Re: freeBSD and freeRADIUS with mySQL

2006-02-25 Thread Dusty Doris
> We've been trying to get freeradius, freebsd and mysql to all work
> together now for a week... If anyone has figured out how to do this -
> please let me know. There are literally hundreds of posts on various
> forums I found by googleing the errors and all are having the same
> issues...
> the ports for freeradius don't seem to install correctly, and when we
> build from lates binaries there is errors when trying to load mysql... In
> the mandrake 10.2 system I had - all I did was install mysqlxx-dev
> development extensions, and all was good... I can't find any support for
> freebsd.
> -grateful for any links or how-to's...
> -
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I've never had a problem installing freeradius w/ mysql on freebsd. 
I've heard of others having issues when they install mysql with linux
threads, such as WITH_LINUXTHREADS=yes on a port install.

I'd try first installing mysql 50 server from the ports collection,
without using linux threads.  I usually just do a make install clean
w/out any additional arguments.  Then install freeradius from the
ports collection.  That's always worked for me.

What version of freebsd are you using?

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Re: Open Authentication for a realm

2006-02-24 Thread Dusty Doris

I want to have open authentication on a realm and setup an IP pool for
that realm.  So if your username is [EMAIL PROTECTED], you will be
authenticated, no matter what your password is and you will be given an
IP from the pool  Where in the config files do I have to
put this?

users file will work

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Re: free realm

2006-02-19 Thread Dusty Doris

I'm looking for a solution to add a 'free' realm to my conf.
The object is to always send an access-accept if freeradius receives
a request from a NAS with username e.g. 'free/nonexistinguser/password'

Is this possible with freeradius?

thanks and have a nice week-end,

Sure.  Read the users manpage (man 5 users) and the comments in the users 
file.  Here are some hints.

DEFAULT Realm == "somerealm", Auth-Type := Accept


DEFAULT User-Name =~ "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@somedomain$", Auth-Type := Accept


someusernameAuth-Type := Accept


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Re: Using multiple auth methods, ports

2006-02-19 Thread Dusty Doris

the request, which doesn't help me).  The only thing the NAS can do that is
"helpful" is send cert auth requests to a different UDP port than regular
auth requests.

Perhaps there are new features that can take care of this for you in one 
place, but if not, you can just run two radiusd instances.  One for 
"oldschool" and one for cert.

For example, say your raddb dir is in /etc/raddb now.

You would create two subdirs of that directory

mkdir /etc/raddb/oldschoool
mkdir /etc/raddb/cert

and perhaps for logging seperately as well

mkdir /var/log/radius/oldschool
mkdir /var/log/radius/cert

cp all the files from raddb to the two directories.

Modify the top of radiusd.conf to point to the new directories for 
raddbdir, confdir, logdir, etc..  Modify the listen or port arguments 
to make one listen on 1645 and the other on 1812.

Then modify the rest of it, such as the users file, to do what you want 
for each seperate instance.

Then modify your startup script to fire off two instances using the -d 
option, and make sure you get both instances as well no stop/restarts.


/pathto/radiusd -d /etc/raddb/oldschool
/pathto/radiusd -d /etc/raddb/cert

That will give you two seperate instances.  One will be configured to only 
handle oldschool logins and the other to only handle certs.  It will be 
another port/process you'll have to monitor, but it should give you what 
you want.

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Re: Multiple LDAP Search Bases - Per NAS

2006-02-15 Thread Dusty Doris

Could we configure FreeRadius to look in a different ou, say
ou=dialup,ou=radius,dc=test,dc=com, when it received an authentication
request from the dialup NASes?

Try with huntgroups.

huntgroups file

dialup  NAS-IP-Address ==
dialup  NAS-IP-Address ==

adslNAS-IP-Address ==

Then in your ldap section

basedn = "ou=%{Huntgroup-Name},ou=radius,dc=test,dc=com"

I think that should work, I'd give it a shot with radiusd -X to see.

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Re: hints and stripped-user-name

2006-02-14 Thread Dusty Doris

I have more hints trouble on another radius server. I want to look for a 
realm and strip it if it is there, else, send on the username untouched.

   User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

try this

User-Name := "%{1}"

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Re: FDS + Freeradius = pain.

2006-02-03 Thread Dusty Doris

On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Joey McDonald wrote:

I wonder why can't I just use an ldap bind to authenticate? I'm already
doing it to authorize.. seems like I should be able to do it to authenticate
as well.


Because you don't have a password to do a simple bind with.  During 
authorization, you are programming the username/password into radius.conf. 
So, ldap has a username/password to bind with.  During authentication, if 
you use ldap, it uses the username/password that comes in the 
access-request to bind with.  In this case, you don't have a 
user-password because you're doing CHAP.

Can you get your NAS to send over the Access-Request with a plaintext 
password (PAP)?  Then it will work, just like it does when you use 

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Re: freeradius 1.0.5 + openLDAP 2.3.17 ( with bdb ?? )

2006-02-01 Thread Dusty Doris

On Wed, 1 Feb 2006, sumi wrote:

HI Folks,

Do anyone know which berkeley database version is compatible with openLDAP

Im trying to compile the openldap2.3.17  with bdb-4.0 which is giving
incompatibility error.

Any earliest reply will be of great help.

I would recommend using BDB 4.2.52 with the 4 patches from Sleepycat. 
That is considered the most stable right now.  I've seen a few reports of 
good performance from the 4.4.20 release, however, I've also heard of some 
issues with it and it hasn't been around long enough to get good tests.

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Re: Can't import ldap schema provided in ldap howto

2006-01-26 Thread Dusty Doris

I've been following the instructions in ldap_howto.txt, and I created
the schema.ldif file exactly as outlined in the doc. But when I run the
ldapadd command it gives the following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ldapadd -f schema.ldif -x -D
"cn=root,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -w secret
adding new entry "dc=mydomain,dc=com"

adding new entry "ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com"

adding new entry "ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com"

adding new entry "ou=users,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com"

adding new entry "ou=admins,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com"

adding new entry "uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com"
ldap_add: Object class violation (65)
   additional info: no structural object class provided

I do have the include statement for "RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema" configured in
my slapd.conf, and I already verified that it is readable by the user
ldap (and that the path is correct). Here is the entry ldapadd is
erroring on:

dn: uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com
objectclass: radiusprofile
uid: dial
radiusServiceType: Framed-User
radiusFramedProtocol: PPP
radiusFramedRouting: None

I apologize, I wrote that document and it hasn't been updated in some 
time.  The ldap_howto uses the uid attribute instead of the cn.  This was 
changed a few years ago in the default ldap schema that came with 
freeradius, but I haven't updated that doc.  Here are some choices for 

1. Use cn instead of uid.  If you haven't yet built your ldap schema, then 
this will be the easiest route.  It will also be compatiable with upgrades 
w/out having to mess with the ldap schema.  Just change your ldap section 
in radiusd.conf to use cn instead of uid and then add your users to the 
directory using cn instead of uid.

2. Modify RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema to use the uid attribute.  In the 
objectclass of radiusprofile change the MUST (cn) to Must (uid).  If you 
already have your directory built and you aren't using cn, but are using 
uid, then this will work for you.

However, remember if you ever upgrade and copy the new 
RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema to your openldap instance, you will need to modify 
the file again.

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redundant-load-balance question

2006-01-25 Thread Dusty Doris
Is there any way to use a redundant-load-balance w/in the users file, for 
something such as ldap-group?

For example:

Autz-Type GROUP1 {
  redundant-load-balance {

Then in users file

DEFAULT SomeAttr == "something", GROUP1-Ldap-Group == "group", Autz-Type 

I've tried that and it doesn't like it.  Seems I have to do something like 
below, which gives me failover, but not load-balance.

DEFAULT SomeAttr == "something", ldap1-Ldap-Group == "group"...

DEFAULT SomeAttr == "something", ldap2-Ldap-Group == "group"...

DEFAULT SomeAttr == "something", ldap3-Ldap-Group == "group"...

OR, just setup one ldap instance that points to all the servers, such as

ldap ldap1 {
  server = "ldap1 ldap2 ldap3"


DEFAULT SomeAttr == "something", ldap1-Ldap-Group == "group"

But, I'd really like to get that ldap-group setup to use the same 
redundant-load-balance configuration?

Any ideas?

Dusty Doris
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Re: FreeRadius in a production environment

2006-01-20 Thread Dusty Doris

On Fri, 20 Jan 2006, Susana Macias wrote:

Hy :-)

 I am interested to know about success stories of people using 
FreeRadius in a production environment.
 I have read but I would 
like to obtain a few more experiences.

 Best regards, Susana

Read my most recent reply to "Performance features of FreeRadius"
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Re: Performance features of FreeRadius

2006-01-20 Thread Dusty Doris

  Hy all,

 I would like to know where I can find information about the performance 
features of the FreeRadius product.
 I would like to propose my boss tu use this product because I have been 
testing it with differents configurations and it is a very good product 
(congratulations!). But I need that information first.

 Thank you very much in advance,
 Marta Lajas

I use it for an ISP for authenticating users to dial, dial-isdn, adsl 
service-selection, wifi, vpn, ftp (homepages), dial accelerator and nntp.

We have 3 radius servers to handle the load and average about 80,000 
logins per day out of a few hundred thousand users.  We use an ldap 
backend for authentication and mysql for accounting.

The machines are freebsd 5.4
hw.machine: i386
hw.model: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz
hw.ncpu: 2
hw.physmem: 1064525824
hw.usermem: 962187264
hw.realmem: 1073479680

They are basically sitting there idle since we've put them in.  The 
traffic isn't enough to push it.

# uptime
11:48AM  up 98 days, 13:04, 1 user, load averages: 0.03, 0.01, 0.00

I hope I don't jinx myself, but we've never had an outage with freeradius. 
Using configurable_failover inside freeradius we didn't even notice a burp 
when one of our ldap servers's motherboard choked and the machine went 
down hard.  Freeradius just kindly switched over to another ldap server. 
Using radrelay for pushing accounting to our mysql servers, makes the 
uptime on that sql machine less important, even though it never seems to 
have issues.

I know that's not an "official" number, but perhaps it could help.

-Dusty Doris
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Re: Dummy newbie question

2006-01-18 Thread Dusty Doris

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Rich Marriner wrote:

The radacct will be empty, because your not working with accounting packets 
using radtest, only Auth packets.

Fernando wrote:


I have a dummy question...

running radtest, i get a Accept-Accept, and everything seems ok, but the 
database radacct table doesn't get updated, in fact the table is blank 
after many tests. Is it normal? Or i've mistaken something?

Thanks for the help

You can simulate accounting packets with radclient.

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Re: FreeRADIUS 1.0.5 rlm_ldap crashing

2006-01-13 Thread Dusty Doris

On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Alan DeKok wrote:

"Paul Khavkine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any clues ? bug in OpenLDAP library maybe ?

 Looks that way to me.

What version of openldap are you using for this and how did you install 
it?  For example, perhaps you installed freeradius from ports and it 
pulled in openldap-client as well for the build?

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Re: help me

2006-01-13 Thread Dusty Doris

On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, trioka.dudi.p wrote:

Im newbie feeradius... error in madake 10.2 pls help my, configur in linux

This is a joke, right?
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Re: Where are these "Client-IP-Address =" messages coming from?

2006-01-13 Thread Dusty Doris

But it looks like it always comes from request->packet->src_ipaddr which
leads me to believe that I'm getting a packet sourced from
even though tcpdump doesn't see it.

I also noticed that the udpfromto source could generate packets from but it was not compiled in, and even if it was I should see it
in tcpdump.

Any thoughts on this?  I need to get rid of these spurious accounting

Your server isn't running radrelay or proxying to itself, is it? 
Probably not, just taking a stab at it.
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Re: Where are these "Client-IP-Address =" messages coming from?

2006-01-12 Thread Dusty Doris

Not that I know off, and if it was I would see it in tcpdump.  Thanks
for your comments though...

I'll probably upgrade to the new radius server today and pray and hope
this goes away, otherwise I'll have to run in debug mode (which I have
been avoiding on a prod system) and figure this out.

Yah, I usually try to avoid that too, but its not so bad.  I'd typically 
do something like this.

kill ;radiusd -X > outfile

That way it stops and reloads into debug quickly.  Pipe the debug to 
outfile.  Tail -f the outfile if you want to make sure its still working 
fine.  Wait enough time that you think you might capture that event. 
Ctrl-C and start it back up.

Then go back through the outfile to find the culprit.

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Re: 2 RAdius server on a single linux box

2006-01-12 Thread Dusty Doris

hello Everyone,
Can anyone please tell that is there any way to run 2 (or more) FREE
RADIUS Servers on a single linux machine.

Make a new directory for each server instance.  Say you had two.


Copy all the files from your original raddb dir to both directories. 
Modify the files in each directory to do what you want them to do.

Make sure to modify the raddbdir variable on the top of each radiusd.conf 


raddbdir = ${sysconfdir}/raddb
raddbdir = ${sysconfdir}/raddb1 (and raddb2 for the other).

Make sure to modify either the bind_address/port variables or the listen 
directives so you are either a) listening on a different IP for each 
instance or b) listening on a different port for each instance.


(in raddb1)
port = 1812

(in raddb2)
port = 1645

Then fire them up with the -d option of radiusd.  (man radiusd for 


$ radiusd -d /etc/raddb1
$ radiusd -d /etc/raddb2

You could open two shells and start up each one in debug mode too.

in first shell
 $ radiusd -X -d /etc/raddb1
from other shell
 $ radiusd -X -d /etc/raddb2
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RE: IP-Address assignment - NAS Pool if value is empty in LDAP

2006-01-11 Thread Dusty Doris

I am running freeradius-1.0.2-5.5 and need a solution for the following

we want to achieve that freeradius sends back an IP-Address if there is
for that user in LDAP. If the value is empty freeradius shouldnt send back
an IP-Address and the NAS should choose one from his own ip-pool.

That will work out of the box.

Make sure in ldap.attrmap you have

replyItem   Framed-IP-Address   radiusFramedIPAddress
replyItem   Framed-IP-Netmask   radiusFramedIPNetmask

**You can change those to whatever you store it as in ldap.

Then in the user, you put the IP.

dn: uid=someuser,ou=.

Then rlm_ldap, will look for an attribute of radiusFramedIPAddress and 
radiusFramedIPNetmask in ldap.  If it exists, it will send it back in the 
access-accept as a reply item.  If it doesn't exist, it won't send 

Did you try this yet?  If so and it isn't working for you, please send 
debug output (radiusd -X).

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Re: openLDAP vs.mySQL

2006-01-10 Thread Dusty Doris

The only statement that matters is whether you are familiar with
either MySQL or LDAP. I don't agree with the other assertions about
performance and distributed model of storage.

The MySQL database of users can be replicated so each RADIUS server
query a local slave database. There is no bottleneck on a single
database. (exactly like in a LDAP setup)

For example, the RADIUS servers on my site received yesterday 6 millions
requests (auth + acct), and the servers were always under 5% of CPU
usage. (Pentium 4 2.4GHz)

So unless you have good reasons, I think you should keep the MySQL
solution if it works for you.

Nicolas Baradakis

I agree with that.  I was previously stating what I liked about ldap.  The 
most important thing though is being able to support it.
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Re: R: openLDAP vs.mySQL

2006-01-09 Thread Dusty Doris

Thank you Dusty,

could you please provide complete URL for your "doc/ldap_howto.txt", I'd a
look to , but didn't find it.

Hmm, used to be in the doc directory when you untarred the source.  Maybe 
its too old now.  Its still up at  I'm not 
actually using distributed directories, its a pretty simple setup here for 
me.  Perhaps you can contribute some documentation of your setup when 
you've completed it.

My interest in LDAP is not related to performance but to the scalability
(distributed directories, referrals, etc...) that it provides compared to
The system is already working with LDAP as backend database, but only as
free access. In these day we are developing the prepaid solution for Wi-Fi
access (scratch cards), but completely with mySQL, because it is simpler to
use (tables radacct, radcheck, etc... are already built) and develop. As we
arrive to a stable solution it is my intention to move the authentication
process to openLDAP.

I'm doing wifi prepaid w/ mysql right now too and I'm in the process of 
moving that to ldap.  Once I get it built and documented I'll let you know 
how I did it.

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Re: Exec-Program-Wait multiple reply items

2006-01-09 Thread Dusty Doris


I have recently migrated to freeradius (latest stable on debian
sarge - 1.0.2-4) and faced with the following problem:

I use Exec-Program-Wait attribute as a reply item in users file.
It returns 3 attributes: NAS-Identifier, Framed-IP-Address and
Framed-Route. These attributes are printed on stdout with
trailing "\n". However they are not returned to the NAS as are
not comma separated. Is there any known workaround for this
problem? Thanks in advance.

There was a thread about this in the end of December.  I believe you have 
to return the attributes comma seperated, like in the users file.

Instead of something like

printf "Some-Attribute = Somevalue\nAnother-Attribute = Anothervalue\n"

It should be

printf "Some-Attribute = Somevalue, Another-Attribute = Anothervalue\n"

If that doesn't work, please show your debug (radius -X).
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Re: openLDAP vs.mySQL

2006-01-07 Thread Dusty Doris

Despite this, I've seen that LDAP is not widely used. Is this for its
complexity or are there deeper reasons that suggest to use SQL database for
both (user data, accounting) purposes? Does anybody have links that might
help to build a system made using this architecture?

I use ldap for users and sql for accounting for the same reasons you 
listed.  Installing and using openldap has a much higher learning curve 
than mysql, which is why I would guess more users use mysql.

There is an old doc in the source under doc/ldap_howto.txt.  I wrote that 
several years ago and keep promising a new version.  Well, I was finally 
given a week at the end of this month or early next month to stop all my 
projects and start documenting.  So, at that time, I will be re-writing 
that doc to be more current.

I agree that ldap is a perfect place to store user objects.  For example, 
I have it setup like this.

  radiusgroupname: dial
  radiusgroupname: adsl
  accountNumber: 1

  radiusgroupname: adsl
  accountNumber: 1

  radiusgroupname: wifi

Using ldap, I can specify the services the user has access to as an 
attribute of that user.  I can also do account level groups as well.  In 
the users above, with my freeradius configuration, I can assure that 
someuser has access to adsl and dial, while another user can only login to 
adsl.  Any user in the 1 account can login to wifi, which would be 
both of those users.

Now, you can easily do the same thing in mysql as well.  But, I feel that 
ldap is a better model for this data.  Also, with openldap it is very easy 
to replicate and setup distribution of these users.  Also, since ldap is a 
standard protocol, my provisioning system can write to it whether its from 
windows, solaris, linux, etc...  It just needs to understand the ldap 
protocol.  Using mysql, means your provisioning system must understand 
mysql syntax, although that isn't usually a difficult task to get setup. 
Finally, as you said, ldap is optimized for reads and that's exactly what 
I'm doing.  I've never experienced any issues with the ldap servers being 
overloaded.  Then again I don't get a whole lot of traffic maybe 60k-80k 
logins a day.

The only downside I can think of with openldap is that it doesn't support 
multi-master setups.  There are workarounds I've heard of people using 
with some kind of heartbeat setup and a shared IP, but I don't have the 
need for a multi-master setup.

As long as my master is replicating to my slaves and freeradius is hitting 
my slaves, I can assure that no users are ever denied access because of an 
ldap server going down.  If the master goes down, the only effect is on 
provisioning (such as adding new users or changing passwords).  In this 
case we take a slave server and manually upgrade it to a master while we 
fix the master server.

Freeradius with its configurable_failover solution, will allow us to point 
to all of our slave servers and it takes care of any slave servers going 
down automatically for us, without the need for a load balancer.

As an alternative for non-freeradius ldap queries, I've also setup two 
ldap proxy servers that point back to my three slaves.  The two proxy 
servers share an IP, so one is always master (on the ip).  If it goes 
down, the slave takes over that IP.  In that scenario, you can point 
applications that don't do failover to the proxyldap shared IP and it will 
take care of the failover for you.

I really like ldap, but its taken me some time to become comfortable with 

I hope that doc helps you with your setup, if you need more help, post 
questions to the list.  Be sure to explain what you are trying to do and 
show debug info (radiusd -X) so we can see the difference between what its 
doing and what you want it to do.

Take care.
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RE: Connection TimeOut!!!

2006-01-06 Thread Dusty Doris

Do you mean max connection time before logging in again?  In that case,

you usually just need to add

Session-Timeout = xxx


I have looked into various files and can not find out where I enter this
setting. Kindly, point out the file & the location (or the module),
where I enter this command?

The users file.  Read man 5 users and the comments in the file named 

If you want this for everyone.

Session-Timeout = 7200

You can also make it so only certain users get it depending on something.

Session-Timeout = 7200


DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dial
Session-Timeout = 7200

Or individual users

bob User-Password == password
Session-Timeout = 7200


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Re: Connection TimeOut!!!

2006-01-05 Thread Dusty Doris


RH 9.0, freeRADIUS 1.4

I have been using freeRADIUS for the last 10 Months. Works great. I like
to setup a maximum connection time of 120 minutes for each user. I am a
complete newbie.

Can somebody direct me to the file I need to set the timeout time? I
also need to know the exact command, if possible.

Do you mean max connection time before logging in again?  In that case, 
you usually just need to add

Session-Timeout = xxx

With xxx being the number of seconds before timing out.

If you want to give them say 120 minutes each day or week or month.  Then 
you should look at rlm_sql_counter.  Install freeradius with experimental 
modules and read experimental.conf.

This is all dependant on your NAS accepting the Session-Timeout variable 
and actually ending the session at that time.

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Re: Any Good Documentation for newbies

2005-12-22 Thread Dusty Doris

On Thu, 23 Dec 2005, Manuj wrote:

As I am new to this free radius, could you please suggest me a good
documentation(free) available on the net.
Version I am using is Free RADIUS 1.0.5.


Download the source.  Untar the package and cd into the doc/ directory. 
When you're done with that, cd back into the raddb directory and read the 
comments in the config files.  Most of the time, what you want to do will 
just work with minimal changes.

Then set it up and give it a shot.  Run it in debug mode (radiusd -X) and 
send some test packets to it with radclient (this is all in the docs I 

If you want to learn more about radius, you could even do a package 
capture with tcpdump and then read the packets with ethereal.  That will 
show you what is going back and forth between the servers.

If you're feeling really ambitious, read the radius RFCs.  It probably 
won't make much sense if your not used to that kind of document but it 
will help give you an idea of how radius works if your new to it.

Then post questions here and be sure to include your debug output and a 
detailed description of what you're trying to do.

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Re: Authorize a group by multivalued "Service-Type" (in MySql)

2005-12-20 Thread Dusty Doris
We have a problem using mysql. We have defined a group (e.g. admin) in 
mysql and wanted to assign it a multivalue attribute (e.g. Service-Type) 
inorder to have different services but it does not work properly. it 
only accepts requests with smaller id (i.e. 12) and rejects the other 
one (i.e. 13).

| id  | GroupName | Attribute | op   | Value |
|  5  | user  | Auth-Type   | :=   | Local  |
|  4  | admin   | Auth-Type   | :=   | Local  |
| 12 | admin   | Service-Type   | == | Login-User |
| 13 | admin   | Service-Type   | == | Framed-User |

Are these reply items?  Read man 5 users.  == is not allowed as a reply 
item.  If you want to add multiple reply-items of the same kind see +=.

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Re: Authorization

2005-12-19 Thread Dusty Doris

Thanks for your fine input and the reminder on the index (I completely
forgot about that).  I'll give the ldap module filter a go with the
attr_rewrite.  I like keeping attributes with the user object, rather
than spreading usernames around to various other objects.  With this
implementation, to me, the extra benefit is that I can just add a
radiusGroupName attribute = X to each user object.

You can also use the ldap-group variable that I showed you before on the 
user level by defining the groupmembership_attribute.  By default its 
radiusGroupname, so that should already work for you.  So either way 
should work for you, personally, I like having it in the filter as your 
example showed.  I am doing that now in a little different way.  I'll 
write it up someday.

BTW, on the attr_rewrite, can I use more advanced regex than just
: ?  It works and always will work, but it would be
more clear in the config file if I could say
or something to that effect...  I couldn't get ANY regex to work
except the .  Does that seem right?


Unfortunately, I don't know too much about attr_rewrite, but I'm sure some 
others on this list could help with that one.  It looks about right to me.

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Re: Auth All but only for those in my clients.conf

2005-12-19 Thread Dusty Doris
Again, I did want to mention that only CHAP request fail, others go through 
fine with an Accept.


Listening on authentication *:1812
Listening on accounting *:1813
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host ##MyIPwasHere##:3457, id=0, 

  User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  CHAP-Password = 0x7e842a573cd6363e06fe53a93a7b8d9e94
Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 0
modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 0
rlm_detail: /var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d 
expands to /var/log/radius/radacct/##ClientIPwasHere##/auth-detail-20051219

modcall[authorize]: module "auth_log" returns ok for request 0

I think this is the problem.  Try commenting out chap in the authorize 

rlm_chap: Setting 'Auth-Type := CHAP'
modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns ok for request 0
modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 0
  rlm_realm: Looking up realm "##MyDomainWasHere##/" for User-Name = 

  rlm_realm: No such realm "##MyDomainWasHere##/.com"
modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 0
rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns noop for request 0
  users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 156

I'd have to assume this matches line (156) matches your Auth-Type := 
Accept.  However, for some reason its not overriding the Auth-Type := 
Chap, that was set earlier by the chap section of authorize.

modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 0
modcall: group authorize returns ok for request 0
rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type CHAP
auth: type "CHAP"
Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group Auth-Type for request 0
rlm_chap: login attempt by "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with CHAP password
rlm_chap: Could not find clear text password for user 

modcall[authenticate]: module "chap" returns invalid for request 0
modcall: group Auth-Type returns invalid for request 0
auth: Failed to validate the user.
Login incorrect (rlm_chap: Clear text password not available): 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/] (from client ToddHome port 0)

Delaying request 0 for 1 seconds
Finished request 0

Try commenting out chap in authorize and authenticate and see what 
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Re: Auth All but only for those in my clients.conf

2005-12-19 Thread Dusty Doris
The secret in your clients.conf file is used to encrypt and sign packets 
between the clients and the server.  It is not used for authentication.

Based on what you mention here and what someone else on the list mentioned 
earlier, I think the reason the secret is ignored is because it is used to 
encrypt the auth info which is basically non existant in an Auth All 

Am I getting this correct now?


Well, I don't understand the huntgroups and all just yet, I am new to 
FreeRadius (not to Radius in general, just FreeRadius). So, will this fix my 
issue where only CHAP request are rejected? I am only having trouble with 
CHAP request at this time, all other request from allowed clients in the 
clients.conf file are getting an Accept back just as I want.

The huntgroups file is pretty easy to understand.  Just read the comments 
in it.

But, now that you mention it.  Your Auth-Type := Accept is still working 
with chap.  Perhaps what I told you won't make a difference.  Do you have 
anything in your authorize and authenticate section?  Perhaps you ought to 
just try this.

Comment out everything in authorize except for preprocess and files, so it 
would look like this w/out the comments.

authorize {

authenticate {

That way the only thing that is touched is the users file.  I'd be willing 
to bet that you have chap listed in authorize right now and its before 
the files section.

So, its hitting the chap section of authorize and doesn't see a chap 
passwd and fails which causes a reject before it even gets to the files 

Just a guess?

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Re: Freeradius-Users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 82

2005-12-19 Thread Dusty Doris

On Mon, 19 Dec 2005, Stefan Adams wrote:

Hey, guys!  Thanks for the great replies!!  I like what you suggested
better than what I've come up with in the mean time.  I think what I
came up with will work, it just seems messy/wrong/inefficient.  What
do you think?

modules {
   ldap {
   filter =

   attr_rewrite getssid {
   attribute = Called-Station-Id
   searchin = packet
   searchfor = ".:"
   replacewith = ""
   ignore_case = yes
   new_attribute = no

authorize {
   # for WinXP, 802.1x, EAP-PEAP, MS-CHAPv2

This cuts off the first 17 bytes and then a colon of the
Called-Station-ID (My AP transmits a dash separated MAC followed by a
colon and then the SSID).  Then it uses this rewritten
Called-Station-ID and uses that as a filter in the LDAP search.
Therefore, if the SSID a user tries to connect to is not listed as an
attribute of the user's LDAP object, the user is denied.

Does that make sense?

That's a pretty neat idea.  The benefit of that is if you had multiple 
ldap instances and wanted to implement fail-over within freeradius.  To do 
it the traditional way, you would need this for fail-over with ldap-group 
checks if say you had two ldap instances.

DEFAULT	Called-Station-Id =~ /studentregex/, ldap1-Ldap-Group == 

DEFAULT Called-Station-Id =~ /studentregex/, ldap2-Ldap-Group == 

That is so it will check with ldap1 instance first.  If that fails, then 
check ldap2.

By doing it your way, you won't need to do that anymore.  Instead a 
redundant block in authorize would get you what you need already since the 
radiusGroupname inside your search filter takes care of the Ldap-Group 

I wonder if you could use regex matches of Called-Station-ID in the 
huntgroups file.  You'll have to test this out, I doubt it would work, but 
its another interesting idea.  I don't know if huntgroups excepts regex 
and if it can use things like Called-Station-Id

in huntgroups

studentsCalled-Station-Id =~ /studentregex/
faculty Called-Station-Id =~ /facultyregex/

Then in users file.

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == %{Huntgroup-Name}

Or you're way.


See doc/configurable_failover and doc/rlm_ldap to see what I'm talking 
about with the failover.  If you have a load balancer in front of that 
ldap server, you won't need to worry about it.  But if you don't and you 
want to add redundancy, then its something you'll need to think about some 
day.  Freeradius can do the redundancy for you w/out a load balancer or 
shared IP using configurable failover.  Actually in the upcoming 1.1 
release it will also do load balancing for you in addition to failover 
inside your ldap blocks.

Hope I'm not too confusing.  My point is I like your idea and if its 
working for you, it doesn't sound like a bad one to me.  You might want to 
try hitting it hard to see if the rewrite slows anything down, but I would 
bet it doesn't.

I'd also make sure to add an eq index to radiusgroupname, since you'll be 
using that as part of your search filter.

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Re: Authorization

2005-12-19 Thread Dusty Doris

Let's say I have 2 groups: students and faculty.
I want to authorize authenticated members of the LDAP group
cn=students,ou=Groups IFF their Access-Request Called-Station-ID =~
I want to authorize authenticated members of the LDAP group
cn=faculty,ou=Groups IFF their Access-Request Called-Station-ID =~

You left out your ldap part?  Anyway it should look something like this.

groupname_attribute = cn
groupmembership_filter = "(&(objectclass=GroupOfNames)(member=%{Ldap-UserDN}))"

Of course you'll have to change that to fit with how your directory is 
structured.  Once you've got that part down, then in the users file you 
could do something like this.

DEFAULT Called-Station-ID =~ "/:StudentWLAN$/", Ldap-Group == "students"

DEFAULT Called-Station-ID =~ "/:FacultyWLAN$/", Ldap-Group == "faculty"

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

That would look to see if Called-Station-ID matches that regex.  If so, it 
would look to see if they are in the Ldap-Group of students.  Your 
groupmembership filter and groupname_attribute should look for a group 
named cn=students and then see if the DN of the user is in it.

If not, it would fall through to the Reject statement.  Now, there are 
other things going on outside of ldap that I don't really know about, so a 
copy/paste of what I wrote might not work.  But, it should help lead you 
in the right direction.

I'd give it a shot running in debug mode (radiusd -X) and then you can see 
the exact queries that are taking place and what is happening.  You can 
then go back and modify those ldap group statements and the users file to 
fit what you need.

Once you've got it started if you need more help, please post debug output 
and what you would expect vs what you got and we can probably help sort it 
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Re: Auth All but only for those in my clients.conf

2005-12-18 Thread Dusty Doris
You want to allow any client that matches what is in the clients.conf file 
in, correct?

The secret in your clients.conf file is used to encrypt and sign packets 
between the clients and the server.  It is not used for authentication.

Have you tried adding the IPs to some type of backend?

For example, if you used the users file and huntgroups file.

In huntgroups.

allow   Client-IP-Address ==
allow   Client-IP-Address ==
allow   Client-IP-Address ==

Then in users file

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == allow, Auth-Type := Accept

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

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Re: FreeRadius cannot Authenticate to Windows AD

2005-12-18 Thread Dusty Doris

rlm_ldap: login attempt by "mike" with password "mike123"
radius_xlat:  '(SamAccountName=mike)'
radius_xlat:  'CN=Person,DC=chikka,DC=ph'
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
rlm_ldap: (re)connect to, authentication 0
rlm_ldap: bind as / to
rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
rlm_ldap: performing search in CN=Person,DC=chikka,DC=ph, with filter



[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ldapsearch -LLL -h -x -b 'dc=domain,dc=com'
'(samaccountname=mike)' -D mike -w mike123
dn: CN=mike,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com

There are two major differences in what you have freeradius configured to 
do and what your commandline search shows.  Is this intended??

 -bind anonymously
 -search in CN=Person,DC=chikka,DC=ph

 -bind as mike
 -search in dc=domain,dc=com

Unless I missed something and I'm just not getting it, I would give 
freeradius an identity and password of a user that has read access to the 
part of the directory your users are in.  Then I would change the basedn 
in freeradius to actually match the basedn of your directory.

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Re: RADIUS packet did not have correct Message-Authenticator

2005-12-16 Thread Dusty Doris
although I have not yet found the culprit, it is calming to know the reason 
behind.  I have read this and that documentation about freeradius during the 
past time, but this one I think, did never cross my way. Is there a document, 
where this behaviour is described?

I believe its your users file, from your previous messages on ldap.  I had 
given you an example of using ldap-group to make sure you hit that 
check-item you want.  That worked, but now your access-accept is 
cancelling the EAP.  Sorry if I confused you, but I was just focusing on 
the ldap part, didn't even realize there was something else going in 
inside this.

Perhaps you should change it from:

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "515", Auth-Type := Accept
   Framed-Type = Framed,
   Tunnel-Type:1 = VLAN,
   Tunnel-Medium-Type:1 = IEEE-802,
   Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:1 = 100

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "515"
   Framed-Type = Framed,
   Tunnel-Type:1 = VLAN,
   Tunnel-Medium-Type:1 = IEEE-802,
   Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:1 = 100

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

?? I have never used EAP, but I belive if you take out the Auth-Type := 
Accept, the server should pick up on the fact that it needs to do EAP and 
will continue with that part.  Someone else will be able to give more 
insight on that part.
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Re: No Reply Proxy for Accounting Requests

2005-12-16 Thread Dusty Doris

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, David Bickle wrote:

Does anyone know how to configure a proxy for the forwarding of no reply
accounting requests? In particular I am interested in accounting start/stop


What does "forwarding of no reply accounting requests" mean?

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Re: bug in rlm_ldap?

2005-12-16 Thread Dusty Doris

Thank you, I got it and already tried that attribute. The behaviour is a bit 
better, but does not really lead to the desired result, as the client gets 

Incoming RADIUS packet did not have correct Message-Authenticator - dropped

Well, at least you've got the ldap part working.  The 
message-authenticator shouldn't have anything to do with ldap.  It has to 
do with the packet between the radius server and the nas.

Seems ok, but unfortunately on the other side, the result is not that good. 
Alan proposed eapol_test recently for testing of such connections(thank you, 
very usefull) and this tool shows me:

Received RADIUS message
RADIUS message: code=2 (Access-Accept) identifier=0 length=38
 Attribute 64 (?Unknown?) length=6
 Attribute 65 (?Unknown?) length=6
 Attribute 81 (?Unknown?) length=6
STA 00:00:00:00:00:02: Received RADIUS packet matched with a pending request, 
round trip time 0.15 sec

No Message-Authenticator attribute found
Incoming RADIUS packet did not have correct Message-Authenticator - dropped
STA 00:00:00:00:00:02: No RADIUS RX handler found (type=0 code=2 id=0) - 
dropping packet

EAPOL: startWhen --> 0
EAPOL test timed out
MPPE keys OK: 0  mismatch: 1

I can't help on this part.  I'd start a new thread with that error, so the 
subject line might draw some attention from someone that can.

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Re: bug in rlm_ldap?

2005-12-16 Thread Dusty Doris
I changed the users file as you recommended, the ldap.attrmap contains the 
additional line:

checkItem   User-Category   primaryGroupID

Unfortunately also in this case only the Reject entry matches, although the 
primaryGroupID seems to passed to User-Category:

radiusd -AX
rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...

rlm_ldap: Adding LDAP attribute primaryGroupID as RADIUS attribute 
User-Category == 515


Did you get the second email I sent.  I don't believe you can use that 
check item from ldap in the users file.  Try the ldap-group options I sent 
over in the last email.  That should work for you.

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Re: Checkitems

2005-12-15 Thread Dusty Doris

Maybe my last question was unclear this morning.
Therefore I would like to rephrase it:

Checkitems may be defined via ldap.attrmap e.g. like:

checkItem   User-Category   primaryGroupID

Those items,  retrieved from an ldapserver and thus not part of the request:
Are they  supposed to be accessible by following modules?

In a case like this in radiusd.conf:

authorize { ldap { notfound = return } files  }

Should the files module have access to to a check item User-Category ?

I'm not sure, I've never tried that before, but I don't believe you can. 
I think you'd need to use xlat for that.  Grep for xlat in doc/rlm_ldap.

You could certainly use that ldap attribute as an Ldap-Group item, if you 
are going to be keying off of it a lot.

in radiusd.conf

groupmembership_attribute = "primaryGroupID"

Then in the users file

DEFAULT Ldap-Group != "xxx", Auth-Type := Reject

 or something like that.

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Re: bug in rlm_ldap?

2005-12-15 Thread Dusty Doris

HOST/ User-Category != 515
  Fall-Through = No,

HOST/ User-Category == 515
  Fall-Through = No,

HOST/ Auth-Type := Reject

If this is your users file, its incorrect.  Notice the placement of 
commas.  The check-items should be on one line seperated by commas.  The 
reply items should be over multiple lines seperated by a comma, except for 
the last line.

HOST/, User-Category != 515
Fall-Through = no

HOST/, User-Category == 515
Fall-Through = no

HOST/, Auth-Type := Reject

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Re: rlm_ldap behavior: authorize v.s. authenticate

2005-12-09 Thread Dusty Doris
From reading debug logs, am I correct in concluding that rlm_ldap's 


- when processing authorize{ } is to bind to the LDAP as the provided 
administrative DN and search for the DN of the user in the Access-Request 

- when processing authenticate{ } is to, if successful during authorize, then 
re-bind to the LDAP using the provided username and password and return 
Access-Accept only if the bind-as-the-user succeeds?

Correct, as the default behavior?

Sounds right to me.

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Re: rlm_sql_mysql on FreeBSD 5.4 - Segmentation fault at startup

2005-12-08 Thread Dusty Doris
I'm running it fine right now on freebsd 5.4.  I installed everything from 
ports.  I first installed mysql server from ports.

I'm runnning mysql-server-4.1.14

cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server/
make install clean (I didn't specifiy any unique make options)_

cd /usr/ports/net/freeradius
make install clean (select mysql)

$uname -a
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 #0: Tue Sep 
27 14:14:11 EDT 2005 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/carp  i386

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Matthew Horoschun wrote:

Hi All,

I'm having trouble getting FreeRadius (CVS) working with MySQL 5.0.15 on 
FreeBSD 5.4. I have been testing successfully with PostgreSQL up until now.

Running under gdb:

rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #0
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #0
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #0
rlm_sql (sql): failed after re-connect
rlm_sql (sql): Error retrieving group list
rlm_sql (sql): Error processing groups; rejecting user
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 0

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1 (LWP 100524)]
0x08059635 in safe_unlock (instance=0x0) at modcall.c:227
227 if (instance->mutex)
(gdb) bt
#0  0x08059635 in safe_unlock (instance=0x0) at modcall.c:227
#1  0x0805971c in call_modsingle (component=1, sp=0x8139140, 
request=0x806f800, default_result=6) at modcall.c:258
#2  0x08059dc6 in modcall (component=1, c=0x8139140, request=0x806f800) at 
#3  0x0805979f in call_one (component=1, p=0x8139140, request=0x806f800, 
priority=0xbfbfd1e0, result=0xbfbfd1e4) at modcall.c:287
#4  0x08059896 in call_modgroup (component=1, g=0x8135ec0, request=0x806f800, 
default_result=6) at modcall.c:342
#5  0x08059d3b in modcall (component=1, c=0x8135ec0, request=0x806f800) at 
#6  0x0805876c in indexed_modcall (comp=1, idx=0, request=0x806f800) at 
#7  0x08059271 in module_authorize (autz_type=0, request=0x806f800) at 

#8  0x0804d412 in rad_authenticate (request=0x806f800) at auth.c:548
#9  0x0805e00a in rad_respond (request=0x806f800, fun=0x804d25c 
) at request_process.c:451
#10 0x0805fbad in thread_pool_addrequest (request=0x806f800, fun=0x804d25c 
) at threads.c:901

#11 0x0805be34 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfbfebfc) at radiusd.c:668

I noticed that people have had somewhat similar problems 
but I'm not sure that this is the same thing.

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RE: Free Radius and Squid

2005-12-05 Thread Dusty Doris

AFAIK - NO - it is way to simple to work like that. Squid is only a
cache. You could redirect an user to a login site with your firewall script,
after he logs in, you could redirect him to squid ( at least his http
traffic ). But again AFAIK there is no radius client module for squid. Nor
it is planned in a way you want it.



-Original Message-


I'm very new to free raduis and would like to know if it will run with
squid proxy server. If so how would this work? What I am looking to do
is to allow users to access the internet via the transparent squid
proxy for limited time sessions. Eg. a user who wishes to use the
system would be greeted by a web page asking for a code. The code
(which they would get from the system admin) would grant them access
for 1 hour. Can this be done using FreeRadius and Squid?


Actually, I have tested squid using a radius plugin before to talk to
freeradius.  It worked for me then, but we never used it and it was also
years ago.

There are a few radius modules in there, you might want to give one shot. 
The second one seems to still be active.

I don't know about a time limit however and I don't really know much about 
squid to help.

This wifi entry talks about using authentication with squid, it might help 

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Re: LDAP, FreeRadius, and Schema

2005-12-02 Thread Dusty Doris

Well, most of our email accounts are in a different organizational unit,
and they use posixAccount (so based off of uid).  However, our radius
organizational unit is separate ... and I'm now using type "account" with
cn's.  You're saying this is ok?

Its probably fine.

The only reason I was complaining about indexing is because in the
organizational unit that managed the email accounts uses the cn value for
full name  so I was indexing the full name without being needed.

That's ok.  Your just indexing with eq anyway, correct?  If you were doing 
substring indexes as well it would be a little more load, but I usually 
err on the side of having too much indexed.  But we run pretty good sized 
ldap servers anyway.

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Re: Configuring a proxied and local authentication

2005-12-02 Thread Dusty Doris

I did configure one radius server (A) to proxy incoming requests to an other
radius server (B, this later one using pam).

First question:
I don't find a way to add a NAS-Identifier value inside the proxied
request, so that B server could check it...

preproxy_users will do this for you.

How to configure the A server so that if B rejects the request, then
A will check in a local user base (through pam) ?

Not sure on that one, will have to defer to someone else.

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RE: Freeradius How to integrate Active Directory and return groupattribute to VPN Concentrator

2005-12-02 Thread Dusty Doris

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Alhagie Puye wrote:

Ok, So I played around some more with the settings.

Actually "group" and "groupofnames" are not correct attributes for user.

It is supposed to be "memberof". So I changed line in ldap.attrmap to
look like:

replyItem   Class   memberof

Now I'm getting replyItems but the data looks like garbage. I want it to
return the group name.

You are returning CN as the class in your radius packet.

Class = CN

Class is not a string, its an octet so what you are seeing 434e is really 
CN.  You must be returning something like

memberof: CN=somegroup,ou=someou,...

It seems like rlm_ldap is stripping anything after that = sign.  You 
should check the bugs db and see if you can find something like this.

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Re: error in configurable failover?

2005-11-30 Thread Dusty Doris

Norbert Wegener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

authenticate {
group {
ldap1 {

 You can't use anonymous groups in the "authenticate" section.  You
have to explicitely use "Auth-Type", and give it a name.  This is
because only ONE auth-type is run from that section.  So if you had an
anonymous group, it would never get run, because you could never
reference it by name.

 Alan DeKok.

Say you had two ldap instances.

authorize {
redundant {

authenticate {

Say you had 4 ldap instances.  Two for dial users and two for isdn users. 
They point to the same servers, but with different configurations.

authorize {
Autz-Type dial {
redundant {
Autz-Type isdn {
redundant {

authenticate {
Auth-Type dial {
Auth-Type adsl {

In that case, you would need to declare these somewhere, such as the users 

DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == Async, Autz-Type := dial, Auth-Type := dial

DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == ISDN, Autz-Type := isdn, Auth-Type := isdn

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RE: Freeradius How to integrate Active Directory and return group attribute to VPN Concentrator

2005-11-30 Thread Dusty Doris


   filter =
cps,OU=Datawave Users,DC=corp,DC=van,DC=dwave))"

This works fine. However I can't get it to return any replyItems. Has
anyone gotten this to work with Active Directory? All the docs I see on
the Net refeerence OpenLDAP. I'm sure there is a lot of folks out there
running Windows 2000/2003 Active Directory.

I have spent a couple of days on this not having much luck. Here are a
few questions that would help me a bit.

1) Do I need groupname_attribute to get this to work?

2) What about groupmembership_filter and groupmembership_attribute?

My ldap.attrmap looks like this:

replyItem   Class   groupofnames
replyItem   Class   group

I think the above is correct. Can some shed some light on this?

Is group and groupofnames something that is an attribute of a user?  When 
freeradius searches for reply items it is searching for attributes of that 


dn: cn=someuser,...
group: somegroup

Should then add

Class = somegroup

to the reply items.

If you want to make reply items attached to a group, rather than in 
individual, you will need to set the User-Profile attribute.

For example,

dn: cn=somegroup,ou=groups,...
group: somegroup

Then in the users file.

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == somegroup, User-Profile := 

You may be able to do this dynamically using xlat or something like 
huntgroups too.  If you want an example, send us an example of a user and 
group from AD in ldif format and an example of a radius packet that you 
would expect in the reply and I'll see if I can come up with an idea for 

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Re: LDAP, FreeRadius, and Schema

2005-11-30 Thread Dusty Doris

Hi all,

I was wondering what everyone uses for an account objectClass?  Right now I'm 
using "Person", which makes the dn:


However, indexing the cn would index the CN of other OU's as well ...
I'm just wondering what people use.  I know "Account" could also be used.

I extend my schema with RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema and use the radiusprofile 
objectclass.  However, mine is old and uses uid instead of cn, which is in 
that file.  You certainly could create your own objectclass or modify the 
one that is there.  I think you should stick with cn, since that is what 
freeradius knows and you already use it.  It will make maintanence and 
upgrades much easier.

However, back to your problem.  I don't see what the issue is with 
indexing cn.  If you are ever going to do searches on other OU's for a cn 
attribute, you would probably hope that its indexed.  The performance hit 
you will take for indexing that attribute is probably not even close to 
the performance gain you will get having cn indexed for searches.

This is especially true with the newest versions of openldap (2.3).

Dusty Doris

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RE: Freeradius How to integrate Active Directory[ADIntegrationWindowsXP NTLM Tutorial]

2005-11-25 Thread Dusty Doris

So, the question again is if the VPN Concentrator is only sending
username and password, do I need ntml_auth or ms-chap? FreeRADIUS
doesn't have any usernames and password and will query Active Directory
for the actual authentication.


If the packet is merely containing plaintext username and password, then 
you can probably just use rlm_ldap against AD and hit it directly.  Just 
need to setup a user with read access to the directory to do the initial 
bind with and search of the user for authorization.  Then the user will be 
authenticated by doing a bind against AD with the username/password in the 

BTW - I use freeradius w/ ldap for cisco VPN concentrators as well, 
although its openldap instead of AD.  To pass back the class attribute, 
you must modify ldap.attrmap and specify the reply item of Class to match 
what you call it in the directory.


replyItem   Class   radiusClass

Then in the directory, you have

dn: cn=someuser,...
radiusClass: "OU=myvpngroup;"

So, for AD, you'll need to extend the schema and add an attribute for 
this.  Or if you already have something that you can use, just modify 
ldap.attrmap to know what it is.

-Dusty Doris
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Re: php account stats

2005-11-17 Thread Dusty Doris

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Jean Gaudreau wrote:

I'm looking for a script in php that can produce some stats from MySQL.

Anyone ?

What kind of stats?

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Re: "Pool-Name" check item causes Access-Reject

2005-11-16 Thread Dusty Doris

Following the docs, I have the files db.ipindex and db.ippol set up,
and the main_pool is configured in radiusd.conf. user 'gerret' is the
gunea pig with the following radcheck table entries:

| 1354 | gerret   | User-Password | == | testpw  |
| 1491 | gerret   | Pool-Name | == | main_pool |

Try setting the operator on Pool-name to := instead of ==.

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Re: FreeRadius using two SQL servers

2005-11-15 Thread Dusty Doris

what do you think if we try to use a Perl module inside of the autorize
section?!?!. I want the Perl module to decide between my two sql servers
depending of the incoming realm, I think this can be a possible way to
take. If you have any idea please let me know. Thanks!!

That should work too.  However, you can do this with Autz-Type, I am 
currently doing it right now, but using ldap instead of sql.

Comment out your Autz-Type entries in your users file and try this. 
Actually, comment out all your entries if you're not on a production 

DEFAULT Realm == "wireless", Autz-Type := SQL1

DEFAULT Realm == "dhcp", Autz-Type := SQL2

Notice that the check item Realm == is first, then Autz-Type.

Make sure your sql1.conf and sql2.conf files look like this at the top.

sql sql1 {

sql sql2 {

Then give it a shot.  If that does not work, try change it to add 
Auth-Type to the end.

DEFAULT Realm == "dhcp", Autz-Type := SQL2, Auth-Type := Local

If neither of those work for you, please post your debug again.  Also, 
make sure to reply to all, so your replies go back to the list, not just 

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Re: FreeRadius using two SQL servers

2005-11-14 Thread Dusty Doris

when a radius client ask my freeradius, if the Realm is "" I want to
autorize him with the first SQL server and if the Realm is "" with
the second one.

I already have two diferent sql configuration files, sql1.conf and
sql2.conf, with instance name SQL1 and SQL2.

I had been trying to do exactly what the Autz-Type Doc says, but I had
no luck with it. I don't know what to do... Thanks

So, what have you tried?
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Re: memory leaks with rlm_perl? (FreeRADIUS bug #221)

2005-11-14 Thread Dusty Doris

I really appreciate that the FreeRADIUS developers actually take their
time to do end user support on this list. I am impressed by the work
you all do.  Getting two(!) working solutions to a problem in a couple
of hours during the weekend, is a level of support that I think you
can't buy from any commercial company at any price.  It makes me wish
that I had something to give back.  At least I'll have an example for
all the bosses that express their concern about "unsupported" open
source solutions..

Thanks again.

I agree with you 100% on this.  Our company pays extra for so-called 
"support" on many of the commercial products we use.  However, I've found 
that the community that supports freeradius on this mailling list is much 
more valuable than any of our paid support on commercial software.  The 
support here on the list comes from people that actually USE the product 
in a PRODUCTION network.  This is something you can't always get from a 
commercial product.

You definately can give back by documenting anything you think might help 
and sending it to the list.  Or perhaps you can stay on the list and see 
if you can help anyone with similar issues to what you've experienced.

I'm in the same boat as you, and trying to give back by occassionally 
responding to threads here and sending in some documentation whenever I 
get the time to write some up.

-Dusty Doris
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Re: FreeBSD anyone?

2005-11-09 Thread Dusty Doris

Thanks for the advice.

Didn't get a change to get good numbers for you today, but here is at 
least something.

I took a look at our records for today and we have about 70,000 
entries, with only 1500 of them without a stop yet.  I can't get a good 
estimate at packets right now because I'm not sure how many updates we 

But if I were to take a guess and say there is 1 update per user session 
(very rough guess), then that puts us at about 210,000 packets in 24 hours 
with 1 start, 1 update, and 1 stop.  That makes our average about 

Now, there are probably at least a few more than 1 update, so that number 
could be a bit higher.  Also, our usage definately has big peaks during 
certain times of the day.  But, I'd guess that we don't hit much more than 
20-30/second during those peaks.

I've found that the performance problem goes away when I test with interim 
accounting records instead of start records.

I haven't figured out why start records generate such a performance hit. Any 

That seems odd to me.  I don't have any ideas on that, looking at the 
queries in sql.conf it seems to me that the accounting start should be 
faster since it begins with just a plain insert vs the update starting 
with an update that contains a where clause.

Do you have a my.cnf file tuning that db?  I can't explain update vs 
insert, but it could help with performance.

Did you tweak sql.conf or radiusd.conf either?  Perhaps you could try 
adjusting the num_sql_socks and connection_failure_retry_delay numbers in 
sql.conf and the thread pool section of radiusd.conf.

Also, you can do many other things to help especially turning off radutmp. 
I'd also comment out any other modules that aren't used.  Actually read 
tuning_guide in the doc dir, there are some good comments there.

Also, remember that the sql performance is going to be primarily dependant 
on your configuration vs freeradius in general.  For example, the CPU, 
disk speed, ram, etc.. will have more of an influence than anything else.

We're currently looking at radrelay. That sounds like a good idea.

Its been working great for us.

However, in the CVS head they now have sqlrelay which I'd definately 
considering taking a look at.  It does the same thing as radrelay, but 
sends over sql queries to your db instead of radius packets.  Might be 
nice to not have to worry about an additional process (radiusd) on your 
sql servers.  I'll test it out one of these days if I ever get some spare 

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Re: FreeBSD anyone?

2005-11-08 Thread Dusty Doris

Hi Dusty,

Now, I'm running freeradius 1.0.5 on freebsd 5.4.  We handle about 75,000 
logins per day between 3 servers and are using openldap as a backend, which 
stores about 400,000 users.  We use radrelay to push all the accounting 
into a mysql db.

Can you comment on the accounting record rate that you're achieving? We're 
currently testing FreeRadius and I'm seeing a performance ceiling of about 
200 accounting records per second.


I will have to take a look tomorrow to see what kind of data is coming in. 
But, I will let you know the architecture I am using, in case it interests 
you.  Our billing system pulls from our accounting database periodically, 
so we don't need real-time information on all our accounting records.

We have three main radius servers.  We setup each of the radius servers to 
log all accounting to a detail file and we then use radrelay to push the 
data to our sql servers.  This makes the accounting part of our AAA much 
quicker between the NAS and the radius server.  The radius server just has 
to log it to a file and move on, so the accounting response comes very 
quickly.  This is especially apparent during high loads as we don't need 
to wait for an sql resource to come available.

The sql servers are two mysql 4.1 servers on freebsd 5.4.  They are 
running in a multi-master setup.  The two servers share an IP with CARP, 
which is built into freebsd.  CARP will setup one server as the master and 
that server will answer all ARP requests for that IP.  If the interface 
goes down (or if carp is shutdown by script/manual invervention), then the 
other machine will automatically take over that IP and then become the 
master sql server.

The whole point of this setup is for reliability of our data rather than 
availability of the sql server.  If one of the sql servers goes down, the 
other will take over the master role.  When the dead server comes back up, 
it will assume the slave role and will update itself to be current with 
the master or we can manually update it if we wish.

If both sql servers go down, or a small transition time between switching 
masters, or perhaps the radius load is just too high to accept all the 
requests we are getting, then the detail file on the radius servers will 
begin to grow.  When the radius accounting server comes back up or the 
packets coming in slow down to an rate lower than the sql server can 
accept it, radrelay will then catch up the accounting server.

We do occassionally see times where there was too much data coming in at 
once and the accounting server will post warnings to the log file and the 
detail files will begin to grow.  However, its never been more than a few 
minutes and radrelay quickly catches the servers back up to date when the 
rates return to a lower level.

Our authentication structure is quite different as we are looking more for 
availability.  But in the accounting world, we can afford to delay the 
records if needed.

I'll take a look at the data coming in tomorrow and let you know what kind 
of numbers we are seeing.  If you'd like I can also send you any 
information you'd like about CARP or our mysql setup.

I've also tested using another method which we chose not to implement. 
With this method I setup the accounting in a configurable-failover 
scenario.  First we would send the accounting data directly to the sql 
server.  If that failed, then the data would be populated into the detail 
file to quickly return an accounting response and radrelay would pick it 
up and deliver to the accounting server when it can.

This worked quite well, but we chose to go with just radrelay instead. 
By doing just radrelay we could make the radius accounting server open up 
a large number of connections to itself vs spreading out the connection 
pool among our main radius servers.

Hope that is helpful.

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Re: Adding Attributes to a post proxy request

2005-11-05 Thread Dusty Doris

I have a case where I use Freeradius for proxy auth/acct to home servers.

Before the answer goes back to the Nas I need to add some attributes and now
looking for the best way of doing this.

You can do this with the rlm_attr_filter.  Read the attrs file and man 

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Re: FreeBSD anyone?

2005-11-04 Thread Dusty Doris
Hi, im running freeradius 1.0.5  + postgres 8.0.3  on a dual xeon, gentoo 
2005.1,  all is working ok, but  i have  another server with the same 
hardware specs that i recently  "upgraded" from  gentoo to freebsd 5.3, the 
server was running apache + postgres and, wow , great diference, better 
performance, so postgres definitely liked freebsd, what about freeradius?, i 
have read on the website that it is developed on debian but it compiles on 
freebsd, what is your experience with freebsd , good?, bad? , any gotchas?.
Should i migrate to freebsd or stay with gentoo?, my personal preference is 
bsd, but im worried of any obscure future that only works on linux api's ,etc

Been using freeradius on freebsd exclusively for several years now. 
Started with freeradius .8 on freebsd 4.6 I think.

Now, I'm running freeradius 1.0.5 on freebsd 5.4.  We handle about 75,000 
logins per day between 3 servers and are using openldap as a backend, 
which stores about 400,000 users.  We use radrelay to push all the 
accounting into a mysql db.

Its been working perfectly, no issues ever with freeradius or freebsd 
(can't say the same for harddrives and motherboards though - so you should 
build redundancy into your architecture).

I'm going to write up our architecture one of these days and I'll submit a 
copy to freeradius, but I'm re-designing everything right now to keep 
recent, add more redundancy, and simply things.  So I've been too busy.
 There is an old document of the original system I put in, in the doc 
folder called ldap_howto.txt.

Anyway, I'd suggest installing freeradius from the freebsd ports tree 
since they've got the most recent version in there right now.  The ports 
are just so easy to maintain.  However, I do have it running on a few 
machines compiled from source before the ports tree was updated.

Anyway, I'm on the list and read it often, so if you've got freebsd
specific questions, feel free to ask.

-Dusty Doris

BTW this is fun to look at.

Below is the last of our old systems, that I haven't replaced yet.  Will 
be doing so in the next few weeks, though.  I don't think I've ever 
touched them more than a few times and only to make config changes. 
They're just proxy radius servers and only get about 1000-2000 logins per 
day from some old systems and proxy everything over to our 3 real servers, 
but I still like the stats.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] # radiusd -v
radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 0.8.1, for host i386-unknown-freebsd4.7, built 
on Mar 26 2003 at 14:36:24

 1:03AM  up 932 days, 15:06, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] # uname -sr

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] # radiusd -v
radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 0.8.1, for host i386-unknown-freebsd4.8, built 
on May 13 2003 at 13:06:20

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] # uname -sr

 1:08AM  up 903 days, 17:49, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
root p0  1:08AM - w

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Re: freeradius with static IP

2005-11-02 Thread Dusty Doris

On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Daniel Torres wrote:


First of all excuse my englis it is not very well, i wanted to know if 
somebody has been able to set a freeradius server to assign static IP or 
if it is possible to assign static IP with freeradius1.0.5.

Thanks for the information.

Yes, I do it.  I return Framed-IP-Address and Framed-IP-Netmask back to 
the NAS.

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Re: reject reply

2005-10-26 Thread Dusty Doris

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, hannibal wrote:

hi, everyone, i got these logs:
modcall: group authorize returns reject for request 37

Delaying request 37 for 1 seconds
Finished request 37

// why finished request, but not send reply to client??

It delays the reject for the amount of time you specify in radiusd.conf in
reject_delay = 1

Going to the next request
Thread 6 waiting to be assigned a request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Sending Access-Reject of id 1 to
// Sending this message, i think is because of process time out.
Cleaning up request 37 ID 1 with timestamp 435cf28f

It did send the reject, after the 1 second delay.  Read the documentation 
above that line, it explains why you may want to do that.  If you don't 
like it though, you can change that number to 0.

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Re: Cisco and No NAS-Port seen (checkrad)

2005-10-26 Thread Dusty Doris

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Miguel wrote:

Hi, im having problems implementing simultaneous-use on a cisco AS5400, is 
the same problem addresses in this thread

Ok, i know what the problem is, but how can i instruct the cisco that it must 
send the NAS-Port attribute?, is this even posible?


I think in conf t you can define the radius attribute with something like

radius-server attribute nas-port format X

with X being dependant on the type of connections

I don't know if this will force it, but perhaps the default type is 
something that doesn't apply to your type of connection.  For PPPoA we use 
format d, which gives you the slot/mod/port vpi/vci.  But there are a few 
other options, just give it a ?

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Re: not to proxy accounting

2005-10-18 Thread Dusty Doris

I want to make an option not to proxy accounting but log locally.
What option can I take?  Should I make a preproxy code for  this function?

In proxy.conf, you define where to send the accounting packets.

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Re: Is rlm_perl a viable solution for production environments yet?

2005-10-18 Thread Dusty Doris
I'm considering writing some Perl for use with the rlm_perl module, but 
before I do I need to know whether the module is ready for use in a 
production environment.

Has anyone had any experience (both positive and negative) with rlm_perl, 
performance wise, that they could share with me to help my decision?

I am using rlm_perl in production right now.  Its been working flawlessly for 
me.  I'm using it with freeradius 1.0.2.

I guess I should add what I'm doing with it.  I'm using it to hand out IP 
addresses to PPPoA ADSL connections from a mysql database.  We have about 
30,000 DSL modems that get a dynamic IP out of a pool and about 8,000 that 
get a static IP.  We get about 1-2 radius requests per second.

I'll document it one of these days and then post it to the list.  I just 
haven't had time yet to do it.

-Dusty Doris
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Re: Is rlm_perl a viable solution for production environments yet?

2005-10-18 Thread Dusty Doris

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Tim O'Donovan wrote:


I'm considering writing some Perl for use with the rlm_perl module, but 
before I do I need to know whether the module is ready for use in a 
production environment.

Has anyone had any experience (both positive and negative) with rlm_perl, 
performance wise, that they could share with me to help my decision?

I am using rlm_perl in production right now.  Its been working flawlessly 
for me.  I'm using it with freeradius 1.0.2.

-Dusty Doris
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Re: Freeradius, Ldap, and static IPs for users.

2005-10-14 Thread Dusty Doris
I have a huntgroup for the dial-up that allows me to differentiate between 
the dial and dsl based on the radiusGroupName without any problems.  But now 
i need to be able to let a DSL user with a static ip be able to log in via 
dial-up and pull a dynamic ip.  Is this possible and how do i do it (or for 
that matter, what docs might even point me in the right direction)  i'm not 
seeing much on this in my searches.

Did you ever get help on this?

If not, do all your dsl users get static ips?

If so, here is a quick idea.  Not sure if this would work, as in not sure 
if the variable will carry over, so you'll have to test it.

In your radiusd.conf file, under the ldap section, perhaps you could put 

dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/%{Huntgroup-Name}-ldap.attrmap

Then copy ldap.attrmap to dialup-ldap.attrmap and dsl128-ldap.attrmap

In dialup attrmap, comment out the radiusFramedIPAddress and 
radiusFramedIPNetmask parts.  That will make radius not add those reply 
values to your users that login from the dialup nas.

If only some of your dsl users get static IPs and the rest get dynamic, 
then I'll have to think a bit more about this one.  I'm sure there will be 
a way to do it, you could always call an external program or use rlm_perl 
to build some login into it to do this for you.

-Dusty Doris

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Re: Logging question

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris

Currently I'm using the mysql logging functions of FreeRADIUS and I'm
logging two different things:

Dial-up customers that log in with just their username (username)
DSL Customers that log in with user at domain ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I'm wondering, how would I get it so that both log the same way, that
is, just username, not the suffix  Any advice would be great!

Are these the same users?  For example bob is the same as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Is that the only domain you serve?  If so, use the hints file to 
automatically change the username for you.  This was recommended by Alan a 
few days ago for a similar question on the list.

in hints

DEFAULT User-Name !~ ".*@"
User-Name := "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

That will rewrite bob to [EMAIL PROTECTED], if its doesn't contain an @.  Then 
they could do either.

However, if you plan on supporting more domains in the future, then I'd 
start getting them used to @domain now because it will be even more of a 
struggle if you need to make them start using it later.  Plus with an 
@domain on the username you leave yourself open to more options with 
realms, proxying, etc..

I am close to finally converting everyone to use realms as our services 
and domains using radius have grown quite a bit.  Having realms makes it a 
lot easier for us, especially that we now have a dozen ISPs running over 
our lines.  Its been a struggle, especially getting marketing/customer 
service to let me do it.

However, if you don't need realms and probably never will, that config 
entry will do exactly you need.

-Dusty Doris
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Re: IP address assignment

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris

Infusino, Michael - ADP Dataphile wrote:

I am using radius to authenticate access from VPN.

Would anyone now how to record the IP address the user is assigned after 
they log in.


How does a little dynamic dns strike you? Make sure to actualy read below and 
attached scripts and setup a DNS key.

modules section
  exec ddns_update {
   wait = no
   program = "/usr/local/sbin/"
   input_pairs = request
   packet_type = Accounting-Request
   shell_escape = yes

end modules
instantiate section---
---end section

Interesting idea.  I like it.

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Re: Multiple instances

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris

Hello there.

This is probably a stupid question, but how do I run multiple
instances of radiusd on the same machine, listening on different
ports?  I have two configuration directories:


which specify ports 1812 and 1813 respectively, so I thought I'd be
able to issue the following commands:

1812 is for authentication and 1813 for accounting.  So, if you used the 
port configuration in radiusd.conf and set raddb to 1812, it will 
automatically use 1813 for accounting.

radiusd -d /usr/local/etc/raddb
radiusd -d /usr/local/etc/raddb2

That is the correct way to do that part.

This doesn't seem to work however, as the second command seems to have
no effect, ie. I see the first radiusd process running but never the
second.  Can anyone help please?

Probably because you are trying to set port = 1813 on raddb2, which would 
make it listen to 1813 and 1814 - but 1813 is already taken on raddb.

Easiest way to do it is to set raddb with

port = 1812

and raddb2 with

port = 1645

(1645 and 1646 are the old traditional radius ports.  Those are pretty 
safe to use since a lot of people still run radius on those ports - you'll 
probably still see it commented out in /etc/services)

-Dusty Doris
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RE: Microsoft SQL 2000 interface

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris

Thanks.  Went to  Made
assumption I need to download CVS.  Went there and downloaded it.  Came back
and executed the command listed on

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/source login

I entered the password anoncvs and was taken back to the system prompt.

Half way there, now enter the second command listed on that page.

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Re: testing freeradius ports

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, jean wrote:

Hi All,

I am running freeradius 1.0.5, it seems to start with no errors and
listens on the default ports 1812 1813, should I be able to telnet to
these ports to check if it accepts connections on them?

No, telnet uses tcp.

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Re: Microsoft SQL 2000 interface

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris


Please help with instructions on how to "download the CVS ver of freeradius"
mentioned below.  I'm new to Linux.  I know how to tar, configure, and make.
Don't know how to CVS.

$ cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/source login

$ cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/source checkout radiusd
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Re: build snapshot on freebsd 5.4-release

2005-10-13 Thread Dusty Doris


Anyone ever tried building current snapshot from cvs on freebsd 5.4-
release? Tried searching from the archive and seems like this wasn't
resolved yet.


I did it successfully a few weeks ago.  I'll give it a shot again next 
week if I have time.

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Re: FreeRADIUS - FreeBSD - Segmentation fault

2005-10-12 Thread Dusty Doris

Just wondering if you've had any luck?  I just installed freeradius 1.0.5 
from the ports tree (it was finally updated) on a freebsd 5.4 jail and its 
starting up for me.  I've got to run to a meeting now, but I will be 
testing it later with actual data.


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Re: Which Operating System is best for freeRADIUS

2005-10-05 Thread Dusty Doris

Building my FR server, I have the choice of a number of operating system for
my FreeRADIUS server.
Anybody with a suggestion which operating system is best suited for FR?

I like to run FR on a VPS (virtual private server) using one of the
following OS:
- FreeBSD 4.9 (jail)
- FreeBSD 5.2 (jail)
- Fedora 2 (virtuozza)
- Redhat AS3 (virtuozza)
- Redhat 9.0 (virtuozza)
- CentOS 4.0 (virtuozza)


I think they all would work fine.  I myself prefer freebsd, specificall 
5.4.  I am running it on standalone freebsd5.4 servers in production and 
in the process of setting a few up in jails in my lab.  I really like the 
jails in freebsd, they are so easy to use.  If you need any tips with it, 
email me off-list.  I've got a couple jails setup right now running 
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Re: What's Up Gold and Freeradius

2005-10-04 Thread Dusty Doris

Good morning Mr. DeKok:

Thank you for your reply. Could you please tell me what i need to do to
correct this issue? Which file do i have to fix?

clients.conf is where you put the shared secret for the client to use. 
So, either fix the shared secret there to match your client, or change the 
client to match the secret listed there.

- Original Message -
From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: What's Up Gold and Freeradius

"Linda Pagillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mon Oct  3 10:22:44 2005 : Auth: Login incorrect: =
[TEST/L\200\212\3101\215\277&\320\350\345\373\351\201\031\215] (from =
client old port 0)

  The shared secret on the RADIUS client is wrong.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: FreeRADIUS - FreeBSD - Segmentation fault

2005-10-04 Thread Dusty Doris

a few thing would be nice to know to maybe localize the problem further:
Are you running FreeBSD 5.4-Release or 5.4-Stable?
Which MySQL version are you running and do you have compiled it with native 
threads or with linuxthreads?

I installed freebsd 5.4-release and then updated the source about one week 
ago with the following:

cvsup standard-supfile (tag=RELENG_5_4)
cd /usr/src
make buildworld
make buildkernel KERNCONF=mykernel (didn't change much in the kernel)
 -added options SMP
 -added device CARP
 -removed all cpu accept I686_CPU
 -changed ident
make installkernel KERNCONF=mykernel
mergemaster -p
make installworld

I installed everything except freeradius from ports with all the defaults 
(eg: make install clean)

 # pkg_info -Ea

# uname -a
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 #0: Tue Sep 27 14:14:11 EDT 2005 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/carp  i386

Installed freeradius last from source simply doing ./configure 

My radiusd.conf is very stripped down.  Basically this machines only 
purpose is to do radius accounting to mysql, so almost everything is 
commented out or blank (such as users).  However, I did test 
authentication with it briefly with an out of the box configuration only 
modifying sql.conf username/password and uncommenting all instances of sql 
in radiusd.conf.

Hope that is helpful.  If you have any more questions, fire away.


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Re: FreeRADIUS - FreeBSD - Segmentation fault

2005-10-04 Thread Dusty Doris

On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Alan DeKok wrote:

"Christian Meutes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

are there any new findings in context to the problem with
FreeRADIUS(rlm_sql_mysql?) > 1.0.4 under FreeBSD?
I have just tested it with FreeBSD5.4-Release and FreeRADIUS out of the ports
and the problem still exists:

 I don't have access to a FreeBSD box, so I can't track down the

 I did have access to one for a while, and found a bug which is fixed
in 1.0.5.  That *should* have fixed the problem, but it appears to
still be there.

 Alan DeKok.

Just an FYI.  I just put into production late last night, two freeradius 
1.0.5 servers running on freebsd 5.4, which are using rlm_mysql.  They are 
setup only as accounting servers.  I have all my other radius servers 
sending the accounting data over to them.

I have not seen any issues in my testing in the lab or today in production 
with these machines.  I will be setting up another instance of it in our 
lab next week to mirror production, so if I run into any problems I'll let 
you all know and maybe I can get Alan or whomever temporary access to that 
machine to check it out.  But so far, I just haven't seen any problems.

-Dusty Doris

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Re: How can i tell which version of freeradius i'm running?

2005-09-29 Thread Dusty Doris

radiusd -v

check the radiusd manpage for more info on startup flags

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Linda Pagillo
Director of Technical Services
N2 The Net, LLC
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Re: LDAP and groups

2005-09-29 Thread Dusty Doris

Hello there,

I have a small problem. And I read the documentation. And I can't find
what's wrong.

I have a corporate LDAP with users and group.

Each group is a "groupOfUniqueNames", with "uniquemember".
In the user defintion, no group definition is set.

I need to authenticate members of a certain groups, and not of another ...

Every doc I read mention that you have to create an attribute "per user" ...

Any other way ?

I chose to do groups per user with radiusgroupname attribute, which is in 
the ldap_howto.  However, you don't have to do it that way.  Try reading 
radiusd.conf in the ldap section under the default groupmembership_filter. 
Or reading doc/rlm_ldap.

If you are trying that and not having success, then post your debug 

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Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

and I still get segfaults. ( I have built freeradius 1.0.5 from source /
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p6 )

Just in case this helps at all, here is my pkg_info and uname -a.

# pkg_info
bash-3.0.16_1   The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_2 General network file distribution system 
optimized for CVS

gdbm-1.8.3_1The GNU database manager
gettext-0.14.5  GNU gettext package
gmake-3.80_2GNU version of 'make' utility
libiconv-1.9.2_1A character set conversion library
libltdl-1.5.20  System independent dlopen wrapper
libtool-1.3.5_2 Generic shared library support script (1.3)
libtool-1.5.20  Generic shared library support script (1.5)
mysql-client-4.1.14 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-server-4.1.14 Multithreaded SQL database (server)
openssh-portable-,1 The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
perl-5.8.6_2Practical Extraction and Report Language

# uname -a
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 #0: Tue 
Sep 27 14:14:11 EDT 2005 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/carp  i386

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Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

It sounds strange because the unmodified radiusd.conf does not have
authentication, authorization or accounting enabled for sql. I followed your
instructions, and rlm_sql_mysql is not started because it has not enabled in

You're correct.  I copied files I thought were an original, but had 
already been modified.

How is your working radiusd.conf looks like in the following sections :

- - authorize
- - authenticate
- - preacct
- - accounting
- - session

This time I did copy the original files over to raddb dir.  I then 
modified sql.conf and changed the username/password to match my user.  I 
then opened radiusd.conf and uncommented every instance of sql.

Then I fired it up and it started fine and made the 5 sql connections.

No need for me to post the configs because they are exactly the same as 
out of the box, except that I uncommented sql in authorize, accounting, 
session, and post-auth.

I have no idea what could be wrong at this point.  What version of mysql 
are you running?  Can you start mysql and query it from the command line?

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Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

It sounds strange because the unmodified radiusd.conf does not have
authentication, authorization or accounting enabled for sql. I followed your
instructions, and rlm_sql_mysql is not started because it has not enabled in

Hmmm, maybe I didn't copy the right files over.  I'll do it again. and 
post my configs as well.

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Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris
That's a perfect example of something that you'd find in testing, but 
might end up spending all night fighting if you just go and make the 

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Paolo Rotela wrote:

One thing I came across when upgrading from 0.9.3 to 1.0.5 is that the 
"default" allowed characters for sql queries changed. I used [ and ] in my 
usernames, so the results after upgrade whas that my accounting reccords 
where set with the mime-equivalent of [ and ]. I had to add these characters 
as allowed ones in sql.conf

- Original Message - From: "Linda Pagillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

Thanks Dusty, i know you were just kidding with me and that's cool :) I'm
just having a bad day hehe. So what i would have to do is set up freeradius
0.9.3 on a different system and then upgrade it as a test and if everything
goes well i should do it on my production system?
- Original Message - From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

I was just giving you a hard time.  Its a little longer of a process, but
it will definately save you a lot of time and more importantly a lot of
stress if you do run into issues.

BTW - I am in the process of replacing all our radius servers here too.
So far, I've had no issues with configurations moving between .9 or .93
and 1.0.5.  My setup is pretty simple here though.

Good Luck with the upgrade.

-Dusty Doris

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

> I wish you had my job too because i'm about fed up with this crap..


> thanks for the reply, i'll do it.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius
>> You consider that much work?  I wish I had your job!
>> :)
>> On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:
>>> Thanks for your reply. Is it really this much work to do a simple
> upgrade?
>>> Is there a shortcut?
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:58 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius
>>>> On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone:
>>>>> I have been using Freeradius v.0.9.3 for over a year and i wish to
>>>>> upgrade to the latest version. Can anyone give me detailed
> instructions
>>>>> on how to do this? I use Freeradius in a prodcution enviroment and 
>>>>> i
>>>>> can't afford to mess it up. I'm running Linux RedHat 9. Do i just 
>>>>> do


>>>>> ./configure, make and make install like i did the first time? If


>>>>> won't that overwrite all of my current config files? Thanks!
>>>> First, I would recommend setting up a lab machine (you can do it on
> your
>>>> workstation if you need to) to test that your configs work correctly
> with
>>>> the new version.  Its probably backward compatible, but I wouldn't


>>>> blindly upgrade on production and hope for the best.
>>>> Then you could compile freeradius with --prefix.  This will put all
>>>> configurations, binaries, etc.. into a certain directory.  For


>>>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5
>>>> make
>>>> make install
>>>> When that's done, cd to /usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/etc/raddb and


>>>> your files to make it work like it did in testing.  Shutdown the
> current
>>>> radius version and start up the new one with
>>>> /usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/sbin/radiusd -X and see if its working.


> so,
>>>> modify your startup scripts to point to the new version instead of


>>>> old.
>>>> -
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>>> -
>>> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
>> -
>> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris
No need to install .9.3.  I'd just install 1.0.5 on another system (or to 
the same system, but in a different directory with --prefix) and then 
modify all the config files so it has the setup you currently use on .9. 
Then make sure it works.

I doubt it, but perhaps you'll find that some configuration you have in 
radiusd.conf in .9 isn't compatible with 1.0.5 and you need to find a new 
way to declare the same functionality.  Or maybe you need to use some 
switch to configure to enable a module you are using, that was previously 

I predict you'll find that its a smooth transition, but its just good 
practice to test it all out before you go and modify your production 

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Thanks Dusty, i know you were just kidding with me and that's cool :) I'm
just having a bad day hehe. So what i would have to do is set up freeradius
0.9.3 on a different system and then upgrade it as a test and if everything
goes well i should do it on my production system?
- Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

I was just giving you a hard time.  Its a little longer of a process, but
it will definately save you a lot of time and more importantly a lot of
stress if you do run into issues.

BTW - I am in the process of replacing all our radius servers here too.
So far, I've had no issues with configurations moving between .9 or .93
and 1.0.5.  My setup is pretty simple here though.

Good Luck with the upgrade.

-Dusty Doris

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

I wish you had my job too because i'm about fed up with this crap..


thanks for the reply, i'll do it.
- Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

You consider that much work?  I wish I had your job!


On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Is it really this much work to do a simple


Is there a shortcut?
- Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Hi everyone:

I have been using Freeradius v.0.9.3 for over a year and i wish to
upgrade to the latest version. Can anyone give me detailed


on how to do this? I use Freeradius in a prodcution enviroment and i
can't afford to mess it up. I'm running Linux RedHat 9. Do i just do


./configure, make and make install like i did the first time? If


won't that overwrite all of my current config files? Thanks!

First, I would recommend setting up a lab machine (you can do it on


workstation if you need to) to test that your configs work correctly


the new version.  Its probably backward compatible, but I wouldn't


blindly upgrade on production and hope for the best.

Then you could compile freeradius with --prefix.  This will put all
configurations, binaries, etc.. into a certain directory.  For


./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5
make install

When that's done, cd to /usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/etc/raddb and


your files to make it work like it did in testing.  Shutdown the


radius version and start up the new one with
/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/sbin/radiusd -X and see if its working.



modify your startup scripts to point to the new version instead of



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Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris
I was just giving you a hard time.  Its a little longer of a process, but 
it will definately save you a lot of time and more importantly a lot of 
stress if you do run into issues.

BTW - I am in the process of replacing all our radius servers here too. 
So far, I've had no issues with configurations moving between .9 or .93 
and 1.0.5.  My setup is pretty simple here though.

Good Luck with the upgrade.

-Dusty Doris

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

I wish you had my job too because i'm about fed up with this crap.. Anyway,
thanks for the reply, i'll do it.
- Original Message -----
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

You consider that much work?  I wish I had your job!


On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Is it really this much work to do a simple


Is there a shortcut?
- Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Hi everyone:

I have been using Freeradius v.0.9.3 for over a year and i wish to
upgrade to the latest version. Can anyone give me detailed


on how to do this? I use Freeradius in a prodcution enviroment and i
can't afford to mess it up. I'm running Linux RedHat 9. Do i just do a
./configure, make and make install like i did the first time? If yes,
won't that overwrite all of my current config files? Thanks!

First, I would recommend setting up a lab machine (you can do it on


workstation if you need to) to test that your configs work correctly


the new version.  Its probably backward compatible, but I wouldn't just
blindly upgrade on production and hope for the best.

Then you could compile freeradius with --prefix.  This will put all
configurations, binaries, etc.. into a certain directory.  For example:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5
make install

When that's done, cd to /usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/etc/raddb and change
your files to make it work like it did in testing.  Shutdown the


radius version and start up the new one with
/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/sbin/radiusd -X and see if its working.  If


modify your startup scripts to point to the new version instead of the

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Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

You consider that much work?  I wish I had your job!


On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Is it really this much work to do a simple upgrade?
Is there a shortcut?
- Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Hi everyone:

I have been using Freeradius v.0.9.3 for over a year and i wish to
upgrade to the latest version. Can anyone give me detailed instructions
on how to do this? I use Freeradius in a prodcution enviroment and i
can't afford to mess it up. I'm running Linux RedHat 9. Do i just do a
./configure, make and make install like i did the first time? If yes,
won't that overwrite all of my current config files? Thanks!

First, I would recommend setting up a lab machine (you can do it on your
workstation if you need to) to test that your configs work correctly with
the new version.  Its probably backward compatible, but I wouldn't just
blindly upgrade on production and hope for the best.

Then you could compile freeradius with --prefix.  This will put all
configurations, binaries, etc.. into a certain directory.  For example:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5
make install

When that's done, cd to /usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/etc/raddb and change
your files to make it work like it did in testing.  Shutdown the current
radius version and start up the new one with
/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/sbin/radiusd -X and see if its working.  If so,
modify your startup scripts to point to the new version instead of the

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Re: Questions about upgrading Freeradius

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Linda Pagillo wrote:

Hi everyone:

I have been using Freeradius v.0.9.3 for over a year and i wish to 
upgrade to the latest version. Can anyone give me detailed instructions 
on how to do this? I use Freeradius in a prodcution enviroment and i 
can't afford to mess it up. I'm running Linux RedHat 9. Do i just do a 
./configure, make and make install like i did the first time? If yes, 
won't that overwrite all of my current config files? Thanks!

First, I would recommend setting up a lab machine (you can do it on your 
workstation if you need to) to test that your configs work correctly with 
the new version.  Its probably backward compatible, but I wouldn't just 
blindly upgrade on production and hope for the best.

Then you could compile freeradius with --prefix.  This will put all 
configurations, binaries, etc.. into a certain directory.  For example:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5
make install

When that's done, cd to /usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/etc/raddb and change 
your files to make it work like it did in testing.  Shutdown the current 
radius version and start up the new one with 
/usr/local/freeradius1.0.5/sbin/radiusd -X and see if its working.  If so, 
modify your startup scripts to point to the new version instead of the 

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Re: rlm_perl

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

Could someone show me how to process an access-accept via rlm_perl? The 
example in the script still causes an access-reject nomater 
what I try.

That isn't enough information, except to tell you to return a proper 
value such as RLM_MODULE_OK.  Please post debug output.

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Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

2005-09-28 Thread Dusty Doris

Forgot to follow-up.

I moved all my configurations out and loaded up all the original 
unmodified files in my raddb dir.  I only modified sql.conf and changed 
the username/password to the sql table.  Everything else was left as is - 
out of the box.  It all worked fine.  Freeradius started up using the 
mysql module and I was able to send accounting packets and auth packets to 

Have you enabled rlm_sql_mysql in radiusd.conf and sql.conf ? How your
config files look like ?

If rlm_sql_mysql is not enabled, freeradius daemon works without problem 


- - Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

I just installed freeradius 1.0.5 on freebsd 5.4 and I am not having
problems with rlm_sql_mysql.  I just started it up and used it for testing
an accounting packet.  I haven't tried authentication, but I don't think
that should matter.

How did you build it?  Since the port is still on 1.0.4, I'm assuming it
was from source?

Here is what I did.  First I installed mysql.  I use the port in
/usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server.  Then I installed freeradius from
/usr/ports/net/freeradius first to get all the dependancies.  These
include libtool, gmake, gdbm, libltdl.  Then I did a make deinstall on
that port and build freeradius from source using only ./configure

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, Richard Cotrina wrote:

Hash: SHA1

segmentation fault when rlm_sql_mysql is enabled (bug 271), happens both


FreeBSD 4.X and FreeBSD 5.X.

- - Original Message -
From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

"Rohaizam Abu Bakar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So.. do i need to upgrade to 5.X in order to use FR 1.0.5 ??

  For MySQL, perhaps.

  Or, find out what's causing the problem in FreeBSD 4.x, and fix it.

  It doesn't happen on other platforms, so I suspect it's an issue
specific to FreeBSD 4.x.

  Alan DeKok.

Version: PGP Desktop 9.0.1 (Build 2185)

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Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

2005-09-27 Thread Dusty Doris


FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7

/usr/local/freeradius105/sbin/radiusd -v
radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.5, for host , built on Sep 27 2005 at 

clip from startup and handling a packet.  The config file is very 
stripped down right now.  I'll fire one up later today with the default 
setup to see if that works too.

rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #3
rlm_sql (sql): starting 4
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #4
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #4
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #4
Module: Instantiated sql (sql)
Listening on accounting *:1813
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, id=90, 

User-Name = "test"
Acct-Status-Type = Start
  Processing the preacct section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group preacct for request 0
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute NAS-Port was not found in request, 
unique ID 
MAY be inconsistent
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute Client-IP-Address was not found in 
unique ID MAY be inconsistent
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute NAS-IP-Address was not found in 
request, uni 
que ID MAY be inconsistent
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute Acct-Session-Id was not found in 
request, un 
ique ID MAY be inconsistent

rlm_acct_unique: Hashing 'User-Name = "test"'
rlm_acct_unique: Acct-Unique-Session-ID = "c62495cf388d0bb3".
  modcall[preacct]: module "acct_unique" returns ok for request 0
  modcall[preacct]: module "files" returns noop for request 0
modcall: group preacct returns ok for request 0
  Processing the accounting section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group accounting for request 0
radius_xlat:  'test'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'test'
radius_xlat:  'INSERT into radacct (AcctSessionId, AcctUniqueId, UserName, 
, NASIPAddress, NASPortId, NASPortType, AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, 
Time, AcctAuthentic, ConnectInfo_start, ConnectInfo_stop, AcctInputOctets, 
utputOctets, CalledStationId, CallingStationId, AcctTerminateCause, 
FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartDelay, AcctStopDelay) values('', 
495cf388d0bb3', 'test', '', '', '', '', '2005-09-27 14:33:54', '0', '0', 
'', '', 
'', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0')'

rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 4
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 4
  modcall[accounting]: module "sql" returns ok for request 0
modcall: group accounting returns ok for request 0
Sending Accounting-Response of id 90 to
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 0 ID 90 with timestamp 43399092
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, Richard Cotrina wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Have you enabled rlm_sql_mysql in radiusd.conf and sql.conf ? How your
config files look like ?

If rlm_sql_mysql is not enabled, freeradius daemon works without problem for

- - Original Message -
From: "Dusty Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

I just installed freeradius 1.0.5 on freebsd 5.4 and I am not having
problems with rlm_sql_mysql.  I just started it up and used it for testing
an accounting packet.  I haven't tried authentication, but I don't think
that should matter.

How did you build it?  Since the port is still on 1.0.4, I'm assuming it
was from source?

Here is what I did.  First I installed mysql.  I use the port in
/usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server.  Then I installed freeradius from
/usr/ports/net/freeradius first to get all the dependancies.  These
include libtool, gmake, gdbm, libltdl.  Then I did a make deinstall on
that port and build freeradius from source using only ./configure

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, Richard Cotrina wrote:

Hash: SHA1

segmentation fault when rlm_sql_mysql is enabled (bug 271), happens both


FreeBSD 4.X and FreeBSD 5.X.

- - Original Message -
From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

"Rohaizam Abu Bakar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So.. do i need to upgrade to 5.X in order to use FR 1.0.5 ??

  For MySQL, perhaps.

  Or, find out what's causing the problem in FreeBSD 4.x, and fix it.

  It doesn&

Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

2005-09-27 Thread Dusty Doris
I just installed freeradius 1.0.5 on freebsd 5.4 and I am not having 
problems with rlm_sql_mysql.  I just started it up and used it for testing 
an accounting packet.  I haven't tried authentication, but I don't think 
that should matter.

How did you build it?  Since the port is still on 1.0.4, I'm assuming it 
was from source?

Here is what I did.  First I installed mysql.  I use the port in 
/usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server.  Then I installed freeradius from 
/usr/ports/net/freeradius first to get all the dependancies.  These 
include libtool, gmake, gdbm, libltdl.  Then I did a make deinstall on 
that port and build freeradius from source using only ./configure 

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, Richard Cotrina wrote:

Hash: SHA1

segmentation fault when rlm_sql_mysql is enabled (bug 271), happens both in
FreeBSD 4.X and FreeBSD 5.X.

- - Original Message -
From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

"Rohaizam Abu Bakar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So.. do i need to upgrade to 5.X in order to use FR 1.0.5 ??

  For MySQL, perhaps.

  Or, find out what's causing the problem in FreeBSD 4.x, and fix it.

  It doesn't happen on other platforms, so I suspect it's an issue
specific to FreeBSD 4.x.

  Alan DeKok.

Version: PGP Desktop 9.0.1 (Build 2185)

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Re: Multiple LDAPS

2005-09-20 Thread Dusty Doris


I was wondering if there's a way to look for users in differents LDAP trees
and/or servers depending of the suffix (@something) in the login. If it's
possible could someone show me the config ?
Thanks in advance.

Sure.  First you need to define two ldap configs in radiusd.conf. 
Instead of just having ldap {, you define ldap and then a name for each 
instance and include all the config entries under it.

ldap ldap1 {

ldap ldap2 {

Then in the authorize section you do this.

authorize {
  Autz-Type ldap1 {
  Autz-Type ldap2 {

Then in authenticate, you do

authenticate {
  Auth-Type ldap1 {
  Auth-Type ldap2 {

Now, in the users file you can specify which to use based on the realm. 
Make sure you enable the suffix module to use suffix for realms.

DEFAULT Realm == "", Autz-Type := ldap1, Auth-Type := ldap1

DEFAULT Realm == "", Autz-Type := ldap2, Auth-Type := ldap2

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

The users file is parsed top to bottom.  In this instance say a username 
comes over as [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It will match on the first line and 
will then use your settings in ldap1 for authorization and authentication. 
By default you will not fall-through to any other rules.

A user comes in with [EMAIL PROTECTED], it will not match the first and 
will fall through to the second line.  There it will match and use ldap2.

A user comes in with [EMAIL PROTECTED], it will not match the first 
two and hit the last rule, which will reject the user.  Of course you 
could do something else at this point and maybe make it hit a different 
type of authentication for other realms if you'd like.

You can read more in doc/Autz-Type.

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Re: Wireless authentication

2005-09-12 Thread Dusty Doris

We have a customer oriented wireless network and we are trying to build a
central authentication system for it, so that we can add and easily control
customer radios from one location. What types of authentication should we be
using? What should be avoided? Any experiences to share?

I would use a backend such as mysql or ldap.  Either would work great for 
something like this.

Additionally, would we be able to route traffic to a captive page if the
customer is placed on hold or doesn't have an account yet? I suppose that
more of a microtik list question, but I'm just asking in case anyone knows.

I use the Cisco SSG/SESM solution.  The SSG is setup as the next hop for 
the customers.  It then figures out whether that IP address has been 
authorized yet.  If not, it redirects all traffic to the SESM server.

The SESM server is merely a web front-end that displays information such 
as how long you've been active, what services you are subscribed to, and 
whether or not you need to login.  If you need to login it presents a 
login page for you and then sends your username/password to a radius 
server for authentication.  When you are authorized and authenticated, it 
can then redirect you back to the page you originally requested if you 
want and that IP now has an open connection to the Internet.

This solution is based on IP address, so that removes the ability to use 
APs that provide NAT.  You need to set them up as a bridge so each user 
can pull a different IP.  However, all authentication is centralized, 
which makes it easy to administer.

I've also looked at other solutions, where the the AP would run NAT/PAT 
and then have its own SESM type of login page for the users that are 
connected to it.  You can configure those to talk RADIUS, so you can still 
centralize user management.  The downside of that is that you have more 
smart devices out in the field to troubleshoot and you need to punch a 
bunch of holes in your firewalls to allow radius traffic from each device.

I personally prefer a centralized system.

I know there are a lot of less expensive solutions out there as well, I'm 
sure someone on the list has other ideas.

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Re: how to return multiple attributes from ldap?

2005-08-09 Thread Dusty Doris
On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, kevin wrote:

> What?  So, should I change the ldap attribute values with "+=" ???
> Any other way?

Yep, it works.

I did a test, with this DN only one filter-id was returned.

dn: uid=dustytest,ou=users,ou=radius,dc=test,dc=com
objectClass: radiusprofile
userPassword:: ZHVzdHl0ZXN0
radiusGroupName: dial
radiusGroupName: adsl
uid: dustytest
radiusFilterId: filter1
radiusFilterId: filter2

Received response ID 210, code 2, length = 59
Framed-Routing = None
Framed-IP-Netmask =
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Service-Type = Framed-User
Filter-Id = "filter1"

With this dn, both were returned (note there were no quotes in it - that
didn't work)

dn: uid=dustytest,ou=users,ou=radius,dc=test,dc=com
objectClass: radiusprofile
userPassword:: ZHVzdHl0ZXN0
radiusGroupName: dial
radiusGroupName: adsl
uid: dustytest
radiusFilterId: += filter1
radiusFilterId: += filter2

Received response ID 214, code 2, length = 68
Framed-Routing = None
Framed-IP-Netmask =
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Service-Type = Framed-User
Filter-Id = "filter1"
Filter-Id = "filter2"

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Re: how to return multiple attributes from ldap?

2005-08-09 Thread Dusty Doris
I think so, let me see if I can find a test machine around here and try
it.  I might need that some day too.

On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, kevin wrote:

> What?  So, should I change the ldap attribute values with "+=" ???
> Any other way?
> kevin
> Dusty Doris wrote:
>  Hi
> How can I return multiple ldap attributes which have a same name?
> For example, I want to get the 'Filter-ID' list from ldap.
> Any idea?
> Kevin
>  I believe you have to put them in ldap with the += value in it.
> For example,
> radiusFilterId: "+= something"
> radiusFilterId: "+= somethingelse"
> I can't remember the exact syntax, perhaps someone else can help.
> -
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Re: how to return multiple attributes from ldap?

2005-08-08 Thread Dusty Doris

> Hi
> How can I return multiple ldap attributes which have a same name?
> For example, I want to get the 'Filter-ID' list from ldap.
> Any idea?
> Kevin

I believe you have to put them in ldap with the += value in it.

For example,

radiusFilterId: "+= something"
radiusFilterId: "+= somethingelse"

I can't remember the exact syntax, perhaps someone else can help.

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Re: Freeradius - LDAP Authenication

2005-08-05 Thread Dusty Doris
> server (running on another machine). I have the vpn talking successfully to
> freeradius, but I cannot get the onward connection to the LDAP to work. I
> have validated that the server running freeradius is able to talk to the
> ldap by using ldapsearch.
> rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
> rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
> rlm_ldap: (re)connect to, authentication 0
> rlm_ldap: bind as cn=account mgr/* to
> rlm_ldap: cn=directory manager bind to failed: Can't
> contact LDAP server
> rlm_ldap: (re)connection attempt failed

This is pretty clear that it cannot connect.  What does your ldapsearch
command look like?  Perhaps, you have the wrong port or ip in your config?
What does telnet 389 show you?

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RE: ldap basedn assignment

2005-08-04 Thread Dusty Doris
> The above problem line should be:
> rlm_ldap: bind as uid=username, ou=People,
> dc=university,dc=edu,c=us/test123 to
> However, it is taking the userdn from the ad server which
> gave the first authorize ok. What I need is for it to
> attempt to authenticate with the appropriate userdn
> depending on which server it is authenticating to. So it
> would use the userdn from AD authenticating to the AD server
> and the openldap userdn when authenticating to the openldap
> server.

I see what is happening, that's a tough one.  You are passing both
authorization modules since the username is the same for your search
filter.  Then it tries to bind with the first DN that passed the
authorization, but that is the incorrect DN since you want to use the
openldap version of that user.

The easiest method to work around this right away, is if there is
something coming in the packet that will tell you whether this should be
an AD or openldap user.  If that's the case, then you can make a rule
specifying which Autz type and Auth type to use.

For example.  Say all AD users come from nas-ip of and all
openldap users come from nas-ip of

In users file.

DEFAULT  NAS-IP-Address ==, Autz-Type := ldap1, Auth-Type := ldap2

DEFAULT  NAS-IP-Address ==, Autz-Type := ldap2, Auth-Type := ldap2

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

That would get you what you want.  Note that it doesn't have to be nas-ip,
you can go off any radius attribute that is consistantly in those auth
requests.  However, if there is nothing identifying whether it should be
an AD lookup vs an openldap lookup, then its going to be harder.  ( I
think - although I don't know the internals, so a developer could answer
this better).

The overlap of the names makes it hard.  Are these actually different
users, with the same RDN or are they the same user that exists in both AD
and openldap?  I'd have to think about this a bit based on your answer to
see if I can think of anything.

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Re: Authentication problem

2005-08-04 Thread Dusty Doris
On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Hamid Salim wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Hamid Salim wrote:
> >  radutmp: check_with_nas = yes
> >  radutmp: perm = 384
> >  radutmp: callerid = yes
> > Module: Instantiated radutmp (radutmp)
> > Listening on authentication *:1812
> > Listening on accounting *:1813
> > Listening on proxy *:1814
> > Ready to process requests.
> >
> Dusty's response:
> You need to figure out why your NAS is not sending radius packets to the
> radius server.
> Check your network connections, your firewall rules, etc..
> My question:
> i am not using NAS (as i understand) also i am not using Radius
> accounting. I am trying to use FreeRadius solely for authentication.
> what is check_with_nas = yes used for? do i need to change this???

I was using NAS in the generic sense.  You are using a radius client that
should be sending radius authentication to the radius server.  However,
either its not sending that auth to the server, or its being blocked by a
firewall, or it can't route to it do to your network setup.  That's all
I'm getting at.

Regardless of accounting or not, you aren't seeing radius packets hit your
radius server.  That's where the problem is.  Check_with_nas has nothing
to do with it.

A tcpdump on the radius server could tell you if perhaps you are sending
packets from your radius client to port 1645 of the server, but you have
radius setup to listen on port 1812 on the server.  Other than that, the
problem is somewhere on your network or in a firewall rule.

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