[gentoo-user] bind and bind-tools out of sync

2005-02-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
I have created a bug and NOBODY seems to respond to it.  It is listed below:
So, I have posted it here for more public exposure.  Does anybody else 
feel that havnig libraries for bind and bind-tools out of sync is a bad 

Tom Veldhouse
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] bind and bind-tools out of sync

2005-02-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Mike Noble wrote:
There really is no reason why bind and bind-tools need to be the same
revision.  Bug/security updates to bind do not have any relevance to
bind-tools.  At the same time you can add functionality to bind-tools
which does not effect how bind works and thus why change the revision
because of the other.

Sure there is.  The libraries for each package differ.  They really need 
to be kept in sync so that the tools match the server.  Do we install 
mysql client tools for a different version of mysql [as an example]? 

Plain and simply put, these need to be synced or a solution that 
includes matching binaries should be considered [as an example, freebsd 
server ports ALWAY include the client tools, so the client tools are not 
needed to be rebuilt ... and even if they did need to be rebuilt, the 
versions match].

Tom Veldhouse
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] help with firewall please

2005-02-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Nick Smith wrote:
im going to try and setup a firewall on my home server this weekend, but
im unsure as to all the ports i have to open in order for my mail server
to stay operational, this is a list of what i think i need to make
accessible from outside, please let me know if i need to open anything
else and suggestions please. im using 1 nic at the moment with a 2nd
installed but not active yet, going to hook the machine straight up to
my cable modem and bypass the router for now and run nic2 to the
router/switch when i go to set this up.
here is a list of what i think i need open, and question next to the
ones im not sure of.
courier-imap - 143
courier-imap-ssl - 995?
courier-pop3 - 110
courier-pop3-ssl - ?

The above SSL ports are probably alright, but don't open the non-ssl 
ports, 110 and 143.  If you aren't going to use the SSL ports from the 
outside, then disable those too [I always tunnel via SSH rather than 
open them up].

postfix - 25
apache - 80

proftpd - 21

Again, if you actually plan to use this from the outside, go ahead and 
open it, otherwise don't.  Remember that passwords are most often passed 
in the clear with FTP.

webmin - 1

DO NOT expose the webmin port.  Period.
distcc - 3632

ssh - 22

Excellent idea.
ntp - ? what port does it update itself?

No good, do not expose this to the internet, period.
clamav - same as above
NFS - ? might try sharing drives across internet, what port?
squid - 8080
tor - ? does it need a port?
privoxy - ?
openldap - ? when i get this running does it use a port?

Do not expose any of these to the internet period.  Why would you want 
any of these available outside your network?

since im not to sure about iptables right now and dont fully understand
it, ive been playing with webmin's shorewall 'plugin' and am going to
try setting it up with that. it seems newbie friendly.

It is still not newbie friendly. More importantly, if you don't know 
what you are setting up, it doesn't really matter which firewall you 
use.  Perhaps you should consider reading up on firewalls, which 
essentially try to hide your services from the rest of the world, rather 
than make them secure outright.

also, how do i know if a packet/port is TCP, UDP or IMCP? when i go to
set this up i need to know that, is there a way to tell? im kinda new at
this. first firewall...woo-hoo, never figured i needed one until now :-/
thanks for any and all help.

Essentially, IP traffic is ICMP, TCP or UDP.  Most that you care about 
is TCP.  ICMP is used for pings and traceroutes mostly [other stuff you 
aren't likely aware of like resets].  TCP is the most common traffic, 
used in about everything popular [http, ftp, telnet, ssh, nntp, etc].  
UDP is used in broadcast type information such as some times of 
broadcast video or audio.

To get an idea of the services and their types, take a look around in 

Tom Veldhouse
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Filesystem Choice

2005-02-10 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
David Busby wrote:
You should watch what you say.  I know this will abuse the system, 
which will it abuse the least?

A database would not work because I wouldn't be able to #1 make this 
easy tree structure to scan #2 it will be smaller storage wise in 
files and in a DB with all that overhead #3 digging through the tree 
is faster than an index scan in mysql, postgresq or DB2 with as many 
records as I'll have. The projected database structure would be =3Tb, 
but by using directories as my index I can eleminate much of that 
overhead and shring my storage requirement to a maintainable 750G.  
You don't learn that in programming class, you learn that building 
financial software for the last 10 years.

You #1 didn't have enough information to tell me how to arch. my 
software, #2 assumed the wrong info and made the wrong suggestion and 
#3 didn't provide any helpful information #4 attempted an insult on a 
list that is supposed to assist.  Why even send your post? (don't 
bother with answer)

Why couldn't you implement this in a database.  I can think of several 
easy implementations in doing so.  What you have described is a simple tree.

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] squirrelmail

2005-02-07 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
David Corbin wrote:
I have squirrelmail emerged (w/apache 2.0), but it won't work.  There doesn't 
appear to be anything in the apache configuration that allows it run php, 
instead of just returning the source.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Put -PHP4 in your apache configuration file (/etc/conf.d/apache2).  
Restart apache and you should be set.

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] dhcp or dhcpd ?

2005-02-07 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Paul Kain wrote:
when I type /etc/init.d/dhcp start
I get an error saying
setting ownership on dchp.leases[!!]
starting dhcp [ok]

I much prefer isd-dhcp.  Take a look at that if you want.  I find it 
more robust and quite configurable.

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] dhcp or dhcpd ?

2005-02-07 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
I much prefer isd-dhcp.  Take a look at that if you want.  I find it 
more robust and quite configurable.

That is 'isc-dhcp'. 

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] unsuscribe

2005-02-07 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Dabi wrote:
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
Send an email to the below address from your subscribed address.  Next 
time it would be wise to visit the subscription site, read the email 
headers, or otherwise do the leg work. ;-)

Tom Veldhouse
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] pam-login blocks shadow?

2005-01-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
I just build my 2004.3 system from a stage3 install and went to update 
and I am seeing the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] veldy # emerge --update --pretend world
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[blocks B ] sys-apps/pam-login (from pkg sys-apps/shadow-4.0.5-r2)
What does this mean?  How do I fix it?
Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] pam-login blocks shadow?

2005-01-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
I just build my 2004.3 system from a stage3 install and went to update 
and I am seeing the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] veldy # emerge --update --pretend world
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[blocks B ] sys-apps/pam-login (from pkg sys-apps/shadow-4.0.5-r2)
What does this mean?  How do I fix it?
Hmm ... I guess it helps to have PAM in my USE variables.  I thought 
this was a default and that it wasn't explicitly required?

USE=x86 3dnow X509 acl acpi acpi4linux activefilter alsa apache2 
bash-completion bcmath bzip2 bzlib cap caps cddb cdr clamav cracklib 
crypt cscope ctype cups curl curlwrappers dba dbm dhcp encode erandom 
fastcgi flatfile foomaticdb ftp gcj gcl gd gif gmp gmtfull gmthigh 
gmtsuppl gmttria gsl iconv idea imap imlib inifile innodb java jpeg 
kerberos lcms libclamav lzw-tiff maildir mcal memlimit mhash mime ming 
mmx mng mono msession mysql mysqli nptl ntlm objc odbc pam pcntl pcre 
pdflib pear-db perlsuid php pic pie posix quotas rtc samba sasl session 
skey slang soap sockets softquota suid szip tiff usb vhosts xml2 xmlrpc 
xpm xsl xslt yaz

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] pam-login blocks shadow?

2005-01-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Bob Sanders wrote:
No.  Pam is not required.  You may or may not want pam.  Some apps may need
the pam libs, or think they need it, but strictly speaking, pam is not required.
The choice is yours.

I understand it is not required.  However, it always was the default.  
When did it cease being a default USE variable.

Thomas T. Veldhouse
Key Fingerprint: 07C7 BF05 4176 F50B A083  4542 0118 1315 761F D300
Spammers please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Grendel wrote:

On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Matthias F. Brandstetter uttered the following...

-- quoting Grendel --

... trust me that
bmf and bogofilter are better than spamassasin. I tested that with the
last 1000 emails I recevied 200 were spam, and only 1  got through.
I have similar results using SpamAssassin over a year now. So why do you 
think is bmf better than SpamAssassin?

Well spam assasin is not very accurate, ie my ISP runs spam assasin but 
out of the  4000 mails I get per day I find that about 80 spam get 
through, which is annoying, so I used bmf and it is very accurate, now 
only one spam per day  gets through.

spammers are trying to cope up with this by adding a lot of dictionary 
worrds to the end of a spam but the filters learn about this.

If you have shell access at your ISP (with about 6MB free space) you 
could turn on Bayes Learning with Spam Assassin.  That might require a 
little work on your part to train it and perhaps some scripts to 
automate some useful processes, but that is what I use and my false 
positive rate is 0% and my false negative rate is about 3% (meaning it 
catches 97% of the spam).

Tom Veldhouse

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Mike Williams wrote:

It does bayes by itself, if it's learnt enough. A few thousand hand picked 
spam and ham should suffice.

Yes, it does Bayes by default.  However, the feature is useless unless 
trained.  Further, if trained per user, it will require about 6MB of 
disk space to keep database.

-rw---  1 veldy  veldy  1359872 Feb 15 19:59 auto-whitelist.db
-rw---  1 veldy  veldy 6234 Feb 15 19:59 bayes_journal
-rw---  1 veldy  veldy  1327104 Feb 15 19:59 bayes_seen
-rw---  1 veldy  veldy  5259264 Feb 15 19:59 bayes_toks
-rw-r--r--  1 veldy  veldy  111 Nov 11 12:27 user_prefs
Tom Veldhouse

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Grendel wrote:

2. Which gives better results, feeding a large spam and ham archive at 
once, or starting from scratch let the filter make the decisions and 
correct it appropriately? I thought that starting from a clean slate and 
letting the filter make its choices and correcting them will give better 

This is the approach that Spam Assassin takes.  It does not start 
considering bayes results until some large number of email has been fed 
to it.  I think it is several thousand, but I did not check.  It usually 
takes about 1 week for my email to start getting filtered using bayes 
criteria, and I receive a couple of thousand emails per day, of which 
about 150 to 200 are typically spam.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-user] CPU Overload? IN KDE-3.2.0?

2004-02-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Hash: SHA1
Is anybody getting the CPU overload warning strange audio problems with
KDE 3.2.0?  I am finding it quite annoying.  I don't seem to have any
problems with Gnome 2.4.2 and using esound.  I have tried this with both
the latest Gentoo sources and ALSA and with the mm-sources 2.6.3-rc1
kernel (also with ALSA).
Tom Veldhouse
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] CPU Overload? IN KDE-3.2.0?

2004-02-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Hash: SHA1
Jens Mayer wrote:
| I encouter this CPU overload problem while running artsd with the
| Open Sound System output chosen, as well as running artsd with
| the autodetect setting turned on (which seems to use OSS, too).
| Switching to ALSA solves this problems, so maybe you want to have
| a look at your Sound System Settings.
| All this is pretty annoying since artsd with the ALSA device chosen
| produces a quirky sound on my laptop, while using OSS, the sound is
| good - until the CPU (P4 1.8 GHz) burns.
| On my Desktop PC (AMD TB 800 MHz), ALSA works fine, but OSS also eats
| my CPU. I'm running the same kernel there.
| Both kernel have ALSA compiled in with OSS emulation, not OSS itself.
| Regards,
| Jens
You are awesome!  That seems to have solved the problem.  At least, I
have not had that irritant pop-up even once since I set it to ALSA.
Tom Veldhouse
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] postgresql wont start ?

2004-02-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
raptor wrote:

as shown after emerging and config I started postgresql :

 /etc/init.d/postgresql start
 * Starting postgres...
 * Please see log file: /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.log 

it doesnt start and there is no such log generated ?! even after i done updatedb, locate cant find such file..

what can be the problem
[ebuild   R   ] dev-db/postgresql-7.4.1-r1

Check the permissions on /var/lib/postgresql/data  did you 
initialize the database first?

# ebuild 
/var/db/pkg/dev-db/postgresql-7.4.1-r3/postgresql-7.4.1-r3.ebuild config

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] my sound went away

2004-02-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Nickolay Savchenko wrote:

Wazow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nickolay Savchenko wrote:

Right click on sound button, uncheck mute item. ;)
I have also seen that, and have to admit that it made me tinker with
alsa config, which was just a waste of time :). So why gnome sound (or
system mixer?) gets muted occasionally?

I don't know exactly, but it seems like gnome has a problem accessing
/dev/mixer after restarting X server. So, it thinks you have no sound
card, and mutes itself. However, it's not gnome's problem, i've
noticed this using other WMs. I'm not an Xfree or alsa hacker and I
cannot say something other than my (maybe stupid) suggestions.

It sounds like gnome is looking for OSS compatible devices (/dev/mixer, 
/dev/dsp, etc) and OSS emulation is not installed and running with ALSA. 
 In particular, alsa drivers must be compiled with --enable-oss or some 
such switch.  This necessitates have OSS in the USE flags.  Of course, 
with the 2.6 kernel, these options need to be chosen in the kernel 
config.  Also, the lines in /etc/modules.d/alsa need to be uncommented 
for OSS emulation as well.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] my sound went away

2004-02-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 12 February 2004 03:27 pm, Nickolay Savchenko wrote:

 You've misunderstood. Gnome sound works, but ocassionaly it becomes
 muted. I think the problem is related to permissions. 5 minutes ago my
 father logged out from his gnome session and I logged in. And there is
 an error:

Every user that wants to use sound needs to be a member of group audio.  Is 
your Father a member of group audio?

Tom Veldhouse
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] No /dev/dsp created with Alsa?

2004-02-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Has anybody else had this happen?  I have OSS emulation setup.  I try to 
run mpg123 and it complains that there is no /dev/dsp ... and there isn't.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] modules.d # /etc/init.d/alsasound start
 * Loading ALSA drivers...
 * Using ALSA OSS emulation
 * Loading: snd-emu10k1
 * Loading: snd-emu10k1-synth
 * Loading: snd-seq-midi
 * Running card-dependent scripts
 * Restoring Mixer Levels 
   [ ok ]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] modules.d #

*  media-sound/alsa-driver
  Latest version available: 1.0.2c
  Latest version installed: 1.0.2c
  Size of downloaded files: 1,664 kB
  Description: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture kernel modules
  License: GPL-2 LGPL-2.1
Any fix for this?  Is it a bug?

Thanks in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] No /dev/dsp created with Alsa?

2004-02-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Collins Richey wrote:

Not the same card, but I have ens1371 (SB16 PCI), and with alsa I have
to modprobe- rmmod -modprobe ens1371 to get /dev/dsp.  When the module
is initially loaded, devfsd does not generate the device file!  Reported
as bug, but no fix in sight.
No problem using OSS, however.


Well, doesn't that modprobe sequence actually load the OSS module and 
not the alsa module? ... that is why /dev/dsp was created I assume.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] No /dev/dsp created with Alsa?

2004-02-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Collins Richey wrote:

Not the same card, but I have ens1371 (SB16 PCI), and with alsa I
have to modprobe- rmmod -modprobe ens1371 to get /dev/dsp.  When the
module is initially loaded, devfsd does not generate the device
file!  Reported as bug, but no fix in sight.
No problem using OSS, however.


Well, doesn't that modprobe sequence actually load the OSS module and 
not the alsa module? ... that is why /dev/dsp was created I assume.

Tom Veldhouse

To be more exact, snd_ens1371, which is the alsa module.  The problem is
real and alsa, I assure you.
Yes, I know the problem is real ... it has hit me.  But you mentioned 
that the fix [for you] to get /dev/dsp is to: modprobe- rmmod -modprobe 
ens1371 and that would load the OSS (default in the 2.4 kernel) and that 
does create /dev/dsp.  I have tried unloading alsa and loading the OSS 
version, emu10k1, and I get /dev/dsp.  Upon unloading it and reloading 
the alsa modules, the device again disappears.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] No /dev/dsp created with Alsa?

2004-02-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Collins Richey wrote:

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 10:19:52 -0600
Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Collins Richey wrote:

Not the same card, but I have ens1371 (SB16 PCI), and with alsa I
have to modprobe- rmmod -modprobe ens1371 to get /dev/dsp.  When the
module is initially loaded, devfsd does not generate the device
file!  Reported as bug, but no fix in sight.
No problem using OSS, however.


Well, doesn't that modprobe sequence actually load the OSS module and 
not the alsa module? ... that is why /dev/dsp was created I assume.

Tom Veldhouse

To be more exact, snd_ens1371, which is the alsa module.  The problem is
real and alsa, I assure you.
ALSA does not build the OSS compat code into it unless OSS is set in the 
USE variable.  Is this the way we want it?

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Appropriate Stage3 tarball?

2004-02-09 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Is there a decent stage3 tarball that I should consider downloading to 
get a machine up and running quickly and yet have it as close to 
up-to-date with x86 as possible?  I would prefer a tarball that is of a 
known good quality, and not an experimental or testing version.

Thank you in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Postfix and Mailman

2004-02-07 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Tom Caudron wrote:

I've emerged Postfix 2.0.16-r1, Mailman 2.1.4, and Fetchmail 6.2.3 on
the same server.
I've set up Postfix with inet_interfaces = localhost so that it should
be listening on  Checking with netstat, I see that it does
seem to be listening:
# netstat -nlp |grep 25 |grep tcp
tcp00* LISTEN 1274/master
I've set up Mailman with 2 lists (mailman and test) and I've added 1
member to test.  I added my own address to see if I'd get a confirmation
message telling me I'd been added (which would help me confirm that
mailman is able to tell postfix to send messages out.  This is my first
issue.  I added my address, never got an error, but also never got
I have not yet set up Fetchmail, as I figured that would be the last
step.  For now, I just want to be able to add and remove members from
the test list.
When I added myself to the test list, I looked in /var/log/mail/current
and I saw this:
Feb  7 11:33:27 [postfix/smtp] 6C30418B04: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=mx00.1and1.com[], delay=0, status=bounced (host mx00.1and1.com[] said: 550 rejected: unknown local-part in sender [EMAIL PROTECTED] (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

I have no idea why it says it's bouncing a message sent to
doesn't exist.  Does this mean I'll need to set up a listname-bounces
account for each list I create?  To be clear, in the above log entry,
1and1.com is the remote mx host for my domain.
Anyone have an idea as to how I could proceed from here?  I can send any
relevant logs/output/whatever needed to help clarify things if asked, I
just wasn't sure what output was relevant.  My experience with mail
servers is limited (which I'm sure is obvious by this message).
-Tom Caudron

Try puting in mynetworks.

Also, make sure you run 'newaliases', as the default installation 
doesn't (or didn't) used to run that.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] NPTL, PIC and SMP?

2004-02-05 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Has anybody tried building their Gentoo (~x86) system using NPTL, PIC 
and SMP?  I have a hyperthreaded P4 3.06 system and I run it using an 
SMP (2.6.1) kernel.  I rebuilt my system using NPTL and PIC and at first 
things would go very quickly.  However, every time I have tried this, at 
some point a threaded process gets stuck (i.e. there were four perl 
processes that could not be killed, even with -9) that make the system 
essentially stop responding.  I have tried this several different times 
over the last few months, and at some point I will eventually see the 
system slow to a crawl and essentially go non-responsive.  I have 
managed to build KDE and others that work fine, but then a simple build 
of say, nmap will suddenly never end, and slowly the system becomes 

Has anybody else noticed this?  It is certainly repeatable, but it seems 
arbitrary when the problem will arise.

I have been anxious to try some speed comparisons between FreeBSD's KSE 
and Linux's NPTL ... but so far, it appears that any extended test will 
favor KSE on my machine, as NPTL is arbitrarily failing.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with ntpd...

2004-02-03 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Benoit Joseph wrote:

Hello all,

I have a very strange problem with my ntpd server.

Its configuration resets all the time...

My config file is very simple, 

server ntp.belnet.be
logfile /var/log/ntp.log
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
After a reboot, my config file becomes 

restrict default noquery notrust nomodify
restrict mask
fudge stratum 3
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
logfile /var/log/ntp.log
And this without any operations of me.

This is quite annoying! Anybody has an idea? It will be 

Thanks for advance,


This just happened to me and Spider posted the solution.  I won't rant 
on the merits of using isc-dhcp3 over dhcpcd.

So, you are using DHCP to get your network configuration?  In 
/etc/conf.d/net, put the following:

# For DHCP set iface_eth? to dhcp
# For passing options to dhcpcd use dhcpcd_eth?
In particular, it is the -N parameter that will fix this.  dhcpcd choses 
the most silly default behavior ... it is a rather destructive attitude 
I see on the part of the dhcpcd developers.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] ~x86 ?

2004-02-03 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Rick [Kitty5] wrote:

Anyone running with ~x86 set system wide?

Good, bad, simply broken?
Generally pretty good.  I wouldn't muck with it though unless you are 
willing to get dirt on your hands and dig in when things do break (which 
is fairly rare really).  I think it is far more problematic to mix ~x86 
and x86 then it is to work with all one or the other.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Recommended 2.6 kernel

2004-02-02 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
What is the recommend Gentoo portage package to use for the 2.6 kernel? 
 I would like to use the latest, but a semblance of stability will 
override that concern I guess.

Thanks in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Anybody seen this before?

2004-02-02 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
 emerge (2 of 2) sys-kernel/gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.1-r1 to /
/usr/sbin/ebuild.sh: line 56: [: too many arguments
 Downloading http://gentoo.noved.org/distfiles/linux-2.6.1.tar.bz2
Is this a problem with the gentoo-dev-sources ebuild or is this a 
problem with portage?

Is this a cause for concern?

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Recommended 2.6 kernel

2004-02-02 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Mon, 02 Feb 2004 08:32:54 -0600 Thomas T. Veldhouse
| What is the recommend Gentoo portage package to use for the 2.6
| kernel? 
|   I would like to use the latest, but a semblance of stability will 
| override that concern I guess.

If you want stability you shouldn't be running a 2.6.x kernel. Wait for
another half dozen or so .x releases before you switch.
I said relative stability.  I have used 2.6 in the past, but I am simply 
 looking for the recommended version of 2.6 to use with Gentoo.  If 
there are obvious OOPS, I would prefer to avoid them ... hence my 
inquiry here.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] viruses

2004-01-31 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Peter Wu wrote:

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 12:15:06PM +0100, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:

What if root on a Linux box open an attachment to a mail he receives today
and that attachment happens to be some executable that can ruin the

I really doubt switching to Linux can stop virii from spreading. 

Most Linux users don't read email as a priveledged users.  So, switching 
to Linux would definitely help.  But in the case of email worms, a 
non-priveledged user can send email, so a non-priveledged user can 
execute the worm effectively.  The problem is not the platform of choice 
 in any event, it is the rights of the executing user.  Microsoft needs 
to work on getting its users to use their machines as non-Administrative 
users, and currently, there are too many requirements made on users that 
require Administrative rights (and no simple ability to su) to allow this.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] viruses

2004-01-31 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Collins Richey wrote:

2. No one with a lick of sense (except maybe Lindows users) processes mail as root.  Almost all viruses rely on the wide open nature of windows to inflict their harm.  Converting to linux (or even to Apple OS X or BSD) will eliminate 99% of the problems.

These worms don't require root or administrative rights.  They only 
require themselves to be executed by somebody with the right to send 
email, presumably with outlook products.  So, lack of administrative 
rights is no real protection.

Tom Veldhouse

P.S.  Please fix the length of the lines in your messages ... to under 
80 characters.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] viruses

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

lukas wrote:
Hi folks,

since I'm posting to this list, I receive more and more viruses every
day. A few minutes ago, I received a bounced virus-mail reputedly
sent by me.
I wan't to advert, that mails with my sender-address that are not
signed with my pgp-key are not originate from me!
What are your experiences with posting to this list and the amount
of viruses you get?


Viruses are usually sent by somebody you know originally and then your 
address is passed on to other virus infect machines and you get more and 
more of these things.  I run a mailing list that has suddenly been 
targetted by an infected members computer infestation and now the 
address is spreading all over the place and more and more viruses are 
being sent to that list.  So far, clamav is keeping up with the 
definitions and all is well.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] viruses

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

emerge Mail-SpamAssassin



Run every two or three weeks:

sa-learn --showdots --spam --mbox [your SPAM box]
sa-learn --showdots --ham --mbox [your other boxes]
At the beginning is not perfect; the more you train the Bayesian filter,
the better it gets. 


Every two or three weeks?  I process spam a few times per hour.  I have 
a script that checks a couple of Maildir folders for the false negatives 
or the false positives that I drag into them and then bayes is updated. 
   My wife sees a lot more spam because she is not as diligent and only 
updates her bayes every few days.  I suspect that doing this every few 
weeks would be nearly completely ineffective [from a bayes approach] 
with the way spam changes.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] ntp.conf keeps getting rewritten

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

rd wrote:

Spider --

Thanks man!  You're the best.  I have been fighting this for months,
although I hadn't posted it.  You don't boot linux often enough to
remember this bug.  ;-))

Maybe this could be put into /etc/conf.d/net as a comment?  Now I wish 
gentoo would move over to using isc-dhcp3, as it doesn't have these 
unreasonable defaults.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] samba and wireless

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

rh wrote:

I had Samba working perfectly when I had my Gentoo box and my (shudder)
Windows box plugged directly into my router. Now that I have moved the
Windows box to a wireless connection to the router, neither computer can
see each other anymore. Is this more likely to be a Samba (config)
issue or a hardware (router) issue? Or both? I have been looking but
want to know which direction I should be leaning more towards.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
It is likely your wireless base station.  Usually, if it is behind your 
firewall, you only need to run it in bridge mode (indeed, I always 
purchase an access point and not a router as there is no sense adding 
latency when I already have a firewall).  Samba can also be configured 
to listen on only a given interface or network, so you might look at 
those settings.  From here I lead you to all the online doco or your 
routers doco.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] kmail and clamav

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Paul Stear wrote:

hi all,
I use kmail and have installed clamav.  I updated clamav db using freshclam 
and then run clamscan on my mail dir, it found 4 infected files:-

/home/paul/Mail/trash/cur/1075475535.2312.nh0h: Worm.Gibe.F FOUND
/home/paul/Mail/trash/cur/1075475726.2312.qiyM: Exploit.IFrame.Gen FOUND
/home/paul/Mail/trash/cur/1075475722.2312.Z2xn: Worm.Gibe.F FOUND
/home/paul/Mail/trash/cur/1075475538.2312.xlv0: Exploit.IFrame.Gen FOUND
I have 3 questions
1.	How can I get freshclam ( runs as root ) to run once each day when I switch 
my computer on?
2.	How can I set things up so that clamscan runs and checks the mail either 
during or straight after loading from my isp?
3.	How do I get the infected files deleted automatically so there is no chance 
of anybody opening them?

Thanks in advance for any help
Since you are running gentoo ... the package installs a script to do this.

# rc-update add freshclam default
# /etc/init.d/freshclam start
If you want to start it manually as a daemon:

# /usr/bin/freshclam -d -c 2 -l /var/log/clamav/clam-update.log

As far as getting to scan your mail ... it is best for clamav to do it 
at your mail server.  It depends upon the MTA as to what solution to 
use.  I use postfix and amavisd-new and email is quarantined immediately 
upon arrival and never makes it to any mailbox at all.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Your GPG signatures...

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

lukas wrote:
Hi folks,

Someone told me, that he can't verify my key.
You can read this mail and my answer below.
Does anybody know if it is ok, that my key on pgp.mit.edu
differs from my localy stored public key?

It is working perfectly.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] ntp.conf keeps getting rewritten

2004-01-29 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Hash: SHA1

Brett I. Holcomb wrote:

| Are you running dhcp?  If so it will do that but you can add some
| parameters to the config file to stop that.
Yes, I am running dhcp ... however this does not happen on my FreeBSD
box also running dhcp.  Is this perhaps a bug in dhcpcd?  FreeBSD uses
isc-dhcp for its client software, and there is no trouble with
overwriting this file.  I do know that my dhcp server is not setup at
all to configure ntp resources on the client.
So ... what can I do to fix this?


Tom Veldhouse

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ntp.conf keeps getting rewritten

2004-01-29 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Hash: SHA1

Spider wrote:

| begin  quote
| On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 20:22:56 -0600
| Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|Does anybody know why /etc/ntp.conf keeps getting rewritten?  On my
|machine, it does not get rewritten if I start or stop the service via
|/etc/init.d/ntpd stop or start, however it is ALWAYS rewritten with a
|version that points locally when the machine is rebooted.  I have not
|found what is causing this.
| Yeah, dhcp does that.
| add a -N to the options (etc/conf.d/net )  for dhcpcd and it won't do
| that anymore.
Awesome!  Thank you.

Tom Veldhouse

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Command Line Mail Clients?

2004-01-29 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Matt Garman wrote:

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 04:20:31PM -0800, Anupam Kapoor wrote:

emacs -nw -f gnus
but that's not the same as mail now is it ? 

gnus will do both news and mail.  I assume it was originally meant to be
just a news client, but there's plenty of documentation describing how
to use it as your mail client as well.
mh (and nmh) are other command-line mail programs.  I'm not sure if they
support gnupg or not.
Personally, I use mutt.


The reason I don't like Mutt is that it doesn't handle folders well.  I 
have it look in my Maildir and it can't differentiate my folders.  When 
I change the mask, it shows them all ... but the names are something 
like this:

16 drwx--  6 veldyveldy 512 Nov 03 18:05 .Linux/
17 drwx--  6 veldyveldy 512 Nov 03 18:05 .Linux.Gentoo/
18 drwx--  6 veldyveldy 512 Jan 27 17:40 
19 drwx--  6 veldyveldy 512 Jan 27 16:25 
20 drwx--  6 veldyveldy 512 Jan 21 09:11 
21 drwx--  6 veldyveldy 512 Jan 29 10:55 

I would like to see the folders listed in a more threaded way ... 
similar to the way TIN organizes USENET messages (when you press 'l'). 
I have some folders that just have too long of a name for the directory 
listing approach to be usable.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Command Line Mail Clients?

2004-01-29 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

John S J Anderson wrote:

Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The reason I don't like Mutt is that it doesn't handle folders well.

  You should take a look at Gnus, unless you have pathological Emacs

I will take a look at it.  I am not familiar with Emacs (other than in 
X11) and don't really know it.  It doesn't really bother me to pick up a 
new mail client, as long as it is not aggravating in appearance, and 
relatively easy to use [after the usual learning curve is climbed].

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] GnuPG and missing public keys on keyservers

2004-01-28 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Nuckerl Stefan wrote:

Full ACK.

I only use signing and ecryption if communicating with certain people, but
it doesn't make sense to sign or encrypt to a mailinglist.
Actually, it does make sense to sign all public communication.  I post 
in some newsgroups from time to time, and I have been impersonated 
once.  I had no trouble establishing that it wasn't me, and indeed 
caused some trouble for the offender, but signing messages pretty much 
solves that problem.  I still don't use signing in many forums.  With 
email, it is easy, so it is not a big deal either way.

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] ntp.conf keeps getting rewritten

2004-01-28 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Does anybody know why /etc/ntp.conf keeps getting rewritten?  On my 
machine, it does not get rewritten if I start or stop the service via 
/etc/init.d/ntpd stop or start, however it is ALWAYS rewritten with a 
version that points locally when the machine is rebooted.  I have not 
found what is causing this.

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Error emerging cyrus-sasl

2004-01-27 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

Mauro Arnoldi wrote:


If you are going to post PGP signed messages, will you please post your 
public key ... otherwise it is just a waste of all of our bandwidth.

Thanks in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] GnuPG and missing public keys on keyservers

2004-01-27 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
All people on these lists that use GPG ... please, a heads up!  If you are going to use PGP or GnuPG to sign your email messages, it does absolutely no good for anybody, and indeed, wastes some bandwidth, if you do supply a public key to the keyservers.  Please, post your public keys or quit signing your emails.  All but one email tonight from the Gentoo lists, that were signed, had no public keys listed at the keyservers.

So, if you are going to sign your messages posted into a public forum like this one, please, post your public keys to a keyserver like belgium.keyserver.net.

Thank you in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] GnuPG and missing public keys on keyservers

2004-01-27 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse

lukas wrote:

Hmm, then it must be one of my mails, because my key is already on
the keyserver pgp.mit.edu :)
I've checked all mails posted on this list since 27.01.04 00:00 and
this is the result:
Keys found (on pgp.mit.edu):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Farmer)
Gregory Staggel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Matthew Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Moshe Kaminsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Norberto Bensa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keys NOT found (on pgp.mit.edu):

Jakub Krajcovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rainer Sigwald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]   !!

It would seem that  pgp.mit.edu and keyserver.net do not communicatie 
... and frankly, that surprises me alot.  Any idea why they do not?  
These are two major servers!

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Command Line Mail Clients?

2004-01-27 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Can anybody recommend a command line mail client for UNIX (shells)?  One 
requirement is that it is fully compatible with GnuPGP and Maildir 
format mail storage.  I have been trying to use Mutt but I have found it 
tedious and ugly when it comes to traversing Maildir mailboxes (and the 
navigation is completely non-intuitive IMHO).

Thanks in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] STL for KDE

2004-01-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Neal Lippman wrote:

 Same problem, solved with the help of this list. You need to emerge
 gcc and then retry the emerge of arts. That fixed it for me, and I am
 told a bug has been filed on this already.


The bug should be against GCC and not against Arts ... I didn't look to see
if that is the case.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] possible BUG in gentoo

2004-01-20 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Koala Gnu wrote:
 sorry for my english 

 To restart the build process, should  I clean some directories or I
 can give directly the
 scripts/bootstrap.sh command?

Restart from what point?  Is this a fully installed machine that you are
just trying to rebuild?  If yes, then emerge -UuDep world will do the job

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] STL for KDE

2004-01-20 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Dan Egli wrote:
 I am trying to emerge KDE. But everytime I do it starts compiling arts
 which then dies in the conifg script saying unknown STL type.
 'configure: error: no known STL type found - did you forget to
 install libstdc++-devel ?'

 I searched on the net and found on a mailinglist archive that you need
 to install STLport package. So I emerge STLport, no prob. Re-run
 emerge kde, and it still dies at the same place!

 Help? Why isn't emerge finding the dependancy of STL for ARTS and
 pulling the package?

 --- Dan

STL is the standard template library for C++.  It is free as part of the
headers for the GNU C++ compiler (part of gcc).  I believe the SGI
implementation is supplied, although I did not see any SGI licensing in the
headers (and the libraries of course).  You should not be missing them if
you have gcc installed.  Any chance you built everything static?

I just noticed that you have libstdc++-devel as the error.  You didn't try
to install a development version of gcc did you?

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] STL for KDE

2004-01-20 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Eric Paynter wrote:
 Dan Egli said:
 I am trying to emerge KDE. But everytime I do it starts compiling
 arts  which then dies in the conifg script saying unknown STL
 'configure: error: no known STL type found - did you forget to
 install  libstdc++-devel ?'

 There is an open bug (I don't have the number on hand) that suggests
 you re-compile gcc to fix this. I'm doing that right now, but it
 takes some time so I don't know if it will work... anybody else do
 this yet?


Any chance you are running ~arch rather than arch?  The default stable
gentoo tree seems to create the libraries (which contain STL) and the
headers correctly.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] STL for KDE

2004-01-20 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Krikket wrote:

 Then let me eliminate that one.  Fresh install, complete to
 repartitioning hard drives, and I've got the same problem.  I've
 never used the ~i386 or any other ~ flags.  One reason I'm switching
 to gentoo us because I'm tired of the unstability of some of the
 other distros...  (IE: Fedora) (Plus the stage 1 install is easier to
 do than Debian, beleive it or not.)


It sounds to me like there is a problem with the bootstrap build and it does
not seem to be replaced in the system build.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] kernel depression

2004-01-17 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Gerhard W.Gruber wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 22:38:44 +0100, Guy Van Sanden

 Every kernel since 2.4.20-r8 fails on my system
 2.4.20-r9 and -r10: USB crashes
 2.4.22-r1 reiser extremely slow
 2.4.22-r4 and -r5 NFS timeouts

 I have been running all these kernels as vanilla kernels, and I had no
 problems with them.

 Either its your hardware or maybe your kernel is not properly

I assume he is referring to the Gentoo sources.  I have had multiple oops
with them myself.  Too many patches.  Vanilla sources also work fine for me.
I simply patch my own kernels if I need a feature.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Buying a new NIC

2004-01-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Jaime Diaz wrote:
 Avoid the 3Com SOHO.

 A 3Com 3c905 an Intel EtherExpress or, even a Realtek 8139 will do.

I would avoid the realtek cards as well.  Most netgear work well (natsemi
driver) and the Linksys cards work well (tulip driver) if you want to buy

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Buying a new NIC

2004-01-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Al Raq wrote:
 I also use  Linksys LNE100TX cards too for almost four years. Very
 happy. How do I found out if I run mine in full duplex at 100mbps ???

You can't run full-duplex unless you are connected to switch rather than a
hub ... or directly to another card using a crossover cable that supports

eth0: link up.
eth0: Setting full-duplex based on negotiated link capability.

When the module is loaded and the interface is brought up, this information
will be output.  I don't really know how to get it at runtime however.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Buying a new NIC

2004-01-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Or course, nowadays, most everybody is using this on a machine better than
an overmuscled 400MHz P2 cpu :)

Tom Veldhouse
PS.  I hate topposting, but OE and these attachments forbid me to do

- Original Message -
From: Ciaran McCreesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Buying a new NIC

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 16:07:16 +0100 Dennis Freise
| I have seven realtek 8139 cards in use here and never encountered a
| single problem with them. Performance is also okay.

Ok, since someone actually made the realtek cards don't suck
statement... Check out the comments in the FreeBSD driver for the card,
they explain why their performance is so poor compared to other cards:


Sure, the cards work, but unless you're really really really short on
money I'd suggest staying clear of them (you can get NatSemi chipset
cards as cheaply anyway... or an e100pro off eBay...).

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail:ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web: http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] System can't find modules

2004-01-14 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Rob2 wrote:
 I recently upgraded a box from 1.4RC2 to 1.4.  I emerged -U world,
 made a new kernel from the new source, then erased the old kernel
 source and the old modules.  Now the system can't find the new
 modules.  What have I missed?

 Thanks,  Rob

Did you forget to mount /boot before you copied the kernel to /boot?  If so,
you are still booting the old kernel.  The fix:

# mv /boot/bzImage /root
# mount /boot
# mv /root/bzImage /boot
# reboot

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] What happened today?

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Can anybody explain what happened to the email lists and the rsync server
today?  I notice that there is still a stale posting on the website about
the rsync problem (doesn't mention that the lists were down yet again), but
no update.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] What's the f**k?

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
John Helliwell wrote:
 On Tuesday 13 January 2004 11:09, Aleksandr wrote:

 Please help me how to get out of this shit...

 If it's a bug, it's a really BIG bug...


 Did you even look? :-)

It only said the servers were not up and running, not that it was deleting
local files when you ran rsync.  Further, it said it would be fixed in a
couple of hours ... and that was many hours ago with no update.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] rsync.gentoo.org unknown?

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
gabriel wrote:

 in a case like this, where something major (rsync) that worked
 yesterday and isn't working today, it's likely that it's a
 system-wide problem and therefore it would have a post on both of the
 above urls.

I think the central server requirement for rsync needs to be revisitted.
FreeBSD has a good idea with cvsup and choosing the most local mirror and
sticking with it.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] What happened today?

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
 Can anybody explain what happened to the email lists and the rsync
 server today?  I notice that there is still a stale posting on the
 website about the rsync problem (doesn't mention that the lists were
 down yet again), but no update.


Also note that this email was delayed by more than 3 hours ... something
else systemic is going on with Gentoo.  Not just the rsync servers.  For
awhile, this list was not functioning at all (all mail was queueing

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with emerge

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Yes, you got hosed by something that appears to have been done to the Gentoo
rsync server and you are not alone.  They are remaining hush about what has
really happened.  They state on their webpage that the master rsync servers
are down, but they have not stated the problem that has developed (like you
have posted about), nor have the indicated a more systemic problem like the
non-function and now long lag of the email lists.

In other words, I am a little irritated with the lack of communication from
the Gentoo teams on this.  I am subscribed to the email lists and will look
here or on the website for any published issues, but you won't find me
digging through forums for something that should be up front and immediate.

Tom Veldhouse

- Original Message -
From: Gregory Staggel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:10 AM
Subject: [gentoo-user] Problem with emerge


I tried to update my portage install today and I got this error.

giveme / # emerge -vu portage

!!! No profile directory; system mode unavailable.
giveme / #

Any ideas ?


* Computers are like air-conditioners:
  both stop working, if you open windows.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with emerge

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Jan wrote:

 Did you even look? :-)

That site explains almost nothing ... like how all the profiles have been
deleted during an rsync.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Rsync Outage

2004-01-13 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
It doesn't explain the email slowdown ... something else was up.

Tom Veldhouse

- Original Message - 
From: Eamon Caddigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:23 PM
Subject: [gentoo-user] Rsync Outage

 As seen on gentoo.org:
   update: Service should be largely restored now, though traffic seems
   to be high on most mirrors because of the outage. The cause of the
   problem seems to be localized to some filesystem corruption on the
   root partition.
 Well?! Which filesystem was it running?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Blender

2004-01-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Simon Prosser wrote:
 On Sunday 11 January 2004 4:40 pm, Thomas Degris wrote:
 My question: what do I have to do to get the ebuild of the version
 2.31 of Blender ?
 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge blender -pv

If blender were to have a lot of dependencies, how would you keep the ~x86
versions from being installed (assuming blender would run with the x86

It is for this reason why I would like to see ports and basesystem as
separate entities in portage.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] installing qmail

2004-01-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Pawel Maczewski wrote:
  I've installed ssmtp as it was required by vixie-cron. Now I wanna
 install qmail, but it seems net-mail/ssmtp blocks it. What I get is:
 test portage # emerge -pv qmail
 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
 Calculating dependencies ...done!
 [ebuild  N] sys-apps/ucspi-tcp-0.88-r5  +ssl -ipv6
 [ebuild  N] net-mail/queue-fix-1.4-r2
 [ebuild  N] net-mail/dot-forward-0.71-r1
 [ebuild  N] net-mail/cmd5checkpw-0.22
 [blocks B ] net-mail/ssmtp (virtual/mta from pkg
 [ebuild  N] sys-apps/daemontools-0.76-r3
 [ebuild  N] net-mail/checkpassword-0.90-r1
 [ebuild  N] net-mail/qmail-1.03-r13  +ssl
 what could I do to install qmail?

# emerge unmerge virtual/mta
# emerge qmail

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Blender

2004-01-12 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
David Gethings wrote:
 On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 16:04, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
 If blender were to have a lot of dependencies, how would you keep
 the ~x86 versions from being installed (assuming blender would run
 with the x86 versions)?
 If I understand your correctly; installing with ~x86 will only pull in
 the necessary masked ebuilds.

 Then to insure that future updates don't down grade the ~x86 packages
 use -U (upgrade only) when you next emerge.

 Although I have to admit -U is a bit hit an miss. On at least on
 occasion I had to downgrade even with -U specified. I the re-upgraded
 once the update was complete.



No, my concern is that a bunch of system packages may be upgraded as well to
testing version when doing this (maybe not for blender, but when using
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86).  I don't want the compiler, gettext, autoconf or
anything else upgraded from stable and if a package will work with the
stable version (even though it is itself a testing version), then it should
use them ... using the keyword change does not allow for this.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] rc-update for samba

2004-01-11 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Mark Knecht wrote:
Should samba be started at boot or default?

default ... after net.eth0 starts.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] I killed my xp boot sector with grub

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Boot the XP disk.  Let setup go until you can get a prompt (fixit).

Then use the fixboot and fixmbr utility.  After that, boot back to linux and
setup grub correctly.

Tom Veldhouse

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Buntrock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: [gentoo-user] I killed my xp boot sector with grub

Hi there,

I just replaced a win 98 with a win xp. xp overwrote the mbr, so i had
grub reinstall it.

The problem is, that I used setup (hd0,0) instead of setup (hd0), write
it in the boot partition instead of the mbr. linux is running on a hdb,
so there is no effect.

Is there a way to restore the winXP boot sector without reinstalling xp?

Thanks, Thomas

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] su: Permission denied!

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Peter Eis wrote:
 Roger wrote:


 I am learning how to admin my gentoo box. Now I have a problem with
 'su'. It is working some hours ago. But after I type 'etc-update',I
 quit, because I was a little confused. After that, when I type 'su',
 System reply
 su: Permission denied!

 what's wrong?

 you must be in the 'wheel' group!
 edit the file /etc/group.
 Look for a line similar like 'wheel::10:root' and add your account
 name: wheel::10:root,youraccount'

Yes, I don't think etc-update should allow complete replacement of

It should have logic to merge new groups into it, or note them for manual
entry ... but it should NOT allow replacement (remove option 1 for critical

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] hello

2004-01-06 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Jonathan Nichols wrote:

Guys ... can we save the bandwidth please?

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Still subscribed

2004-01-02 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
W. Blaine Dowler wrote:
 Hi all,

 I sent out e-mails last week about not being unsubscribed.  The
 automated unsubscription addresses just don't respond to me.  I sent
 messages to the list owner on Christmas Day, and I'm still
 subscribed.  (I decided to wait until the holidays were over before
 hounding them again.)

 Does anyone know of another way to get me off the list?


So, did you send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Per header
information; List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Make sure you send the email from the address you are trying to unsubscribe.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] same portage version on x86 and ~x86

2004-01-02 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Stefan Vunckx wrote:
 On Friday 02 January 2004 14:47, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
 Yesterday, I found it odd that both my x86 and ~x86 box wanted to
 upgrade portage to 2.0.49-r19. Today, they both want to upgrade to
 2.0.49-r20. What's up with that? Usually portage on my x86 box is a
 few revisions behind my ~x86 box.

 Because portage 2.0.49-r19 is stable on x86 and 2.0.50_pre9 is
 hardmasked. Those are the only 2 versions in portage currently.


Who determined it to be stable?  Last time I used ~x86 portage had a nasty
clean but in it that threw out all sorts of errors messages (although
apparently harmless).

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] SpamAssassin doesn't want to learn anymore

2003-12-31 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
 Hi all,

 since my upgrade from SA version 2.55 to 2.60-r1 I cannot sa-learn
 anymore. With the previous version I could do a

 $ sa-learn --dir --spam /path/to/mail/cur

 and got a learned from xxx message(s). But after the upgrade, I get
 a Learned from 0 message(s) (193 message(s) examined). when I want
 to sa-learn.

 Has anybody an idea what could be wrong here?
 Greetings and TIA, Matthias

I am using it with great success (version 2.60-r1).  I have been for quite
sometime.  sa-learn runs as a batch job periodically, so I don't examine the
output, but it has been working fantastically.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] NTPL

2003-12-29 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Stefan Vunckx wrote:
 On Monday 29 December 2003 04:04, Ani Adarsh wrote:
 hi ppl,
 I've been tryin and cant seem to find out how to enable NTPL in the
 2.6 kernel ...
 I know it gotta be easy ...
 Somebody tell me how ...

 You don't have to enable it in the 2.6 kernel ...
 You have to recompile glibc WITH nptl support


I have been wondering how this works when glibc is still using 2.4.x headers
by default rather than 2.6 headers.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] which is the best for Server

2003-12-29 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Roger wrote:

 I want to setup a server, which hosts small business on Internet.
 Which is the best one? Redhat 9? debian 3? gentoo?
 PLS advice.
 China Cell Phone Rental
 Start with Gentoo,Start with Freedom

It depends upon your familiarity with each of these.  However, if I had to
pick one that could benefit the most anal retentive of admins, I would pick

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Invalid db entry: /var/db/pkg/*sys-fs/devfsd ... in x86 stable!

2003-12-24 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Hello all ... to the list .. welcome back after the unexplained hiatus.

Often, after an emerge of a particular package, I see this error:

Invalid db entry: /var/db/pkg/*sys-fs/devfsd

I have followed all the directions according to the link below ... EXCEPT
for manually patching portage.


Nothing has worked.  However, what I need to know is if there is an actual
process to fix this.  If not, the patch needs to be commited to stable
(x86) ASAP or the current version of portage in stable needs to be revoked
as unstable.

Is there anything I should do in the meantime?  I don't relish the patch
because of the possibility of the bug coming back if the package were

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Invalid db entry: /var/db/pkg/*sys-fs/devfsd ... in x86 stable!

2003-12-24 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
It doesn't justify not committing the fix to stable either.  Certainly, it
is not clear to anybody starting out that it is a cosmetic bug.  My point is
that it wasn't tested and it is not stable (although it is functional).

Tom Veldhouse

- Original Message - 
From: Ciaran McCreesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Invalid db entry: /var/db/pkg/*sys-fs/devfsd ...
in x86 stable!

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 11:32:26 -0600 Thomas T. Veldhouse
| Nothing has worked.  However, what I need to know is if there is an
| actual process to fix this.  If not, the patch needs to be commited to
| stable(x86) ASAP or the current version of portage in stable needs
| to be revoked as unstable.

Why? It's a minor cosmetic bug that doesn't cause any data loss. That
doesn't justify making everyone downgrade.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail:ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web: http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] vga=791 no longer works with 2.6.0

2003-12-19 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
SN wrote:
 You have to use certain options for the kernel config, just do a
 search in the mailinglist archive for nvidia framebuffer and you will
 find the correct options you have to use.

 By the way I'm  running 2.6 stable since yesterday, on my box
 everything is working X, nvidia drivers, sensors, alsa, sysfs.

 I just have one little issue at the moment, one programm while
 running needs about 20% of cpu time now with the old kernel it was
 between 5-10 percent, I'm just recompiling glibc and xfree to see if
 that helps.

Are you using nptl?  Give that a try (recompile the entire system if you can
... at least glibc).

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] NPTL -- how to start using it?

2003-12-16 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
N. Owen Gunden wrote:

 Well, I finally found the answer to my problems.  I needed to
 re-emerge nvidia-glx (that's right--nvidia-glx, *not*
 nvidia-kernel!).  mplayer works, wine works, xmms works.

 Though I'm not overly impressed with wine's performance.  It's slower
 than it was on 2.4 without nptl.  Though to be fair it doesn't seem to
 be wine that's going slow, it's X that's hogging all the resources.

 Unfortunately I haven't been able to get DGA to work in starcraft for

I have had the 2.6 kernel slow to almost a halt on my P4-3.06GHz (HT enabled
with SMP).  It will work fine for a couple of days, and then for some reason
the screen saver power saving mode seems to cause the kernel to slow and
virtually halt.  It is nearly impossible to even shutdown as saving ALSA
settings takes many many minutes.

This slowdown is a rare thing but it has happened too me three times so far.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] sa-learn fails

2003-12-16 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Do you suppose that you ugraded berkley DB from perhaps 3 to 4 (and upgraded
Spam Assassin) and now the files are incompatible?

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo energe -e world and no booting

2003-12-16 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Michael Evaniuck wrote:
 I recent made some changes to my /etc/make.conf and I want to
 recompile my system so I did an emerge -e world. Everything went
 fine and after it completed I shut down my PC and when rebooting grub
 now is now not working. When booting it displays a grub prompt and
 does not go any further and I can not type anything else. I booted to
 my CD and mounted my /boot and my grub.conf file seems to be fine.
 Has anyone else ran across this? Thanks ahead of time for any help.


Did you mount /boot before you [re]installed grub?  I am not sure that it
should matter, but it might be worth trying it again.

# mount /boot
# emerge grub
# grub

Reinstall the bootloader as before and see how it goes.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] NPTL -- how to start using it?

2003-12-15 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
N. Owen Gunden wrote:

 I followed this procedure, but it hasn't been working out.  Problems
 I'm experiencing now include:
  - The nvidia kernel module doesn't work (freezes during
  - wine segfaults
  - mplayer segfaults

 Note that I did these things carefully with testing in-between.  After
 upgrading the kernel (and re-emerging nvidia-kernel), all three of the
 above worked fine.  It seems that as soon as I emerged glibc with
 +nptl things started breaking.  I tried re-emerging wine and mplayer
 to no avail.

 Maybe I should try some other apps that use pthreads?  Anyone know of

 I will happily divulge more information in exchange for any tips :).

I found it best to set the NPTL use flag and then rebuild the entire system
at once:

# emerge -DeU world

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo for production servers.

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Tom Wesley wrote:
 I think that there is a high degree of probability that
 portage-ng(-ng(-ng)) ;) will include some form of tree selection.  I
 personally would like to see something like this.  Either pointing to
 a completely different rsync server set, or having a extended set of
 architecture definitions.  I prefer the latter, as in x86-server,
 ~x86-server, x86-desktop, x86-testing and the like.  Security updates
 would of course need to penetrate all types here.  Maybe ~x86 and x86
 simply isn't enough of a split between what is stable and what isn't
 anymore, especially because enterprise server people are looking at

 Just my 2p...

I would like to see portage based upon a CVS repository in much the way
FreeBSD port collection is.  It would be nice to be able to go back to a
snapshot from 1 year ago if need be.  How this would be implmeneted with
portage in front of it, I am uncertain, but that would be a nice goal IMHO.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ripping music cd to mp3

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Josh Helmer wrote:
 On Sunday 07 December 2003 09:35 pm, Tom Hosiawa wrote:
 After doing some googling, I know I can't mount a music cd.

 So if I want to rip the songs of the cd to mp3's with a program like
 lame, how do I tell it where the input wav file is? Or is there some
 better way to ripping music cd's?

 The easiest way that I know of is to just use konqueror.  If you enter
 audiocd:// in the address bar it will show you the contents of the CD
 in wav, mp3 and ogg-vorbis format.  Just select the files and copy
 them to your hard drive.  Doesn't get much easier than that...


It is hard to set your lame or ogg options this way.  I have found
KAudioCreator (part of kde-multimedia) works pretty well.  There are still
some bugs in it though.  It doesn't seem to fetch the genre or year CDDB
information, but that is easy enough to fill in.  It also doesn't like to
keep the lame or ogg settings between instances of KAudioCreator, that is a
more irritating bug.  Still it will rip in batches with the exact options
you want for your MP3s.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ripping music cd to mp3

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Redeeman wrote:
 now we talk about this, what encoder for mp3 supports 320kbps variable
 bitrate joint sterio ? that is the thing that generates best sound for
 the disk cost, but now i want to test ogg too, (and maybe stop use
 mp3). i did this with audio catalyst in windoze

 can ogg/vorbis do the same?

 in case, what encoder for ogg/vorbis? and how to use.

320kbps is the theorectical maximum for MP3, so if you are looking for
average bitrate of 320, then it really can't be a variable rate, but
instead becomes CBR.

Either way, lame supports it well.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ripping music cd to mp3

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Redeeman wrote:
 so, to produce the best quality mp3 with variable bitrate joint sterio
 320kbps i shall do:

 lame -m j -q 0 -v -b 32 -B 320 -V 0

 i guess 0 is best in -V too?

 for ogg to get 320kbps joint sterio and variable bitrate i dont
 understand? does it do that automatically?

I have had very good results with this:

lame -V2 --vbr-new -q0 --lowpass 19.7 --cwlimit 10.7 --scale 0.99 -mj -b96

This seems to be the new default for --alt-preset extreme, as it has worked
well apparently.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Stuck on dialup

2003-12-08 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Larry W.Irwin Sr. wrote:

   I am very interested in using Gentoo compile from source. However,
 I only have a dialup connection to the net. Reading the docs told me
 that I must install the stage 3 tarball to be able to use ppp. It also
 says that using the stage 3 tarball requires a 686 processor. I am
 running an AMD K6-2 475 Mhz. Does this chip qualify as 686?


No, that is a pentium or p5 processor.  There is a stage3 tarball for this
that you can download.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] How to fix Invalid db entry in portage?

2003-12-02 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
What causes the below and does anybody know how to fix it?

 Auto-cleaning packages ...
!!! Invalid db entry: /var/db/pkg/*sys-fs/devfsd!!! Invalid db entry:
!!! Couldn't find match for dev-perl/SGMLSpm

 No outdated packages were found on your system.

Thanks in advance,

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] spam after subscribing to gentoo-user

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Redeeman wrote:
 hi, before i subscriped to this list i got no spam at all, but after
 subscribing it startet, anyone else experienced this?

 if yes, then i recommend spamasassin for filtering it :D

 Regards, Redeeman
 ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
 /\- against microsoft attachments

That is because the archive for this list doesn't munge email addresses.
Piss poor if you ask me.

Tom Veldhosue

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] domainname

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
There is a bug in the startup scripts that was fixed later on.  

# emerge sync
# sys-apps/baselayout
# etc-update

Have fun!


Tom Veldhouse

- Original Message - 
From: Ted Ozolins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 2:58 PM
Subject: [gentoo-user] domainname

 in issuing domainname it returns (none). I have domain blahblah.net in 
 /etc/resolv.conf and the same in /etc/dnsdomainname but it still keeps 
 returning (none) when queried. What have I not set? Querying for 
 hostname returns the proper name.
 Ted Ozolins(VE7TVO)
 Westbank, B. C
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] XFS server eating too much CPU

2003-11-25 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Martin Hudec wrote:
 It does respond to kill -9 (the Force is definitely not with my XFS
 :)), but I need to XFS running and not using so much CPU :(.

XFS initially needs to index the available fonts.  It should only have to do
this the first time, and it should save the index for future use.  If you
let it finish, I doubt it would remain a problem in the future.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Squidguard blacklists

2003-11-24 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Does anybody happen to know what happened to the squidguard blacklists?
They used to update them a couple of times a week and now they are not being
updated at all, as of a couple of weeks ago.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] dhcpcd and Linux 2.6 ...

2003-11-22 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
It seems that dhcpcd works fine when used to option an IP address and
configuration for the 2.6 kernel.  However, it doesn't seem to report that
it was successful correctly (presumably it should be using the /sys
filesystem to determine this).  As a result, if net.eth0 starts up and is
instructed to use DHCP, it will think it failed and all subsequent network
dependencies will also not start.

So, is anybody aware of a fix for dhcpcd for the 2.6 kernel?  If not,
perhaps dhclient will work better?

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] XFS

2003-11-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Redeeman wrote:
 now we talk about filesystems, i have lost my respect to many
 filesystems, if the power fails while doing stuff on reiserfs and
 ext3 i loose files, that _NEVER_ happend to me with fat32, and it
 doesent even have a journal, and yet, i have fat32 for my stuff, and
 ext3 for my system, and if power goes, i might loose files on my
 ext3, but NEVER on my fat32

Hah!  I have ONLY lost files on FAT[16,32].   NTFS is rock solid.  I use
ReiserFS and XFS exclusively with Linux and I use UFS with softupdates on
FreeBSD and never a lost file on any of them, even through considerable
power failures.  I don't use UPS equipment, but my server is not a high load
machine either.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] XFS

2003-11-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Patrick wrote:
 you mite also notice that they had to build it like that
 to survive all the reboots it had to endure  other file systems
 we designed with performance not saftey in mind :)


Unless a user on this list can only claim a very small term experience with
FAT[16,32], you can be pretty sure that the dreaded Lost Clusters became a
problem at one time or another .. unless the filesystem was never
maintained, at which point Windows was probably blamed and the OS was simply
reinstalled after a reformat.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] XFS

2003-11-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Patrick wrote:
 u mean resiliant :)

I dare say it is neither.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] courier-imap or cyrus-imap

2003-11-21 Thread Thomas T. Veldhouse
Eric Paynter wrote:
 Marius Mauch said:
 That's wrong, Cyrus is using it's own format which is neither mbox
 or maildir. The major difference is that Cyrus doesn't permit
 direct access to the mailboxes (they are stored in
 /var/spool/imap, not in $HOME and users don't have access to it),
 you can only access it over POP or IMAP. Personally I like that
 approach but if you want/need direct access to your mailbox files
 Cyrus isn't designed for you. Which of them is faster depends on
 your custom setup (especially harddisc setup), but from what I
 heard Cyrus scales better.

 That sounds a little inflexible. I like the approach of using a
 standard mailbox format so that POP, IMAP, SMTP, Webmail, etc., can
 all be selected independently. However, I guess it all depends on
 your needs.


I use Courier-IMAP.  I think it is a great choice because it performs well,
it allows concurrent access to email (mbox format does not, it will lock
other processes out) and the email is stored in my local directory.  This
last point gives me greater flexibility with the use of procmail and
spam/virus filtering.

Tom Veldhouse

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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