Re: mules

2000-01-28 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: Jean Ernest
> Alison, I don't think the Canadian Fjord Horse
> Association has any rules
> aginst breeding to other species such as donkeys and
> zebras.  I also can't
> think of a really good reason to ban it in the NFHR
> (donning flame suit and
> ducking flames from Nova Scotia) Mules and
> zebra-horse crosses can't
> reproduce and isn't that the reason for banning
> cross breeding in the first
> place? 


Well said!  I couldn't agree more.  There are places
where well-bred mules are very useful.  I think it is
a disservice to the mule population to ban the
production of a mule from a breed of horse that would
probably produce a very excellent light-duty mule.

Mary - also donning flame suit and hoping for rain!!


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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2000-01-28 Thread fjords
This message is from: "fjords" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As a Member of the Canadian Fjord Horse Association we are required to
have all ou horses microchipped and  I think it is a waste of money and time
as they are so often unreadable Due most likely to  a combination of
incorrect scanners or the chip floating through the muscel tissue. They
don't read the chips at the U. S. border and we don't read them at shows.
There must be a better way for us to clearly identify pure bred fjords.
Microchip identification is not the  perfect answer in my opinion. How many
of us have readers that will read all the different chips used in the last
12 years? My quess is none.  What is the best form of long term
Lauren Sellars
Snowy Mountain Fjords

Fjord microchips

2000-01-28 Thread bcjdvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Are the Fjords registered with a national database after you receive the
Microchipping Form?


Looking for a Riding Instructor/Trainer

2000-01-28 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Fjord Friends!
I'm in the process of looking for a riding instructor/horse trainer.  I am 
especially interested in someone who works very well with children.  My 
daughter is fearful of riding, due to some circumstances last season, but 
still wants to ride.  So, she needs someone who will have patience to help 
her through this time.  Plus, I have a 5 year old Fjord gelding who I want 
help training.  We live in Central NY.  Our horses are boarded at Julie 
Will's, Old Hickory Farm in Weedsport, NY.   I am proceeding very cautiously 
with this search, since I've made some errors in judgement in the past.  Your 
help would be greatly appreciated!
With much thanks!
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY,  just down the road from OHF!

Re: Equine ID Brands

2000-01-28 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  But can the Canadian chips, like Lars has, be read
> out in America, or do 
> they read 40% less here, like their money? 


Good one!  However, I must say that I've had no luck
with ANY American scanners being able to read the
Canadian chips - not even the scanners touted as
"universal" by their companies.  ALSO, these so-called
"universal" scanners cannot read the NFHR chips either
- even though the company that makes the Registry
chips claims they are compatible with all readers. 
Not so - the only thing that will read my NFHR chips
is the NFHR scanner (DESTRON I believe).  We have
tried all the other scanners available out here - and
the vets have had lots of them over the years - but
none will read those chips.  Same with the AVID chips
- supposed to be "universal", but only AVID readers
will scan them for sure.  Ah, the world of technology!
 I just don't worry about it - I can tell which horse
is which and so can anyone else who is around them for
a day or so.  Most experienced horse people notice
that there is a difference between each of them right
away.  If they were stolen the chances of getting them
back around here is pretty slim anyway.  Haven't heard
of any "horse rustlin'" since we've lived out here. 
There was a case of horse disappearance, but there was
a nasty divorce involved - so you know what happened
there.  Another horse "disappeared" in cougar country
last year - I suppose someday some hunter will find
the skeleton.  If you "scanned" that cougar, do you
suppose his having eaten the microchip would make him
"identifiable" as a horse?  Just wondering.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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Re: Show Clothing

2000-01-28 Thread Heyvaert
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I haven't had a chance to go through Whitney's closet to see what fits yet 
but will try to soon and let you know.  How old are your kids??  Whitney will 
be 13 in April and wears very slim sizes -- you know the age -- no hips and 
the legs go on forever!
She shows both English and Western.  I'll let you know.  For sure I will have 
a pair of light tan chaps that I know she has outgrown.  


Grey Fjords' anatomy...

2000-01-28 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dr. Brian, have you no shame?! 

Disapprovingly, Peg Knutsen, Knutsen Fjord Farm, 

Re: balloons

2000-01-28 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/26/00 9:36:33 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> popular with balloonists. The horses always enjoyed watching them fly over 
> And
>  then there is the day when one came over a rise that was at eye leve with 
> the
>  horse I was riding and then flew over us so low we could hear them yelling 
> and
>  the firing noise as they tried to lift up higher.

We were on the balloon path in Albuquerque and they could go five feet over 
my fjords' heads and they would watch, but not stop chewing.  Gail Dorine


2000-01-28 Thread brassringranch
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have had chips from NFHR & CFHA read at my vet's office by an AVID

I seem to remember Cliff Baltzley(sp?) having some problems with the NFHR
when he hot branded horses. 

Personally I prefer visible brands as not everyone has a scanner
available. I would like to put my 2 cents in on Harold Jacobsen branding
horses. I can tell you when I purchased  from him he was not marking
horses in any manner. 

In reference to the pain caused by hot branding I think it would be a
blip on the radar screen of life. How many male men remember what may
have been done to you shortly after birth. Ladies, childbirth can't be
comfortable. Do we think about those hurts later in life?

This is whipping a dead horse but the ranch in Deming WA appears to be in
the business of selling horses. Wouldn't it be a boring world if we were
all alike. I applaud those that actually went there & were kind enough to
share their experiences with  the rest of us who were gossiping over the
back fence. 

To those of us selling fjords we need to think about what price the
market will bear. What we feel our fjords are worth may be out of line
with what the purchaser feels they are worth.  We all seem to agree that
not all purchasers put the value on training that the purchaser does. One
seems to either pay for training in the purchase price or later after it
is discovered that the horse knows nothing because no one took the time,
& money,  to train it.  Or the horse is passed on to another purchaser
who discovers the horse isn't trained so it is sold to another

Fjord mules. Went to a draft horse & mule show in John Day, OR years ago.
All the mule people thought I should breed my mare for a mule colt. 
Seems to me they already think alike. Could be dangerous. Might  too
smart for humans to teach it anything.


Joel Harman

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Rare breed Exhibition-Virginia

2000-01-28 Thread Sarah Vogeley
This message is from: "Sarah Vogeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On April 26-30, the Carriage Association of America is having a four
day event in Williamsburg, VA. In addition to the CAA sponsored
activities, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy is having a rare
breed exhibition. I don't know if Fjords classify as a "rare breed"
but it might be a fantastic opportunity to exhibit to a wide audience
of people and answer questions about the Norweigian Fjord and its
versatility. To find out whether the organization is interested in
having Fjords participate, you can contact the person below for
details. I wish I had a Fjord to show off! I will probably take my
Andalusian mare, as they are eager to show the breed in the demos.

Donald E. Bixby, DVM Executive Director
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
PO Box 477
Pittsboro, NC 27312
(919) 542-5704 FAX (919) 545-0022



Sarah Vogeley
New Forest Farm
Charlottesville, VA

Re: Equine ID Brands

2000-01-28 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So if the scanners do not read all chips, how many scanners do the meat
houses have?  Sounds pretty scary.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: change of subject

2000-01-28 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:03 AM 01/28/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>would anyone out there care to give some recomendations on were to stay in
>libby?  do i need to make reservations now for september?  someplace close
>to the activities, maybe walking distance.  if i bring my horses, where
>could they stay?  are there places to r.v. camp?   thanks, denise
"WALKING DISTANCE?" How well do you like to walk Denise? =)))

seriously, I'd be glad to try and help with any info in regards to Libby
(live 35 west of there) but maybe the Daytons, as registrars, probably have
brochures pertaining to lodging. I think
would take you to the county website too where you might find contacts.

any question in particular? I'll be glad to answer. Ruthie, NW MT

Re: Equine ID Brands

2000-01-28 Thread Sarah Vogeley
This message is from: "Sarah Vogeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is the precise problem with microchips.  Not all scanners read all 
microchips.  It's a shame that a universal effort wasn't made when this
technology became available.  My Andalusian mare has two microchips in her
neck, and I'm not sure why.  When I inquired about it, I was told that
perhaps the first one wasn't readable, so they put in another one!  Scary!


Sarah Vogeley
New Forest Farm
Charlottesville, VA

>From: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Equine ID Brands
>Date: Sat, Jan 29, 2000, 3:52 AM

> So if the scanners do not read all chips, how many scanners do the meat
> houses have?  Sounds pretty scary.  Jean

fjord horse digest #28 Thank-you

2000-01-28 Thread Lynch/Stidham
This message is from: "Lynch/Stidham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank-you Jean,

I was very happy to see that People do listen and I really wanted to
let people know that not ALL place like this are bad.

We take delivery of Jordan Feb.3rd and I can hardly wait. I would be
happy to share Jordans whole story with any one that wants to listen.
Foreverton saved him and I am very glad.

I have met the little mare Leighla and she is very sweet. I did not
ride her because we were looking for a gelding but she is cute, not show
material but should make someone a fine trail horse.

I will send pictures of our horse family as soon as we can. I will
even take pictures upon receiving so people can have a little more

I do have one question. We are currently trying to figure out what
kind of bit to use on Jordan. I know about bits and there various uses
and yes I will ask what he has been ridden in, but I would like to get
some feedback on what others use and find successful.

I use an O ring snaffle with our 2 yr old Morgan and he does very
well in this, of course I can and do ride him with his halter and lead
rope, him doing as well or better. He is our genius.:) It seams the less
the better for this boy.

So let me know your opinions and experiences with bits and
hackamores etc. I am always learning.

Thanks again for hearing my views and experiences.


Re: mules

2000-01-28 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:15 PM 1/27/00 -0700, you wrote:

This message is from: Alison Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey, I didn't know that you couldn't cross breed Fjords to mules or
zebras.  I thought the reason against cross breeding was to avoid
half-breds being sold as pure?  Is this wrong, or is there a different
reason not to cross breed to zebras and donkeys?  I always thought that
a Fjord mule would be a nice mule.  Of course, I don't need a mule, and
don't have a donkey or a breedable Fjord, and don't have breeding
facilities, or need a foal of any type, but still.
I also didn't know that you could cross breed to Zebras at all.  I was
under the impression that they were too distantly related.  Well, you
learn something new every day.

Yes we do learn something new every day.  Here is the NFHR's rule regarding 

"In the interest of protecting the genetic purity and the highest standards 
of the Fjord horse, we will withdraw from the Norwegian Fjord Horse 
Registry any mare or stallion that is used for crossbreeding with another 
breed or species. Violators will have their membership suspended and will 
lose all membership privileges including registration, transfer of horses 
and any voting rights. The names of owners and horses will be placed on the 
suspended list. "

To see the complete set of rules here is a link to them:



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Rare Breed Exhibition-VA (long)

2000-01-28 Thread Sarah Vogeley
This message is from: "Sarah Vogeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After asking more questions, I have a listing of the breeds that the 
American Rare Breed of Livestock Conservancy is working to protect.  The
breeds below arent confirmed to be represented at this exhibition, though
they are hopeful for a good turnout of livestock.  For those that are
interested, the list goes as follows...


Critical Rare Watch Study
 Poitou American Mammoth Jack Stock* 


Critical Rare Watch Study
Dutch Belted 
Florida Cracker* 
Milking Devon* 
Randall Lineback* 
White Park Ankole-Watusi 
Red Poll Ayrshire 
Belted Galloway
Milking Shorthorn


Critical Rare Watch Study
San Clemente (F)* Nigerian Dwarf* 
Tennessee Fainting* Oberhasli 


Critical Rare Watch Study
American Cream* 
Cleveland Bay 
Florida Cracker* 
Mountain Pleasure* 
Spanish Mustang* 
Spanish Barb* 
Suffolk Dartmoor 
Hackney Horse 
Rocky Mountain* Clydesdale 

Re: Grey Fjords

2000-01-28 Thread Sarah Vogeley
This message is from: "Sarah Vogeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh!  Silly me! 


Sarah Vogeley
New Forest Farm
Charlottesville, VA

>Subject: Re: Grey Fjords
>Date: Sat, Jan 29, 2000, 12:48 AM

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2000 00:19:39 -0600 "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I think Sarah would like you to extend your metaphor (so to speak) :)
> Extend my metaphor?!  Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!
> Brian
> P.S. Sarah - that last phrase is the answer to your question.

the netherlands

2000-01-28 Thread griet vandenbroucke
This message is from: "griet vandenbroucke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi for all those interested in the fjors jubleum in the netherlands

you can go to:

and there you find the info
i think you can choose to translate it in english, if you can't please let
me now
and i'll translate it if you want

lot's of Fjordings
Griet vandenbroucke
Linde, Kely, Victor and Askeladden (who becomes a big Fjord now)

Re: zebra

2000-01-28 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

More on Zebras:  A very interesting and informative article.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

zebra and fjord together

2000-01-28 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good heavens!  Here is a picture of a Zebra and a Fjord together!  Do you
think there are any Zebra/Fjord crosses already out there? (alert the
anti-crossbreeding police! LOL)

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, still dark at 7:30 but still above zero (+10F)

>Hi Alison, come see this:
>Here's a picture of a baby zorse of an Appy mare - with both spots and
>stripes! There are several other photos, too, for example of crosses
>from QH's. It's quite interesting to see that these crosses look more
>like zebras than horses. As if the zebra genes are somehow more
>Here are two other addresses:
>Best regards

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Branding

2000-01-28 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:23 PM 1/27/00 -0800, you wrote:

This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our LYDER is branded. He came from the Jacobsen Farm in Colorado at the
time. I am sure it was their way of keeping the babies set. Maybe Brian can
explain? Catherine L

I am pretty sure the brand on Lyder is the Baltzley Brand.  The Baltzley 
Ranch was called Bar X Bar I believe & the X with a number was used for the 



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: gift for David Klove

2000-01-28 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

To Nancy Lehnert -  That's a great idea, Nancy.  David will be so touched.
He's a wonderful man with a beautiful spirit.  David wrote us several
months ago with the awful news of his grandson, and we wondered if we'd
ever hear from him again.  Then this Christmas we received, as usual,
another of his unique and inspirational photo cards.  He talked about his
close family, and how they made it possible to bear the loss.  ---  Arthur
and I are very pleased to be allowed to contribute to this gift, and will
be sending you our check.  We hope enough others will do the same.  David
Klove has given his best to the Fjord breed and merits our admiration,
gratitude, and love.  --  As to the actual gift, Jane Champion's exquisite
sculpture of a rearing Fjord, . . . it's absolutely magnificent, and is one
of my most prized possessions.  

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire
Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

Re: mules

2000-01-28 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/28/00 2:42:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< Alison, I don't think the Canadian Fjord Horse Association has any rules
 aginst breeding to other species such as donkeys and zebras.  I also can't
 think of a really good reason to ban it in the NFHR (donning flame suit and
 ducking flames from Nova Scotia) Mules and zebra-horse crosses can't
 reproduce and isn't that the reason for banning cross breeding in the first
 place?  to keep the breed pure?  And a fjord mule or Zebra/Fjord hybrid
 won't be mistaken for a pure bred fjord.   Oh well, I'm not about to do



2000-01-28 Thread saskia schoofs
This message is from: "saskia schoofs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi again Sini,

I got a phone call and made too early an end to my e-mail. How are you? And
I wanted to tell the list the photos on your site are magnificent again! For
those who haven't bookmarked it yet: don't miss an enchanting visit to:

have a nice day & week-end!


Re: E-Z BOOTS & Saskia

2000-01-28 Thread saskia schoofs
This message is from: "saskia schoofs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Sini!

> Where are Saskia
here! :-))) just very very busy :-(((

> and the haflinger-fjord baby?!
still inside of Kitty! it's freezing again in Belgium, so I can only
encourage her to try to keep it inside of her as long as possible! (though I
have a strange tendency to shake her until the foal comes out at last :-)))
why can't they be like dogs, three months is long enough for a waiting
grandmother-to-be! :-)))
well, the merrier I'll be when it pops out! :-)

> How are you?
impatient and nervous! :-) sorry for not writing earlier to you, though I
have wanted to since a long time, I'm just a little overwhelmed by work.

for Christmas I got Miller's book about imprinting. you mentioned it in an
earlier post (thanks for all the foal-advices!). How do you do your

Yesterday the vet came for the annual vaccinations. He was afraid that they
would recognize him, or his smell, and run away, but they crowded around
him, impatient to be vaccinated, and especially when he started to deworm
("o!!! that man has food!!!") they were so enthousiast that we had to laugh,
because when he was deworming the little Shet Janosch, the Fjords Sybren and
Zeno both climbed upon Janosch trying to get some more of the stuff. Janosch
carried the weight bravely, and swallowed as much worm-paste as he could!

To my big relief he said the stable was big enough for foaling, if I would
be on the premises to be sure everything was allright. I plan to let Kitty
choose where to foal, but it's good to know that the stable is okay if it
rains heavily etc., or if she should choose it. She enters it spontaneously
these last days, something she never did before, so I think she's preparing
to build a nest! :-)

Sybren was funny yesterday. More than a year ago, I taught him how to carry
a bucket. Just for fun. I hadn't played at that again since then, in fact, I
had completely forgotten that he could do it. Yesterday I had a terrible
headache and was looking rather grey I think, I was sitting in the pasture
to get some fresh air (it was cold but sunny), a feeding bucket was still in
the pasture, next to Sybren (not surprisingly), so suddenly he looked at me
in a funny way, as to say: "hey, look what I remember!". He took the handle
of the bucket in his mouth and brought it to me! When I took it over, he had
a smile from one ear to the other! Maybe because he thought I would fill it
He can pull such funny faces! He will be three in May, and sometimes he
looks so big and impressive, he has a huge neck and is really sturdy, but
sometimes he can look so young and almost vulnerable, it's very strange.

Happy Fjording,


Re: mules

2000-01-28 Thread sini seppala
This message is from: sini seppala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I also didn't know that you could cross breed to Zebras at all. 

Hi Alison, come see this:
Here's a picture of a baby zorse of an Appy mare - with both spots and
stripes! There are several other photos, too, for example of crosses
from QH's. It's quite interesting to see that these crosses look more
like zebras than horses. As if the zebra genes are somehow more
Here are two other addresses:
Best regards

The Horse Magazine

2000-01-28 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I second Sarah's voice on "THE HORSE: Your Guide to Equine Health Care"
magazine. It is well written and very informative. Some items are published
that even my Vets have not heard of. The address is...  or send $ 30.00 to The Horse: Your Guide to Equine
Health Care, P.O. Box 4680, Lexington, KY 40544-4680. It is produced by The
Blood-Horse, Inc.  FYI Catherine Lassesen

Grey Fjords

2000-01-28 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Dr. Brian, I agree with all that you say about grey Fjords. I hope that
anyone who is considering breeding one will have him/her Evaluated first. I
will definitely have Erlend re-Evaluated as soon as I can. Is there or is
there not going to be one in the west this year...? I must disagree,
however, with your suggestion that some of us are geographically
disadvantaged. Maybe some of us like to have our lips peeled back off our
teeth when we have to walk into the windmakes your fillings ache in this
weather, let me tell you!

Seriously [yes, I can be serious], those of us that might be in the market
for grey breeding stock will stand in line to get a horse that has done
well. Let's keep improving the breed as a whole this way.

'Nuf said. Peg Knutsen, Knutsen Fjord Farm, New web site address =