Re: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

2008-03-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
That actually sounds more fun than Monte. To be honest I wasn't sure if I 
was going to even try the new game but you've caught my interest with this 
whole Egyptian angle. It almost makes me think of the Super Nintendo RPG 
Illusion of Gaia.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 6:59 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

 Hi Michael,
 I have read your email and find myself for the most part agreeing with
 you about work ethics, sticking things through to the end, and trying to
 follow through with promises made. It was both my promises as well as
 the fact I took pre-orders in December why I have changed my mind and
 have decided to begin work on a new side-scroller with a treasure
 hunting and archeology type theme to replace Montezuma's Revenge.
 In your email it is quite clear you are disappointed about the fact
 Montezuma's Revenge was canceled. I also recognize your desire to have a
 side-scroller as close to the original Montezuma's Revenge idea as
 possible. how ever, as you know I was recently asked to take the
 Montezuma's Return game down do to copyright issues and to cease and
 desist from producing that type of game. Rather than argue with the
 copyright holder's demands I agreed to meet all of their terms. If it
 hadn't been for that major set back the game would probably be nearly
 finished by now.
 I certainly can not promise you a Montezuma's Revenge game, but perhaps
 I can create a side-scroller of equal value that will be satisfactory to
 you and others that were so hoping for Montezuma's Revenge/Montezuma's
 Return. About the best I can do is try and deliver another high quality
 side-scroller with action, adventure, and of course treasure hunting. I
 honestly don't know if you will like it or not, but all I can do is try.
 One of the ideas I am considering for the new side-scroller is changing
 the location of the game to ancient Egypt. One of the reasons for the
 change to Egypt is I have always liked he Egyptian type enemies like
 bats, mummies, snakes, scorpions, crocodiles, etc that are popular in
 games about Egypt. The gods and goddesses of Egypt make very cool
 enemies or bosses.
 Another very good reason to think about Egypt is in more contemporary
 times archeologist's have discovered the Egyptian jewelers had access to
 some kind of low voltage electric power in order to create electroplated
 jewelry. Like the Babylonians the ancient Egyptians may have used dry
 cell type badderies filled with fruit juices and a copper rod to produce
 electric current. The reason this is important is in the Montezuma's
 Revenge games there are electric fields that would have been beyond the
 Aztec's technical means, but the ancient Egyptians may have had the
 technological ability to use dry cell batteries to power some kind of
 electric trip wire as a trap.
 Then, of course there is the entire science fiction and pop culture
 things to think about. Many authors have inferred that the ancient
 Egyptians are descendants of an alien race or people from Atlantice. The
 movie Star Gate made an interesting theory that Egypt had been
 controlled by an alien race that had gated to Earth thousands of years
 in the passed and then the gate was closed on our end and was berried
 until it was rediscovered in modern times. Then, there was that
 television series where the family was visiting the pyramids of Egypt
 and then got transported to another world through some interplanetary
 gate. The movies Mummy and Mummy Returns has certainly turned your
 classic Mummy creature into a cool and awesome enemy to fight. What I am
 saying these are the kinds of things I would like to hope to explore in
 my new game if I can without reprisal.
 About the only thing the new side-scroller will have in common with
 Montezuma's Revenge is you will still be gathering jewels, gold coins,
 climbing ropes, avoiding fire pits, but the rest of the game is bound to
 change and take a different direction as i create it. As the game's soul
 developer I do feel I have the right at least to come up with a good
 story line and create whatever monsters and characters will fill the
 game world. I don't feel I should be bound to a game like Montezuma's
 Revenge now that I have been asked specifically by Utopia not to do so.
 In short I am truly sorry I was unable to deliver on Montezuma's
 Revenge. However, now that I have agreed with Utopia to cease and desist
 on that title I have to come up with something new. At first I had hoped
 a 3D FPS game would satisfy you and others. Apparently that idea failed.
 So I am back to square one, thinking of a new game, that is a
 side-scroller. Unfortunately, I can not deliver the side-scroller game
 you ordered, but maybe I can deliver a side-scroller you can except as a

 Gamers mailing list __ 

Re: [Audyssey] an important fact re: usa games

2008-03-23 Thread Cara Quinn
   And this is the end of the world?…  this actually happened to me  
recently, with a friend sending me a gift from out of state, through  
an online store.  I knew the gift ahead of time, but received the  
wrong one.  Neither of us freaked, and simply called them up and asked  
what happened.  In this case they still had the correct item in stock,  
so sent it out, however, if they didn't, we wouldn't have had a flip  
over it, and I've personally even taken credit on such occasions.  so  
the store in those situations still has my money, and I'm sure not  
sitting around complaining about it up and down like it's the  

   Seriously, why have a tagline like you do at the bottom of your  
notes if you don't follow it?…  It's a really good phrase you have  
down there, and I mean that.

   It really is a worth while thing for peeps to do.  smile

anyway, enough from me, and I wish you and yours a truly wonderful  
Easter if you celebrate.

Have an awesome one and chat with ya soon!…


Cara  :)

On Mar 22, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:

 Wouldn't this be like going into a store and ordering a pair of blue  
 and paying for them, getting a call at a later time telling you that  
 order has arrived, going to the store and receiving a red pair of  
 Hey, you can still wear them, so what's the problem?

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
 - Original Message -
 From: will lomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 10:39 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] an important fact re: usa games

 hi, remember this guys please, and this goes to all of us here on
 this discussion forum.

 It is thomas making the MOTA game, not us. what he choses to do with
 it is irrelevant, as long as you get your game, what's the problem.
 carry on the way you are going, those who won't accept the 3d as MOTA
 1, then i bet thomas won't even make it or raceway or anything else
 for that amtter
 You are all acting like you did towards james north, no wonder he
 left, thomas should abandon us all now take all you whining folk down
 a peg or two

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Re: [Audyssey] sounds of the synth

2008-03-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
Not to mention the heh heh heh.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 4:27 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] sounds of the synth

 Know how weird a screen reader and synthesizer makes that first word of 
 post sound??  heh heh heh.

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ryan Chou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Mysteries of the Aztecs, Tom Ward's Revenge

 keep it up phil
 imanine if tom actually made the game like that

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[Audyssey] RS Games Contest/Side Scroller!

2008-03-23 Thread Ryan Smith
I would like to congratulate Claudio Zeni for being our contest winner
this month. He will be receiving an SDM Value Changer, he can change
any variable to what he wants, when Beta 4 is released. Good Job to
everyone who participated.
And importantly, I have finally figured out a way I think will be ok
for SDM's mini side scroller. I have just started it, and am half-way
done level 1. I am very puzzled though, KeyCode was so unresponsive
(wasn't working half the time), that I took the extra minutes or so to
switch to DirectX8 Input, and now it's great. One major improvement
from the original source, is the guards are shooting, and when you
jump, there are boxes you hit, which power up's come out of. Also, I
have changed it to be a bit more realistic. So you need to go past the
bomb, and just ignore it. If your quick enough, it won't kill you.
Also, they aren't traditional steps. Their blocks. You need to do a
power jump (not sure what keyboard commands I'd be using) and go past
it. Your limited to 1 power jump per level. I feel this will be more
realistic. Possibly, their might be a small, very small 3D style place
where you need to find the boss before the time runs out. (Not sure if
I should give sound clues to where he is? Bit more of a challenge,
especially if I make it random!)


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[Audyssey] Pre-ordering was MOTA.

2008-03-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,
I think as a community we all have learned a lesson about pre-ordering. 
Even for the most well intentioned developer pre-ordering is for all 
intents and purposes pretty darn difficult to manage. Once you begin 
taking orders you will then be expected to complete the game in some 
sort of timely manner. In addition to the time factor if you are selling 
a game with one kind of story, genre, style of game play, and later 
change your mind you are sort of stuck. You advertised one thing and 
decide you aren't happy with it you have x number of people expecting 
one game while yourself now wants to move in a different direction with 
it. I find myself bound to my pre-orders and I have to own up to the 
fact I took about 150 orders over the holidays and have no choice but to 
follow through with the side-scroller project.
In the future if I don't use pre-ordering and only announce working 
demos and betas offered as free downloads and decide to go somewhere 
different I am not obligated to the community to stick to the games 
original plans. I will have free license to modify, fix, change, 
anything I like.

Charles Rivard wrote:
 Actually, the fact that we won't be able to preorder is not all that sad.  I 
 just means that the company won't be pressured by some gamers who have their 
 own deadlines they expect the company to meet.  James North set his own 
 deadlines, announced them and said that they were expected deadlines, then 
 ran into problems with the games and missed those expected deadlines. 
 Gamers got furious with the delays and griped.  He retaliated heatedly, and 
 finally got fed up with it, sold his finished games to Adora Entertainment, 
 sold his unfinished ones to Thomas Ward, and left.  Thomas got stuck with 
 the preorders and is now running into sort of the same thing.  The time he 
 has taken isn't the issue.  The type of game ordered versus the type of game 
 he now wants to produce in place of what was bought by gamers is the issue. 
 Fortunately for us, he has the willingness to produce some sort of game for 
 those who bought it before he got it, and then do more of what he really 
 wants to do with his time.  I hope Raceway will be what he envisioned it to 
 be when it comes out.

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[Audyssey] Happy Easter

2008-03-23 Thread Jim Kitchen

Just writing to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.


Go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] audioquake question

2008-03-23 Thread Cara Quinn
   Have you tried other servers?  what did you get back?…


Cara  :)

On Mar 21, 2008, at 10:00 PM, shaun everiss wrote:

 Umis it just me or does the new aq not allow you to connect to a  
 server anymore.
 i was trying to get on
 and its not working.
 I can only play local.

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Re: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

2008-03-23 Thread Michael Feir
I can completely understand your not wanting to square off against Utopia 
Technology's lawyers, Tom. Given that opposition, I have no problem with you 
not producing a clone of Monty. It's a big disappointment. Your decision 
regarding that is completely understandable. However, changing gears so 
completely like that was very hard to take. Keeping with the sidescroller 
style of game will at least give people like me the satisfaction of seeing 
at least part of our dreams fulfilled in a new and doubtless bold way. I'm 
pleased that at least we'll finally be getting a good sidescroller out of 
this mess. That is a far more satisfactory compromise to the situation than 
to make an entirely different genre of game. I have every confidence that 
you can produce a stellar sidescroller. Now that it's going to be completely 
your creation, I look forward to a game with your heart and soul in it. Take 
as long as you need to in order to make this game count. Now, I feel that we 
will indeed be getting a better game than what we paid for. You don't have 
to worry about me hounding you about timeliness or anything like that. 
You're honouring what you set out to do in the best manner possible given 
the circumstances. I can completely accept and support that. If there's 
anything I can do to bolster your efforts, I will if I can. Tom, you've come 
a long way in a very short time. I've been through similar episodes in life 
both as editor of Audyssey and in other capacities. You should take some 
time to reflect and sort yourself out before plunging in. Try to relax and 
enjoy the rest of this weekend.

Lets everyone do some cooling off after that little roasting. We're supposed 
to be eating turkies not being them. People can take that you are what you 
eat stuff a little too far sometimes. Happy Easter, everyone.
Michael Feir
Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine
Check out my blog at:

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 8:59 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

 Hi Michael,
 I have read your email and find myself for the most part agreeing with
 you about work ethics, sticking things through to the end, and trying to
 follow through with promises made. It was both my promises as well as
 the fact I took pre-orders in December why I have changed my mind and
 have decided to begin work on a new side-scroller with a treasure
 hunting and archeology type theme to replace Montezuma's Revenge.
 In your email it is quite clear you are disappointed about the fact
 Montezuma's Revenge was canceled. I also recognize your desire to have a
 side-scroller as close to the original Montezuma's Revenge idea as
 possible. how ever, as you know I was recently asked to take the
 Montezuma's Return game down do to copyright issues and to cease and
 desist from producing that type of game. Rather than argue with the
 copyright holder's demands I agreed to meet all of their terms. If it
 hadn't been for that major set back the game would probably be nearly
 finished by now.
 I certainly can not promise you a Montezuma's Revenge game, but perhaps
 I can create a side-scroller of equal value that will be satisfactory to
 you and others that were so hoping for Montezuma's Revenge/Montezuma's
 Return. About the best I can do is try and deliver another high quality
 side-scroller with action, adventure, and of course treasure hunting. I
 honestly don't know if you will like it or not, but all I can do is try.
 One of the ideas I am considering for the new side-scroller is changing
 the location of the game to ancient Egypt. One of the reasons for the
 change to Egypt is I have always liked he Egyptian type enemies like
 bats, mummies, snakes, scorpions, crocodiles, etc that are popular in
 games about Egypt. The gods and goddesses of Egypt make very cool
 enemies or bosses.
 Another very good reason to think about Egypt is in more contemporary
 times archeologist's have discovered the Egyptian jewelers had access to
 some kind of low voltage electric power in order to create electroplated
 jewelry. Like the Babylonians the ancient Egyptians may have used dry
 cell type badderies filled with fruit juices and a copper rod to produce
 electric current. The reason this is important is in the Montezuma's
 Revenge games there are electric fields that would have been beyond the
 Aztec's technical means, but the ancient Egyptians may have had the
 technological ability to use dry cell batteries to power some kind of
 electric trip wire as a trap.
 Then, of course there is the entire science fiction and pop culture
 things to think about. Many authors have inferred that the ancient
 Egyptians are descendants of an alien race or people from Atlantice. The
 movie Star Gate made an interesting theory that Egypt had been
 controlled by an alien race that had gated to 

Re: [Audyssey] my thoughts on mota

2008-03-23 Thread Trouble
yep, and even though he was told to stop by violation of copyright. 
those that prepaid still wine to see the game. A game that he 
personally came out and said he couldn't make for copyright issues.
i don't disagree with Tom at all. When it comes to legal aspects you 
respect them more then those wining for something they can't have.

At 02:05 PM 3/22/2008, you wrote:
Actually, the fact that we won't be able to preorder is not all that sad.  I
just means that the company won't be pressured by some gamers who have their
own deadlines they expect the company to meet.  James North set his own
deadlines, announced them and said that they were expected deadlines, then
ran into problems with the games and missed those expected deadlines.
Gamers got furious with the delays and griped.  He retaliated heatedly, and
finally got fed up with it, sold his finished games to Adora Entertainment,
sold his unfinished ones to Thomas Ward, and left.  Thomas got stuck with
the preorders and is now running into sort of the same thing.  The time he
has taken isn't the issue.  The type of game ordered versus the type of game
he now wants to produce in place of what was bought by gamers is the issue.
Fortunately for us, he has the willingness to produce some sort of game for
those who bought it before he got it, and then do more of what he really
wants to do with his time.  I hope Raceway will be what he envisioned it to
be when it comes out.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my thoughts on mota

  It is sad that it came to this, but Thomas you have a point.
  - Original Message -
  From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Gamers Discussion list
  Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 2:48 PM
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my thoughts on mota
  Hi Shaun and all,
  You can forget about ever getting pre-orders. It is because of
  pre-orders I am in the mess I am in today. Michael is right that
  pre-ordering has been delt a faytal blow because of this. If I myself
  hadn't taken a pre-order for the game I could have went 3D and no one
  would have a right to complain.
  From now on USA Games is playing it strait. I will hand pick a handful
  of reliable beta testers I know and like, who do good work, and they
  will be officially added to a private group of inside testers. When the
  game is at 1.0 status that is when the public will be able to purchase
  and play. You've all lost the right to pre-order and play over this.
  shaun everiss wrote:
  so do I, I will buy it no matter what.
  Heck I may even preorder for the test phase.
  There I have said it.
  I am willing to put my money where my mouth is  so who is with me.
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Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance.
--Sam Brown

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Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Tj
Personally I think the ew Mota sounds cooler than the old Monty game.  But, 
hey.  I'm just a lonley college student who probaly doesn't matter! 
*grins*.  Seriously, guys, let him do what he, as a developer wants, and 
don't gripe about it.  Now I see why we don't have many good games.  No 
offense to the other developers.  But whenevr someone decides to do 
somethign new, everyone complains. 

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Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Willem
I wasn't talking about all sidescrolers, I was talking about monti. Someone 
else brought other sidescrolers into what I said.
- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

 That's not the point. The point is that you can't just play Monte and then
 say all side scrollers are too easy. And it's Castlevania, not Castle
 Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

 Sure I don't, but monti isnt castle Wachimacallit, it is  monti.
 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 6:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

 Anyone who thinks sidescrollers are too easy obviously has no experience
 whatsoever with the megaman series, or castlevania. Nuff said.

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

I agree totally with this statement.

 As I said, we don't need sidescrollers. I've said it in the past.
 Super Liam is a game that shows us that sidescrollers are:

 1. Too easy:
 2: No replay value:
 3: Too retro (When was the last time a sighted gamer even mentioned
 that a sidescroller was coming out?) Well, no one did simply because
 there isn't one, and there never will be. If the sighted people have 3-
 D games, we should be getting them too. I know people like me who
 don't play audio games because of this simple factor. A bunch of us
 have said it before, and I'll say it again since Tomas was the only
 one that seemed to notice: We have too much arcade games. We don't
 have a single complex game out there that is challenging and or
 competes with, Monkey Business. Which is, in case the babies of the
 blind community haven't noticed, and probably haven't beaten it yet,
 the most challenging game in the accessible games market today. Now
 it'd be considered a classic. But Tomas, please just make the audio
 games market better by making both STFC 2 and Moda 3-D. To get the
 sidescroller out of the way, slap some code together real fast. If
 there's bugs? Tuff luck. Also, make it freeware and forget about it.
 Than you can start to work on extremely hard, and complex games with
 new consepts that blind people have never sceen before in an
 accessible game.

 Skype: orin1112

 Do you like mudding? To discuss related  topics, go here.

 Do you like audio books? Would you like to hear them with enritching
 sound, music and acting? Stop reading books from the NLS, and go to
 , you'll be glad you did. I don't work there, but I love them so much
 I have to advertise them in every email I send.

 On Mar 21, 2008, at 7:29 PM, will lomas wrote:

 but youa re thomas, onlyp roducing this for the minority all the rest
 of us tom want the 3d game why are you giving into charles let him cry
 in the corner, see if we care, we don't
 hands up who gives a toss whether a few peoples' opinions matter?
 look, all the kiddies raised there hands, we don't. see?
 we want the 3d game tom if charles hadn't have objected and others
 this would ahve been the plan
 see charles, truth hurts but i am right. do us all a favour and
 unsubscribe as you are just  person causing bs for one fella and the
 rest of us

 On 22 Mar 2008, at 00:12, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Charles,
 Thanks to me being a very honest person  you wouldn't even have known
 what the poll results were if I hadn't published them on the list.
 If I
 was unscrupulous, less honest, I would announced a totally different
 come and you wouldn't have known the difference. As it is I was being
 honest about the results.
 It is not that the poll results are unimportant or I don't care what
 all think. It is about I have to spend six months, a year, whatever
 my life making a game I don't want to create. A game I have lost all
 interest in, and in all likelyhood never play again after it is
 Let's put this in perspective. Most of the time I program for fun. I
 it as relaxation, for entertainment value, and when it loses that
 entertainment value what is it? It is called work.
 It is a well known fact i write these games in my free or spare time.
 What you are commiting me to is not working on a job, but using all
 my free or spare time to deliver something for someone elses
 Not my own.
 Now, in return for this game I want you and the rest of the
 community to
 use every minute of 

[Audyssey] we wish you all a happy Easter

2008-03-23 Thread Charles Rivard
Remember why we celebrate today, and have a very joyous Holiday.  Jesus arose, 
as he said he would, as it was written, and he still lives.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
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Re: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

2008-03-23 Thread Darren Haris
Hi Thomas, 

Well I've read some of this whole debate with quite a bit of dismay. Not
on your part you're doing no more or less than what you can do. It was
only a matter of time before someone clicked on to people making clones
of games. It was never a question of whether it would happen it was
always a question of when. I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong,
I'm purely saying that it was a matter of time. 

As for the side scroler vs the fps type games, well you'll never have a
clear winner there because you'll always get those who favour 1 or
other. And this is the problem people ill always have. Personally I
haven't played a good side scroler for years and would enjoy seeing what
you come up with. So I will weight and see what you come up with before
I pass judgement. 

But I do have to say that I am rather dismayed at the immature responses
that people have given out on this list of late. I mean come on guys if
this was a mainstream gaming forum the majority of you would have been
told to shut up or be banned. So think yourselves lucky that you're
still on this list. I'm a member of forums and
believe me if the sorts of language and stupid responses were used on
there that I've seen here then trust me the mods would just ban the lot
of you. 

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[Audyssey] New side-scroller comments.

2008-03-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jeremy and all,
While there are some out here with some pretty strong feelings against a 
side-scroller, despite what I said earlier, I do have plans to do as 
good a job as I can on the new side-scroller. I don't plan to knock 
myself out over it, but I always feel a good sense of accomplishment 
when I complete something that is well done. I would feel bad if I 
didn't write this new side-scroller with the best of my abilities. Yes, 
I know doing something like this is hard when I am not fully committed 
to the project, but if I do a good job the sense of accomplishment and a 
job well done will be over whelming. It is like anything in life where 
you know you have to do it for the greater good. Sometimes you have to 
keep your chin up, get it done, and then move on with life. You can 
choose to do the job poorly or with your best. Either way the results of 
the poor job or the results of the good job is something yew have to 
live with for the rest of your life. If I just put something out there 
without doing a good job USA Games will get a bad reputation of doing 
shotty or crappy work even though the reason was do to outside pressures 
to deliver or else.
Just because there is pressure to complete a side-scroller doesn't give 
me the right to deliver a crappy product. Aside from the disagreement 
over weather a side-scroller or 3D is the better product even if it is a 
side-scroller I should do my best to make it enjoyable, replayable, and 
as error free as possible. If I just slap a few lines of code together 
to satisfy my obligations it will not look good for the quality of work 
I can do or would do were circumstances different. The new side-scroller 
should be a sample of the kind of programming I can do and will do in 
the future.
Finally, for those of you interested in the 3D Tomb Hunter games. Don't 
worry or argue about it. I can't promise when, but I have every 
intention of completing Genesis 3D and producing more games with the 3D 
FPS design aspect. If Sarah, Charles, Michael, or whoever doesn't like 
those games they are under no obligation to purchase them. However, they 
did purchase a side-scroller from me and I am under an obligation to 
deliver a product of that type. Even though I can't deliver the same 
game they ordered I should at least deliver a game of a similar type.
You can agree, disagree, but that isn't changing the basic fact I have 
decided to honor the side-scroller request for the primary fact I made a 
promise to the community to make at least one game of that genre and 
type. Maybe for some of you promises don't mean much, but they mean 
quite a lot to me. A man's word has to be good, or he will never be 
respected, trusted, or treated with general respect and as a mature adult.
I would like to use my marage as an example here if I may. Almost from 
the beginning my wife and I have had all kinds of marital difficulties. 
We have had arguments, a separation, disagreements that lasted weeks, 
and various other problems I wish not to disclose publically. In the end 
the glue that has held us together for the last five years despite the 
various issues, disagreements, and problems was we both made a promise. 
The only thing that really has held us together is a determination to 
honor our vows and do right by them. To be honest if I had it all to do 
over again I would not have gotten married, but that doesn't change the 
fact I did get married and made a promise I should try every effort to 
Bottom line if you are really wondering why I am listening to Michael, 
Charles, and Sarah, etc it is if I make a promise I am accountable to 
it. Some people, a game developer we shall leave nameless, made all 
kinds of promises he did not keep. Sometimes I have been trapped by the 
same kind of promises. However, in looking back on it the lesson I have 
learned from all of this is don't make a promise you can't keep. If you 
make the promise you have to try and keep it the best way you can. No, I 
can't deliver Montezuma's Revenge, but I can still deliver a 
side-scroller with a treasure hunting theme. Since I didn't break the 
promise I made through any  fault of my own I need to update my promise 
with something as close to the original.
Wishing others bad luck, cussing them out, flaming, really solves 
nothing. Let us be reasonable and try and take this one day at a time 
shall we?

Jeremy Gilley wrote:
 I hope that this new sidescroller will be the most crappiest game that you 
 have ever played.
 thanks a lot.

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Re: [Audyssey] so after all that

2008-03-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,
Exactly. Everyone matters. No matter what I decide I can not possibly 
please everyone with my decisions. However, I can listen to both sides 
of the issue and decide what to do based on the circumstances and what 
is said.
I do, and have always cared about what each and every customer has to 
say to me. Neither side is 100% right, but there is usually some truth 
in what they say. It is my job to find the truth in what people say and 
base my decision on what is true and right as a hole.
In some aspects I disagree with those asking for a side-scroller, but on 
the other hand I did advertise one. Since I can't deliver the one I was 
selling do to copyrights I then have to create one of a similar type. 
That may be the one and only way I can restore my integrety and trust 
with the community.

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Re: [Audyssey] an important fact re: usa games

2008-03-23 Thread Christopher Bartlett

Tom, if that is how you interpret your sense of honor, then by all 
means go forth and do.  But it is a shame that the innovative work 
you wish to do will be put on hold for a game that holds no interest 
for me, when there is a lot of interest in the alternatives.  I 
don't happen to believe you owe Charles et al anything; their 
contract was with Mr. North, not you, and they simply lost out when 
he abandoned the projects.  I think that, were it me, I would shrug 
and tell those discontent with these facts that when you agreed to 
finish Mr. North's games, you weren't in possession of all the facts 
and that life is hard.

I hope you opt to follow your heart instead of a (to my belief) 
misplaced sense of obligation to the short-sighted.

 Christopher Bartlett

Seriously, folks we are going round and round and not getting any where.
I have agreed to produce a side-scroller of my own making and that
should settle it. Later on I will make some 3D action FPS games that
will apeal to the other side.

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Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Trouble
What about the game you started to work on after giving up the mag? 
or did you quit that too? Kind of takes the point out of what you said.

At 04:48 PM 3/22/2008, you wrote:
Hello everyone. I've been following this thread hoping that common sense
would prevail and am happy to see somebody like Charles come forward and
present the case for those of us who were disappointed in Tom's decision in
such a patient and rational manner. Not everyone who opposed Tom's changes
did so in an unjust or unreasonable way. It doesn't mean that we're spoiled
brats who are upset at not getting what we've wanted. What Tom expected was
just unreasonable and unfair to those of us who have both paid for something
and been very patient waiting for. What do you think would happen if airline
pilots decided to take their passengers to destinations the pilots thought
would be more fun to fly to? Florida would certainly seem to be a
destination of
choice this time of year for people here in Ontario Canada. However, if I
were taken there right now, I'd resent it because I'd miss out on the Easter
festivities my family and I are enjoying over this long weekend. The pilot
who took me to Florida has decided, wrongly in my case, that I'd rather be
in Florida since he would rather fly me there. Keeping somebody accountable
isn't the
same as being a whining spoiled brat. I could just as easily flip that
around and propose that this industry is full of developers who, like the
pilot who flew me to Florida, have god complexes and presume that everyone
should be happy with what they themselves want. We see that many times from
people who go ahead and do something they presume will be helpful to us but
isn't. Have you ever been taken to the wrong place by somebody who was
trying to be helpful but didn't have a clue where you actually wanted to go?
I've been late for a couple of classes at university including one where I
was presenting due to somebody assuming they knew where I wanted to go. I
grant you that the south building of the Erindale campus has far better
eating options than the Kanev lecture centre I was actually heading for.
Florida has sunshine and inviting beaches rather than sidewalks covered in
sheets of ice. However, I would much rather be here now than in Florida and
would rather have been in the Kanev centre all those years ago for very good

It's not at all that I don't appreciate where Tom is coming from with this.
Quite the opposite in fact. I've often found that projects started out of a
simple desire for fairness or from an honest commitment can end up turning
into real chores to complete. I'm going through that right now with the
guide I've been working on for the past two years. A lot of blind people get
personal computers and don't receive the knowledge they need to make
effective use of them in their personal lives. In Ontario here, we can tap
into government funds to get such computers. However, the training provided
leaves many people unable to properly maintain their computers or use them
for more than basic reading and writing. The government considers all other
uses of their computers such as the Internet, games, online shopping, etc,
to be superfluous. People are often left discouraged to go beyond what
they've been taught for fear of getting into trouble which they must then
pay to have somebody come out and fix. They aren't told of all the
accessible games and other software such as Winamp that we on this list
largely take for granted. Two years ago, I started working on a guide to try
and fix this with the assumption that people already knew the basics of the
Windows operating system or whatever system they chose to use and I could
concentrate on those areas like the Internet and tuning into Internet radio
stations. The guide was much more about making people aware of all the
possabilities their computers opened up to them. Last Summer, I took what I
had up to a centre on Lake Joseph set up for blind people and consulted a
number of the guests about what I was doing. They indeed liked my personal
friendly approach to teaching this stuff. However, there was a big problem.
Well over half of them would be stuck unable to make use of the guide. They
didn't have the basic knowledge of Windows which I presumed they had
received as part of their training. They needed to know about how to run
programs, files and folders, what the desktop and startmenu were, how to use
the control panel, etc. They needed to know how to crawl before they could
walk. Needless to say, I was thunderstruck. We're quite fortunate in Ontario
to have the funding we have and despite that, people are being left without
such basic knowledge. Things are worse elsewhere across Canada and
apparently in the US and UK as well. In many places, computers just aren't
provided for any kind of personal use. To make my project at all useful to a
staggeringly high proportion of my potential audience, I was going to have
to give those people who 

Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Cara Quinn
   No it most certainly isn't',and I whole-heartedly agree with you,  
however, let me ask you; How far are you willing to take it?…  Where  
does your character lie, with your dollar or with your heart?…

Catch my meaning?…


Cara  :)

On Mar 22, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:

 I agree with Sarah on this one.  The message yoy responded to is  
 exactly the
 problem.  Regardless of how much you pay for something, you want to  
 get what
 you paid for.  That is not unfair.

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
 - Original Message -
 From: Cara Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 3:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

   Okay, his answer may not be a good one, but what about this?  For
 even those who paid for the game; how much was it?  Now, you really
 need to ask yourselves, regardless of those who celebrate the upcoming
 holiday or not, is this amount of money worth treating someone with
 ill will?  Is any amount?  Is this offense so bad that it now becomes
 your right and earned privilege to point fingers and words?

   I think that even those who haven't paid for this game will
 understand my above point.  People, please, tell me your better than
 this?  Honestly?  I really want to believe you are…


 Cara Quinn

 On Mar 21, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Sarah Haake wrote:


 well, I think the point is that many people have paid for a
 waited for the game and there was a poll which showed that the
 wanted it to be as it was. It doesn't matter to me if sidescrollers
 are old
 or not. there is no point in saying that this an old style of game
 there are still people who want to play this style. And since we
 voted for
 it and many people paid for it, I think there definitely is
 something to
 worry about.
 This is no situation where a developer begins a completely new game
 people complain because he wants to make a 3D game. This is a
 where many were waiting for a game to be finished and now have to
 that they will not get what they waited for for years, what they
 paid for.
 I think that Michael got the point very well here and to say that
 should program there own sidescroller is no answer to this situation,
 because they paid for it and waited for it and it's a disappointment
 to pay
 for something and get something completely different in the end.
 I myself am disappointed now and am glad that I didn't preorder the
 because then I would be even more disappointed now.


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[Audyssey] Side-scrollers was MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,
I couldn't agree with you more. For Will or anyone to play one or two 
side-scrollers and say all side-scrollers are boring just only proves 
that the person hasn't had much exposure to them. The truth is some 
side-scrollers were very difficult and fun in the 1980's.
One of my favorites, Double Dragon, was pretty much your average walk 
along beat-m-up, but it was fun. It was especially fun if you were just 
in a peed off mood. Grab a bat from one of the thugs and beat him 
unconscious. If you were attacked by a bunch of enemies you could whip 
them with a series of well placed punches, kicks, and jumps. It was 
really fun when you knocked them off of platforms, bridges, or off 
cliffs. Enemy falls to his doom. Good bye mother huncher.
In terms of side-scrollers like Castlevania they were unmatched in 
replay value. The battle with Dracula was worth every cent of the game. 
The way he would die and then come back to life in another  form was 
cool. Dracula was also tough to beat because you would hit him with a 
weapon, he'd vanish, and reappear somewhere else ready to vamp your rear 
end. The fire balls he would hurl your way were pretty nasty.
The other thing I liked about the original Castlevania is there were all 
kinds of different monsters from skeletons, knights, dragons, mummies, 
etc. Each gave their own unique combat style and baddy toughness to the 
game. I hated taking on the mummies just because they wouldn't die with 
just any weapon. You needed holy water to get rid of them. If you used a 
leather whip or a throwing dagger you were dead meat. When you were 
attacked by 3 to 5 of the mummies at once you were toast.Although, I do 
remember there was this one area you could jump onto above the mummies, 
they couldn't climb up after you, and if you had the holy water you 
could dump it on them, and say by by to the creeps.

Bryan Peterson wrote:
 That's not the point. The point is that you can't just play Monte and then 
 say all side scrollers are too easy. And it's Castlevania, not Castle 
 Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

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Re: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

2008-03-23 Thread ian mcnamara
what will happen in reguards to our old keys for monty? will they stay 
active for this new game or should w scrap thoughs keys all together or are 
they still going to be active for the toomb hunter games when you finnaly 
are able to do them.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:59 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

 Hi Michael,
 I have read your email and find myself for the most part agreeing with
 you about work ethics, sticking things through to the end, and trying to
 follow through with promises made. It was both my promises as well as
 the fact I took pre-orders in December why I have changed my mind and
 have decided to begin work on a new side-scroller with a treasure
 hunting and archeology type theme to replace Montezuma's Revenge.
 In your email it is quite clear you are disappointed about the fact
 Montezuma's Revenge was canceled. I also recognize your desire to have a
 side-scroller as close to the original Montezuma's Revenge idea as
 possible. how ever, as you know I was recently asked to take the
 Montezuma's Return game down do to copyright issues and to cease and
 desist from producing that type of game. Rather than argue with the
 copyright holder's demands I agreed to meet all of their terms. If it
 hadn't been for that major set back the game would probably be nearly
 finished by now.
 I certainly can not promise you a Montezuma's Revenge game, but perhaps
 I can create a side-scroller of equal value that will be satisfactory to
 you and others that were so hoping for Montezuma's Revenge/Montezuma's
 Return. About the best I can do is try and deliver another high quality
 side-scroller with action, adventure, and of course treasure hunting. I
 honestly don't know if you will like it or not, but all I can do is try.
 One of the ideas I am considering for the new side-scroller is changing
 the location of the game to ancient Egypt. One of the reasons for the
 change to Egypt is I have always liked he Egyptian type enemies like
 bats, mummies, snakes, scorpions, crocodiles, etc that are popular in
 games about Egypt. The gods and goddesses of Egypt make very cool
 enemies or bosses.
 Another very good reason to think about Egypt is in more contemporary
 times archeologist's have discovered the Egyptian jewelers had access to
 some kind of low voltage electric power in order to create electroplated
 jewelry. Like the Babylonians the ancient Egyptians may have used dry
 cell type badderies filled with fruit juices and a copper rod to produce
 electric current. The reason this is important is in the Montezuma's
 Revenge games there are electric fields that would have been beyond the
 Aztec's technical means, but the ancient Egyptians may have had the
 technological ability to use dry cell batteries to power some kind of
 electric trip wire as a trap.
 Then, of course there is the entire science fiction and pop culture
 things to think about. Many authors have inferred that the ancient
 Egyptians are descendants of an alien race or people from Atlantice. The
 movie Star Gate made an interesting theory that Egypt had been
 controlled by an alien race that had gated to Earth thousands of years
 in the passed and then the gate was closed on our end and was berried
 until it was rediscovered in modern times. Then, there was that
 television series where the family was visiting the pyramids of Egypt
 and then got transported to another world through some interplanetary
 gate. The movies Mummy and Mummy Returns has certainly turned your
 classic Mummy creature into a cool and awesome enemy to fight. What I am
 saying these are the kinds of things I would like to hope to explore in
 my new game if I can without reprisal.
 About the only thing the new side-scroller will have in common with
 Montezuma's Revenge is you will still be gathering jewels, gold coins,
 climbing ropes, avoiding fire pits, but the rest of the game is bound to
 change and take a different direction as i create it. As the game's soul
 developer I do feel I have the right at least to come up with a good
 story line and create whatever monsters and characters will fill the
 game world. I don't feel I should be bound to a game like Montezuma's
 Revenge now that I have been asked specifically by Utopia not to do so.
 In short I am truly sorry I was unable to deliver on Montezuma's
 Revenge. However, now that I have agreed with Utopia to cease and desist
 on that title I have to come up with something new. At first I had hoped
 a 3D FPS game would satisfy you and others. Apparently that idea failed.
 So I am back to square one, thinking of a new game, that is a
 side-scroller. Unfortunately, I can not deliver the side-scroller game
 you ordered, but maybe I can deliver a side-scroller you can except as a

 Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

2008-03-23 Thread Charles Rivard
Should ideas be sent to you?, the list?, or does it matter.  Thanks.  Also, 
both Michael's post and your response are good.  I see level heads rather 
than steaming ones.  Ah!  Relief!!  Thanks.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 5:59 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

 Hi Michael,
 I have read your email and find myself for the most part agreeing with
 you about work ethics, sticking things through to the end, and trying to
 follow through with promises made. It was both my promises as well as
 the fact I took pre-orders in December why I have changed my mind and
 have decided to begin work on a new side-scroller with a treasure
 hunting and archeology type theme to replace Montezuma's Revenge.
 In your email it is quite clear you are disappointed about the fact
 Montezuma's Revenge was canceled. I also recognize your desire to have a
 side-scroller as close to the original Montezuma's Revenge idea as
 possible. how ever, as you know I was recently asked to take the
 Montezuma's Return game down do to copyright issues and to cease and
 desist from producing that type of game. Rather than argue with the
 copyright holder's demands I agreed to meet all of their terms. If it
 hadn't been for that major set back the game would probably be nearly
 finished by now.
 I certainly can not promise you a Montezuma's Revenge game, but perhaps
 I can create a side-scroller of equal value that will be satisfactory to
 you and others that were so hoping for Montezuma's Revenge/Montezuma's
 Return. About the best I can do is try and deliver another high quality
 side-scroller with action, adventure, and of course treasure hunting. I
 honestly don't know if you will like it or not, but all I can do is try.
 One of the ideas I am considering for the new side-scroller is changing
 the location of the game to ancient Egypt. One of the reasons for the
 change to Egypt is I have always liked he Egyptian type enemies like
 bats, mummies, snakes, scorpions, crocodiles, etc that are popular in
 games about Egypt. The gods and goddesses of Egypt make very cool
 enemies or bosses.
 Another very good reason to think about Egypt is in more contemporary
 times archeologist's have discovered the Egyptian jewelers had access to
 some kind of low voltage electric power in order to create electroplated
 jewelry. Like the Babylonians the ancient Egyptians may have used dry
 cell type badderies filled with fruit juices and a copper rod to produce
 electric current. The reason this is important is in the Montezuma's
 Revenge games there are electric fields that would have been beyond the
 Aztec's technical means, but the ancient Egyptians may have had the
 technological ability to use dry cell batteries to power some kind of
 electric trip wire as a trap.
 Then, of course there is the entire science fiction and pop culture
 things to think about. Many authors have inferred that the ancient
 Egyptians are descendants of an alien race or people from Atlantice. The
 movie Star Gate made an interesting theory that Egypt had been
 controlled by an alien race that had gated to Earth thousands of years
 in the passed and then the gate was closed on our end and was berried
 until it was rediscovered in modern times. Then, there was that
 television series where the family was visiting the pyramids of Egypt
 and then got transported to another world through some interplanetary
 gate. The movies Mummy and Mummy Returns has certainly turned your
 classic Mummy creature into a cool and awesome enemy to fight. What I am
 saying these are the kinds of things I would like to hope to explore in
 my new game if I can without reprisal.
 About the only thing the new side-scroller will have in common with
 Montezuma's Revenge is you will still be gathering jewels, gold coins,
 climbing ropes, avoiding fire pits, but the rest of the game is bound to
 change and take a different direction as i create it. As the game's soul
 developer I do feel I have the right at least to come up with a good
 story line and create whatever monsters and characters will fill the
 game world. I don't feel I should be bound to a game like Montezuma's
 Revenge now that I have been asked specifically by Utopia not to do so.
 In short I am truly sorry I was unable to deliver on Montezuma's
 Revenge. However, now that I have agreed with Utopia to cease and desist
 on that title I have to come up with something new. At first I had hoped
 a 3D FPS game would satisfy you and others. Apparently that idea failed.
 So I am back to square one, thinking of a new game, that is a
 side-scroller. Unfortunately, I can not deliver the side-scroller game
 you ordered, but maybe I can deliver a side-scroller you can except as a

 Gamers mailing list __

Re: [Audyssey] My responce to Michael Feir.

2008-03-23 Thread shaun everiss
well even to me that side scroler sounds good.
Keep us up to date or at least those that will listen.
Oh also tell us how to apply for testing or whatever when the time comes, I'd 
like a shot even if I don't get in.
I am in a rather down state currently as there is no actual beta testing market 
No one wants me to test.
nothing to do so.
At 01:59 p.m. 23/03/2008, you wrote:
Hi Michael,
I have read your email and find myself for the most part agreeing with 
you about work ethics, sticking things through to the end, and trying to 
follow through with promises made. It was both my promises as well as 
the fact I took pre-orders in December why I have changed my mind and 
have decided to begin work on a new side-scroller with a treasure 
hunting and archeology type theme to replace Montezuma's Revenge.
In your email it is quite clear you are disappointed about the fact 
Montezuma's Revenge was canceled. I also recognize your desire to have a 
side-scroller as close to the original Montezuma's Revenge idea as 
possible. how ever, as you know I was recently asked to take the 
Montezuma's Return game down do to copyright issues and to cease and 
desist from producing that type of game. Rather than argue with the 
copyright holder's demands I agreed to meet all of their terms. If it 
hadn't been for that major set back the game would probably be nearly 
finished by now.
I certainly can not promise you a Montezuma's Revenge game, but perhaps 
I can create a side-scroller of equal value that will be satisfactory to 
you and others that were so hoping for Montezuma's Revenge/Montezuma's 
Return. About the best I can do is try and deliver another high quality 
side-scroller with action, adventure, and of course treasure hunting. I 
honestly don't know if you will like it or not, but all I can do is try.
One of the ideas I am considering for the new side-scroller is changing 
the location of the game to ancient Egypt. One of the reasons for the 
change to Egypt is I have always liked he Egyptian type enemies like 
bats, mummies, snakes, scorpions, crocodiles, etc that are popular in 
games about Egypt. The gods and goddesses of Egypt make very cool 
enemies or bosses.
Another very good reason to think about Egypt is in more contemporary 
times archeologist's have discovered the Egyptian jewelers had access to 
some kind of low voltage electric power in order to create electroplated 
jewelry. Like the Babylonians the ancient Egyptians may have used dry 
cell type badderies filled with fruit juices and a copper rod to produce 
electric current. The reason this is important is in the Montezuma's 
Revenge games there are electric fields that would have been beyond the 
Aztec's technical means, but the ancient Egyptians may have had the 
technological ability to use dry cell batteries to power some kind of 
electric trip wire as a trap.
Then, of course there is the entire science fiction and pop culture 
things to think about. Many authors have inferred that the ancient 
Egyptians are descendants of an alien race or people from Atlantice. The 
movie Star Gate made an interesting theory that Egypt had been 
controlled by an alien race that had gated to Earth thousands of years 
in the passed and then the gate was closed on our end and was berried 
until it was rediscovered in modern times. Then, there was that 
television series where the family was visiting the pyramids of Egypt 
and then got transported to another world through some interplanetary 
gate. The movies Mummy and Mummy Returns has certainly turned your 
classic Mummy creature into a cool and awesome enemy to fight. What I am 
saying these are the kinds of things I would like to hope to explore in 
my new game if I can without reprisal.
About the only thing the new side-scroller will have in common with 
Montezuma's Revenge is you will still be gathering jewels, gold coins, 
climbing ropes, avoiding fire pits, but the rest of the game is bound to 
change and take a different direction as i create it. As the game's soul 
developer I do feel I have the right at least to come up with a good 
story line and create whatever monsters and characters will fill the 
game world. I don't feel I should be bound to a game like Montezuma's 
Revenge now that I have been asked specifically by Utopia not to do so.
In short I am truly sorry I was unable to deliver on Montezuma's 
Revenge. However, now that I have agreed with Utopia to cease and desist 
on that title I have to come up with something new. At first I had hoped 
a 3D FPS game would satisfy you and others. Apparently that idea failed. 
So I am back to square one, thinking of a new game, that is a 
side-scroller. Unfortunately, I can not deliver the side-scroller game 
you ordered, but maybe I can deliver a side-scroller you can except as a 

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[Audyssey] Creating simple games in autoit

2008-03-23 Thread Jose Lomeli
Hello; Listers, I want to create a simple audio game in autoit. But I need 
help. First I am new at this. Second I really don't know how. Can someone teach 
me? Please write back.
Jose Lomeli
Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2
Manufactured and supported by: Dell Latitude D630
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU   
 T7100  @ 1.80GHz
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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-23 Thread Cara Quinn
   This brings up a point that seems again and again, to be missed.   
People are always talking about the 'quote - unquote' blind gaming  
'industry.'  There is no 'industry.'  These efforts of devs, even as  
strong as they are, and they definitely are, are just not united and  
wide-spread enough for really anyone to call this an 'industry.'

   This means that as Thomas has said, he's got no one paying him for  
his time or efforts as he puts the time in day after day after day, to  
make progress toward a finished game or even an alpha.  Are people  
really getting this?…

   Imagine yourselves getting up every day, and doing something that  
you consider work, and actually honestly getting nothing at all back  
for it at the end of that day to carry you through to do it all again  
the very next one.

   yes, there may be rumors of money at the end, whenever that  
happens, which are coming from a population which are not known for  
their deep pockets, or furthermore, their attitudes of actually  
knowing what something is really worth in the world, as they often  
feel they deserve something for nothing, just because, *sniff* they're  
disabled, and life is hard.  Well guess what, life *IS* hard, and it's  
also hard for others, other than yourselves. Please don't lose sight  
of that.

   Would you honestly want to continue like that for very long?  Now  
add to that; instead of these people  thanking you for your time at  
the very least, they start in on you that now, in addition to your  
efforts and all your time spent every day, that you're now not doing  
it right, or fast enough, or whatever.

   Don't you think this can ware somebody down?…  this would ware on  

   this is just simply not kind nor fair treatment of an individual.   
Surely you all can see that?…

   Anyway, thanks much for taking time to read this and I do hope we  
can all get this figured out and at least treat eachother with kindness.

Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!…


Cara  :)

On Mar 22, 2008, at 5:27 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Charles,
 Yeah, your side of things is the easy part. You can afford to wait
 another year or two while I rewrite the side-scroller from scratch. My
 part is the hard part, because I have to spend one or two years of my
 life rewriting the thing all of it work, and people wonder my attitude
 as a bit hostile.
 While I am working on the game taking time away from friends, family,
 hobbies all of you are watching TV, reading books, going to work,
 playing ball with your kids, and life goes on while the guy making  
 game is slaving away for no pay or free time. Now, when it comes to
 making games I don't expect a lot of pay, but i do expect to enjoy my
 work. If I don't enjoy the game I am creating I usually don't make it.

 Charles Rivard wrote:
 I'm still willing to wait for Raceway and other games.  The time  
 factor is
 not the complaint.  Anyone who has been reading would know that.

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Re: [Audyssey] sidescrollers and third games

2008-03-23 Thread will lomas
but that's what is annoying. why are we making these dull side  
scrollers, they old crap technology no randomness, no interactions  
jsut walk forward and backwards, that's why i completed super laim in  
an hour

On 22 Mar 2008, at 17:14, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Charles,
 Well, part of the problem here in the blind audio games market is  
 isn't enough developers to provide for every single platform and genre
 of game imaginable. For some people they are into retro remakes of old
 Atari and Nintendo games. Others are into remakes of modern FPS and  
 games they have heard about or tried playing for XBox, Play Station,  
 so on. As a result a game developer may wind up specializing in one
 style or another.
 I have seen a number of posts saying side-scrollers are boring. I  
 believe it is the side-scroller format itself that is boring, but the
 game itself. I personally find SL sort of boring, but that is just
 because the game doesn't apeal to me. I can name several side- 
 I really loved because they were challenging like Megaman, Double
 Dragon, and Castlevania.
 However, in recent years like my sighted peers I too have been drawn  
 the more modern full 3D thing. Games like Tomb Raider, Jedi Knight,  
 III, and so on have a lot more to offer in terms of game play and  
 For example, one game I play a lot, or try to, Tomb Raider Angel of
 Darkness is like playing a part in a movie. There are lots of full
 motion vidios, cut scenes, between the levels were characters interact
 and set up the plot for the level you are about to play.
 For example, the first two cut scenes in Angel of Darkness sets up the
 plot for the game where the monstroms murder Von Croy and then frame
 Lara Croft for the murder. It then shifts to Lara's escape from Von
 Croy's apartment, and ends with her standing in a back alley of Paris.
 Open level 1 where you, as Lara, must escape from the police, and get
 into a near by apartment building.
 Unless you have played these newer 3D style games complete with full
 motion vidio etc you will never know how much game technology has
 changed since the 1982 game of Pitfall or the 1984 game of Montezuma's
 Revenge. Personally, new games blow them away in every sense of the  

 Charles Wrote:
 As to why some people want to move ahead to the 3D games and some  
 want side scrollers, the answer is very simple.  Let me ask you, do  
 you want
 only 1 type of game?, or would you be willing to have different  
 types of
 games on your PC.

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Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
Someone else brought others into the discussion because it was stated that 
all side scrollers are boring and too easy.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

I wasn't talking about all sidescrolers, I was talking about monti. Someone
 else brought other sidescrolers into what I said.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Bryan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 7:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

 That's not the point. The point is that you can't just play Monte and 
 say all side scrollers are too easy. And it's Castlevania, not Castle
 Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

 Sure I don't, but monti isnt castle Wachimacallit, it is  monti.
 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 6:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

 Anyone who thinks sidescrollers are too easy obviously has no 
 whatsoever with the megaman series, or castlevania. Nuff said.

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] What's Ahead For MOTA Beta 2.

I agree totally with this statement.

 As I said, we don't need sidescrollers. I've said it in the past.
 Super Liam is a game that shows us that sidescrollers are:

 1. Too easy:
 2: No replay value:
 3: Too retro (When was the last time a sighted gamer even mentioned
 that a sidescroller was coming out?) Well, no one did simply because
 there isn't one, and there never will be. If the sighted people have 
 D games, we should be getting them too. I know people like me who
 don't play audio games because of this simple factor. A bunch of us
 have said it before, and I'll say it again since Tomas was the only
 one that seemed to notice: We have too much arcade games. We don't
 have a single complex game out there that is challenging and or
 competes with, Monkey Business. Which is, in case the babies of the
 blind community haven't noticed, and probably haven't beaten it yet,
 the most challenging game in the accessible games market today. Now
 it'd be considered a classic. But Tomas, please just make the audio
 games market better by making both STFC 2 and Moda 3-D. To get the
 sidescroller out of the way, slap some code together real fast. If
 there's bugs? Tuff luck. Also, make it freeware and forget about it.
 Than you can start to work on extremely hard, and complex games with
 new consepts that blind people have never sceen before in an
 accessible game.

 Skype: orin1112

 Do you like mudding? To discuss related  topics, go here.

 Do you like audio books? Would you like to hear them with enritching
 sound, music and acting? Stop reading books from the NLS, and go to
 , you'll be glad you did. I don't work there, but I love them so much
 I have to advertise them in every email I send.

 On Mar 21, 2008, at 7:29 PM, will lomas wrote:

 but youa re thomas, onlyp roducing this for the minority all the rest
 of us tom want the 3d game why are you giving into charles let him 
 in the corner, see if we care, we don't
 hands up who gives a toss whether a few peoples' opinions matter?
 look, all the kiddies raised there hands, we don't. see?
 we want the 3d game tom if charles hadn't have objected and others
 this would ahve been the plan
 see charles, truth hurts but i am right. do us all a favour and
 unsubscribe as you are just  person causing bs for one fella and the
 rest of us

 On 22 Mar 2008, at 00:12, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Charles,
 Thanks to me being a very honest person  you wouldn't even have 
 what the poll results were if I hadn't published them on the list.
 If I
 was unscrupulous, less honest, I would announced a totally different
 come and you wouldn't have known the difference. As it is I was 
 honest about the results.
 It is not that the poll results are unimportant or I don't care what
 all think. It is about I have to spend six months, a year, whatever
 my life making a game I don't want to create. A game I have lost all
 interest in, and in all likelyhood never play again after it is
 Let's put this in perspective. Most of the time I program for fun. I
 it as relaxation, for entertainment value, and when it loses 

Re: [Audyssey] sounds of the synth

2008-03-23 Thread Andy
Heheheheheh, how about this one lolololololol or hirr'rr'rr 
hirr'rr'rr'rr'rr'rr hirr'rr'rr'rr

Well it's offtopic so I'll leave with this:
happy easterhrrhrrhrrhrrhrrhrrhrrhrrhrrhrrhr!

 - Original Message -
From: Bryan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion 
Date sent: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 19:24:33 -0600
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] sounds of the synth

Not to mention the heh heh heh.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 4:27 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] sounds of the synth

 Know how weird a screen reader and synthesizer makes that first 
word of
 post sound??  heh heh heh.

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
 - Original Message -
 From: Ryan Chou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Mysteries of the Aztecs, Tom Ward's 

 keep it up phil
 imanine if tom actually made the game like that

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Easter

2008-03-23 Thread Andy
Lol, I ate so many candy chocolate eggs, bunnies (even jelly 
beans)! I'm ready expplode.  Oh wait that already happened...

 - Original Message -
From: Jim Kitchen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Audyssey
Date sent: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:46:41 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] Happy Easter


Just writing to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.


Go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] thanks a lot.

2008-03-23 Thread Sarah Haake
Hi Ian,

I would suggest you take a deep breath, calm down and learn to write 
with punctuation before you send your next message. It is quite possible 
that it will be readable after all.

Thanks a lot.

Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.
(Einen sicheren Freund erkennt man in unsicherer Sache.)
- Original Message - 
From: ian mcnamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] thanks a lot.

 hi all thanks to the bad apples we are not going to see thomas's free 
 d starwars game and stuff like that so  all i am going to say is 
 thanks a lot to all of you out their who are more concerned about 
 having your type of game that you wanted rather than see the changed 
 copy. you would not have been loosing out on your money as your key 
 would have been still active so you would have been getting a better 
 game with out paying any more money out.,

 so all i can say is thanks a lot
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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers was MOTA Beta 2.

2008-03-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
Ah yes, Castlevania. The music was rockin', too. My favorite was the theme 
in level 1.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:28 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers was MOTA Beta 2.

 Hi Bryan,
 I couldn't agree with you more. For Will or anyone to play one or two
 side-scrollers and say all side-scrollers are boring just only proves
 that the person hasn't had much exposure to them. The truth is some
 side-scrollers were very difficult and fun in the 1980's.
 One of my favorites, Double Dragon, was pretty much your average walk
 along beat-m-up, but it was fun. It was especially fun if you were just
 in a peed off mood. Grab a bat from one of the thugs and beat him
 unconscious. If you were attacked by a bunch of enemies you could whip
 them with a series of well placed punches, kicks, and jumps. It was
 really fun when you knocked them off of platforms, bridges, or off
 cliffs. Enemy falls to his doom. Good bye mother huncher.
 In terms of side-scrollers like Castlevania they were unmatched in
 replay value. The battle with Dracula was worth every cent of the game.
 The way he would die and then come back to life in another  form was
 cool. Dracula was also tough to beat because you would hit him with a
 weapon, he'd vanish, and reappear somewhere else ready to vamp your rear
 end. The fire balls he would hurl your way were pretty nasty.
 The other thing I liked about the original Castlevania is there were all
 kinds of different monsters from skeletons, knights, dragons, mummies,
 etc. Each gave their own unique combat style and baddy toughness to the
 game. I hated taking on the mummies just because they wouldn't die with
 just any weapon. You needed holy water to get rid of them. If you used a
 leather whip or a throwing dagger you were dead meat. When you were
 attacked by 3 to 5 of the mummies at once you were toast.Although, I do
 remember there was this one area you could jump onto above the mummies,
 they couldn't climb up after you, and if you had the holy water you
 could dump it on them, and say by by to the creeps.

 Bryan Peterson wrote:
 That's not the point. The point is that you can't just play Monte and 
 say all side scrollers are too easy. And it's Castlevania, not Castle
 Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

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