Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-19 Thread Pedlow, Lee
Wow - Jim agrees :)

The creation of an automated cron job is a very good idea for making the
Build of the Day to be proffered to the test pool and guinea pigs for
evaluation.  Each BOD would follow a common, documented naming convention
with the version serialization or timestamp embedded in the filename proper
and any perceived bugs logged against that particular revision.  My previous
comments regarding top-level web availability and click acknowledgement of
possible peril still apply.

The cron job purge/fetch/build/link/pack/post idea allows users at all
levels of software/environment/development/tools proficiency (and awareness)
to evaluate flex builds.  As a community, we must remember that there are
participants - or potential participants - whom know very little about
software, development environments, tools, etc. but are world-class
operators, RF experts, user interface designers, human factors folks, etc.
Just because they, through their youth, profession, experience, desire, etc.
have not been baptized into the dark side for us former hardware types
should not mean that we exclude their participation, losing the wealth of
knowledge and experience they bring from adding to the improvement and
enhancement of this fine activity.  Think of it as flex's ADA compliance for
the software disabled.

My $0.02

Lee Pedlow NG6B
San Diego, CA

-Original Message-
From: Jim Lux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 8:10 PM
To: Pedlow, Lee;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

At 11:10 AM 4/18/2006, Pedlow, Lee wrote:
As indicated, Flex is facing the growing pains that every start-up goes 
through.  Many software activities begin as grass roots efforts and as 
they become viable businesses, advancement of the business requires the 
evolution of processes and practices.  I think the suggestions made 
above resonate with both Gerald's desires and Jim's very valid comments (be
nice Jim).
Flame away.

Lee Pedlow NG6B
San Diego, CA

I agree with you Lee..

The question I would have is who does the compile for the SVN .. Right now,
you could check in a source code module without necessarily doing a build,
bumping the SVN number.

Might be nice to have the build in a standard environment?

Maybe an automated daily build (as advocated by many software engineering
pundits) run by a cron job (actually schedule service in the windows
world, unless you've installed SFU) at a reference site might be 
useful?   The cron would pick up the latest revision at 0700Z or something, 
run a batch compile, and plonk the resulting exe (if any) out there.

Or, (gods forbid in the Windows world) a make file with a script to run it
that gets zapped into SVN too.  A script is available that
a) updates your local copy
b) fires off the make

The Visual Studio world DOES have some way to do automated builds (MS uses
it internally, for instance), but I haven't figured it out yet. I haven't
spent much time hunting it down, though.

Lots of ways to go, and over the next few weeks/months, I figure we'll
converge on something.


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Thompson_Peter

I too have followed this reflector for a long while and also went the route
of building a Softrock40 before finally obtaining an SDR-1000 just a few
weeks ago.  I feel sure you won't be disappointed when you get yours - it's
everything and more that you've read about here.  I have some additional
comments below...

Pete, N3EVL

SDR-1000, 100w, ATU, Delta-44, Softrock40, Dell 2.8GHz P4 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Carl 
 Morris, WN3DUG
 Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 6:07 AM
 Subject: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?
 To Gearld and the group,
 Lately, it has become harder to follow along on this journey, 
 due to the splitting up of the places where all of the action
 takes place (which used to be on the Forum, and then on this 
 list), but now is spread all over the place!  Now we have to 
 download more software to get the latest Alpha or Beta 
 software versions of PowerSDR, go to another site to get the 
 download and hunt for long strings of what looks like a UNIX 
 command string (SVN) and then if we do finally get it 
 downloaded into our PC and running, go to another Bug
 site somewhere else to report our findings!  
Well, we have the Flex web site which I still visit occasionally to
see if anything's changed.  I haven't looked at the Flex web based forum
much lately: my impression is it's mostly dormant - maybe I'm wrong.  I also
ocasionally visit the yahoo site to see what's being discussed there.  It
still seems like the bulk of the action, at least that which I find most
relevant and interesting is still centered around this reflector and, I
don't suspect that will change any time soon.

Others have pointed out excellent reasons for migrating to a well
managed repository for the codebase.  This is absolutley standard practice
and good software engineering from which we will all ultimately benefit.
The tools for dealing with this are simple to use (a joy to use compared to
what we had when I was a lad!) and as has been pointed out, support access
to the entire codebase or just the compiled and built binaries.  Setting up
SVN is a one time operation: dealing with weird looking SVN URLs is not a
daily occurence.

IMHO, the bug tracking capability is also an absolute necessity;
there is no way that Flex and the growing team of developers can reasonably
expect to track, categorize, prioritize, eliminate duplicates, and
ultimately fix bugs without the benefit of such a tool.  To anyone reporting
a bug, it is in their interest to have a formalized reporting mechanism -
nothing gets lost or forgotten and progress on your bug can be tracked; the
resolution is documented.  In practice, I expect we'll still use this
reflector to raise issues or report on observations on items that will more
than likely be later classified as bugs and entered into the bug tracking
system; I still see this reflector (and the related open discussions)
playing a major role.

 Probably very few people are going to go through this 
 process, which is probably what is desired to prevent 
 prospective Customers from seeing the warts and all, but I 
 feel this is what most hams want to see, and feel a part of, 
 is being able to give their input to the design of the most 
 advanced Amateur radio, that is changing the way all radios 
 will be designed in the future.

I am hopefull that _many_ people will go through this process (which
quite franly is not as onerous as you imply) and that we'll still see plenty
of warts right here on the reflector - which is as it should be!
 It was so nice, in this fast moving world, to be able to go 
 to one site, this one, and be able to keep up with the latest 
 advances in the SDR-1000, and to be able to feel you're a 
 part of history, and rub elbows with some of the best 
 software, hardware and other designers around!  Everyone 
 contributes their own little piece of expertise, however tiny.

Remember all the previews that came along as part of 1.4.5?  My bet
is that if the changes we're discussing here had been in place sooner, there
would have been fewer of them and the quality of each would have been
higher.  This is where we're headed.  Combine that with the ability to grab
the very latest alpha code as fast as it is generated and we have a much
superior system.

 It's hard enough to keep up with what's going on in the 
 field, when you have many sites to try to follow and keep track of.
 I feel we're losing something...

On the contrary, I feel we're gaining much by applying standard
software engineering practices to software defined radio development while
retaining the benefits of open disccussion as can occur right here.

 73, Carl, WN3DUG
 K2/100 S/N: 1320; K2/100 S/N: 3092; KX1 S/N: 271 SoftRock 

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Gerald Youngblood
Hello Flexers,


In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

Oh, In case you missed it:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

FlexRadio Systems

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Thompson_Peter
I believe Gerrald clarified things by stating that binaries will in fact be
available from the website, albeit on a somewhat less frequent schedule than
we became accustomed to with the series of 1.4.5 previews; these will more
acurately represent betas (being more stable, less buggy) and will
presumably satisfy the needs of those with no interest in the more frequent
but less stable alphas available either as binaries or source via SVN.  If
my interpetation is correct, then this would appear to cover the needs of
the varied user/developer community nicely while still beating the pants of
the competition in terms of making the radio better and better and better...

Pete, N3EVL

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Fred Brandeberry

Gosh guys,

Sure has been a lot of chatter about this. I have learned a thing or 
two in the process.
But from my  point of view, most of the heat could have been avoided by 
simply creating an installer before deploying this SVN stuff... one click 
and it would be done.. no muss, no fuss.. transparent. Seems like one of 
you programmers could have done that with the same amount of effort that you 
have spent trying to convince folks how simple it is... sigh...  Guess I 
just don't understand !

PS. Seems to be considerable difference in the definition of simple, or 
easy... mine is error potential free.. :-)

- Original Message - 
From: Larry Loen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?


Others have pointed out excellent reasons for migrating to a well
managed repository for the codebase.  This is absolutley standard practice
and good software engineering from which we will all ultimately benefit.
The tools for dealing with this are simple to use (a joy to use compared 

what we had when I was a lad!) and as has been pointed out, support access
to the entire codebase or just the compiled and built binaries.  Setting 

SVN is a one time operation: dealing with weird looking SVN URLs is not a
daily occurence.

It is the absolute standard practice for developers.  Overdue and
necessary.  Very glad it happened.

But, if nothing else is clear from monitoring here, it is that everyone
is not a code developer and does not want to be.

For everyone else, the nonprogrammers, some more ordinary distribution
method for the beta-binaries would be a very nice thing to have.  What
we had, in fact, did not appear at all broken to me.  I have had great
success with the betas and expect it to continue.  I don't get the added

Sure SVN is just one more tool.  For a coder like me, SVN is nothing
much.  Haven't bothered yet, but when I want the next beta, I'll
download it and I'm sure I'll have minimum to no trouble.  For someone
else, however, it can be a bit much, no matter how simple it may be once
installed.  A lot of people aren't interested in one more tool if they
don't have to have it, especially if they aren't programmers.

Even more especially with weird looking URLs.  We're asking people,
after all, to download code and then put it on a 1500 dollar radio.  If
it were me, and I wasn't a programmer, I'd definitely want the maximum
assurance I was doing what I think I was doing and not picking up a
rather more experimental level of the code than I realized.  The more
programmer-esque it is to do, the less confidence I would have (and,
perhaps, the more trouble I would have admitting to it here).

And, in truth, _everyone_ already knows how to download a zip file or
even a self-unpacking .exe file.  Browsers are popular for a reason -- 
people understand them.

And, whatever grief it was causing the development team, the original
distribution method (especially for those uninterested in coding) worked
exceedingly well for me and for (as far as I could tell) for everyone
else.  Moreover, the risk is in the binary itself.  The only reason to
go with the extra mumbojumbo of SVN is to simply discourage people from
using betas to start with.  Why is that a good thing?

If we're going to have binaries somewhere anyhow, and if there's already
a web server lurking about to boot, would it make that much difference
to have some sort of http/download access to them, in-place?  Why force
non-developers to master a tool they have no interest in and which may
actually intimidate them a bit?  And, maybe cause a few extra problems
in the end?

Is this all for some homely reason like the SVN repository and the flex
web server are on different machines?  Requiring everyone to use SVN or
CVS is, so far as I know, pretty unprecedented for an open source
project, especially one where most of the population aren't coders.
Almost everything I can think of in the open source world that really
matters is available as naked RPMs or tarballs outside of the
repository proper (including, quite often, alpha/beta level code).

Larry   WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:

FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread KD5NWA
Can you repeat what you are trying to say, I can't quite hear you. :-P

At 08:45 AM 4/18/2006, Gerald Youngblood wrote:
Hello Flexers,


In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

Oh, In case you missed it:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

FlexRadio Systems

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

Cecil Bayona

I fail to see why doing the same thing over and over and getting the 
same results every time is insanity: I've almost proved it isn't; 
only a few more tests now and I'm sure results will differ this time ...  
-- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Jim Lux

At 05:55 AM 4/18/2006, Larry Loen wrote:


And, in truth, _everyone_ already knows how to download a zip file or
even a self-unpacking .exe file.  Browsers are popular for a reason --
people understand them.


Is this all for some homely reason like the SVN repository and the flex
web server are on different machines?  Requiring everyone to use SVN or
CVS is, so far as I know, pretty unprecedented for an open source
project, especially one where most of the population aren't coders.
 Almost everything I can think of in the open source world that really
matters is available as naked RPMs or tarballs outside of the
repository proper (including, quite often, alpha/beta level code).

I suspect that *someone* could write a script to automate the process of 
picking up a SVN tagged version and plunking it at a website for 
download.  The question is who is that *someone*.

I think, to a certain extent, we're in that classic situation of companies 
that roll out a new clunky online timecard  application that adds an hour a 
week to every employee, so that one or two people (payroll clerks) can save 
a couple hours once a week.  SVN makes life much better for the developers, 
but harder for the consumers, who, as you say, prefer the grab and explode 
a .exe, even if there are potential problems with installing new over old, 
mdb  migration, etc.

One idea might be to make a installer program that you'd install once, 
that hides all the svn stuff, verifies that you have the right framework 
and dll files, fetching them if you don't, deals with migration of 
databases, and, most important, can uninstall older versions.

We're sort of treading new ground here.. there's a fair number of 
technically literate sdr-1000 users out there who would like to experiment 
using the rapid turnover of development, but aren't interested in being 
developers themselves (along with the hassles and investment of time/cash 
that that requires).  This seems to be a very different model from most 
purely software products, where you have coders and users, and not much 


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread w2agn

Gerald Youngblood wrote:

Hello Flexers,


In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

In case I did not make it clear:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

Oh, In case you missed it:

Beta will always be published on our website download page.

FlexRadio Systems

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:


Does that mean they will be posted on the Website diowload page?

/ \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke

( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
\_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Tim Ellison
I'd like to comment (no flames) on a few of Lee's statements noted

Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( )

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pedlow, Lee
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

I think that Gerald's previous point (not the rant) and Jim's comment
some discussion.

The value and efficiency of the Flex product model is that there is
diverse peer review of each build posted.  This provides efficient
convergence on major bugs and also provides corner-case testing because
the diverse applications, host platforms, use cases, etc. that may
either be
undetected (test voids) or require a much higher test investment by flex
order to achieve the same level of test coverage.  This form of testing
actually very efficient because I'm sure Eric et al at flex have
tests used for build checking, while the ad-hoc community has just the
opposite.  These concurrent implementation of these two opposing test
philosophies mitigate systemic test voids (omissions or coverage gaps in
scripted environment) through the ad-hoc process, yet still has the
pragmatic coverage also necessary and lacking from the ad-hoc process.

[Tim Ellison] These statements could not be more true and it does
provide the basis for rapid test/debug/fix cycles.

There does need to be clear distinction between what is actually an
test and true beta, this is clear.
[Tim Ellison] And as Gerald has noted, the distinction is already there.
Betas are posted on the web site and Alphas are obtained from SVN.

Much of the angst and dissatisfaction
expressed on this very reflector is because users grabbed beta code with
high expectation of functionality that couldn't be met.  In many cases,
code wouldn't pass a rudimentary smoke test on a particular build
of a key flaw and required the rapid release of a subsequent revision.
That's truly alpha code - agreed.  However, isolating such builds to
development trees, web sites, etc. and requiring specialized tools to
the build is not the answer.  

[Tim Ellison] Why isn't it the answer?  The specialized tools you
mention are free and install in two minutes.  You can download the
/trunk/bin/release folder in seconds (a few minutes with dial up). You
do not have to create the build, the compiled executable is right there
in a folder for your consumption.  Point, click, run; it doesn't get any
simpler.  In making the Alpha code just a tad bit less convenient to
get, that would in essence help the development team.  If Eric has to
filter through 100 bug report daily from Alpha code users to filter out
the NABs or reports on features not 100% implemented, that is time
wasted from actually writing code or thinking up new wiz bang features.
I'd rather him spend his valuable time doing the later.  If anyone who
stumbles upon it can get what is basically non-tested, guaranteed to
have problems, can't support it product (remember PowerSDR is a Flex
product), then that defeats Gerald's goal of trying to change the untrue
perception that PowerSDR is not a mature and stable product, because
Alpha code IS and immature unstable product.

This defeats the beauty and value of the whole
ad-hoc testing arm and relegates flex to big company processes.  The
that alpha evaluators have to build the code creates a whole new set of
variables, problems, etc. that will obscure or at least delay discovery
actual application errors.

[Tim Ellison] This is not the case; you can get the alpha executable de
jour from without having to build any code.  I am running that
executable as I write this.

I would respectfully (and professionally) suggest a tiered process
from the existing website that offers formal releases (like today),
beta code (like today, but more solid release candidates, as Gerald
indicated) and Build of the day as finished .exes for alpha testing
with a click-box acknowledgement on download (like the GPL) that bugs
are to
be only posted to the bug tracking system and no comments or support
requests accepted on specific BOD releases on the reflector.

[Tim Ellison] In essence that exists today with the SVN tool without
having to agree to a usage policy for reporting problems.  

  This way everyone is informed, continues to have full unfettered
access to the flex applications at all points in its lifecycle without
onerous impediment
(tools, compilers, knowledge) to just run the damn code and yet the
unhappiness and delayed gratification encountered by newbies, neophytes
the nonadventurous can be avoided.

As indicated, Flex is facing the growing pains that every start-up goes
through.  Many software activities begin as grass roots efforts and as
become viable businesses, advancement of the business requires

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Christopher T. Day

Welcome to the world of large physics experiments - everyone is a
developer of their bit and a user of everyone else's bits.

Chris - AE6VK

P.S. - And if you ask, How do we handle that?, the answer is Badly.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Lux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:40 AM

...  This seems to be a very different model from most 
purely software products, where you have coders and users, and not


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Dan Babcock
Hi Lee,

 Your points are well taken and eloquently stated as always.  BUT...

  Using SVN is about as trivial as it gets in the computer world.  I am n=
ot sure that a person that cannot invest ten minutes of their time to learn=
 the rudiments of using SVN should be fiddling with any kind of code, much =
less alpha code.  =


  I think we are making this issue about 100 times more difficult than it i=

  If you don't want to screw with SVN or alpha code, don't

  If you want to give the beta code a try because it has a feature you cann=
ot live without, download the exe file from the Flex-Radio website and go a=
t it.

  If you want to use only the stable release, no problem. =


  Everyone is quickly forgetting that the difference between now and a few =
weeks ago is that today we have a full featured stable release.  In the not=
 too distant past it was often necessary to install the latest (alpha, beta=
, or whatever) release to have complete functionality of the radio.

  My nickel's worth.


  Dan N4XWE


New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save =
-- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-18 Thread Jim Lux

At 11:10 AM 4/18/2006, Pedlow, Lee wrote:

As indicated, Flex is facing the growing pains that every start-up goes
through.  Many software activities begin as grass roots efforts and as they
become viable businesses, advancement of the business requires the evolution
of processes and practices.  I think the suggestions made above resonate
with both Gerald's desires and Jim's very valid comments (be nice Jim).
Flame away.

Lee Pedlow NG6B
San Diego, CA

I agree with you Lee..

The question I would have is who does the compile for the SVN .. Right now, 
you could check in a source code module without necessarily doing a build, 
bumping the SVN number.

Might be nice to have the build in a standard environment?

Maybe an automated daily build (as advocated by many software engineering 
pundits) run by a cron job (actually schedule service in the windows 
world, unless you've installed SFU) at a reference site might be 
useful?   The cron would pick up the latest revision at 0700Z or something, 
run a batch compile, and plonk the resulting exe (if any) out there.

Or, (gods forbid in the Windows world) a make file with a script to run it 
that gets zapped into SVN too.  A script is available that

a) updates your local copy
b) fires off the make

The Visual Studio world DOES have some way to do automated builds (MS uses 
it internally, for instance), but I haven't figured it out yet. I haven't 
spent much time hunting it down, though.

Lots of ways to go, and over the next few weeks/months, I figure we'll 
converge on something.


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-17 Thread Willi Reppel

- Original Message - 
From: Willi Reppel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?
I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if 

have to deal with SVN.

Dan  K6KDK


The SDR1000 is adictive. You can check out any time you like but you can 
never  leave.


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-17 Thread k6kdk

Not to worry, I have been in a private communication with Gerald (much to
his credit he has taken the time to directly and personally resolve several
issues with his customers).

I am sure you are right about the Flex Project, I will hang in there.

But, Willi, please read the entire thread of messages on this topic. Later,
(see Dons last post) it aired out some rough edges on the internal Flex
public policy communications standard (hi..hi..) ..  I think, in the end,
there was a positive impact, and we can now just all go on from here.

Best Regards,  -Dan

- Original Message -
From: Willi Reppel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

 - Original Message -
 From: Willi Reppel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?
  I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order
  have to deal with SVN.
 Dan  K6KDK


 The SDR1000 is adictive. You can check out any time you like but you can
 never  leave.


 FlexRadio mailing list
 Archive Link:
 FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Dale Richardson
I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the =

beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique. =

There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I =

also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to =

present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators. =

That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta versions.
Dale AA5XE

Don AE5K wrote:

At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...

In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:


That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile any
code to get and run the latest. =


Sounds good!

So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:

1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
(with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
files and 714 folders!

2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found

3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
the file specified ... at
System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.

Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
in the area of svn or MS Windows.

It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!

What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?

I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.

Don AE5K

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:


-- =


Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a mo=
ment should it be left to irresponsible action.
- George Washington

-- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread k6kdk
I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

 I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
 beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
 There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
 also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
 present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
 That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta versions.
 Dale AA5XE

 Don AE5K wrote:

 At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
 of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...
 In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
 That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
 the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile any
 code to get and run the latest.
 Sounds good!
 So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
 am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
 on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
 PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
 1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
 I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
 day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
 Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
 (with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
 files and 714 folders!
 2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
 powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
 few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
 me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
 Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found
 3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
 consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
 the file specified ... at
 System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
 startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
 Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
 in the area of svn or MS Windows.
 It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
 megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
 What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
 how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
 those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
 I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
 Don AE5K
 FlexRadio mailing list
 Archive Link:
 FlexRadio Homepage:


 Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a
moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
 - George Washington

 -- next part --
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 FlexRadio mailing list
 Archive Link:
 FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Christopher T. Day
Has any thought been given to setting up a Continuous Integration system
for the PowerSDR software? Then there would always be the latest and
greatest - and maybe broken - alpha for developers and eager users to

Chris - AE6VK

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order
if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Stan
When I purchased my radio, Gerald told me on the phone
having an SDR radio is really neat cause every few weeks you get new software.
Its like Christmas, every few weeks there a new version of software to play 
with, like getting a new radio.

So this is changing? Why?

I dont have the time to set up SVN, my life doesnt revolve around ham radio.
I am sure there are some of us who actually have real jobs (not retired).

If the tune from the original song is changing Gerald, can I send my radio and 
all the other items I needed to purchase to make it work in for a full 


On Sunday 16 April 2006 06:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

 Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

 I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
 have to deal with SVN.

 So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

 -Dan  K6KDK

 - Original Message -
 From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

  I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
  beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
  There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
  also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
  present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
  That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta
  versions. 73,
  Dale AA5XE
  Don AE5K wrote:
  At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
  of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...
  In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
  That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
  the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile
   any code to get and run the latest.
  Sounds good!
  So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
  am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
  on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
  PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
  1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
  I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
  day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
  Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
  (with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
  files and 714 folders!
  2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
  powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
  few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
  me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
  Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found
  3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
  consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
  the file specified ... at
  System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
  startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
  Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
  in the area of svn or MS Windows.
  It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
  megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
  What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
  how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
  those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
  I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
  Don AE5K
  FlexRadio mailing list
  Archive Link:

  FlexRadio Homepage:
  Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a

 moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

  - George Washington
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  FlexRadio mailing list
  Archive Link:

  FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Robert McGwier


Nothing could be more open source or alpha or beta than svn.  It is a 
free tool that allows you to immediately download all of the latest code 
a few seconds after it has been built.  It is easier than dealing with a 
zip file after tortoise is installed and you are guaranteed delivery.  
It integrates with your shell on windows as easily as winzip or winrar.  
It will install source,  executable and the manual in a trunk 
directory.  No browser is required.  It delivers the source code,  
project files,  documentation, executable, solution files, resource 
files, etc. perfectly laid out in a perfect directory structure.  We 
constantly had problems with the zip files.  SVN is better by about a 
million fold in my estimation.  Nothing has gotten worse about the open 
nature of the project,  it has gotten better, easier, and faster.  One 
system call after I or another developer uploads a changed file,   you 
can download it.  YOU NEVER had that level of access with zip files.

Give it a try before you call Gerald.  Following Tim's instructions,  
you can do it in about five minutes.



I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?


I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta versions.
Dale AA5XE

Don AE5K wrote:

At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...

In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:


That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile any
code to get and run the latest.

Sounds good!

So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:

1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
(with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
files and 714 folders!

2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found

3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
the file specified ... at
System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.

Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
in the area of svn or MS Windows.

It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!

What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?

I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.

Don AE5K

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:

FlexRadio Homepage:



Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a

moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

- George Washington

-- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Robert McGwier

We really are doing a poor job of communicating aren't we?

That is exactly what you get with svn.  The tool is easy and free. It is 
also available from tigris.

PLEASE people.  Google tortoise svn.  Download the windows installer.  
Do NOT change the little box marked with an X in the configuration set 
up where you are offered the ability to make modifications that will 
help you build MS Frontpage web site.  This will render it useless for 
our purposes and it is a hack for Frontpage and non standard.  Follow 
Tim's instructions.  You will have everything I worked on yesterday 


Christopher T. Day wrote:

Has any thought been given to setting up a Continuous Integration system
for the PowerSDR software? Then there would always be the latest and
greatest - and maybe broken - alpha for developers and eager users to

Chris - AE6VK

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:49 AM

Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order
if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:


AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Tom Thompson
Hi Dan,

Don't cancel your order.  What I understand from Gerald is that he is trying to 
hit a happy medium between the tinkerers and the users.  I have heard several 
people who have read the reflector say that the radio has too many bugs for 
them.  I think the open discussion on the reflector sometimes gives the wrong 
impression, and Gerald is trying to mitigate this and hit a happy medium.  I 
think that the Alpha versions will be on the SVN server, but the Beta versions 
will still be public.  Quoting Gerald in his email:

We will publish Beta on our public site
when sufficient features warrant and when we have rung it out with those of
you who want to Alpha test.


Tom   W0IVJ


I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?


I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta versions.
Dale AA5XE

Don AE5K wrote:

At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...

In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:


That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile any
code to get and run the latest.

Sounds good!

So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:

1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
(with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
files and 714 folders!

2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found

3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
the file specified ... at
System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.

Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
in the area of svn or MS Windows.

It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!

What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?

I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.

Don AE5K

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:

FlexRadio Homepage:



Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a

moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

- George Washington

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FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:

FlexRadio Homepage:

FlexRadio mailing

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread w2agn

Robert McGwier wrote:

We really are doing a poor job of communicating aren't we?

That is exactly what you get with svn.  The tool is easy and free. It is 
also available from tigris.

PLEASE people.  Google tortoise svn.  Download the windows installer.  
Do NOT change the little box marked with an X in the configuration set 
up where you are offered the ability to make modifications that will 
help you build MS Frontpage web site.  This will render it useless for 
our purposes and it is a hack for Frontpage and non standard.  Follow 
Tim's instructions.  You will have everything I worked on yesterday 


OK, I am definitely NOT a software expert, but I did just what Bob said, 
downloaded Tortoise, followed the instructions, got the new binary, and 
viola' it ran! Since I didn't want the Source stuff (not ready to try 
compiling yet!) I cancelled downloading after the bin was downloaded. 
I made a new folder under /Program Files/Flexradio/Beta1.6.1 and put all 
the release there, and then I could dump all the extraneous stuff to 
save disk space.

Not difficult at all.

/ \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke

( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
\_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Christopher T. Day
Oops. Sorry, I obviously should have actually _looked_ at the repository
before sending my message.

Chris - AE6VK

-Original Message-
From: Robert McGwier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:34 AM
To: Christopher T. Day
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

We really are doing a poor job of communicating aren't we?

That is exactly what you get with svn.  ...


Christopher T. Day wrote:
 Has any thought been given to setting up a Continuous Integration
 for the PowerSDR software? ...

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Christopher T. Day
If all you want are the binaries, you can simplify this still further by


in Tim's instructions. That way you will only download the repository
sub-folder with the Release binaries in it. SVN does not require anyone
to download the whole repository.

Chris - AE6VK

-Original Message-
From: w2agn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:15 AM
To: Robert McGwier
Cc: Christopher T. Day;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

Robert McGwier wrote:
 We really are doing a poor job of communicating aren't we?

 That is exactly what you get with svn.  The tool is easy and free. It
 also available from tigris.

 PLEASE people.  Google tortoise svn.  Download the windows installer.

 Do NOT change the little box marked with an X in the configuration set

 up where you are offered the ability to make modifications that will 
 help you build MS Frontpage web site.  This will render it useless for

 our purposes and it is a hack for Frontpage and non standard.  Follow 
 Tim's instructions.  You will have everything I worked on yesterday 


OK, I am definitely NOT a software expert, but I did just what Bob said,

downloaded Tortoise, followed the instructions, got the new binary, and 
viola' it ran! Since I didn't want the Source stuff (not ready to try 
compiling yet!) I cancelled downloading after the bin was downloaded. 
I made a new folder under /Program Files/Flexradio/Beta1.6.1 and put all

the release there, and then I could dump all the extraneous stuff to 
save disk space.

Not difficult at all.

 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Jim Lux

At 09:49 AM 4/16/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

I would imagine that you are confusing the ongoing SVN repository updates 
(not even alpha in most cases)
with beta (which I assume would be posted on Flex's website somewhere) and 
source (which is also posted).

I would expect that betas would emerge every month or so (hopefully not at 
the daily rate characteristic of some of the preview cycles 
before!).  SOmeone declares a beta and captures a snapshot and zips it up 
and pushes it out.

If you want to work at the bleeding edge (i.e. untested alpha code from the 
repository), then tortoise/SVN are not too bad of a way to do it.

The challenge will be in keeping track of what a beta is, and how to 
reconstruct it from the repository, but I believe that's been figured out, 
and involves some (very small) amount of fooling with SVN.  In any event, 
if you were consuming beta releases, it wouldn't matter, because at that 
level, you're not the one building the beta: you'd just create a directory, 
unzip the beta, and be done with it.

Where you could really get wrapped around the axle is if you try to work in 
both environments at once, or try to unzip new betas on top of old.  Given 
that it's a beta release, there isn't usually a safe installer that would 
get rid of incompatible stuff from old, leaving other stuff behind.  If you 
had rolled in some stuff off SVN into a beta installation, and then you 
load in a new beta release on top, you're almost certain to have problems.

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

As far as practicalities go, the whole process is just getting rolling, so 
the all-important details and procedures are still evolving.  I would 
venture to guess that within a few weeks, the various release and update 
mechanisms will have been worked out.  Overall, as someone who suffered 
through the early Microsoft Windows 3.x beta release cycles, where you'd 
get boxes of floppies and/or CDs periodically, I think that Flex-radio has 
done a fairly good job trying to distinguish between the levels of finshed 
productness, and trying to get distribution methods that are consistent 
with those levels.


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Jim Lux

At 10:19 AM 4/16/2006, Stan wrote:

When I purchased my radio, Gerald told me on the phone
having an SDR radio is really neat cause every few weeks you get new software.
Its like Christmas, every few weeks there a new version of software to play
with, like getting a new radio.

You DO get a new version every few weeks (or, perhaps a couple months).. 
What hopefully is changing is that you don't get a different version (with 
different broken parts) every other day.

The process in the past has mixed the two together... there would be a 
release with a bunch of new features, released as a preview.. people 
would download it, find the inevitable bugs, a new preview would get pushed 
out, more bugs, back and forth on fairly frequent cycle, until a dozen or 
so previews had been rolled out, then, it would become an official release.

The problem is that there wasn't much to distinguish all those previews and 
the real beta releases, and folks were justifiably complaining about 
chasing a moving target. There's also the difficulty that some folks were 
using the .exe, and others were recompiling, and without good configuration 
control, there would inevitably be differences between the .exe out of the 
preview, and the one you compiled.

So, now, all those previews, bugs and all, will be handled via SVN, 
rather than as zipped blocks.  If you do the SVN thing, then the code 
you're compiling will always be the right configuration.

So this is changing? Why?

I dont have the time to set up SVN, my life doesnt revolve around ham radio.
I am sure there are some of us who actually have real jobs (not retired).

TortoiseSVN doesn't take all that long to set up (15 minutes), and once 
you've got it done, life is MUCH easier than it was under the old scheme, 
where you'd unzip things and hope that they were in the right place.  The 
other virtue is that with SVN, you can do an update whenever you like, to 
an arbitrary point in the sequence of changes. No worries about whether 
you've unzipped the pieces in the right order and whether you've missed 

If the tune from the original song is changing Gerald, can I send my radio 

all the other items I needed to purchase to make it work in for a full


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Tim Ellison
I have to agree with Bob.  There is nothing more easier than using SVN
for downloading the source and freshly compiled executables.  Please try
it before you bash it.  It is technically much easier to get a SVN
executable running than downloading the setup program from the Flex

Here is an added setup bonus tip for SVN users:  Create a shortcut to
the PowerSDR.exe in the \trunk\bin\source folder.  Place it on you

Then there is only one icon you have to click to run the Alpha code.

Remember, all perceived bugs about alpha source should be directed to
the Flex support bug track page.  Make sure before reporting, that the
developers are not in the middle of fixing things.  Example, Bob has
been working on the VAC code and it has been delivered in phases.
Running some of the interim builds produced less that stealer results,
but it was an unfinished work. Please READ the comments associated with
the revision you are running before posting a bug report, it will tell
you a lot about what state of the source you are running.

Also, we all really need to do our part to help implement Gerald's
vision for making the reflector more SDR-1000 information oriented and
not the dumping ground for reporting potential source code bugs.

One other hint.  Since the console is being redone, reporting bugs
related to the current 1.6.0 console are probably moot unless they are
very serious (but most of these have been found and corrected).  Focus
more on the non-UI (user interface) aspects of the code.  They have the
biggest impact and provide the most improvement in the operation of the

73 and enjoy your Easter (I hope everyone remembered to boil the eggs
first HI HI)

Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( )

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert McGwier
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:34 PM
To: Christopher T. Day
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

We really are doing a poor job of communicating aren't we?

That is exactly what you get with svn.  The tool is easy and free. It is

also available from tigris.

PLEASE people.  Google tortoise svn.  Download the windows installer.  
Do NOT change the little box marked with an X in the configuration set 
up where you are offered the ability to make modifications that will 
help you build MS Frontpage web site.  This will render it useless for 
our purposes and it is a hack for Frontpage and non standard.  Follow 
Tim's instructions.  You will have everything I worked on yesterday 


Christopher T. Day wrote:
 Has any thought been given to setting up a Continuous Integration
 for the PowerSDR software? Then there would always be the latest and
 greatest - and maybe broken - alpha for developers and eager users to

   Chris - AE6VK

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

 I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three

 Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and

 I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order
 if I
 have to deal with SVN.

 So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

 -Dan  K6KDK

 FlexRadio mailing list
 Archive Link:
 FlexRadio Homepage:


AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread w2agn

Christopher T. Day wrote:

If all you want are the binaries, you can simplify this still further by


in Tim's instructions. That way you will only download the repository
sub-folder with the Release binaries in it. SVN does not require anyone
to download the whole repository.

Chris - AE6VK

Thank you! That will simplify things.

/ \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke

( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
\_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Eric Ellison

Nope... You put a little pinhole in each end of the egg and blow in one of
em real hard and everything comes out. Sort of the equivalent of the reverse
of 'ship in a bottle'. Only the bottle ain't clear. Then you decorate them
and put them back in the box, sort of the equivalent of Short Sheeting...
Don't have to cookem at all! (note if you are careful you can color them
before blowing them)

Then givem to you grandkids! Just like Ship in a bottle they wonder: Now
did Popper do that? Really low cholesterol also! Win Win!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Naruta
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:08 PM
To: FlexRadio
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?


I was s'posed to boil 'em first?

That explains a lot.

Can I still put 'em in the microwave?

Mike - AA8K

Tim Ellison wrote:
 73 and enjoy your Easter (I hope everyone remembered to boil the eggs
 first HI HI)
 Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Mark Amos
For everyone worried about setting up SVN: it's really pretty simple
(instructions earlier in this thread.)  I've never used it before ant it
took about 4 minutes - there are really only a half dozen simple steps to do
it.  Once it's set up, it's pretty much one click to get the newest
version...  I think it might actually be easier than the old process. 

Mark - W8XR
People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession
of their character. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Sunday 16 April 2006 06:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

 Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

 I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if
 have to deal with SVN.

 So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

 -Dan  K6KDK

 - Original Message -
 From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

  I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
  beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
  There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
  also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
  present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
  That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta
  versions. 73,
  Dale AA5XE
  Don AE5K wrote:
  At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
  of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...
  In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
  That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
  the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile
   any code to get and run the latest.
  Sounds good!
  So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.
  am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
  on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
  PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
  1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
  I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
  day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
  Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
  (with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
  files and 714 folders!
  2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
  powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
  few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it
  me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
  Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found
  3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
  consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot
  the file specified ... at
  System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
  startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
  Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is
  in the area of svn or MS Windows.
  It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
  megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
  What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
  how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
  those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
  I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
  Don AE5K
  FlexRadio mailing list
  Archive Link:

  FlexRadio Homepage:
  Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a

 moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

  - George Washington
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  FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Mark Amos

This is very nice - even faster than the old zip download.  I blew away
the old SVN directory, created a new one and tortoised it.  In less than a
minute I had the executable!

Just keeps getting easier!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher T. Day
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:26 PM
To: w2agn; Robert McGwier
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

If all you want are the binaries, you can simplify this still further by


in Tim's instructions. That way you will only download the repository
sub-folder with the Release binaries in it. SVN does not require anyone
to download the whole repository.

Chris - AE6VK

-Original Message-
From: w2agn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:15 AM
To: Robert McGwier
Cc: Christopher T. Day;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

Robert McGwier wrote:
 We really are doing a poor job of communicating aren't we?

 That is exactly what you get with svn.  The tool is easy and free. It
 also available from tigris.

 PLEASE people.  Google tortoise svn.  Download the windows installer.

 Do NOT change the little box marked with an X in the configuration set

 up where you are offered the ability to make modifications that will 
 help you build MS Frontpage web site.  This will render it useless for

 our purposes and it is a hack for Frontpage and non standard.  Follow 
 Tim's instructions.  You will have everything I worked on yesterday 


OK, I am definitely NOT a software expert, but I did just what Bob said,

downloaded Tortoise, followed the instructions, got the new binary, and 
viola' it ran! Since I didn't want the Source stuff (not ready to try 
compiling yet!) I cancelled downloading after the bin was downloaded. 
I made a new folder under /Program Files/Flexradio/Beta1.6.1 and put all

the release there, and then I could dump all the extraneous stuff to 
save disk space.

Not difficult at all.

 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Philip M. Lanese
Only if you are redecorating the inside of your microwave to yellow

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Naruta [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was s'posed to boil 'em first?
 That explains a lot.
 Can I still put 'em in the microwave?
 Mike - AA8K

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Mike Naruta


BTW, not long after I assembled my Heathkit Microwave
Oven (274 screws! My wrist was sore for a week),
my brother-in-law decided to hard boil some eggs.

He said that he wound up using toothpicks to clean out
the tiny holes in the front door.  This was before
Heath sent out the plastic panel to fit over the
front door.

Mike - AA8K

Eric Ellison wrote:


Nope... You put a little pinhole in each end of the egg and blow in one of
em real hard and everything comes out. Sort of the equivalent of the reverse
of 'ship in a bottle'. Only the bottle ain't clear. Then you decorate them
and put them back in the box, sort of the equivalent of Short Sheeting...
Don't have to cookem at all! (note if you are careful you can color them
before blowing them)

Then givem to you grandkids! Just like Ship in a bottle they wonder: Now
did Popper do that? Really low cholesterol also! Win Win!


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Jim Lux

At 12:16 PM 4/16/2006, Christopher T. Day wrote:


Keeping track of the betas is _really_ easy in SVN. Assuming you have
write access to the SVN repository, right click on the mainline trunk
folder and select Copy to  In the URL that comes up, replace
trunk with tags/beta name and let 'er rip. Bingo! A beta version.

But that presumes that the development team is being good about properly 
labeling tags, etc.

Note that this DOES NOT actually copy the files, only the repository
version at the instant of beta creation. When files are downloaded from
the beta directory of the repository, SVN reconstructs the proper file

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread Christopher T. Day
Or that only one person has the authority and access rights to make such
a Beta tag. There should be some sort of testing required or it's hardly
a beta, after all. The tester could be the one to declare the beta.

Chris - AE6VK

-Original Message-
From: Jim Lux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:12 PM
To: Christopher T. Day; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

At 12:16 PM 4/16/2006, Christopher T. Day wrote:

Keeping track of the betas is _really_ easy in SVN. Assuming you have
write access to the SVN repository, right click on the mainline trunk
folder and select Copy to  In the URL that comes up, replace
trunk with tags/beta name and let 'er rip. Bingo! A beta version.

But that presumes that the development team is being good about
labeling tags, etc.

Note that this DOES NOT actually copy the files, only the repository
version at the instant of beta creation. When files are downloaded from
the beta directory of the repository, SVN reconstructs the proper file

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread KD5NWA
The Tortoise SVN is extremely easy to use, basically right click on a 
folder and select update and that is it, you will get you source copy 
updated. If you have made personal changes to you copy it keeps them 
by updating the file instead of replacing it.

I have no clue if you have bad experiences with other SVN sources, 
but Tortoise is easy as could be.

If you want some help in trying it out let me know.

At 11:49 AM 4/16/2006, you wrote:

I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

 I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
 beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
 There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
 also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
 present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
 That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta versions.
 Dale AA5XE

 Don AE5K wrote:

 At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
 of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...
 In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
 That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
 the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile any
 code to get and run the latest.
 Sounds good!
 So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
 am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
 on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
 PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
 1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
 I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
 day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
 Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
 (with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
 files and 714 folders!
 2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
 powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
 few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
 me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
 Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found
 3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
 consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
 the file specified ... at
 System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
 startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
 Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
 in the area of svn or MS Windows.
 It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
 megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
 What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
 how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
 those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
 I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
 Don AE5K
 FlexRadio mailing list
 Archive Link:
 FlexRadio Homepage:


 Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a
moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
 - George Washington

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Cecil Bayona


Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread KD5NWA
Once you have Tortoise downloaded it takes less that 5 minutes to 
install it and set it up. Setup is no more complicated than pasting 
in an address of the SVN server and that is it, you are done.

Once you start using it you  will love it, right click on the folder 
containing the source, select update, and in my case in a few seconds 
you have the latest and greatest code to play with. And if you made 
changes to some of the files, you don't loose those changes, you 
can't say that with downloading a zip file.

At 12:19 PM 4/16/2006, Stan wrote:

When I purchased my radio, Gerald told me on the phone
having an SDR radio is really neat cause every few weeks you get new software.
Its like Christmas, every few weeks there a new version of software to play
with, like getting a new radio.

So this is changing? Why?

I dont have the time to set up SVN, my life doesnt revolve around ham radio.
I am sure there are some of us who actually have real jobs (not retired).

If the tune from the original song is changing Gerald, can I send my 
radio and

all the other items I needed to purchase to make it work in for a full


On Sunday 16 April 2006 06:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

 Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

 I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
 have to deal with SVN.

 So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

 -Dan  K6KDK

 - Original Message -
 From: Dale Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

  I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
  beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
  There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
  also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
  present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
  That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta
  versions. 73,
  Dale AA5XE
  Don AE5K wrote:
  At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
  of Thou Shall Nots... which are hard to keep up with)...
  In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
  That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
  the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile
   any code to get and run the latest.
  Sounds good!
  So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest alpha.  I
  am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
  on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
  PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
  1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
  I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
  day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
  Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
  (with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
  files and 714 folders!
  2. Made my way to the release folder under trunk-bin and found a
  powersdr.exe.  Clicking on it started up the wisdom program for a
  few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
  me of a fatal error: File or assembly name
  Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found
  3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
  consistently get a fatal error which starts out: The system cannot find
  the file specified ... at
  System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
  startInfo) and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
  Even though I might be considered a software type, my expertise is not
  in the area of svn or MS Windows.
  It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
  megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
  What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
  how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
  those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
  I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
  Don AE5K
  FlexRadio mailing list
  Archive Link:

  FlexRadio Homepage:
  Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a

 moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

  - George