Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-31 Thread Berin Lautenbach
Aaron Bannert wrote:

I noticed that you think the incubator PMC is responsible for doing the 
of incubation. That is a false assumption. The Incubator is a place 
where new
projects can be incubated. The contributors to the Incubator are those
people who want to accomplish incubation. Anyone can contribute. The PMC
exists solely for oversight of the process, not to implement the process.
Oversite implies some level of involvement - if there is oversite, then 
it is part of the process, and therefore anyone doing oversite is 
implementing their part of the process.

I don't see how you can be responsible and not also be involved at some 
level.  That's having your cake and eating it too.

I'm starting to lean strongly towards a model of the Incubation project 
providing the standards and procedures that assist those responsible for 
the incubation of a particular project (the shepherd/mentor and the 
"owning" PMC) in the discharge of their duties.


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Ted Leung
On 7/30/2003 10:43 AM, Aaron Bannert wrote:

On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 09:49  AM, Steven Noels wrote:

If the STATUS file hasn't been updated in 3 months, and you see 
something that
needs fixing, update it yourself!
I noticed that you think the incubator PMC is responsible for doing 
the *work*
of incubation. That is a false assumption. The Incubator is a place 
where new
projects can be incubated. The contributors to the Incubator are those
people who want to accomplish incubation. Anyone can contribute. The 
exists solely for oversight of the process, not to implement the 

I'm pretty sure _nobody_ thinks the incubator PMC is responsible for 
doing any actual incubation work, except for setting out the 
guidelines. Pardon me, but if they fail in doing that, and in the 
mean time prove to be counterproductive by shielding away documents 
from people who are actually helping incubating projects, well

What kind of guidelines would you like to see?
1. After a PMC has approved acceptance of a project for incubation and 
in the mean time while you are waiting for infrastructure resources to 
be created, please hold your e-mail discussions in 
2. The necessary documents (CLA, software-grant, etc) are a location X.  
If location X is only accessible to a member, ask your shepherd to get 
them for you
3. The naming policy for project mailing lists, cvs-repos, etc is X
4. Here is what you can expect the incubator project to do, and here is 
what you have to do yourself.

What specific activities do you consider counterproductive, and how do
you propose we improve them?
It would really help if stuff like 1-4 were decided and posted on the 
incubator site.


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Noels
On 30/07/2003 19:43 Aaron Bannert wrote:

What kind of guidelines would you like to see?

What specific activities do you consider counterproductive, and how do
you propose we improve them?
As much as your suggestions drive me towards a direction I'm already 
fully aware of, I think this situation is very comparable with the start 
of a new code-related project. If there's no code to play with, there's 
only a slim chance a community will form. I reckon much 'code' is 
already present within the Incubator project, still people do find it 
quite unobvious to start playing with it, because of its distributed 
character perhaps, or the unclear overall design. Much of the Incubator 
documents remain unfinished, which indeed creates a nice work area for 
people caring about the Incubator project. OTOH, the way the Incubator 
is being put forward happens to be very demotivational, especially for 
people who are already involved in various other ASF related efforts and 
find themselves being dragged into the Incubator project only 
circumstantial. There's a certain tendency to downplay ongoing 
incubation efforts if they are not fully executioned from within the 
reigns of the Incubator PMC, and one can get sick of hearing he should 
help the PMC instead of the incubating project. Don't underestimate the 
social aspect of all this. I know the Incubator is important for the 
ASF, but that doesn't mean one must become a committer of it or PMC 
member if he wants to help an incubating project.

The good thing of all this is that, by now, it's becoming crystal-clear 
(at least to me), that the Incubator project should really be a library 
of guidelines and nothing more. Since I'm much more of a hands-on guy 
rather than a rules builder, I'm finding it hard to focus on rules 
rather than on the problem at hand (= XMLBeans' incubation). This 
shouldn't be a problem if rules builders cooperate rather than point 
fingers, and someone tries to transcribe the efforts of the hand-on guys 
into a pragmatical set of rules. I'm very grateful to see Berin 
apparently trying to do so.

I'd rather collaborate rather than just comment, but I don't want to 
raise expectations which I can't meet after being admitted. Modesty.

(If you don't have CVS commit, ask for it. In the mean time, post
patches if you see something that needs changing. The fastest way
to get commit to *any* ASF project is to post so many patches to
the development list that the committers can't keep up and eventually
just give you direct access. :)
I'm fully aware of all that. I'm not a karma whore however, since I'm 
already pretty much occupied with my current karma. ;-)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> My opinion is that we will continue to meander around until someone
> who gives a rat's ass about some new project volunteers to set up
> the incubation process.  Right now, nobody even wants to chair the PMC
> because anyone who attempts to lead is shot down and everyone who wants
> to create a new project is unwilling to work on documenting its 
> progress.

as stated earlier, i give a rat's arse and i volunteer. :-)

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Noels
On 30/07/2003 18:21 Aaron Bannert wrote:

Yes, please discuss it here on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Private email is the 
worst place for these types of discussions.
That private mail, and even IRL talk, started literally _months_ ago 
when Cliff from BEA approached me during a tradeshow to talk about the 
eventual donation of XMLBeans to ASF. Given BEA's relative inexperience 
with ASF, some reasons of discretion, the turbulent discussions about 
process during Tapestry's incubation, and the long list of failures 
amongst the projects listed on, the 
proposal has been created offlist, but with a board member cc'ed on the 
most critical exchanges. That way, Cliff was able to come up with a 
well-crafted proposal, without getting drowned in discussions like 
these, which have nothing to do with content, and much with style & 
process. While I value process, process should help and encourage rather 
than obstruct progress.

After the proposal has been put live, I'm pretty sure the remaining 
private conversation is only about administrative details, like the 
correct spelling of cliff's account/first name and all that. Nothing 
harmful at all.

If the STATUS file hasn't been updated in 3 months, and you see 
something that
needs fixing, update it yourself!

I noticed that you think the incubator PMC is responsible for doing the 
of incubation. That is a false assumption. The Incubator is a place 
where new
projects can be incubated. The contributors to the Incubator are those
people who want to accomplish incubation. Anyone can contribute. The PMC
exists solely for oversight of the process, not to implement the process.
I'm pretty sure _nobody_ thinks the incubator PMC is responsible for 
doing any actual incubation work, except for setting out the guidelines. 
Pardon me, but if they fail in doing that, and in the mean time prove to 
be counterproductive by shielding away documents from people who are 
actually helping incubating projects, well

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Ted Leung
On 7/29/2003 2:54 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:


It seems there is enough discord over XMLBeans here, to warrant 
letting one slide for the sake of the peace.

If CVS is set-up, let it be as is.
If Mail lists are set-up, let them be as they are.
- - -

For future projects the PMC has decided that whilst in incubator, how 
about the following? It's refactored from prior chat, and common 
sense ?

1) [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the designated email address for 
user and developer chatter. A third-party or other apache hosted mail 
list is not within the Apache spirit and the intent of Incubator as 
set up, thus is not approved.
+1.  Some of this should be added to

2) CVS module will be 'incubator-subProjectName' (not with standing 
that there was some chatter about directories inside 
'incubator-projects' for each sub project).  All code is to come from 
the outside and be relabelled and relicensed at the outset. Any 
modules/jars depended on are to be clearly listed and appropriately 
licensed. The project team bringing code to the incubator are not to 
leave some subtle dependency to an external to Apache bit of code 
which may be essentially under the control of the committers and 
designed for the sub-project. 
+1. The stuff on modules/jars and dependencies to external to Apache 
code should get added to

3) Web sites will be hosted at  Project teams 
will desist and redirect web sites formerly the home of the project.  
The new site hosted at Apache will not refer to any commercial or open 
source 'value added' site dedicated to the new sub-project in anything 
other than a secondary links page.
+1. Add this to to


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Ted Leung
On 7/29/2003 3:06 PM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

On 7/29/03 2:11 PM, "Ted Leung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 7/29/2003 10:33 AM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:


On 7/29/03 1:01 PM, "Nicola Ken Barozzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


That is an excellent idea.


Why are you blaming the XMLBeans guys for your not having your act
together?  It's all well and good for them to introduce themselves, but
that's not what is holding us up right now.  Right now, we're held up
because we don't  have a public mailing list where we can see whether
their behavior matches their talk.  They can say all they want about how
they want to work as a community and allow non BEA developers and so
forth, but we need to see them doing that.  I thought that was the point
of incubation.


Perhaps you didn't mean to reply to me, rather Nicola Ken.

I was replying to a bunch of people in one e-mail.  In the section 
above, I was in fact replying to Nicola Ken.

You do realize that I'm neither a member of the Incubator PMC nor do I
support its existence.  Create the mail list.  The name shouldn't be up to
the Incubator, it should be up to the XML PMC.  Its you're baby, you're
birthing it.  Right now you're forced to do it here.

I already asked infrastructure@ for this.

You're a member, call for its dissolution.  Unfortunately, there is still a
contingent of people that like the idea (regardless of its unsuccessful
implementation) so I doubt you'll get consensus to dissolve it.  More than
likely you'll be chided on how you should JOIN the Incubator PMC...

I'm going to see if its possible to get the XMLBeans guys through this 
thing.  And we're going to document the
whole experience so that we have a case if it becomes necessary to go to 
the board  and members to cut this thing down.


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-30 Thread Ted Leung
On 7/29/2003 2:50 PM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

I've no issue with rules, except when we say we have rules but can't 
articulate them.  Example #1. What should the names of the mailing 
lists and CVS be?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 

We don't have that rule.  Nicola Ken suggested creating such a rule.

My opinion is that we will continue to meander around until someone
who gives a rat's ass about some new project volunteers to set up
the incubation process.  Right now, nobody even wants to chair the PMC
because anyone who attempts to lead is shot down and everyone who wants
to create a new project is unwilling to work on documenting its progress.
I'm willing up to a certain point to do some work on this.  My 
frustration is that
the incubator has existed for quite some time, and should already have 
some project
guidelines like the ones that I referred to.  

The reason that people don't want to work on documenting the progress is 
that they
don't like the process.  They were told to go through the process by the 
ASF.  Inside
the ASF we have been told to use the incubator (whether we like it or 
not).  People who
signed up to be on the incubator volunteered to do the work of setting 
up guidelines and
giving advice to new projects.  So where are the guidelines?  Where is 
the board oversight
of the incubator as a project?

In other words, there are insufficient volunteers to accept any new
projects at Apache right now.  Please come back at a later date, or
volunteer to do the work and I'll give you cvs access.
This is not true.  Steven Noels, myself, and Berin Lautenbach are 
working to get this project
into Apache.   I certainly didn't know that I was volunteering to do the 
Incubator PMC's job
for it.  I already have CVS access for incubator.  I'd much rather you 
gave me root and apmail
so that I can create the stuff that this project needs.   Fortunately 
for the incubator PMC,
Cliff and Berin are willing to do some work to improve the incubator 


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-29 Thread Paul Hammant

It seems there is enough discord over XMLBeans here, to warrant letting 
one slide for the sake of the peace.

If CVS is set-up, let it be as is.
If Mail lists are set-up, let them be as they are.
- - -

For future projects the PMC has decided that whilst in incubator, how 
about the following? It's refactored from prior chat, and common sense ?

1) [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the designated email address for 
user and developer chatter. A third-party or other apache hosted mail 
list is not within the Apache spirit and the intent of Incubator as set 
up, thus is not approved.

2) CVS module will be 'incubator-subProjectName' (not with standing that 
there was some chatter about directories inside 'incubator-projects' for 
each sub project).  All code is to come from the outside and be 
relabelled and relicensed at the outset. Any modules/jars depended on 
are to be clearly listed and appropriately licensed. The project team 
bringing code to the incubator are not to leave some subtle dependency 
to an external to Apache bit of code which may be essentially under the 
control of the committers and designed for the sub-project.

3) Web sites will be hosted at  Project teams will 
desist and redirect web sites formerly the home of the project.  The new 
site hosted at Apache will not refer to any commercial or open source 
'value added' site dedicated to the new sub-project in anything other 
than a secondary links page.

4) Downloads will be hosted at Apache under the usual mechanisms

Thoughts ?

- Paul

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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-29 Thread Ted Leung
On 7/29/2003 10:33 AM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

On 7/29/03 1:01 PM, "Nicola Ken Barozzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


After spending considerable time off-list with Cliff preparing his
proposal, I'm getting a bit weary with all this rules stuff

ASF is incorporated. We have certain rules to abide to, like licensing
et all. And also internal rules, that you know quite well, about voting,
and about infrastructure policies.

I've no issue with rules, except when we say we have rules but can't 
articulate them.  Example #1. What should the names of the mailing lists 

And see, I don't think you're the person who should be responsible for them
Nicola Ken.  I think the XML PMC/Steven should.  If they don't have time or
are unable to, then the project should not be under their oversight because
it will be their continuing responsibility.  Just because you seal the ship
with turpentine doesn't mean it won't sink later if you never do it again.

I am here representing the XML PMC.   I've been *waiting* for the 
incubator PMC to make up its mind on how to name projects, and now I am 
*waiting* for infrastructure to create some resources (and yes, I know 
they are busy with minotaur, and I am cutting them some slack).  I'm not 
willing to cut the high and mighty incubator PMC some slack for rules 
and policy that should have been in place for a year and the failure to 
document such..   It's fine for us to come out with the high and mighty 
Apache way, but when we don't have basic stuff like this in order it 
makes us look bad.  As a n ASF member, member of 2 PMCs, and former PMC 
chair, I find this to be an embarassment.   If the incubator is 
incapable of doing its job then maybe an ASF member needs to introduce a 
resolution calling for its dissolution.


Which rules make you so tired? I just blocked the creation of some
resources for less than a week, and you are already tired? It takes
years to build good communities, and patience is a virtue. I don't
honestly think that some days will ruin it all.

Suggestion: why don't we get to know the XMLBeans guys better? What
about if each of them sends us a mail with a brief bio and expectations?

That is an excellent idea.


Why are you blaming the XMLBeans guys for your not having your act 
together?  It's all well and good for them to introduce themselves, but 
that's not what is holding us up right now.  Right now, we're held up 
because we don't  have a public mailing list where we can see whether 
their behavior matches their talk.  They can say all they want about how 
they want to work as a community and allow non BEA developers and so 
forth, but we need to see them doing that.  I thought that was the point 
of incubation.

I think it would be great for the XMLBeans team to introduce 
themselves.  Maybe you'd rather that [EMAIL PROTECTED] took up 
the slack for [EMAIL PROTECTED]   That's fine with me too.


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-29 Thread Steven Noels
On 29/07/2003 10:41 Berin Lautenbach wrote:
Steven Noels wrote:

and see to bring XMLBeans where people can actually help them out. 
Apart from Nicola's apparent efforts in keeping the Incubator alive, 
most of the real action is done by infrastructure peeps, and the 
dispersed shepherds of incubating projects, most of them assumably 
under the umbrella of the XML/Jakarta PMC. Let's keep it that way, and 
keep the incubating projects close to an active PMC.

But being careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.  I 
would have said there is real value in the Incubator defining and 
fleshing out a process that is used by the various PMCs for incubation. 
Totally agree with that, of course, although I find this hard to find 
back in what Nicola has been up to this far (sorry to say so). I'm 
willing to help out since I firmly believe in the need for a good 
acceptance/incubation process and tangible help for fledgling new Apache 
projects (and growth of new ASF projects is unavoidable, necessary, even 
healthy IMHO) - OTOH I feel a certain tendency towards overregulation 
and protectionism which I don't find inspiring.

But maybe it is my persistent lack of time preventing me to fully jump 
in the waters, causing me to seek false argumentation not being able to 
cooperate on policy making - oh well.

After spending considerable time off-list with Cliff preparing his 
proposal, I'm getting a bit weary with all this rules stuff - which 
doesn't mean rules are not important. But they shouldn't mess up the 
spirit, which is the real difference between Apache and the outside open 
source world.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-29 Thread Berin Lautenbach
Steven Noels wrote:

and see to bring XMLBeans where people can actually help them out. Apart 
from Nicola's apparent efforts in keeping the Incubator alive, most of 
the real action is done by infrastructure peeps, and the dispersed 
shepherds of incubating projects, most of them assumably under the 
umbrella of the XML/Jakarta PMC. Let's keep it that way, and keep the 
incubating projects close to an active PMC.
But being careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.  I 
would have said there is real value in the Incubator defining and 
fleshing out a process that is used by the various PMCs for incubation. 
 It might even oversite the process at a high level to ensure 
consistency accross all incoming projects.

I think there might also need to be someone to look after projects that 
are going to come in at the top level - i.e. not under the auspices of 
another Apache project.  A lot of the current Incubator documentation 
focuses on that case.

(Harping on a subject) - a charter/mission statement would be good :>. 
The stuff on wiki is a first stab at roles and responsibilities - can we 
start with that and flesh out?

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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-28 Thread Steven Noels
On 25/07/2003 14:09 Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Andrew C. Oliver wrote, On 25/07/2003 14.05:

No this is difference than in the past.  Remember the Incubator is 
here to
help and its OUR responsibility to incubate?  Its sounding like the
incubator stands over and tells folks what to do not only in helpful ways
but in details too.

Responsible means responsible, nothing less, nothing more.
Don't confuse responsibility with micro-management.
I am back from holidays so only lightly surfing the mail avalanche after 
being two weeks offline, but I'm slowly beginning to resonate with 
Andy's line of action.

Maybe they are bred on Andy's experiences during Tapestry's 
'incubation', but given the fact Cliff/BEA/theXMLBeansPeeps are quite 
new to all this self-management and the Apache Way, and the fact that 
Nicola seems to be overly reluctant because of what happened/is still 
happening with Lenya (him being one of the main supporters of their 
incubation at that time), I would propose not to overregulate all this, 
and see to bring XMLBeans where people can actually help them out. Apart 
from Nicola's apparent efforts in keeping the Incubator alive, most of 
the real action is done by infrastructure peeps, and the dispersed 
shepherds of incubating projects, most of them assumably under the 
umbrella of the XML/Jakarta PMC. Let's keep it that way, and keep the 
incubating projects close to an active PMC.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-28 Thread Berin Lautenbach
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Look, if instead of the "Incubation PMC" it was the "XML PMC", would it 
have been less confusing?
Not sure :>.  Other projects (such as XML) are aimed at development in 
some technical area.  There are a bunch of processes that are common 
accross Apache that support development.  (Voting, committing etc.) 
Those processes drive the other projects.

The Incubator project is aimed at something different.  It's there to 
support the process of "on-boarding" code bases and other products into 
the Apache community.  That process is unique to the Incubator.  You 
could almost argue that in other projects, the processes exist to 
support the projects, but the Incubator project is the other way round - 
it exists to support the Incubation process.

Personally, I reckon you are short-changing yourselves if you put 
forward the idea that the Incubator PMC is just like any other PMC.  I 
think you play a different role and should celebrate it :>.  It's 
incredibly valuable.  But that's personal opinion, so I'll shut up now.

Again, don't confuse responsibility with "who does the work". In our 
case, ATM, the Incubator PMC basically controls that things don't go out 
of bounds. As for making the project proceed, it takes someone else for 
that, hence the sheperd or mentor thing.
I don't think I am, but I also believe that it's important to articulate 
responsibilities outside those of the PMC.

We are still learning and need fresh helpers, of you will join the 
effort and keep helping like you do now, with suggestions and questions, 
it will slowly get better :-)

And I do apologise for the long discussion.  You have almost certainly 
been through it before, but it has helped me understand a bit better. 
With Cliff (not Chris :>) I'll do what I can to document my 
understandings.  Might short-circuit the conversations in future.

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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-27 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Berin Lautenbach wrote, On 27/07/2003 10.48:

Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Which is one of the things I'm having problems grappling with at the 
moment.  Exactly what are the responsibilities of the various parties 
in this process?
It's simple:

The Incubator PMC is responsible for the project. All others (can) help.
Not sure I understand?  (Call me slow :>).  I'm more trying to determine 
how that responsibility is realised.
So for example, there is a requirement for a shepherd.  That person has 
a set of responsibilities.  What are they?  
The shepherd not on the Incubator project has no more responsibilities 
than the ones from the project itself or the ones of any other Apache 
committer. The incubator shepherd has the responsibilities that any 
other Incubator project member has.

Nothing different from the XML PMC.

How is this oversited by the Incubator PMC?
Reading the mailing lists, the help of the incubator/non-incubator 
shepherd, the status file of the project in the incubator CVS.

And also - what is the PMC not responsible for?  I've seen in various 
places that the Incubator makes no decisions on technical merits (makes 
sense) of a new project/sub-project.
The PMC is responsible for everything, but as with any PMC, does not 
decide on technical merits. Nothing different from the XML PMC.

I notice in the STATUS file for the overall project, there is a plan for 
a set of bylaws for the project.  I think that would be a great help.

It looks like this is all very much understood by those more intimately 
involved in the incubation process.  For those of us coming in cold, 
it's a tad confusing.
Well, it's because it seems that there are some strange ideas WRT what 
incubation is.

Look, if instead of the "Incubation PMC" it was the "XML PMC", would it 
have been less confusing?

Again, don't confuse responsibility with "who does the work". In our 
case, ATM, the Incubator PMC basically controls that things don't go out 
of bounds. As for making the project proceed, it takes someone else for 
that, hence the sheperd or mentor thing.

We are still learning and need fresh helpers, of you will join the 
effort and keep helping like you do now, with suggestions and questions, 
it will slowly get better :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-27 Thread Berin Lautenbach
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Which is one of the things I'm having problems grappling with at the 
moment.  Exactly what are the responsibilities of the various parties 
in this process?

It's simple:

The Incubator PMC is responsible for the project. All others (can) help.

Not sure I understand?  (Call me slow :>).  I'm more trying to determine 
how that responsibility is realised.

So for example, there is a requirement for a shepherd.  That person has 
a set of responsibilities.  What are they?  How is this oversited by the 
Incubator PMC?

And also - what is the PMC not responsible for?  I've seen in various 
places that the Incubator makes no decisions on technical merits (makes 
sense) of a new project/sub-project.

I notice in the STATUS file for the overall project, there is a plan for 
a set of bylaws for the project.  I think that would be a great help.

It looks like this is all very much understood by those more intimately 
involved in the incubation process.  For those of us coming in cold, 
it's a tad confusing.

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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-25 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Andrew C. Oliver wrote, On 25/07/2003 14.05:

On 7/25/03 7:46 AM, "Nicola Ken Barozzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's simple:

The Incubator PMC is responsible for the project. All others (can) help.
No this is difference than in the past.  Remember the Incubator is here to
help and its OUR responsibility to incubate?  Its sounding like the
incubator stands over and tells folks what to do not only in helpful ways
but in details too.
Responsible means responsible, nothing less, nothing more.
Don't confuse responsibility with micro-management.
Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-25 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Berin Lautenbach wrote, On 25/07/2003 9.07:

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

IMHO it depends on what the incubator PMC does.  If they *do* create the
lists and the such then maybe they should set policy (meaning telling 
people what do do == policy).  If they rely on the XML project and the
XMLBeans folks to do things then they should allow the XML project and
XMLBeans folks to set their own policy.

I am frutrated too, but I'm not ranting. Sorry, but it does not help 
anyone to start ranting. You know how much time sometimes is needed to 
take decisions in project, and the Incubator is a project itself.

Which is one of the things I'm having problems grappling with at the 
moment.  Exactly what are the responsibilities of the various parties in 
this process?
It's simple:

The Incubator PMC is responsible for the project. All others (can) help.

Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.
I'll try to update the site docs ASAP.

Please be patient, we need help.

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)
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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-25 Thread Berin Lautenbach
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
IMHO it depends on what the incubator PMC does.  If they *do* create the
lists and the such then maybe they should set policy (meaning telling other
people what do do == policy).  If they rely on the XML project and the
XMLBeans folks to do things then they should allow the XML project and
XMLBeans folks to set their own policy.

Which is one of the things I'm having problems grappling with at the 
moment.  Exactly what are the responsibilities of the various parties in 
this process?

Incubator PMC?
Incubator team? (Is there such a thing?)
Sponsoring Project PMC?
New project?
Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.  It's extremely frustrating 
to be in a situation where there is no clear direction, except to be 
told what you can't do when it's suggested.

To be fair - that's a little heavy handed, particularly coming from an 
interested bystander.  But (as Aaron notes in a later e-mail) this is a 
fairly trivial thing.  If getting something trivial sorted out is this 
difficult, it doesn't do much for one's confidence.


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Re: [VOTE] Policy for incubating project resources (was Re: xmlbeansproject )

2003-07-24 Thread Ted Leung
This is embarrassing.   How can we have incubated several projects and 
not have this worked out?   No wonder people are complaining about the 

Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Since IMHO this has been already discussed enough and different POVs 
remain, I ask for a vote on the following.

What should we use as a policy in creating resources for incubating 

[ ] project-subproject CVS
[ ] incubator-subproject CVS
Please vote.

Here is mine:

[X] incubator-subproject CVS

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