Re: [Audyssey] message for jim kitchen- snakes and ladders

2009-10-30 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Dan,

I'm sorry, but I have no idea why Snakes and Ladders is giving you an error 
after 5 or 6 minutes.  I have never had that happen.  You are the first one 
that I have ever heard of that happening to.  Sorry, I just don't know what to 
tell you.



Check my web site for my free blind accessible pc dos and windows games.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

2009-10-30 Thread dark

Hi tom.

As i've said Tom, I really would like a modern side scroller.

as you've already got the genesis engine, the possibility exists for you to 
create an fps game at a later point without too much trouble,  where as 
you probably don't fancy writing side scrollers again.

Personally, I'd most like to see those extra levels etc done, and the game 
stand as a great example of what can be created in audio 2D.

Fps can wait for a later time.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

Hi Yohandy,
At this point Mysteries of the Ancients is very near complete in its 
current form. The main reason for that is most of the stability issues and 
features have been added to the Genesis Engine which means the engine is 
pretty much done. The only thing I really have to do is add the extra 
levels, monsters, traps, etc and release the game.

That said, it wouldn't be a big deal to convert it to an FPS title.
Below you mentioned I'd have to completely rewrite it as an FPS title. 
That's not true, because the Genesis Engine was designed for 3D FPS 
titles. The side-scroller stuff was an addition to the engine specially 
for this game alone. So all I'd have to do to convert it to a full blown 
FPS is asign hot keys to the various FPS commands such as jump foward, 
sidestep left/right, walk forward/backward, etc and redraw the levels with 
the level editor. There might be some additional testing involved since 
most of the 3D FPS stuff has never been fully tested, but the fact remains 
the core functionality is there. Which brings me to a good thought.
Given the fact the engine is pretty well on it's way to being able to do 
either one it might be helpful to upload both versions to the web site. In 
other words leave beta 9 up there, and upload a FPS type version to let 
user's see what it might be like as an FPS. That's a bit more work, but a 

Yohandy wrote:
Ok Thomas I have a question. How far from completion is MOTA at the 
current time? If the only thing left are the levels, then it would 
probably be a lot easier to complete the game as is as opposed to 
completely rewriting it as an FPS. The game is very polished and error 
free at this point, not to mention it took you an extremely long time to 
code. If you were planning on releaseing it by christmas, then I'm 
guessing there's not much left, and you can finally give this whole thing 
a rest. Also since you don't like releasing incomplete games, would it be 
very difficult to change all references to Monty and release the old game 
as an open source project? I must admit I always wanted to check out the 
rest of the monty levels. I was always curious what happened next. 
remember the copyright holders never even played the game, so they've no 
idea what the game does or doesn't contain or if there are any relations 
to monty. in fact they probably forgot all about you. I'm sure they have 
better things to do than chase an audiogame developer around for 
very little gain.

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Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

2009-10-30 Thread dark

Hi tom.

well, it's up to you, but personally I've had hours of fun with games like 
Turrican getting incredibly! lost in huge side scroller levels which take 
hours to work through.

While the consistancy point does make sense,  it to me seems reasonable 
as an evolution of the game series, - heck, even the tomb rader series 
has a side scrolling game on the Ds I believe at the moment.

While it's dinstinctly your game, and I'll enjoy an fps as much as anyone, 
i'd very much prefer the first tomb hunter game to stay the way it is,   
consistancy or not.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

Hi Bryan,

That's just it. After Mysteries of the Ancients is done all of the games I 
create in the Tomb Hunter series will definitely be 3D FPS titles. Which 
means in all likelihood I'll end up having to redo Mysteries of the 
Ancients as an FPS game anyway. I'll never like it or enjoy it until I do.

I'm something of a consistency fanatic. If I introduce a set of keyboard 
commands in the first Tomb Hunter game then I would like to stick to that 
general layout throughout the game series. In other words keep the layout 
more or less consistent. However,since this first one is a side-scroller, 
and the rest will be more advanced FPS titles I'm not going to be able to 
maintain an exact keyboard layout throughout the series.

In addition, since this first one will be a side-scroller, and the next 
one will be a 3D FPS game you will pretty much have to relearn the game 
from scratch. No game in the ag market I know of gives you the ability to 
go north, south, east, west, up, and down in a level. That's six 
directions of movement in a true 3d environment. If people think Shades of 
Doom is difficult to navigate they'll be absolutely lost in a full 3D 

Imagine, for example, you enter an empty room with a hole in the floor you 
have to drop through. In Shades of Doom you will fall through to another 
level. In my engine you would be on the same game level, but in a room 
below the one you just left. You might have to find another room on that 
level with a rope or staircase to get back up to the rooms above those you 
are in. To me this is the ultimate gaming experience, ultimate maze game, 
and more like exploring a real tomb. A 2d side-scroller, advanced features 
or not, will never be quite as realistic or exciting for me. That's why I 
would eventually redo the game as an FPS game with or without public 


Bryan Peterson wrote:
Besides, if the rest of the Tomb Hunter series are going to be more like 
3-D FPS games you'll cover both bases anyway. As I've said before I'm 
more than satisfied with the game as is and I think you ought to just 
finish it as quickly and efficiently as you can and then take that nice 
long break I know you've been craving.

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread dark

Hi tom.

Fantastic! i couldn't be more pleased with this decision, - especially 
that your going to make creation of 2D games a perminent part of the engine 
and a matter for future considderation.

Personally, I have every intention of fully playing and enjoying both mota 
titles absolutely!

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 4:55 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

Hi everyone,

After reading many e-mails, after much thought, I've come to the following 
conclusions about the future of Mysteries of the Ancients.

First, while many of you said you would enjoy an FPS type title you also 
said that you like the game as it currently is. Even those who were hoping 
for perhaps a more traditional 80's type side-scroller admitted they could 
except Mysteries of the Ancients as it is as long as I would not convert 
it to a full blown FPS. This is the kind of compromise I think I was 
looking for. Both sides seam to be agreeing that the game I've created is 
not only unique, but fun, challenging, and seams to satisfy the majority 
of people in both camps.

Second, a number of you indicated you have no sense of direction, 
navigation, whatever in playing FPS type games like Shades of Doom. As 
this seams to be a rather common problem among blind gamers I'm certainly 
sympathetic to your needs and issues. As a developer of accessible games 
it is always helpful to know what types of games my potential customers 
would find fun, challenging, and accessible. Even though it might not be 
my forte this is still very useful information to know.

For one thing as plenty of you know near the beginning of 2008 I began 
work on a highly advanced game engine called Genesis 3D. When I initially 
designed that engine I intended to be able to create 3D FPS type titles 
with full 3d movement such as the ability to walk forward/backward, move 
left/right, or climb up/down. There has never been a fully accessible 
title with true 3d levels, true 3d movement, and built to mainstream 
specifications other than Audio Quake I know of.

However, one thing I had not counted on is a majority of my customers 
having navigational issues in existing FPS games like Shades of Doom and 
Sarah. As I generally don't have a big problem finding my way around in 
these games I assumed most blind gamers didn't either. So I'm a bit 
surprised that many of you do.

The point I'm getting at is that FPS games built with my engine would add 
a new demmention of complexity that none of you have experienced before. 
Such as you might walk into a room with a hole in the floor. You would 
have to jump into or crawl down through that hole to enter a room below 
the one you are in. To get back up to the room you just left you would 
have to climb a rope, staircase, ladder, etc to get back up to the rooms 
above you.  Basically, what I'm saying is not all of the rooms would be on 
a flat surface, and you might have to climb up or down as well as go 
north, south, east, or west to explore the entire level. As this is a 
totally new experience for many of you I'm not sure all of you would enjoy 
it. Those of you who have navigational issues may find this too 
complicated or frustrating. So having a side-scroller probably would be 
better suited for you in the long run.

Third, to Dark, Scott, and many others I hear you. The fact of the matter 
is this is now 2009, and there are now many good examples of 
side-scrollers that are every bit as good as the FPS titles out there. 
Dark has convinced me that rather than trying to please a handful of 
gamers who want a  80's style side-scroller I should investigate ways to 
create a completely new, modern, type of side-scroller with save game 
functionality, random monsters, random items,

modern combat styles, etc. To that end I say, bring it on!

As also has been said, now that I've spent all this time upgrading the 
Genesis Engine to support 2d side-scrollers as well as more advanced FPS 
type games I might as well get some use out of that functionality. Today 
it might be MOTA, and someday when I'm ready maybe i can do something else 
like a modern Castlevania, Megaman, or Double Dragon type clone. The 
ability/functionality is there.

All and all for the time being I'm going to stick with the current 
production plan. I have officially abandoned any plans to create a 
traditional 80's style side-scroller, and think I would be satisfied to 
create a completely modern side-scroller. So those of you such as Dark, 
who are more familiar with modern side-scrollers if you have any good 
ideas I'm missing I'd be happy to take them under advisement. That said, 
I'll only add what I have time to include, and of course what I think is 
practical for an accessible game.

As for my own thoughts and feelings on the matter I have never concealed 
the fact I'd rather be making a true FPS 

[Audyssey] a vip scripting issue was: Re: miriani soundpack

2009-10-30 Thread peter Mahach
hi dan, you're using the pack I made. I haven't released it to the public 
and only a minority of people done testing for me, that being you, kevin, 
and my self at the controls
kevin prbably got the newer version with the engines n such but at the 
moment I can't send any newer copies because of a scripting issue I have. I 
made many new triggers but when I close vip all my changes are gone, but if 
I open the set file in notepad the triggers are there. I wish someone'd help 
me as there are a few things I made but can't access.
- Original Message - 
From: dan

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani soundpack


yeah i use a vip mud soundpack, just not sure what one it is.

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your 
shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, 

be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me

From: Nick Helms
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani soundpack

yeah I'm not sure about vip mud. I've only ever played miriani with
monkeyterm. again, I haven't played in quite a while.
anyone know of any vip mud soundpacks?
I'm pretty sure there are some out there. I'm just not sure where to find 

Good luck!

On 10/29/09, dan wrote:

hey nick,

i'm not actually sure. i use vip mud as my client if that helps at all?.

i'm just anoyed that me and a friend both use the same client yet he 

to have more sounds.
 If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your
shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be 

be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me

From: Nick Helms
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 9:55 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani soundpack

what's up Dan!
There are two miriani soundpacks that I know of. the first appears in
monkeyterm as miriani. the second is called miriani6.
wich one do you have?
Miriani6 is newer, and has more sounds.
I am not sure I have the most up to date info, as I have not played
miriani in some time.
But there are two packs that I know of.

On 10/29/09, dan wrote:

hi everyone,

is anyone on this list playing miriani?. i'm a bit confused, as 

i like to play miriani with seems to have more sounds than i do, and 

as i know, we both use the same pack.

any help with this would be great.

 If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be 

shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be
be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me
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I am not stupid.
I just do dumb things!
Theodore Jonson

sip phone number: 360-526-6509
twitter: Nickster919

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I am not stupid.
I just do dumb things!
Theodore Jonson

sip phone number: 360-526-6509
twitter: Nickster919

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Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

2009-10-30 Thread peter Mahach
and I donno if anyone mensioned this, you have to have your weapon holstered 
to make a successful jump.
- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

Another (and easier, I think) wyy is to listen for dripping water; at that
point you can jump on to either ledge.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:27 AM
To:; Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

Hi Mike,
As I climb the rope I hit the c key to get the coordinates  when I reach 

I can jump left or right onto the ledges.
You can also use the v key and it will say a door to the right when you 

high enough to jump.
If you are too low, it will say a door above and I think if too high it 

say a door below.

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Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

2009-10-30 Thread dark
Well Tom, I'd appreciate that just for the purpose of preserving an 
interesting game and adding another great audio remake to the Ag markit.

that being said, if you were sick to the teeth of the hole side scroller 
mallarchy after Mota is finished, and wanted to give it a rest,  I don't 
think any reasonable person could blame you.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

Hi Dark,
Well, I suppose I could upgrade the game after Christmas, or whenever, and 
release it as 1.0. I'd actually like to see the last four levels get 
added, put Arazona Smith back in the game, and a few other additions. It 
wouldn't take me more than amonth to tidy it up and release it as v1.0. It 
was a lot closer to being finished than is MOTA at this point.

dark wrote:
Fair enough tom,  though personally I never noticed either of these 
bugs being a major annoyence and found (heck, stil find), the game highly 

Lack of a distance reporting function is just some extra added challenge.

while I'm as sorry as anyone that the stupid legalities got in the way of 
you delivering what was shaping up to be a great game,  I do think 
Mota has improved upon things no end, while keeping the inervation which 
Monti started.

Beware the Grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] a vip scripting issue was: Re: miriani soundpack

2009-10-30 Thread dan

hi peter,

thanks for clearing that up and i hope to get the new version soon
If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your 
shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, 

be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me

From: peter Mahach
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 8:52 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] a vip scripting issue was: Re:  miriani soundpack

hi dan, you're using the pack I made. I haven't released it to the public 
and only a minority of people done testing for me, that being you, kevin, 
and my self at the controls
kevin prbably got the newer version with the engines n such but at the 
moment I can't send any newer copies because of a scripting issue I have. 
I made many new triggers but when I close vip all my changes are gone, but 
if I open the set file in notepad the triggers are there. I wish someone'd 
help me as there are a few things I made but can't access.
- Original Message - 
From: dan

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani soundpack


yeah i use a vip mud soundpack, just not sure what one it is.

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your 
shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be 
happy, I'll

be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me

From: Nick Helms
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani soundpack

yeah I'm not sure about vip mud. I've only ever played miriani with
monkeyterm. again, I haven't played in quite a while.
anyone know of any vip mud soundpacks?
I'm pretty sure there are some out there. I'm just not sure where to 
find them.

Good luck!

On 10/29/09, dan wrote:

hey nick,

i'm not actually sure. i use vip mud as my client if that helps at 

i'm just anoyed that me and a friend both use the same client yet he 

to have more sounds.
 If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your
shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be 

be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me

From: Nick Helms
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 9:55 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani soundpack

what's up Dan!
There are two miriani soundpacks that I know of. the first appears in
monkeyterm as miriani. the second is called miriani6.
wich one do you have?
Miriani6 is newer, and has more sounds.
I am not sure I have the most up to date info, as I have not played
miriani in some time.
But there are two packs that I know of.

On 10/29/09, dan wrote:

hi everyone,

is anyone on this list playing miriani?. i'm a bit confused, as 

i like to play miriani with seems to have more sounds than i do, and 

as i know, we both use the same pack.

any help with this would be great.

 If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be 

shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be
be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me
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I am not stupid.
I just do dumb things!
Theodore Jonson

sip phone number: 360-526-6509
twitter: Nickster919

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Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

2009-10-30 Thread Bryan Peterson

Yeah, because you can't even grab the rope otherwise.
Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice of pizza?
Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
- Original Message - 
From: peter Mahach

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

and I donno if anyone mensioned this, you have to have your weapon 
holstered to make a successful jump.
- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

Another (and easier, I think) wyy is to listen for dripping water; at 

point you can jump on to either ledge.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:27 AM
To:; Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Help in mota please

Hi Mike,
As I climb the rope I hit the c key to get the coordinates  when I reach 

I can jump left or right onto the ledges.
You can also use the v key and it will say a door to the right when you 

high enough to jump.
If you are too low, it will say a door above and I think if too high it 

say a door below.

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The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Ken
I think those are some good thoughts.  I'm glad you won't be limiting 
yourself to side scrollers, not because I'm good at FPS type games, though I 
like both types of game play, but because, in my opinion, we already are 
limited dimensionally as blind people.  Our screen readers give us info on a 
1-dimensional plain--up and down.  You can go left and right of course but 
you rarely ever need to.
As far as navigating goes, I think the biggest problem isn't navigating 
itself but trying to remember all the places you were, the overall shape of 
the levels and so on.  I have a few thoughts on this point.
First, a homing beacon could be set up to continually draw the player on to 
the next item of interest--not the one closer by distance, because you could 
be in a maze where the exit is ten feet away but be nowhere near it in terms 
of being able to reach it quickly.  A homing signal could, though, tell the 
player where interesting items were by proximity not to them in terms of 
spacial reality, but rather in terms of what is closer considering how the 
maze is navigated, the walls in the way and so on.
Next, I'd love a disappearing hallways option.  If you go down a hallway and 
explore all side passages and get all relevant items, and if the hallway or 
dead end has no more function, I'd like to be able to seal it off.  That way 
I'm not just wandering the same passages again and again trying to get to 
the next place of importance.
I have recently been looking at virtual worlds, and navigating them using 
the voICe.  An interesting idea that comes up in the navigation of these 
virtual worlds is that you can go from one element of interest to another 
and back again with the page up and page down commands.  Similarly, in a 
mud, you can type remember bar and, later, go to that same bar you 
remembered earlier.
Descriptions of rooms were interesting for me, but not helpful as far as 
navigating.  The main thing for me was, had I been there before, its 
relationship to other rooms in terms of reachability and not necessarily 
coordinates, and so on.
Well, I'm satisfied with this post except that JAWS can't say reach ability. 

Keep up the awesome work!

Do you live near Sandusky Ohio, or are you planning a trip to Cedar Point?
Receive a massage at very competitive rates--$40 per hour for a revitalizing 
therapeutic massage,

$65 per house call--any time, anywhere (within reason.)
Call 419-577-7973
I'll ease your pain and discomfort, loosen and mobilize your stiff joints, 
relax your achy muscles, and help you let go of stress, depression, and 
nervous anxiety...

Ken Downey, LMT

President of Blind Comfort!
The Caring Without the Staring
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 12:55 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

Hi everyone,

After reading many e-mails, after much thought, I've come to the following 
conclusions about the future of Mysteries of the Ancients.

First, while many of you said you would enjoy an FPS type title you also 
said that you like the game as it currently is. Even those who were hoping 
for perhaps a more traditional 80's type side-scroller admitted they could 
except Mysteries of the Ancients as it is as long as I would not convert 
it to a full blown FPS. This is the kind of compromise I think I was 
looking for. Both sides seam to be agreeing that the game I've created is 
not only unique, but fun, challenging, and seams to satisfy the majority 
of people in both camps.

Second, a number of you indicated you have no sense of direction, 
navigation, whatever in playing FPS type games like Shades of Doom. As 
this seams to be a rather common problem among blind gamers I'm certainly 
sympathetic to your needs and issues. As a developer of accessible games 
it is always helpful to know what types of games my potential customers 
would find fun, challenging, and accessible. Even though it might not be 
my forte this is still very useful information to know.

For one thing as plenty of you know near the beginning of 2008 I began 
work on a highly advanced game engine called Genesis 3D. When I initially 
designed that engine I intended to be able to create 3D FPS type titles 
with full 3d movement such as the ability to walk forward/backward, move 
left/right, or climb up/down. There has never been a fully accessible 
title with true 3d levels, true 3d movement, and built to mainstream 
specifications other than Audio Quake I know of.

However, one thing I had not counted on is a majority of my customers 
having navigational issues in existing FPS games like Shades of Doom and 
Sarah. As I generally don't have a big problem finding my way around in 
these games I assumed most blind gamers didn't either. So I'm a bit 
surprised that many of you do.

The point I'm getting at is that FPS games built with my engine would add 
a new demmention of 

[Audyssey] Future plans?

2009-10-30 Thread Ryan Conroy
Hi Tom,

With your final dicission, does this mean that there will not be any fully 
accessible 3d titles in the future?

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Re: [Audyssey] Future plans?

2009-10-30 Thread Bryan Peterson
See I got the impression he'd stated just the opposite. He stated that he 
would release MOTA as is, meaning the modern side scroller, but that he 
planned at some point, though he wasn't sure when, to do an upgrade of MOTA 
that would convert it into 3-d. And I think he still plans for the rest of 
the Tomb Hunter series to be fully 3-D.

Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice of pizza?
Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Conroy

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 7:12 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Future plans?

Hi Tom,

With your final dicission, does this mean that there will not be any fully 
accessible 3d titles in the future?

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[Audyssey] are these aids for the beginner? - Re: My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Charles Rivard
Would disappearing passages and a homing signal be useful, say, only at the 
beginner level?  I would think this would make the game more easily 
completed.  The more experienced gamer would not need such aids.  Just my 
immediate thoughts.
In God we trust!
- Original Message - 
From: Ken
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

I think those are some good thoughts.  I'm glad you won't be limiting
yourself to side scrollers, not because I'm good at FPS type games, though I
like both types of game play, but because, in my opinion, we already are
limited dimensionally as blind people.  Our screen readers give us info on a
1-dimensional plain--up and down.  You can go left and right of course but
you rarely ever need to.
As far as navigating goes, I think the biggest problem isn't navigating
itself but trying to remember all the places you were, the overall shape of
the levels and so on.  I have a few thoughts on this point.
First, a homing beacon could be set up to continually draw the player on to
the next item of interest--not the one closer by distance, because you could
be in a maze where the exit is ten feet away but be nowhere near it in terms
of being able to reach it quickly.  A homing signal could, though, tell the
player where interesting items were by proximity not to them in terms of
spacial reality, but rather in terms of what is closer considering how the
maze is navigated, the walls in the way and so on.
Next, I'd love a disappearing hallways option.  If you go down a hallway and
explore all side passages and get all relevant items, and if the hallway or
dead end has no more function, I'd like to be able to seal it off.  That way
I'm not just wandering the same passages again and again trying to get to
the next place of importance.
I have recently been looking at virtual worlds, and navigating them using
the voICe.  An interesting idea that comes up in the navigation of these
virtual worlds is that you can go from one element of interest to another
and back again with the page up and page down commands.  Similarly, in a
mud, you can type remember bar and, later, go to that same bar you
remembered earlier.
Descriptions of rooms were interesting for me, but not helpful as far as
navigating.  The main thing for me was, had I been there before, its
relationship to other rooms in terms of reachability and not necessarily
coordinates, and so on.
Well, I'm satisfied with this post except that JAWS can't say reach ability.
Keep up the awesome work!

Do you live near Sandusky Ohio, or are you planning a trip to Cedar Point?
Receive a massage at very competitive rates--$40 per hour for a revitalizing
therapeutic massage,
$65 per house call--any time, anywhere (within reason.)
Call 419-577-7973
I'll ease your pain and discomfort, loosen and mobilize your stiff joints,
relax your achy muscles, and help you let go of stress, depression, and
nervous anxiety...
Ken Downey, LMT

President of Blind Comfort!
The Caring Without the Staring
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 12:55 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

 Hi everyone,

 After reading many e-mails, after much thought, I've come to the following
 conclusions about the future of Mysteries of the Ancients.

 First, while many of you said you would enjoy an FPS type title you also
 said that you like the game as it currently is. Even those who were hoping
 for perhaps a more traditional 80's type side-scroller admitted they could
 except Mysteries of the Ancients as it is as long as I would not convert
 it to a full blown FPS. This is the kind of compromise I think I was
 looking for. Both sides seam to be agreeing that the game I've created is
 not only unique, but fun, challenging, and seams to satisfy the majority
 of people in both camps.

 Second, a number of you indicated you have no sense of direction,
 navigation, whatever in playing FPS type games like Shades of Doom. As
 this seams to be a rather common problem among blind gamers I'm certainly
 sympathetic to your needs and issues. As a developer of accessible games
 it is always helpful to know what types of games my potential customers
 would find fun, challenging, and accessible. Even though it might not be
 my forte this is still very useful information to know.

 For one thing as plenty of you know near the beginning of 2008 I began
 work on a highly advanced game engine called Genesis 3D. When I initially
 designed that engine I intended to be able to create 3D FPS type titles
 with full 3d movement such as the ability to walk forward/backward, move
 left/right, or climb up/down. There has never been a fully accessible
 title with true 3d levels, true 3d movement, and built to mainstream
 specifications other than Audio Quake I know of.


Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread clement chou

Hi Tom.

Clementhere, and I just want to say I'm glad you've decded what you have. 
Like I said already, I'm a fan of both styles... but I'm glad to see what 
you've decided, and I'm anticipatng what Mota is going to beocme when it's 
fully fnished.

As for 3d fps titles likethe ones you describe... I say go for it. I've 
played a lot of these whic were unaccessible... Counter strike and Haylo to 
name two of them. I for one enjoy it, and thoug I have some navigational 
issues, iI can usually find my way eventually! lol.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

Hi everyone,

After reading many e-mails, after much thought, I've come to the following 
conclusions about the future of Mysteries of the Ancients.

First, while many of you said you would enjoy an FPS type title you also 
said that you like the game as it currently is. Even those who were hoping 
for perhaps a more traditional 80's type side-scroller admitted they could 
except Mysteries of the Ancients as it is as long as I would not convert 
it to a full blown FPS. This is the kind of compromise I think I was 
looking for. Both sides seam to be agreeing that the game I've created is 
not only unique, but fun, challenging, and seams to satisfy the majority 
of people in both camps.

Second, a number of you indicated you have no sense of direction, 
navigation, whatever in playing FPS type games like Shades of Doom. As 
this seams to be a rather common problem among blind gamers I'm certainly 
sympathetic to your needs and issues. As a developer of accessible games 
it is always helpful to know what types of games my potential customers 
would find fun, challenging, and accessible. Even though it might not be 
my forte this is still very useful information to know.

For one thing as plenty of you know near the beginning of 2008 I began 
work on a highly advanced game engine called Genesis 3D. When I initially 
designed that engine I intended to be able to create 3D FPS type titles 
with full 3d movement such as the ability to walk forward/backward, move 
left/right, or climb up/down. There has never been a fully accessible 
title with true 3d levels, true 3d movement, and built to mainstream 
specifications other than Audio Quake I know of.

However, one thing I had not counted on is a majority of my customers 
having navigational issues in existing FPS games like Shades of Doom and 
Sarah. As I generally don't have a big problem finding my way around in 
these games I assumed most blind gamers didn't either. So I'm a bit 
surprised that many of you do.

The point I'm getting at is that FPS games built with my engine would add 
a new demmention of complexity that none of you have experienced before. 
Such as you might walk into a room with a hole in the floor. You would 
have to jump into or crawl down through that hole to enter a room below 
the one you are in. To get back up to the room you just left you would 
have to climb a rope, staircase, ladder, etc to get back up to the rooms 
above you.  Basically, what I'm saying is not all of the rooms would be on 
a flat surface, and you might have to climb up or down as well as go 
north, south, east, or west to explore the entire level. As this is a 
totally new experience for many of you I'm not sure all of you would enjoy 
it. Those of you who have navigational issues may find this too 
complicated or frustrating. So having a side-scroller probably would be 
better suited for you in the long run.

Third, to Dark, Scott, and many others I hear you. The fact of the matter 
is this is now 2009, and there are now many good examples of 
side-scrollers that are every bit as good as the FPS titles out there. 
Dark has convinced me that rather than trying to please a handful of 
gamers who want a  80's style side-scroller I should investigate ways to 
create a completely new, modern, type of side-scroller with save game 
functionality, random monsters, random items,

modern combat styles, etc. To that end I say, bring it on!

As also has been said, now that I've spent all this time upgrading the 
Genesis Engine to support 2d side-scrollers as well as more advanced FPS 
type games I might as well get some use out of that functionality. Today 
it might be MOTA, and someday when I'm ready maybe i can do something else 
like a modern Castlevania, Megaman, or Double Dragon type clone. The 
ability/functionality is there.

All and all for the time being I'm going to stick with the current 
production plan. I have officially abandoned any plans to create a 
traditional 80's style side-scroller, and think I would be satisfied to 
create a completely modern side-scroller. So those of you such as Dark, 
who are more familiar with modern side-scrollers if you have any good 
ideas I'm missing I'd be happy to take them under advisement. That said, 
I'll only add what I 

Re: [Audyssey] Future plans?

2009-10-30 Thread Ryan Conroy
Yeah, I was just making sure that because some people have issues with 
navagation, he wasn't going to stop all development of 3d games all together. 
Because I'd love to see an accessible game in 3d.

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
Well, I don't think a true 3d FPS would have to be that tough once you 
and others get use to it. Most of it would come down to being able to 
describe it accurately for the player.

Let's say there was a trap door high up in the ceiling. If you press the 
view command it would say something like trap door above and to the left 
in 10 feet. It might also anounce a statue, stone pillar, etc nearby 
which you could theoretically climb up, stand on, and use to open that 
trap door. Mainstream games have had these sorts of puzzles and 
challenges for a long time, but it is this element that is completely 
lacking in accessible games so far.

Anyway, I don't believe it is incredibly difficult or frustrating, but 
it does require the player to think about where things are in 
relationship to each other in a more or less true 3d environment.  As 
for me, the developer, I'll have to work harder at describing that 
relationship to the novis player that maybe can't quite get it for one 
reason or another.


shaun everiss wrote:

hmmm that does sound hard but new and esciting, The fps stuff has always been 
easy but it gets boring after a bit, but your stuff would be truely 3d in 
action and in sound, it will be frustratingly tough but I am looking foreward 
to when one eventually comes up.

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Bryan,
Understandable. When I wrote that first post I was pretty much at the 
end of my rope you could say. I was pretty frustrated, clearly upset, 
and just sick and tired of being nagged by this group or another.

Now, however, I feel much better. I had my say, and we have embarked on 
a course of action. I've stated for the record the game will be a modern 
side-scroller and that should hopefully end the debate for once and for all.

Bryan Peterson wrote:
That makes me feel better too. I felt no small amount of apprehension 
when I saw your first message on the subject, remembering all too well 
the flare-up over it the last time it was raised.

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Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Yeah, that is pretty much what I said last night in my MOTA Decision 
post.If you have not already done so you might want to read that post as 
I pretty much laid out my decision in detail and why I did so.


dark wrote:

Hi tom.

As i've said Tom, I really would like a modern side scroller.

as you've already got the genesis engine, the possibility exists for 
you to create an fps game at a later point without too much trouble, 
 where as you probably don't fancy writing side scrollers again.

Personally, I'd most like to see those extra levels etc done, and the 
game stand as a great example of what can be created in audio 2D.

Fps can wait for a later time.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] 80's games suggestion

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Oh, I'm not changing the game. I was just making my feelings known 
publically. Though that won't in anyway stop me from producing the best 
side-scroller I can for you guys.

As for Tomb Raider there were a total of three side-scrollers produced 
that I know of. I think I may wish to download the walkthroughs for 
those side-scrollers and get some ideas from them. I've played a couple 
of them before on my Gameboy, but I can't remember them in 100% detail.

dark wrote:

Hi tom.

well, it's up to you, but personally I've had hours of fun with games 
like Turrican getting incredibly! lost in huge side scroller levels 
which take hours to work through.

While the consistancy point does make sense,  it to me seems 
reasonable as an evolution of the game series, - heck, even the 
tomb rader series has a side scrolling game on the Ds I believe at the 

While it's dinstinctly your game, and I'll enjoy an fps as much as 
anyone, i'd very much prefer the first tomb hunter game to stay the 
way it is,   consistancy or not.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

2009-10-30 Thread Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
I hope I am not to late in responding to this topic as I just checked my 
email for the first time in several days. However, I would like to say that 
I personally would like a more modern type game.   I hust like the modern 
style better and that is nothing against a side scroller since I remember 
playing Mario when I was younger and was a high enough partial to do so. I 
just like the chance to have a modern game, those are the ones that I want 
to play now and can't.

Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
Resident Adviser, Guide Dogs for the Blind Oregon campus
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 3:03 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

Hi everyone,
This has been something I've wanted to say for quite a while now, and I 
think now is the time I need to say it. To get this out of the way as your 
opinions, responses, etc will completely determine the future of the game 
from here on out. This is extremely important, and I hope all of you take 
this message very seriously. I hope you think about your responses very 
carefully before responding as your input is very important to me right 
As most of you know James North was planning on releasing a remake of the 
classic side-scroller Montezuma's Revenge. He took several orders for 
that game in December of 2004, but do to a variety of personal issues he 
was unable to complete the game within the time specified. Eventually, I 
took over development of the game in early 2006, and I decided to rewrite 
the game in C# .NET. I was nearly finished with the game in January of 
2008, had already taken orders for the game myself,  when I was contacted 
privately regarding the game's copyright infringement. As neither James or 
I had legally applied for permission to make a modern remake of the game I 
was officially ordered to cease and desist all development of the game. 
Rather than fight the cease and desist order I complied, and began my own 
side-scroller called Mysteries of the Ancients.  It was initially intended 
to be a classic side-scroller along the lines of Pitfall, Montezuma's 
Revenge, Mario Brothers, and similar games.
The thing to keep in mind here is that those games lacked many of the 
features modern FPS games have today. There  was no such thing as randomly 
placed items and monsters, you couldn't save your game and pick up where 
you left off later, when you punched an enemy you didn't miss unless you 
were too far away, etc. The main object of the game was to beat the game 
and earn the highest score possible. For some of you younger gamers it 
would be quite primitive compared to the Play Station and XBox games you 
are use too. It was a completely different generation of gaming.
I realized back then that many of you may not be happy with a 1980's type 
of side-scroller. I asked many of you if you would be happy with a more 
modern FPS game instead. The answer i got back was a resounding no! A 
couple of you wrote me very passionate letters about how much you would 
like to be able to play a classic side-scroller like those that were out 
in the 1980's that you were never able to play. So I set out to do just 
However, what I had feared all along began to come true. Many of you began 
making requests that were completely contrary to the type of game that was 
being developed. You asked for random items and monsters. After some 
debate I decided to add that feature, and removed the scoring feature 
since it was no longer needed. Those of you who wanted the feature were 
happy to get it, but those who didn't began asking me for a way to turn it 
off. They wanted a classic side-scroller, and asked me to stop adding 
features like that. Since it was too much work to have it both ways I had 
to decide to leave the random items and monsters in since most of the 
people liked it that way.
The thing is the suggestions and requests didn't stop there. Over the 
passed year I've been consistently asked to add features like you would 
typically find on more modern FPS type games. It isn't so much I am a 
posed to adding these kinds of features, but it is inconsistent with an 
80's type side-scroller. As the game currently is it is neither a classic 
side-scroller, and it isn't a fully modern FPS game either. For that 
reason some people, including myself, are unhappy with the way the game is 
turning out. I would much prefer either a straight out  classic 
side-scroller or a modern FPS game. At this point the game is neither one, 
and is a bit of a mix of both styles. That might not be bad, but over the 
passed few months I've grown to completely hate the game because it isn't 
the game I wanted to create. It is nothing like it.
So here is the question. Do you guys want me to go back and make this game 
as a classic side-scroller, as was intended initially, without randomized 
monsters and items, no save game features, 

Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
As I said in my message several people impressed upon me how much easier 
side-scrollers are to play, how much more accessible they are, and I do 
think it has enormous commercial potential.  Therefore it makes sense in 
releasing a handful of side-scrollers at some future point.

What I may do, though, is split the engine into a couple of specialized 
versions. Keep Genesis 3D as the full 3d FPS engine, and make a stripped 
down 2d version for side-scrollers and other 2d type games. That way the 
game's can be specialized for there particular style or genre.

As for my personal feelings I don't have anything personal against 
side-scrollers. It is more to do with the fact when I was sighted I 
played several of them on my NES like castlevania, Megaman, Double 
Dragon, etc and it is like been there done that for me. When my vision 
started going the full 3d first person and third person games started 
hitting the market and they were hard to play because I couldn't see 
them that well. I want to pick up where I left off so to speak. However, 
we have this huge market of people who have never had vision who have 
never had a chance to play Castlevania, Super Mario, Double Dragon, 
Legend of Kage, or any of it because it was never fully accessible to 
them. So what is old hat to me is something brand new and revolutionary 
to them. So the irony is while I really want to move on, pick up where I 
left off, I'm also the perfect person to bring back clones of games most 
of our accessible games community has never played at all.

For example, Megaman would be a fantastic game to bring to the 
accessible games market. I know it, you know it, and plenty of other 
accessible gamers know it. Obviously, Nintendo Entertainment would have 
my head if I used the name Megaman, but if I used Roboman, Ultraman, 
Cyberman, or something like that I could likely slip right under the 
legal radar. Something very like it could be created as long as I were 
careful to step over anything that smells of copyright infringement. I'm 
not against putting out a few games of that sort now and then.

dark wrote:

Hi tom.

Fantastic! i couldn't be more pleased with this decision, - 
especially that your going to make creation of 2D games a perminent 
part of the engine and a matter for future considderation.

Personally, I have every intention of fully playing and enjoying both 
mota titles absolutely!

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Ryan Strunk

The one comment I'd make in response to your post is that, though there are
blind people out there who have difficulty navigating 3D environments, there
are also those of us who don't have that problem. I'd much rather have a
game that raises the bar for some than keep it low so that some can be
comfortable. If you're wanting to create something that's truly
three-dimensional, please do.


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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Tom,

Definitely a good call IMHO, makes a lot of sense.

All I can say now is I'm looking forward to spending a vicarious
Christmas as Angela Carter... which isn't something I've ever had to
say before lol.

The FPS navigation issues, though I don't seem to have those myself at
least with the GMA engine, I think boils down to the fact that blind
people very rarely have to memorise an entire map and be able to do
whatever our version of visualising that in our minds eye is.  Even
when we learn a route to the shops or learn our way around a station
or somewhere like that in everyday life, most blind people that I know
of (myself included) seem to break that down into smaller stages and
rely on clues or landmarks to trigger the next stage in their memory.
Might be different for you because as far as I know you've had usable
vision for quite a while, but I think this explains why blind people
giving a sighted person directions is often quite bizzarre unless it's
a route they know like the back of their hand so they can actually
pull up the overall layout in their mind.  This is also why I think,
in the main, most of us in real life struggle to retrace our steps,
because instead of just visualising where we've been and flipping it
around, we have to reverse each individual stage.

Just musing on it in case it helps you to come up with some sort of
navigation information commands that might give those who struggle
with FPS navigation a fighting chance and maybe increase their
capacity at the same time.  Having played Audio Quake pretty
thoroughly a few years ago (the single player levels too) I can tell
you I struggled a tad at points with those maps, but it wasn't
anything that a well thought out view command couldn't have solved for
me in a synch.


On 10/30/09, Ken wrote:
 I think those are some good thoughts.  I'm glad you won't be limiting
 yourself to side scrollers, not because I'm good at FPS type games, though I
 like both types of game play, but because, in my opinion, we already are
 limited dimensionally as blind people.  Our screen readers give us info on a
 1-dimensional plain--up and down.  You can go left and right of course but
 you rarely ever need to.
 As far as navigating goes, I think the biggest problem isn't navigating
 itself but trying to remember all the places you were, the overall shape of
 the levels and so on.  I have a few thoughts on this point.
 First, a homing beacon could be set up to continually draw the player on to
 the next item of interest--not the one closer by distance, because you could
 be in a maze where the exit is ten feet away but be nowhere near it in terms
 of being able to reach it quickly.  A homing signal could, though, tell the
 player where interesting items were by proximity not to them in terms of
 spacial reality, but rather in terms of what is closer considering how the
 maze is navigated, the walls in the way and so on.
 Next, I'd love a disappearing hallways option.  If you go down a hallway and
 explore all side passages and get all relevant items, and if the hallway or
 dead end has no more function, I'd like to be able to seal it off.  That way
 I'm not just wandering the same passages again and again trying to get to
 the next place of importance.
 I have recently been looking at virtual worlds, and navigating them using
 the voICe.  An interesting idea that comes up in the navigation of these
 virtual worlds is that you can go from one element of interest to another
 and back again with the page up and page down commands.  Similarly, in a
 mud, you can type remember bar and, later, go to that same bar you
 remembered earlier.
 Descriptions of rooms were interesting for me, but not helpful as far as
 navigating.  The main thing for me was, had I been there before, its
 relationship to other rooms in terms of reachability and not necessarily
 coordinates, and so on.
 Well, I'm satisfied with this post except that JAWS can't say reach ability.
 Keep up the awesome work!

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 The Caring Without the Staring
 - Original Message -
 From: Thomas Ward
 Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 12:55 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

 Hi everyone,

 After reading many e-mails, after much thought, I've come to the following

 conclusions about the future of Mysteries of the Ancients.

 First, while many of you said you would enjoy an FPS type title you also
 said that you like 

Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

2009-10-30 Thread Charles Rivard
Although any other creator could create one, are they?
In God we trust!
- Original Message - 
From: Yohandy
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

but why would the opportunity be lost? You do know thomas isn't the only
audiogame developer. Any other dev could create a sidescroller. I'd be happy
either way thomas wishes to go. I think it's about time he got a say in this
and actually create something he'll enjoy. I was one of those who preordered
Montezuma, and I'd be appreciative with a rock-tossing game if that's what
thomas wished to make. He's certainly been through enough already. you guys
gotta realize that everyone makes mistakes. Thomas made a huge mistake
accepting responsibility for Montezuma. he knows it and we all know it. so
just let the man do what he wants with the game and be happy with the

- Original Message - 
From: dark
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

 As I said in my post to Tom Bryan,  I stil fail to see the connection
 betwene complex features and ditching the side scrolling genre.

 personally,  whild i'd enjoy an fps game as much as anyone, --- I'd be
 sorry to see this oppertunity lost.

 Beware the grue!

 - Original Message - 
 From: Bryan Peterson
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

 Personally, while I do like the idea of more side scrollers in the AG
 market I like the direction MOTA has taken so far. If keeping that means
 converting it to an FPS I personally would say go for that. The way I see
 it it's everybody's fault for requesting all these non-80s feature
 additions so they should have to live with the consequences. Someone else
 can develop their classic 80s style side scroller at a later time since I
 daresay you've become more than a little burnt out on the genre yourself.
 Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice of
 Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 4:03 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

 Hi everyone,
 This has been something I've wanted to say for quite a while now, and I
 think now is the time I need to say it. To get this out of the way as
 your opinions, responses, etc will completely determine the future of
 the game from here on out. This is extremely important, and I hope all
 of you take this message very seriously. I hope you think about your
 responses very carefully before responding as your input is very
 important to me right now.
 As most of you know James North was planning on releasing a remake of
 the classic side-scroller Montezuma's Revenge. He took several orders
 for that game in December of 2004, but do to a variety of personal
 issues he was unable to complete the game within the time specified.
 Eventually, I took over development of the game in early 2006, and I
 decided to rewrite the game in C# .NET. I was nearly finished with the
 game in January of 2008, had already taken orders for the game myself,
 when I was contacted privately regarding the game's copyright
 infringement. As neither James or I had legally applied for permission
 to make a modern remake of the game I was officially ordered to cease
 and desist all development of the game. Rather than fight the cease and
 desist order I complied, and began my own side-scroller called Mysteries
 of the Ancients.  It was initially intended to be a classic
 side-scroller along the lines of Pitfall, Montezuma's Revenge, Mario
 Brothers, and similar games.
 The thing to keep in mind here is that those games lacked many of the
 features modern FPS games have today. There  was no such thing as
 randomly placed items and monsters, you couldn't save your game and pick
 up where you left off later, when you punched an enemy you didn't miss
 unless you were too far away, etc. The main object of the game was to
 beat the game and earn the highest score possible. For some of you
 younger gamers it would be quite primitive compared to the Play Station
 and XBox games you are use too. It was a completely different generation
 of gaming.
 I realized back then that many of you may not be happy with a 1980's
 type of side-scroller. I asked many of you if you would be happy with a
 more modern FPS game instead. The answer i got back was a resounding
 no! A couple of you wrote me very passionate letters about how much
 you would like to be able to play a classic side-scroller like those
 that were out in the 1980's that you were never able to play. So I set
 out to do just that.

Re: [Audyssey] Future plans?

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Ryan,
Yes, there will be. What I meant to say is that Mysteries of the 
Ancients will remain as a completely modern side-scroller, and that I 
will officially be making a 2d engine an option for future development. 
I still intend to release some advance 3d FPS games for those gamers 
like me who want them, but I do think given the number of problems with 
that genre it might be commercially better to release a few 2d games as 
well as 3d games to appeal to both groups. Especially, since both 
technologies now exist.


Ryan Conroy wrote:

Hi Tom,

With your final dicission, does this mean that there will not be any fully 
accessible 3d titles in the future?

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[Audyssey] Games as a Navigation Teaching Tool, was: Re: My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Jeremy Hartley

Hi folks,

I am a bit late to this thread, but I just wanted to say that I totally 
agree with the thought that it is great to have a game that raises the bar 
and challenges people to stretch themselves mentally.  This does not mean 
that I disagree with Thomas's decision about making side scrollers.  I play 
Mota now, and will buy it when it comes out.
I can see his point, as well as understand how frustrating 3d type 
environments can be for some to navigate.

Many years ago, I too had problems trying to get my head around games that 
were not just 2d or side scroller in nature.  I think a lot of the 
frustration stemmed from a lack of teaching about reading maps and 
understanding more advanced navigation concepts.

To better understand the complexities of some of the games like Monkey 
Business, Sarah, SOD and others, I first decided to approach things as if I 
were walking around myself, even standing up while playing sometimes, and 
making 90 degree turns quite literally, just to picture my character 
walking, turning, and exploring.  This helped me some.  But the more I just 
gutted out the frustration and played the games, the more I was taught about 
navigating.  Now, after several years, I prefer the more challenging 

I guess what I am getting at is that sometimes we must get out of our 
comfort zones, even during play time, if we want to find ourselves 
challenged.  Am I saying that everyone will and should learn how to navigate 
more complex environments?  Absolutely not.  I just think we all need to be 
gently reminded about the fact that sometimes a challenge is just what we 

I remember many years ago learning on my first computer.  A lot of what I 
did was play games, in order to get a feel for typing and computer usage.  I 
think a lot of us did that.  We used games as teaching tools.  We can do the 
same thing when we play games that have the more complex navigation 
environments.  Games can be great tools for learning.

maybe this will work for some of you, maybe not others, it is just one man's 


- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision


The one comment I'd make in response to your post is that, though there 
blind people out there who have difficulty navigating 3D environments, 

are also those of us who don't have that problem. I'd much rather have a
game that raises the bar for some than keep it low so that some can be
comfortable. If you're wanting to create something that's truly
three-dimensional, please do.


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Re: [Audyssey] Future plans?

2009-10-30 Thread dark
And for those of us who like both types of games,  that's fantastic news 

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Future plans?

Hi Ryan,
Yes, there will be. What I meant to say is that Mysteries of the Ancients 
will remain as a completely modern side-scroller, and that I will 
officially be making a 2d engine an option for future development. I still 
intend to release some advance 3d FPS games for those gamers like me who 
want them, but I do think given the number of problems with that genre it 
might be commercially better to release a few 2d games as well as 3d games 
to appeal to both groups. Especially, since both technologies now exist.


Ryan Conroy wrote:

Hi Tom,

With your final dicission, does this mean that there will not be any 
fully accessible 3d titles in the future?

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Re: [Audyssey] Future plans?

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

That's exactly what I said. I'm not changing Mysteries of the Ancients 
do to end user requests that I not do so, but that future games would 
likely be 3d FPS type titles.

Bryan Peterson wrote:
See I got the impression he'd stated just the opposite. He stated that 
he would release MOTA as is, meaning the modern side scroller, but 
that he planned at some point, though he wasn't sure when, to do an 
upgrade of MOTA that would convert it into 3-d. And I think he still 
plans for the rest of the Tomb Hunter series to be fully 3-D.

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread dark

Hi tom.

I fully agree with you to an extent and distinctly see your position.

I first became interested in audio games myself because games like Shades 
allowed me to play game genres I normally do not have enough sight to,   
sinse 3D games are far too complex for me to visually cope with.

to be brutally honest, I do certainly stil have the sight to play side 
scrollers, and in fact probably spend as much time on those sorts of 
games,  either in original versions or more recent internet remakes 
(particularly of Turrican), as i DO PLAYING AUDIO GAMES. i'M IN FACT BETA 


It IS ONLY REALLY DUMB LUCK THAT i HAPPEN TO stil have a small amount of 
working vision and can thus stil play Mega man, metroid, turrican etc, and 
I'd absolutely love to be able to pass on to everyone who hasn't been as 
lucky with vision as I have, the hours and hours of fun i've had over the 
years with side scrollers.

in fact, if you create a useable 2D game creation tool with the Genesis 
engine, when my Phd is done in a couple of years I well might have a look at 
realizing a personal dream, and creating an audio turrican game,   
complete with just as much exploration, all the weapons, and the award 
winningsound track composed by Chris Huelsbek,  which is as famous as 
the game's themselves.

I'll certainly be looking forward to the 3D game on a personal level, as 
this is certainly a game type I can't play,  but I'm glad developement 
of the 2D game will continue to an extent as well.

Beware the grue!


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[Audyssey] 3D navigation

2009-10-30 Thread dark

to me, the difficulty of a 3D game depends entirely upon how good the 
navigation tools in that particular game are. 

Monkey business, i have to admit, I'm actually absolutely appauling! at and 
have never made it through the Jungle stage successfully. I just find the 
navigation used in that game extremely imprecise, as to pointing out objects, 
and spend most of my time running into walls uncertain of where I am. 

the games produced with the Gma engine,  and indeed Terraformers however, 
are a vastly different story. 

The precise nature of audio to in game objects with turn indicators etc, the 
use of various viewing tools like the list view, or the 360 and streight ahead 
scans,  the precise nature of object indication sounds and the ability to 
have objects in range listed by catagory using the monster view,  not to 
mention of course some great sonar for targiting (though the audio precision in 
the Gma engine is quite useable as it is). 

All of these contribute to making 3D navigation not only possible,  but 
considderably easy. 

I'm fairly certain that however complex the environment, Tom will be able to 
utilize tools to compensate, - actually I personally think the view 
function in 2D mota makes the game a litle too easy when calculating jumps 
(though I'm certainly not saying it should be removed or changed,  just 
illustrating Tom's ability to create really good ease of use tools for his 

I'd therefore really encourage people who've felt 3D frustration not to be put 
off 3D entirely,  and especially not by monkey business. 

Beware the grue! 

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Re: [Audyssey] 3D navigation

2009-10-30 Thread Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
now I like monkey business. I have beaten the game it it is personally one 
of my favorite games out there. I love the 3d sound effects and find the 
difficulty the greatest part about it. I would love to see more games like 

Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
Resident Adviser, Guide Dogs for the Blind Oregon campus
- Original Message - 
From: dark

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:29 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] 3D navigation


to me, the difficulty of a 3D game depends entirely upon how good the 
navigation tools in that particular game are.

Monkey business, i have to admit, I'm actually absolutely appauling! at 
and have never made it through the Jungle stage successfully. I just find 
the navigation used in that game extremely imprecise, as to pointing out 
objects, and spend most of my time running into walls uncertain of where I 

the games produced with the Gma engine,  and indeed Terraformers 
however, are a vastly different story.

The precise nature of audio to in game objects with turn indicators etc, 
the use of various viewing tools like the list view, or the 360 and 
streight ahead scans,  the precise nature of object indication sounds 
and the ability to have objects in range listed by catagory using the 
monster view,  not to mention of course some great sonar for targiting 
(though the audio precision in the Gma engine is quite useable as it is).

All of these contribute to making 3D navigation not only possible,   
but considderably easy.

I'm fairly certain that however complex the environment, Tom will be able 
to utilize tools to compensate, - actually I personally think the view 
function in 2D mota makes the game a litle too easy when calculating jumps 
(though I'm certainly not saying it should be removed or changed,   
just illustrating Tom's ability to create really good ease of use tools 
for his games.

I'd therefore really encourage people who've felt 3D frustration not to be 
put off 3D entirely,  and especially not by monkey business.

Beware the grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] Games as a Navigation Teaching Tool, was: Re: My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread David Chittenden


I completely agree with you.

It is our fear of failure and/or looking stupid and feeling frustrated 
which often holdes us back. Playing these sorts of games on the computer 
can help if we let it.

David Chittenden, MS, CRC, MRCAA

Jeremy Hartley wrote:

Hi folks,

I am a bit late to this thread, but I just wanted to say that I 
totally agree with the thought that it is great to have a game that 
raises the bar and challenges people to stretch themselves mentally.  
This does not mean that I disagree with Thomas's decision about making 
side scrollers.  I play Mota now, and will buy it when it comes out.
I can see his point, as well as understand how frustrating 3d type 
environments can be for some to navigate.

Many years ago, I too had problems trying to get my head around games 
that were not just 2d or side scroller in nature.  I think a lot of 
the frustration stemmed from a lack of teaching about reading maps and 
understanding more advanced navigation concepts.

To better understand the complexities of some of the games like Monkey 
Business, Sarah, SOD and others, I first decided to approach things as 
if I were walking around myself, even standing up while playing 
sometimes, and making 90 degree turns quite literally, just to picture 
my character walking, turning, and exploring.  This helped me some.  
But the more I just gutted out the frustration and played the games, 
the more I was taught about navigating.  Now, after several years, I 
prefer the more challenging environments.

I guess what I am getting at is that sometimes we must get out of our 
comfort zones, even during play time, if we want to find ourselves 
challenged.  Am I saying that everyone will and should learn how to 
navigate more complex environments?  Absolutely not.  I just think we 
all need to be gently reminded about the fact that sometimes a 
challenge is just what we need.

I remember many years ago learning on my first computer.  A lot of 
what I did was play games, in order to get a feel for typing and 
computer usage.  I think a lot of us did that.  We used games as 
teaching tools.  We can do the same thing when we play games that have 
the more complex navigation environments.  Games can be great tools 
for learning.

maybe this will work for some of you, maybe not others, it is just one 
man's opinion.


- Original Message - From: Ryan Strunk
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision


The one comment I'd make in response to your post is that, though 
there are
blind people out there who have difficulty navigating 3D 
environments, there

are also those of us who don't have that problem. I'd much rather have a
game that raises the bar for some than keep it low so that some can be
comfortable. If you're wanting to create something that's truly
three-dimensional, please do.


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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Hayden Presley
Hi Thomas,
Good for you...I'm glad you finally got that decision made; I'm sure it's
been quite frustrating lately. About the FPS thing-I think that would be a
good idea. Perhaps you could make it in such a way that people like myself
(I admit I have absolutely no since of direction in FPS style games) could
keep both versions on one's computer, so that one could try both and decide
which they like better.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 4:03 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

I'll be looking forward to this finished game as well as any in the future. 
I've never tried a 3D game, and will take on the challenge.  You never know 
what one is like until you try one.  I don't know that I won't like it until

I taste the food.  I think you've made a good decision, and am behind you 
all the way, because you are trying to please the majority.
In God we trust!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 6:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

Hi everyone,

After reading many e-mails, after much thought, I've come to the
following conclusions about the future of Mysteries of the Ancients.

First, while many of you said you would enjoy an FPS type title you also
said that you like the game as it currently is. Even those who were
hoping for perhaps a more traditional 80's type side-scroller admitted
they could except Mysteries of the Ancients as it is as long as I would
not convert it to a full blown FPS. This is the kind of compromise I
think I was looking for. Both sides seam to be agreeing that the game
I've created is not only unique, but fun, challenging, and seams to
satisfy the majority of people in both camps.

Second, a number of you indicated you have no sense of direction,
navigation, whatever in playing FPS type games like Shades of Doom. As
this seams to be a rather common problem among blind gamers I'm
certainly sympathetic to your needs and issues. As a developer of
accessible games it is always helpful to know what types of games my
potential customers would find fun, challenging, and accessible. Even
though it might not be my forte this is still very useful information to

For one thing as plenty of you know near the beginning of 2008 I began
work on a highly advanced game engine called Genesis 3D. When I
initially designed that engine I intended to be able to create 3D FPS
type titles with full 3d movement such as the ability to walk
forward/backward, move left/right, or climb up/down. There has never
been a fully accessible title with true 3d levels, true 3d movement, and
built to mainstream specifications other than Audio Quake I know of.

However, one thing I had not counted on is a majority of my customers
having navigational issues in existing FPS games like Shades of Doom and
Sarah. As I generally don't have a big problem finding my way around in
these games I assumed most blind gamers didn't either. So I'm a bit
surprised that many of you do.

The point I'm getting at is that FPS games built with my engine would
add a new demmention of complexity that none of you have experienced
before. Such as you might walk into a room with a hole in the floor. You
would have to jump into or crawl down through that hole to enter a room
below the one you are in. To get back up to the room you just left you
would have to climb a rope, staircase, ladder, etc to get back up to the
rooms above you.  Basically, what I'm saying is not all of the rooms
would be on a flat surface, and you might have to climb up or down as
well as go north, south, east, or west to explore the entire level. As
this is a totally new experience for many of you I'm not sure all of you
would enjoy it. Those of you who have navigational issues may find this
too complicated or frustrating. So having a side-scroller probably would
be better suited for you in the long run.

Third, to Dark, Scott, and many others I hear you. The fact of the
matter is this is now 2009, and there are now many good examples of
side-scrollers that are every bit as good as the FPS titles out there.
Dark has convinced me that rather than trying to please a handful of
gamers who want a  80's style side-scroller I should investigate ways to
create a completely new, modern, type of side-scroller with save game
functionality, random monsters, random items,
modern combat styles, etc. To that end I say, bring it on!

As also has been said, now that I've spent all this time upgrading the
Genesis Engine to support 2d side-scrollers as well as more advanced FPS
type games I might as well get some use out of that functionality. Today
it might be MOTA, and someday when I'm ready maybe i can do something
else like a modern Castlevania, Megaman, or Double Dragon type clone.
The ability/functionality is 

Re: [Audyssey] 3D navigation

2009-10-30 Thread dark
I love the sound effects and environmnet of the game too,  I just find 
the unprecise nature of the game's navigation features rather gets on my 

there's personally nothing more annoying than hereing an object beacon, 
walking towards it only to walk past, then attempting to find it only to 
realize it's on the other side of some complicated wall Terrain.

I admit though, my senses of both space and navigation are pretty 
abyssmal,  even in real life (I remember all my routes by land marks, 
not by any sort of relations betwene the places I'm going), which is 
probably why i personally need such a handy navigation system as the one in 
the Gma engine and terraformers.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Kellie and my lovable Lady J.

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] 3D navigation

now I like monkey business. I have beaten the game it it is personally one 
of my favorite games out there. I love the 3d sound effects and find the 
difficulty the greatest part about it. I would love to see more games like 

Kellie and my lovable Lady J.
Resident Adviser, Guide Dogs for the Blind Oregon campus
- Original Message - 
From: dark

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:29 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] 3D navigation


to me, the difficulty of a 3D game depends entirely upon how good the 
navigation tools in that particular game are.

Monkey business, i have to admit, I'm actually absolutely appauling! at 
and have never made it through the Jungle stage successfully. I just find 
the navigation used in that game extremely imprecise, as to pointing out 
objects, and spend most of my time running into walls uncertain of where 
I am.

the games produced with the Gma engine,  and indeed Terraformers 
however, are a vastly different story.

The precise nature of audio to in game objects with turn indicators etc, 
the use of various viewing tools like the list view, or the 360 and 
streight ahead scans,  the precise nature of object indication sounds 
and the ability to have objects in range listed by catagory using the 
monster view,  not to mention of course some great sonar for 
targiting (though the audio precision in the Gma engine is quite useable 
as it is).

All of these contribute to making 3D navigation not only possible,   
but considderably easy.

I'm fairly certain that however complex the environment, Tom will be able 
to utilize tools to compensate, - actually I personally think the 
view function in 2D mota makes the game a litle too easy when calculating 
jumps (though I'm certainly not saying it should be removed or 
changed,   just illustrating Tom's ability to create really good ease 
of use tools for his games.

I'd therefore really encourage people who've felt 3D frustration not to 
be put off 3D entirely,  and especially not by monkey business.

Beware the grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] 3D navigation

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
I would agree with that assessment. I'll admit I've largely noddled my 
own engine after the GMA engine for the plane fact that it is familiar 
to me, it has some very excellent features, and it seamed like a great 
example of a fully accessible game engine to me. Even though it isn't 
fully 3d I instantly saw how the same engine could be updated to have a 
fully 3d environment, and I could build upon what was there to make a 
fully 3d FPS type title accessible.

I happen to own Monkey Business myself and the biggest disappointment is 
the navigation features in the game. I've done pretty well with the 
game, think it is fun, but I do get frustrated at times with the game 
when I have to listen to a sonar sound instead of having it described 
verbally. So obviously I'd be more in favor of doing things the way GMA 
did it rather than the way it was done in Monkey Business.

Anyway, I personally don't think going from a 2d FPS like shades of Doom 
to a 3d FPS is going to be that much of a big adjustment. Especially, 
since my game engine was designed along the lines of the GMA engine. 
Although, we will see how well it is received when I release my first 3d 

dark wrote:

to me, the difficulty of a 3D game depends entirely upon how good the navigation tools in that particular game are. 

Monkey business, i have to admit, I'm actually absolutely appauling! at and have never made it through the Jungle stage successfully. I just find the navigation used in that game extremely imprecise, as to pointing out objects, and spend most of my time running into walls uncertain of where I am. 

the games produced with the Gma engine,  and indeed Terraformers however, are a vastly different story. 

The precise nature of audio to in game objects with turn indicators etc, the use of various viewing tools like the list view, or the 360 and streight ahead scans,  the precise nature of object indication sounds and the ability to have objects in range listed by catagory using the monster view,  not to mention of course some great sonar for targiting (though the audio precision in the Gma engine is quite useable as it is). 

All of these contribute to making 3D navigation not only possible,  but considderably easy. 

I'm fairly certain that however complex the environment, Tom will be able to utilize tools to compensate, - actually I personally think the view function in 2D mota makes the game a litle too easy when calculating jumps (though I'm certainly not saying it should be removed or changed,  just illustrating Tom's ability to create really good ease of use tools for his games. 

I'd therefore really encourage people who've felt 3D frustration not to be put off 3D entirely,  and especially not by monkey business. 

Beware the grue! 

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Hayden,
Yeah, that is easy enough to do. When i release Mysteries of the 
Ancients 1.0 as a side-scroller I can install it to a  directory like

Mysteries of the Ancients 1.0.
Later if and when I decided to upgrade it to an FPS I can install that 
version to a directory like

Mysteries of the Ancients 2.0.
That way the games can be installed side by side, and played as 
individual games.

Hayden Presley wrote:

Hi Thomas,
Good for you...I'm glad you finally got that decision made; I'm sure it's
been quite frustrating lately. About the FPS thing-I think that would be a
good idea. Perhaps you could make it in such a way that people like myself
(I admit I have absolutely no since of direction in FPS style games) could
keep both versions on one's computer, so that one could try both and decide
which they like better.

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Re: [Audyssey] 3D navigation

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,

That happens to me from time to time too, but I do have very good 
spacial orientation skills which is a huge plus in my favor.  As a 
result I generally don't have a lot of problems getting around the 
levels in Monkey Business. One reason I believe I am so good at Monkey 
Business, Sarah, or Shades of Doom, is even though I'm totally blind now 
I still think like a sighted person. I'm able to see the level in my 
head and put doors, items, staircases, whatever in their proper 
relationship to each other. I'm able to see an entire level like a 2d 
map with this or that to the south, this or that to the east, something 
else is west of here, etc.

So from what you and Scott both have said I gather blind people 
generally don't think like this. They think of an area not as a whole, 
but only in terms from getting from one landmark to the next. This is 
completely foreign to me, and would be for anyone who has been sighted 
for very long. This sounds to me like a very big difference in 
perception from a sighted person's  point of view of the world and a 
blind person's point of view of the world. If so that would explain why 
I don't have problems getting around games like Shades of Doom, and why 
so many others can't make heads or tails out of the mazes. They 
litterally have no sense of depth, shape, and how things relate to one 
another in the real world.

dark wrote:
I love the sound effects and environmnet of the game too,  I just 
find the unprecise nature of the game's navigation features rather 
gets on my nerves.

there's personally nothing more annoying than hereing an object 
beacon, walking towards it only to walk past, then attempting to find 
it only to realize it's on the other side of some complicated wall 

I admit though, my senses of both space and navigation are pretty 
abyssmal,  even in real life (I remember all my routes by land 
marks, not by any sort of relations betwene the places I'm going), 
which is probably why i personally need such a handy navigation system 
as the one in the Gma engine and terraformers.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Hayden Presley
Hey Tom,
Cool, I'll be looking forward to playing both versions.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 8:33 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

Hi Hayden,
Yeah, that is easy enough to do. When i release Mysteries of the 
Ancients 1.0 as a side-scroller I can install it to a  directory like
Mysteries of the Ancients 1.0.
Later if and when I decided to upgrade it to an FPS I can install that 
version to a directory like
Mysteries of the Ancients 2.0.
That way the games can be installed side by side, and played as 
individual games.

Hayden Presley wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 Good for you...I'm glad you finally got that decision made; I'm sure it's
 been quite frustrating lately. About the FPS thing-I think that would be a
 good idea. Perhaps you could make it in such a way that people like myself
 (I admit I have absolutely no since of direction in FPS style games) could
 keep both versions on one's computer, so that one could try both and
 which they like better.

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Re: [Audyssey] My MOTA Decision

2009-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Yeah, I do see your point as well. There are plenty of games out there 
that aren't very accessible to us currently but could be if we had a 
decent engine to create them with. I'm working towards that, but it is 
not yet in a form a non-programmer could use. At this point I still do a 
fair amount of coding on the games since I haven'thad the time to 
automate the process with an editor that does everything you need it to.

dark wrote:

Hi tom.

I fully agree with you to an extent and distinctly see your position.

I first became interested in audio games myself because games like 
Shades allowed me to play game genres I normally do not have enough 
sight to,   sinse 3D games are far too complex for me to visually 
cope with.

to be brutally honest, I do certainly stil have the sight to play side 
scrollers, and in fact probably spend as much time on those sorts of 
games,  either in original versions or more recent internet 
remakes (particularly of Turrican), as i DO PLAYING AUDIO GAMES. i'M 


It IS ONLY REALLY DUMB LUCK THAT i HAPPEN TO stil have a small amount 
of working vision and can thus stil play Mega man, metroid, turrican 
etc, and I'd absolutely love to be able to pass on to everyone who 
hasn't been as lucky with vision as I have, the hours and hours of fun 
i've had over the years with side scrollers.

in fact, if you create a useable 2D game creation tool with the 
Genesis engine, when my Phd is done in a couple of years I well might 
have a look at realizing a personal dream, and creating an audio 
turrican game,   complete with just as much exploration, all the 
weapons, and the award winningsound track composed by Chris Huelsbek, 
 which is as famous as the game's themselves.

I'll certainly be looking forward to the 3D game on a personal level, 
as this is certainly a game type I can't play,  but I'm glad 
developement of the 2D game will continue to an extent as well.

Beware the grue!


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