Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-02 Thread Robert Patterson
On Dec 1, 2007 3:43 PM, Giuliano Forghieri [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I can think of several situations where that would not be neither
 quick nor painless,

What I mean is that the actual process of creating the tuplets is quick 
and painless. If you are thinking of situations where the actual process 
of creating the tuplets is not quick or painless, I'd like to know what 
they are. If you choose a source measure that has only the invisible 
tuplet for that meter, Mass Copy will copy it repeatedly to every 
measure. Since any measure that has music has an entry at the beginning 
of the measure, the copy is quick and painless, qed. It does not matter 
whether there are visible tuplets in the target bars.

Obviously with any workaround there are extra steps. Unfortunately, MM 
(and Coda before it) have never gotten Independent Time Sigs right. What 
I like about using the invisible tuplets workaround is that everything 
just works once you've set it up. The problem entering smart shapes is 
just the tip of the iceberg of problems you encounter with independent 
time sigs, unless all the underlying sigs are actually the same. I have 
not experimented enough lately to know which problems may have been 
fixed, nor can I frankly remember them all now. It has become one of 
those here there be dragons features for me.

As long as I am touting Mass Copy, I should mention that long-time 
Finale users sometimes have trouble wrapping their minds around the fact 
that Mass Copy (unlike Finale's built-in copy) is completely free of 
barlines. (I also am a Finale 1.0 purchaser and user, btw.) That sounds 
like just words until you actually try it with a source pattern that 
includes, e.g., hairpin dynamics. Then the lightbulb goes on.

I am frankly puzzled why anyone would stick with Fin06 if they have 
Fin07. I disagree that problems were not fixed. On the contrary, many 
problems were fixed. And linked parts is incredibly useful even if you 
have your parts in a separate file from the score. I couldn't imagine 
going back. Finally, of course, is the fact that Fin07 runs native on an 
Intel Mac.

About the only time I use Fin06 is to open certain old files where Fin07 
changes the placement of some articulations due to a change in the way 
Fin07 reads Font Annotation files.

Now, Fin08 is a completely worthless upgrade: arguably the most 
worthless upgrade ever released. You have to learn an entirely new 
Copy/Paste workflow, and you don't get a single new useful feature or 
bugfix as a reward. Fin08 sits registered but unused on my hard drive, 
unless I have to debug a file sent by some poor sucker who adopted it.

(I suppose some might say ScoreMerger is a useful new feature of Fin08. 
Personally, knowing what it has to do, I don't trust it for any but 
trivial jobs.)

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-02 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
On Sun, December 2, 2007 10:56 am, Robert Patterson wrote:
 What I mean is that the actual process of creating the tuplets is quick
 and painless. If you are thinking of situations where the actual process
 of creating the tuplets is not quick or painless, I'd like to know what
 they are. If you choose a source measure that has only the invisible
 tuplet for that meter, Mass Copy will copy it repeatedly to every
 measure. Since any measure that has music has an entry at the beginning
 of the measure, the copy is quick and painless, qed. It does not matter
 whether there are visible tuplets in the target bars.

I'm not understanding something.

This thread started because I'm composing into Finale, not using a
finished source score. So if I'm composing into Finale and expect the time
signature to be one different from the underlying signature, are you
suggesting that I can *pre-apply* this invisible tuplet in some way to a
measure that I'm about to work on? Or that, if not, I can enter any note
at all just to give the measure some music (I work in Speedy), hit a key
combo, and just continue as if the invisible tuplet had created the
separate time signature for me? And that if I clear and fix and
drag-drop/transpose measures or partial measures or use note mover, etc.,
it will always 'believe' that this tuplet exists?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-02 Thread Robert Patterson

Giuliano Forghieri wrote:

Also, I'm used to do precision work for high quality publishing, and 
linked parts are, as far as I'm concerned, useless.

I doubt if anyone is more exacting than I am about engraving quality, 
and I find linked parts, on the contrary, to be incredibly useful. The 
mistake you may be making is to dismiss them because you can't have your 
parts in the same docfile as the score. If you have high standards, you 
will almost certainly have to clone the score and work on the parts in a 
separate docfile. But this is vastly superior to having one file per 
part, if for no other reason that you can print all or any arbitrary 
subset of the parts at once. (But there are many other reasons.)

A personal pet peeve that was fixed in Fin07 is the ability to copy 
articulations based on shapes from one file to another. Fin06 and 
earlier had a most annoying bug in this regard.

A further comment about the problems with Ind. Key sigs. The basic issue 
is that when you have ind. key sigs, the EDUs in one staff don't align 
with the EDUs in another. Effectively there are global and staff-level 
EDUs that can be different. Finale's problem is that over the years as 
features are added, sometimes they remember to account for this 
difference and sometimes they don't. Thus, when there are differences, 
the discrepancies come crawling out of the woodwork. As recently as 
Fin04, you could get a complete mess in an extracted part with ind. key 
sigs. Upgrading a pre-v3 file messed up all the clef changes. There is 
still this smart shape editing problem, and possibly the same problem 
with meas-attached exps (that use EDUs). I have no doubt there remain 
others as well.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-02 Thread Giuliano Forghieri

At 16.56 02/12/2007, Robert Patterson wrote:
If you choose a source measure that has only the invisible tuplet 
for that meter, Mass Copy will copy it repeatedly to every measure. 
Since any measure that has music has an entry at the beginning of 
the measure, the copy is quick and painless, qed. It does not matter 
whether there are visible tuplets in the target bars.

Okay, I'll give this a try.

The problem entering smart shapes is just the tip of the iceberg of 
problems you encounter with independent time sigs...

Sure, I have encountered many other problems, copying the music and 
getting spacing correctly without workarounds and TIME is just 
impossible. But, we were talking about smart shapes...

As long as I am touting Mass Copy, I should mention that long-time 
Finale users sometimes have trouble wrapping their minds around the 
fact that Mass Copy (unlike Finale's built-in copy) is completely 
free of barlines.

Yes, I known that, and it's great!

I am frankly puzzled why anyone would stick with Fin06 if they have 
Fin07. I disagree that problems were not fixed. On the contrary, 
many problems were fixed. And linked parts is incredibly useful even 
if you have your parts in a separate file from the score. I couldn't 
imagine going back. Finally, of course, is the fact that Fin07 runs 
native on an Intel Mac.

First, I am on Windows ;-), second, none of the problems that annoys 
me much have been fixed.

Also, I'm used to do precision work for high quality publishing, and 
linked parts are, as far as I'm concerned, useless.

Thus, I stick with 2006, with which I obtain all the results I need.

I'm not saying this applies to all Finale users, I just say this 
applies to me and my long time habits...

Fin08 sits registered but unused on my hard drive, unless I have to 
debug a file sent by some poor sucker who adopted it.

That's why I'll buy it sooner or later: I get files from others from 
time to time to clean up, and since Finale files aren't backward 
compatible, I always need to have the latest version available.

Robert, thanks again for your plug-ins and for your very helpful advices.

Giuliano Forghieri 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-02 Thread Robert Patterson
First of all, we are talking about a workaround. No workaround is as 
convenient as not having to work around.

Second, we are talking about different time signatures where the 
barlines align, so effectively it is a shorthand for tuplets anyway, right?

Third, my contention is that for a host of reasons you are better off 
with an underlying meter that is the same in every staff. Finale has 
more defects than just editing smart shapes if you have different 
underlying meters. So the extra effort of a workaround is possibly worth 
the trouble.

If you grant those, I can show you a way to drastically reduce the pain 
of the workaround.

Suppose you have 4/4, 6/4, and 7/8 as your aligning meters. Since 6/4 is 
the longest meter, choose that as the underlying true meter. Then 
enter all your notes in that meter for all parts. They will not align 
properly, but it won't matter. After you have finished entering the 
notes (or the notes for the passage), you can use Mass Copy (in one pass 
per staff or independent meter) to copy an invisible tuplet to the 
beginning of every bar to make them align properly.

If you need to hear the proper playback before you finalize the 
notes/rhythms, etc., you can always create true ind. key sigs then 
change them to the other way when you are ready to create the final 
edits. Under no circumstances is it necessary to enter the tuplet on 
each bar in Speedy. Also, once it is done, you can edit at well, so long 
as you don't replace the first entry of the bar with an entry that lacks 
the tuplet.

One possible source of confusion may be that, unlike Finale's Mass Edit 
tool (last I checked), Mass Copy can copy tuplet assignments without 
copying the entries they are assigned to.

You may have a work process that is antithetical my appraoch. For me, I 
have found that using true independent key sigs is the road to 
perdition, so I have learned to avoid it by giving only the appearance 
of independent key sigs. But perhaps in later versions of Finale ind. 
key sigs is less problematic. YMMV.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-02 Thread Jari Williamsson

Robert Patterson wrote:

A further comment about the problems with Ind. Key sigs. 

...or independent time sigs. ;-)

Anyway, I now finally understand what Dennis BK is trying to achieve 
(first I thought it was a piece with non-aligned barlines) and I 
absolutely agree with you, Robert. Since the time sig actually is sort 
of tuplet anyway, I would even go as far as to not call your approach a 

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-01 Thread Raimund Lintzen

Try clicking just once more into the same measure
in case the first click won't bring you the smart shapes.

Raimund Lintzen

Giuliano Forghieri schrieb:
Something related: am I the only one that can't get smart shapes copied 
along with the rest of the music?

If I copy by clicking and dragging they get copied, but if use ctrl-c or 
ctrl-shift-c then ctrl-v everything gets copied but smart shapes. Of 
course the settings in the Items To Copy dialog are correct.

Am I missing something?

Fin 2006 on Windows


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-01 Thread Giuliano Forghieri
Thanks Raymund, but that works only with dragging, not with the usual 
copy and paste commands.

I have tried opening two windows of the same document, but in this 
case neither dragging nor copy and paste work for smart shapes. 
Again, am I missing something?

Luckily, this morning I have discovered that Robert Patterson's Mass 
Copy plug-in does copy smart shapes the way I want, but it doesn't 
copy the notes, thus I have to do things twice.

Robert: what about a new addition to your Mass Copy plug-in, 
something like a check box for copy notes as well?

I wish a great weekend to everyone!

At 11.10 01/12/2007, Raimund Lintzen wrote:

Try clicking just once more into the same measure
in case the first click won't bring you the smart shapes.

Raimund Lintzen

Giuliano Forghieri schrieb:
Something related: am I the only one that can't get smart shapes 
copied along with the rest of the music?
If I copy by clicking and dragging they get copied, but if use 
ctrl-c or ctrl-shift-c then ctrl-v everything gets copied but smart 
shapes. Of course the settings in the Items To Copy dialog are correct.

Am I missing something?
Fin 2006 on Windows

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-01 Thread Giuliano Forghieri
Something related: am I the only one that can't get smart shapes 
copied along with the rest of the music?

If I copy by clicking and dragging they get copied, but if use ctrl-c 
or ctrl-shift-c then ctrl-v everything gets copied but smart shapes. 
Of course the settings in the Items To Copy dialog are correct.

Am I missing something?

Fin 2006 on Windows


At 20.50 30/11/2007, Brian Williams wrote:

A quick fix: copy the measure you want to add smart shapes to a blank
measure at the *end* of the document and add the smart shapes there, then
copy it back. Apparently the bug you describe only happens when you try to
edit smart shapes in measures that come before other measures but doesn't
happen in measures that are at the end of a file.

Hope this helps,

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-01 Thread Robert Patterson

Giuliano Forghieri wrote:

Robert: what about a new addition to your Mass Copy plug-in, something 
like a check box for copy notes as well?

It is quite regrettable that MM has ruined the copying of smart shapes. 
(It used to work brainlessly.) Unfortunately, copying entries is far 
beyond the scope of Mass Copy. I haven't messed much with Fin08. Is it 
better, worse, or the same with respect to copying smart shapes?

Speaking of which, another post on this thread said my tuplet method is 
too cumbersome because of the need to enter it at the beginning of every 
bar. I absolutely agree that method is too painful. What I do instead is 
wait until I've entered the notes, then copy the tuplets using Mass 
Copy. This works quickly and painlessly. If the underlying actual 
meter is the longest meter in the stack, you don't have to worry about 
speedy jumping or complaining as you enter the notes. I also make 
liberal use of my Beam Selection plugin, which allows you to beam notes 
based on selecting them, including in stacks.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-01 Thread Giuliano Forghieri

At 14.53 01/12/2007, Robert Patterson wrote:

Unfortunately, copying entries is far beyond the scope of Mass Copy.

That's a pity, but thank you anyway, your plug-ins are invaluable.

 I haven't messed much with Fin08. Is it better, worse, or the same 
with respect to copying smart shapes?

I'm still on 2006, and I don't have plans to upgrade now, but if the 
answer is better I'll probably do it (actually, I have bought the 
2007 upgrade, but it's been uninstalled soon after discovering that 
none of the major problems got fixed)

What I do instead is wait until I've entered the notes, then copy 
the tuplets using Mass Copy. This works quickly and painlessly.

I can think of several situations where that would not be neither 
quick nor painless, but indeed it would be in some cases (I have a 
long experience with Finale - the first version I had was 1.1.1 - and 
although I don't post on this list very much, I'm here almost from 
the beginning...).

 If the underlying actual meter is the longest meter in the 
stack, you don't have to worry about speedy jumping or complaining 
as you enter the notes.

Again, that's true, but sometimes the situation is different and you 
have to deal with those annoyances.

 I also make liberal use of my Beam Selection plugin, which allows 
you to beam notes based on selecting them, including in stacks.

And this is a further step to do...

My point is that indeed you can obtain good results using workarounds 
and plug-ins, but when speed is essential you may find yourself in trouble.

Thanks and all the best
Giuliano Forghieri 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-12-01 Thread Christopher Smith


My original reply to your message didn't seem to get to the list, but  
you aren't out of options in 2006.

Drag and drop behaved differently from copy and paste in version  
before 2007. The reasons had something to do with the kind of data  
you could get the operating system's clipboard to hold. Some things  
wouldn't work with copy and paste, but since drag and drop stayed in  
house inside Finale, that worked for all items.

They messed with it a bit after changing the general behaviour, but  
it works properly now, in late 2007 and 2008.

But in 2006 and previous, if you select the source measures and then  
alt-click the first target measure, this behaves the same as drag and  
drop. (I hope I got the PC key right; I am on a Mac). This is useful  
when the target area is off screen; you select your source, scroll to  
the target and alt-click to copy everything.

You can still do what you need to do this way.


On Dec 1, 2007, at 4:43 PM, Giuliano Forghieri wrote:

At 14.53 01/12/2007, Robert Patterson wrote:

Unfortunately, copying entries is far beyond the scope of Mass Copy.

That's a pity, but thank you anyway, your plug-ins are invaluable.

 I haven't messed much with Fin08. Is it better, worse, or the  
same with respect to copying smart shapes?

I'm still on 2006, and I don't have plans to upgrade now, but if  
the answer is better I'll probably do it (actually, I have bought  
the 2007 upgrade, but it's been uninstalled soon after discovering  
that none of the major problems got fixed)

What I do instead is wait until I've entered the notes, then copy  
the tuplets using Mass Copy. This works quickly and painlessly.

I can think of several situations where that would not be neither  
quick nor painless, but indeed it would be in some cases (I have a  
long experience with Finale - the first version I had was 1.1.1 -  
and although I don't post on this list very much, I'm here almost  
from the beginning...).

 If the underlying actual meter is the longest meter in the  
stack, you don't have to worry about speedy jumping or complaining  
as you enter the notes.

Again, that's true, but sometimes the situation is different and  
you have to deal with those annoyances.

 I also make liberal use of my Beam Selection plugin, which allows  
you to beam notes based on selecting them, including in stacks.

And this is a further step to do...

My point is that indeed you can obtain good results using  
workarounds and plug-ins, but when speed is essential you may find  
yourself in trouble.

Thanks and all the best
Giuliano Forghieri
Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
On Fri, November 30, 2007 8:46 am, Robert Patterson wrote:
 The best workaround I know of is to use the Independent feature purely
 for Time Signature for Display and to use invisibie tuplets to get
 correct alignment and playback.

This is an issue because I compose directly into Finale, especially this
year with deadlines on average every three days, and 19 more pieces to
write before January 1.

So these kinds of graphical workarounds just aren't acceptable for that --
it's gotta actually be what's happening in the composition process.

David Bailey, if you're reading, do those other hairpins play back (human
playback) without using a special definition box?

As far as that copy/paste bug goes, I'd forgotten the uncheck/check
independent time signature could make it happen. It's a real bear to
insert measures that way (copy/paste a real help when doing sequential

Many thanks to all,

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Giuliano Forghieri
Thanks Robert, what you say is very interesting, and will probably 
help me sometimes in the future, especially spacing-wise.

But, as far as I'm concerned, entering a lot of music as invisible 
tuplets is very annoying and slowing down, since I have to hit 
ctrl-(number) every time I enter a tuplet (making them all invisible 
at once is no problem, a macro can be created for instance, or we 
just can set them invisible by default).

I'd say Hans gave the best solution if hairpins positioning is the 
only problem, you explained a very good way to get good spacing and playback.

I believe I'll use both workarounds, depending on context, so thanks 
again to both!


At 14.46 30/11/2007, Robert Patterson wrote:

This is a long-standing defect in Finale. (One of those they should
have fixed years ago.)

The best workaround I know of is to use the Independent feature purely
for Time Signature for Display and to use invisibie tuplets to get
correct alignment and playback. If you have already done a lot of work
on it, you can use my Mass Copy plugin to apply the tuplets quickly.

Unfortunately, you will probably lose any hand-crafted note spacing
you have done.

On Nov 30, 2007 12:38 AM, Giuliano Forghieri 

 I don't know of a solution, thus I'd be very interested in knowing
 what others do in this situation.

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Giuliano Forghieri

Just checked---that works with smart shape hairpins, too.

Thanks again, Hans, it's a very important workaround for me.


At 10.02 30/11/2007, Hans Swinnen wrote:


I'm not sure about smart shapes, but copy-paste should work this way:
- uncheck independent time sig in the source staff and don't worry
about to few or to many beats in the measure(s);
- copy;
- check independent time again (for not to forget);
- uncheck independent time sig in the target staff;
- paste (again: don't worry as above)
- check ind time again.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Hans Swinnen


I'm not sure about smart shapes, but copy-paste should work this way:
- uncheck independent time sig in the source staff and don't worry  
about to few or to many beats in the measure(s);

- copy;
- check independent time again (for not to forget);
- uncheck independent time sig in the target staff;
- paste (again: don't worry as above)
- check ind time again.

Io la Musica son, ch'ai dolci accenti
So far tranquillo ogni turbato core,
Et or di nobil ira et or d'amore
Poss'infiammar le più gelate menti.

Op 30-nov-07, om 07:38 heeft Giuliano Forghieri het volgende geschreven:

Hello---I have and have had the same problem every time I use the  
Indipendent Time feature (still working with 2006, by the way).

Also, Indipendent Time always create problems with spacing and copy- 
paste, in my experience.

I don't know of a solution, thus I'd be very interested in knowing  
what others do in this situation.

All the best

At 04.46 30/11/2007, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Hi all,

Can anybody replicate this problem and have a solution?

I have a piece with simultaneous time signatures of 7/8, 7/8, 5/8,  
3/4 and
4/4. I can't line up the smart shapes -- they won't allow  
placement in

certain horizontal locations.

For example, the bottom four parts have a decrescendo. The hairpin  
all the way across the 7/8 and the 4/4, but will only go to the  
4th note
in the 5/8 and the 5th eighth note in the 3/4. If I pull it  
further, it
jumps to the next measure. Using the nudge tool makes it go  

If I make them all a little shorter, then the proper ones jump  
None of them will stay reliably in place. It's not just hairpins.  
I need

ossia tuplet brackets above (made with smart shapes), and they won't
stretch properly either.

I tried putting it in another measure and moving it over, but the  
just pops into a different shape as soon as it gets under the  

Any clues what to do? Can I unsmart these shapes somehow?


Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread dhbailey

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Hi all,

Can anybody replicate this problem and have a solution?

I have a piece with simultaneous time signatures of 7/8, 7/8, 5/8, 3/4 and
4/4. I can't line up the smart shapes -- they won't allow placement in
certain horizontal locations.

For example, the bottom four parts have a decrescendo. The hairpin pulls
all the way across the 7/8 and the 4/4, but will only go to the 4th note
in the 5/8 and the 5th eighth note in the 3/4. If I pull it further, it
jumps to the next measure. Using the nudge tool makes it go *backwards*.

If I make them all a little shorter, then the proper ones jump backwards.
None of them will stay reliably in place. It's not just hairpins. I need
ossia tuplet brackets above (made with smart shapes), and they won't
stretch properly either.

I tried putting it in another measure and moving it over, but the shape
just pops into a different shape as soon as it gets under the measure.

Any clues what to do? Can I unsmart these shapes somehow?


Have you tried the Shape Expressions hairpins?  If you assign them with 
metatools, each one is independently editable because Finale creates a 
new version of the hairpin each time you place a new one.

These are most definitely NOT smartshapes.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Jari Williamsson

Robert Patterson wrote:

The best workaround I know of is to use the Independent feature purely
for Time Signature for Display and to use invisibie tuplets to get
correct alignment and playback. 

I don't get this, what's wrong with just write the music as it flows and 
use your beam over barline plug-in when it approaches Finale's own barlines?

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Giuliano Forghieri
Thanks Hans---cumbersome, but it works, I wonder 
whether something like that may be the solution 
to the smart shapes problem (uncheck indipendent 
time, adjust shape, then check  IT again), I'm going to try it out.

Oh, by the way: indipendent time can be applied 
as a staff style, I have found that that can help sometimes.


At 10.02 30/11/2007, Hans Swinnen wrote:


I'm not sure about smart shapes, but copy-paste should work this way:
- uncheck independent time sig in the source staff and don't worry
about to few or to many beats in the measure(s);
- copy;
- check independent time again (for not to forget);
- uncheck independent time sig in the target staff;
- paste (again: don't worry as above)
- check ind time again.

Io la Musica son, ch'ai dolci accenti
So far tranquillo ogni turbato core,
Et or di nobil ira et or d'amore
Poss'infiammar le più gelate menti.

Op 30-nov-07, om 07:38 heeft Giuliano Forghieri het volgende geschreven:

Hello---I have and have had the same problem every time I use the
Indipendent Time feature (still working with 2006, by the way).

Also, Indipendent Time always create problems 
with spacing and copy- paste, in my experience.

I don't know of a solution, thus I'd be very interested in knowing
what others do in this situation.

All the best

At 04.46 30/11/2007, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Hi all,

Can anybody replicate this problem and have a solution?

I have a piece with simultaneous time signatures of 7/8, 7/8, 5/8,
3/4 and
4/4. I can't line up the smart shapes -- they won't allow
placement in
certain horizontal locations.

For example, the bottom four parts have a decrescendo. The hairpin
all the way across the 7/8 and the 4/4, but will only go to the
4th note
in the 5/8 and the 5th eighth note in the 3/4. If I pull it
further, it
jumps to the next measure. Using the nudge tool makes it go

If I make them all a little shorter, then the proper ones jump
None of them will stay reliably in place. It's not just hairpins.
I need
ossia tuplet brackets above (made with smart shapes), and they won't
stretch properly either.

I tried putting it in another measure and moving it over, but the
just pops into a different shape as soon as it gets under the

Any clues what to do? Can I unsmart these shapes somehow?


Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Jari Williamsson

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

I have a piece with simultaneous time signatures of 7/8, 7/8, 5/8, 3/4 and
4/4. I can't line up the smart shapes -- they won't allow placement in
certain horizontal locations.

It sounds like you use real time signatures (instead of time sig for 
display) for the independent time sig staves?

Best regards,

Jari Willamsson
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread Brian Williams
A quick fix: copy the measure you want to add smart shapes to a blank
measure at the *end* of the document and add the smart shapes there, then
copy it back. Apparently the bug you describe only happens when you try to
edit smart shapes in measures that come before other measures but doesn't
happen in measures that are at the end of a file.

Hope this helps,

 Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:00:23 -0600
 Subject: Finale Digest, Vol 52, Issue 33
 Hi all,
 Can anybody replicate this problem and have a solution?
 I have a piece with simultaneous time signatures of 7/8, 7/8, 5/8, 3/4 and
 4/4. I can't line up the smart shapes -- they won't allow placement in
 certain horizontal locations.
 For example, the bottom four parts have a decrescendo. The hairpin pulls
 all the way across the 7/8 and the 4/4, but will only go to the 4th note
 in the 5/8 and the 5th eighth note in the 3/4. If I pull it further, it
 jumps to the next measure. Using the nudge tool makes it go *backwards*.
 If I make them all a little shorter, then the proper ones jump backwards.
 None of them will stay reliably in place. It's not just hairpins. I need
 ossia tuplet brackets above (made with smart shapes), and they won't
 stretch properly either.
 I tried putting it in another measure and moving it over, but the shape
 just pops into a different shape as soon as it gets under the measure.
 Any clues what to do? Can I unsmart these shapes somehow?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-30 Thread dhbailey

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

On Fri, November 30, 2007 8:46 am, Robert Patterson wrote:

The best workaround I know of is to use the Independent feature purely
for Time Signature for Display and to use invisibie tuplets to get
correct alignment and playback.

This is an issue because I compose directly into Finale, especially this
year with deadlines on average every three days, and 19 more pieces to
write before January 1.

So these kinds of graphical workarounds just aren't acceptable for that --
it's gotta actually be what's happening in the composition process.

David Bailey, if you're reading, do those other hairpins play back (human
playback) without using a special definition box?

I haven't used those hairpins since they included smartshapes, so I 
don't know.

I'd suggest putting a small test score together and seeing how my 
suggestion works -- I remember that in the early days before 
SmartShapes, this was the only way to get different length hairpins and 
that was long before human playback.  I think the built-in hairpins had 
playback defined so they did playback appropriately (but I may not be 
remembering accurately since I haven't used them since smartshapes were 
invented), so the copies which metatool assignment created played the same.

Heck, for all I know, they may have removed this capability all 
together, but if it's there it may be just what you need.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Smart shape and different time sigs

2007-11-29 Thread Giuliano Forghieri
Hello---I have and have had the same problem every time I use the 
Indipendent Time feature (still working with 2006, by the way).

Also, Indipendent Time always create problems with spacing and 
copy-paste, in my experience.

I don't know of a solution, thus I'd be very interested in knowing 
what others do in this situation.

All the best

At 04.46 30/11/2007, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Hi all,

Can anybody replicate this problem and have a solution?

I have a piece with simultaneous time signatures of 7/8, 7/8, 5/8, 3/4 and
4/4. I can't line up the smart shapes -- they won't allow placement in
certain horizontal locations.

For example, the bottom four parts have a decrescendo. The hairpin pulls
all the way across the 7/8 and the 4/4, but will only go to the 4th note
in the 5/8 and the 5th eighth note in the 3/4. If I pull it further, it
jumps to the next measure. Using the nudge tool makes it go *backwards*.

If I make them all a little shorter, then the proper ones jump backwards.
None of them will stay reliably in place. It's not just hairpins. I need
ossia tuplet brackets above (made with smart shapes), and they won't
stretch properly either.

I tried putting it in another measure and moving it over, but the shape
just pops into a different shape as soon as it gets under the measure.

Any clues what to do? Can I unsmart these shapes somehow?


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