Resetting the sound system

2010-10-28 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Dear list,

the audio software I use sometimes seems to handle unappropriately its 
input and leave the sound system in a strange state.  When this happens, 
the lowest frequencies of the played sound are very attenuated and what 
is still audible sounds unpleasantly metallic.  Rebooting the machine 
immediately brings up the sound system in shape again, but it would be 
nice if they were a more sensible way to reset it!

Here are the relevant lines of `dmesg`:

pcm0: VIA VT8237 port 0xe100-0xe1ff irq 22 at device 17.5 on pci0
pcm0: [ITHREAD]
pcm0: VIA Technologies VIA1617A AC97 Codec
pcm0: VIA DXS Enabled: DXS 4 / SGD 1 / REC 1

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Re: Why system gcc that is 4.2.1 produces different code than gcc-4.2.1 compiled from sources?

2010-04-25 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Leonidas Tsampros wrote:

I'm pretty sure that a small difference in execution time does not mean
that the produced code is different.

Actually, execution time of a process is very sensitive to the 
environment of this process. See for instance:
  We see that something external and orthogonal to the program,
   i.e., changing the size (in bytes) of an unused environment variable,
   can dramatically (frequently by about 33% and once by almost 300%)
   change the performance of our program.

(The quotation is taken out of the article.)

I learned about this in a message from Xavier Leroy to the OCaml mailing 

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Re: freebsd for children

2009-12-25 Thread Michaël Grünewald
  Message du 25/12/09 17:06
 De : Anton Shterenlikht
 A : Uwe Laverenz
 Copie à :
 Objet : Re: freebsd for children

 On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 04:56:21PM +0100, Uwe Laverenz wrote:
  Anton Shterenlikht schrieb:
   Can somebody recommend a graphical port which could be used
   to teach kids 6-8 years programming? I know it's a very
   vague question, but what I have in mind (possibly) is
   say an interpreter linked with some graphical enviroment,
   perhaps drawing with commands, or making animations,
   or maybe music?
  I never tested it myself but I heard/read about it:
  It's in the ports: lang/squeak (i386 only)
I had my first programming experience at 7 with LOGO on MO6. This is a very 
primitive drawing language, and as I remember I have had some fun with it! 
There is some ports (search for LOGO in the port name) of the LOGO language on 
FreeBSD, but I never try any of them! I hope one will do for you.
Michael vous souhaite de Joyeuses Fêtes de fin d'année.
Je crée ma boîte mail
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Re: Sorting a device list

2009-12-01 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Peter Steele wrote:

Can anyone recommend a quick and dirty way to sort a device list? For example, 
if I do this:
I need to skip the device prefix before applying the -g option. Something like 
this works:

ls /dev/ad*|sort -g -k 1.8


but this assumes the device name is just two characters long. I want a quick 
way to sort a generic device list like this, considering only the numeric part 
of the device for the key. Is there a quick and dirty way to do this or do I 
need to pipe it into a perl script or something?

You can use sed to insert a sepcial character before the first digit, 
use sort with this special character as field delimiter, and then remove 
the special character with another call to sed. The following pipeline 
does it:

sed -e 's/\([0-9]\)/@\1/' | sort -t @ -n -k 2 | sed -e 's/@//'

(This assumes `@' does not appear in the names of the devices you are 
working with.)

Hope this helps!

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Re: Bad sectors: how bad can it be

2009-10-28 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Polytropon wrote:

On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:05:39 +0100, Michaël Grünewald wrote:
I have however a question: How do I verify that 
a hard-drive is accurately working if its firmware will hide the bad 
sectors as long as possible?

I think the smartctl program from ports/smartmontools is 
a good tool for such verification. As far as I understood,

it can read internal error logs from the firmware.

Hi, following your suggestion I used smartmon to get access to the SMART 
data. I have run an extended offline test (with-t offline I think). The 
test reported no error (!) and the bad sectors are now read/writeable 
(!!). Is it safe to think the problem is gone?

# smartctl -l selftest /dev/ad10

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_DescriptionStatus  Remaining 
LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
# 1  Extended offlineCompleted without error   00%   458 

# 2  Extended offlineAborted by host   70%   456
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Re: Bad sectors: how bad can it be

2009-10-28 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Hello David,

thank you for your comments,

David N wrote:

2009/10/29 Michaël Grünewald

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_DescriptionStatus  Remaining LifeTime(hours)
# 1  Extended offlineCompleted without error   00%   458 -
# 2  Extended offlineAborted by host   70%   456


If your smartctl says it has used up a spare block
(Reallocated_Sector_Ct), replace the drive ASAP. The drives will tend
to get more and more bad blocks after the the first one is found,
usually because the head is damaging the disks or the head itself is
damaged, or other reasons. If its under warranty they usually replace
is, talk to the manufacturer before hand.

I have Reallocated_Sector_Ct=0 for the faulty drive. Where can I find a 
key fo reading all the other exciting numbers listed under the banner

``SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
  Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:'' ?

On the hard-drive I use for my backups, a SAMSUNG HD501LJ,  all the 
numbers I read looks fine to me, but I want to be sure. Thus it would be 
nice have a key for the table that `smartctl -a /dev/ad6' outputs. My 
two other drives, I use to store my OS and my data, are MAXTOR 
STM3250820AS (I do not have a RAID setup, it just happens that I have 
twin hard drives). They both have `Reallocated_Sector_Ct=0' but have 
positive `Raw_Read_Error_Rate', `Seek_Error_Rate'. Additionally, the 
faulty drive has positive 
`Reported_incorrect=119',`Current_Pending_Sector=4294967295' and 

As looking for hints on google leads to many threads discussing 
hard-drive failures, I did not find what a pleasant description of the 
signification of these numbers.

Kind regards,

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Re: Bad sectors: how bad can it be

2009-10-27 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Many thanks to the contributors of the list for their input on this 
question! I always got quick and detailed answer to my questions on this 
list, which is very appreciable in this time of (small) trouble.

(I feel sorry for the very poor english I demonstrated in the message I 
wrote this morning: I was in a hurry!)

Polytropon wrote:
 On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:31:18 +0100, Grünewald Michaël wrote:

 Starting the machine by other means, I found that the hard-drive is
 installed on has bad sectors. I am looking for advices on how to
 recover from this, if possible.

 If there's data on the disk you want to get back, first
 make a dd copy of the drive or the partition in question.
 Use an accurately working disk as the target.

I have backups of the data contained in the broken, so the data on this 
disc are not a concern. I have however a question: How do I verify that 
a hard-drive is accurately working if its firmware will hide the bad 
sectors as long as possible?

 Basically the question is: shall I discard my hard-drive with bad-
 sectors, or can I continue using it?

 Discard it. Hard disks are cheap today, and bad sectors may
 have the habit to multiply. Don't take that risk.

As the other contributors join their voices
to yours, I will replace the faulty disk ASAP.
Thank you a lot,
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Troubleshooting ral0 device timeouts

2009-09-22 Thread Michaël Grünewald
I have set up a FreeBSD access point, it is equipped with a ralink based 
card and works most of the time. I would appreciate some help for 
troubleshooting ``the rest of the time''. Thanks!

First there is nothing fancy about my wirelesse setup, I merely use the 
ralink card as an ethernet switch to create a LAN. I therefore 
configured my ralink R2600 ral0 interface, an ethernet card and bridged 
them together as described in if_bridge(4) or ifconfig(8). Note that 
only the bridge has got an IP address. Also, hostapd is up and running, 
managing the ral0 interface. This setup somehow works: I can succefully 
connect stations to the AP.

However, from times to times, the ral(4) driver emits a `device timeout' 
message and the interface is hen stuck. All connections to the AP are 
lost and no station would notice the AP anymore.

I could not successfully reset the interface with the sequence:

# /etc/rc.d/netif stop ral0
# /etc/rc.d/hostapd stop
# /etc/rc.d/netif start ral0
# /etc/rc.d/hostapd start

Although it does not emit any error message, the AP remains 
undetectable. Rebooting the machine brings back the AP to a working 
state, but that is annoying!

I am running amd64/7.2, the ralink chip is reported to be 2600 or 2610 
by the kernel.

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Re: Is there such thing as a 'soft checksum' tool?

2009-09-08 Thread Michaël Grünewald wrote:

Mel Flynn wrote:

However, thinking about this inquiry and JPEG in the same sentence
has given me an idea that might help the OP:  JPEG is a lossy
compression, with the degree of loss related to the chosen image
quality, so two similar images might become identical -- or at
least more similar -- if compressed to a sufficiently low quality
using the JPEG algorithm.

This seems to be an excellent idea. A similar approach can 
(successfully) be used to let a computer recognize songs through a 
micrOphone: the incoming signal is transformmed to MP3 at a rather low 
quality, which provides a sort of fingerprint of the input. The quality 
factors shall be adujsted adequately for this application: there is a 
tradeoff between stability (noise insensitivity) and separation to find.

The case of images is much more complicated if one wishes to recognize 
the same image at two different scales.

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Re: Ports on Macbook

2009-03-04 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Gary Kline a écrit :
	If this were only true!  ...But as I understand it, corporations like 
	the RIAA forbid me from making a backup of a CD  or DVD that I *own*.

(E.g, a 6-CD set of Shostokovich).

While this thread is off-list and is probably annoying many people here, I 
cannot refrain to point out that this kind of discussion is void unless it is 
studied in a given legal system. For example in France, a court may decide that 
a given clause in a EULA is void because it is unfairly restrictive, or because 
the customer was not properly informed, oe because it contradicts current 
usage, or whatever. Companies and particulars can write everything they want, 
this does not make a law.

BTW I would like to point out that the question of validity of EULA is the same 
than the problem of validity of other software licences such as BSD or GPL: any 
of them will only be given a definitive answer in the front of a court.

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Re: confontation

2009-02-26 Thread Michaël Grünewald

prad a écrit :

i need greek letters for math work.

latex has the fonts of course, but i don't have the \mu \ro etc on
regular programs such as inkscape.
i've installed texcm-ttf, but only go a couple of greek letters.
Most commonly, Type1 (read ``PostScript vector'') TeX fonts are present 
on the disk as PFA or PFB files (PostScript font ascii, binary). They 
are usually stored under


The TrueType fonts available to TeX are present on the disk under


(I use the $ to prefix generic names. $TEXMF is usually texmf, ot 
texmf-local or texmf-texlive and $PREFIX /usr/local.)

On the KUbuntu system I have at work,

 ls /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/truetype/public/belleek/
blex.ttf  blsy.ttf  rblmi.ttf

These fonts are true type versions of TeX fonts, EX (extended, 
containing extra large braces, radicals, triple integrals etc.) SY 
(symbol) and MI (math italics, containing all the greek).

If you did not find a suitable TrueType font on your installation, try 
to search the CTAN (, it mimics the file hierarchy common to 
most TeX installation, so you will easily find TrueType fonts available 

If all of this fails, you can go with type 1 fonts, most TeX symbols 
fonts are also available as Type1 fonts. If your software cannot use 
these fonts, you may try to convert them to TrueType format, with 
appropriate software. Fontforge (in the ports) is capable to do this.

Note that fonts resulting form a conversion may not be suitable for all 
use, many years ago I wanted to have TeX fonts in X11, and got nice 
glyphs with funny spacing. I did not investigate the resaons of this 
failure, nor the contemporary behaviour, though.

Last I did not mention which font to look for. A complete collection of 
type 1 fonts reproducing the look of the venrable Computer Modern is the 
Latin Modern font (VENDOR=public, FONT=lm).

I hope this helps,
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Re: Port for drawing directed graphs?

2008-09-16 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Polytropon wrote:

On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:31:57 -0400, John Almberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am working on some software that must, as it's final output,  
produce a printout of a directed graph... nodes, connected by  
directed links.

The printout could be generated by a postscript file, jpg, whatever.

Does anyone know of a utility (in ports?) that can take a data set  
(for example, a two dimensional array that defines the nodes and the  
links between them), and produce a printable graph?

Any help much appreciated.

I think it's possible to use LaTeX for this, as long as you're
willing to provide the document basis, put an \include for the
drawing contents and then have a small processing script that
generates this file. There is some LaTeX document class that
supports graphs, I think. The output would be PS or PDF.

TeX and LaTeX usually come with a tool called METAPOST, which reads 
instructions to draw a picture and outputs a postscript file. This is 
definitely the best choice to produce figures t put in LaTeX document, 
but may be useful in solo operation too. The language for METAPOST is 
adapted to notations like z1 = 1/2(z2 + z3) or z1l = z1 + left and z1r = 
z1 + right, so it's a really unusual stuff but one gets quickly 
accustomed with the basics. There is many web pages providing tips for 
meta post, I also recommand a paper written by André Heck on the subject.


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Re: How to visit U disk?

2008-08-13 Thread Michaël Grünewald

EdwardKing wrote:

Thanks your answer!

I use dmesg | tail
#dmesg | tail

sc0: VGA 16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300
vga0: Generic ISA VGA at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
Timecounter TSC frequency 2194304266 Hz quality 800
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
hptrr: no controller detected.
ad0: 5120MB VMware Virtual IDE Hard Drive 0001 at ata0-master UDMA33
acd0: CDROM VMware Virtual IDE CDROM Drive/0001 at ata1-master UDMA33
Waiting 5 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider acd0 is iso9660/FreeBSD_Install.
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a

If you issued the command right after you plugged the USB stick in your 
system, it has not been detected. The last line

#mount_msdosfs ufs:/dev/ad0s1a  /mnt
mount_msdosfs ufs:/dev/ad0s1a: : Operation not permitted

Because there is no file ufs:/dev/ad0s1a, note that ufs: is not part of 
the path of the device in the file system.

#mount_msdosfs /dev/ad0s1a  /mnt
mount_msdosfs /dev/ad0s1a: : Operation not permitted

Because the /dev/ad0s1a device is already mounted as the root file system.

#device umass
device: not found

The shell says there is no command `device'.

It seems you would take advantage from reading section «18. Storage» in 
the Handbook, especially section 18.2 that explains thow to recognize 
devices after their names, and section 18.5 that is devoted to USB 
devices. Again, the URL for section 18 is:

(Note that top-posting obfuscates the dialog history, so it is best to 
avoid top-posting.)

- Original Message - 
From: Michaël Grünewald [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: How to visit U disk?

EdwardKing wrote:

I want to use U disk which format is FAT32,I don't know how to visit
U disk,my dev directory is follows: #cd /dev #ls ... usb usb0 usb1 

How to do it? Thanks in advance

After you plug the stick in the system, it is attached by the kernel
which issues some information. This information is visible in the
console, you can also access it with the dmesg utility:

  $ dmesg | tail
  umass0: Sony Storage Media, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2 on 

  da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
  da0: Sony Storage Media 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-0 device
  da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
  da0: 247MB (506880 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 247C)
  GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider da0s1 is msdosfs/USBSTICK.

You can see above example output from my system.
The stick is available here through `/dev/da0s1' or through

Not that some environements will automagically mount the stick for you,
usually at some directory under /var/media.

You may also want to read parts of the `Storage section' in the Handbook:


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Distributing makefiles

2008-04-26 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Hi all,

I am planning to distribute some of the makefiles I wrote on various
platforms, including FreeBSD. I need the help of some insightful soul to
take a few decisions:

--- Where to install? I think /usr/local/share/mk is fine;
--- How to install? Users should put a
`.MAKEFLAGS: -I/usr/local/share/mk'
statement in their /etc/make.conf, are ports scripts allowed to do this
automagically? If yes what's the best way to do this? (an ed script?)
--- Being system or not? BSD Make has two search pathes, the system one
(whith  style inclusion) and the other one (with  style incusion). I
think I shall consider my files non system, preserving the  pathes for
BSD. But ther may be some pros and cons I am not aware.

Note: I did submit this questions on `ports' about ten days ago, but I 
did not receive any answer for this. People subscribed to `ports' will 
see this message for the second time, I apologize for the annoyance.

Any comments welcome,

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Re: Mousewheel verschwunden

2008-04-13 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Seth Brundle wrote:

Hallo Liste,

Hallo Freund,

nach Update auf RELENG_7 und Update der Ports ist nun mein Scrollrad
verschwunden... :-(

Ein wenig gegurgle zeigt mir hier, daß ich nicht der einzige bin --
allerdings habe ich keine Lösung finden können.

moused(8) läuft bei mir, zusammen mit fluxbox oder gnome2.

I used to have a mouse with a wheel, as far as I can remember one should 
put a `Zaxis' declaration in the mouse driver section to let it work 
correctly. Given this, your favourite search engine will surely let you 
overcome my lack of memory.

(Auf diese Liste, soll man die englishe Sprache benützen.)
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Re: FreeBSD 7.0 Handbook 6.2.4 Firefox, Mozilla Macromedia Flash plugin

2008-03-29 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Bernd-Michael Ruhe a écrit :

Hi all,

when checking /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base I find different versions:

- linux_base-f7
- linux_base-fc4
- linux_base-fc6
- linux_base-gentoo-stage1-3

what is the right version to apply to avoid issues?


I installed linux_base-fc4 yesterday, and it seems to work. Now it 
depends what you do consider an issue :)

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Re: FreeBSD 7.0 Handbook 6.2.4 Firefox, Mozilla Macromedia Flash plugin

2008-03-29 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Robert Huff a écrit :

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Micha=EBl_Gr=FCnewald?= writes:

  when checking /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base I find different versions:
  - linux_base-f7

  - linux_base-fc4
  - linux_base-fc6
  - linux_base-gentoo-stage1-3
  what is the right version to apply to avoid issues?
 I installed linux_base-fc4 yesterday, and it seems to work. Now it 
 depends what you do consider an issue :)

Have you checked /usr/ports/UPDATING?

I wish I had! Thanks!

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Re: media conversion utilities in the ports

2008-03-23 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Andrew Falanga a écrit :


A few quick searches on didn't turn up much so I'm
hoping that the knowledge here will eclipse it.  Are there any good,
or workable, scriptable WMA to MP3 converter programs in ports?

Mplayer pretends it can handle WMA files, however I did not try this 
feature. See multimedia/mplayer, it installs an `mencoder' program you 
might be interested in.


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Re: Right way to build package from non-port software

2008-03-11 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Catalin Miclaus wrote:

Hello guys,


What is the right way of building packages for non-ports applications?

AFAIK 'make package' and ' pkg_create -b name' are based on ports
installed packages.

Is there any way of using same commands or additional scripts to achieve
similar results?

If it matters I'm trying to create packages from net-snmp-5.4.1 sources
(needed for 64-bits counters feature) since ports version is based on

Suggestions are welcome.

What I would do is:

1. check if there is a PR pending, with an update to the new version;
2. try to adapt the existing port to the new version.

Doing 2. should not be much more complicated than building from source, 
see Porter's Handbook, mainly the ``quick porting'' if you want to do it 
this way.

You do not really need the port infrastructure to use pkg_create, so it 
seems to be the right tool you were looking for.

Hope this helps,

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Looking for a FTP sync'er suggestion

2008-03-11 Thread Michaël Grünewald


I am looking for a program able to make a remote FTP site look like a 
copy of a local dir. I feel as if I were dunce-cap-awards(R) nominated, 
but I really did not find one!

In ports/ftp many programs say they do the reverse, and a few say they 
``mirror'' without more explanation. I gave a tried to mirror, ftpmirror 
and ftpsync (among others), all of them broke or failed to be useful.

I need this to publish a web site on a space allocated to me by my ISP, 
I am writing a script that automates publication, and at the very end, I 
 noticed the key-piece was missing!


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Re: Looking for a FTP sync'er suggestion

2008-03-11 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Michael Ross a écrit :

Michaël Grünewald schrieb:


I am looking for a program able to make a remote FTP site look like a 
copy of a local dir. I feel as if I were dunce-cap-awards(R) 
nominated, but I really did not find one!

In ports/ftp many programs say they do the reverse, and a few say they 
``mirror'' without more explanation. I gave a tried to mirror, 
ftpmirror and ftpsync (among others), all of them broke or failed to 
be useful.

I need this to publish a web site on a space allocated to me by my 
ISP, I am writing a script that automates publication, and at the very 
end, I  noticed the key-piece was missing!

I usually do it with lftp, in a script like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cat work/websites/foobar/lftp.upload
#!/usr/local/bin/lftp -f
debug 3;

set dns:fatal-timeout 30;

set ftp:ssl-allow true;

open -u username,password host;

put upload/updating.php -o /index.php || exit 1

mirror --verbose=1 --parallel=1 --delete --reverse \
--exclude .htaccess --exclude .htpasswd \
--exclude index.php --exclude updating.php \
upload / || exit 1

put upload/index.php -o /index.php || exit 1

Then I'll call ./lftp.upload and be done.

I like this way, thank you,

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Re: Looking for a FTP sync'er suggestion

2008-03-11 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Kelvin Woods a écrit :

On Tue, March 11, 2008 16:27, Michael Ross wrote:

Michaël Grünewald schrieb:


I am looking for a program able to make a remote FTP site look like
copy of a local dir. I feel as if I were dunce-cap-awards(R)
but I really did not find one!

In ports/ftp many programs say they do the reverse, and a few say
``mirror'' without more explanation. I gave a tried to mirror,
and ftpsync (among others), all of them broke or failed to be

I need this to publish a web site on a space allocated to me by my
I am writing a script that automates publication, and at the very
end, I
 noticed the key-piece was missing!

I usually do it with lftp, in a script like:

I'd support this suggestion as well. Using lftp (from the ports tree)
requires nothing more that an FTP server at the remote end (i.e. the
ISP). It can mirror in both directions, i.e. client - server and
server - client.

I just tried LFTP, and this is a program I missed several times before, 
thank you to point it to me!


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GEOM label of a read-only partition is not properly handled

2008-03-10 Thread Michaël Grünewald


I have an UFS partition mounted read-only. There is a label on it, and 
it appears twice under dev: as ad10s1h and as ufs/LIBRARY. Unlike 
RW-mounted filesystems, the entry under ufs is not deleted after 
mounting (either using /dev/ad10s1h or /dev/ufs/LIBRARY as special 
argument of mount).

Was this behavior remarked by others? I have not found a PR about this, 
I maybe should do this, right?

$ uname -a
FreeBSD Llea.celt.neu 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #11: Wed Mar  5 
00:59:32 CET 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LLEA  amd64

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Re: GEOM label of a read-only partition is not properly handled

2008-03-10 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Wojciech Puchar wrote:

/dev/ad10s1h or /dev/ufs/LIBRARY as special argument of mount).

Was this behavior remarked by others? I have not found a PR about 
this, I maybe should do this, right?

this is right behaviour. you may use the device many times if read-only, 
but not read-write.

Fine, thank you!

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Re: Best practices for managing tweaked ports

2008-02-09 Thread Michaël Grünewald

Le 7 févr. 08 à 23:01, Mel a écrit :


On Tuesday 05 February 2008 13:05:12 Michaël Grünewald wrote:

I am seeking for a word in advice in how to automatically tweak some
applications, possibly making packages for them.

The current solution is: I have a post install shell script that  

my files into appropriate location. This works but there is two

You're almost there:
- Create a file Makefile.local in the port you need a post-install  

script executed with contents:

This will then be packaged in packages as well.
See pkg_create(1) and in particular -i option, as well as grep
_LATE_PKG_ARGS /usr/ports/Mk/

If you wanna do it cleaner, may want to wrap that in:
.if !defined(PKGINSTALL)  !exists(${PKGDIR}/pkg-install)
echo Omg they killed kenny

So that it errors out, if the port starts providing a post-install  

Thank you very much for the that tip!

It seems that this will fail for scripts that have `postinstall', or  
more accurately, that changes may have to be versed in this  
postinstall script, right?


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Best practices for managing tweaked ports

2008-02-05 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Dear FreeBSD folks,

I am seeking for a word in advice in how to automatically tweak some
applications, possibly making packages for them.

Long version:

The XDM software provides an example to illustrate the issues: I have
written scripts and configuration files that tweaked XDM to my fancy,
and I wonder how use them to a large (large has a magnitude of 2 :) )

The current solution is: I have a post install shell script that plugs
my files into appropriate location. This works but there is two

  1. I have to run that post install shell script on each targetted

  2. The home-made files are alien to package management tools, and
 cause (little) trouble int package management tools operation.

Here are solutions I envisaged, I would like to know about pitfalls,
recommendations, user experience, etc., with these:

  1. I do use portupgrade, so I could use A/B (afterinstall,
 beforebuild) switches, hooks in pkgtools.conf as a base for a
 simple `port tweaking framework'. This would however not produce
 packages with tweakings wired in.

  2. I could prepare ports dedicated to tweaking, i.e. a port that
 installs nothing but configuration files. I am afraid this cannot
 be done in a straightforward manner, since a given file (say
 /usr/local/lib/X11/xdm/Xresources) cannot be managed by two
 packages (the one made from the original XDM, and the one made
 from the XDM tweaker port) .

  3. I could prepare a port derived from the original XDM port, that
 adds any tweaking, and play with pkgtools.conf to remap port
 dependencies adequately.

As stated in the introduction, I would be very glad to get your
advices, from your direct experience in this topic as well as `a
Many thanks for your attention.
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Re: Recovering data from a newfs filesystem

2008-01-20 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Kelly Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Months ago, I got a new USB drive for my Mac OS X, did newfs
 /dev/disk1 on it, and it's been working fine.

 I then foolishly did disklabel -create /dev/disk1, which broke
 it. How can I recover my data? I've tried fsck w/ alternate
 superblocks to no avail.

Create a disk image with dd(1), connect the image to a md device with
mdconfig(8) and run a disk image analysis tool on it, like testdisk
(available from the ports). If testdisk manages to recover disk
structure and you're happy with it, you can use the corrected image
back to the USB drive with dd(1).

Creating the disk image is optional, but since you'll allow testdisk
to modifiy the data it works on, it's bet to do a copy.

You may want to test integrity of the image with sha256(1) and/or
md5(1), before running disk analysis software on it.

Notes: 1/I do not know if mdconfig(8) is available for OS-X, although
 something is likely to provide the same functionality;
   2/On Mac OS-X you may use PKGSRC (see NetBSD website) or Fink to
 install disk analysis software.
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Re: Shell scripting kungfu

2008-01-20 Thread Michaël Grünewald
ann kok [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 how about this

 cat file | sed 's/\/32//g' |tr -s , \n

Hi, `cat' is an overused tool :)
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Re: Problem in terminal, darwin

2008-01-20 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Javier Elizondo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Last login: Sun Jan 20 14:32:18 on ttys001
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
   LC_ALL = (unset),
   LANG = UTF-8
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale

Values for LANG have 3 parts, like does fr_FR.ISO8859-15, so you may
try to set LANG to en_US.UTF-8 instead of UTF-8.
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Re: Unable to unmount idle filesystem on 6.2

2008-01-12 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Darren Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm unable to unmount an idle filesystem (or even drop it to

 # umount /usr/ports
 umount: unmount of /usr/ports failed: Device busy

Do you have HAL daemon running?

I recently had the same problem, and it turned out that momentaneously
shutting down the daemon allowed me to unmount filesystems. See

Hope this helps.

Note: the HAL daemon is used by desktop environments like Gnome or
Xfce, so if you use on of them, it is likely you have HAL daemon
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Re: Apparently, csh programming is considered harmful.

2007-12-16 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Chuck Robey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As long as folks don't stop me from running whatever I want, I don't
 care if you use bash, but it really irks me, that most Linux systems
 are broken in that respect: Most of them break badly in random ways,
 if you don't run bash as your shell.

A friend of mine who worked with debian was once in mood to disinstall
BASH. Quite a trip to hell! (The story is 8 years old now.)
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Re: Scanner Compatibility

2007-12-09 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If I do understand, this seems a close analogue of PPL files in the
 printing world, right?
 You meant PPD files?

Yes that's what I meant!

 In fact, I have no serious reason to run amd64 since I use my amd64
 computer as a ``user workstation'' and the main benefit from running
 amd64 is to manage huge amounts of RAM --- as far as I can tell from
 the various docs I have read. My reasons to run amd64 are mainly geeky
 or childish :)
 I hope you do not have 32 Gb of RAM as my neighbor who is a gamer  and
 passionately in love with
 Windows Vista:-) On another hand those gamers are the reason that I
 can go to junk yard and get a
 PIII with 512 Mb of RAM and 10Gb Hard-drive for $5. I am a happy

The only reason I disregarded my K2-400 with 128 Mo (from'97) in favor
to a somewhat new material was that PostScript/PDF rendering was way
too slow on the former machine. I am mainly working with Emacs,
producing TeX documents and OCaml programs. For these activities $5
computers are excellent!
All the best,
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Re: Scanner Compatibility

2007-12-08 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Let me clarify firstly some things.

Thank you very much for this very detailed answer, it's very nice
from you!


 In essence your scanner uses this file to explain the Sane the page
 layout and graphics. So it is not a driver!

If I do understand, this seems a close analogue of PPL files in the
printing world, right?


 I see no reason why should sane-backhands work any different on

Now you made clear that these binary blobs consist of data (and not
of a cpu program), I do not see either. I will soon be able to tell :)

 On another hand if you are using amd64 that tells me that you
 are running serious production servers so why would you want to attach
 a scanner to  such  machine is not really clear to me.

In fact, I have no serious reason to run amd64 since I use my amd64
computer as a ``user workstation'' and the main benefit from running
amd64 is to manage huge amounts of RAM --- as far as I can tell from
the various docs I have read. My reasons to run amd64 are mainly geeky
or childish :)

 As I said before the handbook is excellent but here is my quick and
 dirty step by step how to for scanners.


Thanks a lot for this con tribution,
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Re: Scanner Compatibility

2007-12-07 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I use Epson Perfection 1670 and it works like a charm. Unfortunately
 it does require binary blob which might be something you want to

What is that binary blob stuff? Do you mean by this a binary image
that should be loaded in kernel --- after being correctly wrapped just
like some wifi card drivers? If this is the case, there is no chance
to make the blob work under amd64, is there?

 If you need step by step instructions how to install scanner you
 might contact me via private mail.

I am very interested in this kind of technical information, since I do
foreplan to buy a scanner. If you really think[1] this discussion would
be a nuisance for the list, would you be kind enough to CC me?

[1] One can consider that even if the discussion topic does not hit
most of its members, it can be useful to contribute here these
technical details because they will be archived and could then be
referenced in future discussions, searched, etc.
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Re: Building FreeBSD on Linux

2007-12-02 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have tried GNU Make 3.80 as well as pmake. And I can't seem to find
 bmake for Linux.


I have found in my vaults a script that downloads pmake source from
your favorite FreeBSD's mirror and builds a binary that worked on (at
least one workstation running) Linux.

The file being quite long (9651 bytes) I hesitate to post it directly
to the list. If list posting is appropriate, you will soon see it
there, if it is not, just drop me a mail I'll send you the file.
Best wishes,
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Re: Building FreeBSD on Linux

2007-12-02 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I installed/bootstrapped NetBSD pkgsrc on the linux box. This comes with
 bmake(which I think standas for bsdmake). 

I use NetBSD pkgsrc on MAC OS X, and Makefiles of mine are 
rejected by NetBSD's bmake, whereas they are accepted by MAC OS X's
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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-30 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Boris Samorodov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 22:14:30 -0800 Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 Fundamentally, you have to be educated to understand it.  FreeBSD
 is first and formost, for the educated computer user.

 Ted, you may exchange famous Hitler's quotes with your highly educated
 friends, laugh at Hirosima's anecdotes with your highly educated
 japanese friends, etc. But every educated person should understand
 what may be done privately and what should be done publicly.

Making fun out of Hitler or Hiroshima is not in question here. Not every
fortune cookie is supposed to be funny. Some of them are quotes from wise
men, some from foolish ones, etc.; whenever the fortune program picks
one and shows it to you, it's a side of human kind you see.

Speaking of Hitler publicly is done in every school, which is relevant
since we can be sure a new Hitler will come on day or the other to the
Earth; and we all want to recognize him as quickly as possible.

(BTW, it seems you have totally misunderstood Ted's position.)
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Re: looking for suggestions: multiple users on the same desktop

2007-11-30 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Aryeh M. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have several sub accounts (for specialized purposes not really a
 part of an other account) which I do my work basically I have:

 aryeh -- my personal account
 web -- maintain my web site
 dev -- development/testing of software
 dep -- seperation of development and production code

 I almost always login into aryeh (xfce via xdm).   Both web and dev
 require the use of variuous X applications but I don't want to logout
 and login back in and/or have to invoke the app from the cmd line
 (i.e. xhost +; setenv DISPLAY :0; app cmd line)... I am looking for a
 way to make it so I can launch apps from a desktop panel and/or icon
 on the desktop and make it ask what user to run it under (or somehow
 or another make it aware that not everything is to be ruin as
 aryeh)... ideas?

An easy approach is to use Xnest to open a nested X session as user
dev or whatever. You can find examples in ``OnLamp'' columns, if I
remember well.

Another way is to wrap is to use SSH's X connexion transfert, you can
wrap your applications in scripts like this:

A more complex approach is to design a way to `pass' DISPLAY
information and XAUTH(1) information to your alternative accounts.
You have to do it yourself (I guess) and still must wrap application
into suitable scripts.

Hope this helps.
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Re: /bin/sh Can one Easily Strip Path Name from $0?

2007-11-14 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Martin McCormick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I am ashamed to admit that I have been writing shell
 scripts for about 15 years but this problem has me stumped. $0
 is the shell variable which contains the script name or at least
 what name is linked to the script. The string in $0 may or may
 not contain a path, depending upon how the script was called. It
 is easy to strip off the path if it is always there

 #! /bin/sh
 PROGNAME=`echo $0 |awk 'BEGIN{FS=/}{print $NF}'`

As said by others, you can use `basename`. Apart from this, you can
fix your old habit by prepending a '/' before '$0', like this:

#! /bin/sh
PROGNAME=`echo /$0 |awk 'BEGIN{FS=/}{print $NF}'`

Last, you can also use variable expansions mechanisms by saying:


The main difference with `basename` way is that the latter do not call
a subprogram.

(If you are sure there is no space in your name, you can remove the
quotes, but are you sure?)

See `Parameter Expansion' in sh(1).
Best wishes,
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Re: LaTeX oder teTeX

2007-10-31 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Roland Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The second question is about ports that install TeX related stuff
 (such as macro packages, like NOWEB do). I guess you edited texmf.cnf
 to let /usr/local/share/texmf-local appear in TEXMF trees. Am I right,
 and was this enough to let things run well?

 TeXLive is so complete that I didn't really have to install any stuff
 from ports. I have a $HOME/texmf tree where I can stick the odd style
 file. The standard texmf.cnf uses $HOME/texmf be default.

It seems that `noweb.sty' (a LaTeX file to be used with output of the
NOWEB program) is missing in TeXlive. But I bet that editing texmf.cnf
to let /usr/local/share/texmf-local appear in TEXMF trees will be
enough to use it.

Thank you for your useful indications.
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Re: Help Plz... Cron Job question....hellp...

2007-10-31 Thread Michaël Grünewald
VeeJay [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello Gurus….

 I am running a status script written in Perl (**) and want to have
 it *Always Running*.

 How can I check through CRON that is running and if NO, then
 start the script execution again?

Why don't you use the following SH script?

  whule true; do

It will restart `' whenever it dies.
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Re: LaTeX oder teTeX

2007-10-30 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


I have unintentionally (and automatically) put your address in the `From'
field of my last message. I am sorry for the annoyance.
All the best,
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Re: Dangers of using a non-base shell

2007-10-30 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Stephen Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's been drawn to my attention not to use bash from the ports
 collection, because if one of it's dependencies (gettext or libiconv)
 fails or is updated significantly, it could break, and prevent
 login. The suggested solution was to use a base shell (such as sh) and
 append 'bash -l' to .shrc to automatically enter bash.

The root account has a duplicate `toor'. Thus administrators can
change `toor' login shell to their preferred, with no risk of
making the `root' account unusable.

Regarding user accounts, I have no suggestions.

BTW, when I moved from Linux to FreeBSD, I wanted to use BASH as my
login shell. On day, I decided to try TCSH: user experience in FreeBSD
is awesome, and since TCSH is the default shell there, I was convinced
it was worth. My try was a switch, first because TCSH has cool
features (see tcshrc at sourceforge) and second because of the
advantage of using a shell you cannot program. The advantage is that
you I not write illegible one-liners that cripple my files because I
hit ENTER instead of BACKSPACE. In lieu of one-liners I now write
one-filers, and I have much less shell incident than before.
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INIC162x SATA Controller

2007-10-22 Thread Michaël Grünewald
Hi all,

I recently got a SATA INIC162x controller PCI card, and I am trying to
know if it is usable in a FreeBSD box. (See Hardware Note below, if

After few minutes of internet search, I am quite pessimistic about
this. I would however be very interested to hear from list members who
had an experience with this equipment.

In case my recycling attempt is doomed to fail, I would be glad to get
a suggestion for similar harware that can be found in
France/Europe. Local hardware resellers do have some SATA controller
PCI cards but none of them is able to tell which chip stands on the
Thanks for your attention,
All the best,
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