[gentoo-user] Palm/Visor + Gnome 2 + Evo 2 + gpilotd Problems...

2005-01-08 Thread David D. Rea
Hi All-

Just finished upgrading to Evolution 2, and I'm having a lot of trouble
syncing up my PalmOS device...

It all started just after running Evolution 2 for the first time, when I
tried to sync. It appeared to sync fine, went through the motions, but
did not actually update the contacts/to-do/calendar in Evo or on the
palm with new entries created on the opposite side.

So, I backed up the palm and tgz'd the ~/MyPilot and ~/.evolution
directories. I then tried a variety of different things to get things
syncing. The only thing that seemed to make a difference was going
to /usr/share/gnome-pilot/conduits and moving the non-2.0 conduits
to /usr/share/gnome-pilot/oldconduits

After this, it appeared to use the new 2.0 conduits, and attempt to sync
the data into Evo 2. But I ended up with duplicate records. D'oh!

Running pilot-dedupe got rid of some duplicates, but I still had at
least 2 copies of every entry in the contacts, calendar and to-do

At this point, I opted to start over, so I attempted to restore from my

`rm ~/.evolution -fr`
`rm ~/MyPilot -fr`
Hard reset Palm
Untar ~/MyPilot backup
Untar ~/.evolution backup
Use pilot-xfer to restore pilot from ~/MyPilot/*

But now, when I try to sync up the palm, I get CORBA errors. Same errors
when I try to use gpilotd-control-applet to get/send the ID to the

Figured next I'd try removing ~/.evolution once again and doing a
straight Copy-From-Pilot to restore my contacts and calendar, since
they're OK on the pilot after the pilot-xfer restore. But still can't
get the pilot to sync with gpilotd.

Tried unmerging and re-emerging evolution, gnome-pilot and
gnome-pilot-conduits. No change.

Am currently at wit's end... Has anybody got any ideas?


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Palm/Visor + Gnome 2 + Evo 2 + gpilotd Problems...

2005-01-08 Thread David D. Rea
On Sun, 2005-01-09 at 00:37 +0100, Heinz Sporn wrote:
> I do have a similar issue here. My Tungsten E synchronizes perfectly 
> with jPilot. With Evolution only contacts are somewhat working. Memos / 
> calender are simply ignored. Not even an initial forced copy from Palm 
> to Evolution works - no warnings no errors.
> So at least I guess we are not alone ;-)

OK, let's try an experiment to see if we're really on the same page. Run
`gpilotd-control-applet` from a terminal window, and see what the output
looks like when you try to set up a new Pilot and click "Get ID from
Pilot" or whatever the button says...

If you see the following on the terminal output, we are indeed in the
same boat:

(gpilotd-control-applet:8611): gpilotd-WARNING **:
gnome-pilot-client.gob:484: Caught exception:

Then we will figure out what's going on - WE SHALL EMERGE VICTORIOUS!


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Login, Schmogin

2005-01-08 Thread David D. Rea
On Sun, 2005-01-09 at 00:28 -0800, John Lowell wrote:


> I have no idea what in heaven's name would cause a delay of this kind.
> Is an answer to this problem really so obscure? God knows, maybe it
> is.

I'm pretty far down the Linux food chain, even farther so in the Gentoo
community, but this occurred to me... Is there some way you can crank up
the debug output level on the kernel itself??

Usually whenever I have a problem whose source isn't immediately
apparent, the first thing I try to do is scour the logs for anything
off-color that occurs around the questionable point. If I don't see
anything, my next knee-jerk reaction is to crank up the debug level so
that there's a better chance of me catching something!

Best Regards & Good Luck,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ISP blocking smtp

2005-01-20 Thread David D. Rea
Time to start thinking about colocating SMTP_A or speaking with Comcast
about unblocking the SMTP port... This may require purchasing
business-class service or a static IP address...

On Thu, January 20, 2005 11:08 am, Nick Smith said:
> well i understand that, but SMTP_B would be whoever im sending mail to,
> for example, an address @yahoo.com, i dont have control over yahoo's
> smtp server so i wouldnt be able to change any ports, the only one i
> have control over is SMTP_A, so what else can i do?

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ISP blocking smtp

2005-01-20 Thread David D. Rea
On Thu, January 20, 2005 11:51 am, Michael Sullivan said:
> I've been following this thread, but I'm still a little confused; You
> have a domain name (I think); you have a Linux system.  Why do you use
> comcasts' SMTP server?  My domain is espersunited.com.  I use Cox
> Business Services as my ISP so that I can get a static IP address.  I
> send all mail out through smtp.espersunited.com.  That's located in the
> PC sitting on the floor next to me.  Why can't you do that?  To me it
> seems like the obvious choice, but I know the obvious choice is often
> the most difficult to see.  Am I understanding the situation correctly?

Some don't have the luxury of a business-class connection, and thus don't
have a static IP. If this is the case for our distressed friend, chances
are the proliferation of winblows virii that turn sheeple's computers into
little spam servers or open relays has forced the ISP to block outgoing
port 25 traffic.

During my time living on-campus during my undergrad years, I had the
luxury of a dhcp-assigned static IP address. I was able to accept incoming
mail routed to my Linux box, but was unable to send mail out because the
university had this same policy. Too many liberal arts students with
insecure infected windows boxes, so IPs inside the university's range
started appearing on RBLs.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ISP blocking smtp

2005-01-20 Thread David D. Rea
On Thu, January 20, 2005 12:21 pm, Nick Smith said:

> the problem is i get a dynamic address from comcast, and when you try to
> send mail through your domain name with a DUL it automaticly gets marked
> as spam by almost everyone including yahoo, msn, hotmail, gmail etc, and
> they dont offer static ip addresses, so to get it not marked as spam you
> have to relay with their mail servers, this was working until recently
> when they decided to block them.

Does the Comcast SMTP server allow SMTP-autentication? If this is the
case, then perhaps - depending on the MTA you're using - you could set up
your SMTP server to authenticate to Comcast's SMTP server.

I know this is relatively easy to do in Postfix with a few directives in
the main configuration file.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] System Recovery

2005-01-20 Thread David D. Rea
On Thu, January 20, 2005 12:25 pm, James said:

> What alternatives (like a boot floppy) do I have to
> get this system up, so I can copy off critical files?

Try burning yourself a Knoppix CD, and boot directly into this. Then you
can perhaps burn your critical files off to a CD, or SCP your files to
another box.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: hosting plan? [OT]

2005-01-27 Thread David D. Rea
On Thu, January 27, 2005 10:12 am, Zhang Weiwu said:
> Come on, I just wish to find a host for my homepage:)
> Instead of having a pretty geek girlfriend (which is admirable, only a
> few people have the luck), why not try to appreciate art, music,
> literature, poem... that any thing make you not just a geek but a
> romantic man;)

Try Linode... http://www.linode.com/


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] simple backups

2005-02-03 Thread David D. Rea
On Thu, February 3, 2005 11:04 am, Nick Smith said:
> i read up on the man page of rsync and got that this command will backup
> my server to another external drive i have:
> mail root # rsync -avz / /mnt/backup/
> but when i run that command i get a bunch of 'no such file errors' and
> then it starts coping everything. is this bad?


> the root drive is 80gig, and im backing up to an external 160gig drive,
> in the event that the 80gig crashes will this be good enough to just
> copy the contents back to another drive and have it boot work just like
> before the crash? or am i going about this the wrong way? there is no X
> on this machine so it will have to be console based. also ive never made
> a cron job before, im using vixie-cron, how to i make this command run
> every week on sunday at 3am?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't you also exclude the mountpoint to
which you're backing up? I would think that rsync would be able to detect
a potential infinite recursion, but I've never tried it myself. Idea here
is that you shouldn't include the backup destination in the backup itself,
and since you're backing up / and /mnt/backup is part of /, you'd think it
would have recursion problems.

To make the job run Sundays at 0300, first run `crontab -e` as the user
who should run the cron'd command. It sounds like you'd need it to be root
if you don't want to get permission errors, but you may want to create a
different user to run the cron job, then do fun things with groups in
order to get access to the files you need. That, or create a new user who
is a member of the root group, edit the crontab, then change the login
shell for that user to /dev/null so that they can't log in.

Running `crontab -e` will open your favorite editor (as defined by your
EDITOR environment variable) in which you can add crontab lines. Their
syntax can be found here:


I'd also recommend, after you get things running smoothly, using the
"quiet" switch to cut rsync's output. That is, unless you want a report
e-mailed daily to the user whose crontab contains the rsync command. If
this user is really restricted, you might end up seeing a lot of sendmail
(or other MTA) errors in your logs. Wouldn't want to bog down your local
MTA's queue with a whole nutload of cron reports that can't be delivered!

Best of luck,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Samba getpeername failed - Reverse DNS?

2005-02-09 Thread David D. Rea
Hi All-

Having some odd difficulties with samba and Windows XP SP2 clients. File
share browsing works just fine, but printing is taking forever. It takes
several seconds to get a print dialog on a WinXP box, then several seconds
more if you want to change printers, then several seconds more to actually
print the job after hitting the "Print" button. Not experiencing any of
this when printing to printers shared from non-Samba boxes.

I did some poking around in the logs first. I see the following
interesting things:

In /var/log/messages:
> getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected
This only occurs periodically, not every time a print attempt is made=

In /var/log/samba:
There are four log files made each time an XP machine connects:

In /var/log/samba/log.
  yield_connection: tdb_delete for name  failed with error Record does not

/var/log/samba/[the-xp-machine's-netbios-name] is HUGE... Looks almost
like every packet is getting logged here. My debuglevel in
/etc/samba/smb.conf is set to 3.

After poking around on google, I'm thinking it might be a reverse DNS
issue. Some prior posts on this list pseudo-confirmed that, but I'm still
not sure what I need to do to resolve it. If I try to ping one of the
windows boxes by its netbios name, I get a host not found, as I would
expect. But I've so far been unsuccessful in getting netbios name lookups

I've tried adding a "wins server = [ip-address-of-wins-server]" in the
/etc/samba/smb.conf file - no help. I've tried adding "wins" to the
"hosts:" line of /etc/nsswitch.conf - no help. Meanwhile, I can type "ping
[somemachine]" in a command window on my XP box, and it happily finds the
other box.

Anyone have any suggestions? I need to get this printing slowness problem


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] '[Masked]' packages - another newbie question...

2005-03-30 Thread David D. Rea
On Wed, March 30, 2005 8:57 am, Digby Tarvin said:
> If, as I assume, it means that it will not install by default because
> it is not yet stable, where can I find out what the known problems
> on gentoo are, what considerations are then which should be taken
> into account when deciding if I really want to risk it or not, and
> if I do decide I need it, how to I override the mask???
> Any advice (or pointers to the description I couldn't find in the
> documentation) appreciated...

See the section "Masked Packages" about 70% down on this page:


For specific information about the masked version, go to
http://packages.gentoo.org/, search for the package, and click the version
number about whose mask you're interested.

Unfortunately, Kylixlibs3-borqt isn't the greatest example since there
isn't much information provided. For a better example, check out the
changelog for nxserver-personal.


Best Regards,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] USB mass storage help

2005-04-05 Thread David D. Rea
Hi All-

I'm trying to get my new Canon 20D to talk to my Gentoo box, but so far
no luck getting the mass storage device driver to see it:

1) `dmesg` reports the following when plugging in camera:

usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 63

Normally the usb-storage driver loads immediately after, but not for
this camera. The camera is in "Normal" communication mode, as opposed to
the PTP setting!

2) A quick `lsmod` indicates that usb-storage is indeed not loaded.

3) Attempting to modprobe usb-storage results in the following error on

kobject_register failed for usb_storage (-17)
 [] kobject_register+0x5b/0x60
 [] mod_sysfs_setup+0x75/0xe0
 [] load_module+0x79d/0xa40
 [] sys_init_module+0x6a/0x1b0
 [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb

4) /proc/bus/usb/devices lists the following:

T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=04 Cnt=01 Dev#= 63 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=04a9 ProdID=30eb Rev= 0.01
S:  Manufacturer=Canon Inc.
S:  Product=Canon Digital Camera
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=100mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=(none)
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=83(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=  64 Ivl=64ms

This behavior is the same regardless of which port I use, or if a USB
hub is used. I know usb-storage is working on this machine in general,
since it works fine with a USB CF card reader. Unfortunately that reader
ate a CF card last time I used it, so I'd much prefer to go directly
from the (much more reliable) camera.

Switching to PTP mode and using gphoto or similar software is not an
option...I use my own scripts to mount the mass storage device and pull
the photos into my workflow, so I need mass storage support.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] USB mass storage help

2005-04-05 Thread David D. Rea
On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 11:54 +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> The Canon 300D and A75 don't present themselves as mass storage devices,
> so I doubt the 20D does either. You can access it with gphoto, or by using
> camera:/ in Konqueror, but not as a block device.
> Personally, I prefer to use a card reader. A USB 2.0 reader is MUCH faster
> than the camera (even my old 1.1 reader was faster than the camera) and
> doesn't drain the camera's battery.

OK, sorry for the list noise - you confirmed a suspicion that I had
after subsequently trying the camera on my windows box and getting
nowhere just as quickly.

I dug my reader out of the trash this morning as a last-resort, and I'll
see if I can snag something a little more reliable from work. I prefer
using the reader as well, as it's faster and more convenient.

Just needed something for the short term, until I can get a CF card
reader that doesn't have a history of hosing CF cards!


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Bug in Gentoo udev guide?

2005-04-06 Thread David D. Rea
I noticed that the Gentoo udev Guide
(http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/udev-guide.xml) still refers to the 2.6
kernels as being proided by gentoo-dev-sources...

"udev is meant to be used in combination with a 2.6 kernel (like
development-sources or gentoo-dev-sources)."

I thought for 2005.0 that was changed to the main gentoo-sources kernel
ebuild... Should I file this as a bug?


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Portage downgrading question

2005-04-06 Thread David D. Rea
Hi All-

I needed to fill out a PDF form today, so I figured I'd try the new Adobe
Acrobat Reader 7. I did the following:

`ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge -pv acroread`

And subsequently emerged the package without the -pv. All went well, and
acroread seems to work happily enough on my box. I'm impressed with the
software, I just wish it was open-source.

So now I'd like to do an `emerge -pvuD world` to clear up a few GLSAs that
have come across in the last few days. Alas, this is among the output:

[ebuild UD] app-text/acroread-5.10 [7.0] -cjk -noplugin 9,068 kB

`man emerge` explains well enough why it's trying to downgrade acroread.
The only place I can find some semblance of a recommendation to prevent
this behavior is here:


Where the author suggests modifying /var/lib/portage/world so that the
package reads:


But doing this doesn't change emerge's behavior when doing an `emerge
-pvuD world`. It still tries to downgrade acroread.



gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage downgrading question

2005-04-06 Thread David D. Rea
On Wed, April 6, 2005 1:32 pm, Scott Jones said:
> Dave,
> I believe that
> echo "=app-text/acroread-7.0 ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
> will fix your problem. Basically you put programs you want to have masked
> ~x86 in the file package.keywords in the directory /etc/portage
> Scott Jones

Thanks, Scott and others - this fixed the "problem"!

Best Regards,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list