AOL Users Take Note!

2006-02-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Please forgive me for using this forum for a non-Fjord issue, but I
  believe this is something which could affect the future of this
  List, others like it you may receive and enjoy, and the very future
  of email in general. I have in the past, warned subscribers who use
  AOL and Hotmail to receive their FjordHorse List that they may be
  missing many messages or Digests because of their Service Providers
  arbitrary practices of SPAM identification. Up until now I have been
  willing to give them the benefit of doubt, chalking the disappearing
  email up to bugs in new filtering software. However, now AOL is
  proposing to profit by making the practice official. They will pass
  advertising from large bulk emailers, who pay for the privilege,
  right past their SPAM filters and into your inbox, while email from
  your friends, family and the FjordHorse List will arrive with a less
  preferential status. Even if you are not an AOL user, please read
  the message attached below and respond to the petition if you want
  to help prevent this inequity.

Steve McIlree - Pferd, Skipper  Clust - Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise. --Unknown

===Received Today=

The very existence of online civic participation and the free Internet
as we know it are under attack by America Online.

AOL recently announced what amounts to an email tax. Under this
pay-to-send system, large emailers willing to pay an email tax can
bypass spam filters and get guaranteed access to people's inboxes—with
their messages having a preferential high-priority designation.1

Charities, small businesses, civic organizing groups, and even
families with mailing lists will inevitably be left with inferior
Internet service unless they are willing to pay the email tax to
AOL. We need to stop AOL immediately so other email hosts know that
following AOL's lead would be a mistake.

Can you sign this emergency petition to America Online and forward it
to your friends?

Sign here:

Petition statement: AOL, don't auction off preferential access to
people's inboxes to giant emailers, while leaving people's friends,
families, and favorite causes wondering if their emails are being
delivered at all. The Internet is a force for democracy and economic
innovation only because it is open to all Internet users equally—we
must not let it become an unlevel playing field.

Sign here:

AOL is one of the biggest email hosts in the world—if we stop them
from unleashing this threat to the Internet, others will know not to
try it. Everyone who signs this petition will be sent information on
how to contact AOL directly, as well as future steps that can be taken
until AOL drops its new email tax policy.

AOL's proposed pay-to-send system is the first step down the slippery
slope toward dividing the Internet into two classes of users—those who
get preferential treatment and those who are left behind.

AOL pretends nothing would change for senders who don't pay, but
that's not reality. The moment AOL switches to a world where giant
emailers pay for preferential treatment, AOL faces this internal
choice: spend money to keep spam filters up-to-date so legitimate
email isn't identified as spam, or make money by neglecting their spam
filters and pushing more senders to pay for guaranteed delivery. Which
do you think they'll choose?

If AOL has its way, the big loser will be regular email users—whose
email from friends, family, and favorite causes will increasingly go
undelivered and disappear into the black hole of a neglected spam
filter. Another loser will be democracy and economic innovation on the
Internet—where small ideas become big ideas specifically because
regular people can spread ideas freely on a level playing field.

If an email tax existed when MoveOn began, we never would have
gotten off the ground—indeed, AOL's proposal will hurt every
membership group, regardless of political affiliation. That's why
groups all across the political spectrum are joining together with
charities, non-profits, small businesses, labor unions, and Internet
watchdog groups in opposition to AOL's email tax.

The president of the Association for Cancer Online Resources (ACOR)
points out the real-world urgency of this issue:

In essence, this is going to block every AOL subscriber suffering from
any form of cancer from receiving potentially life-saving information
they may not be able to get from any other source, simply because a
non-profit like ACOR—which serves more than 55,000 cancer patients and
caregivers every day—cannot afford to pay the fee.

Can you sign this emergency petition to America Online and forward it
to your friends?

Thank you for all you do.

–Eli Pariser, Noah T. Winer, Adam Green, and the


2002-12-23 Thread ILoveFjordhorses
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/23/2002 6:57:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,

 That said, I do notice that just about everyone who has a gripe
  about missing messages/digests seems to be on AOL. Does that tell
  you anything? BTW, my own E-mail is relayed through TWO ISPs and I
  very seldom lose anything.

 I've never missed a digest.  I'm on AOL.  But I'm on 8.0, and I don't have
 any filters set up.  It could be one of AOL's strange tactic to encourage
 people to upgrade.  I seem to remember loosing the message boards when 6.0
 had been out for a while and I hadn't upgraded, and I got them back when I
 did upgrade.

I run 8.0 as well and do miss individual posts. I have no filters set up for
this account at all.
I am setting up with my local server, I am on BYOA.
I may even try the digest form for this email and see if I still miss posts.
Dagmar  A
_USRemembering /AYBärY'4.21.91-12.18.02 '


2002-12-23 Thread Quycksylvr
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/22/2002 9:58:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 That said, I do notice that just about everyone who has a gripe
  about missing messages/digests seems to be on AOL. Does that tell
  you anything? BTW, my own E-mail is relayed through TWO ISPs and I
  very seldom lose anything.

I've never missed a digest.  I'm on AOL.  But I'm on 8.0, and I don't have 
any filters set up.  It could be one of AOL's strange tactic to encourage 
people to upgrade.  I seem to remember loosing the message boards when 6.0 
had been out for a while and I hadn't upgraded, and I got them back when I 
did upgrade.


Re: AOL problems

2001-09-20 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/18/01 7:09:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 After I read the rest of my emails yesterday, I discovered that the 
 reappearance of my Digest WAS a direct result of my having written to AOL 
 Customer Service.  SOOO, any of the rest of you having problems like this, 
 can also contact AOL to have it fixed.
 Good luck,
 Gayle Ware 


AOL problems

2001-09-18 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/17/01 10:18:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Just wanted to let you know that my Digest is back??!!  I did write to AOL 
 yesterday as you suggested, but don't think that had anything to do with the 

After I read the rest of my emails yesterday, I discovered that the 
reappearance of my Digest WAS a direct result of my having written to AOL 
Customer Service.  SOOO, any of the rest of you having problems like this, 
can also contact AOL to have it fixed.

Good luck,

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

AOL signatures

2001-01-27 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/27/01 9:35:48 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That is all there is to it.  I don't use AOL but I see a lot of AOL users 
 have sigs on their messages so it must be possible there too. 

AOL makes it very easy. That's why I enjoy AOL despite its drawbacks! 

Simply hit reply to this or any email. In the new window which appears, 
click the picture of a pencil. A dropdown menu will appear; select Set Up 
Signatures. Click Create button, then fill in the blanks. Name your 
signatures for easy reference, mine are horse and pet sitting for the two 
lists I subscribe to. Now write your signature, choosing fonts and colors you 
like (which are only viewable by other AOL users). Add your web page by 
clicking the picture of a heart and selecting your web site in the list of 
favorites. Viola!

Brigid Wasson
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
 A HREF=;Our Fjords/A



Brigid Wasson 
A HREF=;Peninsula Professional 
Pet Sitters Network/A 
A HREF=;Morrigans Dog Walking 
and Pet Sitting/A 
List Moderator

Re: AOL files.

2000-12-28 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 as my AOL program
 deletes my stuff on a regular basis and I'm always
 losing the things I wanted to keep. 
If you'll go into that button called My Files, you should find it all 
there.  If you go under My AOL, preferences, and WWW, you can set it to save 
things the amount of time you want, too.

Gail D. Vinson
Las Cruces, NM


2000-12-08 Thread carol j makosky
This message is from: carol j makosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In a message dated 12/7/00 7:58:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,

   Is anyone else having trouble too? 
  Do you have AOL6?  Everybody with 6 is having problems.
 Nope, I have AOL 5.0.  Just called them and once again they've said it is
 because of the line noise so guess I'll have to call US West AGAIN.


 Gayle Ware
 Field of Dreams
 Eugene, OR

In the MN area, they refer to US West as US Worst.  You cannot believe how
hard it is to get things straightened out with them.  Sorry this is not very
encouraging.  But keep after them.

Built FJORD tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin


2000-12-08 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/7/00 7:58:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

  Is anyone else having trouble too? 
 Do you have AOL6?  Everybody with 6 is having problems.
Nope, I have AOL 5.0.  Just called them and once again they've said it is 
because of the line noise so guess I'll have to call US West AGAIN.


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR


2000-12-05 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With AOL? EVERYBOBY has trouble with AOHell! I get knocked offline back to 
the Windows wallpaper screen regularly without warning. If only you could 
QUIT the AOL environment as quickly when you DID want to sign off. It 
freezes, dumps when I try to change between screenames, and half a dozen 
other things besides. I ask my self every time I sign on Why do I still use 
this crummy ISP? Only because everyone knows me by this address, no other 
reason. It's the worst ISP in the market. Merek


2000-12-05 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/4/00 10:17:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I to wonder why my posts are not on the list. I have wrote to Mike and 
 haven't heard from them. I am sure its AOL's problem. This will come thru I 
 bet. I am going to call them tomorrow. Tillie
I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one having problems!  Seems that 
lately whenever I send an email, more often than not, it boots me offline and 
my letter disappears into cyber space never to be seen again!?  My phone line 
has a lot of noise on it every year about this time.  I wonder if it isn't 
problems with water getting into US West equipment?  I've complained to US 
West before.  They send out a repairman because they're sure it is in MY 
equipment, but they never find anything.  Is anyone else having trouble too?

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Re: Message To AOL Users

2000-11-29 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/29/00 8:28:05 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

  Pamela, Please send us a link. 

Here it is.   A HREF=aol://5863:126/mBLA:166217Horse Breeds/A  
I hope to see the board hopping.  We have an opportunity to show the 
General horse world what a fabulous breed of horses we have!


Re: Message To AOL Users

2000-11-29 Thread tillie34
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Pamela, Please send us a link.
 Listers please take a look at our site . Amy has worked on it and it has a 
new look. 
 Sure have been enjoying the comments on the list lately. We had a beautiful 
day in Central Oregon yesterday. I raked the leaves (dang old willows) for 5 
hours and still not done. Found a little time to play with Oskar. Its so nice 
to have the young ones around, fjords that is. Our Grandkids are to far away 
to enjoy. Look forward to when the come to Oregon for the spring break and 
the summer. I have cabin fever and hope the winter fly's bye fast. (not my 
life though.)  Tillie

Dun Lookin' Fjords
Bud,Tillie  Amy Evers
Redmond OR  (541) 548-6018

Message To AOL Users

2000-11-29 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just to let you know, those of you who I had met on the AOL boards.  Over a 
year ago they took away our Fjord board as it wasn't very active.  At least 
not compared to quarter horses, arabians, etc.  Recently I saw boards up for 
horses that have a LOT less activity than our board did.  So I asked if they 
would please reinstate the board.  Today it is up and running.

THIS list is really the best place for talking about fjords, amongst people 
who know what fjords are and love them.  But there are people who have never 
heard of fjords.  I think it is a good opportunity to spread word about them. 
 So, I hope to see some of you over there.  If you need a link to get to the 
Fjord Board, let me know!


AOL subscriber

1998-08-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Once again I have the problem of someone who wants to subscribe to
  the list from an AOL account who has filters blocking the receipt of
  any mail. When I faced this situation before folks on the list knew
  the person trying to subscribe and got her to open her filters. With
  luck, maybe someone will recognize this address. The person trying
  to subscribe is [EMAIL PROTECTED]. If anyone recognizes this
  address please tell them to turn off their filters and re-subscribe
  to the list.

Steve McIlree  Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  Then we began to ride.  My soul smoothed itself out, a long-cramped scroll
  freshening and fluttering in the wind. --Robert Browning(1812-1889)

Thursday Fjord Chat - AOL.

1998-06-10 Thread Betsy Bauer
This message is from: Betsy Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
A short and quick reminder if anyone would like to join us at the AOL
Fjord chat.  Go to Find a Chat, Town Square and find Fjord Chat listed.
Double click and you're there.  Thursday night, 6pm California time.
See you, Betsy

Lisa and Bernadine- nice talking with you all on Sunday. We're on a roll!
Go Fjords!

Re: First Show, Kids Chat AOL, Amy White.

1998-06-08 Thread Amy K White
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Amy K White)


Woodrow's phone # is:  308-732-3330.  The team is well matched and very
well trained.  I would have them myself if I could.
Steve and Amy White

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Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

Re: First Show, Kids Chat AOL, Amy White.

1998-06-08 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Betsy Bauer wrote:

 Next, we're heading to Pony Club - did you all know that this club 
 for just ponies?  Children 8 - 16,

In Canada, we go to 21. are you sure? I can't imagine anyone reaching the A 
before 16.  I think the youngest on record was 16.

 learn equestrian and stable management
 skills including rallies, shows and lots of instruction.  Out here in
 California, it's nice to find equestrian emphasis as opposed to all the
 western interest.  Abbey likes English as her mom did 40+ years ago, but
 who's counting, right!

For all those interested, pony club is a nice way to introduce the young rider.
You don't need a fancy horse, or expencive stuff, just safe tack and a pony. 
are lots of different things to participate in, and a wide variety of events.  
example, if I had been a year older, I could have gone to south africa this 
to compete on borrowed horses/ponies in their huge show.  It ranges in 
from those who have never ridden before, to those who move on to national and
international events.