Re: How to share directories b/n jails on 6.0?

2006-02-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 08:53:58PM -0600, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 07:02:43PM -0600, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

Hi -

I've got a new 6.0 box and have setup some jails.  I'd like to share
/usr/ports from the host, to each of the jails.

I tried mount_unionfs and while it worked, the box would crash if I did
anything intensive (ie. compile a port).

Googling around and people say they are using nullfs okay, but the manpage
ends with:


nullfs is fine in 6.0, and the warning has been removed.

Good to know it's cool.  I'll start playing with it.  The warning is still
there though... in both 6-stable and 7-current.

Those manpages are out of date.


MFC: Remove big scary warning about nullfs state


I've set it up already and it works great.

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Re: How to share directories b/n jails on 6.0?

2006-02-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I've got a new 6.0 box and have setup some jails.  I'd like to share
/usr/ports from the host, to each of the jails.

I tried mount_unionfs and while it worked, the box would crash if I did
anything intensive (ie. compile a port).

Googling around and people say they are using nullfs okay, but the 

ends with:



nullfs is fine in 6.0, and the warning has been removed.

Good to know it's cool.  I'll start playing with it.  The warning is 

there though... in both 6-stable and 7-current. 

Those manpages are out of date. 


MFC: Remove big scary warning about nullfs state


I've set it up already and it works great.

On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Tim Traver wrote:

How did you set it up specifically ?

and is it just fixed in 6.0 ? or does it also work in 5.4 ?

No idea about 5.4...

For 6...


jail_sandbox_exec=/bin/sh /etc/rc


/usr/ports /local/jails/sandbox/usr/ports nullfs rw 0 0

Then once started with /etc/rc.d/jail start sandbox I have this:

% df -h
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on

devfs  1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/local/jails/sandbox/dev
/usr/ports 3.9G1.9G1.7G52%/local/jails/sandbox/usr/ports

I also came across this afterward... which I might give a go...

Looks like it null mounts a lot more (ie /bin /sbin, /usr/lib, etc.)

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Re: Freebsd kernel guide

2006-02-02 Thread Philip Hallstrom

hi all,
Is anyone aware of a good book that teaches the internals of
freebsd kernel? ie. books for understanding kernel internals,
kernel module programming and kernel source (tree)guide.

I'm sure there are more, but here's some...

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Re: How to get latest and greatest FAMP

2006-01-31 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I wanted to do a quick test of Apache21, MySQL5 and PHP5
I tried a minimal install of FreeBSD 6.0 then pkg_add -r which
worked fine up until PHP5 where I was told that Apache21
conflicted with Apache13 that was to be installed as aPHP5
dependancy. I pkg_delete and went ahead with installing
PHP5 then Apache13 but when I tried to pkg_delete Apache13
so I could install Apache21 was told that I coudl not remove it ?

If you're talking about /usr/ports/lang/php5, then it's Makefile has this:

.if defined(WITH_APACHE)

I haven't done it, but I'm guessing if you install apache21 first, then 
set APACHE_VERSION = 21 in your environment, then make, it would do what 
you wanted.

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Re: freebsd hosting

2006-01-29 Thread Philip Hallstrom is good for FreeBSD servers, they are flexable and
offers any version of FreeBSD you need.

They might. But by default they install 5.3.  I just signed up with them 
and that's what they gave me...

I upgraded to 6 though and so far have been happy with them.
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Re: rm - Argument list too long

2006-01-27 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I am getting error Argument list too long. when deleting files from
/tmp directory.

server20# pwd
server20# ls -l sess*
/bin/ls: Argument list too long.
server20# rm -f sess*
/bin/rm: Argument list too long.

Any idea how to correct this ?

find /tmp -type f -name 'sess*' -delete

Probably worth adding a -mtime +1 in there to only delete files that 
haven't been modified in 1 day...

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Re: Apache not included

2006-01-25 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I'm a bit of a new user to BSD from Windows/Linux.  But I recently went 
thru the 5.4 version installer and was pleased at how simple it was to 
install the Apache web server thru the sysinstall menus.  After 
reinstalling with 6.0 I was surprised to find that apache wasn't an 
option from this menu.

 Any ideas if this is an omission or intentional?  I would think a 
webserver would definitely be included in the basic config.

I'm guessing it was intentional.  I can think of a lot of reasons I 
wouldn't want a webserver on my box (desktop, mail server, database 
server, chat server, etc...)

Easy to add though via ports or packages.

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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux

2006-01-17 Thread Philip Hallstrom

The computer is currently without keyboard, mouse or monitor.  I am
adding applications to the computer via ssh while I work.  As soon as I
get openbox and tightvnc installed, I'll switch to tightvnc so I can
disconnect without disrupting jobs.  (Hmm, I wonder if I'll have to add
a mouse or keyboard at that point.)


Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical 
terminal between several processes (typically interactive shells). Each 
virtual terminal provides the functions of a DEC VT100 terminal and, in 
addition, several control functions from the ANSI X3.64 (ISO 6429) and ISO 
2022 standards (e.g. insert/delete line and support for multiple character 
sets). There is a scrollback history buffer for each virtual terminal and 
a copy-and-paste mechanism that allows moving text regions between 

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Re: generating new passwords

2006-01-17 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Is there a command in FreeBSD 5.4 that will assign a specified user a new 
password without having to create one manually using passwd?  Is there also a 
way to generate new passwords for multiple users at once?

man pw


 -h fd This option provides a special interface by which interac-
   tive scripts can set an account password using pw.  Because
   the command line and environment are fundamentally insecure
   mechanisms by which programs can accept information, pw
   will only allow setting of account and group passwords via
   a file descriptor (usually a pipe between an interactive
   script and the program).  sh, bash, ksh and perl all pos-
   sess mechanisms by which this can be done.  Alternatively,
   pw will prompt for the user's password if -h 0 is given,
   nominating stdin as the file descriptor on which to read
   the password.  Note that this password will be read only
   once and is intended for use by a script rather than for
   interactive use.  If you wish to have new password confir-
   mation along the lines of passwd(1), this must be imple-
   mented as part of an interactive script that calls pw.

   If a value of `-' is given as the argument fd, then the
   password will be set to `*', rendering the account inacces-
   sible via password-based login.

 -H fd Read an encrypted password string from the specified file
   descriptor.  This is like -h, but the password should be
   supplied already encrypted in a form suitable for writing
   directly to the password database.

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Re: Looking for SW Firewall

2006-01-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I am interested implementing a firewall in SW that has similar
features as a Cisco PIX firewall. But, I don't want to roll
my own ipfw statements. A nice gui would be nice. From the
ports index I see things like:

dante-1.1.15  A circuit-level firewall/proxy
cp2fwb-0.6Checkpoint FW1 to Firewall Builder ruleset converter
fwbuilder-2.0.10  Firewall Builder GUI and policy compilers
hlfl-0.60.1   High Level Firewall Language
libfwbuilder-2.0.10_1 Firewall Builder API
pfw-0.6.2 A web frontend for the pf firewall

I'm basically looking for a good firewall that has an easy administration

Can someone who has experience with this suggest a fw I should try?

Never used it, but seems monowall comes up a lot...
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How to boot from a slice other than a?

2006-01-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hi all -

I've got a remote server and for one reason or another have it setup like 

Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a248M180M 48M79%/
/dev/da0s1h 14G496M 13G 4%/mnt

/dev/da0s1h has an exact copy of /dev/da0s1a using dump/restore.

I want to configure things so that the next time I reboot it will 
automatically boot from /dev/da0s1h without me having to do anything 
(since it's remote I can't interrupt the boot process).

I know I need to modify fstab on da0s1h.  And if I was on the console I'd 
interrupt the boot process and type in 0:da(0,h)/boot/loader, but I'm not.

And I'm not entirely sure what files to tweak to make that happen.  I've 
read the boot/loader manpages, but am just not getting it today.

Anyone know what files to tweak?

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Re: How to boot from a slice other than a?

2006-01-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a248M180M 48M79%/
/dev/da0s1h 14G496M 13G 4%/mnt

/dev/da0s1h has an exact copy of /dev/da0s1a using dump/restore.

I want to configure things so that the next time I reboot it will 
automatically boot from /dev/da0s1h without me having to do anything (since 
it's remote I can't interrupt the boot process).

I know I need to modify fstab on da0s1h.  And if I was on the console I'd 
interrupt the boot process and type in 0:da(0,h)/boot/loader, but I'm not.

are you actually interested of running /boot/loader from partition h or 
mounting root at /dev/da0s1h

Hmm... guess I didn't realize there was a difference :)

I want the OS to run from /dev/da0s1h so that I can then completely wipe 
and replace /dev/da0s1a [1].

if second - add:


to which file?


[1] The box is a new 5.3 install.  My thought was to boot from da0s1h, 
buildworld/kernel for 6 with a DESTDIR pointing to the original / 
(da0s1a). Then reboot and have a clean install of 6.

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Re: Remote backups, reading from and writing to the same file

2006-01-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
For a while I have been doing remote backups from my little server at home 
(which hosts some personal websites and also serves as my testing webserver) 
by tarring everything I wanted to be backed up and piping it to another 
machine on my network with nc(1), for example:

On the recieving machine: nc -l 1  backup-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.tar.gz

On my server: tar -c -z --exclude /mnt* -f - / | nc -w 5 -o aphax 1

(Some excludes for tar(1) are left out for simplicity's sake)

Among the things being backed up are my mysql database tables. This made me 
wonder wether the backup could possibly get borked when mysql writes to any 
of the mysql tables while tar is reading from them.

Do I really have to use MySQL's tools to do a proper SQL dump or stop MySQL 
(and any other services that may write to files included in my backup) before 
doing a backup? Do any of the more involved remote-backup solutions have ways 
of working around this? Or is it simply not possible to write to a file while 
it is being read?

The short answer is yes.  The medium answer is I would if I were you :-)

The long answer (at least to the extent I know it) is...

You might be able to take a snapshot of the filesystem mysql's files are 
on and back those up as they'd be consistent to themselves.  But 
everything I've read about backing up a database suggests that doing a 
proper backup is the way to go.

If you really don't want to do that you might also be able to use one of 
the various LOCK commands in Mysql to block all writes until you've copied 
them over.

But really a mysqldump ... | gzip  file should result in a very very 
small file.  And you could pipe that over the network (or even start 
mysqldump on your backup machine) if you didn't want the temp file issue.

You might also consider rsync.  That would only copy files that have 
changed.  Might be handy if bandwidth is an issue.  You can set it up to 
keep backup copies of files that have changed as well.  And it can run 
over ssh.

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Upgrading a remote box from 5.3 to 6-stable....

2006-01-11 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hi all -

I recently got a leased server that's running 5.3.  It's in Texas.  I'm in 
Washington.  I want to upgrade it to 6-STABLE.  In the update docs it says 
that when doing a major release upgrade, it is required that you boot 
into single user mode to do the installworld.

Which obviously is a problem.  And I find it hard to believe it's really 
necessary as this is going to be an issue for a lot of people.  Is this 
similar to the old recommendation of doing this unless your system is 
relatively quiet?

I also read about needing to build a kernel with COMPAT_FREEBSD5 in order for 
the new kernel to boot and be able to installworld.

Anything else?  And anyone know if the boot into single user mode is really 

Can't really test it on my remote box


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Re: 6.0, lighttpd not starting up on boot

2005-11-19 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On 19 Nov 2005 08:39:19 -0500, Lowell Gilbert

Pat Maddox [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've got a 6.0 system with lighttpd installed.  I have a
lighttpd_enable=YES line in /etc/rc.conf, but lighttpd doesn't start
up when the machine boots.  I have another machine with the same
config (though apparently not exactly the same), and lighttpd starts
up with it.  There's nothing in the lighttpd error log, and if I use
the rc script to start it up it starts fine.  How do I find out why
it's not starting on boot, and how do I make it start on boot?

Is it executable?

Try putting an echo or touch command early in the script to see if
it's getting run at boot at all.

It's definitely's getting run when I run
/etc/rc.d/localpkgs, so it really just makes no sense.

Might have already tried this, but...

What is the value of PATH when you run it manually vs. on boot?

That's what always gets me...
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Re: help with shell script

2005-10-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi.  I am writing up a doc for the fbsd community that covers usage of 
ports.  I have two commands that allow me to assertain the amount of 
disk space being utilized by currently installed ports.  I would like to 
make a shell script (bourne or bash) out of them but I am not sure how.

1. This gives me the amount of space (kB) taken up by the 10 largest ports:

$ pkg_info -as | grep ^[0-9] | sort -gr | head -10 | cut -c 1-6

2. Using one figure from above list I produce the details of the corresponding 

$ pkg_info -as | grep -B3 240695

Information for linux_base-8-8.0_6:

Package Size:
240695  (1K-blocks)

I would like the output of the script to be the above but for all ten ports 
(~40 lines; insert
a blank line between each?).  I know I need some sort of iteration but I am 
rusty on scripting.
Can anyone help?

This should get you close... if you want only the top 10 just add more 
pipes to the end with sort and head...



pkg_info -as | \
tr '\n' ' ' | \
sed -e 's/Package Size://g' \
-e s/(1K-blocks)/$newline/g |\
sed -e 's/^  *Information for //'

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Re: 3 questions

2005-10-11 Thread Philip Hallstrom

1.i want to know if exist in freebsd something to make flash banners
(like macromedia flash in windows?)? it is free to put on website?

2. i want to use one application like macromedia fireworks to slice
one image, and many others to make my web site design. But i want
to use something free.

3. Give me some solutions to make one super site with free tools!!!

Ironically, this just appeared on

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Re: DNS caching locally ...

2005-10-07 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I understand that it is possible to speed up surfing, especially using a
wireless Internet connection, by using DNS caching locally. This has to
do with enabling the named daemon or something, but I understand that
there are some restrictions.

Is there a simple recipe explaining how to do this?

The FreeBSD handbook has an example.  Just skip anything about setting up 
authoritive name servers.

That said, if all you need is caching (ie. you have upstream nameservers 
you can use), I'd suggest dnrd.  It's extremely easy to setup. It's in the 

What DNRD is

Domain Name Relay Daemon is a caching, forwarding DNS proxy server. Most 
useful on vpn or dialup firewalls but it is also a nice DNS cache for 
minor networks and workstations.


* Caching of DNS requests.
* Support for backup DNS servers.
* Uses random source port and random query ID's to prevent cache 
* Support for simple routing - specify different forward DNS servers 
for different domains.

* Force authorative or unauthorative answers for specified domains.
* Share the /etc/hosts over the network.
* Support for openbsd, freebsd and linux.
* TCP support
* DNS blacklist support

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How can I programatically eject a live cd?

2005-10-07 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hi all -

I've built a live CDROM based off of the cdroot package and 4.x.  It's 
designed to be popped into a machine, wipe the hard drive, install a 
custom image, and that's it.

Everything works great with one exception.

I would *love* to be able to have the CDROM automatically eject when it's 
finished (and/or shutdown).  This way a user could power on a headless 
box, pop in the cd, reboot, let it's do it's thing and know it was done 
when the CDROM ejected.

I know the drives can do it because I've seen some other CD's (most recent 
a seagate disk utility) do it.

But the closest I can come is:

cdcontrol -f acd0 eject

and then I can press the eject button and it will eject.

This is fine for me, but I don't want the people doing this to have to 
know to wait for the disk lights to stop.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Hidden spot on hard drives?

2005-10-05 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 11:55:18AM -0700, Joe S wrote:
: Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
: the company where I work (with Windows) is evaluating a copy protection
: product that stores info somewhere on the HDD where the user cannot touch
: it,
: a format will not erase it, and Norton Ghost will not find it.
: 1.  Any idea where this info could be stored?
: 2.  Any way the same thing could be done under FreeBSD?
: Thanks,
: jm
: # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/zero
: Will overwrite the entire drive.

Thanks.  What I was wondering is if there is a way to do the same copy
protection in FreeBSD, where I could store the data in the same place on the
drive where the user cannot access it.

Normal, average users yes.  But as the above stated... dd will let me (as 
root) get to any part of the disk I want.  If you're users don't have root 
access, then just make it a normal file owned by root, chmod 400.

I seem to remember some software put it's license key in the boot sector 
(this was way back when and I might be not remembering correctly).  But 
even that can be read using dd...  not sure how I'd do it with windows, 
but I'm sure it's possible.

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Re: pppd server help

2005-10-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I have only one modem, my doubt is how and where ppp or pppd are started?
The Handbook make references to scripts to manage them, but who launch
those scripts?

I don't know if I make myself understand

Thanks for your time...

This is what I did... hopefully I'm not forgetting anything...  my box has 
three modems in it so there will be slight differences...  we don't use 
this anymore, but my memory is that you could login as ppp (with a 
password) or any of the valid users (also with a password) and it the 
dialup host would appear to be on the network.  Hope this helps...

I don't start ppp anywhere really...

- install the mgetty port.  I have mgetty-1.1.31.

- set gateway_enable=YES in /etc/rc.conf

- at the end of /etc/ttys add:

ttyd4   /usr/local/sbin/mgetty -s 115200  dialup on insecure
ttyd5   /usr/local/sbin/mgetty -s 115200  dialup on insecure
ttyd6   /usr/local/sbin/mgetty -s 115200  dialup on insecure

The first part will depend on what COM ports your modem gets picked up 

My /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config looks like this:

port cuaa1
debug 9
fax-id 00 00 00
speed 115200
direct NO
blocking NO
port-owner uucp
port-group uucp
port-mode 0660
toggle-dtr YES
toggle-dtr-waittime 500
data-only YES
fax-only NO
modem-type auto
init-chat  ATS0=0Q0D3C1 OK
modem-check-time 3600
rings 1
answer-chat  ATA CONNECT \c \r
answer-chat-timeout 80
autobauding NO
ringback NO
ringback-time 30
ignore-carrier false
issue-file /etc/issue
prompt-waittime 500
login-prompt @!login:
login-time 240
diskspace 1024
notify faxadmin
fax-owner uucp
fax-group modem
fax-mode 0660

- My /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config looks like this:

/AutoPPP/ - -   /etc/ppp/

- /etc/ppp/ looks like this:

exec /usr/sbin/ppp -direct $DEVICE

- /etc/ppp/ppp.conf looks like this.  Our office network is 10.28.61/24 

  set device /dev/cuaa1
  set log TCP/IP Chat Connect Phase Command Warnin Error Alert
  set speed 115200
  set timeout 120
  disable ipv6cp
  enable passwdauth
  accept dns
  set dns
  enable proxy
  allow users philip

  set ifaddr

  set ifaddr

  set ifaddr


- Then I have a ppp user that looks like this in /etc/passwd:

ppp:*:1003:1003:PPP User:/local/home/ppp:/etc/ppp/

and /etc/ppp/ looks like this:


IDENT=`echo $0 | sed -e 's/^.*-\(.*\)$/\1/'`

if [ x$IDENT = xdialup ]; then
IDENT=`basename $TTY`

echo PPP for $CALLEDAS on $TTY
echo Starting PPP for $IDENT

exec /usr/sbin/ppp -direct $IDENT

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POP server that supports virtual users/domains (other than dovecot)?

2005-09-28 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hi all -
	Looking for recommendations for a POP server that supportts 
virtual users and domains and preferably hooks into PostgreSQL.  dovecot 
does this and I'm looking at it now, but it's got a lot of IMAP stuff that 
I will never ever use (really I won't).

Anyone have recommendations for other packages?  I've searched, but would 
like some actual user experiences...


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Re: Backup

2005-09-26 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Aguiar Magalhaes wrote:

Hi list,

can I make a copy using dd command from a HD scsi
Maxtor 36 GB to a HD IDE Sansung 40 GB ?

How can I do it ?? Is there an example ??

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Re: Restore System

2005-09-21 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I did a full backup of a server with tar using the following command:
tar cpzf servername`date +%m%d%y`.tgz /

I'm trying to restore it on another server with the following command:
tar -xzpf /path to backup file

The problem I'm running into is that the original system is has an IDE
harddrive, and the new system is SCSI.  I'm getting the following
dev/ad0: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory
dev/ad0s1: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory
dev/ad0s1a: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory
dev/ad0s1b: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory
dev/ad0s1c: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory
dev/ad0s1d: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory
dev/ad0s1e: Can't restore device node: No such file or directory

Is there an easy way around this?  Any help would greatly be

Look into the --exclude option for tar...

 --exclude pattern   Exclude files matching the pattern (don't 
extract them, don't add them, don't list them).

just skip everything beneath /dev/

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Re: how to convert lower case to uppercase in a word in a line ?

2005-09-16 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On 9/16/05, Jonathan Glaschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 06:51:16PM +0300, Yavuz Maslak wrote:


There is a word that consists lowercases.
How to change all of letters capital letters in stead of lowercase ?
is there any script about that ?

Or you do this using perl:

$ perl -e 'chomp  system(mv $_ .uc($_)) foreach `ls`;'

sed, awk, python, php, ruby, whatever versions are to follow
shortly :)

Or, just install mmv from ports...

from the man page...

Mmv moves (or copies, appends, or links, as specified) each source file
matching a from pattern to the target name specified by the to pattern.
This  multiple  action is performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected
deletion of files due to collisions of target names with existing file-
names  or with other target names.  Furthermore, before doing anything,
mmv attempts to detect any errors that would result from the entire set
of actions specified and gives the user the choice of either proceeding
by avoiding the offending parts or aborting.

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Re: FTP Permissions

2005-08-31 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I'm running FreeBSD 5.4 STABLE and the latest Proftpd. I have a little 
problem I need help with.

I want about 10 users to have access to the same directory/subdirectories on 
the FTP server and all must be able to upload, delete and retrive (full 
access) to the files in these directories.

I want all users to have different usernames/passwords so I can log them, but 
all should have full access to the ftp directories.

How would I set this up? I've tried making all members of the same group, but 
I can't overwrite/delete files other uploaded.

Not sure exactly how you configure it in proftpd, but make those 10 users 
part of the same *primary* group (ie, the one in /etc/passwd) then set 
their umask so that newly created files are group read/write.

I think (but am not sure) that you might be able to do this through 
proftpd.  I know that in samba, I can force new files/directory 
permissions regardless of the user's umask.

good luck.

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Re: Doing a modulo in /bin/sh??

2005-08-31 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I can grab the results of w=$date+%U); in C an use the modulo
operator; is there a way to do this is /bin/sh?  ot zsh?

tia, guys,


w=$(date +%U)
echo w is $w;
(even=$(w % 2 ));   ## flubs.
echo even is $even;   ## flubs.

if [ $even -eq 0 ]   ## flubs, obv'ly.
   echo week is even;
   echo week is odd;

Take a look at 'expr'

% expr 1 % 2

% expr 2 % 2


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Re: VNC + SSH question..

2005-08-30 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hey guys had a SSH forward question so here goes...

I have 2 computers on my lan one of them is a server and the other is my 


Now I have port forwarding setup on my crappy linksys router so 22 is 
pointing to my Server (

My question is this...

Not sure this will help since I'm not sure where exactly you're viewer is, 
but maybe it will...

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Re: Pine alternative?

2005-08-25 Thread Philip Hallstrom
We have been using pine for years on our Sun Solaris box.  We are in the 
process of moving to FreeBSD.  I installed Pine from an updated ports 
collection and received a message about pine not being very secure.  Is 
anyone using an alternative to pine that can also read pine's folders and 
addresses?  I need it to be compatible as we still have many users with lots 
of data in pine.

Could be wrong, but my understanding was that any issues with Pine weren't 
an issue if your users had shell access in the first place.  That is, one 
of the problems was if you drop your users right into pine (or via some 
restricted shell) it's possible for them to drop into a sub shell, etc. 
from within pine.

Could be wrong though.
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Re: dump(8), incremental backups, Tower of Hanoi sequence, don't get it

2005-08-23 Thread Philip Hallstrom

2) If all you have to deal with are static files and a
not-super-giant-filesystem, use rsync.  rsync -avz --delete once a night
will mirror your data between drives or between machines without any
trouble.  The only disadvantage is there is no file retention if you
want to restore a corrupt / deleted file after the fact.

Actually there is... sort of...  The trick is to use the --backup and
--backup-dir options:

-b, --backup
With  this  option, preexisting destination files are renamed as each
file is transferred or deleted.  You can control where  the backup  file
goes  and what (if any) suffix gets appended using the --backup-dir and
--suffix options.

In combination with the --backup option,  this  tells rsync  to store
all backups in the specified directory. This is very use- ful for
incremental backups.  You  can  additionally specify  a backup  suffix
using  the  --suffix option (otherwise the files backed up in the
specified directory will  keep  their original filenames).

I use this to maintain a one day full archive and a two week archive of 

# manage daily directory cleanup
rm -rf $dailysDir-old
if [ -d $dailysDir ]; then
mv $dailysDir $dailysDir-old

# rsync command
rsync=$rsync --archive# archive mode, equivalent to -rlptgoD
rsync=$rsync --delete# delete files that don't exist on sender
rsync=$rsync --delete-after# delete after transferring, not before
rsync=$rsync --delete-excluded# also delete excluded files on receiver
rsync=$rsync --devices# preserve devices (root only)
rsync=$rsync --group# preserve group
rsync=$rsync --links# copy symlinks as symlinks
rsync=$rsync --owner# preserve owner (root only)
rsync=$rsync --perms# preserve permissions
rsync=$rsync --recursive# recurse into directories
rsync=$rsync --relative# use relative path names
rsync=$rsync --safe-links# ignore links outside the destination tree
rsync=$rsync --sparse# handle sparse files efficiently
rsync=$rsync --stats# give some file transfer stats
rsync=$rsync --times# preserve times
rsync=$rsync --whole-file# copy whole files, no incremental checks

$rsync \
--compress \
--files-from=files/bravo.files \
--exclude-from=files/bravo.exclude \
--backup --backup-dir $dailysDir/bravo \ $backupDir/bravo

$rsync \
--compress \
--files-from=files/foxtrot.files \
--exclude-from=files/foxtrot.exclude \
--backup --backup-dir $dailysDir/foxtrot \ $backupDir/foxtrot


files/bravo.files looks like this:


and files/bravo.exclude looks like this:


This gives me a backup directory that looks like this:

% ll data
drwxr-xr-x  8 root  wheel  512 Mar 19  2004 bravo/
drwxr-xr-x  7 root  wheel  512 Oct 12  2004 foxtrot/

% ll dailys/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 19 03:37 Fri/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 12 03:43 Fri-old/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 22 03:37 Mon/
drwx--  6 root  wheel 512 Aug 15 03:37 Mon-old/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 20 03:36 Sat/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 13 03:42 Sat-old/
drwx--  6 root  wheel 512 Aug 21 03:36 Sun/
drwx--  6 root  wheel 512 Aug 14 03:36 Sun-old/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 18 03:36 Thu/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 11 03:39 Thu-old/
drwx--  8 root  wheel 512 Aug 23 03:36 Tue/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 16 03:36 Tue-old/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 17 03:37 Wed/
drwx--  7 root  wheel 512 Aug 10 03:39 Wed-old/

% ll dailys/Fri

drwx--  3 root  wheel  512 Aug 19 03:30 bravo/
drwx--  3 root  wheel  512 Aug 19 03:30 foxtrot/
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Re: how to set backquote on PC keyboard telneting to FREEBSD

2005-08-19 Thread Philip Hallstrom
i'm sure this is simple ... I am using a PC to telnet to a FreeBSD 
system.  The backquote key does not work.  I believe the STTY command is 
used to set the backquote key on FreeBSD.  Can anyone tell me the STTY 
command syntax to do this??

I've always used...


seems to work for me...
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Re: FreeBSD dialin server

2005-08-18 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I have freebsd 5.4 and i want to have dialin server. How can i
configure my freebsd as dialin server.

I set up a 4.x box to do this for three modems awhile back and while I 
didn't write down how I did it, here's the various config files which I 
hope will help.  Seems I never learn to write it down while I'm doing it 

- Installed mgetty+sendfax from ports.

- /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config looks like this:

port cuaa1
debug 9
fax-id 00 00 00
speed 115200
direct NO
blocking NO
port-owner uucp
port-group uucp
port-mode 0660
toggle-dtr YES
toggle-dtr-waittime 500
data-only YES
fax-only NO
modem-type auto
init-chat  ATS0=0Q0D3C1 OK
modem-check-time 3600
rings 1
answer-chat  ATA CONNECT \c \r
answer-chat-timeout 80
autobauding NO
ringback NO
ringback-time 30
ignore-carrier false
issue-file /etc/issue
prompt-waittime 500
login-prompt @!login:
login-time 240
diskspace 1024
notify faxadmin
fax-owner uucp
fax-group modem
fax-mode 0660

- /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config looks like this:

/AutoPPP/ - -   /etc/ppp/

- /etc/ttys has this addition (remember I have three internal PCI modems):

ttyd4   /usr/local/sbin/mgetty -s 115200  dialup on insecure
ttyd5   /usr/local/sbin/mgetty -s 115200  dialup on insecure
ttyd6   /usr/local/sbin/mgetty -s 115200  dialup on insecure

- The /etc/ppp directory looks like this:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   46 Apr 20 12:57*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  258 Apr 20 11:48*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  486 Apr 21 10:22 ppp.conf



exec /usr/sbin/ppp -direct $DEVICE



IDENT=`echo $0 | sed -e 's/^.*-\(.*\)$/\1/'`

if [ x$IDENT = xdialup ]; then
IDENT=`basename $TTY`

echo PPP for $CALLEDAS on $TTY
echo Starting PPP for $IDENT

exec /usr/sbin/ppp -direct $IDENT

- ppp.conf:

  set device /dev/cuaa1
  set log TCP/IP Chat Connect Phase Command Warnin Error Alert
  set speed 115200
  set timeout 120
  disable ipv6cp
  enable passwdauth
  accept dns
  set dns
  enable proxy
  allow users philip

  set ifaddr

  set ifaddr

  set ifaddr

- I added gateway_enable=YES to /etc/rc.conf

- I also added a ppp user.  Or maybe mgetty did.  /etc/passwd line looks 
like this:

ppp:*:1003:1003:PPP User:/local/home/ppp:/etc/ppp/

- I am pretty sure that the allow users philip line in ppp.conf was just 
from testing.

I think that was all I did...

Anyway, hope this helps you out...


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Re: how to know the file system type [programming]

2005-08-17 Thread Philip Hallstrom

hi there
I've been looking for a way to check the fs type
I need to do something like this

if NTFS do this
if msdis do that
if ufs2  do that
if ext2 do this other stuff

Parse /etc/fstab?

I'm sure there are lots of other ways too...
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Re: Determine processing holding open a 52+Gig file ...

2005-07-28 Thread Philip Hallstrom
'k, this is the second time its happened ... on a file system that is 
currently 35% full (52G free), all the disk space disappeared ...

Is there a way of finding out what process is holding open this immense 

I'm pretty sure lsof can tell you...

either just plain lsof or maybe with the directory name...

# lsof +D /tmp
postgres 66218 postgres5u  unix 0xd9c93680  0t0  /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
sshd 66325 greg7u  unix 0xd9d02800  0t0  

+D D This  option  causes  lsof to search for all open instances of
directory D and all the files and directories it  contains  to its
complete depth.

Processing  of  the  +D  option does not follow symbolic links within D
unless the -x or -x  l option is also specified.  Nor does  it  search
for open files on file system mount points on subdirectories of D unless
the -x or  -x   f  option  is  also specified.

Note:  the  authority  of the user of this option limits it to searching
for files that the user has  permission  to  examine with the system
stat(2) function.

Further  note: lsof may process this option slowly and require a large
amount of dynamic memory to do it.  This is because it must  descend
the entire directory tree, rooted at D, calling stat(2) for each file
and directory, building a  list  of  all the  files  it finds, and
searching that list for a match with every open file.  When directory D
is large, these  steps  can take a long time, so use this option

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Re: First post

2005-07-22 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I'm newbie.I believe that BSD as server  Linux as desktop.
Now,I have a machine that i wanna install FreeBSD5.4,Slackware10.1,Debian
Sarge  windows on it.
Of course,I installed slackware  WinXP on it.
Please explian me on multiboot process.

Hi -

Installing and Using FreeBSD With Other Operating Systems

FYI - it helps to use a subject that is relevant to the question you're 
asking.  A lot of people won't even look at this because it isn't obvious 
what you want.  Something like can I run multiple OS's on the same 
computer would be better.

Good luck!

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Re: OT: Helpdesk/Call tracking software

2005-07-20 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Never used it, but RT always seems to get good praise...

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Cezar Fistik wrote:

Dear group,

Sorry for OT, but I'm sure someone in this group can help me. I'm
looking for an open source helpdesk/call tracking application for use
in an ISP customer support dept. We need something that will allow us
to register all incomming calls, to assign tasks to different
admnis/engineers according to customer's problem, to be able to see
the status of each opened issue and so on. Nothing unusual.

I made a search and found a number of such applications, but there are
so wouldn't be possible to test all of them. So please just
tell me what you are using and how would you rate it.

Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Cezar  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Using Multiple Internet Connections with FreeBSD

2005-07-13 Thread Philip Hallstrom

To start off, I have a FreeBSD router running Nat and dhcp, it is
currently the router for my LAN.

I was wondering if there was a way to aggregate more then one internet
connection using FreeBSD?

That is, have 2 or 3 internet connections coming in on seperate NICs,
and being able to have the box route and nat the packets accordingly to
the lan, thus giving the experience of more bandwidth. Is it even possible?

Has someone done it before? and if you have, do you have a webpage that
you followed instructions from?

I haven't done it, but I've saved the following email/posts that talked 
about this...  I've left them intact so you can see the context...

good luck!

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 24 09:35:16 2003

Date: Fri,  3 Nov 2000 18:46:34 -0600
From: Gerd Knops [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Simon Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Two ISP's. Two IP. One default route...

Simon Nielsen wrote:


I currently have two internet connections though two different ISP's.
One is a ADSL and another is shared with the rest of my dorm. The
shared line is rather slow because many people are using it.

I must have an IP on the shared connection since that's the only
place where I can be sure to have a non changing IP for my DNS. But
the ADSL is much faster so I would like to use that as much as

I can give my machine an IP on each connection but I can of course
only set one default route. The default route is currently set to the
ADSL. The problem is that when a connection is made to IP on the
shared connection my computer uses the ADSL IP to respond and that
does not work.

Is there a solution to this? I thought about maybe it is possible to
route differently when a connection is made on the shared connection
but I can't find out how to do it.

Yes, it can be done (though I have not found it documented anywhere). 
I really think there should be separate routing tables for each 
interface, but I don't know of any such feature in any Unix.

However ipfw can be abused for the above task. Assuming:

- ipfw is set to pass on default
- your ADSL IP/network is a.a.a.a/aa
- your shared IP/network is s.s.s.s/ss
- your ADSL gateway is set as default route
- your shared gateway is

the following ipfw rules do the trick:

# Pass anything that should go via normal routes
# This rule is really just to speed up the bulk
# of the packets
add 1000 allow all from a.a.a.a to any
# Pass anything to local addresses on ADSL network
add 1010 allow all from any to a.a.a.a/aa
# Pass anything to local addesses on shared network
add 1020 allow all from any to s.s.s.s/ss
# And here the trick: if the source address is the one
# from the shared network, pass packets to the
# gateway on the shared network
add 1030 fwd all from s.s.s.s to any

With the above connections will leave your system on the same route 
they entered it. Great for redundant mail and dns setup!

If you already use ipfw you need to adapt the above rules accordingly. 
The important part is that packets coming from your host's shared 
address going to the 'outside' (and only those packets) are forwarded 
to the shared networks gateway.


From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 24 09:35:23 2003

Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 09:34:48 -0600 (CST)
From: Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Simon Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Two ISP's. Two IP. One default route...
Resent-Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 10:35:16 -0800 (PST)
Resent-From: Philip Hallstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Resent-To: Philip Hallstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Resent-Subject: Re: Two ISP's. Two IP. One default route...

Simon Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] types:

I currently have two internet connections though two different ISP's.
One is a ADSL and another is shared with the rest of my dorm. The shared
line is rather slow because many people are using it.

I must have an IP on the shared connection since that's the only place
where I can be sure to have a non changing IP for my DNS. But the ADSL
is much faster so I would like to use that as much as possible.

Question: what are you using the static IP for? I.e. - who connects to
it, and vice versa?

I can give my machine an IP on each connection but I can of course only
set one default route. The default route is currently set to the ADSL.
The problem is that when a connection is made to IP on the shared
connection my computer uses the ADSL IP to respond and that does not

Is there a solution to this? I thought about maybe it is possible to
route differently when a connection is made on the shared connection but
I can't find out how to do it.

Well, if you can narrow down who connect on the shared connection, you
can add a route for those addresses pointing to the shared
connection. It's been about five years, but I used to do that, but if
the only people connecting to the shared IP are on the campus net, you
can add a route

Re: OT: Shell script

2005-07-11 Thread Philip Hallstrom


I am trying to write an SH script that i need some functionality.

I want it to be able to get a filename without the extention on the end.

for example.


i would like it to return 'file'.

Probably lots of ways.

Use sed in a pipe...

sed 's/\$//'

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Re: OT: Shell script

2005-07-11 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I am trying to write an SH script that i need some functionality.

I want it to be able to get a filename without the extention on the end.

for example.


i would like it to return 'file'.

basename(1); it's even POSIX, so it's pretty portable.

But only if he knows the file extension before hand...
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Re: recommended behaviour for example configuration files

2005-06-30 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Kindly advice what is recommended actions for the example
configuration files after the port application install.

From the point of package database the removing or moving those files
will cause database inconsistency.

From the point of administrator to have a lot of useless files in
configuration directories is unwanted .

Example: after installations of amavis-new port there was 3 sample
files in /usr/local/etc/ directory:


I tend to leave them there unless it's an application I'm really familiar 
with as I find the samples tend to have pretty good comments and I might 
want to go back and look at them.

I agree though, they do get in the way at times, but when I have removed 
them, I don't remember pkg_delete every complaining about it... maybe a 
warning that it couldn't find the file (which might be a problem if you 
for other pkg_* commands)...

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Re: VNC multiplexer

2005-06-30 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On 6/26/05, Anthony Chavez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've got a client that would like to be able to connect to VNC servers
behind a FreeBSD gateway.  Said servers are assigned dynamic IPs via
DHCP, so port mapping (via pf) is not an option (AFAIK).  However, we
intend to make use of dynamic DNS, so they will at least have hostnames.

I missed the first part of this, but would proxying the VNC connections 
through an intermediate SSH server help at all?

You could setup individual SSH tunnels for each machine in question.  The 
tunnel would stay the same regardless of the IP... and the VNC viewer 
would connect to localhost so you'd never really need the server IP.

Anyway, just a thought...

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Re: Running Programs from CRON as root

2005-06-29 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Gerard Seibert wrote:

I am not sure how to go about this. If I do not want to touch the system
CRON, is it possible to create a personal CRON that could  run two
programs, both at the super user level


I want to update the ports tree and then run portmanager to install the
updates. These obviously have to be run as root. Is there a way I can
force this to happen without actually leaving the system logged in as

Sure... as root, type crontab -e and put in your entries according to 
the crontab format.  This will store the entries in root's personal cron 
file.  Not /etc/crontab...

Save the file.


I find it helpful to paste this at the top of my crontab files to help me 
remember the format...

# field allowed values
# - --
# minute0-59
# hour  0-23
# day of month  1-31
# month 1-12 (or names, see below)
# day of week   0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
# command   /path/to/cmd arg1 arg2
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Re: df: root partition at 108% capacity! Can't find why...

2005-06-15 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hi All,

df: root partition at 108% capacity! Can't find why...

After searching google I am no nearing to figuring this out, 
other than this is a known problem. Either I or the system managed to get 
the root partition back to under 100% but only just... I have looked for any 
large files that might be taking up space but have yet to locate anything 
over 3meg.

Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts gratefully received.

cd /
du -hsx *

-h  Human-readable output.  Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte,
 Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte

-s  Display an entry for each specified file.  (Equivalent to -d 0)

-x  File system mount points are not traversed.

Look for the largest directly, cd into that and repeat until you get down 
far enough to find the offender.

Works for me...

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Re: system cloning

2005-06-13 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I have a system that we are running in production that there was an 
oversight on, and it has a single hard drive installed (32GB SCSI I 
believe), rather than a 3 drive raid5 array.  We would like to correct 
this, but we have all sorts of up-to-date packages and config files that 
we've tweaked that we would hate to just start over on it.

There's a tool for OSX called Carbon Copy Cloner that would take care of 
this for me, which is basically a series of copy commands that takes the 
filesystem from one drive to another, preserving EVERYTHING important, and 
then bless the boot volume.

If you want two more identical drives then use dump, not tar, but you'd have 
to have them sliced/partitioned up the same beforehand and it wouldn't do 

You would?  Why?  restore doesn't care where you're restoring to... you'd 
just need to make sure you were in / before restoring and then tweak 
/etc/fstab to suit...


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RE: Outsourcing a modem pool for dialup? Any advice?

2005-06-10 Thread Philip Hallstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Philip
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 10:38 AM
Subject: Outsourcing a modem pool for dialup? Any advice?

Hi all -
	Our company has a product such that a small server is installed at 
each customer site.  This server dials up to the Internet every night 
and exchanges some content with a central server in our data center. 
Total transaction takes about 5 minutes.

Customers can have multiple sites.  Our largets to date has three, but 
some potentials have several hundred.

In the cases where the site does not have an existing Internet 
connection we currently use dialup via a major ISP.

This works for now, but won't for the long haul for a couple of 

- they all are all sharing the same username and password (yes yes, I 

- we're moving into canada and this ISP doesn't have many local numbers 
up there.

- Dealing with local numbers and their somewhat frequent changing is a 
real headache.

OK. Now then, am I assuming that if you go the 800 number route then 
that you will be billing the customers for the LD usage on that or are 
you going to eat it?

What I want is a modem pool with one local number (tied into an 800 
number) where I can create as many username/password pairs as needed. 
I want that local number to never change :-)

Totally unnecessary since your using an 800 number.  If the local number
changes you just repoint the 800 number to the new local number.

Mostly, but this way I can configure the local number first 
(1-xxx-xxx-) and then the 800 number so sites that allow long distance 
calls get billed for the call instead of us...  saves a bit of money...

Now... to make it fun...

- No, I can't install a dialup server in our corporate datacenter.

Why not?  This is so calling out for you to run your own dialup server 
that it is unbelievable.

Ah... I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that!!! :-)

Believe me... I could write volumes on why this isn't going to happen. 
Well, it might, but only if I can show that outsourcing is going to cost 
zillions of dollars.. and that's not even getting to the paperwork 
process.  I've tried before.  1.5 years later I haven't gotten any closer.

- No, I can't setup a freebsd server in satellite office.

That leaves me with an outsourced solution that needs to work with
FreeBSD's PPP.

Anyone know of anyone that does this sort of thing?  Or an ISP
that has a
service geared towards this (our current one does not).

Most of the major telcos will do outsourced dialup.  The problem is this:

[snip of solutions]

The problem with these is they all require hardware to be placed 
somewhere... and if I was okay with that, I'd just put it in our office 
here so it's closer to me when it fails, but hte problem with that is our 
office loses power and it's just not designed for it.

Frankly I think your really being business-stupid by ruling out a dialup 
server in your datacenter.

Heh.  I completely agree.  I totally understand I'm going about this in 
the most inefficient way possible.  *sigh*  :-(

If you program your remotes to call in under a staggered pattern rather 
than all of them at midnight, you can probably go to a ratio of 50-to-1 
or even higher.  If the data packet is small enough you probably could 
do all of them on a couple of POTS phone lines.

Yep.  We could.

All you need to do is pick up a used Portmaster, or Ascend Mux or even a 
Cisco AS2509 and hang external modems on it, setup your RADIUS servers, 
and your up and running.

Ah... and there's the trick :-)  If I could do that, I would just do that 
and put it in corporate's data center :-)


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Re: system cloning

2005-06-10 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Here's my scenario:

I have a system that we are running in production that there was an oversight 
on, and it has a single hard drive installed (32GB SCSI I believe), rather 
than a 3 drive raid5 array.  We would like to correct this, but we have all 
sorts of up-to-date packages and config files that we've tweaked that we 
would hate to just start over on it.

There's a tool for OSX called Carbon Copy Cloner that would take care of 
this for me, which is basically a series of copy commands that takes the 
filesystem from one drive to another, preserving EVERYTHING important, and 
then bless the boot volume.

Is there anything similar I can do on FreeBSD?  My boss thinks I should be 
able to tar up the entire filesystem, create the raid array, and untar the 
whole thing on the new array.  I seem to think this will fail due to block 
devices that have changed, fstab entries that have changed (though this is 
correctable), and symlinks that don't nicely come across.

Not that I do this a lot, but I think you'll run into problems using tar, 
cp, and rsync when it comes to various special files or files with holes 
in them (sparse files).  I've always read that dump/restore is the safest 
way to do something like this.

When I have done it, I boot off of a live CD on the server in question.

Then somewhere else I have an NFS server running.  Mount the share on your 
live CD box.  dump each partition to the share.

Then install the new hard disks...

Then boot the box off the live cd again, mount the share, do whatever 
fdisk'ing and disklabel'ing and newfs'ing is necessary to get the 
partitions you want and restore each of the dumps (in the right order of 

It's worked for me...

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Outsourcing a modem pool for dialup? Any advice?

2005-06-09 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Hi all -
	Our company has a product such that a small server is installed at 
each customer site.  This server dials up to the Internet every night and 
exchanges some content with a central server in our data center.  Total 
transaction takes about 5 minutes.

Customers can have multiple sites.  Our largets to date has three, but 
some potentials have several hundred.

In the cases where the site does not have an existing Internet connection 
we currently use dialup via a major ISP.

This works for now, but won't for the long haul for a couple of reasons:

- they all are all sharing the same username and password (yes yes, I 

- we're moving into canada and this ISP doesn't have many local numbers up 

- Dealing with local numbers and their somewhat frequent changing is a 
real headache.

What I want is a modem pool with one local number (tied into an 800 
number) where I can create as many username/password pairs as needed.  I 
want that local number to never change :-)

Now... to make it fun...

- No, I can't install a dialup server in our corporate datacenter.
- No, I can't setup a freebsd server in satellite office.

That leaves me with an outsourced solution that needs to work with 
FreeBSD's PPP.

Anyone know of anyone that does this sort of thing?  Or an ISP that has a 
service geared towards this (our current one does not).


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Re: Network AV server

2005-06-08 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Could someone point me in the right direction to create a network server
that scans networks systems for Virus and acts on the viruses accordingly.

I have a FreeBSD system that I would like to turn into a virus scanner
(among other things) but I don't know how or what scanners are available
and/or recommended.

 A GPL virus scanner featuring:

* command-line scanner
* fast, multi-threaded daemon
* milter interface for sendmail
* database updater with support for digital signatures
* virus scanner C library
* on-access scanning (Linux and FreeBSD)
* detection of over 35000 viruses, worms and trojans
* built-in support for RAR (2.0), Zip, Gzip, Bzip2, Tar, MS OLE2, MS 
Cabinet files, MS CHM (Compressed HTML), MS SZDD

* built-in support for mbox, Maildir and raw mail files
* built-in support for Portable Executable files compressed with UPX, 
FSG, and Petite

Clam AntiVirus is a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX. The main purpose of 
this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). 
The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a 
command line scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. The 
programs are based on a shared library distributed with the Clam AntiVirus 
package, which you can use with your own software. Most importantly, the 
virus database is kept up to date .

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Re: Running cronjobs

2005-06-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Check the value of $PATH when run manually and when run via cron.  That's 
what always bites me... the PATH set by cron is usually pretty minimal...


On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, ESMTP Admin wrote:

Always worked well when I dump a script into the /etc/periodic/daily
folder and set permissions to have a script run automatically each
night. But this is not working for the Spamassassin rulesdujour script.
I can run the script manually, no problem, any ideas? Here is the bottom
of that directory, my own scripts prefixed with 'webtent' and the backup
and cvsports scripts run perfectly.

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel723 Jan 10  2004 500.queuerun
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   7432 Dec 14 09:08 800.webtent-backup
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel 71 Mar 22 12:43 810.webtent-cvsports
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  50364 Mar 23 23:41 820.webtent-rulesdujour
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel712 Jan 10  2004 999.local

My daily run log shows the cvsports activity and stops right there:

Edit ports/x11-wm/xfce4-session/Makefile
Edit ports/x11-wm/xfce4-session/pkg-plist
Finished successfully

666196 bytes transferred in 2.5 seconds (263.32 kBps)

-- End of daily output --


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Re: postgrey question

2005-06-01 Thread Philip Hallstrom

[description of postgrey snipped]

The main advantage of this is that spammers and viruses have massive amount 
of email lists and just try to send it to as many people as possible. They 
are not going to wait and try to send the e-mail again, thus you effectively 
block many amount of spam and virus e-mail before it's even being processed 
by amavis / clamav / spamassasin, saving up system resources.

This is also the problem with greylisting... some services only attempt to 
send the email once and if it fails, give up completely.  I don't remember 
if postgrey comes with a whitelist of IP addresses or not, but I do 
remember seeing a list that included things such as Southwest Airlines 
ticket confirmations and some amazon stuff.

Anyway, that's something to watch out for if it's relevant for you...
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Re: Rewinding tapes

2005-05-19 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I've written a small script that backs up data to a tape, rewinds it, then 
reads back the data that was stored as a test.

The problem I've run into is that 'mt rewind' is asynchronous, and subsequent 
tape operations will fail until the rewind operation has finished.

Is there a way to find out when the tape has finished rewinding, or at least 
to rewind synchronously?  The drive is an ATA Seagate STT2401A.
Can you use mt status  along with the appropriate *.ctl device?
From the man page...
Print status information about the tape unit.  For SCSI mag- netic 
tape devices, the current operating modes of density, blocksize, and 
whether compression is enabled is reported.  The current state of the 
driver (what it thinks that it is doing with the device) is reported.  If 
the driver knows the relative position from BOT (in terms of filemarks and 
records), it prints that.  Note that this information is not definitive 
(only BOT, End of Recorded Media, and hardware or SCSI logical block 
position (if the drive supports such) are considered definitive tape 

Or maybe rdspos?
Read SCSI logical block position.  Some drives do not support this.  The 
count argument is ignored.

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Re: Scripting help

2005-05-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
install the 'mmv' port.
From the description...
This is mmv, a program to move/copy/append/link multiple files
according to a set of wildcard patterns. The wildcard matches
can be reused in forming the target names. You can i.e. move
all *.c.or? files to or?.new.*.c by saying 'mmv *.c.or?'
The multiple action is performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected
deletion of files due to collisions of target names with existing
filenames or with other target names. Furthermore, before doing
anything, mmv attempts to detect any errors that would result from the
entire set of actions specified and gives the user the choice of
either aborting before beginning, or proceeding by avoiding the
offending parts.
On Thu, 12 May 2005, Chris wrote:
I would like some advice on how to script something that will search 
directories below a named root for all files ending with a certain file 

Then, mv or cp them to another location.
Best regards,
The first 90 percent of the task takes 90 percent of the
time, the last 10 percent takes the other 90 percent.
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Re: monitoring and alerting software ????

2005-05-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
On Thu, 12 May 2005, Duane Winner wrote:
This may not be FreeBSD specific, but since I'm running nearly a 100% FreeBSD 
shop, I figured this would be as good as place as any to ask a question. 
Also, it might just turn out that the solution for me might be software that 
runs on FreeBSD.

Does anybody have recommendations for a good solution to alert me while I am 
not at work if something goes wrong with my infrastucture/network/servers?
In other words, if I am at home, I need to be alerted if one of my FreeBSD 
servers go down, but also if the router, firewall or switches go haywire.

I'm thinking along the lines of getting a cell phone, and have a central 
server with a modem dial my cell and send a text message, either directly or 
via a 3rd party service, if anything goes wrong. I am the sole responsible 
admin for babysitting my network and server farm, and we're setting up 
critical systems that must be 24x7, so now I must be 'on call' 24x7.

Is there anything out there that will assist me with this?
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Re: System clean-up tool / technique?

2005-05-05 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I am a very meticulous person.
I try to keep my systems as clean as possible.
I was wondering that others like me out there do to keep their
systems clean for stale files and files with no reference to
either the system, its ports and its users.
The portupgrade port will install portsclean which can clean up working 
directories and remove distfiles that aren't referenced by any installed 

There's another port* command I can't recall the name of that will list 
ports that are not required by any other port which you can then decide if 
you want to remove.  Might be an option to pkg_info, I really don't 

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Re: Raid Array Over 2Tb on Samba

2005-05-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom
On May 3, 2005, at 3:14 PM, Richard Collyer wrote:
I plan on building a raid array of 8*400GB disks raid 5. Now as win2k cant 
support partitions over 2tb and I right in thinking that this is for the 
local machine only and that over samba (array in FreeBSD 5.4 machine [when 
it comes out]) it should be able to see all space or will I have to carve 
it up.
I would not recommend trying to use greater than 2GB partitions via Samba, or
You meant 2TB not 2GB right?  Cause I've been using samba with 8GB shares 
for a looong time...  I'm guessing so, just thought we should be sure :)

even natively, at this time.  There are significant issues, such as being 
able to run fsck against such large partitions without fsck's memory usage 
consuming excessive resources.

If you need to set up such a massive NAS fileserver, you really ought to 
consider dedicated products from companies like Auspex and NetApp.  Another 
alternative might be an Apple Xserve RAID with Xsan, but this doesn't have 
the track record of my earlier suggestions.

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Re: Determining what a port will install... (more than pretty-print-*)

2005-04-30 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Is there a way to determine exactly what a particular port will install on my 

Doing a `make pretty-print-run-depends-list` will show me all of its 
requirements... but I am interested in the difference between its 
requirements and what I already have on my machine.  If I have 7 out of the 
10 requirements I would like the remaining 3 listed for me.

Is there something in place which provides this?
The portupgrade port can do this.  Something like...
portupgrade -n -Rr someport
The -n tells it not to do anything, just show you what it would do.
The -r and -R tell it to upgrade any dependencies in both directions.
At the end it will print out a little summary of what ports it needs to 
upgrade, what needs installed, and what you've already got.

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Re: Determining what a port will install... (more than pretty-print-*)

2005-04-30 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Philip Hallstrom wrote:
Is there a way to determine exactly what a particular port will install on 
my machine?

Doing a `make pretty-print-run-depends-list` will show me all of its 
requirements... but I am interested in the difference between its 
requirements and what I already have on my machine.  If I have 7 out of 
the 10 requirements I would like the remaining 3 listed for me.

Is there something in place which provides this?

The portupgrade port can do this.  Something like...
portupgrade -n -Rr someport
The -n tells it not to do anything, just show you what it would do.
The -r and -R tell it to upgrade any dependencies in both directions.
At the end it will print out a little summary of what ports it needs to 
upgrade, what needs installed, and what you've already got.
This sounds like what I'm looking for... so I tried it.  But its giving me 

I am using `portupgrade -nN -rR x11-fm/rox-filer` for example.  I know I 
have most, but not all, of what is needed by rox-filer.  I was hoping to see 
a concise list of things I am missing (and would therefore be installed).  In 
my example I used the `-N` switch because the man page sounded like that what 
was needed when the port is not currently installed (which is my situation).

But portupgrade reports
---  Session started at: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 16:23:07 -0500
Install 'x11-fm/rox-filer'? [no]
---  Session ended at: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 16:23:07 -0500 (consumed 00:00:00)
What am I doing wrong?
That I can't help you with... maybe there's more options (verbose mode?) 
that would show it... I tend to only use portupgrade for upgrading already 
installed ports...
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Re: How to delete a not empty directory on FTP Server via ftp on freebsd 5.3

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I signed up a account to have a ftp space to upload my
web files. And it needs manangered by myself via ftp.
But I have to said that I am a newbie on freebsd.
when I type ftp at my shell, and successed long in ftp
server. But I don't know how to delete directory via
the command of ftp. I had searched some information
about that, and 'man ftp'. But I only know that there
are 'delete(file)' and 'rmdir(empty diretory) command,
I tied to typed 'rm -r Diretory-Name' and 'mv -f
Diretory-Name'(as on my csh), but I faied.
Can you tell me where I can find more information
about the command of ftp(I enjoy command better, not
GUI ftp client if possible)
Once connected via ftp, type help.  That will give you a list of 
commands available.  You can then type things like help rmdir, etc.

Also, if you like the command line, but want a little more functionality 
from your ftp client, check out ncftp...
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Re: resizing partitions

2005-04-21 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Jerry McAllister wrote:
I've got a 5.3-RELEASE box which has a /usr partition /dev/ad0s1e that
is to small by approximately 700 mb. I've got the space on /var /dev/ad0s1d
to do a resize, but i am unsure as to the procedure. I tried this once a
while back on a test box and lost everything. If anyone has done this or has
a procedure i'd be interested.
Instead of actually resizing the partition, you can just move some
of the stuff to a partition where you have plenty of room and then
make sym-links to it.   /usr/local  and  /usr/ports are good
candidates.   Tar the whole directory tree up and put it where
you want and untar it.   Then make links and rm the old one.
Probably worth making sure you add the 'pS' options to tar as well...
--preserve-permissions  Extract all protection information.
--sparseHandle ``sparse'' files efficiently.
I find whenever I do something like this and forget those -- particularly 
-p -- I end up regretting it when users whine at me because they can't 
write to their files :-)
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Re: Reusing a port after a crash

2005-04-21 Thread Philip Hallstrom
From time to time, my torrent filesharing application will crash or need 
to be killed.  The application is configured to listen on a specific port. If 
I try to restart the application after improper termination, I receive a 
fatal error message stating that the port is already in use.

Before restarting the application, I verify that the application did indeed 
shut down (via 'ps -aux') and 'sockstat -l' shows that no application is 
using the port in question, so I don't understand how the port could still be 
'in use'.

The only way I've found to restart the application after improper termination 
is to reboot the whole system.  Is there something else I could try?  Does 
this kind of thing tend to happen to network applications when they crash or 
could this be specific to my application?
What little tinkering I've done in the socket world reminds me of this:
% man setsockopt
SO_REUSEADDR   enables local address reuse
SO_REUSEPORT   enables duplicate address and port bindings
SO_REUSEADDR indicates that the rules used in validating addresses sup-
plied in a bind(2) call should allow reuse of local addresses.
SO_REUSEPORT allows completely duplicate bindings by multiple processes
if they all set SO_REUSEPORT before binding the port.  This option per-
mits multiple instances of a program to each receive UDP/IP multicast or
broadcast datagrams destined for the bound port.
Basically, what I remember about this is that if you supply those options 
when creating the socket and your app crashes, you can start it back up 
using the same host:port otherwise you get the message you're getting...

I'm sure a good networking would be able to explain it better...
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Re: Advice on backup scheme for FreeBSD 5.3 box

2005-04-20 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I have been using FreeBSD 5.3 now for a couple months on a P4 box at home and 
I have been backing up the box nightly by doing a simple .tgz of the /etc, 
/usr/home and /var directories to a FreeBSD backup server at home (the backup 
server is a PI box). 
I’m at the point now, because I’m using that FreeBSD box to host email for 
myself and some production/development web pages, in case the box fails I 
want to be able to quickly either rebuild the contents of that box’s hard 
drive or move the backup server over to replace it.  It took a few weeks to 
get the P4 box configured the way I want, so I don’t think it’s just a simple 
matter of popping in the 5.3 install disk and re-installing. 
So I’m trying to figure out a scheme to avoid more than a couple hours of 
I should note that in a few weeks I’ll be replacing the current PI backup 
server with a PIII box. 
My home network consists of a linksys router with a couple workstations 
attached and the above mentioned web and backup servers.  The web and backup 
servers do not have cd burners, however I could transfer files to one of the 
workstations to burn backup disks. 
I would like to know in general some approaches I could take to create either 
some redundancy in my network at home with the two FreeBSD servers I have 
(each has different hardware specs) or more effectively back up the FreeBSD 
box doing the email/web hosting for myself.  I would consider myself a 
moderately competent amateur system admin.  I don’t work in the IT industry 
and I have zero knowledge of things like mirroring boxes or using 
applications like rsync so I’m looking for a guidance on a “simple” solution. 
Thank you much in advance.
I'm not sure this would work for you, but it works for me for our dev 
servers at work where we need to get a standard box to a specific state 
fairly often.

Install two drives in the server.  Drive A is your primary every day 
drive.  Drive B is big enough to hold both a minimal FreeBSD installation 
*and* the entire contents of Drive A.

Configure the server to allow you to selectively boot either drive, but 
default it to Drive A.

Then, whenever you want to make a backup, boot into Drive B and dump the 
entire contents of Drive A to disk.  Something like:

dump 0af drivea.dump /dev/ad0s1a
For our dev servers we only have one partition, but you'd want to make 
sure you grabbed each partition separately.

Then if you ever want to restore you can boot into Drive B, 
disklabel,newfs Drive A, and use restore to put everything back just the 
way it was.

Probably worth saving a copy of Drive A's disklabel while your doing 
things as well.

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Re: df question

2005-04-19 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi people
I do df -h on my machine and got this RARE ouput
%df -h
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
devfs  1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1d 65G9.5G 50G16%/usr/home
Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a   8122126 2328406  514395031%/
devfs   1   10   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1d  68372608 9940308 5296249216%/usr/home
50G+9.5G=60.5G   but the partition size is 65G ... where are my ~5G,?
What can i do?
Accept it :-)  Or change the minimum free space on the drive.  Here's the 
relevant part of the tunefs manpage:

-m minfree
 Specify the percentage of space held back from normal users; the
minimum free space threshold.  The default value used is 8%.  This value
can be set to zero, however up to a factor of three in throughput will
be lost over the performance obtained at a 10% threshold.  Settings of
5% and less force space optimization to always be used which will
greatly increase the overhead for file writes.  Note that if the value
is raised above the current usage level, users will be unable to
allocate files until enough files have been deleted to get under the
higher threshold.
I haven't checked, but I suspect the FAQ and Handbook at 
have more information on this...

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Re: IRQ problems b/n USB and PCI modem... help! (SOLVED)

2005-04-19 Thread Philip Hallstrom
So, after getting some pointers from folks (thanks!) I started from 
scratch this morning twiddling one BIOS setting at a time.

Turns out that it's *NOT* the USB controller.  Well, maybe it is, I don't 
really know I guess.  By turning off Power Management in the BIOS, I can 
access all three modems just fine.

Strange, but I'm glad it's working :)
Thanks all!
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Philip Hallstrom wrote:
Hi all -
	I am in IRQ h*ll.  I'm trying to setup an box to use as an inbound 
modem server...

Here's what's happening...
FreeBSD 4.9
Dell Dimension XPS T450 (ie. several year old dell).
Default BIOS settings (switching the PnP OS has no effect).
One NIC recognized as fxp0.  One IDE drive, one cdrom, one floppy.
Three USR 5610B PCI modems (which work fine individually).
I can access the first two modems via tip, but tipping to the last one locks 
up the entire system (network, console, everything).  Here's the relevant 
parts from /var/run/dmesg.boot:

pci1: 3Dfx Voodoo 3 graphics accelerator at 0.0 irq 11
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
pci0: Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller at 7.2 irq 9
fxp0: Intel 82559 Pro/100 Ethernet port 0x1000-0x103f mem 
0xf400-0xf40f,0xf410-0xf4100fff irq 11 at device 13.0 on pci0
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1070-0x1077 irq 10 at device 14.0 on pci0
sio0: moving to sio4
sio4: type 16550A
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1078-0x107f irq 7 at device 15.0 on pci0
sio0: moving to sio5
sio5: type 16550A
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1080-0x1087 irq 9 at device 16.0 on pci0
sio0: moving to sio6
sio6: type 16550A
fdc0: NEC 72065B or clone at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
atkbd0: AT Keyboard flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A

I am pretty sure my problem is that the USB controller and the third modem 
are both using IRQ 9, but I can't think of any way to resolve that.

I don't have USB compiled into my kernel and there aren't any settings in the 
BIOS to shut USB off completely.

I've also tried killing off sio0/IRQ4 in hopes the modem would take that IRQ, 
but no luck there either.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to work?  Should I try FreeBSD 

Thanks all!
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IRQ problems b/n USB and PCI modem... help!

2005-04-18 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
	I am in IRQ h*ll.  I'm trying to setup an box to use as an inbound 
modem server...

Here's what's happening...
FreeBSD 4.9
Dell Dimension XPS T450 (ie. several year old dell).
Default BIOS settings (switching the PnP OS has no effect).
One NIC recognized as fxp0.  One IDE drive, one cdrom, one floppy.
Three USR 5610B PCI modems (which work fine individually).
I can access the first two modems via tip, but tipping to the last one 
locks up the entire system (network, console, everything).  Here's the 
relevant parts from /var/run/dmesg.boot:

pci1: 3Dfx Voodoo 3 graphics accelerator at 0.0 irq 11
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
pci0: Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller at 7.2 irq 9
fxp0: Intel 82559 Pro/100 Ethernet port 0x1000-0x103f mem 
0xf400-0xf40f,0xf410-0xf4100fff irq 11 at device 13.0 on pci0
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1070-0x1077 irq 10 at device 14.0 on pci0
sio0: moving to sio4
sio4: type 16550A
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1078-0x107f irq 7 at device 15.0 on pci0
sio0: moving to sio5
sio5: type 16550A
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1080-0x1087 irq 9 at device 16.0 on pci0
sio0: moving to sio6
sio6: type 16550A
fdc0: NEC 72065B or clone at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
atkbd0: AT Keyboard flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A

I am pretty sure my problem is that the USB controller and the third modem 
are both using IRQ 9, but I can't think of any way to resolve that.

I don't have USB compiled into my kernel and there aren't any settings in 
the BIOS to shut USB off completely.

I've also tried killing off sio0/IRQ4 in hopes the modem would take that 
IRQ, but no luck there either.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to work?  Should I try FreeBSD 

Thanks all!
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RE: IRQ problems b/n USB and PCI modem... help!

2005-04-18 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Tip uses /etc/remote and the statements don't define
as many modems as you are using.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I already modified /etc/remote and did 
my MAKEDEV stuff.

If you got that right them move NIC card to different slot to change
its irq #
I had the NIC card at the other end initially and it didn't work because 
it conflicted...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Philip
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 5:24 PM
Subject: IRQ problems b/n USB and PCI modem... help!
Hi all -
I am in IRQ h*ll.  I'm trying to setup an box to use as an inbound
modem server...
Here's what's happening...
FreeBSD 4.9
Dell Dimension XPS T450 (ie. several year old dell).
Default BIOS settings (switching the PnP OS has no effect).
One NIC recognized as fxp0.  One IDE drive, one cdrom, one floppy.
Three USR 5610B PCI modems (which work fine individually).
I can access the first two modems via tip, but tipping to the last
locks up the entire system (network, console, everything).  Here's
relevant parts from /var/run/dmesg.boot:
pci1: 3Dfx Voodoo 3 graphics accelerator at 0.0 irq 11
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
pci0: Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller at 7.2 irq 9
fxp0: Intel 82559 Pro/100 Ethernet port 0x1000-0x103f mem
0xf400-0xf40f,0xf410-0xf4100fff irq 11 at device 13.0 on
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1070-0x1077 irq 10 at device 14.0
on pci0
sio0: moving to sio4
sio4: type 16550A
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1078-0x107f irq 7 at device 15.0 on
sio0: moving to sio5
sio5: type 16550A
sio0: 3COM PCI FaxModem port 0x1080-0x1087 irq 9 at device 16.0 on
sio0: moving to sio6
sio6: type 16550A
fdc0: NEC 72065B or clone at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on
atkbd0: AT Keyboard flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
I am pretty sure my problem is that the USB controller and the third
are both using IRQ 9, but I can't think of any way to resolve that.
I don't have USB compiled into my kernel and there aren't any
settings in
the BIOS to shut USB off completely.
I've also tried killing off sio0/IRQ4 in hopes the modem would take
IRQ, but no luck there either.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to work?  Should I try
Thanks all!
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Re: Hard drive fullness limits information help request

2005-04-11 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all
  I know hard drives tend to not run well when near
full. They have trouble performing self adjustments
(hardware), self defragging(unix/FFS) etc.. (as I can
express it) However, I need to find some documentation
or some help in explaining this better.
  I am working with some people who store loads of
files, on many drives and tend to fill the drives to
95% and more and then can't understand why they become
unstable.  I need to be able to explain it better and
I would also like to know more to be able to
factually/sanely set a percent full safe limit.
 Any help would be appreciatted
Q: What happens when you fill a cabinet that is designed to hold 100 folders 
with 95 folders, many of which are crammed full of papers?

A: It gets much harder to put more folders in or to put more stuff in the 
existing folders.  And papers start to stick out and catch on the top of the 
drawer because they no longer fit.
And to add to that, when you realize you want to re-organize folder XYZ to 
make it tidier, but you don't want to do it to the originals since they 
are important to you, where are you going to get the room to first make a 
a copy of the folder, then organize it, then replace the original once 
you've confirmed that you didn't leave any papers on the floor.  So you 
are stuck with an untidy XYS folder.  Yuck.

Probably not the most accurate analogy, but it's easy to understand...
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Re: too many illegal connection attempts through ssh

2005-04-06 Thread Philip Hallstrom
shown below is snapshot of too many illegal attempts to login to
my server from a suspicious hacker. this is taken from the
/var/log/auth.log. my question is, how do i automatically block
an IP address if it is attempting to guess my login usernames?
can i configure the firewall to check the instances a certain IP
has attempted to access/ssh the sevrer, and if it has failed to
login for about x number of attempts, it will be blocked
This question is asked on the list ever so often - see the archives
for suggestions. These are automated attacks, they come regularly
as crackers, black hats or script kidies scan across the net.
Does anybody know what robots beeing used? And on what systems? All
you mention later in your posting is true of course and I needn't
care about these logs, but it's like like somebody unknown puts 10
flyers in your letterbox every night. I'm sure, one night you'll hide
and build a trap for that person. I'm too lazy to enter those
net-circles for finding these robots, but maybe some other has
already done that?
I haven't done that, but if you don't like them you can block them fairly 
easily... I wrote a little script in PHP (not that it would be hard to 
re-write in perl or whatever) that watches /var/log/auth.log and if it 
sees an invalid login, it adds a firewall rule to block that IP.

Then I've got a separate cronjob that removes those firewall rules a 
couple minutes later.

Yes, I have locked myself out of my own server when I mistype my password, 
but I just wait a minute and it lets me back in.

I thought about modifying it so instead of outright blocking it, it put 
it into a pipe that limited it's bandwidth to almost nil just to hold the 
thing up a bit, but this works for me..
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Recommended search engine for web pages and maybe email?

2005-04-06 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
	Recently I've found myself searching the freebsd ports web site 
quite frequently as well as some other online documentation (php, mysql, 
postgresql, freebsd faq/handbook) and it always bothers me because I know 
I can mirror that stuff and search it locally and in general cut down on 
their load.

It's been a long time since I've setup any search engines/spiders to do 
this sort of thing.  In the past I've used htdig and mnogosearch.

I was hoping someone out there could tell me which one of those (or a 
third such as openfts?) I should install and get going to save me some 
time trying them all out.

I think the only feature I really care about is being able to limit the 
search to a particular collection (freebsd ports, php manual, etc.)

As an aside, I've got about 60mb (~ 5,000 messages) stored in pine's mbox 
format that I occasionally grep through, but would be nice if it was 
little more advanced...

I've also thought maybe I should just host it on an external server, and 
only allow my hosts and google's indexer to crawl it and just rely on 

Suggestions?  recommendations?
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Re: how to be a freeBSD mirror

2005-04-05 Thread Philip Hallstrom
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina wrote:
We're the stuff of the free software department at the university of
Orléans (France)
We'd like to be a mirror of freee BSD (all arches, all branches)
What documentation would you recommend us to read about technical tips
and admnistrative request to the FreeBSD project team?
The  server is running Debian/Linux.
Get a fully managed dedicated server for ¤200/month ($257/month)
No time limit for taking care of your server.
You keep the root acces if you want. Billing periods are 3 months.
See the conditions at
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Any experience with's dedicated FreeBSD server package?

2004-02-07 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi -
I was wondering if any of you have used's dedicated
server package that runs on FreeBSD?

Seems like a good deal.  For $50/mo you get full root access on your own
box and can do whatever you want.

If anyone has used this service and has any insights into how good it
really is, please let me know.  Or, if you've done something similar with
someone else...


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Installing PCI modem in machine with 4 serial ports (HELP!)

2004-01-05 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi -
I've got a little computer that has four serial ports built-in to
the motherboard.  I want to add a PCI modem (USR 5610B) and am having a
devil of a time.  I know this modem works since I've used it (well,
another one just like it) in another machine no problem.

Here's the computer's board:

The last time I did this it just worked.  However, this bit from the
Handbook has me concerned:

These are the four serial ports referred to as COM1 through COM4 in the
MS-DOS/Windows world.

Note: If you have an internal modem on COM4 and a serial port at COM2,
you will have to change the IRQ of the modem to 2 (for obscure technical
reasons, IRQ2 = IRQ 9) in order to access it from FreeBSD. If you have a
multiport serial card, check the manual page for sio(4) for more
information on the proper values for these lines. Some video cards
(notably those based on S3 chips) use IO addresses in the form of 0x*2e8,
and since many cheap serial cards do not fully decode the 16-bit IO
address space, they clash with these cards making the COM4 port
practically unavailable.

Each serial port is required to have a unique IRQ (unless you are
using one of the multiport cards where shared interrupts are supported),
so the default IRQs for COM3 and COM4 cannot be used.

I rarely use modems, and am even less proficient at messing around with
IRQ stuff.  What I'm concerned about is that it seems to say you can only
have 4 serial ports (COM1 - COM4) total... which means I'm kind of

I've tried disabling all of the serial ports via the BIOS, but it doesn't

If anyone out there has any light to shed on how to get this working I'd
appreciate it.


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RE: Installing PCI modem in machine with 4 serial ports (HELP!)

2004-01-05 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Oops... you're right.  FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE.  Never tried it with windows.
However, I've put this exact card into a different server (with only two
serial ports) and it is found as sio4 and works perfectly.

In the broken machine the boot message says what you have below, that it's
moving it to sio4, and I did make the devices (did the same things I did
for the machine that works) but still nothing.

For now I'll just use the other machine, but it's irksome...


 To start with you are very light with details about your
 environment, like what version of FBSD you are running and when you
 say the modem works, you failed to say if it worked in an FBSD
 system or MS/Windows system.

 For your info many of the PCI modems on the market are manufactured
 specially for MS/windows and are missing the onboard controller. The
 controller function is performed by the modem driver you have to
 load into MS/windows. If you have one of those winmodems but it back
 in your windows box where it belongs.

 Lets assume your modem has the onboard controller.
 Have you reviewed the boot log  /var/run/dmesg.boot file?
 It may be found as (unknown) in that case it may be an winmodem for
 sure, or you have installed FBSD on an pre Y2K PC and it's bio's are
 giving FBSD problems.
 Adding  device puc  to your kernel source and recompiling your
 kernel will fix this problem.

 The other condition is the your modem is found at boot time and is
 moved to sio4 which is really com5 which in not defined in the 4.x
 versions of FBSD.

   sio0: Zoom PCI Modem port
 0xe400-0xe407,0xe000-0xe0ff,0xdc00-0xdcff mem 0xe200-
   sio0: moving to sio4
   sio4: type 16550A

Sio4 is internal device cuaa4.
For some unknown reason this device is not in the device table
 for 4.x versions
You have to create it manually by doing the following commands.

   cd /dev
   ls -l /dev/cuaa4shows as not found
   sh MAKEDEV cuaa4run script to make the device.
 MAKEDEV must be in caps.
   ls -l /dev/cuaa4now shows it's there

   Device cuaa4 is the device you tell user ppp to use to connect with
 your PIC modem.

 If you are running 5.x version of FBSD then you do not have to
 makedev it auto in 5.x.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Philip
 Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 1:03 PM
 Subject: Installing PCI modem in machine with 4 serial ports (HELP!)

 Hi -
 I've got a little computer that has four serial ports
 built-in to
 the motherboard.  I want to add a PCI modem (USR 5610B) and am
 having a
 devil of a time.  I know this modem works since I've used it (well,
 another one just like it) in another machine no problem.

 Here's the computer's board:

 The last time I did this it just worked.  However, this bit from the
 Handbook has me concerned:

 These are the four serial ports referred to as COM1 through COM4 in
 MS-DOS/Windows world.

 Note: If you have an internal modem on COM4 and a serial port at
 you will have to change the IRQ of the modem to 2 (for obscure
 reasons, IRQ2 = IRQ 9) in order to access it from FreeBSD. If you
 have a
 multiport serial card, check the manual page for sio(4) for more
 information on the proper values for these lines. Some video cards
 (notably those based on S3 chips) use IO addresses in the form of
 and since many cheap serial cards do not fully decode the 16-bit IO
 address space, they clash with these cards making the COM4 port
 practically unavailable.

 Each serial port is required to have a unique IRQ (unless you
 using one of the multiport cards where shared interrupts are
 so the default IRQs for COM3 and COM4 cannot be used.

 I rarely use modems, and am even less proficient at messing around
 IRQ stuff.  What I'm concerned about is that it seems to say you can
 have 4 serial ports (COM1 - COM4) total... which means I'm kind of

 I've tried disabling all of the serial ports via the BIOS, but it

 If anyone out there has any light to shed on how to get this working
 appreciate it.


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List of absolutely required files for FreeBSD?

2003-12-31 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi -
I was wondering if there is a list of absolutely required files
for FreeBSD?  I'm trying to trim an installation down as small as possible
(to put on Compact Flash).

If I start out with just the 'bin' directory for the release there's
around 100megs of files.  Obviously a lot of them like ipfw I don't need.

However, what about things like awk? I won't use it, but are there other
parts of FreeBSD (ie /etc/rc.* files)?

Is there a list somewhere that would help determine what files are used by
FreeBSD for normal operation?


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Re: List of absolutely required files for FreeBSD?

2003-12-31 Thread Philip Hallstrom
256mb, but I'd like some extra room for some data files.

If I could get it down to say 80mb then I could use a 128mb card...

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Sean Hafeez wrote:

 what size flash?

 i have 4.9 down to 220mb for a 256mb flash.

 Philip Hallstrom wrote:

  Hi -
  I was wondering if there is a list of absolutely required files
  for FreeBSD?  I'm trying to trim an installation down as small as possible
  (to put on Compact Flash).
  If I start out with just the 'bin' directory for the release there's
  around 100megs of files.  Obviously a lot of them like ipfw I don't need.
  However, what about things like awk? I won't use it, but are there other
  parts of FreeBSD (ie /etc/rc.* files)?
  Is there a list somewhere that would help determine what files are used by
  FreeBSD for normal operation?
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FreeBSD Motherboard survey...

2003-11-21 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -

I'm wanting to build my own computer to run FreeBSD, but don't
have the slightest idea (well, maybe the slightest :) what motherboard to
buy.  I'd like one that has built-in lan/audio that works in FreeBSD, but
in my searching efforts I've turned up very little.

I know the handbook lists chip sets and whatnot, but trying to figure out
what chip set is on a given board isn't always easy -- at least not for me.

So... I wrote a survey app that I'm hoping lots of you will fill out.  It
let's you pick the brand/model of motherboard, then indicate what onboard
features work (lan, audio, video, usb, firewire, ide, sata, scsi, raid,
smp), lets you provide some overall satisfaction ratings, and then
provide any additional comments.

As a side effect you can input your laptop information which seems to be a
frequently asked source of questions.

If I get enough responses I'd like to expand this to include other things
such as DVD players, USB peripherals, etc. that have varying levels of
support in FreeBSD.  Perhaps turn it into a companion to the HARDWARE.TXT

Anyway.. here it is:


(please cc me on any replies)
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Re: FreeBSD Motherboard survey...

2003-11-21 Thread Philip Hallstrom
 On Nov 21, 2003, at 9:53 AM, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

  Hi all -
  So... I wrote a survey app that I'm hoping lots of you will fill out.
  It let's you pick the brand/model of motherboard, then indicate what
  onboard features work (lan, audio, video, usb, firewire, ide, sata,
  scsi, raid, smp), lets you provide some overall satisfaction
  ratings, and then provide any additional comments.
  As a side effect you can input your laptop information which seems to
  be a frequently asked source of questions.
  If I get enough responses I'd like to expand this to include other
  things such as DVD players, USB peripherals, etc. that have varying
  levels of support in FreeBSD.  Perhaps turn it into a companion to the
  HARDWARE.TXT document...
  Anyway.. here it is:

 This is very nice, and I think it will be helpful to a lot of people
 who want to move to FreeBSD. I especially like the idea of laptop users
 being able to contribute. This is a topic that has come up many times
 on the mobile@ list and I think a structured form where components can
 be detailed (works/broken) is a great idea.

I'm glad you like it.  And thanks for cc'ing the mobile group.  Completely
spaced on that.

If any of you have any comments on other features you'd like to see
(infrared just came to mind) please by all means send me an email with
your thoughts.  I've got pretty limited hardware and haven't used FreeBSD
on a laptop ever so might be missing things.

I'd love for this to take off and become a repository of sorts...

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Anyone using a SOYO KT600 Dragon motherboard?

2003-11-06 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
Looking at building a new system and was wondering if anyone is
using one of the SOYO KT600 Dragon motherboards (either the plus or ultra

I've searched, but haven't found these specific models.  Their site says
it's supported under FreeBSD, but I'd like someone to confirm that :-)
I'll be emailing SOYO as well, but figured I'd get this out there in case
they take awhile to respond.

I'm most interested in knowing if the audio/lan is supported.

Both boards use the VIA KT600 / 8237 chipset.

The ultra uses CMI 8738 for audio which is listed on as

The plus uses VIA 1616 which isn't listed, but Via VT82C686A is... but I
can't find any info on that latter chip on Via's site.

I also can't find any information on beyond VIA MAC 10/100 Ethernet for
the VIA KT600.

Any info/stories on this board would be appreciated.


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ppp -auto dials immediately? (already tried the usual things)

2003-09-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi -
I'm setting up ppp for the first time and it works with one
exception.  It always dials immediately.  I've done the usual things and
stopped all the processes, etc...  What's weird is that logging seems to
indicate that this is causing it:

tun0: TCP/IP: OUT 0: fe80::230:1bff:feae:22e7 --- ff02::1:ffae:22e7 (72)

which looks like ipv6 which I'm *not* using... which makes me, well, very

The entire log snippet (about 4k) is at the url below.

Anyone have any ideas as to what is causing it to dialup?

thanks -philip

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Re: ppp -auto dials immediately? (already tried the usual things)

2003-09-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
 On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 03:29:21PM -0700, Philip Hallstrom wrote:
  Hi -
  I'm setting up ppp for the first time and it works with one
  exception.  It always dials immediately.  I've done the usual things and
  stopped all the processes, etc...  What's weird is that logging seems to
  indicate that this is causing it:
  tun0: TCP/IP: OUT 0: fe80::230:1bff:feae:22e7 --- ff02::1:ffae:22e7 (72)
  which looks like ipv6 which I'm *not* using... which makes me, well, very

 You may not be using it, but the log shows that it is configured.
 Disable it in your kernel.

Seriously?  There's no other way around it?
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List of popular DNS blacklists for spam?

2003-06-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
I'm testing the use of some DNS blacklists to cut down on my spam
and there are a lot of servers to choose from.  I was wondering if there
is a list of popular servers.  I've seen comparison lists, but I'm hoping
for more of a survey of sysadmins and what they use (if anything).

If something like that doesn't exist, if I setup the survey would you all
take the time to list what servers you use?



(please cc me on replies as I've unsubscribed while testing my various
spam filters)

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Re: /kernel: file: table is full

2003-03-25 Thread Philip Hallstrom
play around with and read up on...

226/14000 files
0M/1023M swap space
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~% more /etc/sysctl.conf


On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Worth Bishop wrote:

 I'm running FreeBSD 4.2, Apache Webserver, and send ~20k e-mails to opt-in
 subscribers daily. I am regularly seeing the message /kernel: file: table is
 full in my messages log.

 Can anyone tell me what this signifies and how to correct this condition?


 Worth Bishop

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Re: Help with scripts?

2003-03-20 Thread Philip Hallstrom
It completely depends on what shell you are using.  Under tcsh you would
add something like the following to your ~/.tcshrc and then relogin.

alias 'on' 'mount /cdrom'

it's something similar under bash, but I don't use bash so don't know.

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Earl Larsen wrote:

 What I would like to know is how I can type like go. And it does the
 ls -? -? |more comand. Or I can type on and it does the mount
 /cdrom. I am slowly switching to FreeBSD on my system. And my wife is
 windows handycap. And I want things to go smothly for her. So she can
 use it. And for some quick types for me.

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Re: make

2003-03-18 Thread Philip Hallstrom
 I have a silly question..
 what is the difference between the following commands:

 cd /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw  make  make install

runs cd ...
if previous command succeeded runs make
if previous command succeeded runs make install

 cd /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw ; make ; make install

runs cd ...
runs make
runs make install

(regardless of previous success -- meaning the cd command could fail and
it would run make from whatever directory you are currently in)

 cd /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw  make install clean

runs cd ...
if previous command succeeded runs make install clean

(which will build the port, install it, and then clean out the working

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Re: good compact flash/smart card readers?

2003-03-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom
  On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 10:30:46AM +1100, JacobRhoden wrote:
   Im about to buy a usb cf card reader (i want to be able to write to cf
   cards) does anyone here have one they would reccomend which works well in

Search the lists for SDDR.  It's at home, but I think I have the SDDR-31
which works great.  The SDDR-05 *doesn't* work.  Search the lists.  It's
in there.


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DHCP Server learning name servers since server itself is dhcp'd??

2003-03-07 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
I'm setting up a server/gateway on a cable modem whose external
interface has to use DHCP.  There will be several clients on the internal
network and the gateway will be running isc-dhcp.

I know I can setup a nameserver on the gateway and configure DHCP to send
it's own IP as the nameserver to use, but I was wondering if there is a
way to have the dhcp server get the name server values from say

Alternatively is there a way to dynamically tell BIND to get it's
forwarders list from /etc/resolv.conf?



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Re: saving port settings (Was: stupid question)

2003-02-25 Thread Philip Hallstrom
# e.g.:
#   MAKE_ARGS = {
# 'databases/mysql323-*' = 'WITH_CHARSET=ujis',
#   }
  That looks like exactly what you're looking for.

 Sorry, I didn't see it... Well, this is great ;-)
 It only work for portupgrade though, right ? There's no other place to save
 those args... like an /etc/make.ports.conf ?
 Thank you so so much...


will work, but it will define whatever you set for *everything* you do
with make... works for me though (I set all the various LITE and
WITHOUT_X11 stuff that ports seem to check for)

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Re: samba in a jail

2003-02-19 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Is there anything in the samba log files that might help?  Turn the
logging way up one day and see what happens just before it crashes...


On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, taxman wrote:

 Anyone successfully running samba inside of a jail on 4.7R?  I'm trying te get
 it to work for a friend of mine.  It works ok for a while and then locks the
 machine up hard every night.  Network access is gone.  We haven't yet
 determined if it is the periodic scripts that cause the trouble, or just the
 type of activity that they represent.  How do I run them each (or al of the
 daily scripts) to see what causes the lock-up?
   Normal use and even copying large files does not seem to cause the lock-up.
 Unfortunately, nothing segfaults so I can't get a core dump to do anything
   Sorry I don't have more detail at the moment, I just wanted to know if anyone
 had it working.  I may try a serial console if i can make a null cable.  I'll
 get more details on Sat.  Other ideas of things to check?


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Re: SquirrelMail port problems

2003-02-13 Thread Philip Hallstrom
  If you are having the...You must be logged on to view this page error,
  you might try turning globals = on in php.ini but otherwise what error
  do you get when you try to logon?
   Problem was the imap-uw from ports didn't allow plain text logins
 no matter what I tried. I built it from source myself, works fine.

Set one of the following when building the port:


Worked for me (the latter option) about a week ago.

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Portable MP3 player integration with FreeBSD?

2003-02-13 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
I'd like to get my wife a portable mp3 player, but it seems like
they all require Windows and special software... and I'd rather not have a
windows box just so she can copy mp3s...  I noticed the urio driver, but
it's only for a couple of players (not the SONICblue Rio S35S which is the
one I like best at this point).

So two questions:

- What portable mp3 players are you using that work well with FreeBSD
(beyond what's in the urio man page)?

- Are any of you using mp3 players that just use a standard compactflash
card that I can just copy files onto using existing USB umass stuff?  (I'm
having zero luck finding info about this).



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Re: Does spamd use Razor?

2003-02-06 Thread Philip Hallstrom
  Spamd might not be running as root so it may not have write access to

 Indeed, I have spamd running as the special, unprivileged user spamd. But
 you were right: spamd did not have access to /var/log/razor-agent.log. I
 could have sworn that I had done a chown spamd:spamd
 /var/log/razor-agent.log on it. But when I checked it again, it was owned
 by root:wheel. I must be going senile. :)

Maybe newsyslog (/etc/newsyslog.conf) is changing it when it rotates the


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Re: building a VPN with FreeBSD 4.7p3

2003-02-04 Thread Philip Hallstrom

is what I use... also check for one of dru's articles about

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Marcel Stangenberger wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 Does anyone know where i can find some good documentation on building a
 VPN between 2 systems running FreeBSD 4.7p3 ?

 Thanks in advance,

 It's no surprise that things are so screwed up: everyone that knows how
 to run a government is either driving taxicabs or cutting hair.
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Re: FBSD firewall in front of windows IIS servers HOW

2003-02-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom
You could do natd it or use a bridged firewall so to everyone else it
would appear that the Windows box is on the net.  The other nice thing
about the bridge is that you can set it up so that it doesn't have an IP
address at all... which makes it pretty hard to break into :)

Sometimes that can get around some of the issues with self-referencing
urls (whether they are private or public) that happens with natd and proxy

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Peter wrote:

   Just wondering what would be the best way to do this...


 Basically what would be the best way to have freebsd accept incoming
 connections, run them thru the firewall, and all the packets that pass
 forward them to internal windows machines.  I dont' want the windows
 boxen directly on the net, I want to put a FBSD firewall in front of
 them, and so far the best option I've found on how to do this is to have
 the windows boxen be 192.168.x.x and have the fbsd boxen forward all
 connections to public_ip to the windows box via natd.  Does this seem
 like a good plan? Or anyone know of another better way to do this?

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Re: Samba and XP?

2003-01-31 Thread Philip Hallstrom
If you don't want to install samba, find a windows ftp client that is easy
to use... seems I've seen some that pretend to be hard drives on your
desktop... can't remember the name, but the friend that had it seemed to
like it.


On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, John Wilson wrote:

 Good Day,

 I am currently seeking advice in regard to allowing an XP Home Edition
 machine to have access to a FreeBSD mount.  I've looked over Samba, and not
 only have I seen references to XP's inability to join a 'domain
 based-network', but also don't really like the idea of installing Samba as
 it's a rather large package (relatively speaking) for what it simply does.

 My only other alternative, if I am correct, is trying to obtain an NFS
 client for the XP machine and simply serve NFS mounts on the FBSD host.  The
 downside to this is the cost of the NFS clients for the XP machine. :)

 Are there any other alternatives available here?  If not, which of the above
 two 'solutions' would be best?  I only have one BSD machine and one XP
 machine, and I'd like to allow read/write access to a FBSD mount from the XP

 Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

 - John

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Re: Make Apache case incensitive

2003-01-30 Thread Philip Hallstrom
you might try the mod_speling module...

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Jonas Fornander wrote:

 Is it possible to make apache case-insensitive so an image called
 myimage.JPG will be found even if the link is MyImage.jpg?

 Jonas Fornander - System Administrator
 Netwood Communications, LLC -
 Find out why we're better - 310-442-1530

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Need helping lengthening timeouts for sendmail...

2003-01-29 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Hi all -
Two weeks ago upgraded it's mail servers.  Ever since
that time I can not email anyone whose email is handled by those servers.
What's even more frustrating is that my home server, same setup, same DSL
(through even), but on a different subnet cause it's in a
different city, has no problems whatsoever.

The messages I get back from processing the queue manually with a lot of
debugging are:

Running /var/spool/mqueue/h0THo5Sc018988 (sequence 2 of 11)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...

If I telnet to those IP's above on port 25, it does take about 60-90
seconds to connect, but it does connect.  I've fiddled with the various
Timeout paramaters in my and, but without any luck.

I'm running sendmail 8.12.3 on FreeBSD 4.5-stable.

I've gone round and round with them (for two weeks now) and they agree
there's something wrong, and are now looking into their network issues,
but in the meantime, I need help getting mail to send?

So... is there anyway to get sendmail to just wait and wait and wait for
that connection to appear?  Or is there an easy way to tell it that intead
of trying to use instead?

Thanks folks...

this is driving me nuts.


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Re: Need helping lengthening timeouts for sendmail...

2003-01-29 Thread Philip Hallstrom
I found a temporary hack that solves my most immediate problem of sending
mail to addresses by adding the following to
/etc/mail/mailertable  smtp:[]

Of course any other domains hosted at still fail, but this will
get me by till they fix it.

What would be really cool is if I could add: smtp:[]

and have it redirect all mail that would have gone to to :-)


On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

 Hi all -
   Two weeks ago upgraded it's mail servers.  Ever since
 that time I can not email anyone whose email is handled by those servers.
 What's even more frustrating is that my home server, same setup, same DSL
 (through even), but on a different subnet cause it's in a
 different city, has no problems whatsoever.

 The messages I get back from processing the queue manually with a lot of
 debugging are:

 Running /var/spool/mqueue/h0THo5Sc018988 (sequence 2 of 11)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via esmtp...

 If I telnet to those IP's above on port 25, it does take about 60-90
 seconds to connect, but it does connect.  I've fiddled with the various
 Timeout paramaters in my and, but without any luck.

 I'm running sendmail 8.12.3 on FreeBSD 4.5-stable.

 I've gone round and round with them (for two weeks now) and they agree
 there's something wrong, and are now looking into their network issues,
 but in the meantime, I need help getting mail to send?

 So... is there anyway to get sendmail to just wait and wait and wait for
 that connection to appear?  Or is there an easy way to tell it that intead
 of trying to use instead?

 Thanks folks...

 this is driving me nuts.


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Re: Deleted files not releasing their space (was Re: syslog messagewrt inodes)

2003-01-28 Thread Philip Hallstrom
(skip down)

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Bill Moran wrote:

 David Bear wrote:
  I'm getting messages like below that I'm out of inodes on /var. kernel log messages:
 id 25 on /var: out of inodes
   syslogd: /var/log/auth.log: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/maillog: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/cron: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/auth.log: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/maillog: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/cron: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/auth.log: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/maillog: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/cron: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/auth.log: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/maillog: No such file or directory
   syslogd: /var/log/cron: No such file or directory
  Filesystem  1K-blocks   Used   Avail Capacity iused  ifree %iused  Mounted on
  /dev/ad0s1a128990  37232   8144031%1316  149388%   /
  /dev/ad0s1f257998  4  237356 0%   2  325080%   /tmp
  /dev/ad0s1g   2341102 508366 164544824%   37711 256175   13%   /usr
  /dev/ad0s1e257998  25572  21178811%8298  24212   26%   /var
  procfs  4  4   0   100%  255075%   /proc
  Last week my var volume did run out of inodes.  I erase some
  snort logs to free up the inodes.  But it appears the kernel or
  syslogd doesn't know about it.
  any pointers on letting the kernel know I have enough inodes?

 Let's see if I remember the details on this.
 I believe this happens when a file is deleted, but another program still holds
 a filehandle? to it.  Thus, if you delete Apache's log file (for example) but
 don't restart Apache, the space the logfile is using isn't truely freed.
 (This is why newsyslog.conf has a column for the PID of a process to restart).

 So ... if you know which process had the files open, restart it (probably by
 sending it a -HUP).

 If you don't know, you can probably cheat and just reboot the machine, but that
 shouldn't be necessary.

lsof can tell you what files are open... and includes the process/pids
that have it open.


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Re: chown and chmod using crontab?

2003-01-27 Thread Philip Hallstrom
Try using the full paths... /bin/chmod and /usr/sbin/chown

On 27 Jan 2003, Jon Reynolds wrote:

 I have a directory that 2 different groups have access to. When one
 group writes to the folder it retains the permissions of that group. I
 need the permissions to change to the permissions of the directory.

 I thought I could add a crontab in and run a little script every 1
 minute to set the correct permissions. The script does what it should
 when ran by the cmdline but not when I try to run it from the crontab.

 Is it not possible to run chmod and chown on a folder by using a

 The entry into my /etc/crontab file looks like this:

 0 *   *   *   root/bin/fixperms

 My fixperms file looks like this:


 chmod -R 777 /usr/local/ServerFiles
 chown -R staff /usr/local/ServerFiles

 Am I doing this right?


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Re: ZIP Drive

2003-01-17 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Schrodinger wrote:

 I'm looking for help with mounting a zip drive under FreeBSD. I have
 Googled around on this but haven't found anyone with the same problem or
 even better a solution.
 I leave the ZIP disk in the drive before booting the kernel like all the
 help files say and it picks it up:
 da0 at vpo0 bus 0 target 6 lun 0
 da0: IOMEGA ZIP 100 J.03 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
 da0: 96MB (196608 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 96C)
 But when I try to mount it:
 mount -t msdos /dev/da0 /mnt
 it gives me :
 msdos: /dev/da0: Invalid argument
 Why does this keep happening?? What am I doing wrong?

 It takes two to lie Marge, one to lie and one to listen.
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Re: FreeBSD Stability

2003-01-03 Thread Philip Hallstrom
 On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 06:09:11PM -0600, Dave Uhring said:
  You do realize, I hope, that Linux and Solaris roll over their uptimes
  at something like 492 days.

 Additionally HP-UX, Linux, Solaris and recent releases of FreeBSD cycle
 back to zero after 497 days, exactly as if the machine had been rebooted
 at that precise point. Thus it is not possible to see a HP-UX, Linux or
 Solaris system with an uptime measurement above 497 days.

It's been years since I've used solaris, but if this is really the case
then how come there's this entry:

26   102 ok892   939   940   Solaris 8
Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3

That's certainly more than 492 days... so even if they do reboot, netcraft
is ignoring it or accomodating it seems like.


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