Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-08-24 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All,
Just wanted to update you (almost a month later from the original
question - how time flies) that every journey does begin with a single step.
cannot believe how this summer has flown by and how Henry & I have moved along
in our journey together.
I continuously journal in my blog which helps out a
great deal to map our progress and where we started and where we are now.  It
seems so unreal that only 10 weeks ago I was coaxing a 2 year old into the
barn.  That seems so inconceivable now as Henry is just "so into the routine"
and so part of his new family (the herd and humans).
In 10 weeks, we have 5 of
the Parelli games going very well (out of 7) and working on our 6th this
week.   Although I have absolutely put NO time limit on our training - I just
might get 7 games in 3 months on a "blank slate".  HUGE for me - I am in NO
way a horse trainer!!! and Henry has been an absolute joy to work with
(despite the challenging, putting on the brakes moments - LOL!!!).
the Fjord experience 
Thank you to ALL who helped me along the way when I
posted the Question for PNH folks.  PNH and non-PNH replied with awesome
suggestions and I appreciated all replies.
Heather & Henry
Playing Naturally
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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-08-01 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not very original, but when my mare was six months I started encouraging her 
into the trailer by placing a half an apple just far enough in the trailer 
that she had to reach for it.  This went on for several months of moving the 
apple forward. (not every day)  She was really stretching to get the apple 
and eventually put her front feet in.  Then she was stretching to avoid the 
back feet but eventually gave in. She stood in the trailer to get the apple 
and I left the door open for probably six or seven times of her getting in. 
Then when she was fully in the next time, I shut the doors.  There was some 
screaming and rocking but she quickly settled down with an apple. No trouble 
after that, altho she was cautious of getting into other trailers, not 
often.  Jean Gayle

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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-08-01 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vicki, what a great and interesting story!
A friend of mine just sent two of
her horses off for training.  One is a LBI/LBE (yearling) and the other is a
RBI/RBE (the mother mare).  The filly took 20 minutes to load (and that was
her FIRST time on a trailer!!!) and the mare > 2 hours (not her first
time!).   The gentleman doing the loading was the PNH trainer and he was just
fabulous to watch.  His cool, calm, demeanor and his attitude of "taking the
time it takes, to take less time" was inspirational to state the least.
you have the opportunity to watch someone with a lot of savvy work it out -
it's just inspiring to state the least.
As an update, the past 3 days Henry &
I have been doing alot of "undemanding time" and working on certain thresholds
that he has (something that I "should have" worked out a few weeks ago). 
Never the less, better now than never.  He really appreciated the undemanding
time and has a more "keen" expression in his eyes.
He also had his first visit
today with the farrier (who is PNH) and Henry passed [i.e., he was a good
boy] :-)  Henry has been with me for 7 weeks now and is settling in so
incredibly well.  Loving the Fjord experience!!!
Heather & Henry
Naturally ...

- Original Message 
From: Vicki Johnston
Sent: Friday, August
1, 2008 7:24:42 AM
Subject: RE: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

message is from: "Vicki Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another thought
that I should have shared.  Kjerstin had decided that she
would not get on the
trailer while at the Parelli center.  I worked with her
for two hours and
finally started to feel my emotions coming up (not a good
time to try and
accomplish anything!)  Then one of the instructors worked
with her for a while
before she decided that Kjerstin was going to need
Kaffa - the head of the
instructor staff and the recognized trailer expert!

It was a big learning
experience for me to watch Kaffa work with Kjerstin.
It's not about the
trailer!  She was so fast in thinking of things to ask
Kjerstin to do that
were varied and very quickly placed one after another.
Yes, I can do that,
yes, I can, yes, yes, and so forth to build up a pattern
of yes before going
to the trailer.  She got her on and she worked with her
again the next morning
and now she thinks the trailer is personal party

I have a hard time
being as quick as Kaffa in thinking of varied things to
build up a long
pattern of yes, but it was definitely a confidence builder
for Kjerstin and
helped her overcome whatever was bothering her about the


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RE: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-08-01 Thread Vicki Johnston
This message is from: "Vicki Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another thought that I should have shared.  Kjerstin had decided that she
would not get on the trailer while at the Parelli center.  I worked with her
for two hours and finally started to feel my emotions coming up (not a good
time to try and accomplish anything!)  Then one of the instructors worked
with her for a while before she decided that Kjerstin was going to need
Kaffa - the head of the instructor staff and the recognized trailer expert!

It was a big learning experience for me to watch Kaffa work with Kjerstin.
It's not about the trailer!  She was so fast in thinking of things to ask
Kjerstin to do that were varied and very quickly placed one after another.
Yes, I can do that, yes, I can, yes, yes, and so forth to build up a pattern
of yes before going to the trailer.  She got her on and she worked with her
again the next morning and now she thinks the trailer is personal party

I have a hard time being as quick as Kaffa in thinking of varied things to
build up a long pattern of yes, but it was definitely a confidence builder
for Kjerstin and helped her overcome whatever was bothering her about the

Mims, Florida

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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread Ronda Nelson

This message is from: "Ronda Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a home aprox 10 miles from the Parelli center in Citra Fl.  The house 
is empty now (I have it up for sale) but there are 3 bedrooms, two baths and 
3 fenced horse acres.  (no barn or shelters)  There is also a RV electric 
hook up at the bottom of the pasture.  Anyone interested in renting it for a 
bit can certianly call me.

Ronda Nelson
541 592-5143
- Original Message - 
From: "Vicki Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

This message is from: "Vicki Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I find that with Kjerstin, treats are a great motivator.  She is
left-brained extrovert, and when all else fails, she will try to tackle
anything for treats.  Of course, this tells me that I am not being
provocative enough, because she really isn't that concerned, just deciding
if she is bored enough to try and play me and see if she can make me think
she is concerned.  She is so, so smart, and a bit of a drama queen if she
thinks she can fool me.  She entertains herself that way - "Mom is so easy
to fool, it's ridiculous!"

A really good tool for us has been the Parelli ball.  I only bring that 

occasionally, and if I leave it out for her to check out, it has a mind of
it's own and on a windy day, will explore all by itself.  Then, I go get 

ball and push it around and get her to follow.  She usually gets so
intrigued that she can't help herself.  She has seen it move around by
itself, but Mom can control it, so "can I?"

She usually ends up following it, pushing it, trying to stomp it, and 

a good time.

So, I probably haven't helped a lot, but Parelli is loads of fun with
Fjords.  They are so smart, they just love it.  I guess my advice is that 
you haven't tried treats, see if that miraculously overcomes the 

Kjerstin will try anything for treats, unless it involves a jump, which is
too much effort for such a measly prize!  She prefers to show me just how
far she can stretch and still not fall on her face, which I usually find
pretty impressive!

I took Kjerstin to the Parelli center in Ocala for a two week ground class
in Jan-Feb of 2007.  It was truly the best vacation that I have ever had.
The atmosphere at the Parelli center is very positive and supportive.  I
learned a lot and I really left there with a good understanding of
Kjerstin's horsenality and it has proved to be worth every penny.  We 

bonded through the experience, and I have never had a horse that made me
feel like she enjoys me as much as I enjoy her.  If there is any way, you
can go for a ground class, go for it.  They now offer one week 

but the two weeks was well, well worth the time and the money.

Have fun with Henry, and I promise you that you will find a lot of 

in your Parelli time with him.


Mims, Florida

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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks so much Vicki for your reply.  I have tried a ball and that was a
hoot.  Henry pushed it, stomped it, tried to eat it, etc.etc.etc. and then
within 5 minutes - was "what's next on your list"?   His attentive span is one
of a gnat and I have to come up with interesting stuff to do all the time to
maintain his focus.  And of course, I completely believe that I am being
played half the time.  I am just floored at this intelligence and I am sure he
is counting up his points each time he has played me.
In a response to Kate, I
mentioned my "treats" experience.  It is a work in progress!
I would LOVE to
go to Ocala one year.  What a dream trip that would be.

Again - many thanks
for responding!
Heather & Henry
Playing Naturally ...

- Original
From: Vicki Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:10:27 PM
RE: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

This message is from: "Vicki
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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kate
Joe's horseanality sounds so much like Henry's!!!   LBI that can be
unconfident (but not fearful - yes there is a difference!!!) and RB in
unfamiliar surroundings.  I know he is not looking at me as the leader "yet"
(my marshmallow personality shining brightly!) and I am trying my darndest at
times - but his horseanality is different/new/intriguing for me and I am still
trying to learn how to "read" him (i.e., unconfident/fearful/confident but not
motivated, etc.etc.etc.).  Then, when I push him - he can at times push back
and I must mirror/match and oh my!  this has been a great learning experience,
that's for sure.  But - each day gets better and better.  Last week, we
"joined up" at liberty in the outdoor sand ring (no round pen where I board)
and Henry stuck to me like glue.  It was magical to state the least.  Then, at
other times (last night - LOL!) - he takes root and is firmly planted.
- we were more "connected" with fewer "plantations" and more joining up (on
line, but with incredible slack in the line) towards the end of the night. 
It's the sudden taking root to the ground that throws me (it can come out of
"In the beginning ..." I tried treats, but Henry was pushy and rude
about it - so I cut them all out.  Now, 6 weeks later - I have re-introducted
treats "from time to time" and only if he has done something really great.  He
is not pushy anymore with the treats, but I exercise caution to not go down
that road.  I can see treats being a great motivator for him.  In fact, I did
it once (experimenting) when he was "planted" and didn't want to enter the
arena.  Pulled a cookie out and that neck stretched out as much as it could -
LOL!! before he decided that if he moved his feet - he might just get that
cookie (and into the arena he went!).  But again, because of his pushiness in
the beginning, I am being cautious about the usage of treats.  Hopefully, I
can build up enough savvy to use them with purpose :-)
Thank you so much for
your reply - it is greatly appreciated.
Heather & Henry
Playing Naturally ...
- Original Message 
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:38:23 PM
Subject: Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

This message is from:

These guys can be surprisingly tough.  I assumed from the
start that  Joe was 
a confident horse (before we came up with the whole LB /
RB  schema).  It 
turns out he was actually very unconfident, but not 
fearful.  So when he would 
plant and refuse, it was not because he was 
afraid, but he was not confident - 
and there's a difference!!  Once the new 
lingo came out, he is definitely a 
LBI, but shifts to a RB in unfamiliar 
surroundings.  And when he gets bored, 
flips to RBE - boy howdy those are 
fun times (although it makes me want to 
run for cover).  I am really a 
fairly wimpy individual, so most of "Joe's" 
issues, turn out to be my own
lack  of pony leadership skills (I'm good with 
people, no really, I am!!)
Treats have been the secret weapon against boredom and most planting.  When
he was first introduced to the wooden bridge, he would not step on it for 
love or money.  Days of approach and retreat, playing games he was good at 
and around the bridge - nothing doing.  Until I reached in my pocket 
one day 
and found a frosted mini-wheat.  Joe was on the other side of the 
bridge when 
I pulled it out thinking "what's this?"  He stepped up onto  that
bridge as 
happy as could be to reach the mini-wheat.  Never had a  bridge
issue after 
that, but the value of treats hit home.

I'll end now out of
respect for my non-Parelli Fjord friends, but I could  
discuss this all day

with Joe and Della (who completely support the marriage of treats
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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These guys can be surprisingly tough.  I assumed from the start that  Joe was 
a confident horse (before we came up with the whole LB / RB  schema).  It 
turns out he was actually very unconfident, but not  fearful.  So when he would 
plant and refuse, it was not because he was  afraid, but he was not confident - 
and there's a difference!!  Once the new  lingo came out, he is definitely a 
LBI, but shifts to a RB in unfamiliar  surroundings.  And when he gets bored, 
flips to RBE - boy howdy those are  fun times (although it makes me want to 
run for cover).  I am really a  fairly wimpy individual, so most of "Joe's" 
issues, turn out to be my own lack  of pony leadership skills (I'm good with 
people, no really, I am!!)
Treats have been the secret weapon against boredom and most planting.   When 
he was first introduced to the wooden bridge, he would not step on it for  
love or money.  Days of approach and retreat, playing games he was good at  
and around the bridge - nothing doing.  Until I reached in my pocket  one day 
and found a frosted mini-wheat.  Joe was on the other side of the  bridge when 
I pulled it out thinking "what's this?"  He stepped up onto  that bridge as 
happy as could be to reach the mini-wheat.  Never had a  bridge issue after 
that, but the value of treats hit home.
I'll end now out of respect for my non-Parelli Fjord friends, but I could  
discuss this all day 
with Joe and Della (who completely support the marriage of treats and  
In a message dated 7/29/2008 6:42:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I do  have to ask lightly (or lighter) at times, as Henry will sull up if 
asked with  too "loudly".  He certainly isn't dull and can be quite sensitive 
times - but he can also be very "naughty" (for the lack of a better word) and 
 ask me the question, if I really mean it (doing this, or doing  that)!  
Sometimes it is hard to discern if he is unconfident of what  I am asking, or 
confident of it and just not willing to do it, as per my  request.  I am 
better at "reading him" - so hopefully the more  that I can interpret his body 
language, I can determine if he requires  confidence building or motivation 
(Henry being predominantly a  LBI)!

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FanHouse Fantasy Football today.  

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RE: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread Vicki Johnston
This message is from: "Vicki Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I find that with Kjerstin, treats are a great motivator.  She is
left-brained extrovert, and when all else fails, she will try to tackle
anything for treats.  Of course, this tells me that I am not being
provocative enough, because she really isn't that concerned, just deciding
if she is bored enough to try and play me and see if she can make me think
she is concerned.  She is so, so smart, and a bit of a drama queen if she
thinks she can fool me.  She entertains herself that way - "Mom is so easy
to fool, it's ridiculous!"

A really good tool for us has been the Parelli ball.  I only bring that out
occasionally, and if I leave it out for her to check out, it has a mind of
it's own and on a windy day, will explore all by itself.  Then, I go get the
ball and push it around and get her to follow.  She usually gets so
intrigued that she can't help herself.  She has seen it move around by
itself, but Mom can control it, so "can I?"

She usually ends up following it, pushing it, trying to stomp it, and having
a good time.

So, I probably haven't helped a lot, but Parelli is loads of fun with
Fjords.  They are so smart, they just love it.  I guess my advice is that if
you haven't tried treats, see if that miraculously overcomes the hesitation.
Kjerstin will try anything for treats, unless it involves a jump, which is
too much effort for such a measly prize!  She prefers to show me just how
far she can stretch and still not fall on her face, which I usually find
pretty impressive!

I took Kjerstin to the Parelli center in Ocala for a two week ground class
in Jan-Feb of 2007.  It was truly the best vacation that I have ever had.
The atmosphere at the Parelli center is very positive and supportive.  I
learned a lot and I really left there with a good understanding of
Kjerstin's horsenality and it has proved to be worth every penny.  We really
bonded through the experience, and I have never had a horse that made me
feel like she enjoys me as much as I enjoy her.  If there is any way, you
can go for a ground class, go for it.  They now offer one week experiences,
but the two weeks was well, well worth the time and the money.

Have fun with Henry, and I promise you that you will find a lot of enjoyment
in your Parelli time with him.


Mims, Florida

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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all who have replied to date.  I appreciate all responses as
they open up new avenues how I can approach this challenge.
I have found that
I do have to ask lightly (or lighter) at times, as Henry will sull up if asked
with too "loudly".  He certainly isn't dull and can be quite sensitive at
times - but he can also be very "naughty" (for the lack of a better word) and
ask me the question, if I really mean it (doing this, or doing that)!  
Sometimes it is hard to discern if he is unconfident of what I am asking, or
confident of it and just not willing to do it, as per my request.  I am
getting better at "reading him" - so hopefully the more that I can interpret
his body language, I can determine if he requires confidence building or
motivation (Henry being predominantly a LBI)!
Anyhow - just wanted to thank
all those who have responded so far.  It is greatly appreciated!!!
Heather &
Playing Naturally ...
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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread Fiona Lindsay-Delfino
This message is from: Fiona Lindsay-Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a non fjord who did that too me. If it was something that was small and
I could easily hold while holding the parelli lead line; I would pick it up
and approach the gelding and rub him with the object and then would retreat.
And slowly work your down to Henry's legs.
Hope this helps.
~Fiona (Level One Graduate)

1700 Dogwood Mile

Laurinburg, NC
(C) 603 359 0150

--- On Tue, 7/29/08, Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks
To: "Fjord Issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Fjord Horse"

Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 2:11 PM

This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All,
Looking for advice from Parelli Students who have Fjords.  I am
working on Level One with my new 2 year old.  He is smart - boy oh boy -
that's for sure!!!  and sometimes (well, quite often), I think he is
Anyhow!  when he is "unsure" of something, instead of the usual
spook that
I am used to from other breeds - Henry simply puts on the brakes and stands
there.  S - how do I use "approach and retreat" to get him
used to
strange objects, when the brakes are on.  We're talking really good brakes
so the good ole' approach and retreat lesson doesn't work at all!!!  
Then ...
to continue the saga.  There are times where he will spook (or invert - head
high, back dipped) and so I go to the friendly game and that is "OK"
for him. 
Other horses I have worked with, relaxed totally in the Friendly Game ...
Henry?  could care less at times.
So - in summation, if there are any folks
(could be non Parelli students who know what I am talking about too) to get a
braked Fjord moving through an object he wants nothing to do with - my ears
are wide open!!!
Heather & Henry
Playing Naturally 
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question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! Answers
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Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

2008-07-29 Thread kngould

This message is from: "kngould" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've gone thru level one, but not with my fjords; still I know what you are 
talking about. Both my guys just put the brakes on, but I can usually back 
them up, turn them around, circle and try the approach again, and hopefully 
get alittle bit closer each time. Finally they get tired of the whole circle 
around and try again, and I can usually get them to approach, touch, and 
- Original Message - 
From: "Heather Baskey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Fjord Issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Fjord Horse" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All,
Looking for advice from Parelli Students who have Fjords. I am
working on Level One with my new 2 year old. He is smart - boy oh boy -
that's for sure!!! and sometimes (well, quite often), I think he is 

Anyhow! when he is "unsure" of something, instead of the usual spook that
I am used to from other breeds - Henry simply puts on the brakes and 

there. S - how do I use "approach and retreat" to get him used to
strange objects, when the brakes are on. We're talking really good 
brakes -
so the good ole' approach and retreat lesson doesn't work at all!!! Then 
to continue the saga. There are times where he will spook (or invert - 
high, back dipped) and so I go to the friendly game and that is "OK" for 

Other horses I have worked with, relaxed totally in the Friendly Game ...
Henry? could care less at times.
So - in summation, if there are any folks
(could be non Parelli students who know what I am talking about too) to 
get a
braked Fjord moving through an object he wants nothing to do with - my 

are wide open!!!
Heather & Henry
Playing Naturally 
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question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 

and share what you know at

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