RE: Fjords shedding

2009-08-12 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" 

Hi Gayle,

Yep,  I've noticed that they are very attuned to the solstices as day length
shedders, getting ready for summer mid-winter and now getting ready for
winter mid-summer!  At least in the latitudes I live in - near the 45th

One of the funniest sights was going for a drive during this time a few
years back in a light drizzle.  When I got home the front of my black
carriage was almost WHITE with little blonde hairs, as they flew off and
stuck to the carriage.  It was a bizarre sight.



Blue Mountain Farm 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gayle Ware
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11:18 AM
Subject: Fjords shedding

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" 


I have been so busy this summer that I have not posted much, but had to 
chuckle about Fjords shedding and wanted to jot a few lines about that.  I 
have observed through the many years that I have had Fjords, that they are 
very sensitive to the solstices.  If you pay close attention, they will 
start sloughing long winter hairs by around Christmas time (winter solstice 
is I think Dec. 21).  It can be colder than heck & they are getting ready 
for summer!  Gives me a glimmer of hope when in the throws of WINTER!

Summer solstice is June 21 - yup, those darned Fjords start shedding and 
getting ready for winter - GRRR!!!  It can be 105 in the shade and they are 
starting the process to put on fluff.

Has anyone else noticed this about their Fjords?

We are preparing for the Evaluation and show in Moses Lake the end of this 
month.  I hope it isn't TOO summer there.  It can be very hot & nasty there 
in August.  Kind of hard to make then perk up and look like they are having 
fun when I just feel like a puddle of melted butter!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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Running Brook Road Cart for Sale

2006-07-20 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For Sale:  Like new Running Brook Road Cart.  Hardly used.   
Wheels:43"   Shafts:   78" Width at Singletree:  42"
Pictured driving a 14 hand  pony.  (Fjord and harness  not included.)
Cart located in La Grande, Oregon.   $1,300.00
Phone:  541-963-5497(evenings)e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Running Brook Website:

Blue Mountain Farm
La Grande, Oregon, USA

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 


2006-07-03 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you - it was a great day!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Beth Pulsifer
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:36 PM

This message is from: "Beth Pulsifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The middle picture is just lovely.. My favorite... However they all are nice
and look like fun.!!!

RE: Sunday drives

2006-07-03 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of oe Wilson
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Sunday drives

This message is from: "oe Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would think the second one.  It balances you with the background.

Sunday drives

2006-07-03 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here are some photo links of our Sunday fjord drive.  Trying to decide which
is the favorite:


RE: collar size

2006-02-11 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Dave,

I think you already know my girls sizes - but depending upon body fat and
winter hair they are 20-21" neck collars.  Both Medium build 14 and 14.1


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David McWethy
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 11:10 AM
To: FjordList
Subject: collar size

This message is from: "David  McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What size collars are people using for Fjords?  If you can help me on this,
tell me collar size, horse height, and how drafty horse is.  I should know
this, but want to hear what others have to say.  My guess is that 21 is
right for mid size average Fjords.


RE: Foundation stock and more

2006-01-29 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Boy I agree with the Anvil's fjords - I have three full sisters I bought
from Unrau's.  They are all by Anvil's Morgan, out of Anvil's Juli (by
Leidjo).  Very athletic, very beautiful and they are sweet, responsive and
easy to work with.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 3:49 PM
Subject: Foundation stock and more

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/28/2006 2:19:34 PM Mountain Standard Time,

> If you see the prefix "Anvil's" on any horse
> your probably going to get a good minded horse - they really try for you
> with an attitude of good will.
> "Gjest" has proven himself with a great variety of offspring that has done
> everything from high level CDE's, high level dressage, fox hunting,
> pleasure work  and what Beth Beymer just did at National Western Stock
> The "Rokida" line, which goes back to an "Anvil's" prefix are absolutely
> known for disposition and do it all.
> I just worked with a "Solar" son this past year, an intact son, that was
> fantastic work with...great mind, very willing to please.
> This might be a good time to say these stallions are getting up there in
> age,"Solar" is gone - many of the great "Anvil's" offspring are gone,
> Erland, Gjest and the Steinfinn (Anvil's) and Rokida (Anvil's) might get
> difficult getting direct offspring  in the coming years.
> With us entering into a breeding season we might want to look at some of
> these "foundation" sires to preserve.
> Another horse that deserves preservation is the stallion "Hostar".

  Hi List ! Have to agree with everything Pat said here. Having
years and a small fortune " collecting " alot of these same bloodlines, I
tell you that they truely are something to try and preserve. The
that Orville and Anita Unrau, along with other early importers of these
lines like Carol Riviore and Gjest, should have some lifetime merit award at

   No secret that I am a big fan of the Anvil's line, esp. the offspring
of Leidjo and Anvil's Steinfin. My Sr. Stallion, Fair Acres Nels is a
wonderful boy, and has been a dream to own and stand. Leidjo has produced
such good
offspring, that there are too many to mention, and its no secret about how
love for this imported stud led my friend, Laura and I to help  " find him "
this last summer. Now that he is back at Unrau's in BC Canada, he has had
to heal from an injury and settle a few more mares. Just the fact that he
Anvil's Stina ( white ) produced another white filly after his return to
Unrau's is sort of a miracle, as Stina had suffered a rough, barn eisle
with a ( deseased ) large foal the year before.

Anita reports that all of these horses ( all in their
 20's ) returned to them are enjoying a good winter, together again, and
more foals are expected in 2006. If all works out, Leidjo and some of his "
wifes " including Stina and Lyna will be at our ranch for sort of a " resbit
lay-up and of course breeding season for Leidjo. Of course the thought of
HOSPICE occures to me. given their ages and their conditions while in Green
Bay. I would hate to be known as the place where these wonderful
stock remain till their last days, but at least they will be very very loved
cherished if they do come here.

   This year, I was able to get 2 more Leidjo mares, one is Anvil's
Rebekka, 14, a brown dun with yellow amber eyes ! out of that Leidjo /
Stina combo.and more reciently with my friend, Laura in WI. Anvil's
Sunn, a
white dun filly, 6 years old, same combo, Leidjo X Anvil's Stina, who is
sent to Phill Oddens for some " boot camp " training," ( as she was left
untrained and sort of lauguishing in a cow pasture in Green Bay for 5
years ) and
then breeding to his good stallion, Smedsmo Graan.

 With Fair Acres Juli, Anvil's Linnea, Anvil's Rebekka and now Anvil's
Sunn along with our Anvil's Steinfin son, Nels, you can see why I might be
as impressed with these bloodlines as well !  Of course, MVF Kariya winning
Grand Champion mare this summer at age 17, was a really exciting day for us,
she is a Karibu daughter, and an Erlend sister, with Froya as the dam.

   How many breeders of the remaining " great ones "  Hostar included,
are collecting these boys for future offspring, I wonder. So many breeds are
able to continue to have offspring 


2005-05-15 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had sent a private e-mail and I was frustrated and it showed.  Words I
stated could be easily taken in the worst possible sense and they have.  I
apologize to the list and all the parties involved, as this was not a right
thing to do.

I would like to clarify that I was never lied to in the sale of this animal.
It was miscommunication on all our parts.  In my mind there are two
different ways to mislead 1) by deliberately lying and 2) by being ignorant
of all the facts.  I firmly believe that we have been in error on this deal
on number 2. I have been very stout in this defense to my horse riding
friends and to the trainer - that it was an honest error on both sides.  The
sellers are good people.  The mare is a good mare.  I honestly feel I'm a
good person that tries to do right by my animals.   Sometimes things don't
work out as we have planned and it has been a major learning curve for me.

I was very specific in what I was looking for and the questions that I asked
and I felt I had received honest answers.   I knew what I needed in an
animal to support my endeavors.   My error was hearing only what I wanted to
hear.   I had asked if the mare was calm and confident and had been worked
away from home.   The answer was yes to all of these, and then went on to
explain all the driving accomplishments the farm has done.   I assumed that
this mare had been part to these driving trips and shows.   That was my

When I got her she was not calm or confident.  She was blown away in being
away from home.  After further communications with the seller, I found that
the mare had not been what I called worked away from home.  Again
miscommunication of interpretation.   The mare had been ridden off the
property and back and driven off the property and back.   She had never been
hauled away from home and asked to work elsewhere.   There is a big mental
difference in an animal that has learned it's training and gives itself in
trust when they no longer know where they are.  This mare could not do that
when I got her.   Her world experience was very small and she just didn't
know what to do outside of her comfort zone.   When I reported this behavior
to the seller, they could not believe that she was doing this.  But they had
not worked her out of her home zone before, so they where ignorant of this
hole in her education.

I felt that this mare had a lot of promise but for driving she was more than
I had experience for and I took her to a trainer.  He restarted her from the
ground up and she is decently solid now and definitely has found her brain
away from home.   She wouldn't have been passed from school if she didn't
have what it takes.   I'm very grateful for their kindness and perseverance.
She does have times that she gets worried, but she now can be brought back
into the groove.   I've been told by trainer and another well respected
clinician that she just needs miles put on her.My doubt is if I'm the
right person for her to do that.  Does that make me a bad person?  I don't
think so, I think it's an honest evaluation of my current abilities as a
green driver.   I have always strived to what is best for my animals.  I
have invested over $3,000 in this mare in the last three months beyond her
purchase price.  I don't think that shows lack of commitment or caring on my
part.   I'm just very sorry for all of this to have happened this way on
this platform.  It was an honest mistake, but that does not make it any
better or heal hurt feelings and for that I do feel badly.

Thank you for listening and again, I'm sorry to bring this to this platform
in the first place, it was very inappropriate for me to do so.


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Jeanine Rachau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:19 AM

Hi Gayle,

I thought I'd follow up my inquiry - I'm very serious about finding a nicely
bred WELL BROKE fjord mare about that size.   My dream is to drive pair :-).
I bought an 8 year old mare and I was told that she was well broke to ride
and drive, I'd seen a video of her, but when I got her she was very hot and
reactive and brainless.  She didn't have the patience and experience that
I'd been told.  I sent her up to Don Eckhardts for two months of training
and he got a solid groundwork foundation on her, (he said she knew nothing
and was totally green) and she does well in pair now, but she still is
hotter than I really want.  She is sweet otherwise, but I'm thinking I'd
really like to find a calmer mare for my pair.  My other mare I got from
Dave McWethy, Elska, is wonderf

RE: Three spectacular Fjords for sale

2005-05-14 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Gayle,

I'd like to hear more about Dustenai.



La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: Three spectacular Fjords for sale

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I wanted to jot a note this morning to let everyone know that I have 3 very
special Fjords here that are for sale.  As many of you know, it is often
difficult to find been-there-done-that WELL trained Fjords and they are
scattered far apart geographically.  I feel fortunate to be able to offer
three of
them, at the same time, in the same place.

The first one is Paradise's Celebrity, a 15 year old mare that rides as well
as drives.  She is a fairly big boned mare that stands about 14.2.  She
carries the gray gene and has produced gray offspring as well as several
nice brown
dun foals.  I used to own this mare and bred her to Dusty several times.
of those resulting foals, both fillies, have been evaluated.  One received a
blue in conformation (Johan's dam) and the other a high red.  Both of them
on to earn their Silver Medallions for Intro. Western, making Celebrity
eligible for the Hall of Fame award.  Obviously, she produces very good

This is a very laid back, quiet mare with polite, respectful ground manners.
She is currently open, but can be bred to Dusty.  That cross is good.  She
adds height to him and he refines her.  Price will depend on whether she
open or bred.

The other two are mother and son, Dustenai and Cymon. Many of you may
remember these two.  They belonged to Patty Peterson of Libby.  Patty passed
quite suddenly and unexpectedly this February.  Otherwise these two would
be for sale.

I can't say enough about these two.  They are absolutely spectacular.
Dustenai is 12 years old and is a Dusty daughter.  She was featured on the
Nordicfest poster with the two darling girls dressed in Bunads with the
Mountains in the background.

Dustenai is about 14 hands.  Her dam is Molde, our King Herald mare who
passed away last spring at 28 years of age.  Molde was typical of King
offspring with those HUGE eyes.  Dustenai inherited that plus she has a
dished face.

I broke her to ride for Patty as a three year old and Patty then went on to
train her for driving.  And DRIVE her she did.  She is a wonderful driving
horse with quite spectacular gaits.  Patty showed her many times at Libby as
as drove her in many parades.  She is BROKE!  I remember an incident at
when one of the horses in a driving class got stung by a yellow jacket and
proceeded to bolt and run away, pitching the driver out of the cart, at
point her foot became hung up in one of the lines.  It was horrific to watch
she was being drug and bounced off of the fence!  We were all certain that
gal was going to be severely hurt or killed.  After all was said and done,
miraculously she was just shaken and scratched, but not seriously injured.
Anyway, Patty had pulled Dustenai to the inside of the ring and  Dustenai
kept her
cool through the entire incident.

I recall another time when Patty had sent Dustenai here to be bred to
our junior stallion at the time.  When Patty came to pick her up, she
mentioned that she didn't think she'd show her at Libby that year.  When I
asked her
why, she said that she didn't think that the judge for that year liked
Dustenai because he hadn't placed her well the last time she had shown to
him.  I
encouraged Patty to DO show her because Dustenai had matured quite a bit
that first time and shown correctly, she should do well.  I told Patty what
particular judge wanted to see and how to show her to her best advantage.
Told her I'd give her a 'brush up' lesson before the class and to PLEASE

The classes at Libby were quite large that year.  Think there were 20-25
mares in her class!  Patty was nervous as heck, but she did an outstanding
Horses were lined up as the judge was making his final decisions.  Patty &
Dustenai were pulled out in his first three picks.  Then he went on down the
to pull out the next three.  OH MAN - that was exciting, but remember
to myself, did I tell Patty not to quit showing until he makes his final
decision and hands in his card??!!  Patty did an excellent job and when the
came back to make his FINAL decision, he pulled Dustenai out FIRST PLACE!!
Patty was trying to be COOL, but when she got out of the ring - what a
Everyone was crying for her!

Anyway, needless to say this is a great mare.  She comes with a nice cart
leather harness.

[no subject]

2005-05-14 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Gayle,

I thought I'd follow up my inquiry - I'm very serious about finding a nicely
bred WELL BROKE fjord mare about that size.   My dream is to drive pair :-).
I bought an 8 year old mare and I was told that she was well broke to ride
and drive, I'd seen a video of her, but when I got her she was very hot and
reactive and brainless.  She didn't have the patience and experience that
I'd been told.  I sent her up to Don Eckhardts for two months of training
and he got a solid groundwork foundation on her, (he said she knew nothing
and was totally green) and she does well in pair now, but she still is
hotter than I really want.  She is sweet otherwise, but I'm thinking I'd
really like to find a calmer mare for my pair.  My other mare I got from
Dave McWethy, Elska, is wonderful.   Picture enclosed of Korina at the
recent Bill Lower clinic.Your help and advise is appreciated.



La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
lower clinic.jpg]


2005-05-14 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry - that was intended to be private :-(


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Jeanine Rachau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:19 AM

Hi Gayle,

I thought I'd follow up my inquiry - I

RE: Oregon Gold Horse Show!

2005-04-04 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please send me a premium list at:

Jeanine Rachau
64031 Mt Glen Rd
La Grande, OR 97850



La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 7:58 PM
Subject: Oregon Gold Horse Show!

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK everyone out West... Time for me to bug you again! The Oregon Gold Horse
Show is coming up May 14 & 15th and we'd really like to see a big showing of
Fjords this year. We have lots of classes for every level of horse and
halter, Western, English, trail, hunter, and a FULL DAY of driving classes!
Please consider coming to Prineville, OR to join us. Anyone interested can
me at the address below and I can Email you the Class List and Entry forms.
Lets have more Fjords than Haflingers at the show this year!!!


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond OR

RE: tongue over bit

2005-02-16 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another school of thought is instead of raising the bit higher and putting a
dropped noseband - is to actually lower the bit until the snaffle is hitting
the front teeth.  They learn to pick up the bit and carry it themselves.
I've not tried this, but have had a couple different instructors say this in
different clinic's I've been too.


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: tongue over bit

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/15/2005 5:07:14 PM Pacific Standard Time,
thus allowing the tongue over the bit. In my experience I have not found
to be a problem with snaffle bits, but only with curb bits.

I  have actually had just about the opposite experience. A couple of my
horses would constantly mouth the snaffle (jointed mouth) till they got
tongue over. I even tried a figure 8 noseband, which didn't work.  I
switched to a
Kimberwick with a solid low port mouth and that solved my problem.

I do agree that most of the time this is caused by a bit hanging too low.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

RE: Birth Announcement

2005-02-02 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations!   I love birth announcements!


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Hagen
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 8:36 AM
Subject: Birth Announcement

This message is from: David Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am very pleased to announce Saturday's birth of a perfect and healthy
filly out of Gudbrandsgard Astrid.Astrid foaled completely unassisted
with the foals sire, Hostar, looking on from a distance.  All are doing
very well.   It's a lot of fun having a foal on the farm to help drive away
the winter blahs!.  :-)

David Hagen
Knapp, Wisconsin

RE: long, maybe boring, toot toot

2005-01-23 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Way to go Lisa and Ayla!  That was quite and adventure and a fantastic


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:14 AM
Subject: long, maybe boring, toot toot

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi List !

  Fun stuff going on here in balmy ( 53*) UT. A couple of weeks ago, I
the Iron Co. Sheriffs Mounted Posse Search and Rescue Team. All horseback,
volunteer squad, that works with the " regular " S+R team, that use cars,
trucks, ATV's, dogs ect. In addition to real search and rescue calls, we
also do
alot of public assistance during parades ( including crowd control, AND
doing a
unit in the parades ) to the UTAH summer games, 2 big rodeos, ect. ect. I
started attending the weekly Sat. trainings with a Fjord named, Mid's Ayla,
a tall
Fjord mare that we bought from Brian and Ursula Jensen a few years ago. I
used Ayla in a recreational riding program I did at a private residential
treatment program for behavior problem girls, and she had never made a wrong
move, dispite the usual drama that comes along with that interesting
population. <

 I figured that if Ayla could step up to those
 " at risk,  " ( yea right ) naughty teens, then she might be my guardian
angel as well.   ;  /

Yesterday was an important day for us. We had training for "
qualifying " to be certified as a Search and Rescue horse. ( pony, hee hee )
I admit
to being a little wigged out about what they might throw at us, and how Ayla
would respond. We train at the local 2 million dollar arena and event
center. We
have an indoor arena and an outdoor rodeo sz. arena, much like the one at

   Part of my wigging out is all about me. I USED to ride. I do not
onto a horse now, unless pushed. I prefer driving. The older I get, the more
I havnt ridden. 60 lbs. and 20 years later ( from those youthful rides,
bareback up the CA. mountians with a halter and leadrope ) I am a timid
rider at
best. My balence is all messed up. ( go figure ) I do not want to get hurt.
I do
not want to get hurt. I do not want to get hurt. My self-preservation level
gets higher, the older and busier I get. I have watched this group for a few
years now, always wanting to join them, but lacked the ride there
( HUGE LQ trailer only pulled by Jeff who works in CA. and cant be towed by
my KIA  ) and the motivation to lose some weight, and invest in my own
Sooo, I have dropped a few lbs. ( not enough ) Bought a 80's model Dodge
truck, low miles, 4 on the floor with a granny gear from hell, only really
into 2nd and 3rd, but can haul like a mother. Found a really nice 3 horse
Logan stock type trailer with saddle compartment and another tack room for
Started attending the trainings without a horse, then started bringing Ayla
to see if she would fit into the S+R mode. I have 8-9 here I could pick from
between foals and show training, but Ayla needed a job and has been standing
around eating between pairs driving for pleasure and infrequent rides.

OK, so yesterday we arrived at the arena to find Police cars, officers,
dogs, and an obstical course that looked pretty tough. My friend Tamra was
trailering along with me, and was running late, so my plans of arriving
didnt work out.  :  (

  After seeing a few other horses in high anxiety mode, I noticed that
Ayla was calm and very interested in getting out into the course. We warmed
doing some minor drill team type stuff, wheels, pairing off and doing
formations and some crowd control " push's ". We were at the center of the
arena when
all 3 squad cars lit up their lights and sirens. Horses scattered a bit,
needing their riders to unmount and try to calm them, others just very
and up-headed. Ayla stood her ground and kept her feet in one place.  :  )
I started praying.

   We paired off and had to go around to each obstical, without practice
and be " graded " by an officer with a clipboard sitting nearby. My partner
and her horse, Taffy, a large palomino who Ayla had decided MUST be  Fjord
friend ( color ? ) headed off to the water hazzard.

 Ayla lead off and PLODD PLODD, through it she went. No pause. Taffy
followed right in, and withen 5 seconds we were done ! A few of the other
people groaned and made comment, like " maybe we should get one of THOSE "
 :  )  Off to the blue tarp where we had to stand on it, and do a complete
circle, leaving all feet on. Ayle did a beautiful slow spin, catching the
in her feet an


2005-01-21 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Glad to hear you got the pictures and know that Korina has made it here!
Wow!She is adorable!Her and Elska are instant buddies.Since the
entire mud rolling process must have been part of their initiation ceremony
I have been reluctant to remove any of it as of yet.Maybe tomorrow when
I start trying on tack to see what does and doesn't fit.

Thanks for this special girl!


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Hi List !
  I can relate
I recieved a picture this morning from Jeanine Rachau. Korina, one of my
sales mares arrived safe and sound to her beautiful ranch in OR. After a day
of " meeting through the fence, " Jeanine turned her out with her other new
Fjord, Elska, who she bought from Dave McWethy. The picture showed 2 least I THINK they are Fjords, sharing a hay pile, but
COVERED with mud.
Head to toe !  Jeanine said that when she put them in together, they had a
" reunion " ( they had never met ) then a group roll in the muddiest stuff
Ive ever seen !!

 We have rare mud here too, but I confess to daily " makeovers "
my Fjords who are leaving to their new homes. Humph. Maybe I'll let them go
little more " natural. " Redman is pretty clean in his barn stall, but Perle
is so happy out in the pasture with her buddies. ;  /

  Just wanted to share with you, wish could see the picture. Im
sure that in a sea of LONG EARS, Korina was pretty happy to see another

   Lisa Pedersen * Cedar City, UT. * 53 today, balmy,
drying out.

RE: shedding

2005-01-17 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, Elska is starting to shed and it's freezing and below here - but day
length is getting longer!


La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Carol J. Makosky
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 9:46 AM
Subject: shedding

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is anyone's Fjord shedding yet?  Heidi is starting to lose her longer
hair and I can't seem to convince her she still needs all she has.

Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

RE: Loki - saddle fit?

2005-01-05 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's a frustrating place to be in - more power to you that you care so much
and are taking positive steps to find a resolution!   I think it's a very
courageous stand in doing what is best for the animal - kudos!


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: RE: Loki - saddle fit?

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Darn - that would have been an easy fix - good luck!  Loki is  lucky to
have you!!"

Yeah, that would have been a nice simple quick fix (grin), Jeanine - but
nope,  not it. ;-P  I  spent a few years on the Fjord list before
my own - to learn about what  I'd heard were the saddle fitting problems.
The  theory :-) was when I got my  own, would be able not to make
Mistake # 1.  As it was, this is  Loki's # 3 saddle just in this fall - when
the other two were clear did not  fit him, I moved on, using what I'd
from the other  two.  :-)

Sher in CO


2005-01-04 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a pair of adjustable draft collars for sale - they are too small for
my stock.  They are like new - barely used - leather is excellent condition.
They are 21" at the fullest adjustment.   They appear to be full Sweeny and
look exactly like the Amish made field collars on this site.

E-mail me privately if interested - thank you.


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Loki - saddle fit?

2005-01-04 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Darn - that would have been an easy fix - good luck!  Loki is lucky to have


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 1:42 PM
Subject: RE: Loki - saddle fit?

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"...what about saddle fit?...sometimes you have to read between the

Nope, that's not it either, Jeanine   :-) I went through great pains
to be sure that his  saddle was the correct fit.  Plus, he's been ridden in
this saddle by the  trainer quit a bit, as well as myself - without the
spooking.  The spooking  begins with an outside stimulous is introduce -
tumble weed
blows across his  path, a person walks around from the trailer into sight
saddle was on,  btw).  That's a good point to mention - this spooking at
nothing happens  wether he's saddled or not. ;-)

No - good time with the trainer I am sure is the answer.

Sher in CO

RE: Congrats !

2005-01-04 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Lisa and...Jeff (I will get even!),

I'm very excited and I know that Elska will be thrilled to have a fjord
buddy again - these big donkeys just don't do it for her :-).

I've found moving around in the "fjord world" of things - that fjord folks
are just as nice and helpful as the donkey folks can be.  Thanks to everyone
that helped me on my journey of finding Elska a partner - your patience in
answering all my questions is greatly appreciated!


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 10:37 PM
Subject: Congrats !

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list !

   Just wanted to let you all know that we have sold
 " Oscars Sweet Korina " , one of the beautiful mares, we had offered for
sale on the recent flyer. Korina  rides and drives and was bred by Shirley
Anderson. Korina is going to a great home in La Grande, OR. to Jeanine
Rachau, who
raises Mammoth Jackstock on her beautiful ranch !

Korina will be joining Elska, the Fjord mare she bought from Dave
so Jeanine will have another non-longears to drive and ride ! I promised her
that while Korina likes her foodshe does not H HAAA for
every morning !! Check out her wedsite if you get a chance, pretty
impressive, and since Jeff and I used to raise donkeys, we couldnt be
happier for Korina
to get such a great home.

Lisa Pedersen / Pedersens Fjords * Cedar City, UTAH
for the 2 ft. of snow predicted for tonight on the mountian.

RE: Loki - saddle fit?

2005-01-03 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another thought - what about saddle fit?  It he is uncomfortable - it can be
expressed in different ways, sometimes you have to read between the lines.


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: Loki - blinders

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"...I agree with Ruth, if you don't like the conditions, wind, etc, just

Hello, Valerie -

Yep - as I wrote earlier - I was *trying* to get Loki to stop so that I
could dismount.  And he would not.  We did tight circles,  etc - he kept
forward.   So  :-)just stop was not as simple an option as one might
think.  And yes, that was what I was trying to do - of course, I know like
anyone who's been riding for some time - you stop shen bad signs are

"...You had said he was a steady driving horse...but what about  blinders?
... Just a thought, a trainer is the best idea..."

I mentioned to our trainer, who knows his background, if we should add
blinders.  I agree with her answer - he needs to learn to work without
them, to
give up that crutch, during his training.  So, instead of  encouraging the
dependence on blinders, she will keep that in mind and work on  building his
confidence & despooking instead.

I wrote earlier, too, that yesterday (Sunday) I drove Loki up to our
trainer's place.   He will initially be there for the next month - he  will
be worked
for 1 to 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, during that time.  At  the end of
time, we will resume the riding lessons, myself on Loki, under  the
eye.  I'd wrote that we've being going one lesson at a time  to the
trainer's, for the last two months. So that will continue too.

He just needs time - and good training - and hopefully will eventually
become a safer trail horse.  Likewise, with my own training, I will improve
on my
current riding skills.  We both benefit going to the  trainer!  :-)

Sher in CO

RE: Horse waterers

2005-01-02 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have Bower automatic heated waterers in the barn stalls and my jacks pen.
They are mounted on concrete poured pads with a "heat well" formed by a big
PCV pipe that goes through the concrete for several feet down.  This brings
the earths natural warmth up along with the water pipe and then a plug in
heater is mounted under the waterer to keep the unit itself from freezing.
So I had the electrical and the water brought in from underground in the
same trench when I was setting them up.  Just rented a ditch witch for the
day and it really worked out pretty slick.The only thing adverse about
the Bowers is that the basin will rust - otherwise they are pretty
maintenance free.  Watch out if you have geese however, they like to pull
the drain plugs and flood the barn.

For the pastures I have 100 gallon rubbermaid troughs - set up beside those
is frost free faucets and electrical outlets for water heaters.   I like
having the extra water available for large multiples of animals, even though
it costs more to heat that much water at one time.  I have had situations
where I have temporarily lost my well water or electricity- and it's very
comforting to know that the animals have enough water for me to get things
fixed.  I do have a donkey that routinely takes a mouthful of hay over to
the trough then drops it into the trough to take their drink. Of course they
don't pick it back up when they are done. Aaaagh!  Keeping that
particular 100 gallon unit clean is a chore in that section of pasture!


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Horse waterers

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have a 100 gal Rubbermaid tank with a heater that goes in the drain
I fill it with a hose that I keep out all winter. We live in Minnesota, so
keeping the hose from freezing is a challenge. After filling the tank, I
the water out of the hose by walking along from the end to the beginning
it  over my shoulder. Sometimes it freezes, so I bring it into the house to
thaw.  Usually it stays open.


The world is  so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities;
but to know someone  here and there who thinks and feels with us, and though
distant, is close to us  in spirit --- this makes the earth for us an

Happy New Year was re: So much for progress...Sher :-)

2005-01-01 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow!  I want to come - sounds fun!Happy New Year all!

I hope we are all safe and progress well in 2005!


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ruth Bushnell
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: So much for progress...Sher :-)

This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Good point, Ruthie! This time of year actually makes riding easier in some
> ways, because grass is growing. !  Brigid

BY GOLLY, somewhere, that must be so = hard to imagine right now as it's
10 degrees F here in northwest MT and even breezy besides !

Aside from the weather, and an equine's menu, a full tummy can't jump as
high as an empty tummy..=)) speaking of horses of course.

This is our big bang-up New Year's Day open house on the Bushwhacker Ranch
today... Fjord driven sleigh rides, hot chili, (works as anti-freeze)...
horse lovin' guests coming in from all points. We thought for a while it
would be a mud wrestling event instead, with the unbelievably moderate
weather, but lo-and-behold we rc'd a few inches of snow finally ! enough for
the sleighs. (sigh).

we have a bunkhouse warm up room and a huge-huge bonfire besides, so should
manage to avoid frost bitten guests .. cheers!

Ruthie, nw mt US

RE: Introduction

2004-12-21 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sounds like you are doing wonderful on Bjorn - hopefully you will get
pictures up sometime - would love to pictures of you both jumping!


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2004-12-20 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Went on our first ride today - had a wonderful time. Elska did a
wonderful job - what a motor on that gal! I live in NE Oregon and am
lucky to be able to just go a couple miles from my driveway and be in
the mountains. It was a gorgeous day. I rode with a some riders from
the local Back Country Horseman group. It was an interesting group of
horses - first my little mighty mare - Elska the fjord, my friend/
neighbor on her Curly horse/ Belgian cross, another gal on her spotted
walking horse, another gentleman on a gray gruella stock horse and
another gentleman on a fox trotter, leading a 3 yr old fox trotter
morgan cross. We were really moving across country - the weather is
unseasonably warm and the snow had mostly melted. The fjord, who was
the smallest in the group had no trouble keeping up with the gaited
horses. She'd break into a little catch up trot once in a while. I
rode my orthoflex saddle - the only trouble I had was first mounting
and my saddle wanted to turn a little, but otherwise rode fine.
Nothing too unusual when you are used to riding witherless donkeys!
Links to pictures of us riding and at the end of the ride.


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: introduction

2004-12-20 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


How wonderful you know the Elska! She has a lovely mouth and rides
great under saddle - you should be very proud of starting her. The
McWethy's treated her with much love and care and it shows in her
health and happiness. She really is a joy. I find it pretty amazing
mixture of having this powerful motor and athletic ability balanced
with this calm easy going demeanor. She has really impressed everyone
that has seen her and watched her work.


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Introduction

2004-12-20 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Marsha Jo - that would be fun. I remember you saying that the
donkeys and fjords personalities are similar and I agree!


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Introduction

2004-12-20 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Laura,

I'm very new to Fjords, it's only been a week! But not new to horses
or donkeys. Fjord owning has been a wonderful experience so far. A
group of riders went up on another mountain ride today and had a great
time. Elska did great - she made a positive impression on everyone -
the little horse that could! After a steep mountain ascent and decent
I had reached down to test my cinch and realized that the cinch was
not making any contact with her girth area - I brought it up 3 holes
to make it snug again. I guess I found I rode a balanced seat and the
orthoflex does a good job in staying in place on a fjordie back!

Bjorn sounds great - I love the name! How tall is he and what height
does he jump? I would like to explore driven dressage - suggestions
for books and video's would be appreciated.


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2004-12-18 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm a new Fjord owner - or I should say owned by Elska (I learned that
means Love). Elska came from the McWethy's in New Hampshire and she
traveled all the way to Oregon! She is a great horse. My donkeys are
starting to get used to the idea of having a horse on the place. It
was pretty funny the first couple of days. Elska thinks they are just
strange horses - she has no worries about them.

I've been enjoying your list and thought I'd finally step forward to
say hello. Elska has a cart and we are waiting for our harness to be
made (from guess who?). I plan to pleasure drive and also learn about
some competitive driving. I was interested in your saddle fitting
thread. I ride an Orthoflex and we played dress up tonight and
everything fit just fine. I'm planning on our first ride this weekend,
now that she is all settled in to her new home.

I invite you to visit Elska at her new page - If anyone has any
suggestions or comments - I welcome them. It will be fun to put up
pictures of our adventures up as time goes by. I've also created a
section for Fjord Classifieds - if anyone would like to list your
animals - please feel free to contact me. It's free - even submit
photo's if you like. All ads have to be fjord related and I'd prefer
only purebred stock be listed. A Fjord webring is also available too.

Happy trails,


AMJR Registered American Mammoth Jackstock
La Grande, Oregon, USA