Kudo's to Lori!!

2006-07-20 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congrats Lori,  What a fantastic job you are doing with these two wonderful
horses.  I am just so happy for you.  With all the canter talk going on with
the list lately, I hope everyone noted the part on cantering a circle and
giving of the inside rein to show self carriage!! By gosh, looks like Fjords
do canter and not only canter but canter balanced and in self carriage!
This is something that can be difficult even to teach a warmblood or any
other breed to do, take it from me I had to teach my Hanoverian mare to do
it and it was not easy to do after being a hunter mare for many years!!  It
all takes Patience, Persistence, and plain old correct training and time.
Kudo's to you and Prisco and Kestrel (of course my favorite, being a Felix

Rhonda,  My deepest sympathy on your loss.  It is just awful to lose an
animal especially a special one and we all know they are all special to us.

Well, have to finish packing. We leave for a week's vacation in Canada with
horse in tow(secretly horse shopping for another, but won't tell hubby!!)
Can't wait to be able to spend a week with great friends and many fjords,
including my own and getting back on track from his tendon injury and us
finally moving back into our home after a very large addition...I can really
use a break from moving furniture and boxes and actually be able to ride and
drive my horse and maybe find him a buddy!!

Again, awesome job Lori and maybe I will see you up in your neck of the
woods next week!!

Beth Gerst

Just my Two cents

2006-06-03 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As I stated in my first post just my opinion and my two cents which I stand
by and was under the impression that the list was for discussions and
comments pertaining to the breed and I do realize that Carol (who is not the
only one guilty of this) does include a lot of information in her postings
on the lineage and so forth and does contribute to other discussions on the
board as I have read in the past and I am sure the future as she has much
knowledge of the breed and the lineage of the breed.  I also do realize
there is no limit on the amount of words you can type here, but just think
if Carol were to put her ads in the local paper or Equine Journal or
Horseman's Pedlar she would be broke after the first month!  I have had many
private emails from people on the list and as long as I know I am not the
only one who feels the way I do, my two cents meant something.

I absolutely realize that there are people on both sides of the fence and
that some do like the "for sale" posts and others have emailed to say they
are long winded and full of exhuberant adjectives.  Like I said, just my two
cents worth on my feelings on all the "for sale" ads that have been on
lately and it does seem like it has been picking up greatly lately and that
may be due to the time of the year also.  I will continue to scroll past

Just a thought for the future:  Could the list possibly do a weekly separate
email for all "for sale" horses that come in that week and that way if
someone is just interested in the discussions and not horses for sale then
we would be able to hit the delete key as so many have suggested I and
others do!

I will continue to scroll past the posts and delete if there is nothing in
the digest that day that interests me as I have been doing.,
Peace and Tranquility to All,
Beth Gerst

Just my two cents

2006-05-30 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't write in very often as I usually just read and chuckle at most
discussions that go on.  But lately I really have a problem with the
direction this board seems to be going in.  I have to say that I thought
this was a discussion board for discussions such as bitting or training of
fjords and that sort of conversation.  Lately, however, it seems as if it is
one big free classified ad for horses for sale.  I don't mind the short
"Horse for sale" see this website or email this person for information but
some of these long posts every week are getting rather ridiculous.  Sorry
Carol to pick on you but I just don't see the need to list every horse you
have for sale on this discussion board with long descriptions of each,
needless to say the asking price on at least one is WAY different that what
you have the horse listed on your website for (Velena was listed on the
website for $10,500 and on the list you have her listed for $16,000).  That
is a huge jump and I would hope for that jump in price she has at least been
shown in some type of either open or fjord show to jump that much.  Is there
a reason you don't just post a short posting stating quality fjords for sale
with your website attached to it for people to reference there for
information?  I don't mean to pick on you particulary but you seem to be the
biggest "offender" of this.  You have a beautiful website and I would think
you would want to draw the interested parties to your website to see what
else you have to offer at your farm.  Again, I really don't want to single
you out but again it feels like you are using this discussion board as free
advertising for the horses you have for sale.  I will bet I am not the only
one who feels this way but I am probably the only one who will come out and
say it. :-)  Just stirring the pot as I seem to do all too well!!

Beth Gerst

Kudos for a job well done at Bromont

2006-05-30 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I also wanted to let everyone know and congratulate a good friend of mine
for a job very well done at Bromont this past weekend.  Shiloh Simino and
her adorable okay awesome, 15H gelding, Arve, did awesome this past weekend
competing at the Bromont CDE.  This is a huge show as most know and there is
FEI level judging and competition.  This was Shiloh and Arve's "coming out"
in the Prelim. Single Horse Division (yes, horse division due to Arve's
size)  this meant that she was up against some stiff competition from people
driving morgans and big warmbloods.  Shiloh does not like to brag so I felt
this time I needed to do it for her!! :-)  She was second out of 16 horses
after the Dressage phase and considering she was competing against the
larger horses I think this speaks volumes for the hard work she has done and
the quality of her horse.  She ended up finishing in fourth place out of the
16 entered in the Prelim. division which I think is just terrific.  Shiloh
was very nervous that her and Arve wouldn't be able to make the times that
they put on the marathon and be able to do the hazards as they do get
tougher as you go up the levels and the turns are much tighter for Prelim.
but she showed everyone that a fjord can run with the best of them and she
should be very proud of her accomplishments so far with her guy.

Just an FYI, Shiloh and Arve were featured on the cover of the Winter issue
of the Fjord Herald and there was an article on both of them in that issue
with her major accomplishments in Training Level last year.

Beth Gerst

Duett Saddle Recommendation for Rita

2006-02-18 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Rita,  I have two Duett saddles for my 14.1 hand gelding.  I have the Rondo
model for my huntseat classes and I have an Aria Dressage model (I think
that is the correct model).  I LOVE both of them.  I especially LOVE The
Aria, it is the most comfortable dressage saddle I have ever ridden in and
fits him beautifully.  The Rondo is also extremely comfortable I just don't
use it as much as my dressage saddle.  Nancy was AWESOME to work with.  I
tried many different sizes and styles before getting just the right ones for
my guy.  It only took two or three try's with different saddles and sizes to
get one to fit me and my guy.

I also tried out the Companion Trail Model from Duett, Nancy sent one to me
just to try out and see how I liked it...OH MY GOD...if I ever do serious
trail riding this will be the first saddle on my list of things to buy.
VERY COMFORTABLE, I could see going for hours and days in that saddle.  Her
saddles are also VERY reasonably priced.  I have been riding since I was a
kid and have been through some of the most expensive flat (jumping) saddles
and dressage saddles and for the comfort and price of Duett, you just can't
go wrong.

I will say I did try to buy "off the rack" wide and Xtra Wide models for my
guy before going with Duetts and none ever fit him quite right until I got
the right one from Nancy.  Wear and tear is great, I use my dressage saddle
regularly and it still looks brand new with little cleaning (getting older,
I am getting lazy and don't clean tack like I should!!) My dressage trainer
really likes it also.  :-)

Hope this helps and I would definitely give them a try, especially if you
will be showing..they look a bit more traditional and correct for the show
ring than a wintec or australian (Sorry everyone, don't mean to offend
anyone by saying that just my feelings and my taste)  Guess too much show
blood in my bones!!

Hope this helps you out Rita.

Beth and Elexson
> This message is from: Rita Trudeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Back to the saddle question...has anyone used/ had any luck wit the Henri
> Rivel wide saddle?  And does anyone use/heard of Duett Saddlery?
> Thanks,
> Rita
> Northern VT.

Kudo's and Grow up!!

2005-08-08 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

First I would like to congratulate Vivian and Shiloh for doing the breed
proud and putting some of those critics mouths to rest!!!  I hear it all the
time when I have my guy out in the world and it does become amusing after
awhile especially when they hand the Championship to you and no ribbon to
the one with the big mouth that knows everything.  Kudo's to both of you for
great performances...it isn't easyI will be out there in training level
next year and trying my hand at keeping that carriage upright!!

Next I would like to saythe crap on this list is getting quite old with
the crude and rude emails to one another...not that I want everyone to love
one another and have peace on earth (which would be nice) but that is
definitely not human nature!!  So PLEASE can we at least try to act like
partial GROWN UPS???  Everyone has their own opinion..we of all breed
populations should know that dealing with this breed that everyone has their
own opinion on evaluations, breed standards and such.  I read this list
almost everyday and I have very strong opinions on many things but I don't
feel the urge to jump on here and insult other people for what they
write...last time I checked we have freedom of speech in this country.  I
don't agree with many things but I do actually sit here and laugh reading
all the posts from childish, immature people and it makes me laugh out loud.
I saw a T-Shirt just the other day and it said "Buy Big Girl Underwear and
Get Over Yourself"  I could buy a boat load and pass them out to people on
this list.  I am so sick of reading RUDE posts from Adults (Term used very
loosely) it really is a shame.  We are all in this together because we all
love a very special breed of horse.  Let's try to just get along instead of
trying to kill each other with nasty, crude words.

My last two cents...someone mentioned that lighter bone structure, riding
type sport Fjord horses are uneven tempered and have skinny legs!!  Well,
here is where I will use my freedom of speech and give my opinion!!!  I have
one of those more "refined" riding type sport fjords  HE IS NOT UNEVEN
BE.Again just another show of true ignorance by someone on this list
with rude words for our breed and breeders and people they don't even know.
My gelding is out of an EXCELLENT, VERY BIG imported Mare and sired by an
EXCELLENT imported stallion (Felix) who is known both here in North America
and in Norway for having exceptional offspring and who is quite a big guy
himself.  My guy is not of either of their statures and that doesn't make
him any less a fjord...just because he doesn't have legs that look like tree
stumps, or hooves that look like dinner plates and a body that resembles a
Sherman Tank does not mean he is a poorly bred or an uneven tempered
fjordLast time I checked with the billions of people on our planet very
few are exactly alike (with the exception of identical twins).

As with all breeds...we will always have different types of fjords and
imagine if they were all alike? What would all of you have to bicker

Grow up and get over yourselves and enjoy the breed that we all love and

Good Night,
Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

Addition to the Finger Lakes Show

2005-08-03 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I just wanted to add to Lori's email about the Finger Lakes Fjord Show.  We
have been attending the show for the last three years with my young guy
Elexson and love it every year.  It is a great small show where many fjord
owners come to gather and catch up.  There is always a great group of
participants at this show and no matter how tough the competition is we
always manage to enjoy ourselves.  One very funny moment which sticks with
me from the weekend was in the Novice Amateur Ridden (Walk/Trot) Classes.
Gunnar Rogstad who brought along a half brother to my guy Elexson was riding
in his first ever show class and this was only about the fifth time his
horse had been ridden and that was only on the farm!!!  He decided he would
follow me and Lex into the ring for moral support and in case he ran into a
problem...well, as fate would have it...I was the one who needed some
help...the minute the judge asked for a trot and Gunnar behind me took off
like a shot, my guy heard the squeaking and crackling of that western saddle
and that was the only excuse he needed to start acting like a two year
old  Mind you the only reason we were back in Novice this year was
because I have not had the time to devote to him this year riding wise and
he was not ready for the canter.  Well, at this point...Gunnar lost his hat
and it looked like he was riding an Icelandic pony instead of a Fjord!!! To
give you a picture Gunnar must be all of 6'2"  and his gelding was a solid
chunk but only about 13.2 hands and just trotted like there was no
tomorrow...hence the Icelandic rendition...meanwhile, my guy was up on all
four feet doing his Piaffe move and considering we haven't moved out of
Intro. Tests in ridden dressage was a bit farther than I would have liked to
go.  Then of all things, they announce for all of us in the ring to
CANTER!!  I have never in my life seen such a scared looking bunch of
riders all in one ring..you would have thought someone threatened to shoot
us..we all had that deer in the headlights look but no one wanted to tell
the judge that we weren't supposed to be cantering!! So we waited for them
to correct it and they didn't right away while the judge was yelling at us
to get going!!  I finally was the one to speak up and tell her from a
piaffing horse that this was only a Walk/Trot division!!!...She apologized
and we went on with the class...well needless to say Gunnar and I came in
5th and 4th respectively!!  We then went back to the rail for the second of
the two classes only to have Gunnar behind me again and asking me whether
this class is based on him and what is the difference between the equitation
and pleasure classes anyways and was it based on him or the horse!!!  By
this time I was in hysterics riding around the arena being judged mind
youWe again came out 5th (Gunnar) and 4th (me).  Somehow I managed to
pull off the Novice riding championship, I guess going in showmanship helped
that out a bit but I have never had such a good time in the ring than I did
that day even with my horse acting up it was just pure fun!!

Later that afternoon, Lori Albrough put on a Fabulous Third Level Freestyle
demo which was terrific...We all loved it and it is wonderful to see a fjord
doing so well at the higher levels.  Valebu is also a great guy and she had
a wonderful show with him also.  I am striving to look even a tiny bit as
good as Lori is!!

Sunday brought out the dressage tests and driving.  I wasn't feeling well at
all that morning so I scratched from my two intro tests that I was scheduled
to show in but there were some great tests that I watched from the bleachers
and everyone made it look easy.  I did manage to hold it together long
enough to do my driving classes and this is where my guy turned it on.  He
really did carry me around this time and we managed to squeak out two firsts
in our pleasure class and reinsmanship class and then we went clean with the
fastest time in the cones class to clench the Novice Driver Championship.  I
loved having Annette and Willow in the driving classes with me.  I first saw
Willow last year and she is just as pretty as they come, petite but just so
elegant she makes me smile even just walking by the stall.  She just has
that presence about her.

Pat Wolfe came and showed a very NICE BIG filly from Denmark and boy can
this girl moveI am keeping my eye on her!!!

Lori was well deserved winning the Julie Will Memorial trophy.  I never had
the honor of meeting Julie, I came into the fjord world after she had sadly
left.  Lori was very moved to have been chosen and I really don't think
there was a dry eye in the house after Darryl presented the award to
Lori...It is well deserved.  Lori does the breed proud and shows the
non-believers just what these little guys can really do!!

I would also like to thank everyone from volunteers to participan

NO Giraffes!!! Oh bummer!

2005-07-23 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so bummed there won't be any Giraffes to distract Lex this
yearactually those 53 dogs running around and barking and the giraffe
family right behind them got him moving last year! Think I could hire
them to come just for my classes!!! :-)
It was so entertaining thoughat least my trainer thought it was quite
interesting...Not only did I have to introduce a very big morgan trainer to
the very relaxed show world of the fjord bunch but when he got there to show
Lex and saw the giraffes he said to me he didn't bargain for having to ride
through the Catskill Game Farm while he did it
See everyone next week in NY and in a couple of weeks at the NFHA show.

Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

Prize Lists for NFHA Show

2005-07-17 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know that the prize lists for the 22nd Annual
NFHA Horseshow are in the mail if you haven't already received yours it will
be there soon.  If you are not a member of NFHA and would like to receive
one please just contact me via email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will
gladly send one out to you ASAP.  It is looking to be a fun and interesting
show this year as we are in a new location for the first time in the shows
history (I believe).  We will be offering classes for everyone.  The only
portion we had to table this year is the Ridden/Driven Dressage.
Unfortunately, we could not find a judge willing to come and judge the show
with class entries so low from previous years, so we are putting these
classes on hold until next year.  Saturday night will again be the night for
our annual live and silent auction to raise much needed funds for the club
and we will be having an All-You-Can-Eat BBQ banquet this year which is sure
to please every palate.  We would love for everyone to join us even if you
aren't showing and would just like to come and enjoy the day and join us for
the banquet Saturday night that would be wonderful...just let me know and we
can arrange it.  The newest addition to the show is that there is camping
available on-site and the spaces are going very quickly.  I believe I may
only have 1 or 2 spots left so if you're interested please let me know ASAP.

As always with a show of this size, we need Volunteers...the more the
merrier as I like to say!!  Anyone interested in coming for a day and
volunteering that would be terrific and much appreciated by the entire show
committee...all five of us  Just kidding, I think there is actually six
of us!

Hope to see many old and new faces this year and to have a great time
meeting everyone in just a few short weeks.

Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

Ontario show and NFHA Show

2005-06-02 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

I have heard through the fjord grapevine that there is not going to be an
Ontario show this year but that is just a rumor and I have not confirmed
with anyone in the immediate organizing committee.  Pat Wolfe or Cheryl
Beillard should be able to give a more definite answer to that question.

However,  the NFHA's Annual Fjord Show will be held August 20 & 21 in
Spencer, MA.  We will be having a two day forum this year instead of 3.
There is limited camping on site and it is going to be a lot of fun for all.
Anyone interested in receiving a prize list please contact me privately with
your address and I will be happy to send you one when they are printed and
ready to go in the next few weeks.

Cindy, congrats on Ronaldo's waltz in the dressage ring.  Always great to
see these fjordies getting out and strutting their stuff.  Proving they are
not lazy or stubborn as many think they are!!

Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

Herald and EPM Comments

2005-04-04 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Sheri,

Sorry for being so long winded with this, but wanted everyone to know this
is a horrible disease and something to be concerned about.

I had a hanoverian mare that was one of the first horses to live thru EPM in
CT.  This was almost 14 years ago and most Vets didn't even know how to
treat it or what to look for.  Luckily, at the time I had one of the best
vets in Conn. when I called him and told him she couldn't walk and she was
being held up by the cement wall in her stall,  he and a few of his staff
members came to the boarding facility where she was being boarded.  At the
time, I couldn't get up to see her everyday..she was about 45 minutes from
me at a boarding stable, I was working a 40 hour work week and I was 81/2
months pregnant!!  It took 12 people to literally carry (they wouldn't let
me help for some reason!!) her down the aisle and into one of the grooming

The first thing my vet did was pump her full of DMSO thru an IV for 4
days/24 hours a day to get the swelling down.  I slept on a cot in the
grooming stall next to her for 4 days (being 81/2 months pregnant was
uncomfortable enough~try it for four days on a cot in a barn!!).  The whole
ordeal was horrible.  The vet did suggest that I think about putting her
down because she was so far along with the disease.  I didn't have the
heart, in one way I felt it was my fault for not visiting more often and
catching it early on, I felt I owed it to her put up a fight and that is
what we did!!  After the four days of IV she had improved and was actually
standing straight up instead of on an angleShe was put on a 6 month
combo. pack of drugs to try to rid her of the disease completely.  I
honestly can't remember the cocktail of drugs they used back then but they
seemed to work pretty well.  She was one of only two horses that had
actually lived thru the EPM in the state back then.

My vet warned me that EPM is truly never gone from the horses body (killed,
so to speak).  He told me I needed to understand that it could flare up
again.  We had to keep close watch on her for the remainder of her life.  He
said doing blood work may not show the disease but it could still be there.
He also told me the neurological damage was almost impossible to measure.
He did tell me I could get back to riding as soon as I was ready after the
baby.  When I finally did get back to her, I will tell you myself she was
never the same horse again.  I had a champion hunter and a solid 2nd level
dressage horse, who at home was schooling 3rd level.  When I returned to
riding, I had a horse who was VERY sore backed, Very uncomfortable to ride,
her gaits had gone down the drain and she swished her tail horribly she was
never relaxed again to have someone on her back.  She was not able to travel
in a straight line, which might sound odd but she always had her tail
cranked and she would travel concave or convex all the time.  The
neurological damage was evident, so from that point on I never jumped her
again, I felt it wasn't fair to do that to her so we stuck with dressage but
had to start at the bottom of the barrel.  I had a 2nd level horse getting
great scores turn back in to a training level horse barely finishing a test
without going bonkers in the ring from me riding her.  After a few shows I
decided enough was enough and retired her.  She was never ridden heavily
again, A friend of mine who owns an estate in Virginia outside Washington
D.C. adopted her as her lawn ornament and kept her in her heated barn with
her top hunter/jumper horses to live out her life.  She died at age 28 from
what the vet's called neurological "shutdown"  her brain got tired of
sending out signals to the rest of the body.  After an autopsy (at my
request) they did find traces of the EPM virus in her brain and spine.  I
don't mean to sound depressing or to upset you.  I think you should just
really keep an eye on it from here out.  I am sure that the advances in 14
years time have come a long way against attacking this horrible disease and
that your horse will be just fine   I will keep my fingers crossed and my
hopes up that they figure out what exactly it is.

On another note, I received my Herald here in CT. and it is wonderful!! I
loved it.  I didn't even notice the NFHR minutes weren't there!!!  And by
the way, it's not the end of the world folks, just a bump in the road.
There are many things and many people worse off right now in the world and I
think missing the minutes truly isn't that big of a deal.  I am sure if you
need or want a copy of them someone would be more than happy to email or
send them snail mail to you.  :-)

Have a great day and enjoy the warmer weather,
Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

Calendar Girls and Website

2005-03-07 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everyone,

Well for one thingI am READY for Spring even with the mud and muck...I
am sick of this cold nasty weather!!  I attended, volunteered and shopped
(shopped mostly!!) this weekend at the Driving Forum and it was an awesome
time.  I didn't have the chance to see any lectures but from the buzz around
the exhibit floor everyone was very happy with the results.  It was great
seeing so many fellow fjord friends in the off season here in the Northeast.

I am not sure how many out there have the new Shoot That Horse Driven Image
Calendar by Lisa Cenise who is by far one of the best driving photographers
I have ever seen.  If you do have the calendar you might want to jump ahead
to the month of April and you will see our very own Ann Sullivan and her
daughter Maggie's gorgeous mare Rienna (hope I spelled that right, Ann?).
This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of them although I don't
think there are too many bad photos of this duo in action out there.  I just
wanted to CONGRATULATE the Calendar Girls (both Ann and Rienna!) for
representing this wonderful breed so well.  As most of you know Ann has been
doing some CDE's with Rienna and not doing too bad from what I understand!!

I am working on getting out there with Ann at some of these CDE's but
haven't quite got the guts yet but I am working on it!!

Ann is always joking with me that we are going to make a pair out of my
gelding and Riennabut even my guy doesn't have the lovely movement that
this mare hasshe would show him right out of the ring!!

**As far as the Northeast Fjord Website:  www.northeastfjord.com we are
currently in the process of revamping the entire website with a new look so
that may have been why you weren't able to get on.  I did just try and the
old site is still there and running so be patient and the new site will
hopefully be up in the next few weeks.  It should be much easier for dial-up
users to view and load the site when the new one comes of age.

I will let everyone know when it becomes available for viewing.

Again I just want to Congratulate Ann and Rienna on making us all very

Waiting impatiently for Spring!!
Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

Ontario Show

2005-02-02 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kay,

Cheryl Beillard of Wake- Robin Farm www.wakerobinfarm.ca is the one who ran
the Ontario show last year.  Last time I talked to her, she had not even
decided if she was going to have a show again this year due to some issues
from last year.  It was a lot of fun last year to see everyone so late in
the season.  You could try emailing her or giving her a call.  I plan on
seeing her in a few weeks at the Driving Forum in Sturbridge, Massachusetts
so I figured I would check with her then and see if she decided to hold
another one this year.  I don't think I will be making it because I am going
to be doing a ride for the cure (breast cancer ride) in October and chasing
points on my local show circuit.  It was a ton of fun last year and I will
miss it this year but I will try again next year.

Happy fjording :-)
Beth Gerst

New Fjord Mare in CT.

2004-12-21 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the Fjord world! What PMU rescue do you work with in Conn.? Are
you with the farm in Bethany that rescues all the PMU's? I live in CT. and
board my Fjord in Bethany so let me know when you get your girl and we will
have to get together. It would be nice having another Fjord and Fjord owner
around!!! Seeing mine is the only one around the area!! I am also the
President of the Northeast Fjord Horse Association so I can fill you in on
all the activities we have going on this coming year.

Happy Fjording
Beth Gerst

Big Problem

2004-11-29 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Carol, I have been having the same problem with my gelding since I brought
him home on and off with the loose stool and the gas with the water running
down the legs...it comes and goes in no such pattern that we can detect...I
have been at a loss about itI am also in CT and thought maybe it had to
do with the richness of the hay he is getting or the grain but my guy is on
a small amount of Hunter Feed and a half a coffee can of Sunshine supplement
in the morning feed that is it...I try to keep him away from the grain as
much as possible but being at a morgan breeding and showing farm it is
sometimes hard for them to understand!! My trainer is getting much bettera
at understanding my guy these days but the runny business down the legs even
has him stumped. I never thought about trying the probiotics but maybe I
will try that and see if that helps over the winter. Let me know how you
make out and I also appreciate all the suggestions from everyone.

Happy Holidays
Beth Gerst
Milford, CT

Introduction, Ontario Show and Breeding

2004-10-09 Thread Beverly Weston
This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,
My name is Beth Gerst from Milford, CT. and I am fairly new to the list. I
have been reading it for months but have never taken the time to figure out
(until now) how to respond to the list..Not even sure I am doing it
correctly now!! Let's hope for the best!!  I own one gelding as of right now
Kervan Farm Elexson, a 4 yr old Gelding out of the imported stallion Felix
by an imported mare named Nagia. Unfortunatley due to high costs of boarding
horses in my area and lack of space I can only afford one right now!!

First I want to say that I had a wonderful time at the Ontario show. Cheryl
and her crew did a great job at keeping this show going. With the amount of
help she had I give her many Kudo's for pulling it off as nicely as she did.
I brought along my "clan" of six people...one of which was my non-horsey
mother-in-lawlet me clue everyone in...DON'T EVER MAKE THIS MISTAKE!!!
She invited herself along with us for the trip...I can tell you for a fact
SHE will never do that again!!! :-)

The Ontario show was wonderful. I was the lucky one who had the pleasure of
showing the wonderful 2yr old filly Kervan Farm Felixia to Overall Champion
Halter horse. Felixia is out of the imported stallion Felix and the imported
mare named Nagia...This little filly has a special place in my heart b/c she
is my gelding Elexson's full younger sister. It was a thrill that her owner
trusted me enough to take this little filly off the farm for the first time
ever and show her for her. Thank goodness she was special enough to show
herself and not need much help from me!! Needless to say her owner Marg Kerr
was and I am sure still is thrilled with her win. She also received a Gold
Medal from Bob Van Bon.  I can't tell you what wonderful and very fair
judges Bob and Joke were and what a great time we all had with them...they
were just terrific. I could go on but all I can say is I won Overall
Champion Halter horse with Felixia and her older brother (my guy) tied with
his own half-brother Uvaer and Nathan Valliere for the Green Horse Driven
Reserve Champion.Besides us winning the Green Horse Cross CountryI
can't say as I had too bad of a weekend!! I was thrilled with the entire
weekend..Even when one of our brake lines blew out on the truck and kept
us on Marg's farm an extra day (such a pitty!!) it broke our hearts to have
to stay another day!! but it was fixed and we made it home safely a day late
and definitley a few dollars shorter.

As for some of the breeding comments going around. I have not been in the
fjord world that long (the horse world itself for about 25 years) so I can
only comment on what I have dealt with and seen this past year at the Fjord
shows and of course my own experiences with my guy. I do believe Carol
Rivoire is right Breeding does Count I also agree that there are some
wonderful stallions in North America..Homegrown (for lack of a better word).
But am I wrong to say that no matter what the breeding, that the origin of
all the fjords in North America have imported bloodlines in the gene pool at
some point?? I don't seem to remember learning about how the Fjord horse
roamed free over much of North America way back when. I just don't see where
imported or not imported matters muchFjords will always be fjords (I
hope) and as long as we strive to breed the best to the best imported or not
imported we will come up with greatness. Perfection will never happen b/c it
is not reality we are always striving to come as close to perfect as
possible in any breed that is one reason breeders continue to breed.
Imported or Not,  I think we should all be proud of the horses we breed,
raise and train.I can tell you I am.

Enough for now
Beth Gerst
Milford, CT