Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi Simon,

> For all I know, no one is using quasi-quotation (although it's a very
> cool feature, thanks to Geoff Mainland), but I didn't think I should
> take it for granted!

For info, My PhD student George Giorgidze and myself are using it
for our EDSL Hydra for non-causal modelling and simulation of
physical systems.

Indeed, it is a very cool feature. Actually, for us, almost essential,
as it gives us *principled* control over the syntax of the deep aspects
of our embedding in a way that the usually embedding tricks just don't

We'll have a look.

Thanks for letting us know!


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Malcolm Wallace
 (ii) If "[pads|" is a lexeme, then some list comprehensions become  

I am not myself a TH or QQ user, but it has always bothered me  
slightly that the syntax for them steals some valid list comprehensions.

Of the alternative syntaxes you suggest...

My gut feel is to go with [|pads| ... |].

... this one feels the nicest, because [|  |] is an ascii  
approximation of the common syntactic brackets used in semantic  
specifications.  In some ways, to make the correspondence even closer,

pads [| ... |]

might be even better, although I realise that this might present new  

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread John O'Donnell

I've been experimenting with quasiquoting, and would like to see both of 
Kathleen's suggestions adopted.  The top level quasi quotes would be useful, 
and reducing the notational noise would be very nice.  I don't see the issue of 
stealing some currently-valid list comprehensions as very serious.  Since 
[t|t<-ts] and other forms are gone, I've come to think of the syntax [foobar| 
as already taken for all foobar.

The loss here seems minimal but the gain is that DSLs can look more natural.

John O'Donnell

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Simon 
Sent: 01 February 2010 06:51
Cc: Kathleen Fisher;
Subject: Quasi quoting

Dear GHC users

This email is to announce two proposed changes to GHC's quasi-quotation 
mechanism.  For all I know, no one is using quasi-quotation (although it's a 
very cool feature, thanks to Geoff Mainland), but I didn't think I should take 
it for granted!

The current spec is here:

A quasi-quote can appear as a (a) expression (b) pattern, and looks like this
[$pads| ...blah... |]

where 'pads' (of course any name will do) is a record of functions
   data QuasiQuoter = QuasiQuoter {
 quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp
 quotePat :: String -> Q Pat

The idea is that GHC evaluates (pads "...blah..."), and splices in the 
resulting Exp (or Pat) just as if that's what the user wrote in the first place.

Kathleen Fisher has started to use this for her PADS system, and came up with 
two suggestions.

1. Allow quasi-quotes at the (top-level) declaration level, just like TH 
splices. So you could say, at top level
[$pads| ...blah... |]
and have it expand to a bunch of top level Haskell declarations. This seems 
like an unconditionally good idea. To support it we'd need to add a field to 
   data QuasiQuoter = QuasiQuoter {
 quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp
 quotePat :: String -> Q Pat
 quoteDec :: String -> Q [Dec]
but I don't think anyone will lose sleep over that.

2.  Make the notation less noisy for the "customer".  In particular, that '$' 
is scary, and redundant to boot.  She would like to write
[pads| ...blah... |]

I can see the motivation here, but there are two reasons for caution.

  (i) The Template Haskell quote forms [t| ... |] and [d| ... |] behave
  rather differently.

  (ii) If "[pads|" is a lexeme, then some list comprehensions become illegal, 
   as  [x|x<-xs,y<-ys].  But note that because of Template Haskell 
   a comprehension [t|t<-ts] is already broken, and similarly with 'd', 'e'.
   So the proposed change will make things *more* uniform, by grabbing every
   "[blah|" as lexeme.

For me (i) is the main issue.  The differences are significant.
  - A TH quote can appear only where an *expression* is expected
But a quasiquote can be an expression or pattern or (assuming (1)) 

  - A TH quote has type (Q Typ) or (Q [Dec]) or (Q Exp)
But a quasiquote is run immediately and spliced in place of the quote

  - A TH splice is run during type checking
But a quasiquote is run during renaming

Even given all that, I'm strongly inclined to follow Kathleen's suggestion:
  - The differences are there all right, but in some ways the programmer thinks
the same way:  [lang| blah |] switches to language 'lang'.

  - Many users will never encounter the issue; they'll just say
[pads| blah |]
to wake up the PADS magic, and be oblivious to Template Haskell quotes

An alternative would be to have some other cue. Ones I've considered

  - $[pads| ...|], but allowing the $ to be omitted on top-level declarations,
top level, just as it now can for TH splices.

  - [pads:| ... |], with the colon distinguishing quasi-quoting from TH.

My gut feel is to go with [|pads| ... |].  Of course this'd be a change from 
the current syntax, but I think there are few enough users that they'll switch 
easily enough.

Any comments on any of this?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Dear all,

George and I have been discussing this.

We very much support the idea of allowing QQ for top-level

Additionally, we think QQ should be allowed for *types*,
just like TH, by extending the record of  functions in the following way:

 data QuasiQuoter = QuasiQuoter {
quoteExp  :: String -> Q Exp
quotePat  :: String -> Q Pat
quoteDec  :: String -> Q [Dec]
quoteType :: String -> Q Type

We have been discussing the need for this
for some time, and if Kathleen hadn't effectively
beaten us to it, we'd have made inquiries for the feasibility
of such a facility shortly anyway.

Additionally, this would make the functionality of TH and QQ more

As to syntax, Both George and I prefer [name| ... |].

Yes, it clashes with list comprehensions, but users who use this
facility just have to be aware of that caveat. And, as Simon says,
this is already the case for TH.

It is true that QQ in some ways is rather different from TH. But,
from a user perspective, they're both about *meta programming*,
and thus it makes sense to adopt a similar syntax for the two where
"name" can be seen as a keyword to specify the kind of meta-programming
one is doing. Including the empty string ([|) for the default case,
basic TH expressions.


George and Henrik

Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Max Bolingbroke
Dominic Orchard and I have come up with a rather radical proposal for
a redesign of the syntax. There are two principal options:

OPTION 1 (preferred)

1) QuasiQuotes are revealed as they really are - as splices. In my
opinion this is much less confusing, because a "quasiquote" is really
about generating *code*, like a $(), not about generating a *data
structure* like the existing [|e|], [t|t|] and [d|d|].
2) Unifies Template Haskell and QQ into one construct
3) QQ looks like "semantic brackets"
4) No list comprehension ambiguity

1) Small syntax changes to QQ and TH. Increased verbosity in some common cases.

Start with GHC Haskell. Remove [|e|], [t|t|], [d|d|] and [e|..|] syntax.

Add this new syntax:

Syntax: [|...|]
Type: String
Translation: "..." (i.e. this is an alternative string literal syntax)

Now change the semantics of splice, $(e), like so:
 1) If e :: Q Exp and we are in an Exp context in the code, run the
computation and splice the resulting code in
 2) (.. similarly if e :: Q Typ in a Typ context or Q [Decl] in a Decl
context. NB: this is what we had to do for TH before anyway)
 3) If e :: QuasiQuote then select the appropriate field from the
evaluated "e" based on the context, run the Q computation it contains,
and splice the resulting code in


data QuasiQuote = QuasiQuote {
   quoteExp :: Q Exp
   quotePat :: Q Pat

Now provide exports from Language.Haskell.TH:

e :: String -> Exp
t :: String -> Type
d :: String -> [Decl]

Which parse the provided string as Haskell into the usual data
structure. Uses of Template Haskell quotes must be rewritten:

[|..|] ==> e [|..|]

[t|..|] ==> t [|...|]

[d|...|] ==> d [|...|]

QuasiQuotes now look like:

[foo|...|] ==> $(foo [|...|])

Where foo :: String -> QuasiQuote and defines the language you want to parse.

OPTION 2 (not so good)

1) Normal Template Haskell use looks almost the same as before
2) QuasiQuotes are revealed as they really are - as splices
3) Unifies [t| ... |], [d| ... |] and QQ into one construct

Disadvantages compared to option 1:
1) [| |] is still a special case
3) QQ doesn't look like semantic brackets
4) List comprehension ambiguity remains

As GHC Haskell, but with a new interpretation for the QuasiQuote syntax.
Syntax: [e1| ... |]
Types: if e1 :: String -> a, [e1| ... |] :: a
Translation: e1 "..."

Preserved TH syntax: [| ... |]
Type: [| ... |] :: Exp
Translation: ADT representing "..." parsed as a Haskell program

Adopt the new semantics of $() exactly as in option 1.

Now any existing uses of QQ should be rewritten as:

[foo| ... |] ==> $([foo| ... |])

(You could also allow $[foo| ... |] - i.e. you may omit the brackets)

In this proposal, you can then export "t" and "d" functions from
Language.Haskell.TH with the type:

t :: String -> Type
d :: String -> [Decl]

Which parse the provided string as Haskell. This allows existing any
uses of Template Haskell to remain *unchanged* (as long as they
imported the TH module :-). Otherwise rewrite them as:

[t|..|] ==> Language.Haskell.TH.t [|...|]

[d|...|] ==> Language.Haskell.TH.d [|...|]

(You could potentially special case these in the compiler to generate
the result of the parse at compile time, rather than running the
parser at runtime. This means that the staging behaviour of TH quotes
can stay unchanged)


At the cost of changing the staging behaviour of [| |], [t| |] and [d|
|] (usually, the parsing is done at compile time - in my proposal it
is mostly done at runtime) and slightly changing the syntax:
 1) QQ becomes an explicit splice, which is what it should have been
in the first place.
 2) QQ is revealed as the combination of two features: a new notation
for String literals, and some extra overloading of the $() operator to
deal with the QuasiQuote record

I rather like this proposal, even though I realise the chances of such
a radical option being adopted are rather low.

Dominic and Max

2010/2/1 Simon Peyton-Jones :
> Dear GHC users
> This email is to announce two proposed changes to GHC's quasi-quotation 
> mechanism.  For all I know, no one is using quasi-quotation (although it's a 
> very cool feature, thanks to Geoff Mainland), but I didn't think I should 
> take it for granted!
> The current spec is here:
> A quasi-quote can appear as a (a) expression (b) pattern, and looks like this
>        [$pads| ...blah... |]
> where 'pads' (of course any name will do) is a record of functions
>   data QuasiQuoter = QuasiQuoter {
>     quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp
>     quotePat :: String -> Q Pat
>   }
> The idea is that GHC evaluates (pads "...blah..."), and splices in the 
> resulting Exp (or Pat) just as if that's what the user wrote in the first 
> place.
> Kathleen Fisher has start

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Jeff Polakow

> For all I know, no one is using quasi-
> quotation (although it's a very cool feature, thanks to Geoff 
> Mainland), but I didn't think I should take it for granted!
As a point of reference, we are using quasi-quotation extensively in our 
machinery for generating Javascript, which we also put on Hackage as the 
jmacro package. 

A small syntax change probably wouldn't be a big deal for us. 

We'll think about the other proposed changes some more and offer some 
comments if we have anything interesting to say.

thanks for the warning,

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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Robert Greayer
I like (1) quite a lot.  If radical suggestions for QQ noise reduction
are being entertained, here's another:

quotations of the form [|  |] (i.e. no 'language' specified) will
use an implicit parameter* ('quasi', say) of type QuasiQuoter, if in
scope.  Otherwise, they will behave as they currently do (TH
expression quotation?).  Now to awaken the 'pads' magic (or some other
magic), you'd do this somewhere:

quasi = pads

and then all your [|  |]'s would be pads expressions/patterns/declarations.


* - implicit parameters fill me with a nameless dread under normal
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| quotations of the form [|  |] (i.e. no 'language' specified) will
| use an implicit parameter* ('quasi', say) of type QuasiQuoter, if in
| scope.  Otherwise, they will behave as they currently do (TH
| expression quotation?).  Now to awaken the 'pads' magic (or some other
| magic), you'd do this somewhere:
| quasi = pads

Nice idea, but won't work as specified.  The thing is that the quasiquoter is 
run at *compile time*.  So it can't be an implicit parameter, which is by 
definition only available at runtime

f :: (?q:QuasiQuoter) => ..blah...

A variant of your suggestion would be: for any quote [|..blah..|] behave as if 
the programmer had written [quasiQuoter| ...blah...|].  That is, simply pick up 
whatever record named "quasiQuoter" is in scope. Then you'd say
import Pads( quasiQuoter )
and away you go.  But you can only use one at a time.  

That might be quite convenient, but alas [|...|] has already been taken by 
Template Haskell quotes, meaning [e| ...|].  So you'd need something else.  
[*|...|]  perhaps.  

Or we could switch to different quotation brackets altogether for 
quasiquotation, the obvious possibility being <|...blah...|>, and 
.  That would not be hard, and would only affect the handful 
of current quasiquote users.  But it'd remove "<|" and "|>" as a valid 
operators, at least for quasiquote customers.  I don't know how bad that would 

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Simon wrote (answering Robert Greayer):

> A variant of your suggestion would be: for any quote [|..blah..|]
> behave as if the programmer had written [quasiQuoter| ...blah...|].
> That is, simply pick up whatever record named "quasiQuoter" is in
> scope. Then you'd say
>import Pads( quasiQuoter )
> and away you go.  But you can only use one at a time.

Yes, I can see that (or one of the alternative forms proposed)
would sometimes be convenient.

But, being explicit about *which* syntax one is switching into
does arguably enhance readability. Without this cue, the reader have to
hunt for the appropriate binding before he or she can make sense
of a piece of quasiquoted text.

Also, as Simon suggests, being explicit makes it possible to use
more than one quasiquoter at a time (in one module). Potentially
quite useful.

I can see being explicit about which quasiquoterbeing to use would
be a bit of an issue in a setting with lots of very small fragments
being spliced in all over the place. But at least in our experience,
and what we've seen in Geoffrey's papers, quiasiquoted code fragments
tend to be relatively substantial, where naming the quasiquoter
doesn't add much overhead at all.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Robert Greayer
> A variant of your suggestion would be: for any quote [|..blah..|] behave as 
> if the programmer had written [quasiQuoter| ...blah...|].  That is, simply 
> pick up whatever record named "quasiQuoter" is in scope. Then you'd say
>import Pads( quasiQuoter )
> and away you go.  But you can only use one at a time.
> That might be quite convenient, but alas [|...|] has already been taken by 
> Template Haskell quotes, meaning [e| ...|].  So you'd need something else.  
> [*|...|]  perhaps.

Would it be possible to have [| ... |] mean [quasiQuoter| ... |] iff a
'quasiQuoter' has been imported, but otherwise mean [e| ... |]?  Or
does the determination to treat [something| .. blah .. |] as a quasi
quote need to be made before it is possible to determine if there
really is a 'something' available to process the quasi  quote?

You could also explicitly rely on the presence/absence of the
QuasiQuotes and TemplateHaskell language options (iff QQ is on, [| ...
|] means [quasiQuoter| ... |], forcing the explicit [e| ... |] for TH
expression quotes).  Better for one extension to steal syntax from
another, perhaps, than stealing it from the base language.

As Henrik points out (in his parallel reply) this only really matters
if your quasi-quoted strings are quite short.  I only recently came up
with a use case in which a really terse quasi-quotation would be
helpful; heretofore lengthy quotations were all that I had used.
Nevertheless, the proposal as it stands would allow me to get away
with a quasi-quotation that's only one character less terse than my
'implicit'  suggestion would allow.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-01 Thread Jason Dusek
2010/02/01 Simon Peyton-Jones :
> That might be quite convenient, but alas [|...|] has already
> been taken by Template Haskell quotes, meaning [e| ...|].  So
> you'd need something else.  [*|...|]  perhaps.

  Why is that a problem? Would TH and quasi-quoting be likely to
  be enabled at the same time? One could decide in favour of QQs
  if they are enabled (though yes, this is likely horrible on
  the inside).

> Or we could switch to different quotation brackets altogether
> for quasiquotation, the obvious possibility being
> <|...blah...|>, and . [...]

  It's true; but I suspect `<|' and `|>' are actually widely
  used. Wouldn't `(|' and `|)' be safer?

  In either case, it's easy to see how me evolve an
  indentational quasi-quote syntax: `[|]' or `(|)'. If the
  default quasi-quoter is simple string literals, then there's
  no need for a HEREDOC in the language.

Jason Dusek
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Simon Marlow

On 01/02/2010 14:25, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

Dominic Orchard and I have come up with a rather radical proposal for
a redesign of the syntax. There are two principal options:

OPTION 1 (preferred)

1) QuasiQuotes are revealed as they really are - as splices. In my
opinion this is much less confusing, because a "quasiquote" is really
about generating *code*, like a $(), not about generating a *data
structure* like the existing [|e|], [t|t|] and [d|d|].
2) Unifies Template Haskell and QQ into one construct
3) QQ looks like "semantic brackets"
4) No list comprehension ambiguity

1) Small syntax changes to QQ and TH. Increased verbosity in some common cases.

Start with GHC Haskell. Remove [|e|], [t|t|], [d|d|] and [e|..|] syntax.

Add this new syntax:

Syntax: [|...|]
Type: String
Translation: "..." (i.e. this is an alternative string literal syntax)

Now change the semantics of splice, $(e), like so:
  1) If e :: Q Exp and we are in an Exp context in the code, run the
computation and splice the resulting code in

Can you say precisely what it means to be "in an Exp context"?  This is 
a bit like Simon's type-directed name resolution idea, in that it's 
adding in a bit of ad-hoc overloading.  To understand this I think you 
really need to write down (or at least sketch) the type system that 
infers the context: e.g. you have to make clear what information is 
taken into account (type signatures? the results of resolving other 
overloading opportunities?).

  2) (.. similarly if e :: Q Typ in a Typ context or Q [Decl] in a Decl
context. NB: this is what we had to do for TH before anyway)
  3) If e :: QuasiQuote then select the appropriate field from the
evaluated "e" based on the context, run the Q computation it contains,
and splice the resulting code in


data QuasiQuote = QuasiQuote {
quoteExp :: Q Exp
quotePat :: Q Pat

Now provide exports from Language.Haskell.TH:

e :: String ->  Exp
t :: String ->  Type
d :: String ->  [Decl]

The TH library would have to include a Haskell parser, which presents 
some engineering difficulties.  TH can't be mutually recursive with GHC, 
so either the haskell-src-exts package has to be used or TH and GHC have 
to be merged.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Dear Simon,

I want to generate data type declarations using quasi quotes and hence  
support the proposal to allow quasi quotation at declaration level.  
With respect to syntax, I'd prefer [|blah| ... |] over the current  
[$blah| ... |] and would also be fine with [blah| ... |].

What is the reason to restrict quasi quotation to top-level  
declarations rather than letting it also generate local declarations?


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Feb 1, 2010, at 11:46 PM, Jason Dusek wrote:

Wouldn't `(|' and `|)' be safer?

I like this suggestion. It avoids conflicts with Template Haskell and  
list comprehensions. Conor McBride also picked these brackets as idiom  
brackets in his preprocessor she.

[$blah| ... |]  could be replaced with  (blah| ... |)  and  (| ... |)   
could be syntactic sugar for  (quote| ... |)  and use whatever  
definition of  quote  is in scope.

Would this introduce severe ambiguities? I can think of  (foo||bar)   
where you need to go to the end to see that it does not end in  |).


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Max Bolingbroke
(Sorry if you see this twice, Simon - I didn't reply to the list)

2010/2/2 Simon Marlow :
> Can you say precisely what it means to be "in an Exp context"?

In a Type context == a HsSpliceTy constructor in the existing GHC AST
In an Exp context == a HsSpliceE constructor in the existing GHC AST
In a Decl context == a SpliceD constructor in the existing GHC AST

> This is a
> bit like Simon's type-directed name resolution idea, in that it's adding in
> a bit of ad-hoc overloading.

I don't think so - it's much easier to deal with than that. What sort
of context the splice is in is purely syntactic, and we already have
to work it out to implement the existing Template Haskell semantics.
Our proposal does not complicate this at all.

> The TH library would have to include a Haskell parser, which presents some
> engineering difficulties.  TH can't be mutually recursive with GHC, so
> either the haskell-src-exts package has to be used or TH and GHC have to be
> merged.

This is a real issue. Using src-exts would be a good fix, especially
because it would mean that the numerous tools and libraries that
already use the src-exts data structure could be reused in your TH
programs. Unfortunately it would either:

a) Have to be a boot package, so that GHC can translate the spliced
Exp or whatever into GHC's HsExpr
b) Or we could let $() accept a HsExpr (exported by the GHC package).
Users can then use src-exts as a non-boot package, along with another
non-boot package similar to src-exts-meta (see Hackage) which
translates src-exts types into the GHC ones for the splice.

This would let us delete a lot of code from GHC (DsMeta, Covert..).
It's a big change though, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Simon Marlow

On 02/02/2010 15:40, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

(Sorry if you see this twice, Simon - I didn't reply to the list)

2010/2/2 Simon Marlow:

Can you say precisely what it means to be "in an Exp context"?

In a Type context == a HsSpliceTy constructor in the existing GHC AST
In an Exp context == a HsSpliceE constructor in the existing GHC AST
In a Decl context == a SpliceD constructor in the existing GHC AST

Ah ok, that's fine then.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Isaac Dupree

Max Bolingbroke wrote:

In this proposal, you can then export "t" and "d" functions from
Language.Haskell.TH with the type:

t :: String -> Type
d :: String -> [Decl]

Which parse the provided string as Haskell. This allows existing any
uses of Template Haskell to remain *unchanged* (as long as they
imported the TH module :-). Otherwise rewrite them as:

[t|..|] ==> Language.Haskell.TH.t [|...|]

I'm concerned in both your proposals, that single-letter names like "t" 
and "d" are common function parameters, thus possibly producing

- shadowing warnings for all such functions in modules that happen to use TH
- errors, I think, for some uses of TH inside such functions (either the 
function parameters must be renamed, or the TH splice module-qualified)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Max Bolingbroke
2010/2/2 Isaac Dupree :
> I'm concerned in both your proposals, that single-letter names like "t" and
> "d" are common function parameters, thus possibly producing
> - shadowing warnings for all such functions in modules that happen to use TH
> - errors, I think, for some uses of TH inside such functions (either the
> function parameters must be renamed, or the TH splice module-qualified)

Yes, this is certainly an annoyance :-). However, we didn't have
backcompat high up the list of priorities with these proposals -
instead we wanted to look at how TH and QQ might be redesigned to work
together a bit more neatly if we were starting with a clean slate

You can of course choose more expressive names than "e" and "t" if
you're going to break backcompat anyway,

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Max Bolingbroke wrote:

2010/2/2 Isaac Dupree :

I'm concerned in both your proposals, that single-letter names like "t" and
"d" are common function parameters, thus possibly producing
- shadowing warnings for all such functions in modules that happen to use TH
- errors, I think, for some uses of TH inside such functions (either the
function parameters must be renamed, or the TH splice module-qualified)

Yes, this is certainly an annoyance :-). However, we didn't have
backcompat high up the list of priorities with these proposals -
instead we wanted to look at how TH and QQ might be redesigned to work
together a bit more neatly if we were starting with a clean slate

You can of course choose more expressive names than "e" and "t" if
you're going to break backcompat anyway,

You could also do away with these names entirely, and use magic instead:

instance IsString HsExpr where
fromString = e

Or perhaps a different typeclass for [|...|] blocks,

class Quoted a where
parseQuote :: String -> a
-- for performance reasons:
parseQuote' :: Ghc.PackedString -> a

This also leaves the door open for constructions like:

instance Quoted QuasiQuote where
parseQuote xs = let (f,x) = splitAt '|' xs
in (findParserByName f) x

f = $[|foo| ... |] -- we still have to register foo somehow

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-02 Thread Max Bolingbroke
2010/2/2 Twan van Laarhoven :
>    class Quoted a where
>        parseQuote :: String -> a
>        -- for performance reasons:
>        parseQuote' :: Ghc.PackedString -> a

Great idea!

Thinking about it, you can use type classes to dispose of the
QuasiQuote record entirely. Instead, have:

class MyLang a where
  myLang :: String -> Q a

instance MyLang Exp where
  myLang = myLangSyntaxToGHCExprForSplice . myLangExpParser

... etc, MyLang instances for Pat and Type too ...

And then write:

$(myLang [|...|])

Now the splice $(e) typechecks e as a Q Type / Q Exp / Q Decl as
required by the context it is in, and hence gets the correct instance
of MyLang. So our proposal needn't change the semantics of splice at
all - we can reuse the name overloading abilities of type classes.

It's a shame that TH is too widely used to be amenable to refactoring
into this sort of form.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Feb 3, 2010, at 1:48 AM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

2010/2/2 Twan van Laarhoven :

   class Quoted a where
   parseQuote :: String -> a
   -- for performance reasons:
   parseQuote' :: Ghc.PackedString -> a

Great idea!

Thinking about it, you can use type classes to dispose of the
QuasiQuote record entirely. Instead, have:

class MyLang a where
 myLang :: String -> Q a

instance MyLang Exp where
 myLang = myLangSyntaxToGHCExprForSplice . myLangExpParser

... etc, MyLang instances for Pat and Type too ...

With a class-based approach only one parser that creates values of the  
same type could be used in a program. It would not be possible to  
embed multiple languages that create TH.Exp to be spliced into a  
single program. With the current syntax, I can write [$myLang| ... |]  
and [$yourLang| ... |] in the same program and use different parsers  
although both create Exp values.

And then write:

$(myLang [|...|])

This is more verbose than the proposed [myLang| ... |]. There seem to  
be different goals in the different proposals in this thread: 1.  
Simplify the syntax for quasi quoting (remove $, use different  
brackets), 2. make it more generally applicable (allow declarations  
and/or types to be quasi quoted), and 3. simplify and generalise its  
implementation (invent a single mechanism that unifies quasi quoting  
and TH splicing).


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Tyson Whitehead
On February 2, 2010 19:48:27 Max Bolingbroke wrote:
> It's a shame that TH is too widely used to be amenable to refactoring
> into this sort of form.

I thought the standard thing to do in this case was to add either a pragma 
that gives you the new behaviour or trigger it with an alternative syntax 
(such as the aforementioned  (|...|)).

Throw in a warning whenever the old is used, and then, after a couple of 
years/releases, you can depreciate support for it guilt free.  : )

Cheers!  -Tyson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
|  > Or we could switch to different quotation brackets altogether for
|  > quasiquotation, the obvious possibility being <|...blah...|>, and
|  > .  That would not be hard, and would only affect the
|  > handful of current quasiquote users.  But it'd remove "<|" and "|>" as a
|  > valid operators, at least for quasiquote customers.  I don't know how bad
|  > that would be.
| Good brackets are scarce.  I'd prefer to stick with one of the many
| fine variations on [|...|] currently being discussed.

I agree with this.  My gut feel is to stick with [| ..|] and variants, and live 
with the fact that TH and QQ aren't using them in quite the same way.  

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Henrik Nilsson

> |  > But it'd remove "<|" and "|>" as a
> |  > valid operators, at least for quasiquote customers.  I don't know
> |  > how bad that would be.
> |
> | Good brackets are scarce.  I'd prefer to stick with one of the many
> | fine variations on [|...|] currently being discussed.
> I agree with this.  My gut feel is to stick with [| ..|] and 
variants, > and live with the fact that TH and QQ aren't using them in 
quite the

> same way.

Seconded. Removing "<|" and "|>" as valid operators is potentially quite
bad, in my opinion worse than the interference with the list
comprehensions for "quasiquote customers", because the operators may
come from various external libraries that one really would like to use.
The list comprehension interference is strictly confined to modules
where quasiquoting is enabled.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 3 February 2010 14:07, Sebastian Fischer  wrote:
> With a class-based approach only one parser that creates values of the same
> type could be used in a program. It would not be possible to embed multiple
> languages that create TH.Exp to be spliced into a single program. With the
> current syntax, I can write [$myLang| ... |] and [$yourLang| ... |] in the
> same program and use different parsers although both create Exp values.

This is not the case, because you still have an instance "Quoted
String". Then you can write:

$(myLang [|..|])

Where myLang :: String -> Q Exp

The "Quoted Exp" instance you have in scope just determines what
default semantics for $([|...|]) you get! So you can use this
behaviour to change the default "language" from Haskell to whatever
you like, but importing a My.Lang.Module rather than
Language.Haskell.TH. This is a bit ugly though, and is more of an
unintentional feature than something I was designing for :-)

> This is more verbose than the proposed [myLang| ... |]. There seem to be
> different goals in the different proposals in this thread: 1. Simplify the
> syntax for quasi quoting (remove $, use different brackets), 2. make it more
> generally applicable (allow declarations and/or types to be quasi quoted),
> and 3. simplify and generalise its implementation (invent a single mechanism
> that unifies quasi quoting and TH splicing).

Yes - I should have made it clearer that our proposal had strayed
rather far from the original goal of reducing verbosity :-). Instead
it increases it in the QQ case - but in (IMHO) a good way.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-03 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Feb 3, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

With a class-based approach only one parser that creates values of  
the same

type could be used in a program.

This is not the case, because you still have an instance "Quoted
String". Then you can write:

$(myLang [|..|])

Where myLang :: String -> Q Exp

Ah, you're right. I find an  instance Quoted String  a little  
confusing and would probably write  $(myLang "..")  instead. Hmm, this  
is more complicated if the string contains line breaks and  [|..|]   
would be an alternative string literal syntax where line breaks don't  
need to be escaped.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Marlow

On 03/02/2010 15:39, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

|>  Or we could switch to different quotation brackets altogether for
|>  quasiquotation, the obvious possibility being<|...blah...|>, and
|>  .  That would not be hard, and would only affect the
|>  handful of current quasiquote users.  But it'd remove "<|" and "|>" as a
|>  valid operators, at least for quasiquote customers.  I don't know how bad
|>  that would be.
| Good brackets are scarce.  I'd prefer to stick with one of the many
| fine variations on [|...|] currently being discussed.

I agree with this.  My gut feel is to stick with [| ..|] and variants, and live 
with the fact that TH and QQ aren't using them in quite the same way.

Why not provide some nice Unicode version too? ⟦ .. ⟧  ⟪ .. ⟫  ⦃ .. ⦄ etc.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Quasi quoting

2010-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Max, Dominic

Thank you for the thinking you've done on this.

It's true that a quasi-quote really is a splice -- that's why there's a "$" in 
the current syntax.  But nevertheless quasiquotes and TH are quite different in 
other ways, and I don't think it'd be easy to merge them.

* TH quotes are parsed, renamed (scope analysis), and typechecked, all by the 
main GHC parser, renamer, typechecker.  I don't want to use some other parser, 
reanmer or typechecker for that or we'll get into compatibility issues quite 
apart from duplication.

* TH splices $e work for arbitrary expressions e.  The expression e must be 
typechecked before being run. So splices must be run by the type checker.

* In contrast, quasi-quotes are effectively always well-typed, since they run 
the code (parser s), where
'parser' is the user-supplied parser and 's' is a string.  That makes it easy 
to run quasi-quotes before typechecking.

* Quasi-quotes can yield patterns, and so they must be run by the renamer. That 
way a quasiquote that expands to a pattern can bind variables, and all that 
binding structure is sorted out by the renamer.  So a quasiquote not only *can* 
be run in the ranemer, it *must*.

* The user interface of this stuff is important.  People who write the 
functions that are called in splices might put up with some clumsiness, but the 
*invoker* of the splice (a client of the library, say) doesn't want too much 

So unless I'm missing something I'm not that keen.  The current setup seems 
quite good.


| -Original Message-
| From: [] On Behalf Of Max
| Bolingbroke
| Sent: 01 February 2010 14:25
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Cc:; Kathleen Fisher;
| Subject: Re: Quasi quoting
| Dominic Orchard and I have come up with a rather radical proposal for
| a redesign of the syntax. There are two principal options:
| OPTION 1 (preferred)
| ===
| Advantages:
| 1) QuasiQuotes are revealed as they really are - as splices. In my
| opinion this is much less confusing, because a "quasiquote" is really
| about generating *code*, like a $(), not about generating a *data
| structure* like the existing [|e|], [t|t|] and [d|d|].
| 2) Unifies Template Haskell and QQ into one construct
| 3) QQ looks like "semantic brackets"
| 4) No list comprehension ambiguity
| Disadvantages:
| 1) Small syntax changes to QQ and TH. Increased verbosity in some common
| cases.
| Start with GHC Haskell. Remove [|e|], [t|t|], [d|d|] and [e|..|] syntax.
| Add this new syntax:
| Syntax: [|...|]
| Type: String
| Translation: "..." (i.e. this is an alternative string literal syntax)
| Now change the semantics of splice, $(e), like so:
|  1) If e :: Q Exp and we are in an Exp context in the code, run the
| computation and splice the resulting code in
|  2) (.. similarly if e :: Q Typ in a Typ context or Q [Decl] in a Decl
| context. NB: this is what we had to do for TH before anyway)
|  3) If e :: QuasiQuote then select the appropriate field from the
| evaluated "e" based on the context, run the Q computation it contains,
| and splice the resulting code in
| Where:
| data QuasiQuote = QuasiQuote {
|    quoteExp :: Q Exp
|    quotePat :: Q Pat
|  }
| Now provide exports from Language.Haskell.TH:
| e :: String -> Exp
| t :: String -> Type
| d :: String -> [Decl]
| Which parse the provided string as Haskell into the usual data
| structure. Uses of Template Haskell quotes must be rewritten:
| [|..|] ==> e [|..|]
| [t|..|] ==> t [|...|]
| [d|...|] ==> d [|...|]
| QuasiQuotes now look like:
| [foo|...|] ==> $(foo [|...|])
| Where foo :: String -> QuasiQuote and defines the language you want to parse.
| OPTION 2 (not so good)
| =
| Advantages:
| 1) Normal Template Haskell use looks almost the same as before
| 2) QuasiQuotes are revealed as they really are - as splices
| 3) Unifies [t| ... |], [d| ... |] and QQ into one construct
| Disadvantages compared to option 1:
| 1) [| |] is still a special case
| 3) QQ doesn't look like semantic brackets
| 4) List comprehension ambiguity remains
| As GHC Haskell, but with a new interpretation for the QuasiQuote syntax.
| Syntax: [e1| ... |]
| Types: if e1 :: String -> a, [e1| ... |] :: a
| Translation: e1 "..."
| Preserved TH syntax: [| ... |]
| Type: [| ... |] :: Exp
| Translation: ADT representing "..." parsed as a Haskell program
| Adopt the new semantics of $() exactly as in option 1.
| Now any existing uses of QQ should be rewritten as:
| [foo| ... |] ==> $([foo| ... |])
| (You could also allow $[foo| ... |] - i.e. you may omit the brackets)
| In this proposal, you can then export "t" an

RE: Quasi quoting

2010-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| What is the reason to restrict quasi quotation to top-level
| declarations rather than letting it also generate local declarations?

Local declarations for quasi-quotation would be possible too:

f x = v 
 [pads| ..blah..|]

But it's a bit more complicated to implement. And a Q [Dec] could produce type 
and class declarations, which can't appear nested; that would be rejected, but 
it feels uncomfortable.  

So, reasonable suggestion, but I think I'll wait till we have a serious 
customer for this before taking it further.


| -Original Message-
| From: [mailto:glasgow-haskell-
|] On Behalf Of Sebastian Fischer
| Sent: 02 February 2010 11:04
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Cc:; Kathleen Fisher;
| Subject: Re: Quasi quoting
| Dear Simon,
| I want to generate data type declarations using quasi quotes and hence
| support the proposal to allow quasi quotation at declaration level.
| With respect to syntax, I'd prefer [|blah| ... |] over the current
| [$blah| ... |] and would also be fine with [blah| ... |].
| What is the reason to restrict quasi quotation to top-level
| declarations rather than letting it also generate local declarations?
| Sebastian
| --
| Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.
| (D.G.)
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-15 Thread Don Stewart
> On 03/02/2010 15:39, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>> |>  Or we could switch to different quotation brackets altogether for
>> |>  quasiquotation, the obvious possibility being<|...blah...|>, and
>> |>  .  That would not be hard, and would only affect the
>> |>  handful of current quasiquote users.  But it'd remove "<|" and "|>" as a
>> |>  valid operators, at least for quasiquote customers.  I don't know how bad
>> |>  that would be.
>> |
>> | Good brackets are scarce.  I'd prefer to stick with one of the many
>> | fine variations on [|...|] currently being discussed.
>> I agree with this.  My gut feel is to stick with [| ..|] and variants, and 
>> live with the fact that TH and QQ aren't using them in quite the same way.
> Why not provide some nice Unicode version too? ⟦ .. ⟧  ⟪ .. ⟫  ⦃ .. ⦄ etc.

OH! That looks very nice.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting

2010-02-22 Thread Dave Bayer
Perhaps I missed this or I'm missing something, but seeing a mention of 
quasiquoting on another thread, I reread this entire thread just now before 

If by "stealing syntax" we mean that the odd programmer who writes 
illegiblelinenoisewithoutspaceshastoaddtheoddspacehereandthere, then fine, 
sorry about the long post which you may freely ignore. What I read when I see 
"stealing syntax" is that a proposal makes some prior code impossible to write. 
Please clarify.

I have no trouble distinguishing visually between the following forms

[hex| 1.fp+1023 |]

[ hex | hex <- [ 0..8 ] ]

for two different reasons:

[1] I'd never leave out the spaces for the list comprehension, while I'd always 
leave out the spaces for quasiquoting.

[2] It's completely obvious to a human reader that the first form can't be a 
list comprehension, because of the trailing |] which would be a parse error.

Let's recall that indentation-based parsing like we use in Haskell, Python was 
once radical, and still jars some people. Spaces are already significant for 
everyone, this just leans on them a bit more. A Lisp programmer would have no 
issues distinguishing these forms, because [hex| is a single token for the Lisp 
programmer. A freshman parser for quasiquoting would get this right by 
accident, failing to catch the quasiquoting that used spaces, falling correctly 
through to the list comprehension.

More generally, humans always resolve ambiguity by parsing several ways in 
parallel, and accepting the highest priority parse that succeeds. I always 
expect computer languages to work this way, and my heart is always broken. Why 
can't Haskell evolve in this direction, as proposals like this increase its 
code density? Reading "Coders at Work", all of my coding zombie masters 
abandoned Lisp (as I did) because code density is a Good Thing.

It's a mild nuisance to wait on the closing |] to decide, but only a mild 
nuisance. This reminds me of heredocs, where a traditional (e.g. Perl) heredoc

 help prog = <<“EOF”
 “prog” input output
 “prog” -h original input output

looks like it's stealing syntax, but there is utterly no issue at all, if one 
waits till the end to resolve the ambiguity, giving priority to a correct 
heredoc. (I need to wait till the end in any case to steal the indent.) Somehow 
this was never accepted as a reasonable idea in the heredoc thread either, yet 
I took this from working code that my custom literate preprocessor handles 
without incident.

So what am I missing? Require no spaces to open quasiquoting, and/or require |] 
to close quasiquoting, falling through to whatever else Haskell will accept if 
these conditions aren't met? Then it remains possible to code any list 

On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

>  So the proposed change will make things *more* uniform, by grabbing every
>  "[blah|" as lexeme. 

On Feb 1, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

> I am not myself a TH or QQ user, but it has always bothered me slightly that 
> the syntax for them steals some valid list comprehensions.

On Feb 22, 2010, at 5:15 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Or, alternatively, use quasiquoting
>   [hex| 1.fp+1023 |]

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Quasi quoting and global names (for haskell-src-exts-qq)

2013-02-18 Thread Geoffrey Mainland
I believe I fixed this problem in Language.Haskell.TH.Quote for the
7.4.1 release. The fix is in revision c4c250 of the template-haskell


On 02/18/2013 03:11 PM, L Corbijn wrote:
> Hello,
> In the haskell-src-exts quasi quoter there is some code to convert all
names in `dataToQa` to global names. The reasoning is according to the
> -- | The generic functions in 'Language.Haskell.TH.Quote' don't use global
> -- names for syntax constructors. This has the unfortunate effect of
> -- quotation when the haskell-src-exts syntax module is imported
> -- The solution is to set the flavour of all names to 'NameG'.
> qualify :: Name -> Name
> -- Need special cases for constructors used in string literals. Assume
> -- all else is a datatype defined in Syntax module of haskell-src-exts.
> qualify n | ":" <- nameBase n = '(:)
> {- snip: quite some excluded constructors -}
> | otherwise = Name (mkOccName (nameBase n)) flavour
> {- snip: some code for the flavour -}
> For the full source code see [1]. When fixing the pattern quasi quoter
this qualification caused a long error (when using the quasi quoter). So
in a simple attempt to fix it I replaced `qualify` with `id` and it all
> Now assuming that the qualification code was needed for some past
version of GHC I would like to make the implementation dependent on the
version of GHC. The only problem is that I haven't found the right
version of GHC where this behaviour changed. Does somebody know at what
version it was needed?
> Greetings,
> Lars Corbijn
> [1]

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