Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Miguel Mendez
Matthew Dillon wrote:

interdisciplinary people left in the project.  The SMP interactions
that John mentions are not trivial... they would challenge *ME* and
regardless of what people think about my social mores I think most
people would agree that I am a pretty good programmer.
My thoughts exactly. Every time I have this kind of argument, be it on 
irc or in a mailing list, I get told that Sun needed X years to do the 
fine grained locks in Solaris and other similar crap. Solaris was 
possible because Sun could throw more engineers at the problem if 
needed. FreeBSD is not in such situation. How many people have intimate 
knowledge of the VM subsystem? How many people besides John Baldwin have 
ever touched the SMPng code? I don't think anybody has doubts about your 
programming-fu, btw :)

serious trouble down the line.  The idea (that some people have stated
in later followups to this thread) that the APIs themselves will
stabilize is a pipedream.  The codebase may become reasonably stable,
Agreed. Like I've said, the main problem I see is complexity. It 
wouldn't matter as much if there were 5-10 people with deep knowledge of 
SMPng, but with 1 or 2 hackers working on it, the chance that everything 
will be ever fixed is quite small.

but there are a lot of things in there that people are going to want
to rewrite in coming years, and rewriting by people other then the
original authors is one of the reasons why we had so much trouble in
the 2.x and 3.x days.  Look at how little VFS has been touched in the
It depends whether we're talking about evolutionary changes or 
revolutionary changes. Are you talking about radical changes like e.g. 
moving from the BSD scheduler to ULE or more like interface and code 
refactorization? In the former, yes, new bugs will be introduced, which 
leads again to the problem of too complex code managed by too few people.

I mean, I don't think anyone can honestly say that the scheduler is
'done', or even close to done.  Look at how long the original 42 scheduler
IMHO ULE is making progress quite fast. I wouldn't rely on it for 
production, but so far is looks very good.

non-interrupt threads due to priority borrowing, and non deterministic
side effects from blocking in a mutex (because mutexes are used for
many things now that spl's were used for before, this is a very
serious issue).
Yes, that's the main problem I see, not much on the scheduler side, but 
on the 6-trillion-mutexes side.

See?  I didn't mention DragonFly even once!  Ooops, I didn't mention
DFly twice.  oops!  Well, I didn't mention it more then twice anyway.
Makes me wonder if some of the solutions proposed by DragonFly could be 
ported to FreeBSD, but I doubt it will be done, since it's more or less 
admitting that the current solution is wrong.

Yes, I mentioned DragonFly (how dare he!). Feel free to flame, I've 
become extremely efficient at adding people to /etc/postfix/access :-P

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Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Scott Long

Every FreeBSD release cycle in the past year has hit bumps due to install
floppy problems.  This is becoming more and more of a burden on the
Release Engineering Team, as we simply do not have the resources to
constantly battle the floppies.

FreeBSD/i386 is the only port left that generates install floppies.
Their primary purpose is to fascilitate installing FreeBSD on systems
where a CDROM is either not available or is incompatible with the
'Non-Emulated El Torito' boot method that we use on our CDs.  Systems that
cannot boot these CDs are typically those that are also not certified for
WinNT4, Win2K, or WinXP.  Thus, nearly all machines produced after 1997
can boot our CDs.

It is certainly possible to run FreeBSD 5.x on machines of this and prior
vintage, and I certainly do not want to dispute or question any motives
here.  However, the number of machines in this category is steadily
declining as time goes on, while the effort put into supporting install
floppies seems to be on the rise.  I certainly do not want to orphan these
machines, so we need to find a compromise.

One solution is to find a dedicated 'floppy maintainer' that will
frequently assess the floppies during the normal developement periods and
work closely with the Release Engineering team to ensure that there are
few surprises when it's time to cut a release.  I would expect this person
to develop and execute a test plan that covers all of the common aspects
of installing via floppy: basic sanity checks, loading drivers, installing
via the various mechanisms, etc.  This person should also be comfortable
with modifying makefiles and the sysinstall source.

The other solution is to replace install floppies with an 'Emulated El
Torito' CD image.  I'm not going to go into the differences between
'non-emulated' and 'emulated' except to say that 'emulated' is the method
used on FreeBSD 4.x (and prior), Win95, and Win98.  Virtually every system
in existance that supports a CDROM supports this method.  This image would
contain the loader, kernel, and MFS root, just like the current
'bootonly.iso' image, but would be configured for emulated booting.  Users
could download this image, burn it, boot it, and then install FreeBSD just
like they normally would.  Of course this adds the requirement of needing
a CD burner, but these devices are becoming common enough that it could
be a reasonable expectation.

Switching to this method doesn't entirely remove the headache of release
floppies, but it does make it signficantly easier to deal with them.  The
'emulated' method actually uses a 2.88MB floppy image that combines the
first two 1.44MB floppies that we traditionally produce.  By combining
them, we have a bit more flexibility since the driver modules that are on
the second floppy can go back into the kernel image and benefit from the
compression that happens there.

So, this is something to consider before 5.3.  After that, we are
stuck with the consequences of whatever we choose (or don't choose) for
the entire 5.x lifespan.  I do not cherish the thought of fighting
floppies for another 2-3 years.  I'm happy to work with someone who steps
forward and is committed to maintaining the floppies as they are today.
Otherwise, we need to seriously consider the alternative.


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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Peter Jeremy
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:08:38PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
for whopping 28 days.

I agree the ports tree has not been completely open for as long as it
should be recently.  This is due to unforeseen problems that resulted
in significant delays for both 4.9-RELEASE and 5.2-RELEASE.  It's
difficult to see how this could have been handled any better.
Hopefully there will be fewer problems with future releases.
Non-committers can help here by testing -STABLE and -BETA snapshots
more extensively so that more problems are ironed out before the
ports tags are laid down.  (An alternative might be to delay the
ports tagging until later in the release cycle, but I suspect that
is just as likely to cause problems by having last minute ports
breakages cause delays).

Limitations of CVS don't exactly help either. The fact that you need
direct access to the repository to be able to copy a tree with
history (repocopy) as opposed to this operation being part of the
interface[1], which means being lucky enough to find a committer,
and get them commit the stuff within the blink of an eye ports is
open, further constrains people's ability to work on FreeBSD with
some satisfaction.

I'm not sure what is meant by this paragraph.  CVS doesn't support
renaming files or directories - which can be a nuisance.  As used
within the Project, repocopy means manually copying parts of the
repository to simulate file/directory duplication or renaming.  This
ability is restricted to a very small subset of committers - normal
committers have to request repocopies as do non-committers.  OTOH,
replicating the complete FreeBSD CVS repository is trivial via either
CVSup or CTM and both procedures are documented in the handbook.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:35:01AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
 So, this is something to consider before 5.3.  After that, we are
 stuck with the consequences of whatever we choose (or don't choose) for
 the entire 5.x lifespan.  I do not cherish the thought of fighting
 floppies for another 2-3 years.  I'm happy to work with someone who steps
 forward and is committed to maintaining the floppies as they are today.
 Otherwise, we need to seriously consider the alternative.


While it is indeed true that most machines since 1997 will support this
CD format, please take in to account:
  There are lots of machines with no CD drives:
Slimline machines a la dell/compaq/hp/gateway
Many corporate workstations
Machines older than 1997 (this is mostly anything early PII chips
  and older, of which there are still a lot). Freebsd does work
  great on old hardware :)
I'm sure there are others I can't think of at almost midnight.. :)

I understand it is difficult to maintain the floppies. I wish I
understood them better :-) Is it not possible to have ftp install
floppies, which do nothing more than simple FTP installations?

Avleen Vig
Systems Administrator
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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Matthew Dillon

: See?  I didn't mention DragonFly even once!  Ooops, I didn't mention
: DFly twice.  oops!  Well, I didn't mention it more then twice anyway.
:Makes me wonder if some of the solutions proposed by DragonFly could be 
:ported to FreeBSD, but I doubt it will be done, since it's more or less 
:admitting that the current solution is wrong.
:Yes, I mentioned DragonFly (how dare he!). Feel free to flame, I've 
:become extremely efficient at adding people to /etc/postfix/access :-P
:   Miguel Mendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think the correct approach to thinking about these abstractions would
be to look at the code design implifications rather then just looking
at performance, and then decide whether FreeBSD would benefit from
the type of API simplification that these algorithms make possible.

The best example of this that I have, and probably the *easiest*
subsystem to port to FreeBSD (John could probably do it in a day),
which I think would even wind up being exremely useful in a number
of existing subsystems in FreeBSD (such as the slab allocator),
would be DFly's IPI messaging code.  I use the IPI messaging abstraction
sort of like a 'remote procedure call' interface... a way to execute
a procedure on some other cpu rather then the current cpu.

This abstraction allows me to execute operations on data structures
which are 'owned' by another cpu on the target cpu itself, which means
that instead of getting a mutex, operating on the data structure, and
releasing the mutex, I simply send an asynch (don't wait for it to
complete on the source cpu) IPI message to the target cpu.  By running
the particular function, such as a scheduling request, in the target
cpu's context, you suddenly find yourself in a situation where *NONE*
of the related scheduler functions, and there are over a dozen of them,
need to mess with mutexes.  Not one.  All they need to do to protect
their turf is enter a critical section for a short period of time.
The algorithm simplification is significant... you don't have to worry
about crossing a thread boundary, you can remain in the critical section
through the actual switch code which removes a huge number of special
cases from the switch code.  You don't have to worry about mutexes
blocking, you don't have to worry about futzing the owner of any mutexes,
you don't have to worry about the BGL, you don't have to worry about
stale caches between cpus, the code works equally well in a UP environment
as it does in an SMP environment... cache pollution is minimized...
the list goes on an on.

So looking at these abstractions just from a performance standpoint
misses some of the biggest reasons for why you might want to use them.
Algorithmic simplification and maintainability are very important.
Performance is important but not relevant if the resulting optimization
cannot be maintained.

In anycase, I use IPIs to do all sorts of things.  Not all have worked
out... my token passing code, which I tried to use as a replacement
for lockmgr interlocks, is pretty aweful and I consider it a conceptual
failure.  But our scheduler, slab allocator, and messaging code,
and a number of other mechanisms, benefit from huge simplifications
through their use of IPI messaging.  Imagine... the messaging code
is able to implement its entire API, including queueing and dequeueing
messages on ports, without using a single mutex and (for all intents
and purposes) without lock-related blocking.  The code is utterly
simple yet works between cpus, between mainline code and interrupts
with preemption capabilities, and vise-versa.  There are virtually no
special cases.  Same with the slab code, except when it needs to 
allocate a new zone from kernel_map, and same with the scheduler.

Matthew Dillon 
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 11:50:59PM -0800 I heard the voice of
Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:
 While it is indeed true that most machines since 1997 will support this
 CD format, please take in to account:

And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

It seems to me that we could split more out into modules, and/or add more
disks of modules (maybe categorize a storage device modules disk, a
network drivers modules disk, etc, keeping just the more common devices
in the main kernel).  Last I saw, the current system only created a
single modules disk, which was a godsend to a kernel overflowing one
disk, but as we add more and more stuff becomes another, albeit larger,

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |

The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
  haven't figured out how to light the middle yet
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Bernd Walter
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 01:58:11AM -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 11:50:59PM -0800 I heard the voice of
 Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:
  While it is indeed true that most machines since 1997 will support this
  CD format, please take in to account:
 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
 if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
 install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
 LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

My personal descision was to use Compactflash Media in IDE mode.
They are easy to modify with your notebook.

B.Walter   BWCT

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Scott Long
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 11:50:59PM -0800 I heard the voice of
 Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:
  While it is indeed true that most machines since 1997 will support this
  CD format, please take in to account:

 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
 if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
 install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
 LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

Well, using the emulated boot cd would only be about 3MB and would only
contain the sysinstall environment, so you'd still be installing over the
LAN or whatever.  As someone else pointed out, it is apparently possible
to use Compact Flash as the media instead of a CD, so that is something to
consider also.

 It seems to me that we could split more out into modules, and/or add more
 disks of modules (maybe categorize a storage device modules disk, a
 network drivers modules disk, etc, keeping just the more common devices
 in the main kernel).  Last I saw, the current system only created a
 single modules disk, which was a godsend to a kernel overflowing one
 disk, but as we add more and more stuff becomes another, albeit larger,

For 5.x we already have a 3rd floppy that is dedicated to modules.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work nearly as well as it should because there
is no way to activate it during the boot sequence; it can only be used
once sysinstall is running.  Also, it too is nearly overflowing.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel Lang

Matthew D. Fuller wrote on Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 01:58:11AM -0600:
 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
 if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
 install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
 LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

That's no point, as you can use a CD-RW, so no media is wasted.
Install over LAN is done anyway, as Scott mentioned only the
basic boot/install-strap is put into the emulated image.

However, I second the point, that there is recent hardware around
which cannot have a CD-Drive attached, but a floppy drive, because
of space constraints.

On the other hand, I guess such systems are able to boot over
the network. I'd love to see a integrated boot and installation
procedure that utilizes PXE (or any other network boot method)
and advocates it. (In this regard I just love Suns).

my 0.02¤,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock - Work is for people, who don't surf -  
 Daniel Lang * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * +49 89 289 18532 *

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Paul Robinson
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 05:23:30PM -0500, Garance A Drosihn wrote:

 I would add that I've been running almost exclusively on 5.x
 for over a year now (except for one machine which I have not
 rebooted in over a year...).  There have been some *very*
 painful transitions at various times, but once I get past
 the transitions the system has been quite stable.  (fwiw,
 in my case, I am only running on desktop systems).

Well, what you've told me there is:

- 5.x is a pain in the arse to make the transition to
- You're not running FBSD in the same environment I am
- But for you that's all OK, and I should agree


Which doesn't get us much further down the road, but thanks for the input. I
have two boxes here that need to go into a co-lo tomorrow, and therefore
need to be installed today. 5.2-RC2 does seem to be holding out better than
expected now I've had it up for a week or so on a dev machine. I'm tempted
to whirl it out on these boxes, but if they die I'm screwed. Dunno. I'm not 
sure if I can trust you, Des, and others when it's my cahunas on the line.
 So, once we stop making major API/ABI changes and the branch
 is truly stable (with a 6.x branch for new cutting-edge
 developments), I personally am quite confident that 5.x will
 be a stable, production-quality system.  And there are a
 number of features in 5.x that I think are tremendous
 advantages -- especially for boxes in a production setting.

It might be worth somebody getting those written up and sent out to 
-advocacy to start the ball rolling, as per another mail somewhere in this 
monstrous thread.
 My guess is you're going to have a large bar tab at the next
 BSDcon...  Certainly I hope so!

I've run tabs at the bar at conferences before, and I'm sure I'll do it 

Paul Robinson
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Per Engelbrecht
Hi Matthew and others

I think that we all can find reasons to (or not to) use floppies,
but I don'tthink that was the issue in Scott's mail.

The generational change from 4.x to 5.x where the majority of the
code hasbeen rewritten (in my opinion an extremly healthy sign for any kind of
serious development)  has taken it's toll on the develepors and
commiterstime and energy, which is why they need to fix some kind of order of
priorityin their future work.

Evolution has caught up beasts as mammuth's, Cherry Coke and floppies.
I for one, won't miss them and would rather have the developer team
spenttheir time on security, SMP, GEOM and other vital  and important
Best regards


 On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 11:50:59PM -0800 I heard the voice of
 Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:

 While it is indeed true that most machines since 1997 will
 support this CD format, please take in to account:

 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners,
 and even if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a
 CD blank just to install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2
 floppies and do it across the LAN from a local FTP mirror, which
 is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

 It seems to me that we could split more out into modules, and/or
 add more disks of modules (maybe categorize a storage device
 modules disk, a network drivers modules disk, etc, keeping just
 the more common devices in the main kernel).  Last I saw, the
 current system only created a single modules disk, which was a
 godsend to a kernel overflowing one disk, but as we add more and
 more stuff becomes another, albeit larger, noose.

 Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems/Network Administrator |

 The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
  haven't figured out how to light the middle yet
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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Dag-Erling Smørgrav
Roman Neuhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
 maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
 months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
 for whopping 28 days.

I strongly suspect that this could be at least partially alleviated by
giving portmgr more package-building hardware to play with.

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 02:05:14AM -0700 I heard the voice of
Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
 For 5.x we already have a 3rd floppy that is dedicated to modules.
 Unfortunately, it doesn't work nearly as well as it should because there
 is no way to activate it during the boot sequence; it can only be used
 once sysinstall is running.  Also, it too is nearly overflowing.

Well, that's why I suggest more.  Have a network cards floppy, and a
mass storage devices floppy, etc.  We should be able to fit the
half-dozen most common network cards, the ata drivers, and a half dozen
of the more common SCSI drivers on the boot kernel.  That'll get us far
enough to be able to load the drivers off the other disks, as well as
install with just that on many systems.

It won't necessarily be the prettiest process, but I'm in favor of
letting the floppies be a bit ugly, or even explicitly moving them to
experienced users only status.  I just find them far too convenient, as
well as ubiquitous, to see them sent into the Great Bitbucket In The Sky

If somebody wants pretty and not have to fudge around to find the
driver to load for my RAID controller, THEN let 'em download the CD  :)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |

The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
  haven't figured out how to light the middle yet
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Scott Long
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 02:05:14AM -0700 I heard the voice of
 Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
  For 5.x we already have a 3rd floppy that is dedicated to modules.
  Unfortunately, it doesn't work nearly as well as it should because there
  is no way to activate it during the boot sequence; it can only be used
  once sysinstall is running.  Also, it too is nearly overflowing.

 Well, that's why I suggest more.  Have a network cards floppy, and a
 mass storage devices floppy, etc.  We should be able to fit the
 half-dozen most common network cards, the ata drivers, and a half dozen
 of the more common SCSI drivers on the boot kernel.  That'll get us far
 enough to be able to load the drivers off the other disks, as well as
 install with just that on many systems.

 It won't necessarily be the prettiest process, but I'm in favor of
 letting the floppies be a bit ugly, or even explicitly moving them to
 experienced users only status.  I just find them far too convenient, as
 well as ubiquitous, to see them sent into the Great Bitbucket In The Sky

 If somebody wants pretty and not have to fudge around to find the
 driver to load for my RAID controller, THEN let 'em download the CD  :)

Well, regardless of how you label it, these floppies still require lots of
care and feeding in order to work.  We currently have no way to support
multiple floppies in a convenient way.  This can be fixed in a variety
of ways that range from fragile hacks to wonderful designs, but it still
requires someone to put forth the effort.  My offer for a 'floppy
maintainer' is quite sincere; I hope that someone takes an interest and
steps up to the challenge.

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problem with signal handling and threads (fbsd49R)

2004-01-08 Thread rmkml

I've got a problem with signal handling and threads.
I've reproduced the problem in a simple code.
Description of program:
 install a signal  handler SIGINT.
 create a thread that do nothing except waiting.
 main thread use poll to wait forever [ poll(,,-1) ].
 user has too crtl-C to interrupt poll
 after 5 ctrl-C, loop is over and main-thread signals sub-thread to

In fact, it appears not to work correctly: after one ctrl-C, user has to
press ctrl-C twice before poll returns with errno=EINTR !!
If the thread creation is removed from code, the expected behavior is
seen : the program works fine.

If I replace the poll by sigsuspend() the program works fine too.

Is there something wrong with poll function ?

Maybe something is wrong in the approach or in the source code !
Any suggstions are wellcome.

here is sample C code :
#define __EXTENSIONS__
#define _REENTRANT/* basic first 3-lines for threads */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define _THREAD_SAFE

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include pthread.h
#include errno.h
#include unistd.h
#include poll.h

pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_t thread;
pthread_cond_t condition;

void *run(void *argp);
static void handler(int);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  pthread_attr_t attr;
  register int i, res;
  struct pollfd poll_fd;
  sigset_t set;

  signal(SIGINT, handler);

  pthread_attr_init( attr );
  pthread_attr_setdetachstate( attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

  pthread_mutex_init(mutex, 0);
  pthread_cond_init(condition, 0);

 /** comment the following line to see the normal behavior **/
  pthread_create(thread, attr, run, 0);

  pthread_attr_destroy( attr );

  poll_fd.fd = -1;


  puts(main: begin loop);
  for(i=0; i5; i++)
 /** wait forever **/
 res = poll( poll_fd, (unsigned long)1, -1 );
/** using sigsuspend ... **/
/* res = sigsuspend(set); */
 if( res == -1  errno==EINTR )
   puts(ctrl-C received);
 printf(res = %d - errno = %d \n, res, errno );

  puts(send sub thread term signal);

  puts(main end);
  return 0;

void *run(void *argp)
  puts(begin sub thread and wait);

  pthread_cond_wait(condition, mutex);

  puts(end sub thread);
  return 0;

void handler(int signo)

compilation with

$ gcc -g2 -ansi -Wall  -o test_thread_signals.o -c test_thread_signals.c
$ gcc -o test_thread_signals -pthread  test_thread_signals.o

here is the results with the original code :

$ ./test_thread_signals
main: begin loop
begin sub thread and wait
^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^C^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^C^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^C^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^C^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
send sub thread term signal
main end

and the trace with no sub thread :

$ ./test_thread_signals
main: begin loop
^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
^Cctrl-C received
res = -1 - errno = 4
send sub thread term signal
main end


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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Ceri Davies
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:45:25PM -0600, Ryan Sommers wrote:
 On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 20:29, Nick Rogness wrote:
  1) Allow for paid development for a specific bug/feature
   - Setup some program that allows users like myself to pay for a 
  developers time to fix a specific bug.  The company I work for 
  would easily pay serious dollars to fix our SMP problems with 4.X.
  Unfortunetly, getting someone's attention that has a great 
  understanding of the OS is hard to find without rude remarks and 
  You could even extend it as far as saying we will promote this PR
  to the top of the list of tasks if you pay us XX dollars.  Or 
  maybe, the more you pay the higher you go.
  This would reassure the user base that things CAN get done if 
  needed and also let the developer/bug fixer feel like they can 
  make money and have some fun.  It will also bring in money for the 
  project as part of that money could go back into the Project.
  You could easily setup a pool mailling list (like -requests) 
  which someone like myself would email a request with the problem 
  description (or PR).  If a developer is interested in tackling the 
  problem for money, we could privately negotiate a price.
  The same can be done for driver development and others.  Make it a 
  Donation for a specific request.  I don't want to give money to
  some Foundation where money can be thrown around in the wrong 
  areas.  I want to pay the developer personally for their efforts.  
  ( I feel the same should be done with our taxes as well ;-) 
 I really don't like the idea of making this a policy, or even some
 official part of the project. I think this might discourage some from
 contributing in hopes to be paid for it. I think a better solution for
 companies looking for this would be to post to the jobs@ mailing list
 noting that it is a temp job.
 I don't think giving priority to paying entities is a path the project
 should tread down. If someone needs FreeBSD developer work they should
 look for someone to hire. Something like this might also jeopardize the
 project's not for profit status. I think the jobs@ mailing list would
 be a better start.

Absolutely.  At least in Britain, the Project could then be seen as
working as an agent which has the potential to cause problems that we
don't need and probably would find very hard to deal with.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2004-01-08 18:33:40 +1100:
 On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:08:38PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 Limitations of CVS don't exactly help either. The fact that you need
 direct access to the repository to be able to copy a tree with
 history (repocopy) as opposed to this operation being part of the
 interface[1], which means being lucky enough to find a committer,
 and get them commit the stuff within the blink of an eye ports is
 open, further constrains people's ability to work on FreeBSD with
 some satisfaction.
 I'm not sure what is meant by this paragraph.  CVS doesn't support
 renaming files or directories - which can be a nuisance.  As used
 within the Project, repocopy means manually copying parts of the
 repository to simulate file/directory duplication or renaming.  This
 ability is restricted to a very small subset of committers - normal
 committers have to request repocopies as do non-committers.

I somewhat lumped two things together there:
* general port updates from lot of people going through a handful of
  committers, which on one hand helps QA by adding eye balls, but
  OTOH slows the process down.
* repocopies go through a fraction of the abovementioned handful

Now, I'm by no means advocating everybody should get ssh login on
[dnp]; I just can't wait for the day when FreeBSD
uses a SCM that handles tags and branches efficiently (so that
people can freely create branches of areas they hack), that has
permissions model with file- or directory-level granularity (so that
people can be granted commit e. g. in /ports/x11-wm/openbox and
nowhere else), etc.

If you cc me or remove the list(s) completely I'll most likely ignore
your message.see
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 03:43:55AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
 Well, regardless of how you label it, these floppies still require lots of
 care and feeding in order to work.  We currently have no way to support
 multiple floppies in a convenient way.  This can be fixed in a variety
 of ways that range from fragile hacks to wonderful designs, but it still
 requires someone to put forth the effort.  My offer for a 'floppy
 maintainer' is quite sincere; I hope that someone takes an interest and
 steps up to the challenge.

The other big problem with removing floppies, is that not everyone has
a cd burner. I wouldn't even say the majority of FreeBSD users have CD
burners. I think someone mentioned this.

I would love to be the 'floppy maintainer', but I know very little about
the actual process and sadly don't have the time either :(

Avleen Vig
Systems Administrator
Personal: (Earthlink user access only)
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Re: problem with signal handling and threads (fbsd49R)

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel Eischen
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, rmkml wrote:

 I've got a problem with signal handling and threads.
 I've reproduced the problem in a simple code.
 Description of program:
  install a signal  handler SIGINT.
  create a thread that do nothing except waiting.
  main thread use poll to wait forever [ poll(,,-1) ].
  user has too crtl-C to interrupt poll
  after 5 ctrl-C, loop is over and main-thread signals sub-thread to
 In fact, it appears not to work correctly: after one ctrl-C, user has to
 press ctrl-C twice before poll returns with errno=EINTR !!
 If the thread creation is removed from code, the expected behavior is
 seen : the program works fine.
 If I replace the poll by sigsuspend() the program works fine too.
 Is there something wrong with poll function ?

No, it's your program.  Why do you think the signal will
only be delivered to the main thread and not the other
(run) thread?  If you want a particular thread to receive
a signal, then you had better set up signal masks for
all threads appropriately (or use sigwait()).

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Leo Bicknell

I'm going to propose a different solution that was brought up about
two years ago (although I can't find it now).

You start with something like the CD boot image mentioned, that is
a 3-5 Meg iso image that basically contains what is now on the
floppies (perhaps with a few more drivers/modules) and nothing more.
Downloading and burning to CD would be the primary method of install.

Then, to replace the current floppy process, a new floppy installer
is created.  It may or may not be based on FreeBSD, but what it
needs to be able to do is boot, load a network driver, configure
the network, and ftp the above mentioned iso into ram, and then
jump into the kernel from the iso as if it had been loaded from a

Yes, I'm grossly oversimplifing the process, but it removes all of
sysinstall from the floppy, all the need for crunchgen and all that,
as it should be fairly easy (again, perhaps not with a full kernel)
to support a number of network drivers and a basic FTP client on a
single floppy.  The only real direct freebsd issue is to make the
kernel able to boot itself from memory, and then treat that memory
as a ram disc on boot.

It would require a whole new floppy booter setup, but I can see
other OS projects using something like this as well, so perhaps
some cross work with NetBSD or OpenBSD, or even the Linux camp could
make an open source load an image floppy, that since it just
loaded an ISO could load about anything.

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Brett Glass
At 07:47 PM 1/6/2004, Avleen Vig wrote:

Advocacy is NOT a race

Yes, it is. Linux is where it is today because it grabbed more
buzz, sooner, than BSD.

--Brett Glass

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:08:38PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:

 The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
 maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
 months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
 for whopping 28 days.

That might be technically true, but it's misleading and doesn't
support the point you're trying to make.  During this period the ports
collection has only been frozen for a couple of weeks, and the
majority of commit activities were not restricted for the rest of the
period in question.

 Porter's handbook, and FDP Primer, while valuable (esp. the former)
 leave many questions unanswered.  (I'm not going to further this
 rant, but will gladly provide feedback to anyone who asks.)

I would have thought the procedure to rectify this would be obvious:
if you find that something is inadequately documented, or unclearly
documented, then you need to make specific suggestions on what should
be done to improve the documentation.  We *need* this kind of feedback
to figure out how to make the docs better from the point of view of
the target audience.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 11:09:49AM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
 Roman Neuhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
  maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
  months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
  for whopping 28 days.
 I strongly suspect that this could be at least partially alleviated by
 giving portmgr more package-building hardware to play with.

It's certainly true that we're lacking in build hardware for some
non-i386 platforms (particularly sparc64), and this made it pretty
tricky to build packages for 5.2 on those architectures (a full
sparc64 build takes at least a month).  I've heard some rumours of
donated equipment waiting to be installed, but I don't know what the
status of that is.

Likewise, a 5.2 i386 build takes about a week, which means that the
freeze *cannot* be shorter than this, even if everything goes
perfectly (which, in practise, never happens).  This time around, the
freeze started on 23 Nov and was lifted on 3 Dec.  That's 10 days,
which is about as good as you could hope for.  If we could build
packages in - say - a day, we'd be able to cut the freeze time down
further, although I expect the duration would become limited by the
speed at which problems can be corrected.

Every now and then we get offers of access to a machine here or a
machine there to help with building packages.  The main problem with
donating machine resources is that there's limited space in the equipment racks, and the package build system currently
needs LAN-equivalent connectivity between the machines.  To be useful
we'd either need a full cluster of faster machines located somewhere,
or to find time to rewrite the build scripts to work efficiently with
remote build resources.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 04:14:51AM -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 02:05:14AM -0700 I heard the voice of
 Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
  For 5.x we already have a 3rd floppy that is dedicated to modules.
  Unfortunately, it doesn't work nearly as well as it should because there
  is no way to activate it during the boot sequence; it can only be used
  once sysinstall is running.  Also, it too is nearly overflowing.
 Well, that's why I suggest more.  Have a network cards floppy, and a
 mass storage devices floppy, etc.  We should be able to fit the
 half-dozen most common network cards, the ata drivers, and a half dozen
 of the more common SCSI drivers on the boot kernel.  That'll get us far
 enough to be able to load the drivers off the other disks, as well as
 install with just that on many systems.

Ideas are cheap, but someone's going to have to write the sysinstall
code to do that (or any other modified scheme people might be able to
come up with).


Description: PGP signature

Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Martin Nilsson
Scott Long wrote:
FreeBSD/i386 is the only port left that generates install floppies.
Their primary purpose is to fascilitate installing FreeBSD on systems
where a CDROM is either not available or is incompatible with the
'Non-Emulated El Torito' boot method that we use on our CDs.  Systems that
cannot boot these CDs are typically those that are also not certified for
WinNT4, Win2K, or WinXP.  Thus, nearly all machines produced after 1997
can boot our CDs.
Are you aware that the FreeBSD CD:s (both 4.9  5.2) are not bootable on 
a CD-ROM connected via USB? Both try to boot but hangs somewhere in the 
loader. This is on our P4 Supermicro serverboards. As usual Win2K, 2K3  
RedHat just works. An external USB2.0 connected Asus CD-RW drive 
(52x/24x/52x) with power supply costs about $70 so this is really 
nothing expensive or fancy today.

If anybody can give me directions on how to debug this I'm willing to help.
Martin Nilsson, CTO  Founder, Mullet Scandinavia AB, Malmö, SWEDEN
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Phone: +46-(0)708-606170,
Our business is well engineered servers optimized for FreeBSD and Linux.

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Anyone working on cobalt code?

2004-01-08 Thread Geoff Buckingham

This is by now old news, but I ws wondering if anyone had allready taken a look
at the RAQ code Sun released under a BSD licence just before christmas.

The source is available at

THe readme is which is in the tarball looks like this: 

23 December 2003

Thank you for downloading the Sun Cobalt Open Source RaQ550 v1.0 Distribution.

LICENSES: All software in this distribution, except files contained in the
kernel/ directory tree, are subject to the terms of the license file 
sun_bsd.txt located in the directory root of this distribution.  All 
files contained in the kernel/ directory tree are subject to the terms of the
license file gpl.txt located in the directory root of this distribution.  

The RaQ550 distribution is composed of many publicly available RPM software 
packages that can be downloaded in source or binary form from:

This Sun Cobalt Open Source RaQ550 Distribution is a collection of source code
not previously available to the public.

The ui/ directory contains a snapshot of the sustained RaQ550 appliance
front and back-end code as of September 2003.  Majordomo has been removed
from base-maillist.mod/src/majordomo/ due to license issues.

It is easiest to expand this archive on an existing RaQ550 as the root user.  
Install ui/devel-tools/ by running the following commands:

cd ui/devel-tools
make install

bluelinq/ is the BlueLinQ server software that hosts distributions to the
embedded BlueLinQ clients in the Sun Cobalt RaQ XTR, Qube3 and RaQ550.

kernel/bwmgmt is the source to the traffic shaping kernel module
This source is is licensed under the terms of the file gpl.txt included
in the directory root of this distribution. 

cce/ is the Cobalt Configuration Engine, a custom dispatching database used
by most of the appliance code in ui/

cce-shell-tools/ is a command line interface toolset for CCE.



- port this to your general purpose OS of choice (Debian and Suse street please)
- use this code to help out every shop that supported Cobalt back in the day

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Re: USB stack / configuration 0

2004-01-08 Thread Daan Vreeken [PA4DAN]
On Thursday 08 January 2004 07:01, Bernd wrote:
 Im mostly worried about having more than a single device with address 0.
 You can't do this as long as another device gets initialized.
 Therefor I thought disabling/enabling the port would be better, but I'm
 wrong as the result is be the same.
With the changes I have made, it is only possible to let the USB stack reset 
the device from the ATTACH routine of a driver. This should garantee that 
there is only one device with addr==0 , since the probe  attach routines are 
only called from one process.

  For my device driver I have made a small change to the USB Stack and I
  have introduced the return code USB_ATTACH_NEED_RESET for drivers to
  tell the USB Stack thee device needs to be re-enumerated. The stack then
  automatically re-assigns the device it's address, and re-probes for
  drivers. This way even two seperate drivers could be made : one with the
  firmware and one with the real driver.
  Is anyone interrested in a patch maybe?
 Sounds interesting.
Have a look at the patch attached to this mail.

My idea is to let a driver upload the firmware from it's ATTACH routine and 
after that return with USB_ATTACH_NEED_RESET. Since some devices really 
require a reset to be sent to it and others only need to be re-configured, 
the USB stack doesn't send the reset itself. The ATTACH function is 
responsible for sending the reset to the device.
After getting the NEED_RESET response, the USB stack assumes the device is 
ready and listening at addr==0 again. The stack re-reads the device 
descriptor, sets the address again and tries another round of attaching 
drivers. We give up after 5 rounds of NEED_RESET.

If anyone knows a more elegant way to achieve the same functionality, I'm open 
to ideas :)

Daandiff -ur usb/usb_port.h
---	Wed Oct  2 09:44:20 2002
+++ usb/usb_port.h	Wed Jan  7 20:26:55 2004
@@ -435,6 +435,7 @@
 /* Returns from attach */
 	sc-sc_dev = self; \
diff -ur usb/usb_subr.c
---	Wed Jan 15 00:07:43 2003
+++ usb/usb_subr.c	Wed Jan  7 22:50:20 2004
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@
 Static int usbd_print(void *aux, const char *pnp);
 Static int usbd_submatch(device_ptr_t, void *, void *);
+Static usbd_status usbd_new_device2(device_ptr_t parent, usbd_bus_handle bus,
+		 		int depth, int speed, int port,
+		 		struct usbd_port *up);
 Static void usbd_free_iface_data(usbd_device_handle dev, int ifcno);
 Static void usbd_kill_pipe(usbd_pipe_handle);
 Static usbd_status usbd_probe_and_attach(device_ptr_t parent,
@@ -131,6 +134,7 @@
@@ -888,6 +892,14 @@
 			uaa.ifaceno = ifaces[i]-idesc-bInterfaceNumber;
 			dv = USB_DO_ATTACH(dev, bdev, parent, uaa, usbd_print,
+			if (dev-address == USB_START_ADDR) {
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+device_delete_child(parent, bdev);
+return (USBD_NEED_RESET);
+			}
 			if (dv != NULL) {
 dev-subdevs[found++] = dv;
 dev-subdevs[found] = 0;
@@ -958,7 +970,7 @@
  * and attach a driver.
-usbd_new_device(device_ptr_t parent, usbd_bus_handle bus, int depth,
+usbd_new_device2(device_ptr_t parent, usbd_bus_handle bus, int depth,
 		int speed, int port, struct usbd_port *up)
 	usbd_device_handle dev;
@@ -1099,6 +,12 @@
 	err = usbd_probe_and_attach(parent, dev, port, addr);
 	if (err) {
+		if (err == USBD_NEED_RESET) {
+			DPRINTFN(1,(usbd_new_device: device needs reset\n));
+			/* must set address back to what it was */
+			dev-address = addr;
+		}
 		usbd_remove_device(dev, up);
 		return (err);
@@ -1106,6 +1124,27 @@
 	usbd_add_dev_event(USB_EVENT_DEVICE_ATTACH, dev);
+usbd_new_device(device_ptr_t parent, usbd_bus_handle bus, int depth,
+		int speed, int ports, struct usbd_port *up)
+	int		retry = 0;
+	usbd_status	err;
+	err = usbd_new_device2(parent, bus, depth, speed, ports, up);
+	while ((err == USBD_NEED_RESET)  (retry++  5)) {
+		DPRINTFN(1,(usb_new_device: re-enumerating device\n));
+		err = usbd_new_device2(parent, bus, depth, speed, ports, up);
+	}
+	if (retry == 5) {
+		DPRINTFN(1,(usb_new_device: giving up after 5 tries...\n));
+	}
+	return err;
diff -ur usb/usbdi.h
---	Mon May  6 20:23:36 2002
+++ usb/usbdi.h	Wed Jan  7 21:45:11 2004
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 	USBD_SHORT_XFER,	/* 16 */
 	USBD_STALLED,		/* 17 */
+	USBD_NEED_RESET,	/* 19 */
 	USBD_ERROR_MAX		/* must be last */
 } usbd_status;
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 09:39:34AM -0500, Leo Bicknell wrote:
 It would require a whole new floppy booter setup, but I can see
 other OS projects using something like this as well, so perhaps
 some cross work with NetBSD or OpenBSD, or even the Linux camp could
 make an open source load an image floppy, that since it just
 loaded an ISO could load about anything.

If I understand you right..
A floppy boot, which loads the absolutely basic stuff (network drivers,
and some easy way to config the network) and then goes and grabs the
installer would otherwise be on the current floppies and boots it?

This sounds like a good solution - they we wouldn't have to worry about:
  If people have cd burners or not
  The size of the installer (for most practical purposes as long as the
installer itself doesn't hit 600Mb :P)
  Compatibility with CD drives
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 01:22:38PM +0100, Martin Nilsson wrote:
 Are you aware that the FreeBSD CD:s (both 4.9  5.2) are not bootable on 
 a CD-ROM connected via USB? Both try to boot but hangs somewhere in the 
 loader. This is on our P4 Supermicro serverboards. As usual Win2K, 2K3  
 RedHat just works. An external USB2.0 connected Asus CD-RW drive 
 (52x/24x/52x) with power supply costs about $70 so this is really 
 nothing expensive or fancy today.

Please do not assume that because it costs $70 it is universally
There are a lot of people who cannot afford this:
 the unemployed
 school children
 retired persons (sometimes)
 people with families to support :)

Unfortuantely I feel this does need to be taken in to account here.
While I totally empathise with Scott's problem and the lack of time to
do things the way we have been, we need to appreciate that telling
everyone to burn a CD to install FreeBSD (thus incur costs if you don't
have a CD burner, and wouldn't need one if not to install FreeBSD) is
not far from the You must pay us to buy this on CD approach (openbsd)
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Re: Chello blocking FreshPorts service

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Langille
On 6 Jan 2004 at 9:24, Dan Langille wrote:

 For some months Chello has denied smtp service from the FreshPorts
 mail server.  All queries to Chello regarding this matter have gone
 $ telnet 25
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 421 connection refused from []
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 This happens for all Chello domains I have tried.  This means that
 Chello users are unable to use the FreshPorts notification service. 
 For what it's worth, this also affect the FreeBSD Diary announcement
 mailing list.
 If anyone has contacts at Chello, please ask them to look into this. 
 All attempts to get this resolved have been blocked.
 I've heard many stories about Chello standards of service.  This
 situation validates everything I've heard.

I have had some information from a third party.  It appears that 
Chello are using as a RBL.  My research indicates that should not be used as an RBL:

Anyone here using

Dan Langille :

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Narvi

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 11:50:59PM -0800 I heard the voice of
 Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:
  While it is indeed true that most machines since 1997 will support this
  CD format, please take in to account:

 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
 if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
 install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
 LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

Which would obviously mean that there would be lots of volunteers for the
position of floppy maintainer?

 Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems/Network Administrator |

 The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
   haven't figured out how to light the middle yet

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Ceri Davies
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:35:01AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
 Every FreeBSD release cycle in the past year has hit bumps due to install
 floppy problems.  This is becoming more and more of a burden on the
 Release Engineering Team, as we simply do not have the resources to
 constantly battle the floppies.

Floppies can go as far as I'm concerned, with the one proviso that we
start shipping a /boot.config containing '-P'.  Without floppies, the
only ways to do a headless install are PXE and cutting your own release
with that /boot.config in place, and not all machines can do PXE.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Ceri Davies
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 04:36:47PM +, Ceri Davies wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:35:01AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
  Every FreeBSD release cycle in the past year has hit bumps due to install
  floppy problems.  This is becoming more and more of a burden on the
  Release Engineering Team, as we simply do not have the resources to
  constantly battle the floppies.
 Floppies can go as far as I'm concerned, with the one proviso that we
 start shipping a /boot.config containing '-P'.  Without floppies, the
 only ways to do a headless install are PXE and cutting your own release
 with that /boot.config in place, and not all machines can do PXE.

Actually, I'd like to go one further and suggest that we do this anyway.



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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:52:08AM +0100, Daniel Lang wrote:
 Matthew D. Fuller wrote on Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 01:58:11AM -0600:
  And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
  if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
  install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
  LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.
 That's no point, as you can use a CD-RW, so no media is wasted.
 Install over LAN is done anyway, as Scott mentioned only the
 basic boot/install-strap is put into the emulated image.
 However, I second the point, that there is recent hardware around
 which cannot have a CD-Drive attached, but a floppy drive, because
 of space constraints.
 On the other hand, I guess such systems are able to boot over
 the network. I'd love to see a integrated boot and installation
 procedure that utilizes PXE (or any other network boot method)
 and advocates it. (In this regard I just love Suns).

PXE installs are fun and easy.  I use them for the no removable media
boxes on our cluster when I need a local install for testing.

The process is roughly (See Alfred's PXE article for details. Just
ignore the kernel mods.):

mount an install cd (assuming /cdrom as mountpoint)
export /cdrom via nfs
point a tftpd server at /cdrom
configure a dhcpd with the necessicary lines to boot from /boot/pxeboot
boot and install (I think you may need to choose to do an nfs install in
  sysinstall, but I'm not 100% sure of that.)

I think it would be really cool if someone would add a feature to
disk 1 to become a PXE install server.  It should be fairly straight
forward other then dealing with sysinstall.

-- Brooks

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread John Baldwin
On Thursday 08 January 2004 07:57 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 Now, I'm by no means advocating everybody should get ssh login on
 [dnp]; I just can't wait for the day when FreeBSD
 uses a SCM that handles tags and branches efficiently (so that
 people can freely create branches of areas they hack), that has
 permissions model with file- or directory-level granularity (so that
 people can be granted commit e. g. in /ports/x11-wm/openbox and
 nowhere else), etc.

Note that and the avail files already allow directory-level (and 
possibly file-level) ACLs.  They aren't very widely used at the moment, 

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Paul Schenkeveld
Hi All,

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:35:01AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
 Every FreeBSD release cycle in the past year has hit bumps due to install
 floppy problems.  This is becoming more and more of a burden on the
 Release Engineering Team, as we simply do not have the resources to
 constantly battle the floppies.

What if the loader would be able to load a, potentially large, kernel
split over two or more floppies?

That would allow for the same kernel that goes on the CD-Rom to be
used for floppy install, greatly simplifying the release process.

Or are my thoughts to simplistic?



Paul Schenkeveld, Consultant
PSconsult ICT Services BV
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 05:56:22PM +0200, Narvi wrote:
  And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
  if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
  install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
  LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.
 Which would obviously mean that there would be lots of volunteers for the
 position of floppy maintainer?

How you made the jump from I don't want to buy a CD burner to install
FreeBSD to I will be a floppy maintainer I'm not sure. :-)
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Steven Hartland
Need necessitates effort?

- Original Message - 
From: Avleen Vig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How you made the jump from I don't want to buy a CD burner to install
 FreeBSD to I will be a floppy maintainer I'm not sure. :-)

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Doug Rabson
On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 20:19, Robert Watson wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  [1] has core@ considered subversion (devel/subversion)?
 Everyone has their eyes wide open looking for a revision control
 alternative, but last time it was discussed in detail (a few months ago?)
 it seemed there still wasn't a viable alternative.  On the src tree side,
 FreeBSD committers are making extensive use of a Perforce repository
 (which supports lightweight branching, etc, etc), but there's a strong
 desire to maintain the base system on a purely open source revision
 control system, and migrating your data is no lightweight proposition. 
 Likewise, you really want to trust your data only to tried and true
 solutions, I think -- we want to build an OS, not a version control
 system, if at all possible :-).  Subversion seems to be the current
 favorite to keep an eye on, but the public release seemed not to have
 realized the promise of the design (i.e., no three-way merges, etc).  You
 can peruse the FreeBSD Perforce repository via the web using -- it contains a lot of personal and small
 project sandboxes that might be of interest. For example, we do all the
 primary TrustedBSD development in Perforce before merging it to the main
 CVS repository. 

I've been re-evaluating the current subversion over the last couple of
weeks and its holding up pretty well so far. It still misses the
repeated merge thing that p4 does so well but in practice, merging does
seem to be a lot easier than with CVS due to the repository-wide
revision numbering system - that makes it easy to remember when your
last merge happened so that you don't merge a change twice.

The three main showstoppers for moving FreeBSD to subversion would be:

1. A replacement for cvsup. Probably quite doable using svnadmin
   dump and load.
2. Support for $FreeBSD$ - user-specified keywords are not supported
   and won't be until after svn-1.0 by the looks of things.
3. Converting the repository. This is a tricky one - I tried the
   current version of the migration scripts and they barfed and died
   pretty quickly. Still, I'm pretty sure that the svn developers
   are planning to fix most of those problems. From mailing-list
   archives, it appears that they are using our cvs tree as test
   material for the migration scripts.

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Nick Rogness
On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Ryan Sommers wrote:

 On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 20:29, Nick Rogness wrote:
  1) Allow for paid development for a specific bug/feature
   - Setup some program that allows users like myself to pay for a 
  developers time to fix a specific bug.  The company I work for 
  would easily pay serious dollars to fix our SMP problems with 4.X.
  Unfortunetly, getting someone's attention that has a great 
  understanding of the OS is hard to find without rude remarks and 
  You could even extend it as far as saying we will promote this PR
  to the top of the list of tasks if you pay us XX dollars.  Or 
  maybe, the more you pay the higher you go.
  This would reassure the user base that things CAN get done if 
  needed and also let the developer/bug fixer feel like they can 
  make money and have some fun.  It will also bring in money for the 
  project as part of that money could go back into the Project.
  You could easily setup a pool mailling list (like -requests) 
  which someone like myself would email a request with the problem 
  description (or PR).  If a developer is interested in tackling the 
  problem for money, we could privately negotiate a price.
  The same can be done for driver development and others.  Make it a 
  Donation for a specific request.  I don't want to give money to
  some Foundation where money can be thrown around in the wrong 
  areas.  I want to pay the developer personally for their efforts.  
  ( I feel the same should be done with our taxes as well ;-) 
 I really don't like the idea of making this a policy, or even some
 official part of the project. I think this might discourage some from
 contributing in hopes to be paid for it. I think a better solution for
 companies looking for this would be to post to the jobs@ mailing list
 noting that it is a temp job.

The point was not to take away from contributing developers only 
to pay someone who is familiar with the problem.  I don't want to 
have to hire someone that doesn't have a clue on the problem and
takes 6 months to even become familiar with a specific PR.

I don't see anything wrong with paying someone who is working on 
my PR.  Even it is a small amount.  I'm not a company and can't 
afford to hire a programmer to develop a driver for me 
personally.  However, if someone is working on a driver already 
and is time contstrained, I would pay some money to help relieve 
some of the time stress involved.  I gave suggestions for keeping
developers happy and efficient.  Money is the only REAL answer.

Perhaps this could be done through a company that contracts just
FreeBSD developers.  I know of no such company.  I guess I will 
have to be satisfied with -jobs for now.

 I don't think giving priority to paying entities is a path the project
 should tread down. If someone needs FreeBSD developer work they should
 look for someone to hire. Something like this might also jeopardize the
 project's not for profit status. I think the jobs@ mailing list would
 be a better start. (I'm going to be looking for a full time job in about
 11 months and if I got one where I got to code/administer BSD I'd feel I
 was in Heaven.) :-)


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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2004-01-07 23:17:31 -0800:
 On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:08:38PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
  maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
  months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
  for whopping 28 days.
 That might be technically true, but it's misleading and doesn't
 support the point you're trying to make.  During this period the ports
 collection has only been frozen for a couple of weeks, and the
 majority of commit activities were not restricted for the rest of the
 period in question.

That might be technically true, but the precise semantics of
(semi-)freeze aren't as widely known as you seem to think.
E. g. yesterday or today I received an email from a committer in
response to my two mails to ports@ (the first urging a repocopy
requested in a PR some time ago, the other retracting the request
because of the freeze) saying (paraphrased) to my surprise I was
told repocopies are allowed during freeze.  Some people just prefer
to err on the safe side.
  Porter's handbook, and FDP Primer, while valuable (esp. the former)
  leave many questions unanswered.  (I'm not going to further this
  rant, but will gladly provide feedback to anyone who asks.)
 I would have thought the procedure to rectify this would be obvious:

The procedure really is obvious, but there's only so much time in a

Also, I would have thought the Porter's handbook would e. g. contain
info on preventing installation of .la files (I gathered from the
ports@ list that they shouldn't be installed), isn't this lack quite

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:35:47AM -0700, Nick Rogness wrote:
   Perhaps this could be done through a company that contracts just
   FreeBSD developers.  I know of no such company.  I guess I will 
   have to be satisfied with -jobs for now.

Maybe someone could get them to make a FreeBSD section, where only
people with commit bits can apply for jobs or something

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Narvi

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Steven Hartland wrote:

 Need necessitates effort?

Precicely. Or even more precicely - the RE team provided an alternative
path to eliminating floppy support which they could cope with. It follows
that people who want floppy support should work towards that because the
other option:

 you tell RE team that they had better shut up and make it work

is not workable becuase they have no compulsion to listen to your and
could just walk away any minute they bloody well want anyways. It thus
follows that some persons out of the we want floppy support to stay
around had better start volunteering to be floppy maintainers.

 - Original Message -
 From: Avleen Vig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  How you made the jump from I don't want to buy a CD burner to install
  FreeBSD to I will be a floppy maintainer I'm not sure. :-)

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread M. Warner Losh
Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: I really don't like the idea of making this a policy, or even some
: official part of the project.

It has been going on for years.  I've been paid to fix FreeBSD bugs by
my employer and as an independent contractor for years now.  These
fixes get into the FreeBSD system on their merrits, but likely
wouldn't have happened if someone wasn't willing to foot the bill.

: Something like this might also jeopardize the
: project's not for profit status.

The project is not a legally incorporated entity at this time, and
never has been in the past.  There is a FreeBSD Foundation, but that's
a completely independent organization.  Prior to that there was
FreeBSD, Inc, which Joran ran as a clearing house for help to those
working on the project, but FreeBSD, Inc never was the project.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread M. Warner Losh
Scott Long [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: My offer for a 'floppy
: maintainer' is quite sincere; I hope that someone takes an interest and
: steps up to the challenge.

I think people misunderstand Scott's call here.  He's not saying that
the project doesn't want to support floppies because they are
floppies.  It isn't a dislike of the technology.  Scott is saying that
they have become a burdon to the release engineering team.  He's
saying that he's looking for someone to volunteer to actively help
care and feed for the floppies used in the installation process.  This
is a call for people who care about them to step forward and put some
action behind their caring.

The only way something stays working in FreeBSD is if enough
developers care about it to monitor it constantly.  There are many
examples of formerly well supported items being less supported now
because they impact fewer developers directly.  This is one of them.

We can all come up with better ideas on how to support these things.
Ideas aren't the issue.  Elbow grease and sweat are.


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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Munish Chopra
On 2004-01-08 17:29 +, Doug Rabson wrote:


 The three main showstoppers for moving FreeBSD to subversion would be:
 1. A replacement for cvsup. Probably quite doable using svnadmin
dump and load.
 2. Support for $FreeBSD$ - user-specified keywords are not supported
and won't be until after svn-1.0 by the looks of things.
 3. Converting the repository. This is a tricky one - I tried the
current version of the migration scripts and they barfed and died
pretty quickly. Still, I'm pretty sure that the svn developers
are planning to fix most of those problems. From mailing-list
archives, it appears that they are using our cvs tree as test
material for the migration scripts.

Perfection (or as close as possible) of is scheduled for
1.0. They've entered beta now, but without scanning the lists I suppose
that's sometime 2004.

I've noticed some other projects having problems with repository
conversion, but at least things seem to be getting better.

Munish Chopra
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Re: problem with signal handling and threads (fbsd49R)

2004-01-08 Thread rmkml
please can you give me an example
of mask to SET BLOCK ou UNBLOCK
in both threads (main and run)
in order to make this sample code working ?

thanks a lot.

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Daniel Eischen wrote:

 Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 08:48:34 -0500 (EST)
 From: Daniel Eischen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: problem with signal handling and threads (fbsd49R)

 On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, rmkml wrote:

  I've got a problem with signal handling and threads.
  I've reproduced the problem in a simple code.
  Description of program:
   install a signal  handler SIGINT.
   create a thread that do nothing except waiting.
   main thread use poll to wait forever [ poll(,,-1) ].
   user has too crtl-C to interrupt poll
   after 5 ctrl-C, loop is over and main-thread signals sub-thread to
  In fact, it appears not to work correctly: after one ctrl-C, user has to
  press ctrl-C twice before poll returns with errno=EINTR !!
  If the thread creation is removed from code, the expected behavior is
  seen : the program works fine.
  If I replace the poll by sigsuspend() the program works fine too.
  Is there something wrong with poll function ?

 No, it's your program.  Why do you think the signal will
 only be delivered to the main thread and not the other
 (run) thread?  If you want a particular thread to receive
 a signal, then you had better set up signal masks for
 all threads appropriately (or use sigwait()).

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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Doug Rabson
On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 18:05, Munish Chopra wrote:
 On 2004-01-08 17:29 +, Doug Rabson wrote:
  The three main showstoppers for moving FreeBSD to subversion would be:
  1. A replacement for cvsup. Probably quite doable using svnadmin
 dump and load.
  2. Support for $FreeBSD$ - user-specified keywords are not supported
 and won't be until after svn-1.0 by the looks of things.
  3. Converting the repository. This is a tricky one - I tried the
 current version of the migration scripts and they barfed and died
 pretty quickly. Still, I'm pretty sure that the svn developers
 are planning to fix most of those problems. From mailing-list
 archives, it appears that they are using our cvs tree as test
 material for the migration scripts.
 Perfection (or as close as possible) of is scheduled for
 1.0. They've entered beta now, but without scanning the lists I suppose
 that's sometime 2004.
 I've noticed some other projects having problems with repository
 conversion, but at least things seem to be getting better.

There seems to be a reasonably common problem where a single branch
point ends up with more than one branch name. This certainly happens in
the FreeBSD cvs. If you ignore that error, it gets about 1000 commits
into the conversion but then dies with an error in the branch handling
code (probably caused by the first problem). There are outstanding
problems with vendor branches which it looks like they will fix before

I've been using the scripts to convert another large repository and they
are not quick - my current test has been going for 2.5 days now and it
still has about six months worth of repository to convert (the cvs
history goes back about seven years in total). I estimate that the
complete conversion will take about 3 days and will contain about 15000

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Matt Emmerton
 On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 02:05:14AM -0700 I heard the voice of
  Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
   For 5.x we already have a 3rd floppy that is dedicated to modules.
   Unfortunately, it doesn't work nearly as well as it should because
   is no way to activate it during the boot sequence; it can only be used
   once sysinstall is running.  Also, it too is nearly overflowing.
  Well, that's why I suggest more.  Have a network cards floppy, and a
  mass storage devices floppy, etc.  We should be able to fit the
  half-dozen most common network cards, the ata drivers, and a half dozen
  of the more common SCSI drivers on the boot kernel.  That'll get us far
  enough to be able to load the drivers off the other disks, as well as
  install with just that on many systems.
  It won't necessarily be the prettiest process, but I'm in favor of
  letting the floppies be a bit ugly, or even explicitly moving them to
  experienced users only status.  I just find them far too convenient,
  well as ubiquitous, to see them sent into the Great Bitbucket In The Sky

This is exactly what Debian does.  I was a bit ticked when I found I had to
make 7 floppy images to get a machine installed, but the important part is
that it worked.

 Well, regardless of how you label it, these floppies still require lots of
 care and feeding in order to work.  We currently have no way to support
 multiple floppies in a convenient way.  This can be fixed in a variety
 of ways that range from fragile hacks to wonderful designs, but it still
 requires someone to put forth the effort.  My offer for a 'floppy
 maintainer' is quite sincere; I hope that someone takes an interest and
 steps up to the challenge.

I myself have 4 machines (out of the 6 in front of me) that are Pentium- or
Pentium II-class machines that cannot boot from CD-ROM or PXE, thus floppies
are my only choice.

Thus, I am genuinely interested in the effort to maintain working floppy
images and can help out -- but not to the point of being maintainer yet.
However, I have no experience building releases at all, so someone from re@
will have to help me along.

Matt Emmerton

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Re: problem with signal handling and threads (fbsd49R)

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel Eischen
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, rmkml wrote:

 please can you give me an example
 of mask to SET BLOCK ou UNBLOCK
 in both threads (main and run)
 in order to make this sample code working ?

man pthread_sigmask

sigset_t set;

sigsetadd(set, SIGINT);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, set, NULL);

will block SIGINT.  Put that in all threads that you don't
want to handle CTRL-C.  sigprocmask() instead of pthread_sigmask()
will work as well.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Diomidis Spinellis
Brooks Davis wrote:
I think it would be really cool if someone would add a feature to
disk 1 to become a PXE install server.  It should be fairly straight
forward other then dealing with sysinstall.
I presume the above means a PXE *client*.  This would be cool, but by no 
means trivial.  I looked at this in the past when I wanted to network 
boot FreeBSD on a couple of machines that did not support a boot ROM and 
reached a dead end; I ended up using PicoBSD and NFS-mounting most of 
the stuff.

Following Brook's suggestion, I looked around to see how difficult a PXE 
client project would be.  Here are some bullets and pointers:

- What we would need is a PXE emulator.  PXE stands for Portable 
Execution *Environment*, and it really does supply a (primitive) but not 
trivial environment used to bootstrap the code.

- Microsoft supplies with its Remote Installation Server (RIS) a program 
(rbfg.exe) that creates such an emulation floppy.  This PXE emulator 
only supports PCI cards.  See

- Apparently the same product, but with additional functionality, is 
sold by Argon Technologies.   See

- An open-source project called pxe-toolkit aimed at providing examples 
of PXE client and server code.  The project seems to have dissappeared 
from the face of the earth.  Its homepage on freshmeat and a download 
page on savannah are dead; a page with links on does not contain any 
useful pointers.

- The PXE specification (2.1) is freely available from Intel in PDF 
format (500K, 103 pages).  See

- Implementing a PXE client from scratch is obviously doable, but not 
trivial.  One problem is that the API is 16-bit, so we would have to use 
16-bit development tools, libraries, and an execution environment.  The 
client should support a DHCP client, preboot functionality, and an API. 
 The API consists of 37 relatively high-level functions providing TFTP, 
UDP, and UNDI (Universal Network Driver Interface) functionality.  Here 
is a list to give you a rough idea of the functionality that has to be 

I hope this information helps if anyone wants to take it up from here.

Diomidis Spinellis  Assistant Professor
Department of Management Science and Technology  (DMST)
Athens University of Economics and Business  (AUEB) mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread John Baldwin
On Thursday 08 January 2004 11:36 am, Ceri Davies wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:35:01AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
  Every FreeBSD release cycle in the past year has hit bumps due to install
  floppy problems.  This is becoming more and more of a burden on the
  Release Engineering Team, as we simply do not have the resources to
  constantly battle the floppies.

 Floppies can go as far as I'm concerned, with the one proviso that we
 start shipping a /boot.config containing '-P'.  Without floppies, the
 only ways to do a headless install are PXE and cutting your own release
 with that /boot.config in place, and not all machines can do PXE.

-P breaks machines with USB keyboards because it doesn't use a very smary 
keyboard probe check.  That's why it was turned off in the first place.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:48:24PM +0200, Diomidis Spinellis wrote:
 Brooks Davis wrote:
 I think it would be really cool if someone would add a feature to
 disk 1 to become a PXE install server.  It should be fairly straight
 forward other then dealing with sysinstall.
 I presume the above means a PXE *client*.  This would be cool, but by no 
 means trivial.  I looked at this in the past when I wanted to network 
 boot FreeBSD on a couple of machines that did not support a boot ROM and 
 reached a dead end; I ended up using PicoBSD and NFS-mounting most of 
 the stuff.

No, I mean a server.  The hard part about using PXE to install a box is
setting up the other box to boot the box your are installing on.  It's
not all the difficult, but it require a bit of knowledge, some grunt
work, and a reasionable UNIX-like machine to start from.  What I propose
is adding enough stuff to disk 1 that you can do pxe installs like this:

 - find a random box with a cdrom drive and a supported nic
 - boot the install cd
 - select the make me an install server option from the menu
 - select an interface and configure it (or take a nice 10-net default)
 - pxe boot the boxes you want to install on and install over the network
 - shutdown the server, returning it to its previous function

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form X is the one, true Y is FALSE.
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 03:43:55AM -0700 I heard the voice of
Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
 Well, regardless of how you label it, these floppies still require lots
 of care and feeding in order to work.  We currently have no way to
 support multiple floppies in a convenient way.

My hope is that, with this piece taken care of, the amount of care and
feeding necessary to maintain it will be minimized.  When adding new
drivers, you'd have to stick their names in a list somewhere to be split
out, but that's pretty minimal.  It should help avoid all the juggling we
keep having to do to manage the size.

 This can be fixed in a variety of ways that range from fragile hacks to
 wonderful designs, but it still requires someone to put forth the
 effort.  My offer for a 'floppy maintainer' is quite sincere; I hope
 that someone takes an interest and steps up to the challenge.

I have some interest in this, to be sure.  However, every time I've
ventured into src/release/ in the past, I've come away with an intense
desire for absinthe.  I've never successfully built a release, and it's
been my impression that you can't just build the floppies, you have to
build the full release to have everything in place to build them.  That
takes a huge chunk of disk space (to say nothing of _TIME_!  Just
building the kernel and modules takes the better part of a half hour),
which are two things in chronically short supply.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |

The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
  haven't figured out how to light the middle yet
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 07:36:10AM -0800 I heard the voice of
Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:
 If I understand you right..
 A floppy boot, which loads the absolutely basic stuff (network drivers,
 and some easy way to config the network) and then goes and grabs the
 installer would otherwise be on the current floppies and boots it?

Many (most?) Linux dists do this for floppy installs.  I've come around
to thinking it a better and better idea lately.  It makes it easy to have
much more bloa... er, featureful installers, particularly more
graphical ones, since you're no longer limited by the size of a floppy.
And even cheap DSL is faster than a floppy drive for loading it, to boot
(no pun ;).  And you can even provide for loading it off a local CD, if
you have a CD drive you can't boot from.

The downside is that writing such a beast is a lot more work...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |

The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
  haven't figured out how to light the middle yet
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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Brad Knowles
At 2:27 AM -0800 2004/01/08, Kris Kennaway wrote:

 It's certainly true that we're lacking in build hardware for some
 non-i386 platforms (particularly sparc64), and this made it pretty
 tricky to build packages for 5.2 on those architectures (a full
 sparc64 build takes at least a month).  I've heard some rumours of
 donated equipment waiting to be installed, but I don't know what the
 status of that is.
	I've got a SPARC64 box sitting downstairs, waiting for me to 
install it.  Actually, I've got four of them.  I was planning on 
using one for FreeBSD support, one for NetBSD, one for OpenBSD, and 
one for Solaris.  I was also thinking about using the OpenBSD/sparc64 
box as a primary firewall (until I can get something better), but I 
imagine that NetBSD really doesn't need much more sparc64 support 
right now -- maybe I could reconsider using that one for sparc64 
package support.

 Likewise, a 5.2 i386 build takes about a week, which means that the
 freeze *cannot* be shorter than this, even if everything goes
 perfectly (which, in practise, never happens).  This time around, the
 freeze started on 23 Nov and was lifted on 3 Dec.  That's 10 days,
 which is about as good as you could hope for.  If we could build
 packages in - say - a day, we'd be able to cut the freeze time down
 further, although I expect the duration would become limited by the
 speed at which problems can be corrected.
	Sounds to me like a reliable RAM disk for temporary files would 
be very helpful.  There are at least one or two PCI card models that 
I think can take up to 8GB, and which I know work with Linux.  If 
they don't already work with FreeBSD, I would imagine it shouldn't 
take too much work to fix that.

 Every now and then we get offers of access to a machine here or a
 machine there to help with building packages.  The main problem with
 donating machine resources is that there's limited space in the equipment racks, and the package build system currently
 needs LAN-equivalent connectivity between the machines.  To be useful
 we'd either need a full cluster of faster machines located somewhere,
 or to find time to rewrite the build scripts to work efficiently with
 remote build resources.
	Hmm.  I would seriously consider donating one or two sparc64 
boxes to the project (once I confirm they work ;-), but I would want 
to make sure that there is space to support them.  Otherwise, I would 
be willing to run them from my basement.  Of course, that's precisely 
the problem you already have.

	I've done a bit of script hacking in the past.  Do you have any 
idea what would be required to hack these scripts to suit?

	Alternatively, I might be able to get you some additional build 
resources somewhere else.  In fact, I think this other place is 
probably already quite familiar with FreeBSD, and they might be 
surprised to hear about this need -- should I contact them?

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
GCS/IT d+(-) s:+(++): a C++(+++)$ UMBSHI$ P+++ L+ !E-(---) W+++(--) N+
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tv+(+++) b+() DI+() D+(++) G+() e++ h--- r---(+++)* z(+++)
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Michel TALON
 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD burners, and even
 if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun intended ;) a CD blank just to
 install an OS, when we can just (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the
 LAN from a local FTP mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

Sincerely FreeBSD developers have more important tasks than spending
hours to fit an installable system on floppies. When FreeBSD used
one floppy, it was tolerable to do floppy installs. With 2 or 3 floppies
it is awfully slow, i have done once and will never do it again.
There are so many workarounds for people who don't have a CD burner,
including asking a friend to burn the CD, buying a cheap CD somewhere.
For people who don't have a CD reader able to boot, the simplest
solution by far is to remove the hard drive and install it on another
machine, much faster than reading the 2 damned floppies :-)
The technically dedicated people can also arrange a PXE boot
which boots a live system, and then brutally install on hard disk
bypassing the installer which is far from nice anyways. There are
tons of ways of proceeding, including dd copying a series of identical
disks for people who have to do large installs.
By the way, what's the reason that it is impossible to have just one
floppy which boots FreeBSD kernel, allows to see an unbootable cdrom
and continue installation from here? During the holidays i have
installed the Linux Knoppix distro this way on an old machine which
doesn't allow to boot from CD. There is a 1.44M floppy image on the CD
which allows to do just that. I am quite stunned that the same thing
cannot be done for FreeBSD.


Michel TALON

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Diomidis Spinellis
Brooks Davis wrote:
 No, I mean a server.  The hard part about using PXE to install a box is
 setting up the other box to boot the box your are installing on.  It's
 not all the difficult, but it require a bit of knowledge, some grunt
 work, and a reasionable UNIX-like machine to start from.  What I propose
 is adding enough stuff to disk 1 that you can do pxe installs like this:
Nice idea!  My mind was fixated on older machines that do not support 
PXE; as I always have a couple of FreeBSD servers around at work/home I 
failed to realise that setting up a PXE server could ever be a problem.


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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Scott Long
Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 03:43:55AM -0700 I heard the voice of
Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
Well, regardless of how you label it, these floppies still require lots
of care and feeding in order to work.  We currently have no way to
support multiple floppies in a convenient way.

My hope is that, with this piece taken care of, the amount of care and
feeding necessary to maintain it will be minimized.  When adding new
drivers, you'd have to stick their names in a list somewhere to be split
out, but that's pretty minimal.  It should help avoid all the juggling we
keep having to do to manage the size.
We already have this.  It's at src/release/i386/drivers.conf.  It can
trivially be expanded to take care of more than just three floppies.
However, the piece that is missing is the ability for 3rd, 4th, 5th,
etc, floppies to be conveniently loaded and work seamlessly.  Right now,
the boot loader that comes on floppy on has some magic to ask the user
for the second floppy, then load the mfsroot and .ko files off it
automatically before the kernel boots.  Unfortunatley, this magic is
split between an interactive step in boot/loader.rc and a
non-interactive step in the loader code.  There is no easy way to expand
this to handle multiple floppies; the non-interactive second step cannot
recurse back to the interactive first step.
The 3rd floppy is handled right now in a menu that is run when
sysinstall starts.  It's a nice menu; it gives you a list of the drivers
on the floppy and asks which one you want to load.  Unfortunately, there
are two problems with this.  The first is that it runs after the kernel
has already booted, so SCSI devices that are handled by drivers on this
floppy won't get probed.  The second is that forcing the user to know
which driver is appropriate for their hardware is not very good form.
My preference would be to deprecate the sysinstall method and expand the
boot loader to fully handle an arbitrary number of floppies.  It would
also be nice to build a method for manually excluding drivers that the
user doesn't want to load.  This would greatly help to support 3rd party
vendor driver disks, something that SuSE and Redhat derive significant
benefit from right now.

This can be fixed in a variety of ways that range from fragile hacks to
wonderful designs, but it still requires someone to put forth the
effort.  My offer for a 'floppy maintainer' is quite sincere; I hope
that someone takes an interest and steps up to the challenge.

I have some interest in this, to be sure.  However, every time I've
ventured into src/release/ in the past, I've come away with an intense
desire for absinthe.  I've never successfully built a release, and it's
been my impression that you can't just build the floppies, you have to
build the full release to have everything in place to build them.  That
takes a huge chunk of disk space (to say nothing of _TIME_!  Just
building the kernel and modules takes the better part of a half hour),
which are two things in chronically short supply.

There are several documents linked off of
that describe how to build a release.  It's not nearly as arcane of a
process as it used to be 5 years ago.  The biggest barrier to entry is
probably disk space.  You'll need a good 5GB free to hold the CVS repo,
chroot environment, and resulting bits.  Yes, to build the floppies you
need to build most of the release, but once you've built the release,
you can back-step and rebuild the floppies at will.

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A way to clean up PRs?

2004-01-08 Thread Paul Robinson
Just a thought:

How about everything that hasn't been touched in 3 years gets put into a 
special state of closed-believed-dead, everything over 12 months (or 
6?) gets the same AFTER an e-mail has been sent out to the originator to 
see if the problem still exists?

It's just that way, I think a lot of PRs for obsolete hardware and 
versions will get closed up, thereby making it easier for those of us 
trying to pick our way through and see what is still new and relevant 
and in need of some love and care and attention. If somebody still has 
the problem and it's an issue, it just gets a new PR that comes back on 
the top of the queue, it's live and we can deal with PRs as they come in.

Thoughts? Just a thought that might help clean up the DB on an idle 
Thursday evening. I'm sure it's been thought of before.

Automated PR purging - it's the future! :-)

Paul Robinson
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Re: A way to clean up PRs?

2004-01-08 Thread Ceri Davies
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:51:53PM +, Paul Robinson wrote:
 Just a thought:
 How about everything that hasn't been touched in 3 years gets put into a 
 special state of closed-believed-dead, everything over 12 months (or 
 6?) gets the same AFTER an e-mail has been sent out to the originator to 
 see if the problem still exists?
 It's just that way, I think a lot of PRs for obsolete hardware and 
 versions will get closed up, thereby making it easier for those of us 
 trying to pick our way through and see what is still new and relevant 
 and in need of some love and care and attention. If somebody still has 
 the problem and it's an issue, it just gets a new PR that comes back on 
 the top of the queue, it's live and we can deal with PRs as they come in.
 Thoughts? Just a thought that might help clean up the DB on an idle 
 Thursday evening. I'm sure it's been thought of before.

Well, here's a extract from a mail I sent to another non-committer
interested in doing the same thing, about two days ago.  Note that we
do already timeout PRs in feedback after a period of time without a
reply (currently 3 months).

Also note that there's a bugbusters@ list where this kind of discussion
should live, but I think I may be the only person subscribed (although
rousing the list is really my responsibility, I've yet to think up a
good enough scheme).

Forwarded mail:

Thanks for the offer of help.

Sending stuff to current could be considered useful, but committers
interested in fixing bugs (which is hopefully all of them!) will all be
subscribed to freebsd-bugs@, which means that by simply submitting a
followup to the PR they'll get automatically notified.

There a few ways for non-committers to help out though:  if you think
that a PR can be closed, then submit a followup to the PR with the
reason why, and include the string This PR can be closed.  The reason
can be anything from this isn't a problem on later releases, this was
fixed in revision x of src/foo/bar/quux.c to the user is at fault.

Just because a PR can't be closed though, if you have information to
add to a PR (an updated patch, cannot replicate here, etc.) then send
it in as a followup.  Of course, if you know of (or can code) a fix, send


Description: PGP signature

Re: A way to clean up PRs?

2004-01-08 Thread Dag-Erling Smørgrav
Paul Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 How about everything that hasn't been touched in 3 years gets put into
 a special state of closed-believed-dead, everything over 12 months
 (or 6?) gets the same AFTER an e-mail has been sent out to the
 originator to see if the problem still exists?

The PR handling guidelines already address this.  See section 4.3 in

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread BSD
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 04:10:38PM -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 07:36:10AM -0800 I heard the voice of
 Avleen Vig, and lo! it spake thus:
  If I understand you right..
  A floppy boot, which loads the absolutely basic stuff (network drivers,
  and some easy way to config the network) and then goes and grabs the
  installer would otherwise be on the current floppies and boots it?
 Many (most?) Linux dists do this for floppy installs.  I've come around
 to thinking it a better and better idea lately.  It makes it easy to have
 much more bloa... er, featureful installers, particularly more
 graphical ones, since you're no longer limited by the size of a floppy.
 And even cheap DSL is faster than a floppy drive for loading it, to boot
 (no pun ;).  And you can even provide for loading it off a local CD, if
 you have a CD drive you can't boot from.
 The downside is that writing such a beast is a lot more work...

Take what I'm babbling about with a huge grain of salt, since I probably
have no idea what I'm talking about...

How hard would it be to take something like etherboot and building a
single install floppy from that? And have a FreeBSD kernel/installer
hosted on a public nfs/tftp server?

Ie., the user pops in the etherboot floppy, it asks for network setup
info, we tell it to use, and it goes out and either nfs
mounts or tftp the kernel and installer and drivers. Then proceed from
there to installing FreeBSD onto the system.

I suppose that's what you just said.. But was just thinking that it'd be
easier modifying an existing system (ie., etherboot) than writing one
from scratch..

Note: I just mentioned etherboot because that was the first thing that
came to mind. I'm sure there are other systems better suited or licensed
for what's needed.
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Greg Shenaut
In nuntio [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michel TALON divulgat:
By the way, what's the reason that it is impossible to have just one
floppy which boots FreeBSD kernel, allows to see an unbootable cdrom
and continue installation from here?

I agree.  The boot floppy tries to do w a y too much.  I think we
should think of the boot floppy as way to implement an old-style
console emulator: it boots and you tell it where to read the
*real* boot image from.  It should support all of the usual sources:
CDs/DVDs, NFS mounts, FTP, and so on.

The real boot image would know how to format drives, install
distributions  packages, and so on.

This boot console floppy would only need to change to support new
hardware, and there could even be boot-source-specific versions
of it.  Once you had one that worked on a specific type of PC,
you could keep using it indefinitely.

Greg Shenaut
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 03:36:42PM -0700 I heard the voice of
Scott Long, and lo! it spake thus:
 Unfortunately, there are two problems with this.


 The first is that it runs after the kernel has already booted, so SCSI
 devices that are handled by drivers on this floppy won't get probed.

This I hadn't known.  Why is that?  I thought when you loaded a module it
pulled up the driver and probed the hardware, which included scanning any
busses on it.

 The second is that forcing the user to know which driver is appropriate
 for their hardware is not very good form.

This is one of those things I list under the category of letting floppy
installs be a bit ugly, or 'experienced-users only'-labelled.

 There are several documents linked off of
 that describe how to build a release.  It's not nearly as arcane of a
 process as it used to be 5 years ago.  The biggest barrier to entry is
 probably disk space.  You'll need a good 5GB free to hold the CVS repo,
 chroot environment, and resulting bits.

Well, I've got the CVS repo, though boy, has *THAT* ever grown since I
built this system; I had to trim it down to only src and ports, and even
/dev/da1s1e 2032623 1769089 10092595%/usr/cvs

Of course, I left out the ports and docs parts of the release last time I
tried (which was in fact about 5 years ago ;), though I had all kinda of
troubles with parts of THAT, too.  But still, I don't have even a tenth
that much hard drive space around.

 Yes, to build the floppies you need to build most of the release, but
 once you've built the release, you can back-step and rebuild the
 floppies at will.

And building the whole release is quite an ordeal on a Pentium Pro  :)

Still, I'm willing to donate some time and brain to the problem, since
apparently I kinda care about it.  It seems to me that the probing
problem above is the biggest problem from a real coding POV; the rest is
mostly just a whole heck of a lot of implementation, and inconvenience
from the usability standpoint.  That's a breaking point.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |

The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
  haven't figured out how to light the middle yet
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Re: LG 5350 cell phone

2004-01-08 Thread Sean Welch
I don't know if anyone is still interested in this topic or not but I just
made some progress today (got sick of not being able to use my
straight through USB cable with FreeBSD).  Here's what I've got at
the moment under 4.9-RELEASE.

I went tracing through /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/umodem.c (good old
printf statements) to see what exactly it was that was causing the
reboots of my cellphone.  I came to the conclusion that it probably
wasn't something in umodem.c that needed tweaking so I went
nosing around in /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs again.

As the phone doesn't start misbehaving until umodem attempts to
attach to it I was able to just leave it at ugen0 and ask usbdevs for
the vendor and product codes (usbdevs -v).  I put those into
usbdevs and the diff looks like this:

*** usbdevs.origTue Sep  2 09:35:17 2003
--- usbdevs Thu Jan  8 15:12:03 2004
*** 341,346 
--- 341,347 
  vendor AGATE  0x0c08  Agate Technologies
  vendor DMI0x0c0b  DMI
  vendor LUWEN  0x0c76  Luwen
+ vendor QUALCOMM   0x1004  Qualcomm
  vendor MOTOROLA   0x1063  Motorola
  vendor PLX0x10b5  PLX
  vendor ASANTE 0x10bd  Asante
*** 648,653 
--- 649,657 
  /* Fujitsu protducts */
  product   FUJITSU AH_F401U0x105b  AH-F401U Air H device
+ /* Qualcomm products */
+ product QUALCOMM CDMA_MSM 0x6000  CDMA Technologies MSM phone
  /* General Instruments (Motorola) products */
  product GENERALINSTMNTS SB51000x5100  SURFboard SB5100 Cable modem

Having been down this route before without success (usbdevs itself notes
that simply adding IDs does not add any functionality at all) and noticing
a call to /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usb_quirks.c from umodem.c during
initialization I took a look over there and added this:

*** usb_quirks.c.orig   Wed Feb 12 08:05:57 2003
--- usb_quirks.cThu Jan  8 16:03:35 2004
*** 83,88 
--- 83,90 
   /* YAMAHA router's ucdDevice is the version of farmware and often changes. */

After compiling a new kernel with these changes incorporated
(don't forget to run a make -f Makefile.usbdevs if you've got
old kernel compile stuff still around!!!) I now can use the phone as
a modem!!!  I can set the speed up to 230400 (matching the 
setting indicated in the phone's menu) and the transfer speeds are every
bit as good as on the iBook now.  This is what dmesg now reports:

umodem0: Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM phone, rev 1.01/0.00, addr 2, iclass 2/2
umodem0: data interface 1, has CM over data, has break

The only issue remaining is when I try to bring the connection down.
When I do this ppp reports:

Warning: deflink: Unable to set physical to speed 0

and on the console I see this:

putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks
putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks

These messages appear to be harmless (ppp is down now and
I can reestablish a connection without problem), but obviously
it isn't the best behaved.

Would anyone care to chip in with suggestions and/or advice?


 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 19:52:36 -0700 (PDT)
 From: David Yeske [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: LG 5350 cell phone
 X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.1
 Precedence: list
 List-Id: Mobile computing with FreeBSD
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 Should this get a new vendor entry in usbdevs?
 --- Josef Karthauser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 06:36:42PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2004-01-07 23:17:31 -0800:
  On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:08:38PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
   The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
   maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
   months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
   for whopping 28 days.
  That might be technically true, but it's misleading and doesn't
  support the point you're trying to make.  During this period the ports
  collection has only been frozen for a couple of weeks, and the
  majority of commit activities were not restricted for the rest of the
  period in question.
 That might be technically true, but the precise semantics of
 (semi-)freeze aren't as widely known as you seem to think.
 E. g. yesterday or today I received an email from a committer in
 response to my two mails to ports@ (the first urging a repocopy
 requested in a PR some time ago, the other retracting the request
 because of the freeze) saying (paraphrased) to my surprise I was
 told repocopies are allowed during freeze.  Some people just prefer
 to err on the safe side.

Repo-copies are not allowed during the freeze, but are any other time.

   Porter's handbook, and FDP Primer, while valuable (esp. the former)
   leave many questions unanswered.  (I'm not going to further this
   rant, but will gladly provide feedback to anyone who asks.)
  I would have thought the procedure to rectify this would be obvious:
 The procedure really is obvious, but there's only so much time in a
 Also, I would have thought the Porter's handbook would e. g. contain
 info on preventing installation of .la files (I gathered from the
 ports@ list that they shouldn't be installed), isn't this lack quite

No, please raise this on the ports list.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On Thursday 08 January 2004 18:20, Avleen Vig wrote:
 I understand it is difficult to maintain the floppies. I wish I
 understood them better :-) Is it not possible to have ftp install
 floppies, which do nothing more than simple FTP installations?

It wouldn't make it any easier.

You still need the right drivers, ie which SCSI controller/network/... cards 
you have to get a minimal install is _more_ when you are doing FTP (you need 
a network).

I think one possibility that wasn't mentioned is to have a floppy maintainer 
that generates several sets of floppies that are used for non-CD 
booting/no-CD installs which are available via download, and some are chucked 
on the CD. ie make it a separate part of the release, so it is not directly 
the install team's job.

This would mean that the default 'make release' produces no floppy images. 
Instead they are built separately and bundled with 'official' releases. It 
would even be (fairly trivially) possible to setup a web site where you 
select what cards you want support for and it makes a floppy image for you. 
Even just having a page which tells you want card needs what KLD and where to 
get the KLD's would help, as you could download them on your other OS and 
put them on floppy yourself.

Scott also said stuff like SCSI cards won't get probed if a module is loaded 
but I can't see why that is true.. The module will load, the device get 
detected, and then sysinstall is told to reprobe the hardware, so it should 
pick it up.

I see the 'which kld goes with what device' problem as separate to this issue. 
The KLD load stuff DOES show a small description for each KLD so it isn't a 
total black box, and heck, you can just pick everything and cross your 
fingers :)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from.
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On Friday 09 January 2004 10:04, Greg Shenaut wrote:
 In nuntio [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michel TALON divulgat:
 By the way, what's the reason that it is impossible to have just one
 floppy which boots FreeBSD kernel, allows to see an unbootable cdrom
 and continue installation from here?

 I agree.  The boot floppy tries to do w a y too much.  I think we
 should think of the boot floppy as way to implement an old-style
 console emulator: it boots and you tell it where to read the
 *real* boot image from.  It should support all of the usual sources:
 CDs/DVDs, NFS mounts, FTP, and so on.

*How* does it support all of those sources?
CD/DVD drives need drivers (ATA optimisticly, but quite possibly SCSI), 
FTP/NFS need network card support, NFS needs nfsclient.ko

ie this is the exact problem it has now :)

You could save a little space with your idea because you wouldn't need 
sysinstall which is admittedly quite large, but it wouldn't address the 
fundamental issue.

If you want floppy installs you need a way of putting arbitary drivers onto 
floppy disks easily so users can grab what they need and use it instead of 
having to second guess what sort of hardware they are likely to be using.

IMHO of course 8-)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from.
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 02:04:34PM +1030, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
 *How* does it support all of those sources?
 CD/DVD drives need drivers (ATA optimisticly, but quite possibly SCSI), 
 FTP/NFS need network card support, NFS needs nfsclient.ko
 ie this is the exact problem it has now :)
 You could save a little space with your idea because you wouldn't need 
 sysinstall which is admittedly quite large, but it wouldn't address the 
 fundamental issue.
 If you want floppy installs you need a way of putting arbitary drivers onto 
 floppy disks easily so users can grab what they need and use it instead of 
 having to second guess what sort of hardware they are likely to be using.
 IMHO of course 8-)

Now you've got me thinking.
A simple website which lets you choose what drivers you want (anyone
seen the .muttrc config page? :)
That should be really easy to do with a little perl CGI.
I might take a crack at this in the next week or so.

Avleen Vig
Systems Administrator
Personal: (Earthlink user access only)
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Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-08 Thread M. Warner Losh
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary W. Swearingen) writes:
: M. Warner Losh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
:  Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
:  : Something like this might also jeopardize the
:  : project's not for profit status.
:  The project is not a legally incorporated entity at this time, and
:  never has been in the past.
: And yet the Legal page carries a claim of copyright for The FreeBSD
: Project 

It is a psudonymous work by The FreeBSD Project.

: and the Copyright page has that plus a similar claim for
: FreeBSD, Inc.  (For 2004, even.) 

That should be changed.

: I've not seen a US statute about
: false copyright claims, but I think it would be less risky to say all
: intellectual property is owned by its owners, in the manner of some
: trademark statements.

No, the above is perfectly legal under US and International Copyright

: The Legal page could tell about using CVS to
: determine who owns what so they can be tracked down and asked if the
: copyright page is correct about what license they've got it under.  :)

That's likely overkill, but might not be a bad idea.

: Whether the project is for profit depends upon the definition, if
: the project is claiming copyright ownership, because gains of
: intellectual property is considered (by US copyright law, at least) to
: be a financial gain.  But lots of organizations, formal and informal,
: have financial gains without problems with being considered for
: profit, so if someone sees for profit problems, they should be
: specific about what the problems might be.

For profit or not is irrelvant, given that there's no legally
incorporated entity for the project.

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On Friday 09 January 2004 15:00, Avleen Vig wrote:
  onto floppy disks easily so users can grab what they need and use it
  instead of having to second guess what sort of hardware they are likely
  to be using. IMHO of course 8-)

 Now you've got me thinking.
 A simple website which lets you choose what drivers you want (anyone
 seen the .muttrc config page? :)
 That should be really easy to do with a little perl CGI.
 I might take a crack at this in the next week or so.

I suspect mtools is the easiest way to do this..

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from.
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
GPG Fingerprint - 9A8C 569F 685A D928 5140  AE4B 319B 41F4 5D17 FDD5

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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 03:28:11PM +1030, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
 On Friday 09 January 2004 15:00, Avleen Vig wrote:
   onto floppy disks easily so users can grab what they need and use it
   instead of having to second guess what sort of hardware they are likely
   to be using. IMHO of course 8-)
  Now you've got me thinking.
  A simple website which lets you choose what drivers you want (anyone
  seen the .muttrc config page? :)
  That should be really easy to do with a little perl CGI.
  I might take a crack at this in the next week or so.
 I suspect mtools is the easiest way to do this..

Something that was suggested in #FreeBSDHelp on EFnet just now:
sysinstall already has the ability to dynamically load modules.
If this is the case, I don't see where the problem is.
Make the kernel on the floppy disk have few/no drivers built in, and
have then all loaded from a third disk.
Have the third disk generated dynamically from say, a website?
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On Friday 09 January 2004 15:48, Avleen Vig wrote:
  I suspect mtools is the easiest way to do this..

 Something that was suggested in #FreeBSDHelp on EFnet just now:
 sysinstall already has the ability to dynamically load modules.
 If this is the case, I don't see where the problem is.
 Make the kernel on the floppy disk have few/no drivers built in, and
 have then all loaded from a third disk.
 Have the third disk generated dynamically from say, a website?

Yeah, that was similar to what I was thinking.

You could just get it to make a zip for you to put on a floppy after you 
select your hardware from a list.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from.
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
GPG Fingerprint - 9A8C 569F 685A D928 5140  AE4B 319B 41F4 5D17 FDD5

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SOLVED: ADMtek USB To LAN Converter and HomePNA

2004-01-08 Thread Dinesh Nair


the following patch solves this problem. according to the ADM8511
datasheet, a couple of registers need to be set with specific values to
enable the HomePNA PHY on the device. the current aue(4) driver does not
do this, and thus by default the device will only enable the Ethernet PHY.
you'd need to rebuild kernel or just kldunload/kldload if using the
if_aue.ko module.

--- CUT HERE ---
--- if_aue.c.orgThu Jan  8 19:29:27 2004
+++ if_aue.cThu Jan  8 19:29:27 2004
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 6);
-   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 2);
+   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 6);

 Static void
@@ -610,6 +610,7 @@
csr_write_1(sc, AUE_GPIO0, AUE_GPIO_OUT0|AUE_GPIO_SEL0);
+   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_GPIO1, 0x34);

/* Grrr. LinkSys has to be different from everyone else. */
if (sc-aue_info-aue_flags  LSYS) {
---CUT HERE ---

On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Dinesh Nair wrote:


 i have one of the above. it's a usb device which connects to a HomePNA
 network, with a 10/100Mbps ethernet port as well as a couple of RJ11s for
 the HomePNA connection.

 my problem is i am unable to utilize this device to connect to the HomePNA
 network. upon plugging it in, the console says:

 aue0: ADMtek USB To LAN Converter, rev 1.10/1.01, addr 2
 aue0: Ethernet address: 00:08:54:d0:5d:2e
 miibus1: MII bus on aue0
 pnaphy0: Am79c978 HomePNA PHY on miibus1
 pnaphy0:  HomePNA

 ifconfig aue0 response is:
 aue0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST mtu 1500
 ether 00:08:54:d0:5d:2e
 media: Ethernet homePNA (none)

 i run 'ifconfig aue0 netmask 0x media homepna' and the
 device then gets to the following:

 inet netmask 0x broadcast
 ether 00:08:54:d0:5d:2e
 media: Ethernet homePNA
 status: active

 however, i am unable to ping any ip address other than the interface's
 address. obviously, no firewalls (ipfw/ipchains/ipf) are being run and
 this is on FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE built as of a couple of weeks back.

 i've played around with disabling the ethernet PHY on the device with the
 following diff to /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_aue.c:

 --- CUT HERE ---
 --- if_aue.c.orgWed Jan  7 20:02:51 2004
 +++ if_aue.cWed Jan  7 21:04:06 2004
 @@ -434,6 +434,28 @@

 +   /*
 +* The Am79C978 HomePNA PHY actually contains
 +* two transceivers: a 1Mbps HomePNA PHY and a
 +* 10Mbps full/half duplex ethernet PHY with
 +* NWAY autoneg. However, the HomePNA PHY is
 +* not recognized, but the 10/100Mbps PHY is
 +* though. This skips over the 10/100Mbps PHY
 +* and only activates the 1Mbps HomePNA PHY
 +* Modified by Dinesh Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 +* Wed Jan  7 20:36:34 MYT 2004
 +   if (sc-aue_info-aue_vid == USB_VENDOR_ADMTEK 
 +   sc-aue_info-aue_did == USB_PRODUCT_ADMTEK_PEGASUSII) {
 +   if (phy == 1)
 +   return(0);
 +   }
 +   /*
 +* End of modifications by Dinesh Nair
 csr_write_1(sc, AUE_PHY_ADDR, phy);
 csr_write_1(sc, AUE_PHY_CTL, reg|AUE_PHYCTL_READ);
 --- CUT HERE ---

 but to no avail. i've discovered that the ethernet PHY is phy==1, while
 the two RJ11 PHYs are 2 and 3.

 the ethernet PHY works fine and dandy, and i am able to connect it to my
 local switch fine. however, i need to use it for a HomePNA application,
 and thus need to HomePNA portion of this to work.

 any ideas from anyone who's tried something like this before with some
 measure of success ? any media types or mediaopts i should be passing to
 ifconfig ?

 this setup is used by a broadband provider in kuala lumpur, malaysia and
 to date this has been the one barrier which prevents freebsd users from
 utilizing their service.

 Regards,   /\_/\   All dogs go to heaven.
 | for a in past present future; do|
 |   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
 |   echo The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b.  |
 | done; done  |

Regards,   /\_/\   All dogs go to heaven.
| for a in past present future; do

SOLVED: ADMtek USB To LAN Converter and HomePNA

2004-01-08 Thread Dinesh Nair

use the following patch instead of earlier one. earlier patch hardcoded
use of HomePNA PHY and disabled Ethernet PHY. this patch corrects this
behaviour and allows switching between either PHY thru use of the ifconfig
command. this means that the USB dongle can either be used as an Ethernet
device (connect to switch/hub) or as a HomePNA access device, but not both

ifconfig aue0 media homepna # activates HomePNA PHY/RJ11
ifconfig aue0 media auto # activates Ethernet PHY/RJ45

using auto as media type is synonymous with the following media types:

10baseT 10baseT-FDX 100baseTX 100baseTX-FDX

much apologies for not checking things correctly before submitting the

patch follows:

--- CUT HERE ---
--- if_aue.c.orgWed Jan  7 20:02:51 2004
+++ if_aue.cThu Jan  8 21:12:23 2004
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
@@ -492,6 +492,17 @@
mii = device_get_softc(sc-aue_miibus);

+   if (IFM_SUBTYPE(mii-mii_media_active) == IFM_homePNA) {
+   if (sc-aue_info-aue_flags  (PNA|PII)) {
+   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_GPIO1, 0x34);
+   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 6);
+   }
+   } else {
+   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_GPIO1, 0x26);
+   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 2);
+   }
if (IFM_SUBTYPE(mii-mii_media_active) == IFM_100_TX) {
} else {
@@ -576,12 +587,10 @@
/* Magic constants taken from Linux driver. */
csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_1D, 0);
csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_7B, 2);
-#if 0
-   if ((sc-aue_flags  HAS_HOME_PNA)  mii_mode)
-   csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 6);
-   else
+   if (sc-aue_info-aue_flags  PNA) {
csr_write_1(sc, AUE_REG_81, 2);
+   }

 Static void
--- CUT HERE ---


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