Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-07 Thread Phillip Rhodes
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:12 PM,  wrote:

> I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
> so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
> interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
> yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.

Hello, my name is Phillip and I'm addicted to F/L/OSS.  It started back
in the 90's when I was teaching myself to program from Herbert Schildt's
"Teach Yourself C" and using a C compiler I downloaded off the Internet.

Then my addiction worsened, and I started using this thing called "Mozilla"
and reading documents from Eric Raymond, Richard Stallman and others.
Finally, after giving up on OS/2 (about 5 years after IBM did) I switched
GNU/Linux as my desktop OS and commited to doing everything my power to
use only Free and/or Open Source software from then on.
became my standard office productivity suite and has been for years now.

All joking aside, I am not a GNU ideologue specifically, but I *am* a
F/L/OSS ideologue in a more general sense.  My interest in OOo
specifically is rooted in two points: One, it's a project I use myself and I
to see it succeed and remain viable.   Two, I'm interested in (and working
a startup focused on) enterprise knowledge management / information
retrieval / business
intelligence / analytics using F/L/OSS software.  As such, I'm really
intrigued by
the potential synergy (yeah, yeah, I know) that could emerge from having
Apache OOo as part of an overall ecosystem that seems to be forming around
the ASF, where a LOT of cool activity related to IR/KM/ etc is happening.

Already present at the ASF are Lucene, Nutch, Solr, Mahout, Hadoop, Roller,
OpenNLP, UIMA, Stanbol, and Wave... in my vision of the world, an office
suite like
OOo is a natural part of that overall ecosystem.

Whether or Fogbeam Labs would ever roll a branded build of the Apache OOo
code, or not, is
something I don't know yet.  But I generally see supporting this project as
a "Good Thing"
on multiple levels, so here I am.


Phillip Rhodes

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-07 Thread
Hi all,
I'm Carl Marcum. Independent Java developer. Lately I have been doing custom 
OOo installations and extensions for a client. I look forward to helping out 
with the project where ever I can.
Best regards,

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-07 Thread Jomar Silva (Cuca)

I'm Jomar Silva, member of the OASIS ODF TC since 2008 and I've been
ahead of the ODF Alliance Latin America since 2007.

I use OpenOffice since it was StarOffice, and I'm very active on the
FLOSS and Open Standards evangelization in South America. I've being
working closelly with the BrOffice community in the past years, and I
was awarded by them in 2009 with the "Free Light Award", as a
recognition of my work to promote the ODF adoption in Brazil. My
personal blog ( is (or was) considered a reference on
ODF and OpenStandards, and there I blog in Portuguese, English and
Spanish. I also write to some other blogs, websites and magazines in
Brazil, focused on FLOSS and OpenStandards.

I've programmed for almost 15 years, mainly in C/C++ and contributed
with translations on some FOSS projects (if I manage to remove the
rust, it will be a pleasure to come back to coding again :)).
Currently I just code for fun (and to show the potenciality of ODF) on
some other programming languages.

I'm an invited observer at the Free Software Foundation Latin America
council and a Brazilian expert at JTC1 SC34 (WG6), and also the
coordinator of the group that adopted ODF as a Brazilian National
Standard. For the record, I'm also a "veteran" of the OOXML "issue" at
JTC1 (yes, I was at the BRM in Geneva), but I don't think it matters
right now :)

My opinions here are personal only and doesn't represent the opinions
or views of any organizations or companies that I'm related to.

Best Regards,

Jomar Silva

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-07 Thread Dave Fisher
Sure. Hi everyone (maybe the people that Rob knows should introduce themselves 
as well - some of us are new to the community.)

My name is David Fisher. I have been in the software industry for over 30 
years. I've worked in many computer languages - FORTRAN, PL/1, C, C++,  
Postscript,  Java, Basic, etc., etc. I wrote a PDF producer in C++ in the early 
90's. At my direction as a project manager we developed the ability to produce 
PowerPoint output using Apache POI. This was contributed back to the project 
and this started my involvement with the ASF.

I am very interested in the synergies and advantages to the OOo community that 
full cross compatibility with Microsoft Office documents could provide - 
particularly with workbooks.

I look forward to working with the ODF Toolkit. I also would like to see what I 
can do to help with fonts, EPS, PDF and print files.

The ASF has sponsored several projects which have become essential tools at 
work - Tomcat, Lucene and POI especially.

I am speaking as individual and not for my corporate employer (not a software 

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-07 Thread robert_weir
Dave Fisher  wrote on 06/07/2011 09:23:25 PM:

> Sure. Hi everyone (maybe the people that Rob knows should introduce 
> themselves as well - some of us are new to the community.)
> My name is David Fisher. I have been in the software industry for 
> over 30 years. I've worked in many computer languages - FORTRAN, PL/
> 1, C, C++,  Postscript,  Java, Basic, etc., etc. I wrote a PDF 
> producer in C++ in the early 90's. At my direction as a project 
> manager we developed the ability to produce PowerPoint output using 
> Apache POI. This was contributed back to the project and this 
> started my involvement with the ASF.
> I am very interested in the synergies and advantages to the OOo 
> community that full cross compatibility with Microsoft Office 
> documents could provide - particularly with workbooks.
> I look forward to working with the ODF Toolkit. I also would like to
> see what I can do to help with fonts, EPS, PDF and print files.
> The ASF has sponsored several projects which have become essential 
> tools at work - Tomcat, Lucene and POI especially.
> I am speaking as individual and not for my corporate employer (not a
> software company.)

Hi Dave, that is a great skill set.  Do you know anything about font 
embedding?  Not in PDF, but how it should be done in editable documents, 
respecting font policies, etc?

This issue is one of our top ODF feature requests, and a quick search 
shows that it is a popular request for OOo as well:

A feature like this greatly improves cross-OS document interop.



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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-07 Thread Dave Fisher

On Jun 7, 2011, at 6:54 PM, wrote:

> Dave Fisher  wrote on 06/07/2011 09:23:25 PM:
>> Sure. Hi everyone (maybe the people that Rob knows should introduce 
>> themselves as well - some of us are new to the community.)
>> My name is David Fisher. I have been in the software industry for 
>> over 30 years. I've worked in many computer languages - FORTRAN, PL/
>> 1, C, C++,  Postscript,  Java, Basic, etc., etc. I wrote a PDF 
>> producer in C++ in the early 90's. At my direction as a project 
>> manager we developed the ability to produce PowerPoint output using 
>> Apache POI. This was contributed back to the project and this 
>> started my involvement with the ASF.
>> I am very interested in the synergies and advantages to the OOo 
>> community that full cross compatibility with Microsoft Office 
>> documents could provide - particularly with workbooks.
>> I look forward to working with the ODF Toolkit. I also would like to
>> see what I can do to help with fonts, EPS, PDF and print files.
>> The ASF has sponsored several projects which have become essential 
>> tools at work - Tomcat, Lucene and POI especially.
>> I am speaking as individual and not for my corporate employer (not a
>> software company.)
> Hi Dave, that is a great skill set.  Do you know anything about font 
> embedding?  Not in PDF, but how it should be done in editable documents, 
> respecting font policies, etc?
> This issue is one of our top ODF feature requests, and a quick search 
> shows that it is a popular request for OOo as well:
> A feature like this greatly improves cross-OS document interop.

Thank you, and yes you are correct handling of fonts is a very tricky issue 
that touches on accessibility issues as well as translation and terms of art.

I have not thought deeply about embedding in some time. I think that it is more 
important to find a balance between two factors.

(1) FInding a font on the user's machine that is "close" to the 
producer/designer's. Meaning similar/equivalent character set, font style, and 

(2) Regulators require consistently formatted documents to the level of a line 
break, but not necessarily the font. (Correct me if I am wrong.)

So, I think that embedding the intended font metrics within a document is more 
important than embedding particular fonts. Less license issues that way as 
well. I know that the ASF has license to the Adobe Base 14 AFM files.

I don't know what this means for standards, etc, this I would like to learn. I 
do have a copy of FontForge and really liked Fontographer. Point me at the 
"state of the art" and I am good to go.

I understand why you aren't talking PDF sub-setting as that is more about total 
preservation of a print form. I guess in Impress the font is the intent and 
this is more in play. As a print format embedding the font file should not be 
an issue.

I could help define fonts and I do have an understanding of the Type 1 and 
other formats. I would need help with multi-byte fonts.

Let's get the podling approved and get to work!

BTW - In reality lack of a font license is a major issue in the re-use and 
editing of previously published documents. I have this issue in a potential 
work project right now. These issues require a pragmatic approach. An Apache 
Open Office ought to allow the user to specify how to they prefer to handle 
font translations. (is that font and translation?)

This is enough for now.

Best Regards,

> Regards,
> -Rob
> -
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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Yegor Kozlov
My name is Yegor Kozlov. I'm a Java developer, committer and a PMC in
the Apache POI project. I've been hacking Microsoft Office formats
since 2005 and got pretty solid knowledge of the internals of MS Excel
and PowerPoint.

I'm interested in bringing the ODF Toolkit to Apache and integrating
this API with Apache POI. With ODF, POI will become a universal API
for Office documents covering most of popular office formats.

Apache POI is a conduit to other Apache products, in particular, to
Apache Tika which uses POI for text extraction. Support for ODF is
certainly a subject of interest here.


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Christian Lippka

Moin Moin [1],

my name is Christian Lippka and I work on the donnated code base since 1998
when I was hired by StarDivision which was then consumed by Sun and later
bought by Oracle. Oracle is also my current employer. I am here as an 
so everything I do and say is based on my own opinions and motivations. 
note that I can not and will not discuss decisions made by Sun/Oracle 
now or in the
past. I also obviously do not speak for Oracle in any way and I'm not in 
any way

involved in the donation process that is currently going on.

That said, my past work was to lead the Sun/Oracle internal development 
of the

Impress and Draw application. My work includes

- the creation of the flash export
- the down stripping of code to create the (discontinued before open 
sourcing) stand alone StarOffice Impress Player
- the specification of the presentation and graphic parts of the xml format which later became the base for ODF
- driving development of the UNO API for impress and draw so it is now 
possible to have an xml filter for impress that does not link to the 
application code

- adding native table support to impress and draw
- bootstrapping the graphics part of the native mac port by fixing open 
issues in the vcl sal layer for aqua (spare time project)
- working on the renaissance project to modernize the overal UI 
experience of impress

At heard I'm a C/C++ hacker but I nowadays often use Java for small 
private projects out of convenience and
I started to get some experience in Objectice-c. I am not an idealist at 
all, I tend to use the tool that does the job at hand best.
This makes me currently a desktop user of a windows pc, an ubuntu box 
and a lovely old mac pro.
As someone coming originally from the hardware world I still have a huge 
interest in embedded and mobile and would

love to see an OOo derivate on a tablet.

My personal motivation to join this proposal as a committer is based on 
my bounding with the underlying source code and
also the people involved. You can not work 12 years on the same thing 
without getting to either hate or love it. So for me
it is obviously love and passion and it would make me sad to not even 
try to make this proposal a success.

Now a valid question could be, why ASF and not TDF. For me, this is not 
a binary question. I have already contributed
to in my spare time. I have also already (though small) 
contributed to LibreOffice in my spare time.
While I have some different opinions, I do not oppose the TDF or 
LibreOffice. I am not here to make this project win
and another project fail. I am not here to dishonor the good work that 
good people put into something that they
think is the best way to go. But I hope that people will respect others 
for trying to do something different, even

so we may share many of the same goals.

I'm happy with healthy competition. Not competition in the sense that 
the same work needs to be done multiple
times. But competition in the sense to try different things, provide 
diversity and something to choose from.
At least this is my understanding of liberty, the freedom to be able to 
choose from different options. If there
is only one option to choose from, even if this is the perfect option, 
this is still no longer freedom.

My opinion on the split/unite community is very simple. For me, there is 
but one open office community.
If you are working on any branch, fork, clone, sibling, 
successor,predecessor of what is, you
are part of that community. If you are a teacher at a school and promote 
the use of any odf based office
suite, you are part of this community. If you hate to see a world where 
there is only one vendor dominating
something that is essential for everyone in the digital age, you are 
part of the community.
And yet, inside this community there are other communities, formed 
around goals, opinions, motivations.

And I think that is perfectly valid.

I also think that while it is hard some times it is a good thing that 
this heats up so much emotions. This shows
that did not just start something that is useful. It 
started something that people are passionate

about. And this makes me so exited to be part of it.

My technical vision (as in, not plans, no facts, no "I tell you how to 
do it") for this particular project under the umbrella
of the ASF is as follows. I see this as an opportunity to do some bold 
moves that will jumpstart the free office world to
the next level. One such bold move in the past was the switch to XML. I 
think this changed everything, and I usually hate such
marketing speech :) What I would love to see is a major rework 
concerning modularization and configurability.
In the past I was part of many discussions on what would be the best UI 
framework for to solve all
problems including world peace. Obviously there was no such thing. This 
is even more true in the world we live
in now. There

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Andre Schnabel

> Von: Yegor Kozlov 

> I'm interested in bringing the ODF Toolkit to Apache and integrating
> this API with Apache POI. With ODF, POI will become a universal API
> for Office documents covering most of popular office formats.

As I see this the second time in an introduction now - please be aware
that the current project proposal is not about ODF toolkit.

Although ODF toolkit once was a sub-project of OOo, it is now a
seperate project ( and (afaik) does not 
share code with People from IBM might give more
details, as they helped to create ODF-toolkit as independend project.



PS.: the good thing for Apache is, that ODF toolit is under Apache License

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Re : Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread eric b


My name is Eric Bachard. In the real life, I'm Professor of Applied  
Physics at UTBM (see [1]).

In my spare time, I'm contributing to free software, as core  
developer. Contributing to since 2004, my skills are  C 
++ / C, objective C, shell and Perl. I know well  
source tree, build system, code too, and can work for all major ports  
(Windows, Mac OS X , Linux), including on some precise parts like the  
framework, the abstraction layer, Impress too.

Used to mentor students with EducOOo (more than 15), and with Google  
Summer of Code (mentored 4 students, in 2006, 2007 and 2010 for it),  
I am willing to contribute to the code and train students to OOo.

My vision is to see the accepted, Education Project  
become sort of a "Laboratory" dedicated to, and see a  
day there is a real bridge between and the Educational  
world. Mostly :

- sharing the knowledge, honestly ;
- working with students, teachers and schools : hear them, and catch  
the Fun they can bring us ;

- attracting new developers : critical for OOo ;
- innovating : always ready to test a new idea in the code :-).

Some of my roles and contributions :

-  Founding member of EducOOo [4]
-  OOo4Kids and OOoLight main developer  [5] [6]
-  Education Project since 2007 (current Project Lead)  [3]
-  Mac OS X native port of : was the Project Lead  
(2005 -2007)

Last but not least, I'm not a native speaker, so please, be gentle,  
and apologies for my terrible english :)

With best regards,
Eric Bachard

[1] UTBM :
[2] Domain developers : http://

[3] Education Project :
[4] EducOOo :
[5] OOo4Kids :
[6] OOoLight :

Le 7 juin 11 à 19:12, a écrit :

By my count we have now have over 60 individuals listed on as proposed
committers for the Apache OpenOffice project.   I think this is a
respectable start, though obviously the project will need to have a  

commitment to recruiting additional developers and growing the project

On the list are many names on the list familiar to me, some from the community,  some ODF experts, some involved in  
training and

certification, some in globalization,  some from downstream projects,
commercial and open source, Symphony, RedOffice, EducOOo, even some  


There are also a lot of names that I do not recognize.  This is  
good as

well.  I may have need of some new friends soon ;-)

I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not  
yet done
so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and  
interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to  

yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.



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Education Project:
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L'association EducOOo :
Blog :

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Richard S. Hall

On 06/08/2011 04:16 AM, Christian Lippka wrote:

Moin Moin [1],

my name is Christian Lippka and I work on the donnated code base since 

when I was hired by StarDivision which was then consumed by Sun and later
bought by Oracle. Oracle is also my current employer. I am here as an 
so everything I do and say is based on my own opinions and 
motivations. Please
note that I can not and will not discuss decisions made by Sun/Oracle 
now or in the
past. I also obviously do not speak for Oracle in any way and I'm not 
in any way

involved in the donation process that is currently going on.

That said, my past work was to lead the Sun/Oracle internal 
development of the

Impress and Draw application. My work includes

- the creation of the flash export
- the down stripping of code to create the (discontinued before open 
sourcing) stand alone StarOffice Impress Player
- the specification of the presentation and graphic parts of the xml format which later became the base for ODF
- driving development of the UNO API for impress and draw so it is now 
possible to have an xml filter for impress that does not link to the 
application code

- adding native table support to impress and draw
- bootstrapping the graphics part of the native mac port by fixing 
open issues in the vcl sal layer for aqua (spare time project)
- working on the renaissance project to modernize the overal UI 
experience of impress

At heard I'm a C/C++ hacker but I nowadays often use Java for small 
private projects out of convenience and
I started to get some experience in Objectice-c. I am not an idealist 
at all, I tend to use the tool that does the job at hand best.
This makes me currently a desktop user of a windows pc, an ubuntu box 
and a lovely old mac pro.
As someone coming originally from the hardware world I still have a 
huge interest in embedded and mobile and would

love to see an OOo derivate on a tablet.

My personal motivation to join this proposal as a committer is based 
on my bounding with the underlying source code and
also the people involved. You can not work 12 years on the same thing 
without getting to either hate or love it. So for me
it is obviously love and passion and it would make me sad to not even 
try to make this proposal a success.

Now a valid question could be, why ASF and not TDF. For me, this is 
not a binary question. I have already contributed
to in my spare time. I have also already (though small) 
contributed to LibreOffice in my spare time.
While I have some different opinions, I do not oppose the TDF or 
LibreOffice. I am not here to make this project win
and another project fail. I am not here to dishonor the good work that 
good people put into something that they
think is the best way to go. But I hope that people will respect 
others for trying to do something different, even

so we may share many of the same goals.

I'm happy with healthy competition. Not competition in the sense that 
the same work needs to be done multiple
times. But competition in the sense to try different things, provide 
diversity and something to choose from.
At least this is my understanding of liberty, the freedom to be able 
to choose from different options. If there
is only one option to choose from, even if this is the perfect option, 
this is still no longer freedom.

My opinion on the split/unite community is very simple. For me, there 
is but one open office community.
If you are working on any branch, fork, clone, sibling, 
successor,predecessor of what is, you
are part of that community. If you are a teacher at a school and 
promote the use of any odf based office
suite, you are part of this community. If you hate to see a world 
where there is only one vendor dominating
something that is essential for everyone in the digital age, you are 
part of the community.
And yet, inside this community there are other communities, formed 
around goals, opinions, motivations.

And I think that is perfectly valid.

I also think that while it is hard some times it is a good thing that 
this heats up so much emotions. This shows
that did not just start something that is useful. It 
started something that people are passionate

about. And this makes me so exited to be part of it.

My technical vision (as in, not plans, no facts, no "I tell you how to 
do it") for this particular project under the umbrella
of the ASF is as follows. I see this as an opportunity to do some bold 
moves that will jumpstart the free office world to
the next level. One such bold move in the past was the switch to XML. 
I think this changed everything, and I usually hate such
marketing speech :) What I would love to see is a major rework 
concerning modularization and configurability.
In the past I was part of many discussions on what would be the best 
UI framework for to solve all
problems including world peace. Obviously there was no such thing. 
This i

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Yegor Kozlov
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Andre Schnabel  wrote:
> Hi,
>> Von: Yegor Kozlov 
>> I'm interested in bringing the ODF Toolkit to Apache and integrating
>> this API with Apache POI. With ODF, POI will become a universal API
>> for Office documents covering most of popular office formats.
> As I see this the second time in an introduction now - please be aware
> that the current project proposal is not about ODF toolkit.
> Although ODF toolkit once was a sub-project of OOo, it is now a
> seperate project ( and (afaik) does not
> share code with People from IBM might give more
> details, as they helped to create ODF-toolkit as independend project.

Apache POI is mentioned in the proposal, see Relationships With Other
Apache Products. Rob mentioned the ODF toolkit too, so I thought it is

> PS.: the good thing for Apache is, that ODF toolit is under Apache License
> already.

Not really, the source code goes under Oracle' Edition of ALv2 and all
Java files include this header:

 * Copyright 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.ed.
 * Use is subject to license terms.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at You can also
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

> -
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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread robert_weir
"Andre Schnabel"  wrote on 06/08/2011 04:40:56 AM:

> > Von: Yegor Kozlov 
> > 
> > I'm interested in bringing the ODF Toolkit to Apache and integrating
> > this API with Apache POI. With ODF, POI will become a universal API
> > for Office documents covering most of popular office formats.
> As I see this the second time in an introduction now - please be aware
> that the current project proposal is not about ODF toolkit.
> Although ODF toolkit once was a sub-project of OOo, it is now a
> seperate project ( and (afaik) does not 
> share code with People from IBM might give more
> details, as they helped to create ODF-toolkit as independend project.

This was in a previous discussion. I am interested in bringing the ODF 
Toolkit over to Apache. It is already 100% Apache 2.0 license.

I'm a Steering Committee member on the ODF Toolkit Union, but obviously 
there are others, and we'll want to bring them and the developers in on 
this discussion.

What is not resolved at this point is whether we target the ODF Toolkit as 
part of the OpenOffice, target it as a new TLP, or target it to POI.  I 
think one could make a good argument for either one of these.  My main 
recommendation was to defer this discussion and decision until after the 
debate on the OpenOffice proposal was done.  Then we can engage the ODF 
Toolkit Union in this discussion.

The connection of OOo and ODF Toolkit is like this, from app developer 

1) If you want to do desktop client manipulation of documents, with a GUI 
and within the editors, then we have UNO-based scripting.  This could 
include some kinds of batch processing.

2) If you want to do server side processing of documents, then you could 
run OOo on server as well, with the obvious performance constraints.  Or 
you could use the ODF Toolkit, which is a lighter weight solution.  POI 
developers would be familiar with this advantage, as well as the 
liabilities, e.g., who calculates/updates formulas, who creates/updates 
metafiles, etc.

A sufficiently complex business application based on OpenOffice is going 
to involve document manipulations at both tiers.  For example, we recently 
(at IBM) made an insurance solution that involved using Symphony, extended 
with a Plugin, submitting documents into a workflow, where they were 
introspected and validated using the ODF Toolkit.

I'm sure many of us are familiar with the range of documents out there, 
from fully structured XML, forms, to semi-structured documents, to 
unstructured free-form documents.  From what I've seen the sweet spot for 
ODF/OpenOffice automation is in the semi-structured area, where it is not 
quite structured enough to go with a form, but requires some free-form 
work by the user in a familiar word processor.

So wherever the code goes, I think we'll want/need close technical 
coordination via a triangle of concerns:

1) The ODF editors, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, etc.
2) The ODF Toolkit
3) The ODF Standard, i.e., the Technical Committee at OASIS

I intend to be involved across all three.  I think that makes sense for 
anyone interested in the document automation scenarios, things that go 
beyond mere interactive editing.



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RE: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
I am pleased that we have been asked to introduce ourselves.  I am excited by 
what I have been reading this morning.

I consider myself to be handicapped as an American native-language English 
speaker.  It is very easy to say something in a very complex way and not notice.

With so many participants from other language communities here, I want to 
communicate well.  So your presence is an opportunity for my own training in 
having an international life.   

And, by the way.  If you had not said you are not a native speaker, I could not 
determine that from your introduction statement.  If I were to attempt to speak 
or write French, I think it would be a great embarrassment.

I share your interest in education.  For me it takes the form of ideas from 
CP4E (computer programming for everybody) and SE4E (software engineering ...).  
 But also fluency with computing and information technology.  I don't subscribe 
so much to the idea of "computational thinking" though.

 - Dennis

PS: Someday, I would like to know what about the University of Pennsylvania 
inspired UTC, UTBM, and UTT, 

-Original Message-
From: eric b [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 01:44
Subject: Re : Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?


My name is Eric Bachard. In the real life, I'm Professor of Applied Physics at 
UTBM (see [1]).

[ ... ]

Last but not least, I'm not a native speaker, so please, be gentle, and 
apologies for my terrible english :)

With best regards,
Eric Bachard

[1] UTBM :
[2] Domain developers : http://
[3] Education Project : [4] 
EducOOo : [5] OOo4Kids : [6] 
OOoLight :

[ ... ]

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RE: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
Hi Christian.

What a great positive attitude.  I'm excited to see you here.

And moin moin to you too (it is 06:56 here in Seattle).  I did not know the 
relationship with "moien" auf Deutsch.  Now I know why Svante Schubert says it. 


 - Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Christian Lippka [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 01:17
Subject: Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

[ ... ]
 So for me it is obviously love and passion and it would make me sad to not 
even try to make this proposal a success.

Now a valid question could be, why ASF and not TDF. For me, this is not a 
binary question. I have already contributed to in my spare time. 
I have also already (though small) contributed to LibreOffice in my spare time.
While I have some different opinions, I do not oppose the TDF or LibreOffice. I 
am not here to make this project win and another project fail. I am not here to 
dishonor the good work that good people put into something that they think is 
the best way to go. But I hope that people will respect others for trying to do 
something different, even so we may share many of the same goals.

[ ... ]

My technical vision (as in, not plans, no facts, no "I tell you how to do it") 
for this particular project under the umbrella of the ASF is as follows. I see 
this as an opportunity to do some bold moves that will jumpstart the free 
office world to the next level. One such bold move in the past was the switch 
to XML. I think this changed everything, and I usually hate such marketing 
speech :) What I would love to see is a major rework concerning modularization 
and configurability.
In the past I was part of many discussions on what would be the best UI 
framework for to solve all problems including world peace. 
Obviously there was no such thing. This is even more true in the world we live 
in now. There is not only the desktop any more, my smartphone is faster than my 
first development pc at StarDivision.
My android tablet has a bigger screen resolution than my first VGA monitor. To 
serve this diverse market of target devices and different input idioms there 
can not only be one user interface, there must be many.
Also it would be cool to target different groups of users by providing a user 
interface that is optimized for a special task or need. See OOo4Kids as a great 

I'm not a native speaker  but I tried hard to look up every more complicated 
word in the dictionary to check for possible misreadings. If you still find 
something that you have a grudge with or find offensive, please just blame it 
on a communication issue.

Best regards,


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread dsh
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:58 PM,   wrote:
> A sufficiently complex business application based on OpenOffice is going
> to involve document manipulations at both tiers.  For example, we recently
> (at IBM) made an insurance solution that involved using Symphony, extended
> with a Plugin, submitting documents into a workflow, where they were
> introspected and validated using the ODF Toolkit.

Of course the ODF Toolkit isn't a golden fleece for server side ODF
processing. I would rather call it a good compromise offering some
room for improvement. If we would have had a choice we would have
preferred a headless OO runing on either AIX or z/OS ;) For instances
you still have to code a comprehensive amount of XSL stylesheets if
using the ODF toolkit. One drawback we faced was that customers
created their ODF documents during design time using Symphony and
during runtime while mass-producing business correspondence documents
the ODF Toolkit generated documents which were not 100% formatted
equal to what has been created in Symphony earlier on. Thus our
preference to use the same formatting engine (i.e. Symphony/OO) during
both design time and run time.


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Ian Lynch
> I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
> so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
> interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
> yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.

Ian Lynch, cut my coding teeth on Algol W (IBM 370). BBC BASIC, 6502, 6809
and ARM Assembler.  Now I don't have time to hack, I run a UK government
accredited Awarding Organisation and I'm trying to build a global service
business that can support FOSS and liberally licensed content for education.
We have 6 people working in the company based in the UK and we have active
projects in Malaysia, Kenya, USA, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Germany, Spain and Netherlands all at various stages. Something in South
America in relation to OOo specifically seems imminent. I have been a member
of the OOo marketing community since the early days leading education for a
time and I was a co-founder of the Open Document Fellowship. I'm quite
interested in developing businesses that can support FOSS development and
obviate the need for closed software licenses.

I think the most important aspect of all this is ISO26300 because it and its
developments enable a rich range of FOSS implementations in the document
space. I'm sure this will migrate to the cloud so current OOo/LO
implementations are going to have to change.

In terms of certification, we are product neutral. Most of our customers get
their IT user certificates using MS products. There was not sufficient
demand early on for an exclusive "we only deal with FOSS products" stance
and getting to users of proprietary licensed software at least gives them
the opportunity to see that there are alternatives. We use a Lamp stack and
Drupal for our core business, Libre Office on Ubuntu. We only use Windows
and IE for testing the web site - lots of schools still on IE6 unfortunately
a real pain ;-)

My main constraint is time as I am constantly needing to find ways of
keeping everyone here employed while we develop the business.


Ofqual Accredited IT Qualifications (The Schools ITQ) +44 (0)1827 305940

The Learning Machine Limited, Reg Office, 36 Ashby Road, Tamworth,
Staffordshire, B79 8AQ. Reg No: 05560797, Registered in England and

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread robert_weir
dsh  wrote on 06/08/2011 10:37:46 AM:

> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:58 PM,   wrote:
> > A sufficiently complex business application based on OpenOffice is 
> > to involve document manipulations at both tiers.  For example, we 
> > (at IBM) made an insurance solution that involved using Symphony, 
> > with a Plugin, submitting documents into a workflow, where they were
> > introspected and validated using the ODF Toolkit.
> >
> Of course the ODF Toolkit isn't a golden fleece for server side ODF
> processing. I would rather call it a good compromise offering some
> room for improvement. If we would have had a choice we would have
> preferred a headless OO runing on either AIX or z/OS ;) For instances
> you still have to code a comprehensive amount of XSL stylesheets if
> using the ODF toolkit. One drawback we faced was that customers
> created their ODF documents during design time using Symphony and
> during runtime while mass-producing business correspondence documents
> the ODF Toolkit generated documents which were not 100% formatted
> equal to what has been created in Symphony earlier on. Thus our
> preference to use the same formatting engine (i.e. Symphony/OO) during
> both design time and run time.

The ODF Toolkit Union has several projects. It sounds like you have been 
using the XSLT Runner component?

We also have ODFDOM.  This is a Java API that uses a code generation 
approach, giving a typed DOM that is 1:1 with the ODF schema.  So this can 
read and write documents and preserve 100% of the its contents, 
formatting, metadata, etc.

On top of that (we all need layers, right?) we have the Simple Java API 
for ODF, which is a high level API for manipulating the document.  So 
things that might be a complex operation touching many ODF elements, like 
deleting a column in a table, are done in a single function call in the 
Simple API.  We also took a set of "navigators" to select interesting 
content in the document.  So you can do a regular expression search and 
replace.  But also search for all text with style = "header 3" and then do 
something on it.  You can extract the text of a document in one line of 
code.  You can copy a presentation slide from one presentation and put it 
into a another in one line of code, etc.  The cool thing, in my opinion, 
compared to other ODF API's, is because the Simple API is based on ODFDOM 
and ODFDOM is generated from the ODF schema directly, then the Simple API 
manipulations preserve all of the existing document content. 

You can see the details here:

We also have a validation component, with tools for validating conformance 
of ODF documents,

And we have a C# ODF API, which I don't know so much about.



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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread dsh
Of course we had been using ODFDOM but the issue is how do you get ODF
transformed accordingly to other formats such as RTF, AFP or PDF and
make those formats look consistent with what you would get if doing
the transformation natively during design time in OO or Symphony.

Anyway I suspect that's an off-topic detail that may distract others
from the initial intent of this thread.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:04 PM,   wrote:
> dsh  wrote on 06/08/2011 10:37:46 AM:
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:58 PM,   wrote:
>> > A sufficiently complex business application based on OpenOffice is
> going
>> > to involve document manipulations at both tiers.  For example, we
> recently
>> > (at IBM) made an insurance solution that involved using Symphony,
> extended
>> > with a Plugin, submitting documents into a workflow, where they were
>> > introspected and validated using the ODF Toolkit.
>> >
>> Of course the ODF Toolkit isn't a golden fleece for server side ODF
>> processing. I would rather call it a good compromise offering some
>> room for improvement. If we would have had a choice we would have
>> preferred a headless OO runing on either AIX or z/OS ;) For instances
>> you still have to code a comprehensive amount of XSL stylesheets if
>> using the ODF toolkit. One drawback we faced was that customers
>> created their ODF documents during design time using Symphony and
>> during runtime while mass-producing business correspondence documents
>> the ODF Toolkit generated documents which were not 100% formatted
>> equal to what has been created in Symphony earlier on. Thus our
>> preference to use the same formatting engine (i.e. Symphony/OO) during
>> both design time and run time.
> The ODF Toolkit Union has several projects. It sounds like you have been
> using the XSLT Runner component?
> We also have ODFDOM.  This is a Java API that uses a code generation
> approach, giving a typed DOM that is 1:1 with the ODF schema.  So this can
> read and write documents and preserve 100% of the its contents,
> formatting, metadata, etc.
> On top of that (we all need layers, right?) we have the Simple Java API
> for ODF, which is a high level API for manipulating the document.  So
> things that might be a complex operation touching many ODF elements, like
> deleting a column in a table, are done in a single function call in the
> Simple API.  We also took a set of "navigators" to select interesting
> content in the document.  So you can do a regular expression search and
> replace.  But also search for all text with style = "header 3" and then do
> something on it.  You can extract the text of a document in one line of
> code.  You can copy a presentation slide from one presentation and put it
> into a another in one line of code, etc.  The cool thing, in my opinion,
> compared to other ODF API's, is because the Simple API is based on ODFDOM
> and ODFDOM is generated from the ODF schema directly, then the Simple API
> manipulations preserve all of the existing document content.
> You can see the details here:
> We also have a validation component, with tools for validating conformance
> of ODF documents,
> And we have a C# ODF API, which I don't know so much about.
> Regards,
> -Rob
> -
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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Cor Nouws

Richard S. Hall wrote (08-06-11 11:03)

On 06/08/2011 04:16 AM, Christian Lippka wrote:

Moin Moin [1],

my name is Christian Lippka and I work on the donnated code base since

I just wanted to say that this is one of the best messages I've read
throughout this entire ordeal. Thanks.

Yip - thanks Christian :-)

 - Cor

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Carl Marcum

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, wrote:

I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.

Hi all,

I'm Carl Marcum. I'm an independent developer. I work primarily with Java, 
Groovy, and Grails.
Lately, I have been doing custom OOo installation packages and extensions.
I look forward to helping out with the project where ever I can.
Best regards,

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Robert Burrell Donkin
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:57 PM, Cor Nouws  wrote:
> Richard S. Hall wrote (08-06-11 11:03)
>> On 06/08/2011 04:16 AM, Christian Lippka wrote:
>>> Moin Moin [1],
>>> my name is Christian Lippka and I work on the donnated code base since
>>> 1998
>>> [..]
>> I just wanted to say that this is one of the best messages I've read
>> throughout this entire ordeal. Thanks.
> Yip - thanks Christian :-)


I seem to have worn quite a few hats over the years...

Apache-wise, I [1] was elected a Member [2] of the Apache Software
Foundation in 2005, elected to the IPMC [3] in 2006 and served on the
Legal Affairs committee [4] from 2007 till 2010. Code-wise [5], in the
crazy early days at Jakarta [6] I spent a lot of time in the Commons
[7] community factoring out micro-libraries. Latterly, over in the
community at James [8] we factored out a series of components from a
monolithic code base and grew a vibrant community around them. A
particular interest was creating a working IMAP library. I'm to blame
for too much of the process, build and release documentation Apache
inflicts on it's projects and podlings. I have interests in community

I'm recovering from an injury ATM and have only limited computer time,
and too many existing interests for the time I have. But I think I
might be able to help the community over the initial build, release
and licensing issues, with factoring out components and the general
culture shock.

I'm (very) independent ;-)


[7] Now at

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Kazunari Hirano
Hi Rob and all,

I am Kazunari Hirano (

I am one of adminstrators for Comunity Forum Japanese.

I am Marketing Contact (MarCon) Japan.

I am Community Contributor Representative (CCR) Deputy.
I took the responsibility for CCR tasks on Wed, Oct 20, 2010.

I am the marketing project coordinator of Japanese
Language Project (
As you see, Japanese Language Project is led by Maho
Nakata, who is also Quality Assurance Project Lead
( and regularly uploads latest MacOSX
INTEL/PPC aqua builds
has 4 projects above,, 2.quality assurance, 3.translation,
4.documentation.  These 4 projects together worked hard to release
stable quality Japanese and to promote
in a number of ways.  We have increased our user base.
When I spoke at Conference in Beijing 2008, I
introduced voices from big company users and local government users.
(jump to page16)
Can we support them?
- Why did they make public their deployment?
- They want OOo Community to be alive and continue.
- They want professional support.

As you see, they are waiting for new, stable Japanese releases.
I hope I can help release stable quality Japanese and
other languages.

And as I told in my first post to this list,
I always want to help develop Ideographic Variation Sequence support,
where we need knowledges, skills and experiences of the Hamburg team.

I really like to see really multi-platform and multi-language office
suite as I spoke at Conference Berlin 2004.
(jump to page 34)
Do we really want to do it?
Can we make it?
- OOo1.1.x/SO7/SS7: 10 languages
- OOo2.0/SO8/SS8: 31 languages
- OOo3.0/SO9/SS9: 76 languages
- OOo4.0/SO10/SS10: 100 languages
Let us open up new markets and allow all the people on the earth to
use our great Office Suite in their native languages!
We are all sure that benefit them.

It is very exciting to work with various people in many parts of the
world, sharing sense of purpose to create one great product.

When I found the poster[1] in Conference Beijing 2009,
I was very happy because it was the first time for me to see faces of
people who I work with daily online.  It inspired me to make two
posters {2][3].


It may take time but I think we[1][2][3] and ASF work together in a
team to release stable quality, what world people are
waiting for :)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the parents who
have helped enact this important change by expressing concerns to both
the school and council

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people
who help the victims of the quake and tsunami.  Your donation to
Japanese Red Cross is reaching them.  Since I live in Ichinoseki,
Iwate, next to the coast areas like Rikuzentakata and Kesennuma
devastated by the tsunami greatly, I started the project to reach the
victims with your support and help.  My project has been supported by community, such as oooES
(, Team
( and OOoAuthors
(, my neighbors, friends,
brothers and relatives.

To help organize Conference in Japan is my dream.
That's all so far.
I am looking forward to working with you all.

Kazunari Hirano - Marketing Project Coordinator -
Japanese Language Project

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Kazunari Hirano
I inserted a odd sentence, "I would like to take this opportunity to
thank all of the parents who
have helped enact this important change by expressing concerns to both
the school and council"
Please ignore :)

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Roman H. Gelbort
El 07/06/11 14:12, escribió:
> I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done 
> so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your 
> interest in this project.
Hi people.

I'm a community member of since 2002. My contributions to
the community have been: support on the lists and forums, translate of
articles, webs and others documentations, drive with my opinion bugs
corrections, feature requests, changes in translations, conferences like
Marketing Contact in Argentina, etc.

My space of job is prefered in spanish and my appearances in english are
very recents (and painfull for my brain).

I want work on develop an improve application every day and I considered
this opportunity (in ASF environment)  like a great moment in the life
of our application.

In the rest of my live, I work as an consultant in companies and I'm
part of the network of partners oooES in Argentina. And I'm educator in
middle education schools.

Prof. Román H. Gelbort
No busquemos aplicaciones que reemplacen aplicaciones, 
sino aplicaciones que resuelvan problemas específicos...

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread robert_weir
Kazunari Hirano  wrote on 06/09/2011 08:46:05 AM:

> Let us open up new markets and allow all the people on the earth to
> use our great Office Suite in their native languages!
> We are all sure that benefit them.
> Thanks
> It is very exciting to work with various people in many parts of the
> world, sharing sense of purpose to create one great product.

Hello Hirano-san --

Thank you for your inspiring post.  I am honored to have your continued 
participation. is distinguished by the large number of language 
translations it supports, including many languages that are ignored by the 
larger commercial vendors.

But as you know, translation is only one part of localization.  I hope 
that with your participation, and with help from RedOffice experts who 
have joined this project, that we can further improve the CJK support in 
OOo.  We have had many discussions on this in ISO, with Murata Mokoto, who 
is helping us understand what further improvement we could make in ODF to 
support CJK text layout requirements.

I look forward to advancing this work, both with the ODF standard, but 
also in Apache OpenOffice!



P.S. Do you know anything about the OOo community on Korea?  Is there 
anyone there we should be contacting?

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
> By my count we have now have over 60 individuals listed on as proposed
> committers for the Apache OpenOffice project.   I think this is a
> respectable start, though obviously the project will need to have a strong
> commitment to recruiting additional developers and growing the project
> further,
> On the list are many names on the list familiar to me, some from the
> community,  some ODF experts, some involved in training and
> certification, some in globalization,  some from downstream projects,
> commercial and open source, Symphony, RedOffice, EducOOo, even some TDF/LO
> names.
> There are also a lot of names that I do not recognize.  This is good as
> well.  I may have need of some new friends soon ;-)
> I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
> so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
> interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
> yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.
> Regards,
> -Rob

On the OOo lists, it was good practice that *all* presented themselves,
even if they thought all right to be known.

It would be helpful, fair and "good for the spirit" on the ASF-OOo
lists to do it
in the same way in the future.

I think a person, starting such a thread, should set a good example. ;-)

sorry for DEnglish ;-) - I hope my portuguese is better ;-)

-- .- .-.

just me:
- not a hacker;-), studied business administration, University of
Saarbrücken, Germany
- former OOo Co-lead of the German project,
- Community member since SUN, initiated the comminity, documentation,
  marketing, representation of OOo on show - CeBIT, LinuxTag,in
companies such as Bitburger
  Brewery (some in "incubator/OpenOfficeProposal" will remember),
COMMON Conferenz 2002 IBM
  e-Series meeting, Bad-Honnef, etc.
- European school projects with OOo ... with schools in Portugal,
Spain, Poland,Slovakia, Turkey,
- former head teacher of vocational schools
- business administration and computer science
- 7 years Latin America, São Paulo, Brazil and responsible for the
bilateral German vocational schools in Latin America (Mexico,
Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina,
Paraguay and Uruguay)
- still good friends with a lot of TDF members;-)
- part-time and thus time for OS projects

Interested in helping:
Marketing, OOo in education sector, fundraising, documentation,
community formation, internationalisation (not code, but

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
upps forgot ...

reunification if somehow possible ... to be even stronger ;-)
( please observe: in reunification we as germans have some experiences ;-) )

2011/6/9 Manfred A. Reiter :

> Interested in helping:
> Marketing, OOo in education sector, fundraising, documentation,
> community formation, internationalisation (not code, but
> documentation)


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Christoph Jopp
Am 09.06.2011 18:32, schrieb Manfred A. Reiter:
> upps forgot ...
> reunification if somehow possible ... to be even stronger ;-)
> ( please observe: in reunification we as germans have some experiences ;-) )

I hope it will not take 40 years ;-)

> 2011/6/9 Manfred A. Reiter :
> [...]
>> Interested in helping:
>> Marketing, OOo in education sector, fundraising, documentation,
>> community formation, internationalisation (not code, but
>> documentation)
> Manfred
> -
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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Sriram Narayanan
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:42 PM,   wrote:

> I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
> so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
> interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
> yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.

I'm not a proposed committer, but I'm a long time Apache enthusiast,
as well as one of the maintainers of Belenix.

On Belenix, we're aiming to move to the rpm5 packaging system, and I
intend to package openoffice as well as libre office using rpm5.

I'm lurking around to see how things develop, and to ensure I provide
heads up when ever I detect that openoffice cannot be built on

> Regards,
> -Rob

-- Sriram

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Andy Brown

Hi All.

After reading the messages by others I feel very out of place.  I do not 
have any formal background to speak of that would relate to this or any 
other project.  The only thing that I feel I can bring is an open mind 
and willingness to work and learn.

I first used StarOffice back in 1997/1998 under OS2.  In 2004 I found and started using it under Windows XP.  In 2009 I wanted 
to give back and joined the Documentation, Marketing and Distribution 
projects.  In the Documentation project I helped with some to the Calc 
chapters in the user guide.  In the Marketing project I helped with a 
tri-fold pamphlet for the US market.  In the Distribution project I 
helped others get started in the mailing list, was a moderator of one of 
the list, and shipped disk all over the US to people that did not have 
access to high speed internet access to download the program.

Thanks for allowing me to be part of this.

Andy Brown

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
Hi Christoph,

2011/6/9 Christoph Jopp :
> Am 09.06.2011 18:32, schrieb Manfred A. Reiter:
>> upps forgot ...
>> reunification if somehow possible ... to be even stronger ;-)
>> ( please observe: in reunification we as germans have some experiences ;-) )
> I hope it will not take 40 years ;-)

:-) :-) :-)


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Nóirín Plunkett

Fáilte! Sounds like you get the "Apache Way" just great :-)

"I don't really have any background in this, but [... list of awesome
things you've already done.]"

Willing hands are always welcome, and a dose of humility can be a
refreshing change :-)


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Andy Brown  wrote:
> Hi All.
> After reading the messages by others I feel very out of place.  I do not
> have any formal background to speak of that would relate to this or any
> other project.  The only thing that I feel I can bring is an open mind and
> willingness to work and learn.
> I first used StarOffice back in 1997/1998 under OS2.  In 2004 I found
> and started using it under Windows XP.  In 2009 I wanted to
> give back and joined the Documentation, Marketing and Distribution projects.
>  In the Documentation project I helped with some to the Calc chapters in the
> user guide.  In the Marketing project I helped with a tri-fold pamphlet for
> the US market.  In the Distribution project I helped others get started in
> the mailing list, was a moderator of one of the list, and shipped disk all
> over the US to people that did not have access to high speed internet access
> to download the program.
> Thanks for allowing me to be part of this.
> Andy Brown
> -
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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread Andy Brown

Nóirín Plunkett wrote:


Fáilte! Sounds like you get the "Apache Way" just great :-)

"I don't really have any background in this, but [... list of awesome
things you've already done.]"

Willing hands are always welcome, and a dose of humility can be a
refreshing change :-)


Thanks Noirin,

It seems that I forgot to add that I have also helped users, on the 
mailing list and forums.


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-09 Thread donald_harbison

Hat's off to Germany, the place of birth...


"Manfred A. Reiter"  wrote on 06/09/2011 03:47:05 PM:

> From: "Manfred A. Reiter" 
> To:,
> Date: 06/09/2011 03:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?
> Hi Christoph,
> 2011/6/9 Christoph Jopp :
> > Am 09.06.2011 18:32, schrieb Manfred A. Reiter:
> >> upps forgot ...
> >>
> >> reunification if somehow possible ... to be even stronger ;-)
> >> ( please observe: in reunification we as germans have some 
> experiences ;-) )
> >
> > I hope it will not take 40 years ;-)
> :-) :-) :-)
> M.
> -
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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Marcelo H.Fortino

Hi Rob and all,

My name is Marcelo Horacio Fortino and I've been using this suite since 
1999 when I get an StarOffice 5.1 CD from Sun.

Since then I had worked with all OpenOffice.Org and lastly with 
LibreOffice flavors and I've been promoting and installing these suites 
hundreds of times to my clients.

My contributions into the ecosystem have been creating 
market and giving jobs to teachers and IT technicians for migration, 
customization and support.

Also I've been teaching and recently organizing OpenOffice and 
LibreOffice courses.

I know I'm not a programmer, nor have been giving support at forums or 
translating OOO into spanish but mainly it was because I've no enough 
time to do that. I hope anyway that I can be useful into this community :-)


// Marcelo Fortino
//Servicios Informáticos
//Formación·Software Libre

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Damjan Jovanovic
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Marcelo H.Fortino
>> Hi Rob and all,
> My name is Marcelo Horacio Fortino and I've been using this suite since 1999
> when I get an StarOffice 5.1 CD from Sun.
> Since then I had worked with all OpenOffice.Org and lastly with LibreOffice
> flavors and I've been promoting and installing these suites hundreds of
> times to my clients.
> My contributions into the ecosystem have been creating market
> and giving jobs to teachers and IT technicians for migration, customization
> and support.
> Also I've been teaching and recently organizing OpenOffice and LibreOffice
> courses.
> I know I'm not a programmer, nor have been giving support at forums or
> translating OOO into spanish but mainly it was because I've no enough time
> to do that. I hope anyway that I can be useful into this community :-)
> regards
> --
> -
> // Marcelo Fortino
> //Servicios Informáticos
> //Formación·Software Libre
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Hi Rob and all

I've been an open-source user and contributor for years, and an Apache
Committer for several months. My prior programming experience with
OpenOffice is limited to a basic test with UNO and Java, but I am
familiar with C/C++/Java/etc. and would be able to work on just about

I think that the donation of OpenOffice to Apache is probably the
greatest gift in Apache's history, and it would be a tremendous honour
to contribute to one of the most widely used open source projects in
the world.

Damjan Jovanovic

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Malte Timmermann


my name is Malte Timmermann, and I work on the code base of since 1991 - almost from the beginning.

It started with StarDivision, later acquired by Sun, later acquired by 
Oracle. While still being an Oracle employee, my engagement here will be 
on an individual base.

Among the many things that I have implemented for OOo are the first 
version of the multi-platform Help System and compiler (and designing 
the XML version later), the Basic IDE, different widgets and remote 
support for VCL, the UNO AWT Toolkit and Uno Controls with MVC 
separation for using them in multi-view documents, and parts of the XML 
digital signatures.

My biggest contribution probably was the EditEngine, which is used for 
text IO in Calc, Impress and the Drawing objects.
When starting this, I was told to create some "lightweight" editor for 
Impress - and it ended up with a huge beast capable of many text 
processing features, including all the stuff you need for vertical and 
right-to-left writing, rotated text and text flow in a polygon.

Later I became responsible for the project to make 
accessible, which was really challenging because of OOo's own GUI 
toolkit and because of all existing Accessibility APIs not being 
complete enough for exposing complex document content.

So I spent a lot of time in designing the Uno Accessibility API (which 
later was used by IBM as the starting point for IAccessible2), and with 
having many discussions with people from JAA, ATK and with different AT 
projects and vendors.

I still work in the area of Accessibility, be it for the 
application, or for ODF. I am a member of the OASIS ODF TC and it's 
Accessibility SC.

When in 2006 the first security issues with OOo have been reported, I 
got the job to take care for StarOffice and OOo security and the 
handling of security issues. I have initiated the OOo Security Team, 
where people could report vulnerabilities to, and where people from 
different Linux distros are members so that we could together work on 
fixing the issues and coordinating release dates.

Unfortunately, even working as a technical architect for StarOffice/OOo 
since 2003, I was only able to influence newly developed stuff, but not 
to make bigger changes to the existing code base - mainly because of 
resource and time restrictions.

There are many things that should be changed. One of the things I have 
in mind would make it much easier for other projects or products to make 
use of the different OOo editors inside other applications or GUI 
technologies. Since this should be very interesting for commercial 
products like Lotus Symphony or RedOffice, maybe we can find time and 
resources for this now (once we have solved the more important issues to 
get Apache OOo running at all). But it will be a quite big task...

It's now time for the next decade of OOo. After a decade of closed 
source StarOffice, and a decade of copyleft, it's now 
time for many decades of Apache OpenOffice(.org), where many individuals 
and companies can cooperate together, all having the same rights to make 
use of the code in other open source projects as well as in closed 
source products.

And you can bet - after working on this thing almost half of my life 
now, I want to see Apache OpenOffice(.org) becoming a big success!


PS: I just managed to catch up all the emails on this list, and summed 
it up in my blog at

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi Malte,

great to have you on board :)

Best regards

Op 10-6-2011 18:16, Malte Timmermann schreef:


my name is Malte Timmermann, and I work on the code base of since 1991 - almost from the beginning.

It started with StarDivision, later acquired by Sun, later acquired by 
Oracle. While still being an Oracle employee, my engagement here will 
be on an individual base.

Among the many things that I have implemented for OOo are the first 
version of the multi-platform Help System and compiler (and designing 
the XML version later), the Basic IDE, different widgets and remote 
support for VCL, the UNO AWT Toolkit and Uno Controls with MVC 
separation for using them in multi-view documents, and parts of the 
XML digital signatures.

My biggest contribution probably was the EditEngine, which is used for 
text IO in Calc, Impress and the Drawing objects.
When starting this, I was told to create some "lightweight" editor for 
Impress - and it ended up with a huge beast capable of many text 
processing features, including all the stuff you need for vertical and 
right-to-left writing, rotated text and text flow in a polygon.

Later I became responsible for the project to make 
accessible, which was really challenging because of OOo's own GUI 
toolkit and because of all existing Accessibility APIs not being 
complete enough for exposing complex document content.

So I spent a lot of time in designing the Uno Accessibility API (which 
later was used by IBM as the starting point for IAccessible2), and 
with having many discussions with people from JAA, ATK and with 
different AT projects and vendors.

I still work in the area of Accessibility, be it for the application, or for ODF. I am a member of the OASIS ODF 
TC and it's Accessibility SC.

When in 2006 the first security issues with OOo have been reported, I 
got the job to take care for StarOffice and OOo security and the 
handling of security issues. I have initiated the OOo Security Team, 
where people could report vulnerabilities to, and where people from 
different Linux distros are members so that we could together work on 
fixing the issues and coordinating release dates.

Unfortunately, even working as a technical architect for 
StarOffice/OOo since 2003, I was only able to influence newly 
developed stuff, but not to make bigger changes to the existing code 
base - mainly because of resource and time restrictions.

There are many things that should be changed. One of the things I have 
in mind would make it much easier for other projects or products to 
make use of the different OOo editors inside other applications or GUI 
technologies. Since this should be very interesting for commercial 
products like Lotus Symphony or RedOffice, maybe we can find time and 
resources for this now (once we have solved the more important issues 
to get Apache OOo running at all). But it will be a quite big task...

It's now time for the next decade of OOo. After a decade of closed 
source StarOffice, and a decade of copyleft, it's now 
time for many decades of Apache OpenOffice(.org), where many 
individuals and companies can cooperate together, all having the same 
rights to make use of the code in other open source projects as well 
as in closed source products.

And you can bet - after working on this thing almost half of my life 
now, I want to see Apache OpenOffice(.org) becoming a big success!


PS: I just managed to catch up all the emails on this list, and summed 
it up in my blog at

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Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

| | |

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi all,

My name is Simon Brouwer. For my profession, I develop electronics and 
firmware for auto-ID equipment such as hand-held data collection 
terminals. In my free time I have been active in since 
2001 and have been project lead of the Dutch native-lang subproject 
since its beginning in 2002.
My contributions include making Dutch spell checking available in OOo, 
authoring most of web content, coordinating the Dutch 
OOo community, writing the "t9n tools" that greatly helped with the 
translation of the online help to Dutch (and some other languages too), 
and providing a number of Dutch builds for Windows until Hamburg took over.
Following up on the Dutch spell checking, I later co-founded the 
OpenTaal project, which provides free Dutch linguistics resources that 
are used in and many other open source projects.
I have some programming experience in C/C++ and Java and have built from source under Windows and Linux.
Although I have been very busy at work and will be for the foreseeable 
future, I hope to find some time to contribute to the continued success 

Best regards,
Simon Brouwer

Op 7-6-2011 19:12, schreef:

By my count we have now have over 60 individuals listed on as proposed
committers for the Apache OpenOffice project.   I think this is a
respectable start, though obviously the project will need to have a strong
commitment to recruiting additional developers and growing the project

On the list are many names on the list familiar to me, some from the community,  some ODF experts, some involved in training and
certification, some in globalization,  some from downstream projects,
commercial and open source, Symphony, RedOffice, EducOOo, even some TDF/LO

There are also a lot of names that I do not recognize.  This is good as
well.  I may have need of some new friends soon ;-)

I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.



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Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

| | |

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Kazunari Hirano
Hi Rob,


> But as you know, translation is only one part of localization.  I hope
> that with your participation, and with help from RedOffice experts who
> have joined this project, that we can further improve the CJK support in
> OOo.
You are right!  This is what I would like to help develop.

> We have had many discussions on this in ISO, with Murata Mokoto, who
> is helping us understand what further improvement we could make in ODF to
> support CJK text layout requirements.
That's good you discuss it with Mr. Makoto Murata.  I respect him.

> I look forward to advancing this work, both with the ODF standard, but
> also in Apache OpenOffice!
Sure!  I am exciting and looking forward to releasing Apache Japanese.

> P.S. Do you know anything about the OOo community on Korea?  Is there
> anyone there we should be contacting?
Have you contacted Jeongkyu Kim yet?


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-11 Thread Peter Korn


My name is Peter Korn, and I've been working on accessibility for
the last 20 years.  

I started that career developing assistive technologies for folks
with vision impairments, and then moved to Sun where I worked on
platform accessibility frameworks.  Around 10 years ago I helped
start the StarOffice/ accessibility effort (and had
the pleasure of meeting Malte, with whom I've worked for a good many
years).  That's also the time I kicked off the GNOME accessibility

I've moved away from writing code on a regular basis, spending more
time on accessibility policy, design, management, and related
matters.  I am co-chair of the now-mostly-quiet OASIS ODF
accessibility subcommittee, and helped with the analysis and fixes
to the ODF spec.  I am Technical Manager of the AEGIS project
[], where we are developing a number of
extensions to for accessibility,
including the successful odt2daisy and odt2braille extensions (for
creating digital talking books for folks with print impairments and
embossing braille documents respectively), and a
hopefully-soon-to-be-published extension to support language
learning and writing via the concept-coding framework for folks with
cognitive impairments - among other things.  

I doubt I'll contribute much direct code to the effort, but I look
forward to helping with design decisions that affect accessibility.



  Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522 
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
  Oracle is committed to developing practices and
products that help protect the environment


Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-11 Thread Ross Gardler
Hi Peter,

The vote is currently open and thus the proposal has been fixed until the end 
of the vote.  Once the vote has completed and the podling PMC has been formed I 
will ensure your request is processed. 

Thanks for your interest. 

Sent from my mobile device (so please excuse typos)

On 11 Jun 2011, at 18:49, Peter Korn  wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Peter Korn, and I've been working on accessibility for the last 20 
> years.  
> I started that career developing assistive technologies for folks with vision 
> impairments, and then moved to Sun where I worked on platform accessibility 
> frameworks.  Around 10 years ago I helped start the StarOffice/ 
> accessibility effort (and had the pleasure of meeting Malte, with whom I've 
> worked for a good many years).  That's also the time I kicked off the GNOME 
> accessibility effort.  
> I've moved away from writing code on a regular basis, spending more time on 
> accessibility policy, design, management, and related matters.  I am co-chair 
> of the now-mostly-quiet OASIS ODF accessibility subcommittee, and helped with 
> the analysis and fixes to the ODF spec.  I am Technical Manager of the AEGIS 
> project [], where we are developing a number of 
> extensions to for accessibility, including the 
> successful odt2daisy and odt2braille extensions (for creating digital talking 
> books for folks with print impairments and embossing braille documents 
> respectively), and a hopefully-soon-to-be-published extension to support 
> language learning and writing via the concept-coding framework for folks with 
> cognitive impairments - among other things.  
> I doubt I'll contribute much direct code to the effort, but I look forward to 
> helping with design decisions that affect accessibility.
> Regards,
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
> Phone: +1 650 5069522 
> 500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065 
>  Oracle is committed to developing practices and 
> products that help protect the environment

Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-11 Thread Malte Timmermann

Hi Peter,

On 11.06.2011 19:49, Peter Korn wrote:

I doubt I'll contribute much direct code to the effort, but I look
forward to helping with design decisions that affect accessibility.

Would be nice to continue working with you on accessibility :)


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-12 Thread Robert Burrell Donkin
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Nóirín Plunkett  wrote:
> Andy,
> Fáilte! Sounds like you get the "Apache Way" just great :-)


> "I don't really have any background in this, but [... list of awesome
> things you've already done.]"
> Willing hands are always welcome, and a dose of humility can be a
> refreshing change :-)

+1 :-)

(Nóirín always expresses these things so well)


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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-13 Thread Dieter Loeschky


I'm with the code base since the very first beginning.
While still being an Oracle employee, my engagement here will be on an 
individual base.

Here are some aspects of my OOo history in a nutshell:

- started at Star Division as lead developer of the Impress application
C++ implementation in core and UI, integration of the Drawing Layer, 
Edit Engine, SFX, etc.

- project lead of the graphics project at OOo
kicked off the graphics project which includes Impress, Draw, Chart, 
Drawing Engine, etc.

- project lead of the i18n project at OOo
kicked off the i18n project which focus on all aspects of 
internationalization and Unicode support

- co-lead of the performance project at OOo
kicked off the performance project which takes care of startup and 
load/save performance

- member of the OOo engineering steering committee

- coaching internal (at Star Division, Sun and Oracle) and external 
developers over years, intensive team building

- deep knowledge about the office market and product requirements

- deep knowledge about building and delivering OOo releases in time and 
in best quality

ODF related work
- helped to initiate the ODF standardization at OASIS
- helped to initiate the ODF Toolkit project at
- member of the engineering steering committee of the project

I would love to see one united project and hope that this 
Apache project can be the base of all OOo flavors.


Am 07.06.11 19:12, schrieb

By my count we have now have over 60 individuals listed on as proposed
committers for the Apache OpenOffice project.   I think this is a
respectable start, though obviously the project will need to have a strong
commitment to recruiting additional developers and growing the project

On the list are many names on the list familiar to me, some from the community,  some ODF experts, some involved in training and
certification, some in globalization,  some from downstream projects,
commercial and open source, Symphony, RedOffice, EducOOo, even some TDF/LO

There are also a lot of names that I do not recognize.  This is good as
well.  I may have need of some new friends soon ;-)

I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.



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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-14 Thread Jürgen Schmidt

let me introduce myself a little bit more as promised in my voting email ;-)

My name is Juergen Schmidt (jsc) and i work on the project since 1997,
started at StarDivision -> Sun -> Oracle where i am still employed today.
But i am here as individual and everything i will do and say here is based
on my very own opinion and motivation. I will also do not speak for Oracle
in any way and i am here only to help and to bring forward.

At the beginning i was deeply involved in the development of UNO the
underlying component middleware technology and focused later more and more
on the general programmability features. As the API and Extensions project
lead i always tried to bring these features forward. I always had the vision
of a component based architecture where you have well defined functional
blocks (components) that build altogether a complete product. In an ideally
world you would be able to define a feature set, let's say you need a writer
component only, and some kind of tooling would package all necessary fine
grained components that builds all together a full featured writer editor.
Ok i know that is very highlevel but i hope the idea becomes a little bit
more clear. Anyway in the existing code base we are of course far away of
such an architecture because it's more complex and the modularization that
would be necessary is not in place yet. But maybe we can achieve it in the
future or can at least move forward in this direction. Make things easier
reusable and also easier exchangeable for example if a better implementation
becomes available ...

I worked also on tooling and documentation that helps to develop with and
for (SDK, DevGuide, NetBeans Extension plugin, ...). Compared
to another proprietary office suite we have a lot of space for improvements
here to make it easier for end users and developers to develop their own
automation workflows, solutions or to develop connectors in other business
critical applications. Yes the success of should be in the
business world and not only in the private sector. A successful future of
the project needs sponsors and they come probably not from
the private sector only.

As some kind of "OOo Evangelist" i have spread and shared my knowledge
around the API and Extensions development on many conferences all over the
world (e.g. JavaOne, FISL, FOSS.IN, FOSDEM, LinuxTag,...) . Community work
was one part of my daily work and also of my private spare time.The split of
the community last year was a dark moment in the history of OOo and i hope
that over time we will have again one community working all together on the
same goal.

I am also a member of the OOo community council and besides the general work
there i focused on the organization of an internship program (2010) which is
comparable to the well known GSOC. We hadn't the same budget as Google but
we were able to run at least 6 projects with success.

That should be enough for the moment and if you have any further question
that is related to my person or to my work as a OOo community member feel
free to ask me.

I hope this can be the beginning of a new great project where "political"
issues becomes more and more unimportant in the future.

Kind regards


Re: Re : Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-08 Thread Marcelo H.Fortino

El 08/06/11 10:43, eric b escribió:


My name is Eric Bachard. In the real life, I'm Professor of Applied 
Physics at UTBM (see [1]).

In my spare time, I'm contributing to free software, as core 
developer. Contributing to since 2004, my skills are  
C++ / C, objective C, shell and Perl. I know well 
source tree, build system, code too, and can work for all major ports 
(Windows, Mac OS X , Linux), including on some precise parts like the 
framework, the abstraction layer, Impress too.

Used to mentor students with EducOOo (more than 15), and with Google 
Summer of Code (mentored 4 students, in 2006, 2007 and 2010 for it), I 
am willing to contribute to the code and train students to OOo.

My vision is to see the accepted, Education Project 
become sort of a "Laboratory" dedicated to, and see a 
day there is a real bridge between and the Educational 
world. Mostly :

- sharing the knowledge, honestly ;
- working with students, teachers and schools : hear them, and catch 
the Fun they can bring us ;

- attracting new developers : critical for OOo ;
- innovating : always ready to test a new idea in the code :-).


Some of my roles and contributions :

-  Founding member of EducOOo [4]
-  OOo4Kids and OOoLight main developer  [5] [6]
-  Education Project since 2007 (current Project Lead)  [3]
-  Mac OS X native port of : was the Project Lead (2005 

Last but not least, I'm not a native speaker, so please, be gentle, 
and apologies for my terrible english :)

With best regards,
Eric Bachard

[1] UTBM :
[2] Domain developers :

[3] Education Project :
[4] EducOOo :
[5] OOo4Kids :
[6] OOoLight :

Le 7 juin 11 à 19:12, a écrit :

By my count we have now have over 60 individuals listed on as proposed
committers for the Apache OpenOffice project.   I think this is a
respectable start, though obviously the project will need to have a 

commitment to recruiting additional developers and growing the project

On the list are many names on the list familiar to me, some from the community,  some ODF experts, some involved in 
training and

certification, some in globalization,  some from downstream projects,
commercial and open source, Symphony, RedOffice, EducOOo, even some 


There are also a lot of names that I do not recognize.  This is good as
well.  I may have need of some new friends soon ;-)

I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet 

so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.



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// Marcelo Fortino
//Servicios Informáticos
//Formación·Software Libre

AVISO: Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede contener 
información privilegiada o confidencial y/o datos de carácter personal, cuya 
difusión está regulada por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos y la Ley de 
Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información.
De conformidad con la Ley 15/1999, de 13 de Diciembre de Protección de Datos, 
les informamos  que sus datos personales, forman parte de nuestra base de 
datos, utilizándolos a efectos de gestión operativa. Pueden ejercer sus 
derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, enviando un e-mail 

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Dcument automation with ODF (was Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?)

2011-06-08 Thread robert_weir
dsh  wrote on 06/08/2011 12:15:52 PM:

> Of course we had been using ODFDOM but the issue is how do you get ODF
> transformed accordingly to other formats such as RTF, AFP or PDF and
> make those formats look consistent with what you would get if doing
> the transformation natively during design time in OO or Symphony.

I think your observation is correct.  The ODF Toolkit does not currently 
have a good way of generating print or print equivalent output from an ODF 
document.  The Toolkit had no layout or rendering support.

But I wonder if this is something that Apache FOP could help solve?

The styling vocabulary of ODF is loosely borrowed from XSL Formatting 
Objects (XSL:FO).   It may be possible to generate XSL:FO from ODF much 
more easily than converting from ODF to PDF or Postscript directly.  But 
once we have the XSL:FO intermediary, then the pipeline could continue 
with Apache FOP to target formats ranging from PDF to raster images.

Does that sound plausible?  Someone needs to do the layout and rendering. 
But I hate to see that code written more than once.  The ODF->XSL:FO 
conversion would be a great toolkit enhancement.  Has POI done this with 
the Microsoft formats?


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Re: Dcument automation with ODF (was Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?)

2011-06-08 Thread dsh
Actually I evaluated XSL-FO rendering engines quite excessively
including Apache FOP. At that point in time (2009) Apache FOP still
had performance issues in scenarios where you would generate thousands
of business correspondence documents to be sent to clients on a daily
basis. In the end we decided to go with a commercial XSL-FO rendering
engine vendor where we had been using Apache FOP initially.
Additionally at that point in time the most recent Apache FOP version
did not have an open source approval which is of course an
IBM-internal detail.

The reason why we picked a commercial XSL-FO rendering engine was it's
stability, some proof records such as clients already using this
particular commercial XSL-FO rendering engine and it's feature
richness such as AFP and 2D barcode (e.g. data matrix) support which
is essential if you want to directly print to commercial printers.
IIRC besides those issues one issue that probably applies to any
XSL-FO rendering engine at least to a certain degree is that depending
on how much time you spend on the XSL stylesheet it might be pretty
expensive (in terms of man hours) to reassemble the layout of the
original ODF document in the PDF document (e.g. the final document
generated during runtime does not look the same to what has been
defined by the business user during design time either using Symphony
or OO). Hence my statement that it would have been nice if the core
Symphony/OO ODF->PDF transformation would have been available as a
separate library/module which could have been run on the server (AIX
or z/OS). That way the business user would have been using the same
transformation engine as the one used on the backend.

These days, if I would be in a position to redo the design I would be
tempted to figure out whether the whole transformation process could
be off-loaded to a self-contained appliance such as datapower XA35 or
even XI50. The datapower blade extension unit would even offer to
off-load MIPS from the mainframe, something that illustrates that
efficient ODF transformation is key in commercial environments where
MIPS are expensive.

But anyway I guess this scenario is a pretty advanced scenario cause
it involves a distributed server infrastructure and a business
application that generates large amounts of either PDF or AFP
documents on a daily basis.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:51 PM,   wrote:
> dsh  wrote on 06/08/2011 12:15:52 PM:
>> Of course we had been using ODFDOM but the issue is how do you get ODF
>> transformed accordingly to other formats such as RTF, AFP or PDF and
>> make those formats look consistent with what you would get if doing
>> the transformation natively during design time in OO or Symphony.
> I think your observation is correct.  The ODF Toolkit does not currently
> have a good way of generating print or print equivalent output from an ODF
> document.  The Toolkit had no layout or rendering support.
> But I wonder if this is something that Apache FOP could help solve?
> The styling vocabulary of ODF is loosely borrowed from XSL Formatting
> Objects (XSL:FO).   It may be possible to generate XSL:FO from ODF much
> more easily than converting from ODF to PDF or Postscript directly.  But
> once we have the XSL:FO intermediary, then the pipeline could continue
> with Apache FOP to target formats ranging from PDF to raster images.
> Does that sound plausible?  Someone needs to do the layout and rendering.
> But I hate to see that code written more than once.  The ODF->XSL:FO
> conversion would be a great toolkit enhancement.  Has POI done this with
> the Microsoft formats?
> -Rob
> -
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Re: Document automation with ODF (was Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?)

2011-06-08 Thread Dave Fisher
>> Of course we had been using ODFDOM but the issue is how do you get ODF
>> transformed accordingly to other formats such as RTF, AFP or PDF and
>> make those formats look consistent with what you would get if doing
>> the transformation natively during design time in OO or Symphony.
> I think your observation is correct.  The ODF Toolkit does not currently 
> have a good way of generating print or print equivalent output from an ODF 
> document.  The Toolkit had no layout or rendering support.
> But I wonder if this is something that Apache FOP could help solve?
> The styling vocabulary of ODF is loosely borrowed from XSL Formatting 
> Objects (XSL:FO).   It may be possible to generate XSL:FO from ODF much 
> more easily than converting from ODF to PDF or Postscript directly.  But 
> once we have the XSL:FO intermediary, then the pipeline could continue 
> with Apache FOP to target formats ranging from PDF to raster images.
> Does that sound plausible?  Someone needs to do the layout and rendering. 
> But I hate to see that code written more than once.  The ODF->XSL:FO 
> conversion would be a great toolkit enhancement.  Has POI done this with 
> the Microsoft formats?

POI is more about reading, writing and calculating than it is about rendering. 
Users come to the list with questions about it, usually to HTML, and we help. 
In POI Excel is much better covered. Lately Word has finally been getting some 

Yegor and I have experimented outside the POI project with PPT2PS (and PDF) 
conversion so that we can make use of slides in our postscript workflow. We 
have been using some EPS generated by OOo for this, but likely due to the font 
embedding issues that Robert referenced earlier these EPS have the text 
rendered as shapes which is awful looking because font anti-aliasing is gone 
... big fat lowercase "l" etc for Arial of all things.

One trouble with the FOP approach is that layout and rendering of tricky 
features is pushed even farther away from OOo. Not knowing the details, but 
knowing rendering and layout, there must certainly be code to do it in OOo. I 
would want to follow that - it is what the ODF toolkit ought to use from the 
core.  Maybe the trouble with that approach is that the rendering there is too 
tied in with GUI considerations?

IIRC - FOP like POI can suffer from the need to have the whole DOM in memory. 
If you have ever built a 6000 page PDF ...

We have thought of using PDFBox...

I think until we figure out where the rendering and layout should come from, 
the ODF Toolkit should be included as part of the Apache OOo podling. If the 
community decides it needs separate incubation that's fine. 

Exploring these trade-offs scientifically is what's needed - in the podling.

I need to stop reading these emails and start reading the OOo site and looking 
at code.

Now back to work...

Best Regards,

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