Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-11 Thread Rob Lembree
On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 22:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> With all due respect, there's been no follow-up on anything.  Just 
> lobbing a request out to the list at large asking for volunteers 
> doesn't work well.  We've had precisely 1 "planning" meeting where 
> some number of action items were supposedly assigned, but there was 
> never any follow-up to hold those who volunteered accountable.


You're right, and this is a case in point.  I've been
working around the clock with little sleep this week, and this
is the first time that I've had a chance to read non-urgent 

At our organizational meeting, it was made clear that
to get things done, you need to be repetitive, keep stirring
the pot as it were.  This is hard to do when you're working the
kind of hours that I am!!

> This group is a social-group by nature.  The key to getting anything 
> done and getting volunteers is to hold a meeting where people show 
> up.  Then at that meeting to set a follow-up meeting for when the 
> action items assigned can be reported on.  We did this way-back when 
> with Jerry, and it's the only way we pulled  off the Linux Business 
> Show.
> You had some great ideas, and had a lot of interest.  But you didn't 
> generate any momentum or follow-through.  As a result, you feel like 
> you've been left holding the bag.
> There are a lot of people in this group who would be willing to 
> participate, but they're going to sit on the side lines unless they 
> see some activity.  Reporting to a mail list that "I'm going to start 
> this neat project" doesn't count as activity.  They want to see 
> something actually happening, they want to show up to something and 
> feel like they have something to do, and feel like they're part of 
> something.

Perhaps they'd participate if something was "seeded", but none of
"those who do things" really have time to single-handedly make things
happen all the time.  If a project proposal reaps zero response,
then perhaps the project sucks, and shouldn't be done.  Had I gotten
any response, I'd have set up a meeting when all interested could
make it, and we'd be off and going.  

maddog has some stuff to contribute, Ben's going to burn some CDs
and Ed's going to make labels.  Note that all of the participants
are from the group of "those who do things" though!

> Another problem is, you're not overly responsive to e-mail.  I can't 
> count the times I've sent you e-mail over the years and never gotten  
> a response.  That doesn't help thngs.

Email directly to me gets a response within minutes usually,
mailing lists on the other hand, are filed for reading in
batches.  If an email gets caught by spamblocker, that's
a different story...

> I don't mean to point the finger, especially since I haven't been the 
> example of involvement lately, but a lot of this goes back to when 
> you and I first took over as Co-Chairs.  Jerry was very good at 
> motivating, involving, and rallying people.  We're not so good at it.
> Perhaps it's time to let others lead and for use to follow?

This is what I said at the outset, that I feel it best to 
resign, and let someone who has time take over.  I've since been
talked back into it at the meeting last week, at least for a
little while.

JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

This discussion *really* needs to move to the discuss list:

In a message dated: 28 Jan 2004 19:56:43 EST
Bruce Dawson said:

>> > I didn't understand that's what was needed of the "library project". For
>> > some reason, I got the impression that it needs some programming and
>> > presentations, ...=
>> Just CDs for the moment.  It'd be nice to do talks too, and they'd
>> like that as well.
>OK. I can handle both of those - but maybe I should ask: what kind of
>> > Oh. If that's what's needed, I can burn CDs (and possibly even DVD's,
>> > and I need an excuse to try that out). Count me in. (But not until
>> > March). I just need the ISO images...
>> The idea would be that you'd burn stuff you use, so you'd download
>> for your own use, and give the library a copy that you've tried out.
>I'm not clear why they want only stuff *I* use.
>If you can give me the URLs for the messages describing the project
>(before Friday), then I'll enter it into the Wiki. It could clear up a
>lot of confusion.
>Again, this information would be useful in the Project Description.
>Putting it in the Wiki means *we* (not just one person) can fine-tune it
>as things change.
>> > For which library? And how are they being trained? Can you "release"
>> > your training materials for others to improve/use? Also, what about the
>> > sales pitch you are using? Can you share that?
>> Sigh.  Again, these are details that I'd planned to share with the
>> contributors who were to have signed up.  I didn't get any (but
>> it now looks as though you may sign up?)
>As I said, I'm interested, but I want to better know what I'm getting
[...description of project...[
>Ah Ha! The germ of the project. Just what I was looking for, but
>couldn't remember or find.

This exchange beautifully explains IMO, why there are no volunteers.  
No one understands what's going on, there are no meetings ever 
scheduled to provide information, and those who think they *might* be 
interested never get confirmation because there's no follow-through.

Putting the onus on the those who we want to be volunteers to get 
their information by pulling teeth is not an effectivee method.

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 17:42:49 EST
Rob Lembree said:

>The original posting identified the library as Nashua Public.  I
>don't have time to hand-hold more than one at the moment.  The 
>rest are details that I'd work out with the contributors.  For
>example, you can mail them to me, and I'll deliver them, or I
>can put you in contact with the library folks who are lined up
>to package them to go into circulation.
>> For which library? And how are they being trained? Can you "release"
>> your training materials for others to improve/use? Also, what about the
>> sales pitch you are using? Can you share that?
>Sigh.  Again, these are details that I'd planned to share with the
>contributors who were to have signed up.  I didn't get any (but
>it now looks as though you may sign up?)

Don't you see the problem here?  You're asking for volunteers for the 
unknown.  You need to tell people exactly what they're signing up 
for, or at least tell them you're holding a meeting to explain what 
needs you have.  Once you get people there in a captive audience 
where they can't hide by lurking anonymously, you're more likely to 
get volunteers.

I didn't quite grok what your 'Library project' was when reading it 
on the discuss list.  I had questions similar to Bruce's (though I 
knew it didn't require coding :)  But there wasn't much substance to 
it, and it left me wanting more information which never came.
(you could say I should have asked, however, I shouldn't need to is 
the point.  There are a whole bunch of people on that list that likely
had similar questions.  It's up to us as the organizers to provide 
either the answers, or the forum more conducive to questions getting 

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:32:59 EST
Ed Lawson said:

>I am going to contact the presenter and see what might be done.
>I will report back to this list with his response.

How about reporting back to the general discussion list and including 
some background on what's going on, and a list of specific
items you need help with?

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:32:46 EST
Rob Lembree said:

>This is a perfect example of something that we should be involved
>with.  My year-old grand scheme would be that Ed or someone step
>forward with the opportunity, volunteer to lead a project, and
>ask for participation.  A few people step forward to volunteer,
>and an event comes off.  Simple as that, if people volunteer.

Volunteer for what?  You can't just say, "Hey, we want to do some neat
project, but we need some volunteers!"

You need to come up with the project, tell people about it, tell them:

 - what you want to do
 - what you need help with
 - when you're going to do it
 - where you're going to do it
 - why you're going to do it

*then* ask for volunteers.

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:22:55 EST
Rob Lembree said:

>On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:19, Ed Lawson wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:21:25 -0500
>> Rob Lembree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
>> > by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
>> > nobody stepped forward to help out. 
>> Bob, you must have missed by e-mail.  I have collections of OSS software
>> and a web interface for them that I burn onto CDs to give out at
>> presentations to educators.  I would be glad to prepare copies and
>> design a label for the project.  It isn't feasible for me to go to
>> Nashua for on site stuff.
>Great, that'll help.  Let's go offline with this.  Please send a
>list of what you've got!

N!  See, right there, you're excluding people.  Don't
take this offline! Take it to the discuss list.  Include other 
people, show them that something *is* in fact happening!  But for 
Heaven's sake, don't take it offline, that's the kiss of death for 
any project which is supposed to include a completely *on-line* group!

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:19:19 EST
Rob Lembree said:

>> Do anything! Like the library project! Like the web site. Like the
>> distribution disks. Like the booth at Hosstraders.
>> It seems we have a problem coordinating things with multiple people
>> (except probably drinking beer), so maybe we should just stick with
>> one-person projects until someone comes along and shows us how to do
>> things as a team.
>Well, a long while back (a year ago), I wanted some "project leads"
>to step forward to handle a number of ideas that I had.  I got zero

IIRC, we actually had a meeting, where some tasks were "assigned", 
but that was it.  There was no follow-up meeting or anything, and 
everyone just forgot about it all.

>I figured that if some of the "core" people took on
>projects with people contributing, that'd be the way to make us 
>work as a team.  The library work was a recent idea, but now I'm
>not only the leader of the group, but the project leader for the
>project, and the only contributor.  It's not working.  I do think
>that apathy might be a part of it.  Certainly, something's keeping
>people from stepping forward to do stuff.

I think it's the lack of activity.  We need to make people realize 
that something is actually happening.  Set a planning date for this.
Send out an e-mail stating you've done some legwork, what you've 
discovered, what you'd like to, and that you need help.  Then tell 
people that there will be a planning meeting on such-and-such a date 
at some specific place, and ask for rsvps.  See what happens.

>I understand, and I'd agree with your "doing things" thing, except
>that nobody's doing things, except those few of us who arrange
>meetings and the hosstraders presence.

Well, that's the "New Englander" way.  "If there's no effort on my 
part, and stuff is still happening, it works for me!".

We need to change that :)

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:56:03 EST
Ed Lawson said:

>I think the issue rob is point out is that he did ask for help on the
>list.  I think the only person other than me who responded was Randy out
>in the pacific.  There is no mechanism for getting a few people together
>and mulling over a project, honing the details, and assigning
>responsibility to see it gets done.

What mechanism does there need to be?  I'm willing to bet that if Rob 
had announced this project to the list, asked for help, then followed 
with a scheduled meeting date to discuss, plan, and assign, a few 
people would have showed up.  But that didn't happen.  This is group 
is mostly a virtual group.  99% of our activity is via the mail list.
Some of our most vocal members are either not local (Derek is Korea 
now, Randy is in the Pacific) or never attend meetings (I'm virtually 
unable to make it given my current employment situation, my brother 
has never made it to a single meeting).  So just saying on the 
mailing list that someone has a great idea leads everyone to expect 
that there will be some kind of follow-up.

Announce that you have a grat idea, then follow it up with a schedule 
of planning meetings, and make them on weekends, and I guarantee 
someone will show up.  As several cases-in-point:

 - The Linux Business Show had more volunteers "members" workin on it
   than I had ever seen participating in the mail list.  There were 
   peoples spouses, boy/girl-friends, kids, etc.  We gained a lot of 
   new members this way as well.

 - Maddog continually gets people to show up for Hosstraders every 
   single year.  How?  Follow-through.  He announces the date of 
   Hosstraders, then states that he will be there, with a table or 
   two.  A few people respond to the mail, and several show up at 

 - Maddog had no shortage of people willing to man the tables at the
   PC shows at Rockingham Park.  How?  He announced the date, told 
   people what needed to be done, what times needed coverage, and
   asked for volunteers.  People volunteered, showed up, and got the 
   jobs done.

Those are just the examples I can think of.  Contrast that with what 
we've don't recently (i.e. since Jerry left).  We spoken of grandiose 
plans to formalize, to do 'one outside talk a month', to bring open 
source to the libraries, etc.  But we haven't stated what needs to be 
done, nor actually scheduled any event (e.g. a planning meeting, 
etc.).  There's nothing of substance to any of these great ideas, 
just talk.   What we need is follow-through and action.

One person going off and doing it, then saying "I've started doing 
this, who wants to join me?" isn't follow-through.  And it's not 
going to get people to want to help.  Why?  Because they want to be 
*part* of something, and all this tells them is they have to do 
something alone.  Give them a team to belong to, something bigger 
than themselves to contribute to and be a part of, and they'll come.
Tell them they have to give a talk by themselves to a bunch of 
strangers, and they'll run away.

We have an awful lot of "organizers" on this '-org' list.  
Unfortunately, there's not a lot "organizing" happening.  Not only 
that, the members of this list haven't really changed over all the 
years I've been part of GNHLUG.

I think we're all getting burnt out, frustrated, and disappointed.
Combine that with the precious little "free" time most of have, and 
we've got a recipe for disaster.

So, what do we do about it?  How do we fix it?  Maybe our problem is 
we're thinking too big?  Should we start with smaller ideas which 
might have a better than average success rate?  This could build some 
momentum which could lead to bigger and bigger things.  Remember,
Linus didn't start out to build the OS that would rival Microsoft.  
He start out building a better modem terminall emulator...

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-02-08 Thread p . lussier

Sorry for not joining this earlier.  I have so little time lately, 
and I'm so far behind in e-mail (approx. 2200 unread messages and 
counting :(

In a message dated: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:21:25 EST
Rob Lembree said:

>We have the paperwork complete, and I am willing to donate the
>$25 filing fee -- but I haven't done it yet because I've seen
>a complete vacuum in people coming forward to help do things
>with the group.
>Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
>by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
>nobody stepped forward to help out.  I'm now afraid that if
>I act as a leader, I'll end up doing all the work.
>The reason for formalizing was not to collect dues, it was to
>give a tax beneficial structure for an active group to do some
>good things for the community and our members.  But if we're
>not doing anything, or if only a few people are doing things,
>it just doesn't make sense.
>Do what?  I wanted us to get out and do some good things for Linux
>and ourselves, but failed to get anyone to help out.  Sigh.  See
>what I mean?


With all due respect, there's been no follow-up on anything.  Just 
lobbing a request out to the list at large asking for volunteers 
doesn't work well.  We've had precisely 1 "planning" meeting where 
some number of action items were supposedly assigned, but there was 
never any follow-up to hold those who volunteered accountable.

This group is a social-group by nature.  The key to getting anything 
done and getting volunteers is to hold a meeting where people show 
up.  Then at that meeting to set a follow-up meeting for when the 
action items assigned can be reported on.  We did this way-back when 
with Jerry, and it's the only way we pulled  off the Linux Business 

You had some great ideas, and had a lot of interest.  But you didn't 
generate any momentum or follow-through.  As a result, you feel like 
you've been left holding the bag.

There are a lot of people in this group who would be willing to 
participate, but they're going to sit on the side lines unless they 
see some activity.  Reporting to a mail list that "I'm going to start 
this neat project" doesn't count as activity.  They want to see 
something actually happening, they want to show up to something and 
feel like they have something to do, and feel like they're part of 

Another problem is, you're not overly responsive to e-mail.  I can't 
count the times I've sent you e-mail over the years and never gotten  
a response.  That doesn't help thngs.

I don't mean to point the finger, especially since I haven't been the 
example of involvement lately, but a lot of this goes back to when 
you and I first took over as Co-Chairs.  Jerry was very good at 
motivating, involving, and rallying people.  We're not so good at it.
Perhaps it's time to let others lead and for use to follow?

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-29 Thread Rob Lembree
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 13:36, Randy Edwards wrote:
> > For example the Ruby session coming up could be followed by one showing
> > how to use a common application such as Gaim or Firebird or Abiword,  [...]
> I think if the goal is to broaden the group beyond geeks/coders/admins, 
> that idea is a must.  Ed's perspective of keeping apps in mind is a key for 
> "regular" users.

Yes, I agree on all point.  The key will be to get enough 
"regular" users to show up to make it worthwhile!  :-)
This has been a challenge.

And hopefully, someone who does such a talk can do it 
a few times around the state.


JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-29 Thread Randy Edwards
For example the Ruby session coming up could be followed by one showing
how to use a common application such as Gaim or Firebird or Abiword,  [...]
   I think if the goal is to broaden the group beyond geeks/coders/admins, 
that idea is a must.  Ed's perspective of keeping apps in mind is a key for 
"regular" users.

 Regards, | There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
 .| those who get binary, and those who don't.
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-29 Thread Randy Edwards
I think the only person other than me who responded was Randy out
in the pacific.
   Actually, I'm now back in NH, dipping my toes into the job market here 
(now I know what they mean when they say "jobless economic recovery"?!:-).

 Regards, | There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
 .| those who get binary, and those who don't.
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 19:56, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 17:42, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 17:16, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > 
> > > Hmmm. I think we dropped something - Ed's workshop possibility - unless
> > > he's described this earlier (like: weeks or months ago).
> > He mentioned it this afternoon in this thread.  Linux training
> > with the guy from Maine, for educators, etc.
> Do you mean this:
> > > Bob, you must have missed by e-mail.  I have collections of OSS
> software
> > > and a web interface for them that I burn onto CDs to give out at
> > > presentations to educators.  I would be glad to prepare copies and
> > > design a label for the project.  It isn't feasible for me to go to
> > > Nashua for on site stuff.
> > Great, that'll help.  Let's go offline with this.  Please send a
> > list of what you've got!
> That didn't mention anything about a "guy from Maine", and the educators
> part was mentioned almost in passing. So I couldn't figure out what you
> were talking about until I went pawing through the archives. 

No, I meant this:
>     From: 
> Ed Lawson
> Reply-To: 
>   To: 
>   Cc: 
>  Subject: 
> Re:
> [Centralug]
> Re:
> [Gnhlug-org] moving on
> Date: 
> Wed, 28 Jan
> 2004
> 10:56:03
> -0500
> On 28 Jan 2004 10:56:33 -0500
> Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to
> > the GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll
> come
> > if there's sufficient interest.
> I think the issue rob is point out is that he did ask for help on the
> list.  I think the only person other than me who responded was Randy
> out
> in the pacific.  There is no mechanism for getting a few people
> together
> and mulling over a project, honing the details, and assigning
> responsibility to see it gets done.  Sure one person can do big
> things.
> But if one person does a big thing on their own and manages to collect
> a
> follower or two, who did it and why should anyone say GNHLUG did it?
> Case in point.  The Tech Coordinators  organization for NH schools
> (NHSTE) is having a four day workshop next month on the use of Linux
> in
> schools.  Yes, that is a workshop that lasts four days, all day and
> these educators are paying $550/person to attend.  
> This seminar has some very interesting topics from the basics of
> Linux to showing how to to develop and deploy Linux in a school
> setting.
> The  presenter is a person from Maine with national recognition for
> using Linux in a school. Is this something GNHLUG could help with,
> could
> GNHLUG provide assistance to school tech coordinators in learn,
> installing, and use Linux? Should the existence of GNHLUG be made
> known at the workshop as a valuable local resource. I would think so.
> I
> would hope so.  Now, just how is that done?  Do I as an individual
> have
> the right to speak for GNHLUG? Do I dare do it alone and set up GNHLUG
> for obligating itself to help educators in any way?  If I wanted to
> get
> the OK from GNHLUG to inform workshop attendees of the resources
> available in GNHLUG, whom do I ask, what authority to they have to act
> or authorize? Without some way to follow through, I am not about to
> risk setting up the attendees for disappointment and failure in
> dealing
> with Linux and GNHLUG by bringing GNHLUG to their attention. So we are
> losing a great opportunity, IMHO, due to the lack of some minimal
> level
> of organization.  If the deal is GNHLUG provides a venue to sit around
> and make snide comments about MSFT, fine.  I just think GNHLUG should
> be
> more and should be a means of promoting Linux and helping those who
> want
> to explore it.  I don't see it doing that  without some level
> of organization.  Maybe what is needed is a different
> organization.  Obviously you caught me on a roll today.
> Ed Lawson
> ___
> Gnhlug-org mailing list

> Can we prevent things like this from happening in the future?

Well, I dunno.  Perhaps I could have described the email better.

> Yes - I've set up a TWiki page:
> (Fortunately, Ben
> Scott was gracious en

library project, was: Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 19:56, Bruce Dawson wrote:

> > > I didn't understand that's what was needed of the "library project". For
> > > some reason, I got the impression that it needs some programming and
> > > presentations, ... 
> > Just CDs for the moment.  It'd be nice to do talks too, and they'd
> > like that as well.
> OK. I can handle both of those - but maybe I should ask: what kind of
> talks?

Introductory, how to install, how the shell works, using KDE/Gnome,
using OpenOffice, using GIMP, using Evolution, etc.  Remember that 
these are newbies.  But this is a different thread.  This is one
project with a lot of potential, and will need more than two people
to make successful.

> > > Oh. If that's what's needed, I can burn CDs (and possibly even DVD's,
> > > and I need an excuse to try that out). Count me in. (But not until
> > > March). I just need the ISO images...
> > The idea would be that you'd burn stuff you use, so you'd download
> > for your own use, and give the library a copy that you've tried 
> > out.
> I'm not clear why they want only stuff *I* use. 

I figure that with enough people doing this, we can cover a lot of
stuff.  If YOU use a tool, then YOU'll be downloading new copies when
they come out, burning for your own use, and can provide the library
with a CD that you've installed from (quality control).

> If you can give me the URLs for the messages describing the project
> (before Friday), then I'll enter it into the Wiki. It could clear up a
> lot of confusion.


> Again, this information would be useful in the Project Description.
> Putting it in the Wiki means *we* (not just one person) can fine-tune it
> as things change.

Fair enough.

> > For the moment, we don't need training materials, just CDs that
> > are tested, along with 1..many sheets of printed paper to help
> > newbies find more docs, or perhaps donated printed manuals.  
> > The idea is that the library have CDs for those w/o broadband
> > who want to try Linux.  Once this is in place the library will
> > advertise this in the paper and in publications that it produces.
> > The CDs will have GNHLUG info for those who want more help or
> > who are interested in training.  If there's demand for training,
> > we get a few volunteers to deliver it at the library itself.
> Ah Ha! The germ of the project. Just what I was looking for, but
> couldn't remember or find.
> > gotta head out to the merrilug meeting now.
> Sigh. Wish I could make it tonight!
> --Bruce
JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 17:42, Rob Lembree wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 17:16, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > Hmmm. I think we dropped something - Ed's workshop possibility - unless
> > he's described this earlier (like: weeks or months ago).
> He mentioned it this afternoon in this thread.  Linux training
> with the guy from Maine, for educators, etc.

Do you mean this:

> > Bob, you must have missed by e-mail.  I have collections of OSS
> > and a web interface for them that I burn onto CDs to give out at
> > presentations to educators.  I would be glad to prepare copies and
> > design a label for the project.  It isn't feasible for me to go to
> > Nashua for on site stuff.
> Great, that'll help.  Let's go offline with this.  Please send a
> list of what you've got!

That didn't mention anything about a "guy from Maine", and the educators
part was mentioned almost in passing. So I couldn't figure out what you
were talking about until I went pawing through the archives. 

Can we prevent things like this from happening in the future?

Yes - I've set up a TWiki page: (Fortunately, Ben
Scott was gracious enough to go through and re-organize the TWiki and
made this space available.)

But, if Ed wants his project to be a GNHLUG project, then it too should
be listed on that page - and maintained. 

> > But, I believe that, as far as keeping the organization in a operable
> > state, we currently have all that's needed. Of course, its a shell of
> > what it could be, but we can work on that later.
> Except people who aren't burned out to pitch in.  Pretty basic
> in my estimation.

My point was, the shell will continue to exist once the current
activists have gone away (for whatever reasons - burned out, relocated
to the south pacific, death, ...) Or if the leadership has changed, or
if .

We have enough now to keep the formalities of the organization alive and
so that someone else can pick up (the pieces) if need-be. (And I'm not
suggesting that you step down - although you sound about as burned out
as I was when I stepped down, so you may want to).

[enter soap-box mode]

I for one don't appreciate someone holding the corporate papers hostage
just to get a fire lit under the membership. (If education is our
mission, then I submit that the educational paradigm requires the
majority of the membership be an audience - which almost by definition,
is passive).

> > > In short, we need to be doing things that fulfills our mission.
> > Or kill ourselves doing it?
> Ya. If we're not fulfilling our mission, why exist as an umbrella
> organization at all?

An operative word here is "we". I'd agree that the membership is a
little sluggish, but I believe we're far from not fulfilling the mission
- look at the mailing list - if that's not educational, what is? And a
lot of the meetings are educational too.

My point is: I believe you (Rob) are confusing the "we" and "I" - You
may believe that we're not fulfilling our mission, but I don't. And
we're both part of the membership - I suspect a lot of the whole
membership will feel either or both ways. So, this is not a sufficient
reason to dissolve GNHLUG (not that it has "precipitated" until the
papers are in the state's hands).

]exit soap-box mode]

> > I didn't understand that's what was needed of the "library project". For
> > some reason, I got the impression that it needs some programming and
> > presentations, ... 
> Just CDs for the moment.  It'd be nice to do talks too, and they'd
> like that as well.

OK. I can handle both of those - but maybe I should ask: what kind of

> > Oh. If that's what's needed, I can burn CDs (and possibly even DVD's,
> > and I need an excuse to try that out). Count me in. (But not until
> > March). I just need the ISO images...
> The idea would be that you'd burn stuff you use, so you'd download
> for your own use, and give the library a copy that you've tried 
> out.

I'm not clear why they want only stuff *I* use. 

If you can give me the URLs for the messages describing the project
(before Friday), then I'll enter it into the Wiki. It could clear up a
lot of confusion.

> > Ah ha! Now, who finds the library I give it to? (I need a name, address,
> > ... with which to deliver the CD(s)). Does someone already have them, or
> > do I have to find them myself?
> The original posting identified the library as Nashua Public.  I
> don't have time to hand-hold more than one at the moment.  The 
> rest are details that I'd work out with the contributors.  For
> example, you can mail them to me, and I'll deliver them, or I
> can put you in contact with the library folks who are lined up
> to package them to go into circulation.

Again, this information would be useful in the Project Description.
Putting it in the Wiki means *we* (not just one person) can fine-tune it
as things change.

> > For which library? And how are they being trained? Can you "release"
> > your training materials

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 17:16, Bruce Dawson wrote:

> Hmmm. I think we dropped something - Ed's workshop possibility - unless
> he's described this earlier (like: weeks or months ago).

He mentioned it this afternoon in this thread.  Linux training
with the guy from Maine, for educators, etc.

> But, I believe that, as far as keeping the organization in a operable
> state, we currently have all that's needed. Of course, its a shell of
> what it could be, but we can work on that later.

Except people who aren't burned out to pitch in.  Pretty basic
in my estimation.

> > In short, we need to be doing things that fulfills our mission.
> Or kill ourselves doing it?

Ya. If we're not fulfilling our mission, why exist as an umbrella
organization at all?

> I didn't understand that's what was needed of the "library project". For
> some reason, I got the impression that it needs some programming and
> presentations, ... 

Just CDs for the moment.  It'd be nice to do talks too, and they'd
like that as well.

> Oh. If that's what's needed, I can burn CDs (and possibly even DVD's,
> and I need an excuse to try that out). Count me in. (But not until
> March). I just need the ISO images...

The idea would be that you'd burn stuff you use, so you'd download
for your own use, and give the library a copy that you've tried 

> Ah ha! Now, who finds the library I give it to? (I need a name, address,
> ... with which to deliver the CD(s)). Does someone already have them, or
> do I have to find them myself?

The original posting identified the library as Nashua Public.  I
don't have time to hand-hold more than one at the moment.  The 
rest are details that I'd work out with the contributors.  For
example, you can mail them to me, and I'll deliver them, or I
can put you in contact with the library folks who are lined up
to package them to go into circulation.

> For which library? And how are they being trained? Can you "release"
> your training materials for others to improve/use? Also, what about the
> sales pitch you are using? Can you share that?

Sigh.  Again, these are details that I'd planned to share with the
contributors who were to have signed up.  I didn't get any (but
it now looks as though you may sign up?)

For the moment, we don't need training materials, just CDs that
are tested, along with 1..many sheets of printed paper to help
newbies find more docs, or perhaps donated printed manuals.  
The idea is that the library have CDs for those w/o broadband
who want to try Linux.  Once this is in place the library will
advertise this in the paper and in publications that it produces.
The CDs will have GNHLUG info for those who want more help or
who are interested in training.  If there's demand for training,
we get a few volunteers to deliver it at the library itself.

gotta head out to the merrilug meeting now.


JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 15:09, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On 28 Jan 2004 15:17:01 -0500
> Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
> > aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),
> I think it has been raised before and you have raised it again.  It
> would absolutely be a good idea to have a program on using Wikis in
> general and using the ones of GNHLUG in particular as well as community
> forum or whatever the name dejour is for Post-Nuke type apps.
> I think we should schedule that for a topic at Centalug or some location
> with internet access in two or three months.  I take it Berube is
> listening?

Well, I can talk about the Wiki's I know about and [ab]use - I just need
in invitation for sometime after mid-March...

> We need to mix topics to appeal to those who code and stuff, to those
> who want to try Linux out, and those who mainly use applications.


> For example the Ruby session coming up could be followed by one showing
> how to use a common application such as Gaim or Firebird or Abiword,
> followed by one comparing the various distros.  

Yup. Dave B has been pretty good about having these demonstration


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 16:06, Rob Lembree wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 15:09, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > So we are going to have dinner before the meeting next week or beer
> > afterwards and redesign the world or what?
> I might be able to make it up there for such a meeting.
> I'd suggest that afterwards would be better for me though.

I'll be overseas starting next week and through the whole month (if
current plans hold any meaning).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 16:04, Rob Lembree wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 15:17, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 14:19, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:56, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:21, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > > > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:06, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > > > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > > > > > > On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> > > > > > > Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok. That explains that. But can you describe the complete picture and
> > what's missing? (I was under the impression that only some signatures
> > and claims to responsibility were required - which we had at one point.)
> The complete picture is a functional organization that is doing
> education about Linux.  If I'm not mistaken, the paperwork calls
> that out as our purpose.  Maybe (but slightly maybe) the mail list
> qualifies, our occasional meetings qualify, but there's nothing
> else.  If we can get projects started and healthy like the library
> work, and like Ed's workshop possibility, THEN it makes sense.

Hmmm. I think we dropped something - Ed's workshop possibility - unless
he's described this earlier (like: weeks or months ago).

But, I believe that, as far as keeping the organization in a operable
state, we currently have all that's needed. Of course, its a shell of
what it could be, but we can work on that later.

> In short, we need to be doing things that fulfills our mission.

Or kill ourselves doing it?

> > How many of our "members" are on sourceforge projects? I suspect the
> > answer is near zero.
> I'd believe that.  Most of our members are users and sysadmins, or
> do coding for hire.

I suspected as much. But I've always had the delusions of programmers
being at our core.

> > Rob: If you put the library on sourceforge or savannah or somesuch, do
> > you think you'd get a better response?
> Eh, it's a local project, and it needs local contribution.   People
> burning CDs, printing docs and dropping it off.  Ideal for a LUG,
> less ideal for a distributed project.

I didn't understand that's what was needed of the "library project". For
some reason, I got the impression that it needs some programming and
presentations, ... 

> It's not a library package.  It's making CDs available for the 
> library to put out in circulation.  I thought that was clear, but
> maybe not

Oh. If that's what's needed, I can burn CDs (and possibly even DVD's,
and I need an excuse to try that out). Count me in. (But not until
March). I just need the ISO images...

> > The projects I would work on have to be *very easy* for me to pick up
> > and put down. They would most likely have to be based on savannah or
> > sourceforge (if only those tools were more reliable) and they would have
> > to be 90% coding and/or documenting. Specifications would have to be at
> > least 80% technical, 0% style, and less than 5% political (getting
> > buy-in on techniques). Projects meeting those specs are the only ones I
> > can afford to work on - even Carole's projects have to meet them!
> Here's an example:  you like Mandrake for example.  A new mandrake
> comes along, you download it for yourself anyway, and you burn
> an extra copy for the library, print out a 'readme' and deliver
> it to the library.  Pretty easy, really.  

Ah ha! Now, who finds the library I give it to? (I need a name, address,
... with which to deliver the CD(s)). Does someone already have them, or
do I have to find them myself?

The former is easy - the latter requires work that I wasn't prepared to

> As for me, I'm doing RH9, TheOpenCD and knoppix.

For which library? And how are they being trained? Can you "release"
your training materials for others to improve/use? Also, what about the
sales pitch you are using? Can you share that?

These are things that stymie most sysadmins, users, programmers. Help
will be needed for those things - and they will probably be jointly
> > But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
> > aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),
> > and if anyone else is like me, their experience tells them that
> > coordinating a software engineering effort is harder than herding cats.
> I wouldn't even bother doing a sw eng project with the LUG.  It's
> not the appropriate forum for doing that.  SF would be better.

OK. I mis-understood the scope of the project. But SF would probably be
good for the training materiel and documentation.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 15:09, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On 28 Jan 2004 15:17:01 -0500
> Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
> > aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),
> I think it has been raised before and you have raised it again.  It
> would absolutely be a good idea to have a program on using Wikis in
> general and using the ones of GNHLUG in particular as well as community
> forum or whatever the name dejour is for Post-Nuke type apps.
> I think we should schedule that for a topic at Centalug or some location
> with internet access in two or three months.  I take it Berube is
> listening?
> We need to mix topics to appeal to those who code and stuff, to those
> who want to try Linux out, and those who mainly use applications.
> For example the Ruby session coming up could be followed by one showing
> how to use a common application such as Gaim or Firebird or Abiword,
> followed by one comparing the various distros.  
> So we are going to have dinner before the meeting next week or beer
> afterwards and redesign the world or what?

I might be able to make it up there for such a meeting.
I'd suggest that afterwards would be better for me though.

> Ed Lawson 
> ___
> Gnhlug-org mailing list
JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 15:17, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 14:19, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:56, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:21, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:06, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > > > > > On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> > > > > > Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > We have the paperwork complete, and I am willing to donate the
> > > > $25 filing fee -- but I haven't done it yet because I've seen
> > > > a complete vacuum in people coming forward to help do things
> > > > with the group.
> > > Thanks for donating the fee - I never knew what was going on with that
> > > because no one bothered to post a message to the -org list. 
> > I've sat on it because while I still think it's the right thing
> > to do, I haven't been able to invigorate the group to make it
> > a complete picture.
> Ok. That explains that. But can you describe the complete picture and
> what's missing? (I was under the impression that only some signatures
> and claims to responsibility were required - which we had at one point.)

The complete picture is a functional organization that is doing
education about Linux.  If I'm not mistaken, the paperwork calls
that out as our purpose.  Maybe (but slightly maybe) the mail list
qualifies, our occasional meetings qualify, but there's nothing
else.  If we can get projects started and healthy like the library
work, and like Ed's workshop possibility, THEN it makes sense.

In short, we need to be doing things that fulfills our mission.

> > Well, ya, the core group can't do all the work, and by and
> > large, that's what we've done for quite a while now.
> I find myself asking the question: why don't people want to work with
> us? Either everyone has highly pressing jobs, or its too difficult to
> coordinate work. And its just not "fun" (a side effect of being a "geek
> social club" I think).
> How many of our "members" are on sourceforge projects? I suspect the
> answer is near zero.

I'd believe that.  Most of our members are users and sysadmins, or
do coding for hire.

> Rob: If you put the library on sourceforge or savannah or somesuch, do
> you think you'd get a better response?

Eh, it's a local project, and it needs local contribution.   People
burning CDs, printing docs and dropping it off.  Ideal for a LUG,
less ideal for a distributed project.

> I think we've all tried creating a "GNHLUG project". From Jerry's
> Business Show to my generally giving up on the idea due to lack of
> commitment. I was never able to overcome that.
> As for your projects, at that time, I was over-committed at work - and
> lately (and no offense) - library packages don't appeal to me. If
> someone were to pay me to work on them, then I'd probably consider it,
> but its not something I want to do on my own time.

It's not a library package.  It's making CDs available for the 
library to put out in circulation.  I thought that was clear, but
maybe not

> The projects I would work on have to be *very easy* for me to pick up
> and put down. They would most likely have to be based on savannah or
> sourceforge (if only those tools were more reliable) and they would have
> to be 90% coding and/or documenting. Specifications would have to be at
> least 80% technical, 0% style, and less than 5% political (getting
> buy-in on techniques). Projects meeting those specs are the only ones I
> can afford to work on - even Carole's projects have to meet them!

Here's an example:  you like Mandrake for example.  A new mandrake
comes along, you download it for yourself anyway, and you burn
an extra copy for the library, print out a 'readme' and deliver
it to the library.  Pretty easy, really.  

As for me, I'm doing RH9, TheOpenCD and knoppix.

> But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
> aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),
> and if anyone else is like me, their experience tells them that
> coordinating a software engineering effort is harder than herding cats.

I wouldn't even bother doing a sw eng project with the LUG.  It's
not the appropriate forum for doing that.  SF would be better.

JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 28 Jan 2004 15:17:01 -0500
Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
> aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),

I think it has been raised before and you have raised it again.  It
would absolutely be a good idea to have a program on using Wikis in
general and using the ones of GNHLUG in particular as well as community
forum or whatever the name dejour is for Post-Nuke type apps.
I think we should schedule that for a topic at Centalug or some location
with internet access in two or three months.  I take it Berube is

We need to mix topics to appeal to those who code and stuff, to those
who want to try Linux out, and those who mainly use applications.

For example the Ruby session coming up could be followed by one showing
how to use a common application such as Gaim or Firebird or Abiword,
followed by one comparing the various distros.  

So we are going to have dinner before the meeting next week or beer
afterwards and redesign the world or what?

Ed Lawson 
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:32:46 -0500
Rob Lembree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Simple as that, if people volunteer.

I am going to contact the presenter and see what might be done.
I will report back to this list with his response.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 14:19, Rob Lembree wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:56, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:21, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:06, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > > > > On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> > > > > Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > We have the paperwork complete, and I am willing to donate the
> > > $25 filing fee -- but I haven't done it yet because I've seen
> > > a complete vacuum in people coming forward to help do things
> > > with the group.
> > Thanks for donating the fee - I never knew what was going on with that
> > because no one bothered to post a message to the -org list. 
> I've sat on it because while I still think it's the right thing
> to do, I haven't been able to invigorate the group to make it
> a complete picture.

Ok. That explains that. But can you describe the complete picture and
what's missing? (I was under the impression that only some signatures
and claims to responsibility were required - which we had at one point.)

> > > Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
> > > by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
> > > nobody stepped forward to help out.  I'm now afraid that if
> > > I act as a leader, I'll end up doing all the work.
> > I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to the
> > GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll come if
> > there's sufficient interest.
> > If enough good things are done in the name of GNHLUG, then people will
> > start coming again. But we need to be careful that we don't overwhelm
> > ourselves with work.
> Well, ya, the core group can't do all the work, and by and
> large, that's what we've done for quite a while now.

I find myself asking the question: why don't people want to work with
us? Either everyone has highly pressing jobs, or its too difficult to
coordinate work. And its just not "fun" (a side effect of being a "geek
social club" I think).

How many of our "members" are on sourceforge projects? I suspect the
answer is near zero.

Rob: If you put the library on sourceforge or savannah or somesuch, do
you think you'd get a better response?

> > > > Seems to me, we just need someone to "take charge" and do it - if we
> > > > don't like it, then we can leave. Sorta like what maddog did back in the
> > > > early days - when things were exciting.
> > > Do what?  I wanted us to get out and do some good things for Linux
> > > and ourselves, but failed to get anyone to help out.  Sigh.  See
> > > what I mean?
> > Do anything! Like the library project! Like the web site. Like the
> > distribution disks. Like the booth at Hosstraders.
> > It seems we have a problem coordinating things with multiple people
> > (except probably drinking beer), so maybe we should just stick with
> > one-person projects until someone comes along and shows us how to do
> > things as a team.
> Well, a long while back (a year ago), I wanted some "project leads"
> to step forward to handle a number of ideas that I had.  I got zero
> response!  I figured that if some of the "core" people took on
> projects with people contributing, that'd be the way to make us 
> work as a team.  The library work was a recent idea, but now I'm
> not only the leader of the group, but the project leader for the
> project, and the only contributor.  It's not working.  I do think
> that apathy might be a part of it.  Certainly, something's keeping
> people from stepping forward to do stuff.

I think we've all tried creating a "GNHLUG project". From Jerry's
Business Show to my generally giving up on the idea due to lack of
commitment. I was never able to overcome that.

As for your projects, at that time, I was over-committed at work - and
lately (and no offense) - library packages don't appeal to me. If
someone were to pay me to work on them, then I'd probably consider it,
but its not something I want to do on my own time.

The projects I would work on have to be *very easy* for me to pick up
and put down. They would most likely have to be based on savannah or
sourceforge (if only those tools were more reliable) and they would have
to be 90% coding and/or documenting. Specifications would have to be at
least 80% technical, 0% style, and less than 5% political (getting
buy-in on techniques). Projects meeting those specs are the only ones I
can afford to work on - even Carole's projects have to meet them!

I'm saying the above just to illustrate my minimum requirements for a
project. And those don't include things like: interest in the problem,
social involvement, benefit to me, how detailed my descriptions of
problems have to be, ...

But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),
and if anyone else is like me, their experience tells them that
coordinating a software engineering effort is harder than h

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:56, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On 28 Jan 2004 10:56:33 -0500
> Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to
> > the GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll come
> > if there's sufficient interest.
> I think the issue rob is point out is that he did ask for help on the
> list.  I think the only person other than me who responded was Randy out
> in the pacific.  There is no mechanism for getting a few people together
> and mulling over a project, honing the details, and assigning
> responsibility to see it gets done.  Sure one person can do big things.
> But if one person does a big thing on their own and manages to collect a
> follower or two, who did it and why should anyone say GNHLUG did it?
> Case in point.  The Tech Coordinators  organization for NH schools
> (NHSTE) is having a four day workshop next month on the use of Linux in
> schools.  Yes, that is a workshop that lasts four days, all day and
> these educators are paying $550/person to attend.  
> This seminar has some very interesting topics from the basics of
> Linux to showing how to to develop and deploy Linux in a school setting.
> The  presenter is a person from Maine with national recognition for
> using Linux in a school. Is this something GNHLUG could help with, could
> GNHLUG provide assistance to school tech coordinators in learn,
> installing, and use Linux? Should the existence of GNHLUG be made
> known at the workshop as a valuable local resource. I would think so. I
> would hope so.  Now, just how is that done?  Do I as an individual have
> the right to speak for GNHLUG? Do I dare do it alone and set up GNHLUG
> for obligating itself to help educators in any way?  If I wanted to get
> the OK from GNHLUG to inform workshop attendees of the resources
> available in GNHLUG, whom do I ask, what authority to they have to act
> or authorize? Without some way to follow through, I am not about to
> risk setting up the attendees for disappointment and failure in dealing
> with Linux and GNHLUG by bringing GNHLUG to their attention. So we are
> losing a great opportunity, IMHO, due to the lack of some minimal level
> of organization.  If the deal is GNHLUG provides a venue to sit around
> and make snide comments about MSFT, fine.  I just think GNHLUG should be
> more and should be a means of promoting Linux and helping those who want
> to explore it.  I don't see it doing that  without some level
> of organization.  Maybe what is needed is a different
> organization.  Obviously you caught me on a roll today.

This is a perfect example of something that we should be involved
with.  My year-old grand scheme would be that Ed or someone step
forward with the opportunity, volunteer to lead a project, and
ask for participation.  A few people step forward to volunteer,
and an event comes off.  Simple as that, if people volunteer.

> Ed Lawson
> ___
> Gnhlug-org mailing list
JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:19, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:21:25 -0500
> Rob Lembree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
> > by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
> > nobody stepped forward to help out. 
> Bob, you must have missed by e-mail.  I have collections of OSS software
> and a web interface for them that I burn onto CDs to give out at
> presentations to educators.  I would be glad to prepare copies and
> design a label for the project.  It isn't feasible for me to go to
> Nashua for on site stuff.

Great, that'll help.  Let's go offline with this.  Please send a
list of what you've got!


> Ed lawson
> ___
> Gnhlug-org mailing list
JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:56, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:21, Rob Lembree wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:06, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > > > On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> > > > Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I'd like to suggest that the groups have created a comfortable
> > > > > structure and that they feel they don't need Quarterly "global"
> > > > > meetings anymore. But that they do like (or don't care about) the
> > > > > infrastructure that GNHLUG set up, and might continue to use it -
> > > > > especially when one finds a "big name" to come speak. Sorta like BLU,
> > > > > SwANH, and GNSEG do with GNHLUG. 
> > > > 
> > > > I suppose I should keep quiet because I have not helped out as I should
> > > > and the current state is the result of people like me not doing anything
> > > > to help GNHLUG and Centralug grow.  However, talk is cheap.
> > > 
> > > Good. You're not keeping quiet! Talk may be cheap, but it "gets the
> > > juices going".
> > > 
> > > I believe you have your gripes with the group - considering all the
> > > "waffling" we've done on the "formalization" of the group.  Which is
> > > something I'm not opposed to, but I am opposed to asking for fees from
> > > "members" to support the "formalization".
> > We have the paperwork complete, and I am willing to donate the
> > $25 filing fee -- but I haven't done it yet because I've seen
> > a complete vacuum in people coming forward to help do things
> > with the group.
> Thanks for donating the fee - I never knew what was going on with that
> because no one bothered to post a message to the -org list. 

I've sat on it because while I still think it's the right thing
to do, I haven't been able to invigorate the group to make it
a complete picture.

> Hmm. Maybe the real problem is lack of appropriate communications
> instead of member apathy. I've often wondered about this - to the point
> of wondering if I forgot to say something.
> What things need doing? 
> > Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
> > by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
> > nobody stepped forward to help out.  I'm now afraid that if
> > I act as a leader, I'll end up doing all the work.
> I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to the
> GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll come if
> there's sufficient interest.
> If enough good things are done in the name of GNHLUG, then people will
> start coming again. But we need to be careful that we don't overwhelm
> ourselves with work.

Well, ya, the core group can't do all the work, and by and
large, that's what we've done for quite a while now.

> > The reason for formalizing was not to collect dues, it was to
> > give a tax beneficial structure for an active group to do some
> > good things for the community and our members.  But if we're
> > not doing anything, or if only a few people are doing things,
> > it just doesn't make sense.
> I know that was the reason. But frequently, the financial tail ends up
> wagging the dog, and I want to avoid that. If the fees and dues required
> of the formalization require us to start asking for membership fees,
> then I just want to avoid that.


> > > Seems to me, we just need someone to "take charge" and do it - if we
> > > don't like it, then we can leave. Sorta like what maddog did back in the
> > > early days - when things were exciting.
> > Do what?  I wanted us to get out and do some good things for Linux
> > and ourselves, but failed to get anyone to help out.  Sigh.  See
> > what I mean?
> Do anything! Like the library project! Like the web site. Like the
> distribution disks. Like the booth at Hosstraders.
> It seems we have a problem coordinating things with multiple people
> (except probably drinking beer), so maybe we should just stick with
> one-person projects until someone comes along and shows us how to do
> things as a team.

Well, a long while back (a year ago), I wanted some "project leads"
to step forward to handle a number of ideas that I had.  I got zero
response!  I figured that if some of the "core" people took on
projects with people contributing, that'd be the way to make us 
work as a team.  The library work was a recent idea, but now I'm
not only the leader of the group, but the project leader for the
project, and the only contributor.  It's not working.  I do think
that apathy might be a part of it.  Certainly, something's keeping
people from stepping forward to do stuff.

> Rob, I'm not intending to pick on you. Or your excellent and valiant
> leadership. Its just that the problem seems very related to the New
> Englander mode of "doing things"... Do it yourself and if anyone
> complains - well that's their fault.

I understand, and I'd agree with your "doing things" thing, except
that nobody's doing things, except those few of us who arrange

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:21:25 -0500
Rob Lembree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
> by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
> nobody stepped forward to help out. 

Bob, you must have missed by e-mail.  I have collections of OSS software
and a web interface for them that I burn onto CDs to give out at
presentations to educators.  I would be glad to prepare copies and
design a label for the project.  It isn't feasible for me to go to
Nashua for on site stuff.

Ed lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 28 Jan 2004 10:56:33 -0500
Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to
> the GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll come
> if there's sufficient interest.

I think the issue rob is point out is that he did ask for help on the
list.  I think the only person other than me who responded was Randy out
in the pacific.  There is no mechanism for getting a few people together
and mulling over a project, honing the details, and assigning
responsibility to see it gets done.  Sure one person can do big things.
But if one person does a big thing on their own and manages to collect a
follower or two, who did it and why should anyone say GNHLUG did it?

Case in point.  The Tech Coordinators  organization for NH schools
(NHSTE) is having a four day workshop next month on the use of Linux in
schools.  Yes, that is a workshop that lasts four days, all day and
these educators are paying $550/person to attend.

This seminar has some very interesting topics from the basics of
Linux to showing how to to develop and deploy Linux in a school setting.
The  presenter is a person from Maine with national recognition for
using Linux in a school. Is this something GNHLUG could help with, could
GNHLUG provide assistance to school tech coordinators in learn,
installing, and use Linux? Should the existence of GNHLUG be made
known at the workshop as a valuable local resource. I would think so. I
would hope so.  Now, just how is that done?  Do I as an individual have
the right to speak for GNHLUG? Do I dare do it alone and set up GNHLUG
for obligating itself to help educators in any way?  If I wanted to get
the OK from GNHLUG to inform workshop attendees of the resources
available in GNHLUG, whom do I ask, what authority to they have to act
or authorize? Without some way to follow through, I am not about to
risk setting up the attendees for disappointment and failure in dealing
with Linux and GNHLUG by bringing GNHLUG to their attention. So we are
losing a great opportunity, IMHO, due to the lack of some minimal level
of organization.  If the deal is GNHLUG provides a venue to sit around
and make snide comments about MSFT, fine.  I just think GNHLUG should be
more and should be a means of promoting Linux and helping those who want
to explore it.  I don't see it doing that  without some level
of organization.  Maybe what is needed is a different
organization.  Obviously you caught me on a roll today.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 28 Jan 2004 10:06:38 -0500
Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I believe you have your gripes with the group - considering all the
> "waffling" we've done on the "formalization" of the group. 

No, it was never a point of dispute.  I believe there is value in having
a legal entity for the organization regardless of how "formal' it is or

 > I am opposed to asking for fees from
> "members" to support the "formalization".

I think membership fees are a normal part of many clubs and
organizations, but having said that, it is also true those groups do
something of value for the members with those fees.  Not sure what that
would be with GNHLUG and without something of value for the members, I
would also object to membership fees.  Clearly not just for the
formalization process.

OTOH, is it fair to expect people who are dedicating their time and
energy to also contribute their money to provide refreshments at a
meeting or food at a party or print t shirts or announcements?  I think
not.  You, Maddog,  Jerry and others have contributed no small
amount in the past, but I don't think it fair to rely upon a few. 

If you cannot contribute code or docs, contributing money is another
way to support an open source project and GNHLUG is not exception.
Either by dues or by contributing freely as the need arises.

> Seems to me, we just need someone to "take charge" and do it - if we
> don't like it, then we can leave. Sorta like what maddog did back in
> the early days - when things were exciting.

I agree, but to sustain the organization we need more that a series of
folks who will take charge until their energy, time, and money run out.
At least to provide a degree of continuity regardless of the degree of
formality the group elects to have.  

I really have no great desire for formality and I suspect the
personalities of many of us are more attuned to an informal group.
That said, there are valid reasons for some structure and organization
depending upon what GNHLUG does and where it wants to go.

For example, lets say I have an idea of providing a retirement center
with a network with Internet access using Linux as a showcase and
simply to do a good thing.  Do you think it matters if I talk to the
head of the retirement center as just a guy off the street with some
vague collection of friends who call themselves GNHLUG or if I go as a
representative of a state organization called GNHLUG?

If we want to reach beyond ourselves, then some degree of structure
becomes important.

Ed Lawson 
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:21, Rob Lembree wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:06, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > > On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> > > Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I'd like to suggest that the groups have created a comfortable
> > > > structure and that they feel they don't need Quarterly "global"
> > > > meetings anymore. But that they do like (or don't care about) the
> > > > infrastructure that GNHLUG set up, and might continue to use it -
> > > > especially when one finds a "big name" to come speak. Sorta like BLU,
> > > > SwANH, and GNSEG do with GNHLUG. 
> > > 
> > > I suppose I should keep quiet because I have not helped out as I should
> > > and the current state is the result of people like me not doing anything
> > > to help GNHLUG and Centralug grow.  However, talk is cheap.
> > 
> > Good. You're not keeping quiet! Talk may be cheap, but it "gets the
> > juices going".
> > 
> > I believe you have your gripes with the group - considering all the
> > "waffling" we've done on the "formalization" of the group.  Which is
> > something I'm not opposed to, but I am opposed to asking for fees from
> > "members" to support the "formalization".
> We have the paperwork complete, and I am willing to donate the
> $25 filing fee -- but I haven't done it yet because I've seen
> a complete vacuum in people coming forward to help do things
> with the group.

Thanks for donating the fee - I never knew what was going on with that
because no one bothered to post a message to the -org list. 

Hmm. Maybe the real problem is lack of appropriate communications
instead of member apathy. I've often wondered about this - to the point
of wondering if I forgot to say something.

What things need doing? 

> Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
> by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
> nobody stepped forward to help out.  I'm now afraid that if
> I act as a leader, I'll end up doing all the work.

I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to the
GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll come if
there's sufficient interest.

If enough good things are done in the name of GNHLUG, then people will
start coming again. But we need to be careful that we don't overwhelm
ourselves with work.

> The reason for formalizing was not to collect dues, it was to
> give a tax beneficial structure for an active group to do some
> good things for the community and our members.  But if we're
> not doing anything, or if only a few people are doing things,
> it just doesn't make sense.

I know that was the reason. But frequently, the financial tail ends up
wagging the dog, and I want to avoid that. If the fees and dues required
of the formalization require us to start asking for membership fees,
then I just want to avoid that.

> > Seems to me, we just need someone to "take charge" and do it - if we
> > don't like it, then we can leave. Sorta like what maddog did back in the
> > early days - when things were exciting.
> Do what?  I wanted us to get out and do some good things for Linux
> and ourselves, but failed to get anyone to help out.  Sigh.  See
> what I mean?

Do anything! Like the library project! Like the web site. Like the
distribution disks. Like the booth at Hosstraders.

It seems we have a problem coordinating things with multiple people
(except probably drinking beer), so maybe we should just stick with
one-person projects until someone comes along and shows us how to do
things as a team.

Rob, I'm not intending to pick on you. Or your excellent and valiant
leadership. Its just that the problem seems very related to the New
Englander mode of "doing things"... Do it yourself and if anyone
complains - well that's their fault.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Rob Lembree
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 10:06, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> > On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> > Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'd like to suggest that the groups have created a comfortable
> > > structure and that they feel they don't need Quarterly "global"
> > > meetings anymore. But that they do like (or don't care about) the
> > > infrastructure that GNHLUG set up, and might continue to use it -
> > > especially when one finds a "big name" to come speak. Sorta like BLU,
> > > SwANH, and GNSEG do with GNHLUG. 
> > 
> > I suppose I should keep quiet because I have not helped out as I should
> > and the current state is the result of people like me not doing anything
> > to help GNHLUG and Centralug grow.  However, talk is cheap.
> Good. You're not keeping quiet! Talk may be cheap, but it "gets the
> juices going".
> I believe you have your gripes with the group - considering all the
> "waffling" we've done on the "formalization" of the group.  Which is
> something I'm not opposed to, but I am opposed to asking for fees from
> "members" to support the "formalization".

We have the paperwork complete, and I am willing to donate the
$25 filing fee -- but I haven't done it yet because I've seen
a complete vacuum in people coming forward to help do things
with the group.

Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
nobody stepped forward to help out.  I'm now afraid that if
I act as a leader, I'll end up doing all the work.

The reason for formalizing was not to collect dues, it was to
give a tax beneficial structure for an active group to do some
good things for the community and our members.  But if we're
not doing anything, or if only a few people are doing things,
it just doesn't make sense.

> And I'm opposed to committing my time when income is becoming scarce,
> and potential customers/employers are demanding more commitment without
> compensation.
> Seems to me, we just need someone to "take charge" and do it - if we
> don't like it, then we can leave. Sorta like what maddog did back in the
> early days - when things were exciting.

Do what?  I wanted us to get out and do some good things for Linux
and ourselves, but failed to get anyone to help out.  Sigh.  See
what I mean?

> --Bruce
JumpShift, LLC
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Bruce Dawson
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:26, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
> Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to suggest that the groups have created a comfortable
> > structure and that they feel they don't need Quarterly "global"
> > meetings anymore. But that they do like (or don't care about) the
> > infrastructure that GNHLUG set up, and might continue to use it -
> > especially when one finds a "big name" to come speak. Sorta like BLU,
> > SwANH, and GNSEG do with GNHLUG. 
> I suppose I should keep quiet because I have not helped out as I should
> and the current state is the result of people like me not doing anything
> to help GNHLUG and Centralug grow.  However, talk is cheap.

Good. You're not keeping quiet! Talk may be cheap, but it "gets the
juices going".

I believe you have your gripes with the group - considering all the
"waffling" we've done on the "formalization" of the group.  Which is
something I'm not opposed to, but I am opposed to asking for fees from
"members" to support the "formalization".

And I'm opposed to committing my time when income is becoming scarce,
and potential customers/employers are demanding more commitment without

Seems to me, we just need someone to "take charge" and do it - if we
don't like it, then we can leave. Sorta like what maddog did back in the
early days - when things were exciting.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to suggest that the groups have created a comfortable
> structure and that they feel they don't need Quarterly "global"
> meetings anymore. But that they do like (or don't care about) the
> infrastructure that GNHLUG set up, and might continue to use it -
> especially when one finds a "big name" to come speak. Sorta like BLU,
> SwANH, and GNSEG do with GNHLUG. 

I suppose I should keep quiet because I have not helped out as I should
and the current state is the result of people like me not doing anything
to help GNHLUG and Centralug grow.  However, talk is cheap.

While others know the history far better than I, it seems to me that
historically, GNHLUG had as its base meetings in Durham and Nashua. 
that is where the focus had been and where the meetings were held
including the "major" meetings. With the increased interest in Linux,
more people became attendees, more people wanted meetings of a more
local nature, and GNHLUG, to the extent it was anything other than loose
collection of people with common interest, decided to create local
groups under its umbrella.  Some of those have done better than
others and I find myself trying to attend local meetings more than the
Nashua larger group meetings.  For whatever reason it seems to me the
Nashua and to some extent the Durham group have reassumed the role of
hosting the major meetings.  The other local groups to what they can do.

The reality, it seems to me, is that without a structure to maintain
continuity and persons to be responsible for the organization, GNHLUG
and the local groups will forever be informal and hit or miss.  I do not
suggest this is bad or by this make a qualitative statement.  It is a
quantitative statement.  It might even be best given the time and energy
that the participants can bring to the organization.

What we do not want, I suggest, is a situation in which good people burn
out beating their heads against the wall.  Something that has happened
more than once and for which I accept my share of the responsibility.

The real question is what should GNHLUG be and who is GNHLUG and who get
s to decide the who,what, when, where, why, and how of GNHLUG.  Until
this is defined and we have a group of people with the time and energy
to work toward that common goal, GNHLUG and the sub groups will continue
as they have been, which may well be just fine.  

I believe there has never been agreement on that, but I believe there
has been a tacit agreement that the less organization the better and the
more informal the better.  I suppose one could question whether the way
a loose collection of hobbyists and activists tend to associate is a
good way to promote Linux and OSS now give its higher public

For me, the task and the small segment of the world where I might be
able to make an impact is to assist the operation of the Centralug and
to support the larger meetings held in Nashua and Durham when I can as
the talks from national figures and the "Chrismas" meeting have always
been events I looked forward to.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list