Re: g_b Re:Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread Tintin Mumbai India
I second Azhagi.
I mean, we all know that Abhay did a mistake by doing the Act, but by
telling the incidence here in group, openly using his own Identity, he has
tried to accept the mistake.
Most of the times, we read such incidences starting like "One of my close
Can anyone authenticate, that those incidences really happened with a close
friend of the sender, not with sender itself?
I really think, are we really as much supportive as we claim?
It was like, a son comes home and tells his brother / friend, that he was
beaten up by someone as he did mistake, and the Brother / Friend scold him
on his mistake instead of suggesting him not to repeat this.
I suppose, if we do such things, no one would feel comfortable here to speak
his heart.
And all of such stories will start like, ONE OF MY CLOSE FRIEND CAUGHT RED
Grow up guys...
Another Abhay.

On 7 Aug 2007 04:39:28 -, azhagi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Poor Abhay. He only wanted to share his bad experience within the
> community and caution others. Look what he is getting as a response..
> People do learn from their experience and also from other's experience.
> That is the whole purpose of writing his exeperience.If U can not
> apprericate it fine..But do not humiliate him further by calling him 'idiot'
> and 'animal' etc
> Azhagi
> On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 Dreamy Eyes wrote :
> >u r an idiot... a freaking idiot... how could u try to grope
> one person in train just because u think that he is gay I mean r
> u an animal yep u did put the image of the whole community in
> shame.. already ppl think that its a disease and u just added fuel to
> that fire... seriously Mr. u did a nasty job...
> >
> >-
> >  Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.
> [image: 
> ebay]  PROTECTED]/1362386_1355934/1361766/1?PARTNER=3&OAS_QUERY=null+target=new+>

Re: g_b Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread Salil


I partly disagree - you are saying that gay men in Mumbai who have been  
blackmailed etc. when cruising, all thought they had been careful enough. This 
is fallacious. I remember hearing and reading of a number of incidents on these 
lists where the gay victim was simply ignorant of the need to be careful, 
and/or ignorant of the existence of organised crime against gays (as against 
spontaneous violence) and/or he took risks because that was the only way he saw 
of getting laid.

Also, I think its stretching it too far to think that Anon wants to have a GB 
meet to discuss in general the problems gay people face with public cruising. 
He wants to discuss the problem gay men face in differentiating gay and 
straight men in a train. Its a limited focus, and doesn't sound like the kind 
of thing GB would want to get into !

But then I mean that from a practical point of view, and not from being 
judgmental about train cruising  - in fact, before we get judgmental about 
train cruising, let us remember that giving tips to gay men to be careful when 
cruising in trains is a better idea than having gay men beaten up. Those who 
want to cruise will cruise anyway, its just a matter of whether its done safely 
or dangerously. Moralising will not help. Sensitising them to the rights of 
straight men will not help. Cautioning them about the risk of getting beaten 
up, might help. As the poor guy said to start with, he learnt his lesson the 
hard way and was just reporting it to the group. 


Manoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
Dear Anon,
  Well meanng but misplaced sympathies?
  I am not the person to answer if there wud be a meet on the topic u have 
suggested, but the way i see it , this is a topic on whether to cruise or not 
to cruise in public places in the first places and can it ever be safe -- India 
or elsewhere?
  There may be safeguards and safety tips, but all those till date who have 
been blackmailed or got hit by people or bashed up have all thought they are 
playing safe till the hit came --right naa?
Anon Anon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Abhay,
  I do understand while travelling in trains we guys can't stop urself frm 
crusing guys with out knwing weither he is the one or nt,and secondly people do 
talk ant thier experiences tht they had in train hence also wanna to have the 
  I don't think this is worng but Abhay pls understand thing thier are some 
basic things tht we had to keep in mind before crusing any guy/men in train 
don't worry i am going to list them in the group bt please be carefulll. U were 
very luck to just hd have bash frm homophobic people thier are other things 
which are happing and i think group should knw they are now a days cops are 
also in the compartment and they are in group and they ewncourage it first bt 
later they get down with u and start thier routine work oher is thier are  even 
cheaters in train and u all knw wht happens whn u fall in thier hands.
  I always wanted to make group aware bt was looking for right time and Abhay 
your case hd gave me tht thing hence i would like to request to moderater or 
responsable authorities who plan meeting can we have special meeting for 
"Problems face by gay in Train cruing" the reason i saying is that i have given 
counselling to many freinds of mine abt this thing and hence they are nt facing 
any such problems. I am nt saying i will give tips for save crusing in tarin i 
knw GB is nt for all this bt i wanna peolpe aware whts happing in trains now a 
  I hope u will consider my request as u will fine many people r found of 
travelling in 2x2 and they have to be aware abt things.
  Anyways Abhay u can get in touch with me my mail if wanna any help frm my 
   Well wisher of GB Guys.

Hello Everybody,
  Last weekend I had experience which is a nightmare for any gay.
  I was travelling by train, wherein I looked at this guy who I thought was a 
gay, when I started making inroads by touching his thighs..
  I got heavely beaten in front of all passengers.
  I dont know whether I feel ashamed of myself or am I among the people who are 
making the gay community more vulnarable to homophobic people by my acts.
  Certainly I did learnt lesson, the hard way.
  Take Care.

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Re: g_b Re: Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread excalibur explorer

There's no need to be abusive. We all share experiences for the benefit of each 
  Cruising in those circumstances require discretion and some caution. No one 
should be overly aggressive as it can offend - as it did in this case - and it 
can also embarrass others around. 
  The gateway must always be eye contact. I'm sure dreamy eyes would tell you 
about eye contact. Once there is that connection it's difficult to misread the 
googly. There is an opening but even then the person may not be interested in 
physical contact because of the surroundings and the situation. I've never been 
to India so I can't say I can speak from experience.
  Here's an anecdote. Last year while I was in London waiting for a train I 
spotted a handsome guy and kept stealing glances at him. He was wrapped up in 
business talk with a colleague and I'm sure he never noticed me. We got on the 
same carriage which was crowded to capacity. To my utter delight we ended up 
backing each other and I felt his beautiful butt rubbing against mine for 
several stations. I just stood there hoping the journey would never end and in 
rapture at each bump on the journey which thrust his rear ever so deliciously 
against mine. I got off first...but I savoured those moment for the rest of 
that day...and still do...apparently. 
  No harm + thrills for me = good outcome.

  Dreamy Eyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
well. I might been rude... in fact I was. am sorry 
about that but guys just think about it. acting purely based on 
your instinct and not thinking what trait does it present at the first 
shot?? he wrote the whole incident which presents exactly this 
picture. isn't it. local trains in Bombay, Metro Rail in 
Calcutta are two famous crusing places. in fact I am from Calcutta and 
while travelling by metro rail got looks from others or looked at others... 
I know that's very matural... Abhay u did not do anything wrong looking at 
him.. but my point was when he said he tried to grope the person. or to 
put it in the better way feel the person... I mean shouldn't we been a bit 
more restrictive in that???. right now am in New York and here in 
subway also people do look I saw some real eye-candies. and few 
looked to me also.. here people has a fascination for
 tanned skin... neway my point is that enjoy ur fantasy but we should know 
the limit of pursuing it  amn't I right???.. 
  to Abhay : am sorry for calling you names. but tell me if in a house 
one person does a wrong wudn't other people first get mad and then realize that 
we need to talk about it???... I think our GB grp is such... 

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Re: g_b Am I Straight / gay / Bisexual / Bi-curious?

2007-08-07 Thread Manoj
Dear Vijay,
  Let me ask you some simple things?
  - wud you allow the same freedom to ur life partner if she wanted it ?
  - what wud be ur reactions if 5 yrs back when u did not have these thoughts, 
ur frnd wud have hit on you?
  - u have taken a conscious decision to bring to life a 8 yr old - what wud be 
his reaction and fate on ever discovering this?
  I am saying this under the presumption that you have been surfing gay porn 
without actually "getting into action"- unsubscribe from this site, all such 
forums and try to live a life you  CHOSE and try and do justice to that.
  You may have to lose some mortal pleasures and always feel robbed of that 
-but willnot be robbed of a feeling that you cheated with those who love you 
and believe in you - you will die far more at peace.
  Difficult i know -but try it.
  Otherwise --well welcome aboard -- but u were warned

vijay_30g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I am 37yr old, straight. Married since last 10 yrs. I have a 8yr old 
son. Apart from mutual masterbation in my school / college days I 
did not have any same sex (M2M) experience.
Recently I am having a strong urge to have sex with a male friend of 
mine. He is also straight. We are good friends and have a strong 
male bonding between us.
Recently I spend lot of time on the net surfering gay-porn.

I am confused because of the thoughts. As I am happy with my wife 
and not faceing any problems what-so-ever.
I am worried because unknowingly I might express my feelings and may 
endup loosing my good friend.
Many questions come to my mind...
1) Is it common or okey to have such feeling?
2) Should I share my feeling with my friend?
3) How should I share it with him so as not to loose him as a friend?
4) Should I ask for just-for-once experience? how?
5) Why am I haveing such feeling?
I am looking for answers to these questions.
If anyone over here can give me good answers please write to me 
directly and my ID is
... Moderator,
If you can help me find a solution I would appriciate it.


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g_b Re: Caught red handed - don't we gays have fun

2007-08-07 Thread edwardxderwent

i've been meaning to reply to this post for a few days ... i'm sorry
that you got beaten and embarrassed..

but, on the other hand, i could not help smiling a little. it's one of
our worst nightmares isn't it, getting the 'message' from another guy

public transport adventures are wonderful fun... i have some good
memories. on a bus in beijing, so tightly packed that i could nto move
my hand from a cute guys arse crack.. not that he was complaing haha!!!

on a sydney train, masturbating a great thai guy thru the thin fabric
of his summer pants, his total shiok when he he suddenly cummed in his
pants. i wondered how uncomfortable he was in his office that morning.

and another memory of standing next to a truly beautiful eurasian guy
and my hand swing against his arse.. no signs of rejection as i
touched more and more until my hand was squeezing his arse for a
number of stops.

but !!!  the MIScalculations. sitting next to a chosen target on
another sydney train, knee pressed his knee, imagining i'm getting a
response, encouraged by that to go a step further and put my hand (as
you did) on his thigh..

oooh! the embarrassment of his sudden shriek !!! (at least i did
not get beaten)..

isn't it FUN being a fag ?

i love my gay life !!


hey! Abhay dar - take more care in future. love u 

--- In, abhay kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Everybody,
>   Last weekend I had experience which is a nightmare for any gay.
>   I was travelling by train, wherein I looked at this guy who I
thought was a gay, when I started making inroads by touching his
>   I got heavely beaten in front of all passengers.
>   I dont know whether I feel ashamed of myself or am I among the
people who are making the gay community more vulnarable to homophobic
people by my acts.
>   Certainly I did learnt lesson, the hard way.
>   Take Care.
>   Abhay
> -
>  5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.

Re: g_b Re:Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread Salil

Yes, in fact I am sure that the original email from Abhay would have done far 
more good to far more members than all that we have all written about it 
thereafter !


azhagi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
 Poor Abhay. He only wanted to share his bad experience within the community 
and caution others. Look what he is getting as a response..
 People do learn from their experience and also from other's experience. That 
is the whole purpose of writing his exeperience.If U can not apprericate it 
fine..But do not humiliate him further by calling him 'idiot' and 'animal' 
 On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 Dreamy Eyes wrote :
 >u r an idiot... a freaking idiot... how could u try to grope one 
 >person in train just because u think that he is gay I mean r u an 
 >animal yep u did put the image of the whole community in shame.. 
 >already ppl think that its a disease and u just added fuel to that 
 >fire... seriously Mr. u did a nasty job...

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Re: g_b Re:Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread Salil

A dear friend of mine sent me a load of pix from your gay pride of last week, I 
must say that it was surely a blast ! We hope one day we will have something 
like that in India, where we feel liberated enough to have a pride carnival 
instead of a pride protest march. 


"H.Frieling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi 
This is Floris from Amsterdam. I am since long a member of 'Gay-Bombay"
 (I love Mumbai)
 and mostly read the discussions quickly. I never posted anything here .
 I wonder why some of you are so unfriendly to each other. Life for gay
 people is already so difficult in India. You should help and support each
 other more.
 Greeting from sunny Amsterdam where we had our Gay Pride in the canals last

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 5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.

g_b The TLS on marriage

2007-08-07 Thread S S
The Times Literary Supplement reviews books on marriage, and ends up discussing 
gay marriage as well.

The TLS June 29, 2007

Ever after
Barbara R. Bergmann

ALONE TOGETHER. How marriage in America is changing. by Alan Booth, Paul R.

Amato, David Johnson and Stacy J. Rogers. 336pp. Harvard University Press.

Pounds 29.95 (US $45). - 978 0 674 02281 2.

MARRIAGE AND CASTE IN AMERICA. Separate and unequal families in a
post-marital age. Kay S. Hymowitz. 192pp. Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee. US
$22.50. - 978 1 56663

709 1.

THE FUTURE OF MARRIAGE. David Blankenhorn. 260pp. Encounter Books.
Pounds 22.50

(US $25.95). - 978 1 59403 081 9.

Marriage has served a crucial function in human society: it has been the
means by which the male half of the species has been hooked into
providing substantial amounts of goods and services to the offspring
they engender, a duty from which their close relatives, the male chimps
and gorillas, have been exempt. Human males have been burdened with this
duty as a result of human cleverness. As we started wearing clothing,
building shelters, using difficult-to-manufacture tools, herding
animals, and moving into colder climates, human children needed more
than they could get from just their mothers. The institution of marriage
responded to this need with a pledge by a man to make contributions on a
long-term basis to a woman and her children. In return he got her
domestic services, plus a promise of exclusive sexual access, which gave
him assurance that he had sired her children.

There has always been more to marriage than material provision to offspring.

There's nurturance, companionship, stability, passing down of property,
family alliances, home cooking. And, of course, there's love. Ay,
there's the rub love is notoriously changeable. The increased freedom in
the modern world to follow one's heart wherever it leads has led some to
an avoidance of new commitments and many to exits from previous ones.
In the developed West this societal institution, so central to human\u003cbr 
/\>functioning throughout history, has been steadily weakening for 
decades\u003cbr /\>and could possibly disappear. In the United States, the 
post-war baby\u003cbr /\>boom ended in about 1960, and almost every year since 
has seen a decline\u003cbr /\>in the proportion of women who are currently 
married. About half of\u003cbr /\>marriages eventually end in divorce. As the 
currently married share of\u003cbr /\>the population has dwindled, cohabitation 
by the un-married, a\u003cbr /\>considerably less stable form of alliance, has 
grown rapidly. In 1960,\u003cbr /\>there were ninety-seven married couples for 
every cohabiting\u003cbr /\>heterosexual couple counted by the US Census 
Bureau, while in 2005 there\u003cbr /\>were twelve. A third of American 
children are now born to unmarried\u003cbr /\>mothers, and most of those 
mothers, together with the many divorced\u003cbr /\>mothers, are struggling to
 bring up their children by themselves.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>It is not 
difficult to see why this is happening. A lifelong commitment\u003cbr /\>means 
wretched misery for a lifetime if you make a stupid mistake. So an\u003cbr 
/\>escape hatch was needed and has been duly provided by a sensible\u003cbr 
/\>society, in the form of divorce at will.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Abstinence 
from sex by unmarried girls and women, which made sex hard to\u003cbr /\>get 
for unmarried men, was previously bolstered by fear of life-ruining\u003cbr 
/\>pregnancy.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>That scarcity of easily available sex 
provided a powerful motive for\u003cbr /\>marriage.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Now 
the practice of abstinence is largely gone, thanks to legalized\u003cbr 
/\>abortion and the scientific advances that have brought us reliable\u003cbr 
/\>contraception.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Despite better contraception, however, 
the rise in the proportion of the\u003cbr /\>population that is
 unmarried has meant more out-of-wedlock births, not\u003cbr /\>fewer.\u003cbr 
/\>\u003cbr /\>And contraception has reduced fertility within marriage, 
reducing the\u003cbr /\>period in which a woman\'s children need intense care, 
during which male\u003cbr /\>help is most crucial. The increasing participation 
in paid work by\u003cbr /\>",1] );  //-->
In the developed West this societal institution, so central to human
functioning throughout history, has been steadily weakening for decades
and could possibly disappear. In the United States, the post-war baby
boom ended in about 1960, and almost every year since has seen a decline
in the proportion of women who are currently married. About half of
marriages eventually end in divorce. As the currently married share of
the population has dwindled, cohabitation by the un-married, a
considerably less stable form of alliance, has grown rapidly. In 1960,
there were ninety-seven married couples for every cohabiting
heterosexual couple counted by the US Census Bureau, while in 20

Re: g_b Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread Salil

I am a bit uncomfortable with the judgmental thread running through the 
responses to the guy who got beaten up by a straight man he groped in the 
train. Why can't we let the guy just be, instead of telling him that he 
deserved it since he chose his risk - he was hardly justifying himself in the 
first place. All he was saying was that its important to not be careless, which 
is the message that others seem to be wanting to get across anyway.


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g_b 3rd Lesbian Murder within a month in S.Africa

2007-08-07 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
>Subject: [sogi] [iire-lgbt] southafrika
>Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2007 00:12:25 -0500 (CDT)
>- Mensaje reenviado por [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
>Dear friends, colleagues, comrades
>I would like to share these horrible news with you: a black lesbian was
>stoned to death last Sunday in a township in the South African province
>Kwa Zulu Natal. You will find the details in the email below.
>Unfortunately this it not a single exceptional incident but happened
>only three weeks after the murder of two black lesbians in Soweto who
>have been kidnapped, tortured and executed. This was the third hate
>crime of this kind only in Soweto since January 2007.
>Activist are discussing right now how to respond to these phenomena as
>in spite of extensive work in the sector of violence against women, the
>South African state and the general public seems not to acknowledge the
>"state of emergency" women in South Africa and especially black lesbians
>are living in.
>As soon as there is a campaign and a plan of action developed I will
>pass on the information to you as the situation might require
>international support.
>Best wishes
>Dr. Antje Schuhmann
>Department of Political Studies
>University of the Witwatersrand
>Johannesburg/ South Africa
>0027 (0) 7 9651 9651
>- Original Message - From: "Wendy"
>Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 12:11 PM
>Subject: Alert: Lesbian Stoned to Death In Ladysmith
>Dear All,
>We have just received a report of a possible hate crime from our media
>contact in Ladysmith, Kwa-Zulu Natal.
>On 22 July 2007 at about 5pm the body of a 23-year old young lesbian,
>Thokozane Qwabe was found by people herding cattle in a filed near E
>Section Community Hall. Her clothes were lying about 70m from where her
>body was found. She had a number of wounds to her head. The previous
>night, when she was least seen, was in the company of a man. He has
>subsequently been arrested and charged with murder.
>I have made contact with the police in Ezakheni and will send follow-up
>fax for more information. I have also been informed that the Durban
>Lesbian and Gay Community Centre will hold a public meeting in Ladysmith
>this coming Sunday. Ladysmith is a very small, conservative and
>homophobic town. I recommend we start thinking of ways to provide
>support to the Centre and the lesbian and gay community in the town.
>Wendy Isaack
>Manager: Legal Department
>People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA)
>Tel: +2711 6424345
>Fax: +2711 4843195
>'We need to understand what it means to be heterosexual as well as
>homosexual and that our sexualities affect whether we live or die.'
>Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi

g_b ghazal: I went into the garden at dawn to gather roses

2007-08-07 Thread Vikram D
I went into the garden at dawn to gather roses,
When suddenly I heard the voice of the nightingale
Poor thing, he was stricken in anguish for the love of the rose,
And sprinkled the meadows round with his sobs, as he looked for help.
Lost then in thought, slowly I paced in the garden,
Considering this affair of the rose and the nightingale.
The rose is become the image of Beauty, and the nightingale of Love:
The one will grant no favours, yet the other still remains constant.
When, the voice of the nightingale prevailed upon my heart,
It seemed I had no power of endurance left.
For many roses have blossomed here in this garden,
but no-one has plucked the rose without the stab of a thorn.
Hafiz, expect no relief from the turning heavens -
That wheel has a thousand flaws, and grants no favours.
Hafiz, from the Persian
A beautiful poem from Hafiz, a meditation on the impossibility of love and the 
intransigence of beauty. Why does love always attach itself to beautiful things 
that can't reciprocate? There is nothing that can be done, says Hafiz. It is in 
the nature of beautiful things to bring pain with them. And expecting love not 
to fall for them is also pointless. Love must fulfill its nature too, even if 
that is to be hurt. 
PS: I seem to have forgotten to note the translator. Stupid of me, since 
ghazals are one of the hardest verse forms to translate, yet he or she has 
clearly done a great job.

 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.

g_b Prof Robert Wintemute Comments on "X vs Columbia" - Ramifications on gay rights internationally

2007-08-07 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
(1) *Equal treatment of unmarried couples*  The Committee voted by 14-2
to apply Edward Young v. Australia (2003) to a country in the Global South.
Thus, the majority of the Committee seems willing to require every country
that is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
to include same-sex couples, whenever they extend rights or duties to
unmarried different-sex couples.  As Kees Waaldijk has pointed out to me, in
practice this may mean relatively few countries.  Most either refuse to
recognise unmarried different-sex couples, especially in relation to social
security (eg, this is generally the case in the USA and probably in most
countries in the Global South), or recognise both same-sex and different-sex
unmarried couples (certain Council of Europe countries, Canada, South
Africa, Australian state governments, New Zealand, etc.).

(2)  *Toonen reinforced*  As Kees Waaldijk has pointed out to me, X v.
Colombia can be read as reinforcing Toonen v. Australia (1994) on
criminalisation of same-sex sexual activity.  While asserting that "current
enforceable international law ... does not recognize any human right to
sexual orientation", the 2 dissenting members of the Committee (from Egypt
and Tunisia) stressed that "there is no doubt that article 17 [of the
ICCPR], which prohibits interference with privacy, is violated by
discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation".  By this they mean that
article 17 "precludes prosecution and punishment for homosexual relations
between consenting adults".

(3)  *Is an unmarried same-sex couple a "family"?*   The 2 dissenting
members, both from the Arab World, rejected the extension of Article 17
protection against discrimination in the criminal law to Article 26
protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation generally,
including discrimination against same-sex couples.  The key issue in X v.
Colombia is whether a distinction between unmarried (and unable to marry)
same-sex couples and unmarried different-sex couples can be justified.  The
majority merely asserted (para. 7.2) that Colombia had "put forward no
argument that might demonstrate that such a distinction ... is reasonable
and objective", and had not "adduced any evidence of the existence of
factors that might justify making such a distinction".  Colombia had argued
that the distinction was justified by the fact that an unmarried
different-sex couple is a "family", whereas an unmarried same-sex couple is
not.  The majority did not respond to this argument.  The 2 dissenting
members accepted it.  This argument was accepted for many years by the
former European Commission of Human Rights.  The European Court of Human
Rights rejected it in Karner v. Austria (2003) (to protect the "traditional
family", which includes an unmarried different-sex couple, it is not
necessary to exclude same-sex couples), but declined to say whether or not
an unmarried same-sex couple is also a "family".  So we still have silence
from the UN Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights on
this important question.

(4)  *Is sexual orientation discrimination also sex discrimination?*  By
16-0, the Committee seemed to overrule the famous statement in Toonen that "the
reference to 'sex' in articles 2, paragraph 1, and 26 is to be taken as
including sexual orientation".  The Toonen statement was interpreted by many
as meaning that the Committee supported the argument that sexual orientation
discrimination can be analysed as ALSO being sex discrimination (and
therefore covered by a prohibition of discrimination that only covers sex
and not sexual orientation).  In para. 6.2, the Committee makes it clear
that they do not support this argument.  X had invoked Article 3 ICCPR ("the
equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil and political
rights set forth in the present Covenant"), but the Committee found it
inadmissible (not arguable), noting that X did not "allege that
discrimination is exercised in the treatment of female homosexuals in
situations similar to his own" (the standard way of rejecting this
argument). Confusingly, the majority said (para. 9) that X was entitled to
"reconsideration of his request for a pension without discrimination on
grounds of sex or sexual orientation".  Having rejected the argument based
on "sex", why mention "sex" here?

(5)  *Will Colombia comply with the Committee's Views?*  The likelihood was
increased by the Constitutional Court of Colombia's overruling its 1996
decision upholding the exclusion of same-sex couples from the rights of
unmarried different-sex couples.  The Court did so in *Sentencia* (Judgment)
C-075/07, 7 February 2007, (*Relatoria*, *
Busqueda*, "*pareja*").  Colombia had relied on the 1996 decision before the
Committee.  It is not clear whether the Committee knew about the 2007

(6)  *Are the Committee's precedents really universal?*   It is still not
clear to me whether:  

g_b pre-employment testing for HIV

2007-08-07 Thread Vikram D
I'm cross posting this message that I'd posted on the GBpoz forum, partly to 
draw people's attention to the forum (link given below), but also because its 
an important issue and I'd like to get feedback from as many people as possible 
even if they're not on the forum. Here's the message and I've added a bit of an 
elaboration after: 

  Does your company require a HIV test as part of the medicals when you join? 
Do you know of companies which do? Have you declined a job because of fear of 
taking a test that might reveal your status? 
This seems to be an increasingly important issue for many poz guys here in 
Bombay. I'm hearing stories of guys who turn down jobs which they have got 
because they then learn they have to do a medical test which might reveal their 
status. Or of guys who are not applying for jobs because they know it might 
reveal their status. 
I haven't as yet heard of a guy who was turned down for a job because he was 
positive, but perhaps because the whole scenario is so good from the company's 
point of view. Unlike getting rid of someone for being poz when they are 
already employed, which might expose them to a lawsuit or bad publicity, they 
just turn you down at employment stage when their obligations to you are much 
less and you have less leverage with them. They don't have to give you a reason 
for saying no, and you have less ability to find out why. 
Does anyone have any ideas how to tackle this? Could we make a list of 
companies which require a HIV test? Could we list companies that require a 
medical test, but not including HIV (because there are companies like that, and 
some guys might miss out working for them just because they don't know and are 
too scared to ask?). Is there any way of taking this further, perhaps asking 
the Lawyer's Collective to help?
  Just some elaboration. This whole area of pre-employment testing seems to be 
a grey area. I'm told that its not allowed in public sector companies, but I 
wonder if this is being checked. As I said, the problem with this is that it 
can be done quite sneakily by companies and they don't have to state the reason 
for rejecting an application. 
  I'm also told that this issue has been addressed in the draft legislation for 
an important bill on HIV that is currently with the Indian parliament. If this 
passes it might be good news, but as of now there seems to be little indication 
on what the politicians are doing about the bill. 
  In advance of any hoped for change I wonder if we could proactively compile a 
list of companies where a HIV test is not part or the usual battery of medical 
tests. This would help the guys who are too scared even to apply to a company 
for fear of having to do a test - or refuse to do it, which could be seen as 
equally revealing. 
  So if you're working in a large company could you discreetly make inquiries 
as to whether a HIV test is part of the medicals required at time of entry? If 
you don't want to reveal your company's name, mail me directly at [EMAIL 

 Yahoo! Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't settle for less, sign up for 
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g_b Poems: Dear Mum & Dad [crossposting from garamjism list]

2007-08-07 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay
*Dear Mum & Dad...

I am writing to tell you something
I have wanted to tell you for a while
I'm... you know.
You probably already knew
>From the lack of girlfriends
and dates altogether.
It was probably obvious to you that
I'm... you know.

I am writing to tell you that
It's not about how you raised me
You didn't make me... you know.
You did a great job bringing me up
You gave me self respect
and a respect for others
That pride really helped me
To deal with... you know.

I am writing to tell you
That I kind of knew since I was young
But I didn't know to call it... you know.
I tried to rebel against it
I went to church a lot
and looked for a cure
But there's not a cure
There's nothing wrong with being... you know.

I am writing to tell you
That I tried to say it at home
But the opportunity never really came
And it's hard to say aloud... you know.
I know it will take you time to accept this
But believe me, it's taken me a long time too
I want to talk to you about it
But I'll wait for you to call and say, it's OK that I'm... you know.

Love, J. *

g_b HBO showing Brokeback Mountain this Saturday, 11th August at 9 pm

2007-08-07 Thread Vikram
Kudos to HBO for showing Brokeback Mountain this Saturday, 11th 
August at 9 pm:

It will be censored, of course, but then Ang Lee was so tasteful 
about the sex that there really won't be much to cut. The film 
release in India only had a few cuts and ironically most of these 
were of the heterosexual sex scenes. 

I think the only gay scenes cut were of the shot where they jump 
naked into the water and an early one where Ennis is bathing in the 
stream and Jack tries not to look at him. For TV they'll probably cut 
a couple of the kisses which will be sad, but they can hardly cut 
enough to alter the story. 

And they certainly won't cut the scene at the end with the shirts and 
the film is worth watching just for that. So get out your 
handkerchiefs and keep Saturday night aside. And tell all your gay 
friends, and your straight friends too, if they need convincing that 
two men can fall in love,


Re: g_b Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread ZOHEB WALIA
HI Abhay
  Good that u have openly written abt the incident without any inhibitions 
whatsoever, I am not sure if I were in yr place, that I could be so vocal abt 
the whole incident, u r very open and honest, qualities that are dying out 
among human beings.
  As we all can see, everyone who has replied has offered some advice or tips 
as to how u could avoid such incidents in the future, except for 1 or 2 who 
have literally lashed out on u, just ignore them, such people r really of no 
relevance to u or yr life, all I want to tell u is that be a little more 
careful next time, and pls refrain frm making the first move.
  Most importantly do not feel guilty with regards to causing any disgrace to 
the community etc, we are all family and it is of prime importance 
that we stay united and ready to help each other.
  U take care

abhay kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Everybody,
  Last weekend I had experience which is a nightmare for any gay.
  I was travelling by train, wherein I looked at this guy who I thought was a 
gay, when I started making inroads by touching his thighs..
  I got heavely beaten in front of all passengers.
  I dont know whether I feel ashamed of myself or am I among the people who are 
making the gay community more vulnarable to homophobic people by my acts.
  Certainly I did learnt lesson, the hard way.
  Take Care.

  5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.  


 5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.

g_b How You Can Benefit From Meditation

2007-08-07 Thread dunno76

What Is Meditation?

Meditation focuses on maintaining quietness of our busy mind. The effect
is to direct our concentration to one healing element – one sound,
one word, one image, or one's breath. When our mind is "filled" with the
feeling of calm and peace, it cannot take off on its own and worry,
stress out or get depressed.

The meditative state allows our nerves and tired muscles to relax, calm
heart rates and ease blood pressure. The effect is so restful and
peaceful that you will look forward to do it daily.

How Does Meditation Work?

Studies have shown that meditation can bring about a healthy state of
relaxation by causing a generalized reduction in multiple physiological
and biochemical markers, such as deceased heart rate, decreased
respiration rate, decreased plasma cortisol, decreased pulse rate and
increased EEG alpha, a brain wave associated with relaxation. Our body
gains a state of profound rest.

During meditation, our blood pressure stays at "low level" but falls
significantly for persons on medication with abnormally high levels of
blood pressure.

Meditation reduces activity in the nervous system. Through meditation we
can learn to access the relaxation response and to be aware of the mind
and the way our attitudes produce stress. In calming the mind,
meditation can also put one in touch with the inner physician, allowing
our body's own inner wisdom to be heard.

Meditation is part of my yoga practice. When I meditate, I feel my life
changes for the better. It brings me peace of mind and I handle things
better in life. I have the insights I want to solve problems and a
clearer viewpoint even when I feel stressful. Through all these years of
practicing meditation, I have been able to reap the positive influence
on my life.

How To Meditate Effectively?

Ideally you should meditate in a quiet place, or a room with no
distraction. Wear simple and comfortable clothes and remove your shoes
when meditate. Try meditating in the same place every time because that
will build up a calm meditative energy, making it easier each time to go

Guide to Meditation:-

1. Sit upright on your meditation mat with legs folded. You may find
this rather uncomfortable at the start, but after a few attempts you
will get use to it.

2. Straighten up your spine and close your eyes.

3. Using both your thumb and forefinger touching each other, place your
hands on your knees, one on top of the other.

4. Take three full breaths through your nose, filling up your lower
diaphragm and slowly letting it out, again through the nose.

5. Repeat your breath, always through the nose, feeling your breath go
in and go out.

6. Feel your breath enter your body and where it goes inside, then feel
it go out of your body again.

7. If your are distracted by a thought, gently bring back your mind to
your breathing and start once more to feel the breathing, then the

I personally feel that the best time for meditation is the quiet early
morning hours – between 6 A.M. to 6.30 A.M. However some people may
prefer to meditate in the evening before they go to bed. The choice is
yours, as long as you find it comfortable and effective.

It takes an experienced person to explain the wonderful, positive
effects of meditation. For me, I want to share with you that meditation
has improved my life tremendously over the years. If you think of
meditating, ten or fifteen minutes a day for a start can have a powerful
effect on you. You will realize how smoothly your day flows and how it
transforms you over a period of time.

To improve your meditation atmosphere, you may light incense or a
candle. Incense creates a sensory memory that helps draw you inside. You
may also sit on a small woolen mat that is only used for meditation and
this helps to hold energy.

If you like to light incense for your meditation, here are some facts;
some scents encourage calm, while others promote vitality and energy.
Sandalwood and frankincense soothe us and pull us inward. Tibetan monks
use them for meditating, and also for religious ceremonies. Rosewood,
geranium, and lavender calm our fears and ease our anxieties.

Citrus scents like orange, lemon and lime can provide stimulation after
meditating. For a quick effect, place a few drops of orange blossom oil
on a cotton ball and inhale. Peppermint and spearmint can be stimulating

Take the first step to meditate today for better health and younger you!

Re: g_b Re:Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread H.Frieling
Hi This is Floris from Amsterdam. I am since long a member of 'Gay-Bombay"
(I love Mumbai)
and mostly read the discussions quickly. I never posted anything here .
I wonder why some of you are so unfriendly to each other. Life for gay
people is already so difficult in India. You should help and support each
other more.
Greeting from sunny Amsterdam where we had our Gay Pride in the canals last


g_b Will Power !

2007-08-07 Thread Love is Life
*Will Power ! *
*Click here to joint the group * 

An old man lived alone in Minnesota. He wanted to spade his potato garden,
but it was very hard work.

His only son, who would have helped him, was in prison. The old man wrote a
letter to his son and mentioned his situation.

  Dear Son, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to
plant  my potato garden this year.

I hate to miss doing the garden, because your mother always loved planting
time. I'm just getting too old to  be digging up a  garden plot.If you were
here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot  for me,
if you weren't in

Love, Dad


Shortly, the old man received this telegram:

" For Heaven's sake, Dad,don't dig up the garden!! That's where I buried the
GUNS!"At  4a.m.

The next morning,

A dozen FBI agents and local police officers showed up and dug up the entire
garden without finding any guns.

Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what
happened, and a sked him what to do next.



His son's reply was: "Go ahead and plant your  potatoes, Dad. It's the best
I could do for you from here ."

- Moral Of the Story




*Cool link : Deer Gets Revenge ( funny

*Love cool mails? Click here to joint this
*  *


g_b Is it true??

2007-08-07 Thread hot_bsk
Is it true??

Yahoo's deleting accounts of lurkers?? Damn!!

The BeaStKid


well yahoo has been deleting all those email accounts to which emails have been 
bouncing. so you might have noticed a drop in the membership of this group as 


g_b Re: Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread Dreamy Eyes
well. I might been rude... in fact I was. am sorry about 
that but guys just think about it. acting purely based on your 
instinct and not thinking what trait does it present at the first 
shot?? he wrote the whole incident which presents exactly this 
picture. isn't it. local trains in Bombay, Metro Rail in 
Calcutta are two famous crusing places. in fact I am from Calcutta and 
while travelling by metro rail got looks from others or looked at others... 
I know that's very matural... Abhay u did not do anything wrong looking at 
him.. but my point was when he said he tried to grope the person. or to 
put it in the better way feel the person... I mean shouldn't we been a bit 
more restrictive in that???. right now am in New York and here in 
subway also people do look I saw some real eye-candies. and few 
looked to me also.. here people has a fascination for tanned
 skin... neway my point is that enjoy ur fantasy but we should know the 
limit of pursuing it  amn't I right???.. 
  to Abhay : am sorry for calling you names. but tell me if in a house 
one person does a wrong wudn't other people first get mad and then realize that 
we need to talk about it???... I think our GB grp is such... 

 Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.

Re: g_b Funny: Legal, but not logical, logical, but not legal, and neither logical, norlegal!!!!!!

2007-08-07 Thread Bloot Fontaine
A VERY GOOD ONE from a rather unexpected source! I
thought you were a pretty serious type of bloke!
Congrats, Aditya, and thanks.

--- Aditya Bondyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After having failed his exam in "Logistics and
> Organization", a student goes
> and confronts his lecturer about it.
 Message Truncated

  Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go to 

g_b Am I Straight / gay / Bisexual / Bi-curious?

2007-08-07 Thread vijay_30g
I am 37yr old, straight. Married since last 10 yrs. I have a 8yr old 
son. Apart from mutual masterbation in my school / college days I 
did not have any same sex (M2M) experience.
Recently I am having a strong urge to have sex with a male friend of 
mine. He is also straight. We are good friends and have a strong 
male bonding between us.
Recently I spend lot of time on the net surfering gay-porn.
I am confused because of the thoughts. As I am happy with my wife 
and not faceing any problems what-so-ever.
I am worried because unknowingly I might express my feelings and may 
endup loosing my good friend.
Many questions come to my mind...
1) Is it common or okey to have such feeling?
2) Should I share my feeling with my friend?
3) How should I share it with him so as not to loose him as a friend?
4) Should I ask for just-for-once experience? how?
5) Why am I haveing such feeling?
I am looking for answers to these questions.
If anyone over here can give me good answers please write to me 
directly and my ID is
... Moderator,
If you can help me find a solution I would appriciate it.

g_b Fwd: Do not fret over Budget Cuts

2007-08-07 Thread Bloot Fontaine
A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber
whispers to his Customer, "This is the dumbest kid in
the world. Watch while I prove it to you."
The barber puts a five rupee coin in one hand and two
one rupee coins(1+1=2) in the other, then calls the
boy over and asks, "Which do you want, son?" The boy
takes the two one rupee coins and leaves. "What did I
tell you?" said the barber. "That kid never learns!"
Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same
young boy coming out of the ice cream store. "Hey,
son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take two
one rupee coins instead of five rupee coin?"
The boy licked his cone and replied, "Because THE DAY

  Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on

Re: g_b Any Indians in singapore

2007-08-07 Thread alan rainey
Hi Santosh,
  Backstage Bar down the side of Indian temple on North Bridge Road. Tantrix 
bar - not sure of the name of the street- just go past indian temple, keep 
walking 10 mins - on the right.
  Both bars are mixed gay bars- chinese, indian and european men!! Have Fun!!!

santosh x <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Friends

Am currently in singapore and alone and looking for
any good indians here ,Do not know where to search for
indian friends. 

Can any one suggest any good gay clubs or places where
indian men are avaible. 

Here most of the people are chinese and its turn off
for me . 

Please guide me any massage centeres at aleast , where
i can pay and get good indian men. 

pl guide 


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g_b Anyone from hyderabad

2007-08-07 Thread Madhu Raj
Hi This is Madhu 25 m from hyderabad. Mail me if u want to meet me.

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 

g_b any indian in manchester

2007-08-07 Thread rupak das
I am 26 smart fair good looks
indians in manchester looking for fun, please share
your pic and phone number
I will be here only for a week


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Re: g_b Re:Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread ZOHEB WALIA
Hi mate
  With regards to yr reply to 'Caught red handed', u have been so rude to the 
guy, c'mon all of us at some point in time give in to some weakness, its just a 
bad time that he was not able to judge and so the whole incident occured, so 
that does'nt mean that u blast him in such a way, and as 4 the community being 
  looked down upon, a disease etc etc, i would just like to ask, 'HAVE U IN ANY 
  Let me conclude by saying tht I don't even know u, but wanted to say that we 
should be a little more considerate 2wards people of the community and as they 
  No hard feelings buddy, u have a nice day

Dreamy Eyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  u r an idiot... a freaking 
idiot... how could u try to grope one person in train just because u 
think that he is gay I mean r u an animal yep u did put the 
image of the whole community in shame.. already ppl think that its a 
disease and u just added fuel to that fire... seriously Mr. u did a 
nasty job... 
  Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.  


 Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. Click here to know how.

g_b Mr. Gay Europe 2007 Crowned

2007-08-07 Thread gay_bombay moderator
Mr. Gay Europe 2007 Crowned

BUDAPEST, HUNGARY -- Jackson Netto (25) from Germany took home the crown of
Mr. Gay Europe Saturday evening. The event took place at the Hungarian State
Circus in Budapest, Hungary, where 21 delegates from The Canary Islands in
the south to Lapland in the north competed for the title.

>From the 21 Delegates, they were narrowed down to 12 semi finalists: Mr Gay
Swim Wear: Jackson Netto (Germany), [image: Jackson Netto]The People's
Choice: Stefan Onland (The Netherlands), Jon Rice (Ireland), Emanuel
(Romania) Jens Taghon (Belgium), Marius Svela (Norway), who Thursday also
won the No. 1 Talent, Diego Gerolimi (Italy), Eugeniu (Moldova), Mikey
Robinson, (Northern Ireland) and Mark Carter (United Kingdom) and Leonardo
Luiz Murilo (Gran Canaria)

United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany went on to a super final, where Germany
took home the crown.

Among the judges were Nathan Shaked, The International Mr. Gay, and Martha
Wash of The Weather Girls. Wash performed "It's Raining Men" (of course) for
the grand finale complete with fireworks, water fountains and the happy
finalists dancing.

The new Mr. Gay Europe is 25 years old and from the city of Stuttgart and is
currently studying in Liverpool, "When I was a child I used to be
overweight. At the age of 15 I lost 25 kilos of weight, took care of my
nutrition and did sports to keep in shape. To be able to enter the Mr Gay
Europe competition was be a huge step for me, a great reward for the effort
and discipline that I've had all these years. To be honest it is a dream
come true."

"I've lived 12 years in India and 12 years in Germany. Currently I'm doing
my studies in the United Kingdom. I've been able to learn and experience a
lot in all these different cultures. And I know how important it is for
people to have role models to hold on to, to feel comfortable with their
sexuality and to be proud of themselves for what they are. It is a great
honor for me to represent the gay community", says Jackson Netto, the new
Mr. Gay Europe.

[image: All the Mr. Gay Europe finalists]


Re: g_b Re:Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread azhagi
Poor Abhay. He only wanted to share his bad experience within the community and 
caution others. Look what he is getting as a response..
People do learn from their experience and also from other's experience. That is 
the whole purpose of writing his exeperience.If U can not apprericate it 
fine..But do not humiliate him further by calling him 'idiot' and 'animal' 


On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 Dreamy Eyes wrote :
>u r an idiot... a freaking idiot... how could u try to grope one 
>person in train just because u think that he is gay I mean r u an 
>animal yep u did put the image of the whole community in shame.. 
>already ppl think that its a disease and u just added fuel to that 
>fire... seriously Mr. u did a nasty job...
>  Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.

Re: Re: g_b Caught red handed

2007-08-07 Thread sam s tam
As rightly said by manoj, eyes tell a lot ... they tell many more where word 
fall short off to express... 
I can understand you mit hav doen this with a fear of loosing a good 
gayfriend.. but this act mit have been soem what shocking for that guy. Thanks 
that you shared you experienced n didnt worried whether it was good or bad 
even i experience such touching in a crowded train, you wont experience such 
things in a empty or a less crowded train  i like such acts  expecially 
doing them in such a crowd n dyign to hide our act from their view is another 
pleasurable feeling just look into the eyes of the person who's touching 
you if he please he too will respond in the very same way else he mit give 
a strange look if he's not of that kind 


On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 Manoj wrote :
>Isnt it a bit stupid to do either of both the acts?
>   The eyes speak tons which the words fail to express. So if the guy is 
> someone u life cant it be that u look at the guy - i am sure a person is 
> inteliigent enuff to know the intention behind the look quite easily- if he 
> does respond ..well smilespeak ...or watever.
>   Or do you really like the rush and adventure of groping without knowing 
> where and whom u are groping and like the adventurous high that the act gives 
> -- if yes wel be prepared for whatever the consequences--- good or bad
>Bloot Fontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry that that happened. Do be careful next time. Quite often, I 
> also touch people I like in trains and if they don't like me, they simply 
> move away. Getting beaten up happens only if I pester the person beyond 
> limits, which I never do. Similarly, I also get touched in trains and even 
> though I am bi, it may happen that I am not attracted to the person who 
> touches me and then I move away or tell the person to shift a little bit as 
> he is standing too close and he DOES move away. I say this very politely, I 
> do not start a fight. It is a request.
>   Beatings have not happened. Maybe they happen if you are TOO persistent? 
> Can't say for sure. Train crowds are used to homos and are tolerant. Maybe 
> you got the odd gay basher.
>   Maybe next time you could try inserting a finger into his palm, instead of 
> touching his thighs? That would be less offensive to a straight.
>   Don't really know what advice to give you on this, except that I share your 
> pain and embarassment and sympathise with you and thank you for sharing this 
> with us.
>   Regards.
> Hello Everybody,
>   Last weekend I had experience which is a nightmare for any gay.
>   I was travelling by train, wherein I looked at this guy who I thought was a 
> gay, when I started making inroads by touching his thighs..
>   I got heavely beaten in front of all passengers.
>   I dont know whether I feel ashamed of myself or am I among the people who 
> are making the gay community more vulnarable to homophobic people by my acts.
>   Certainly I did learnt lesson, the hard way.
>   Take Care.
>   Abhay
>   5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here.
>   Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.
>  Send instant messages to your online friends

g_b Gay Employee

2007-08-07 Thread naughty confessions
Boss, to four of his employees: "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to let 
one of you go."   Black employee: "I'm a protected minority."  Female 
employee: "And I'm a woman."  Oldest employee: "Fire me, buster, and I'll 
hit you with an age discrimination suit so fast it'll make your head spin." 
 They all turn to look at the helpless young, white, male employee, who thinks 
a moment, then responds: "I think I might be gay..."

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