Quad L's Teal

2014-11-25 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 


So sorry to hear that Teal has passed.  Her daddy, Dusty, sends his

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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So very sorry

2014-10-03 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.  Each of us has lost a dear friend
like that.  We do indeed feel your pain.  If we are lucky, we have that ONE
great horse in our lives to treasure. You were so blessed to have him as
your friend. My great friend is Dusty who is 28 years young.  I am not
looking forward to the day when he crosses that Rainbow Bridge, but I also
know that it will happen sooner than later.  Hugs for you.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
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Fjords for sale

2014-05-30 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 

Hi All,

I have gotten 17 inquiries in the last month from folks wanting to buy a
Fjord!  Most folks want the been there-done that Fjord for trail riding.
If anyone has such, please email me and maybe I can help find new homes.


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
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Fwd: Dustenai has crossed over the rainbow bridge - May 8, 1993 - Jan 24, 2014

2014-01-30 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 

Dustenai has crossed over the rainbow bridge - May 8, 1993 - Jan 24, 2014

I am so very sad to share the news that Dustenai has gone to be with her
momma, Molde and her first owner, Patty Peterson.  Many of you here in the
Pacific Northwest will remember Dustenai & Patty.  They were always
formidable competitors at the Libby show, particularly in driving events.
Patty passed away a few years ago and friends created the Patty Peterson
Memorial Trophy at the Libby show.

After Patty's death, Dusternai and her son, Cymon, came to live here at
Field of Dreams while we found new homes for them.  Mary Johnson purchased
Dustenai and her job became teaching Mary how to drive.  Dustenai was a
spectacular driving horse and received a score of 94 for Intro. Driving at
the Moses Lake Evaluation a couple of years ago.

Dustenai was one of the best daughters that Dusty ever produced.  She had
such a sweet, kind spirit and was everyone's favorite whether it came to
riding or driving.

Dustenai had suffered for the past few years with a mysterious digestive
problem where she would periodically stop eating and display signs of
discomfort.  A trip to the OSU vet college showed stomach ulcers.  She was
treated for that and it seemed she was on the road to recovery.  However,
sometime later, the symptoms returned - back to OSU for more tests.  This
time the ulcers were healed, but after many more tests, scopes, xrays,
etc., there was no answer as to what was causing her pain.  More nmeds,
symptoms subsided for a time, but returned again.  Back to OSU for the
third time.  Same thing - no answers.

It was a roller coaster for poor Dustenai - feel better - feel too
miserable to eat - meds to make her comfortable.  She was such a brave soul
and a valiant fighter to the end.

Dustenai began having another episode so I went to visit her at Mary's
place on Sunday and asked Mary if she'd like to bring Dustenai back here
for a while since she would at least eat green grass  whenever her tummy
hurt & I have plenty of grass to share.  Mary brought her back here on
Tues., but by Friday, it became apparent that not even the grass was going
to fix her this time.  The vet was called and the oh-so-difficult decision
was made to let her go home.  MUCH WAILING AND GNASHING OF TEETH, but
knowing that it was the best thing for her - NOT SO MUCH FOR THE PEOPLE SHE

I was with her when she drew her first breath so it was fitting that I got
to be with her as she drew her last, but DANG it hurts so much to say

The world has lost another fabulous Fjord, but that is surely heaven's gain
and I envisioned her frolicking over the rainbow bridge where she was
greeted by Patty & Molde who had been patiently waiting for her.

We will miss you little girl!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
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A couple of questions

2014-01-11 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 

I have a couple of questions.  In the photo of 5 abreast in the Rose
parade, are those all 5 of the Fjord colors?

My second question is - did everyone do their own body clipping?  Good job
to whoever di it.  They looked great.  It is tough to do especially faces.
How long before the parade was it done?


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
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Rose Parade follow up

2014-01-09 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 

I just wanted to remind folks there is a possibility that RFDTV might do a
segment with Fjords on their Gentle Giants program this coming year.  I did
contact RFDTV after watching the parade, encouraging them to do that,
especially after hearing one of the narrators, Pam Minick, mention that she
was intreagued by Fjords and that she might do a segment about them on her
program, Gentle Giants.

I did get an immediate response from the head of RFDTV, Patrick, and also
from Pam.  If they got several requests from us, maybe they would actually
follow through.  That would be great publicity for Fjords!

Pam said to tune in to the Gentle Giants program on Mar. 3 since she did
interview some of our folks during Equifest 2013 prior to the parade.

The email address for RFDTV is i...@rfdtv.com.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l

RFDTV & Gentle Giants

2014-01-05 Thread Gayle ware
This message is from: Gayle ware 

Hi All,

I contacted RFDTV encouraging them to actually do a segment on Fjords in
their Gentle Giants program.  I did get a response from both Patrick (head
honcho) and Pam Minick.  Pam mentioned that on Gentle Giants program on
Mar. 3, they would include interviews with our Fjord group that was in the

Perhaps if a lot of us contacted them and encouraged them, they might
follow through with a segment on Fjords?

Pam did say that they would contact me as they plan season 4??!!  That
would really be a huge shot in the arm for Fjords!!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
FH_L Shirts: http://tinyurl.com/8yky94l


2010-04-11 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 


A few years ago a fellow bought a pregnant Fjord mare from me.  He was an
absolute green horn, to say the least.  Before long, he purchased 4 more mares
from Canada.

The next thing I knew, he called me from just south of the Canadian boarder.
Seems he was on his way to look at a STALLION prospect??!!  He wanted some
guidance as to what to look for.  OH MY!

I asked him if he felt prepared to deal with a half ton of testosterone???
Can you keep a thousand pound penis under control (can I say that word on the
Digest??)?  He asked me why - what could happen?

I told him that they could bite you, they could break you, they could make you
bleed, they could kill you!

Long story short, I talked to him for about another hour, trying to discourage
him, to no avail, of course.

He did purchase a stallion anyway - UGH!!

About 2 years later he called again & said that he wanted to sell all of the
Fjords and wanted my help.  When I asked him why he had decided to sell, he
said that he had children and it occurred to him that having a stallion could
be dangerous!  GEEZZ!!

Fortunately for him, nothing bad happened to his family, but the stallion had
decided to go 'teepee creeping' one night and impaled himself on a fence.  The
guy hefted the stallion off of the fence with a fork lift and hauled him to a
vet 80 miles away.  The stallion survived.

One must never forget when they are handling a stallion because the minute you
do forget, THEY will remind you!

I, too, have heard horror stories of 'good ol' boy' stallions that turn on
handlers, mostly because the handlers don't understand the mind-set of
stallions and place them in bad situations.

When we lived  in MT. we had a BIG Hanovarian stallion boarded at our place.
He was owned by another woman who had read the 'Black Stallion' one too many
times!  He turned on her one day, grabbed her hand in his teeth and would not
let go.  He did some pretty serious damage to her hand and she was bleeding
profusely.  She had unknowingly placed him in a situation whereby he felt that
the only thing standing in his way between him & his mares was - her.

He attacked her another time and broke her foot.  I was ever-so-glad when she
bought her own property and took that horse away.  I could not convince her to
geld him and make him a happier fellow.

Insurance agents are ever-so-happy to share the worst case scenarios since
that is the only side of the story that they see.

Since spring is supposedly on it's way, testosterone levels are on the rise.
It is time to be on heightened awareness!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
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Fjord featured in Oregon news article

2010-03-14 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 

Hi There,

Since I live in Oregon, I just had to look at the article to see if I knew
this Fjord.  Much to my surprise it was a Dusty daughter, nicknamed 'Pixie',
that I had sold as a yearling to Viriginia Gray from Chiloquin, OR.

Virginia brought Pixie back here for her initial training - and for only 30
days.  YIKES!  UMM - not my idea of the ideal situation since Virginia was
about 72 at that time!   However, I soon learned what a delightful LADY
Virginia was and still is.

Whenever I train a horse for someone, I require that the owner spend some time
with me and their horse to learn how to push the buttons that I have
programmed into the horse.

Virginia and Pixie did amazingly well during their lessons with me and it was
apparent right from the start that they were indeed a team.

Eventually, Virginia's knees bothered her too much to ride so she decided to
teach Pixie to drive so that they could still enjoy each other's company.

Each year, we receive a Christmas card 'from Pixie' with a pictorial review of
their year's activities.  I stand in awe of Virginia and all that she does!

Virginia's hubby, Bill, was not the horse person in their family so seeing
Bill with Pixie in the article made it even a nicer surprise.

My hat is off to Virginia and Bill - still going strong - and of course  - to
their forever friend, PIXIE!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
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More on Wez's party

2009-09-29 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 

Hi Again,

I can't believe that I forgot to mention in my last post - the 'stall door'
party afterwards.  For you football fans, that is the horsey equivalent of a
'tail gate party'!  LOL!!

Back at the barn, there was champagne flowing, lots of cameras flashing, Wez
poking his head out and POSING like a ham AND a big sheet cake with a Fjord on
it.  Someone did an excellent job of drawing the Fjord in frosting and it was
OMG deliscious with several flavors of cake in cluding - what else - carrot
cake.  Wez told me that was his FAVORITE!  Personally, I preferred the
chocolate part with a load of cream cheese frosting!  IMHO, afterall, the only
reason for cake is to hold up the frosting.  LOL!!

A good time was had by all.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Wez's Retirement Party

2009-09-27 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 

Hi Everyone,

Many of you read Anne Appleby's recent post regarding Wez's retirement party.
Anne had also sent me a personal invitation to join in the celebration of
Wezzie's incredible lifetime accomplishments.  I was very honored that Anne
would ask us (Dusty & I) to be included as part of Wezzie's journey and would
not have missed it for the world.  The 'party' was held in conjunction with
the NW Regional Dressage Championships in Sherwood, Oregon at an absolutely
(OMG!!) breath taking facility.

Two other gals from my barn, Mary Johnson and Deanna Haugen, came along as
well.  We left early in the afternoon so that we could watch some of the
classes prior to Wez's party.  While Dressage is certainly not my venue, I
always appreciate seeing good horses perform at their best.  It was VERY fun
to see (among all of the others) Grand Prix Freestyle.  Freestyle Reining
(Western) is my passion - different, but similar in many ways.  I have always
teased Anne that Reining is simply Dressage done at 90 miles an hour with only
one hand on the reins!  LOL!!

It was funny, as we drove into the facility, there were acres of horse
trailers.  How in the world would we find Anne in the midst of all of this???
I glanced through several of the trailers and - VOILA - I thought I spotted
Anne sitting at her camp with some friends!  What were the odds of that??  We
finagled our way thru the parking area and sure enough - it was indeed Anne!
We stopped the car, rolled down the window and said, 'BOO!'  When Anne saw us,
she jumped up, nearly spilling her lunch that was in her lap, came over and,
in typical, gracious, Anne fashion, thanked us so much for coming.  HOLY COW -
we were just tickled to be invited and would not have missed the chance to
honor Wez & Anne's incredible accomplishments!

Anne had made a collage of pictures of Wez throughout his career and - low &
behold  - she had included the picture of she & Wez & Dusty & I to commemorate
the several Pas de Deux demonstrations that she & I had done together.  I
giggled and said that that was THE ONLY saddle horn on the entire property!
That picture was on the cover of the Herald after we did our last performance
together.  Little did we know then that that would be our very last
performance.  Wez has since sustained a serious injury while playing in his
pasture that put an end to his performance career.  DANG!

At the end of the day there was an awards ceremony, wine and cheese social
hosted in the gorgeous (OMG!!) indoor arena.  As the GRAND FINALE was Wezzie's
celebration of life!  Anne rode him in, dressed in top hat & tails as the
story of their life long journey was read.  There was standing room only, but
it was bitter sweet as Anne gently guided Wez through some simple maneuvers
that he could still do. At the conclusion of their biography, Anne's Dressage
trainer, Karri and her groom enterred the arena, untacked him for the last
time and put a beautiful cooler on him that was embroidered with his name and
Anne's logo for Creekside Farm.  There was not a dry eye in the crowd and they
received a standing ovation.  We were so very honored to be there.  What an
incerdible duo those two are.

In case there is someone who doesn't know - Wez is the only Fjord in the world
that has been awarded the Gold Medal from the USDF.

 Anne & I had a great time reminiscing about the fun we had riding together.
Oh yeah, in case there is someone who doesn't know - my stallion, Dusty, is
the only Fjord in the world that has been trained, shown and has won in
Cutting and Reining.   We come from completely different disciplines and our
two horses are very different, but on the other hand, there are a lot of
similarities.  During that conversation, I had mentioned that Dressage riders
would make excellent reiners because they are such technical riders - probably
much more so than Western riders.  Anne's response was that the basics are
actually the same and it is really all about 'feel'.  I couldn't agree more.

The ceremony was a glorious tribute to two incredible individuals and I am so
very glad that I have had the honor to know them.  The only sad part is that
some of our Fjord 'heros', such as Wez and Dusty are getting old.  I rue the
day when we must say good-bye, but that day will come.  I must remind myself
to make it a celebration of LIFE indeed!!

A HUGE shout out to Anne & Wez from your friends at Field of Dreams!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Moses Lake Evaluation and show

2009-09-03 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 

Hi Everyone,

Finally have gotten unpacked from our trip to the Moses Lake show and wanted 
to take time to jot a few lines about the show.  It was GOOD!

As always - hats off to the volunteers who made it all possible.  What a 
super crew.

Wed. morning began with a clinic by Wayne and Beth to put folks' nerves at 
ease and to, once again, give us the opportunity to learn.  I, personally, 
always appreciate the chance to glean valuable information.

I brought 5 horses from my barn, Dusty, Johan, Dustenai (owned by Mary 
Johnson), Brijten (owned by Deanna Haugen) and Johan's Smoky Topas (also 
owned by Mary Johnson).  I was accompanied by Mary, Deanna and our 'horse 
show mommy', Sheri Vance.  Sheri boards her Arab in my barn, but loves to 
travel with us as our GOFER and is invaluable help.

Wed. Mary presented Dustenai for Conformation in the Evaluation.  We were 
thrilled when Dustenai received her BLUE.  Many of you may remember, 
Dustenai had belonged to Patty Peterson before Patty passed away a few years 
ago.  Mary worked very hard preparing Dustenai for this Evaluation and we 
were quite sure that Patty was smiling down from above this week! 
Especially since Mary & Dustenai went on to receive their Silver Medallions 
for Intro. Western as well as their Silver Medallion for Intro. Driving with 
a score of 94!!  Needless to say, I was so proud of my 'kids'!

Mary's gray filly, Johan's Smoky Topas (can you GUESS who is her daddy?), is 
only 3 and I had put 90 day's training on her prior to the show.  This was 
her debut Fjord show and we wanted it to be a low key, good learning 
experience for her.  HOLY COW, I could not have asked for anything better 
from this filly.  What an angel.  She was pretty wide-eyed at all of the 
doings and commotion, but stayed tuned to me and took it all in stride, even 
when there were some scarey happenings such as the photographer accidently 
knocking over a chair right beside her and another horse blowing up right 
behind her in the Walk-Trot class.

There were only 3 halter classes, Stallions, Mares & Geldings all ages. 
Since Topas is only 3, I had told Mary not to expect to win in the mares 
class since Topas is still a 'work in progress' and there were plenty of 
very nice mature mares.  HOLY COW again! Topas won!!!  I about cried down 
both legs!  LOL!!

I rode Topas in a Walk-Trot class.  I thought that was as much as we should 
require of her for this first time out.  She behaved so well and placed 
second in that class.  What a good girl she was.

I also showed Johan in the Stallion's Halter class.  He won!!  I have shown 
him 3 times in halter, once in Turlock, CA., once in Libby and this time. 
He has won everytime out and took Grand Champion Stallion at both Turlock 
and Libby.  To me, this guy is 'eye candy', very dark gray and a head that 
is simply stunning.  I'm not prejudiced or anything??!!  LOL!

I rode Johan in his first ever Senior Western Pleasure Class and he WON!! 
Another HOLY COW!!

This was the first ever Fjord show for Deanna and Brijten.  They both had 
some butterflies, but worked hard the entire week to get through their 
'stage fright'.  We've all 'been there - done that'!  They were courageous 
and pushed past it all and I was, again, proud of my 'kids'.

And then there was Dusty.  I had been asked to do our Freestyle Reining demo 
with him.  He is now 23 years young - THE proverbial energizer bunny!  I 
decided that it would be fitting to dedicate this performance to his sire, 
Anvil's Pluto, who passed away in June.  We did it in conjunction with the 
Stallion Review since every horse that came with us on this trip was from 
his seed.  Dustenai is a direct daughter.  Brijten and Johan are both 
grandsons and Topas is a great grand daughter to Dusty.  The real PROOF of a 
stallion is in his ability to sire good offspring.  I thought it would be 
quite fitting to bring in this cross section of what Dusty has produced.  I 
came in first and then the other 4 followed.  They lined up head-to-tail in 
front of the audience and then Dusty & I turned to face them.  It was pretty 
cool and I had goose bumps looking at 'my family'.  The other 4 then left 
the arena and Dusty and I did our Freestyle demo.  There were several video 
cameras going and Dan Watanabe said that he would try to edit them together 
and come up with a good copy.

Speaking of the Stallion Review, none of us presenting stallions had any 
idea what the others had planned, but it actually seemed as though it had 
been intentionally choreographed!  We did the Freestyle Reining, one was 
ridden bridleless, one was driven hitched in harness, one was ground driven 
in long lines and some were shown in hand.  A nice display of very different 

I was asked to carry the Ameri

Fjords shedding

2009-08-12 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 


I have been so busy this summer that I have not posted much, but had to 
chuckle about Fjords shedding and wanted to jot a few lines about that.  I 
have observed through the many years that I have had Fjords, that they are 
very sensitive to the solstices.  If you pay close attention, they will 
start sloughing long winter hairs by around Christmas time (winter solstice 
is I think Dec. 21).  It can be colder than heck & they are getting ready 
for summer!  Gives me a glimmer of hope when in the throws of WINTER!

Summer solstice is June 21 - yup, those darned Fjords start shedding and 
getting ready for winter - GRRR!!!  It can be 105 in the shade and they are 
starting the process to put on fluff.

Has anyone else noticed this about their Fjords?

We are preparing for the Evaluation and show in Moses Lake the end of this 
month.  I hope it isn't TOO summer there.  It can be very hot & nasty there 
in August.  Kind of hard to make then perk up and look like they are having 
fun when I just feel like a puddle of melted butter!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
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Nice GRAY Gelding For Sale

2008-09-28 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi folks,

I have a very nice, dark gray, young gelding for sale.  His registered name is
Majson Knut, but his new 'barn' name is 'Herbie' - as in LOVE BUG.  He is a
real sweetie pie and loves hugs. He is listed on the Digest For Sale page
along with a picture and info as to what he has accomplished so far in his
training.  I do have a full body picture available if you would like to see
more of him.  His owners are 'motivated' and he is reasonably priced.

This fellow has strikingly BLACK facial markings - a real eye-catcher.  He has
a lifetime of performance to offer some lucky person.

Please email me privately for more info or call 541-485-2730.  I don't 'hang
out' by the phone very often, but if you leave a message, I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
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Treating abscesses

2008-09-17 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


3M makes a dandy poltice bandage that works really well and eliminates the
need to make your horse stand in a bucket of water, etc.  I have seen this
product in rolls and in small squares.  The material is impregnated with
'stuff' that draws the infection out.  You simply wet the bandage with water
to activate and place on the sole.  I have used them with a medicine boot or
you can simply wrap with vet wrap &/or duct tape.  Sure makes treating
abscesses a lot easier.  Just change once a day.

Good luck.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Looking for Laurie Lamb

2008-08-30 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I don't know if Laurie is still a subscriber, but if you are, would you 
please email me?


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
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Thanx for the help

2008-08-24 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi steve,

Thank you for answering my question in regard to resizing photos.  I followed
your instructions and managed to 'git 'er done'

Thank you, too, for making this available.  Sure makes sense and seems much
simpler for folks looking to buy a Fjord - rather than having to slog through
the 'other' sites with so many breeds.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Important FjordHorse List Links:
Subscription Management: http://tinyurl.com/5msa7e
FH-L Archives: http://tinyurl.com/rcepw
Classified Ads: http://tinyurl.com/5b5g2f

Sizzling gray gelding for sale

2008-08-18 Thread Gayle Ware
This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


For those of you who love gray Fjords (AKA - blue dun, 'blue buckskin' as I
affectionately call them), I have a very gray young gelding for sale.  I say
very gray because he is dark - no question as to what color he is!  This
fellow, Knut, is a half brother to my gray stallion, Johan, and if Knut
follows suit, he will only get darker with age. Knut has permanent BLACK
eyeliner and a black muzzle - very striking.

Knut is 2 years old and has come to my training barn to establish his
fundamental training in preparation for a lifetime of performance for some
lucky person.  He now has his Associate Degree in Kindergarten!  We have
worked extensively in the round pen and he has learned to carry a bit and
saddle and is responding nicely to voice commands to walk, trot, and whoa (my
favorite word to establish in a horse's vocabulary!).  He is learning to
become soft, flexible and responsive to the bit.  We have done some cantering
just to make sure that that gear is there also.

Knut stands about 13.1 hands right now so I don't expect him to be huge by the
time he is mature, but will make a delightful mount for a lady or small youth.
Because he is young and just starting his learning experience, I would not
recommend him for beginners.

He is priced right now at $3200 so if someone wants a nice performance
prospect, take a good look at this fellow.  I will be continuing with his
foundation work for now and would be happy to finish that when he is old
enough if someone doesn't have the knowlege or skill to complete that

For more info you can email me or call at 541-485-2730.  If you call, you'll
probably have to leave a message and I'll return the call.  I don't spend much
time sitting by the phone!  LOL!!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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Sad day for the Fjord world

2008-07-22 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just received a phone call from MT. saying that Don Torgunrud passed 
away.  Many of you recall that he and his wife, Heather, purchased Flotren a 
few years ago.  Torgunruds were very active in promoting Fjords and had 
hosted driving clinics at their place in St. Ignatius, etc.

Don will certainly be missed.  I don't have details as to when a service 
will be held.

Our sympathies go out to Heather and the rest of the family.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Thanx for the kudos

2008-06-11 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: Thanx for the kudos

Hello everyone,

Some things must be said!

Some things must not go unannounced.

We (Rune and I) have been lucky enough to not only meet but to become
friends with a trainer we not only respect. but we hope will be our 
for life. This trainer has worked with all sorts of horses. This trainer 
a great reputation for being a fare but stern. The boundaries are 

first and foremost. The results are stupendous. We do not always had a
chance to work with this trainer for her schedule is always full. 
we did get a spot for one of the horses we co-own and we have been more 

satisfied with the results of our horse's training.

I am writing about our own Gayle Ware. from Eugene, Oregon. Gayle is 
for Dusty.but Gayle should be known for her compassion and her dedication 

our breed and horses in general. We were able to put a "non fjord" in
training with her with exceptional results. Our Dole Horse came back to 

with such grace, talent with training. WOW. is all I said to Gayle.

If you ask us who should train your horse? We would recommend Gayle Ware 

under saddle and for higher levels of training. Do not be fooled by the
WESTERN SADDLE she uses. GOOD TRAINING. is the same. Dressage, western
saddle or English saddle, sidesaddle, saddle seat or  vaulting. good
training translated into any seat or fashion!

THANK YOU GAYLE for such a great job on our Dole horse, Stjerna!

Catherine Lassesen

Hestehaven - "The Horse Garden"

& Hundehaven - "The Dog Heaven"


Gosh, thank you for the kind words, Catherine.  I must say that working 
with Stjerna, the Dole, was a treat, indeed and I thank you for bringing 
her to me.  She is a very interesting horse.  She is THE MOST people 
oriented horse I have ever met - and that includes a number of great 
Fjords that have crossed my path.  Whenever I came into the barn she would 
nicker and BEG for attention.  'MY TURN PLEASE!!' and then she'd insist 
upon having hugs.  I am curious as to whether this is typical of all 
Dole's or if this one is just special?  There are so few Doles in this 
country (about 20 I believe) that I'm not sure if I will ever have the 
opportunily to train another one for comparison?

I posted earlier about riding Stjerna for Lasessens at the Expo in Albany. 
That was her first exposure to the public and all of that commotion.  She 
did extraordinarily well and took it in stride as though it was an 
everyday occurance.  I am always mindfull of pleasing owners and was ever 
so tickled when, after our first performance, Catherine met me with tears 
in her eyes, gave me a big hug and said, 'That was awesome!'.  AND Rune 
was grinning from ear to ear, eyes sparkling.  Made my day!

You are right about good basic training - does not matter what kind of 
saddle one rides.  My primary interest is in reining, but the basic 
'stuff' is having control of all body parts and the horse being willing to 
relinquish control when asked - AKA - DRESSAGE?!

Anyway, I thank you again for giving me the opportunity to ride for you.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Two Fjord firsts?

2008-04-23 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I just received an email from Pam Adler.   She had purchased a Dusty son 
from us a few years ago named Eric - more recently tagged, by Pam as 'Eric 
the Awesome'.  Pam had just completed an endurance ride with Eric and they 
finished within the allotted time and, oviously, had cleared the vet checks. 
She was pretty stoked to say the least!  CONGRADULATIONS Pam & Eric!!!  Has 
anyone else ever tackled endurance rides with a Fjord?  I don't recall 
hearing of any.  Pam 'mentioned' that Eric reminds her of Dusty.  Dusty is 
the proverbial energizer bunny and must have passed that gene on to his son!

The other Fjord first - I was watching Dr. Phil yesterday as he was doing a 
segment on the polygamist colony in Eldorado, Texas.  Dr Phil was 
interviewing a woman who had escaped from the colony as a teenager and I 
noticed a horse's behind in the background.  It had the black stripe down 
the middle of it's tail which caught my 'Fjord' eye. HMMM - wonder IF???  A 
short time later as the interview continued, the horse had turned around and 
sure enough - there was the black stripe down the mane and it looked like 
the mane had been trimmed in the tradtitonal arc.  Does anyone know anything 
about that Fjord?  Did anyone else see it?

I am anxiously awaiting some of that global warming!!  Snow in April is 
making me very cranky!!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Expo - Albany, OR

2008-04-09 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Catherine,
Maybe some or all of you might think I am being a bit of a 'wet rag' but 
do these wonderfully distinctive horses need to be presented with a 
Aren't they enough of an attraction on their own merits or is it a 

of the Horse Expo management to have a theme?
I'm sorry but I didn't get to catch much of the fjord demos, just late
Sunday's, and it was like a freezer in there, you guys are to be commended 

hanging out all weekend in that cold.
JMPO but I would rather participate "straight up" doing a single or group 
in riding or driving in conventional tack, and doing it well, than trying 
keep a sombrero on my head or a pirate sword from whacking my horses 

hinde - (pun intended! ;~))

Karen McCarthy

The theme is mainly for the booth and the music we use. The performances
have been straight up performances.  I do not think Gayle and Dusty's
performance was costumed out or ran over by the theme of our booth. Or was
it? Let me know.  Our theme was "A Fjord for all Seasons and a Fjord for 



I just wanted to comment briefly about our demo at the Albany Expo before 
heading to the barn for the day.  Karen, I'm sorry I missed seeing you 
there.  Wish you could have made it to the stalls to visit.  You are right, 
it was COLD & MISERABLE to say the least.  Did you see any of the Fjord 
demos on Sun?  We (me & the gals from my barn) weren't 'costumed', but 
rather rode in traditional (well sorta & I'll explain that in a bit) Western 
attire with black, long sleeved shirts, black pants, glitzy vests and black 
Western hats.  We all were perfectly matched, well, that is, except for me. 
Normally we would wear a black slinky with vests and black jeans.  HOWEVER, 
since it was so very cold, I opted to put a sweat shirt underneath, black 
turtle neck to replace the slinky and vest on top of that.  Plus, I replaced 
the cold jeans for black SKI PANTS.  When you're young, you have a need to 
look good at all costs.  AHEM, when you get older you get smarter and opt to 
be comfortable!!  Guess that makes me older!  LOL!!

Matt & Becky Hope demonstrated packing for the first part of the Fjord demo. 
I was actually wishing at one point that I was riding with them because they 
had a lot more clothes on and looked much warmer than we were!!  They were 
accompanied by a couple of gals riding English.

I have a brilliant idea. I'd like to challenge someone out there to 'invent' 
a full body suit like the little crushable hand warmers.  I have a vision of 
a real 'hands on' warm up arena with everyone trying to crush the little 
thingys inside to activate the heat!  UH OH - guess I'd better go clean 

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Northwest Horse Fair and Expo

2008-03-31 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello From Oregon,

The 2008 NW Horse Fair and Expo, Albany, Oregon, was this past weekend. 
Eight Fjords participated.  The first portion of our Fjord demo was 
presented by Mat & Becky Hope along with a couple of young gals riding 
English.  Mat & Becky are very involved with Back Country Horsemen and they 
demonstrated backing tips.

The second part of the Fjord demo was presented by myself and 3 other gals 
from my barn, the 'Field of Dreams Dream Team', Sue Grantham, Deanna Haugen 
and Mary Johnson.  We rode a very complicated quadrille consisting of 
extended trotting, two tracking, side passing, several lead changes 
including lead changes on the diagonal, roll backs, sliding stops and, of 
course, Dusty's spins. Those spins always set off the crowd and we got many 
compliments afterward, not just for the spins, but for the demo as a whole.

I'd like to extend a 'hats off' THANK YOU to my 'Dream Team'.  These gals 
dedicated any & all of their spare time for the past several months 
practicing and perfecting our performance.

Catherine & Rune Lasessen manned the 'information booths' - plural because 
Lasessens had also given me the privilege of training and riding their Dole 
horse, Stjerna.  Stjerna looks much like a small Fresian, blacker than the 
ace of spades, and - OH MY GOSH a mane & tail like I've never seen before! 
This was Stjerna's first adventure out into the public and she handled it 
like it was an everyday occurance.  She, too, wowwed the audience with her 
two tracking, extended trotting, lead change and her STOPS.  OOPS, Rune, 
sorry, but I think I ruint your driving horse!  PLEASE be careful when 
asking her to stop when you have her hitched!!!  LOL!!  It's funny, whenever 
I've done demos like this, I can tell from the audience's response, whether 
it is a mainly English or Western crowd.  The English crowd goes nutz over 
the extended trotting and the Western crowd goes nutz over the stops. 
Sunday Stjerna's crowd was mostly Western folks.  They LOVED her stops.  It 
is always fun to show the rest of the horse world that these draftier types 
can DO IT TOO!!

The weather was absolutely miserable - wind, rain, hail, sleet, snow - you 
name it - everything but warm!!  For self preservation, I wore ski pants the 
entire time!!  In spite of the weather, the crowds were good, parking lots 
and stands full.

The main draw this year was Craig Cameron and the Extreme Cowboy Race (RFD 
TV).  There were 3 go-rounds and finals on Sunday.  That was very fun to 
watch.  One of my students was chosen to participate on her QH.  She didn't 
win, but had a ball just participating.

There were several video cameras rolling throughout the weekend.  Catherine 
is planning to have them edited together from the different angles and I am 
very anxious to see that.

I, for one, am glad it is finished!  Anyone who has done this type of thing 
knows what a marathon it is!  Right, Beth  I have finally gotten warm 
again, but am bone weary!!  Now comes the hard part - unpacking and 

Life is good!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Condolences from Field of Dreams

2008-01-01 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

She crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday afternoon.  It was that quick. 

buried her up here on Pack's Peak today.


Gosh, so sorry to hear about your mare!  In case anyone might be interested, 
I found a really neat memorial stone in the Country Supply catalog.  It is 
engraved with a horseshoe and the following, 'I will listen for your 
hoofbeats in heaven.'  It looks like a large boulder, but is very light 
weight and can be easily moved for mowing.  The cost is $19.99.  I just got 
one to place on our Molde's grave.  I am going to take it to have her name 
inscribed on it.  Somehow, it just makes me feel better.


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thanx for your concern

2007-12-18 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am surprised not to hear any reports of our 120 mph winds here on the
Washington and Oregon coasts.  I am inland fifty miles but had winds to 
plus. Very unusual for this area. We have been declared a disaster area. 
had no electricity or telephone for seven days and no water for the first 

Huge trees down everywhere. People killed and homeless. Horses and cows
drowned.  Many people still in shelters. I was so lucky as I had most of 

trees topped in the spring.  Those that came down were only on my fences.
Gunnar seemed his usual self when I could get out there and the two minis 
the same. I wonder about Dusty and the big barns that may have suffered. 


Jean Gayle, thanks for thinking of us.  We are fine and did not get the 
brunt of that storm.  Looking at the news reports, it certainly was awful. 
Glad to hear you are safe, although being without power is definitely a 
PAIN!!  That happened to us a few years back.  No power, no water. 
Fortunately our neighbors are with a different power company and they had 
electricity, but hauling water for 20+ horses is no fun.  THAT was the year 
we decided NEVER to dump out water troughs for the winter!  We now leave 
them full - just for in case.

We did get an awful wind storm a few years ago where the winds all shifted 
from their normal paths.  We are protected by hills behind us, but this 
particular time the wind swooped down the hill instead of going over the top 
of us like normal..  That wind caught the back corner of our indoor arena 
and began rolling the corrugated steel roof up in a ball.  I was inside 
feeding the horses their dinner.  It sounded like we were inside a thunder 
bolt.  VERY FRIGHTENING!  The non Fjords were going crazy.  The Fjords were 
a little edgy.  They asked if it was going to be OK.  I told them it would 
be fine, eat your dinner - AND THEY DID!  LOVE FJORDS!!

That wind tore off 100' of roofing over the indoor arena and stopped at the 
hay storage area!  THANK heavens or we would have lost all of out hay!

That particular barn is 250' long.  I was certainly glad it stopped where it 
did!  Replacing 100' was tough enough.

I hope this is the end of those bad winter storms.  I always think of the 
poor animals and wonder if they survive.

Thanx again,

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Gal looking for training cart

2007-10-08 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message - 
From: "fjordhorse-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 7:27 AM
Subject: fjordhorse-digest V2007 #231

I had a gal stop by my barn this weekend from the Seattle area.  She is 
looking for a training cart for her 2 year old Fjord.  Her name is Denay 
Love.  If anyone has one for sale, she can be contacted at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Her phone number is 206-427-9502.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

In the middle - Eugene, OR

2007-09-07 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
When considering a "middle" show what about Eugene Ore?  I was there to
worship Dusty one time and thought the grounds and arena quite good. 

mother?  Jean Gayle
Why isn't there talk about Eugene Oregon for a middle ground?  Dusty's
mother???  I was there for a show some years ago and thought the arena was
pretty good.  Jean Gayle

Hi Jean,

In response to the above, you are right about the good geographic location 
of Eugene and the great facilities available in this area.  I did put on an 
Evaluation a few years after we moved here.  I think that was the first 
Eval. offered that was not held in conjunction with a Fjord show so it was a 
'test' as to whether we could draw enough entries to make it happen.  I had 
thought we could draw folks from CA, WA, OR, Can. and all points near.  We 

Then Catherine Lasessen hosted another one at her facility south of us. 
That went well too. - Again, not held in conjunction with a show.

Catherine & I have discussed the possibility of ulitizing the great 
facitities at Oregon Horse Center - 3 indoor arenas all under one roof.

I am certain that there are other really nice facilities around the NW as 
well.  The main obstacle, at least for me, is the time consuming effort 
required to plan and host such events.  I know it took me a whole year of 
preparation to find a facitily, make arrangements throught the Eval. 
Committe & NFHR Board, hire judges before they were booked full, handle 
paperwork, ETC!  WHEW!

I might entertain the idea of doing something again in this area - when I 
have time - UH HUH!!  Right now my barn keeps me more than busy with 
training, lessons, etc.  FIELD OF DREAMS - 'if you build it, they will 
come' - and they did!!!

Dusty's Mother - that would be me.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

This 'N That from Field of Dreams

2007-09-03 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message - 
From: "fjordhorse-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



I think I finally have my feet back on solid ground after returning from the 
show at Moses Lake so will take a few minutes to jot a note or two.

I took 3 horses for the evaluation and show, Dusty to do his Freestyle 
Reining demo, Jolara, a 4 year old filly by Johan and Dustenai, a Dusty 
daughter now owned by Mary Johnson of Veneta, OR.  Many of you may recall 
Dustenai.  She was owned by Patty Peterson of Libby before Patty passed 
away.  Dustenai lives here at Field of Dreams and shall remain here forever. 
She is indeed quite a jewel.

This was Mary's very first show so she was a bit nervous, but Dusenai 
'helped' her through everything with her quiet, matter-of-fact, let's do it 
attitude.  Mary took Dustenai through the Evaluation Conformation and earned 
a respectable 77.  Now they are good to go for their performance medallions.

Mary & Dustenai also enterred the Maiden Trail class.  I looked over the 
course and gave Mary a few tips on how to tackle each obstacle.  Mary is a 
good listener and they won that class!!  Such a confidence booster!!!

They also enterred the Maiden Walk Trot Pleasure class and took second. 
Good job.

Poor Jolara!  I am sure she thought she had died and gone to he**!!  This 
was her first time away from home and she was quite wide-eyed, but handled 
everything very well.  She sure matured a lot during the week.  She earned a 
solid 76 so she is also good to go for her Eval.performance tests.

AND then there was Dusty.  He is 21 this year and still lays awake at night 
trying to figure out how to tick me off & embarrass me.  Think he was told 
that is his mission in life!!  Gotta love the bugger though.  He gets really 
amped up in rail classes and just about wiggles out of his skin.  Sorta 
forgets how to walk.  When he was a youngster, I busted him a bazillion 
times for trotting when he was told to walk.  SO, he figured out that if I 
could count 4 beats, that must be OK!  He does some sort of running walk 
thing - since I'm not a gaited horse person, I'm not exactly sure what it 
is. I just know he beats himself in rail classes with it!  Anyway, we took 
third in the W. Equitation class.  Think the judge gave ME credit for 
staying on that crotch rocket!

Dusty and I did our demo in between a couple of the driving classes as a 
filler.  Now that is his cup of tea.  He did his 'thing' and goofed up - 
'got a case of selective hearing' a couple of places, but no one was keeping 
score on a judge's card & it was fun anyway.

Dusty prefers the GO FAST stuff so I enterred him in barrels and keyhole 
just for fun.  I must admit - I like that too.  He ended up winning both of 
those classes.

All in all, it was a good show with an amazing number of horses for the 
first one.  Hats off to those who worked so hard to pull it together. 
Having worked on the Libby show for many years, I KNOW how much work is 
required to make it happen!

On another note, Stjerna, the Dole horse has arrived at Field of Dreams. 
She had been at Jensens for driving training and is now here for her riding 
training.  She belongs to Catherine & Rune Lasessen.  She is black & looks 
like a small version of a Fresian. When Rune brought her, he filled me in on 
what a Dole horse is about.  HMM, now this should be a fun challenge for me. 
I did PROMISE Catherine NOT to shave her legs!  LOL!!  Thank you Lasessens 
for giving me the priviledge!!

Also just a reminder that the Mountain Trail Championship show is coming 
soon at the Oregon Horse Center here in Eugene.  Several folks expressed 
interest in doing that show when I wrote the article about it in the Herald. 
It is SOMETHING!  It has again been expanded and offers something for 
everyone.  If you are interested in details, you can log onto their website 
at www.oregonhorsecenter.com.  Sure would be great to have a number of 
Fjords there this year!!

Until next time.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjnominal Fjord Finds New Family

2007-08-03 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fjnominal Fjord Finds New Family

This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And the 'lucky WINNERS' were Gene and Ruthie Bushnell from Troy, MT.
Ely arrived at their place last Sunday. > >

Gayle Ware

WE SURELY DO feel like we hit the "jackpot" this time Gayle =))) Ely
is all that you claimed he was and more besides.. we love him!!

We knew the Dustin lineage, we knew your training ability, and your
integrity history, so we seized the lucky opportunity post haste.. !!

Thanks very much !!  Ruthie and Gene, nw mt US
   Bushwhacker Fjords


I am always so glad to hear that folks are pleased with their new Fjord 
family member!  I had 'mentioned' that Ely was absolutely magnificent - 
pretty strong recommendation and was hoping that you would come to that same 
conclusion!  He really is quite extraordinary.

Thank you for the kind words of confidence.  I appreciate that.

Please do keep us posted on 'everything Ely'!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjnominal Fjord Finds New Family

2007-08-02 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my post 
regarding Dustin's Ely, the BEEN THERE - DONE THAT gelding that we had for 
sale.  I did get a flurry of inquiries - a testament to the desire for 
really good, broke Fjords.  Whenever we have one like that for sale, they 
are gone in a heart beat.

And the 'lucky WINNERS' were Gene and Ruthie Bushnell from Troy, MT.  Ely 
arrived at their place last Sunday.  I had been telling them how absolutely 
fabulous this guy was and all of the really cool things about him and then 
anxiously awaited to hear from them after they had had a chance to ride him. 
Well, THE email arrived this morning and if I might take the liberty of 
quoting Ruthie - WOW WOW WOW!!  He is so light and responsive even in just a 
snaffle bit.  Gene and son are apparently grinning from ear to ear.  LOL!!

I did ask if they had found the 'Gayle' stop yet - tuck your butt, say 
'whoa' and take the slack out of the reins.  Gene plans to see if Ely will 
take to driving so he can team him up with his Homer.  UMM - Gene, might 
have to do a little deprogramming on the stop.  Don't think sliding stops 
are good when hitched to a vehicle!  LOL!!

Ruthie did mention that she might like to have one like that for herself, 
but a bit closer to the ground.  LOL!!  Ely is right at 15 hands.

Anyway, congradulations to Bushnells and I look forward to hearing more 
about Ely's new career.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Food for thought regarding Coggins tests

2007-08-02 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I have been following the many discussions and different perspectives in 
regard to coggins testing.  I get the impression that folks think they are 
'safe' if all horses have a negative coggins.  Kinda like the new airport 
security screening - folks feel confident that with the tighter security - 
terrorists won't be able to blow up any more planes.  UH HUH!

I guess that requiring coggins testing is better than nothing at all, but I 
have always questioned their validity primarily because, once a horse tests 
negative, they are 'good to go' for 6 months to a year - depending on each 
different state.  Did the thought ever occur to anyone else that, 5 minutes 
after the vet draws blood, the horse could be bitten by an infected bug? 
And the horse is 'good to go' for many months?  Honestly, to be really 
effective, coggins should be done more often - maybe everytime a horse 
leaves the property?!  HEAVEN FORBID!!

PLEASE no flaming arrows.  I do get coggins and health and every other thing 
that the law requires to travel.  I just wanted to put that on the table - 
food for thought.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjnominal Fjord gelding for sale

2007-07-18 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi From Field of Dreams,

If anyone is looking for a BEEN THERE - DONE THAT great gelding, this fellow 
is it.  He is 11 years old and stands close to 15 hands.  He is sired by 
Woodland's Dustin and is out of Paradise's Celebrity, whom I sold to a 911 
firefighter from NY City.  Dusty has his Blue in Conformation and Gold 
Medallions in Western & English through the NFHR Evaluation.  Celebrity has 
two offspring that have earned performance medallions in Western so this 
guy, Dustin's Ely, comes with credentials plus.

I sold Ely as a youngster to a gal from here in Eugene.  I did his initial 
training and we showed him with success.  He also participated in an Expo in 
Albany, Oregon.  A few years later his owner moved to eastern Oregon and 
took him on camping trips there.  He most recently was ridden by two young 
girls in jumping.

I have been riding him myself and have also used him for lessons.  GEEZ, he 
is nice!  He has a great, cadenced jog, nice extended trot, slow collected 
canter, a 'Gayle' stop, very correct rollbacks (AKA haunch turns).  This guy 
could be competitive in Open Pleasure classes.  He is really a nice mover.

I would love to see him go to someone who would be interested in having him 
evaluated at some point in the near future.  He definitely has what it takes 
to earn Gold Medallions!

His original owners have divorced so he is now looking for a new family.  He 
is priced to sell and is a real bargain at $5500.

He can be seen on my website under Winning Offspring.  Take a look.

If anyone is interested in scheduling an appointment to see him or would 
like more information, my barn number is 541-485-2730 or you can email me. 
I don't 'hang out' by the phone very often since I spend most of my waking 
hours riding and training so you may have to leave a message, but I will 
return the call as soon as humanly possible.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Dustenai comes home

2007-02-19 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 08:42:06 -0800
From: Mary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dustenai!

This message is from: Mary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello list!

I would like to announce, with great pride, that I am Dustenai's new
owner! (Or should I say, "Dustenai now owns me.")

I have been meaning to post for awhile, but I have just been too busy
in the barn loving on her.

Thank you, Shari. I know how difficult it was for you to part with
her. She is truly a sweetheart. Tell Christopher that she is settling
in just fine. He took such good care of her.

Dustenai and I are already making plans to attend the Albany EXPO, the
PNFPG Spring Fling, and the PNFPG shows this summer. I had the
opportunity in Libby to meet a lot of you folks, and I look forward to
renewing those friendships. So, we will see you there!

Before I go, a quick story about Dustenai. Gayle and I traveled up to
Shari's and picked up Dustenai just over a week ago. It took us
several hours to get home, and it was dark before we arrived at the
barn. The barn was quiet and closed up for the night. As I slid the
barn door open, Dustenai called out from the trailer. "Is there anyone
there?" From within the dark barn her son, Cymon, called back. When
she called back to him a chorus of sixteen horses answered her.
"Welcome. Welcome." It was one of the sweetest sounds I had ever


Many of you may remember Dustenai, who was owned by Patty Peterson of Libby. 
Patty passed away quite suddenly 2 years ago at this time of year.  I had 
some very 'unusual' experiences when Patty died and won't bore you with 
those details here, but I think this is one more 'wierd' thing and I think 
Patty is pulling strings from 'somewhere'!  I guess Patty wanted her two 
horses to stay together and through some odd circumstances, they have both 
returned here.

The 'rest of the story' is that, after every horse in the barn had called a 
'welcome home' greeting to Dustenai, we unloaded her from the trailer and 
took her to reunite with her son, Cymon.  We lead her to his stall, his head 
flew up and his eyes got BIG when he saw her.  He blinked in disbelief - 
'MOM, is that really you?'  Then they snuffled, first one nostril and then 
the other.  They were remembering.  It was a very special moment.  Their 
eyes were twinkling.

Anyway, we are happy as can be to have both of them here and thank you Shari 
(Shari Nees had purchased Dustenai 1 1/2 years ago) for letting this happen.

Mary is thrilled to be owned by Dustenai and has lots of plans for their 
future together.  Whenever you see these two out 'n' about together, be sure 
to say HEY!!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fairy Tale Fjord raffle Foal

2007-02-19 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message - 
From: "fjordhorse>

What do you all think about foal raffles?

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire

Hi All,

Many of you may remember the story I posted in Dec. about Alison McMillan, a 
young lady who works for me on Sundays in the barn.  She was the recipient 
of a second foal given away by the Oregon Fjord club.  The gelding's name is 
Trygmann and came from Hestahaven.  We gave Alison the BEST Christmas 
'surprise from Santa' party you could ever imagine - 21 people here to 

Anyway, the rest of the story is that this one does have a happy ending. 
Alison is thrilled to pieces and Trygmann is blossoming.  Brian Jensen 
shared some DVD's with us which I gave to Alison to watch and soon Trygmann 
will be attending 'baby boot camp'!

Alison's boyfriend is as thrilled as she is and spent a very long time 
making a name sign for Tyrgmann's stall - all by hand.  He was like a proud 
pappa as he hung it there for all to see.

Just wanted to share this update with everyone.  It can be a good thing.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you

2007-01-17 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thanx for passing along the info to change my email address. I
unsubscribed and resubscribed just yesterday and - VOILA! Thanx,
Steve. That was fast!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at: