[Goanet]Home is where the heart is/Melinda Coutinho Powell

2005-06-16 Thread melinda Powell
Mario Goveia wrote"While I fully agree that "Home is where the heart is",
I'm getting a little fed-up with the sly
sentimentality and the snide insinuations obviously
aimed at those of us who have our primary homes


Im must confess to being sentimental but not sly.I dont think it is a bad
thing to be sentimental.
No snide insinuations were made,just some "straight from the heart"
talk.Nothing is aimed /obviously aimed at those who have primary homes else
where.My brother &sister have migrated to Canada,My husband's entire family
have migrated to the U.S.People's decisions have to be respected.There is
always nostalgia when one talks about "home".Im quite sure that
Australia,UK.,U.S.A.,etc have great things to offer and people who have
primary homes there are happy where they are.

"Anyone who finds a resemblance between heaven and
Goa's stifling heat and humidity in summer, not to
mention the height of the monsoon season, is either
kidding themselves or has no other options."___

The reality is far from being heaven,Goa is hot as hell.,at the moment.The
monsoons havent begun as yet,and the humidity level is high.The monsoon is
not too bad,actually Goa is beautiful in the rains.

Sometimes people have options,they may not choose to take those options for
whatever reason.

"Why would anyone who has a choice pick just one place
to call "home"?  This is 2005, and the world is a much
smaller place than it used to be."

Yes Mario,air travel is also becoming a lot more affordable.Ive just
returned from a 2 month vacation in Seattle,which is my secondary home.

I choose to call "Goa" home because Ive relcoated here,I do have a "home'
here.It is just convenient to call just one place "home".

Cheers , to friendship on Goanet, not war


[Goanet]Re: *** Goanet Reader -- Goan society, its future direction...

2005-06-16 Thread Philip Thomas
[June 15]

You have identified five mega problems  -- environmental degradation,
unscrupulous politicians, inward migration, deterioration in education and
drug abuse. Does everybody agree on these five or are there others  which
should  also be included? Once we have a master list we have to prioritise
them and then figure out cause-effect relationships (including linkages) and
comprehensive action plans for each. Anybody want to kick things off?

Re:[Goanet] Some pure baloney in American revisionist history

2005-06-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You are free to believe any version you please, just
>don't try to ram it down my throat when there are
>other competing versions that I choose to believe
>which make more sense to me.  

Who is ramming anything down your throat? I do not
just believe anything, if it is not backed by facts. I
always choose to remain agnostic. I ask you, Why do
you choose to believe certain versions and not others?
Why do they make more sense to you?

>Your question about European historians being biased
>against their own kind is just plain silly.

Why is it silly? 

>Europeans are not monolithic, nor do they all have
>similar opinions.

I am talking about facts, not opinions. What facts
convince you that some European historians are biased,
and why?

>There are some Europeans who are still trying to
claim >that Hitler's holocaust never happened.

What distinguishes these people from those who claim
that the Amerindian holocaust (mass killing of
defenseless people of a different kind) never

>I just don't believe there was any systematic mass
>killing of defenseless people by the European
>settlers in North America, any more than than there
>was mass killing of defenseless people in any
>historical expansionist period, going back to Roman
>and Greek and Ottoman times, and even the Huns and

Do you have any facts to back your assertions? Or is
this also what you choose to believe because it makes
sense to you? Do you deny the Armenian genocide
committed by the Turks, as well?

>The point is that there were expansionist periods
>throughout history.  The Roman Empire and Alexander
>ring a bell?  Obviously those who were conquered were
>treated "unfairly".

I am sorry, I still don't see any point being made
here. Are expansionism and mass killing of defenseless
people of a different kind (genocide/holocaust)
mutually exclusive?

>What I am objecting to is revisionism being applied
>to the settling of North America, with incendiary
>terms like "genocide" and "holocaust" and incredible
>claims of small pox infected blankets.

Please provide some facts (not opinions) to back your
claims of revisionism, and the incredibility of small
pox infected blankets (in the specific case of General
Amherst, Colonel Bouquet and Captain Ecuyer).

>For this to make sense all the Europeans would have
>to have had small pox.  

Not true at all. Only the soldiers involved in
distributing the blankets need to have had small pox.
Moreover, it has been documented that because of
frequent epidemics nearly 90% of the susceptible
population of the Old World had already suffered from
small pox. 

Please also note that the most severe form of small
pox had a mortality rate of 25 to 30% in all exposed
populations, including the European population (for
the less severe form it was 1%). In contrast, in the
Amerindian population mortality from this disease was
considerably higher (perhaps, more than 50%). The
Amerind population of Dominican Republic, for
instance, declined from 3 million to just 125 in a
very short period of time because of small pox.

>As I said before, believe such stuff if you want to. 
>I just think that such claims are pure baloney.

As I said above, I do not just believe anything, if it
is not backed by facts. I always choose to remain
agnostic. I ask you again, what facts convince you
that such claims are baloney?




2005-06-16 Thread Philip Thomas

Pune gets first no frill airlines


Spice Jet flies to Goa too  (since May 27) but the local media have not been
able to come up with a similar coverage of  their move. Utt, guys!

[Goanet]RO - RO for cars

2005-06-16 Thread Philip Thomas

Re:[Goanet] In America, the crows stick to the garbage

2005-06-16 Thread Marlon Menezes
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SH:
>   Who according to you is opposed to a free Iraq? One
>   who disagrees with the policies of the present U.S.
>   administration?
> PD'S:
>   This is not "according to me", sorry. Those opposed
> to a free Iraq were very 
>   vocal in opposing America and Britain's desire for
> a regime change in Iraq. Those who 
>   supported a free Iraq choose to put their money
> where their mouth is by sending 
>   troops and other help in the effort to toople
> Saddam and his evil Baathist regime.
Personally, I dont give a hoot that people in Iraq may
have been suffering under Saddam's rule, just I do not
really care about the the genocide in Sudan or the
fact that women are being raped over there. This is
specially true when it comes to the bankrupt
government spending my tax money on this. Obviously,
the US agrees with me that the mass rapes in Dafur,
Sudan are not a big deal either as the US (and most of
the world)has only given lip service to this issue. 

Evil is all relative. I am sure there are many of us
(me included) who would not hesitate to legally work
with the Saddam regime if we could profit from it.
Even Rumsfeld wheeled and dealed with him some time


[Goanet]Konkani Ring Tones -update 2

2005-06-16 Thread JoeGoaUk

Receive 5 more today.

Itlo temp tumi khuim aslim???

I hve not sent any ring tones to any one after the first 12.
Please bear with me (very busy) u must be knowing why?
Plus, it takes time to relocate sim card into another (older)phone etc


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For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]One state, one rate...

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
BPL, the mobile company, is offering local dialling facilities within 
Maharashtra and Goa regions. So, making a call to anywhere in Maharashtra 
is just like making a local (mobile) call.

While the lower rates are welcome, I guess the slogan it advertises under, 
'One State, one rate' is unlikely to win BPL friends in Goa -- at least 
among the non-mergerist majority who always thought Goa was, and 
should remain, a separate state ;-)

This ad came up in The Indian Express in its issue dated May 23, 2005. Or 
maybe, we're not in the 1960s, so it doesn't matter any more. Every 
politician is out to feather his/her own nest, with whomever s/he finds a 
suitable partner ;-) FN

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

[Goanet]Complain about B.S.N.L. billing strategy.

2005-06-16 Thread Anand Verlekar

I am Anand P. Verlekar, r/o. Prabhuwaddo, Calangute, Bardes, Goa. I would
like to share my bad experience while dealing with BSNL Authorities. I have
my residential telephone bearing no.2279162. The line is in my dad’s name.
On 2t9 Apr’05 I had submitted an application with “Customer Service division
of B.S.N.L.” in Mapusa requesting for a sulabh plan on our residential line.
After regular follow up, the outgoing calls were disconnected from 8th May’
05. The situation means that I will have to pay normal telephonic rent from
Apr’05 to 7th May’05 ( the billing cycle being bi-monthly from Apr’ to May’
05 & so on..) & from 8th May’05 my rentals will be as per sulabh plan.
Yesterday I have received the bill for the month of Apr’05 to May’05,
needless to say as usual the rent for both months is charged at the normal
rate, without even considering rentals which should be charged for sulabh
plan from 8th May’05. I enquired with their customer service center on
2252500 in Mapusa, & was replied that even when the sulabh is applied on 8th
May’05, rental billing is done on monthly basis, so there is no provision of
billing on prorata basis.
Now my question here is that, if rental is charged on monthly basis, then
when the connections are given or the lines are shifted in the middle of the
month, then B.S.N.L. charges for the rate on prorate basis? I think this is
cheating on part of B.S.N.L. There can’t be double mind in deciding the
rentals. There might many of such B.S.N.L. customers, who just due to fear
of wasting valuable time, may not be giving much attention to these dirty
tactics by B.S.N.L. I think the time has come, where the B.S.N.L.
Authorities should properly handle such situations.


Re: [Goanet]DVD's/VCD's/Video

2005-06-16 Thread Edward Verdes
There are some movies available at  www.goa-world.com
Anyone having the original video can convert the same
to VCD, in this way one can have a clear copy.

I also understand there are some softwares for converting
audio cassettes into CD's. Some time back I had suggested
the old Mandos' cassettes/CD's to be converted into Karaoke music
as many konkani lovers will be able to sing along with the music.
Manfa music are u listening?

Eddie Verdes

From: "joao manuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since several Goans all over the world are interested in possessing
> the copies of all the original Konknni movies produced in the 60's,
> and 70's, could you let me know the guaranteed sources where one can
> acquire them and at what price.
> Thanks,
> (Joao Manuel Pereira)

RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-16 Thread Cip Fernandes

<< Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one >>

Could you please justify your statement with true premises?

Your statement appears to be based either on assumptions well known to you
or logical inconsistency.

Further, I will appreciate your description of so-called "a good one".

Personally, I do not have any dispute with either Carlos or Dr. Willy - my
dispute is with Carlos' statement.

Just curious!


-Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16 June 2005 01:00


Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one.


-Original Message-
From: Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:51:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
It is obvious that this person is not committed to any
ideology or principles. Chameleons !
Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.

Re: Subject: Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck - where is Santosh when we need him

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

Mario, I heard Zubin Mehta also wants to be a Goan. What qualifications 
are reqd to be a Goan?


Maybe a nanny who was a Goan? At least a school-teacher? What about having 
had a holiday in Goa three decades ago?

After all, ZM is not just about any poverty-striken migrant who is coming 
in for drudge work and physical labour. And, we Goans do have differing 
strokes for differing folks -- in a word, discriminatory standards. FN

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

[Goanet]Going off Goanet

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
If mail from your inbox is bouncing, you could stop receiving Goanet. This 
happens because your address is shifted to the 'no-mail' list.

If this happens to your address, please write in an tell us -- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we'll switch you back. FN

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

[Goanet]Home is where the heart is

2005-06-16 Thread Cecil Pinto

Mario Goveia wrote:
While I fully agree that "Home is where the heart is",
I'm getting a little fed-up with the sly
sentimentality and the snide insinuations obviously
aimed at those of us who have our primary homes

My sincere apologies if what I wrote came across that way. I was merely 
stating my singular opinion that I love having Goa as my home. Different 
people have different tastes, and priorities. No offense was meant to 
anyone who chooses to have his home elsewhere.

But as far as 'sentimentality' goes what's wrong with that? Perhaps Mario 
is suggesting we do away with 'Goa nostalgia' postings too on GoaNet and 
instead concentrate on USA, Saddam, homosexuality, hidden AIDS needles and 


Why would anyone who has a choice pick just one place
to call "home"?  This is 2005, and the world is a much
smaller place than it used to be.

Finances for one. Children's studies for another. Job...
Not everyone has a choice of having homes in different countries.

I love Goa, bought property there recently, and visit
every year to bask in the warmth of friends and family
- all when the weather is still bearable.  Then we
head for more pleasant climes for the rest of the

I am happy for you that you have such a choice. Please keep in mind that 
there is a difference between a home and a 'holiday home'

Anyone who finds a resemblance between heaven and
Goa's stifling heat and humidity in summer, not to
mention the height of the monsoon season, is either
kidding themselves or has no other options.

Possibly you are right. But weather is not the only reason for choosing 
one's home. In fact if weather was the only factor then even more reason 
for choosing Goa as your home. You should come down and  spend time in the 
monsoons here Mario. It's not heaven, but it's close.



Re: [Goanet]Konkani Ring Tones -update 2

2005-06-16 Thread lino dourado
Dear Joe,

Kindly return my demand draft no. 00965-9489431 of Rs
5 (Rupees five only)immediately.  What is this?
Fottoi?fottoi. How long I have to wait for your

I am afraid. This is not a new SCAM 

Patience naslolo,


--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Receive 5 more today.
 Itlo temp tumi khuim aslim???
 I hve not sent any ring tones to any one after the
 first 12. Please bear with me (very busy) u must be
knowing why? Plus, it takes time to relocate sim card
into another (older)phone etc


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-16 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
It seems, I may be wrong, that you have not followed what Willy said
about Congress being more communal than BJP.

In other words, BJP wants Willy to be CM by supporting NCP.  By doing
so, BJP will have a say in the day to day functioning of the government
which is secondary to Parrikar's plan.  The primary focus, as far as
Parrikar is concerned, is to starve the BJP traitors, the infamous five,
by keeping them away from juicy portfolios.

Willy will behave like "a good one" in fresh saffron robes.



Cip Fernandes wrote:


<< Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one >>

Could you please justify your statement with true premises?

Your statement appears to be based either on assumptions well known to
or logical inconsistency.

Further, I will appreciate your description of so-called "a good one".

Personally, I do not have any dispute with either Carlos or Dr. Willy -
dispute is with Carlos' statement.

Just curious!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16 June 2005 01:00


Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one.


Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
It is obvious that this person is not committed to any
ideology or principles. Chameleons !
Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.

[Goanet]Migration: Opportunities for children or wanderlust

2005-06-16 Thread Salus Correia

Cecil wrote:

Just for the sake of friendly debate, which will perhaps leave all of us 
better informed, could you qualify the statement that you made of your 
children having an "advantage of choice as far as choice of careers go"..


Just have a go at any of the Australian Universities, and see the choice for 
yourself.  And mind you, you do not need a grand distinction to gain entry, and 
mind you, these are very good centers of learning, far better than what is on 
offer in Goa.

click here for more details:


Now these are only a few universities in a small place like Melbourne.  Go 
through the sites and see what is there on offer.  Besides university degrees, 
there are also options of courses like TAFE etc., and like I said earlier, our 
children do have a better advantage as far as choice of careers go.  If we were 
in Goa, we only had Goa University, and I do not have to say more.  By the way, 
Goa is also bigger than Melbourne.  So the question of choice is far bigger 
than you can imagine.
I do not want to let our beloved Goa down, but sometimes we do need to make 
hard decisions for the sake of our loved ones.  We were doing well in Goa, and 
were very comfortable, but had to leave it all behind for the sake of our 
children.  Mind you, it did hurt a lot making that decision, but we just had to 
do it, and today we know we did not make a mistake.
I agree that education here is very costly as compared to Goa, but there are 
Government subsidies  to enable the young ones to afford whatever they need by 
way of education, and payback is slow on low interest terms, mainly deducted 
off your income, based on your income earned, when you earn it.  In Goa, we 
have to rely on the banks, and I need not go into those details now.
Incidentally, there are scores of Indian students including Goans ones studying 
independantly in Universities over here.  Many opt to stay on after completion 
of their courses, but still many do opt to return to India, and I am not 
surprised with their decision in that regard.  If my children decide to return 
to India, they will have my support too, in that decision.
Your friend may have had different reasons for his migration, but then we all 
have our own very reasons too.  For some it may be wanderlust, but not for all.
By the way, I still love my Goa, and care a lot about what is going on there.  
Nothing can change or diminish the Goa that is in my heart.


Re:[Goanet] In America, the crows stick to the garbage

2005-06-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>No. I did not say that they are "very conservative".
>Conservatives are recovering liberals (most of us

If some liberals like you recovered to being
conservatives than at least some liberals must be
open-minded. Are you now as a conservative open-minded
enough to switch back to being a liberal?

>people who liken George Bush to Hitler

How about people who liken a Democratic president to
Stalin? Are they America-haters?

>popular entertainers who criticise America on foreign

By "criticise America", do you mean criticise the
policies of a Republican administration? Is the
democratic right to dissent confined within the U.S.

>people weren't happy when Saddam Hussein was captured
>(many of whom were actually sad, for fear that it
>would translate to election losses for the Democrat

Was capturing Saddam Hussein part of a political
strategy to win the election for the Republican party?
If so, are these people America-lovers?

>Personally, I disagree with the present
administration >on many issues, but I love this
country dearly. 

What are your disagreements?

>There are others who disagree with the present
>administration instinctively, I've identified some of
>them above.

I assume that you do not instinctively label as
America-haters those who instinctively disagree with
the present administration.

>Those opposed to a free Iraq were very vocal in
>opposing America and Britain's desire for a regime
>change in Iraq. 

Are you open-minded enough to consider the possibility
that these people disagreed that military invasion was
the only option? Are you now opposed to a free North
Korea or a free Saudi Arabia? 

>Non, monsieur. You can hate everyone and still be
>truly French, n'est-ce pas?

Are you France-hater? Do you think it is appropriate
to use the word French as a derisive epithet? If so,



[Goanet]NIO, on the Goa March 2005 oil spill

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha

  23 March 2005 oil spill off Goa, India

Oil has been spilled from an anchored vessel MV Maritime Wisdom on 23 March 
2005 at around 1:30 am, Lat 15° 24'N; Long 73° 43'E. Initial position of the 
spill is shown in the figure below. A barge carrying iron ore collided with the 
vessel resulting in development of a 3x6" wide hole. The hole was plugged at 
about 04:00 am and until then about 110 tons of bunker oil has been spilled. 
Coast guard is in operation to monitor using aircraft. They are also working on 
control of spread of the spill by using booms and dispersants. 

What is a bunker oil?

It is a heavyweight material that is difficult to pump and requires preheating 
for use. This fuel oil may be heavier than water, is not likely to dissolve, is 
difficult or impossible to disperse, and is likely to form tar balls, lumps, 
and emulsions. It has a low volatility and moderate flash point

See URL above for details, and also http://www.nio.org

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
http://fn.swiki.net   http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

RE: [Goanet]Konkani Ring Tones -update 2

2005-06-16 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

Please don't loose your patience; it's a beautiful gift.  Joe, I
believe, is busy scanning and uploading old as well as new photographs
of tiatr personalities.

Joebab, any more delay with the ring tone might have adverse effect on
"Aitaracheo Kaskuleo".  So, please leave everything and send the ring
tone to Linobab; unless you want to read "Aitaracheo Kaskuleo - Fottoi,
Fottoi..." -:)



lino dourado wrote:

Dear Joe,

Kindly return my demand draft no. 00965-9489431 of Rs
5 (Rupees five only)immediately.  What is this?
Fottoi...fottoi. How long I have to wait for your

I am afraid. This is not a new SCAM 

Patience naslolo,



--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Receive 5 more today.
 Itlo temp tumi khuim aslim???
 I hve not sent any ring tones to any one after the
 first 12. Please bear with me (very busy) u must be
knowing why? Plus, it takes time to relocate sim card
into another (older)phone etc


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


2005-06-16 Thread Antonio Menezes
Igorjen bamon teca kelo
ani vodlo bamon to zalo
punn igorz nagoili connem ?
padr vigaran ?
chett !
to devache bhiranticho munis

So how come mostly bamon families prospered during the Porguguese regime.

Is there a symbologist  among Goan catholics  who could crack open a
Pandora's box , I mean  da Fonseca code ?

And what is this code, it is not in a painting but is an old age saying :

   Padricho sermaum  , vhonienc nuim .


[Goanet]NRIs' Dual Citizenship dream is now a reality

2005-06-16 Thread Edward

NRIs' Dual Citizenship dream is now a reality

PTI[ THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 04:51:35 PM ]

NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet on Thursday gave its approval for amending the 
Citizenship Act 1955 to enable all persons of Indian origin who migrated to 
other countries after January 26, 1950 to acquire overseas citizenship of 

The cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, also gave its 
approval to amend the Allocation of Business Rules and to allow Ministry of 
Overseas Indian Affairs to issue notifications under Section 7B (1) of the 
Citizenship Act and issue smart cards to registered Overseas Citizens of 

However, the amendment would not be applicable to all persons of Indian 
origin, their children and grand children, who migrated to Pakistan and 
Bangladesh after January 26, 1950.

Read full text at: 

forwarded by Eddie Verdes 

[Goanet]Subject: Re: Can we dump the legend, and keep the message

2005-06-16 Thread sandeep heble
(Mario Goveia wrote: ?Santosh,
While no one should support spreading something that
is false (there goes Santa Claus and the Easter
Bunny), would it be possible for you to use your
impressive ability to separate fact from fiction to
not just debunk urban legends that may conclude with a
socially redeeming message or suggestion, but to find
for us alternative truthful anecdotes that may support
the same message, realizing that this may not be
possible in each and every case.?)
Is there really a need to present a fictional story as
a fact to inspire, motivate and guide others? Did not
Gandhi acknowledge the profound effect the ?Bhagvat
Gita? and the ?Sermon on the mount?, have on his life?
Has not religion, which admittedly is not based on
facts, inspired and motivated millions of its
followers, either for the better or for the worse?

I think the point Dr. Helekar is making is  quite 
clear: why should an anecdote, which can tend to be
inspiring by itself, be exaggerated and fabricated and
then be presented as fact? Can we not call a legend a
legend, a tale a tale, a myth a myth and a true story
a true story? Why is there a need then to resort to

On a related note, a funny incident happened a few
days back. While we, a group of friends, were having a
discussion, one friend got up and remarked that ?Swami
Vivekananda?, while meditating, used to float in the
air. We all had a hearty laugh. Fabrications and
exaggerations can lead to otherwise sensible people
thinking in such a ridiculous manner.

(Mario, you will find a lot of truthful anecdotes and
authentic stories about ordinary Indians who, through
their intense struggle, perseverance and dedication,
have now become role models in society at the link
http://www.goodnewsindia.com )   

Discover Yahoo! 
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Re: [Goanet]Is Zubin Mehta really a Goan?

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
At the risk of starting a new urban legend, I have
heard that Zubin Mehta is already a bhatkar from
Sangolda (just kidding, folks).

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mario,
> I heard Zubin Mehta also wants to be a Goan. What
> qualifications are reqd to be a Goan?
> Carlos
> -Original Message-
> >From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: goanet@goanet.org
> >Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
> >Subject: Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck - where
> is Santosh when we 
> need him
> >Santosh,
> >Would you please confirm or debunk these urban
> >legends, please, before they get out of hand.  Now
> >Englebert who does not even acknowledge he is an
> >Indian, as far as I know, and used to be an
> >Anglo-Indian from Chennai, has become a Goan from
> >Cuncolim.

[Goanet]Dual Citizenship: When ?

2005-06-16 Thread JoeGoaUk

Cabinet nod for dual citizenship`

June 16, 2005 15:57 IST

The Union Cabinet on Thursday gave its approval for amending the Citizenship Act
1955 to enable all persons of Indian origin who migrated to other countries 
January 26, 1950 to acquire overseas citizenship of India. 

The cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, also gave its
approval to amend the Allocation of Business Rules and to allow Ministry of 
Indian Affairs to issue notifications under Section 7B (1) of the Citizenship 
and issue smart cards to registered Overseas Citizens of India. 

However, the amendment would not be applicable to all persons of Indian origin,
their children and grand children, who migrated to Pakistan and Bangladesh after
January 26, 1950. 

It will benefit people who were eligible to become citizens on this date or 
to the territories, which became part of India after August 15, 1947 to acquire
overseas citizenship "as long as their home countries allow dual citizenship in 
form or the other". 

These were among the various proposals approved by the cabinet, Information and
Broadcasting Minister Jaipal Reddy told reporters after the meeting.


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For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

Re: [Goanet]Home is where the heart is/Melinda Coutinho Powell

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
--- melinda Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im must confess to being sentimental but not sly.I
> dont think it is a bad thing to be sentimental.
> No snide insinuations were made,just some "straight
> from the heart" talk.Nothing is aimed /obviously 
> aimed at those who have primary homes else where.
Mario replies:
I apologize for the extraneous adjectives, which were
inappropriate, and I see nothing wrong with some
balanced sentiment and nostalgia, but for you and
others to emphasize the obvious about Goa where you
live, for no apparent reason, did have a smidgen of an
insinuation, in my never-humble opinion.  Maybe I'm

Having said that, my reaction may have had something
to do with the fact that I have met many expatriate
Indians, mostly older ones, who carry tremendous
sentimental baggage about having abandoned India, are
never sure where they "belong", where they want to be
cremated or interred, and other similar assorted

The younger ones seem to have no such qualms; the
whole world is their oyster in 2005.

The sentimental baggage can be harmful when living
abroad, setting people apart, making those same people
seem "strange" or "different" to the locals among whom
they live, and then leading to complaints of not being
made welcome, not being accepted, etc.

People who are happy to live wherever they do, project
that sentiment through their positive attitude and
infectious outlook, and never seem to have any
acceptance problems.

[Goanet]RE: My mobile no. 00965-9489431(atanch pattoi)

2005-06-16 Thread JoeGoaUk

Atanch baim marlier atanch udok eta??

Atanch pattoi muntlear antanch pattounk eta?

You pl wait for your turn.

i have now put you last in the 'Q'

There is a cancellation charge of Rs.10
So you still want your Rs.5 back? if so, send me another Rs.5

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com

[Goanet]Ghazals... on NPR

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
NPR (National Public Radio, of the US) had this interesting programme with 
Kiran Ahluwalia on ghazals. Kiran went on to explain the meanings of her 
Urdu verse, suddenly extending the audience for an ancient form of music 
that is otherwise known only in north India, Pakistan and maybe Iran. Or 
among expat Indian audiences of a certain (probably elderly) age-group.

Perhaps it's time for Konkani too to package itself for
wider audiences, instead of being restricted to the
traditional market-share. And, by this, I don't mean
changing it irrecognisably. But simply going in for
explanations of the form and content, translations of
literature and more... that would make it comprehensible
to many more.

Tomazinho Cardozo made an interesting point the other day, when he spoke 
about the so-far limited audiences of the tiatr and Konkani films of the 
past (mainly popular among Catholic audiences in Goa and, to a lesser 
extent, among the diaspora). It probably underlines the point.

Incidentally, Kiran's group was using an acoustic guitar, not a sitar or 
sarangi! She argued that the guitar has been used in Indian music for 
the last 30-40 years. Guess she wasn't looking at it's longer role in 
Goan music, even if All India Radio sometimes (almost dismissively) 
terms it as "Western-style Konkani music". FN

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

[Goanet]From around the Goanworld.

2005-06-16 Thread rene barreto

>From around the GOANWORLD.
What's ON

01.  10AM. Saturday 18, June:   [Global Aid Committee]
   GAC Walk-a-thon [Ile Charon - see map]

The early birds are welcome to join in the GAC
Walk-a-thon. [A good warm-up].  Please donate
genoursly as all the money [every cent] raised is
given to deserving charities.  The attached map may be
use to find the walkers. It is also in the vicinity of
the picnic area.

 [ See Att: GAC_walk_050618-e.jpg ]

02. 11AM. Saturday 18, June: [Quebec Goan Association]

   QGA Father's Day Picnic

A message from the honorary secretary:

Date:  Saturday, June 18, 2005
Place: Boucherville Park
Time:  Starting at 11 a.m.
For the potluck lunch - bring one dish.   Dessert îs
optional. A Mass will be celebrated at the site at
5.00 p.m.
We have reserved a spot for the QGA - GRANDE RIVIERE
(BIG RIVER) Members should tell the attendants at the
entrance that they are part  of a group.  Adults will
be $3.00 each and children 6-17 years $1.00 each. 1
Adult with Children $5.00
2 Adults with Children $7.00
Park Admission Rates Per Vehicle (Includes Parking
Fee) Directions:  Highway 25 (continuation of highway
20) exit 1, near Lafontaine Tunnel. Park des Iles de
Illes St. Marguerite
P.O.Box 310
Boucherville, Qc.  Tel:  450-928-5089
Complete directions available at www.yellowpages.ca

03. 11AM. Saturday 20, August:[Quebec Goan

   World Goa Day - 2005 Picnic

 ?The day for (world-wide) Goan solidarity.?


You are invited to the World Goa Day 2005 picnic.
Venue: Parc Agrignon, Lasalle. Date: Saturday, 20 Aug,
Time: 11.00am - 6.00pm

Pot-Luck Lunch. Bring a dish {Goan cusine, if
possible), your drinks, chairs, umbrellas, etc. etc.
[all your picnic stuff]. Prizes and lots of fun.

Please Note:
For details check  [07] WORLD GOA DAY - 2005 [for



Best Regards,
Felix D'Sa
Subject: Goinkars Own Academy Celebrate Parents Day &
World Goa Day 2005

Dear All,

The Goinkars Own Academy will be celebrating Parents
Day / World Goa Day 2005 on 16th/17th July at  Al-Syed
Farm. For details contact the following Committee

  Deborah Santamaria   
-  President

  Melba Pinto 
 - Secretary
  Rose Fernandes  
   Asst Secretary
  Gertie DSilva  
 - PR Secretary
  Marie Anna Croning 
   Asst Ent Secretary
  Gavin Dlima   
   Security Advisor

Since invitations are limited. Please give in your
names ASAP to any committee members.

(See attached file: 

Parents Day  World goa day -  2005

Deborah Santamaria
[Attachment: Parents Day World goa day - GOA 2005.ppt]



14th June 2005
23RD JULY 2005 


  Thanks to Goanet admin and its members for their 
support and the use of Goan et * Umbrella *  organist
ion ,  WORLD GOA DAY is now known all over the




Just a reminder to what Fred wrote earlier :

** It all depends what you, its members, want to make
of it. Goanet is an  umbrella, and there's a lot of
space under that umbrella (regardless  what  some of
our critics keep complaining about).

Some interesting initiatives have come about from
Goanet (Internet node  in  Goa, computers project,
annual reunions, inspiring of many other  Goa-related
mailing list, building up a whole new set of voices
from  Goa  and the diaspora, getting people together
etc). Now, it's up to  everyone  to take the idea

*** Resources seem to be available. So is the talent.
What's missing is the  magic to bring everything
together. Maybe someone reading this will 
have  the vision and determination more than the rest
of us, to make  something  happen!  




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[Goanet]Amazing love story

2005-06-16 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

Dear Friends,

This is a beautiful story... a bit long but worth the read.. If no
time to read, print it and read it when time permits.

Thanks for your patience.

Cynthia (Happy Weekend)


On my wedding day, I carried my wife in my arms. The bridal car
stopped in front of our one-room  flat. My buddies insisted that I
carry her out of the car in my arms. So I carried her into our home.
She was then plump  and shy. I was a strong and happy bridegroom.

This was the scene of ten years ago.

The following days were as simple as a cup of pure water, we had a
kid, I  went  into business and tried to make more money. When the
assets were  steadily increasing, the affections between us seemed
to drop. She was a  civil servant.  Every morning we left home
together and got home almost at  the same time. Our kid was studying
in a boarding school. Our marriage life seemed to be enviably happy.
But the calm life was more likely to be affected by unpredictable

Dew came into my life.

It was a sunny day.  I stood on a spacious balcony. Dew hugged me
from behind. My heart once again was immersed in her stream of love.
This was the apartment I bought for her.

Dew said, you are the kind of man who best draws girl's eyeballs. Her
words suddenly reminded me of my wife. When we just married, my wife
said, Men like you, once successful, will be very attractive to

Thinking of this, I became somewhat hesitant. I knew I had betrayed
my wife. But I could not help doing so. I moved Dew s hands aside
and said, you go to select some furniture, O.K.?

I've got something to do in the company. Obviously she was unhappy,
because I had promised her to go and see  with her. At the moment,
the idea of divorce became clearer in my mind although it used to be
something impossible to me. However, I found it  rather difficult to
tell my wife about it. No matter how mildly I mentioned  it to her,
she would be deeply hurt.

Honestly,she was a good wife. Every  evening she was busy preparing
dinner. I was sitting in front of the TV. The  dinner was ready soon.
Then we watched TV together. Or, I was lounging before  the computer,
visualizing Dew's body. This was the means of my  entertainment.

One day I said to her in a slight joking way, suppose we  divorce,
what will you do? She stared at me for a few seconds without a  word.
Apparently she believed that divorce was something too far away  from
her. I could not t imagine how she would react once she got to know
I  was serious.

When my wife went to my office, Dew had just stepped out.  Almost all
the  staff looked at my wife with a sympathetic eye and tried to
hide something while talking with her. She seemed to have got some
hint. She gently smiled at my subordinates. But I read some hurt in
her  eyes.

Once again, Dew said to me, He Ning, divorce her, O.K.? Then we live
together. I nodded. I knew I could not hesitate any more.

When my wife served the last dish, I held her hand. I have got
something  to  tell you, I said. She sat down and ate quietly. Again
I observed the hurt in her  eyes. Suddenly I didn t know how to open
my mouth. But I  had to let her know what I was thinking. I want to
divorce. I raised a serious  topic calmly. She did not seem to be
much annoyed by my words, instead  she asked me  softly, why? . I m
serious. I avoided her question. This  so-called answer  turned her
angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not
a man! .

At that night, we didn t talk to each  other. She was weeping. I knew
she  wanted to find out  that had happened to  our marriage. But I
could hardly give her a satisfactory answer, because my  heart had
gone to Dew. With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce
agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and
30% stake of my company.

She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. I felt a pain in my
heart. The woman who had been living ten years with me would become a
stranger one day. But I could not take back what I had said.

Finally  she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had
expected to see. To me  her cry was actually a kind of release. The
idea of divorce which had  obsessed me for several weeks seemed to
be firmer and clearer.

A late  night, I came back home after entertaining my clients. I saw
her writing  something at the table. I fell asleep fast. When I woke
up, I found she was  still there. I turned over and was asleep again.

She brought up her divorce conditions: she didn t want anything from
me,but I was supposed to  give her one month s time before divorce,
and in the month s time we must  live as normal life as possible.
Her reason was simple: our son would finish  his summer vacation a
month later and she didn t want him to see our marriage  was broken.
She passed me the agreement she drafted, and then asked me,  He
Ning, do you still remember how I entered our bridal room on the
wedding  day?

This question suddenly brought back all those wonderf

Re: [Goanet]Konkani Ringtone-update

2005-06-16 Thread richard
My cellphone number is 9422064895. Please send me the ringtone Moga zalem
tem zaum...
Thanks a lot.
Richard Cabral
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:20 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Konkani Ringtone-update

> Total requests so far 16 (including from Lino DADA)
> 12 were sent last night.
> Those already got..
> Please settle my bill asap.
> kindly draw cheque/Demand Draft for Rs.5 (Rupees five only) payable to
> If not 'recovery action' will be taken at your cost.
> for Goa & NRI related info...
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/
> For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)
>  http://konkani-vcd.swiki.net/1
> ___
> How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday
> snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com

[Goanet]Re: All Goa Computer Teacher's Assoc.

2005-06-16 Thread goasuraj
Our Ref: GSRP/EM/LF/GOG/06/05

June 16, 2005

Mr. Luizinho Faleiro,
Education Minister,
Government of Goa,
Porvorim - Penha de Franca,


Dear Mr. Faleiro,

Subject: All Goa Computer Teacher's Association - AGCTA.

At the outset, the undersigned, on behalf of the Goa Su-Raj Party
congratulates you on being appointed as the Education and Industries
Minister in the newly formed coalition government of Goa,  expressly on the
demise of the erstwhile repugnant coalition government led by the BJP, after
the bye-elections to the five constituencies of Goa. We do hope and pray
that these two very important ministries have found a leader in you,  who
will do the maximum justice where justice was not seen for a long time,
rendering these two ministries decadent, to say the least.

The agitation resorted to by the computer teachers of Goa has been a concern
to this party, all the while, during their peaceful protests through
chain-hunger-strikes, which  have been ongoing for a long time. But the
latest high-handedness meted out to them, first, by the Chief Minister of
Goa Mr. Pratapsing Rane and then, by the Goa police is deplored in most
certain terms and vociferously objected to by this party.

Mr. Rane, the Chief Minister of Goa,  must well know that the people Goa has
cleared the Chief Minister's Official Residence of a virtual Hitler, and do
not expect, nor will they tolerate any more Hitler's rule by proxy, having
noted with  gross dislike the way Mr. Rane has behaved himself, being a
Congressman, and the leader of the Opposition, during the erstwhile BJP rule
in Goa. Mr. Rane's remarks to the agitating  teachers, when they approached
his official residence are obnoxious, vile and most condescending. Mr. Rane
must realize that he is occupying the post of the Chief Minister at the
pleasure of the people. This Party is of the opinion that the teachers would
not have resorted to the "Rasta Rokho" on June 14, if it was not for Mr.
Rane's uncouth behaviour with them. Does Mr. Rane think that these teachers
are unwanted babies that get stuffed into the garbage bins? For God's own
sake, these are Goa's cream and Goa's welfare depends on their well being.

This party believes that contract employment is the most vilest thing a
government of the people can force on its working class. In the words of Mr.
Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, there is nothing like 'Job
Insecurity' that can do to the health of the body and mind of a person. And
we at Goa Su-Raj Party believe that he is right on target for saying that.

As the Education Minister, Sir, we know you are utmost concerned and fully
aware of what you must do in this case. The world will not come to an end if
the new contract tenders, for whatever reasons they have been  entertained,
are cancelled forthwith and a plan is drawn-up to re-instate these agitating
computer teachers permanently, preferably in batches, giving due
representation to their male-female numbers. Let the AGCTA be given the task
to agree to who will be the first ones to be taken in, on priority and need

Needless to say that if you and/or your government do not improvise on this
problem, you will be responsible for this ever widening and festering sore,
which this party will wholeheartedly sympathize with, until better sense

The Goa Su-Raj Party believes that the government of the people which lacks
the impetus to work for the betterment of its people is no government at
all. This party also believes that your coalition government will have to,
in due hurry, solve your own internal problems of bickerings within the rank
and file for self glorifications, so that it is free to look at the problems
of the people.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
for Goa Su-Raj Party.
(Floriano C. Lobo)

Copy to: AGCTA.
Copy to: The Chief Minister of Goa.
Copy to: Press.

[Goanet]The 1st GreenGoa Newsletter is Out!

2005-06-16 Thread MailingListClint!
Hello everybody at Goanet!

The first GreenGoa newsletter is out.

What is GreenGoa and this newsletter about? GreenGoa is an online
forum open to anybody and everybody that care for Goa's environment.
Here you can meet and talk, discuss and learn from each other and get
closer in working towards the long term goal of keeping Goa Green, and
Clean by recycling, fighting pollution, raising awareness and teaching
others to help protect our environment. Believe me, even you can! Its
quite simple actually!

GreenGoa is another of my e-groups and has been in existence since
August 2004, with a sizable population of 111 members. At the moment we are
talking about dealing with household waste disposal. As for the
newsletter, its a mini publication by GreenGoa that will come out
roughly every three months.

What does the newsletter contain? News, Articles, Pictures, comments
from GreenGoans and ALL content is related to the Goan Environment!

The GreenGoa newsletter is available in all three formats. PDF, Word
Document and plaintext. Should you like to read the newsletter in any
of the three formats, do write to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for
the version you wish for!

I'll leave you with the editorial and contents page of the newsletter.

Have a great day!

GreenGoa Moderator

-> The GreenGoa Newsletter! <- Vol. 2005.01
Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm happy! The reason being that this newsletter has finally come out,
after lots and lots of delays. I initially was working towards putting
it out on 5th of June, which was World Environment Day, but then
changed my mind. I didn't want GreenGoa to be another environmental
gimmick. Now days, it seems that people remember the environment only
once a year, and on that day, we have government servants pictures in
huge advertisements asking us to save the environment, mining company
executives posing for photographs of them planting a solitary sapling.
The word 'environment' is splashed all over.
Street Morchas by some, but then the day comes to an end. Come 6th
June, all is forgotten.

We in Goa have a serious Garbage management programme, and even though
the newspapers go on and on about mounting garbage, the ministers
promise one unrealistic scheme after the other, and we complain that
the government isn't doing enough, solutions lie squarely in front of
us! Staring at us in the face! But we must work ourselves, get our
hands dirty, use the present facilities that are provided to us by the
government and I'll show you, in the next few weeks, how you can
manage you garbage. Till then, read though this first newsletter and
let me get your positive and negative feedback!


What's In This Edition!
1. 21 Tips to Conserving Energy At Home -by Sarfraz Hayat
2. Comments & Observations on the Draft of the National Environment
Policy of India -by Averthanus D'Souza
3. Margao's Wholesale Fish Market Needs Urgent Attention -by Fermino
4. Do You Feel The Chill Near Sangolda? Why Goa Needs to Re-plant
Trees -by Paul Fernandes
5. Mining, Dust Pollution and a Protest from Bicholim -by Sebastian
6. In The News (Environmental News from the Local Papers)
7. Readers Write
Join GreenGoa for free! send a blank e-mail to

[Goanet]Indigo a new Indian budget Airline?

2005-06-16 Thread Gabe Menezes

Airbus wins $6bn order from India 

Fledgling Indian budget airline IndiGo has ordered 100 A320 jets from
Airbus, the European planemaker said.
Although Airbus did not reveal the agreed price, the catalogue value
of the planes is $6bn (£3.29bn).
IndiGo is not yet flying. Airbus said the new airline has
"high-quality executives" and was sure to be "a successful new
Airbus also received orders for 20 A320s from Brazil's TAM and a
further 10 from Mexico's ABC Aerolineas.
TAM also signed a non-binding commitment for 10 of the group's A350
planes which it hopes to launch later this year.
But, Indian airlines have emerged as big buyers at this year's Paris
Air Show placing orders worth roughly $12bn.
India's strong economic growth has boosted the market for internal
travel - both business and leisure - and the budget airline business
model is catching on rapidly there.
New battleground 
Industry analysts believe the India's aviation market is poised for
20% annual growth as private airlines multiply.

Both Airbus and rival US planemaker Boeing have benefited from big
Indian orders at the Paris Air Show.
Boeing won an order from Jet Airways for at least 20 planes with a
catalogue value of $2.8bn, made up of 737-800s and 777s.
Kingfisher, another low-cost carrier backed by beer magnate Vijay
Mallya, ordered 15 aircraft worth up to $3bn from Airbus.
IndiGo is being backed by travel company InterGlobe Enterprises, and
by entrepreneur Rakesh Gangwal, who was president and chief executive
of US Airways until 2001.
"IndiGo is the result of extensive analysis and planning by very
experienced airline executives and we're convinced it will be a
successful new player," said Airbus chief executive Noel Forgeard.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Centenary Brochure Unveiled

2005-06-16 Thread rene barreto

Centenary Brochure Unveiled > 



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[Goanet]Air Sahara to Fly to London.

2005-06-16 Thread Gabe Menezes

Air Sahara to fly UK from Sept

June 16, 2005 11:20 IST

Air Sahara on Thursday announced its plans to fly daily services
between Delhi and London from September-October this year and operate
two Boeing-777s on this route.

Air Sahara CEO Rono J Dutta signed an agreement for dry-leasing two
777-200 ER (extended range) aircraft with US-based leasing company
ILFC at the Paris Air Show on Wednesday.

The lease is valid for eight years, an Air Sahara spokesperson told
PTI in New Delhi.  The two aircraft would have personal videos on
every seat and will operate GE engines.

Six sets of Indian and expatriate pilots will be operating these
aircraft, she said.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Airbus A380 for Kingfisher; Goa to London?

2005-06-16 Thread Gabe Menezes

Kingfisher to buy five A380s

BS Corporate Bureau in New Delhi | June 16, 2005 09:41 IST

Indian carriers grabbed the limelight at the Paris air how for the
second consecutive day on Wednesday with Vijay Mallya's Kingfisher
Airlines placing firm orders for five Airbus A380s, the largest
aircraft ever made.

This is despite the fact that no Indian airport is equipped to receive
this aircraft. Also, its price is yet to be disclosed.

The company also ordered 10 other Airbus aircraft -- five A350-800 and
A330-200 each -- in a deal totalling $3 billion.

ATR, a sister company of Airbus, announced a $90 million deal with Air
Deccan for spare parts and maintenance services for a new fleet of 30
ATR 72-500s for five years in India.

On Tuesday, the second day of the air show, Indian carriers had placed
orders, firm and options, for 40 aircraft with a total list price of
over $8 billion.

The Paris air show was largely expected to be dominated by Chinese
carriers. At earlier editions of the show, European and American
carriers used to be the main buyers.

Kingfisher will use its A330s on regional routes, including flights to
Europe, while the A350 and A380 are destined for longer non-stop
flights, such as to the United States.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * June 15, 2005 * Monsoons... and GMC alumni

2005-06-16 Thread Goanet News Service

G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  JUNE 15, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

   / d8   Founded in 1994
 e88~88e  e88~-_/~~~8e  888-~88e  e88~~8e  _d88__ by Herman
 888 888 d888   i   88b 888  888 d888  88b  888   Carneiro
 "88_88"    |  e88~-888 888  888 __888  888   ---
  /  Y888   ' C888  888 888  888 Y888,  888 
 Cb   "88_-~   "88_-888 888  888  "88___/   "88_/ 
   Y8""8D  http://www.goanet.org 


In today's issue: Monsoons may be heavier, say officials... 
Congress-NCP cold war continues unsorted... GMC alumni meet, both in
Goa and in the UK... Goa gets a new nursing college at Margao... 
School children in Bardez schools get mid-day 'meals' too. Review of
a research journal from an unusual place, Quepem.

o Monsoons to be heavier than last year, say Met officials in Goa.(NT)
o NCP may ask Willy to quit Rane cabinet, but rules out withdrawing
  support. (PTI from New Delhi)
o Goa regional meteorological centre to be upgraded to forecasting office.NT
o Delay in monsoon onset won't affect paddy crop, says agri dept (NT)
o Ambassador of Croatia Dino Debeljuh visited Goa. (NT)
o Alumni of Goa Medical College and Escola Medico-Cirurgica de Goa invited
  to a meet on June 16 at 3 pm at GMC Bambolim, for the launch of the
  Alumni of GMC and EMCG. Dr R Wiseman Pinto, Dr Savio Rodrigues, Dr CP Das.
o Kishore Naik elected new chairperson of the Ponda Municipal Council.(NT)
o New consultant to prepare Margao's sewerage report. Rs 2 million spent
  earlier on Mecon goes waste. (H)
o Electricity bill computerisation to get priority, says Digambar Kamat.(H)
o Hi-tech cameras to scan traffic violations being worked out. (H)
o Elephants on the prowl in Sanguem again. (H)
o Workshop on crime prevention held in city. (H)
o Subodh Kantak is back as Goa's advocate general. He replaces Mario
  Bruto da Costa, who was appointed AG during president's rule. (H)
o Lathi-charge against computer teachers, after the teachers blocked
  the Patto bridge. (GT)
o Baina, a year later: GT and Herald take a look at what's happening
  at Baina, one year after the demolition of the red-light area there.
o Re-survey of land records likely to be completed by 2007. (GT)
o UGDP condones Matanhy Saldanha after backing motion to oppose
  BJP's "communal politics". (GT)

Nursing College: Victor Medical & Research Foundation launches a
college of nursing at Margao. It will offer a four-year B.Sc Nursing
degree course. Tel 272  Malbhat.

St Anthony: The image of St Anthony would be taken in a procession,
with the devotees chanting for the rain to come, to the sea or a
nearby well. The lower part of the image would be dipped in the
water and quite often a hard rainfall would follow, say elders. 
This age-old custom has slowly faded. On June 13 this year too,
there was hardly any rain. Francis Rodrigues writes about a
tradition the word over. (GT)

Good news: Mid-day meals spread to more schools in Goa.
This could help students study better, specially those
who are poor or from the lower-middle-classes. And there are
many in need in Goa, despite the excellent statistics on 
paper. (Goanet)

Deaths and obituaries

Poonam Pundalik Pilgaokar, in her early thirties, was bludgeoned
to death at her residence at Chimulda, Revora in Bardez. She lived
with her 11-year-old school-going daughter, who was shocked to
find her mother lying in a pool of blood. Her husband Pundalik
Pilgaonkar works at Sharjah at the United Arab Emirates. (NT)
Another woman labourer was murdered at Porvorim, in the third
such case under the Porvorim police station in three months. (H)

MARGAO: Bela Fernandes of Mungul. Wife of Glorio.
PARRA: Sylvestor Celestino Fernandes, of Arradi ex Taj staff.

Goa sports

o Cuncolim Union drubbed ICSC Paroda 4-0 to lift the Ambelim panchayat
  cup at Ambelim. (H)
o Cuncolim Union won a slender 1-0 win over Adarsh Yuvak Sangh at
  Nerul grounds to enter the Nerul panchayat cup finals. (H)
o Cross Boys of Carmona defeated Leela Taxi Association of Mabor
  2-1 in a quarters match of the First Connien Memorial at Cavelossim(H)
o Sangolda Lightening Thunders entered the semis of the Abranches Soccer
  at Verna Panchayat Grounds, defeating Agassiam SC by 4-0. (H)
o Parish Youth Nuvem defeated Davorlim SC 5-4 via tie-breaker in the
  Frensa Su

Re: [Goanet]Is Zubin Mehta really a Goan?

2005-06-16 Thread twiga

  Most  boys of the  early 50`s  who  attended the  Jesuit school St> Mary`s 
(Mazagaon) in Mumbai  definitely know him as an  alumni of that school and  a 
member of the Parsi community..  After his  music career   shot him  to  
conductorships in Europe ..he  became  conductor of the  famed  Los 
Angeles  Philharmonic Orchestra.  Any  Parsee  will soon  disabuse  you fot hat 
idea  that  he`s a goan  
   While  many Parsees  like  other  wealthy   Punjabis or Sindhis  may  have  
bought  property in the  othe  form of  old  goan ancestral  homes  and  even  
classy new  bungalows on the mandovi  or  other villagesi`m  sure  
that  recent  acquisition of  real-estate in any  village  qualifies  you  to 
be  called  a  " true  Goan "

Quoting Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Carlos,
> At the risk of starting a new urban legend, I have
> heard that Zubin Mehta is already a bhatkar from
> Sangolda (just kidding, folks).
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Mario,
> > 
> > I heard Zubin Mehta also wants to be a Goan. What
> > qualifications are reqd to be a Goan?
> > 
> > Carlos
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > >From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: goanet@goanet.org
> > >Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
> > >Subject: Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck - where
> > is Santosh when we 
> > need him
> > 
> > >Santosh,
> > >Would you please confirm or debunk these urban
> > >legends, please, before they get out of hand.  Now
> > >Englebert who does not even acknowledge he is an
> > >Indian, as far as I know, and used to be an
> > >Anglo-Indian from Chennai, has become a Goan from
> > >Cuncolim.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on the blink again.

2005-06-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
I have today got bounced emails from Sancharnet.in email addresses.
Poor Goenkars having to put up with all this and incredibly slow
speeds as well.

Today I had a cold call from an Indian BPO offering me Bulldog's (
Cable and wireless) incredible 8 MB Broadband. I already have 1.5 MB 
Broadband, supplied by  fiber cable line, which also supplies my phone
and T.V., which is more than ample for my requirements.

What sort of Broadband speed is now available in Goa?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Re: Home is where the heart is

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Revisiting this debate again, I don't quite agree with the Goa-is-best 
argument (or, subtle suggestion). If this were true, the general 
perception of the Goan Catholic (particularly) wouldn't see such a 
yawning gap between what we proclaim and what we practice. We wouldn't 
have had so many people migrating all over the globe, and so many back 
home just waiting to go abroad -- whether by way of a Portuguese passport 
or whatever.

Migration offers greener pastures. It depends on how one defines
'greener' though. On the other hand, I also accept that migration
comes with a heavy price. As a returned-migrant at the age of
two, one  understood early the double-alienation of a migration.
The first time when one is trying to cope in an alien and distant
setting; and the second time round when one returns 'home' and
realises the reality of the place one dreamt of as 'home' doesn't
tally with the imagined picture.

Of course, there are other aspects to this debate. Where you live and what 
you do also depends on your priorities in life. For a materially superior 
lifestyle, and the possibility to accomplish more, clearly there is 
currently only one option in the current global scenario at least: go 

But then, others might have different priorities. For me, staying on in 
Goa works (at this point of time at least). Being in a context one 
understands and feels some affinity to, also enables you to feel you're 
doing relevant work. It's a trade-off, but might work. For instance, I 
have spent days or weeks in big cities (Berlin, Stockholm, Singapore, 
Kuala Lumpur) and it's a bit scary to live as a digit, whose existance (or 
lack of it) hardly means anything to anyone else out there. Maybe staying 
on changes the situation; but it's not easy for all either.

We should stop believing that the grass is greener on the other side; 
and instead make the most of wherever we're based. In today's world, 
it could be argued that the 'brain drain' of the past doesn't have as 
serious affects as it once did. You could contribute to Goa from wherever 
you are; the world is smaller. Like Alwyn and Lisa in Chorao, VM de Malar 
and others, you might actually decide to return back to Goa early. And 
everyone could be richer for your experience. Who knows what life has in 

Incidentally, isn't the title of this topic misleading? If
we adopt a Goa-is-best approach, then shouldn't the title
line read 'Home is where our ancestors roots are'? We need to
acknowledge that our links with Goa are just the result of
a series of historical (or genetic) accidents. If our ancestors
had adopted a differing migration path (from Africa or wherever)
would we still have been calling ourselves proud Goans?
In any case, as one has argued here earlier, Goa is a melting
pot of various peoples and genetic groups ... let's accept
the differences, try to understand each other, and live in
peace and tolerance for a positive tomorrow.

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

[Goanet]Casimir Effect

2005-06-16 Thread Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza
From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sunday, June 05, 2005 9:16 AM
Subject: [GoenchimXapotam] Re: Casimir Effect
> >
 Dear Dr.Santosh,
 Sorry for the delay in replying, because I had no access to Internet
since June 5. I was confused by being bombarded by Goenchim Xapotam...

> > The amounting to nothing simply refers to the fact that the total
> energy of the universe is zero. That is to say that there is equal
> amounts of positive and negative energy in the universe at all times
> (in the beginning, in the end and in between). I have simply expressed
> this mathematical physical possibility in a dramatic way using
> ordinary English language.
 *--Your answer is biased. It is not an answer to my question. You
accuse me of quibbling with scholastic words. You are quibbling with your
scientific jargon. I repeat that this is not creation, but fluctuation and
change. The mirror phenomenon explains the working of the Universe, but not
its origin "out of nothing". Scholastic Philosophy is not outdated in its
first, self-evident principles, which are also being used by empirical
science. But the question of the ultimate meaning of the Universe and the
origin of everything, together with the time, cannot be explained by
empirical Science.

> Let me also reiterate that this is merely a plausible untested
> hypothesis at the present time. My objective is simply to show that
> there is a coherent theoretical scientific basis for the origin of our
> universe by spontaneous creation ex-nihilo.
   *--Let us wait till it becomes tested. Theory is a model. We can use
different models...

>>...all I am trying to do here is to show how spontaneous creation of
> the universe is a plausible and parsimonious scenario according to
> modern physics. Whether this scenario is true or not in all its
> details will have to await verification by objective evidence.
> However, some elements of the scenario, such as vacuum energy (Casimir
> Effect) have already been confirmed by such evidence.
  *--Creation of the Universe cannot be proved empirically...
 Ivo da C.Souza

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-16 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Dear Mr da Costa,

I have refrained from replying you so far because a lot of views
were coming in on the issue in hand. Since the flow has now abated,
please allow me to respond you.

From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 12:39:06 +0100

Dear Mr Alfred de Tavares,
I reckon you were awake, but only partially so, when you responded to my 
post on Dr. Willie de Souza!

Your reckoning, I assure you, is very much flawed.

When I deal with issues i consider serious I never let somniloquence
tarnish my eloquence. And honour, family honour, for me, is a very serious 


I say this because you failed to:
a) respond to my earlier email to you, specifically asking for an 
explanation for referring to the anti-casteists as "fighting like 

There is a saying in Konkni: Redd'o padd'o zoggotta, xadlar kao.

The caste arguments pursued by the "intellectuals" in these forums
far too often ignore existing social realities in favour of quixotic 

These realities have existed, however degeneratingly, far too long to be
deleted with the pressing of an "intellectual" button.

There is no doubt they are demeaningly anachronistic and have to be
fiercely combated. But, at root.  Not through whimsy academic dessertations.

b) note that I did not, repeat not, refer to Dr. Willie as a casteist. What 
I had said was that he believed in caste.

One would have to be a 1000 carat moron to refute the
existance of caste in all it magnificent sordidness!

Please check the post. This fact about Dr. Willie's known belief was 
available in written form a little while ago. Thus, I was merely 
reiterating this specific point in my email to Jose. I happened to find it 
useful for an explanation regarding why I felt Dr. Willie may not have 
opted to leave Goa. Perhaps, my explanatory view was too intellectually 
demanding for you and why you had to read into my post something that was 
simply not there.

Please allow me to disabuse you: I am not, ever, intimidated by intellectual
antics. My saturation with copiously grey-celled company since my crib-age
has inured me to professed intellect.

Rather than finding it "demanding" I find such professions embarrassingly
demeaning. I could never countenance intellectual narcissisim.

The values inculcated into us, brahmanically or jesuitically, to hide our 

under an adequate bushel guide me in this area and benignly save me from
making a pompous ass of myself

c) that the good doctor is perfectly capable of replying to me if he is in 
the least bit unhappy about my comment and view.

Oh, yes! The man is not yet a fruit cake. Is quite in control of his 
faculties, pretty

stupendous  they.

The matter that baffles you is a question of gentlemanliness and accrued

To stand by a friend. Especially so when calumny is unwarrantedly directed
at him. He would unstintedly do as much, and more, if I were at the 

end of the bilge.

Practical, as against windmill, chivalry has not yet totally abandoned Goa.

Finally, please note that I think it is unhelpful to ask someone else to 
ask me something on your behalf. Your known command of the English language 
should definitely not deter you from responding directly to me via Goanet.

I fail to surmise from wherein you have fetched the damnable thought of I 
seeking extraneous aid to fight my battles. God forfend. Belay the thought 

And I promise you that I will not bite your head off!

My "head" is copyrighted. If you wish to add to your "intellect" please 


I am sorry if you feel that I am rocking the boat on the issue of caste 
among the Catholic Goans. However, I believe that somebody has to do it and 
that it is time this happened  fearlessly and with tenacity. If this makes 
you uncomfortable, so be it!

Rock away...rock away... I hardly grudge you that felicity! and, I hasten to 
that I hardly grudge you the tenacity in your endeavours. None other than 
manifest greater steadfast tenacity. They, poor "fearless" things only end 
up in

destroying the hulls they so tenaciously addhere to.

And...the ship ... she founders ever so helplessly.

Yours, with ever subdued intellect,

Alfred Francisco Antonio Luis de Vasconcelos Cunha e Tavares,

An unabashed brahmin determinedly fighting the detriments of casteism in our

Stockholm, Sweden

0046 8 759 6214; 0046 70 295 4091

- Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!


Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 03:24:43 +0530

Dear Alfred,
 Perhaps you meant to say that Dr. Willy might have many faults, but
casteism is definitely 

[Goanet]Free Masons in Vatican

2005-06-16 Thread gwen white

Dear (Mogal) Goencars,
On 14 June an article appeared in which he said that he was doing a research 
on Catholicism and came across infiltration of Masons in the Vatican.

I would like to point out that Masons in the Vatican exists and is rife as 
of today.
They are racist therefore there is no chance of an Asian or African becoming 
a Pope.
Also Indian Cardinals do not know what Free Masonry is any way, if they do 
they do not know what the implications are.

Free Masons killed Pope John Paul I, they poisoned him and cremated his body 
to hide DNA evidence.

First ever Pope to be cremated in the history of the Vatican Pomposity.

People on this net say there is too much of un-Christian on anti-Christian 
topic going on.
Catholic motto is: Ignorance is bliss. but an Educated motto is: Ignorance 
is no excuse.

Have you heard of Roberto Calvi? - No?
Well go to google dot com and type "god's banker" or "vatican's banker" or 
"vatican's hanged banker".
This is just what is in the public domain, I have not made it up. If it is 
there you should know.

Vatican said he hanged himself under the Black Friers bridge in London.
It has been confirmed that he was murdered by the Free Masons.(Tell tale 
Free Mason and Muslim faith have one thing in common, ABONDON our faith AND 

Now, the question arises 'how much of your Sunday Collection goes to the 
Free Masons?'.

Do the Indian Cardinals know?

Jesus toppled tables and chairs in the Temple, we all know that. But why?
Because they were dealing with foreign currency, Visa and American Card? 
(sort of - yes).

If he came down today will be be doing the same at the Vatican?
Vatican have their own Currency, postage stamps, Army etc.
Or, would Jesus say COOL!
Have you heard about the Sex scandal within the Vatican Army?
Have you heard about the staff at the vatican being happy for Benedict, 
because their jobs are now  safe, and secondly an insider has been promoted 
to the top job.

Well - Ignorance is Bliss. (what you don't know does not hurt).
Forget about Fr Agnelo and Pdr. Jose Vaz, they are not the favourite of the 
Free Masons, AND your Sunday Collection does not reach them, and if it does, 
it is not enough to - KANAN GALINK.

I think I have said enough for now, hope I have not offended you too much. 
do not take this as un-Christian or anti -Chatholic, just pointing out the 

Knowledge is Power.

Gwen Precila White.

It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger 7.0 today! 

Re: [Goanet] Finally, some rational dialog on America

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Likewise, your bunching of groups into two political
> categories, viz, liberals and conservatives is
> overly simplistic. There are many of us who would 
> like to see social security, welfare, medicaid and 
> other excuses for excessive government spending 
> abolished. We would like to see unfettered free
> and an end of immigration quotas to allow the import

> of unlimited labor from abroad to allow industry to 
> reduce its labor costs and to use the best the world

> has to offer. Coversely, we do not want a big, 
> intrusive government imposing its moral values on us

> or telling us how to behave or think.
> While the conservative crowd has generally been pro
> business (although this is not a hard and fast rule,
> specially wrt open immigration), it has an
> increasing component of the intolerant religious 
> right.
Mario opines:
Marlon, you have listed a bunch of philosophically
pure ideas from "many of us", all of which you will
find in the libertarian end of the "conservative"
agenda and nowhere in the "liberal" agenda. 
Therefore, while you are absolutely right that there
are many shades of political philosophy, it
essentially boils down to the 2 broad categories for
the practical purposes of getting elected, because no
credible and viable political party exists to
represent each shade.

The tight balancing act of getting elected, without
which nothing can be accomplished, is what dictates
the devils that lie in the details.  Someone once said
that watching a democracy in action is like watching
sausage being made.  Winston Churchill once said,
"Democracy is a terrible form of government, except
for all the other forms of government out there."

Regarding immigration, I support a "liberal" guest
worker program for those that can and want to work
here, who can later go back home or apply for
immigration if they wish, plus much tighter border
security.  This is also supported by the 3 most
popular conservative opinion makers, Limbaugh, Hannity
and O'Reilly, but the politicians are dragging their
feet, mainly out of fear of the Hispanic lobby, which
seems to support total immigration anarchy.  Right now
the bad guys may be strolling across both big borders
along with the good guys every day of the week.  The
problem for this issue as well as unfettered free
trade, which I also support as beneficial to most
Americans, is that both viable parties have begun to
depend on small shifts in the immigration and labor
lobbies to get elected, and so end up pandering to

Regarding the intrusiveness of Uncle Sam, the door
gets pushed open for the politicians when citizens
demand involvement by the government in the economic
sphere, and then it depends on who is in power and
whose ox is getting gored.  One is left to choose,
always on balance, which side's intrusiveness one can
live with.  The intolerant secular left can be just as
intrusive as the intolerant religious right, depending
on one's personal point-of-view, and it is up to the
rest to keep both of them in control.  I think the
checks and balances built into the US model of
government have done a good job so far, with very few

Re:[Goanet] Some pure baloney in American revisionist history

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
Santosh, I don't have any more facts than you do on
the settlement of North America.  I'm sure you know
that opinions are not just determined by facts, but by
the weight one puts on each fact and on one's context
and perspective.  So, if you believe that historians,
European or otherwise, are any more objective than
anyone else, well, good luck.  Please feel free to
believe whatever you choose to.

Re: [Goanet] In America, the crows stick to the garbage

2005-06-16 Thread Peter D'Souza
Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The logs also reveal that Chris Vaz made some rather
racist comments on the Arab community in Michigan. I'm
sure you dont agree with those comments of his!


If my memory serves me correctly, Chris used the term "ilk" in what seemed like 
a pejorative use of the word. He could have just as easily substituted another 
word or phrase (such as "the Arab comunity in Michigan" or whatever) to make 
his point without giving Tariq or anybody else an opportunity to take offense. 
He seemed to be making a generalisation, and generalisations as a rule are 
based on common reality. I do not use the word "racist" lightly and would not 
call Chris Vaz a racist for his remarks. Many people on this forum object more 
to the messenger than the message and will allow deliberately twisted logic to 
attack the messenger when they have no real counter argument. When I mentioned 
Chris Vaz, it was in the context of Cornel's allegation that Mario doesn't 
agree with anybody else on the forum.

Likewise, your bunching of groups into two political
categories, viz, liberals and conservatives is overly
simplistic. There are many of us who would like to see
social security, welfare, medicaid and other excuses
for excessive government spending abolished. We would
like to see unfettered free trade and an end of
immigration quotas to allow the import of unlimited
labor from abroad to allow industry to reduce its
labor costs and to use the best the world has to
offer. Coversely, we do not want a big, intrusive
government imposing its moral values on us or telling
us how to behave or think.

Marlon, you are absolutely correct in this. I have, in fact, simplified the 
issue. When I was talking about conservatives I was thinking of "hawks" and 
cultural/social conservatives, I should have specified.

While the conservative crowd has generally been pro
business (although this is not a hard and fast rule,
specially wrt open immigration), it has an increasing
component of the intolerant religious right.

I am disinclined to associate immigration *policy* with business policy. I am 
very pro-immigrant and think that President Bush's proposals are about the most 
clever, decent, compromise on the subject. It illustrates a respect for the 
intent of the law while making a slight compromise on the letter of the law. 
Conservatives are often divided on the subject of imigration. You will find 
folks like Tamar Jacoby writing in favour of the Bush plan on the pages of the 
Wall Street Journal, and other like Michelle Malkin writing on Townhall.com in 
favour of coming down hard on illegal residents. There is more debate among 
conservatives than most people are willing to admit.

Your remark about the "intolerant religious right" (IRR) is entirely misplaced. 
Please spend some time with people whom you believe are part of this religious 
right. Perhaps you are associating Christian Nation hate groups and the KKK 
with the religious right? Let me tell you something: I live in deeply 
conservative country. The city I live in has several mega-churches, including 
the third largest church in the USA. There is a church on almost every corner. 
It is what most opinionated social and political liberals might describe as a 
bastion of right wing fundamentalist Christians (on a good day) or the IRR. 
There's another side to this city and it's more rural neighbourhoods, though: 
it has a large Klan presence and on at least one occasion I have had some of 
that hate directed at me. In fact, the assistant Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux 
Klan in America lives about three miles from my home. You might think, 
therefore, that all this makes it a hotbed of religious intolerance. But this 
isn't the case, it most definitely is not. This is the friendliest town that 
I've lived in, I love it here. I attend an evangelical church with about 350 
people you'd probably label as being part of the IRR--and I happen to be the 
only non-white adult there--but I've never been in a friendlier church. My kids 
are among the most loved by parents and other kids. It is comfortable, even for 
people whom you might think are perfect targets for intolerance. People outside 
of churches are also very friendly.

My hunch is that you have heard that term used liberally in the media and 
seriously believe that a large voting bloc of intolerant people do exist. The 
media are frequently disconnected from reality, which you probably know. I 
heard of a case where a fellow asked a roomful of about 30 journalists whether 
any of them personally knew somebody who was homosexual, to which everybody 
raised their hands. He then asked if anybody personally knew an evangelical 
Christian, to which three of the journalists present raised their hands. So 
there you have it, they're thoroughly acquainted with a tiny minority of the 
population and completely disc

Re:[Goanet] In America, a balanced perspective on debt

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, I dont give a hoot that people in Iraq
> may have been suffering under Saddam's rule, just I 
> do not really care about the the genocide in Sudan 
> or the fact that women are being raped over there.
> This is specially true when it comes to the bankrupt
> government spending my tax money on this.
Mario opines:
I'm sorry to hear that it's all about you, Marlon. 
What's the old adage, "All it takes for evil to
succeed is for good people to do nothing."

BTW, where did you get the idea that the US government
is bankrupt?  Debt, even huge debt, does not equal
bankruptcy, without considering assets.  Click on the
following links to see a reasoned analysis on the


Summary of the article above:
The United States' current account deficit and foreign
debt are not dire threats to its global position, as
would-be Cassandras warn. U.S. power is firmly
grounded on economic superiority and financial
stability that will not end soon.


Comments on the chart above:
The US deficit as a percentage of GDP is lower than it
was during the Reagan years, when government revenues
doubled during his administration, inflation dropped
from the mid-teens to the mid-single digits and
interest rate dropped from the 20% range to the 8%

Mario continues:
In my never-humble opinion, worrying about the US
deficit without considering the fundamental strength
of the US economic system relative the the rest of the
world, is like worrying that Donald Trump is in
financial jeopardy because he had to restructure some
of his liabilities recently.

The reason we are not in dire straits, Marlon, in my
opinion, is that foreign investors see few safe
alternatives to invest their surplus funds than right
here in the good ole USA.  The USA has from day one
benefitted from other people's brains and other
people's money, and I don't see that changing any time

Re: [Goanet]Subject: Re: Can we dump the legend, and keep the message

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
--- sandeep heble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the point Dr. Helekar is making is  quite 
> clear: why should an anecdote, which can tend to be
> inspiring by itself, be exaggerated and fabricated
> and then be presented as fact? Can we not call a 
> legend a legend, a tale a tale, a myth a myth and a 
> true story a true story? Why is there a need then 
> to resort to falsehoods?
Mario replies:
Hey, Sandeep, calm down, man.  I did not disagree with
what Santosh said.  However, all I asked was for the
baby to not be thrown out with the dirty bathwater, if
at all possible.  And most child psychologists will
tell you that the "falsehoods" we tell our children
growing up, like the Santa Claus and Easter Bunny
"urban legends", are actually good for their
development, or at least not harmful.

During the AIDS-infected needles fiasco, the purists
were all bent out of shape over the hoax, to the point
of enunciating a hoax of their own that I was
defending the original hoax which was almost
immediately exposed by George Pinto, which I never did
as the archives will show.  If they hadn't been so
self-righteous they would have known that I did not
perpetuate the original hoax, and would have had no
reason to oppose the common-sense suggestion I
continued to make that people should watch where they
sit in a public place, because the fact that the
probability of infection from such needles is "low",
this does not mean the possibility is "no, and the
consequences and lengthy testing are horrendous, even
if it turns out there is no infection.

Re: [Goanet]Amazing love story

2005-06-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 16/06/05, Cynthia Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> This is a beautiful story... a bit long but worth the read.. 
When I passed the floral shop on the way, I ordered a  bouquet for my
wife which was her favorite. The salesgirl asked me to write the
greeting words on the card. I smiled and wrote, I ll carry you out
every morning until we are old.

Comment: Did Cecil get the biz? Was it a wonderful bouquet?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Malaria, Africa ... and Goa

2005-06-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
United Nations Radio in New York is talking about malaria and Africa's 
attempt to fight the disease. There's some good news from there, and 
apparently there are chances of attaining some targets under the Roll-Back 
Malaria Programme.

One might be wrong, but in Goa, the issue of malaria seems
to have gone off the radar of public concern. Even the
enthusiasm that was visible in the early and mid 'nineties
seems to have vanished.

Can we afford to be complacent over this? FN

BTW June 16 is the day of the African Child. Large numbers die of malaria 
each year, and many get orphaned by AIDS.

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

Re: [Goanet] Third-party innuendo

2005-06-16 Thread Alfred de Tavares

From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Third-party innuendo
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 08:20:04 -0700 (PDT)

First of all, an anti-American Goan trying to insult
me in such puerile fashion is like being called ugly
by a frog.

Frogs, personification of ugliness, Mario?

You sorely disappoint me.

I love the things and never hesitate to kiss them without
harbouring an ulterior motive of hoping/expecting them
to metamorphose as a royal boy or girl.

I eat them too, with a relish that easily belie aesthetic

And... pray ponder how you will hurt the poor frenchies
with your prejudice.


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[Goanet]Acres of Diamonds

2005-06-16 Thread Peter D'Souza
*Santosh Helekar asked: *


Do you think there is any harm in pointing out that
this "inspiring" story is an urban legend? Do you
think we should let people forward fake chain letters
to public forums without being corrected?


The 57-cents story truly warms the cockles of my heart. You didn't harm
anybody by pointing out the errors, and neither did Cynthia's letter
harm anybody. I'm sorry that you wasted much emotion in doing so.

Re: [Goanet]Indigo a new Indian budget Airline?

2005-06-16 Thread Marlon Menezes
This is absolutely nuts. Are we seeing another dot com
like craze before a bust? I cannot imagine India's
current or proposed aviation infrastructure will be
able to handle such a rapid rise in aircraft load.

As for the person leading Indigo, is it not the same
person who was blamed for and booted out of US Airways
for leading it to the ground? Airbus seems to be
getting into a lot of questionable deals with a lot of
airlines in India and abroad that dont yet exist or
have questionable underlying financials.


--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4098906.stm
> Airbus wins $6bn order from India 
> Fledgling Indian budget airline IndiGo has ordered
> 100 A320 jets from
> Airbus, the European planemaker said.
> Although Airbus did not reveal the agreed price, the
> catalogue value
> of the planes is $6bn (£3.29bn).
> IndiGo is not yet flying. Airbus said the new
> airline has
> "high-quality executives" and was sure to be "a
> successful new
> player".

[Goanet]In America, the crows stick to the garbage

2005-06-16 Thread Peter D'Souza
/Marlon Menezes writes:///

Personally, I dont give a hoot that people in Iraq may
have been suffering under Saddam's rule, just I do not
really care about the the genocide in Sudan or the
fact that women are being raped over there.

Evil is all relative. I am sure there are many of us
(me included) who would not hesitate to legally work
with the Saddam regime if we could profit from it.

I really wish I didn't know this about you.

Re: [Goanet] Can we dump the legend, and keep the message

2005-06-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Mario Goveia wrote:
>would it be possible for you to use your impressive
>ability to separate fact from fiction to not just
>debunk urban legends that may conclude with a
>socially redeeming message or suggestion, but to find
>for us alternative truthful anecdotes that may
>the same message, realizing that this may not be
>possible in each and every case.

sandeep heble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I think the point Dr. Helekar is making is  quite
>clear: why should an anecdote, which can tend to be
>inspiring by itself, be exaggerated and fabricated
>and then be presented as fact?

Hi Sandeep,

Thanks for this, and your earlier endorsement of my
position. Let me clarify why I choose to debunk the
urban legends that are forwarded to this mailing list.

I do not read every junk email or mailing list post
that I receive in my email trash box (Yes, I have made
sure these emails are automatically directed to my
trash folder). Whenever I happen to skim through any
of these emails, I put them through my home-made
Morombim Filter and also through an Urban Legend
Filter. If my filters tell me that these emails
contain crackpot material or fabrications, I just send
in a short response  debunking them, simply out a
humble sense of duty towards by fellow "evolutures". 

I have no interest or desire to post copied and
pasted, or plagiarized material on Goanet, even if it
is factual and inspiring.



Re: [Goanet]Casimir Effect

2005-06-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>*--Your answer is biased. It is not an answer to my

Fr. Ivo, What is your question?

>I repeat that this is not creation, but fluctuation
>and change. 

Why does a fluctuation or change from zero matter,
zero energy and zero space/time to positive and
negative energy, and finite space/time, not amount to
spontaneous creation of something from nothing?

>The mirror phenomenon explains the working of the
>Universe, but not its origin "out of nothing".

Why? What justifies such a mere assertion?

>Scholastic Philosophy is not outdated in its first,
>self-evident principles, which are also being used by
>empirical science. 

Scholastic philosophy is a rediscovery and revision of
Aristotlean philosophy by Christian theologians of the
Middle Ages. What principles that are unique to this
philosophy, are used by modern science?

>But the question of the ultimate meaning of
>the Universe and the origin of everything, together
>with the time, cannot be explained by empirical

Why? What facts and rationale convince you that you
are right regarding this mere assertion?

>*--Let us wait till it becomes tested. Theory is
>a model. We can use different models...

Are you willing to change your mind about your
theological beliefs if empirical tests showed that
something might in fact have emerged from nothing
spontaneously? Or are you going to redefine "nothing",
or move the goal post further in some other way?

>*--Creation of the Universe cannot be proved

Why? What justifies such a mere assertion?



Re: [Goanet]Re: Home is where the heart is

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
"Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Incidentally, isn't the title of this topic
misleading? If we adopt a Goa-is-best approach, then
shouldn't the title line read 'Home is where our
ancestors roots are'?
Mario replies:
Fred, you were doing fine until you decided to go a
step too far.

The answer to your question about the title being
misleading is, "No, it isn't".  How does the
sentiment, by itself, say that "Goa is best"?  All it
says is that the person expressing the sentiment has
his or her heart in Goa.  I commend those who know
where their heart is, regardless of where that is, and
are comfortable with their sentiment.

Re: [Goanet]Why can't Zubin Mehta be a "Goan"?

2005-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
Are you really saying that people who don't have Goan
ancestry will never be "Goans", even if they emigrate
to Goa and own property there?  I thought it was only
"colored" immigrants to traditional western countries
who had this chronic complaint that they would always
be considered "outsiders" no matter how long they
lived there.  Are native Goans now becoming
xenophobic?  Perish the thought.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While  many Parsees  like  other  wealthy  
> Punjabis or Sindhis  may  have  
> bought  property in the  othe  form of  old  goan
> ancestral  homes  and  even  
> classy new  bungalows on the mandovi  or  other
> villagesi`m  not sure  
> that  recent  acquisition of  real-estate in any 
> village  qualifies  you  to 
> be  called  a  " true  Goan "
> twiga.
> Quoting Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Carlos,
> > At the risk of starting a new urban legend, I have
> > heard that Zubin Mehta is already a bhatkar from
> > Sangolda (just kidding, folks).
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > Mario,
> > > 
> > > I heard Zubin Mehta also wants to be a Goan.
> What
> > > qualifications are reqd to be a Goan?
> > > 
> > > Carlos
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > >From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: goanet@goanet.org
> > > >Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
> > > >Subject: Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck -
> where
> > > is Santosh when we 
> > > need him
> > > 
> > > >Santosh,
> > > >Would you please confirm or debunk these urban
> > > >legends, please, before they get out of hand. 
> Now
> > > >Englebert who does not even acknowledge he is
> an
> > > >Indian, as far as I know, and used to be an
> > > >Anglo-Indian from Chennai, has become a Goan
> from
> > > >Cuncolim.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: [Goanet]Ghazals... on NPR

2005-06-16 Thread Bernado Colaco
Radio Macau has already played Concani Music in its
Portuguese section. Unfortunately we have very limited
talent. Who can take over from Lorna?

B. Colaco

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Re: [Goanet]Re: *** Goanet Reader -- Goan society, its future direction...

2005-06-16 Thread Bernado Colaco
First off all we have got into a basket of rotten eggs
since 61. Can we get out of it? Many Goans do not want
to accept the truth!

B. Colaco

> You have identified five mega problems  --
> environmental degradation,
> unscrupulous politicians, inward migration,
> deterioration in education and
> drug abuse. Does everybody agree on these five or
> are there others  which
> should  also be included? Once we have a master list
> we have to prioritise
> them and then figure out cause-effect relationships
> (including linkages) and
> comprehensive action plans for each. Anybody want to
> kick things off?

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

Re: [Goanet]Is Zubin Mehta really a Goan?

2005-06-16 Thread eric pinto
Zubin then went on to study at St.Xaviers College in
Bombay, where he dropped out after the first year. His
dad's goal for him was med-school, his public excuse
was he disdained dissecting frogs, but it is known
that he clashed with a Spanish Jesuit on staff, and
has since turned down invitations to visit and offers
of citations.  St. Marys has more humble origins: an
orphanage for the children of Irish sodiers. Mrs.
Nesbitt(Nesbitt Road! ), who paid for the structures,
did not want them raised in the Anglican Church.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   Most  boys of the  early 50`s  who  attended the 
> Jesuit school St> Mary`s 
> (Mazagaon) in Mumbai  definitely know him as an 
> alumni of that school and  a 
> member of the Parsi community..  After his  music
> career   shot him  to  
> conductorships in Europe ..he  became  conductor
> of the  famed  Los 
> Angeles  Philharmonic Orchestra.  Any  Parsee  will
> soon  disabuse  you fot hat 
> idea  that  he`s a goan  
>While  many Parsees  like  other  wealthy  
> Punjabis or Sindhis  may  have  
> bought  property in the  othe  form of  old  goan
> ancestral  homes  and  even  
> classy new  bungalows on the mandovi  or  other
> villagesi`m  sure  
> that  recent  acquisition of  real-estate in any 
> village  qualifies  you  to 
> be  called  a  " true  Goan "
> twiga.
> Quoting Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Carlos,
> > At the risk of starting a new urban legend, I have
> > heard that Zubin Mehta is already a bhatkar from
> > Sangolda (just kidding, folks).
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > Mario,
> > > 
> > > I heard Zubin Mehta also wants to be a Goan.
> What
> > > qualifications are reqd to be a Goan?
> > > 
> > > Carlos
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > >From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: goanet@goanet.org
> > > >Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
> > > >Subject: Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck -
> where
> > > is Santosh when we 
> > > need him
> > > 
> > > >Santosh,
> > > >Would you please confirm or debunk these urban
> > > >legends, please, before they get out of hand. 
> Now
> > > >Englebert who does not even acknowledge he is
> an
> > > >Indian, as far as I know, and used to be an
> > > >Anglo-Indian from Chennai, has become a Goan
> from
> > > >Cuncolim.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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Re: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-16 Thread carlos6143

What Willy said about Congress may be right. Especially true, when the 
president of Goa Congress and CM are both non-catholics. Why did 
Congress not select a Catholic for one of these positions? Are Catholic 
votes taken for granted by Congress?  It sure seems like. It appears to 
me, it is OK if Congress discriminates against Catholics, but it is not 
OK if BJP does it. Lets be fair and measure both these parites with the 
same yardstick.
If Parrikar supports Willy for CM, then we can get the best of both 
worlds. The history shows that they were the best CM's of Goa.


-Original Message-
From: D'Souza, Avelino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:00:11 +0300
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

It seems, I may be wrong, that you have not followed what Willy said
about Congress being more communal than BJP.

In other words, BJP wants Willy to be CM by supporting NCP.  By doing
so, BJP will have a say in the day to day functioning of the government
which is secondary to Parrikar's plan.  The primary focus, as far as
Parrikar is concerned, is to starve the BJP traitors, the infamous five,
by keeping them away from juicy portfolios.

Willy will behave like "a good one" in fresh saffron robes.



Cip Fernandes wrote:


<< Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one >>

Could you please justify your statement with true premises?

Your statement appears to be based either on assumptions well known to
or logical inconsistency.

Further, I will appreciate your description of so-called "a good one".

Personally, I do not have any dispute with either Carlos or Dr. Willy -
dispute is with Carlos' statement.

Just curious!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16 June 2005 01:00


Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one.


Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
It is obvious that this person is not committed to any
ideology or principles. Chameleons !
Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.


2005-06-16 Thread Philip Thomas
Newsbytes, June 14]

This works out to a healthy average of 50 posts per day. If a significant
number of them have to be "think tank" type (i.e. future oriented) then we
need about 8 posts daily which are about (or applicable to) Goa in a broad
gauged fundamental sense. If half of these can be taken as given that leaves
us with a gap of about 3 or 4 per day which needs to be bridged. Its as
simple as that - and (more likely) as 'tough' as that! How many goanetters
are there who are "obsessed" about shedding light on Goa's fundamental
problems? Note that defining a problem correctly may be half the battle won.

Re: [Goanet] Acres of Diamonds

2005-06-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You didn't harm anybody by pointing out the errors,
>and neither did Cynthia's letter harm anybody. I'm
>sorry that you wasted much emotion in doing so.


I think you are confused with regard to your
disposition towards my exposure of Cynthia's recycled
urban legend, on two accounts:

1. On the one hand you claim that my pointing out of
the errors do not harm anybody, and on the other hand
you also claim that Cynthia's letter did not harm
anybody, despite containing those errors, which by the
way, constituted almost three-quarters of that copied
and pasted material, in the form of exaggerations,
distortions and fabrications. 

>From my standpoint, perpetuation of falsehoods under
any guise causes grave harm to society, and a
gratuitous defense of it adds insult to injury. At the
very least, it tells people that it is OK to
plagiarize and propagate half-truths and lies, as long
as they are packaged in a sentimental, inspiring, or
politically correct message, or one that conforms to
their preferred ideology or religion.

2. You fail to see the simple fact that stating that I
did no harm in pointing out the errors, is at odds
with your claim that I wasted much emotion in doing

I don't think you can read my emotions, if for nothing
else then for the well-recognized difficulty of doing
so across the gaping electronic void of cyberspace.
The irony of it is that if you had not tried to be
gratuitously and pointlessly defensive about this
urban legend, from a habitual and exclusive purveyor
of such myths, the matter would have ended, as far as
I am concerned, with my rather bland and clearly
unemotional first response on this thread. 

So I ask you, why did you invest your time (not
emotion, because I cannot tell) into this? Was it
worth it? Or was it a waste of your time? Are you
open-minded enough to recognize that you are wrong
about defending urban legends, even inspiring
religious ones?

