Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alan Mackenzie writes:

 Hyman Rosen wrote:
 On 2/22/2010 1:42 PM, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
 What matters is that the terms and conditions in the GPL are legally
 valid, and have now been tested in an appeals court in the United States
 of America.

 That was the Artistic License, not the GPL, but good enough.

 Ah, thanks!  I thought there was something a little wrong.  Still, if
 the artistic license holds up, the GPL'll be a doddle.

I don't see how that follows.  They are licenses with a somewhat similar
basic legal mechanism (based on copyright, granting additional
permissions), but the actual license is quite different.  So I see no
base for the AFPL holds - GPL doddle claim.  I see no qualitative
difference discussed that would support such a gradation.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Alan Mackenzie
RJack wrote:
 Alan Mackenzie wrote:
 RJack wrote:
 Hyman Rosen wrote:

 I've told you a hundred times that the Jacobsen appeals court panel
  violated CAFC rules.

 If you were correct, a single time would suffice.

 With Hyman listening? ROFL.

Maybe you've got a point there.

 Sorry, Rjack, by definition the opinion of that appeals court is the 
 valid one.

 Sorry Alan, some of you foreigners are utterly ignorant of that fact
 that under U.S. law no appeals court can overrule the Supreme Court of
 the United States:

No, I grok that.  Perhaps it is the case that this appeals court didn't
actually overrule the Supreme Court.  USA law is a complicated beast, you

 An unlicensed use of the copyright is not an infringement unless it
 conflicts with one of the specific exclusive rights conferred by the
 copyright statute. Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. Aiken, 422 U.S., at
 U.S.  417 (1984).

Katzer's behaviour violated such exclusive rights, namely by distribution
and adaptation.

 Why can't you simply admit you've been mistaken on this issue for 
 quite a long time?  No shame in that, even the lower court got it 
 wrong to begin with.

 Because I'm not legally mistaken and *I* have the Supreme Court of the
 United States on *my* side.

Don't tell me - the chief judge there is your uncle, or something, and he
consults you before each judgement is reached.

 RJack :)

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
RJack writes:

 Alan Mackenzie wrote:

 Sorry, Rjack, by definition the opinion of that appeals court is the
 valid one.

 Sorry Alan, some of you foreigners are utterly ignorant of that fact
 that under U.S. law no appeals court can overrule the Supreme Court of
 the United States:

So the appeals court did not overrule the Supreme Court.  And nobody
except you claimed that it did, while at the same not being able to do
so.  It did overrule a lower court.  The lower court not being the
Supreme Court.

Perhaps you need to think about it a bit more.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 Hyman Rosen wrote:
 On 2/22/2010 5:50 PM, RJack wrote:
  An unlicensed use of the copyright is not an infringement unless it
  conflicts with one of the specific exclusive rights conferred by the
  copyright statute.
 The use here is copying and distribution, which infringes
 in the absence of any license agreement at all.

 Providing or not providing attribution is not copying you moron, it's
 providing or not providing attribution. Take your meds, Hyman.

In this case, permission to copy was given depending on proper
attribution.  Proper attribution was not made, so no permission to copy
was available.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 In this case, permission to copy was given depending on proper
 attribution.  Proper attribution was not made, so no permission to copy
 was available.

If you rent me an apartment depending on proper monthly payment, my
failure to pay doesn't automatically nullify the permission to occupy
your apartment and somehow making me liable for etc. See the light now,
silly dak?


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 David Kastrup wrote:
 In this case, permission to copy was given depending on proper
 attribution.  Proper attribution was not made, so no permission to copy
 was available.

 If you rent me an apartment depending on proper monthly payment, my
 failure to pay doesn't automatically nullify the permission to occupy
 your apartment and somehow making me liable for etc. See the light now,
 silly dak?

You are confusing a _contract_ with a _license_.  In the case of the
appartment, both parties stipulate their willingness to fulfill the
contractual relationship they have agreed on.  The contract is first
established, later breached.  If the landlord can establish that the
tenant never intended to fulfill his contractual duties, he might be
able to get the contract annulled, in which case continued residence
might indeed become a case of Hausfriedensbruch.  Similarly, if he gets
the contract terminated and an eviction order given, the tenant will
have to pay the rent up to the time of termination, and may be liable to
the equivalent to Hausfriedensbruch eventually if he does not obey the
eviction order.

Anyway, the important point is that we are talking about a contract
signed by two parties, not a unilateral license grant under conditions.

If we have no stipulation of willingness of the licensee to accept the
license terms, the license may as well be non-existent with regard to
the relationship of the parties.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 You are confusing a _contract_ with a _license_.  

You're really a crackpot, dak.

Im Privatrecht regeln Kaufverträge, Leihverträge und spezielle
Lizenzverträge die Rechte des Erwerbers und seine Pflichten gegenüber
dem Lizenzgeber.


Ein Lizenzvertrag ist ein im Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch (BGB) nicht eigens
geregelter Vertragstyp. Er wird deshalb auch als Vertrag eigener Art
(Vertrag sui generis) klassifiziert. Durch den Vertrag erteilt der
Inhaber eines geschützten Rechts dem Lizenznehmer ein definiertes

Lizenzen werden vor allem für die Nutzung von Patenten,
Gebrauchsmustern, Marken, Know-how oder Software erteilt.

Durch Lizenzverträge können einfache oder exklusive (= ausschließliche)
Rechte eingeräumt werden. Kernpunkte eines Lizenzvertrags sind die
Beschreibung des Lizenzgegenstands, die Festlegung des zur Nutzung
freigegebenen Marktsegments bzw. der Marktregion, die Laufzeit, das
Entgelt und gegebenenfalls auch Vertragsstrafen. Das Entgelt wird häufig
in Form eines Down payments am Anfang und einer laufenden Gebühr in
Abhängigkeit vom wirtschaftlichen Erfolg bzw. Nutzen geregelt.

Ein Beispiel sind Lizenzbauten beim Auto- und Flugzeugbau. Dabei werden
dem Lizenznehmer Kopien der Konstruktionspläne überlassen und der
Lizenzgeber hilft oft dem Lizenznehmer bei der Produktionsaufnahme.

Im Verlagsbereich regeln Lizenzverträge die Nutzung von Urheberrechten.
Solche Lizenzverträge werden üblicherweise zwischen dem selbständigen
Urheber und einem Verlag oder zwischen zwei Verlagen (z. B. für
Übersetzungsversionen) geschlossen.

Dass Privatleuten Rechte mittels Lizenzvertrag eingeräumt werden, ist
eher unüblich. Eine Ausnahme stellen die Lizenzen dar, die bei freier
Software zur Verwendung kommen. Bei diesen wird pauschal jedermann eine
Lizenz angeboten.

Die Lizenzen von freier Software und lizenzpflichtiger Software haben
gemeinsam, dass sie im Sinne des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches Allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) darstellen. AGB müssen zur Erlangung von
Rechtskraft wirksam in den Vertrag zwischen dem Lizenznehmer und dem
Lizenzgeber aufgenommen werden, sofern es sich nicht um individuell
hergestellte Software handelt.

Dem Lizenzvertrag ähnlich ist der Franchisevertrag, basiert aber auf
anderen rechtlichen Grundlagen.

Der Urheber kann auch mehrere Lizenzen zur Auswahl anbieten. Man spricht
dann von einer Mehrfachlizenzierung, siehe Duales Lizenzsystem.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 David Kastrup wrote:
 You are confusing a _contract_ with a _license_.  

 You're really a crackpot, dak.

 Im Privatrecht regeln Kaufverträge, Leihverträge und spezielle
 Lizenzverträge die Rechte des Erwerbers und seine Pflichten gegenüber
 dem Lizenzgeber.

Since you can't argue my detailed point, you try reverting to context
free word games?  Anyway, wrong terminology.  License in German would
be something like Genehmigung or Berechtigung.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 Alexander Terekhov writes:
  David Kastrup wrote:
  You are confusing a _contract_ with a _license_.
  You're really a crackpot, dak.
  Im Privatrecht regeln Kaufverträge, Leihverträge und spezielle
  Lizenzverträge die Rechte des Erwerbers und seine Pflichten gegenüber
  dem Lizenzgeber.
 Since you can't argue my detailed point, you try reverting to context
 free word games?  Anyway, wrong terminology.  License in German would
 be something like Genehmigung or Berechtigung.

Uh crackpot dak.

In den Gesetzen zum Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums lassen sich
insgesamt drei verschiedene Möglichkeiten feststellen, wie eine Lizenz
begründet werden kann: erstens kraft staatlichen Hoheitsakts, zweitens
kraft Gesetzes und drittens durch Vertrag.
(Lizenz und Lizenzvertrag im Recht des Geistigen Eigentums By Louis

Hth, silly dak.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Hey Alan, please help comrade dak grok the following

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Allgemein versteht man unter Lizenz die Befugnis, das Immaterialgut
eines anderen zu benutzen. Als Immaterialgüter kommen insbesondere
Marken, Urheberrecht oder Patente Dritter in Betracht. Nachdem es nur
sehr wenige gesetzliche Regelungen gibt, werden Lizenzen üblicherweise
in individuellen Verträgen, den Lizenzverträgen, geregelt. Auf
Lizenzverträge findet zunächst wie auf alle Verträge das allgemeine

Anwendung. Daneben werden verschiedene Vorschriften des BGB analog
angewandt. Insbesondere die Bereiche der Rechtspacht, des Mietrechts,
des Kaufrechts und des Dienstvertragsrechts finden Anwendung. 

Soweit Lizenzen (wie häufig) in Formularverträgen geregelt werden,
finden auch die Regelungen über die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der
§§ 305 ff BGB Anwendung.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Hey Mackenzie, please help comrade dak grok the following as well

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Die Schenkung ist ein zweiseitiges Rechtsgeschäft (ein Vertrag), aber
nur einseitig verpflichtend, weil nur der Schenker leisten muss.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Alan, please help comrade dak grok the following

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 Allgemein versteht man unter Lizenz die Befugnis, das Immaterialgut
 eines anderen zu benutzen. Als Immaterialgüter kommen insbesondere
 Marken, Urheberrecht oder Patente Dritter in Betracht. Nachdem es nur
 sehr wenige gesetzliche Regelungen gibt, werden Lizenzen üblicherweise
 in individuellen Verträgen, den Lizenzverträgen, geregelt.

üblicherweise means usually.  The GPL is not üblich, and is not
handled in individuellen Verträgen but rather as a unilateral offer to
all parties willing to stay with the licensing terms.

 Auf Lizenzverträge findet zunächst wie auf alle Verträge das
 allgemeine Vertragsrecht Anwendung.

Auf Lizenzverträge.  With the GPL, no Vertrag is involved in the
licensing, since there is no explicit or implicit agreement between two

You really have a hard time understanding basic concepts and language...

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Mackenzie, please help comrade dak grok the following as well

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 Die Schenkung ist ein zweiseitiges Rechtsgeschäft (ein Vertrag), aber
 nur einseitig verpflichtend, weil nur der Schenker leisten muss.

The GPL is not a Schenkung since there is no transfer of ownership.
It is actually not true that it is nur einseitig verpflichtend since
ownership implies duties.  For example, if I make a Schenkungsvertrag
over a bunch of toxic waste cans on public ground, it becomes the new
owner's responsibility to move them away safely.

If I make a Schenkungsvertrag over a horse, it becomes the new owner's
responsibility to provide basic care and feeding or face animal
protection laws.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Alan, please help comrade dak grok the following

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 Alexander Terekhov writes:
  Allgemein versteht man unter Lizenz die Befugnis, das Immaterialgut
  eines anderen zu benutzen. Als Immaterialgüter kommen insbesondere
  Marken, Urheberrecht oder Patente Dritter in Betracht. Nachdem es nur
  sehr wenige gesetzliche Regelungen gibt, werden Lizenzen üblicherweise
  in individuellen Verträgen, den Lizenzverträgen, geregelt.
 üblicherweise means usually.  The GPL is not üblich, and is not
 handled in individuellen Verträgen but rather as a unilateral offer to

The GPL is an AGB (standard aka boilerplate) form contract you

Soweit Lizenzen (wie häufig) in Formularverträgen geregelt werden,
finden auch die Regelungen über die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der
§§ 305 ff BGB Anwendung.

Here's a judgment from a German court stating that obvious fact:

Uh crackpot dak.

Hth, silly.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Mackenzie, please help comrade dak grok the following as well

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 It is actually not true that it is nur einseitig verpflichtend since

It's einseitig verpflichtend as in


Pflichtenbegründende Rechtsgeschäfte (Verpflichtungsgeschäfte)
- es werden einseitige oder mehrseitige Pflichtenverhältnisse begründet
einseitig: Schenkung, Leihe, Erlass
zweiseitig: Kaufvertrag, Dienstvertrag, Werkvertrag
mehrseitig: Gesellschaftervertrag

you crackpot dak.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread RJack

David Kastrup wrote:

Alexander Terekhov writes:

Hyman Rosen wrote:

On 2/22/2010 5:50 PM, RJack wrote:
An unlicensed use of the copyright is not an infringement 
unless it conflicts with one of the specific exclusive rights 
conferred by the copyright statute.
The use here is copying and distribution, which infringes in the 
absence of any license agreement at all.
Providing or not providing attribution is not copying you moron, 
it's providing or not providing attribution. Take your meds, Hyman.

In this case, permission to copy was given depending on proper 
attribution.  Proper attribution was not made, so no permission to 
copy was available.

You're trying to force a condition precedent which is a term of contract

What you say *could* be true in a license. The critical word is
precedent which means to precede. Unfortunately for the
Artistic License, you can't attribute a work you haven't yet received
permission to create. The very thing that is supposedly being
conditioned (the copyright permissions) is required to satisfy the
condition (attribution in the created work) -- which is impossible.

The same thing happens with respect to sec. 2 of the GPL.

RJack :)

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Mackenzie, please help comrade dak grok the following as well

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Hey dak, just to clarify: the point was not that the GPL is somehow a
unilateral contract (it's obviously a bilateral boiler plate contract
form, not unilateral) but rather that even gifts are contracts under the
German law. A totally gratuitous IP license IS ALSO A CONTRACT, silly

Whether this [act] constitutes a gratuitous license, or one 
for a reasonable compensation, must, of course, depend upon 
the circumstances; but the relation between the parties 
thereafter in respect of any suit brought must be held to be 
contractual, and not an unlawful invasion of the rights of 
the owner.

Hth, silly.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Alan, please help comrade dak grok the following

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 David Kastrup wrote:
 Alexander Terekhov writes:
  Allgemein versteht man unter Lizenz die Befugnis, das Immaterialgut
  eines anderen zu benutzen. Als Immaterialgüter kommen insbesondere
  Marken, Urheberrecht oder Patente Dritter in Betracht. Nachdem es nur
  sehr wenige gesetzliche Regelungen gibt, werden Lizenzen üblicherweise
  in individuellen Verträgen, den Lizenzverträgen, geregelt.
 üblicherweise means usually.  The GPL is not üblich, and is not
 handled in individuellen Verträgen but rather as a unilateral offer to

 The GPL is an AGB (standard aka boilerplate) form contract you

Nonsense, since there is no implicit contract (like with sales typically
done over the counter) and no exchange of consideration.

Talk about retard.

 Soweit Lizenzen (wie häufig) in Formularverträgen geregelt werden,

The GPL is not a Formularvertrag since it is not a Vertrag at all:
agreement is _not_ implied for normal use under copyright.  It is
optional, and the GPL spells this out.

 finden auch die Regelungen über die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen
 der §§ 305 ff BGB Anwendung.

 Here's a judgment from a German court stating that obvious fact:

I'd say that this side sentence of the reasoning is not completely
correct.  The court states: Die Lizenzbedingungen des GPL sind als
allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen anzusehen, die einer Prüfung nach
§§506ff BGB unterfallen.

However, §305(1) states Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen sind alle für
eine Vielzahl von Verträgen vorformulierten Vertragsbedingungen, die
eine Vertragspartei (Verwender) der anderen Vertragspartei bei Abschluss
eines Vertrags stellt.

But there is no Vertrag involved with licensing under the GPL.  Now it
turns out that even when pretending the GPL _were_ an AGB (which has
implications on the forms and contents it may assume), this court
considered the GPL valid.

I don't agree with its arguments here, as it states Da die
Lizenzbedingungen des GPL ohne weiteres im Internet abrufbar sind,
bestehen keine Bedenken, daß diese in das Vertragsverhältnis zwischen
den Urhebern und der Beklagten einbezogen wurden..  That is plainly
ridiculous.  The Internet is a vast space.  The presence of the GPL
somewhere on the Internet certainly can't make it an implied
precondition to any purported contract.

If the outcome of the case had positively depended in this particular
part of the court's reasoning, I would have guessed that the defendant
would have had good chances at appeal.

But throwing out the whole AGB part does not help the defendant one
bit, so there was likely nothing to be gained by contesting this part of
the reasoning.

 Uh crackpot dak.

 Hth, silly.

Looks like you have run out of arguments again.  Nothing left but
irrelevant links and insults.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Mackenzie, please help comrade dak grok the following as well

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 David Kastrup wrote:
 It is actually not true that it is nur einseitig verpflichtend since

 It's einseitig verpflichtend as in


 Pflichtenbegründende Rechtsgeschäfte (Verpflichtungsgeschäfte)
 - es werden einseitige oder mehrseitige Pflichtenverhältnisse begründet
 einseitig: Schenkung, Leihe, Erlass
 zweiseitig: Kaufvertrag, Dienstvertrag, Werkvertrag
 mehrseitig: Gesellschaftervertrag

 you crackpot dak.

A Schenkung is einseitig verpflichtend between the parties of the
Schenkungsvertrag, however, as a consequence of the transfer of
ownership, the Verpflichtungen connected with ownership will be
established for the new owner.

For this reason among others, you can't do a Schenkungsvertrag without
the consent of the receiving party.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Alan, please help comrade dak grok the following

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 But throwing out the whole AGB part does not help the defendant one
 bit, so there was likely nothing to be gained by contesting this part of
 the reasoning.

Das Gericht hat rechtsfehlerhafter Weise die 
Prüfung eines Verstoßes von Art.81 EGV u. §1 GWB 

Das Urteil ist diesbezüglich *offensichtlich* falsch, denn 
einerseits wird die GPL als AGB bezeichnet, andererseits 
aber wie ein Individualrechtsgeschäft (read: Individualvertrag) 
behandelt, um den §139 BGB anwenden zu können. So geht es nicht! 

§139 ist nicht auf AGB anwendbar. 
Wenn Klauseln in AGB unwirksam sind, so gilt 
nicht §139 BGB sondern §306 BGB. Danach ist 
nicht, wie das Gericht irrtümlich meint, der 
gesamte Lizenzvertrag nichtig, sondern der 
Vertrag bleibt wirksam und nur die 
nichtige Klausel wird durch gesetzliche 
Vorschriften ersetzt. 

Das Urteil könnte in der Berufung durchaus anders 
ausfallen. Die vielen Schreibfehler im Urteil 
sind ebenfalls bemerkenswert. 


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/22/2010 6:39 PM, RJack wrote:

An unlicensed use of the copyright is not an infringement unless it
conflicts with one of the specific exclusive rights conferred by the
copyright statute. 

The use here is copying and distribution, which infringes
in the absence of any license agreement at all.

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Hey Alan, please help comrade dak grok the following

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 David Kastrup wrote:
 But throwing out the whole AGB part does not help the defendant one
 bit, so there was likely nothing to be gained by contesting this part of
 the reasoning.

 Das Gericht hat rechtsfehlerhafter Weise die 
 Prüfung eines Verstoßes von Art.81 EGV u. §1 GWB 

 Das Urteil ist diesbezüglich *offensichtlich* falsch, denn 
 einerseits wird die GPL als AGB bezeichnet, andererseits 
 aber wie ein Individualrechtsgeschäft (read: Individualvertrag) 
 behandelt, um den §139 BGB anwenden zu können. So geht es nicht!

diesbezüglich means in this respect.  I am not disagreeing with this
part of the comment for which you give no source.  But going to appeal
in order to get the right verdict for all the right reasons instead of
the same right verdict for some wrong reasons as well is likely of
little interest to the defendant.

An upright defending lawyer would probably tell his client we could
likely contest this part successfully, but it would not change the

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/22/2010 6:48 PM, RJack wrote:

The Artistic License broadly *permits* copying and distribution just as
Judge White originally found when he applied the correct Supreme Court
precedents. Contractual covenants aren't grant conditioners. No end runs
around the Supreme Court Hyman.

The Artistic License permits copying and distribution as long
as certain conditions are met when doing so. The appeals court
properly found that failing to abide by these conditions is
copyright infringement.

As I said a long time ago when Judge White made his original
decision and before he was overruled by CAFC, get back to me
once the Supreme Court overturns this.

Meanwhile, it's court vs. crank. And court wins.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/23/2010 2:13 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

Hyman Rosen wrote:

The use here is copying and distribution, which infringes
in the absence of any license agreement at all.

Providing or not providing attribution is not copying you moron, it's
providing or not providing attribution. Take your meds, Hyman.

The license grants permission to copy and distribute provided
certain conditions are met while doing so. Copying and distributing
while not meeting those conditions is copyright infringement. Those
conditions can be anything - attribution, paperback format, blue
covers. If the copier does not want to meet the conditions, he has
no right to copy.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Hyman Rosen wrote:
 On 2/23/2010 2:13 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  Hyman Rosen wrote:
  The use here is copying and distribution, which infringes
  in the absence of any license agreement at all.
  Providing or not providing attribution is not copying you moron, it's
  providing or not providing attribution. Take your meds, Hyman.
 The license grants permission to copy and distribute provided
 certain conditions are met while doing so. Copying and distributing
 while not meeting those conditions is copyright infringement. Those
 conditions can be anything - attribution, paperback format, blue
 covers. If the copier does not want to meet the conditions, he has
 no right to copy.

Hyman you retardedly confuse conditions precedent with scope
restrictions and covenants to do (or not do) something while doing so.

Take your meds Hyman. Take your meds.


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/23/2010 9:48 AM, RJack wrote:

What you say *could* be true in a license. The critical word is
precedent which means to precede. Unfortunately for the
Artistic License, you can't attribute a work you haven't yet received
permission to create. The very thing that is supposedly being
conditioned (the copyright permissions) is required to satisfy the
condition (attribution in the created work) -- which is impossible.

The same thing happens with respect to sec. 2 of the GPL.

Unfortunately for you, the court believed otherwise.
The clear language of the Artistic License creates conditions
to protect the economic rights at issue in the granting of a
public license. These conditions govern the rights to modify
and distribute the computer programs and files included in the
downloadable software package.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/23/2010 11:06 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

Hyman you retardedly confuse conditions precedent with scope
restrictions and covenants to do (or not do) something while doing so.

The CAFC appears to agree with me:
The clear language of the Artistic License creates conditions
to protect the economic rights at issue in the granting of a
public license. These conditions govern the rights to modify
and distribute the computer programs and files included in the
downloadable software package.

So I can believe a court, or I can believe you. I choose court.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
Hyman Rosen writes:

 On 2/23/2010 4:50 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 If you rent me an apartment depending on proper monthly payment, my
 failure to pay doesn't automatically nullify the permission to occupy
 your apartment and somehow making me liable for etc.

 That is because there are special laws that pertain to
 apartment rentals and evictions, not because of any
 general principle.

Actually, it is because we have a contract signed by two parties rather
than a conditional license which one party can choose to make use of or
not at its will.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Hyman Rosen wrote:
 That is because there are special laws that pertain to
 apartment rentals and evictions, not because of any
 general principle.

Forget apartments for a moment silly Hyman. If you rent a car on a
monthly fee basis and don't pay on time while using it, that DOESN'T
make you liable in tort (for theft). Surprised, silly Hyman?


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/23/2010 11:25 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

Forget apartments for a moment silly Hyman. If you rent a car on a
monthly fee basis and don't pay on time while using it, that DOESN'T
make you liable in tort (for theft).

That's because the contract specifies consequences for
default (and there are special vehicle laws too). If
someone were to enter such an agreement with the intention
of never paying, he would be liable for fraud and theft.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread RJack

Hyman Rosen wrote:

On 2/23/2010 2:13 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

Hyman Rosen wrote:

The use here is copying and distribution, which infringes in the
absence of any license agreement at all.

Providing or not providing attribution is not copying you moron,
it's providing or not providing attribution. Take your meds, Hyman.

The license grants permission to copy and distribute provided certain
conditions are met while doing so. Copying and distributing while not
meeting those conditions is copyright infringement. Those conditions
can be anything - attribution, paperback format, blue covers. If the
copier does not want to meet the conditions, he has no right to copy.

Give it up Alexander. It's Hyman Rosen vs. the United States Supreme
Court. Hyman will just indulge in his denial ad infinitum. There is no
logical way to counter a retreat into solipsistic denial. It is just as
futile as attempting to prove a negative. Hyman will just ignore the
Supreme Court decision as if it didn't exist and continue to quote the
Federal Circuit's erroneous finding.

Save your ink for conscious entities.

RJack :)

Captain Moglen scared them out of the water!

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread Hyman Rosen

On 2/23/2010 12:00 PM, RJack wrote:

Give it up Alexander. It's Hyman Rosen vs. the United States Supreme
Court. Hyman will just indulge in his denial ad infinitum. There is no
logical way to counter a retreat into solipsistic denial. It is just as
futile as attempting to prove a negative. Hyman will just ignore the
Supreme Court decision as if it didn't exist and continue to quote the
Federal Circuit's erroneous finding.

Save your ink for conscious entities.

There is no conflict with the Supreme Court. The infringing
use was copying and distribution, infringing because it was
done contrary to the conditions demanded by the rights holders.

No court's findings are erroneous until another court makes
them so. Until then, there is a valid decision and no amount
of complaining by people who don't like it will make it any
less so.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread John Hasler
RJack writes:
 Hyman will just ignore the Supreme Court decision as if it didn't
 exist and continue to quote the Federal Circuit's erroneous finding.

If the Federal Circuit's finding is in conflict with Supreme Court
precedents why has it not been appealed thereto?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI USA
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Jacobsen v. Katzer settled

2010-02-23 Thread David Kastrup
John Hasler writes:

 RJack writes:
 Hyman will just ignore the Supreme Court decision as if it didn't
 exist and continue to quote the Federal Circuit's erroneous finding.

 If the Federal Circuit's finding is in conflict with Supreme Court
 precedents why has it not been appealed thereto?

This likely should be considered addressed comprehensively with the
scared them out of the water.  LOL LOL LOL babble.

Why it is apparently this simple to scare sharks is another question.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

NYC LOCAL: Corrected and Improved Announcement of Carl Malamud et al Meeting on Wednesday 24 February 2010

2010-02-23 Thread secretary
  what=fuller official New York Law School
Institute for Information Law  Policy announcement
  correction=New York Law School is distinct from NYU Law School,
  thus this meeting will not be at NYU Law School.
  where=This meeting will be in Room A700 of
 55 Worth Street
 on the Island of the Manahattoes.
  rsvp=rsvp is requested;
write to

 Subject:Law.Gov |   Google Groups   
 Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:38:01 -0500 (EST)

#RSS Atom

Go to Google Groups HomeLaw.Gov

NYLS Panel on 2/24
Carl Malamud

Liberating Legal Information: The Law.Gov Movement
A Panel Discussion with Carl Malamud, Helen Nissenbaum, and Nicholas
February 24, 2009
New York Law School
Room A700

In 2009, President Obama's Open Government Initiative led to the
launch of Data.Gov, an online forum where the public may easily find,
download, and use Federal agency datasets.  Through Data.Gov, the
administration seeks to expand creative use of the data and encourage
innovation beyond the walls of government.

Law.Gov builds on the success of Data.Gov by documenting what is
necessary to establish a distributed registry and repository of all
United States legal materials.  Public.Resource.Org is leading this
revolutionary effort to collect briefs and opinions from the
Judiciary; reports, hearings, and laws from the Legislative branch;
and regulations, audits, grants, and other materials from the

Join the IILP as we welcome Internet pioneer Carl Malamud, President
and Founder of Public.Resource.Org, to discuss the Law.Gov movement
and it's opportunities for citizens to help change the way we
distribute America's Operating System.  He will be joined by
distinguished Information Law scholars Helen Nissenbaum and Nicholas

This event is open to the public.  Please RSVP to Naomi Allen at

Carl Malamud is the President and Founder of Public.Resource.Org.
Malamud was previously founder of the Internet Multicasting Service
and the Chief Technology Officer at the Center for American Progress.
He has been awarded Harvard University's Berkman Award for significant
contribution to the Internet and its impact on society, the Electronic
Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award, and the First Amendment
Coalition's Bill Farr Award.

Helen Nissenbaum is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, and
Computer Science at New York University, where she is also Senior
Faculty Fellow of the Information Law Institute. Her areas of
expertise span social, ethical, and political implications of
information technology and digital media.  Before joining the faculty
at NYU, she served as Associate Director of the Center for Human
Values at Princeton University.

Nicholas Bramble is a Postdoctoral Associate in Law and Kauffman
Fellow in Law at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School,
specializing in research on the problems of collective action and the
promises of civic engagement relating to open access in the university
setting. Mr. Bramble was previously a judicial clerk for the Honorable
Charles F. Lettow of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and was the
online managing editor of the Journal of Law  Technology while at
Harvard Law School.

The discussion will be moderated by Christopher Wong, Postgraduate
Fellow at the Institute for Information Law  Policy at New York Law
School and Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Information Society
Project at Yale Law School.

Distributed poC TINC:

Jay Sulzberger
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.

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