Used Harness Pads Needed

2014-10-13 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

I am headed to Brazil the 6th of November on a mission trip, specifically
Corumba in the Pantanal near the Bolivian border.  This will be my sixth
trip to the area and it is amazing to see the changes the local churches
have been making to this impoverished rural area.  


On every previous trip I have made an effort to connect with horse owners
when I can, but never in an organized way.  This year, the focus of my
mission trip will be to connect more directly to these people and their
equines.  The local horses are the small-boned, lightweight style you see
most often in South and Central America.  Even in town, a family will have a
horse that the kids ride and that is used to transport the entire family
with a cart.  The carts are what we would call death traps and the harnesses
that started as leather are now cracked with age and held together by rope
and chains.  No padding is used when the horses pull these unbalanced
vehicles carrying more people than they are intended to transport.  I have
to admit that I have not seen any signs of wear on these horses when
unharnessed and I have looked closely, but I think their lives would have to
be improved with some padding.


So what I am asking is if you have harness pads that you are not using but
someone else could, please send them to me and I will take them with me to
share with these folks.  I am also taking wormer, rope halters, grooming
tools and supplements with me as gifts for the horses/owners.  We talked
about doing vaccinations, but it was not cost effective as no one can afford
to keep up the vaccines on their own.  Padding is a little bulky, but fairly
light, so I should be able to get quite a bit in a large suitcase; the
international limit to Brazil is 70 pounds per bag.


My mailing address is 489 Halls Mill Road, Shelbyville, TN 37160.  Please
email me privately if you have any questions.


Thanks in advance for  your help.  I will post an update on the mission when
I return.





Ardeth Obenauf

The Lazyao Farm

Shelbyville, TN

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Used Harness Pads Needed

2014-10-13 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

Ardeth Obenauf

The Lazyao Farm

Shelbyville, TN

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RE: fjordhorse-digest V2014 #98

2014-06-17 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

The request is current, but I always like to have photos on hand for
requests like this.

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Photos needed for National Magazine

2014-06-16 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

I am looking for some recent photos of Fjords to accompany an article for a
national magazine.  The request is for headshots or at liberty poses.  If
you have high resolution shots that you would be willing to let us use,
please email me at




Ardeth Obenauf

The Lazyao Farm

Shelbyville, TN

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New Video Project--Need your help

2014-03-24 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

As head of the Education Committee for the NFHR, I am about to start a video
on "What Every New Fjord Owner Should Know".  

I would like suggestions from all of you for what to include.  Mane trimming
will be included, but only briefly as it has been done to death.

Once I have gathered all the ideas, I'd like to ask NFHR members from around
the country to video small segments on each topic and send them to me.  They
will then be compiled into a single YouTube video, have NFHR logos and
titles, music, etc, added and I hope we'll have a useful resource for Fjord

Please respond here, if you wish, group discussion is always a help or to me
directly at

Thanks for your help in advance.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Hermitage CDE, pony measurement and white markings

2012-09-25 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

I just came back from a fabulous weekend at the Hermitage CDE near
Louisville.  This is a wonderful event put on by some amazing people with a
real love for combined driving.  

After several years in CDEs, Lena and I are now competing at Intermediate
Level.  For the first time, she was measured to determine she's truly a
pony.  Though it took me by surprise as I was unprepared to be part of the
Advanced Vet Check, I welcomed the measurement as I knew Lena would pass
(she's been measured at 14h at NFHR evaluations) and I've often had to
compete against "ponies" that I'm sure were truly horses as determined by

What was really interesting was that the vet had to note all the markings
(whorls) on the USEF form and then there was a long discussion between the
two vets and the Technical Delegate about whether her "white muzzle" should
be noted.  The vets both said "no" as there is black skin under it, and thus
it's not technically white hair.  The TD was not so sure, so we ended up
noting the white muzzle as it would appear white to a casual observer who
did not know the distinction.  The TD said she is going to get a
clarification from USEF, so she knows the right answer going forward.  

If anyone has anything to add to this discussion, I will be happy to pass it
along to the TD.

And, by the way, one of the three ponies measured failed and had to compete
as a horse.


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2012-03-30 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

I tried to post this a couple of days ago, but forgot to trim it etc, so it
got bumped and rightfully so!


Anyway, my corrective farrier (a lot of you met Danny at the Educational
Forum in Nashville last year) says that any horse with heavy muscling in the
chest and shoulders will have a tendency to turn their front feet in (kind
of like pigeon toes but it involves the whole leg turning inward).  Before
he started trimming them to counteract this tendency, they tended to trip
but had no lameness issues.  However, when Lena was xrayed she showed early
signs of ringbone which is the body trying to compensate for this inward


Now that he trims them (and I can't tell you how he does it) they no longer
trip and Lena's early ringbone has not progressed.  He's been right about
this and so many other things, that I believe he knows what he's talking


Ardeth Obenauf

The Lazyao Farm

Shelbyville, TN

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2011 #12

2011-01-17 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

Just a reminder that Tues, Jan 18 is the deadline to register for the 2011 
NFHR Educational Forum in Murfreesboro, TN.

And please note that while you can do a late registration for theForum, NO 
BANQUET TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER 1/18, as we have to give a final 
number to the caterer.

The silent auction is shaping up to be a doozy!  We have a road cart 
suitable for showing or pleasure driving, a breeding to a well known fjord 
stallion, artwork and much, much more!

And we have just learned that Birgit Mortensen of Denmark with Fjord Horse 
International will be joining us for the Forum and all the rest !

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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2011 NFHR Educational Forum and Annual Meeting

2011-01-08 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

The deadline for registering for the Forum is January 18.  Come see your 
Fjord friends, listen to great speakers working with live horses, take a 
trip into Nashville on Friday night, attend a 30th Anniversary Banquet 
honoring the retirement of Mike May, bid on great items in the silent 
auction...Complete details about the Forum and registration are available at  If you still have questions, contact ard...@nfhr or call 
Ardeth at 615 347 6453.

Hope to see you there! 

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2011 Educational Forum: Deadline for Registration January 18, 2011

2010-12-28 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

The Forum and Annual Meeting being held in Murfreesboro, TN are fast 
approaching.  Deadline for registration is Jan. 18, 2011.  Hang out with 
your fjord friends, learn from the experts, attend hands on sessions with 
fjord horses present.  Attend the banquet honoring the 30th anniversary of 
the NFHR and the retirement of our beloved Mike May.  Spend an evening in 
Nashville cruising 2nd Avenue, visiting honky tonks and just generally 
having a good time.  In other words, immerse yourself completely in fjordom 
for a long weekend and beat the winter blahs.

Complete details and registration are available at  Questions? 
Contact Ardeth Obenauf, or 615 347 6453.

Hope to see you there! 

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roly poly

2010-12-20 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

Hi, Robyn,
Get the girl a grazing muzzle and let her out with the geldings.  The other 
day I spotted my gelding Frode standing 10 feet from the round bale with his 
grazing muzzle on, just staring at the bale.  Trying to ingest hay by mental 
telepathy, I think.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Re: roly poly

2010-12-09 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

hi, robyn--
me again!
Last year we bought our friends that have no power to their tank a solar 
aerator.  it runs on a deep cycle battery.  Total cost was about $200 incl 
the battery.  if you google solar aerator, you should find it, i believe it 
came from Colorado.  It keeps the water moving and ice free down into the 
teens and the ice is very thin if it does get colder than that, so Gaven 
could keep it open with her nose.  The battery keeps it running for 6 weeks 
or more on a charge.  If you can't find the supplier, let me know and I'll 
look up the receipt.

As for keeping her busy, there are lots of toys, balls, etc.  Any chance 
your farm owner would put the hay feedings in one of those bags with the 
tiny openings that make it take forever to eat a flake?  I don't remember 
what they're called, but they're pretty popular.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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2011 Educational Forum Reminder

2010-12-07 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

Remember to send in your registration for the 2011 Educational Forum and 
Annual Meeting in Murfreesboro, TN Jan 28-30, 2011.  Details are available 
at or email me privately for more info.

A trip to Nashville would make a great Christmas gift!
Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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2010-12-07 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

One thing to check is her thyroid.  Three of my four have low thyroid which 
I supplement with thyro-L.  Jayne still gets a tummy, so she wears a grazing 
muzzle every other day at times.

On the water issue, they do drink more when their diet is dry hay. Some of 
mine don't drink much in their stalls at night and then take long drinks 
when they get out to the trough.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Re: blanketing

2010-11-12 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

?I only blanket them if they've been clipped.  Right now Lena was clipped 
for two CDEs this fall so she's blanketed at night; the days have been warm 
enough for her to go without.  She'll keep growing coat, however, so in a 
month or so we'll be able to dispense with the blanket altogether.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Body Clipping video

2010-08-24 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

Here is the link for a video on Body Clipping produced by the NFHR Education 
Committee.  This is the first video we've done using this format, and I hope 
we'll be seeing a lot more of them in the future.

An upcoming project of the Education Committee will be to solicit 
educational videos from members.  If there is something of an educational 
nature that you'd like to share with the rest of us, make a video and submit 
it to us.  We'll add the beginning and end to make them all look alike, but 
we won't edit your content.  Then it will be posted on the NFHR Educational 
Committee Chanel on youtube.  If you want more information, contact me at

I hope you find this video helpful.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Re: thank you Mike May

2010-07-06 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

An announcement from Mike himself will be coming soon in the e-newsletter. 
It is hard to imagine the NFHR without Mike at the helm.  It should make us 
all rest easier to know that Mike has agreed to remain available in an 
advisory capacity for the foreseeable future to ensure that the Registry 
goes forward as usual, so we haven't seen the last of him by any means. 
Mike is also responsible for training Jeanne, the new Registrar, and is 
confident she will maintain his high level of service.

There will be a celebration for Mike at the Educational Forum to be held in 
Nashville, Tn next January, so make plans to attend.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Fjord Tandem

2010-05-24 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

This past weekend, the Middle Tennessee Carriage Club hosted a Bob Giles 
Clinic at my farm in Shelbyville, TN.  Shortly before lunch on Saturday, Bob 
suggested we hitch my two fjord mares as a tandem during the break.  Once he 
told me what to gather for "equipment", I got Jayne and Lena out of the 
barn, harnessed them both and waited for Bob.  We put long lines on Lena, 
the leader, and hitched Jayne singly to the carriage.  Then Bob lined them 
up, made a make-shift connection for the traces, ran the long lines through 
our version of roger rings, climbed in the carriage and off we went.  It was 
amazing!  They went around the arena, through cones, through obstacles, 
circles, serpentines, you name it.  We did not have a tandem whip so Lena 
was going soley on voice command.  Eventually she figured there was nothing 
backing up the voice and slowed, which caused some entangling, but they just 
stood there patiently while we extricated them and went onward again.  It 
was so much fun! I was so proud of them and am looking forward to learning 
to drive tandem myself!  I'll get some photos up on facebook in the next few 

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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2010-05-09 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

I just body-clipped Lena (for the third time this spring) and she's covered 
in dapples.  I've never noticed this on her or my other fjords before.  Has 
anyone else experienced this?

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Re: Go Maggie Sullivan (Don't forget Ardeth!)

2010-04-12 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

Thanks, Kris, you're right.  Lena and I entered at Intermediate for the 
first time.  And while it may look like we didn't do very well with our 
score, our goal was to drive dressage and see where we need to improve, make 
the overall time in the marathon at the longer distance with longer 
obstacles and school the obstacles as we have been having trouble with her 
stalling in the obstacles.  We did all of that; I only wish I had done 
better in cones, but I was driving my Eagle and it's going to take some 
getting used to.

Anyone with any ideas on what to do about the hazards issue please email me 
privately, because Im looking for a solution!

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Re: Re: Smiling Fjords

2009-06-18 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

My two geldings smile, but with the mares it's more of a smirk.  Kind of 
like "Here's the sucker that will give us extra cookies just because we're 
cute and cuddly."

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Tallest fjord ever?

2009-02-19 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

My 2 yr 7 mo. old gelding, Reidar, is nearly 15h 2".  Since we have 
obviously left ponyhood way behind, I'm wondering how far we have to set the 
record as the tallest fjord? :).

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Re: extreme cowboy race video

2008-11-22 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know nothing about extreme cowboy races, but I think your video is 
fabulous.  I can't imagine that you'd need to show them anything else.  What 
a great team the two of you are!

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Buckeye Feed

2008-01-18 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone had experience feeding Buckeye products to fjords?  The local rep 
came out and took at look at my 4 fjords and 7 quarterhorses and we are 
waiting for the results of a hay test before  starting on Buckeye.

I really like their concept of the feed as a supplement to the forage, not 
the other way around.  Also, most of their products are low carb and you 
feed according to body weight, life stage and level of work.  It may be a 
little complicated to figure out who gets what, but they'll do that for me, 
and even deliver my feed to me once a month!

I have heard good results from other horse owners, but none of them are 
feeding fjords, which we all know are special.


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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TPRs--was Lexington CDE

2007-10-17 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I haven't kept track of TPRs in the past, but plan to do so now.  Her heart
rate is always relatively low, but she's a panter which makes her
respiration rate higher than others.  This is very effective at cooling her,
but some vets are alarmed by it, even though I tell them it's typical for
her. Other vets recognize it as a good thing.

We did learn a lot about cooling with ice under the jaw and between the
legs.  I hope I never run into a marathon in such extreme temperatures again
as I only compete in spring and fall for just that reason.

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2007-10-16 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was fortunate enough to compete in the inaugural Lexington CDE at the
Kentucky Horse Park with my fjord mare, 7 yr old MHF Lena.  We compete as
Preliminary Single Pony and were the only fjord in the field. The judges
were European, but we got decent dressage scores from two of the three (the
German one was tough). We were behind Muffy Seaton and one other driver.
The marathon was rough.  The course, which is being developed for the FEI
games to be held there in 2010, was very demanding and somehow it was well
over 90 degrees!  Fortunately Lena had her second body clip of the season
earlier in the week.

There were three separate sets of vets and vet techs;  one after section D,
one at the end of E and a final set at the barns.  Lena did get very hot,
but cooled off quickly as is typical for her.

After the marathon, we felt that we hadn't done very well, but apparently it
was a rough go for everyone as we finished second, winning the water hazard!
Lena has finally learned that galloping in water is easier than trotting.
We were still in third after day two, but less than 6 pts from the lead.  

I'm hot and cold with cones and the cold driver showed up that day.  We hit
two, but it ended up not making a difference as both drivers ahead of me
went clean and I was far enough ahead of the fourth place finisher to finish
in third.  

It was a great opportunity to watch the advanced drivers, the pairs and four
in hands.  The hazards were decorated beautifully with fall décor and
flowers.  The fourth hazard was decorated with a pair of Porsche Cayennes
flanking the entry. 

Lena showed that she can compete at this sport.  I'm very proud of her and
am looking forward to next season with great anticipation.  

We hung around the Horse Park for the National Drive which seemed very laid
back after the CDE and had a great time.  There were many fjords in
attendance.  Also, we participated in the featured breed demonstations
sponsored by the NFHR on Saturday and Sunday.  Lena is now enjoying a
well-deserved week off.

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RE: Fjord sighting on national news

2007-09-21 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The man in the video about a potential blood test for colon cancer is my
husband, Ron, along with our horses and dogs.  We live in Shelbyville, Tn.
I'm so glad someone saw it. I was going to tell the list to watch for it,
but as it's a spot that was sold to stations nationwide, I didn't know where
to say it would be shown.  The camera crew was here for about two hours,
interviewing Ron and then filming the dogs and horses and a few sights
around the farm.  I think it's funny that the herd got as much or more air
time as the scientist that's working on the project!  

The fjords loved being filmed.  The camerman had to clean his lens a few
times because Lena kept shoveing her nose into it.  Talk about a camera hog!

Ron is indeed fine, although he continues to be closely monitored.  We have
become involved in the fight against colon cancer through the Research
Patient Advocate Program at Vanderbilt here in Nashville. 

Have all of you over 50 had a colonoscopy (or younger if you have a family
history of colon cancer)?

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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RE: mane trimming tools

2007-08-10 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I use the largest Fiskar scissors--I don't know the name of the model, but
they have orange handles.  You can buy them in fabric store and craft
stores, even the craft dept at Walmart.  And you can get a handy sharpener
for them that's easy to use.  Keeping them sharp makes the job easy.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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RE:using mares

2007-07-15 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have two mares I use regularly in all kinds of situation, including
competitions, pleasure drives, trail riding, exhibitions, you name it.  I
have never had a problem with their cycles.  They do behave differently in
the pasture when in season, but not to me and not when they're working.

I love mares.


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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RE: overweight fjords

2007-05-30 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As I read all the posts about controlling feed, etc. I wonder if you all
have had your fjord's thyroid checked.  When I first got my mare Jayne,she
was a little chubby and a vet suggested that a lot of drafty breeds have low
thyroids. When we checked it, it was indeed low.  So we supplement with
thyro L and she maintains a good weight on her own, getting the same amount
of pasture time as my quarter horses.  This year when her 4 yr old son
reached maturity, he continued to put on weight.  We checked his thyroid and
again it was low. We supplement him, too, and he's holding at a good weight.


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RE: shipping boots

2007-05-09 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For shipping boots on my quarter horses I have always used Weathabeata's
contoured shipping boots.  They cover about 3/4 of the leg and are flared at
the bottom to provide some protection for the hoof.  When the smaller boots
I bought for the fjords weren't large enough to fit around their chunky
legs, I had my full sized boots modified to fit them. We took some off the
bottom, and now they fit perfectly.  The seam binding at the bottom was
removed, about 2" was cut off the boot itself and the binding was put back
They work great.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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What about a red heeler?

2007-05-03 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With all the talk of dogs on the list, I just thought I'd take the
opportunity to mention that I have a red heeler here on my farm that needs a
home.  She's great around horses, is in training (her idea) as a coach dog,
and is very friendly and sweet.  Shes in good health and will be spayed and
have all her shots when she's adopted (at my expense). 

If anyone is interested, I can send pics.  If you're anywhere in this part
of the country, I'll get her to you someohow.  To make this fjord related,
she is great around them and goes with us on long drives around the farm.


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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RE: driving question

2007-04-30 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I drive by myself a lot.  I can't always get someone to go and sometimes
it's just nice to have it just be me and the pony.  I have no traffic where
I drive as I can stay on my own farm, but there are all kinds of critters
that could jump out or we could suffer a mechanical failure.  I always take
my phone with me and wear my helmet.  In addition, if Ron is gone for the
day, I call someone and let them know what I'm doing and ask them to send
out an alarm if they don't hear from me by a specified time.  Then I write
myself a note to remember to make that call when I get back or I'd forget
and have a major rescue effort going on for no reason.


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE:Cresty Neck

2007-01-08 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Two of my fjords are on thyroid supplement because of a slightly low
thyroxin level--it made a huge difference in their weight!  My young gelding
was developing the cresty neck and within 3 weeks on thyro L it was gone--at
least as much as a fjord's neck can ever be non-cresty.  I know this isn't
really the answer to the question you asked, but if you haven't done so,
have the thyroids checked.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Clipping, Drying and Cantering

2006-11-29 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have clipped the two that I am using now.  I did it in September, so they
continued to grow coat and now don't need blanketing, but are not as wooly
as they would be if I hadn't clipped.  For drying them after a workout, I
have polarfleece coolers from Weathabeata that dry them very quickly.  For
horses that won't be shown, a hunt or trace clip works great.  I had the
experience of driving a pair in which one had a full coat and one a trace
clip.  The one with the clip didn't sweat at all and the one with the full
coat sweated exactly where the other was clipped!  What a revelation!  I had
always thought clipping the lower part of the horse was to leave them some
protection on top, but apparently it does much more than that.  Also, with
the trace clip, a waterproof breathable sheet is usually plenty of blanket.

As for cantering, we have had great luck with trotting over poles and
progressing to small jumps.  This gets their front end up and eventually
after a jump of 18" or so, they will jump it and canter away in a relaxed
way.  Then you just keep them cantering.  This has worked great for the
three we have started under saddle. 


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Maternal Gelding?

2006-11-14 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My 4 yr old gelding is totally obsessed with his 4.5 mo old little brother.
I weaned the baby a little early because mom kept losing weight.  So I
turned the baby out with others and he was doing fine.  But then I noticed
the gelding always in the youngster's face, always pushing him where to go,
running after him when he'd wander away, etc.  He was more protective than
the mare had been!

So then I had to separate them, too, because I didn't want the baby to have
his independence affected by the gelding's behavior.  

Anybody had an experience like this and if so how did you handle it?

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Pulling shoes

2006-09-27 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If your horse is used to being shod and training in shoes, it might not be a
good idea to pull them right before a competition regardless of the footing.
They can be tender when first going barefoot, it could have a negative
effect on their performance.


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #193

2006-09-04 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have found that horse size works well on my fjords that are 14-14.2 and of
medium build (for a fjord).  I have had to order a larger size bridle,


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

Breeding question

2006-06-03 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My mare, Jayne, is in foal right now and not due for another month.  When
the early breedings didn't take last year, I asked my vet about summer
babies here in Tennessee and was told it shouldn't be a problem.  While not
the ideal time for the mare to foal, there is a lot we can do to keep the
baby cool, primarily keeping them inside during the hottest hours with fans
on.  Other fjord owners have told me pretty much the same thing.  I've got
my eye on a portable air conditioner at Sam's but I don't know how I'd
explain that to my husband! :) 

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

Bits--mylar and otherwise

2006-05-15 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm glad the question of why only snaffle bits are allowed for the
English riding performance tests at evaluations has come up. It is
something my trainer and I have been trying to figure out and have
struggled with in our training. Last year at the evaluation in
LaCrosse, we posed this question to the members of the evaluation
committee and asked why fjords, which are by nature very strong and
well muscled horses, are asked to perform tests with only a snaffle
bit. The only answer we got was that dressage people had influenced
the decision by saying using other bits opened up the possibiity of

We polled other trainers/owners and Wayne Hipsley, the chief
evaluator, and all were in agreement that other bits should be
allowed--that the bit component of the rules needed to be
re-evaluated--especially for the advanced tests. After all, other bits
are allowed in driving and the western tests.

We were told to put our thoughts in writing, and so my trainer sent a
letter to the committee right after we got home, detailing the
situation and why she felt there was a need for a change.

She never got a response to her letter, the minutes of the committee
meeting show no record that it was discussed. I hate to drop it
completely, but I don't know how else to approach the topic. Anyone
have any ideas?


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

Evaluation Instruction

2006-02-04 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At the evaluation in LaCrosse last year a very detailed instruction session
was held before the evaluation started.  It was conducted by Phillip Oden
and the evaluators.  They presented a lot of good info and instructions to
help an owner show his horse to the best advantage and get the most out of
the evaluation process.  I felt at the time that this was a great feature,
but as it was given immediately before starting the evaluation, it was
coming too late to do anyone much good.  If this could be recorded and
available to owners looking forward to attending an evaluation, (or
submitting a virtual evaluation, which is a whole other topic)it would be
very valuable.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

Black Prong CDE--Brag alert

2006-01-19 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm just back from the Black Prong Equestrian Center near Ocala where I
spent 10 days with 2 of my fjord horses.  This facility is unbelievable,
like a perfect little part of the world to spend quality time with your
horse.  The horse accomodations are A-1 as are those for humans.  In
addition to multiple dressage rings and world class hazards to practice on,
there are over 150 miles of trailes in the Goethe Natl Forest adjoining
Black Prong.

While there I competed in the Nature Coast CDE and won training level single
pony with my 5 yr old mare, Lena.  She was the only fjord in the event,and
was her usual steady reliable self.  So, now it's on to preliminary for us,
to see what that brings.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

Re: Orlando in January

2005-12-13 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, I won't be able to make it to the meeting, but I will be nearby, so if 
any of you attending the meeting have some extra time, please come visit.  I 
will be at Black Prong Eq Ctr in Bronson, FL the 7th-17th of Jan.  The 
reason I can't attend the meeting is that I'll be competing in the Nature 
Coast CDE that weekend, but would welcome any fjord supporting visitors that 
would happen to stop by.

I'll be there with my five year old mare, Lena and her little brother 3 yr 
old gelding, Frode.  Bill Lower will be working with us during the week, 
both horses singly and the two as a pair.

Please stop and visit if you have a chance.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN 

Clipping fjords

2005-11-04 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I always thought the purpose of the trace clip was to leave them protected 
on top from rain, snow and sun, but allow for release of heat underneath. 
I've seen for myself that this isn't really so.

I am driving a pair of fjords; one is trace clipped and one is not.  After 
driving them, the one that is not clipped is sweating, but only in exactly 
the areas that are shaved on the clipped mare.  The mare that is clipped is 

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN 

Body clipping a fjord

2005-10-21 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I will be taking two fjords to Florida this winter for a week of training 
and to compete with one in a CDE at Black Prong.  I do a hunt clip on them 
for at home stuff, but the one that will compete is going to need to be 
fully body clipped.  My question is, what do I do about the feathers?  I 
know I shouldn't cut them off, but where do I stop clipping?  Leave the 
entire legs fuzzy?  Clip down to the knees?

Any advice will be appreciated.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN 

Trailers for sale

2005-10-14 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With all this talk about trailers, I'd like to inject that I have two 
4-horse gooseneck aluminim trailers for sale.

The older trailer is a 1993 Sidekick.  It is 12 years old but has been 
stored under cover for half of that time.  It has a dressing room (4 ft 
shortwall) with bridle rack, air conditioning, some cabinets and a sink, a 
boot bench, window blinds, electric outlets.  It is an enclosed trailer with 
drop down feed windows and a rear tack.  There is a full-length awning.  I 
am asking $12,000, but will entertain reasonable offers.

The newer trailer is a 2003 Exiss stock/combo with a fully lined horse 
compartment and plexiglass inserts.  It also has a dressing room (4 ft short 
wall) with air condtioning and bridle rack, with the detachable saddle rack 
in the dressing room.  It has a full length awning.  I am asking $14,000.

I am located in Middle Tennessee.  I can provide photos to interested 
parties.  I am extremely motivated to sell one of these trailers (marathon 
vehicle purchase pending).

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

Fjord wanted

2005-09-10 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My trainer who has worked with my horses for the past couple of years is now 
in the market for a fjord for herself. She would like a mare or gelding at 
least age 3, 14 hands or taller.  It will be ridden and driven.  The horse 
having been started to drive would be a plus; she can do the under saddle 
work herself.

We are in Middle Tennessee, the closer the horse is located the better.

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN 

Re: LaCrosse Evaluation

2005-08-13 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd like to add to Pat's post and congratulate any thank everyone involved 
in running the LaCrosse Evaluation.  Everything detail was handled, the 
hospitality was great and the evaluation ran like clockwork.  Thanks 
especially to Phillip Oden and Linda Syverson-Kerr for all their hard work.

The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN 

Re: Keratex

2005-08-03 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have used Keratex for several years and swear by it.  Putting hoof 
conditioner on is a lot like putting cuticle cream on your hands, but 
Keratex really does make the hoof harder.  It is expensive, but you use so 
little of it as it's a thin liquid that the bottle will last a surprisingly 
long time.

Ardeth Obenauf

The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN 

Re: what are the odds?

2005-06-12 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a similar coincidence with breeding and foaling dates.  My mare Jayne 
was bred in March 1999 and gave birth to Lena 340 days later in 2000.  In 
2001 she was bred again on that same date in March and gave birth to Frode 
340 days later in 2002.  (Same stallion.)

Shelbyville TN 

Re: what's in a name

2005-02-23 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My big beautiful fjord mare is named Jayne (to be pronounced Jaynee) but 
whenever an announcer calls out "Jane" I cringe.  I've tried writing it 
phonetically on entries and everything, but the only thing I've found that 
works is to track down the announcer and tell him directly.  Somehow Jaynee 
is much more fjordlike than Jayne.

Ardeth Obenauf 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #1

2005-01-01 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to thank you, Cynthia, for setting up the Secret Santas this 
year for all the rest of us.  This was my first year participating in SS and 
I enjoyed it a lot.

Thanks again


Toy fjords?

2004-10-02 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know where I can get a small stuffed fjord?

There were two new babies recently born in our family and I thought they're
make great gifts from their horsy aunt in Tennessee.


Re: Anemia in Fjordhorses?

2004-09-27 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Purina has a fairly new product out that is meant for horses that are mostly
on forage and little grain.  It is called Nature's Essentials.  It has a
good balance of vitamins and minerals(including selenium), and I use it to
supplement a diet of crimped oats and pasture.  So far it seems to be
working well for the fjords, giving them what they need without a lot of
extra calories.  There are two varieties; mare and maintenance and


Re: Upcoming Horse Breed show information

2004-09-11 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


If you contact Catherine Laessen (sp) she can get you materials, brochures,
etc. for you breed show.  She was very helpful last year when a couple of us
took some fjords to the Volunteer Horse Fair here in Tennesse last spring.


Gayla Bluegrass CDE

2004-05-17 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just returned from Georgetown, Ky where my 4 yr old fjord mare, Lena, placed
second overall in Single Pony Training Level at the Gayla Bluegrass CDE.  This
was her first competitive event and only her second trip away from home.

We were first in dressage under one judge and second under the other, 5th in
cones and tied for 1st with no penalties after the marathon.  Lena took
everything in stride with the exception of the one post with three black paper
plates on it that caused a momentary startle.

Even though it pelted down rain on Saturday for dressage and cones, she did
what I asked of her.  There was also a pair of fjords entered and three other
fjords present that live full time at the Gayla Driving Center.  They all had
a good time greeting each other and calling across the fence to each other.

My navigator, Jeanette Haislip, another fjord owner, was a huge help keeping
everyone calm, on track and on time.  We all had a great time and expect to do
this again soon.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville TN 37160

Re: Fjords in therapeutic programs

2004-04-16 Thread Ardeth Obenauf
This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's not only boredom that causes therpeutic horses to burn out.  The really
good ones know they are carrying a special cargo and cannot respond normally
to jabbing and poking, etc.  This adds up to a lot of unreleased tension.
Two of my quarter horses have participated in therapeutic riding and the
mare was required to carry a young man plus all kinds of special gear
attached to a surcingle to support him as he could not hold his head up on
his own.  His elbows and knees dug into her sides and he was very vocal
about his enjoyment which was heartwarming but very loud and strident.  Add
to that the four sidewalkers plus therapist necessary to support him and
Daisy had a lot to cope with.  She never took a wrong step but as I walked
at her head I could hear her expelling deep sighs every few strides as if to
be releasing tension.  This was one of the most emotional experiences of my
life, but I could see that it was one of the hardest things Daisy was ever
asked to do.

Ardeth Obenauf
Shelbyville TN

Re: training fjords

2003-11-10 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF

This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I take my fjord mare to a trainer that also helps me with hunter under 
saddle work with my quarter horse.  Before this, we had been on her back a 
few times, but no actual training took place.  The trainer rode her about 
ten times which was enough for her to learn about bending and leg yielding, 
trotting and picking up both her leads at the canter.  She did this well 
enough to earn a blue ribbon at the Cincinnati evaluation in  Intro English 
riding.  After only ten rides with the trainer!  After attending the 
evaluation we came home and the trainer started working on the skills needed 
for the advanced test next year.  The second time she worked on side 
passing, Jayne side passed a pole without stopping from one end to another 
and the third time had mastered crossing her front and back feet in unison 
and keeping her shoulders even with her hips.  She has also begun working on 
hip control and is jumping.

My quarter horse is a willing worker and has put up with a lot from me, but 
it has taken her months to master these same moves.  The trainer is 
continually amazed at how fast the fjord learns and how well she retains 
from one session to the next.  It's like she's thinking aobut her last 
lesson at night in her stall.

This is the first fjord anyone at the barn has worked with and everyone 
stops what they are doing to watch when Jayne is there for a lesson.  It's 
always fun to take her and see how much everyone enjoys her.

Ardeth Obenauf
Shelbyville TN

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2003-10-03 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF

This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Have they made any mention of checking her for ulcers?  I had a mare that 
exhibited signs of colic for several weeks on and off, including elevated 
temp, etc. and it turned out to be stomach ulcers.  They can scope them to 
know for sure, but they can also just start the ulcer medicine and if it 
works, bingo.  I hope Vilde's trouble turns out to be something so easy.  I 
know how you are suffering, too.


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Draft Harness for Evaluation

2003-09-06 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF

This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can anyone help me regarding the proper harness for the draft tests at an 
evaluation?  I am attending the Cincinnnati evaluation in a few weeks and 
have been using a light work harness which has collar and hames, tugs, 
bridle and lines with a saddle, back band and crupper, but no breeching 
(sp).  Most photos I have seen of horses in full work harness do have 
breeching, but since the stoneboat is not on wheels and doesn't need 
breeching for brakes, I think what I have works fine.  I just don't want to 
get to the evaluation and not have proper gear.

Any input will be appreciated.


Re: clubfoot surgery

2003-03-24 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is a new procedure for club foot surgery which is far more successful
than the old method of just cutting the ligament.  It combines the
traditional surgery with corrective shoeing techniques both before and after
the surgery.  Recovery for an adult horse involves 3 months of stall rest
and gradual return to normal activity after that, with no riding or driving
until the 6 mo mark.  I have a quarter horse mare who had the surgery last
year when she was 9, now ten.  She is now doing great.  Her foot looks
totally normal, and more importantly is growning lots of sole depth.  She is
moving well also, although we have had to inject her coffin joint once.  The
joint fits together slightly differently than it used to.  In a younger
horse this might not even be a problem.

This technique was developed by Dr Rick Redden in Kentucky, and my vet works
closely with him and is doing the surgery as well.  It is now pretty routine
for club foot problems in this area.

Measuring fjords

2002-07-29 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out exactly where to measure my fjords
for height.  I know the top of the withers, but where exactly is that?  How
far up into the mane?

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, Tennessee

Bodyclipping a youngster?

2002-05-19 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone have any experience or advice about bodyclipping a Fjord
youngster?  I live in southern Tennessee and soon the weather will get very
hot and stay that way (even at night) for the rest of the summer.  With that
thick wooly coat, our 2 mo old Frode is already getting too warm in the
afternoons.  I have talked to some other Tenn Fjord owners (there aren't many
of us) and one had body clipped in June and the other one never did.  I'm
planning on doing him once our nighttime temps are consistently in the 70s.

Anyone with any advice, comments, etc?


Introducing Frode

2002-02-25 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF

This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I, too, want to add my congratulations to those with new foals.  I know how 
cute they are because we just had one early Sunday morning.  Our mare Jayne 
gave birth to a cold that we are calling Frode.  He is fluffy and cuddly and 
very sweet.  Best of all, he is big and strong and healthy.  Jayne is also 
doing well and we are feeling very blesse.


Should I get another one?

2001-12-29 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Last fall I was fortunate to buy my first fjord mare,Jayne, who is now in foal
and due in 2 mos.  I love her dearly and she gets along well with my 7 other
horses, all quarter horses.

So, with one at home and another on the way, I have the opportunity to buy her
first baby, now a two year old filly who is a full sister to the one she is
carrying.  She is priced right, has good conformation and personality and
appears to be on her way to being a good size match for her mother which is
good since I'm planning to drive a pair.  My only hesitation is "do I have
enough time for another horse?"

I keep going back and forth.  I'd love to have her, there are not a lot of
fjords available in Tennessee.  Should I buy her just because she's for sale.
I do love her mother so much I'd be happy if she had no function other than
pasture ornament.  I just like having her around.  Anyway, as you can see, I'm
confused about this?

If anyone has any insight or personal experience with a situation like this,
I'd appreciate hearing about it.  By the way, knowing myself from past
experience, selling any of them at some time in the future is not going to be
an option for me.


Re: Orphan foal

2001-05-08 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I do have a long list of Norwegian names.  Is there some where I can fax it
to you?  A Norwegian friend compiled a huge list for me for the baby our
mare is expecting next February.

If not I can try to attach it to an email, but my luck with that has not
been great.

Take care of that baby,


Time to Breed Jayne

2001-02-28 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got back from the vet with my 5 yr old mare and he says she has
follicles developing, so we will take her to the breeder's over the weekend
and wait to see what happens.

He asked me if fjords in general have any problem with low progesterone
levels, as many of the larger draft breeds do.  I didn't know, can anyone help
with this?   We'll test her after she's bred anyway so we can supplement the
progesterone if needed, I just hadn't heard of this problem before.


Fertility - Mares

2001-02-10 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With all the talk about Fjord breed and fertility of stallions I have
a question about mares. Do they begin to cycle earlier in the season
than other breeds due to their northern roots? I have a mare I would
like to try to breed in March and while this might be a tad early for
my quarter horses, I'm hoping the fjords, coming from a more northerly
background may generally start cycling earlier in the season. Anyone
know anything about this?


Swipe at Quarter Horses

2001-02-10 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am a new fjord owner and love her to death, but a recent post took
some pot shots at quarter horses which were unwarranted. Quarter
horses are not the number one breed in the world because they're
useless and have bad legs, no legs, or whatever the post implied.

They are versatile, for the most part calm and loving animals. One's
dedication to a breed should not give him or her the right to
denigrate another.


Breeding question

2000-11-14 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My new  fjord mare came with a prepaid stud fee, which I plan to use this
coming season.  I know that because of the warmer climate here in Tennessee,
fjord babies should be born early to give them a chance to develop some
before they have to deal with the warm weather.  For this reason, I'd like
to start breeding her in early March to end up with a Feb, March or April
baby at the latest.

My question is, will I need to use a light on her to get her cycling that
early or do fjords naturally cycle during the colder weather due to their
cold weather ancestry?  Any light anyone can shed on this will be


National Show

2000-10-31 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

While rotating the show does seem the fairest, it is difficult to book a
facility for one year only.  Usually once a big show has a facility they are
happy with, they book the facility for the coming year immediatly afterwards
to ensure getting the date they want.  The facility management will give
them the option of renewing for a short period of time before opening it to
other shows.



2000-10-30 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have recently acquired a 4 year old mare who is as gentle as she can be,
but only green broke.  She is perfectly happy to have someone on her back,
but pretty strong headed about giving to the bit, stopping in a reasonble
time, etc.  We are using a tom thumb bit with a leather curb strap on her as
the snaffle was pretty much ignored.

Can anyone give me advice about starting her out, what kind of bit to use,
etc.  We plan to ride her some and eventually drive her, but we've got to
convince her to go where we want to go and at what speed first.

We've started several quarterhorses, but they were younger and had had tons
on ground work done before we got on their backs.  So instead we're starting
with a grown horse who's always been able to do pretty much as she pleases.

I'd appreciate any help you can give.



2000-10-09 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have an older quarterhorse mare that has done it all in the past, race
track, roping, barrels, poles, cutting, etc. and now has arthritic
changes in one ankle.  We have found the gloucosamine therapy to be very
beneficial.  We also give her a scoop of MSM once a day to keep down
inflamation, so I don't know if its the glucosamine or the MSM that's
doing the most good.  My vet told me light exercise is best for her, to
keep her turned out as much as possible to keep the joint limbered.
Also we have recently gone to a 4-point Natural Balance Shoe which is
also helping.  This is as was mentioned a shoe which keeps the toe
squared off and is rounded on the bottom to make it easier for her to
break over.  Shoeing is uncomfortable for her to stand on one foot for a
long time, but the farrier tries to be quick with her and let her rest
when she needs to.

Good luck with your old guy.  I believe they're worth the extra effort
they take.


New Fjord Mare is Home!

2000-10-03 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After passing the vet exam and getting all the paperwork settled, I
brought my new Fjord mare, Jayne, home this afternoon.  She immediately
became best buddies with one of my quarterhorse mares.  Tomorrow she
will meet the rest of the herd across the fence.

I have several saddles that fit my quarterhorses, so I am hopeful that
one of them will be a comfortable fit for her.

I'm going to give her a few days to get used to the place and then start
ground driving her and riding her some.

I don't know what her specialty is going to be yet, but since they are
so versatile, I'm just going to wait and see what she's good at and go
from there.

Very excited in Tennessee


Soon the be Fjord owner

2000-09-29 Thread ARDETH OBENAUF
This message is from: "ARDETH OBENAUF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I hope I have the correct email for posting to the list.  I have had an
offer accepted on a 4 year old Fjord mare.  Provided she passes the vet
check Monday morning, I will bring her home Monday afternoon.

I am very excited.  I have 7 quarter horses and show them and drive
them, but have been fascinated by Fjords for some time and always hoped
to be able to have at least one someday.  (This mare comes with a
prepaid stud fee, so it should be more than one before long).

I stumbled across a reference to this list on the Carriage Driving List
yesterday, and look forward to tapping your resources for all of my
Fjord-related questions.