RE: Requests For Features

2015-12-04 Thread C E Macfarlane
> > Wouldn't it be easier just to use the --prefix option in GiP?

>   You elided the part where I said I also moved the subtitles into a
different folder than the program.

Well, you could still use the --prefix option to get the name right from the
word go, but each to his own ...

See below for further OT discussion, otherwise feel free to ignore ...

> > >   Python, by stark contrast [to Perl], is extremely clean and readable
due to its use of semantically meaningful indentations.

> > It has some major problems ...
> >
> > The first you have mentioned as an asset, but said semantically
indentation has some disadvantages too  -  it is, AFAIAA, unique, and thus
confuses programmers coming from other languages, and it is possible to be
confused by spaces where the rest of the program has been written with tabs,
and vice versa, and such problems can be non-obvious to spot, and further it
is impossible to crunch, though I admit this latter problem can largely be
offset by pre-compilation.

>   The benefits far outweigh the (very slight) initial learning curve for
people knowledgeable in other languages, and for beginners the more readable
code they immediately produce helps enormously.  I've taught introductory
programming in C and Python and observed the benefits first hand.

But that's not saying much, since C is hardly an "Introductory Programming
Language", so you're comparing apples with pears.  In the long-ago original
discussion, I don't recall anyone even suggesting that C/C++ was an
introductory language, let alone put it above Python for this purpose.
IIRC, the comparisons were between BASIC, Pascal, PERL, and Python.

> > Secondly, particularly to anyone used to more mainstream OOP languages
as C++ or Java, its object-oriented syntax is just horrible.  I have to look
it up anew every time I want to create an object.

>   Sorry, but that's just you.  It's trivially simple, IMO.  But we all,
myself included, tend to suffer from "baby duck syndrome", and like what we
learned first, or at least early on.

What I learned first was BASIC, Assembler, Pascal, COBOL, and 123 macros,
coming to C/C++ and Java comparatively late in life, so your, even though
you have applied them equally to yourself, patronising and condescending
baby-duck assumption just doesn't fit.  You'd do better to answer the
criticisms raised, rather than make incorrect assumptions which just make it
appear as though you haven't got a valid argument in reply.

> > Thirdly, again particularly to anyone used to C or Java, its syntax for
conditional assignment is uniquely weird, and always I have to check that
I've remembered it aright.

>   Ditto.


> > Fourthly, there is the confusion between when to use arrays, and when to
sequences, the confusion of syntax differences between the two, and the
syntax to create arrays is uniquely obscure, to say the least.

>   Ditto.


> > Fifthly, its documentation is poor, finding help on any of the above
may take some time.

>   Now that's just silly.  We all have our preferences, and that's fine and
good, but saying the documentation for Python is poor is flat out wrong.

The help file installed alongside Python in Windows, which is all that
you've got to go on if you're offline,  is piss-poor.  Searches never find
the sort of information that you're trying to look up straight off, usually
you have to wade through many irrelevancies to find anything useful at all.

>   Between,, and simple Google searches 
> it
is trivially simple to find answers to pretty much anything you could ever
want to know about Python.

But the last two of those are extra-Python sources, so the fact that you
suggest that they are useful strengthens my point, not yours.

> > I dare say I could find more, but that'll do for an OT post for now ...

>   Well, different strokes for different folks.  Of course you should use
what you like and are comfortable with.  But please don't proclaim your
personal preferences as some kind of inherent, basic truth.

I've supported that truth by giving actual examples, which you chose to
waive away and ignore.

>   Python is now the most commonly used introductory programming language 
> at
US universities [1]

So in previous eras was BASIC!  Taken together, I don't think either fact
proves very much!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-30 Thread David Cantrell
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 03:18:46PM +0100, Budgie wrote:

> Many thanks for the explanation.  My point was that unfortunately 
> obvious descriptions like S1E3 are seldom extant in the filename and 
> typing accurately is slow and tedious.

This is why modern shells have tab completion.

David Cantrell | A machine for turning tea into grumpiness

We found no search results for "crotchet".  Did you mean "crotch"?

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features

2015-09-29 Thread C E Macfarlane
Please see below ...

> I'm getting a bit off topic, for which I apologize

I'll bring us back OT, at least initially, by quoting and responding to your
points out of original order ...

> I like the way GiA organizes and names files (except for that mildly
annoying "((flashhd))" suffix), but find gip's way of organizing and naming
them ugly.  So I threw together a little Python script [...]

Wouldn't it be easier just to use the --prefix option in GiP?

The rest of this is OT and can be ignored by anyone not interested ...

> it pained me to see Perl and Python tarred with the same brush.  I've
experience in all those languages except COBOL, including the ones you
mention but don't claim experience in -- Pascal and BASIC

Naturally I wouldn't've suggested them without experience of them.

> plus FORTRAN,

A very little.

> Cray Assembler

No experience.

> 6502 Assembler,

Hand assembled a monitor for a CBM/Pet 8096, until I could write an
assembler for it.  Ditto for an Amstrad CPC6128 (Z80).

> and, heck, my very first coding was done in octal machine language on a
very early IBM mini (even if they didn't call it that).

Hex (as above).

> Probably a few others that aren't coming to (increasingly feeble) mind.

BATch, Kix, SQL, VBScript ...  I too am getting forgetful!

> I doubt there's anyone on the planet that would argue against your claim
that Perl is ugly.  While it's possible to write tolerably readable code in
Perl, it is one of the ugliest, least readable languages ever, short of
Whitespace. :)

> Python, by stark contrast, is extremely clean and readable due to its use
of semantically meaningful indentations.

It has some major problems ...

The first you have mentioned as an asset, but said semantically meaningful
indentation has some disadvantages too  -  it is, AFAIAA, unique, and thus
confuses programmers coming from other languages, and it is possible to be
confused by spaces where the rest of the program has been written with tabs,
and vice versa, and such problems can be non-obvious to spot, and further it
is impossible to crunch, though I admit this latter problem can largely be
offset by pre-compilation.

Secondly, particularly to anyone used to more mainstream OOP languages such
as C++ or Java, its object-oriented syntax is just horrible.  I have to look
it up anew every time I want to create an object.

Thirdly, again particularly to anyone used to C or Java, its syntax for
conditional assignment is uniquely weird, and always I have to check that
I've remembered it aright.

Fourthly, there is the confusion between when to use arrays, and when to use
sequences, the confusion of syntax differences between the two, and the
syntax to create arrays is uniquely obscure, to say the least.

Fifthly, its documentation is poor, finding help on any of the above points
may take some time.

I dare say I could find more, but that'll do for an OT post for now ...

> even novice programmers produce mostly readable code in Python, and
seasoned programmers produce code I'd claim is even readable by smart
non-programmers (though I've been programming for so long it's hard to fully
understand that mindset).

Well, it is certainly possible to produce something that works, and quite
possibly something that works very well, for example (-! hopefully, anyway
here's a chance for you to check the readability of my coding !-) ...
... or if anyone prefers just to play a little with the finished article,
try experimenting by adding URL parameters giving British Isles lat/lon
locations (parameter details are given on the Help page which is displayed
by default if either no parameters are given or there is an error in them)
to ...
For example, this will obtain the profile displayed at the bottom of the
first-linked page ...

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features

2015-09-27 Thread C E Macfarlane
See below ...

> > A personal comment to the thread title ( Requests For Features):
> >
> > Up until this time, I am still hoping that some Perl wizard
> > out-there will undertake the task of integrating ITV support
> > to GiP (much like the case in GiA) - the plugin
> > that is used in GiA for indexing ITV offerings

Yes, it seems daft to need two programs with different syntaxes, etc.  It
would be better that one or the other could do both.

> I support your comment but since I am not able to contribute
> that is all
> I can do.

Ditto.  I am a programmer with experience of Bash, Java, Javascript, Python,
and (a long time ago now) C/C++ & COBOL, but PERL and Python are ugly
bastards even for the simplest of tasks.  Why (AIUI) Python is the language
of choice for the RPi I have no idea.  I would have thought that Pascal (as
was) or even an improved version of BASIC would have been better.

> There is one thing I would like to add to GFV and that is to
> be able to
> add the target directory for saving the downloads in the same
> way as in
> GiP prefs.  Any idea how I could do that?

I simply change to the required directory before giving the command.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-27 Thread Budgie

Hi Vangelis,

On 27/09/15 02:23, Vangelis forthnet wrote:


On Sat Sep 26 17:07:13 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers

These are the default filenames GFV generates, based on the
RTMPDUMP playpaths (i.e. stream identifiers) used on the
ITV V-O-D RTMP server; a recent example would be:


While the first "serial number" does seem meaningless
to us (it probably does mean something to ITV stuff),
the rest of the filename is descriptive enough;
"PC01" refers to stream type (... for PCs!),
while 1800 refers to nominal overall file bitrate
(currently the highest they offer: video BR ~ 1700kbps,
audio BR ~ 96kbps); 16X9 is self evident
(896x504p for PC011800).

If you choose to use GFV's --filename (-f) switch
in the download command (e.g. -f  "Downton-Abbey-S06E01.flv";
MUST include file extension), then the
downloaded FLV file will have a more "meaningful" filename...

Many thanks for the explanation.  My point was that unfortunately 
obvious descriptions like S1E3 are seldom extant in the filename and 
typing accurately is slow and tedious.

Why would you need to type manually long filenames?

I leave the filename "as is" until I am satisfied that they are OK, ie. 
have re-muxed OK and metadata is all intact and they play on my 
renderers.  This way if I need to download again I know which to get. 
On the ITV site the description title is not always the same as the 
download title.

On win32 I choose "Rename" from the right-click context menu
and then save the filename to clipboard - from there
it's usually pasted onto a text editor, where I compose/edit
any command to be pasted onto the Command Prompt Window...


I do not find myself often in need of batch remuxing FLV files -
Usually I do them one-at-a-time, using a simple windows batch file;
if anyone cares, here it is:

FLVtoMP4remux.bat =>
@echo off

Title Losslessly Remux FLV to MP4
echo *** Remux AV streams to MP4 container ***

FOR %%F in (*.flv) DO ffmpeg -i "%%F" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -f
mp4 "%%~nF.mp4"

rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep MB_ICONWARNING

echo [If you don't want this, close (X) the Command Prompt Window]

DEL "*.flv"



Thanks for that.  I see you are still using the -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc 
option.  I understood from your earlier posts that it was no longer 
required.  Otherwise a much more complete and properly commented batch 
than my quick fix.

The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

Fear not! This is a lossless remux, so no loss of quality
(either video/audio) is involved.
If you care to see the output from the ffmpeg remux,
in the end it states something along these lines:

video:704889kB audio:47404kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global
muxing overhead: 0.362477%

"muxing overhead" is the extra file size (disk space) needed for the
media file to be created in the chosen media container (this is put
very grossly, I'm sure others can rephrase this more accurately...).

"muxing overhead" = (Overall media file size) - (combined sizes of all
RAW media streams contained inside)

The MP4 container has less overhead (is more compact)
than the initial FLV one, hence the small reduction in file size;
as a rule of thumb, when the exact same raw streams are at hand,

muxing overhead: .TS > .FLV > .MP4 ~= .MKV

The difference between MP4 & MKV is less pronounced...

OK thanks for the explanation.

When running the script I get the following comments for each file

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

Please read my June 20th list post:

Both are benign warnings, issued by FFmpeg branch 2.7+,
that do not translate to any end file deficiency...


That is good to know but I wonder why nobody has fixed it yet.

A personal comment to the thread title ( Requests For Features):

Up until this time, I am still hoping that some Perl wizard
out-there will undertake the task of integrating ITV support
to GiP (much like the case in GiA) - the plugin
that is used in GiA for indexing ITV offerings

does still work in GiP, if put inside
".get_iplayer/plugins" folder;
get_iplayer --type=itv -f --force

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-26 Thread Vangelis forthnet


On Sat Sep 26 17:07:13 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers

These are the default filenames GFV generates, based on the
RTMPDUMP playpaths (i.e. stream identifiers) used on the
ITV V-O-D RTMP server; a recent example would be:


While the first "serial number" does seem meaningless
to us (it probably does mean something to ITV stuff),
the rest of the filename is descriptive enough;
"PC01" refers to stream type (... for PCs!),
while 1800 refers to nominal overall file bitrate
(currently the highest they offer: video BR ~ 1700kbps,
audio BR ~ 96kbps); 16X9 is self evident
(896x504p for PC011800).

If you choose to use GFV's --filename (-f) switch
in the download command (e.g. -f  "Downton-Abbey-S06E01.flv";
MUST include file extension), then the
downloaded FLV file will have a more "meaningful" filename...

which make them difficult to type without error

Why would you need to type manually long filenames?
On win32 I choose "Rename" from the right-click context menu
and then save the filename to clipboard - from there
it's usually pasted onto a text editor, where I compose/edit
any command to be pasted onto the Command Prompt Window...

This seems to work OK but if you can suggest improvements please do.

I do not find myself often in need of batch remuxing FLV files -
Usually I do them one-at-a-time, using a simple windows batch file;
if anyone cares, here it is:

FLVtoMP4remux.bat =>
@echo off

Title Losslessly Remux FLV to MP4
echo *** Remux AV streams to MP4 container ***

FOR %%F in (*.flv) DO ffmpeg -i "%%F" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -f mp4 

rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep MB_ICONWARNING

echo [If you don't want this, close (X) the Command Prompt Window]

DEL "*.flv"



The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

Fear not! This is a lossless remux, so no loss of quality
(either video/audio) is involved.
If you care to see the output from the ffmpeg remux,
in the end it states something along these lines:

video:704889kB audio:47404kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global 

muxing overhead: 0.362477%

"muxing overhead" is the extra file size (disk space) needed for the
media file to be created in the chosen media container (this is put
very grossly, I'm sure others can rephrase this more accurately...).

"muxing overhead" = (Overall media file size) - (combined sizes of all RAW 
media streams contained inside)

The MP4 container has less overhead (is more compact)
than the initial FLV one, hence the small reduction in file size;
as a rule of thumb, when the exact same raw streams are at hand,

muxing overhead: .TS > .FLV > .MP4 ~= .MKV

The difference between MP4 & MKV is less pronounced...

When running the script I get the following comments for each file 

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

Please read my June 20th list post:

Both are benign warnings, issued by FFmpeg branch 2.7+,
that do not translate to any end file deficiency...

A personal comment to the thread title ( Requests For Features):

Up until this time, I am still hoping that some Perl wizard
out-there will undertake the task of integrating ITV support
to GiP (much like the case in GiA) - the plugin
that is used in GiA for indexing ITV offerings

does still work in GiP, if put inside
".get_iplayer/plugins" folder;
get_iplayer --type=itv -f --force
lists all the available ITV progs...

Then for the actual downloading,
some perl code could be borrowed from GFV -
only a few additional perl modules (to the ones
already shipped with GiP on Win) are needed for that;
rtmpdump & ffmpeg are already there,
so we could end up with nice MP4s natively
(even tagged ones, if ITV metadata is used...).
It's a shame that one has to install Perl separately,
then install GFV perl script and then place rtmpdump (& ffmpeg)
in the same folder, to have a working setup (on Windows)
(I don't want to add them to PATH...).
Most sadly, dinkypumpkin is planning to put
an end (?) to my (and, no doubt, others') wishful thinking:

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-26 Thread Budgie

On 26/09/15 20:49, Peter S Kirk wrote:

On 26 Sep 2015 at 17:07, Budgie Budgie  wrote:

Had a few moments to sort out my flv downloads.  There are quite a few,
all with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers which
make them difficult to type without error so I tried a wee batch file
based on your advice to run in the directory with all the flv files as

for file in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -f mp4 ${file%.flv}.mp4 ;

This seems to work OK but if you can suggest improvements please do.
Meanwhile I have a couple of naive questions:-

The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

Different containers store different meta data in different ways. Use the
same command to convert an mkv to mp4 and the mp4 is larger.

When running the script I get the following comments for each file

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

A quick google shows:

BTW Thanks again for all your help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Peter,
Thanks for the link but I have no understanding of what I am reading 
there.  Where does ffserver fit in?

More important, what is the effect of this bug on my remuxing exercise? 
 Should I be changing my script to add corrective action if that is 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-26 Thread Peter S Kirk
On 26 Sep 2015 at 17:07, Budgie Budgie  wrote:

> Had a few moments to sort out my flv downloads.  There are quite a few, 
> all with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers which 
> make them difficult to type without error so I tried a wee batch file 
> based on your advice to run in the directory with all the flv files as 
> follows:-
> for file in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -f mp4 ${file%.flv}.mp4 ; 
> done
> This seems to work OK but if you can suggest improvements please do. 
> Meanwhile I have a couple of naive questions:-
> The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

Different containers store different meta data in different ways. Use the 
same command to convert an mkv to mp4 and the mp4 is larger.

> When running the script I get the following comments for each file 
> converted:-
> [mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but 
> container format requires global headers
> [mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but 
> container format requires global headers
> This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

A quick google shows:
> BTW Thanks again for all your help.
> Regards,
> Budge

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-26 Thread Budgie

On 13/09/15 17:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

ffmpeg -i "itv.flv" -c copy -f mp4 "itv.mp4" ; I also use
"-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc" in the above command, maybe it's not strictly
needed - as someone said - but to include it won't do any harm.

Hi Vangelis,
Had a few moments to sort out my flv downloads.  There are quite a few, 
all with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers which 
make them difficult to type without error so I tried a wee batch file 
based on your advice to run in the directory with all the flv files as 

for file in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -f mp4 ${file%.flv}.mp4 ; 

This seems to work OK but if you can suggest improvements please do. 
Meanwhile I have a couple of naive questions:-

The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

When running the script I get the following comments for each file 

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but 
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but 
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

BTW Thanks again for all your help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Budgie

On 13/09/15 16:28, C E Macfarlane wrote:

See below ...

 First please forgive the OT nature of this post as it concerns

 Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
 I thought when I used it a couple of years back that it could deliver
 .mp4.  I am imagining this?

Not AFAIAA.  I use ffmpeg to do the conversion.  From memory, the command
ffmpeg -acodec copy -vcodec copy -i  

Many thanks for the command.  It is just that I was sure some of my GFV 
downloads had been .mp4.  I am of course happy to convert the new ones 
using ffmpeg.

PS to macfh, please forgive direct addressing.  Pressed the wrong button.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Budgie

On 13/09/15 17:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Sun Sep 13 15:48:42 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
I thought when I used it a couple of years back
that it could deliver .mp4.


GFV is a multi-downloader, supporting a vast variety of sites.
Each site may use a different streaming method,
hence the downloaded file will vary in its container/file extension...

If you're using GFV to fetch ITV video-on-demand,
this is being streamed via RTMPE protocol and the tool
GFV uses to do the fetch is rtmpdump - AS I HAVE POSTED

You can losslessly remux to another container (e.g. MP4/MPEG-TS)
post download via ffmpeg; I have posted the relevant command
in one of our previous exchanges, both here in the list and in private
(ffmpeg -i "itv.flv" -c copy -f mp4 "itv.mp4" ; I also use
"-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc" in the above command, maybe it's not strictly
needed - as someone said - but to include it won't do any harm...).

For the record, prior to Feb 2013, GFV - via its plugin - used to save ITV VOD with a wrong
file extension ".mp4"; again, that was audio-video
streams saved by rtmpdump inside the FLV container,
but the file was erroneously given the ".mp4"
extension, when it should've been ".flv";
this inconsistency was fixed by commit:

So, YES, your imagination is not playing tricks on you...

Many regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Many thanks and I had not forgotten your earlier help.  It was just I 
thought my memory was playing tricks.  Glad to learn it is not, at least 
on this matter.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun Sep 13 15:48:42 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
I thought when I used it a couple of years back
that it could deliver .mp4.


GFV is a multi-downloader, supporting a vast variety of sites.
Each site may use a different streaming method,
hence the downloaded file will vary in its container/file extension...

If you're using GFV to fetch ITV video-on-demand,
this is being streamed via RTMPE protocol and the tool
GFV uses to do the fetch is rtmpdump - AS I HAVE POSTED

You can losslessly remux to another container (e.g. MP4/MPEG-TS)
post download via ffmpeg; I have posted the relevant command
in one of our previous exchanges, both here in the list and in private
(ffmpeg -i "itv.flv" -c copy -f mp4 "itv.mp4" ; I also use
"-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc" in the above command, maybe it's not strictly
needed - as someone said - but to include it won't do any harm...).

For the record, prior to Feb 2013, GFV - via its plugin - used to save ITV VOD with a wrong
file extension ".mp4"; again, that was audio-video
streams saved by rtmpdump inside the FLV container,
but the file was erroneously given the ".mp4"
extension, when it should've been ".flv";
this inconsistency was fixed by commit:

So, YES, your imagination is not playing tricks on you...

Many regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread C E Macfarlane
See below ...

> First please forgive the OT nature of this post as it concerns
> get-flash-videos.
> Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
> I thought when I used it a couple of years back that it could deliver
> .mp4.  I am imagining this?

Not AFAIAA.  I use ffmpeg to do the conversion.  From memory, the command
ffmpeg -acodec copy -vcodec copy -i  

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Budgie

On 17/04/15 16:45, C E Macfarlane wrote:

See below ...

 Why are we having this discussion on this list ?

Because I thought, and still think, it a perfectly reasonably thing to

 The only people that
 inconveniences are those who want to access their content for nothing.

Or people like myself who, for the moment, can't get a signal.

get_iplayer mailing list

First please forgive the OT nature of this post as it concerns 

Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
I thought when I used it a couple of years back that it could deliver 
.mp4.  I am imagining this?


get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features (off topic)

2015-08-11 Thread Peter S Kirk
Please stop the OT discussing of RTMP download of non BBC channels.

This list is for help and discussion of GiP only.

If it is OT take it off list and communicate directly.

On 11 Aug 2015 at 21:50, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane 

> See below ...
> > Snipped from
> >
> >
> > I managed to get this working on Vista32, thanks, but not on
> > a fresh install of Mint 17.2.
> >
> > May I ask what Linux you're using?
> XUbuntu 13, or perhaps 14, can't remember which without booting up the PC.
> > Also, did you try Channel 5?
> No.  AIUI from the original thread, Ch 4 & Ch 5 are encrypted, and can't be
> downloaded in this way.
> > "there's nothing worth watching anyway!"
> >
> > Agreed, beyond that Joanna Lumley documentary.
> There's Clockwise, it it's still there ...

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features (off topic)

2015-08-11 Thread C E Macfarlane
See below ...

> Snipped from
> I managed to get this working on Vista32, thanks, but not on
> a fresh install of Mint 17.2.
> May I ask what Linux you're using?

XUbuntu 13, or perhaps 14, can't remember which without booting up the PC.

> Also, did you try Channel 5?

No.  AIUI from the original thread, Ch 4 & Ch 5 are encrypted, and can't be
downloaded in this way.

> "there's nothing worth watching anyway!"
> Agreed, beyond that Joanna Lumley documentary.

There's Clockwise, it it's still there ...

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features (off topic)

2015-08-11 Thread M Clark
> Now too I can confirm that it is possible to download ITV programmes using 
> get_flash_videos.
> The trouble is, looking through the programmes available, there's nothing 
> worth watching anyway!
> Personally, I prefer ActivePERL, but in fact I got get_flash_videos working 
> on a Linux PC.

Snipped from

I managed to get this working on Vista32, thanks, but not on a fresh install of 
Mint 17.2.

May I ask what Linux you're using?

Also, did you try Channel 5?

"there's nothing worth watching anyway!"

Agreed, beyond that Joanna Lumley documentary.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-26 Thread Jim web
In article <>, Budgie

Comments prompted by the Linn reply...

> Hi Chris, I gave up on this subject due to pressure of work back at the
> end of 2013 and had forgotten how far I had reached.  It appears that
> for the GiP Radio 3 downloads I messed up there are no time markers and
> it is the Linn Player which needs them.  Linn advised me as follows:-

> AAC files store data about the media stream they contain within their
> outer MPEG4 container. Seekable AAC files will also provide a collection
> of offsets allowing an AAC decoder to jump to a variety of points in
> the media stream, enabling seeking.

It is possible, I guess, that the version of ffmpeg you're using does have
a flaw. You could try taking an existing LPCM wave file you have and using
ffmpeg to create an m4a from it. Then seeing if the Linn player will play
it or not if you treat it as if you'd got it via gip. For comparability,
choose a 48k/stereo/16bit file to make your test m4a.

If that *doesn't* work, then the implication is that either something is
strange about your copy of ffmpeg or the Linn player isn't very clever. To
clarify that, see if it will play with alternative software using your
computer. FWIW I use Audacious, but I'm sure there are many alternatives.

You could also try a more up-to-date version of ffmpeg. (Assuming you're
not already doing so.)

> The file you provided us with appears to contain only 1 offset: the
> offset of the start of the audio track within the file (after all the
> metadata). Therefore, there are no further offsets that can allow our
> AAC decoder to safely move to another point within the stream.

> As a solution to this, we would recommend using a ripper (e.g.
> dbpoweramp) to transcode the track to another format for use with the DS.

> I concluded and hoped from this there was no need to transcode to
> another format if I can just "transcode" to the same format.  I just
> need to get the ffmpeg command correct.

Yes, I think you are correct. If you wish to avoid any loss of detail I'd
recommend sticking to either 'recontainering' (using the 'copy' options of
ffmpeg as described previously) or converting to a 'wave' file (i.e. LPCM)
or a flac file.

> Will keep trying.  I am not sure if the -idx options in mplayer will do
> the job but can give it a try.

I don't have much experience with mplayer but I'd hope it should play the
files OK. Be interested to see your results.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Budgie

On 25/07/15 17:46, Chris Davies wrote:

On 21/07/2015 18:47, Budgie wrote:

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to
finish but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme. Since
they are 2 hours long this makes life difficult as I seldom have an
uninterrupted 2 hours!  My understanding is that time markers are
missing but have no idea if this is correct analysis or if it can be
rectified. If you have any suggestions they would be appreciated.

I'm pretty sure that "mplayer -idx" will sort this for you. Or "mplayer
-forceidx" if it still won't play.


Hi Chris,
I gave up on this subject due to pressure of work back at the end of 
2013 and had forgotten how far I had reached.  It appears that for the 
GiP Radio 3 downloads I messed up there are no time markers and it is 
the Linn Player which needs them.  Linn advised me as follows:-

AAC files store data about the media stream they contain within their 
outer MPEG4 container. Seekable AAC files will also provide a collection 
of offsets allowing an AAC decoder to jump to a variety of points in the 
media stream, enabling seeking.

The file you provided us with appears to contain only 1 offset: the 
offset of the start of the audio track within the file (after all the 
metadata). Therefore, there are no further offsets that can allow our 
AAC decoder to safely move to another point within the stream.

As a solution to this, we would recommend using a ripper (e.g. 
dbpoweramp) to transcode the track to another format for use with the DS.

I concluded and hoped from this there was no need to transcode to 
another format if I can just "transcode" to the same format.  I just 
need to get the ffmpeg command correct.

Will keep trying.  I am not sure if the -idx options in mplayer will do 
the job but can give it a try.

Thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Chris Davies

On 21/07/2015 18:47, Budgie wrote:
The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number 
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set 
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to 
finish but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme. Since 
they are 2 hours long this makes life difficult as I seldom have an 
uninterrupted 2 hours!  My understanding is that time markers are 
missing but have no idea if this is correct analysis or if it can be 
rectified. If you have any suggestions they would be appreciated.

I'm pretty sure that "mplayer -idx" will sort this for you. Or "mplayer 
-forceidx" if it still won't play.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Budgie

On 25/07/15 13:13, Jim web wrote:

In article <>, Budgie

On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:

In article <>, Budgie

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
adds in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.

To start at the beginning and why this is on GiP list is that all the
problem downloads are from GiP and are BBC 3 classical music downloads
such as The Early Music Show or Opera on 3 and they are mostly "hi fi"
stereo or supposed to be!

FWIW I use gip a lot to fetch R3 files and don't get such problems. I
usually play them with Audacious without any problems.

The problems I have date from the various times when my GiP setup was
flawed or atomic parsley not installed, all through my ignorance.  They
fall into two categories, those that play but must be played from
beginning to end (no time markers,) and those which do not play at all
and stall the control app.   (I am using BubbleDS control app and Linn
Majik renderer playing files served by Minimserver from NAS.)

So presumably your problem may be down to the player/renderer or something
odd about your setup when the files were fetched.

FWIW I keep files on a NAS and play them via access using a standard
network filing system. Just use general purpose programs - audacious for
audio and VLC for AV. Fairly basic and simple.

The files are delivered by my GiP setup as .m4a files and there is no
video but there is usually a thumbnail and useful metadata about the
particular recording which I would like to retain.

OK, I tend to use --no-tag which I think means to discard any tagging. But
I may be wrong about that.

The simple command with ffmpeg you gave above halved the size of the
file but it would not play.  I tried various other variations, some
using winff GUI but none worked.

Ah. Be warned that using the command with no codec specifications at all
might change the codec/payload. You should use one of the ways we've
already described to specify keeing the codec payload unchanged. e.g. the
way I add

-acodec copy -vcodec copy

or the alternatives people have explained.

If you don't do that ffmpeg might have changed the content to some defaults
it thinks appropriate for you. Hence the change in file size.
Alternatively, the files may have junk in them for some reason I don't

Do your playing programs report the codec, bitrate, etc, so you can see
what they think they are getting?

If you or others have time I would appreciate some further help and it
may be appreciated if I went off group or started a new thread until I
can announce success!

I can't say what others feel about this being relevant. But if it isn't
welcome here you could ask on a newsgroup like since your
interest is audio for this.

ffmpeg is accompanied by probe and play programs. If you have these one
will give info on a file. The other will try to play it. If it plays it
will confirm that ffmpeg can make sense of it even if your usual players

If all else fails for the broken files you could try using ffmpeg to
generate an LPCM wave file as its output. If that works it is easier to
check, and could then be converted to something like flac for use if the
problem is otherwise unsolvable.

Afraid the above is only general comments as I'm not clear on the cause of
your problem. I haven't used the other things you mention so have no idea
what they may have done.


Hi Jim,
Many thanks.  I shall now do a check to see if these files play over the 
lan on a laptop.  My setup is not particularly exotic but I agree the 
control app may be the issue in some cases.

I ran ffprobe on the first offending file and cannot see anything wrong. 
 Trouble is I have no idea what to look for.Will go back over above 
advice in list.  I am sure the data is in the file so in worst case I 
could go down the LPCM route but not ready yet.

Will have a look at too.
Many thanks again.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Jim web
In article <>, Budgie
> On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:
> > In article <>, Budgie
> >  wrote:
> >
> > 2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
> > adds in sequential timestamps. i.e. using
> >
> > ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.

> To start at the beginning and why this is on GiP list is that all the
> problem downloads are from GiP and are BBC 3 classical music downloads
> such as The Early Music Show or Opera on 3 and they are mostly "hi fi"
> stereo or supposed to be!

FWIW I use gip a lot to fetch R3 files and don't get such problems. I
usually play them with Audacious without any problems.

> The problems I have date from the various times when my GiP setup was
> flawed or atomic parsley not installed, all through my ignorance.  They
> fall into two categories, those that play but must be played from
> beginning to end (no time markers,) and those which do not play at all
> and stall the control app.   (I am using BubbleDS control app and Linn
> Majik renderer playing files served by Minimserver from NAS.)

So presumably your problem may be down to the player/renderer or something
odd about your setup when the files were fetched.

FWIW I keep files on a NAS and play them via access using a standard
network filing system. Just use general purpose programs - audacious for
audio and VLC for AV. Fairly basic and simple.

> The files are delivered by my GiP setup as .m4a files and there is no
> video but there is usually a thumbnail and useful metadata about the
> particular recording which I would like to retain.

OK, I tend to use --no-tag which I think means to discard any tagging. But
I may be wrong about that.

> The simple command with ffmpeg you gave above halved the size of the
> file but it would not play.  I tried various other variations, some
> using winff GUI but none worked.

Ah. Be warned that using the command with no codec specifications at all
might change the codec/payload. You should use one of the ways we've
already described to specify keeing the codec payload unchanged. e.g. the
way I add

-acodec copy -vcodec copy

or the alternatives people have explained.

If you don't do that ffmpeg might have changed the content to some defaults
it thinks appropriate for you. Hence the change in file size.
Alternatively, the files may have junk in them for some reason I don't

Do your playing programs report the codec, bitrate, etc, so you can see
what they think they are getting?

> If you or others have time I would appreciate some further help and it
> may be appreciated if I went off group or started a new thread until I
> can announce success!

I can't say what others feel about this being relevant. But if it isn't
welcome here you could ask on a newsgroup like since your
interest is audio for this.

ffmpeg is accompanied by probe and play programs. If you have these one
will give info on a file. The other will try to play it. If it plays it
will confirm that ffmpeg can make sense of it even if your usual players

If all else fails for the broken files you could try using ffmpeg to
generate an LPCM wave file as its output. If that works it is easier to
check, and could then be converted to something like flac for use if the
problem is otherwise unsolvable.

Afraid the above is only general comments as I'm not clear on the cause of
your problem. I haven't used the other things you mention so have no idea
what they may have done.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Alan Milewczyk

On 25/07/2015 09:00, Jim web wrote:

In article <>, Peter S Kirk

Is there any quick way to find key frame times?

I'd also be interested in knowing that for the DVB-T2 streams.


Originally I used AVS4YOU (AVS Video Editor) to edit my files but found 
that, extracting a short clip from a half hour or one hour programme 
would take ages, whereas ffmpeg is very fast. However, the big advantage 
AVS Video Editor has is that it allows you advance the programme one 
frame at a time and the screen gives you the time for each frame. So I 
do the rough edit using ffmpeg to get the clip roughly down to size but 
then process smaller clip using AVS which allows me to do the fine 
tuning - I found that trying to do the final edit using ffmpeg often 
ended up with the first few seconds of sound missing.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Budgie

On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:

In article <>, Budgie

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.

I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't know the
specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.

1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This means the
version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)

I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall off-hand
what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may report
that later.

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv adds
in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.

ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that sometimes
I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to hand!)


Hi Jim,
I tried this as the simplest place to start and have made no progress. 
Also tried using Winff GUI and I think I need guidance on codecs etc. if 
you are willing.

To start at the beginning and why this is on GiP list is that all the 
problem downloads are from GiP and are BBC 3 classical music downloads 
such as The Early Music Show or Opera on 3 and they are mostly "hi fi" 
stereo or supposed to be!

The problems I have date from the various times when my GiP setup was 
flawed or atomic parsley not installed, all through my ignorance.  They 
fall into two categories, those that play but must be played from 
beginning to end (no time markers,) and those which do not play at all 
and stall the control app.   (I am using BubbleDS control app and Linn 
Majik renderer playing files served by Minimserver from NAS.)

The files are delivered by my GiP setup as .m4a files and there is no 
video but there is usually a thumbnail and useful metadata about the 
particular recording which I would like to retain.

The simple command with ffmpeg you gave above halved the size of the 
file but it would not play.  I tried various other variations, some 
using winff GUI but none worked.

If you or others have time I would appreciate some further help and it 
may be appreciated if I went off group or started a new thread until I 
can announce success!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Jim web
In article <>, Peter S Kirk

> Is there any quick way to find key frame times?

I'd also be interested in knowing that for the DVB-T2 streams.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-24 Thread Peter S Kirk
On 23 Jul 2015 at 21:56, Colin Law Colin Law  wrote:

> On 23 July 2015 at 09:59, Jim web  wrote:
> > ...
> > FWIW I tend to use this to 'snip' files
> >
> > ffmpeg -ss "hh:mm:ss" -i infile. -acodec copy -vcodec copy -t
> > "hh:mm:ss" output.
> You might occasionally find this gives strange effects at the start of
> the new file.  If you switch the options round so -i infile appears
> before -ss ".." then it stops this happening.  I think putting them
> this way round makes sure it scans the input file from the start so
> that the first frames of the output file are complete, whereas with
> them the other way round it just jumps in at the start point which can
> lead to strange artefacts.  Something like that anyway.


Useful info, thanks. If ffmpeg is starting the cut at the exact time if -ss 
before -i that implies it misses the necessary "key frame". The arefcats 
are a result of frames between key frames only containing changes from 
previous frame.

I use mkvtoolnix to split videos - with much laborious altering of split 
time to find +/- ss key frame - then remux mkv back to mp4 through ffmpeg 

Is there any quick way to find key frame times?



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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-24 Thread Jim web
Thanks, I'll try that.


In article
   Colin Law  wrote:
> On 23 July 2015 at 09:59, Jim web  wrote:
> > ...
> > FWIW I tend to use this to 'snip' files
> >
> > ffmpeg -ss "hh:mm:ss" -i infile. -acodec copy -vcodec copy -t
> > "hh:mm:ss" output.

> You might occasionally find this gives strange effects at the start of
> the new file.  If you switch the options round so -i infile appears
> before -ss ".." then it stops this happening.  I think putting them
> this way round makes sure it scans the input file from the start so
> that the first frames of the output file are complete, whereas with
> them the other way round it just jumps in at the start point which can
> lead to strange artefacts.  Something like that anyway.

> Colin

Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-23 Thread Colin Law
On 23 July 2015 at 09:59, Jim web  wrote:
> ...
> FWIW I tend to use this to 'snip' files
> ffmpeg -ss "hh:mm:ss" -i infile. -acodec copy -vcodec copy -t
> "hh:mm:ss" output.

You might occasionally find this gives strange effects at the start of
the new file.  If you switch the options round so -i infile appears
before -ss ".." then it stops this happening.  I think putting them
this way round makes sure it scans the input file from the start so
that the first frames of the output file are complete, whereas with
them the other way round it just jumps in at the start point which can
lead to strange artefacts.  Something like that anyway.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-23 Thread Jim web
In article <>, Jim web

> FWIW I tend to use this to 'snip' files

> ffmpeg -ss "hh:mm:ss" -i infile. -acodec copy -vcodec copy -t
> "hh:mm:ss" output.

Not sure it is of any interest, but just in case, it occurs to me to add
that a while ago I put a simple "AVChopper" rox app at

this lets me feed a text file containing a list of 'chop times' to the
program and it then snips the input av file into sections. It should work
without ROX. 

I mention it in case the source code helps anyone see how these commands
operate and how to exploit them. With ROX it makes it easier to do such
things via drag-and-drop. Source code provided for the amusement of
programmers. Anyone mad enough would be welcome to re-use it however they


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-23 Thread Jim web
In article <>, Budgie
> Hi Jim, Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if "passing through"
> ffmpeg would do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will
> try on a copy. No time at present.  Book keeping!!! Alastair.

FWIW I tend to use this to 'snip' files

ffmpeg -ss "hh:mm:ss" -i infile. -acodec copy -vcodec copy -t
"hh:mm:ss" output.

The codec copy parts ensure the 'payload' is unchanged. (You can use the
simpler way to specify this as Vangelis has explained. I use the above
because there are times when I want to alter one codec or the other and
this approach reminds me of what's going on.)

The -ss and -t parts are optional for taking a section out of the input
file. If you leave them out it should just try to tidy up - and recontainer
if you've chosen a different output container format.

The -ss specifies a start point at a time in hours:mins:sec from the start
of the input file.

The -t specified a duration for the output file length, staring from the
-ss time.

Mention this in detail because yesterday I found a file I'd downloaded
using gip that has a 'glitch' at the start. 

If I play it normally with VLC the picture jumps and gives blocking
rectangles during the first sec and the time count showed by VLC jumps. If
I just let VLC play on the vision and sound are out of lip synch by a fair
amount. However if I jump forward or back at all, lip synch is restored.

Its the first time I've seen this for a gip fetched file. But I've seen
this in captures from DVB-T2. I've not done it yet, but I suspect that
simply using the above to trim the first second or two off the file will
remove the problem.

BTW The VLC option I wanted to suggest was as follows:

Try using

vlc --codec avcodec,all 

when playing files.

If it can find the correct things that may help VLC to play files that its
default choices have timestamp or other problems with. Here it also helps
minimise problems with DVB-T2 captures where the audio codec *changes* on
the fly during transmission.

Note as I've said, though, this may depend on what versions/packages you
have installed.

BTW2 If you are using Linux I'd recommend you check out ROX filer. I tend
to write my own simple desktop ROX front ends for things like the above so
I can use them via drag-and-drop or a click. Not to everyone's taste, but I
much prefer it. Albeit that I run ROX filer *and* xfce in parallel. :-)


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-23 Thread Budgie

On 23/07/15 00:22, Kevin Lynch wrote:

I don't know why but I did not think you would be a *nix user.  Here's
the link to the opensuse package

On 22 July 2015 at 23:55, Budgie  wrote:

On 22/07/15 18:02, Kevin Lynch wrote:

If ffmpeg/avconv seems too intimidating to you. Remember you can use a
"helper" app winff it has a
nice UI that lets you easily access configuration information.

If you repost with a subject "re-encoding old mp3's with a broken
timestamps" some of the experts in the group will probably give some
hints on the minimum work your computer needs you need to "fix" the files.
IE if you expand the files out to "uncompressed wav" and then re-encode
to MP3, it will use a lot of CPU resources and you might lose the



On 22 July 2015 at 17:04, Budgie>> wrote:
  > On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:
  >> In article <
>, Budgie
  >>>> wrote:
  >>> The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a
  >>> of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my
  >>> up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to
  >>> but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.
  >> I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
  >> 'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't
know the
  >> specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.
  >> 1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This
means the
  >> version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)
  >> I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall
  >> what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may
  >> that later.
  >> 2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
  >> in sequential timestamps. i.e. using
  >> ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.
  >> ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that
  >> I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but
  >> didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to
  >> Jim
  > Hi Jim,
  > Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if "passing through" ffmpeg
would do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a
copy.  No time at present.  Book keeping!!!
  > Alastair.
  > ___
  > get_iplayer mailing list


Hi Kevin,
Many thanks and yes a user friendly gui is what I need if only to help with
my education.
Thanks for the link.  No windoze her but there is a link to linux.  I use
openSUSE 13.2 which is not yet on the one click install but am now on to it
so will find solution.
Thanks again,

Many thanks,
Yes I have it.  Will report progress with time markers in due course.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-22 Thread Kevin Lynch
I don't know why but I did not think you would be a *nix user.  Here's
the link to the opensuse package

On 22 July 2015 at 23:55, Budgie  wrote:
> On 22/07/15 18:02, Kevin Lynch wrote:
>> Alastair
>> If ffmpeg/avconv seems too intimidating to you. Remember you can use a
>> "helper" app winff it has a
>> nice UI that lets you easily access configuration information.
>> If you repost with a subject "re-encoding old mp3's with a broken
>> timestamps" some of the experts in the group will probably give some
>> hints on the minimum work your computer needs you need to "fix" the files.
>> IE if you expand the files out to "uncompressed wav" and then re-encode
>> to MP3, it will use a lot of CPU resources and you might lose the
>> metadata.
>> regards
>> Kevin
>> On 22 July 2015 at 17:04, Budgie > > wrote:
>>  >
>>  > On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:
>>  >>
>>  >> In article <
>> >, Budgie
>>  >>>> wrote:
>>  >>
>>  >>> The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a
>> number
>>  >>> of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my
>> set
>>  >>> up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to
>> finish
>>  >>> but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
>>  >> 'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't
>> know the
>>  >> specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.
>>  >>
>>  >> 1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This
>> means the
>>  >> version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)
>>  >>
>>  >> I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall
>> off-hand
>>  >> what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may
>> report
>>  >> that later.
>>  >>
>>  >> 2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
>> adds
>>  >> in sequential timestamps. i.e. using
>>  >>
>>  >> ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.
>>  >>
>>  >> ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that
>> sometimes
>>  >> I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but
>> another
>>  >> didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to
>> hand!)
>>  >>
>>  >> Jim
>>  >>
>>  > Hi Jim,
>>  > Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if "passing through" ffmpeg
>> would do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a
>> copy.  No time at present.  Book keeping!!!
>>  > Alastair.
>>  >
>>  > ___
>>  > get_iplayer mailing list
>>  >
>>  >
> Hi Kevin,
> Many thanks and yes a user friendly gui is what I need if only to help with
> my education.
> Thanks for the link.  No windoze her but there is a link to linux.  I use
> openSUSE 13.2 which is not yet on the one click install but am now on to it
> so will find solution.
> Thanks again,
> Budge

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-22 Thread Budgie

On 22/07/15 18:02, Kevin Lynch wrote:

If ffmpeg/avconv seems too intimidating to you. Remember you can use a
"helper" app winff it has a
nice UI that lets you easily access configuration information.

If you repost with a subject "re-encoding old mp3's with a broken
timestamps" some of the experts in the group will probably give some
hints on the minimum work your computer needs you need to "fix" the files.
IE if you expand the files out to "uncompressed wav" and then re-encode
to MP3, it will use a lot of CPU resources and you might lose the metadata.



On 22 July 2015 at 17:04, Budgie>> wrote:
 > On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:
 >> In article <
>, Budgie
 >>>> wrote:
 >>> The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
 >>> of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
 >>> up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
 >>> but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.
 >> I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
 >> 'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't
know the
 >> specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.
 >> 1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This
means the
 >> version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)
 >> I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall
 >> what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may
 >> that later.
 >> 2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
 >> in sequential timestamps. i.e. using
 >> ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.
 >> ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that
 >> I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
 >> didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to
 >> Jim
 > Hi Jim,
 > Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if "passing through" ffmpeg
would do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a
copy.  No time at present.  Book keeping!!!
 > Alastair.
 > ___
 > get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Kevin,
Many thanks and yes a user friendly gui is what I need if only to help 
with my education.
Thanks for the link.  No windoze her but there is a link to linux.  I 
use openSUSE 13.2 which is not yet on the one click install but am now 
on to it so will find solution.

Thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-22 Thread Budgie

On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:

In article <>, Budgie

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.

I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't know the
specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.

1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This means the
version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)

I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall off-hand
what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may report
that later.

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv adds
in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.

ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that sometimes
I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to hand!)


Hi Jim,
Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if "passing through" ffmpeg would 
do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a copy. 
 No time at present.  Book keeping!!!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-22 Thread Jim web
In article <>, Budgie

> The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
> of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
> up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
> but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme. 

I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't know the
specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.

1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This means the
version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)

I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall off-hand
what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may report
that later.

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv adds
in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile. cleanfile.

ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that sometimes
I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to hand!)


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Tue Jul 21 18:08:04 BST 2015, Jim web wrote:

IIRC I always tend to use

-acodec copy -vcodec copy

Hi Jim...

"-c copy" (also "-codec copy" or "-codec: copy")
in fact means "copy all the streams without reencoding";
there exist two elementary streams inside the FLV
container (video+audio), so in this case:

"-c copy" = "-acodec copy -vcodec copy"

(and "-acodec copy"/"-vcodec copy" is a slightly
older wording, though still backwards compatible;
the ffmpeg devs propose we use
"-c:a copy"/"-c:v copy" instead...)

ffmpeg -i foo.flv -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc foo.mp4

curious to know what the -bsf option choice does.
I'll have a man read. :-)

2.1 aac_adtstoasc

Convert MPEG-2/4 AAC ADTS to MPEG-4 Audio Specific Configuration bitstream 
This filter creates an MPEG-4 AudioSpecificConfig from an MPEG-2/4 ADTS 
header and removes the ADTS header.
This is required for example when copying an AAC stream from a raw ADTS 
AAC container to a FLV or a MOV/MP4 file.

It turns out this filter is not actually needed
in the lossless remux of FLV to MP4; I remember
reading many moons ago in the "videohelp" forums
that it doesn't hurt including it in the command; I did some
fresh tests with an FFmpeg 2.7.1 win32 binary and indeed
I see no difference with it included or not.
HOWEVER, you should use this audio filter when:

1. an elementary audio stream with the ADTS header
is muxed into the MP4 container:

ffmpeg -loglevel 16 -stats -i EV.h264 -i EA.aac -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc 

2. you remux losslessly from the MPEG-TS container
to the MP4 one:

ffmpeg -i AV.ts  -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc AV.mp4

(.ts files often the product of ffmpeg recording
AppleHLS live or on-demand streams...)

If you can read Perl, you can see how this filter is
already used in GiP 2.94, if you search
for the term: "aac_adtstoasc"


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Budgie

On 21/07/15 17:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Tue Jul 21 16:28:36 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

the end product is .flv

Hello Alastair :-)

By default, anything downloaded by rtmpdump ends up inside the Adobe FLV
container, with ".flv" as file extension!

gfv reports sampletype mp4a

Again, this is reported by rtmpdump ("INFO: sampletype mp4a", you should
also see: "INFO: audiocodecid mp4a") and this info refers to the
elementary audio stream inside the FLV container.

How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

".m4a" is the file extension of MP4 files containing only an audio
stream inside the MP4 container; is that what you really want to do
(i.e. extract only the audio from the FLV file and put in within the MP4
container)? My guess is that you'd rather LOSSLESSLY REMUX the FLV file
to an MP4 file, keeping both video+audio streams...

Use ffmpeg to perform the remux:

ffmpeg -i foo.flv -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc foo.mp4

On the subject of ffmpeg, will this insert time stamps when
transcoding and how does one set the interval?

Pardon me, but I do not quite understand what you're saying here - my
command above does a lossless remux without transcoding - TRANSCODING is
not what you'd want because it is a source (and time) demanding
procedure - resort to transcoding in the event your hardware media
player does not support the H.264 AVC video codec (very unlikely...)

Regards from boiling hot Greece (30C inside, 38C outside...)

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Just showing my ignorance and you have guessed my intentions correctly. 
 It is the MP4 container I was looking for.  It now seems, however, 
that I don't need it as the file plays fine on the renderer I am using.

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number 
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set 
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish 
but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.  Since they are 2 
hours long this makes life difficult as I seldom have an uninterrupted 2 
hours!  My understanding is that time markers are missing but have no 
idea if this is correct analysis or if it can be rectified. If you have 
any suggestions they would be appreciated.

Many thanks for your reply.
Regards from wet and cool Scotland.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Budgie

On 21/07/15 18:20, C E Macfarlane wrote:

 On a technical note, the gfv reports sampletype mp4a but the
 end product
 is .flv.  How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

I dare say there's more than one way of doing it, but this is what I use ...

For audio only:
ffmpeg -i input-blah.m4a.flv -acodec copy output-blah.m4a

For audio and video:
ffmpeg -i input-blah.mp4.flv -acodec copy -vcodec copy output-blah.mp4

 On the subject of ffmpeg, will this insert time stamps when
 and how does one set the interval?

Can't help there ...


Hi Charles,
Many thanks.  I am now OK with flv files thanks but see my last reply to 
Vangelis about the time markers (or whatever they are called,).  It 
explains the problem but finding solution not urgent, just part of the 
housekeeping for my music library.


get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread C E Macfarlane
> On a technical note, the gfv reports sampletype mp4a but the
> end product
> is .flv.  How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

I dare say there's more than one way of doing it, but this is what I use ...

For audio only:
ffmpeg -i input-blah.m4a.flv -acodec copy output-blah.m4a

For audio and video:
ffmpeg -i input-blah.mp4.flv -acodec copy -vcodec copy output-blah.mp4

> On the subject of ffmpeg, will this insert time stamps when
> transcoding
> and how does one set the interval?

Can't help there ...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Jim web
In article , Vangelis

> Use ffmpeg to perform the remux:

> ffmpeg -i foo.flv -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc foo.mp4

curious to know what thr -bsf option choice does. I'll have a man read. :-)

IIRC I always tend to use

-acodec copy -vcodec copy

But I have no idea what may be relevant for ITV material.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Jul 21 16:28:36 BST 2015, Budgie wrote: 

the end product is .flv

Hello Alastair :-)

By default, anything downloaded by rtmpdump 
ends up inside the Adobe FLV container, 
with ".flv" as file extension!

gfv reports sampletype mp4a

Again, this is reported by rtmpdump 
("INFO: sampletype mp4a", you should also see: 
"INFO: audiocodecid mp4a") and this info 
refers to the elementary audio stream inside 
the FLV container.

How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

".m4a" is the file extension of MP4 files 
containing only an audio stream inside the 
MP4 container; is that what you really 
want to do (i.e. extract only the audio from 
the FLV file and put in within the MP4 container)? 
My guess is that you'd rather 
an MP4 file, keeping both video+audio streams...

Use ffmpeg to perform the remux:

ffmpeg -i foo.flv -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc foo.mp4

On the subject of ffmpeg, 
will this insert time stamps when transcoding 
and how does one set the interval?

Pardon me, but I do not quite understand 
what you're saying here - my command 
above does a lossless remux without transcoding - 
TRANSCODING is not what you'd want 
because it is a source (and time) demanding 
procedure - resort to transcoding in the event 
your hardware media player does not support 
the H.264 AVC video codec (very unlikely...)

Regards from boiling hot Greece (30C inside, 
38C outside...)


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Budgie

On 21/07/15 13:13, David Cantrell wrote:

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:03:30AM +0100, C E Macfarlane wrote:

Now too I can confirm that it is possible to download ITV programmes using

The trouble is, looking through the programmes available, there's nothing
worth watching anyway!

I believe that they'll have some of the Rugby World Cup games, so there
should be something worth watching on their shitty channels in a coupla
months time.

I agree there is not much there but I do want the Lumley Trans-Siberian 
series.  I did the journey myself in the 1980s and want to see how it 
has all changed.

On a technical note, the gfv reports sampletype mp4a but the end product 
is .flv.  How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

On the subject of ffmpeg, will this insert time stamps when transcoding 
and how does one set the interval?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:03:30AM +0100, C E Macfarlane wrote:

> Now too I can confirm that it is possible to download ITV programmes using
> get_flash_videos.
> The trouble is, looking through the programmes available, there's nothing
> worth watching anyway!

I believe that they'll have some of the Rugby World Cup games, so there
should be something worth watching on their shitty channels in a coupla
months time.

David Cantrell | London Perl Mongers Deputy Chief Heretic

There is no one true indentation style,
But if there were K&R would be Its Prophets.
Peace be upon Their Holy Beards.

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Requests For Features

2015-07-20 Thread C E Macfarlane
Now too I can confirm that it is possible to download ITV programmes using

The trouble is, looking through the programmes available, there's nothing
worth watching anyway!

Perhaps if I can work out how to download the live streams, some of the
films might be worth watching, but I haven't looked into that yet.

If anyone wishes to try installing get_flash_videos, see also below, others
can ignore the rest of this post.

> > get_flash_videos, which runs on most UNIX variants.
> get_flash_videos is a Perl script (like GiP) with a broader scope;
> its ITV support is provided via the plugin, maintained by a
> (former?) list member, Nigel Taylor:
> lashVideo/Site/
> > i have not used get_flash_videos.
> The Perl package that comes with the Windows installer of GiP
> doesn't support get_flash_videos (... naturally), so I had to install
> Strawberry Perl Portable to an external HDD and after
> many a tries I managed to get working...
> ITVPlayer (as expected is geo-blocked) uses rtmpe but the
> files themselves
> are not encrypted, so rtmpdump performs the job beautifully...
> I can confirm  get_flash_videos works fine for ITV shows...

Personally, I prefer ActivePERL, but in fact I got get_flash_videos working
on a Linux PC.


All that is needed to get get_flash_videos working is to install the PERL
dependencies using CPAN.  The dependencies are given here:


However, before attempting this, it's probably wise to ensure that your PERL
modules are up-to-date, and therein lie the complications glossed over in
the bland paragraph above!  Some abbreviated (because I've already done it,
so am working from aging memory) instructions follow:

1)  Ensure that PERL is on your system path. Open a Command Prompt (DOS Box)
and enter ...
perl --version
... and if a meaningful response is obtained, there's nothing more to do.
If you get a message "'Perl' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file." then do the following: Sign on as
Administrator,  My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Environment
Variables, System Variables,  Path, and APPEND to the end of the
current value ; following the format of the existing entries.
Note that if PERL is under Program Files rather than the root, use the
shortname version PROGRA~1 rather than the full name.  Click OK all the way
out to save the changes.  To confirm the changes have taken open a NEW
Command Prompt and perform the above test again.

2)  Upgrade your PERL modules using CPAN (probably you will still have to be
signed on as Admin).  Type ...
... in a Command Prompt.  If this is the first time you've run it, it may go
off to download and install some development tools that it needs before it
can function fully.  This may take a while and is normal.  Then, at the cpan
prompt, type ...
... and cpan will search through all the modules installed and update to the
latest version all those for which it can determine that a newer version
exists.  This while take some time, during which you should try and keep an
eye on the console messages, and note down any failures, though a summary
will be given at the end.

To help understand the messages, it is useful to understand that most
modules are installed in four stages, each of which requires the successful
completion of those that precede:
(i) Building the module
(ii)Building the tests
(iii)   Testing
Also that if a target module has installation dependencies, CPAN will
download and install these before the target module.

Sometimes failures will be because the updated module is part of a newer
version of PERL than is installed, and these can be ignored.  Some failures
may be caused by the absence of an external program  -  any module with SQL
in its name will not install if MySQL is not installed, any with SSL if
OpenSSL is not installed, and so on  -  and, with the possible exception of
the latter, these too can be ignored.  Sometimes an endless circular
dependency loop occurs, where the installation of one module requires a
second, the installation of which requires the first.  When this happened to
me, I simply installed whichever seemed to be the most basic module by hand,
in the manner described below, and then the other installed fine.  Sometimes
network modules might ask whether they should try and access the network to
test themselves more thoroughly, I usually refuse this, as it often seems to
fail.  Sometimes failures occur because some required module is missing or
out of dat

RE: Requests For Features

2015-04-17 Thread C E Macfarlane
See below ...

> Why are we having this discussion on this list ?

Because I thought, and still think, it a perfectly reasonably thing to

> The only people that
> inconveniences are those who want to access their content for nothing.

Or people like myself who, for the moment, can't get a signal.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-17 Thread michael norman

On 17/04/15 12:31, David Cantrell wrote:

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 12:31:36AM +0100, Peter S Kirk wrote:

My hope is that some day ITV, C4 and C5 see the light and realise that all
the obstacles they erect have no effect on preventing leaks, but only annoy
and inconvenience UK residents.

But they don't inconvenience UK residents in general. They inconvenience
a tiny number of geeks, who, to be blunt, they don't care about because
they tend not to be the sort of people that their advertisers (that is,
the people who are ITV/C4/C5's customers) care about.

Normal people either enslave themselves to the TV schedule, or record
stuff on whatever the modern equivalent of a VCR is, or they don't care
what they watch they just want to stare vacantly all day at the shiny
box in the corner of the room. People like you and me who are
discriminating in our viewing choices, refuse to enslave ourselves to a
broadcaster's schedule, and want to download stuff instead of recording
it are really not at all important to them.

That may change in the future, of course, and when their incentives
change then I expect their behaviour to change too.

Why are we having this discussion on this list ?

BBC makes iplayer content we can use GIP to access that.

Commercial tv companies will never do that.  The only people that 
inconveniences are those who want to access their content for nothing.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-17 Thread David Cantrell
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 12:31:36AM +0100, Peter S Kirk wrote:

> My hope is that some day ITV, C4 and C5 see the light and realise that all 
> the obstacles they erect have no effect on preventing leaks, but only annoy 
> and inconvenience UK residents.

But they don't inconvenience UK residents in general. They inconvenience
a tiny number of geeks, who, to be blunt, they don't care about because
they tend not to be the sort of people that their advertisers (that is,
the people who are ITV/C4/C5's customers) care about.

Normal people either enslave themselves to the TV schedule, or record
stuff on whatever the modern equivalent of a VCR is, or they don't care
what they watch they just want to stare vacantly all day at the shiny
box in the corner of the room. People like you and me who are
discriminating in our viewing choices, refuse to enslave ourselves to a
broadcaster's schedule, and want to download stuff instead of recording
it are really not at all important to them.

That may change in the future, of course, and when their incentives
change then I expect their behaviour to change too.

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

   23.5 degrees of axial tilt is the reason for the season

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-16 Thread Peter S Kirk
On 15 Apr 2015 at 18:03, Vangelis forthnet Vangelis forthnet 

> Peter Kirk wrote:
> > C4 & C5 are not possible as they use rtmpe
> > and afaik no solution has been found.
> 4oD currently uses AdobeHDS (over HTTP) with FlashAccessDRM encryption,
> which has not been reverse-engineered; all other previously un-encrypted 
> formats
> (PSP, mobile devices, YouTubeChannel) have been killed, so screen recorders
> are the only option :-( ... ).
> Last time I checked, Demand5 still used rtmp(e) protocol, but the streamed 
> files
> were encrypted and used on-the-fly decryption, so even if I could download a
> an FLV file with rtmpdump, it was encrypted hence unplayable...
> Many regards to all,
> Vangelis. 


Many thanks for the additional information and tips. I'm always keen to 
learn more.

My hope is that some day ITV, C4 and C5 see the light and realise that all 
the obstacles they erect have no effect on preventing leaks, but only annoy 
and inconvenience UK residents. If they adopted the BBC's relatively open 
format (with geo-blocking) so we can download their programmes to watch 
when, where and on device that suits us; then I and others would not need 
to search for alternative sources such as Mr Google's TPB cache.



get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-15 Thread Kevin Lynch
Thanks John for responding.
I think it's really interesting that mosts of the feature requests are
for things that are already there (my plex suggestion - with the
presets options which is even better than what I was thinking of) or
outside the scope of the product (capture ITV, C4, C5).

On 11 April 2015 at 00:27, J K.Eason  wrote:
> I've never used it, but can you not use GiP's --preset option for that?
> under the
> 'Option Presets and Shortcuts' link.
>> *From:* Kevin Lynch 
>> *To:*
>> *CC:* get_iplayer 
>> *Date:* Fri, 10 Apr 2015 23:58:11 +0100
>> Seeing as there is some sort of brainstorming going on.
>> One feature I'd like is the ability to define is a "plex" a grouping
>> of channels in the search options. Currently when I search I use
>> these
>> terms frequently
>> "--channel="BBC one,BBC Two,BBC four,BBC Radio 4,BBC Radio 3,BBC
>> Radio
>> Ulster" and
>> "--exclude-channel="S4C,BBC Scotland,BBC ALBA,Cbeebies,CBBC"
>> in this case my plex would be
>> preferred_channels_plex="BBC one,BBC Two,BBC four,BBC Radio 4,BBC
>> Radio 3,BBC Radio Ulster"
>> avoid_channels_plex="S4C,BBC Scotland,BBC ALBA,Cbeebies,CBBC"
>> Then when I search I could have
>> get_iplayer --type=radio,tv  --channel=preferred_channels_plex
>> --excludechannel=avoid_channels_plex --since 96
>> or
>> get_iplayer --type=radio,tv  --excludechannel=avoid_channels_plex
>> --since 96
> Regards
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-15 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Wed Apr 15 04:48:49 BST 2015, artisticforge wrote:

I have never seen GIP used to download ITV,
and I have been around a long time.

Hi Terry, hope you're well :-)

In the era (2008+) of GiP by Phil Lewis,
GiP did offer support for media networks other than BBC;
it was then more of a challenge to illustrate it was feasible by
using Open Sourse tools, rather than satisfy the needs
of GiP users... The support code was initially intergrated into the
main script, but later changed into a plugin structure...
4oD, DemandFive & hulu support was dropped on May 06 2009:

ITV plugin was retained, but back then ITV player would use WMV files 

via MS's proprietary Silverlight browser plugin.
You can view a history of  itv.plugin here:

Grab the latest commit of itv.plugin (from the GiP repo):

I'm on win32, so I placed it inside


As you've already said, it works till now, but only
for indexing ITVPlayer's offerings:

get_iplayer --type=itv -f --force

(ignore the WARNINGs at the beginning...)

At a later stage, Phil decided to remove ITV.plugin, too:

get_flash_videos, which runs on most UNIX variants.

get_flash_videos is a Perl script (like GiP) with a broader scope;
its ITV support is provided via the plugin, maintained by a
(former?) list member, Nigel Taylor:

i have not used get_flash_videos.

The Perl package that comes with the Windows installer of GiP
doesn't support get_flash_videos (... naturally), so I had to install
Strawberry Perl Portable to an external HDD and after
many a tries I managed to get working...
ITVPlayer (as expected is geo-blocked) uses rtmpe but the files themselves
are not encrypted, so rtmpdump performs the job beautifully...
I can confirm  get_flash_videos works fine for ITV shows...

ITV integration has been requested quite a few times in this list,
but it was made very clear it is not to be...
Since GiP, get_flash_videos & Get iPlayer Automator are
all Open Sourse, this is not beyond the realm of feasibility,
if a Perl guru ever decides to undertake such a task...

There are two programs that I know of that are able to download ITV 

If you are comfortable with having Java installed,
FreeRapidDownloader (FRD):

does a nice job for ITV; subs are supported, too!

Peter Kirk wrote:

C4 & C5 are not possible as they use rtmpe
and afaik no solution has been found.

4oD currently uses AdobeHDS (over HTTP) with FlashAccessDRM encryption,
which has not been reverse-engineered; all other previously un-encrypted 

(PSP, mobile devices, YouTubeChannel) have been killed, so screen recorders
are the only option :-( ... ).
Last time I checked, Demand5 still used rtmp(e) protocol, but the streamed 

were encrypted and used on-the-fly decryption, so even if I could download a
an FLV file with rtmpdump, it was encrypted hence unplayable...

(apologies to those that find slightly OT content annoying...)

Many regards to all,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-14 Thread artisticforge .

I have never seen GIP used to download ITV, and I have been around a long time.

There are two programs that I know of that are able to download ITV programs.
Get iPlayer Automator, which runs on MacOSX.
get_flash_videos, which runs on most UNIX variants.

Get iPlayer Automator is located at:

get_flash_videos, is located at

i have not used get_flash_videos. It is installed on my Debian Linux box.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 6:24 PM, Budgie  wrote:
> On 11/04/15 22:32, Terry L. Ridder wrote:
>> Hello
>> The ITV plugin is broken. The most it is able to do is down the ITV cache
>> file. Get-iPlayer-Automator only uses it for that purpose. The code that GIA
>> uses to download ITV is in GIA.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 11, 2015, at 12:47, Budgie  wrote:
 On 11/04/15 07:59, Alan Milewczyk wrote:
> On 10/04/2015 20:32, Peter S Kirk wrote:
> On 10 Apr 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane
>  wrote:
>> 2)How near are we to an option to download output from other
>> sources, such
>> as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?
> You mean like:

 Yes, but for Windows
> I too would like the addition of ITV. C4 & C5 are not possible as they
> use
> rtmpe and afaik no solution has been found.

 Channels 4 and 5 are no great loss to me but ITV would be nice.


 get_iplayer mailing list
>>> Isn't that what the ITV Plugin is for?
>>> It has been a while since I used GiP for downloading an ITV programme but
>>> it used to work.  Not straight forward as I recall and I needed help: Not
>>> sure if it was on list or via PM.
>>> Perhaps somebody could update us on this.
>>> Budge.
>>> ___
>>> get_iplayer mailing list
>> ___
>> get_iplayer mailing list
> Hi Terry,
> I have lost instructions and cannot remember how I used to download ITV with
> GiP but as several subscribers have expressed an interest they might wish to
> try get-flash-videos.
> This presently works well for ITV catchup but not at present for Channel4
> and 4od.  Please forgive the OT nature of this message.
> Budge
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

terry l. ridder ><>

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-13 Thread Budgie

On 11/04/15 22:32, Terry L. Ridder wrote:


The ITV plugin is broken. The most it is able to do is down the ITV cache file. 
Get-iPlayer-Automator only uses it for that purpose. The code that GIA uses to 
download ITV is in GIA.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2015, at 12:47, Budgie  wrote:

On 11/04/15 07:59, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 10/04/2015 20:32, Peter S Kirk wrote:
On 10 Apr 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane

2)How near are we to an option to download output from other
sources, such
as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?

You mean like:

Yes, but for Windows

I too would like the addition of ITV. C4 & C5 are not possible as they
rtmpe and afaik no solution has been found.

Channels 4 and 5 are no great loss to me but ITV would be nice.


get_iplayer mailing list

Isn't that what the ITV Plugin is for?

It has been a while since I used GiP for downloading an ITV programme but it 
used to work.  Not straight forward as I recall and I needed help: Not sure if 
it was on list or via PM.
Perhaps somebody could update us on this.

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Terry,
I have lost instructions and cannot remember how I used to download ITV 
with GiP but as several subscribers have expressed an interest they 
might wish to try get-flash-videos.

This presently works well for ITV catchup but not at present for 
Channel4 and 4od.  Please forgive the OT nature of this message.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-12 Thread Jonathan Larmour
On 10/04/15 19:02, C E Macfarlane wrote:
> Fourth attempt, here are some suggestions/requests for features ...

It might well be because the IP of the mail server you are sending through is
listed in multiple RBLs:

Get them to improve their policy with preventing spam coming through them, and
if they don't, change mail provider.

> 6)A command-line option to change the rtmpdump timeout default, currently
> hardcoded to 10  -  I am having to use 100 because of the slowness and
> flakiness of my internet connection, still unfixed by BT after reported as a
> fault a month ago.

You can already do this by invoking get_iplayer with e.g.:
  --rtmp-tv-opts '--timeout 60' --rtmp-radio-opts '--timeout 60'

I expect you can probably use --prefs-add to make these options permanent.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-11 Thread Terry L. Ridder

The ITV plugin is broken. The most it is able to do is down the ITV cache file. 
Get-iPlayer-Automator only uses it for that purpose. The code that GIA uses to 
download ITV is in GIA. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 11, 2015, at 12:47, Budgie  wrote:
>> On 11/04/15 07:59, Alan Milewczyk wrote:
>>> On 10/04/2015 20:32, Peter S Kirk wrote:
>>> On 10 Apr 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane
>>>  wrote:
 2)How near are we to an option to download output from other
 sources, such
 as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?
>>> You mean like:
>> Yes, but for Windows
>>> I too would like the addition of ITV. C4 & C5 are not possible as they
>>> use
>>> rtmpe and afaik no solution has been found.
>> Channels 4 and 5 are no great loss to me but ITV would be nice.
>> A
>> ___
>> get_iplayer mailing list
> Isn't that what the ITV Plugin is for?
> It has been a while since I used GiP for downloading an ITV programme but it 
> used to work.  Not straight forward as I recall and I needed help: Not sure 
> if it was on list or via PM.
> Perhaps somebody could update us on this.
> Budge.
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-11 Thread Budgie

On 11/04/15 07:59, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 10/04/2015 20:32, Peter S Kirk wrote:

On 10 Apr 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane

2)How near are we to an option to download output from other
sources, such
as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?

You mean like:

Yes, but for Windows

I too would like the addition of ITV. C4 & C5 are not possible as they
rtmpe and afaik no solution has been found.

Channels 4 and 5 are no great loss to me but ITV would be nice.


get_iplayer mailing list

Isn't that what the ITV Plugin is for?

It has been a while since I used GiP for downloading an ITV programme 
but it used to work.  Not straight forward as I recall and I needed 
help: Not sure if it was on list or via PM.

Perhaps somebody could update us on this.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-11 Thread Alan Milewczyk

On 10/04/2015 20:32, Peter S Kirk wrote:

On 10 Apr 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane

2)  How near are we to an option to download output from other sources, such
as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?

You mean like:

Yes, but for Windows

I too would like the addition of ITV. C4 & C5 are not possible as they use
rtmpe and afaik no solution has been found.

Channels 4 and 5 are no great loss to me but ITV would be nice.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-10 Thread J K.Eason
I've never used it, but can you not use GiP's --preset option for that? under the
'Option Presets and Shortcuts' link.
> *From:* Kevin Lynch 
> *To:*
> *CC:* get_iplayer 
> *Date:* Fri, 10 Apr 2015 23:58:11 +0100

> Seeing as there is some sort of brainstorming going on.
> One feature I'd like is the ability to define is a "plex" a grouping
> of channels in the search options. Currently when I search I use 
> these
> terms frequently
> "--channel="BBC one,BBC Two,BBC four,BBC Radio 4,BBC Radio 3,BBC 
> Radio
> Ulster" and
> "--exclude-channel="S4C,BBC Scotland,BBC ALBA,Cbeebies,CBBC"
> in this case my plex would be
> preferred_channels_plex="BBC one,BBC Two,BBC four,BBC Radio 4,BBC
> Radio 3,BBC Radio Ulster"
> avoid_channels_plex="S4C,BBC Scotland,BBC ALBA,Cbeebies,CBBC"
> Then when I search I could have
> get_iplayer --type=radio,tv  --channel=preferred_channels_plex
> --excludechannel=avoid_channels_plex --since 96
> or
> get_iplayer --type=radio,tv  --excludechannel=avoid_channels_plex 
> --since 96 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-10 Thread Kevin Lynch
Seeing as there is some sort of brainstorming going on.
One feature I'd like is the ability to define is a "plex" a grouping
of channels in the search options. Currently when I search I use these
terms frequently

"--channel="BBC one,BBC Two,BBC four,BBC Radio 4,BBC Radio 3,BBC Radio
Ulster" and
"--exclude-channel="S4C,BBC Scotland,BBC ALBA,Cbeebies,CBBC"
in this case my plex would be
preferred_channels_plex="BBC one,BBC Two,BBC four,BBC Radio 4,BBC
Radio 3,BBC Radio Ulster"
avoid_channels_plex="S4C,BBC Scotland,BBC ALBA,Cbeebies,CBBC"

Then when I search I could have

get_iplayer --type=radio,tv  --channel=preferred_channels_plex
--excludechannel=avoid_channels_plex --since 96
get_iplayer --type=radio,tv  --excludechannel=avoid_channels_plex --since 96

On 10 April 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane  wrote:
> Fourth attempt, here are some suggestions/requests for features ...
> 1)  How near are we to an option to download the 320kbps streams that I 
> have
> seen discussed?
> 2)  How near are we to an option to download output from other sources, 
> such
> as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?
> 3)  Print the time when starting a download, so that later the finish time
> can be estimated.
> 4)  As previously requested, a command-line option to camelise the 
> filename,
> for example ...
> Letter_From_America_By_Alistair_Cooke
> ... instead of the default ...
> Letter_from_America_by_Alistair_Cooke
> 5)  As previously requested, a command-line option to prevent the cache 
> being
> flushed and re-downloaded.
> 6)  A command-line option to change the rtmpdump timeout default, 
> currently
> hardcoded to 10  -  I am having to use 100 because of the slowness and
> flakiness of my internet connection, still unfixed by BT after reported as a
> fault a month ago.
> 7)  A command-line option, perhaps linked to the --force and/or 
> --overwrite
> options, to clear duplicates from the download history, by choosing either
> the HD version or the most recently downloaded version and deleting others.
> Thanks for all the work.
> C E Macfarlane
> ___
> get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list