speedy and no MIDI kbd.

There is NO need to pre-enter rests.  Just slide the entry cursor up or down 
to the desired note and hit the REGULAR NUMBER for the duration.
NO NEED for separate numeric keypad.
NO NEED for fn-alt-ctrl-shift ANYTHING.

And I can do it speedily. Perhaps not as quickly as other techniques, but fast 
enough to suit me, and I can do it in the car if someone else is driving. ;-)

And BTW:
f and s work for flat and sharp in Speedy w/out MIDI kbd. (NOT capital F or 
capital S, though) They even work retroactively.  That is, if you have the 
speedy frame set to advance to the next measure, Finale is smart enough to put 
the flat or sharp on the last note of the previous measure...just don't enter 
any notes in the new measure before hitting f or s.  Same for a 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Williams, Jim
Sent: Mon 02-Oct-06 6:49
Subject: RE: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

) fill the measure with rests representing the rhythmic pattern of the
music you wish to enter, using numeric keys, either on the keypad, or on
the top row of the regular keyboard;

2) place the speedy entry cursor upon each rest in succession, and use
the up / down arrows to specify the pitch(es) to be assigned where each
rest holds the place, and press the enter key.

NOT NECESSARY.  I just entered 75+ or so pages with my notebook computer using 
speedy and no MIDI kbd.

There is NO need to pre-enter rests.  Just slide the entry cursor up or down 
to the desired note and hit the REGULAR NUMBER for the duration.
NO NEED for separate numeric keypad.
NO NEED for fn-alt-ctrl-shift ANYTHING.

And I can do it speedily. Perhaps not as quickly as other techniques, but fast 
enough to suit me, and I can do it in the car if someone else is driving. ;-)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Noel Stoutenburg


where I wrote:
I've never seriously tried to use one without the other, beyond some 
work to find out how speedy worked.

I meant to write

I've never seriously tried to use one without the other, beyond some 
work to find out how _simple entry_ worked.


Finale mailing list

[Finale] Confirmation sought: Text block bug

2006-10-02 Thread Noel Stoutenburg


I am seeking confirmation of a possible text block bug before sending a 
bug report to MakeMusic!.

To reproduce:

1) Open default score;

2) select text tool;

3) without selecting a specific text block in the score, select edit 
text from the drop down menu accessed from text on menu bar;

4) in Edit Text dialog box, use the up selection arrow in the lower 
right hand corner to browse all text blocks, beginning with text block 
1, through the highest numbered block;

5) use the down selection arrow to browse all text blocks down from the 
highest to the lowest.

What is the lowest block you can edit without exiting the dialog box?  
On my system (WINfin 2k6,  2k7) after the above five steps I cannot 
access text block 1, unless I close the dialog, and open it again (i.e. 
steps 1-3 above).

If I follow the above five steps in 2k or 2k3, I _can_ access text block 
1 after step 5. 

I'm interested in knowing what the behavior is on Win 2k4 and 2k5, and 
on all MAC versions.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 02.10.2006 dhbailey wrote:

His statements are only true for people who practice to make it work or who 
have excellent keyboard chops.  I don't.

Actually, I am a very poor keyboardist. I respect your decision to not 
use a MIDI keyboard, however, on the long run I do believe the overall 
note entry speed without a keyboard can never match the speed with a 
keyboard, at least after, and I agree on this, some practice, but 
regardless of any keyboard skills. All you need to do is press one key 
at the time, with no rhythm or timeframe. That, imho, has nothing to do 
with keyboard skills. Anyone can learn to do this, and just from a 
purely physical point of view it can be faster than Speedy with cursor 
keys can ever be.

However, things are dramatically different if you primarily work with 
non-tonal music, complicated modern/avantgarde keyboard writing (Speedy 
is never good at this) or similar very idiomatic styles. I regularly 
revert to Speedy or Simple without a keyboard to do this.


Finale mailing list

[Finale] FIN 2k8 wish list

2006-10-02 Thread Noel Stoutenburg


David Bailey wrote, and I snipped

Perhaps in Finale2008, text block handling will be improved. 

and rearranged

When I drag-enclose the handles for multiple text blocks, none of the 
layout possibilities are active. This is a serious oversight on 
Finale's part, in my opinion.  I can understand some of the options 
not being available, but if for instance a user wishes to move them 
all to a different page (as Dennis is wishing to do) that should be an 
active option with multiple text blocks selected, as should 
left-right-center alignment options.  Same for text size, style, etc.
In addition to the capabilities for text block handling that David 
suggests, I have a couple other ideas I'd like to see implemented:

1)  the ability to open the text block attributes dialog from the text 
block editing dialog;

2)  the ability to open a specific text block item dialog for editing, 
from the text block attributes dialog box;

3)  the ability to edit a specific text block item without selecting it 
in the score;

4) for a text block which has location values outside the range of the 
page, an alias handle just outside the edge of the page, by which the 
block can be selected;

5)  the ability to attach a smart shape to a text block (or graphic). 

Examples of utility of the some of the above:

Item 1 above would be useful if one were editing a movement title, and 
wanted to make certain that the line was offset from the page edge, 
instead of from the margin.  The ability to open the text block 
attributes would avoid the need to back out to the document, and select 
the attributes from the drop down menu, or by right-clicking (in 
windows) the handle of the text block to open the menu.  This would also 
allow one to access the attributes of a block which has been shifted to 
a point that is unreachable for editing, as when one intends to set a 
block .250 (one fourth) of an inch from the right margin, and 
inadvertantly omits the decimal point, so that the block is defined to 
be 250 inches from the right margin.

Item 2 is useful when one has adjusted the attributes (say from center 
alignment verically, to alignment from the bottom), and wants to make 
sure it is not advisable to add a

Item 5 would permit the definition of a smart line to use as a rule on a 
title page. 


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Moving pages

2006-10-02 Thread Robert Patterson

dhbailey wrote:

Do you mean ANY text block 
which is entered in page view?

Yes. In prior versions of Finale the page-text tool was called the Title 
tool. It is difficult for me to keep up with changes in terminology in 
the UI. Old habits die hard.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
At 06:11 AM 10/2/06 -0400, dhbailey wrote:
In the Speedy Entry menu, be sure Use Midi Device For Input is 
UNchecked.  Do NOT try to use the embedded numeric keypad -- use the 
top-row keys.

In terms of touch-typing, this is slower because of the reach and the two
hands having to be overtop each other.

I still disagree with Johannes on speed. The excellent organization of the
keyboard in Speedy entry seems to be overlooked. The entire keyboard usage
is shifted right from normal touch typing, so that without touching
anything but the keys with two hands, music can be entered quickly in
Speedy without ever touching the mouse. (Some keyboards make this less
convenient, especially laptops with the arrows placed at the top rather the
bottom, but it's a relatively small adjustment if you use the machine
often.) My machines are set up with rapid autorepeat and a very brief pause
before autorepeat kicks in, so moving through measures and up and down and
across staves is faster than grabbing for a mouse. When David Bailey says
he uses F and S for flat and sharp, that means his had would have to
move back left, obviating the Speedy key clusters -- none of whose typical
actions require moving left of the letter O. Considering how awkward so
much of the Finale UI can be, this keyboard design was brilliant.

Since I don't use Simple, I'm not sure if Simple is a faster keyboard-only
entry method. But anything that makes me reach for the mouse or
off-keyboard device, especially a giant Midi keyboard (which I have but
never use), slows me down.

I'm not saying Speedy is preferable for anybody but me, but I know the
Finale keyboard layout so well that I don't even have to look at the screen
as I work (particularly with the added confirmation of pitches sounding
when I enter notes).



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Finale mailing list

[Finale] Violin notation

2006-10-02 Thread Will Denayer
Thanks guys! Speed entry is going very well - my Use Midi device for input was not off (I knew it had to be off, but I unchecked Midi thru, which is something else).It works like cake now (if this is an English _expression_).   How can I write harmonics for violin?   How can I write a quarter E for a bow and two eight G's which have to be plucked at the same time for a violin?   Thank you all, you really help me. Sorry for my poor English, but I'm a Belgian (living in Ireland). Best regards, Will 
All New Yahoo! Mail – Tired of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you.___
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Confirmation sought: Text block bug

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

Confirmed. Can't go back to #1, only #2.
FinWin 2007, W2000, SP4

Noel Stoutenburg wrote:


I am seeking confirmation of a possible text block bug before sending a 
bug report to MakeMusic!.

To reproduce:

1) Open default score;

2) select text tool;

3) without selecting a specific text block in the score, select edit 
text from the drop down menu accessed from text on menu bar;

4) in Edit Text dialog box, use the up selection arrow in the lower 
right hand corner to browse all text blocks, beginning with text block 
1, through the highest numbered block;

5) use the down selection arrow to browse all text blocks down from the 
highest to the lowest.

What is the lowest block you can edit without exiting the dialog box?  
On my system (WINfin 2k6,  2k7) after the above five steps I cannot 
access text block 1, unless I close the dialog, and open it again (i.e. 
steps 1-3 above).

If I follow the above five steps in 2k or 2k3, I _can_ access text block 
1 after step 5.
I'm interested in knowing what the behavior is on Win 2k4 and 2k5, and 
on all MAC versions.


Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 06:11 AM 10/2/06 -0400, dhbailey wrote:
In the Speedy Entry menu, be sure Use Midi Device For Input is 
UNchecked.  Do NOT try to use the embedded numeric keypad -- use the 
top-row keys.

In terms of touch-typing, this is slower because of the reach and the two
hands having to be overtop each other.

Say what?  My left hand is on the top row number keys and my right hand 
is on the cursor arrows, not overtop of each other.


David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Violin notation

2006-10-02 Thread Owain Sutton
Title: Message

Harmonics: Special Tools - Note Shape tool. In Maestro, 
there's a diamond notehead symbol as character 79, but you may need to make a 
Stem Connection setting for it to connect to the stem 

Pizz - enter the E in layer 1, and the Gs in layer 2 (E - stems up, G - stems 
down), and add a + symbol to each G (there's one in the standard Articulations 
pallette which you may want to use)

  -Original Message-From: 
  Will DenayerSent: 02 October 2006 14:20To: 
  finale@shsu.eduSubject: [Finale] Violin 
  Thanks guys! Speed entry is going very well - my Use Midi device for 
  input was not off (I knew it had to be off, but I unchecked Midi thru, which 
  is something else).It works like cake now (if this is an English 
  How can I write harmonics for violin? 
  How can I write a quarter E for a bow and two eight G's which have to be 
  plucked at the same time for a violin? 
  Thank you all, you really help me. Sorry for my poor English, but I'm a 
  Belgian (living in Ireland). Best regards, Will
  New Yahoo! Mail  Tired of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect 
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Linked Parts

2006-10-02 Thread Chuck Israels

Dear David,

I could not get Special Tools/Beam Adjustment to access any part that  
had been extracted from a multi-part staff, and beam adjustments are  
needed.  You cannot go back to the score to do the editing, or to a  
part with both voices, because the beam situation changes as the  
number of notes on the stem changes from two to one.

This stops me dead in working in this system with multi-part staves.

I also described (or tried to) another uncontrollable situation.  On  
one staff line in a part, a 31 m. MM rest and a one m. pickup (with  
entries) at the end of the line.  Finale will make the 31 m. rest and  
the one m. spread equally on the line, making the single measure look  
way too wide.  So you drag the bar line and fix it.  Fine, if you  
print right away, but go to another part and return to this one, and  
take a look.  The spacing has sprung back to the default.  I  
understand this to be a result of the fact that you are really  
messing up the measure proportions in the score, so the manual  
adjustment cannot be made to hold, or things would be wildly out of  
proportion in the score.  I can't wrap my brain around a way to  
control this correctly, as long as you are working in linked parts.   
Maybe I'm overlooking something, but this is forcing me back to  
extracted parts.   (I don't trust myself to see, or want to have to  
look for, these spacing things and adjust them every time I open a  
part to print it.  If the layout doesn't hold, I can't use the system.)

In terms of overall time spent on Finale, it is probably more  
efficient for me to duplicate edits in parts and scores, rather than  
work this way.  This is a disappointment to me, since I've been  
working unrelentingly to learn this for the last two months and feel  
that I have achieved pretty good control.

Careful what you ask for, you might get it!  Well, maybe it's a good  
idea to have some parts linked and only extract those that have these  
problems.  I haven't wrapped my brain around that one yet.


On Oct 2, 2006, at 2:31 AM, dhbailey wrote:

My experience with the linked score/parts shows me that for single- 
part-staves it is a very good thing and I am hopeful it will only  
get better.

My experience with multiple-part-staves shows me that as soon as  
Finale filters which notes appear on the single-staff parts that it  
is possible to end up with, Finale needs to have all musical  
editing done on either the original score only or on another linked  
part which contains the original multiple-part-staff.

For example, it will be possible to have  a score which has 2 flute  
parts on a single staff, and in the create parts dialogue, to  
create 3 linked parts: 1) flute 1-2 (contains all the music in the  
original staff); 2) flute 1 (with the voicing options set  
appropriately); 3) flute 2 (with the voicing options set  
appropriately).  All the page layout issues can be accomplished on  
the second and third parts as I just described them, but all the  
music entry issues (correcting wrong notes, adding or deleting  
notes, etc) has to be accomplished on the first part I just described.

And Chuck found out just as I had done, that extracting the second  
and third parts as I describe them above allows the editing work to  
move ahead very nicely.

But editing the music in the first part isn't too difficult, and  
all those edited changes will show up on the second and third parts  
(before they are extracted, of course).

It's all a brave new world that I see a lot of great potential in.   
But as with so much of Finale (and indeed with all applications  
I've ever used), it forces the user to learn to think in the  
program's ideal workflow.  We're all so new to it that it's hard to  
discover just what that work-flow is.

David H. Bailey

Chuck Israels wrote:

Thank you Dennis, I will try this.
As I was working yesterday, I finally got frustrated enough to  
stop the process and extract the parts.  The extracted parts  
retained the work that had been done with the linked parts and  
inherited the voicing characteristics that had been set up in the  
parts management dialog.  In balance - this element of the new  
system seems to be well worked out and is more than worth learning  
to use.
But as soon as the parts were extracted and I went back to working  
in individual documents, things began to go smoothly and quickly.   
I don't know if this is because the linked parts system is still  
in its infancy, or if its characteristics simply function in ways  
that slow down my work flow, but I have spent the past two months  
stubbornly trying to make it work only to be mightily relieved the  
moment I finally abandoned it. YMMV.  I am reminded to be careful  
what I wish for, I might get it!
I so much want this to work, but I'm beginning to be convinced  
that it is counterproductive for my work style, and that the time  
required to open and edit a few documents to make 

Re: [Finale] Linked Parts

2006-10-02 Thread Darcy James Argue

On 02 Oct 2006, at 10:44 AM, Chuck Israels wrote:

I could not get Special Tools/Beam Adjustment to access any part  
that had been extracted from a multi-part staff, and beam  
adjustments are needed.  You cannot go back to the score to do the  
editing, or to a part with both voices, because the beam situation  
changes as the number of notes on the stem changes from two to one.

You should be able to get Patterson Beams to work on a part by first  
opening the plugin window, then switching to part view, then applying  
the plugin.

I also described (or tried to) another uncontrollable situation.   
On one staff line in a part, a 31 m. MM rest and a one m. pickup  
(with entries) at the end of the line.  Finale will make the 31 m.  
rest and the one m. spread equally on the line, making the single  
measure look way too wide.  So you drag the bar line and fix it.   
Fine, if you print right away, but go to another part and return to  
this one, and take a look.  The spacing has sprung back to the  
default.  I u

Have you tried editing the multimeasure rest width with the Measure  
Tool (control-click the measure, select Edit Multimeasure Rest, and  
change the width)?


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Linked Parts

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 02.10.2006 Darcy James Argue wrote:

I also described (or tried to) another uncontrollable situation.  On one staff 
line in a part, a 31 m. MM rest and a one m. pickup (with entries) at the end 
of the line.  Finale will make the 31 m. rest and the one m. spread equally on 
the line, making the single measure look way too wide.  So you drag the bar 
line and fix it.  Fine, if you print right away, but go to another part and 
return to this one, and take a look.  The spacing has sprung back to the 
default.  I u

Have you tried editing the multimeasure rest width with the Measure Tool 
(control-click the measure, select Edit Multimeasure Rest, and change the 

I believe this problem would not actually go away by editing the width, 
either. The problem lies with the automatic update mm rests option, 
which is found in the document options-Multimeasure rests, which for 
this very reason should be switched off as soon as work on the parts 
starts. I have deactivated this option as a default after having spent 
hours trying to work out why the mm rests always reverted to the 
defaults after I had edited them.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Violin notation

2006-10-02 Thread John Howell

At 2:20 PM +0100 10/2/06, Will Denayer wrote:

How can I write harmonics for violin?

It depends.  There are two kinds of harmonics, natural harmonics 
which are played by touching one of the nodes on an open string, and 
artificial harmonics for which one finger is held down and the string 
is touched by another finger a 4th or 5th higher.  (Or other 
intervals on occasion.)  We could tell you more if you could be more 
specific.  The notation is different.

How can I write a quarter E for a bow and two eight G's which have 
to be plucked at the same time for a violin?

Again, it depends on which E and which G you are talking about.  Left 
hand pizzicato works best on open strings, so it would have to be the 
open G string.  If you aren't a violinist, it will be difficult for 
you to write in this way, just as it is difficult to write properly 
for harp or to specify organ registration unless you know the 
instrument.  You would have to mark the pizz notes, but it's been so 
long since I've seen it I can't remember what the sign is.  It might 
be a plus or an x.

Thank you all, you really help me. Sorry for my poor English, but 
I'm a Belgian (living in Ireland). Best regards, Will

You're doing better than I would in French or Gaelic!!!  Completely 


John  Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg
Last night I finally installed Finale 2007 and immediately I'm having 
problems. Measures 1-122 were entered with Finale 2006 (c, I think), 
measures 123 and following were entered with Finale 2007.

I'm not able to advance throught the music using the [ and ] keys. 
Finale just skips entire systems! It jumps from the last measure of the 
first system of a page to the first measure of the first system of the 
next page!

Can anyone confirm, or even better, explain this behaviour?

Steps to take:

* go to
* Download and open this file: Dichtungen2007.mus (don't worry 
about missing fonts)

* Go to bookmark entr'acte
* With Speedy, click in the first measure of the Entr'acte
* Try to advance to the end using the ] key.

Does Speedy behave normally or do you encounter the same weird 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

Earlier I wrote:

Last night I finally installed Finale 2007 and immediately I'm having 
problems. Measures 1-122 were entered with Finale 2006 (c, I think), 
measures 123 and following were entered with Finale 2007.

I'm not able to advance throught the music using the [ and ] keys. 
Finale just skips entire systems! It jumps from the last measure of the 
first system of a page to the first measure of the first system of the 
next page!

Can anyone confirm, or even better, explain this behaviour?

Now I see what's causing the trouble: the second system of a page (from 
page 12 on) is repeated as first system on the next page. Ctrl-U or 
Shft-Ctr-U doesn't fix this. Help?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Jazz Piano Instruction Book?

2006-10-02 Thread Jacki Barineau

Thanks for the recommendations!

- Jacki

Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: QuickTime advice needed

2006-10-02 Thread Aaron Sherber

Hi all,

I'm having a strange PC vs. Mac issue with a QuickTime movie file. 
Basically, the movie will play fine on a Mac but gives error 2048 on 
a PC (with latest QuickTime installed).

The strange part is that if I copy the file from the DVD on which it 
lives to my PC, and then put it on my flash drive and take it to a 
Mac, the Mac won't play it either -- as though simply passing through 
my PC has done something to the file. And the problem isn't the flash 
drive, because if I put the DVD in a Mac and use the Mac to copy the 
file to my flash drive, the Mac will still play it fine.

My first thought is that this is some data fork/resource fork Mac 
file format thing, except that (a) I haven't seen those in a long 
time, and (b) my brother, who is a Mac person, assures me that that 
shouldn't be happening in OS X.

Any offlist suggestions would be appreciated.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: QuickTime advice needed

2006-10-02 Thread Phil Daley

At 10/2/2006 12:53 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

I'm having a strange PC vs. Mac issue with a QuickTime movie file.
Basically, the movie will play fine on a Mac but gives error 2048 on
a PC (with latest QuickTime installed).

The strange part is that if I copy the file from the DVD on which it
lives to my PC, and then put it on my flash drive and take it to a
Mac, the Mac won't play it either -- as though simply passing through
my PC has done something to the file.

Do you have anti-virus monitoring file creation?

Perhaps turning that off might be the answer.  But that is a guess.

Phil Daley   AutoDesk

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread A-NO-NE Music
dhbailey / 2006/10/02 / 06:00 AM wrote:

It didn't even have to be true in Win98 -- it was possible to create a 
bootable CD, and whether a computer can boot from CD or DVD or has to 
boot from a floppy or hard drive is purely a function of the computer's 
CMOS setup, nothing to do with windows.

Unless I am remembering things totally wrong, I don't recall OS/2 had
boot location (which bus and where) limitation like DOS/Win has.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread A-NO-NE Music
dhbailey / 2006/10/02 / 06:38 AM wrote:

Simple entry is definitely NOT easier/faster for me.

I am the same way.  What Simple bugs me is that you have to place your
mouse pointer to the exact pitch, which isn't easy with high res
monitor.  Speedy gives me no such hassle :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 02.10.2006 Barbara Touburg wrote:

Now I see what's causing the trouble: the second system of a page (from page 12 
on) is repeated as first system on the next page. Ctrl-U or Shft-Ctr-U doesn't 
fix this. Help?

Does Control U update the layout? You will have to update the layout on 
the first page.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 02.10.2006 A-NO-NE Music wrote:

I am the same way.  What Simple bugs me is that you have to place your
mouse pointer to the exact pitch, which isn't easy with high res
monitor.  Speedy gives me no such hassle  :-) 

Nor does Simple, type A and you will get an A.

Simple has changed dramatically over the years, and although I seldomly 
use it, I have to admit that it can be quite fast and efficient, 
especially as one can enter articulations and expressions while entering 
the music.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 02.10.2006 Barbara Touburg wrote:

Now I see what's causing the trouble: the second system of a page 
(from page 12 on) is repeated as first system on the next page. Ctrl-U 
or Shft-Ctr-U doesn't fix this. Help?

Does Control U update the layout? You will have to update the layout on 
the first page.


I've tried that already. It didn't help at all.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Speedy Entry

2006-10-02 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, Sorry for being tiresome, but I still have problems with speedy entry:   1) suppose I want to add other voices, how do I do this? Whatever I do, the thing stays in V1;   2) there is something I do not like in Speedy: if I have been typing, say, quarter notes and the last note was an F and then I press 3 because I want sixteen notes, the thing immediately produces a sixteenth F - am I doing something wrong, or is this just the way it is? Thanks and with best regards, Will   
		Yahoo! Messenger 
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Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 02.10.2006 Barbara Touburg wrote:

Now I see what's causing the trouble: the second system of a page 
(from page 12 on) is repeated as first system on the next page. Ctrl-U 
or Shft-Ctr-U doesn't fix this. Help?

Does Control U update the layout? You will have to update the layout on 
the first page.


It's getting worse!

I decided to move on to the next song in this cycle. With TGTools I 
prepared some 10 systems for alto flute, soprano and alto. Instead of 
repeating the last system of the page on the next page, the last TWO 
systems are repeated!

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
At 07:34 PM 10/2/06 +0200, Barbara Touburg wrote:
Johannes Gebauer wrote:
 On 02.10.2006 Barbara Touburg wrote:
 Now I see what's causing the trouble: the second system of a page 
 (from page 12 on) is repeated as first system on the next page. Ctrl-U 
 or Shft-Ctr-U doesn't fix this. Help?
 Does Control U update the layout? You will have to update the layout on 
 the first page.

I've tried that already. It didn't help at all.

This was a problem many, many versions ago ... back in the Finale 3.x days.
The only way to cure it back then was update layout from page 1, close and
re-open the file, do a data check, update layout again, save the file under
a new name in ETF format, close and re-open it. You might try something
similar, even though I believe ETF is not longer available.



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Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 0:16, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 David W. Fenton / 2006/10/01 / 04:06 PM wrote:
 None of the machines you describe should need a boot floppy. Maybe
 you just don't know how to use the Windows installation disk and the
 command console.
 You are correct, David.  I don't know how to launch CLI from Win2K
 installer disk.  I just tried it, and it has no such option.

The command console should be one of the repair options. The CD 
should boot by default to the re-install/repair/run command console 
prompt. And the command console is a command prompt that gives you 
full access to all the disk drives (if they haven't failed in 
hardware, of course).

 How do
 you launch CLI from Win2K installer disk?  

Command console from the prompt that's given you. It can run from the 
CD or it can be installed on the hard drive so you can get a boot 
menu without the CD to run the command console at boot instead of 
booting the GUI.

 And you are saying I can
 launch win32 apps from there as the same as you launch from Win2K? 

No, I never said that.

 And I can remove Win2K installer disk to access backup image from a

That I don't know. If you install the command console on the hard 
drive, you can activate the boot menu with F8 during boot and then 
boot to the command prompt and then insert any CD or DVD that's 
readable by the command prompt environment (I have no idea if DVDs 
are supported by the command console). But if those require a Win32 
app, then that isn't going to work.

 Oh, wait, to restore image to C:, I can launch application, PQDI on
 the C: drive.  What is my alternative?  On my Mac, I just boot off a
 backup drive which is bootable, and restore image in no time.  What do
 you do on PC? 

All the imaging software I've ever used provides a non-GUI command 
prompt utility to restore images without needing to boot the GUI.

 I have been doing this with Floppy disks, including
 swapping floppy many, many times.  Very time consuming.  If there is
 one DVD solution, I'd jump on it.

I don't have a DVD drive and doubt that there is, since DVD support 
is still provided in software and not in the base OS installation. 
Which is stupid, of course.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 13:01, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 dhbailey / 2006/10/02 / 06:00 AM wrote:
 It didn't even have to be true in Win98 -- it was possible to create
 a bootable CD, and whether a computer can boot from CD or DVD or has
 to boot from a floppy or hard drive is purely a function of the
 computer's CMOS setup, nothing to do with windows.
 Unless I am remembering things totally wrong, I don't recall OS/2 had
 boot location (which bus and where) limitation like DOS/Win has.

OS/2 installed a boot manager on your hard drive that took care of 
this. A client of mine had a Win95/DOS 6 system that used the OS/2 
boot manager to give a choice of boot environment. Don't ask me why 
she thought she needed to do that, but she did, and somebody who was 
an OS/2 guru set it up for her.

It was still the primary boot hard drive that was doing the booting --
there was no magic that allowed you to boot from any device just 
because you had OS/2. You had to have the boot manager configured to 
boot from the particular device.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread YATESLAWRENCE

When I had this problem the other day, after advice from the list I 
selected all (using the mass mover tool) and pressed cntrl U - it solved 
the probelm in my case.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Rafael
On 2 Oct 2006 at 17:58, Barbara Touburg wrote:

 Last night I finally installed Finale 2007 and immediately I'm having 
 problems. Measures 1-122 were entered with Finale 2006 (c, I think), 
 measures 123 and following were entered with Finale 2007.
 I'm not able to advance throught the music using the [ and ] keys. 
 Finale just skips entire systems! It jumps from the last measure of the 
 first system of a page to the first measure of the first system of the 
 next page!
 Can anyone confirm, or even better, explain this behaviour?
 Steps to take:
  * go to
  * Download and open this file: Dichtungen2007.mus (don't worry 
 about missing fonts)
  * Go to bookmark entr'acte
  * With Speedy, click in the first measure of the Entr'acte
  * Try to advance to the end using the ] key.
 Does Speedy behave normally or do you encounter the same weird 

I have a spanish keyboard so i can not confirm the exact behaviour you are 
about. The [ and ] keys don't work for me in speedy.
But with shift + the arrow keys speedy works fine in your file. I'm on winfin 
by the way.

I do not see the problem with repeated systems you mentioned in other posts.

Data check, File maintenance showed no inconsistencies in your file.

Rafael Velasco

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy Entry

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Will Denayer wrote:
Hello All, Sorry for being tiresome, but I still have problems with 
speedy entry:
1) suppose I want to add other voices, how do I do this? Whatever I do, 
the thing stays in V1;
2) there is something I do not like in Speedy: if I have been typing, 
say, quarter notes and the last note was an F and then I press 3 because 
I want sixteen notes, the thing immediately produces a sixteenth F - am 
I doing something wrong, or is this just the way it is? Thanks and with 
best regards, Will

Finale has two ways of doing this: Layers and Voices.

Layers (up to four are possible in a single staff, each with 2 possible 
voices) are for times when you want two completely independent parts on 
one staff, such as soprano and alto voices in a choral part, or two very 
distinct flute parts on a single staff in an orchestral score.

Voices (only 2 are possible, for each layer on a staff) are for when you 
want occasional splits between two parts, but other wise either unison 
parts or parts with chords which share the same rhythm.

To enter a new layer, simply click the appropriate number at the lower 
left of your screen. You should see a change in color for the notes you 

To enter something into voice 2, simply hit the ' key (the apostrophe) 
and you'll see the V1 change to V2.  You need to be in the exact 
rhythmic location where you want voice 2 to begin, because as soon as 
you move left or right, Finale will revert to V1.

As for your Speedy problem, I've never seen that behavior, unless you 
are using Speedy Entry with a Midi Keyboard and have Caps-Lok ON.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Measure numbers in linked parts

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 15:34, dc wrote:

 David W. Fenton écrit:
 There's no way to unlink positiong from the score? That doesn't make
 much sense to me.
 You can unlink in all parts from the score. What I meant - sorry if
 I wasn't clear - is that simply moving the numbers in the score
 without prior unlinking affects all the parts.

OK, then. I still don't know if your answer ways that it is possible 
to set the measure number position in the score (which will set it in 
the parts), unlink it, and then change it so that it's different for 
the score only, and the parts retain the original setting (which was 
appropriate for parts).

 Still, it would be nice to position measure numbers in the dialog box
 separately for each part if needed.

I agree, but if the above is possible, it doesn't sound like a 
terribly problematic situation.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 15:23, dc wrote:

 Dennis Bathory-Kitsz écrit:
 I'm not saying Speedy is preferable for anybody but me, but I know
 the Finale keyboard layout so well that I don't even have to look at
 the screen as I work (particularly with the added confirmation of
 pitches sounding when I enter notes).
 I agree with Dennis. I'm a keyboard player and a fast typist, and I
 own a MIDI keyboard purchased spefically for use in Finale. But Speedy
 entry with the numeric keypad is for me the fastest way of entering
 music (unless I can use Hyperscribe, which allows me to practice my
 C-clefs at the same time, and which is even faster). I look only at my
 source, and count on the sound feedback to spot wrong notes, and
 Finale's error beep for wrong rhythms. That being said, the entry of
 the music itself represents only a small portion of the work,

I'm a fast touch typist, a keyboardist with an undergraduate degree 
in piano performance from a famous conservatory and a computer 

I find it far, far easier to enter large amounts of music with a MIDI 
keyboard than from the computer keyboard. The shortcuts laid out on 
the keyboard for notes don't make any sense to me, so I have never 
learned them. Why bother when I can use the keyboard layout that is 
ingrained in my muscles from decades of playing the piano?

The equation may be different for different people, but I don't see 
the utility in learning the insanely arbitrary keyboard shortcuts, 
unless one has no possibility of ever using a MIDI keyboard for 

And I long ago concluded that Hyperscribe was utterly useless. I have 
top-notch keyboard skills, but it takes way to much time to clean up 
the transcription errors that come from the limits of human 
perception that are much less precise than those of a computer.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

When I had this problem the other day, after advice from the list I 
selected all (using the mass mover tool) and pressed cntrl U  - it 
solved the probelm in my case.

I can't believe this! I did what you suggested and all is well!
I had done that a dozen times with no results, and suddenly it works! 
There must be some magic involved here.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] BAK.files

2006-10-02 Thread A-NO-NE Music
David W. Fenton / 2006/10/02 / 01:49 PM wrote:

It was still the primary boot hard drive that was doing the booting --
there was no magic that allowed you to boot from any device just 
because you had OS/2. You had to have the boot manager configured to 
boot from the particular device.

I don't really want to sound we are debating meaningless Mac vs Wintel,
but Mac can boot off anywhere by just pressing Opt key on boot which
lists all the possible boot volumes.  That alone, crisis control on Mac
is much easier and faster than PC without even talking about registry.

I am just curious.
When I go to location recording job including my own performance, I
always carry 2.5 emergency drive.  If and when my Powerbook flips due
to HD trouble or something, I just attach 2.5 drive, boot it off, and
finish recording.  This has happened once, actually.  If I have time
before the show, I can even run Utility to repair the problem, or
restore the internal volume itself from the emergency drive in time.

On PC, how do you control crisis like this?


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Rafael
On 2 Oct 2006 at 19:38, Barbara Touburg wrote:

 Johannes Gebauer wrote:
  On 02.10.2006 Barbara Touburg wrote:
  Now I see what's causing the trouble: the second system of a page 
  (from page 12 on) is repeated as first system on the next page. Ctrl-U 
  or Shft-Ctr-U doesn't fix this. Help?
  Does Control U update the layout? You will have to update the layout on 
  the first page.
 It's getting worse!
 I decided to move on to the next song in this cycle. With TGTools I 
 prepared some 10 systems for alto flute, soprano and alto. Instead of 
 repeating the last system of the page on the next page, the last TWO 
 systems are repeated!

I do not know why Ctrl-U does not work for you. I just reopened your file then 
alt-v-c-f to fit the page, alt-v-m to see multiple pages (in page view 
obviously) went to 
page 13, then with page layout tool selected i could see that systems 43 and 44 
were at 
the end of that page and also at the begining of the next one. Then pressed 
ctrl-u and 
every system is in his right place.

Rafael Velasco.
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread A-NO-NE Music
Johannes Gebauer / 2006/10/02 / 01:29 PM wrote:

Nor does Simple, type A and you will get an A.

Woa.  Didn't know, didn't know.
This thread was very beneficial to me :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

David W. Fenton wrote:

On 2 Oct 2006 at 15:23, dc wrote:

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz écrit:

I'm not saying Speedy is preferable for anybody but me, but I know
the Finale keyboard layout so well that I don't even have to look at
the screen as I work (particularly with the added confirmation of
pitches sounding when I enter notes).

I agree with Dennis. I'm a keyboard player and a fast typist, and I
own a MIDI keyboard purchased spefically for use in Finale. But Speedy
entry with the numeric keypad is for me the fastest way of entering
music (unless I can use Hyperscribe, which allows me to practice my
C-clefs at the same time, and which is even faster). I look only at my
source, and count on the sound feedback to spot wrong notes, and
Finale's error beep for wrong rhythms. That being said, the entry of
the music itself represents only a small portion of the work,

I'm a fast touch typist, a keyboardist with an undergraduate degree 
in piano performance from a famous conservatory and a computer 

I find it far, far easier to enter large amounts of music with a MIDI 
keyboard than from the computer keyboard. The shortcuts laid out on 
the keyboard for notes don't make any sense to me, so I have never 
learned them. Why bother when I can use the keyboard layout that is 
ingrained in my muscles from decades of playing the piano?

The equation may be different for different people, but I don't see 
the utility in learning the insanely arbitrary keyboard shortcuts, 
unless one has no possibility of ever using a MIDI keyboard for 

And I long ago concluded that Hyperscribe was utterly useless. I have 
top-notch keyboard skills, but it takes way to much time to clean up 
the transcription errors that come from the limits of human 
perception that are much less precise than those of a computer.

I agree that hyperscribe is utterly useless.

One doesn't have to use the keyboard shortcuts for the pitches to use 
only the computer keyboard for speedy entry. Use the cursor keys to 
position the cursor and the number keys to place the proper value note. 
 Extremely simple and I find it far easier than moving my left hand 
around on a midi keyboard, for which I am constantly having to take my 
eyes off the original manuscript or the monitor when the music has 
larger leaps.  I'm sure if I practiced that I could get better at it, 
but this way I work the same way on my desktop computer which has a midi 
keyboard connected to it as when I'm working on my notebook without a 
midi keyboard.

And I don't use those silly shortcuts for the pitches.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
At 02:03 PM 10/2/06 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
The equation may be different for different people, but I don't see 
the utility in learning the insanely arbitrary keyboard shortcuts, 
unless one has no possibility of ever using a MIDI keyboard for 

Yeah, Midi keyboards are especially good for quarter-tones. :)

Seriously, though, the computer keyboard shortcuts don't seem arbitrary to
me, though. They're all mnemonics for me, even if they weren't intended as
such. / cut (break) beam toggle, ' launch the little voice (voice 2), P
parenthesis, L lift  flip stem toggle, O do not enter (hide note), ;
demure (grace) note , + sharpen, - flatten, BKSP back over  squash silent
(turn into rest), * sticky-splat the note toggle. Arrows/shift-arrows,
insert, delete all do their stuff.  But as I said, it's been years of doing
it, and it's mostly physical memory. I have no physical memory on a musical
keyboard, in part because of aphasia (I was denied my college degree
because there were no disability laws in 1970 and I couldn't work the piano

Because entry and editing are basically identical in Speedy, I need to
learn only one set of actions to function quickly. If Speedy suddenly
disappeared, I'd have to learn most of what I use in Finale over. It's the
only entry/edit method I've ever used.

So ya learn what ya learn  make it work.



Please participate in my latest project:
My blog:

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 20:06, Barbara Touburg wrote:

  When I had this problem the other day, after advice from the list I
  selected all (using the mass mover tool) and pressed cntrl U  - it
  solved the probelm in my case.
 I can't believe this! I did what you suggested and all is well!
 I had done that a dozen times with no results, and suddenly it works!
 There must be some magic involved here.

I thought selection was not needed for Ctrl-U -- you just needed to 
be on the first page in order to update layout for the whole file?

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 14:30, dhbailey wrote:

 David W. Fenton wrote:
  On 2 Oct 2006 at 15:23, dc wrote:
  Dennis Bathory-Kitsz écrit:
  I'm not saying Speedy is preferable for anybody but me, but I know
  the Finale keyboard layout so well that I don't even have to look
  at the screen as I work (particularly with the added confirmation
  of pitches sounding when I enter notes).
  I agree with Dennis. I'm a keyboard player and a fast typist, and I
  own a MIDI keyboard purchased spefically for use in Finale. But
  Speedy entry with the numeric keypad is for me the fastest way of
  entering music (unless I can use Hyperscribe, which allows me to
  practice my C-clefs at the same time, and which is even faster). I
  look only at my source, and count on the sound feedback to spot
  wrong notes, and Finale's error beep for wrong rhythms. That being
  said, the entry of the music itself represents only a small portion
  of the work, timewise.
  I'm a fast touch typist, a keyboardist with an undergraduate degree
  in piano performance from a famous conservatory and a computer
  I find it far, far easier to enter large amounts of music with a
  MIDI keyboard than from the computer keyboard. The shortcuts laid
  out on the keyboard for notes don't make any sense to me, so I have
  never learned them. Why bother when I can use the keyboard layout
  that is ingrained in my muscles from decades of playing the piano?
  The equation may be different for different people, but I don't see
  the utility in learning the insanely arbitrary keyboard shortcuts,
  unless one has no possibility of ever using a MIDI keyboard for
  And I long ago concluded that Hyperscribe was utterly useless. I
  have top-notch keyboard skills, but it takes way to much time to
  clean up the transcription errors that come from the limits of human
  perception that are much less precise than those of a computer.
 I agree that hyperscribe is utterly useless.
 One doesn't have to use the keyboard shortcuts for the pitches to use
 only the computer keyboard for speedy entry. Use the cursor keys to
 position the cursor and the number keys to place the proper value

That means 3 up arrows to go up a fourth, 7 an octave, and so forth. 
Yes, that's the method I use, and it's an order of magnitude slower 
than input with a keyboard.

   Extremely simple and I find it far easier than moving my left hand
 around on a midi keyboard, 

You need a better setup. I have the MIDI keyboard on the desk with 
the computer keyboard on top of it. I use right or left hand for MIDI 
keyboard or for computer keyboard, depending on range. The music I'm 
copying is on the music rack of the MIDI keyboard, to the left, with 
the computer monitor visible through the left part of the music rack 
(which is transparent). This means I can see everything just by 
moving my head. 

Obviously, I've got the keyboard sense to follow the original source 
and the monitor and not need to look at my hands too often, but if 
you used the numeric pad on the computer keyboard, you might find it 
easier to input the rhythms. I sometimes switch back and forth 
between the numbers at the top of the keyboard and the numeric pad, 
depending on which hand I'm using for rhythm and which for the MIDI 

But I can do all of that by sense without needing to look, because of 
my background, I guess.

But it also wouldn't be possible without the layout I've set up for 
music entry.

 for which I am constantly having to take my
 eyes off the original manuscript or the monitor when the music has
 larger leaps.  I'm sure if I practiced that I could get better at it,
 but this way I work the same way on my desktop computer which has a
 midi keyboard connected to it as when I'm working on my notebook
 without a midi keyboard.
 And I don't use those silly shortcuts for the pitches.

Well, then I don't see how you can do things as quickly as with MIDI 
entry, even if you don't have the inherent keyboard skills to place 
your hands without looking.

Obviously, it works for you, which is what matters, but 

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 14:37, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

 At 02:03 PM 10/2/06 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
 The equation may be different for different people, but I don't see
 the utility in learning the insanely arbitrary keyboard shortcuts,
 unless one has no possibility of ever using a MIDI keyboard for
 Yeah, Midi keyboards are especially good for quarter-tones. :)

Well, that's different!

 Seriously, though, the computer keyboard shortcuts don't seem
 arbitrary to me, though. 

I meant the keyboard shortcuts for notes, not for all the things you 
mention, which I use all the time (since there's no way to do any of 
those things on a MIDI keyboard).

 They're all mnemonics for me, even if they
 weren't intended as such. / cut (break) beam toggle, ' launch the
 little voice (voice 2), P parenthesis, L lift  flip stem toggle, O do
 not enter (hide note), ; demure (grace) note , + sharpen, - flatten,
 BKSP back over  squash silent (turn into rest), * sticky-splat the
 note toggle. 

I know all of these shortcuts, but mostly don't use any of the 
cosmetic ones until the second pass (i.e., I don't do anything about 
breaking beams or stem direction until the second pass).


Navigating up and down the staff with the arrow keys is so incredibly 
slow that I couldn't imagine that was the method anyone claiming any 
speed was actually using. I assumed they were using the pitch 
shortcuts, which in Speedy are pretty nonsensical (i.e., there is no 
mapping to actual note names, just an octave for each row of the 

 insert, delete all do their stuff. 
 But as I said, it's been years of doing it, and it's mostly physical
 memory. I have no physical memory on a musical keyboard, in part
 because of aphasia (I was denied my college degree because there were
 no disability laws in 1970 and I couldn't work the piano keyboard).

I used Finale for 6 years without a MIDI keyboard, so I know all 
these shortcuts very, very well, and also have plenty of experience 
entering substantial amounts of music with these methods (Finale 
didn't add the pitch shortcuts until after I'd gotten a MIDI 
keyboard). I can put in music many times more quickly with a MIDI 
keyboard than I ever did without it.

 Because entry and editing are basically identical in Speedy, I need to
 learn only one set of actions to function quickly. If Speedy suddenly
 disappeared, I'd have to learn most of what I use in Finale over. It's
 the only entry/edit method I've ever used.

Since my work is all putting parts into Finale that already exist in 
order to make scores, the MIDI keyboard is much faster. And editing 
is a second step after the entry of notes and rhythms.

For my composing/arranging, I use a combination of MIDI keyboard and 
computer keyboard, about half and half.

This may be the difference, that the people who find the MIDI 
keyboard faster are working from complete sources and inputting them 
into Finale, and those working fast with the computer keyboard are 
creating music on the fly, with no significant pre-existing source to 
copy from.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 03:06 PM 10/2/2006, David W. Fenton wrote:
speed was actually using. I assumed they were using the pitch
shortcuts, which in Speedy are pretty nonsensical (i.e., there is no
mapping to actual note names, just an octave for each row of the

That's only nonsensical if you're trying to mentally map the letter 
on the keyboard to the note name. But if you just think of it as 
three stacked white-key scales, it makes lots of sense. This is the 
method I use, and I'm very fast with it.

This may be the difference, that the people who find the MIDI
keyboard faster are working from complete sources and inputting them
into Finale, and those working fast with the computer keyboard are
creating music on the fly, with no significant pre-existing source to
copy from.

Speaking for myself, I'm usually working from existing sources, and I 
use the computer keyboard.

As has been said before, one of the strengths of Finale is that it 
allows so many different methods, and individuals can find what works 
best for them. I'm not going to try to convince anyone that my way is 
better, but I know for a fact it's better for me.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

I wrote:

I can't believe this! I did what you suggested and all is well!
I had done that a dozen times with no results, and suddenly it works! 
There must be some magic involved here.


Unfortunately, the problem is back. Is there anyone who would like to 
try and fix this problem for me?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
At 03:06 PM 10/2/06 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
Navigating up and down the staff with the arrow keys is so incredibly 
slow that I couldn't imagine that was the method anyone claiming any 
speed was actually using.

I mentioned that autorepeat is set to max and delay to min. I can 'feel'
exactly when it arrives at the spot without looking, and I can keep
composing straight to the draft (or looking at the score).

It really is fast in total. I have absolutely no productivity or deadline
problems with myself or customers. There's no physical distraction -- which
I definitely would have, as my hunt and peck is with musical keyboards.

I don't map score pitches to musical keyboard fingers, especially more than
one at a time. Try changing the keyboard octave span to 8 inches, putting
your keyboard backwards, and looking in a mirror to play it. That might
give you an idea of what it is for me. Alien. :)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Christopher Smith

On Oct 2, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Rafael wrote:

I do not know why Ctrl-U does not work for you. I just reopened  
your file then pressed
alt-v-c-f to fit the page, alt-v-m to see multiple pages (in page  
view obviously) went to
page 13, then with page layout tool selected i could see that  
systems 43 and 44 were at
the end of that page and also at the begining of the next one. Then  
pressed ctrl-u and

every system is in his right place.

One thing you have to keep in mind: Update Layout only works from the  
page you are on until the end of the document. If you were on page 14  
and updated layout, the problem between 13 and 14 would not have been  

I always update layout from page 1, just to be sure.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speedy jumping around

2006-10-02 Thread Barbara Touburg

dc wrote:

Barbara Touburg écrit:

I'm not able to advance throught the music using the [ and ] keys. 
Finale just skips entire systems! It jumps from the last measure of 
the first system of a page to the first measure of the first system of 
the next page!

Can anyone confirm, or even better, explain this behaviour?

Steps to take:

* go to
* Download and open this file: Dichtungen2007.mus (don't worry 
about missing fonts)

* Go to bookmark entr'acte
* With Speedy, click in the first measure of the Entr'acte
* Try to advance to the end using the ] key.

Does Speedy behave normally or do you encounter the same weird behaviour?

This seems to work fine over here. But then, I don't use the ] key to 
navigate in Speedy, for the simple reason it has no effect on a French 
keyboard. I use the arrow keys, and they seem to work with no problem in 
your file. Is there any difference between the two keys for the 
navigation itself?


Finale mailing list

No, there isn't any difference. I said it so that you would experience 
landing on the second system of the page instead of on the first. That 
was before I discovered the duplicate systems.
On my computer, control-shift-u worked only ONCE. The file is corrupt 
again. I'm continuing with Rafael's file he so kindly sent me.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] FIN 2k8 wish list

2006-10-02 Thread Andrew Stiller
For my own part, a feature I would like to see is a smart-shape swell. 
When you drag, crescendo and diminuendo hairpins would appear, 
perfectly aligned, and each taking up exactly half of the dragged 
distance. The space between the end of the cresc. and the beginning of 
the dim. would be user-adjustable as a Smart-Shape Option.

Such a feature would be easy to implement, and would save me--and I 
imagine at least a few others on this list--immense amounts of work.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Please remove me from Finale List

2006-10-02 Thread Ron Pearcy

Please remove me from the Finale List

Ronnie Pearcy

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Please remove me from Finale List

2006-10-02 Thread dhbailey

Ron Pearcy wrote:

Please remove  me from the Finale List


Ronnie Pearcy

Finale mailing list

follow the link at the bottom of each message and unsubscribe.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] FIN 2k8 wish list

2006-10-02 Thread Chuck Israels

Dear Andrew,

Bill Duncan has these in a variety of proportions in his productivity  
font set (hairpin font).  They work well.  My only reservation it  
that the lines are thinner than I prefer, and there doesn't seem to  
be a way to edit them, as you can in Finale's Smart Shape Options.   
That doesn't mean that I don't such a thing would be good included in  
Finale, but you might want to look at Bill's site, if this is  
something you need often.


On Oct 2, 2006, at 1:48 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

For my own part, a feature I would like to see is a smart-shape  
swell. When you drag, crescendo and diminuendo hairpins would  
appear, perfectly aligned, and each taking up exactly half of the  
dragged distance. The space between the end of the cresc. and the  
beginning of the dim. would be user-adjustable as a Smart-Shape  

Such a feature would be easy to implement, and would save me--and I  
imagine at least a few others on this list--immense amounts of work.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

Finale mailing list

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] FIN 2k8 wish list

2006-10-02 Thread Chuck Israels

On Oct 2, 2006, at 4:11 PM, Chuck Israels wrote: with typos and  
missing words - now corrected below.


Dear Andrew,

Bill Duncan has these in a variety of proportions in his  
productivity font set (hairpin font).  They work well.  My only  
reservation is that the lines are thinner than I prefer, and there  
doesn't seem to be a way to edit them, as you can in Finale's Smart  
Shape Options.  That doesn't mean that I don't think such a thing  
would be good included in Finale, but you might want to look at  
Bill's site, if this is something you need often.


On Oct 2, 2006, at 1:48 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

For my own part, a feature I would like to see is a smart-shape  
swell. When you drag, crescendo and diminuendo hairpins would  
appear, perfectly aligned, and each taking up exactly half of the  
dragged distance. The space between the end of the cresc. and the  
beginning of the dim. would be user-adjustable as a Smart-Shape  

Such a feature would be easy to implement, and would save me--and  
I imagine at least a few others on this list--immense amounts of  

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

Finale mailing list

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Linked Parts

2006-10-02 Thread Chuck Israels


Thank you.  This seems to be working on the parts.  I wonder if I'm  
messing up score spacing as I am doing this, but maybe not.  I'll  
keep doing this on some more parts with automatic update mm rests off  
and see if everything continues to stick where I put it.

Thanks again.


On Oct 2, 2006, at 8:55 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 02.10.2006 Darcy James Argue wrote:
I also described (or tried to) another uncontrollable situation.   
On one staff line in a part, a 31 m. MM rest and a one m. pickup  
(with entries) at the end of the line.  Finale will make the 31  
m. rest and the one m. spread equally on the line, making the  
single measure look way too wide.  So you drag the bar line and  
fix it.  Fine, if you print right away, but go to another part  
and return to this one, and take a look.  The spacing has sprung  
back to the default.  I u
Have you tried editing the multimeasure rest width with the  
Measure Tool (control-click the measure, select Edit Multimeasure  
Rest, and change the width)?

I believe this problem would not actually go away by editing the  
width, either. The problem lies with the automatic update mm rests  
option, which is found in the document options-Multimeasure rests,  
which for this very reason should be switched off as soon as work  
on the parts starts. I have deactivated this option as a default  
after having spent hours trying to work out why the mm rests always  
reverted to the defaults after I had edited them.


Finale mailing list

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread Éric Dussault
Le 06-10-02 à 09:09, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz a écrit :In terms of touch-typing, this is slower because of the reach and the two hands having to be overtop each other.  I still disagree with Johannes on speed. The excellent organization of the keyboard in Speedy entry seems to be overlooked. The entire keyboard usage is shifted right from normal touch typing, so that without touching anything but the keys with two hands, music can be entered quickly in Speedy without ever touching the mouse. I agree with David and Dennis on the fact that using the computer keyboard is faster and better designed to use the functionality keystrokes of Finale. Am I overlooking something or does midi keyboard input in Speedy require to go back and shift flat and sharp notes (black keys of the keyboard). It looks to me that it slows things down quite a lot. At worst I would say that computer keyboard is not slower than midi keyboard. But that's the wonderful thing about Finale that makes it superior in term of input over the competition: many different entry methods will still get good results.The other Eric___
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-02 Thread David W. Fenton
On 2 Oct 2006 at 20:45, Éric Dussault wrote:

 Am I overlooking something or does midi  
 keyboard input in Speedy require to go back and shift flat and sharp 
 notes (black keys of the keyboard). It looks to me that it slows 
 things down quite a lot.

How so? It is only a problem when Finale uses the wrong enharmonic 
spelling. If you hit a black key you get either a flat or a sharp, 
according to the enharmonic mapping in place for the key in question.

I correct enharmonic errors on the first editing pass, the same one 
where I do beaming and stem direction.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

[Finale] FinMac2k7 Linked Parts questions

2006-10-02 Thread Claudio Pompili
working on my first score/linked parts wind quintet project and have 
come across a few issues that I haven't seen come up on the list but 
may have missed and hoping for some feedback:

no Left barlines  in Parts only:
* my score has standard grouped staves and parts are individual 
instruments: when I create the parts in the part definition, is there 
a way to set something so that the left barline doesn't appear at the 
beginning of each system in the Part as in standard practice? I can 
do it manually by unchecking Document OptionsLeft Barlines: Display 
on Single Staves but this is global and affects both Parts and Score.

Printing/Saving as PDF problems:
* From both Score and Parts I get spinning pizza of death when 
printing ranges of pages when I use the FilePrintFinale 2007 pull 
down menu. Happens to either of my laser printers. However, when I 
put a range of pages in the standard Copies  Pages pull down menu 
of the print dialog all OK; and
* Similarly, I want to create PDF files using the OSX PrintSave as 
PDF feature: I can do it for the Score view but not for the Parts 

I've done some tests in the Fin2k7 sample file Bach.mus and created 
parts. I can print range of pages in PrintFinale 2007 pull down menu 
and Save as PDF. Must be something in my score/parts file.

Anybody else have similar problems and would appreciate any ideas?
cheers, Claudio
* Mac PPCG4 1.25GHz DP FW800 1.75GB Ram ATI Radeon Pro video card
* HP 8100 LaserJet duplex; Brother HL-1430 Laser writer
* Finale 2k7 and most previous versions

Claudio Pompili
composer, sound designer, music consultant

Finale mailing list